2018-02-12_CCAgendaPacket City of Rolling Hills INCORPORATED JANUARY 24, 1957 NO. 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 (310) 377-1521 FAX (310) 377-7288 Page 1 of 4 AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ROLLING HILLS REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2018 7:00 P.M. Next Resolution No. 1220 Next Ordinance No. 358 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. OPEN AGENDA - PUBLIC COMMENT WELCOME This is the appropriate time for members of the public to make comments regarding the items on the consent calendar or items not listed on this agenda. Pursuant to the Brown Act, no action will take place on any items not on the agenda. PRESENTATIONS Recognition of Paul Grubs for City’s Representative to the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission Watershed Advisory Council Recognition of Outgoing City Manager Ray Cruz 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Matters which may be acted upon by the City Council in a single motion. Any Councilmember may request removal of any item from the Consent Calendar causing it to be considered under Council Actions. A. Minutes – Adjourned Regular Meeting of January 30, 2018. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. B. Payment of Bills. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. C. Republic Services Recycling Tonnage Report for December 2017. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. D. Consideration of Disposition of City Manager’s Computer. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 5. COMMISSION ITEMS A. RESOLUTION NO. 2018-01 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL FOR City Council Agenda 02/12/18 Page 2 of 4 SITE PLAN REVIEW, A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, AND VARIANCES FOR GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RESIDENCE, NEW FOUR-CAR GARAGE, STABLE, CORRAL, RIDING RING, ALTERED FLATWORK AND ACCESS PATHWAY TO THE CORRAL, AND VARIOUS OUTDOOR AMENITIES INCLUDING A NEW POOL IN ZONING CASE NO. 918 AT 20 UPPER BLACKWATER CANYON ROAD, (IANNITTI) AND CONSIDERATION OF A RECOMMENDATION FROM THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO APPROVE A WIDENED DRIVEWAY APRON AND NEW PATHWAY APRON. The project has been determined to be categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15303, Class 3 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. ZONING CASE NO. 932. REQUEST FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW TO MODIFY THE HEIGHT OF A PARTIALLY BUILT RESIDENCE, WHICH WAS NOT BUILT PER THE APPROVED PLANS. THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF ADDITIONS AND MAJOR RENOVATION TO A RESIDENCE. THE APPLICANTS PROPOSE TO LOWER THE HEIGHT OF THE “AS BUILT” RESIDENCE, WHICH IS HIGHER THAN THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECT, AT 24 CINCHRING ROAD (LOT 18-3-CH), ROLLING HILLS, CA, (NAKAMURA). THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, (CEQA) PURSUANT TO SECTION 15301. B. SECOND READING, WAIVE FULL READING AND ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 358 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS AMENDING TITLES 15 AND 17 OF THE ROLLING HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE TO REGULATE AND ALLOW ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS (ADU) IN SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONES IN CONFORMANCE WITH STATE LAW, IN ZONING CODE AMENDMENT NO. 2017-03. C. RESOLUTION NO. 1220 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 1218 TO ESTABLISH A FEE FOR PROCESSING ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT APPLICATIONS. 7. OLD BUSINESS A. APPROVE AND APPROPRIATE UP TO $104,229 TO WILLDAN ENGINEERING FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO PREPARE A SEWER AREA STUDY FOR SEWER LINE FEASIBILITY TO SERVE THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CIVIC CENTER/MUNICIPAL TENNIS COURTS AND/OR UP TO APPROXIMATELY 240 HOMES. City Council Agenda 02/12/18 Page 3 of 4 8. NEW BUSINESS A. ADOPTION OF A NON-BINDING CLIMATE ACTION PLAN WHICH INCLUDES ESTABLISHING A GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS BASELINE, FORECASTING EMISSION REDUCTIONS, AND ESTABLISHING FUTURE REDUCTION TARGETS. B. CONSIDERATION OF AN APPOINTMENT TO THE SANTA MONICA BAY RESTORATION COMMISSION WATERSHED ADVISORY COUNCIL. 9. MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL AND MEETING ATTENDANCE REPORTS A. FIRE FUEL REDUCTION AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORT (ORAL). B. UPDATE ON THE PALOS VERDES PENINSULA REGIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON FEBRUARY 8, 2018 (ORAL). 10. MATTERS FROM STAFF 11. PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS 12. CLOSED SESSION A. CAL WATER CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL EXISTING LITIGATION – GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 54956.9, SUBDIVISIONS (A) AND (D)(1) CITY OF ROLLING HILLS V. CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY, PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE (C.) 17- 08-006 CLOSED SESSION TO CONFER WITH, OR RECEIVE ADVICE FROM, THE CITY ATTORNEY OR ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY REGARDING PENDING LITIGATION DUE TO THE FACT THAT DISCUSSION IN OPEN SESSION CONCERNING THIS MATTER WOULD PREJUDICE THE CITY’S POSITION IN THE LITIGATION. B. GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT TITLE: INTERIM CITY MANAGER C. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS CITY DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVES: COUNCILMEMBER LEAH MIRSCH; CITY ATTORNEY UNREPRESENTED EMPLOYEE: INTERIM CITY MANAGER 13. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION A. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTIONS FROM CLOSED SESSION (ORAL REPORT). 14. ADJOURNMENT City Council Agenda 02/12/18 Page 4 of 4 Next meeting: Monday, February 26, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Rolling Hills City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California. Public Comment is welcome on any item prior to City Council action on the item. Documents pertaining to an agenda item received after the posting of the agenda are available for review in the City Clerk's office or at the meeting at which the item will be considered. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting due to your disability, please contact the City Clerk at (310) 377-1521 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility and accommodation for your review of this agenda and attendance at this meeting. City of Rolling Hills INCORPORATED JANUARY 24, 1957 NO. 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 (310) 377-1521 FAX (310) 377-7288 - 1 -  Agenda Item No.: 7A Mtg. Date: 02/12/18 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM RAYMOND R. CRUZ, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: APPROVE AND APPROPRIATE UP TO $104,229 TO WILLDAN ENGINEERING FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO PREPARE A SEWER AREA STUDY FOR SEWER LINE FEASIBILITY TO SERVE THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CIVIC CENTER/MUNICIPAL TENNIS COURTS AND/OR UP TO APPROXIMATELY 240 HOMES. ATTACHMENTS: -Willdan Engineering Proposal RECOMMENDATION APPROVE AND APPROPRIATE UP TO $104,229 TO WILLDAN ENGINEERING FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO PREPARE A SEWER AREA STUDY OF SEWER LINE REQUIREMENTS TO SERVE THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CIVIC CENTER/MUNICIPAL TENNIS COURTS AND/OR UP TO 240 HOMES. AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH WILLDAN ENGINEERING FOR THE SEWER FEASIBILITY STUDY. PRIOR CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS The City Council considered this matter at a meeting on January 8, 2018 and January 22, 2018. At the January 8th City Council meeting, the Council postponed the decision on retaining Willdan Engineering to prepare a sewer feasibility study for the Civic Center and Tennis Court ADA/Recreation Amenities Project until it could analyze the sewer study proposal that includes up to 240 Rolling Hills homes in the immediately surrounding area. The amended proposal from Willdan Engineering to include these homes was presented to the City Council at the January 22, 2018 meeting and is included. At the January 22, 2018 meeting City Council had several questions regarding the proposals and directed staff to provide additional information. A representative from Willdan Engineering will be present at the meeting to answer any additional questions members of the City Council may have. 1/10 -2- Specifically, the City Council requested answers to the questions listed below; answers to which were provided by Willdan Engineering staff. Q: How long will the feasibility study for the smaller project take A: 1-2 months Q: How long will the feasibility study for the larger study take A: 3-5 months Q: Can the small project be designed to take on the sewer effluent from the larger area if, and when in the future the City/residents decide to go forward with construction of a sewer line. A: Yes, an 8" sewer line would be recommended to be constructed for the Civic Center complex, which would be sufficient if the other parts of the City were ready to connect. Q: How long is a feasibility study good for A: Normally, sewer feasibility studies could be used for project design within several years. However, if within that time a large construction project were to be proposed or completed in another city along the route that the City’s effluent was to be discharged into, the sewer line capacity could be affected. The consultant stated that once every 2-3 years the city could ask the consultant to check the status of the project area to see if anything is proposed that could potentially change the capacity and report then. Also the Cost matrix could be amended at that time. The cost for the follow up investigation would most likely be no more than $1,000-$1,200. BACKGROUND As an alternative to replacing the septic tank at the main gate for the Tennis Court ADA and Recreation Improvement Project, staff has been investigating the feasibility of constructing a sewer main to serve the civic center (including main gate and tennis court improvements) to the closest main line in the City of Rolling Hills Estates (RHE). This investigation was in concert with Councilmember Pieper’s similar request of the Sanitation Districts to determine if their nearby trunk lines could accommodate sewage from Middleridge Lane N. residents who have expressed interest in converting their septic systems to sewer. The analysis performed by the Sanitation District concluded that their trunk lines could handle sewage from a sewer shed consisting of approximately 240 homes from the northern part of the City to Crest Road, which includes the civic center and Middleridge Lane residents. The question then was to determine if the main lines in RHE (and possibly Torrance) could handle the additional flow to the Sanitation Districts’ trunk line on Crenshaw Boulevard. Although the ultimate objective is to determine if the RHE main lines can take the flow from the sewer shed with approximately 240 Rolling Hills homes, the immediate issue is to determine if the closest RHE main line can handle the flow just coming from the civic center to help move the Tennis Court project forward quickly. Staff has since met with RHE officials, RHE’s sewer consultant (Willdan Engineering), RHCA staff and LA County Public Works sewer maintenance staff to determine what it would take to connect the civic center to the closest RHE sewer main. The meetings resulted in the following information: 2/10 -3- 1. The sewer flow from the civic center is negligible and the closest RHE main line connection is near Rolling Hills Road, behind the Church that can utilize the Pony Lane pump station to move the sewage to the Sanitation District trunk line on Crenshaw Boulevard. 2. 1300 feet of main sewer line from the civic center will need to be constructed and associated manholes to reach the RHE main line. 3. No Sewer Area Study will be needed. 4. Construction costs is $100 to $300 a lineal foot. DISCUSSION Since the City of Rolling Hills has contracted with Willdan Engineering for general civil engineering services (including sewer systems), staff had them develop a proposal to determine the feasibility of constructing a sewer line, perform all the due diligence, attain approval of all jurisdictions involved, and provide an engineers estimate to construct the project. Retaining Willdan to provide this proposal was important because they also serve as the City of Rolling Hills Estates civil engineer for sewer systems. Willdan’s initial scope of work will include investigating three alternatives of how to hook up the Rolling Hills civic center and tennis courts to the sewer system that starts in Rolling Hills Estates. Furthermore, they will perform several tasks as part of the proposal that include: base mapping, underground utility research, sewer flow calculations, meetings with County and City of Torrance sewer officials, determine if a environmental negative declaration will be needed, investigate the need for tunneling, perform cost engineering, and submit a draft preliminary engineering study. Willdan Engineering's amended proposal that includes the 200 plus homes has a main goal of completing a Sewer Area Study that will be utilized to educate the residents and City Council on what options are available to them to have sewer lines installed in the study area. Willdan will first provide a newsletter to all residents with general information to educate everyone about what the project is and the necessary steps to complete it. In this first newsletter Willdan will provide each resident a map of their property and ask them to locate their septic tank on it. This will help the engineers to determine the best location for the sewer laterals and if any deep sewer lines need to be provided. Since the area is hilly, pump stations may be needed or alternate methods employed such as boring the sewer line between properties to lower areas to help reduce construction and maintenance cost. Alternatives will be provided at these sites. The best connection sites to connect to the County sewer system will be determined. Current construction cost, connection fees and long-term maintenance cost will be provided. Willdan will prepare for and attend two community workshops. Willdan will run these community workshops, prepare the presentation of the preliminary design, and answer questions from the public. The steps necessary to form an assessment engineering district to pay for the sewer lines will be discussed. Large scale easy to read exhibits showing sewer locations and photographs showing construction of 3/10 -4- sewer lines in a neighborhood will be part of the workshop with the residents and City Council. There will be a PowerPoint presentation and then the meeting will be opened for questions and answers. After that Willdan staff will be available to answer individual questions one on one with residents. After the workshops, a second newsletter that includes all information discussed regarding preliminary engineering results will be sent out. A survey form will be included. The resident will be asked to vote on if they would like the city to move forward with the project. The survey will be returned to the City Clerk to count and the results will be provided to the City Council. Willdan will do a final presentation at City Council meeting to go over the results. A map will be provided to show how different subareas voted. This information will be used to determine the next steps in the project. As you know, the City and RHCA has been trying to resolve the septic tank issue for the Tennis Court Improvement project, as the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board), originally deemed the project (kitchen sink and drinking fountain) a commercial use and therefore under their purview, and not the purview of the LA County Public Health Department. It would have been extremely expensive and time consuming to follow the State requirements, including filing an application to verify if the existing system is adequate. Exhausting all other options, staff contacted Mark Waronek, South Bay Deputy for Supervisor Janice Hahn and asked if he could intervene, so that the project could fall under the review of the County Health Department and not the State. He contacted officials from both agencies and was able to have the Water Board grant the County authority to review the City's project. This news was conveyed to the RHCA and they immediately started to work with the Chief Environmental Specialist there who is in charge of reviewing projects for Rolling Hills. A contractor retained by the RHCA has recently done some initial fieldwork to determine if a new septic system is needed for the project. However, if the City pursues constructing a sewer system-, the review of the septic system would no longer be needed. FISCAL IMPACT To perform the scope of work that is included in the Willdan Engineering proposal for the larger area, it is necessary to appropriate up to $104,229 in the budget. For the proposed sewer feasibility study for the Civic Complex, including the Tennis Courts area, only the appropriation would be $28,926. The City Council for Fiscal Year 2017/18 budgeted $150,000 in Account 886 of the Utilities Fund for undergrounding overhead utilities and sewer projects. Therefore, if this recommended appropriation is approved, it would then be debited accordingly from this account number. NOTIFICATION Rolling Hills Community Association and Rolling Hills Tennis Club officers. 4/10 5/10 6/10 7/10 2/9/18 Willdan Matrix.xlsx Page 1 of 2 Sub DR PM GISA II SD II AE D II Task Task Task Description 209 148 152 154 106 139 Labor Reimb.Totals 1 Project Management and Meetings 1 Project QA/QC 8 1,672$ 1,672$ 2 Kick-Off Meeting 4 4 1,428$ 1,428$ 3 Review Draft Comments With City 4 4 1,428$ 1,428$ 16 8 0 0 0 0 4,528$ -$ 4,528$ 2 Research and Coordination 1 Complete Preliminary Base Mappng 2 8 1,512$ 1,512$ 2 Perform Utility Research 2 8 1,144$ 1,144$ 3 Sewer Flow Calculations to Determine Capactiy Requirements 4 8 1,824$ 1,824$ 4 Coordination Meetings (and Prep)-$ 4a Meet with LACSCD to Discuss Truk Sewer Capactiy 8 8 2,032$ 2,032$ 4b Meet with LACSCD to Discuss Pony Lane Pump Station Capacity Reqs.8 8 2,032$ 2,032$ 4c Meet with the City of Torrance 4 592$ 592$ 4d Meet with the City of Rolling Hills Estates 4 592$ 592$ 0 32 8 8 24 0 9,728$ -$ 9,728$ 3 Preliminary Report 1 Negative Declaration Assessment 8 1,672$ 1,672$ 2 Tunneling Assessment 4 12 1,864$ 1,864$ 3 Preliminary Report 3 24 4,179$ 4,179$ 3a Construction Cost Estimate 2 8 1,144$ 1,144$ 3b Connection Fee Estimate 2 212$ 212$ 3c Engineering Design Estimate 2 4 720$ 720$ 3d Construction Management Estimate 2 212$ 212$ Subtotal 11 32 0 0 28 0 $10,003 $0 10,003$ 4 Final Study 1 Final Report 1 8 16 3,089$ 150$ 3,239$ 2 Attend One City Council Meeting 4 4 1,428$ 1,428$ Subtotal 5 12 0 0 16 0 $4,517 $150 4,667$ 32 84 8 8 68 0 $28,776 $150 $28,926 Labor Hours by Staff Classification City of Rolling Hills - Sewer Line Requirements to Serve City Hall and Tennis Court Site Proposal for Engineering Services Person Hour/Fee Estimate DR: Director (Hunt); PM: Project Manager (Moore); GISA II: GIS Analyst II (Miller); SDE II: Senior Designer II (Krieger); AE: Assistant Engineer (Escobar); D II: Designer (Reyes) Total Subtotal Subtotal 8/10 2/9/18 Willdan Matrix.xlsx Page 2 of 2 Labor Hours by Staff Classification Sub DR PM GISA II SD II AE D II Task Task Task Description 209 148 152 154 106 139 Labor Reimb.Totals 1 Project Management and Meetings 1 Project QA/QC 8 1,672$ 1,672$ 2 Kick-Off Meeting 4 4 1,428$ 1,428$ Subtotal 12 4 0 0 0 0 3,100$ -$ 3,100$ 2 Research and Coordination 1 Address list, newsletters, 4 40 6,756$ 6,756$ 2 Prepare 1"=100' base sheets 2 16 2,532$ 2,532$ 3 Perform Utility Research 8 1,184$ 1,184$ 4 Field vists -$ Subtotal 4 48 0 2 0 16 10,472$ -$ 10,472$ 3 Preliminary Design 1 Development Preliminary Sewer Aligments 24 20 60 30 21,386$ 21,386$ 2 Evaluate alternatives (Pump Stations vs Boring)2 4 24 8 5,818$ 5,818$ 3 Coordination with Agencies 3 24 4,179$ 4,179$ 4 Construction Cost Estimate 2 8 24 5,298$ 5,298$ Subtotal 31 56 0 108 0 38 $36,681 $0 36,681$ 4 Final Study 1 Final Report 8 40 8 8,704$ 150$ 8,854$ 2 Prepare Exhibits 2 2 24 4,050$ 650$ 4,700$ 3 Attend Two Work Shops 24 12 12 8,640$ 8,640$ 4 Attend Two City Council Meeting 8 8 2,856$ 2,856$ Subtotal 42 62 0 12 0 32 $24,250 $800 25,050$ Total 89 170 0 122 0 86 $74,503 $800 $75,303 Total $104,229 City of Rolling Hills - Sewer Line Requirements to Serve City Hall and Tennis Court Site Proposal for Engineering Services Person Hour/Fee Estimate DR: Director (Hunt); PM: Project Manager (Moore); GISA II: GIS Analyst II (Miller); SDE II: Senior Designer II (Krieger); AE: Assistant Engineer (Escobar); D II: Designer (Reyes) 9/10 Map created / modified for Sewerdesign Section by Mramamurthi on 9/17/2015 05 2114 05 212605 2115 05 2116 ROLLING HILLS 0 1,000500 Feet Legend Ordinary Manhole In Service Gravity In Service Siphon Or Suction Out of Service Gravity Or Siphon Outfall LocalPipe Elevation 300 - 500 500 - 700 700 - 900 900 - 1100 1100 - 1300 Drainage Area ´10/10