08-24-2020_CCAgendaPacket1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL NO. 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 (310) 377-1521 FAX (310) 377-7288 AGENDA Regular Council Meeting CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 24, 2020 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS 7:00 PM This meeting is held pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20 issued by Governor Gavin Newsom on March 17, 2020. All Councilmembers will participate by teleconference. Public Participation: The meeting agenda is available on the City’s website. A live audio of the City Council meeting will be available on the City’s website. Both the agenda and the live audio can be found here:https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/agenda/index.php Members of the public may observe and orally participate in the meeting via Zoom and or submit written comments in real-time by emailing the City Clerk’s office at cityclerk@cityofrh.net. Your comments will become part of the official meeting record. You must provide your full name, but please do not provide any other personal information that you do not want to be published. Zoom access:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87227175757? pwd=VzNES3Q2NFprRk5BRmdUSktWb0hmUT09 Or dial (669) 900-9128, meeting ID: 872 2717 5757, passcode: 780609 Audio recordings to all the City Council meetings can be found here:https://cms5.revize.com/revize/rollinghillsca/government/agenda/index.php. While on this page, locate the meeting date of interest then click on AUDIO. Another window will appear. In the new window, you can select the agenda item of interest and listen to the audio by hitting the play button. Written Action Minutes to the City Council meetings can be found in the AGENDA, typically under Item 4A Minutes. Please contact the City Clerk at 310 377-1521 or email at cityclerk@cityofrh.net for assistance. Next Resolution No. 1262 Next Ordinance No. 366 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1 3.OPEN AGENDA - PUBLIC COMMENT WELCOME This is the appropriate time for members of the public to make comments regarding the items on the consent calendar or items not listed on this agenda. Pursuant to the Brown Act, no action will take place on any items not on the agenda. 4.CONSENT CALENDAR Matters which may be acted upon by the City Council in a single motion. Any Councilmember may request removal of any item from the Consent Calendar causing it to be considered under Council Actions. 4.A.MINUTES: 1) REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 13, 2020; 2) REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 27, 2020; AND 3) REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 10, 2020. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AS PRESENTED. 4.B.PAYMENT OF BILLS. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AS PRESENTED. 4.C.REPUBLIC SERVICES RECYCLING TONNAGE REPORT FOR JULY 2020. R E COM M EN D ATIO N : Republic Services' new contract, starting July 1, 2020 lowered the required waste diversion percentage from 50% to 30%. Staff recommends the City Council approve the tonnage report as presented. 5.COMMISSION ITEMS NONE. 6.PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE. 7.OLD BUSINESS 7.A.RECEIVE AND FILE ALTERNATIVE MS4 COMPLIANCE STRATEGY FOR MACHADO LAKE NUTRIENT TMDL AND APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH NV5 TO PROVIDE OUTFALL MONITORING AT A NEW LOCATION IN THE SEPULVEDA CANYON FOR ONE SEASON. R E C O M M E N D AT I O N : Staff recommends that the City Council consider an alternative compliance strategy and approve engage the services of NV5 to monitor at new outfall location in the Sepulveda Canyon. 7.B.CITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE NO. 365 REPEALING SECTIONS 10.12.050, 10.12.060, AND 9.44.020 OF THE ROLLING HILLS 07-13-2020CCMinutes.v5.docx 07-27-2020CCMinutes_v3.docx 08-10-2020CCMinutes_v3.docx Payment of Bills.pdf 07.20 - Rolling Hills Tonnage.pdf RegionalDrainage_RH_DrainageAnalysis_09Aug2013.pdf RegionalDrainage_RH_DrainageAnalysis_Aerial_09Aug2013.pdf CORH-20-9641-MS4 Outfall Monitoring 2020-2021_REV.pdf RH_SCW_Annual Plan_FY2021(FinalDraft)2020.08.20.pdf RH_SCW_Expenditure_Budget_FY2021_(2020.08.20).xlsx 2 MUNICIPAL CODE. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance No. 365. 8.NEW BUSINESS 8.A.APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 1261 TO ACCEPT FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT FUNDS HMGP 4344-526-112R FIRE PREVENTION POWER LINE UNDERGROUNDING ALONG CREST ROAD EAST, PROVIDE LOCAL MATCH, AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER, OR DESIGNEE, TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT; AND ALLOCATE THE REQUIRED FUNDS FROM THE UTILITY FUND. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 8.B.CONSIDER AND APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH NV5 TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN OF THE 8 INCH SEWER MAIN ALONG PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD AND ROLLING HILLS ROAD. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 8.C.CONSIDER AND APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BARRY MILLER CONSULTING TO PROVIDE CONSULTANT SERVICES TO REVISE THE CITY’S 5TH CYCLE HOUSING ELEMENT TO COMPLY WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT'S (HCD) REQUIREMENTS. Ordinance Repealing Gate Attendant Sections.pdf LTR._TO_CITY_RE_AMENDMENTS_TO_MUNI._CODE_-_GATE_GUARDS_- _FINAL_EDITION_2-10-2020.pdf Approval #4344-526-112 Rolling Hills - Undergrounding.pdf 16B0293_20I1190_City of Rolling Hills_ESA Review Form countersigned.pdf HMGP_4344-526-112_REC.pdf HMGP-4344-526-112_Rolling Hills_ESA letter.pdf Project Management Report 4344-122R.pdf Standard HMGP Conditions, August 2018.pdf Copy of FEMA_Post-construction_Notification_Reporting_Form_4344-526-11.xlsx ResolutionNo.1261 FEMA Grant Acceptance-c1.DOCX NV5_Rolling Hills_Sewer Improvement_07.13.20.pdf NV5_Rolling Hills_Sewer Improvement Fee_07.13.20.pdf PACE Proposal - Engineering Services to prepare Sewer Improvement Plans for the City of Rolling Hills.pdf PACE Fee Proposal.pdf Quantum Consulting_Proposal Engineering Services to prepare Sewer Improvement Plans.pdf Quantum Consulting_Fee Proposal Engineering Services to prepare Sewer Improvement Plans.pdf Willdan Proposal for City of Rolling Hills Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improv Plans.pdf Wildan Fee Schedule for City of Rolling Hills Proposal for Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans.pdf Agreement RE Sewer Improvement Design.pdf Sewer Improvement Design Exhibit A - Scope of Work-c1.PDF Sewer Improvement Design Exhibit B - Fees (2)-c1.PDF 3 RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 9.MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL AND MEETING ATTENDANCE REPORTS 9.A.DISCUSS ACTION MINUTES AS THE OFFICIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES. (PIEPER) RECOMMENDATION: None. 9.B.DISCUSS SUPPORT FOR LOCAL CONTROL AND OPPOSITION TO RECENT PLANNING AND ZONING LEGISLATION. (MIRSCH) RECOMMENDATION: NONE 9.C.DISCUSS IGNITABLE DEVICES. (BLACK) RECOMMENDATION: NONE. 10.MATTERS FROM STAFF NONE. 11.CLOSED SESSION NONE. 12.ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Monday, September 14, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, Rolling Hills City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California, 90274. BarryMillerProposaltoRollingHills.pdf BarryMillerCostProposal.pdf 2015 ccac guidelines for preparing minutes final submission _2_-c1.pdf 2015 ccac guidelines for preparing minutes sample staff report final submission-c1.pdf 2020-79 State Housing Legislation.pdf Our Mission Statement.pdf 20200804 -StaffRpt Bills.pdf Attachment A_Resolution.docx Attachment B - Matrix of Legislative Assembly and Senate Bills on Housing and Zoning.xlsx Notice: Public Comment is welcome on any item prior to City Council action on the item. Documents pertaining to an agenda item received after the posting of the agenda are available for review in the City Clerk's office or at the meeting at which the item will be considered. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting due to your disability, please contact the City Clerk at (310) 377-1521 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility and accommodation for your review of this agenda and attendance at this meeting. 4 Agenda Item No.: 4.A Mtg. Date: 08/24/2020 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CONNIE VIRAMONTES , ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: MINUTES: 1) REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 13, 2020; 2) REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 27, 2020; AND 3) REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 10, 2020. DATE:August 24, 2020 BACKGROUND: NONE. DISCUSSION: NONE. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AS PRESENTED. ATTACHMENTS: 07-13-2020CCMinutes.v5.docx 07-27-2020CCMinutes_v3.docx 08-10-2020CCMinutes_v3.docx 5 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, JULY 13, 2020 This meeting is held pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20 issued by Governor Gavin Newsom on March 17, 2020. All Councilmembers will participate by teleconference. Public Participation: City Hall will be closed to the public until further notice. A live audio of the City Council meeting will available on the City’s website (http://www.rolling-hills.org/). The meeting agenda is on the City’s website (https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/agenda/index.php). Members of the public may observe and orally participate in the meeting via Zoom and or submit written comments in real time by emailing the City Clerk’s office at cityclerk@cityofrh.net.Access to the Zoom meeting room: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83320318128?pwd=K01LTWJaU0hpTE03a0JsMkFoWENjdz09.Your comments will become part of the official meeting record. You must provide your full name, but please do not provide any other personal information (i.e., phone numbers, addresses, etc.) that you do not want to be published. 1.CALL TO ORDER The City Council of the City of Rolling Hills met in a regular meeting via Zoom Teleconference on the above date at 7:01 p.m. via teleconference. Mayor Pieper presiding. 2.ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Mirsch, Wilson, Black, Dieringer and Mayor Pieper Absent: None. Staff Present:Elaine Jeng, City Manager Michael Jenkins, City Attorney Meredith Elguira, Planning & Community Services Director Connie Viramontes, Administrative Assistant Delia Aranda, Code Enforcement Maria Quinonez, Interim City Clerk 3.OPEN AGENDA – PUBLIC COMMENT WELCOME (The complete audio of the City Council and written communications is available in the City Clerk’s office and the City’s website:https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/ agenda/index.php ) City Council Members heard public comment from Clint Patterson,Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Alex Cherniss and Board Member Matthew Brach. 6 2 Minutes City Council Regular Meeting July 13, 2020 4.CONSENT CALENDAR Matters which may be acted upon by the City Council in a single motion. Any Councilmember may request removal of any item from the Consent Calendar causing it to be considered under Council Actions. MOTION:It was moved by Council Member Wilson and seconded by Council Member Black to approve items 4B, 4C, and 4D from the consent calendar. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pieper, Black, Dieringer, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None 4.A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 03-09-20 City Council Draft Minutes FINALv9 03-23-20 City Council Draft Minutes FINAL v6 03-30-20 City Council Draft Minutes FINAL v6 04-13-20 City Council Draft MinutesFINALv11 04-13-20 City Council Draft Minutes Joint CC and PC FINALv10 04-27-20 City Council Draft Minutes CC FINALv10 06-04-20 City Draft Minutes Special v5 06-08-20 City Council Draft Minutes v6 06-22-20 City Council Draft Minutes v2 MOTION:It was moved by Mayor Pieper and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer to approve all the minutes with the exception of minutes for June 22, 2020. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pieper, Black, Dieringer, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None 4.B.PAYMENT OF BILLS. ITEM 4B. APPROVED BY CONSENT CALENDAR VOTE. 4.C.CONSIDER AND APPROVE RECOMMENDATION TO AMEND ROLLING HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 9.44 AND 10.12 ON GATE GUARDS. ITEM 4C. APPROVED BY CONSENT CALENDAR VOTE. 4.D.APPROVE ECS IMAGING, INC. AND FILE KEEPERS, LLC FOR AS NEEDED ON-CALL SERVICES FOR SCANNING DOCUMENTS AND BUILDING PLANS. ITEM 4D. APPROVED BY CONSENT CALENDAR VOTE. 7 3 Minutes City Council Regular Meeting July 13, 2020 5.COMMISSION ITEMS NONE. 6.PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE. 7.OLD BUSINESS 7.A.ACCEPT THE ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY WILDFIRE PROTECTION PLAN (CWPP) AS COMPLETE, ACCEPT THE A HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT TO PREPARE A CWPP, AND DIRECT STAFF TO SUBMIT THE CWPP TO THE CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND FEMA FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. The following individuals provided written and or email comments regarding the Rolling Hills Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) and were either in support of approving or postponing the City Council action. Members of the City Council heard public commentsin support of approving or postponing City Council action regarding this item and discussed concerns at length. MOTION:It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer and seconded by Council Member Black to postpone the decision about the acceptance of the plan until the next meeting, accept the grant and to submit to CalOES. Additionally, recommends that the city publicize the plan so that the community members are aware of the plan scheduled to be discussed at the next meeting. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pieper, Black, Dieringer, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None Approve Postpone Other Comment Rae Walker Cathy Nichols Arun Bhumitra Dorothy Vinter John Nunn Alfred Visco Don Crocker Richard Meyer Diane Montalto Clint Patterson William Hassoldt Ross Smith Donovan Black Arlene Honbo Anne Schneider Abas Goodarzi Carole La Caze Susan Collida Geraldean Belleville Debra Schraeder Roger Hawkins Judith Haenel Carmen Schaye Kay Lupo Margaret Bemis Marcia Schoettle Jim Aichele Verna Balch 8 4 Minutes City Council Regular Meeting July 13, 2020 7.B.CONSIDER AND APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. Members of the City Council reviewed and discussed the request to approve an amendment to the lease agreement with the Rolling Hills Community Association. MOTION:It was moved by Council Member Black and seconded by Council Member Mirsch to approve an amendment to the lease agreement with the Rolling Hills Community Association to reduce the rent amount for the period between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2023. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pieper, Black, Dieringer, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None 7.C.CONSIDER ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION'S REQUEST TO REPLACE, IN THE EVENT OF FAILURE, THE EXISTING SEPTIC TANK SERVING THE MAIN GATEHOUSE. Members of the City Council reviewed and discussed the request to consider Rolling Hills Community Association request to replace in the event of failure, the existing septic tank serving the main gatehouse. MOTION:It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer and seconded by Mayor Pieper to amend staff’s recommendation to deny the Rolling Hills Community Association's request to replace the existing septic tank and include increasing maintenance frequency of the septic tank to prolong its use and to expedite if there is a problem. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pieper, Dieringer, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Black. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None 7.D.CONSIDER AND APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE PENINSULA CITIES AND THE PALOS VERDES PENINSULA SCHOOL DISTRICT TO CONTINUE TO COST SHARE TWO SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS FOR THREE YEARS COMMENCING ON AUGUST 1, 2020. Members of the City Council reviewed and discussed the consideration to approve an amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding with the Peninsula Cities and the Palos Verdes Peninsula School District to continue to cost share two school resource officers for the three years commencing on August 1, 2020. 9 5 Minutes City Council Regular Meeting July 13, 2020 MOTION:It was moved by Council Member Black and seconded by Council Member Wilson to approve the amended Memorandum of Understanding. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pieper, Black, Dieringer, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None 7.E.CONSIDER AND APPROVE THE TRANSFER AGREEMENT WITH THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY TO RECEIVE SAFE CLEAN WATER PROGRAM MEASURE W LOCAL RETURNS. After review and discussion, Members of the City Council considered approving the transfer agreement with the Los Angeles County to receive Safe Clean Water Program Measure W local returns. MOTION:It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer and seconded by Council Member Mirsch to approve the transfer agreement with the Los Angeles County to receive Measure W funds and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pieper, Black, Dieringer, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None 7.F.CONSIDER LAYOUT OPTIONS TO BRING EXISTING RESTROOMS AT CITY HALL TO COMPLY WITH ADA CODES, AND SELECT A DESIGN OPTIONS TO CONTINUE THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS. Members of the City Council reviewed and discussed the layout options to bring existing restrooms at City Hall to comply with ADA codes, and selected a design from options provided. MOTION:It was moved by Council Member Black and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer to approve option 2 and have restrooms reconfigured to have one ADA compliant all gender restroom and two additional all gender restrooms where the current restrooms are located. The electrical room, coffee area and water heater are to be relocated. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Black, Dieringer, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pieper. ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None 10 6 Minutes City Council Regular Meeting July 13, 2020 8.NEW BUSINESS 8.A.RECEIVE AND FILE CERTIFICATION FOR FUNDING SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE FOR ALLOCATION OF FEDERAL CARES ACT FUNDING THROUGH THE STATE FOR COVID-19 RELATED EXPENSES. Members of the City Council were provided with information on certification for funding submitted to the Department of Finance for allocation of Federal Cares Act funds through the State for Covid-19 related expenses. MOTION:It was moved by Council Member Mirsch and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer to receive and file the certification for funding submitted to the Department of Finance for CARES Act funds to offset COVID-19 related expenses. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pieper, Black, Dieringer, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None 8.B. RECEIVE AND FILE COVID-19 RELATED ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS; CONSIDER AND APPROVE CONTRACT AMENDMENT WITH EXECUTIVE-SUITES FOR JANITORIAL SERVICES TO INCLUDE CLEANING PROTOCOLS AS REQUIRED BY LA COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF COVID-19; AND CONSIDER AND APPROVE AN ON-CALL INDUSTRIAL HYGIENIST TO VALIDATE CLEANING PROTOCOLS WERE IMPLEMENTED PROPERLY. City Council Members were provided with information and discussed janitorial services to include cleaning protocols as required by LA County Health Department to prevent the spread of Covid-19. MOTION:It was moved by Council Member Wilson and seconded by Mayor Pieper to approve items 1 and 2 to receive and file Administrative Regulations dated July 7, 2020 and approve an amendment with Executive-suites to continue to provide janitorial services for City Hall with cleaning protocols required by the LA County Health Department to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Item number 3 was postponed to the next agenda to allow Council Member Black to speak with the industrial hygienist to adjust the scope of service. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pieper, Black, Dieringer, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None 11 7 Minutes City Council Regular Meeting July 13, 2020 9.MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL AND MEETING ATTENDANCE REPORTS Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer provided information regarding SB 99. Council Member Mirsch provided information regarding fire insurance and assembly bill. 10.MATTERS FROM STAFF 10.A. FIRE FUEL ABATEMENT ENFORCEMENT CASES QUARTERLY REPORT FOR THE SECOND QUARTER OF 2020 (APRIL 1 THROUGH JUNE 30). Members of the City Council were provided with a report on fire fuel abatement cases quarterly report. It was noted that the biggest problem in getting vegetation items closed are due to residents not living on the properties. Additionally, the next quarterly report will be generated from the iWorQ program and may be able to provide more information on actions taken and outstanding items. MOTION:It was moved by Council Member Mirsch and seconded by Mayor Pieper to receive and file report. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pieper, Black, Dieringer, Mirsch, and Wilson. NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None 11.ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further business before the City Council, Mayor Pieper adjourned the meeting at 10:24 pm in memory of Pat and Don Mehlig. The next regular meeting of the City Council is scheduled for Monday, July 27, 2020 at 7:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, _______________________________________ Elaine Jeng, P.E. Acting City Clerk Approved, ______________________________________ Jeff Pieper Mayor 12 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, JULY 27, 2020 This meeting is held pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20 issued by Governor Gavin Newsom on March 17, 2020. All Councilmembers will participate by teleconference. Public Participation: City Hall will be closed to the public until further notice. A live audio of the City Council meeting will available on the City’s website (http://www.rolling-hills.org/). The meeting agenda is on the City’s website (https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/agenda/index.php). Members of the public may observe and orally participate in the meeting via Zoom and or submit written comments in real time by emailing the City Clerk’s office at cityclerk@cityofrh.net.Access to the Zoom meeting room: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83320318128?pwd=K01LTWJaU0hpTE03a0JsMkFoWENjdz09. Your comments will become part of the official meeting record. You must provide your full name, but please do not provide any other personal information (i.e., phone numbers, addresses, etc.) that you do not want to be published. 1.CALL TO ORDER The City Council of the City of Rolling Hills met in a regular meeting via Zoom Teleconference on the above date at 7:10 p.m. via teleconference. Mayor Pieper presiding. 2.ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Mirsch, Black, Wilson, Dieringer and Mayor Pieper Absent: None. Staff Present:Elaine Jeng, City Manager Michael Jenkins, City Attorney Meredith Elguira, Planning & Community Services Director Connie Viramontes, Administrative Assistant Maria Quinonez, Interim City Clerk SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Any agenda related information received and distributed to the City Council after the Agenda Packet is printed is included in Supplemental Packets. Supplemental Packets are produced as needed. The Monday Supplemental Packet is available for public review in the City Clerk Department, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, during normal business hours [main posting location pursuant to the Brown Act, G.C. 54957.5(b)(2)]. Supplemental Packets are available for public review at City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road and on our City’s website: www.rolling-hills.org. 13 2 Minutes City Council Regular Meeting July 27, 2020 Please be advised that communications directed to the City Council are public records and are subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act and Brown Act unless exempt from disclosure under the applicable law. Communications will NOT be edited for redactions; will be printed/posted as submitted. 3. OPEN AGENDA –PUBLIC COMMENT WELCOME (The complete audio of the City Council and written communications is available in the City Clerk’s office and the City’s website: https://www.rollinghills.org/government/agenda/index.php) None. 4,CONSENT CALENDAR Matters which may be acted upon by the City Council in a single motion. Any Councilmember may request removal of any item from the Consent Calendar causing it to be considered under Council Actions. MOTION:It was moved by Council Member Wilson and seconded by Council Member Mirsch to approve items 4B, 4C, and 4D from the consent calendar. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mirsch, Black, Wilson Dieringer, and Mayor Pieper. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None 4.A.APPROVAL OF MINUTES. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 05-11-20CCMinutesv4.docx 05-26-20CCMinutesv5.docx 06-22-20CCDraftMinutesv4.docx 07-13-2020CCMinutes.v2.docx The meeting minutes were pulled for separate discussion. MOTION:It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer and seconded by Council Member Black to approve item 4A Approval of Minutes with the exception of minutes for May 26, 2020 and July 13, 2020. The motion included agendizing a discussion on action minutes for the next meeting. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Black, Dieringer, and Mayor Pieper. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Mirsch and Wilson ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None 14 3 Minutes City Council Regular Meeting July 27, 2020 4.B. PAYMENT OF BILLS. ITEM 4.B. APPROVED BY CONSENT CALENDAR VOTE. 4.C. REPUBLIC SERVICES RECYCLING TONNAGE REPORT FOR JUNE 2020. ITEM 4.C. APPROVED BY CONSENT CALENDAR VOTE. 4.D. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDING JUNE 30, 2020 ITEM 4.D. APPROVED BY CONSENT CALENDAR VOTE. 5.COMMISSION ITEMS 5.A. VARIANCE REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A 162 SQUARE FOOT ADDITION IN THE FRONT YARD SETBACK LOCATED AT 3 POPPY TRAIL ROAD (JONAS). Staff made a presentation to the City Council. MOTION:It was moved by Council Member Wilson and seconded by Council Member Mirsch to receive and file report. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mirsch, Black, Wilson, Dieringer, and Mayor Pieper. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None 6.PUBLIC HEARINGS 6.A.A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AND APPROVE A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PLACEMENT OF SOLID WASTE SERVICE CHARGES OWED TO REPUBLIC SERVICES PURSUANT TO ITS SOLID WASTE FRANCHISE WITH THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ON THE FY 2020-2021 LOS ANGELES COUNTY AUDITOR-CONTROLLER'S OFFICE ANNUAL TAX ROLL. Staff made a presentation to the City Council. Mayor Pieper opened up the public hearing. City Council Members heard public comments from Alfred Visco. Mayor Pieper closed the public hearing. MOTION:It was moved by Council Member Wilson and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer to approve the Resolution detailing the sums to be levied upon individual real property parcels that receive trash services and direct the same to be submitted to the Los Angeles County Auditor-Controller for placement on the FY 2020-2021 property tax roll. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mirsch, Black, Wilson, Dieringer, and Mayor Pieper NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None 15 4 Minutes City Council Regular Meeting July 27, 2020 7.OLD BUSINESS 7.A.RECEIVE AND FILE AN UPDATE TO THE HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT TO PREPARE A COMMUNITY WILDFIRE PROTECTION PLAN (CWPP). Staff made a presentation to the City Council. MOTION:It was moved by Council Member Wilson and seconded by Council Member Mirsch to receive and file staff’s report on the Hazard Mitigation Grant to prepare a CWPP. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mirsch, Black, Wilson, Dieringer, and Mayor Pieper NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None 7.B.CONSIDER AND ADOPT THE ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY WILDFIRE PROTECTION PLAN (CWPP). Staff made a presentation to the City Council. City Council Members heard public comments from Chief Hale, Captain Powers, James Aichele, Ronald Sommer, and Roger Hawkins. MOTION:It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer to adopt the changes she drafted to provide definitions and place responsibility where responsibility is due. Motion failed. MOTION:It was moved by Council Member Wilson and seconded by Council Member Black to adopt the Rolling Hills CWPP and direct staff to update the plan annually. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mirsch, Black, Wilson, Dieringer, and Mayor Pieper NOES:COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None 8.NEW BUSINESS 8.A. CONSIDER AND APPROVE AN AMENDED AGREEMENT WITH JIMENEZ CONSULTING TO PROVIDE TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT, INCLUDING ENHANCEMENTS TO CITY'S WEBSITE. Staff made a presentation to the City Council. MOTION:It was moved by Mayor Pieper and seconded by Council Member Wilson to approve an amended agreement with Jimenez Consulting for a total of $10,000 for two monthsand providing the City Council with monthly reports. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mirsch, Black, Wilson, Dieringer, and Mayor Pieper 16 5 Minutes City Council Regular Meeting July 27, 2020 NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None 8.B.CONSIDER AND APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 1259 TO ESTABLISH A FORMAL POLICY TO CONTRIBUTE CITY FUNDS TOWARDS THE COST OF UTILITY POLE REMOVAL AND RESOLUTION NO. 1260 ESTABLISHING AN APPLICATION AND APPEAL FEE RELATING TO UTILITY POLE REMOVAL REIMBURSEMENT APPLICATIONS; AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 1241. Staff made a presentation to the City Council. Council Members heard public comment from Abas Goodarzi. MOTION:It was moved by Council Member Black and seconded by Council Member Mirsch to approve as amended Resolutions 1259 with three changes on section 2 paragraph D reimbursement application: (1) for poles removed from January 1, 2020 (2) net removal with the word “net” added (3) not to exceed $3500 cap and adopt Resolution 1260. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mirsch, Black, Wilson, Dieringer, and Mayor Pieper NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None MOTION:It was moved by Mayor Pieper and seconded by Council Member Mirsch to dissolve the ad-hoc committee created to draft a policy for city contribution towards the undergrounding of overhead utility poles that are not a part of assessment districts. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mirsch, Black, Wilson, Dieringer, and Mayor Pieper NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None 9.SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA PACKET RELATING TO ITEM 9A POSTED JULY 27, 2020 MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL AND MEETING ATTENDANCE REPORTS 9.A.DISCUSS LOS ANGELES COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA ITEM ON A BALLOT MEASURE FOR THE NOVEMBER 2020 ELECTION THAT MAY RESULT IN BUDGET CUTS TO SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AND COUNTY PROBATION OFFICE (MIRSCH AND DIERINGER). Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer made a presentation to the City Council. MOTION:It was moved by Council Member Black and seconded by Council Member Mirsch to oppose the proposed action and to send a written letter to Board of Supervisors. 17 6 Minutes City Council Regular Meeting July 27, 2020 AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mirsch, Black, Wilson, Dieringer, and Mayor Pieper NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None 10. MATTERS FROM STAFF SB2 GRANT UPDATE AND LEAP GRANT UPDATE (ORAL). Staff made a presentation to City Council on SB2 grant and LEAP update. 11. CLOSED SESSION None. 12. ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further business before the City Council, Mayor Pieper adjourned the meeting at 10:01 p.m. The next regular meeting of the City Council is scheduled for Monday, August 10, 2020 at 7:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, Elaine Jeng, P.E. Acting City Clerk Approved, Jeff Pieper Mayor 18 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 2020 This meeting is held pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20 issued by Governor Newsom on March 17, 2020. All Councilmembers will participate by teleconference. Public Participation: City Hall will be closed to the public until further notice. A live audio of the City Council meeting will be available on the City's website (https://www.rollinghills.org/government/agenda/index.php). The meeting agenda is also available on the City's website (https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/agenda/index.php). Members of the public may submit comments in real time by emailing the City Clerk's office at cityclerk@cityofrh.net. Your comments will become a part of the official meeting record. You must provide your full name but do not provide any other personal information (i.e., phone numbers, addresses, etc) that you do not want to be published. 1.CALL TO ORDER The City Council of the City of Rolling Hills met in a regular meeting via Zoom Teleconference on the above date at 7:04 p.m. via teleconference. Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer presiding. 2.ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Present: Council Members Mirsch, Black, Wilson, Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer Absent: Mayor Pieper. Staff Present:Elaine Jeng, City Manager Jane Abzug, Deputy City Attorney Meredith Elguira, Planning & Community Services Director Maria Quinonez, Interim City Clerk 3. OPEN AGENDA – PUBLIC COMMENT WELCOME This is the appropriate time for members of the public to make comments regarding the items on the consent calendar or items not listed on this agenda. Pursuant to the Brown Act, no action will take place on any items not on the agenda. A complete audio recording of the August 10, 2020 City Council meeting is available on the City’s website: https://www.rollinghills.org/government/agenda/index.php. To access the full 19 2 Minutes City Council Regular Meeting August 10, 2020 recording, click on the link above and locate the date August 10, 2020. To the right of the meeting date, click on AUDIO. A new window will appear and the audio of the recording will play. To skip to items of interest, go to the left hand column of the new window and click on agenda item of interest and the audio recording for that item will play. NONE. 4.CONSENT CALENDAR Matters which may be acted upon by the City Council in a single motion. Any Councilmember may request removal of any item from the Consent Calendar causing it to be considered under Council Actions. 4.A.MINUTES: 1)REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 26, 2020; 2) REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 13, 2020; AND 3) REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 27, 2020. ITEM 4.A. Minutes of 5-26-2020 APPROVED BY CONSENT CALENDAR VOTE 4.B. PAYMENT OF BILLS. ITEM 4.B. APPROVED BY CONSENT CALENDAR VOTE. MOTION:It was moved by Council Member Mirsch and seconded by Council Member Wilson to approve the remaining balance of items 4.A. minutes of 5-26-2020,and 4B from the consent calendar with the exception of revisiting the meeting minutes pulled after discussion of item 9.A. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mirsch, Black, Wilson and Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pieper ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None 4.A.MINUTES: 2)REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 13, 2020; AND 3) REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 27, 2020. Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer pulled the meeting minutes of 7-13-2020 and 7-27-2020 for separate discussion and correction on minutes of 7-13-2020. Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer provided a correction to the meeting minutes of 07-13-2020 on page 3 near the bottom motion should reflect the following: …recommend that the city publicize the plan so that the community members are aware of the plan scheduled to be discussed at the next meeting. The meeting minutes will be presented at the next meeting for approval. 20 3 Minutes City Council Regular Meeting August 10, 2020 5.COMMISSION ITEMS NONE. 6.PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE. 7.OLD BUSINESS NONE. 8.NEW BUSINESS 8.A. RECEIVE AND FILE AN UPDATE ON THE BLOCK CAPTAINS PROGRAM. Staff made a presentation and comments were received from some Block Captain members. MOTION:It was moved by Councilmember Wilson and seconded by Councilmember Black to receive and file the update on the Block Captains Program. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mirsch, Black, Wilson and Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pieper ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None 9.MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL AND MEETING ATTENDANCE REPORTS SUPPLEMENTAL POSTING ITEM 9A (DISCUSS ACTION MINUTES AS THE OFFICIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES) Posted August 10, 2020 around 5:00 p.m. 9.A.DISCUSS ACTION MINUTES AS THE OFFICIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES. (DIERINGER) Councilmembers reviewed and discussed item 9.A. along with the supplemental information provided regarding the guidelines for preparing minutes for governmental agencies by City Clerks Association of California. No public comments were received. MOTION:It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer and seconded by Council Member Black to have brief summary meeting minutes prepared. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Black and Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Mirsch and Wilson ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pieper 21 4 Minutes City Council Regular Meeting August 10, 2020 ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None Motion failed. MOTION:It was moved by Councilmember Black and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer to have the meeting minutes of 07-13-2020 and 07-27-2020 prepared in brief summary format and brought back for approval. The motion was further amended by Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer and accepted by Councilmember Black to clarify brief summary minutes would mean more detail in the minutes to provide more of the body’s thought process and comments received that guided Council’s decision. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Black and Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Mirsch and Wilson ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pieper. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None Motion failed. MOTION:It was moved by Councilmember Wilson and seconded by Councilmember Mirsch to approve the meeting minutes as presented with the correction made by Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mirsch and Wilson NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Black and Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pieper. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None Motion failed. The meeting minutes will be presented at the next meeting for approval. 10. MATTERS FROM STAFF Staff informed Councilmembers that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approved Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) fund for the Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding project. The project will underground existing overhead utilities lines and remove associated wooden utility poles along Crest Road East within the southeastern portion of the City of Rolling Hills. The grant fund is $1,145,457 and the non-Federal share (local match) is $381,819. 11. CLOSED SESSION NONE. 12. ADJOURNMENT 22 5 Minutes City Council Regular Meeting August 10, 2020 Hearing no further business before the City Council, Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer adjourned the meeting at 8:41 p.m.The next regular meeting of the City Council is scheduled for Monday, August 24, 2020 at 7:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, Elaine Jeng, P.E. Acting City Clerk Approved, Beatriz Dieringer Mayor Pro Tem 23 Agenda Item No.: 4.B Mtg. Date: 08/24/2020 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CONNIE VIRAMONTES , ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:PAYMENT OF BILLS. DATE:August 24, 2020 BACKGROUND: NONE. DISCUSSION: NONE. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AS PRESENTED. ATTACHMENTS: Payment of Bills.pdf 24 25 Agenda Item No.: 4.C Mtg. Date: 08/24/2020 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CONNIE VIRAMONTES , ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:REPUBLIC SERVICES RECYCLING TONNAGE REPORT FOR JULY 2020. DATE:August 24, 2020 BACKGROUND: NONE. DISCUSSION: NONE. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AS PRESENTED. ATTACHMENTS: 07.20 - Rolling Hills Tonnage.pdf 26 Franchise?Y Mth/Yr Overall Commodity Tons Collected Tons Recovered Tons Disposed Diversion % Jan-20 Trash 178.78 38.00 140.78 21.26% Greenwaste 102.61 102.61 - 100.00% Recycle 0.03 0.01 0.02 20.00% Jan-20 Total 281.42 140.62 140.80 49.97% Feb-20 Trash 159.76 32.85 126.91 20.56% Greenwaste 95.32 95.32 - 100.00% Recycle 2.18 0.44 1.74 20.00% Feb-20 Total 257.26 128.61 128.65 49.99% Mar-20 Trash 208.78 60.00 148.78 28.74% Greenwaste 92.55 92.55 - 100.00% Recycle 0.01 0.00 0.01 21.00% Mar-20 Total 301.34 152.55 148.79 50.62% Apr-20 Trash 203.94 61.02 142.92 29.92% Greenwaste 146.90 146.90 - 100.00% Apr-20 Total 350.84 207.92 142.92 59.26% May-20 Trash 286.46 28.62 257.84 9.99% Greenwaste 129.11 129.11 - 100.00% May-20 Total 415.57 157.73 257.84 37.96% Jun-20 Trash 279.97 108.10 171.87 38.61% Greenwaste 95.19 95.19 - 100.00% Jun-20 Total 375.16 203.29 171.87 54.19% Jul-20 Trash 262.63 18.10 244.53 6.89% Greenwaste 86.70 86.70 - 100.00% Jul-20 Total 349.33 104.80 244.53 30.00% Grand Total 2,330.92 1,095.51 1,235.41 47.00% 1095.51 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS RESIDENTIAL FRANCHISE 2020 Contract Requires 50% Household - Page 1 of 2 27 Agenda Item No.: 7.A Mtg. Date: 08/24/2020 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ELAINE JENG, CITY MANAGER THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: RECEIVE AND FILE ALTERNATIVE MS4 COMPLIANCE STRATEGY FOR MACHADO LAKE NUTRIENT TMDL AND APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH NV5 TO PROVIDE OUTFALL MONITORING AT A NEW LOCATION IN THE SEPULVEDA CANYON FOR ONE SEASON. DATE:August 24, 2020 BACKGROUND: The City of Rolling Hills is required to comply with the Los Angeles County Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. A component of the MS4 subjects the City to meet the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) in the Machado Lake for Nutrient. Stormwater runoff from the City discharges to three bodies of water: Santa Monica Bay, the Harbor and Machado Lake. See the attached Regional Drainage Map. The MS4 requires municipalities to conduct outfall monitoring to characterize the water quality as the runoff leaves the City to each of the three bodies of water. Outfalls must meet certain criteria per the MS4 permit to be accepted by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board). The City of Rolling Hills joined the Peninsula Watershed Group and prepared a Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Plan (CIMP). The plan was approved by the Regional Board. The plan called for a joint outfall, located near Rolling Hills Estates City Hall to characterize the discharge from the Peninsula to the Machado Lake. This location was selected because it captured runoff from all the cities within the group. Monitoring data for Nutrients showed that the water quality is exceeding the thresholds for Nutrient acceptable to the Regional Board. To come into compliance with the water quality objectives, the Peninsula Watershed Management Group contributed funds to study an infiltration project at the Torrance Airport. The infiltration project would eliminate a specified volume to demonstrate that the runoff from the Peninsula is not impairing the waters of the Machado Lake. DISCUSSION: In April 2020, staff presented an alternative compliance strategy that would require the City to look at 28 all the outfalls to the Machado Lake and retain the specified volume to demonstrate to the Regional Board that the City is not discharging to Machado Lake. Staff worked with a registered Civil Engineer to estimate the project cost to eliminate discharge at one of seven outfall locations to Machado Lake and the cost proved too costly. (It was later found that the discharge from the Bent Spring Canyon was already captured by the Chandler Ranch/Rolling Hills Estates County Club Regional stormwater capture project sized to retain and infiltrate well beyond the specified volume from 707 acre tributary area which includes the tributary area to the Bent Spring Canyon in Rolling Hills.) Additionally, the amount of time to construct infiltration projects at each of the seven outfalls would be lengthy and not timely to address the non-compliance status for the Nutrient TMDL. Staff worked with McGowan Consultant on alternatives to eliminating discharge at each of the seven discharge points from the City. McGowan Consultant recalled the water sampling data collected during the initial stages in drafting the Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Plan (CIMP) and recommended collecting water samples from a new outfall location that would only characterize the water quality of the City of Rolling Hills. The City of Rolling Hills is unique in that the runoff from the City is not conveyed through a network of pipes but rather from natural streams. Water Sampling during the early stages in drafting the CIMP did not include an entire year capturing dry weather and wet weather events required by the MS4 permit but the small sampling was encouraging to demonstrate that the water quality for the City of Rolling Hills may be able to meet the water quality objectives established by the Regional Board. If the theory is proven, the City would not need to participate in a regional project such as the Torrance Airport Infiltration project, or construct infiltration projects at each of the City's outfall to the Machado Lake to achieve compliance with the MS4 permit. In early May 2020, McGowan Consultants contacted the company that performs water sampling for the Peninsula Watershed Group. It was recommended to the City to engage the same sampling company, NV5 for cost savings. NV5 can conduct sampling at the new outfall location on the same days as the sampling of other locations for the Peninsula Watershed Group. In mid-May 2020, NV5 conducted site investigation and based on the guidance of McGown Consultants, NV5 provided their findings and a proposal for a new outfall sampling location in the Sepulveda Canyon. Per McGowan Consultants' assessment, Sepulveda Canyon is the only canyon that meets the criteria of having potential dry weather and wet weather flow to Machado Lake. McGowan and Consultants evaluated NV5's proposal and questioned testing method, the required volume of samples, identified additional areas for cost savings pointing out duplicated efforts in relation to sampling and analysis for the Peninsula Watershed Group. NV5's proposal is included with this staff report. NV5's proposed fee for monitoring the new location for one complete season is $44,560. McGowan Consultants will assist in evaluating the motioning data for one season and should the monitoring results demonstrate compliance with the water quality objectives for Nutrient in Machado Lake, staff will request a revision to the Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Plan (CIMP) to change Rolling Hills' outfall location for Machado Lake to the outfall location in Sepulveda Canyon. If the City Council approves staff's recommended actions, staff will notify the Peninsula Watershed Group. FISCAL IMPACT: At the July 13, 2020, the City Council approved a Transfer Agreement with Los Angeles County to receive the Safe, Clean Water Program Measure W annual allocation of $110,000. The Transfer Agreement requires the City to submit an expenditure plan. Thirty percent of the allocation can be used for existing programs prior to the passage of Measure W in November 2018. Seventy percent of the allocation can be used for new programs after the passage of Measure W. In the expenditure plan 29 approved by the City Council, staff proposed to allocate a portion of the 70% category to pay for the monitoring of the new outfall location. Included with this report is the expenditure plan approved by the City Council on July 13, 2020 and the City's formalized annual plan for Measure W prepared by McGowan Consultants subsequent to the City Council's approval on July 13, 2020. Both documents refer to Sepulveda Canyon Monitoring Study, pending City Council approval. If the City Council approves staff's recommended actions, there will be no fiscal impact to the FY 2020-2021 approved budget. The proposed expense would be funded by Measure W. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council consider an alternative compliance strategy and approve engage the services of NV5 to monitor at new outfall location in the Sepulveda Canyon. ATTACHMENTS: RegionalDrainage_RH_DrainageAnalysis_09Aug2013.pdf RegionalDrainage_RH_DrainageAnalysis_Aerial_09Aug2013.pdf CORH-20-9641-MS4 Outfall Monitoring 2020-2021_REV.pdf RH_SCW_Annual Plan_FY2021(FinalDraft)2020.08.20.pdf RH_SCW_Expenditure_Budget_FY2021_(2020.08.20).xlsx 30 Unnamed Canyons #1 #2 #3 Aqua Magnon Canyon SepulvedaCanyon BlackwaterCanyon Upper Bent Spring Canyon George F.Canyon ± Figure 1. Regional Drainage of Rolling Hills Date: 8/16/2013 Project No. HSW1398 Huntington Beach Legend Streams Streets Storm Drains City Boundary Canyon Delineations LA Harbor Watershed Machado Lake Watershed Open Coast Watershed Portuguese Bend #1 Portuguese Bend #2 Portuguese Bend #3 Trump Golf Course 3,000 0 3,0001,500 Feet 31 Unnamed Canyons #1 #2 #3 Aqua Magnon Canyon SepulvedaCanyon BlackwaterCanyon Upper Bent Spring Canyon George F.Canyon ± Figure 1. Regional Drainage of Rolling Hills Date: 8/16/2013 Project No. HSW1398 Huntington Beach Portuguese Bend #1 Portuguese Bend #2 Portuguese Bend #3 Trump Golf Course 3,000 0 3,0001,500 Feet Legend Streams Streets Storm Drains City Boundary Canyon Delineations 32 Alta Environmental, an NV5 Company 3777 Long Beach Boulevard Annex Building Long Beach CA 90807 United States of America T (562) 495 5777 F (562) 495 5877 Toll-free (800) 777-0605 | NV5.com June 23, 2020 City of Rolling Hills 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Attn: Elaine Jeng, City Manager Meredith Elguira, Director, Planning and Community Services RE: Scope of Work and Budget for Canyon Monitoring 2020-2021 Dear Ms. Jeng and Ms. Elguira, Alta Environmental, an NV5 Company (Alta|NV5) is pleased to present the City of Rolling Hills (City) with this scope of work and cost estimate to conduct Canyon Monitoring for the 2020-2021 monitoring year. Alta|NV5, as a key subcontractor to Anchor QEA, has been implementing Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Outfall Monitoring the Palos Verdes Peninsula Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP) since 2016. Alta|NV5 is 100% committed to providing the City with exceptional, high quality monitoring and data processing support. We are eager to support the City with sound technical experience, dedicated customer service, and strategic recommendations that protect your operational interests, your stakeholder’s concerns, and the environment. Please do not hesitate to call me with any questions. For and on behalf of Alta|NV5, Garth Engelhorn, CPSWQ, QISP/ToR Water Resources Senior Project Manager 1155 Sportfisher Dr., Suite 202 Oceanside, CA 92054 Phone Number:760-237-2703 Email: Garth.Engelhorn@nv5.com 33 2 1 EXHIBIT A: SCOPE OF WORK Alta|NV5 will conduct the following tasks to implement the Canyon Monitoring during the 2020-2021 monitoring year. The objective of this Canyon Monitoring is to implement a program consistent with the current MS4 outfall monitoring being conducted as part of the Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP. The objective of the Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP outfall monitoring program is to determine the quality of a permittee’s discharge relative to municipal action levels, to determine whether a permittee’s discharge is in compliance with stormwater water-quality-based effluent limitations (WQBELs) derived from the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) waste load allocations and to determine whether a permittee’s discharge causes or contributes to an exceedance of receiving water limitations. The 2016 Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Outfall Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP), documents the procedures and methods currently used for outfall monitoring in accordance with the CIMP. All of the field sampling methods, laboratory analytical methods, Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC), data management, and reporting de scribed below will be conducted according the 2016 Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Outfall SAP. Task 1: Project Management and Coordination Alta|NV5 will routinely coordinate with the City to provide updates and discuss any potential modifications necessary for the water quality monitoring and reporting activities. This task includes planning and implementation of the project, coordination with the subcontracting laboratories, relevant meeting attendance, coordination with the City, budget managemen t, and monthly invoicing/reporting. Task 2: Dry Weather Monthly TMDL Monitoring Alta|NV5 will conduct monthly dry weather Machado Lake Nutrients TMDL monitoring at the proposed monitoring site located at the crossing of Sepulveda Canyon at the south side (upstream) of Middleridge Road, in coordination with the existing Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP outfall monitoring program. Based on an initial field reconnaissance conducted during May 2020, the proposed monitoring location was observed to be dry and without dry weather flows . This task includes twelve monthly site visits to confirm presence or absence of flow (July 2020 through June 2021) and document site conditions. If flow is observed during a monthly site visit, samples will be collected. For budgeting purposes, it was assumed that up to four monthly sample events will be conducted between July 2020 and June 2021. The sampling events will likely occur during the winter months w hen dry weather base flows are elevated. Dry weather sampling may be conducted any time but only after an antecedent dry period of at least three days has passed since the last rainfall event (less than 0.1 inch of rainfall each day). The dry weather samples will be collected and submitted to Eurofins Calscience, LLC (Eurofins) for the following constituents: • Total kjeldahl nitrogen by United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) method 351.2 • Total phosphorous by USEPA method 365.1 • Nitrate/nitrite by Standard Method (SM) 4500 NO3 E Flow rates will be measured or estimated in accordance with the USEPA NPDES Storm Wat er Sampling Guidance Document (USEPA 833 -B-92-001). Field measurements taken with an YSI water quality data sonde or similar device will be calibrated against standards and will follow guidelines from the State of California’s Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) (MPSL -DFG 2014). The water quality field measurements will be documented on the field observation form and include the following parameters: • pH • Temperature • Specific conductance • Dissolved Oxygen 34 3 Task 3: Wet Weather Monitoring Alta|NV5 will conduct three wet weather sampling events at the proposed monitoring site located at the crossing of Sepulveda Canyon at the south side (upstream) of Middleridge R oad. Wet weather sampling will occur three times a year within the wet season (October 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021). The first significant rain event after October 1, 2020 of will be targeted for wet weather sampling, along with two subsequent events, in coordination with the existing Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP outfall monitoring program. Wet weather events are defined as having a predicted rainfall of at least 0.25 inch with a 70 % probability of rainfall at least 24 hours prior to the event start time. Wet weather sampling events will be separated by an antecedent dry period (less than 0.1 inch of rain per day) of at least three days. For each of the three wet weather monitoring events per monitoring year, Alta|NV5 will deploy one team of two scientists at each of the to ensure the health and safety of field personnel and implementation of clean sampling techniques. Teams will collect manual grab samples with a swing sampler pole once every 20 minutes over a 3-hour period (or at a frequency equivalent to 10 aliquots over the expected duration of stormwater discharge) to create composites sample representative of the hydrograph (e.g., rising, peak, or rise and fall depending on duration of storm). One composite sample comprised of ten individual 1-liter aliquots will be collected for the water matrix constituents (10-liters total) and one composite sample comprised of ten individual 10-liter aliquots will be collected for the sediment matrix constituents (100- liters total). Collection of in situ water quality measurements and fecal indicator bacteria grab samples will be take near the peak of the hydrograph. The sediment matrix constituents will be analysed by the laboratory once per monitoring year. It is estimated that approximately 300-liters of stormwater will need to be filtered to obtain a minimum of 80 grams which is required for the sediment analysis. Following each wet weather monitoring event, Alta|NV5 will submit five 20-liter carboys (100-liters per event) to the laboratory, which will be individually filtered, preserved, and composited to create a single sediment sample for analysis after the completion of the third and final monitoring event. The wet weather samples will be collected and submitted to Eurofins and Applied Microbiological Services (AMS) for the following constituents: Water Matrix (composite samples) will be analyzed each storm • Total Kjeldahl nitrogen by USEPA method 351.2 • Total phosphorous by USEPA method 365.1 • Total hardness by SM 2340C • Total suspended solids by SM 2540D • Nitrate/nitrite by SM 4500 NO3 E • Total and dissolved metals by USEPA method 1640 and 7470A (copper, lead, mercury, zinc) • Organochlorine pesticides by USEPA method 8270C with selective ion monitoring • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by USEPA method 625 SIM Water Matrix (grab samples) will be analysed each storm • Total coliforms, fecal coliforms, Enterococci, and E. Coli by SM 9221B Sediment Matrix (filtered from water composite samples) will be analysed once per year as a composite of three wet weather samples. • Total solids by SM 2540B • Organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyl congeners by USEPA method 8270C selected ion monitoring 35 4 Continuous flow measurements will be collected with portable flow meters and flow rates will be measured or estimated in accordance with the USEPA NPDES Storm Water Sampling Guidance Document (USEPA 833-B-92-001). Field measurements taken with an YSI water quality data sonde or similar device will be calibrated against standards and will follow guidelines from the State of California’s SWAMP (MPSL - DFG 2014). The water quality field measurements will be documented on the field observation form and include the following parameters: • pH • Temperature • Specific conductance • Dissolved Oxygen Task 4. Data QA/QC, Formatting, and Technical Memorandum Within 15 days of each dry or wet weather sampling event, Alta|NV5 will create an event summary report including the following information: • Completed field data sheet • Copy of the chain of custody; • Photos of site and conditions; • A short summary description of field activities. Following completion of the sampling activities for the 2020 -2021 monitoring year, Alta|NV5 will compile all field observations and analytical chemistry into a format consistent with the California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN) management system. Alta|NV5 will use the CEDEN templates provided in Microsoft Excel (versions 97-2003) format, each template contains multiple worksheets, sample data submissions, and an associated guidance document. The formatting process includes applying CEDEN valid values and qualifiers; working with the State Board to make CEDEN updates to valid values; and, resolving errors identified by data checkers. After the CEDEN compatible data files have successfully passed the data checkers, Alta|NV5 will provide the City with a summary of exceedance of applicable water quality-based effluent limits, RWLs, and/or action levels will be identified per sampling date. Alta|NV5 will prepare a technical memorandum identifying recommendations (e.g., sampling location or method revisions, analytical method revisions, and additional constituents for analysis based on water quality priorities) for adaptive management. The technical memorandum will be submitted by September 1, 2021 Quality Assurance and Quality Control– QA/QC for sampling processes will include proper collection of the samples to minimize the possibility of contamination. Samples will be collected in laboratory - supplied, laboratory-certified, contaminant-free sample bottles. Sample processing and handling for water chemistry will be conducted in accordance with guidance developed in the Quality Assurance Program Plan for the State of California’s Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) (State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) 2008). Field staff will ensure sample holding temperatures are maintained from sample collection through delivery to the laboratory. All instruments will be calibrated in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. Calibration of the flow monitoring and sampling equipment will be conducted immediately prior to deployment or use and will be field verified during each sample event. Field QA/QC samples include field duplicates and field blanks following SWAMP guidance. Field QA/QC are useful in identifying possible problems resulting from sample collection or sample processing in the field. A field blank will be collected during sample collection and a field duplicate will be collected immediately following the collection of the original sample and analyzed in the same manner as the original sample. 36 5 Assumptions • Alta|NV5 assumed that monthly sampling for Task 2 will only be conducted concurrently with the existing Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP outfall monitoring program. If for any reason NV5 is no longer conducting existing Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP outfall monitoring program, the costs for NV5 to conduct the monthly monitoring would need to be revised. • One field duplicate and one field blank will be analysed for dry weather and wet weather sampling tasks, for a total of four (4) QA/QC samples during the 2020-2021 monitoring year. A field duplicate and field blank will not be collected and analyzed for the sediment matrix constituents. QA/QC results from the existing Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP outfall monitoring program will be utilized to the extent possible. • Access agreements may be necessary, but no encroachment permits will be required. • Traffic control plans will not be necessary. Standard traffic caution procedures will be used as - needed. • Alta|NV5 assumed the Canyon site may require confined space entry for installation and remo val. When confined space entry is required, field teams properly trained and certified in confined space entry will use confined space equipment including use of a tripod, winch, and harness system for fall protection and emergency egress, four gas monitoring, two-way communication, and air ventilation as-needed. • Alta|NV5 will rely on the best available weather forecasts and coordinate with the City to target storm events meeting the mobilization criteria. Should forecasts change as a storm event is in progress or if a qualifying storm event does not produce sufficient runoff to conduct sampling, Alta|NV5 will cease sampling and try to mitigate any unnecessary efforts. The budget for Task 3 includes two false starts and will be billed on a time and materials basis not to exceed $1,250 per false start and not to exceed a total of $2,500. References MPSL-DFW, 2014. SOP for Conducting Field Measurements and Field Collections of Water and Bed Sediment Samples with Associated Field Measurements and Physical Habitat in California. Version 1.1. March 2014. SWRCB (State Water Resources Control Board), 2008. SWRCB, Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan (SWAMP). Final Technical Report Version 1. September 2008. USEPA (U.S Environmental Protection Agency), 1992. NPDES Storm Water Sampling Guidance Document. EPA 833-B-92-001. Office of Water, USEPA, Washington, DC. July 1992. 37 6 2 EXHIBIT B - COST ESTIMATE Alta|NV5 has estimated the total cost to complete all tasks described in the scope of work below. The cost estimate summary for each task and total project cost is provided in Table 1. The budget for Task 3 includes two false starts and will be billed on a time and materials basis not to exceed $1,250 per false start and not to exceed a total of $2,500. The detailed cost estimate worksheet s including itemized labor costs and equipment costs for each task are provided in Table 2. Table 1. Cost Estimate Summary City of Rolling Hills Canyon Monitoring 2020-2021 Total Staff Hours Total Labor Costs Total Reimbursables (Other Direct Costs) Total Costs Task 1.Project Management and Coordination 26 $ 4,160.00 $ 96.60 $ 4,256.60 Task 2.Dry Weather Monthly TMDL Monitoring (1 site/12 events per year and 4 sample events) 40 $ 4,800.00 $ 1,770.30 $ 6,570.30 Task 3.Wet Weather Monitoring (1 site/ 3 events per year)100 $ 11,960.00 $ 13,009.50 $ 24,969.50 Task 3. False Starts $ 2,500.00 Task 4. Data QA/QC, Formatting, and Technical Memorandum 42 $ 6,260.00 $ - $ 6,260.00 27,180.00$ 14,876.40$ 44,556.40$ Total Project Cost 38 7 Table 2. Detailed Cost Estimate Alta Title Hourly Rate Hours Cost Hours Cost Hours Cost Hours Cost Principal 200.00$ 4 800.00$ -$ -$ 4 800.00$ 1,600.00$ Senior Project Manager II 180.00$ 12 2,160.00$ 6 1,080.00$ 12 2,160.00$ 12 2,160.00$ 7,560.00$ Senior Project Manager I Jacqueline McMillen 170.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Staff I Matthew Renaud 160.00$ -$ -$ 12 1,920.00$ -$ 1,920.00$ Staff I Michelle Hallack 145.00$ -$ -$ -$ 12 1,740.00$ 1,740.00$ Associate II 120.00$ 10 1,200.00$ 22 2,640.00$ 36 4,320.00$ 10 1,200.00$ 9,360.00$ Specialist III 100.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Specialist II 90.00$ -$ 12 1,080.00$ 32 2,880.00$ 4 360.00$ 4,320.00$ Specialist I 85.00$ -$ -$ 8 680.00$ -$ 680.00$ Financial Analyst II 65.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Labor Fee Costs 26 4,160.00$ 40 4,800.00$ 100 11,960.00$ 42 6,260.00$ 27,180.00$ Notes Unit Cost units Cost units Cost units Cost units Cost Totals $0.575mile 0.58$ 160 92.00$ 480 276.00$ 800 460.00$ -$ 828.00$ $175/event 175.00$ -$ 4 700.00$ 3 525.00$ -$ 1,225.00$ $325/event 325.00$ -$ -$ 3 975.00$ -$ 975.00$ 10-L Glass Sample Bottles $10/event 10.00$ -$ -$ 9 90.00$ -$ 90.00$ $35/event 35.00$ -$ -$ 3 105.00$ -$ 105.00$ $880/sample 880.00$ -$ -$ 5 4,400.00$ -$ 4,400.00$ $465/sample 465.00$ -$ -$ 1 465.00$ -$ 465.00$ $155/20 Liters 155.00$ -$ -$ 15 2,325.00$ -$ 2,325.00$ $384/sample 384.00$ -$ -$ 5 1,920.00$ -$ 1,920.00$ $350/event 350.00$ -$ -$ 3 1,050.00$ -$ 1,050.00$ $115/sample 115.00$ -$ 6 690.00$ -$ -$ 690.00$ $5/bag 5.00$ -$ 4 20.00$ 15 75.00$ -$ 95.00$ 5%4.60$ 84.30$ 619.50$ -$ 708.40$ ODCs Cost 96.60$ 1,770.30$ 13,009.50$ -$ 14,876.40$ Total Project Cost Total Project Cost with False Starts 42,056.40$ 44,556.40$ Wet Weather Sediment Chemistry (Eurofins) 24,969.50$ 6,260.00$ Task 1.Project Management and Coordination Task 3.Wet Weather Monitoring (1 site/ 3 events per year) Task 4. Data QA/QC, Formatting, and Technical Memorandum Other Direct Costs Fee on Subs/ODCs Total Cost Estimate (Labor and ODCs) Task 2.Dry Weather Monthly TMDL Monitoring (1 site/12 visits per year and 4 sample events) 4,256.60$ 6,570.30$ Wet Weather Water Chemistry (Eurofins) Sediment Filtering (Eurofins) Wet Weather Microbiology (AMS) After hours Microbiology (AMS) Dry Weather Analytical (Eurofins) Mileage YSI 6600 Multiparameter Data Sonde Portable Flowmeter Swing Sampler Pole/ Depth Integrated Ice Austin Kay Mehak Gupta Bridgette Reddington Victoria Hall Totals Alta Staff Dave Renfrew Garth Engelhorn City of Rolling Hills Canyon Monitoring 2020-2021 Task 1.Project Management and Coordination Task 2.Dry Weather Monthly TMDL Monitoring (1 site/12 visits per year and 4 sample events) Task 3.Wet Weather Monitoring (1 site/ 3 events per year) Task 4. Data QA/QC, Formatting, and Technical Memorandum Adrian Lopez 39 1 Introduction The Safe Clean Water (SCW) Program provides dedicated funding to increase local water supply, improve water quality and protect public health with a key goal of supporting municipalities in meeting water quality objectives for local surface waters. The SCW Program was approved by Los Angeles County voters as Measure W in November 2018 and is expected to generate up to $285 million per year from a special parcel tax of 2.5 cents per square foot of impermeable surfaces on private properties within the County, e.g., roofs, parking lots, driveways, etc. Half of the funds will be expended on regional-scale projects and programs that will yield multiple public benefits, such as increasing water supply, improving water quality and other community and environmental benefits through a deliberative planning process managed by regional steering committees. The Municipal Program (40% of the funds) is designed to maximize the ability of local governments to address stormwater and urban runoff water quality challenges and opportunities. The remaining 10% of the funds are to be expended by the Los Angeles County Flood Control District (District) which is charged with administering the SCW Program and providing technical resources as well as capacity building for the program. Public transparency and fiscal accountability are integral and essential aspects of the program. This Expenditure Plan describes how the City of Rolling Hills (City) intends to use its Municipal Program Funds during FY2021 to improve the quality of local water resources for the public benefit. FY2021 Municipal Program Revenue and Budget It is projected that the City will receive approximately $110,000 annually in Municipal Program Funds. The City must spend at least 70% of its Municipal Program Funds on eligible expenses related to new projects or programs implemented on or after November 6, 2018. Up to 30% of a City’s Municipal Program Funds may be used to pay for eligible costs and expenses related to the continuation of programs initiated prior to November 6, 2018. The City may utilize the funds received in this first program year for reimbursement of eligible expenditures incurred during fiscal year 2019-2020 (FY1920) or for fiscal year 2020-21 (FY2021), or both. The charts and narrative sections below summarize how the City intends to spend its FY2021 Municipal Program Funds. Municipal SCW Program Planning & Outreach $ 4,460 Water Quality Monitoring $ 33,000 Rainwater Harvesting Outreach $ 7,320 Hydromodification Control Provisions $ 10,790 Enhanced Sediment Source Control $ 9,830 Sepulveda Canyon Monitoring Study $ 44,600 Total FY2021 Planned Expenditures $110,000 4% 30% 7% 10%9% 41% Watershed Project Planning City of Rolling Hills Safe Clean Water Municipal Program Annual Plan - Expenditures in Fiscal Year 2020-2021 A key goal of the Safe Clean Water Program is to support municipalities in meeting water quality objectives for local surface waters. The Municipal Program is designed to maximize the ability of local governments to address stormwater and urban water quality challenges and opportunities. 40 2 Description Municipalities must undertake a significant planning effort to prioritize projects and programs to assist in achieving compliance with the The Los Angeles Municipal Stormwater Permit (MS4 Permit)1, consider municipal-level requests for infrastructure projects from eligible project applicants, and annually prepare and provide informational materials to the public on actual and budgeted use of revenues from the SCW Municipal Program. The SCW Program Implementation Ordinance, Section 18.09.B.5., requires municipalities to develop and submit to the District an Annual Plan detailing how Municipal Program funds will be used during the ensuing year. The Annual Plan must include anticipated projects and programs, stakeholder engagement activities, an initial programmatic budget, and the SCW Program Goals that are supported by the planned expenditures. To ensure public transparency and stakeholder engagement, the City has allocated $4,460 or 4% of its SCW Municipal Program funds for program planning undertaken during FY1920 and planning and outreach during FY2021. Stakeholder and Community Outreach and Engagement The City actively engages its City Council and residents on matters of significance through duly noticed agendas and public meetings. The SCW Municipal Program Transfer Agreement was noticed, discussed and a pproved for execution by the City Council at its meeting on July 13, 2020 along with a tentative budget plan for expenditures during FY2021. In addition to the annual planning effort discussed in the previous section, the SCW Implementation Ordinance, Section 18.06.D., requires municipalities to prepare and submit an Annual Progress/Expenditure Report to the District summarizing expenditures during the previous fiscal year using SCW Municipal Program funds, describing the work accomplished and milestones or deliverables, discussing stakeholder engagement actiivites undertaken, and forecasting work anticipated during the next reporting period. The Annual Plans and Annual Progress/Expenditure Reports will be placed on future City Council agendas for consideration, discussion and approval prior to submission to the District and are anticipated to be publicly posted on the Safe, Clean Water Program website by District staff. Safe Clean Water Goals The City’s SCW Municipal Program Planning and Outreach supports Safe Clean Water Program Goals defined by Los Angeles County Flood Control District Code Section 18.04. The planning effort to identify and prioritize projects and programs that will help meet MS4 Permit objectives will contribute to the attainment of water quality requ irements. This planning effort, along with the Annual Progress/Expenditure Report, comprise an iterative planning and evaluation process as they provide opportunities for the City to assess its SCW Municipal Program expenditures and to modify its priority projects and programs to better meet water quality requirements using SCW funds, if needed. Post-Construction Monitoring, Operation and Maintenance Activities & Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) Verification Since this expenditure is not a physical infrastructure project, post construction monitoring, operation and maintenance activities, and ISI Envision Verification do not apply. 1 Order No. R4-2012-0175 as amended by State Water Board Order WQ 2015-0075 and Regional Board Order R4-2012-0175-A01 (Order No. R4- 2012-0175 as amended), also known as NPDES No. CAS004001. Safe Clean Water Program Goals Contribute to Attainment of Water Quality Requirements X Implement an Iterative Planning and Evaluation Process X The City plans to spend 4%, or $4,460, of its Municipal Program funds on SCW Program Planning and Outreach to ensure public transparency and stakeholder engagement. Municipal SCW Program Planning and Outreach 41 3 Description The MS4 Permit issued under the authority of the Federal Clean Water Act and California’s Porter Cologne Act regulates municipal stormwater and dry weather runoff discharges into the municipal storm drain system to protect the water quality of our local coastal streams, beaches, tidepools, harbors and fresh water bodies such as Machado Lake. The MS4 Permit requires a Monitoring and Reporting Program to assess the chemical, physical, and biological impacts of municipal stormwater discharges on local surface water quality, assess compliance with water quality objectives, characterize pollutant loads in municipal discharges, identify the source of pollutants in discharges, and measure the effectiveness of control measures in reducing pollutant loading. Following adoption of the MS4 Permit in December 2012, the City, along with the cities of Palos Verdes Estates, Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills Estates, the County of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles County Flood Control District (P alos Verdes Peninsula CIMP group), agreed to collaborate on the development of the Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP) to meet MS4 Permit requirements. The City is party to the Memorandum of Understanding regarding Administration and Cost Sharing for Implementing the Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program for the Peninsula Agencies and contributes proportionate funds based on its 12% area share of the CIMP area on an annual basis to cooperatively fund and coordinate the payment and performance of monitoring and reporting services. The City plans to spend $33,000 or 30% of its Municipal Program funds to address a portion of the City’s share of CIMP implementation costs during FY2021 for continuation of this monitoring program initiated prior to November 6, 2018. This scope of work includes but is not limited to: • Receiving Water Monitoring: sampling and analysis of a required suite of analytical parameters at two (2) new near- shore monitoring locations in the Santa Monica Bay (approximately 1000 feet offshore) during three (3) wet weather events and two (2) dry weather events per year and weekly indicator bacteria monitoring at five (5) Santa Monica Bay shoreline locations, conducted in accordance with the Santa Monica Bay Beaches Bacteria TMDL. • Outfall Monitoring: stormwater outfall water quality and flow monitoring at three (3) locations during three (3) wet weather events per year. Two (2) of these outfall monitoring locations are used to evaluate stormwater discharges from the Palos Verdes Peninsula to the Santa Monica Bay and one (1) outfall monitoring location is used to evaluate stormwater discharges from the Palos Verdes Peninsula to the Dominguez Channel Watershed, which includes the Wilmington Drain, Machado Lake and the Greater Los Angeles Harbor surface waterbodies. The CIMP also includes monthly monitoring of nitrogen and phosphorus in discharges from four storm drain locations to quantify discharges of these pollutant from the Peninsula to Machado Lake. Stakeholder and Community Outreach and Engagement A public workshop was held at the South Bay Botanic Garden on May 8, 2014 to present the CIMP to the community and key stakeholders, including multiple non-governmental and community-based organizations. Attendees were encouraged to provide feedback via email or a comment card. On July 3, 2014, the Regional Board provided public notice and a 46-day period to allow for public review and comment on the PV Peninsula Group's draft CIMP. A separate notice of availability regarding all of the Los Angeles region’s draft CIMPs, including the Peninsula group’s CIMP, was directed to State Senators and Assembly Members within the Coastal Watershed s of Los Angeles County. The Peninsula CIMP group revised the draft Water Quality Monitoring The City plans to spend 30%, or $33,000, of its Municipal Program funds on the ongoing Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program that is used to assess discharge and receiving water quality. 42 4 CIMP to incorporate comments from the public and the Regional Board and resubmitted the CIMP on May 21, 2015, which was subsequently approved by the Regional Board. Data collected under the CIMP are also made available to the public in a number of ways: • The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health posts results of the weekly shoreline bacteria data; • Weekly shoreline bacteria monitoring results are also reviewed and interpreted by the environmental organization Heal the Bay, which posts its interpretation in the form of beach water quality grades and an annual compilation in its Annual Heal the Bay Beach Report Card; • All data collected under the CIMP are also sent to the Regional Board and posted here; • A comprehensive analysis and assessment of water quality based on the CIMP data is prepared by and reported in the Peninsula CIMP group’s Annual Watershed Reports which are posted on the Regional Board’s website here. Safe Clean Water Goals Implementation of the CIMP supports multiple Safe Clean Water Program Goals as defined by Los Angeles County Flood Control District Code Section 18.04. The CIMP provides valuable data on the quality of municipal discharges and their impacts on receiving water quality. These data are evaluated on an annual basis thus supporting improved water quality and protection of public health. The CIMP further provides the opportunity to coordinate monitoring efforts on a watershed scale which allows for the leveraging of multiple funding sources, including the City’s general fund which contributes the balance of the City’s share of this program cost, thus increasing the cost-efficiency and effectiveness of water quality monitoring programs. Post-Construction Monitoring and Operation and Maintenance Activities Since the CIMP is not a physical infrastructure project, post-construction monitoring and typical operation and maintenance activities do not apply. The CIMP does include requirements for routine maintenance and calibration of monitoring equipment. Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) Verification The CIMP is not eligible for ISI Envision verification since only physical infrastructure proj ects are eligible. Safe Clean Water Program Goals Improve Water Quality X Protect Public Health X Leverage Multiple Funding Sources X 43 5 Description The MS4 Permit requires a program of public information and participation to involve and engage diverse communities in mitigating the impacts of storm water pollution, and encourages watershed-level implementation of the program. The watershed groups of the Palos Verdes Peninsula and the Beach Cities have been working for a number of years with the staff of the South Bay Cities Council of Government’s (SBCCOG) Environmental Services Center (SBESC) to host Sustainable Gardening and Landscaping and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) webpages developed jointly for South Santa Monica Bay communities. These webpages disseminate information on CA friendly landscaping, responsible irrigation, integrated pest management and the proper use and disposal of pesticides and fertilizers. During FY1920, the two watershed groups worked cooperatively to develop A Homeowner’s Guide to Rainwater Harvesting in the South Bay (Guide) to engage homeowners in implementing simple rainwater harvesting projects on their properties. During FY2021 these joint efforts will be further leveraged by developing additional webpage content on residential rainwater harvesting to add to the Sustainable Gardening and Landscaping and IPM webpages hosted by SBCCOG. The City has allocated $7,320 of its SCW Municipal Program funds towards the joint development of this new outreach content and community engagement in rainwater harvesting activities. Stakeholder and Community Outreach and Engagement The central purpose of this program is community outreach and engagement in rainwater harvesting at the individual property level. The Guide and associated webpage content will be distributed to South Santa Monica Bay residents through the SBCCOG website as well as promoted by the participating cities on their individual City websites. In addition, multiple stakeholders were engaged in the development of this rainwater harvesting program with multiple City staff members, particularly building officials, as well as Los Angeles County Building & Safety staff involved in reviewing and commenting on the Guide to ensure that it would be consistent with local ordinances and policies. Several opportunitites for input were provided and this constructive stakeholder feedback has improved the utility of the Guide. Safe Clean Water Goals Active engagement in rainwater harvesting is central to multiple SCW Program goals. Rainwater that is retained on properties and filtered through rain gardens will improve the quality of stormwater runoff through nature- based solutions and increase drought preparedness of residential landscapes by reducing use of potable water for landscaping. The program encourages innovation and adoption of rainwater harvesting practices at the parcel level. It leverages funding by encouraging individual homeowner investment in meeting these SCW program goals. Post-Construction Monitoring and Operation and Maintenance Activities The Guide includes a section on Rainwater Harvesting System Maintenance and incorporates advice on periodic inspection of rainwater harvesting system post-construction and measures or adjustments to take to correct observed problems. Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) Verification - This expenditure is not eligible for ISI Envision verification. Safe Clean Water Program Goals Achieved Improve Water Quality X Prioritize Nature-Based Solutions X Provide a Spectrum of Project Sizes X Increase Drought Preparedness X Leverage Multiple Funding Sources X Increase Drought Preparedness X Encourage innovation and Adoption of New Technologies and Practices X The City plans to spend 7%, or $7,320, of its Municipal Program funds on joint development of new outreach content and community engagement in Rainwater Harvesting activities. Rainwater Harvesting Outreach 44 6 Description It has been brought to City staff and Council attention that adverse hydromodification impacts have accrued at certain locations within natural drainage courses in the City. Given that natural drainage courses are the predominant means for conveying stormwater and single -family residential properties are the predominant form of development within the City, a process has been initiated to consider options for strengthening the hydromodification control provisions in its municipal code to prevent future hydromodification impacts. Many residential properties within the City are located on hillside properties so prevention of adverse hydromodification impacts will increase flood protection and reduce the likelihood of erosion damage to properties during severe storms. The City has allocated $10,790 of its Municipal Program funds to consider options beyond the existing requirements in the MS4 Permit for increasing the stringency of hydromodification control provisions for single family residential new and redevelopment projects. Stakeholder and Community Outreach and Engagement The City actively engages its City Council and its residents on matters of significance through duly noticed agendas and public meetings. This process for considering additional hydromodification controls is being undertaken at the request of City Council. During FY1920 initial work included development and presentation to City Council of various options for increasing the stringency of hydromodification provisions. The next steps to be undertaken during FY2021 are envisioned to include a public workshop to build City Council and community consensus for a preferred approach. Based on the outcome of the public workshop and direction from City Council the consensus approach will be translated into a set of redline changes to the relevant section of municipal code for consideration by the City Council. Safe Clean Water Goals This program incorporates an iterative adaptive management approach consistent with SCW Program Goals. This work will provide updated development/redevelopment guidelines for protecting and improving water quality by reducing erosion in natural canyons to reduce sediment loading in stormwater discharges from the City and protect natural habitat from erosion thereby prioritizing nature-based solutions. Certain of these natural drainage courses are designated as Significant Ecological Areas so prevention of adverse hydromodification impacts will help to protect this sensitive habitat. Increasing hydromodification control provisions will also increase the community’s resilience to more severe storms that may result from climate change. Post-Construction Monitoring and Operation and Maintenance Activities Consistent with MS4 Permit requirements, o wners of new and redevelopment projects that become subject to the strengthened hydromodification requirements will be required to operate and maintain any structural hydromodification control systems on their property in perpetuity. These requirements will include periodic inspection by the owner or designee to ensure they continute to function properly and to identify need for maintenance. Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) Verification - This expenditure is not eligible for ISI Envision verification. Safe Clean Water Program Goals Achieved Implement iterative Adaptive Management X Improve Water Quality X Adapt to Climate Change X Prioritize Nature-Based Solutions X The City plans to spend 10%, or $10,790, of its SCW Municipal Program funds to strengthen hydromodification controls to protect habitat and increase flood and erosion protection for residential properties within natural drainage courses. Hydromodification Control Provisions 45 7 Description The need for increased control of suspended sediment in stormwater discharges has been identified through analysis of data collected under the outfall water quality monitoring program described previously. Consequently and as required by the MS4 Permit, the City conducted an assessment of potential sources of sediment in stormwater discharges and prepared a plan for enahanced sediment control. Sources of sediment in stormwater from the City are erosion in natural canyons and poorly managed construction sites. The City’s natural canyons are subject to erosion during intense storms and the foregoing hydromodification control provisions are anticipated to help mitigate this in the long term. To address construction sites, the City’s sediment control plan identified enhancements to the MS4 Permit-required minimum control measures for sediment and erosion control on construction sites. For small construction sites disturbing less than one acre, these enhancements include additional education and outreach to project owners and contractors, including distribution of a brochure in English and Spanish illustrating and describing the required best management practices to control sediment and erosion. For large construction sites subject to the Statewide Construction General Permit , the City’s sediment control plan increases the frequency of inspections of sites with Risk Levels 2 or 3 to once every two weeks, and before and after rain events with forecast of rainfall greater than 0.5 inches. During FY2018-19 the City created a new code enforcement officer position and one of the key duties of this position is to conduct outreach and provide additional oversight of construction sites beyond that being provided by contract building & safety inspectors. The City has allocated 10% of the code enforcement officers time in FY1920 and FY2021 ($4,868 and $4,962, respectively) for a total of $9,830 or 9% of the City’s FY2021 SCW Municipal Program funds for enhanced outreach and oversight of construction sites. Stakeholder and Community Outreach and Engagement Stakeholder outreach and engagement is integral to an effective source control program and is incorporated into the sediment control plan through direct outreach to construction site owners and contractors using educational materials. Safe Clean Water Goals This program is being implemented as a result of an iterative adaptive management process consistent with SCW Program Goals. This program will help to protect and improve water quality by controlling erosion on construction sites which will reduce sediment and associated pollutant loading in stormwater discharges. The majority of the code enforcement officer’s position is funded by through the City’s general fund which provides significant leverage of the SCW Municipal funds. Post-Construction Monitoring and Operation and Maintenance Activities Since this expenditure is not a physical infrastructure project, post construction monitoring and operation and maintenance activities do not apply. Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) Verification This expenditure is not eligible for ISI Envision verification since only physical infrastructure projects are eligible. Safe Clean Water Program Goals Achieved Iterative Adaptive Management X Improve Water Quality X Leverage Multiple Funding Sources X Enhanced Sediment Source Control The City plans to spend 9%, or $9,830 of its SCW Municipal Program funds to increase enforcement of source control measures to protect stormwater quality. 46 8 Description The City plans to conduct a monitoring study within the largest canyon catchment in the City tributary to Machado Lake. The purpose of this monitoring study is to develop baseline water quality and flow data in support of a future feasibility study for a potential stormwater capture project to address Machado Lake TMDLs. Sepulveda Canyon is an unimproved natural drainage course with a tributary area of 280 acres comprised of single-family residential properties and open space. The monitoring site for this study is to be located in the lower section of the canyon at a road crossing and prior to the point where the flow exits the City and enters a storm drain tributary to Machado Lake. The operating procedures for this monitoring study are consistent with and will be synchronized with the current MS4 outfall monitoring program being conducted under the Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP and will include the collection of monthly dry weather nutrient and flow monitoring data along with field measurements and observations. Wet weather monitoring will be conducted for three wet weather events during the FY2021 wet weather season, including the first significant rain event that occurs after October 1 at the beginning of the wet season. Wet weather monitoring will include flow monitoring and manual grab samples at 20-minute intervals over a 3-hour duration for water chemistry analysis as well as sediment matrix samples to be composited and analyzed for sediment-borne pollutants. The data collected will be used to assess the potential feasibility and effectiveness of a stormwater capture project at the base of Sepulveda Canyon. The City has allocated $44,600 or 41% of its SCW Municipal Program revenues to conduct this monitoring study of the Sepulveda Canyon catchment. Stakeholder and Community Outreach and Engagement The City actively engages its City Council and residents on matters of significance through duly noticed agendas and public meetings. The concept for this study arose from City Council discussions and it is being undertaken with the authorization of City Council. Direct outreach prior to initiating the monitoring study will be provided to residents living in the vicinity of the monitoring site. Results of the monitoring study will be shared with the community and City Council. Safe Clean Water Goals This study marks the initiation of an iterative planning process for a potential stormwater capture project to support multiple Safe Clean Water Program Goals including improving water quality and protecting aquatic and riparian habitats and recreational uses of local waterbodies thereby protecting public health. If pursued, the feasibility study would prioritize nature-based solutions and new technologies and practices to improve water quality. Operation and Maintenance Activities Since monitoring is not a physical infrastructure project, typical operation and maintenance activities do not apply, however routine maintenance and calibration of monitoring equipment will be conducted as part of this program. Safe Clean Water Program Goals Achieved Implement iterative Planning and Evaluation Process X Improve Water Quality X Protect Public Health X Prioritize Nature-Based Solutions X Encourage innovation and Adoption of New Technologies and Practices X The City plans to spend 41%, or $44,600, of its SCW Municipal Program funds to conduct a monitoring study of the Sepulveda Canyon catchment to establish baseline flow and water quality data to support a future feasibility study of a potential stormwater capture project. Sepulveda Canyon Monitoring Study 47 9 Post-Construction Monitoring The baseline monitoring data collected by this program will provide the reference against which post-construction monitoring can be conducted to verify performance and track effectiveness following completion of a potential future stormwater capture project in this catchment. Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) Envision Verification Pre-project monitoring is a planning tool and as such is not eligible for ISI Envision veri fication on its own since only physical infrastructure projects are eligible. However, should a future infrastructure project be pursued in this catchment, the City could strive for ISI verification and this baseline monitoring would support the achievement of several of the Envision credits for such a project. 48 Item Description (note: during this first year costs can be recovered back to FY1920) Actual cost for Line Item Cost to be Recovered under Ongoing Programs - up to 30% of municipal return or $33,000 Cost to be Recovered under New Projects or Programs - at least 70% of municipal return or $77,000 Source Notes/Basis for categorization 1 Peninsula MS4 Permit and TMDL Monitoring Program including bacteria shoreline monitoring assumed from LACSD 48,719.00$ 33,000.00$ CIMP MOU Cost share amount. CIMP monitoring is an ongoing effort that consumes the full 30% allowed for ongoing efforts cost 2 Sepulveda Canyon baseline stormwater monitoring for future stormwater capture project 44,556.40$ 44,556.40$ NV5 Revised Proposal maximum amount Pending Council consideration. 3A SCW Municipal Program Planning (FY1920)1,358.60$ $ - 1,358.60$ McGowan Task 1.4 SCW Municipal Program planning (FY1920)Actual expenditure during FY1920 3B SCW Municipal Program Planning (FY2021)3,100.00$ 3,100.00$ McGowan Task 2.2 SCW Program (FY2021) Estimated based on proposal for FY2021 4,458.60$ 4A Joint Development of South Bay Rainwater Harvesting Guide (FY1920) 2,062.70$ 2,062.70$ McGowan Task 2.2 New Outreach Content/Materials (FY1920) plus subcontracted work by graphic designer Actual expenditure for City share of work during FY1920 4B Joint Development of New Rainwater Harvesting Webpages, Updated Sustainable Landscaping Webpages (FY2021) 5,250.00$ 5,250.00$ McGowan Task 2.3 Develop and Update Joint Outreach Content (FY2021) Estimated cost for City share of work based on proposal for FY2021, including subcontracted costs. 7,312.70$ 5A Development of Strengthened Hydromodification Control Provisions (FY1920) 2,090.60$ 2,090.60$ McGowan Task 4.1 Hydromodification Control Effort for FY1920 - effort under Task 4.1 from Feb 2020-March 2020 to address Hydromodification Control issue Actual expenditure during FY1920. [9.1 hrs Principal time, 4.6 hrs Sr. Scientist time] 5B Development of Strengthened Hydromodification Control Provisions (FY2021) 8,680.00$ 8,680.00$ McGowan Task 4.2 Hydromodification Control Revision (FY2021) Estimated based on proposal for FY2021. 10,770.60$ 6A Code Enforcement of Stormwater Quality Protection (FY1920) 4,868.21$ 4,868.21$ 6B Code Enforcement of Stormwater Quality Protection (FY2021) 4,962.50$ 4,962.50$ 9,830.71$ Totals 33,000.00$ 76,929.01$ $ 109,929.01 -$ 70.99$ ELIGIBLE STORMWATER EXPENDITURES PROPOSED FOR RECOVERY of CITY'S FY2021 RETURN UNDER SCW MUNICIPAL PROGRAM - $110,000 Remainder to be carried forward Total for Items 3A+3B Total for Items 4A+4B Total for Items 5A+5B Total for Items 6A+6B 49 Agenda Item No.: 7.B Mtg. Date: 08/24/2020 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:MEREDITH ELGUIRA, PLANNING DIRECTOR THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:CITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE NO. 365 REPEALING SECTIONS 10.12.050, 10.12.060, AND 9.44.020 OF THE ROLLING HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE. DATE:August 24, 2020 BACKGROUND: In February 2020, staff received a letter from Mr. Roger Hawkins requesting that the City amend Sections 9.44.020, 10.12.050 and 10.12.060 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code pertaining to gate guards. The Rolling Hills Community Association (RHCA) concurred with Mr. Hawkins' recommendation with the stipulation that the proposed code amendment would not require additional changes to the code if the Association were to decide to hire security personnel or contract services. On July 13, 2020, the City Council directed staff to prepare the requested amendment. DISCUSSION: Upon further review of the proposed changes to the code, the City's legal counsel determined that a repeal of the sections stated above is necessary. The City does not have the authority to oversee the Rolling Hills Community Association's operations and its staff and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance No. 365 repealing Sections 10.12.050, 10.12.060 and 9.44.020 of the City of Rolling Hills Municipal Code. ATTACHMENTS: 50 Ordinance Repealing Gate Attendant Sections.pdf LTR._TO_CITY_RE_AMENDMENTS_TO_MUNI._CODE_-_GATE_GUARDS_- _FINAL_EDITION_2-10-2020.pdf 51 1 ORDINANCE NO. 365 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING SECTIONS 10.12.050 (AUTHORITY OF GATE GUARDS) AND 10.12.060 (UNAUTHORIZED TRAFFIC DIRECTION PROHIBITED) OF CHAPTER 10.12 (TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY) OF TITLE 10 (VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC); AND SECTION 9.44.020 (GIVING FALSE INFORMATION TO SECURITY OFFICERS PROHIBITED WHEN) OF CHAPTER 9.44 (ENTERING PRIVATE PROPERTY UNDER FALSE PRETENSES) OF TITLE 9 (PUBLIC PEACE, MORALS AND WELFARE) OF THE ROLLING HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 10.12.050 (Authority of Gate Guards) of Chapter 10.12 (Traffic Enforcement Authority) of Title 10 (Vehicles and Traffic) of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. Section 10.12.060 (Unauthorized traffic direction prohibited) of Chapter 10.12 (Traffic Enforcement Authority) of Title 10 (Vehicles and Traffic) of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. Section 9.44.020 (Giving false information to security officers prohibited when) of Chapter 9.44 (Entering Private Property Under False Pretenses) of Title 9 (Public Peace, Morals and Welfare) of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code is hereby repealed. SECTION 4. The City Council hereby finds and determines that this ordinance is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) (“Common Sense Exemption”) of the CEQA Guidelines as it can be said with certainty that there will be no environmental impact from the collection of a deposit associated with a Construction/Demolition Hauling Permit. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its passage and adoption pursuant to California Government Code section 36937. SECTION 6. The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of Rolling Hills’s book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within fifteen days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. 52 2 PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this ____ day of _____________ 2020. VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ______________________________ MAYOR ATTEST: ______________________________ City Clerk 53 February 10, 2020 VIA ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION AND U.S. MAIL City Council City of Rolling Hills 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Attention: Elaine Jeng, City Manager Re: Proposed Amendments to Municipal Code Dear Council Members: I recommend the following amendments to the Rolling Hills Municipal Code (“Code”), with the ordinance edits either delted or interlineated in red font: 10.12.050 - Authority of gate representatives guards. Rolling Hills Community Association gate representatives guards are authorized to direct traffic at the gate entrances to the City; and, and, in case of an emergency and in the absence of a Deputy Sheriff, or at the direction of a Deputy Sheriff, gate representatives guards may direct traffic at all other places within the City. (Emphasis added.) (Ord. 261 § 1(part), 1996: Ord. 116 § 12004, 1973). Also: 9.44.020 - Giving Providing false information to gate representatives security officers prohibited when. It is unlawful for any person to wilfully give false information to, or to deceive by any other means, any gate representative guard or security officer employed by the Rolling Hills Community Association, for the purpose of gain gaining permission authorization from said representative guard or security officer to enter upon or use the private roads and/or private bridle trails in the City. (Emphasis added.) (Ord. Ord. 149 § 1, 1977). In an addendum to the COVEREDSIX RHCA Security Assessment July 2019 (“Assessment”), on the ninth page is an interlineated comment by RHCA Association Manager, Kristen Raig, that states: “(t)he RHCA Board is aware that the current gate staff are not trained security officers and do not expect their training or the RHCA gates to meet the standards of 54 City Council City of Rolling Hills February 10, 2020 Page 2 state licensed security operations.” (See enclosed Ninth page of the Assessment, i.e., “*** RHCA note.”) Also, RHCA staff has counseled that the Association employs gate attendants, not guards to work the gates and reminds that we should not give people the impression or advise residents that the Association employs “guards” to work the gates. The Association’s Gate Operations Manual 2020 describes these attendants as “gate representatives,” and, elsewhere, the Association uses the terms, “gate attendants” and “gate representatives,” interchangeably. (Emphasis added.) To correct how these gate represented are identified in these Ordinances on the off chance a violation is ever prosecuted, to correctly identify their job title, kindly place this request on your Council’s agenda and consider editing the Ordinance to read “gate representative, instead of “guard or security officer,” as it now reads. And, it would help to eliminate the phrase “employed by” so any gate representative, whether working as an employee of the Association or for a contractor hired by the Association, would be covered by the Ordinance. The substitution of the word “authorization” for the word “permission” is recommended to reflect the current practice of gate representatives to verify that a person seeking entrance to the City has the permission of a resident or other authorized person, before such gate representative allows the visitor to enter. Respectfully submitted, Roger E. Hawkins Roger E. Hawkins 37 Crest Road West Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Enclosure: Ninth page of Assessment 55 Agenda Item No.: 8.A Mtg. Date: 08/24/2020 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:MEREDITH ELGUIRA, PLANNING DIRECTOR THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 1261 TO ACCEPT FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT FUNDS HMGP 4344-526-112R FIRE PREVENTION POWER LINE UNDERGROUNDING ALONG CREST ROAD EAST, PROVIDE LOCAL MATCH, AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER, OR DESIGNEE, TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT; AND ALLOCATE THE REQUIRED FUNDS FROM THE UTILITY FUND. DATE:August 24, 2020 BACKGROUND: City Council approval is requested for the City of Rolling Hills to enter into an agreement with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to accept and expend grant funding for the “Fire Prevention Through Crest Power Line Undergrounding” project. The City applied for and was awarded grant funding in the amount of $1,145,487 with required local match in the amount of $381,819, offset by Rule 20A credit that was purchased in 2018. DISCUSSION: The Project will underground existing overhead utilities lines and remove associated wooden utility poles majority along Crest Road East within the southeastern portion of the City to reduce the risk of wildfire and the associated risk of loss of life, property, and services in the area. The project will underground approximately 2,000 linear feet of power line (1,820 linear feet along Crest Road East and 180 linear feet between the existing power poles and three private residences within the City) and remove associated wooden utility poles. Transformers will be placed on the ground atop concrete pads situated at locations based on electrical demand and their current overhead location. The work schedule completion time frame is 33 months; May 7, 2023 as the project completion date. FISCAL IMPACT: Increase appropriations in the Utility Fund by $1,527,306, with $1,145,487 offset by grant revenue. The 56 Grant requires matching funds in the amount of $381,819 offset by Rule 20A purchased credit. The split between Federal grant monies and local match is 75% -25%. As of June 2020, the City's Rule 20A Work Credit Balance per Southern California Edison is $1,201,768. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Resolution No. 1261 and authorize the City Manager, or designee, to execute an agreement, and any subsequent amendments, with FEMA, to accept and expend grant funding in an amount not to exceed $1,145,487. Increase appropriations in the Utility Fund by $1,527,306 with $1,145,487 offset by grant revenue and $381,819 match funds, offset by Rule 20A credits. ATTACHMENTS: Approval #4344-526-112 Rolling Hills - Undergrounding.pdf 16B0293_20I1190_City of Rolling Hills_ESA Review Form countersigned.pdf HMGP_4344-526-112_REC.pdf HMGP-4344-526-112_Rolling Hills_ESA letter.pdf Project Management Report 4344-122R.pdf Standard HMGP Conditions, August 2018.pdf Copy of FEMA_Post-construction_Notification_Reporting_Form_4344-526-11.xlsx ResolutionNo.1261 FEMA Grant Acceptance-c1.DOCX 57 U.S. Department of Homeland Security 1111 Broadway, Suite 1200 Oakland, CA 94607-4052 August 7, 2020 Mark S. Ghilarducci, Director Governor’s Authorized Representative California Office of Emergency Services 3650 Schriever Avenue Mather, CA 95655 Reference: Application Approval, HMGP #4344-526-112R City of Rolling Hills, California Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding Supplement #129 Dear Mr. Ghilarducci: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have approved and issued Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funds for the City of Rolling Hills (recipient), HMGP #4344-526-112R, Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding. The total eligible costs are $1,527,276. As shown in the enclosed Obligation Report - Supplement #129, we have obligated $1,145,457 for up to 75 percent federal share; the non-Federal share match is $381,819. These funds are available in Smartlink for eligible disbursements. This HMGP grant approval and obligation of funds are subject to the following: 1. Scope of Work (SOW) – The Project will underground existing overhead utilities lines and remove associated wooden utility poles along an unnamed road and Crest Road East within the southeastern portion of the City of Rolling Hills, Los Angeles County, California (33.747522, - 118.339223 at approximate midpoint) to reduce the risk of wildfire and the associated risk of loss of life, property, and services in the area. The project will underground roughly 2,000 linear feet of power line (1,820 linear feet along Crest Road East and 180 linear feet between the existing power poles and three private residences within the City) and remove associated wooden utility poles. Transformers will be placed on the ground atop concrete pads situated at locations based on electrical demand and their current overhead location. 2. Budget Revisions and Cost Overruns - In accordance with the 2015 Hazard Mitigation Assistance Unified Guidance, Part VI D.3, when budget changes are made, all programmatic requirements continue to apply. Additional information regarding budget adjustments and revisions can be found in 2 CFR Part 200.308. The Recipient must obtain FEMA’s prior written approval for any budget revisions. Cost overruns must be approved by FEMA Region IX before implementation and the subgrant must continue to meet programmatic eligibility requirements, including cost effectiveness and cost share. Additional information can be found in 2 CFR Part 200. 58 Mr. Ghilarducci August 7, 2020 Page 2 3. Activity Completion Date – The work schedule in the application states the Phase One completion time frame is 33 months. We will annotate May 7, 2023 as the project completion date. Please inform the subrecipient that work completed after this date is not eligible for federal funding, and federal funds may be de-obligated for work not completed within schedule for which there is no approved time extension. 4. Grant Period of Performance – The POP is the period during which the Cal OES is expected to complete all subgrant activities and costs within the grant. For 4 344-DR-CA, the POP ends no later than 48 months from the close of the application period of April 2, 2019. Additional extensions beyond the April 2, 2023 POP are approved by FEMA Headquarters. Please refer to Part VI.D.4 of the Guidance and advise the Subrecipient; FEMA may de-obligate Federal funds for any work not completed by May 7, 2023 where no time extension is approved. 5. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) – Project activities are covered in the December 2014 Region IX Programmatic Environmental Assessment for Recurring Actions in Arizona, California, and Nevada, as described in Section 2.3.4 (Repairing, Realigning, or Otherwise Modifying Roads, Trails, Utilities, and Rail Lines) and Section 2.3.5 (Constructing New Facilities or Relocating Existing Facilities). Please see Enclosures for further information. 6. This award of funds is subject to the enclosed Standard Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Conditions, amended August 2018. Federal funds may be de-obligated for work that does not comply with these conditions. If you have any questions or need further assistance please contact me, or your staff may contact Thomas Berry, Sr. Hazard Mitigation Assistance Specialist, at Thomas.Berry@fema.dhs.gov. Sincerely, For Juliette Hayes Director Mitigation Division FEMA Region IX cc: Jennifer Hogan, State Hazard Mitigation Officer Emily Winchell, Cal OES Anthony Roggio, Cal OES Robin Shepard, Cal OES Monika Saputra, Cal OES Enclosures (6): Obligation Report - Supplement #129 Project Management Report Record of Environmental Considerations Endangered Species Act (ESA) Letter Endangered Species Act (ESA) Review Form Standard HMGP Conditions 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 07/16/2020 REC-01FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY 22:22:28 RECORD OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION (REC) Project Title: HMGP 4344-526-112 Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding Non Compliant Flag: Level: EA Draft Date:EA Final Date: EA Public Notice Date:EA Fonsi EIS Notice of Intent EIS ROD Date: No EA 10/21/2014 03/01/2019 03/01/2019 03/08/2019 Comment The City of Rolling Hills proposes to underground existing overhead utilities lines and remove associated wooden utility poles along an unnamed road and Crest Road East within the southeastern portion of the City of Rolling Hills, Los Angeles County, California (33.747522, -118.339223 at approximate midpoint) to reduce the risk of wildfire and the associated risk of loss of life, property, and services in the area. The project would underground roughly 2,000 linear feet of power line (1,820 linear feet along Crest Road East and 180 linear feet between the existing power poles and three private residences within the City) and remove associated wooden utility poles. Transformers would be placed on the ground atop concrete pads situated at locations based on electrical demand and their current overhead location. The project would not require any ground disturbance within floodplains or wetlands. Project activities are covered in the December 2014 Region IX Programmatic Environmental Assessment for Recurring Actions in Arizona, California, and Nevada, as described in Section 2.3.4 (Repairing, Realigning, or Otherwise Modifying Roads, Trails, Utilities, and Rail Lines) and Section 2.3.5 (Constructing New Facilities or Relocating Existing Facilities). - kschill1 - 07/16/2020 01:27:17 GMT NEPA DETERMINATION Description Selected ?Extraordinary Circumstance Code No Extraordinary Circumstances were selected EXTRAORDINARY Environmental Law/ Executive Order Description CommentStatus Clean Air Act (CAA)Project is located in a non-attainment area The project is in the South Coast Air Basin in Los Angeles County, which is within a nonattainment area for lead, PM2.5, and ozone according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (https://www3.epa.gov/airquality/greenbook/ancl. html), updated February 29, 2020. Based on the scope of work, the potential emissions from project activities are below de minimis thresholds for the General Conformity Rule. Therefore, the project is exempt from a conformity determination. See Condition. - kschill1 - 07/16/2020 01:43:39 GMT Completed Coordination required with applicable state administering agency - Review concluded Completed Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA) Project is not on or connected to CBRA Unit or otherwise protected area - Review concluded Completed ENVIRONMENTAL LAW / EXECUTIVE ORDER Page 1 of 8NOTE: All times are GMT using a 24-hour clock.106 07/16/2020 REC-01FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY 22:22:28 RECORD OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION (REC) Project Title: HMGP 4344-526-112 Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding Environmental Law/ Executive Order Description CommentStatus Clean Water Act (CWA)Project would not affect any water of the U.S. - Review concluded Completed Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) Project is not located in a coastal zone area and does not affect a coastal zone area - Review concluded Completed Executive Order 11988 - Floodplains No effect on floodplain/flood levels and project outside floodplain - Review concluded According to the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) panel 06037C2027F (effective September 26, 2018), all project activities would occur in an area of minimal flood hazard (Zone X). - kschill1 - 07/16/2020 01:49:00 GMT Completed Executive Order 11990 - Wetlands No effects on wetlands and project outside wetlands - Review concluded Review of the National Wetlands Inventory database (reviewed March 31, 2020) indicates that project activities are not within or would not affect any wetland resources. - kschill1 - 07/16/2020 01:49:51 GMT Completed Executive Order 12898 - Environmental Justice for Low Income and Minority Populations Low income or minority population in or near project area According to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool (Version 2019), low income and minority populations are within 1 mile of the project site. This project would not result in any disproportionally high or adverse impact on any minority or low-income populations. - kschill1 - 07/16/2020 01:50:55 GMT Completed No disproportionately high and adverse impact on low income or minority population - Review concluded Completed Endangered Species Act (ESA)Listed species and/or designated critical habitat present in areas affected directly or indirectly by the federal action Per biological review and a biological survey conducted by Ryan Myers a biologist with SWCA Environmental Consultants, coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica) is the only federally-listed species considered to have the potential to occur within the project Action Area. The eastern and northwestern limits of the Action Area overlap designated critical habitat for coastal California gnatcatcher; however, the portions of the Action Area that are designated critical habitat do not support specific physical and biological features necessary for coastal California gnatcatcher. Given the size and scope of the proposed project, as well as implementation of general avoidance and minimization measures (AMMs) and species- specific conservation measures (CMs) identified below, any potential direct and indirect effects would be insignificant and discountable. Therefore, the project Completed Page 2 of 8NOTE: All times are GMT using a 24-hour clock.107 07/16/2020 REC-01FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY 22:22:28 RECORD OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION (REC) Project Title: HMGP 4344-526-112 Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding Environmental Law/ Executive Order Description CommentStatus may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect, coastal California gnatcatcher and Critical Habitat with implementation of identified AMMs and CMs. FEMA received concurrence from USFWS on June 10, 2020. See Attachment 4. - kschill1 - 07/16/2020 01:38:57 GMT May affect, but not likely to adversely affect species or designated critical habitat (FEMA determination/USFWS/NMFS concurrence attached) - Review concluded Completed Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA) Project does not affect designated prime or unique farmland - Review concluded According to the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Soil Survey, the project site is located on three soil types: Lunada -Zaca complex, 30 to 70 percent slopes; Dapplegray-Urban land complex, 10 to 35 percent slopes, terraced; and Dapplegray-Urban land-Lunada complex, 20 to 55 percent slopes. None of the soil types within the project site are considered prime or unique farmland; therefore, the project would not result in the conversion of, or other adverse impacts to, prime or unique farmland. - kschill1 - 07/16/2020 01:45:20 GMT Completed Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA) Project does not affect, control, or modify a waterway/body of water - Review concluded Completed Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA)Project located within a flyway zone The project location is within the Pacific Flyway; however, based on the activities associated with this scope of work, no take of migratory birds would occur. - kschill1 - 07/16/2020 01:46:20 GMT Completed Project does not have potential to take migratory birds - Review concluded Completed Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) Project not located in or near Essential Fish Habitat - Review concluded Completed National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Applicable executed Programmatic Agreement (enter date in comments). The Undertaking was reviewed by Joe Tomberlin, an architectural historian from SWCA Environmental Consultants, and Chris Millington, an archaeologist from SWCA Environmental Consultants, both of whom meet the applicable Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification in accordance with Stipulation I.B.1.a of the October 2019 CA Programmatic Agreement (Programmatic Agreement) among the Federal Emergency Completed Page 3 of 8NOTE: All times are GMT using a 24-hour clock.108 07/16/2020 REC-01FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY 22:22:28 RECORD OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION (REC) Project Title: HMGP 4344-526-112 Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding Environmental Law/ Executive Order Description CommentStatus Management Agency, the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), and the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services.By letter dated April 7, 2020, FEMA determined the project would have No Historic Properties Affected in accordance with Stipulation II.C.4.a of the Programmatic Agreement. FEMA also consulted with the Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians, Torres- Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians, Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians - Kizh Nation, Gabrieleno/Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians, Gabrieleno/Tongva Nation, Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California Tribal Council, and the Gabrielino/Tongva Tribe to solicit information or concerns about the Undertaking. The Gabrielino/Tongva Indians of California Tribal Council requested to monitor any ground disturbance within the project area. By letter dated April 24, 2020, the SHPO concurred with FEMA's determination. - kschill1 - 07/16/2020 01:36:07 GMT No properties in the project area are 50 years or older or listed on the National Register - Review concluded Completed Archeological ResourcesCompleted Project affects undisturbed groundCompleted Project area has potential for presence of archeological resources Completed Determination of no historic properties affected (FEMA finding/SHPO/THPO concurrence attached) - Review concluded Completed Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (WSR) Project is not along and does not affect Wild and Scenic River - Review concluded Per review of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System at Rivers.gov on March 31, 2020, the nearest Wild and Scenic River is Sespe Creek, which is 56 miles northwest of the project area. Based on the distance to the project site, no direct or adverse effects are anticipated from implementation of this project. - kschill1 - 07/16/2020 01:47:41 GMT Completed CONDITIONS Page 4 of 8NOTE: All times are GMT using a 24-hour clock.109 07/16/2020 REC-01FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY 22:22:29 RECORD OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION (REC) Project Title: HMGP 4344-526-112 Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding Special Conditions required on implementation of Projects: Clean Air Act (CAA) The Subrecipient is responsible for complying with all applicable subparts of the Clean Air Act. Failure to comply with this condition may jeopardize federal assistance, including funding. Any change to the approved scope of work will require re-evaluation for compliance with the Clean Air Act. NoSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Endangered Species Act (ESA) The Subrecipient will be responsible for ensuring the following general AMMs and species-specific conservation measures are implemented prior to and during ground-disturbing construction activities, as stipulated in the ESA Review Form. GEN AMM-3: Dust Control Measures. To reduce dust, all traffic associated with the subapplicant¿s construction activities will be restricted to a speed limit of 20 miles per hour when traveling off of highways or county roads. Stockpiles of material that are susceptible to wind-blown dispersal will be covered with plastic sheeting or other suitable material to prevent movement of the material. During construction, water or other binding materials will be applied to disturbed ground that may become windborne. If binding agents are used, all manufacturers¿ recommendations for use will be followed. YesSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Endangered Species Act (ESA) GEN AMM-4: Spill Control Planning The subapplicant will prepare a Spill Prevention and Pollution Control Plan to address the storage of hazardous materials and emergency cleanup of any hazardous material and will be available on site, if applicable. The plan will incorporate hazardous waste, stormwater, and other emergency planning requirements. YesSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Endangered Species Act (ESA) GEN AMM-5: Spill Prevention and Pollution Control Measures The subapplicant will exercise every reasonable precaution to protect federally listed species and their habitats from pollution due to fuels, oils, lubricants, construction by-products, and pollutants such as construction chemicals, fresh cement, saw-water, or other harmful materials. Water containing mud, silt, concrete, or other by-products or pollutants from construction activities will be treated by filtration, retention in a settling pond, or similar measures. Fresh cement or concrete will not be allowed to enter the flowing water of streams, and curing concrete will not come into direct contact with waters supporting federally listed species. Construction pollutants will be collected and transported to an authorized disposal area, as appropriate, per all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. To reduce bottom substrate disturbance and excessive turbidity, removal of existing piles by cutting at the substrate surface or reverse pile driving with a sand collar at the base to minimize resuspension of any toxic substances is preferable; hydraulic jetting will not be used. No petroleum product chemicals, silt, fine soils, or any substance or material deleterious to federally listed species will be allowed to pass into or be placed where it can pass into a stream channel. There will be no side-casting of material into any waterway. All concrete or other similar rubble will be free of trash and reinforcement steel. No petroleum-based products (e.g., asphalt) will be used as a stabilizing material. The subapplicant will store all hazardous materials in properly designated containers in a storage area with an impermeable membrane between the ground and the hazardous materials. The storage area will be encircled by a berm to prevent the discharge of pollutants to ground water or runoff into the habitats of federally listed species. A plan for the emergency cleanup of any hazardous material will be available on site, and adequate materials for spill cleanup will be maintained on-site. YesSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Endangered Species Act (ESA) GEN AMM-6: Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Well-maintained equipment will be used to perform the work and, except in the case of a failure or breakdown, equipment maintenance will be performed off site. Equipment will be inspected daily by the operator for leaks or spills. If leaks or spills are encountered, the source of the leak will be identified, leaked material will be cleaned up, and the cleaning materials will be collected and disposed of properly. Fueling of land- and marine-based equipment will be conducted in accordance with procedures to be developed in the Spill Prevention and Pollution Control Plan. Vehicles and equipment that are used during the course of a project will be fueled and serviced in a ¿safe¿ area (i.e., outside of sensitive habitats) in a manner that will not affect federally listed species or their habitats. Spills, leaks, and other problems of a similar nature will be resolved immediately to prevent unnecessary effects on federally listed species and their habitats. A plan for the emergency cleanup of any spills of fuel or other material will be available on site, and adequate materials for spill cleanup will be maintained onsite. YesSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Page 5 of 8NOTE: All times are GMT using a 24-hour clock.110 07/16/2020 REC-01FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY 22:22:29 RECORD OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION (REC) Project Title: HMGP 4344-526-112 Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding Endangered Species Act (ESA) GEN AMM-7: Fueling Activities Avoidance and minimization measures will be applied to protect federally listed species and their habitats from pollution due to fuels, oils, lubricants, and other harmful materials. Vehicles and equipment that are used during project implementation will be fueled and serviced in a manner that will not affect federally listed species or their habitats. Machinery and equipment used during work will be serviced, fueled, and maintained on uplands to prevent contamination to surface waters. Fueling equipment and vehicles will be kept more than 200 feet away from waters of the State. Exceptions to this distance requirement may be allowed for large cranes, pile drivers, and drill rigs, if they cannot be easily moved. YesSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Endangered Species Act (ESA) GEN AMM-9: Materials Storage and Disposal Stockpiled soils will be adequately covered to prevent sedimentation from runoff and wind. All hazardous materials will be stored in upland areas in storage trailers and/or shipping containers designed to provide adequate containment. Short-term laydown of hazardous materials for immediate use will be permitted provided the same containment precautions are taken as described for hazardous materials storage. All construction materials, wastes, debris, sediment, rubbish, trash, and fencing will be removed from the site once project construction is complete and transported to an authorized disposal area, as appropriate, in compliance with applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. No disposal of construction materials or debris will occur in a floodplain. No storage of construction materials or debris will occur in a floodplain during flood season. YesSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Endangered Species Act (ESA) GEN AMM-10: Fire Prevention With the exception of vegetation-clearing equipment, no vehicles or construction equipment will be operated in areas of tall, dry vegetation. The subapplicant will develop and implement a fire prevention and suppression plan for all maintenance and repair activities that require welding or otherwise have a risk of starting a wildfire. Also, fire extinguishers will be required for all vehicles used within or adjacent to undeveloped open spaces. YesSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Endangered Species Act (ESA) GEN AMM-11: Waste Management The work area will be kept free of loose trash, including small pieces of residual construction material, such as metal cuttings, broken glass, and hardware. All food waste will be removed from the site on a daily basis. All construction material, wastes, debris, sediment, rubbish, vegetation, trash, and fencing will be removed from the site once the project is completed and will be transported to an authorized disposal area, as appropriate, per all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. YesSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Endangered Species Act (ESA) GEN AMM-13: Work Area Designation to Minimize Disturbance The subapplicant will reduce, to the maximum extent practicable, the amount of disturbance at a site to the absolute minimum necessary to accomplish the project. Wherever possible, existing vegetation will be salvaged from the project area and stored for replanting after earthmoving activities are completed. Topsoil will be removed, stockpiled, covered, and encircled with silt fencing to prevent loss or movement of the soil into federally listed species habitats. All topsoil will be replaced in a manner to recreate pre-disturbance conditions as closely as possible. Project planning must consider not only the effects of the action itself, but also all ancillary activities associated with the actions, such as equipment staging and refueling areas, topsoil or spoils stockpiling areas, material storage areas, disposal sites, routes of ingress and egress to the project site, and all other related activities necessary to complete the project. YesSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Endangered Species Act (ESA) GEN AMM-15: Environmental Awareness Training for Construction Personnel All construction personnel will be given environmental awareness training by the project¿s environmental inspector or biological monitor before the start of construction. The training will familiarize all construction personnel with the federally listed species that may occur on site, their habitats, general provisions and protections afforded by the Act, measures to be implemented to protect these species, and the project boundaries. This training will be provided within 3 days of the arrival of any new worker. As part of the environmental awareness training, construction personnel will be notified that no dogs or any other pets under control of construction personnel will be allowed in the construction area, and that no firearms will be permitted in the construction area, unless carried by authorized security personnel or law enforcement. YesSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Page 6 of 8NOTE: All times are GMT using a 24-hour clock.111 07/16/2020 REC-01FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY 22:22:29 RECORD OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION (REC) Project Title: HMGP 4344-526-112 Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding Endangered Species Act (ESA) GEN AMM-17: Daily Work Hours Construction activities that could affect suitable habitat for federally listed species will be limited to daylight hours during weekdays, leaving a nighttime and weekend period for the species. Work will be allowed on weekends if the proposed construction is 14 days or less in length. YesSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Endangered Species Act (ESA) GEN AMM-18: Entrapment Prevention To prevent entrapment of covered species, all vertically-sided holes or trenches will be covered at the end of the workday, or have escape ramps built into the walls of the excavation. If pipes are stored onsite or in associated staging areas, they will be capped when not in use. Construction materials that have the potential to entangle or entrap wildlife will be properly contained so that wildlife cannot interact with the materials. If a covered species is identified onsite, crews will immediately stop work within 50 feet of the individual, and inform the construction supervisor and the Service-approved biologist. Work will not continue within 50 feet of the individual until it has traveled off the project site of its own volition. For covered species, please refer to the species-specific Conservation Measures section of the programmatic biological opinion. YesSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Endangered Species Act (ESA) GEN AMM-21: Restoration of Upland Areas to Pre-Project Conditions For projects that require restoration of upland areas to pre-project conditions as a result of ground disturbance during construction activities, the subapplicant will use native plants to the maximum extent practicable. Similarly, when hydroseeding, only native seed mix will be used. YesSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Endangered Species Act (ESA) CAGN-2: Seasonal Avoidance Seasonal Avoidance: To minimize direct effects to nesting gnatcatchers, all clearing of vegetation within occupied or designated critical habitat (gnatcatcher habitat) will occur outside the breeding season (February 15-August 30) to the maximum extent practicable. If the breeding season cannot be avoided, a CFWO-approved biologist will conduct preconstruction nesting bird surveys prior to vegetation removal. If no active nests are found to occur within 300 feet of the area of disturbance, project activities may proceed. YesSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Endangered Species Act (ESA) CAGN-4: Habitat Avoidance Habitat Avoidance: Project impacts will be avoided or minimized in coastal sage scrub, alluvial fan scrub, and other vegetation communities known to be occupied by the gnatcatcher. Staging and temporary construction areas will be located outside of suitable habitat and will use existing roads and developed areas to the maximum extent possible. If impacts to these habitats cannot be avoided, effects to gnatcatcher individuals will be avoided or minimized through implementation of the measures listed above. YesSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Endangered Species Act (ESA) CAGN-5: Habitat Restoration Plan Habitat Restoration Plan: Prior to construction, a Restoration Plan will be prepared that describes the efforts to restore all the areas that had temporary impacts on suitable habitat for the gnatcatcher. Restoration of temporary impacts will occur in accordance with a restoration plan that is reviewed and approved by the CFWO prior to the proposed project. YesSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Endangered Species Act (ESA) CAGN-6: Limits on Habitat Disturbance For any specific project, temporary impacts on occupied or designated critical habitat for the gnatcatcher will be limited to a maximum of 1 acre. Temporary impacts from all the projects covered under this programmatic consultation will also be limited to a maximum of 20 acres of gnatcatcher occupied or designated critical habitat. In addition, impacts will be limited to 10 gnatcatcher territories. YesSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Endangered Species Act (ESA) CAGN-7: No Permanent Loss of Habitat No permanent loss of occupied or designated critical habitat for the gnatcatcher will occur. YesSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Page 7 of 8NOTE: All times are GMT using a 24-hour clock.112 07/16/2020 REC-01FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY 22:22:29 RECORD OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION (REC) Project Title: HMGP 4344-526-112 Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) The Subrecipient is responsible for retaining a qualified archaeologist, who meets the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards in archeology, to prepare and implement a Monitoring Plan for the proposed project. The Monitoring Plan shall include monitoring by a Native American monitor of the Gabrielino/Tongva Indians of California and shall include a worker training that presents a summary of the monitoring plan to construction personnel at the onset of construction. The frequency and duration of the monitoring will be determined by the qualified archaeologist in consultation with a Native American monitor of the Gabrielino/Tongva Indians of California: Chairperson Robert Dorame, (562) 761-6417, gtongva@gmail.com. The archaeological monitoring report must be provided to Cal OES and FEMA EHP upon completion. YesSource of condition:Monitoring Required: NEPA Determination The Subrecipient is responsible for implementing best management practices (BMPs) appropriate for this scope of work. A list of Typical BMPs is attached. Any changes to this scope of work must be resubmitted to FEMA for review prior to initiation of any work. Noncompliance with this requirement may jeopardize federal funding. NoSource of condition:Monitoring Required: Standard Conditions: Any change to the approved scope of work will require re-evaluation for compliance with NEPA and other Laws and Executive Orders. This review does not address all federal, state and local requirements. Acceptance of federal funding requires recipient to comply with all federal, state and local laws. Failure to obtain all appropriate federal, state and local environmental permits and clearances may jeopardize federal funding. If ground disturbing activities occur during construction, applicant will monitor ground disturbance and if any potential archeological resources are discovered, will immediately cease construction in that area and notify the State and FEMA. Page 8 of 8NOTE: All times are GMT using a 24-hour clock.113 U.S. Department of Homeland Security Region IX 1111 Broadway, Suite 1200 Oakland, CA 94607-4052 1 July 24, 2020 Elaine Jeng City of Rolling Hills Re: Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding project HMGP-4344-526-112 Subrecipient: City of Rolling Hills Dear Ms. Jeng: On June 10, 2020 FEMA Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) received the enclosed Endangered Species Act (ESA) Review Form with concurrence from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Carlsbad office. On July 9, 2020, the form was countersigned by the City of Rolling Hills. This completes the Section 7 consultation for your Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) project application. The proposed project activities are covered and have been appended to FEMA’s March 2019 Programmatic Formal Section 7 Consultation on Federal Emergency Management Agency's Disaster, Mitigation, and Preparedness Programs within the Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office's Jurisdiction, California (USFWS PBO). The ESA Review Form describes the potential impacts and contains a list of applicable General Avoidance and Minimization Measures (AMMs) and Species-Specific Conservation Measures (CMs) which the City of Rolling Hills (Subrecipient) shall implement for the duration of the proposed project. The corresponding AMMs and CMs are described in detail in the USFWS PBO. It is responsibility of the Subrecipient to comply with all applicable AMMs, CMs, and terms and conditions of the ESA Review Form and the USFWS PBO. Of particular note are:  CAGN 2 Seasonal Avoidance - All clearing of vegetation within occupied or designated critical habitat (gnatcatcher habitat) must occur outside the breeding season, February 15-August 30. If the breeding season cannot be avoided, a California USFWS-approved biologist must conduct preconstruction nesting bird surveys prior to vegetation removal. If no active nests are found to occur within 300 feet of the area of disturbance, project activities may proceed.  CAGN 5 Habitat Restoration Plan - Prior to construction, a Restoration Plan must be prepared that describes the efforts to restore all the areas of suitable habitat for the gnatcatcher that will be temporarily impacted. Restoration of temporary impacts must occur in accordance with a 114 Elaine Jeng HMGP-4344-526-112 Page 2 restoration plan that is reviewed and approved by the California USFWS prior to the proposed project. In addition to implementation of the applicable AMMs and CMs, the Subrecipient must submit the attached Post-Construction Notification Reporting Form included in this transmittal to FEMA EHP and the Carlsbad USFWS Office within 45 days of project construction completion. Failure to comply with any of the AMMs, CMs, and terms and conditions listed within the ESA Review Form may jeopardize federal assistance including funding. If you require additional information related to this correspondence, please contact me via email (david.cohen@fema.dhs.gov) or phone (510) 627-7063. For information regarding the USFWS determination, please contact Scott Sobiech, Field Supervisor (scott_sobiech@fws.gov); (760) 431- 9440 ext 248, or Jesse Bennett, Fish and Wildlife Biologist (jesse_bennett@fws.gov); (760) 431-9440 ext 305. Sincerely, David R. Cohen, for Alessandro Amaglio Environmental Officer FEMA Region IX Attachments: List of AMMs and CMs July 9, 2020 signed Endangered Species Act Review Form FEMA PBO Post-construction Notification Reporting Form 2019 PBO with USFWS Carlsbad Office 115 HMGP 4344‐526‐112R / Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding (City of Rolling Hills)  Carlsbad USFWS Programmatic Biological Opinion  General Avoidance and Minimization Measures  GEN AMM‐3 Dust Control Measures: To reduce dust, all traffic associated with the subapplicant’s  construction activities will be restricted to a speed limit of 20 miles per hour when traveling off of  highways or county roads. Stockpiles of material that are susceptible to wind‐blown dispersal will be  covered with plastic sheeting or other suitable material to prevent movement of the material. During  construction, water or other binding materials will be applied to disturbed ground that may become  windborne. If binding agents are used, all manufacturers’ recommendations for use will be followed.  GEN AMM‐4 Spill Control Planning: The subapplicant will prepare a Spill Prevention and Pollution  Control Plan to address the storage of hazardous materials and emergency cleanup of any hazardous  material and will be available on site, if applicable. The plan will incorporate hazardous waste,  stormwater, and other emergency planning requirements.  GEN AMM‐5 Spill Prevention and Pollution Control Measures: The subapplicant will exercise every  reasonable precaution to protect federally listed species and their habitats from pollution due to fuels,  oils, lubricants, construction by‐ products, and pollutants such as construction chemicals, fresh cement,  saw‐water, or other harmful materials. Water containing mud, silt, concrete, or other by‐products or  pollutants from construction activities will be treated by filtration, retention in a settling pond, or similar  measures. Fresh cement or concrete will not be allowed to enter the flowing water of streams, and  curing concrete will not come into direct contact with waters supporting federally listed species.  Construction pollutants will be collected and transported to an authorized disposal area, as appropriate,  per all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations.  To reduce bottom substrate disturbance and excessive turbidity, removal of existing piles by cutting at  the substrate surface or reverse pile driving with a sand collar at the base to minimize resuspension of  any toxic substances is preferable; hydraulic jetting will not be used.  No petroleum product chemicals, silt, fine soils, or any substance or material deleterious to federally  listed species will be allowed to pass into or be placed where it can pass into a stream channel. There  will be no side‐casting of material into any waterway.  All concrete or other similar rubble will be free of trash and reinforcement steel. No petroleum‐based  products (e.g., asphalt) will be used as a stabilizing material.  The subapplicant will store all hazardous materials in properly designated containers in a storage area  with an impermeable membrane between the ground and the hazardous materials. The storage area  will be encircled by a berm to prevent the discharge of pollutants to ground water or runoff into the  habitats of federally listed species. A plan for the emergency cleanup of any hazardous material will be  available on site, and adequate materials for spill cleanup will be maintained on‐site.  GEN AMM‐6 Equipment Inspection and Maintenance: Well‐maintained equipment will be used to  perform the work and, except in the case of a failure or breakdown, equipment maintenance will be  performed off site. Equipment will be inspected daily by the operator for leaks or spills. If leaks or spills  are encountered, the source of the leak will be identified, leaked material will be cleaned up, and the  116 cleaning materials will be collected and disposed of properly. Fueling of land‐ and marine‐based  equipment will be conducted in accordance with procedures to be developed in the Spill Prevention and  Pollution Control Plan.  Vehicles and equipment that are used during the course of a project will be fueled and serviced in a  “safe” area (i.e., outside of sensitive habitats) in a manner that will not affect federally listed species or  their habitats. Spills, leaks, and other problems of a similar nature will be resolved immediately to  prevent unnecessary effects on federally listed species and their habitats. A plan for the emergency  cleanup of any spills of fuel or other material will be available on site, and adequate materials for spill  cleanup will be maintained onsite.  GEN AMM‐7 Fueling Activities: Avoidance and minimization measures will be applied to protect federally  listed species and their habitats from pollution due to fuels, oils, lubricants, and other harmful materials.  Vehicles and equipment that are used during project implementation will be fueled and serviced in a  manner that will not affect federally listed species or their habitats. Machinery and equipment used  during work will be serviced, fueled, and maintained on uplands to prevent contamination to surface  waters. Fueling equipment and vehicles will be kept more than 200 feet away from waters of the State.  Exceptions to this distance requirement may be allowed for large cranes, pile drivers, and drill rigs, if  they cannot be easily moved.  GEN AMM‐9 Materials Storage and Disposal: Stockpiled soils will be adequately covered to prevent  sedimentation from runoff and wind. All hazardous materials will be stored in upland areas in storage  trailers and/or shipping containers designed to provide adequate containment. Short‐term laydown of  hazardous materials for immediate use will be permitted provided the same containment precautions  are taken as described for hazardous materials storage. All construction materials, wastes, debris,  sediment, rubbish, trash, and fencing will be removed from the site once project construction is  complete and transported to an authorized disposal area, as appropriate, in compliance with applicable  Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. No disposal of construction materials or debris will occur  in a floodplain. No storage of construction materials or debris will occur in a floodplain during flood  season.  GEN AMM‐10 Fire Prevention: With the exception of vegetation‐clearing equipment, no vehicles or  construction equipment will be operated in areas of tall, dry vegetation.  The subapplicant will develop and implement a fire prevention and suppression plan for all maintenance  and repair activities that require welding or otherwise have a risk of starting a wildfire. Also, fire  extinguishers will be required for all vehicles used within or adjacent to undeveloped open spaces.  GEN AMM‐11 Waste Management: The work area will be kept free of loose trash, including small pieces  of residual construction material, such as metal cuttings, broken glass, and hardware.  All food waste will be removed from the site on a daily basis.  All construction material, wastes, debris, sediment, rubbish, vegetation, trash, and fencing will be  removed from the site once the project is completed and will be transported to an authorized disposal  area, as appropriate, per all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations.  117 GEN AMM‐13 Work Area Designation to Minimize Disturbance: The subapplicant will reduce, to the  maximum extent practicable, the amount of disturbance at a site to the absolute minimum necessary to  accomplish the project. Wherever possible, existing vegetation will be salvaged from the project area  and stored for replanting after earthmoving activities are completed. Topsoil will be removed,  stockpiled, covered, and encircled with silt fencing to prevent loss or movement of the soil into federally  listed species habitats. All topsoil will be replaced in a manner to recreate pre‐disturbance conditions as  closely as possible.  Project planning must consider not only the effects of the action itself, but also all ancillary activities  associated with the actions, such as equipment staging and refueling areas, topsoil or spoils stockpiling  areas, material storage areas, disposal sites, routes of ingress and egress to the project site, and all other  related activities necessary to complete the project.  GEN AMM‐15 Environmental Awareness Training for Construction Personnel: All construction personnel  will be given environmental awareness training by the project’s environmental inspector or biological  monitor before the start of construction. The training will familiarize all construction personnel with the  federally listed species that may occur on site, their habitats, general provisions and protections  afforded by the Act, measures to be implemented to protect these species, and the project boundaries.  This training will be provided within 3 days of the arrival of any new worker.  As part of the environmental awareness training, construction personnel will be notified that no dogs or  any other pets under control of construction personnel will be allowed in the construction area, and that  no firearms will be permitted in the construction area, unless carried by authorized security personnel  or law enforcement.  GEN AMM‐17 Daily Work Hours: Construction activities that could affect suitable habitat for federally  listed species will be limited to daylight hours during weekdays, leaving a nighttime and weekend period  for the species. Work will be allowed on weekends if the proposed construction is 14 days or less in  length.  GEN AMM‐18 Entrapment Prevention: To prevent entrapment of covered species, all vertically‐sided  holes or trenches will be covered at the end of the workday, or have escape ramps built into the walls of  the excavation. If pipes are stored onsite or in associated staging areas, they will be capped when not in  use. Construction materials that have the potential to entangle or entrap wildlife will be properly  contained so that wildlife cannot interact with the materials. If a covered species is identified onsite,  crews will immediately stop work within 50 feet of the individual, and inform the construction  supervisor and the Service‐approved biologist. Work will not continue within 50 feet of the individual  until it has traveled off the project site of its own volition. For covered species, please refer to the  species‐specific Conservation Measures section of the programmatic biological opinion.  GEN AMM‐21 Restoration of Upland Areas to Pre‐Project Conditions: For projects that require  restoration of upland areas to pre‐project conditions as a result of ground disturbance during  construction activities, the subapplicant will use native plants to the maximum extent practicable.  Similarly, when hydroseeding, only native seed mix will be used.    118 Coastal California Gnatcatcher Conservation Measures  CAGN 2 Seasonal Avoidance: To minimize direct effects to nesting gnatcatchers, all clearing of vegetation  within occupied or designated critical habitat (gnatcatcher habitat) will occur outside the breeding  season (February 15‐August 30) to the maximum extent practicable. If the breeding season cannot be  avoided, a CFWO‐approved biologist will conduct preconstruction nesting bird surveys prior to  vegetation removal. If no active nests are found to occur within 300 feet of the area of disturbance,  project activities may proceed.  CAGN 4 Habitat Avoidance: Project impacts will be avoided or minimized in coastal sage scrub, alluvial  fan scrub, and other vegetation communities known to be occupied by the gnatcatcher. Staging and  temporary construction areas will be located outside of suitable habitat and will use existing roads and  developed areas to the maximum extent possible. If impacts to these habitats cannot be avoided,  effects to gnatcatcher individuals will be avoided or minimized through implementation of the measures  listed above.  CAGN 5 Habitat Restoration Plan: Prior to construction, a Restoration Plan will be prepared that  describes the efforts to restore all the areas that had temporary impacts on suitable habitat for the  gnatcatcher. Restoration of temporary impacts will occur in accordance with a restoration plan that is  reviewed and approved by the CFWO prior to the proposed project.  CAGN 6 Limits on Habitat Disturbance: For any specific project, temporary impacts on occupied or  designated critical habitat for the gnatcatcher will be limited to a maximum of 1 acre. Temporary  impacts from all the projects covered under this programmatic consultation will also be limited to a  maximum of 20 acres of gnatcatcher occupied or designated critical habitat. In addition, impacts will be  limited to 10 gnatcatcher territories.  CAGN 7 No Permanent Loss of Habitat: No permanent loss of occupied or designated critical habitat for  the gnatcatcher will occur.  119 FEMA Project Number State RecipientAmendment Number App IDDisaster Number 112 -R Rolling Hills 037-62602 Subrecipient: FIPS Code:Project Title :Rolling Hills Fire Prevention Through Power Line Undergounding CA Statewide05264344 HMGP-AP-01FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM 08/07/2020 3:10 PM Project Management Report Approved Amounts Total Approved Net Eligible Total Approved Non-Fed Share Amount Federal Share Percent Non-Federal Share Percent Total Approved Federal Share Amount $381,819$1,527,276 75.000000000 $1,145,457 25.00000000 FY Allocations Allocation Number IFMIS Status Proj Alloc Amount Fed Share IFMIS Date Submission Date ES/DFSC Support Req ID ES/DFSC Amend Nr Total Alloc Amount Subrecipient Management Cost 62 $1,145,457.00A08/07/2020 202008/07/2020 2913043 33 $1,818,075.75$0.00 Total $1,145,457.00 $1,818,075.75$0.00 Work Schedule Status Description Amend # Time Frame Due Date Revised Date Completion Date Technical Evaluations Finalized 2m 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 00/00/00000 Geotechnical and Surveying 2m 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 00/00/00000 Final Design Plans, Specs, and Cost Estimates 7m 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 00/00/00000 Development of CEQA Documents (as applicable)2m 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 00/00/00000 Perparation and Advertisement for Bid 3m 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 00/00/00000 Board Approval of Construction Awards 3m 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 00/00/00000 Construction Begins 1m 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 00/00/00000 Construction Mobilization 1m 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 00/00/00000 Undergrounding 10m 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 00/00/00000 Punchlist Completion 1m 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 00/00/00000 Demobilization 1m 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 00/00/00000 Grant Close-out 3m 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 00/00/00000 Approved Project Title : Recipient Place Code : Recipient Place Name : Recipient County Code : Recipient County Name : Recipient : Project Closeout Date : 37 Los Angeles Statewide Rolling Hills 0 00/00/0000 Rolling Hills Fire Prevention Through Power Line Undergounding Subrecipient Place Code : Subrecipient Place Name : Subrecipient County Code : Subrecipient County Name : Subrecipient : 62602 Rolling Hills Los Angeles 37 Rolling Hills Approval Status:Approved Mitigation Project Description Amendment Status : Page 1 of 2 120 FEMA Project Number State RecipientAmendment Number App IDDisaster Number 112 -R Rolling Hills 037-62602 Subrecipient: FIPS Code:Project Title :Rolling Hills Fire Prevention Through Power Line Undergounding CA Statewide05264344 HMGP-AP-01FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM 08/07/2020 3:10 PM Project Management Report Obligations Action Nr IFMIS Status IFMIS Date SFS Amend Number Submission Date FY SFS Support Req ID Project Obligated Amt - Fed Share Total Obligated Amount Subrecipient Management Cost Suppl Nr 08/07/2020 008/07/2020 2020 3043572 $1,145,457.001A $1,145,457.00$0.00129 Total $1,145,457.00 $1,145,457.00$0.00 Page 2 of 2 121 1 Standard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) Conditions FEMA Region IX, August, 2018 The following list applies to Recipients and Subrecipients accepting HMGP funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS): 1. Applicable Federal, State, and Local Laws and Regulations. The Recipient/Subrecipient must comply with all applicable Federal, State, and Local laws and regulations, regardless of whether they are on this list or other project documents. DHS financial assistance Recipients and Subrecipients are required to follow the provisions of the State HMGP Administrative Plan, applicable Hazard Mitigation Assistance Uniform Guidance, and Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards located in Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 200, adopted by DHS in 2 CFR 3002. 2. Financial Management Systems. The Recipient and Subrecipient must maintain financial management systems to account for and track funds, as referenced in 2 CFR 200.302. 3. Match or Cost Share. Non-federal match or cost share must comply with 2 CFR 200.306, the scope of work (SOW), and any agreements among the Subrecipient, the Recipient, and FEMA. 4. Budget Changes. Unanticipated adjustments are permitted within the approved total cost. However, if costs exceed the federal share, the Subrecipient must notify the Governor’s Authorized Representative (GAR) of overruns before implementation. The GAR shall submit a written request for approval to FEMA Region IX. The subaward must continue to meet HMGP requirements, including cost effectiveness and cost share. Refer to 2 CFR 200.308 for additional information. 5. Real Property and Land. The acquisition, use, and disposition must comply with 2 CFR 200.311. 6. Equipment. The acquisition, use, and disposition must comply with 2 CFR 200.313. 7. Supplies. Upon project completion, FEMA must be compensated for unused supplies, exceeding $5,000 (fair market value), and not needed for other federal programs. Refer to 2 CFR 200.314. 8. Procurement. Procurement procedures must be in conformance with 2 CFR 200.318-320. 9. Monitoring and Reporting Program Performance. The Recipient and Subrecipient must submit quarterly progress reports, as referenced in the 2 CFR 200.328 and State HMGP Administrative Plan. 10. Records Retention. In accordance with 2 CFR 200.333, financial/ programmatic records related to expenditures must be maintained at least 3 years after the date of Recipient’s final expenditure report. 11. Enforcement and Termination. If the Recipient or Subrecipient fails to comply with the award or subaward terms, whether stated in a Federal statute or regulation, the State HMGP Administrative Plan, subpplication, a notice of award, an assurance, or elsewhere, FEMA may take one or more of the actions outlined in 2 CFR 200.338, including termination or partial termination of the award or subaward outlined in 2 CFR 200.339. 12. Allowable Costs. Funds are to be used for allowable costs in compliance with 2 CFR 200.403, the approved SOW, and any agreements among the Subrecipient, Recipient, and FEMA. 122 2 13. Non-Federal Audit. The Recipient and Subrecipient are responsible for obtaining audits in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1984, in compliance with 2 CFR 200.501. 14. Debarred and Suspended Parties. Recipients and Subrecipients are subject to the non-procurement debarment and suspension regulations implementing Executive Orders 12549 and 12689, and 2 CFR 180. These regulations restrict federal financial assistance awards, subawards, and contracts with parties that are debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in the federal assistance programs or activities. 15. Equipment Rates. Rates claimed for use of Subrecipient-owned equipment in excess of the FEMA- approved rates must be approved under State guidelines issued by the State Comptroller's Office or must be certified by the Recipient to include only those costs attributable to equipment usage less any fixed overhead and/or profit. 16. Duplication of Funding between Public Assistance (PA) and HMGP. Funding for PA Section 406 and HMGP Section 404 are permitted on the same facility/location, but the activities identified under each program must be distinct with separately accounted funds. At closeout, FEMA may adjust the funding to ensure the Subrecipient was reimbursed for eligible work from only one funding source. 17. Historic Properties and Cultural Resources. In compliance with 2 CFR 800, if a potential historic property or cultural resource is discovered during construction, the Subrecipient must cease work in the area and take all reasonable measures to avoid or minimize harm to the discovered property/resource. During construction, the Subrecipient will monitor ground disturbance activity, and if any potential archeological resources are discovered, will immediately cease work in that area, and notify the Recipient and FEMA. Construction in the area may resume with FEMA’s written approval after FEMA’s consultation, if applicable, with the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). 18. NEPA and Changes to the Scope of Work (SOW). To comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and other Laws and Executive Orders, any change to the approved SOW shall be re-evaluated before implementation. Construction associated with a SOW change, prior to FEMA approval, may be ineligible for funding. Acceptance of federal funding requires environmental permits and clearances in compliance with all appropriate federal, state and local laws, and failure to comply may jeopardize funding. Within their authority, the Recipient and Subrecipient must use of all practicable means, consistent with other essential policies, to create and maintain productive harmony for people and nature, and fulfill the social, economic, and other needs of present and future generations of Americans. \\R9li8a1\mitdata$\05. HMA Grants Management\02. HMGP\HMGP Standard Conditions\Standard HMGP Conditions, August 2018.docx 123 Information Type Information Request Subapplicant/Subrecipient Provided Information on the Project A1 . FEMA Grant # or Disaster and Project Worksheet (PW) #s HMGP 4344-526-112 A2. Project Name Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding A3. Name of Subapplicant/Subrecipient (Agency Name)City of Rolling Hills A4. Project Location (street address, latitude/longitude, or A5. Municipality / County /State A6. Date of project initiation A7. Date of project completion A8. Is this project 100% complete? Information on Impacts to Covered Federally Listed Species under USFWS Jurisdiction Impacts to Covered Federally Listed Species A A9. Species name A10. Actual acres of habitat affected for this Covered A11. Brief description of restoration efforts for the affected habitat. Attach a report if applicable. A12. Number of individuals of this species that were killed, if any, and the date. A13. Number of individuals of this species that were injured, if any, and the date. A14. Number of individuals of this species that were harassed, if any, and the date. A15. Number of observations of live, uninjured individuals, date observed, and the GIS coordinates where observed A16. If this project required implementation of AMM-20, Revegetation of Stream Banks , provide the Revegetation Monitoring Report (attach separately if necessary). A17. If this project required the handling, capture, and/or relocation of individuals of this species per the Species-Specific Conservation Measures in the USFWS PBO, provide the associated Monitoring Report (attach separately if necessary). A18. Information regarding success in meeting the Avoidance and Minimization Measures (AMMs) and Species-Specific Conservation Measures required in the PBO. A19. Explanation of any failure to follow the AMMs and Species-Specific Conservation Measures required in the PBO. A20. Indicate if a written report of biological survey and monitoring results is attached, if applicable Information on Impacts to Covered Federally Listed Species under USFWS Jurisdiction Impacts to Covered Federally Listed Species B A9. Species name FEMA Programmatic Biological Opinion (PBO) with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Post-Construction Monitoring and Reporting Requirements 124 Information Type Information Request Subapplicant/Subrecipient Provided A10. Actual acres of habitat affected for this Covered Federally Listed Species A11. Brief description of restoration efforts for the affected habitat. Attach a report if applicable. A12. Number of individuals of this species that were killed, if any, and the date. A13. Number of individuals of this species that were injured, if any, and the date. A14. Number of individuals of this species that were harassed, if any, and the date. A15. Number of observations of live, uninjured individuals, date observed, and the GIS coordinates where observed A16. If this project required implementation of AMM-20, Revegetation of Stream Banks , provide the Revegetation Monitoring Report (attach separately if necessary). A17. If this project required the handling, capture, and/or relocation of individuals of this species per the Species-Specific Conservation Measures in the USFWS PBO, provide the associated Monitoring Report (attach separately if necessary). A18. Information regarding success in meeting the Avoidance and Minimization Measures (AMMs) and Species-Specific Conservation Measures required in the PBO. A19. Explanation of any failure to follow the AMMs and Species-Specific Conservation Measures required in the PBO. A20. Indicate if a written report of biological survey and monitoring results is attached, if applicable Information on Impacts to Covered Federally Listed Species under USFWS Jurisdiction Impacts to Covered Federally Listed Species C A9. Species name A10. Actual acres of habitat affected for this Covered Federally Listed Species A11. Brief description of restoration efforts for the affected habitat. Attach a report if applicable. A12. Number of individuals of this species that were killed, if any, and the date. A13. Number of individuals of this species that were injured, if any, and the date. A14. Number of individuals of this species that were harassed, if any, and the date. A15. Number of observations of live, uninjured individuals, date observed, and the GIS coordinates where observed A16. If this project required implementation of AMM-20, Revegetation of Stream Banks , provide the Revegetation Monitoring Report (attach separately if necessary). 125 Information Type Information Request Subapplicant/Subrecipient Provided A17. If this project required the handling, capture, and/or relocation of individuals of this species per the Species-Specific Conservation Measures in the USFWS PBO, provide the associated Monitoring Report (attach separately if necessary). A18. Information regarding success in meeting the Avoidance and Minimization Measures (AMMs) and Species-Specific Conservation Measures required in the PBO. A19. Explanation of any failure to follow the AMMs and Species-Specific Conservation Measures required in the PBO. A20. Indicate if a written report of biological survey and monitoring results is attached, if applicable Information on Impacts to Covered Federally Listed Species under USFWS Jurisdiction Impacts to Covered Federally Listed Species D A9. Species name A10. Actual acres of habitat affected for this Covered Federally Listed Species A11. Brief description of restoration efforts for the affected habitat. Attach a report if applicable. A12. Number of individuals of this species that were killed, if any, and the date. A13. Number of individuals of this species that were injured, if any, and the date. A14. Number of individuals of this species that were harassed, if any, and the date. A15. Number of observations of live, uninjured individuals, date observed, and the GIS coordinates where observed A16. If this project required implementation of AMM-20, Revegetation of Stream Banks , provide the Revegetation Monitoring Report (attach separately if necessary). A17. If this project required the handling, capture, and/or relocation of individuals of this species per the Species-Specific Conservation Measures in the USFWS PBO, provide the associated Monitoring Report (attach separately if necessary). A18. Information regarding success in meeting the Avoidance and Minimization Measures (AMMs) and Species-Specific Conservation Measures required in the PBO. A19. Explanation of any failure to follow the AMMs and Species-Specific Conservation Measures required in the PBO. A20. Indicate if a written report of biological survey and monitoring results is attached, if applicable 126 Information Type Information Request Subapplicant/Subrecipient Provided Information on Impacts to Covered Federally Listed Species under USFWS Jurisdiction Impacts to Covered Federally Listed Species E A9. Species name A10. Actual acres of habitat affected for this Covered Federally Listed Species A11. Brief description of restoration efforts for the affected habitat. Attach a report if applicable. A12. Number of individuals of this species that were killed, if any, and the date. A13. Number of individuals of this species that were injured, if any, and the date. A14. Number of individuals of this species that were harassed, if any, and the date. A15. Number of observations of live, uninjured individuals, date observed, and the GIS coordinates where observed A16. If this project required implementation of AMM-20, Revegetation of Stream Banks , provide the Revegetation Monitoring Report (attach separately if necessary). A17. If this project required the handling, capture, and/or relocation of individuals of this species per the Species-Specific Conservation Measures in the USFWS PBO, provide the associated Monitoring Report (attach separately if necessary). A18. Information regarding success in meeting the Avoidance and Minimization Measures (AMMs) and Species-Specific Conservation Measures required in the PBO. A19. Explanation of any failure to follow the AMMs and Species-Specific Conservation Measures required in the PBO. A20. Indicate if a written report of biological survey and monitoring results is attached, if applicable 127 Resolution No. 1261 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1261 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT FUNDING FROM THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,145,487 WITH THE REQUIRED LOCAL MATCH OF $381,819; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER, OR DESIGNEE, TO EXECUTE ANY NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO MEET THE GRANT REQUIREMENTS AND TO COMPLETE THE CREST ROAD EAST PROJECT. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1.Recitals. A.The City of Rolling Hills (“City”) applied to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”) for Hazard Mitigation Grant Funds 4434-526-112R to use on its Fire Prevention Through Power Line Undergrounding project (the “Crest Road East Project”). B.The Crest Road East Project includes undergrounding roughly 2,000 linear feet of overhead utilities lines (1,820 linear feet along Crest Road East and 180 linear feet between existing poles and three private residences within the City)and removingassociated wooden utility poles along an unnamed road and Crest Road East within the southeastern portion of the City (33.747522, - 118.339223 at approximate midpoint) to reduce risk of wildfire and the associated risk of loss of life, property, and services in the area. Transformers will be placed on top ofconcrete pads on the ground situated at locations based on electrical demand and the transformers’ current overhead location. C.FEMA awarded the City grant funds in the amount of $1,145,487 with required local matching in the amount of $381,819 to be used on the Crest Road East Project. D.The City Council desires to accept the grant funds from FEMA to be used on the Crest Road East Project and to direct the City Manager to execute any necessary documents to meet the grant requirements and to complete the Cred Road East Project in compliance with the grant requirements. Section 2.The City Council hereby accepts the award of the Hazard Mitigation Funds 4434- 526-112R from FEMA in the amount of $1,145,487 to be used on the Crest Road East Project. Section 3.The City Council hereby authorizes the City’s expenditure of $381,819 as local matching funds for the Crest Road East Project. Section 4.The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager, or her designee, to execute any necessary documents to meet the grant requirements. The City Manager or her designee is also authorized to take necessary action to complete the Crest Road East Project in compliance with the grant requirements. 128 Resolution No. 1261 2 Section 5.This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by theCity Council, and the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution and enter it into the book of original resolutions. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 24th day of August, 2020. ______________________________ JEFF PIEPER MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________ ELAINE JENG, P.E. ACTING CITY CLERK 129 Resolution No. 1261 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) §§ CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) The foregoing Resolution No. entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT FUNDING FROM THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,145,487 WITH THE REQUIRED LOCAL MATCH OF $381,819; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER, OR DESIGNEE, TO EXECUTE ANY NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO MEET THE GRANT REQUIREMENTS AND TO COMPLETE THE CREST ROAD EAST PROJECT. was approved and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 24th day of August, 2020, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ___________________________ ELAINE JENG, P.E. ACTING CITY CLERK 130 Agenda Item No.: 8.B Mtg. Date: 08/24/2020 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ALAN PALERMO, PROJECT MANAGER THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:CONSIDER AND APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH NV5 TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN OF THE 8 INCH SEWER MAIN ALONG PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD AND ROLLING HILLS ROAD. DATE:August 24, 2020 BACKGROUND: At the May 13, 2019 City Council Meeting, City Council considered and approved a Professional Services Agreement with Willdan Engineering for the Phase II Sanitary Sewer Improvement Feasibility Study. In July 2019 Willdan Engineering kicked off the project and submitted the first draft of the Phase II Sewer Feasibility Study Report in October 2019. This draft report was submitted to the City of Rolling Hills, Rolling Hills Estate, and City of Torrance for review and comments. Concurrently, Will Serve Letter requests (2 letters) were submitted to Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County for downstream treatment of wastewater. The first Will Serve Letter request was for connecting the City Hall and Tennis Court Site. The second Will Serve Letter request was for connecting existing 235 single family homes in the City of Rolling Hills. Rolling Hills Estates provided comments in October 2019 (Appendix O of the Final Report). City of Rolling Hills Consultant, Alan Palermo reviewed the report on behalf of the City and provided comments on November 27, 2019 (Appendix N of the Final Report). Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County provided the Will Serve Letter for connecting City Hall and the Tennis Court Site on November 5, 2019 (Appendix A of the Final report). Willdan Engineering submitted the Final Report in December 2019. This final report addressed comments received from all agencies that reviewed the first draft including review comments from the City of Torrance (dated November 26, 2019, Appendix P of the Final Report). Comments from the City of Torrance include upsizing two additional segments of sewer pipe from 8-inches to 10-inches for the 131 following reasons: The first draft report recommended upsizing one segment of sewer pipe from 8-inch to 10-inch and then connecting back to an 8-inch sewer pipe. This situation could result in a restriction in the sewer line and result in obstructions or plugging. Request the downstream segment also be upsized from 8-inch to 10-inch sewer pipe. Another sewer pipe segment adjacent to the upsized segment will be flowing near design capacity after new flows are added, request this segment also be upsized from 8-inch to 10-inch sewer pipe. Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County provided the second Will Serve Letter for connecting existing 235 single family homes in the City of Rolling Hills on December 5, 2019 (Appendix A of the Final report). City of Rolling Hills Consultant, Alan Palermo reviewed the final report on behalf of the City and confirmed comments from previous review were addressed. The Sewer Feasibility Study Phase II has been submitted to Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW) for final review and approval with this review expected to be completed by January 27, 2020. The information above was presented in an update to City Council at the January 27, 2020 City Council Meeting. Since the January 27, 2020 update to City Council, Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW) approved the Sewer Feasibility Study Phase II Report May 6, 2020. DISCUSSION: On June 15, 2020, staff advertised a Request for Proposal (RFP) for professional consultant firms to submit proposals to provide Engineering Design services to prepare Sewer Improvement Plans for a sewer connection to City of Rolling Hills terminating at the City Hall Building. The proposer applying should have significant experience in providing the services required under this RFP and performing the necessary analysis and preparing plans, specifications & cost estimates (PS&E) as well as making recommendations. The objective of this Project is to connect the City Hall Building, Guard Gate, and future Tennis Court Facilities and 235 residential lots to a sewer system and eliminate existing septic systems currently used for wastewater disposal. On July 13, 2020, four (4) proposals were received. Each proposal was evaluated by and ranked based the proposer ’s expertise, experience; project approach, fee, and compliance with the RFP. Based on the RFP’S evaluation criteria, NV5 was identified as being the most qualified firm that submitted proposals for this RFP based on their overall experience with Municipalities and previous sewer improvement plan work. 132 It is staff ’s recommendation to award the Engineering Design Services to prepare Sewer Improvement Plans for Rolling Hills to NV5 for the not to exceed lump sum amount of $81,196, see Exhibit B. FISCAL IMPACT: In the approved budget for FY2020-20201, $85,000 is budgeted in the Utility Fund for the engineering design of the 8" sewer main. The budgeted amount is sufficient to fund the proposed fee of $81,196. There was a savings of $37,490 from the sewer feasibility studies in Fiscal Year 2019-2020 that will be applied towards the engineering design of the project in FY 2020-20201. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: NV5_Rolling Hills_Sewer Improvement_07.13.20.pdf NV5_Rolling Hills_Sewer Improvement Fee_07.13.20.pdf PACE Proposal - Engineering Services to prepare Sewer Improvement Plans for the City of Rolling Hills.pdf PACE Fee Proposal.pdf Quantum Consulting_Proposal Engineering Services to prepare Sewer Improvement Plans.pdf Quantum Consulting_Fee Proposal Engineering Services to prepare Sewer Improvement Plans.pdf Willdan Proposal for City of Rolling Hills Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improv Plans.pdf Wildan Fee Schedule for City of Rolling Hills Proposal for Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans.pdf Agreement RE Sewer Improvement Design.pdf Sewer Improvement Design Exhibit A - Scope of Work-c1.PDF Sewer Improvement Design Exhibit B - Fees (2)-c1.PDF 133 PROPOSAL Submitted by NV5, Inc. 163 Technology Drive, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618 City of Rolling Hills 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/ Rolling Hills Road July 13, 2020 134 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01 Proposer’s Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02 Qualifications + Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04 Project Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 Proposed Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Schedule + Schedule Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Fee Schedule/Cost Proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 135 163 Technology Drive, Suite 100 | Irvine, CA 92618 | www.nv5.com | Office: 949.585.0477 | Fax: 949.409.8182 PN: P27020-0004239.00 July 13, 2020 City of Rolling Hills Attn: Elaine Jeng, P.E., City Manager 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 SUBJECT: Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans Dear Ms. Jeng, NV5, Inc. is excited to have the opportunity to provide Engineering Services to the City of Rolling Hills (City) for its 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road project. Our team has the knowledge and experience to assure your project is completed on schedule and within budget. NV5’s strengths include the following: Current Partnership: NV5 is contracted through the City of Rancho Palos Verdes for the Rolling Hills Sewer Connection Concept Design, which explores the feasibility of a sewer connection for the residents adjacent to the Portuguese Bend area of Rolling Hills. The parcels are currently utilizing on-site septic disposal systems and our team is evaluating the concept of a sewer connection to include the required conveyance and pumping facilities to provide discharge of wastewater generated in portions of Rolling Hills’ tributary to the existing Rancho Palos Verdes’ collection system. The project requires involvement from City staff and stakeholders from Rolling Hills and Rancho Palos Verdes. In addition, NV5 is working with the City and directly with Ms. Jeng on the formation of the Eastfield Drive Utility Undergrounding Assessment District. Our services include preparing a preliminary and final Engineer’s Report, boundary map and diagram; attending City Council meetings, staff meetings and utility coordination meetings; recording documents and maps, and more. Our constant communication with City staff for this project and knowledge of your community and stakeholders has given us insight into how the City operates, enabling us to provide outstanding cost- and time-efficient services. Relevant Experience: NV5 has a proven track record of successfully providing professional engineering design services to municipalities throughout Southern California, most of which have been repeat clients. Our proposed project team has completed several pipeline improvement projects for various clients, and details on our most relevant project experience can be found starting on page 4. Proposed Team: NV5 offers the City a team of dedicated engineering design professionals with an unparalleled reputation and proven expertise. Understanding both the project requirements and scope of work requested by the City, we have selected David Maher, PE, QSD/QSP, as Project Manager. Mr. Maher has more than 14 years of Public Works experience, which includes water/wastewater pipeline improvement projects throughout Southern California. COVID-19: The health and safety of our employees and those that they come into contact with is of highest importance. NV5 has instituted field safety protocols based on guidelines from the CDC, WHO and OSHA to help reduce our staff’s risk of exposure to COVID-19. In addition, all of our staff are provided with the necessary equipment and are up-to-date and have access to the latest technologies, allowing them to work remotely effectively. Statement: I have read, understood, and agreed to all statements in this request for proposal and acknowledge receipt of all addendums/amendments as well as to the terms, conditions, and attachments referenced. NV5 looks forward to the opportunity to work with the City and help you achieve your goals and objectives. If you need further information, we may be reached by phone at (949) 585-0477, or electronically at jeff.cooper@nv5.com and david.maher@nv5.com. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, NV5 COMPANY INFORMATION/CONTACT Name: NV5, Inc. Authorized Signer: Jeffrey M. Cooper, PE Address: 163 Technology Drive, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618 Telephone Number: (949) 585-0477 Email of Contact: jeff.cooper@nv5.com Jeffrey M. Cooper, PE Director of Infrastructure David Maher, PE Project Manager 136 PROPOSER’S BACKGROUND City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 2 We maintain an extensive history of working with various local agencies. Throughout the course of completing myriad public works capital improvement projects, our team has demonstrated an unparalleled ability to work well with local agency staff, project stakeholders, engineers and contractors. We have successfully delivered projects in a timely and cost-effective manner, and we have acquired a keen understanding of local agency requirements, a critical element in the facilitation and resolution of project issues. We are excited about the opportunity to continue to serve the City and are committed to maintaining effective working relationships with your staff, relevant government agencies and project stakeholders. With a demonstrated ability to address public concerns, we are experts in a broad range of governmental interface, public outreach and community involvement, and we are genuinely committed to public participation as a way of planning and completing projects. Our team routinely performs these services as part of our delivery of public works projects and regard them as a vital component to project success. FIRM PROFILE NV5, Inc. has been providing engineering and consulting services to public and private sectors for more than 70 years, delivering solutions through five business verticals: Construction Quality Assurance, Infrastructure, Energy, Program Management, and Environmental. With more than 100 offices nationwide and abroad, NV5 has access to over 2,000 employees in a variety of fields who help clients plan, design, build, test, certify and operate projects that improve the communities where we live and work. Our Irvine office specializes in the engineering design, construction management and inspection of capital improvement projects, including: streets, traffic systems, water and wastewater systems, drainage and flood control, parks and recreational facilities, vertical construction, and landscaping and grading. Our team includes licensed civil engineers, licensed contractors, construction managers, certified inspectors and experienced public works professionals. All team members have extensive experience working within the structure of municipal government and public construction policy and will seamlessly integrate with the City’s team. KEY SERVICES The successful delivery of our products and services has resulted in repeat clients for a broad range of municipal projects. Our key services include: STAFF AUGMENTATION FEDERAL FUNDING MANAGEMENT PLAN CHECK AND REVIEW PROJECT MANAGEMENT CIVIL ENGINEERING DESIGN CONSTRUCTABILITY REVIEW CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT + INSPECTION STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SURVEY MATERIALS TESTING + INSPECTION 137 PROPOSER’S BACKGROUND ECORP FIRM OVERVIEW Founded in 1987, ECORP is a California corporation that specializes in assisting government agencies and private clients with a wide range of environmental services including technical expertise in land use planning; biological, cultural, and water resources; and regulatory compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Clean Water Act, federal and state Endangered Species Acts, NHPA, and other laws and regulations. They have well-established working relationships with the resources agencies, including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). ECORP provides support over the life of a project, from initial baseline studies; to environmental planning, documentation, and review; permit negotiation, liaison with resource agencies, and mitigation design; and through to construction supervision, monitoring, and compliance reporting. ECORP brings to the City an experienced team of more than 100 CEQA and NEPA specialists, environmental permitting specialists, environmental analysts, terrestrial and aquatic biologists, wetland specialists, landscape architects, engineers, hydrologists, archaeologists/cultural resource specialists, and GIS specialists. Our current clients include numerous Public Works departments, utilities and special districts statewide. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE On-Call Master Services Agreement for Environmental Services, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties – Yucaipa Valley Water District ECORP is providing on-call environmental services for water and wastewater projects in the cities of Yucaipa and Calimesa with the Yucaipa Valley Water District. Under this contract, ECORP is responsible for determining the appropriate environmental documentation and studies needed to comply with CEQA and to obtain the appropriate environmental permits for YVWD projects. Task orders completed under this on-call contract include the preparation and filing of categorical exemptions for small projects, the preparation of IS/MNDs for potable and non-potable pipelines, sewers and reservoirs, and construction monitoring. CEQA Plus IS/MND for Slack Sewer Assessment District. YVWD proposed to create a sewer assessment district to connect approximately 200 parcels that were served by individual septic systems to the sanitary sewer system. An Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for the installation of approximately 9,100 linear feet (1.7 miles) of sewer lines. Because the project would be funded by the State Revolving Fund loan program, the IS/MND was prepared to CEQA-Plus specifications. MND Addendum for the Expansion and Upgrade of the Henry N. Wachholz Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Yucaipa Valley Water District proposed upgrades and an expansion of its existing wastewater treatment plant. Environmental documentation (a Mitigated Negative Declaration) had been prepared and approved for the project. Subsequent changes to the plan were proposed that necessitated an Addendum to the MND. IS/MND and Permitting for a 30” Potable Water Pipeline. Prepared an IS/MND and associated permit applications for a new, 2-mile, 30” potable water pipeline, which would cross Wildwood Creek. Coordinated with City of Yucaipa, who was proposing a new bridge at the pipeline location. Road Non-Potable Water Pipelines. Prepared an IS/MND for the installation of non-potable water pipelines in 2 roadways in the City of Yucaipa. The IS/MND was prepared on an expedited schedule to meet construction deadlines. A cultural resources survey of pipeline alignments was completed. Santa Ana Septic to Sewer Project – City of Santa Ana ECORP prepared a Draft IS/MND for the proposed Septic to Sewer Conversion Project (“Project”) in Santa Ana. The Project proposes installing sewer mains and laterals and transferring existing residences and business from septic systems to the City’s sewer system in the Pasadena Street/Medford Avenue/Deodar Street and Ponderosa Street neighborhoods previously unserved by the City. Technical studies included Air Quality/Greenhouse Gases, Energy, Noise and Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment. The IS/MND was prepared in order to support anticipated applications for State grant funding for sewer improvements. ECORP Consulting, Inc. 2861 Pullman Street Santa Ana, CA 92705 City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 3138 QUALIFICATIONS + EXPERIENCE DATES: MARCH 2019-CURRENT KEY PERSONNEL: DAVID MAHER, KHANH NGUYEN, NHAN LY SEWER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SANTA ANA | SANTA ANA, CA Our team is currently providing engineering design services for the Old Grand Street, Santa Clara Avenue and Wright Street Sewer Main improvements. The project consists of replacing approximately 5,900 LF of existing sewer pipe, related laterals and manholes. Existing sewer main pipes include 3,000 LF of 15-inch and 2,900 LF of 12-inch sewer main. Existing sewer laterals will be replaced to the edge of the right-of-way to each property line. Services include preparation of plans, specifications and cost estimates, topographic survey, manhole details and utility research/ investigation. DATES: MARCH 2020-CURRENT KEY PERSONNEL: DAVID MAHER CERRITOS AVENUE & SOUTH STREET WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT CITY OF ANAHEIM | ANAHEIM, CA The project includes replacing existing 10-inch Cast Iron Pipe (CIP) and 6-inch Asbestos-Cement Pipe (ACP) with approximately 2,700 LF of new 12-inch Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) with four tie-in connections to existing water mains; replacing existing 8-inch CIP with approximately 350 LF of new 12-inch DIP with three tie-in connections to existing water mains; installing nine 12-inch gate valves and four fire hydrant assemblies on the new 12-inch mains; disconnecting and removing four hydrants on the existing mains; and replacing all existing lateral domestic water services on the existing 8- and 10-inch CIP and 6-inch ACP with new services on the 12-inch DIP. DATES: JANUARY 2020-CURRENT KEY PERSONNEL: JEFF COOPER, VANESSA PANETO ROLLING HILLS SEWER CONNECTION CONCEPT DESIGN CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES | RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CA The residents adjacent to the Portuguese Bend area of the City of Rolling Hills are currently utilizing on-site septic disposal systems for wastewater disposal. Our team is contracted by the City of Rancho Palos Verdes to explore the feasibility of providing sewer service to these parcels in Rolling Hills. NV5 is evaluating the concept of a sewer connection to include required conveyance and pumping facilities to provide discharge of wastewater generated in portions of Rolling Hills’ tributary to the existing Rancho Palos Verdes’ collection system. General requirements for sewer facility implementation will be identified, and an opinion of total construction and project costs will be prepared. Sewer Connection Concept Design | City of Rancho Palos Verdes Sewer Main Improvements | City of Santa Ana City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 4139 QUALIFICATIONS + EXPERIENCE DATES: APRIL 2018- MAY 2019 KEY PERSONNEL: DAVID MAHER, VANESSA PANETO WALNUT STREET WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT CITY OF LOMITA | LOMITA, CA Our team provided engineering design services for the Walnut Street Water Main Replacement and Street Rehabilitation. The objective of the project is to replace and upsize 1,800-LF of aging water main and to rehab Walnut Street within the water main replacement project limit, including design of ADA curb ramps. The project was originally designed by another firm and then revived several years later after the City obtained the funds necessary to complete construction. Services included reviewing and revising the existing plans, specifications and cost estimates. Design services included utility research, constructability review, and obtaining the required Caltrans encroachment permit for the water main connection. DATES: FEBRUARY 2017-DECEMBER 2017 KEY PERSONNEL: KHANH NGUYEN, VANESSA PANETO CORRYNE AND SLAUSON AREA MAIN REPLACEMENTS GOLDEN STATE WATER COMPANY | CULVER CITY, CA Our team provided engineering design services for water line improvements for GSWC in its Culver City Water System, located in Los Angeles County. The design consisted of replacing and abandoning 1,600 LF of undersized pipe with 8-inch and 12-inch PVC, connections to existing mains, and replacement of existing fire hydrants and water services. The project was located in the public right-of-way (ROW) along with a portion in the Caltrans ROW. Significant coordination with Caltrans took place throughout the project, as a section was located under the freeway overpass. Our team also created in-house traffic control plans and obtained a Caltrans Encroachment Permit. DATES: APRIL 2019-CURRENT KEY PERSONNEL: DAVID MAHER, KHANH NGUYEN, NHAN LY NON-POTABLE WATER MAIN EXPANSION CITY OF SANTA MONICA | SANTA MONICA, CA NV5 is currently providing engineering design services for the expansion of the city’s non-potable water main system at various locations citywide. The system currently consists of more than 26,000 LF of ductile iron pipe ranging in diameter from 4 inches to 12 inches. Our team is responsible for providing all PS&E, including construction drawings, documents, cost estimates, survey, utility research, construction bidding support, traffic control plans, and construction phase support services for this expansion. The project is being broken up into two phases. Phase 1 consists of the design of 1,400 LF of non-potable water pipe on 5th Street from Santa Monica Boulevard to Colorado Avenue. Phase 2 includes the connection of the existing non-potable water main running along Olympic Boulevard to the City Yards (2500 Michigan Avenue). Non-Potable Water Main Expansion | City of Santa Monica Walnut Street Water Main Replacement | City of Lomita City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 5140 QUALIFICATIONS + EXPERIENCE KEY STAFF QUALIFICATIONS Name/Office Location Role Years Education, Certifications & Licenses David Maher, PE, QSD/QSP Irvine, CA Project Manager 14 B.S. Civil Engineering Civil Engineer (CA) No. 86136 Qualified SWPPP Developer/Practitioner Luanne Bean, PE Irvine, CA QA/QC Manager 30 M.S. Civil Engineering B.S. Civil Engineering Civil Engineer (CA) No. 50129 FEMA OPS - I HAZMAT First Responder/Operations Level DOT Offers of Bulk and Non-Bulk HAZMAT Packages Nuclear Waste Safety for Workers Vanessa Paneto, PE Irvine, CA Project Engineer/ Designer 4 M.S. Civil Engineering B.S. Civil Engineering Civil Engineer (CA) No. 91559 Khanh Nguyen Irvine, CA Project Engineer/ Designer 17 B.S. Civil Engineering Nhan Ly Irvine, CA Project Engineer/ Designer 5 B.S. Civil Engineering OCTA Certified: Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Distress Training OCTA Certified: Asphalt Concrete (AC) Distress Training Pete Golding, PLS San Diego, CA Survey 45 B.A. Mathematics Professional Land Surveyor (CA) No. 4768 James Nicolau IV, PLS Irvine, CA Survey 14 Professional Land Surveyor (CA) No. 9238 Envision Sustainability Professional/Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure Tom Holm, AICP Santa Ana, CA Environmental 35 M.A. Urban and Regional Planning B.A. Political Science American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Alfredo Aguirre, AICP Santa Ana, CA Environmental 10 B.S. Urban and Regional Planning American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Seth Myers Santa Ana, CA Environmental 14 B.A. Environmental Studies and Planning City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 6141 PROJECT APPROACH PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The City of Rolling Hills evaluated the feasibility of connecting a portion of the City to a nearby existing wastewater conveyance system. Based on the sewer feasibility study, it is recommended to install a new 8” sewer main along Portuguese Bend Road and upgrade existing sewer main along Rolling Hills Road to a 10” and 12” sewer main prior to connecting to the Los Angeles County Trunk line. The new sewer extension will serve the City Hall, a Tennis Court Site and upstream properties. NV5 will note the recommendations expressed by Wildan in the Sewer Feasibility Study and make recommendations as discovered during the design process. SCOPE OF WORK The NV5 team has the size, depth and experience to commit the necessary personnel to meet your schedules and deadlines. The scope of work includes the preparation of plans, specifications, engineer’s estimate of probable construction cost and bid support services for the installation of the new gravity sewer line. We are represented by highly experienced professionals who have proven track records managing public works projects. Our professional engineering design services for this project will include all services as listed in the Request for Proposal (RFP) including but not limited to the following: 1. Project Management and Administration 1.1 Meetings We have included sufficient time and budget in our proposal to manage the project from start to finish including progress, budget and schedule oversight for in-house and sub consultant work. Our tasks for project management and administration include: • Following the notice to proceed, NV5 will schedule and attend a kick-off meeting with City staff to initiate the project; establish lines of communication; review and refine, if needed, the project scope of work and schedule; establish design guidelines; discuss project parameters and constraints; and obtain background information. • Participate in meeting(s) with City staff to discuss the project objectives and attend City Council meeting to answer any questions. Expected meetings listed below. ○Scoping/Kick 0ff (2) ○Utility (2) ○Stakeholders (2) ○City Council (2) ○Design Review with Staff (2) 1.2. CEQA Process Overview Our subconsultant ,ECORP, will prepare a technical memorandum that specifically addresses the feasibility of pursuing the following CEQA processes and determinations for the project – CEQA Statutory Exemption; or CEQA Categorical Exemption; or CEQA Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND). Considerations associated with each approach are briefly described as follows. Statutory Exemption Using the Project information provided by the City, our team will determine if the Project fits the requirements for a statutory exemption. A preliminary review of the Project indicates that the Sewer Main Improvement project may qualify for a Statutory Exemption in accordance with Section 15282(k) of the CEQA Guidelines. This exemption allows for installation of new pipeline or the maintenance, repair, restoration, reconditioning, relocation, replacement, removal, or demolition of an existing pipeline within a public street or highway or any other public right-of-way as long as the project does not exceed one mile in length. There are no CEQA exceptions to review for a Statutory Exemption. Environmental process issues and feasibility of this approach will be addressed in the memorandum. Categorical Exemption (CE) Our team will review the list of Categorical Exemptions (CE) in CEQA §15300 to 15332 to determine if the Project fits any of the requirements for a CE. The technical memorandum will address the CE Exceptions (§15300.2) for CE Classes where these exceptions apply. Environmental considerations, the potential need for any supporting technical studies, and feasibility of this approach will be discussed in the memorandum. Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) Our team’s technical memorandum will evaluate any project environmental issues and process considerations that would require preparation of a CEQA IS/MND. Environmental issues, provisions for public comment, process schedule, and potential need and advantages of this type of CEQA document in support of future grant funding applications, are among the issues to be considered. Deliverable: Our team will submit the CEQA Process Overview and meet with the project team and City to discuss findings and recommendations. Should a determination be made that a CEQA IS/MND is needed, our team will initiate this process with preparation of the Initial Study (Task 8). City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 7142 PROJECT APPROACH 1.3. Utility Research NV5 will research and review available records and utilities, and confirm all known underground and overhead utilities on the project base map. The plans and specifications will require the Contractor to pothole locations where conflicts may occur, and those potential locations will be clearly identified on the plans. 1.4. Project Schedule Records NV5 will develop and maintain a project schedule for approval based on the City approval process and grant restrictions if applicable. 1.5. Research, Survey, and Base map Preparation • Perform field reconnaissance to inspect, photograph and make field notes to document the existing site and surrounding environment and become familiar with project conditions, limitations and possibilities. • Research and review existing plans. The City will provide existing plans if available. We will research the City’s records to obtain all available as-built improvement plans and record drawings, water and sewer atlas maps, sewer feasibility study, parcel maps, right-of-way data, address/business lists, reports, sample specifications and contract documents and any other information pertinent to the project. Collection of data will also include contact and coordination with public and private agencies that have utilities or facilities in the vicinity of the project area to obtain their records and requirements. • NV5 will provide a base map for the sewer main realignment project. ○The base map will include aerial photogrammetry for preparation of the base construction drawings. ○The base map will include all manholes, water valves, utility vaults, power poles, and other visible facilities. These will all be identified on the map. ○NV5 will prepare base construction drawings on 24”x36” sheets with a standard City title block, using AutoCAD format. The plan and profile sheet(s) will be prepared at a horizontal scale of 1” = 40’ and a vertical scale of 1” =4’. ○The base construction drawings will include the standard signature block, sewer general notes, locations/sizes of all utilities, locations of buried infrastructure, above ground improvements, easements, property lines, rights-of-way, property addresses and pertinent survey data. 2. Design (Plans Specifications and Cost Estimate) The construction plans will be prepared to conform to the general requirements of the City with consideration for the needs of the contractor’s construction operations. NV5 will deliver completed and approved construction drawings on or ahead of the project schedule. All plans will be prepared and submitted considering value engineering and in a manner that ensures a complete design approved by the City with assumed three (4) plan checks during the submittals (65%, 90% and 100% and Final). The construction drawings will conform to the appropriate applicable standards and as approved by the City. We will meet with the City to discuss and review comments before proceeding to prepare the next step plans. NV5 will process the plans through the City and other agencies for approval. Construction plans will include plan and profile sheets for the new and all details necessary for the construction of the proposed facilities. Plans will be prepared in the latest version of AutoCAD and using City’s drafting standards. Each plan sheet shall be on the standard 24-inch by 36- inch sheet size. Plan and profile sheets will be scaled at 1-inch equals 40-feet horizontal A. It is anticipated that the design plans will include the following 9 plan sheets: SHEET TITLE T-1 Title Sheet G-1 General Notes, Legend, Abbreviations, Basis of Bearings C-1-5(5 Sheets)Rolling Hills Road Sewer – Plan & Profile C-6-8(2 Sheets)Details Deliverables: NV5 will submit the following deliverables: 1. Mylar Plots 2. Record Drawings NV5 will prepare record drawings for the 8-inch Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road installation. We will incorporate field as-built information provided by the City. 3. Specifications NV5 will prepare Project Specifications at 65%, 90%, 100% and Final submittal: The specifications will conform with the current Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook). The Specifications will provide the required permits, standards and reference materials. City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 8143 PROJECT APPROACH 4. Cost Estimate NV5 will prepare an engineer’s construction estimate for the designed Project at the 65% submittal and 100% submittal. 5. Permitting and Regulations NV5 will prepare all necessary documents and will apply for encroachment permits with the Cities of Rolling Hills Estates, Torrance and Los Angeles County in order to install the proposed sewer line within their respective areas. NV5 will coordinate the connection fee payment to the California Health and Safety Code in order to discharge into LA County’s Palos Verdes North Slope Relief Trunk Sewer Section 1. We will meet with these agencies and will address their comments as necessary to obtain required permits. Permit documents and approvals will be included as an appendix to the contract documents. 6. Bid Support We will provide bidding assistance including responding to RFI’s and RFC’s, and provide sketches for clarification if needed. 7. Construction Support Services The NV5 team will be available to attend the preconstruction meeting and other meetings with staff, agencies, and the public as required. We will also review the Contractor’s submittals for conformance with contractor documents and respond to Requests for Information. We will also be available to clarify design related issues at all times and obtain necessary permits from affected agencies and utility companies. 8. Level of CEQA Service (Optional) Pending results of the CEQA Process Review (Task 1.2), an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration may be required to support CEQA approvals. CEQA Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/ MND): The CEQA IS would be prepared using the approved checklist format from the City or most recent revisions to Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines. Our team will prepare a description of the project including the location of the project area; a brief description of the environmental setting; an identification of environmental effects using the above-referenced checklist format; substantial evidence to support the checklist entries; and a list of references and preparers. A Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment and technical assessments for Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Noise and Vibration are proposed. Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment: A Phase l Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) will be performed for the subject site in accordance with the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental site Assessments Designation E 1527-13. The ESA report will provide a discussion of any identified recognized environmental conditions (RECs) and areas of concern. Indications of prior releases of hazardous substances will be obtained via multiple sources including but not limited to: regulatory agency database searches, agency file searches, interviews with personnel familiar with current and past land use practices, review of aerial photographs, and a site reconnaissance. Assessments for prior releases of hazardous substances will also be made for adjacent and/ or nearby properties. Deliverables: • Draft/Final Technical Studies • Administrative Draft IS/MND • Public Review Draft IS/MND • CEQA Notices • Final IS/MND & MMRP CEQA Schedule TASK/ACTIVITY TIME FRAME FOR COMPLETION CEQA Project Kickoff/AB 52 Tribal Notification(s) by City NTP/CEQA Project Kickoff Admin Draft IS/MND No later than 5 weeks from 65% Design Plans City Review 2 weeks Close of AB 52 Tribal Resources Consultation Prior to Draft IS/MND publication Draft IS/MND 1 week Notice of Intent/ Notice of Completion With Draft IS/MND Agency/Public Review 30 calendar days Final IS/MND (includes Responses to Comments) 2 weeks City Review 1 week Notice of Determination Filed with the Los Angeles County Clerk Recorder within 5 days of MND adoption City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 9144 ORGANIZATION CHART Our team of experts brings direct, relevant, successful and current experience working on projects of similar scope and complexity. We are equipped with the resources to provide the City with the requested engineering services. Shown below are team roles and responsibilities. PROJECT ENGINEERS/DESIGNERS Vanessa Paneto, PE Khanh Nguyen Nhan Ly SURVEY Pete Golding, PLS James Nicolau IV, PLS PROJECT MANAGER David Maher, PE, QSD/QSP ENVIRONMENTAL *ECORP CONSULTING Tom Holm, AICP Alfredo Aguirre, AICP Seth Myers * SUBCONSULTANT PROPOSED PERSONNEL DIRECTOR OF INFRASTRUCTURE Jeffrey M. Cooper, PE QA/QC MANAGER Luanne Bean, PE City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 10145 Non-Potable Water Main Expansion CITY OF SANTA MONICA | SANTA MONICA, CA Project Manager. Mr. Maher is responsible for preparation of plans, specifications, cost estimates, and oversight for the expansion of the city’s non-potable water main system at various locations citywide. The system currently consists of more than 26,000 LF of ductile iron pipe, ranging in diameter from 4 inches to 12 inches. Our team is responsible for providing all PS&E, including construction drawings, documents, cost estimates, survey, utility research, construction bidding support, traffic control plans, and construction phase support services for this expansion. Cerritos Avenue & South Street Water Main Replacement CITY OF ANAHEIM | ANAHEIM, CA Project Manager. Mr. Maher is managing the team preparing the plans, specifications and cost estimates for the installation of new water mains at Cerritos Avenue and South Street. The project includes replacing existing 10-inch Cast Iron Pipe (CIP) and 6-inch Asbestos-Cement Pipe (ACP) with approximately 2,700 LF of new 12-inch Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) from Brookhurst Street to Nutwood Street with four tie-in connections to existing water mains; replacing existing 8-inch CIP with approximately 350 LF of new 12-inch DIP from Disneyland Drive to Hazelwood Street with three tie-in connections to existing water mains; installing nine 12-inch gate valves and four fire hydrant assemblies on the new 12-inch mains; disconnecting and removing four hydrants on the existing mains; and replacing all existing lateral domestic water services on the existing 8- and 10-inch CIP and 6-inch ACP with new services on the 12-inch DIP. Walnut Street Water Main Replacement and Street Rehabilitation CITY OF LOMITA | LOMITA, CA Project Manager. Mr. Maher provided engineering design services for the Walnut Street Water Main Replacement and Street Rehabilitation. The project was originally designed by another firm and then revived several years later after the City obtained the funds necessary to complete construction. Services included reviewing and revising the existing plans, specifications and cost estimates, including conducting utility investigation, constructability review, and obtaining the required Caltrans encroachment permit for the water main connection. Project Experience PROPOSED PERSONNEL EXPERIENCE 14 years EDUCATION B.S. Civil Engineering LICENSES/CERTIFICATES Civil Engineer (CA) No. 86136 Qualified SWPPP Developer Qualified SWPPP Practitioner CONTACT INFO david.maher@nv5.com Mr. Maher has more than 14 years of experience with various capital improvement and utility projects. His qualifications include designing various water and wastewater projects, including mechanical, structural, civil elements utilizing CAD software, and project coordination. He has both design and construction management experience with projects, such as sewage treatment plants that included several types of buildings like above-ground and underground concrete tanks, precast concrete manholes, retaining walls, administration buildings, and tankers discharge facilities. He has extensive real-world knowledge in the fields of construction superintendent experience, project cost control, subcontracts management, scheduling and cost estimation, plan checking, and permit coordination. DAVID MAHER, PE, QSD/QSP Project Manager City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 11146 PROPOSED PERSONNEL Flower Street, 17th Street & Greenleaf Street Sewer Main Improvements CITY OF SANTA ANA | SANTA ANA, CA Project Manager. Mr. Maher oversaw the team that provided engineering design services for the Flower Street, 17th Street and Greenleaf Street Sewer Main Improvements project. The project consists of replacing approximately 4,500 LF of existing sewer pipe, related laterals and manholes. Pipe diameters range from 8 inches to 15 inches. Existing sewer laterals will be replaced to the edge of the right-of-way to each property line. Services include preparation of plans, specifications and cost estimates, topographic survey and utility research/investigation. Grandview Pump Station CITY OF GLENDALE DEPARTMENT OF WATER & POWER | GLENDALE, CA Project Manager. Mr. Maher is leading the team providing engineering services for design and construction support of the Grandview Pump Station Replacement. Our team is preparing plans, specifications and cost estimate for the removal and replacement of the existing Pump and Motor No. 2 with a new pump and motor. Grandview Pump Station is more than 70 years old and pumps about 25 percent of the City’s water supply. The main goal of the project is to increase the reliability and efficiency of the facility by replacing the 72-year-old Pump No. 2, which continues to experience failures. In addition, NV5 is coordinating with the City’s SCADA integrator to ensure all modifications during the design will be in line with the City’s control system. Leahy Avenue Well Drilling and Equipping BELLFLOWER SOMERSET MUTUAL WATER COMPANY | BELLFLOWER, CA Project Manager. Mr. Maher is managing our team’s civil and mechanical engineering design and technical specifications for the abandonment of an existing well and equipping of a new high-capacity groundwater well, located on BSMWC’s property at 14740 Leahy Avenue. The well equipping design is coordinated with the new well drilling and pump test data provided by Geoscience Services. North Bay Intake Pump Station Replacement LAKE ARROWHEAD COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT | LAKE ARROWHEAD, CA Project Engineer. The project included an onshore pump station, 20-inch CML discharge water pipeline, 450 feet of 18-inch HDPE intake water pipeline, 220 feet of 12-inch HDPE overflow pipeline, three offshore pumps, restroom, and electrical building extension, site plan for new facilities, including grading, and demolition plans of existing facilities. Managed structural and electrical design coordination, utilities research, and dewatering during construction to existing sewer network using temporary duty and standby pumps, and high-line pipeline. The project included an onshore pump station concrete building that consists of a wet well floor, second floor for three 1,300-gpm pumps and surge tank, roof floor and stairs; a restroom building that complies with ADA requirements; and mechanical plans and sections. Construction management included reviewing and approving submittals and construction schedule, answering RFIs, reviewing change orders, progress meeting and site visits. Mr. Maher also provided construction support services. Equipping Well No. 240 / Well No. 205 Replacement RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT | TEMECULA, CA Project Engineer. The project included demolition of existing Well No. 205, site plan and equipping for new Well No. 240 facilities. Design elements for the 1,800-gpm vertical turbine wellhead included pump and motor pedestal; on-site sodium hypochlorite generation (OSG) system; MCC; electrical design and power coordination with SCE; 12-inch CML&C discharge piping, and a 6-inch pump to waste and high-pressure control piping; wellhead product water lubrication system; and chemical feed line and connections. Murrieta Road Booster Pump Station Replacement EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT | MURRIETA, CA Mechanical Design Engineer. The project included a replacement of an existing pump station; preparing a study for best options to operate the existing pump station while constructing the new station; relocation of existing bypass piping; new facility discharge piping, including pump selection, bypass piping, fittings, valves and meters; chlorine and ammonia units; and chemical piping and injection points. City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 12147 California Avenue Sewer Main CITY OF CORONA | CORONA, CA Construction Manager. As part of the Arantine Hills Sewer projects, Ms. Bean oversaw the construction management and inspection services on the California Avenue Sewer Main project, which consisted of nearly 9,000 LF of sewer main up to 24 feet deep within the congested City streets. After initial potholing, some extensive field rework was required to fit the sewer line into the City streets due to unforeseen conflicts not originally shown on the plans. These conflicts were found during potholing and necessitated going back to the Department of Health for encroachment to the City’s potable water line with the new sewer construction. NV5 also has provided public outreach and full-time soils compaction testing for the cut-and-cover conventional trench and bore-and-jack construction through congested intersections. This project served the final completed run connecting the Arantine Hills Lift Station to the Arantine Hills Force Main through this gravity interceptor, allowing conveyance of the City’s sewer to its downtown treatment plant. Upon completion of the project, the City planned to abandon other lift stations and smaller, aging wastewater treatment plants. Long Beach Water Department Emergency Project LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT | LONG BEACH, CA Construction Manager. Ms. Bean oversaw the construction management and inspection services for the completion of an emergency project for the Long Beach Water Department. The project provided LBWD a connection to the Los Angeles County Sanitation District’s (LACSD) reclaimed water pipeline. While initially being constructed by a different contractor under the jurisdiction of LACSD, after construction was underway, LACSD’s Contractor abandoned the project and LBWD agreed to take over the work. Work involved construction of additional 25-foot-deep shoring within 5 feet of the operational LACSD operational plant. Managing high groundwater along with keeping the existing plant operational during construction were just a few of the important construction missions to accomplish. 15th Street and Cherry Avenue Sewer Replacement Project CITY OF LONG BEACH | LONG BEACH, CA Construction Manager. Ms. Bean was the Construction Manager for the replacement of 565 LF of 8-inch cement sewer to 12-inch VCP sewer, and the reconnection of the sewer laterals. Project Experience PROPOSED PERSONNEL EXPERIENCE 30 years EDUCATION M.S. Civil Engineering B.S. Civil Engineering LICENSES Civil Engineer (CA) No. 50129 REGISTRATIONS FEMA OPS - I HAZMAT First Responder/ Operations Level DOT Offers of Bulk and Non-Bulk HAZMAT Packages Nuclear Waste Safety for Workers CONTACT INFO luanne.bean@nv5.com Ms. Bean has more than 30 years of experience in the design and management of water and wastewater projects. Her technical skills include structural analysis and design, mechanical analysis, instrumentation and control, the preparation of plans, specifications and cost estimates, as well as construction management. She has held various positions with many public agencies, including the Long Beach Water Department, Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority, Indio Water Authority, Metropolitan Water District, and FEMA. Ms. Bean’s technical experience includes large- scale public works projects for capital improvement programs, including construction oversight, contract administration, document control, cost and schedule control, quality control, structural analysis, and design. LUANNE BEAN, PE QA/QC Manager City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 13148 Rolling Hills Sewer Connection Concept Design CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES | RANCHO PALOS VERDES AND ROLLING HILLS, CA Assistant Engineer. Ms. Paneto is assisting the team contracted by the City of Rancho Palos Verdes to explore the feasibility of providing sewer service to parcels adjacent to the Portuguese Bend area of the City of Rolling Hills who are currently utilizing on-site septic disposal systems for wastewater disposal. Our team is evaluating the concept of a sewer connection to include required conveyance and pumping facilities to provide discharge of wastewater generated in portions of Rolling Hills’ tributary to the existing Rancho Palos Verdes’ collection system. General requirements for sewer facility implementation will be identified, and an opinion of total construction and project costs will be prepared. Union Avenue Sewer Lateral Rerouting CITY OF WHITTIER | WHITTIER, CA Associate Engineer. Ms. Paneto assisted in developing plans, specifications and estimates for the replacement of an existing 85-year-old 6-inch water main that runs in Union Avenue from Philadelphia Street to Penn Street along Pierce Avenue. Due to its inaccessibility because of development of the area, the improvements would relocate the sewer main to a more accessible location along with manholes. New mains are to be designed with 8-inch PVC sewer lines. Corryne and Slauson Area Main Replacements and Abandonment GOLDEN STATE WATER COMPANY | CULVER CITY, CA Assistant Engineer. Ms. Paneto assisted in the design and draft of plans for the replacing and abandoning of 1,600 LF of undersized and old 4-inch, 6-inch, and 10-inch cast iron water mains with 8-inch and 12-inch PVC in the public right-of-way (ROW). The purpose of this project is to improve water quality, increase fire flows, reduce maintenance costs, and improve system reliability within the GSWC service area. This project is set to be constructed in five sequences. Palm Avenue Infrastructure Improvements CITY OF WHITTIER | WHITTIER, CA Associate Engineer. Ms. Paneto assisted in developing plans, specifications and estimates for replacement of an existing 85-year-old 6-inch water main, 8-inch sewer main with 8-inch SDR-35 sewer main and street reconstruction along Palm Avenue between Whittier Boulevard and Beverly Boulevard. This reach will replace approximately 5,000 LF of pipeline and street pavement. Project Experience PROPOSED PERSONNEL EXPERIENCE 4 years EDUCATION M.S. Civil Engineering B.S. Civil Engineering LICENSES Civil Engineer (CA) No. 91559 CONTACT INFO vanessa.paneto@nv5.com Ms. Paneto has more than four years of experience working on various civil engineering projects in Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Los Angeles counties, including several small- and large- scale water/wastewater capital improvement projects and utility undergrounding projects. She is proficient in AutoCAD and preparing hydrology, WQMP/LID, and SWPPP reports. Her professional and dedicated civil engineering experience stems from increasingly responsible positions within public agencies, including the City of San Juan Capistrano. VANESSA PANETO, PE Project Engineer/Designer City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 14149 Flower Street, 17th Street & Greenleaf Street Sewer Main Improvements CITY OF SANTA ANA | SANTA ANA, CA Design Engineer. Mr. Nguyen provided engineering design services for the Flower Street, 17th Street and Greenleaf Street Sewer Main Improvements project. The project consists of replacing approximately 4,500 LF of existing sewer pipe, related laterals and manholes. Pipe diameters range from 8 inches to 15 inches. Existing sewer laterals will be replaced to the edge of the right-of-way to each property line. Services include preparation of plans, specifications and cost estimates, topographic survey and utility research/investigation. Non-Potable Water Main Expansion CITY OF SANTA MONICA | SANTA MONICA, CA Design Engineer. Mr. Nguyen is providing engineering design services for the expansion of the city’s non-potable water main system at various locations citywide. The system currently consists of more than 26,000 LF of ductile iron pipe, ranging in diameter from 4 inches to 12 inches. Our team is responsible for providing all PS&E, including construction drawings, documents, cost estimates, survey, utility research, construction bidding support, traffic control plans, and construction phase support services for this expansion. Palm Avenue Infrastructure Improvements CITY OF WHITTIER | WHITTIER, CA Design Engineer. Mr. Nguyen designed/drafted plans and specifications for replacement of an existing 85-year-old 6-inch water main, 8-inch sewer main with 8-inch SDR-35 sewer main and street reconstruction, along Palm Avenue between Whittier Boulevard and Beverly Boulevard. This reach will replace approximately 5,000 LF of pipeline and street pavement. Corryne and Slauson Area Main Replacements and Abandonment GOLDEN STATE WATER COMPANY | CULVER CITY, CA Design Engineer. Mr. Nguyen designed/drafted plans for the replacing and abandoning of 1,600 LF of undersized and old 4-inch, 6-inch, and 10-inch cast iron water mains with 8-inch and 12-inch PVC in the public right of way (ROW). The purpose of this project is to improve water quality, increase fire flows, reduce maintenance costs, and improve system reliability within the GSWC service area. This project is set to be constructed in five sequences. Project Experience Mr. Nguyen has more than 17 years of project engineering and management experience in water, wastewater and civil engineering. As a staff engineer, his work includes preparing construction design reports, engineering plans and specifications for water and recycled water pipelines design, street and storm drain planning and design, grading and earthwork calculation using AutoCAD Civil 3D, reservoir rehabilitations, pump facilities, hydraulic analysis, and water and wastewater facilities planning. His pipeline design projects include pipeline alignments and profiles for domestic water, reclaimed water and sewer lines. PROPOSED PERSONNEL CONTACT INFO khanh.nguyen@nv5.com EXPERIENCE 17 years EDUCATION B.S. Civil Engineering KHANH NGUYEN Project Engineer/Designer City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 15150 Abalone Cove Lift Station Improvements CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES | RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CA Assistant Engineer. Mr. Ly is assisting the team providing engineering design services for the Abalone Cove Sewer System Improvements project. The sewer includes four lift stations. The two larger lift stations (Sweetbay/Altimira and Abalone Cove) have been converted to allow the use of 3-phase electrical power for the duplex 10-HP pumps and the two smaller lift stations (Thyme and Sweetbay East) currently operate using the originally installed electrical system, which provides single-phase power to the duplex 7½-HP pumps. Improvements will include improving the condition and capacity needs of the four lift stations. Our team is responsible for providing all plans, specifications, and estimates including lift station mechanical and electrical upgrades and details, SCADA alarm notification equipment detection, construction schedule, engineers estimate of probable cost and plan review meetings after each submittal. Non-Potable Water Main Expansion CITY OF SANTA MONICA | SANTA MONICA, CA Assistant Engineer. Mr. Ly is assisting the team providing engineering design services for the expansion of the city’s non-potable water main system at various locations citywide. The system currently consists of more than 26,000 LF of ductile iron pipe, ranging in diameter from 4 inches to 12 inches. Our team is responsible for providing all PS&E, including construction drawings, documents, cost estimates, survey, utility research, construction bidding support, traffic control plans, and construction phase support services for this expansion. Walnut Street Water Main Replacement and Street Rehabilitation CITY OF LOMITA | LOMITA, CA Assistant Engineer. Mr. Ly is assisting the team providing engineering design services for the Walnut Street Water Main Replacement and Street Rehabilitation. The objective of the project is to replace and upsize 1,800-LF of aging water main, and to rehab Walnut street within the water main replacement project limit that include design of ADA curb ramps. The project was originally designed by another firm and then revived several years later after the City obtained the funds necessary to complete construction. Services included reviewing and revising the existing plans, specifications and cost estimates, Design services included including conducting utility research investigation, constructability review, and obtaining the required Caltrans encroachment permit for the water main connection. He is currently providing construction support services on the project. Project Experience PROPOSED PERSONNEL EXPERIENCE 5 years EDUCATION B.S. Civil Engineering LICENSES/CERTIFICATES OCTA Certified: Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Distress Training OCTA Certified: Asphalt Concrete (AC) Distress Training AFFILIATIONS American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) California Land Surveyors Association (CLSA) CONTACT INFO nhan.ly@nv5.com Mr. Ly has more than five years of experience working on various civil/electrical engineering projects throughout California. His professional experience includes preparing construction plans, design services, and cost estimates for various projects. He is proficient in AutoCAD, MicroStations, GIS, Ed Web Viewer, FAA, FFE/EES, SAP, Osmose O-Calc, JPA, and ProjectWise technical software. Mr. Ly is also fluent in Vietnamese and possesses strong management and leadership skills. NHAN LY Project Engineer/Designer City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 16151 PROPOSED PERSONNEL Tom Holm, AICP Senior Environmental Planner/Project Manager Mr. Holm offers over 35 years of diverse group management and environmental planning experience on a variety of environmental, natural resource and regulatory compliance projects. He has been actively involved in broad-based NEPA and CEQA-related projects throughout Southern and Central California including transportation corridors and highways, major public works and infrastructure, large master - planned communities, and water resources projects. Education/Certifications M.A., Urban and Regional Planning, University of California, Los Angeles B.A., Political Science, University of California, Irvine American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Professional Experience Septic to Sewer Project for Multiple Streets in a Residential Area, Orange County – City of Santa Ana as a Sub to Huitt-Zollars. Project Manager. The project proposed installing sewer mains and laterals and transferring existing residences and business from septic systems to the City’s sewer system in the Pasadena Street/Medford Avenue/Deodar Street and Ponderosa Street neighborhoods previously unserved by the City. Prepared a draft CEQA Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, supported by Air Quality/Greenhouse Gases, Noise and Phase 1 Environmental Assessments for the Project. The CEQA document was prepared to support a grant application for state funding for sewer improvements. San Juan Creek Property, Orange County – South Coast Water District. EIR. Managed feasibility studies, Concept Master Plan development and certified Program EIR for SCWD’s 30.5-acre property in the Capistrano Beach district in the City of Dana Point. The EIR consolidated and updated all previous plans and environmental documentation in order to evaluate impacts of long-range master plan alternatives for the phased, integrated development of District facilities, commercial uses and open space. Victoria Wastewater Treatment Plant, Orange County – South Coast Water District. Project Director. Supervised an MND to support demolition and removal of the Victoria WWTP at the District’s Capistrano Beach property. Open Reservoir Water Quality Improvement Program Environmental Review, Los Angeles County – City of Los Angeles. CEQA/NEPA Review Team Lead. Performed review of environmental databases, technical studies, and EIR sections for LADWP, the Mediation Institute and member homeowner associations of the Coalition to Preserve Open Reservoir (CPOR). Projects included the Hollywood Water Quality Improvement Project EIR, the Stone Canyon Reservoir Water Quality Improvement Project EIR, and Rowena Reservoir Expanded IS/MND. Work included adequacy reviews of technical studies and EIR sections prepared by Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, and CEQA training workshops for LADWP staff and CPOR. City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 17152 PROPOSED PERSONNEL Alfredo Aguirre, AICP Senior Environmental Planner Mr. Aguirre’s professional experience involves California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis and document preparation for government agencies and private clients. He has prepared a variety of environmental documents, including Initial Studies (IS), Negative Declarations, Mitigated Negative Declarations (MNDs), Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs), Environmental Assessments (EAs), and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS). His mix of skills in urban planning, environmental analysis, and GIS allow him to assist public agency and private clients with entitlement, environmental documentation, and permitting for development, infrastructure, recreation, and alternative energy projects throughout southern California. In addition to writing environmental reports, Mr. Aguirre also conducts biological field surveys and assists with the preparation of biological resource documents. Mr. Aguirre conducts general and focused biological surveys for listed and/or sensitive wildlife species in southern California. He has experience conducting focused surveys for desert tortoise and burrowing owl and conducting jurisdictional delineations. He has also conducted biological monitoring for construction projects where he works with construction crews to avoid sensitive vegetation communities and wildlife resources. Mr. Aguirre has experience in the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as an analysis tool for environmental studies. He has experience in the use of ESRIs ArcGIS software. Mr. Aguirre also has experience in the collection of field data with survey grade global positioning system (GPS) units including Trimble GeoXTs, Junos, and Yumas. Education/Certifications B.S., Urban and Regional Planning, with a minor in Geogr aphic Information Systems, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), June 2016, Certified Planner Number: 028966 Professional Experience East Side Dike Improvement Project, Phase 1, Riverside County – Coachella Valley Water District. Project Manager that prepared CEQA documentation and oversaw regulatory permitting for the Project. Moreno Master Drainage Plan Line H-2 Interim Drain Project, Riverside County – City of Moreno Valley. Project Manager that prepared CEQA documentation and oversaw regulatory permitting for the Project. Environmental Permitting and CEQA Document Processing Services, Multiple Counties – Golden State Water Company. CEQA Task Lead. Provided CEQA analysis and document preparation to assist the GSWC with environmental permitting for water supply and other projects throughout GSWC’s service areas. The State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water, served as lead agency for most of the projects. Project types included new and replacement of water tanks, water supply wells , and treatment plants. City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 18153 PROPOSED PERSONNEL Seth Myers Senior Air Quality/GHG/Noise Analyst With 14 years of experience as an environmental planner and air quality/noise analyst, Mr. Myers is involved in the preparation of a full range of CEQA and NEPA environmental compliance and review documents including environmental impact reports. He has extensive expertise conducting air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, and noise analyses and has a comprehensive working knowledge of the associated regulatory environment. He is proficient in the use of CalEEMod, EMFAC2017, AERMOD, SoundPLAN, the Roadway Construction Model, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model, and other industry standard emissions and noise modeling tools. In addition, Mr. Myers prepares implementation documents and programs such as zoning ordin ance updates, design review programs, and planning program guidelines. As a certified arborist (ISA #WE -7501A), Mr. Myers also provides landscape and irrigation plan review for development and public works projects and performs hazardous tree assessments. Education B.A., Environmental Studies and Planning (Minor in Biology), Sonoma State University Professional Experience Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Project, Amador County – City of Jackson. Analyzed the environmental issue topics of air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, and cultural resources in this EIR. This Project consisted of improvements to the City’s wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and changes to the associated discharge practices to comply with more stringent waste discharge requirem ents issued by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. The City proposed to improve the WWTP (including wastewater treatment processes and effluent disposal methods) to meet the City’s existing and future needs within the limits of the permitted capacity of the existing WWTP. A key issue involved improving the City’s wastewater effluent quality and disposal method in a manner that protects the existing beneficial uses of Jackson Creek and Lake Amador. Ebbetts Pass Project, Calaveras County – Calaveras County Water District. The Calaveras County Water District (CCWD) proposed approximately 24,500 lineal feet of new water pipeline, hydrants, blow -off valves, and main line valves to replace existing facilities constructed in 1965. The existin g Ebbetts Pass Reach 1 pipeline is predominately located within Caltrans SR-4 right-of-way (ROW) and the replacement pipeline will also be placed within the SR-4 ROW and constructed as close as practical to the existing pipeline, which is primarily located past edge of pavement within the south shoulder. Septic to Sewer Project, Orange County – City of Santa Ana. Analyzed the potential emissions and noise-related effect of installing sewer mains and lateral connecters to transfer existing residences and businesses currently employing the use of septic systems to the City’s sewer systems. The Project site encompasses 635 linear feet entirely within the public right -of-way. City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 19154 PROPOSED PERSONNEL Project Experience Camel Point Water Line SOUTH COAST WATER DISTRICT | DANA POINT, CA Survey Manager. Mr. Golding served as the Survey Manager for the topographic survey of Camel Point Drive for the South Coast Water District project to replace an aging water line. Beverly Hills Water Treatment Plant CITY OF BEVERLY HILLS | BEVERLY HILLS, CA Mr. Golding was responsible for providing a detailed topographic survey of two blocks of City streets. A photogrammetric survey was performed, then augmented with field shots using GPS, a conventional total station and a survey level. Driveways and other private improvements were critical components of this survey. Boundary surveying also was performed in order to accurately determine the right-of-way limits of the street. Citrus Avenue Street Improvements CITY OF IMPERIAL BEACH | IMPERIAL BEACH, CA Survey Manager. Mr. Golding was responsible for providing a detailed topographic survey of two blocks of City streets. A photogrammetric survey was performed, then augmented with field shots using GPS, a conventional total station, and a survey level. Driveways and other private improvements were critical components of this survey. Boundary surveying also was performed in order to accurately determine the right-of- way limits of the street. MacKinnon Avenue Improvements CITY OF ENCINITAS | ENCINITAS, CA Survey Manager. Mr. Golding provided a detailed topographic survey of streets in the vicinity of a vehicular bridge over I-5. The survey was a combination of data derived using GPS equipment, as well as a conventional total station. Boundary surveying was performed in order to accurately determine the right-of-way limits of the street. Survey boundary monuments were destroyed (obliterated, not lost) during the construction of the project and were subsequently replaced. He was also responsible for the construction staking of the new improvements. CONTACT INFO pete.golding@nv5.com EXPERIENCE 45 years EDUCATION B.A. Mathematics LICENSES Professional Land Surveyor (CA) No. 4768 (exp. 3/31/2020) AFFILIATIONS Member, California Land Surveyors Association (CLSA) Member, International Right-of-Way Association Mr. Golding brings 45 years of experience that includes a wide variety of projects in both land development and public works projects. He has completed surveying projects in California, Nevada and Wisconsin, and his expertise includes hundreds of boundary retracements, many involving the Public Land Survey System, GPS surveying, map and ALTA production, and construction surveying. He has extensive office and field experience supporting his clients. He has prepared hundreds of plats and legal descriptions. He has prepared and been in responsible charge of many Parcel Maps, Final Maps and Records of Survey. He also has performed many topographic surveys by photogrammetric methods, as well as by field collection methods. PETE GOLDING, PLS Survey City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 20155 PROPOSED PERSONNEL JAMES NICOLAU IV, PLS Survey Mr. Nicolau is experienced in performing survey, mapping and design projects, including planimetric and topographic surveys, boundary and right-of-way mapping, land descriptions, and deed analysis. His experience includes design and as-built, architectural, utility, topographic, subdivision mapping, and right-of-way surveys. Being a second generation surveyor in Southern California with 14 years of Land Surveying, Project Management and Real Estate expertise in both the private and public sectors has given him the opportunity to be involved in some of San Diego’s highest-profile projects, including Petco Park, San Diego County Administration’s Waterfront Park, San Diego Gas & Electric’s joint venture with the Gas Company on the Pipeline Safety Enhancement Plan (PSEP), and Scripps Hospitals’ Proton Therapy Center, among many others. Project Experience Pacific Highlands Ranch Reclaimed Waterline CITY OF SAN DIEGO | SAN DIEGO, CA Project Surveyor who provided preliminary planning, alignment studies, aerial topography, final design, easement acquisitions, traffic engineering, construction surveying and construction management services for two miles of 30-inch to 12-inch recycled waterline within Carmel Valley Road and south across SR-56. One and a half miles of the pipeline is located within the existing Carmel Valley Road and included two crossings of SR-56. The project involved coordination with City and Caltrans staff, four connections within Caltrans right-of-way, Caltrans encroachment permits, and a pressure reducing station. On-Call Surveying PADRE DAM MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT | SAN DIEGO, CA Performed on more than 45 task orders involving surveying projects new and existing water facilities. The process for this on-call project was to receive a task order, review plans and prepare a detailed cost proposal. The proposal was then reviewed with Water District’s contract to insure all necessary tasks items and deliverables were clearly understood. Our field crews and supervisors worked closely with the Districts project team to efficiently perform all tasks and submitted documentation in the proper format as required. Tasks included cost estimating, design surveys, construction surveys, as-built surveys, and the preparation of plats and legal descriptions. San Vincente Dam Raise SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY | SAN DIEGO, CA Performed a detailed topographic as-built survey of the excavated abutments for a 117-foot dam raise of an existing 220-foot structure. Terrestrial laser scanning was used to collect surface detail not obtainable by using conventional methods, point clouds were registered to the project coordinate system and ASCII point data was extracted and delivered to the client. EXPERIENCE 14 Years EDUCATION Coursework/Surveying Courses - Cuyamaca Community College LICENSES/CERTIFICATES Professional Land Surveyor (CA) No. 9238 Envision Sustainability Professional/Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure AFFILIATIONS President of the California Land Surveyors Association, San Diego Chapter American Council of Engineering Companies, California California Association of Realtors National Society of Professional Surveyors CONTACT INFO james.nicolau@nv5.com City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 21156 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES Our design quality assurance program was developed bearing in mind an agency’s control over a project outcome decreases, and the cost of fixing a design problem increases exponentially over time, as shown below: A review of the graph above should show the obvious. The most effective quality assurance programs focus on activities at the beginning of the design effort rather than waiting to the end, when little budget still remains. To this end, our six-point Quality Assurance Program has been developed around the following imperatives. 1. Proactive listening to clients. The first step toward quality is to make a concerted effort to listen to people throughout your organization to gain a clear understanding of what you need and want. This requires: a. Researching in advance standards published on client websites or elsewhere to gain a thorough understanding of client expectations b. Directly asking managers, engineers, operators and other stakeholders throughout your organization what they need, want and expect in the delivered product c. Preparing and submitting opinions of probable cost at the earliest possible milestone, preferably the kickoff meeting, to assure budgets and expectations are compatible d. Documenting findings in meeting minutes or similar documents to provide clients with an opportunity to promptly correct or clarify misunderstandings 2. Utility and subsurface structure research. To design buried improvements, accurate location and plotting of utilities and substructures is critical. This requires: a. Obtaining record maps from utilities identified through inquiries to Underground Service Alert plus utilities, such as Caltrans or railroads, who do not subscribe to Underground Service Alert b. Critical review of record drawings to note possible existence of other buried facilities, including thrust blocks, vaults, and bridge piles, which rarely appear on record drawings c. Addressing comments received from Utilities after their review of preliminary plans showing record drawing information d. Field reconnaissance and plotting of locations of visible surface features, including manhole covers, valve covers, utility boxes, marking posts, pavement repair strips, and culvert end sections, which might indicate presence of other buried utilities 3. Constant learning. While our project teams bring together professional engineers with decades of experience, project team members are still encouraged to set aside time to improve skills and keep skills current. This includes participation in Greenbook committees as well as monthly review of changes to codes and standards, and updating standard templates used to produce engineering calculations, designs, specifications, and cost opinions. In addition, in-house training is encouraged to promote development of skills at all levels of design. 4. In-house specifications templates. To streamline production as well as to systematically document lessons learned in an accessible format, we maintain a library of approximately 600 standard specifications “test-driven” on hundreds of previous projects and reviewed by public agencies. Some of these were the basis for sections of the regional Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook). Most incorporate not only direct experience but indirect lessons learned by reverse- engineering other regional and agency standards. 5. In-house calculation and design checklist templates. To facilitate engineering thoroughness, standard calculation procedures documented in AWWA manuals and other engineering references have been automated through Excel spreadsheets to enable our engineers to promptly quantify safety factors against many engineering failure modes. The calculation templates also produce job-specific quality-control checklists we use to monitor conformance of Contract Documents to industry standards as well as your expectations. 6. Two-engineer rule. To bring a team approach to problem-solving and avoid the danger of blind spots, our engineering deliverables are reviewed by two licensed engineers to assure a second set of eyes reviews all work. City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 22157 CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES Elias Sassoon Public Works Director 310.544.5335 esassoon@rpvca.gov Relevant Project: Rolling Hills Sewer Connection Concept Design (January 2020-Current) Key Personnel: Jeff Cooper, Vanessa Paneto CITY OF SANTA MONICA Tom Shahbazi Project Manager 310.458.8721 Ext.2355 tom.shahbazi@smgov.net Relevant Project: Non-Potable Water Main Expansion (April 2019-Current) Key Personnel: David Maher, Khanh Nguyen, Nhan Ly CITY OF SANTA ANA Armando Fernandez Senior Civil Engineer 714.647.3316 afernandez@santa-ana.org Relevant Project: Flower Street, 17th Street and Greenleaf Street Sewer Main Improvements (March 2019-Current) Key Personnel: David Maher, Khanh Nguyen REFERENCES Provided below are references of clients for whom engineering services have been performed in the last five (5) years that are comparable in quality and scope to that specified in this RFP. REFERENCES City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 23158 SCHEDULE + SCHEDULE CONTROL ID Task NameDuration StartFinish1Notice to Proceed0 daysMon 8/3/20Mon 8/3/202Task 1 Project Management and Administration35 daysMon 8/3/20Fri 9/18/203Task 1.1 Project Kick- Off Meeting0 daysFri 8/7/20Fri 8/7/204 Task 1.2 CEQA Process Overview4 wksMon 8/10/20Fri 9/4/205Task 1.3 Utility Research4 wksMon 8/10/20Fri 9/4/206Task 1.4 Project Schedule Records6 wksMon 8/10/20Fri 9/18/207Task 1.5 Research, Survey, and Base map Preparation2 wksMon 8/3/20Fri 8/14/208Stakeholder Meeting1 dayFri 8/7/20Fri 8/7/209City Council Meeting1 dayWed 8/5/20Wed 8/5/2010Task 2 Design (Plans, Specfications and Cost Estimate)137 days?Mon 9/28/20Tue 4/6/2111Design Review with Staff1 dayMon 9/28/20Mon 9/28/201265% PS&E6 wksMon 9/28/20Fri 11/6/201365% City Review3 wksMon 11/9/20Fri 11/27/2014Design Review with Staff1 dayMon 11/30/20Mon 11/30/201590% PS&E5 wksTue 12/1/20Mon 1/4/211690% City Review3 wksTue 1/5/21Mon 1/25/2117100% PS&E 3 wksTue 1/26/21Mon 2/15/2118100% City Review3 wksTue 2/16/21Mon 3/8/2119Final PS&E1 day?Tue 3/9/21Tue 3/9/2120Permitting and Regulations12 wksTue 12/1/20Mon 2/22/2121Bid Support4 wksWed 3/10/21Tue 4/6/2122Task 3 Construction Phase90 daysTue 4/6/21Tue 8/10/2123Task 3.1 Pre-Construction Meeting0 daysTue 4/6/21Tue 4/6/2124Task 3.3 Construction Phase 16 wksWed 4/7/21Tue 7/27/2125Task 3.4 Provide "Project Record Drawing" 2 wksWed 7/28/21Tue 8/10/218/3 Notice to ProceedTask 1 Project Management and AdministrationTask 1 Project Management and Administration8/7 Task 1.1 Project Kick- Off Meeting8/10 Task 1.2 CEQA Process Overview8/10Task 1.3 Utility Research8/10Task 1.4 Project Schedule Records8/3 Task 1.5 Research, Survey, and Base map PreparationStakeholder Meeting8/5 City Council Meeting9/284/6Task 2 Design (Plans, Specfications and Cost Estimate)9/284/6Task 2 Design (Plans, Specfications and Cost Estimate)Design Review with Staff65% PS&E65% City Review3 wksDesign Review with Staff90% PS&E1/490% City Review 3 wks100% City Review 3 wksPermitting and Regulations2/22Bid Support4/68/10Task 3 Construction Phase4/6Task 3.3 Construction Phase 7/27Task 3.4 Provide "Project Record Drawing" 8/10JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctQtr 3, 2020Qtr 4, 2020Qtr 1, 2021Qtr 2, 2021Qtr 3, 2021CITY OF ROLLING HILLS8-INCH SEWER PORTUGUESE BEND PROJECTPROJECT SCHEDULECity of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 24159 SCHEDULE + SCHEDULE CONTROL WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE Upon issuance of a notice to proceed, our project manager will meet with team members to review the requirements, prepare a Work Breakdown Structure and make team assignments for maximum efficiency of resources. The detailed WBS will describe all of the work tasks necessary to complete the project. A master project schedule will be prepared following the WBS to show the relationship between tasks, the expected start date and duration for each item. This schedule will serve as a guide to conducting and monitoring the progress of the work and to assure projects are completed on time and within budget. To assure accurate monitoring and tracking of documents, revisions and progress, a document tracking and control system will be developed. NV5 will meet with the City’s project representatives regularly and maintain constant communication to assure successful and timely delivery of the project. Meeting minutes will be distributed within one week of the meeting, identifying actions, items, assignments and due dates. COST CONTROL We are able to continually review and evaluate a project’s cost through all project phases to enable informed and timely decision-making by our clients and the entire project team. Cost control techniques include: program budget analysis; value engineering; life-cycle cost analysis; and quantity-based estimating. This budget confirmation process starts in the earliest stages of the project, when design and engineering alternatives have the greatest potential impact on costs. Our design teams analyze client goals, technical requirements, alternative building concepts, construction costs and long-term operational costs to define the optimum scope within the budget, assuring long-term flexibility and value. SCHEDULE CONTROL The key to effective schedule control is to measure actual progress and compare it to planned progress on a regular basis and to take necessary corrective action immediately. We propose to supplement each major task as identified in the master project schedule with a supplemental schedule to keep careful track of where each individual component stands. We identify problems that may result from delays and readily provide the opportunity to modify the schedule, as required. This process assures the completion of your projects on schedule. MANAGING RESOURCES NV5 will meet with City project representatives regularly and remain in constant communication to assure successful and timely delivery of the project. Bi-weekly meeting agendas, if necessary, will be distributed at least two working days before each meeting. Meeting minutes will be distributed within one week of the meeting, identifying actions, items, assignments and due dates. Utilizing this technique will assure consistency in decisions and will provide a concise list of tasks to be accomplished by each participant and a specific time schedule to complete the task. Senior staff will meet with assigned project personnel regularly and remain in constant communication to assure successful and timely delivery of the project. Utilizing this technique will guarantee adequate technical support, thorough review and analysis of project issues, consistency in decisions and recommendations, and will provide a concise list of tasks to be accomplished by each team member and a specific time schedule to complete the task. This constant communication, in conjunction with in-person meetings, allows our staff to meet project milestones. INNOVATIVE AND SUCCESSFUL APPROACHES The NV5 team focuses on providing safe, cost-effective, reliable and sustainable improvements using innovative design and contracting techniques that meet the needs of the taxpayers, meet or exceed the minimum standards based on design improvements, and minimize impacts to adjacent properties and vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Our experienced engineering staff provides lower-cost or lower-impact alternatives in order to develop the least disruptive and least expensive designs. Our team utilizes the latest in civil engineering design software to facilitate timely, efficient and innovative engineering design solutions for our clients. We rely on a host of computer resources, which includes up-to-date, state-of-the-art technology that is in use today throughout the engineering industry. We make maximum use of PC- based CADD systems that allow for the storage of typical details, establish similarity of plan layouts, and enable rapid duplications for the efficient preparation of plan sheets. Our team also provides construction management for public works projects to several local agencies. We take our commitment to building innovative projects seriously, and will have our in-house construction management staff review plans and specifications for constructability. This is a good opportunity to obtain the view of those from the field and reduce potential difficulties that may be encountered during the construction of a project. City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 25160 FEE SCHEDULE/COST PROPOSAL FEE PROPOSAL The Fee Schedule/Cost Proposal is in a separately sealed envelope. City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 26161 City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 FEE SCHEDULE/COST PROPOSAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 A B CD E F G H I J M N O P Q HOURS $ HOURS $ HOURS $ HOURS $ HOURS $$ 1 Project Management and Administration 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 $0 1.1 Project Meetings and Coordination/Progress Report and Public Meetings 1 $175 6 $900 12 $1,440 4 $440 1 $90 24 $3,045 1.2 CEQA Process Overview 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 $3,825 0 $3,825 1.3 Utility Investigation and Coordination 0 $0 0 $0 2 $240 4 $440 1 $90 7 $770 1.4 Project Schedule Records 0 $0 2 $300 2 $240 0 $0 0 $0 4 $540 1.5 Research of Existing Information, Survey, Base Map Preparation 0 $0 2 $300 6 $720 16 $1,760 2 $180 $9,561 26 $12,521 Sub Total Task 1 1 $175 10 $1,500 22 $2,640 24 $2,640 4 $360 $13,386 61 $20,701 2 Final Design and Bid Documents 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 2.1 65% Submittal Package (PS&E)1 $175 4 $600 28 $3,360 48 $5,280 1 $90 82 $9,505 2.2 90% Submittal Package (PS&E)0 $0 2 $300 16 $1,920 36 $3,960 2 $180 56 $6,360 2.3 100% Submittal Package (PS&E)1 $175 2 $300 12 $1,440 24 $2,640 2 $180 41 $4,735 2.4 Final Submittal Package (PS&E)0 $0 2 $300 2 $240 6 $660 2 $180 12 $1,380 2.5 Permitting and Regulations 1 $175 4 $600 16 $1,920 6 $660 2 $180 29 $3,535 2.6 Bidding Support 1 $175 6 $900 0 $0 0 $0 1 $90 8 $1,165 Sub Total Task 2 4 $700 20 $3,000 74 $8,880 120 $13,200 10 $900 $0 191 $26,680 3 Construction Management 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 3.1 Construction Support 1 $175 8 $1,200 24 $2,880 8 $880 2 $180 43 $5,315 3.2 Record Drawing Preparation(As-Builts)0 $0 2 $300 0 $0 8 $880 0 $0 10 $1,180 Sub Total Task 3 1 $175 10 $1,500 24 $2,880 16 $1,760 2 $180 $0 281 $6,495 Miscellaneous Expenses $500 GRAND TOTAL 6 $1,050 40 $6,000 120 $14,400 160 $17,600 16 $1,440 $13,386 533 $54,376 1 Optional - CEQA IS/MND $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $26,820 0 $26,820 PROJECT ENGINEER PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT DIRECTOR - QA/QC $175 $150 $120 FEE PROPOSAL CITY OF ROLLING HILLS 8-INCH SEWER PORTUGUESE BEND/ROLLING HILLS ROAD INSTALLATION TASK / HOUR BREAKDOWN $90 TOTAL FEETOTAL HOURS SUB- CONSULTANTS/ EXPENSES CADD DESIGNER ADMINISTRATION Task NO. $110 162 163 COVER LETTER BACKGROUND PACE Background ................................................................................................................ 1 Subconsultants .................................................................................................................... 2 QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Project Team Organization ................................................................................................. 3 Personnel Qualifications .................................................................................................... 3 Project Experience .............................................................................................................. 4 PROJECT APPROACH Project Understanding ....................................................................................................... 6 Project Approach ................................................................................................................. 7 RESUMES ...................................................................................................................... 8 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES ... 27 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 28 SCHEDULE AND SCHEDULE CONTROL Schedule (Optional Tasks Not Shown) ........................................................................... 29 Schedule (Optional Tasks Shown) .................................................................................. 30 FEE SCHEDULE/COST PROPOSAL ............... separate sealed envelope Fee & Optional Scope of ServicesCONTENTS B711 | CITY OF ROLLING HILLS SEWER IMPROVEMENT PLANS - 8” SEWER MAIN ALONG PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD/ROLLING HILLS ROAD 164 July 13, 2020 Elaine Jeng, PE - City Engineer No. 2 Portuguese Bend Road - Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Dear Elaine, Thank you for the opportunity to provide our proposal to the City of Rolling Hills (City), and to offer our initial thoughts to design the first 2,000 feet of primary sewer collection main along Rolling Hills Road that will allow future expansion of a sewer collection network to systematically convert residences from their aging privately owned and maintained septic systems. We have studied and reviewed contents provided in your Request for Proposal (RFP). Your project involves multiple public agencies and stakeholders, so it will require multiple encroachment permits and approvals for pipeline and connections. Based on concept plans provided by the City, shoring is required since the sewer pipe trench can range between 8 feet to 12 feet. Rolling Hills Road typically is a narrow two lane roadway and the pipeline will need to be installed at two busy intersections, so traffic control planning will be a challenge. Based on the current construction trend, the construction cost (contractor portion alone) should range between $600,000 to $700,000, so this is a significant first investment step into a reliable sewer collection system. The PACE team is tasked to demonstrate our experience and knowledge to help the City to develop a comprehensive work plan to reduce risks from financial burden of construction change orders and delays that could impact local residents from this pipeline project. With that said, while we are able to provide engineering services per your requested scope of services that were divided into eight (8) tasks described in the RFP, and we included in our proposal several optional services under Task #8 with reputable subconsultants that we believe will complement PACE and stakeholders to achieve these important common objectives. With a combined 30 years of municipal / public agency experiences, with the most recent 17 years as the Principal Civil Engineer for the City of Huntington Beach, I offer technical expertise on engineering municipal water, wastewater, and recycled water infrastructure in both the design role and the project management role. I have read, understood, and agreed to all statements in this request for proposal and acknowledge receipt of all addendums/amendments as well as to the terms, conditions, and attachments referenced. We are excited to have the opportunity to demonstrate our capabilities to work with the City to complete wastewater infrastructure projects that we can all be proud of for years to come. Sincerely, Re: Professional Engineering Services Proposal for the City of Rolling Hills Sewer Improvement Plans 8” Sewer Main Along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road Duncan S. Lee, PE Principal, QA/QC Manager - Utilities Division mobile: (714) 553-6967 office: (714) 481-0662 e-mail: dlee@pacewater.com 17520 Newhope Street, Suite 200 - Fountain Valley, CA 92708 COVER LETTER ... we are able to provide engineering services per your requested scope of services that were divided into eight (8) tasks described in the RFP, and we included in our proposal several optional services under Task #8 with reputable subconsultants... 165 BACKGROUND 166 PACE is well versed in planning, engineering, construction and operation of sewer collection systems. We rely on our hands-on experience with deploying these systems to determine the proper planning techniques and design requirements for cost and operationally effective systems. PACE utilizes state-of- the-art modeling software and AutoCAD tools such as Civil 3D to develop practical conveyance schemas. Energy use is an important factor in conveyance systems and we can identify design and operational methodologies to produce highly energy efficient systems. PACE recently provided replacements of large piping sections in Lathrop, California in high corrosive groundwater conditions which required careful consideration of materials, dewatering, and construction methods and inspections. Replacement or repair of sanitary sewer infrastructure is often more challenging than water or storm drains where service can be more easily interrupted and construction can be completed during dry periods. Our experience includes various sewer line rehabilitation techniques including slip-lining, cured-in-place pipeline (CIPP) liners, and pipe bursting. We employ successful techniques to avoid unintended low or high points, and instead design piping for consistent slope with intentional high points containing air-vacuum valves and intentional low points with blow-off valves. In areas with saline shallow groundwater, we offer extensive experience with corrosion resistant piping and fittings including C900-905 or HDPE plastic and bagged flange kits. Accurate cost estimates are developed based on a combination of construction index pricing and also based on real completed projects to ensure accurate estimates for project budgets. PACE is an approximately 75-person civil engineering firm located in Fountain Valley, miles from the City of Rolling Hill's offices. PACE specializes in advanced civil engineering services, drawing from an extensive construction and operations background that supports practical and sound engineering solutions that are constructible and easy to operate. All engineers proposed herein have been trained in the field with specific focus on materials of construction, controls and automation, and accessibility. The City benefits from PACE’s senior-level staff direct project involvement with experience working with the City. PACE has been the principal design engineer for numerous infrastructure facilities throughout Southern California for municipalities. ABOUT PACE  Sewer Collection  Sewer Lift Stations  Sewer Flow Monitoring  Sewer System Rehabilitation  Specialty Sewer Hydraulic Structures  Sewer Master Planning  Recycled Water Distribution  GIS and Water Resource The PACE team has sewer and water projects within the surrounding areas both recently and currently. This experience gives us a great understanding of local conditions, constraints and requirements leading to the application of the best practices and most efficient project execution on the City’s projects. Employees (approx.) FirmIncorporated Year 1987 / State of California 75 EngineeringServices Water / Wastewater StormwaterWater / Sewer Pipeline Permitting Relevant Expertise Areas Provided for the Last 30+ Yrs B711 | CITY OF ROLLING HILLS SEWER IMPROVEMENT PLANS - 8” SEWER MAIN ALONG PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD/ROLLING HILLS ROAD BACKGROUND – 1  City of Anaheim  City of Huntington Beach  City of Long Beach  City of Manhattan Beach  City of Newport Beach  City of Redondo Beach  City of San Clemente  Irvine Ranch Water District  Los Angeles County Department of Public Works  Los Angeles County Waterworks District No. 29  OC Public Works  Orange County Sanitation District  Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District LOCAL REGION EXPERIENCE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS 167 Demonstrated Success with Proven Performance on Numerous Completed Municipal Projects Provides Confidence to City Staff: Accurate cost estimates, and efficient and robust configurations. Constructability and Operability Background Ensures Buildable and Low-Cost Reliable Operation: PACE has extensive background in design-build, CMAR, and operations that provide unique insight into project designs to improve constructability and minimize construction cost. Senior Level Staff Directly Involved in Communication, Design Solutions, and Start-Up Services: Project Manager Duncan Lee and other key PACE staff involved in City Projects are senior-level staff who are directly connected to the design and City Communication. Creative solutions for rehabilitation of drainage and sewer systems with access challenges. Extensive Experience Designing for Unique Coastal Environment Requirements: Practical and cost-effective strategies have been developed to address constructability in highly dense, high value adjacent properties for coastal communities with challenging environmental/regulatory constraints such as San Clemente, Huntington Beach, Redondo Beach and Manhattan Beach.Advanced complex hydraulics analysis and design capabilities and specialized techniques and applications for analysis of existing sewer systems. Wear “the City’s Hat” With Key Team Member that is Former Senior Engineer for Local City: Duncan Lee, PE, the team’s QA/QC principal, recently joined PACE with 30 years of public agency experience and 17 years as the Principal Civil Engineer for the City of Huntington Beach. He has managed and designed a multitude of municipal water, sewer and storm drain improvement projects and best understands the owner’s perspective and drivers that influence these projects. SUBCONSULTANTS • Performs Subsurface Utility Investigations using Electro-Magnetic & Ground Penetrating Radar to locate equipment to clear & mark out conductive & non-conductive underground utilities including sewer lines, water lines, natural gas lines, electrical lines, telecommunication lines, irrigation lines, and area & storm drain pipes • Uses concrete scanners to clear and mark-out rebar and electrical lines • A multi-disciplined land surveying firm that provides project-based and on-call geomatics services • Utilizes Trimble S7 with Vision technology total stations, Trimble R10 GNSS receivers, and Trimble TSC3 and TSC7 data collectors • Utilizes Trimble Business Center for data processing, point code reduction, and GPS adjustments • Contains Trimble SX-10 and utilizes Leica C10 laser scanners and Cyclone software • Owns and operates DJI Phantom 4 Pro unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) • Provides geotechnical engineering and geological services • Has two full-service in-house laboratories to perform all geotechnical testing • Participates in yearly proficiency sample testing for various materials such as aggregate, concrete, masonry, reinforcing steel, and soil • Specializes in traffic and transportation engineering including preparing traffic control plans and detour plans for construction work in/about public streets, and conducting traffic impact studies and alternative alignment evaluation for constructing underground utility lines • Has prepared traffic control plans for Caltrans as well as various cities, counties, water districts, and private contractors throughout Southern California • A Fluid & Metering Business Unit of IDEX Corporation that provides collection system flow and rainfall data • Provides real-time flow data, flow monitoring reports, software, field services, data processing, Web-based information and statistical reporting • A full service environmental consulting firm located in San Juan Capistrano • Provides expert solutions to each project related to project entitlement, CEQA/NEPA, wetlands restoration, biology, jurisdictional waters and wetlands regulations or cultural resources SURVEYING POTHOLING TRAFFIC CONTROL GEOTECHNICAL ENVIRONMENTAL FLOW MONITORING B711 | CITY OF ROLLING HILLS SEWER IMPROVEMENT PLANS - 8” SEWER MAIN ALONG PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD/ROLLING HILLS ROAD BACKGROUND – 2 KEY UNIQUE QUALIFICATIONS OPTIONAL SUBCONSULTANTS 168 QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE 169 PROJECT TEAM ORGANIZATION PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS Project Manager Duncan Lee, PE Principal QA/QC James Matthews, PE Sr. Project Manager Robert Murphy, PE Sr. CAD DesignerThomas Gutierrez subconsultants 1. Guida Surveying, Inc.2. Pacic Coast Locators3. Converse Consultants4. Trac Control Engineering, Inc.5. ADS6. VCS SUPPORT SERVICES Survey Tim Fettig, PLS 1 Adam D’Alvia, PLS 1 Dean Bouldin, PLS 1 Environmental (optional) Dan Bott, CEQA 6 Potholing (optional) Don Greenman, GPR, EM 2 Drew Hoogenhuizen, GPR, EM 2 Rick Huerta, Senior GPR, EM 2 Trac Control (optional) David Kuan, MS, PE 4 Geotechnical (optional) Siva K. Sivathasan, PhD, PE, GE, DGE, QSD, F.ASCE 3 Parameswaran (Ram) Ariram, EIT 3 Flow Monitoring (optional) Paul Mitchell, PE 5 Shay Koerber 5 Jackie Crutcher 5 NAME, ROLE, OFFICE LOCATION, EXPERIENCE, EDUCATION PROF REGR. DUNCAN LEE, PE Project Manager JAMES (JAMIE) MATTHEWS, PE Principal / QA/QC 17520 Newhope St, Ste 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 32 years BS Civil Engineering, CSU, Long Beach PE – CA: 44825 17520 Newhope St, Ste 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 26 years BS Civil Engineering, CSU, San Diego PE – CA: 57446 RELEVANT EXPERTISE • Sewer, Municipal Water, and Storm Drain Improvements • Water and Wastewater Infrastructure • Pump Stations • QA/QC Review • Construction Management • Rate Studies • O & M • Construction Cost Estimating • Feasibility and Planning Studies • Pipeline systems / hydraulics • Pump stations / mechanical • Instrumentation & controls systems • Plan review / QA/QC • Cost estimates • Constructability review RELATED PROJECT EXPERIENCE • City of Redondo Beach Legado Development Sewer Upgrades • City of Huntington Beach – Beach Boulevard Sewer Replacement • City of Manhattan Beach Poinsettia, Voorhees and Pacific Sewer Lift Stations Upgrades • Tri-City Regional Sanitary District Phase I Wastewater Collection System & Water Reclamation Facility - Gila County, AZ • City of Huntington Beach Gravity Sewer Installation and Oceanhill Sewer Lift Station Demolition • Huntington Beach Well 9 Wellhead Treatment System & Sewer Line Improvement • City of Manhattan Beach Poinsettia, Voorhees and Pacific Sewer Lift Stations and Sewer Line Upgrades • Grizzly Ranch Potable Water Mains and Infrastructure • BNSF Groundwater Water Mains and Infrastructure • Avi Resort Water and Wastewater Infrastructure B711 | CITY OF ROLLING HILLS SEWER IMPROVEMENT PLANS - 8” SEWER MAIN ALONG PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD/ROLLING HILLS ROAD QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE – 3 170 NAME, ROLE, OFFICE LOCATION, EXPERIENCE, EDUCATION PROF REGR. ROBERT MURPHY, PE Sr. Project Engineer TIM FETTIG, PLS Project Manager THOMAS (TOM) GUTIERREZ Sr. CAD Designer 17520 Newhope St, Ste 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 14+ years BS Civil Engineering, CSU, Long Beach PE – CA: C83207 9241 Irvine Blvd. Ste: 200, Irvine CA 92618 30 years Santa Ana College and Santiago Canyon College, Surveying/Mapping; Operating Engineers Surveying Apprentice Program PLS – CA: 7542 17520 Newhope St, Ste 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 23 years AA, Applied Science, Computer Aided Drafting Technology, ITT Technical Institute RELEVANT EXPERTISE • Sewer collection • Pumping facilities • Surveying services • Equipment selection • Construction administration • Development of plans, specifications, and reports • Cost estimates • Sewer, Municipal Water, and Storm Drain Improvements • Wastewater Infrastructure • Pump Stations • QA/QC Review • Construction Management • Feasibility and Planning Studies • Fittings, Valving, pipe materials, and ratings • Mechanical Assemblies • Site grading, drainage, and utility plan/profile design • Plan Sets for Pump System Layouts RELATED PROJECT EXPERIENCE • BNSF Groundwater Wells, Water Tank and Booster Pump Station • Vernon Water Main Replacement • Huntington Beach Well 9 Wellhead Treatment System & Sewer Line Improvement • Valley Vista Wastewater Collection System • City of Santa Paula 42” Main Sewer Trunk Line and 12” Watermain Extension • SAPWA “Brine Line reach V” • City of South Pasadena Sewer Replacement Project • Crowther Sewer Replacement Project • Alhambra City Wide Sewer Spot Repair Project • SCWD PCH Sewer Replacement Project Dana Point • City of Redondo Beach Legado Development Sewer Upgrades • Vernon Water Main Replacement • Orange Grove and Rancho Mesa Verde Potable Water System • Huntington Beach Well 9 Wellhead Treatment System & Sewer Line Improvement GUIDA SURVEYING, INC. (GUIDA)– SURVEY PROJECT EXPERIENCE Relevant Features The City of Redondo Beach will require additional conveyance capacity through new sewer pipelines and improvements in the area around Pacific Coast Highway and Avenue I. PACE is designing approximately 550’ of new 12” sewer pipe and multiple manholes through multiple major intersections, and along Caltrans Pacific Coast Highway. The pipeline also traverses through City of Torrance right-of-way, so multiple encroachments are required for the project. PACE evaluated numerous alignment alternatives, and also trenchless construction technology through pipe bursting. PACE concluded that the existing pipe was too shallow for pipe bursting, and was able to identify an alignment to cross both over and under existing underground utilities. City of Redondo Beach Legado Development Sewer Upgrades Redondo Beach, CA  12” VCP sewer requiring permits from multiple public entities  Retained existing sewer pipe in operation for added redundancy  Evaluated multiple sewer pipeline alignments to avoid a myriad of existing underground utilities Duncan Lee, PE Project Manager Thomas Gutierrez Sr. CAD Designer Team Members Geraldine Trivedi - Civil Engineer City of Redondo Beach415 Diamond St, Redondo Beach, CA 90277 (310) 318-0661 - Geraldine.Trivedi@redondo.org Client Info B711 | CITY OF ROLLING HILLS SEWER IMPROVEMENT PLANS - 8” SEWER MAIN ALONG PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD/ROLLING HILLS ROAD QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE – 4 171 Relevant Features Relevant Features PACE is preparing plans and specifications for the City of Manhattan Beach to three (3) sewer force mains and to upgrade three (3) sewer lift stations, Pacific Avenue WWPS, Poinsettia Avenue WWPS, and Voorhees WWPS. These lift stations and force mains were originally constructed in the early 1960’s, with mechanical and electrical upgrades implemented around the mid 1990’s, and the facilities are now approaching the end of their useful lives. The City is concerned with reliability of these aging systems, which are further exasperated by frequent power outages from Southern California Edison. PACE was also tasked to determine if there are any gravity pipe option(s) that could eliminate any of these existing lift stations. All three lift stations are located in sensitive areas, either in front of or adjacent to homes, or in a driveway to a local church. Led by Duncan Lee while he was the Principal Civil Engineer for the City of Huntington Beach, this project consisted of installing over one mile of 8” to 15” PVC sewer pipe was installed on Beach Blvd (~5,100’ was with 15” PVC). The existing sewer main was left in operation and connected to the new sewer system to provide additional redundancy since this area was known to have issues with “fat, oil, and grease”. For this project, the construction was done at night on Caltrans right-of-way, crossing 3 major arterial intersections. Additionally, the new improvement eliminated several manholes within the busy intersection on Beach Blvd and allowed new manholes to be placed outside of the intersection for easier access during routine maintenance. Poinsettia, Voorhees and Pacific Sewer Lift Stations Upgrades Manhattan Beach, CA City of Huntington Beach - Beach Boulevard Sewer Replacement Huntington Beach, CA (performed by Duncan Lee while employed by City of Huntington Beach)  Upsizing station’s wet well while keeping existing system in operation during construction  Use of submersible pumps to deepen the wet well and to reduce foot print of improvements  Phased construction to avoid the need to operate a separate temporary bypass system during construction  Upgrade existing dry well to reduce project construction costs  Keeping existing force mains as redundant force mains  Installation of PVC sewer pipe  Increased sewer flow  Remained in operation during construction  Relocated manholes for ease of operation and maintenance Duncan Lee, PE Project Manager James Matthews, PE Principal QA/QC Robert Murphy, PE Pumping System / Sr. Project Engineer / Mechanical Design Thomas Gutierrez Sr. CAD Designer Duncan Lee, PE Project Manager Team Members Team Members Gilbert Gamboa - Sr. Civil EngineerCity of Manhattan Beach 1400 Highland Ave, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 (310) 802-5356 - ggamboa@citymb.info Joseph Fuentes, PE - Contract Administrator City of Huntington Beach2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92648(714) 536-5259 - rjfuentes@surfcity-hb.org Client Info Client Info PACIFIC AVE27TH STREETMARINE AVEPROPOSED 12”GRAVITY PIPEEXISTING 8”GRAVITY PIPE EXISTING WWPS PROPOSED LARGEDIAMETER MICROTUNNELCASING EXISTING 36”COUNTY SEWERINSIDE LARGEDIAMETER CASING B711 | CITY OF ROLLING HILLS SEWER IMPROVEMENT PLANS - 8” SEWER MAIN ALONG PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD/ROLLING HILLS ROAD QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE – 5 172 PROJECT APPROACH 173 The City of Rolling Hills (City) is a gated, residential community with a population of 1,939 on the Palos Verdes Peninsula in Southern California. The community has just under 700 homes and covers an area of three square miles. The City is equestrian in nature and enjoys breathtaking views of the coastline, downtown Los Angeles, Catalina Island and pastoral canyons. The City currently does not have a sewer collection system, as all lots have their own private septic tank systems. This Request for Proposal (RFP) included the Sewer Area Study dated May of 2020 (SAS), which provided background information, including pipe size calculations and concept plans to install approximately 2,000’ of 12” sewer pipe on Rolling Hills Road. The furthest downstream segment is to replace and increase flow capacity of approximately 600’ of existing City of Torrance 8” pipe, starting at the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County’s sewer trunk line at Crenshaw Blvd. The next segment is to install approximately 1,400’ of new 12” sewer pipe, starting by the Rolling Hills Tennis Club/Main Gate House and the City Hall located just south of Palos Verdes Drive, and connect to an existing sewer manhole located in between Lariat Lane and Palomino Lane. The City intends to have Rolling Hills Tennis Club/Main Gate House and City Hall be the first properties to switch over to this new sewer pipe. The new service laterals and existing septic system(s) will either be abandoned or be removed if necessary. Since there will be pipe trenches crossing an intersection, the project specifications will have the language and bid item for the contractor for monument preservation or replacement. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING PACE has carefully considered the appropriate approach to execute this project by reviewing contents provided in the RFP, the SAS, the site constraints for constructions, vehicular traffic flow, and lessons learned from past similar projects. The project appears to be dictated by several key factors, including and not limited to: Sizing New Primary Sewer Collection Main for Ultimate Conversion Scenario Parallel Pipe Installation Approach versus Remove and Install ApproachKEY FACTOrsAccording to the December 6, 2019, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County (SDLAC) response to a will serve request from the City to handle future flows from 235 existing single-family homes, the projected average daily flow is approximately 61,100 gallons per day. In the SAS, this daily average flow was adjusted to reflect a peaking condition, which was estimated to be 0.478 cubic feet per second. Based on this projected additional flow, SAS concluded approximately 600’ of existing City of Torrance owned pipe by Crenshaw Blvd needs to be replaced with a minimum of 12” pipe. With the actual number of homes in the City being around 685, and total parcels in the City at 758, potentially 523 additional homes outside of SAS’s tributary area may want to connect to the new sewer collection system in the future. This future expansion will require installation of additional gravity mains, force mains and lift stations. Because the process to convert sewer connections will take significant financial resources and years to complete, along with on-going changes in leadership in City Council, there is a great probability that this new sewer main on Rolling Hills Road will need to handle this ultimate maximum flow, which was not analyzed. Using the average unit peaking demand from SAS, the 523 homes could increase flow by an additional 1.064 cfs, which will require several flatter segments of replacement pipe by Crenshaw Blvd to be 15”, instead of as proposed in the SAS with 12”. Fortunately, the additional construction cost to install a 15” pipe versus a 12” pipe is relatively insignificant. PACE recommends the City revisit potential pipe upsizing after finalizing the vertical pipe alignment by Crenshaw Blvd. The SAS included 3 sheets of concept plans. The concept plans showed the segment of existing City of Torrance 8” pipe is to be removed in order for a new 12” pipe to be installed in the same trench. While the remove and install approach can be utilized at times when the roadway lacks available space for a new parallel pipe, remove and install is not the typical preferred method of construction. The primary reason is because temporary bypass of the existing Torrance sewage would have to be installed and operated on a 24/7 continuous basis while the existing main is out of service. This is costly to provide and maintain, and then adds an enormous risk and exposure to the City for potential sewage spill. Whenever possible, the best and cheapest method is to install a parallel pipe, with new connection manholes whenever possible, as that will not require any temporary bypass during the entire construction cycle. This will then allow the existing 8” pipe to be left in place until it has reached its useful life, providing redundancy and bypass for future pipe cleaning and repair activities. 01 02 B711 | CITY OF ROLLING HILLS SEWER IMPROVEMENT PLANS - 8” SEWER MAIN ALONG PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD/ROLLING HILLS ROAD PROJECT APPROACH – 6 174 Rolling Hills Road typically is a narrow two lane roadway and the pipeline will need to be installed at two busy intersections, so traffic control planning will be a challenge with the possibility that both lanes will need to be closed in the area of open trenches. The permit approval process could be exponentially more complex and time consuming with number of resubmittals since the City will likely need to obtain additional encroachment permits from the City of Torrance, County of Los Angeles, and City of Rolling Hills Estates. The SAS study of existing peak flow condition through various segments of pipes are calculated based on an assumed unit flow generation, categorized by type of use, size of property, number of individuals, etc. While Section 1 of the RFP indicated that SDLAC, City of Rolling Hills Estates, and the City of Torrance all have reviewed and approved the SAS, it is possible that one or more of the agencies will want the City to perform actual flow monitoring to validate existing condition, particularly during the environmental documentation phase before written approvals for connection are granted. This project is not a redevelopment “Designated Project” as defined in the LID Standards Manual section 2.1 and therefore does not trigger LID stormwater management requirements. During pipeline construction, the contractor would only need to practice typical construction Best Management Practices (BMP), but the project will not require any post-construction BMP. Projects that require LID practices do not include activities that are conducted to maintain hydraulic capacities or repaving to maintain original line and grade. The existing pavement conditions along Rolling Hills Road may not be able to tolerate heavy deep sewer pipeline construction activities. As part of the encroachment permit process with all three outside agencies, each of them may require resurfacing the roadway in their respective jurisdictions, instead of allowing a typical “T-Patch” type of trench restoration after the pipeline is installed and backfilled. SURVEY AND DEVELOP BASE-MAPS TO IDENTIFY OPTIMAL HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT AND AREAS OF POTENTIAL SUBSURFACE UTILITY CONFLICTS After collaborating with the City to put in a request for Underground Service Alert (USA) to field mark existing utilities along the project limit, PACE will use service of a quality sub-consultant to survey and pick up all relevant above ground elements and utilities markings to generate base maps. PACE will also assist the City to request record drawings for various utilities in the region to validate field markings. After determination of an optimal horizontal alignment with areas of potential utilities conflicts, PACE recommends an optional sub-consultant for potholing service (fee to be provided later due to unknowns at this stage) to obtain accurate field pipe depth data to ensure adequate clearance prior to actual construction. VALIDATE SEWER PIPE DIAMETER After developing the vertical profile, showing various pipes slopes of various segments of the new sewer pipe, PACE will perform a desktop analysis using the SAS methodology as the basis of evaluation to update and determine required minimum pipe diameter(s) to satisfy industry acceptable practice. PACE will provide a cohesive team of engineers and subconsultants with extensive experience to tackle the City’s current issues. PACE will meet challenges head- on by working with the City’s project Managers and to collaborate with others for this multi-jurisdiction project. PROJECT APPROACH survey STRATEGY 01 STRATEGY 02 Prepare Traffic Control Plans During Design Phase Need for Actual Flow Monitoring for Connection Approval with the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, City of Rolling Hills Estates, & the City of Torrance County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works Low Impact Development (LID) Requirement Street Restoration RequirementIn-Lieu of “T-Patch” Over Pipe Trench 03 04 05 06 B711 | CITY OF ROLLING HILLS SEWER IMPROVEMENT PLANS - 8” SEWER MAIN ALONG PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD/ROLLING HILLS ROAD PROJECT APPROACH – 7 175 ENCROACHMENT PERMITS, CEQA COMPLIANCE, REGULATORY APPROVALS, AND CONNECTION APPROVALS PACE will collaborate with the City’s Project Manager to develop the list of required regulatory approvals, permits, and pipe connection approvals from various entities. Being that this project is the first of its kind in the City and will impact residents outside of the City limit, PACE recommends an optional task to support the City with public outreach through the use of multiple (up to 3) town-hall type meetings. In the event the project will not be granted a Categorical Exemption under CEQA, the next likely level of required environmental documentation should be through a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). Being transparent and proactive in dealing with the public have proven to be effective in gaining their trust while diffusing potential opposition. This is essential because public opposition during the public comment period of the MND process can be detrimental as elected officials from multiple jurisdictions may feel strong pressure to side with the opposition. PACE recommends an optional sub-consultant for environmental documentation for CEQA compliance, either with Categorical Exemption, or with a MND. The number of permits and total permit fees are unknown at this time. While it is common for cities to separately pay for required permits, PACE recommends an optional budget item of up to $4,000 for reimbursement to PACE for permit fees if and when is necessary to save time with the permit process. In the event permitting agencies require street restoration in-lieu of typical “T-Patch” type of trench restoration after pipeline construction, PACE can provide an optional task to prepare street improvement plans, along with striping plans to satisfy such 3rd party requirement. PACE also recommends an optional sub-consultant for flow monitoring service to monitor two (2) existing sewer manholes located near Crenshaw Blvd, in order to record one week of flow data to validate the hypothetical existing condition as shown in the SAS. The request by public agencies to request for actual flow test data for a sewer study is common, especially in this case whereby existing pipes will require upsizing. COMPREHENSIVE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING TO MINIMIZE SEWER SERVICE IMPACT AND TRAFFIC IMPACT Engineering plans by PACE will include construction sequencing to minimize conflicts and service interruption to local businesses and residences during construction. Use of new manholes to connect to existing county or city owned sewer pipes will allow seamless transitions and without any temporary sewage bypass equipment. Since the City will need to obtain encroachment permits from all impacted entities, PACE recommends an optional sub-consultant to prepare traffic control plans specifically for the selected optimal pipeline alignment in this narrow two lane roadway with two (2) busy intersections. PACE’s most recent sewer pipeline project with another coastal agency involved obtaining three (3) encroachment permits, one of which was with the City of Torrance. For that similar project with multiple jurisdictions, each stakeholder provided unique comments, resulting in three (3) separate time consuming plan check iterations before permits were granted. When these plans are deferred to the contractor to prepare and to submit for approval, it frequently delays the start of construction.traffic STRATEGY 04 ESTABLISH DIRECTION, STANDARDS AND INDUSTRY PRACTICE FOR FUTURE SEWER SYSTEM EXPANSION PACE also recognize the benefits and significance of this 2,000 feet of new primary sewer collection main, as it will allow future connections to steadily eliminate private aging septic systems. The comprehensive plans, specifications, and project approach will help establish direction and standards for future sewer projects to follow. Based on concept plans provided by the City, sewer pipe trench can range between 8 feet to 12 feet deep, thereby requiring shoring. One common practice by general contractors to negotiate for change orders is to claim change in condition during trenching operation due to insufficient information on the soil condition. PACE recommends an optional sub-consultant to drill two (2) soil borings, one at each segment of pipe, and to prepare a geotechnical report with design parameters and soil characteristic for the contractors to prepare their shoring plans. STRATEGY 05 SCOPE OF SERVICES (Attached in a separate sealed envelope along with the fee schedule/cost proposal) PACE will be able to provide engineering services per your requested scope of services that was divided into eight (8) tasks described in the RFP. Additionally, we also included in our proposal several optional services under Task #8 with reputable subconsultants that we believe will complement PACE and stakeholders to achieve the following objectives:  Provide foreseeable data to minimize opportunities for contractors to file and justify change orders.  Anticipate and perform probable optional tasks in advance to avoid delays in design, permitting, and construction phases. We do want to point out that the City can decide to include any of the optional tasks at the beginning or latter part of the project. To help facilitate the City, we included an additional project schedule that showed the preferred start time to each optional tasks. STRATEGY 03 B711 | CITY OF ROLLING HILLS SEWER IMPROVEMENT PLANS - 8” SEWER MAIN ALONG PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD/ROLLING HILLS ROAD PROJECT APPROACH – 8 176 RESUMES 177 DUNCAN LEE, PE PROJECT MANAGER With a combined 30 years of municipal / public agency experience including nearly two years as Project Engineer II for the City of Santa Barbara, 17 years as a Principal Engineer for the City of Huntington Beach, and nearly 10 years of experience with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) with drinking water and recycled water, Duncan Lee offers technical expertise on engineering of municipal water infrastructure in both the design role and the City project management role. He has managed all aspects of water, sewer and recycled water systems from capital improvement design and project implementation, master planning, rate studies, rate increases, water conservation, and construction management. The majority of the projects that he managed / designed were performed for coastal Cities throughout California. He will impart several strategies to overcome key potential project issues and his value is most felt in his proven ability to unite engineering, operation, maintenance and consultants in a productive collaborate environment. His recent project experience includes project management and design of water and sewer improvement projects including wastewater collection systems, sewer pump stations, potable water pumping facilities, force main improvements, sewer diversions, water storage facilities and potable water treatment facilities. He has extensive experience managing multidisciplinary teams and managing large-scale programs with numerous simultaneous efforts. Poinsettia, Voorhees and Pacific Sewer Lift Stations Upgrades – City of Manhattan Beach, CA Mr. Lee is serving as the Project Manager to prepare the plans and specifications for the City of Manhattan Beach for three (3) sewer force mains and to upgrade three (3) sewer lift stations, Pacific Avenue WWPS, Poinsettia Avenue WWPS, and Voorhees WWPS. These lift stations and force mains were originally constructed in the early 1960’s, with mechanical and electrical upgrades implemented around the mid 1990’s, and the facilities are now approaching the end of their useful lives. The City is concerned with reliability of these aging systems, which are further exasperated by frequent power outages from Southern California Edison. PACE was also tasked to determine if there are any gravity pipe option(s) that could eliminate any of these existing lift stations. All 3 lift stations are located in sensitive areas, either in front of or adjacent to homes, or in a driveway to a local church. City of Redondo Beach Legado Development Sewer Collection Upgrades – Redondo Beach, CA The City of Redondo Beach will require additional conveyance capacity through new sewer pipelines and improvements in the area around Pacific Coast Highway and Avenue I. Mr. Lee is serving as the Project Manager to design approximately 550’ of new 12” sewer pipe and multiple manholes through multiple major intersections, and along Caltrans Pacific Coast Highway. The pipeline also traverses through City of Torrance right-of-way, so multiple encroachments are required for the project. PACE evaluated numerous alignment alternatives, and also trenchless construction technology through pipe bursting. PACE concluded that the existing pipe was too shallow for pipe bursting, and was able to identify an alignment to cross both over and under existing underground utilities. City of Huntington Beach - Beach Boulevard Sewer Replacement – Huntington Beach, CA Led by Duncan Lee while Principal Engineer for the City of Huntington Beach, this project consisted of installing over 1 mile of 8” to 15” PVC sewer pipe was installed on Beach Blvd (~5,100’ was with 15” PVC). The existing sewer main was left in operation and connected to the new sewer system to provide additional redundancy since this area was known to have issues with “fat, oil, and grease”. For this project, the construction was done at night on Caltrans right- of-way, crossing 3 major arterial intersections. Additionally, the new improvement eliminated several manholes within the busy intersection on Beach Blvd and allowed new manholes to be placed outside of the intersection for easier access during routine maintenance. EDUCATION B.S. Civil Engineering California State University, Long Beach / 185 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 32+ Years Joined PACE in 2018 With others over 30 years REGISTRATIONS Professional Engineer / CA 1989 / 44825 178 DUNCAN LEE, PE PROJECT MANAGER - 2 - Tri-City Regional Sanitary District Phase I Wastewater Collection System & Water Reclamation Facility – Gila County, AZ Mr. Lee is serving as the Sr. Consulting Engineer as part of the PACE team to provide planning services for Phase I, a new regional wastewater system for the Tri-City Regional Sanitary District (TRSD). TRSD encompasses over five square miles of residential, commercial and industrial property in Gila County, AZ. The majority of the homes currently use cesspools and septic systems for wastewater disposal. Over 80% of these systems are functioning below ideal performance and some are completely out-of-service. With growing concern for the area residents, TRSD is taking action to provide centralized infrastructure that will bring value to its community. The proposed project will abandon existing cesspools and septic systems and install approximately 68,000 linear feet of 8-10” sewer pipeline, lift stations, and a new 0.25 MGD water reclamation facility that will serve approximately 1,200 residents. A portion of the engineering services was funded through a WIFA grant and TRSD has acquired USDA-RD funding. City of Huntington Beach Brookhurst Street & Indianapolis Avenue Sanitary Sewer Siphon – Huntington Beach, CA Led by Duncan Lee while Principal Engineer for the City of Huntington Beach, the City replaced the 12” single siphon with two parallel (2) 8” PVC siphon inside a steel casing filled with concrete grout. The City’s existing deep 12” sewer siphon was sanding, and the siphon was under the existing 96” Orange County Sanitation District line on Brookhurst Street. The City was concerned that if the City sewer pipe would fail in the future, it could undermine and cause collapse of OCSD pipe’s 96” sewer pipe. The area is near sea level so the contractor had to dewater 24/7 during construction at 300 gpm. This project also included a 2 parallel shallower 6” air return line between the upstream and downstream manholes for the new siphon assembly. Additionally, grouts were injected to surround the existing 96” OCSD to fill up potential void from sand that was discovered in the City’s existing 12” line. Lastly, one of the siphons was slightly more in grade than the other to maintain higher self-cleaning velocity in the 8” siphon. The other siphon would only flow if the first one clogged or if the flow rate is high. City of Huntington Beach Pier Sewer and Water Replacement – Huntington Beach, CA Led by Mr. Lee while Principal Engineer for the City of Huntington Beach, the City installed a gravity sewer line from Ruby’s at the end of the pier toward the existing manhole near the Pacific Coast Highway. The design included locked joints with slider couplings for contraction and expansion with high temperature change. This was an emergency project that Mr. Lee and the project manager put together in just several weeks. A bridge maintenance lift was also used to allow the waterline to be installed underneath the pier. Vernon Water Main Replacement – Vernon, CA PACE informed the City on a separate well equipping project that approximately 2,000’ of existing 10” cast iron main will very likely have tuberculation and therefore will not be able to properly distribute water when the well operates at the design capacity. Mr. Lee collaborated with the City to implement a physical flow test, and validated that the existing pipe has lost over half of its capacity. As the Project Manager, Mr. Lee prepared plans and specifications to replace the existing 10” cast iron pipe with a new 12” ductile iron pipe. Huntington Beach Well 9 Wellhead Treatment System & Sewer Line Improvement - Huntington Beach, CA Led by Mr. Lee while serving as the Principal Engineer for the City of Huntington Beach, multiple phases of project development, lab services, piloting, concept development, water treatment facility engineering, planning division graphics, startup, and operations support services where performed for this innovative and unique treatment system. Monthly backwashing was also needed for this treatment system. A 200 ft. long and 8 in. wide PVC sewer pipeline was installed under Warner Avenue, a busy street with three lanes, to allow wastewater to be diverted into the new sewer line. To minimize odor and cost, PACE designed the pipeline using a shallow sewer line connection with a drop bowl assembly to create a smoother flow to minimize splashing, resulting in decreased odor. PACE provided all project bid documents, permitting, coordination with Southern California Edison, and assisted the City with the bid process and construction support services. Other Projects: · City of Huntington Beach: Over 10 projects of water main replacements for 12” or smaller diameter of drinking water distribution · City of Huntington Beach: 4 Cathodic Protection and pipeline rehabilitation on transmission mains from 20” to 42”, consists of internal joint bonding, impress current CP system, valve replacements. · City of Huntington Beach: Pine Street Residential Neighborhood Watermain Replacement - Replaced with approximately 700’ of 12” PVC pipe · City of Huntington Beach: Gregory Ln and Laura Cr. Residential Neighborhood Watermain Replacement - Replaced with approximately 1,100’ of 6” and 8” PVC pipe · Los Angeles Department of Water and Power: LA Greenbelt Water Reclamation Project– 24” pipe · Los Angeles Department of Water and Power: East Valley Water Reclamation Project – 54” DIP, 26 miles of pipeline, and a pump station at the Tillman Plant 179 JAMES A. MATTHEWS, PE PRINCIPAL / QA/QC James Matthews is highly regarded in the water, wastewater, recycled water and storm water industries for his tremendous wealth of practical knowledge and his ability to use old and new technologies, hands-on experience, and research to produce value for his clients and their projects. Mr. Matthews has created designs for a multitude of award-winning projects; saving capital and operation costs, reducing construction schedules, and minimizing operation and maintenance needs on sewer and water infrastructure and treatment projects, by implimenting creative ideas and concepts. As both a licensed engineer and wastewater treatment operator, Mr. Matthews is a technical expert in infrastructure engineering design, construction, and operations. He has particular experience in reviewing, trouble-shooting and renovation on over 250 projects in the US, Canada and Central America. However, his expertise is not limited to just water resources; having a wealth of knowledge in electrical, controls, and instrumentation. He has personally fabricated, programmed, and installed a multitude of custom control systems, which included PLC/PAC programming, radio telemetry, and Supervisory Control and Data Aquaistion (SCADA) systems for numerous water, wastewater and co-generation projects. Poinsettia, Voorhees and Pacific Sewer Lift Stations Upgrades – City of Manhattan Beach, CA Mr. Matthews is serving as the Principal / QA/QC for the plans and specifications being prepared by PACE for the City of Manhattan Beach for three (3) sewer force mains and to upgrade three (3) sewer lift stations, Pacific Avenue WWPS, Poinsettia Avenue WWPS, and Voorhees WWPS. These lift stations and force mains were originally constructed in the early 1960’s, with mechanical and electrical upgrades implemented around the mid 1990’s, and the facilities are now approaching the end of their useful lives. PACE was also tasked to determine if there are any gravity pipe option(s) that could eliminate any of these existing lift stations. Grizzly Ranch Water and Wastewater Infrastructure – Portola, CA As the Principal Engineer, Mr. Matthews was responsible for the design of all the potable and wastewater water infrastructure components including the development of four groundwater wells which contained high levels of arsenic, iron, manganese and H2S. Design and engineering construction management was performed for a 300 gpm, two-stage, water treatment system. Additional infrastructure designed included a welded steel potable water storage tank, two water booster pump stations, a four-zone water distribution network, and wastewater reclamation facility for the community. Mr. Matthews, was also responsible for the design, fabrication and programming of a complete SCADA system monitoring and controlling all water related aspects. BNSF Sewer Main, Water Tank and Booster Pump Station – Seligman, AZ Mr. Matthews served as the Principal-in-Charge to provide water resource consulting, design and environmental permitting services for the replacement and rehabilitation of the City of Seligman’s water supply infrastructure. The project involved the replacement of two groundwater wells, by- pass and demolition of an intermediate water transfer pump station and tank, replacement of approximately 3,000 feet of old (from 1897) lead joint transmission pipeline, demolition and by- pass of the primary water storage tank and distribution pump station, construction of a new 280,000-gallon water storage tank and 800 gpm variable speed distribution pumping station. Mr. Matthews also led the integration of the control and instrumentation for all water related aspects. Avi Resort Water and Wastewater Infrastructure - Fort Mojave Indian Reservation - Laughlin, NV Mr. Matthews served as the Project Manager / Engineer-of-Record to provide civil engineering design services to the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe by developing previously uninhabited land for the Avi Resort and Aha Macav developments. PACE designed included 500,000-gallon potable water storage tank, three new groundwater wells totaling 1,200 GPM of production, a groundwater infiltration system, ozone treatment for iron and manganese removal, a 1,200 GPM expandable to 2,400 GPM variable speed domestic booster pump station, a 3,500 GPM fire pump station, a system-wide telemetry system and 30,000 LF of sewer force main to an existing wastewater treatment facility. EDUCATION B.S. Civil Engineering San Diego State University / 1994 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 26 Years Joined PACE in 1994 City of San Diego Water Production Engineering REGISTRATIONS Professional Engineer / AZ 1999 / 34090 Professional Engineer / CA 1997 / C57446 Professional Engineer / FL 2009 / 69722 Professional Engineer / HI 2009 / 13718 Professional Engineer / ID (Inactive) 2004 / 11229 Professional Engineer / NM 2004 / 16491 Professional Engineer / VA 2005 / 040716 Professional Engineer / CO 2018 / 0054243 Professional Engineer / TX 2018 / 132370 Wastewater Treatment Operator Certification: Arizona 1997 AFFILIATIONS American Water Works Association (AWWA) Water Environment Federation (WEF) PUBLICATIONS EPA’s Small Flows Quarterly: “Hybrid Sequencing Batch Reactors” Santa Margarita Water District: “Advanced Processes for Water Reuse” City of Lathrop: Title 22 Recycled Water Training Program PEARL Education Program: Electrical Power and Control Systems 180 ROBERT MURPHY, PE SR. PROJECT ENGINEER Robert Murphy has Civil Engineering experience spanning back to 2006. His experience includes design of sewer / stormwater / potable / infrastructure, wastewater treatment plants, water treatment facilities and water storage design. Mr. Murphy has also served as the resident engineer for the construction of several wastewater treatment facilities, water distribution, and sewer collection and pump station projects. He has developed several equipment performance- based equipment specifications for process equipment selection prior to design, and the creation of operation and maintenance manuals for several water and wastewater conveyance and treatment systems and facilities. Mr. Murphy is adept in coordinating project plans, specifications, and reports with multiple consultants to obtain an efficient buildable and operable system. BNSF Groundwater Wells, Water Tank and Booster Pump Station – Seligman, AZ Mr. Murphy served as the Sr. Project Engineer to provide water resource consulting, design and environmental permitting services for the replacement and rehabilitation of the City of Seligman’s water supply infrastructure. The project involved the replacement of two groundwater wells, by-pass and demolition of an intermediate water transfer pump station and tank, replacement of approximately 3,000 feet of old (from 1897) lead joint transmission pipeline, demolition and by-pass of the primary water storage tank and distribution pump station, construction of a new 280,000 gallon water storage tank and 800 gpm variable speed distribution pumping station. In addition, PACE provided the control and instrumentation integration which included a complete, radio networked, automation and data management system for the control of the two new wells, new water tank, new pre and post chlorination systems and new booster station. Vernon Water Main Replacement – Vernon, CA Mr. Murphy served as the Pumping System / Sr. Project Engineer / provided the Mechanical Design to replace the existing 10” cast iron pipe with a new 12” ductile iron pipe. PACE informed the City on a separate well equipping project that approximately 2,000’ of existing 10” cast iron main will very likely have tuberculation and therefore will not be able to properly distribute water when the well operates at the design capacity. PACE collaborated with the City to implement a physical flow test, and validated that the existing pipe has lost over half of its capacity. Huntington Beach Well 9 Wellhead Treatment System & Sewer Line Improvement - Huntington Beach, CA Mr. Murphy served as the Process Engineer to provide multiple phases of project development, lab services, piloting, concept development, water treatment facility engineering, planning division graphics, startup, and operations support services for this innovative and unique treatment system. Monthly backwashing was also needed for this treatment system. A 200 ft. long and 8 in. wide PVC sewer pipeline was installed under Warner Avenue, a busy street with three lanes, to allow wastewater to be diverted into the new sewer line. To minimize odor and cost, PACE designed the pipeline using a shallow sewer line connection with a drop bowl assembly to create a smoother flow to minimize splashing, resulting in decreased odor. PACE provided all project bid documents, permitting, coordination with Southern California Edison, and assisted the City with the bid process and construction support services. Valley Vista Wastewater Collection System – Somerton, AZ Mr. Murphy served as the Sr. Project Engineer to provide design services for a new lift station and installation of a new sewer collection system that redirect flows to the newly upgraded Somerton WWTP. The new lift station was constructed adjacent to the existing lift station to minimize infrastructure cost, such as connective piping and electrical services. The system required 8,700 linear feet (approximately one mile) of pipe to traverse from the Valley Vista WWTP Lift Station to the Somerton WWTP. EDUCATION B.S. / Civil Engineering California State University, Long Beach 2007 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 14+ Years Joined PACE in 2006 REGISTRATIONS Professional Engineer 2014 / C83207 AFFILIATIONS Water Environment Federation (WEF) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) PUBLICATIONS Peterson, J.D., Murphy, R.R., Jin, Y., Wang, L., Nessl, M.B., Ikehata, K. (2011) Health effects associated with wastewater treatment, reuse, and disposal. Water Environment Research 83:10, 1853-1875. 181 THOMAS (TOM) GUTIERREZ SR. CAD DESIGNER Thomas Gutierrez has more than 26 years of experience in design and preparation of mechanical plans, sections and details for engineered construction documents within the wastewater and water industry. He has in depth knowledge of mechanical systems layout, mechanical assemblies, fittings, valving, pipe materials and ratings, site grading, drainage, and utility plan/profile design (pressure and gravity systems). Mr. Gutierrez also has in-depth experience with design of mechanical 3D models of wastewater treatment plants for construction drawings. His 3D design and modeling experience includes design and draft BIM-ready civil 3D pipe networks, surface models, grading and basic corridors for earthwork calculations and cross sections, process piping for complete plant layouts, and mechanical process equipment (i.e. blowers, pumps, etc.). Mr. Gutierrez is an advanced user of Autodesk AutoCAD, Civil 3D, and MEP. He has also has the responsibility of directing CAD staff and engineers to ensure project documents are accurate, professional and meet project goals. He is responsible for communicating with engineers and production staff to ensure all needs are met, this includes support, training and solving critical task obstacles. City of Redondo Beach Legado Development Sewer Collection Upgrades – Redondo Beach, CA The City of Redondo Beach will require additional conveyance capacity through new sewer pipelines and improvements in the area around Pacific Coast Highway and Avenue I. Mr. Gutierrez is serving as the Sr. CAD Designer for the design of approximately 550’ of new 12” sewer pipe and multiple manholes through multiple major intersections, and along Caltrans Pacific Coast Highway. The pipeline also traverses through City of Torrance right-of-way, so multiple encroachments are required for the project. PACE evaluated numerous alignment alternatives, and also trenchless construction technology through pipe bursting. PACE concluded that the existing pipe was too shallow for pipe bursting, and was able to identify an alignment to cross both over and under existing underground utilities. Vernon Water Main Replacement – Vernon, CA PACE informed the City on a separate well equipping project that approximately 2,000’ of existing 10” cast iron main will very likely have tuberculation and therefore will not be able to properly distribute water when the well operates at the design capacity. PACE collaborated with the City to implement a physical flow test, and validated that the existing pipe has lost over half of its capacity. Mr. Gutierrez served as the Sr. CAD Designer for the plans and specifications that were prepared to replace the existing 10” cast iron pipe with a new 12” ductile iron pipe. Orange Grove and Rancho Mesa Verde Potable Water System – Somerton, AZ Mr. Gutierrez served as the Sr. CAD Designer for the preliminary design of the proposed new potable water distribution system for the Orange Grove and Rancho Mesa Verde (OGRMV) subdivisions for tie-in to the City’s existing water system. The system will improve the quality of life in these low-income communities by providing a reliable water supply for both residential use and increased fire protection. The infrastructure will be west of the Orange Grove Community consisting of three segments of new piping (approximately 8,500 linear feet) running from the City’s existing main to the OG/RMV subdivision. The system will also include a new 180,000 gallon potable water storage tank and a booster pump station. Huntington Beach Well 9 Wellhead Treatment System & Sewer Line Improvement - Huntington Beach, CA Mr. Gutierrez served as the Sr. CAD Designer for the multiple phases of project development, lab services, piloting, concept development, water treatment facility engineering, planning division graphics, startup, and operations support services that PACE prepared for this innovative treatment system. Monthly backwashing was also needed for this treatment system. A 200 ft. long and 8 in. wide PVC sewer pipeline was installed under Warner Avenue, a busy street with three lanes, to allow wastewater to be diverted into the new sewer line. To minimize odor and cost, PACE designed the pipeline using a shallow sewer line connection with a drop bowl assembly to create a smoother flow to minimize splashing, resulting in decreased odor. EDUCATION A.A. / Applied Science, Computer Aided Drafting Technology ITT Technical Institute, 1994 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 26+ years Joined PACE in 2001 With others more than 7 years 182 RESUME Tim Fettig, PLS Principal, Vice President of Southern California Operations About: Years of Experience: 32 Years with Guida: 32 Education: Santa Ana College and Santiago Canyon College, Surveying/Mapping; Operating Engineers Surveying Apprentice Program, 1988 – 1993 Professional Registration/Certifications: Professional Land Surveyor #7542/CA/1999; IOUE Local 12, Certified Party Chief Summary: Tim brings over 32 years of surveying expertise as a project manager and as a licensed party chief. He has managed a multitude of projects throughout Southern California, overseeing staff members, workload, and scheduling. He engages in both field and office support, when required, and is knowledgeable about the latest equipment, technology, and product development. Highly skilled in all aspects of both design and construction surveying, Tim is a well-rounded professional. He has overseen control survey networks aerial photogrammetry, and topographic design surveys; right of way and boundary surveys and mapping, ALTA surveys, preliminary title reports, title research, plotting existing encumbrances, records of research, dedications and vacations, preparation of legal descriptions and plats, Record of Surveys, parcel maps, tract maps, lot-line adjustments, other land surveyor seal/stamp documents and map checking QA/QC. He has also provided construction survey support and construction staking, including perpetuation, pre- and post-construction corner records/records of survey, constructability review, construction staking, as-built surveys, and earthwork calculations. Project Experience: East Orange County Water District (EOCWD), Bent Tree Road Sewer Access Easement, Orange County, CA: Tim currently serves as survey project principal for the surveying and right of way services for an existing sanitary sewer along Bent Tree Road and Shady Canyon Road for the District where no easement rights exists. Guida’s work includes providing legal descriptions and plats for the new proposed easements and performing a limited field survey to measure the location of the sewer manholes as well several property corner monuments so we can relate the sewer line to property lines. Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD), On-Call Land Surveying Services, Southern California, CA: Tim served as project manager and licensed party chief for this on-call services contract which included aerial mapping in MicroStation, monumenting, providing topographic surveys, preparation of records of surveys, boundary surveys, easement preparation, and identifying MWD easements throughout Southern California. Guida surveyed roughly 50 easements, ranging from a couple hundred feet in length, to over a mile. The purpose of this exercise was to monument the existing MWD easements (many dating back to the 1920s), and to identify encroachments into the easements by adjacent landowners. Extensive mapping, records research, and boundary surveys were required to plot correctly and accurately property lines, easements, right of ways, and encroachments. Santa Fe Irrigation District, Mechanical Dewatering Improvements and San Dieguito Dam Improvements, San Diego, CA: Tim currently serves as principal surveyor for Guida’s construction staking services for the expansion of the Solids Mechanical Dewatering System and improvements to the San Dieguito Reservoir dam. Guida’s team is providing construction staking services for various elements and structures at the project site including rough grading, yard pipping, storm drains, final grades, and offset stakes for the gravity thickener, centrifuge corners, sludge holding tanks, and sludge splitter box. 183 RESUME Dean Bouldin, PLS Project Manager About: Years of Experience: 38 Years with Guida: 38 Education: A.A., Surveying and Mapping, Santiago Canyon College, 1995; Civil Engineering coursework, California State University, Long Beach, 1992-1994 Professional Registration/Certifications: Professional Land Surveyor #7842/CA/2002 Summary: Dean has 38 years of experience that includes mapping and design with a concentration in public works projects. His responsibilities have included preparation of Tentative Tract Maps, Final Tract Maps, Records of Surveys, Legal Descriptions and Plats, Annexation Documents, Parcel Maps, Corner Records, Caltrans Right-of-Way Engineering Documentation, and other Professional Land Surveying Services. Project Experience: Metropolitan Water District (MWD), On-Call Surveying and Mapping Contract, Los Angeles, CA: Under several consecutive 3-year on-call services contract with the Metropolitan Water District, Guida provide various land surveying and mapping services including cross sections, topographic mapping, boundary surveys, map preparation, map checking, control surveys and GPS surveys. Dean served as project surveyor and was responsible for performing boundary surveys and map preparation for several portions of the MWD fee and easement owned properties throughout their service area. Anaheim Public Utilities Department, Direct Buried Cable Remove and Replacement Project, Anaheim, CA: Guida is currently providing land surveying services to the design team to support the Anaheim Public Utilities Department remove and replacement projects throughout the city. Anaheim is replacing direct buried cable that is no longer supporting the needs of the residential and commercial communities within the city limits. The project is to identify, relocate and install new cable to improve electrical service to Anaheim’s customers. Services included verifying and establishing horizontal and vertical controls, base mapping, topographic surveys, boundary surveys, utility research, surveys and mapping, construction staking for new cable locations, switches and junction boxes, and legal descriptions and plats to support easement acquisitions. Dean serves as project surveyor. (2016-Ongoing) Contra Costa County, Various On-Call Engineering and Land Surveying Services, Byron Highway and Camino Diablo Intersection Improvements, Contra Costa County, CA: Guida performed several portions of topographic mapping and control research to uncover local monumentation. Using our reflectorless topographic mapping technology in the field, our team was able to identify areas that were difficult to access. Guida’s data was used to assist the creation of design mapping for the traffic signal and turn lane portions of the project. Due to this project being in approximation to the Pacific Railroad (UPRR) tracks, Guida’s team members increased their safety protocols to ensure our work met all safety regulations. Dean served as a project surveyor. Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), On-Call Land Surveying Services, Right of Way Engineering, Orange County, CA: Dean served as project surveyor on this on-call land surveying services contract with OCTA, performing right of way engineering services for various projects including railroads, highways, arterial streets, freeways, and other projects. The survey scope of work included the preparation of boundary retracement, monumentation, survey control maps, map checking and other right of way related tasks. He was responsible for performing the necessary office resources and performing quality control reviews of final deliverables. 184 RESUME Adam D’Alvia, PLS Party Chief About: Years of Experience: 25 Years with Guida: 24 Education: Rancho Santiago College, Survey Courses; Operating Engineers Apprenticeship Program Professional Registration/Certifications: Professional Land Surveyor #8141/CA/2005 Summary: Adam has 24 years of survey and mapping experience with emphasis on right of way and boundary surveying, topographic/design surveys, subdivisions, and ALTA/ACSM surveys and GPS surveys. He is an expert in field to office automation. In addition, Adam has provided construction staking and GPS surveying for several large construction projects throughout Southern California. Project Experience: Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD), On-Call Land Surveying Services, Irvine, CA: Adam serves as licensed party chief for this on-call contract with the IRWD. Guida is providing a full suite of land surveying services for various facilities throughout the District’s service area. Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD), On-Call Land Surveying Services, Southern California, CA: Guida provided on-call surveying services and equipment for MWD’s CIP and operations and maintenance projects throughout Southern California. Tasks included providing cross sections, topographic mapping, boundary surveys, map preparation, map checking, control surveys, GPS field and office processing, and final monumentation of MWD right of way. Adam served as licensed party chief; Guida was able to fully adhere to the schedule and budget for this project. Anaheim Public Utilities Department, Direct Buried Cable Remove and Replacement Project, Anaheim, CA: Guida is currently providing land surveying services to the design team to support the Anaheim Public Utilities Department remove and replacement projects throughout the city. Anaheim is replacing direct buried cable that is no longer supporting the needs of the residential and commercial communities within the city limits. The project is to identify, relocate and install new cable to improve electrical service to Anaheim’s customers. Services included verifying and establishing horizontal and vertical controls, base mapping, topographic surveys, boundary surveys, utility research, surveys and mapping, construction staking for new cable locations, switches and junction boxes, and legal descriptions and plats to support easement acquisitions. Adam is serving as licensed party chief. City of Irvine, Jeffrey Open Space Trail/I-5 Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge Project, Irvine, CA: Adam serves as a party chief for the land surveying services Guida is providing for the design of a pedestrian bridge over I-5 at Jefferey Road. The proposed bicycle and pedestrian bridge is a cast-in-place (CIP), 1,312-foot-long, 6-foot- deep, 17-foot-wide, nine-span, prestressed (PS) concrete box girder bridge. Guida is working directly with the design engineering team, providing land surveying, mapping and right of way services—which includes horizontal and vertical survey controls tied to Caltrans District 12 primary controls—aerial photogrammetric mapping, supplemental topographic design and utility surveys, land net surveys and mapping, and legal descriptions and plats. City of Irvine, On-Call Professional Land Surveying Services, Irvine, CA: Adam serves as licensed party chief for this on-call professional land surveying services contract. The scope of services includes field and office surveying services for the construction of municipal improvements, such as facilities, streets, traffic signals, walls, bridges, bike trails, storm drains and channels, and utilities. 185 Don G. Greenman II 1711 Sombra Dr. Glendale, CA 1-(818)-679-2037 don@pclocators.com Own Company: Pacific Coast Locators, Inc., La Crescenta, CA - 2004 to Present. • Don G. Greenman II – President • Certified Electro-Magnetic Technician • Certified Ground Penetrating Radar Technician Professional Experience & Training: • 15-year member of the Underground Utility and Leak Locators Association. • 13 years of BP Safety Passport Certification to work on ARCO petroleum retail & refinery sites. • 15 years - 40 Hours OHSA 29 CFR 1910.120 Supervisor Training. Chevron. • 13 years of Loss Prevention System Training Certification. Mobil Exxon. • 15 years of Electro-Magnetic Certification. • 15 years of Electro-Magnetic Certification through Radio Detection. Unocal. • 15 years of API WorkSafe Certification. • 15 years of National Safety Council Defensive Driving Certification. • 15 years Certified Geophysical Technician, Ground Penetrating Radar. • 10 years Union Pacific Rail Safe Contractor Certified. • 10years of Shell Life Saving Rules Certification. 186 Andrew G. Hoogenhuizen Drew.hoogenhuizen@yahoo.com 3120 Orange Ave. La Crescenta, CA 91214 Pacific Coast Locators, Inc. – 2016 to present GPR and EM Technician • Lead Technician • Certified Electro-Magnetic Technician • Certified Ground Penetrating Radar Technician Goldak, Inc. – 2014 to 2016 Leak Detector, Locating Technician • Clear and mark utilities for environmental remediation – monitoring well install, sampling, etc. • Clear proposed trenching locations for any and all underground utilities in the area of excavation • Scan site for any utilities lines using a passive locator. • Pinpointing residential and commercial underground water leaks including metallic and plastic water systems, and well as fire line leak detection. Professional Experience & Training • API Worksafe • Railroad Roadway Worker Protection • BNSF Safety Trained • Shell Life Saving Rules • 40 Hours OSHA • National Safety Council Defensive Driving • American Red Cross CPR/First Aide Trained • CCTV Inspections using the push camera • Concrete Scanning 187 Rick Huerta 12059 Ponderosa Court. Fontana, CA 92337 rickpclocators@yahoo.com (909) 657-9075 Company: Pacific Coast Locators, Inc. 2010 - Present • Rick Huerta – Lead Tech • Certified Electro-Magnetic Technician – Radiodectection • Certified Ground Penetrating Radar Technician - GSSI Professional Experience and Training • TWIC • CPR and First Aid • API Worksafe • 40-Hour HAZWOPER OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 • BNSF Safety Trained • Railroad Roadway Worker Protection Trained • E-Rail Safe Badged • National Safety Council Defensive Driver Trained • Petroleum Safety Trained • Confined Space Entry • LPS Trained 188 Siva K. Sivathasan, PhD, PE, GE, DGE, QSD, F.ASCE Senior Vice President/Principal Engineer Dr. Sivathasan is a registered civil and geotechnical engineer in California, with 26 years of geotechnical and construction experience. He is skilled at analyzing complex geotechnical problems and has prepared comprehensive reports with detailed recommendations. He also has extensive knowledge of construction projects from managing geotechnical observation and testing, special inspection and material testing, and Caltrans source inspection services. He has been providing source inspection for major transportation projects in Southern California. He is a subject matter expert for the California Board of Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists for geotechnical engineering exam development. Dr. Sivathasan is the vice chair of the ACSE Los Angeles Section Geotechnical Group and has published several papers in journals and for international and national conferences. Relevant Experience California Water Service, Palos Verdes Pump Station 22, Rolling Hills, CA. Project Manager. Geotechnical investigation services included site reconnaissance, subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, engineering analysis, and final geohazard/geotechnical report with design and construction recommendations. Geotechnical observation and testing services completed. California Water Service, Palos Verdes Pump Station 23, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. Project Manager. Geotechnical investigation services included site reconnaissance, subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, engineering analysis, and final geohazard/ geotechnical report with design and construction recommendations. Geotechnical observation and testing services completed. New Glendale Heights Welded Steel Reservoir, Glendale, CA. Project Manager over field exploration, laboratory testing, geologic evaluation, and geotechnical analysis. Converse prepared geotechnical/geohazard evaluation report which included design and construction recommendations for a proposed Welded Steel Reservoir. San Gabriel Valley Water Company (SGVWC), Hillside Stabilization and Drainage Improvements at Plant B17 Hacienda Heights, CA. Project Manager. Converse conducted a geotechnical investigation and report to assist with slope erosion stabilization and drainage control devices for planned drainage improvements. SGVWC Water Tank, Hacienda Heights, CA. Project Manager over geotechnical investigation to determine and evaluate site and subsurface conditions for a proposed single new steel welded water storage reservoir, concrete block retaining walls, concrete v-gutters, asphalt pavement, drainage improvements, and related plant improvements. Converse generated and submitted the final geotechnical study report with recommendations for design and earthwork. SGVWC Plant 13 and Water Storage Reservoir Slope Stabilization, Whittier, CA. Project Manager over geotechnical investigation with recommendations for slope stabilization. Services included site and subsurface review and evaluation, field exploration laboratory testing, geotechnical report preparation, field observation, and materials testing for site preparation, excavation, foundation installation, concrete placement, reinforcing steel, backfill, grout, and finished grade. City of Santa Paula, Crosstown Water Pipeline Project, Santa Paula, CA. Project Manager. Converse performed a geotechnical investigation and presented final report to support design phase. Subsurface exploration included exploratory borings to obtain soil samples. EDUCATION  PhD, Civil Engineering, University of California, Davis, 2002  MS, Civil Engineering, University of California, Davis, 1997  BS, Civil Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 1994 REGISTRATIONS/CERTIFICATIONS  California, Civil Engineer No. 63185  California, Geotechnical Engineer No. 2708  Diplomate in Geotechnical Engineering No. 1169  CFR 1910.120 OSHA 8-Hour Refresher Training  CFR 1910.120 OSHA 40-Hour Training  Nuclear Soil Density Gauge Certification AREAS OF EXPERTISE  Geotechnical Engineering  Deep Foundations  Water/Wastewater Treatment  Educational Institutions  Building Foundations  Bridge Foundations 189 Parameswaran “Ram” Ariram , EIT Senior Staff Engineer Mr. Ariram has 8 years of experience in geotechnical engineering specializing in foundations and ground improvement. He provides geotechnical services to conduct field exploration, provides oversight of laboratory testing, and conducts engineering analyses necessary for various projects. Relevant Experience California Water Service, Palos Verdes Pump Station 22, Rolling Hills, CA. Senior Staff Engineer. Geotechnical investigation services included site reconnaissance, subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, engineering analysis, and final geohazard/geotechnical report with design and construction recommendations. Geotechnical observation and testing services completed. California Water Service, Palos Verdes Pump Station 23, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. Senior Staff Engineer. Geotechnical investigation services included site reconnaissance, subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, engineering analysis, and final geohazard/ geotechnical report with design and construction recommendations. Geotechnical observation and testing services completed. New Glendale Heights Welded Steel Reservoir, Glendale, CA. Senior Staff Engineer. Conducted field exploration, laboratory testing, geologic evaluation, and geotechnical analysis. Prepared geotechnical/ geohazard evaluation report including design and construction recommendations for a proposed Welded Steel Reservoir. San Gabriel Valley Water Company (SGVWC), Hillside Stabilization and Drainage Improvements at Plant B17 Hacienda Heights, CA. Senior Staff Engineer. Conducted a geotechnical investigation and report to assist with slope erosion stabilization and drainage control devices for planned drainage improvements. SGVWC Water Tank, Hacienda Heights, CA. Senior Staff Engineer. Completed geotechnical investigation to determine and evaluate site and subsurface conditions for a proposed single new steel welded water storage reservoir, concrete block retaining walls, concrete v-gutters, asphalt pavement, drainage improvements, and related plant improvements. Generated and submitted the final geotechnical study report with recommendations for design and earthwork. SGVWC Plant 13 and Water Storage Reservoir Slope Stabilization, Whittier, CA. Senior Staff Engineer. Conducted geotechnical investigation with recommendations for slope stabilization. Services included site and subsurface review and evaluation, field exploration laboratory testing, geotechnical report preparation, field observation, and materials testing for site preparation, excavation, foundation installation, concrete placement, reinforcing steel, backfill, grout, and finished grade. City of Santa Paula, Crosstown Water Pipeline Project, Santa Paula, CA. Senior Staff Engineer. Performed geotechnical investigation and presented final report to support design phase. Subsurface exploration included exploratory borings to obtain soil samples. Project included the installation of 8,065 linear feet of, 24-inch diameter buried water pipeline composed of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material, to connect the discharge pipeline from the Steckel Water Conditioning Facility at the Steckel Drive/Santa Barbara Street intersection to the Pleasant Street/Tenth Street intersection. Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency, Well “N” Water Treatment Facility, Santa Clarita, CA. Senior Staff Engineer. Performed geotechnical investigation and presented final report to support design phase. Field investigation included exploratory borings to obtain soil samples. EDUCATION  MS, Civil Engineering, University of Houston, Texas, 2017  BSc, Civil Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2012 CERTIFICATIONS  TX Engineer-in-Training (EIT) No. 59703 AREAS OF EXPERTISE  Geotechnical Engineering  Deep Foundations  Retaining Structures  Pavement Design  Soil Stabilization  Soil Grouting  Earthquake Engineering GEOTECHNICAL SOFTWARES  LPILE/APILE  Cliq  Plaxis  Slide  Liquefy Pro  Ez Frisk 190 TRAFFIC CONTROL ENGINEERING, INC. 2687 Saturn St. TEL (714) 447-6077 Brea, Ca 92821 FAX (714) 447-6081 Professional Qualifications David Kuan, P.E. Mr. Kuan is President of the firm Traffic Control Engineering, Inc. which was organized in 1989. Prior to organizing his own consulting firm, he served the City of Orange as the City Transportation Engineer from 1984 to 1989. During his tenure with the City, he conducted a wide variety of traffic and transportation projects, both at local and regional levels. He was directly in charge of developing the City's General Plan Circulation Element as well as a new circulation master plan for a 7100 acre planning area. He later gained new responsibility of serving the City's Transportation Planning Committee, responsible for a broad range of traffic and transportation projects. Mr. Kuan was also the City of Orange's Transportation Demand Management Coordinator, responsible for formulating and implementing traffic reduction measures for the City and major employers in the City. Mr. Kuan has worked on numerous state and federal grants and funding programs, including OTS, HES, OCUTT, FETSIM, AHFP, and FAU. While with the City of Orange, Mr. Kuan had a close working relationship with Caltrans and other governmental transportation agencies including OCTA, Transportation Corridor Agency, etc.. He represented the City working with Caltrans in developing I-5 widening/interchange alternatives, Has also served on the Rt. 55 Car-Pool Lane Technical Advisory Committee. Mr. Kuan's experience and familiarity with various governmental agencies is a valuable asset in providing expedient project approval process. Prior to 1984, Mr. Kuan was engaged by the firm of PRC Voorhees. During the years he was with that firm, he was responsible for numerous traffic/transportation projects including impact analysis, access studies, parking studies, traffic signal coordination, circulation master plan and general plan throughout Southern California. Mr. David Kuan holds a Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of California at Irvine, a Masters Degree in Transportation Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley, is a member of the WATCH committee, served as a Chairperson of Orange County Traffic Engineering Council (OCTEC), a member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), and is also registered as a Professional Traffic Engineer (TR 1429, exp. date 12/31/20) and a Professional Civil Engineer (C 57387, exp. date 12/31/21) in the State of California. Traffic Control Engineering, Inc. has an on-going contract with Irvine Ranch Water District, City of Newport Beach, City of Chino, Costa Mesa Sanitary District, Long Beach Water Department, Los Angeles County Sanitation District, Orange County Sanitation District, Orange County Water District, LA City Bureau of Engineering for providing as-needed traffic control design. 191 SENIOR REGION ENGINEER PAUL MITCHELL, P.E. EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Paul has over 32 years of technical and engineering experience with an emphasis in wastewater collection systems, municipal waste, and environmental assessment/site remediation. He currently serves as Senior Region Engineer and Project Manager. His background includes work with long-term flow monitoring services for model verification, capacity studies for siphons, pump stations, and critical sewer segments, infiltration and inflow (I/I) analysis and prioritization studies, sewer system evaluation surveys such as physical inspections, smoke testing, as well as technical reporting and presentation. TEMPORARY SEWER FLOW MONITORING & RAINFALL DEPENDENT INFLOW & INFILTRATION STUDIES East Bay Municipal Utility District, Wet Weather Sewer Flow Monitoring Study, Oakland, California Sr. Project Manager. Had primary responsibility for running this 109- meter, 9 rain gauge, 3 year project to identify basins with substantial I/I issues. Responsibilities for the project included cost control, ensuring deliverables were met, and oversight of all field and data analysis activities. Also prepared the final data report that was included as a deliverable to Cal EPA. City of San Jose, Numerous Sewer Flow Monitoring Studies, San Jose, California Sr. Project Manager. Fifty-two sanitary flow monitoring sites and 16 rain gauges on a continuous basis and provide daily updates of flow and hydraulic performance via wireless telemetry to a web based data delivery platform called Flowview™. Weekly service summaries and monthly uptime performance metrics are provided along with monthly data analysis and finalization / certification of data. Deliverables also include seasonal flow metering (up to 100 meters at a time) and Rainfall Dependent Infiltration and Inflow (RDII) performance reports that provide trend analysis of dry and wet weather performance. Additions of up to 85 storm system flow monitoring locations and 9 more temporary rain gauging stations will enable the City to get a better handle on their storm system model. City of Los Angeles, Wet Weather Sewer Flow Monitoring Study, Los Angeles, California Sr. Project Manager. ADS was awarded a 2-year comprehensive sewer system performance evaluation for the City of Los Angeles, CA. This included deployment of 93 wireless flow monitors in lines ranging in size from 12-inch to 99-inch, flow and map verification, capacity evaluation, preparing an Web-based master database of flow data and capacity performance data. Rainfall Dependent Infiltration & Inflow (RDII) performance evaluations were conducted in metered tributary zones using Sliicer software to assist in the preparation and calibration of their wet weather performance model. Orange County Sanitation District, Rain Dependent Inflow and Infiltration Study, Fountain Valley, California Sr. Project Manager. ADS was awarded a 4-year - $6,200,000 project. The project involved delineation of 120 master basins and deployment of 150 wireless flow monitors to support the Cooperative Projects Program wherein RDII was targeted for reduction within the 24 Member Agencies comprising the District service area. This was the foundation project for all future RDII reduction efforts District wide. Education B.S., Chemical Engineering - Cal State Polytechnic University Pomona, 1986 M.S. Program Core Courses, Civil/Environmental Engineering – Cal State University Long Beach, 1991 Registration Professional Engineer, California, No 049435 Professional Engineer, Nevada, No 016878 Professional Engineer, Utah, No 8972209-2202 Experience 32 Years Joined Firm 2000 Relevant Experience · Managed over 300 Temporary Sewer Flow Monitoring Projects · Expertise in Rain Dependent Inflow and Infiltration · Critical Site Flow verification and Capacity Evaluation Expertise 192 DATA MANAGER JACKIE CRUTCHER EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Jackie is one of ADS’ most experienced Data Managers with demonstrated performance record spanning both field and corporate operations. Jackie has conducted numerous sewer system flow monitoring and evaluation projects involving infiltration/inflow determination, combined sewer overflow evaluations, capacity analyses, sewer system evaluation surveys and permanent flow monitoring. Her experience encompasses key project control disciplines in project scheduling and coordination, project management, analysis, data collection, and final report preparation. In addition, she has provided analysis and software training, and customer software and product support. As a data manager for ADS, Jackie is responsible for cultivating proactive team relationships, maximizing resources and ensuring that data analysis requirements for assigned projects are achieved. She independently analyzes data, which may include sanitary, combined, and storm sewer flow data. Data management responsibilities also include coordinating work assignments and schedules for a group of data analysts, conducting data reviews, data audits, quality control and assisting with training of analysis team members. TEMPORARY SEWER FLOW MONITORING & RAINFALL DEPENDENT INFLOW & INFILTRATION STUDIES City of Los Angeles, Wet Weather Sewer Flow Monitoring Study, Los Angeles, California Data Manager. ADS was awarded a 2-year comprehensive sewer system performance evaluation for the City of Los Angeles, CA. This included deployment of 93 wireless flow monitors in lines ranging in size from 12- inch to 99-inch, flow and map verification, capacity evaluation, preparing a Web-based master database of flow data and capacity performance data. Rainfall Dependent Infiltration & Inflow (RDII) performance evaluations were conducted in metered tributary zones using Sliicer software to assist in the preparation and calibration of their wet weather performance model. Orange County Sanitation District, Rain Dependent Inflow and Infiltration Study, Fountain Valley, California Data Manager. ADS was awarded a 4-year - $6,200,000 project completed in 2005. The project involved delineation of 120 master basins and deployment of 150 wireless flow monitors to support the Cooperative Projects Program wherein RDII was targeted for reduction within the 24 Member Agencies comprising the District service area. This was the foundation project for all future RDII reduction efforts District wide. Port of Long Beach, Long Beach, Temporary Sewer Flow Monitoring Study, Long Beach, California Data Manager. ADS was sub-contracted by RBF Engineers to conduct temporary sewer flow monitoring at 25 gravity locations and 6 lift stations for a period of 3 months study for a wet period and 14-day dry study. City of San Bernardino, Temporary Sewer Flow Monitoring Study, San Bernardino, California Data Manager. ADS was sub-contracted by AKM Consulting Engineers to conduct temporary sewer flow monitoring at 25 gravity locations for a period of 14 days for dry weather model calibration. Education B.S., Computer Science Technology, Alabama A&M University, 1983 Experience 35 Years Joined Firm 1985 Relevant Experience · Industry’s Most Experienced Data Analyst · Flow Monitoring Data Expert · Software, Hardware, and Field Experience 193 FIELD MANAGER I SHAY KOERBER Education Seattle Central Community College WA Sociology Graduated 2000 O&M of wastewater collection systems California State University Sacramento, CA 2013 Certifications MACP, NACP Certified O&M Certified T-Lock Welder (Ameron Water Transmission Group, expires October 2017) Experience 15 Years Joined Firm 2005 Relevant Experience · Successfully Managed over 300 Temporary and Permanent Sewer Flow Monitoring Projects · Expertise in Flow Monitoring, Water Loss Control and SSES · Software, Hardware, Data Analysis and Field Experience · Safety Training Coordinator · 100% of Shay’s projects have meet a 95% uptime rate or better · Site Reports/ Site Safety Plan development · Traffic Management Development · Field Crew Scheduling and Safety Preparation EXPERIENCE SUMMARY As Field Manager Shay has successfully managed the field operations from beginning to end on over 200 temporary flow monitoring projects, totaling more than 1000 monitoring sites. These projects included studies required to obtain data for modeling, inflow and infiltration, billing, event notification services, flow proportional sampling, sewer smoke testing (SSES), and pump station calibrations. Shay presently manages 14 long term projects totaling 200 monitoring sites, as well as several rain gauges. Shay has also had the experience working with several different agencies in multiple major metropolitan cities throughout the United States. Shay has helped assist and manage several major projects, including Seattle, San Diego, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Fresno, Reno, Oakland, and San Jose. TEMPORAY SEWER FLOW MONITORING & RAINFALL DEPENDENT INFLOW & INFILTRATION STUDIES City of San Diego, Sewer Flow Monitoring and Event Notification Services, San Diego, California Field Manager. Five-year contract with Metropolitan Wastewater worth $5,700,000. Monitor 161 sanitary flow monitoring sites in pipes ranging from 8” to 114” on a continuous basis since 2005. Provide daily updates of flow, hydraulic performance and event notification via wireless and landline telemetry to a web based data delivery platform, IntelliServe™. Daily service summaries and 95% or better uptime performance are provided along with monthly data analysis and finalization / certification of data used for billing, modeling and overflow alarming to meet EPA requirements. City of El Cajon, Sewer System Evaluation Services, El Cajon, California Field Manager. ADS was contracted by the City of El Cajon to conduct 164,000 lf of sanitary sewer smoke testing as a follow-up to a system- wide flow monitoring effort to identify RDII. The project involved locating cracks, breaks and illegal connections, and after extensive investigation, over 250 defects were found which assisted the City in developing a rehabilitation plan and identifying necessary sewer repairs and replacement. City of Los Angeles, Sewer Flow Monitoring and Event Notification Services, Los Angeles, California Field Manager. Thirty-three sanitary sewer flow monitoring sites for the purpose of billing, modeling and overflow detection. First commissioned in 1999, the monitoring stations consist of both land-line and wireless flow meters which report to ADS’ web-based reporting system for real- time flow measurement and alarming. Scope of work also includes comprehensive service, data analysis, certification of data and as-needed data review and engineering services. City of Las Vegas, Permanent Sewer Flow Monitoring, Las Vegas, Nevada Field Manager. Thirty sanitary sewer flow monitoring sites on a continuous basis since 1997. Flow data is used for billing, modeling and flow verification during diversion activities. Scope of services includes comprehensive service, data analysis and event notification services. Deliverables also include as-needed temporary flow monitoring and removing and reinstalling monitoring stations. 194 DANIEL BOTT Director of CEQA/NEPA Services A certified DBE, SBE & WBE firm 30900 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 100 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 949.489.2700 | vcsenvironmental.com ABOUT Dan Bott is the Director of CEQA/NEPA services for VCS Environmental (VCS). Mr Bott has over 30 years of combined environmental planning experience in both the private and public sector. He is responsible for the preparation and management of environmental documents (Initial Studies, Negative Declarations, Environmental Impact Reports, and Environmental Assessments), as well as other policy plans, including Specific Plans, for a wide variety of residential, commerical and industrial land use projects, transportation improvement projects and water resource infrastructure projects. He is an effective problem solver, able to understand and clearly communicate complex technical and environmental development issues and to create economically feasible solutions. SELECT PROJECTS CALTRANS LOCAL ASSISCALTRANS LOCAL ASSISCALTRANS LOCAL ASSISCALTRANS LOCAL ASSISTANCE PROJECTSTANCE PROJECTSTANCE PROJECTSTANCE PROJECTS Dan oversees the environmental documentation that VCS prepares for various Caltrans Local Assistance projects. As a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise/Small Business Enterprise (DBE/SBE), VCS is asked to team on various projects requiring Federal funding. Dan oversees these projects, which include projects in the Cities of Irvine, Lake Elsinore, Colton, Palm Springs, Downey, and Pico Rivera. REMINGTON TRABUCO SIREMINGTON TRABUCO SIREMINGTON TRABUCO SIREMINGTON TRABUCO SIGNAL IMPROVEMENT PROGNAL IMPROVEMENT PROGNAL IMPROVEMENT PROGNAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT | IRVINE, CAJECT | IRVINE, CAJECT | IRVINE, CAJECT | IRVINE, CA The project involved installation of a signal at a currently unsignalized intersection, roadway and intersection improvements, ADA upgrades, streetlight system modifications, traffic striping and signage modifications, landscaping and irrigation modifications, utility coordination and mapping and Orange County Flood Control channel improvements and modifications. Dan provided CEQA compliance oversight, management of the regulatory permitting requirements for the project and also the coordination of mitigation credits for the project. LAKEWOOD BLAKEWOOD BLAKEWOOD BLAKEWOOD BOULEVARD/FLORENCE AVOULEVARD/FLORENCE AVOULEVARD/FLORENCE AVOULEVARD/FLORENCE AVENUE PROJECT | DOWNEENUE PROJECT | DOWNEENUE PROJECT | DOWNEENUE PROJECT | DOWNEY, CAY, CAY, CAY, CA Dan is managing and preparing the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Lakewood Boulevard/Florence Avenue Project. The proposed project involves roadway widening, traffic signal improvements and utility relocations to the existing Lakewood Boulevard and Florence Avenue intersection within the City of Downey. HOME SWEET HOME PROJHOME SWEET HOME PROJHOME SWEET HOME PROJHOME SWEET HOME PROJECT | CITY OF LAKE EECT | CITY OF LAKE EECT | CITY OF LAKE EECT | CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE, CALSINORE, CALSINORE, CALSINORE, CA Dan managed and prepared the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Home Sweet Home Project. The site is regionally located in unincorporated Riverside County within the Lakeland Village of the Elsinore Area Plan. The 7.16-acre project site is located between Grand Avenue and Brightman Avenue. Historically, the property was vacant land up until the 1920’s when agricultural activities began and continued to about the 1970’s. Presently, the property is vacant and surrounded by residential uses to the north, south, east and a fire station and vacant land to the west. The Proposed Project included a Zone Change request from General Commercial to Mixed Use and the approval of a tentative tract map. Primary issues analyzed within the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration were air quality/noise (construction-related and long-term operational), biological resources, cultural resources, traffic impacts to the local roadway network and land use compatibility. EDUCATION Master of Science Environmental Studies: California State University, Fullerton, 1986 B.A. Anthropology, Minor in Political Science: California State University, Fullerton, 1983 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP) American Planning Association (APA) 195 QUALITY ASSURANCE/ QUALITY CONTROL 196 B711 | CITY OF ROLLING HILLS SEWER IMPROVEMENT PLANS - 8” SEWER MAIN ALONG PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD/ROLLING HILLS ROAD QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES – 27 The Program Manager will coordinate all planning and design work with all subconsultants and staff. Regular meetings or teleconferences will be held with applicable Project Team members and consultants to coordinate engineering study and/or design issues. Meeting minutes will be kept and retained in project files. CLIENT COORDINATION The Program Manager will be the project’s primary source contact with the client on contracting matters. A Project Manager will be assigned to each project and will directly interface with the client as a primary contact. The Program Manager will serve as a secondary contact in the event that the Project Manager is unavailable. All correspondence to the client, whether incoming or outgoing, will be through the Program Manager. The Program Manager will keep the client informed of the project progress on a monthly basis unless otherwise indicated in the work plan or contract work scope. The monthly progress reports will, at a minimum include: • Schedule status • Progress to date • Work planned for upcoming month • List of issues which may affect project schedule / objectives In addition to the progress reports, an Action Items Matrix (AIM) will be prepared and monthly updated provided to the Client. The AIM will identify actions to be accomplished, description of the activity, date for completion and lead person/ party responsible for ensuring the action is completed. Agreements with our subconsultants will be followed by detailed task orders delineating the budget, schedule, and scope. These task orders will be monitored for progress and compliance. We will track the resources and the costs against the planned targets to ensure the resources are efficiently employed. With the high level of local and specialized expertise proposed, our subconsultant selection within the team depends on a well-organized planning and conceptual design process that uses staff only when needed for as long as needed and is delineated by the specific project requirements and locations. Our project knowledge and the skill of our management team provide the basis for a well-managed study and design process. Our team will provide the highest quality work products. This will be accomplished through implementation of a Quality Assurance/Quality Control program that will be clearly defined in a quality control plan developed specifically for this project. Quality management will be used to ensure that the deliverables for the project meet a formally established standard of acceptance. Reviews are provided at critical points and specific responsibilities for the different levels of reviews during the life of the project are pre-defined. NOTHING is released from the project team to the client without at least one review. The plan will include: 1. Quality control for the project will utilize tools and methodologies for ensuring that all deliverables comply with approved quality standards. 2. Senior level staff and technical area experts will assist the Project Manager in verifying the quality standards are met for the deliverables. 3. Use of a Technical Advisory Panel made up of senior technical experts to review recommendations developed by the project team. These experts will attend the criteria committee meetings, constructability review meetings and workshops, as needed. 4. Regularly scheduled project coordination meetings between City and our project manager and project engineers. 5. Independent review of each technical work product before its submission to City. 6. Bi-monthly performance assessments from City. PEER REVIEW PE REVIEW INDEPENDENTMILESTONE REVIEW PROJECTMANAGEMENT CHECK Responsibility: PMFrequency: As Scheduled Responsibility: QC ManagerFrequency: As Scheduled Responsibility: PEFrequency: Weekly Responsibility: SubtaskLeader/Task ManagerFrequency: Daily,Weekly Responsibility: Designer/PeerFrequency: Daily or MoreOften • Validity of Data • Design Standard/Criteria Check • Calculation Checks • Logic Checks • Drafting Check/Back Checks • Validity of Data • Design Standard/Criteria Check • Scope • Peer Review Coordination • Constructibility • Design Standards and Criteria • Scope • Calculation Checks • Overall Compatibility/Coordination • Potential Errors • Constructability Cost • Risks • Design Standards and Criteria • Scope • Compatability/Coordination • Potential Errors • Constructibility • Constructibility Cost • Risks • Overall Compatibility/Coordination • Design and Criteria Scope • Risks • Constructability • Monitor Designer/Peer Review SUBMITTAL SUBTASK LEADER/TASK MANAGER REVIEW QUALITY AUDITS / QA LEADER{{{{{ SUBCONSULTANT MANAGEMENT QUALITY ASSURANCE / QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES 197 REFERENCES 198 Geraldine Trivedi Civil Engineer City of Redondo Beach 415 Diamond St, Redondo Beach, CA 90277 (310) 318-0661 Geraldine.Trivedi@redondo.org Gilbert Gamboa Sr. Civil Engineer City of Manhattan Beach 1400 Highland Ave, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 (310) 802-5356 ggamboa@citymb.info Joseph Fuentes, PE Contract Administrator City of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 536-5259 rjfuentes@surfcity-hb.org City of Redondo Beach Legado Development Sewer Upgrades Poinsettia, Voorhees and Pacific Sewer Lift Stations Upgrades City of Huntington Beach - Beach Boulevard Sewer Replacement REFERENCES B711 | CITY OF ROLLING HILLS SEWER IMPROVEMENT PLANS - 8” SEWER MAIN ALONG PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD/ROLLING HILLS ROAD REFERENCES – 28 199 SCHEDULE AND SCHEDULE CONTROL 200 ID Task Name Duration 1 Task 1 - Project Management & Meetings 2 Kick off Agency Meeting & Project Initiation 1 wk 3 Review Existing & New Information & Request for USA & Utilities Record Drawings 2 wks 4 Topographic Survey 1 wk 5 Prepare Base Map 3 wks 9 Task 2, 3, 4 - Contract Documents (Design Plans, Specifications and Cost Estimate) 10 65% Plans, Specifications and Cost Estimate Submittal 5 wks 11 Submit to City Review (3 weeks)3 wks 12 Submit to Other Stakeholders for Review (3 weeks)3 wks 14 90% Plans and Specifications Submittal 3 wks 17 Submit to City Review (3 weeks)3 wks 18 Submit to Other Stakeholders for Review (3 weeks)3 wks 19 100% Plans, Specifications and Cost Estimate Submittal 2 wks 22 Submit to City Review (3 weeks)3 wks 23 Submit to Other Stakeholders for Review (3 weeks)3 wks 24 100% Final Plans Submittal 1 wk 26 Submit to City Review (3 weeks)3 wks 27 Submit to Other Stakeholders for Review (3 weeks)3 wks 28 Task 5 - Permitting and Compliance to Regulatory Requirements 29 CEQA Compliance (Categorical Exemption)1 wk 30 CEQA Compliance (MND) (Optional In-Lieu of Categorical Exemption)26 wks 31 Assist with Security Approvals from Permitting and Regulatory Agencies 28 wks 32 Task 6 - Bid Support 33 Advertise Project 4 wks 34 Award Project 7 wks 35 Task 7 - Construction Support Services 36 Notice to Proceed for Contractor 1 wk 37 Construction 14 wks 38 Record Drawings 1 wk Week 1 Week 6 Week 11 Week 16 Week 21 Week 26 Week 31 Week 36 Week 41 Week 46 Week 51 Week 56 Week 61 Week 66 Week 71 Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary External Tasks External Milestone Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Critical Critical Split Progress Deadline City of Rolling Hills Sewer Improvement Project Schedule (Optional Tasks Not Shown) PACE Job # B711 Page 1 Project: City of Rolling Hills Sewer Improvement Date: Tue 7/7/20 PROJECT SCHEDULE OPTIONAL TASKS NOT SHOWN B711 | CITY OF ROLLING HILLS SEWER IMPROVEMENT PLANS - 8” SEWER MAIN ALONG PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD/ROLLING HILLS ROAD SCHEDULE AND SCHEDULE CONTROL – 29 201 ID Task Name Duration 1 Task 1 - Project Management & Meetings 2 Kick off Agency Meeting & Project Initiation 1 wk 3 Review Existing & New Information & Request for USA & Utilities Record Drawings 2 wks 4 Topographic Survey 1 wk 5 Prepare Base Map 3 wks 6 Geotechnical Investigations (Optional)3 wks 7 Flow Monitoring (Optional)3 wks 8 Public Outreach Through Town-Hall Type Meetings (Optional)12 wks 9 Task 2, 3, 4 - Contract Documents (Design Plans, Specifications and Cost Estimate) 10 65% Plans, Specifications and Cost Estimate Submittal 5 wks 11 Submit to City Review (3 weeks)3 wks 12 Submit to Other Stakeholders for Review (3 weeks)3 wks 13 Potholing (Optional)3 wks 14 90% Plans and Specifications Submittal 3 wks 15 90% Traffic Control Plans Submittal (Optional)3 wks 16 90% Street Improvement Plans and Striping Plans and Specifications Submittal (Optional)4 wks 17 Submit to City Review (3 weeks)3 wks 18 Submit to Other Stakeholders for Review (3 weeks)3 wks 19 100% Plans, Specifications and Cost Estimate Submittal 2 wks 20 100% Traffic Control Plans Submittal (Optional)2 wks 21 100% Street Improvement Plans and Striping Plans,Specifications and Cost Estimate Submittal (Optional)2 wks 22 Submit to City Review (3 weeks)3 wks 23 Submit to Other Stakeholders for Review (3 weeks)3 wks 24 100% Final Plans Submittal 1 wk 25 100% Traffic Control Plans Submittal (Optional)1 wk 26 Submit to City Review (3 weeks)3 wks 27 Submit to Other Stakeholders for Review (3 weeks)3 wks 28 Task 5 - Permitting and Compliance to Regulatory Requirements 29 CEQA Compliance (Categorical Exemption)1 wk 30 CEQA Compliance (MND) (Optional In-Lieu of Categorical Exemption)26 wks 31 Assist with Security Approvals from Permitting and Regulatory Agencies 28 wks 32 Task 6 - Bid Support 33 Advertise Project 4 wks 34 Award Project 7 wks 35 Task 7 - Construction Support Services 36 Notice to Proceed for Contractor 1 wk 37 Construction 14 wks 38 Record Drawings 1 wk Week 1 Week 6 Week 11 Week 16 Week 21 Week 26 Week 31 Week 36 Week 41 Week 46 Week 51 Week 56 Week 61 Week 66 Week 71 Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary External Tasks External Milestone Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Critical Critical Split Progress Deadline City of Rolling Hills Sewer Improvement Project Schedule (Optional Tasks Shown) PACE Job # B711 Page 1 Project: City of Rolling Hills Sewer Improvement Date: Tue 7/7/20 B711 | CITY OF ROLLING HILLS SEWER IMPROVEMENT PLANS - 8” SEWER MAIN ALONG PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD/ROLLING HILLS ROAD SCHEDULE AND SCHEDULE CONTROL – 30 PROJECT SCHEDULE OPTIONAL TASKS SHOWN 202 203 204 205 Presented to: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS ENGINEERING AND STREET SERVICES DIVISION PROPOSAL Prepared by: QUANTUM CONSULTING, INC Engineering Consulting Services 2720 Sepulveda Boulevard, Suite 100 Torrance, CA 90505 P: 310-891-3994 F: 310-891-3995 www.thequantumconsulting.com RFP FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE SEWER IMPROVEMENT PLANS Presented to: CITY OF ROLLING HILLS July 13, 2020 206 Quantum Quality Consulting, Inc. Engineering Consulting Services 2720 Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 100, Torrance, CA 90505 Ι P: (310) 891-3994 Ι F: (310) 891-3995 www.thequantumconsulting.com July 13, 2020 Ms. Elaine Jeng, P.E. City Manager City of Rolling Hills 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 RE: RFP for Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans Dear Ms. Jeng: Thank you for the opportunity to present our qualifications for your consideration. We are pleased to submit our statement of qualifications to the City of Rolling Hills to provide Engineering Design Services. Quantum Quality Consulting, Inc. is a full service civil and traffic engineering consulting firm serving municipal clients exclusively in Southern California for over 20 years. Quantum Consulting is a California corporation licensed to provide professional engineering services including civil and traffic engineering, design, construction management and inspection, staff augmentation, and program management. We are uniquely qualified to provide design services as we have produced numerous designs with zero percent change order due to our in-house quality assurance/control including Water, Sewer, and Storm Drain Improvements Projects for the Cities of Compton, Manhattan Beach, and Gardena. We have successfully completed a number of sewer design projects throughout Southern California; totaling approximately $500M in construction value with the most recent being the Cycle 1 Sewer Main infrastructure improvements project for the City of Manhattan Beach. Please note that that our firm is located in Torrance and the firm’s principal is a long time resident of the peninsula, which make for closer proximity and more familiarity of the project area. I have read understood, and agreed to all statements in this request for proposal and acknowledge receipt of all addendums/amendments as well as to the terms, conditions, and attachments referenced. Please let us know if you have any questions or if we may be of any further assistance. Sincerely, Frank Bigdeli, P.E., President fbigdeli@thequantumconsulting.com Attachments: Proposal and Fee proposal under separate cover 207 PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PLANS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS Table of Contents BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 Firm Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 3 Track Record .................................................................................................................................................... 4 QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF PERSONNEL ............................................................................................. 5 Relevant Projects ............................................................................................................................................. 5 PROJECT APPROACH ............................................................................................................................................ 8 Project Understanding & Scope of Work .......................................................................................................... 8 Approach ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 PERSONNEL ....................................................................................................................................................... 11 Organizational Chart ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Staff Resumes ................................................................................................................................................ 12 Frank Bigdeli, P.E. .................................................................................................................................. 12 Nasser Abbaszadeh, P.E., QSD, QSP ....................................................................................................... 13 Lesly Cantarero ...................................................................................................................................... 14 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES .................................................................................... 15 Quality Assurance .......................................................................................................................................... 15 Quality Control .............................................................................................................................................. 15 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 SCHEDULE AND SCHEDULE CONTROL ................................................................................................................ 16 Schedule ........................................................................................................................................................ 16 208 PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PLANS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS QUANTUM CONSULTING 3 BACKGROUND Firm Overview Since 1995, Quantum Quality Consulting, Inc. (Quantum Consulting) has been privileged to provide municipal engineering services including civil engineering design, traffic engineering design, roadway and sewer design, program/project management, staff augmentation, city engineering services, grant acquisition, master planning, construction management and inspection, project review, development review, drainage review, grading plan check and general civil plan check and management services to various municipalities throughout Southern California. We are well versed in the myriad of issues of public works and municipal department CIP projects due to our experience with our services and projects for numerous cities. We possess the depth of experience and staffing to meet and exceed your expectations. Our team of professional traffic and civil engineers, designers, program/construction managers, and support staff are well versed in matters related to municipal engineering having served both as city employees and consultants. • For over 20 years, Quantum Consulting has provided municipal civil and traffic engineering and public works administrative services; staff augmentation; design services; Infrastructure Planning services; construction management and inspection services; and CIP funding procurement and administrative services exclusively for cities in southern California. • We have managed CIP programs for the cities of Culver City, Azusa, Gardena, Hermosa Beach and California City to include program development and to locate funding sources. • We recently managed the development of the Pacific Coast Highway program through the City of Hermosa Beach, funded by Measure R. The project includes roadway improvements, roundabouts, traffic signals, utility undergrounding, sidewalk widening and improvements, ADA access and bicycle lanes all in a Complete Streets methodology. • We have provided recent construction management and inspection services for the cities of Manhattan Beach, Lake Forest, Compton, Gardena, Azusa, Lawndale, Hermosa Beach, and Carson. • We are currently on retainer to provide on-call engineering services for the cities of Manhattan Beach, Laguna Niguel, Culver City, Hermosa Beach, Fontana, Thousand Oaks, and San Fernando. We have also provided these services for the cities of Azusa, Compton, Gardena, Commerce, Palmdale, and Lancaster in the past. • We are currently providing on-call traffic engineering services for the cities of Chino, Lomita, and Santa Monica. We have provided similar services for the cities of Gardena, Hermosa Beach, and Bakersfield. • We have completed CM&I for projects with over $1B in construction value including the 600-acre Rosedale Development for the City of Azusa, which included five miles of roadway, two parks, sewers, storm drains, detention basins, sidewalks, curb and gutter and utilities. • We have provided on-call traffic engineering plan check services for the cities of Chino, Santa Monica, Lomita and Bakersfield for development and redevelopment projects, CIP projects, and council initiated projects such as stop signs, traffic signals, etc. Our services have been performed in accordance with all applicable regulations, standards, Municipal Code, and California Vehicle Code. 209 PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PLANS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS QUANTUM CONSULTING 4 • We have completed the design of $20 million in bond funded sewer replacement and rehabilitation for the City of Compton Public Works Department. We have also completed the design of $44 million in bond funded water main replacement and additional facilities for the Compton Municipal Water Department. • We have provided infrastructure project development, design, management, construction management, inspection, pavement management and sewer infrastructure design services for more than $100 million worth of improvements in the last five years. • We seek ways to save agencies in terms of cost and time. Most recently, while providing services for multiple projects for the City of Lake Forest, we found ways to coordinate and merge tasks among several projects and revise down our fee schedules. Our professional engineers are accustomed to balancing both a high-level perspective for project efficiency and a hands-on, granular involvement for quality assurance. • Our on-call design, construction management and inspection services have been completed to the satisfaction of the staff at public works/water department and agencies, receiving accolades from Directors and City Engineers on numerous occasions. Our extensive list of repeat municipal clients is a testimonial to our dedication in providing the highest quality services with the utmost sensitivity toward the City's residents, staff, and public officials. The following is a partial list of the cities for which Quantum has provided various types of municipal engineering services: Arcadia Carson Culver City Lancaster Palmdale Azusa Cerritos Fullerton Lawndale Redondo Beach Baldwin Park Chino Gardena Lomita Bakersfield Beverly Hills City of L.A. Hermosa Beach Los Angeles Santa Monica Burbank Commerce Inglewood Manhattan Beach Hawthorne California City Compton Irvine Newport Beach Torrance Caltrans County of L.A. La Puente Norwalk West Covina Track Record As an established full service Southern California engineering consulting firm:  We continue to complete all of our projects on time and within budget  We complete our services to the satisfaction of public works department staff, municipal management staff, council members, and the surrounding communities  Quantum has never asked for any additional fees from any client beyond our approved contract  Quantum has never been involved in any legal actions against any of our municipal clients due to our services 210 PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PLANS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS QUANTUM CONSULTING 5 QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF PERSONNEL Relevant Projects The following represent some of the projects for which Quantum Consulting has provided Engineering Design services over past few years. These projects demonstrate the experience of our staff that encompasses all aspects of professional consulting services as delineated in the RFP. On-Call Contracts On-Call Civil Engineering Services Multiple Cities Quantum Consulting is currently under contract to perform on-call engineering services for the following cities: Fontana, Culver City, Laguna Niguel, Thousand Oaks, Manhattan Beach, Lomita, and San Fernando On-Call Utility Design Services City of Manhattan Beach Quantum Consulting is currently under contract to perform on-call utility design services for the City of Manhattan Beach. On-Call Engineering Design, Traffic Engineering, Inspection and Grading Plan Check Services City of Lomita Quantum Consulting performs on-call engineering design, traffic engineering services including, most recently, providing more spaces to the Civic Center’s on-street parking as well as returning the character of streets to local. We are currently designing striping plans for various locations. Furthermore, Quantum Consulting performs on-call grading plan check and inspection services to the City of Lomita. Services including plan checking, related to EIR for various new developments for the City of Lomita Community Development Department. Specific Project Experience Cycle 1 Sewer System Improvements Project City of Manhattan Beach Quantum Consulting prepared complete project plans, specifications and estimate for reconstruction of sewers in 9 locations determined to be most severe in various streets and rights of way. The project required replacement of approximately two thousand (2,000 LF) feet of existing sewer and point repairs at other locations. Design included new paving section, striping, curb and gutter, sidewalk, approaches, cross gutters, and ADA improvement at the replacements to provide a complete restoration where possible. 13th Street Sewer Replacement Project City of Manhattan Beach The Quantum Team has prepared complete project plans, specifications and estimate for reconstruction of a sewer under a walk street (pedestrian only) which has completely collapsed. The project required replacement of connections under beachside private improvements, restoration of existing gas lamp lighting system in the center of the street, restoration of areas of the Strand. Due to extensive private improvements encroaching on the City 211 PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PLANS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS QUANTUM CONSULTING 6 property, the project required sensitivity to the public and consideration of the residents to move the project forward smoothly. Sewer System Management Plan Audit City of Manhattan Beach Quantum Consulting is currently performing an audit to the previous Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) for the City of Manhattan Beach Utilities Department. The audit evaluates any major changes made to the management plan in the last two years as well as any recommendations that improve the operation and maintenance to the City’s collection system. Sewer System Management Plan Update City of Manhattan Beach Quantum Consulting is currently providing an update to the Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) for the City of Manhattan Beach Utilities Department. Using the audit, the SSMP is updated to address all the changes and improvements. We provided the update back in 2016 and will do the audit this year as well as the new update. Cycle 2 Storm Drain Infrastructure Improvements Project City of Manhattan Beach Quantum Consulting is currently preparing complete project plans, specifications and estimate for rehabilitation of storm drains citywide in 13 locations. New CCTV investigations are under way for condition assessment of the various locations. Design will include new paving section and striping at the replacements to provide a complete restoration where possible. Pump Station Interconnectivity SCADA Project Design City of Manhattan Beach With the team at Computer Automation Design, Quantum provided engineering design services for this project which includes new towers at 20 locations throughout the City. Quantum prepared plans, specifications and engineer’s estimate (PS&E) including improvements at each of the sites. The facilities were primarily underground including water system, storm water facilities, wastewater pumping and other services for the City integrated systems. The project is currently ready for implementation. Purche Avenue Storm Drain Project City of Torrance The Quantum design team has completed the design of the area storm drain piping system in Purche Avenue, 185th Street, Van Ness Ave and 182nd Street. The existing condition of the residential area was problematic due to flooding. The new storm drain pipes were required to be at minimal cover to allow connection to existing storm drain facilities and to maintain flow. The design was 30” reinforced concrete pipe, portions of eccentric shape and approximately one half mile in length. Water Transmission Main and Storm Drain Lines, Engineering Design City of Torrance Quantum Consulting is currently under contract with the City of Torrance to provide design services for the Van Ness Water Wells Transmission Main of 3.5 miles in length. This project includes construction of a water transmission main in Van Ness Avenue from two groundwater well sites located off Van 212 PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PLANS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS QUANTUM CONSULTING 7 Ness Ave., north of the 405 Freeway, the design of an area storm drain piping system in Purche Ave. near Well No. 12 to 182nd Street and the design of a storm drain line from the reservoir and Well No. 7 facility to Plaza Del Amo for disposal of well discharges and for reservoir cleaning. Traffic Control Plans were required with the construction plans. Sewer Improvement Projects, Design City of Gardena Quantum Consulting provided design services for the citywide sewer improvements for the City of Gardena to include main replacement and in place lining. These improvements were identified in a Sewer Master Plan that Quantum Consulting had previously prepared for the City. The design work has been completed for the initial year CIP in excess of $1.3 million in construction. Sewer Bond Improvement Projects, Design City of Compton Quantum Consulting recently completed an extensive multi-project contract with the City of Compton Public Works Department to design $20 million in sewer system improvements. Quantum prepared bid ready plans, specifications and estimates. Sewer projects were citywide and locations varied from easements in backyards of residential properties to being in residential, collector and arterial streets. At some locations, proposed sewer pipes connected to Los Angeles County Sanitation District trunk lines. The work included design of five (5) sewer main replacement projects (four of which averaged 9 thousand linear feet each of extra strength vitrified clay pipe) and one which required 8 miles of in place CIPP sewer line restoration, for a total of over 15 miles of sewer pipe replacement, upgrade and reline. Roadway restoration designs were included in the project design. Pipes designed ranged in sizes from 8” to 24”. All of the replacement designs included extensive trench paving replacement due to marginal soils conditions for deep trenching. City of Azusa Sewer Improvement Projects, Design City of Azusa Quantum Consulting provided the design of more than $6 million for the citywide sewer improvements for the City of Azusa including main replacement, storage tanks, pump station, lining, etc. These improvements had been identified in a Sewer Master Plan that Quantum Consulting had previously prepared for the City. 213 PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PLANS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS QUANTUM CONSULTING 8 PROJECT APPROACH Project Understanding & Scope of Work Quantum Consulting fully understands the scope of services as listed in the RFP and is ready to provide these services successfully at the direction and to the satisfaction of the City of Rolling Hills staff. We understand that the City of Rolling Hills is looking for a qualified consultant to provide civil engineering design services for the preparation of construction documents, specifications, and cost estimates (PS&E) for a sewer main improvement project. We understand a study has been prepared and approved to install a new 8” sewer main along Portuguese Bend Road to connect to existing sanitary sewer line located in adjacent city, Rolling Hills Estates. Quantum Consulting is prepared to complete the design and secure approval of all plans, specifications, estimates, and permits from all applicable agencies in order to immediately thereafter advertise for construction bid, and provide technical support during construction of the project. We will perform the following tasks as delineated in the RFP: Task 1 – Project Management: 1) Meetings (number of meetings) a. Scoping/Kick-off (2) b. Utility (2) c. Stakeholders (2) d. City Council (1) e. Design review with staff (2) 2) CEQA Process Overview - Make a determination of the appropriate CEQA process for the project. See Task 8 – Optional Services 3) Perform utility research/other research and coordination. Conduct required surveys/design surveys and prepare detailed base map for use in developing design plans. 4) Develop and maintain Project Schedule for Approval based on City approval process and grant restrictions, if applicable. 5) Research, Survey, and Base Map preparation Task 2 – Design: Develop all design plans based on Task 1 and Attachment “A” – Sewer Area Study Including City Hall, Tennis Court Site, and Upstream Properties, Phase II. Prepare design plans for the construction of: 1) Upon completion of Base Map, conduct second scoping meeting with City to discuss any deviation from initial scoping meeting / approved Preliminary Plan that may be required based on information obtained during Task 1. 2) Design Plans will be submitted at the following stages of completion for City review and comment: 65%, 90%, 100% & 100% (Final, as needed). Allow 3 week minimum for each City of Rolling Hills review. 214 PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PLANS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS QUANTUM CONSULTING 9 3) Design Plans will be submitted at the following stages of completion to other agencies having an interest/stake/permitting for agency review and comment: 65%, 90%, 100% (Final). Task 3 – Specifications: Project Specifications at 65%, 90%, and 100% submittal: Quantum will prepare specifications in conformance with the current Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook) and other applicable agency standard plans, specifications, and guidance documents in order to obtain plan approval. Provide the required permits, standards, and reference materials to be included in the City’s standard contract documents. Every item of work will be fully covered including a measurement clause and a payment clause. Task 4 – Cost Estimates: Construction Estimate: Quantum will prepare an engineer’s construction estimate for the designed project at the 65% submittal and 100% submittal. Cost estimates will have quantities and unit prices with back-up calculations for all quantities. We will verify current unit prices at time of final plan approval. Task 5 – Permitting and Regulations: Permitting and Regulations: Quantum will develop and manage the approval process for all required permits and environmental documents. We will observe all laws, rules, and regulations concerning environmental permitting and the scope of professional services will include all steps necessary in the project development and permitting process to fully entitle the project to move into the construction phase. 1) Document, design, and incorporate environmental requirements (i.e., CEQA documentation, etc.), mitigation measures, NPDES requirements (including adherence to MS4 LID requirements), BMPs, air/water quality, and erosion/sediment control into the Project construction documents as required. 2) Provide a signed check-off list certifying that all environmental clearances/permits have been completed and all mitigation measures have been incorporated into the PS&E prior to the advertisement of the project for construction. 3) We will incorporate all requirements of the City of Rolling Hills Municipal Code (RHMC) as applicable. The deliverables provided to the City will conform to those regulations to ensure a complete and conforming project. We will comply with Public Works Greenbook and RHMC in the preparation of full, complete, and accurate PS&E. 4) Quantum will incorporate all federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations concerning public works as applicable. The deliverables provided to the City will conform to those regulations to ensure a complete and conforming project. We will comply with Public Contract Code Section 10120 in the preparation of full, complete, and accurate PS&E. Task 6 – Bid Support: Quantum will assist the City in preparation of Bid Package and provide responses to questions received during the bid phase. Task 7 – Construction Support Services: 215 PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PLANS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS QUANTUM CONSULTING 10 Quantum will provide engineering services prior to, during, and following construction including: 1) Attend a pre-construction meeting and provide clarification of contract documents as needed. 2) Assist the City with Request for Information responses. 3) Provide review of the Contractor’s submittals for conformance with the contract documents. 4) Subsequent to completion of construction, the consultant will provide Mylar plots of revised drawings incorporating all as-built revisions clouded and noted in the revision block using the Contractor’s record red lines. The Project drawings will be stamped “Project Record Drawings”. Transmit original Mylar Record Drawings and two CDs containing all project drawings including AutoCAD files as well as PDF versions. All data, documents, and other products used or developed during the project will become the property of the City. Task 8 – Optional Services: If assigned to this project, Quantum will provide a fee for the CEQA Process as required. Approach We will maintain close communications with the City representative and provide all required personnel, materials, equipment, and supervision required to provide the services under the Agreement, including required safety equipment. • Having performed similar services for many other municipalities, we understand the value of responsiveness and communication in implementing any successful project. • We maintain the highest quality of services and also understand that “time is of the essence” in providing these services. • Having served both as staff and consultants, we are intimately familiar with the municipal procedures and protocols and there’s no “learning curve” involved with our services. • We will demonstrate flexibility and coordination with the City’s priorities and programming in response to the recent pandemic created by Covid-19. Our philosophy is to apply the resources, talent, and high standards of quality and problem identification in advance to provide excellence in project management. Our approach is to resolve issues proactively regardless of source. This consistent approach has led to our immaculate record of successful projects. We will perform in accordance with the scope of services prepared for the City of Rolling Hills. 216 PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PLANS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS QUANTUM CONSULTING 11 PERSONNEL Quantum Consulting has assembled a team of highly experienced professionals with decades of service with numerous public agencies. The following figure shows our proposed organizational chart for this project. All of our team members, including junior and support staff not listed, are available, eager to begin work and exceed the City’s expectations. Organizational Chart City of Rolling Hills Principal in Charge Frank Bigdeli, P.E. Project Manager Nasser Abbaszadeh, P.E., QSD, QSP Associate Engineer Lesly Cantarero 217 PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PLANS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS QUANTUM CONSULTING 12 Staff Resumes Frank Bigdeli, P.E. Principal in Charge Education  M.S. Civil Engineering, Old Dominion University  B.S. Civil Engineering, Old Dominion University Years of Experience  35 Registration  Registered Civil Engineer, CA Civil No. 51973 Professional Affiliations Included  American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)  American Public Works Association (APWA)  National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)  American Water Works Association (AWWA)  Los Angeles County City and County Engineers Association Mr. Bigdeli has over 35 years of experience in the management of public works programs and projects in various capacities. He recently completed his services as the contract City Engineer/Traffic Engineer for the City of Gardena for over 12 years and has served as the contract City Engineer/Traffic Engineer for the Cities of Azusa, and Lancaster. He has also served as the contract Public Works Director and City Engineer for the Cities of Lawndale and Hermosa Beach. He also served as the consulting CIP manager Cities such as Culver City and Compton and served as the program manager for the Los Angeles County Internal Services and Public Works Departments (ISD & PW) in the aftermath of the Northridge Earthquake. Mr. Bigdeli has provided engineering consulting services for over 50 cities in Southern California in the Counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura as well as the Inland Empire. Additionally, he has managed projects ranging from the City of Culver City City Hall Improvements Project, master water & sewer studies for the Cities of Compton, Gardena, and Azusa, and various other projects spanning the full spectrum of civil engineering discipline. He has worked extensively with multiple funding from local, State, Federal, bonds and propositions and Measures sources to develop programs and projects for our client Cities. He provides compliance and QA/QC oversight for the implementation of projects. Professional Experience Principal in Charge, Sewer Bond Improvements, City of Compton Quantum prepared bid ready plans, specifications and estimate for bond funded sewer projects which were citywide with locations varied from being in easements in residential properties to being in local, collector and arterial streets. Some locations, required sewer mains connected to Los Angeles County Sanitation District trunk lines. Pipes designed range in sizes to 27”. The replacement designs included major roadway improvements due to extensive trench widths and depths caused by marginal soils conditions and depth. Principal in Charge, Purche Avenue Storm Drain Design, City of Torrance, CA Under his direction, Quantum team designed an area storm drain piping system in Purche Avenue near 182nd Street. The initial condition of the residential area was problematic due to flooding. The design consists of implementing various pipe sizes ranging from 24” to 42” to adequately cover the area and to maintain cover due to willow elevations. 218 PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PLANS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS QUANTUM CONSULTING 13 Nasser Abbaszadeh, P.E., QSD, QSP Project Manager Education  M.S. Civil Engineering  B.S. Civil Engineering Years of Experience  35 Registration  Registered Civil Engineer, CA. Civil No. 39370  Registered QSD and QSP, CA No. 20823 Professional Affiliations Included  LA County Executive Advisory Committee on the NPDES permit  Los Angeles County City and County Engineers Association With over thirty-five years of experience in the field of Civil Engineering, Mr. Nasser Abbaszadeh has been responsible for administration & budgeting, maintenance functions for infrastructure that includes buildings, parks, trails, green belts and capital Improvement project delivery among other things. Prior to his retirement from the City of Laguna Niguel, he served as Director of Public Works and City Engineer for that respective city. He has also held the same position for the Cities of Lawndale and San Juan Capistrano. Through his many years of public service, Nasser has acquired strong communication and leadership skills which he will bring to the table for the City. He worked extensively to acquire and manage program and project funding from State, Federal and local sources to support the needed improvements for roadways, pedestrian facilities, water system and sewer system within each City he has worked for. Mr. Abbaszadeh provides project management, construction management, design, technical support, and quality control for Quantum Consulting. Professional Experience Director of Public Works and City Engineer, Cities of Laguna Niguel, Lawndale and San Juan Capistrano As Director of Public Works, Mr. Abbaszadeh oversaw Capital Improvement Project delivery, environmental services, contract services management, subdivision, grading, and site improvement services, permitting and inspection services, multi-year capital improvement project program and traffic engineering for the aforementioned cities. City Engineer and Assistant Public Works Director, City of Azusa During his long career with City of Azusa, Mr. Abbaszadeh provided engineering and maintenance services for numerous infrastructure projects within the city. Project Engineer, Cycle 2 Storm Drain Improvements Project, City of Manhattan Beach Mr. Abbaszadeh is currently providing engineering design services for City of Manhattan Beach’s storm drain rehabilitation in 13 locations city wide. New CCTV investigations are under way for condition assessment of the various locations. Design will include new paving section and striping at the replacements to provide a complete restoration where possible. Project Engineer, Project Manager, Purche Storm Drain, Torrance, CA Prepared bid ready plans, specifications and estimates for new storm drain to service an area long prone to flood damage. The design also required that sewer mains be relocated in the general area. Inadequate older Caltrans facilities were removed and new facilities installed to redirect flows to the County system. The project also required predesign of a new twenty-four-inch water main for future installation. Project construction was just completed and the system is now operable to protect the residential area. 219 PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PLANS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS QUANTUM CONSULTING 14 Lesly Cantarero Associate Engineer Education  B.S. Civil Engineering, University of California, Irvine Years of Experience  4 Registration  American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Ms. Cantarero is a graduate of the University of California at Irvine. Her civil engineering responsibility includes engineering design, park design, drafting, construction management oversight, report evaluation and sewer/storm drainage management planning. As an associate engineer/project administrator at Quantum, she has worked on the ongoing Construction Administration and Management of projects in multiple cities. She maintains all record, logs, change order data, progress payment details and prepares all documents for the current projects under management. In addition, she recently provided design and traffic control plans for the City of Torrance’s new storm drain system and their water transmission main projects throughout the west side of the City. Moreover, she is currently provided engineering design services for the City of Manhattan Beach citywide storm drain infrastructure improvement project, and has done so previously for the citywide sewer replacement and restoration project. She has provided site review for these projects. She was additionally a part of the sewer management plan audit team. She recently provided engineering design services for the City of South El Monte New Temple Park Modular Restroom Project. Through her participation in several master studies and community meetings including the recent City of Bakersfield Parking Study Project, she has become very familiar in interacting with residents, elected officials, and city staff. Ms. Cantarero’s extensive experience in design, CM/I, and grant administration makes her uniquely qualified to provide support services for any municipal engineering division. Professional Experience Cycle 1 Sewer System Improvements Project, Manhattan Beach, CA Ms. Cantarero recently provided engineering design services for City of Manhattan Beach ’s sewer replacement, rehabilitation, and point repair project. The project consists of preparing plans for each of the ten project locations by utilizing waste water master plans, City record drawings, new survey and reviewing CCTV inspections with documentation and drawings. 13th Street Sewer Replacement Design, Manhattan Beach, CA As part of the Quantum Team, prepared complete project plans, specifications and estimate for reconstruction of a sewer under a walk street (pedestrian only) which has completely collapsed. The project requires replacement of connections under beachside private improvements, restoration of existing gas lamp lighting system in the center of the street, restoration of areas of the Strand. Due to extensive private improvements encroaching on the City property, the project requires sensitivity to the public and consideration of the residents to move the project forward smoothly. 220 PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PLANS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS QUANTUM CONSULTING 15 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES Quality Assurance The Quantum Consulting Quality Assurance Program prescribes and provides the framework for the Quality Control and Assurance System which is in place at Quantum, and serves as a permanent reference for all Quantum personnel to achieve the highest quality standard and Client satisfaction with our professional service requirements. The principals of the firm review and finalize all services provided. Our step by step quality assurance program, developed by our staff, provides review at specific milestones during the process. The fact that we have never exposed any of our clients to any litigation due to our services during our entire existence of over twenty years is a testimonial to our dedication to in providing quality services. If selected, we will review our quality assurance program with city staff to ensure that it meets and exceeds city standards for quality. Quality Control Our management philosophy is to identify problems in advance to avoid lengthy and costly delays to the project. Our previous experience with numerous municipal projects enables us to provide cost saving measures while maintaining the highest standards of quality. Our firm has the professional staff to provide independent review of projects throughout all phases of project management, construction management and inspection. A specific review protocol has been established that results in consistent project excellence. Our Strength The Quantum Consulting team is comprised of professionals who have many years of experience both as City staff as well as private consultants. As such, each possesses deep understanding of the way the capital improvements design and construction process works. This experience and understanding will be applied to each engineering project assigned by the City of Rolling Hills to Quantum Consulting. Our staff has current engineering experience for several projects in design, under construction and recently completed. Our proposed City team of professional engineers, and support staff are well versed in matters related to municipal engineering based on their consulting and city experience. REFERENCES Quantum Consulting offers the following references. Each will provide an insight into the quality of services that Quantum Consulting has provided on a variety of CIP projects for cities throughout Southern California. Gilbert Gamboa, P.E., Senior Civil Engineer, City of Manhattan Beach (310) 802-5356 | ggamboa@citymb.info | 3621 Bell Avenue, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Tim Birthisel, P.E., Project Manager, City of Manhattan Beach (310) 802-5368 | tbirthisel@citymb.info | 3621 Bell Avenue, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Alicia Velasco, Principal Planner, City of Lomita (310) 325-7110 | a.velasco@lomitacity.com | 24300 Narbonne Avenue, Lomita, CA 90717 221 PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PLANS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS QUANTUM CONSULTING 16 SCHEDULE AND SCHEDULE CONTROL Systematic review of Engineering Design and Development activity will be carried out at appropriate planned stages, throughout all project phases, in accordance with project and business need, schedule and defined requirements. Periodic design reviews will be undertaken to ensure that Engineering Design objectives and the overall design process satisfies the needs and expectations of the City of Rolling Hills. The requirements and timing for design review will be considered carefully by the responsible project manager, and planned and defined in the review schedule. Review will be timed to take place after sufficient development of the design and before all deliverables are completed. Review of design drawings will go through two major review and approval stages by appointed engineers who ensure that the required activities and checks have been carried out at the required competence level, and that an appropriate rating and level of self-check and review have been applied. During bidding and construction, RFI and RFC arise, we will respond with clarifications, details, drawings and any other information required. During construction, all issues will be resolved without assigning blame and with the completion of the project according to the original schedule being the highest priority. During the construction, the project team will be prepared to meet with the contractor, residents, businesses, and community groups to discuss the project and explain its various elements. We will copy the assigned City staff with all project information and clear any outgoing information with City staff. The lines of communication between City staff and Quantum are kept open at all times. Schedule Preliminary Schedule is attached on the next page. 222 ID Task Mode Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors 1 Initial Kickoff Meeting 1 day Mon 8/3/20 Mon 8/3/20 2 Develop Project Schedule 1 day Tue 8/4/20 Tue 8/4/20 1 3 Utility Research and Coordination/Meeting 2 wks Tue 8/4/20 Mon 8/17/20 1 4 Surveying/Base Map Prep 2 wks Tue 8/4/20 Mon 8/17/20 1 5 Permits and CEQA Process Overview 2 wks Tue 8/4/20 Mon 8/17/20 1 6 Preliminary Plan 3 wks Tue 8/18/20 Mon 9/7/20 4 7 60% PS&E 3 wks Tue 9/8/20 Mon 9/28/20 6 8 60% PS&E Submittal 1 day Tue 9/29/20 Tue 9/29/20 7 9 60% Review Meeting w/ City Staff 1 day Wed 9/30/20 Wed 9/30/20 8 10 City Review 3 wks Thu 10/1/20 Wed 10/21/20 9 11 90% PS&E 2 wks Thu 10/22/20 Wed 11/4/20 10 12 90% PS&E Submittal 1 day Thu 11/5/20 Thu 11/5/20 11 13 90% Review Meeting w/ City Staff 1 day Fri 11/6/20 Fri 11/6/20 12 14 City Review 3 wks Mon 11/9/20 Fri 11/27/20 13 15 100% PS&E 1 wk Mon 11/30/20 Fri 12/4/20 14 16 City Review 3 wks Mon 12/7/20 Fri 12/25/20 15 17 100% PS&E Submittal 1 day Mon 12/7/20 Mon 12/7/20 15 18 Bid and Construction Services 5 days TBD 19 Pre-Con Meeting 1 day TBD 20 As Built Drawings 5 days TBD 30 4 9 14 19 24 29 3 8 13 18 23 28 3 8 13 18 23 28 2 7 12 17 22 27 2 7 12 17 22 27 1 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020 January 2021 Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Quantum Consulting Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans Page 1 City of Rolling Hills July 13, 2020 223 Quantum Quality Consulting, Inc. Engineering Consulting Services 2720 Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 100, Torrance, CA 90505 P.310.891.3994 Ι F.310.891.3995 www.thequantumconsulting.com July 13, 2020 Ms. Elaine Jeng, P.E. City Manager City of Rolling Hills 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 RE: Fee Proposal for Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans Dear Ms. Jeng: Thank you for the opportunity to present our qualifications for your consideration. We are pleased to submit our Cost Proposal to the City of Rolling Hills for the referenced design project above. I have attached the fee schedule for complete design of the Sewer Main Design Project. We look forward to working with you and your staff. Please let us know if you have any questions or if we may be of any further assistance. Sincerely, Frank Bigdeli, P.E. President Attachments: Fee Proposal 224 FEE PROPOSAL CITY OF ROLLING HILLS SEWER MAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES Quantum Consulting, Inc. 2720 Sepulveda Boulevard, Suite 100 Torrance, CA 90505 310 891 3994 Monday, July 13, 2020 Principal in ChargeProject EngineerAssociate EngineerCAD/TechnicianSurveyorRate 180$ 165$ 95$ 68$ 400$ Total Task 1 - Project Management Meetings (10 mtgs)20 20 20 0 0 8,800$ CEQA Process Overview 0 8 8 0 0 2,080$ Utility Reasearch and Coordination 0 8 8 0 0 2,080$ Develop and Maintain Project Schedule 0 8 8 0 0 2,080$ Research, Survey, and Base Map Prep 0 8 16 16 24 13,528$ Task 2 - Design Prepare Preliminary Plan 0 8 40 40 0 7,840$ Prepare and Submit 65% Plans 0 16 40 40 0 9,160$ Prepare and Submit 90% Plans 0 16 40 40 0 9,160$ Prepare and Submit 100% Plans (final)0 4 16 24 0 3,812$ Task 3 - Specifications Prepare and Submit 65% Specifications 0 8 16 0 0 2,840$ Prepare and Submit 90% Specifications 0 8 16 0 0 2,840$ Prepare and Submit 100% Specifications (final)0 8 8 0 0 2,080$ Task 4 - Cost Estimates Prepare and Submit 65% Cost Estimate 0 12 8 0 0 2,740$ Prepare and Submit 100% Cost Estimate (final)0 8 8 0 0 2,080$ Task 5 - Permits and Regulations Develop and Manage approval process for permits and environmental documents 4 8 16 0 0 3,560$ Task 6 - Bid Support Assist City in Bid Package prep and provide response to questions during bidding phase 0 4 4 0 0 1,040$ Task 7 - Construction Support Services Pre-construction Meeting 0 2 2 0 0 520$ Assist City with RFI responses 0 4 4 0 0 1,040$ Review of Contractor's Submittals 0 4 4 0 0 1,040$ As-built Mylars 0 2 4 8 0 1,254$ Task 8 - Optional Services CEQA Process*-$ TOTAL NOT-TO-EXCEED FEES 79,574$ Fees are inclusive of telephone, fax, mail, in-house printing for staff use, and travel costs. Fees are inclusive of printing for reports as shown in the scope of services. City of Rolling Hills to provide access to appliacble records and as built plans. Public document printing and production are not included. * If neceassry, Task 8 - CEQA Services will be negotiated if selected for the services Scope of Work Detail 225 City of Rolling Hills Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans Proposal July 13, 2020 226 Cover Letter July 13, 2020 City of Rolling Hills No 2. Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Attention: Elaine Jeng. P.E., City Manager Subject: Request for Proposals for Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans The City of Rolling Hills desires to contract with an engineering firm to prepare construction documents for a sanitary sewer improvement project to serve the City Hall, Tennis Court Site and upstream properties. These areas are currently on septic systems and the City desires to transition to a network collection system. Willdan is qualified to provide the requested services as summarized below and as described in more detail in this proposal. Client Experience. Willdan has provided engineering services to the City of Rolling Hills for over 30 years. Projects have included sanitary sewer construction, sanitary sewer feasibility studies, sanitary sewer rate studies, sanitary sewer annexation reports, sanitary sewer assessment services, street improvement design projects including roadway, water and storm drain improvements, traffic engineering services, and building and safety plan check services. Project Understanding. The City has contracted with Willdan for the Phase I and Phase II studies that researched and analyzed the feasibility of the proposed improvements. Willdan has coordinated with the agencies involved and knows the intricacies and issues involved. Willdan’s knowledge of this project and its background is unmatched. Highly Experienced Project Manager. Mr. Fred Wickman, PE, offers over 30 years of experience working both for and with public agencies taking conceptual design projects to final construction documents. He has worked on projects involving all the affected agencies. Recently he has been the project manager or provided QA/QC reviews for projects involving 6,500 lineal feet of sanitary sewer improvements including CIPP lining with spot repairs and new mainline construction. Project Team’s Experience. Our proposed team members have worked together on various public infrastructure study and design improvement projects. More specifically, Mr. Stone recently completed the Phase II Study mentioned above. He has also recently worked with Messrs. Peter, Escobar and Krieger on sanitary sewer projects in Bell, Lynwood and Covina. The civil engineering design team will be assisted by our highly qualified staff providing their expertise in the areas of traffic engineering, environmental documentation, survey and utility coordination. When other supporting activities are needed by this key team, Willdan draws upon the 155+ professionals and technical personnel available within the firm. I have read, understood, and agreed to all statements in this request for proposal and acknowledge receipt of all addendums/amendments as well as to the terms, conditions, and attachments referenced. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to discussing our proposal with you and your staff. The primary individual authorized to sign and negotiate a contract for these services is Ms. Vanessa Muñoz, PE, TE, PTO, Director of Engineering, located at 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405, Industry, CA 91746, Telephone (562) 368‐4848 and email vmunoz@willdan.com. Respectfully submitted, WILLDAN GROUP INC. Vanessa Muñoz, PE, TE, PTOE Vice President/Director of Engineering 227 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 1 Table of Contents Cover Letter ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 0 Proposer’s Background .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Civil Engineering ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Traffic Engineering ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Environmental Compliance and Permitting ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Sanitary Sewer Services ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Subconsultants’ Background .................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Qualifications and Experience.................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Project Approach ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Proposed Team ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures ....................................................................................................................................... 22 References ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Schedule and Schedule Control ............................................................................................................................................................... 25 Fee Schedule/Cost Proposal .................................................................................................................................................................... 27 228 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 2 Proposer’s Background Willdan Engineering (Willdan), a California Corporation is part of Willdan Group, Inc. (WGI), a NASDAQ publicly traded Delaware Corporation and nationwide firm serving more than 800 public agencies and private sector clients. Founded in 1964 and headquartered in Anaheim, California, Willdan was originally established as a civil engineering firm specializing in providing solutions for our public agency clients. Since that time, we have evolved into a professional consulting firm offering a broad array of services that allows us to provide a comprehensive and integrated approach to our clients’ planning, engineering, financial, economic, public facility, public safety, and energy sustainability solutions. Today, Willdan has over 1,300 employees operating out of multiple offices located throughout the United States. We have supported implementation of community visions through engineering, construction management, inspection, planning, building safety, and staff augmentation services. Willdan has completed various types of projects for over 90 percent of the cities and counties in California. Throughout our 56-year history, Willdan has sustained a consistent healthy financial performance. Willdan has the financial strength, resources, qualified staffing, and wherewithal to complete all projects undertaken due to our strong, dependable reputation and a stable client base that continues to expand through repeat customers, referrals, and new service areas. Willdan offers local, focused service to the varied demographics of our public agency customers. Our firm organization enables staff to efficiently communicate individual project challenges and goals companywide, thus capitalizing on all of Willdan's resources to deliver the highest quality and most cost-effective product. There are no pending conditions that would impede Willdan's ability to complete assignments. Financial information is issued quarterly and can be found on the Investors page at www.willdan.com. Willdan has historically concentrated our efforts in public works engineering for cities, counties, and special districts. Since 1964, we have evolved into a professional consulting firm offering a broad array of services that provide a comprehensive and integrated approach to our clients’ needs. Willdan possesses expertise in most facets of the public sector marketplace. The varied experience and background of our staff experience is an added value of our services. No other firm matches Willdan’s combined breadth of directly relevant technical and operational expertise and depth of experience. We provide professional services in all phases of City activities from project development, grant funding application assistance and administration, site analysis, and conceptual development to final design, construction management, observation, and project close-out. Willdan Staff of Experts ▪ Municipal Engineering and Management ▪ Highway and Freeway Engineering ▪ Building Safety Services ▪ Environmental Planning ▪ Geotechnical/Geological Engineering ▪ Assessment Engineering ▪ Computer-Aided Analysis and Design ▪ Geographical Information System (GIS) ▪ Program and Construction Management ▪ Construction Inspection and Support ▪ Traffic and Transportation ▪ Water and Wastewater ▪ Urban and Regional Planning ▪ Drainage and Flood Control ▪ Structural Engineering ▪ Right of Way Engineering ▪ Landscape Architecture 229 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 3 Willdan's core competencies are in direct alignment with the services required for this project as described below: Civil Engineering Willdan's civil engineers offer experience in wastewater, water, roadway and highway, feasibility studies (site evaluation/grading/earthwork); project studies and reports; erosion control; storm water management; NPDES compliance; utility conflict, ADA, and value engineering analyses; and constructability review. Traffic Engineering Willdan's traffic engineers offer experience in conducting traffic surveys and data collection, investigating motorist and vehicle characteristics, identifying and making recommendations on traffic safety and utilizing traffic laws and enforcement to determine traffic signal timing, and evaluating highway operations. Willdan prepares traffic engineering designs to warn, regulate, and guide traffic. We develop geometric design and channelization, traffic signal and street lighting plans, parking lot designs, and traffic control plans. Environmental Compliance and Permitting Willdan has a prolific history of providing environmental planning services to agencies throughout California. We have prepared every type of environmental document pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act and the National Environmental Policy Act, including environmental impact reports/statements, initial studies and negative declarations/mitigated negative declarations, environmental assessments/findings of no significant impact and exemptions/exclusions. Sanitary Sewer Services Specific to the needs of this project, Willdan has prepared both preliminary and final designs for projects that contain characteristics that are relevant to this project. Project City/Client Length of Sewer (mi.) Alternative Methods (i.e. pipe bursting, CIPP lining, etc.) Force Main/Pump Stations Utility Coordination / County Permitting Large Diameter Sewer Main (>8”) Stakeholder Meetings Rolling Hills 0.5 ✓ Bell .25 ✓ ✓ La Canada- Flintridge 22 ✓ ✓ ✓ Covina 6 ✓ ✓ Indian Wells 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ Ridgecrest 2 ✓ ✓ Santa Monica 2 ✓ ✓ Channel Islands Beach Community Services Dist. 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 230 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 4 Subconsultants’ Background Willdan’s team of subconsultants also bring a breadth of experience to the team as discussed below. Rosell Surveying & Mapping, Inc. (RSM) began in 1992. They hold licenses of professional registration in the states of California and Colorado. The company’s business consists of providing comprehensive services in land surveying, construction staking, 3D-Laser scanning, mapping, civil engineering design surveying, and geographic information system management to its clients. RSM full time personnel consists of five field crews, four CAD operators, three survey technicians, four LSITs, two licensed surveyors and administrative staff. Computer systems are monitored and continually updated and provide instant access to essential information for both the client and for the various teams working on the projects. RSM’s CAD operators are proficient in Microstation and AutoCAD with extensive experience in preparing tentative maps, final maps, legal descriptions, ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys, boundary, topography, working with 3D laser scan data and giving support to field crews. At RSM, survey crews maintain a high level of experience and training on the latest technology in surveying equipment. The company prides itself on high caliber personnel and technologically advanced electronic measurement systems. Rincon’s technical noise specialists possess project experience that spans decades in the environmental noise profession coupled with strong educational backgrounds and continuous training. Our expertise encompasses both public and private sectors and a range of noise issues. Our services include sound level monitoring, acoustical mitigation, and three-dimensional modeling of transportation and stationary sources. Our specialists are not only proficient in the use of current models and methodologies as recommended by local, state, and federal agencies but also use state-of-the-art equipment and computer software to provide more efficient and user- friendly data output and analytical results. These qualities combined with our ability to offer a full range of services enable us to provide our clients with innovative, effective, and cost-efficient solutions to noise-related issues. Rincon has performed noise studies on many hundreds of projects in Los Angeles County and throughout California. In addition, within the Los Angeles County Rincon has prepared similar studies for a sewer replacement projects for the County Department of Public Works as well as other local jurisdictions. We are experts not only in technical noise analysis, but also in interpreting policy considerations and developing creative solutions to identified problems. Information about Rincon’s qualifications can be provided on request or accessed from our website: www.rinconconsultants.com. BESS provides a complete range of utility solutions to both private and public companies throughout Northern and Southern California. They are committed to providing quality service that exceeds the client’s needs and expectations using the most advanced technologies available. They utilize State-of-the Art Electromagnetic and Acoustic Pipe Locators as well as our Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) systems to designate underground utilities and they specialize on “hard to find” facilities and blind searches. Through their experience they have learned that a combination of Electromagnetic, Acoustic and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technologies is the best approach to solve the most challenging underground utility designating jobs. In addition, they use Vacuum Excavation (potholing) to expose underground utilities to the naked eye and “positively” determine their actual depth and physical conditions. They are devoted to excellence and reliability in locating and marking underground utilities and their utility locating services are always performed by trained and experienced professional technicians. They have 35 trained locating/potholing technicians on staff. Their goal is not only to give their client’s the highest quality service available, but also establish long standing impactful relationships as well. 231 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 5 Qualifications and Experience Willdan team members have prepared both preliminary and final designs as well as management and master plans for numerous sanitary sewer improvements for municipalities. Project types include feasibility evaluations, sanitary sewer management plans and updates, preliminary design options and layouts, local and trunk sewer pipeline design, sewer rehabilitation, sewer master plans, and development of capital improvement programs and funding solutions. The table below describes a few of our sanitary sewer projects that contain characteristics that are relevant to this project. Client System Mileage Sewer Mstr Pln Sewer Sys Mgnt Pln Sewer Design Survey Pothole City of Rolling Hills 0.5 ✓ City of Sierra Madre 32 ✓ ✓ City of Lakewood 166 ✓ City of Torrance 280 ✓ City of Covina 121 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ City of Covina 6 ✓ ✓ ✓ City of Indian Wells 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ City of South Gate 120 ✓ City of Lynwood 80 ✓ City of Lynwood 0.25 ✓ ✓ ✓ City of Bellflower 111 ✓ City of Paramount 62 ✓ City of La Canada-Flintridge 45 ✓ City of La Canada-Flintridge 22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Marine Corp Air Station – Yuma 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ Marine Corp Recruit Depot – San Diego 3 ✓ ✓ ✓ As Willdan explored the scope of this project and identified its key challenges, we assembled our project team. The selected individuals will lend their expertise to respond to the needs of the City of Rolling Hills project. This group is dedicated to serving the City of Rolling Hills through innovative solutions results. Willdan has selected Mr. Fred Wickman, PE, to serve as Project Manager. In this role, Mr. Wickman will be the City’s primary contact and serve as the day-to-day contract administrator. He possesses over 30 years of experience providing municipal engineering services and managing public works capital improvement projects. Summarized below are our proposed staff credentials. Team Member Classification Yrs of Exp. Office Location Role Relevant Experience Qualifications Vanessa Muñoz, PE, TE, PTOE Director of Engineering 22 Years of Experience Industry, CA Principal-In-Charge ✓ City of Rolling Hills ✓ City of Ridgecrest ✓ City of Lynwood ✓ City of Bell ▪ BS, Civil Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona ▪ Traffic Engineer, California No. 2341 ▪ Civil Engineer, California No. 67583 ▪ Civil Engineer, Arizona No. 68013 232 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 6 Team Member Classification Yrs of Exp. Office Location Role Relevant Experience Qualifications ✓ City of Covina ▪ Professional Traffic Operations Engineer ▪ Doppler Traffic Operator Fred Wickman, PE Principal Project Manager 33 Years of Experience Anaheim, CA Project Manager ✓ City of Lynwood ✓ City of Bell ▪ BS, Civil Engineering, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931 ▪ Professional Engineer, California No. C47979 ▪ Professional Engineer, Texas No. 127997 ▪ Professional Engineer, New Mexico No. 24637 Tyrone Peter, PE Deputy Director of Engineering 13 Years of Experience Anaheim, CA Quality Assur./Quality Control ✓ City of Rolling Hills ✓ City of Lynwood ✓ City of Covina ▪ BS, Engineering and Civil Engineering, Tamil Nadu College of Engineering ▪ Civil Engineering, Murugappa Polytechnic ▪ Civil Engineer, California, No. 81888 Salvador Lopez, Jr. Director of Planning 19 Years of Experience Industry, CA Lead-Env. Documentation ▪ BS, Urban & Regional Planning, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona ▪ AA, Chaffey College ▪ Civil Engineer, California No. 81888 Christine Kudija, JD Principal Planner 32 Years of Experience Industry, CA Tech Support- Env. Documentation ▪ Juris Doctor, Northwestern School of Law, Portland, Oregon ▪ MLA, Landscape Architect, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona ▪ BA, Botany, University of California, Santa Barbara John Thomason, QSP/D, CPESC Principal Planner 8 Years of Experience Industry, CA Tech Support- Env. Documentation ▪ MS, Geography, University of Tennessee ▪ BA, Geography, University of Tennessee ▪ BS, Urban Planning, Arizona State University Chris Stone Project Manager III 28 Years of Experience Anaheim, CA and Henderson, NV Lead- Civil Eng. & Sewer Design ✓ City of Rolling Hills ✓ City of Covina ✓ City of Bell ▪ Graduate Course, Mathematics, Oregon State University ▪ Graduate Course, Engineering Mechanics, Montana State University ▪ BS, Civil Engineering, Montana State University ▪ Civil Engineer, Nevada No. 12379 ▪ Civil Engineer, Arizona, No. 55200 Alexis Escobar, EIT Assistant Engineer III 2 Years of Experience Anaheim, CA Tech Support- Civil Eng. & Sewer Design ✓ City of Rolling Hills ✓ City of Covina ✓ City of Lynwood ▪ BS, Civil Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona ▪ Engineering in Training, No.161058 Ken Krieger Senior Designer II 34 Years of Experience Anaheim, CA Tech Support- Civil Eng. & Sewer Design ✓ City of Rolling Hills ✓ City of Bell ✓ City of Ridgecrest ✓ City of La Canada-Flintridge ▪ N/A 233 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 7 Team Member Classification Yrs of Exp. Office Location Role Relevant Experience Qualifications ✓ City of Covina ✓ City of Lynwood Sheila McCracken Senior Designer 25 Years of Experience Anaheim, CA Utility Coordination ✓ City of Bell ✓ City of Ridgecrest ✓ City of Lynwood ✓ City of La Canada-Flintridge ✓ City of Covina ▪ N/A Jeffrey Lau, PE, TE Deputy Direct of Engineering 16 Years of Experience Industry, CA Lead- Traffic Engineering ▪ BS, Civil Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, Pomona ▪ Civil Engineer, California No. 83887 ▪ Civil Engineer, Colorado No. 56366 ▪ Civil Engineer, WA No. 58065 ▪ Civil Engineer, AZ No. 70072 ▪ Traffic Engineer, California No. 2835 ▪ Doppler Radar Operator Robert Burch Senior Design Manager 26 Years of Experience Anaheim, CA Tech Support- Traffic Engineering ✓ City of Ridgecrest ✓ City of Bell ▪ AA, Liberal Arts, Mount San Antonio College, Walnut ▪ Post Certified Radar Operator, California State University, Fullerton ▪ Rio Hondo Community College, Whittier ▪ Extension Courses, Traffic Signal Equipment and Operations, University of California, Berkeley ▪ Extension Courses, Construction Inspection for Traffic Signals and Highway Lighting Systems, University of California, Berkeley David Knell, PLS Principal Project Manager 45 Years of Experience Industry, CA Lead- Survey ✓ City of La Canada-Flintridge ▪ BS, Cartography, Boston University, Boston ▪ Civil Engineering and Land Surveying Classes, California State University, Long Beach ▪ Land Surveyor, California No. 5301 Bill Maddux Subconsultant 20 Years of Experience Los Angeles, CA Subconsultant- Noise Study ▪ BS, Urban and Regional Planning, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA Donald Whitman Subconsultant 18 Years of Experience Los Angeles, CA Subconsultant- Potholing ▪ U.S. Marine Corps, MCRD, San Diego, CA ▪ 40-hour HAZPOWER Confined Spaces Safety Project Management San Diego Work Zone Traffic Control David T. Rosell, PLS Subconsultant 40 Years of Experience Huntington Beach, CA Subconsultant- Survey & Mapping ▪ Professional Land Surveyor, California No. 6281 ▪ Professional Land Surveyor, Colorado No. 23055 234 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 8 Project Approach Task 1 – Project Management The City of Rolling Hills desires to construct sanitary sewer improvements to serve the City Hall, Tennis Court Site and upstream properties. These areas are currently on septic systems and the City desires to transition to a network collection system. To ensure a successful project, Willdan will perform project management services described below. Please refer to the Project Schedule for the proposed project timeline. Upon receipt of written Notice-to-Proceed, a project kick-off meeting will be conducted to meet with City staff and concur on the project goals, timeline, and scope of work. Each aspect of the project will be discussed, including the specific City staff concerns/issues, and coordination efforts required with affected agencies. Willdan will research available design related information, perform a field visit to observe and photo document conditions, obtain any necessary or updated supporting documentation such as as-built drawings, utility contacts, record drawings, and current boilerplate specification documents from the City. Survey information will be obtained which will include the width of the right-of-way and will include manhole invert and rim elevations, locate all visible site improvements, utilities, and trees larger than 4” in diameter. The environmental documentation team will determine the appropriate CEQA process and staff will identify NPDES requirements and adherence to MS4 and Low Impact Development (LID) requirements. A MicroSoft Project schedule will be developed and submitted to the City. With the existing information obtained and utilizing the “Sewer Area Study Including City Hall, Tennis Court Site, and Upstream Properties”, the project base mapping (plan and profile) will be prepared at a scale of 1” = 40’ using AutoCAD. Willdan will coordinate, attend and provide notes for the 9 meetings requested in the RFP. Vital to the success of the project will be Utility Notice and Coordination. To accomplish this effort, Willdan will: 1. Notify and coordinate with the utility agencies regarding the project-related modification of their facilities. 2. For areas where utility locations are critical, the utilities will be potholed by Bess Utility Solutions. Quality Assurance / Quality Control Review Willdan will conduct a thorough review of the construction plans and specifications throughout the project. QA/QC protocols are discussed in more detail in the Quality Assurance/Quality Control section of this proposal. Tasks 2 – 4 Design, Specifications, Cost Estimates At the completion of the base mapping, the second scoping meeting will be held with the City. During this meeting, the concept of the design will be discussed and finalized. Upon receiving agreement with the City on the design concept, the detail design work of the improvements will begin. Anticipated plan sheets are: ▪ Title Sheet ▪ Notes Sheet ▪ Plan and Profile Sheets (2) ▪ Striping Plan Sheets (2): Agencies may require surface treatments such as slurry seal to cover the sewer trench scar. This will require restriping of the street. Traffic Control Plans will be the responsibility of the contractor. ▪ Detail Sheets (2) The City will provide front end boilerplate specifications and Willdan will prepare technical specifications for the project in accordance with the current Standard Specifications and Plans for Public Works Construction (“Greenbook”) and Deliverables: CD containing photo documentation of field conditions; Copies of meeting agendas, sign-in sheets, and minutes; Digital (pdf) and hard copy; Project Schedule in MicroSoft Project; Digital (pdf) and hard copy; CEQA process documentation; Digital (pdf) and hard copy; Base mapping at scale of 1” = 40’. Digital (pdf) and hard copy (4 copies 11” x 17”) 235 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 9 applicable state and federal standards. Special Condition specifications will be provided for those construction items not addressed in the Standard Specifications. Standard Plans and specifications required by the other affected agencies will also be included as required. The specifications will include a measurement and payment clause for each item of work. Preparation of engineered traffic control plans and sewer bypass plans will be the responsibility of the Contractor. Willdan will specify general traffic control and bypass system requirements in the technical specifications, and the Contractor will be required to submit traffic control plans and bypass plans to the City for review and approval. Willdan will prepare construction cost estimates and will utilize several sources for unit prices: ▪ City of Rolling Hills bid tabulations ▪ Willdan’s library of recent bid opening tabulations ▪ City of LA bid tabulations The unit pricing will be updated for the 100% submittal. Quantities will be tabulated in an Excel spreadsheet format. Plans and specifications sealed and signed by a registered California Civil Engineer, and cost estimates will be prepared and submitted to the City for review and comment 65%, 90%, 100%, and 100% Final stages of completion: The submittals will be made to the City and the agencies of the City of Rolling Hills Estates, the City of Torrance, the LACDPW, and the Sanitation District of LA County for review. Review comments and responses will be annotated in an Excel spreadsheet. The comment/response matrix will be submitted with each successive submittal. Task 5 – Permitting and Regulations Preparation and Review of Technical Studies Willdan proposes to have several technical analyses prepared for the project based on our review of project materials, the content of the City’s Request for Proposals, and input we have received from the City. ▪ Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Assessment by Willdan Engineering ▪ Noise Assessment by Rincon Consultants Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Study The air quality assessment will be prepared by Willdan and will assess both operational and construction impacts. Both local and potential regional air quality impacts will be addressed. Noise Memorandum Rincon Consultants will prepare a Noise Memorandum analyzing potential noise impacts associated with the proposed project as they relate to adopted City and County thresholds. Preparation of a Draft Initial Study Willdan will conduct project review and background research to identify the potential environmental resources and conditions that exist on the project site, and to analyze the project’s potential environmental impacts. Using Rolling Hills’ version of the CEQA Initial Study Checklist (if available), Willdan will prepare a Preliminary Draft Initial Study for review by City staff, which will incorporate the findings of the technical studies, as well as a full analysis of all of the environmental issues included on the City’s Initial Study Checklist. Deliverables: Digital (pdf) and hard copy (4 sets of 11” x 17”) plans, 8 ½” x 11” specs and cost estimates). Deliverables: Digital (pdf) and hard copy (4 sets of 11” x 17”) plans, 8 ½” x 11” specs and cost estimates). Deliverables: Technical Memorandum and Final Technical Memorandum will be prepared. Deliverables: Noise Memorandum Deliverables: Preliminary Draft Initial Study Checklist electronically (PDF) 236 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 10 Notices, NOI, Circulation of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and Public Notification Willdan will assist the City in circulating the environmental document for public review. Prepare a Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. After receiving public comments on the Draft Initial Study, Willdan will make revisions and prepare a final version of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative for City staff review and approval. The final IS/MND will include a detailed description of the proposed project, an overall discussion of the environmental and regulatory setting for the proposed project, individual responses to each of the checklist's questions, and a discussion of CEQA's Mandatory Findings of Significance. Attend Public Meetings and Hearings on the Project Willdan will attend any public meetings or hearings as required by City Staff. Task 6 – Bid Support During the Bidding Phase, Willdan will be available to answer questions regarding the technical provisions of the contract special provisions, the design drawings, or design issues brought up during the bidding process; assist the City with advertising the project in the local newspaper in compliance with Public Contract Code (the City will coordinate with and pay the publication fees); coordinate with plan rooms (assume 3) to advertise the plans and specifications in their publications; prepare and maintain a current plan holders list; attend and conduct pre-bid meeting; respond to up to three requests for information (RFIs); issuance of up to two addendums during bid advertisement; review the submitted bid results and assist the city in evaluation; and verify the low bidder’s qualifications, prepare the bid summary, prepare a recommendation of contract award, and prepare the notice of award. Task 7 – Construction Support Services Willdan will support the project through construction by providing engineering assistance as follows: prepare for and attend the pre-construction meeting; provide clarification of the contract documents; respond to Requests for Information (RFI’s); review Contractor submittals for conformance with the contract documents; and utilize the Contractors as-built plans to prepare Project Record Drawings (Mylar drawings which will show revisions as clouded and noted in the revision block and will be stamped “Project Record Drawings”). Task 8 – Optional Services We do not anticipate that Optional Services will be required for this project. Deliverables: Notice of Completion form, a Notice of Intent to Adopt/Notice of Availability of an MND (NOI), and send via certified mail, said notices/documents to those on the list of individuals, organizations and agencies receiving the NOI and/or CEQA document for review. Prepare and provide the City with a completed State Clearing House Summary Form for the City to publish and distribute in accordance with City procedures; One (1) electronic copy (PDF)) of the NOI and Notice of Completion form; Send via certified mail fifteen (15) hardcopies of the Draft Initial Study Checklist and fifteen (15) CD's of the entire document, including technical studies to the State Clearinghouse; Complete and submit the Notice of Determination electronically (PDF) to the City for filing with the County Clerk. Deliverables: Submit the MND to the City electronically (PDF). Submit one (1) unbound, five (5) bound, and 5 CD copies of the final version of the IS/MND with technical studies to the City. Submit the MMRP to the City electronically. Deliverables: 2 CD’s with all project drawings (AutoCAD and pdf); 1 set mylar Project Record Drawings 237 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 11 Proposed Team The project organization diagram presented below illustrates our key team members along with the lines of reporting communication. 238 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 12 Fredrick Wickman, PE Classification: Principal Project Manager Project Role: Project Manager Profile Summary Education: ▪ BS, Civil Engineering, Michigan Technological University, Houghton Certification: ▪ Civil Engineer, California, No. 47979 Experience: 31 years Mr. Fredrick Wickman possesses extensive expertise with municipal and public works capital improvement and maintenance projects. He is an experienced project manager – skilled at building strong relationships with clients, community members, fellow staff, and supervisors. Mr. Wickman is familiar with approval and permitting procedures for federal, state, county, and local jurisdictions. He has experience with funding sources, including assessment districts; enterprise funds; and other federal state, and local programs. Mr. Wickman’s broad experience in city engineering, project management, and supervision of design teams – along with his exceptional understanding of procedures and processes for public works and engineering operations in the municipal arena – provide a strong project manager capable of maintaining budgets and schedules for our client's capital improvement projects. Relevant Project Experience Priority 1 Street Improvements – Phases 1, 2, and 3, City of Lynwood, CA. Civil Engineering Task Manager responsible for all civil design and studies required for the street improvement program. The project includes multiple phases for resurfacing selected local streets throughout the City. Various pavement strategies such as slurry seal, grind and overlay, and total reconstruction were incorporated into the street rehabilitations. Sanitary sewer improvements included point repairs with lining, pipe bursting for increased capacity, and total pipe replacement where required. Existing water mains less than 8-inches were replaced along with new services and smart meters, Willdan provided engineering design, utility coordination, advertising and bid support, and design support during construction. Sewer Improvements on Beck Ave. and Orchard Ave., City of Bell, CA. Project Engineer responsible for QA/QC of the engineering design of improvements including 1,280 linear feet of 10” VCP extra strength pipe, connection of 44 sewer laterals, pavement cold mill and ARHM overlay, replacing sidewalk, cross gutters, ADA ramps, adjusting manhole frames and valves to grade, and striping. Fernwood Avenue Street & Sewer Improvements, City of Lynwood, CA. Project Engineer for the preparation of PS&E for the Fernwood Avenue improvement project. Street improvements include full with grind and overlay from Alameda to Imperial Highway, reconstruction of damaged curb, gutter, and sidewalk. Non-compliant access ramps were also replaced. The existing sewer mainline was upsized to an 18-inch VCP per the recommendations of the sewer master plan. The mainline was lower to eliminate a siphon constructed during a Los Angeles County storm drain project. A permit was required for the new connection to the existing Los Angeles County Sanitation District 48-inch trunk sewer at the intersection of Fernwood Avenue and Imperial Highway. Arrow Highway Raised Median Improvements, City of Azusa, CA. Civil Engineering Task Manager responsible for all engineering services provided for 1.10-mile improvement project to mitigate the number of accidents and provide safer crossing for pedestrians. The City applied for – and received – approximately $1.3 million in Measure M and $545,111 in Highway Safety Improvement Program funding. Caltrans' Local Assistance office will provide funding allocation. Willdan is providing engineering design, utility coordination and relocation design, NEPA approval documentation, right-of-way certification, E-76 Authorization to Proceed with Construction application assistance, and public outreach. Coordination with the County of Los Angeles and neighboring City of Covina will be performed, as needed, during the design process. City of Pomona, $60 Million Water/Sewer Bond Program Management, Pomona, CA Project Manager responsible for the program management of the City of Pomona’s $60-million water and sewer capital improvement projects contract. The City identified 75 separate projects, including water mainlines, fire flow upgrades, treatment plant improvements, 239 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 13 water well installations, sanitary sewer mainlines, booster pumps, and construction of a 1-million-gallon reservoir. In addition to the construction projects, the program included numerous studies related to future programs. The contract involved comprehensive management services for the program. Services included preparing RFPs for design, construction management, and field inspection services, review of the submitted proposals, and preparation of the City Council staff reports with recommendations for selection of the consultant services. City of Rosemead, Del Mar Avenue Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation, Rosemead, CA. As Project Engineer, Fred was responsible for preparation of PS&E for construction of approximately 2,700 linear feet of 12-inch V.C.P. sewer main line on Del Mar Avenue from Hellman Avenue to Garvey Avenue to replace an existing 8-inch V.C.P. Due to existing utilities, the new main line was constructed at the same line and grade as the existing line, requiring temporary facilities for continuation of service. Lakewood Boulevard Regional Corridor Capacity Enhancement, City of Lakewood, CA. Quality Assurance Reviewer responsible for ensuring quality assurance and control of the engineering design for improvements necessary to complete street/green street improvements between the north city limits and Del Amo Boulevard. These improvements involve street widening and median improvements; Class II bike lanes in both directions; turn lanes; landscape planting and irrigation; overhead distribution and transmission power undergrounding; sidewalk, curb and gutter, and driveway approach reconstruction; street resurfacing; catch basin construction; storm water quality improvements to comply with Green Streets policy; bike lockers; bus shelter; and traffic signal modifications. City of Santa Clarita, Everett Drive, Santa Clarita, CA. As Project Manager, Fred was responsible for preparation of PS&E for the construction of sewer lines, storm drain, and street widening for the assessment district. This project required approval by the Los Angeles County Flood Control District for the acceptance of maintenance of the storm drain and sewer line improvements. The construction cost was approximately $800,000. City of Laredo, Flores Avenue Drainage and Utility Improvements, Laredo, TX. Project Engineer responsible for preparation of construction documents for the Flores Avenue improvement project between Hidalgo Street and Victoria Street in the City’s Central Business District. The proposed improvements include realignment of existing curb and gutter, sidewalk improvements and reconstruction of curb access ramps for ADA compliance, installation of 1,100 feet of new storm drain, new water main lines and services, and replacement of existing sanitary sewer system at an estimated cost of $1.8M. The project will also include complete reconstruction of the street due to the extent of the utility work and installation of electrical conduits for future traffic signal and street light improvements. Newport Road Median Narrowing and Roadway Widening, City of Menifee, CA. Project Manager responsible overall project management and oversight for street widening improvements between Antelope Road and Menifee Road. The design involved road widening to a six-lane arterial through reduction of the existing 18-foot median to a 12-foot median and restriping to provide three lanes of through traffic. Additionally, the intersection of Antelope Road and Newport Road was widened to accommodate dual left-turn lanes from westbound Newport Road to southbound Antelope Road. Additional improvements entailed modifying a traffic signal, installing a traffic signal, and signing and striping plans for the widened roadway. Sleeves for future irrigation and electrical services were provided for the new median alignments for landscape improvements to be completed under separate contract by others. 240 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 14 Tyrone Peter, PE Classification: Deputy Director, Engineering Project Role: Quality Assurance/Quality Control Profile Summary Education: ▪ BS, Engineering and Civil Engineering, Tamil Nadu College of Engineering ▪ Civil Engineering, Murugappa Polytechnic Certification: ▪ Civil Engineer, California No. 81888 Experience: 13 years Mr. Tyrone Peter is an accomplished civil engineer for multi-discipline and multi-agency infrastructure projects and is known for providing innovative, quality engineering services to ensure project delivery within budget and schedule. As the project manager for the City’s On-Call Engineering Services project, with qualified staff and resources, he will be responsible for successful project delivery. Mr. Peter's 14 plus years of experience managing and designing all types of public works projects provide a solid foundation to understand what is needed to deliver a successful project and make him the perfect fit for overseeing the entire project as well as specific civil engineering tasks His comprehensive experience includes design of state highway, new street, street widening, street realignment, pavement rehabilitation, water, and sewer, light rail and railroad, grade separation, flood control facility projects. Mr. Peter has supervised feasibility study, project study report, project report, construction document preparation as well as grade certification issuance, construction administration, and construction inspection. Relevant Project Experience Priority 1 Street Improvements – Phases 1, 2, and 3, Lynwood, CA. Project Engineer for multiple phases for resurfacing selected local streets throughout the City. Various pavement strategies such as slurry seal, grind and overlay, and total reconstruction were incorporated into the street rehabilitations. Sanitary sewer improvements included point repairs with lining, pipe bursting for increased capacity, and total pipe replacement where required. Existing water mains less than 8-inches were replaced along with new services and smart meters, Willdan provided engineering design, utility coordination, advertising and bid support, and design support during construction. Sewer Master Plan Update, Covina, CA. Project Engineer responsible for QA/QC of a Sewer Master Plan Update for the City of Covina. The project includes hydraulic modeling of 120 miles of sanitary sewer for existing and ultimate build-out conditions, determining deficient pipe segments, and developing recommended Capital Improvement Projects. Sewer Service Feasibility Study-Phase II, City of Rolling Hills, CA. Project Engineer responsible for the preparation of the Phase II Study addressing the feasibility of providing sanitary sewer service to the City of Rolling Hills City Hall, Tennis Court Site, and upstream properties. The project involved analyzing the feasibility of connecting to the existing sanitary sewer in the Rolling Hills Road. A Sewer Area Study was prepared which determined the parcels and sewer flow rates tributary to the sewer and conceptually determined the sewer improvements required. “Will-serve letters” were obtained from the Sanitation District of LA County, and the Sewer Area Study was coordinated with and approved by the affected agencies of Rolling Hills Estates, Torrance and LACDPW. 241 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 15 Salvador Lopez, Jr. Classification: Director of Planning Project Role: Environmental Documentation Lead Profile Summary Education: ▪ BS, Urban & Regional Planning, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona ▪ AA, Chaffey College Certification: ▪ Civil Engineer, California No. 81888 Experience: 21 years Mr. Salvador Lopez has over 21 years of planning experience that spans all aspects of planning, including current, advance, and environmental planning, as well as active transportation planning and housing and community development. He is highly experienced at managing multi-disciplinary teams in the development of policy and long- range planning documents for public agencies. Relevant Project Experience Special Project Planning Services, City of Artesia, California. Program Manager responsible for overall on-call project assignment management and oversight for staffing resources provided to the City. Serves as Case Planner responsible for reviewing and processing land use entitlement applications; preparing general plan text or map amendments; preparing or amending specific plans; preparing zoning code text or map amendments; and preparing related environmental studies. Representative projects include: ▪ Artesia Live Application Processing, Specific Plan, and IS/MND Phase I ▪ Artesia Live Application Processing, Specific Plan, and IS/MND Phase II Mayfair Park Storm Water Runoff Capture, City of Lakewood, California. Environmental Compliance Task Leader responsible for providing and overseeing all environmental services required for storm water runoff improvements. The project involved diverting water from the nearby Los Angeles County flood control channel into pretreatment devices, such as a hydrodynamic separator, to remove trash, debris, and sediment before conveying water into a large, buried multi-chambered storage/infiltration facility with a targeted storage capacity of 8 acre-feet. The City of Lakewood studied two park locations – Mayfair Park and Bolivar Park – for suitable locations that would benefit from the improvements. Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of South Gate, California. Environmental Compliance Task Leader responsible for providing and overseeing all environmental services required for the corridor improvements from Alameda Street to Hunt Avenue. The improvements involved roadway widening from four to six lanes; pavement rehabilitation; landscape and hardscape medians; median lighting; sidewalk, curb and gutter, and driveway approach reconstruction; ADA-compliant ramps; parkway trees; artistic elements, corridor entrance monument; bus shelter and bus turnouts; and traffic signal modifications. Services provided included civil, traffic, pavement, and drainage engineering; landscape architecture, survey and right-of-way engineering; and utility relocation. Garfield Avenue Corridor Improvements, City of Paramount, California. Environmental Compliance Task Leader responsible for providing and overseeing all environmental services required for street improvements between the north City and the south city limits. The design involved street widening to accommodate a third lane in each direction; street resurfacing; two concrete intersections; concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, and driveway approach reconstruction; catch basin construction; streetscape improvements for raised landscaped medians and modifications to existing medians; two entry monument signs; and traffic signal modifications at nine locations along the Garfield Avenue corridor. Services included civil, traffic, and drainage engineering; survey and mapping; utility relocation; landscape architecture; and pavement management. 242 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 16 Chris O. Stone Classification: Project Manager III Project Role: Civil Engineering/Sewer Design Lead Profile Summary Education: ▪ Graduate Course, Mathematics, Oregon State University ▪ Graduate Course, Engineering Mechanics, Montana State University ▪ BS, Civil Engineering, Montana State University Certification: ▪ Civil Engineer, Nevada No. 12379 ▪ Civil Engineer, Arizona, No. 55200 Experience: 28 years Mr. Chris Stone possesses expertise in transportation and traffic engineering, street and roadway engineering, water and wastewater engineering, flood control hydrologic and hydraulic engineering, tract map and parcel mapping, grading, and structural engineering. He has participated in all technical aspects of projects, including preliminary engineering study and design; preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates; and peer review. Relevant Project Experience Sewer Service Feasibility Study-Phase II, City of Rolling Hills, CA. Project Manager responsible for the preparation of the Phase II Study addressing the feasibility of providing sanitary sewer service to the City of Rolling Hills City Hall, Tennis Court Site, and upstream properties. The project involved analyzing the feasibility of connecting to the existing sanitary sewer in the Rolling Hills Road. A Sewer Area Study was prepared which determined the parcels and sewer flow rates tributary to the sewer and conceptually determined the sewer improvements required. “Will-serve letters” were obtained from the Sanitation District of LA County, and the Sewer Area Study was coordinated with and approved by the affected agencies of Rolling Hills Estates, Torrance and LACDPW. Sewer Improvements on Beck Ave. and Orchard Ave., City of Bell, CA. Project Engineer responsible for project scoping of the engineering design of improvements including 1,280 linear feet of 10” VCP extra strength pipe, connection of 44 sewer laterals, pavement cold mill and ARHM overlay, replacing sidewalk, cross gutters, ADA ramps, adjusting manhole frames and valves to grade, and striping. E Street Improvements, City of Tulare, CA. Project Manager responsible for the design of a 2-mile street rehabilitation project in a residential area. Along with the roadway structural rehabilitation, the project included the removal and replacement of 1600 LF of sanitary sewer, adjustments of manholes and connection of service laterals, construction of 2500 LF of water mains and appurtenant facilities, and construction of 2000 LF of storm drain. Sewer Improvement Plan Review, Various Agencies, CA. Project Engineer responsible for reviewing engineering plans, specifications, studies and documents submitted by developers to the Agency for plan review. The documents are reviewed for conformance with City standards supplemented by the Standard Plans and Specifications for Public Works Construction (Green Book) and Caltrans Standard Plans. Client served in the past 2 years include these Cities/Counties: ▪ Bell ▪ Brea ▪ Cerritos ▪ El Monte ▪ Fillmore ▪ Goleta ▪ La Canada Flintridge ▪ La Quinta ▪ Los Alamitos ▪ Manhattan Beach ▪ Paramount ▪ Rolling Hills ▪ Rolling Hills Estates ▪ Rosemead ▪ San Bernardino County ▪ Simi Valley ▪ Ventura ▪ West Covina Sewer Master Plan Update, Covina, CA. Project Manager responsible for a Sewer Master Plan Update for the City of Covina. The project includes hydraulic modeling of 120 miles of sanitary sewer for existing and ultimate build-out conditions, determining deficient pipe segments, and developing recommended Capital Improvement Projects and estimates. 243 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 17 Jeffrey Lau, PE, TE Classification: Deputy Director of Engineering Project Role: Traffic Engineer Profile Summary Education: ▪ BS, Civil Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Certification: ▪ Civil Engineer, California No. 83887 ▪ Traffic Engineer, California No. 2835 ▪ Doppler Radar Operator Experience: 16 years Mr. Jeffrey Lau offers 16 years of traffic design and transportation planning experience. Mr. Lau provides transportation design for Willdan's traffic engineering group and manages design projects for a variety of cities and counties throughout California. He is responsible for analysis, coordination, and design of various projects, including preparation of plans, specifications and estimate (PS&E) for traffic design projects such as traffic signals, signing and striping, street lighting, and construction traffic control. He has also assisted with traffic impact studies and analyses, plan reviews, and engineering and traffic survey updates. Mr. Lau is an accomplished engineer for multi-discipline and multi-agency traffic and transportation projects and has supervised completion of a variety of large- to small-scale projects. Mr. Lau has personally designed over 200 new and modified traffic signal installations for cities and other agencies throughout California. He understands the importance of meeting schedules and developing the most cost-efficient project to meet budgetary constraints. Relevant Project Experience Annual Resurfacing Project, City of Rolling Hills Estates, CA. Traffic Design Task Leader. Willdan provided professional engineering services for the design, construction administration and construction observation for the 2016 resurfacing project for various streets, multi-use path, and three city parking lots in the City of Rolling Hills Estates. The design included preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) for street improvements, signing, and striping. Other services included pavement engineering, utility coordination, and design survey. As part of our services, Willdan advertised the project for the City, reviewed bids, and prepared a bid analysis. Once the project was awarded Willdan provided construction management/construction observation services for the 45 working days it took to complete the project. Glenoaks Boulevard Improvement Project HSIP Cycle 7, City of San Fernando, CA. Traffic Design Task Leader. Willdan provided preliminary and final engineering design services to the City of San Fernando for their HSIP Cycle 7 improvements. The design involved traffic signal modifications to protected/left turn phasing and non-landscaped raised doweled medians for the length of the turn pockets at Arroyo Street, Griswald Avenue, Grand Boulevard, Maclay Avenue, Haring Avenue, and Orange Grove Avenue. The project involved 1.27 miles of street resurfacing between the east and west city limits. The project Improvements included: street, water, storm drain, traffic signal, signing and striping design, topographic survey, potholing, utility coordination, NEPA/CEQA clearance, federal paperwork administration, geotechnical and pavement engineering, and public outreach. Cal Water Palos Verdes Pipeline, Black & Veatch, CA. Quality Assurance Manager. Willdan provided Traffic Control Design Services to Black & Veatch for the design-build for the Palos Verdes Pipeline project owned by Cal water. The project addressed deficiencies in the D-500 and Ridge systems, increased supply reliability and operational efficiency, and added an independent supply feed. The pipeline consisted of approximately 7 miles of large diameter pipeline and a booster station. Palos Verdes Drive North and Rolling Hills Road Traffic Signal Modifications, City of Rolling Hills Estates, CA. Traffic Design Task Leader. Willdan provided design, bidding assistance, construction management, inspection, labor compliance, and materials testing for this traffic signal modification project at the intersection of Palos Verdes Drive North and Rolling Hills Road in the City of Rolling Hills Estates. 244 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 18 David O. Knell, PLS Classification: Principal Project Manager Project Role: Survey Lead Profile Summary Education: ▪ BS, Cartography, Boston University, Boston ▪ Civil Engineering and Land Surveying Classes, California State University, Long Beach Certification: ▪ Land Surveyor, California No. 5301 Experience: 45 years, Mr. David Knell has a wide range of experience preparing and checking subdivision maps. As a contract map checker for about 20 cities in 5 Southern California counties, Mr. Knell has been involved in preparing and checking hundreds of parcel maps and tract maps, ALTA surveys, records-of-survey, lot line adjustments, parcel map waivers, certificates of compliance, and boundary determination. He is responsible for preparing legal descriptions and sketches for a wide range of easements involving utilities, air space reservations, and construction projects. Mr. Knell works with major utilities and title companies in determining easements and correcting defective legal descriptions. His experience includes supervising field crews, overseeing an office staff dealing with various survey projects, and extensive experience with local, state, and federal agencies. Relevant Project Experience City Surveyor, Various Agencies, CA. Mr. Knell is currently the Acting City Surveyor in the following southern California cities: ▪ Los Angeles County: Calabasas, Cerritos, Compton, Cudahy, Downey, Hawaiian Gardens, Inglewood, La Puente, Paramount, Rolling Hills Estates, South Gate, Westlake Village ▪ Orange County: Los Alamitos, Laguna Hills, Yorba Linda ▪ San Bernardino County: Big Bear Lake, Loma Linda, Grand Terrace, San Bernardino ▪ Ventura County: Simi Valley In addition, he is currently the Deputy County Surveyor in Marin County in the Bay Area. In this capacity as City/County Surveyor, Mr. Knell reviews all divisions of land in these jurisdictions. Some of Mr. Knell’s more specific projects and assignments are as follows: ▪ La Canada Flintridge, CA – Provided survey staking and prepared approximately 250 easements for sewer laterals throughout the citywide project ▪ Covina, CA – Surveyed in (by GPS) approximately 50 manholes for a sewer study ▪ Indian Wells, CA – Detailed sewer manholes/inverts on 50 manholes in Highway 111 ▪ Yorba Linda, CA – Prepared topographic survey, constructed staked, and prepared easement documents for a sewer line extension in Bastanchury Road ▪ South Gate, CA – Prepared Quitclaim Deeds for sewer easements to be abandoned and drafted up new deeds for realigned sewer lines. 245 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 19 William A. Maddux Classification: Senior Environmental Scientist Project Role: Subconsultant for Noise Study Profile Summary Education: ▪ BS, Urban and Regional Planning, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA Certification: ▪ N/A Experience: 20 years Mr. Maddux has a diverse background in preparing environmental and technical studies throughout southern California. He specializes in acoustics, air quality assessments, and climate change. He also has extensive knowledge of community planning regulations and numerous other environmental laws and regulations. Mr. Maddux has twenty years of professional experience and is proficient with various air emissions models (e.g., CALINE series, EMFAC series, ISC/AERMOD, HARP, and CalEEMod) and various noise prediction models (e.g., RCNM, SoundPlan, and TNM). Mr. Maddux has managed and prepared environmental impact studies and technical studies on a wide variety of projects. He has prepared noise and air quality technical studies and related sections of CEQA and NEPA documents for public works projects as well as commercial, industrial, residential, and recreational land uses. End users include U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, California Department of Transportation, water districts, utilities, cities and counties, and private Relevant Project Experience Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, Termino Avenue Drain, Long Beach, CA. Senior Environmental Scientist California State Land Commission (CSLC), San Diego County, CA. Senior Environmental Scientist. EIR for the Disposition of the Offshore Conduits at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Stations (SONGS). City of San Diego, Sorrento Creek Channel Maintenance Project, San Diego, CA. Senior Environmental Scientist. Sweetwater Authority, Robert A. Perdue Water Treatment Plant Master Plan EIR, San Diego County, CA. Senior Environmental Scientist. La Mesa Public Works Department, Parkway Drive and Alvarado Trunk Sewer Phases 3 and 4, La Mesa, CA. Senior Environmental Scientist. Chapman Solar LLC., Chapman Solar Ranch Project, San Diego County, CA. Senior Environmental Scientist. Vallecitos Water District, 2014 Master Plan Update, San Diego County, CA. Senior Environmental Scientist. Southern California Gas, Ventura Energy Storage Project, Ventura, CA. Senior Environmental Scientist. City of Oceanside, City of Oceanside Phase I General Plan Update/Climate Action Plan, Oceanside, CA. Senior Environmental Scientist. Sweetwater Authority, 36-inch Transmission Main Replacement Project, San Diego County, CA. Senior Environmental Scientist. San Diego County Water Authority, Nob Hill Pipeline Improvements Project, San Diego, CA. Senior Environmental Scientist. City of San Diego Water Department, Miramar Water Treatment Plant Upgrade and Expansion EIR, San Diego County, CA. Senior Environmental Scientist. 246 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 20 Donald Whitman Classification: Project Manager Project Role: Subconsultant for Potholing Profile Summary Education: ▪ U.S. Marine Corps, MCRD, San Diego, CA Certification: ▪ 40-hour HAZPOWER Confined Spaces Safety Project Management San Diego Work Zone Traffic Control Experience: 18 years Mr. Donald Whitman has managed numerous utility locating projects over the past 18 years for various DOT’s, municipalities, public and private sector clients. He will be responsible for the management and coordination of utility services. He will develop multiple department services schedules and maintain those schedules throughout the duration of the project. He will prepare staff hours and fee estimates for the combined project teams. He will review the progress of services to ensure that the standards, time goals and budget requirements are met. At Bess Testlab, Inc., Donald is responsible for the technical project execution, including overseeing crews, equipment, project progress, safety and quality control. Supervisor of field crews and experienced in all levels of Subsurface Utility Engineering to mention a few, Utility Locating and Vacuum Excavation (Potholing). Relevant Project Experience LA County Department of Public Works On Call Potholing Services Contract. Project Manager. On-going project. Furnish all labor, materials, parts and equipment necessary to provide routine positive location (potholing) services using vacuum excavation, hand excavation, or comparable methods to locate underground utilities, including but not limited to; petroleum, data transmission, telephone, gas, electric, water and sewer pipelines, and perform other related services. Provide a written report stating the date for the exact location of each work assignment site. Coachella Valley District Irrigation Lateral 119.64-7.5 Improvement Project. Project Manager. Provide utility locating, potholing services and necessary traffic control along the proposed alignment of 16,000 feet of pipeline using vacuum extraction to positively locate existing utility conflicts such as telephone, gas, electric, water, petroleum and various connection points. Provide a written report stating the date for the exact location of each work assignment site. The report shall contain detailed findings, including but not limited to the type, size, and depth of the utility facility and, if present, the thickness of pavement. 247 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 21 David Rosell Classification: President/CEO of Rosell Surveying and Mapping, Inc. Project Role: Subconsultant for Survey Profile Summary Education: ▪ N/A Certification: ▪ Professional Land Surveyor, California No. 6281 ▪ Professional Land Surveyor, Colorado No. 23055 Experience: 40 years Mr. David Rosell is an expert in boundary and record maps. He is a specialist in right of way engineering, pipeline layout and as-builts, topographic surveys and construction staking. He has an extensive computer background and is proficient in the use of Microstation and AutoCAD. Dave has extensive GPS training, and has used GPS and RTK for topography, construction staking, as-builts and geodetic control networks. Dave has the overall responsibility for the technical, cost, and schedule performance on all work performed by the firm. Dave was an integral part of preparing the Official Map of the Port of Long Beach. Dave has been involved in many large single family and commercial developments throughout California and Colorado. Dave was instrumental in surveying over 60 miles of railroad right of ways in the Los Angeles Basin for the Metro Rail Project and surveyed over 50 square miles for the preliminary mapping of Denver International Airport. Dave was responsible for checking the Horizontal and Vertical GPS Control Network for the Redline Subway System between Hollywood and North Hollywood, CA. Dave provided integral components for the topographic and design surveys and right-of-way work for the Alameda Corridor in Los Angeles, CA. He was responsible for pipeline staking and as-builts for the Southern California Gas Company. This included the writing of legal descriptions and plat preparation for right-of-way acquisitions. Dave has extensive experience performing right-of-way and topographic surveys for the Metropolitan Water District’s Inland Feeder Project. Dave administered surveying services for wetlands restoration and identification for conservatory agencies in the Long Beach and Los Angeles areas. 248 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 22 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures Willdan’s project control system is designed to provide a coordinated effort between all task facets of a project in the framework of the pre- established master schedule, budget controls, and reporting system. The work breakdown structure subdivides the work into manageable segments and is the basis for our project managers’ project control plan. The work breakdown structure is tailored to specific project needs, but generally has typical elements, including codes to identify work segments and engineering disciplines, weekly reports, and project resources schedule. Cost Control The budget control system is prepared in accordance with the work breakdown structure. The budget becomes the control against which performance is measured. The budget is time phased by combining project master scheduling data with budget data. Actual costs are compared with budgeted costs and variances analyzed. Deviations between planned and actual cost can then be evaluated to forecast and control future work. Schedule Control A critical path method master schedule will be prepared following the notice to proceed and is detailed in the Schedule and Schedule Control Section per the City’s RFP request. Progress Reporting The submittal requirements and format for consistent monthly reporting of project costs and status will be confirmed with the City during the project start-up period. The status report will contain a project performance summary, action items, outstanding items to be resolved, an updated schedule, and a comparison and narrative of budgeted costs versus actual costs. Quality Assurance and Control Quality assurance and control procedures are critical to ensuring sound engineering practices and quality deliverables are produced for our clients. Willdan operates daily under a company-wide Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Program. In accordance with Willdan’s QA/QC Manual, a QA/QC officer is assigned to every contract. As part of his daily responsibilities, Mr. Tyrone Peter, PE, will provide quality assurance oversight. Project-specific QA/QC activities will be planned at the beginning of each project. Typical QA/QC activities include assigning the appropriate technical staff to the project, selecting the proper project technical approach, establishing a project schedule that meets internal Willdan and City deadlines, and determining the proper level of QA/QC review. There are four levels of QA/QC review for project deliverables: The two major components of the QC review are technical and communication reviews. A Level 3 QC review will be performed on the engineering design plans, specifications, and cost estimate to ensure the design is sound and appropriate and confirm deliverables meet the scope of work requirements. Project documents, including letters and correspondence, are subject to a Level 2 QC review to ensure deliverables are reasonably organized, text and presentation are understandable and easy to follow, any required formats are followed, and there are no grammatical or spelling errors. 249 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 23 References Over the past 56-years, Willdan has provided municipal services to more than 400 municipalities, for projects involving a broad array of disciplines. The following briefly summarizes some of the firm’s relevant sewer experience performed for various clients. City of Lynwood Contact: Thomas Thornton, PE 11330 Bullis Road Lynwood, CA 90262 City Engineer (310) 603-0220 Project Dates: 2019 – Present Priority 1 Street Improvements – Phases 1, 2, and 3. The project includes multiple phases for resurfacing selected local streets throughout the City. Various pavement strategies such as slurry seal, grind and overlay, and total reconstruction were incorporated into the street rehabilitations. Sanitary sewer improvements included point repairs with lining, pipe bursting for increased capacity, and total pipe replacement where required. Existing water mains less than 8-inches were replaced along with new services and smart meters, Willdan provided engineering design, utility coordination, advertising and bid support, and design support during construction. City of Ridgecrest Contact: Loren Culp, PE 100 W. California Ave Ridgecrest, CA 93555 City Engineer (760) 499-5082 Project Dates: 2016 Phase 1 Sewer Line Repair, Replacement, Slip Lining Program. Willdan was responsible for the evaluation, design, and preparation of construction documents and construction support for the replacement or rehabilitation of 12,022 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipe. Willdan reviewed CCTV to evaluate the conditions of the existing sanitary sewer line. Willdan used the findings of the evaluation to determine which sections of the sanitary sewer and corresponding manholes could be repaired and which sections needed to be replaced. Willdan prepared the design and construction documents for the sewer rehabilitation and replacement. The final design included 6,890 linear feet of sewer rehabilitation, 5,130 linear feet of sanitary sewer replacement, and the reconnection of 172 laterals with Brim style inserts. Willdan provided design, bidding assistance, construction management, inspection, materials testing, and labor compliance services for this sewer main rehabilitation and replacement project. The project included 6,890 linear feet of sewer rehabilitation, 5,130 linear feet of sanitary sewer replacement, and the reconnection of 172 laterals with Brim style inserts. Following completion of the sewer main replacements, an AC overlay was constructed on Church Avenue from Downs Street to China Lake Boulevard. 250 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 24 City of Bell Contact: Ray Alfonso, PE 6330 Pine Ave. Bell, CA 90201 Deputy City Engineer (323) 588-6211 Project Dates: 2020 Sewer Improvements on Beck Ave. and Orchard Ave. Willdan provided engineering design of improvements including 1,280 linear feet of 10” VCP extra strength pipe, connection of 44 sewer laterals, pavement cold mill and ARHM overlay, replacing sidewalk, cross gutters, ADA ramps, adjusting manhole frames and valves to grade, and striping. 251 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 25 Schedule and Schedule Control 252 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 26 253 City of Rolling Hills RFP Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans City of Rolling Hills 27 Fee Schedule/Cost Proposal Willdan has completed a Fee Schedule for the City’s reivew. It is included in a separate document as required by the RFP. 254 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405 Industry, CA 91746-3443 562.908.6200 | 800.499.4484 | Fax: 562.695.2120 www.willdan.com 255 City of Rolling Hills Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans Proposal July 13, 2020 256 Fee Schedule/Cost Proposal July 13, 2020 City of Rolling Hills No 2. Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Attention: Elaine Jeng. P.E., City Manager Subject: Request for Proposals for Engineering Services to Prepare Sewer Improvement Plans The City of Rolling Hills is requesting a Fee Schedule per the RFP. Willdan has included a copy of our rates in the Attachment below for your review. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to discussing our proposal with you and your staff. The primary individual authorized to sign and negotiate a contract for these services is Ms. Vanessa Muñoz, PE, TE, PTO, Director of Engineering, located at 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405, Industry, CA 91746, Telephone (562) 368‐4848 and email vmunoz@willdan.com. Respectfully submitted, WILLDAN GROUP INC. Vanessa Muñoz, PE, TE, PTOE Vice President/Director of Engineering 257 Attachment 258 259 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405 Industry, CA 91746-3443 562.908.6200 | 800.499.4484 | Fax: 562.695.2120 www.willdan.com 260 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 24th day of August, 2020 in City of Rolling Hills, County of Los Angeles, State of California, by and between the CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, a California municipal corporation (hereinafter the “CITY”), and NV5, Inc., a California corporation (hereinafter the “CONSULTANT”). 1. RECITALS: A. In 2018, the CITY retained Willdan Engineering to prepare a Sanitary Sewer Improvement Feasibility Study Including City Hall and Tennis Court Site (Phase I) for the City of Rolling Hills. Phase I included concept level research and an engineering feasibility evaluation regarding the potential of connecting the Project Area (City Hall, HOA building, the tennis court site, and upstream properties) to existing downstream sanitary sewer systems. B. In 2019, CITY retained Willdan Engineering to prepare a Sanitary Sewer Improvement Feasibility Study Including City Hall and Tennis Court Site (Phase II) for the City of Rolling Hills. Phase II of the Project transformed the project from concept level (Phase I) to the preliminary engineering level design (Phase II). C. Willdan Engineering completed Phase I and Phase II and reported its findings to the City Council. The feasibility studies recommended installing a new eight (8) inch sewer main along Portuguese Bend Road and upgrading the existing sewer main along Rolling Hills Road to a ten (10) inch and twelve (12) inch sewer main prior to connecting to the Los Angeles County Trunk line. D. The CITY desires to retain CONSULTANT to implement the recommendation and prepare the plans, specifications, engineer’s estimate of probable construction cost and bid support services for the installation of the new sewer line. E. The CONSULTANT is well qualified by reason of education and experience to perform such services. F. The CONSULTANT is willing to render such professional services. Now, therefore, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions herein contained, CITY hereby engages CONSULTANT and CONSULTANT agrees to perform the services set forth in this Agreement. 261 2. SCOPE OF WORK CONSULTANT shall perform all work necessary to complete in a manner satisfactory to CITY the services set forth in the scope of work attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. CONSULTANT shall provide deliverables pursuant to the schedule outlined in Exhibit A. 3. COST The CITY agrees to pay CONSULTANT for the services required by this Agreement on a Time and Materials basis as set forth in Exhibit B an amount not to exceed $81,196.00. This fee includes all expenses, consisting of all incidental blueprinting, photography, travel, attendance at meetings, and miscellaneous costs. It also includes any escalation or inflation factors anticipated. Any increase in Agreement amount or scope shall be by express written amendment approved by the CITY and CONSULTANT. 4. METHOD OF PAYMENT CONSULTANT shall submit an invoice in duplicate and addressed to the CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CITY MANAGER, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 before the end of each month on a monthly basis. CITY shall remit payment for all work performed to CITY’s reasonable satisfaction within thirty (30) days of receiving this invoice. 5. SUBCONTRACTING CONSULTANT shall not be permitted to subcontract any portion of this Agreement without the express, written consent of the CITY. 6. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK CONSULTANT shall commence work under this Agreement within twenty- four (24) hours upon receipt of a notice to proceed from the CITY. 7. ACCOUNTING RECORDS CONSULTANT must maintain accounting records and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred. Records and documents shall be kept available at the CONSULTANT’s California office, located at 163 Technology Drive, Suite 100, Irvine, California 92618, during the Agreement period and thereafter for five years from the date of final payment. 262 8. OWNERSHIP OF DATA All data, maps, photographs, and other material collected or prepared under the Agreement shall become the property of the CITY. CITY’s reuse of such materials for a purpose other than the project which is the subject of this Agreement shall be at CITY’s sole risk. 9. TERM OF CONTRACT This Agreement shall be valid until October 1, 2021. 10. TERMINATION This Agreement may be terminated by either party at any time for material breach. The CITY may also terminate unilaterally this Agreement without cause upon seven (7) days written notice to the CONSULTANT. All work satisfactorily performed to the reasonable satisfaction of CITY pursuant to the Agreement and prior to the date of termination may be claimed for reimbursement. 11. ASSIGNABILITY CONSULTANT shall not assign or transfer any interest in this Agreement without the prior written consent of the CITY. 12. AMENDMENT It is mutually understood and agreed that no alteration or variation of the terms of this Agreement, or any subcontract requiring the written approval of the CITY, shall be valid unless made in writing, signed by the parties hereto, and approved by all necessary parties. 13. NON-SOLICITATION CLAUSE The CONSULTANT warrants that he or she has not employed or retained any company or persons, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT, to obtain any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts, or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, the CITY shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability or, in its discretion, to deduct from the Agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or contingent fee. 14. INDEMNITY A. To the fullest extent permitted by law, CONSULTANT shall defend (with counsel of CITY’S choosing), indemnify and hold the CITY, its officials, 263 officers, employees, volunteers, and agents free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, costs, expenses, liability, loss, damage or injury of any kind, in law or equity, to property or persons, including wrongful death, in any manner arising out of, pertaining to, or incident to any acts, errors or omissions, or willful misconduct of CONSULTANT, its officials, officers, employees, subcontractors, consultants or agents in connection with the performance of the CONSULTANT’S services, the Project or this Agreement, including without limitation the payment of all damages, expert witness fees and attorney’s fees and other related costs and expenses. CONSULTANT’S obligation to indemnify shall not be restricted to insurance proceeds, if any, received by CONSULTANT, the CITY, its officials, officers, employees, agents, or volunteers. B. If CONSULTANT’S obligation to defend, indemnify, and/or hold harmless arises out of CONSULTANT’S performance of “design professional” services (as that term is defined under Civil Code section 2782.8), then, and only to the extent required by Civil Code section 2782.8, which is fully incorporated herein, CONSULTANT’S indemnification obligation shall be limited to claims that arise out of, pertain to, or relate to the negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct of the CONSULTANT, and, upon CONSULTANT obtaining a final adjudication by a court of competent jurisdiction, CONSULTANT’S liability for such claim, including the cost to defend, shall not exceed the CONSULTANT’S proportionate percentage of fault. 15. INSURANCE A. Without limiting CONSULTANT’S obligations arising under paragraph 14 - Indemnity, CONSULTANT shall not begin work under this Agreement until it obtains policies of insurance required under this section. The insurance shall cover CONSULTANT, its agents, representatives, and employees in connection with the performance of work under this Agreement, and shall be maintained throughout the term of this Agreement. Insurance coverage shall be as follows: i. Automobile Liability Insurance with minimum coverage of $300,000 for property damage, $300,000 for injury to one person/single occurrence, and $300,000 for injury to more than one person/single occurrence. If CONSULTANT or CONSULTANT’s employees will use personal automobiles in any way on this project, CONSULTANT shall obtain evidence of personal automobile liability coverage for each such person. ii. General Liability, insuring CITY its elected and appointed officers, agents, and employees from claims for damages for personal injury, including death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from CONSULTANT’S actions under this Agreement, whether or not done by 264 CONSULTANT or anyone directly or indirectly employed by CONSULTANT. Such insurance shall have a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000. iii. Worker’s Compensation Insurance for all CONSULTANT’S employees to the extent required by the State of California. In addition, if CONSULTANT obtains CITY’s written consent to employ a subconsultant, CONSULTANT shall also require any and every subconsultant to similarly maintain Worker’s Compensation Insurance in accordance with the laws of the State of California for all of the subconsultant’s employees. Any notice of cancellation or non-renewal of all Workers’ Compensation policies must be received by the CITY at least thirty (30) days prior to such change. The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the CITY, its officers, agents, employees, and volunteers for losses arising from work performed by the CONSULTANT for CITY. This provision shall not apply if the CONSULTANT has no employees performing work under this Agreement. If the CONSULTANT has no employees for the purposes of this Agreement, the CONSULTANT shall sign the “Certificate of Exemption from Workers’ Compensation Insurance” which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as “Exhibit C.” B. Deductibility Limits for policies referred to in subparagraphs A (i) (ii) and (iii) shall not exceed $25,000 per occurrence. C. Endorsements. Each general liability and automobile liability insurance policy shall be issued by insurers possessing a Best’s rating of no less than A-: VII. Each general liability and automobile liability insurance policy shall be endorsed with the language of Sections (i) – (vi) below. CONSULTANT also agrees to require all CONSULTANTs, and subconsultants to do likewise. (i) Additional Insured Clause. “The CITY, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, agents, and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds with respect to liability arising out of work performed by or on behalf of the CONSULTANT, including materials, parts, or equipment furnished in connection with such work or operations.” (ii) Primary Insurance Clause. This policy shall be considered primary insurance as respect to the CITY, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, agents, and volunteers. Any insurance maintained by the CITY, including any self-insured retention the CITY may have, shall be considered excess insurance only and shall not contribute with this policy. (iii) Separation of Insured Clause. This insurance shall act for each insured and additional insured as though a separate policy had been written for each, except with respect to the limits of liability of the insuring company. 265 (iv) Failure to Report to Insurer. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the CITY, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, agents, or volunteers. (v) Waiver of Right to Subrogation Clause. CONSULTANT, and its insurer through endorsement, waives all rights of subrogation against the CITY, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, or agents regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and agrees to have all subconsultants, and subconsultants’ insurers through endorsement, to do likewise. (vi) Notice of Change in Insurance. The insurance provided by this policy shall not be suspended, voided or reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days’ written notice has been submitted to the CITY and approved of in writing, except in the case of cancellation, for which ten (10) days’ written notice shall be provided. D. Notice to CITY. CONSULTANT agrees to provide immediate notice to CITY of any claim or loss against CONSULTANT arising out of the work performed under this Agreement. CITY assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve CITY. CONSULTANT also agrees to provide immediate written notice to CITY if any insurance policy listed above is suspended, voided, or reduced in coverage or limits. CONSULTANT agrees to have all subconsultants to do likewise. E. Claims-made policies. Should any of the required insurance be provided under a claims-made form, CONSULTANT shall maintain such coverage continuously throughout the term of this Agreement and, without lapse, for a period of three years beyond the expiration of this Agreement, to the effect that should occurrences during the Agreement term give rise to claims made after expiration of the Agreement, such claims shall be covered by such claims- made policies. F. Defense costs. Should any of the required insurance be provided under a form of coverage that includes a general annual aggregate limit or provides that claims investigation or legal defense costs be included in such general annual aggregate limit, such general aggregate limit shall double the occurrence or claims limits specified above. G. Acknowledgment of the Minimum Amount of Coverage. Notwithstanding the provisions included in any of the ISO Additional Insured Endorsement forms, CONSULTANT acknowledges that the insurance coverage and policy limits set forth in this section constitute the minimum amounts of coverage required. Any insurance proceeds available to the CITY in excess of 266 the limits and coverage required in this Agreement and which is applicable to a given loss will be available to the CITY. H. Self Insured Retention/Deductibles. All policies required by this Agreement shall allow CITY, as additional insured, to satisfy the self-insured retention (“SIR”) and/or deductible of the policy in lieu of the Owner (as the named insured) should Owner fail to pay the SIR or deductible requirements. The amount of the SIR or deductible shall be subject to the approval of the City Attorney and the Finance Director. Owner understands and agrees that satisfaction of this requirement is an express condition precedent to the effectiveness of this Agreement. Failure by Owner as primary insured to pay its SIR or deductible constitutes a material breach of this Agreement. Should CITY pay the SIR or deductible on Owner’s behalf upon the Owner’s failure or refusal to do so in order to secure defense and indemnification as an additional insured under the policy, CITY may include such amounts as damages in any action against Owner for breach of this Agreement in addition to any other damages incurred by CITY due to the breach. I. Certificates of Insurance. The CONSULTANT shall provide certificates of insurance with original endorsements to the CITY as evidence of the insurance coverage required herein. Certificates of such insurance shall be filed with the CITY on or before commencement of performance of this Agreement. Current certification of insurance shall be kept on file with the CITY at all times during the term of this Agreement. The CONSULTANT shall provide written evidence of current automobile coverage to comply with the automobile insurance requirement. J. Failure to Procure Insurance. Failure on the part of the CONSULTANT to procure or maintain required insurance shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement under which the CITY may terminate this Agreement. 16. NOTICE All Notices permitted or required under this Agreement shall be in writing, and shall be deemed made when delivered to the applicable party’s representative as provided in this Agreement. Additionally, such notices may be given to the respective parties at the following addresses, or at such other addresses as the parties may provide in writing for this purpose. Such notices shall be deemed made when personally delivered or when mailed forty-eight (48) hours after deposit in the U.S. mail, first-class postage prepaid, and addressed to the party at its applicable address. 267 CITY: City of Rolling Hills 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, California 90274. Attention: City Manager, Elaine Jeng, PE CONSULTANT: NV5, Inc. 163 Technology Drive, Suite 100 Irvine, California 92618 Attention: Jeffrey Cooper, PE 17. ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT In the event that legal action is commenced to enforce or declare the rights created under this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of costs and reasonable attorney’s fees in the amount to be determined by the court. 18. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST No member of the governing body of the CITY and no other officer, employee, or agent of the CITY who exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with the planning and carrying out of the program, shall have any personal financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement; and the CONSULTANT further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement, no person having any such interest shall be employed. 19. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The CONSULTANT is and shall at all times remain as to the CITY a wholly independent contractor. Neither the CITY nor any of its agents shall have control over the conduct of the CONSULTANT or any of the CONSULTANT’s employees, except as herein set forth. The CONSULTANT shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are in any manner agents or employees of the CITY. 20. ENTIRE AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES This Agreement supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties hereto with respect to the employment of CONSULTANT by CITY and contains all the covenants and agreements between the parties with respect such employment in any manner whatsoever. Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representations, inducements, promises or agreements, orally or otherwise, have been made by any party, or anyone acting on behalf of any party, which are not embodied herein, and that no 268 other agreement or amendment hereto shall be effective unless executed in writing and signed by both CITY and CONSULTANT. 21. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, and all applicable federal statutes and regulations as amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date and year first above written. CITY OF ROLLING HILLS NV5, INC. CITY MANAGER: DIRECTOR OF INFRASTRUCTURE __________________________ __________________________ ELAINE JENG JEFFREY COOPER DATE:___________ DATE:_____________ ATTEST: __________________________ CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: __________________________ MICHAEL JENKINS CITY ATTORNEY 269 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK 270 EXHIBIT B FEE SCHEDULE 271 EXHIBIT C Certificate of Exemption from Workers’ Compensation Insurance TO: City of Rolling Hills SUBJECT: Sole Proprietor/Partnership/Closely Held Corporation with No Employees Please let this memorandum notify the City of Rolling Hills that I am a sole proprietor partnership nonprofit organization closely held corporation and do not have any employees whose employment requires me to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Therefore, I do not carry worker’s compensation insurance coverage. CONSULTANT Signature ____________________________ Printed Name of CONSULTANT ____________________________ Date 272 PROJECT APPROACH PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The City of Rolling Hills evaluated the feasibility of connecting a portion of the City to a nearby existing wastewater conveyance system. Based on the sewer feasibility study, it is recommended to install a new 8” sewer main along Portuguese Bend Road and upgrade existing sewer main along Rolling Hills Road to a 10” and 12” sewer main prior to connecting to the Los Angeles County Trunk line. The new sewer extension will serve the City Hall, a Tennis Court Site and upstream properties. NV5 will note the recommendations expressed by Wildan in the Sewer Feasibility Study and make recommendations as discovered during the design process. SCOPE OF WORK The NV5 team has the size, depth and experience to commit the necessary personnel to meet your schedules and deadlines. The scope of work includes the preparation of plans, specifications, engineer’s estimate of probable construction cost and bid support services for the installation of the new gravity sewer line. We are represented by highly experienced professionals who have proven track records managing public works projects. Our professional engineering design services for this project will include all services as listed in the Request for Proposal (RFP) including but not limited to the following: 1. Project Management and Administration 1.1 Meetings We have included sufficient time and budget in our proposal to manage the project from start to finish including progress, budget and schedule oversight for in-house and sub consultant work. Our tasks for project management and administration include: • Following the notice to proceed, NV5 will schedule and attend a kick-off meeting with City staff to initiate the project; establish lines of communication; review and refine, if needed, the project scope of work and schedule; establish design guidelines; discuss project parameters and constraints; and obtain background information. • Participate in meeting(s) with City staff to discuss the project objectives and attend City Council meeting to answer any questions. Expected meetings listed below. ○Scoping/Kick 0ff (2) ○Utility (2) ○Stakeholders (2) ○City Council (2) ○Design Review with Staff (2) 1.2. CEQA Process Overview Our subconsultant ,ECORP, will prepare a technical memorandum that specifically addresses the feasibility of pursuing the following CEQA processes and determinations for the project – CEQA Statutory Exemption; or CEQA Categorical Exemption; or CEQA Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND). Considerations associated with each approach are briefly described as follows. Statutory Exemption Using the Project information provided by the City, our team will determine if the Project fits the requirements for a statutory exemption. A preliminary review of the Project indicates that the Sewer Main Improvement project may qualify for a Statutory Exemption in accordance with Section 15282(k) of the CEQA Guidelines. This exemption allows for installation of new pipeline or the maintenance, repair, restoration, reconditioning, relocation, replacement, removal, or demolition of an existing pipeline within a public street or highway or any other public right-of-way as long as the project does not exceed one mile in length. There are no CEQA exceptions to review for a Statutory Exemption. Environmental process issues and feasibility of this approach will be addressed in the memorandum. Categorical Exemption (CE) Our team will review the list of Categorical Exemptions (CE) in CEQA §15300 to 15332 to determine if the Project fits any of the requirements for a CE. The technical memorandum will address the CE Exceptions (§15300.2) for CE Classes where these exceptions apply. Environmental considerations, the potential need for any supporting technical studies, and feasibility of this approach will be discussed in the memorandum. Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) Our team’s technical memorandum will evaluate any project environmental issues and process considerations that would require preparation of a CEQA IS/MND. Environmental issues, provisions for public comment, process schedule, and potential need and advantages of this type of CEQA document in support of future grant funding applications, are among the issues to be considered. Deliverable: Our team will submit the CEQA Process Overview and meet with the project team and City to discuss findings and recommendations. Should a determination be made that a CEQA IS/MND is needed, our team will initiate this process with preparation of the Initial Study (Task 8). City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 7273 PROJECT APPROACH 1.3. Utility Research NV5 will research and review available records and utilities, and confirm all known underground and overhead utilities on the project base map. The plans and specifications will require the Contractor to pothole locations where conflicts may occur, and those potential locations will be clearly identified on the plans. 1.4. Project Schedule Records NV5 will develop and maintain a project schedule for approval based on the City approval process and grant restrictions if applicable. 1.5. Research, Survey, and Base map Preparation • Perform field reconnaissance to inspect, photograph and make field notes to document the existing site and surrounding environment and become familiar with project conditions, limitations and possibilities. • Research and review existing plans. The City will provide existing plans if available. We will research the City’s records to obtain all available as-built improvement plans and record drawings, water and sewer atlas maps, sewer feasibility study, parcel maps, right-of-way data, address/business lists, reports, sample specifications and contract documents and any other information per tinent to the project. Collection of data will also include contact and coordination with public and private agencies that have utilities or facilities in the vicinity of the project area to obtain their records and requirements. • NV5 will provide a base map for the sewer main realignment project. ○ The base map will include field work to pick up all surface features and aerial photogrammetry for preparation of the base construction drawings. ○ The base map will include all manholes, water valves, utility vaults, power poles, and other visible facilities. These will all be identified on the map. ○ NV5 will prepare base construction drawings on 24”x36” sheets with a standard City title block, using AutoCAD format. The plan and profile sheet(s) will be prepared at a horizontal scale of 1” = 40’ and a ver tical scale of 1” =4’. ○ The base construction drawings will include the standard signature block, sewer general notes, locations/sizes of all utilities, locations of buried infrastructure, above ground improvements, easements, property lines, rights-of-way, property addresses and pertinent sur vey data. 2. Design (Plans Specifications and Cost Estimate) The construction plans will be prepared to conform to the general requirements of the City with consideration for the needs of the contractor’s construction operations. NV5 will deliver completed and approved construction drawings on or ahead of the project schedule. All plans will be prepared and submitted considering value engineering and in a manner that ensures a complete design approved by the City with assumed three (4) plan checks during the submittals (65%, 90% and 100% and Final). The construction drawings will conform to the appropriate applicable standards and as approved by the City. We will meet with the City to discuss and review comments before proceeding to prepare the next step plans. NV5 will process the plans through the City and other agencies for approval. Construction plans will include plan and profile sheets for the new and all details necessary for the construction of the proposed facilities. Plans will be prepared in the latest version of AutoCAD and using City’s drafting standards. Each plan sheet shall be on the standard 24-inch by 36- inch sheet size. Plan and profile sheets will be scaled at 1-inch equals 40-feet horizontal A. It is anticipated that the design plans will include the following 9 plan sheets: SHEET TITLE T-1 Title Sheet G-1 General Notes, Legend, Abbreviations, Basis of Bearings C-1-5(5 Sheets)Rolling Hills Road Sewer – Plan & Profile C-6-8(2 Sheets)Details Deliverables: NV5 will submit the following deliverables: 1. Mylar Plots 2. Record Drawings NV5 will prepare record drawings for the 8-inch Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road installation. We will incorporate field as-built information provided by the City. 3. Specifications NV5 will prepare Project Specifications at 65%, 90%, 100% and Final submittal: The specifications will conform with the current Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook). The Specifications will provide the required permits, standards and reference materials. City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 8274 PROJECT APPROACH 4. Cost Estimate NV5 will prepare an engineer’s construction estimate for the designed Project at the 65% submittal and 100% submittal. 5. Permitting and Regulations NV5 will prepare all necessary documents and will apply for encroachment permits with the Cities of Rolling Hills Estates, Torrance and Los Angeles County in order to install the proposed sewer line within their respective areas. NV5 will coordinate the connection fee payment to the California Health and Safety Code in order to discharge into LA County’s Palos Verdes North Slope Relief Trunk Sewer Section 1. We will meet with these agencies and will address their comments as necessary to obtain required permits. Permit documents and approvals will be included as an appendix to the contract documents. 6. Bid Support We will provide bidding assistance including responding to RFI’s and RFC’s, and provide sketches for clarification if needed. 7. Construction Support Services The NV5 team will be available to attend the preconstruction meeting and other meetings with staff, agencies, and the public as required. We will also review the Contractor’s submittals for conformance with contractor documents and respond to Requests for Information. We will also be available to clarify design related issues at all times and obtain necessary permits from affected agencies and utility companies. 8. Level of CEQA Service (Optional) Pending results of the CEQA Process Review (Task 1.2), an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration may be required to support CEQA approvals. CEQA Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/ MND): The CEQA IS would be prepared using the approved checklist format from the City or most recent revisions to Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines. Our team will prepare a description of the project including the location of the project area; a brief description of the environmental setting; an identification of environmental effects using the above-referenced checklist format; substantial evidence to support the checklist entries; and a list of references and preparers. A Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment and technical assessments for Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Noise and Vibration are proposed. Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment: A Phase l Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) will be performed for the subject site in accordance with the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental site Assessments Designation E 1527-13. The ESA report will provide a discussion of any identified recognized environmental conditions (RECs) and areas of concern. Indications of prior releases of hazardous substances will be obtained via multiple sources including but not limited to: regulatory agency database searches, agency file searches, interviews with personnel familiar with current and past land use practices, review of aerial photographs, and a site reconnaissance. Assessments for prior releases of hazardous substances will also be made for adjacent and/ or nearby properties. Deliverables: • Draft/Final Technical Studies • Administrative Draft IS/MND • Public Review Draft IS/MND • CEQA Notices • Final IS/MND & MMRP CEQA Schedule TASK/ACTIVITY TIME FRAME FOR COMPLETION CEQA Project Kickoff/AB 52 Tribal Notification(s) by City NTP/CEQA Project Kickoff Admin Draft IS/MND No later than 5 weeks from 65% Design Plans City Review 2 weeks Close of AB 52 Tribal Resources Consultation Prior to Draft IS/MND publication Draft IS/MND 1 week Notice of Intent/ Notice of Completion With Draft IS/MND Agency/Public Review 30 calendar days Final IS/MND (includes Responses to Comments) 2 weeks City Review 1 week Notice of Determination Filed with the Los Angeles County Clerk Recorder within 5 days of MND adoption City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 9275 SCHEDULE + SCHEDULE CONTROL ID Task NameDuration StartFinish1Notice to Proceed0 daysMon 8/3/20Mon 8/3/202Task 1 Project Management and Administration35 daysMon 8/3/20Fri 9/18/203Task 1.1 Project Kick- Off Meeting0 daysFri 8/7/20Fri 8/7/204 Task 1.2 CEQA Process Overview4 wksMon 8/10/20Fri 9/4/205Task 1.3 Utility Research4 wksMon 8/10/20Fri 9/4/206Task 1.4 Project Schedule Records6 wksMon 8/10/20Fri 9/18/207Task 1.5 Research, Survey, and Base map Preparation2 wksMon 8/3/20Fri 8/14/208Stakeholder Meeting1 dayFri 8/7/20Fri 8/7/209City Council Meeting1 dayWed 8/5/20Wed 8/5/2010Task 2 Design (Plans, Specfications and Cost Estimate)137 days?Mon 9/28/20Tue 4/6/2111Design Review with Staff1 dayMon 9/28/20Mon 9/28/201265% PS&E6 wksMon 9/28/20Fri 11/6/201365% City Review3 wksMon 11/9/20Fri 11/27/2014Design Review with Staff1 dayMon 11/30/20Mon 11/30/201590% PS&E5 wksTue 12/1/20Mon 1/4/211690% City Review3 wksTue 1/5/21Mon 1/25/2117100% PS&E 3 wksTue 1/26/21Mon 2/15/2118100% City Review3 wksTue 2/16/21Mon 3/8/2119Final PS&E1 day?Tue 3/9/21Tue 3/9/2120Permitting and Regulations12 wksTue 12/1/20Mon 2/22/2121Bid Support4 wksWed 3/10/21Tue 4/6/2122Task 3 Construction Phase90 daysTue 4/6/21Tue 8/10/2123Task 3.1 Pre-Construction Meeting0 daysTue 4/6/21Tue 4/6/2124Task 3.3 Construction Phase 16 wksWed 4/7/21Tue 7/27/2125Task 3.4 Provide "Project Record Drawing" 2 wksWed 7/28/21Tue 8/10/218/3 Notice to ProceedTask 1 Project Management and AdministrationTask 1 Project Management and Administration8/7 Task 1.1 Project Kick- Off Meeting8/10 Task 1.2 CEQA Process Overview8/10Task 1.3 Utility Research8/10Task 1.4 Project Schedule Records8/3 Task 1.5 Research, Survey, and Base map PreparationStakeholder Meeting8/5 City Council Meeting9/284/6Task 2 Design (Plans, Specfications and Cost Estimate)9/284/6Task 2 Design (Plans, Specfications and Cost Estimate)Design Review with Staff65% PS&E65% City Review3 wksDesign Review with Staff90% PS&E1/490% City Review 3 wks100% City Review 3 wksPermitting and Regulations2/22Bid Support4/68/10Task 3 Construction Phase4/6Task 3.3 Construction Phase 7/27Task 3.4 Provide "Project Record Drawing" 8/10JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctQtr 3, 2020Qtr 4, 2020Qtr 1, 2021Qtr 2, 2021Qtr 3, 2021CITY OF ROLLING HILLS8-INCH SEWER PORTUGUESE BEND PROJECTPROJECT SCHEDULECity of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 | 24276 City of Rolling Hills | 8” Sewer Main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road NV5 FEE SCHEDULE/COST PROPOSAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 A B CD E F G H I J M N O P Q HOURS $ HOURS $ HOURS $ HOURS $ HOURS $$ 1 Project Management and Administration 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 $0 1.1 Project Meetings and Coordination/Progress Report and Public Meetings 1 $175 6 $900 12 $1,440 4 $440 1 $90 24 $3,045 1.2 CEQA Process Overview 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 $3,825 0 $3,825 1.3 Utility Investigation and Coordination 0 $0 0 $0 2 $240 4 $440 1 $90 7 $770 1.4 Project Schedule Records 0 $0 2 $300 2 $240 0 $0 0 $0 4 $540 1.5 Research of Existing Information, Survey, Base Map Preparation 0 $0 2 $300 6 $720 16 $1,760 2 $180 $9,561 26 $12,521 Sub Total Task 1 1 $175 10 $1,500 22 $2,640 24 $2,640 4 $360 $13,386 61 $20,701 2 Final Design and Bid Documents 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 2.1 65% Submittal Package (PS&E)1 $175 4 $600 28 $3,360 48 $5,280 1 $90 82 $9,505 2.2 90% Submittal Package (PS&E)0 $0 2 $300 16 $1,920 36 $3,960 2 $180 56 $6,360 2.3 100% Submittal Package (PS&E)1 $175 2 $300 12 $1,440 24 $2,640 2 $180 41 $4,735 2.4 Final Submittal Package (PS&E)0 $0 2 $300 2 $240 6 $660 2 $180 12 $1,380 2.5 Permitting and Regulations 1 $175 4 $600 16 $1,920 6 $660 2 $180 29 $3,535 2.6 Bidding Support 1 $175 6 $900 0 $0 0 $0 1 $90 8 $1,165 Sub Total Task 2 4 $700 20 $3,000 74 $8,880 120 $13,200 10 $900 $0 191 $26,680 3 Construction Management 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 3.1 Construction Support 1 $175 8 $1,200 24 $2,880 8 $880 2 $180 43 $5,315 3.2 Record Drawing Preparation(As-Builts)0 $0 2 $300 0 $0 8 $880 0 $0 10 $1,180 Sub Total Task 3 1 $175 10 $1,500 24 $2,880 16 $1,760 2 $180 $0 281 $6,495 Miscellaneous Expenses $500 GRAND TOTAL 6 $1,050 40 $6,000 120 $14,400 160 $17,600 16 $1,440 $13,386 533 $54,376 1 Optional - CEQA IS/MND $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $26,820 0 $26,820 PROJECT ENGINEER PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT DIRECTOR - QA/QC $175 $150 $120 FEE PROPOSAL CITY OF ROLLING HILLS 8-INCH SEWER PORTUGUESE BEND/ROLLING HILLS ROAD INSTALLATION TASK / HOUR BREAKDOWN $90 TOTAL FEETOTAL HOURS SUB- CONSULTANTS/ EXPENSES CADD DESIGNER ADMINISTRATION Task NO. $110 277 Agenda Item No.: 8.C Mtg. Date: 08/24/2020 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:MEREDITH ELGUIRA, PLANNING DIRECTOR THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:CONSIDER AND APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BARRY MILLER CONSULTING TO PROVIDE CONSULTANT SERVICES TO REVISE THE CITY’S 5 TH CYCLE HOUSING ELEMENT TO COMPLY WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT'S (HCD) REQUIREMENTS. DATE:August 24, 2020 BACKGROUND: California state law requires that each city and county adopt a general plan to guide its physical growth and development for the next 15 to 20 years. The general plan represents a community’s vision of its future and is a statement of its values, priorities, needs and concerns. The general plan is required to be prepared in accordance with the requirements of California Government Codes Section 65300 et seq .The general plan addresses the seven mandatory elements of the California Government Code, which are land use, circulation, housing, open space, conservation, noise and safety. DISCUSSION: The City of Rolling Hills is currently in the process of revising its 5th Cycle Housing Element for state certification. The City adopted and submitted its Housing Element to HCD in 2013 and HCD deemed the Element non-compliant with the State's housing requirements. The City has subsequently submitted revisions responding to HCD's comments, however, there are still several outstanding requirements that need to be addressed; one critical component is in regards to identifying and rezoning a suitable parcel for multiple family residential use. Given the City's topographical constraints, land use density, distance from job centers, lack of access to public transportation and high fire severity zone location, the City is proposing an alternative viable way to meet its Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) through the use of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU). City staff sent out a Request for Proposal for professional services to revise the Housing Element that emphasized the need for an individual or firm to have extensive experience using ADUs to meet RHNA 278 requirements. Using ADUs to meet RHNA requirements is a non-traditional way of meeting a city's affordable housing units and thus, more work is involved in trying to prove its viability. The City received one proposal. Barry Miller Consulting has extensive experience in using ADUs to meet RHNA requirements. He has received an award from the American Planning Association for his work on ADUs with the City of Piedmont. His experience working with cities similar to Rolling Hills, 35 years of planning experience preparing land use documents, relationship with HCD staff and hands on experience using ADUs to meet RHNA requirements make him well-qualified to complete the City's Housing Element. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost to revise the Housing Element has been appropriated in the Planning and Community Services Department's FY 2020-2021 Budget in an amount not to exceed $30,000. Staff applied for SB2 Housing Grant and the LEAP grant to help defray the cost. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement, and any subsequent amendments, with Barry Miller Consulting, in an amount not to exceed $30,000 (includes survey $7,200 and two additional public meetings $1,800) for the proposed scope of work. ATTACHMENTS: BarryMillerProposaltoRollingHills.pdf BarryMillerCostProposal.pdf 279 Proposal for Services Housing Element Revisions (2014-2021) Submitted to: City of Rolling Hills Submitted by: Barry Miller Consulting August 18, 2020 280 817 Alvarado Road Berkeley, CA 94705 510-847-0068 barry@barrymiller.net August 18, 2020 Meredith T. Elguira, 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Re: Proposal for Housing Element Dear Meredith: Thank you for inviting me to submit a proposal to provide Housing Element revision services to the City of Rolling Hills. I’m excited about the opportunity to help the City achieve its first HCD-certified Element. The attached proposal corresponds to the contents specified by the City’s Request for Proposals and includes a background and summary, methodology, staffing description, qualifications section, and cost estimate (three copies included in a separate envelope). The RFP also includes a statement of compliance with the City’s insurance requirements. Please note that the cost estimate provided in this proposal is valid for a period of at least 60 days---I am also happy to modify the proposal to better match the City’s needs. My services are generally provided on a time and materials basis with a not-to-exceed limit, and I often complete my projects for less than the budgeted amount. In the event I am selected for the project, I would be the project manager and sole point of contact. As a one-person firm, I provide personalized, responsive services at a more affordable rate than you’ll find with the larger consulting firms. Services would generally be provided from my office in Berkeley California (address and phone number in letterhead above). I anticipate traveling to Rolling Hills at least once for reconnaissance. Availability to attend additional meetings “in person” will depend on shelter-in- place restrictions. I would be happy to participate in meetings via videoconference (Zoom, etc.) as needed, including public hearings and other community meetings. I look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards- Barry Miller, FAICP 281 Proposal for Services * Rolling Hills 2014-2021 Housing Element Page 1 Background and Project Summary This section of the proposal describes my understanding of the city, the work to be done, and the objectives to be accomplished. Rolling Hills is an attractive, desirable place to live, renowned for its excellent quality of life, equestrian amenities, and semi-rural densities. These qualities are even more special given the city’s location in a highly urbanized metropolitan area. The community was initially subdivided more than 80 years ago and has been incorporated for more than 60 years. It is a mature and well-established city, with limited opportunities for new development. Like all cities in California, Rolling Hills is obligated by State law to provide for its “fair share” of the region’s housing needs. The “fair share” determination is made through a process known as the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA). In the Los Angeles Region, the process is administered by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). The housing needs for the region as a whole are allocated to individual communities by SCAG using a formula that considers factors such as population size, projected growth, access to jobs, and social equity. At this point, there are four formal planning periods or “RHNA cycles” behind us, a fifth cycle now underway (2014-2021), and another on the horizon (2021-2029). The Housing Element is the only part of the General Plan subject to State certification. Cities submit their elements to the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), where the documents are reviewed to determine their compliance with the Government Code. Cities must demonstrate the ability to meet their RHNA allocations through their policies and programs, including local zoning. Rolling Hills has not had a State-certified Housing Element in the past. In prior cycles, there were few consequences to non-compliance and many cities simply declared their elements “self-certified” without State approval. Today, cities without State-certified Housing Elements are increasingly vulnerable to expensive lawsuits. The consequences of these lawsuits can include suspension of local control on building matters, court approval of housing developments, and mandatory compliance orders. There is also a risk of losing access to State funds that are essential to local government operations. Obtaining State certification involves iterative discussions with State HCD, and often multiple submittals of draft documents. Cities are assigned a staff liaison at HCD, who reviews the document and provides formal comments. Developing a positive rapport with HCD and working collaboratively and productively with the State is an important part of the process. Rolling Hills recognizes this and has made considerable headway in its efforts to get its Fifth Cycle (2014-2021) element certified. The City is almost there. 282 Proposal for Services * Rolling Hills 2014-2021 Housing Element Page 2 The immediate challenge for Rolling Hills is to respond to the State’s comments on the adequacy of its housing sites, and its capacity to use accessory dwelling units (ADUs) to meet its RHNA for low and very low-income units. California cities typically demonstrate their ability to meet their low/very low-income assignment by identifying sites zoned for multi-family housing, or sites zoned for commercial uses where multi-family housing is a permitted or conditionally permitted use. A handful of cities have demonstrated that they can meet their RHNAs entirely through ADUs (or predominantly through ADUs), but this requires data, analysis, community engagement, and viable incentives for property owners. The timing of the RFP so close to the end of the fifth cycle RHNA requires quick, practical solutions. Rolling Hills can consider a broader range of housing opportunities as it develops its sixth cycle element in 2021 (Elements must be adopted by October). This could include rezoning of the PVP Unified School District site, or an expanded ADU program. In the short-term, however, the emphasis needs to be on getting the fifth cycle element certified. This requires demonstrating the capacity for 18 ADUs, including 8 affordable to very low income households, five affordable to low income households, and five affordable to moderate income households.1 Rolling Hills seeks a consultant to help facilitate this process—ideally, someone with prior experience working with HCD, with a track record of developing successful ADU programs. My firm offers these qualities. I prepared the third, fourth, and fifth cycle Housing Elements for the City of Piedmont (in the Bay Area), successfully making the case to HCD during the fourth and fifth cycles that the City could use ADUs to meet its RHNA. Moreover, the ADU program developed for Piedmont has had tangible results---it actually led to the production of 13 units affordable to very low income households during the 2007- 2014 cycle, representing 100 percent of the City’s RHNA allocation for very low income households. The program received an “Implementation Award” from the American Planning Association and has been emulated by a number of other cities. 1 Because the City did not have a compliant Housing Element in the fourth cycle, it is obligated to carry over its RHNA from 2007-2014 to the fifth cycle. This results in a total assignment of 28 units, 10 of which are above moderate and are presumed to be met by market-rate single family homes and 18 of which are presumed to be accessory dwelling units. 283 Proposal for Services * Rolling Hills 2014-2021 Housing Element Page 3 Methodology This section of the proposal describes the proposed methodology to complete the services provided. It has been formatted as a “Scope of Work” that can be appended to the City’s standard Professional Services Agreement. References to “meetings” are presumed to be virtual teleconferences conducted via Zoom or an equivalent platform. The City’s goal of adopting the revised Element by December 2020 is ambitious. Presuming an early September start date, adopting the Element in January 2021 may be more realistic, given the time required for HCD to review and comment on working drafts and confirm that the proposed language will result in a compliance determination. The task descriptions below presume completion of the Data Collection and Analysis work during September and October, study sessions in October and November, and adoption hearings in December and January. Task One: Reconnaissance and ADU Best Practices This task includes a “kickoff” meeting with City staff to discuss the work done to date on the 2014-2021 Element and the strategy and timeline for conducting the remaining tasks. Prior to the meeting, Barry Miller will review the Draft Housing Element, HCD comment letters, records of prior community engagement activities (including the November 25, 2019 Planning Commission meeting), and other relevant communication and background documents. Barry Miller will also report out on best practices regarding incentives for ADU development, as well as options the City could consider for meeting its fifth cycle fair share low- and very low-income allocations (focused on ADUs). At least one teleconference with HCD will take place during this task, to review their comments and discuss their expectations. Barry Miller will produce a memorandum summarizing the meeting conclusions and laying out program options for further discussion. Task Two: Data Collection and Analysis The City will need to demonstrate to HCD that an affordable ADU program is realistic and implementable. This will require collecting, analyzing, and presenting data on actual ADUs and potential ADUs in the city, and then integrating that data in the Housing Element for consideration by HCD. Because Rolling Hills contains approximately 700 single family housing units, this task is less onerous than it would be in a larger city with multiple housing types and zones. A windshield survey / visit to Rolling Hills would occur during this task. Working with staff, an estimate of the number of “actual” ADUs and “potential” ADUs in the city would be developed. The “actual” ADUs would include those units that have been legally permitted or those 284 Proposal for Services * Rolling Hills 2014-2021 Housing Element Page 4 known to be present by staff. The “potential” ADUs could include guesthouses and casitas, pool houses, garage apartments, habitable barns, home offices (with kitchen/bath facilities), and other properties with features that could conceivably support an ADU.1 This would not be a parcel by parcel survey, but rather a strategic estimate based on a quantifiable methodology to be jointly determined with staff (for example, reviewing permit applications over a fixed time period, looking at sample clusters of homes in different parts of the city, reviewing past Planning Commission staff reports, surveying real estate listings, etc.) The key is to make a data-driven case that city has the capacity for many more accessory dwellings than its RHNA. Of course, the potential for Junior Accessory Dwellings (JADUs) is even larger and would likely encompass most homes in the city. Typical rents for ADUs would be estimated using on-line ADU rental listings (Craigslist, etc.) and other industry sources, based on properties in Rolling Hills and in other cities on the Palos Verdes Peninsula.2 Barry Miller will also use a variety of data sources (including the American Community Survey, tax assessor records, etc.) and input from staff and other community stakeholders to estimate the extent to which low and very low income households currently reside in ADUs in Rolling Hills. This is an important data point to support the conclusion that ADUs already provide an affordable housing resource in the city and provide housing for home care providers and domestic employees. The City will also need to demonstrate that a substantial number of Rolling Hills property owners would be interested in developing ADUs or JADUs in the future. Ideally, this would be done using a survey, which could be administered electronically (using email/ SurveyMonkey) or through a postage-paid mailer with a return envelope. The intent of the survey would be to gauge the level of interest in ADUs, concerns residents may have, and what incentives might be offered to residents to either construct ADUs/ JADUs—or to consider limited-duration (i.e. 10 year) rent restrictions.3 The survey would be designed to identify immediate recommendations that can be included in a fifth-cycle program and longer-term recommendations that can be considered during the sixth cycle. Barry Miller will design the survey and work with staff to determine the best way to administer it. Barry Miller will be responsible for tallying and analyzing the results. He will also prepare a summary report and findings. The survey is listed as an optional item in the project budget. An alternative would be to defer the survey to the sixth cycle and include it as an implementing action in the Fifth Cycle element. In the absence of a survey, we will need to look to other sources such as stakeholder interviews to evaluate local interest in ADUs. 1 Barry Miller conducted a similar task for the City of Piedmont, reviewing property records for 3,900 homes. Several hundred were identified as containing “unintended ADUs.” 2 A scan of Craigslist ads on August 16, 2020 indicated one ADU listed for rent in ZIP Code 90274, at a price of $1,750/mo. As a point of reference, this market-rate unit would meet HCD/ HUD affordability standards for a 2- person “low-income” household. This type of data can help support the City’s argument that market rate ADUs can meet the “low income” need, allowing the program focus to be on very low/ extremely low income units. 3 If the City already has an inventory of known ADUs (by address or APN), a more limited survey could be administered to the owners of these properties only. This survey would have a slightly different purpose but could still be used to demonstrate the feasibility of an “affordable” ADU program. 285 Proposal for Services * Rolling Hills 2014-2021 Housing Element Page 5 Task Three: Develop Program Recommendations ADU-related program recommendations will be made based on the Task Two analysis. These could include short-term recommendations to be included in the 2014-2021 Housing Element and longer-term recommendations that could be included in the 2021-2029 Element. Consistent with the City’s schedule, study sessions would be conducted with the Planning Commission and the City Council to review the City’s options and solicit input from Commissioners, Council members, and members of the public. At least one community meeting would be scheduled (this could potentially be combined with the Planning Commission study session). One possible way to organize recommendations would be as follows: (a) General recommendations supporting ADU and JADU construction (education and awareness programs, website materials, prototype floor plans, etc.) (b) Incentives for owners with potential or unintended ADUs to “legalize” them as dwelling units (c) Incentives to support market-rate ADUs/ JADUs in new homes and major remodels (d) Incentives to support market-rate ADUs/JADUs in existing homes (e) Incentives and opportunities to create rent-restricted ADUs/JADUs (including “Habitat for Humanity” type units and others built by non-profits) (f) Strategies to indicate the city is providing opportunities for “extremely low income” households, such as units occupied by a non-family member where rent is not collected—or “rent a spare room” / home-sharing initiatives geared to seniors living alone.4 (g) Additional programs and strategies based on the analysis of best practices, feedback from staff and HCD, and input from the Planning Commission, City Council and the public. Program recommendations will be revised and edited as needed based on public feedback. As part of this task, Barry Miller will join City staff for a teleconference with the City’s Environmental Consultant to review the proposed program recommendations and confirm that the Negative Declaration for the Housing Element remains adequate. Revisions will be recommended if necessary. 4 Again, drawing from Piedmont as a “best practices” example, the City determined that 81% of its “extremely low income” population consisted of seniors on fixed incomes. Their obligation to plan for eight extremely low income units was largely met through a “rent a spare room” program, with a focus on seniors living alone. The City also committed to participate in a regional home-sharing program aimed at seniors living alone. 286 Proposal for Services * Rolling Hills 2014-2021 Housing Element Page 6 Task Four: Prepare “Screencheck” Draft Housing Element for Review by HCD Barry Miller will work with staff to prepare a revised 2014-2021 “Screencheck Draft” Housing Element that incorporates the updated data and analysis on ADUs/JADUs, and the revised policies and programs demonstrating that the City can meet its RHNA for low and very low income households through accessory dwellings (and room rentals, if deemed appropriate for extremely low income households). The revised Element also would include changes previously highlighted in redlined text, as well as any other changes needed to address public comments, Commission or Council comments, and HCD feedback. Barry will work with City staff and the HCD reviewer to ensure that proposed revisions to the text adequately address HCD’s earlier concerns and will result in a certifiable Housing Element. Final revisions will be made as necessary, keeping the Planning Commission and Council apprised of any substantive changes that are requested by HCD. Task Five: Prepare and Adopt Housing Element Barry Miller will make necessary final edits to the screencheck draft and will produce the Public Review Draft 2014-2021 Housing Element for public review. He will work with City staff as requested to prepare staff reports, resolutions, PowerPoint presentations, and other materials related to the public hearings on the Element. He will participate in one Planning Commission hearing, with the aim of securing a recommendation from the Commission to the Council to adopt the Element and Negative Declaration. Barry Miller will provide similar services for the City Council hearings, participating in up to one hearing to adopt the Plan and Negative Declaration. The budget for this task includes the option of expanding the number of hearings to two each for the Planning Commission and City Council, in the event more hearings are required. Barry Miller will produce the “Final” Housing Element, inclusive of any revisions made through the adoption process. He will work with staff to transmit the document to HCD. 287 Proposal for Services * Rolling Hills 2014-2021 Housing Element Page 7 Staffing This section of the proposal describes the proposed staffing for the services provided. As indicated in the City’s Request for Proposal, it includes a list of personnel and their responsibilities. As a sole proprietor and independent consultant, Barry Miller would provide all services associated with the Professional Services Agreement. A resume for Barry Miller is included on the next page. List of Personnel and Responsibilities 1. Barry Miller, FAICP Position: Principal Responsibilities: • Project Management • Communication and Liaison with City • Communication and Liaison with HCD • Data Collection and Analysis • Report Preparation • Presentations and Facilitation • Document Production 288 Proposal for Services * Rolling Hills 2014-2021 Housing Element Page 8 Barry J Miller, FAICP Resume PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Barry Miller Consulting (2007-present) Provide consulting services to local governments and private firms throughout the United States, with an emphasis on comprehensive plan updates, land use studies, housing elements, and implementation programs. Services include the design and implementation of community outreach programs, data collection and analysis, mapping and field research, policy development, and report author- ship, editing, and production. Recent clients include the cities of Albany, Berkeley, Oakland, San Leandro, Danville, Piedmont, Concord, Newark, Orinda, Fremont, Riverside, San Rafael, and Walnut Creek. Washington, DC Office of Planning (2002 –2006) Associate Director of Comprehensive Planning Project manager for the first major revision of the District of Columbia’s Comprehensive Plan since 1984. Managed team of 11 consulting firms and $2.8 million budget, had primary responsibility for Plan authorship and mapping, conducted more than 100 large public meetings, served as liaison to more than 65 public agencies, collected and analyzed long-range planning data, and developed Plan goals, policies and actions. Barry Miller Consulting (1991- 2003) See description above. Completed projects include General Plans for San Leandro, Palo Alto, San Juan Bautista, and Danville, California, the Comprehensive Plan for Walt Disney World, Florida (with Sedway Consulting); the Local Coastal Plan for Half Moon Bay; Housing Elements for Milpitas, San Leandro, and Piedmont, and the Oakland General Plan and Zoning Ordinance revision. Sedway Cooke Associates San Francisco, CA Senior Associate (1989 – 1990); Associate Planner (1986 -1989); Planner II (1985 -1986) Principal planner on five comprehensive plans, and on selected elements of comprehensive plans in two counties. Team participant on a variety of environmental, urban design, and implementation studies in California, Florida, Iowa, Ohio, Oregon, and Texas. Planning Research Corporation (PRC) Houston, TX Project Planner (1983-1985) Conducted site analysis and land planning studies. Prepared feasibility reports for large-scale mixed use developments in Austin, Dallas, Denver, Houston, and San Antonio. Principal author of plans for new towns in Texas and Nigeria. Responsible for marketing of firm's comprehensive planning services in Texas. CONTACT 817 Alvarado Road * Berkeley, CA 94705 * 510-847-0068 barry@barrymiller.net Education Master of City and Regional Planning (1983) University of California, Berkeley Bachelor of Arts, Urban and Regional Planning (1981) University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign Professional Affiliations Member, American Planning Association since 1983 Member, American Institute of Certified Planners, since 1989 FAICP Fellow, since 2012 Civic Affiliations Chair, Oakland Parks and Recreation Commission (2009-2017) Founding Member, Claremont Canyon Conservancy (2002) Board Member, Oakland Parks and Recreation Foundation (2016-current) 289 Proposal for Services * Rolling Hills 2014-2021 Housing Element Page 9 Qualifications This section of the proposal describes the qualifications of Barry Miller Consulting, including information on projects completed in the last five years that are similar in size and scope. This section begins with an overview of the firm, demonstrating its capacity to provide the services requested. Several project profiles are then included, highlighting work performed by Barry Miller in other cities. As requested by the City of Rolling Hills, the client name, project start and end dates, and client representative’s name, phone number, and email address are provided for each project. Barry Miller Consulting: Overview of Firm Barry Miller Consulting is a California-based urban planning firm. The firm is a sole proprietorship, owned and operated by Barry Miller, FAICP. Barry has been in business for 29 years and has been a practicing urban planner for 35 years. He provides a broad range of services to his clients, focusing on general plan project management, policy development, and plan writing. Since starting his firm, he has prepared general plans or plan elements for more than a dozen cities in California. Barry is known for his strategic, thoughtful approach to planning, skillful project management, effective listening, clear writing, and commitment to delivering the highest quality work products. As a one - person firm, Barry provides highly personalized and responsive service at an affordable rate. Although he is physically located in the Bay Area, Barry has worked in the Southern California market and is familiar with the local landscape. In the current era of Zoom meetings and remote work, he is readily available to participate in teleconferences, virtual hearings and workshops, and live-streamed Commission and Council hearings. Housing Elements completed by Barry Miller include: • Albany (4th and 5th Cycle) • Piedmont (3rd, 4th, and 5th Cycle) • Orinda (4th Cycle) • San Leandro (3rd, 4th, and 5th Cycle) • Milpitas (3rd Cycle, opportunity sites analysis) • Concord (5th Cycle, constraints analysis and housing opportunity sites analysis) As a result of his prior work on Housing Elements, Barry has a well-established rapport with the State Department of Housing and Community Development. Every one of the elements listed above was certified and found fully compliant. Barry also drafted the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) regulations for Fremont and San Leandro, and prepared amendments to the Danville General Plan Land Use Map and categories to accommodate the City’s RHNA during the 5th Cycle. He also developed Piedmont’s rent- restricted ADU program and revised the Piedmont zoning regulations to encourage mixed use development in the City’s commercial zoning district. 290 Proposal for Services * Rolling Hills 2014-2021 Housing Element Page 10 Project Profile: Piedmont Housing Element Piedmont is an affluent, almost entirely residential city of approximately 4,000 homes located 10 miles east of San Francisco. Its population is 11,000, with a median household income of $212,000 and a median home value of $2.3 million. The City’s land area is 1.7 square miles. Piedmont was primarily developed between 1910 and 1930 and reached full buildout in the 1960s. Its housing opportunities are limited to about 50 scattered vacant lots, all constrained by steep slopes, limited access, and high fire hazards. The City’s public lands are fully developed or committed to park uses and schools, and its 3.3 acres of commercially zoned property are fully occupied by local-serving businesses. Piedmont’s RHNA during the last three cycles has ranged from 40 to 60 units. In the last cycle, 63 percent of the allocation was for low- and very low-income households. The City’s ability to meet its RHNA is constrained not only by its land supply, but also by a City Charter provision that requires a citywide vote prior to the rezoning of property. All but a handful of the City’s lots are zoned for single family homes. Given the significant constraints to meeting the “affordable” component of Piedmont’s RHNA on land zoned for multi-family housing, Barry Miller worked with City staff, residents, the Planning Commission, and the City Council to make the case to HCD that the City could meet it’s RHNA through Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). During the 1990s, Piedmont had an outright prohibition on ADUs. As part of their third cycle Housing Element, the Council ended the prohibition and legalized previously unlawful units, requiring that they be brought up to code where necessary. 291 Proposal for Services * Rolling Hills 2014-2021 Housing Element Page 11 During the early 2000s, the City went a step further and created a rent-restricted ADU program for interested property owners. Barry worked with the City to draft the program requirements, including incentives for property owners willing to impose a 10-year deed restriction on the units, and the rental/occupancy terms and duration. Incentives included a waiver of parking requirements, which previously had discouraged many owners from creating ADUs or legalizing “unintended” ADUs on their properties. Piedmont’s 2007-2014 Element was certified, largely as a result of the ADU program. Its 2015-2023 Element was certified based on the continuing success of that program, which resulted in 13 rent- restricted units during the 2007-14 period. The American Planning Association (APA) recognized the success of this program with an “Implementation” Award in 2015. State legislation in 2017 impeded the City’s ability to use the parking waiver as an incentive (since it prohibited local governments from requiring off-street parking for ADUs if they were located near transit, a criteria that encompasses most of Piedmont). As a result, the City has developed other incentives for rent restrictions and has demonstrated to HCD that small ADUs (including Junior ADUs) meet the criteria for “low” income units. Piedmont is also making the case that its “extremely low” income needs can be met through measures such as home sharing and renting of spare rooms. Barry continues to provide housing-related services to the City of Piedmont, including development of new incentives for rent-restricted ADUs, and other strategies to demonstrate the city’s capacity to meet its “very low” income allocation. Client name: City of Piedmont Project Start/End Dates: Ongoing, but most recent Housing Element was 2014-15 Client Representative: Kevin Jackson, Planning Director Phone Number: 510-420-3039 Email: kjackson@piedmont.ca.gov Project Profile: Albany Housing Element Albany is known for its traditional neighborhoods, strong sense of community, great schools, and engaged citizenry. City staff submitted a Draft Housing Element to HCD early in the Fourth Cycle RHNA (2007-2014) and received a lengthy letter indicating the element was not yet in compliance. Due to staffing cuts induced by the recession, the City was unable to respond to the comments and continued through most of the planning period without a certified Housing Element. In 2013, with just a year remaining in the planning period, the City found itself facing a potential legal challenge triggered by the lack of a certified Element. At that time, Albany retained Barry Miller to comprehensively respond to HCD’s comments and work with the community and State to develop a compliant element. Barry worked not only with City staff, but also with the City’s legal counsel, housing advocates (including those challenging the City on its housing policies), Council, Commissions, and public, to develop a 292 Proposal for Services * Rolling Hills 2014-2021 Housing Element Page 12 compliant Housing Element. The work, which was completed in about six months, became the first step of a three-year process that also included preparation of the fifth cycle (2015-2023) Element, a complete overhaul and update of the Albany General Plan, and a full Environmental Impact Report. The Albany Housing Element includes many provisions for Accessory Dwelling Units. A survey of ADU owners was completed as part of the process, allowing the City to conclude that roughly 15 percent of its ADUs met low-income criteria, 80 percent met moderate-income criteria, and 5 percent met above moderate-income criteria. HCD permitted the City to include 32 accessory dwelling units in its opportunity sites analysis. The Albany General Plan Update was the first citywide plan in over 20 years. Over a two-year period, Barry facilitated some 30 study sessions with the Planning and Zoning Commission, the City Council, and other City Commissions to build consensus on new policies and action programs. The 2035 Plan includes strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving conditions for pedestrians and bicyclists, linking the city to its waterfront, and expanding affordable housing opportunities. The revised General Plan was adopted on April 18, 2016. Client name: City of Albany Project Start/End Dates: 2013-2016 Client Representative: Anne Hersch, Planning Manager Phone Number: 510-528-5765 Email: ahersch@albanyca.org 293 Proposal for Services * Rolling Hills 2014-2021 Housing Element Page 13 Project Profile: San Leandro General Plan and Housing Elements Barry served as the Project Manager for the San Leandro General Plan Update in 1999-2002 and returned to manage the Plan Update from 2014-2016. Both updates won Awards of Excellence from the American Planning Association. The first update shifted the City’s focus from suburban-style, auto-oriented development to strategic infill development around the City’s two BART stations. The more recent update focused on transformation of San Leandro’s economy, the introduction of “smart city” technology to local infrastructure and services, and creative placemaking to enhance the city’s identity and built environment. Barry has also served as Project Manager for San Leandro’s last three Housing Element Updates (covering RHNA cycles 3, 4, and 5). He assisted the City in implementing these elements by updating the City’s accessory dwelling unit ordinance, creating a new zoning district for areas transitioning from industrial to residential use, and amending existing zoning regulations and maps to increase the City’s housing capacity. Barry worked with the community to rezone several key sites identified in the 2014 -2016 Element for higher density uses, allowing them to qualify as eligible to meet the City’s allocation for very low- and low-income households. He also facilitated the community meetings and Planning Commission meetings on the new ADU standards, which departed from the State’s “default” standards in response to feedback received from the public and neighborhood organizations. Client name: City of San Leandro Project Start/End Dates: 2014-2016 Client Representative: Tom Liao, Community Development Director Phone Number: 510-577-3350 Email: tliao@sanleandro.org 294 Proposal for Services * Rolling Hills 2014-2021 Housing Element Page 14 Project Profile: Fairview Specific Plan Barry Miller served as the project manager for Alameda County’s Fairview Specific Plan Update. The Draft Plan was completed in 2019 and has been in public hearings for the last several months. It is anticipated to be adopted by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors by the end of 2020. While this is not a Housing Element project per se, Fairview is a well-established equestrian community in a high fire hazard zone. Its physical form resembles Rolling Hills in some respects, with large lots, split-rail fences, horse barns and stables, and large homes with the potential for accessory dwellings. Much of the community has five-acre minimum zoning. Barry Miller was retained to comprehensively update the 1997 Specific Plan for this unincorporated area. This required closely working with the community to address issues common in large lot, equestrian communities, including visual and aesthetic impacts, grading and earth movement, fire hazards and access constraints, road design standards that accommodate horses, and odor/ water quality issues associated with horses and other livestock. Barry prepared new standards for lot coverage, floor area ratio, development on steep slopes, parking, and other aspects of site development as part of this process. Client name: County of Alameda Project Start/End Dates: 2018-2020 Client Representative: Albert Lopez, Planning Director Phone Number: 510-670-5426 Email: albert.lopez@acgov.org 295 Proposal for Services * Rolling Hills 2014-2021 Housing Element Page 15 Cost Estimate This section of the proposal provides a cost estimate for the services described. Per the City’s request, the contents are included in a separate envelope. Insurance Requirements Barry Miller Consulting meets all insurance requirements specified by the City’s RFP. These include: 1) Comprehensive General Liability Insurance with a combined single limit of $1,000,000 covering bodily injury and property damage. In the event Barry is selected for this project, he will add the City, the Rolling Hills Community Association, and other parties specified by the City as additional insured, in accordance with the City’s request. 2) Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance with a combined single limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence, including coverage for owned, hired, and non-owned automobiles. In the event Barry is selected for this project, he will add the City, the Rolling Hills Community Association, and other parties specified by the City as additional insured, in accordance with the City’s request. Because Barry is a sole practitioner, he is exempt from Workers Compensation Insurance requirements. He will provide a statement of exemption to the City’s satisfaction in the event he is selected for this project. 296 Cost Estimate Estimated costs are annotated below. All services proposed are negotiable and can be modified at the City’s request. Barry Miller’s billing rate is $150/hour. Barry does not charge for travel to and from his client’s offices. At least one trip to Rolling Hills is built into the project budget, and there would be no reimbursable expenses billed to the City associated with this contract. Task One: Reconnaissance and ADU Best Practices Estimate: 12 hours Task Two: Data Collection and Analysis Estimate: 48 hours Optional Task: Design, Implement, and Analyze Survey Estimate: 48 hours Task Three: Develop Program Recommendations (including Study Session) Estimate: 32 hours Task Four: Prepare Screencheck Draft for Review by HCD Estimate: 24 hours Task Five: Prepare and Adopt Housing Element Estimate: 24 hours Optional: Additional Meetings (includes staff reports, presentations, etc.) Estimate: 6 hours/ meeting TOTAL: 140 hours @ $150/ hour = $21,000(*) (*) Excludes Optional tasks: Survey: $7,200 Two additional public meetings: $900 ea/ 2 = $1,800 297 Agenda Item No.: 9.A Mtg. Date: 08/24/2020 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CONNIE VIRAMONTES , ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: DISCUSS ACTION MINUTES AS THE OFFICIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES. (PIEPER) DATE:August 24, 2020 BACKGROUND: NONE. DISCUSSION: NONE. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE. RECOMMENDATION: NONE. ATTACHMENTS: 2015 ccac guidelines for preparing minutes final submission _2_-c1.pdf 2015 ccac guidelines for preparing minutes sample staff report final submission-c1.pdf 298 9/18/2015 CITY CLERKS ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA GUIDELINES FOR PREPARING MINUTES FOR GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES PURPOSE The City Clerks Association of California issues these guidelines as a tool for government agencies to transition to minutes styles that are efficient, succinct, cost-effective for staff to prepare, and more appropriately aligned with the intent of the Government Code. FINDINGS • Legislative bodies must act, and must be seen to act, within the laws of the State of California and local charters, if applicable. Being seen to act within the law is important, because the legislative body’s decisions may be subject to external scrutiny by the public, auditors, or judicial inquiry. Minutes testify that the correct procedures for decision-making were followed. • Legislative body minutes shall be prepared in a manner consistent with the intent of the Government Code. Relevant Government Codes are as follows: Government Code 40801. The city clerk shall keep an accurate record of the proceeding of the legislative body and the board of equalization in books bearing appropriate titles and devoted exclusively to such purposes, respectively. The books shall have a comprehensive general index. Government Code 36814. The council shall cause the clerk to keep a correct record of its proceedings. At the request of a member, the city clerk shall enter the ayes and noes in the journal. Government Code 54953(c)(2). The legislative body of a local agency shall publicly report any action taken and the vote or abstention on that action of each member present for the action. Government Code 53232.3(d). Members of a legislative body shall provide brief reports on meetings attended at the expense of the local agency at the next regular meeting of the legislative body. • All components of minutes shall be for the primary purpose of memorializing decisions made by the legislative body. Any minute component that does not serve this primary purpose should be minimized or eliminated; this includes comments made by individual body members and members of the public. GUIDELINES • Minutes should provide a record of a) when and where a meeting took place, and who was present (including member absences, late arrivals, departures, adjournment time); b) type of meeting (Regular/Special/Adjourned Regular); c) what was considered; d) what was decided; and e) agreed upon follow-up action. Pursuant to Government Code 54953(c)(2), minutes shall report any action taken and the vote or abstention on that action of each member present for the action. • Appropriate styles are action minutes or brief summary minutes. Verbatim style minutes should not be used, because verbatim or lengthy summary minutes do not serve the intent of the Government Code, which is to record the proceedings of the legislative body. • Action minutes merely record final decisions made. 299 Page 2 • Brief summary minutes, at a minimum, record the final decisions made; and, at a maximum, may record what advice the body was given to enable it to make its decisions, the body’s thought process in making the decision, and the final decisions made. Emphasis is given on the body’s thought process, not individual members’ thought processes. The minutes should summarize only the main points which arose in discussion if and only if they are relevant to the decision. • Comments made by members such as “for the record” or “for the minutes” have no bearing on the content of minutes and are given no greater and no lesser consideration than other comments made at the public meeting. Members seeking to memorialize comments should incorporate such verbiage into the language of the motion. As an alternative, members may submit written statements to be retained with the agenda item. • Since the main purpose of minutes is to record the legislative body’s decision, summary minutes should be brief. By concentrating on the legislative body’s decision, brief summary minutes will provide only a select recording of what was discussed at the meeting. Brief summary minutes should not attempt to reproduce, however summarily, what every speaker said. It should only record the essence of the discussion and include the main threads that lead to the body’s conclusion. • To the fullest extent possible, brief summary minutes should be impersonal and should not attribute views to individual persons. Only the positions and decisions taken by the whole legislative body are relevant, not those of individual members. The passive voice is favored i.e. “It was suggested that…,” “It was generally felt that...,” “It was questioned whether…,” “During discussion, it was clarified…” • There are reasons for not attributing comments to specific speakers. First, it makes for brevity--a point can be recorded more concisely in impersonal form. Second, a point raised by one speaker will often be further developed by others—in impersonal brief summary minutes, only the fully-developed point is recorded in its final form. Third, points by several speakers can be consolidated into a single paragraph. Fourth, the impersonal style averts future corrections to minutes. • While the primary purpose of minutes is to memorialize decisions made by the legislative body as a whole, under limited circumstances it is necessary and/or appropriate to attribute comments to individual members including: o Individual member’s reports pursuant to Government Code 53232.3(d) (enacted by AB 1234, 2005). The minute record shall include the type of meeting attended at the expense of the local agency and the subject matter. o Individual member’s reports on intergovernmental agencies. Brief summary minutes should include the type of meeting at a minimum, and, at the maximum, include the subject matter. o Individuals speaking under public comment. Brief summary minutes shall, at a minimum, list the public member’s name (if provided); and, at a maximum, include the overall topic and stance/position. Such as Mr. Jones spoke in opposition to the Project X. Being mindful that the minutes are recordings of the legislative body’s proceedings, it is not appropriate to include detail of individual comments. There is an exception for public testimony provided during public hearings, for which the minutes shall include the speaker’s name (if provided) and a summary position of the speaker (i.e., supported or opposed). • For purposes of meeting Government Code 36814 and/or 54953(c)(2), the city clerk should enter the ayes and noes in the minutes. For informal consensus (i.e. providing staff direction), it is appropriate to note the dissention of one or more members by, at a minimum, stating the dissenting member’s name and dissention, such as “Mr. Jones dissented,” and at a maximum to also include a brief reason, such as “Mr. Jones dissented citing budget concerns.” • While the primary purpose of legislative body meetings is for the legislative body to take legislative action and make decisions to advance agency business, it is acknowledged that agency meetings also 300 Page 3 serve as platforms for ceremonial presentations and reports on social and community events. At a minimum, brief summary minutes should identify that presentations were made and event reports were given; and, at a maximum, report only the subject matter of the presentation or event. • For community workshops and town hall meetings subject to the Brown Act, brief summary minutes, at a maximum, record the overall topic, provided that no legislative actions were taken. It is advisable to note in the minutes that no legislative action was taken. • The guidelines contained herein are applicable to committees and commissions subject to the Brown Act. It is acknowledged that many boards and commissions take few legislative actions, and the tendency is to include more detail in the minutes on event reports and planning. At a maximum, brief summary minutes may include key points of the final reports or determinations, and all comments shall be attributable to the entire body and not attributable to individual members. • Brief summary minutes shall serve to clarify decisions taken and who is expected to execute the decisions. It is not necessary to write down all action points or all tasks identified. Minutes shall not serve as a substitute for task lists, and the focus shall remain on the final decisions made by the legislative body. • The language of brief summary minutes should be relatively restrained and neutral, however impassioned the discussion. Brief summary minutes will record the substance of the point in an intemperate way. • To the fullest extent possible, minutes should be self-contained to be intelligible without reference to other documents. • As a general rule, individual member comments are not identified in the brief summary minutes of discussions, and minutes should concentrate on the collective body’s thought process and the collective decisions made by the majority, not individuals. • Brief summary minutes should concentrate on central issues germane to the final decision. The record of the discussion should be presented in a logical sequence, rather than reproduced in the actual order they were made in discussion. • The legislative body may wish to choose more, substantive (summary) minutes if there’s no archival audio/video backup recording available of its proceedings. If audio/video recording is available for future reference, minute notations can be more limited (action). 301 AGENDA REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 1, 2016 TO: Mayor and City Council TITLE: GUIDELINES FOR PREPARING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve transitioning to {”action” or “brief”} summary style for the City Council’s official minutes as outlined in the City Clerks Association of California Guidelines for Preparing Minutes. DISCUSSION: The City Clerks Association of California (CCAC) has published its Guidelines for Preparing Minutes and has recommended municipalities consider adopting these guidelines that call for either brief summary or action style minutes. Attached is a chart describing the features and benefits of both brief summary and action style minutes. Presently, the City uses long-form style minutes, as opposed to brief summary or action minutes. Long-form (“verbatim”) minutes provide a very detailed account of the meeting, covering major points, speaker comments (both legislative body and public), and the flow of the discussion. In past years, these types of minutes have served a necessary purpose, since the public had limited access to live streaming, video/audio recordings, and electronic copies of agenda reports and supporting materials. Today the majority of the City’s public records requests related to legislative body meetings are for recordings, electronic copies of supporting documents, and occasionally minute excerpts. Few requests are received for the official minutes. Most California cities have transitioned from long-form minutes to either brief summary or action minutes as the most efficient, succinct, and cost-effective manner for preparing a record of City Council action. Auditors, judicial officers, the public, and other stakeholders rely on minutes to accurately reflect the final decisions of the body. Transitioning to brief summary or action style minutes removes the ambiguity and misdirection that is unintentionally created by long-form minutes when the flow of the conversation is included in the written record. Additionally, streamlining to brief summary or action minutes reduces the amount of staff time spent in minute preparation. Other cities that have made the transition are spending 50 to 75 percent less time in transcribing and preparing minutes. Another cost savings is a reduction in materials (pages, books) used for preserving archival minutes. In case of someone wishing to review the discussion leading up to the Council’s final decision, audio/video recordings of the Council’s proceedings, as well as agenda packets are maintained pursuant to the City’s records retention policy. It is recommended that the City Council direct the City Clerk to transition from long-form style minutes to brief summary minutes {or action minutes if that is the preference of the City Clerk}, following the CCAC guidelines. Staff will provide a status report to the City Council in six 302 Page 2 AGENDA REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Subject: months on the amount of staff time saved, the affiliated public records requests, and feedback, if any, received from stakeholders. Prepared by: Name, Title Approved by: Name, Title ATTACHMENTS: 1) Features and Benefits of Action and Summary Minutes 2) CCAC Guidelines for Preparing Minutes 303 FEATURES AND BENEFITS OF ACTION AND BRIEF SUMMARY STYLE MINUTES Features of Action Style Minutes • Records Final Decisions Made • For Public Hearings – Lists Speaker’s Name and Position on Each Issue Raised (i.e. Supported or Opposed) Features of Brief Summary Style Minutes • Records Final Decisions Made • For Public Hearings – Lists Speaker’s Name and Position on Each Issue Raised (i.e. Supported or Opposed) • Summarizes Only Main Points that Lead to a Final Decision • Records Only Fully Developed Points in Final Form • Consolidates Points Made by Several Speakers Into One Sentence or Short Paragraph • Attributes Views and Points to the Collective City Council, Not Individual Persons • Records the Thought Process of the Entire City Council as a Body, Not Individuals’ Thoughts • May Record Key Advice Given to the Council in Making the Final Decision • May Note Brief Reason for Dissention of One or More Members • For Oral Communications/Public Comments – Lists Speaker’s Name, Overall Topic, Stance/Position • For Ceremonial Presentations, Announcements, Non-Business Items – Lists Subject Matter Benefits of Both Action and Brief Summary Style Minutes • Provides Brevity and Clarity for Audits & Judicial Review • Reduces Staff Time • Removes Staff Interpretation of Statements and Determination of What Comments Should Be Included • Eliminates Ambiguity by Omitting Discussion Not Relevant to Final Decision • Eliminates Single-Member Opinions • Places Emphasis on a Collective City Council, Not Individual Persons 304 Agenda Item No.: 9.B Mtg. Date: 08/24/2020 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ELAINE JENG, CITY MANAGER THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:DISCUSS SUPPORT FOR LOCAL CONTROL AND OPPOSITION TO RECENT PLANNING AND ZONING LEGISLATION. (MIRSCH) DATE:August 24, 2020 BACKGROUND: NONE DISCUSSION: NONE FISCAL IMPACT: NONE RECOMMENDATION: NONE ATTACHMENTS: 2020-79 State Housing Legislation.pdf Our Mission Statement.pdf 20200804 -StaffRpt Bills.pdf Attachment A_Resolution.docx Attachment B - Matrix of Legislative Assembly and Senate Bills on Housing and Zoning.xlsx 305 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-79 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA, EXPRESSING OPPOSITION TO PROPOSED HOUSING LEGISLATION AND EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR ACTIONS TO FURTHER STRENGTHEN LOCAL DEMOCRACY, AUTHORITY AND CONTROL WHEREAS, the legislature of the State of California, has proposed a number of bills addressing a range of housing issues; and WHEREAS, the majority of these bills usurp the authority of local jurisdictions to determine for themselves the land use policies and practices that best suit their cities and residents and instead impose mandates that do not take into account the needs and differences of jurisdictions throughout the State, as well as imposing unfunded mandates on jurisdictions for actions that are not in their best interests; and WHEREAS, for example, the ability of jurisdictions to determine for themselves which projects require review beyond a ministerial approval, what parking requirements are appropriate for various locales within their jurisdiction, what plans and programs are suitable and practical for each community rather than having these decisions imposed upon cities without regard to the circumstances of each individual city is a matter of great import to the City of Torrance, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Torrance feels strongly that our local government is best able to assess the needs of our community and objects to the proliferation of State legislation that deprives us of that ability; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TORRANCE HEREBY: Registers its strong opposition to the following pieces of State legislation that usurp local control and impose unfunded mandates:  AB 831 (Grayson) – Planning and zoning: housing: development application modifications.  AB 953 (Ting) – Land use: accessory dwelling units.  AB 1279 (Bloom) - Housing Developments. High Resource Areas.  AB 2323 (Friedman) – California Environmental Quality Act Exemptions.  AB 2405 (Burke) – Right to safe, decent, and affordable housing.  AB 3153 (Rivas, Robert) Parking and zoning: bicycle and car-share parking credits.  AB 3269 (Chui) State and local agencies: homelessness plan.  SB 288 (Wiener) California Environmental Quality Act: exemptions.  SB 899 (Weiner) Planning and zoning: housing development: higher education institutions and religious institutions.  AB 725 (Wicks) General Plans: housing element: moderate-income and above moderate- income housing: suburban and metropolitan jurisdictions.  AB 1851 (Wicks) Religious institution affiliated housing development projects: parking requirements.  AB 2168 (McCarty) Planning and zoning: electric vehicle charging stations: permit application: approval. 306 2  AB 2345 (Gonzalez) Planning and zoning: density bonuses: annual report: affordable housing.  AB 2988 (Chu) Planning and zoning: supportive housing: number of units: emergency shelter zones.  AB 3107 (Bloom) Planning and zoning: General Plan: housing development.  SB 902 (Weiner) Planning and zoning: housing development: zoning.  SB 995 (Atkins) Environmental Quality: Jobs and Economic Improvement Through Environmental Leadership Act of 2011: housing projects.  SB 1085 (Skinner) Density Bonus Law: qualifications for incentives or concessions: student housing for lower income students: moderate-income persons and families: local government constraints.  SB 1120 (Atkins) Subdivisions: tentative maps.  SB 1138 (Weiner) Housing Element: emergency shelters: rezoning of sites; and, Registers its equally strong opposition to the current practice of the State legislature of proposing and passing multitudes of bills that directly impact and interfere with the ability of Cities to control their own destiny through use of the zoning authority that has been granted to them; and Declares that, should the State continue to pass legislation that attacks local municipal authority, control and revenue, the City of Torrance will support actions such as a ballot measure that would limit the State ability to control local activities and strengthen local democracy and authority. INTRODUCED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 21st day of July, 2020. APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mayor Patrick J. Furey PATRICK Q. SULLIVAN, City Attorney Tatia Y. Strader, Assistant City Attorney ATTEST: Rebecca Poirier, MMC, City Clerk 307 3 TORRANCE CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2020-79 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) ss CITY OF TORRANCE ) I, Rebecca Poirier, City Clerk of the City of Torrance, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly introduced, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Torrance at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 21st day of July, 2020 by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS Ashcraft, Chen, Goodrich, Griffiths, Kalani, Mattucci, and Mayor Furey. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS None. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS None. Rebecca Poirier, MMC Date: City Clerk of the City of Torrance 308   Mission Statement California Citizens FOR Local Control Volunteer Organization Our mission is to spread awareness and enlist support to ensure that Cities can continue to manage their own land use and zoning issues. We must not allow the State Legislature to mandate changes to our Cities that will remove local control and be detrimental to our communities. We do this by reaching out to California City Elected Officials to educate and enlist them to our cause. Our activities include, but are not limited to, signing onto petitions, having Cities pass resolutions in support of our efforts, and seeking out allies for possible legal action against the State and/or to promote efforts for a ballot initiative to legislate the desired results. With this alliance of City Elected Officials working together as one, we stand a better chance of having our message resonate loud and clear to all groups that proclaim to support us. WE WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS LOSS OF LOCAL CONTROL AND UNFUNDED MANDATES being imposed upon us by our State. 309 RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 08/04/2020 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA TITLE: Consideration and possible action to oppose various planning and zoning bills in order to maintain local control. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Adopt Resolution No. 2020-__ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CALIFORNIA, EXPRESSING OPPOSITION TO PROPOSED PLANNING AND ZONING LEGISLATION THAT USURPS LOCAL CONTROL AND IMPOSES UNFUNDED MANDATES, AND EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR ACTIONS TO FURTHER STRENGTHEN LOCAL DEMOCRACY, AUTHORITY AND CONTROL; and, (2) Authorize the Mayor to sign position letters on these bills. FISCAL IMPACT: None Amount Budgeted: N/A Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): N/A ORIGINATED BY: Megan Barnes, Senior Administrative Analyst REVIEWED BY: Karina Bañales, Deputy City Manager APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, AICP, City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. Draft Resolution No. 2020-__ (page A-1) B. Matrix of Legislative Bills on Housing and Zoning (page B-1) BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: On July 27, the California Legislature reconvened from summer recess later than originally scheduled to reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure to legislative staff. The decision to delay returning to session tightened the window for the Legislature to act on hundreds of pieces of legislation before the August 31, 2020 deadline. 1 310 City Staff recognizes the City Council’s strong position on maintaining local control particularly as it pertains to planning and zoning, and advocating against legislation that imposes “one size fits all” zoning on California’s diverse communities. Moreover, most of these bills being considered by the Legislature are unfunded mandates imposed on local jurisdictions. A summary of latest round of planning and zoning bills in the Legislature and recommended positions is included in this report as Attachment B. Due to time constraints, at this time, Staff is unable to present individual draft position letters to the City Council for consideration this evening. Staff therefore recommends the City Council adopt the attached resolution memorializing its opposition on the bills (Attachment A), and authorize the Mayor to sign position letters as they become available. Staff intends to provide the City Council, as late correspondence, as many position letters as possible in advance of the August 4 meeting. ALTERNATIVES: In addition to the Staff recommendation, the following alternative action s are available for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Do not authorize the Mayor to sign the letters as they become available. 2. Take other action as deemed appropriate by the City Council. 2 311 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-XX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CALIFORNIA, EXPRESSING OPPOSITION TO PROPOSED PLANNING AND ZONING LEGISLATION THAT USURPS LOCAL CONTROL AND IMPOSES UNFUNDED MANDATES, AND EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR ACTIONS TO FURTHER STRENGTHEN LOCAL DEMOCRACY, AUTHORITY AND CONTROL WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of California, has proposed a number of bills addressing a range of planning and zoning issues that are typically addressed by local jurisdictions through its general plan and zoning code; and WHEREAS, the majority of these planning and zoning bills usurp the authority of local jurisdictions to determine for themselves the land use policies and practices that best suit their cities and residents and instead impose mandates that do not take into account the needs and differences of jurisdictions throughout the State, as well as imposing unfunded mandates on jurisdictions for actions that are not in their best interests; and WHEREAS, for example, the ability of jurisdictions to determine for themselves which projects require review beyond a ministerial approval, what parking requirements are appropriate for various locales within their jurisdiction, what plans and programs are suitable and practical for each community rather than having these decisions imposed upon cities without regard to the circumstances of each individual city is a matter of grea t importance to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes feels strongly that our local government is best able to assess the needs of our community and objects to the proliferation of State legislation that deprives us of that ability. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES HEREBY: Section 1. Registers its strong opposition to the following pieces of State legislation that usurp local control as it relates to planning and zoning, and impose unfunded mandates:  AB 831 (Grayson) – Planning and zoning: housing: development application modifications.  AB 953 (Ting) – Land use: accessory dwelling units.  AB 1279 (Bloom) - Housing Developments. High Resource Areas.  AB 2323 (Friedman) – California Environmental Quality Act Exemptions.  AB 2405 (Burke) – Right to safe, decent, and affordable housing. A-1 312  AB 3153 (Rivas, Robert) Parking and zoning: bicycle and car-share parking credits.  AB 3269 (Chui) State and local agencies: homelessness plan.  SB 288 (Wiener) California Environmental Quality Act: exemptions.  SB 899 (Weiner) Planning and zoning: housing development: higher education institutions and religious institutions.  AB 725 (Wicks) General Plans: housing element: moderate-income and above moderate income housing: suburban and metropolitan jurisdictions.  AB 1851 (Wicks) Religious institution affiliated housing development projects: parking requirements.  AB 2168 (McCarty) Planning and zoning: electric vehicle charging stations: permit application: approval.  AB 2345 (Gonzalez) Planning and zoning: density bonuses: a nnual report: affordable housing.  AB 2988 (Chu) Planning and zoning: supportive housing: number of units: emergency shelter zones.  AB 3107 (Bloom) Planning and zoning: General Plan: housing development.  SB 902 (Weiner) Planning and zoning: housing developm ent: zoning.  SB 995 (Atkins) Environmental Quality: Jobs and Economic Improvement Through Environmental Leadership Act of 2011: housing projects.  SB 1085 (Skinner) Density Bonus Law: qualifications for incentives or concessions: student housing for lower income students: moderate-income persons and families: local government constraints.  SB 1120 (Atkins) Subdivisions: tentative maps.  SB 1138 (Weiner) Housing Element: emergency shelters: rezoning of sites; and, Section 2. Registers its equally strong opposition to the current practice of the State legislature of proposing and passing multitudes of bills that directly impact and interfere with the ability of cities to control their own destiny through use of the zoning authority that has been granted to them. Section 3. Declares that, should the State continue to pass legislation that attacks local municipal authority, control and revenue, the City of Rancho Palos Verdes will support actions such as a ballot measure that would limit the State ability to control local activities and strengthen local democracy and authority. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution. A-2 313 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 4th day of August, 2020. ______________________ John Cruikshank, Mayor Attest: ___________________________ Emily Colborn, City Clerk State of California ) County of Los Angeles ) ss City of Rancho Palos Verdes ) I, Emily Colborn, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, hereby certify that the above Resolution No. 2020-__ was duly and regularly passed and adopted by the said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on August 4, 2020. ___________________________ Emily Colborn, City Clerk A-3 314 City of Rancho Palos Verdes Housing and Zoning State Assemly and Senate Bills Bill Senator (s)Bill Title Bill Description RPV Status AB 725 Wicks General plans: housing element: moderate-income and above moderate- income housing: suburban and metropolitan jurisdictions. Under current law, there are programs providing assistance for, among other things, emergency housing, multifamily housing, farmworker housing, homeownership for very low and low-income households, and downpayment assistance for first-time homebuyers.This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that would create a pilot program to provide downpayment assistance to persons who are purchasing their rental residence pursuant to a rent-to-own contract. Monitoring & recommending opposition as it inhibits local control AB 831 Grayson Planning and zoning: housing: development application modifications.The Planning and Zoning Law, until January 1, 2026, authorizes a development proponent to submit an application for a multifamily housing development that is subject to a streamlined, ministerial approval process, as provided, and not subject to a conditional use permit, if the development satisfies specified objective planning standards, including, among other things, that the development is located on a site that satisfies specified location, urbanization, and zoning requirements. Current law requires a local government that determines that a development submitted pursuant to these provisions is in conflict with any of the objective planning standards to provide the development proponent written documentation of which standard or standards the development conflicts with and an explanation of the reasons, as specified. This bill would require the development and the site on which it is located to satisfy the specified location, urbanization, and zoning requirements. Monitoring AB 953 Ting Land use: accessory dwelling units.Current law requires a local agency to ministerially approve or deny a permit application for the creation of an accessory dwelling unit or junior accessory dwelling unit within 60 days from the date the local agency receives a completed application if there is an existing single-family or multifamily dwelling on the lot. This bill would deem a permit application for the creation of an accessory dwelling unit or junior accessory dwelling unit approved if the local agency has not acted upon the completed application within 60 days. Monitoring AB 1279 Bloom Planning and zoning: housing development: high-opportunity areas.The Planning and Zoning Law allows a development proponent to submit an application for a development that is subject to a specified streamlined, ministerial approval process not subject to a conditional use permit if the development satisfies certain objective planning standards, including that the development is (1) located in a locality determined by the Department of Housing and Community Development to have not met its share of the regional housing needs for the reporting period, and (2) subject to a requirement mandating a minimum percentage of below-market rate housing, as provided. This bill would require the department to designate areas in this state as high-opportunity areas, as provided, by January 1, 2022, in accordance with specified requirements and to update those designations within 6 months of the adoption of new Opportunity Maps by the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee. Monitoring & recommending opposition unless amended AB 1851 Wicks Religious institution affiliated housing development projects: parking requirements. Would prohibit a local agency from requiring the replacement of religious-use parking spaces that a developer of a religious institution affiliated housing development project proposes to eliminate as part of that housing development project. The bill would prohibit the number of religious-use parking spaces requested to be eliminated from exceeding 50% of the number that are available at the time the request is made. The bill would prohibit a local agency from requiring the curing of any preexisting deficit of the number of religious-use parking spaces as a condition of approval of a religious institution affiliated housing development project. Monitoring & recommending opposition as it inhibits local control AB 2168 McCarty Planning and zoning: electric vehicle charging stations: permit application: approval. Would require an application to install an electric vehicle charging station to be deemed complete if, 5 business days after the application was submitted, the building official of the city, county, or city and county has not deemed the application complete, as specified, and if the building official has not issued a one-written correction notice, as specified. The bill would require an application to install an electric vehicle charging station to be deemed approved if 15 business days after the application was deemed complete certain conditions are met, including that the building official of the city, county, or city and county has not approved the application, as specified, and the building official has not made findings that the proposed installation could have an adverse impact, as described above, and required the applicant to apply for a use permit. Monitoring & recommending opposition as it inhibits local control. In first reading in originating house AB 2323 Friedman California Environmental Quality Act: exemptions.CEQA exempts from its requirements certain residential, employment center, and mixed-use development projects meeting specified criteria, including that the project is undertaken and is consistent with a specific plan for which an environmental impact report has been certified. This bill would require that the project is undertaken and is consistent with either a specific plan prepared pursuant to specific provisions of law or a community plan, as defined, in order to be exempt. Because a lead agency would be required to determine the applicability of this exemption, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. Monitoring Page 1 of 4 B-1 315 City of Rancho Palos Verdes Housing and Zoning State Assemly and Senate Bills Bill Senator (s)Bill Title Bill Description RPV Status AB 2345 Gonzalez Planning and zoning: density bonuses: annual report: affordable housing.The Planning and Zoning Law requires the planning agency of a city or county to provide by April 1 of each year an annual report to, among other entities, the Department of Housing and Community Development that includes, among other specified information, the number of net new units of housing that have been issued a completed entitlement, a building permit, or a certificate of occupancy, thus far in the housing element cycle, as provided. This bill would require that the annual report include specified information regarding density bonuses granted in accordance with specified law, as described. Monitoring & recommending opposition as it inhibits local control AB 2405 Burke Right to safe, decent, and affordable housing.Would declare that it is the policy of the state that every individual has the right to safe, decent, and affordable housing, and would require the policy to consider homelessness prevention, emergency accommodations, and permanent housing, as specified. The bill would, among other things, require all relevant state agencies and departments, including, but not limited to, the Department of Housing and Community Development, the State Department of Social Services, and the Office of Emergency Services, and local jurisdictions to consider that state policy when revising, adopting, or establishing policies, regulations, and grant criteria when those policies, regulations, and criteria are pertinent to advancing the guidelines listed as core components of Housing First. Monitoring AB 2988 Chu Planning and zoning: supportive housing: number of units: emergency shelter zones. Under the Planning and Zoning Law, supportive housing, as defined, is a use by right in zones where multifamily and mixed uses are permitted if the developer provides the planning agency with a plan for providing supportive services and the proposed housing development meets specified criteria, including that the housing development consist of 50 units or fewer if it is located in an unincorporated area of a county or city that has a population of fewer than 200,000 and a population of persons experiencing homelessness of 1,500 or fewer. This bill would, additionally, make supportive housing a use by right in zones where emergency shelters are permitted. The bill would revise the above-described limit on the number of units in a housing development to 120 or fewer if it is located within a region served by a contimuum of care, as defined, and the most recently published total homeless point-in-time count for the region is 1,500 or fewer. Monitoring AB 3107 Bloom Planning and zoning: commercial zoning: housing development.The Planning and Zoning Law authorizes the legislative body of any county or city, pursuant to specified procedures, to adopt ordinances that, among other things, regulate the use of buildings, structures, and land as between industry, business, residences, open space, and other purposes. This bill, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of a city’s or county’s general plan, specific plan, zoning ordinance, or regulation, would require that a housing development be an authorized use on a site designated in any local agency’s zoning code for commercial uses if certain conditions apply. Among these conditions, the bill would require that the housing development be subject to a recorded deed restriction requiring that at least 20% of the units have an affordable housing cost or affordable rent for lower income households, as those terms are defined, and located on a site that satisfies specified criteria. Monitoring & recommending opposition as it inhibits local control AB 3153 Rivas R.Parking and zoning: bicycle and car-share parking credits.Would require a local agency, as defined, to allow an applicant for a housing development project to reduce the number of motor vehicle parking spaces that they would otherwise be required to provide based on the number of long-term bicycle parking spaces and car-sharing spaces provided subject to certain limitations, as specified. The bill would provide that a parking reduction allowed pursuant to these provisions does not reduce or increase the number of incentives or concessions to which the applicant is otherwise entitled under a specified provision of the Density Bonus Law. Monitoring AB 3269 Chui State and local agencies: homelessness plan.Would, upon appropriation by the Legislature or upon receiving technical assistance offered by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), if available, require the coordinating council to conduct, or contract with an entity to conduct, a statewide needs and gaps analysis to, among other things, identify state programs that provide housing or services to persons experiencing homelessness and create a financial model that will assess certain investment needs for the purpose of moving persons experiencing homelessness into permanent housing. Monitoring & recommending opposition unless amended Page 2 of 4 B-2 316 City of Rancho Palos Verdes Housing and Zoning State Assemly and Senate Bills Bill Senator (s)Bill Title Bill Description RPV Status SB 288 Wiener California Environmental Quality Act: exemptions: transportation-related projects. CEQA includes exemptions from its environmental review requirements for numerous categories of projects, including, among others, projects for the institution or increase of passenger or commuter services on rail or highway rights-of-way already in use and projects for the institution or increase of passenger or commuter service on high-occupancy vehicle lanes already in use, as specified. This bill would further exempt from the requirements of CEQA certain projects, including projects for the institution or increase of new bus rapid transit, bus, or light rail services on public rail or highway rights-of-way, as specified, whether or not the right-of-way is in use for public mass transit, as specified, and projects for the designation and conversion of general purpose lanes, high-occupancy toll lanes, high-occupancy vehicle lanes, or highway shoulders, as specified. The bill would additionally exempt projects that improve customer information and wayfinding for transit riders, bicyclists, or pedestrians, and projects for pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Monitoring SB 899 Wiener Planning and zoning: housing development: higher education institutions and religious institutions. The Planning and Zoning Law requires each county and city to adopt a comprehensive, long-term general plan for its physical development, and the development of certain lands outside its boundaries, that includes, among other mandatory elements, a housing element. That law allows a development proponent to submit an application for a development that is subject to a specified streamlined, ministerial approval process not subject to a conditional use permit if the development satisfies certain objective planning standards. This bill would require that a housing development project be a use by right upon the request of an independent institution of higher education or religious institution that partners with a qualified developer on any land owned in fee simple by the applicant on or before January 1, 2020, if the development satisfies specified criteria. Monitoring & recommending opposition SB 902 Wiener Planning and zoning: housing development: density.Would authorize a local government to pass an ordinance, notwithstanding any local restrictions on adopting zoning ordinances, to zone any parcel for up to 10 units of residential density per parcel, at a height specified by the local government in the ordinance, if the parcel is located in a transit-rich area, a jobs-rich area, or an urban infill site, as those terms are defined. In this regard, the bill would require the Department of Housing and Community Development, in consultation with the Office of Planning and Research, to determine jobs-rich areas and publish a map of those areas every 5 years, commencing January 1, 2022, based on specified criteria. RPV opposition letter Sent 7/7/2020 SB 995 Atkins Environmental quality: Jobs and Economic Improvement Through Environmental Leadership Act of 2011: housing projects. CEQA requires a lead agency to prepare a mitigated negative declaration for a project that may have a significant effect on the environment if revisions in the project would avoid or mitigate that effect and there is no substantial evidence that the project, as revised, would have a significant effect on the environment. CEQA authorizes the preparation of a master EIR and authorizes the use of the master EIR to limit the environmental review of subsequent projects that are described in the master EIR, as specified. This bill would require a lead agency to prepare a master EIR for a general plan, plan amendment, plan element, or specified plan for housing projects where the state has provided funding for the preparation of the master EIR. Monitoring SB 1085 Skinner Density Bonus Law: qualifications for incentives or concessions: student housing for lower income students: moderate-income persons and families: local government constraints. Current law requires the amount of a density bonus and the number of incentives or concessions a qualifying developer receives to be pursuant to a certain formula based on the total number of units in the housing development, excluding the units added by a density bonus awarded pursuant to the Density Bonus Law or any local law granting a greater density bonus. This bill would require a unit designated to satisfy the inclusionary zoning requirements of a city or county to be included in the total number of units on which a density bonus and the number of incentives or concessions are based. Monitoring & recommending opposition as it inhibits local control SB 1120 Atkins Subdivisions: tentative maps.Would require a proposed housing development containing 2 residential units to be considered ministerially, without discretionary review or hearing, within a single-family residential zone, if the proposed housing development meets certain requirements, including, but not limited to, that the proposed housing development would not require demolition or alteration of housing that is subject to a recorded covenant, ordinance, or law that restricts rents to levels affordable to persons and families of moderate, low, or very low income, that the proposed housing development does not allow for the demolition of more than 25% of the existing exterior structural walls, except as provided, and that the development is not located within a historic district, is not included on the State Historic Resources Inventory, or is not within a site that is legally designated or listed as a city or county landmark or historic property or district. Monitoring & recommending opposition as it inhibits local control. SBCCOG sent opposition letter on 6/8/2020 Page 3 of 4 B-3 317 City of Rancho Palos Verdes Housing and Zoning State Assemly and Senate Bills Bill Senator (s)Bill Title Bill Description RPV Status SB 1138 Wiener Housing element: emergency shelters: rezoning of sites.The Planning and Zoning Law requires the legislative body of each county and city to adopt a comprehensive, long-term general plan for the physical development of the county or city that includes a housing element. Current law requires that the housing element identify adequate sites for housing, including rental housing, factory-built housing, mobilehomes, and emergency shelters, and to make adequate provision for the existing and projected needs of all economic segments of a community. This bill would revise the requirements of the housing element, as described above, in connection with identifying zones or zoning designations that allow residential use, including mixed use, where emergency shelters are allowed as a permitted use without a conditional use or other discretionary permit. If an emergency shelter zoning designation where residential use is a permitted use is unfeasible, the bill would permit a local government to designate zones for emergency shelters in a nonresidential zone if the local government demonstrates that the zone is connected to amenities and services, as specified, that serve homeless people. Monitoring & recommending opposition as it inhibits local control Page 4 of 4 B-4 318 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-XX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CALIFORNIA, EXPRESSING OPPOSITION TO PROPOSED PLANNING AND ZONING LEGISLATION THAT USURPS LOCAL CONTROL AND IMPOSES UNFUNDED MANDATES,AND EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR ACTIONS TO FURTHER STRENGTHEN LOCAL DEMOCRACY, AUTHORITY AND CONTROL WHEREAS,the Legislature of the State of California, has proposed a number of bills addressing a range of planning and zoning issues that are typically addressed by local jurisdictions through its general plan and zoning code; and WHEREAS,the majority of these planning and zoning bills usurp the authority of local jurisdictions to determine for themselves the land use policies and practices that best suit their cities and residents and instead impose mandates that do not take into account the needs and differences of jurisdictions throughout the State, as well as imposing unfunded mandates on jurisdictions for actions that are not in their best interests; and WHEREAS,for example, the ability of jurisdictions to determine for themselves which projects require review beyond a ministerial approval, what parking requirements are appropriate for various locales within their jurisdiction, what plans and programs are suitable and practical for each community rather than having these decisions imposed upon cities without regard to the circumstances of each individual city is a matter of great importance to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes feels strongly that our local government is best able to assess the needs of our community and objects to the proliferation of State legislation that deprives us of that ability. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES HEREBY: Section 1. Registers its strong opposition to the following pieces of State legislation that usurp local control as it relates to planning and zoning, and impose unfunded mandates: AB 831 (Grayson) – Planning and zoning: housing: development application modifications. AB 953 (Ting) – Land use: accessory dwelling units. AB 1279 (Bloom) - Housing Developments. High Resource Areas. AB 2323 (Friedman) – California Environmental Quality Act Exemptions. AB 2405 (Burke) – Right to safe, decent, and affordable housing. 319 AB 3153 (Rivas, Robert) Parking and zoning: bicycle and car-share parking credits. AB 3269 (Chui) State and local agencies: homelessness plan. SB 288 (Wiener) California Environmental Quality Act: exemptions. SB 899 (Weiner) Planning and zoning: housing development: higher education institutions and religious institutions. AB 725 (Wicks) General Plans: housing element: moderate-income and above moderate income housing: suburban and metropolitan jurisdictions. AB 1851 (Wicks) Religious institution affiliated housing development projects: parking requirements. AB 2168 (McCarty) Planning and zoning: electric vehicle charging stations: permit application: approval. AB 2345 (Gonzalez) Planning and zoning: density bonuses: annual report: affordable housing. AB 2988 (Chu) Planning and zoning: supportive housing: number of units: emergency shelter zones. AB 3107 (Bloom) Planning and zoning: General Plan: housing development. SB 902 (Weiner) Planning and zoning: housing development: zoning. SB 995 (Atkins) Environmental Quality: Jobs and Economic Improvement Through Environmental Leadership Act of 2011: housing projects. SB 1085 (Skinner) Density Bonus Law: qualifications for incentives or concessions: student housing for lower income students: moderate-income persons and families: local government constraints. SB 1120 (Atkins) Subdivisions: tentative maps. SB 1138 (Weiner) Housing Element: emergency shelters: rezoning of sites; and, Section 2. Registers its equally strong opposition to the current practice of the State legislature of proposing and passing multitudes of bills that directly impact and interfere with the ability of cities to control their own destiny through use of the zoning authority that has been granted to them. Section 3. Declares that, should the State continue to pass legislation that attacks local municipal authority, control and revenue, the City of Rancho Palos Verdes will support actions such as a ballot measure that would limit the State ability to control local activities and strengthen local democracy and authority. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution. 320 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 4th day of August, 2020. ______________________ John Cruikshank, Mayor Attest: ___________________________ Emily Colborn, City Clerk State of California ) County of Los Angeles ) ss City of Rancho Palos Verdes ) I, Emily Colborn, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, hereby certify that the above Resolution No. 2020-__ was duly and regularly passed and adopted by the said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on August 4, 2020. ___________________________ Emily Colborn, City Clerk 321 City of Rancho Palos Verdes Housing and Zoning State Assemly and Senate Bills Bill Senator (s)Bill Title Bill Description RPV Status AB 725 Wicks General plans: housing element: moderate-income and above moderate- income housing: suburban and metropolitan jurisdictions. Under current law, there are programs providing assistance for, among other things, emergency housing, multifamily housing, farmworker housing, homeownership for very low and low-income households, and downpayment assistance for first-time homebuyers.This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that would create a pilot program to provide downpayment assistance to persons who are purchasing their rental residence pursuant to a rent-to-own contract. Monitoring & recommending opposition as it inhibits local control AB 831 Grayson Planning and zoning: housing: development application modifications.The Planning and Zoning Law, until January 1, 2026, authorizes a development proponent to submit an application for a multifamily housing development that is subject to a streamlined, ministerial approval process, as provided, and not subject to a conditional use permit, if the development satisfies specified objective planning standards, including, among other things, that the development is located on a site that satisfies specified location, urbanization, and zoning requirements. Current law requires a local government that determines that a development submitted pursuant to these provisions is in conflict with any of the objective planning standards to provide the development proponent written documentation of which standard or standards the development conflicts with and an explanation of the reasons, as specified. This bill would require the development and the site on which it is located to satisfy the specified location, urbanization, and zoning requirements. Monitoring AB 953 Ting Land use: accessory dwelling units.Current law requires a local agency to ministerially approve or deny a permit application for the creation of an accessory dwelling unit or junior accessory dwelling unit within 60 days from the date the local agency receives a completed application if there is an existing single-family or multifamily dwelling on the lot. This bill would deem a permit application for the creation of an accessory dwelling unit or junior accessory dwelling unit approved if the local agency has not acted upon the completed application within 60 days. Monitoring AB 1279 Bloom Planning and zoning: housing development: high-opportunity areas.The Planning and Zoning Law allows a development proponent to submit an application for a development that is subject to a specified streamlined, ministerial approval process not subject to a conditional use permit if the development satisfies certain objective planning standards, including that the development is (1) located in a locality determined by the Department of Housing and Community Development to have not met its share of the regional housing needs for the reporting period, and (2) subject to a requirement mandating a minimum percentage of below-market rate housing, as provided. This bill would require the department to designate areas in this state as high-opportunity areas, as provided, by January 1, 2022, in accordance with specified requirements and to update those designations within 6 months of the adoption of new Opportunity Maps by the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee. Monitoring & recommending opposition unless amended AB 1851 Wicks Religious institution affiliated housing development projects: parking requirements. Would prohibit a local agency from requiring the replacement of religious-use parking spaces that a developer of a religious institution affiliated housing development project proposes to eliminate as part of that housing development project. The bill would prohibit the number of religious-use parking spaces requested to be eliminated from exceeding 50% of the number that are available at the time the request is made. The bill would prohibit a local agency from requiring the curing of any preexisting deficit of the number of religious-use parking spaces as a condition of approval of a religious institution affiliated housing development project. Monitoring & recommending opposition as it inhibits local control AB 2168 McCarty Planning and zoning: electric vehicle charging stations: permit application: approval. Would require an application to install an electric vehicle charging station to be deemed complete if, 5 business days after the application was submitted, the building official of the city, county, or city and county has not deemed the application complete, as specified, and if the building official has not issued a one-written correction notice, as specified. The bill would require an application to install an electric vehicle charging station to be deemed approved if 15 business days after the application was deemed complete certain conditions are met, including that the building official of the city, county, or city and county has not approved the application, as specified, and the building official has not made findings that the proposed installation could have an adverse impact, as described above, and required the applicant to apply for a use permit. Monitoring & recommending opposition as it inhibits local control. In first reading in originating house AB 2323 Friedman California Environmental Quality Act: exemptions.CEQA exempts from its requirements certain residential, employment center, and mixed-use development projects meeting specified criteria, including that the project is undertaken and is consistent with a specific plan for which an environmental impact report has been certified. This bill would require that the project is undertaken and is consistent with either a specific plan prepared pursuant to specific provisions of law or a community plan, as defined, in order to be exempt. Because a lead agency would be required to determine the applicability of this exemption, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. Monitoring Page 1 of 4 322 City of Rancho Palos Verdes Housing and Zoning State Assemly and Senate Bills Bill Senator (s)Bill Title Bill Description RPV Status AB 2345 Gonzalez Planning and zoning: density bonuses: annual report: affordable housing.The Planning and Zoning Law requires the planning agency of a city or county to provide by April 1 of each year an annual report to, among other entities, the Department of Housing and Community Development that includes, among other specified information, the number of net new units of housing that have been issued a completed entitlement, a building permit, or a certificate of occupancy, thus far in the housing element cycle, as provided. This bill would require that the annual report include specified information regarding density bonuses granted in accordance with specified law, as described. Monitoring & recommending opposition as it inhibits local control AB 2405 Burke Right to safe, decent, and affordable housing.Would declare that it is the policy of the state that every individual has the right to safe, decent, and affordable housing, and would require the policy to consider homelessness prevention, emergency accommodations, and permanent housing, as specified. The bill would, among other things, require all relevant state agencies and departments, including, but not limited to, the Department of Housing and Community Development, the State Department of Social Services, and the Office of Emergency Services, and local jurisdictions to consider that state policy when revising, adopting, or establishing policies, regulations, and grant criteria when those policies, regulations, and criteria are pertinent to advancing the guidelines listed as core components of Housing First. Monitoring AB 2988 Chu Planning and zoning: supportive housing: number of units: emergency shelter zones. Under the Planning and Zoning Law, supportive housing, as defined, is a use by right in zones where multifamily and mixed uses are permitted if the developer provides the planning agency with a plan for providing supportive services and the proposed housing development meets specified criteria, including that the housing development consist of 50 units or fewer if it is located in an unincorporated area of a county or city that has a population of fewer than 200,000 and a population of persons experiencing homelessness of 1,500 or fewer. This bill would, additionally, make supportive housing a use by right in zones where emergency shelters are permitted. The bill would revise the above-described limit on the number of units in a housing development to 120 or fewer if it is located within a region served by a contimuum of care, as defined, and the most recently published total homeless point-in-time count for the region is 1,500 or fewer. Monitoring AB 3107 Bloom Planning and zoning: commercial zoning: housing development.The Planning and Zoning Law authorizes the legislative body of any county or city, pursuant to specified procedures, to adopt ordinances that, among other things, regulate the use of buildings, structures, and land as between industry, business, residences, open space, and other purposes. This bill, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of a city s or county s general plan, specific plan, zoning ordinance, or regulation, would require that a housing development be an authorized use on a site designated in any local agency s zoning code for commercial uses if certain conditions apply. Among these conditions, the bill would require that the housing development be subject to a recorded deed restriction requiring that at least 20% of the units have an affordable housing cost or affordable rent for lower income households, as those terms are defined, and located on a site that satisfies specified criteria. Monitoring & recommending opposition as it inhibits local control AB 3153 Rivas R.Parking and zoning: bicycle and car-share parking credits.Would require a local agency, as defined, to allow an applicant for a housing development project to reduce the number of motor vehicle parking spaces that they would otherwise be required to provide based on the number of long-term bicycle parking spaces and car-sharing spaces provided subject to certain limitations, as specified. The bill would provide that a parking reduction allowed pursuant to these provisions does not reduce or increase the number of incentives or concessions to which the applicant is otherwise entitled under a specified provision of the Density Bonus Law. Monitoring AB 3269 Chui State and local agencies: homelessness plan.Would, upon appropriation by the Legislature or upon receiving technical assistance offered by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), if available, require the coordinating council to conduct, or contract with an entity to conduct, a statewide needs and gaps analysis to, among other things, identify state programs that provide housing or services to persons experiencing homelessness and create a financial model that will assess certain investment needs for the purpose of moving persons experiencing homelessness into permanent housing. Monitoring & recommending opposition unless amended Page 2 of 4 323 City of Rancho Palos Verdes Housing and Zoning State Assemly and Senate Bills Bill Senator (s)Bill Title Bill Description RPV Status SB 288 Wiener California Environmental Quality Act: exemptions: transportation-related projects. CEQA includes exemptions from its environmental review requirements for numerous categories of projects, including, among others, projects for the institution or increase of passenger or commuter services on rail or highway rights-of-way already in use and projects for the institution or increase of passenger or commuter service on high-occupancy vehicle lanes already in use, as specified. This bill would further exempt from the requirements of CEQA certain projects, including projects for the institution or increase of new bus rapid transit, bus, or light rail services on public rail or highway rights-of-way, as specified, whether or not the right-of-way is in use for public mass transit, as specified, and projects for the designation and conversion of general purpose lanes, high-occupancy toll lanes, high-occupancy vehicle lanes, or highway shoulders, as specified. The bill would additionally exempt projects that improve customer information and wayfinding for transit riders, bicyclists, or pedestrians, and projects for pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Monitoring SB 899 Wiener Planning and zoning: housing development: higher education institutions and religious institutions. The Planning and Zoning Law requires each county and city to adopt a comprehensive, long-term general plan for its physical development, and the development of certain lands outside its boundaries, that includes, among other mandatory elements, a housing element. That law allows a development proponent to submit an application for a development that is subject to a specified streamlined, ministerial approval process not subject to a conditional use permit if the development satisfies certain objective planning standards. This bill would require that a housing development project be a use by right upon the request of an independent institution of higher education or religious institution that partners with a qualified developer on any land owned in fee simple by the applicant on or before January 1, 2020, if the development satisfies specified criteria. Monitoring & recommending opposition SB 902 Wiener Planning and zoning: housing development: density.Would authorize a local government to pass an ordinance, notwithstanding any local restrictions on adopting zoning ordinances, to zone any parcel for up to 10 units of residential density per parcel, at a height specified by the local government in the ordinance, if the parcel is located in a transit-rich area, a jobs-rich area, or an urban infill site, as those terms are defined. In this regard, the bill would require the Department of Housing and Community Development, in consultation with the Office of Planning and Research, to determine jobs-rich areas and publish a map of those areas every 5 years, commencing January 1, 2022, based on specified criteria. RPV opposition letter Sent 7/7/2020 SB 995 Atkins Environmental quality: Jobs and Economic Improvement Through Environmental Leadership Act of 2011: housing projects. CEQA requires a lead agency to prepare a mitigated negative declaration for a project that may have a significant effect on the environment if revisions in the project would avoid or mitigate that effect and there is no substantial evidence that the project, as revised, would have a significant effect on the environment. CEQA authorizes the preparation of a master EIR and authorizes the use of the master EIR to limit the environmental review of subsequent projects that are described in the master EIR, as specified. This bill would require a lead agency to prepare a master EIR for a general plan, plan amendment, plan element, or specified plan for housing projects where the state has provided funding for the preparation of the master EIR. Monitoring SB 1085 Skinner Density Bonus Law: qualifications for incentives or concessions: student housing for lower income students: moderate-income persons and families: local government constraints. Current law requires the amount of a density bonus and the number of incentives or concessions a qualifying developer receives to be pursuant to a certain formula based on the total number of units in the housing development, excluding the units added by a density bonus awarded pursuant to the Density Bonus Law or any local law granting a greater density bonus. This bill would require a unit designated to satisfy the inclusionary zoning requirements of a city or county to be included in the total number of units on which a density bonus and the number of incentives or concessions are based. Monitoring & recommending opposition as it inhibits local control SB 1120 Atkins Subdivisions: tentative maps.Would require a proposed housing development containing 2 residential units to be considered ministerially, without discretionary review or hearing, within a single-family residential zone, if the proposed housing development meets certain requirements, including, but not limited to, that the proposed housing development would not require demolition or alteration of housing that is subject to a recorded covenant, ordinance, or law that restricts rents to levels affordable to persons and families of moderate, low, or very low income, that the proposed housing development does not allow for the demolition of more than 25% of the existing exterior structural walls, except as provided, and that the development is not located within a historic district, is not included on the State Historic Resources Inventory, or is not within a site that is legally designated or listed as a city or county landmark or historic property or district. Monitoring & recommending opposition as it inhibits local control. SBCCOG sent opposition letter on 6/8/2020 Page 3 of 4 324 City of Rancho Palos Verdes Housing and Zoning State Assemly and Senate Bills Bill Senator (s)Bill Title Bill Description RPV Status SB 1138 Wiener Housing element: emergency shelters: rezoning of sites.The Planning and Zoning Law requires the legislative body of each county and city to adopt a comprehensive, long-term general plan for the physical development of the county or city that includes a housing element. Current law requires that the housing element identify adequate sites for housing, including rental housing, factory-built housing, mobilehomes, and emergency shelters, and to make adequate provision for the existing and projected needs of all economic segments of a community. This bill would revise the requirements of the housing element, as described above, in connection with identifying zones or zoning designations that allow residential use, including mixed use, where emergency shelters are allowed as a permitted use without a conditional use or other discretionary permit. If an emergency shelter zoning designation where residential use is a permitted use is unfeasible, the bill would permit a local government to designate zones for emergency shelters in a nonresidential zone if the local government demonstrates that the zone is connected to amenities and services, as specified, that serve homeless people. Monitoring & recommending opposition as it inhibits local control Page 4 of 4 325 Agenda Item No.: 9.C Mtg. Date: 08/24/2020 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CONNIE VIRAMONTES , ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: DISCUSS IGNITABLE DEVICES. (BLACK) DATE:August 24, 2020 BACKGROUND: NONE. DISCUSSION: NONE. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE. RECOMMENDATION: NONE. ATTACHMENTS: 326