06-28-2021_CCAgendaPacket_Supplemental1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL NO. 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 (310) 377-1521 FAX (310) 377-7288 AGENDA Regular City Council Meeting CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 28, 2021 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS 7:00 PM SUPPLEMENTAL This meeting is held pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20 issued by Governor Gavin Newsom on March 17, 2020. All Councilmembers will participate by teleconference. The meeting agenda is available on the City’s website. A live audio of the City Council meeting will be available on the City’s website. Both the agenda and the live audio can be found here: https://www.rolling- hills.org/government/agenda/index.php. Members of the public may observe and orally participate in the meeting via Zoom and or submit written comments in real-time by emailing the City Clerk’s office at cityclerk@cityofrh.net. Your comments will become part of the official meeting record. You must provide your full name, but please do not provide any other personal information that you do not want to be published. Zoom access: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87227175757? pwd=VzNES3Q2NFprRk5BRmdUSktWb0hmUT09 Or dial (669) 900-9128 meeting ID: 872 2717 5757 passcode: 780609 Audio recordings to all the City Council meetings can be found here: https://cms5.revize.com/revize/rollinghillsca/government/agenda/index.php While on this page, locate the meeting date of interest then click on AUDIO. Another window will appear. In the new window, you can select the agenda item of interest and listen to the audio by hitting the play button. Written Action Minutes to the City Council meetings can be found in the AGENDA, typically under Item 4A Minutes. Please contact the City Clerk at 310 377-1521 or email at cityclerk@cityofrh.net for assistance. Next Resolution No. 1285 Next Ordinance No. 371 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1 3.OPEN AGENDA - PUBLIC COMMENT WELCOME This is the appropriate time for members of the public to make comments regarding the items on the consent calendar or items not listed on this agenda. Pursuant to the Brown Act, no action will take place on any items not on the agenda. 4.MEETING MINUTES 4.A.REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 14, 2021. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 5.CONSENT CALENDAR Matters which may be acted upon by the City Council in a single motion. Any Councilmember may request removal of any item from the Consent Calendar causing it to be considered under Council Actions. 5.A.PAYMENTS OF BILLS. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 5.B.REPUBLIC SERVICES RECYCLING TONNAGE REPORT FOR MAY 2021. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 5.C.APPROVE SECOND AMENDMENT FOR DESIGN OF THE EMERGENCY POWER SOLUTION (EMERGENCY STANDBY GENERATOR) FOR PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 5.D.APPROVE SECOND AMENDMENT WITH THE PALOS VERDES PENINSULA LAND CONSERVANCY FOR PHASE III FUEL LOAD REDUCTION IN THE NATURE PRESERVE IN THE AREAS ADJACENT TO THE CITY BORDER. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 5.E.AMENDED AGREEMENT WITH JOHN HUNTER AND ASSOCIATES TO CONTINUE STORMWATER TMDL REPORTING. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 5.F.AMENDED AGREEMENT WITH MCGOWAN CONSULTING TO CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE CITY WITH STORMWATER MANDATE COMPLIANCE. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 06.14.2021_CCMinutes.v3.P.docx SUPPLEMENTAL RH 06.14.2021_CCMinutes.v4. Revised.docx Payment of Bills.pdf Rolling Hills YTD MAY Tonnage Report.pdf Second Amendment to PSA - Architectural and Engineering Services-c1 (needs signatures).pdf Second Amendment to Fire Fuel Abatement- FINAL.DOC RH1 Trash TMDL Proposal 2021 revised.pdf 5TH Amendment Time Extension to 06.30.25.pdf RH-MS4-ProposalLetter-FY2122.pdf RH-SOW-FY2122.pdf Draft 4th Amendment.pdf 2 5.G.DESIGNATE VOTING DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE VOTING DELEGATE TO THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 22- 24 TO BE HELD IN SACRAMENTO, CA. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the same voting delegate and alternate voting delegate as the year prior. 5.H.PROPOSAL FOR THE BLOCK CAPTAIN APPRECIATION EVENT. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 6.COMMISSION ITEMS 6.A.ZONING CASE NO. 21-04: REQUEST FOR: 1) CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR A PROPOSED SPORTS COURT AND MIXED USE STRUCTURE; AND 2) REQUEST FOR VARIANCES FOR: ENCROACHMENT INTO THE REQUIRED SETBACKS FOR THE SPORTS COURT AND MIXED USE STRUCTURE AND PAD COVERAGE EXCEEDANCE. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file as presented. 7.PUBLIC HEARINGS 7.A.PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION NO. 1281 ADOPTING THE 2021/2022 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET AND RESOLUTION NO. 1282 ESTABLISHING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS GANN LIMIT FOR THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS. RECOMMENDATION: Upon the conclusion of the public hearing, staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget for all the City’s Funds and the Annual Appropriations Limit. 8.OLD BUSINESS 8.A.RECEIVE AND FILE FINAL HARDENING THE HOME EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 8.B.REVIEW OVERALL PROJECT COST ESTIMATES AT 65% DESIGN PROGRESS FOR TWO LAYOUT OPTIONS FOR THE CITY HALL ADA IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT AND PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF. RECOMMENDATION: Review additional data for the project and provide direction to staff. Voting_Delegate_Packet.pdf Proposal from Philly Jay’s Steaks.pdf 2021-05.PC RESOLUTION 15 Upper Blackwater Canyon Signed.pdf Development_Proposal_Table.15_Upper_Blackwater_Canyon.pdf 2021-0625 15 UBWC City Council Submittal (reduced).pdf Fiscal Year 2021-22 Proposed Budget.pdf General Fund Historical Revenue & Expenditure Trends.pdf Graph Historical Revenue & Expenditure Trends.pdf ResolutionNo 1281 FY_2021-22-AdoptedBudget.docx ResolutionNo1282 FY_2021-22-AppropLimit.docx SUPPLEMENTAL - CIP_3Years_2021-June-28.pdf 3 8.C.VIEW CASE FEE REDUCTION ($2,000 TO $1,000) AS RECOMMENDED BY THE FINANCE/BUDGET/AUDIT COMMITTEE. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and review. 9.NEW BUSINESS 9.A.RECEIVE AND FILE COMMUNITY SURVEY RESULTS ON SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 9.B.STORMWATER COMPLIANCE WITH TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD (TMDL): DECISION NEEDED ON TIME SCHEDULE ORDER (TSO) TORRANCE AIRPORT PROJECT, AND PARTICIPATION IN PENINSULA EWMP. RECOMMENDATION: Provide directions to staff. 9.C.GIFTING OF PROPOSITION C TO ROLLING HILLS ESTATES AND RANCHO PALOS VERDES FOR REHABILITATING SILVER SPUR ROAD. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council consider and approve the following: 1. Gift a total of $39,000 of Proposition C funds to the City of Rolling Hills Estates for resurfacing Silver Spur Road from Crenshaw Blvd. to Drybank Drive and authorize the City Manager to execute the Proposition C Funds Assignment Agreement between the City of Rolling Hills and the City of Rolling Hills Estates; and 2. Gift a total of $26,000 of Proposition C funds to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes for resurfacing Silver Spur Road from Drybank Drive to Hawthorne Blvd and authorize the City Manager to execute the Proposition C Funds Assignment Agreement between the City of Rolling Hills and the City of Rancho Palos Verdes; and 3. Approve Resolution 1283 Approving an Agreement between the City of Rolling Hills, California and the City of Rolling Hills Estates Assigning to the City of Rolling Hills Estates its available Proposition C Transportation Funds ; and 4. Approve Resolution 1284 Approving an Agreement between the City of Rolling Hills, California and the City of Rancho Palos Verdes Assigning to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes its available Proposition C Transportation Funds. 9.D.RECEIVE AND FILE A REPORT ON FIRE FUEL COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON rolling hills city hall _option1_202006008 Layout1 (1).pdf rolling hills city hall _option2_202006008d Layout1 (1).pdf 20210519_city hall renovation cost estimate_two options.pdf 20200509_rollinghills_costestimate10.pdf Sewer Survey Responses Data 5.27.21-6.23.21 (No. 4).pdf (Question 6 Comments) Sewer Survey Responses Data 5.27.21-6.23.21.pdf RH_TMDL_AlternativeCompliance_2021-06-28.pdf Proposition C Fund Letters.pdf ResolutionNo1283 Re_Prop_C_Funds_RHE.docx ResolutionNo1284 Re_Prop_C_Funds_RPV.docx 4 JUNE 16, 2021 AND APPROVE COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATIONS. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file and approve committee's recommendations. 9.E.REVIEW CURRENT HEALTH ORDERS AND CONSIDER CONDUCTING CITY COUNCIL IN-PERSON MEETINGS STARTING ON JULY 12, 2021. (SUPPLEMENTAL) RECOMMENDATION: Provide directions to staff. 10.MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL AND MEETING ATTENDANCE REPORTS 10.A.LATEST INFORMATION ON EQUINE EVACUATION PROVIDED BY THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL CARE AND CONTROL EQUINE RESPONSE TEAM. (MIRSCH) RECOMMENDATION: None. 10.B.COMMUNITY MEETING ON PUBLIC SAFETY WITH THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT LOMITA STATION, SCHEDULE FOR TUESDAY, JULY 13, 2021 AT 6:30PM. (DIERINGER) RECOMMENDATION: None. 10.C.CONSIDER ESTABLISHING A NO CAMPING ORDINANCE. (BLACK) RECOMMENDATION: Consider adding to future agenda. 11.MATTERS FROM STAFF 12.CLOSED SESSION 13.ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Monday, July 12, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. Zoom access: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87227175757?pwd=VzNES3Q2NFprRk5BRmdUSktWb0hmUT09 Meeting ID: 872 2717 5757 Fire Fuel Committee Agenda 06.16.2021.pdf Notice: Public Comment is welcome on any item prior to City Council action on the item. Documents pertaining to an agenda item received after the posting of the agenda are available for review in the City Clerk's office or at the meeting at which the item will be considered. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting due to your disability, please contact the City Clerk at (310) 377-1521 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility and accommodation for your review of this agenda and attendance at this meeting. 5 Agenda Item No.: 4.A Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:JANELY SANDOVAL, CITY CLERK THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 14, 2021. DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: 06.14.2021_CCMinutes.v3.P.docx SUPPLEMENTAL RH 06.14.2021_CCMinutes.v4. Revised.docx 6 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, JUNE 14, 2021 1.CALL TO ORDER The City Council of the City of Rolling Hills met via Zoom Teleconference on the above date at 7:02 PM. Mayor Bea Dieringer presiding. 2.ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch and Wilson. Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Black. Staff Present:Elaine Jeng, City Manager Meredith Elguira, Planning and Community Services Director Janely Sandoval, City Clerk Ashford Ball, Senior Management Analyst Michael Jenkins, City Attorney Terry Shea, Finance Director Barry Miller, Housing Consultant Larry Hall, Appellant Lawyer Vincent DiBiasi, Appellant Architect Jeff Lewis, Applicant Lawyer Alan Palermo, Project Manager Cris Sarabia, Palos Verdes Land Conservancy Conservation Director 3.OPEN AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT WELCOME Resident Alfred Visco, 15 Clinchring Road, commented on the status on acquiring communication devices for the Block Captains. 4.CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4A REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 24, 2021 The City Council waited for Mayor Pro Tem Black to join the meeting. The item on City Council meeting minutes was presented out of order. City Clerk Janely Sandoval presented minor edits to the minutes requested by Mayor Dieringer. 7 Minutes 2 City Council Regular Meeting June 14, 2021 MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to approve the minutes as amended and Councilmember Wilson seconded the motion. AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 5.CONSENT CALENDAR 5A PAYMENT OF BILLS 5B RECEIVE AND FILE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT IN THE CANYONS GRANT PORJECT. 5C APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH WILLDAN ENGINEERING TO CONDUCT A SEWER FEASIBILITY STUDY (PHASE III) ON CONNECTIONS TO THE PROPOSED 8” SEWER MAIN ALONG PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD/ ROLLING HILLS ROAD. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to approve the consent items and Councilmember Wilson seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch and Wilson NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 6. COMMISSION ITEMS None. 7.PUBLIC HEARINGS 7A CONSIDER AND APPROVE RESOLUTION 1276 TO CREATE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR CREST ROAD EAST UNDERGROUNDING PROJECT. Planning and Community Services Director Meredith Elguira provided summary of the proposed resolution. Councilmember Mirsch asked about the fiscal impact on the Rule 20A work credits and if the residents know that they are responsible for undergrounding their service line. Planning and community Services Director Elguira provided an explanation of the Rule 20 work credits and noted that the grant cover the property owners’ service lines. 8 Minutes 3 City Council Regular Meeting June 14, 2021 MOTION:Councilmember Mirsch moved to approve Resolution No. 1276 to create the underground utility district and Councilmember Wilson seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch and Wilson NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 7B CONSIDER AND APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 1277 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE 2014-2021 ROLLING HILLS HOUSING ELEMENT. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WAS PREVIOUSLY PREPARED, ADOPTED, AND FILED FOR THIS PROJECT. Housing Consultant Barry Miller provided summary of project and final edits to the City’s Housing Element. Discussion ensued between Councilmembers and Housing Consultant Miller on clarifications to the final Housing Element. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to approve as presented and Councilmember Wilson seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch and Wilson NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 7C CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 1279 DENYING THE APPEAL AND UPHOLDING THE PLANNING COMMISSION’S APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN REVIEW, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND VARIANCE FOR A MIXED STRUCTURE LOCATED AT 24 CINCHRING ROAD (NAKAMURA). Planning and Community Services Director Elguira presented project, applicant’s request, and a summary of appeals made and approved prior post hoc. Appellant Lawyer Larry Hall stated the reason behind Dr. Elliot Brunner’s appeal, explained that the Nakamura’s application does not follow City code due to being a conjoined structure, and informed that group that the Nakamura’s project impairs his client’s view. Appellant and resident Dr. Brunner, 26 Cinchring Road provided his statement and the reasons why he believed the project is illegal. 9 Minutes 4 City Council Regular Meeting June 14, 2021 Appellant Architect Vincent DiBiasi stated that the project cannot be completed as approved due to the elevation of the land on the property. Councilmember Wilson asked if he should recuse himself. Planning and Services Director Elguira explained that Councilmember Wilson’s property is located beyond 500 ft. from the project and he did not need to recuse himself. City Attorney Mike Jenkins added that if Councilmember Wilson believed it will be a conflict of interest for him to participate on this item, Councilmember Wilson can ask to recuse himself. Councilmember Wilson recused himself and turned off Zoom camera at 7:55 PM. Applicant Lawyer Jeff Lewis stated the legality of the applicant’s project and noted that the structure is not conjoined per the appellant team. Misty Nakamura, representing the applicant stated that appellant’s goal is to delay project. Resident Clint Patterson, 24 Georgeff Road, informed the City Council that previously, he submitted written comment and agreed that the structure is conjoined. Resident Jim Aichele, 14 Crest Road West, expressed concern that resident Patterson was biased on the matter as the appellant’s real estate agent. Appellant Lawyer Hall stated previously that the Nakamuras have dismissed City laws and standards, and received a stop work order for their actions. Appellant Architect DiBiasi expressed his concern that the proposed project has a higher roofline obstructing the view of the appellant. Misty Nakamura stated that the new proposed project will have the same roofline and will not obstruct the appellant’s view. Councilmember Pieper requested City Attorney Jenkins to provide clarification on the appropriate discussions for this item. City Attorney Jenkins clarified that the proposed resolution only pertained to the mixed- use structure. Discussions ensued between Councilmembers. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to deny the appeal of the Planning Commission’s decision and to adopt the resolution in the agenda packet, and Councilmember Mirsch seconded the motion. 10 Minutes 5 City Council Regular Meeting June 14, 2021 AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, and Mirsch. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: Wilson. 8.OLD BUSINESS 8A RECEIVE AN UPDATE REGARDING A PENINSULA CITIES JOINT LETTER EXPRESSING CONCERNS REGARDING SPECIAL DIRECTIVE POLICIES IMPACTING PUBLIC SAFETY AND PROVDE DIRECTION TO STAFF. Mayor Dieringer informed the group of her conflict of interest on this item and delegated Councilmember Pieper to lead the discussion. Mayor Dieringerrecused herself at 8:39 PM by turning off her Zoom Camera. Councilmember Wilson turned Zoom camera on at 8:39 PM. City Clerk Sandoval informed the City Council that the City of Rolling Hills Estates might not participate in joint letter. Resident Visco stated that the City Council should not sign letter all four cities do not participate. Discussion ensued between Councilmembers. Councilmember Pieper directed staff to bring the item back only if all four cities agree to participate in joint letter. Mayor Dieringer turned on Zoom camera at 8:46 PM. 8B REVIEW OVERALL PROJECT COST ESTIMATES AT 65% DESIGN PROGRESS FOR TWO LAYOUT OPTIONS FOR THE CITY HALL ADA IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT AND PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to reschedule the item to the next meeting and Councilmember Mirsch seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 8C CONSIDER AND APPROVE A PROPOSAL FROM PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING FOR THE DESIGN OF THE EMERGENCY POWER SOLUTION TO REPLACE THE NON-WORKING EMERGENCY STANDBY GENERATOR. 11 Minutes 6 City Council Regular Meeting June 14, 2021 City Manager Elaine Jeng presented the proposal from Pacific Architecture and Engineering. Discussion ensued between staff and Councilmembers. Resident Visco asked for clarification on the pricing for a 5KW battery in assessment study, and asked if Tesla products were considered. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned approve the proposal and Councilmember Wilson seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 9.OLD BUSINESS City Manager requested the Mayor to take items out of order in recognition of the Palos Verdes Land Conservancy guests waiting to present on their proposal.. 9A RECEIVE AND FILE A REPORT ON THE FIRE FUEL COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON JUNE 2, 2021; AND APPROVE THE FIRE FUEL COMMITTEE’S RECOMMENDATION TO FUND AN ANNUAL CANYON MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. City Manager Jeng summarized the June 2, 2021 Fire Fuel Committee meeting. Councilmember Mirsch provided additional information on recommendations and expressed concern for the dead vegetation ordinance. Resident Melissa McNabb, 11 Quail Ridge Road, expressed concerns over what can happen if residents do not provide consent for the abatement work, and the City simple decides to move to another project area, there will be no accomplishments. She also suggested having the City provide property owners with mitigation measures. Resident Visco expressed concerns regarding voluntary compliance vs. mandatory compliance, and expressed interest in having Los Angeles County Fire Department provide guidance identifying areas of concern. Discussion ensued between Councilmembers. Councilmember Pieper requested that the Fire Fuel Committee further develop the recommendation. 12 Minutes 7 City Council Regular Meeting June 14, 2021 MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to receive and file the report on the Fire Fuel Committee meeting and Councilmember Mirsch seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 9B CONSIDER AND APPROVE PROPOSAL FROM THE PALOS VERDES PENINSULA LAND CONSERVANCY FOR ADDITIONAL FUEL LOAD REDUCTION IN THE NATURE PRESERVE IN THE AREAS ADJACENT TO THE CITY BORDER. Senior Management Analyst Ashford Ball presented a summary of the proposal and current projects previously commissioned by the City. Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy (PVPLC) Conservation Director Cris Sarabia presented fuel abatement progress and the upcoming work in the Preserve. Councilmember Pieper noted that he wants to see the resources for on-going maintenance be reduced or stabilize going forward. Discussion ensued between Councilmembers, City Manager, and Conservation Director Sarabia. Resident Visco expressed that he has not seen all areas of Phase 1 mowed. He expressed that Rancho Palo Verdes should provide funds for fuel abatement. Conservation Director Sarabia responded that Phase I areas have been mowed. Resident Aichele requested information regarding the Portuguese Canyon Creek. Cris Sarabia responded that the creek is seasonal and only flows during a rain event. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motion to approve Phase III as presented and Councilmember Wilson seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 9C ACCEPT SMALL CITIES ALLOCATION FROM THE AMERICAN RESCURE PLAN ACT (ARPA). City Manager Jeng presented the item and the proposed plan of action. 13 Minutes 8 City Council Regular Meeting June 14, 2021 MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to accept $441,363 and Councilmember Wilson seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 9D APPROVE RESOLUTION 1280 AUTHROIZING THE EXCHANGE OF PROPOSITION A FUNDS WITH THE CITY OF BEVERLY HILLS FOR GENERAL FUNDS; AND AUTHROIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE FUND EXCHANGE AGREEMENT. MOTION:Councilmember Wilson motioned to approve Resolution No. 1280 authorizing exchange of Prop A Fund with City of Beverly Hills, and Councilmember Mirsch seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 9E CONSIDER AND APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 1278 UPDATING THE FEE SCHEDULE AND REPEALING RESOLUTION 1260. Planning and Community Services Director Elguira presented the report regarding the fee schedule and repealing resolution. Discussion ensued between Councilmembers and City Manager Jeng. Mayor Dieringer asked if a resolution is needed to assess the fees on the property tax. City Attorney Jenkins said that he needed to confirm if the fee can be collected via the property tax roll, or more appropriate pursued through small claims courtfor delinquencies. MOTION:Councilmember Mirsch motioned to approve Resolution No. 1278 and repeal Resolution No. 1260, and Councilmember Pieper seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 10.MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL AND MEETING ATTENDANCE REPORTS 14 Minutes 9 City Council Regular Meeting June 14, 2021 10A REPORT ON REGIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY AND REGIONAL CONTRACT LAW COMMITTEES MEETINGS HELD ON MAY 12, 2021. Mayor Dieringer presented summary of the Regional Public Safety and Regional Contract Law Committee meetings held on May 13, 2021 and reported on the upcoming logo changes to the Lomita Sheriff cars. 11.MATTERS FROM STAFF 11A RECEIVE AND FILE LOS ANGELES REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD’S RESPONSE TO THE CITY’S REQUEST TO REDUCE THE MONITORING FREQUENCY TO MEET THE MACHADO LAKE TRASH TMDL. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to receive and file and Councilmember Mirsch seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 11B CALRECYCLE’S AB 939 2016-2019 JURISDICTION REVIEW UPDATE. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to receive and file and Councilmember Mirsch seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 11C CITY MANAGER ADDRESSED RESIDENT STEVE WHEELER’S REQUET FOR UNDERGROUNDING REIMBURSEMENT TO BE AGENDIZED IN NEXT CITY COUNCIL MEETING. Councilmember Pieper requested clarification, as there is already a fee policy which should be used for this purpose, and recommended no need to agendize this item. City Manager provided summary of resident’s project, and request. 12.CLOSED SESSION None. 13.ADJOURNMENT 15 Minutes 10 City Council Regular Meeting June 14, 2021 Hearing no further business before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 11:21 PM. Next regular meeting: Monday, June 28, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. via City's website's link at: https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/agenda/index.php Zoom access: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87227175757?pwd=VzNES3Q2NFprRk5BRmdUSktWb0hmT 9 or dial (669) 900-9128, meeting ID: 872 2717 5757, passcode: 780609 Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________ Janely Sandoval City Clerk Approved, ______________________________________ Bea Dieringer Mayor 16 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, JUNE 14, 2021 1.CALL TO ORDER The City Council of the City of Rolling Hills met via Zoom Teleconference on the above date at 7:02 PM. Mayor Bea Dieringer presiding. 2.ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch and Wilson. Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Black. Staff Present:Elaine Jeng, City Manager Meredith Elguira, Planning and Community Services Director Janely Sandoval, City Clerk Ashford Ball, Senior Management Analyst Michael Jenkins, City Attorney Terry Shea, Finance Director Barry Miller, Housing Consultant Larry Hall, Appellant Lawyer Vincent DiBiasi, Appellant Architect Jeff Lewis, Applicant Lawyer Alan Palermo, Project Manager Cris Sarabia, Palos Verdes Land Conservancy Conservation Director 3.OPEN AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT WELCOME Resident Alfred Visco, 15 Clinchring Road, commented on the status on acquiring communication devices for the Block Captains. 4.CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4A REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 24, 2021 The City Council waited briefly for Mayor Pro Tem Black to join the meeting. The item on City Council meeting minutes was presented out of order. City Clerk Janely Sandoval presented minor edits to the minutes requested by Mayor Dieringer. 17 Minutes 2 City Council Regular Meeting June 14, 2021 MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to approve the minutes as amended and Councilmember Wilson seconded the motion. AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 5.CONSENT CALENDAR 5A PAYMENT OF BILLS 5B RECEIVE AND FILE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT IN THE CANYONS GRANT PROJECT. 5C APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH WILLDAN ENGINEERING TO CONDUCT A SEWER FEASIBILITY STUDY (PHASE III) ON CONNECTIONS TO THE PROPOSED 8” SEWER MAIN ALONG PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD/ ROLLING HILLS ROAD. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to approve the consent items and Councilmember Wilson seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch and Wilson NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 6. COMMISSION ITEMS None. 7.PUBLIC HEARINGS 7A CONSIDER AND APPROVE RESOLUTION 1276 TO CREATE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR CREST ROAD EAST UNDERGROUNDING PROJECT. Planning and Community Services Director Meredith Elguira provided a summary of the proposed resolution. Councilmember Mirsch asked about the fiscal impact on the Rule 20A work credits and if the residents know that they are responsible for undergrounding their service line. Planning and community Services Director Elguira provided an explanation of the Rule 20 work credits and noted that the grant will cover the property owners’ service lines. 18 Minutes 3 City Council Regular Meeting June 14, 2021 MOTION:Councilmember Mirsch moved to approve Resolution No. 1276 to create the underground utility district and Councilmember Wilson seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch and Wilson NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 7B CONSIDER AND APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 1277 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE 2014-2021 ROLLING HILLS HOUSING ELEMENT. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WAS PREVIOUSLY PREPARED, ADOPTED, AND FILED FOR THIS PROJECT. Housing Consultant Barry Miller provided summary of project and final edits to the City’s Housing Element. Discussion ensued between Councilmembers and Housing Consultant Miller on clarifications to the final Housing Element. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to approve as presented and Councilmember Wilson seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch and Wilson NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 7C CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 1279 DENYING THE APPEAL AND UPHOLDING THE PLANNING COMMISSION’S APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN REVIEW, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND VARIANCE FOR A MIXED STRUCTURE LOCATED AT 24 CINCHRING ROAD (NAKAMURA). Planning and Community Services Director Elguira presented project, applicant’s request, and a summary of appeals made and approved prior post hoc. Appellant Lawyer Larry Hall stated the reason behind Dr. Elliot Brunner’s appeal, explained that the Nakamura’s application does not follow City code due to being a conjoined structure, and informed that group that the Nakamura’s project impairs his client’s view. Appellant and resident Dr. Brunner, 26 Cinchring Road provided his statement and the reasons why he believed the project is illegal. 19 Minutes 4 City Council Regular Meeting June 14, 2021 Appellant Architect Vincent DiBiasi stated that the project cannot be completed as approved due to the elevation of the house as constructed on the property. Councilmember Wilson asked if he should recuse himself. Planning and Services Director Elguira explained that Councilmember Wilson’s property is located beyond 500 ft. from the project and he did not need to recuse himself. City Attorney Mike Jenkins added that if Councilmember Wilson believed it will be a conflict of interest for him to participate on this item, Councilmember Wilson can ask to recuse himself. Councilmember Wilson recused himself and turned off Zoom camera at 7:55 PM. Applicant Lawyer Jeff Lewis stated the legality of the applicant’s project and noted that themixed usestructure is not conjoined, with the previously approved residence as claimed by the appellant team. Misty Nakamura, representing the applicant stated that appellant’s goal is to delay the project. Resident Clint Patterson, 24 Georgeff Road, informed the City Council that previously, he submitted written comment and agreed that the mixed use structure is conjoined with the residence. Resident Jim Aichele, 14 Crest Road West, expressed concern that resident Patterson was biased on the matter as the appellant’s possible real estate agent. Appellant Lawyer Hall stated previously that the Nakamuras have disregarded City laws and standards, and received a stop work order for their actions. Appellant Architect DiBiasi expressed his concern that the proposed project has a higher roofline obstructing the view of the appellant. Misty Nakamura stated that the new proposed project will have the same roofline and will not obstruct the appellant’s view. Councilmember Pieper requested City Attorney Jenkins to provide clarification on the appropriate discussions for this item. City Attorney Jenkins clarified that the proposed resolution only pertained to the mixed- use structure. Discussions ensued among Councilmembers. 20 Minutes 5 City Council Regular Meeting June 14, 2021 MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to deny the appeal of the Planning Commission’s decision and to adopt the resolution in the agenda packet, and Councilmember Mirsch seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, and Mirsch. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: Wilson. 8.OLD BUSINESS 8A RECEIVE AN UPDATE REGARDING A PENINSULA CITIES JOINT LETTER EXPRESSING CONCERNS REGARDING SPECIAL DIRECTIVE POLICIES IMPACTING PUBLIC SAFETY AND PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF. Mayor Dieringer informed the group of her conflict of interest on this item and delegated Councilmember Pieper to lead the discussion. Mayor Dieringerrecused herself at 8:39 PM by turning off her Zoom Camera. Councilmember Wilson turned Zoom camera on at 8:39 PM. City Clerk Sandoval informed the City Council that the City of Rolling Hills Estates might not participate in the joint letter. Resident Visco stated that the City Council should not sign letter if all four cities do not participate. Discussion ensued between Councilmembers. Councilmember Pieper directed staff to bring the item back only if all four cities agree to participate in the joint letter. Mayor Dieringer turned on Zoom camera at 8:46 PM. 8B REVIEW OVERALL PROJECT COST ESTIMATES AT 65% DESIGN PROGRESS FOR TWO LAYOUT OPTIONS FOR THE CITY HALL ADA IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT AND PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to reschedule the item to the next meeting and Councilmember Mirsch seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 21 Minutes 6 City Council Regular Meeting June 14, 2021 8C CONSIDER AND APPROVE A PROPOSAL FROM PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING FOR THE DESIGN OF THE EMERGENCY POWER SOLUTION TO REPLACE THE NON-WORKING EMERGENCY STANDBY GENERATOR. City Manager Elaine Jeng presented the proposal from Pacific Architecture and Engineering. Discussion ensued between staff and Councilmembers. Resident Visco asked for clarification on the pricing for a 5KW battery in the assessment study, and asked if Tesla products were considered. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to approve the proposal and Councilmember Wilson seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 9.OLD BUSINESS City Manager requested the Mayor to take item 9B out of order in recognition of the Palos Verdes Land Conservancy Representatives waiting to present on their proposal. 9B CONSIDER AND APPROVE PROPOSAL FROM THE PALOS VERDES PENINSULA LAND CONSERVANCY FOR ADDITIONAL FUEL LOAD REDUCTION IN THE NATURE PRESERVE IN THE AREAS ADJACENT TO THE CITY BORDER. Senior Management Analyst Ashford Ball presented a summary of the proposal and current projects previously commissioned by the City. Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy (PVPLC) Conservation Director Cris Sarabia presented fuel abatement progress and the upcoming work in the Preserve. Councilmember Pieper noted that he wants to see that the resources for on-going maintenance are reduced or stabilized going forward. Discussion ensued among Councilmembers, City Manager, and Conservation Director Sarabia. Resident Visco expressed that he has not seen all areas of Phase 1 mowed. He expressed that Rancho Palo Verdes should provide funds for fuel abatement. Conservation Director Sarabia responded that Phase I areas have been mowed. 22 Minutes 7 City Council Regular Meeting June 14, 2021 Resident Aichele requested information regarding the Portuguese Canyon Creek. Cris Sarabia responded that the creek is seasonal and only flows during a rain event. Mayor Dieringer noted that since the City has already committed $84,000 city funds for fuel mitigation in the conservancy, the City should authorize only $26,000 of the $87,000 being proposed by the conservancy for additional fuel mitigation. She noted that the additional $61,000 was for acacia removal that did not border our city and this money could be used for fuel mitigation projects within our city. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motion to approve Phase III as presented and Councilmember Wilson seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None 9A RECEIVE AND FILE A REPORT ON THE FIRE FUEL COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON JUNE 2, 2021; AND APPROVE THE FIRE FUEL COMMITTEE’S RECOMMENDATION TO FUND AN ANNUAL CANYON MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. City Manager Jeng summarized the June 2, 2021 Fire Fuel Committee meeting. Councilmember Mirsch provided additional information on recommendations and raised the issue regarding reliance on voluntary efforts to mitigate fuel or use of enforcement of the dead vegetation ordinance. Resident Melissa McNabb, 11 Quail Ridge Road, stated that if residents do not provide consent for the abatement work, and the City simply decides to move to another project area, there will be no accomplishments. She also suggested having the City provide property owners with mitigation measures. Resident Visco expressed concerns regarding voluntary compliance vs. mandatory compliance, and expressed interest in having the Los Angeles County Fire Department provide guidance identifying areas of concern. Discussion ensued among Councilmembers. Councilmember Pieper requested that the Fire Fuel Committee further develop their recommendations. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to receive and file the report on the Fire Fuel Committee meeting and Councilmember Mirsch seconded the motion. 23 Minutes 8 City Council Regular Meeting June 14, 2021 AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 9C ACCEPT SMALL CITIES ALLOCATION FROM THE AMERICAN RESCURE PLAN ACT (ARPA). City Manager Jeng presented the item and the proposed plan of action. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to accept $441,363 and Councilmember Wilson seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 9D APPROVE RESOLUTION 1280 AUTHORIZING THE EXCHANGE OF PROPOSITION A FUNDS WITH THE CITY OF BEVERLY HILLS FOR GENERAL FUNDS; AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE FUND EXCHANGE AGREEMENT. MOTION:Councilmember Wilson motioned to approve Resolution No. 1280 authorizing exchange of Prop A Fund with City of Beverly Hills, and Councilmember Mirsch seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 9E CONSIDER AND APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 1278 UPDATING THE FEE SCHEDULE AND REPEALING RESOLUTION 1260. Planning and Community Services Director Elguira presented the report regarding the fee schedule and repealing resolution. Discussion ensued between Councilmembers and City Manager Jeng. Mayor Dieringer asked if a resolution is needed to assess the fees on the property tax. City Attorney Jenkins said that he needed to confirm if the fee can be collected via the property tax roll, or if more appropriately pursued through small claims court for delinquencies. 24 Minutes 9 City Council Regular Meeting June 14, 2021 MOTION:Councilmember Mirsch motioned to approve Resolution No. 1278 and repeal Resolution No. 1260, and Councilmember Pieper seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 10.MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL AND MEETING ATTENDANCE REPORTS 10A REPORT ON REGIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY AND REGIONAL CONTRACT LAW COMMITTEES MEETINGS HELD ON MAY 12, 2021. Mayor Dieringer presented summary of the Regional Public Safety and Regional Contract Law Committee meetings held on May 13, 2021 and reported on the upcoming logo changes to the Lomita Sheriff cars. 11.MATTERS FROM STAFF 11A RECEIVE AND FILE LOS ANGELES REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD’S RESPONSE TO THE CITY’S REQUEST TO REDUCE THE MONITORING FREQUENCY TO MEET THE MACHADO LAKE TRASH TMDL. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to receive and file and Councilmember Mirsch seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 11B CALRECYCLE’S AB 939 2016-2019 JURISDICTION REVIEW UPDATE. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to receive and file and Councilmember Mirsch seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Black. ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 11C CITY MANAGER ADDRESSED RESIDENT STEVE WHEELER’S REQUET FOR UNDERGROUNDING REIMBURSEMENT TO BE AGENDIZED IN NEXT CITY COUNCIL MEETING. 25 Minutes 10 City Council Regular Meeting June 14, 2021 Councilmember Pieper requested clarification, as there is already a fee policy which should be used for this purpose, and recommended no need to agendize this item. City Manager provided summary of resident’s project, and request. 12.CLOSED SESSION None. 13.ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further business before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 11:21 PM. Next regular meeting: Monday, June 28, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. via City's website's link at: https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/agenda/index.php Zoom access: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87227175757?pwd=VzNES3Q2NFprRk5BRmdUSktWb0hmT 9 or dial (669) 900-9128, meeting ID: 872 2717 5757, passcode: 780609 Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________ Janely Sandoval City Clerk Approved, ______________________________________ Bea Dieringer Mayor 26 Agenda Item No.: 5.A Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CONNIE VIRAMONTES , ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:PAYMENTS OF BILLS. DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: NONE. DISCUSSION: NONE. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Payment of Bills.pdf 27 28 Agenda Item No.: 5.B Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CONNIE VIRAMONTES , ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:REPUBLIC SERVICES RECYCLING TONNAGE REPORT FOR MAY 2021. DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: NONE. DISCUSSION: NONE. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE. RECOMMENDATION: NONE. ATTACHMENTS: Rolling Hills YTD MAY Tonnage Report.pdf 29 Franchise?Y Mth/Yr Overall Commodity Tons Collected Tons Recovered Tons Disposed Diversion % Jan-21 Trash 235.42 36.03 199.39 15.30% Greenwaste 49.43 49.43 - 100.00% Jan-21 Total 284.85 85.46 199.39 30.00% Feb-21 Trash 206.11 18.38 187.73 8.92% Greenwaste 62.07 62.07 - 100.00% Feb-21 Total 268.18 80.45 187.73 30.00% Mar-21 Trash 231.10 7.19 223.91 3.11% Recycle 3.64 0.91 2.73 24.95% Greenwaste 89.04 89.04 - 100.00% Mar-21 Total 323.78 97.14 226.64 30.00% Apr-21 Trash 239.29 34.90 204.39 14.58% Greenwaste 52.70 52.70 - 100.00% Apr-21 Total 291.99 87.60 204.39 30.00% May-21 Trash 147.58 - 147.58 0.00% Greenwaste 125.97 125.97 - 100.00% May-21 Total 273.55 125.97 147.58 46.05% Grand Total 1,442.35 476.62 965.73 33.04% 0.00 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS RESIDENTIAL FRANCHISE 2021 Contract Requires 30% Household - Page 1 of 2 30 Agenda Item No.: 5.C Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ALAN PALERMO, PROJECT MANAGER THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE SECOND AMENDMENT FOR DESIGN OF THE EMERGENCY POWER SOLUTION (EMERGENCY STANDBY GENERATOR) FOR PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING. DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: The current emergency standby generator is outdated and no longer functioning properly. After multiple attempts of repair, it was proposed to the City Council on October 26, 2020 that a new emergency standby generator be purchased. City Council approved an amended agreement for Pacific Architecture and Engineering Inc. to assess the existing standby generator for the City Hall campus, and such drafted agreement was reviewed. Upon multiple conversations with Pacific Architecture and Engineering Inc., the final report of their findings was provide to the City Council on May 10, 2021. The report presented on May 10, 2021 established that the existing 75 kw could be replaced with an equivalent sized system and that the existing structure housing the generator would need to be removed, replaced, or repaired for repurposing, as the current structure does not comply with current code requirements. The report also provided 3 Options for City Council to consider. Option 1b: Proposes a new 75 kW Diesel Generator and possible new electrical components at an estimated total cost of $150,000. This option would place new generator outside and would comply with all current codes, and would require permitting through AQMD. The existing structure could be demolished or repurposed. Cost of removing the existing structure or repurposing (storage?) is not included in the cost estimate. Option 2: Proposes a Solar PV System with backup battery/storage for use in an emergency at an estimated total cost of $225,000(final cost dependent on the size of the PV system and backup storage/battery). No AQMD permits are required and the Solar PV system would reduce the amount of the electric bill for City Hall and the RHCA building. On May 24, 2021, after City Council discussed their 3 options, they directed staff to: 1) Pursue the Solar Option to replace the existing Emergency Stand by Generator, and; 2) Consider leasing portable generator to provide emergency standby power until the Solar option is designed and installed, and; 3) Verify the portable generator could connect to the existing Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS), and; 4) 31 Remove the existing non-functioning emergency standby generator, and: 5) Repair the water intrusion problem at the existing generator structure repaired. On June 14, 2021 staff presented a proposal from Pacific Architecture and Engineering Inc. specific to the Emergency Standby generator with amendments pertaining to outlined items 1 through 5 and indicating project will not exceed the cost of $59,000. City Council approved the proposal and directed staff to have City Attorney prepare a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) to move forward with the project. Since Pacific Architecture and Engineering Inc. is overseeing the ADA improvements project, such request will be the second amendment to the proposal originally created for City Hall. DISCUSSION: At the June 14, 2021 meeting, the City Council approved the scope of work outlined in the proposal pertaining go the Emergency Standby Generator, and directed staff to engage Pacific Architecture and Engineering Inc. for service. The City Attorney prepared a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Pacific Architecture and Engineering Inc. based on the approved proposal. FISCAL IMPACT: The design fee is not to exceed $58,897.425, and is recommended to be included in the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 budget. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Second Amendment to PSA - Architectural and Engineering Services-c1 (needs signatures).pdf 32 SECOND AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS SECOND AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (“Second Amendment”) is made and entered into this ___ day of June 2021 in the City of Rolling Hills, County of Los Angeles, State of California, by and between the CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, a California municipal corporation (hereinafter the “CITY”), and Pacific Architecture and Engineering, Inc., a California corporation (hereinafter the “CONSULTANT”). 1. RECITALS: A. On February 24, 2020, the CITY entered into a Professional Services Agreement with CONSULTANT (“Agreement”) for architectural and engineering design services to prepare ADA improvement plans for the CITY; and B. On February 22, 2021, the CITY and CONSULTANT entered into a First Amendment to expand the scope of work in the Agreement, clarify the term, and increase the cost for the CONSULTANT to provide engineering services for the replacement of the generator at City Hall (the “First Amendment”); and C. CITY and CONSULTANT now desire to amend the Agreement to expand the scope of work, and increase the cost so that CONSULTANT may provide engineering services for (1) the installation of a photo voltaic system per the General Assessment Report dated April 18, 2019 and (2) needed upgrades to the existing structure that houses the generator; and D. CONSULTANT is well qualified by reason of education, training, and experience to perform such services; and E. CONSULTANT is willing to render such professional services as hereinafter defined. Now, therefore, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions herein contained, CITY hereby engages CONSULTANT and CONSULTANT agrees to perform the services set forth in this Agreement. 1. CITY and CONSULTANT agree to supplement Exhibit A (Scope of Work) that was attached to the First Amendment with Exhibit A (Scope of Work - Supplemental) that is attached to this Second Amendment and incorporated herein by reference. 2. Paragraph 3 (COST) of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: 3. COST The CITY agrees to pay CONSULTANT for the services required by this Agreement on a Time and Materials basis as set forth in Exhibit A (Supplemental) in an amount not to exceed $58,897.42, herby increasing the previously approved 33 amount of $40,840.59 to the current amended and increased not to exceed amount of $99,738.01 This not to exceed amount includes all expenses, consisting of all incidental blueprinting, photography, travel, attendance at meetings, and miscellaneous costs, estimated to be accrued during that period. It also includes any escalation or inflation factors anticipated. Any increase in Agreement cost or scope of work shall be by express written amendment approved by the CITY and CONSULTANT. 3. All terms and conditions of the Agreement not amended by this Second Amendment remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Second Amendment on the date and year first above written. CITY OF ROLLING HILLS PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING, INC. CITY MANAGER: PRINCIPAL PROJECT MANAGER __________________________ __________________________ ELAINE JENG JUN FUJITA HALL ATTEST: __________________________ CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: __________________________ MICHAEL JENKINS CITY ATTORNEY 34 Exhibit A Scope of Work (Supplemental) Scope of Work: The Scope of Work includes bid documents for the installation of a photo voltaic system per the Generator Assessment Report dated April 19, 2021. The structure that houses the current generator also requires upgrade and removal of moat and generator. This structure also has extensive water intrusion, and the waterproofing requires replacement and detailing by CONSULTANT. The new solar panels will also require waterproofing details at penetrations at the connections and penetrations and may require a replacement roof. The Solar Panel connections shall also require a structural engineer to calculate the loads and connections. Scope of work includes plans, specifications and cost estimate. FEES: Rolling Hills Solar Panel Installation DESIGN DEVELOPMENT & COST ESTIMATE $ 10,316.48 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS & COST ESTIMATE $ 34,640.64 PERMITTING $ 3,461.66 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION $ 9,478.64 Reimbursable $ 1,000.00 GRAND TOTAL $58,897.42 SCOPE OF WORK TASKS: Generator Structure The structure housing the generator has failing waterproofing and needs to be replaced. CONSULTANT will detail the condition to replace the waterproofing and determine best way to eliminate moat and prepare Construction Documents. Roofing Specification of new roof and waterproofing details for penetrations through roof membrane for Solar Photovoltaic System. Solar Electrical infrastructure for Solar Photovoltaic System. Provide Calculations for new solar system inverters and equipment. Determine with CITY exact configuration of solar panel and prepare layout of location of solar panels 35 Solar Equipment Locate and obtain approval from CITY for location of solar equipment Leave room for future battery back-up. Fence around Solar Equipment Solar equipment will need to be fenced as it is high voltage Temporary Power Examine if ATS is in use currently, and discuss with CITY further decisions for temporary power via a rented generator. Solar Panel Structural Load Calculate structural load of solar panels and detail connection to building Remove Generator Include removal of current generator in demo plans. Cost Estimate Include cost estimate in each phase. 36 Agenda Item No.: 5.D Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ASHFORD BALL, SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE SECOND AMENDMENT WITH THE PALOS VERDES PENINSULA LAND CONSERVANCY FOR PHASE III FUEL LOAD REDUCTION IN THE NATURE PRESERVE IN THE AREAS ADJACENT TO THE CITY BORDER. DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: Over the past three years (2019, 2020, and 2021) the City has received services from the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy for the removal of vegetation and fuel load reduction. The Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy (Conservancy) is aware of the fire concerns on the Palos Verdes Peninsula, and have previously provided the City with excellent services. The City has already engaged in services with the Conservancy on Phase I lasting 3 years ending in 2022, Phase II lasting 3 years and ending in 2022 and Council recently recently approved the newest proposal during the last City Council meeting on June 14, 2021 for Phase III. DISCUSSION: Phase I - Conducted vegetation mitigation and removal within the Palos Verdes Nature Preserve in a dedicated open space crossing into territorial boundaries of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. Phase II- Outlined for the Conservancy to conduct fire fuel reduction and removal throughout the northern portion of Portuguese Bend Reserve along the border within the City. This Phase was built to supplement the work done in Phase I covering 15 acres. Phase III- This is planned the be the last Phase working on a total of 7.5 acres the area within the preserve has very steep slopes and must be approached with careful consideration to avoid damaging native plants. FISCAL IMPACT: PHASE I- Fixed sum of $34,200 plus a $12,000 per year payment for services performed in 2020, 2021, and 2022. Total of $70,200 PHASE II- Fixed sum of $50,000 plus a $28,800 per year payment for services performed in 2020, 2021, and 2022. Total of $136,400 PHASE III- Fixed sum of $87,000. Total of $87,000 GRAND TOTAL- $293,600.00 37 The total cost for this year's mowing services is covered under the adopted FY 2020/21 budget. The proposed service cost for Phase III is included in the FY 2021/22 budget proposal. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending City Council approve the Second amendment with the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy for PHASE III fuel load reduction. ATTACHMENTS: Second Amendment to Fire Fuel Abatement- FINAL.DOC 38 Fire Fuel Abatement Second Amendment to Agreement - 1 - CITY OF ROLLING HILLS SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR FIRE FUEL ABATEMENT THIS SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR FIRE FUEL ABATEMENT is made and entered into as of __________, by and between the CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, a municipal corporation ("City") and the PALOS VERDES PENINSULA LAND CONSERVANCY, a California public benefit corporation ("Conservancy"). R E C I T A L S A.City and Conservancy entered into an Agreement for Fire Fuel Abatement dated October 21, 2019 whereby Conservancy is obligated to remove the fire fuel on the land under the City’s control as a fire hazard abatement measure for the direct benefit of Rolling Hills residents (the “Agreement”). B.City and Conservancy entered into a First Amendment dated June 8, 2020 in order to expand the scope of work and increase the cost of additional work and work days for acacia and non-native shrub/tree removal and mustard mowing services (the “First Amendment”). C.City and Conservancy now desire to enter into this Second Amendment to Agreement for Fire Fuel Abatement to expand the scope of work and add funds for the expanded scope of work (the “Second Amendment”). D.Conservancy has represented to City that it has the expertise, experience and qualifications to perform or cause the performance of the services. NOW, THEREFORE,in consideration of the foregoing and the covenants and agreements set forth below, City and Conservancy agree as follows: 1.City and Conservancy agree to amend and supplement the Scope of Services, Agreement Exhibit A with the Scope of Services (Supplemental) attached to this Second Amendment as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. 39 Fire Fuel Abatement Second Amendment to Agreement - 2 - 2.Section 2 “Compensation” of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: A.City shall pay Conservancy the fixed sum of $87,000 for the services described in Exhibit A (Supplemental) and rendered in 2021, and $32,800 for mowing services, not to exceed $98,400, representing the total compensation for all work, labor, equipment, materials and expenses incurred by Conservancy. Conservancy shall submit an invoice to City upon completion of the services and the City will make payment within 10 days of the close of the month in which work was performed. B. Prevailing Wage. Conservancy or its contractor shall abide be the minimum prevailing rate of wages as determined by the State of California, Department of Industrial Relations for each craft, classification, or type of workman employed to carry out provisions of the Agreement. During the term of this Agreement, Conservancy shall keep on file sufficient evidence of its employee compensation to enable verification of compliance of Prevailing Wages as established by State of California, Department of Industrial Relations. 3.All terms and conditions of the Agreement not amended by this Second Amendment remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns do hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants herein contained and have caused this Second Amendment to be executed by setting hereunto their names, titles, hands, and seals this ___ day of _______, 2021. CONSERVANCY:______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ (Title) CITY:______________________________________________________________________ Elaine Jeng, City Manager of the City of Rolling Hills Attested:_____________________________________________________________________ Janley Sandoval, City Clerk of the City of Rolling Hills Date:_________________ 40 Fire Fuel Abatement Second Amendment to Agreement - 3 - EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK (SUPPLEMENTAL) Fuel Load Reduction in 2021 The Conservancy is intimately aware of the fire concerns on the Palos Verdes Peninsula, and continues to discuss measures to reduce fire risk with the four peninsula cities. Conservancy staff members continue to work with City of Rolling Hills staff to implement fuel modification work as required by County Department of Agriculture Weights and Measures as part of landowner responsibilities for fuel modification near adjacent homes as well as measures above and beyond. Additionally, the Conservancy clears over 90 acres of weeds in restoration sites within the Palos Verdes Nature Preserve and clears 30+ miles of trails annually. This weeding approach is very specialized and must be accomplished while complying with the NCCP/HCP implementation guidelines and respecting the natural resources on the preserve. We understand that the city desires to continue to prioritize efforts to reduce fuel load in Preserve areas, and the Conservancy understands that vegetation exists beyond current fuel mod zones that pose fire threats. Therefore, the Conservancy is offering technical expertise to aid the City and augment city staff in the effort to continue reduce fuel load vegetation by targeting the removal of invasive plants such as Acacia and Mustard and other non-native plants, which in turn improves habitat for local wildlife, including the federally threatened coastal California gnatcatcher, the cactus wren, a state species of concern and the federally endangered Palos Verdes Blue Butterfly. This proposal outlines the potential areas for this extra 2021 work. The areas identified in Portuguese Bend Reserve include the areas abutting and leading into Rolling Hills in Portuguese Canyon. In total, an approximate 7.5 acres are proposed for fuel load reduction in the Preserve. This work can be completed in less than 4 weeks by simultaneously r e m o v i n g Acacia and mowing dry brush in order to complete this work in a timely manner during fire season. The Conservancy has identified the priority removal of tall Acacia shrubs due to their combustible nature (Acacia shrub contain an estimated 90% dry plant matter and volatile resins) and their prevalence throughout the Preserve and border areas. The locations for the proposed Acacia removal were chosen due to prior fires occurring in those areas, proximity to homes and risk to the community as well as the ecological benefits of invasive plant removal. Fire agencies agree that Acacia is a highly flammable plant and that it should be removed wherever possible. It was included as a high-hazard plant in the L.A. County Fire Department’s recently published “Ready! Set! Go!” pamphlet. This proposal also includes the removal of other non-native shrubs and trees like Chinese Pistache, Myoporum and Ash trees. 41 Fire Fuel Abatement Second Amendment to Agreement - 4 - Mustard when dry, continues to be a high fire risk species. The continued expansion of mowing areas is also included in this proposal. The Conservancy, as Habitat Managers for the Preserve, has qualified experts on staff with the experience required to oversee the work to be performed and will assure the correct and safe removal of the invasive plants using the best techniques at the most efficient cost. The results of this work will be shared with the City provided at the conclusion of the work performed. Where possible and with simpler tasks, volunteers will be deployed to augment the work volume and control costs. In ongoing maintenance activities, the Conservancy will create internship and volunteer opportunities for invasive plant management to keep the Acacia from re-invading the areas and to assist in monitoring activities. In this way, additional valuable learning opportunities will be made available to local youth. As projects are completed and conditions are assessed, restoration in these locations may be appropriate and funding may be pursued, since this proposal does not include replanting in the Acacia removal sites. Acacia Removal Approximately 2 acres This Acacia removal site is situated in the northern portion of Portuguese Bend Reserve along the border with the city of Rolling Hills. A fire occurred at this location in 2009 burning approximately 230 acres. Much of the vegetation was burned, including the non-native Acacia, which has since begun to grow back from stump sprouting and seed germination. It is recommended that crews enter the area on foot as possible and remove shrubs with chainsaws and lighter equipment can be brought in via the Fire Station Trail or Ishibashi Trail as needed. Trees should be chipped in designated areas and treated to prevent regrowth. Tree stumps will need to be treated to prohibit any regrowth and the site will be monitored for seed germination and removal. The Acacia throughout this area totals approximately 2 acres. This site is known habitat of the federally threatened coastal California gnatcatcher and the cactus wren, a state species of concern as well as other species of concern 42 Fire Fuel Abatement Second Amendment to Agreement - 5 - Acacia Removal Site in Red Polygon Mowing Area Approximately 5.5 acres There is a large stand of invasive mustard in north of Portuguese Canyon that is dry and can be mowed if access is possible. This site is adjacent to historical farmland and were disked in subsequent years, so the loose soils have provided a disturbance regime which is particularly favorable to mustard and non-native grasses and weeds. Approximately 5.5 acres of mustard is at this location. Slopes are very steep and high quality coastal sage scrub habitat is scattered throughout the slope. Careful consideration to not damage native plants and close oversight will be needed. In response to community concern about the vast expanse of dry mustard growth at Portuguese Bend Reserve, the Conservancy will oversee mowing in this area and conduct bird nesting surveys. In addition to the mowing, 5-6 Acacia trees on this southeastern facing slope will be cut and chipped. 43 Fire Fuel Abatement Second Amendment to Agreement - 6 - Mowing Area in Blue Polygon Budget The budget reflects a typical detailed tree and shrub removal project within the preserve with minimal disturbance to native habitat and to the surrounding vegetation, following NCCP/HCP protocols. Careful non-native tree removals proposed in this project, increase the habitat value for the federally threatened coastal California gnatcatcher and cactus wren, a state species of concern, as well as other native species while providing public benefit. These costs reflect the estimated time it would take the contractors to complete the project using hand tools and machinery to either chip tree material or haul plant material offsite, stump treat the cut Acacia to prevent regrowth were needed, and oversight and bird monitoring by Conservancy biologists to assure that best management practices are implemented (ie. minimization and avoidance measures such as nesting bird surveys are required by the NCCP/HCP). These costs are based on best estimates provided by contractors for the Acacia removal and for mowing as two separate projects. For maximum benefit for fuel load reduction and habitat, both projects are recommended to be completed concurrently. Project Acres Budget Acacia Cutting and Chipping ~2 $61,000 Mowing and removal of 5-6 Acacia ~5.5 $26,000 One-time Project Total ~7.5 $87,000 44 Fire Fuel Abatement Second Amendment to Agreement - 7 - 45 Agenda Item No.: 5.E Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:MEREDITH ELGUIRA, PLANNING DIRECTOR THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:AMENDED AGREEMENT WITH JOHN HUNTER AND ASSOCIATES TO CONTINUE STORMWATER TMDL REPORTING. DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: On June 7, 2007 the Los Angeles Regional Water quality Control Board adopted an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region (also known as the Basin Plan) incorporating a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for trash in Machado Lake. The order became effective on March 6, 2008. The order specified a numeric target of the Machado Lake Trash TMDL to be zero trash in Machado Lake within 8 years of the order. The Trash TMDL required jurisdictions to implement practices, which would lead to meeting that goal. The City selected to meet that goal through a program of minimum frequency of assessment and collection in conjunction with best management practices (MFAC/BMPs). The MFAC/BMPs program was required to include an initial minimum frequency of trash assessment and collection together with non-structural BMPs. John Hunter and Associates prepared a plan for the City to implement practices and to assess City’s current BMPs and later was awarded a contract to carry out this plan in 2009. Since then, John Hunter and Associates has been providing their services to the City, see attached revised scope of work. In order to continue monitoring the trash in the City and submit a report to the RWQCB, the agreement with John Hunter must be extended. As described in the attached proposal, the scope of work will cover the period of July 2021 through June 2024, in a not to exceed amount of $4,472 annually. DISCUSSION: John Hunter and Associates' contract amount decreased from $ to $4,472 as a result of the latest approval from the Regional Board allowing the City to decrease its trash monitoring and reporting program from twice per year and after a significant rain event to once a year immediately following the 46 first major storm of the year. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed scope of work is $4,472 per year for three years. The proposed cost of service is included in the FY 2021/22 Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: RH1 Trash TMDL Proposal 2021 revised.pdf 5TH Amendment Time Extension to 06.30.25.pdf 47 1 June 25, 2021 Meredith T. Elguira City of Rolling Hills 2 Portuguese Bend Rd. Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Subject: City of Rolling Hills Trash Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the Machado Lake Trash TMDL (Resolution No. R4-2007-006), and Monitoring and Reporting for the Santa Monica Bay Marine Debris TMDL Dear Meredith T. Elguira: John L. Hunter and Associates (JLHA) welcome the opportunity to continue offering our professional NPDES services to the City of Rolling Hills. Scope of Work On March 6, 2008, the Machado Lake Trash Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), Resolution No. R4 -2007- 006, became effective regulating trash discharge in the Machado Lake watershed. To fulfill the requirements of this TMDL, the City of Rolling Hills implemented a Trash Monitoring and Reporting Plan (TMRP), including a Minimum Frequency Assessment and Collection (MFAC) Program that consisted of quarterly canyon monitoring for the first two years, and immediately following the first major storm event of the year. On March 5, 2012, the Regional Board responded to the City’s presentation of monitoring data and request to be removed from the monitoring requirements of the Machado Lake Trash TMDL and Santa Monica Bay Marine Debris TMDL with a letter stating that the City of Rolling Hills remains a responsible party in the TMDLs, and therefore must continue monitoring in order to demonstrate compliance. On June 8, 2021, the Regional Board approved a decrease in the frequency of monitoring from twice a year and immediately following the first major storm event of the year to once a year immediately following the first major storm event of the year. The City is also still required to submit annual TMDL reports. Since the City has not received permission to cease trash monitoring, John L. Hunter and Associates (JLHA) proposes the City continue to implement the revised monitoring plan and submit annual reports to the Regional Board. The timeframe of this proposal is three years. We can extend the services provided for additional years upon written agreement by the City and JLHA. Included on the following page is a summary of the estimated costs and a Standard Rate Schedule. If you have any questions you can reach me at jhunter@jlha.net or 310.344.8650. Sincerely, John Hunter, P.E. 48 2 Standard Rate Schedule Principal $195 / hour Director $175 / hour Program Manager $175 / hour Staff Engineer $175 / hour Project Manager $165 / hour Assistant Project Manager $155 / hour Project Engineer $155 / hour Compliance Specialist II $125 / hour Project Analyst II $125 / hour Industrial/commercial facility inspection $125 / unit Compliance Specialist I $115 / hour Project Analyst I $115 / hour Administrative Assistant, Laborer (OSHA 40hr certified) $75 / hour State Certified Laboratory Analysis Cost + 5% Legal Consultation, Court Appearances/Document review, etc. $250 / hour Subcontracted equipment Cost + 5% Fee Schedule effective as of January 1, 2021 JLHA does not add charges for overhead items such as administrative copying or mileage in and around the city. Estimated Costs This project will be on a time and materials basis. JLHA will provide consultant services not to exceed the budgetary amount without the City’s prior authorization. Not-to-Exceed Cost Estimate Task Staff* hours Total costs PM ($165) aPM ($155) PA ($115) L ($75) Total hours 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 Task 1: One (2) Trash Survey Event after first major storm event 10 8 18 $2,150 $2,150 $2,150 Task 2: Data Compilation and Annual Reporting 3 11 14 $1,722 $1,722 $1,722 Contingency Fee (approx. 10%) Lump Sum Estimate $600 $600 $600 Total $4,472 $4,472 $4,472 Grand Total for 3 years: $13,416 * AA: Administrative Assistant; aPM: Assistant Project Manager, PM: Project Manager, L: Laborer 49 2020-4th Amendment John Hunter PSA - 1 - 5TH AMENDMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ___ day of July 2021 at City of Rolling Hills, County of Los Angeles, State of California, by and between the CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, hereinafter called the (“CITY”) and John L. Hunter and Associates hereinafter called the (“CONSULTANT”). 1. R E C I T A L S A. The City desires to retain CONSULTANT to collect, monitor and report on trash collected at the designated canyons discharge locations to Machado Lake and monitor the Santa Monica Bay Marine Trash TMDL as identified and required by the City’s Monitoring and Reporting Plan, and prepare and submit annually the Non-Stormwater Canyon Source Investigation Report to the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, (RWQCB). B. CONSULTANT is well qualified by reason of education and experience to perform such services; and C. CONSULTANT is willing to render such professional services as hereinafter defined. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions herein contained, CITY hereby engages CONSULTANT and CONSULTANT agree to perform the services set forth in this Agreement. 2. SCOPE OF WORK. Consultant shall perform all work necessary to complete in a manner satisfactory to CITY the services set forth in the scope of work in Not-to-Exceed Cost Estimate Task Table attached. 3. COST. The CITY agrees to pay CONSULTANT for all the work or any part of the work performed under the Agreement at the rates and in the manner established in the attached Standard Rate Schedule attached. A. Compensation. Total expenditure made under this Agreement shall not exceed $4,4722 annually for the period of this agreement, not to exceed the sum of $13,416 for three-year term. This fee includes all expenses, consisting of all incidental blueprinting, photography, travel, attendance at meetings and miscellaneous costs, estimated to be accrued during that period. It also includes any escalation or inflation factors anticipated. Any increase in the compensation or scope of work shall be by express written amendment approved by the City Manager and CONSULTANT. 4. METHOD OF PAYMENT. CONSULTANT shall be reimbursed monthly in arrears based upon the hourly services provided. CONSULANT shall submit invoices in duplicate addressed to the CITY, c/o Planning Department, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 or email them to designated project manager. 50 2020-4th Amendment John Hunter PSA - 2 - 5. SUBCONTRACTING CONSULTANT shall not be permitted to subcontract any portion of this contract without the express written consent of the CITY. 6. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK CONSULTANT shall commence work under this agreement upon execution of this agreement. 7. ACCOUNTING RECORDS CONSULTANT must maintain accounting records and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred which records and documents shall be kept available at the CONSULTANT’s California office during the contract period and thereafter for five years from the date of final payment. 8. OWNERSHIP OF DATA All data, maps, photographs, and other material collected or prepared under the contract shall become the property of the CITY. 9. TERM OF CONTRACT This contract shall be valid for three years from execution of this Agreement. The CITY MANAGER, or her designee, may extend this contract for an additional year. Such extension shall be in writing by the CITY MANAGER and the CONSULTANT. 10. TERMINATION This contract may be terminated at any time for breach and the CITY may terminate unilaterally and without cause upon seven (7) days written notice to the CONSULTANT. All work satisfactorily performed pursuant to the contract and prior to the date of termination may be claimed for reimbursement. 11. ASSIGNABILITY CONSULTANT shall not assign or transfer interest in this contract without the prior written consent of the CITY. 12. AMENDMENT It is mutually understood and agreed that no alteration or variation of the terms of this contract, or any subcontract requiring the approval of the CITY, shall be valid unless made in writing, signed by the parties hereto, and approved by all necessary parties. 13. NON-SOLICITATION CLAUSE 51 2020-4th Amendment John Hunter PSA - 3 - The CONSULTANT warrants that he or she has not employed or retained any company or persons, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts, or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract. For breach or violation of this warranty, the CITY shall have the right to annul this contract without liability, or, in its discretion to deduct from the contract price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or contingent fee. 14. INDEMNITY CONSULTANT agrees to indemnify the CITY, its officers, employees and agents against, and will hold and save each of them harmless from, any and all actions, claims, damages to persons or property, penalties, obligations or liabilities that may be asserted or claimed by any person, firm, entity, corporation, political subdivision or other organization arising out of the negligent acts or intentional tortuous acts, errors or omissions of CONSULTANT, its agents, employees, subcontractors, or invitees, provided for herein. CONSULTANT will defend any action or actions filed in connection with any of said claims, damages, penalties, obligations or liabilities and will pay all costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees incurred in connection herewith. CONSULTANT will promptly pay any judgment rendered against CITY, its officers, agents or employees for any such claims, damages, penalties, obligations or liabilities. In the event CITY, its officers, agents or employees is made a party to any action or proceeding filed or prosecuted against CONSULTANT for such damages or other claims arising out of or in connection with the sole negligence of CONSULTANT hereunder, CONSULTANT agrees to pay CITY, its officers, agents, or employees, any and all costs and expenses incurred by CITY, its officers, agents or employees in such action or proceeding, including but not limited to reasonable attorney’s fees. 15. INSURANCE A. Without limiting CONSULTANT’S obligations arising under paragraph 14 - Indemnity, CONSULTANT shall not begin work under this Agreement until it obtains policies of insurance required under this section. The insurance shall cover CONSULTANT, its agents, representatives and employees in connection with the performance of work under this Agreement, and shall be maintained throughout the term of this Agreement. Insurance coverage shall be as follows: i. Automobile Liability Insurance with minimum coverage of $300,000 for property damage, $300,000 for injury to one person/single occurrence, and $300,000 for injury to more than one person/single occurrence. ii. Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance, insuring CITY its elected and appointed officers, agents, and employees from claims for damages for personal injury, including death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from CONSULTANT’S actions under this Agreement, whether or not done by CONSULTANT or anyone directly or indirectly employed by CONSULTANT. Such insurance shall have a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000. 52 2020-4th Amendment John Hunter PSA - 4 - iii. Worker’s Compensation Insurance for all CONSULTANT’S employees to the extent required by the State of California. B. Deductibility Limits for policies referred to in subparagraphs A (i) (ii) and (iii) shall not exceed $5,000 per occurrence. C. Additional Insured. City, its elected and appointed officers, agents, and employees shall be named as additional insured on policies referred to in subparagraphs A (i) and (ii). D. Primary Insurance. The insurance required in paragraphs A (i) (ii) and (iii) shall be primary and not excess coverage. E. Evidence of Insurance. Consultant shall furnish CITY, prior to the execution of this Agreement, satisfactory evidence of the insurance required, issued by an insurer authorized to do business in California, and an endorsement to each such policy of insurance evidencing that each carrier is required to give CITY at least 30 days prior written notice of the cancellation of any policy during the effective period of the Agreement. All required insurance policies are subject to approval of the City Attorney. Failure on the part of CONSULTANT to procure or maintain said insurance in full force and effect shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement or procure or renew such insurance, and pay any premiums therefore at CONSULTANT’S expense. 16. ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT In the event that legal action is commenced to enforce or declare the rights created under this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of costs and reasonable attorney’s fees in the amount to be determined by the court. 17. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST No member of the governing body of the CITY and no other officer, employee, or agent of the CITY who exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with the planning and carrying out of the program, shall have any personal financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement; and the CONSULTANT further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement, no person having any such interest shall be employed. 18. INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT The CONSULTANT is and shall at all times remain as to the CITY a wholly independent consultant. Neither the CITY nor any of its agents shall have control over the conduct of the CONSULTANT or any of the CONSULTANT’s employees, except as herein set forth. The CONSULTANT shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are in any manner agents or employees of the CITY. 19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES This Agreement supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties hereto with respect to the employment of CONSULTANT by CITY 53 2020-4th Amendment John Hunter PSA - 5 - and contains all the covenants and agreements between the parties with respect such employment in any manner whatsoever. Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representations, inducements, promises or agreements, orally or otherwise, have been made by any party, or anyone acting on behalf of any party, which are not embodied herein, and that no other agreement or amendment hereto shall be effective unless executed in writing and signed by both CITY and CONSULTANT. 20. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, and all applicable federal statutes and regulations as amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date and year first above written. CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CONSULTANT CITY MANAGER: JOHN L. HUNTER AND ASSOCIATES: ______ _____ ________ ELAINE JENG, P.E. JOHN L. HUNTER DATE:___________ DATE:_____________ ATTEST: ______ _____ CITY CLERK DATE:___________ 54 Agenda Item No.: 5.F Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:MEREDITH ELGUIRA, PLANNING DIRECTOR THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:AMENDED AGREEMENT WITH MCGOWAN CONSULTING TO CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE CITY WITH STORMWATER MANDATE COMPLIANCE. DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: Kathleen McGowan has consulted for the City since 2003. She has familiarity and understanding of the City’s unique character and requirements and has been effective in negotiating on the City’s behalf with Regional Board staff. McGowan Consulting, LLC (McGowan) assists City staff not only in implementing the permit requirements, but also in coordinating and leveraging efforts being implemented by other consultants and contractors so that the City’s program and annual reports are comprehensive. McGowan provides valuable and needed professional resources and depth for meeting the broad requirements of the MS4 Permit. Moreover, continuing the contract with McGowan provides other important advantages. First, McGowan is very familiar with Rolling Hills’ unique characteristics. Second, McGowan continues to provide for cost sharing and economies of scale, as work products and time are shared among local clients who have similar characteristics and compliance requirements. Finally, McGowan is well regarded and recognized as knowledgeable, practical, responsive and effective in working with the RWQCB and City staff. McGowan was instrumental in negotiating on the City’s behalf for a modification to the permit requirements that allows the City to participate with the Peninsula agencies in a Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP) even though the City Council chose not to participate in the Peninsula Enhanced Watershed Management Program. This allowed the City to reduce the cost of monitoring by participating in a joint monitoring effort rather than implementing these requirements individually. McGowan's latest accomplishment is the approval from the Regional Board to approve the City's request to decrease its trash monitoring and reporting from three times per year down to once per year, saving the City up to $6,000 annually. DISCUSSION: 55 McGowan Consulting's current proposal is approximately $29,000 higher than last year's proposal largely due to the addition of the optional task to revise the EWMP. When the City decides to join the EWMP, the EWMP will have to be revised to include the City of Rolling Hills. McGowan Consulting w i l l revise relevant sections of the Peninsula EWMP document to include the City as an 85 th%, 24-h o u r stormw a t e r capture area within the Peninsula EWMP area. This will require revision of multiple sections, tables and figures throughout this lengthy document. The technical memorandum prepared by the City’s Sepulveda Canyon monitoring contractor will be added as an appendix to the Peninsula EWMP for documentation of the City’s 85%, 24-hr runoff retention. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost estimate for the proposed scope of work is $99,095 ($23,550 to revise the EWMP), which is programmed in Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget. Safe Clean Water Municipal Program Funds will cover $36,100 of the $99,095. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: RH-MS4-ProposalLetter-FY2122.pdf RH-SOW-FY2122.pdf Draft 4th Amendment.pdf 56 MCGOWAN CONSULTING, LLC 412 Olive Avenue, #189, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 310-213-4979 Kathleen@McGowan.Consulting June 10, 2021 Elaine Jeng, City Manager Meredith Elguira, Planning Director City of Rolling Hills 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 RE: PROPOSAL FOR MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Dear Ms. Jeng and Ms. Elguira: McGowan Consulting is pleased to provide the enclosed scope of services and cost estimate to assist the City of Rolling Hills (City) in implementing the requirements of the Municipal Stormwater Permit during fiscal year 2021-2022 (FY2021-22). We specialize in providing customized stormwater quality and watershed protection consulting services to small municipal clients and have an in-depth understanding of the City’s particular stormwater quality challenges and constraints. The City and other municipalities subject to the Municipal Stormwater Permit will face new challenges in FY2021-22. Two vacant positions on the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board) were recently filled by members who appear to have shifted the Regional Board majority sympathies toward non-governmental environmental organizations’ advocacy for holding municipalities accountable to implementation schedules for meeting strict numeric limits for pollutants in stormwater runoff. Additionally, we understand that the recent court decision in the Gardena and Duarte challenges to the 2012 Municipal Stormwater Permit has resulted in a finding that the Regional Board has significant discretion in considering economic impacts when issuing Municipal Stormwater Permits. With the foregoing context, Regional Board staff recently met with the Peninsula municipalities and the City of Torrance to discuss the development of a Time Schedule Order (TSO) for the Machado Lake T otal Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for pollutants of concern. Meanwhile, the Regional Board staff anticipate adoption of a new Regional Municipal Stormwater Permit in July of 2021. As a result of these developments, we anticipate an increase in intensity of effort to support the City during FY2021-22 in implementing the Municipal Stormwater Permit. This proposal provides a scope of services designed to: • assist the City in continuing to implement its individual requirements under the Municipal Stormwater Permit • advise and train City staff to prepare for implementation of the pending Regional Municipal Stormwater Permit following its adoption; • update the City’s stormwater code including hydromodification provisions following adoption of the Regional Muncipal Stormwater Permit 57 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 2 • assist the City in withdrawing requests for time schedule orders for the Machado Lake TMDLs and work with City staff and its monitoring contractor to document the basis for alternative compliance with TMDLs as well as advise Regional Board staff of the City’s intent; • support decision making and review of data and reports from the Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP) while transitioning to a new CIMP contractor ; • jointly plan and implement watershed coordination tasks and develop public outreach content in cooperation with other Watershed Management Group members ; and • prepare the City’s first report of expenditures under the Safe, Clean Water Municipal Program Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or require additional information or scope clarification. Thank you for the opportunity to continue to work with you and your colleagues and to serve the City of Rolling Hills. Sincerely, Kathleen C. McGowan, P.E., Principal McGowan Consulting, LLC Attachment: Scope of Services and Cost Estimate 58 Scope of Services – MS4 Permit Consulting FY2021-22 As authorized by the Federal Clean Water Act and the California Porter -Cologne Act, the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit (MS4 Permit) identifies conditions, requirements and programs that municipalities must implement to protect regional water resources from adverse impacts associated with pollutants carried in stormwater runoff via the MS4. Although the 4th Term MS4 Permit1 has expired, the City is obligated to continue to comply with the requirements of that permit, including commitments made in the Palos Verdes Peninsula Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP), until the new Regional MS4 Permit becomes effective (estimated to be in September 2021). Permittees must implement the requirements of the Regional MS4 Permit as of the effective date which is typically 45 days following adoption . Therefore this scope of services assumes that the City will begin implementing the Regional MS4 Permit in fiscal year year 2021-2022 (FY2021-22). The assumed effort to assist the City in preparing for and initiating implementation of the Regional MS4 Permit has been based on the requirements described in the Tentative Regional MS4 Permit issued by Regional Board staff in August 2020 and does not reflect any major differences that may arise between the Tentative Regional MS4 Permit and the final adopted Regional MS4 Permit. While the City may submit a notice of intent (NOI) to join the Palos Verdes Peninsula Enhanced Watershed Management Program (Peninsula EWMP) during FY2021-22, the City would not be required to implement the provisions of the Peninsula EWMP until the updated EWMP is approved by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board), which would likely be during FY2022-23. This scope of services is organized into tasks based on the MS4 Permit program areas. Task 1 - Program Management, Coordination and Individual Reporting Task 2 - Public Information and Participation Program Task 3 - Commercial Facilities Control Program [not applicable to the City] Task 4 - Planning & Land Development and Construction Programs Task 5 - Public Agency Activities Program Task 6 - Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program Task 7 - Watershed Planning and CIMP and TMDL Implementation Task 1 Program Management, Coordination and Individual Reporting The MS4 Permit affects a wide range of municipal activities and requires management and coordination of pollution prevention and implementation activities across municipal functions and among co- permittees. Task 1 is focused on stormwater program management and coordination and annual reporting. Subtask 1.1 Coordination, Communication and Program Management This subtask provides for time to support City staff in managing and coordinating stormwater program planning and implementation throughout the year. This effort includes regular communication via email 1 Order No. R4-2012-0175 as amended by Order WQ 2015-0075, NPDES Permit No. CAS004001 Waste Discharge Requirements for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Discharges within the Coastal Watersheds of Los Angeles County, except those Discharges Originating from the City of Long Beach. 59 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 2 of 12 and telephone with City staff, periodic meetings with City staff on the status of work progress and to obtain direction from City staff as needed, and internal project management. Subtask 1.2 MS4 Permit Individual Annual Report The MS4 Permit requires the City to submit an Individual Annual Report to the Regional Board by December 15th for the preceding reporting period (July 1st-June 30th). This subtask covers McGowan Consulting’s preparation of the City’s Individual Annual Report based on information in -hand and information to be provided by City staff covering activities implemented during the reporting year. The Tentative Regional Permit specifies that Permittees shall continue annual reporting with format and content similar to the previous permit, therefore a level of effort for this subtask similar to that expended in FY2020-21 is assumed. Within six (6) weeks following the close of the FY2020-21 reporting year, McGowan Consulting will provide City staff a list of information needed to complete the annual report. Information requested may include but is not limited to: • Budgetary information on stormwater expenditures in each required category for FY2020-21 and projected budget for FY2021-22; • Low impact development (LID) project information for private and public development and redevelopment projects planned or completed within the reporting year provided in the County of Los Angeles Watershed Reporting Adaptive Management and Planning System (WRAMPS) spreadsheet format or LID project information form; • Records from contract Building & Safety storm-water related construction inspection and plan check review (including SWPPP/ESCP review and approval); • Public works capital improvement projects related to stormwater; and • Illicit connection and discharge incident results and records, including enforcement actions taken. Given receipt of the requested Individual Annual Report information from City staff as well as monitoring results from the CIMP and Harbor Toxics TMDL in the necessary electronic formats by October 1st, McGowan Consulting will prepare a draft Individual Annual Report for City staff review by November 1st. Following receipt of comments from City staff on the draft report, we will revise and finalize the Individual Annual Report in the form of electronic PDF files for inclusion and submittal to the Regional Board with the Watershed Annual Report. A two-week turnaround for City staff review with a consolidated set of comments, and a single revision of the annual report are assumed. The Individual Annual Report and its supporting files will be provided in electronic format for the City’s records. Subtask 1.2 Deliverables: • Information request for Individual Annual Report • Draft and final Individual Annual Report and supporting files Subtask 1.3 Permit-wide Planning and Coordination This subtask includes time to participate in MS4 Permit Co-Permittee meetings to share information and address Co-Permittee and Watershed Group challenges cooperatively. An allocation of time is provided for attendance at six (6) bi-monthly LA Permit Group Meetings. Time is also allocated to participate in Regional Board meetings and workshops —Regional Board staff anticipates a multi-day permit adoption hearing throughout July 2021 for the new Regional Permit. This subtask also allocates time to track and 60 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 3 of 12 respond to regulatory actions by the Regional Board and State Water Resources Control Board (State Board). The work in this subtask such as reviewing and analyzing the final draft Regional MS4 permit, attending hearings and meetings, and tracking other regulatory actions will be performed in common for McGowan Consulting clients with similar interests and characteristics, and as such the effort assumed in this subtask is reduced based on cost-sharing among multiple municipal clients. Task 2 Public Information and Participation Program Each Co-Permittee is responsible for developing and implementing a Public Information and Participation Program (PIPP) that addresses specific MS4 Permit requirements. Each of the required elements of the PIPP may be met by the City either through a County-wide, watershed group, or individual program approach. Subtask 2.1 PIPP Implementation The City is individually responsible for certain elements of the PIPP that are not appropriate for joint implementation, such as providing information links on its website to stormwater websites that include educational materials and opportunities for the public to participate in stormwater pollution prevention and clean-up activities. This subtask provides an allocation of effort for McGowan Consulting to work with City staff in updating the City’s website content and developing metrics for measuring effectiveness of the PIPP objectives under the Regional MS4 Permit. This subtask also includes an allocation of time to assist City staff in disseminating information to residents through its website and Blue Newsletter to educate and involve them in storm water and non-storm water pollution prevention, outdoor water conservation and sustainable gardening. It is assumed that the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works will continue to implement the following efforts on behalf of the Permittees: maintaining the countywide hotline (888-Clean-LA) and website (888cleanLA.com) for public reporting, broadcasting public service announcem ents and conducting regional advertising campaigns, maintaining the waterforla.com and safecleanwaterla.org websites with regional water resouces information and opportunities for the public to engage in water resources planning, and implementing a County-wide K-12 outreach program. The Peninsula Watershed Management Group (Peninsula WMG) has committed to joint development of certain other elements of the PIPP which are addressed in Subtask 2.3. It is assumed that the City’s solid waste franchisee will continue to disseminate information to residents on proper handling of wastes such as: vehicle waste fluids, household waste materials, construction waste materials, green waste and animal waste. Subtask 2.1 Deliverable: • Memo with recommendations for updating the City’s website content and proposing metrics for tracking effectiveness of the City’s individual PIPP Subtask 2.2 Safe Clean Water Municipal Program The Safe Clean Water (SCW) Program provides dedicated funding to increase local water supply, improve water quality and protect public health with a key goal of supporting municipalities in meeting MS4 Permit water quality objectives. Note that the cost for several tasks (including the optional task) in this 61 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 4 of 12 scope of services are planned to be covered by these funds as denoted by a “+” in the Budget Table and as provided in the City’s SCW Annual Plan for FY2021-22. Transparency and public accountability are integral to the SCW Program. The City receives its 40% municipal return of the revenues generated by the SCW parcel tax in August each year and by the preceding April 1 must prepare and submit an annual plan forecasting how the Municipal Program Funds will be spent on eligible expenditures in the upcoming fiscal year. The City has a five-year window to expend each traunch of funds it receives and must also submit an annual Progress/Expenditure Report to the LA County Flood Control District (LACFCD) within six months of the close of the each fiscal year. The first Progress/Expenditure Report covering the City’s SCW expenditures through June 2021 will be due in December 2021 and is expected to include the following information: • A summary of the expenditures and Water Quality, Water Supply, and Community Investment Benefits realized through the City’s use of SCW Municipal Program Funds; • The amount of SCW Municipal Program funds expended; • A description of work accomplished during the reporting period; • The milestones achieved or deliverables completed during the reporting period; • The work anticipated to be accomplished during the next reporting period; • Photo documentation as appropriate; • A description of the City’s stakeholder -engagement activities during the reporting period, including documentation as appropriate The LACFCD will review the City’s Progress/Expenditure Report to make a preliminary determination of whether and to what extent the City’s expenditures achieved SCW Program Goals, and will then forward its preliminary determination to the Regional Oversight Committee who will also review the City’s Annual Program/Expenditure Report and develop recommendations as appropriate for the LA County Board of Supervisors and the City. This subtask provides an allocation of effort for McGowan Consulting to prepare the first Progress/Expenditure Report for the City due in December 2021 covering SCW Municipal expenditures through June 2021 and to prepare the City’s Annual Plan for FY2022-23 due by April 1, 2022 with direction, information and review by City staff. The LACFCD staff intend to provide municipalities guidance in preparing the SCW Progress/Expenditure Report and use of the online reporting tool, however this guidance and reporting tool access has not yet been provided thus the level of effort for this subtask is uncertain. It is assumed that City staff will be responsible for adherence to the SCW Program financial documentation and audit requirements, compliance with revenue transfer agreement requirements, operation in accordance with best practices and strict accountability for funds, receipts and disbursements as delineated in the SCW Municipal Program Transfer Agreement. Subtask 2.2 Deliverables: 62 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 5 of 12 • Draft and final Progress/Expenditure Report documenting actual expenditures of the City’s SCW Municipal funds through June 2021. • Draft and final Annual Plan describing SCW Municipal Program budget and planned expenditures for FY2022-23 fiscal year Task 2.3 Develop and Update Joint Outreach Content The Peninsula WMG, jointly with the Beach Cities WMG, has been developing and posting stormwater outreach website content via the South Bay Cities Council of Governments (SBCCOG) Environmental Services Center program pages to meet MS4 Permit requirements. This outreach program has been managed and facilitated by McGowan Consulting through contracted services with the Environmental Services Center staff of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments and through contracted services for graphic design to create content and enhance the messaging and reach of the website content. During FY2021-22 McGowan Consulting will begin working with the WMGs and SBCCOG to develop metrics for measuring effectiveness of the the joint outreach program to meet the new objectives required by the Regional MS4 Permit. Additionally, in FY2021-22 the scope of this subtask is anticipated to include development of revised webpage content and layout for the existing Environmentally Friendly Landscaping, Gardening and Pest Control webpages as a result of SBCCOG’s planned change to a new website platform and layout. We also anticipate the development of new South Bay Rainwater Harvesting webpage content to accompany the South Bay Homeowner’s Guide to Rainwater Harvesting which was completed in FY2020-21. It is assumed that McGowan Consulting’s level of effort and supporting contract services for this subtask will be similar to that in FY2020-21 and will be offset through combined work for the Beach Cities WMG including shared contracting costs for graphic desig n and website hosting. An allocation is included in the cost estimate for the City’s share of contracted costs for website hosting and graphic design to support this outreach. Task 4 Planning & Land Development and Development Construction Programs The Planning and Land Development provisions of the MS4 Permit require the City to ensure that private development and redevelopment projects provide for permanent measures to reduce storm water pollutant loads from the development site by conditioning approval of these projects with low impact development (LID) requirements. The City is also responsible for requiring that its qualifying capital improvement projects incorporate LID requirements and/or the City’s Green Street Policy as applicable. Furthermore, the Development Construction provisions of the MS4 Permit require the City to ensure that development and redevelopment projects including its own capital improvement projects implement measures to reduce storm water pollutant loads from the developme nt site during construction. Subtask 4.1 Planning & Land Development and Construction Programs Support Minor revisions to the Rolling Hills Muncipal Code (RHMC) Chapter 8.32, Stormwater Management and Pollution Control, are anticipated following the issuance of the Regional MS4 Permit to align RHMC with 63 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 6 of 12 changes to MS4 Permit requirements. Additionally, as discussed in Subtask 4.2, the City is contemplating strengthening the hydromodifications control provisions in RHMC 8.32.095.B.5(b). This subtask includes time for McGowan Consulting to prepare a draft set of changes to RHMC 8.32 to incorporate proposed changes to the hydromodification provisions as well as the minor changes to align with the adopted Regional MS4 Permit. One revision based on consolidated comments received from the Director of Community Development and City Attorney is assumed. This subtask also allocates time for conducting a training session for City staff on the Planning & Land Development and Construction Program requirements following adoption of the Regional MS4 Permit. For the Development Construction Program, this subtask includes time for McGowan Consulting to track and review reporting via the State Board’s online SMARTS system by construction sites disturbing 1 acre or more within the City. It is assumed that the City is utilizing contract Building and Safety inspectors trained in MS4 Permit inspection procedures to carry out inspections of construction sites at frequencies consist ent with MS4 Permit requirements. The small site construction brochure previously developed jointly by the Peninsula and Beach Cities WMGs is targeted at small construction sites and can be used by contract Building & Safety staff and City staff to educate and enforce these requirements. Additionally, for construction sites disturbing 1 acre or greater, it is assumed that the City is utilizing Building and Safety inspectors trained in the State Board’s Construction General Permit Qualified SWPPP Practitioner Program for stormwater inspections and plan reviews. Subtask 4.1 Deliverables: • Draft and final changes to the City’s stormwater chapter of the municipal code • Training for City Planning and Management staff on the Regional MS4 Permit Planning and Land Development provisions Subtask 4.2 Hydromodification Control Provisions McGowan Consulting understands that the City intends to strengthen the hydromodification control provisions in RHMC 8.32.095.B.5(b) applicable to new and redevelopment projects in order to increase protections for downstream property owners and habitat in natural drainage courses. We previously prepared a memorandum outlining options for increasing the stringency of these provisions within the current regulatory framework of the MS4 Permit and the Los Angeles County code 12.84.445 Hydromodification. This subtask allocates effort for McGowan Consulting to support the City’s consensus-building and decision-making process for modifying the hydromodification control provisions. Under this subtask, McGowan Consulting will prepare a slide presentation to assist City staff in presenting and discussing the options with the City Council and facilitating the formation of a consensus approach. It is assumed that City staff will conduct follow up meetings and facilitate discussions with the City Council and Planning Commission as needed to arrive at a final consensus approach to be translated as appropriate into RHMC 8.32.095.B.5(b) as discussed in Subtask 4.1. 64 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 7 of 12 Subtask 4.2 Deliverable: • Presentation on hydromodification controls Task 5 Public Agency Activities Program The Public Agency Activities program focuses on municipal facilities and activities , requiring implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to minimize water quality impacts. The City is responsible for ensuring that municipal facilities and municipal contract service providers incorporate and implement appropriate BMPs in accordance with the MS4 Permit. This includes municipal solid waste and landscape maintenance contractors as well as Rolling Hills Community Association staff with responsibility for the maintenance of City-owned and/or operated facilities. An interactive training for management staff will be developed and delivered to familiarize staff with the modified requirements of the Regional MS4 Permit and to plan for implementation of these provisions. An allocation of time is also included for assisting management staff in implementing the new provisions. It is assumed that municipal contract service providers whose interactions, jobs, and activities affect stormwater quality will self-certify that their staff have been provided annual MS4 Permit training, or participate in the training provided for management staff . Task 5 Deliverable: • Interactive training presentation for senior management staff Task 6 Support for Illicit Discharge Elimination During FY2021-22 this task provides an allocation of time as needed to support City staff in implementing the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) program to identify the source of reported or suspected illicit discharges as they may arise, and in taking measures to eliminate confirmed illicit discharges as needed. Although the City’s IDDE procedures manual must be updated once per permit term, it is assumed that such an update will be made during FY2022-23 in the year following adoption of the Regional MS4 Permit and is excluded from this scope of services. It is assumed that training on the requirements of the IDDE program will be included in the trainings discussed in Task 5. Task 7 Watershed Group Planning and CIMP and TMDL Implementation The Peninsula Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP) is being implemented cooperatively by the Peninsula WMG through an MOU and contract services administered by the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. The Peninsula WMG meets monthly to coordinate compliance monitoring, reporting, and implementation activities for both the Peninsula CIMP and TMDLs. A new CIMP contractor will be assuming responsibility for monitoring during reporting year 2021-22 while the outgoing CIMP contractor will retain responsibility for completing the Integrated Monitoring Compliance Report covering reporting year 2020-21. Additionally, work may begin on updating and adaptively modifying the CIMP plan. 65 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 8 of 12 The City is also participating in the Harbor Regional Monitoring Coalition MOU to meet its mon itoring obligations under the Greater Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors Toxics TMDL. The Harbor Regional Monitoring Coalition (Harbor RMC) meets quarterly to coordinate TMDL compliance monitoring and reporting in the harbors. Task 7.1 Watershed Group Pl anning This subtask includes representation of the City at twelve (12) Peninsula WMG meetings, including effort for preparation and meeting attendance with McGowan Consulting time assumed to be distributed between three (3) Peninusula municipal clients. This subtask also includes effort to review results of ongoing Harbor Toxics TMDL monitoring activities and to represent the City’s interests at quarterl y monitoring coordination meetings with McGowan Consulting’s time assumed to be distributed between two (2) municipal clients. A level of effort similar to that expended during previous fiscal years is assumed for this subtask. Task 7.2 Alternative Compliance Approach for TMDLs Given the historical low impact character of development standards in the City and the new Sepulveda Canyon monitoring data documenting the retentive capacity of the natural canyons that serve to convey stormwater, McGowan Consulting understands that the City intends to demonstrate compliance with TMDLs by documenting through City-specific stormwater flow and water quality monitoring that water quality targets established in applicable TMDLs are being met by the City. This subtask allocates time for McGowan Consulting to assist the City in assessing monitoring data, coordinating with Regional Board staff, and building the case to demonstrate compliance with TMDLs. First, McGowan Consulting will draft a letter to Regional Board staff stating the City’s intent to withdraw from the previously submitted joint requests for time schedule orders for the Machado Lake Nutrients and Pesticides & PCBs TMDLs submitted by the Peninsula WMG. Second, upon adoption of the Regional MS4 Permit, we will draft a letter to Regional Board staff requesting that the City receive an extension of time to submit a notice of intent to join the Peninsula Enhanced Watershed Management Program (EWMP). This request will be based on the justification that an additional year of City-specific water quality and flow monitoring is necessary to determine whether compliance can be demonstrated by meeting numeric water quality limitations in the City’s runoff or whether joining the Peninsula EWMP in order to avail itself of deemed compliance with TMDLs based on retention of runoff from the 85th % 24- hr rainfall event is the appropriate action for the City. This subtask also provides an allocation of time to coordinate with the City’s monitoring contractor during the second year of Sepulveda Canyon monitoring and to review and comment on a technical memorandum to be prepared by the City’s monitoring contractor evaluating the hydrologic retention capacity of City’s natural canyon syst em. This subtask also provides an allocation of time for communication with Regional Board staff on the timing of submittal of the notice of intent and possible revision of the Peninsula EWMP to incorporate the City. Based on Regional Board staff’s response and/or the results of the second year of monitoring data, and if directed by City staff, McGowan Consulting will prepare a letter notifying the Regional Board of the City’s intent to join the Peninsula EWMP (Notice of Intent). This subtask also provides an allocation 66 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 9 of 12 of time for McGowan Consulting to prepare updates for City Council as directed by City staff on these matters. Subask 7.2 Deliverables: • Draft letter to Regional Board withdrawing City’s prior requests for time schedule order s for Machado Lake Nutrient TMDL and Machado Lake Pesticides & PCBs TMDL • Draft letter to Regional Board requesting an extension of time to submit a notice of intent to join the Peninsula EWMP • Draft letter notifying Regional Board of City’s intent to join the Peninsula EWMP (Notice of Intent) Optional Subtask 7.3 Revision of Peninsula EWMP to Include City Preliminary results from the City’s Sepulveda Canyon monitoring study initiated during FY 2020-21 indicates that this natural canyon drainage system effectively retains at least the 85 th %, 24-hour storm runoff volume, and, based on the results of the second year of monitoring and the technical memorandum to be prepared by the City’s monitoring contractor, this retention performance may be extrapolated to the City as a whole. The MS4 Permit provides deemed compliance with TMDLs if a Permittee retains all non-stormwater and all stormwater up to and including the volume equivalent to the 85th percentile, 24-hour event for the drainage area tributary to the applicable receiving water provided a Permittee is implementing all actions and schedules in an approved EWMP. In order to avail itself of this deemed compliance approach the City would need to join the Peninsula EWMP, and to do so the Peninsula EWMP would need to be revised to include the City . This revision would not require an update to the Reasonable Assurance Analysis (RAA) since 85 th %, 24-hr storm runoff volume capture areas are excluded from the RAA modeling requirement. If directed by City staff, i.e., at the City’s option, this subtask allocates effort for McGowan Consulting to revise relevant sections of the Peninsula EWMP document to include the City as an 85 th %, 24-hour stormwater capture area within the Peninsula EWMP area. This will require revision of multiple sections, tables and figures throughout this lengthy document. The techncila memorandum prepared by the City’s Sepulveda Canyon monitoring contractor will be added as an appendix to the Pe ninsula EWMP for documentation of the City’s 85%, 24-hr runoff retention. It is assumed that the Peninsula WMG will provide McGowan Consulting the Microsoft Word® version of the Peninsula EWMP for our use in peforming this subtask. A draft version of the Peninsula EWMP revised to incorporate the City will be provided in Microsoft Word® with changes tracked for City staff and Peninsula WMG members’ review. One round of revisions to incorporate combined comments from City staff and Peninsula WMG members is assumed. Subtask 7.3 Deliverables: • Draft revision of Peninsula EWMP with changes tracked • Final revision of Peninsula EWMP and with changes tracked 67 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 10 of 12 Cost Estimate McGowan Consulting will conduct the work effort described in the foregoing Scope of Services for an amount not to exceed $75,545 for all tasks exclusive of Subtask 7.3, and for an additional cost not to exceed $23,550 for optional Subtask 7.3 as detailed in the attached Budget Table and Rate Schedule. In order to provide a measure of flexibility to best meet the needs of the City and given the nature of regulatory uncertainty at this time, it is understood that reallocation of level of effort between tasks and subtasks may occur so long as the total contract amount is not exceeded. When possible, consulting time for attending meetings and performing tasks in common for clients will be distributed between two or more clients, thereby reducing individual costs to each client. Tasks and subtasks where labor effort has been reduced due to an assumption of work performed in common for more than one client are identified with an asterisk (*) in the budget table. Invoices will be submitted based on actual effort expended in accordance with the Rate Schedule for FY2021-22. Labor rates shown in the Rate Schedule include automobile mileage, parking fees, and routine printing and copying. Other direct costs chargeable to the project may include: subcontracted webpage hosting, graphic design, illustration and translation services; report reproduction and binding; courier services; and other direct project costs not specifically included in labor rates. McGowan Consulting will inform City staff of changing requirements and emerging issues as part of regular communication. It is the nature of regulatory-driven programs to be subject to uncertainty and unpredictable events such as changes in regulatory requirements with the issuance of the Regional MS4 Permit, new/emerging regulatory issues, enforcement action, or significant addi tional support needed by City staff that was unanticipated. If such unpredictable event(s) or needs arise, we are prepared to assist the City and, if necessary and at City staff’s direction, we will submit a request for an authorization for scope change to provide the City with additional consulting services to meet the need. 68 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 11 of 12 Budget Table MS4 Permit Consulting Services FY2021-22 Task Description Labor Hours Estimated Cost 1.1 Coordination, Communication and Project Management 52 $ 8,320 1.2 MS4 Permit Individual Annual Report 50 $ 8,000 1.3 Permit-wide Planning and Coordination * 35 $ 5,495 2.1 Public Information & Participation Program Implementation 30 $ 4,530 2.2 Safe Clean Water Municipal Program * + 50 $ 7,950 2.3 Develop and Update Joint Outreach Content * 20 $ 3,020 4.1 Planning & Land Development and Construction Support 54 $ 8,640 4.2 Hydromodification Control Provisions + 30 $ 4,800 5 Public Agency Activities Program 36 $ 5,544 6 Support for Illicit Discharge Elimination 8 $ 1,232 7.1 Watershed Group Planning * 45 $ 7,065 7.2 Alternative Compliance Approach for TMDLs 57 $ 8,949 Other Direct Costs - Includes subcontracted website hosting by SBCCOG and graphic design and layout for outreach materials * $ 2,000 Total Estimated Costs (excluding optional subtask 7.3) $ 75,545 7.3 (Optional) Revise Peninsula EWMP to Include City + 150 $ 23,550 * estimate assumes cost savings due to work performed in common for more than one client + indicates costs to be covered by the SCW Municipal Program Funds 69 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 12 of 12 McGowan Consulting, LLC Labor Rates Contract Year 2021-222 Professional/Staff Rates Principal $168 per hour Sr. Scientist $139 per hour Staff Scientist $60 per hour Expenses Labor rates include: automobile mileage within greater Los Angeles and Orange County area, parking, routine printing and copying Other direct costs chargeable to the project include: graphic layout and illustration, webpage design and hosting, translation services, report reproduction and binding, courier services, blueprint services, graphics services, project -specific publications, and any other direct project costs not included in the labor rates. 2 Labor rates to be adjusted annually based on increases in the Consumer Price Index for the Los Angeles area as calculated by the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics 70 65277.00001\34041924.1 FOURTH AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This Fourth Amendment to Professional Services Agreement is entered into by and between the City of Rolling Hills, a municipal corporation ("City") and McGowan Consulting LLC ("Consultant") upon full, written execution by both parties. RECITALS A. City and Consultant are parties to that Professional Services Agreement dated July 15, 2015 (the "Agreement") by which City engaged Consultant for environmental consulting services pertaining to the implementation of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit (MS4) and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) implementation under the requirements of the Federal Clean Water Act. B. The Agreement has been amended by a First Amendment to the Agreement dated July 26, 2018 (the “First Amendment”), a Second Amendment to the Agreement dated April 17, 2019 (the “Second Amendment”) and a Third Amendment to Agreement dated July 29, 2020 (the “Third Amendment”) by which City extended Consultant’s engagement to perform MS4 permit consulting services. C. City and Consultant now desire to further amend the Agreement for a fourth time in order to engage Consultant to perform MS4 permit consulting services for the 2021-2022 fiscal year and to establish compensation for such services. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the Agreement is amended as follows: A. Section 1 "SCOPE OF WORK" of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: CONSULTANT shall perform all work necessary to complete in a manner satisfactory to CITY the services set forth in the scope of work attached as Exhibit A, and incorporated herein by this reference, including Optional Task 7.3 in Part 1 of the scope of work. B. Section 3 “COST” of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: The CITY agrees to pay CONSULTANT for all the work or any part of the work performed under this Agreement at the rates and in the manner established in the Budget Table in the attached Exhibit A. Total expenditures under this Fourth Amendment shall not exceed the sum of $99,095.00 (inclusive of Subtask 7.3) for FY 2021-22. This fee includes automobile mileage, parking fees, routine printing and copying, photography, travel, attendance at meetings and routine miscellaneous costs incurred during the term. No increase in fees will be allowed during the life of this Fourth Amendment. Any increase in contract amount or scope shall be by express written amendment approved by the City Manager and CONSULTANT. 71 65277.00001\34041924.1 Except as above modified, in all other respects the Agreement as previously amended is hereby affirmed and in full force and effect. ATTEST CITY OF ROLLING HILLS __________________________________ ___________________________________ Janely Sandoval, City Clerk Date ELAINE JENG Date MCGOWAN CONSULTING, LLC ___________________________________ KATHLEEN MCGOWAN Date 72 Scope of Services – MS4 Permit Consulting FY2021-22 As authorized by the Federal Clean Water Act and the California Porter -Cologne Act, the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit (MS4 Permit) identifies conditions, requirements and programs that municipalities must implement to protect regional water resources from adverse impacts associated with pollutants carried in stormwater runoff via the MS4. Although the 4th Term MS4 Permit1 has expired, the City is obligated to continue to comply with the requirements of that permit, including commitments made in the Palos Verdes Peninsula Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP), until the new Regional MS4 Permit becomes effective (estimated to be in September 2021). Permittees must implement the requirements of the Regional MS4 Permit as of the effective date which is typically 45 days following adoption . Therefore this scope of services assumes that the City will begin implementing the Regional MS4 Permit in fiscal year year 2021-2022 (FY2021-22). The assumed effort to assist the City in preparing for and initiating implementation of the Regional MS4 Permit has been based on the requirements described in the Tentative Regional MS4 Permit issued by Regional Board staff in August 2020 and does not reflect any major differences that may arise between the Tentative Regional MS4 Permit and the final adopted Regional MS4 Permit. While the City may submit a notice of intent (NOI) to join the Palos Verdes Peninsula Enhanced Watershed Management Program (Peninsula EWMP) during FY2021-22, the City would not be required to implement the provisions of the Peninsula EWMP until the updated EWMP is approved by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board), which would likely be during FY2022-23. This scope of services is organized into tasks based on the MS4 Permit program areas. Task 1 - Program Management, Coordination and Individual Reporting Task 2 - Public Information and Participation Program Task 3 - Commercial Facilities Control Program [not applicable to the City] Task 4 - Planning & Land Development and Construction Programs Task 5 - Public Agency Activities Program Task 6 - Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program Task 7 - Watershed Planning and CIMP and TMDL Implementation Task 1 Program Management, Coordination and Individual Reporting The MS4 Permit affects a wide range of municipal activities and requires management and coordination of pollution prevention and implementation activities across municipal functions and among co- permittees. Task 1 is focused on stormwater program management and coordination and annual reporting. Subtask 1.1 Coordination, Communication and Program Management This subtask provides for time to support City staff in managing and coordinating stormwater program planning and implementation throughout the year. This effort includes regular communication via email 1 Order No. R4-2012-0175 as amended by Order WQ 2015-0075, NPDES Permit No. CAS004001 Waste Discharge Requirements for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Discharges within the Coastal Watersheds of Los Angeles County, except those Discharges Originating from the City of Long Beach. EXHIBIT A 73 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 2 of 12 and telephone with City staff, periodic meetings with City staff on the status of work progress and to obtain direction from City staff as needed, and internal project management. Subtask 1.2 MS4 Permit Individual Annual Report The MS4 Permit requires the City to submit an Individual Annual Report to the Regional Board by December 15th for the preceding reporting period (July 1st-June 30th). This subtask covers McGowan Consulting’s preparation of the City’s Individual Annual Report based on information in -hand and information to be provided by City staff covering activities implemented during the reporting year. The Tentative Regional Permit specifies that Permittees shall continue annual reporting with format and content similar to the previous permit, therefore a level of effort for this subtask similar to that expended in FY2020-21 is assumed. Within six (6) weeks following the close of the FY2020-21 reporting year, McGowan Consulting will provide City staff a list of information needed to complete the annual report. Information requested may include but is not limited to: • Budgetary information on stormwater expenditures in each required category for FY2020-21 and projected budget for FY2021-22; • Low impact development (LID) project information for private and public development and redevelopment projects planned or completed within the reporting year provided in the County of Los Angeles Watershed Reporting Adaptive Management and Planning System (WRAMPS) spreadsheet format or LID project information form; • Records from contract Building & Safety storm-water related construction inspection and plan check review (including SWPPP/ESCP review and approval); • Public works capital improvement projects related to stormwater; and • Illicit connection and discharge incident results and records, including enforcement actions taken. Given receipt of the requested Individual Annual Report information from City staff as well as monitoring results from the CIMP and Harbor Toxics TMDL in the necessary electronic formats by October 1st, McGowan Consulting will prepare a draft Individual Annual Report for City staff review by November 1st. Following receipt of comments from City staff on the draft report, we will revise and finalize the Individual Annual Report in the form of electronic PDF files for inclusion and submittal to the Regional Board with the Watershed Annual Report. A two-week turnaround for City staff review with a consolidated set of comments, and a single revision of the annual report are assumed. The Individual Annual Report and its supporting files will be provided in electronic format for the City’s records. Subtask 1.2 Deliverables: • Information request for Individual Annual Report • Draft and final Individual Annual Report and supporting files Subtask 1.3 Permit-wide Planning and Coordination This subtask includes time to participate in MS4 Permit Co-Permittee meetings to share information and address Co-Permittee and Watershed Group challenges cooperatively. An allocation of time is provided for attendance at six (6) bi-monthly LA Permit Group Meetings. Time is also allocated to participate in Regional Board meetings and workshops —Regional Board staff anticipates a multi-day permit adoption hearing throughout July 2021 for the new Regional Permit. This subtask also allocates time to track and 74 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 3 of 12 respond to regulatory actions by the Regional Board and State Water Resources Control Board (State Board). The work in this subtask such as reviewing and analyzing the final draft Regional MS4 permit, attending hearings and meetings, and tracking other regulatory actions will be performed in common for McGowan Consulting clients with similar interests and characteristics, and as such the effort assumed in this subtask is reduced based on cost-sharing among multiple municipal clients. Task 2 Public Information and Participation Program Each Co-Permittee is responsible for developing and implementing a Public Information and Participation Program (PIPP) that addresses specific MS4 Permit requirements. Each of the required elements of the PIPP may be met by the City either through a County-wide, watershed group, or individual program approach. Subtask 2.1 PIPP Implementation The City is individually responsible for certain elements of the PIPP that are not appropriate for joint implementation, such as providing information links on its website to stormwater websites that include educational materials and opportunities for the public to participate in stormwater pollution prevention and clean-up activities. This subtask provides an allocation of effort for McGowan Consulting to work with City staff in updating the City’s website content and developing metrics for measuring effectiveness of the PIPP objectives under the Regional MS4 Permit. This subtask also includes an allocation of time to assist City staff in disseminating information to residents through its website and Blue Newsletter to educate and involve them in storm water and non-storm water pollution prevention, outdoor water conservation and sustainable gardening. It is assumed that the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works will continue to implement the following efforts on behalf of the Permittees: maintaining the countywide hotline (888-Clean-LA) and website (888cleanLA.com) for public reporting, broadcasting public service announcem ents and conducting regional advertising campaigns, maintaining the waterforla.com and safecleanwaterla.org websites with regional water resouces information and opportunities for the public to engage in water resources planning, and implementing a County-wide K-12 outreach program. The Peninsula Watershed Management Group (Peninsula WMG) has committed to joint development of certain other elements of the PIPP which are addressed in Subtask 2.3. It is assumed that the City’s solid waste franchisee will continue to disseminate information to residents on proper handling of wastes such as: vehicle waste fluids, household waste materials, construction waste materials, green waste and animal waste. Subtask 2.1 Deliverable: • Memo with recommendations for updating the City’s website content and proposing metrics for tracking effectiveness of the City’s individual PIPP Subtask 2.2 Safe Clean Water Municipal Program The Safe Clean Water (SCW) Program provides dedicated funding to increase local water supply, improve water quality and protect public health with a key goal of supporting municipalities in meeting MS4 Permit water quality objectives. Note that the cost for several tasks (including the optional task) in this 75 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 4 of 12 scope of services are planned to be covered by these funds as denoted by a “+” in the Budget Table and as provided in the City’s SCW Annual Plan for FY2021-22. Transparency and public accountability are integral to the SCW Program. The City receives its 40% municipal return of the revenues generated by the SCW parcel tax in August each year and by the preceding April 1 must prepare and submit an annual plan forecasting how the Municipal Program Funds will be spent on eligible expenditures in the upcoming fiscal year. The City has a five-year window to expend each traunch of funds it receives and must also submit an annual Progress/Expenditure Report to the LA County Flood Control District (LACFCD) within six months of the close of the each fiscal year. The first Progress/Expenditure Report covering the City’s SCW expenditures through June 2021 will be due in December 2021 and is expected to include the following information: • A summary of the expenditures and Water Quality, Water Supply, and Community Investment Benefits realized through the City’s use of SCW Municipal Program Funds; • The amount of SCW Municipal Program funds expended; • A description of work accomplished during the reporting period; • The milestones achieved or deliverables completed during the reporting period; • The work anticipated to be accomplished during the next reporting period; • Photo documentation as appropriate; • A description of the City’s stakeholder -engagement activities during the reporting period, including documentation as appropriate The LACFCD will review the City’s Progress/Expenditure Report to make a preliminary determination of whether and to what extent the City’s expenditures achieved SCW Program Goals, and will then forward its preliminary determination to the Regional Oversight Committee who will also review the City’s Annual Program/Expenditure Report and develop recommendations as appropriate for the LA County Board of Supervisors and the City. This subtask provides an allocation of effort for McGowan Consulting to prepare the first Progress/Expenditure Report for the City due in December 2021 covering SCW Municipal expenditures through June 2021 and to prepare the City’s Annual Plan for FY2022-23 due by April 1, 2022 with direction, information and review by City staff. The LACFCD staff intend to provide municipalities guidance in preparing the SCW Progress/Expenditure Report and use of the online reporting tool, however this guidance and reporting tool access has not yet been provided thus the level of effort for this subtask is uncertain. It is assumed that City staff will be responsible for adherence to the SCW Program financial documentation and audit requirements, compliance with revenue transfer agreement requirements, operation in accordance with best practices and strict accountability for funds, receipts and disbursements as delineated in the SCW Municipal Program Transfer Agreement. Subtask 2.2 Deliverables: 76 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 5 of 12 • Draft and final Progress/Expenditure Report documenting actual expenditures of the City’s SCW Municipal funds through June 2021. • Draft and final Annual Plan describing SCW Municipal Program budget and planned expenditures for FY2022-23 fiscal year Task 2.3 Develop and Update Joint Outreach Content The Peninsula WMG, jointly with the Beach Cities WMG, has been developing and posting stormwater outreach website content via the South Bay Cities Council of Governments (SBCCOG) Environmental Services Center program pages to meet MS4 Permit requirements. This outreach program has been managed and facilitated by McGowan Consulting through contracted services with the Environmental Services Center staff of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments and through contracted services for graphic design to create content and enhance the messaging and reach of the website content. During FY2021-22 McGowan Consulting will begin working with the WMGs and SBCCOG to develop metrics for measuring effectiveness of the the joint outreach program to meet the new objectives required by the Regional MS4 Permit. Additionally, in FY2021-22 the scope of this subtask is anticipated to include development of revised webpage content and layout for the existing Environmentally Friendly Landscaping, Gardening and Pest Control webpages as a result of SBCCOG’s planned change to a new website platform and layout. We also anticipate the development of new South Bay Rainwater Harvesting webpage content to accompany the South Bay Homeowner’s Guide to Rainwater Harvesting which was completed in FY2020-21. It is assumed that McGowan Consulting’s level of effort and supporting contract services for this subtask will be similar to that in FY2020-21 and will be offset through combined work for the Beach Cities WMG including shared contracting costs for graphic desig n and website hosting. An allocation is included in the cost estimate for the City’s share of contracted costs for website hosting and graphic design to support this outreach. Task 4 Planning & Land Development and Development Construction Programs The Planning and Land Development provisions of the MS4 Permit require the City to ensure that private development and redevelopment projects provide for permanent measures to reduce storm water pollutant loads from the development site by conditioning approval of these projects with low impact development (LID) requirements. The City is also responsible for requiring that its qualifying capital improvement projects incorporate LID requirements and/or the City’s Green Street Policy as applicable. Furthermore, the Development Construction provisions of the MS4 Permit require the City to ensure that development and redevelopment projects including its own capital improvement projects implement measures to reduce storm water pollutant loads from the developme nt site during construction. Subtask 4.1 Planning & Land Development and Construction Programs Support Minor revisions to the Rolling Hills Muncipal Code (RHMC) Chapter 8.32, Stormwater Management and Pollution Control, are anticipated following the issuance of the Regional MS4 Permit to align RHMC with 77 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 6 of 12 changes to MS4 Permit requirements. Additionally, as discussed in Subtask 4.2, the City is contemplating strengthening the hydromodifications control provisions in RHMC 8.32.095.B.5(b). This subtask includes time for McGowan Consulting to prepare a draft set of changes to RHMC 8.32 to incorporate proposed changes to the hydromodification provisions as well as the minor changes to align with the adopted Regional MS4 Permit. One revision based on consolidated comments received from the Director of Community Development and City Attorney is assumed. This subtask also allocates time for conducting a training session for City staff on the Planning & Land Development and Construction Program requirements following adoption of the Regional MS4 Permit. For the Development Construction Program, this subtask includes time for McGowan Consulting to track and review reporting via the State Board’s online SMARTS system by construction sites disturbing 1 acre or more within the City. It is assumed that the City is utilizing contract Building and Safety inspectors trained in MS4 Permit inspection procedures to carry out inspections of construction sites at frequencies consist ent with MS4 Permit requirements. The small site construction brochure previously developed jointly by the Peninsula and Beach Cities WMGs is targeted at small construction sites and can be used by contract Building & Safety staff and City staff to educate and enforce these requirements. Additionally, for construction sites disturbing 1 acre or greater, it is assumed that the City is utilizing Building and Safety inspectors trained in the State Board’s Construction General Permit Qualified SWPPP Practitioner Program for stormwater inspections and plan reviews. Subtask 4.1 Deliverables: • Draft and final changes to the City’s stormwater chapter of the municipal code • Training for City Planning and Management staff on the Regional MS4 Permit Planning and Land Development provisions Subtask 4.2 Hydromodification Control Provisions McGowan Consulting understands that the City intends to strengthen the hydromodification control provisions in RHMC 8.32.095.B.5(b) applicable to new and redevelopment projects in order to increase protections for downstream property owners and habitat in natural drainage courses. We previously prepared a memorandum outlining options for increasing the stringency of these provisions within the current regulatory framework of the MS4 Permit and the Los Angeles County code 12.84.445 Hydromodification. This subtask allocates effort for McGowan Consulting to support the City’s consensus-building and decision-making process for modifying the hydromodification control provisions. Under this subtask, McGowan Consulting will prepare a slide presentation to assist City staff in presenting and discussing the options with the City Council and facilitating the formation of a consensus approach. It is assumed that City staff will conduct follow up meetings and facilitate discussions with the City Council and Planning Commission as needed to arrive at a final consensus approach to be translated as appropriate into RHMC 8.32.095.B.5(b) as discussed in Subtask 4.1. 78 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 7 of 12 Subtask 4.2 Deliverable: • Presentation on hydromodification controls Task 5 Public Agency Activities Program The Public Agency Activities program focuses on municipal facilities and activities , requiring implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to minimize water quality impacts. The City is responsible for ensuring that municipal facilities and municipal contract service providers incorporate and implement appropriate BMPs in accordance with the MS4 Permit. This includes municipal solid waste and landscape maintenance contractors as well as Rolling Hills Community Association staff with responsibility for the maintenance of City-owned and/or operated facilities. An interactive training for management staff will be developed and delivered to familiarize staff with the modified requirements of the Regional MS4 Permit and to plan for implementation of these provisions. An allocation of time is also included for assisting management staff in implementing the new provisions. It is assumed that municipal contract service providers whose interactions, jobs, and activities affect stormwater quality will self-certify that their staff have been provided annual MS4 Permit training, or participate in the training provided for management staff . Task 5 Deliverable: • Interactive training presentation for senior management staff Task 6 Support for Illicit Discharge Elimination During FY2021-22 this task provides an allocation of time as needed to support City staff in implementing the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) program to identify the source of reported or suspected illicit discharges as they may arise, and in taking measures to eliminate confirmed illicit discharges as needed. Although the City’s IDDE procedures manual must be updated once per permit term, it is assumed that such an update will be made during FY2022-23 in the year following adoption of the Regional MS4 Permit and is excluded from this scope of services. It is assumed that training on the requirements of the IDDE program will be included in the trainings discussed in Task 5. Task 7 Watershed Group Planning and CIMP and TMDL Implementation The Peninsula Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP) is being implemented cooperatively by the Peninsula WMG through an MOU and contract services administered by the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. The Peninsula WMG meets monthly to coordinate compliance monitoring, reporting, and implementation activities for both the Peninsula CIMP and TMDLs. A new CIMP contractor will be assuming responsibility for monitoring during reporting year 2021-22 while the outgoing CIMP contractor will retain responsibility for completing the Integrated Monitoring Compliance Report covering reporting year 2020-21. Additionally, work may begin on updating and adaptively modifying the CIMP plan. 79 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 8 of 12 The City is also participating in the Harbor Regional Monitoring Coalition MOU to meet its mon itoring obligations under the Greater Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors Toxics TMDL. The Harbor Regional Monitoring Coalition (Harbor RMC) meets quarterly to coordinate TMDL compliance monitoring and reporting in the harbors. Task 7.1 Watershed Group Pl anning This subtask includes representation of the City at twelve (12) Peninsula WMG meetings, including effort for preparation and meeting attendance with McGowan Consulting time assumed to be distributed between three (3) Peninusula municipal clients. This subtask also includes effort to review results of ongoing Harbor Toxics TMDL monitoring activities and to represent the City’s interests at quarterl y monitoring coordination meetings with McGowan Consulting’s time assumed to be distributed between two (2) municipal clients. A level of effort similar to that expended during previous fiscal years is assumed for this subtask. Task 7.2 Alternative Compliance Approach for TMDLs Given the historical low impact character of development standards in the City and the new Sepulveda Canyon monitoring data documenting the retentive capacity of the natural canyons that serve to convey stormwater, McGowan Consulting understands that the City intends to demonstrate compliance with TMDLs by documenting through City-specific stormwater flow and water quality monitoring that water quality targets established in applicable TMDLs are being met by the City. This subtask allocates time for McGowan Consulting to assist the City in assessing monitoring data, coordinating with Regional Board staff, and building the case to demonstrate compliance with TMDLs. First, McGowan Consulting will draft a letter to Regional Board staff stating the City’s intent to withdraw from the previously submitted joint requests for time schedule orders for the Machado Lake Nutrients and Pesticides & PCBs TMDLs submitted by the Peninsula WMG. Second, upon adoption of the Regional MS4 Permit, we will draft a letter to Regional Board staff requesting that the City receive an extension of time to submit a notice of intent to join the Peninsula Enhanced Watershed Management Program (EWMP). This request will be based on the justification that an additional year of City-specific water quality and flow monitoring is necessary to determine whether compliance can be demonstrated by meeting numeric water quality limitations in the City’s runoff or whether joining the Peninsula EWMP in order to avail itself of deemed compliance with TMDLs based on retention of runoff from the 85th % 24- hr rainfall event is the appropriate action for the City. This subtask also provides an allocation of time to coordinate with the City’s monitoring contractor during the second year of Sepulveda Canyon monitoring and to review and comment on a technical memorandum to be prepared by the City’s monitoring contractor evaluating the hydrologic retention capacity of City’s natural canyon syst em. This subtask also provides an allocation of time for communication with Regional Board staff on the timing of submittal of the notice of intent and possible revision of the Peninsula EWMP to incorporate the City. Based on Regional Board staff’s response and/or the results of the second year of monitoring data, and if directed by City staff, McGowan Consulting will prepare a letter notifying the Regional Board of the City’s intent to join the Peninsula EWMP (Notice of Intent). This subtask also provides an allocation 80 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 9 of 12 of time for McGowan Consulting to prepare updates for City Council as directed by City staff on these matters. Subask 7.2 Deliverables: • Draft letter to Regional Board withdrawing City’s prior requests for time schedule order s for Machado Lake Nutrient TMDL and Machado Lake Pesticides & PCBs TMDL • Draft letter to Regional Board requesting an extension of time to submit a notice of intent to join the Peninsula EWMP • Draft letter notifying Regional Board of City’s intent to join the Peninsula EWMP (Notice of Intent) Optional Subtask 7.3 Revision of Peninsula EWMP to Include City Preliminary results from the City’s Sepulveda Canyon monitoring study initiated during FY 2020-21 indicates that this natural canyon drainage system effectively retains at least the 85 th %, 24-hour storm runoff volume, and, based on the results of the second year of monitoring and the technical memorandum to be prepared by the City’s monitoring contractor, this retention performance may be extrapolated to the City as a whole. The MS4 Permit provides deemed compliance with TMDLs if a Permittee retains all non-stormwater and all stormwater up to and including the volume equivalent to the 85th percentile, 24-hour event for the drainage area tributary to the applicable receiving water provided a Permittee is implementing all actions and schedules in an approved EWMP. In order to avail itself of this deemed compliance approach the City would need to join the Peninsula EWMP, and to do so the Peninsula EWMP would need to be revised to include the City . This revision would not require an update to the Reasonable Assurance Analysis (RAA) since 85 th %, 24-hr storm runoff volume capture areas are excluded from the RAA modeling requirement. If directed by City staff, i.e., at the City’s option, this subtask allocates effort for McGowan Consulting to revise relevant sections of the Peninsula EWMP document to include the City as an 85 th %, 24-hour stormwater capture area within the Peninsula EWMP area. This will require revision of multiple sections, tables and figures throughout this lengthy document. The techncila memorandum prepared by the City’s Sepulveda Canyon monitoring contractor will be added as an appendix to the Pe ninsula EWMP for documentation of the City’s 85%, 24-hr runoff retention. It is assumed that the Peninsula WMG will provide McGowan Consulting the Microsoft Word® version of the Peninsula EWMP for our use in peforming this subtask. A draft version of the Peninsula EWMP revised to incorporate the City will be provided in Microsoft Word® with changes tracked for City staff and Peninsula WMG members’ review. One round of revisions to incorporate combined comments from City staff and Peninsula WMG members is assumed. Subtask 7.3 Deliverables: • Draft revision of Peninsula EWMP with changes tracked • Final revision of Peninsula EWMP and with changes tracked 81 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 10 of 12 Cost Estimate McGowan Consulting will conduct the work effort described in the foregoing Scope of Services for an amount not to exceed $75,545 for all tasks exclusive of Subtask 7.3, and for an additional cost not to exceed $23,550 for optional Subtask 7.3 as detailed in the attached Budget Table and Rate Schedule. In order to provide a measure of flexibility to best meet the needs of the City and given the nature of regulatory uncertainty at this time, it is understood that reallocation of level of effort between tasks and subtasks may occur so long as the total contract amount is not exceeded. When possible, consulting time for attending meetings and performing tasks in common for clients will be distributed between two or more clients, thereby reducing individual costs to each client. Tasks and subtasks where labor effort has been reduced due to an assumption of work performed in common for more than one client are identified with an asterisk (*) in the budget table. Invoices will be submitted based on actual effort expended in accordance with the Rate Schedule for FY2021-22. Labor rates shown in the Rate Schedule include automobile mileage, parking fees, and routine printing and copying. Other direct costs chargeable to the project may include: subcontracted webpage hosting, graphic design, illustration and translation services; report reproduction and binding; courier services; and other direct project costs not specifically included in labor rates. McGowan Consulting will inform City staff of changing requirements and emerging issues as part of regular communication. It is the nature of regulatory-driven programs to be subject to uncertainty and unpredictable events such as changes in regulatory requirements with the issuance of the Regional MS4 Permit, new/emerging regulatory issues, enforcement action, or significant addi tional support needed by City staff that was unanticipated. If such unpredictable event(s) or needs arise, we are prepared to assist the City and, if necessary and at City staff’s direction, we will submit a request for an authorization for scope change to provide the City with additional consulting services to meet the need. 82 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 11 of 12 Budget Table MS4 Permit Consulting Services FY2021-22 Task Description Labor Hours Estimated Cost 1.1 Coordination, Communication and Project Management 52 $ 8,320 1.2 MS4 Permit Individual Annual Report 50 $ 8,000 1.3 Permit-wide Planning and Coordination * 35 $ 5,495 2.1 Public Information & Participation Program Implementation 30 $ 4,530 2.2 Safe Clean Water Municipal Program * + 50 $ 7,950 2.3 Develop and Update Joint Outreach Content * 20 $ 3,020 4.1 Planning & Land Development and Construction Support 54 $ 8,640 4.2 Hydromodification Control Provisions + 30 $ 4,800 5 Public Agency Activities Program 36 $ 5,544 6 Support for Illicit Discharge Elimination 8 $ 1,232 7.1 Watershed Group Planning * 45 $ 7,065 7.2 Alternative Compliance Approach for TMDLs 57 $ 8,949 Other Direct Costs - Includes subcontracted website hosting by SBCCOG and graphic design and layout for outreach materials * $ 2,000 Total Estimated Costs (excluding optional subtask 7.3) $ 75,545 7.3 (Optional) Revise Peninsula EWMP to Include City + 150 $ 23,550 * estimate assumes cost savings due to work performed in common for more than one client + indicates costs to be covered by the SCW Municipal Program Funds 83 McGowan Consulting, LLC ROLLING HILLS MS4 PERMIT CONSULTING FY2021-22 Page 12 of 12 McGowan Consulting, LLC Labor Rates Contract Year 2021-222 Professional/Staff Rates Principal $168 per hour Sr. Scientist $139 per hour Staff Scientist $60 per hour Expenses Labor rates include: automobile mileage within greater Los Angeles and Orange County area, parking, routine printing and copying Other direct costs chargeable to the project include: graphic layout and illustration, webpage design and hosting, translation services, report reproduction and binding, courier services, blueprint services, graphics services, project -specific publications, and any other direct project costs not included in the labor rates. 2 Labor rates to be adjusted annually based on increases in the Consumer Price Index for the Los Angeles area as calculated by the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics 84 Agenda Item No.: 5.G Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:JANELY SANDOVAL, CITY CLERK THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:DESIGNATE VOTING DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE VOTING DELEGATE TO THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 22-24 TO BE HELD IN SACRAMENTO, CA. DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: On June 19, 2021, staff received a letter from the California League of Cities requesting the designation of voting delegates and alternates to participate in the League's 2021 Annual Conference scheduled for September 22-24 in Sacramento, California. The Annual Business Meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 24. At this meeting, the League membership considers and takes action on resolutions that establish League policy. In order to vote at the Annual Business Meeting, the City Council must designate a voting delegate. Each city may appoint up to two alternate voting delegates, one of whom may vote in the event that the designated voting delegate is unable to serve in that capacity. For the virtual annual conference held in October 2020, the City Council designated Mayor Bea Dieringer as the voting delegate and Councilmember Pat Wilson as the alternate. For the annual conference held in October 2019, the same members were designated as the voting delegate and alternate voting delegate. DISCUSSION: Mayor Dieringer is currently serving as the City Council liaison to the California League of Cities. It is recommended that the City Council re-appoint Mayor Dieringer as the designated voting delegate and Councilmember Patrick Wilson as the alternate voting delegate. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact to designate voting delegates. There will be a cost associated with attending the League's Annual Conference. The proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 includes funds for Councilmembers to attend conferences. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the same voting delegate and alternate voting delegate as the year prior. 85 ATTACHMENTS: Voting_Delegate_Packet.pdf 86 1400 K Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814-3916 | www.cacities.org | (916) 658-8200 June 16, 2021 TO: City Managers and City Clerks RE: DESIGNATION OF VOTING DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES League of California Cities Annual Conference & Expo – September 22-24, 2021 Cal Cities 2021 Annual Conference & Expo is scheduled for September 22-24, 2021 in Sacramento. An important part of the Annual Conference is the Annual Business Meeting (during General Assembly) on Friday, September 24. At this meeting, Cal Cities membership considers and acts on resolutions that establish Cal Cities policy. In order to vote at the Annual Business Meeting, your city council must designate a voting delegate. Your city may also appoint up to two alternate voting delegates, one of whom may vote if the designated voting delegate is unable to serve in that capacity. Please complete the attached Voting Delegate form and return it to Cal Cities office no later than Wednesday, September 15. This will allow us time to establish voting delegate/alternate records prior to the conference. Please note: Our number one priority will continue to be the health and safety of participants. We are working closely with the Sacramento Convention Center to ensure that important protocols and cleaning procedures continue, and if necessary, are strengthened. Attendees can anticipate updates as the conference approaches. • Action by Council Required. Consistent with Cal Cities bylaws, a city’s voting delegate and up to two alternates must be designated by the city council. When completing the attached Voting Delegate form, please attach either a copy of the council resolution that reflects the council action taken, or have your city clerk or mayor sign the form affirming that the names provided are those selected by the city council. Please note that designating the voting delegate and alternates must be done by city council action and cannot be accomplished by individual action of the mayor or city manager alone. • Conference Registration Required. The voting delegate and alternates must be registered to attend the conference. They need not register for the entire conference; they may register for Friday only. Conference registration will open mid-June at www.cacities.org. In order to cast a vote, at least one voter must be present at the Business Meeting and in possession of the voting delegate card. Voting delegates and alternates need to pick up their conference badges before signing in and picking up the voting delegate card at the Voting Delegate Desk. This will enable them to receive the special sticker on their name badges that will admit them into the voting area during the Business Meeting. • Transferring Voting Card to Non-Designated Individuals Not Allowed. The voting delegate card may be transferred freely between the voting delegate and alternates, but Council Action Advised by August 31, 2021 87 1400 K Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814-3916 | www.cacities.org | (916) 658-8200 only between the voting delegate and alternates. If the voting delegate and alternates find themselves unable to attend the Business Meeting, they may not transfer the voting card to another city official. • Seating Protocol during General Assembly. At the Business Meeting, individuals with the voting card will sit in a separate area. Admission to this area will be limited to those individuals with a special sticker on their name badge identifying them as a voting delegate or alternate. If the voting delegate and alternates wish to sit together, they must sign in at the Voting Delegate Desk and obtain the special sticker on their badges. The Voting Delegate Desk, located in the conference registration area of the Sacramento Convention Center, will be open at the following times: Wednesday, September 22, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.; Thursday, September 23, 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.; and Friday, September 24, 7:30 a.m.– 11:30 a.m. The Voting Delegate Desk will also be open at the Business Meeting on Friday, but will be closed during roll calls and voting. The voting procedures that will be used at the conference are attached to this memo. Please share these procedures and this memo with your council and especially with the individuals that your council designates as your city’s voting delegate and alternates. Once again, thank you for completing the voting delegate and alternate form and returning it to the League’s office by Wednesday, September 15. If you have questions, please call Darla Yacub at (916) 658-8254. Attachments: • Annual Conference Voting Procedures • Voting Delegate/Alternate Form 88 1400 K Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814-3916 | www.cacities.org | (916) 658-8200 CITY: City of Rolling Hills 2021 ANNUAL CONFERENCE VOTING DELEGATE/ALTERNATE FORM Please complete this form and return it to Cal Cities office by Wednesday, September 15, 2021. Forms not sent by this deadline may be submitted to the Voting Delegate Desk located in the Annual Conference Registration Area. Your city council may designate one voting delegate and up to two alternates. To vote at the Annual Business Meeting (General Assembly), voting delegates and alternates must be designated by your city council. Please attach the council resolution as proof of designation. As an alternative, the Mayor or City Clerk may sign this form, affirming that the designation reflects the action taken by the council. Please note: Voting delegates and alternates will be seated in a separate area at the Annual Business Meeting. Admission to this designated area will be limited to individuals (voting delegates and alternates) who are identified with a special sticker on their conference badge. This sticker can be obtained only at the Voting Delegate Desk. 1. VOTING DELEGATE Name: Bea Dieringer Title: Mayor 3. VOTING DELEGATE - ALTERNATE Name: 2. VOTING DELEGATE - ALTERNATE Name: Patrick Wilson Title: Councilmember Title: PLEASE ATTACH COUNCIL RESOLUTION DESIGNATING VOTING DELEGATE AND ALTERNATES OR ATTEST: I affirm that the information provided reflects action by the city council to designate the voting delegate and alternate(s). Name: _Janely Sandoval__________________ Email __jsandoval@cityofrh.net____________ Mayor or City Clerk___________________________ Date__________ Phone________________ (circle one)(signature) Please complete and return by Wednesday, September 15, 2021 to: Darla Yacub, Assistant to the Administrative Services Director E-mail: dyacub@cacities.org Phone: (916) 658-8254 89 1400 K Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814-3916 | www.cacities.org | (916) 658-8200 Annual Conference Voting Procedures 1. One City One Vote. Each member city has a right to cast one vote on matters pertaining to Cal Cities policy. 2. Designating a City Voting Representative. Prior to the Annual Conference, each city council may designate a voting delegate and up to two alternates; these individuals are identified on the Voting Delegate Form provided to the Cal Cities Credentials Committee. 3. Registering with the Credentials Committee. The voting delegate, or alternates, may pick up the city's voting card at the Voting Delegate Desk in the conference registration area. Voting delegates and alternates must sign in at the Voting Delegate Desk. Here they will receive a special sticker on their name badge and thus be admitted to the voting area at the Business Meeting. 4. Signing Initiated Resolution Petitions. Only those individuals who are voting delegates (or alternates), and who have picked up their city’s voting card by providing a signature to the Credentials Committee at the Voting Delegate Desk, may sign petitions to initiate a resolution. 5. Voting. To cast the city's vote, a city official must have in their possession the city's voting card and be registered with the Credentials Committee. The voting card may be transferred freely between the voting delegate and alternates, but may not be transferred to another city official who is neither a voting delegate or alternate. 6. Voting Area at Business Meeting. At the Business Meeting, individuals with a voting card will sit in a designated area. Admission will be limited to those individuals with a special sticker on their name badge identifying them as a voting delegate or alternate. 7. Resolving Disputes. In case of dispute, the Credentials Committee will determine the validity of signatures on petitioned resolutions and the right of a city official to vote at the Business Meeting. 90 Agenda Item No.: 5.H Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:JANELY SANDOVAL, CITY CLERK THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:PROPOSAL FOR THE BLOCK CAPTAIN APPRECIATION EVENT. DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: Since January 2019, the Block Captains have been meeting six to seven times per year in which the Block Captains review information pertaining to emergency preparedness followed by at least one zone meeting with the residents within their zones. In 2019, the Block Captains had a goal of building adequate relationships with their neighbors to encourage them to provide feedback on the City's Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) and encourage them to reduce fire fuel on private properties. In 2020, the Block Captains transitioned their focus from wildfire mitigation work to focus on the special needs and the homebound population within their zone to ensure that this population can get the necessities during the lock downs. They also became a helpful resource for the community on the intent and purpose of the year and round inspections for the round brush clearance on the roadside easements that the Fire Department commenced in late 2020. The Block Captains have also served as advocates for safety measures in the community (i.e., automating Crest Road East gate and fuel reduction in the canyons). Lastly, throughout the year, the Block Captains distribute educational information to those residents within their zone to assist with their goals of reducing fire fuel areas, and have become an integral part of the community and an important resources to community on emergency preparedness. DISCUSSION: Lead Captains suggested hosting an appreciation event to recognize the efforts, dedication and volunteers hours provided by Block Captains. The event will be open to all volunteers, their family members and first responders. If approved, the event is scheduled to be held on Saturday, July 24, 2021 at the City Hall campus parking lot from 12 noon to dusk. Sandwiches, fries, and non-alcoholic drinks from Philly Jay's Steaks (food truck) will be served. Additionally, tables and chairs will be available. The City received a quote for approximately $2200 for 105 people. Republic Services has agreed to provide cardboard trash bins to assist with clean-up and trash collection. FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated cost of the event is $2,500 with miscellaneous expenses, which is covered under Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Block Captain's budget. 91 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council consider and approve the Block Captain Appreciation event. ATTACHMENTS: Proposal from Philly Jay’s Steaks.pdf 92 City of Rolling Hills 7/24/2021 or 7/31/2021 Don’t Be Silly, Try A Real Philly Classic Philly Cheesesteak White American, Provolone Cheese, & Grilled Onions Pepper Cheesesteak Sweet Peppers, Grilled Onions, White American, Provolone Cheese, Peppercinies & Fresh Basil Mushroom Cheesteak Hoagie Grilled Onions, White American, Provolone Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Radish & Ranch All orders include French Fries & JJ Sauce We can make Vegan, Vegetarian upon request 93 INVOICE “Don’t be Silly try a Real Philly “Date: 7/24/2021or 7/31/2021 INVOICE # 102 To Elaine Jeng, P.E. City Manager City of Rolling Hills ejeng@cityofrh.net 310 377-1521 Qty Description Unit Price Line Total 105 City of Rolling Hills Catering Event $18.00 $1,890.00 Main with Side & Dessert Choice of Ice Cream Sandwiches Service Fee $150.00 Gratuity 20 %Waived Sales Tax Without Gratuity $180.00 Total $2,220.00 We accept Credit Cards, Pay Pal, Zelle, Venmo or make Check payable to RealphillyLLC 300 west Arlight, Monterey Park, Ca 91754 ,213-509-8268 chefjasonm@gmail.com Thank you for your business! 94 Agenda Item No.: 6.A Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:MEREDITH ELGUIRA, PLANNING DIRECTOR THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:ZONING CASE NO. 21-04: REQUEST FOR: 1) CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR A PROPOSED SPORTS COURT AND MIXED USE STRUCTURE; AND 2) REQUEST FOR VARIANCES FOR: ENCROACHMENT INTO THE REQUIRED SETBACKS FOR THE SPORTS COURT AND MIXED USE STRUCTURE AND PAD COVERAGE EXCEEDANCE. DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: LOCATION AND LOT DESCRIPTION Zoning and Land Size The property is zoned RAS-2 and has a net lot area of 191,262 square feet. The lot was developed with residential, garage, recreation room, observatory, and stable structures, which total 7,575 square feet. There are three existing building pads on site. The existing residence and garage are located on the primary building pad (Pad #1), which is 31,905 square feet. The secondary building pad (Pad #2) is 8,145 square feet and is located on a lower elevation behind the existing residence. The third building pad (Pad #3) is on the lowest existing building pad and is 15,168 square feet. The existing stable, which is proposed for mixed use conversion and 741 SF addition, and the proposed sports court are both located on Pad #3. REQUEST AND PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Applicants' Project Scope Applicants are proposing to add 741 SF to an existing 1,069 square-foot stable and convert it into 785 square-foot office with restroom and 794 square-foot recreation room. The proposed 741 square-foot addition will be built within the boundaries of the existing roof structure. Additionally, applicants are proposing a 6,384 sports court that will replace the existing corral. The proposed uses will require Conditional Use Permit. The proposed addition and sports court also require Variances for encroachment into the required side yard setback and for exceeding the maximum building pad coverage. Applicants' Requests Variances 95 Applicants are requesting Variances for: encroachment into the side yard setback and exceedance of the 30% maximum building pad coverage. Conditional Use Permit Applicants are requesting Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the proposed sports court and mixed use. DISCUSSION: LOCATION AND LOT DESCRIPTION Zoning and Land Size The property is zoned RAS-2 and has a net lot area of 191,262 square feet. The lot was developed with residential, garage, recreation room, observatory, and stable structures, which total 7,575 square feet. There are three existing building pads on site. The existing residence and garage are located on the primary building pad (Pad #1), which is 31,905 square feet. The secondary building pad (Pad #2) is 8,145 square feet and is located on a lower elevation behind the existing residence. The third building pad (Pad #3) is on the lowest existing building pad and is 15,168 square feet. The existing stable, which is proposed for mixed use conversion and 741 SF addition, and the proposed sports court are both located on Pad #3. REQUEST AND PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Applicants' Project Scope Applicants are proposing to add 741 SF to an existing 1,069 square-foot stable and convert it into 785 square-foot office with restroom and 794 square-foot recreation room. The proposed 741 square-foot addition will be built within the boundaries of the existing roof structure. Additionally, applicants are proposing a 6,384 sports court that will replace the existing corral. The proposed uses will require Conditional Use Permit. The proposed addition and sports court also require Variances for encroachment into the required side yard setback and for exceeding the maximum building pad coverage. Applicants' Requests Variances Applicants are requesting Variances for: encroachment into the side yard setback and exceedance of the 30% maximum building pad coverage. Conditional Use Permit Applicants are requesting Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the proposed sports court and mixed use. Planning Commission Review The Planning Commission visited the subject property on April 20, 2021 and continued the hearing to the May 18, 2021 evening meeting, which gave the applicant additional time to work with staff to revise the project. On May 18, 2021, the Planning Commission approved Resolution 2021-05. The applicant revised the previous proposal and relocated the proposed equestrian on the lowest pad (4th pad) on site, moved the sports court back 10 feet south of the original location, which allowed additional landscape screening of the sports court fence and the existing three rail fence. The project was approved with a unanimous vote. FISCAL IMPACT: 96 None. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file as presented. ATTACHMENTS: 2021-05.PC RESOLUTION 15 Upper Blackwater Canyon Signed.pdf Development_Proposal_Table.15_Upper_Blackwater_Canyon.pdf 2021-0625 15 UBWC City Council Submittal (reduced).pdf 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 Variance and Conditional Use Permit EXISTING PROPOSED TOTAL RA-S-2 Zone Setbacks Front: 50 ft. from front easement line Side: 35 ft. from side property line Rear: 50 ft. from rear easement line SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE, GARAGE, REC ROOM, OBSERVATORY, STABLE, CORRAL EX. STABLE CONVERSION TO MIXED USE (OFFICE/REC ROOM) AND SPORTS COURT Net Lot Area SF 191,262 Residence/Garage SF 6,555 6,555 Swimming Pool/Spa SF 1,430 0 1,430 Pool Equipment SF 298 0 298 Observatory SF 342 0 342 Recreation Facility SF 1,935 0 1,935 ADU SF 0 0 0 Cabana SF 0 0 0 Stable/Corral 1,069 741 1,810 Stable minimum: 450 SF (set aside) Corral minimum: 550 SF (set aside) 450 450 Recreation Court SF 0 6,384 6,384 Attached Covered Porches, Entryway, Porte Cochere, Breezeways SF 593 0 593 Attached Trellis SF 598 0 598 Detached Structures: Outdoor Kitchen SF 320 SF Patio Cover 76 SF Bath 76 SF Sauna 0 472 Water Features SF 0 0 0 Service Yard SF 0 0 0 Basement Area SF 322 0 322 Grading CY (balanced on site) Unknown 0 0 Total Structure Area SF 13,977 7,575 21,552 % Structural Coverage 7.3% 3.7% 11% Total Structures SF Excluding: up to 5 legal and up to 800 SF detached structures that are not higher than 12 ft (no more than 120 SF per structure per deduction, except for trellis) 12,139 7,575 19,714 Structural Lot Coverage (20% maximum) 6.3% 3.9% 11.2% Total Structural and Flatwork Lot Coverage (35% maximum) 14.1% 3.9% 18% Building Pad #1 Coverage (30%maximum) 31,905 SF 25.9% 0 25.9% Building Pad #2 Coverage (30% maximum) 8,145 SF 27.9% 0 27.9% Building Pad #3 Coverage (30% maximum) 15,168 SF 10.4% 43.2% 54.2% Total Disturbed Area SF 60,453 0 60,453 Total Disturbed Area (40% maximum) 31.6% 0 31.6% Roadway Access Existing driveway No change No change 106 S67° 08' 09"W 410.29' N53° 57' 12"W 329.22' S45° 17' 07"W 149.29' S10° 17' 50"W 197.59' Δ=060°12'40" R=300.00' L=315.26'T=173.94' S 40 ° 0 5' 10 "W 3 0.0 0' N84° 55' 30"W 236.42' S60° 53' 30"W 122.02' N48° 22' 45"W 185.90' N70° 49' 13"W 412.53' N12° 21' 52"W 217.85' S06° 01' 01"E 107.21' ABBREVIATIONS BLKG BM BOT BR BSMT B.U.R. CAB CARP CATV C.B. CCTV CEM CER CFM C.I. CL CLG CLO CLR CMU CNTR COL CONC CONN CONST CONT CONTR CORR C.T. CTSK C.W. BLOCKING BEAM BOTTOM BEDROOM BASEMENT BUILT UP ROOFING CABINET CARPET CABLE TELEVISION CATCH BASIN CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION CEMENT CERAMIC CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE CAST IRON CENTER LINE CEILING CLOSET CLEAR CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CENTER COLUMN CONCRETE CONNECTION CONSTRUCTION CONTINUOUS CONTRACTOR CORRIDOR CERAMIC TILE COUNTERSUNK COLD WATER SLDG SPEC SQ S.S. SSK STD STL STOR STRUCT SUSP SW SYM SYS T T.B. T&G TBD TELE TEMP TER THK THR T.O.C. T.O.D. TOIL T.O.P. T.O.S. T.P.D. T.S. T.O.W. TYP SIDING SPECIFICATION SQUARE STAINLESS STEEL SERVICE SINK STANDARD STEEL STORAGE STRUCTURAL SUSPENDED SWITCH SYMMETRICAL SYSTEM TREAD TOWEL BAR TONGUE AND GROVE TO BE DETERMINED TELECOMMUNICATIONS TEMPERATURE/TEMPERED TERRAZZO THICK THRESHOLD TOP OF CURB TOP OF DRAIL TOILET TOP OF PAVEMENT TOP OF SLAB TOILET PAPER DISPENSER TOP OF STEEL TOP OF WALL TYPICAL & < @ (E) # AB ABV A/C A.C. ACT ACOUS ADJ ADA AFF ALT ALUM ANOD A.P. APPROX ARCH ASPH AV BATT BD BITUM BLDG BLK AND ANGLE AT CENTERLINE EXISTING NUMBER DIAMETER OR ROUND PERPENDICULAR ANCHOR BOLT ABOVE AIR CONDITIONING ASPHALT CONCRETE ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE ACOUSTICAL ADJACENT AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT ABOVE FINISH FLOOR ALTER OR ALTERNATE ALUMINUM ANODIZED ACCESS PANEL APPROXIMATE ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT AUDIO VISUAL INSULATION BATTING BOARD BITUMINOUS BUILDING BLOCK (D) D DATA DBL DEMO DET DIA DIM DISP DN D.O. DR DS D.S.P. DW DWG DWR (E) EA EJ ELEC ELEV EMER ENCL (E) EA ELEC ELEV EQ EQUIP EPO DEMOLISH DEEP, DEPTH DATA COMMUNICATIONS DOUBLE DEMOLISH / DEMOLITION DETAIL DIAMETER DIMENSION DISPENSER DOWN DOOR OPENING DOOR DOWNSPOUT DRY STANDPIPE DISHWASHER DRAWING DRAWER EXISTING EACH EXPANSION JOINT ELECTRICAL ELEVATION EMERGENCY ENCLOSURE EXISTING EACH ELECTRICAL ELEVATION EQUAL EQUIPMENT EMERGENCY POWER OFF EDGE OF SLAB EQUAL EQUIPMENT EACH WAY ELECTRIC WATER COOLER EXISTING EXPANSION EXPOSED EXTERIOR FIRE ALARM FIRE DRAIN FOUNDATION FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET FINISHED FACE FINISH GRADE FIRE HOSE CABINET FINISH FLASH FLOOR FLUORESCENT FACE OF CONCRETE FACE OF FINISH FACE OF MASON FACE OF STUD FIREPROOF FRAME FULL SIZE FOOT, FEET FOOTING FURNITURE E.O.S. EQ EQUIP E.W. E.W.C. EXIST EXP EXPO EXT F.A. F.D. FDN F.E. FEC FF F.G. F.H.C. FIN FLASH FLR FLUOR F.O.C. F.O.F. F.O.M. F.O.S. FPRF FR FS FT FTG FURN FURRING, FURRED FUTURE GAUGE GALVANIZED GRAB BAR GENERAL CONTRACTOR GROUND FAULT INTERRUPT GALVANIZED IRON GLASS, GLAZING GROUND GRADE GYPSUM WALL BOARD GYPSUM HIGH HOSE BIB HOLLOW CORE HANDICAPPED HARDWARE HARDWOOD HOLLOW METAL HORIZONTAL HOUR HEIGHT HEATING, VENTILATION, AND AIR CONDITIONING HOT WATER INSIDE DIAMETER INCLUDING INFORMATION FURR FUT GA GALV G.B. GC GFI G.I. GL GND GR GWB GYP H H.B. H.C. HCP HDWR HDWD HM HORIZ HR HT HVAC H.W. I.D. INCL INFO INSULATION INTERIOR JANITOR JOIST JOINT KITCHEN LAMINATE LAVATORY LINEAL FOOT LEFT HAND LIVING ROOM LIGHT LOUVER MATERIAL MAXIMUM MACHINE BALL MEDIUM DENSITY FIBER BOARD MECHANICAL MANUFACTURER MANHOLE MINIMUM MIRROR MISCELLANEOUS MASONRY OPENING MOISTURE RESISTANT MOUNTED METAL MULLION INSUL INT JAN JST JT KIT LAM LAV L.F. L.H. L.R. LT LVR MATL MAX M.B. MDF MECH MFR MH MIN MIR MISC M.O. M.R. MTD MTL MUL NEW NOT APPLICABLE NOT IN CONTRACT NUMBER NOMINAL NO SCALE NOT TO SCALE OVER OVERALL OBSCURE ON CENTER OUTSIDE DIAMETER OVERFLOW DRAIN OFFICE OVERHAND OVERHEAD OPENING OPPOSITE PLANTER DRAIN PAINT GRADE PROPERTY LINE PLASTIC LAMINATE PLASTER PLUMBING PLYWOOD PAIR POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT PAINT PAPER TOWEL DISPENSER PARTITION (N) NA NIC NO NOM N.S. N.T.S. O/ OA OBSC OC O.D. O.F.D. OFF O.H. OVHD OPNG OPP P.D. PG P.L. P-LAM PLAS PLMG PLYWD PR PSF PT P.T.D. PTN QT (R) R RAD RCP R.D. REF REFR REINF REP REQD RESIL REV RFG R.H. RM ROM R.O. RWD S S.C. SCHED SDT SECT SEP SF SGL SHR SHT QUARRY TILE RELOCATED RISER RADIUS REFLECTED CEILING PLAN ROOF DRAIN REFERNCE REFRIDGERATOR REINFORCED REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED RESILIENT REVISED ROOFING RIGHT HAND ROOM ROUGH ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ROUGH OPENING REDWOOD SOUTH SOLID CORE SCHEDULE STATIC DISSIPATIVE TILE SECTION SEPARATION SQUARE FOOT / FEET SINGLE SHOWER SHEET UNF UON UR VCT VERT VEST VIF VOL W W/ W.C. WD W.H. W/O WP WPM WSCT W.S.P. WT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED URINAL VINYL COMPOSITION TILE VERTICAL VESTIBULE VERIFY IN FIELD VOLUME WEST WITH WATER CLOSET WOOD WATER HEATER WITHOUT WATERPROOF WATERPROOF MEMBRANE WAINSCOT WET STANDPIPE WEIGHT BUILDING GRID LINES WINDOW SYMBOL ROOM NO. REFERENCE LETTER DOOR SYMBOL REVISION NO. REVISION CLOUD MATCH LINE DETAIL NO. 1/A3.2 ROOM NAME ROOM NO. ROOM LABEL SECTION SECTION NO. SHEET NO. AREA REFERENCE DETAIL NO. SHEET NO. DETAIL EXTERIOR ELEVATION ELEVATION NO. SHEET NO. DIMENSION STRING INTERIOR ELEVATION ELEVATION NO. (TYPICAL) SHEET NO.CEILING HEIGHT WORK POINT OR CONTROL POINT NORTH ARROW ARCHITECTURAL NORTHTRUE NORTH1 1/2" A101 1 Ref 1 Ref1 Ref 1 Ref1t 0 0 101 ROOM NO. REFERENCE NO. A101 1 SIM 1 A101 SIM A101 1 Ref 1Ref 1 Ref1 Ref A.F.F. 1t 1'-0" SHEET NO. 1 Room name 101 150 SF NMISC. SYMBOLS (D) (R) (E) (N) INDICATES ITEM TO BE DEMOLISHED INDICATES ITEM TO BE REMOVED AND RELOCATED INDICATES ITEM EXISTING TO REMAIN INDICATES NEW ITEM ROADWAY EASEMENTS SETBACK LIMITS NET LOT AREA SEE SITE PLAN A1.00 FOR DETAILED COVERAGE CALCULATIONS LEGEND 1: MAIN RESIDENCE 2: RECEREATION FACILITY 3: OBSERVATORY 4: REPURPOSED STABLE (VARIANCE 2 & CUP 2) 5: PATIO COVER 6: POOL EQUIPMENT 7: BATH 8: SAUNA 9. (N) SPORTS COURT ((VARIANCE 1 & CUP 1) 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 BUILDING PAD 1 31,905 SF BUILDING PAD 2 8,145 SF BUILDING PAD 3 15,168 SF GROSS LOT AREA U P P E R B L A C K W A T E R C A N Y O N R O A D A P P A L O O S A L A N E 9 AREA OF VARIANCE / CUP 1 AREA OF VARIANCE / CUP 2 SCOPE OF WORK B. LEGAL DESCRIPTION C. PLANNING AND ZONING LAND USE: ZONE: OVERLAY ZONE: ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW: SPECIFIC PLAN: METHANE ZONE: SOIL TESTING: CLIMATE ZONE: FIRE DISTRICT: ALLEY: D. LAND USE INFORMATION (BY RIGHT) LOT AREA:264,820 SF (6.08 AC) NET LOT AREA: 191,262 SF (4.0 AC) BUILDING PADS (1+2+3): 55,218 SF (1.26 AC) TOTAL STRUCTURES: 21,102 SF (11 %) TOTAL FLATWORK 14,841 SF (7.7 %) TOTAL LOT COVERAGE: 35,943 SF (18.7 %) LOT DISTURBANCE:60,453 SF (31.6 %) HIGHWAY DEDICATIONS: NO STREET WIDENING: NO HEIGHT LIMIT: N/A MAX. BUILDING STORIES: 1-STORY SETBACKS FRONT:50' (RA-S-2)SIDE:35' REAR:50' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION REPURPOSE OF (E) BARN: 1,810 SF SPORTS COURT: 6,384 SF BARN/STABLE SET ASIDE AREA: 1,000 SF TOTAL AREA OF WORK: 8,194 SF 15 UPPER BLACK WATER CANYON ROAD APN: 7569-011-006 ROLLING HILLS LOT COM AT MOST E COR OF LOT 100 TH N 49¢54'50" W 171.12 FT TH NW ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO NE RADIUS EQUALS 300 FT 315.26 FT TH N 10¢17'50" E 197.59 ... SEE MAPBOOK FOR MISSING PORTION ...LOT 100 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE RA-S-2 RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE -SUBURBAN; MINIMUM LOT SIZE TWO ACRES N/A YES: ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION N/A N/A N/A N/A LOS ANGELES COUNTY N/A SHEET INDEX 00 GENERAL A0.01 TITLE SHEET A0.02 GENERAL NOTES - RESIDENTIAL A0.03 LAND SURVEY A0.06 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS A0.07 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS 02 ARCHITECTURE A1.00 SITE PLAN A1.06 DEMOLITION PLAN A1.11 CONSTRUCTION PLAN A1.30 ROOF PLAN A2.00 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A2.01 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A2.02 EXISTING ELEVATIONS A2.03 EXISTING ELEVATIONS A3.00 BUILDING SECTIONS A4.00 BUILDING SECTIONS SYMBOLS 0' SCALE: 40' 80'160'320' 1" = 80'-0" 1" = 80'-0"1SCOPE OF WORK 12" = 1'-0"11VICINITY MAP ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHTED. PROJECT NO.CHECKED BY SHEET NO. SCALE @ ARCH E1 SHEET NAME CLIENT NAME PRIVATE RESIDENCE ARCHITECT'S STAMP PROJECT TEAM KEY PLAN MEP ENGINEER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OTHER CONSULTANT CIVIL ENGINEER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 6/25/2021 10:26:53 AMBIM 360://15 Upper Blackwater Canyon/15 UBWC Barn.rvtAs indicated20032.01 A0.01 STABLE & SPORTS COURT 15 Upper Blackwater Canyon Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 HD TITLE SHEET SERMON RESIDENCE PLANNING SUBMITTAL PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT TEAM SHEET INDEX 00 GENERAL A0.01 TITLE SHEET A0.02 GENERAL NOTES - RESIDENTIAL A0.03 LAND SURVEY A0.06 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS A0.07 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS 02 ARCHITECTURE A1.00 SITE PLAN A1.06 DEMOLITION PLAN A1.11 CONSTRUCTION PLAN A1.30 ROOF PLAN A2.00 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A2.01 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A2.02 EXISTING ELEVATIONS A2.03 EXISTING ELEVATIONS A3.00 BUILDING SECTIONS A4.00 BUILDING SECTIONS SYMBOLS STRUCTURAL ENGINEER ANDREW CHAN NG, CHAN & CO. 1805 W COMMONWEALTH AVE #13 ALHAMBRA, CA 91803 TEL 626 215 7509 EMAIL achanla@aol.com CIVIL ENGINEER / LAND SURVEYOR CHRIS NELSON NELSON & ASSOCIATES 31238 VIA COLINAS SUITE H WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91362 TEL 818 991 1040 EMAIL Chris@e-surveyors.com GEOTECHNICAL HAMILTON & ASSOCIATES DAVID HAMILTON 1641 BORDER AVE TORRANCE, CA 90501 TEL 310 618 2190 EMAIL dhamilton@hamilton-associates.com OWNERS ALEXANDRA & DANIEL SERMON 15 UPPER BLACKWATER CANYON ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 ARCHITECT MICHAEL MACIOCIA, AIA MULLER MACIOCIA 101 N PACIFIC COAST HWY SUITE 301 EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 TEL 310 363 1032 EMAIL michael@mul-mac.com CODES & REGULATIONS 2020 ROLLING HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE 2017 RHCA BUILDING REGULATIONS 2019 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE 2019 NFPA 72 (FIRE ALARMS) 2019 NFPA 13D (RESIDENTIAL ONE AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS) THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, IN THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL 1: THAT PORTION OF LOT 100 OF ROLLING HILLS, IN THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 201, PAGES 29 TO 35, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, NORTH 49° 54' 40" WEST 171.12 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 300 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG AID CURVE 315.26 FEET; THENCE NORTH 10° 17' 50" EAST 197.59 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY LINE SOUTH 45° 06' 20" WEST 149.29 FEET; SOUTH 66° 57' 20" WEST 410.30 FEET; THENCE NORTH 54° 08' 01" WEST 329.22 FEET TO A POINT IN THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, DISTANT SOUTH 6° 11'50" EAST THEREON 108 FEET FROM THE NORTHERLY TERMINUS OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE IN THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, SHOWN AS "NORTH 6° 11'50" WEST 215.21 FEET 1' ON THE MAP OF SAID TRACT; THENCE ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT, SOUTH 6° 11' 50" EAST 107.21 FEET, SOUTH 12° 30' 15" EAST 21741 FEET, SOUTH 71° 01' 00" EAST 411.04 FEET; SOUTH 48° 22' 46" EAST 185.90 FEET, NORTH 60° 53' 30" EAST 122.02 FEET; SOUTH 84° 55' 30" EAST 236.42 FEET, AND NORTH 40° 05' 10" EAST 30 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2: EASEMENTS FOR ROAD PURPOSES OVER THE LAND DESCRIBED IN ROADS NO. I AND NO.2 AND PARCELS A, B, C, D AND E IN SECTION 6(A) ARTICLE V OF DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS RECORDED IN BOOK 14065, PAGE 345, OFFICIAL RECORDS, AND AS AMENDED IN DESCRIPTION BY THE MODIFICATION OF SAID DECLARATION, RECORDED IN BOOK 14311, PAGE 58, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, AND OVER THE LAND DESCRIBED IN ROAD NO. 3 IN DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS, RECORDED IN BOOK 14110, PAGE 166, OFFICIAL RECORDS. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ROB MADAY BOSKY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 590 E GUTIERREZ ST, SUITE D SANTA BARBARA, CA 93103 TEL 805 845 3251 EMAIL rob@boskyland.com N NTRUE NORTH PROJECT NORTH ISSUE RECORD ∆ DATE REASON FOR ISSUE BY A 03/05/21 PLANNING SUBMITTAL HD 107 1. LOCATION OF SERVICE SHALL BE APPROVED BY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY OR LADWP. 2. ALL INTERIOR DOORS SHALL BE DOUGLAS FIR PANELED DOORS WITH 1-3/4" THICKNESS SOLID CORE APPROVED BY OWNER. 3. DOORS THAT SWING OVER A LANDING OR PORCH REQUIRE A LANDING EQUAL TO THE WIDTH OF THE FLOOR IN LENGTH AND NOT MORE THAN 1/2" BELOW THRESHOLD. DOORS THAT DO NOT SWING OVER A TOP STEP OR LANDING MAY OPEN ON A LANDING OR TOP STEP THAT IS NOT MORE THAN 8" BELOW FLOOR LEVEL. 4. PROVIDE A WATER SAVING LOW FLUSH WATER CLOSET. MAX. 1.6 GALLONS PER FLUSH. SHOWER HEADS (2.5 GALLONS PER MINUTE), & FAUCETS (2.2 GPM). 5. MATERIALS OTHER THAN STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE MOISTURE RESISTANT. WALL COVERINGS SHALL BE CEMENT PLASTER OR TILE, 70""HIGH ABOVE DRAIN OF SHOWER OR TUB WITH SHOWER. THIN SET TILE ON 5/8" WATER RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARD AT WALLS. SET TILE OVER MIN. ¾" MORTAR BED OVER APPROVED SHOWER PAN AT FLOORS. 6. GLASS DOORS AND WALLS PANELS OF BATHTUBS AND SHOWER ENCLOSURES SHALL BE LAMINATED, FULLY TEMPERED OR WIRE GLASS. 7. GLASS, WHICH IS LESS THAN 60" FROM A FLOOR AND WITHIN A 24" ARC OF A DOORWAY'S VERTICAL EDGE, MUST BE TEMPERED GLASS. 8. DRIP PANS OR OTHER DEVICES FOR LAUNDRY ROOM, WATERS AND DISHWASHERS MUST BE APPROVED. 9. PROVIDE A ONE HORSEPOWER WASTE DISPOSAL. 10. PLUMB REFRIGERATOR SPACE FOR ICEMAKER. 11. ALL PLUMBING WALLS SHALL BE 2 X 6 STUDS. 12. PROVIDE SOLID SURFACE COUNTERTOPS AT BATHROOMS PER FINISH SCHEDULE. ALL BATHROOM COUNTERTOPS HEIGHTS TO BE 36" HIGH. 13. PROVIDE SOLID SURFACE COUNTERTOPS AT KITCHEN PER FINISH SCHEDULE. 14. PROVIDE SMOOTH STEEL TROWEL FINISH AT ALL STUCCO. 15. PROVIDE R-11 OR R-13 INSULATION AT INTERIOR WALLS OF ALL BATHROOMS AND BEDROOMS. PROVIDE R-30 INSULATION BETWEEN FLOORS. 16. PROVIDE A SECTIONAL ROLL-UP GARAGE DOOR WITH AUTOMATIC OPENER, AND DETAIL AS SHOWN ON ELEVATION. 17. DOORS SHALL BE RECESSED AS SHOWN ON PLANS. 18. PROVIDE STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF W/ SEAMS @ 16" O.C. WHERE OCCURS. (DELETE?) 19. HANDRAIL OR GUARDRAIL ON OPEN SIDE SHALL NOT ALLOW THAT A 4" DIAMETER SPHERE PASS THROUGH; AND THE OPEN SPACE AT RISER, TREAD AND BOTTOM ELEMENT OF GUARDRAIL SHALL NOT ALLOW A 6" DIAMETER SPHERE PASS THROUGH. 20. ALL HOSE BIBS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY BACK FLOW PREVENTION DEVICE. 21. IMPORTANT NOTE: HVAC INSTALLER SHALL CONFER WITH ARCHITECT FOR NECESSARY FURR DOWN LOCATIONS. CONSULT WITH OWNER FOR POSSIBLE FAU WITH AIR CONDITIONING CAPABILITY. PROVIDE ZONED HEATING. 22. ALL HEATING SYSTEMS SHALL HAVE AUTOMATIC THERMOSTATS WITH A CLOCK MECHANISM WHICH THE BUILDING OCCUPANT CAN MANUALLY SET BACK; AND THERMOSTAT SET POINT AT LEAST 2 PERIODS WITHIN 24 HOURS, PER SECTION 150 (F) OF CEC. 23. F.A.U. IN ATTIC A. PROVIDE PLYWOOD SHEATHING AT ENTIRE ATTIC SPACE. B. DOUBLE JOISTS SUPPORTING FAU UNIT AND PROVIDE SEISMIC SWAY BRACES. C. PROVIDE ELECTRICAL OUTLET, LIGHT AND SWITCH @ ACCESS D. CONDENSATION DRAIN TO APPROVED PLUMBING FIXTURE REQUIRED, IF ANY. E. PROVIDE A 30" X 30" WORKING SPACE IN FRONT OF THE FAU, WITH 30" HEADROOM. F. PROVIDE 30" SIDE ATTIC ACCESS WITH FOLD DOWN LADDER. 24. PROVIDE CIRCULATION INTAKE AIR SUPPLY DUCT OF 2 SQUARE INCHES PER 1000 BTU FOR F.A.U. 25. CLOTHES DRYER MOISTURE EXHAUST DUCTS ARE LIMITED TO 14' WITH TWO ELBOWS. REDUCE THIS LENGTH BY 2' FOR EACH ELBOW IN EXCESS OF TWO. DUCT SHALL BE MINIMUM 4" DIAMETER SMOOTH METAL. 26. PROVIDE "ISOKERN" FIREPLACES OR "DESA FIREPLACE" ESR-2542 OR APPROVED EQUAL AT METAL FIREPLACES WHERE OCCURS. 27. PROVIDE 1-1/8" PLWD. FLOOR SHEATHING TYPICAL. PROVIDE 5/8" PLYWOOD ROOF SHEATHING TYPICAL. 28. ALL WINDOWS AND DOORS SHALL HAVE CLAD FINISH, UON. 29. BUILDING ADDRESS SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE BUILDING IN SUCH A POSITION AS TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE FROM THE STREET, CFC SECTION 505. INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED ADDRESS SIGN SHALL NOT CONTAIN A SCREW-BASE SOCKET AND CONSUME NO MORE THAN 5 WATTS OF POWER AS DETERMINED ACCORDING TO SECTION 130(D) - PER SECTION 150 (K) 14. 30. PROVIDE A 12" MINIMUM ACCESS PANEL TO BATHTUB TRAP SLIP JOINT CONNECTION OR USE RIGID TYPE CONNECTIONS. 31. CONTROL VALVE FOR SHOWER AND TUB SHALL BE OF THE PRESSURE BALANCE OR THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVE TYPE, SECTION 410.7 CPC. 32. LAUNDRY ROOM DOOR SHALL HAVE 100 SQUARE INCH MINIMUM FOR DRYER MAKE UP AIR (CMC SECTION 908.2) WHERE OCCURS. 33. PROVIDE BASEBOARD AND WINDOW AND DOOR CASING AND CROWN MOULDING AS SELECTED BY ARCHITECT AND APPROVED BY OWNERS. 34. PROVIDE STRAIGHT EDGE AT INTERIOR WALLS, TYPICAL. 35. PROVIDE SMOOTH TEXTURE AT ALL WALLS AND CEILINGS. 36. PROVIDE TANKLESS WATER HEATER UON. 37. PROVIDE WATER HEATER VENT TO OUTSIDE. 38. SLOPE GRADE OR PAVING AWAY FROM BUILDING, MINIMUM 1% SLOPE. 39. PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING AT ALL STAIRWAYS/STEPS: A. MINIMUM 36" WIDE STAIRWAY AND LANDINGS. B. MAXIMUM 7.75" RISE; MINIMUM 10" RUN FOR PRIVATE STAIRWAYS (7" RISE, 11" RUN FOR COMMON AREAS SERVING R1). C. THE LARGEST RISE OR RUN IN A FLIGHT OF STAIRS MAY NOT EXCEED THE SMALLEST BY MORE THAT 3/8". D. HEADROOM OVER STAIRS TO BE 6'-8" MINIMUM FROM NOSING OF TREAD. E. GUARDRAIL ON OPEN SIDE OF STAIRS OVER 30" ABOVE FLOOR OR ADJACENT GRADE. MAY SERVE AS HANDRAIL ALSO. F. GUARDRAIL MAY BE 34" TO 38" HIGH ONLY AT OPEN SIDE OF STAIRS. G. HANDRAIL (REQUIRED FOR 4 OR MORE RISERS) 34" TO 38" ABOVE TREAD NOSING, 1 ½" CLEARANCE TO WALL, 1 ½" TO 2" IN CROSS SECTION, WITH ENDS RETURNED TO WALL OR TERMINATE AT NEWEL OR SAFETY POST. SHOW HANDRAIL CONTINUOUS FOR THE LENGTH OF THE STAIRS. ENCLOSED USABLE SPACE UNDER STAIRS TO BE PROTECTED BY 1-HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIALS. 69. ACCESS TO MECHANICAL APPLIANCES IN UNDER-FLOOR AREAS, IN ATTIC SPACES, AND ON ROOFS, OR ELEVATED STRUCTURES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE. 70. DRIVEWAY APPROACHES SHALL COMPLY WITH STANDARD DETAIL ST-1 OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, MAXIMUM SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 15%. 71. GUARDS SHALL BE DETAILED AS SUCH: A. GUARDS SHALL BE LOCATED ALONG OPEN-SIDED WALKING SURFACES, MEZZANINES, STAIRWAYS, RAMPS AND LANDINGS THAT ARE MORE THAN 30" ABOVE THE FLOOR OR GRADE ABOVE. B. GUARD WHOSE TOP RAIL DOES NOT SERVE AS A HANDRAIL SHALL HAVE A HEIGHT OF 42" HIGH ABOVE THE LEADING EDGE OF THE TREAD. C. GUARD WHOSE TOP RAIL SERVES AS A HANDRAIL SHALL HAVE A HEIGHT OF 34" TO 38" HIGH ABOVE THE LEADING EDGE OF THE TREAD. D. TRIANGULAR OPENING FORMED BY TREAD, STAIR, AND BOTTOM RAIL SHALL NOT PERMIT A 6" DIAMETER SPHERE TO PASS THROUGH. (CBC 1013.3) 72. HANDRAILS SHALL BE DETAILED AS FOLLOWS: A. CONTINUOUS HANDRAIL IS REQUIRED WHEN 4 OR MORE TREADS ARE PROVIDED (CBC 1009.10). B. MIN 34" TO MAX 38" HIGH ABOVE THE STAIR TREAD NOSING (CBC 1012.2). C. MIN 1.25" TO MAX. 2" CIRCULAR CROSS SECTION FOR HANDGRIP PORTION OF HANDRAIL. D. MIN. 4" TO MAX. 6.25" PERIMETER DIMENSION WITH MAX 2.25" CROSS SECTION FOR NON-CIRCULAR HANDGRIP PORTION OF HANDRAIL (CBC 1012.3). E. MIN. 0.01" RADIUS FOR EDGE OF HANDRAIL (NO SHARP CORNER). 73. WEATHER PROOF ALL DECKS AND BALCONIES BY PROVIDING DEX-O-TEX (ESR-1757) OR AN APPROVED EQUAL, UON. 74. ROOF DRAINAGE SYSTEM SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: A. SIZE THE ROOF DRAINS AND OVERFLOW DRAINS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 11 OF THE CPC. B. SYSTEM SHALL BE SIZED FOR MIN. RAIN INTENSITY OF 3" PER HOUR. C. THE ROOF DRAIN AND OVERFLOW DRAIN MUST MAINTAIN INDEPENDENT LINES TO THE YARD BOX. D. ROOF DRAINAGE IS NOT PERMITTED TO FLOW OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY. E. SECONDARY ROOF DRAINS HAVING THE SAME SIZE AS THE PRIMARY ROOF DRAINS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE INLET FLOW LINE LOCATED A MIN. 2" ABOVE THE LOW POINT OF THE ROOF. F. SCUPPERS THROUGH PARAPET WALLS ADJACENT TO THE LOW POINT OF THE ROOF MAY BE USED AS SECONDARY ROOF DRAINAGE. SCUPPER OPENINGS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4" HIGH AND HAVE A WIDTH EQUAL TO THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE ROOF DRAIN REQUIRED FOR THE AREA SERVED. G. OVERFLOW SCUPPERS SHALL BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE TO CPC T-11-1. 75. CHIMNEYS SHALL EXTEND A MIN. 2' ABOVE ANY PORTION OF THE BUILDING WITHIN 10', BUT NOT LESS THAN 3' ABOVE THE ROOF. CHIMNEYS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH AN APPROVED SPARK ARRESTOR. 76. THIS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH TITLE 24, AND 2016 CBC, 2013 CMC, 2016 CPC, 2016 CEC, 2016 CRC, AND 2016 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE. 77. SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR RETAINING WALLS OR BLOCK FENCE WALLS, GRADING WORK, SPAS, POOLS, SEPARATE STRUCTURES, SHORING, SOLAR SYSTEMS, DEMOLITION, (ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, AND OR PLUMBING WORK) AND SEWER CAP OF EXISTING BUILDINGS. 78. ALL BUILDING FEATURES PROJECTING INTO REQUIRED SETBACKS ARE INDICATED ON PLOT PLAN. 79. AQMD NOTIFICATION IS REQUIRED 10 DAYS PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY PARTIAL OR COMPLETE DEMOLITION WORK. 80. PROVIDE PROOF OF SURVEY (PROPERTY CORNERS) VERIFICATION BY THE CITY BUILDING INSPECTOR. APPLY FOR DEMO PERMIT (PRE-DEMO HEIGHT INSPECTION) THROUGH BUILDING DIVISION. DEMO PERMIT REQUIRED FOR EXISTING STRUCTURE. 81. ALL NEW FIXTURES SHALL BE WATER CONSERVING. CPC 402.0 82. SLOPE GRADE AWAY FROM BUILDING MINIMUM 2% SLOPE (1/4" PER FOOT). 83. 4" WASTE LINE SHALL BE USED FOR SERVING 4 OR MORE WATER CLOSETS PER CPC TABLE 703.2 FOOTNOTE 4. 84. PROPOSED UTILITY METERS NEED TO BE SCREENED IF LOCATED ON THE INTERIOR SIDE OF A DWELLING AND RECESSED BEHIND THE SETBACK. 85. CONTRACTOR SHALL POST THE INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (CF-6R) FORM AND INSULATION CERTIFICATE (IC-1) FORM IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION OR KEPT WITH PLANS AND MADE AVAILABLE TO THE INSPECTOR. 86. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE COPIES OF THE CALIFORNIA GUIDE TO HOME COMFORT AND ENERGY SAVINGS, CF-1R, MF-1R, CF-6R AND IC-1 FORMS TO THE BUILDING OWNER. 87. RADIANT BARRIER SHALL AN EMITTANCE OF 0.05 OR LESS. 88. PROVIDE DEVICES TO ABSORB HIGH PRESSURES RESULTING FROM THE QUICK CLOSING OF THE QUICK-ACTING VALVES FROM THE WASHER AND DISHWASHER, ETC. PER UPC SECTION 609.10. 40. EXTERIOR DOORS, DOORS BETWEEN HOUSE AND GARAGE, AND THEIR HARDWARE SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING SECURITY PROVISIONS: A. DOORS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH DEAD LOCKING LATCH AND DEAD BOLT WITH HARDENED INSERT WITH 1" MINIMUM THROW AND 5/8" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO JAMB. BOTH ARE TO BE KEY OPERATED FROM THE OUTSIDE. B. WINDOWS AND DOOR LIGHTS WITHIN 40" OF THE LOCKING DEVICE SHALL BE FULLY TEMPERED/BURGLARY RESISTANT/OR PROTECTED BY BARS. C. OVERHEAD AND SLIDING GARAGE DOORS SHALL BE CAPABLE OF BEING SECURELY LOCKED WHEN NOT OTHERWISE LOCKED BY POWER OPERATION. D. SLIDING GLASS DOORS AND SLIDING WINDOWS SHALL BE CAPABLE OF WITHSTANDING FORCED ENTRY ATTEMPTS AS OUTLINED IN [6706.7]. 41. SEE SITE PLAN FOR ALL SETBACKS AND PARKING REQUIREMENTS. 42. SEE DETAIL FOR TYPICAL CUTTING, BORING AND NOTCHING THROUGH WOOD FRAMING. 43. SEE DETAIL FOR TYPICAL ONE-HOUR WALL AND CEILING DETAILS. 44. SEE DETAIL FOR TYPICAL DOOR AND WINDOWS. 45. ALL UTILITIES SERVING THE SITE SHALL BE INSTALLED PER CITY STANDARD. SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION. CONTACT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY OR DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER. 46. OBTAIN SANITATION DISTRICT APPROVAL FOR ANY NEW SEWER CONSTRUCTION. 47. AN APPROVED BACKWATER VALVE IS REQUIRED FOR DRAINAGE PIPING SERVING FIXTURES LOCATED BELOW THE ELEVATION OF THE NEXT UPSTREAM MANHOLE COVER. FIXTURES ABOVE SUCH ELEVATION SHALL NOT DISCHARGE THROUGH THE BACKWATER VALVE (UPC 710.1). 48. CHECK CITY RECORDS TO DETERMMINE EXISTENCE OF CESSPOOL ON PROPERTY. ANY EXISTING CESSPOOL SHALL BE LOCATED AND INSPECTED BY CITY PERSONNEL BEFORE DEMOLITION OR BUILDING PERMITS CAN BE ISSUED. 49. SECTION 9.01.100 SUSTAINABLE BUILDING REQUIREMENTS FOR R-2 AND R-3 OCCUPANCIES: SECTION 419.7 IS HEREBY ADDED PER THE ABOVE CLIMATIC FINDINGS AS FOLLOWS: SUSTAINABLE BUILDING. ALL NEW R-2 AND R-3 OCCUPANCIES ARE REQUIRED TO INCORPORATE ALL THE FOLLOWING SUSTAINABLE BUILDING PRACTICES IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CEC, TITLE 24, PART 6 UNLESS WAIVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. 1. INSULATE ALL HOT WATER PIPING 2. INSTALL LOW EMITTING INSULATION IN REQUIRED AREAS OF WALLS, FLOORS, CEILINGS, AND ROOF. 3. USE LOW VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPUND (VOC) CAULKING. 4. PRE-PLUMBING PIPING AND SENSOR WIRING FROM WATER HEATER TO ATTIC FOR FUTURE SOLAR WATER HEATING. 5. USE DUCT MASTIC ON ALL DUCT JOINTS. 6. INSTALL "ENERGY STAR" OR EQUIVALENT BATHROOM FAN VENTED TO THE OUTSIDE. 50. THE FIRE RESISTANCE RATING OF EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CBC 704.5, SECTION 704, TABLE 704.8, AND TABLE 602. FIRE RESISTANCE-RATED EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGH CRAWL SPACES, FLOOR FRAMING, AND ATTIC SPACES IN ACCORDANCE WITH CBC 705.6. FURTHER, PROJECTIONS LOCATED WHERE OPENINGS ARE REQUIRED TO BE PROTECTED SHALL BE NON-COMBUSTIBLE, HEAVY TIMBER, OR ONE HOUR CONSTRUCTION. ALL EXTERIOR WALLS WITH A FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE OF 5' OR LESS SHALL BE 1 HOUR FIRE-RESISTANCE RATING FOR EXPOSURE TO FIRE FROM BOTH SIDES. 51. SMOKE ALARMS (I.E. SMOKE DETECTORS) SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED AT ALL OF THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: A. IN EACH ROOM USED FOR SLEEPING PURPOSES. B. ON THE CEILING OR WALL OUTSIDE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF SLEEPING ROOM. C. IN EACH STORY, BASEMENT OR SPLIT LEVEL WITHIN A DWELLING UNIT. D. IN ENCLOSED COMMON STAIRWELLS OF TWO OR MORE DWELLING UNITS. WHERE MORE THAN ONE SMOKE ALARM IS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED, IT SHALL BE INTERCONNECTED IN SUCH A MANNER SO THAT THE ACTIVATION OF ONE ALARM WILL ACTIVATE ALL OF THE ALARMS. IN NEW CONSTRUCTION, SMOKE ALARMS SHALL RECEIVE THEIR PRIMARY POWER SOURCE FROM THE BUILDING WIRING AND SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH BATTERY BACK-UP AND LOW BATTERY SIGNAL. 52. MEANS OF EGRESS DOORS SHALL BE DETAILED AS FOLLOWS: A. MIN. 32" (MAX 48") CLEAR OPENING WIDTH OF EXIT DOORWAY. FOR SWINGING DOOR, CLEAR WIDTH IS MEASURED BETWEEN THE FACE OF THE DOOR AND THE STOP, WITH THE DOOR OPEN 90 DEGREES. FOR NON-SWINGING DOOR, THE CLEAR WIDTH IS TO BE MEASURED FROM THE FACE OF THE DOOR JAMB. B. MIN. HEIGHT OF 80" FOR EXTERIOR EXIT DOORWAY, 78" FOR INTERIOR DOORWAY, AND 76" FOR ALL OTHER EXTERIOR DOORWAY. (CBC 1008.1.1) C. EXTERIOR EGRESS DOOR SHALL BE SIDE-HINGED SWINGING (CBC 1008.1.2) D. MAX. 0.75" THRESHOLD HEIGHT AT SLIDING DOORS AND MAX. 0.5" FOR OTHER DOORS. E. MIN. WIDTH OF LANDING AT DOOR SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN WIDTH OF STAIRWAY OR DOOR. F. MIN. 36" LENGTH OF LANDING AT DOOR MEASURED IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. G. MAX. 7.75" BELOW THE TOP THRESHOLD HEIGHT OF AN EXTERIOR DOORWAY NOT PART OF REQUIRED MEANS OF EGRESS PROVIDED THE DOOR, OTHER THAN STORM OR SCREEN DOORS, DOES NOT SWING OVER THE LANDING. DOOR HANDLES, PULLS, LATCHES, LOCKS, AND OTHER OPERATING DEVICES SHALL BE A MINIMUM 34" TO MAX 48" HEIGHT ABOVE THE FLOOR. MANUALLY OPERATED FLUSH BOLTS OR SURFACE BOLTS ARE NOT PERMITTED ON DOORS REQUIRED FOR EGRESS. 53. STRAIGHT RUN STAIRWAYS SHALL BE DETAILED AS FOLLOWS: A. MAX. 7.75" AND MIN. 4" RISE HEIGHT. B. MIN. 10" TREAD DEPTH. C. MIN. 36" CLEAR WIDTH. D. MIN. 6'-8" VERTICAL HEADROOM MEASURED VERTICALLY FROM A LINE CONNECTING THE EDGE OF THE NOSING. 54. STAIR TREADS AND RISERS SHALL BE DETAILED AS FOLLOWS: A. THE TOLERANCE BETWEEN THE LARGEST AND SMALLEST RISER HEIGHT OR TREAD DEPTH SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.375" IN ANY FLIGHT OF STAIR. B. THE RADIUS OF CURVATURE AT THE LEADING EDGE OF THE TREAD OR BEVELING OF NOSING SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.5" (CBC 1009.3.3) C. RISERS SHALL BE VERTICAL OR SLOPED A MAX. 30 DEGREES FROM THE VERTICAL. (CBC 1009.3.3) D. LEADING EDGE OF TREAD SHALL NOT PROJECT MORE THAN 1.25" BEYOND TREAD BELOW. E. OPENING BETWEEN TREADS SHALL NOT PERMIT THE PASSAGE OF A 4" DIAMETER SPHERE. 55. WALLS AND SOFFITS WITHIN ENCLOSED USEABLE SPACE UNDER STAIRWAYS SHALL BE PROTECTED AS FOLLOWS: INTERIOR STAIRS REQUIRE 0.5" GYPSUM BOARD ON THE ENCLOSED SIDE. 56. THE WALKING SURFACE OF TREADS AND LANDINGS SHALL NOT BE SLOPED STEEPER THAN 2% (1:48) IN ANY DIRECTION. 1. PROVIDE EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE FROM SLEEPING ROOMS. MIN. NET CLEAR OPENING DIMENSIONS OF 24" HEIGHT, 20" CLEAR WIDTH, 5.7 SQ. FT. AREA (5.0 SQ. FT. AT GRADE FLOOR) AND 44" MAX TO BOTTOM OF CLEAR OPENING IS REQUIRED. 2. ROOMS CONTAINING BATHTUBS, SHOWERS, SPAS AND SIMILAR BATHING FIXTURES SHALL BE MECHANICALLY VENTILATED. PROVIDE AN EXHAUST FAN WITH A MIN. CAPACITY OF 50 CFM. DUCTLESS FANS ARE UNACCEPTABLE. GARAGE DOOR EXTENSIONS SPRINGS SHALL BE FABRICATED FROM EITHER HARD DRAWN- SPRING WIRE OR OIL TEMPERED WIRE AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION. GARAGE DOOR SPRINGS SHALL COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OF CBC SECT. 1211. 57. ATTACHED GARAGE OR CARPORT TO DWELLING SHALL BE SEPARATED AS FOLLOWS: A. MIN. 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD REQUIRED ON THE GARAGE SIDE SEPARATING DWELLING AND ATTIC AREA FROM GARAGE. B. MIN.5/8" GYPSUM BOARD REQUIRED BETWEEN GARAGE OR CARPORT AND ALL HABITABLE ROOMS LOCATED ABOVE GARAGE OR CARPORT (INCLUDING STRUCTURAL MEMBERS SUPPORTING THE UPPER FLOOR, CEILING, POST AND BEAM). C. MIN. 13/8" THICK SOLID WOOD DOORS OR SOLID OR HONEYCOMB CORE STEEL DOOR, OR MIN. 20 MINUTE RATED FIRE DOOR ASSEMBLY. D. DOORS TO BE SELF-CLOSING AND SELF-LATCHING. E. GARAGE SHALL NOT OPEN DIRECTLY INTO A ROOM USED FOR SLEEPING PURPOSES. F. MIN. 0.019" SHEET STEEL WITH NO OPENING FOR DUCTS IN WALLS AND CEILINGS THAT PENETRATE INTO THE GARAGE. 58. PENETRATIONS IN FIRE-RESISTANCE-RATED WALLS SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC 712.3. THROUGH PENETRATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC 712.3.1.1, CBC 712.3.1.2, OR 712.3.1. A. STEEL, FERROUS OR COPPER PIPES MAY PENETRATE FIRE-RESISTANCE RATED WALLS, PROVIDED THE OPENING IS PROTECTED AS FOLLOWS 1. ITEM PENETRATING CONCRETE OR MASONRY WALLS IS A MAX. 6" NOMINAL DIAMETER AND THE AREA OF THE OPENING THROUGH THE WALL DOES NOT EXCEED 144 SQ. IN., CONCRETE, GROUT OR MORTAR IS PERMITTED WHERE IT IS INSTALLED THE FULL THICKNESS OF THE WALL OR THE THICKNESS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN THE FIRE RESISTING RATING ; OR 2. WHEN THE ANNULAR SPACES IS PROTECTED WITH MATERIAL ASTM E 119. B. PENETRATIONS SHALL BE FIRE-STOPPED BY A SYSTEM INSTALLED AS TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E 814 OR UL 1479, AND SHALL HAVE AN F RATING OR NOT LESS THAN THE REQUIRED FIRE-RESISTING-RATING OF THE WALL PENETRATED (CBC 712.3.1.2) C. MEMBRANE PENETRATIONS OF MAX 2 HR. FIRE RESISTANCE RATED WALLS BY STEEL ELECTRICAL BOXES ARE PERMITTED, PROVIDED THAT EACH DOES NOT EXCEED 16 SQ. IN. IN AREA AND THE TOTAL AREA OF SUCH OPENINGS DOES NOT EXCEED 100 SQ. IN. FOR ANY 100 SQ. FT. OF WALL AREA, AND THE SPACE BETWEEN. THE WALL MEMBRANE AND THE BOX DOES NOT EXCEED 1/8". ADDITIONALLY, OUTLET BOXES ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE WALL SHALL BE SEPARATED BY A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF NOT LESS THAN 24." D. A FIRE SPRINKLER SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE UNPROTECTED PROVIDED SUCH A SPACE IS COVERED BY A METAL ESCUTCHEON PLATE. E. WHERE WALLS ARE PENETRATED BY OTHER MATERIALS OR OPENINGS LARGER THAN THOSE MENTIONED ABOVE, THEY MUST BE QUALIFIED BY TESTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH (CBC 703.2). 59. FIREBLOCKING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN COMBUSTIBLE CONCEALED LOCATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CBC 717.2. A. IN CONCEALED SPACES OF STUD WALLS AND PARTITIONS INCLUDING FURRED SPACES AND PARALLEL ROWS OF STUDS OR STAGGERED STUDS AS FOLLOWS: 1. VERTICALLY AT THE CEILING AND FLOOR LEVELS 2. HORIZONTALLY AT INTERVALS NOT EXCEEDING 10" B. AT ALL INTERCONNECTIONS BETWEEN CONCEALED VERTICAL STUD WALL OR PARTITION SPACES AND CONCEALED HORIZONTAL SPACES CREATED BY AND ASSEMBLY OF FLOOR JOISTS OR TRUSSES, AND BETWEEN CONCEALED VERTICAL AND HORZONTAL SPACES SUCH AS OCCUR AT SOFFITS, DROP CEILINGS, COVE CEILINGS, AND SIMILAR LOCATIONS. C. C) IN CONCEALED SPACES BETWEEN STAIR STRINGERS AT THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF THE RUN. ENCLOSED SPACES UNDER STAIRS SHALL ALSO COMPLY WITH CBC 1009.5.3. D. D) WHEN ANNULAR SPACE PROTECTION IS PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CBC 707.2 EX. 6, CBC 712.4.1.2 EX. 1, OR CBC 712.4.2, FIREBLOCKING SHALL BE INSTALLED AT ALL OPENINGS AROUND VENTS, PIPES, DUCTS, CHIMNEYS, AND FIREPLACES WITH AN APPROVED MATERIAL TO RESIST THE FREE PASSAGE OF FLAME AND THE PRODUCTS COMBUSTION. 60. DRAFTSTOPPING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN COMBUSTIABLE CONCEALED LOCATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CBC 717.3 AND 17.4. RESPECTIVELY, AT THE FOLLWING LOCATIONS: A. IN FLOOR-CEILING ASSEMBLY AND LOCATED ABOVE AND IN LINE WITH THE DWELLING UNIT SEPARATION IN DUPLEXES NOT EQUIPPED WITH AN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM B. IN ATTICS AND CONCEALED ROOF SPACES SUCH THAT ANY HORIZONTAL AREA DOES NOT EXCEED 3,000 SQ. FT. IN DWELLING NOT EQUIPPED WITH AND AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM. C. DRAFTSTOPPING MATERIALS SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD, 3/8" WOOD OR BLANKETS OF MINERAL WOOL OR GLASS FIVER, OR OTHER APPROVED MATERIALS ADEQUATELY SUPPORTED. D. OPENINGS IN THE PARTITIONS SHALL BE PROTEXTED BE SELF-CLOSING DOORS WITH ATOMATIC LATCHES CONSTRUCTED AS REQUIRED FOR THE PATRONS. 61. WALLS, FLOOR, AND CEILING SHALL NOT EXCEED THE FLAME SPREAD CLASSIFICATIONS IN CBC T-803.5. 62. INTERIOR FLOOR FINISH AND FLOOR COVERING MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC 804.2 THROUGH 804.4.1. 63. CURVED STAIRWAYS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 6" TREAD DEPTH WITH A MINIMUM 10" TREAD DEPTH MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO THE TREAD'S LEADING EDGE AT A POINT 12" FROM THE SIDE WHERE THE TREATS ARE NARROWER (CBC 1009.3, 1009.7). 64. ALL ELECTRICAL, TELEPHONE, CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM, AND SIMILAR SERVICE WIRES AND CABLES SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER GROUND. UNDERGROUND FUURE STUB OUT IS REQUIRED. 65. EACH PANE OF SAFTEY GLAZING INSTALLED IN HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY A MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION SPECIFYING WHO APPLIED THE DESIGNATION, THE MANUFACTURER OR INSTALLER AND THE SAFETY GLAZING STANDARD. THE FOLLOWING SHALL BE CONSIDERED SPECIFIC HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS FOR THE PURPOSED OF SAFTEY GLAZING. GLAZING IN: A. SWING DOORS. B. FIXED AND SLIDING PANELS OF SLIDING DOOR ASSEMBLIES AND PANELS IN SLIDING AND BI-FOLD CLOSET DOOR ASSEMBLIES. C. STORM DOORS. D. UNFRAMED SWINGING DOORS. E. DOOR AND ENCLOSURES FOR HOT TUBS, WHIRLPOOLS, SAUNAS, STEAM ROOMS, BATH TUBS, AND SHOWERS. F. FIXED OR OPERABLE PANELS ADJACENT TO A DOOR WHERE THE NEAREST EXPOSED EDGE OF THE GLAZING IS WITHIN 24" ARC OF EITHER VERTICAL EDGE OF THE DOOR IN A CLOSED POSITION AND WHERE THE BOTTOM EXPOSED EDGE OF THE GLAZING IS LESS THAN 60" ABOVE THE WALKING SURFACE. READ CODE FOR EXCEPTIONS. G. FIXED OR OPERABLE PANEL, OTHER THAN THE DESCRIBED IN ITEMS E AND F, WHICH MEETS ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS. a. EXPOSED AREA OF AN INDIVIDUAL PANE GREATER THAN 9 SQ. FT. b. EXPOSED BOTTOM EDGE LESS THAN 18" ABOVE THE FLOOR. c. EXPOSED TOP EDGE GREATER THAN 36" ABOVE THE FLOOR. d. ONE OR MORE WALKING SURFACES WITHIN 36" HORIZONTALLY OF THE PLANE OF THE GLAZING. H. GUARDS AND RAILINGS REGARDLESS OF AREA OR HEIGHT ABOVE A WALKING SURFACE. INCLUDED ARE STRUCTURAL BALUSTER PANELS AND NON-STRUCTURAL IN-FILL PANELS. I. WALLS AND FENCES ENCLOSING INDOOR AND OUTDOOR SWIMMING POOLS AND SPAS WHERE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE PRESENT: a. THE BOTTOM EDGE OF THE GLAZING IS LESS THAN 60" ABOVE A WALKING SURFACE ON THE POOL OR SPA SIDE OF GLAZING. b. THE GLAZING IS WITHIN 60" OF A SWIMMING POOL OR SPA WATER'S EDGE. J. ADJACENT TO STAIRWAYS, LANDINGS AND RAMPS WITHIN 36" HORIZONTALLY OF A WALKING SURFACE; WHEN THE EXPOSED SURFACE OF THE GLASS IS LESS THAN 60" ABOVE THE PLANE OF THE ADJACENT WALKING SURFACE. (READ THE CODE FOR EXCEPTIONS WITH INSTALLATION) K. ADJACENT TO STAIRWAYS WITHIN 60" HORIZONTALLY OF THE BOTTOM TREAD OF A STAIRWAY IN ANY DIRECTION WHEN THE EXPOSED SURFACE OF THE GLASS IS LESS THAN 60" ABOVE THE NOSE OF THE TREAD. N ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHTED. PROJECT NO.CHECKED BY SHEET NO. SCALE @ ARCH E1 SHEET NAME CLIENT NAME PRIVATE RESIDENCE ARCHITECT'S STAMP PROJECT TEAM KEY PLAN MEP ENGINEER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OTHER CONSULTANT CIVIL ENGINEER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 6/25/2021 10:26:54 AMBIM 360://15 Upper Blackwater Canyon/15 UBWC Barn.rvt12" = 1'-0"20032.01 A0.02 STABLE & SPORTS COURT 15 Upper Blackwater Canyon Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Approver GENERAL NOTES - RESIDENTIAL SERMON RESIDENCE PLANNING SUBMITTAL ISSUE RECORD ∆ DATE REASON FOR ISSUE BY 108 109 N ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHTED. PROJECT NO.CHECKED BY SHEET NO. SCALE @ ARCH E1 SHEET NAME CLIENT NAME PRIVATE RESIDENCE ARCHITECT'S STAMP PROJECT TEAM KEY PLAN MEP ENGINEER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OTHER CONSULTANT CIVIL ENGINEER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 6/25/2021 10:26:57 AMBIM 360://15 Upper Blackwater Canyon/15 UBWC Barn.rvt20032.01 A0.06 STABLE & SPORTS COURT 15 Upper Blackwater Canyon Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Approver EXISTING SITE PHOTOS SERMON RESIDENCE PLANNING SUBMITTAL EXISTING STABLE - VIEW FROM APPALOOSAPROPOSED FUTURE SET ASIDE - VIEW FROM APPALOOSAEXISTING CORRAL - VIEW FROM APPALOOSAPROPOSED SET ASIDE AREA EXISTING CORRALEXISTING CORRAL EXISTING CORRAL EXISTING CORRAL EXISTING LANDSCAPE - VIEW FROM APPALOOSA EXISTING LANDSCAPE - PROPERTY LINE EXISTING CORRALEXISTING LANDSCAPE - PROPERTY LINE EXISTING BREEZEWAY - NORTH VIEW EXISTING STABLES - SOUTHWEST FACADEEXISTING STABLES - NORTHWEST VIEWEXISTING STABLES - SOUTHEAST VIEW ISSUE RECORD ∆ DATE REASON FOR ISSUE BY 110 N ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHTED. PROJECT NO.CHECKED BY SHEET NO. SCALE @ ARCH E1 SHEET NAME CLIENT NAME PRIVATE RESIDENCE ARCHITECT'S STAMP PROJECT TEAM KEY PLAN MEP ENGINEER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OTHER CONSULTANT CIVIL ENGINEER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 6/25/2021 10:27:00 AMBIM 360://15 Upper Blackwater Canyon/15 UBWC Barn.rvt20032.01 A0.07 STABLE & SPORTS COURT 15 Upper Blackwater Canyon Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Approver EXISTING SITE PHOTOS SERMON RESIDENCE PLANNING SUBMITTAL NORTH VIEW @ REAR YARD NORTHEAST VIEW @ BACKYARDNORTHWEST VIEW @ REAR YARD WEST LANAI VIEW 1 WEST LANAI VIEW 2 WEST LANAI VIEW 3 EAST VIEW 1 @ AREA OF ADDITIONSOUTHEAST VIEW @ AREA OF ADDITIONNORTHEAST VIEW @ AREA OF ADDITION NORTHWEST VIEW 2 @ AREA OF ADDITION SOUTHEAST ENTRY VIEW 2 SOUTHEAST ENTRY VIEW 3 SOUTH ENTRY VIEW SOUTHWEST VIEWSOUTHEAST ENTRY VIEW EAST VIEW @ MASTER NORTH VIEW @ SUN ROOM SOUTH ENTRY VIEW 3 SOUTH VIEW @ SIDE YARD ISSUE RECORD ∆ DATE REASON FOR ISSUE BY 111 MB MB MB MB MB GM S67° 08' 09"W 410.29' N53° 57' 12"W 329.22' S45° 17' 07"W 149.29'S10° 17' 50"W 197.59'Δ=060°12'40" R=300.00' L=315.26' T=173.94' S40° 05' 10" W 30.00' N84° 55' 30"W 236.42' S60° 53' 30"W 122.02' N48° 22' 45"W 185.90' N70° 49' 13"W 412.53'N12° 21' 52"W 217.85'S06° 01' 01"E 107.21' OBSERVATORY 342 SF RECREATION FACILITY 1,935 SF PATIO COVER 320 SF MAIN RESIDENCE 6,459 SF POOL EQUIPMENT 298 SF BATH 76 SF SAUNA 76 SF SECONDARY DRIVE 3,361 SF PRIMARY DRIVE 4,750 SF PERVIOUS SURFACE 3,810 SF PAVED WALKS & PATIO AREAS 3,825 SF POOL DECKING 2,905 SF SWIMMING POOL 1,430 SF R-SB50' - 0"S-SB35' - 0"S-SB35' - 0"F-SB50' - 0"30' - 0"30' - 0"(N) 1,000 SF STABLE & CORRAL SET ASIDE AREA ENTIRE AREA < 10% SLOPE (RHMC 17.18.020.A) 1 8 ' - 0 "7 8 ' - 0 "1 8 ' - 0 "(E) PRIVATE DRIVEWAY (APPALOOSA LANE) APPARENT LOCATION PER LAND SURVEY: 2020-10-30_20-5514_TOPO CHRIS NELSON & ASSOCIATES LICENSE # 6385 (N) 2,808 SF REGULATION TENNIS COURT 2:1 MAX GRADE SLOPE; 10' TO SIDE BASELINE / 18 FRONT AND BACK TO BASELINE (RHMC SEE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 50' - 0"10' - 0"36' - 0"10' - 0" R -S B50' - 0 " R W E25' - 0 "S-SB25' - 0"25' - 0"25' - 0"RWE50' - 0"RWE50' - 0"S-SB25' - 0"R-SB50' - 0"RWE60' - 0"REPURPOSED STABLE 1,069 SF EXISTING STRUCTURE + 741 SF ADDITION 1,810 SF TOTAL AREA; MIXED USE STRUCTURE (E) STABLE ACCESS TO REMAIN A002 13' - 0" 8' - 0" VEHICULAR ACCESS (25% MAX SLOPE) A003 TYP20' - 0"2 8 ' - 0 "39' - 7"SIDE YARD SET BACK PROPERTY LINE EASEMENT SETBACK ROADWAY S-SB FRONT YARD SET BACKF-SB REAR YARD SET BACKR-SB ROADWAY EASEMENTRWE BUILDING PAD 1. THE SITE SHALL BE FULLY FENCED PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION 2. ALL ON-SITE LITTER AND DEBRIS SHALL BE COLLECTED DAILY 3. CONSTRUCTION WORK SHALL OCCUR ONLY BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 7:00 A.M. AND 6:00 P.M. ON MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, BETWEEN 9:00 A.M. AND 5:00 P.M. ON SATURDAY, WITH NO WORK OCCURRING ON SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS 4. MATERIAL STORAGE ON PUBLIC STREETS SHALL NOT EXCEED 48-HOURS PER LOAD 5. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS ADJACENT TO JOB SITES SHALL BE CLEAN AND FREE OF DEBRIS. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS, GRADES, ELEVATIONS AND DIMENSIONS BEFORE STARTING WORK. THE ARCHITECT SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR INCONSISTENCIES. 7. INSTALL EXPANSION JOINTS AT ALL LOCATIONS WHERE PAVEMENT MEETS BUILDING, WALLS, CURBS, AND OTHER PERMANENT STRUCTURES. 8. REFER TO CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR GRADING, DRAINAGE, UTILITIES AND PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY IMPROVEMENTS. 9. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR HARDSCAPE, PLANTERS, AND SITE FURNITURE 10. SEE CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR WALL SCHEDULES 11. ANY INCONSITENCIES OR UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE, ERECT AND MAINTAIN TEMPORARY BARRIERS AND GUARDS, AND ALL TEMPORARY SHORING AND BRACING AS REQUIRED BY ALL CITY AND STATE REGULATIONS. 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE WEATHER PROTECTION FOR THE BUILDING AND ITS CONTENTS DURING THE COURSE OF WORK. 14. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE TEMPORARY POWER POLE AND METER FOR THE DURATION OF THE WORK. 15. CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN TEMPORARY LIGHT AS REQUIRED FOR THE DURATION OF THE WORK. 16. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES AS TO LEAST IMPACT NEIGHBORS AND AS DIRECTED BY CITY REGULATIONS. 17. PROTECT IN-PLACE ALL SURVEY MONUMENTS AND PROPERTY CORNER MARKERS. 18. GC TO VERIFY THAT (E) SEWER LATERAL IS IN GOOD WORKING ORDER, PROVIDE SEWER CAMERA INSPECTION IF REQUIRED TO BE REPLACED. GC TO PROVIDE NEW LATERAL WITH EITHER BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE OR CLEANOUT ON-SITE 17.16.210 -CONDITIONS FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS. 17.16.210.A.7: RECREATIONAL GAME COURTS. TENNIS, RACQUETBALL AND SQUASH COURTS, AND ANY OTHER FENCED, ENCLOSED, PAVED OR HARD-SURFACED AREAS USED FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES SHALL ADHERE TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. A LEGALLY REQUIRED AND ACCESSIBLE STABLE AND CORRAL AREA SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE SITE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 17.16.010(A) B. A GAME COURT SHALL NOT BE LOCATED IN THE FRONT YARD OR ANY SETBACK C. A GAME COURT SHALL NOT BE LOCATED WITHIN FIFTY FEET OF ANY PAVED ROAD OR STREET EASEMENTS D. RETAINING WALLS CONSTRUCTED FOR A GAME COURT SHALL NOT EXCEED FOUR FEET IN HEIGHT AT ANY POINT ALONG THE WALL; RETAINING WALLS SHALL NOT BE EXPOSED TO THE EXTERIOR; AND IF NECESSARY TO MINIMIZE THE VISUAL IMPACT, THE GAME COURT SURFACE SHALL BE INSET OR SUNKEN BELOW GRADE E. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED GAME COURT SHALL CONFORM TO THE LOT COVERAGE LIMITATIONS AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 17.16.070 F. A GAME COURT SHALL NOT BE LOCATED ON A SLOPE THAT EXCEEDS A 2:1 GRADE G. A GAME COURT SHALL NOT BE LOCATED ON THE SIDE OR BOTTOM OF A CANYON OR IN THE PATH OF A NATURAL DRAINAGE COURSE H. WHEN GRADING IS REQUIRED FOR A GAME COURT, CUTTING AND FILLING SHALL BE BALANCED ON SITE AND SHALL NOT EXCEED A TOTAL CUT AND FILL OF SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY CUBIC YARDS I. WHEN GRADING IS REQUIRED FOR A GAME COURT, CUTTING AND FILLING SHALL BE BALANCED ON SITE AND SHALL NOT EXCEED TEN THOUSAND SQUARE FEET J. THE EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY, FLORA AND NATURAL FEATURES OF THE SITE SHALL BE RETAINED TO THE GREATEST EXTENT POSSIBLE K. DRAINAGE SYSTEMS SHALL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE GAME COURT AND SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER L. A GAME COURT SHALL BE ADEQUATELY SCREENED ON ALL FOUR SIDES M. LANDSCAPE SCREENING SHALL INCLUDE NATIVE OR OTHER DROUGHT-TOLERANT MATURE TREES AND SHRUBS WHICH SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A HEALTHY CONDITION. THE LANDSCAPE SCREENING SHALL NOT EXCEED THE MATURE HEIGHT DETERMINED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OR CITY COUNCIL AND SHALL BE APPROVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCESS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 17.46 N. LANDSCAPING SHALL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE VIEWSCAPE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES OR EASEMENTS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 17.26 O. GAME COURT LIGHTING SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED P. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A GAME COURT SHALL INCLUDE METHODS TO MITIGATE VISUAL AND NOISE IMPACTS. ITF RULES OF TENNIS 1. THE COURT THE COURT SHALL BE A RECTANGLE, 78 FEET (23.77 M) LONG AND, FOR SINGLES MATCHES, 27 FEET (8.23 M) WIDE. FOR DOUBLES MATCHES, THE COURT SHALL BE 36 FEET (10.97 M) WIDE. NOTES: AS A GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIONS, THE RECOMMENDED MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN THE BASELINES AND THE BACKSTOPS SHOULD BE 21 FEET (6.40 M) AND BETWEEN THE SIDELINES AND THE SIDESTOPS THE RECOMMENDED MINIMUM DISTANCE SHOULD BE 12 FEET (3.66 M). AS A GUIDE FOR RECREATIONAL AND CLUB PLAY, THE RECOMMENDED MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN THE BASELINES AND THE BACKSTOPS SHOULD BE 18 FEET (5.48 M) AND BETWEEN THE SIDELINES AND THE SIDESTOPS THE RECOMMENDED MINIMUM DISTANCE SHOULD BE 10 FEET (3.05 M). AS A GUIDE, THE RECOMMENDED MINIMUM HEIGHT MEASURED AT THE NET FROM THE COURT SURFACE TO THE CEILING SHOULD BE 29.6 FEET (9.0 M). N ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHTED. PROJECT NO.CHECKED BY SHEET NO. SCALE @ ARCH E1 SHEET NAME CLIENT NAME PRIVATE RESIDENCE ARCHITECT'S STAMP PROJECT TEAM KEY PLAN MEP ENGINEER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OTHER CONSULTANT CIVIL ENGINEER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 6/25/2021 10:27:02 AMBIM 360://15 Upper Blackwater Canyon/15 UBWC Barn.rvtAs indicated20032.01 A1.00 STABLE & SPORTS COURT 15 Upper Blackwater Canyon Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Approver SITE PLAN SERMON RESIDENCE PLANNING SUBMITTAL 1" = 40'-0"100 SITE PLANA002 (E) DRAINAGE LOCATED ON ALL SIDES OF THE EXISTING CORRAL TO REMAIN. A003 (E) 3-RAIL CORRAL FENCING TO REMAIN. PROTECT IN-PLACE AND/OR REPLACED/REFURBISH AS REQUIRED. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 4LEGEND12SHEET NOTES16NOTES -RECREATION COURT A002 (E) DRAINAGE LOCATED ON ALL SIDES OF THE EXISTING CORRAL TO REMAIN. A003 (E) 3-RAIL CORRAL FENCING TO REMAIN. PROTECT IN-PLACE AND/OR REPLACED/REFURBISH AS REQUIRED. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 8KEYNOTES ISSUE RECORD ∆ DATE REASON FOR ISSUE BY 112 1. REFER TO A0.02 FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2. REFER TO A0.01 FOR SYMBOL LEGEND. 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FACE OF FINISH TO FACE OF FINISH, UON. 4. REMOVE ALL ABANDONED POWER AND SIGNAL CABLING BACK TO SOURCE AND SAFE OFF. 5. PROVIDE PROTECTION FOR EXISTING FINISHES TO REMAIN. 6. GC SHALL PATCH AND REPAIR AREAS WHERE DEMOLITION OR DAMAGE OCCURRED. REFINISH DISTURBED AREAS TO MATCH ADJACENT CONDITION. EXTEND PATCH TO NEAREST NATURAL BREAK POINT. 7. GC TO PATCH AND REPAIR DAMAGED FIRE PROOFING ON STRUCTURAL AND FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES. MATCH EXISTING FIRE RATING. 8. REMOVE OR COVER ALL EXISTING PERIMETER WINDOW BLINDS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF DEMOLITION. CLEAN AND UNCOVER OR REINSTALL AT COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. 9. CONSULT WITH LANDLORD REGARDING SALVAGE AND REUSE OF BUILDING STANDARD ELEMENTS NOT REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. 10. ANY DEMOLITION DRAWINGS AND NOTES ARE PROVIDED FOR CONVENIENCE AND INFORMATION ONLY AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO REPRESENT THE COMPREHENSIVE STATE OF THE BUILDING(S). VERIFY THE EXISTING STATE OF THE BUILDING(S) FINISHES AND BUILDING SYSTEMS. 11. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE AND VERIFY ALL DEMOLITION WITH ALL ALTERATION PLANS 12. FOLLOWING DEMOLITION, ALL EXISTING DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ARE TO BE CHECKED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEW CONSTRUCTION. ANY INCONSISTENCIES OR UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 15. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE ALL DEMOLISHED MATERIALS AND ITEMS FROM THE SITE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE AGENCY CODES AND REGULATIONS 16. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE SPECIAL CARE TO PRESERVE THOSE ELEMENTS THAT ARE TO REMAIN. ANY ITEMS THAT ARE TO BE RE-USED MUST BE STORED AND PROTECTED AS REQUIRED FOR RE-USE. 17. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURE. 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE, ERECT AND MAINTAIN ALL TEMPORARY BARRIERS AND GUARDS, AND ALL TEMPORARY SHORING AND BRACING AS REQUIRED BY ALL CITY AND STATE REGULATIONS. 8 8 A A G G D D E E C C 2 2 7 7 1 1 4 4 6 6 3 3 5 5 F F B B (E) WALL AC HATCHED REGION INDICATES AREA OF PROPOSED ADDITION (741 SF) DASHED LINE INDICATES EXISTING ROOF ABOVE DEMOLISHED CONSTRUCTION EXISTING CONSTRUCTION EXISTING STABLES: PROPOSED ADDITIONAL SF: PROPOSED TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE: SQUARE FOOTAGE CALCULATION 1,069 SF 741 SF 1,810 SF 1/4" = 1'-0"101 DEMOLITION SITE PLAN ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHTED. PROJECT NO.CHECKED BY SHEET NO. SCALE @ ARCH E1 SHEET NAME CLIENT NAME PRIVATE RESIDENCE ARCHITECT'S STAMP PROJECT TEAM KEY PLAN MEP ENGINEER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OTHER CONSULTANT CIVIL ENGINEER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 6/25/2021 10:27:03 AMBIM 360://15 Upper Blackwater Canyon/15 UBWC Barn.rvtAs indicated20032.01 A1.06 STABLE & SPORTS COURT 15 Upper Blackwater Canyon Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Approver DEMOLITION PLAN SERMON RESIDENCE PLANNING SUBMITTAL N8LEGEND 4KEYNOTES8SQUARE FOOTAGE CALC. ISSUE RECORD ∆ DATE REASON FOR ISSUE BY 113 A2.01A2.00 A2.01 6 A2.00 6 88 1 A4.00 728 SF OFFICE 002 42x46 HH:94 3"42x46HH:94C/L APPALOOSA LANE (SUBJECT PROPERTY LINE)ROADWAY EASEMENT 25' - 0" SIDE YARD SETBACK 25' - 0" 8 8 14' - 0" 12' - 0" 14' - 0"12' - 0"2' - 0"6' - 0"6' - 0"2' - 0"A A 40' - 0"G G D D E E C C 2 2 7 7 1 1 36' - 0"8' - 0" 8' - 0"36' - 0" 4 4 6 6 3 3 5 5 12' - 0" 12' - 0" 12' - 0" 12' - 0" 12' - 0" 12' - 0" F F B B 12' - 0"1 A3.00 2 A4.00 3 A4.00 4 A3.00 5 A3.00 7 A3.00 A2.03 6 A2.038 A2.02 6 A2.02 8 A2.01 6 (N)(E) (E) A2.018 (N) (E) A2.00 6 (N) (E) A2.00 8(N) 794 SF REC ROOM 001 6' - 7"42x46 HH:94 42x46 HH:94 42x46HH:9446x46HH:9447x46HH:94HATCHED REGION INDICATES AREA OF PROPOSED ADDITION (741 SF) 57 SF RESTROOM 003 DASHED LINE INDICATES ROOF ABOVE 42x46 HH:94 42x46 HH:94 42x46 HH:94 42x46 HH:94 42x46 HH:94 DOOR TAG WALL TAG STOREFRONT / CURTAIN WALL TAG NEW MILLWORK XX FLOOR DRAIN CHANGE IN ELEVATION LEVEL 101 PLUMBING, APPLIANCE; EQUIPMENT TAG MATERIAL TAG? 1i 1i DEMOLISHED CONSTRUCTION EXISTING CONSTRUCTION 1 HR RATED PARTITION 2 HR RATED PARTITION 1. REFER TO A0.02 FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2. REFER TO A0.01 FOR SYMBOL LEGEND. 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FACE OF FINISH TO FACE OF FINISH, UON. 4. REMOVE ALL ABANDONED POWER AND SIGNAL CABLING BACK TO SOURCE AND SAFE OFF. 5. PROVIDE PROTECTION FOR EXISTING FINISHES TO REMAIN. 6. GC SHALL PATCH AND REPAIR AREAS WHERE DEMOLITION OR DAMAGE OCCURRED. REFINISH DISTURBED AREAS TO MATCH ADJACENT CONDITION. EXTEND PATCH TO NEAREST NATURAL BREAK POINT. 7. GC TO PATCH AND REPAIR DAMAGED FIRE PROOFING ON STRUCTURAL AND FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES. MATCH EXISTING FIRE RATING. 8. REMOVE OR COVER ALL EXISTING PERIMETER WINDOW BLINDS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF DEMOLITION. CLEAN AND UNCOVER OR REINSTALL AT COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. 9. CONSULT WITH LANDLORD REGARDING SALVAGE AND REUSE OF BUILDING STANDARD ELEMENTS NOT REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. 10. ANY DEMOLITION DRAWINGS AND NOTES ARE PROVIDED FOR CONVENIENCE AND INFORMATION ONLY AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO REPRESENT THE COMPREHENSIVE STATE OF THE BUILDING(S). VERIFY THE EXISTING STATE OF THE BUILDING(S) FINISHES AND BUILDING SYSTEMS. 11. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE AND VERIFY ALL DEMOLITION WITH ALL ALTERATION PLANS 12. FOLLOWING DEMOLITION, ALL EXISTING DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ARE TO BE CHECKED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEW CONSTRUCTION. ANY INCONSISTENCIES OR UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 15. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE ALL DEMOLISHED MATERIALS AND ITEMS FROM THE SITE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE AGENCY CODES AND REGULATIONS 16. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE SPECIAL CARE TO PRESERVE THOSE ELEMENTS THAT ARE TO REMAIN. ANY ITEMS THAT ARE TO BE RE-USED MUST BE STORED AND PROTECTED AS REQUIRED FOR RE-USE. 17. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURE. 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE, ERECT AND MAINTAIN ALL TEMPORARY BARRIERS AND GUARDS, AND ALL TEMPORARY SHORING AND BRACING AS REQUIRED BY ALL CITY AND STATE REGULATIONS. EXISTING STABLES: PROPOSED ADDITIONAL SF: PROPOSED TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE: SQUARE FOOTAGE CALCULATION 1,069 SF 741 SF 1,810 SF 1/4" = 1'-0"101 FIRST FLOOR PLAN ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHTED. PROJECT NO.CHECKED BY SHEET NO. SCALE @ ARCH E1 SHEET NAME CLIENT NAME PRIVATE RESIDENCE ARCHITECT'S STAMP PROJECT TEAM KEY PLAN MEP ENGINEER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OTHER CONSULTANT CIVIL ENGINEER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 6/25/2021 10:27:08 AMBIM 360://15 Upper Blackwater Canyon/15 UBWC Barn.rvtAs indicated20032.01 A1.11 STABLE & SPORTS COURT 15 Upper Blackwater Canyon Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 BN CONSTRUCTION PLAN SERMON RESIDENCE PLANNING SUBMITTAL N16SHEET NOTES 12SQUARE FOOTAGE CALC.8LEGEND 4KEYNOTES ISSUE RECORD ∆ DATE REASON FOR ISSUE BY 114 5" / 12"5" / 12"5" / 12"5" / 12"5" / 12"5" / 12"C/L APPALOOSA LANE (SUBJECT PROPERTY LINE)ROADWAY EASEMENT 25' - 0" SIDE YARD SETBACK 25' - 0" 8 8 A A G G D D E E C C 2 2 7 7 1 1 4 4 6 6 3 3 5 5 (N) ROOF TO MATCH (E) 8' - 1" (N) ROOF TO MATCH (E) 8' - 1" F F B B 1 A3.00 2 A4.00 3 A4.00 4 A3.00 5 A3.00 7 A3.00 HIGH ROOF HIGH ROOF RIDGE MIDDLE ROOF MIDDLE ROOF LOW ROOF LOW ROOF ACTUAL DISTANCE TO ROADWAY 35' - 0" DOOR TAG WALL TAG STOREFRONT / CURTAIN WALL TAG NEW MILLWORK XX FLOOR DRAIN CHANGE IN ELEVATION LEVEL 101 PLUMBING, APPLIANCE; EQUIPMENT TAG MATERIAL TAG? 1i 1i DEMOLISHED CONSTRUCTION EXISTING CONSTRUCTION 1 HR RATED PARTITION 2 HR RATED PARTITION ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHTED. PROJECT NO.CHECKED BY SHEET NO. SCALE @ ARCH E1 SHEET NAME CLIENT NAME PRIVATE RESIDENCE ARCHITECT'S STAMP PROJECT TEAM KEY PLAN MEP ENGINEER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OTHER CONSULTANT CIVIL ENGINEER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 6/25/2021 10:27:10 AMBIM 360://15 Upper Blackwater Canyon/15 UBWC Barn.rvtAs indicated20032.01 A1.30 STABLE & SPORTS COURT 15 Upper Blackwater Canyon Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 BN ROOF PLAN SERMON RESIDENCE PLANNING SUBMITTAL 1/4" = 1'-0"102 ROOF PLAN NISSUE RECORD ∆ DATE REASON FOR ISSUE BY 115 FIRST FLOOR 0' -0" ROOF PLAN 21' -5 29/32" 1ST FLOOR CEILING 7' -10"13' - 8"7' - 10"82714635 (E)(N) (E)(N) FIRST FLOOR 0' -0" FIRST FLOOR 0' -0" ROOF PLAN 21' -5 29/32" ROOF PLAN 21' -5 29/32" 1ST FLOOR CEILING 7' -10" 1ST FLOOR CEILING 7' -10" AGDECFB (N)(E) (N)(E) A001 1/4" = 1'-0"6NORTH ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"8EAST ELEVATION ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHTED. PROJECT NO.CHECKED BY SHEET NO. SCALE @ ARCH E1 SHEET NAME CLIENT NAME PRIVATE RESIDENCE ARCHITECT'S STAMP PROJECT TEAM KEY PLAN MEP ENGINEER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OTHER CONSULTANT CIVIL ENGINEER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 6/25/2021 10:27:12 AMBIM 360://15 Upper Blackwater Canyon/15 UBWC Barn.rvt1/4" = 1'-0"20032.01 A2.00 STABLE & SPORTS COURT 15 Upper Blackwater Canyon Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 BN EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SERMON RESIDENCE PLANNING SUBMITTAL KEYNOTES SHEET NOTES A001 FACADE DESIGN SUBJECT TO CHANGE PER RHCA REVIEW, TYP. ISSUE RECORD ∆ DATE REASON FOR ISSUE BY 116 FIRST FLOOR 0' -0" ROOF PLAN 21' -5 29/32" 1ST FLOOR CEILING 7' -10" 8 27 14635 PLATE HT. 8' -7" TOP OF RIDGE 20' -9 3/4" (E)(N) (E)(N) FIRST FLOOR 0' -0" ROOF PLAN 21' -5 29/32"21' - 6"A GDEC PLATE HT. 8' -7" TOP OF RIDGE 20' -9 3/4"20' - 9 3/4"FB (N)(E) (N)(E) A001 1. FINISH MATERIAL POLLUTANT CONTROL: FINISH MATERIALS, INCLUDING ADHESIVES, SEALANTS, CAULKS, AND COMPOSITE WOOD PRODUCTS MUST COMPLY WITH CGBSC 4.504.1-4.504.5. VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE MUST BE DOCUMENTED. 1/4" = 1'-0"6SOUTH ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"8WEST ELEVATION ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHTED. PROJECT NO.CHECKED BY SHEET NO. SCALE @ ARCH E1 SHEET NAME CLIENT NAME PRIVATE RESIDENCE ARCHITECT'S STAMP PROJECT TEAM KEY PLAN MEP ENGINEER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OTHER CONSULTANT CIVIL ENGINEER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 6/25/2021 10:27:13 AMBIM 360://15 Upper Blackwater Canyon/15 UBWC Barn.rvtAs indicated20032.01 A2.01 STABLE & SPORTS COURT 15 Upper Blackwater Canyon Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 BN EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SERMON RESIDENCE PLANNING SUBMITTAL KEYNOTES SHEET NOTES A001 FACADE DESIGN SUBJECT TO CHANGE PER RHCA REVIEW, TYP. ISSUE RECORD ∆ DATE REASON FOR ISSUE BY 117 FIRST FLOOR 0' -0" ROOF PLAN 21' -5 29/32" 1ST FLOOR CEILING 7' -10" 82714635 13' - 8"7' - 10"FIRST FLOOR 0' -0" FIRST FLOOR 0' -0" ROOF PLAN 21' -5 29/32" ROOF PLAN 21' -5 29/32" 1ST FLOOR CEILING 7' -10" 1ST FLOOR CEILING 7' -10" AGDECFB ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHTED. PROJECT NO.CHECKED BY SHEET NO. SCALE @ ARCH E1 SHEET NAME CLIENT NAME PRIVATE RESIDENCE ARCHITECT'S STAMP PROJECT TEAM KEY PLAN MEP ENGINEER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OTHER CONSULTANT CIVIL ENGINEER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 6/25/2021 10:27:15 AMBIM 360://15 Upper Blackwater Canyon/15 UBWC Barn.rvt1/4" = 1'-0"20032.01 A2.02 STABLE & SPORTS COURT 15 Upper Blackwater Canyon Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Approver EXISTING ELEVATIONS SERMON RESIDENCE PLANNING SUBMITTAL 1/4" = 1'-0"6EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"8EXISTING EAST ELEVATION KEYNOTES SHEET NOTES ISSUE RECORD ∆ DATE REASON FOR ISSUE BY 118 FIRST FLOOR 0' -0" ROOF PLAN 21' -5 29/32" 1ST FLOOR CEILING 7' -10" 8 27 14635 PLATE HT. 8' -7" TOP OF RIDGE 20' -9 3/4" FIRST FLOOR 0' -0" ROOF PLAN 21' -5 29/32" A GDEC PLATE HT. 8' -7" TOP OF RIDGE 20' -9 3/4" FB 21' - 6"20' - 9 3/4"1. FINISH MATERIAL POLLUTANT CONTROL: FINISH MATERIALS, INCLUDING ADHESIVES, SEALANTS, CAULKS, AND COMPOSITE WOOD PRODUCTS MUST COMPLY WITH CGBSC 4.504.1-4.504.5. VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE MUST BE DOCUMENTED. ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHTED. PROJECT NO.CHECKED BY SHEET NO. SCALE @ ARCH E1 SHEET NAME CLIENT NAME PRIVATE RESIDENCE ARCHITECT'S STAMP PROJECT TEAM KEY PLAN MEP ENGINEER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OTHER CONSULTANT CIVIL ENGINEER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 6/25/2021 10:27:15 AMBIM 360://15 Upper Blackwater Canyon/15 UBWC Barn.rvtAs indicated20032.01 A2.03 STABLE & SPORTS COURT 15 Upper Blackwater Canyon Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Approver EXISTING ELEVATIONS SERMON RESIDENCE PLANNING SUBMITTAL 1/4" = 1'-0"6EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"8EXISTING WEST ELEVATION SHEET NOTES KEYNOTES ISSUE RECORD ∆ DATE REASON FOR ISSUE BY 119 FIRST FLOOR 0' -0" AGDEC PLATE HT. 8' -7" TOP OF RIDGE 20' -9 3/4" F B 794 SF REC ROOM 001 FIRST FLOOR 0' -0" AGDEC PLATE HT. 8' -7" TOP OF RIDGE 20' -9 3/4" F B 794 SF REC ROOM 001 FIRST FLOOR 0' -0" AGDEC PLATE HT. 8' -7" TOP OF RIDGE 20' -9 3/4" F B 728 SF OFFICE 002 FIRST FLOOR 0' -0" AGDEC PLATE HT. 8' -7" TOP OF RIDGE 20' -9 3/4" F B 728 SF OFFICE 002 N ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHTED. PROJECT NO.CHECKED BY SHEET NO. SCALE @ ARCH E1 SHEET NAME CLIENT NAME PRIVATE RESIDENCE ARCHITECT'S STAMP PROJECT TEAM KEY PLAN MEP ENGINEER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OTHER CONSULTANT CIVIL ENGINEER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 6/25/2021 10:27:17 AMBIM 360://15 Upper Blackwater Canyon/15 UBWC Barn.rvt1/4" = 1'-0"20032.01 A3.00 STABLE & SPORTS COURT 15 Upper Blackwater Canyon Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Approver BUILDING SECTIONS SERMON RESIDENCE PLANNING SUBMITTAL 1/4" = 1'-0"1BUILDING SECTION 01A 1/4" = 1'-0"4BUILDING SECTION 01B 1/4" = 1'-0"5BUILDING SECTION 01C 1/4" = 1'-0"7BUILDING SECTION 01D ISSUE RECORD ∆ DATE REASON FOR ISSUE BY 120 FIRST FLOOR 0' -0" 8 27 14635 PLATE HT. 8' -7" TOP OF RIDGE 20' -9 3/4" 794 SF REC ROOM 001 728 SF OFFICE 002 57 SF RESTROOM 003 SEA LEVEL 0' -0" FIRST FLOOR 0' -0" 82714635 PLATE HT. 8' -7" TOP OF RIDGE 20' -9 3/4" 728 SF OFFICE 002 794 SF REC ROOM 001 FIRST FLOOR 0' -0" 82714635 PLATE HT. 8' -7" TOP OF RIDGE 20' -9 3/4" 57 SF RESTROOM 003 728 SF OFFICE 002 794 SF REC ROOM 001 ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHTED. PROJECT NO.CHECKED BY SHEET NO. SCALE @ ARCH E1 SHEET NAME CLIENT NAME PRIVATE RESIDENCE ARCHITECT'S STAMP PROJECT TEAM KEY PLAN MEP ENGINEER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OTHER CONSULTANT CIVIL ENGINEER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 6/25/2021 10:27:18 AMBIM 360://15 Upper Blackwater Canyon/15 UBWC Barn.rvt1/4" = 1'-0"20032.01 A4.00 STABLE & SPORTS COURT 15 Upper Blackwater Canyon Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Approver BUILDING SECTIONS SERMON RESIDENCE PLANNING SUBMITTAL 1/4" = 1'-0"1BUILDING SECTION 02A 1/4" = 1'-0"2BUILDING SECTION 02B 1/4" = 1'-0"3BUILDING SECTION 02D ISSUE RECORD ∆ DATE REASON FOR ISSUE BY 121 122 123 BLACKWATER RESIDENCESHEET: REVS / SUBS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: PROJECT #: Signature Expiration Date Bosky Landscape Architecture t: (805) 845-3251 e: hello@boskyland.com 590 E Gutierrez Street, Suite D Santa Barbara, CA 93103 www.boskyland.com L2.015 Upper Blackwater Canyon RdRolling Hills, CA 90274LANDSC APE IRRIGATION PLAN 06.25.2021 2106 B O S K Y L A N D S C A P E A RCHITECTURE w w w .b o s k y l a n d .c o m MWELO CALCULATIONS 1 8 " T R E E 1 8 " T R E E 1 8 " T R E E 1 6 " T R E E 2 4 " T R E E 3 8 " T R E E 2 2 " T R E E 1 4 " T R E E 1 0 " T R E E 2 0 " T R E E 1 2 " T R E E 1 8 " T R E E 1 2 " T R E E 1 6 " T R E E STABLES CON C C O R RA L 8 7 9 .7 2 E P 8 7 6 .7 5 E P 8 7 2 .3 8 E P 8 6 9 .4 3 E P 8 7 9 .6 4 F S 8 7 6 .7 6 F S 8 7 2 .0 4 F S 8 6 9 .1 2 F S 8 6 7 .3 6 F S 8 8 2 .9 N G 8 8 4 .4 N G 9 0 1 .5 N G DRAIN INLET(TYP.) Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra RaRa RaRa RaRa RaRa RaRa RaRa RaRa RaRa Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ha Ha Ha Ha HaHa Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha 1 1 0 20 40 FT SPORT COURT A P P A L O O S A L A N E SCALE: 1"=20'-0" (E) DG DRIVE REMAINS DRIP IRRIGATION TO CONNECT TO EXSITING IRRIGATION SYSTEM PROTECTED BY BACKFLOW PREVENTER AND REGULATED BY SMART SENSOR. CONTRACTOR TO ADD DRIP IRRIGATION VALVE TO EXISTING SYSTEM HYDROZONE MAP HYDROZONE LEGEND NOTE: HYDROZONE LABELS/NUMBERS CORRESPOND TO VALVE # DESIGNATIONS MAWA=(ETo)(0.62) [(ETAF x LA) + ((1-ETAF) x SLA)] ETWU=(ETo)(0.62) [(ETAF x LA) +SLA] Irrigation Calculations by Zone Hydrozone No.Description WUCOLS Type PF Irrigation Method IE ETAF (PF/ IE) HA or LA ETAF x Area PF x Area 1 Shrubs Low 0.15 Drip irrigation 1 0.19 1700 314.81 255.00 Totals 0.81 0.19 1,700.0 314.8 255.0 Irrigation Design Results ETWU < MAWA TRUE ETAF < .55 TRUE 1 1 / Shrubs 0.15 Drip irrigation 0.81 0.19 5,880 1,117.2 27,499 79,602 27,499 1,117.2 5,880 0.19 1,117.25,880 0 0 5,880 1,117.2 0.19 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINACE SUPPLEMENT INFORMATION: I AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE AND SUBMIT A COMPLETE LANDSCAPE DOCUMENT PACKAGE. ALL IRRIGATION EMISSION DEVICES WILL MEET THE CRITERIA AS SET FORTH IN MWELO SECTION 492.7(A)(1)(M) AND SHALL BE INSTALLED AND OPERATED ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS/ RECOMMENDATIONS. I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN AB 1881. I HAVE PREPARED THIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS. I CERTIFY THAT THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS THOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER. IRRIGATION SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO PREVENT RUNOFF, LOW HEAD DRAINAGE, OVERSPRAY, OR OTHER SIMILAR CONDITIONS WHERE IRRIGATION WATER FLOWS ONTO NON-TARGETED AREAS (E.G., ADJACENT PROPERTY, NON-IRRIGATED AREAS, HARDSCAPES, ROADWAYS OR STRUCTURES) IN ACCORDANCE WITH MWELO SECTIONS 492.7(A)(1)(I) AND 492.7(A)(1)(R). I HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE CRITERIA OF THE ORDINANCE AND APPLIED THEM FOR THE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER IN THE LANDSCAPE DESIGN PLANS. __________________________________________________ (Signature) COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 6/25/21 (Date) APPLICANT & PROJECT INFORMATION Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Phone:________________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________________________________ Project Site Address: ___________________________________________________________________ Project Type (new dwelling or rehab): _______________________________________________ _____ The current project does not include landscaping. I am aware that future landscape installations may be required to comply with the City of Rolling Hills Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance Chapter 13.18. _____ This project does incorporate landscaping. (Please provide the information below specific to the landscape area which will be completed as part of this project and specify the compliance method to be used): Total Landscape Area (sq. ft.): ________________ Turf Area (sq. ft.): ______________________ Non-Turf Plan Area (sq. ft.): ______________Special Landscape Area (sq. ft.): _______________ Water Type (potable, recycled, well):________________________________________________ Name of water purveyor (If not served by private well):_________________________________ Project Description Signature I certify the above information is correct and agree to comply with the requirements of Chapter 13.18 Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. _____________________________________________ __________________ Signature of property owner or authorized representative Date BOSKY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 805.845.3251 590 E GUTIERREZ ST, SUITE D, SANTA BARBARA, CA info@boskyland.com 15 UPPER BLACKWATER CANYON RD, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 NEW SPORT COURT X 5,880 0 5,880 0 POTABLE CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY LOW WATER USE, NATURALIZED PLANTING TO CONCEAL PROPOSED SPORT COURT FROM VIEW AND REDUCE SOUND. 6/25/21 CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION AND WATER PRESSURE BY DIRECT MEASUEMENT IN FIELD. -ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE LIMIT OF WORK, 18" OFF ANY HARDSCAPE, AND WITHIN PLANTING AREAS. -NOTIFY LA OF ANY DISCREPANCIES NOTED BETWEEN PLAN AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS. -CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND SERVICES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE LOCATION OF UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND SERVICES SHOWN IN THESE PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. ANY DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THESE PLANS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE OWNER OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. -LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL VALVES AND HOSE BIBS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR TO FLAG PROPOSED LOCATIONS FOR APPROVAL. -LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL IRRIGATION SYSTEM AS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE PROPER COVERAGE AND DISTRIBUTION UNIFORMITY. -CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY POINT OF CONNECTION WITH OWNER. -CONNECT INTO (E) SERVICE LINE WITH LINE SIZE BALL VALVE. -WATER SUPPLIED BY CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY -PRESSURE REGULATING DEVICES ARE REQUIRED IF PRESSURE IS BELOW OR EXCEEDS THE RECOMMENDED PRESSURE OF THE SPECIFIED IRRIGATION DEVICES. -A DIAGRAM OF THE IRRIGATION PLAN SHOWING HYDROZONES SHALL BE KEPT WITH THE IRRIGATION CONTROLLER FOR SUBSEQUENT MANAGEMENT PURPOSES IRRIGATION NOTES A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION SHALL BE FILLED OUT AND CERTIFIED BY EITHER THE DESIGNER OF THE LANDSCAPE PLANS, IRRIGATION PLANS, OR THE LICENSED LANSDSCAPE CONTRACTOR FOR THE PROJECT. AN IRRIGATION AUDIT REPORT SHALL BE COMPLETTED AT THE TIME OF FINAL INSPECTION. 124 Agenda Item No.: 7.A Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:TERRY SHEA, FINANCE DIRECTOR THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION NO. 1281 ADOPTING THE 2021/2022 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET AND RESOLUTION NO. 1282 ESTABLISHING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS GANN LIMIT FOR THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS. DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: On May 24, 2021 the City Council held a budget workshop to review the draft proposed 2021/22 budget which was reviewed by the City Council Finance/Budget/Audit committee on May 19, 2021. The Proposed FY 2020/21 Budget was reviewed in detail. City Council reviewed the General Fund FY 2021/22 draft proposed budget as presented. City Council reviewed the Other Funds FY 2021/22 draft proposed budget as presented. The budget serves as the City’s roadmap for allocating resources. The budget is a resource allocation plan for providing city services and achieving the priorities and goals that serve residents and the public. Importantly, the budget also represents the projections necessary for managing and monitoring annual revenue and expenditures in a fiscally responsible manner. The preparation of the fiscal year (FY) involves numerous steps. The steps in the budget process, to date, have included: 1. January 11, 2021 – City Council received, reviewed and approved the FY 2021/22 budget calendar. 2. March 22, 2021 – City Council received and reviewed the FY 2020/21 mid-year budget report and approved the recommended budget adjustments. 3. May 3, 2021 – City Council Finance/Budget/Audit Committee reviewed Financial and Investment Policies; and reviewed and discussed the Schedule of Fees and Charges. 4. May 24, 2021 – City Council reviewed and approved Financial and Investment Policies, Schedule of Fees and Charges. 5. May 19, 2021 - City Council Finance/Budget/Audit Committee reviewed the FY 2021/22 staff 125 proposed budget. 6. May 24, 2021 – City Council Budget Workshop reviewed Finance/Audit Committee approved FY 2021/22 staff proposed budget. 7. June 28, 2021 City Council public hearing, adoption of the FY 2021/22 budget, and approval of GANN Limit. DISCUSSION: In projecting revenues for fiscal year FY 2021/22 using conservative revenue forecasting, staff anticipates the continued resurgence of property values and is proposing a 5% increase in Property Taxes and Motor Vehicle in Lieu Taxes. Staff are projecting an increase in building permit and other fees of $18,750 over the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget. Total projected revenues are down $10,100 from the Adjusted Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget. The increase in Property Tax and Motor Vehicle In-Lieu Revenues is being offset by the decrease of $56,250 of Proposition A Exchange, Interest Income decrease of $20,000 and CARES Act Revenue of $50,000. Concurrently, FY 2021/22 proposed expenditures are projected to be $678,881 higher than the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Adjusted Budget, because of increased costs, one-time expenses for a new generator of $250,000, an off-road vehicle of $20,000 and proposed increases of $152,000 in Storm Water Management costs. GENERAL FUND The FY 2021/21 budget projects $2,100,300 in revenues in relation to $3,084,599 in expenditures resulting in a deficit of $984,299 before transfers and a deficit of $1,217,499 after transfers. FY 2021- 22 revenues are based on the following assumptions. FY 2021/22 property taxes are projected to be $59,500 or 5.0% higher and building activity will be $300,000 which is approximately $20,000 more than FY 2020/21. The City will also be providing its residents a reprieve from the annual increase it imposes each July 1st for its Refuse Collection. This will equate to a $232.41 savings for each resident in its annual rate and cost the City $159,200 from its Refuse Collection Fund. The City will include a transfer to the Refuse Fund for the General Fund to offset this absorbed increase. FY 2021/22 proposed expenditures before transfers are $678,881 or 28.22% higher than the FY 2020/21 adjusted budget. The highlights of each Department are listed below: The differences in the City Administration Department are an increase in Salaries, as well as Benefits due to a change in where the annual PERS unfunded Liability is charged. Also, included are one-time costs of $45,000 for records management. For the Finance Department there is a projected decrease of $5,553. For Planning and Development, the main differences are an increase of $152,000 for Storm Water Management and $53,000 in legal costs. For Law Enforcement there is a projected increase of 3%, but an overall decrease of $12,405 to the General Fund as the additional costs will be offset by the COPS Fund. For the Non-Departmental Department there is an increase in proposed expenditures of $132,020. Part of the increase is $16,000 for a change in where the Community Organization support are being recorded, in prior years they were in the Community Development Fund. Also, an increase of $20,000 for the Block Captain events and training and $87,000 for the PVP Land Conservancy. For the City Properties Department there is an increase in proposed expenditures of $281,773. 126 This is made up of $250,000 for a new generator (one-time cost), $16,963 in increased Repairs and Maintenance costs and $15,000 in increased Area Landscaping. Other Funds The other City Funds are similar to prior years. Of note: 1. Community Facilities Fund - annually, the City asks Caballeros, the Tennis Club and the Women’s Club if it has programs for which it would like to request City funding. Each club gave a formal request and for FY 21-22 staff budgeted these requests in the General Fund for the following: $5,000 (Caballeros), and $5,000 (Women’s Club) for programs and $5,000 for annual Tennis Maintenance Expense. 2. The Refuse Fund includes a transfer to the General Fund of ($24,000). This transfer includes ($12,000) for the administration of refuse services and ($12,000) to cover staff time and costs associated with administering the storm water management program. Also, the City will be providing its residents a reprieve from the annual COLA it imposes each July 1 st for its Refuse Collection and the annual General Fund subsidy is $159,200. 3. The Traffic Safety Fund includes $10,000 for other work outside of the annual striping. The General Fund will be budgeting a transfer of $10,000 to the Traffic Safety Fund in FY 2021-22. 4. The COPS Fund revenues are projected to be $160,000. Program Expenditures will be $160,000 to cover a portion of the 2021/22 LA County Sheriff ’s Department law enforcement services and will cover the supplemental hours for Traffic Enforcement estimated to be $13,200 in FY 2021- 22. 5. The Utility Fund includes $763,638 in design and construction costs for the Crest Road East Utility Undergrounding Grant Project. The project will be covered by Grant Funds and Rule 20A Funds from Edison. 6. The Capital Projects Fund will budget $300,000 for Tennis Court Improvements. The General Fund will be transferring $88,000 to the Capital Projects Fund in FY 2020/21 for this Project. 7. The Transit Funds for Proposition A and for Proposition C are projected to receive $69,500, for FY 21-22 there is no gifting or exchanging of funds. For Measure R and Measure M there are no proposed expenditures or gifting as the City is accumulating these funds for the future parking lot project, estimated revenues are $24,000 and $26,500, respectively. 8. For the Measure W Fund the City is projecting income of $110,000 and we are proposing an expenditure for Storm Water Management of $38,750. 9. For the Measure A Fund the City is projecting income of $26,100 with no proposed expenditures for Fiscal Year 2021/22. As required by law, notice of this public hearing was posted and advertised. In addition, as is the City’s practice, this hearing was referenced in the draft agenda included in the City newsletter published prior to this meeting and the agenda was emailed to residents who subscribe to the City’s list serve. The overall financial position of the City’s General Fund remains strong with a projected year-end Unassigned Fund Balance of $4,291,809 at June 30, 2022. The City staff works diligently on providing outstanding government services that will keep the quality of life good for the residents of Rolling Hills. It is now recommended that the City Council hold a public hearing and adopt the budget and appropriations limit as proposed. If changes in the budget are necessary during the fiscal year, staff will return to the City Council for consideration and approval of the modifications. FISCAL IMPACT: 127 The Fiscal Impact by Fund for the proposed FY 2021/22 Budget is as follows: Fund Revenues Expenditures Transfers In(Out) Fiscal Impact General $ 2,100,300 $ (3,084,599)$ (233,200) $ (1,217,499) Community Facilities - -- - Self-Insurance -- - - Refuse Collections 777,500 (912,700) 135,200 - Traffic Safety -(10,000) 10,000 - Transit Prop A 38,600 - -38,600 Transit Prop C 32,150 - -32,150 Transit Measure R 25,100 - -25,100 Transit Measure M 27,600 - -27,600 COPS 160,000 (160,000)-- CLEEP 50 (1,100)-(1,050) Capital Projects -(300,000)88,000 (212,000) Measure W 110,900 (38,750)-72,150 Measure A 27,000 --27,000 Utility Fund 763,638 (763,638)-- $ 4,062,838 $ (5,270,787) $ -$(1,207,949) RECOMMENDATION: Upon the conclusion of the public hearing, staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget for all the City’s Funds and the Annual Appropriations Limit. ATTACHMENTS: Fiscal Year 2021-22 Proposed Budget.pdf General Fund Historical Revenue & Expenditure Trends.pdf Graph Historical Revenue & Expenditure Trends.pdf ResolutionNo 1281 FY_2021-22-AdoptedBudget.docx ResolutionNo1282 FY_2021-22-AppropLimit.docx SUPPLEMENTAL - CIP_3Years_2021-June-28.pdf 128 **PROPOSED 06/28/21** ADJUSTED Favorable HISTORICAL ANNUAL (unfavorable) PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 GENERAL FUND REVENUES SUMMARY BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 5,795,780$ 5,620,298$ 5,620,298$ -$ 5,509,308$ GENERAL FUND REVENUES TAXES 1,253,224$ 1,228,600$ 1,316,304$ 87,704$ 1,294,800$ OTHER AGENCIES 226,033 282,500 320,127 37,627 266,100 LICENSES & PERMITS 391,035 321,550 308,535 (13,015) 337,900 USE OF PROPERTY & MONEY 284,472 168,000 119,590 (48,410) 148,000 EXCHANGE FUNDS - 56,250 56,250 - - OTHER REVENUES 17,456 53,500 42,018 (11,482) 53,500 TOTAL REVENUES 2,172,220$ 2,110,400$ 2,162,825$ 52,425$ 2,100,300$ GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT 01 CITY ADMINISTRATION EMPLOYEE SALARIES 333,768$ 435,100$ 301,068$ 134,032$ 429,100$ EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 154,091 190,000 156,694 33,306 219,826 TOTAL PERSONNEL 487,859 625,100 457,762 167,338 648,926 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 102,922 143,500 95,260 48,240 138,230 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 169,922 213,200 258,215 (45,015) 261,400 CAPITAL OUTLAY - - 3,117 (3,117) - 01 TOTAL CITY ADMINISTRATION 760,703$ 981,800$ 814,356$ 167,444$ 1,048,556$ 05 FINANCE MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 333 2,100 - 2,100 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 116,965 120,783 119,024 1,759 117,130 CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - 05 TOTAL FINANCE 117,298$ 122,883$ 119,024$ 3,859$ 117,330$ CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GENERAL FUND REVENUES & EXPENDITURES HISTORICAL ACTUAL - FY 2019/20 CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 1 2021-2022 Proposed Budget129 **PROPOSED 06/28/21** ADJUSTED Favorable HISTORICAL ANNUAL (unfavorable) PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GENERAL FUND REVENUES & EXPENDITURES HISTORICAL ACTUAL - FY 2019/20 CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 15 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT EMPLOYEE SALARIES 223,819$ 212,450$ 207,638$ 4,812$ 237,200$ EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 66,012 72,950 66,680 6,270 75,440 TOTAL PERSONNEL 289,831 285,400 274,318 11,082 312,640 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2,563 12,600 2,174 10,426 8,850 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 517,011 544,400 502,275 42,125 712,800 CAPITAL OUTLAY - 2,000 - 2,000 26,400 15 TOTAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 809,405$ 844,400$ 778,767$ 65,633$ 1,060,690$ 25 LAW ENFORCEMENT 219,615$ 291,785$ 245,167$ 46,618$ 279,380$ 65 NON-DEPARTMENT 33,658$ 97,350$ 54,077$ 43,273$ 229,370$ 75 CITY PROPERTIES 68,110$ 67,500$ 73,437$ (5,937)$ 349,273$ 2,008,789$ 2,405,718$ 2,084,828$ 320,890$ 3,084,599$ 163,431$ (295,318)$ 77,997$ 373,315$ (984,299)$ TRANSFERS (338,913)$ (234,402)$ (188,987)$ 45,415$ (233,200)$ (175,482)$ (529,720)$ (110,990)$ 418,730$ (1,217,499)$ ENDING FUND BALANCE 5,620,298$ 5,090,578$ 5,509,308$ 4,291,809$ GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT CATEGORY ADJUSTED Favorable HISTORICAL ANNUAL (unfavorable) PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 EMPLOYEE SALARIES 557,587$ 647,550$ 508,706$ 138,844$ 666,300$ EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 220,103 262,950 223,374 39,576 295,266 TOTAL PERSONNEL 777,690 910,500 732,080 178,420 961,566 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 108,418 187,300 104,934 82,366 192,380 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 891,292 973,483 979,812 (6,329) 1,220,863 LAW ENFORCEMENT 219,615 291,785 245,168 46,617 279,380 COMMUNITY PROMOTIONS 11,774 40,650 19,716 20,934 154,010 CAPITAL OUTLAY - 2,000 3,117 (1,117) 276,400 2,008,788$ 2,405,718$ 2,084,828$ 320,891$ 3,084,599$ NET REVENUE(DEFICIT) AFTER TRANSFERS NET REVENUES BEFORE TRANSFERS TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 2 2021-2022 Proposed Budget130 **PROPOSED 06/28/21** ADJUSTED Favorable HISTORICAL ANNUAL (unfavorable) PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GENERAL FUND REVENUES & EXPENDITURES HISTORICAL ACTUAL - FY 2019/20 CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 GENERAL FUND REVENUES DETAIL GENERAL FUND REVENUES 4001 TAXES: 401 Property Taxes 1,201,368$ 1,190,300$ 1,201,183$ 10,883$ 1,249,800$ 405 Sales Tax 3,310 4,800 25,226 20,426 4,800 410 Real Estate Transfer Tax 48,546 33,500 89,896 56,396 40,200 4001 Total 1,253,224 1,228,600 1,316,304 87,704 1,294,800 4030 OTHER AGENCIES 505 OES Grants - - 33,401 33,401 20,000 585 CARES ACT - 50,000 50,000 - - 420 Motor Vehicle in Lieu Tax-VLF 226,033 232,500 236,726 4,226 246,100 226,033 282,500 320,127 37,627 266,100 4050 LICENSES & PERMITS 440 Building & Other Permit Fees 369,250 281,250 265,764 (15,486) 300,000 450 Variance, Planning & Zoning Fees 6,700 20,000 27,433 7,433 22,000 455 Animal Control Fees 587 1,300 658 (642) 1,000 460 Franchise Fees 14,498 19,000 14,680 (4,320) 14,900 4050 Total 391,035 321,550 308,535 (13,015) 337,900 4060 FINES & VIOLATIONS 480 Fines & Traffic Violations 14,722 14,300 6,411 (7,889) 14,300 5000 USE OF PROPERTY & MONEY 600 City Hall Leasehold RHCA 83,976 68,000 68,991 991 68,000 670 Interest Earned 200,496 100,000 50,599 (49,401) 80,000 5000 Total 284,472 168,000 119,590 (48,410) 148,000 6500 EXCHANGE FUNDS 620 Proposition A - 56,250 56,250 - - 6700 OTHER REVENUE 650 Public Safety Augmentation Fund 1,000 800 1,007 207 800 655 Burglar Alarm Responses 1,400 600 600 - 600 675 Miscellaneous 334 37,800 34,000 (3,800) 37,800 6700 Total 2,734 39,200 35,607 (3,593) 39,200 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2,172,220$ 2,110,400$ 2,162,825$ 52,425$ 2,100,300$ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 3 2021-2022 Proposed Budget131 **PROPOSED 06/28/21** ADJUSTED Favorable HISTORICAL ANNUAL (unfavorable) PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GENERAL FUND REVENUES & EXPENDITURES HISTORICAL ACTUAL - FY 2019/20 CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES DETAIL BY DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 01 CITY ADMINISTRATION 7001 Employee Salaries 702 Salaries Full Time 333,333$ 424,600$ 301,068$ 123,532$ 418,600$ 703 Salaries Part Time 435 10,500 - - 10,500 7001 Total 333,768 435,100 301,068 134,032 429,100 7005 Employee Benefits 710 Retirement CalPERS - Employer 51,501 72,400 65,246 7,154 29,000 710 Retirement CalPERS - Employer Unfunded Liab.- - - - 59,026 715 Workers Compensation Insurance 7,776 7,700 7,889 (189) 7,700 716 Group Insurance 39,670 47,600 27,132 20,468 55,000 717 Retiree Medical 30,049 30,300 33,283 (2,983) 30,300 718 Employer Payroll Taxes 22,695 26,800 17,104 9,696 28,400 719 Deferred Compensation - 2,000 1,641 359 4,300 XXX Phone Allowance - - 1,200 (1,200) 1,300 720 Auto Allowance 2,400 3,200 3,200 - 4,800 7005 Total 154,091 190,000 156,694 33,306 219,826 7500 Materials & Supplies 740 Office Supplies & Expense 25,785 60,000 44,667 15,333 38,040 745 Equipment Leasing Costs 7,075 4,100 5,169 (1,069) 14,850 750 Dues & Subscriptions 11,369 11,300 11,105 195 15,240 755 Conference Expense 5,041 10,000 325 9,675 10,000 757 Meeting Expense 2,630 2,000 998 1,002 2,000 759 Training & Education 3,100 2,000 - 2,000 5,000 761 Auto Mileage 416 500 151 349 500 765 Postage 15,258 15,000 16,613 (1,613) 20,000 770 Telephone 6,510 6,100 6,111 (11) 5,700 775 City Council Expense 5,181 10,000 875 9,125 10,000 780 Minutes Clerk Meetings 4,960 6,000 4,562 1,438 6,000 785 Codification 10,117 5,000 1,100 3,900 5,000 790 Advertising - 1,500 825 675 1,000 795 Other General Administrative Expense 5,480 10,000 2,760 7,240 4,900 7500 Total 102,922 143,500 95,260 48,240 138,230 8000 Contractual Services 801 City Attorney 81,950 90,000 88,006 1,994 91,000 802 Legal Expenses - Other - 3,000 1,000 2,000 3,000 820 Website 13,019 6,000 31,408 (25,408) 6,000 850 Election Expense City Council 314 30,000 28,633 1,367 - 890 Consulting Fees 74,639 84,200 109,168 (24,968) 161,400 8000 Total 169,922 213,200 258,215 (45,015) 261,400 9000 Capital Outlay 950 Capital Outlay - Equipment - - 3,117 (3,117) - 9000 Total - - 3,117 (3,117) - 01 TOTAL CITY ADMINISTRATION 760,703$ 981,800$ 814,356$ 167,444$ 1,048,556$ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 4 2021-2022 Proposed Budget132 **PROPOSED 06/28/21** ADJUSTED Favorable HISTORICAL ANNUAL (unfavorable) PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GENERAL FUND REVENUES & EXPENDITURES HISTORICAL ACTUAL - FY 2019/20 CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 05 FINANCE 7500 Materials & Supplies 750 Dues & Subscriptions 333$ 2,100$ -$ 2,100$ 200$ 7500 Total 333 2,100 - 2,100 200 8000 Contractual Services 810 Annual Audit 16,780 17,100 17,110 (10) 17,630 890 Consulting Fees 100,185 103,683 101,914 1,769 99,500 8000 Total 116,965 120,783 119,024 1,759 117,130 9000 Capital Outlay 950 Capital Outlay - Equipment - - - - - 9000 Total - - - - - 05 TOTAL FINANCE 117,298$ 122,883$ 119,024$ 3,859$ 117,330$ 15 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 7001 Employee Salaries 702 Salaries Full Time 215,590$ 196,700$ 175,281$ 21,419$ 202,200$ 703 Salaries Part Time 8,229 15,750 32,357 (16,607) 35,000 7001 Total 223,819 212,450 207,638 4,812 237,200 7005 Employee Benefits 710 Retirement CalPERS - Employer 28,668 33,800 33,512 288 17,750 715 Workers Compensation Insurance 3,839 3,800 3,285 515 3,800 716 Group Insurance 14,202 16,200 14,415 1,785 30,900 718 Employer Payroll Taxes 16,350 16,750 14,068 2,682 18,790 719 Deferred Compensation 1,103 - - - 1,200 Phone Allowance - - 600 (600) 600 720 Auto Allowance 1,850 2,400 800 1,600 2,400 7005 Total 66,012 72,950 66,680 6,270 75,440 7500 Materials & Supplies 758 Planning Commission Meeting 1,036 3,000 1,655 1,345 - 776 Miscellaneous Expenses 250 2,000 519 1,481 2,000 750 Dues & Subscriptions - 600 - - 850 755 Conference Expense 1,277 5,000 - - 5,000 759 Training & Education - 2,000 - - 1,000 7500 Total 2,563 12,600 2,174 10,426 8,850 8000 Contractual Services 872 Property Development - Legal Expense 29,017 67,000 67,857 (857) 100,000 878 Build Inspection LA County/Willdan 197,815 150,000 146,506 3,494 150,000 881 Storm Water Management 113,945 124,000 117,753 6,247 275,800 882 Variance & CUP Expense 6,859 7,000 11,387 (4,387) 7,000 884 Special Project Study & Consultant 169,375 196,400 158,772 37,628 180,000 8000 Total 517,011 544,400 502,275 42,125 712,800 9000 Capital Outlay 950 Capital Outlay - Equipment - 2,000 - 2,000 26,400 9000 Total - 2,000 - 2,000 26,400 15 TOTAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 809,405$ 844,400$ 778,767$ 65,633$ 1,060,690$ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 5 2021-2022 Proposed Budget133 **PROPOSED 06/28/21** ADJUSTED Favorable HISTORICAL ANNUAL (unfavorable) PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GENERAL FUND REVENUES & EXPENDITURES HISTORICAL ACTUAL - FY 2019/20 CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 25 LAW ENFORCEMENT 8200 Law Enforcement 830 Law Enforcement 197,275$ 232,785$ 224,439$ 8,346$ 220,380$ 833 Other Law Enforcement Expenses 1,221 3,000 2,272 728 3,000 837 Wild Life Management & Pest Control 16,445 50,000 12,562 37,438 50,000 838 Animal Control Expense 4,674 6,000 5,895 105 6,000 8200 Total 219,615 291,785 245,168 46,617 279,380 25 TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT 219,615$ 291,785$ 245,167$ 46,618$ 279,380$ 65 NON-DEPARTMENT 7500 Materials & Supplies 901 South Bay Community Organization 2,600$ 4,100$ 2,500$ 1,600$ 20,100$ 985 Contingency - 25,000 5,000 20,000 25,000 7500 Total 2,600 29,100 7,500 21,600 45,100 8000 Contractual Services 895 Insurance & Bond Expense 19,284 27,600 26,861 739 30,260 8500 Community Promotion 915 Community Recognition 7,154 11,000 581 10,419 16,000 916 Civil Defense Expense 627 650 - 650 650 917 Emergency Preparedness 3,993 29,000 19,135 9,865 137,360 8500 Total 11,774 40,650 19,716 20,934 154,010 65 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENT 33,658$ 97,350$ 54,077$ 43,273$ 229,370$ 75 CITY PROPERTIES 8000 Contractual Services 925 Utilities 29,254$ 34,000$ 33,290$ 710$ 33,810$ 930 Repairs & Maintenance 23,637 20,000 20,067 (67) 36,963 932 Area Landscaping 15,219 13,500 20,080 (6,580) 28,500 8000 Total 68,110 67,500 73,437 (5,937) 99,273 9000 Capital Outlay 946 Building & Equipment - - - - 250,000 9000 Total - - - - 250,000 75 TOTAL CITY PROPERTIES 68,110$ 67,500$ 73,437$ (5,937)$ 349,273$ TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 2,008,789$ 2,405,718$ 2,084,828$ 320,890$ 3,084,599$ NET REVENUES BEFORE TRANSFERS 163,431$ (295,318)$ 77,997$ 373,315$ (984,299)$ 699 Fund Transfers (OUT) IN Traffic Safety Fund (99,285)$ (20,000)$ (5,460) (14,540)$ (10,000)$ Capital Improvement Fund (263,628) (169,875) (150,000) 319,875 (88,000) Community Facilities Fund - (11,000) - 11,000 - Refuse Collection Fund - Transfer Out - (57,527) (57,527) 115,054 (159,200) Refuse Collection Fund - Transfer In 24,000 24,000 24,000 - 24,000 699 Total (338,913)$ (234,402)$ (188,987)$ 431,389$ (233,200)$ (175,482)$ (529,720)$ (110,990)$ 804,704$ (1,217,499)$ NET REVENUE (DEFICIT) AFTER TRANSFERS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 6 2021-2022 Proposed Budget134 **PROPOSED 06/28/21** ADJUSTED Favorable HISTORICAL ANNUAL (unfavorable) PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GENERAL FUND REVENUES & EXPENDITURES HISTORICAL ACTUAL - FY 2019/20 CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 FUND BALANCE Total to begin 5,795,780$ 5,620,298$ 5,620,298$ 5,509,308$ Total to begin - Adjustment - - - - Total to end 5,620,298$ 5,090,578$ 5,509,308$ 4,291,809$ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 7 2021-2022 Proposed Budget135 BUDGET 2021-2022 BUDGET BY LINE ITEM ADJUSTED HISTORICAL ANNUAL Favorable PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED (unfavorable) BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 12 COMMUNITY FACILITIES FUND 4000 REVENUES 670 Interest Earned 277$ 100$ 100$ -$ -$ Total Revenues 277$ 100$ 100$ -$ -$ 7000 EXPENDITURES 933 Equestrian Facilities Maintenance -$ 5,000$ -$ 5,000$ -$ 938 Tennis Maintenance Expense - 5,000 5,000 - - 943 Women's Club 2,341 5,000 5,000 - - Total Expenditures 2,341$ 15,000$ 10,000$ 5,000$ -$ NET REVENUES BEFORE TRANFERS (2,064) (14,900) (9,900) 5,000 - 618 Operating Transfer in/out General Fund - 11,000 11,000 - - (2,064)$ (3,900)$ 1,100$ 5,000$ -$ 3000 FUND BALANCE 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Beginning 11,255$ 9,191$ 9,191$ 10,291$ 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Ending 9,191 5,291 10,291 10,291 Less Reserves: 392 Subdivision Quimby Act - - - - 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Ending 9,191$ 5,291$ 10,291$ 10,291$ NET REVENUE(DEFICIT) AFTER TRANSFERS PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 **PROPOSED 06-28-21** CITY OF ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY FACILITIES FUND HISTORICAL ACTUAL - 2019/20 CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 8 2021-2022 Proposed Budget 136 ADJUSTED HISTORICAL ANNUAL Favorable PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED (unfavorable) BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 60 MUNICIPAL SELF INSURANCE FUND 4000 REVENUES 505 Disaster Grants -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 510 Settlements - - - - - Total Revenues -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 7000 EXPENDITURES 926 Slide Maintenance -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 801 City Attorney - 3,000 - 3,000 - Total Expenditures -$ 3,000$ -$ 3,000$ -$ NET REVENUES BEFORE TRANFERS - (3,000) - 3,000 - 618 Operating Transfer in/out General Fund - - - - - -$ (3,000)$ -$ 3,000$ -$ 3000 FUND BALANCE 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Beginning 260,374$ 260,374$ 260,374$ 260,374$ 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Ending 260,374$ 257,374$ 260,374$ 260,374$ CITY OF ROLLING HILLS MUNICIPAL SELF INSURANCE FUND HISTORICAL ACTUAL - 2019/20 CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 NET REVENUE(DEFICIT) AFTER TRANSFERS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 9 2021-2022 Proposed Budget 137 ADJUSTED HISTORICAL ANNUAL Favorable PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED (unfavorable) BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 50 REFUSE COLLECTION FUND 4000 REVENUES 665 Service Charges 789,835$ 770,000$ 770,000$ -$ 753,500$ 441 Construction & Demo Permits 20,154 7,000 25,000 18,000 24,000 Total Revenues 809,989$ 777,000$ 795,000$ 18,000$ 777,500$ 7000 EXPENDITURES 815 Refuse Service Contract 825,084$ 905,548$ 905,548$ -$ 912,700$ 776 Miscellaneous Expense 31,060 - - - - 999 Operating Transfer Out - General Fund 24,000 24,000 24,000 - 24,000 Total Expenditures 880,144$ 929,548$ 929,548$ -$ 936,700$ NET REVENUES (DEFICIT) BEFORE TRANSFER (70,155)$ (152,548)$ (134,548)$ 18,000$ (159,200)$ 618 Operating Transfer in/out General Fund - 57,527 57,527 - 159,200 NET REVENUE(DEFICIT) AFTER TRAN (70,155) (95,021) (77,021) 18,000 - 3000 FUND BALANCE 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Beginning 177,521$ 107,366$ 107,366$ 30,345$ 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Ending 107,366$ 12,345$ 30,345$ 30,345$ Reserves 392 Committed Fund Balance - - - 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Ending 107,366$ 12,345$ 30,345$ 30,345$ CITY OF ROLLING HILLS REFUSE COLLECTION FUND HISTORICAL ACTUAL - 2019/20 CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 10 2021-2022 Proposed Budget 138 ADJUSTED HISTORICAL ANNUAL Favorable PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED (unfavorable) BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 13 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 4000 REVENUES 481 Fines & Forfeitures -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 504 STPL Exchange - LACMTA - - - - - Total Revenues -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 7000 EXPENDITURES 927 Road Striping - Delineators - Paving 94,155$ 20,000$ 5,460$ 14,540$ 10,000$ 928 Traffic Engineering & Survey 5,130 - - - - 929 Road Signs & Miscellaneous Expense - - - - - Total Expenditures 99,285$ 20,000$ 5,460$ 14,540$ 10,000$ NET REVENUES BEFORE TRANFERS (99,285) (20,000) (5,460) 14,540.00 (10,000) 699 Transfers fr (to) General Fund 99,285 20,000 5,460 (14,540.00) 10,000 699 Transfers fr (to) Capital Projects Fund - - - - - -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3000 FUND BALANCE 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Beginning -$ -$ -$ -$ 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Ending -$ -$ -$ -$ HISTORICAL ACTUAL - 2019/20 CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 NET REVENUE(DEFICIT) AFTER TRANSFERS TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 11 2021-2022 Proposed Budget 139 ADJUSTED HISTORICAL ANNUAL Favorable PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED (unfavorable) BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 25 TRANSIT FUND - PROPOSITION A 4000 REVENUES 500 Grant Revenue - Proposition A 37,636$ 31,400$ 37,500$ 6,100$ 38,000$ 670 Interest Earned 1,088 1,300 1,300 - 600 Total Revenues 38,724$ 32,700$ 38,800$ 6,100$ 38,600$ 7000 EXPENDITURES 905 Proposition A Exchange -$ 75,000$ 75,000$ -$ -$ Total Expenditures -$ 75,000$ 75,000$ -$ -$ 699 Transfers to General Fund - - - - - 38,724$ (42,300)$ (36,200)$ 6,100$ 38,600$ 3000 FUND BALANCE 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Beginning 17,365$ 56,090$ 56,090$ 19,890$ 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Ending 56,090$ 13,790$ 19,890$ 58,490$ CITY OF ROLLING HILLS TRANSIT FUND - PROPOSITION A HISTORICAL ACTUAL - 2019/20 CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 NET REVENUE(DEFICIT) AFTER TRANSFERS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 12 2021-2022 Proposed Budget 140 ADJUSTED HISTORICAL ANNUAL Favorable PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED (unfavorable) BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 26 TRANSIT FUND - PROPOSITION C 4000 REVENUES 501 Grant Revenue - Proposition C 31,219$ 26,100$ 31,000$ 4,900$ 31,500$ 670 Interest Earned 751 1,300 1,300 - 650 Total Revenues 31,970$ 27,400$ 32,300$ 4,900$ 32,150$ 7000 EXPENDITURES 905 Proposition C Gifted -$ 60,000$ 60,000$ -$ -$ Maintenance & Operation - - - - - Total Expenditures -$ 60,000$ 60,000$ -$ -$ 699 Transfers to General Fund - - - - - 31,970$ (32,600)$ (27,700)$ 4,900$ 32,150$ 3000 FUND BALANCE 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Beginning 9,046$ 41,015$ 41,015$ 13,315$ 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Ending 41,015$ 8,415$ 13,315$ 45,465$ PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 NET REVENUE(DEFICIT) AFTER TRANSFERS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS TRANSIT FUND - PROPOSITION C HISTORICAL ACTUAL - 2019/20 CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 13 2021-2022 Proposed Budget 141 ADJUSTED HISTORICAL ANNUAL Favorable PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED (unfavorable) BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 27 TRANSIT FUND - MEASURE R 4000 REVENUES 502 Grant Revenue - Measure R 23,381$ 19,500$ 23,300$ 3,800$ 24,000$ 670 Interest Earned 1,980 900 900 - 1,100 Total Revenues 25,361$ 20,400$ 24,200$ 3,800$ 25,100$ 7000 EXPENDITURES 907 Measure R Gifted -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Total Expenditures -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 699 Transfers to Capital Projects Fund - - - - - 25,361$ 20,400$ 24,200$ 3,800$ 25,100$ 3000 FUND BALANCE 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Beginning 57,294$ 82,655$ 82,655$ 106,855$ 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Ending 82,655$ 103,055$ 106,855$ 131,955$ CITY OF ROLLING HILLS TRANSIT FUND - MEASURE R HISTORICAL ACTUAL - 2019/20 CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 NET REVENUE(DEFICIT) AFTER TRANSFERS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 14 2021-2022 Proposed Budget 142 ADJUSTED HISTORICAL ANNUAL Favorable PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED (unfavorable) BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 29 TRANSIT FUND - MEASURE M 4000 REVENUES 504 Grant Revenue - Measure M 26,293$ 22,100$ 26,300$ 4,200$ 26,500$ 670 Interest Earned 1,533 600 600 - 1,100 Total Revenues 27,826$ 22,700$ 26,900$ 4,200$ 27,600$ 7000 EXPENDITURES 909 Measure M Gifted -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Total Expenditures -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 699 Transfers to Capital Projects Fund - - - - - 27,826$ 22,700$ 26,900$ 4,200$ 27,600$ 3000 FUND BALANCE 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Beginning 48,387$ 76,213$ 76,213$ 103,113$ 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Ending 76,213$ 98,913$ 103,113$ 130,713$ NET REVENUE(DEFICIT) AFTER TRANSFERS PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS TRANSIT FUND - MEASURE M CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 HISTORICAL ACTUAL - 2019/20 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 15 2021-2022 Proposed Budget 143 ADJUSTED HISTORICAL ANNUAL Favorable PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED (unfavorable) BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 10 CITIZENS' OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY (COPS) 4000 REVENUES 570 COPS Allocation 155,948$ 155,000$ 156,727$ 1,727$ 160,000$ 670 Interest Earned 2,271 1,500 1,500 - - Total Revenues 158,219$ 156,500$ 158,227$ 1,727$ 160,000$ 7000 EXPENDITURES 840 COPS Program Expenditures 174,499$ 164,898$ 164,898$ -$ 160,000$ 776 Miscellaneous Expenses - - - - - 1209 Total expenditures 174,499$ 164,898$ 164,898$ -$ 160,000$ NET REVENUES (DEFICIT) (16,280)$ (8,398)$ (6,671)$ 1,727$ -$ 3000 FUND BALANCE 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Beginning 56,098$ 39,818$ 39,818$ 33,147$ 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Ending 39,818$ 31,420$ 33,147$ 33,147$ HISTORICAL ACTUAL - 2019/20 CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CITIZENS' OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY (COPS) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 16 2021-2022 Proposed Budget 144 ADJUSTED HISTORICAL ANNUAL Favorable PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED (unfavorable) BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 11 CLEEP Fund - CLEEP 4000 REVENUES 580 CLEEP - Technology Program -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 670 Interest Earned 349 300 300 - 50 Total Revenues 349$ 300$ 300$ -$ 50$ 7000 EXPENDITURES 845 CLEEP - Technology Program 73$ 2,700$ 2,700$ -$ 1,100$ 776 Miscellaneous Expenses - - - - - 1209 Total expenditures 73$ 2,700$ 2,700$ -$ 1,100$ NET REVENUES (DEFICIT) 276$ (2,400)$ (2,400)$ -$ (1,050)$ 3000 FUND BALANCE 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Beginning 12,433$ 12,709$ 12,709$ 10,309$ 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Ending 12,709$ 10,309$ 10,309$ 9,259$ CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CLEEP FUND HISTORICAL ACTUAL - 2019/20 CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 17 2021-2022 Proposed Budget 145 ADJUSTED HISTORICAL ANNUAL Favorable PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED (unfavorable) BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 41 UTILITY FUND 4000 REVENUES 550 Charges for Services 21,757$ -$ -$ -$ 550 Rule 20A - Power Utility Grant Project - - - - 763,638 Total Revenues 21,757 - -$ -$ 763,638$ 7000 EXPENDITURES 803 Legal 2,573 - - - 883 Sewer Feasability Study 39,091 - 41,905 (41,905) 886 Underground Utility Project 12,948 150,000 4,560 763,638 887 Sewer Design - 85,000 Total expenditures 54,612$ 235,000$ 46,465$ (41,905)$ 763,638$ NET REVENUES BEFORE TRANFERS (32,855) (235,000) (46,465) 41,905 - 699 Transfers fr (to) General Fund - - - - - (32,855)$ (235,000)$ (46,465)$ 41,905$ -$ 41 UTILITY FUND PROPOSED PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET 7000 EXPENDITURES FY 22/23 FY 23/24 Crest Road East Utility Undergrounding Grant Project (City match Rule 20A) 763,638$ -$ Total expenditures 3000 FUND BALANCE 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Beginning 1,463,200$ 1,430,345$ 1,430,345$ 1,383,880$ 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Ending 1,430,345$ 1,195,345$ 1,383,880$ 1,383,880$ UTILITY FUND HISTORICAL ACTUAL - 2019/20 CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 NET REVENUE(DEFICIT) AFTER TRANSFERS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 18 2021-2022 Proposed Budget 146 ADJUSTED HISTORICAL ANNUAL Favorable PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED (unfavorable) BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 40 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND 4000 REVENUES -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 7000 EXPENDITURES 947 Non-Building Improvements - Tennis Courts 9,508$ 50,000$ 800$ 49,200$ 300,000$ 948 City Hall Improvements- ADA - Design 14,355 7,000 26,701 (19,701) Acacia Removal - 32,000 - 32,000 Total expenditures 23,863$ 89,000$ 27,501$ 61,499$ 300,000$ NET REVENUES BEFORE TRANFERS (23,863) (89,000) (27,501) 61,499 (300,000) 999 Transfers fr (to) General Fund 263,628 89,000 - (89,000) 88,000 999 Transfers fr (to) Traffic Safety Fund - - - - - 239,765$ -$ (27,501)$ (27,501)$ (212,000)$ 40 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND PROPOSED PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET FY 22/23 FY 23/24 947 Non-Building Improvements - Tennis Courts -$ -$ 948 City Hall Improvements- ADA - Design - City Hall Campus Parking lot Improvement Total expenditures -$ -$ 3000 FUND BALANCE 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Beginning -$ 239,765$ 239,765$ 212,264$ 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Ending 239,765$ 239,765$ 212,264$ 264$ CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 NET REVENUE(DEFICIT) AFTER TRANSFERS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS HISTORICAL ACTUAL - 2019/20 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 19 2021-2022 Proposed Budget 147 ADJUSTED HISTORICAL ANNUAL Favorable PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED (unfavorable) BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 30 LA COUNTY - MEASURE W 4000 REVENUES 502 Grant Revenue - Measure W -$ 110,000$ -$ (110,000)$ 110,000$ 670 Interest Earned - 900 - (900) 900 Total Revenues -$ 110,900$ -$ (110,900)$ 110,900$ 7000 EXPENDITURES 907 Storm Water Management -$ 38,750$ -$ 38,750$ 38,750$ Total Expenditures -$ 38,750$ -$ 38,750$ 38,750$ 699 Transfers fr (to) General Fund - - - - - -$ 72,150$ -$ (72,150)$ 72,150$ 3000 FUND BALANCE 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Beginning -$ -$ -$ -$ 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Ending -$ 72,150$ -$ 72,150$ NET REVENUE(DEFICIT) AFTER TRANSFERS CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 MEASURE W FUND CITY OF ROLLING HILLS HISTORICAL ACTUAL - 2019/20 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 20 2021-2022 Proposed Budget 148 ADJUSTED HISTORICAL ANNUAL Favorable PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED (unfavorable) BUDGET FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 35 LA COUNTY - MEASURE A 4000 REVENUES 502 Grant Revenue - Measure A -$ 26,100$ -$ (26,100)$ 26,100$ 670 Interest Earned - 900 - (900) 900 Total Revenues -$ 27,000$ -$ (27,000)$ 27,000$ 7000 EXPENDITURES 907 Landscaping/Park Amenities/Lighting -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Total Expenditures -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 699 Transfers fr (to) General Fund - - - - - -$ 27,000$ -$ (27,000)$ 27,000$ 3000 FUND BALANCE 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Beginning -$ -$ -$ -$ 398 Unassigned Fund Balance Ending -$ 27,000$ -$ 27,000$ NET REVENUE(DEFICIT) AFTER TRANSFERS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS MEASURE A FUND HISTORICAL ACTUAL - 2019/20 CURRENT TREND - FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Rolling Hills 21 2021-2022 Proposed Budget 149 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS PROJECTED - REVENUES & EXPENDITURESAll Funds Year ending June 30, 2021COMMUNITY SELF TRAFFICPROP A, C & COPS & UTILITYCAPITAL MEASURE TOTALGENERAL FACILITIES INSURANCE REFUSE SAFETYMEASURE R & MCLEEP FUNDPROJECT W REVENUES2,162,825$ 100$ -$ 795,000 -$ 122,200$ 158,527$ -$ -$ -$ 3,238,652$ EXPENDITURES2,084,828 10,000 - 905,548 5,460 135,000 167,598 46,465 27,501 - 3,382,400 NET REVENUE BEFORE TRANSFERS77,997 (9,900) - (110,548) (5,460) (12,800) (9,071) (46,465) (27,501) - (143,748) TRANSFERS IN/(OUT) GENERAL FUND- 11,000 - 33,527 5,460 - - - - - 49,987 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND(5,460) - - - - - - - - - (5,460) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND(150,000) - - - - - - - - (150,000) REFUSE FUND(57,527) - - (57,527) UTILITY FUND- - - - - - - - - - - REFUSE FUND24,000 - - - - - - - - - 24,000 TOTAL TRANSFERS(188,987) 11,000 - 33,527 5,460 - - - - - (139,000) NET REVENUE AFTER TRANSFERS(110,990) 1,100 - (77,021) - (12,800) (9,071) (46,465) (27,501) - (282,748) UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE BEGINNING5,620,298 9,191 260,374 107,366 - 255,973 52,527 1,430,345 239,765 7,975,841 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE ENDING5,509,308$ 10,291$ 260,374$ 30,345$ -$ 243,173$ 43,456$ 1,383,880$ 212,264$ -$ 7,693,092$ LESS PENSION RATE STABILIZATION TRUST(390,000)$ -$ (390,000)$ LESS CASH RESERVE- - - UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE ENDING5,119,308$ 30,345$ 7,303,092$ City of Rolling Hills 14 2021-2022 Budget150 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GENERAL FUND YEAR-END PROJECTED REVENUES FY 2020/2021 JULY 1, 2020 to JUNE 30, 2021 DOLLAR PERCENT PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 2020/2021 INCREASE INCREASE PERCENT OF FY 2020/2021 ADJUSTED (DECREASE) (DECREASE) REVENUES TOTAL AMOUNT BUDGET FROM BUDGET FROM BUDGET TAXES 60.86% 1,316,304$ 1,228,600$ 87,704$ 7.14% MOTOR VEHICLE IN LIEU 14.80% 320,127 282,500 37,627 13.32% LICENSES & PERMITS 14.27% 308,535 321,550 (13,015) -4.05% FINES & VIOLATIONS 0.30% 6,411 14,300 (7,889) -55.17% USE OF PROPERTY & MONEY 5.53% 119,590 168,000 (48,410) -28.82% CHARGES FOR SERVICES 0.00% - - - 0.00% EXCHANGE FUNDS - PROP A 2.60% 56,250 56,250 - 0.00% OHER REVENUE 1.65% 35,607 39,200 (3,593) -9.17% TOTAL REVENUES 100.00% 2,162,825$ 2,110,400$ 52,425$ 2.48% CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GENERAL FUND YEAR-END PROJECTED EXPENDITURES FY 2020/2021 JULY 1, 2020 to JUNE 30, 2021 DOLLAR PERCENT PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 2020/2021 INCREASE INCREASE PERCENT OF FY 2020/2021 ADJUSTED (DECREASE) (DECREASE) EXPENDITURES TOTAL AMOUNT BUDGET FROM BUDGET FROM BUDGET CITY ADMINISTRATION 39.06% 814,356$ 981,800$ (167,444)$ -17.05% FINANCE 5.71% 119,024 122,883 (3,859) -3.14% PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 37.35% 778,767 844,400 (65,633) -7.77% LAW ENFORCEMENT 11.76% 245,167 291,785 (46,618) -15.98% NON-DEPARTMENT 2.59% 54,077 97,350 (43,273) -44.45% CITY PROPERTIES 3.52% 73,437 67,500 5,937 8.80% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 100.00% 2,084,827$ 2,405,718$ (320,891)$ -13.34% FUND TRANSFERS IN/(OUT) COMMUNITY FUND -$ (11,000)$ 11,000$ - TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND (5,460) (20,000) 14,540 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (150,000) (169,875) 319,875 UTILITY FUND - - - REFUSE FUND (33,527) (33,527) - - TOTAL TRANSFERS IN/(OUT)(188,987)$ (234,402)$ 345,415$ 0.00% City of Rolling Hills 15 2021-2022 Budget 151 DOLLAR PERCENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROJECTED INCREASE INCREASE FY 2021/2022 FY 2021/2022 FY 2020/2021 (DECREASE) (DECREASE) REVENUES % OF TOTAL BUDGET AMOUNT FROM FY 20/21 FROM FY 20/21 TAXES 61.65% 1,294,800$ 1,316,304$ (21,504)$ -1.63% MOTOR VEHICLE IN LIEU 11.72% 246,100 236,726 9,374 3.96% LICENSES & PERMITS 16.09% 337,900 308,535 29,365 9.52% FINES & VIOLATIONS 0.68% 14,300 6,411 7,889 123.05% USE OF PROPERTY & MONEY 7.05% 148,000 119,590 28,410 23.76% CHARGES FOR SERVICES 0.00% - - - 0.00% EXCHANGE FUNDS - PROPOSITION A 0.00% - 56,250 (56,250) -100.00% OHER REVENUE 2.82% 59,200 119,008 (59,808) -50.26% TOTAL REVENUES 100% 2,100,300$ 2,162,825$ (62,525)$ -2.89% DOLLAR PERCENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROJECTED INCREASE INCREASE FY 2021/2022 FY 2021/2022 FY 2020/2021 (DECREASE) (DECREASE) EXPENDITURES % OF TOTAL BUDGET AMOUNT FROM FY 20/21 FROM FY 20/21 CITY ADMINISTRATION 33.99% 1,048,556$ 814,356$ 234,200$ 28.76% FINANCE 3.80% 117,330 119,024 (1,694) -1.42% PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 34.39% 1,060,690 778,767 281,923 36.20% LAW ENFORCEMENT 9.06% 279,380 245,167 34,213 13.95% NON-DEPARTMENT 7.44% 229,370 54,077 175,293 324.15% CITY PROPERTIES 11.32% 349,273 73,437 275,836 375.61% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 100% 3,084,599$ 2,084,829$ 999,772$ 47.95% FUND TRANSFERS IN/(OUT) COMMUNITY FACILITIES FUND -$ -$ -$ 0.00% TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND (10,000) (5,460) (4,540) 83.15% UTILITY FUND - - - 0.00% CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND (88,000) (150,000) 62,000 0.00% REFUSE FUND (135,200) (33,527) (101,673) 303.26% TOTAL TRANSFERS IN/(OUT) (233,200)$ (188,987)$ (44,213)$ 23.39% FY 2021/2022 BUDGET JULY 1, 2021 to JUNE 30, 2022 GENERAL FUND PROPOSED REVENUES FY 2021/2022 BUDGET JULY 1, 2021 to JUNE 30, 2022 GENERAL FUND ADOPTED EXPENDITURES City of Rolling Hills 17 2021-2022 Budget152 COMM. SELF TRAFFIC PROP A, C COPS UTILITY CAPITAL GENERAL FACILITIES INSURANCE REFUSE SAFETY& MEAS R & M & CLEEP FUND PROJECTMEASURE W MEASURE ATOTAL REVENUES2,100,300$ -$ -$ 777,500$ -$ 123,450$ 160,050$ 763,638$ -$ 110,900$ 27,000$ 4,062,838$ EXPENDITURES3,084,599 - - 912,700 10,000 - 161,100 763,638 300,000 38,750 - 5,270,787 NET REVENUE BEFORE TRANFERS(984,299) - - (135,200) (10,000) 123,450 (1,050) - (300,000) 72,150 27,000 (1,207,949) TRANSFERS IN/(OUT) GENERAL FUND- - - (24,000) 10,000 - - - 88,000 - - 74,000 COMMUNITY FACILITIES FUND- - - - - - - - - - - - CAPITAL PROJECT FUND(88,000) - - - - - - - - - - (88,000) TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND(10,000) - - - - - - - - - - (10,000) UTILITY FUND- - - - - - - - - - - - REFUSE FUND (NET)(135,200) - - 159,200 - - - - - - - 24,000 TOTAL TRANSFERS(233,200) - - 135,200 10,000 - - - 88,000 - - - NET REVENUE AFTER TRANSFERS(1,217,499) - - - - 123,450 (1,050) - (212,000) 72,150 27,000 (1,207,949) UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE BEGINNING5,509,308 10,291 260,374 30,345 - 243,173 43,456 1,383,880 212,264 - - 7,693,092 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE ENDING4,291,809$ 10,291$ 260,374$ 30,345$ -$ 366,623$ 42,406$ 1,383,880$ 264$ 72,150$ 27,000$ 6,485,143$ LESS PENSION RATE STABILIZATION TRUST(390,000)$ (390,000) LESS CASH RESERVE - - UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE ENDING3,901,809$ 6,095,143$ PROPOSED REVENUES & EXPENDITURESCITY OF ROLLING HILLSALL FUNDS Year ending June 30, 2022City of Rolling Hills 16 2021-2022 Budget153 CITY OF ROLLING HILLSGENERAL FUND HISTORICAL REVENUES & EXPENDITURES HIGHLIGHTSHISTORICAL ACTUAL - FY 2017/18 TO FY 2019/20PROJECTED - FY 2020/21PROPOSED BUDGET - FY 2021/22GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF TOP SEVEN REVENUES^%FY 18/19TOFY 20/21 ^% FY 21/22 ^%FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 19/20PROJECTEDFY 19/20PROPOSEDFY 20/21PROPERTY TAXES1,089,838$ 1,189,613$ 1,201,368$ 10.2% 1,201,183$ 0.0% 1,249,800$ 4.0%BUILDING & OTHER PERMIT FEES769,138 482,048 369,250 -52.0% 265,764 -28.0% 300,000 12.9%MOTOR VEHICLE IN LIEU TAX - VLF208,562 215,126 226,033 8.4% 236,726 4.7% 246,100 4.0%REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX44,881 56,011 48,546 8.2% 89,896 85.2% 40,200 -55.3%VARIANCE, PLANNING & ZONING FEES36,042 33,199 6,700 -81.4% 27,433 309.4% 22,000 -19.8%PROPOSITION A EXCHANGE0 56,250 - 56,250 - INTEREST EARNED87,326 185,060 200,496 129.6% 50,599 -74.8% 80,000 58.1%ALL OTHER REVENUES114,307 135,304 119,827 4.8% 234,974 96.1% 162,200 -31.0%TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES2,350,094$ 2,352,611$ 2,172,220$ -7.6% 2,162,825$ -0.4% 2,100,300$ -2.9%GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF TOP SEVEN EXPENDITURES^%FY 18/19TOFY 20/21 ^% FY 21/22 ^%FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 19/20PROJECTEDFY 19/20PROPOSEDFY 20/21EMPLOYEE SALARIES515,688$ 490,266$ 557,587$ 8.1% 508,706$ -8.8% 666,300$ 31.0%EMPLOYEE BENEFITS391,166 207,969 220,103 -43.7% 223,374 1.5% 295,266 32.2%BUILDING INSPECTION LA COUNTY/WILDAN221,168 174,831 197,815 -10.6% 146,506 -25.9% 150,000 2.4%STORM WATER MANAGEMENT147,276 135,116 113,945 -22.6% 117,753 3.3% 275,800 134.2%CITY ATTORNEY150,378 131,594 110,967 -26.2% 155,863 40.5% 191,000 22.5%LAW ENFORCEMENT208,400 208,950 197,275 -5.3% 224,439 13.8% 220,380 -1.8%FINANCE CONSULTING FEES90,397 94,468 100,185 10.8% 101,914 1.7% 99,500 -2.4%ALL OTHER EXPENDITURES309,511 415,618 510,912 65.1% 606,273 18.7% 1,186,353 95.7%TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPEND BEFORE TRANSFERS 2,033,984$ 1,858,812$ 2,008,789$ -1.2% 2,084,828$ 3.8% 3,084,599$ 48.0%NET GENRAL FUND TRANSFERS229,613 4,966 338,913 188,987 233,200TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITUES2,263,597$ 1,863,778$ 2,347,702$ 3.7% 2,273,815$ -3.1% 3,317,799$ 45.9%NET REVENUE (DEFICT) AFTER TRANSFERS86,497$ 488,833$ (175,482)$ -302.9% (110,990)$ -36.8% (1,217,499)$ 997%HISTORICAL AUDITED ACTUALHISTORICAL AUDITED ACTUAL**PROPOSED 6/28/21**154 $3,321,129 $3,110,058 $3,340,499 $3,831,115 $4,372,689 $4,600,994 $4,806,155 $5,120,797 $5,795,780 $5,620,298 $5,509,308 $4,291,809 $1,620,797 $1,463,120 $1,740,747 $1,972,182 $2,023,119 $2,019,757 $2,119,324 $2,350,094 $2,352,611 $2,172,220 $2,162,825 $2,100,300 $1,578,562 $1,697,941 $1,502,107 $1,481,983 $1,502,876 $1,540,402 $1,684,550 $2,033,984 $1,858,812 $2,008,789 $2,084,828 $3,084,599  $‐ $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,0002010‐11 2011‐12 2012‐13 2013‐14 2014‐15 2015‐16 2016‐17 2017‐18 2018‐19 2019‐20 2020‐21 2021‐22City of Rolling Hills ‐General Fund Historical Revenue & Expenditure Trends ‐FY 2021/22 Budget AmountsFund BalanceRevenuesExpendituresLinear (Fund Balance)Fiscal years 2010/11 to 2019/20 are actual amounts, FY 2020/21 projected amounts, FY 2021/22 proposed budget amounts155 Resolution No. 1281 -1- RESOLUTION NO. 1281 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ADOPTING THE FY 2021-22 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS BUDGET INCLUDING THE ANNUAL REPORT ON: GENERAL FUND; COMMUNITY FACILITIES FUND; MUNICIPAL SELF INSURANCE FUND; REFUSE COLLECTION FUND; SOLID WASTE CHARGES; TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND; TRANSIT FUND- MEASURE R; TRANSIT FUND-MEASURE M; TRANSIT FUND- PROPOSITION A; TRANSIT FUND-PROPOSITION C; COPS AND CLEEP FUND; UTILITY FUND; CAPITAL PROJECT FUND; MEASURE W FUND AND MEASURE A FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021-22. WHEREAS, members of the Rolling Hills City Council opened a public hearing on Monday, June 28, 2021 to consider the recommended Fiscal Year 2021-22 City of Rolling Hills Proposed Budget; and WHEREAS, following the public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2021-22 City of Rolling Hills Proposed Budget, members of the Rolling Hills City Council desire to adopt said document. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY MEMBERS OF THE ROLLING HILLS CITY COUNCIL AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Members of the City Council hereby adopt the Fiscal Year 2021-22 City of Rolling Hills Budget. Section 2.Appropriations in the amount not to exceed $3,084,599 (Budget and Budget Contingency) are authorized in the Fiscal Year 2021-22 General Fund Budget for the purpose of carrying on the business of the City for General Government, Public Safety, Public Service, and other items. Section 3.Appropriations in the amount not to exceed $2,186,188 are authorized in the various funds: Community Facilities Fund, Municipal Self Insurance Fund, Refuse Collection Fund, Traffic Safety Fund, Transit Fund-Measure R, Transit Fund-Measure M, Transit Fund-Proposition A, Transit Fund-Proposition C, COPS, CLEEP Fund, Utility Fund, Capital Project Fund, Measure W Fund and Measurer A Fund for the purpose of carrying on the business of the City. Section 4.The City Manager may transfer appropriations between and among all departments, as defined in the Fiscal Year 2021-22 budget in order to ensure revenue and expenditures correspond to the intent of the City Council. The legal level of appropriated budgetary control, that is the level at which expenditures may not exceed appropriations, is at the fund level for any one fund. Supplemental appropriations during the year must be approved by the City Council. All unexpended budgetary appropriations lapse at the end of the fiscal year. Section 5.The Mayor is hereby directed to sign this Resolution, and the City Clerk is directed to attest thereto. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of June, 2021. 156 Resolution No. 1281 -2- _________________________________ Bea Dieringer Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ Janely Sandoval City Clerk 157 Resolution No. 1281 -3- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES )SS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) The foregoing Resolution No. 1281 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ADOPTING THE FY 2021-22 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS BUDGET INCLUDING THE ANNUAL REPORT ON: GENERAL FUND; COMMUNITY FACILITIES FUND; MUNICIPAL SELF INSURANCE FUND; REFUSE COLLECTION FUND; SOLID WASTE CHARGES; TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND; TRANSIT FUND- MEASURE R; TRANSIT FUND-MEASURE M; TRANSIT FUND- PROPOSITION A; TRANSIT FUND-PROPOSITION C; COPS AND CLEEP FUND; UTILITY FUND; CAPITAL PROJECT FUND; MEASURE W FUND AND MEASURE A FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021-22. was approved and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council on June 28, 2021, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ____________________________________ Janely Sandoval City Clerk 158 Resolution No. 1282 -1- RESOLUTION NO. 1282 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ESTABLISHING THE 2021-22 FISCAL YEAR GANN APPROPRIATION LIMIT FOR THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS. WHEREAS, the City of Rolling Hills has heretofore established its Base Year Appropriations Limit as $256,941; and WHEREAS, to the best of this City's knowledge and belief, the State Department of Finance figures reflect the following statistics relevant to the calculation of the 2021-22Fiscal Year Appropriations Limit: California per capita personal income, 5.73% (plus five point seven three percent). Population Adjustments for City of Rolling Hills for FY 2021-22, -0.59% (less zero-point five nine percent). NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1.Based on the foregoing figures and the provision of Article XIII B of the Constitution of the State of California, the following figure accurately represents the 2021-22 Fiscal Year Appropriation Limit of the City of Rolling Hills: $1,875,810. Section 2.The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of Resolution No. 1282. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of June, 2021. ____________________________________ Bea Dieringer Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ Janely Sandoval City Clerk 159 Resolution No. 1282 -2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES )SS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) The foregoing Resolution No. 1282 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ESTABLISHING THE 2021-22 FISCAL YEAR GANN APPROPRIATION LIMIT FOR THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS. Was approved and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council on June 28, 2021, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ____________________________________ JANELY SANDOVAL CITY CLERK 160 PROPOSED 3‐YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CITY OF ROLLING HILLSFY2020‐2021 TO FY 2022‐2023Year 0 Current Year Year 2 Year 3Project Description FY 2018‐2019 FY 2019‐2020 FY 2020‐2021 FY 2021‐2022 FY 2022‐2023Phase Cost Phase Cost Phase Cost Phase Cost Phase Cost18" Sewer Main along Rolling Hills Road [1] Feasibility Study Phase I $11,391 Feasibility Study Phase II $30,000 Design $81,196 Construction $1,700,0002 Tennis Courts ADA Improvements Design $8,000Construction $300,0003 City Hall ADA Improvements [2]Design $37,000 Construction $784,3904 Crest Road East Utility Undergrounding Grant Project [3]Design Design/Construction $763,638 Construction $763,6385Vegetation/Fire Fuel Management Grant Project [4]Design [6] $0 Environmental/ Construction$975,1446City Hall campus parking lot improvements [5]Design $50,000Total $19,391 $30,000 $118,196 $4,523,172 $813,638[1] Off‐set of general fund ($350,000) using American Rescue Fund[2] Low interest rate financing secured ($300,000) through CJPIA for ADA projects with 5 year repay plan.[3] Grant requires 25% local match.  City will use Rule 20A credit for local match.[4] Only phase 1 has been awarded.  Phase 2 approval will depend on the completion of phase 1.[5] Eligible to be funded using a combination of accumulated local returns from Measures R and M transportation funds, Measure A County Park fund, and Measure W Clean Water fund. [6] No cost to the City; contribution by the Los Angeles County Fire DepartmentSCHEDULEProject Description FY 2018‐2019 FY 2019‐2020 FY 2020‐2021 FY 2021‐2022 FY 2022‐2023Phase Timeframe Phase Timeframe Phase Timeframe Phase Timeframe Phase Timeframe18" Sewer Main along Rolling Hills Road [1] Feasibility Study Phase I Feb 18 ‐ Oct 18Feasibility Study Phase II May 19‐May 20Design Sept '20 ‐ Jun '21Construction Jul '21 ‐ Nov '212 Tennis Courts ADA Improvements DesignConstruction Nov '21  ‐ Apr '223 City Hall ADA Improvements [2]Design Mar '20 ‐ May '21Construction Oct '21 ‐ Feb '224 Crest Road East Utility Undergrounding Grant Project [3]Design Jan '21 ‐ Jun '22Design/Construction Jul '21 ‐Jun '22 Construction Jul'22 ‐ Sept '225 Vegetation/Fire Fuel Management Grant Project [4]Design Dec '20 ‐ Mar '21Environmental/ ConstructionMay '21 ‐ Nov '21; Jan '22 ‐ Apr '226 City Hall campus parking lot improvements [5]Design Jun '22 ‐ Dec '22161 Agenda Item No.: 8.A Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ASHFORD BALL, SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:RECEIVE AND FILE FINAL HARDENING THE HOME EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS. DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: On April 12, 2021, the City Council engaged the services of Worldwise Productions LLC. (Worldwise) to produce hardening the home education videos. Worldwise shot on location on May 3, 2021 and on May 13, 2021, the City received the first look at the final product. Block Captain Leads Gene & Arlene Honbo and Block Captain Debra Schrader met at City Hall on May 24, 2021 to showcase and review the added captions and secondary draft of the videos. And most recently at the previous Block Captain meeting held on Thursday June 17, 2021 Block Captain Educational Chair Debra Schrader showcased all 5 Hardening the Home videos to all spectators and attendees of the meeting. DISCUSSION: This project, led by Lead Block Captain Gene Honbo and Block Captain Educational Chair Debra Shrader, in partnership with the Los Angeles County Fire Department Forestry Division Pre-Fire Engineer Trevor Moore was executed quickly and fiscally prudent. The project leads worked with Worldwise Productions, LLC to generate a finished product. Now finalized, the videos will be placed on the City's website for the public and community's viewing. The videos have already been shared with the Block Captains to encourage dissemination and they plan to be shared with the Rolling Hills Community Association Board and community clubs to generate awareness, urgency and education. View all 5 Hardening the Home Videos. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost to produce the videos was $9,550 and funded using the emergency preparedness account. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File. ATTACHMENTS: 162 Agenda Item No.: 8.B Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ALAN PALERMO, PROJECT MANAGER THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:REVIEW OVERALL PROJECT COST ESTIMATES AT 65% DESIGN PROGRESS FOR TWO LAYOUT OPTIONS FOR THE CITY HALL ADA IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT AND PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF. DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: In December 2019, the City released a Request For Proposal for Architectural and Engineering Design Services to prepare ADA Improvement Plans for the Rolling Hills City Hall, excluding building exterior path of travel. At the January 27, 2020 City Council Meeting, City Council considered and approved a Professional Services Agreement with Pacific Architecture and Engineering, Inc. to prepare Improvement Plans (ADA and Space Planning). A kick off meeting with Pacific Architecture and Engineering, Inc. was held February 27, 2020. At the May 26, 2020 City Council Meeting, City Council received a presentation from staff on the options developed to bring the restrooms up to date and comply with ADA and related codes. At the July 13, 2020 City Council Meeting, City Council received a presentation from staff with additional information to the two preferred options including opinions of probable costs of construction. At this July 13, 2021 City Council Meeting, City Council voted to move forward with the more economic Option 2 which kept the restrooms in the same location. Option 1 and Option 2 layouts presented at the July 13, 2020 City Council meeting are attached to this report. Pacific Architecture and Engineering, Inc. has submitted the 65% plans for City review on March 9, 2021. This submittal incorporated the restroom option selected at the July 13, 2020 City Council Meeting. The City has reviewed the 65% plans with comments. Before City review comments are returned to Pacific Architecture and Engineering, Inc. to further develop the plans to 90% design, Councilmember Jeff Piper noted that the City considered the options with the cost estimate capturing the cost to improve the restrooms and not the overall project. Councilmember Pieper recommended that the City Council revisit the restroom options. In response to Councilmember Pieper's suggestion, at the April 12, 2021 meeting, the City Council directed staff to provide a comprehensive project cost 163 estimate for restroom layout Options 1 and 2. DISCUSSION: In July 2020, staff was directed to develop layout Option 2 to design completion. In March 2021, design development of Option 2 reached 65%. In response to the City Council's directive from the April 12, 2021 meeting, Pacific Architecture and Engineering Inc.was authorized to use budget dedicated for design of Option 2 to prepare comprehensive project cost estimates for both restroom options/layouts. To do so, Option 1 needed to be developed to the 65% level to have a project cost estimate that can be compared to the project cost estimate of Option 2. Pacific Architecture and Engineering Inc. estimated that at 65% design completion, the overall project cost for implementing Option 2 is approximately $784,390. At 65% design completion, the overall project cost for implementing Option 1 is approximately $952,810. The cost difference between the two options is approximately $168,420. Pacific Architecture and Engineering Inc. estimated that at 10% design completion, the cost estimate to implement restroom improvements only for Option 2 was $268,660. At 10% design completion, the cost estimate to implement restroom improvements only for Option 1 was $671,420. The cost difference between the two restroom improvement options was $402,760. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of implementing the City Hall ADA improvement project is recommended to be budgeted in the Capital Improvement Program for FY 2021-2022. Depending on the City Council's direction after reviewing the additional cost estimates, additional budget may be needed for Pacific Architecture and Engineering Inc. to complete the design development to 100% and prepare construction documents. RECOMMENDATION: Review additional data for the project and provide direction to staff. ATTACHMENTS: rolling hills city hall _option1_202006008 Layout1 (1).pdf rolling hills city hall _option2_202006008d Layout1 (1).pdf 20210519_city hall renovation cost estimate_two options.pdf 20200509_rollinghills_costestimate10.pdf 164 165 166 ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA TWO OPTIONS COMPARISION May 17, 2021 PREPARED BY FOR PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC. Rev 0 167 PACIFIC ARCH & ENG, INC. 0FFICE: 424-3301721 DATE: 05/17/21 NO: 20-06 REV: 1 PROJECT: ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA OWNER: CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CLIENT: CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DESIGN TEAM: PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING. INC. ARCHITECTURAL: PACIFIC ARCH & ENG 310-405-3878 STRUCTURAL: TBD MECHANICAL: TBD ELECTRICAL: TBD ESTIMATING TEAM: ARCH/STRUCT: RW PLUMBING: RW ELECTRICAL: RW CHECKED BY: JF ESTIMATE LEVEL:TWO OPTIONS COMPARISION ESTIMATE TYPE:OPINION OF COST PLAN DATE:2021-05-06, 14 PAGES SPEC DATE:NONE PROJECT TYPE:ADA & NON-ADA UPGRADES PROJECT SCOPE: ESTIMATE BASIS: THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS IS MODERNIZING THEIR CITY HALL BUILDING WITH ADA UPGRADES IN THE RESTROOMS FOR OPTIONS 1 & 2 AND ADDITIONAL NON-ADA UPGRADES IN OTHER AREAS OF THE FACILITY IN OPTION 1 ONLY. THIS COST ESTIMATE IS DEFINED AS AN “OPINION OF COST” MEANING THAT THE COSTS REFLECTED IN THE ESTIMATE ARE THE CONSIDERED OPINION OF THE ESTIMATOR BASED ON THE CURRENT COSTS OF MATERIAL AND LABOR, UPON INFORMATION AVAILABLE IN PUBLISHED REFERENCE SOURCES, HISTORICAL COST DATA, CLIENT OR VENDOR PROVIDED COST DATA AND THE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OF THE ESTIMATOR. THE FINAL COST OF THE PROJECT MAY VARY FROM THE ESTIMATOR’S “OPINION OF COST” BASED ON FACTORS BEYOND THE CONTROL OF THE ESTIMATOR SUCH AS, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE NUMBER OF GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND/OR SUBCONTRACTORS PARTICIPATING IN THE BID PROCESS; SUDDEN CHANGES IN NATIONAL AND LOCAL MARKET CONDITIONS; THE NATIONAL AND LOCAL ECONOMY; AND DECISIONS MADE BY THE CLIENT. Page 1 of 3 168 PACIFIC ARCH & ENG, INC. 0FFICE: 424-3301721 DATE: 05/17/21 NO: 20-06 REV: 1 COMPETITIVE BIDDING: ESCALATION: WAGE RATES: WORK SCOPE CHANGES: PHASES:NONE PRORATES: AREA SF: GSF GENERAL CONDITIONS:25.0%ADA AREAS 0 DESIGN CONTINGENCY:25.0%NON-ADA AREAS 0 ESCALATION:6.0% INSURANCE & BONDS:1.2% OVERHEAD & PROFIT:25.0%TOTAL BUILDING AREA 0 ESCALATION: ESCALATION (9 MONTHS TO MPC AT 3.5% P/A) ESCALATION PER YEAR:6.0% ESTIMATE DATE:05/17/21 START DATE:01/15/22 CONST. LEN: 6.0 MONTHS FINISH DATE:07/15/22 MID-POINT: 12.0 MONTHS THE PRICES IN THIS ESTIMATE ARE BASED ON COMPETITIVE BIDDING. COMPETITIVE BIDDING IS RECEIVING RESPONSIVE BIDS FROM AT LEASTFIVEORMOREGENERALCONTRACTORSANDTHREEORMORERESPONSIVEBIDSFROMMAJORSUBCONTRACTORSOR TRADES. MAJOR SUBCONTRACTORS ARE CONCRETE, MASONRY, STRUCTURAL STEEL, FRAMING, ROOFING, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL SUBCONTRACTORS AND ANY OTHER MAJOR COMPONENTS OF THE PROJECT. WITHOUT COMPETITIVE BIDDING, CONTRACTOR BIDS CAN AND HAVE RANGED FROM 25% TO 100% AND MORE OVER THE PRICES IN THIS ESTIMATE, DEPENDING ON THE SIZE OF THE JOB. WITH COMPETITIVE BIDDING, CONTRACTOR BIDS CAN RANGE AS LOW AS 25% BELOW THE PRICES IN THIS ESTIMATE BASED ON CURRENT MARKET CONDITIONS. ESCALATION IS BASED ON 3.5% PER YEAR AND CARRIED FROM THE ESTIMATE DATE TO THE MID-POINT OF CONSTRUCTION. ONE MAJOR FACTOR IN ESCALATION IS INFLATION AND WE MAY BE IN A PERIOD WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR EXTREME INFLATIONARY PRESSURES. THERE ARE TOO MANY VARIABLES TO DETERMINE HOW ESCALATION WILL IMPACT ANY SPECIFIC PROJECT. THERE MAY ONLY BE NEGLIGIBLE IMPACT OR IT MAY BE GREATER THAN PREDICTED. THIS OPINION OF COST IS BASED ON MARKET WAGE-RATES & CONDITIONS AND CURRENTLY APPLICABLE PREVAILING WAGES IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY. THE USER IS CAUTIONED THAT SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THE SCOPE OF THE PROJECT, OR ALTERATIONS TO THE PROJECT DOCUMENTS AFTER COMPLETION OF THIS OPINION OF COST ESTIMATE CAN CAUSE MAJOR COST CHANGES. IN THIS CIRCUMSTANCE, TEAM SHOULD BE NOTIFIED AND AN APPROPRIATE ADJUSTMENT MADE TO THIS OPINION OF COST ESTIMATE. Page 2 of 3 169 PACIFIC ARCH & ENG, INC. 0FFICE: 424-3301721 DATE: 05/17/21 NO: 20-06 REV: 1 SUPPLIER PROVIDED QUOTES & OTHER CONTACTS: NONE GENERAL EXCLUSIONS (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED): 1. ARCHITECTURAL FEES, ENGINEERING FEES & OTHER SOFT COSTS. 2. THE COST OF LAND & EASEMENT ACQUISITION. 3. ASSESSMENTS, TAXES, FINANCE, LEGAL & DEVELOPMENT CHARGES. 4. COMPRESSION OF SCHEDULE & PREMIUM OR SHIFT WORK. 5. RESTRICTIONS ON THE CONTRACTOR'S WORKING HOURS. 6. BUILDER'S RISK, PROJECT WRAP-UP & OTHER OWNER PROVIDED INSURANCE PROGRAMS. 7. SUSTAINABLE DESIGN & LEED REQUIREMENTS. 8. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL HANDLING, DISPOSAL & ABATEMENT. 9. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MITIGATION. 10. OWNER SUPPLIED & INSTALLED FURNITURE, FIXTURES & EQUIPMENT. 11. LOOSE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED. Page 3 of 3 170 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS JOB NO: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:PROJECT SUMMARY ESTIMATE DATE: 05/17/21 REV: 0 TWO OPTIONS COMPARISION TAB DESCRIPTION ADJ SF UNIT COST TOTAL PROJECT SUMMARY OPT 1 - OFFICES, PUBLIC AREAS & RESTROOMS 3,100 SF $307.36 952,810$ OPT 2 - OFFICES, PUBLIC AREAS & RESTROOMS 2,590 SF $302.85 784,390$ DELTA 168,420$ SPECULATIVE BID RANGE FORECAST BASED ON CURRENT MARKET CONDITIONS AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR BIDDER PARTICIPATION LEVELS % OPTION 1 OPTION 2 1 - 2 GC BIDDERS 100% 1,905,620$ 1,568,780$ 2 - 3 GC BIDDERS 75% 1,667,420$ 1,372,690$ 3 - 4 GC BIDDERS 50% 1,429,220$ 1,176,590$ 4 - 5 GC BIDDERS 25% 1,191,020$ 980,490$ 5 - 6 GC BIDDERS 0% 952,810$ 784,390$ 6 - 7 GC BIDDERS -5% 905,170$ 745,180$ 7 - 8 GC BIDDERS -10% 857,530$ 705,960$ 8 - 9 GC BIDDERS -15% 809,890$ 666,740$ 10 + GC BIDDERS -20% 762,250$ 627,520$ NOTE: THE BASIC CONCEPT IS THAT HISTORICALLY WITH FEWER GC BIDDERS PRICES WILL GENERALLY RISE AND WITH MORE GC BIDDERS PRICES WILL GENERALLY FALL. 5/19/2021 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 20% SD Estimate Rev 0 Options 1&2_jf (F-86) Page 1 of 1 171 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 1 - OFFICES, PUBLIC AREAS & RESTROOMS ESTIMATE DATE: 05/17/21 ADJUSTED GSF: 3,100 REV 0 TWO OPTIONS COMPARISION ITEM # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL OPTION 1 1.10 GENERAL CONDITIONS INCLUDED IN PRORATES - NONE 2.10 SITEWORK 5.1% 8.55 26,500 2.20 DEMOLITION 5.7% 9.57 29,670 3.10 CONCRETE 4.8% 8.04 24,910 6.10 CARPENTRY 11.3% 18.98 58,850 8.10 DOORS & WINDOWS 12.7% 21.37 66,250 9.10 FINISHES 16.4% 27.55 85,420 9.50 TILE 4.6% 7.72 23,930 10.10 SPECIALTIES 1.6% 2.72 8,430 15.10 PLUMBING 7.1% 11.94 37,000 15.20 FIRE PROTECTION 0.9% 1.50 4,650 15.30 HVAC 11.9% 20.00 62,000 16.10 ELECTRICAL 17.9% 30.00 93,000 TOTAL DIRECT COST $167.94 520,610$ PRORATES GENERAL CONDITIONS 20.0% 104,130 DESIGN CONTINGENCY 25.0% 130,160 ESCALATION 6.0% 31,240 SUBTOTAL $253.59 786,140$ CONTRACTOR BURDENS BONDS 1.2% 9,440 OVERHEAD & PROFIT 20.0% 157,230 OPTION 1 - TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $307.36 952,810$ 5/19/2021 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 20% SD Estimate Rev 0 Options 1&2_jf Page 1 of 6 172 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 1 - OFFICES, PUBLIC AREAS & RESTROOMS ESTIMATE DATE: 05/17/21 ADJUSTED GSF: 3,100 REV 0 TWO OPTIONS COMPARISION ITEM # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL 1.10 GENERAL CONDITIONS See Prorates Above. 0.00 - - SUBTOTAL 1.10 $0.00 SF NONE 2.10 SITEWORK Reroute (e) Sewer Line, 4" 165 LF 100.00 16,500 Restore Landscaping & Hardscape (Allowance) 1 LS 10,000.00 10,000 - SUBTOTAL 2.10 $8.55 SF 26,500 2.20 DEMOLITION Mass Demolition Areas (Per SF Allowance) 250 SF 10.00 2,500 Power & Data Trench, 18"w 41 LF 50.00 2,050 Demo for New Restroom Concrete 224 SF 10.00 2,240 Demo Flooring Only (Per SF Allowance) 2,976 SF 5.00 14,880 Haul & Disposal Fees (Allowance) 1 LS 5,500.00 5,500 Sawcutting (Allowance) 1 LS 2,500.00 2,500 - SUBTOTAL 2.20 $9.57 SF 29,670 3.10 CONCRETE New Restroom Sloping Concrete & Substrate 224 SF 35.00 7,840 Float & Level Previous Restroom Floor 70 SF 10.00 700 Concrete Curb, 6" 96 LF 65.00 6,240 Power & Data Trench, 18"w 41 LF 125.00 5,130 Misc. Concrete Work (Allowance) 1 LS 5,000.00 5,000 - SUBTOTAL 3.10 $8.04 SF 24,910 5/19/2021 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 20% SD Estimate Rev 0 Options 1&2_jf Page 2 of 6 173 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 1 - OFFICES, PUBLIC AREAS & RESTROOMS ESTIMATE DATE: 05/17/21 ADJUSTED GSF: 3,100 REV 0 TWO OPTIONS COMPARISION ITEM # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL 6.10 CARPENTRY Rough Carpentry Wood Framed Walls, 2x4 x 134 lf 1,340 SF 20.00 26,800 Wood Framed Furr Walls, 2x4 x 54 lf 540 SF 20.00 10,800 Reframe (e) Door Openings 14 EA 500.00 7,000 Finish Carpentry Lobby Reception Desk 10 LF 650.00 6,500 Misc. Finish Carpentry (Per SF Allowance) 3,100 SF 2.50 7,750 - SUBTOTAL 6.10 $18.98 SF 58,850 8.10 DOORS & WINDOWS Doors, Frames & Std Hardware New Interior Doors, SC Wood, 3'x7' 9 EA 3,250.00 29,250 New Exterior Doors, SC Wood, 3'x7' 4 EA 3,250.00 13,000 New Exterior Doors, SC Wood, 6'x7' 1 PR 6,000.00 6,000 Includes Frames & Standard Hardware Additional Hardware Panic Hardware 5 EA 1,500.00 7,500 Self Closers 14 EA 750.00 10,500 - SUBTOTAL 8.10 $21.37 SF 66,250 9.10 FINISHES Wall Finishes Stucco, Exterior, 3 Coats 1 LS 5,000.00 5,000 Gypboard, Walls, Type X, 5/8" 3,220 SF 5.00 16,100 Insulation/Sound Batts 1,880 SF 2.50 4,700 Misc. Patch & Repair (Per SF Allowance) 3,100 SF 2.50 7,750 Walls include gypboard, sound batts & paint. Flooring Carpet Tiles 2,536 SF 10.00 25,360 Vinyl Base, 4" 670 LF 7.50 5,030 5/19/2021 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 20% SD Estimate Rev 0 Options 1&2_jf Page 3 of 6 174 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 1 - OFFICES, PUBLIC AREAS & RESTROOMS ESTIMATE DATE: 05/17/21 ADJUSTED GSF: 3,100 REV 0 TWO OPTIONS COMPARISION ITEM # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL Ceilings Acoustic Ceiling Tile, 2x4 1,060 SF 7.50 7,950 Gypboard, Ceilings, Type X, 5/8" 230 SF 5.00 1,150 Painting Painting, Walls, 3 Coats 3,220 SF 2.50 8,050 Painting, Ceilings, 3 Coats 230 SF 2.50 580 Paint/Stain Doors 15 EA 150.00 2,250 Misc. Additional Painting (Allowance) 1 LS 1,500.00 1,500 - SUBTOTAL 9.10 $27.55 SF 85,420 9.50 TILE Restrooms Ceramic Tile, Floor 224 SF 25.00 5,600 Ceramic Tile, Wainscot, 4' 336 SF 30.00 10,080 Lobby Ceramic Tile, Floor 216 SF 25.00 5,400 Ceramic Tile, Base 95 LF 30.00 2,850 - SUBTOTAL 9.50 $7.72 SF 23,930 10.10 SPECIALTIES Toilet Partitions & Accessories Toilet Partition, ADA 1 EA 1,500.00 1,500 Toilet Partition, Door & Panel 1 EA 500.00 500 Coat Hooks 3 EA 75.00 230 Grab Bar Sets 2 EA 350.00 700 Mirrors 3 EA 120.00 360 Paper Towel Dispenser & Waste Combo 2 EA 750.00 1,500 Seat Cover Dispensers 3 EA 75.00 230 Soap Dispensers 3 EA 75.00 230 Toilet Paper Dispensers 3 EA 75.00 230 General Building Specialties Corner Guards 8 EA 75.00 600 Markerboards, 6'x4' 1 EA 600.00 600 TV Wall Mounting Bracket 1 EA 750.00 750 Misc. General Building Specialties (Allowance) 1 LS 1,000.00 1,000 - 5/19/2021 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 20% SD Estimate Rev 0 Options 1&2_jf Page 4 of 6 175 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 1 - OFFICES, PUBLIC AREAS & RESTROOMS ESTIMATE DATE: 05/17/21 ADJUSTED GSF: 3,100 REV 0 TWO OPTIONS COMPARISION ITEM # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL SUBTOTAL 10.10 $2.72 SF 8,430 5/19/2021 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 20% SD Estimate Rev 0 Options 1&2_jf Page 5 of 6 176 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 1 - OFFICES, PUBLIC AREAS & RESTROOMS ESTIMATE DATE: 05/17/21 ADJUSTED GSF: 3,100 REV 0 TWO OPTIONS COMPARISION ITEM # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL 15.10 PLUMBING Toilets 3 EA 2,500.00 7,500 Urinals 1 EA 1,500.00 1,500 Lavatories 3 EA 1,000.00 3,000 Plumbing Rough-Ins 7 EA 3,500.00 24,500 Sterilization & Testing 1 LS 1,000.00 500 - SUBTOTAL 15.10 $11.94 SF 37,000 15.20 FIRE PROTECTION Adjust Sprinkler Heads (Per SF Allowance) 3,100 SF 1.50 4,650 - SUBTOTAL 15.20 $1.50 SF 4,650 15.30 HVAC Reconfigure Existing HVAC (Per SF Allowance) 3,100 SF 20.00 62,000 - SUBTOTAL 15.30 $20.00 SF 62,000 16.10 ELECTRICAL Reconfigure Existing Electrical (Per SF Allowance) 3,100 SF 30.00 93,000 - SUBTOTAL 16.10 $30.00 SF 93,000 5/19/2021 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 20% SD Estimate Rev 0 Options 1&2_jf Page 6 of 6 177 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 2 - OFFICES, PUBLIC AREAS & RESTROOMS ESTIMATE DATE: 05/17/21 ADJUSTED GSF: 2,590 REV 0 TWO OPTIONS COMPARISION ITEM # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL OPTION 2 1.10 GENERAL CONDITIONS INCLUDED IN PRORATES - NONE 2.10 SITEWORK 0.0% - NONE 2.20 DEMOLITION 6.1% 9.33 24,170 3.10 CONCRETE 5.1% 7.83 20,290 6.10 CARPENTRY 12.4% 19.15 49,600 8.10 DOORS & WINDOWS 11.7% 18.07 46,800 9.10 FINISHES 16.5% 25.31 65,560 9.50 TILE 4.2% 6.51 16,870 10.10 SPECIALTIES 1.2% 1.83 4,730 15.10 PLUMBING 9.3% 14.29 37,000 15.20 FIRE PROTECTION 1.0% 1.50 3,890 15.30 HVAC 13.0% 20.00 51,800 16.10 ELECTRICAL 19.5% 30.00 77,700 TOTAL DIRECT COST $153.83 398,410$ PRORATES GENERAL CONDITIONS 25.0% 99,610 DESIGN CONTINGENCY 25.0% 99,610 ESCALATION 6.0% 23,910 SUBTOTAL $239.98 621,540$ CONTRACTOR BURDENS BONDS 1.2% 7,460 OVERHEAD & PROFIT 25.0% 155,390 OPTION 2 - TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $302.85 784,390$ 5/19/2021 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 20% SD Estimate Rev 0 Options 1&2_jf Page 1 of 5 178 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 2 - OFFICES, PUBLIC AREAS & RESTROOMS ESTIMATE DATE: 05/17/21 ADJUSTED GSF: 2,590 REV 0 TWO OPTIONS COMPARISION ITEM # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL 1.10 GENERAL CONDITIONS See Prorates Above. 0.00 - - SUBTOTAL 1.10 $0.00 SF NONE 2.10 SITEWORK None - - SUBTOTAL 2.10 $0.00 SF NONE 2.20 DEMOLITION Mass Demolition Areas (Per SF Allowance) 250 SF 10.00 2,500 Power & Data Trench, 18"w 41 LF 50.00 2,050 Demo for New Restroom Concrete 260 SF 10.00 2,600 Demo Flooring Only (Per SF Allowance) 2,264 SF 5.00 11,320 Haul & Disposal Fees (Allowance) 1 LS 4,700.00 4,700 Sawcutting (Allowance) 1 LS 1,000.00 1,000 - SUBTOTAL 2.20 $9.33 SF 24,170 3.10 CONCRETE New Restroom Sloping Concrete & Substrate 186 SF 35.00 6,510 Concrete Curb, 6" 110 LF 65.00 7,150 Power & Data Trench, 18"w 41 LF 125.00 5,130 Misc. Concrete Work (Allowance) 1 LS 1,500.00 1,500 - SUBTOTAL 3.10 $7.83 SF 20,290 5/19/2021 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 20% SD Estimate Rev 0 Options 1&2_jf Page 2 of 5 179 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 2 - OFFICES, PUBLIC AREAS & RESTROOMS ESTIMATE DATE: 05/17/21 ADJUSTED GSF: 2,590 REV 0 TWO OPTIONS COMPARISION ITEM # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL 6.10 CARPENTRY Rough Carpentry Wood Framed Walls, 2x4 x 80 lf 800 SF 20.00 16,000 Wood Framed Furr Walls, 2x4 x 38 lf 380 SF 20.00 7,600 Finish Carpentry Lobby Reception Desk 9 LF 650.00 5,850 Coffee Break, Base Cab 9 LF 450.00 4,050 Coffee Break, Wall Cab 9 LF 350.00 3,150 Misc. Finish Carpentry (Per SF Allowance) 2,590 SF 5.00 12,950 - SUBTOTAL 6.10 $19.15 SF 49,600 8.10 DOORS & WINDOWS New Interior Doors, SC Wood, 3'x7' 13 EA 3,600.00 46,800 Includes Frames & Standard Hardware - SUBTOTAL 8.10 $18.07 SF 46,800 9.10 FINISHES Wall Finishes Stucco, Exterior, 3 Coats 1 LS 5,000.00 5,000 Gypboard, Type X, 5/8" 1,980 SF 5.00 9,900 Insulation/Sound Batts 1,180 SF 2.50 2,950 Misc. Patch & Repair (Per SF Allowance) 2,590 SF 2.50 6,480 Walls include gypboard, sound batts & paint. Flooring Carpet Tiles 2,264 SF 10.00 22,640 Vinyl Base, 4" 530 LF 7.50 3,980 Ceilings Suspended/Framed' Gypboard Ceiling 242 SF 20.00 4,840 Gypboard, Ceilings, Type X, 5/8" 242 SF 2.50 610 5/19/2021 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 20% SD Estimate Rev 0 Options 1&2_jf Page 3 of 5 180 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 2 - OFFICES, PUBLIC AREAS & RESTROOMS ESTIMATE DATE: 05/17/21 ADJUSTED GSF: 2,590 REV 0 TWO OPTIONS COMPARISION ITEM # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL Painting Painting, Walls, 3 Coats 1,980 SF 2.50 4,950 Painting, Ceilings, 3 Coats 242 SF 2.50 610 Paint/Stain Doors 13 EA 200.00 2,600 Misc. Additional Painting (Allowance) 1 LS 1,000.00 1,000 - SUBTOTAL 9.10 $25.31 SF 65,560 9.50 TILE Restrooms Ceramic Tile, Floor 190 SF 25.00 4,750 Ceramic Tile, Wainscot, 4' 404 SF 30.00 12,120 - SUBTOTAL 9.50 $6.51 SF 16,870 10.10 SPECIALTIES Toilet Accessories Coat Hooks 3 EA 75.00 230 Grab Bar Sets 2 EA 350.00 700 Mirrors 3 EA 120.00 360 Paper Towel Dispenser & Waste Combo 3 EA 750.00 2,250 Seat Cover Dispensers 3 EA 75.00 230 Soap Dispensers 3 EA 75.00 230 Toilet Paper Dispensers 3 EA 75.00 230 General Building Specialties Misc. General Building Specialties (Allowance) 1 LS 500.00 500 - SUBTOTAL 10.10 $1.83 SF 4,730 15.10 PLUMBING Toilets 3 EA 2,500.00 7,500 Urinals 1 EA 1,500.00 1,500 Lavatories 3 EA 1,000.00 3,000 Plumbing Rough-Ins 7 EA 3,500.00 24,500 Sterilization & Testing 1 LS 500.00 500 - SUBTOTAL 15.10 $14.29 SF 37,000 5/19/2021 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 20% SD Estimate Rev 0 Options 1&2_jf Page 4 of 5 181 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 2 - OFFICES, PUBLIC AREAS & RESTROOMS ESTIMATE DATE: 05/17/21 ADJUSTED GSF: 2,590 REV 0 TWO OPTIONS COMPARISION ITEM # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL 15.20 FIRE PROTECTION Adjust Sprinkler Heads (Per SF Allowance) 2,590 SF 1.50 3,890 - SUBTOTAL 15.20 $1.50 SF 3,890 15.30 HVAC Reconfigure Existing HVAC (Per SF Allowance) 2,590 SF 20.00 51,800 - SUBTOTAL 15.30 $20.00 SF 51,800 16.10 ELECTRICAL Reconfigure Existing Electrical (Per SF Allowance) 2,590 SF 30.00 77,700 - SUBTOTAL 16.10 $30.00 SF 77,700 5/19/2021 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 20% SD Estimate Rev 0 Options 1&2_jf Page 5 of 5 182 ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA 10% SCHEMATIC DESIGN COST ESTIMATE May 9, 2020 20-06 PREPARED BY PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC. HERMOSA BEACH, CA Rev 0 RHWCC JOB NUMBER: 183 PACIFIC ARCH & ENG, INC.0FFICE: 310-698-8711 DATE: 05/09/20 2447 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY, SUITE 218 RHW NO: 20-06 HERMOSA BEACH, CA 90254 REV: 0 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA OWNER:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DESIGN TEAM:PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING. INC. ARCHITECTURAL: PACIFIC ARCH & ENG STRUCTURAL:TBD MECHANICAL:TBD ELECTRICAL:TBD ESTIMATING TEAM: ARCH/STRUCT: RW PLUMBING:RW ELECTRICAL:RW CHECKED BY:JFH ESTIMATE LEVEL:10% SCHEMATIC DESIGN COST ESTIMATE ESTIMATE TYPE:OPINION OF COST PLAN DATE:2020-05-06, 3 PAGES SPEC DATE:NONE PROJECT TYPE:ADA & NON-ADA UPGRADES PROJECT SCOPE: ESTIMATE BASIS: THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS IS MODERNIZING THEIR CITY HALL BUILDING WITH ADA UPGRADES THIS COST ESTIMATE IS DEFINED AS AN “OPINION OF COST” MEANING THAT THE COSTS REFLECTED IN THE ESTIMATE ARE THE CONSIDERED OPINION OF THE ESTIMATOR BASED ON THE CURRENT COSTS OF MATERIAL AND LABOR, UPON INFORMATION AVAILABLE IN PUBLISHED REFERENCE SOURCES, HISTORICAL COST DATA, CLIENT OR VENDOR PROVIDED COST DATA AND THE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OF THE ESTIMATOR. THE FINAL COST OF THE PROJECT MAY VARY FROM THE ESTIMATOR’S “OPINION OF COST” BASED ON FACTORS BEYOND THE CONTROL OF THE ESTIMATOR SUCH AS, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE NUMBER OF GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND/OR SUBCONTRACTORS PARTICIPATING IN THE BID PROCESS; SUDDEN CHANGES IN NATIONAL AND LOCAL MARKET CONDITIONS; THE NATIONAL AND LOCAL ECONOMY; AND DECISIONS MADE BY THE CLIENT. Page 1 of 3 184 PACIFIC ARCH & ENG, INC.0FFICE: 310-698-8711 DATE: 05/09/20 2447 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY, SUITE 218 RHW NO: 20-06 HERMOSA BEACH, CA 90254 REV: 0 COMPETITIVE BIDDING: ESCALATION: WAGE RATES: WORK SCOPE CHANGES: PHASES:NONE PRORATES: AREA SF: GSF GENERAL CONDITIONS:25.0%ADA AREAS 0 DESIGN CONTINGENCY:35.0%NON-ADA AREAS 0 ESCALATION:2.1% INSURANCE & BONDS:1.2% OVERHEAD & PROFIT:25.0%TOTAL BUILDING AREA 0 ESCALATION: ESCALATION (9 MONTHS TO MPC AT 3.5% P/A) ESCALATION PER YEAR:3.5% ESTIMATE DATE:05/09/20 START DATE:09/01/20 CONST. LEN: 6.0 MONTHS FINISH DATE:03/01/21 MID-POINT: 7.0 MONTHS THE PRICES IN THIS ESTIMATE ARE BASED ON COMPETITIVE BIDDING. COMPETITIVE BIDDING IS RECEIVING RESPONSIVE BIDS FROM AT LEASTFIVEORMOREGENERALCONTRACTORSANDTHREEORMORERESPONSIVEBIDSFROMMAJORSUBCONTRACTORSOR TRADES. MAJOR SUBCONTRACTORS ARE CONCRETE, MASONRY, STRUCTURAL STEEL, FRAMING, ROOFING, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL SUBCONTRACTORS AND ANY OTHER MAJOR COMPONENTS OF THE PROJECT. WITHOUT COMPETITIVE BIDDING, CONTRACTOR BIDS CAN AND HAVE RANGED FROM 25% TO 100% AND MORE OVER THE PRICES IN THIS ESTIMATE, DEPENDING ON THE SIZE OF THE JOB. WITH COMPETITIVE BIDDING, CONTRACTOR BIDS CAN RANGE AS LOW AS 25% BELOW THE PRICES IN THIS ESTIMATE BASED ON CURRENT MARKET CONDITIONS. ESCALATION IS BASED ON 3.5% PER YEAR AND CARRIED FROM THE ESTIMATE DATE TO THE MID-POINT OF CONSTRUCTION. ONE MAJOR FACTOR IN ESCALATION IS INFLATION AND WE MAY BE IN A PERIOD WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR EXTREME INFLATIONARY PRESSURES. THERE ARE TOO MANY VARIABLES TO DETERMINE HOW ESCALATION WILL IMPACT ANY SPECIFIC PROJECT. THERE MAY ONLY BE NEGLIGIBLE IMPACT OR IT MAY BE GREATER THAN PREDICTED. THIS OPINION OF COST IS BASED ON MARKET WAGE-RATES & CONDITIONS AND CURRENTLY APPLICABLE PREVAILING WAGES IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY. THE USER IS CAUTIONED THAT SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THE SCOPE OF THE PROJECT, OR ALTERATIONS TO THE PROJECT DOCUMENTS AFTER COMPLETION OF THIS OPINION OF COST ESTIMATE CAN CAUSE MAJOR COST CHANGES. IN THIS CIRCUMSTANCE, RHWCC SHOULD BE NOTIFIED AND AN APPROPRIATE ADJUSTMENT MADE TO THIS OPINION OF COST ESTIMATE. Page 2 of 3 185 PACIFIC ARCH & ENG, INC.0FFICE: 310-698-8711 DATE: 05/09/20 2447 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY, SUITE 218 RHW NO: 20-06 HERMOSA BEACH, CA 90254 REV: 0 SUPPLIER PROVIDED QUOTES & OTHER CONTACTS: NONE GENERAL EXCLUSIONS (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED): 1.ARCHITECTURAL FEES, ENGINEERING FEES & OTHER SOFT COSTS. 2.THE COST OF LAND & EASEMENT ACQUISITION. 3.ASSESSMENTS, TAXES, FINANCE, LEGAL & DEVELOPMENT CHARGES. 4.COMPRESSION OF SCHEDULE & PREMIUM OR SHIFT WORK. 5.RESTRICTIONS ON THE CONTRACTOR'S WORKING HOURS. 6.BUILDER'S RISK, PROJECT WRAP-UP & OTHER OWNER PROVIDED INSURANCE PROGRAMS. 7.SUSTAINABLE DESIGN & LEED REQUIREMENTS. 8.H AZARDOUS MATERIAL HANDLING, DISPOSAL & ABATEMENT. 9.ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MITIGATION. 10.OWNER SUPPLIED & INSTALLED FURNITURE, FIXTURES & EQUIPMENT. 11.LOOSE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED. Page 3 of 3 186 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS RHWCC JOB NO: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:PROJECT SUMMARY ESTIMATE DATE: 05/09/20 REV: 0 10% SCHEMATIC DESIGN COST ESTIMATE TAB DESCRIPTION ADJ SF UNIT COST TOTAL PROJECT SUMMARY OPTION 1 - RESTROOMS & RECONFIGURATION 1,390 SF $483.04 671,420$ OPTION 2 - RESTROOMS 260 SF $1,033.31 268,660$ SPECULATIVE BID RANGE FORECAST BASED ON CURRENT MARKET CONDITIONS AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR BIDDER PARTICIPATION LEVELS %OPTION 1 OPTION 2 1 - 2 GC BIDDERS 100%1,342,840$ 537,320$ 2 - 3 GC BIDDERS 75%1,174,990$ 470,160$ 3 - 4 GC BIDDERS 50%1,007,130$ 402,990$ 4 - 5 GC BIDDERS 25%839,280$ 335,830$ 5 - 6 GC BIDDERS 0%671,420$ 268,660$ 6 - 7 GC BIDDERS -5%637,850$ 255,230$ 7 - 8 GC BIDDERS -10%604,280$ 241,800$ 8 - 9 GC BIDDERS -15%570,710$ 228,370$ 10 + GC BIDDERS -20%537,140$ 214,930$ NOTE: THE BASIC CONCEPT IS THAT HISTORICALLY WITH FEWER GC BIDDERS PRICES WILL GENERALLY RISE AND WITH MORE GC BIDDERS PRICES WILL GENERALLY FALL. 5/9/2020 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 10% SD Estimate Rev 0 (F-86)Page 1 of 1 187 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS RHWCC JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 1 - RESTROOMS & MISC. AREAS ESTIMATE DATE: 05/09/20 ADJUSTED GSF: 1,390 REV 0 10% SCHEMATIC DESIGN COST ESTIMATE ITEM #DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL OPTION 1 1.10 GENERAL CONDITIONS INCLUDED IN PRORATES - NONE 2.10 SITEWORK 7.1% 17.99 25,000 2.20 DEMOLITION 8.2% 20.86 28,990 3.10 CONCRETE 5.5% 13.95 19,390 6.10 CARPENTRY 7.5% 19.05 26,480 8.10 DOORS & WINDOWS 10.9% 27.68 38,480 9.10 FINISHES 18.8% 47.68 66,280 9.50 TILE 4.4% 11.28 15,680 10.10 SPECIALTIES 2.4% 6.06 8,430 15.10 PLUMBING 10.5% 26.62 37,000 15.20 FIRE PROTECTION 1.0% 2.50 3,480 15.30 HVAC 9.9% 25.00 34,750 16.10 ELECTRICAL 13.8% 35.00 48,650 TOTAL DIRECT COST $253.68 352,610$ PRORATES GENERAL CONDITIONS 20.0%70,530 DESIGN CONTINGENCY 35.0%123,420 ESCALATION 2.1%7,410 SUBTOTAL $398.54 553,970$ CONTRACTOR BURDENS BONDS 1.2%6,650 OVERHEAD & PROFIT 20.0%110,800 OPTION 1 - TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $483.04 671,420$ 5/9/2020 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 10% SD Estimate Rev 0 pg4 Page 1 of 5 188 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS RHWCC JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 1 - RESTROOMS & MISC. AREAS ESTIMATE DATE: 05/09/20 ADJUSTED GSF: 1,390 REV 0 10% SCHEMATIC DESIGN COST ESTIMATE ITEM #DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL 1.10 GENERAL CONDITIONS See Prorates Above. 0.00 - - SUBTOTAL 1.10 $0.00 SF NONE 2.10 SITEWORK Sewer Line, 4"150 LF 100.00 15,000 Restore Landscaping & Hardscape (Allowance)1 LS 10,000.00 10,000 - SUBTOTAL 2.10 $17.99 SF 25,000 2.20 DEMOLITION Mass Demolition Areas (Per SF Allowance)1,200 SF 15.00 18,000 Demo for New Restroom Concrete 224 SF 10.00 2,240 Demo Flooring Only (Per SF Allowance)190 SF 5.00 950 Haul & Disposal Fees (Allowance)1 LS 5,300.00 5,300 Sawcutting (Allowance)1 LS 2,500.00 2,500 - SUBTOTAL 2.20 $20.86 SF 28,990 3.10 CONCRETE New Restroom Sloping Concrete & Substrate 224 SF 35.00 7,840 Float & Level Previous Restroom Floor 70 SF 10.00 700 Concrete Curb, 6"90 LF 65.00 5,850 Misc. Concrete Work (Allowance)1 LS 5,000.00 5,000 - SUBTOTAL 3.10 $13.95 SF 19,390 5/9/2020 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 10% SD Estimate Rev 0 pg4 Page 2 of 5 189 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS RHWCC JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 1 - RESTROOMS & MISC. AREAS ESTIMATE DATE: 05/09/20 ADJUSTED GSF: 1,390 REV 0 10% SCHEMATIC DESIGN COST ESTIMATE ITEM #DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL 6.10 CARPENTRY Rough Carpentry Wood Framed Walls, 2x4 1,250 SF 10.00 12,500 Wood Framed Walls, 2x8 200 SF 12.50 2,500 Reframe (e) Door Openings 6 EA 500.00 3,000 Finish Carpentry Lobby Reception Desk, 10 lf 1 EA 5,000.00 5,000 Misc. Finish Carpentry (Per SF Allowance)1,390 SF 2.50 3,480 - SUBTOTAL 6.10 $19.05 SF 26,480 8.10 DOORS & WINDOWS New Interior Doors, SC Wood, 3'x7'13 EA 2,960.00 38,480 Includes Frames & Standard Hardware - - SUBTOTAL 8.10 $27.68 SF 38,480 9.10 FINISHES Wall Finishes New Walls, 2x4 x 125 lf 1,250 SF 20.00 25,000 New Walls, 2x8 x 20 lf 200 SF 25.00 5,000 Misc. Patch & Repair (Per SF Allowance)1,390 SF 2.50 3,480 Walls include gypboard, sound batts & paint. Flooring Resilient Flooring 570 SF 10.00 5,700 Carpet Tiles 110 SF 10.00 1,100 Lobby Brick (Remove & Replace)380 SF 20.00 7,600 Vinyl Base, 4"410 LF 7.50 3,080 Ceilings Acoustic Ceiling Tile, 2x4 1,060 SF 7.50 7,950 Suspended Gypboard Ceiling 224 SF 15.00 3,360 Paint Gypboard Ceiling 224 SF 2.50 560 5/9/2020 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 10% SD Estimate Rev 0 pg4 Page 3 of 5 190 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS RHWCC JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 1 - RESTROOMS & MISC. AREAS ESTIMATE DATE: 05/09/20 ADJUSTED GSF: 1,390 REV 0 10% SCHEMATIC DESIGN COST ESTIMATE ITEM #DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL Additional Painting Paint/Stain Doors 13 EA 150.00 1,950 Misc. Additional Painting (Allowance)1 LS 1,500.00 1,500 - SUBTOTAL 9.10 $47.68 SF 66,280 9.50 TILE Ceramic Tile, Floor 224 SF 25.00 5,600 Ceramic Tile, Wainscot, 4'336 SF 30.00 10,080 - SUBTOTAL 9.50 $11.28 SF 15,680 10.10 SPECIALTIES Toilet Partitions & Accessories Toilet Partition, ADA 1 EA 1,500.00 1,500 Toilet Partition, Door & Panel 1 EA 500.00 500 Coat Hooks 3 EA 75.00 230 Grab Bar Sets 2 EA 350.00 700 Mirrors 3 EA 120.00 360 Paper Towel Dispenser & Waste Combo 2 EA 750.00 1,500 Seat Cover Dispensers 3 EA 75.00 230 Soap Dispensers 3 EA 75.00 230 Toilet Paper Dispensers 3 EA 75.00 230 General Building Specialties Corner Guards 8 EA 75.00 600 Markerboards, 6'x4'1 EA 600.00 600 TV Wall Mounting Bracket 1 EA 750.00 750 Misc. General Building Specialties (Allowance)1 LS 1,000.00 1,000 - SUBTOTAL 10.10 $6.06 SF 8,430 5/9/2020 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 10% SD Estimate Rev 0 pg4 Page 4 of 5 191 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS RHWCC JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 1 - RESTROOMS & MISC. AREAS ESTIMATE DATE: 05/09/20 ADJUSTED GSF: 1,390 REV 0 10% SCHEMATIC DESIGN COST ESTIMATE ITEM # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL 15.10 PLUMBING Toilets 3 EA 2,500.00 7,500 Urinals 1 EA 1,500.00 1,500 Lavatories 3 EA 1,000.00 3,000 Plumbing Rough-Ins 7 EA 3,500.00 24,500 Sterilization & Testing 1 LS 1,000.00 500 - SUBTOTAL 15.10 $26.62 SF 37,000 15.20 FIRE PROTECTION Adjust Sprinkler Heads (Per SF Allowance) 1,390 SF 2.50 3,480 - SUBTOTAL 15.20 $2.50 SF 3,480 15.30 HVAC Reconfigure Existing HVAC (Per SF Allowance) 1,390 SF 25.00 34,750 - SUBTOTAL 15.30 $25.00 SF 34,750 16.10 ELECTRICAL Reconfigure Existing Electrical (Per SF Allowance) 1,390 SF 35.00 48,650 - SUBTOTAL 16.10 $35.00 SF 48,650 5/9/2020 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 10% SD Estimate Rev 0 pg4 Page 5 of 5 192 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS RHWCC JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 2 - RESTROOMS ONLY ESTIMATE DATE: 05/09/20 ADJUSTED GSF: 260 REV 0 10% SCHEMATIC DESIGN COST ESTIMATE ITEM #DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL OPTION 2 1.10 GENERAL CONDITIONS INCLUDED IN PRORATES - NONE 2.10 SITEWORK 0.0%- NONE 2.20 DEMOLITION 7.0% 35.38 9,200 3.10 CONCRETE 11.9% 60.04 15,610 6.10 CARPENTRY 4.6% 23.46 6,100 8.10 DOORS & WINDOWS 6.8% 34.15 8,880 9.10 FINISHES 12.3% 62.23 16,180 9.50 TILE 13.2% 66.81 17,370 10.10 SPECIALTIES 3.6% 18.19 4,730 15.10 PLUMBING 28.2% 142.31 37,000 15.20 FIRE PROTECTION 0.5% 2.50 650 15.30 HVAC 4.9% 25.00 6,500 16.10 ELECTRICAL 6.9% 35.00 9,100 TOTAL DIRECT COST $505.08 131,320$ PRORATES GENERAL CONDITIONS 25.0%32,830 DESIGN CONTINGENCY 35.0%45,970 ESCALATION 2.1%2,760 SUBTOTAL $818.77 212,880$ CONTRACTOR BURDENS BONDS 1.2%2,560 OVERHEAD & PROFIT 25.0%53,220 OPTION 2 - TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $1,033.31 268,660$ 5/9/2020 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 10% SD Estimate Rev 0 pg4 Page 1 of 5 193 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS RHWCC JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 2 - RESTROOMS ONLY ESTIMATE DATE: 05/09/20 ADJUSTED GSF: 260 REV 0 10% SCHEMATIC DESIGN COST ESTIMATE ITEM # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL 1.10 GENERAL CONDITIONS See Prorates Above. 0.00 - - SUBTOTAL 1.10 $0.00 SF NONE 2.10 SITEWORK None - - SUBTOTAL 2.10 $0.00 SF NONE 2.20 DEMOLITION Mass Demolition Areas (Per SF Allowance) 260 SF 15.00 3,900 Demo for New Restroom Concrete 260 SF 10.00 2,600 Haul & Disposal Fees (Allowance) 1 LS 1,700.00 1,700 Sawcutting (Allowance) 1 LS 1,000.00 1,000 - SUBTOTAL 2.20 $35.38 SF 9,200 3.10 CONCRETE New Restroom Sloping Concrete & Substrate 210 SF 35.00 7,350 Concrete Curb, 6" 104 LF 65.00 6,760 Misc. Concrete Work (Allowance) 1 LS 1,500.00 1,500 - SUBTOTAL 3.10 $60.04 SF 15,610 5/9/2020 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 10% SD Estimate Rev 0 pg4 Page 2 of 5 194 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS RHWCC JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 2 - RESTROOMS ONLY ESTIMATE DATE: 05/09/20 ADJUSTED GSF: 260 REV 0 10% SCHEMATIC DESIGN COST ESTIMATE ITEM # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL 6.10 CARPENTRY Rough Carpentry Wood Framed Walls, 2x4 120 SF 10.00 1,200 Wood Framed Walls, Dbl 2x4 340 SF 12.50 4,250 Finish Carpentry Misc. Finish Carpentry (Per SF Allowance) 260 SF 2.50 650 - SUBTOTAL 6.10 $23.46 SF 6,100 8.10 DOORS & WINDOWS New Interior Doors, SC Wood, 3'x7' 3 EA 2,960.00 8,880 Includes Frames & Standard Hardware - SUBTOTAL 8.10 $34.15 SF 8,880 9.10 FINISHES Wall Finishes New Walls, 2x4 x 12 lf 120 SF 20.00 2,400 New Walls, Dbl 2x4 x 34 lf 340 SF 25.00 8,500 Misc. Patch & Repair (Per SF Allowance) 260 SF 2.50 650 Walls include gypboard, sound batts & paint. Ceilings Suspended Gypboard Ceiling 210 SF 15.00 3,150 Paint Gypboard Ceiling 210 SF 2.50 530 Additional Painting Paint/Stain Doors 3 EA 150.00 450 Misc. Additional Painting (Allowance) 1 LS 500.00 500 - SUBTOTAL 9.10 $62.23 SF 16,180 5/9/2020 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 10% SD Estimate Rev 0 pg4 Page 3 of 5 195 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS RHWCC JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 2 - RESTROOMS ONLY ESTIMATE DATE: 05/09/20 ADJUSTED GSF: 260 REV 0 10% SCHEMATIC DESIGN COST ESTIMATE ITEM # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL 9.50 TILE Ceramic Tile, Floor 210 SF 25.00 5,250 Ceramic Tile, Wainscot, 4' 404 SF 30.00 12,120 - SUBTOTAL 9.50 $66.81 SF 17,370 10.10 SPECIALTIES Toilet Accessories Coat Hooks 3 EA 75.00 230 Grab Bar Sets 2 EA 350.00 700 Mirrors 3 EA 120.00 360 Paper Towel Dispenser & Waste Combo 3 EA 750.00 2,250 Seat Cover Dispensers 3 EA 75.00 230 Soap Dispensers 3 EA 75.00 230 Toilet Paper Dispensers 3 EA 75.00 230 General Building Specialties Misc. General Building Specialties (Allowance) 1 LS 500.00 500 - SUBTOTAL 10.10 $18.19 SF 4,730 15.10 PLUMBING Toilets 3 EA 2,500.00 7,500 Urinals 1 EA 1,500.00 1,500 Lavatories 3 EA 1,000.00 3,000 Plumbing Rough-Ins 7 EA 3,500.00 24,500 Sterilization & Testing 1 LS 500.00 500 - SUBTOTAL 15.10 $142.31 SF 37,000 15.20 FIRE PROTECTION Adjust Sprinkler Heads (Per SF Allowance) 260 SF 2.50 650 - SUBTOTAL 15.20 $2.50 SF 650 5/9/2020 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 10% SD Estimate Rev 0 pg4 Page 4 of 5 196 PROJECT:ROLLING HILLS CITY HALL RENOVATIONS RHWCC JOB NO.: 20-06 LOCATION:ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: RW CLIENT:CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CHECKED BY: JFH DESCRIPTION:OPTION 2 - RESTROOMS ONLY ESTIMATE DATE: 05/09/20 ADJUSTED GSF: 260 REV 0 10% SCHEMATIC DESIGN COST ESTIMATE ITEM # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL 15.30 HVAC Reconfigure Existing HVAC (Per SF Allowance) 260 SF 25.00 6,500 - SUBTOTAL 15.30 $25.00 SF 6,500 16.10 ELECTRICAL Reconfigure Existing Electrical (Per SF Allowance) 260 SF 35.00 9,100 - SUBTOTAL 16.10 $35.00 SF 9,100 5/9/2020 Rolling Hills City Hall Renovations 10% SD Estimate Rev 0 pg4 Page 5 of 5 197 Agenda Item No.: 8.C Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:MEREDITH ELGUIRA, PLANNING DIRECTOR THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:VIEW CASE FEE REDUCTION ($2,000 TO $1,000) AS RECOMMENDED BY THE FINANCE/BUDGET/AUDIT COMMITTEE. DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: The proposed fee reduction was inadvertently left out of the previous fee schedule amendment proposal that raised fees for Construction and Debris Demolition Permit and False Alarms, and established a fee for Wireless Telecommunication Facility Application. The Finance/Budget/Audit Committee, at its last meeting, proposed to reduce the current fee to file a Committee on Trees and Views Application from $2,000 to $1,000. DISCUSSION: The Committee on Trees and Views Application fee covers staff time, newspaper publication, public notice mailers, legal counsel's time, and capital costs. Staff could spend up to one year or more processing CTV cases. Numerous hours are spent on the phone, at the counter and on site discussing the complaint with the complainant and vegetation owner. Additional hours are spent reviewing the case file, requesting information, preparing reports, visiting the sites, talking with legal counsel, talking with neighbors, holding field trips and evening meetings. Prior to the application submittal, staff also spends numerous hours meeting with complainant and vegetation owners trying to facilitate reconciliation. FISCAL IMPACT: The adopted fee will be included in the Fee Schedule, which will be included in the proposed FY 2021/22 Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Provide directions to staff on the proposed fee reduction. ATTACHMENTS: 198 Agenda Item No.: 9.A Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ASHFORD BALL, SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:RECEIVE AND FILE COMMUNITY SURVEY RESULTS ON SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM. DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: The community of Rolling Hills has been considering a collection system for the past 30 years and feasibility studies have been conducted numerous times over this period. The previous approach to implementation included a citywide effort but this required all residents to commit to connecting to the system simultaneously. In the current approach, the City Council is looking at building the collection system for the entire City incrementally, starting with collecting the sewage discharge from the City Hall campus to include the main gate house, City Hall, the RHCA building and future restrooms and kitchen at the tennis courts. Since then many residents have expressed to City Hall staff the desire to transition from septic tanks to sewer lines and have inquired about the status of the 8" sewer main. In 2019, the Los Angeles County Public Works and Sanitation District approved the discharge of effluent (sewage) for 235 homes within the City of Rolling Hills through an 8" sewer main. In 2020, the City Council engaged the services of an engineering team to design 1,300-1,500 linear feet of the 8" sewer main from the main gate along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills to an existing manhole near Lariat Lane. DISCUSSION: The City conducted a survey in order to provide Council a better understanding of interest regarding a sanitation sewer collection system, the funding and construction of a 8'' sewer main line. Based upon the responses and comments of the community City Council will take the results of this survey in consideration to eventually make a community informed decision of whether or not to approve funding and construction. The Survey will end on Sunday June 27, 2021 at 5:00pm. Below is a brief summary of the survey responses: There were a total of 107 responses to survey on 6/23/2021. 77 out of the 106 responses septic tanks are older than 20 years and 19 out of the 106 are between 10 and 20 years old. 199 86 out of 103 responses or 83% want the city to implement additional sewer collection lines within the city. Another 86 out of 103 responses or 83% said if the city constructed a sewer collection line on their street that they would disconnect from their septic and pay to connect to a sewer main. 82 of 99 responses or 83% wants the City Council to fund the construction of the 8'' sewer main line. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost to conduct the community survey is included in the operational budget for Fiscal Year 2020- 2021. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. ATTACHMENTS: Sewer Survey Responses Data 5.27.21-6.23.21 (No. 4).pdf (Question 6 Comments) Sewer Survey Responses Data 5.27.21-6.23.21.pdf 200 ROLLING H IL L S COMM UNITY SURVEY SANITATION SEWER COL L ECTION SYSTEM 1 / 6 97.09%100 2.91%3 Q1 Is your property served by a septic tank? Answered: 103 Sk ipped: 0 Total Respondents : 103 Yes No 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes No 201 ROLLING H IL L S COMM UNITY SURVEY SANITATION SEWER COL L ECTION SYSTEM 2 / 6 1.96%2 7.84%8 16.67%17 73.53%75 Q2 How old is your septic tank? Answered: 102 Sk ipped: 1 TOTAL 102 5 years or less Between 6 t o 1 0 years Between 10 to 20 year s Mor e than 20 year s 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 5 y ears or less Between 6 to 10 years Between 10 to 20 years More than 20 y ears 202 ROLLING H IL L S COMM UNITY SURVEY SANITATION SEWER COL L ECTION SYSTEM 3 / 6 82.83%82 17.17%17 Q3 Do you want the City Council to fund the construction of the 8” sewer main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road? Answered: 99 Sk ipped: 4 Total Respondents : 99 Yes No 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes No 203 ROLLING H IL L S COMM UNITY SURVEY SANITATION SEWER COL L ECTION SYSTEM 4 / 6 82.83%82 17.17%17 Q4 Do you want the City Council to implement additional sewer collection lines within the City? Answered: 99 Sk ipped: 4 Total Respondents : 99 Yes No 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes No 204 ROLLING H IL L S COMM UNITY SURVEY SANITATION SEWER COL L ECTION SYSTEM 5 / 6 78.79%78 23.23%23 Q5 If the City constructs a sewer collection line along your street, would you disconnect from your existing septic tank and pay to connect to the sewer main? Answered: 99 Sk ipped: 4 Total Respondents : 99 Yes No 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes No 205 ROLLING H IL L S COMM UNITY SURVEY SANITATION SEWER COL L ECTION SYSTEM 6 / 6 Q6 If the answer to question 5 is no, why not? Answered: 34 Sk ipped: 69 206 ROLLING H IL L S COMM UNITY SURVEY SANITATION SEWER COL L ECTION SYSTEM 1 / 3 Q6 If the answer to question 5 is no, why not? Answered: 34 Skipped: 69 #RESPONSES DATE 1 I answered YES! and I c an not hit the done button until I put something in this box . I would gladly pay any thing to be on t he sewer s ystem in ALL of Rolling Hills 6/23/2021 8:52 AM 2 My t ank is relat iv ely new.6/22/2021 11:48 AM 3 The c os t of doing this would obvious ly need to be c ons idered as it is not a quic k YES. I would lik e to s ay YES, but giv en the uncert aint y of cost of doing this , I cannot commit to saying YES as this time. Are there c os t estimates of doing this or what it would tak e to c onnect for a residence? 6/21/2021 1:42 PM 4 It does not sound feas ible to come all t he way up to the top of c rest. What would the ex pense be? Right now I pay $120 a year to serv ic e my s eptic. I’m as suming the assessment for this will be more. 6/21/2021 11:34 AM 5 Septic work s fine 6/21/2021 11:32 AM 6 Cit y Council - First let me thank each of you for y our service to city! To explain, in part, my ans wer to Quest ion #3 is because I have v ery s trong feelings that providing this servic e to 235 properties, and ex cluding the other approx imately 425 properties is only inv iting a huge conf lict in our beautiful community! As I unders t and it your v ote will provide sewer lines to property at no cost to t he 235 properties. Then perhaps at a lat er time the c ouncil will "c ons ider providing"; s ewer service to the other 425 properties. I further unders t and that the original 235 properties will pay nothing to hav e the lines to their properties and t he remaining properties will be res ponsible for the entire c os t of the c omplete sewer us e. If this is true, my vote how is the infrastructure could c ost the entire property owners...to benefit only the 235 res idents . I would c ons ider changing my vote on this of if the c ity would , at this time, included approval for t he remaining parc els at a c ost dis t ributed to the entire at a cos t distribut ed to the ent ire cit y res idents. By approving this the entire c ity residents would be therefore equally, at the same time and not require a future vote f or the 425 properties t hat would no doubt not be approved by the 235 property owners . What corres pondenc e has been forwarded to LA County Office of Public Works to request the approved money be allocated to the entire c ity, t o list a few. 6/15/2021 11:55 AM 7 would like to know the approx imate c ost.6/14/2021 9:55 AM 8 can't answer all thes e questions because I'm not clear on if my area would be serv ed or not. If the entire c ity is being done then I'm ok. But if t 's only going to be a few homes then I don't think it's fair every one els e has to pay. 6/12/2021 12:28 PM 9 Not unles s the ejection sy stem was paid and maintained by t he city.6/10/2021 10:58 AM 10 I am fine with the c onnection of the s ewer line on Portuguese Bend Rd. My s eptic works perfec tly fine and I am not willing to pay for s omething I don't need. I k now it will be be very ex pensive. 6/10/2021 10:53 AM 11 Need more information regarding the cos t of doing this versus remaining on s eptic 6/10/2021 9:09 AM 12 I c an't agree t o pay for the c onnection without k nowing the cos t. In order t o make this dec is ion I need to k now how much it 6/8/2021 12:14 PM 207 ROLLING H IL L S COMM UNITY SURVEY SANITATION SEWER COL L ECTION SYSTEM 2 / 3 would c os t, and what it takes to route the line and res tore property 's v egetation, hards cape, etc . 13 Septic tank s functions v ery well.6/7/2021 2:01 PM 14 Why do I need to pay? I pay fees to liv e here and I was n’t required to pay fees at my last location for s ewer.6/7/2021 1:20 PM 15 Obv ious question is how muc h will i be paying. I 'm willing to pay, but the price could be t oo high - s o how muc h? We need an estimate! 6/7/2021 11:17 AM 16 Cos t and sewers lines if not properly maint ained are a greater ris k for leak ing and causing land movement 6/6/2021 5:44 PM 17 septic tanks work f ine - the additional costs for a sewer s ystem are not justified 6/6/2021 4:41 PM 18 concerned about extra c ost 6/6/2021 1:53 PM 19 My sept ic s y stem has been properly maint ained and f unc tions perfectly. Dual tank s and dual seepage pits allow this sy stem to operate properly f or at least another fifty years . I think IF a new sy stem is ins talled it s hould be funded only by the resident s who benefit f rom the cost of installat ion s imilar to undergrounding c osts f or elec tricty. 6/6/2021 11:56 AM 20 It would be good to k now t he es timated cost.6/6/2021 11:13 AM 21 Our ans wer y es to c onnec ting to a sewer line depends on the cost.6/5/2021 11:00 AM 22 It would require an expens iv e pump s y stem to replace t he septic tank s ince the t ank is at least 40' below street lev el.6/5/2021 10:08 AM 23 It damages and ruins Rolling Hills ' country s t y le living. Damage environment. Unneces sary cos t to residents .6/4/2021 4:02 PM 24 I only agree for the City to pay f or the sewer line if EVERYONE will be able to be c onnected. It is NOT fair if only the homes near the Main gate rec eive t his benef it. Lik e when y ou undergrounded the utilities only on Portuguese Bend & Crest . What about the homes off Eastfied???? 6/4/2021 1:16 PM 25 unknown cos ts 6/4/2021 10:40 AM 26 Ans wer is ac t ually “may be”. It depends fully on cos ts .6/4/2021 8:34 AM 27 Cit y s hould help cov er that cost through General Find budget 6/3/2021 7:09 PM 28 I'll wait until it's no longer sufficient. It also depends on cos t.6/3/2021 2:54 PM 29 N/A. We hate the s eptic tank and would be happy to get rid of it.6/3/2021 8:59 AM 30 The dollars s pent would be better inv ested -- if inv ested at all -- in undergrounding Edison lines, which reduc es the ris k of fires ; vas t ly improv es the cos metic s of the community; and increas es property v alues . An ex tensive s ewer sys tem in t he community reduc es the impediment to high-densit y hous ing, which conflicts with the c ommunity's rural atmos phere and could compromis e our v alued priv acy, safety, and s ecurity. Septic tanks are not partic ularly expens iv e to maintain; work satisfac torily for many y ears; and are cost-effec tive in communit ies where t he family siz es are relatively modes t in numbers, reduc ing the need for higher capac ity sewer s y stems. I would fully expect the cos t of ins talling and connec ting to sewers would be extremely high; the trenc hing would damage ex is ting landsc aping and driveways; and might compromis e the aff ordability of some of t he older, retired residents to cont inue liv ing in the c ommunity. The buying and selling of s uch homes would no doubt benefit thos e realtors c onducting busines s in the c ommunity, which I do not regard a "good reas on" for res idents to inc ur these ex penses (directly or through ass ess ments) to financ ially benefit realtors. This c ommunity has a a was te dis pos al s ystem in the c ommunity that is not "broken," I see no compelling reason to "fix it." Leaving the s eptic 6/2/2021 1:20 PM 208 ROLLING H IL L S COMM UNITY SURVEY SANITATION SEWER COL L ECTION SYSTEM 3 / 3 sy stem, as it is , might det er s ome of the State's increasing demands for low income hous ing. As the City of Los Angeles has experienced, ov er half of the County 's fires 54 perc ent hav e been c aus ed by the homeles s, inc epting at their encampments. As a des ignated "extreme high fire ris k" c ommunity, managing fire risk is a f ar more compelling objec tiv e than a s ewer sys tem that no one sees, or feels, except for the c ost to whic h residents will be s ubjec ted. 31 Depends on the cost. I t could be 1,000 or 100,000. You c an’t as k suc h an open ended ques tion.5/31/2021 7:17 PM 32 What would the c onnection fee be for homeowners t o c onnec t. Please prov ide more financial information.5/31/2021 2:07 PM 33 I'm on a s ewer I paid for.5/31/2021 12:37 PM 34 It would have to not cas t muc h for water and s ewer highbhere in this town 5/31/2021 8:43 AM 209 Agenda Item No.: 9.B Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:MEREDITH ELGUIRA, PLANNING DIRECTOR THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:STORMWATER COMPLIANCE WITH TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD (TMDL): DECISION NEEDED ON TIME SCHEDULE ORDER (TSO) TORRANCE AIRPORT PROJECT, AND PARTICIPATION IN PENINSULA EWMP. DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: Recent developments have occurred that could impact the City's alternative compliance methods with stormawater Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL). TMDL represents the maximum amount of a pollutant that a body of water can receive without violating water quality standards. The City has reached a point that requires it to inform its partner agencies and the Water Regional Board on whether or not the City will join the Torrance Airport Project and Enhanced Watershed Management Program (EWMP), and decide on the City's request for Time Schedule Order (TSO) for Mechado Lake. Consequently, submittal of a formal notification to join the EWMP to the Regional Board, submittal of revised EWMP that includes Rolling Hills and revision to the Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP) will need to be prepared. DISCUSSION: The latest developments below will help inform the City's path forward in complying with TMDLs: results from the Sepulveda Canyon monitoring, the Regional Board's decision to not extend the Mechado Lake TSO and deadline to join the EWMP. Sepulveda Canyon: No flow was observed during any of the rain events throughout 2020- 2021.The City can use this finding to show its natural terrain combined with the City’s Low Impact Development help retain the 85th percentile/24-hour design storm. However, a rainy season could yield different results therefore the Regional Board may ask for an additional year of flow monitoring to bolster this data. TSO: Machado Lake TMDLs was not included in the group of TMDLs extended in March 2021. The Board prefers TSO to allow additional time for compliance and would like to know if agencies are planning to submit a TSO. If the City can prove it is in compliance with TMDLs, there is no need to request a TSO. Based on the current findings, the City will meet its TMDLs. 210 EWMP: If the Mechado Lake, Santa Monica Bay, and LA Harbor TMDLs are not met, the City's alternative compliance options are only available if the City joins the EWMP. The PVP Cities and LA County have finalized and approved their EWMP but the City of Rolling Hills has not confirmed its plan to participate. Lastly, if the City is planning to join the EWMP, the City must notify the Board soon. The resulting decisions from above will inform subsequent decisions on revising the EWMP and CIMP. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Provide directions to staff on actions to pursue to meet Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) compliance. ATTACHMENTS: RH_TMDL_AlternativeCompliance_2021-06-28.pdf 211 TMDL Compliance Moving Forward City of Rolling Hills| June 2021| McGowan Consulting 212 Outline •1st year Monitoring Results •Regulatory Update •Alternative Compliance via EWMP •Timeline of Actions & Staff Recommendation 2 213 Sepulveda Canyon Monitoring 24-Hr Period Rainfall Depth * 12/28-29/2020 12am –12am 1.2 inches 1/23-24/2021 2am –2am 0.32 inches 1/28-29/2021 2pm –2pm 1.13 inches 3/10-11/2021 1am –1am 0.89 inches 3/14-15/2021 10am –10am 0.22 inches 85th % -24-hr rainfall depth is between 1.0 –1.1 inches Total Seasonal Rainfall as of 6/23/21 has been 4.61 inches Average annual rainfall is 12.46 inches for Peninsula *County rain gauge at Rolling Hills Fire Station 214 4 215 Regulatory update Regional Board will not modify Machado Lake TMDL to extend schedule via a Basin Plan Amendment Time Schedule Orders instead Regional Permit adoption anticipated by end of July 2021 5 216 Compliance Options Baseline: monitor to show TMDLs & other pollutant limits are met Water quality monitoring meets all pollutant limits: •Machado Lake •Phosphorus, nitrogen, pesticides & PCBs •Los Angeles Harbor Toxics •Metals, pesticides & PCBs •Santa Monica Bay •DDT, PCBs Alternative Compliance Options via joining EWMP: 1.City’s canyons retain the design storm (85%, 24-hr runoff volume) or 2.Enhancement of City’s canyons and/or downstream regional projects to meet the TMDL (only if 1 is not demonstrated) 6 217 Recommended Actions Time Frame 1. Notify Torrance and PVP WMG that City will not be participating in Torrance Airport Project July 2021 2. Contact Regional Board staff regarding City’s plan to join the Peninsula EWMP August 2021 3. Withdraw City’s Requests for Time Schedule Order for Machado Lake TMDLs August 2021 4. Formally notify Regional Board of intent to participate in Peninsula EWMP TBD 5. Submit revised EWMP Submittal to include Rolling Hills TBD 6. Revise CIMP to substitute Sepulveda Canyon monitoring site for Lariat CIMP monitoring site (with other changes) FY2022/23 7 218 Questions & Discussion Thank You 219 Agenda Item No.: 9.C Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:TERRY SHEA, FINANCE DIRECTOR THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:GIFTING OF PROPOSITION C TO ROLLING HILLS ESTATES AND RANCHO PALOS VERDES FOR REHABILITATING SILVER SPUR ROAD. DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: The City annually receives countywide tax disbursements from Proposition A, Proposition C, Measure R and Measure M funds to be used for transportation and transit-related purposes. Proposition A and C funds are dedicated to transit and major arterial improvements; they are not eligible for use in Rolling Hills due to the roads within the City being privately owned and maintained. Measure R and Measure M funds are eligible for transportation improvement projects on public properties. In years past, the City would accumulate local return funds and solicit interest in exchanging the local return funds for General Fund monies or gift funds towards other transportation-related purposes with another public agency. These funds have a five year spend down period. Since 2019 the City has accumulated $65,000 in Proposition C Funds. On January 27, 2021, a letter was sent to the neighboring Peninsula cities and PVP Transit inquiring as to their interest in an exchange of Proposition A funds and gifting of the Proposition C funds. DISCUSSION: The City of Rolling Hills Estates (RHE) and Rancho Palos Verdes (RPV) responded to Rolling Hills’ solicitation. City of Rolling Hills Estates is interested in Proposition C funds to resurface Silver Spur Road from Crenshaw Blvd. to Drybank Drive. The City of Rancho Palos Verdes is interested in Proposition C funds to resurface Silver Spur Road from Drybank Drive to Hawthorne Blvd. Silver Spur Road is a major arterial serving the residents of Rolling Hills. The Silver Spur Road resurfacing is a joint project between RHE and RPV and both Cities agreed to receive a portion of the Proposition C funds based on the lineal feet of Silver Spur Road within their respective boundaries. Silver Spur Road has 2,970 lineal 220 feet in RHE and 2,000 lineal feet in RPV, so 60% is RHE and 40% is in RPV. Staff recommends gifting of the City’s available Proposition C funds to Rolling Hills Estates and Rancho Palos Verdes to supplement the Silver Spur Road resurfacing project. FISCAL IMPACT: Proposition C Fiscal Year (FY)Amount Benefiting Agency Exchange Rate General Fund Revenue 2002/2003 $ 46,146.50 RH Estates N/A N/A 2002/2003 $ 46,146.50 Rancho PV N/A N/A 2005/2006 $ 83,000 RH Estates N/A N/A 2008/2009 $ 38,174 Rancho PV N/A N/A 2008/2009 $ 38,174 RH Estates N/A N/A 2010/2011 $ 9,000 RH Estates N/A N/A 2010/2011 $ 18,000 Rancho PV N/A N/A 2010/2011 $ 3,000 PVP Transit N/A N/A 2012/2013 $ 40,000 RH Estates N/A N/A 2014/2015 $70,000 RH Estates N/A N/A 2016/2017 $65,000 RH Estates N/A N/A 2018/2019 $65,000 RH Estates N/A N/A 2020/2021 Proposed $39,000 RH Estates N/A N/A 2020/2021 Proposed $26,000 Rancho PV N/A N/A RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council consider and approve the following: 1. Gift a total of $39,000 of Proposition C funds to the City of Rolling Hills Estates for resurfacing Silver Spur Road from Crenshaw Blvd. to Drybank Drive and authorize the City Manager to execute the Proposition C Funds Assignment Agreement between the City of Rolling Hills and the City of Rolling Hills Estates; and 2. Gift a total of $26,000 of Proposition C funds to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes for resurfacing Silver Spur Road from Drybank Drive to Hawthorne Blvd and authorize the City Manager to execute the Proposition C Funds Assignment Agreement between the City of Rolling Hills and the City of Rancho Palos Verdes ; and 3. Approve Resolution 1283 Approving an Agreement between the City of Rolling Hills, California and the City of Rolling Hills Estates Assigning to the City of Rolling Hills Estates its available Proposition C Transportation Funds ; and 4. Approve Resolution 1284 Approving an Agreement between the City of Rolling Hills, California and the City of Rancho Palos Verdes Assigning to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes its available Proposition C Transportation Funds. ATTACHMENTS: 221 Proposition C Fund Letters.pdf ResolutionNo1283 Re_Prop_C_Funds_RHE.docx ResolutionNo1284 Re_Prop_C_Funds_RPV.docx 222 223 224 225 226 Resolution No. 1283 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1283 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA ASSIGNING TO THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ESTATES ITS AVAILABLE PROPOSITION C TRANSPORTATION FUNDS WHEREAS, the City of Rolling Hills has a fund balance of approximately $65,000 in Proposition C Local Return Funds for transportation projects; and WHEREAS, the City of Rolling Hills does not have projects that are eligible for funding with Proposition C Local Return Funds; and WHEREAS, the City of Rolling Hills Estates has identified projects that qualify for funding with Proposition C Local Return Funds; and WHEREAS, the City of Rolling Hills has a general interest in supporting eligible projects for transportation, to maintain traffic flow and to improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities on the Palos Verdes Peninsula; and WHEREAS, the City of Rolling Hills has the specific interest in improving and resurfacing Silver Spur Roadfrom CrenshawBlvd.toDry bank Drivesince Silver Spur Roadis a major arterial serving the residents of the City of Rolling Hills. WHEREAS, at this time the City wishes to the allocate Proposition C Local Return Funds to another public agency to be utilized for an eligible use; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rolling Hills, California, does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1.The City of Rolling Hills hereby assigns to the City of Rolling Hills Estates $39,000 in Proposition C Local Return Funds for Silver Spur Road Resurfacing Project. Section 2.The City Council approves an Agreement for the assignment of said funds. Said Agreement is hereto attached as Exhibit “A” and is made a part hereof by reference. Section 3.The City of Rolling Hills will submit its documentation for the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority to allocate these funds to the City of Rolling Hills Estates for the appropriate eligible programs in the City. Section 4.The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and shall forward certified copies to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and the City of Rolling Hills Estates. Section 5.The City Manager is hereby directed and authorized to execute any necessary documents, including, but not limited to agreements, amendments, forms, and applications to follow through with this transfer of funds. Section 6.The City Clerk, or duly appointed deputy, is directed to attest thereto. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ON THIS 28th DAY OF JUNE 2021. Bea Dieringer Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 227 Resolution No. 1283 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES )§§ CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) The foregoing Resolution No. 1283 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA ASSIGNING TO THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ESTATES ITS AVAILABLE PROPOSITION C TRANSPORTATION FUNDS was approved and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council on June 28, 2021 by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: City Clerk 228 EXHIBIT A Resolution No. 1283 3 PROPOSITION C FUNDS ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT This Assignment Agreement is made and entered into this 28 day of June, 2021 by and between the City of Rolling Hills and the City of Rolling Hills Estates, with respect to the following facts: A.The City of Rolling Hills Estates maintains the roadways and plans to resurface Silver Spur Road from Crenshaw Blvd. to Drybank Drive. B.The City of Rolling Hills has an accumulation of uncommitted Proposition C Local Return funds which could be made available to the City of Rolling Hills Estates to assist in providing the services described in Paragraph A of this Agreement. The City of Rolling Hills is willing to assign uncommitted Proposition C Local Return funds to the City of Rolling Hills Estates for the purpose identified in Paragraph A. Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived by the parties and of the premises herein contained, it is mutually agreed as follows: 1.Gifting. The City of Rolling Hills agrees to assign $39,000 of its uncommitted Proposition C Local Return funds to the City of Rolling Hills Estates in Fiscal Year 2020/2021. 2.Consideration. The City of Rolling Hills shall assign the agreed upon Proposition C Local Return funds to the City of Rolling Hills Estates in one payment no later than July 15, 2021. 3.Term. This Agreement is effective on the date above written and for such time as is necessary for both parties to complete their mutual obligations under this Agreement. 4.Termination. Termination of this Agreement may be made by either party before the date of approval of the project description covering the funds in question by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, so long as written notice of intent to terminate is given to the other party at least five (5) days prior to the termination. 5.Notices. Notices shall be given pursuant to this Agreement by personal service on the party to be notified, or by written notice upon such party deposited in the custody of the United States Postal Service addressed as follows: a.Elaine Jeng, City Manager City of Rolling Hills 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, California 90274 b.Greg Grammer, City Manager City of Rolling Hills Estates 4045 Palos Verdes Drive North Rolling Hills, California 90274 6.Assurances. a.The City of Rolling Hills Estates shall use the assigned Proposition C Local Return funds only for the purpose of providing the project discussed in Paragraph A of this Agreement and within the time limits specified in Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s Proposition C Local Return Guidelines. 229 EXHIBIT A Resolution No. 1283 4 b.Concurrently with the Execution of this Agreement, the City of Rolling Hills Estates shall provide the Metropolitan Transportation Authority with the Standard Assurances and Understandings Regarding Receipt of Use of Proposition C Funds specified in the Guidelines regarding the use of the assigned Proposition C Local Return Funds. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Assignment Agreement to be executed by their respective officers, duly authorized, on the day and year written above. CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ESTATES By: City Manager CITY OF ROLLING HILLS By: City Manager ATTEST ATTEST: By: City Clerk By: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: City Attorney By: City Attorney 230 Resolution No. 1284 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1284 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA ASSIGNING TO THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ITS AVAILABLE PROPOSITION C TRANSPORTATION FUNDS WHEREAS, the City of Rolling Hills has a fund balance of approximately $65,000 in Proposition C Local Return Funds for transportation projects; and WHEREAS, the City of Rolling Hills does not have projects that are eligible for funding with Proposition C Local Return Funds; and WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Palos Verdes has identified projects that qualify for funding with Proposition C Local Return Funds; and WHEREAS, the City of Rolling Hills has a general interest in supporting eligible projects for transportation, to maintain traffic flow and to improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities on the Palos Verdes Peninsula; and WHEREAS, the City of Rolling Hills has the specific interest in improving and resurfacing Silver Spur Road from Drybank Drive to Hawthorne Blvd. since Silver Spur Road is a major arterial serving the residents of the City of Rolling Hills. WHEREAS, at this time the City wishes to the allocate Proposition C Local Return Funds to another public agency to be utilized for an eligible use; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rolling Hills, California, does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1.The City of Rolling Hills hereby assigns to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes $26,000 in Proposition C Local Return Funds for Silver Spur Road Resurfacing Project. Section 2.The City Council approves an Agreement for the assignment of said funds. Said Agreement is hereto attached as Exhibit “A”, and is made a part hereof by reference. Section 3.The City of Rolling Hills will submit its documentation for the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority to allocate these funds to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes for the appropriate eligible programs in the City. Section 4.The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and shall forward certified copies to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. Section 5.The City Manager is hereby directed and authorized to execute any necessary documents, including, but not limited to agreements, amendments, forms, and applications to follow through with this transfer of funds. Section 6.The City Clerk, or duly appointed deputy, is directed to attest thereto. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ON THIS 28th DAY OF JUNE 2021. Bea Dieringer Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 231 Resolution No. 1284 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES )§§ CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) The foregoing Resolution No. 1284 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA ASSIGNING TO THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ITS AVAILABLE PROPOSITION C TRANSPORTATION FUNDS was approved and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council on June 28, 2021 by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: City Clerk 232 EXHIBIT A Resolution No. 1284 3 PROPOSITION C FUNDS ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT This Assignment Agreement is made and entered into this 28 day of June, 2021 by and between the City of Rolling Hills and the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, with respect to the following facts: A.The City of Rancho Palos Verdes maintains the roadways and plans to resurface Palos Silver Spur Road from Drybank Drive to Hawthorne Blvd. B.The City of Rolling Hills has an accumulation of uncommitted Proposition C Local Return funds which could be made available to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes to assist in providing the services described in Paragraph A of this Agreement. The City of Rolling Hills is willing to assign uncommitted Proposition C Local Return funds to the City of Rancho Palos Verdesfor the purpose identified in Paragraph A. Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived by the parties and of the premises herein contained, it is mutually agreed as follows: 1.Gifting. The City of Rolling Hills agrees to assign $26,000 of its uncommitted Proposition C Local Return funds to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes in Fiscal Year 2020-2021. 2.Consideration. The City of Rolling Hills shall assign the agreed upon Proposition C Local Return funds to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes in one payment no later than July 15, 2021. 3.Term. This Agreement is effective on the date above written and for such time as is necessary for both parties to complete their mutual obligations under this Agreement. 4.Termination. Termination of this Agreement may be made by either party before the date of approval of the project description covering the funds in question by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, so long as written notice of intent to terminate is given to the other party at least five (5) days prior to the termination. 5.Notices. Notices shall be given pursuant to this Agreement by personal service on the party to be notified, or by written notice upon such party deposited in the custody of the United States Postal Service addressed as follows: a.Elaine Jeng, City Manager City of Rolling Hills 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, California 90274 b.Ara Michael Mihranian, City Manager City of Rancho Palos Verdes 30940 Hawthorne Blvd. Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275 6.Assurances. a.The City of Rancho Palos Verdesshall use the assigned Proposition C Local Return funds only for the purpose of providing the project discussed in Paragraph A of this Agreement and within the time limits specified in Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s Proposition C Local Return Guidelines. 233 EXHIBIT A Resolution No. 1284 4 b.Concurrently with the Execution of this Agreement, the City of Rancho Palos Verdes shall provide the Metropolitan Transportation Authority with the Standard Assurances and Understandings Regarding Receipt of Use of Proposition C Funds specified in the Guidelines regarding the use of the assigned Proposition C Local Return Funds. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Assignment Agreement to be executed by their respective officers, duly authorized, on the day and year written above. CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES By: City Manager CITY OF ROLLING HILLS By: City Manager ATTEST ATTEST: By: City Clerk By: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: City Attorney By: City Attorney 234 Agenda Item No.: 9.D Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ASHFORD BALL, SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:RECEIVE AND FILE A REPORT ON FIRE FUEL COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON JUNE 16, 2021 AND APPROVE COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATIONS. DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: The Fire Fuel Committee met on Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at 6:30pm. 6 members of the public attended the meeting. The Committee met for two hours and 30 minutes and discussed current enforcements on residents of the dead vegetation ordinance outlined by the municipal code Chapter 8.30 Fire Fuel Abatement. There was much discussion regarding what the proper way to uphold accountability of each residents' contribution to fire fuel abatement was and whether or not they would enforce the code's verbatim content or take another approach. The Committee also discussed the comments received from Council at the previous City Council meeting on June 14, 2021 and deliberated about funding an annual fire fuel abatement project per year. Lastly, the committee continued dialogue on potential programs and projects to encourage fire fuel abatement in the canyons. DISCUSSION: The committee took the following actions at the June 16, 2021 meeting: 1. Made the decision to enforce the municipal code's outlining of resident's failing to properly maintain their property's vegetation declaring it a nuisance via 8.30.010 and 8.30.020 The Fire Fuel Committee is then suggesting that henceforth the following actions outlined in 8.24.100 be carried out which also includes The provisions of Sections 8.24.070, 8.24.080 and 8.24.090 excluding the resident taking on criminal charges and potentially going to jail. 2. Make recommendation to Council for the City to get chippers down on the trails and pay for another chipping day as a short term resolution to the annual fire fuel abatement project and to further develop a long-term plan for the annual fire fuel abatement. The Committee requested Staff to provide the following information for the next meeting: 1. Get clarification on the potential violation on usage of public funds on private property contributing money towards some people's property and not others and re-consider during next meeting 235 2. Find out if the RHCA can add chipping events. 3. Contact the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to see if they could provide us a buffer of distance to work away from Blue Line Streams and areas of habitat. Staff is working with Republic Services on details relating to the Committee's recommendation to provide communal 40 yard bins for residents to deposit green waste. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost to hold Fire Fuel Committee meetings is included in the operational budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021. The ten communal green waste bins per year will be provided by Republic Services free of charge to the City. The proposed additional chipping event(s) is expected to be paid for by the RHCA. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file report and approve the Fire Fuel Committee's recommendation. ATTACHMENTS: Fire Fuel Committee Agenda 06.16.2021.pdf 236 1.PARTICIPANTS 2.ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 2.A.DISCUSS CURRENT ENFORCEMENT OF THE DEAD VEGETATION ORDINANCE. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss vegetation ordinance and develop recommendation for City Council consideration. 2.B.DISCUSS COMMENTS RECEIVED FROM COUNCIL AND PUBLIC DURING THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON JUNE 14, 2021 RESPONDING TO THE COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION OF FUNDING ONE FIRE FUEL ABATEMENT PROJECT PER YEAR. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss potential options to develop and fund one fire fuel abatement project per year. 2.C.CONTINUE DISCUSSIONS ON POTENTIAL PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS TO 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 AGENDA Special Fire Fuel Management Committtee Meeting FIRE FUEL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, June 16, 2021 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS 6:30 PM Executive Order This meeting is held pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20 issued by Governor Gavin Newsom on March 17, 2020. All Committee members will participate by teleconference. Public Participation: City Hall will be closed to the public until further notice. A live audio of the City Council meeting will available on the City’s website (http://www.rolling-hills.org/). The meeting agenda is on the City’s website. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83444907576?pwd=UHhpMGtIczlZUDhyNmJTVW9tMXJoQT09 Or dial (669) 900-9128 Meeting ID: 834 4490 7576; Passcode: 906138 Members of the public may submit comments in real time by emailing the City Clerk at cityclerk@cityofrh.net. Your comments will become part of the official meeting record. Please provide your full name, but please do not provide any other personal information (i.e., phone numbers, addresses, etc.) that you do not want to be published. 1237 ENCOURAGE FIRE FUEL ABATEMENT IN THE CANYONS. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss topic and develop recommendations for City Council consideration. 3.COMMENTS WILL BE TAKEN BY EMAIL IN REAL TIME - PUBLIC COMMENT WELCOME This is the appropriate time for members of the public to make comments regarding items not listed on this agenda. Pursuant to the Brown Act, no action will take place on any items not on the agenda. 4.ADJOURNMENT Documents pertaining to an agenda item received after the posting of the agendas are available for review in the City Clerk's office or at the meeting at which the item will be considered. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting due to your disability, please contact the City Clerk at (310) 377-1521 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility and accommodation for your review of this agenda and attendance at this meeting. 2238 Agenda Item No.: 2.A Mtg. Date: 06/16/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:JANELY SANDOVAL, CITY CLERK THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:DISCUSS CURRENT ENFORCEMENT OF THE DEAD VEGETATION ORDINANCE. DATE:June 16, 2021 BACKGROUND: Council Member Mirsch asked to discuss ordinance regarding regulation. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss vegetation ordinance and develop recommendation for City Council consideration. ATTACHMENTS: 3239 Agenda Item No.: 2.B Mtg. Date: 06/16/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:JANELY SANDOVAL, CITY CLERK THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:DISCUSS COMMENTS RECEIVED FROM COUNCIL AND PUBLIC DURING THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON JUNE 14, 2021 RESPONDING TO THE COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION OF FUNDING ONE FIRE FUEL ABATEMENT PROJECT PER YEAR. DATE:June 16, 2021 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss potential options to develop and fund one fire fuel abatement project per year. ATTACHMENTS: 4240 Agenda Item No.: 2.C Mtg. Date: 06/16/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:JANELY SANDOVAL, CITY CLERK THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:CONTINUE DISCUSSIONS ON POTENTIAL PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS TO ENCOURAGE FIRE FUEL ABATEMENT IN THE CANYONS. DATE:June 16, 2021 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss topic and develop recommendations for City Council consideration. ATTACHMENTS: 5241 Agenda Item No.: 9.E Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ASHFORD BALL, SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:REVIEW CURRENT HEALTH ORDERS AND CONSIDER CONDUCTING CITY COUNCIL IN-PERSON MEETINGS STARTING ON JULY 12, 2021. (SUPPLEMENTAL) DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: As of June 15, 2021 and in connection with the State terminating the Blueprint for a safer economy and entering into a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, this Order replaces the prior health order, Reopening Safer at Work and in the Community, in its entirety. Based on increasing COVID-19 vaccination coverage and the success of Los Angeles County and the State in lowering transmission of the virus that causes COVD-19, this Order removes the local capacity limits on business and other sectors, local physical distancing requirements, and many other previously required safety modifications. Businesses are no longer required to prepare and post protocols or in most instances submit plans or notifications of events to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. Also, except for youth, healthcare, and other high-risk congregate settings, prior sector-specific guidance under local health protocols are not longer required. This Order, which aligns with the State Public Health Officer Order of June 11, 2021, continues to place certain safety requirements on individuals, including making requirements in some settings, consistent with the federal and state rules. And it places some requirements on businesses and government entities, such as a general requirement to report positive cases in the workplace and in schools, a new and much more limited requirement for signage, and a proof of vaccination or testing negative for COVID-19 requirements to admit people to attending indoor mega-events largely consistent with state rules. Also, this Order includes best practice recommendations to reduce COVID- 19 risk, but not requirements for individuals, businesses, and government entities. DISCUSSION: Per the new Health Order, Staff took the following actions: 1. Proper postage and visibility of COVID-19 prevention/cautionary signage at all entry points for patrons within the facility. 242 2. Change of verbiage on signage informing the public of full vaccination requirement in order to not have to wear a mask indoors rather than wearing a mask at all times regardless of vaccination. 3. Proper signage providing contact information for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health in the event of three or more COVID-19 cases at workplace facilities. 4. Provided each staff member a copy of Best Practices for COVID-19 prevention in offices. 5. Met with all staff providing information and understanding of updated regulations of the health order. 6. Placed masks at front counter in order to provide protection for patrons/employees who have not yet been fully vaccinated or would like to wear a mask. 7. Reached out to City Attorney to include new health order changes in Employee Handbook. The actions taken to date allow City Hall to accommodate in person meeting moving forward. Per the new health order and in-person meetings, the City will continue to allow: 1. Call-in and Live-Stream options for individuals to attend meetings. 2. Submit emails of comments and questions during meetings to cityclerk@cityofrh.net. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending that the Council provide directions on in-person meetings starting July 12, 2021. ATTACHMENTS: 243 Agenda Item No.: 10.A Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CONNIE VIRAMONTES , ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:LATEST INFORMATION ON EQUINE EVACUATION PROVIDED BY THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL CARE AND CONTROL EQUINE RESPONSE TEAM. (MIRSCH) DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: None. ATTACHMENTS: 244 Agenda Item No.: 10.B Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CONNIE VIRAMONTES , ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:COMMUNITY MEETING ON PUBLIC SAFETY WITH THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT LOMITA STATION, SCHEDULE FOR TUESDAY, JULY 13, 2021 AT 6:30PM. (DIERINGER) DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: None. ATTACHMENTS: 245 Agenda Item No.: 10.C Mtg. Date: 06/28/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CONNIE VIRAMONTES , ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:CONSIDER ESTABLISHING A NO CAMPING ORDINANCE. (BLACK) DATE:June 28, 2021 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: None. ATTACHMENTS: 246