11-22-2021 CC Agenda Packet1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL 3.OPEN AGENDA - PUBLIC COMMENT WELCOME This is the appropriate time for members of the public to make comments regarding the items on the consent calendar or items not listed on this agenda. Pursuant to the Brown Act, no action will take place on any items not on the agenda. 4.CONSENT CALENDAR Matters which may be acted upon by the City Council in a single motion. Any Councilmember may request removal of any item from the Consent Calendar causing it to be considered under Council Actions. 4.A.REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 08, 2021. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. NO. 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 (310) 377-1521 FAX (310) 377-7288 AGENDA Regular City Council Meeting CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 22, 2021 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS 7:00 PM All Councilmembers will participate in-person wearing masks per Los Angeles County Health Department's Health Officer Order effective Saturday, July 17, 2021. The meeting agenda is available on the City’s website. The City Council meeting will be live-streamed on the City’s website. Both the agenda and the live-streamed video can be found here: https://www.rolling- hills.org/government/agenda/index.php Members of the public may submit written comments in real-time by emailing the City Clerk’s office at cityclerk@cityofrh.net. Your comments will become part of the official meeting record. You must provide your full name, but please do not provide any other personal information that you do not want to be published. Recordings to City Council meetings can be found here: https://cms5.revize.com/revize/rollinghillsca/government/agenda/index.php Next Resolution No. 1287 Next Ordinance No. 372 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 11.08.2021_CCMinutes.P.docx 1 4.B.PAYMENT OF BILLS. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 4.C.REPUBLIC SERVICES RECYCLING TONNAGE REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2021. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 4.D.APPROVE ANNUAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 TO THE LOS ANGELES REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD AS MANDATED BY THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY MUNICIPAL STORM WATER PERMIT ORDER NO. R4-2012-0175, AMENDED BY ORDER WQ 2015-0075. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council Approve this Annual Report and direct staff to submit the report to the Regional Board. 4.E.APPROVE AN AMENDED AGREEMENT WITH LANCE, SOLL & LUNGHARD, LLP (LSL) TO PERFORM ANNUAL AUDIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $17,623. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 4.F.APPROVE AN AMENDED PLANNING SERVICES CONTRACT WTIH MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL FOR A NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNTN OF $10,240. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 4.G.APPROVE PROJECT PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS FOR REMOVING THE EXISTING NON-OPERABLE STANDBY GENERATOR AND DIRECT STAFF TO ADVERTISE FOR CONSTRUCTION BIDS. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that City Council approve the Emergency Generator Demolition Plans and Specifications for bids. 4.H.RECEIVE AND FILE REPORT ON THE PROGRESS TO HIRE A LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO INVENTORY THE CITY HALL CAMPUS IRRIGATION SYSTEM AND PROVIDE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 5.COMMISSION ITEMS 5.A.ZONING CASE NO. 21-12: REQUEST FOR PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 2021-15 APPROVING Payment of Bills.pdf Rolling Hills YTD Tonnage Report.pdf RollingHills_Individual_AnnualReport_l_2020-21_(Final).pdf Lance, Soll & Lunghard Amendment-c1.DOCX Rolling_Hills_1_year_extension_FY_2021-c1.pdf PSA_with_MICHAEL_BAKER-_executed_10.13.21.pdf City of Rolling Hills Proposal for Continued Services 11-15-21.pdf RH Technical Specifications.pdf ROLLING-HILLS-DEMO_R20_20211110_.pdf 20211118_ROLLINGHILLSDEMO_COSTEST_.pdf Landscape Architecture RFP- Final Draft-V10 Letterhead FINAL.pdf Planting_Plans_PG1.pdf Planting_Plans_PG2.pdf 2 SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR 442 CUBIC YARDS OF GRADING FOR A PROJECT LOCATED AT 79 EASTFIELD DRIVE (GONZALEZ). RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council receive and file Resolution No. 2021-15 and Zoning Case No. 21-12 for Site Plan Review for non-exempt grading for a total of 442 cubic yards (127 cubic yards of cut and 254 cubic yards of fill) for the subject property located at 79 Eastfield Drive. 6.PUBLIC HEARINGS 7.OLD BUSINESS 7.A.REVIEW AND DISCUSS SB9 DRAFT ORDINANCE. RECOMMENDATION: Review, discuss and provide direction to staff. 8.NEW BUSINESS 8.A.CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION FROM THE CITY COUNCIL PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FOR APPOINTMENTS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. R E C O M M E N D AT I O N : Approve the City Council Personnel Committee's recommended appointments to the Planning Commission. 8.B.CONSIDER CHAMBERS TO PROVIDE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE CITY'S 6TH CYCLE HOUSING ELEMENT AND THE UPDATED SAFETY ELEMENT AND DIRECT STAFF TO EXECUTE A STANDARD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH CHAMBERS TO ENGAGE SERVICES. RECOMMENDATION: Consider and approve engaging Chambers for services. 9.MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL AND MEETING ATTENDANCE REPORTS 9.A.FIRE FUEL COMMITTEE REPORT OUT ON NOVEMBER 10 AND NOVEMBER 17, 2021 COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND DISCUSS PROHIBITING FUTURE PLANTING OF HIGH HAZARD PLANTS, AS LISTED IN THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT READY! SET! GO! BROCHURE. (BLACK & MIRSCH) R E C O M M E N D AT I O N : Receive and file the Committee's report and discuss prohibiting the planting of high hazard plants. 10.MATTERS FROM STAFF Development_Proposal_Table.79_Eastfield_Drive_ZC_21-12_PC.pdf 2021-15.PC RESOLUTION_79 Eastfield Drive.pdf Gonzalez_Approved by Planning Commision 10/19/21 Eastfield_Rev_Submit_10-4-21_landscaping.pdf Photos_of_proposed_grading_.pdf Vicinty_Map_79_Eastfield_Dr..pdf Trees_at_89_Eastfield_email.pdf EXHIBIT A - SB9 Code Amendments-c1 (1).pdf Chambers Group Proposal_Environmental Planning Services_11.18.21.pdf FF Committee Meeting 11.10.2021.pdf FF Committee Meeting 11.17.2021.pdf 3 10.A.REPORT ON SMALL FIRE AT OR NEAR 15 FLYING MANE THAT TOOK PLACE ON SEPTEMBER 30, 2021. (VERBAL REPORT) RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 11.CLOSED SESSION 12.ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Monday, January 10, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, Rolling Hills City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California, 90274. Notice: Public Comment is welcome on any item prior to City Council action on the item. Documents pertaining to an agenda item received after the posting of the agenda are available for review in the City Clerk's office or at the meeting at which the item will be considered. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting due to your disability, please contact the City Clerk at (310) 377-1521 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility and accommodation for your review of this agenda and attendance at this meeting. 4 Agenda Item No.: 4.A Mtg. Date: 11/22/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CONNIE VIRAMONTES , ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 08, 2021. DATE:November 22, 2021 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: 11.08.2021_CCMinutes.P.docx 5 Minutes 1 City Council Regular Meeting November 08, 2021 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, NOVEMBER 08, 2021 1.CALL TO ORDER The City Council of the City of Rolling Hills met in person on the above date at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Bea Dieringer presiding. 2.ROLL CALL Present:Mayor Dieringer, Mayor Pro Tem Black, Pieper, Mirsch, and Wilson Absent:None. Staff Present: Elaine Jeng, City Manager Ashford Ball, Senior Management Analyst Jane Abzug, Deputy City Attorney Resident:Marcia Schoettle, 24 Eastfield Drive Alan Cherry, 2 Open Brand Road Jim Aichele, 14 Crest Road West PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE BY COUNCILMEMBER WILSON. 3.OPEN AGENDA - PUBLIC COMMENT WELCOME Resident Marcia Schoettle commented on a fire that occurred on September 30, 2021. 4.CONSENT CALENDAR B.PAYMENT OF BILLS. C.APPROVE AMENDED AGREEMENT WITH ALANPALERMO CONSULTING TO EXTEND PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO JUNE 30, 2022. D.APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREMEENT WITH WORLDWISE PRODUCTS FOR EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS ON MANAGING VEGETATION IN THE CANYONS FOR AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $24,950. E.APPROVE MINOR CORRECTIONS AND ADDITION TO THE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK AND PERSONNEL POLICY MANUAL. F.APPROVE SUBMITTAL OF THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT (ESA) COMPLIANCE MEMORANDUM AND CONSENT TO THE POST CONSTRUCTION REPORTING AS REQUIRED BY FEDERAL EMERGENCY 6 Minutes 2 City Council Regular Meeting November 08, 2021 MANAGEMENT AGENDA (FEMA) FOR THE EASTFIELD DRIVE ELECTRIC UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING GRANT PROJECT NUMBER 4382-177-07. G.APPROVE THE PROPOSAL FROM LANCE, SOLL & LUNGHARD, LLP (LSL) TO PERFORM ANNUAL AUDIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $17,623 AND DIRECT THE CITY ATTOURNEY TO PREPARE AN AMENDED AGREEMENT WITH LSL. MOTION: Mayor Pro Tem Black motioned to pull item 4A for discussion and move to approve items 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 4F and 4G and the motion Councilmember Mirsch seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Black, Mirsch, Pieper and Wilson. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. (Out of Order) A.REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 25, 2021 MOTION:Mayor Dieringer motioned to approve the amended minutes and Councilmember Pieper seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Mirsch, Pieper and Wilson. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Black. ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 5.COMMISSION ITEMS NONE. 6.PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE. (Out of Order) 8.NEW BUSINESS A.CONSIDER PROPOSAL FROM THE TENNIS CLUB TO EXPAND COURT 1 FOR ADDITIONAL PICKLE BALL COURTS. Resident and Tennis Club Board Member Alan Cherry commented on the item. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to investigate Court 1 to add additional pickle ball courts and Mayor Pro Tem Black seconded the motion. 7 Minutes 3 City Council Regular Meeting November 08, 2021 AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Black, Mirsch, Pieper and Wilson. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. (Out of Order) 7.OLD BUSINESS A.REVIEW AND DISCUSS DRAFT CITY ORDINANCE TO COMPLOY WITH SENATE BILL (SB) 9, INCREASE DENSITY IN SIGLE FAMILY ZONE. Resident Jim Aichele commented on the item. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to have the Planning Commission review and approve the draft ordinance if possible before the November 22, 2021 City Council and if not possible, bring back the draft ordinance to the November 22, 2021 City Council meeting for final review. Councilmember Wilson seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Black, Mirsch, Pieper and Wilson. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. (Out of Order) 8.NEW BUSINESS B.DISCUSS THE FORMAT OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AND PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF. Resident Jim Aichele commented on item. MOTION:Councilmember Pieper motioned to have staff prepare action minutes and in the action minutes, list the names of commenters. Councilmember Wilson seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mirsch, Pieper and Wilson. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer and Black. ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. C.CONSIDER HOLDING CITY COUNCIL 2022 STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP ON SATURDAY JANUARY 22, 2022 AND APPROVE DRAFT AGENDA. Resident Jim Aichele commented on item. MOTION:Councilmember Mirsch motioned to hold the Strategic Planning Workshop on Saturday, January 22, 2022 from 8:30 a.m. through 1:30 p.m. at City Hall and approve agenda 8 Minutes 4 City Council Regular Meeting November 08, 2021 items as presented. Councilmember Pieper seconded the motion. AYES:COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Dieringer, Black, Mirsch, Pieper and Wilson. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSTAIN:COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 9. MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL AND MEETING ATTENDANCE REPORTS A.CITY COUNCIL PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT ON THE NOVEMBER 8, 2021 COMMITTEE MEETING. Mayor Dieringer spoke on this item. 10.MATTERS FROM STAFF NONE. 11.CLOSED SESSION A.EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957, TITLE CITY MANAGER. The City Council recessed to Closed Session at 9:54 PM. Deputy City Attorney Abzug reported at 11:18 PM that the City Council took no reportable action on the item. 12.ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further business before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 11:20 p.m. The next regular meeting of the City Council is scheduled to be held on Monday, November 22, 2021 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California. It will also be available via City’s website link at: https://www.rolling- hills.org/government/agenda/index.php Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________ Elaine Jeng, P.E. Acting City Clerk Approved, ________________________________ Bea Dieringer Mayor 9 Agenda Item No.: 4.B Mtg. Date: 11/22/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CONNIE VIRAMONTES , ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:PAYMENT OF BILLS. DATE:November 22, 2021 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Payment of Bills.pdf 10 11 Agenda Item No.: 4.C Mtg. Date: 11/22/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CONNIE VIRAMONTES , ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:REPUBLIC SERVICES RECYCLING TONNAGE REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2021. DATE:November 22, 2021 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Rolling Hills YTD Tonnage Report.pdf 12 Franchise?Y Mth/Yr Overall Commodity Tons Collected Tons Recovered Tons Disposed Diversion % Jan-21 Trash 235.42 36.03 199.39 15.30% Greenwaste 49.43 49.43 - 100.00% Jan-21 Total 284.85 85.46 199.39 30.00% Feb-21 Trash 206.11 18.38 187.73 8.92% Greenwaste 62.07 62.07 - 100.00% Feb-21 Total 268.18 80.45 187.73 30.00% Mar-21 Trash 231.10 7.19 223.91 3.11% Recycle 3.64 0.91 2.73 24.95% Greenwaste 89.04 89.04 - 100.00% Mar-21 Total 323.78 97.14 226.64 30.00% Apr-21 Trash 239.29 34.90 204.39 14.58% Greenwaste 52.70 52.70 - 100.00% Apr-21 Total 291.99 87.60 204.39 30.00% May-21 Trash 147.58 - 147.58 0.00% Greenwaste 125.97 125.97 - 100.00% May-21 Total 273.55 125.97 147.58 46.05% Jun-21 Trash 193.00 - 193.00 0.00% Greenwaste 111.34 111.34 - 100.00% Jun-21 Total 304.34 111.34 193.00 36.58% Jul-21 Trash 207.99 - 207.99 0.00% Greenwaste 96.98 96.98 - 100.00% Jul-21 Total 304.97 96.98 207.99 31.80% Aug-21 Trash 203.81 - 203.81 0.00% Greenwaste 103.02 103.02 - 100.00% Aug-21 Total 306.83 103.02 203.81 33.58% Sep-21 Trash 171.31 - 171.31 0.00% Greenwaste 107.29 107.29 - 100.00% Sep-21 Total 278.60 107.29 171.31 38.51% Oct-21 Trash 180.87 - 180.87 0.00% Greenwaste 127.16 127.16 - 100.00% Oct-21 Total 308.03 127.16 180.87 41.28% Grand Total 2,945.12 1,022.41 1,922.71 34.72% 1022.41 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS RESIDENTIAL FRANCHISE 2021 Contract Requires 30% Household - Page 1 of 3 13 Agenda Item No.: 4.D Mtg. Date: 11/22/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ASHFORD BALL, SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE ANNUAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 TO THE LOS ANGELES REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD AS MANDATED BY THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY MUNICIPAL STORM WATER PERMIT ORDER NO. R4-2012-0175, AMENDED BY ORDER WQ 2015-0075. DATE:November 22, 2021 BACKGROUND: Rolling Hills is a permittee of the Los Angeles County Municipal Storm Water Permit. As a permittee, the City is required to submit an annual report by December 15, for the prior fiscal year. The City has a contract agreement with McGowan Consulting who provide consulting services for the City regarding storm water matters and assist preparing the annual report. The annual report has two different attachments: A) Machado Lake Trash TMDL Annual Report, and B) Santa Monica Bay Debris TMDL Annual Report. The attachments are currently not available on this document. John Hunter is still finalizing the reports and city staff has the pre-drafted reports with McGowan's comments available if needed. In order for us to receive approval with the due date of December 15, 2021 and no City Council meetings conducted in December staff needed to present the item today. Attachments A & B are prepared by John L. Hunter and Associates reviewed by McGowan and then finalized by John Hunter. John L. Hunter and Associates Inc. is the storm water consultant for the Peninsula Watershed Group. The Peninsula Watershed Group is comprised of Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills Estates, Palos Verdes Estates, and Los Angeles County (for the unincorporated portions of the County land on the Peninsula) with Rancho Palos Verdes as the lead agency. The City also participates in the Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP) through the Peninsula Watershed Group. As a part of John L. Hunter ’s scope of work, separate reports are prepared for the Machado Lake Trash TMDL and the Santa Monica Bay Debris TMDL. The reports discuss the City's water quality monitoring activities as mandated by the permit and report on the effectiveness of measures implemented by the agency to meet pollutant thresholds. For Fiscal Year 2020-2021, based on monitoring data, the City's existing instructional and source control measures are concluded to be effective. 14 DISCUSSION: On behalf of the City of Rolling Hills McGowan Consulting will submit the City’s Annual Report for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 by December 14, 2021. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of preparing the mandated Annual Report, and attachments (TMDL annual reports) are included in the approved budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council Approve this Annual Report and direct staff to submit the report to the Regional Board. ATTACHMENTS: RollingHills_Individual_AnnualReport_l_2020-21_(Final).pdf 15 City of Rolling Hills Individual Annual Report Reporting Year 2020-21 Los Angeles County Municipal Storm Water Permit (Order No. R4-2012-0175 as amended by Order WQ 2015-0075) NPDES No. CAS004001 This form includes items to be reported individually by each Permittee. Permittee Name City of Rolling Hills Permittee Program Contact Ashford Ball Title Senior Management Analyst Address 2 Portuguese Bend Road City Rolling Hills Zip Code 90274 Phone 310-377-1521 Email ABall@CityofRH.net List of Attachments ATTACHMENT A: Land Use Map of Rolling Hills ATTACHMENT B: Machado Lake Trash TMDL Annual Report ATTACHMENT C: Santa Monica Bay Debris TMDL Annual Report 16 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 2 of 38 1. Legal Authority and Certification Complete the items on this page. 1.1 Answer the following questions on Legal Authority [VI.A.2.b]: Yes No Is there a current statement certified by the Permittee’s chief legal counsel that the Permittee has the legal authority within its jurisdiction to implement and enforce each of the requirements contained in 40 CFR § 122.26(d)(2)(i)(A-F) and the Permit? ☒ ☐ Has the above statement been developed or updated within the reporting year? If yes, attach the updated legal authority statement to this report. ☐ ☒ 1.2 Complete the required certification below [Attachment D – V.B.5]: “I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penaltie s for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.” Signature of either a principal executive officer, ranking elected official, or by a duly authorized representative of a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. A person is a duly authorized representative only if: a. The authorization is made in writing by a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. b. The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation of the regulated facility or activity such as the position of plant manager, operator of a well or a well field, superintendent, position of equivalent responsibility, or an individual or position having overall responsibility for environmental matters for the company. (A duly authorized representative may thus be either a named individual or any individual occupying a named position.) c. The written authorization is submitted to the Regional Board. If an authorization of a duly authorized representative is no longer accurate because a different individual or position has responsibility for the overall operation of the facility, a new authorization will be submitted to the Regional Board prior to or together with any reports, information, or applications, to be signed by an authorized representative. Signature Elaine Jeng, City Manager Date 17 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 3 of 38 2. Program Expenditures Complete the following items in this section. 5.1a) 2.1 Source(s) of funds used in the past year, and proposed for the coming year, to meet necessary expenditures on the Permittee’s stormwater management program [VI.A.3.b]: The City has funded the implementation of the MS4 Permit and TMDL compliance through its General Fund. The City’s General Fund budget for all municipal operations and services, including MS4 Permit compliance, is approximately $2 million annually, while the City’s expenditures for stormwater programs have been increasing steadily year-over-year. The City is receiving approximately $100,000 per year from the Safe Clean Water Program for its municipal stormwater program which will assist in addressing these increasing stormwater program costs. The City utilizes contract Building & Safety services for new and redevelopment plan checking, permitting, and construction site inspections. The contract building officials collect permit fees from developers that offset the cost of stormwater compliance review and inspection for development projects under the Planning and Land Development Program and the Development Construction Program. 18 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 4 of 38 5.1b) 2.2 Complete the table on program expenditures below [Attachment D – VII.A.5]: Table 2a: Program Expenditures Category Expenditures for Reporting Year Program Budget for Next Reporting Year (1) Program Management $32,223 $28,106 (2) Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) Public Information and Participation Program $8,508 $17,500 Industrial / Commercial Facilities Program Not applicable Not applicable Planning and Land Development Program $3,960 * $8,640 * Development Construction Program * * Public Agency Activities Program $3,056 $8,544 Illicit Connections and Illicit Discharges Program $699 $1,232 Additional Institutional BMPs / “Enhanced” MCMs $66,963 ** $129,600 ** (3) Projects Distributed Projects and Green Streets - - Regional Projects - - Restoration Projects - - (4) Monitoring $63,925 $102,975 + (5) NPDES MS4 Permit Fees $5,994 $7,067 (6) TMDL Implementation and Watershed Management Group Participation $20,355 $67,004 + TOTAL $205,682 $370,668 * Costs shown are those not covered by permit fees – most other costs of this program are covered by building permit fees ** Cost for contract issued for fire fuel modification in open space areas to prevent wildfires which also serves to protect water quality in receiving waters + Includes estimated costs for City to join Peninsula EWMP including monitoring of storm flows in a representative canyon, hydrologic modeling, and preparation of EWMP ad dendum. 5.1c) Please add any additional comments on stormwater expenditures below: Costs budgeted for the next reporting year shown in Table 2a reflect increases in program costs to implement the newly adopted Regional MS4 Permit Requirements as well as other new costs as noted. The City employs a very small staff, with one staff person assigned lead responsibility for implementation of the stormwater program. The City retains a stormwater consulting firm to assist with MS4 Permit coordination, management and implementation and with representation of the City’s interests at the Palos Verdes Peninsula Watershed Management Group (WMG) monthly meetings and quarterly committee meetings for the Greater LA Harbor Coordinated Compliance Monitoring Program for the Los Angeles Harbor Toxics TMDL. 19 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 5 of 38 3. Discharge Prohibitions and Receiving Water Limitations Complete the following items in this section. 3.1 Did you develop and implement procedures to ensure that a discharger, if not a named Permittee in this Order, fulfilled the requirements of Part III.A.4.a.i-vi? If so, provide a link to where the procedures may be found or attach to the Annual Report [III.A.4.a]: The City does not own or operate an MS4 thus the provisions of Part III.A.4.a.i-vi do not specifically apply to the City. 3.2 Did you develop and implement procedures that minimize the discharge of landscape irrigation water into the MS4? If so, provide a link to where the procedures may be found or attach to the Annual Report [III.A.4.b]: Since 2010 the City has been applying water efficient landscape requirements to projects subject to discretionary review. In 2015 the Governor of California issued Executive Order B29- 15 instructing the Department of Water Resources to amend the 2010 Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO) to increase water efficiency standards for new and retrofitted landscapes. On May 13, 2019, the City adopted its own water efficient landscape ordinance consistent with the statewide 2015 MWELO. The City disseminates educational information on native and drought tolerant landscaping, water conservation, and water use restrictions through the City’s website: https://www.rolling- hills.org/government/planning_and_community_services/index.php#lanscapedesignstandards. Additionally, California Water Service, the retail water provider to all residents in the City, has instituted prohibitions on outdoor water use as described at: https://www.calwater.com/conservation/drought/prohibited-uses-water/ 3.3 Where Receiving Water Limitations were exceeded, describe efforts that were taken to determine whether discharges from the MS4 caused or contributed to the exceedances and all efforts that were taken to control the discharge of pollutants from the MS4 to those receiving waters in response to the exceedances (e.g., BMPs that were implemented) [Attachment E – XVIII.A.5.e]: Sections 6.3.1 and 6.4.2 of the Palos Verdes Peninsula Integrated Monitoring Compliance Report (IMCR) which is Volume II of the Palos Verdes Peninsula Watershed Annual Report, discuss receiving water monitoring results and, if applicable, exceedances of receiving water limitations. Continuous flow monitoring conducted during the reporting year in a canyon drainage system representative of the City as a whole demonstrated that the strategies, control measures and BMPs implemented by the City cumulatively retained all conditionally exempt, non-essential non-stormwater and all stormwater runoff up to and including the runoff volume from an 85th percentile, 24-hour storm event which effectively minimized the contribution of runoff from the City to receiving waters. 20 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 6 of 38 4. Non-Stormwater Outfall Screening and Monitoring Complete the following items in this section. 4.1 Complete the following tables regarding your Non-Stormwater Outfall Based Screening and Monitoring Program [Attachment E – XVIII.A.3.a-g]. (These tables correspond to Tables 4a and 4b in the Watershed Form.) Table 4a: Summary of Non-Stormwater Based Screening and Monitoring Receiving Water and/or WMP/EWMP Group No. of Major Canyons Total No. of Canyons Screened Since Dec 28, 2012 No. of Screening Events During Reporting Year No. of Screening Events Since Dec 28, 2012 Outfalls with Significant Non-Stormwater Discharges1 Total Confirmed Total Abated Total Attributed to Allowable Sources2 Total No. Being Monitored Machado Lake 2 2 0 4 0 NA NA 0 Santa Monica Bay 2 2 0 4 0 NA NA 0 Greater LA Harbor 1 1 0 4 1 NA 1 0 Total 5 5 0 12 1 NA 1 0 Table 4b: Summary of Non-Stormwater Discharges Abated During Reporting Year Method Total No. Low Flow Diversion 0 IC/ID Eliminated 0 Permitted 0 Retention 0 Discharge No Longer Observed 0 Other (describe in Section 4.4) 0 4.2 How many of the conditionally exempt non-stormwater discharges in Part III.A.2.b of the Permit did you determine to be sources of pollutants that caused or contributed to an exceedance of receiving water limitations or WQBELs? If you made that determination, which type(s) of non-stormwater discharges in Part III.A.2.b were sources of pollutants? [III.A.4.d] Zero (0). The City submitted a source investigation report with the reporting year 2016-17 Annual Report which found no conditionally exempt discharges from the City to the MS4. Continuous flow monitoring conducted during the reporting year in a representative canyon drainage system in the City demonstrated that the strategies, control measures and BMPs 1 “Significant Non-Storm Water Discharges” as identified by the Permittee per Part IX.C.1 of the MRP 2 “Allowable Sources” include NPDES permitted discharges, discharges subject to a Record of Decisions approved by USEPA pursuant to section 121 of CERCLA, conditionally exempt essential non-storm water discharges, and natural flows as defined in Part III.A.d of the permit. 21 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 7 of 38 implemented by the City cumulatively retained any conditionally exempt, non-essential non- stormwater. Additionally, ten years of monthly dry weather observations documenting no measurable flow at the Lariat site to which the City is jointly tributary with another MS4 Permittee provide additional evidence that there are no conditionally exempt non-stormwater discharges from the City to the MS4. Accordingly, there has been no need to make a determination that any conditionally exempt non-stormwater discharges in Part III.A.2.b of the Permit are sources of pollutants that caused or contributed to an exceedance of receiving water limitations or WQBELs. 4.3 State when the non-stormwater outfall-based screening and monitoring program will be (or was) re- assessed. If applicable, describe any changes to program (the program must be re-assessed once during the permit term) [Attachment E – IX.B.2]. The City of Rolling Hills Non-Storm Water Screening and Monitoring Program (NSW Screening & Monitoring Program) was developed in September 2014 and approved by Regional Board staff. The program was re-assessed during reporting year 2016-17 based on the results of the completed Source Investigation and one modification was recommended which was to remove Purple Canyon from the list of canyons to be screened since it is documented to have natural flows consistent with its status as a blue-line stream tributary to George F Canyon, a known perennial stream. 4.4 Additional Information. If desired, provide additional information regarding Non-Stormwater Outfall Screening and Monitoring: None. 22 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 8 of 38 5. Minimum Control Measures Complete the following items in this section. 5.1 Public Information and Participation Program [VI.D.5] Complete the following item regarding the Public Information and Participation Program . 5.1d) Summarize stormwater pollution prevention public service announcements and advertising campaigns. What pollutants were targeted? What audiences were targeted? Note wh ether activities were performed by the jurisdiction or as part of a watershed, regional, or county- wide group. The City is participating in the county-wide campaign led by Los Angeles County—see LA County Flood Control District Annual Report and/or County Unincorporated Individual Annual Report for more information on these efforts. The City also participates in development and dissemination of joint outreach material developed cooperatively between the Palos Verdes Peninsula Watershed Management Group (Peninsula WMG) and the Beach Cities WMG. During the reporting year those efforts were focused on dissemination of the South Bay Homeowner’s Guide to Rainwater Harvesting targeting single-family residential homeowners. The City utilizes its monthly newsletter to advise its residents of upcoming opportunities for participation in activities related to stormwater pollution prevention such as: • Coastal Cleanup Day – modified for Covid-19 via local self-guided cleanups on Saturdays during September 2020 • green waste pickup events • e-waste collection events • bulky item pickup and paper shredding events • advice on removal of invasive tumbleweeds from properties and roadsides • reminders and recommendations on wildfire fuel abatement measures, dead vegetation management, and roadside vegetation management • the development and implementation of the City’s Community Wildfire Protection Plan and supporting grant funding from FEMA and CalOES • California Water Service drought announcement with Stage 1 prohibitions/limitations on certain outdoor uses of water • Christmas tree recycling program • CEQA Processes for projects The City is a member of the South Bay Cities Council of Governments which circulates numerous public service announcements (PSAs) via e-mail blasts from the South Bay Environmental Services Center (SBESC) to residents and businesses regarding opportunities to learn about and become actively involved in water conservation and stormwater pollution prevention. SBESC programming has continued virtually throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Examples of virtual events that were held and promoted over the past reporting year include: 23 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 9 of 38 • Water Replenishment District’s Eco Gardener series with fourteen (14) workshops covering sustainable landscape design, drought tolerant plants, and irrigation basics; • West Basin’s Virtual Water LAB series with nine (9) workshops on water supply, recycling and water use efficiency; • West Basin’s Water Awareness and Earth Day Water Workshops; • West Basins Fire Scaping Workshop; • West Basin’s California Friendly Native Plan Webinar series with seven (7) events, including one event held in Spanish. 5.1e) Which of the following public education materials did you distribute? (check yes or no) 5.1f) Yes No Information on the proper handling (i.e., disposal, storage and/or use) of vehicle waste fluids? ☒ ☐ Household waste materials (i.e., trash and household hazardous waste, including personal care products and pharmaceuticals)? ☒ ☐ Construction waste materials? ☒ ☐ Pesticides and fertilizers (including integrated pest management practices [IPM] to promote reduced use of pesticides)? ☒ ☐ Green waste (including lawn clippings and leaves)? ☒ ☐ Animal wastes? ☒ ☐ 5.1g) Did you distribute activity specific stormwater pollution prevention public education materials at the following points of purchase? If yes, provide the number of points of purchase within each category (if available). 5.1h) Category Yes No Number of Points of Purchase Automotive Part Stores ☐ ☐ Not applicable, no such establishments in the City Home Improvement Centers, Lumber Yards, Hardware Stores, Paint Stores ☐ ☐ Not applicable, no such establishments in the City Landscaping, Gardening Centers ☐ ☐ Not applicable, no such establishments in the City Pet Shops, Feed Stores ☐ ☐ Not applicable, no such establishments in the City 5.1i) Did you maintain stormwater websites or provide links to stormwater websites via your website, which included educational material and opportunities for the public to participate in stormwater pollution prevention and clean-up activities listed in Part VI.D.4? Provide links to the stormwater websites that you maintained and/or the location on your website where you provide links to stormwater websites. Yes. Educational materials and links to related websites are available on the City’s website: Swimming Pool and Spa Maintenance and Discharge Tips 24 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 10 of 38 Keep It Onsite BMPs for Small Construction Sites Developer Technical Information for LID Requirements Guide to Developer Technical Information for Projects In Rolling Hills Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Trash Collection and Recycling The City contributes support for the Environmentally Friendly Landscaping, Gardening, and Pest Control webpages being hosted on the South Bay Environmental Services Center through a collaborative outreach effort between the Peninsula WMG and the Beach Cities WMG. http://www.southbaycities.org/programs/environmentally -friendly-landscaping-gardening-and- pest-control 5.1j) Did you provide materials to educate school children (K-12) on stormwater pollution? The City participates in the county-wide Environmental Defenders and Generation Earth programs. The Environmental Defenders Rock the Planet – You Can Change the World Tour is a 30-minute, high-energy assembly program that is offered free to all elementary schools in Los Angeles County, including the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District schools attended by children living in Rolling Hills. Teachers or administrators can schedule the virtual assembly online. The program includes an interactive website where students can extend their learning experience after participating in the assembly. Due to Covid-19, Los Angeles County is currently providing free, downloadable lesson plans for educators and families to utilize at home or through remote learning, and are offering a virtual version of the Environmental Defenders assembly program. The Generation Earth program is an environmental education program that provides training and support to secondary school teachers and students at public and private schools within Los Angeles County. The program offers tools and techniques for service-learning projects that meet state curriculum standards. These activities and publications are available to download by educators for free. The water pollution prevention toolkit explores the water pollution potential on a typical campus and guides students in conducting a water audit of their campus and choosing from a variety of options to reduce water waste and pollution. In Spring 2020, Generation Earth began offering virtual high-quality, hands-on activities and projects for teachers to do with students in their virtual classrooms and have transformed their in -person workshops to interactive virtual workshops that address environmental topics and project ideas at school and also at home. Ridgecrest Intermediate School of the Palos Verdes Unified School District participated in the Streets to the Sea competition. The Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy’s School-Based Programs help children understand the beauty and significance of the Palos Verdes Peninsula’s natural areas and empower them to play a role in their preservation. From elementary school science programs to student research projects, the goal is to create a commitment to science and nature and to inspire excitement about the outdoors. The long-standing 3rd Grade Student Naturalist Program 25 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 11 of 38 has been implemented for decades—the program serves 24 schools annually with approximately 2,000 students participating. During the Covid-19 crisis the program was converted to a distance learning format with online educational video lessons and nature handbook along with a home-based wildlife survey and habitat survey to help students learn how they can improve the habitat around their homes for wildlife. West Basin Municipal Water District also offers a wide array of educational programs, contests and tours to help students in grades 3 -12 find out more about water and water conservation. Educators and school administrators are notified about the programs through a quarterly newsletter, Waterworks. http://www.westbasin.org/community/education. Programs include water treatment facility tours, career-focused classroom presentations, water themed assemblies and engineering challenges. All activities support the Common Core State Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards. West Basin fosters student creativity and innovation throughout its service area by hosting the annual "Water is Life" student art contest. Student artists inspire their communities to support water conservation as a way of life by creating thought-provoking water-smart pieces of art. Nearly 450 entries were received from students throughout the West Basin service area, with one grand prize winner and four honorable mentions being selected in each of the elementary, middle and high school categories. Solar Cup 2021 is an online program that encourages high-school students to develop skills by completing a menu of STEAM-focused challenges. At the end of the Solar Cup 2021 program, teams will virtually race their solar vehicle models. West Basin sponsored four Solar Cup 2021 online teams, including Palos Verdes Peninsula High School. 5.1k) Additional Information. If desired, provide additional information regarding implementation of the Public Information and Participation Program: During the reporting year the City Council conducted a focus group session with homeowners to identify and better understand barriers to implementation of recommended best practices for landscape management to prevent wildfires. 5.2 Industrial and Commercial Facilities Program [VI.D.6] Complete the following items regarding the Industrial and Commercial Facilities Program. 5.2a) Watershed-Based Inventory: Yes No Did you maintain and update a watershed-based inventory or database containing the latitude / longitude coordinates of all industrial and commercial facilities within your jurisdiction that are critical sources3 of stormwater pollution? ☐ ☐ Not Applicable 3 Part VI.D.6.b.i of the LA County MS4 Permit summarizes “critical sources” to be tracked 26 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 12 of 38 5.2b) Commercial Facilities: Question Response Number of Critical Commercial Sources4: How many critical commercial sources are within your jurisdiction (as of the end of the reporting year)? 0 Number of Facility Inspections Conducted during the Reporting Year: How many inspections of commercial facilities were conducted during the reporting year? NA First Round of Mandatory Compliance Inspections5: Did you complete a first round of mandatory compliance inspections of all commercial facilities identified in Part VI.D.6.d of the permit by 12/28/20146? (Yes/No) NA Second Round of Mandatory Compliance Inspections: Describe your progress on the second round of mandatory compliance inspections of all commercial facilities identified in Part VI.D.6.d of the permit. (To be completed by 12/28/2018.) NA 5.2c) Industrial Facilities: Question Response Number of Critical Industrial Sources: How many critical industrial sources are within your jurisdiction (as of the end of the reporting year)? 0 Number of Facility Inspections Conducted during the Reporting Year : How many inspections of industrial facilities were conducted during the reporting year? NA First Round of Mandatory Compliance Inspections7: Did you complete a first round of mandatory compliance inspections of all industrial facilities identified in Part VI.D.6.d of the permit by 12/28/2014? (Yes/No) NA Second Round of Mandatory Compliance Inspections: Describe your progress on the second round of mandatory compliance inspections of all industrial facilities that did not file a No Exposure Certification. (To be completed by 12/28/2017.) NA No Exposure Verification Inspections 8: Describe your progress on performing a second mandatory compliance inspection at a minimum of 25% of facilities identified to have a filed a No Exposure Certification. NA 5.2d) Enforcement Actions: Describe the number and nature of any enforcement actions taken related to the industrial and commercial facilities program. None, not applicable. 5.2e) Additional Information. If desired, provide additional information regarding implementation of the Industrial and Commercial Facilities Program. 4 Part VI.D.6.b.i of the LA County MS4 Permit summarizes “critical sources” to be tracked 5 Permittees are required to inspect all commercial facilities identified in Part VI.D.6.b of the permit twice during the 5-year permit term, provided that the first mandatory compliance inspection occurs no later than 2 years after the effective date of the permit. A minimum interval of 6 months between the first and the second mandatory compliance inspection is required. 6 Permit effective date = December 28, 2012 7 Permittees are required to perform an initial mandatory compliance inspection at all industrial facilities identified in Part VI.D.6.b no later than 2 years after the effective date of the permit. After the initial inspection, all facilities that have not filed a No Exposure Certification with the State Water Board are subject to a second mandatory compliance inspection. A minimum interval of 6 mon ths between the first and second mandatory compliance inspection is required. 8 Approximately 3 to 4 years after the effective of the permit, each Permittee shall evaluate its inventory of industrial facilities and perform a second mandatory compliance inspection at a minimum of 25% of the facilities identified to have filed a No Exposure Certification. The purpose of this inspection is to verify the continuity of the non exposure status. 27 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 13 of 38 Industrial/Commercial Program is not applicable because there are no industrial or commercial land uses within the City’s jurisdiction. 5.3 Planning and Land Development Program [VI.D.7 and Attachment E-XVIII] Complete the following items regarding the Planning and Land Development Program. 5.3a) New Development Projects: Complete the table below for projects completed during the reporting year. Table 5a: Summary of New Development Projects Subject to Implementation of Post-Construction Controls Receiving Water and/or WMP/EWMP Number of Projects Completed Using On-Site Retention9 Number of Projects Completed Using Alternative Compliance Measures10 Total Drainage Area of Projects [acres] Total Storm Water Quality Design Volume (SWQDv) [acre-feet]11 NA 0 NA NA NA 5.3b) Redevelopment Projects. Complete the table below for projects completed during the reporting year. Table 5b: Summary of Redevelopment Projects Subject to Implementation of Post-Construction Controls Receiving Water and/or WMP/EWMP Number of Projects Completed Using On-Site Retention Number of Projects Completed Using Alternative Compliance Measures Total Drainage Area of Projects [acres] Total Storm Water Quality Design Volume (SWQDv) [acre-feet] Machado Lake 1 2 0.056 LA Harbor 1 2.5 0.049 5.3c) Planning and Land Development Efforts beyond Permit Requirements. If applicable, describe Planning and Land Development activities that went above and beyond the permit requirements (e.g., stricter LID ordinance, small-site LID). By design, the City is a model of low-impact development utilizing nature-based solutions for management of stormwater. A substantial area of land in Rolling Hills is constrained from development due to steep hillsides and canyons; the use of these areas as wildlife habitats and native vegetation is emphasized. Rolling Hills’ zoning code further promotes the preservation and appreciation of open space by requiring easements for equestrian/ hiking trails on all lots. There are approximately 30 miles of unpaved equestrian/hiking trails throughout the City. Roads within the City have many green street features. They are designed as narrow, two -lane undivided winding roads 20 to 25 feet wide with rolling to steep grades lined with significant naturalized landscaping. There are no sidewalks or curb-and-gutter systems, and roads are not designed to be stormwater conveyance systems 9 “Number of Projects Completed” should only include projects that are completed and signed off by the Permittee during the reporting year. In progress projects that have been issued a permit, but are not completed should not be included. 10 “Alternative Compliance Measures” refer to the mitigation options listed in Part VI.D.7 of the permit. These options include: on -site biofiltration, offsite infiltration, groundwater replenishment projects, offsite retrofits of existing developments, and areas covered by a regional storm water mitigation program. 11 “Total Storm Water Quality Design Volume (SWQDv)” should also include the SWQDv which would have been achieved on-site for projects completed using alternative compliance measures. 28 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 14 of 38 The City’s Zoning Ordinance contains strict standards for development ratios on each property. Only 40% of the net area of a lot may be disturbed for construction, and the remaining area of the lot must remain in its natural state. Only 35% of the net lot area may be developed with impervious surfaces, including structures, patios and other paved areas. Driveways may not cover more than 20% of the area of the yard in which they are located. Uncovered motor courts/parking pads may not cover more than 10% of the yard in which they are located. Horse stable access-ways may not be entirely paved and use of 100% gravel or decomposed granite is encouraged. The City has developed a guide for construction of stables on residential properties which includes consideration of proximity to blue line streams and natural drainage courses so as not to negatively affect stormwater quality in the siting of stables, horse wash stations, and manure storage. Tennis and sports courts are encouraged to have pervious surfaces as well. Stormwater run-off that is not contained on properties is conveyed through the City via natural, soft bottom drainage courses/canyons, providing ample opportunity for runoff to infiltrate. Installation of cisterns and biofiltration devices are encouraged on projects even when they are not required. 5.3d) Summary of New and Redevelopment Projects using Alternative Compliance Measures: Complete the table below for projects completed during the reporting year. Table 5c: Summary of Alternative Compliance Measures for Development/Redevelopment Projects (where onsite retention of the SWQDv is infeasible) Category12 Number of Projects Completed Utilizing Alternative Compliance Method Area Addressed by Projects [acres] Total Design Retention Volume of Projects13 [acre-feet] Total Design Biofiltration Volume of Projects14 [acre-feet] Total SWQDv Which Would Have Been Achieved by Retaining SWQDv on-site [acre-feet] Onsite Biofiltration 1 2.0 0.0 0.084 0.056 Offsite Infiltration NA Ground Water Replenishment Projects NA Offsite Project – Retrofit Existing Development NA Regional Storm Water Mitigation Program 15 NA TOTAL 1 2.0 0.0 0.084 0.056 12 Alternative Compliance Measures refer only to the alternative measures used to comply with Planning and Land Development Program requirements as described in Part VI.D.7.c.iii.(1)-(7) 13 Design Retention Volume should correspond to the sum of the mitigation volume (Mv) and the volume of stormwater runoff reliably retained on-site (Rv) as noted in Equation 2 of Part VI.D.7.c.iii.(2).(c) and Part VI.D.7.c.iii.(3).(c) of the permit. 14 Design Biofiltration Volume should correspond to the biofiltration volume (Bv) noted in Equation 1 of Part VI.D.7.c.iii.(1).(a) of the permit. 15 “Regional Storm Water Mitigation Program” is only applicable where the Permittee (or Permittee Group) has received approval of such a program from the Regional Water Board. If a Permittee intends to use regional projects in an approved WMP or EWMP as the basis of a Regional Storm Water Mitigation Program, the Permittee must still receive approval of the program from the Regional Water Board. 29 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 15 of 38 5.3e) Alternative Compliance Measures – Regional Storm Water Mitigation Program [VI.D.7.c.vi]: If applicable, complete the table below. Table 5d: Alternative Compliance Measures – Regional Storm Water Mitigation Program Mitigation Program Receiving Water and/or WMP/EWMP Date Program Approved by Regional Water Board Area Addressed by Mitigation Program [acres] Cumulative Number of New and Redevelopment Projects Addressed by Project since Program Approval NONE NA NA NA NA 5.3f) Alternative Compliance Measures – Pending Offsite Projects16 [VI.D.7.c.iii.(5).(f)]: If applicable, complete the table below. Table 5e: Alternative Compliance Measures – Offsite Projects Pending Offsite Project Location General Design Concept Volume of Water Expected to be Retained [acre-feet] Total Estimated Budget Total Project Funds Raised to Date NONE NA NA NA NA NA 5.3g) Control Measures for Projects Greater than 50 Acres [Attachment E – XVIII.A.6.e]: If applicable, provide a detailed description of control measures to be applied to new development or redevelopment projects disturbing more than 50 acres. Not Applicable 5.3h) Enforcement Actions: Describe the number and nature of any enforcement actions taken related to the planning and land development program. No such enforcement actions were necessary during the reporting year. 5.3i) Additional Information. If desired, provide additional information regarding implementation of the Planning and Land Development Program. The City is a model of low-impact development by design. There is no industrial or commercial land use within the City. The City is developed with only single-family, single-story ranch style homes. Minimum lot size is 1 acre; the average lot size is 2.7 acres. There is no public infrastructure and no City-owned or maintained storm drains, roads, sewers, sidewalks or curb- and-gutter. Stormwater run-off that is not contained on properties is conveyed through the City via natural, soft bottom drainage courses/canyons, providing ample opportunity for runoff to infiltrate. Accordingly, few parcels are connected directly to an improved MS4 (there are some structural improvements to manage energy dissipation and protect slopes). Residential projects that do not trigger the numeric retention requirements of low-impact development are required to implement measures that pertain to single-family hillside homes consistent with the MS4 Permit including conserving natural areas, protecting slopes and channels, and diverting 16 “Offsite projects” refers only to offsite projects being used as an alternative compliance measure for development/redev elopment project applicants that have demonstrated technical infeasibility for on -site retention of the SWQDv. This does not include on -site biofiltration, however it does include off-site biofiltration projects. 30 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 16 of 38 roof runoff and surface flows to vegetated areas before discharge unless the diversion would result in slope instability. All roads within the City are private, semi-rural in layout and are not equipped with curb-and- gutter so are not part of the MS4. As a consequence, green street BMP projects that would retain or treat stormwater are not feasible within the City. However, it is noteworthy that all the roads within the City were originally designed and continue to be maintained by the community association with features applicable to green street design such as: narrow widths and soft shoulders without paved sidewalks which minimizes impervious surface area, no extra paved width is provided for on-street parking, natural drainage courses and riparian areas have been preserved, and pedestrian movement through the City is accommodated via a pervious trail network. 5.4 Development Construction Program [VI.D.8] Complete the following items regarding the Development Construction Program. 5.4a) Answer the following questions regarding your Development Construction Program: Yes No For construction sites 1 acre or greater, did you use an electronic system to inventory grading permits, encroachment permits, demolition permits, building permits, or construction permits (and any other municipal authorization to move soil and/ or construct or destruct that involves land disturbance) that you issued? ☒ ☐ For construction sites 1 acre or greater, did you use procedures to review and approve an ESCP (or a SWPPP prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Construction General Permit) that contains appropriate site-specific construction site BMPs that meet the minimum requirements of a Permittee’s erosion and sediment control ordinance? ☒ ☐ For construction sites 1 acre or greater, did you track the date that you approved the Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (ESCP) or CGP SWPPPs for new sites permitted and sites completed? ☒ ☐ For construction sites less than 1 acre, did you require the implementation of an effective combination of erosion and sediment control BMPs from Table 12 of the LA County MS4 Permit to prevent erosion and sediment loss, and the discharge of construction w astes through the use of the Permittee’s erosion and sediment control ordinance or building permit? ☒ ☐ Did you ensure that all staff whose primary job duties are related to implementing the construction stormwater program is adequately trained? [VI.D.8.I] ☒ ☐ 5.4b) Permits and Inspections: Complete the table below. Only report numbers for sites 1 acre or greater in area. Table 5f. Construction Site Inspections for Construction Sites ≥ 1 Acre How many building/grading permits were issued to construction sites during the reporting year? 0 How many Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (ESCPs) did you approve during the reporting year? 0 How many inspections of construction sites were conducted during the reporting year? 35 How many final landscaping/site stabilization inspections (to ensure that all graded areas have reached final stabilization and that all trash, debris, and construction materials, and temporary erosion and sediment BMPs are removed) were conducted during the reporting year? 0 31 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 17 of 38 5.4c) Enforcement Actions: Describe the number and nature of any enforcement actions taken related to the development construction program. No such enforcement actions were taken during the reporting year. 5.4d) Additional Information. If desired, provide additional information regarding implementation of the Development Construction Program. Contracted plan check staff, engineers, office managers, and inspectors are annually trained for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) MS4 Permit compliance. The City’s code enforcement officer provides additional outreach and oversight of construction sites beyond that provided by contract Building & Safety inspectors. During the plan checking and/or permit issuance stage, plan checkers require that applicable MS4 Permit and Construction General Permit (CGP) requirements are met and that BMPs for construction activities are incorporated into the development plans. The contract building officials require that developers sign a Statement of Understanding Pertaining to BMPs and NPDES Requirements. For any project involving a grading or excavation permit regardless of size, a pre-construction meeting is held between City staff, RHCA staff, the building inspector, the property owner and the contractor and subcontractor to discuss construction BMP requirements and ensure that responsibility for implementing the BMPs is clear. During this meeting, the Small Site Construction brochure, available in English and Spanish, is provided to contractors of sites under one (1) acre to inform them of the required minimum BMPs. Extra protection during construction is required for projects adjacent to environmentally sensitive areas and, in some cases, a biologist monitors the project and adjacent environmentally sensitive area during construction to ensure that proper protections are maintained. 5.5 Public Agency Activities Program [VI.D.9] Complete the following items regarding the Public Agency Activities Program. 5.5a) Answer the following questions regarding the Public Agency Activities Program: Yes No Did you maintain an updated inventory of all Permittee-owned or operated (i.e., public) facilities within your jurisdiction that are potential sources of stormwater pollution? ☒ ☐ Did you develop an inventory of retrofitting opportunities that meets the requirements of Part VI.D.9.d. of the LA MS4 Permit? ☒ ☐ Were all Permittee-owned parking lots exposed to stormwater cleaned at least once per month? ☒ ☐ Did you ensure effective source control BMPs for the activities listed in Table 18 of the Permit were implemented at Permittee-owned or operated facilities? ☒ ☐ Did you ensure employees in targeted positions (whose interactions, jobs, and activities affect stormwater quality) were trained on the requirements of the overall stormwater management program, and contractors performing privatized/contracted municipal services were appropriately trained ☒ ☐ 32 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 18 of 38 5.5b) Street Sweeping: Complete the table below. Table 5g. Summary of Street Sweeping Activities Total Miles of Street17 Total Curb Miles of Street Frequency of Street Sweeping Additional Notes Priority A (greater than once per month) NA NA NA All roads within the City are private so the City is not responsible for their maintenance. Furthermore, private roads within the City are not equipped with curb- and-gutter and so are not considered part of the MS4. City Hall Complex parking lot is swept once per week by the City’s landscape contractor. Priority B (once per month) NA NA NA Priority C (as needed, once per year minimum) NA NA NA 5.6 Illicit Connections and Illicit Discharges Elimination Program [VI.D.10] Complete the following items regarding the Illicit Connections and Illicit Discharges Elimination Program. 5.6a) IC/ID Investigations: Complete the following table18 Table 5h. IC/ID Investigations Number of Reported Illicit Discharges or Connections Number of Investigations Number Eliminated Number Permitted or Documented Illicit Discharges 0 0 NA NA Illicit Connections NA NA NA NA 5.6b) Enforcement Actions: Describe the number and nature of any enforcement actions taken related to the illicit connections and illicit discharges elimination program. None taken during current reporting year. 5.6c) Answer the following questions regarding Public Hotline and Training [VI.D.10.d and VI.D.10.f] Yes No Did you maintain or provide access to a hotline to enable the public to report illicit discharges/connections? ☒ ☐ Did you continue to implement a training program regarding the identification of IC/IDs for all municipal field staff, who, as part of their normal job responsibilities (e.g., street sweeping, storm drain maintenance, collection system maintenance, road maintenance), may come into contact with or otherwise observe an illicit discharge or illicit connection to the MS4? ☒ ☐ 17 Permittee may report the length of street swept in “total miles of street” and/or “total curb miles,” depending on availability. 18 Illicit discharges and connections detected through ot her inspection programs should be included. 33 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 19 of 38 5.6d) Additional Information. If desired, provide additional information regarding implementation of the Illicit Connections and Illicit Discharges Elimination Program. The City’s Illicit Discharge Elimination Program (IDE Program) is focused on elimination of illicit discharges into the City’s natural drainage courses . The City’s Code Enforcement Officer is responsible for responding to reports of illicit discharges and is regularly trained on the identification and elimination of illicit discharges. 34 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 20 of 38 6. Stormwater Control Measures Summary Complete the following items in this section. If the information on stormwater control measure implementation requested in the following section will be included in a Watershed Form submitted by the Permittee, the Permittee may reference the Watershed Form and skip those items. Aside from the calculation of Effective Impervious Area (Section 6.1) and the Summary of Projects that Retain Runoff (Section 6.2), items in this section cover projects that are not part of the Planning and Land Development Program. The tables within this section outline minimum information for reporting. The Permittee may reformat the sections regarding projects completed in the reporting year to include additional project descriptions and information (e.g. pictures, maps, funding information, etc.). If any of the requested information cannot be obtained, please note in Section 11. 6.1 Effective Impervious Area and 85th Percentile, 24-Hour Runoff Volume [Attachment E, XVIII.A.1] (if available): Summarize the estimated cumulative change in percent EIA since the effective date of the Permit (i.e. 12/28/2012) for the entire area covered by the WMP/EWMP and, if possible, the estimated change in the stormwater runoff volume during the 85th percentile, 24-hour storm event for the entire area covered by the WMP/EWMP. As stated in the May 25, 2017, memorandum from Ivar Ridgeway to Los Angeles County MS4 Permittees regarding the EIA Annual Reporting Requirement, the City is reporting cumulative area addressed by projects that retain runoff in lieu of percent EIA change. This information on cumulative area addressed by projects is provided in Table 6b below based on data on projects compiled via the WRAMPS system. This data is derived from recently completed new/redevelopment projects and does not account for nature-based retention of the City’s foundational design and development. 6.2 Summary of Projects that Retain Runoff (including New and Redevelopment Projects); Complete the summary tables below. Table 6a: Summary of Projects that Retain Runoff Completed in the Reporting Year Receiving Water and/or WMP/EWMP Group Number of New Development/Re- development Projects Completed in Reporting Year Number of Other Projects Designed to Intercept Runoff Completed in Reporting Year Area Addressed by Projects [acres] Total BMP Retention Capacity of Projects [acre-feet] Rolling Hills 2 0 4.5 0.13 35 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 21 of 38 Table 6b: Cumulative Summary of Projects that Retain Runoff Completed since the Permit Effective Date Receiving Water and/or WMP/EWMP Group Number of New Development/Re- development Projects Completed Since 12/28/2012 Number of Other Projects Designed to Intercept Runoff Completed Since 12/28/2012 Area Addressed by Projects [acres] Total BMP Retention Capacity of Projects Completed Since 12/28/2012 [acre-feet] Est. Total Runoff Volume Retained Onsite for the Reporting Year [acre-feet] Rolling Hills 5 0 6.75 0.26 0.82 6.3 Projects Designed to Intercept Stormwater Runoff Completed during the Reporting Year (excluding New Development and Redevelopment Projects): Complete the table below for projects designed to intercept stormwater runoff completed in the reporting year. If needed, information unsuitable for the table or additional information on projects may be provided in the space below table. Table 6c: Projects Designed to Intercept Runoff Completed in the Reporting Year Receiving Water and/or WMP/EWMP Group Name of Project(s) Type of Project Completion Date Length (if Green Street) [miles] Drainage Area of Project [acres] Total BMP Retention Capacity19 [acre-feet] NA NA 6.4 Riparian Buffer and Wetland Restoration Projects: Complete the table below for any riparian buffer or wetland restoration projects completed in the reporting year. Table 6d: Riparian Buffer/Wetland Restoration Projects Completed Receiving Water and/or WMP/EWMP Group Name of Project Completion Date Description of Project20 NA NA NA NA 6.5 Status of Multi-Year Efforts [Attachment E, Part XVIII.A.1.i]: Provide the status of multi-year efforts, including TMDL implementation (not including Trash TMDLs) that were not completed in the current year and will continue into the subsequent year(s). For multi-year efforts, report on progress towards future milestones related to multi-year projects. Include the status of the project, which includes the status with regard to standard project implementation steps. These steps include, but are not limited to, adopted or potential future changes to municipal ordinances to implement the project, site selection, environmental review an d permitting, project design, acquisition of grant or loan funding and/or municipal approval of project funding, contractor select ion, construction schedule, start-up, and effectiveness evaluation (once operational), where applicable. If applicable, for green streets implementation, Permittees shall report on progress toward a structured approach identifying a sufficient number of green streets projects to meet compliance milestones (e.g., a green streets master plan). 19 If project not designed to retain stormwater, mark “N/A.” 20 For riparian buffer projects include width, length and vegetation type; for wetland restoration projects include acres restor ed, enhanced or created 36 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 22 of 38 Also, include the following information: • Name • Receiving Water • Project Type • Location / Latitude and Longitude • Permittee(s) Involved • Status • Expected Completion Date COORDINATED INTEGRATED MONITORING PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION (CIMP) During the reporting year, the City continued to participate in the multi-year implementation of the Peninsula CIMP, which includes participation in the multi-year Coordinated Compliance Monitoring Program for the Greater Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbor Toxics TMDL . The City is also implementing multi-year activities in support of several TMDLs. MULTI-YEAR REGIONAL PROJECT ACTIVITIES Torrance Airport Stormwater Basin Regional Project The Torrance Airport Stormwater Regional Project will support attainment of both the Machado Lake Nutrient TMDL and the Machado Lake Pesticides and PCBs TMDL. The project will also address water quality impairments in Wilmington Drain which is tributary to Machado Lake. The City, along with the other Peninsula WMG agencies, contributed a proportionate share based on tributary area to match the Prop 1 Stormwater Grant funding for preliminary design of the Torrance Airport Storm Water Regional Project to assess its feasibility and potential for assisting in attainment of the Machado Lake Nutrients and Pesticides & PCBs waste load allocations (WLAs). Preliminary design work was concluded during the 2019-2020 reporting year. The most feasible project concept was determined to be diversion by gravity flow from the storm drain into subsurface storage galleries from which the captured stormwater would then be pumped to the Sanitation District’s Joint Water Pollution Control Plant (JWPCP) and eventually treated to serve as recycled water. In the spring of 2020, the South Santa Monica Bay Watershed Area Steering Committee (WASC) included Safe Clean Water Regional Program Infrastructure Funds in the amount of $906,000 for final design of the Torrance Airport Regional Project in its FY20-21 Stormwater Investment Plan which was subsequently approved by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors during summer 2020. In the spring of 2021, the City of Torrance received the transfer of funds from the Los Angeles County Flood Control District and began preparation of a request for proposals from engineering consulting firms for the design of the Torrance Airport Stormwater Basin Project. Palos Verdes Multi-Benefit Flow Diversion Project The Peninsula WMG has completed an initial investigation into the feasibility of constructing a project at the former site of the Palos Verdes Landfill (PVLF). This proposed Palos Verdes Multi-Benefit Flow Diversion Project would divert significant year-round baseline flow from a major storm drain system serving a 1,513-acre area of the Palos Verdes Peninsula tributary to Machado Lake. The predominant source of this baseline flow is understood to be authorized natural flows from rising groundwater, i.e., springs emerging from the Palos Verdes Hills that 37 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 23 of 38 historically flowed along natural canyons and were routed into the storm drain system during development of the Palos Verdes Peninsula and the Palos Verdes Landfill. During the reporting year, the Peninsula WMG applied for FY21-22 Safe Clean Water Technical Resources Funding in the amount of $300,000 to develop the project feasibility study, which has been approved by the South Santa Monica Bay WASC and the Regional Oversight Committee of the Safe Clean Water Program and included in the FY21-22 Stormwater Investment Plan approved by the LA County Board of Supervisors in September 2021. Harbor City Park Regional Project A stormwater capture project at Harbor City Park in the City of Los Angeles is listed in th e Dominguez Channel Watershed Management Group (DCWMG) EWMP, and the Peninsula WMG has been investigating the possibility of partnering on a regional project at this location. The County of Los Angeles, as a member of both the Peninsula WMG and DCWMG, has taken the lead on this project and initiated discussions with City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks (RAP) and Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts to explore the feasibility of a multi-agency stormwater capture project at Harbor City P ark. On May 20, 2020, the South Santa Monica Bay Watershed Area Steering Committee voted to include the project in its FY2021 Stormwater Investment Plan for technical resources funding (feasibility study). The Stormwater Investment Plan was approved by t he Safe Clean Water Regional Oversight Committee on June 24, 2020, and subsequently approved by the LA County Board of Supervisors. SANTA MONICA BAY BEACHES BACTERIA TMDL IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM On July 15, 2005, responsible jurisdictions and agencies in Jurisdictional Group 7, including the City of Rolling Hills, submitted a final Implementation Plan for the SMBBB TMDL. In Resolution No. 2006-008 the Regional Board acknowledged that there are no milestones in the final Implementation Plan for Jurisdictional Group 7 because existing water quality conditions at the beaches along the Palos Verdes Peninsula are equivalent to being in compliance with the SMBBB Wet Weather TMDL. The Implementation Plan committed to maintain and improve water quality and to address any unanticipated exceedances through investigations and corrective action. All of the Peninsula shoreline monitoring sites have met the State Water Resources Control Board’s delisting criteria and have been delisted from the 303(d)-list indicating that Peninsula shoreline waters are no longer considered to be impaired for indicator bacteria. Many of the programmatic implementation activities discussed for other TMDLs below also support maintenance of high-quality recreational waters in Santa Monica Bay. MACHADO LAKE NUTRIENT TMDL IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM The City continues to conduct implementation activities consistent with the approved Palos Verdes Peninsula Subwatershed Coordinated Implementation Plan in Compliance with the Machado Lake Eutrophic, Algae, Ammonia and Odors (Nutrient) TMDL submitted to the Regional Board on March 11, 2011. 38 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 24 of 38 Phase 1 Activities • Implementing the water efficient landscape ordinance; • Providing unlimited green waste collection to residents through the solid waste franchise contract to encourage the prompt removal of accumulated leaves and landscape debris, minimize the potential for leaching of phosphorus from accumulated vegetation, and to help prevent brush fires; • Disseminating information to residents and landscape contractors on the management of landscapes for brush and fire control; • Providing manure collection and hauling services through the solid waste franchise hauler to residents who keep horses; • Requiring residents that keep horses to remove manure from the premises at least once per week; • Allowing residents to compost green waste, wood ashes, vegetable kitchen scraps so long as the compost piles or bins are not located next to a stream or drainage course and the pile or compost container does not produce surface run-off or leachate to other property or to drainage courses, waterways or streams; Phase 2 Activities • Maintaining Sustainable Gardening and Landscaping and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) webpages hosted on the South Bay Environmental Services Center website http://www.southbaycities.org/programs/environmentally-friendly-landscaping- gardening-and-pest-control • Disseminating information by the South Bay Environmental Services Center about classes available to the City’s residents on topics such as water conservation, California-friendly gardening and landscaping, and rain barrel rebate programs. • Disseminating a color brochure promoting and providing references for Native and Drought Tolerant Plant Gardens and Landscapes on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. The brochure includes a self-guided tour of five native plant gardens and landscapes accessible to the public on the Palos Verdes Peninsula to serve as a demonstration of the beauty, utility, and economy of using native and drought-tolerant plants in gardens and landscapes. • Disseminating stormwater pollution prevention messages and information. Phase 3 Activities • Development of a Climate Action Plan to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions within the City. The Land Use and Transportation measures in this plan contribute to reductions in atmospheric nitrogen deposition and support Machado Lake Nutrient TMDL implementation. • Development of Equestrian Facility Guidelines for use in considering proposals for stable construction on residential properties. The Guidelines were developed with the goal of creating healthy spaces for horses and are to be utilized by the Planning Commission and City Council when considering proposals for the construction of equestrian facilities. Of 39 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 25 of 38 particular note with respect to stormwater, the guidelines specify that when locating stables, manure cleanup and proximity to blue line streams should be taken into account. Additionally, horse wash station placement should consider nearby natural drainage courses so as not to negatively affect stormwater quality. MACHADO LAKE PESTICIDES & PCBS TMDL, GREATER LOS ANGELES HARBOR TOXICS TMDL AND SANTA MONICA BAY DDT & PCBS TMDL IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM The City’s Implementation Plan for Machado Lake Pesticides & PCBs, Greater Los Angeles Harbor Waters Toxic Pollutants, and Santa Monica Bay DDT & PCBs Total Maximum Daily Loads (Implementation Plan) satisfies the implementation planning requirements for both the Machado Lake Pesticides & PCB and the Dominguez Channel and Greater Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbor Waters Toxic Pollutants TMDLs established by the Regional Board, and also to support attainment of water quality objectives for the Santa Monica Bay DDT and PCBs TMDL issued by U. S. EPA. Key strategies outlined in the Implementation Plan focus on control of erosion and sediment transport, prevention of wildfires, integrated pest management and household hazardous waste management in combination with ongoing implementation of low impact development and multi-year regulatory source control programs as summarized below: Erosion and Sediment Control: For toxic pollutants such as organochlorine pesticides that can be present as legacy pollutants in soils, erosion and sediment control to reduce sediment transport in stormwater during construction is an important source control measure. Additionally, toxic pollutants present in soils due to air deposition such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are also amenable to control through erosion and sediment controls. Please refer to Section 5.4d for a summary of erosion and sediment control measures that are implemented under the Development Construction Program. Wildfire Prevention Measures: A substantial body of research demonstrates that wildfires can be a significant source of toxic pollutants in stormwater, thus the prevention of wildfires is an important measure for preventing toxic pollutant releases. This is especially critical in Rolling Hills which is in a very high fire hazard severity zone. The City has adopted the most recent fire standards in Title 32 of the Los Angeles County Code (Fire Code).21 These include more restrictive building standards relating to fire and public safety than those adopted by the State Fire Marshal in the California Building Code. The City has adopted an ordinance that declares dead vegetation a public nuisance in order to provide the City authority to abate it since it constitutes fire fuel and presents a threat to public safety. The ordinance requires that properties within the City be maintained free of dead trees, shrubs or plants and that properties with such conditions can be abated in accordance with the City’s public nuisance code.22 A key responsibility of the code enforcement officer is to proactively identify and obtain corrective actions on properties where dead vegetation has been allowed to accumulate in violation of the City’s ordinance. 21 City of Rolling Hills Ordinance No. 351 adopted on April 10, 2017. 22 City of Rolling Hills Ordinance No. 345 adopted on November 23, 2015. 40 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 26 of 38 The City also contracts with the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy to implement fuel modification by conducting brush and tree clearance along the southern boundary of the City adjacent to the Portuguese Bend Preserve. During the reporting year the City augmented the baseline services for control of non-native stands of mustard with additional services for removal of non-native Acacia shrubs classified as high-hazard plants by the LA County Fire Department. The City’s Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) was awarded a FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant by the California Office of Emergency Services. The CWPP outlines an iterative approach and defines a path for the City, its community and first responders to prevent and prepare for wildfires. The City disseminates information to residents and landscape contractors on the management of landscapes for brush and fire control both through its newsletter and on its website pages on Fire and Emergency Preparedness. The City provides unlimited green waste collection to residents through its solid waste franchise contract to encourage the prompt removal of accumulated leaves and landscape debris to help preven t brush fires. Copper Brake Pad Replacement Program: Copper from brake pad wear constitutes the single largest source of copper in metropolitan environments. SB 346 passed by the California legislature in 2010 and signed by the Governor on September 25, 2010, requires incremental reduction in the amount of copper in vehicle brake pads by specific regulatory deadlines in 2021 and 2025. The first copper reduction compliance deadline was January 2021 after which the copper content in brake pads cannot exceed 5%. Lead Reduction Programs: As of January 1, 2010, California law (SB 757) prohibited the manufacture, sale or installation of wheel weights containing more than 0.1% lead. The law took effect immediately, i.e., there was no grace period. If lead wheel weights are removed from a tire on an existing vehicle for any reason, the lead wheel weight may not be placed back on the tire. The language of the statute is worded broadly and does not limit the scope of the legislation to automobile weights only. Through the implementation of SB 757 a reduction in lead concentrations in stormwater runoff from vehicles is anticipated. Federal regulations under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 regulate lead-based paints and hazards and simultaneously serve as source control measures for dispersion of lead into the environment, including stormwater. California has enacted additional measures to further regulate sources of lead to reduce childhood lead exposure. Many of these measures also control the release of lead into the environment. According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Avgas emissions have become the largest contributor to the relatively low levels of lead emissions produced in this country.”23 Avgas is a specialized fuel used to power piston engine aircraft and is the only remaining lead- containing transportation fuel. The FAA is working with aircraft and engine manufacturers, fuel producers, USEPA and industry associations to support research into alternate fuel options and to overcome the technical and logistical challenges of developing and deploying 23 https://www.faa.gov/about/initiatives/avgas/ 41 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 27 of 38 an unleaded avgas. When implemented, this replacement unleaded gasoline will reduce air deposition of lead from small general aviation airplanes operating out of the nearby Torrance Airport onto nearby areas, including the Palos Verdes Peninsula. Zinc Reduction: The California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) has been working to utilize the Department of Toxic Substances Control Safer Consumer Product Regulations to reduce the zinc in tires which is one of the largest sources of zinc in urbanized areas. On May 31, 2018, a petition was submitted to DTSC by CASQA asking for the use of its Safer Consumer Products (SCP) program to work with tire makers to look for an alternative to this harmful chemical. On January 4, 2019, a request for supplemental information was sent to CASQA by DTSC to aid them in making a final merits determination. CASQA provided the supplemental information on May 3, 2019. On January 12, 2021, DTSC put tire manufacturers on notice that California wants them to explore alternatives to using zinc. DTSC is now working on preparing a technical document and will solicit input from industry and the public prior to initiating rulemaking. If DTSC chooses to regulate zinc in tires, manufacturers will have to conduct an Alternatives Analysis to determine if there is a substitute that is safe for the environment and public health while still meeting performance and safety requirements. 6.6 Effectiveness Assessment of Stormwater Control Measures [Attachment E – XVIII.A.2]: Provide the following: • An assessment as to whether the quality of stormwater discharges as measured at designated outfalls is improving, staying the same or declining; • An assessment as to whether wet weather receiving water quality within the jurisdiction of the Permittee is improving, staying the same or declining, when normalized for variations in rainfall patterns. See Section 6.3 of the Peninsula Watershed Annual Report, Volume II IMCR for an assessment of wet weather receiving water quality and observed trends. 6.7 Integrated Monitoring Compliance Report, Stormwater Control Measures [Attachment E – XVIII.A.5.d]: Provide a description of efforts that were taken to address stormwater discharges that exceeded one or more applicable water quality based effluent limitation, or caused or contributed to aquatic toxicity: A discussion of multi-year efforts taken to address water quality based effluent limitations established based on adopted TMDLs for stormwater discharges is discussed in Section 6.5 above. 6.8 Additional Information (optional): If available, the Permittee may include / attach the following items to their report: • Hydrographs and Flow Data: Hydrographs or flow data of pre- and post-control activity for the 85th percentile, 24-hour rain event, if control measures were designed to reduce impervious cover or stormwater peak flow and flow duration. 42 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 28 of 38 • Reference Watershed Flow Duration Curves: For natural drainage systems, develop a reference watershed flow duration curve and compare it to a flow duration curve for the subwatershed under current conditions. • GIS Project Files: If available, submit a GIS project file that maps all implementation of on-the- ground projects (e.g. riparian buffer/wetland restoration; distributed/green streets; regional projects; new development and redevelopment on-site; and new development and redevelopment off-site). 43 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 29 of 38 7. Non-Stormwater Control Measures Summary Complete the following items in this section. 7.1 Provide a description of efforts that were taken to mitigate and/or eliminate all non -stormwater discharges that exceeded one or more applicable water quality based effluent limitations, non- stormwater action levels, or caused or contributed to Aquatic Toxicity [Attachment E – XVIII.A.5.c]: To date the City has not identified any non-stormwater discharges that exceeded one or more WQBELs, non-stormwater action levels or caused or contributed to Aquatic Toxicity. 7.2 Provide the status of multi-year efforts, including TMDL implementation, related to the implementation or effectiveness assessment of non-stormwater control measures, that were not completed in the current year and will continue into the subsequent year(s) [Attachment E – XVIII.A.3.h]: Results of the City’s Non-stormwater Screening and Monitoring Program has demonstrated the effectiveness of non-stormwater control measures. The City continues to implement its water efficient landscape ordinance which over time will further reduce the potential for non- stormwater discharges associated with irrigation runoff as more properties are redeveloped and the ordinance is implemented on more properties. 7.3 Provide an assessment of the effectiveness of the Permittee control measures in effectively prohibiting non-stormwater discharges through the MS4 to the receiving water [Attachment E – XVIII.A.4.b]: Continuous flow monitoring conducted during the reporting year in a representative canyon drainage system in the City demonstrates that the strategies, control measures and BMPs implemented by the City cumulatively are effective in retaining all conditionally exempt, non- essential non-stormwater. Additionally, for the past ten years during monthly dry weather observations there has been no measurable flow of non-stormwater at the Peninsula CIMP Lariat site to which the City is jointly tributary with one other MS4 Permittee. 7.4 Provide an assessment as to whether the quality of non-stormwater discharges as measured at monitored outfalls is improving, staying the same or declining: See Peninsula Watershed Annual Report, Volume II IMCR Section 6.3 for discussion of trends in monthly outfall monitoring data. 7.5 Provide an assessment as to whether receiving water quality within the jurisdiction of the Permittee is impaired, improving, staying the same or declining during dry-weather conditions. Each Permittee may compare water quality data from the reporting year to previous years with similar dry -weather flows, conduct trends analysis, draw from regional bioassessment studies, or use other means to develop and support its conclusions [Attachment E, Part XVIII.A.4.a]: See Peninsula Watershed Annual Report, Volume II IMCR Section 6.3. 44 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 30 of 38 7.6 Describe sources of significant non-stormwater discharges determined to be a NPDES permitted discharge, a discharge subject to A Record of Decision approved by USEPA pursuant to section 121 of CERCLA, a conditional exempt essential non-stormwater discharge, or entirely comprised of natural flows. [Attachment E – IX.F.2] Persistent flow in one canyon within the City tributary to the Greater Los Angeles Harbor, Purple Canyon, has been investigated and is attributed to natural flows consistent with this canyon’s status as a tributary to George F Canyon, a known perennial stream. 45 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 31 of 38 8. TMDL Reporting Complete the following items in this section. 8.1 Trash TMDL Compliance Report [VI.E.5.c.i] For Permittees subject to Trash TMDLs, attach a Trash TMDL compliance report for each applicable Trash TMDL detailing compliance with applicable interim and/or final effluent limitations. Indicate if compliance is being achieved through (1) full capture systems; (2) partial capture devices and/or institutional controls; (3) combined compliance approaches; (4) minimum frequency of assessment and collection (MFAC); or (5) an alternative compliance option. The City is complying with the Machado Lake Trash TMDL and the Santa Monica Bay Debris TMDL through institutional controls and an MFAC program as described in its approved Trash Monitoring and Reporting Plan (TMRP). Results from this eleventh year of monitoring found 1 gallon of trash in one of seven (7) canyon study areas, equating to 99.97% reduction of trash from its baseline allocation. See attached Machado Lake TMDL Monitoring and Reporting Plan Annual Report and Santa Monica Bay Nearshore and Offshore Debris TMDL Monitoring and Reporting Plan Annual Report. Both the Santa Monica Bay Debris TMDL and the Machado Lake Trash TMDL were reconsidered by the Regional Board on March 14, 2019. The Regional Board staff report for the reconsideration of these TMDLs accurately stated that the City has met the 100% reduction of trash from baseline waste load allocations. Accordingly, the City submitted its Revised Trash Monitoring and Reporting Plan (TMRP) for Machado Lake Trash and Santa Monica Bay Debris TMDLs on June 17, 2019, which proposed a reduction in monitoring frequency. On June 3, 2021, the City received a letter from the Regional Board Executive Officer granting a reduction from monitoring twice per year to once per year following the first major storm of the year. 8.2 TMDL Reporting [Attachment E, XIX] Report on progress towards achieving interim or final milestones/WQBELs/RWLs based on applicable compliance schedules in Attachments L-R and any additional milestones and corresponding deadlines in an approved WMP/EWMP . If this information is reported in another document (e.g. Annual Report Watershed Form) or an attachment, clearly state and provide a reference to the pertinent document and section. Not applicable. The City is not currently participating in a WMP or EWMP. 46 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 32 of 38 9. WMP/EWMP Schedules and Implementation (If Applicable) If you are participating in a WMP or EWMP and are reporting on your Adaptive Management Process for this reporting year, complete the following items in this section. If the requested information will be included in a Watershed Form to be submitted, you may reference the Watershed Form and skip the corresponding item. 9.1 (If applicable) Provide comparison of control measures completed to date with control measures projected to be completed to date in the Permittee’s jurisdictional area. List control measures projected to be completed within the next two years and the projected completion dates, as well as the status of implementation and funding. This also includes additional “enhanced” MCMs, institutional controls, and nonstructural BMPs that are not part of the permit’s minimum control measures. [Watershed Management Program Adaptive Management Process (VI.C.8.a)]: Table 9a: WMP/EWMP Schedules Control Measure Projected Completion Date Actual Completion Date Status of Implementation Status of Funding NA NA NA NA NA 9.2 (If applicable) Describe any modifications, including where appropriate new compliance deadlines and interim milestones, with the exception of those compliance deadlines established in a TMDL, necessary to improve the effectiveness of the WMP/EWMP: Not Applicable. The City is not currently participating in a WMP or EWMP. 47 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 33 of 38 10. Watershed Hydrology Complete the following items in this section. If the information on watershed hydrology requested in the following section is included in a Watershed Form or was previously included in a WMP or EWMP, you may simply reference those documents. 10.1 (If Applicable) Watershed Summary Information, Organization, and Content: Provide the information below in the odd year Annual Report (e.g., Year 1, 3, 5)24, or any updates to the information below if previously provided. The requested information shall be provided for each watershed within the Permittee’s jurisdiction [Attachment E – XVII]: Provide the following information related to the Watershed Management Area: 1) Description of effective TMDLs, applicable WQBELs, receiving water limitations, implementation and reporting requirements, and compliance dates; 2) List of CWA Section 303(d) listings not addressed by TMDLs. 3) Results of regional bioassessment monitoring. (If applicable, a reference to the SMC will suffice here.) 4) Description of known hydromodification effects to receiving waters. 5) Description and location of natural drainage systems. 6) Description of groundwater recharge areas, including number and acres. 7) Maps and/or aerial photographs identifying ESAs, ASBS, natural drainage systems, and groundwater recharge areas. 1) TMDLs that have been developed and for which the City is identified as a responsible agency are listed in Table 10a below. 2) 303(d) listings not addressed by TMDLs are coliform bacteria in the Wilmington Drain which is a tributary of Machado Lake, and listings for arsenic and mercury in Santa Monica Bay. 3) The City is not aware of any bioassessment monitoring that has been conducted within the City. Please see results of Regional Watershed Monitoring Program (Bioassessment Program) being managed by the Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition (SMC). 4) The City is not aware of known hydromodification effects to receiving waters within its jurisdiction. 5) Natural drainage systems within the City as identified in the NSW Screening & Monitoring Program include Agua Magna Canyon, Johns Canyon, Sepulveda Canyon, Blackwater Canyon, Upper Bent Spring Canyon in the Machado Lake Watershed; Swaffield Canyon, Purple Canyon and George F Canyon in the Greater LA Harbor Watershed; Paintbrush Canyon, Klondike Canyon, and one unnamed canyon in the Santa Monica Bay Watershed. 6) The City is not aware of any mapped areas of groundwater recharge within its boundaries. There is one groundwater recharge area that is outside the City but to which a portion of the City is tributary. 7) A map of the City showing Significant Ecological Areas and natural drainage systems was previously provided and has not changed. 24 Year 1 = 2012-13 Annual Report; Year 2 = 13-14; Year 3 = 14-15; Year 4 = 15-16; Year 5 = 16-17;… 48 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 34 of 38 Table 10a. Effective TMDLs Applicable to the City of Rolling Hills TMDL Water Body Segments Addressed by TMDL Pollutants Addressed by TMDL Regional Board Resolution Number Effective Date Santa Monica Bay Beaches Bacteria Wet and Dry Weather TMDLs Santa Monica Bay Beaches Indicator Bacteria (Total Coliform Fecal Coliform Enterococcus) 2002-022 (Wet TMDL) & 2002-004 (Dry TMDL); Amended by R12- 007 July 15, 2003; R12-007 effective July 2, 2014 Santa Monica Bay Nearshore and Offshore Debris TMDL Santa Monica Bay Trash R10-010 Amended by R19- 004 March 20, 2012 R19-004 effective date pending Santa Monica Bay DDT and PCBs TMDL Santa Monica Bay Santa Monica Bay Beaches DDT PCBs Established by USEPA March 26, 2012 Machado Lake Trash Machado Lake Trash 2007-006 Amended by R19- 14 March 6, 2008 R19-14 effective date pending Machado Lake Pesticides and PCBs (Toxics) TMDL Machado Lake Chlordane Dieldrin PCBs DDT R10-008 March 20, 2012 Machado Lake Nutrient TMDL Machado Lake Algae Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorus Ammonia Chlorophyll a Dissolved Oxygen Odor 2008-006 March 11, 2009 Dominguez Channel and Greater Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbor Waters Toxic Pollutants TMDL Inner Harbor Cabrillo Marina DDT PCBs Copper Lead Zinc PAHs R11-008 March 23, 2012 49 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 35 of 38 Provide the following information related to the Subwatershed (HUC-12): 1) Description including HUC-12 number, name and a list of all tributaries named in the Basin Plan. 2) Land Use map of the HUC-12 subwatershed. 3) 85th percentile, 24-hour rainfall isohyetal map for the subwatershed. 4) One-year, one-hour storm intensity isohyetal map for the subwatershed. 5) MS4 map for the subwatershed, including major MS4 outfalls and all low flow diversions. 1) The City is located on the drainage divide between two HUC 12 watershed boundaries on the Palos Verdes Peninsula: the Santa Monica Bay and Dominguez Channel (which includes the Machado Lake and Greater Los Angeles Harbor subwatersheds) such that portions o f the City drain to each watershed as shown in Figure 1 in the Peninsula Watershed Annual Report, Volume II IMCR. Table 10b below provides the list of tributaries named in the Basin Plan to which portions of the City are tributary along with the Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC 12) number and name for those tributaries. 2) The City is a small (3 square miles), private, entirely single-family residential community with fewer than 2,000 residents. A map of the Peninsula showing land use and the watershed divide is included in Figure 1 in the Peninsula Watershed Annual Report, Volume II IMCR — the City of Rolling Hills’ boundary is included on that map. A more detailed land use map of the City of Rolling Hills is provided as Attachment A. 3) The City relies on the County of Los Angeles Hydrology Map, which contains the 24-hour 85th percentile isohyetal map throughout the County and can be found at: http://www.ladpw.org/wrd/hydrologygis/ 4) The City relies on the NOAA Atlas 14 Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates for California map and can be found at: https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_map_cont.html?bkm rk=ca 5) The City does not own or operate any portion of the MS4. A map of the major MS4 outfalls in the Peninsula CIMP WMG was included as Figure 2 of the Peninsula CIMP —none of the major MS4 outfalls are located in the City of Rolling Hills. Table 10b: HUC 12 Tributaries25 for Rolling Hills Waterbody Hydrologic Unit Code Tributary of Los Angeles County Coastal Streams Altamira Canyon 180701040500 Santa Monica Bay Klondike Canyon 180701040500 Santa Monica Bay Portuguese Canyon 180701040500 Santa Monica Bay 25 Waterbodies and Hydrologic Unit Codes as identified in the Water Quality Control Plan - Los Angeles Region (Basin Plan), Appendix 1, Table 1: Inventory of Major Surface Waters and Waters to which they are Tributary. Note that HUC 12 numbers in Basin Plan appear to be different than those shown on the 2012 LA MS4 Permit Attachment B Watershed Area Maps. 50 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 36 of 38 Table 10b: HUC 12 Tributaries25 for Rolling Hills Waterbody Hydrologic Unit Code Tributary of Dominguez Channel Watershed Agua Magna Canyon 180701060701 Wilmington Drain & Machado Lake Bent Spring Canyon 180701060701 Machado Lake George F Canyon 180701060701 Los Angeles Harbor Sepulveda Canyon 180701060701 Wilmington Drain & Machado Lake Provide the following information related to the Permittee(s) Drainage Area(s) within the Subwatershed: 1) A subwatershed map depicting the Permittee(s) jurisdictional area and the MS4, including major outfalls (with identification numbers), and low flow diversions (with identifying names or numbers) located, within the Permittee’s jurisdiction. 2) Provide the estimated baseline percent of effective impervious area (EIA) within the Permittee(s) jurisdictional area as existed at the time that this Order became effective and, if possible, the estimated change in the stormwater runoff volume during the 85th percentile, 24-hour storm event. 1) The City does not own or operate any portion of the MS4. A map of the major MS4 outfalls in the Peninsula CIMP WMG was included as Figure 2 of the Peninsula CIMP —none of the major MS4 outfalls are located in the City of Rolling Hills. 2) The City is an entirely residential semi-rural community of single-family, one-story homes located within three square miles. Minimum lot size is 1 acre; the average lot size is 2.7 acres. There is no public infrastructure and no City-owned or maintained storm drains, roads, sewers, sidewalks or curb-and-gutter, though there are some limited and discontinuous MS4 structural improvements owned/operated by the Los Angeles County Flood Control District (LACFCD). Accordingly, few parcels are connected directly to an improved MS4 and most drainage is conveyed via primarily natural drainage courses (with some structural improvements to manage energy dissipation and protect slopes). There are no readily available historical records from which to estimate baseline effective impervious area. 10.2 Rainfall Summary: Provide a rainfall summary for the reporting year including: (1) A summary of the number of storm events; (2) The highest volume event (inches/24 hours); (3) The highest number of consecutive days with measurable rainfall; and (4) The total rainfall during the reporting year compared to average annual rainfall for the subwatershed [Attachment E – XVIII.A.2]: See Peninsula Watershed Annual Report, Volume II IMCR Section 6.1. 10.3 SW Monitoring Event Summary: Provide a summary table describing rainfall during stormwater outfall and wet weather receiving water monitoring events. The summary description shall include the date, time that the storm commenced and the storm duration in hours, the highest 15-minute recorded storm intensity (converted to inches/hour), the total storm volume (inches), and the time between the storm event sampled and the end of the previous storm event. 51 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 37 of 38 Table 10a: Summary of Stormwater Outfall and Wet Weather Receiving Water Monitoring Events Event Date Storm Start Time Storm Duration [hours] Highest Storm Intensity - 15min [in/hr] Total Storm Volume [inches] Span Between Sample Event and Previous Storm Event [hours] See Peninsula Watershed Annual Report, Volume II IMCR Section 6.1. 52 City of Rolling Hills Individual Form (Rev: 7/10/2019) Reporting Year 2020-21 RollingHills_AR_individual_2020-21_(Final).docx Page 38 of 38 11. Additional Information (Optional) Provide any additional information in this section. You may use this section to report any additional information not specified in the Individual Permittee Report Form; information in the Individual Form that is better presented outside of the report form structure ; and/or data limitations that prevented requested information from being obtained. You may also provide an additional detailed summary table describing control measures that are not otherwise described in the reporting requirements. City is not currently participating in a WMP or EWMP, however it has submitted a notice of intent to join the Palos Verdes Peninsula WMP and will be preparing an addendum with narrative modifications necessary to include the City as an 85th %/24-hr retention area during the upcoming reporting year. Additional control measures have been described in Section 6.5. 53 Agenda Item No.: 4.E Mtg. Date: 11/22/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CONNIE VIRAMONTES , ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE AN AMENDED AGREEMENT WITH LANCE, SOLL & LUNGHARD, LLP (LSL) TO PERFORM ANNUAL AUDIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $17,623. DATE:November 22, 2021 BACKGROUND: The City Council engaged the services of Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLC (LSL) to perform professional auditing services for three years in 2016 with the option of two, one year extensions. LSL completed the audit services for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 and exhausted the extension option from the 2016 agreement. In May 2021, the Finance Committee recommended to the City Council to continue to have LSL provide auditing services for Fiscal Year 2020-2021. The City Council approved the recommendation in June 2021. DISCUSSION: At the November 8, 2021 City Council meeting, staff was directed to prepare an amended agreement with LSL. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of annual professional auditing services is included in the adopted budget for Fiscal year 2021- 2022 in the Finance Department. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Lance, Soll & Lunghard Amendment-c1.DOCX Rolling_Hills_1_year_extension_FY_2021-c1.pdf 54 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES This First Amendment to the Agreement for Services is made on this ___ day of November 2021, at Rolling Hills, California, by and between the City of Rolling Hills, a municipal corporation, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California 90274 (hereinafter referred to as the “CITY”) and Lance, Soll & Lunghard, 203 North Brea Blvd., Suite 203, Brea, CA (hereinafter referred to as the “CONTRACTOR”). RECITALS A. On June 27, 2016, the CITY and CONTRACTOR entered into an agreement for auditing services with a term expiring in 2019 upon completion of the 2017/18 fiscal year audit and with the option for two, one-year extensions (the “Agreement”). The Parties exercised both extensions; B. The CITY desires to amend the Agreement to engage CONTRACTOR for another year of auditing services (the “First Amendment”); C. The CONTRACTOR is willing to perform such services and has the necessary qualifications by reason of experience, preparation, and organization to provide such services; D. NOW, THEREFORE, the CITY and the CONTRACTOR, mutually agree as follows: 1.CITY and CONTRACTOR agree to replace Exhibit A that was attached to the Agreement, with Exhibit A, which is attached to this First Amendment and incorporated herein by reference. 2.Paragraph 2 (TERM OF AGREEMENT) is amended to read as follows: 2. TERM OF AGREEMENT. The term of this Agreement shall expire in 2022 upon completion of the 2020/21 annual audit. 3.Paragraph 4 (PAYMENT FOR SERVICES) is amended to read as follows: 4. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES. The CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR for its services rendered pursuant to this Agreement in accordance with the fee schedule set forth below in this paragraph. Compensation shall under no circumstances be increased except by written amendment of this Agreement. The CONTRACTOR shall be paid within thirty (30) days of presentation of an invoice to the CITY for services performed to the CITY’S satisfaction. The CONTRACTOR shall submit invoices monthly describing the services performed, the date services were performed, a description of reimbursable costs, and any other information requested by the CITY. 55 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES A.Services for fiscal year 2020/21 1. City Audit and Related Reports: $15,965 2. GANN Limit Review Report: $556 3. Single Audit Related Reports: Included 4. State Controller Report Preparation: $1,102 5. Total for Fiscal Year: $17,623 B.Hourly Rates for fiscal year 2020/21: 1. Partner: $235 2. Manager: $140 3. Senior Accountant: $115 4. Staff Accountant: $100 5. Clerical: Included 4.All terms and conditions of the Agreement not amended by this First Amendment remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this First Amendment on the date and year first above written. CONTRACTOR: Lance, Soll & Lunghard _____________________________________ Bryon S. Gruber, Partner CITY OF ROLLING HILLS: Elaine Jeng, City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk 56 May 12, 2021 City of Rolling Hills Terry Shea 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP is pleased to respond to your request for an one year extension. As a leader in the field of governmental accounting and auditing, we appreciate this opportunity given to us to present to continue our services. For the one-year extension, we will continue to provide our services with the standard 3% increase to the existing contract. The services and fees of $17,623 for fiscal year ending June 30, 2021 would be as follows:  Perform a financial audit of the City of Rolling Hills in accordance with Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards. A CAFR will be prepared and word processed by LSL. The CAFR will be in full compliance with all current GASB pronouncements. LSL will render its auditors’ report on the basic financial statements, which will include both Government-Wide Financial Statements and Fund Financial Statements. The audit firm will also apply limited audit procedures to Management’s Discussion and Analysis and required supplementary information. LSL understands that we will prepare the financial section of the City’s CAFR. Price: $15,965 (PY price was $15,500)  Perform agreed-upon audit procedures pertaining to the City’s Appropriations Limit Worksheet and render a letter, annually, to the City regarding compliance. Price: $556 (PY price was $540)  Prepare the City’s State Controller’s Report annually. Price: $1,102 (PY price was $1,070)  Issue a separate “management letter” that includes a report on the City’s internal control over financial reporting in addition to recommendations for improvements in internal control, accounting procedures and other significant observations that are considered to be non-reportable conditions. Price: included with financial audit  LSL will be available for occasional consultation throughout the year as a financial resource for the City of Rolling Hills and will be available for additional work as required. 203 N. Brea Blvd., Suite 203 Brea, CA 92821 Phone: 714.672.0022 An Association of Independent Accounting Firms 57 This proposal describes the benefits your organization would receive from Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP. We are committed to provide the services presented in our proposal in accordance with the timetable specified in your request for proposal. This proposal is a firm and irrevocable offer for a period no less than 90 calendar days from the date of submittal. For purposes of this proposal, Deborah A. Harper, Partner is authorized to make representations for our firm. I can be reached at the address below, by phone at (714) 672-0022 or by email at Deborah.Harper@lslcpas.com. Deborah. A. Harper, Partner LANCE, SOLL & LUNGHARD, LLP 203 N. Brea Blvd., Suite 203 Brea, CA 92821 58 Agenda Item No.: 4.F Mtg. Date: 11/22/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:STEPHANIE GRANT , ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE AN AMENDED PLANNING SERVICES CONTRACT WTIH MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL FOR A NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNTN OF $10,240. DATE:November 22, 2021 BACKGROUND: On October 8, 2021, the Director of Planning and Community Services resigned from the City. On October 11, 2021, the City entered into an agreement with Michal Baker International to provide planning and development review services until the Director's position was filled. The original contract agreement was for the Consultant to provide 20 hours per week of planning services for three weeks at the rate of $10,000 ($160 per hour). As of November 15, 2021, the contract amount has been expended. DISCUSSION: City staff is requesting to amend the Professional Services agreement with Michael Baker International to provide an additional 64 hours of planning services for three weeks at the total rate of $10,240 ($160 per hour). The new Director of Planning and Community Services starts his new position on November 22, 2021. The Consultant will provide additional planning services and assist with the transition of projects to new Director. FISCAL IMPACT: If the City Council approves a contract amendment with Michael Baker International, the cost of $10,240 for service can be funded using salary savings from the Planning Department. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: PSA_with_MICHAEL_BAKER-_executed_10.13.21.pdf City of Rolling Hills Proposal for Continued Services 11-15-21.pdf 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 Agenda Item No.: 4.G Mtg. Date: 11/22/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ALAN PALERMO, PROJECT MANAGER THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE PROJECT PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS FOR REMOVING THE EXISTING NON-OPERABLE STANDBY GENERATOR AND DIRECT STAFF TO ADVERTISE FOR CONSTRUCTION BIDS. DATE:November 22, 2021 BACKGROUND: The current emergency standby generator is outdated and no longer functioning properly. Over the past few years City staff has enlisted several maintenance firms to service the existing generator. The existing emergency standby generator is at the end of its life cycle and the City is looking to replace the existing equipment with a new emergency standby generator. Repair activities for the current generator was presented to the City Council on October 26, 2020. Based on the information provided, the City Council directed staff to seek professional expertise to assist staff with unit replacement. At the January 11, 2021 City Council meeting, City Council approved an amended agreement with Pacific Architecture and Engineering Inc. to assess the existing standby generator for the City Hall campus, provide a report on their findings, and discuss options to replace the existing non-working standby generator. The draft of the Standby Generator Assessment Report was delivered to the City on April 21, 2021. Pacific Architecture and Engineering, Inc. met with City staff on April 30, 2021 to review and discuss the report and findings. The Final Report was updated and submitted to the City on May 5, 2021 and City Staff presented to City Council on May 10, 2021. In summary, The report identified the parameters and constraints for the replacement standby generator/system Based on review of the prior 12 months electric bills, determined the existing 75 kw could be replaced with an equivalent sized system that would sufficient for the current building loads (City Hall and Rolling Hills Community Association (RHCA) Building). The existing structure housing the generator does not comply with current code requirements for clearances and has water intrusion with water collecting in the fuel moat with the potential infiltrate into the electrical system and cause damage. This building would need to be removed, replaced, or repaired for repurposing. The report presented to City Council on May 10, 2021 provided 3 Options for consideration and an interim solution. City Council raised numerous questions about the report during the May 10, 2021 meeting and moved to continue this item to a future meeting pending responses to questions raised. Pacific Architecture and Engineering Inc. provided responses to the list of questions generated. The 83 questions and responses were reviewed and discussed at the May 24, 2021 City Council meeting. At the May 24, 2021 meeting City Council directed staff to: 1) Pursue the Solar Option to replace the existing Emergency Standby Generator, and; 2) Consider leasing portable generator to provide emergency standby power until the Solar option is designed and installed, and; 3) Verify the portable generator could connect to the existing Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS), and; 4) Remove the existing non- functioning emergency standby generator, and: 5) Repair the water intrusion problem at the existing generator structure repaired. At the June 14, 2021 City Council meeting, City Council approved the second amendment to the contract with Pacific Architecture and Engineering Inc. for design services required to address the direction provided by City Council and outlined in items 1 through 5 in the last paragraph in the background section for approximately $59,000. DISCUSSION: Pacific Architecture and Engineering Inc. has prepared plans and specifications for the demolition (removal) of the existing emergency generator and to address the water intrusion problem at the existing generator structure (included in items 4 and 5 in the scope of work under the second amendment to their contract). These plans and specifications are ready to put out to bid and are attached to this staff report. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost for this work to remove the existing emergency generator and address the existing water intrusion problem at he existing generator building is estimated to be $39,312. The Order of Magnitude Cost Estimate is attached to this staff report. This work effort is included in the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 budget. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve Emergency Generator Demolition Plans and Specifications to solicit bids from qualified firms to perform the required work. ATTACHMENTS: RH Technical Specifications.pdf ROLLING-HILLS-DEMO_R20_20211110_.pdf 20211118_ROLLINGHILLSDEMO_COSTEST_.pdf 84 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS City of Rolling Hills Generator Removal, Waterproofing Removal and Electrical November 11, 2021 Pacific Architecture and Engineering, Inc. 85 TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 00 - PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS 00 0101 PROJECT TITLE PAGE 00 0102 PROJECT INFORMATION DIVISION 02 - EXISTING CONDITIONS 02 4100 DEMOLITION TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 86 PROJECT MANUAL SECTION 00 0101 PROJECT TITLE PAGE FOR GENERATOR AND WATERPROOFING REMOVAL OWNER: CTY OF ROLLING HILLS 2 PORTUGESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 DATE: 11.12.2021 PREPARED BY: PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING INC. END OF SECTION 00 0101 - 1 PROJECT TITLE PAGE 87 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION SECTION 00 0102 PROJECT INFORMATION A. Project Name: City of Rolling Hills B. Address: 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 C. The Owner, hereinafter referred to as City: City of Rolling Hills D. City's Project Manager: Alan Palermo 1.2 NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE CONTRACTORS A. These documents constitute an invitation to prospective Contractors to submit qualifications and proposals for the scope of work for the project described below. Electrical Bid and Demolition Bid shall be submitted separately. One prime contractor may bid for both Demo and Electrical Scope. 1.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. Summary Project Description: Removal of Generator and Waterproofing B. Demolition Scope: and removal of the generator, soil around shed, removal of the waterproofing around Generator Shed. Dispose of soil. C. Electrical Scope: Cap electrical to remove generator, trace conduit to City Hall and Community Association Building. D. Exclude filling of moat with concrete E. Waterproofing removal: Waterproofing material must be sand blasted to ensure complete removal and no black material shall remain on face of CMU. Removal includes foam sheet and any other material adhered to CMU. 1.4 PROJECT CONSULTANTS A. The Architect, hereinafter referred to as Architect: Pacific Architecture and Engineering 1.5 PROCUREMENT TIMETABLE A. RFP Documents Available: . B. Last Request for Substitution Due: 7 days prior to due date of proposals. C. Last Request for Information Due: 7 days prior to due date of proposals. D. Proposal Due Date: , before 4 PM local time. E. Proposal Opening: Same day, 5 PM local time. F. The City reserves the right to change the schedule or terminate the entire procurement process at any time. 1.6 PROCUREMENT DOCUMENTS A. Availability of Documents: Complete sets of procurement documents may be obtained: 1. From City at the Project Manager's address listed above. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 00 0102 - 1 PROJECT INFORMATION 88 PART 3 EXECUTION SECTION 02 4100 DEMOLITION 1.1 PROCEDURES AND PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Comply with applicable codes and regulations for demolition operations and safety of adjacent structures and the public. 1. Obtain required permits. 2. Take precautions to prevent catastrophic or uncontrolled collapse of structures to be removed; do not allow worker or public access within range of potential collapse of unstable structures. 3. Provide, erect, and maintain temporary barriers and security devices. 4. Conduct operations to minimize effects on and interference with adjacent structures and occupants. 5. Do not close or obstruct roadways or sidewalks without permit. 6. Conduct operations to minimize obstruction of public and private entrances and exits; do not obstruct required exits at any time; protect persons using entrances and exits from removal operations. 7. Obtain written permission from owners of adjacent properties when demolition equipment will traverse, infringe upon or limit access to their property. B. Do not begin removal until receipt of notification to proceed from City. C. Prior to removal of generator, written acknowledgement by licensed Electrical contractor that power is capped to generator, and it is safe to remove by Demolition contractor and all methods of turning on the power to generator is permanently capped. D. Upon demolition of generator, Electrical Contractor to trace conduits to City Hall and Community Association Building and provide CAD survey of path of conduit to City Project Manager. After completion of survey cap conduits in a manner so that they may be utilized in future solar panel project. E. Protect existing structures and other elements that are not to be removed. 1. Provide bracing and shoring as required. 2. Prevent movement or settlement of adjacent structures. 3. Stop work immediately if adjacent structures appear to be in danger. 4. Remove and salvage fencing behind generator shed as required. 5. Protect in place existing equipment 6. Salvage fencing if removed. 7. Stock pile removed soil if requested by City. 1.2 DEBRIS AND WASTE REMOVAL A. Remove soil, debris, junk, generator, removed waterproofing material and trash from site. B. Leave site in clean condition, ready for subsequent work. C. Clean up spillage and wind-blown debris from public and private lands. END OF SECTION 02 4100 - 1 DEMOLITIO 89 90 City of Rolling HillsCHECKED:PROJECT:DRAWN:ISSUEDATEDESCRIPTION13/xx/20PROGRESS 2 Portuguese Bend RdRolling Hills, CA 902742 PORTUGUESE BEND RDROLLING HILLS, CA 90274XXXXX2345678910112447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218Hermosa Beach, CA 90254(310)698-8711info@pacific-ae.comPACIFIC ARCHITECTURE& ENGINEERING, INC11/10/2021 6:46:29 PMAD0COVERCITY HALL ADACheckerAuthorCONSTRUCTION NOTES1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS, DIMENSIONS, LOT LINES ,PROPERTY LINES, AND ELEVATIONS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK.2. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY UNDERGROUND AND ABOVEGROUNDUTILITIES, PIPES, STRUCTURES. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR COST INCURRED DUE TO DAMAGE ANDREPLACEMENT OF SAID UTILITIES. 4. ALL WORK, CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL PROVISIONS OF THE 2019CALFORNIA BUILDING CODE, LA COUNTY BUILDING CODE AND WITH OTHER RULES, REGULATIONS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THE PLACE OF BUILDING. BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER THE DRAWINGS, AND IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ANYONE SUPPLYING LABOR OR MATERIALS OR BOTH TO BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT, ANY DISCREPENCIES OR CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODE AND THE DRAWINGS. 5. REFERENCE TO ANY DETAIL OR DRAWING IS FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY AND DOES NOT LIMIT THEAPPLICATION OF SUCH DETAILS OR DRAWINGS. 6. DISCREPENCIES IN THE DRAWINGS OR BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS AND ACTUAL FIELDCONDITIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE ARCHITECT. CORRECTED DRAWINGS OR INSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE ISSUED BY THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF ANY WORK. 7. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO EXECUTING THE WORK.8. GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS ANDSPECIFICATIONS UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED OTHERWISE.9. THE CONTRACT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS REPRESENT THE FINISHED STRUCTUREUNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN, THEY DO NOT INDICATE THE METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPERVISE AND DIRECT THE WORK AND HE SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PROCEDURES. OBSERVATION VISITS TO THE SITE BY FIELD REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR ENGINEERS SHALL NOT INCLUDE INSPECTIONS OF THE PROTECTIVE MEASURES OR THE CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES REQUIRED, WHICH ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. ANY SUPPORT SERVICES PERFORMED BY THE ARCHITECT AND HIS ENGINEERS DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE DISTINGUISHED FROM CONTINUOUS AND DETAILED INSPECTION SERVICES WHICH MAY BE FURNISHED BY OTHERS. THESE SUPPORT SERVICES PERFORMED BY THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR ENGINEERS, WHETHER OF MATERIAL OR WORK, AND WHETHER PERFORMED DURING OR AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION ARE PERFORMED SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ASSISTING IN QUALITY CONTROL AND IN ACHIEVING CONFORMANCE WITH CONTRACT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS, BUT THEY DO NOT GUARANTEE CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMANCE AND SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION. 10. ANY CONFLICTS WITH WALLS, CEILING SYSTEMS, LIGHTS, SPRINKLERS, SPRINKLER HEADS, ANDANY OTHER CONFLICTS WITH THE WORK DEPICTED IN THE DRAWINGS SHALL BE RELOCATED AT THECONTRACTOR'S COST WHEN EXECUTING THE WORK OF REPLACING THE HVAC UNITS AND ANYSTRUCTURAL SUPPORTS.11. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT WILLFULLY PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION IF INCONSISTENCIES OROBSTRUCTIONS IMPEDE THE PROJECT. SUCH CONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE IN WRITING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL NECESSARY REVISIONS IF OWNER IS NOT NOTIFIED. 12. EXIT DOORS, HARDWARE, EXIT LIGHTS, LIGHTS, OUTLETS, AND FIRE EXTINGUISHER LOCATIONSSHALL NOT BE CONCEALED OR OBSTRUCTED. 13. THIS PROJECT SHALL BE A NO FEE PROJECT. PICK UP ALL NECESSARY CITY PERMITS AT THEBUILDING COUNTER.14. PATCH AND PAINT ALL SURFACES DAMAGED TO RETURN THEM TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION.15. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM WORKING HOURS AND ALSO OBTAIN APPROVAL OF FIRST DAYOF CONSTRUCTION AND DURATION OF WORK WITH CITY PROJECT MANAGER PRIOR TO PROCEEDING.16. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY IN FIELD PRIOR TO BID.17. CONTRACTOR MAY NOT USE CITY RESTROOM FACILITIES IN THE BUILDING AND MUST BRINGPORTABLE RESTROOMS TO THE SITE FOR THE PROJECT.18. THE CONTRACTOR WARRANTS TO THE OWNER AND THE ARCHITECT THAT ALL MATERIALS ANDEQUIPMENT FURNISHED WILL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE OFGOOD QUALITY, FREE FROM FAULTS AND DEFECTS.19. ANY DAMAGED ACT CEILING OR LIGHTS MUST BE REPLACED AT CONTRACTOR'S COST WITH NOADDITIONAL COST TO THE CITY. 20. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIESWHETHER SHOWN HEREIN OR NOT AND TO PROTECT THEM IN PLACE FROM DAMAGE. THECONTRACTOR SHALL BEAR ALL EXPENSE OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT IN CONJUNCTION WITH THEEXECUTION OF THIS WORK.21. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING HIS WORK WITH ALL TRADESAND/OR EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY THE OWNER. 22. AT THE COMPLETION OF THE WORK, SUBMIT TO BUILDING OWNER. MAINTENANCE MANUALSPRESENTING FULL DETAILS FOR CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF ALL SURFACE AND EQUIPMENT OF EVERY NATURE. CONTENTS SHALL INCLUDE MANUFACTURER'S AND INSTALLER'S NAMES, ADDRESSES, PHONE NUMBERS, AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION, START-UP AND OPERATION, MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST, AND DATA SHEETS. 23. LAYDOWN AREA AND CONSTRUCTION AREA LOCATION, AND FENCING LOCATION SHALL BECOORDINATED WITH CITY PROJECT MANAGER. OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM CITY PROJECT MANAGER PRIOR TO PROCEEDING. 24. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL VERIFICATION AND COORDINATION WITH OTHERTRADES OR SUBCONTRACTORS AND THEIR WORK TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS, CONTRACTOR SHALL BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING ABREAST OF CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS AND WHERE DELAYS HAVE OCCURRED DUE TO THE CONTRACTOR'S FAULT, MAKE UP TIME LOST AT HIS OWN EXPENSE AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN THE CONTRACT SCHEDULE. 25. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTINUOUS CLEANUP OF THE SITE OF ALLDEBRIS WHETHER CREATED BY HIS WORK OR THE FAILURE OF THE SUBCONTRACTOR TO CLEAN UP AFTER THEIR WORK. 26. ALL EQUIPMENT PADS SHALL BE LEVEL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS,CONTRACTOR SHALL EXECUTE INSTALLATION OF HVAC UNITS SO THAT THE FLASHING AT EQUIPMENT PADS DO NOT POND. CONTRACTOR SHALL WATER TEST EACH PAD TO INSURE THAT WATER DOES NOT POND. 27. PLEASE NOTE DIMENSIONS AND EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE FROM CITY PERMIT DRAWINGS,DIMENSIONS ARE NOT CERTIFIED, CONTRACTOR PROVIDE SURVEY IF NEEDED. 28. PROVIDE TO CITY PROJECT MANAGER AND MAINTENANCE STAFF TRAINING ON ANY AND ALLEQUIPMENT INSTALLED FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE FOR USE AND OWNERSHIP OF EQUIPMENT INSTALLED AS PART OF THIS WORK.GENERAL NOTESABBREVIATIONSINDEXLEGENDSCOPE OF WORK& AndAngle @ AtCenterlineØ Diameter or Round Perpendicular# Pound or Number(E) ExistingA/C Air ConditioningACOUS Acoustical A.D. Area DrainADJ Adjustable AL Aluminium APROX ApproximateARCH Architectual ASPH Asphalt AT Acoustical TileBD Board BITUM Bituminous BLDG Building BLK BlockBM Beam BOT BottomCAB Cabinet C.B. Catch BasinCEM Cement CER Cemeric C.I. Cast Iron CLG Ceiling CLKG Calking CLR Clear CMU Concrete Masonry Unit COL CloumnCONC ConcreteCONN ConnectionCONST ConstructionCONT ContinuousCT Ceramic Tile CTR Center DBL Double DEPT Department D.F. Drinking FountainDIA Diameter DET Detail DIM Dimension DISP DispenserDN Down DR Door DS DownspoutDWG Drawing E East EA Each D.J. Expansion JointEL ElevationELEC ElectricalELEV ElevatorEMER EmergencyENCL EnclosureEQ EqualEQPT EquipmentEXIST ExistingEXPO ExposedEXP Expansion EXT Exterior F.A. Fire Alarm F.D. Floor DrainFDN. Foundation F.A. Fire Extinguisher F.A.C. Fire Extinguisher Cabinet FIN Finish FL Floor FLASH FlashingFLUOR Fluorescent F.O.C. Face of ConcreteF.O.F. Face of FinishF.O.S. Face of StudFPRF Fireproof FT Foot or FeetFTG FootingFURR FurringGA Gauge GALV GalvanizedG.I. Galvanized IronGL GlassGND GroundGR GradeGYP GypsumH.B. Hose BibH.C. Hollow coreHDWD HardwoodHDWE HardwareHM Hollow MetalHORIZ HorizontalHR HourHGT HeightI.D. Inside Diameter(Dimension) INSUL Insulation INT Interior JAN Janitor JT Joint KIT Kitchen LAM Laminate LAV Lavatory LT Light MAX Maximum M.C. Medicine CabinetMECH MechanicalMEMB MembraneMTL Metal MFR Manufacturer MIN Minimum MISC Miscellaneous M.O. Masonry OpeningMTD Mounted MRG Moisture Resistant Gyp. Bd. MUL Mullion N North NIC Not In Contract NO. Number NOM Nominal NTS M Not To Scale O/ Over OBS Obscure O.C. On CenterO.D. Outside Diameter (Dimension)OFF. Office OPNG Opening OPP OppositePROST Precast PL Plate P.LAM.Plastic LaminatePLAS PlasterPLYWD PlywoodPR Pair PT Point Q.T. Quarry Tile R Riser RAD Radius R.D. Roof DrainREF Reference REFR Refrigerator REINF Reinforced Required REQ Resilient RESIL RM Room R.O. Rough Opening RWD Redwood S South SC Solid Core SCHED Schedule SECT Section SH Shelf SHR Shower SHT Sheet SIM imilar SPEC Specification SQ Square S.STL. Stainless SteelS.SK Service SinkSTA Station STD Standard STL Steel STOR Storage STRUC Structural SUSP Suspended SYM Symmetrical TRD TreadT.B. Towel Bar T.C. Top of CurbTEL TelephoneT & G Tongue and GrooveTHK Thick T.P. Top of PavementTV Television T.W. Top of Wall TYP Typical UNF Unfinished U.O.N. Unless Otherwise NotedUR Urinal VERT Vertical VEST Vestibule W WestW/ WithW.C. Water ClosetWD WoodW/O WithoutWP Waterproof WSCT WainscotWT Weight W.I. Wrought IronPROJECT DATAVICINITY MAPCITY HALL ADA IMPROVEMENT PROJECTCITY OF ROLLING HILLSDEMOLITION PACKAGEELECTRICAL AND DEMOLITION BIDS SHALL BE SEPARATE CONTRACTS. CONTRACTORS TO COORDINATE WORK.DEMOLITION PACKAGE:DEMOLITION SCOPEREMOVE GENERATOR. IT WAS DETERMINED BY THE CITY THAT THERE IS NO AQMD PERMIT FOR THIS GENERATOR. REPORTING TO AQMD IS NOT NECESSARY.REMOVE DIRT AROUND GENERATOR SHED.REMOVE AND SANDBLAST WATER PROOFING ON CMU.ELECTRICAL SCOPELICENSED ELECTRICAL ENGINEER TO TURN OFF POWER AND CONFIRM THERE IS NO POWER TO GENERATOR, CAP CONDUITS & DETERMINE THAT GENERATOR MAY BE DEMOLISHED.TRACE CONDUIT FROM GENERATOR TO DETERMINE IF CONDUIT TRAVELS TO BOTH CITY HALL AND COMMUNTY ASSOCIATION BUILDINGCITY SCOPECITY: HAZMAT TESTING IS REQUIRED ON CMU INSIDE SHED INCLUDING RESIDUE FROM WATER INTRUSION.APN: 7569-003-904AD0 COVERAD101 SITE PLANAD102 SITE DEMO PLANAD202NOT USEDAD221 ENLARGED ELECTRICAL SHED PLAN AND ELEVAIONSAD222 ELECTRICAL SHED IMPROVEMENTS PLAN AND ELEVATIONS 91 AD2211GENERATOR SHEDCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION BUILDING City of Rolling HillsCHECKED:PROJECT:DRAWN:ISSUE DATEDESCRIPTION1 3/xx/20PROGRESS 2 Portuguese Bend RdRolling Hills, CA 902742 PORTUGUESE BEND RDROLLING HILLS, CA 90274XXXXX2345678910112447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218Hermosa Beach, CA 90254(310)698-8711info@pacific-ae.comPACIFIC ARCHITECTURE& ENGINEERING, INC11/10/2021 6:46:29 PMAD101SITE PLANCITY HALL ADACheckerAuthor 1/16" = 1'-0"1SITE PLAN92 CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE EXISTING SOIL ON ALL THREE SIDES OF THE EXISTING BUILDING TO ALLOW FOR REMOVAL OF WATERPROOFING. PROVIDE MINIMUM 2-FOOT HORIZONTAL GRADED SETBACK FROM BUILDING TO ALLOW FOR WORKING SPACE AND CUT BACK SLOPE AT 2:1 (HORIZ:VERT) TO EXTENTS NEEDED TO MATCH EXISTING GRADE. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE AND SALVAGE EXISTING FENCE TO MINIMUM EXTENTS NECESSARY TO PERFORM THE ABOVE WORK. FENCE SHALL BE REPLACED IN KIND OR REINSTALLED.City of Rolling HillsCHECKED:PROJECT:DRAWN:ISSUE DATEDESCRIPTION1 3/xx/20PROGRESS 2 Portuguese Bend RdRolling Hills, CA 902742 PORTUGUESE BEND RDROLLING HILLS, CA 90274XXXXX2345678910112447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218Hermosa Beach, CA 90254(310)698-8711info@pacific-ae.comPACIFIC ARCHITECTURE& ENGINEERING, INC11/10/2021 6:46:29 PMAD102SITE DEMO PLANCITY HALL ADACheckerAuthor 1/16" = 1'-0"1SITE DEMO PLAN93 REMOVE ALL WATERPROOING FROM ALL SIDES OF BUILDING.DIRT MUST BE REMOVED FIRST.EXISTINGEXISTINGREMOVE ALL WATERPROOFING FROM ALL SIDES OF BUILDINGDIRT MUST BE REMOVED FIRST.PROTECT VENT LOUVER AND PIPE DURING DEMO WITH PLYWOOD FOR LOUVER AND LARGER PIPE FOR EXHAUST VENT.EXISTINGEXISTINGREMOVE ALL WATERPROOFING FROM ALL SIDES OF BUILDINGDIRT MUST BE REMOVED FIRSTEXISTINGPROTECT IN PLACE OR REMOVE STORE AND REPLACE DURING DEMO SO THAT THERE IS NO DAMAGE2AD2213AD2214AD2215AD221EXISTING ATS PROTECT WITH PLYWOOD DURNING DEMO OF GENERATOR.DEMO AND REMOVE EXISTING GENERATOR INSIDE SHED.DO NOT DAMAGE SHED.SEE DEMO NOTES.PROTECT ATS WITH PLYWOOD WALL FLOOR TO CEILINGEXISTINGEXISTINGEXISTINGEXISTINGEXISTINGEXISTINGCity of Rolling HillsCHECKED:PROJECT:DRAWN:ISSUE DATEDESCRIPTION1 3/xx/20PROGRESS 2 Portuguese Bend RdRolling Hills, CA 902742 PORTUGUESE BEND RDROLLING HILLS, CA 90274XXXXX2345678910112447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218Hermosa Beach, CA 90254(310)698-8711info@pacific-ae.comPACIFIC ARCHITECTURE& ENGINEERING, INC11/10/2021 6:46:31 PMAD221ENLARGED ELECTRICALSHED PLAN ANDELEVAIONSCITY HALL ADACheckerAuthor 1/4" = 1'-0"2EAST ELEVATION - ELECTRICAL SHED 1/4" = 1'-0"3NORTH ELEVATION - ELECTRICAL SHED 1/4" = 1'-0"4WEST ELEVATION - ELECTRICAL SHED 1/4" = 1'-0"5SOUTH ELEVATION - ELECTRICAL SHEDDEMO NOTES:1. REMOVE GENERATOR THIS MAY REQUIRE GENERATOR TO BE CUT AND REMOVED IN SECTION.2. DOORS MAY BE REMOVED AND REPLACED, PROTECT EXISTING ATS WITH FLOOR TO CEILING FIRE RATEDPLYWOOD WALL DURING REMOVAL OF GENERATOR.3. DO NOT DAMAGE SHED AND PROTECT IN PLACE CMU WALLS, IT WILL CONTINUE TO BE UTILIZED.4. NOTIFY CITY PROJECT MANAGER OF INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE TO CITY FACILITIES SEVEN DAYS INADVANCE.5. ASSUME FIVE FEET OF WATERPROOFING MATERIAL AND FOAM AND WATERPROOFING SHEET OR BOARD ONTHREE SIDES OF BUILDING.6. BLACK ASPHALT BASED WATERPROOFING MUST BE SAND BLASTED AND BLACK MATERIAL MUST BECOMPLETELY REMOVED AND CMU ONLY IS VISIBLE. 1/4" = 1'-0"1ENLARGED PLAN - ELECTRICAL SHEDNOTE:ALL SCOPE OF WORK IN DRAWINGS DETAIL 1-5 APPLY TO DEMO CONTRACTORELECTRICAL NOTES:1. REQUEST CITY TO TURN OFF POWER.2. LICENSED ELECTRICIAN TO CAP POWER AT GENERATOR.3. LICENSED ELECTRICIAN TO CONFIRM POWER IS OFF AT GENERATOR BEFORE REMOVAL OF GENERATOR MAYBEGIN.4. AFTER REMOVAL OF GENERATOR AND PRIOR TO POWER BEING CAPPED, TRACE CONDUIT FROM REMOVEDGENERATOR TO SEE IF THE CONDUITS GO TO BOTH CITY HALL AND COMMUNITY BUILDING AND CAMERA THECONDUIT TO CONFIRM DONUITS ARE IN GOOD CONDITION FOR SOLAR PANEL USE.5. LICENSED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO RECONNECT MAIN SWITCHBOARD TO MAKE SURE SERVICEREMAINS INTACT UPON DEMOLITION OF GENERATOR. PROVID RECORD PHOTO OF WIRES PRIOR TO CAPPINGANY WIRES, AS WELL AS CAPPED LOCATION FOR CITY'S RECORD.94 FILL IN MOAT WITH CONCRETE #4 REBAR 12" O.C.2AD2223AD2225AD2224AD222EXISTINGEXISTINGEXISTINGEXISTINGEXISTINGEXISTINGEXISTINGEXISTINGEXISTINGCity of Rolling HillsCHECKED:PROJECT:DRAWN:ISSUE DATE DESCRIPTION1 3/xx/20PROGRESS 2 Portuguese Bend RdRolling Hills, CA 902742 PORTUGUESE BEND RDROLLING HILLS, CA 90274XXXXX2345678910112447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218Hermosa Beach, CA 90254(310)698-8711info@pacific-ae.comPACIFIC ARCHITECTURE& ENGINEERING, INC11/10/2021 6:46:32 PMAD222ELECTRICAL SHEDIMPROVEMENTS PLANAND ELEVATIONSCITY HALL ADACheckerAuthor 1/4" = 1'-0"1ENLARGED PLAN - ELECTRICAL SHED IMPROVEMENTNOTES:MAINTAIN FIRE RATED PLYWOOD WAL DURING THIS WORK. 1/4" = 1'-0"2EAST ELEVATION - ELECTRICAL SHED IMPROVEMENT 1/4" = 1'-0"3NORTH ELEVATION - ELECTRICAL SHED IMPROVEMENT 1/4" = 1'-0"5SOUTH ELEVATION - ELECTRICAL SHED IMPROVEMENT 1/4" = 1'-0"4WEST ELEVATION - ELECTRICAL SHED IMPROVEMENTNOTE:ALL SCOPE OF WORK IN DRAWINGS DETAIL 1-5 APPLY TO DEMO CONTRACTOR95 352-(&752//,1*+,//6'(02 -2%12 /2&$7,21&,7<2)52//,1*+,//635(3$5('%< &/,(17&,7<2)52//,1*+,//6&+(&.('%< '(6&5,37,21352-(&76800$5<(67,0$7('$7( 5(9 25'(52)0$*1,78'(&267(67,0$7( 7$% '(6&5,37,21 $'-6) 81,7 &267 727$/ 352-(&76800$5< +$5'&2676 '(02  6)   6,7(:25.  6)   727$/352-(&7%$6(+$5'&2676  727$/%$6(352-(&7+$5' 62)7&2676  63(&8/$7,9(%,'5$1*()25(&$67 %$6('21&855(170$5.(7&21',7,216 +$5'&267621/< /2:6,'( 25025(%,''(56   /,.(/< %,''(56   +,*+6,'( %,''(56   11/18/2021 ROLLING HILLS DEMO_COST ESTIMATE (F-86) Page 1 of 1 96 352-(&752//,1*+,//6'(02 5+:&&-2%12 /2&$7,21&,7<2)52//,1*+,//635(3$5('%< &/,(17&,7<2)52//,1*+,//6&+(&.('%<-) '(6&5,37,215(129$7,21%$6((67,0$7((67,0$7('$7( 5(129$7,21%$6(*6) 5(129$7,21$'-867('*6) 5(9 25'(52)0$*1,78'(&267(67,0$7( ,7(0 '(6&5,37,21 48$17,7< 81,7 &267 727$/ *(1(5$/&21',7,216,1&/8'(',13525$7(6 121( '(02/,7,21   6,7(:25.  121( (;&$9$7,21   &21&5(7(  121( 0$6215<  121( 6758&785$/67((/ 0(7$/'(&.  121( 0,6&,521 $5&+,7(&785$/0(7$/6  121( &$53(175<528*+  121( &$53(175<),1,6+  121( 522),1*  121( ,168/$7,21  121( 6.</,*+76  121( &$8/.,1* 6($/$176  121( '2256  121( 6725()5217 :,1'2:6  121( *<3%2$5' 67((/678')5$0,1*  121( &(5$0,&7,/(  121( $&2867,&$/7,/(  121( )/225&29(5,1*  121( 3$,17,1*  121( 72,/(73$57,7,216 $&&(6625,(6  121( %8,/',1*63(&,$/7,(6  121( (48,30(17  121( )851,6+,1*6  121( &219(<$1&(  121( 3/80%,1*  121( ),5(3527(&7,21  121( +($7,1*9(17,/$7,1* $,5&21'  121( (/(&75,&$/:25.   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Date: 11/22/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ASHFORD BALL, SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:RECEIVE AND FILE REPORT ON THE PROGRESS TO HIRE A LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO INVENTORY THE CITY HALL CAMPUS IRRIGATION SYSTEM AND PROVIDE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS. DATE:November 22, 2021 BACKGROUND: Between 2016 and 2019 the landscaping on the campus was poorly maintained due to broken sprinkler pipes, nonworking valves and inadequate care. In early 2020, the City conducted necessary repairs, including insect, and gopher treatments to restore a fully functioning irrigation system at the campus. Present day in 2021, even after repairs, the City seems to have continuous issues with gophers, broken sprinkler pipes, diseased vegetation, overgrown weeds, and maintenance of the overall campus. The City Hall Campus is approximately 1.3 acres and the Tennis Courts Facility is approximately 1.2 acres estimating 2.5 acres in total. DISCUSSION: Without proper documentation of the campus and the existing irrigation, plant and plant species, maintenance of the campus require constant investigative work to determine the location of irrigation lines, irrigation controllers, and the age of equipment. Staff is incapable of having a maintenance plan, for example, putting the irrigation heads on a replacement schedule. Additionally, with the City located in a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone designated by the Los Angeles County Fire Department, staff would work with professional landscape architect to avoid high-hazard plants and design water efficient plants, implement waterwise design principles for low maintenance. In summary, the following are priorities for the landscape architect: 1. Remove the roses which are water intensive with more water-wise drought resistant plants 2. Install planting and water-wise landscaping in the patchy areas of City Hall Campus 3. Perform a irrigation inventory assessment on the City's irrigation system. Lynn Capouya is a design service that focuses on planting, irrigation, and hardscape, but also includes site furnishings, signage, concept lighting, concept grading, habitat restoration, and stormwater drainage. They help their clients resolve critical issues such as climatic conditions, potable/reclaimed 105 irrigation water, and air/water/soil quality. Evan Smith has worked as a independent landscape architect for over 20+ years and specializes in design development for high end residential and commercial projects. Evan has worked with many communities throughout the Los Angeles & Ventura counties some including Palos Verdes Estates and Rolling Hills Estates. He has worked with the Los Angeles Fire Department constructing fuel modification design plans for the Los Angeles County Fire Department and much more. Both candidates submitted proposals, toured the campus, and are being considered by staff. FISCAL IMPACT: There is sufficient funds in the adopted budget to hire a landscape architect to assist with the design and long term maintenance of the City Hall campus and tennis courts landscaping. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. ATTACHMENTS: Landscape Architecture RFP- Final Draft-V10 Letterhead FINAL.pdf Planting_Plans_PG1.pdf Planting_Plans_PG2.pdf 106 INCORPORATED JANUARY 24, 1957 NO. 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 (310) 377-1521 FAX (310) 377-7288 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES PROPOSALS DUE 5:00PM, SEPTEMBER 17, 2021 BACKGROUND The City of Rolling Hills is seeking proposals from qualified licensed landscape architect or firms to provide professional services to audit existing conditions (landscape, lighting and irrigation), submit WELO compliant landscape and lighting design package, install or assist in hiring a qualified licensed landscape contractor to install the proposed project at the City Hall Campus located at 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, CA and Tennis Courts Facility located across the City Hall Campus. The City Hall Campus is approximately 1.3 acres and the Tennis Courts Facility is approximately 1.2 acres estimating 2.5 acres in total (Attachment 1). The City Hall Campus has three existing structures: City Hall, Rolling Hills Community Association (RHCA) office and a shed housing a generator. The RHCA is a tenant of the City. The City is responsible for the maintenance of the City Hall campus and the Tennis Courts Facility. Between 2016 and 2019 the landscaping on the campus was poorly maintained due to broken sprinkler pipes, nonworking valves and inadequate care. In early 2020, the City conducted necessary repairs, including insect, and gopher treatments to restore a fully functioning irrigation system at the campus. Current Day, 2021, even after repairs, the City seems to have continuous issues with gophers, broken sprinkler pipes and maintenance of the overall campus. With this project, the City aims to have a well-designed green space that comprises of both California native plants and waterwise plants that are adapted to our climate. These should be planted and maintained to meet WELO requirements and more importantly, meet fire fuel abatement standards and guidelines. The City is located in a very high fire severity zone and designers must avoid high-hazard plants. In addition, designers must also take into consideration CPTED principles when designing landscaped areas while also providing adequate visual screening from the adjacent main road north of the subject site. Lastly, the City will be using the City Hall Campus and Tennis Courts Facility to showcase water efficient plants and design principles, so residents will know the proper landscape materials suitable for the zone and low maintenance techniques. 107 SECTION 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES The City is requesting proposals from qualified landscape architect or companies to provide the following services:  Inventory and audit existing conditions and document  Submit complete landscape package that includes: o Irrigation plan, planting plan, lighting design plan, all applicable details/specifications, and MWELO compliance  Conduct site visits and attend working meetings with key stakeholders and staff to solicit their input on the conceptual plans before a final plan is approved by the City.  Design Fire Code compliant access around the generator shed  Design a pad that is ADA compliant for an existing freestanding USPS Mailbox  Receive approval from applicable agencies, i.e. Fire Department’s Fuel Modification Division, Building and Safety and the City’s landscape architect  Develop final approved design for implementation  Provide copies of all reports, technical memoranda, and presentation materials to city staff.  Attend up to two City Council Meetings  Develop cost estimates for the conceptual and final approved plans and specifications.  Install proposed project or oversee hiring of contractor to install project  Respond to Request for Information  Inspect the completed project and verify compliance with approved plan  Secure a Certificate of Compliance  Provide manuals and maintenance instructions for plant materials, lighting and irrigation system  Review and approve close-out documents  Provide Record Drawings in hard copy and digital format  Conduct training for maintenance crew  Provide Project Schedule SECTION 2 PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Understanding of the Scope of Work: Firms shall provide a narrative to the approach to complete the Scope of Work efficiently and economically. 2. Organization, Credentials and Experience: Provide a summary of the Firm’s qualifications, credentials, and related experience. Describe the firm, including the personnel who will be assigned to the contract. Provide a list of three of the firm’s projects within the last five years of similar scope and content. 3. Fees: Under separate cover, provide a rate proposal for the scope of work. The cost proposal shall be identified for each task. The proposed cost budget shall present the labor rates and proposed labor hours of proposed staff for each work task described in the consultant’s proposal, as well as other direct costs. 108 4. Additional Information: Firms are to review the sample Professional Services Agreement (Attachment 5) and provide comments and or questions as a part of the firm’s proposal. SECTION 3 PROPOSAL PROCEDURE All proposals are due no later than 5:00pm on September 17, 2021. The City reserves the right to extend the deadline. The City will respond to request for clarification in written RFP addendum(s) as needed. All inquiries for clarification shall submitted in writing via email to the Senior Management Analyst by 12:00pm on September 01, 2021. The City will post any addendums to the RFP to the City’s website. Consultants planning to submit a proposal are required to refer to the website to verify that they have received all addendums issued for this RFP. Proposals shall be emailed to the Senior Management Analyst. Ashford Ball Senior Management Analyst aball@cityofrh.net (310) 377-1521 Submission of a proposal indicates acceptance by the firm of the conditions contained in this request for proposal unless clearly and specifically noted in the proposal submitted and confirmed in the agreement between the City of Rolling Hills and the firm selected. The City of Rolling Hills reserves the right without prejudice to reject any or all proposals. No reimbursement will be made by the City for costs incurred in the preparation of the response to this Request for Proposal. Submitted materials will not be returned and become the property of the City of Rolling Hills. SECTION 4 SELECTION CRITERIA Proposals will be selected based on sound approach to meeting the scope of work, the ability to demonstrate efficiency use of resources, the relevant experience of proposed personnel, and dedication of personnel to complete the project within the specified timeframe. Firms may be asked to participate in an interview with the City. If necessary, interviews are tentatively scheduled for the week of September 27, 2021. SECTION 5 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 Site Plan Attachment 2 Aerial View of City Hall Campus and Tennis Courts Facility Attachment 3 Photographs of City Hall Campus Attachment 4 Sample Professional Services Agreement 109 ATTACHMENT 1 Site Plan 110 111 112 ATTACHMENT 2 Bird’s-eye View of City Campus 113 114 ATTACHMENT 3 Photographs of City Campus 115 116 117 118 119 ATTACHMENT 4 Sample Professional Service Agreement 120 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of 2019 between the City of Rolling Hills, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY'' and with principal offices at -, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT." 1. RECITALS: A. The CITY desires to contract the CONSULTANT for B. CONSULTANT is well qualified by reason of education and experience to perform such services; and C. CONSULTANT is willing to render such hereinafter defined. services as Now, therefore, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions herein contained, CITY hereby engages CONSULTANT and CONSULTANT agrees to perform the services set forth in this AGREEMENT. 2. SCOPE OF WORK CONSULTANT shall perform all work necessary to complete in a manner satisfactory to CITY the services set forth in the specifications and the scope of work described in the Proposal for Exhibit A (hereinafter referred to as “SERVICES”). 3. COST Services, attached herein as The CITY agrees to pay CONSULTANT for all the work or any part of the work performed under this AGREEMENT at the rates and in the manner established in the attached Scope of Work, attached herein as Exhibit A. Total contract shall not exceed the sum of during the term of the AGREEMENT. This fee includes all expenses, consisting of all local travel, attendance at meetings, printing and submission of grants, which are accrued during that period. It also includes any escalation or inflation factors anticipated. Any increase in contract amount or scope shall be approved by expressed written amendment executed by the CITY and CONSULTANT. 121 4. METHOD OF PAYMENT CONSULTANT shall be reimbursed within 30 (thirty) days of submitting an invoice to City for the SERVICES. CONSULTANT shall submit an invoice for the SERVICES within 10 (ten) days of completing each task or portion thereof identified in Exhibit A to this AGREEMENT. CONSULTANT shall submit invoices electronically to the City Manager of the CITY and shall also provide a courtesy copy by U.S. Mail addressed to the City Manager of the CITY. 5. SUBCONTRACTING CONSULTANT may employ qualified independent subcontractor(s) to assist CONSULTANT in the performance of SERVICES with CITY’s prior written approval. 6. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK CONSULTANT shall commence work under this AGREEMENT upon execution of this AGREEMENT. 7. PERFORMANCE TO SATISFACTION OF CITY CONSULTANT agrees to perform all work to the reasonable satisfaction of CITY and within the time hereinafter specified. 8. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW All SERVICES rendered hereunder shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of relevant local, State and Federal Law. 9. ACCOUNTING RECORDS CONSULTANT must maintain accounting records and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred which records and documents shall be kept available at the CONSULTANT’s California office during the contract period and thereafter for five years from the date of final payment. 10. OWNERSHIP OF DATA All data, maps, photographs, and other material collected or prepared under the contract shall become the property of the CITY. 11. TERM OF CONTRACT This contract shall be valid for AGREEMENT. 122 Page 2 of 20 12. TERMINATION This contract may be terminated by either party with or without cause upon seven (7) days written notice to the other party. All work satisfactorily performed pursuant to the contract and prior to the date of termination may be claimed for reimbursement. 13. ASSIGNABILITY CONSULTANT shall not assign or transfer interest in this contract without the prior written consent of the CITY. 14. AMENDMENT It is mutually understood and agreed that no alteration or variation of the terms of this contract, or any subcontract requiring the approval of the CITY, shall be valid unless made in writing, signed by the parties hereto, and approved by all necessary parties. 15. NON-SOLICITATION CLAUSE The CONSULTANT warrants that he or she has not employed or retained any company or persons, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts, or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract. For breach or violation of this warranty, the CITY shall have the right to annul this contract without liability, or, in its discretion to deduct from the contract price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or contingent fee. 16. INDEMNITY CONSULTANT shall indemnify and save harmless CITY, its elected and appointed officers and employees from all claims, damages, suits, cost or actions of every name, kind or description, brought for, or on account of, (i) injuries to or death of any person, (ii) damage to property or (iii) arising from performance of this AGREEMENT in any manner that resulted from the fault or negligence of CONSULTANT, it officers, agents, employees and/or servants in connection with this AGREEMENT. CITY shall indemnify and save harmless CONSULTANT, its officers, agents, employees, and servants from all claims, damages, suits, costs or actions of every name, kind, or descri ption, brought for, or on account of, (i) injuries to or death of any person, (ii) damage to property or (iii) arising from performance of this AGREEMENT in any manner that resulted from the fault or negligence of the CONSULTANT, its officers, agents, employees, and/or servants in connection with this AGREEMENT. If CONSULTANT should subcontract all or any portion of the SERVICES to be performed under this AGREEMENT, CONSULTANT shall require each subcontractor to indemnify, hold harmless and defend CITY and each of its officers, officials, employees 123 Page 3 of 20 agents and volunteers in accordance with the term of the preceding paragraph. This section shall survive termination or expiration of this AGREEMENT. 17. INSURANCE A. Without limiting CONSULTANT’S obligations arising under paragraph 16 - Indemnity, CONSULTANT shall not begin work under this AGREEMENT until it obtains policies of insurance required under this section. The insurance shall cover CONSULTANT, its agents, representatives and employees in connection with the performance of work under this AGREEMENT, and shall be maintained throughout the term of this AGREEMENT. Insurance coverage shall be as follows: i. Automobile Liability Insurance with minimum coverage of $300,000 for property damage, $300,000 for injury to one person/single occurrence, and $300,000 for injury to more than one person/single occurrence. ii. Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance, insuring CITY its elected and appointed officers and employees from claims for damages for personal inj ury, including death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from CONSULTANT’S actions under this AGREEMENT, whether or not done by CONSULTANT or anyone directly or indirectly employed by CONSULTANT. Such insurance shall have a combined single limit of not less than $500,000. iii. Worker’s Compensation Insurance for all CONSULTANT’S employees to the extent required by the State of California. CONSULTANT shall require all subcontractors who are hired by CONSULTANT to perform the SERVICES and who have employees to similarly obtain Worker’s Compensation Insurance for all of the subcontractor’s employees. iv. Professional Liability Insurance for CONSULTANT that at a minimum covers professional misconduct or lack of the requisite skill required for the performances of SERVICES in an amount of not less than $500,000 per occurrence. B. Deductibility Limits for policies referred to in subparagraphs A (i) (ii) and (iii) shall not exceed $5,000 per occurrence. C. Additional Insured. City, its elected and appointed officers and employees shall be named as additional insured on policies referred to in subparagraphs A (i) and (ii). D. Primary Insurance. The insurance required in paragraphs A (i) and (ii) shall be primary and not excess coverage. E. Evidence of Insurance. Consultant shall furnish CITY, prior to the execution of this AGREEMENT, satisfactory evidence of the insurance required, issued by an insurer authorized to do business in California, and an endorsement to each such 124 Page 4 of 20 policy of insurance evidencing that each carrier is required to give CITY at least 30 days prior wri tten notice of the cancellation of any policy during the effective period of the AGREEMENT. All required insurance policies are subject to approval of the City Attorney. Failure on the part of CONSULTANT to procure or maintain said insurance in full force and effect shall constitute a material breach of this AGREEMENT or procure or renew such insurance, and pay any premiums therefore at CONSULTANT’S expense. 18. ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT In the event that legal action is commenced to enforce or declare the ri ghts created under this AGREEMENT, the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of costs and reasonable attorney’s fees in the amount to be determined by the court. 19. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST No member of the governing body of the CITY and no other offi cer, employee, or agent of the CITY who exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with the planning and carrying out of the program, shall have any personal financial interest, direct or indirect, in this AGREEMENT; and the CONSULTANT further covenants that in the performance of this AGREEMENT, no person having any such interest shall be employed. 20. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The CONSULTANT is and shall at all times remain as to the CITY a wholly independent contractor. Neither the CITY nor any of its agents shall have control over the conduct of the CONSULTANT or any of the CONSULTANT’s employees or subcontractors, except as herein set forth. The CONSULTANT shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are in any manner agents or employees of the CITY. 21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES This AGREEMENT supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties hereto with respect to the employment of CONSULTANT by CITY and contains all the covenants and agreements between the parties with respect such employment in any manner whatsoever. Each party to this AGREEMENT acknowledges that no representations, inducements, promises or agreements, orally or otherwise, have been made by any party, or anyone acting on behalf of any party, which are not embodied herein, and that no other agreement or amendment hereto shall be effective unless executed in writing and signed by both CITY and CONSULTANT. 22. NOTICES. All written notices required by, or related to this AGREEMENT shall be sent by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, postage prepaid and addressed as listed 125 Page 5 of 20 below. Neither party to this AGREEMENT shall refuse to accept such mail; the parties to this AGREEMENT shall promptly inform the other party of any change of address. All notices required by this AGREEMENT are effective on the day of receipt, unless otherwise indicated herein. The mailing address of each party to this AGREEMENT is as follows: CITY: Elaine Jeng, PE, City Manager City of Rolling Hills No. 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 CONSULTANT: 4. GOVERNING LAW This AGREEMENT shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, and all applicable federal statutes and regulations as amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT on the date and year first above written. CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CONSULTANT CITY MANAGER ELAINE JENG, PE DATE: DATE: ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: MICHAEL JENKINS, CITY ATTORNEY 126 127 128 Agenda Item No.: 5.A Mtg. Date: 11/22/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:STEPHANIE GRANT , ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: ZONING CASE NO. 21-12: REQUEST FOR PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 2021-15 APPROVING SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR 442 CUBIC YARDS OF GRADING FOR A PROJECT LOCATED AT 79 EASTFIELD DRIVE (GONZALEZ). DATE:November 22, 2021 BACKGROUND: O n October 19, 2021, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to approve Resolution No. 2021-15 and Zoning Case No. 21-12 for a Site Plan Review for non-exempt grading for a total of 442 cubic yards (127 cubic yards of cut and 254 cubic yards of fill) for the subject property located at 79 Eastfield Drive. Zoning, Land Size and Existing Conditions The lot is zoned RAS-2. The net lot area, for development purposes, is 2.52 acres or 110,030 square feet. There is one main building pad and the lot is currently developed with an existing 3,534 square- foot residence, 782 square-foot 3 car garage, and 7,000 square-foot tennis court. The applicant submitted an Administrative Review application on May 16, 2021 for the interior/exterior remodel, 262 square-foot residential addition (totaling 3,796 square feet), conversion of 280 square feet from the existing three-car garage to habitable space (remaining garage total is 502 square feet two-car garage), 762 square-foot Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU), 792 square-foot swimming pool/spa, 712 square-foot addition to the front walkway, 418 square-foot addition to attached trellis (totaling 956 square feet of covered trellises), and 81 square-foot addition to service yard (totaling 156 square feet). The existing 7,000 square-foot tennis court will be removed, and the tennis court area will be converted into the ADU and swimming pool/spa. The aforementioned requests fall within the purview of the Director of Planning and Community Services; the applicant is not requesting any relief from the Rolling Hills Municipal Code. 129 The applicant also proposes a total of 630 cubic yards of grading: 188 cubic yards for pool excavation (exempt), 127 cubic yards of cut (non-exempt), and 254 cubic yards of fill (non-exempt) to expand the existing building pad. The Rolling Hills Municipal Code (RHMC) requires a Site Plan Review for the non-exempt grading. DISCUSSION: APPLICANT REQUEST Site Plan Review The total proposed grading for the project site is 630 cubic yards: 188 cubic yards (exempt) and 442 cubic yards (non-exempt).The 188 cubic yards of grading is for the proposed new swimming pool and spa, which is exempt. The proposed project requires a discretionary approval for the non-exempt grading for the driveway expansion, ADU foundation, swimming pool deck, and fill for the northeast portion of the yard. The applicant is requesting approval of a Site Plan Review (SPR) for 442 cubic yards of non-exempt grading. The Code exempts excavation for pools and basements. The proposed 188 cubic yards of pool excavation could be exported from the site without requesting relief from the Municipal Code. However, the applicants are proposing to use 188 cubic yards of the excavated dirt from the swimming pool and spa to fill the area around the pool deck and the front yard to expand the building pad, thus requiring a Site Plan Review (SPR) approval. In addition, a SPR is required for the non-exempt grading of 127 cubic yards of dirt that will be excavated from the west portion of the existing building pad. The cut will be used as fill to level the areas around the proposed ADU, tennis court, east corner of the building pad, and extension of the existing driveway. The 127 cubic yards will also be used to fill and expand the northeast portion of the building pad. Maximizing the amount of fill on the subject property complies with the goals of the General Plan to balance grading on site. Filling the slopes in the northeast portion of the building pad will bring the finished grade to same level as the existing pad. The proposed slopes will be contoured to blend into the sites natural terrain. The proposed grading will not impact site drainage. MUNICIPAL CODE COMPLIANCE Coverage and Disturbance The project complies with development standard requirements for lot coverage structures and flatwork of 15.92% (35% maximum permitted) and building pad coverage of 21.9% (30% maximum permitted). The disturbed area will increase by 4.7% for the expansion of the building pad and driveway totaling 33.6% (40% maximum permitted). Grading The total proposed grading is 630 cubic yards and 188 cubic yards of excavation is exempt for the swimming pool/spa. Non-exempt grading requires a SPR. The proposed grading is necessary for the development of the ADU and the widening of the driveway to meet Fire Code access requirements and provide a designated parking space for the ADU. The Fire Code requires a 20-foot driveway to accommodate the width and height of a fire truck and its equipment. The Fire Code also requires access to the ADU. The proposed grading will require Building and Safety's approval for drainage. Resident Concerns 130 On October 15, 2021, the resident at 9 Wideloop Road expressed concerns regarding two trees located on the subject property. She stated the two trees should either be removed or trimmed. The resident concerns have been addressed by the Applicant. He will be trimming all of the trees on the property once the construction work commences. Stable and Corral Set Aside The applicant proposes to set aside 1,000 square feet for a future stable and corral located more than 35 feet west of the proposed ADU. Environmental Review The project has been determined to be categorically exempt (Class 3) pursuant to Section 15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. The proposed project has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment and is categorically exempt from the provisions of CEQA pursuant to Section 15304 (Minor Alterations to Land) of the CEQA Guidelines, which exempts minor alterations in the condition of land, including but not limited to grading on land with a slope of less than 10 percent. The grading taking place on the property is on land with a slope of less than 10 percent. 17.46.050 - Required Site Plan Review findings. 1. The Commission shall be required to make findings in acting to approve, conditionally approve, or deny a site plan review application. 2. No project which requires site plan review approval shall be approved by the Commission, or by the City Council on appeal, unless the following findings can be made: 3. The project complies with and is consistent with the goals and policies of the general plan and all requirements of the zoning ordinance; 4. The project substantially preserves the natural and undeveloped state of the lot by minimizing building coverage. Lot coverage requirements are regarded as maximums, and the actual amount of lot coverage permitted depends upon the existing buildable area of the lot; 5. The project is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, the natural terrain and surrounding residences; 6. The project preserves and integrates into the site design, to the greatest extent possible, existing topographic features of the site, including surrounding native vegetation, mature trees, drainage courses and land forms (such as hillsides and knolls); 7. Grading has been designed to follow natural contours of the site and to minimize the amount of grading required to create the building area; 8. Grading will not modify existing drainage channels nor redirect drainage flow, unless such flow is redirected into an existing drainage course; 9. The project preserves surrounding native vegetation and mature trees and supplements these elements with drought-tolerant landscaping which is compatible with and enhances the rural character of the community, and landscaping provides a buffer or transition area between private and public areas; 10. The project is sensitive and not detrimental to the convenient and safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles; and 11. The project conforms to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 12. If all of the above findings cannot be made with regard to the proposed project, or cannot be made even with changes to the project through project conditions imposed by City staff and/or the Planning Commission, the site plan review application shall be denied. 131 FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council receive and file Resolution No. 2021-15 and Zoning Case No. 21- 12. ATTACHMENTS: Development_Proposal_Table.79_Eastfield_Drive_ZC_21-12_PC.pdf 2021-15.PC RESOLUTION_79 Eastfield Drive.pdf Gonzalez_Approved by Planning Commision 10/19/21 Eastfield_Rev_Submit_10-4-21_landscaping.pdf Photos_of_proposed_grading_.pdf Vicinty_Map_79_Eastfield_Dr..pdf Trees_at_89_Eastfield_email.pdf 132 79 Eastfield Drive (Zoning Case No. 21-12) Mr. Heriberto Gonzalez Site Plan Review EXISTING PROPOSED TOTAL RA-S- 2 Zone Setbacks Front: 50 ft. from front easement line Side: 35 ft. from side property line Rear: 50 ft. from rear easement line SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE, 3 CAR ATTACHED GARAGE, & 7,000 SF TENNIS COURT TOTAL 630 CUBIC YARDS OF GRADING : 188 CY CUT (EXEMPT), 127 CY CUT (NON-EXEMPT), & 315 CY FILL (NON-EXEMPT) Net Lot Area 110,030 (2.52 acres) 0 110,030 SF Residence 3,534SF 262 SF 3,796 SF Attached 3 Car Garage 782 SF -280 SF 502 SF (attached 2 car garage) Pool Equipment 0 SF 0 (Underground) 0 SF Cabana 0 0 0 Stable minimum: 450 SF Corral minimum: 550 SF 0 SF 0 SF 450 SF 550 SF 450 SF 550 SF Recreation Court 7,000 SF -7,000 SF 0 SF Attached Covered Porches, Entryway, Porte Cochere, Breezeways 0 SF 0 SF 0 SF Attached Trellis 538 SF 418 SF 956 SF Detached Structures: Outdoor Kitchen 0 SF 0 0 SF Front water feature 0 SF 0 SF 0 SF Side water feature 0 SF 0 SF 0 SF Service Yard 75 5SF 81 SF 156 SF Basement Area 0 0 0 SF Pool deck 0 1,520 SF 1,520 SF Primary Driveway 3,909 SF -1,315 SF 2,544 SF Paved walks, patio areas, courtyards 1,520 SF -458 SF 1,062 SF Grading (balanced on site) Unknown 442 cubic yards (non-exempt) 188 cubic yards (exempt) 630 cubic yards (balanced onsite) Total Structure Area 11,935 SF -4,208 SF 8,126.45 SF % Structural Coverage 10.8% -3.82% 7.39% Total Structures Excluding: up to 5 legal and up to 800 SF detached structures that are not higher than 12 ft (no more than 120 SF per structure per deduction, except for trellis) 11,860 SF -4,127 SF 7,970 SF Total Structural and Flatwork Lot Coverage (35% max & with deductions 15.92 % -3.77 % 12.15 % Building Pad #1 Coverage (30%max & with deductions) 35.5% -13.5 21.9% Total Disturbed Area (40% maximum) 28.9% 4.7% 33.6% Retaining/Garden Wall 0 LF 0 LF Roadway Access No change No change 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 PROJECT INFORMATION MAIN BUILDING LIVING AREA 3,796.45SQFT GARAGE AREA 502 SQFT TOTAL AREA 4298.45 PROPOSED ADU LIVING AREA 762 SQFT Project Info - Topic INFORMATION STREET ADDRESS:79 Eastfield Dr,Rolling Hills, CA 90274 NUMBER OF STORIES:1 APN:7567005028 LEGAL DESCRIPTION:RECORD OF SURVEY AS PER BK 58 PG 6 TO 1O OF RECORD OF SURVEYS LOT 14 OCCUPANCY:R-3 / U CONSTRUCTION TYPE:TYPE V-B ZONING:RAS - 2 MAX. ALLOWABLE HEIGHT: 25' LOT AREA:110,030 SF (NET) FIRE ZONE:Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone PROJECT DESCRIPTION: REMODEL AN EXISTING 3,534 SF 1-STORY RESIDENCE 262.45 SF ADDITIONAL LIVING AREA WITH NEW 98 SF ENTRYWAY ROOF. EXISTING 782 SF GARAGE TO BE REDUCED TO 502 SF, REMAINDER CONVERTED TO HABITABLE SPACE. PROPOSE A NEW 762 SF ADU WITH 202 SF ATTACHED COVERED PORCHES. EXISTING 7,000 SF TENNIS COURT TO BE REMOVED. NEW 792 SF POOL AND 1,520 SF POOL DECKING. BOARD AND BATTEN TO REPLACE STUCCO ON EXISTING EXTERIOR WALLS. APPLICABLE CODES & STANDARDS: 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, 2019 CALIFORNIA CODE, 2019 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE, 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE, 2019 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE, 2019 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE SHEET INDEX PROJECT DIRECTORY 707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.#DATE SHEET NO. DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 11:31:02 AM COVER SHEET A0.0079 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL) 79 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 GONZALEZ RESIDENCE CLIENT NAME: Milton Street Residential Acquistions, INC CONTACT:HERBERTO GONZALEZ ADDRESS:3625 DEL AMO BLVD, SUITE 185 TORRANCE, CA 90503 PHONE:5623223483 EMAIL:BGONZALEZ@MILTONSTREETPROPERTIES .COM ARCHITECT NAME: JOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC. CONTACT: JOE SPIERER ADDRESS: 707 TORRANCE BLVD. SUITE 100 REDONDO BEACH, CA 90277 PHONE: (310) 876-8761 EMAIL: JOE@CALARCHITECT.COM WEBSITE: WWW.CALARCHITECT.COM SURVEYOR NAME:SAM A.SOLIVEN, P.L.S. CONTACT:SAM A.SOLIVEN, P.L.S. ADDRESS:1215 W IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, #208, BREA, CA 92821 PHONE:7143767123 EMAIL:SAM@THELANDSURVEYOR.COM WEBSITE: VICINITY MAP DEFERRED SUBMITTALS BY OTHERS GENERAL ARCHITECTURAL A0.00 COVER SHEET A0.01 ABBREV., SYMBOLS, LEGENDS A0.02 GENERAL NOTES A0.03 GENERAL NOTES SURVEY S0.00 SURVEY ARCHITECTURAL DEMO AD1.00 SITE DEMO AD2.00 EXISTING FIRST FLOOR PLAN AD2.10 DEMOLITION CALCS AD3.00 EXISTING ELEVATION ARCHITECTURAL A0.10 VICINIITY PLAN A0.11 EXISTING BUILDING PHOTO A1.01 SITE PLAN A2.00 FLOOR PLAN A2.01 PROPOSED ADU PLAN A2.02 ROOF PLAN A2.03 ADU ROOF PLAN A3.00 EXTERIOR ELEVATION A3.01 EXTERIOR ELEVATION A3.02 PROPOSED ADU ELEVATIONS A4.00 BUILDING SECTION A6.00 DOOR SCHEDULE A6.10 WINDOW SCHEDULE CIVIL C1 TITLE SHEET C2 GRADING & DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PLAN C3 SECTIONS C4 DETAILS C5 TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLAN LANDSCAPE L0 CONCEPT IMAGES L0.1 CONCEPT IMAGES L1 HARDSCAPE PLAN L1.2 HARDSCAPE DETAILS L1.3 HARDSCAPE DETAILS L1.4 HARDSCAPE DETAILS L2 PLANTING PLAN L2.2 PLANTING DETAILS 1. 2. POOL PERMIT. FIRE SPRINKLER PERMIT 79 Eastfield Dr, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 CIVIL NAME:PALOS VERDES ENGINEERING CORP. CONTACT:HARRY LIND ADDRESS:550 DEEP VALLEY DR, SUITE 273, ROLLING HILLS ESTATES, CA 90274 PHONE:3105415055 EMAIL:INFO@PVEC.COM WEBSITE:HTTP://WWW.PVEC.COM/ STRUCTURAL NAME:DKSE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS CONTACT:DANNIEL KANG ADDRESS:18411 CRESHAW BLVD, SUITE 408, TORRANCE, CA 90504 PHONE:4242923185 EMAIL:DANNIEL@DKSEINC.COM WEBSITE:HTTP://DKSEINC.COM/ GEOTECH NAME:COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. CONTACT:TODD HOUSEAL ADDRESS:1200 W. COMMONWEALTH AVENUE,FULLERTON CA 92833 PHONE:(714) 870-1211 EMAIL:"COAST GEOTECHNICAL,INC." <COASTGEOTEC@SBCGLOBAL.NET> WEBSITE: TITLE 24 NAME: CONTACT: ADDRESS: PHONE: EMAIL: WEBSITE: City of Rolling Hills Planning and Community Services Department Approved on October 19, 2021 143 1 A101 SIM BUILDING / WALL SECTION STRUCTURAL GRID 1 A INTERIOR ELEVATION NUMBER 1 2 A101 1 SIM DETAIL KEY NUMBER SEE A2.01 MATCH LINE - REFER TO INDICATED DWG REFERENCE POINT DIMENSION POINT: FACE OF CONCRETE OR FACE OF STUD U.N.O. CEILING HEIGHT KEYNOTES ROOM FINISH TAG ENLARGED DWG REFERENCE A101 1 SIM 100 DRAWING # SHEET # TYPICAL DWG REFERENCE A1.01 W24 A2X 101 101 WINDOW TYPE DOOR NUMBER ROOM TAG CEILING FAN KITCHEN FLOOR FINISH BASE TYPE WALL FINISH, UNO F B W EXISTING TO REMAIN EXISTING TO REMOVE NEW REVISION NUMBER2 CLOUD - AREA OF REVISION HEIGHT / ELEVATION SYMBOL9'-0" AFF PRO: 243.51' MAX: 241.53' CRITICAL POINTSC.P. #1 NEW FINISH GRADE EXITING FINISH GRADE(75) 75 TOP OF WALL ELEVATIONTW 15.0' TOP OF CURB ELEVATIONTC 15.0' 1HR 2HR INTERIOR PARTITION TYPE A WALL TYPE, VARIES (LETTER WILL VARY) 2 NOMINAL STUD SIZE (NUMBER WILL VARY) X 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP, WHERE OCCURS SYMBOLS WD.1 ROOM MATERIAL TAG LEVEL CHANGE GLAZING MARK ### ### OCCUPANCY LOAD & EXIT PATH OF TRAVEL TOTAL OCCUPANCY LOAD CALCULATED BY ADDING OCCUPANCY LOADS ALONG EXIT PATHWAY OCCUPANCY LOAD TYPE PATH TYPE # OF OCCUPANTS REQUIRED WIDTH PROVIDED WIDTH A.B.ANCHOR BOLT A.C.AIR CONDITIONING A.C.T. ACOUSTIC TILE CEILING A.D.AREA DRAIN ADJ.ADJACENT OR ADJUSTABLE A.F.C.I. ARC FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER AFF.ABOVE FINISH FLOOR ALT.ALTERNATE AL., ALUM ALUMINUM APPROX. APPROXIMATE ARCH. ARCHITECT(URAL) AR.AS REQUIRED BD.BOARD BLDG. BUILDING B/BOTTOM OF BLKG. BLOCKING BM.BEAM B.MK. BENCH MARK B.O.W., B.W. BOTTOM OF WALL B.P.BID PACKAGE CAB.CABINET CB.CATCH BASIN CEM.CEMENT CER.CERAMIC C.I.CAST IRON C.J.CONTROL JOINT C.L.CENTERLINE CLG.CEILING CLR.CLEAR C.M.U. CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT C.O.CLEAN OUT CONC. CONCRETE CONT. CONTINUOUS CPT.CARPET C.T.CERAMIC TILE CTR.CENTER C.W.COLD WATER DIA.DIAMETER DBL.DOUBLE DET.DETAIL DIAG. DIAGONAL DIM DIMENSION DISP. DISPOSAL DIV.DIVISION DN.DOWN DR.DOOR D.S.DOWNSPOUT DTL.DETAIL DWG. DRAWING DWR. DRAWER E.EAST EA.EACH E.G.FOR EXAMPLE E.J.EXPANSION JOINT EL.ELEVATION ELEV. ELEVATOR ELEC. ELECTRICAL ENCL. ENCLOSURE EQ.EQUAL E.T.R. EXISTING TO REMAIN EXH.EXHAUST EXIST. EXISTING EXP.EXPANSION OR EXPOSED EXT.EXTERIOR F.A.FIRE ALARM F.B.O. FURNISHED BY OWNER F.C.FACTORY COATED F.D.FLOOR DRAIN F.E.FIRE EXTINGUISHER F.E.C. FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET F.F.FINISH FACE OR FLOOR FG.FINISH GRADE F.H.C. FIRE HOSE CABINET FIN.FINISH FIXT.FIXTURE F.L.FLOW LINE FLR.FLOOR FLG.FLASHING FLUOR. FLUORESCENT FND FOUNDATION F.O.FACE OF F.O.C. FACE OF CONCRETE F.O.M. FACE OF MASONRY F.O.S. FACE OF STUD FP.FLUOROPOLYMER FPL FIRE PLACE FS.FINISH SURFACE FT. FOOT OR FEET FTG.FOOTING FUR.FURRED (RING) GA.GAUGE GALV. GALVANIZED G.B.GRAB BAR GC.GENERAL CONTRACTOR GEN.GENERAL G.F.I.GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER GH.GUEST HOUSE G.I.GALVANIZED IRON GL.GLASS OR GLAZED GR.GRADE OR GRADING GYP./GWB GYPSUM WALL BOARD HB.HOSE BIB H.C.HOLLOW CORE HDCP. HANDICAPPED HDR.HEADER H.M.HOLLOW METAL HOR.HORIZONTAL HT.HEIGHT H.W.HOT WATER HWD. HARD WOOD I.D.INSIDE DIAMETER INCL.INCLUDE INSUL. INSULATION INT.INTERIOR JT.JOINT JST.JOIST KIT.KITCHEN LAM.LAMINATED LAV.LAVATORY L.H.LEFT HANDED LT.LIGHT M.H.MAN HOLE MAX.MAXIMUM MBR.MEMBER MECH. MECHANICAL MEMB. MEMBRANE MTL.METAL MFR.MANUFACTURER MIR.MIRROR MIN.MINIMUM MISC. MISCELLANEOUS M.O.MASONRY OPENING MTD.MOUNTED N.NORTH NAT.NATURAL N.I.C.NOT IN CONTRACT NO.NUMBER NOM. NOMINAL N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE O.A.D. OVERFLOW AREA DRAIN O.C.ON CENTER O.D.OUTSIDE DIAMETER OFCI. OWNER FURNISHED/CONTRACTOR INSTALLED OFOI. OWNER FURNISHED/OWNER INSTALLED OHD.OVERHEAD OPG.OPENING OPP.OPPOSITE O.S.OVERFLOW SCUPPER PAR.PARALLEL P.L.PROPERTY LINE P.LAM. PLASTIC LAMINATE PLAS. PLASTER PLBG. PLUMGING PT.POINT PTD.PAINTED PERF. PERFORATED PVMT. PAVEMENT PLYWD. PLYWOOD QTY.QUANTITY R.RISER RAD.RADIUS R.D.ROOF DRAIN REF.REFERENCE REFR. REFRIGERATOR REINF. REINFORCED REQD. REQUIRED RES.RESILIENT REV.REVISION OR REVISED RFG.ROOF OR ROOFING R.H.RIGHT HAND RM.ROOM R.O.ROUGH OPENING S.SINK OR SOUTH S.A.W.M. SELF-ADHESIVE WATERPROOF MEMBRANE S.A.D. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS S.C.SOLID CORE S.C.D. SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS S.D.STORM DRAIN SECT. SECTION S.E.D. SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS S.F.SQUARE FOOT SHT.SHEET SHTG. SHEATHING SHWR. SHOWER SIM.SIMILAR S.J.SAW-CUT JOINT S.L.D. SEE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS S.M.D. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS SPEC. SPECIFICATION SQ.SQUARE S.S.STAINLESS STEEL S.S.D. SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS STD.STANDARD STL.STEEL STRUC. STRUCTURAL SUSP. SUSPENDED SYM.SIMILAR T.TREAD T.C.TOP OF CURB TEL.TELEPHONE T.G., T&G TONGUE AND GROOVE THK.THICK T.I.TENANT IMPROVEMENT T.TREAD T/TOP OF T.O.C. TOP OF CONCRETE T.O.W. TOP OF WALL T.O.P. TOP OF PAVING T.O.PAR. TOP OF PARAPET TYP.TYPICAL TV.TELEVISION UNF.UNFINISHED U.N.O. / U.O.N. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED VAR.VARIES V.C.T. VINYL COMPOSITION TILE VENT. VENTILATION VERT. VERTICAL V.I.F.VERIFY IN FIELD VIN.B. VINYL BASE W.WEST OR WIDTH W/WITH W.C.WATER CLOSET WD.WOOD W.H.V.E.F. WHOLE HOUSE VENTILATION EXHAUST FAN W/O WITHOUT W.I.WROUGHT IRON W.I.C. WALK IN CLOSET WM WALL MOUNT WNDW WINDOW W.P. / WP WATERPROOF(ING) WSCT WAINSCOT &AND <ANGLE @ AT CL CENTERLINE [CHANNEL O DIAMETER OR ROUND P PROPERTY LINE #NUMBER OR POUND (E)EXISTING (T)TEMPORARY (N)NEW ABBREVIATIONS 707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.#DATE SHEET NO. DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 11:31:03 AM ABBREV., SYMBOLS, LEGENDS A0.0179 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL) 144 GENERAL ARCHITECTURAL NOTES • • • • • • • • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. A. B. C. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. APPLICABLE CODES Work that is not in compliance with the applicable codes and inspections shall be corrected at general contractor's own expense and at no expense to the owner. Contract work shall compy with the following codes: 2019 California Building Code 2019 California Residential Code (where applicable) 2019 California Electrcial Code 2019 California Mechanical Code 2019 California Plumbing Code 2019 California Energy Code 2019 California Fire Code 2019 California Green Building Standards Code GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The general contractor shall provide and install all material required to complete the construction of the project in accordance with the terms and conditions of the owner / contractor agreements and in conformance with the governing codes and ordinances having jurisdiction over the project. The Contractor shall coordinate the work of the various trades as required. GENERAL NOTES Report discrepancies in drawings or specifications to the architect for clarifications and adjustments before commencing work. Any deviations or changes in these drawings without written acceptance shall absolve the owner and architect of all responsibility of said deviation and change. Consultant work that is not a part of these contract documents has not been coordinated by the architect. Contractor shall notify the architect of any discrepancies that prevent execution of the work covered by these documents. For work installed in conflict with the construction documents, the contractor shall be responsible for corrections of work at his own expense. All construction shown as 'existing' has been redrawn from documents prepared by others. For additional information regarding the base building construction refer to the appropriate plans and specifications. Any discrepancies between these documents and those for the base building must be brought to the attention of the architect for resolution. All interior wall and ceiling finishes shall comply with chapter 8 of the 2016 California building code. Electrical, telephone and communications outlets and/or furniture partition connections shall be provided as indicated on the plans The proposed sewer lateral line location to be field verified. If survey video footage documentation is required at the connection of the proposed sewer lateral line is required per public works and shall be coordinated as req'd. Where contractor furnished, contractor installed (C.F.C.I.), the contractor shall supply and install, including provide & install rough plumbing and the final hook-up, all new fixtures and appliances. Architect to approve aesthetic effect where minimum additional partition thickness for furring and plumbing walls is required to support fixture. The contractor shall check and verify size and location of duct openings and plumbing runs with mechanical contractor before framing wall and ceiling. Duct openings in fire rated walls shall have approved fire dampers. Seal between duct and wall / ceiling penetrations. The contractor shall coordinate with the architect, the location of access panels for mechanical duct work, plumbing, and electrical work as required by code. The contractor shall provide and install access panels according to plans, or shall be required to obtain architect's approval prior to installation. Access panels shall be finished to match adjacent surfaces (U.O.N.) and shall meet all security, sound, and fire rating requirements per the adjacent wall / ceiling construction. The contractor shall provide and install all necessary blocking, stiffeners, bracing, framing, hangers, or other support for all fixtures, equipment, cabinetry, furnishing and other items requiring the same. Building shall not be occupied during work where: The building strength is substantially weakened during any work; Required exits are not available or are obstructed; Required fire safety devices such as standpipes and alarm systems are not operational. Contractor to provide temporary site toilets in sufficient numbers to service all workers and staff onsite. Conduit from roof to electric service panel will be installed to accommodate future solar installation. The general contractor shall provide mechanical and electrical layouts and cut sheets for materials that impact finish design appearance, for architect's review. Contractor shall inspect subfloor to ensure it is level and free of dips, dimples and joints that would show through on finish installation. The general contractor shall notify owner if there are problems prior to commencement of new construction. All grades and drainage to be field verified. Coordinate partition framing with required structural, mechanical, plumbing, and electrical equipement or work. EXISTING WORK The contractor shall verify existing conditions and dimensions at the project site prior to bid submittal and start of construction. Contractor shall notify the architect of any discrepancies that prevent execution of the work covered by these documents. The contractor shall protect existing to remain, new work, and all adjacent property and landscape from loss or damage resulting from operations for the duration of the project. In the event of such loss or damage by the contractor or his subcontractors, the contractor shall make such replacements or repairs as required without additional cost to the owner. Protect existing plants to remain. Avoid unnecessary root disturbance, compaction of soils within drip line, or limb breakage. Do not store material or dispose of any material other than clean water within drip line. Provide adequate irrigation during construction. Replace any tree or shrub damaged during construction with plants of equal size and value at no additional cost to the client. Refer to civil drawings for all notes and information related to existing and proposed utilities including location of existing utilities prior to any site demolition or clearing or associated with any site grading or trenching operations. All existing and proposed utility structures including but not limited to valve boxes, sewer and storm structures, electrical, water, gas and telephone boxes and vaults occurring in the location of proposed improvements shall be reset to the proper grade based on proposed grades. Existing underground utilities and improvements are shown in their approximate locations based upon record information available at the time of preparation of these plans. Locations may not have been verified in the field and no guarantee is made as to the accuracy and completeness of the information shown. The exact location and elevation of utilities shall be determined by the contractor. LANDSCAPE Existing walls and surfaces to remain, if damaged, shall be repaired and refinished to match adjacent quality level and type. Finished grade (fg) is defined as soil level prior to mulch application. finish grade at planting areas shall be set so that top of mulch is flush with adjacent paving unless otherwise noted. Landscape grading shall not exceed a 2:1 slope, see civil In all areas where asphalt or concrete paving is to be removed and replaced with new planting, remove all existing aggregate base, gravel, etc. Leave only native soil or existing clean fill. Any irrigation system installed shall utilize low water-use fixtures such as drip and microspray. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. SOUND Sound rated walls shall acoustically seal walls top and bottom and at any other wall penetrations for pipes, ducts, etc. Sound rated ceilings shall cover back concealed or recessed fixtures with a sound attenuation blanket. FIRE All insulation shall be noncombustible. Fire resistant construction requirements for occupancy separation and openings in fire separation partitions shall conform with the applicable codes. Fire-resistance rated Class A roof covering assemblies. All roof covering systems shall be a fire-resistance rated Class A roof assembly as defined in [BC 1505]. Roof covering systems for this project shall be tested and listed assemblies in compliance with ASTM E 108 or UL 790. Provide 5/8" type 'X' gypsum board at all fire-rated partitions. Contractor will provide certification that roofing materials meet Class A fire retardant requirements. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT NOTES Dimensions indicated on plans for horizontal control are accurate if measured on a level line not parallel with ground slope. 5/8" type 'X' gypsum board partitions denoted by 'X' on wall type tags. "Typical" or "typ" means identical for all similar conditions, unless otherwise noted. "Similar" or "sim" means comparable characteristics to the elevation or detail noted. Verify dimensions and orientation of the plan. Plan dimensions on drawings are shown to the center lines of columns and to the center of studs in partition walls U.N.O. Height dimensions are measured from the top of the slab, unless noted "A.F.F." (above finish floor) to the top plate heights. Dimensions are not adjustable without review of the architect. All grades refer to finish paving grades unless otherwise noted. If, in the contractor's opinion, any work shown on drawings or called for in specifications represents conditions preventing execution of a high caliber of workmanship, then such conditions shall be referred to architect for clarification. Failure to notify Architect of such conditions and proceeding with work shall be cause for rejection of work and must be reworked or reinstalled in an acceptable manner at no extra cost to Owner. Should conflict occur between drawings and specifications, it shall be assumed that the Contractor estimated the more expensive way, unless contractor, shall be paid for by the contractor responsible for the work in progress or the negligence. MATERIALS AND FINISHES On continuous wall surfaces, where construction involves more than one material, finish, or material thickness, align face of finish U.N.O. Installation shall be completed by an installer licensed and skilled in their trade. The general contractor shall provide and install materials as required for 'fire protection' compliance. Material and equipment shall be new and of a type intended for usage indicated. Like components shall be by one manufacturer and component parts shall be interchangeable. Contractor shall comply with industry standards for workmanship except when more stringent tolerances are required. Contractor shall assure that all work is performed by persons qualified to produce workmanship of the specified materials and scope of work. Contractor shall secure all products in place with positive anchorage devices designed and sized to withstand stress, vibration, and racking. Contractor shall transport, handle, store, protect and install manufactured items in strict accordance with manufacturers' recommendations. Should conflict exist between construction documents and manufacturers' instructions, contractor shall consult with Architect. Contractor shall protect products and finishes from damage during construction operations. STORAGE AND PROTECTION The general contractor shall provide protection during construction in accordance with the applicable Code by means including, but not limited too, those described in this section. Determine and comply with manufacturer's recommendation on product handling storage and protection, except as otherwise approved by architect Deliver products to job site in their manufacturer's original container, with labels intact and legible. Identification of the material / equipement shall be legible on or readable through the front cover. Promptly remove damaged material and unsuitable items from job site and replace material to meet specified requirements at no additional cost to Owner. Architect may reject all materials and products that do not bear identification satisfactory to architect for manufacturer, grade, quality, and other pertinent information. Material and products damaged or stolen while in the possession of Contractor or Sub- Contractors shall be promptly replaced or repaired to the satisfaction of the Architect at no additional cost to the Owner. When material is stored at the job site, position allowing easy access for proper inspection and identification of each shipment. Storage location shall not interfere with ongoing deliveries and construction progress. Contractor to reposition stored materials / equipement at no additional expense to Owner. Take measures to prevent theft of materials. WOOD & PLASTICS All work shall be manufactured and installed in accordance with the standard established in the latest edition of the Manual for Millwork (including any amendments) as adopted by the Woodwork Institute of California in the WIC grades hereinafter specified or shown on the drawings.All work shall be manufactured and installed in accordance with the standard established in the latest edition of the Manual for Millwork (including any amendments) as adopted by the Woodwork Institute of California in the WIC grades hereinafter specified or shown on the drawings. All cabinetry to be constructed, finished and installed in accordance with the standards of the woodworking institute of California. The general contractor shall submit shop drawings and samples for review, and shall be approved in writing before commencement of related work. THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION All waterproofing membranes shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. All fixed windows shall be sealed to limit air infiltration. All exterior joints around window and door frames,between walls and foundations, between walls and roof, between wall panels, at penetration of utilities through the envelope, shall be sealed caulked, or weatherstripped to limit air leakage. Substrates must be smooth, clean, dry and free of voids, spalled areas, loose substrate, loose nails or any sharp protrusions that may compromise the application of the membrane. Remove dirt, debris, oil, grease, cement laitance, or other foreign matter which will impair or negatively affect the performance of the waterproofing system. Mechanically fasten the waterproofing membrane at all vertical terminations. Use only smooth shank fasteners, or terminate as indicated by manufacturer. Protect adjoining surfaces, which are not to be waterproofed, from damage while performing work. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. A. B. C. D. a. b. c. d. E. a. b. All areas to receive waterproofing membrane shall be protected from damage during application until finished work is approved or accepted. Flashing, where req'd, shall be of high quality and low corrosive metal material. All roof felt shall be 30# minimum. Flat roofs shall have (2) layers of felt underlayment. Specified roof covering assemblies shall comply with all requirements of [BC 704A]; weather protection requirements of [BC 1503]; performance requirements of [BC 1504]; fire classification requirements of [BC 1505]; material requirements of [BC 1506]; and construction requirements of [BC 1507]; and storm water drainage requirements of [PC Ch. 11]. All exterior walls shall be wrapped with (2) layers of Dupont TYVEK HOMEWRAP (or approved equal) over plywood sheathing. BATT INSULATION All batt insulation shall be sound attenuation batt insulation as noted on the drawings and as manufactured by Owens-Corning, John Mansville, or equal. Install insulation in conformance with manufacturers instructions for acoustical application: fit tightly around junction boxes, pipes, irregularities, etc… See Title 24 for additional project specific requirements. SEALANTS Apply sealant compound to a clean, dry surface free from grease, oil dirt and other matter tending to impair adhesion. Clean and prime in accordance with manufacturers instructions. Protect adjacent surfaces from staining. General building application: DAP "230" sealant, latex sealing compound conforming to federal specification TT-S-00230C. Provide acoustical sealant to the top and bottom plate of all new partitions. METALS Furnish materials and perform labor required to execute the work as indicated on the structural drawings. Welding to be done by welders certified by the building department conforming to the methods described in the latest edition of the AWS standards. If structural steel is utilized, the fabricator shall provide shop drawings for the Structural Engineer and Architect's review before fabrication. Installation shall be completed by an installer licensed and skilled in their trade. Except as otherwise shown on drawings or approved shop drawings, use materials of size, thickness, and type required to produce reasonable strength and durability of work in this section. Fabricate with accurate angles and surfaces true to required lines and level grinding exposed connections with hairline joints, and using concealed fasteners wherever possible. Form metal accurately to dimensions and shapes required, finishing molded and broken surfaces with true, sharp, straight lines and angles and, where intercepting other members, coping to an accurate fit. All exposed joints to be heliarc welded and ground smooth to final finish of metal. Form, fabricate and install metal so as to accurately provide for expansion and contraction in the finished work. Set work accurately into position; plumb, level, and true. Metal specifications shall be coordinated with adjacent materials to limit galvanic action and corrosion. GLASS Hazardous safety glazing areas requiring tempered glass for impact are: Glass in any door Glass in any kind of shower, bathtub area, hot tub, steam room, sauna or whirlpool area where the bottom edge of the glass is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain outlet Glass in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazing is within a 24” arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom edge of the glazing is less than 60” above a walking surface Glass in fixed or operable panels that meets all of the following conditions: Bottom edge is less than 18” above floor Top edge is greater than 36” above floor Total area of glass is greater than 9 sq. ft. (1296 sq.in.) One or more walking surfaces within 36” horizontally of the glazing Glass in walls used as a barrier for indoor or outdoor swimming pools or spas when both of the following exist: The bottom edge of the glazing is less than 60” above a pool side of the glazing The glazing is within 5 feet of a swimming pool or spa deck area Glass in walls enclosing stairway landings or within 5 feet of the bottom and top of stairways where the bottom edge of the glass is less than 60” above a walking surface 707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.#DATE SHEET NO. DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 11:31:04 AM GENERAL NOTES A0.0279 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL) 145 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES A. B. C. D. E. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A. B. C. 8. A. B. C. D. 9. INSURANCE THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTOR(S) SHALL PURCHASE AND MAINTAIN CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE WITH RESPECT TO WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION, PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE FOR THE LIMITS AS REQUIRED BY LAW. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INITIATING, MAINTAINING AND SUPERVISING ALL SAFETY AND SECURITY PRECAUTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK. The Owner shall provide and pay for builder's risk insurance. Coverage shall include, but not be limited to perils of fire, lightning, flood, windstorm, hurricane, hail, explosion, riot, civil commotion, smoke, aircraft, land vehicles, vandalism, and malicious mischief, etc., in the amount equal to 100% of the contract sum (but not including excavation, filling, grading, demolition, foundations, and other non-insurable items). Such coverage to be issued in name of the contractor and owner, as their interest may appear. The Contractor shall procure, pay for, and maintain at all times during the prosecution of the work under the contract, various forms of insurance with carriers acceptable to the owner. All insurance policies shall have the architect, design consultants, the owner, and their employees as additional insureds. Contractor shall furnish insurance policies to owner prior to commencement of work. The following forms of insurance shall be provided: Statutory compensation and employer's liability insurance. Liability coverage . Contractor's bodily liability insurance and contractor property damage liability insurance. Contractor's protective bodily injury insurance and protective property damage liability insurance. Automobile bodily injury liability and automobile property damage liability insurance. CONTRACT & SCHEDULE NOTES / ADMINISTRATIVE NOTES Contractor shall coordinate with owner and other contractors performing work under separate contracts to ensure project progress according to schedule. The drawings and specifications constitute only a part of the contract documents as identified in the owner / contractor agreement. The contractor is also responsible for requirements set forth in the other instruments of the owner / contractor agreement. Discrepancies in the documents shall be reported to the architect at once for resolution. In agreeing to terms and conditions of contract, contractor has accepted responsibility to verify that specified products will be available and to place orders for all required materials Upon award of the contract, the general contractor shall prepare and submit to the architect a construction progress schedule. the construction schedule shall be continuously updated and posted at the job site at all times. Contractor shall provide to the owner one set of reproducible as-builts for architectural, mechanical and electrical work. Additional site work, security systems, control systems and communications systems work performed by the contractor(s) shall also be documented in as-built drawings to be submitted to the owner. As-built drawings to be computer-based documents provided on compact disk. Contractor shall provide warranties and manuals for all equipment and products installed on the project where supplied by the manufacturer. The contractor will secure the necessary permits and will erect the necessary barriers, protection fences and/or canopies along public ways prior to starting construction Contractor to obtain curb cut permits as required. The contractor shall apply for and obtain, at the contractor's sole expense, all necessary construction permits required by applicable building codes and City agencies and State agencies. Contractor to recycle, strategize waste reduction, & divert demolished materials where possible. The contractor is responsible for any and all overtime costs unless otherwise agreed upon in writing. Subject to inspectors' approval, the owner reserves the right to occupy the premises at any time before completion. Such occupancy shall not constitute the final acceptance of all or any part of the Work per the contract. Owner shall pay monthly service bill for water, gas & electricity required for duration of construction. Contractor shall pay for the telephone service for job trailer(s), any temp. power or water lines, and for removal of construction debris and trash. SAFETY The contractor and all sub-contractors and suppliers, are to fully comply with all local, state and federal safety requirements, (including but not limited to) California Occupational Safety and Health and the California Labor Commission. A first aid kit shall be on the site at all times. PRODUCT OPTIONS & SUBSTITUTIONS Contract is based on the high standards of quality established in contract documents. Substitution, revisions and / or changes must have prior approval by the architect. Contractor shall provide specified products. Contractor shall inform Architect in writing, at the time of submission, of any proposed deviations from the contract documents. Neither the Owner nor Architect has agreed to substitution of materials specifified in the contract documents, except as maybe specifically otherwise stated in writing. Contractor is required to provided specified material where materials are specified by naming one single manufacturer and / or model number. Materials proposed by the Contractor to be used, in lieu of materials specified with "or equal," shall in all ways be equal or exceed the qualities of the named materials and shall be approved by the architect. Should Contractor demonstrate (to approval of Architect) that a specified material was ordered in a timely manner and will not be available in time for incorporation into this work, then Contractor shall submit to Architect such data on proposed substitute materials and/or methods as are needed to assist Architect in determining suitability of proposed substitution. Substitutions will be considered if: Contractor has submitted substitution to architect in writing. Contractor has indicated (in writing) cost, time or other benefits for substitution. Architect shall be the judge of acceptability and reserves the right to reject proposed substitution. The following products do not require further approval except for interface within work: Products specified by reference to standard specifications, such as national testing agencies and similar standards. Products specified by manufacturer's name and catalog number. Where phrase “or equal” or “or equal as approved by Architect” occurs in contract, do not assume that materials, equipment will be approved as equal unless item has been specifically approved by Architect. Decision of Owner and / or Architect shall be final. The general contractor shall make shop drawings and sample submittals in accordance with AIA general conditions A201 and the requirements of the construction drawing and specifications. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. MARKED-UP DRAWINGS / RECORD DRAWINGS During the execution of the work, contractor shall maintain a complete set of contract drawings in the job office, upon which set he is required to note in red, or other clear manner, all deviations from the contract documents (both authorized and unauthorized). Marked-up drawings prepared from this job set are a part of the project close-out documents. Submittal by contractor represents that field measurements, field construction criteria, materials, catalog numbers and similar data have been reviewed and verified by Contractor, and that each has been checked and coordinated with requirements of Contract Documents. Architects review of submittals shall be for design concept only and shall not be construed as approving departures from Contract documents. Architect shall respond promply to RFI's and Submittals. SITE ACCESS & PROTECTION The property gates are to be closed and locked at the end of each workday. The contractor shall maintain the premises clean and free of all trash and debris and shall protect all work from damage, soiling, paint overspray, etc. All fixtures, equipment, glazing, floor, etc. shall be left clean and ready for occupancy (including existing storefront glazing and mullions, both interior and exterior space frame.) Contractor shall be responsible to final clean the space Contractor shall make arrangements with the owner/property manager for parking access, security access, material storage and waste dumpster location on the construction site The Contractor shall keep the premises free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish caused by his employees and subcontractors. At the completion of the work, the subcontractors shall remove from building and site all rubbish, tools, and surplus materials and leave the work swept broom clean. MANUALS Where manuals (such as HVAC equipment) are required to be submitted covering items including work, recommended maintenance, etc., provide manuals in durable binders, approximately 8-1/2 ” by 11” in size, and provide the following information: Identification on, or readable through, front cover, stating general nature of manual. Neatly typewritten index at front of manual, furnishing immediate information as to location in manual of data or equipment involved, name, address and phone number of subcontractor. Complete instructions regarding operation and maintenance of equipment involved. Complete nomenclature or replaceable parts, their part numbers, current cost, and name, address and phone number of nearest vendor of parts. Copy of all guarantees and warranties issued. Copy of approved shop drawings with data concerning changes made during construction. Extraneous Data: Where contents of manual include manufacturers catalog pages, clearly indicate precise items included in this installation and delete, or otherwise clearly indicate, manufacturer's data with which this installation is not concerned. Architect will retain one copy and return one (1) copy to the Contractor and one to the Owner. CONTRACT CLOSE OUT Contractor shall provide documentation (notice of substantial completion) stating the work has been substantially completed. Contractor shall provide list of items to be completed to Architect. Architect will review list of items to be completed and will supplement the list of items considered to be incomplete or unacceptable. At completion of work, and prior to owner move-in, Contractor shall employ skilled workmen for final cleaning; including glass, glossy surfaces, floors and finishes, including paint touch- up as required. Contractor shall provide project record documents, material and finish data, operation and instruction manuals, maintenance of equipement and systems, warranties (including coverage dates), and bonds at project completion. Submit records to owner bound in 8-1/2" x 11" three-ring binders with durable plastic covers. Contractor shall submit (marked-up) record drawings to Owner. Contractor shall provide evidence of payments and release of liens to Owner. Contractor shall obtain certificate of occupancy and provide to Owner. Contractor shall provide final certificate for payment to Owner.707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.#DATE SHEET NO. DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 11:31:04 AM GENERAL NOTES A0.0379 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL) 146 147 WMICVG 4.00 '60.00'4.00'60.00'C/L EASTFIELD DRIVE705.00 710.00 715.00 720.00725.00730.00735.00740.00745.00750.00755.00760.00765.00770.00 775.00 780.00 785.00 790.00 795.00 800.00 805.0 0 810.0 0 815.0 0 775.00 740.00 745.00 750.00 755.00 760.00 765.00 770.00 775.00 770.00 765. 0 0 760.00 755.00 775.00775.00775.00780. 0 0 785. 0 0 790. 0 0 795. 0 0 800. 0 0 780.00 785.00 790.00 780.00 780.00 785.00735.00805.0 0 810.00 815.00 770.00780.00 785.00 790.00 805.00 795.00 800.00 780.00 750.00 STEP DOWN GW SS UBWMSSACUCS CONCRETE TENNIS COURT ASPHALT DRIVEWAY ASPHALT BERMDRIVEWAYACCESSDRIVEWAY ACCESSDI PPGW GW WOOD PICKET FE N C E WOOD PICKET FENCEDRIVEWAY AC C E S S PLANTERGM CONCRETE V-GUTTER LOT 14 R.S.B. 58/6-10 DRAIN IN L E T 773.39F L 778.70 FS778.62FS779.29 FS 778.58 FS 780.28 FS 779.54 FS 778.52 FS 779.58 FS 778.61 FS 777.88 FL 777.92 FL 778.74FS778.59 FS 778.6 6 FS 776.29FS775.57FS777.33 FS 779.51 FS 778.82FS777.71FS775.20FS775.00FS777.59 NG 779.77 FS 779.62 FS 783 . 6 2 NG 786 . 8 6 NG 795 . 1 5 NG807 . 4 0 NG 813 . 3 3 NG 805 . 6 1 NG 812 . 4 9 NG 800 . 5 8 NG 763 . 2 5 NG 738.1 3 NG 719.56 NG 707.88 NG 705.25 NG 705.62NG70 3 . 7 2 NG71 2 . 2 2 NG728.27NG73 2 . 9 1 NG73 7 . 9 9 NG 74 6 . 9 1 NG 75 8 . 7 5 NG 77 1 . 8 1 NG 749 . 9 0 NG 725 . 6 9 NG 716 . 8 9 NG 743 . 3 9 NG 754 . 2 9 NG 767 . 1 0 NG 794 . 7 0 NG 768 . 4 8 NG 746 . 8 2 NG 778.21NG778.22NG777. 2 6 NG 779. 0 2 NG 779.66 NG 779.72 NG 779.92NG 778.64NG 788 . 1 9 NG 740 . 2 9 NG 718 . 8 7 NG 767.98 NG 772.03 NG 773.24 NG 773.70NG779.85 NG 516.33'N 63° 0 6' 3 5 " E 250.00'N 26° 53' 25" W345.60'C6503.29 'C5400.00'S 18° 24' 16" W330.00'S 18° 24' 16" W264.78' S 84° 00' 20" W L=159.74' R=330.00'C330.00' S 73° 54' 17" W L=145.22' R=300.00330.00'S 79° 49' 36" W 782.96'N 15° 51' 37" E 60.71'N 23° 24' 57" E 197.30'N 86° 33' 29" E 5 9 7 . 7 2 '30.00'N 46° 11' 03" EFD. NAIL O N L O T CORNER E L . 7 7 4 . 7 6 0.81' FD. 2" I.P . " R E 1 2 2 " O N LOT CORN E R E L . 7 3 9 . 5 7FD. 2" I.P. "RE 122" ONLOT CORNER EL. 734.17FD. I.P. W ITH ALUM CAP"RCE 26120" AT 0.81'NE'LY ON P/L PRODEL. 779.9730' 5 7 9 9PPICV EDGE OF P A V E M E N T AD ( I N F E E T ) 1 i n c h = f e e t GR A P H I C S C A L E DEMOLITION NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The contractor shall protect existing to remain, new work, and all adjacent property and landscape from loss or damage resulting from operations for the duration of the project. In the event of such loss or damage by the contractor or his subcontractors, the contractor shall make such replacements or repairs as required without additional cost to the owner. Refer to civil drawings for all notes and information related to existing and proposed utilities including location of existing utilities prior to any site demolition or clearing or associated with any site grading or trenching operations. All existing and proposed utility structures including but not limited to valve boxes, sewer and storm structures, electrical, water, gas and telephone boxes and vaults occurring in the location of proposed improvements shall be reset to the proper grade based on proposed grades. Existing underground utilities and improvements are shown in their approximate locations based upon record information available at the time of preparation of these plans, refer to civil drawings. Locations may not have been verified in the field and no guarantee is made as to the accuracy and completeness of the information shown. The exact location and elevation of utilities shall be determined by the contractor. Contractor to recycle, strategize waste reduction, & divert demolished materials where possible. LEGEND PROPERTY LINES BUILDING SETBACK EXISTING 1-STORY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 3534 SF SIDEYARD SETBACK35'-0"EXISTING THREE-CAR GARAGE 782 SF EXISTING DRIVEWAY FLOW LINE PROPERTY LINE EXISTING 7,000 SF TENNIS COURT TO BE REMOVED RE A R Y A R D S E T B A C K 50' - 0 "SIDEYARD SETBACK35'-0"FRONTYAR D S E T B A C K 50'-0" SPECTIC TANK EASEMENT 30'-0" EXISTIN G S E T B A C K 34'-9"EASEMENT15'-0"EASEMENT15'-0"EA S E M E N T 10' - 0 " EXISTING BUILDING PAD EXISTING ROOF ABV. AREA TO BE REMOVED AREA TO BE CONVERTED TO HABITABLE 707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.0'16'4' 8' #DATE SHEET NO. DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 11:31:32 AM SITE DEMO AD1.0079 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL) KEYNOTES NPLAN NORTH 1/32" 1'-0" 1EXISTING SITE PLAN 148 Oven DEMOLITION NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The contractor shall protect existing to remain, new work, and all adjacent property and landscape from loss or damage resulting from operations for the duration of the project. In the event of such loss or damage by the contractor or his subcontractors, the contractor shall make such replacements or repairs as required without additional cost to the owner. Refer to civil drawings for all notes and information related to existing and proposed utilities including location of existing utilities prior to any site demolition or clearing or associated with any site grading or trenching operations. All existing and proposed utility structures including but not limited to valve boxes, sewer and storm structures, electrical, water, gas and telephone boxes and vaults occurring in the location of proposed improvements shall be reset to the proper grade based on proposed grades. Existing underground utilities and improvements are shown in their approximate locations based upon record information available at the time of preparation of these plans, refer to civil drawings. Locations may not have been verified in the field and no guarantee is made as to the accuracy and completeness of the information shown. The exact location and elevation of utilities shall be determined by the contractor. Contractor to recycle, strategize waste reduction, & divert demolished materials where possible. LEGEND 101 ROOM TAG KITCHEN PROPERTY LINES BUILDING SETBACK D W REF. 14" 80GAL W.H. F.A.U. FAN COIL (E.) FIREPLACE TUB. GARDEN DRYING YARD PLANTER ROOF ABOVE 780'-3 17/32" 779'-0 1/4" 781'-5 17/32" 1'-8"1'-8"KIT 8'-9" x 13'-3" NOOK 8'-9" x 13'-3" DINING 17'-9" x 12'-6" LIVINGROOM 17'-9" x 24' - 6" ENTRY 14'-9" x 7' FAMILY ROOM 17'-9" x 31' BEDRM. 2 11' x 14'-3" MASTER BEDRM. 16' x 18'-9" GARAGE 30' x 23' UTIL. 11' x 7'-9" BATH2 10'-9" x 7'-9"CLO. 11' x 7'-9" BATH1 14' x 6' BATH3 11' x 8' BEDRM. 3 11' x 14'-3" BEDRM. 4 15' x 12'-3" CLO. HALL (E.) COLUMN CONVERTED TO HABITABLE TO BE REMOVED TO BE ADDED 707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.0'8'2'4' #DATE SHEET NO.DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 11:31:33 AM EXISTING FIRST FLOOR PLAN AD2.0079 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL) KEYNOTES NPLAN NORTH 1/4" 1'-0" 1EXISTING FIRST FLOOR PLAN 149 Oven LEGEND (D) XX.XX' LF 101 EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN TAG EXISTING WALL TO BE DEMOLISHED TAG ROOM TAG KITCHEN EXISTING TO REMAIN EXISTING TO REMOVE (E) XX.XX' LF (D) 12'-5 1/2" LF (D) 17'-5" LF (E) 33'-2 1/4" LF (E) 25'-6" LF (D) 3'-11" LF (D) 2'-6" LF(E) 10'-2" LF (E) 6'-0" LF (E) 30'-8 1/4" LF (E) 49'-3 1/4" LF (E) 14'-9 1/4" LF (E) 29'-6 1/2" LF (E) 16'-6 1/4" LF (D) 15'-3 1/4" LF (E) 28'-1" LF (D) 18'-3 1/4" LF (E) 16'-10" LF (E) 36'-3" LF (D) 45'-6" LF (D) 3'-5" LF (D) 3'-0" LF (D) 7'-5 1/2" LF (E) 23'-6 1/2" LF (E) 5'-9 1/4" LF 12'-5" LF (D) 9'-0 1/4" LF (D) 4'-2 1/2" LF (D) 3'-10 1/4" LF (E) 3'-7 3/4" LF (D) 5'-2 5/16" LF (E) 1'-3 3/16" LF (D) 22'-8" LF (D) 8'-3 1/4" LF (D) 1'-5 13/16" LF (D) 8'-9 7/16" LF (D) 10'-3 1/4" LF (E) 6'-1" LF (D) 2'-0" LF (E) 7'-7 23/32" LF (D) 14'-9 1/4" LF (D) 2'-6" LF (D) 14'-9 1/4" LF (D) 5'-8 1/2" LF (E) 12'-0 3/4" LF (D) 1'-2 11/16" LF (D) 11'-7 1/4" LF (D) 3'-2 1/16" LF (D) 9'-2 1/4" LF (D) 2'-6" LF (D) 16'-8 1/4" LF(D) 6'-2" LF (D) 8'-6 1/4" LF (D) 1'-11" LF (D) 3'-10" LF (D) 12'-10 1/4" LF (E) 1'-11" LF (E) 2'-8" LF(D) 1'-6 1/4" LF (D) 1'-1 29/32" LF (D) 3'-0" LF (D) 1'-1" LF (D) 6'-6" LF DEMOLITION NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The contractor shall protect existing to remain, new work, and all adjacent property and landscape from loss or damage resulting from operations for the duration of the project. In the event of such loss or damage by the contractor or his subcontractors, the contractor shall make such replacements or repairs as required without additional cost to the owner. Refer to civil drawings for all notes and information related to existing and proposed utilities including location of existing utilities prior to any site demolition or clearing or associated with any site grading or trenching operations. All existing and proposed utility structures including but not limited to valve boxes, sewer and storm structures, electrical, water, gas and telephone boxes and vaults occurring in the location of proposed improvements shall be reset to the proper grade based on proposed grades. Existing underground utilities and improvements are shown in their approximate locations based upon record information available at the time of preparation of these plans, refer to civil drawings. Locations may not have been verified in the field and no guarantee is made as to the accuracy and completeness of the information shown. The exact location and elevation of utilities shall be determined by the contractor. Contractor to recycle, strategize waste reduction, & divert demolished materials where possible.707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.#DATE SHEET NO. DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 11:31:36 AM DEMOLITION CALCS AD2.1079 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL) 45.50 LF 8.94 LF 17.98 LF 36.25 LF 16.83 LF 6.54 LF 33.19 LF 23.54 LF 30.69 LF 6.00 LF 49.27 LF 5.77 LF 29.54 LF 8.88 LF 28.08 LF 3.65 LF 6.08 LF 7.64 LF 14.77 LF 25.50 LF 1.92 LF 1.15 LF 16.52 LF 1.26 LF 2.67 LF 12.06 LF 10.17 LF 10.25 LF 460.64 LF Existing to Remain (E) 3.00 LF 7.46 LF 45.50 LF 12.46 LF 22.67 LF 4.21 LF 9.02 LF 3.85 LF 10.27 LF 2.00 LF 6.50 LF 8.27 LF 14.77 LF 2.50 LF 14.77 LF 3.17 LF 1.52 LF 16.69 LF 1.16 LF 2.50 LF 8.52 LF 6.17 LF 11.60 LF 1.23 LF 12.85 LF 15.27 LF 18.27 LF 8.25 LF 25.04 LF 8.25 LF 1.21 LF 1.21 LF 1.21 LF 1.21 LF 1.92 LF 1.50 LF 8.79 LF 1.48 LF 5.19 LF 2.50 LF 9.19 LF 3.83 LF 1.08 LF 5.85 LF 17.42 LF 17.90 LF 5.71 LF 3.92 LF 3.00 LF 3.42 LF 405.27 LF Total Wall to be Demolished (Existing to be Demolished / Total) 405.27 LF / (405.27 LF + 460.64 LF) 46.8% Existing to be Demolished (D)NPLAN NORTH WALL DEMO CEILING DEMO Existing to be Demolished (D) Existing to Remain (E) KEYNOTES 1/4" 1'-0" 1FIRST FLOOR WALL DEMO CALCS 150 LOWER LEVEL 779.02' EXISTING MAX HT. TO REMAIN 795.34' NATURAL GRADE 778.35' MAX HEIGHT 803.59'6'-6"T.O.LOWER PLATE 786.87' BRICK COLUMN BRICK CONCRETE TILE ROOF STUCCO FLAT FASCIA 7'-10 1/4"25'-2 27/32"794'-11 25/32" EXISTING MAX HT. TO REMAIN 795.34' T.O.UPPER PLATE 789.46' MAX HEIGHT 803.59' UPPER LEVEL 781.46'5'-10 9/16"8'-0"2'-0"T.O.LOWER PLATE 786.87' BRICKCONCRETE TILE ROOFSTUCCOFLAT FASCIA794'-11 25/32" GARAGE LEVEL 780.19' LOWER LEVEL 779.02' EXISTING MAX HT. TO REMAIN 795.34' NATURAL GRADE 778.35' MAX HEIGHT 803.59' T.O.LOWER PLATE 786.87'8"BRICK COLUMN BRICK CONCRETE TILE ROOFSTUCCOFLAT FASCIA 794'-11 25/32" LOWER LEVEL 779.02' EXISTING MAX HT. TO REMAIN 795.34' T.O.UPPER PLATE 789.46' NATURAL GRADE 778.35' MAX HEIGHT 803.59' UPPER LEVEL 781.46'6'-0"T.O.LOWER PLATE 786.87'7'-10 1/4"BRICK COLUMN BRICKCONCRETE TILE ROOF STUCCO 794'-9 21/32" WHITEWASHED BRICK BOARD AND BATTEN CONCRETE TILE ELEVATION LEGEND STUCCO PARTS TO BE DEMOLISHED 707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.0'8'2' 4' #DATE SHEET NO. DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 2:11:22 PM EXISTING ELEVATION AD3.0079 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL) KEYNOTES 1/8" 1'-0" 1EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION 1/8" 1'-0" 2EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" 1'-0" 3EXISTING EAST ELEVATION 1/8" 1'-0" 4EXISTING WEST ELEVATION 151 152 EASTFIELD DR IVE EXISTING 1-STORY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 3,534 SF EXISTING THREE-CAR GARAGE 782 SF 30'-0" PLANTER 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.#DATE SHEET NO. DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 11:31:07 AM EXISTING BUILDING PHOTO A0.1179 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL) 1/16" 1'-0" 1EXISTING ENLARGED SITE PLAN 153 WMICVGL=159.74' R=330.00'C330.00' S 73° 54' 17" W L=145.22' R=300.00C/L EASTFIELD DRIVE330.00'30.00'N 46° 11' 03" EFD. NAIL O N L O T CORNER E L . 7 7 4 . 7 6 FD. I.P. W ITH ALUM CAP"RCE 26120" AT 0.81'NE'LY ON P/L PRODEL. 779.9730' 5 7 9 9 STEP DOWN GW SS UBWMSSACUASPHALT DRIVEWAY ASPHALT BERMDRIVEWAYACCESSDRIVEWAY ACCESSDI PPGW GW WOOD PICKET FE N C E WOOD PICKET FENCEDRIVEWAY AC C E S S PLANTERGM CONCRETE V-GUTTER R.S.B. 58/6-10 705.00 710.00 715.00 720.00725.00730.00735.00740.00745.00750.00755.00760.00765.00770.00 775.00 780.00 785.00 790.00 795.00 800.00 805.0 0 810.0 0 815.0 0 775.00 740.00 745.00 750.00 755.00 760.00 765.00 770.00 775.00 770.00 765. 00 760.00 755.00 775.00775.00775.00780. 0 0 785. 0 0 790. 0 0 795. 0 0 800. 0 0 780.00 785.00 790.00 780.00 780.00 785.00735.00805.0 0 810.00 815.00 770.00780.00 785.00 790.00 805.00 795.00 800.00 780.00 750.00 DRAIN IN L E T 773.39F L 778.70 FS778.62FS778.58FS778.29 FS 779.29 FS 778.58 FS 780.28 FS 779.54 FS 778.52 FS 779.58 FS 778.61 FS 777.88 FL 777.92 FL 778.59 FS 778.6 6 FS 776.29FS775.57FS777.33 FS 779.51 FS 778.82FS777.71FS775.20FS775.00FS779.77 FS 779.62 FS 783 . 6 2 NG 786 . 8 6 NG 795 . 1 5 NG807 . 4 0 NG 813 . 3 3 NG 805 . 6 1 NG 812 . 4 9 NG 800 . 5 8 NG 763 . 2 5 NG 738.1 3 NG 719.56 NG 707.88 NG 705.25 NG 705.62NG70 3 . 7 2 NG71 2 . 2 2 NG728.27NG73 2 . 9 1 NG73 7 . 9 9 NG 74 6 . 9 1 NG 75 8 . 7 5 NG 77 1 . 8 1 NG 749 . 9 0 NG 725 . 6 9 NG 716 . 8 9 NG 743 . 3 9 NG 754 . 2 9 NG 767 . 1 0 NG 794 . 7 0 NG 768 . 4 8 NG 746 . 8 2 NG 778.21NG778.22NG777. 2 6 NG 779. 0 2 NG 779.66 NG 779.72 NG 779.92NG 778.64NG 788 . 1 9 NG 740 . 2 9 NG 718 . 8 7 NG 767.98 NG 772.03 NG 773.24 NG 773.70NG779.85 NG 516.33'N 63° 0 6' 3 5 " E 250.00'N 26° 53' 25" W345.60'C6503.29 'C5400.00'S 18° 24' 16" W330.00'S 18° 24' 16" W264.78' S 84° 00' 20" W S 79° 49' 36" W 782.96'N 15° 51' 37" E 60.71'N 23° 24' 57" E 197.30'N 86° 33' 29" E 5 9 7 . 7 2 ' FD. 2" I.P . " R E 1 2 2 " O N LOT CORN E R E L . 7 3 9 . 5 7FD. 2" I.P. "RE 122" ONLOT CORNER EL. 734.17PPICV EDGE OF P A V E M E NT AD ( I N F E E T ) 1 i n c h = f e e t GR A P H I C S C A L E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. DIMENSIONS INDICATED ON PLANS FOR HORIZONTAL CONTROL ARE ACCURATE IF MEASURED ON A LEVEL LINE NOT PARALLEL WITH GROUND SLOPE. COORDINATE PARTITION FRAMING WITH REQUIRED STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPEMENT OR WORK. "TYPICAL" OR "TYP" MEANS IDENTICAL FOR ALL SIMILAR CONDITIONS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. "SIMILAR" OR "SIM" MEANS COMPARABLE CHARACTERISTICS TO THE ELEVATION OR DETAIL NOTED. VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND ORIENTATION OF THE PLAN. PLAN DIMENSIONS ON DRAWINGS ARE SHOWN TO THE CENTER LINES OF COLUMNS AND STUDS IN PARTITION WALLS U.N.O. HEIGHT DIMENSIONS ARE MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF THE SLAB OR SHEATHING, (UNLESS NOTED "A.F.F." (ABOVE FINISH FLOOR)) TO THE TOP PLATE ELEVATION. DIMENSIONS ARE NOT ADJUSTABLE WITHOUT REVIEW OF THE ARCHITECT. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY DIMENSIONS FOR ANY EXISTING CONDITIONS. ALL PROPOSED CUTTING OF DIRT MUST BE BALANCED ON SITE. SITE PLAN NOTES LEGEND PROPERTY LINES BUILDING SETBACK AD3.003 AD3.00 1 AD3.00 2 AD3.00 4 (E.) 1-STORY SINGLE FAMILY REMODEL 3,534 SF FRONT SET B A C K 50'-0"SETBACK35'-0"SETBACK35'-0"GW UB WM SE T B A C K 50' - 0 " 597.72' N 86° 33' 29" E 782.96' S 79° 49' 36" W197.30' N 23° 24' 57" E60.71' N 15° 51' 37" E30' N 4 6° 1 1' 0 3" E 30' S 73° 54' 17" W L 145.22 ' R 300.00EASTFIELD DR IVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 43'-6"148'-3" 9'-0"23'-0"57'-2" 197'-6"15' -1 " 21 33 2121 19'-7"39'-11"EASEMENT 30'-0" EXISTIN G S E T B A C K 34'-9" 34 35 36 EASEMENT15'-0"EASEMENT15'-0"EA S E M E N T 10' - 0 " 2 3 37 38 20'-6"39 RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA CALCULATIONS: EXISTING CALCULATIONS STRUCTURE (E) RESIDENCE:3,534 SQFT (E) GARAGE:788 SQFT (E) RECREATION COURT7,000 SQFT (E) SERVICE YARD75 SQFT (E) ATTACHED TRELLIS:538 SQFT (E) TOTAL11,935 SQFT HARDSCAPE (E) DRIVEWAY:3,909 SQFT (E) PARKING PAD:400 SQFT (E) PATIO AND WALKWAY1,520 SQFT (E) TOTAL5,829 SQFT TOTAL DISTRUBED 31,873 SQFT BUILDING PAD AREA31,873 SQFT STRUCTURAL COVERAGE (20% MAX. ALLOWED) 10.78% TOTAL HARDSCAPE COVERAGE (35% MAX. ALLOWED) 15.96% TOTAL BUILDING PAD COVERAGE (30% MAX. ALLOWED) 35.5% TOTAL DISTURBED AREA (40% MAX. ALLOWED) 28.9% SITE CALCULATIONS: NET LOT AREA110,030 SQFT 20% STRUCTURE 22,006 SQFT 35% TOTAL COVERAGE 38,510.5 SQFT TOTAL DISTURBED AREA 40%44,012 SQFT PROPOSED CALCULATIONS STRUCTURE (N) RESIDENCE: 3,796.45 SQFT (N) ATTACHED COVERED PORCHE: 202 SQFT (N) GARAGE:502 SQFT (N) SWIMMING POOL:762 SQFT (N) STABLE 450 SQFT (N) ATTACHED TRELLIS:956 SQFT (N) PROPOSED ADU:762 SQFT (N) TOTAL7,970.45 SQFT HARDSCAPE (N) DRIVEWAY:2,544 SQFT (N) WALKWAY AND PATIO: 1,062 SQFT (N) PARKING PAD:270 SQFT (N) POOL PAVING1,520 SQFT (N) TOTAL5,396 SQFT TOTAL DISTRUBED36,983 SQFT BUILDING PAD AREA32,000 SQFT STRUCTURAL COVERAGE (20% MAX. ALLOWED) 7.24% TOTAL BUILDING PAD COVERAGE (35% MAX. ALLOWED) 12.31% TOTAL BUILDING PAD COVERAGE (30% MAX. ALLOWED) 21.9% TOTAL DISTURBED AREA (40% MAX. ALLOWED) 33.6% DRIVEWAY AND MOTOR COURT COVERAGE: FRONT SETBACK AREA 8,032 SQFT SIDE SETBACK AREA 48,120 SQFT FRONT SETBACK DRIVEWAY COVERAGE 14.4% FRONT SETBACK PARKING PAD COVERAGE 3.36% SIDE SETBACK DRIVEWAY COVERAGE 1.92% SIDE SETBACK PARKING PAD COVERAGE 0% 0'60'30'707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.#DATE SHEET NO. DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 11:31:09 AM SITE PLAN A1.0179 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL) 1 PROPERTY LINE 2 SIDEYARD SETBACK 3 EASEMENT LINE 4 REARYARD SETBACK 5 FRONTYARD SETBACK 6 550 SF FUTURE CORRAL - PROTECT 7 450 SF FUTURE STABLE 8 (E.) 3,909 SF DRIVEWAY REMODEL TO 2,544 SF DRIVEWAY 9 (E) TWO-CAR GARAGE REMODEL 502 SF 10 (E) 280 SF GARAGE CONVERT TO LIVING 11 (N.) 98 SF ROOF ADDITION 12 DEMO OF 38.3SF EXISTING LIVING SPACE 13 (E) WOOD POCKET FENCE 14 (N) 712 SF WALKWAY, CHECK LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR DETAIL 15 (E) TREE TO BE DEMOLISHED 16 ADU PARKING 17 20.75 SF ADDTION 18 (N) 78 SF TRASH 19 (N) 175 SF TRELLIS OVER PATIO 20 (E) SPECTIC TANK 21 LANDSCAPE AREA - SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN 22 (N) FIREPIT 23 DEMO OF EXISTING DRIVEWAY 24 (N) 350 SF STEPPING STONE 25 (N) 540 SF STONE ON CONCRETE PAVEMENT YARD 26 (N) 202 ROOF ABV. 27 (N.) GRAVEL 28 (N) 696 SF POOL 29 (N) 96 SF SPA 30 (N.) 1,520 SF STONE ON CONCRETE PAVEMENT 31 (N.) 40 SF POOL EQUIPMENT VAULT 32 (N) PROPOSED 762 SF ADU 33 (E) TENNIS COURT TO BE DEMOLISHED 34 (N.) 270 SF PARKING PAD 35 418 SF ADDITION TO EXISTING 538 SF PATIO 36 (N.) TRELLIS OVER 956 SF PATIO 37 (N) 78 SF A/C. 38 (E.) EXISTING DRIVEWAY 39 (E.) EXISTING 234 SF PARKING PAD TO BE REMOVED KEYNOTES 1" 30'-0" 1PROPOSED SITE PLAN N PLAN NORTH LEGAL DESCRIPTION RECORD OF SURVEY AS PER BK 58 PG 6 TO 1O OF RECORD OF SURVEYS LOT 14 FFE 778.89FFE 780.19FFE 781.46FFE 779.58 FFE 779.02154 DN R/F. DN DW1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Dimensions indicated on plans for horizontal control are accurate if measured on a level line not parallel with ground slope. Coordinate partition framing with required structural, mechanical, plumbing, and electrical work. "Typical" or "TYP" means identical for all similar conditions, unless otherwise noted. "Similar" or "SIM" means comparable characteristics to the elevation or detail noted. Verify dimensions and orientation of the plan. Plan dimensions on drawings are shown to the centerline of studs in all interior walls and exterior of stud at all exterior walls U.N.O. Height dimensions are measured from the top of the slab or sheathing, (unless noted "A.F.F." (above finish floor)) to the top plate elevation. Dimensions are not adjustable without review of the architect. Ceiling height deimensions labeled with "MIN." should be constructed tight to the structure or ducting above. Contractor to field verify dimensions for any existing conditions. Wrap all drainage pipes located inside of walls to minimize sound transmission. FLOOR PLAN NOTES LEGEND W24 A2X 101 101 WINDOW TYPE INTERIOR PARTITION TYPE A WALL TYPE, VARIES (LETTER WILL VARY) 2 NOMINAL STUD SIZE (NUMBER WILL VARY) X 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP, WHERE OCCURS DOOR NUMBER ROOM TAG KITCHEN EXISTING TO REMAIN EXISTING TO REMOVE NEW 1HR 2HR PROPERTY LINES BUILDING SETBACK A3.002 AD3.00 1 AD3.004 T PLAYROOM 12'X13'-9" FOYER 14'x10'-9" CLO. OFFICE/ BEDROOM1 12'-6"x13'-6" OUTDOOR LIVING 15'-6"x45'-6" MASTER BEDROOM 16'x18'-9" BEDROOM3 12'-3"x12'-3" BEDROOM4 11'x14'-3" BEDROOM2 12'-"x11'-6" 2-CAR GARAGE 20'-0"x22'-9" LAUNDRY 9'-9"x8'-3" BATH2 8'-3"x5'-6" BATH1 8'-3"x5'-6" PWDR. 5'-6"x7'-9" HER CLO. 9'-6"x7'-9" HIS CLO. 7'x9'-3" CLO. 7'x4'-6" MASTER BATH 16'x9'-9" PANTRY 5'x7'-3" BATH3 5'-9"x12'-3" CLO. LIN. CLO. DW STO. DW CLO. BATH4 5'X8'-6" 1 A4.00 KITCHEN 17'-6" X 16'-9" GREAT ROOM 17'-6"X17'-3" DINING 17'-6"X10'-9"TYP.1'-0"2'-0" PATIO 15'x16' 2 A4.00 7'-3" x 2' 100 101 102 105 104 103 108 109 107 106 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 124 125 126 123 130 127 132 133 131 129 128 AI AJ AH AG AF AE ACAD AB AA B6 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 A4 D6 B6 B4 B4 B4 B6 B6 E6 B6 B6 B4 B4 B4 B4 C6 B4 B4B4 B4 B6E6 B4B4B4 B6 B4 B4 A4 A4 E6 B6 E6 E6 14'-7"2'-8"11'-0"2'-8"14'-7"8'-10"5'-9"5'-6"5'-6"5'-9"8'-10"6'-8"6'-2"14'-7"9'-8" 24'-3"12'-10" ATTIC ACCESS ATTIC ACCESS 1 2 3 4 5 2 6 7 8 AK 9 A12 75'-7"24'-1"33'-2" 12'-4"20'-11" 6'-0"6'-3"2'-5"18'-6" 60'-7"30'-8" 10 11 12 707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.0'8'2' 4' #DATE SHEET NO. DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 11:31:11 AM FLOOR PLAN A2.0079 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL) 1 WALL OVEN W/ MICROWAVE 2 ROOF ABOVE 3 (N.) TRELLIS 4 (E.) FIREPLACE 5 (E.) 3,909 SF DRIVEWAY REMODEL TO 2,544 SF DRIVEWAY 6 SKYLIGHTS 7 DEMO OF 38.3SF EXISTING LIVING SPACE 8 LINEN 9 LANDSCAPE AREA - SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN 10 UNDER CABINET REF. 11 (N.) FIREPLACE W/ TV ABV. 12 (N.) 956 SF TRELLIS ABOVE KEYNOTES 1/4" 1'-0" 1PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLAN N PLAN NORTH 155 R/F. BATH 6'-3"x11'-9"STO. 7'X6'-3" LIVING AREA 19'-6" x 12' DWT. PAN. A3.02 4 A3.022 A3.02 3 A3.021TYP.1'-0"2'-0" KITCHEN 19'-6" X 9' SLEEPING AREA 19'-6" X 6'-6" 200 201 202 203 204 BA B6 B6 B4 E6 B6 B6 B6B6 B6 B6 FAU.18" CLR. 1 2 3 4 5 - --- - --- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Dimensions indicated on plans for horizontal control are accurate if measured on a level line not parallel with ground slope. Coordinate partition framing with required structural, mechanical, plumbing, and electrical work. "Typical" or "TYP" means identical for all similar conditions, unless otherwise noted. "Similar" or "SIM" means comparable characteristics to the elevation or detail noted. Verify dimensions and orientation of the plan. Plan dimensions on drawings are shown to the centerline of studs in all interior walls and exterior of stud at all exterior walls U.N.O. Height dimensions are measured from the top of the slab or sheathing, (unless noted "A.F.F." (above finish floor)) to the top plate elevation. Dimensions are not adjustable without review of the architect. Ceiling height deimensions labeled with "MIN." should be constructed tight to the structure or ducting above. Contractor to field verify dimensions for any existing conditions. Wrap all drainage pipes located inside of walls to minimize sound transmission. FLOOR PLAN NOTES LEGEND W24 A2X 101 101 WINDOW TYPE INTERIOR PARTITION TYPE A WALL TYPE, VARIES (LETTER WILL VARY) 2 NOMINAL STUD SIZE (NUMBER WILL VARY) X 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP, WHERE OCCURS DOOR NUMBER ROOM TAG KITCHEN EXISTING TO REMAIN EXISTING TO REMOVE NEW 1HR 2HR PROPERTY LINES BUILDING SETBACK 707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.0'8'2' 4' #DATE SHEET NO. DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 11:31:12 AM PROPOSED ADU PLAN A2.0179 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL) 1/4" 1'-0" 1PROPOSED ADU PLAN N PLAN NORTH 1 ROOF ABOVE 2 UPPER CABINET 3 TANKLESS WATER HEATER 4 (N.) FIREPLACE W/ TV ABV. 5 (N) 202 ROOF ABV. KEYNOTES 156 1. See RCP for ceiling condition and to verify roof venting needs. ROOF PLAN NOTES 4" / 1'-0"4" / 1'-0"4" / 1'-0"2'-0" 4" / 1'-0"4" / 1'-0"2'-0"1'-0"2'-0"2'-0"4" / 1'-0"4" / 1'-0"4" / 1'-0"4'-0"2'-0"2'-0" 5'-6"2'-0"5'-6" (N.) DOWNSPOUT TYP. WALL BELOW (N.) DOWNSPOUT TYP. COLUMN BELOW (N.) 98 SF ROOF ADDITION (N.) DOWNSPOUT TYP. (N.) TRELLIS (N.) DOWNSPOUT TYP.(N.) DOWNSPOUT TYP. SKYLIGHTS (E.) EXISTING PART OF ROOF TO BE DEMOLISHED (E.) CONCRETE TILE ROOF (E.) CONCRETE TILE ROOF (E.) CONCRETE TILE ROOF (N.) DOWNSPOUT TYP. (N.) FIREPLACE W/ TV ABV. (N.) DOWNSPOUT TYP.(N.) DOWNSPOUT TYP.(E.) FIREPLACE (N.) TRELLIS (N.) FIREPLACE W/ TV ABV. PROPOSED ENTRY COVER PROPOSED TRELLIS 707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.0'16'4' 8' #DATE SHEET NO. DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 11:31:13 AM ROOF PLAN A2.0279 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL) 1/4" 1'-0" 1PROPOSED ROOF PLAN N PLAN NORTH 1 (N.) DOWNSPOUT TYP. 2 WALL BELOW 3 COLUMN BELOW 4 (N.) 98 SF ROOF ADDITION 5 (N.) TRELLIS 6 SKYLIGHTS 7 (E.) EXISTING PART OF ROOF TO BE DEMOLISHED 8 (E.) CONCRETE TILE ROOF 9 (N.) FIREPLACE W/ TV ABV. 10 (E.) FIREPLACE KEYNOTES 157 1'-0"2'-0"4" / 1'-0"4" / 1'-0"4" / 1'-0"4" / 1'-0"5'-6"2'-0" 1 2 2 3 2 4 1. See RCP for ceiling condition and to verify roof venting needs. ROOF PLAN NOTES 707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.0'8'2' 4' #DATE SHEET NO. DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 11:31:13 AM ADU ROOF PLAN A2.0379 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL) 1/4" 1'-0" 1PROPOSED ADU ROOF PLAN N PLAN NORTH 1 WALL BELOW 2 (N.) DOWNSPOUT TYP. 3 FIREPLACE 4 (N.) CONCRETE TILE ROOF KEYNOTES 158 WHITEWASHED BRICK BOARD AND BATTEN CONCRETE TILE ELEVATION LEGEND STUCCO PARTS TO BE DEMOLISHED LOWER LEVEL 779.02' EXISTING MAX HT. TO REMAIN 795.34' T.O.UPPER PLATE 789.46' UPPER LEVEL 781.46' T.O.LOWER PLATE 786.87' (E.) CONCRETE TILE ROOF (N.) ROOF (N.) PLANTER 7'-10" BOARD&BATTEN 4 12 4 12 4 12 LOWER LEVEL 779.02' EXISTING MAX HT. TO REMAIN 795.34' T.O.UPPER PLATE 789.46' UPPER LEVEL 781.46' T.O.LOWER PLATE 786.87'8'-0"2'-5"7'-10"(N.) FLAT FASCIA (E.) CONCRETE TILE ROOF (N.) TRELLIS (N.) FIREPLACE (E.) FIREPLACE (N.) TRASH (N.) TRELLIS (N.) PLANTER (N.) BOARD&BATTEN 15'-7"4 12 707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.0'8'2' 4' #DATE SHEET NO. DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 11:31:18 AM EXTERIOR ELEVATION A3.0079 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL) 1/4" 1'-0" 1PROPOSED NORTHEAST ELEVATION 1/4" 1'-0" 2PROPOSED SOUTHWEST ELEVATION 159 WHITEWASHED BRICK BOARD AND BATTEN CONCRETE TILE ELEVATION LEGEND STUCCO PARTS TO BE DEMOLISHED LOWER LEVEL 779.02' EXISTING MAX HT. TO REMAIN 795.34' T.O.UPPER PLATE 789.46' NATURAL GRADE 778.35' UPPER LEVEL 781.46' T.O.LOWER PLATE 786.87' GARAGE LEVEL 780.19' (N.) FIREPLACE (E.) CONCRETE TILE ROOF (N.) TRELLIS (N.) TRELLIS (N.) ROOF (N.) PLANTER 2'-5"8'-0" (N.) BOARD&BATTEN(N.) A/C. 2 A4.00 (E.) FIREPLACE (E.) CONCRETE TILE ROOF 4 12 7'-10"EXISTING MAX HT. TO REMAIN 795.34' T.O.UPPER PLATE 789.46' UPPER LEVEL 781.46' GARAGE LEVEL 780.19'8'-0"(E.) FIREPLACE (E.)CONCRETE TILE ROOF (N.) TRELLIS (N.) PLANTER(N.) TRASH (N.) PLANTER (N.) BOARD&BATTEN 2 A4.00 (N.) FIREPLACE (E.)CONCRETE TILE ROOF 707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.0'8'2' 4' #DATE SHEET NO. DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 11:31:22 AM EXTERIOR ELEVATION A3.0179 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL) 1/4" 1'-0" 1PROPOSED NORTHWEST ELEVATION 1/4" 1'-0" 2PROPOSED SOUTHEAST ELEVATION 160 CONCRETE TILE ROOF ADU LEVEL 779.58' BOARD&BATTEN ADU PLATE 788.08' MAX. HEIGHT 795.58' 4 12 8'-0"8'-6"16'-0"ADU LEVEL 779.58' BOARD&BATTEN ADU PLATE 788.08' MAX. HEIGHT 795.58'16'-0"8'-6"8'-0"15'-10"CONCRETE TILE ROOF ADU LEVEL 779.58' BOARD&BATTEN ADU PLATE 788.08' MAX. HEIGHT 795.58'16'-0"8'-6"4 12 4'-0"4'-0"CONCRETE TILE ROOF ADU LEVEL 779.58' ADU PLATE 788.08' MAX. HEIGHT 795.58'16'-0"8'-6"4 12 WHITEWASHED BRICK BOARD AND BATTEN CONCRETE TILE ELEVATION LEGEND STUCCO PARTS TO BE DEMOLISHED 707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.0'8'2'4' #DATE SHEET NO.DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 2:09:16 PM PROPOSED ADU ELEVATIONS A3.0279 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL)NPLAN NORTH 1/4" 1'-0" 1NORTHEAST ADU ELEVATION 1/4" 1'-0" 2NORTHWEST ADU ELEVATION 1/4" 1'-0" 3SOUTHEAST ADU ELEVATION 1/4" 1'-0" 4SOUTHWEST ADU ELEVATION 161 LOWER LEVEL 779.02' EXISTING MAX HT. TO REMAIN 795.34' T.O.LOWER PLATE 786.87' PLAYROOMPANTRY KITCHEN 7'-10"3'-0"2 A4.00 7'-10"ATTIC LOWER LEVEL 779.02' EXISTING MAX HT. TO REMAIN 795.34' T.O.UPPER PLATE 789.46' UPPER LEVEL 781.46' T.O.LOWER PLATE 786.87' 1 A4.00 GREAT ROOM FOYER BATH4 PANTRY 7'-10"8'-0"8'-0"7'-10"TRASH A/C.6"5'-9"ATTIC 707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.0'8'2' 4' #DATE SHEET NO. DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 11:31:28 AM BUILDING SECTION A4.0079 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL) 1/4" 1'-0" 1BUILDING SECTION 1 1/4" 1'-0" 2BUILDING SECTION 2 162 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A. B. C. D. 7. A. B. C. D. E. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Wood flush - type doors shall be 1 3/4" thick minimum with solid core construction 91.6709.1 - door stops of in-swinging doors shall be of one- piece construction with the jamb or joined by rabbet to the jamb. (6709.4) Provide dead bolts with hardened inserts; deadlocking, latch with key- operated locks on exterior. Locks must be openable from inside without key, special knowledge or special effort (latch not required in B,F, and S occupancies. (6709.2) Straight dead bolts shall have a min. throw of 1" and an embedment of not less than 5/8", and a hook-shaped or an expanding-lug deadbolt shall have a minimum throw of 3/4". Doors opening into one-hour resistive corridors shall be protected with a smoke or draft-stop fire assembly having a minimum 20-minute rating. Show on door schedule The use of a locking system which consists of a deadlocking latch operated by a doorknob and a deadbolt operated by a non-removable thumb turn which is independent of the deadlocking latch and which must be separately operated, shall not be considered as a system which requires special knowledge or effort when used in dwelling units. The door knob and the thumb turn which operates the deadbolt shall not be separated by more than 8 inches. Garage door springs: (per section R309.5) Spring shall be fabricated from either hard-drawn spring wire (per ASTM-A227-21) or oil tempered wire (per ASTM-A229-71). Minimum design standard shall be 9,000 cycles. Physical cycling tests shall be performed and certified by an approved testing agency. Each spring shall be equipped with an approved device capable of restraining the spring or any part thereof in the event it breaks, containment device shall be tested and certified by an approved testing agency. Use safety glazing in windows/glass doors located in hazardous locations per sect. R308.4. See plans for affected windows/doors Safety glazing is required in wall enclosures, or fences containing or facing hot tubs, spas, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs, showers, and indoor or outdoor swimming pools where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches measure vertically above any standing or walking surface. Safety glazing is required in all fixed panels of swinging, sliding, and bifold doors. Owner shall approve all selections Safety glazing is required when the bottom edge of the glazing is less than 18" above the floor. Safety glazing is required when the top edge of the glazing is greater is than 36 inches above the floor Exterior glazing shall be MULTI-PANE units with a minimum of ONE TEMPERED PANE, or glass block units, or minimum 20-min. rated, or complies withSFM 12-7A-2. Exterior doors shall meet one of the following: a. Noncombustible material OR b. Ignition-resistant material OR c. Solid core wood having stiles and rails not less than 1-3/8-in. thick with interior panel thickness not less than 1-1/4-in. thick. OR d. Minimum 20-min. rated OR e.Complies with SFM 12-7A-1 All glass in doors shall be tempered. All doors shall have U-factor 0.38, SHGC 0.38 Door & frame material Indicates the primary construction material of the door. Refer to the abbreviations below for door materials. AL Aluminum AL CL Aluminum Clad Wood CL Chain Link ST Steel SR Sound Rated Door PT Paint WD Wood WM Wire Mesh 13.Owner shall approve all materials, finishes, and product selections prior to procurement. DOOR NOTES A B ENTRY DOOR EXTERIOR DOOR C GARAGE DOOR D THREE-PANEL SLIDING DOOR E 5-PANEL GLASS SLIDING DOOR F GLASS SWING DOOR G INTERIOR POCKET DOOR H INTERIOR SWING DOOR J INTERIOR SLIDING CLOSET DOOR K INTERIOR CLOSET SWING DOOR L ADU SLIDING DOOR M ADU FRENCH DOOR WIDTH HEIGHTHEIGHTWIDTH 7'-0"13'-11"7'-0"26'-11"HEIGHTWIDTH HEIGHTWIDTH WIDTH HEIGHT8'-0"19'-11"HEIGHTWIDTH WIDTH HEIGHTHEIGHTWIDTH11'-1"10'-9"707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.#DATE SHEET NO. DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 11:31:29 AM DOOR SCHEDULE A6.0079 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL) DOOR SCHEDULE DOOR # DOORFRAME HARDWAREFIRE RATINGR-VALUEU-VALUEHEADER DETAILJAMB DETAILTRESHOLD DETAILCOMMENTSSIZE TYPETHICKNESSMATERIALFINISHMATERIALFINISHWIDTHHEIGHTLOWER LEVEL 100 7'-1 21/32" 8'-5 1/4" A 1'-3/4" AL/GL TBD AL TBD TBD1/A6.03 2/A6.03 0" SEE NOTES 2,3,5,7,8,9,10 104 27'-1 29/32" 7'-2 17/32" E 1'-3/4" AL/GL TBD AL TBD TBD7/A6.02 8/A6.02SEE NOTES 2,3,5,7,8,9,10 105 2'-10" 7'-0" F 1'-3/4" AL/GL TBD AL TBD TBD1/A6.01 2/A6.01SEE NOTES 2,3,5,7,8,9,10 106 2'-10" 6'-8" G 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD1/A6.02 2/A6.02SEE NOTE 1 107 2'-8" 6'-8" H 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 108 3'-0" 6'-8" H 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 109 5'-6" 6'-8" J 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD4/A6.02 5/A6.02SEE NOTE 1 110 4'-6" 6'-8" K 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 111 4'-6" 6'-8" K 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 112 3'-0" 6'-8" H 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 113 2'-8" 6'-8" H 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 114 2'-8" 6'-8" H 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 ADU LEVEL 200 19'-7 29/32" 8'-2 17/32" L 1'-3/4" AL/GL TBD AL TBD TBD7/A6.02 8/A6.02SEE NOTES 2,3,5,7,8,9,10 201 7'-1" 8'-0" M 1'-3/4" AL/GL TBD AL TBD TBD1/A6.01 2/A6.01SEE NOTES 2,3,5,7,8,9,10 202 7'-1" 8'-0" M 1'-3/4" AL/GL TBD AL TBD TBD1/A6.01 2/A6.01SEE NOTES 2,3,5,7,8,9,10 203 2'-8" 8'-0" H 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 204 2'-10" 8'-0" G 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD1/A6.02 2/A6.02SEE NOTE 1 GARAGE LEVEL 101 3'-0" 7'-0" B 1'-3/4"SEE NOTE 1 102 16'-0" 7'-0" C 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD4/A6.01 5/A6.01SEE NOTES 1,7 116 2'-8" 6'-8" H 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 117 3'-0" 6'-8" H 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 118 6'-2" 6'-8" J 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD4/A6.02 5/A6.02SEE NOTE 1 119 3'-0" 6'-8" G 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD1/A6.02 2/A6.02SEE NOTE 1 120 2'-8" 6'-8" H 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD 20 MIN7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 UPPER LEVEL 103 14'-1 29/32" 7'-2 17/32" D 1'-3/4" AL/GL TBD AL TBD TBD10/A6.01 11/A6.01SEE NOTES 2,3,5,7,8,9,10 115 2'-8" 6'-8" H 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 121 2'-10" 6'-8" G 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD1/A6.02 2/A6.02SEE NOTE 1 122 3'-0" 6'-8" H 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 123 4'-6" 6'-8" K 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 124 3'-0" 6'-8" G 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD1/A6.02 2/A6.02SEE NOTE 1 125 2'-10" 6'-8" G 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD1/A6.02 2/A6.02SEE NOTE 1 126 3'-0" 6'-8" G 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD1/A6.02 2/A6.02SEE NOTE 1 127 3'-0" 6'-8" H 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 128 2'-8" 6'-8" H 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 129 3'-0" 6'-8" H 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 130 3'-0" 6'-8" H 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 131 3'-0" 6'-8" H 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 132 3'-0" 6'-8" H 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD7/A6.01 8/A6.01SEE NOTE 1 133 3'-0" 6'-8" G 1'-3/4" WD TBD WD TBD TBD1/A6.02 2/A6.02SEE NOTE 1 SEE DETAIL SEE DETAIL SEE DETAIL SEE DETAIL SEE DETAIL SEE DETAIL SEE DETAIL SEE DETAIL SEE TITLE 24SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24SEE TITLE 24 163 1. 2. 3. A. B. C. D. E. F. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. Emergency escape and rescue openings shall have a minimum net clear opening of 5.7 square feet (R310.1.1). The minimum net clear opening height shall be 24". The minimum net clear opening width shall be 20". Emergency escape and rescue openings shall have the bottom of the clear opening not greater than 44" measured from the floor. For U-Factor & SHGC see Title 24 Analysis. Use safety glazing in windows/glass doors located in hazardous locations per sect. R308.4. See plans for affected windows / doors: Safety glazing is required in wall enclosures, or fences containing or facing hot tubs, spas, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs, showers, and indoor or outdoor swimming pools where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches measure vertically above any standing or walking surface. Safety glazing is required in all fixed panels of swinging, sliding, and bifold doors. Safety glazing is required in an individual fixed or operable panel that is greater than 9 sf. Owner shall approve all selections Safety glazing is required when the bottom edge of the glazing is less than 18" above the floor Safety glazing is required when the top edge of the glazing is greater is than 36 inches above the floor Exterior windows, window walls, glazed doors, and glazed openings within exterior doors shall be insulating- glass units with a minimum of one tempered pane, or glass block units, or have a fire- resistance rating of not less than 20 minutes, when tested according to ASTM E 2010, or conform to the performance requirements of SFM 12-7A-2 (704A.3.2.2). All new windows to match existing window, where applicable. All glass in windows shall be tempered. All windows shall have U-factor 0.38, SHGC 0.38 Skylights shall have U-factor 0.49, SHGC 0.39 Owner shall approve all materials, finishes, and product selections prior to procurement. Window & frame material Indicates the primary construction material of the window. Refer to the abbreviations below for window materials. AL Aluminum AL CL Aluminum Clad Wood CL Chain Link ST Steel SR Sound Rated Door PT Paint WD Wood WM Wire Mesh WINDOW TYPE NOTES 1 2 SLIDING WINDOW BATHROOM WINDOW 3 MASTER BATH WINDOW WIDTH SILL HT. VARIESHEIGHTWIDTH SILL HT.HEIGHTHEIGHTWIDTH 4 KITCHEN SLIDING WINDOW HEIGHTSILL HT.WIDTH 5 ADU BATH WINDOW HEIGHTSILL HT.WIDTH 707 TORRANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 . REDONDO BEACH . CA . 90277T. (310) 876-8761 . www.calarchitect.com . joe@calarchitect.comJOSEPH SPIERER ARCHITECTS, INC.#DATE SHEET NO.DWG. TITLESTAMPPROJECT #SUBMITTALPROJECTThe above drawings, specifications, ideas, designs and arrangements represented thereby are and shall remain property of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.), and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any project other than the specific project for which they have been prepared and developed without the written consent of the Architect (Joseph Spierer Architects, Inc.). Permits must be obtained prior to construction. No construction shall take place without applicable permits.DATETYPE 10/14/2021 11:31:31 AM WINDOW SCHEDULE A6.1079 EASTFIELD DRIVE, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274GONZALEZ RESIDENCE21-007 (ROLLING HILLS PLANNING 2ND SUBMITTAL) WINDOW SCHEDULE SYMBOL WINDOWFRAME SILL HT. (A.F.F.) HEAD HT. (A.F.F.) FIRE RATI NGR-VALUEU-VALUE WINDOW HEADER DETAIL WINDOW JAMB DETAIL WINDOW SILL DETAILCOMMENTS SIZETYP EGLAZINGMATERIALFINISHWIDTHHEIGHT LOWER LEVEL AA7'-6"4'-0"13'-0"7'-0"1.5394 (h·ft²·°F)/BTU0.6496 BTU/(h·ft²·°F)SEE NOTES 1,2,3 AG10'-0"4'-0"42'-8 1/2"6'-8 1/2"1.5394 (h·ft²·°F)/BTU0.6496 BTU/(h·ft²·°F)SEE NIOTES 2,3 AH7'-6"4'-0"13'-0"7'-0"1.5394 (h·ft²·°F)/BTU0.6496 BTU/(h·ft²·°F)SEE NIOTES 2,3 AI7'-6"4'-0"13'-0"7'-0"1.5394 (h·ft²·°F)/BTU0.6496 BTU/(h·ft²·°F)SEE NOTES 1,2,3 AJ7'-6"4'-0"13'-0"7'-0"1.5394 (h·ft²·°F)/BTU0.6496 BTU/(h·ft²·°F)SEE NOTES 1,2,3 ADU LEVEL BA2'-9"4'-0"54'-0"8'-0"1.5394 (h·ft²·°F)/BTU0.6496 BTU/(h·ft²·°F)SEE NIOTES 2,3 GARAGE LEVEL AB6'-0"4'-0"13'-0"7'-0"1.5394 (h·ft²·°F)/BTU0.6496 BTU/(h·ft²·°F)SEE NIOTES 2,3 AK6'-0"4'-0"13'-0"7'-0"1.5394 (h·ft²·°F)/BTU0.6496 BTU/(h·ft²·°F)SEE NOTES 1,2,3 UPPER LEVEL AC7'-6"4'-0"13'-0"7'-0"1.5394 (h·ft²·°F)/BTU0.6496 BTU/(h·ft²·°F)SEE NOTES 1,2,3 AD6'-10"4'-0"24'-10 23/32"8'-10 23/32"1.5394 (h·ft²·°F)/BTU0.6496 BTU/(h·ft²·°F)SEE NIOTES 2,3 AE7'-6"4'-0"13'-0"7'-0"1.5394 (h·ft²·°F)/BTU0.6496 BTU/(h·ft²·°F)SEE NOTES 1,2,3 AF7'-6"7'-0"30"7'-0"1.5394 (h·ft²·°F)/BTU0.6496 BTU/(h·ft²·°F)SEE NIOTES 2,3 3'-7" 2'-2"4'-10" 7'-0" SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 SEE TITLE 24 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 CONCEPTUAL PLANT IMAGES 1632 aviation blvd redondo beach california 90278 ph 310.378.2650 info@rainvilledesign.com landscape design + planning r a i n v i l l e d e s i g n s t u d i o REVISION 06.23.2021 DATE : 10.04.2021 SCALE : AS SHOWN DRAWN BY : AQNOTE:ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS,AND PLANS REPRESENTED BY THISDRAWING ARE THE PROPERTY OFRAINVILLE DESIGN STUDIOAND ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED,CHANGED, COPIED OR ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WHATSOEVERWITHOUT FIRST OBTAININGPERMISSION AND CONSENT INWRITING FROM MIRIAM RAINVILLEEASTFIELD79 EASTFIELD DRROLLING HILLSCALIFORNIA 9027407.08.2021 08.11.2021 08.17.2021 09.02.2021 09.21.2021 10.04.2021 CONCEPT IMAGES L-0 A FICUS NITIDA 'INDIAN LAUREL FIG' (WUCOLS - MEDIUM) B & D OLEA EUROPAEA 'LITTLE OLLIE' 'DWARF FRUITLESS OLIVE' (WUCOLS - LOW) B & G WESTRINGIA FRUTICOSA 'COAST ROSEMARY' (WUCOLS - MEDIUM) C PITTOSPORUM CRASSIFOLIUM 'COMMON KARO' (WUCOLS - LOW) E JUNIPERUS HORIZONTALIS 'LIME GLOW' 'CREEPING JUNIPER' (WUCOLS - LOW) F FEIJOA SELLOWIANA 'PINEAPPLE GUAVA' (WUCOLS - LOW) H CALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFLORA 'KARL FOERSTER' 'FEATHER REED GRASS' (WUCOLS - MEDIUM) J STIPA TENUISSIMA 'MEXICAN FEATHER GRASS' (WUCOLS - LOW) K LAGURUS OVATUS 'BUNNY TAILS' (WUCOLS - MEDIUM) L PENNISETUM SPATHIOLATUM 'SLENDER VELDT GRASS' (WUCOLS - LOW) M SESLERIA AUTUMNALIS 'AUTUMN MOOR GRASS' (WUCOLS - MEDIUM) T OLEA EUROPAEA 'SWAN HILL' 'FRUITLESS OLIVE' (WUCOLS - LOW) S SENECIO SERPENS 'BLUE CHALKSTICKS' (WUCOLS - LOW) R AEONIUM 'MINT SAUCER' 'GREEN AEONIUM' (WUCOLS - LOW) Q ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS ‘PROSTRATUS’ 'CREEPING ROSEMARY' (WUCOLS - LOW) P AGAVE ATTENUATA 'FOX TAIL AGAVE' (WUCOLS - LOW) N CAREX TUMULICOLA 'FOOTHILL SEDGE' (WUCOLS - MEDIUM) U ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM 'COMMON YARROW' (WUCOLS - LOW) V DYMONDIA MARGARETAE 'SILVER CARPET' (WUCOLS - LOW) W MEDALLION PLUS 'TURF' (WUCOLS - MEDIUM) X FESTUCA RUBRA 'CREEPING RED FESCUE' (WUCOLS - LOW) Y VITEX AGNUS-CASTUS 'CHASTE TREE' (WUCOLS - MEDIUM) Z HYDROSEED MIX 'TBD' 171 CONCEPTUAL PLANT IMAGES 1632 aviation blvd redondo beach california 90278 ph 310.378.2650 info@rainvilledesign.com landscape design + planning r a i n v i l l e d e s i g n s t u d i o REVISION 06.23.2021 DATE : 10.04.2021 SCALE : AS SHOWN DRAWN BY : AQNOTE:ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS,AND PLANS REPRESENTED BY THISDRAWING ARE THE PROPERTY OFRAINVILLE DESIGN STUDIOAND ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED,CHANGED, COPIED OR ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WHATSOEVERWITHOUT FIRST OBTAININGPERMISSION AND CONSENT INWRITING FROM MIRIAM RAINVILLEEASTFIELD79 EASTFIELD DRROLLING HILLSCALIFORNIA 9027407.08.2021 08.11.2021 08.17.2021 09.02.2021 09.21.2021 10.04.2021 CONCEPT IMAGES L-0.1 a MAYTENUS BOARIA 'MAYTEN TREE' (WUCOLS - MEDIUM) c OLEA EUROPAEA ‘WILSONII’ 'FRUITLESS OLIVE' (WUCOLS - LOW) b CITRUS MEYER LEMON - STANDARD 'LEMON' (WUCOLS - MED) b MAYTENUS BOARIA - STANDARD 'MAYTEN TREE' (WUCOLS - MEDIUM) d PLATANUS RACEMOSA 'WESTERN SYCAMORE' (WUCOLS - MEDIUM) e LAGERSTROEMIA INDICA X FAURIEI 'NATCHEZ' 'CRAPE MYRTLE' (WUCOLS - LOW) 172 800.00805.0 0 810.0 0 815.0 0 775.00 740.00 745.00 750.00 755.00 760.00 765.00 770.00 775.00 770.00 765.00760.00 755.00 775.00775.00 780. 0 0 785. 0 0 790. 0 0 795. 0 0 800. 0 0 780.00 785.00 790.00 780.00 780.00 785.00 735.0 0 805.0 0 810.00 815.00 770.00780.00 785.00 790.00 805.00 795.00 800.00 780.00 750.00 775.00774.00774.00 778.00 POOL PATIO UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT 18'-0" X 38'-0" SPA 8'-0" X 12'-0" SEATING DINING TRASH ENCL.EASTFIELD DRIVEPL 597.72'PL 145 .22 'PL 159 .74 ' PL 782.96' NEW DRIVEWAY ADU FOYER ENTRY KITCHEN PLAYROOM DINING GREAT ROOM OFFICE/ BEDROOM GARAGE MASTER BEDROOM BEDROOMBEDROOM BEDROOM LAUNDRY MASTER BATH FUTURE STABLE 450 SF PL 3 0. 0 0' GW GW PP SS WM GW FD GW PP SS UBPA DRAIN IN L E T 773.39F L 779.29 FS 780.28 FSFG779.54779.58 FS 778.66 FS 776.29 F S775.57FS7 7 8 . 8 2 F S777.71FS775.20FS775.00FSFG 779.62783 . 6 2 NG 78 6 . 8 6 NG 795 . 1 5 NG 80 7 . 4 0 NG 813 . 3 3 NG 7 3 2 . 9 1 NG 7 3 7 . 9 9 NG 7 4 6 . 9 1 NG 7 5 8 . 7 5 NG 7 7 1 . 8 1 NG 746 . 8 2 NG 7 7 8 . 2 1 ( E )NG 7 7 8 . 2 2 ( E )NG 777. 2 6 (E)N G 779. 0 2 (E)N G 779.66 (E)NG 779.72 (E)NG 779.92(E)NG 78 8 . 1 9 NG 767.98 (E)NG 779.85 (E)NG FG 7 7 9 . 0 0 GFF 780.65 FF 781.82 AC ENCL. FUTURE CORRAL 550 SF CS ENTRY LANDING FF 779.26 1 UP 4 UP PA SOD PA 792 S.F. BBQ FS 780.50 FS 77 9 . 0 0 FF 780.00 FF 781.82 FS778.50FG778.50FS778.001 UP 1 UP FS777.50FS778.50FS 779.26 (N)F G 779.00OUTDOOR LIVING 2,612 S.F. 2 CAR PARKING FS 780.00 FS 780.00 TOP OF SLOPE 778.00BOTTOM OFSLOPE 774.00SUMP SUMP EXISTING APPROACH TO REMAIN LOCATION OF POOL EQUIPMENT VAULT W/ HATCH OVERHEAD STRUCTURE DESIGNED BY ARCHITECT 4'-0" TYP OVERHEAD STUCTURE SOD SOD SOD COVERED PATIO OVERHEAD STRUCTURE DESIGNED BY ARCHITECT PATIO R FS 780.00 FS 779.50 FS 779.00 FS778.50L-1.3 11PORTABLE FIREPIT STONE CONCRETE PAVING TYP L-1.2 2 STONE CONCRETE PAVING TYP L-1.2 2 L-1.2 3 STONE ON CONCRETE PAD TYP L-1.3 12 L-1.3 13 WOOD FENCE & GATE 6'-0" HIGH TYP TRASH ENCLOSURE CONCRETE PAVING SAND FINISHL-1.2 4 L-1.2 5 STONE CONCRETE STEP PADS TYP STONE CONCRETE PADS TYP L-1.2 3 L-1.2 9POND AT GRADE GLASS TILE FINISH 3'-0" X 7'-0" L-1.2 2 STONE ON CONCRETE PAVING TYP L-1.3 12 L-1.3 13 WOOD FENCE & GATE 6'-0" HIGH TYP L-1.2 2 STONE ON CONCRETE PAVING TYP L-1.2 3 STONE ON CONCRETE PADS TYPL-1.2 2 STONE ON CONCRETE PAVING TYP FS777.50DN L-1.2 4 AC ENCLOSURE CONCRETE PAVING SAND FINISH BUILT-IN BBQ W/ COUNTER L-1.4 14 DURAEDGE TYPL-1.2 7 FS 780.00 5'-0" 4'-6"774775776777778775 776 777 778 774SL DN SL DNSLDN 11'-0"3'-8" PA 20'-2"6'-0"12'-0"SOD PA PA SOD PA PA PA HYDROSEED HYDROSEED HYDROSEED L-1.2 8 GRAVEL TYP PA 17'-4" CHAISE 12'-11" PA PA PA PA VEHICULAR CONCRETE PAVING SAND FINISH L-1.2 1 5'-6" 50'-0" FRONT YARD SETBACK 34'-9" EXISTIN G S E T B A C K 20'-6"L-1.5 A L-1.5 B L-1.6 C L-1.6 D L-1.6 E 57'-7" 61'-7" 38'-11" 30'-2"11'-11"55'-6"76'-1"1632 aviation blvd redondo beach california 90278 ph 310.378.2650 info@rainvilledesign.com landscape design + planning r a i n v i l l e d e s i g n s t u d i o REVISION 06.23.2021 DATE : 10.04.2021 SCALE : AS SHOWN DRAWN BY : AQNOTE:ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS,AND PLANS REPRESENTED BY THISDRAWING ARE THE PROPERTY OFRAINVILLE DESIGN STUDIOAND ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED,CHANGED, COPIED OR ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WHATSOEVERWITHOUT FIRST OBTAININGPERMISSION AND CONSENT INWRITING FROM MIRIAM RAINVILLEEASTFIELD79 EASTFIELD DRROLLING HILLSCALIFORNIA 9027407.08.2021 08.11.2021 08.17.2021 09.02.2021 09.21.2021 10.04.2021 1/16" : 1'-0"NORTHHARDSCAPE PLAN HARDSCAPE PLAN L-1 01' 10' 20' 40' POOL NOTES: 1.THE RESIDENCE SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH EXIT ALARMS (BATTERY POWERED OR HARDWIRED) ON THOSE DOORS PROVIDING DIRECT ACCESS TO THE POOL 2.AUDIBLE ALARMS AT DOORS OPENING TO POOLS SHALL BE AT LEAST 85 DBA WHEN MEASURED 10 FEET AWAY FROM THE ALARM MECHANISM AND SHOULD SOUND FOR AT LEAST 30 SECONDS. 3.ALL DOORS PROVIDING DIRECT ACCESS FROM THE HOME TO THE SWIMMING POOL SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A SELF-CLOSING, SELF LATCHING DEVICE WITH A RELEASE MECHANISM PLACED NO LOWER THAN 54 INCHES ABOVE THE FLOOR. 4.ACCESS GATES SHALL BE SELF-CLOSING, SELF LATCHING WITH RELEASE DEVICE LOCATED 60 INCHES ABOVE GRADE AND SHALL OPEN OUTWARD AWAY FROM THE POOL/SPA. 5.NO ELECTRIC RESISTANCE HEATING; SOLAR COLLECTORS SHALL PROVIDE NOT LESS THAN 60% OF THE ENERGY FOR HEATING SWIMMING POOLS AND SPAS. POOL SAEFTY: SECTION 115925, WHEN A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SWIMMING POOL OR SPA OR THE REMODELING OF AN EXISTING SWIMMING POOL OR SPA AT A PRIVATE SINGLE-FAMILY HOME, THE RESPECTIVE SWIMMING POOL OR SPA SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH AT LEAST TWO OF THE FOLLOWING SEVEN DROWNING PREVENTION SAFETY FEATURES: (1)AN ENCLOSURE THAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 115923 AND ISOLATES THE SWIMMING POOL OR SPA FROM THE PRIVATE SINGLE-FAMILY HOME. (2)REMOVABLE MESH FENCING THAT MEETS AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) SPECIFICATIONS F2286 STANDARDS IN CONJUNCTION WITH A GATE THAT IS SELF-CLOSING AND SELF-LATCHING AND CAN ACCOMMODATE A KEY LOCKABLE DEVICE. (3)AN APPROVED SAFETY POOL COVER, AS DEFINED IN SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 115921. (4)EXIT ALARMS ON THE PRIVATE SINGLE-FAMILY HOME’S DOORS THAT PROVIDE DIRECT ACCESS TO THE SWIMMING POOL OR SPA. THE EXIT ALARM MAY CAUSE EITHER AN ALARM NOISE OR A VERBAL WARNING, SUCH AS A REPEATING NOTIFICATION THAT “THE DOOR TO THE POOL IS OPEN.” (5)A SELF-CLOSING, SELF-LATCHING DEVICE WITH A RELEASE MECHANISM PLACED NO LOWER THAN 54 INCHES ABOVE THE FLOOR ON THE PRIVATE SINGLE-FAMILY HOME’S DOORS PROVIDING DIRECT ACCESS TO THE SWIMMING POOL OR SPA. (6)AN ALARM THAT, WHEN PLACED IN A SWIMMING POOL OR SPA, WILL SOUND UPON DETECTION OF ACCIDENTAL OR UNAUTHORIZED ENTRANCE INTO THE WATER. THE ALARM SHALL MEET AND BE INDEPENDENTLY CERTIFIED TO THE ASTM STANDARD F2208 “STANDARD SAFETY SPECIFICATION FOR RESIDENTIAL POOL ALARMS,” WHICH INCLUDES SURFACE MOTION, PRESSURE, SONAR, LASER, AND INFRARED TYPE ALARMS. A SWIMMING PROTECTION ALARM FEATURE DESIGNED FOR INDIVIDUAL USE, INCLUDING AN ALARM ATTACHED TO A CHILD THAT SOUNDS WHEN THE CHILD EXCEEDS A CERTAIN DISTANCE OR BECOMES SUBMERGED IN WATER, IS NOT A QUALIFYING DROWNING PREVENTION SAFETY FEATURE. 173 DURAEDGE HEADER 1" : 1'-0" DURAEDGE STEEL LANDSCAPE EDGING 1/4" THICK / 4" WIDE / 16' LENGTH W/ 6 STAKES PER SECTION POWDER COATED BLACK 'NO SUBSTITUTIONS' FINISH GRADE @ PA 1/4" MAX. BELOW TOP OF STEEL POWDER COATED BLACK BY DURAEDGE METAL STAKE 1/2" X 1 1/2" X 18" DEEP STAKE @ 24" O.C. MITER + NAIL CORNERS FINISH SURFACE/DG INSTALLATION TO BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE TO MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS www://jdrussellco.com (avail@aquaflo) SAWCUT CONTROL JOINT 1" : 1'-0"2"MIN3/16" WIDTH MAX 1" MIN. DEPTH 7 6 WHITE PEA GRAVEL 1/4" MINUS SUBGRADE -MIN. COMPACTION 90 % FILTER FABRIC GRAVEL 1" : 1'-0"2"MIN8 1 6" CONCRETE BASE SLAB W/ #4 BAR 12" O.C. BOTH WAYS CENTERED IN SLAB TOP CAST - SAND FINISH COLOR - NATURAL CONCRETE - 2500 PSI PROVIDE SAWCUT CONTROL JOINTS AT MAX. 10' O.C. EACH WAY CLASS II AGGREGATE BASE - MIN. COMPACTED 90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE - MIN. 90%6"2"MINVEHICULAR PAVING 1" : 1'-0" 4" CONCRETE BASE PAVING TOP CAST #3 - SAND FINISH COLOR - NATURAL CONCRETE - 2500 PSI STONE ON CONCRETE 1" : 1'-0"4"2"MINCLASS II AGGREGATE BASE - MIN. COMPACTED 90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE - MIN. 90% COASTAL BLONDE FLAGSTONE TYP 3/4" THICK MORTAR STONE ON CONCRETE PAD 1" : 1'-0" GROUND COVER 4" CONCRETE BASE PADS CONCRETE - 2500 PSI 4"2"MINCLASS II AGGREGATE BASE - MIN. COMPACTED 90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE - MIN. 90% 6" TYP COASTAL BLONDE FLAGSTONE TYP 3/4" THICK MORTAR 4" CONCRETE BASE PAVING TOP CAST #3 - SAND FINISH COLOR - NATURAL CONCRETE - 2500 PSI PEDESTRIAN CONCRETE 1" : 1'-0"4"2"MINCLASS II AGGREGATE BASE - MIN. COMPACTED 90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE - MIN. 90% 2 3 41'-4"3'-0"NOTE: ALL WALLS TO BE WATER PROOFED 8" THICK TYP POUR IN PLACE CONCRETE STONE ON CONCRETE PAD COASTAL BLONDE FLAGSTONE SMOOTH TROWL FINISH ON TOP AspectLED RECESS LIGHTING TYP TILE TOP DRAIN TOP OF STONE COASTAL BLONDE FLAGSTONE WATERLINE 8" THICK TYP POUR IN PLACE CONCRETE OCEANSIDE GLASS TILE SILVERLIGHT MATTE OR NON-IRIDECENT FINISH TESSERA PATTERN STAKED 1"X2" AspectLED RECESS LIGHTING TYP SECTION PLAN TILE TOP SUB-GRADE PUMP W/ FLOW REGULATOR & FILTER LOCATION TBD BY CONTRACTOR 7'-0" POND AT GRAD 1/2" : 1'-0" 1" WATERLINE DRAIN TOP OF STONE COASTAL BLONDE FLAGSTONE GLASS TILE TBD 1'-6"FSFS 9 STONE ON CONCRETE STEP PADS 1/2" : 1'-0" FS GROUND COVER SUBGRADE -MIN.COMPACTION 90% CONCRETE PADS BOARD FORM TOP CAST #3 - SAND FINISH COLOR - NATURAL 6" TYP6" RISERTYP3/4" THICK MORTAR 2" THICK STONE COASTAL BLONDE FLAGSTONE TREAD/LANDING EASED EDGE 1/8" MAX NOTE: VERIFY WIDTH & LENGTH OF TREAD/LANDINGS ON HARDSCAPE PLAN COASTAL BLONDE FLAGSTONE 1 1/2" TREAD/ LANDING 5 HARDSCAPE DETAILS L-1.2 1632 aviation blvd redondo beach california 90278 ph 310.378.2650 info@rainvilledesign.com landscape design + planning r a i n v i l l e d e s i g n s t u d i o REVISION 06.23.2021 DATE : 10.04.2021 SCALE : AS SHOWN DRAWN BY : AQNOTE:ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS,AND PLANS REPRESENTED BY THISDRAWING ARE THE PROPERTY OFRAINVILLE DESIGN STUDIOAND ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED,CHANGED, COPIED OR ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WHATSOEVERWITHOUT FIRST OBTAININGPERMISSION AND CONSENT INWRITING FROM MIRIAM RAINVILLEEASTFIELD79 EASTFIELD DRROLLING HILLSCALIFORNIA 9027407.08.2021 08.11.2021 08.17.2021 09.02.2021 09.21.2021 10.04.2021 174 1/4" SPACING TYP. WOOD GATE PLAN VIEW 1/2" : 1'-0" 1X6 IPE ELEVATION 2" X 2" GALVANIZED STEEL SQUARE POST POWDER COATED TO MATCH WOOD STAINLESS STEEL SELF TAPPING SCREWS FINISH GRADE 6'-0" MAX2" 1X6 IPE 3'-0" 2" X 2" GALVANIZED STEEL SQUARE POST POWDER COATED TO MATCH WOOD WOOD FENCE PLAN VIEW 1/2" : 1'-0" 1X6 IPE 2"ELEVATION 2" X 2" GALVANIZED STEEL SQUARE POST 1X6 IPE STAINLESS STEEL SELF TAPPING SCREWS FINISH GRADE 6'-0" MAX6'-0" MAX CONCRETE FOOTING TBD BY BUILDER DETAIL1X6 IPE TYP STANDARD SIZE SQUARE CHANNEL 2" X 2" GALVANIZED STEEL SQUARE POST 13 12 PALOFORM - OPTION1 BOL CORTEN FIREBOWL 1" : 1'-0" PREFAB FIREPIT OPTION MANUFACTURER : PALOFORM MODEL : BOL CORTEN FIREBOWL SIZE : 42" ROUND, 9 1/4" HIGH 11 PALOFORM - OPTION2 MISO CONCRETE FIREBOWL 1" : 1'-0" MANUFACTURER : PALOFORM MODEL : MISO CONCRETE FIREBOWL SIZE : 48" ROUND, 16 1/2" HIGH PREFAB FIREPIT OPTION HARDSCAPE DETAILS L-1.3 1632 aviation blvd redondo beach california 90278 ph 310.378.2650 info@rainvilledesign.com landscape design + planning r a i n v i l l e d e s i g n s t u d i o REVISION 06.23.2021 DATE : 10.04.2021 SCALE : AS SHOWN DRAWN BY : AQNOTE:ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS,AND PLANS REPRESENTED BY THISDRAWING ARE THE PROPERTY OFRAINVILLE DESIGN STUDIOAND ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED,CHANGED, COPIED OR ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WHATSOEVERWITHOUT FIRST OBTAININGPERMISSION AND CONSENT INWRITING FROM MIRIAM RAINVILLEEASTFIELD79 EASTFIELD DRROLLING HILLSCALIFORNIA 9027407.08.2021 08.11.2021 08.17.2021 09.02.2021 09.21.2021 10.04.2021 175 BBQ W/ COUNTER 1/2" : 1'-0" LYNX PROFESSIONAL 18" SINK MODEL LSK18 & OUTDOOR PULL DOWN FAUCET MODEL LPFK TOP OF COUNTER STONE TBD HONED FINISH PLAN ELEVATION FG ELEV BBQ 2'-6"3'-0"2'-1" OPENING LYNX PROFESSIONAL 18" VENTANA ACCESS DOORS RIGHT HINGE MODEL LDR18R-42"LYNX OUTDOOR REFRIGERATOR LEFT HINGE MODEL LM24REFL 2" REF 2" OVERHANG TYP 1'-0" LYNX PROFESSIONAL 42" VENTANA TRUE WIDTH ACCESS DOORS MODEL LDR42T-42"BAR COUNTER 5/8" THICK STONE TBD HONED FINISH COUNTER EDGE 1/8" RADIUS MAX MITERED CORNERS 2" OVERHANG TYP LYNX PROFESSIONAL 42" BUILT-IN GRILL MODEL L42TR-NG 11'-0" 1'-6"1'-0"1'-0"3'-6" STUCCO FINISH TO MATCH HOUSE 1'-0"1'-0"2'-10"COUNTER11'-4" COUNTER 1'-6"4'-0"3'-6" 11'-0" 11" 14 LYNX PROFESSIONAL 24" OUTDOOR REFRIGERATOR LEFT HINGE MODEL LM24REFL LYNX PROFESSIONAL 18" SINK WITH DRAIN MODEL LSK18 LYNX PROFESSIONAL GOOSENECK PULL DOWN FAUCET MODEL LPFK LYNX 18" VENTANA ACCESS DOOR RIGHT HINGE MODEL LDR18R-4 LYNX PROFESSIONAL 42" BUILT IN GRILL WITH 1 TRIDENT INFRARED BURNER, 2 CERAMIC BURNERS AND ROTISSERIE MODEL L42TR-NG LYNX PROFESSIONAL 42" CARBON FBER VINYL COVER BUILT IN MODEL CC42 LYNX 42" VENTANA TRUE WIDTH ACCESS DOORS MODEL LDR42T-4 HARDSCAPE DETAILS L-1.4 1632 aviation blvd redondo beach california 90278 ph 310.378.2650 info@rainvilledesign.com landscape design + planning r a i n v i l l e d e s i g n s t u d i o REVISION 06.23.2021 DATE : 10.04.2021 SCALE : AS SHOWN DRAWN BY : AQNOTE:ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS,AND PLANS REPRESENTED BY THISDRAWING ARE THE PROPERTY OFRAINVILLE DESIGN STUDIOAND ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED,CHANGED, COPIED OR ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WHATSOEVERWITHOUT FIRST OBTAININGPERMISSION AND CONSENT INWRITING FROM MIRIAM RAINVILLEEASTFIELD79 EASTFIELD DRROLLING HILLSCALIFORNIA 9027407.08.2021 08.11.2021 08.17.2021 09.02.2021 09.21.2021 10.04.2021 176 4'-6"4'-0"6'-0"6'-6"4'-6"4'-0"SHALLOW END6'-0"DEEP END6'-6"EQUIPMENT VAULT6'-6"6'-0"18'-0" 8'-0" 1'-6"5'-0"1'-6" 3'-0" 3'-0"15'-0" SECTION: POOL / SPA 1/2" : 1'-0"B SECTION: EQUIPMENT VAULT / POOL 1/2" : 1'-0"A 5'-3 1/2"CENTER6"6"6"6"6"6"1'-10"1'-10"4'-2"SPA POOL FS 780.00 FS 780.00 TC 780.00 TC 780.00 FS 780.00 FS 780.00 POOL 15'-0" 18'-0" INFINITY EDGE L-1.5 2 3'-8"5'-3 1/2"CENTER6" WATERLINE TILE WATER LEVEL COPING L-1.5 1 TC 780.00 COPING L-1.5 1 COPING L-1.5 1 TC 780.00 COPING L-1.5 1 6" WATERLINE TILE WATER LEVEL POOL PLASTER FINEST FINISH COLOR - COOL GREY POOL PLASTER FINEST FINISH COLOR - COOL GREY PAPA CHAISE CHAISE HATCH OPENING POOL COPING 1" : 1'-0"1 1'-2"6"WATER LEVEL 6" WATERLINE TILE STONE COPING, 2"+ THICK, FLAMED TOP & SIDE FS 2"6"1/8" RADIUS EDGE 1/2" INFINITY EDGE 1" : 1'-0"2 PLASTER FINEST FINISH COOL GREY WATER LEVEL 6" WATERLINE TILE2"6"TOP OF COPING POOL PLASTER FINEST FINISH COLOR - COOL GREY SPAPOOL 1632 aviation blvd redondo beach california 90278 ph 310.378.2650 info@rainvilledesign.com landscape design + planning r a i n v i l l e d e s i g n s t u d i o REVISION 06.23.2021 DATE : 10.04.2021 SCALE : AS SHOWN DRAWN BY : AQNOTE:ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS,AND PLANS REPRESENTED BY THISDRAWING ARE THE PROPERTY OFRAINVILLE DESIGN STUDIOAND ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED,CHANGED, COPIED OR ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WHATSOEVERWITHOUT FIRST OBTAININGPERMISSION AND CONSENT INWRITING FROM MIRIAM RAINVILLEEASTFIELD79 EASTFIELD DRROLLING HILLSCALIFORNIA 9027407.08.2021 08.11.2021 08.17.2021 09.02.2021 09.21.2021 10.04.2021 POOL SECTIONS L-1.5 177 40'-0" 38'-0"1'-0"1'-0"6"6"POOL EQUIPMENT VAULT6'-6"12'-0" 12'-0" 1'-6"9'-0"1'-6"SECTION: SPA 1/2" : 1'-0"E SECTION: EQUIPMENT VAULT 1/2" : 1'-0"C SECTION: POOL 1/2" : 1'-0"D 6"6"SPA FS 780.00 FS 780.00 FS 780.00 TC 780.00 TC 780.00 FS 780.00 FS 780.00 COPING L-1.5 1 6" WATERLINE TILE WATER LEVEL COPING L-1.5 1 6" WATERLINE TILE WATER LEVEL COPING L-1.5 1 COPING L-1.5 1 TC 780.00 TC 780.00 1'-10"1'-10"4'-2"3'-8"STEPS BEYOND POOL PLASTER FINEST FINISH COLOR - COOL GREY POOL PLASTER FINEST FINISH COLOR - COOL GREY PA PA PA PA PAPA8"HATCH OPENING CHAISE POOL SECTIONS L-1.6 1632 aviation blvd redondo beach california 90278 ph 310.378.2650 info@rainvilledesign.com landscape design + planning r a i n v i l l e d e s i g n s t u d i o REVISION 06.23.2021 DATE : 10.04.2021 SCALE : AS SHOWN DRAWN BY : AQNOTE:ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS,AND PLANS REPRESENTED BY THISDRAWING ARE THE PROPERTY OFRAINVILLE DESIGN STUDIOAND ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED,CHANGED, COPIED OR ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WHATSOEVERWITHOUT FIRST OBTAININGPERMISSION AND CONSENT INWRITING FROM MIRIAM RAINVILLEEASTFIELD79 EASTFIELD DRROLLING HILLSCALIFORNIA 9027407.08.2021 08.11.2021 08.17.2021 09.02.2021 09.21.2021 10.04.2021 178 800.00805.0 0 810.0 0 815.0 0 775.00 740.00 745.00 750.00 755.00 760.00 765.00 770.00 775.00 770.00 765.00760.00 755.00 775.00775.00 780. 0 0 785. 0 0 790. 0 0 795. 0 0 800. 0 0 780.00 785.00 790.00 780.00 780.00 785.00 735.0 0 805.0 0 810.00 815.00 770.00780.00 785.00 790.00 805.00 795.00 800.00 780.00 750.00 775.00774.00774.00 778.00 POOL PATIO UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT 18'-0" X 38'-0" SPA 8'-0" X 12'-0" SEATING DINING TRASH ENCL.EASTFIELD DRIVEPL 597.72'PL 145 .22 'PL 159.74' PL 782.96' NEW DRIVEWAY ADU FOYER ENTRY KITCHEN PLAYROOM DINING GREAT ROOM OFFICE/ BEDROOM GARAGE MASTER BEDROOM BEDROOMBEDROOM BEDROOM LAUNDRY MASTER BATH FUTURE STABLE 450 SF PL 3 0. 0 0' GW GW PP SS WM GW FD GW PP SS UBDRAIN IN L E T 773.39F L 779.29 FS 780.28 FSFG779.54779.58 FS 778.6 6 FS 776.29 F S775.57FS7 7 8 . 8 2 F S777.71FS775.20FS775.00FSFG 779.6278 3 . 6 2 NG 78 6 . 8 6 NG 795 . 1 5 NG 81 3 . 3 3 NG 7 3 7 . 9 9 NG 7 4 6 . 9 1 NG 7 5 8 . 7 5 NG 7 7 1 . 8 1 NG74 6 . 8 2 NG 7 7 8 . 2 1 ( E )NG 7 7 8 . 2 2 ( E )NG 777. 2 6 (E)N G 779. 0 2 (E)N G 779.66 (E)NG 779.72 (E)NG 779.92(E)NG 788 . 1 9 NG 767.98 (E)NG 779.85 (E)NG FG 7 7 9 . 0 0 GFF 780.65 FF 781.82 AC ENCL. FUTURE CORRAL 550 SF CS ENTRY LANDING FF 779.26 1 UP 4 UP792 S.F. BBQ FS 780.50 FS 77 9 . 0 0 FF 780.00 FF 781.82 FS778.50FG778.50FS778.001 UP 1 UP FS777.50FS778.50FS 779.26 (N)FG 779.00OUTDOOR LIVING 2,612 S.F. 2 CAR PARKING FS 780.00 FS 780.00 TOP OF SLOPE 778.00BOTTOM OFSLOPE 774.00SUMP SUMP COVERED PATIO PATIO R FS 780.00 FS 779.50 FS 779.00 FS778.50FS777.50DNFS 780.00 774775776777778775 776 777 778 774SL DN SL DNSLDNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B C C C C D D D L M M L L L M LM M L M C C C D D D L L M M M L R R R RR R R R R L M M R RR K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K J J J J J J J S S R R R R RR E F G G F F E D C C C F G G G E E E C C C M M L L L L N N N N N N N N N U U U U U U U E S S S U U URR R M J J J J J J J J J J P P P P P P P Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q QQ QQ Q Q Q Q QQQ Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q QQ Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q QQ Q Q Q Q Q Q QQQ Q Q Q Q Q Q QQ QQ Q Q Q Q Q QQ Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q QQQ QQ Q Q Q QQQ QQ Q QQ QQ QQ QQQQQ Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q QQQ P P P P Q Q Q Q Q Q QQ Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q H H H H H H HH HH H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H HH HH H H H H H N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNNNN N N W W W W X X X W W W JJ J J J J JJ U U D D F L L M M C C C G S E S S S L L J J Y Y Z Z Z Z Z Z V V V V V V V V V V V V V V VVV V V V V V V T T b b bb c c c a d CHAISE K K K K K K K K K K K K V V K K K K K K K K K K K K c N N N N J e VL L L S S S K K K K 50'-0" FRONT YARD SETBACK 34'-9" EXISTIN G S E T B A C K H H H H VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 1632 aviation blvd redondo beach california 90278 ph 310.378.2650 info@rainvilledesign.com landscape design + planning r a i n v i l l e d e s i g n s t u d i o REVISION 06.23.2021 DATE : 10.04.2021 SCALE : AS SHOWN DRAWN BY : AQNOTE:ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS,AND PLANS REPRESENTED BY THISDRAWING ARE THE PROPERTY OFRAINVILLE DESIGN STUDIOAND ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED,CHANGED, COPIED OR ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WHATSOEVERWITHOUT FIRST OBTAININGPERMISSION AND CONSENT INWRITING FROM MIRIAM RAINVILLEEASTFIELD79 EASTFIELD DRROLLING HILLSCALIFORNIA 9027407.08.2021 08.11.2021 08.17.2021 09.02.2021 09.21.2021 10.04.2021 1/16" : 1'-0"NORTHPLANTING PLAN PLANTING PLAN L-2 01' 10' 20' 40' A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e LEGEND FICUS NITIDA - STAKED OLEA EUROPAEA 'LITTLE OLLIE' (OR) WESTRINGIA FRUTICOSA PITTOSPORUM CRASSIFOLIUM OLEA EUROPAEA 'LITTLE OLLIE' JUNIPERUS HORIZONTALIS 'LIME GLOW' FEIJOA SELLOWIANA WESTRINGIA FRUTICOSA CALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFLORA 'KARL FOERSTER' STIPA TENUISSIMA LAGURUS OVATUS PENNISETUM SPATHIOLATUM SESLERIA AUTUMNALIS CAREX TUMULICOLA AGAVE ATTENUATA ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS ‘PROSTRATUS’ AEONIUM 'MINT SAUCER' SENECIO SERPENS OLEA EUROPAEA 'SWAN HILL' ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM DYMONDIA MARGARETAE MEDALLION PLUS FESTUCA RUBRA VITEX AGNUS-CASTUS HYDROSEED MIX TBD MAYTENUS BOARIA CITRUS MEYER LEMON MAYTENUS BOARIA - STANDARD OLEA EUROPAEA ‘WILSONII’ PLATANUS RACEMOSA LAGERSTROEMIA INDICA X FAURIEI 'NATCHEZ' BOTANICAL NAME PLANT/TREE LEGEND PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN PER PLAN COMMON NAME WUCOLS IV MED LOW MED LOW LOW LOW LOW MED MED LOW MED LOW MED MED LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW MED LOW MED LOW MED MED MED LOW MED LOW ARRANGEMENTQTYSIZE 54 6 16 9 7 5 6 69 28 112 21 16 53 11 164 21 12 2 12 41 17329SF 2160 SF 2 30627 SF 1 8 8 1 1 15 GAL 15 GAL 15 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 15 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 1 GAL 24" BOX 1 GAL DIRT FLAT SOD SOD 15 GAL SEED 36" BOX 36" BOX 36" BOX 36" BOX 36" BOX INDIAN LAUREL FIG DWARF FRUITLESS OLIVE COAST ROSEMARY KARO DWARF FRUITLESS OLIVE CREEPING JUNIPER PINEAPPLE GUAVA COAST ROSEMARY FEATHER REED GRASS MEXICAN FEATHER GRASS BUNNY TAILS SLENDER VELDT GRASS AUTUMN MOOR GRASS FOOTHILL SEDGE FOX TAIL AGAVE CREEPING ROSEMARY GREEN AEONIUM BLUE CHALKSTICKS FRUITLESS OLIVE COMMON YARROW SILVER CARPET TURF CREEPING RED FESCUE CHASTE TREE HYDROSEED MAYTEN TREE LEMON MAYTEN TREE FRUITLESS OLIVE WESTERN SYCAMORE CRAPE MYRTLE HEIGHT 6'-8' 4'-5' 3'-4' 3'-4' 4'-5' 1'-2' 5'-8' 3'-4' 3'-5' 1'-2' 1'-2' 1'-2' 1'-2' 1'-2' 3'-4' 2' 2'-3' 6" 10'-15' 1'-3' 6" 3" 1'-2' 8'-10' 1'-2' 20'-30' 10'-15' 10'-15' 20'-25' 40'-100' 15'-20' WIDTH 3'-4' 4'-5' 3'-4' 3'-4' 4'-5' 1'-3' 5'-8' 3'-4' 2'-3' 1'-2' 1'-2' 1'-2' 1'-2' 2'-3' 3'-4' 3'-4' 1'-2' 1' 10'-15' 1'-3' GC SOD GC 8'-10' 1'-2' 15'-20' 10'-15' 10'-15' 20'-25' 30'-50' 15'-20' NOTES MAINTAIN AS HEDGE MAINTAIN TO 42" H MAX MAINTAIN AS HEDGE TREE PLANTING AND CARE INSTRUCTIONS 1. DRAINAGE PREPARE THE HOLE A COUPLE OF DAYS PRIOR TO PLANTING. FILL THE HOLE WITH 12" OF WATER. THE WATER SHALL DRAIN OVERNIGHT. IF IT DOESN'T, YOU HAVE A DRAINAGE PROBLEM WHICH NEED TO BE CORRECTED WITH A FRENCH DRAIN OR SOME OTHER METHOD THAT TAKES EXCESS WATER DOWN AND AWAY FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE ROOT BALL. 2. PLANTING THE HOLE SHALL BE 2' WIDER THAN THE BOX SIZE AND THE SAME DEPTH AS THE ROOT BALL. LEAVE THE BOTTOM FOR 48" BOX SIZES AND LARGER FOR STABILITY AND SAFETY. VERIFY THE TOP OF THE ROOT BALL IS EVEN OR SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN THE SURROUNDING SOIL. 3. SOIL PIPES 48" BOX AND LARGER TREES SHALL HAVE FOR 4" PERFORATED PVC PIPES INSTALLED ON ALL FOUR SIDES TO THE BOTTOM OF THE ROOT BALL. FILL 3 PIPES WITH GRAVEL FOR DEEP FEEDING AND WATERING. USE THE FOURTH PIPE FOR CHECKING THE CONDITION OF THE ROOT BALL (TOO MUCH WATER OR TOO DRY). CAP ALL PIPES APPROXIMATELY 4" ABOVE SOIL LEVEL. 4. WATERING BERM OR BASIN USE LEFT OVER SOIL MIX TO BUILD A SEVERAL-INCH-HIGH CIRCULAR WATERING BERM AROUND THE ROOT BALL. MAKE SURE THE BERM OR BASIN IS NO LARGER THAN THE ROOT BALL, OTHERWISE WATERING MAY WET THE SOIL AROUND THE TREE, BUT NOT THE ROOTBALL. 5. WATERING IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO KEEP A NEWLY PLANTED TREE WATERED DURING THE FIRST 12 TO 18 MONTHS. WATER AS OFTEN AS NECESSARY TO KEEP THE ROOT BALL MOIST, BUT NOT SATURATED. THIS MAY MEAN WATERING EVERY 2 TO 3 DAYS AT FIRST, OR ONLY ONCE A WEEK. HOW YOU WATER WILL DEPEND ON THE WEATHER, HOW HOT OR DRY YOUR AREA IS AND YOUR SOIL TYPE. BE ESPECIALLY CAREFUL TO KEEP THE TREES WATERED DURING SANTA ANA WINDS. 6. FERTILIZING THE TREE SHOULD BE FED IN MARCH, JUNE AND SEPTEMBER WITH A SLOW RELEASE 20-5-5 FERTILIZER MIXED HALF-AND-HALF WITH BLOODMEAL. WUCOLS IV NOTE: WATER REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL PLANTS LISTED HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED BY WUCOLS IV PLANT DATABASE PROVIDED BY THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES (DWR) WATER USE EFFICIENCY PROGRAM. PLANTING NOTES: - SOIL TO BE SAMPLED BY WALLACE LABS (310.615.0116) - CONTRACTOR TO AMEND PER WALLACE LAB RECOMMENDATION - 2" MIN. - LEAF POST MULCH ON SURFACE OF ALL P.A. - DURA EDGE AT ALL P.A. EDGES WWW.JDRUSSELCO.COM (800.888.7425) - WEATHER BASED AUTOMATED IRRIGATION SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL THE LANDSCAPED AREAS - A MINIMUM 3-INCH LAYER OF MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED ON ALL EXPOSED SOIL SURFACES OF PLANTING AREAS EXCEPT TURF AREAS, CREEPING OR ROOTING GROUNDCOVERS, OR DIRECT SEEDING APPLICATIONS WHERE IS CONTRAINDICATED. - COMPOST AT A RATE OF AT LEAST FOUR CUBIC YARDS PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET OF PERMEABLE AREA SHALL BE INCORPORATED TO A DEPTH OF SIX INCHES INTO THE SOIL. SOILS WITH GREATER THAN 6% ORGANIC MATTER IN THE TOP 6 INCHES OF SOIL ARE EXEMPT FROM ADDING COMPOST AND TILLING. - THE OWNER SHALL PROVIDE FOR THE PLANTING OF TREES IN THE PARKWAY ADJACENT TO THE SITE OF THE BUILDING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED DESIGNEE. 179 PLANTING DETAILS L-2.2 1632 aviation blvd redondo beach california 90278 ph 310.378.2650 info@rainvilledesign.com landscape design + planning r a i n v i l l e d e s i g n s t u d i o REVISION 06.23.2021 DATE : 10.04.2021 SCALE : AS SHOWN DRAWN BY : AQNOTE:ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS,AND PLANS REPRESENTED BY THISDRAWING ARE THE PROPERTY OFRAINVILLE DESIGN STUDIOAND ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED,CHANGED, COPIED OR ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WHATSOEVERWITHOUT FIRST OBTAININGPERMISSION AND CONSENT INWRITING FROM MIRIAM RAINVILLEEASTFIELD79 EASTFIELD DRROLLING HILLSCALIFORNIA 9027407.08.2021 08.11.2021 08.17.2021 09.02.2021 09.21.2021 10.04.2021 3/4" : 1'-0" 2" MINIMUM MULCH TOP OF ROOT BALL 1.5" ABOVE SOIL SHRUB/VINE PLANTING SOLID FINISH @ PAVING EDGE 1/2" : 1'-0" PAVING FINISH SURFACE 1/2" @ TURF AREAS 2 1/2" @ MULCHED PA 3 1/2" @ MULCH GROUND - CRUSHED GRANITE FINISH GRADE AMENDED TOP SOIL @ TURF 1" : 1'-0"TBD6"AMENDED TOP SOIL RIPPED SUBGRADE SUBGRADETOPSOIL MULCH BLEND 1 1/2" : 1'-0"3"MINMULCH FINISH GRADE SUBGRADE TREE PLANTING 1/2" : 1'-0" FINISH GRADE @ SLOPES SLOPE MULCH AWAY FROM TRUNK FINISH GRADE AT FLAT AREAS WOOD MULCH PLANT ROOT BALL BACKFILL SOIL MIX SUBGRADE EQUALEQUAL 3X ROOT BALL WIDTH 3'-0"4" BURMHEIGHT3"PLANTING & TREE STAKING 1/4" : 1'-0" 2" DIA. x 10' LODGE POLE PINE STAKE (TYP. 2) KEEP CLEAR OF ROOT BALL - SEE SPEC. WATER BASIN - 3" MIN. DEPTH AFTER INITIAL WATERING BY HOSE - REMOVE BASIN IN LAWN AREAS + AS DIRECTED BY DESIGNER ROOT BALL - TO BE SET ON UNDISTURBED SOIL FINISH GRADE EXISTING SOIL AMENDED BACKFILL DEPTH OF PLANTING PIT TO BE 1" LESS THAN HEIGHT OF ROOT BALL 6"MINPREVAILING WIND PLAN VIEW V.I.T. TWIST BRACE SEE DETAIL #47'-0" MAY BEADJUSTED AS DIRECTEDBY DESIGNERSEEDETAIL#47 5 4 1 36 2 VINE PLANTING 1" : 1'-0"18"12"12"FENCE OR WALL ATTACH VINE TO FENCE OR WALL W/ STAINLESS STEEL SCREW EYES - SPACE AS SHOWN - TREAD STAINLESS STEEL 1/4" CABLE THROUGH SCREW EYES. KEEP CABLE TAUT VINE AS INDICATED ON PLAN - SPREAD FOR MAXIMUM COVERAGE6'-0" TYP6"MAX12"12"NOTE: WALL HT MAY VARY CONFIRM ON PLAN 8 IMPORTANT TREE PLANTING & CARE INSTRUCTIONS 1. DRAINAGE PREPARE THE HOLE A COUPLE OF DAYS PRIOR TO PLANTING. FILL THE HOLE WITH 12" OF WATER. THE WATER SHOULD DRAIN OVERNIGHT. IF IT DOESN'T, YOU HAVE A DRAINAGE PROBLEM WHICH NEEDS TO BE CORRECTED WITH A FRENCH DRAIN OR SOME OTHER METHOD THAT TAKES EXCESS WATER DOWN AND AWAY FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE ROOT BALL. 2. PLANTING THE HOLE SHOULD BE 3X WIDER THAN THE ROOT BALL SIZE AND THE SAME DEPTH AS THE ROOT BALL. LEAVE THE BOTTOM FOR 48" BOX SIZES AND LARGER FOR STABILITY AND SAFETY. BE SURE THE TOP OF THE ROOT BALL IS EVEN OR SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN THE SURROUNDING SOIL. 3. SOIL PIPES 48" BOX AND LARGER TREES SHOULD HAVE FOR 4" PERFORATED PVC PIPES INSTALLED ON ALL FOUR SIDES TO THE BOTTOM OF THE ROOT BALL. FILL 3 PIPES WITH GRAVEL FOR DEEP FEEDING AND WATERING. USE THE FOURTH PIPE FOR CHECKING THE CONDITION OF THE ROOT BALL (TOO MUCH WATER OR TOO DRY). CAP ALL PIPES APPROXIMATELY 4" ABOVE SOIL LEVEL. 4. WATERING BERM OR BASIN USE LEFT OVER SOIL MIX TO BUILD A SEVERAL-INCH-HIGH CIRCULAR WATERING BERM AROUND THE ROOT BALL. MAKE SURE THE BERM OR BASIN IS NO LARGER THAN THE ROOT BALL, OTHERWISE WATERING MAY WET THE SOIL AROUND THE TREE, BUT NOT THE ROOTBALL. 5. WATERING IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO KEEP A NEWLY PLANTED TREE WATERED DURING THE FIRST 12 TO 18 MONTHS. WATER AS OFTEN AS NECESSARY TO KEEP THE ROOT BALL MOIST, BUT NOT SATURATED. THIS MAY MEAN WATERING EVERY 2 TO 3 DAYS AT FIRST, OR ONLY ONCE A WEEK. HOW YOU WATER WILL DEPEND ON THE WEATHER, HOW HOT OR DRY YOUR AREA IS AND YOUR SOIL TYPE. BE ESPECIALLY CAREFUL TO KEEP THE TREES WATERED DURING SANTA ANA WINDS. 6. FERTILIZING THE TREE SHOULD BE FED IN MARCH, JUNE AND SEPTEMBER WITH A SLOW-RELEASE 20-5-5 FERTILIZER MIXED HALF-AND-HALF WITH BLOODMEAL. DURAEDGE HEADER 1" : 1'-0" DURAEDGE STEEL LANDSCAPE EDGING 1/4" THICK / 4" WIDE / 16' LENGTH W/ 6 STAKES PER SECTION POWEDER COATED BLACK FINISH 'NO SUBSTITUTIONS' FINISH GRADE @ PA 1/4" MAX. BELOW TOP OF STEEL POWEDER COATED BLACK STAKES BY DURAEDGE STAKES 1/2" X 1 1/2" X 18" DEEP STAKE @ 24" O.C. MITER + NAIL CORNERS FINISH SURFACE INSTALLATION TO BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE TO MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS www://jdrussellco.com (AVAILABLE @ AQUAFLO) 180 800.00805.0 0 810.0 0 815.0 0 775.00 740.00 745.00 750.00 755.00 760.00 765.00 770.00 775.00 770.00 765.00760.00 755.00 775.00775.00 780. 0 0 785. 0 0 790. 0 0 795. 0 0 800. 0 0 780.00 785.00 790.00 780.00 780.00 785.00 735.0 0 805.0 0 810.00 815.00 770.00780.00 785.00 790.00 805.00 795.00 800.00 780.00 750.00 775.00774.00774.00 778.00 POOL SPA TRASH ENCL.EASTFIELD DRIVEPL 597.72'PL 145 .22 'PL 159 .74 ' PL 782.96' ADU FOYER ENTRY KITCHEN PLAYROOM DINING GREAT ROOM OFFICE/ BEDROOM GARAGE MASTER BEDROOM BEDROOMBEDROOM BEDROOM LAUNDRY MASTER BATH PL 3 0. 0 0' GW GW PP SS WM GW FD GW PP SS UBAC ENCL.CS ENTRY LANDING 1 UP 1 UP SUMP SUMP DN 774775776777778775 776 777 778 774SL DN SL DN INSTALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT, SUPPLY LATERALS AND MAINLINE INSIDE PROPERTY IN ADJACENT PLANTING AREAS. SHOWN IN HARDSCAPE, DRIVEWAY AND STEPS FOR DIAGRAMMATIC PURPOSES ONLY. (TYP.) W EXISTING DOMESTIC HOUSE LINE. EXISTING DOMESTIC WATER METER BF FM A10 1" 4.1 ROTARY TOP 1,264 A3 1" 8.8 DRIP 881 A2 1" 10.2 DRIP 1,024 A1 1" 9.8 DRIP 982 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 222 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 888888 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 2 2 A5 1" 3.7 DRIP 368 A4 1" 9.2 DRIP 923 A6 1" 15.0 DRIP 1,497 A7 1" 4.5 DRIP 454 A8 1" 0.3 TREE 20± A9 1" 4.1 ROTARY TOE 1,264 3 4" 3 4" 3 4" 3 4" 2"2" A25 1" 2.7 DRIP 272A13 1" 6.4 DRIP 637 8 8 8 3 4" 3 4" 3 4" 3 4" 3 4" 3 4" 3 4" 3 4" A27 1" 5.6 ROTARY TOE 1,392 A26 1" 3.9 ROTARY TOP 1,392 4 8 4 A16 1" 21.8 ROTARY TOE 5,450 A18 1" 21.8 ROTARY TOP 5,450 8 8 8 5 5 5 8 8 5 5 8 8 8 8 9 9 5 3 4"5 5 5 4 4 5 4 5 4 4 A23 1" 16.4 ROTARY TOE 4,481 5 4 4 A21 1" 20.0 ROTARY MID. 4,481 A22 1" 20.0 ROTARY TOE 4,481 44 4 4 5 8 3 4" 3 4" 3 4" 3 4" 3 4" 4 3 4" 5 A24 1" 10.4 ROTARY TURF 8,874 A14 1" 2.8 DRIP 278 8 1" 3 4" 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 A12 1" 1.7 ROTARY TURF 834 2" 2" A11 1" 1.8 ROTARY 1,275 3 4" 3 4" 3 4"3 4" 3 4" 3 4" 1" 1" 1" A15 1" 17.3 ROTARY TURF 4,892 A17 1" 1.7 ROTARY TURF 1,034 1-1/4" 3 4" A20 1" 7.3 ROTARY 360° 3,074 3 4" 1"1"1-1/2"1-1/2"1" 1"1-1/4"1-1/4"1-1/2" 3 4" 3 4" 1" 1" 1-1 / 4 " 1-1/ 4 " 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1-1 / 4 "1-1/2"1" 1" 1"1-1/4"1-1/4" 1"1-1/4"1-1/4"1-1/4"1" 1"1-1/4"1" 1" 3 4" 3 4" 3 4" 3 4" 1"1" 1" 1" E A REMOTE CONTROL VALVES SHOWN ON MAINLINE FOR DIAGRAMMATIC PURPOSES. COORDINATE FINAL LOCATION OF IRRIGATION R.C.V. MANIFOLD WITH HOMEOWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION/TRENCHING. A19 1" 18.2 ROTARY TURF 3,074 F A F A FA FA FA FA FA F A F A F A 120 VOLT POWER REQUIRED FOR IRRIGATION CONTROLLER. FINAL LOCATION(s) TO BE DETERMINED 2222 4 455 SLO-CLOSE SERIES BALL VALVE. SIZE per LINE WATER METER 1" EXISTING DOMESTIC WATER METER. PROTECT IN PLACE. LASCO IRRIGATION UTILITIES & VALVES HC-075 3 4" SUB-METER / FLOW METER. WITH WI-FI CONNECTION TO IRRIGATION CONTROLLER INSTALL IN VALVE BOX HUNTERFM BF FEBCO-765 1" P.V.B. BACKFLOW PREVENTER. INSTALL A MINIMUM OF 12" ABOVE HIGHEST IRRIGATION HEAD/EMITTER. FEBCO HQ33-LRC 3 4" QUICK COUPLER VALVE with LOCKING RUBBER CAP. LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE, FINAL LOCATIONS TO BE DETERMINED BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. HUNTER PRO-ASV 1" REMOTE CONTROL VALVE with FLOW CONTROLHUNTER IRRIGATION LEGEND IRRIGATION ROTARY NOZZLES (Slopes only / Turf only) .1940 14'21 HUNTER PROS-00-PRS-40-CV W/ MP ROTATOR 1000 MANUF.HQ F MODEL NO. / DESCRIPTION G.P.M.PSI RAD.HQ RATE PRECIP. 3 .37 F .75 .45 .4040 20'54 HUNTER PROS-00-PRS-40-CV W/ MP ROTATOR 20006 .74 1.47 .45 .8640 30'87 HUNTER PROS-00-PRS-40-CV W/ MP ROTATOR 30009 1.82 3.64 .45 .1640 8'2S1S HUNTER PROS-00-PRS-40-CV-MP 800 SR(SHORT RAD).32 .56 .813S W ADJUST / INSTALL VARIABLE ARC NOZZLES TO AVOID OVERPSRAY V NOTE: INSTALL 6" POP-UP SPRAY AT TURF AREAS ONLY. INSTALL ON RISERS at SLOPE SHRUB PLANTING AREAS. HUNTER HUNTER TREE DRIPPER RING: XFCV Dripline with Heavy Duty Check Valve. SUB-SURFACE DRIPLINE TUBING 0.6 GPH EMITTERS at 12"ON CENTER. 8" SPACING OF CONCENTRIC RING SPACING AROUND BASE OF TREE - ALL TUBING SHALL BE INSTALLED 4" MINIMUM BELOW FINISHED SOIL GRADE W/ 9" WIRE STAKES FIVE (4) FEET ON CENTER. DRIPLINE AUTOMATIC LINE FLUSH VALVE. - PROVIDE SCH 40 SOLVENT- WELD BALL VALVE FOR FLUSH OFF OF PCV EXHAUST MANIFOLD PIPE, INSTALL FLUSH VALVE INSIDE 6" ROUND VALVE BOX, ONE AT THE END OF ANY DRIPLINE LATERAL or PVC EXHAUST HEADER. MULTIPLE FLUSH VALVES MAY BE REQUIRED WITHIN DRIPLINE LAYOUT. ALWAYS INSTALL VALVES IN OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS OF THE PVC/DRIP CONNECTION MANIFOLD. USE RAINBIRD FITTINGS FOR CONNECTION BETWEEN PVC LATERAL LINES AND DRIPPERLINE TUBING. NON-PRESSURE LATERAL SCH. 40 SUPPLY LATERAL. NOTE: EXHAUST LATERALS NOT SHOWN FOR GRAPHIC CLARITY. PLD-ARV-075 AIR/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE INSTALLED with COMBINATION TEE AND A 3/4" x 1/2" REDUCER BUSHING, INSTALL AIR RELIEF ASSEMBLY INSIDE A 6" ROUND VALVE BOX AT THE HIGH POINT OF EACH PLANTER, MIN. 1 ARV PER 500' OF DISTRIBUTION TUBING. USING AIR RELIEF LATERAL, CONNECT AIR RELIEF VALVE TO ALL DRIPPERLINE LATERALS WITHIN THE ELEVATED AREA. MULTIPLE ARV'S SHALL BE REQUIRED PER RCV WITHIN UNDULATING AREAS, VERIFY QUANTITY PRIOR TO STARTING WORK, FLUSH VALVES and AIR RELIEF VALVES SHOWN DIAGRAMMATICALLY, INSTALL EMITTER BOX: RAINBIRD-SEB-7XB 18" MIN. FROM PAVING/WALLS AND AT HIGH POINTS OF PLANTER AREA. ICZ-101 AND PCZ-101 SERIES. 1" REMOTE CONTROL DRIP SYSTEM VALVES with FILTER SYSTEM. FINAL LOCATION OF IRRIGATION R.C.V. MANIFOLDS TO BE DETERMINED BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. XFCV Dripline with Heavy Duty Check Valve. SUB-SURFACE DRIPLINE TUBING 0.6 GPH EMITTERS at 12" ON CENTER SPACING- ALL TUBING SHALL BE INSTALLED 4" MINIMUM BELOW FINISHED SOIL GRADE W/ 9" WIRE STAKES FIVE (4) FEET ON CENTER; VERIFY THE LAYOUT AND 14" MAX. ON CENTER SPACING IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. INSTALL SUB-SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM per MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. F A SUB-SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION HUNTER RAINBIRD AS APPROVED RAINBIRD RAINBIRD AS APPROVEDNO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL SPEARS DBY DIRECT BURIAL WATER-PROOF WIRE CONNECTORS FOR USE ON ALL WIRE CONNECTIONS IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRE #14UF AWG DIRECT BURIAL (U.L. APPROVED) DS-400 PRE-FILLED WIRE CONNECTORS FOR USE ON ALL WIRE CONNECTIONS NO SYMBOL 3M PVC PIPE SCH. 40 SLEEVING, TWICE THE DIAMETER OF PIPE OR WIRE BUNDLE CARRIED - EXTEND 12" BEYOND EDGE OF PAVING & PLACE BELOW ALL PAVING, HARDSCAPE, ETC.. 2" IRRIGATION PRESSURE MAINLINE CLASS 315 - BURY MIN. 18" BELOW GRADE. with SCHEDULE 80 FITTINGS NON-PRESSURE LATERAL SCH 40 PVC with SCHEDULE 40 FITTINGS UP TO 1 12" - BURY MIN. 12" BELOW GRADE (SIZE AS NOTED ON PLAN). AS APPROVED AS APPROVED AS APPROVED SSSSIRRIGATION PIPING IRRIGATION MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT MOISTURE SENSOR INSTALL WIRELESS RAIN-CLIK and CONNECT to CONTROLLER. INSTALL per MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. HUNTER HUNTER IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS 120 VOLT ELECTRICAL POWER for CONTROLLER, PROVIDED BY ELECTRICIAN, SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR LOCATION. E AS APPROVED RAIN SENSOR INSTALL SOIL-CLIK MOISTURE SENSORS and CONNECT to CONTROLLER. INSTALL per MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. HUNTER NON-PRESSURE LATERAL SCH 40 U.V.R. BROWNLINE with SCHEDULE 40 FITTINGS UP TO 1 12" - BURY MIN. 12" BELOW GRADE (SIZE AS NOTED ON PLAN). AT MIDDLE AND TOP OF SLOPE ONLY. A AS APPROVED PRO-C and HC-075 FLOW METER WI-FI WEATHER-BASED SMART CONTROLLER WITH FLOW METER. INSTALL WITH (2) ADDITIONAL STATIONS MINIMUM INCLUDING FLOW METER AND MASTER VALVE. INSTALL LOCKING PLASTIC CABINET. INSTALL WITH CONNECTION TO SOIL-CLIK MOISTURE SENSOR AND RAIN-CLIK. FINAL LOCATIONS OF CONTROLLERS TO BE DETERMINED BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. FOR PRESSURE LOSS AND MAWA/ETWU CALCULATIONS SHEET SHEET 3.1 FOR IRRIGATION GENERAL NOTES SEE SHEET 3.1 FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS SEE SHEETS 3.2 and 3.3 FOR WATER AUDIT AND MAINTENANCE TASK NOTES SEE SHEET 3.3 FOR IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS SEE SHEET 3.4 VALVE KEY REFERENCE NOTES PIPE SIZE BLANK TUBING or 1/2" PVC0 - 5 GPM ZONE FLOW 8.1 - 13 GPM 1 1/2" PVC 5 - 8 GPM 3/4" PVC 1 1/4" PVC13.1 - 22 GPM 22.1 - 30 GPM 1" PVC DRIPPERLINE SUPPLY/EXHAUST PIPE: GPMVAL.# SIZE TYPE Sq. Ft./Hydrozone 1632 aviation blvd redondo beach california 90278 ph 310.378.2650 info@rainvilledesign.com landscape design + planning r a i n v i l l e d e s i g n s t u d i o REVISION DATE : 09.02.2021 SCALE : AS SHOWN DRAWN BY : B_MONOTE:ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS,AND PLANS REPRESENTED BY THISDRAWING ARE THE PROPERTY OFRAINVILLE DESIGN STUDIOAND ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED,CHANGED, COPIED OR ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WHATSOEVERWITHOUT FIRST OBTAININGPERMISSION AND CONSENT INWRITING FROM MIRIAM RAINVILLEEASTFIELD79 EASTFIELD DRROLLING HILLSCALIFORNIA 90274LICENSED L A N D S CAPE A R CHI TECTST AT E OF C A L I F O R NIASignatureBEJAMINMONTRE L L A#5819Renewal Date Date 5.31.22N July 21, 2021 06.23.2021 07.08.2021 08.11.2021 08.17.2021 09.02.2021 09.21.2021 DESIGN CONFIRMATION NOTE: DATE September 2, 2021 BENJAMIN MONTRELLA RLA #5819 POINT OF CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING DOMESTIC WATER METER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RUN A 2" PVC MAIN LINE PIPE FROM THE DOMESTIC HOUSE LINE TO THE BACKFLOW PREVENTER AND SUB-METER THEN TO THE IRRIGATION REMOTE CONTROL VALVE MANIFOLD. FINAL LOCATION OF THE MANIFOLDS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE and SHALL BE LOCATED IN AN ADJACENT PLANTING AREA INSIDE THAT LOT'S PROPERTY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE STATIC PRESSURE IN THE FIELD BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF THE PROJECT. IF THE PRESSURE VARIES 20% FROM THE STATED OPERATING PRESSURE, IMMEDIATELY CONTACT THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR ADDITIONAL DIRECTIVE. SEE SHEET L3.1 for STATIC PRESSURE and PRESSURE LOSS CALCULATIONS. POINT OF CONNECTION NOTE 1/16" : 1'-0"NORTHIRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN L-3.0 01' 10' 20' 40' I have complied with the criteria of the ordinance and applied them for the efficient use of water in the landscape design plans”. 181 IRRIGATION NOTES & CALCULATIONS L-3.1 1632 aviation blvd redondo beach california 90278 ph 310.378.2650 info@rainvilledesign.com landscape design + planning r a i n v i l l e d e s i g n s t u d i o REVISION DATE : 09.02.2021 SCALE : AS SHOWN DRAWN BY : B_MONOTE:ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS,AND PLANS REPRESENTED BY THISDRAWING ARE THE PROPERTY OFRAINVILLE DESIGN STUDIOAND ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED,CHANGED, COPIED OR ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WHATSOEVERWITHOUT FIRST OBTAININGPERMISSION AND CONSENT INWRITING FROM MIRIAM RAINVILLEEASTFIELD79 EASTFIELD DRROLLING HILLSCALIFORNIA 90274LICENSED L A N D S CAPE A R CHI TECTST AT E OF C A L I F O R NIASignatureBEJAMINMONTRE L L A#5819Renewal Date Date 5.31.22N July 21, 2021 06.23.2021 07.08.2021 08.11.2021 08.17.2021 09.02.2021 09.21.2021 PRESSURE LOSS CALCULATIONS FEB JAN 35 min. SCHEDULING DATAPRECIP. RATE MAR 41 min. 28 min..60" / hr. APR 49 min. MAY 56 min. JUN 60 min. JUL 62 min. AUG 61 min. SEP 23 min. " OCT 42 min. NOV 32 min. DEC " " " " " " " " " " TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM 25 min. TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM PLANT WATER REQ. A HYDROZONE TREE / SHRUB / GROUNDCOVER B REFERENCE PERIOD 31 DAYS C REFERENCE Eto 5.3 INCHES D LANDSCAPE CO: K 0.55 1 PLANT FACTOR: K 0.55 2 VEGE. DENSITY 1.00 3 MICROCLIMATE 1.00 E LANDSCAPE ET 2.92 INCHES F AVERAGE DAILY ET 0.094 INCHES IRRI PERFORMANCE VALUE UNITS G PRECIP RATE 0.600 IN./HR. H DISTRIB. UNIFORMITY 0.65 DECIMAL I SCHEDULE MULTIPLIER 1.60 SCHEDULING PARAMETERS J IRRIGATION INTERVAL 3.5 DAYS K WATER TO APPLY 0.33 INCHES L LOWER BOUNDARY 33 MINUTES M UPPER BOUNDARY MINUTES N SELECTED RUN TIME 53 MINUTES O CYCLE STARTS: a TIME TO RUNOFF N/A OR b SITE CONDITION 2 CYCLES 1 SOIL CATEGORY 2 - 2 SLOPE 0 - 3 COMPACTION 0 - 4 SPRINKLER TYPE 0 - SUMMARY WATER APPLIED 0.33 INCHES INTERVAL 3.5 DAYS CYCLES PER DAY 2 MINUTES PER CYCLE 26 MINUTES THESE IRRIGATION SCHEDULES ARE FOR TWICE WEEKLY IRRIGATION PER CITY REQUIREMENTS. THE UPPER BOUNDARY IRRIGATION RUN TIME HAS BEEN SELECTED FOR THE INITIAL PLANT ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD (MINIMUM ONE YEAR). ONCE PLANTS ARE ESTABLISHED THE RUN TIMES MAY BE SHORTENED TO THE LOWER BOUNDARY. ROUTINE PLANT OBSERVATION AND MAINTENANCE ARE REQUIRED FOR OPTIMAL PLANT HEALTH. VALUE UNITS SCHEDULE SAMPLE: JULY 5.3 ETo for DRIP VALUE UNITS VALUE UNITS THIS IRRIGATION SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGN FOR A PRESSURE OF 85 PSI. IF THE WATER PRESSURE VARIES BY MORE THAN 20% THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ON HOW TO PROCEED. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL ALL REPAIRS/ REPLACEMENTS ON THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. TOTAL SYSTEM LOSS: FRICTION LOSS CALCULATIONS FLOW METER CONTROL VALVE MASTER VALVE METER ELEV. H.G.L. PSI PSI PSI PSI WATER METER NO. ELEVATION SIZE STATIC PRESS.HIGH LOW INFO. SOURCE: PHONE: DATE OF INFO. .433 =X REMOTE CONTROL VALVE No.SIZE MAX. DEMAND GPM ELEV. OF HIGHEST HEAD PRESS. AT RCV PSI QTY.SIZE PRESS. REGULATOR (FALL OFF)PSI WATER METER PSI BACKFLOW PREVENTER PSI GATE VALVE PSI MAINLINE PSI MAINLINE PSI MAINLINE PSI MAINLINE PSI LATERAL LINE LATERAL LINE LATERAL LINE PSI PSI PSI LATERAL LINE PSI FITTING LOSS (10%)PSI ELEVATION CHANGE (+/-)PSI PRESSURE TO OPERATE HEAD PSI TOTAL PRESSURE REQUIRED:PSI LOWEST STATIC PRESSURE AVAILABLE PSI PRE-SET REGULATED PRESSURE (IF REQ'D)PSI RESIDUAL WATER PRESSURE PSI EXISTING 1" N/A ±± - - - N/A - -- A18 1 1/2" 21.8 - - 1 1"3.8 --- 1 1"12 --- --- 1 LINE - 325'2"2.2 --- --- --- 1 1 1/2"1.2 ±1 1/2"0.5 ±1 1/4"0.4 ±1"1.4 ±3/4"1.6 2.6 +14 40 40 85 - 85 10-20 53 FEB JAN 18 min. SCHEDULING DATAPRECIP. RATE MAR 20 min..45" / hr. APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP " OCT NOV DEC " " " " " " " " " " TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO PROCURE AN ORIGINAL SET OF THESE PRINTED IRRIGATION PLANS FOR BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION. COPIES OF THESE PLANS ARE NOT ALLOWED FOR BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION AS THEY MAY NOT SHOW IRRIGATION SYMBOLS, LINE WEIGHTS, OR LINE TYPES CLEARLY. ALL LOCAL MUNICIPAL AND STATE LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OR RELATING TO ANY PORTION OF THIS WORK ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED INTO AND MADE A PART OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND THEIR PROVISIONS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT BY THE CONTRACTOR. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY SITE CONDITIONS, PROPERTY LINES, DIMENSIONS AND THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES SHOWN IN THESE PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THESE PLANS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. CONTRACTOR SHALL THOROUGHLY FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH ALL SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BIDDING AND COMMENCING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE PERTINENT ENGINEERING OR ARCHITECTURAL PLANS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS REQUIRED TO PERFORM THE WORK INDICATED HEREIN BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. THIS DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN PAVED AREAS IS FOR DESIGN CLARITY ONLY AND IS TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN PLANTING AREAS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL ANY EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT UNKNOWN CONDITIONS EXIST THAT WERE NOT EVIDENT AT THE TIME THESE PLANS WERE PREPARED. ANY SUCH CONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO ANY WORK OR THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY FIELD CHANGES DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE OWNER. INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN IN THE DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO COMPLY WITH LOCAL CITY, COUNTY AND STATE REQUIREMENTS FOR BOTH EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION. ACTUAL LOCATION FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE AND THE AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER IS TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT REPRESENTATIVE BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE TWO ADDITIONAL 'CONTROL WIRES' AND ONE ADDITIONAL 'COMMON' WIRE FROM CONTROLLER ALONG ENTIRETY OF MAIN LINE TO THE LAST RCV ON EACH AND EVERY LEG OF MAIN LINE. LABEL SPARE WIRES AT BOTH ENDS. ALL PIPE UNDER PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN SLEEVING TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE CARRIED. SEE LEGEND FOR TYPE. ALL WIRE UNDER PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN A SCH. 40 SLEEVE THE SIZE REQUIRED TO EASILY PULL WIRE THROUGH. ALL SLEEVES TO BE INSTALLED WITH A MINIMUM DEPTH AS SHOWN ON THE SLEEVING DETAILS. SLEEVES TO EXTEND AT LEAST 12" PAST THE EDGE OF THE PAVING. ALL QUICK COUPLERS TO BE INSTALLED IN SHRUB OR GROUND COVER AREAS WHERE POSSIBLE. ALL QUICK COUPLERS TO BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE INSTALLATION DETAILS. INSTALL ALL QUICK COUPLERS WITHIN 18" OF HARDSCAPE. ALL HEADS ARE TO BE INSTALLED WITH THE NOZZLE, SCREEN AND ARCS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ALL HEADS ARE TO BE ADJUSTED TO PREVENT OVERSPRAY ONTO BUILDINGS, WALLS, FENCES AND HARDSCAPE. THIS INCLUDES, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ADJUSTMENT OF DIFFUSER PIN OR ADJUSTMENT SCREW, REPLACEMENT OF PRESSURE COMPENSATING SCREENS, REPLACEMENT OF NOZZLES WITH MORE APPROPRIATE RADIUS UNITS AND THE REPLACEMENT OF NOZZLES WITH ADJUSTABLE ARC UNITS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE U.L. APPROVED GROUND ROD(S) AND/OR GROUND PLATE(S) WITH CADWELD ONE-SHOT CONNECTION PROCESS FOR CONNECTING THE CONDUCTOR WIRE TO THE ROD(S) AND/OR PLATE(S). THE NUMBER OF RODS OR PLATES SHALL DEPEND ON THE CONDUCTIVITY OF THE IMMEDIATE SOIL SURROUNDING THE ROD(S) AND/OR PLATE(S). MAXIMUM GROUND RESISTANCE SHALL BE PER CONTROLLER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO IRRIGATION LEGEND FOR CONTROLLER TYPE. FINAL LOCATION OF CONTROLLER AND ELECTRICAL POC SHALL BE CONFIRMED WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. MAINLINE SHOWN WITHIN PAVING FOR CLARITY ONLY, ACTUAL MAINLINE LOCATION TO BE WITHIN PLANTER, A MINIMUM OF 18" OFF ADJACENT HARDSCAPE AND OTHER OBSTACLES TYP. CONTRACTOR SHALL PAINT ALL EXPOSED PVC PIPE WHICH IS ON-GRADE TO REDUCE VISIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC EYE AND IMPROVE THE AESTHETICS OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. PAINT SHALL BE AN OUTDOOR PAINT RESISTANT TO SUN EXPOSURE. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM PAINT COLOR AND TYPE WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST ALL HEADS AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE ANY VERTICAL OBSTRUCTIONS THAT MAY OCCUR, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LIGHT POLES, FIRE HYDRANTS, ETC. CONTRACTOR SHALL ADD SPRINKLER HEADS AS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE 100% COVERAGE IN ALL AREAS THAT REQUIRE ADJUSTING.ADTIONAL HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT NO ADDITIONAL COSTS TO THE CONTRACT. VERIFY ALL HEAD LAYOUT WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. LATERAL LINES MAY BE SHOWN WITHIN PAVING FOR CLARITY ONLY, ACTUAL LOCATION TO BE WITHIN PLANTER. CONFIRM ALL LAYOUT IN FIELD WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. REMOTE CONTROL VALVES AND ISOLATION VALVE LOCATIONS ON THIS DRAWING ARE APPROXIMATE. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE OUT EACH ELECTRICAL CONTROL VALVE AND ISOLATION VALVE LOCATION FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ALL VALVES. FINAL LOCATION AND EXACT POSITIONING FOR ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVES AND ISOLATION VALVES SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. MINOR MODIFICATIONS OF REMOTE CONTROL VALVES AND ISOLATION VALVE LOCATIONS AS REQUESTED BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE PROJECT. FAILURE TO OBTAIN OWNER'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION SHALL CAUSE THE CONTRACTOR TO MAKE PROJECT DIRECTED REVISIONS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. IN GENERAL, UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY OWNER, ALL VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN THREE FEET FROM EDGE OF HARDSCAPE, WALK OR CURB IN SHRUB PLANTING AREAS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE PROPER GROUNDING TECHNIQUES FOR GROUNDING THE CONTROLLER AND RELATED EQUIPMENT PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. MEASURING FOR PROPER GROUND AT LEAST ONCE ANNUALLY, AND NECESSARY ADJUSTMENTS MADE TO COMPLY WITH MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS IS RECOMMEND. TWICE WEEKLY MAXIMUM GENERAL IRRIGATION NOTES 17 min. 20 min. 21 min. 25 min. 14 min. 14 min. 21 min. 17 min. 23 min. 23 min. ROTARY SPRAY PRECIP. RATE of 0.45"/hr. DRIPPERLINE PRECIP. RATE of 0.6"/hr.WATERING SCHEDULE NOTES: MAXIMUM DEMAND HIGHEST HEAD WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE WORKSHEETS & CALCULATIONS 830,700 MAWA=(39.7)(0.62)(0.55 x60,930 + .3 x 792)[] 830,700 GALLONS PER YEAR R.L.A. #5819 X Benjamin Montrella 1632 AVIATION BLVD., REDONDO BEACH 90278 714.917.7990 benjaminmontrella@hotmail.com 79 Eastside Dr. , Rolling Hills ,CA 90274 R.L.A. #5819 September 30, 2021 0.55 ·THIS SCHEDULE IS INTENDED AS A STARTING POINT ONLY. ·THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST RUN TIMES FOR ACTUAL SITE CONDITIONS and MICRO-CLIMATES. ·SPLIT RUN TIMES MAY BE REQUIRED for SLOPE CONDITIONS and VARYING SOIL INFILTRATION RATES. ·APPLICATION RATE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE INFILTRATION RATE of THE SOIL. ·IRRIGATION RUN-TIMES SHALL be BETWEEN THE HOURS of 10:00 P.M. AND 5:00 A.M. IRRIGATION CONTROLLER SCHEDULE MAR.JAN FEB.APR.MAY JUN.JUL.DEC.AUG.SEP.NOV.OCT. = 39.7 ROLLING HILLS C.I.M.I.S. ET DATA MONTHLYo 1.8 2.1 3.3 3.9 4.5 4.3 5.3 4.7 3.7 2.8 1.8 1.5 TOTAL SYSTEM LOSS: FRICTION LOSS CALCULATIONS FLOW METER CONTROL VALVE MASTER VALVE METER ELEV. H.G.L. PSI PSI PSI PSI WATER METER NO. ELEVATION SIZE STATIC PRESS.HIGH LOW INFO. SOURCE: PHONE: DATE OF INFO. .433 =X REMOTE CONTROL VALVE No.SIZE MAX. DEMAND GPM ELEV. OF HIGHEST HEAD PRESS. AT RCV PSI QTY.SIZE PRESS. REGULATOR (FALL OFF)PSI WATER METER PSI BACKFLOW PREVENTER PSI GATE VALVE PSI MAINLINE PSI MAINLINE PSI MAINLINE PSI MAINLINE PSI LATERAL LINE LATERAL LINE LATERAL LINE PSI PSI PSI LATERAL LINE PSI FITTING LOSS (10%)PSI ELEVATION CHANGE (+/-)PSI PRESSURE TO OPERATE HEAD PSI TOTAL PRESSURE REQUIRED:PSI LOWEST STATIC PRESSURE AVAILABLE PSI PRE-SET REGULATED PRESSURE (IF REQ'D)PSI RESIDUAL WATER PRESSURE PSI EXISTING 1" N/A ±± - - - N/A - -- A18 1 1/2" 21.8 - - 1 1"3.8 --- 1 1"12 --- --- 1 LINE - 325'2"2.2 --- --- --- 1 1 1/2"1.2 ±1 1/2"0.5 ±1 1/4"0.4 ±1"1.4 ±3/4"1.6 2.6 +14 40 40 85 - 85 10-20 ** CHECK-VALVE NOTE PRESSURE REGULATOR NOTE Pressure regulating devices are required if water pressure is below or exceeds the recommended pressure of the specified irrigation devices. Check valves or anti-drain valves are required on all sprinkler heads where low point drainage could occur. HYDROZONE MAP NOTE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION NOTE A diagram of the irrigation plan showing hydrozones shall be kept with the irrigation controller for subsequent management purposes. A Certificate of Completion shall be filled out and certified by either the designer of the landscape plans, irrigation plans, or the licensed landscape contractor for the project. IRRIGATION AUDIT NOTE An irrigation audit report shall be completed at the time of final inspection. 34,734.560,930TOTAL: 817,514 830,700 182 IRRIGATION DETAILS L-3.2 1632 aviation blvd redondo beach california 90278 ph 310.378.2650 info@rainvilledesign.com landscape design + planning r a i n v i l l e d e s i g n s t u d i o REVISION DATE : 09.02.2021 SCALE : AS SHOWN DRAWN BY : B_MONOTE:ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS,AND PLANS REPRESENTED BY THISDRAWING ARE THE PROPERTY OFRAINVILLE DESIGN STUDIOAND ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED,CHANGED, COPIED OR ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WHATSOEVERWITHOUT FIRST OBTAININGPERMISSION AND CONSENT INWRITING FROM MIRIAM RAINVILLEEASTFIELD79 EASTFIELD DRROLLING HILLSCALIFORNIA 90274LICENSED L A N D S CAPE A R CHI TECTST AT E OF C A L I F O R NIASignatureBEJAMINMONTRE L L A#5819Renewal Date Date 5.31.22N July 21, 2021 06.23.2021 07.08.2021 08.11.2021 08.17.2021 09.02.2021 09.21.2021 3/4 1/4 1 1/2 1/8 SURFACE MOUNTING BRACKET WIRELESS RAIN SENSOR WIRED NORMALLY CLOSED MOUNTING SCREW (1 OF 2) WIRE TO IRRIGATION CONTROLLER - UNLESS WIRELESS SPECIFIED. MOUNT IN AN AREA THAT WILL BE EXPOSED TO UNOBSTRUCTED RAINFALL, BUT NOT IN THE PATH OF SPRINKLER SPRAY. 1 3 1 4 2 3 4 5 SECTION/ELEVATION LEGEND: NOTE: D RAIN SENSOR Scale: N.T.S. RIN-SNR WITH RECOMMENDED TOOL CONNECTOR INSERT CRIMP COPPER SLEEVE INSTALLED STRIP AND TWIST WIRES FOR PROPER CONNECTION NOTE: FILL OUTER CASE WITH SEALER PRIOR TO FINAL ASSEMBLY. OUTER CASE OF CONNECTOR LOW VOLTAGE WIRES, 3 MAXIMUM SECTION E BALL VALVE Scale: N.T.S. VAL-BAL CL 6"3"LEGEND: VALVE BOX IDENTIFICATION (SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET) FINISHED GRADE DO NOT INSTALL IN TURF AREA. PLASTIC ROUND VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT NUT AND WASHER. HEAT BRAND "GV" ONTO LID. FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREA GATE VALVE BRICK SUPPORTS 6" PVC CL. 160 PIPE ONE CUBIC FOOT 3/4" CRUSHED GRAVEL SCH 40 PVC COUPLING SCH 40 COUPLING IRRIGATION MAINLINE SCH 80 PVC T.O.E. NIPPLE, 6" LONG 1 1 2 3 GV 4 9 10 8 7 6 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 C 4" 4" BA 24" 12"18" 4" TO 6" IN SIZE 1/2" TO 3" IN SIZE DIMENSION CBCCACC H PIPE INSTALLATION Scale: N.T.S. PIP-INS 1 LEGEND: 1 FINISH GRADE CLEAN COMPACTED BACKFILL NON-PRESSURE LATERAL LINES, SEE SPECIFICATIONS CONTROL WIRES, SEE SPECIFICATIONS UNDISTURBED SOIL PRESSURE MAINLINE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS NOTE: LATERAL LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED PITCHED AT 1% SLOPE TO DRAIN TO LOW POINT FOR WINTERIZATION 2 3 4 5 6 1. F WIRE CONNECTION Scale: N.T.S. PAVING LATERAL LINES DENSITY OF EXISTING SAND Backfill COMPACTED TO THE UNDISTURBED SOIL CONTROL WIRES IN SCH 40 SLEEVE IN SCH 40 SLEEVE C 24" D 4" IN SCH 40 SLEEVE OF THE PIPE OR WIRE DETAIL ALSO FOR PIPE PVC SLEEVES TO BE TWICE THE DIAMETER BUNDLE CARRIED. INSTALLED IN ROCK SOIL. B 24" A 36"1/2" TO 4" IN SIZE DIMENSION PRESSURE MAINLINECBA DDDD I SLEEVE INSTALLATION Scale: N.T.S. PIP-SLE RCVRCVRCV PLANRCVDW A-9 ON ANY DEVICE IN A BOX NOT LISTED. DW CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR INFO DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW RW A RW A RW A RW A RW A RW A RW A RW A RW A RW A RW A RW A RW A COMM COMMUNICATION SPLICES IDENTIFICATION GUIDE WATERDOMESTICRECLAIMEDWATERCONTROLLERLEGENDEQUIPMENTDESIGNATIONMASTER VALVEMV ARV GV BS MS SB QC FVA FS FI FERTILIZER INJECTORS FLUSH VALVE ASSEMBLY SPLICE BOX QUICK COUPLERS FLOW SENSORS AIR RELIEF VALVE GATE VALVES BASKET STRAINERS MOISTURE SENSORS GR (STA #) GROUNDING RODS REMOTE CONTROL VALVES 12"12"12" LEGEND: 1 20"x14" JUMBO RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX 16"x11" STANDARD RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX 10" DIA. ROUND VALVE BOX EDGE OF AREA, CURB, WALK OR WALL 2 3 4 VALVE BOXES SHALL BE LABELED BY HOT IRON BRANDING OR ALUMINUM ASPHALTIC BASE WATERPROOF PAINT. CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED TO ALLOW ORDERLY ARRANGEMENT OF VALVE BOXES. LOCATE VALVE ASSEMBLIES IN SHRUB OR GROUNDCOVER AREAS ONLY. LOCATION OF VALVE ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE STAKED FOR APPROVAL BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CENTER VALVE BOXES OVER VALVE ASSEMBLE TO FACILITATE ACCESS AND MAINTENANCE. SET VALVE BOXES AT EQUAL ELEVATIONS W/ TOPS AT 2" ABOVE FINISH GRADE IN SHRUB/ GROUNDCOVER AREAS. VALVE BOXES SHALL BE SET PARALLEL TO EACH OTHER AND PERPENDICULAR TO EDGE OF AREA. DO NOT DEFORM OR COLLAPSE VALVE BOX BY EXCESSIVE SOIL COMPACTION AROUND BOX. SEE ALSO INDIVIDUAL VALVE INSTALLATION DETAILS. NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 4321 B VALVE BOX IDENTIFICATION Scale: N.T.S.BOX-ID 10 46325 SOIL SAMPLE: POTABLE WATER SYSTEM OF CONTROLLER "A" REMOTE CONTROL VALVE ON STA. #9 2 PROVIDE TWO LAYERS of WARNING TAPE RUNNING CONTINUOUS ALONG ROUTE OF THE MAINLINE. ONE SHALL BE LOCATED IMMEDIATELY ON TOP OF THE MAINLINE PIPE AND ONE 12" ABOVE THE TOP OF MAINLINE. FINISH GRADE RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS SPARE WIRE LABEL CONTROL AND/OR COMMON WIRE, REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 PEA GRAVEL BACKFILL (ONE CUBIC FOOT MINIMUM) C SPARE WIRE BOX Scale: N.T.S. FOR IRRIG. CONTROL & COMMON WIRE (ONE SHOWN) A LOW-FLOW REMOTE CONTROL VALVE Scale: N.T.S. J BACKFLOW PREVENTER Scale: N.T.S. 66" 12" WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER SECURE CONTROLLER TO WALL WITH APPROVED ANCHOR BOLTS. SECURE CONDUIT TO WALL AT 12" O.C. SCH. 40 STEEL CONDUIT SIZE TO ACCOMMODATE CONTROL WIRES. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO STUB CONDUIT 12" ABOVE FINISH SURFACE INSIDE THE BLDG. AND STUB 24" OUTSIDE BLDG. WALL. FINISH SURFACE JUNCTION BOX PVC SCH. 80 CONDUIT W/ SWEEP ELLS TO NEAREST PLANTING AREA. GROUND CONTROLLER PER MFG'S RECOMMENDATIONS. ELECTRICAL WORK TO CONFORM TO LOCAL CODES. 1 2 5 3 4 6 G CONTROLLER Scale: N.T.S. 10" ROUND VALVE BOX GREEN IN COLOR FINISH GRADE QUICK COUPLING VALVE SEE IRRIGATION LEGEND - PURPLE CAP PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE PVC SREET ELL (2 REQUIRED) THREADED NIPPLE PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK SUMP K QUICK COUPLING VALVE Scale: N.T.S. PIP-INS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 8 7 3 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 POP-UP SPRAY HEAD- SEE IRRIGATION LEGEND FINISH GRADE TEE IN LATERAL LINE PIPE 1/2" X 6" SCH. 80 PVC NIPPLE 1/2" X 2" SCH. 80 PVC NIPPLE 1/2" MIP X FIP 90 ELL (2 REQUIRED) HARDSCAPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NOTE: TEFLON TAPE ALL THREADS L POP-UP SPRAY HEAD Scale: N.T.S. CON-KIT 6" 6 5 43 7 1 2 3" MIN. 3" MAINLINE PVC SCH 40 ELL PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE. FINISH GRADE IN TURF AREAS FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS CONTROL ZONE KIT: SEE IRRIGATION LEGEND PVC SCH 40 MALE ADAPTER PVC SUPPLY LATERAL PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE, CLOSE (1 OF 3) PVC SCH 80 UNION FOR SERVICING ASSEMBLY BRICK SUPPORTS (1 OF 4) LANDSCAPE FABRIC 3/4" ROCK, 2 CUBIC FT. 3" MINIMUM DEPTH PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (2-INCH LENGTH, HIDDEN) AND PVC SCH 40 ELL PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "RCV" AND CONTROL STATION # ONTO LID.12" MINIMUMREDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE BACKFLOW PREVENTER WYE STRAINE BRASS RISER FINISH GRADE THREADED BY SLIP COUPLING FROM WATER SOURCE PVC PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS TRENCH DEPTH, REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS BRASS UNION ONE CUBIC FOOT CONCRETE STABILIZER BACKFLOW ENCLOSURE PER IRRIGATION LEGEND.INSTALL per MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. CONCRETE FOOTING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 10 3 9 4 75 2 12 6 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4514 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 183 IRRIGATION DETAILS L-3.3 1632 aviation blvd redondo beach california 90278 ph 310.378.2650 info@rainvilledesign.com landscape design + planning r a i n v i l l e d e s i g n s t u d i o REVISION DATE : 09.02.2021 SCALE : AS SHOWN DRAWN BY : B_MONOTE:ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS,AND PLANS REPRESENTED BY THISDRAWING ARE THE PROPERTY OFRAINVILLE DESIGN STUDIOAND ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED,CHANGED, COPIED OR ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WHATSOEVERWITHOUT FIRST OBTAININGPERMISSION AND CONSENT INWRITING FROM MIRIAM RAINVILLEEASTFIELD79 EASTFIELD DRROLLING HILLSCALIFORNIA 90274LICENSED L A N D S CAPE A R CHI TECTST AT E OF C A L I F O R NIASignatureBEJAMINMONTRE L L A#5819Renewal Date Date 5.31.22N July 21, 2021 06.23.2021 07.08.2021 08.11.2021 08.17.2021 09.02.2021 09.21.2021 P SYMBOL ON PLANS REPRESENTS THE INSTALLATION OF ALL OF THE EQUIPMENT SHOWN ON THE DETAIL ABOVE IRRIGATION POINT OF CONNECTION SHALL BE MADE FROM THE SERVICE LINE TO THE HOUSE ISOLATION VALVE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE IRRIGATION P.O.C.. IF REQUIRED PRESSURE REGULATOR SHALL BE INSTALLED DOWNSTREAM OF BALL VALVE, IF REQUIRED IRRIGATION MAINLINE SHALL BE ROUTED TO REMOTE CONTROL VALVES. MAINLINE TO REMOTE CONTROL VALVES PRESSURE REGULATOR, REQUIRED FOR STATIC WATER PRESSURE OVER 80 PSI. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY WATER PRESSURE PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. BALL VALVE DEDICATED LANDSCAPE WATER METER SERVICE LINE TO HOUSE C RESIDENTIAL CONNECTION Scale: N.T.S. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 5 4 AR LF ALIGN DRIP TUBING LATERALS PARALLEL TO THE CONTOURS OF THE SLOPE LINE FLUSHING VALVE PLUMBED TO PVC AREA PERIMETER START CONNECTION EXHAUST HEADER COMPRESSION TEE SUBSURFACE DRIP TUBING per IRRIGATION LEGEND AIR/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE (PLUMBED to DRIP LINE ONE AT EACH HIGH POINT) BLANK TUBING CENTERED ON MOUND OR BERM SUPPLY HEADER REMOTE CONTROL VALVE AR LF PVC SUPPLY HEADER TOP OF SLOPE AIR/VACUUM RELIEF ASSEMBLY LINE FLUSHING VALVE ASSEMBLY PVC EXHAUST HEADER TOE OF SLOPE REMOTE CONTROL VALVE CONVENTIONAL SPACING ON TOP 2/3 OF SLOPE CONVENTIONAL SPACING PLUS 25% ON BOTTOM 1/3 OF SLOPE ALIGN DRIP TUBING LATERALS PARALLEL TO THE CONTOURS OF THE SLOPE 3" 2" MIN. FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS VALVE KIT, AIR / VACUUM RELIEF VALVE - PER LEGEND PLASTIC ROUND VALVE BOX PER IRRIGATION LEGEND, SUBSURFACE DRIP TUBING BRICK SUPPORTS LANDSCAPE FABRIC 3/4" ROCK, 1 CUBIC FT. RAINBIRD EASY FIT TEE, MDCFTEE AND FPT ADAPTER-MDCF75FPT E DRIPPERLINE: IRREGULAR AREAS Scale: N.T.S. F DRIPPERLINE LAYOUT Scale: N.T.S. B DRIP AIR RELIEF VALVE Scale: N.T.S. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 798 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 54321 7 8 9 AV ZONE FLUSH VALVE PLUMBED TO PVC AREA PERIMETER SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION TUBING PER IRRIGATION LEGEND MANIFOLD CONNECTION (PVC TO ELBOW) SCH. 40 PVC FLUSH MANIFOLD AIR/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE (PLUMED TO GEOFLOW TUBING AT EACH HIGH POINT) COMPRESSION TEE PVC SUPPLY MANIFOLD REMOTE CONTROL VALVE PER IRRIGATION LEGEND FV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 D DRIPPERLINE LAYOUT Scale: N.T.S. G ROTARY NOZZLE Scale: N.T.S. 3" 2" MIN. FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS PVC LATERAL (OR EXHAUST HEADER) 3/4" GRAVEL SUMP (1 CUBIC FOOT) BRICK SUPPORTS - THREE S x 1/2" PVC 90 ELL (SIZE AS REQ'D) LINE FLUSHING VALVE per IRRIGATION LEGEND VALVE BOX SEE SPECS. A FLUSH VALVE Scale: N.T.S. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 PVC LATERAL LINE to SPRINKLER HEADS U.V.R. PVC THREADED 90 ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKER-PER LEGEND. TWO U.V.R. PVC ELLS as REQUIRED - TYP. PVC LATERAL LINE to AVB (BURIED or ON GRADE) WALL/SLOPE FINISH GRADE REMOTE CONTROL VALVE - PER IRRIGATION LEGEND PVC SCH.80 NIPPLE. TYP. PVC SCH 40 FITTINGS. TYP. PVC LATERAL LINE PIPING TO A.V.B. SWING CHECK VALVE.6" MIN. ABOVE HIGHEST HEADI ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKER Install as necessary to avoid low head drainage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 74 2 6 12 10 11 8 9 5 MP ROTATOR - MODEL MPR40-00 MODEL HC-50F-50M CHECK VALVE ROTOR STAKING KIT PN 463551 #4 REBAR FINISH GRADE SWING JOINT: HUNTER 'PLD-BLANK 17mm' TUBING 1/2" x 17mm BARB ADAPTER (2) & MARLEX STREET ELBOW (1) LATERAL TEE or ELL LATERAL PIPE NOTE: SPRAY HEADS AT TOP AND BOTTOM of SLOPE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH POP-UP INSTALL ON RISER MIDDLE OF SLOPE ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 8 5X DIAMETER OF PIPE 10X DIAMETER OF PIPE FLOW NORMALLY OPEN MASTER VALVE WIRE TO SATELLITE CONTROLLER MASTER VALVE CIRCUIT (36-INCH EXPANSION COIL, EACH WIRE) 3-INCH MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3/4-INCH WASHED GRAVEL BRICK (1 OF 4) RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH COVER: RAIN BIRD VB-STD FINISH GRADE FLOW SENSOR: RAIN BIRD FS SERIES PE-CABLE TO FLOW SENSING EQUIPMENT AT SATELLITE CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY (36-INCH EXPANSION COIL) DOUBLE-STRAP SADDLE WIRE SPLICE: SEE RAIN BIRD DETAIL PE-SPLICE-TW FOR SPLICE. SEE FLOW SENSOR WIRING DETAIL FOR WIRING DIAGRAM CONCENTRIC REDUCER 1. REFER TO MANUFACTURER'S TECHNICAL DATA FOR FLOW SENSOR INSTALLATION BASED ON PIPE SIZING PARAMETERS. 1 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7 8 10 6 5 11 4 9 343 11 2 1 6 I MASTER VALVE and FLOW SENSOR Install as necessary to avoid low head drainage 184 IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS L-3.4 1632 aviation blvd redondo beach california 90278 ph 310.378.2650 info@rainvilledesign.com landscape design + planning r a i n v i l l e d e s i g n s t u d i o REVISION DATE : 09.02.2021 SCALE : AS SHOWN DRAWN BY : B_MONOTE:ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS,AND PLANS REPRESENTED BY THISDRAWING ARE THE PROPERTY OFRAINVILLE DESIGN STUDIOAND ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED,CHANGED, COPIED OR ASSIGNED TOANY THIRD PARTY WHATSOEVERWITHOUT FIRST OBTAININGPERMISSION AND CONSENT INWRITING FROM MIRIAM RAINVILLEEASTFIELD79 EASTFIELD DRROLLING HILLSCALIFORNIA 90274LICENSED L A N D S CAPE A R CHI TECTST AT E OF C A L I F O R NIASignatureBEJAMINMONTRE L L A#5819Renewal Date Date 5.31.22N July 21, 2021 06.23.2021 07.08.2021 08.11.2021 08.17.2021 09.02.2021 09.21.2021 IRRIGATION FIELD OBSERVATION COMPLETED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO THE FINAL TWO PIECES OF PLASTIC. CHARTS SHALL BE CHART SHALL BE HERMETICALLY SEALED BETWEEN AT THE REDUCED FORMAT). UPON COMPLETION THE NUMBERS MUST BE LARGE ENOUGH TO BE LEGIBLE DOOR WILL ALLOW (CONTROLLER SEQUENCE "AS BUILT" TO THE MAXIMUM SIZE OF THE CONTROLLER CHART SHALL BE A XEROX REDUCTION OF THE CONTROLLER CHART FORMAT EACH AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION CONTROLLER. SHOW BY COLOR CODING THE AREA CONTROLLED BY APPROVAL OF THE "AS-BUILT". THE CHART SHALL SHALL BE PREPARED BY THE CONTRACTOR AFTER : CONTROLLER CHARTS CONTROLLER CHARTS 6. 5. : THE CONTROLLER A. GENERAL NOTES B. FIELD OBSERVATIONS C. MATERIALS NOTES (CONTINUED)D. PLASTIC PIPE NOTES (CONTINUED)F. RECORD AND AS-BUILT DRAWINGS (CONT'D) : THE IRRIGATION PLANS ARE GENERALLY IRRIGATION PLANS14. CONTRACTOR WITHOUT EXPENSE TO THE OWNER - INCLUDING DURING THE ONE YEAR PERIOD FINAL ACCEPTANCE SHALL BE MANUFACTURER'S GUARANTEE OF MINIMUM ONE (1) YEAR. ANY WORK DONE UNDER THIS CONTRACT, SHALL BE GUARANTEED : THE ENTIRE IRRIGATION SYSTEM INCLUDING ALL SITE CLEAN AND FREE FROM RUBBISH AND DEBRIS. ALL DEBRIS : CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP THE PROJECT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE SYSTEM AND SHALL FURNISH A OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IN THE OPERATION : AFTER THE SYSTEM HAS BEEN RECORDED ONLY WHEN THE ENTIRE CONTRACT IS COMPLETED CONTRACT SHALL BE ACCEPTED, AND NOTICE OF COMPLETION CONDITIONS AFFECTING ALL OF THE WORK AND PLAN THE POSSIBLE TO INDICATE ALL OFFSETS, FITTINGS, SLEEVES, ETC., THE OWNER OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MAY BE REJECTED AND EQUIPMENT OR MATERIALS INSTALLED WITHOUT APPROVAL BY FOR SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE OWNER DRAWINGS MAY BE CONSIDERED FOR USE. WRITTEN APPROVAL PRODUCTS OTHER THAN THOSE DESCRIBED OR INDICATED ON WHERE INSTALLED AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE THESE DRAWINGS SHALL BE NEW AND IN PERFECT CONDITION : ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SPECIFIED IN STATIC PRESSURE, METER SIZE AND SIZE OF SERVICE TO THE APPROVE FINAL (P.O.C.) LOCATION WITH THE OWNER (JOB OF THE POINT OF CONNECTION SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS INSTALLED WHETHER OR NOT SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED IN THE MENTIONED IN THESE SPECIFICATIONS. ALL WORK CALLED FOR : SEE GENERAL NOTES ON THE DRAWINGS EXISTING UTILITIES. INTENT OF IRRIGATION DESIGN IS FULL PAVING OR OTHER IMPROVEMENTS OF ANY KIND. THE COMPLETE RESTORATION OF ALL DAMAGED PLANTING, REPAIRED TO THE OWNER'S SATISFACTION BY THE SETTLING OF BACKFILLED TRENCHES WHICH MAY OCCUR THE OWNER ALL MATERIALS USED SHALL CARRY A COMPLETION BY THE CONTRACTOR WITHOUT EXPENSE TO WORKING ORDER FOR ONE (1) YEAR FROM DATE OF WORKMANSHIP, AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN PREFECT AGAINST ALL DEFECTS AND FAULT OF MATERIAL AND SHALL BE REMOVED FROM SITE PER LOCAL CODE AND SITE MAINTENANCE COMPLETE SET OF OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. COMPLETED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTRUCT THE 24. 23. GUARANTEE ORDINANCES. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS REPRESENTATIVE. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED NOTICE OF COMPLETION AS MAY BE REQUIRED TO MEET SUCH CONDITIONS. WORK ACCORDINGLY, FURNISHING SUCH FITTINGS, ETC., CAREFULLY INVESTIGATE THE STRUCTURAL AND FINISHED WHICH MAYBE REQUIRED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL : DUE TO THE SCALE OF DRAWINGS, IT IS NOT REMOVED AT CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. CONFORM TO LOCAL CODES AND ORDINANCES. ANY AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. ALL SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. FITTINGS 22. 21. 20. 19. SUBSTITUTIONS : THE COMPLETION OF THE : DESIGN, MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT AND METER (P.O.C.) AT EACH POINT OF CONNECTION. SUPERINTENDENT) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE MAYBE APPROXIMATE ONLY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL POINT OF CONNECTION (P.O.C.) VERIFICATION SPECIFICATIONS AND/OR DETAILS. ON THE DRAWINGS BY NOTES SHALL BE FURNISHED AND FOR ADDITIONAL WORK REQUIRED, BUT NOT SPECIFICALLY IRRIGATION NOTES PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ON DETAILS AND PLANS TAKE : ALL SCALE DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. COVERAGE, BALANCED SYSTEM. BETWEEN, PLANTING, ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES AND ADJUSTMENTS DURING INSTALLATION TO AVOID CONFLICTS INSTALLED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE MINOR DIAGRAMMATIC AND INDICATIVE OF THE WORK TO BE 18. 17. MATERIALS 16. 15. DIMENSION : LOCATION PROPERTY, ETC. AND SHALL PROVIDE PROTECTIVE MEANS TO RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY ITS OPERATIONS VERIFYING THE LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, : THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR : THE CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY OTHER LEGAL PROPERTY RESTRICTIONS EITHER MARKED OR PROPERTY, RIGHT-OF-WAYS, EASEMENTS, SET-BACKS OR ANY : THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE PERFORMED, THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME DISCREPANCIES. IN THE EVENT THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT DESIGN. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND OWNER SHALL BE EXIST THAT MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED IN IRRIGATION GRADE DIFFERENCES OR DISCREPANCIES IN AREA DIMENSIONS IRRIGATION SYSTEM AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS WHEN IT IS DIMENSIONS AND SITE CONDITIONS BEFORE STARTING WORK. OBTAIN, COORDINATE AND PAY FOR ALL PERMITS, FEES AND : THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE A C-27 CALIFORNIA IMMEDIATELY UPON ANY SUCH DISCOVERY OF DISCREPANCY. AND SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND OWNER FURNISH AND INSTALL A COMPLETE IRRIGATION SYSTEM AS : CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL LABOR, FULLY ENSURE THE QUALITY AND TIMELY COMPLETION OF THE WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATES, ETC. TO INVITING AND OBTAINING BIDS, SETTING ITS PROVISIONS AND STATE LICENSED IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR. OWNER BEFORE STARTING WORK. CONSTRUCTION WITH APPROPRIATE TRADES THROUGH THE : CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL GUARD AGAINST DAMAGE. TO UTILITIES, PLANTING, CONSTRUCTION, PERSONS, LIABLE FOR DAMAGE IMPROVEMENTS. PRECAUTIONS MAY BE TAKEN NOT TO DAMAGE SUCH LINES PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION, SO THAT PROPER ELECTRICAL CABLES, CONDUITS, AND EXISTING IRRIGATION PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS DURING CONSTRUCTION. INITIATING, MAINTAINING AND SUPERVISING ALL SAFETY : THE CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTION METHODS. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL FIRM IS NOT LIABLE FOR SEQUENCES, PROCEDURES AND TECHNIQUES. THE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION METHODS, MEANS, METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION 13. 12. COORDINATION 11. 10. 9. UTILITIES SAFETY : THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ENCROACHMENT ONTO ADJACENT LIABLE FOR ENCROACHMENT FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY REVISIONS NECESSARY. NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY UPON ANY DISCOVERY OF OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT UNKNOWN OBSTRUCTIONS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL THE FIELD VERIFICATION AGENCY INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED. PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS ORDINANCES (LOCAL, COUNTY & STATE). CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE GOVERNING CODES AND WITHIN THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS 8. UNMARKED. 7. 6. 5. : CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL : THE CONTRACTOR SHALL : ALL IRRIGATION WORK GOVERNING CODES SHALL THEN APPLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW ALL DOCUMENTS THOROUGHLY ERRORS, OMISSIONS, CONTRADICTIONS, ETC. THE PLAN VERIFICATION PER THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFIED HEREIN. MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES NECESSARY TO SCOPE OF WORK INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, SECURING THEIR BONDS AND : IT SHALL BE THE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY IN 4. 3. 2. LICENSE 1. PROJECT. BIDDING : THESE DOCUMENTS MAY CONTAIN CONSULTANTS FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS. INADEQUACIES OF COVERAGE DISCLOSED BY THE PERFORM ALL WORK REQUIRED TO CORRECT ANY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL MATERIALS AND OVER SPRAY ON ALL WALKS, ROADWAYS AND BUILDINGS. OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE AND PREVENT UNNECESSARY CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ADJUSTMENTS TO PROVIDE PLANTING AREAS IS COMPLETE AND ADEQUATE. AND SHALL DETERMINE IF THE COVERAGE OF THE THE RATE OF PRECIPITATION OF THE WATER HEADS TO EVENLY AND PROPERLY DISTRIBUTE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST SPRINKLER INSTALLATION AND PRIOR TO ANY PLANTING, UPON COMPLETION OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM IRRIGATION COMPLETION / COVERAGE TEST PRESSURE TEST IRRIGATION, MAINS AND LATERALS IRRIGATION MAINLINE AND EQUIPMENT LAYOUT. PRE-JOB MEETING ON SITE - PRIOR TO JOB SITE MEETINGS AND REQUIRED INSPECTIONS CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ALL REPAIRS NECESSARY TO THE AFTER IT HAS BEEN INSPECTED, TESTED AND APPROVED, THE TEST, HE SHALL UNCOVER HIS WORK AT HIS OWN EXPENSE. BE ENCLOSED OR COVERED BEFORE SUCH INSPECTION AND JURISDICTION OVER THE WORK. SHOULD ANY OF THE WORK REPRESENTATIVE AND/OR GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY HAVING APPROVED BY THE CONSULTING ENGINEER OR AUTHORIZED OR ENCLOSED UNTIL IT HAS BEEN INSPECTED, TESTED AND NOT ALLOW NOR CAUSE ANY OF THE WORK TO BE COVERED : THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AS TO THE PURPOSE AND TIME OF THE OBSERVATION FORTY- SUPERINTENDENT) SHALL INFORM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ANY REQUIRED CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS TO BE AT THE THESE PHASES OF WORK IS AT THE CONTRACTOR'S RISK, WITH OBSERVATION. CONTINUED WORK WITHOUT OBSERVATION OF THAN FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY SUPERINTENDENT) AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT NOT LESS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER (JOB COORDINATED THROUGH THE OWNER (JOB SUPERINTENDENT). OBSERVATIONS SHALL BE INITIATED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND : THE FOLLOWING COVERAGE TEST. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK D. C. B. A. OWNER'S SATISFACTION. CLOSING OF NON INSPECTED WORK EIGHT (48) HOURS IN ADVANCE. CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. THE OWNER (JOB FIELD OBSERVATION COORDINATION 4. 3. 2. . : AND DEFEND PROFESSIONAL DESIGN ASSOCIATES AND THEIR WITH THE PROJECT), AGREES TO HOLD HARMLESS, INDEMNIFY, OR CORPORATIONS WHO HAVE PURCHASED THESE PLANS HEREIN, THE OWNER, OR SUBSEQUENT OWNER (INDIVIDUALS COMPLETING THE FIELD OBSERVATION SERVICES SET FORTH DESIGN ASSOCIATES IS OTHERWISE PRECLUDED FROM THE PROJECT. THEREFORE, IN THE EVENT THAT PROFESSIONAL SPECIFICATIONS CAN BECOME COSTLY MISTAKES BUILT INTO DETECT ERRORS AND OMISSIONS IN THE PLANS AND UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS THERETO, AND FAILURE TO MISINTERPRETATION OF THE INTENT OF THE DESIGN. ANY COMPLETE THE FIELD OBSERVATION SERVICES SET FORTH USE PROFESSIONAL DESIGN ASSOCIATES TO PROVIDE AND OBSERVATION SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION. FAILURE TO PROVIDE "FULL" CONTRACT SERVICES INCLUDING FIELD SAID PLANS WILL USE PROFESSIONAL DESIGN ASSOCIATES TO PREPARED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE OWNER OF : THESE PLANS WERE HEREIN WILL SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE THE REQUIRED FIELD OBSERVATION WORK1. C. MATERIALS NOTES : THE FOLLOWING LIST COMPRISES THE PRINCIPLEGENERAL1. SUPPLY OR LATERAL LINES WHEREVER POSSIBLE. SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG THE SAME ROUTE AS PRESSURE WIRE RUN. WIRING SHALL OCCUPY THE SAME TRENCH AND CONTROL VALVE AND AT EACH CHANGE IN DIRECTION OF THE EXPANSION PIG TAIL COIL SHALL BE PROVIDED AT EACH CONNECTORS AND SEALER ON ALL SPLICES. A 24" BELOW GRADE. USE APPROVED WATER PROOF WIRE WIRE. MINIMUM WIRE SIZES SHALL BE 14 GAUGE BURIED 18" COLOR WIRE FOR PILOT WIRE. WHITE FOR COMMON GROUND FOR DIRECT BURIAL INSTALLATIONS. CODING SHALL BE BE UF, SOLID COPPER WIRE, VINYL INSULATED 600 V. RATING, CONTROLLERS AND THE ELECTRONIC CONTROL VALVES SHALL : CONNECTIONS BETWEEN THE AUTOMATIC DRAWINGS. CONNECT TO CONTROLLERS IN THE OPERATING OF THE FOLLOWING TYPE BOXES AS INDICATED ON THE DEVICE, INSTALLED, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, IN ONE DRAWINGS WITH FLOW ADJUSTMENT AND MANUAL BLEED : SHALL BE AS INDICATED ON THE FEDERAL SPECIFIED, CROSS HANDLE. INSTALL WITH N.D.S. TYPE INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. 125 P.S.I. MINIMUM, HEAVY DUTY, : SHALL BE BRONZE OR PLASTIC BODY AS CONTROL WIRE SEQUENCE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. CONTROL VALVES PLASTIC OR EQUAL ACCESS BOX AND LID. BALL VALVES 11. 10. 9. SHALL BE INSTALLED ON GRADE SECURED TO SURFACE PER SCREWED BEADED MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS. STEEL PIPE 40 MILLED STEEL SCREWED PIPE WITH MEDIUM GALVANIZED : GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE SHALL BE ASA SCHEDULE B-206 AND FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONS QQB 00655. B 16.22 JOINTS SHALL BE SOLDERED IN ACCORDANCE TO ASTM WROUGHT SOLDER JOINT TYPE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANSI (HARD-DRAWN) CONFORMING TO ASTM B88. FITTING SHALL BE : COPPER PIPE SHALL BE TYPE K BRASS CONFORMING TO FEDERAL SPECIFICATION SPECIFICATIONS NO. WW - P-351. FITTINGS SHALL BE RED SCHEDULE 40 SCREWED PIPE CONFORMING TO FEDERAL : BRASS PIPE SHALL BE RED BRASS, ALLOWED. SOLVENT SHALL BE AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PIPE CONNECTIONS, FLANGE AND SADDLE TEES WILL NOT BE SUITABLE FOR EITHER SOLVENT WELD OR SCREWED (CONFORMING TO ASTM D1785, D2466) TAPERED SOCKET TYPE, : SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 P.V.C. MANUFACTURER'S NAME TYPE AND CLASS OF PIPE, SIZE AND ALL PLASTIC PIPE SHALL BE MARKED WITH THE P.V.C. PIPING SHALL BE EXTRUDED FROM VIRGIN MATERIALS. BY BROWNLINE PIPE COMPANY OR AS INDICATED ON LEGEND. TO ASTM D1785, ASTM D1784 AND ASTM G-53. MANUFACTURED PIPE ON GRADE SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 U.V.R. CONFORMING : NON-PRESSURED LATERAL LINE BE MARKED WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S NAME TYPE AND CLASS EXTRUDED FROM VIRGIN MATERIALS. ALL PLASTIC PIPE SHALL CONFORMING TO ASTM D2241, D1784. P.V.C. PIPING SHALL BE LINE PIPE SHALL BE CLASS 200 SDR 21 TYPE 1220 P.V.C. : NON-PRESSURIZED LATERAL MATERIALS WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S NAME TYPE AND SHALL BE MARKED SHALL BE EXTRUDED FROM VIRGIN CONFORMING TO ASTM D1785, ASTM D1784 ALL PLASTIC PIPE PIPE LESS THAN 2" SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 TYPE 1220 P.V.C. D2241, ASTM D1784 EXTRUDED FROM VIRGIN MATERIALS. ALL CLASS 315 SDR 13.5 TYPE 1220 P.V.C. CONFORMING TO ASTM CONTROL VALVES AND HOSE BIBS 2" OR LARGER SHALL BE : PIPE FROM SOURCE OF SUPPLY TO USED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND THAT AMPLE QUANTITIES OF THE REQUIRED MATERIALS WERE REQUIRED. IT SHALL BE UP TO THE CONTRACTOR TO SHOW MATERIALS BUT DOES NOT SET THE LIMITATION FOR MATERIALS DETAIL. STEEL PIPE COPPER PIPE AND FITTINGS NO. WW-P-460. BRASS PIPE AND FITTINGS AND FITTING MANUFACTURER. PLASTIC PIPE FITTINGS NSF APPROVAL. 8. 7. 6. 5. LATERAL LINE ON GRADE OF PIPE, SIZE AND NSF APPROVAL. LATERAL LINE BELOW GRADE CLASS OF PIPE, SIZE AND NSF APPROVAL. PRESSURED MAINLINE SPECIFICATIONS. 4. 3. 2. GREEN LID. LOCATE IN SHRUB PLANTING AREAS WHENEVER FOR ALL OTHER VALVES. N.D.S (OR APPROVED EQUAL) WITH ROUND BOX FOR QUICK COUPLERS AND RECTANGULAR BOX VALVES, IN PREMOLDED HIGH IMPACT PLASTIC VALVE BOX. USE : INSTALL ALL VALVES, EXCEPT ANTI-SIPHON TYPE 1220 P.V.C. CONFORMING TO ASTM 2464. SIZES, RISERS TO IRRIGATION HEADS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 80 DEVICES SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 BRASS OF THE REQUIRED : ALL RISERS TO QUICK COUPLERS AND BACK FLOW COLORIZED RUBBER COVER AND TWO (2) PIECE BODY : SHALL BE HEAVY DUTY BRASS WITH BODY AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. FACTORY SET P.S.I. AS : SHALL BE BRONZE OR PLASTIC SPECIFICATIONS. LOCATION PER DRAWINGS. PRESSURE LINES (LATERAL LINE) PER MANUFACTURE'S BRASS AND FEDERAL SPECIFIED. INSTALL ON NON-CONSTANT : SHALL BE HEAVY DUTY HEAD THAT DRAINS FOR MORE THAN ONE MINUTE REQUIRES AN VALVES AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT LOW HEAD DRAINAGE. ANY : CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ANTI-DRAIN USING POTABLE WATER SOURCE REQUIRE BACKFLOW INSTALLED TO MEET LOCAL CODES. ALL IRRIGATION SYSTEMS AND AS APPROVED BY AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. VACUUM BREAKERS SHALL BE AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS : BACKFLOW PREVENTORS AND/OR ADJUSTABLE, RISER NIPPLES SHALL BE THE SAME SIZE AS THE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. ALL HEADS SHALL BE : SHALL BE OF THE TYPES AND SIZES AN ON/OFF SWITCH FOR 110 VOLT POWER SUPPLY TO WITHIN A VANDAL RESISTANT ENCLOSURE AND EQUIPPED WITH THE SIZE REQUIRED. OUTDOOR CONTROLLERS SHALL BE CONTROLLER SHALL BE ENCASED IN ELECTRICAL CONDUIT OF PROPER MOUNTING. ANY CONTROL WIRE EXPOSED AT THE THE DRAWINGS, COMPLETE WITH ELECTRICAL HOOKUP AND : SHALL BE AS INDICATED ON 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. DESIGN. LOCATION PER DRAWINGS. VALVE BOXES POSSIBLE. RISERS SPECIFIED PER DRAWINGS. PRESSURE REGULATORS ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKERS QUICK COUPLERS ANTI-DRAIN VALVE. 15. 14. 13. 12. RISER OPENING IN THE BODY. CHECK VALVES PREVENTION. BACKFLOW DEVICES IRRIGATION HEADS AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER CONTROLLER. D. PLASTIC PIPE NOTES BRISTLE BRUSH IN THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE: WILL MAKE SOLVENT WELD JOINTS WITH NON-SYNTHETIC MOISTURE BEFORE APPLYING SOLVENT. THE CONTRACTOR FITTINGS SHALL BE THOROUGHLY CLEANED OF DIRT, DUST AND PRIMER PRIOR TO APPLICATION OF CEMENT. ALL PIPE AND REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM D-2564) APPLY WITH AN APPROVED BROWNLINE BOND-TITE CEMENT (CONFORMING TO THE ASTM D-2564. FOR UVR-P.V.C. SOLVENT CEMENT SHALL BE RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER AND CONFORMING TO SHALL USE SOLVENT PRIMER AND SOLVENT CEMENT : FOR P.V.C. PIPE CONTRACTOR STEEL JOINTS, AND LIGHT WRENCH PRESSURE IS ALL THAT TEFLON TAPE SHALL BE USED ON ALL THREADED PLASTIC TO CONNECTIONS FIRST. NON-HARDENING PIPE PERMATEX #2 CONNECTIONS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL WORK THE STEEL : ON PLASTIC TO STEEL : JOINTS ON RISERS SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON DETAILS. BE COORDINATED WITH IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO OR ADEQUATE FOR INSTALLATION OF WIRE. SLEEVING SHALL SCHEDULE 40 AND TWO TIMES THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE AND/ OWNER. SLEEVES UNDER PAVING AND STREETS SHALL BE PAVING OVER SEVEN (7) FEET WIDE SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE : IRRIGATION LINES THAT ARE UNDER STREETS AND KEPT CLEAN BY APPROVED MEANS DURING AND AFTER LAYING LOWERED INTO POSITION IN THE TRENCH AND IT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE INSIDE OF THE PIPE BEFORE IT IS : ALL FOREIGN MATTER OR DIRT SHALL BE SNAKED FROM SIDE TO SIDE OF TRENCH BOTTOM TO ALLOW TEMPERATURES IN HOT CLIMATE. THEREFORE, PIPE SHALL BE (6") PER THOUSAND FT. (1000') BETWEEN DAY AND NIGHT : PLASTIC PIPE WILL EXPAND APPROXIMATELY SIX IN. IRRIGATION PIPING. STAKE TREE LOCATIONS PRIOR TO : TREE LOCATIONS TAKE PRIORITY OVER TRENCHES WITH DIRT OR SAND IF THE SOIL IS EXTREMELY EACH PIPE LINE TO PREVENT UNEVEN SETTLEMENT. PAD THE HAVE A FIRM, UNIFORM BEARING FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF ROCKS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE TRENCHES. PIPE SHALL : ALL LUMBER, RUBBISH AND LARGE OF 12" OF EARTH COVERAGE FOR ALL NON PRESSURE LATERAL MAINLINE PIPE UP TO AND INCLUDING 2 1/2". PROVIDE A MINIMUM MINIMUM 18" OF EARTH COVERAGE FOR ALL PRESSURE FOR ALL PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPE 3" AND LARGER. PROVIDE A : PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24" OF EARTH COVERAGE PLASTIC PIPE SHALL NOT BE LAID WHEN THERE IS WATER IN BE DEEMED AND CONSTRUED AS PART OF THIS SPECIFICATION. MANUALS AS FURNISHED BY PIPE MANUFACTURER WHICH SHALL INSTALLATION OF PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE AS OUTLINE IN PARTS OF THIS SPECIFICATION OR IN THE DRAWINGS, : EXCEPT AS NOTED IN OTHER BE PERMITTED UNDER ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. NO HYDRAULIC RIVING WILL AND/OR CONCRETE MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE OWNER'S DRIVING. WRITTEN PERMISSION TO CUT OR BREAK SIDEWALKS SHALL BE DONE BY JACKING, BORING OR HYDRAULIC : GENERALLY, PIPING UNDER CONCRETE OUT BEFORE SPRINKLER HEADS ARE ATTACHED. VALVES. EACH SECTION OF LATERAL PIPE SHALL BE FLUSHED IN PLACE AND BEFORE LATERAL PIPES ARE CONNECTED TO FOR LEAKS BEFORE BACK FILLING AND WITH CONTROL VALVES THE MAIN LINE SUPPLY SHALL BE FLUSHED OUT AND TESTED : ALL PIPE SHALL BE ASSEMBLED FREE FROM DIRT. THESE ANGLES. NO LINE SHALL BE INSTALLED PARALLEL TO BE MAINTAINED BETWEEN LINES WHICH CROSS BETWEEN WITH EACH OTHER. A MINIMUM 2" VERTICAL CLEARANCE SHALL APPLY TO ANY LINES CROSSING AT ANGLES FROM 45° LINES OF OTHER TRADES. THIS REQUIREMENT DOES NOT SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE OF 12" FROM : UNDERGROUND LINES UP TO 2" INCLUSIVE IS TO INSTALL THE PIPING IN THE PLANTING AREA. ADJACENT TO PLANTING AREAS, THE INTENT OF THE DRAWINGS SHOWN UNDER PAVED AREAS BUT RUNNING PARALLEL AND HEREIN SPECIFIED. WHERE PIPING ON THE DRAWINGS IS LOCATIONS AND OF THE SIZES SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS OR : PIPE LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN THE DENTED OR DAMAGED WILL BE DISCARDED. DIRECT SUNLIGHT. ANY SECTION OF PIPE THAT HAS BEEN POINT. P.V.C. PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL NOT BE STORED IN NDUE BENDING OF CONCENTRATED EXTERNAL LOAD AT ANY ALL P.V.C. PIPE SHALL LIE FLAT SO NOT TO SUBJECT IT TO HANDLING, LOADING AND STORING P.V.C. PIPE AND FITTINGS. : THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE CARE IN BEGINNING OF WORK. 15. 14. 13. SOLVENT CONNECTIONS THREADED CONNECTIONS SHALL BE USED. JOINTS 12. 11. 10. 9. FOR EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION. SLEEVING OF THE PIPE. PIPE MAINTENANCE EXPANSION TRENCHING PIPE. TREE LOCATIONS ROCKY. 8. 7. 6. 5. SITE MAINTENANCE LINES. PIPE DEPTH TRENCH. INSTALLATION PROCEDURES UNDER CONCRETE 4. 3. 2. 1. AND DIRECTLY OVER ANOTHER LINE. ASSEMBLY PIPE CLEARANCE LOCATIONS HANDLING SPECIFIED HEREIN AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE TO THE SHALL BE CORRECTED THROUGH THE GUARANTEE PERIOD : ALL DEFECTS IN INSTALLATION OF PLASTIC PIPE WORKMANSHIP OF MATERIALS FOR ALL PLASTIC PIPE FITTINGS. PLASTIC PIPE MANUFACTURER'S GUARANTEE SHALL COVER OF BID. SUBMISSION OF SAMPLES MAY ALSO BE REQUIRED. SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO SUBMISSION : SPECIFICATIONS AND LITERATURE RECOMMENDATION OF STRUCTURAL SOILS REPORT. BE INSTALLED SHALL BE BACKFILLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCATED UNDER WHERE PAVING, CONCRETE OR ASPHALT WILL TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING UNDER PAVING GRADES WITHOUT DIPS, SUNKEN AREAS, HUMPS OR OTHER PLANTING AREAS. BACKFILL WILL CONFORM TO ADJACENT A DRY DENSITY EQUAL TO ADJACENT UNDISTURBED SOIL IN BE MECHANICALLY COMPACTED IN THE LANDSCAPED AREAS TO FROM LARGE CLODS OF EARTH OR STONES. BACKFILL SHALL EXCAVATED MATERIALS APPROVED FOR BACKFILLING, FREE CLIMATES. TRENCHES SHALL BE BACKFILLED WITH THE DONE IN THE COOL PART OF THE DAY, ESPECIALLY IN HOT AND CONTRACTION OF PLASTIC PIPE, BACKFILLING SHALL BE : BECAUSE OF THE EXPANSION BE REPLACED AND THE TESTS REPEATED. PROVEN TIGHT. IF LEAKS OCCUR, THE JOINT OR JOINTS SHALL WORKING PRESSURE FOR A PERIOD OF FOUR (4) HOURS AND CURE. PRESSURE LINES SHALL BE TESTED UNDER 150 P.S.I. WELDED JOINT HAS HAD TWELVE (12) HOURS TO SET AND SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER. 20. DEFECTS PLASTIC PIPE GUARANTEE SURFACE IRREGULARITIES. 19. 18. BACKFILLING OF TRENCHES17. : TRENCHES TEST. NO TESTING SHALL BE DONE UNTIL THE LAST SOLVENT OPEN TO VISUAL INSPECTION FOR THE FULL PERIOD OF THE PRESSURE. IN ALL CASES, FITTINGS AND COUPLINGS MUST BE BETWEEN FITTINGS TO ENSURE THE STABILITY OF THE LINE SUFFICIENT BACKFILL MATERIAL MAY BE PLACED IN TRENCHES SHALL BE COMPLETE PRIOR TO BACKFILLING; HOWEVER, : ALL TESTS ON PRESSURE LINES F. ALLOW AT LEAST 15 MINUTES SET UP TIME FOR EACH. PIPE IS NOT TWISTED, DISTURBING THE LAST E. BE SURE THAT IN GOING TO THE NEXT JOINT THAT THE TO PREVENT WEAKENING THE JOINT. D. USE A CLEAN RAG AND WIPE OFF ALL EXCESS SOLVENT FOR APPROXIMATELY 15 SECONDS SO THE FITTING DOES SOLVENT AND REMOVE AIR BUBBLES. HOLD THE JOINT THE PIPE APPROXIMATELY 1/4 TURN TO DISTRIBUTE THE C. INSERT THE PIPE QUICKLY INTO THE FITTING AND TURN AREA IS EQUAL TO THE DEPTH OF THE FITTING SOCKET. OUTSIDE OF THE PIPE, MAKING SURE THAT THE COATED B. THEN APPLY A LIBERAL, EVEN COAT OF SOLVENT TO THE A. APPLY A LIBERAL, EVEN COAT OF SOLVENT TO THE NOT PUSH OFF THE PIPE. PRESSURE LINE TESTING COMPLETED JOINT. 16. INSIDE OF THE FITTING. THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER. PERIOD SPECIFIED HEREIN AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE TO EQUIPMENT SHALL BE CORRECTED THROUGH THE GUARANTEE : ALL DEFECTS IN INSTALLATION OF IRRIGATION IN SHRUB AREAS ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKERS AND ANTI-SIPHON VALVES : LOCATE BACKFLOW DEVICES, SHRUB PLANTING AREAS WHEREVER POSSIBLE. SPECIFIED IN THE LEGEND. LOCATE CONTROL VALVES IN INSTALLED AS INDICATED ON DETAILS AND BE THE TYPE : ALL CONTROL VALVES ON LINE SHALL BE MINIMUM OVERTHROW OF AREA. HEADS AS NECESSARY TO ENSURE UNIFORM COVERAGE AND INSTALL PRESSURE COMPENSATING SCREENS IN IRRIGATION PRESSURE COMPENSATING SCREENS EXCEED THE MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER. BUILDINGS ONLY. IN NO CASE SHALL THE SPACING OF HEADS LOCATED AS SPECIFIED PER PLANS ADJACENT TO WALLS AND AN APPROVED HI-POP HEAD PER PLAN. RISERS SHALL BE ADJACENT TO WALKWAYS OR PARKING SHALL BE INSTALLED ON AS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. SHRUB HEADS SHRUBS ARE PLANTED, LONGER RISERS SHALL BE INSTALLED DIRECTED, OR AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. WHERE HIGH ENOUGH TO BE ABOVE THE SURROUNDING PLANTING AS PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON NIPPLES HIGH : HEADS IN GROUND COVER AND BACKFLOW DEVICES CONTROL VALVES 7. 6. DEFECTS OWNER. 5. SHRUB IRRIGATION HEADS 4. 3. : CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCEED THE MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER. INSTALLATION. IN NO CASE SHALL THE SPACING OF HEADS ESTABLISHED, SHALL BE SET FLUSH AT THE TIME OF DRIVEWAYS, WHERE THE FINISHED GRADE LEVEL IS GRADE. TURF IRRIGATION HEADS ALONG WALKS AND THE SYSTEM TO THE PROPER LEVEL OF THE PERMANENT FITTINGS, VALVES OR SPRINKLER HEADS NECESSARY TO BRING CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE WHATEVER ADJUSTMENTS OF PIPE, NOTIFICATION BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE, GRADE AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION. WITHIN FIVE DAYS OF AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LEAST 2" ABOVE FINISHED : TURF IRRIGATION HEADS IN OPEN ORDINANCES (LOCAL, COUNTY & STATE). CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE GOVERNING CODES AND INSTALLATION PROCEDURES OF THE MANUFACTURER AND BE INSTALLED PER THE SPECIFICATION AND RECOMMENDED : ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL TURF IRRIGATION HEADS2. IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT1. E. IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT NOTES FOLLOWING ITEMS. FURNISHING INFORMATION THAT MAY BE OMITTED FROM PRINTS. NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR OF THE RESPONSIBILITY OF "AS-BUILTS" PLANS TO THE OWNER. DELIVERY OF MYLARS WILL CONTRACTOR SHALL DELIVER ONE SET OF SEPIA MYLARS OF : ON THE DATE OF FINAL APPROVAL THE H. OTHER RELATED EQUIPMENT AS DIRECTED G. QUICK COUPLING VALVES. F. ROUTING OF CONTROL WIRE. E. IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVES. (DIMENSION MAX. 100'). D. ROUTING OF IRRIGATION PRESSURE LINES UNITS AND CONTROLLERS. C. GATE VALVES, BACKFLOW PREVENTION B. CONNECTION TO EXISTING ELECTRICAL POWER. A. CONNECTION TO EXISTING WATER LINES. DEILIVERY4. BY OWNER. SIDEWALKS, LIGHT POLES, ETC. THE LOCATION OF THE PERMANENT POINTS OF REFERENCES, BUILDING CORNERS, OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DIMENSION FROM TWO SHALL BE NEAT, IN INK AND SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE PRODUCED FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. ALL WORK IRRIGATION INFORMATION TO AN OZALID SEPIA MYLAR, OBSERVATION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TRANSFER ALL : BEFORE THE DATE OF FINAL DRAWINGS TO OWNER UPON COMPLETION OF PROJECT. RECORD SET. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH "AS-BUILT" SHALL BE KEPT ON THE SITE AND SHALL BE USED ONLY AS A LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT COST. THIS SET OF DRAWINGS PRINTS FOR THIS PURPOSE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE LOCATIONS, SIZES AND KINDS OF EQUIPMENT INSTALLED. TO DATE COMPLETE "AS-BUILT" DRAWINGS INDICATING : THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND KEEP UP- LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AN ITEMIZED LIST OF EQUIPMENT. : CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT TO THE AS-BUILT FORMAT3. AS-BUILTS ITEMIZED LIST 2. 1. F. RECORD AND AS-BUILT DRAWINGS G. DRIP IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE 1.01 AMOUNT OF WATER A.The intent is to apply enough water at each irrigation cycle to wet the whole root zone and connect with subsoil moisture. Continuous contact between upper and lower levels of moisture is necessary to avoid formation of a dry layer of soil with roots that do not penetrate. The landscape contractor shall use an auger and periodically check the soil structure, noting the irrigation cycle. Timing or cultivation will modify this over time. The amount of water to apply at any one time depends upon how much moisture is remaining at the start of irrigation, the water holding capacity of the soil (fine vs. coarse textured), and how well the soil drains (how fast water moves downward). This can again be checked using various methods. The amount to apply is theoretically the amount of water used by the plant and lost from the soil since the last thorough irrigation. B.What to irrigate: The intent is to irrigate only as frequently as water is needed rather than on a rigid schedule. Note physical site characteristics for determining watering day. (susceptibility, to disease becomes greater if a thatch or mat is present and it remains wet overnight.) The loss of water from one irrigation to the next, to be replaced, will vary according to season and climatic conditions such as temperature, humidity, wind and sunlight intensity. Therefore, the irrigation schedule should be reasonably flexible. Ideally, water should be applied when about 50% of the available water has been depleted. This may take about a week in warm weather or a medium loam soil. It is sound irrigation practice to wait until temporary wilting occurs. Because deeper roots access more soil water, deeper rooted plants require less-frequent irrigation, even if the total amount of water remains the same. 1.Appearance of plants is a practical indication of its need for water. The wilting point is indicated when leaves are discoloring and folding up. At this point it is necessary to apply water immediately. 2.Examine the soil in the main root zone (top eight to twelve inches) to become familiar with moisture conditions in relation to plant appearance just before (and one day after irrigating). This can be done by using a soil sampling tube and apply the irrigation squeeze test. Check again immediately after irrigating for depth of penetration. A soil probe or pointed steel rod can be pushed down easily in wet soil but not in dry soil indicating the depth of water penetration. 3.Touch up watering may be necessary in between or just before a general irrigation to compensate for poor water penetration in hard spots caused by soil compaction or soil textural differences. C.Rate to apply irrigation: Generally apply water only as fast as the soil can absorb it to avoid run-off and waste. 1.Sandy soil areas may take water at a rate exceeding one inch (1") per hour, while the intake rate of clays, or of any type of soil on slopes, may be less than one-quarter inch (1/4") per hour. 2.A common error is to irrigate until the slowly permeable area is adequately wet, consequently over-watering the other areas and wasting water. The permeability of the soil should be checked periodically, adjusting control operation to avoid this situation. D.Hand water as needed to supplement natural rainfall and maintain plantings in a healthy, stress-free condition. It is the contractor's responsibility to make sure that plants receive adequate water regardless of weather conditions. E.It is the responsibility of the contractor to conserve water and assure that all watering rules and regulations are followed. Any penalties, fines, or citations for watering ordinance violations shall be paid by the contractor. F.Irrigation shall be made by the use of the permanent irrigation systems. Hand water as needed to supplement the permanent system. Failure of the irrigation system to provide full and proper coverage shall not relieve the landscape maintenance contractor of the responsibility to provide adequate irrigation. It is the contractor's responsibility to make sure that the irrigation system is maintained and operates properly. G.Adjust watering times each week. Do not over water plantings. Drip systems should be left on for sufficient time to allow for saturation of the root zone. Shorter runs with drip irrigation do not provide sufficient water penetration for healthy root development. Avoid multiple-start times with drip systems if possible. Do not allow run-off from any irrigation. H.When breakdowns or malfunctions exist, the contractor shall hand water, if necessary, to maintain all plant material in a healthy condition. If the irrigation repairs are major and will be billed as additional work, the labor costs for hand watering may also be submitted for payment. Do not wait for approval to begin hand watering if it is required to save the plantings. 1.02 IRRIGATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE A.Maintenance of the irrigation system is an ongoing process that involves monitoring, adjustment, and repair. By instituting a maintenance program that emphasizes monitoring and adjustment, you can minimize the third and most costly factor: Repairs. B.Several irrigation system maintenance activities are best done at regular, periodic intervals; others require performance on an as-needed basis. These activities are summarized as follows: C.Weekly: 1.Briefly activate each control valve and observe for major leaking or broken pipes and/or tubing. 2.Spot check emitters for proper coverage and operation. Immediately repair or replace any emitters which may have become damaged or clogged by debris. 3.Check for irrigation run-off and correct as necessary. 4.Flush system by opening up flush valve. If automatic flush is installed, verify that it is flushing at the start of valve operation. If little water is flushed automatically, it is necessary to create a manual flush by opening the lateral lines. This can be done by installing a PVC Ball Valve or a similar method. 5.Based on observed field conditions adjust programming of the automatic irrigation controllers. Adjust water applications according to changes in the weather. Contractor shall be responsible for damage resulting from either over-or under-watering. 6.Soil: As often as necessary the soil should be checked with an auger and evaluated with regard to the operating duration and frequency. When the systems are fine tuned this practice should continue every other week and evaluated making corrections as necessary and keeping all records of information. 7.Records: The Contractor shall establish a form to record water usage, weather data, soil data and system operation for permanent recordation. D.Monthly: 1.Perform a preventative maintenance review of all irrigation equipment, including strainers, controllers, valves and emitters. It is imperative that the system be checked prior to the increased seasonal water needs of spring and summer. 2.Maintain automatic controllers in accordance with manufacturer's directions, including periodic inspection for loose wiring, accumulated debris, and deteriorating housings. Report any malfunctions or needed repairs to Owner's Representative. 3.Maintain electric control valve "manual bleed" in a workable manner, making sure they are no more than "finger tight" when in the closed position. 4.Flush Y strainers and verify proper pressure in the gauge attached to the strainer body. E.Yearly: 1.Verify clean, secure connections for the hardwire communication cable for the central control system. All splicing should be inspected for waterproof connections. F.As Needed: 1.Expose emitters as necessary to achieve a visual inspection of operation. 2.Repair or replace at Contractor's expense and within one watering period, all equipment damaged as a result of Contractor's activities or negligence. 3.During period of rainfall, change controller settings so as to temporarily prevent irrigation watering. 4.Maintain electric control valves free of debris and accumulated silt. 1.03 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR A.The landscape maintenance contractor shall replace or repair, at the landscape maintenance contractor's expense, any irrigation components damaged, unless due to excluded damage. Repair shall be made within two weeks of the day the damage occurred. If the damage was due to excluded damage, the irrigation repairs will be paid for as additional work. The contractor shall make notification of needed repairs within two weeks of the day the damage. Regardless of the cause of damage, the contractor shall take immediate action to prevent further damage by shutting off the damaged part of the irrigation system and commencing with hand watering as needed. As soon as possible after receiving written authorization to proceed, the contractor shall make repairs. The following items are considered to be minor repairs: damaged or clogged emitters, adjustment emitter position, replacement of clogged, broken, or missing barbedstyle drip emitters, replacement or repositioning of drip distribution tubing smaller than 1/2 inch or 15 mm diameter. These minor repair items shall be corrected by contractor at contractor's expense. A.Any replacement of irrigation system components shall be made with materials of the same manufacturer and model as the original equipment. Substitutions of materials other than original equipment will be approved only when the original equipment has been discontinued and is no longer available for purchase at any location. The substituted equipment must be completely compatible with the original and must be approved in advance by the owner's authorized representative. B.All repairs to the system shall be identical to the original installation, unless approved otherwise in advance by the owner's authorized representative. If a change to the installation will result in lower future maintenance costs, less frequent breakage, or an increase in public safety, request authorization to make the change from the owner's authorized representative. C.The contractor shall check the entire irrigation system weekly for items such as dry spots and missing or malfunctioning irrigation components. Check for leaking valves, water running across sidewalks, water standing in puddles, or any other condition which hampers the correct operation of the system or the public safety. The contractor shall carefully observe plant materials for signs of wilting, indicating a lack of water. Plants which die due to irrigation failure will be considered to have died due to the contractor's negligence and shall be replaced at the contractor's expense. 185 79 Eastfield Photos of proposed grading The front yard fill area 186 Front yard fill area 187 Front yard fill area 188 The tennis court will be removed and the area will be cut and balanced. The proposed site will be replaced with new pool/spa, deck, ADU, and landscaping. 189 Los Angeles County GIS Viewer County of Los Angeles Notes Legend This map is for reference only and should not be used for legal decisions. While the County of Los Angeles makes its best effort to ensure data is accurate, the County makes no representation or warranty of any kind. 0.10.1 Miles0.070 Parcels Cities and Communities 190 From:(null) (null) To:Stephanie Grant Subject:Trees at 89 Eastfield Date:Friday, October 15, 2021 4:48:33 PM Picture of trees at 89 now Picture of trees now growing from our view in 2021 starting to breach view from our home. View from ‘96. Thank you for addressing our concerns. 191 192 193 Sent from my iPhone 194 Agenda Item No.: 7.A Mtg. Date: 11/22/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:MICHAEL JENKINS , CITY ATTORNEY THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:REVIEW AND DISCUSS SB9 DRAFT ORDINANCE. DATE:November 22, 2021 BACKGROUND: Senate Bill (SB) 9 Increase Density in Single-Family Zone was signed into law by Governor Newsom on September 16, 2021. SB 9 effectively puts an end to traditional single-family zoning restrictions statewide. SB 9 will take effect on January 1, 2022. DISCUSSION: At the September 27, 2021 meeting, the City Council directed the City Attorney's office to provide input and advice on SB 9. At the October 11, 2021, the City Council meeting, the City Attorney's office gave a presentation on the provisions of SB 9. At the October 25, 2021 City Council meeting, the City Attorney's office provided a draft ordinance to comply with the provisions of SB 9. The City Council delayed the review and discussion of the draft ordinance to the November 8, 2021 City Council meeting. At the November 8, 2021 City Council meeting, the Council provided feedback on the draft ordinance and directed the City Attorney to prepare another draft. The City Council also directed staff to present the updated draft to the Planning Commission for review and adoption. Prior to the November 8, 2021 City Council meeting, the Planning Commission cancelled the November meeting. In the event that the Planning Commission cannot review the updated draft ordinance, the City Council directed staff to bring back the updated ordinance to the City Council at the November 22, 2021 meeting. The Planning Commission is scheduled to hold the December meeting on December 7, 2021. The City Council can direct staff to present the updated draft ordinance to the Planning Commission at the December 7, 2021 for review and adoption and set a December City Council meeting to adopt an urgency ordinance to meet the effective date of SB 9. FISCAL IMPACT: The analysis of SB 9 and the preparation of the draft ordinance are a part of the operation budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. 195 RECOMMENDATION: Review, discuss and provide direction to staff. ATTACHMENTS: EXHIBIT A - SB9 Code Amendments-c1 (1).pdf 196 93939.00053\34475756.3 EXHIBIT A TITLE 16 (SUBDIVISIONS) CHAPTER 16.50 URBAN LOT SPLITS Section 16.50.010 Purpose The purpose of this chapter is to allow and appropriately regulate urban lot splits in accordance with Government Code section 66411.7. Section 16.50.020 Definition An “urban lot split” means a the subdivision of an existing, legally subdivided lot into two lots in accordance with the requirements of this section. Section 16.50.030 Application (1) Only individual property owners may apply for an urban lot split. “Individual property owner” means a natural person holding fee title individually or jointly in the person’s own name or a beneficiary of a trust that holds fee title. “Individual property owner” does not include any corporation or corporate person of any kind (partnership, LP, LLC, C corp, S corp, etc.) except for a community land trust (as defined by Rev. & Tax Code § 402.1(a)(11)(C)(ii)) or a qualified nonprofit corporation (as defined by § 214.15). (2) An application for an urban lot split must be submitted on the city’s approved form. Such application shall include the following documents: a certificate of compliance with all applicable fire-hazard mitigation measures in accordance with this Chapter; copies of the unrecorded easement agreements for public utilities in accordance with this Chapter; and an affidavit certifying compliance with all requirements of this Chapter. Only a complete application will be considered. The city will inform the applicant in writing of any incompleteness within 30 days after the application is submitted. (3) The city may establish a fee to recover its costs for adopting, implementing, and enforcing this section of the code, in accordance with applicable law. The city council may establish and change the fee by resolution. The fee must be paid with the application. Section 16.50.040 Approval (1) An application for a parcel map for an urban lot split is approved or denied ministerially, by the planning director or his or her designee, without discretionary review. (2) A tentative parcel map for an urban lot split is approved ministerially if it complies with all the requirements of this section. The tentative parcel map may 197 93939.00053\34475756.3 not be recorded. A final parcel map is approved ministerially as well, but not until the owner demonstrates that the required documents have been recorded, such as the deed restriction and easements. The tentative parcel map expires three months after approval. (3) The approval must require the owner and applicant to hold the city harmless from all claims and damages related to the approval and its subject matter. (4) The approval must require the owner and applicant to reimburse the city for all costs of enforcement, including attorneys’ fees and costs associated with enforcing the requirements of this code. Section 16.50.050 Requirements (a) An urban lot split must satisfy each of the following requirements: (1) Map Act Compliance. (A) The urban lot split must conform to all applicable objective requirements of the Subdivision Map Act (Gov. Code § 66410 et. seq., “SMA”), including implementing requirements in this code, except as otherwise expressly provided in this section. (B) If an urban lot split violates any part of the SMA, the city’s subdivision regulations, including this section, or any other legal requirement: (i) The buyer or grantee of a lot that is created by the urban lot split has all the remedies available under the SMA, including but not limited to an action for damages or to void the deed, sale, or contract. (ii) The city has all the remedies available to it under the SMA, including but not limited to the following: (I) An action to enjoin any attempt to sell, lease, or finance the property. (II) An action for other legal, equitable, or summary remedy, such as declaratory and injunctive relief. (III) Criminal prosecution, punishable by imprisonment in county jail or state prison for up to one year, by a fine of up to $10,000, or both; or a misdemeanor. (IV) Record a notice of violation. (V) Withhold any or all future permits and approvals. 198 93939.00053\34475756.3 (C) Notwithstanding section 66411.1 of the SMA, no dedication of rights-of- way or construction of offsite improvements is required for an urban lot split. (2) Zone. The lot to be split is in a single-family residential zone. (3) Lot Location. (A) The lot to be split is not located on a site that is any of the following: (i) Prime farmland, farmland of statewide importance, or land that is zoned or designated for agricultural protection or preservation by the voters. (ii) A wetland. (iii) Within a very high fire hazard severity zone, unless the site complies with all fire-hazard mitigation measures required by existing building standards. (iv) A hazardous waste site that has not been cleared for residential use. (v) Within a delineated earthquake fault zone, unless all development on the site complies with applicable seismic protection building code standards. (vi) Within a 100-year flood hazard area, unless the site has either: (I) been subject to a Letter of Map Revision prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and issued to the local jurisdiction, or (II) meets Federal Emergency Management Agency requirements necessary to meet minimum flood plain management criteria of the National Flood Insurance Program. (vii) Within a regulatory floodway, unless all development on the site has received a no-rise certification. (viii) Land identified for conservation in an adopted natural community conservation plan, habitat conservation plan, or other adopted natural resource protection plan. (ix) Habitat for protected species. (x) Land under conservation easement. 199 93939.00053\34475756.3 (B) The purpose of subpart (3)(A) above is merely to summarize the requirements of Government Code section 65913.4(a)(6)(B)–(K). (See Gov. Code § 66411.7(a)(3)(C).) (4) Not Historic. The lot to be split must not be a historic property or within a historic district that is included on the State Historic Resources Inventory. Nor may the lot be or be within a site that is designated by ordinance as a city or county landmark or as a historic property or district. (5) No Prior Urban Lot Split. (A) The lot to be split was not established through a prior urban lot split. (B) The lot to be split is not adjacent to any lot that was established through a prior urban lot split by the owner of the lot to be split or by any person acting in concert with the owner. (6) No Impact on Protected Housing. The urban lot split must not require or include the demolition or alteration of any of the following types of housing: (A) Housing that is income-restricted for households of moderate, low, or very low income. (B) Housing that is subject to any form of rent or price control through a public entity’s valid exercise of its police power. (C) Housing, or a lot that used to have housing, that has been withdrawn from rental or lease under the Ellis Act (Gov. Code §§ 7060–7060.7) at any time in the 15 years prior to submission of the urban lot split application. (D) Housing that has been occupied by a tenant in the last three years. The applicant and the owner of a property for which an urban lot split is sought must provide a sworn statement as to this fact with the application for the parcel map. The city may conduct its own inquiries and investigation to ascertain the veracity of the sworn statement, including but not limited to, surveying owners of nearby properties; and the city may require additional evidence of the applicant and owner as necessary to determine compliance with this requirement. (7) Lot Size. (A) The lot to be split must be at least 2,400 square feet. (B) The resulting lots must each be at least 1,200 square feet. (C) Each of the resulting lots must be between 60 percent and 40 percent of the original lot area. 200 93939.00053\34475756.3 (8) Easements. (A) The owner must enter into an easement agreement with each public- service provider to establish easements that are sufficient for the provision of public services and facilities to each of the resulting lots. (B) Each easement must be shown on the tentative parcel map. (C) Copies of the unrecorded easement agreements must be submitted with the application. The easement agreements must be recorded against the property before the final map may be approved, in accordance with Section 16.50.040 (D) If an easement is recorded and the project is not completed, making the easement moot, the property owner may request, and the city will provide, a notice of termination of the easement, which the owner may record. (9) Lot Access. (A) Each resulting lot must adjoin the right of way. (B) Each resulting lot must have frontage on the right of way of at least 12.5 feet. (10) Unit Standards. (A) Quantity. No more than two dwelling units of any kind may be built on a lot that results from an urban lot split. For purposes of this paragraph, “unit” means any dwelling unit, including, but not limited to, a primary dwelling unit, a unit created under Chapter 17.45 of this code, an ADU, or a JADU (B) Unit Size. (i) The total floor area of each primary dwelling that is developed on a resulting lot must be (I) less than or equal to 800 and (II) more than 500 square feet. (ii) A primary dwelling that was legally established prior to the urban lot split and that is larger than 800 square feet is limited to the lawful floor area at the time of the urban lot split. It may not be expanded. 201 93939.00053\34475756.3 (iii) A primary dwelling that was legally established prior to the urban lot split and that is smaller than 800 square feet may be expanded to 800 square feet after the urban lot split. (C) Height Restrictions. (i) No new primary dwelling unit may exceed a single story or 16 feet in height, measured from grade to peak of the structure. (ii) No rooftop deck is permitted on any new or remodeled dwelling or structure on a lot resulting from an urban lot split. (D) Proximity to Stable and Corral Site. A primary dwelling unit is a residential structure that shall be located a minimum of thirty-five feet from any stable, corral, and related animal keeping uses and structures as required in Chapter 17.18. This standard is only enforced to the extent that it does not prevent two primary dwelling units on the lot at 800 square feet each. (E) Lot Coverage. All structures as defined in Section 17.16.070 on a lot shall not cover more than twenty percent of the net lot area. All structures and all other impervious surfaces as defined in Section 17.16.070 on a lot shall not cover more than thirty-five percent of the net lot area. These lot coverage standards are only enforced to the extent that they do not prevent two primary dwelling units on the lot at 800 square feet each. (F) Open Space. No development pursuant to this Chapter may cause the total percentage of open space of the lot fall below fifty percent. This open space standard is only enforced to the extent that it does not prevent two primary dwelling units on the lot at 800 square feet each. (G) Setbacks. (i) Generally. All setbacks must conform to those objective setbacks that are imposed through the underlying zone. (ii) Exceptions. Notwithstanding subpart (10)(G) above: (I) Existing Structures. No setback is required for an existing legally established structure or for a new structure that is constructed in the same location and to the same dimensions as an existing legally established structure. (II) 800 sf; four-foot side and rear. The setbacks imposed by the underlying zone must yield to the degree necessary to avoid physically precluding the construction of up to two units on the lot or either of the two units from being at least 800 square feet in floor area; but in no event may any 202 93939.00053\34475756.3 structure be less than four feet from a side or rear property line. (iii) Front Setback Area. Notwithstanding any other part of this code, dwellings that are constructed after an urban lot split must be at least 30 feet from the front property lines. The front setback areas must: (I) be kept free from all structures greater than three feet high; (II) be at least 50 percent landscaped with drought-tolerant plants, with vegetation and irrigation plans approved by a licensed landscape architect; (III) allow for vehicular and fire-safety access. (H) Parking. Each new primary dwelling unit that is built on a lot after an urban lot split must have at least one off-street parking space per unit unless one of the following applies: (i) The lot is located within one-half mile walking distance of either (I) a corridor with fixed route bus service with service intervals no longer than 15 minutes during peak commute hours or (II) a site that contains (ia) an existing rail or bus rapid transit station, (ib) a ferry terminal served by either a bus or rail transit service, or (ic) the intersection of two or more major bus routes with a frequency of service interval of 15 minutes or less during the morning and afternoon peak commute periods. (ii) The site is located within one block of a car-share vehicle location. (I) Architecture. (i) Architecture is limited to white California ranch style homes with three-rail fences. (ii) If there is a legal primary dwelling on the lot that was established before the urban lot split, any new primary dwelling unit must match the existing primary dwelling unit in exterior materials, 203 93939.00053\34475756.3 color, and dominant roof pitch. The dominant roof slope is the slope shared by the largest portion of the roof. (iii) If there is no legal primary dwelling on the lot before the urban lot split, and if two primary dwellings are developed on the lot, the dwellings must match each other in exterior materials, color, and dominant roof pitch. The dominant roof slope is the slope shared by the largest portion of the roof. (iv) All exterior lighting must be limited to down-lights. (v) No window or door of a dwelling that is constructed on the lot after the urban lot split may have a direct line of sight to an adjoining residential property. Landscaping, or privacy glass may be used to provide screening and prevent a direct line of sight. (vi) If a dwelling is constructed on a lot after an urban lot split and any portion of the dwelling is less than 30 feet from a property line that is not a right-of-way line, then all windows and doors in that portion must either be (for windows) clerestory with the bottom of the glass at least six feet above the finished floor, or (for windows and for doors) utilize frosted or obscure glass. (J) Landscaping. Evergreen landscape screening must be planted and maintained between each dwelling and adjacent lots (but not rights of way) as follows: (i) At least one 15-gallon size plant shall be provided for every five linear feet of exterior wall. Alternatively, at least one 24” box size plant shall be provided for every ten linear feet of exterior wall. (ii) Plant specimens must be at least eight feet tall when installed. As an alternative, a solid fence of at least eight feet in height may be installed. (iii) All landscaping must be drought-tolerant. (iv) All landscaping must be from the city’s approved plant list. (K) Nonconforming Conditions. An urban lot split is approved without requiring a legal nonconforming zoning condition to be corrected. (L) Utilities. (i) Each primary dwelling unit on the lot must have its own direct utility connection to the utility service provider. Each primary dwelling unit shall have its own water, electrical, and gas meters. 204 93939.00053\34475756.3 (ii) A primary dwelling unit must have a direct utility connection to an onsite wastewater treatment system in accordance with this paragraph and the City’s code. Each primary dwelling unit on the lot that is or that is proposed to be connected to an onsite wastewater treatment system must first have a percolation test completed within the last five years or, if the percolation test has been recertified, within the last 10 years. (iii) All utilities must be undergrounded. (M) Building & Safety. All structures built on the lot must comply with all current local building standards. An urban lot split is a change of use. (11) Fire-Hazard Mitigation Measures. (A) A lot in a very high fire hazard severity zone must comply with the fire- hazard mitigation measures relating to urban lot splits in the City’s fire code. (B) Prior to submitting an application for an urban lot split, the applicant must obtain a certificate of compliance with all applicable fire-hazard mitigation measures in accordance with this subpart. The city or its authorized agent must inspect the site, including all structures on the site, and certify as to its compliance. The certificate must be included with the application. The applicant must pay the city’s costs for inspection. Failure to pay is grounds for denying the application. (12) Separate Conveyance. (A) Within a resulting lot. (i) Primary dwelling units on a lot that is created by an urban lot split may not be owned or conveyed separately from each other. (ii) Condominium airspace divisions and common interest developments are not permitted on a lot that is created by an urban lot split. (iii) All fee interest in a lot and all dwellings on the lot must be held equally and undivided by all individual property owners. (iv) No timeshare, as defined by state law or this code, is permitted. This includes any co-ownership arrangement that gives an owner the right to exclusive use of the property for a defined period or periods of time 205 93939.00053\34475756.3 (B) Between resulting lots. Separate conveyance of the resulting lots is permitted. If dwellings or other structures (such as garages) on different lots are adjacent or attached to each other, the urban lot split boundary may separate them for conveyance purposes if the structures meet building code safety standards and are sufficient to allow separate conveyance. If any attached structures span or will span the new lot line, the owner must record appropriate CC&Rs, easements, or other documentation that is necessary to allocate rights and responsibility between the owners of the two lots. (13) Regulation of Uses. (A) Residential-only. No non-residential use is permitted on any lot created by urban lot split. (B) No STRs. No dwelling unit on a lot that is created by an urban lot split may be rented for a period of less than 30 days. (C) Owner Occupancy. The applicant for an urban lot split must sign an affidavit stating that the applicant intends to occupy one of the dwelling units on one of the resulting lots as the applicant's principal residence for a minimum of three years after the urban lot split is approved. (14) Notice of Construction. (A) At least 30 business days before starting any construction of a structure on a lot created by an urban lot split, the property owner must give written notice to all the owners of record of each of the adjacent residential parcels, which notice must include the following information: (i) Notice that construction has been authorized, (ii) The anticipated start and end dates for construction, (iii) The hours of construction, (iv) Contact information for the project manager (for construction- related complaints), and (v) Contact information for the Building & Safety Department. (B) This notice requirement does not confer a right on the noticed persons or on anyone else to comment on the project before permits are issued. Approval is ministerial. Under state law, the City has no discretion in approving or denying a particular project under this section. This notice requirement is purely to promote neighborhood awareness and expectation. 206 93939.00053\34475756.3 (15) Deed Restriction. The owner must record a deed restriction, on each lot that results from the urban lot split, on a form approved by the city, that does each of the following: (A) Expressly prohibits any rental of any dwelling on the property for a period of less than 30 days. (B) Expressly prohibits any non-residential use of the lots created by the urban lot split. (C) Expressly prohibits any separate conveyance of a primary dwelling on the property, any separate fee interest, and any common interest development within the lot. (D) States that: (i) The lot is formed by an urban lot split and is therefore subject and limited to the city’s urban lot split regulations under this Chapter, including all applicable limits on dwelling size and development pursuant to this Chapter. (ii) Development on the lot is limited to development of residential units under Chapter 17.45 of this Code, except as required by state law.. (b) Specific Adverse Impacts. (1) Notwithstanding anything else in this section, the city may deny an application for an urban lot split if the building official makes a written finding, based on a preponderance of the evidence, that the project would have a “specific, adverse impact” on either public health and safety or on the physical environment and for which there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific adverse impact. (2) “Specific adverse impact” has the same meaning as in Gov. Code § 65589.5(d)(2): “a significant, quantifiable, direct, and unavoidable impact, based on objective, identified written public health or safety standards, policies, or conditions as they existed on the date the application was deemed complete” and does not include (1) inconsistency with the zoning ordinance or general plan land use designation or (2) the eligibility to claim a welfare exemption under Revenue and Taxation Code section 214(g). (3) The building official may consult with and be assisted by planning staff and others as necessary in making a finding of specific, adverse impact. 207 93939.00053\34475756.3 TITLE 17 (ZONING) CHAPTER 17.45 (TWO-UNIT PROJECTS) 17.45.010 Purpose The purpose of this section is to allow and appropriately regulate two-unit projects in accordance with Government Code section 65852.21. 17.45.020 Definition A “two-unit project” means the development of two primary dwelling units or, if there is already a primary dwelling unit on the lot, the development of a second primary dwelling unit on a legally subdivided lot in accordance with the requirements of this section. 17.45.030 Application (1) Only individual property owners may apply for a two-unit project. “Individual property owner” means a natural person holding fee title individually or jointly in the person’s own name or a beneficiary of a trust that holds fee title. “Individual property owner” does not include any corporation or corporate person of any kind (partnership, LP, LLC, C corp, S corp, etc.) except for a community land trust (as defined by Rev. & Tax Code § 402.1(a)(11)(C)(ii)) or a qualified nonprofit corporation (as defined by Rev. & Tax Code § 214.15). (2) An application for a two-unit project must be submitted on the city’s approved form. The application must include the following: a certificate of compliance with the Subdivision Map Act for the lot; a certificate of compliance with all applicable fire-hazard mitigation measures in accordance with this Chapter; and an affidavit certifying compliance with all requirements of this Chapter. (3) Only a complete application will be considered. The city will inform the applicant in writing of any incompleteness within 30 days after the application is submitted. (4) The city may establish a fee to recover its costs for adopting, implementing, and enforcing this section of the code, in accordance with applicable law. The city council may establish and change the fee by resolution. The fee must be paid with the application. 17.45.040 Approval (1) An application for a two-unit project is approved or denied ministerially, by the planning director or his or her designee, without discretionary review. (2) The ministerial approval of a two-unit project does not take effect until the city has confirmed that the required documents have been recorded, such as the deed restriction and easements. 208 93939.00053\34475756.3 (3) The approval must require the owner and applicant to hold the city harmless from all claims and damages related to the approval and its subject matter. (4) The approval must require the owner and applicant to reimburse the city for all costs of enforcement, including attorneys’ fees and costs associated with enforcing the requirements of this code. 17.45.050 Requirements (a) A two-unit project must satisfy each of the following requirements: (1) Map Act Compliance. The lot must have been legally subdivided. (2) Zone. The lot is in a single-family residential zone. (3) Lot Location. (A) The lot is not located on a site that is any of the following: (i) Prime farmland, farmland of statewide importance, or land that is zoned or designated for agricultural protection or preservation by the voters. (ii) A wetland. (iii) Within a very high fire hazard severity zone, unless the site complies with all fire-hazard mitigation measures required by existing building standards. (iv) A hazardous waste site that has not been cleared for residential use. (v) Within a delineated earthquake fault zone, unless all development on the site complies with applicable seismic protection building code standards. (vi) Within a 100-year flood hazard area, unless the site has either: (I) been subject to a Letter of Map Revision prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and issued to the local jurisdiction, or (II) meets Federal Emergency Management Agency requirements necessary to meet minimum flood plain management criteria of the National Flood Insurance Program. (vii) Within a regulatory floodway, unless all development on the site has received a no-rise certification. 209 93939.00053\34475756.3 (viii) Land identified for conservation in an adopted natural community conservation plan, habitat conservation plan, or other adopted natural resource protection plan. (ix) Habitat for protected species. (x) Land under conservation easement. (B) The purpose of subpart (3)(A) above is merely to summarize the requirements of Government Code section 65913.4(a)(6)(B)–(K). (See Gov. Code § 66411.7(a)(3)(C).) (4) Not Historic. The lot must not be a historic property or within a historic district that is included on the State Historic Resources Inventory. Nor may the lot be or be within a site that is designated by ordinance as a city or county landmark or as a historic property or district. (5) No Impact on Protected Housing. The two-unit project must not require or include the demolition or alteration of any of the following types of housing: (A) Housing that is income-restricted for households of moderate, low, or very low income. (B) Housing that is subject to any form of rent or price control through a public entity’s valid exercise of its police power. (C) Housing, or a lot that used to have housing, that has been withdrawn from rental or lease under the Ellis Act (Gov. Code §§ 7060–7060.7) at any time in the 15 years prior to submission of the urban lot split application. (D) Housing that has been occupied by a tenant in the last three years. Optional: The applicant and the owner of a property for which a two-unit project is sought must provide a sworn statement as to this fact with the application for the parcel map. The city may conduct its own inquiries and investigation to ascertain the veracity of the sworn statement, including but not limited to, surveying owners of nearby properties; and the city may require additional evidence of the applicant and owner as necessary to determine compliance with this requirement. (6) Unit Standards. (A) Quantity. (i) No more than two dwelling units of any kind may be built on a lot that results from an urban lot split. For purposes of this paragraph, “unit” means any dwelling unit, including, but not limited to, a primary dwelling unit, a unit created under this section of this code, an ADU, or a JADU. 210 93939.00053\34475756.3 (ii) A lot that is not created by an urban lot split may have a two-unit project under this section, plus any ADU or JADU that must be allowed under state law and the city’s ADU ordinance. (B) Unit Size. (i) The total floor area of each primary dwelling built that is developed under this section must be (I) less than or equal to 800 and (II) more than 500 square feet. (ii) A primary dwelling that was legally established on the lot prior to the two-unit project and that is larger than 800 square feet is limited to the lawful floor area at the time of the two-unit project. The unit may not be expanded. (iii) A primary dwelling that was legally established prior to the two- unit project and that is smaller than 800 square feet may be expanded to 800 square feet after or as part of the two-unit project. (C) Height Restrictions. (i) No new primary dwelling unit may exceed a single story or 16 feet in height, measured from grade to peak of the structure. (D) Demo Cap. The two-unit project may not involve the demolition of more than 25 percent of the existing exterior walls of an existing dwelling unless the site has not been occupied by a tenant in the last three years. (E) Lot Coverage. All structures as defined in Section 17.16.070 on a lot shall not cover more than twenty percent of the net lot area. All structures and all other impervious surfaces as defined in Section 17.16.070 on a lot shall not cover more than thirty-five percent of the net lot area. This lot coverage standard is only enforced to the extent that it does not prevent two primary dwelling units on the lot at 800 square feet each. (F) Open Space. No development pursuant to this Chapter may cause the total percentage of open space of the lot fall below fifty percent. This open space standard is only enforced to the extent that it does not prevent two primary dwelling units on the lot at 800 square feet each. (G) Setbacks. (i) Generally. All setbacks must conform to those objective setbacks that are imposed through the underlying zone. 211 93939.00053\34475756.3 (ii) Exceptions. Notwithstanding subpart (a)(6)(G) above: (I) Existing Structures. No setback is required for an existing legally established structure or for a new structure that is constructed in the same location and to the same dimensions as an existing legally established structure. (II) 800 sf; four-foot side and rear. The setbacks imposed by the underlying zone must yield to the degree necessary to avoid physically precluding the construction of up to two units on the lot or either of the two units from being at least 800 square feet in floor area; but in no event may any structure be less than four feet from a side or rear property line. (iii) Front Setback Area. Notwithstanding any other part of this code, dwellings that are constructed under this section must be at least 30 feet from the front property lines. The front setback area must: (I) be kept free from all structures greater than three feet high; (II) be at least 50 percent landscaped with drought-tolerant plants, with vegetation and irrigation plans approved by a licensed landscape architect; (III) allow for vehicular and fire-safety access. (H) Parking. Each new primary dwelling unit must have at least one off-street parking space per unit unless one of the following applies: (i) The lot is located within one-half mile walking distance of either (I) a corridor with fixed route bus service with service intervals no longer than 15 minutes during peak commute hours or (II) a site that contains (ia) an existing rail or bus rapid transit station, (ib) a ferry terminal served by either a bus or rail transit service, or (ic) the intersection of two or more major bus routes with a frequency of service interval of 15 minutes or less during the morning and afternoon peak commute periods. 212 93939.00053\34475756.3 (ii) The site is located within one block of a car-share vehicle location. (I) Architecture. (i) Architecture is limited to white California ranch style homes with three-rail fences. (ii) If there is a legal primary dwelling on the lot that was established before the two-unit project, any new primary dwelling unit must match the existing primary dwelling unit in exterior materials, color, and dominant roof pitch. The dominant roof slope is the slope shared by the largest portion of the roof. (iii) If there is no legal primary dwelling on the lot before the two-unit project, and if two primary dwellings are developed on the lot, the dwellings must match each other in exterior materials, color, and dominant roof pitch. The dominant roof slope is the slope shared by the largest portion of the roof. (iv) All exterior lighting must be limited to down-lights. (v) No window or door of a dwelling that is constructed on the lot may have a direct line of sight to an adjoining residential property. Landscaping, or privacy glass may be used to provide screening and prevent a direct line of sight. (vi) If any portion of a dwelling is less than 30 feet from a property line that is not a right-of-way line, then all windows and doors in that portion must either be (for windows) clerestory with the bottom of the glass at least six feet above the finished floor, or (for windows and for doors) utilize frosted or obscure glass. (J) Landscaping. Evergreen landscape screening must be plated and maintained between each dwelling and adjacent lots (but not rights of way) as follows: (i) At least one 15-gallon size plant shall be provided for every five linear feet of exterior wall. Alternatively, at least one 24” box size plant shall be provided for every ten linear feet of exterior wall. (ii) Plant specimens must be at least eight feet tall when installed. As an alternative, a solid fence of at least eight feet in height may be installed. (iii) All landscaping must be drought-tolerant. (iv) All landscaping must be from the city’s approved plant list. 213 93939.00053\34475756.3 (K) Nonconforming Conditions. A two-unit project may only be approved if all nonconforming zoning conditions are corrected. (L) Utilities. (i) Each primary dwelling unit on the lot must have its own direct utility connection to the utility service provider. (ii) A primary dwelling unit must have a direct utility connection to an onsite wastewater treatment system in accordance with this paragraph and the City’s code. Each primary dwelling unit on the lot that is or that is proposed to be connected to an onsite wastewater treatment system must first have a percolation test completed within the last five years or, if the percolation test has been recertified, within the last 10 years All utilities must be underground. (iii) Each primary dwelling unit on the lot that is or that is proposed to be connected to an onsite wastewater treatment system must first have a percolation test completed within the last five years or, if the percolation test has been recertified, within the last 10 years. (M) Building & Safety. All structures built on the lot must comply with all current local building standards. A project under this section is a change of use and subjects the whole of the lot, and all structures, to the city’s current code. (7) Fire-Hazard Mitigation Measures. (A) A lot in a very high fire hazard severity zone must comply with the fire- hazard mitigation measures in the City’s fire code. (B) Prior to submitting an application for development under this Chapter, the applicant must obtain a certificate of compliance with all applicable fire- hazard mitigation measures in accordance with this Chapter. The City or its authorized agent must inspect the site, including all structures on the site, and certify as to its compliance. The certificate must be included with the application. The applicant must pay the City’s costs for inspection. Failure to pay is grounds for denying the application. (8) Separate Conveyance. (A) Primary dwelling units on the lot may not be owned or conveyed separately from each other. (B) Condominium airspace divisions and common interest developments are not permitted within the lot. 214 93939.00053\34475756.3 (C) All fee interest in the lot and all the dwellings must be held equally and undivided by all individual property owners. (D) No timeshare, as defined by state law or this code, is permitted. This includes any co-ownership arrangement that gives an owner the right to exclusive use of the property for a defined period or periods of time. (9) Regulation of Uses. (A) Residential-only. No non-residential use is permitted on the lot. (B) No STRs. No dwelling unit on the lot may be rented for a period of less than 30 days. (C) Owner Occupancy. Unless the lot was formed by an urban lot split, the individual property owners of a lot with a two-unit project must occupy one of the dwellings on the lot as the owners’ principal residence and legal domicile. (10) Notice of Construction. (A) At least 30 business days before starting any construction of a two-unit project, the property owner must give written notice to all the owners of record of each of the adjacent residential parcels, which notice must include the following information: (i) Notice that construction has been authorized, (ii) The anticipated start and end dates for construction, (iii) The hours of construction, (iv) Contact information for the project manager (for construction- related complaints), and (v) Contact information for the Building & Safety Department. (B) This notice requirement does not confer a right on the noticed persons or on anyone else to comment on the project before permits are issued. Approval is ministerial. Under state law, the City has no discretion in approving or denying a particular project under this section. This notice requirement is purely to promote neighborhood awareness and expectation. (11) Deed Restriction. The owner must record a deed restriction, on a form approved by the City, that does each of the following: 215 93939.00053\34475756.3 (A) Expressly prohibits any rental of any dwelling on the property for a period of less than 30 days. (B) Expressly prohibits any non-residential use of the lot. (C) Expressly prohibits any separate conveyance of a primary dwelling on the property, any separate fee interest, and any common interest development within the lot. (D) If the lot does not undergo an urban lot split: Expressly requires the individual property owners to live in one of the dwelling units on the lot as the owners’ primary residence and legal domicile. (E) Limits development of the lot to residential units that comply with the requirements of this section, except as required by state law. (b) Specific Adverse Impacts. (1) Notwithstanding anything else in this section, the city may deny an application for a two-unit project if the building official makes a written finding, based on a preponderance of the evidence, that the project would have a “specific, adverse impact” on either public health and safety or on the physical environment and for which there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific adverse impact. (2) “Specific adverse impact” has the same meaning as in Gov. Code § 65589.5(d)(2): “a significant, quantifiable, direct, and unavoidable impact, based on objective, identified written public health or safety standards, policies, or conditions as they existed on the date the application was deemed complete” and does not include (1) inconsistency with the zoning ordinance or general plan land use designation or (2) the eligibility to claim a welfare exemption under Revenue and Taxation Code section 214(g). (3) The building official may consult with and be assisted by planning staff and others as necessary in making a finding of specific, adverse impact. (c) Remedies. If a two-unit project violates any part of this code or any other legal requirement: (1) The buyer, grantee, or lessee of any part of the property has an action for damages or to void the deed, sale, or contract. (2) The city may: (A) Bring an action to enjoin any attempt to sell, lease, or finance the property. 216 93939.00053\34475756.3 (B) Bring an action for other legal, equitable, or summary remedy, such as declaratory and injunctive relief. (C) Pursue criminal prosecution, punishable by imprisonment in county jail or state prison for up to one year, by a fine of up to $10,000, or both; or a misdemeanor. (D) Record a notice of violation. (E) Withhold any or all future permits and approvals. (F) Pursue all other administrative, legal, or equitable remedies that are allowed by law or the city’s code. TITLE 15 (BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION) Chapter 15.20 Fire Code Section 15.20.035 Urban Lot Splits Authorized Under Rolling Hills Municipal Code Chapter 16.50 A. Emergency Access. 1. The resulting lot must have its own paved driveway with a width of at least 30 feet. The driveway must have direct access to a paved right of way with a width of at least 40 feet. The right of way must have at least two independent points of access for fire and life safety to access and for residents to evacuate. The grade of the right of way shall be 5% or less. 2. The resulting lot must have sufficient turn around area connecting to the paved driveway to allow emergency responders to turn around on the resulting lot. B. Water Supply 1. Fire Hydrants. i. Public fire hydrants shall be spaced no more than 600 feet apart. For properties with more than one dwelling unit per acre, no portion of lot frontage should be more than 360 feet away, via fire apparatus access, from a public hydrant. For properties less than one dwelling unit per acre, no portion of a fire apparatus access road shall be father than 600 feet away, via fire apparatus access, from a properly space public hydrant that meets the required fire-flow. ii. When any portion of a proposed lot exceeds the allowable distance from a public fire hydrant, on-site hydrants shall be provided. The spacing 217 93939.00053\34475756.3 distance between on-site hydrants shall be 300 to 400 feet. All on-site fire hydrants shall have, at a minimum, a fire-flow of 1,250 gallons per minute (4,732 L/min) at 20 psi (137.895 kPa) for a duration of two hours. If more than one on-site fire hydrant is required, the fire flow shall be 2,500 gallons per minute (9,463.53 L/min) at 20 psi (137.895 kPa) for a duration of two hours. All on-site hydrants shall be installed a minimum of 25 feet (7,620 mm) from a structure or protected by a two-hour fire wall. C. Construction 1. All dwelling units on the site must comply with current fire code requirements for dwellings in a very high fire hazard severity zone. 2. No dwelling unit shall be within 100 feet of any other dwelling unit or any other enclosed structure. 3. All enclosed structures on the site must have automatic fire sprinklers. 4. A Class A roof covering (excluding solid wood materials) shall be installed on any new unit. 5. Exterior classing, eave, and soffits shall be constructed of ignition-resistant materials approved by the fire code official. Approved materials include, but are not limited to: fiber-cement board, stucco, masonry/brick, manufactured stone, and similar materials. Natural wood/cedar siding, hardboard, vinyl, and similar combustible materials are not allowed. 6. For any portion of the attached structure with projections or overhangs, the area below the structure shall have all horizontal under-floor areas enclosed with ignition resistant materials. 7. Exterior doors shall be noncombustible or of solid core not less than 1 ¾ inches thick. Windows within doors and glazed doors shall be tempered safety glass or multi-layered glazed panels. 8. Exterior windows shall be a minimum double pane. 9. The base of exterior walls, posts, or columns shall be protected on the bottom side with provisions such as fire resistant foam or wire mesh having openings no larger than 1/8 inch to protect them from ember intrusion and still allow for weeping and moisture control. 218 93939.00053\34475756.3 Section 15.20.040 Two Unit Construction Authorized Under Rolling Hills Municipal Code Chapter 17.45 A. Emergency Access. 1. The resulting lot must have its own paved driveway with a width of at least 30 feet. The driveway must have direct access to a paved right of way with a width of at least 40 feet. The right of way must have at least two independent points of access for fire and life safety to access and for residents to evacuate. The grade of the right of way shall be 5% or less. 2. The resulting lot must have sufficient turn around area connecting to the paved driveway to allow emergency responders to turn around on the resulting lot. B. Water Supply 1. Fire Hydrants. i. Public fire hydrants shall be spaced no more than 600 feet apart. For properties with more than one dwelling unit per acre, no portion of lot frontage should be more than 360 feet away, via fire apparatus access, from a public hydrant. For properties less than one dwelling unit per acre, no portion of a fire apparatus access road shall be father than 600 feet away, via fire apparatus access, from a properly space public hydrant that meets the required fire-flow. ii. When any portion of a proposed lot exceeds the allowable distance from a public fire hydrant, on-site hydrants shall be provided. The spacing distance between on-site hydrants shall be 300 to 400 feet. All on-site fire hydrants shall have, at a minimum, a fire-flow of 1,250 gallons per minute (4,732 L/min) at 20 psi (137.895 kPa) for a duration of two hours. If more than one on-site fire hydrant is required, the fire flow shall be 2,500 gallons per minute (9,463.53 L/min) at 20 psi (137.895 kPa) for a duration of two hours. All on-site hydrants shall be installed a minimum of 25 feet (7,620 mm) from a structure or protected by a two-hour fire wall. C. Construction 1. All dwelling units on the site must comply with current fire code requirements for dwellings in a very high fire hazard severity zone. 2. No dwelling unit shall be within 100 feet of any other dwelling unit or any other enclosed structure. 3. All enclosed structures on the site must have automatic fire sprinklers. 4. A Class A roof covering (excluding solid wood materials) shall be installed on any new unit. 219 93939.00053\34475756.3 5. Exterior classing, eave, and soffits shall be constructed of ignition-resistant materials approved by the fire code official. Approved materials include, but are not limited to: fiber-cement board, stucco, masonry/brick, manufactured stone, and similar materials. Natural wood/cedar siding, hardboard, vinyl, and similar combustible materials are not allowed. 6. For any portion of the attached structure with projections or overhangs, the area below the structure shall have all horizontal under-floor areas enclosed with ignition resistant materials. 7. Exterior doors shall be noncombustible or of solid core not less than 1 ¾ inches thick. Windows within doors and glazed doors shall be tempered safety glass or multi-layered glazed panels. 8. Exterior windows shall be a minimum double pane. 9. The base of exterior walls, posts, or columns shall be protected on the bottom side with provisions such as fire resistant foam or wire mesh having openings no larger than 1/8 inch to protect them from ember intrusion and still allow for weeping and moisture control. 220 Agenda Item No.: 8.A Mtg. Date: 11/22/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ELAINE JENG, CITY MANAGER THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION FROM THE CITY COUNCIL PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FOR APPOINTMENTS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. DATE:November 22, 2021 BACKGROUND: The term of two Planning Commissioners will expire on January 1, 2022. Appointed commissioners serve a term of four years, starting on January 1 and ending on January 1. In October 2021, upon direction from the City Council, staff began advertising for letters of interest from residents desiring to serve on the Planning Commission. The notice of the opportunity were included in the City's newsletters and posted at City Hall for over 30 days. DISCUSSION: In response to the notice, incumbent Planning Commissioner Greg Kirkpatrick and Abby Douglass submitted a letter expressing interest in continuing to serve on the Planning Commission. Resident Nikos Constant also submitted an interest letter. The Personnel Committee did not interview the incumbents. The Personnle Committee interviewed Mr. Constant on Wednesday, November 10, 2021. The Personnel Committee will be meeting on Monday, November 22, 2021 to deliberate their recommendation to the City Council. The Personnel Committee will report on their meeting and their recommendation to the City Council at the November 22, 2021 City Council meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost to conduct the appointment process is included in the adopted budget for Fiscal Year 2021- 2022. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the City Council Personnel Committee's recommended appointments to the Planning Commission. 221 ATTACHMENTS: 222 Agenda Item No.: 8.B Mtg. Date: 11/22/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:STEPHANIE GRANT , ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:CONSIDER CHAMBERS TO PROVIDE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE CITY'S 6TH CYCLE HOUSING ELEMENT AND THE UPDATED SAFETY ELEMENT AND DIRECT STAFF TO EXECUTE A STANDARD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH CHAMBERS TO ENGAGE SERVICES. DATE:November 22, 2021 BACKGROUND: The City is in the process of updating both the General Plan Safety and Housing elements and environmental documentation is required to be completed in order to adopt these elements. On October 26, 2021, staff advertised a Request for Proposal (RFP) for professional consultant firms to submit proposals to provide environmental services. The proposer applying should have significant experience in providing the services required under this RFP and performing the necessary analysis and preparing reports of findings and recommendations. On November 3, 2021, two (2) proposals were received. Each proposal was evaluated based the proposer ’s expertise, experience, project approach, use of resources, and dedication of staff. Based on the RFP’S evaluation criteria, Chambers Group was identified as being the more qualified firm that submitted proposals for this RFP. DISCUSSION: The Chambers Group was selected as the environmental consultant to assist the City with preparation to an IS/MND for adoption of the City of Rolling Hills’ General Plan updated Safety and Housing elements because the firm has a high level of experience and expertise with preparing related to preparation of environmental documentation for general plan updates in compliance with CEQA. Their proposed cost is competitive and consistent for preparation of CEQA documentation by other consultants. FISCAL IMPACT: 223 The City would fund the $45,493.62 from general fund. In the proposed budget for FY 2021-2022, the total amount was programmed to update the General Plan elements. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Professional Service Agreement with Chambers Group to prepare an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the adoption of the City of Rolling Hills’ General Plan Updated Safety and Housing Elements in an amount not to exceed $45,493.62. . ATTACHMENTS: Chambers Group Proposal_Environmental Planning Services_11.18.21.pdf 224 CPUCCERTIFIED CA DGSCERTIFIED AN EMPLOYEE-OWNED COMPANY 225 Environmental Planning Services City of Rolling Hills i 63836 Table of Contents Cover Letter ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Scope of Work ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Project Schedule ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Project Team ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Relevant Experience ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11 References ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Fee Schedule ................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Project Deliverables ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Appendix A: Project Team Resumes 226 Environmental Planning Services City of Rolling Hills 1 63836 Cover Letter November 3, 2021 63836 Kim Zuppiger City of Rolling Hills Planning and Community Services Department 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Subject: Environmental Planning Services for the General Plan Safety Element and the Housing Element Dear Ms. Zuppiger, For over 41 years Chambers Group’s focus has been helping private developers and public government agencies keep their projects in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and other environmental regulations related to natural and cultural resources. Having completed similar projects for other General Plan Updates, including Housing Element Updates, our staff is well-versed with the special intricacies involved with successful completion of these types of projects, as well as the importance of meeting approval deadlines. Experience with Programmatic Planning: Chambers Group’s Project Team has extensive experience in providing Environmental Documentation and Regulatory Permitting services, demonstrating our capabilities with similar projects, as well as with more complicated scopes and/or more complex regulatory processes, across the region. Some of our recent experience has included the General Plan Updates for the City of Desert Hot Springs and City of Beaumont, the Energy Element Update for the County of Imperial, and the Historic Town Center Master Plan Repeal for the City of San Juan Capistrano. This project involved the intricate process of repealing the existing Historic Town Center Master Plan, which included a General Plan Amendment and Zoning Code change. We will bring this expertise and value to this Project with Victoria Boyd as Project Manager. Victoria has helped cities, including the City of Needles become compliant with their Housing Element Updates after receiving a Notice of Non-Compliance from Housing and Community Development (HCD). Chambers Group and its team of professionals understands the City of Rolling Hill’s (City’s) need to get the Housing and Safety Elements and CEQA document approved early in 2022 and we have therefore, focused this scope of work to achieve the project’s goals in the timeliest and most cost-effective way, while ensuring the City will receive a quality product that can stand up to agency and public scrutiny, including compliance with all regulatory items such as Senate Bill 18 and Assembly Bill 52. We are prepared to accommodate scheduling demands under short notice. We can begin immediately on this project following the City’s authorization. Up to Date on the Most Current Regulations: The regulatory environment in California is ever evolving and our in- house staff of environmental planners and technical experts are equipped with the most up to date regulatory guidance. Our approach is always tailored to each individual project. We evaluate each project and its level of controversy early on to be cost sensitive. As a majority of our planning staff are members of their respective Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP) Boards of Directors, we stay apprised of current environmental issues and regulations, which helps us to keep the City streamlined throughout the CEQA process. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 949.261.5414 or Project Manager, Victoria Boyd at 760.685.4838 and vboyd@chambersgroupinc.com. Sincerely, CHAMBERS GROUP, INC. Mike McEntee, President 227 Environmental Planning Services City of Rolling Hills 2 63836 Scope of Work Project Understanding The City of Rolling Hills is updating both the General Plan Housing and Safety Elements, and is requesting preparation of an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND), in order to comply with CEQA for the adoption of the updated elements. It is our understanding that the IS/MND will evaluate policies with no specific projects at this time, however, depending on HCD’s ruling, changes to the City Zoning Map may need to be analyzed for compliance with the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) allocation. If finalized project information allows for additional technical analysis to boost substantial information in the IS/MND (i.e. specific housing development locations are identified), this can be provided to the City and an additional scope and cost will be prepared. Housing Element Update It is our understanding that the City is in the process of updating its 6th cycle Housing Element to cover the 2021-2029 planning cycle. The Housing Element will include the policies, strategies, and actions that the City will undertake to facilitate the construction of new housing and preservation of existing housing to meet the needs of the current and future population. Based on RHNA numbers, the City is required to plan for 45 homes, including 29 affordable to lower income households. It is still unknown exactly how the City will meet its RHNA allocation. Safety Element Update It is our understanding that throughout history, the City has dealt with various natural hazards including earthquakes, wildfires, droughts, and land movement. Developments in high landslide areas have occurred and the City has been identified as being located in a “Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHSZ)”. As a result, the City has amended its building and safety codes to include special requirements such as fire-rates materials for new construction. Approach to the Scope of Work Chambers Group will perform the applicable tasks identified in the Request for Proposal (RFP). Based on our experience with similar types of Projects, we believe that the appropriate CEQA document for the Proposed Project would be a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). Chambers Group will commence work on this Proposed Project as soon as we receive written Notice to Proceed (NTP). We will accomplish the scope of work, which consolidates the tasks, as described in the following scope. Task 1: Project Initiation Task 1.1: Initial Meeting and Data Acquisition After receiving NTP, the Chambers Group Project Manager, Victoria Boyd, will be prepared to meet with the City, for a Project Initiation/Kick-Off Meeting via teleconference to discuss the project description, specific project issues, upcoming construction schedules and CEQA schedule; as well as receive any pertinent project information or reports. Chambers Group will review all available Project-related data and reports provided by the City. Following the review of existing data, any gaps in the data and recommendation for correcting the gaps would be discussed with the City. Chambers Group will work closely with the City to determine what additional data must be collected in support of the CEQA document being prepared. It is assumed that the documents are accurate, and that Chambers Group can use these documents in the environmental analysis of the Project. Task 1.2: Project Description Chambers Group will develop a comprehensive description for the Project that will form the basis for the analysis of the potential impacts on the environment, based on the information provided by the City. The Project Description will 228 Environmental Planning Services City of Rolling Hills 3 63836 include a narrative and graphical presentation of the proposed Project, including components, location and boundaries, regional and vicinity maps, and a statement of the Project goals and objectives. Deliverables: Meeting notes from the initial meeting. A finalized Project schedule based on items discussed during the initial meeting. One electronic portable document format (PDF) copy and one electronic copy in Microsoft Word format of the Project Description for one round of review by the City. Task 2: Preparation of the Appropriate CEQA Document and Supporting Technical Studies Task 2.1: Administrative Draft IS Utilizing the Project Description completed under Task 1, Chambers Group will prepare an Administrative Draft IS pursuant to the requirements of the Public Resources Code and State CEQA Guidelines. Based on the results of the IS, Chambers Group will prepare an IS Checklist to confirm the preparation of an appropriate CEQA Documentation for the Proposed Project, an MND in this case. The IS will be prepared using the most recent revision of the IS Environmental Checklist Form suggested in the CEQA Guidelines Appendix G. In compliance with CEQA Section 15063, the IS will contain the following, in brief form:  A description of the Project, including the location of the Project;  An identification of the environmental setting;  A preliminary identification of environmental effects by use of a checklist, matrix, or other method, with some evidence to support the entries; and  A preliminary discussion of the ways to mitigate the significant effects identified; if any. The environmental factors outlined in the CEQA checklist include: Aesthetics GHG Emissions Public Services Agricultural and Forestry Resources Hazards and Hazardous Materials Recreation Air Quality Hydrology and Water Quality Transportation Biological Resources Land Use and Planning TCRs Cultural Resources Mineral Resources Utilities and Service Systems Energy Noise Wildfire Geology and Soils Population and Housing Mandatory Findings of Significance Meetings: This task includes one meeting with City staff to discuss the IS and Chamber Group’s recommendation as to the appropriate CEQA document for the Project. Deliverables: One electronic PDF copy and one electronic copy in Microsoft Word format, and five bound copies of the Administrative Draft IS for one round of review by the City. Task 2.2: Prepare Administrative Draft MND If one or more significant impacts are identified during the IS process, including the results from the technical studies, CEQA allows the preparation of an MND when those impacts can be mitigated to a less than significant level. The following is a list of the required contents of an MND:  a brief description of the project;  the location of the project (preferably shown on a map); 229 Environmental Planning Services City of Rolling Hills 4 63836  the name of the project proponent;  a finding that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment;  mitigation measures included in the project to avoid potentially significant effects; and  a copy of the IS. For each CEQA environmental checklist discipline item, the existing environmental setting of the project site and surroundings will be characterized from the existing literature base and a site visit by an environmental analyst. An environmental impacts analysis will be prepared for each checklist entry. Based on CEQA defined significance criteria, Chambers Group will determine the potential for any adverse or significant adverse impacts and present mitigation measures to reduce any such impacts to a level below significance. Meetings: This task includes participation in up to four check in meetings with City staff to discuss the administrative draft MND. Deliverables: One electronic PDF copy and one electronic copy in Microsoft Word format, one unbound copy, five bound copies, and 15 compact discs (CDs) of the Administrative Draft MND for one round of review by the City. Task 3: Tribal Consultation Task 3.1: Senate Bill 18 (SB 18) Native American Consultation Senate Bill 18 (SB 18) was signed into law in 2004 and requires City and County governments to consult with California Native American tribes early in the planning process of general plans, specific plans, and amendments to either of these types of planning tools. The intent of the bill was to provide structured and consistent methods for providing Native American tribes an opportunity to participate in local land use decisions at an early planning stage. Early involvement of the tribes is intended to allow for consideration of cultural places in the land-use planning process. Tribes have 90 days to respond to an SB 18 consultation request. The nature of SB 18 consultation is to ask local tribes to inform an agency where significant cultural areas are located with the intent of protecting them. This type of information is highly confidential to the tribes and their willingness to divulge important data is directly correlated with the relationship the tribe has with the respective City or County. This relationship value also extends to the cultural resources team assisting with the consultation effort. Chambers Group has been working with southern California tribal groups for many years, and has developed positive working relationships with the various tribal groups throughout the area. Our recommended scope of work includes requesting a search of the sacred lands files at the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), preparing notification letters for the City, and keeping detailed information on responses and follow up questions for the tribe. This data will be provided to the City in the form of a Tribal Consultation Memo which will be submitted after the 90-day response window ends. Based on experience working with the City, we anticipate that the NAHC will return a list of contacts with approximately 25 tribal points of contact. Chambers Group will prepare up to 25 SB 18 letters with the expectation that up to three respondents will request conferencing with the City. Chambers Group anticipates the need for setting up to three separate conference calls with tribes, and coordinating the conclusion of consultation through emails. Should any Tribes request a site visit it is assumed that the City will cover this expense and provide the tribe(s) an opportunity to visit the site at their expense. Should the City require further support to meet with the Tribes, or require further calls to conclude consultation, a contract augment may be required. Task 3.2: Assembly Bill 52 (AB 52) Tribal Consultation Assembly Bill 52 (AB 52) required an update to Appendix G to include a new category titled “Tribal Cultural Resources” (TRCs). As a Lead Agency the City is required to conduct AB 52 consultation with requesting tribal groups on a government-to-government basis. In support of the City, Chambers Group will prepare and send notification letters to the list of tribes in which the City has identified for notification under AB 52. If a tribal group affirms a request for consultation the lead agency is required to initiate consultation within 30 days of the request. The intent of this legislation is to require agencies to consult early on in a project with Native American Tribes so their information can 230 Environmental Planning Services City of Rolling Hills 5 63836 be considered from the beginning of an agency’s CEQA review. It differs from SB 18 in that AB 52 consultation is required for all projects requiring a CEQA Initial Study rather than projects requiring just specific or general plans, or their amendments. Chambers Group has proven success in consulting with tribes to determine if there are TCRs on-site and coordinating with tribes and lead agencies to develop mitigation measures (when needed) to ensure the project objectives are in accordance with CEQA. Due to the similarities between AB 52 and SB 18 notification processes, efficiencies can be found in preparing combined consultation letters should agency procedures allow. Chambers Group will prepare up to 20 AB 52 letters with the expectation that up to three respondents will request conferencing with the City. Chambers Group anticipates setting up to three separate conference calls with tribes, and coordinating the conclusion of consultation through emails. As it cannot be assured that the same three tribes will request consultation under SB 18 and AB 52, Chambers Group assumes that a combined total of six respondents will request consultation under one or the other legal structures. Should any Tribes request a site visit it is assumed that the City will cover this expense and provide the tribe(s) an opportunity to visit the site at their expense. Should the City require further support to meet with the Tribes, or require further calls to conclude consultation, a contract augment may be required. Assumptions:  This proposal includes a request of the NAHC to provide a list of points of contact to request information regarding the proposed Project area under SB 18. The number of contacts assumed in this scope of work is 25 recipients. Additional addressees may require substantial additional time to coordinate, and may require additional fees.  This proposal includes SB 18 consultation support with requesting tribal groups, and includes time for meeting with City Staff and tribal members in an online forum for up to three respondents. Additional respondents may require substantial additional time to coordinate, and may require additional fees.  This proposal assumes the City will provide a list of points of contact to request information regarding the proposed Project area under AB 52. The number of contacts assumed in this scope of work is 20 recipients. Additional addressees may require substantial additional time to coordinate, and may require additional fees.  This proposal includes AB 52 consultation support with requesting tribal groups, and includes time for meeting with City Staff and tribal members in an online forum for up to three respondents. Additional respondents may require substantial additional time to coordinate, and may require additional fees.  The City will provide Chambers Group with confirmation on the Project footprint at the time of authorization or NTP. It is assumed that this information will not change once Chambers Group has initiated the tasks above.  This proposal does not include cultural resources testing, data recovery, analysis, monitoring, or similar programs. Task 4: Draft Appropriate CEQA Document and Corresponding Notices After receipt of one set of integrated comments on the Administrative Draft MND from the City, Chambers Group will then revise the MND accordingly. Chambers Group will prepare and distribute copies of the Draft MND to the City, State Clearinghouse, County Clerk, and affected public agencies. For submittal to the State Clearinghouse (Office of Planning and Research [OPR]), Chambers Group will draft a Notice of Intent (NOI), Notice of Completion (NOC), Summary Form, and the MND with associated appendices. Chambers Group can submit these electronically on behalf of the City. The City must approve Chambers Group as a submitter on the OPR CEQANet Web portal. For submittal to the County Clerk, documents will be sent via mail pending the status of public access to County buildings. Chambers Group will prepare the NOI for distribution during the public review to agencies, interested parties, and property owners (if applicable) adjacent to the Project from an approved distribution list confirmed by the City. We assume that the City will provide the list of adjacent property owners to be included in the mailings. We assume up to no more than 40 mailings of the NOI via regular mail to adjacent property owners, agencies, and other interested parties. To comply with the CEQA guidelines, the City must distribute the NOI through at least one of the following methods: 231 Environmental Planning Services City of Rolling Hills 6 63836  Publication at least one time in a newspaper of general circulation in the area affected by the Project.  Posting of the notice on and off-site in the area where the project is located.  Direct mailing to the owners and occupants of property contiguous to the project. Fees associated with coordinating and publishing to public newspapers, websites, or posting of a physical notice at the Project will require a change order as these tasks are not included in this scope and associated fees for newspaper postings vary. Note: AB 52 Tribal Consultation must begin prior to public review. Deliverables: An electronic PDF copy, one unbound copy, five bound copies, and 15 CDs of the MND with appendices for the City. One electronic copy of the NOC, NOI, and Summary Form for OPR submittal. One NOI to be filed with the County Clerk. Up to 40 NOIs to be sent via regular mail. Task 5: Responses to Comments and Final CEQA Document Based upon comments received from public review, responses to the comments will be prepared. A draft of these responses will be provided to the City for review. It is assumed that Chambers Group will coordinate with City to address public comments received and comments will be addressed based on available data. We anticipate no more than 15 comment letters with an average of five comments each (75 comments total) will be received and addressed. The cost estimate for this task is based on the assumption that no new technical analysis will be required in response to the public comments. If more comments than assumed are received or additional analysis will be required to respond to comments, Chambers Group will coordinate with the City to identify comments to be addressed by the Chambers Group team and/or provide these services under a separate scope and fee. Upon receipt of one complete set of comments from the City on the responses, a Final MND will be prepared. This document combined with the Draft MND will constitute the Final MND to be used by the City when considering approval of the project. Deliverables: One electronic Microsoft Word copy of the Draft Response to Comments for one round of review by the City. One electronic PDF copy, one unbound, five bound and five CDs with copies of the Final MND with appendices for the City. Task 6: Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (if required) Following preparation of the MND, Chambers Group will prepare a Draft Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) as required by CEQA for review by the City. The Final MMRP incorporating the City’s comments will be incorporated into the Final MND. Deliverables: One electronic PDF copy and one Microsoft Word copy of the Draft MMRP for one round of review by the City. The Final MMRP will be incorporated into Final MND. Task 7: Findings and Filings Notice of Determination (NOD) The NOD is filed following the City’s decision to carry out or approve the project for which the MND has been prepared. Chambers Group will prepare the NOD and will file the NOD with the State Clearinghouse and the County Clerk. Deliverables: One Microsoft Word copy of the Draft NOD for one round of review by the City. An electronic PDF copy of the NOD for the City. One NOD to be filed with the State Clearinghouse and one with the County Clerk. Up to 40 NODs to be sent via regular mail. 232 Environmental Planning Services City of Rolling Hills 7 63836 No Effect Determination Pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 711.4, subdivision (c)(1), all project proponents including public agencies subject to CEQA shall pay a filing fee for each project. The filing fee is waived, however, if the project will have no effect on fish and wildlife. If no effect is determined, a No Effect Determination (NED) Request form is submitted to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). Chambers Group recommends early communication with CDFW during the CEQA process. Chambers Group has assisted Clients, who believed that their projects would have no effect on fish and wildlife, with contacting CDFW early in the CEQA process in order to allow CDFW sufficient time to review the project and make a determination (usually 30 days). The State Clearinghouse or County Clerk will not accept a NOD filed by any lead agency unless it is accompanied by one of the following: (1) a check with the correct Fish and Wildlife filing fee payment, (2) a receipt or other proof of payment showing previous payment of the filing fee for the same project, or (3) a form documenting the determination that the project will have no effect on fish and wildlife. Chambers Group will assist the City in preparing and submitting the NED form to CDFW for the Proposed Project. If the Project is determined to not qualify for a NED, the City will be responsible for Fish and Game filing fees. Deliverables: One Microsoft Word copy of the Draft NED for one round of review by the City. One electronic PDF copy of the NED Request and one electronic PDF copy of the Draft MND with appendices. Task 8: Attendance at Public Hearings Chambers Group’s Technical Advisor, Corinne Lytle Bonine and Project Manager, Victoria Boyd will attend one Planning Commission hearing and one City Council hearing to answer any questions that decision makers have on the Proposed Project’s environmental document and impacts analysis. If needed, technical staff may also join in attendance at hearings at an additional cost. This scope assumes that hearings would be no longer than three hours each. Chambers Group may also attend any other additional meetings requested by the City on a time and materials basis. Task 9: Analyze Specific Projects/Zoning Map Changes for Housing Sites (Optional Task) It is understood that the City may have a need for Chambers Group to analyze specific projects and / or zoning map changes for housing sites, depending on HCD’s ruling. However, depending on project type and location, the scope and cost can vary greatly. Therefore, we have provided a range of additional cost analysis that may be required if specific details are provided. Service Approximate Cost* Additional Analysis in IS/MND $2,000 - $6,000 Air Quality / Greenhouse Gas / Energy Analysis / Noise $4,000 - $10,000 Biological Survey and Technical Memorandum $5,000 - $15,000 Cultural Report $5,000 - $20,000 Traffic Study (VMT Only or LOS Only) $20,000 - $50,000 *Actual costs will depend on the project features, level of analysis required, required meetings and public hearings, and level of agency coordination required. 233 Environmental Planning Services City of Rolling Hills 8 63836 Project Schedule The following schedule is outlined with the assumption that the anticipated services will begin November 8, 2021. The schedule assumes that the Final Housing Element and Safety Plan updates are submitted no later than November 12, 2021 and that the Tribal Consultation list is provided during the kick-off call. Additionally, the Project is required to comply with SB 18, which has a 90-day consultation request period unless Tribes agree to a shorter timeframe. We understand the City’s tight schedule to get this approved in January, however, given the City’s obligation to SB 18, the earliest possible approval date would be in early February. Therefore, we have provided the tightest timeframe possible for Project approval. This schedule also assumes that the City can meet these review deadlines, that minimal feedback will be provided, and that excessive comments (more than 75 comments) are not received on the Draft MND. Project Action Project Duration Approximate Dates NTP 1 Day 11/8/21 Kick-Off/Data Collection/Write Project Description 1 Week from the NTP 11/8/21 – 11/12/21 City Review of Project Description 1 Day 11/12/21 SB 18 Consultation 90 Days* 11/12/21 – 2/7/22 AB 52 Consultation 30 Days 11/12/21 – 12/8/21 Prepare Administrative Draft IS/MND and Notices 3 Weeks 11/15/21 – 12/6/21 City Review of Administrative Draft IS/MND and Notices 1 Week 12/6/21 – 12/13/21 Prepare/Distribute the IS/MND and Notices 1 Week 12/13/21 – 12/20/21 Public Circulation 30 Days 12/20/21- 1/19/22 Prepare Draft Final IS/MND with Response to Comments and MMRP 2 Weeks 1/12/21 -1/26/21 City Review of Final IS/MND, Response to Comments and MMRP 3 Days 1/26/21 – 1/31/21 Prepare Final MND with Response to Comments and MMRP 4 days 1/31/21 – 2/3/22 Planning Commission Hearing 1 Day 2/7/2022 City Council Hearing 1 Day 2/14/2022 NOD 1 Week 2/14/2022 – 2/21/2022 Approximate Total 15 weeks Notes: Some tasks will occur simultaneously. Public Circulation of the draft will occur only after SB 18 / AB 52 consultation has been started. * Consultation does not begin until/unless a tribe requests it within 90 days of receiving a notice of the opportunity to consult. Tribes can agree to a shorter timeframe (less than 90 days) to request consultation. 234 Environmental Planning Services City of Rolling Hills 9 63836 Project Team Team Introduction Chambers Group is known for providing technically proficient experts who are responsive and communicative with our clients. Chambers Group has built this reputation on decades of experience preparing appropriate CEQA and NEPA documents for complex projects; preparing required resource agency permit applications, preparing mitigation plans; and monitoring construction activities for compliance. Conducting environmental analyses and documentation for development projects, including complex and sensitive projects, is Chambers Group’s specialty. We are experienced in preparing appropriate CEQA documents and technical studies. Chambers Group’s staff has ongoing relationships with many State and local agencies, and the firm maintains an understanding evolving environmental legislation and meeting the stringent requirements of federal, State, and local regulatory agencies. Our team of technical experts will provide scientific objectivity, environmental expertise, defensible environmental analysis, and technical documentation to support the City in meeting its augmentation of staff in the review and approval process of development project goals. Chambers Group’s environmental planners in association with other members of our team have decades of experience providing CEQA compliance services on privately initiated development such as residential development, commercial development, mixed use development, energy and communications and also agency-sponsored projects such as transportation upgrades and improvements, parks, stormwater, and municipal planning projects. Our team combines our experience with proven management techniques that focus on flexibility, responsiveness, and accountability. Many of our planners currently serve on their respective Chapter of the Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP) Board which allows our planning team to stay informed of the rapidly changing regulatory environment. Several staff members hold positions on the AEP Board of Directors. This gives our team immediate access to the AEP Legislative Committee which closely tracks and responds to pending legislation. We use this access and knowledge to help our clients stay ahead of upcoming changes and hot buttons as we navigate the CEQA process. Chambers Group realizes that the complex processes necessary to produce legally defensible environmental documentation cannot be accomplished without a close relationship with City staff, and an in-depth understanding of the project details and characteristics of the local environment. We work seamlessly with project Applicants and City staff to meet schedules, work within budget, and produce environmental documentation that is thorough and complete. Our team offers experience from being on both sides of the counter. Our Project Managers are supported by a staff of regulatory specialists, environmental planners, biologists, botanists, cultural resource specialists, and restoration specialists, which allows us to mobilize in multiple locations simultaneously, ensuring projects always have the right mix of knowledgeable, responsive staff to enable our clients to successfully accomplish their missions. As leaders in the environmental industry, our team will apply comprehensive understanding of the latest regulatory guidance to all issue areas to ensure the most advanced technical approach is applied to every aspect of any project. 235 Environmental Planning Services City of Rolling Hills 10 63836 Organization Chart The organization chart illustrates the team members’ roles and reporting structure for the services required on this project. Project Team Resumes Resumes highlighting experience, qualifications, education, and titles have been provided in Appendix A. 236 Environmental Planning Services City of Rolling Hills 11 63836 Relevant Experience General Plan Update Environmental Impact Report Addendum, Desert Hot Springs, CA Client: City of Desert Hot Springs Chambers Group assisted the City of Desert Hot Springs (City) in preparing an Addendum to the City’s General Plan Update (Project). The City prepared and adopted the General Plan Update (GPU) in May 2020. The City proposed a zone change for four parcels, two were developed and two were vacant. The land use and zone change would allow expanded development for commercial uses for the vacant parcels, and updated the zoning of the two developed parcels to be consistent with existing uses. Chambers Group reviewed the GPU’s Environmental Impact Report to determine if the Project met the criteria set forth in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines which requires the preparation of a subsequent or supplemental Environmental Impact Report (EIR). In addition to the Addendum preparation, the Project included the preparation of an Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas and Noise to supplement their analysis. General Plan Update, Environmental Impact Report, Peer Review, and AB 52/SB 18 Consultation, Beaumont, CA Client: City of Beaumont Chambers Group contributed to the preparation of all 20 resource areas of the City of Beaumont’s (City) Environmental Impact Report for the General Plan Update 2040 (GPU EIR). This included the Executive Summary, Introduction, Project Description, Environmental Impact Analysis, Consistency with Regional Plans, Alternatives, and other CEQA Considerations sections. The EIR included a discussion of the City’s Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) fair share of regional housing needs. The RHNA was a mandated State Housing law that is part of periodic process of updating the housing elements of the General Plan. On behalf of the City, Chambers Group reviewed and edited the GPU EIR to ensure it would meet all of the requirements of as outlined in the California Environmental Quality Act’s (CEQA) guidelines, Section 15166, for preparing an EIR for a general plan. Chambers Group also assisted the City in conducting Assembly Bill 52 (AB 52) and Senate Bill 18 (SB 18) consultation, which requires public agencies to consult with Native American tribes that are traditionally and culturally affiliated to a project area or geographic area of jurisdiction. Following consultation, Chambers Group successfully completed an expedited reviewed all sections of the EIR within the requested timeframe which allowed the document to be circulated for public review and be approved by City Council within the year. Geothermal & Alternative Energy Element, Imperial, CA Client: County of Imperial, CA Chambers Group updated the Geothermal/Alternative Energy and Transmission Element that the County previously authored in 2006. The updated Geothermal and Alternative Energy Element was based on the constraints and opportunities identified in an environmental baseline analysis covering the entire County, which was completed as the first phase of the update. Information was obtained in GIS format from a variety of local, State, and federal agencies and mapped for use in determining the most suitable locations within the County for the generation and transmission of energy from renewable resources. Key issues included eliminating potential conflicts between the various renewable energy generation technologies and existing urban and community developed areas, protection of high-quality park and recreation areas, and conservation of sensitive cultural and biological resources. The task also included any required revisions to other General Plan Elements to assure internal consistency. The Element update also included a consistency analysis with the Land Use, Agricultural, Conservation and Open Space, Water, and the Seismic and Public Safety Elements. In addition, special Relevance to Scope of Work:  Programmatic EIR  General Plan Update  Supplement Preparation Relevance to Scope of Work:  Housing Element Analyses  Programmatic EIR  CEQA Relevance to Scope of Work:  Safety Element  General Plan Elements Updates  Programmatic Environmental Impact Report 237 Environmental Planning Services City of Rolling Hills 12 63836 attention was given to potential conflicts with adopted or proposed Natural Community Conservation Planning (NCCP) and Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) programs. A Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) was prepared to accommodate the implementation of future renewable energy projects that are in conformance with the Element. Individual future energy generation projects will be able to tier from the PEIR in a manner that will encourage the project to be located in suitable areas and will expedite approval for appropriately sited projects. Historic Town Center Master Plan Repeal, San Juan Capistrano, CA Client: City of San Juan Capistrano The City of San Juan Capistrano proposed to repeal the existing Historic Town Center Master Plan (HTCMP), amend the City’s General Plan, and amend the City’s Zoning Code. The purpose of the Project is to correct land use inconsistencies between the HTCMP and the General Plan, replace the “form-based code” (FBC) currently applicable to the City’s Historic Town Center (HTC) area by amending the Zoning Code and General Plan Land Use Element, and to clarify setbacks, building heights, and allowable Floor Area Ratio (FAR) within the HTC area. Chambers Group prepared all environmental documents to satisfy CEQA, which included an EIR and associated technical studies including air quality analysis, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions analysis, historic resources assessment, and traffic impact analysis. The project was controversial in nature, so Chambers Group worked closely with both the City and their legal counsel in order to produce a Draft EIR and Final EIR that responded to all comments received. Chambers Group also participated in Planning Commission and City Council meetings to answer questions from Commissioners and Council Members regarding the environmental analysis. Relevance to Scope of Work:  General Plan Amendment  Environmental Impact Report  General Plan Land Use Element 238 Environmental Planning Services City of Rolling Hills 13 63836 References The following table includes reference information for the projects described above. Public Sector Client References Reference for Project Description 1 Agency: City of Desert Hot Springs Contact: Bryan Swanson, Community Development Director Address: 11999 Palm Drive, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 Phone: (760) 329-6411 ext. 240 Email: bswanson@cityofdhs.org Services: GPU EIR Addendum Reference for Project Description 2 Agency: City of Beaumont Contact: Christina Taylor, Community Development Director Address: 550 E. Sixth Street, Beaumont, CA 92223 Phone: (951) 572-3212 Email: ctaylor@beaumontca.gov Services: GPU EIR Reference for Project Description 3 Agency: County of Imperial, CA Contact: Jim Minnick, Planning & Development Services Director Address: 801 Main Street, El Centro, CA 92243 Phone: (442) 265-1736 Email: jminnick@co.imperial.ca.us Services: Updated Geothermal and Alternative Energy Element Reference for Project Description 4 Agency: City of San Juan Capistrano Contact: Sergio Klotz, Acting Development Services Director Address: 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Phone: (949) 443-6331 Email: sklotz@sanjuancapistrano.org Services: General Plan Amendment, Zoning Code Amendment 239 Environmental Planning Services City of Rolling Hills 14 63836 Fee Schedule The services described in each task will be performed on a fixed fee basis. The costs for each task are shown below. A Standard Rate Sheet is provided on the following page. Task Fee Task 1: Project Initiation $4,024.00 Task 2: Preparation of the Appropriate CEQA Document and Supporting Technical Studies $8,272.59 Task 3: Tribal Consultation (SB 18 and AB 52) $6,034.00 Task 4: Draft Appropriate CEQA Document and Corresponding Notices $5,894.75 Task 5: Responses to Comments and Final CEQA Document $7,785.00 Task 6: Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (if required) $2,224.00 Task 7: Findings and Filings $2,583.50 Task 8: Attendance at Public Hearings $4,540.00 Task 9: Analyze Specific Projects/Zoning Map Changes for Housing Sites See Above Subtotal $41,357.84 Contingency Fee (10%) $4,135.78 Total without Optional Task $45,493.62 Project Deliverables Deliverables for each task item including number of copies of documents, number of rounds for review, and notices prepared, are all described above under each respective task item. 240 Environmental Planning Services City of Rolling Hills 15 63836 241 Environmental Planning Services City of Rolling Hills 63836 Appendix A: Project Team Resumes 242 1 Victoria Boyd Project Manager | Environmental Planner Professional Summary Victoria Boyd has more than 8 years of experience in environmental planning and permitting. Her background in environmental analysis within a variety of fields enables her to provide thorough assistance in the research and preparation of environmental documents. She has successfully worked on several projects complying with CEQA and NEPA, assisting and acting as a project manager with a wide variety of projects in Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino Counties. Additionally, she has written WSAs for several projects. In addition, Victoria utilizes GIS as needed to assist with environmental documentation and planning, and she has created maps for various projects, including the Los Angeles World Airports EIR and the Newhall Ranch EIR. Project Experience City of Needles Housing Element Update Negative Declaration, Needles, CA Project Manager. Prepared a negative declaration for the City of Needles Housing Element Update. The City proposed to adopt the 2019 Housing Element Update as part of its General Plan and an update to its current 2005 Housing Element. Since the City last updated their Housing Element in 2005, the City received a “Notice of Non- Compliance” from the Department of Housing and Community Development. By updating the Housing Element and complying with the environmental review process, the City became compliant. Victoria also assisted in the AB 52 consultation process and helped to prepare the staff report for City Council. 1688 Garvey Avenue Residential Project Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report, Monterey Park, CA Project Manager. Managed the 1688 Garvey Avenue residential project which involved the development of 16 single-family homes on a 6.22-acre site previously improved for development in the late 1970’s. The project site was graded; retaining walls, water, and sewer lines were installed; and a cul-de-sac street was extended from Garvey Avenue. Foundations were also built for residential condominium buildings. Development of the site did not proceed at that time, and slope failures, including the retaining walls installed with the initial grading, occurred over time. Victoria managed the preparation of the specific plan, initial study, and environmental impact report. Etiwanda Heights Neighborhood and Conservation Plan (EHNCP) Environmental Impact Report, San Bernardino County, CA Project Planner. Assisted in the preparation of the EHNCP EIR. The EHNCP Plan Area (Plan Area) is located along the northeastern edge of Rancho Cucamonga (City). Roughly 3,565 acres of the Plan Area would provide for conservation within the Rural Conservation Area (RCA) and the northern Neighborhood Area (NA), and roughly 828 acres of the NA would allow for development as further detailed. The Plan would concentrate development in a pattern of compact, walkable new neighborhoods in the NA and implement the City’s existing General Plan land use designations in the RCA. The Plan would permit the development of up to 2,900 residential units and 180,000 square Education BS, Environmental Management and Protection, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Affiliations Member, Association of Environmental Professionals Certificates Certificate of Completion (Esri), Going Places with Spatial Analysis Certificate of Completion (Esri), Working with CAD Data in ArcGIS Desktop 243 2 feet of neighborhood shops and restaurants in the NA, along with a new K-8 School and other public facilities and limit development in the RCA to a maximum of 100 units on privately owned property in the RCA. The Plan also includes a includes a Conservation Strategy & Transfer of Development Rights Program to encourage and facilitate the conservation of privately-owned land in the RCA by allowing the voluntary transfer of development rights from privately-owned property in the RCA to the NA. Through this program, the maximum 3,000 residential units could be developed in the NA. Victoria assisted in the preparation of the mineral resources and utilities and service systems. Santa Paula West Business Park Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report and Water Supply Assessment, Santa Paula, CA Project Manager. Helped to update the EIR for the Santa Paula West Business Park Specific Plan. This Specific Plan would guide future land use development and provide a mix of low-intensity industrial, professional office, and supporting commercial businesses on approximately 54 acres in the City of Santa Paula. Victoria also prepared the Water Supply Assessment (WSA) for the project. SDG&E PEA Checklist Update, San Diego County, CA Environmental Planner. Chambers Group assisted SDG&E in updating the Proponent’s Environmental Assessment (PEA) Guidance Manual and Templates. Victoria assisted in finalizing the Hazards, Wildfire, and Helicopter Operations and Safety templates for all future SDG&E projects to utilize. Santa Angelina Senior Community Housing Environmental Assessment, County of Orange, CA Project Manager. The Project involves the development of two residential buildings accommodating 65 units (64 rental units) of affordable housing for senior households, including a community center and recreational amenities. Building 1 is proposed to include 41 one-bedroom units, and six two-bedroom units. Building 2 includes 18 one-bedroom units. The Project will provide a total of 59 one-bedroom units that average 709 gross square feet in size and six two-bedroom units that average 871 gross square feet in size. The 3.9-acre Project site is currently home to Blessed Sacrament Episcopal Church, a well-established anchor in the community. The purpose of the project is to provide low- and moderate-income housing to seniors ages 62 and up earning less than 60 percent of the AMI. Seniors have specialized housing needs and fixed incomes that are not able to meet the demand of market-rate housing. The project provides the opportunity for seniors to live in a safe, supportive, and affordable environment. Developing a housing community with rent-restricted units for senior residents would also enable the City to meet the unique housing need of senior residents and advance the City’s effort to meet their Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) of 231 units for low and very low-income households. Brawley Solar Energy Project, Ormat Technologies, Inc., Brawley, Imperial County, CA Project Manager. Victoria is the Project Manager, leading the preparation and submittal of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Application through Imperial County to construct, operate, and maintain a 40 Megawatt (MW)/160 Megawatt hour (MWh) photovoltaic solar farm and 80 MW/320 MWh battery energy storage system. The CUP application included a detailed project description and required CUP forms. In support of the project’s CEQA document, Victoria is managing and overseeing preparation of a Biological Resources Technical Report, Jurisdictional Delineation Report, Cultural Resources Report, Glare Study, Visual Study, and Transportation Analysis. Newhall Ranch Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report, Santa Clarita, CA Project Planner. The project is a 12,000- acre planned community located west of Valencia. In 2003, the County of Los Angeles approved the Newhall Ranch Specific Plan, which anticipates the development of up to 21,308 dwelling units; 629 acres of mixed-use development; 67 acres of commercial uses; 249 acres of business park uses; 37 acres of visitor- serving uses; 1,014 acres of open space (including 181 acres of community parks and 833 acres of other open space); 5,157 acres in Special Management Areas; 55 acres in 10 neighborhood parks; a 15-acre lake; a public trail system; an 18-hole golf course; two fire stations; a public library; an electrical substation; reservation of five elementary school sites, one junior high school site, and one high school site; a 6.8-million-gallon-per-day capacity water reclamation plant; and other associated community facilities within Newhall Ranch. Victoria created a number of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) maps for Newhall Ranch, drafted response to comments for the Final EIR, and assisted with noise monitoring during construction. 244 1 Corinne Lytle Bonine, PMP Technical Advisor | Director of Environmental Planning | Senior Project Manager Professional Experience Corinne Lytle Bonine is the Director of Environmental Planning at Chambers Group, as well as a Senior Project Manager with over 15 years of experience. She has managed an array of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (including CEQA-equivalency and adjudicated CEQA processes): Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), Environmental Impact Reports (EIR), Applications for Certification to the California Energy Commission, Environmental Assessments, and Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declarations (IS/MNDs), exemptions/exclusions. Both an accomplished team leader and field agent, Corinne has served as the visual resources and land use specialist on more than 75 projects. Her permitting projects include, but are not limited to Endangered Species Act Sections 7 and 10 consultations, USACE Individual Permits, and Section 106 consultations. She has managed environmental constraints analyses, fatal flaw analyses and technical reports. Her experience includes supervisory roles in general environmental projects, large-scale environmental compliance projects, as well as in visual resources and land use impact analysis. Project Experience General Plan Update EIR, City of Beaumont, Riverside County, CA Project Manager. Corinne is supporting the City for their General Plan update environmental documentation and compliance. The Beaumont 2040 Plan is a comprehensive update of the City’s General Plan. The plan would provide a vision of the future of the City, and intends to allow land use and policy determinations to be made that incorporates public health, safety, and "quality of life" considerations in a manner that recognizes resource limitations and the fragility of the community's natural environment. Chambers Group was appointed to conduct consultation with California Native American Tribes on behalf of the City as required under Assembly Bill 52 (AB 52), and Senate Bill 18 (SB 18). Historic Town Center Master Plan, City of San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, CA Principa;l-in-Charge. The purpose of the Project is to correct land use inconsistencies between the HTCMP and the General Plan, replace the “form-based code” (FBC) currently applicable to the City’s Historic Town Center (HTC) area by amending the Zoning Code and General Plan Land Use Element, and to clarify setbacks, building heights, and allowable Floor Area Ratio (FAR) within the HTC area. Chambers Group worked closely with both the City and their legal counsel in order to produce a Draft EIR and Final EIR that responded to all comments received. Chambers Group prepared all environmental documents to satisfy CEQA, which included an EIR and associated technical studies including air quality analysis, greenhouse gas emissions analysis, historic resources assessment, and traffic impact analysis. Education BA Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara, with honors Certifications Project Management Professional, #2005796 Affiliations Technical Advisory Committee, San Diego County Comprehensive Renewable Energy plan, 2014 – present Professional–Association of Environmental Professionals Statewide Board of Directors, San Diego Chapter Director Technical Advisory Committee for County of San Diego's Comprehensive Renewable Energy Plan Women of Renewable Industries and Sustainable Energy 245 2 Renewable Energy and Transmission Element Update and Programmatic EIR, County of Imperial, Imperial County, CA Staff Environmental Planner. Corinne assisted with the update the Geothermal Alternative Energy and Transmission Element of the Imperial County General Plan and preparation of the corresponding PEIR. She also assisted in the preparation of the EIR identifying potential impacts associated with future development of renewable energy in Imperial County based on the General Plan Element update. The PEIR won the AEP San Diego Chapter award for Outstanding Environmental Analysis Document EIR/EIS, and the Element Update and Implementation Ordinance received a Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Planning Document. Quasi-Industrial Floor Area Ratio (FAR) General Plan Amendment, City of San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, CA Managing Environmental Planner. Services provided included providing environmental planning services for the analysis of the City’s proposed General Plan Amendment to increase FAR in the Quasi-Industrial land use designation. Corinne supported the project efforts through reviewing the Draft IS/ND for the City and supported the project as it moved through its public review period. The project and accompanying CEQA document were approved by City Council on February 6, 2018. LAX Northside Plan Update EIR/EIS, Los Angeles World Airport, Los Angeles, CA Senior Environmental Planner. Corinne was a key advisor on the CEQA and NEPA compliance effort stemming from LAWA’s aim of creating new development regulations in and around LAX. Since adoption of the proposed project would enable the development of up to 2,320,000 square feet of new development in the highly trafficked LAX area, many parties had a greater than usual level of interest in compliance. Corinne was able to steer the project from an advisory position as well as personally develop the visual resources section of the EIR. 2041 Facilities Master Plan Supplemental Environmental Impact Reports, Long Beach Community College District (LBCCD), Los Angeles County, CA Principal in Charge. Provided CEQA documentation services for the LBCCD 2041 Facilities Master Plan for both the Liberal Arts Campus and Pacific Coast Campus. The documentation included Supplemental EIRs to account for changes in construction plans since the 2020 Unified Master Plan. Technical studies were prepared for the two campuses including air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, noise, and traffic analysis. The results from the technical studies were incorporated into the Supplemental EIR for each campus. Corinne assisted with review of environmental documentation and notices. 22-Unit Condominium Project, Environmental Impact Report, La Puente, CA Project Manager. Managed preparation of CEQA documentation for the 22-unit condominium project that would include the demolition of a historic theater. The Project included technical analysis for air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, and a historical assessment. Hidden Canyon Industrial Park Plot Plan, City of Beaumont, Riverside County, CA Project Manager. Corinne supported the City for the Hidden Canyon Industrial Park Plot Plan. The Project proposed to construct a 2.89 million square foot warehouse project in two buildings. Amendments to the plan were processed in 2005 and 2012 utilizing addendums to the EIR. The City proposed to approve an update to the project plot plan, however, delays were met due to responses from LIUNA that the project required a new CEQA review due to plot changes from the original project. Chambers Group provided the City guidance by identifying CEQA guidelines that applied to the project on identifying whether a new CEQA process was required. 246 1 Kelene Strain Quality Assurance/Quality Control | Senior Environmental Planner Professional Summary Kelene Strain is a land use and environmental planner with 17 years of diverse experience in planning, environmental analysis, and mitigation and conservation banking. Throughout her career she has successfully managed and aided in the preparation and coordination of environmental documentation in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), National Environmental Policy Act, and Tribal Environmental Policy Act. These environmental documents include Program and Project Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs), Supplemental EIRs, Focused EIRs, Addendums to EIRs, Environmental Assessments, Mitigation Monitoring Plans and Reports, Initial Studies, and Mitigated Negative Declarations (MNDs). Kelene’s range of project experience includes large-scale general plans; redevelopment plans; specific plans; high-density and transit-oriented development; airports, schools, parks, and recreation facilities and trails; residential developments; hospital facilities, renewable energy projects, commercial and retail complexes, casinos, and coastal resort hotels. Kelene also has experience in obtaining regulatory permit approvals from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), US Forest Service (USFS), Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries. She possesses experience in biological surveying, and wetland delineation and restoration, and mitigation banking compliance efforts that deliver regulatory permits and approvals, including Prospectuses, Operation and Management Plans, and Bank Entitlement Instruments. Kelene has worked closely with CDFW, the California Department of Parks and Recreation, and Orange County Parks as a volunteer wetland scientist and naturalist at both Bolsa Chica State Beach and Upper Newport Bay (Back Bay). Her efforts have included wildlife surveys, habitat restoration, trail maintenance and restoration, water quality monitoring, and environmental education and public outreach. Project Experience Historic Town Center Master Plan, City of San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, CA Environmental Planner. Kelene performed QA/QC for the Environmental Document preparation services. The purpose of the Project is to correct land use inconsistencies between the HTCMP and the General Plan, replace the “form-based code” (FBC) currently applicable to the City’s Historic Town Center (HTC) area by amending the Zoning Code and General Plan Land Use Element, and to clarify setbacks, building heights, and allowable Floor Area Ratio (FAR) within the HTC area. Chambers Group worked closely with both the City and their legal counsel in order to produce a Draft EIR and Final EIR that responded to all comments received. Chambers Group prepared all environmental documents to satisfy CEQA, which included an EIR and associated technical studies including air quality analysis, greenhouse gas emissions analysis, historic resources assessment, and traffic impact analysis. Education Graduate Studies in Environmental Policy and Planning, California State University, Fullerton, CA BA, Environmental Studies, minor in Biology, California State University, Dominguez Hills, CA Affiliations American Planning Association Association of Environmental Professionals 247 2 Mountain View Affordable Housing Community Project, City of Lake Forest, Lake Forest, CA Project Manager. The Project involves the demolition of an existing office building located at 24551 Raymond Way and construct a 71-unit affordable housing apartment complex on the proposed 1.965-acre site. The development will provide several recreational amenities, including an approximately 2,050-square-foot community center, a small playground for young children, outdoor fireplace with seating areas, and large activity lawn. The Project requires approval of a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Tentative Parcel Map, Site Development Permit, Affordable Housing Agreement, and Planned Sign Program. The Project proposes to provide affordable units to households earning less than 60% of the Area Median Income, of which 12 of the units will be set aside for Permanent Supporting Housing. Etiwanda Heights Neighborhood and Conservation Plan (EHNCP) EIR, Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, CA The EHNCP Plan Area (Plan Area) is located along the northeastern edge of Rancho Cucamonga (City). The 4,393 acre Plan Area includes the 3,176 acre Upper Band and 1,217 acre Lower Band areas. Approximately 305 acres located in the western edge and southeast corner of the Plan Area are currently within the City, and the remaining 4,088 acres consists of unincorporated area in the County of San Bernardino within the City's Sphere of Influence. The EHNCP Project would include the annexation of the portions of the Plan Areas not currently within the City and the adoption of the EHNCP as a Specific Plan to create a framework to provide for the conservation of additional open space in the Rural Conservation Area (RCA) and development in the Neighborhood Area (NA). Roughly 3,565 acres of the Plan Area would provide for conservation within the RCA and the northern NA, and roughly 828 acres of the NA would allow for development as further detailed. The Plan would concentrate development in a pattern of compact, walkable new neighborhoods in the NA and implement the City’s existing General Plan land use designations in the RCA. The Plan would permit the development of up to 2,900 residential units and 180,000 square feet of neighborhood shops and restaurants in the NA, along with a new K-8 School and other public facilities and limit development in the RCA to a maximum of 100 units on privately owned property in the RCA. The Plan also includes a includes a Conservation Strategy & Transfer of Development Rights Program to encourage and facilitate the conservation of privately-owned land in the RCA by allowing the voluntary transfer of development rights from privately-owned property in the RCA to the NA. Through this program, the maximum 3,000 residential units allowed by the Plan could be developed in the NA. University Park Specific Plan (UPSP) Addendum to the General Plan EIR, Palm Desert, Riverside County, CA Project Manager. University Park is an approximately 400-acre master-planned development comprising both recreational and residential land uses regulated by the UPSP. The proposed project, which would develop approximately 175 acres, includes the majority of the undeveloped residential property within the UPSP area. The project would include development of up to 1,069 dwelling units consisting of eight different types of single- and multifamily residential units, as well as six parks and two wells. In addition, a WSA/WSV was prepared to document the sufficiency of the local water supply to meet the demand of development that could occur under the UPSP. Concord 2030 General Plan and General Plan EIR, Concord, Contra Costa County, CA Project Manager. Assisted as a project planner for the General Plan. This EIR examined the potential effects resulting from implementing designated land uses and policies in the proposed General Plan, as well as a new Urban Limit Line for the city. Primary issues included maintaining the city’s character and neighborhood qualities; supporting mixed-use development and transit-supportive land uses around BART stations and along commercial corridors; protecting ridgelines, visible hillsides, and significant environmental resources; creating a safe and efficient multimodal transportation system; preserving and enhancing environmental resources; providing effective disaster response and planning; and planning for environmental justice. General Plan Update and EIR, Porterville, Tulare County, CA Project Manager. Assisted as a project planner for the comprehensive General Plan Update. Responsibilities included collecting and verifying environmental data and information used in the General Plan Update and EIR. She was also responsible for drafting general plan policies; comparing existing and future conditions; and managing the preparation the EIR. 248 1 Meghan Gibson Environmental Planning | Planner Professional Experience Meghan Gibson has more than 14 years of experience providing environmental documentation, environmental planning, and policy services to public and private clients. She has experience managing both large- and small-scale projects that involved California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents. She is responsible for preparing CEQA documentation, including Initial Studies (ISs), Mitigated Negative Declarations (MNDs), and Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs.) In addition to her CEQA experience, Meghan has prepared multiple joint CEQA/ NEPA documents, again, for both public and private clients. She also has extensive experience preparing mitigation monitoring summary reports and compiling information from both survey and monitoring data. Meghan has multiple years of experience providing project management support to projects of various complexities throughout the western U.S. Project Experience Historic Town Center Master Plan Repeal, City of San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, CA Project Manager. The purpose of the Project is to correct land use inconsistencies between the HTCMP and the General Plan, replace the “form-based code” (FBC) currently applicable to the City’s Historic Town Center (HTC) area by amending the Zoning Code and General Plan Land Use Element, and to clarify setbacks, building heights, and allowable Floor Area Ratio (FAR) within the HTC area. Chambers Group worked closely with both the City and their legal counsel in order to produce a Draft EIR and Final EIR that responded to all comments received. Chambers Group prepared all environmental documents to satisfy CEQA, which included an EIR and associated technical studies including air quality analysis, greenhouse gas emissions analysis, historic resources assessment, and traffic impact analysis. Chambers Group also attended Planning Commission and City Council Meetings and answered questions posed by public officials, and the Project was approved by City Council in January 2021. 2015 Master Plan Update, Glendale Community College District (GCCD), Glendale, CA Project Manager. GCCD proposes the implementation of the 2019 Community College District Facilities Master Plan Update to the 2015 Facilities Master Plan (Project) which outlines GCCD’s long-range plan for developing facilities needed to serve GCCD’s students and community. The Project consists of new development and facility improvements at the Verdugo, Montrose, and Garfield campuses. These include but are not limited to new building and outdoor spaces with power outlets, reorganization of instructional spaces, heating, ventilation, air conditioning system improvements, improved parking areas, updated exterior facades, and new instructional classrooms and buildings. Chambers Group prepared an EIR to analyze the potential environmental impacts in implementing the Project. Based on the proposed improvements of the campuses, the Education MPP, Public Policy, Environmental Policy, University of Southern California, 2013 BS, Environmental Management, University of Redlands, 2009 Training AEP Advanced CEQA Workshop, February 2020 NEPA Advanced Workshop October 2019 Affiliations Association of Environmental Professionals, Los Angeles Chapter President 2018- present Association of Environmental Professionals, Los Angeles Chapter Vice President of Membership, 2018 Association of Environmental Professionals, Los Angeles Chapter Secretary, 2017 Women of Renewable Industries and Sustainable Energy 249 2 Project included the preparation of an Air Quality and GHG Emissions Report, Biological Reconnaissance Assessment, Noise Impact Analysis, and Traffic Impact Analysis. The preparation of the EIR and associated technical studies occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, Chambers Group and their subconsultants, in coordination with GCCD, ensured that the appropriate data was utilized in analyzing the existing conditions of the Project. The Project received minimal comments during the 45-day public review and received Board approval in April 2021. Renewable Energy and Transmission Element Update and Programmatic EIR, County of Imperial, Imperial County, CA Staff Environmental Planner. Meghan assisted with the update the Geothermal Alternative Energy and Transmission Element of the Imperial County General Plan and preparation of the corresponding PEIR. She also assisted in the preparation of the EIR identifying potential impacts associated with future development of renewable energy in Imperial County based on the General Plan Element update. The PEIR won the AEP San Diego Chapter award for Outstanding Environmental Analysis Document EIR/EIS, and the Element Update and Implementation Ordinance received a Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Planning Document. 2041 Facilities Master Plan Supplemental Environmental Impact Reports, Long Beach Community College District (LBCCD), Long Beach, Los Angeles County, CA Project Manager. Provided CEQA documentation services for the LBCCD 2041 Facilities Master Plan for both the Liberal Arts Campus and Pacific Coast Campus. The documentation included Supplemental EIRs to account for changes in construction plans since the 2020 Unified Master Plan. Technical studies were prepared for the two campuses including air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, noise, and traffic analysis. The results from the technical studies were incorporated into the Supplemental EIR for each campus. Meghan assisted LBCCD with the CEQA notices and the public review process, including responding to agency comments 2020 Master Plan, CEQA Services, Long Beach Community College District (LBCCD), Long Beach, Los Angeles County, CA Deputy Project Manager. Meghan prepared Supplemental EIRs for the Liberal Arts Campus and Pacific Coast Campus to account for changes to the Master Plan Improvements. In addition, Meghan worked on an ongoing/on-call effort to support LBCCD with their Master Plan Improvements. Efforts included preparation and coordination of CEQA documentation for several overlapping projects. Meghan prepared addendums to the Program EIRs for both the Liberal Arts Campus and Pacific Coast Campus Master Plans. The EIR addendums addressed various Master Plan revisions, including the inclusion of an additional parking structure alternative on each campus; replacement of Buildings M and N on the Liberal Arts Campus; and a 10,000 square foot addition to Building MM on the Pacific Coast Campus. Quasi-Industrial Floor Area Ratio (FAR) General Plan Amendment, City of San Juan Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, CA Project Manager. Provided environmental planning services for the analysis of the City’s proposed General Plan Amendment to increase FAR in the Quasi-Industrial land use designation. Meghan supported the project efforts through completing the Draft IS/ND for the City and supported the project as it moved through its public review period. The project and accompanying CEQA document were approved by City Council on February 6, 2018. ( Ball Road Basin General Plan Amendment and Zone Change, City of Anaheim, Anaheim, Orange County, CA Associate Environmental Planner. Meghan assisted in the preparation of the IS for a general plan amendment and zone change to allow for commercial development on the Orange County Water District's (OCWD) Ball Road Basin property. Surrounding land used include the Anaheim Auto Center, OCWD facilities, the Santa Ana River, and the Honda Center. Significant issues addressed included: loss of open space, traffic associated with the change in land use, potential for liquefaction for any subsequent development, and assessing the public improvements/utilities issues related to serving future development. 250 1 Eunice Bagwan Environmental Planning | Planner | Safety Coordinator Professional Experience Eunice Bagwan has a background in CEQA and NEPA environmental impact assessments as well as technical writing and editing. She has assisted with the preparation, writing, and editing environmental documents, such as IS/MNDs, Categorical Exemptions, EIRs and safety related documents such as job hazard safety forms and safety plans. Eunice has also managed and co-managed various projects as a Deputy Project Manager and Project Manager. Project Experience Santa Angelina Senior Community Housing Project EA, County of Orange, Placentia, CA Environmental Planner. The Project involves the development of two residential buildings accommodating 65 units (64 rental units) of affordable housing for senior households, including a community center and recreational amenities. Building 1 is proposed to include 41 one-bedroom units, and six two-bedroom units. Building 2 includes 18 one-bedroom units. The Project will provide a total of 59 one-bedroom units that average 709 gross square feet in size and six two-bedroom units that average 871 gross square feet in size. The 3.9-acre Project site is currently home to Blessed Sacrament Episcopal Church, a well-established anchor in the community. The purpose of the project is to provide low- and moderate-income housing to seniors ages 62 and up earning less than 60 percent of the AMI. Seniors have specialized housing needs and fixed incomes that are not able to meet the demand of market-rate housing. The project provides the opportunity for seniors to live in a safe, supportive, and affordable environment. Developing a housing community with rent-restricted units for senior residents would also enable the City to meet the unique housing need of senior residents and advance the City’s effort to meet their Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) of 231 units for low and very low-income households. Mountain View Affordable Housing Community, Lake Forest, CA Environmental Planner. The Project involved the demolition of an existing office building located at 24551 Raymond Way and construct a 71-unit affordable housing apartment complex on the proposed 1.965-acre site. The development will provide several recreational amenities, including an approximately 2,050-square-foot community center, a small playground for young children, outdoor fireplace with seating areas, and large activity lawn. The Project required approval of a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Tentative Parcel Map, Site Development Permit, Affordable Housing Agreement, and Planned Sign Program. The Project proposed to provide affordable units to households earning less than 60% of the Area Median Income, of which 12 of the units will be set aside for Permanent Supporting Housing. Education MS, Environmental Management and Planning, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 2015 BS, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety, California State University, Northridge, CA 2011 Training NEPA Basics – Fundamentals:2018 Advanced CEQA Essentials: 2019 SCE’s EDGE Program Safety First Workshop 2016 Affiliations Association of Environmental Professionals: Inland Empire Vice President of Membership Conservation Steward: North Etiwanda Preserve 251 2 Hidden Canyon Industrial Park Plot Plan, City of Beaumont, Beaumont, CA Assistant Environmental Planner. Eunice supported the City for the Hidden Canyon Industrial Park Plot Plan. The project proposed to construct a 2.89 million square foot warehouse project in two buildings. Amendments to the plan were processed in 2005 and 2012 utilizing addendums to the EIR. The City proposed to approve an update to the project plot plan, however, delays were met due to responses from LIUNA that the project required a new CEQA review due to plot changes from the original project. Chambers Group provided the City guidance by identifying CEQA guidelines that applied to the project on identifying whether a new CEQA process was required. 22-Unit Condominium Project, Environmental Impact Report, La Puente, CA Chambers Group worked with the City of La Puente to complete a Focused Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and associated technical studies for the development of a 22-Unit Condominium Residential Project, which included demolition of the Star Theater, a resource eligible for listing on the California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR). Eunice assisted the Project Manager and project team in completing sections of the Initial Study as well as the draft Focused EIR. She assisted in coordinating with the City on completing the necessary notices and documents required for public review. This includes preparing the Errata, Findings of Fact, and Statement of Overriding Considerations for the project. IS/MND for Commercial Center, City of Beaumont, Beaumont, CA Assistant Environmental Planner. Eunice evaluated the permit application for compliance with the City’s General and Specific Plan and conducting peer review of the Applicant prepared IS/MND to evaluate impacts associated with the project and ensure compliance with CEQA. The proposed commercial shopping center consisting of approximately 37,800 square feet of shopping center, a 4,300 square foot bread/donut/bagel shop, a 4,370 square foot car wash, and an 8-service bay tire store. The proposed project site covers a total of 7.07 acres. The remaining area of the project site would consist of 56,991 square feet of landscaping and 188,947 square feet of roads and walkways. 2041 Facilities Master Plan Supplemental Environmental Impact Reports, LBCCD, Long Beach, Los Angeles County, CA Environmental Planner. Providing CEQA Consulting Services for the LBCCD's 2041 Facilities Master Plan. This effort includes the provision of technical studies and CEQA documentation for each of the District's campuses. ( City of San Juan Capistrano, Initial Study/Negative Declaration for General Plan Amendment 16-002 for Moving and Storage Facility, San Juan Capistrano, CA Project Environmental Planner. Eunice assisted in the development of the project description and analysis of the IS Checklist section of the project. The project consisted of amending the General Plan Land Use Element to allow an increase in interior storage use without making changes to the exterior or any building. Environmental Services On-Call, Coachillin Anaerobic Digester Peer Review, Desert Hot Springs, Riverside County, CA Deputy Project Manager. Chambers Group provided peer review services for the Coachillin Anaerobic Digester Project for the City of Desert Hot Springs. The Project is the development of an approximately 9.6-acre anaerobic digester facility that will take organic waste from local jurisdictions in the Coachella Valley and convert it to electricity. An Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) was prepared to tier from the Program Environmental Impact Report completed by the California Department of Resources, Recycling and Recovery assessing the potential environmental effects of Anaerobic Digester facilities in California. Chambers Group staff and selected subconsultants reviewed the IS/MND and associated technical studies for CEQA consistency as well as technical accuracy. As the Deputy Project Manager, Eunice developed the comment review matrix and coordinated with the team on reviewing the IS/MND and associated technical studies. 252 1 Elizabeth Fortin Environmental Planning | Planner Professional Summary Elizabeth Fortin is a highly resourceful Environmental Planner experienced in both California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance. She has experience working on a broad range of complex and highly controversial environmental issues with an emphasis in natural resource management and regulatory compliance in the private and public sectors. Project Experience Mountain View Affordable Housing Community Project, City of Lake Forest, Lake Forest, CA Assistant Environmental Planner. The Project involves the demolition of an existing office building located at 24551 Raymond Way and construct a 71-unit affordable housing apartment complex on the proposed 1.965-acre site. The development will provide several recreational amenities, including an approximately 2,050-square-foot community center, a small playground for young children, outdoor fireplace with seating areas, and large activity lawn. The Project requires approval of a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Tentative Parcel Map, Site Development Permit, Affordable Housing Agreement, and Planned Sign Program. The Project proposes to provide affordable units to households earning less than 60% of the Area Median Income, of which 12 of the units will be set aside for Permanent Supporting Housing. Heber 1 Repower Project, Ormat Technologies, Inc., Heber, Imperial County, CA Assistant Environmental Planner. Elizabeth assisted with preparation of the CUP Amendment Application to expand the Heber 1 geothermal facility. The CUP Amendment Application package includes an Initial Study, a Reclamation Plan, Water Quality Management Plan, and technical studies for Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Paleontological Resources, Geology and Soils, Air Quality, Hazards, Noise, Traffic, and Visual Resources. Orni 5 Truckhaven Geothermal Exploratory Wells EA/MND, Ormat Technologies, Inc., Imperial County, CA Assistant Environmental Planner. Chambers Group contracted with Imperial County to prepare an IS/MND for the Orni 5 Truckhaven Geothermal Exploratory Wells Project in accordance with CEQA. Portions of the Project are located on land managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management; therefore, there is a federal nexus for the Project. Chambers Group is also contracted through Ormat Technologies, Inc. to prepare the NEPA document (Environmental Assessment) for the Project. Elizabeth assisted in preparation of the IS/MND, MMRP, and Draft EA with associated notices, as well as producing deliverables specific to the BLM such as the Conservation and Management Action table. The project requires coordination between the County of Imperial, California State Lands Commission, California State Parks, the Bureau of Land Management, and the project proponent, Ormat Technologies, Inc. Education BA, Environmental Biology, Columbia University, 2015 Training CEQA Essentials: 2019 CEQA Intermediate: 2021 CEQA Advanced: 2020 Affiliations Association of Environmental Professionals San Diego: Director of Communications 253 2 Superior Avenue Pedestrian and Bike Bridge and Parking Lot, Newport Beach, CA Assistant Environmental Planner. Elizabeth assisted in the preparation of an IS/MND for the Superior Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge and Parking Lot project. The entire project site is located within the boundary of the coastal zone as established by the California Coastal Act and is therefore under the land use planning and regulatory jurisdiction not only of local government agencies, but also the California Coastal Commission. The project required consideration of two architectural design options, application for a Coastal Development Permit, as well as completion of a Visual Assessment, a Hazards Assessment, a Jurisdictional Delineation under Section 404 of the Clear Water Act, a NEPA categorical exclusion, a Biological Technical Report, and various documents for the California Department of Transportation. Valley County Water District Headquarters Building, Baldwin Park, CA Assistant Environmental Planner. Chambers Group, contracted by WLC Architects (WLC), prepared the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for Valley County Water District’s (VCWD) new development of a 13,100 square foot Headquarters building in the City of Baldwin Park. Elizabeth assisted with writing the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and coordinating technical studies required for the project. Orange Fire Station No. 1 & Headquarters Project, Orange, CA Assistant Environmental Planner. Elizabeth assisted with preparation of an IS/MND for the Orange Fire Station No. I & Headquarters Project. The project involves replacement of the current aging and undersized fire station and required coordination of a number of technical specialists for air quality, energy, greenhouse gas, noise, geotechnical, water quality, and cultural analyses. Boy Scouts of America Otay Lakes Campground, County of San Diego, San Diego County, CA Assistant Environmental Planner. Elizabeth is preparing an Initial Study Checklist and associated CEQA notices, coordinating with subcontractors, and responding to public comments for the renovation and construction of camping facilities and supplemental amenities. The project requires coordination with the County of San Diego Parks and Recreation Department and the Boy Scouts of America to develop new camping facilities, a flag plaza, archery range, fire ring and amphitheater, zip-line, Camporee Field, and COPE course; renovate the existing restroom; construct a fenced storage facility; and complete minor road improvements Multi-Campus Whole Site Modernization Project, San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD), San Diego, San Diego County, CA Assistant Environmental Planner. Elizabeth assisted with the preparation of an Initial Study Checklist and associated CEQA notices, as well as coordination of subcontractors, for facilities repairs, technology upgrades, ADA accessibility updates, and removal of portable classrooms at the Wegeforth Elementary, Sequoia Elementary, and Linda Vista Elementary campuses. Whitman Elementary School Whole Site Modernization and Joint-Use Field Project, San Diego Unified School District, San Diego, San Diego County, CA Assistant Environmental Planner. Elizabeth assisted with preparation of an Initial Study Checklist to confirm the appropriate CEQA documentation for the Whole Site Modernization and Joint-Use Field project. The project included facility repairs, technology upgrades, ADA accessibility updates, removal of portable classrooms, and the addition of a natural turf field for Whitman and the community. Avalon K-12 Site Improvements Project, Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD), Long Beach, Los Angeles County, CA Assistant Environmental Planner. Elizabeth is assisting with the CEQA documentation for the Avalon K-12 Site Improvement project, which includes installation of HVAC on campus, replacement of the natural turf athletic field with artificial turf, and various other campus-wide improvements. Due to the presence of contaminated soils, the CEQA analysis is also including the contaminated soils removal. Technical analysis was prepared including air quality and greenhouse gas analysis, noise assessment, geohazards assessment, and historical resources analysis. 254 1 Lucas Tutschulte Cultural Resources Lead | Cultural Resources Team Lead Professional Experience Lucas Tutschulte has 15 years of cultural resource management experience including prehistoric and historic period archeological sites. Lucas has extensive experience leading archaeological field surveys, conducting cultural resources literature searches, historic/archival research, Native American coordination, site recordation and mapping, and construction monitoring. He has experience creating and implementing archaeological resource treatment plans; and is familiar with both laboratory, field testing and data recovery procedures throughout North America with the majority of experience within California. Lucas meets the Secretary of the Interior Professional Qualifications Standards for History. He maintains an understanding of relevant regulations and ordinances that affect cultural resources and historic properties. He has applied his understanding to a breadth of impacts assessments and determinations of eligibility across a range of administrative levels including local, state, and National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Additionally, he has performed and directed cultural and historic resource investigations under Section 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and the Secretary of Interior Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Among the agencies served by Lucas are the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Department of Defense (DOD), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), National Park Service (NPS), California Energy Commission (CEC), Federal Communications Commission (FCC), California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), and the State Historic Preservation Offices of several different states throughout North America. Project Experience Environmental Programs Contractor Support- Cultural Resources, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), San Diego, CA Cultural Resources Contractor Support. Lucas Tutschulte has been providing direct support to SDG&E Environmental Programs as an archaeologist and cultural resources contractor for five years. Lucas conducts cultural resources reviews; including background research, conduct field surveys, monitoring and determining appropriate mitigation measures to prevent unnecessary impacts to new or previously recorded archaeological and historical resources. This task also includes the use of ESRI ArcMap GIS to research and generate appropriate map documents to support the necessary mitigation and/or coordination with local, State, and federal agencies. Lucas assists in delegating survey and monitoring tasks to many cultural resources consultants working under contract with SDG&E. He supports management of ongoing operations and maintenance activity throughout the northern districts of SDG&E service area. Lucas has assisted the cultural resources team in reviewing and supporting management of hundreds of individual operations and maintenance projects to ensure compliance with local, State and Federal regulations pertaining to cultural resources and paleontological resources. Education BS, Anthropology emphasis in Archaeology; University of Kansas, 2006 Minor - Geography emphasis in Cultural Geography Huaca de la Luna y Sol Project, Field School Program, 2005; Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Trujillo, Peru Training GIS Software: Working applicable knowledge of ESRI ArcMap GPS Hardware: Highly fluent with Trimble HT/XT, and Yuma models using TerraSync, ArcPad, and ESRI software. Various Garmin handheld model Affiliations Society for American Archaeology Society for California Archaeology Association of Environmental Professionals San Diego Chapter 255 2 Cleveland High School Historic Resource Evaluation, Los Angeles Unified School District, Reseda, Los Angeles County, CA Associate Historian. Lucas provided an initial assessment of the history and physical integrity of the subject property. He conducted the intensive field survey of the existing Cleveland High School with specific focus on structures called out for modification or demolition in the current project description. The survey included capturing photo documentation and recording findings with the appropriate DPR523 Series forms. Lucas assisted in the resources evaluation in accordance with Section 15064.5(a)(2)-(3) of CEQA. Co-authored the associated historical resources report, submitted to Los Angeles Unified School District Long Beach Polytechnic High School Auditorium HABS Level III and Construction Monitoring, Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD), Los Angeles County, CA Assistant Architectural Historian. Lucas assisted in the preparation of a Level III HABS based on the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines that included a sketch plan, photographs with large-format negatives of exterior and interior views, and a detailed historical context to record the subject property in its proper context. After the Polytechnic Auditorium HABS document was completed, Lucas continued to provide support to the LBUSD for the and project by creating design guidelines, identifying character-defining features and vulnerable historic materials, monitoring construction activities at the Auditorium. In addition, Lucas coordinated the ongoing construction monitoring and assisted in the creating and implementation of mitigation procedures to facilitate construction tasks and avoid unnecessary impacts to historic materials. The result of this collaboration was a thoughtful and effective approach to modernizing a historic structure. ( Valley Center Battery Storage Project, Pedestrian Field Survey, Confidential Client, San Diego County, San Diego, CA Cultural Resources Project Manager. Lucas managed all aspects of the cultural resource’s component for this project. Lucas led the intensive field survey effort for the 9-acre proposed project area of potential effect (APE). This included the initial archival research, logistics preparation, Native American outreach, and coordination. As well as managing the field data collection. Additionally, Lucas developed and implemented an appropriate survey methodology unique to the design and layout of the proposed project APE. He also prepared the survey report that was submitted to client. Balboa Theater Project, Newport Beach, Orange County, CA Assistant Architectural Historian. Lucas provided an initial assessment of the history and physical integrity of the subject property. He conducted the intensive field survey of the existing Balboa Theater, capturing photo documentation and recording findings with the appropriate DPR523 Series forms. Lucas assisted in the resources evaluation in accordance with Section 15064.5(a)(2)-(3) of CEQA. Co-authored the associated historical resources report, submitted to City of Newport Beach Community Development Department Planning Division. Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Project, City of San Jose, Santa Clara County, CA Archaeological Excavation Technician. For the excavation of a historic-period cemetery, Lucas duties included, but were not limited to, full-scale excavation of individual burials, completing associated paperwork, exhuming, and preparing for transport. San Francisco State University Forensic Anthropology department assumed responsibility for all excavated remains for further analysis. Artesian Substation Expansion Project, SDG&E, San Diego County, CA Field Director/Cultural Resource Specialist. Lucas managed all ongoing monitoring activities associated with the project. Additionally, he conducted all cultural resource surveys and led crews in archaeological subsurface testing for specified areas within the project area. All work was performed in accordance with CEQA standards and CPUC guidelines pertaining to cultural resources. Where cultural resources were present or adjacent to a project area, Lucas made recommendations to avoid or mitigate impacts. 256 1 Richard Shultz, MA, RPA Cultural Resources | Archaeologist Professional Summary Richard Shultz is a Secretary of the Interior Qualified historic and prehistoric archaeologist, with an interest in architecture and architectural history. He maintains a Caltrans PQS Equivalent certification as Principal Investigator in Prehistoric Archaeology and Principal Architectural Historian. As a Principal Investigator and Senior Archaeologist, has over 30 years of practical experience. Richard’s experience emphasizes California planning, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Historic Preservation Act (NFPA), and associated orders and legislation. He has documented and evaluated historical resources for local, state, and federal jurisdictions, leading to both local and federal agency, and State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), concurrence with several evaluations and recommendations for various buildings, sites, and objects. Richard has experience with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Bureau of Reclamation for projects associated with Western Area Power Administration and Sempra Energy, California State Water Resources Control Board (RWQCB) and various national telecommunications companies, as well as for Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Project Experience General Plan Update EIR, City of Beaumont, Riverside County, CA Cultural Resources Specialist. Richard performed CEQA peer review on the proposed City of Beaumont General Plan. Chambers Group performed CEQA review and comment for a proposed General Plan. G Guild Cultivation Project Peer Review, City of Desert Hot Springs, Riverside County, CA Cultural Resources Specialist. Richard performed project management, CEQA peer review, and consultation and coordination services to the City of Desert Hot Springs for the proposed development project. Chambers Group performed CEQA Initial Studies for a proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration. Unique challenges on this project included coordinating with interested parties during Covid-19 shut down and precautions, while successfully concluding AB 52 consultation between requesting tribal governments and the City of Desert Hot Springs. Pennsylvania Street Commercial Peer Review, City of Beaumont, Riverside County, CA Cultural Resources Specialist. Richard performed project management, CEQA peer review, and consultation and coordination services to the City of Beaumont for the proposed development project. Chambers Group performed CEQA Initial Studies for a proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration. Unique challenges on this project included coordinating with interested parties during Covid-19 shut down and precautions. Education MA, Cultural Resources Management, Sonoma State University BA, Anthropology, San Diego State University Registrations Register of Professional Archaeologist, 15841 Affiliations Society for California Archaeology Training OSHA 10-Hour Training Course in Construction Safety and Health OSHA 40-Hour HAZWOPER Unexploded Ordnance Safety Training for Archaeological Survey and Excavation Programs, MCAGCC 29 Palms, MCB Camp Pendleton, Fort Irwin, and Naval Air Facility, El Centro ARC-GIS 9.x - BLM Cultural Tool Database System 257 2 Desert Hot Springs 109 Industrial Park, City of Desert Hot Springs, Riverside County, CA Cultural Resources Specialist. Richard performed project management, CEQA peer review, and consultation and coordination services to the City of Desert Hot Springs for the proposed development project. Chambers Group performed CEQA Initial Studies for a proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration. Unique challenges on this project included coordinating with interested parties during Covid-19 shut down and precautions, while successfully concluding AB 52 consultation between requesting tribal governments and the City of Desert Hot Springs. Desert Hot Springs Dreamfields, City of Desert Hot Springs, Riverside County, CA Cultural Resources Specialist. Richard performed project management, CEQA peer review, and consultation and coordination services to the City of Desert Hot Springs for the proposed development project. Chambers Group performed CEQA Initial Studies for a proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration. Unique challenges on this project included coordinating with interested parties during Covid-19 shut down and precautions, while successfully concluding AB 52 consultation between requesting tribal governments and the City of Desert Hot Springs. Vidal Energy Project, Core Development Group LLC, San Diego, CA Principal Investigator / Field Director. Richard performed survey and evaluative services for the Vidal battery storage and solar project. Directed field crew in identifying and recording complex cultural resource deposit, illustrating methodological approaches to expedite recordings while maintaining efficiencies necessary for cost-limited projects. Chambers Group performed cultural resources inventory survey and evaluation recommendation to the project client. Richard authored the draft findings report, and over 50 cultural resource site forms. Unique challenges on this project included contextualizing historical land use following decades of subsequent disturbance by various public and private off-highway activities. Valley Center Battery Storage, Terra-Gen Power, San Diego, CA Principal Investigator / Field Director. Richard performed management and field direction for Phase II testing of four loci of an archaeological deposit in Valley Center, California. Chambers Group performed survey and testing (Phase I and II) for a proposed battery storage facility that will augment power supply, and tie into, SDG&E power service. Richard coordinated monitoring staff and Native American Monitors for daily monitoring operations and provided on- site analysis and direction when issues were encountered. Richard coordinated with Tribal Historic Preservation Officer on all issues encountered during fieldwork. Unique challenges on this project included adapting to rapid changes in schedule, project design and footprint, and developing a testing program satisfying County of San Diego requirements and Native American consultation requests. Architectural Evaluation: Norwood Tentative Parcel Map, County of Sacramento, CA Richard documented and evaluated for inclusion on National Register of Historic Places/California Register of Historical Resources a circa 1905 residential building for the County of Sacramento Department of Environmental Review and Assessment. While the Queen Anne style building appeared to have retained excellent integrity of construction, massing, scale, and fabric, detailed analysis of the lapped siding indicated that the entire building had been resided in new wood and possessed but a single coat of paint. No indications of drips, buried paint chips, or other sources of older or original paint was observable along any accessible surface. The report was especially commended by the County. Peace Park Biological Evaluation, Sandy Valley, NV Project archaeologist for the Sandy Valley Peace Park project, conducting background research through both the Southern Nevada Archaeological Archive and the California Historical Resources Information System, followed by a survey of the 18-acre parcel located in Clark County, Nevada. The proposed undertaking was partially funded through a U.S. Housing and Urban Development grant, thereby subjecting the project to review under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. 258 CPUCCERTIFIEDCA DGSCERTIFIED AN EMPLOYEE-OWNED COMPANY 259 Agenda Item No.: 9.A Mtg. Date: 11/22/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ASHFORD BALL, SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:FIRE FUEL COMMITTEE REPORT OUT ON NOVEMBER 10 AND NOVEMBER 17, 2021 COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND DISCUSS PROHIBITING FUTURE PLANTING OF HIGH HAZARD PLANTS, AS LISTED IN THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT READY! SET! GO! BROCHURE. (BLACK & MIRSCH) DATE:November 22, 2021 BACKGROUND: The Fire Fuel Committee conducted two meetings on November 10, 2021 and November 17, 2021. The Fire Fuel Committee discussed the hiring of experts for assistance to develop the ordinance, the possibility of prohibiting high hazard plants, the next communal bin event, limiting the timeframe of public comments, and the draft vegetation ordinance for canyon management and fire fuel abatement. Overall, the community addressed concerns of property regulations rather than addressing issues in the canyons because up to 500 feet may not stretch into the canyon on all properties. To date, the Fire Fuel Committee provided eight reports to City Council on committee meetings and the Council has provided feedback on how to best move forward. Through this feedback the Committee and Staff began working with legal counsel, looking into hiring professional experts and met with the Sheriff ’s department and Los Angeles Fire Department to strategically and legally draft an ordinance that would best fit the City’s need to mitigate fire fuel in the canyons through the ordinance. DISCUSSION: The committee wanted to bring the discussion of prohibiting newly planted high hazard plants on development projects to the Council. The Committee suggested that the six high hazard plants listed in the Ready! Set! Go! Brochure and in the staff report at the November 10th meeting be listed and the other secondary species from the brochure be added. Those high hazard plants and secondary species are as follows: 1. Pine 2. Pampas Grass 3. Palm 4. Juniper 260 5. Acacia (Shrub) 6. Eucalyptus 7. Cedar 8. Cypress 9. Italian Cypress Vine and Climbing plants normally within 30 feet of the structure such as: Bougainvillea & Wisteria are also listed in the Brochure. The Committee received and filed the next communal event to be planned starting on January 24, 2022- January 28, 2022 with a recommendation to staff about soliciting community input on placement of the bins. Republic Services is willing to extend the date to January 31st if needed. The Committee also decided not to place a limitation on the amount of time given for public comment. Lastly, the Committee discussed the Vegetation Ordinance for Canyon Management and Wildfire Mitigation detailing the provisions and 2 hours of public comment and testimony from the community was provided. The Committee did not have the appropriate time from the November 10th meeting to the November 17th meeting to make amendments to the draft based upon feedback given from the Fire Department but plans to deliberate on the draft ordinance at the next meeting. The next Fire Fuel Committee meeting is scheduled for December 15, 2021 at 6:30pm. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file the Committee's report and discuss prohibiting the planting of high hazard plants. ATTACHMENTS: FF Committee Meeting 11.10.2021.pdf FF Committee Meeting 11.17.2021.pdf 261 1.PARTICIPANTS 2.ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 2.A.RECEIVE AND FILE A  REPORT ON THE HIRING OF FIRE EXPERTS TO ASSIST WITH REVIEW OF NEW VEGETATION ORDINANCE AND EDUCATE THE COMMUNITY OF VEGETATION ABATEMENT IN THE CANYONS RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File. 2.B.RECEIVE AND FILE A STATUS REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW VEGETATION ORDINANCE FOR FUEL ABATEMENT IN THE CANYONS. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File. 2.C.DISCUSS AND CONSIDER A PROHIBITION OF PLANTING NEW HIGH HAZARD PLANTS AS A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and Consider. 2.D.DISCUSS AGENDA ITEMS AND SCHEDULE THE NEXT FIRE FUEL COMMITTEE MEETING. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss agenda items and set the date for the next meeting. 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 AGENDA Special Fire Fuel Management Committee Meeting FIRE FUEL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, November 10, 2021 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS 6:30 PM Executive Order All Committee members will participate in-person wearing masks per Los Angeles County Health Department's Health Officer Order effective Saturday, July 17, 2021. The meeting agenda and live audio will be available on the City’s website: https://www.rolling- hills.org/government/agenda/index.php Members of the public may come in to City Hall wearing masks, per the new Health Officer's Order. Zoom teleconference will not be available for this meeting, but members of the public can submit written comments in real-time by emailing the City Clerk’s office at cityclerk@cityofrh.net. Your comments will become part of the official meeting record. You must provide your full name, but please do not provide any other personal information that you do not want to be published. Firewise 2000 Info.pdf Proposal from Wildland Res Mgt-City of RH.pdf Ready-set-go_04292021-High-Quality-B.pdf 1262 3.OPEN AGENDA - PUBLIC COMMENTS WELCOME This is the appropriate time for members of the public to make comments regarding items not listed on this agenda. Pursuant to the Brown Act, no action will take place on any items not on the agenda. 4.ADJOURNMENT Documents pertaining to an agenda item received after the posting of the agendas are available for review in the City Clerk's office or at the meeting at which the item will be considered. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting due to your disability, please contact the City Clerk at (310) 377-1521 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility and accommodation for your review of this agenda and attendance at this meeting. 2263 Agenda Item No.: 2.A Mtg. Date: 11/10/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ASHFORD BALL, SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: RECEIVE AND FILE A REPORT ON THE HIRING OF FIRE EXPERTS TO ASSIST WITH REVIEW OF NEW VEGETATION ORDINANCE AND EDUCATE THE COMMUNITY OF VEGETATION ABATEMENT IN THE CANYONS DATE:November 10, 2021 BACKGROUND: During the previous Fire Fuel Committee meeting on September 29, 2021 City staff was given direction to reach out to consultants that could provide site visits to residents home to provide education & awareness to residents on fire fuel abatement 200' and beyond from their structure and in their canyons. The Committee also wanted an expert that could assist in providing guidance on the verbiage for the new fire fuel abatement ordinance and the possibility of training our code enforcement officer so the city could internally identify distinction of a qualified "nuisance". DISCUSSION: City staff has reached out to multiple consultants who are well versed in vegetation management, fire science, and forestry. Three organizations/consultants are interested in working with the city to meet the city's needs and have provided cost estimates. Wildfire Planning international was willing to provide services to assist in the written portion of the ordinance. Firewise 2000 was willing to assist us in all three endeavors and provided a short business resume of services attached to this report. They contain several individuals who are not just experts in fire but also CEQA standards & regulations, certified arborists, engineers, previous firefighters and foresters. Lastly, Wildland Resource Management (Carol Rice) and retired forester Jay Lopez are interested in providing assistance in development of the ordinance and creating a sustainable home evaluation program for management in the canyons. FISCAL IMPACT: Wildfire Planning International: $10,000-$30,000 3264 This is a very broad cost estimate depending on whether a site visit is required to look at existing conditions, how much initial content is required for drafting, and if a final in-person presentation is requested during the final presentation/adoption phase FireWise 2000 Fire Protection, Fuel Modification and Fuel Managements Plans for Large Projects (Subdivisions over 5 parcels, Commercial, & Industrial Projects) - $225/hour plus travel expenses Alternative Means and Methods letters; Fire Protection, Fuel Modification and Fuel Management Plans for Smaller Projects (Single Family Homes, Subdivisions less than 5 parcels) - Flat Rate between from $4000 - $10,000 Peer review of wildland fire planning and protection documents and reports - $225/hour, plus travel expenses. Expert witness testimony and court preparation - $350/hour, plus travel expenses. Wildland Resource Management/ Retired Forrester Jay Lopez Guidance on new ordinance- Time & Materials: Not to exceed (NTE): $7,500.00 Canyon Management- Design, BMPs, checklist, site visits, spot checks: $14,430.00 TOTAL $21,930.00 RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends the Committee to receive and file this report ATTACHMENTS: Firewise 2000 Info.pdf Proposal from Wildland Res Mgt-City of RH.pdf 4265 LLC Wildland/Urban Interface Fire Planning Business Resume Scope of Work FIREWISE 2000, LLC specializes in the development of professional wildfire risk assessments, Fire Protection Plans, and Fuel Modification Plans for residential and commercial developments, individual homeowners, and public land management agencies. The professional expertise we provide for designing commercial or residential developments to withstand the threat from a wildland fire in high fire hazard areas throughout California. We have been involved in a wide range of projects from single family dwellings to large sub-divisions. We also provide expertise to develop fire management plans for HOAs, private campgrounds and federal/state agencies. In a Fire Protection Plan, we assess the environmental factors as well structural design of the buildings to ensure fire code compliance. Our extensive understanding of wildland vegetation and fire behavior on the landscape, allows us to provide a professional assessment to reduce the risk of wildland fire to protect property and ensure public safety. The purpose of the FPP is to provide hazardous fuel treatment and construction feature direction for developers, architects, builders, county officials, and individual homeowners to use in making the homes relatively safe from future wildfires. All FIREWISE 2000 reports take into account the most recent laws and regulations while being sensitive to open space restrictions, environmental rules, and habitat preservation. The goal is to create an action plan that both satisfies the above restrictions while at the same time protecting and/or minimizing damage from destructive wildfires. Our Fire Protection Plan assessments include analysis of the following:  Fire history of the project area  Fuel modeling to determine the projected fire behavior for the surrounding area.  California Fire and Building Code, and local ordinance compliance as it relates to fire apparatus access, water supply, fuel modification, defensible space, ignition-resistant construction and evacuation plans to ensure public and firefighter safety.  When necessary develop mitigation measures accepted by local fire authority for code non-compliance to provide the same practical effect to keep the development safe from wildfire.  Review Landscape Plans for compliance with City or County requirements.  Establishes both short and long-term fuel modification actions to minimize projected fire hazard and risk and assigns annual maintenance responsibilities for each of the recommended fuel modification actions. FIREWISE 2000 specialists also conduct on site condition surveys for HOA’s and older developments. These surveys result in reports that outline short term and long-term maintenance goals, fuel modification requirements, and priorities for renovation, maintenance and/or re- 5266 vegetation of common areas and homes bordering wildland vegetation. The report may also include wildfire risk assessments for existing homes and outline recommendations to minimize future hazards including landscaping recommendations and proposed CCR language. Consultant Firm Profile FIREWISE 2000 has been in business as Wildland/Urban Interface Fire Protection Consultants since 1997 and is certified with the County of San Diego as CEQA Wildland Fire Protection Planning consultants. We have a history of experience working at the international level in Spain, Australia and Israel. The majority of our work is in southern California where we are familiar with the various plant communities and associated fire behavior in coastal sage scrub, grasslands, chaparral, conifer forests, and oak/riparian woodland. Our staff includes expertise as a registered forester, certified arborist, fire prevention specialists, biologist, and fire suppression operations. Our firm has been used as subject matter specialists for litigation cases in post-fire restoration and recovery claims and can also provide expert witness testimony for insurance claims and lawsuits resulting from wildfires. We are well-versed in the application of both state and local fire codes when projects are proposed in the wildland-urban interface. With over 200 years of combined experience, our team members are recognized experts in the development of reports that detail wildfire risk and associated fire hazards. FIREWISE 2000, LLC Implementation Team: Mel Johnson –Owner and Certified CEQA Fire Protection Planning Consultant with County of San Diego; BS in Forestry; 10 years in fire service with U.S. Forest Service & Cal Fire and LA County Fire Department; 8 years Executive Director of the California Urban Forests Council, 17 years as a wildland fire consultant with FIREWISE 2000; Certified Arborist; California Teaching Credential, Adjunct Instructor Antelope Valley Community College – 2 years Monty Kalin –Fire Prevention Specialist with Carlsbad Fire Department; retired Camp Pendleton Fire Department; 14 years as a Fire Consultant with FIREWISE 2000. Michael Rogers – Certified CEQA Fire Protection Planning Consultant with County of San Diego; retired Forester with U.S. Forest Service 30+ years of experience in wildland fire and fuel management programs; Registered Professional Forester #787; Certified Urban Forester #109; BS in Forest Management; 10 years as a Fire Consultant with FIREWISE 2000; Serves as Expert Witness in all areas of Fire and Fuels Management Pete Montgomery – 28 years with Escondido Fire Department, Division and Battalion Chiefs, Fire Engineer; 8 Years Firefighter/Engineer with US Forest Service; BS in Occupational Studies; California Certified Chief Officer, Fire Officer, Fire Instructor, Safety Officer, Division Supervisor, and Strike Team/Task Force Leader; 5 years as a Fire Consultant with FIREWISE 2000 Herbert Spitzer - 30 Years with Los Angeles County Fire Department, as Assistant Chief, Forestry Division; 10 years NFPA Rural And Forest Technical Committee. Developed NFPA 1141, 1142 and 1144 and the forerunner to the new NFPA 18 Foam Standard. 32 years - Registered Professional Forester #177; 20 years as a Fire Consultant with FIREWISE 2000 6267 Project Workload and Procedures: FIREWISE 2000 works on average 30-40 fire protection plans per year and has developed Fuel Modification and Fire Protection Plans for hundreds of residential and commercial projects including developments with Lennar Homes, KB HOMES, KHOV, Pulte Homes, Granite Homes, D. H. Horton, Centex Homes, Foremost Communities, individual custom homes, and the US Navy. These projects are assigned individually to our team associates. Each associate works on their projects which is then peer reviewed, approved, certified by FIREWISE 2000. The completed report is sent to the client for submittal with their building plans. Occasionally, we form a team to spread the workload on a larger projects. We utilize our various expertise to resolve project issues that may arise. Approximately 80% of our workload comes from San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Orange Counties with the remaining projects through the rest of California. FIREWISE 2000 works with a wide variety of agencies and fire departments. Our specialists attend Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Conferences and workshops to maintain our expertise level and network with those in our profession. In addition FIREWISE 2000 has conducted peer reviews of Fire Protection and Fuel Modification Plans developed by other companies or consultants. Our business practices includes the development of a contract agreement with the client who signs the contact as our notice to proceed. We provide a monthly billing invoice to the clients as the project progresses. We request a retainer for all of our projects, however, we will work with clients such as large developers to utilize progress payments in lieu of retainers. Our Fee Schedule: Fire Protection, Fuel Modification and Fuel Managements Plans for Large Projects (Subdivisions over 5 parcels, Commercial, & Industrial Projects) - $225/hour plus travel expenses Alternative Means and Methods letters; Fire Protection, Fuel Modification and Fuel Management Plans for Smaller Projects (Single Family Homes, Subdivisions less than 5 parcels) - Flat Rate between from $4000 - $10,000 Peer review of wildland fire planning and protection documents and reports - $225/hour, plus travel expenses. Expert witness testimony and court preparation - $350/hour, plus travel expenses. If you have questions about our services, please call or email us. Mel Johnson, Owner FIREWISE 2000, LLC (760) 745-3947 (Southern California Office) (707) 993-4343 (Northern California Office) Info@firewise2000.com www.firewise2000.com 7268 1 Wildland Res Mgt (510) 502-4737 316 California Ave. #68, Reno NV 89509 carollrice@aol.com November 5, 2021 Ashford Ball Senior Management Analyst 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Sent via email to aball@cityofrh.net Dear Mr. Ball: Thank you for this opportunity to submit a proposal for services that advance the wildland fire safety of the City of Rolling Hills. I appreciate the background provided from our virtual meetings and telephone conversations that builds a foundation of this proposal. The services will focus on two different types of activities. The first is to guide code and ordinance development, primarily to assist the determination of what constitutes a nuisance. Tasks would include the description of a nuisance in terms of fuel volume, or arrangement of type (include possibly plant species). For this activity we propose an arrangement based on responding to the questions of the city and offering clarification and guidance. The need for clarification regarding CEQA can also be anticipated. Because of the uncertainty involved in this activity, an arrangement based on time and materials (with a set not-to-exceed ceiling of $7,500) makes the most sense. The second activity would be to offer consultations regarding canyon management. The overall goals would be to (1) provide guidance to the community about best practices and CEQA, (2) conduct canyon evaluations, and (3) train staff regarding how to evaluate the compliance and fuel management of canyons. Based on the tasks associated with site visits, meetings, and consultation, we estimate a cost of $14,430, We would be pleased to expand the description of services and deliverables in following discussions. These services would be provided by Carol Rice, with Wildland Res Mgt and J. Lopez, Los Angeles County Fire Department (retired). Both have been working in the wildland urban interface for decades, and are familiar with the environs and community of the City of Rolling Hills. Both J. and Carol are both natural resource managers and wildland fire managers. Our combined experience enables our ability to offer recommendations that minimize wildland fire hazards and environmental impacts. The initial work can begin in as soon as agreements are reached. On the following pages please find a description of services and costs estimated for each task. Please let me know if adjustments should be made so that we can better support the City of Rolling Hills. Sincerely, Carol L. Rice 8269 2 Task Cost Guide code development Time and Materials, NTE $7,500 Work aimed at determining what constitutes a nuisance E.g., fuel volume, fuel arrangement, species Discussion of CEQA procedure and local regulations Canyon Management Identify/select good example of canyon mgt Site visit to identify/select canyon where lessons can be learned $4,440 Design event and demonstration $740 Assumes City videos and produces youtube product Develop BMPs for canyon management, considering local regulations $1,480 Assumes work doneby other entities, per BMP Develop a checklist for evaluations $2,220 Site visits to inspect 2 canyons, while training others $3,700 Spot check other inspections next year $1,110 Subtotal (Canyon Management only) $14,430 9270 Agenda Item No.: 2.B Mtg. Date: 11/10/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ASHFORD BALL, SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: RECEIVE AND FILE A STATUS REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW VEGETATION ORDINANCE FOR FUEL ABATEMENT IN THE CANYONS. DATE:November 10, 2021 BACKGROUND: At the 4th Fire Fuel Committee meeting on June 16, 2021 the Committee discussed programs/projects that would encourage fuel abatement in the canyons. During these discussions the Committee constructed an idea to not only help residents with fuel abatement on their properties and their canyons but also more accountability on completing the abatement. The idea was constructed with the following intentions: 1. Communicate with residents and educate residents on the importance of fire fuel reduction in the canyons to reduce wildfire risks. 2. Designate an area for abatement action using the Fire Departments' priority list. 3. Notify all residents within the designated area that they need to perform fire fuel abatement by a certain date. 4. Property owners within the designated area can (a) perform the abatement work on their own, (b) perform the abatement work with the assistance of the city and render payment upon completion, or (c) do nothing. 5. If property owners elect to do nothing, or fail to authorize the city to work on their property, or fail to remit payment due for remediation work, or does not perform the work on their own by a specified date, the properties would be declared a nuisance and go through the nuisance abatement process. DISCUSSION: Since then City Staff and Council-member Mirsch have met with legal counsel in an attempt to construct the proper standards, requirements, and procedures to create the ordinance. City staff has reached out to several consultants to assist with the review, and if adopted by the City Council, the implementation of the ordinance. The expert services would also include awareness and educational campaigns on the procedures to properly manage vegetation in the canyons. 10271 FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends the committee receive and file this report. ATTACHMENTS: 11272 Agenda Item No.: 2.C Mtg. Date: 11/10/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ASHFORD BALL, SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: DISCUSS AND CONSIDER A PROHIBITION OF PLANTING NEW HIGH HAZARD PLANTS AS A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS DATE:November 10, 2021 BACKGROUND: In the previous Fire Fuel Committee meeting on September 29, 2021 the Committee entertained the idea of discussing prohibiting high fire hazard plants as a pre-requisite on all proceeding developmental projects to mitigate potential fire risks in the community. DISCUSSION: In the Los Angeles County Fire Department Ready! Set! Go! brochure, six high hazard plants are listed as follows: 1. Pine 2. Pampas Grass 3. Palm 4. Juniper 5. Acacia 6. Eucalyptus These are the plants that are under consideration by the Fire Fuel Committee. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and consider. ATTACHMENTS: 12273 Ready-set-go_04292021-High-Quality-B.pdf 13274 YOUR PERSONALWILDFIRE ACTION PLAN fire.lacounty.gov 14275 2 LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT MESSAGE FROM FIRE CHIEF DARYL L. OSBY Dear Residents, Los Angeles County is one of the most beautiful places to live, but for those living in “wildland urban interface areas,” it does not come without risks. With a year- round fire season and ever-growing number of wildfires, firefighters and residents alike are now constantly on heightened alert for the threat of wildfires. The Los Angeles County Fire Department, along with our partnering agencies, stand ready to quickly respond to contain wildfires, utilizing our firefighting resources from the air and ground to help protect you and your property from wildfire. But, we can’t do this without your cooperation. Preparation and prevention go hand-in-hand. This Ready! Set! Go! brochure was designed to provide you with critical information on creating defensible space around your home, retrofitting your home with fire-resistant materials, and preparing you to safely evacuate well ahead of a wildfire. Please protect yourself, your family, and your property from a devastating wildfire by taking the time to learn about Ready! Set! Go! In Los Angeles County, wildfires will continue to be fueled by a build-up of seasonal dry vegetation and driven by dry conditions and locally strong winds, making them extremely dangerous and challenging for firefighters to control. Yet, many homeowners don’t consider how a wildfire could affect them, and very few residents have properly prepared for evacuation until it is too late. You play the most important role in protecting yourself, family, and property. Through planning and preparation, we can all be ready for the next wildfire. I hope you find the information in this brochure helpful as you prepare your home and family for a wildfire. As always, if you need additional information about preparing for a wildfire or any other natural disaster, please contact your nearest fire station or visit us at fire.lacounty.gov. Daryl L. Osby Los Angeles County Fire Chief COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HILDA L. SOLIS Chair and Supervisor, First District hildasolis.org HOLLY J. MITCHELL Supervisor, Second District hollyjmitchell@bos.lacounty.gov SHEILA KUEHL Supervisor, Third District supervisorkuehl.com JANICE HAHN Supervisor, Fourth District hahn.lacounty.gov KATHRYN BARGER Supervisor, Fifth District kathrynbarger.lacounty.gov 15276 Ready! Set! Go! Wildfire Action Plan | fire.lacounty.gov 3 INSIDE READY! Defensible Space 4-5 Fuel Modification 6-7 Tour a Wildfire-Ready Home 8-9 SET! Create Your Own Wildfire Action Plan 10 Wildfire Action Plan 11 Assemble Your Emergency Supply Kit 12 Pre-Evacuation Preparation Steps 12 GO! Take Action Immediately When Wildfire Strikes 13 What to Do if You Become Trapped 14 Returning Home After a Wildfire 14 Remember the Six P’s 15 Additional Resources 15 Preparing for a wildfire starts with three simple steps: Please keep this plan on hand as a quick reference for helping your family and property be safe in the event of a wildfire. 16277 4 LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT Zone 2 Extends from the outer edge of Zone 1 to 100 feet from the structure • Cut or mow annual grass down to a maximum height of three inches. • Create vertical and horizontal spacing between trees and shrubs (the distance between trees should be three times the height). • Remove fallen leaves, needles, twigs, bark, cones, and small branches. However, a mulch layer may be permitted to a depth of four inches, if erosion control is an issue. • Irrigation is recommended to maintain vegetation moisture content. Living in the Wildland Urban Interface Ready! Set! Go! begins with a house that firefighters can defend. Defensible Space (ZONE 1 + ZONE 2 + ZONE 3 = 200 FEET) Zone 1 30 FEET Acacia (Shrub)Eucalyptus Juniper Palm Zone 1 Extends 30 feet out from the structure • Remove all dead or dying vegetation. • Remove dead or dry leaves and pine needles from your yard, roof, and rain gutters. • Trim trees regularly to keep branches a minimum of 10 feet from other trees. • Remove dead branches hanging over your roof. And, keep branches 10 feet away from your chimney. • Relocate exposed woodpiles outside of Zone 1 unless they are completely contained in a fire-resistant enclosure. • Remove vines and climbing plants from combustible structures (e.g., bougainvillea, wisteria). • Remove or prune vegetation near windows (you should be able to see out the windows). • Remove vegetation and items around and under decks that could catch fire. • Create separations between trees, shrubs, and items that could catch fire, such as patio furniture, swing sets, etc. • Irrigation is recommended to maintain vegetation moisture content. Defensible Space Creating and maintaining defensible space is essential for increasing your home’s chance of surviving a wildfire. It’s the buffer homeowners are required to create between their structure and the native landscape. This space slows the spread of wildfire and improves the safety of firefighters defending your home. Defensible space composition varies, depending on vegetation type and topography. Three zones make up the required 200 feet of defensible space. 17278 Ready! Set! Go! Wildfire Action Plan | fire.lacounty.gov 5 Zone 3 Extends from the outer edge of Zone 2 to 200 feet from the structure Zone 3 consists of mostly native plants appropriately thinned and spaced by 30 to 50 percent. The objective is to reduce vegetation density and overall fuel load. This slows the rate of fire spread, reducing flame lengths and fire intensity before it reaches irrigated zones or structures. • Irrigation systems are not required. • Vegetation consists of modified existing native vegetation. • Additional ornamental shrubs and trees are generally not recommended due to water conservation goals. • Existing native vegetation is modified by thinning and removing plants constituting a high fire risk, including, but not limited to, laurel sumac, chamise, ceanothus, sage, sage brush, buckwheat, and California juniper. • Remove the lower ¹/₃ of large shrubs and all dead wood to reduce fuel loads. • Trees should be limbed up to at least six feet above grade and a minimum of three times the height of underlying plants. • As the distance from structures increases, native plants may be removed in reduced amounts. • Spacing for large native shrubs or groups of native shrubs is 15 feet between the edge of their canopies. • Spacing for existing native trees or small groups of trees is 30 feet between the edge of canopies. This depends on the species, topography, and orientation on the site. HAZARDOUS ORNAMENTAL LANDSCAPE Preventing conditions where fire can travel from adjacent fuels, through an ornamental landscape to your structure, is the key to creating defensible space. Fire spreads through convection, conduction, radiation, or embers. Proper maintenance of ornamental vegetation reduces ember production, fire propagation, intensity, and duration of the approaching flames.This home provides a good example of defensible space. 70 FEET Defensible Space (ZONE 1 + ZONE 2 + ZONE 3 = 200 FEET) Zone 2 100 FEET Zone 3 Note: Special attention should be given to the use and maintenance of ornamental plants known or thought to be high-hazard plants when used in close proximity to structures. Examples include acacia, cedar, cypress, eucalyptus, Italian cypress, juniper, palms (remove all dead fronds), pine (removal within 30 feet of structures), and pampas grass. These plantings should be properly maintained and not allowed to be in mass plantings that could transmit fire from the native growth to any structure. Palm Pine Pampas Grass HIGH-HAZARD PLANTS 18279 6 LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT What Is Fuel Modification? The Fuel Modification Plan Review Program affects new structures and developments built in fire hazard severity zones. A Fuel Modification Plan (or landscape plan) identifies defensible space zones and restricts or limits planting around structures. For further information, please visit bit.ly/fuelmod or call (626) 969-5205. Zone A EXTENDS 30 FEET FROM THE STRUCTURE • Irrigated area consisting of low-growing, small herbaceous plants with high-moisture content immediately around structures. • Hedges shall not be within five feet of any structures. • Occasional accents of woody shrubs or small patio trees 10 feet from structures. Single plants and/ or groups of plants are widely spaced (the distance between plants is three times the height). • Cut annual grasses to three inches and remove leaf litter. • Vines and climbing plants are not allowed on combustible structures. • Use rock or non-combustible mulch within five feet of structures. Fuel Modification Zones Fuel Modification 7030 Ideal Fuel Modification Landscape: Limited woody plant material, high moisture content, adequate spacing, and inorganic mulch throughout Zone A. Fuel (ZONE A + Modification Zones ZONE B + ZONE C = 200 FEET) 19280 Ready! Set! Go! Wildfire Action Plan | fire.lacounty.gov 7 Create a Defensible Home A home with defensible space has the greatest potential of surviving a wildfire. Defensible homes are compliant with the Los Angeles County Fire Department’s brush clearance requirements. Homes built after January 1, 1996, have been through the Fire Department’s Fuel Modification Program, where strict planting requirements and construction standards improve fire safety in the high and very high fire hazard severity zones. WILDLAND/ OPEN SPACE100 Zone C EXTENDS FROM THE OUTER EDGE OF ZONE B TO 200 FEET FROM THE STRUCTURE • Thin to remove dead vegetation and prevent overgrowth. • Thin native species to slow the fire’s progress and reduce its intensity by decreasing availability of continuous fuels. • Native vegetation is thinned 30 to 50 percent in Zone C. Zone B EXTENDS FROM THE OUTER EDGE OF ZONE A TO 100 FEET FROM THE STRUCTURE • Irrigated with slightly denser planting than Zone A. Avoid woody plants larger than three feet in height at maturity under tree canopies. • Has zone-appropriate shade trees with adequate spacing. • Minimize continuous canopy coverage to reduce fire transmission. • Screening plants may be used; however, continuous hedges are discouraged as this promotes accumulation of dead litter inside the live hedge and creates a continuous fuel ladder to the structure. Fuel (ZONE A + Modification Zones ZONE B + ZONE C = 200 FEET) 20281 8 LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 3 4 5 61 2 Safeguard or “Harden” Your Home The ability of your home to survive a wildfire depends on the materials your home is constructed of and the quality of the “defensible space” surrounding it. Windblown embers from a wildfire will find the weak link in your home’s fire protection scheme and gain the upper hand because of a small, overlooked, or seemingly inconsequential factor. However, there are measures you can take to safeguard your home from wildfire. While you may not be able to accomplish all of the measures listed below, each will increase your home’s - and possibly your family’s - safety and survival. Address 1 • Make sure your address is clearly visible from the road. The address needs to be a contrasting color to the surface that it is mounted on, so it can be seen. Chimney 2 • Cover your chimney and stovepipe outlets with a non- flammable screen of 1/8-inch wire mesh or smaller to prevent embers from escaping and igniting a fire. • Tree branches must be removed within 10 feet of any chimney (exception: oak trees). Deck/Patio Cover 3 • Use heavy timber or non-flammable construction material for decks and patio covers, especially within the first 10 feet of the home. • Enclose the underside of balconies and decks with fire-resistant materials to prevent embers from blowing underneath. • Keep your deck clear of combustible items, such as baskets, dried flower arrangements, and other debris. Driveways and Access Roads 4 • Driveways should be designed to allow fire and emergency vehicles and equipment to reach your home (current fire code requirement is 15 feet wide). • Access roads should have a minimum 10-foot clearance on either side of the traveled section of the roadway and should allow for two-way traffic. • Locked or electric gates should have a disconnect or a lock box. • Ensure that all gates open inward and are wide enough to accommodate emergency equipment. • Trim trees and shrubs above all roads clear to the sky, with the exception of Oak trees which only need to be cleared to a height of 13½ (or 13.5) feet. Garage 5 • Have a fire extinguisher and tools, such as a shovel, rake, bucket, and hoe, available for fire emergencies. • Install a solid door with self-closing hinges between living areas and the garage. Install weather stripping around and under the doors to prevent ember intrusion. • Store all combustibles and flammable liquids away from ignition sources. • Keep the garage closed whenever possible. Home Site and Yard 6 • Ensure you have up to a 200-foot radius of defensible space (cleared vegetation) around your home. If the 200-foot distance is on adjacent property, contact your local fire station for assistance in obtaining adequate clearance. • Cut dry weeds and grass before noon when temperatures are cooler to reduce the chance of sparking a fire when using metal tools. • Landscape with fire-resistant plants that are low-growing with high-moisture content. • Keep woodpiles, propane tanks, and combustible materials away from your home and other structures, such as garages, barns, and sheds (recommended 30 feet). • Ensure trees and branches are at least four feet away from power lines. Notify your power company if this condition exists; they will complete required work. Tour a Wildfire-Ready Home 21282 Ready! Set! Go! Wildfire Action Plan | fire.lacounty.gov 9 Inside • Keep a working fire extinguisher on hand and train your family how to use it. Store in an easily accessible location (check expiration date regularly). • Install smoke alarms on each level of your home and adjacent to the bedrooms. Test them monthly and change the batteries twice a year. Non-Combustible Boxed-In (Soffit) Eaves • Box-in eaves with non-combustible materials to prevent accumulation of embers. Non-Combustible Fencing 7 • Make sure to use non-combustible fencing to protect your home during a wildfire. Rain Gutters • Screen or enclose rain gutters to prevent accumulation of plant debris. Roof 8 • Your roof is the most vulnerable part of your home because it can easily catch fire from windblown embers. • Homes with wood shake or shingle roofs are at a higher risk of being destroyed during a wildfire. • Build your roof or re-roof with fire-resistant materials that include composition, metal, or tile. • Block any spaces between roof decking and covering to prevent ember intrusion. • Clear pine needles, leaves, and other debris from your roof and gutters. • Cut any tree branches within 10 feet of your roof. Vents • Vents on homes are particularly vulnerable to flying embers. • All vent openings should be covered with 1/8-inch or smaller metal mesh. Do not use fiberglass or plastic mesh because they can melt and burn. • Attic vents in eaves or cornices should be baffled or otherwise to prevent ember intrusion (mesh is not enough). Walls 9 • Wood products, such as boards, panels, or shingles, are common siding materials. However, they are combustible and not good choices for fire-prone areas. • Build or remodel with fire-resistant building materials, such as brick, cement, masonry, or stucco. • Be sure to extend materials from foundation to roof. Water Supply 10 • Have multiple garden hoses that are long enough to reach any area of your home and other structures on your property. Windows 11 • Heat from a wildfire can cause windows to break even before the home ignites. This allows burning embers to enter and start internal fires. Single-paned and large windows are particularly vulnerable. • Install dual-paned windows with an exterior pane of tempered glass to reduce the chance of breakage in a fire. • Limit the size and number of windows in your home that face large areas of vegetation. Utilities • Ensure that your family knows where your gas, electric, and water main shut-off controls are and how to safely shut them down in an emergency. 8 9 11 10 7 22283 10 LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT Important Phone Numbers  A family communication plan that designates an out-of-area friend or relative as a point-of-contact to act as a single source of communication among family members in case of separation.  Maintain a list of emergency contact numbers posted near your phone and in your Emergency Supply Kit (see page 12 in this guide). What to Take  Assemble an Emergency Supply Kit (see page 12 in this guide).  Keep an extra Emergency Supply Kit in your car in case you can’t get to your home because of fire.  Have a portable radio or scanner, so that you can stay updated on the fire. Prepare to Evacuate  Designate an emergency meeting location, outside the fire or hazard area. It is critical to determine who has safely evacuated from the affected area.  Have several different travel routes from your home and community identified. Practice these often, so everyone in your family is familiar in case of emergency.  Have all of the necessary supplies and/or boarding options for your pets and large animals identified and/or packed. If trailers are necessary for larger animals, have a plan that is tested and ready to implement. Create Your Own Wildfire Action Plan Now that you have done everything you can to protect your home, it’s time to prepare your family. Your Wildfire Action Plan must be prepared with all members of your household well in advance of a wildfire. Each family’s plan will be different, depending on their situation. Once you finish your plan, practice it regularly with your family, and post it in a safe and accessible place for quick implementation. 1 2 3 10 LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 23284 Ready! Set! Go! Wildfire Action Plan | fire.lacounty.gov 11 Your PersonalWILDFIRE ACTION PLAN WHEN TO GO WHERE TO GO HOW TO GET THERE WHAT TO TAKEIMPORTANTPHONE NUMBERS1 3 2 During High Fire Danger days in your area, monitor your local media for information on wildfires and be ready to implement your plan. Hot, dry, and windy conditions create the perfect environment for a wildfire. Insurance Papers Photos Prescriptions Important Documents EVACUATION EMERGENCY CONTACTS DESTINATION WHO TO TELL (BEFORE AND AFTER) Name Name Phone Phone ( ) ANIMAL SHELTER Name Phone ( ) ( ) FAMILY & FRIENDS Name Name Phone Phone ( ) ( ) SCHOOLS Name Name Phone Phone ( ) ( ) LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT IF YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY, CALL 9-1-1 Public Information Office: (323) 881-2411 fire.lacounty.gov Emergency Supply Kit 24285 12 LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT Assemble Your Emergency Supply Kit Put together your emergency supply kit long before a wildfire or other disaster occurs, and keep it easily accessible, so you can take it with you when you have to evacuate. Plan to be away from your home for an extended period of time. Each person should have a readily accessible emergency supply kit. Backpacks work great for storing these items (except for food and water) and are easy to grab. Storing food and water in a tub or chest on wheels will make it easier to transport. Keep it light to be able to easily lift it into your vehicle. Essential Supplies Three-day supply of non-perishable food and three gallons of water per person Map marked with at least two evacuation routes Prescriptions or special medications Change of clothing and closed-toe shoes Extra eyeglasses or contact lenses An extra set of car keys, credit cards, and cash First aid kit Flashlight Battery-powered radio and extra batteries Sanitation supplies Copies of important documents (e.g., birth certificates, passports, etc.) Don’t forget food and water for your pets! Pre-Evacuation Preparation Steps When an evacuation is anticipated and if time permits, follow these checklists to give your home the best chance of surviving a wildfire: Animals Locate your pets and keep them nearby. Prepare large animals for transport and think about moving them to a safe location early. Inside Shut all windows and doors. Remove flammable window shades, lightweight curtains, and close metal shutters. Move flammable furniture to the center of the room, away from windows and doors. Leave your lights on, so firefighters can see your home under smoky conditions. Shut off the air conditioning. Shut off the gas meter and all pilot lights. Outside Gather flammable items from the exterior of the house and bring them inside (e.g., patio furniture, children’s toys, doormats, etc.) or place them in your pool. Turn off propane tanks. Move propane BBQ appliances away from structures. Connect garden hoses to outside water valves or spigots for use by firefighters. Don’t leave sprinklers on or water running. They can affect critical water pressure. Leave exterior lights on. Put your emergency supply kit in your vehicle. Back your loaded vehicle into the driveway with all doors and windows closed. Carry your car keys with you. Have a ladder available in a conspicuous location for firefighter use. Seal attic and ground vents with a non-combustible material or commercial seals, if time permits. Monitor your property and your wildfire situation. Don’t wait for an evacuation order, if you feel threatened and need to, leave. Check on neighbors and make sure they are preparing to leave. If Time Allows Easy-to-carry valuables Family photos and other irreplaceable items Personal computer data on hard drives/flash drives Chargers for cell phones, laptops, etc. EMERGENCYKIT 25286 Ready! Set! Go! Wildfire Action Plan | fire.lacounty.gov 13 Go Early By leaving early, you will give your family the best chance of surviving a wildfire. You also help firefighters by keeping roads clear of congestion, enabling them to move more freely throughout the neighborhood and do their job. When to Go Leave early enough to avoid being caught in fire, smoke, or road congestion. Don’t wait to be told by authorities to leave. In an intense wildfire, they may not have time to knock on every door. If you are advised to leave, don’t hesitate! The terms “Voluntary” and “Mandatory” are used to describe evacuation orders. However, local jurisdictions may use other terminology such as “Precautionary” and “Immediate Threat.” These terms are used to alert you to the significance of the danger. All evacuation instructions provided by emergency personnel should be followed immediately for your safety. Where to Go Leave for a pre-determined location. It should be a low- risk area, such as a well-prepared neighbor or relative’s house, a Red Cross shelter or evacuation center, motel, etc. How to Get There Have several evacuation routes in case one route is blocked by the fire or by emergency vehicles and equipment. Choose an evacuation route away from the fire. TAKE ACTION IMMEDIATELY WHEN WILDFIRE STRIKES Follow these steps as soon as possible to get ready to GO! • Ensure your Emergency Supply Kit is in your vehicle. • Cover up to protect against heat and flying embers. Wear long pants, a long- sleeve shirt, heavy shoes/boots, a cap, dry bandana (for face cover), goggles, or glasses. 100% cotton is preferable. • Locate your pets and take them with you. Ready! Set! Go! Wildfire Action Plan | fire.lacounty.gov 9 Your PersonalWILDFIRE ACTION PLAN WHEN TO GO WHERE TO GO HOW TO GET THERE WHAT TO TAKEIMPORTANTPHONE NUMBERS1 3 2 During High Fire Danger days in your area, monitor your local media for information on brush fires and be ready to implement your plan. Hot, dry, and windy conditions create the perfect environment for a wildfire. InsurancePapers Photos Prescriptions ImportantDocuments EVACUATION EMERGENCY CONTACTS DESTINATION WHO TO TELL (BEFORE AND AFTER) Name Name Phone Phone ( ) ANIMAL SHELTER Name Phone ( ) ( ) FAMILY & FRIENDS Name Name Phone Phone ( ) ( ) SCHOOL Name Name Phone Phone ( ) ( ) LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT IF YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY, CALL 9-1-1 Public Information Office: (323) 881-2411 www.fire.lacounty.gov Emergency Supply Kit EMERGENCYKIT • Review your Wildfire Action Plan evacuation checklist. 26287 14 LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT Survival Tips if You Become Trapped In Your Home  Stay calm and keep your family together.  Call 9-1-1 and inform authorities of your location.  Fill sinks and tubs for an emergency water supply.  Keep doors and windows closed, but unlocked.  Remove curtains from the windows.  Turn your interior and exterior lights on.  Stay inside your home.  Shelter away from outside walls. In Your Vehicle  Stay calm.  Park your vehicle in an area clear of vegetation.  Close all vehicle windows and vents.  Cover yourself with a wool or cotton blanket or jacket.  Lie on the vehicle floor.  Use your cell phone and call 9-1-1 to inform authorities of your location. On Foot  Stay calm.  Go to an area clear of vegetation, a ditch or depression on level ground, if possible.  Lie face down and cover up your body.  Use your cell phone and call 9-1-1 to inform authorities of your location. Returning Home After a Wildfire Do not return home until emergency officials determine it is safe. You will receive proper notification to do so as soon as it is possible, considering safety and accessibility. When You Return Home  Be alert for downed power lines and other hazards.  Check propane tanks, regulators, and lines before turning gas on.  Check your residence carefully for hidden embers or smoldering fires. 27288 Ready! Set! Go! Wildfire Action Plan | fire.lacounty.gov 15 OFFICIAL facebook.com/LACoFD twitter.com/LACoFD instagram.com/lacountyfd youtube.com/user/LosAngelesCountyFD vimeo.com/user4029934 PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICE twitter.com/lacofdpio twitter.com/lacofdespanol Download the Ready! Set! Go! Wildfire Action Plan at fire.lacounty.gov/rsg or by scanning this QR code with your smart phone. Remember the Six P’s Prescriptions, vitamins, and eyeglasses People and Pets Plastic (e.g., credit cards, ATM cards) and cash Personal computer hard drives and flash drives Pictures and irreplaceable memorabilia Papers, phone numbers, and important documents LACOFD FOUNDATION facebook.com/LAFIRETEAM twitter.com/LACountyFire1 instagram.com/lafireteam 28289 LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT FOUNDATION 1320 N. Eastern Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90063 323-793-FIRE supportlacountyfire.org The Los Angeles County Fire Department Foundation is a charitable 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Learn more or donate online at SupportLACountyFire.org or donate by texting F-I-R-E-S to 44321. LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT Public Information Office 1320 N. Eastern Avenue Los Angeles, California 90063 323-881-2411 fire.lacounty.gov Produced by the Communications Section of the Executive Support Division. Revised April 29, 2021. 29290 Agenda Item No.: 2.D Mtg. Date: 11/10/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ASHFORD BALL, SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: DISCUSS AGENDA ITEMS AND SCHEDULE THE NEXT FIRE FUEL COMMITTEE MEETING. DATE:November 10, 2021 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss agenda items and set the date for the next meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 30291 1.PARTICIPANTS 2.ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 2.A.DISCUSS AND CONSIDER THE DRAFT VEGETATION ORDINANCE FOR CANYON MANAGEMENT AND FIRE FUEL ABATEMENT RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and Consider 2.B.CONSIDER LIMITING PUBLIC COMMENTS TO 5 MINUTES. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and provide direction to staff. 2.C.TENTATIVE DATES FOR THE CITY'S NEXT COMMUNAL BIN EVENT: JANUARY 24 - 28, 2022. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 2.D.RECEIVE AND FILE AN UPDATED REPORT ON HIRING FIRE EXPERTS TO ASSIST WITH REVIEW OF NEW VEGETATION ORDINANCE AND EDUCATE THE COMMUNITY OF FIRE FUEL ABATEMENT IN THE CANYONS RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File 2.E.DISCUSS AGENDA ITEMS AND SCHEDULE THE NEXT FIRE FUEL COMMITTEE MEETING RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and Schedule 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 AGENDA Special Fire Fuel Management Committee Meeting FIRE FUEL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, November 17, 2021 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS 6:30 PM Executive Order All Committee members will participate in-person wearing masks per Los Angeles County Health Department's Health Officer Order effective Saturday, July 17, 2021. The meeting agenda and live audio will be available on the City’s website: https://www.rolling- hills.org/government/agenda/index.php Members of the public may come in to City Hall wearing masks, per the new Health Officer's Order. Zoom teleconference will not be available for this meeting, but members of the public can submit written comments in real-time by emailing the City Clerk’s office at cityclerk@cityofrh.net. Your comments will become part of the official meeting record. You must provide your full name, but please do not provide any other personal information that you do not want to be published. FF Meeting 11.17.21- Fire Fuel Management Draft Ordinance.DOCX 1292 3.OPEN AGENDA - PUBLIC COMMENTS WELCOME This is the appropriate time for members of the public to make comments regarding items not listed on this agenda. Pursuant to the Brown Act, no action will take place on any items not on the agenda. 4.ADJOURNMENT Documents pertaining to an agenda item received after the posting of the agendas are available for review in the City Clerk's office or at the meeting at which the item will be considered. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting due to your disability, please contact the City Clerk at (310) 377-1521 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility and accommodation for your review of this agenda and attendance at this meeting. 2293 Agenda Item No.: 2.A Mtg. Date: 11/17/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ASHFORD BALL, SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:DISCUSS AND CONSIDER THE DRAFT VEGETATION ORDINANCE FOR CANYON MANAGEMENT AND FIRE FUEL ABATEMENT DATE:November 17, 2021 BACKGROUND: On June 30, 2021 the Fire Fuel Committee discussed ideas regarding mitigating fuel in the canyons after discussing an annual project for long term goals to resolve fire fuel in the canyons. From the discussion the idea of developing a new vegetation ordinance was prompted. At the next Fire Fuel Committee meeting on July 21, 2021 Councilmember Mirsch presented a draft recommendation intended for the City Council about fire fuel reduction in the canyons to discuss with her fellow committee member Mayor Pro Tem Black. The recommendation consisted of the following: Property owners with hazardous levels of vegetation would be given the option of: A) Performing the abatement work themselves, to be completed by the xx/xx/xx date B) Joining a city-lead effort where the city would: - obtain scope of work specifications - obtain bids for entire job (by property) and select the vendor(s) to perform the work - provide the cost of the work to each property owner - determine start date - ensure quality of work meets contractual specifications C) Do nothing If a property owner with hazardous levels of vegetation decides to do nothing, fails to authorize the city to work on their property, fails to remit payment due for remediation work, or does not perform their own abatement work by the specified date, then the property would be declared a nuisance, and the city would begin nuisance abatement process (Chapter 8.24). This process would be one time only, in each of the canyons specified as High Risk by the Fire Dept. Going 3294 forward, all required maintenance will be the total responsibility of the property owner. If unsafe conditions re-occur on the property and a nuisance is declared, the city will begin the nuisance abatement process From this recommendation Staff was then given direction to assist with the development of the ordinance before presentation to City Council. At the August 30, 2021 Fire Fuel meeting the Committee discussed defining a nuisance and amendments to the current dead vegetation ordinance. City staff and Councilmember Mirsch met with legal counsel on September 2, 2021. City staff, legal counsel, and Councilmember Mirsch discussed development of the ordinance and the details involved to construct it. On September 13, 2021 at the City Council meeting the Fire Fuel Committee presented a report from the August 30, 2021 Fire Fuel Committee meeting regarding the recent work the fire fuel committee had performed thus far and the Council provided feedback. The feedback from the City Council was discussed during the September 29, 2021 Fire Fuel meeting. The feedback and details from this meeting lead to more research which resulted in a meeting with the Fire Department and Sheriff's department on November 4, 2021 to talk about more specifics for the draft ordinance. DISCUSSION: The City Attorney’s office drafted the ordinance and the ordinance was provided to Los Angeles Fire Department Acting Assistant Chief for review and comment on Friday, October 29, 2021. The Assistant Chief circulated the draft ordinance to the Forestry Division and the Forestry Division provided feedback. The feedback is summarized as follows: • Defensible space is an area where firefighters may safely operate and may extend to 200 feet from structures. • Areas beyond 200 feet from structures should not be characterized as defensive space. • Defensible space is focused primarily on structure survival and does not identify distances for personnel safety. • Defensible space of 200 feet is the standard for LA County and this is clear is the Fire Code. • Fuel treatment beyond 200 feet should not be called defensible space; it could be called habitat enhancement, invasive species removal or visual quality improvement. Defensible space should always be related to structures, fire access and firefighter safety. During the November 10, 2021 Fire Fuel meeting Staff reported to the committee that the ordinance was being reviewed by the Fire Department and that staff may have a draft ready by next week to present to the Fire Fuel Committee. The Committed received and filed the report. The Fire Department also noted that they will not be enforcing defensible space beyond 200 feet from structures. The City Attorney’s office provided an updated version of the draft ordinance on Friday, November 12, 2021. Updates were made to areas that the City Attorney’s office was still researching from the initial draft. Today the committee will discuss the the purpose and details of the draft ordinance to decide whether they will make a recommendation to City Council. FISCAL IMPACT: None. 4295 RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and Consider the draft vegetation ordinance to make recommendation to City Council. ATTACHMENTS: FF Meeting 11.17.21- Fire Fuel Management Draft Ordinance.DOCX 5296 - 1 - EXHIBIT A Chapter 8.30 Abatement and Management of Certain Vegetation and Waste Matter Section 8.30.010 Purpose and Intent Section 8.30.020 Definitions Section 8.30.030 Minimum General Requirements for Parcel Maintenance Section 8.30.040 Creating Additional Defensible Space Section 8.30.050 Increased and Decreased Defensible Space Section 8.30.060 Defensible Space Near Adjacent Property Improvements Section 8.30.070 Fire Extinguishers Section 8.30.080 Grading Section 8.30.090 Exemptions Section 8.30.100 Violation Section 8.30.010 Purpose and Intent A.Uncontrolledwildfires pose a seriousthreat to the health, welfare, and safety of the City of Rolling Hills residents and their animals and property. B.The City is located in a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone and is almost an entirely residential community of large one+ acre parcels. It is characterized by California ranch style homes and an abundance of equestrian facilities. Early landscaping on these large parcels matured, rendering the City a heavily wooded setting. C.The City values the wooded setting and recognizes the benefits that vegetation offers to the community, such as maintaining soil stability, fostering wildlife, and providing shade and privacy. The City also recognizes the inherent danger in allowing such vegetation to grow unchecked without maintenance recommended by fire officials and experts based on the unique characteristics of the City and environmental changes, which have resulted in hotter and dryer weather. D.The topography of the City also increases the risk of fire transmission. The City contains canyons and steep slopes, which influence how fires behave. Canyons provide narrow openings that accelerate winds, making fires spread more quickly and easily. Further, when a fire ignites at the bottom of a steep slope, it spreads more quickly upwards because it can preheat the upcoming fuels with rising hot air. E.The City Council has taken action to address this threat of uncontrolled wildfires through the adoption of the Fire Fuel Abatement Ordinance in Chapter 8.30 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code, which prohibits the maintenance of dead and alive tumbleweeds and dead trees, shrubs, palm fronds, and other plants. F.Despite these efforts, the accumulationof other flammable vegetation within the City continues to endanger the lives of the residents, animals, and property. G.The California Legislature has found and declared that site and structure defensibility is essential to reduce the risk of structure ignition and for effective fire suppression 6297 - 2 - by firefighters. (California Government (“Gov.”) Code Section 51189.) California law currently requires property owners and others in control of property in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones to maintain defensible space of 100 feet from each side and from the front and rear of a structure. (Gov. Code Section 51182.) California law also authorizes local agencies to require a greater distance than 100 feet of defensible space. (Gov. Code Section 51182.) California allows local agencies to declare a violation as a public nuisance, cause correction of violations to be made when a property owner fails to correct the condition causing the violation, and record a lien against the property to cover the expenses incurred in correcting the violation itself. (Gov. Code Sections 51187 and 51186.) H.The County of Los Angeles Fire Code, which the City of Rolling Hills adopts by reference, requires property owners and others in control of property in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone to maintain such defensible space. (See Los Angeles County Fire Code Section 4907.1; Rolling Hills Municipal Code Section 15.20.010.) It further authorizes a fire code official to notify all property owners of extra hazardous conditions which require removal of flammable vegetation up to 200 feet from any structure or building. (Los Angeles County Fire Code Section 325.2.2.) Due to the extra hazardous conditions within the City, the Los Angeles County Fire Department currently enforces a defensible space of up to 200 feet from any structure or building within the City. I.Due to the conditions described above and the City’s large lots, additional defensible space is necessary to significantly reduce the risk of flame or heat transmission sufficient to ignite structures and buildings within the City. Requiring an expanded defensible space around improvements within the City from 200 feet to 500 feet of any improvement will ultimately protect the City’s valued wooded setting, increase community safety, and give fire suppression personnel sufficient area to conduct operations in the event of a wildfire. J.This Chapter will allow for public nuisance abatement when property owners allow flammable vegetation to accumulate in violation of this Chapter. Section 8.30.020 Definitions The following words and phrases, for the purposes of this chapter, are defined as follows: “Flammable Vegetation” shall mean material that in its natural state will readily ignite (i.e., burn and transmit fire from native or landscape plants to any Improvement or other vegetation). Flammable Vegetation includes the following plants or vegetation: 1.Dead and dry grass, brush, Weeds, and leaf litter, dead and dying trees, and other flammable vegetation that endanger public safety by creating a Fire Hazard in any portion of the City. 2.Sagebrush, chaparral, and any other brush or vegetation, which attain such large growth so as to become, when dry, a fire menace upon premises or to adjacent property. 3.Plants and vegetation otherwise considered a Noxious Weed or dangerous, including, but not limited to, oleander, castor bean, and poison oak and poison ivy. 7298 - 3 - 4.Trees, if determined to increase the Fire Hazard due to mortality, insect infestation, disease, or lack of maintenance. 5.Dead and dying groves and forests. 6.Palm trees and all palm fronds with older leaves that persist on the tree, forming a “skirt” of brown thatch. 7.Any other vegetation that in its natural state will readily ignite as determined by the Fire Chief or his or her designee. “Combustible Mulch” shall mean any layer of material applied to the surface of soil that will, in its natural state, ignite, burn, or be capable of transmitting fire to landscape or to any Improvement. Combustible Mulch shall include, but not be limited to, the following as defined: 1.“Composted Mulch” is defined as screened or refined composted wood chips and other organic materials. 2.“Chipped or Shredded Vegetation Waste, Wood Products, Bark, and Nugget Mulch” shall mean coarsely chipped or shredded organic materials that have been recently produced and have not undergone the composting process. Examples include chipped or shredded vegetation waste and wood products, logging waste, bark or wood nuggets, and needles. 3.“Rubber Mulch” shall mean chipped or shredded mulch coming from 100 percent recycled rubber. “Dying or Diseased Trees” shall mean pest or pathogen infested trees, abandoned or neglected groves, and other trees which are in a dying condition. “Defensible Space” shall mean an area, either natural or man-made, where material capable of allowing a fire to spread unchecked has been abated, treated, removed, or modified to slow the rate and intensity of an advancing wildfire. “Fire Hazard” shall mean any condition or conduct which, in the opinion of the Fire Chief or his or her designee, (a) increases or may increase the threat of fire to a greater degree than customarily recognized as an acceptable condition or conduct by individuals in the public service regularly engaged in preventing, suppressing or extinguishing fire; or (b) may obstruct, delay, hinder, or interfere with the operations of the fire department or the egress of occupants in the event of fire. “Green Waste” includes organic material including but not limited to yard trimmings, plant waste, untreated wood wastes, paper products, natural fiber products, mulch, and compost. “Improvement” shall mean any building or structure, permanent or temporary, erected for the support, shelter, or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels, or property of any kind located in the City. For purposes of this term, "Improvement" shall not include fences or any similar barriers enclosing or separating areas of land. “Noxious Weed” shall mean any species of plant that is, or is liable to be, troublesome, aggressive, intrusive, detrimental, or destructive to agriculture, silviculture, or important native 8299 - 4 - species, and difficult to control or eradicate, as defined in Section 5004 of the California Food and Agricultural Code. “Parcel” shall mean any contiguous quantity of land in the possession of, owned by, or recorded as the property of, the same person or entity, and which is located in the jurisdiction of the City. “Responsible Party” includes, but is not limited to, any person, firm, or entity owning, renting, leasing, or otherwise controlling any Parcel located in the City. The responsible parties for a property that is leased or rented by a person or entity other than the owner of the property includes the person or entity who is on record with the County Assessor as the owner of that property. “Weeds” shall mean any vegetation growing upon streets or private property in the City, and may include any of the following, pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 14875: 1.Vegetation that bears seeds of a downy or wingy nature; 2.Vegetation that is not pruned or is otherwise neglected so as to attain such large growth as to become, when dry, a fire menace to adjacent improved property; 3.Vegetation that is otherwise noxious or dangerous; 4.Poison oak and poison ivy when the conditions of growth are such as to constitute a menace to the public health; and 5.Dry grass, stubble, brush, or other flammable material which endangers the public safety by creating a Fire Hazard. Section 8.30.030 Minimum General Requirements for Parcel Maintenance A.Dead and alive tumbleweeds and dead trees, shrubs, palm fronds, grasses, or other plants located on any Parcel in the City are prohibited. B.Exception: Slope area approximated to be steeper than two units horizontal to one unit vertical (fifty percept slope). Section 8.30.040 Creating Additional Defensible Space A.In addition to the requirements of Section 8.30.020 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code and the requirements of Section 4907.1 of the Los Angeles County Fire Code, which the City adopts by reference, Responsible Party for Improvements or controlling land adjacent to Improvements, shall at all times maintain an effective additional Defensible Space from two hundred (200) feet to five hundred (500) feet from any Improvement. B.The Defensible Space zone from two hundred (200) feet to five hundred (500) feet from an Improvement shall be subject to the following requirements: 1.Flammable Vegetation must be removed by methods such as uprooting, mowing, disking, thinning and trimming. Mowing is preferred when it is desirable to leave the plant root structure intact to stabilize the soil. 9300 - 5 - 2.Invasive Species.Anynoxiousorinvasiveweedor plantdesignated byaFederal, State, County, or City government as injurious to public health, agriculture, recreation, wildlife, or property shall be removed. Due to their flammable characteristics, potential to increase fuel density, and their ability to degrade natural and plantedlandscapes, invasive plants are prohibited. 3.Any Weeds or grasses shall be cut to a height not less than four (4) inches and no more than six (6) inches. This section does not apply to single specimens of trees, ornamental shrubbery, or similar plants which are used as ground cover, if they do not form a means of rapidly transmitting fire from the native growth to any Improvement. 4.All trees and shrubs shall be properly maintained free of deadwood, litter, and dying palm fronds. 5.Accumulated leaf litter and any Combustible Mulch may not exceed three (3) inches in depth. 6.Create horizontal and vertical spacing among shrubs and trees using the “Fuel Separation” method, the “Continuous Tree Canopy” method, or a combination of both to achieve Defensible Space requirements. Selection of the appropriate method should be done by reference to the State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection’s “General Guidelines for Creating Defensible Space” (Feb. 8, 2006), incorporated herein by reference. a.The Fuel Separation method is focused on horizontal spacing and accounts for slope as well as type and size of shrubs or trees. For slopes up to 20%, shrubs are to be horizontally separated by a distance equal to two times the height of the shrub and trees should be 10 feet apart measured at the widest part of their canopy. For slopes measuring 20%-40%, shrubs are to be horizontally separated by four times the height of the shrub and trees should be 20 feet apart measured at the widest part of their canopy. For slopes greater than 40%, shrubs are to be horizontally separated by six times the height of the shrub and trees should be 30 feet apart measured at the widest part of their canopy. b.The Continuous Canopy Method eliminates ladder fuels by requiring a minimum vertical clearance of tree branches to 6 feet or 1/3 of the tree height, whichever is less. If shrubs are beneath the tree, the tree branches are to be removed providing clearance of at least three times the height of the shrub. 7.Liquid Propane Gas (LPG) storage tanks shall have the following minimum clearance: ten feet (10 ft.) of clearance to bare mineral soil and no Flammable Vegetation for an additional ten feet (10 ft.) around their exterior. C.Exception: Slope area approximated to be steeper than two units horizontal to one unit vertical (fifty percept slope). Section 8.30.050 Increased and Decreased Defensible Space A.The City Manager or his or her designee may require an increase of Defensible Space due to topographical or geographical concerns. If a Parcel is required to maintain a 10301 - 6 - Defensible Space clearance greater than the required five hundred (500) feet from all Improvements, a notice to abate hazard shall be issued in accordance with Chapter 8.24. B.The City Manager or his or her designee may allow a decrease of Defensible Space to less than the amount required by this Chapter due to topographical or geographical constraints on the Parcel upon a written finding. Section 8.30.060 Defensible Space Near Adjacent Property Improvements No Responsible Party shall permit any accumulation of Flammable Vegetation, Dying or Diseased Trees, Green Waste, or other combustible materials within five hundred (500) feet of Improvements on an adjacent property. Section 8.30.070 Fire Extinguishers Any person conducting brush abatement or mitigation with a mechanical device must have a fire extinguisher directly located on hand when working with dead or dry vegetation. Section 8.30.080 Grading The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed to authorize grading which does not comply with the rules of the City. Section 8.30.090 Exemptions This Chapter shall not apply to land or water area acquired or managed for purpose or use of the following: A.Habitat for endangered or threatened species, or any species that is a candidate for listing as an endangered or threatened species by the state or federal government. B.Riparian (stream side) zones or vernal pool depressions as recognized by the state or federal government. Section 8.30.100 Violation Any violation of this Chapter is deemed a public nuisance and shall be abated in compliance with Chapter 8.24. 11302 Agenda Item No.: 2.B Mtg. Date: 11/17/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ASHFORD BALL, SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:CONSIDER LIMITING PUBLIC COMMENTS TO 5 MINUTES. DATE:November 17, 2021 BACKGROUND: At the previous Fire Fuel Committee meeting on November 10, 2021 staff was directed to place an item on the next agenda to discuss time limitation on public comment. DISCUSSION: Public comment is an important part of public meetings in the City of Rolling Hills. The City values its resident's contribution of comments, input, and feedback regarding decisions made in the City and on committees. In an effort to create a more efficient, focused agenda, the committee will discuss limiting public comment to five minutes as opposed to previously having no time limit at all. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and provide direction to staff. ATTACHMENTS: 12303 Agenda Item No.: 2.C Mtg. Date: 11/17/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ASHFORD BALL, SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:TENTATIVE DATES FOR THE CITY'S NEXT COMMUNAL BIN EVENT: JANUARY 24 - 28, 2022. DATE:November 17, 2021 BACKGROUND: Per the City's contract with Republic Services, the City negotiated to receive ten communal 40 cubic yard bins per fiscal year for community usage. City staff partnered with Republic Services to provide this benefit free of charge to residents. The first five communal 40 cubic yard bins were deployed between August 20, 2021 and August 28, 2021. During this period, Republic Services collected a total of 15.64 tons which is equivalent to 31,280 pounds of green waste. The City also requested the Rolling Hills Community Association (RHCA) to provide another chipping event. The RHCA accepted this request from the City and planned the event for Monday November 15, 2021 starting at 7:00am to complement the City's Fall Cleanup comprised of three events through Republic Services: 1. Green Waste Wednesday October 20, 2021 2. Bulk Items Wednesday, October 27, 2021 3. Shredding and Electronic Waste Recycling October 30, 2021 DISCUSSION: At the November 10, 2021 Fire Fuel Committee meeting, the Committee requested an update to the next communal bin event. Staff is working with Republic Services to deploy the next set of communal 40 cubic yard bins for green waste on the week of January 24, 2022. Staff will be reporting to the Fire Fuel Committee once the date of deployment is confirmed with Republic Services. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 13304 ATTACHMENTS: 14305 Agenda Item No.: 2.D Mtg. Date: 11/17/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ASHFORD BALL, SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:RECEIVE AND FILE AN UPDATED REPORT ON HIRING FIRE EXPERTS TO ASSIST WITH REVIEW OF NEW VEGETATION ORDINANCE AND EDUCATE THE COMMUNITY OF FIRE FUEL ABATEMENT IN THE CANYONS DATE:November 17, 2021 BACKGROUND: At the Fire Fuel Committee Meeting on November 10, 2021 staff was directed to provide any additional/new information about hiring a fire expert to assist the city with the draft vegetation ordinance and conducting site visits at resident homes for education on canyon management. DISCUSSION: There is no new information since the prior meeting on November 10, 2021 to report. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File ATTACHMENTS: 15306 Agenda Item No.: 2.E Mtg. Date: 11/17/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ASHFORD BALL, SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:DISCUSS AGENDA ITEMS AND SCHEDULE THE NEXT FIRE FUEL COMMITTEE MEETING DATE:November 17, 2021 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss agenda items and set the date for the next meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 16307 Agenda Item No.: 10.A Mtg. Date: 11/22/2021 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ELAINE JENG, CITY MANAGER THRU:ELAINE JENG P.E., CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:REPORT ON SMALL FIRE AT OR NEAR 15 FLYING MANE THAT TOOK PLACE ON SEPTEMBER 30, 2021. (VERBAL REPORT) DATE:November 22, 2021 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: None. ATTACHMENTS: 308