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CL_AGN_230724_CC_AgendaPacket_F1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 5.APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA This is the appropriate time for the Mayor or Councilmembers to approve the agenda as is or reorder. 6.BLUE FOLDER ITEMS (SUPPLEMENTAL) Blue folder (supplemental) items are additional back up materials to administrative reports, changes to the posted agenda packet, and/or public comments received after the printing and distribution of the agenda packet for receive and file. 7.PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS This is the appropriate time for members of the public to make comments regarding items not listed on this agenda. Pursuant to the Brown Act, no action will take place on any items not on the agenda. 8.CONSENT CALENDAR Business items, except those formally noticed for public hearing, or those pulled for discussion are assigned to the Consent Calendar. The Mayor or any Councilmember may request that any Consent Calendar item(s) be removed, discussed, and acted upon separately. Items removed from the Consent Calendar will be taken up under the "Excluded Consent Calendar" section below. Those items remaining on the Consent Calendar will be approved in one motion. The Mayor will call on anyone wishing to address the City Council on any Consent Calendar item on the agenda, which has not been pulled by Councilmembers for discussion. 8.A.APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 24, 2023 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 (310) 377-1521 AGENDA Regular City Council Meeting CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 24, 2023 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS 7:00 PM The meeting agenda is available on the City’s website. The City Council meeting will be live-streamed on the City’s website. Both the agenda and the live-streamed video can be found here: Members of the public may submit written comments in real-time by emailing the City Clerk’s office at Your comments will become part of the official meeting record. You must provide your full name, but please do not provide any other personal information that you do not want to be published. Recordings to City Council meetings can be found here: Next Resolution No. 1346 Next Ordinance No. 384 1 RECOMMENDATION: Approve. 8.B.APPROVE MOTION TO READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING OF ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS LISTED ON THE AGENDA RECOMMENDATION: Approve. 8.C.APPROVE THE FOLLOWING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: JULY 10, 2023 RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 8.D.PAYMENT OF BILLS RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 8.E.REPUBLIC SERVICES RECYCLING TONNAGE REPORT FOR JUNE 2023 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 9.EXCLUDED CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 10.COMMISSION ITEMS 11.PUBLIC HEARINGS 11.A.ADOPT BY TITLE ONLY ORDINANCE NO. 383 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS AMENDING CHAPTER 15.20 (FIRE CODE) OF TITLE 15 (BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION) OF THE ROLLING HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE AND FINDING THE ORDINANCE IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA. FOR SECOND READING AND ADOPTION. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt by title only Ordinance No.383 regarding the Fire Code. 12.OLD BUSINESS 12.A.RECEIVE AND FILE A REPORT ON THE NEXT CITY SPONSORED COMMUNAL BINS EVENT FROM AUGUST 4, 2023 TO AUGUST 12, 2023 TO ASSIST RESIDENTS WITH FIRE FUEL REDUCTION IN THE COMMUNITY RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 13.NEW BUSINESS 13.A.DISCUSS AND APPROVE NEW TENNIS COURT CABANA AND AMENITIES PROPOSED BY THE ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION CL_AGN_230724_CC_AffidavitofPosting.pdf CL_MIN_230710_CC_F.pdf CL_AGN_230724_CC_PaymentOfBills_E.pdf VC_REP_230719_June_YTD_TonnageReport.pdf 383_FireCodeOrdinance_F.pdf CL_AGN_230626_CC_RedlineVersion_Chapter15.20.pdf CL_AGN_230626_CC_LACounty_FireCodeTitle32Letter_051123.pdf CL_AGN_230626_CC_GuidanceSuggestedModelOrdinance_LACFireCode2023Edition_042723.pdf PW_REF_230718_CommunalBin_SE_Rotation.pdf 2 RECOMMENDATION: Approve as proposed. 14.MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 14.A.DISCUSSION ON COYOTE MANAGEMENT MEASURES AND CONSIDERATION OF THE CITY CONTRIBUTING TO ONGOING COSTS (COUNCILMEMBER BLACK) RECOMMENDATION: Discuss the matter and provide direction to staff. 14.B.VERBAL REPORT FROM THE SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING COMMITTEE ON THE JULY 13, 2023 MEETING RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 15.MATTERS FROM STAFF 15.A.RECEIVE AND FILE FIRE FUEL ABATEMENT AND CODE ENFORCEMENT QUARTERLY REPORT FOR THE SECOND QUARTER OF 2023 (APRIL 1 THROUGH JUNE 30) RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 16.RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 16.A.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-ANTICIPATED LITIGATION. BASED ON EXISTING FACTS AND CIRCUMSTANCES, THE CITY COUNCIL IS DECIDING WHETHER TO INITIATE LITIGATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 54956.9(D)(4)- 1 POTENTIAL CASE RECOMMENDATION: None. 17.RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION 18.ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Monday, August 14, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, Rolling Hills City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California, 90274. PW_TEN_TennisCourtCabana_RHCA_062323.pdf PW_TEN_230711_RHCATennisCourtLandscape.pdf CA_AGR_230626_LAC_ACWM_PestControl_No779_PE.pdf CE_QRP_2023_Q2_Opened_Cases_F.pdf CE_QRP_2023_Q2_Cumulative_Open_Cases_F.pdf CE_QRP_2023_Q2_Closed_Cases_F.pdf Notice: Public Comment is welcome on any item prior to City Council action on the item. Documents pertaining to an agenda item received after the posting of the agenda are available for review in the City Clerk's office or at the meeting at which the item will be considered. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting due to your disability, please contact the City Clerk at (310) 377-1521 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility and accommodation for your review of this agenda and attendance at this meeting. 3 4 Agenda Item No.: 8.A Mtg. Date: 07/24/2023 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:DAVID H. READY. ESQ., PH.D SUBJECT:APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 24, 2023 DATE:July 24, 2023 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve. ATTACHMENTS: CL_AGN_230724_CC_AffidavitofPosting.pdf 5 Administrative Report 8.A., File # 1917 Meeting Date: 07/24 /202 3 To: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL From: Christian Horvath, City Clerk TITLE APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 24 , 2023 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING In compliance with the Brown Act, the following materials have been posted at the locations below. Legislative Body City Council Posting Type Regular Meeting Agenda Posting Location 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 City Hall Window City Website: Meeting Date & Time JULY 24, 2023 7:00pm Open Session As City Clerk of the City of Rolling Hills, I declare under penalty of perjury, the document noted above was posted at the date displayed below. Christian Horvath, City Clerk Date: July 21 , 2023 6 Agenda Item No.: 8.B Mtg. Date: 07/24/2023 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:DAVID H. READY. ESQ., PH.D SUBJECT:APPROVE MOTION TO READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING OF ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS LISTED ON THE AGENDA DATE:July 24, 2023 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve. ATTACHMENTS: 7 Agenda Item No.: 8.C Mtg. Date: 07/24/2023 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:DAVID H. READY. ESQ., PH.D SUBJECT:APPROVE THE FOLLOWING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: JULY 10 , 2023 DATE:July 24, 2023 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: CL_MIN_230710_CC_F.pdf 8 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, July 10, 2023 Page 1 Minutes Rolling Hills City Council Mon day, July 10, 2023 Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER The City Council of the City of Rolling Hills met in person on the above date at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Wilson presiding. 2. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Black, Dieringer, Mayor Pro Tem Mirsch, Mayor Wilson Councilmembers Absent: Pieper Staff Present: Christian Horvath, City Clerk / Executive Assistant to the City Manager John Signo, Planning & Community Services Director Pat Donegan, City Attorney Robert Samario. Finance Director (remotely via zoom) 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Councilmember Dieringer 4. PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS/ANNOUNCEMENTS – NONE 5. APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA Mayor Wilson requested moving item 13A up after Excluded Consent Calendar Items. Motion by Councilmember Dieringer, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Mirsch move Item 13A up after Excluded Consent Calendar Items. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Black, Dieringer, Mirsch, Mayor Wilson NOES: None ABSENT: Pieper 6. BLUE FOLDER ITEMS (SUPPLEMENTAL) – NONE 7. PUBLI C COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS City Clerk / Executive Assistant to the City Manager Horvath presented written comment to the City Council and public from Brandee Keith, Senior Public Affairs Specialist for the South Coast AQMD Public Comment: Shirley Langer, Alfred Visco Motion by Councilmember Black, seconded by Councilmember Dieringer to agendize a discussion at a future City Council meeting regarding the City potentially paying directly for coyote abatement services. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Black, Dieringer, Mirsch, Mayor Wilson NOES: None ABSENT: Pieper 8. CONSENT CALENDAR 9 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, July 10, 2023 Page 2 8.A. APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 10, 2023 8.B. APPROVE MOTION TO READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING OF ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS LISTED ON THE AGENDA 8.C. APPROVE THE FOLLOWING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: JUNE 26, 2023 8.D. PAYMENT OF BILLS 8.E. PULLED BY MAYOR PRO TEM MIRSCH 8.F. DESIGNATE VOTING DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE VOTING DELEGATE TO THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE FROM SEPTEMBER 20-22 TO BE HELD IN SACRAMENTO, CA 8.G. PULLED BY MAYOR PRO TEM MIRSCH 8.H. PULLED BY MAYOR PRO TEM MIRSCH 8.I. APPROVE A SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MAINTAINING THE CURRENT LEASE AMOUNT OF $5,749.25 PER MONTH 8.J. PULLED BY MAYOR PRO TEM MIRSCH City Attorney Donegan noted that staff recommendation was to approve all consent items with a minor modification to Exhibit A in the Professional Services Agreement for Item 8G. The text in section 2a should read as follows: “Provide support to City staff for the implementation and review of the outdoor siren Project.” Motion by Councilmember Dieringer, seconded by Councilmember Black to approve Consent Calendar Items excluding items 8E, 8G, 8H and 8J. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Black, Dieringer, Mirsch, Mayor Wilson NOES: None ABSENT: Pieper 9. EXCLUDED CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 8.E. RECEIVE AND FILE A REPORT ON THE NEXT CITY SPONSORED COMMUNAL BINS EVENT FROM AUGUST 4, 2023 TO AUGUST 12, 2023 TO ASSIST RESIDENTS WITH FIRE FUEL REDUCTION IN THE COMMUNITY Motion by Councilmember Dieringer, seconded by Mayor Wilson to table this item to the July 24, 2023 City Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Black, Dieringer, Mirsch, Mayor Wilson NOES: None ABSENT: Pieper 10 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, July 10, 2023 Page 3 8.G. ADOPT BY RESOLUTION NO. 1343 AUTHORIZING A BUDGET MODIFICATION OF $21,100 AND APPROVE A FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH ALAN PALERMO CONSULTING FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES DURING FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 Mayor Pro Tem Mirsch stated she did not intend to pull this item. Motion by Councilmember Black, seconded by Councilmember Dieringer to approve as presented with the City Attorney’s noted amendment to the language in Exhibit A, section 2a. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Black, Dieringer, Mirsch, Mayor Wilson NOES: None ABSENT: Pieper 8.H. ADOPT BY RESOLUTION NO. 1344 AUTHORIZING A BUDGET MODIFICATION OF $307,000 FOR THE TENNIS COURTS ADA IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH RICHIE-BRAY, INC. FOR UPDATED LANDSCAPE, LIGHTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS Mayor Pro Tem Mirsch requested that items such as this with large monetary expenses, regardless of whether the City Council has approved previously, be agendized under Old Business. Motion by Councilmember Black , seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Mirsch to approve as presented. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Black, Dieringer, Mirsch, Mayor Wilson NOES: None ABSENT: Pieper 8.J. PREPARE A GRANT APPLICATION FOR THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM FOR ADDITIONAL FIRE FUEL ABATEMENT IN ROLLING HILLS; APPROVE FIRST AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MNS ENGINEERS, INC. TO PREPARE THE GRANT APPLICATION FOR A NOT -TO-EXCEED AMOUNT OF $30,470; AND ADOPT BY RESOLUTION NO. 1345 AUT HORIZING A BUDGET MODIFICATION OF $30,470 Mayor Pro Tem Mirsch requested again that items such as this with large monetary expenses be agendized under Old Business. She also requested that staff use a naming convention in the staff reports to clearly distinguish between past and current projects. Motion by Councilmember Dieringer, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Mirsch to approve as presented. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Black, Dieringer, Mirsch, Mayor Wilson NOES: None ABSENT: Pieper 10. COMMISSION ITEMS – NONE Mayor Wilson moved to Item 13A. 13. NEW BUSINESS 11 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, July 10, 2023 Page 4 13.A APPOINT DAVID READY AS INTERIM CITY MANAGER AND APPROVE AGREEMENT FOR INTERIM CITY MANAGER SERVICES Presentation by City Attorney Patrick Donegan Motion by Councilmember Black, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Mirsch to Adopt Resolution No. 1342 appointing David Ready as Interim City Manager and approve an employment agreement with David Ready as Interim City Manager effective July 8, 2023 with acceptance of an alternative work week schedule defined as Monday through Wednesday on weeks with Council meetings and Tuesday through Thursday on weeks without Council meetings. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Black, Dieringer, Mirsch, Mayor Wilson NOES: None ABSENT: Pieper Mayor Wilson moved back to Item 1 1A. 11. PUBLIC HEARINGS 11.A. A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AND APPROVE A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PLACEMENT OF SOLID WASTE SERVICE CHARGES OWED TO REPUBLIC SERVICES PURSUANT TO ITS SOLID WASTE FRANCHISE WITH THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ON THE FY 2023-2024 LOS ANGELES COUNTY AUDITOR-CONTROLLER'S OFFICE ANNUAL TAX ROLL Presentation by Finance Director Robert Samario Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Mirsch , seconded by Mayor Wilson to make the finding that there is no majority protest by property owners in the City of Rolling Hills and Adopt Resolution No. 1341 placing the sanitation service charge on the annual County of Los Angeles Tax Roll. Motion carried with the following vote: AYES: Dieringer, Mirsch, Mayor Wilson NOES: Black ABSENT: Pieper 12. OLD BUSINESS 12.B. APPROVE TENNIS COURTS ADA IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DESIGN; AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ADVERTISE FOR CONSTRUCTION BIDS; AND APPROVE LANDSCAPING DESIGN FOR THE TENNIS COURTS Presentation by Planning & Community Services Director John Signo, Motion by Councilmember Dieringer, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Mirsch to approve the agreement with RACE Communications for a three-year term. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Black, Dieringer, Mirsch, Mayor Wilson NOES: None ABSENT: Pieper 14. MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL – NONE 12 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, July 10, 2023 Page 5 15. MATTERS FROM STAFF – NONE 16. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION – 7:39 P.M. 16.A. PERSONNEL PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION (B) 54957 THE CITY COUNCIL MAY MEET IN CLOSED SESSION TO CONSIDER THE APPOINTMENT/EMPLOYMENT OF A PUBLIC EMPLOYEE. (CITY MANAGER) 17. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION – 8:05 P.M. 18. ADJOURNMENT : 8:05 P.M. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m on July 10, 2023. The next regular adjourned meeting of the City Council is scheduled to be held on Mon day, Ju ly 24, 202 3 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California. It will also be available via City’s website link at: All written comments submitted are included in the record and available for public review on the City website. Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________ Christian Horvath, City Clerk Approved, ____________________________________ Patrick Wilson, Mayor 13 Agenda Item No.: 8.D Mtg. Date: 07/24/2023 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:DAVID H. READY. ESQ., PH.D SUBJECT:PAYMENT OF BILLS DATE:July 24, 2023 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: CL_AGN_230724_CC_PaymentOfBills_E.pdf 14 15 16 Agenda Item No.: 8.E Mtg. Date: 07/24/2023 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:DAVID H. READY. ESQ., PH.D SUBJECT:REPUBLIC SERVICES RECYCLING TONNAGE REPORT FOR JUNE 2023 DATE:July 24, 2023 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. ATTACHMENTS: VC_REP_230719_June_YTD_TonnageReport.pdf 17 Year 2023 Franchise Y/N Y Month Commodity Tons Collected Tons Recovered Tons Disposed Diversion % Jan Greenwaste 75.94 75.94 - 100.00% Greenwaste - Free Residential Roll Off Bin 4.76 4.76 - 100.00% Trash 180.77 - 180.77 0.00% Jan Total 261.47 80.70 180.77 30.86% Feb Greenwaste 84.50 84.50 - 100.00% Greenwaste - Free Residential Roll Off Bin 11.62 11.62 - 100.00% Trash 133.45 - 133.45 0.00% Feb Total 229.57 96.12 133.45 41.87% Mar Greenwaste 135.07 135.07 - 100.00% Greenwaste - Free Residential Roll Off Bin 4.62 4.62 - 100.00% Trash 185.99 - 185.99 0.00% Mar Total 325.68 139.69 185.99 42.89% Apr Greenwaste 105.00 105.00 - 100.00% Trash 153.22 - 153.22 0.00% Trash - Free Residential Roll Off Bin 1.39 - 1.39 0.00% Apr Total 259.61 105.00 154.61 40.45% May Greenwaste 103.43 103.43 - 100.00% Greenwaste - Free Residential Roll Off Bin 1.42 1.42 - 100.00% Recycle 1.17 0.40 0.77 33.79% Trash 191.15 - 191.15 0.00% May Total 297.17 105.25 191.92 35.42% Jun Greenwaste 145.67 145.67 - 100.00% Trash 186.82 - 186.82 0.00% Jun Total 332.49 145.67 186.82 43.81% Grand Total 1,705.99 672.43 1,033.56 39.42% CITY OF ROLLING HILLS RESIDENTIAL FRANCHISE 2023 Page 1 of 2 18 Year 2023 Franchise Y/N N Month Commodity Tons Collected Tons Recovered Tons Disposed Diversion % Jan Recycle 0.41 0.19 0.21 47.92% Trash 68.77 - 68.77 0.00% Organics 0.03 0.01 0.02 20.85% Jan Total 69.20 0.20 69.00 0.29% Feb Recycle 0.15 0.07 0.08 47.28% Trash 84.23 - 84.23 0.00% Organics 0.16 0.07 0.09 42.47% Feb Total 84.54 0.14 84.40 0.17% Mar Recycle 0.19 0.07 0.13 35.00% Trash 46.39 - 46.39 0.00% Organics 0.20 0.14 0.06 69.23% Mar Total 46.78 0.21 46.58 0.44% Apr Recycle 0.15 0.05 0.10 35.94% Trash 166.55 - 166.55 0.00% Organics 0.10 0.07 0.03 69.22% Apr Total 166.80 0.12 166.68 0.07% May Greenwaste 2.94 2.94 - 100.00% Recycle 0.26 0.09 0.17 33.79% Trash 101.93 - 101.93 0.00% Organics 0.07 0.04 0.03 60.37% May Total 105.20 3.07 102.13 2.92% Jun Greenwaste 8.21 8.21 - 100.00% Recycle 0.23 0.08 0.15 33.34% Trash 65.16 - 65.16 0.00% Organics 0.13 0.12 0.01 94.11% Jun Total 73.73 8.41 65.32 11.41% Grand Total 546.26 12.15 534.11 2.22% CITY OF ROLLING HILLS NON-FRANCHISE 2023 Page 2 of 2 19 Agenda Item No.: 11.A Mtg. Date: 07/24/2023 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:JOHN SIGNO, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY SERVICES THRU:DAVID H. READY. ESQ., PH.D SUBJECT:ADOPT BY TITLE ONLY ORDINANCE NO. 383 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS AMENDING CHAPTER 15.20 (FIRE CODE) OF TITLE 15 (BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION) OF THE ROLLING HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE AND FINDING THE ORDINANCE IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA. FOR SECOND READING AND ADOPTION. DATE:July 24, 2023 BACKGROUND: Every three years, the California Building Standards Commission, together with other state agencies (e.g., the Department of Housing and Community Development), updates the state’s building standards by adopting a new edition of the California Building Standards Code (“CBSC”). The CBSC consists of multiple building codes codified in Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations (these include the state Fire Code, Title 24, Part 9). Effective January 1, 2023, these building standards apply to all building occupancies throughout the state, whether or not they are adopted by a local jurisdiction. Cities and counties, however, will typically pass ordinances adopting the CBSC by reference for the purpose of amending the state standards in accordance with local conditions and to adopt administrative provisions (e.g., fees, remedies for code violations, etc.). Local amendments must be specific to each edition of the CBSC. State law also provides that cities and counties may adopt amendments to the state building standards only if the local governing body (i.e., the City Council) finds that such modifications or changes are reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geological or topographical conditions, and if the local amendments are at least as restrictive as the state standards. (Administrative provisions that do not establish building standards may be enacted without necessity findings.) Traditionally, the City of Rolling Hills has adopted the CBSC as adopted and amended by Los Angeles County. On January 31, 2023, the County Board of Supervisors adopted the new county Fire Code with local amendments, which came into effect on March 2, 2023. Attached to this report is a letter from the Los Angeles County Fire Department summarizing the adoption of the County ordinance. 20 On June 26, 2023, the City Council introduced Ordinance No. 383 for first reading. The ordinance is now ready for adoption and second reading. If adopted, the ordinance becomes effective in thirty days. DISCUSSION: Ordinance No. 383 largely functions to adopt the current edition of the Fire Code, as amended by the Los Angeles County Code. Under State law, only those building standards that are effective at the local level at the time an application for a building permit is submitted apply to the plans and the construction performed under that building permit. As the City’s local modifications are necessitated by the area’s topographic, geologic and climatic conditions, allowing structures to be built absent the requirements of these tailored building standards presents a risk to the public health, safety, and welfare. (Specifically, the City is located in a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone characterized by hot, dry summers and heavy winter rains which result in expansive soil conditions. The area’s topography is also marked by geological instability, all of which conditions are addressed through the regional and local amendments to the CBSC.) The City Council previously adopted Ordinance No. 382 on January 9, 2023, which noted in part that the statewide Fire Code was to take effect in the City without modification. The proposed Ordinance No. 383 further amends Rolling Hills Municipal Code (RHMC) Chapter 15.20 (Fire Code) to reflect that the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has since amended its version of Title 32, Fire Code. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This ordinance is not a project within the meaning of Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) Guidelines because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment. Most of the terms of the building standards in the proposed Ordinance are dictated by the California Buildings Standards Code and county amendments to the state standards only make those modifications necessary for local regional conditions which are at least as protective of the environment as the state codes. City-specific amendments are limited to creating administrative processes for local enforcement of the state building standards. Alternatively, even if the ordinance is a project within the meaning of CEQA, its adoption is exempt from CEQA under the general rule that CEQA only applies to projects that may cause significant adverse effects on the environment. Pursuant to CEQA Guideline section 15061(b)(3), as this ordinance is largely administrative in nature, there is no possibility that the City’s action would adversely affect the environment in any manner that could be significant. FISCAL IMPACT: Building plan check and permit fees are paid to compensate the City for expenditures associated with these activities. As the changes in the Codes are minor, the fees collected will continue to match the expenditures, and there will be no net fiscal impact to the City. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt by title only Ordinance No.383 regarding the Fire Code. 21 ATTACHMENTS: 383_FireCodeOrdinance_F.pdf CL_AGN_230626_CC_RedlineVersion_Chapter15.20.pdf CL_AGN_230626_CC_LACounty_FireCodeTitle32Letter_051123.pdf CL_AGN_230626_CC_GuidanceSuggestedModelOrdinance_LACFireCode2023Edition_042723.pdf 22 ORDINANCE NO. 383 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE TITLE 32, FIRE CODE, OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY CODE, INCORPORATING THE CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE, 2022 EDITION, WITH CERTAIN CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS; AMENDING CHAPTER 15.20 OF THE ROLLING HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE; AND FINDING THE ACTION EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT WHEREAS, in July 2022, the California Building Standards Commission adopted the 2022 Edition of the California Building Standards Code (“CBSC”), effective January 1, 2023, and codified in Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations (“CCR”). WHEREAS, the CBSC consists of building standards that regulate the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, equipment, use, height, area, electrical systems, plumbing, mechanical systems, and maintenance of all buildings in the state and includes the California Fire Code (CCR, Title 24, Part 9). WHEREAS, on January 31, 2023, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors adopted Ordinance No. 2023-0008, amending Title 32 of the Los Angeles County Code by repealing and replacing it with the 2022 Edition of the California Fire Code and making certain local changes and amendments thereto. WHEREAS, pursuant to California Government Code Section 50022.2, the City of Rolling Hills (“City”) may adopt the 2022 Edition of the California Fire Code by reference. WHEREAS, pursuant to sections 17958.7 and 18941.5 of the California Health & Safety Code, the City may adopt local amendments to the California Fire Code determined by the City Council to be reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geological, or topographical conditions. WHEREAS, the City desires to adopt Title 32 of the Los Angeles County Code and the 2022 Edition of the California Fire Code without further local amendments. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The City Council hereby finds and determines that the Recitals above are true and correct and are incorporated herein. Section 2. Chapter 15.20 (Fire Code) of Title 15 (Buildings and Construction) of the City of Rolling Hills Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 23 “Chapter 15.20 FIRE CODE 15.20.010 Adoption of Fire Code. 15.20.020 Short title. 15.20.025 Very high fire hazard severity zone (VHFHSZ). 15.20.030 Permits. 15.20.035 Reserved. 15.20.040 Local amendments—Reserved. 15.20.050 Violations. 15.20.060 Responsibility. 15.20.010 Adoption of Fire Code. Except as hereinafter provided in this chapter, Title 32, Fire Code, of the Los Angeles County Code, as amended and in effect on March 2, 2023, which constitutes an amended version of the California Fire Code, 2022 Edition (Part 9 of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations), is hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this chapter as though set forth in this chapter in full. Said codes shall constitute the Fire Code of the City of Rolling Hills. In the event of any conflict between provisions of the California Fire Code, 2022 Edition, Title 32 of the Los Angeles County Code, or any amendment to the Fire Code contained in the Rolling Hills Municipal Code, the provision contained in the latter-listed document shall control. A copy of Title 32 of the Los Angeles County Code, along with a copy of the California Fire Code, 2022 Edition, has been deposited in the office of the City Clerk and shall be at all times while in force maintained by the Clerk for use and examination by the public. 15.20.020 Short title. This chapter shall be known as the “Fire Code of the City of Rolling Hills” and may be cited as such. 15.20.025 Very high fire hazard severity zone (VHFHSZ). The entire City of Rolling Hills is designated as a very high fire hazard severity zone, as prescribed by the Director of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and as designated on a map titled City of Rolling Hills VHFHSZ dated July 1, 2008, and which shall be retained on file in the City Clerk’s office at the Rolling Hills City Hall. 15.20.030 Permits. Any permit heretofore issued by the County of Los Angeles pursuant to the Fire Code of said County, for work within the territorial boundaries of the 24 City of Rolling Hills, shall remain in full force and effect according to its terms. 15.20.035 Reserved. 15.20.040 Local amendments—Reserved. 15.20.050 Violations. Every person violating any provision of the Fire Code or of any permit or license granted hereunder, or any rule, regulation, or policy promulgated pursuant hereto, is guilty of a misdemeanor unless such violation is declared to be an infraction by the Fire Code. Each such violation is a separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which such violation is committed, continued, or permitted, and conviction of any such violation shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 15.20.060 Responsibility. Any person who personally or through another willfully, negligently, or in violation of law sets a fire, allows a fire to be set, or allows a fire kindled or attended by such person to escape from his or her control; allows any hazardous material to be handled, stored, or transported in a manner not in accordance with nationally recognized standards; allows any hazardous material to escape from his or her control; neglects to properly comply with any written notice of the Chief; or willfully or negligently allows the continuation of a violation of the Fire Code and amendments thereto is liable for the expense of fighting the fire or for the expenses incurred during a hazardous materials incident, and such expense shall be a charge against that person. Such charge shall constitute a debt of such person and is collectible by the public agency incurring such expense in the same manner as in the case of an obligation under a contract, express or implied.” Section 3. All inconsistencies between the Fire Code, as adopted by this ordinance, and Part 9 of the California Code of Regulations are changes, modifications, amendments, additions, or deletions thereto authorized by California Health and Safety Code Sections 17958 and 17958.7. Section 4. Justifications for Local Amendments. The City Council hereby finds that the changes and modifications to the California Fire Code enacted by this ordinance are reasonably necessary because of the City’s local climate, which is characterized by: hot, dry summers often resulting in drought conditions; strong Santa Ana winds often resulting in hazardous fire conditions; heavy winter rains often resulting in expansive soil conditions; the City’s geological characteristics in that the area is characterized by geological instability; the City’s location in Southern California; and the relatively flat topography of the City. 25 The City Council hereby finds that the modifications to the State Fire Code in Title 32 of the Los Angeles County Code are reasonably necessary because of the local climatic, geological, and topographical conditions within the City of Rolling Hills. Further, the modifications to the Fire Code in Title 32 of the Los Angeles County Code are administrative in nature and are necessary to allow the uniform application of the codes by procedures suited to the size and nature of the City’s staff and administrative agencies by means suited to the City’s experience with local climatic, geological, and topographical conditions and to provide sufficient staff support for the time-consuming inspections and analyses required by the City’s fire and geological hazards. Section 5. To the extent the provisions of this ordinance are substantially the same as previous provisions of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code, these sections shall be construed as continuations of those provisions and not as new enactments, unless otherwise required by law. Section 6. Severability. If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance or any part hereof is for any reason held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council of the City of Rolling Hills hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid. Section 7. California Environmental Quality Act. The City Council finds that this ordinance is not a project within the meaning of Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) Guidelines because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment. Most of the terms of the building standards adopted herein are dictated by the California Building Standards Code and county amendments to the state standards only make those modifications necessary for local regional conditions which are at least as protective of the environment as the state codes. City-specific amendments, if any, are limited to creating administrative processes for local enforcement of the state building standards, as modified by the county. Alternatively, even if the ordinance is a project within the meaning of CEQA, its adoption is exempt from CEQA under the general rule that CEQA only applies to projects that may cause significant adverse effects on the environment. CEQA Guideline section 15061(b)(3). As this ordinance is largely administrative in nature, there is no possibility that the City’s action would adversely affect the environment in any manner that could be significant. Section 8. Filing. The City Clerk shall file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the California Building Standards Commission pursuant to section 17958.7 of the California Health and Safety Code. 26 Section 9. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its final passage and adoption, consistent with California Government Code section 36937. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 24th day of July, 2023. _________________________________ Patrick Wilson, Mayor ATTEST: Christian Horvath, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Patrick Donegan, City Attorney 27 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) §§ CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) I, Christian Horvath, City Clerk of the City of Rolling Hills, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 383 was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rolling Hills held on the 24th day of July, 2023, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 28 REDLINE VERSION – FOR REFERENCE ONLY Chapter 15.20 FIRE CODE 15.20.010 Adoption of Fire Code. 15.20.020 Short title. 15.20.025 Very high fire hazard severity zone (VHFHSZ). 15.20.030 Permits. 15.20.035 Reserved. 15.20.040 Local amendments—Reserved. 15.20.050 Violations. 15.20.060 Responsibility. 15.20.010 Adoption of Fire Code. Except as hereinafter provided in this chapter, Title 32, Fire Code, of the Los Angeles County Code, as amended and in effect on March 2, 2023, which constitutes an amended version of the California Fire Code, 2022 Edition (Part 9 of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations), based on the International Fire Code, 2021 Edition, is hereby adopted by reference and may be cited as made a part of this chapter as though set forth in this chapter in full. Said codes shall constitute the Fire Code of the City of Rolling Hills. In the event of any conflict between provisions of the California Fire Code, 2022 Edition, Title 32 of the Los Angeles County Code, or any amendment to the Fire Code contained in the Rolling Hills Municipal Code, the provision contained in the later latter-listed document shall control. A copy of Title 32 of the Los Angeles County Code, along with a copy of the California Fire Code, 2022 Edition, has been deposited in the office of the City Clerk and shall be at all times while in force maintained by the Clerk for use and examination by the public. 15.20.020 Short title. This chapter shall be known as the “Fire Code of the City of Rolling Hills” and may be cited as such. 15.20.025 Very high fire hazard severity zone (VHFHSZ). The entire City of Rolling Hills is designated as a very high fire hazard severity zone, as prescribed by the Director of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and as designated on a map titled City of Rolling Hills VHFHSZ dated July 1, 2008, and which shall be retained on file in the City Clerk’s office at the Rolling Hills City Hall. 15.20.030 Permits. Any permit heretofore issued by the County of Los Angeles pursuant to the 29 REDLINE VERSION – FOR REFERENCE ONLY Fire Code of said County, for work within the territorial boundaries of the City of Rolling Hills, shall remain in full force and effect according to its terms. 15.20.035 Reserved. 15.20.040 Local amendments—Reserved. 15.20.050 Violations. Every person violating any provision of the Fire Code or of any permit or license granted hereunder, or any rule, regulation, or policy promulgated pursuant hereto, is guilty of a misdemeanor unless such violation is declared to be an infraction by the Fire Code. Each such violation is a separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which such violation is committed, continued, or permitted, and conviction of any such violation shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 15.20.060 Responsibility. Any person who personally or through another willfully, negligently, or in violation of law sets a fire, allows a fire to be set, or allows a fire kindled or attended by such person to escape from his or her control,; allows any hazardous material to be handled, stored, or transported in a manner not in accordance with nationally recognized standards,; allows any hazardous material to escape from his or her control; neglects to properly comply with any written notice of the Chief,; or willfully or negligently allows the continuation of a violation of the Fire Code and amendments thereto is liable for the expense of fighting the fire or for the expenses incurred during a hazardous materials incident, and such expense shall be a charge against that person. Such charge shall constitute a debt of such person and is collectible by the public agency incurring such expense in the same manner as in the case of an obligation under a contract, express or implied. 30 ANTHONY C . MARRONE FIRE CHIEF FORESTER & FIRE WARDEN "Proud Protectors of Life, the Environment, and Property" May 11 , 2023 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT 1320 NORTH EASTERN AVENUE LOS ANGELES , CALIFORNIA 90063-3294 (323) 881-2401 .lacounty .gov BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JANICE HAHN, CHAIR FOURTH DISTRI CT HILDA L. SOLIS FIRST DISTRICT LINDSEY P. HORVATH THIRD DISTRICT HOLLY J . MITCHELL SECO ND DISTRI CT KATHRYN BARGER FIFTH DISTRICT ATTENTION ALL CITY MANAGERS ADOPTION OF THE 2023 LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE -TITLE 32 This is to advise you that on January 31, 2023 , the County of Los Ange les (County) Board of Supervisors adopted amendments to the Los Angeles County Code Title 32, also known as the Los Angeles County Fire Code (LACFC), which became effective on March 2, 2023. The 2023 LACFC is now active in all areas within the jurisdiction of the Consolidated Fire Protection District of the County of Los Angeles. These local amendments are a set of regulations for the safeguarding of life and property from fire and explosion hazards arising from the storage, handling , and use of hazardous substances , materials and devices , and from conditions hazardous to life or property in the occupancy of buildings and premises. RESPONSIBILITIES All City Managers shall adopt/ratify by ordinance or resolution the 2023 LACFC as the City's Fire Code, and file/transmit the associated city council documentation and findings , as described in the enclosed document. To assist you in this process, the enclosure also includes sample city ordinance/resolution language. City Managers may access a copy of the Certified LACFC County Ordinance (#2023-0008) at .pdf. AGOURA HILLS ARTESIA AZUSA BALDWIN PARK BELL BEL L GARDENS BE LLFLOWER BRADBURY CALABASAS SERVING THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY AND THE CITIES OF : CARSO N CERRITOS CLAREMO NT COMMERCE COV IN A CUDAHY DI AMOND BAR DUARTE EL MONTE GARDENA GLENDORA HAWA II AN GARDENS HAWTHO RN E HERMOSA BEACH HIDDEN HI LLS HUNTIN GTON PARK INDUSTRY INGLEWOOD IRWI ND ALE LA CANADA-FLI NTR IDG E LA HABRA LA MIRADA LA PUENTE LAKEWOOD LANCASTER LAWNDALE LOMITA LYNWOOD MALIBU MAYWOOD NORWALK PALMDALE PA LOS VERDES ESTAT ES PARAMOUNT PICO RI VERA POMONA RANCHO PALOS VERDES ROLLING HILLS RO LLIN G HILLS ESTATE S ROSEMEAD SAN DIMAS SANTA CLAR ITA S IGNAL HILL SO UTH EL MO NTE SOUTH GATE TEMPLE CITY VERNON WALNUT W EST HOLLYWOO D W EST LAKE VI LLAGE WH ITIIER 31 All City Managers May 11, 2023 Page 2 If you need any assistance with the LACFC or a more restrictive building standard adoption process , please contact Battalion Chief Richard Stillwagon, at (323) 890-4124, or Fire Fighter Specialist Joshua Costello, at (213) 503-5468. Very truly yours, FIRE M S AL ALBERT YANAGISAWA FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION AY:es Enclosure c: Board Fire Deputies 32 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 1 of 35 BACKGROUND: The Los Angeles County Fire Code (LACFC) is adopted by the County of Los Angeles (County) Board of Supervisors for the County and the Consolidated Fire Protection District of Los Angeles County (District). It is also designed and promulgated to be adopted/ratified by reference through official action by the governing bodies of the constituent/contracting cities of the District. The 2023 edition of the LACFC (as established by County Ordinance 2023-0008), which is codified as Los Angeles County Code (LACC) Title 32, serves to express the County and District amendments to the 2022 edition of the California Fire Code (CFC). These local amendments are a set of regulations for the safeguarding of life and property from fire and explosion hazards arising from the storage, handling, and use of hazardous substances, materials and devices, and from conditions hazardous to life or property in the occupancy of buildings and premises. The CFC, being Part 9 of the California Building Standards Code (i.e., Part 9 of CCR Title 24), is limited in scope to only address building standards. As such, the State does not adopt many portions of the CFC publication, and many essential fire- and life-safety regulations are left out, including basic fire apparatus access provisions. The unadopted portions of the CFC come from the International Fire Code (IFC), and they serve as suggested provisions for local fire authorities to consider for adoption. The State permits these unadopted provisions to remain in the CFC publication because it is expected that the local fire authority will promulgate local amendments to the CFC publication as necessary during the local fire-code adoption proceedings. While local fire codes are required to incorporate the State-adopted portions of the latest CFC, these local fire codes are not limited in scope the way the CFC is; and local fire codes can be more restrictive than even the State-adopted portions. As such, local fire codes adopt the latest CFC by reference and then amend and add to it as necessary to be more specific and restrictive in order to address local safety and administrative needs. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Adopt/ratify, by reference, the 2023 Los Angeles County Fire Code (LACC Title 32) as the fire code of your City: See the samples of suggested ordinance/resolution text farther below in this document. The certified County Ordinance, #2023-0008, is available at: 33 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 2 of 35 2. File the City ordinance/resolution with the State of California: The following documents should be transmitted by the constituent/contracting City to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC), and the District (at the addresses shown in Item #3 below): (a) The city-governing-body signed and approved adopting ordinance/resolution/motion. (b) The associated findings of the city in support/justification of the amendments being made to the 2022 edition of Part 9 of CCR Title 24 (i.e., the 2022 CFC). These findings are at the end of the LACFC County Ordinance #2023-0008 (Section 445 thereof) and are also being included at the end of this document, as Exhibit [X]. 3. Address the above documents, to be filed with the State, to: 1.) HCD: Department of Housing and Community Development Division of Codes and Standards State Housing Law Program 9342 Tech Center Drive, Suite 500 Sacramento, CA 95826 2.) CBSC: California Building Standards Commission 2525 Natomas Park Drive, Suite 130 Sacramento, CA 95833-2936 3.) Los Angeles County Fire Department: Consolidated Fire Protection District of Los Angeles County Fire Prevention Division Assistant Chief Albert Yanagisawa, Fire Marshal, 34 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 3 of 35 Fire Fighter Specialist Joshua Costello, Codes and Ordinances Unit and The following samples of adoption/ratification language serve only as suggestions of city language for the aforementioned city proceedings. Following the sample legislation is Exhibit [X] (“FINDINGS IN SUPPORT OF ADOPTION OF MORE RESTRICTIVE BUILDING STANDARDS”), which is the extract of Section 445 of County Ordinance # 2023-0008, the ordinance that created the 2023 edition of the Los Angeles County Fire Code. These findings should be referenced in the city’s ordinance/resolution. 35 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 4 of 35 SAMPLE #1 of LEGISLATION FOR ADOPTION: ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NO. _________ A[N] [ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION] of the [NAME OF CITY] adopting the 2023 edition of the Los Angeles County Fire Code (Title 32 of the Los Angeles County Code), regulating and governing the safeguarding of life and property from fire and explosion hazards arising from the storage, handling and use of hazardous substances, materials and devices, and from conditions hazardous to life or property in the occupancy of buildings and premises in the [NAME OF CITY]; providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor; repealing [ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION] No. ______ of the [NAME OF CITY]. The [GOVERNING BODY] of the [NAME OF CITY] does ordain as follows: Section l. That a certain document, being marked and designated as the Los Angeles County Fire Code (Title 32 of the Los Angeles County Code), 2023 edition, including chapters and appendices as designated by Los Angeles County Fire Code Sections 100 and 101.2.1, and incorporating by reference therein the California Fire Code, 2022 edition, in its entirety, as amended, and certain portions of the International Fire Code, 2021 edition, not otherwise adopted, as amended, be and is hereby adopted as the Fire Code of the [NAME OF CITY], in the State of California, regulating and governing the safeguarding of life and property from fire and explosion hazards arising from the storage, handling and use of hazardous substances, materials and devices, and from conditions hazardous to life or property in the occupancy of buildings and premises as herein provided; providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefore; and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of said Fire Code on file in the office of the [NAME OF CITY] are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this [ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION], with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes, if any, prescribed in Section 2 of this ordinance. Section 2. That the following sections are hereby revised: Fire Code Section _____. Insert: ______. Section 3. That [ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION] No.______ of [NAME OF CITY] entitled [FILL IN HERE THE COMPLETE TITLE OF THE FIRE CODE LEGISLATION OR LAWS IN EFFECT AT THE PRESENT TIME IN YOUR CITY SO THAT THEY WILL BE REPEALED BY SPECIFIC REFERENCE] and all other previous ordinances or parts of laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4. The [GOVERNING BODY] finds that each of the changes and modifications to the California Fire Code adopted in this [ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION] are reasonably necessary due to the local climatic, geological, or topographical conditions in the area encompassed by the boundaries of the [NAME OF CITY]; and the [GOVERNING BODY] further finds that each of the specific findings set forth in Exhibit [X] to this [ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION] which is incorporated herein by this reference, individually and collectively support the local necessity for such 36 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 5 of 35 changes and modifications. Accordingly, the [GOVERNING BODY] finds the modifications to the State Building Standards Code incorporated in this [ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION] to be reasonably necessary for the protection of the public’s health, safety, and welfare. Section 5. That in the event of any conflict between legal provisions of the California Fire Code, 2022 edition; Title 32 of the Los Angeles County Code (the Los Angeles County Fire Code); and/or any amendment to the Fire Code contained in the [NAME OF CITY] Municipal Code, the provision contained in the latter listed document shall control. Section 6. That if any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this legislation is, for any reason, held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The [GOVERNING BODY] hereby declares that it would have passed this law, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional. Section 7. That nothing in this legislation or in the Fire Code hereby adopted shall be construed to affect any suit or proceeding impending in any court, or any rights acquired, or liability incurred, or any cause or causes of action acquired or existing, under any act or ordinance hereby repealed as cited in Section 4 of this law; nor shall any just or legal right or remedy of any character be lost, impaired or affected by this legislation. Section 8. That the [CITY'S KEEPER OF RECORDS] is hereby ordered and directed to cause this legislation to be published. [An additional provision may be required to direct the number of times the legislation is to be published and to specify that it is to be in a newspaper in general circulation. Posting may also be required.] Section 9. That this law and the rules, regulations, provisions, requirements, orders and matters established and adopted hereby shall take effect and be in full force and effect [TIME PERIOD] from and after the date of its final passage and adoption. Section 10. The adoption of this [ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION] or any amendment to any existing [ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION] of this [City] shall, not in any manner, affect the prosecution for violations of [ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION]s committed prior to the effective date of this [ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION]. Section 11. That a copy of the Los Angeles County Fire Code (Title 32 of the Los Angeles County Code), incorporating the California Fire Code, 2022 edition, has been deposited in the office of the [TITLE OF CITY'S KEEPER OF RECORDS] of the [NAME OF CITY] and shall be at all times maintained by the [TITLE OF CITY'S KEEPER OF RECORDS] for use and examination by the public. Section 12. The [TITLE OF DESIGNEE] is hereby authorized and directed to transmit copies of this signed [ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION] to the California Department of Housing and Community Development, the California Building Standards Commission, and the County of Los Angeles Fire Department, as required by California State statutes. 37 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 6 of 35 SAMPLE #2 of LEGISLATION FOR ADOPTION: ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NO. _________ A[N] [ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION] of the [NAME OF CITY] ADOPTING THE Consolidated Fire Protection District of Los Angeles County Fire Code, RATIFYING THE MORE RESTRICTIVE BUILDING STANDARDS CONTAINED IN THAT CODE. WHEREAS, the [NAME OF CITY] lies within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Consolidated Fire Protection District of Los Angeles County (District); and WHEREAS, the District has responsibility for fire protection within said jurisdictional boundaries; and WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors, acting as the Governing Body of the District did on January 31, 2023, adopt amendments to the District Fire Code by adopting by reference, with certain changes and amendments, the 2022 edition of the California Fire Code and portions of the 2021 edition of the International Fire Code; and WHEREAS, as allowed by State law, the District Fire Code contains local amendments that constitute more restrictive building standards relating to fire and panic safety than those adopted by the State Fire Marshal and contained in the California Building Standards Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 13869.7(c) of the California Health and Safety Code, local amendments containing such more restrictive building standards are not effective within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City until ratified by the [CITY’S GOVERNING BODY]; and WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City to ratify all of these more restrictive building standards and to have those standards be enforced in the City; NOW, THEREFOREE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the [CITY’S GOVERNING BODY] takes the following action: 1. Adopts the 2023 edition of the District Fire Code (the Los Angeles County Fire Code, i.e. Title 32 of the Los Angeles County Code) as the Fire Code for the City, 2. Ratifies the Ordinance amending the District Fire Code, adopted on January 31, 2023, by the Board of Supervisors which contains more restrictive building standards, 3. Finds that the more restrictive building standards contained in the District Fire Code are reasonably necessary due to local climatic, geological, or topographical conditions in the City and adopts by reference the specific findings made in Section 445 of the Ordinance 38 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 7 of 35 adopted by the Board of Supervisors regarding these local conditions, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit [X], 4. Instructs the City Clerk to send a copy of this resolution to the following: California Department of Housing and Community Development Division of Codes and Standards State Housing Law Program 9342 Tech Center Drive, Suite 500 Sacramento, CA 95826 California Building Standards Commission 2525 Natomas Park Drive, Suite 130 Sacramento, CA 95833-2936 and Consolidated Fire Protection District of Los Angeles County Fire Prevention Division 5823 Rickenbacker Rd. Commerce CA 90040 Office of the Fire Marshal and Codes and Ordinances Unit PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED, this ________ day of _________, 2023 __________________________ [MAYOR] ATTEST:________________________ [CITY CLERK] 39 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 8 of 35 EXHIBIT [X] of CITY MOTION FOR ADOPTION: Exhibit [X] - Section 450 from Ordinance Adopted by County Board of Supervisors on January 31, 2023: SECTION 445. FINDINGS IN SUPPORT OF ADOPTION OF MORE RESTRICTIVE BUILDING STANDARDS. The provisions of this ordinance contain various changes, modifications, and additions to the 2022 California Fire Code. Some of those changes are administrative in nature in that they do not constitute changes or modifications to requirements contained in the building standards adopted by the State Fire Marshal and published in the California Building Standards Code. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 17958.5, 17958.7, and 18941.5, the Board of Supervisors hereby expressly finds and determines that all of the changes and modifications to requirements contained in the building standards published in the California Building Standards Code, contained in this ordinance, which are not administrative in nature, are reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geological, or topographical conditions in the County of Los Angeles and in the Consolidated Fire Protection District of Los Angeles County (“District”). This expressed finding is supported and based upon the following more specific determinations: CLIMATIC – The County of Los Angeles/District is located in an area subject to climatic conditions with long periods of low humidity and hot weather, combined with unpredictable seasonal high winds (Santa Ana wind conditions), resulting in increased exposure to fire risk. This combination of events creates an environment that is conducive to rapidly spreading fires. Control of such fires requires rapid response. With the time that is required to deal with potential obstacles from the wind, such as fallen trees, street lights, and utility poles, in addition to the time required to climb 75 feet vertically up flights of stairs, the ability to respond rapidly is negatively 40 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 9 of 35 impacted. Additionally, there is a significant increase in the amount of wind at 60 feet above the ground. Use of aerial-type firefighting apparatus above this height would place rescue personnel at increased risk of injury. High winds will also cause burning embers to become airborne resulting in the rapid spread of a fire to nearby structures. Immediate containment of a fire is the only method by which it can be controlled during high wind conditions. In high fire severity zones, a unique combination of low humidity, strong winds, and dry vegetation exists. GEOLOGICAL – The County of Los Angeles/District is located in the middle of the seismically active area identified as Seismic Zone 4. The viability of the public water system would be questionable at best after a major seismic event. Tall buildings would become vulnerable to uncontrolled fires due to a lack of available water and an inability to pump sufficient quantities of any available water to floors above the 55-foot level. A severe seismic event has the potential to negatively impact any rescue or fire suppression activities because it is likely to create significant physical obstacles and logistical challenges. With the probability of strong aftershocks, there exists a need to provide increased protection for anyone on upper floors. Geological conditions created by the numerous faults will result in increased fire danger to structures, delayed Fire Department response, and unique rescue challenges. Seismic events of sufficient magnitude will cause substantial damage to structures. These damages are likely to be accompanied by a substantial number of fires that may exceed the Fire Department suppression capabilities. Accordingly, built-in fire suppression systems provide the only adequate measure to mitigate the potential hazards from and damage caused by such fires. The County of Los Angeles/District is subject to occasional severe rainstorms. The impacts from these rainstorms are exacerbated if hillside areas have been burned by wildland fires because significant mud and debris flows can occur. Mud and debris flows can impair Fire 41 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 10 of 35 Department access or delay response times if access roads are obstructed by mud or debris. TOPOGRAPHICAL – The topographical conditions of the County of Los Angeles/District includes many mountains, hills, and canyons which tend to accelerate the periodic high-velocity winds by means of a Venturi effect. These canyon winds and the significant growth of vegetation of a combustible nature increase the fire danger. Additionally, long periods of dry, hot weather, combined with unpredictable seasonal winds (Santa Ana wind conditions) result in increased exposure to fire risk. The hillside areas have access roads that are narrow, steep, and contain many sharp curves, all of which makes timely response by large fire apparatus difficult. The specific sections of this code that constitute more restrictive building standards are identified in the table set forth below. The more restrictive building standards contained in this code and identified in the table below shall be applicable only in those cities served by the District which have ratified the aforesaid sections in accordance with California Health and Safety Code Section 13869. Section Local Condition Explanation and Findings 304.1.2 – Vegetation Climatic and Topographical Local amendment requiring brush clearance to maintain defensible space for fire operations that is necessary due to the unique climate and topography of the County/District to reduce risk of fire and to minimize the spreading of fire to structures. 314.4 – Vehicles Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Local amendment providing the fuel-amount equivalencies for indoor display of vehicles using alternative fuels and other newer technologies. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake movement and damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 42 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 11 of 35 Section Local Condition Explanation and Findings 316.6.1 – Structures Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Imposes additional requirements for the grounding of construction under high-voltage transmission lines to protect property, the public, and fire fighters responding to emergencies. Necessary due to the unique climate and topography of the County/District to reduce risk of fire, to reduce the possibility of fires being causes by downed high-voltage transmission lines, to minimize the spreading of fires that may begin under transmission lines, and to protect fire fighters responding to emergencies under transmission lines. Further necessary because risk of fire is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 321 – Artificial Combustible Vegetation Administrative Deletion in order to clarify that neither the State nor the District adopts this section or the sections of Chapter 8 that are referenced by it. 322.3 – Fire safety plan Administrative Declaratory of existing law for clarification to the code user. 322.4.1 – Limited indoor storage in containers Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Local amendment providing the ability for the fire code official to consider other factors affecting the safety of the placement containers used for the collection of damaged and used lithium- based batteries. These batteries have been identified as a known source of fires, especially when damaged or aged. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 326.7 – Fire protection facilities required Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Local amendment to require fire safety measures including but not limited to water supply, firebreaks, posting of fire watchers, access roads, restriction of activities during high fire hazard and other conditions to maintain reasonable fire safety. Necessary due to the unique climate and topography of the County/District to reduce risk of fire, to reduce the possibility of wildland fires spreading to structures, and to minimize impacts of fire. Further necessary because risk of fire is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes 43 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 12 of 35 Section Local Condition Explanation and Findings in the County/District. 326.12.2 – Chimneys Climatic and Topographical Local amendment to reduce the threat of fires by requiring spark arrestors on chimneys that is necessary due to the unique climate and topography of the County/District to reduce risk of fire and to minimize impacts of fire. Such spark arrestors reduce the likelihood of embers exiting a chimney and igniting a fire. These spark arrestors are required by the SFM in both CCR Title 19 and the Building Code. 326.14 – Roadway clearance Climatic and Topographical Local amendment requiring clearance of roadways to provide adequate access for firefighting apparatus, to create defensible space for fire operations, and to reduce the possibility of wildland fires spreading to structures. Necessary due to the unique climate and topography of the County/District. 401.10 – Fire watch procedures, 401.10.1, 401.10.2, 401.10.3, 401.10.4, 401.10.5, 401.10.6. Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides for consistency in the minimum requirements of a fire watch program. Necessary to ensure adequate response times and actions due to the unique climatic and topographical conditions that increase the risk of fires in fire hazard severity zones. Further necessary because risk of fire is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 503.1.1 – Buildings and facilities Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides for clarification regarding the determination of the fire code official for certain special circumstances. Necessary to ensure adequate response times and actions due to the unique climatic and topographical conditions that increase the risk of fires in fire hazard severity zones. Further necessary because risk of fire is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 503.1.2 – Additional access. Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides for additional access requirements necessary because of terrain, climate, or other factors that limit access. Necessary to ensure adequate response times due to the unique climatic and topographical conditions that increase the risk of fires in fire hazard severity zones. Further necessary because risk of fire is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 44 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 13 of 35 Section Local Condition Explanation and Findings 503.2.1 – Dimensions, 503.2.1.1, 503.2.1.2, 503., 503., 503., 503. Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Requires unobstructed clearance to sky on fire apparatus access roads with exception for protected tree species. Necessary to prevent obstruction of access roads by tree limbs or other obstructions and thus allow for quick response times to fires and other emergencies. Necessary to ensure adequate response times due to the unique climatic and topographical conditions that increase the risk of fires in fire hazard severity zones. Requires sufficient fire apparatus access road widths and the location of said roads in respect to buildings. Necessary because risk of fire and collapse is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 503.2.4 – Turning radius, 503.2.5 – Dead-ends, 503.2.7 – Grade Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides for more stringent width, turning radius, and grade specifications for access roads to ensure access for fire apparatus. Necessary due to unique climatic and topographical conditions that increase the risk of fires. Further necessary because risk of fire is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 503.4 – Obstruction of fire apparatus access roads Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Adds speed bumps and speed humps to list of prohibited obstructions to fire apparatus access roads. Speed bumps and speed humps reduce response times to fires and other emergencies because fire apparatus have to slow down to pass over them or drive around them. Necessary to ensure adequate response times due to the unique climatic and topographical conditions that increase the risk of fires in fire hazard severity zones. Further necessary because risk of fire is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 503.4.1 – Traffic-calming devices Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Requires fire code official approval to install traffic calming devices such as speed bumps and speed humps. Such devices can reduce response times to fires and other emergencies. Necessary to ensure adequate response times due to the unique climatic and topographical conditions that increase the risk of fires in fire hazard severity zones. This section is necessary because the risk of fire is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District.    45 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 14 of 35 503.6 – Gates Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Requires gates placed across fire apparatus access roads meet parameters to ensure emergency access widths and operability. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and electrical power interruption that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. 503.7 – Fire apparatus access roads in recreational vehicle, mobile home, manufactured housing, sales lots, and storage lots Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Requires fire apparatus access roads in recreational vehicle, mobile home, manufactured housing, sales lots, and storage lots. Necessary to ensure adequate water supply and access to such locations due to the unique climatic and topographical conditions that increase the risk of fires in fire hazard severity zones. Further necessary because the risk of fire is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 503.8 – Fire apparatus access roads in mobile home parks and special occupancy parks Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Requires additional fire apparatus access roads in mobile home parks and special occupancy parks. Necessary to ensure adequate water supply and access to such locations due to the unique climatic and topographical conditions that increase the risk of fires in fire hazard severity zones. Further necessary because risk of fire is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 504.5 – Rooftop barriers and parapets Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides for emergency access to and egress from the roof in the event of fire or other emergency. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to unique climatic, geological, and topographical conditions. 506.1 – Where required Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Local amendment providing for access to structures or areas where immediate access is necessary for life-saving or fire-fighting purposes. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access.    46 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 15 of 35 507.2.2 – Water tanks Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Requires installation and maintenance standards for water tanks providing water for fire protection. Extends certain requirements to associated support structures and piping. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire and exposure that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These unique conditions also increase emergency response times, thereby increasing the time during which these water tank systems must remain in functional order. 507.5.10 – Draft system identification sign Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides posting of sign to notify Fire Department of draft hydrants, including those for swimming pools and spas in fire hazard severity zone. Necessary because of unique climatic and topographical conditions that increase the risk of fires in fire hazard severity zones. Further necessary because risk of fire is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 509.1.1 – Utility and hazardous equipment identification, 509.2 – Equipment and disconnection- means access, 509.3 Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides for identification and access to the disconnection means that are required for hazardous equipment and/or energy sources serving structures, as necessary for the protection of life and for fire-fighting purposes. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 510.1 – Emergency responder communication coverage (ERCC) in new buildings Administrative Clarifies how the fire code official will make the determination that is required of them by the State code. 510.4.1, 510.4.1.1, 510.4.1.2, 510.4.2, 510.4.2.3, 510.5, 510.5.1, Climatic, Geological, and Topographical When the circumstances of a structure necessitate emergency responder communication coverage systems, this amendment specifies “critical areas” of the building, referred to in the State code, at which it is critical that emergency personnel have radio 47 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 16 of 35 510.5.4, 510.6, 510.6.2 ERCC – coverage coverage. This list of areas is built upon the list of areas that are required to be served when a wired system is installed in lieu of an emergency responder radio coverage system. Systems are required to be provided with standby power for a duration of time. Amendment also clarifies required design standards otherwise left up to determination by the fire code official. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake movement and damage, and electrical power interruption that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. Further necessary due to the artificial topographical physical features of a structure or area that limit and/or interfere with emergency radio communications for first responders. 603.4 – Working space and clearances Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides for maintenance of the working clearances that are required to be maintained about electrical equipment such as electrical panels and other equipment specified by the Electrical Code. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 603.4.1 – Electrical signage and labeling Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides clarification of the interpretation of this section, and reference to the related section of code. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 604.4 – Emergency signs Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides guidance with local criteria that the fire code official will use in making the determination required of them by this section. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the 48 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 17 of 35 County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 901.6 – Inspection, testing, and maintenance Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Prohibits obstruction or impairment of fire protection and life safety system equipment, including initiating devices, alarm notification appliances, and annunciators. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 901.6.4 – Aboveground controls and valves for water-based fire protection systems Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Introductory section to Sections 901.6.4.1 through 901.6.4.4. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 901.6.4.1 – Signage Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides signage requirements for water-control valves to facilitate fire-fighter identification and use of said valves in an emergency. Necessary because of unique climatic and topographical conditions that increase the risk of fires in fire hazard severity zones. Further necessary because risk of fire is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 901.6.4.2 – Locks Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides for the security, and accessibility to proper authorities, of water-based fire protection systems. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 901.6.4.3 – Painting identification Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides for the identification and maintenance of water-based fire protection systems. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, 49 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 18 of 35 topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 901.6.4.4 – Clear space Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides clearance requirements for water- control valves to facilitate fire-fighter identification and use of said valves in an emergency. Necessary because of unique climatic and topographical conditions that increase the risk of fires in fire hazard severity zones. Further necessary because risk of fire is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 903.2.8 – Group R Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Requires that fire sprinklers be installed in mobile homes and manufactured homes located outside of mobile home parks. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire and exposure that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. 903.2.11.7 – Occupancies in fire hazard severity zones and within the San Gabriel South face Area or  Malibu–Santa Monica Mountains Area Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides an additional level of protection to occupancies in case of a fire by requiring installation of automatic fire sprinklers. Necessary because of unique climatic and topographical conditions that increase the risk of catastrophic fires in fire hazard severity zones and due to the topography that reduces response times to fires. Further necessary because risk of fire is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 903.4.2, 903.4.2.1 – Remote annunciator Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides for fire-fighter access to the alarm system information/status where necessary due to otherwise being inaccessible or inapparent. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access.    50 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 19 of 35 904.1.1 – Certification of service personnel for fire- extinguishing Equipment Administrative Clarification to the code user that neither the Consolidated Fire Protection District of Los Angeles County, nor the State of California adopt this section. 904.3.5 – Monitoring Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Requires monitoring of all automatic fire- extinguishing systems when a sprinkler monitoring system is otherwise required. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire and exposure that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. 905.2.1 – Class I standpipes Climatic Construction and installation requirements for Class I standpipes to ensure adequate fire protection systems and water supply due to fires in the hot and windy climate of the County/District. 905.4 – Location of Class I standpipe hose connections, 905.4.3 Climatic Installation/Regulation of Fire Protection System to ensure proper location of hose connection to control fires in the hot and windy climate of the County/District. 905.5.3 – Class II system 1½-inch hose Climatic Installation and regulation of interior wet standpipes to ensure adequate fire protection system due to fires in the hot and windy climate of the County/District. 905.9 – Riser shutoff valve supervision and drain Climatic Additional requirements to fire protection system for testing, maintenance, and operation. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions. 905.13 – Standpipe diameter Climatic Size requirements for Class III standpipes to ensure adequate fire protection system. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions. 910.2 – Where required Climatic and geological Requires smoke and heat removal for buildings. Necessary to increase ability of fire fighters to respond to, and fight, fires in buildings. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in 51 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 20 of 35 the County/District due to hot and windy conditions and the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 910.2.3 – Group S-2 Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Requires smoke and heat removal for basement- level parking garages. Necessary to increase ability of fire fighters to respond to fires in parking garages. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire and earthquake damage that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. Further necessary due to the artificial topographical physical features of a structure or area that limit and/or interfere with the ability of emergency responders to protect life, property, and the environment. 910.3 – Smoke and heat vent design and installation. 910.3.2, 910.3.4, 910.3.4.1, 910.3.4.2, 910., 910., 910.3.4.3 910.3.5 Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Requirements for smoke and heat vents in buildings. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire and earthquake damage that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. Further necessary due to the artificial topographical physical features of a structure or area that limit and/or interfere with the ability of emergency responders to protect life, property, and the environment. 910.4.3, 910.4.4 – Mechanical smoke removal systems Geological Requirements for smoke and heat vents and mechanical smoke removal systems in buildings. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to seismic concerns with potential water supply issues. 912.2 – Location Geological and Topographical Requires that more than one fire department connection may be required. Necessary due to natural and artificial local topography, and the effects of seismic activity that could limit and/or interfere with the ability of emergency responders to access certain locations.    52 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 21 of 35 912.2.1 – Visible location Climatic, Topographical, Geological Requires fire department connections to be located within 150 feet of a public fire hydrant and at a safe distance from the building. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions. Further necessary because the risk of fire is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 912.7 – Inspection, testing and maintenance Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Clarifies where provisions for signage, painting, hose threads, physical protection, and clear space, for fire department connections, shall apply. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 912.8 – Identification — paint color Climatic, Topographical Requires red paint on fire department connections subject to rust or corrosion to identify them to fire fighters and protect from the elements. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions. 912.9 – Breakable caps or plugs Climatic, Topographical Requires breakable caps or plugs for fire hose couplings to protect them from the elements and to ensure easy access to the fire department connection during fires. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions. 914.9.1 – Spray booths Climatic Requires spray booths to have automatic fire sprinkler system protection under specified conditions. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions. Further necessary because the risk of fire is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 1032.4 – Exit signs, 1032.4.1, 1032.4.2, 1032.4.3 Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Requirements for minimum exit signage maintenance, including a bringing-to-one-location of existing CA requirements scattered about the code and/or providing reference thereto. Addresses warnings against elevator use in an emergency, and stairway access. Necessary to ensure proper notice and evacuation in case of fire or other emergency. Necessary because of 53 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 22 of 35 increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions. Further necessary because risk of fire and need for evacuation is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 1103.11 – Fire department access Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Clarifies where provisions for fire department access apply, including reference to a related section of the code. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 1203.2.3 – Emergency responder communication coverage systems. Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Maintains current level of safety by maintaining current standby-power capacity duration for emergency responder communication coverage systems. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 1203.2.5 – Exhaust ventilation Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Maintains current level of safety by maintaining current standby-power capacity duration for electrical energy storage system mechanical exhaust ventilation systems. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 54 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 23 of 35 1203.2.7 – Gas detection systems Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Corrects reference number for section addressing exhaust ventilation for electrical energy storage systems. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 1204.4 – Grounding Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Clarifies when grounding will be required of portable generators. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 1205.2 – Access and pathway Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Clarifies that exceptions to access and pathway requirements may not negate the ability of occupants to reliably identify escape and rescue pathways and avoid electrified components therein. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 1205.4 – Buildings with rapid shutdown Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides reference to the related section of code. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 55 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 24 of 35 1205.5.1 – Vegetation control Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Clarifies where this maintenance provision applies. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 1206.10 – Manual shutoff Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides reference to the related section of code, and harmonizes this section thereto. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 1207.1.2 – Permits, 1207.1.3, 1207.1.4, 1207.1.4.1, 1207.1.4.2, 1207.1.5, 1207.1.7 Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Require approved permitting for electrical energy storage systems (ESS), including criteria/clarification regarding hazard mitigation analysis and special approvals beyond what the code allows by default. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 1207.3.4, 1207.3.4.1, 1207.3.5 Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Specifies design and installation requirements for electrical energy storage systems (ESS). Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 1207.4 – General installation requirements, 1207.4.1, 1207.4.2, 1207.4.7, Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Specifies/clarifies location, separation, and signage requirements for electrical energy storage systems (ESS). Provides clarification and reference to other code requirements already applicable to these installations. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are 56 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 25 of 35 1207.4.8 – Signage consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, responding resources, water needs and availability, and access. 1207.5.2, 1207.5.8, Table 1207.7, 1207.7.1, 1207.7.2, 1207.7.3, 1207.7.4, 1207.8.3, 1207.8.4  Climatic, Geological, and Topographical  Specifies/clarifies location and separation requirements for electrical energy storage systems (ESS). Maintains preexisting safety levels. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 1207.4.13, 1207.5.4 – Fire detection, 1207.6.1.1, 1207.6.1.2, 1207., 1207., 1207., 1207. Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Specifies requirements for fire-extinguishing systems, ventilation, standby power, gas detection, explosion control, and the ability to release energy, for electrical energy storage systems (ESS). Includes references to the code sections regarding fire department connections and hydrants. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. Table 1207.6, 1207.6.1.1– 1207. Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Specifies design and installation requirements for various battery technologies used in electrical energy storage systems (ESS). Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 1207.6.3 – Explosion control Administrative Corrects typo to reference therein to a section within Chapter 1, which was reorganized in 2021/2022. 1207.4.6 – Combustible storage, Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Clarifies that combustible storage within ESS cabinets and enclosures is not allowed, and that vegetation maintenance (operational) 57 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 26 of 35 1207.5.7 – Vegetation requirements for electrical energy storage systems (ESS) apply to both new and existing installations. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 1207.9.4, 1207.9.5 Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Addresses special installations of battery energy storage systems (ESS), including those on rooftops and in parking garages. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. Table 1207.10, 1207.10.6, 1207.10.7.2, 1207.10.7.3, 1207.10.7.6 Climatic, Geological, and Topographical  Addresses mobile versions of electrical energy storage system (ESS) installations. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 1207.11, 1207.11.1, 1207.11.2.1, 1207.11.3, 1207.11.3.1, 1207.11.4, 1207.11.5.1, 1207.11.6, 1207.11.7, 1207.11.7.1, Figure 1207.11.7.1, 1207.11.7.2, 1207.11.7.3, 1207.11.7.4, 1207., Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Addresses installations of battery energy storage systems in Group R-3 and R-4 occupancies. Maintains and clarifies standing requirements in the jurisdiction in order to maintain minimum levels of safety regarding explosion, fire, and toxic gas hazards, both for the property in question and that of neighboring properties. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, responding resources, water needs and availability, and access. 58 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 27 of 35 1207., 1207.11.8 2007.9 – Emergency Helicopter Landing Facility (EHLF), 2007.9.1 Climatic and Topographical Provides for public safety by an evacuation/landing area on high-rise buildings and the maintenance thereof. Necessary due to large number of high-rise buildings in the County/District and difficulty in evacuating high- rise buildings, and getting resources thereto, in case of fire or other emergency. 2007.10 – Ground-based helicopter facilities, 2007.10.1 – Surface Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides design standards for helistops and heliports, primarily for establishment in fire hazard severity zones, to enable helicopters and associated water tenders and support equipment to safely operate to conduct operations to combat fires and render other services in those areas. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions and topography that hinders the ability for fire apparatus to gain access to remote portions of the County/District. Further necessary due to the increased risks of earthquake damage that complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 2007.10.2 – Hydrant Climatic; Topographical Requires a hydrant next to helistops and heliports, especially in fire hazard severity zones, to enable helicopters to fill their tanks to facilitate water drops on wildland fires in those areas, and for response to aviation accidents. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions and topography that hinders the ability for fire apparatus to gain access to remote portions of the County/District. 2007.10.3 – Access Climatic; Topographical Adopts requirements for fire apparatus access to helistops and heliports, especially in fire hazard severity zones, to enable support equipment and apparatus associated with helicopter operations to combat fires and render other services in those areas. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions and topography that hinders the ability for fire apparatus to gain access to remote portions of the County/District.    59 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 28 of 35 2007.11 – Maintenance, 2007.11.1 – Fire Department permit required Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Requires maintenance of the safe and necessary functionality of a new or existing helicopter facility intended to some extent for emergency Fire Department use. Where such functionality or availability is impaired, a permit and/or notification is required. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions; and both topography and seismic geological activity that hinders the ability for fire apparatus to gain access to portions of the County/District, including for patient care. 2203.3 – Dust- collection systems Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Clarifies applicability of this provision, corrects reference error by the State, and maintains the required interlock provision. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 2203.4.2 – Static electricity Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Maintains the requirement for permanent grounding or bonding in accordance with approved standards. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. 2404.4 – Fire protection Climatic Provides for spray booths to be equipped with automatic fire sprinklers. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions. 2504.6, 2507.2 – Fruit and crop-ripening Climatic and Geological Provides requirements for fruit and crop ripening operations to prevent ignition of ethylene gas and reduce risk of fire and explosion. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions and to reduce risk of fires and explosion from earthquakes. 3104.5 – Helicopter Climatic, Geological, and Provides notice within the section concerning tents and temporary membrane structures that 60 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 29 of 35 landing facilities Topographical consideration must be given to nearby helicopter landing facilities so as not to interfere with their safe and necessary functionality. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions; and both topography and seismic geological activity that hinders the ability for ground-based fire apparatus to gain access to portions of the County/District, including for patient care. 3107.15.2.1 – Quantity limit Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Harmonizes the code by providing reference to the related section of the code. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions; and both topography and seismic geological activity that hinders the ability for ground-based fire apparatus to gain access to portions of the County/District, including for patient care. 3107.18 – Combustible vegetation Climatic and Topographic Increased clearance requirements for combustible vegetation near tents and membrane structures. Necessary to increase fire and life safety around such structures and to create defensible space. Necessary because of fire risk due to climate and unique topography of the County/District. Table 3206.2 Climatic and Geological Removes an exception for smoke and heat removal in high-piled combustible storage. Necessary because of unique climatic conditions that increase the risk of fires. Further necessary because risk of fire is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 3305.5.2.1 – Duties Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Harmonizes this new provision to the other longstanding requirements for fire watch within the code. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions; and both topography and seismic geological activity that hinders the ability for ground-based fire apparatus to gain access to portions of the County/District, including for patient care. 3505.9 – Flashback prevention Geological Requires protective devices to be installed on fuel gas and oxygen lines to increase safety and reduce risk of explosion and fire. Necessary because risk of leaks or tank failure is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 61 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 30 of 35 4801.3 – Definitions Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Clarifies the interpretation of the code for the code user. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions; and both topography and seismic geological activity that hinders the ability for ground-based fire apparatus to gain access to portions of the County/District, including for patient care. 4902.1 – General Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Provides definitions by which to clarify the interpretation of the code for the code user. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions; and both topography and seismic geological activity that hinders the ability for ground-based fire apparatus to gain access to portions of the County/District, including for patient care. 4906.2 – Application Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Serves to clarify the interpretation of the code for the code user. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions; and both topography and seismic geological activity that hinders the ability for ground-based fire apparatus to gain access to portions of the County/District, including for patient care. 4906.3 – Landscape Plans, 4906.3.1 – Contents Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Original content is being moved to become subsections of 4906.3, and these sections are being utilized to explain the administrative procedures for fuel modification plans in fire hazard severity zones within the jurisdiction. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to hot and windy conditions; and both topography and seismic geological activity that hinders the ability for ground-based fire apparatus to gain access to portions of the County/District, including for patient care. 4906.3.2 – Penalties, 4906.3.3 – Appeals, 4906.3.4 Fuel modification plan review fee schedule Administrative Provide administrative procedures regarding the fuel modification plan process. 62 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 31 of 35 4906.3.5, 4906.3.5.1, 4906.4, 4906.4.1, 4906.4.2, 4906.4.2.1 Administrative Renumbering of code sections for harmonization with longstanding local provisions within which these processes (newly described by new State language) have and will continue to take place. 4907.3 – Requirements Administrative Provides reference to other applicable codes; declaratory of existing law. 4907.3 – Requirements Climatic and Topographical Local amendment providing notice of preexisting requirement that defensible space shall also comply with vegetation clearance requirements elsewhere in the Fire Code (e.g., for LPG tanks, PV, and ESS), as well as specifically within Chapter 3 of this code. Necessary due to the unique climate and topography of the County/District to reduce risk of fire and to minimize impacts of fire in Fire Hazard Severity Zone. 5003.11.3.8 – Floors Climatic and Geological Creates requirements for floors in buildings where hazardous materials are used or stored. Necessary to increase fire and life safety and to minimize fire danger from hazardous materials. Necessary because risk of fire and spillage of hazardous materials is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 5704.2.8.3 – Secondary containment Geological Requires secondary containment of flammable and combustible liquids that are necessary to increase fire and life safety and to prevent fires involving flammable and combustible liquids from spreading. Necessary because risk of leaks or tank failure is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 5704. – System requirements Climatic and Geological Requires foam deluge system. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to climatic conditions and because risk of leaks or tank failure is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 63 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 32 of 35 5704. – Required foam fire protection systems Geological and Climatic Requires all existing aboveground tanks exceeding 1,500 square feet of liquid surface area used for the storage of Class I or Class II flammable liquids to be provided with foam fire protection. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to climatic conditions and because risk of leaks or tank failure is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 5704. – Location of tanks for boil over liquids Geological and Climatic Provides for additional spacing between tanks to reduce fire danger and help prevent fire from spreading to adjacent tanks. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to climatic conditions and because risk of leaks or tank failure is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 5704.3.7.6 – Construction Geological and Climatic Construction and fire access requirements for liquid storage rooms. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to climatic conditions and because risk of explosion or container failure is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 5706.5.1.1 – Location Geological and Climatic Provides increased distances for bulk transfer and process transfer operations so that they are farther away from the public and other buildings. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to climatic conditions and because risk of leaks or tank failure is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 5706.5.1.19 – Liquid transfer Geological and Climatic Class I, II, or III liquids shall be transferred from a tank vehicle or tank car only into an approved atmospheric tank or approved portable tank. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to climatic conditions and because risk of leaks or tank failure is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. 64 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 33 of 35 6104.4 – Multiple LP- gas container installations Geological and Climatic Requirements for LP-gas storage tank distances. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to climatic conditions and because risk of leaks or tank failure is increased due to the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. Chapter 81 – Automobile wrecking yards 8104 – Fire apparatus access roads 8106 – Housekeeping 8108 – Tires 8110.4 – Batteries Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Creates requirements for fire access roads and storage requirements for tire storage in automobile wrecking yards to enable fire apparatus and fire fighters to gain access to fight fires and respond to emergencies. Necessary due to the increased risks of fire, earthquake damage, and unpredictable power fluctuations that are consequences of the unique climatic, topographical, and geological conditions of the County/District. These factors also complicate response times, water needs and availability, and access. Chapter 82 – Infractions Administrative Lists the violations deemed to be infractions rather than the standard misdemeanor required by the provisions of Chapter 1. Chapter 83 – Consolidated Fire Protection District Of Los Angeles County Fire Code Administrative Declaration of this code as the Fire Code for the Consolidated Fire Protection District of Los Angeles County (“District”). Appendix B, Section B105.1 – One- and two-family dwellings, Group R-3 and R-4 buildings and townhouses Topographical and Climatic Provides for increased minimum fire-flow in fire hazard severity zones to allow for more water to be available to fight fires. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to climatic and topographical conditions. Appendix B, Section B105.5 – Land subdivision projects Topographical and Climatic Provides for increased fire-flow for subdivisions of certain undeveloped land due to the undetermined building size and type of construction to allow for sufficient water to be available to fight fires. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to climatic and topographical conditions.    65 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 34 of 35 Appendix C, Section C102.2 – Location on street Topographical and Climatic Provides for hydrant spacing on streets to ensure hydrants are accessible to fire fighters. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to climatic and topographical conditions. Appendix C, Section C105.2 – One- and two- family dwellings, and Group R-3 buildings Topographical and Climatic Provides for hydrant spacing to ensure that water is available to fight fires. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to climatic and topographical conditions. Appendix C, Section C105.3 - Buildings other than one- and two-family dwellings, and Group R-3 buildings Topographical and Climatic Provides for hydrant spacing for buildings other than one- and two-family dwellings, and Group R- 3 buildings to ensure that there is adequate water supply available to fight fires. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to climatic and topographical conditions. Appendix C, Section C105.4 – Cul-de-sac hydrant location Topographical and Climatic Provides for hydrant spacing for cul-de-sacs to ensure that there is adequate water supply available to fight fires. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to climatic and topographical conditions. Appendix C, Section C106 - On-site hydrants Topographical and Climatic Provides requirements for on-site hydrants to ensure that there is adequate water supply available to fight fires. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to climatic and topographical conditions. Appendix O, Section O103 – General requirements Topographical, Geographic, and Climatic Provides various design and location requirements for temporary haunted houses, ghost walks, and similar amusement uses where the means of egress are not apparent due to decorative materials, confusing sounds, and/or visual effects. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to climatic and topographical conditions and the prevalence of earthquakes in the County/District. Appendix PP – Local Agency Very High Fire Administrative Portion of ordinance serving to fulfill the Statutory requirements of the County/District per California Government Code Sections 51175 through 66 ADOPTION & FILING OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE CODE Rev. 2023-03-23 Page 35 of 35 Hazard Severity Zones 51189. Recognizes the authorities of the State to impose Fire Hazard Severity Zone designations and of individual cities to expand upon them within the parameters defined by State statute. Also serves to define the “Malibu–Santa Monica Mountains Area” and the “San Gabriel Mountains South face Area” for the sprinkler provisions therein, as described in Chapter 9. Appendix QQ – Los Angeles County Fire- Code Fee Schedule Administrative Provides the code user with the Fire Department fee schedule, specifically for the services provided by the Fire Department in accordance with the Fire Code. Appendix RR – Rifle Range Topographical and Climatic Provides the basic fire- and life-safety requirements for the operation of rifle ranges. Necessary because of increased danger of fire in the County/District due to climatic and topographical conditions. 67 Agenda Item No.: 12.A Mtg. Date: 07/24/2023 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:JOHN SIGNO, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY SERVICES THRU:DAVID H. READY. ESQ., PH.D SUBJECT:RECEIVE AND FILE A REPORT ON THE NEXT CITY SPONSORED COMMUNAL BINS EVENT FROM AUGUST 4, 2023 TO AUGUST 12, 2023 TO ASSIST RESIDENTS WITH FIRE FUEL REDUCTION IN THE COMMUNITY DATE:July 24, 2023 BACKGROUND: This item was continued by the City Council at its last meeting on July 10, 2023, to discuss the location of the communal bin in front of 30 Crest Road East. The Council directed staff to contact the adjacent homeowners and work with Republic Services. The City's solid waste collection provider, Republic Services, has a franchise agreement with the City approved in April 2020 for a term of nine years. The annual service fee includes one 40 cubic yard bin for green waste disposal per property per year. To date, the City has held four events in all quadrants of the City and disposed of 61.38 tons of green waste as shown in Table 1. Republic Services estimates around 97% of the green waste is turned into compost. Table 1 - Amount of Green Waste from Communal Bin Program DATE TONS Aug. 2021 11.99 Jan. 2022 12.46 Aug. 2022 17.41 Jan. 2023 19.52 TOTAL 61.38 DISCUSSION: The fifth communal bin event is from August 4-12, 2023. The designated locations will rotate to the southeast quadrant of the City. Staff has reviewed the designated locations for 68 accessibility, ease of use for residents in the community, size of the bins in relation to the street, and size of the truck carrying the bins with Republic Services and the RHCA. The five locations are as follows: 1. Crest Road East at or near 23 Crest Road East on the southwest side of the street. 2. Caballeros Road at the intersection of Crest Road East on the east side of the street 3. Eastfield Drive at the corner of Open Brand Road (after the mailbox of 79/81) after the stop sign 4. Chuckwagon Road next to Upper Willow Spring Trail 5. Eastfield Drive right after the intersection of Chuckwagon Road across the street from 28 Eastfield on the west side of the street At the July 10, 2023 City Council meeting, the Council had concerns with the first location in front of 30 Crest Road East. They directed staff to reach out to adjacent residents and possibly consider an alternative site. Following the meeting, staff reached out to the residents at 29 Crest Road East, 30 Crest Road East, and 33 Crest Road East. Here is a summary: 29 Crest Road East : Folsom, Left message but did not receive a response. 30 Crest Road East : Spoke to Debi Fournier who requested it be moved in front of the vacant property at 23 Crest Road East on the southwestern side of the road. 33 Crest Road East : Spoke to Sandy Sherman who did not oppose the original location or event dates. Staff followed up with Republic Services and RHCA staff and both agree the site in front of the vacant lot at 23 Crest Road East is feasible. Staff has updated the location with the four remaining sites remaining unchanged. Staff is processing a new development application for the site at 23 Crest Road East and the applicants and owner have been notified of the communal bin event. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. ATTACHMENTS: PW_REF_230718_CommunalBin_SE_Rotation.pdf 69 COMMUNAL GREEN WASTE BINS LOCATIONS AVAILABLE FOR ALL RESIDENTS FROM AUGUST 4 -12, 2023 Communal bins locations: 1. Crest Road East at or near 23 Crest Road East on the southwest side of the street. 2. Caballeros Road at the intersection of Crest Road E. on the east side of the street. 3. Eastfield at the corner of Open Brand Road (after the mail box of 79/81) after the Stop sign. 4. Chuckwagon Road next to Upper Willow Spring Trail. 5. Eastfield Drive right after the intersection of Chuckwagon Road across the street from 28 Eastfield on the west side of the street. Please follow these directions to participate in this free program:  Place all green waste inside the bins. Do not over fill.  Do not leave any debris outside the bins.  Piles need to be kept free of rocks and dirt.  Do not dump non-green waste materials.  Do not dump construction materials. 1 2 3 4 5 70 Agenda Item No.: 13.A Mtg. Date: 07/24/2023 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:JOHN SIGNO, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY SERVICES THRU:DAVID H. READY. ESQ., PH.D SUBJECT:DISCUSS AND APPROVE NEW TENNIS COURT CABANA AND AMENITIES PROPOSED BY THE ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION DATE:July 24, 2023 BACKGROUND: As reported to City Council at the June 26, 2023, City Council Meeting, City staff and the Rolling Hills Community Association (RHCA) have been coordinating on the improvements to the tennis court area. The City will be handling ADA improvements. RHCA will be responsible for the cabana and other amenities. RHCA has engaged its design consultant to update previously prepared plans for landscaping, irrigation, and lighting improvements at the tennis courts. In 2017 when the city decided to bring the tennis court area into compliance with ADA, these improvements were not included in that decision. At the July 10, 2023 City Council meeting, Council granted approval of a budget modification to pay for the Tennis Court ADA Improvement Project and a professional services agreement with Richie-Bray, Inc. to update the landscape, lighting and irrigation plans. DISCUSSION: The project covers an area of 3,550 square feet (SF), not including the tennis courts, walkways, and landscaping. USE AREA New Exterior Court Viewing Area 1,508 SF Cabana 744 SF Trellis 270 SF Courtyard 1,028 SF TOTAL 3,550 SF 71 RHCA will be demolishing the existing cabana and constructing a new cabana with an attached 58 SF ADA-accessible restroom, kitchen, ice maker, tables, seats. and other amenities. The landscape plan was prepared by Richie-Bray, Inc. and is an update to a previously prepared plan. It is currently being reviewed by the City's landscape consultant. Since it is a refurbishment of an existing area, prescriptive measures will be used to address water efficiency, including the use of drip irrigation and drought-tolerant plants. The cabana plan is expected to be submitted to LA County Building Services the week of July 24, 2023. A follow-up meeting with the City, the City's consultants, and RHCA is scheduled for August 16, 2023. FISCAL IMPACT: No City funds will be used for the cabana project as it will be paid by RHCA. Costs to install landscaping, lighting, and other amenities is still being discussed with RHCA. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as proposed. ATTACHMENTS: PW_TEN_TennisCourtCabana_RHCA_062323.pdf PW_TEN_230711_RHCATennisCourtLandscape.pdf 72 SITEROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOC.SHEET INDEXPROJECT CONTACTSPROJECT SUMMARYAX.XX'-X"X'-X"XXXXAX.XAX.XX'-X"###ABBREVIATIONSLEGENDXVICINITY MAPAREA BREAKDOWNROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOC.LEGAL DESCRIPTION:APPLICABLE CODES:CONSTRUCTION TYPE:OCCUPANCY GROUP:BUILDING TYPE:PROJECT DESCRIPTION:SURVEYOR:STRUCTURAL:PROJECT ADDRESS:COVER SHEETG-001SITE PLANTOPOGRAPHIC CIVIL SURVEYA-001ARCHITECT:OWNER:Elevation HeightsSheet #Slope(unless noted otherwise)Dimension to face of framing/masonryDimension to center lineSectionRoom #Sheet #Detail #WindowDoorShearwallNew WallMasonry WallConcreteNaturalNAT.ConcreteMaximumMAX.ArchitecturalARCH.MinimumMIN.MechanicalMECH.BetweenBTWN.ManufacturerMFGR.BuildingBLDG.MicrowaveMICRO.BlockBLK.MetalMTL.BeamBM.NumberNO.ClearCLR.On CenterO.C.CeilingCL'G.PlywoodPLYWD.ColumnCOL.CONC.RisersRIS.ContinuousCONT.Rough OpeningR.O.DryerDRY.Roof RaftersR.R.DiameterDIA.RevisionREV.Dimension(s)DIM.RefrigeratorREFR.DishwasherD.W.RequiredREQ'D.DrawingsDWGS.SheetSHT.ElevationELEV.SimilarSIM.EqualEQ.SteelSTL.Existing(E)StructuralSTRUCT.ExteriorEXT.Finish, FinishedFIN.TreadsTR.FloorFLR.Tongue & GrooveT.&G.FootingFT'G.Top ofT.O.GalvanizedGALV.TypicalTYP.GradeGRD.Unless Noted OtherwiseU.N.O.Gypsum BoardGYP. BD.Verify In FieldV.I.F.HeaderHDR.WasherWASH.HeightHGT.WoodWD.InteriorINT.Ceiling JoistC.J.Floor JoistF.J.Water HeaterW.H.New(N)TemperedTEMP.CasementCSMT.SliderSL.FreezerFRZ.Garbage DisposalG.D.Forced Air UnitF.A.U.DetailInterior ElevationsSheet #Sect. #A-5C-001Furred Ceiling / ArchObelisk ArchitectsTorrance, CA 90505Phone: 1.310.373.3568Contact: Nagy Bakhoum3800 Pacific Coast HighwayZONE:RAS-2SPRINKLERED:NO2022 California Title 24,California Energy Code and C.R.C.2022 CBC, 2022 CMC, 2022 CPC & 202 CEC w/State of#2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROADROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA 90274ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOC.CABANA WITH ATTCHED TRELLISDEMO EXISTING CABANA NEW TENNIS COURT CABANA AND ATTACHED WOOD TRELLIS (CABANA -744 S.F. TRELLIS 270 S.F.)Type V-B ( NON-SPRINKLERED)OCCUPANCY LOADSA-201EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA-301BUILDING SECTIONSGENERAL NOTESG-002GENERAL NOTESG-003A-401PERSPECTIVESA-601ARCHITECTUAL DETAILSA-602ARCHITECTUAL DETAILSE-101FIRST FLOOR ELECTRICALAREA PLANA-002FIRST FLOOR / ROOF PLANA-101CITY NOTES:1. OBTAIN SANITATION DISTRICT APPROVAL FOR ANY NEW SEWER CONNECTION.2. AN APPROVED BACKWATER VALVE IS REQUIRED FOR DRAINAGE PIPING SERVING FIXTURES LOCATED BELOW THE ELEVATION OF THE NEXT UPSTREAM MANHOLE COVER. FIXTURES ABOVE SUCH ELEVATION SHALL NOT DISCHARGE THROUGH THE BACKWATER VALVE.3. USE 1% MINIMUM SLOPE AWAY FROM BUILDING PAD. HYDRAULIC CALCS SHALL BE SUBMITTED IF SUMP AND PUMP ARE REQ'D.4. ALL UTILITIES SERVING THE SITE SHALL BE UNDER GROUNDED.5. YARD DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE INSPECTED & CERTIFIED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD PRIOR TO FINAL APRV'L.6. A RE-INSPECTION FEE OF $27.00 WILL BE CHARGED FOR AN INSPECTION WHICH IS CALLED WITHOUT PROVIDING ACCESS, PLANS, OR IF THE JOB IS NOT READY.7. ALL GENERAL CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, ARCHITECTS, AND ENGINEERS CONDUCTING BUSINESS WITHIN THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ARE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A CURRENT CITY BUSINESS LICENSE.8. ALL CONSTRUCTION WASTE AND DEBRIS MUST BE CONTAINERIZED AT ALL TIMES.9. PRE-GRADE MEETING REQUIRED WITH CITY BUILDING INSPECTOR, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, OWNER OR OWNER'S AGENT, SOILS ENGINEER, GEOLOGIST (IF APPLICABLE) AND GRADING CONTRACTOR, PRIOR TO ANY WORK COMMENCING ON THE SITE.10. DUST CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT.11. THE CF-6R FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTIONS ON NEW CONSTRUCTION.12. FABRICATION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE BY AN APPROVED FABRICATOR OR FABRICATION SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY INSPECTED BY A REGISTERED INSPECTOR.13. SPECIFY FLUORESCENT LIGHTS RATED AT NO LESS THAN 40/ LUMENS PER WATT FOR GENERAL LIGHTINGS IN KITCHENS AND IN BATHROOMS WITH TUB OR SHOWER PER TITLE 24 SECTION 150 (K) 1 TO 4 (SEE EXCEPTIONS).PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT NOTES:F.A.U. / ATTIC NOTES:18. ALL IRRIGATION MUST MEET CURRENT CITY REQUIREMENTS FOR PROPER INSTALLATION.19. NO DISCHARGE OF CONSTRUCTION WASTE FROM THE PREMISES IS PERMITTED.20. A PROPERTY LINE CLEAN OUT MUST BE INSTALLED ON THE SANITARY SEWER LATERAL (PER STANDARD PLAN)21. IF ANY SEWER LATERAL IS REUSED, IT MUST BE TELEVISED TO CHECK ITS STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY. THE TAPE MUST BE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT.22. FINAL APPROVAL REQUIRED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS, CURB CORES, CURBS/GUTTERS, ETC.23. PROVIDE DOUBLE JOISTS SUPPORTING THE UNIT. (IF REQUIRED)24. PROVIDE 22" X 30" MINIMUM SCUTTLE TO ATTIC. SECTION 1505.1 UBC AND 307.3.2.1 UMC (30" X 30" IF FAU IN ATTIC).25. PROVIDE ATTIC VENTILATION EQUAL TO 1/150 OF ROOF AREA MINIMUM AND INCREASED ACCORDINGLY, IF COMBUSTION AIR IS TAKEN FROM THE ATTIC. (SECTION 1505.3 UBC)26. PROVIDE PERMANENT OUTLET AND LIGHT FIXTURE AT OR NEAR THE EQUIPMENT CONTROLLED BY A SWITCH LOCATED AT THE SCUTTLE. (IF REQUIRED)27. PROVIDE SEISMIC SWAY BRACE OR ANCHOR UNIT TO PLATFORM.28. CONDENSATE DRAIN TO APPROVED PLUMBING FIXTURE.1. PROVIDE A MINIMUM UNOBSTRUCTED WIDTH OF 15 FEET, EXCLUSIVE OF SHOULDERS, EXCEPT FOR APPROVED SECURITY GATES IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 503.6, AND AN UNOBSTRUCTED VERTICAL CLEARANCE "CLEAR TO SKY" FIRE DEPARTMENT VEHICULAR ACCESS TO WITHIN 150 FEET OF ALL PORTIONS OF THE EXTERIOR BUILDING WALLS. FIRE CODE 503.2.12. APPROVED BUILDING ADDRESS NUMBERS, BUILDING NUMBERS OR APPROVED BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SHALL BE PROVIDED AND MAINTAINED SO AS TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET FRONTING THE PROPERTY. THE NUMBERS SHALL CONTRAST WITH THEIR BACKGROUND, BE ARABIC NUMERALS OR ALPHABET LETTERS, AND BE A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES HIGH WITH A MINIMUM STROKE WIDTH OF 0.5 INCH. FIRE CODE 505.13. THE REQUIRED FIRE FLOW FOR FIRE HYDRANTS AT THIS LOCATION IS 1,500 GPM, AT 20 PSI RESIDUAL PRESSURE, FOR A DURATION OF 2 HOURS OVER AND ABOVE MAXIMUM DAILY DOMESTIC DEMAND. FIRE CODE 507.3, TABLE 8105.1, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT REGULATION 8.4. PLANS SHOWING UNDERGROUND PIPING, FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION, OR PRIVATE ON-SITE FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE SPRINKLER PLAN CHECK UNIT FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. FIRE CODE 901.2, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT REGULATION 7.5. THE INSPECTION, HYDROSTATIC TEST AND FLUSHING OF THE UNDERGROUND FIRE PROTECTION PIPING SHALL BE WITNESSED BY AN AUTHORIZED FIRE DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE. NO UNDERGROUND PIPING OR THRUST BLOCKS SHALL BE COVERED WITH EARTH R HIDDEN FROM VIEW UNTIL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN NOTIFIED AND GIVEN NOT LESS THAN 48 HOURS IN WHICH TO INSPECT SUCH INSTALLATIONS. FIRE COD E901.5, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT REGULATION 7.6. BUILDING CODE OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION FOR THIS STABLE IS "U: UTILITY AND MISCELLANEOUS GROUP, STABLE"7. BUILDING CODE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CLASSIFICATION FOR THE PROJECT IS "TYPE V-A"8. PROVIDE AN APPROVED AUTOMATIC IRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM AS SET FORTH BY BUILDING CODE 903 AND FIRE CODE 903. PLANS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO SPRINKLER PLAN CHECK UNIT FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION.REASON: FIRE CODE 503.1.1 EXCEPTION #1 INCREASED TRAVEL DISTANCE.9. ALL ROOF COVERING SHALL BE ClASS "A" AS SPECIFIED IN BUILDING CODE 1505.1.1 (RESIDENTIAL CODE R327.5.2 & R902)10. ROOF VALLEY FLASHING SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 0.019 INCH(NO. 26 GALVANIZED SHEET GAGE) CORROSION-RESISTNAT M.ETAL INSTALLED OVER MINIMUM 36 INCH WIDE UNDERLAYMENT CONSISTING OF ONE LAYER OF MO. 72 ASTM CAP SHEET MEETING RUNNING THE FULL LENGTH OF THE VALLEY. (RESIDENTIAL CODE R327.5.3 AND BUILDING CODE 705A.3)11. ROOF GUTTERS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A MEANS TO PREVENT THE ACCUMULATION OF LEAVES AND DEBRIS IN THE GUTTER. (RESIDENTIAL CODE R327.534 AND BUILDING CODE 705A.4)12. CLEARANCE OF BRUSH AND VEGETATION GROWTH SHALL BE MAINTAINED PER FIRE CODE 32513. EXTERIOR WALLS HAVE 1 HOUR FIRE RESISTANCE RATINGS.1. EXTERIOR FACE: BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING OVER 2 LAYERS OF 15 LB. FELT AND 112" PLYWOOD. IGNITION MATERIAL MATCH EXISTING RESIDENCE2. INTERIOR FACE: 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP. BOARD OVER 2x6 @ 16"0C, SEE TITLE 24 FOR INSULATION REQUIREMENTS14. ALL FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL MEASURE 6"X4"X2-1/2", BRASS OR BRONZE, CONFORMING TO AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION STANDARD 0503, OR APPROVAL EQUAL, AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT REGULATION 8. FIRE CODE 507.5 AND REGULATION 8.15. ALL REQUIRED PUBLIC FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED, TESTED AND ACCEPTED PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. FIRE CODE 501.416. VEHICULAR ACCESS MUST BE PROVIDED AND MAINTAINED SERVICEABLE THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. FIRE CODE 10.20717. PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT FINAL APPROVAL, THE PROPERTY SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE VEGETATION CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS PRESCRIBED IN CALIFORNIA RESOURCES CODE SECTION 4291, CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 51182, AND THIS CODE. (FIRE CODE 4708.3)18. CLEARANCE OF BRUSH AND VEGETATIVE GROWTH SHALL BE MAINTAINED PER FIRE CODE 32519. ANCILLARY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES AND DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURES SHALL COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE RESIDENT AIL CODE R327.10.1 AND BUILDING CODE 710A.1FIRE PREVENTION NOTES:FIRE ZONE:VHFHSZ CBC CHAPTER 7ABolton Engineering Corp.Civil Engineering and Surveying25834 Narbonne Avenue Suite 210Lomita, Ca. 90717Ph: 310-325-5580 Fax: 310-325-5581CABANA PROJECTCABANA PROJECTStorm Water Pollution Control Requirements for Construction Activities Minimum Water Quality Protection Requirements for All Development ConstructionProjects/Certification StatementThe following is intended as minimum notes or as an attachment for building and grading plans and represent the minimum standards of good housekeeping that must be implemented on all construction sites regardless of size. (Applies to all permits)• Eroded sediments and other pollutants must be retained on site and may not be transported from the site via sheetflow, swales, area drains, natural drainage courses or wind.• Stockpiles of earth and other construction related materials must be protected from being transported from the site by the forces of wind or water.• Fuels, oils, solvents and other toxic materials must be stored in accordance with their listing and are not to contaminate the soil and surface waters. All approved storage containers are to be protected from the weather. Spills must be cleaned up immediately and disposed of in a proper manner. Spills may not be washed into the drainage system.• Non-stormwater runoff from equipment and vehicle washing and any other activity shall be contained at the project site.• Excess or waste concrete may not be washed into the public way or any other drainage system. Provisions shall be made to retain concrete wastes on site until they can be disposed of as solid waste.• Trash and construction related solid wastes must be deposited into a covered receptacle to prevent contamination of rainwater and dispersal by wind.• Sediments and other materials may not be tracked from the site by vehicle traffic. The construction entrance roadways must be stabilized so as to inhibit sediments from being deposited into the public way. Accidental depositions must be swept up immediately and may not be washed down by rain or other means.• Any slopes with disturbed soils or denuded of vegetation must be stabilized so as to inhibit erosion by wind and water.• Other: As the project owner or authorized agent of the owner, I have read and understand the requirements listed above, necessary to control storm water pollution from sediments, erosion, and construction materials, and I certify that I will comply with these requirements.Print Name (Owner or authorized agent of the owner)Signature (Owner or authorized agent of the owner)Date *The above Best Management Practices are detailed in the California Storm Water Best Management Practices Handbook,BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICESFOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIESPLUMBING FIXTURE ADA RESTROOMA-102ADA KITCHENA-103A-402RENDERINGSSHEETSHEET TITLESTAMPPROJECT NUMBERDATEREVISIONSPROJECT3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 0 8 1 0 f a xobeliskarc.comTORRANCE, CALIFORNIA 905053800 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 3 5 6 8 t e lTHIS DOCUMENT IS FURNISHED INCONFIDENCE FOR THE LIMITEDPURPOSE OF EVALUATION, BIDDINGOR REVIEW. THIS DOCUMENT ANDITS CONTENTS MAY NOT BE USEDFOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE AND MAYNOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSEDTO OTHERS WITHOUT THE PRIORWRITTEN AUTHORIZED CONSENTOF OBELISK ARCHITECTSALL RIGHTS RESERVED (C) 1997-2023OBELISKNAGYR.BAKHO U M REGISTEREDPROFESSIONA L ARC HIT E C T EXP. 1-31-25LIC# C26503STATEOFCALIFORNIAARCHITECTSA P r o f e s s i o n a l C o r p o r a t i o n6/23/2023 1:49:41 PM H:\Rolling Hills Cabana Project\REVIT FILES\CITY OF ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOC.rvtG-001Cover SheetProject NumberRolling HillsCommunityAssociation#2 Portuguese Bend RoadRolling Hills, Ca. 90274June 23, 2023No. Description DateArea Schedule (Gross Building)NameArea TypeAreaNEW COURT VEIWING AREA Exterior Area1508 SFCABANAGross Building Area744 SFTRELLISExterior Area270 SFCOURTYARDExterior Area1028 SFOccupancy Capacity LoadNameArea Occupancy FactorMax RoomCapacityADA RESTROOM 58 SF 351CABANA593 SF 1539TRELLIS266 SF 151773 488.70'(N) CABANAFF= 486.75(E) TENNIS COURT(E) TENNIS COURT(E) TENNIS COURT(E) GUARD HOUSETRELLIS7 '-6 "10'-3"21° 04' 35"520.80'NE49° 33' 40"191.66'NW25° 29' 55"282.17'SW64° 30' 05" 312.74' N W5'-1 1/2"PLANTED AREAPLANTED AREAPLANTED AREASHEETSHEET TITLESTAMPPROJECT NUMBERDATEREVISIONSPROJECT3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 0 8 1 0 f a xobeliskarc.comTORRANCE, CALIFORNIA 905053800 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 3 5 6 8 t e lTHIS DOCUMENT IS FURNISHED INCONFIDENCE FOR THE LIMITEDPURPOSE OF EVALUATION, BIDDINGOR REVIEW. THIS DOCUMENT ANDITS CONTENTS MAY NOT BE USEDFOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE AND MAYNOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSEDTO OTHERS WITHOUT THE PRIORWRITTEN AUTHORIZED CONSENTOF OBELISK ARCHITECTSALL RIGHTS RESERVED (C) 1997-2023OBELISKNAGYR.BAKHO U M REGISTEREDPROFESSIONA L ARC HIT E C T EXP. 1-31-25LIC# C26503STATEOFCALIFORNIAARCHITECTSA P r o f e s s i o n a l C o r p o r a t i o n6/23/2023 1:18:51 PM H:\Rolling Hills Cabana Project\REVIT FILES\CITY OF ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOC.rvtA-001Site PlanProject NumberRolling HillsCommunityAssociation#2 Portuguese Bend RoadRolling Hills, Ca. 90274June 23, 2023No. Description Date1" = 20'-0"Site Plan74 12BA1'-3"1.25'1'-3"AA-301AA-301BA-301CA-301CA-301EQEQ5.08'5.08'EQEQ4:124:124:124:124:124:122A-6023A-6021A-602CLASS 'A' FLAT CONC. ROOF TILLE 'EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS 4502 ARCADIA CANYON BROWN' ICC-ESR 1900 VALID THRU 1/31/20236x166x12EXPOSEDBEAM6x12EXPOSEDBEAM6x166x142'-3 1/2"2'-3 1/2"2'-0"2'-0"TRELLISRIDGE LINERIDGE LINERIDGE LINENOTE:1. ROOF GUTTERS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO PREVENT THE ACCUMULATION OF LEAVES AND DEBRIS.2. ROOF ASSEMBLY COMPLYING WITH ASTM E 108 OR UL 1790 AND ATTAHMENT SHALL BE ADEQUATE FOR 110 MPH WIND LOADS SEE NOTE ON STRUCTRUAL DRAWINGS.ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION NOTES:1. SUBMIT ROOF MATERIALS SAMPLES PRIOR TO PURCHASE FOR REVIEW AND APROVAL R.H.C.A.2. SUBMIT MATERIAL OF GUTTERS AND DOWN SPOUTS. GUTTER DETAILS AT EAVE TO BE ON PLAN. RIBBED DOWNSPOUTS ARE NOT APROVED.3. BRING ALL PLUMBING VENTS WITH A RADIUS OF 15'-0" THROUGH THE ROOF AT ONE POINT. AND CONCEALED FROM VIEW WHERE POSSIBLE TO THE SATIFICATION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR.NOTE:NOTE SOFFIT CONSTRUCTION*1. 6X8 EXPOSED RAFTER TAILS WITH 2X6 EXPOSED T&G DECKING OVER 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP. BOARD.2. 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING AND 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP. BOARD WITH CLASS 'A' TILE ROOF OVER. EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS ICC-ESR 1900 VALID THRU 1/31/20233. FIRE RESISTIVE SIDING OVER 2X6 STUDS. 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING AND 5/8"TYPE 'X' GYP. BOARD TYPICAL.4. JAMES HARDIE ARTISAN V-CHANNEL ESR-2290 VALID THRU MARCH 2024.12BA8'-0 1/2"30'-10"10'-4"10'-2"10'-4"AA-301AA-3011'BA-301CA-301CA-301EQEQ4'-0 1/2"2.5'3.33'ø 60"6x6HSS4-1/2X4-1/2X1/46x66x8HSS4-1/2X4-1/2X1/46x86x86x630'-10"12'-6"21'-6"1'-0"DA-3011'-6"3'-5"8'-11 1/2"3'-6"1'-1"1'-0"10'-4"10'-2"10'-4"6x66x66x64'-4"4'-4"38'-10 1/2"EQEQ486.70'5'-0"A-10211'-0"1'-0"1'-2"1'-0"10'-1 1/2"10'-2"10'-1 1/2"A-1031ø 60"ICE MAKERREF.2'-0"1'-0"2A-6023A-6021A-602593 SFCABANA2266 SFTRELLIS3SHEETSHEET TITLESTAMPPROJECT NUMBERDATEREVISIONSPROJECT3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 0 8 1 0 f a xobeliskarc.comTORRANCE, CALIFORNIA 905053800 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 3 5 6 8 t e lTHIS DOCUMENT IS FURNISHED INCONFIDENCE FOR THE LIMITEDPURPOSE OF EVALUATION, BIDDINGOR REVIEW. THIS DOCUMENT ANDITS CONTENTS MAY NOT BE USEDFOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE AND MAYNOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSEDTO OTHERS WITHOUT THE PRIORWRITTEN AUTHORIZED CONSENTOF OBELISK ARCHITECTSALL RIGHTS RESERVED (C) 1997-2023OBELISKNAGYR.BAKHO U M REGISTEREDPROFESSIONA L ARC HIT E C T EXP. 1-31-25LIC# C26503STATEOFCALIFORNIAARCHITECTSA P r o f e s s i o n a l C o r p o r a t i o n6/23/2023 1:08:35 PM H:\Rolling Hills Cabana Project\REVIT FILES\CITY OF ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOC.rvtA-101First Floor /Roof PlanProject NumberRolling HillsCommunityAssociation#2 Portuguese Bend RoadRolling Hills, Ca. 90274June 23, 2023No. Description Date1/4" = 1'-0"Roof1/4" = 1'-0"Level 175 1AA-102H7'-6"7'-5"ø 60"40"30"8'-0 1/2"8'-8 1/2"EFG24"1ADA RESTROOM KEY NOTE:1. H.C. WATER CLOSET SET TO ADA STANDARDS.2. LAVATORY WITH LEVER HANDLES TYP. SET TO ADA STANDARDS.3. WALL MOUNTED SOAP DISPENSER PER ADA STANDARDS.4. WRAP/INSULATE HOT WATER AND DRAIN PIPES.5. SEMI RECESSED PAPER DISPENSER/TRASH RECEPTICLE.6. 36" GRAB BAR SET TO ADA STANDARDS.7. 42" GRAB BAR SET TO ADA STANDARDS.8. TOILET PAPER/SEAT COVER DISPENSER.9. TOILET PAPER DISPENSER.10. 5/8 GYP BOARD (GREEN BOARD) WALLS USE EPOXY PAINT FOR WASHABLE SURFACE.11. 24" MIRROR MOUNTED PER ADA STANDARDS.12. SMOOTH WASHABLE SURFACE AT WALLS AND CEILING.13. DOOR WITH ADA HARDWARE AND KICK PLATE DOOR 3'-0" X 7'-0"X 1-¾" SOLID CORE. ALL HARDWARE TO BE ADA ACCESSIBLE LEVERS HANDLES AND KICKPLATE14. FLOOR DRAIN. 21476118"18"55 1/2"58 SFADA RESTROOM116 1/2"34"42"10 1/2"891127103'-2"34" MAX.40" MAX.34"6131112987421010125425131012SHEETSHEET TITLESTAMPPROJECT NUMBERDATEREVISIONSPROJECT3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 0 8 1 0 f a xobeliskarc.comTORRANCE, CALIFORNIA 905053800 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 3 5 6 8 t e lTHIS DOCUMENT IS FURNISHED INCONFIDENCE FOR THE LIMITEDPURPOSE OF EVALUATION, BIDDINGOR REVIEW. THIS DOCUMENT ANDITS CONTENTS MAY NOT BE USEDFOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE AND MAYNOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSEDTO OTHERS WITHOUT THE PRIORWRITTEN AUTHORIZED CONSENTOF OBELISK ARCHITECTSALL RIGHTS RESERVED (C) 1997-2023OBELISKNAGYR.BAKHO U M REGISTEREDPROFESSIONA L ARC HIT E C T EXP. 1-31-25LIC# C26503STATEOFCALIFORNIAARCHITECTSA P r o f e s s i o n a l C o r p o r a t i o n6/23/2023 1:33:38 PM H:\Rolling Hills Cabana Project\REVIT FILES\CITY OF ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOC.rvtA-102ADARestroomProject NumberRolling HillsCommunityAssociation#2 Portuguese Bend RoadRolling Hills, Ca. 90274June 23, 2023No. Description Date1/2" = 1'-0"Level 1 - ADA RESTROOM3/8" = 1'-0"E3/8" = 1'-0"F3/8" = 1'-0"G3/8" = 1'-0"H76 2BACA-301A-1032DA-301A-103345ø 60"3A-6021A-60214. 30X48" CLEAR SPACE IN FRONT OF SINK TO ALLOW FORWARD APPROACH.15. MAX HEIGHT OF COUNTER TOP 34".16. 27" HIGH X 30" WIDE X 19" DEEP IS REQUIRED KNEE UNDER SINK.17. LEVER HANDLE IS REQUIRED AT SINK.18. MAX DEPTH OF BASE CABINET TO BE 2'-8".19. ADA APPROVED BBQ 34" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR.20. 60" CLEAR SPACE.21. ADA APPROVED REFRIGERATOR.22. HOOD WITH FAN AND LIGHT SEE INETERIOR ELEVATIONS.23. COUNTER TOP24. STONE FLOOR TO MATCH FLOOR AT ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION BUILDING.25. EXPOSED BEAM SEE REFLECTIVE CEILING PLAN.26. BUILT-UP WOOD COLUMN SEE A-10127. ICE MAKER28. 12" DEEP UPPER CABINETS29. STONE SPLASH SEE INTERIOR ELEVATIONS.30. 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP.BOARD WALLS WITH SMOOTH FINISH / WASHABLE SURFACE.31. 28" UPPER CABINET SEE ELEVATIONS.ADA KITCHEN KEY NOTES:14151516172'-8"5'-0"2'-8"1'-0"181920212223232323242424241'-0"7'-11 1/2"3'-6 1/2"3'-7"3'-10"3'-3 1/2"6'-9"2'-7"CABANA:FLOOR:STONE-MATCH FLOORING IN THE ROLLING COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION BUILDING.BASE:WOOD TO MATCH BASE AT THE ROLLING COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION BUILDING. WALLS:5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP. BOARD AND FIRE RESISTIVE SIDING.CEILING:5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP. BOARD / ALT EXPOSED 2X6 T&G DECKING.CABINETS:STAIN GRADE BASE AND UPPER CABINETS WITH GRANITE COUNTER TOP WITH SELF EDGE AND GRANITE SPLASH WHERE REQUIRED. ALT. TILE TOP AND SPLASH.Level 1486.75'Top Plate495.75'7'-0"1'-6"5'-3"3'-6 1/2"1'-6"3'-0"TYP.3'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-6" 1'-6"3'-0"2'-3" 2'-3" 2'-3"2'-10"Level 1486.75'Top Plate495.75'Level 1486.75'Roof503.58'122'-3"2'-5"Level 1486.75'Roof503.58'Top Plate495.75'BSHEETSHEET TITLESTAMPPROJECT NUMBERDATEREVISIONSPROJECT3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 0 8 1 0 f a xobeliskarc.comTORRANCE, CALIFORNIA 905053800 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 3 5 6 8 t e lTHIS DOCUMENT IS FURNISHED INCONFIDENCE FOR THE LIMITEDPURPOSE OF EVALUATION, BIDDINGOR REVIEW. THIS DOCUMENT ANDITS CONTENTS MAY NOT BE USEDFOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE AND MAYNOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSEDTO OTHERS WITHOUT THE PRIORWRITTEN AUTHORIZED CONSENTOF OBELISK ARCHITECTSALL RIGHTS RESERVED (C) 1997-2023OBELISKNAGYR.BAKHO U M REGISTEREDPROFESSIONA L ARC HIT E C T EXP. 1-31-25LIC# C26503STATEOFCALIFORNIAARCHITECTSA P r o f e s s i o n a l C o r p o r a t i o n6/23/2023 1:35:57 PM H:\Rolling Hills Cabana Project\REVIT FILES\CITY OF ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOC.rvtA-103ADA KitchenProject NumberRolling HillsCommunityAssociation#2 Portuguese Bend RoadRolling Hills, Ca. 90274June 23, 2023No. Description Date3/8" = 1'-0"Level 1 -EnlargedKitchen3/8" = 1'-0"A3/8" = 1'-0"B3/8" = 1'-0"C3/8" = 1'-0"D77 Level 1486.75'Roof503.58'Top Plate495.75'BACA-3010'-10"4X8 @ 24" O.C.4" Concrete SlabBUILT UP COLUMN FIRERESISTIVE SIDING BEYOND6x12EXPOSEDBEAM6x12EXPOSEDBEAMCOPPER GUTTER6X8 EXPOSED BEAM3X4 @ 24" O.C.CLASS 'A' FLAT CONC. ROOF TILE4:12 PITCHCABANAOPENOPENOPENOPEN9'-0"3'-11"13'-9"1A-602NOTE:NOTE SOFFIT CONSTRUCTION*1. 6X8 EXPOSED RAFTER TAILS WITH 2X6 EXPOSED T&G DECKING OVER 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP. BOARD.2. 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING AND 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP. BOARD WITH CLASS 'A' TILE ROOF OVER. EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS ICC-ESR 1900 VALID THRU 1/31/20233. FIRE RESISTIVE SIDING OVER 2X6 STUDS. 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING AND 5/8"TYPE 'X' GYP. BOARD TYPICAL.4. JAMES HARDIE ARTISAN V-CHANNEL ESR-2290 VALID THRU MARCH 2024.6A-601TYP.A-6021SimLevel 1486.75'Roof503.58'Roof503.58'16'-10"Top Plate495.75'12AA-301BA-3012'-8 1/2"0'-3"0'-3"DA-3013A-6026A-601TYP.Level 1486.75'Roof503.58'Top Plate495.75'BAEQEQ2'-6"9'-0"5'-0"TRELLISBUILT UP COLUMN FIRERESISTIVE SIDING BEYOND6x12EXPOSEDBEAMROOFTRUSS6x12EXPOSEDBEAM6" Exterior -Hardie ArtisanV-Rustic Siding HorizontalSiding / Wood Stud FireResistive 8 ft 21 hrCLASS 'A' FLAT CONC. ROOF TILE4:12 PITCHCOPPER GUTTER2X6 EXPOSEDT&G DECKING6X8 EXPOSEDRAFTER TAILS @ 32" O.C.±13'-9"9'-0"2'-6"Level 1486.75'Roof503.58'Top Plate495.75'129'-0"6" Exterior -Hardie ArtisanV-Rustic Siding HorizontalSiding / Wood Stud FireResistive 8 ft 21 hr4" Concrete SlabBUILT UP COLUMN FIRERESISTIVE SIDING BEYONDCLASS 'A' FLAT CONC. ROOF TILE4:12 PITCH17'-8"6X12 OUTLOOKERSOPEN OPEN OPEN6X8 EXPOSED RAFTER TAILS @ 32" O.C. ±6X12 WOOD BEAM TYP.1'-0"COPPER GUTTERPER ROOF PLANSHEETSHEET TITLESTAMPPROJECT NUMBERDATEREVISIONSPROJECT3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 0 8 1 0 f a xobeliskarc.comTORRANCE, CALIFORNIA 905053800 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 3 5 6 8 t e lTHIS DOCUMENT IS FURNISHED INCONFIDENCE FOR THE LIMITEDPURPOSE OF EVALUATION, BIDDINGOR REVIEW. THIS DOCUMENT ANDITS CONTENTS MAY NOT BE USEDFOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE AND MAYNOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSEDTO OTHERS WITHOUT THE PRIORWRITTEN AUTHORIZED CONSENTOF OBELISK ARCHITECTSALL RIGHTS RESERVED (C) 1997-2023OBELISKNAGYR.BAKHO U M REGISTEREDPROFESSIONA L ARC HIT E C T EXP. 1-31-25LIC# C26503STATEOFCALIFORNIAARCHITECTSA P r o f e s s i o n a l C o r p o r a t i o n6/23/2023 1:14:00 PM H:\Rolling Hills Cabana Project\REVIT FILES\CITY OF ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOC.rvtA-201ElevationsProject NumberRolling HillsCommunityAssociation#2 Portuguese Bend RoadRolling Hills, Ca. 90274June 23, 2023No. Description Date1/4" = 1'-0"North1/4" = 1'-0"West1/4" = 1'-0"South1/4" = 1'-0"East78 Level 1486.75'Top Plate495.75'BA2.5'CA-301CA-30110'-6"11'-0"6x12EXPOSEDBEAMROOFTRUSS0'-3 1/2"4x8 Rafter @ 24"O.C.6x12EXPOSEDBEAMCLASS 'A' FLAT CONC. TILEROOF 4:12 PITCH3X4 @ 24" O.C.BUILT UP COLUMN FIRERESISTIVE SIDING BEYONDBUILT UP COLUMNAC PAVING 4"12"sq paversCABANACOVERED PATIOSuperior RadiantEW18M126x12EXPOSEDBEAM6x16A-6022COPPER GUTTER TYP.ATTACHED WOOD TRELLIS6X8 EXPOSED BEAMLevel 1486.75'Top Plate495.75'A6x146x12EXPOSEDBEAM6x12EXPOSEDBEAMR-30R-152'-6"2'-6"EQEQLevel 1486.75'Roof503.58'Top Plate495.75'12AA-301AA-301BA-301DA-301DA-301Superior RadiantEW18M12Superior RadiantEW18M12Superior RadiantEW18M126x166x12EXPOSEDBEAM6x12EXPOSEDBEAM6x12EXPOSEDBEAM6x8EXPOSEDBEAM6x8EXPOSEDBEAM6x8EXPOSEDBEAM2X10 R.R. @ 16" O.C.6x8BUILT UP COLUMNBUILT UP COLUMNBUILT UP COLUMN6x6 POSTAC PAVING 4"12"sq pavers2X6 EXPOSED T&G DECKING OVER 5/8"TYPE 'X' GYP. BOARD.Level 1486.75'Roof503.58'Top Plate495.75'CA-3012'-5"0'-11"0'-6"0'-9"0'-8"SHEETSHEET TITLESTAMPPROJECT NUMBERDATEREVISIONSPROJECT3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 0 8 1 0 f a xobeliskarc.comTORRANCE, CALIFORNIA 905053800 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 3 5 6 8 t e lTHIS DOCUMENT IS FURNISHED INCONFIDENCE FOR THE LIMITEDPURPOSE OF EVALUATION, BIDDINGOR REVIEW. THIS DOCUMENT ANDITS CONTENTS MAY NOT BE USEDFOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE AND MAYNOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSEDTO OTHERS WITHOUT THE PRIORWRITTEN AUTHORIZED CONSENTOF OBELISK ARCHITECTSALL RIGHTS RESERVED (C) 1997-2023OBELISKNAGYR.BAKHO U M REGISTEREDPROFESSIONA L ARC HIT E C T EXP. 1-31-25LIC# C26503STATEOFCALIFORNIAARCHITECTSA P r o f e s s i o n a l C o r p o r a t i o n6/23/2023 1:16:09 PM H:\Rolling Hills Cabana Project\REVIT FILES\CITY OF ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOC.rvtA-301BuildingSectionsProject NumberRolling HillsCommunityAssociation#2 Portuguese Bend RoadRolling Hills, Ca. 90274June 23, 2023No. Description Date1/4" = 1'-0"Section A1/4" = 1'-0"Section B1/4" = 1'-0"Section C1/4" = 1'-0"Section D79 SHEETSHEET TITLESTAMPPROJECT NUMBERDATEREVISIONSPROJECT3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 0 8 1 0 f a xobeliskarc.comTORRANCE, CALIFORNIA 905053800 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 3 5 6 8 t e lTHIS DOCUMENT IS FURNISHED INCONFIDENCE FOR THE LIMITEDPURPOSE OF EVALUATION, BIDDINGOR REVIEW. THIS DOCUMENT ANDITS CONTENTS MAY NOT BE USEDFOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE AND MAYNOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSEDTO OTHERS WITHOUT THE PRIORWRITTEN AUTHORIZED CONSENTOF OBELISK ARCHITECTSALL RIGHTS RESERVED (C) 1997-2023OBELISKNAGYR.BAKHO U M REGISTEREDPROFESSIONA L ARC HIT E C T EXP. 1-31-25LIC# C26503STATEOFCALIFORNIAARCHITECTSA P r o f e s s i o n a l C o r p o r a t i o n6/23/2023 1:29:06 PM H:\Rolling Hills Cabana Project\REVIT FILES\CITY OF ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOC.rvtA-401PerspectivesProject NumberRolling HillsCommunityAssociation#2 Portuguese Bend RoadRolling Hills, Ca. 90274June 23, 2023No. Description DateNORTH VIEWSOUTH VIEWBBQ AREAKITCHENTV AREA80 SHEETSHEET TITLESTAMPPROJECT NUMBERDATEREVISIONSPROJECT3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 0 8 1 0 f a xobeliskarc.comTORRANCE, CALIFORNIA 905053800 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 3 5 6 8 t e lTHIS DOCUMENT IS FURNISHED INCONFIDENCE FOR THE LIMITEDPURPOSE OF EVALUATION, BIDDINGOR REVIEW. THIS DOCUMENT ANDITS CONTENTS MAY NOT BE USEDFOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE AND MAYNOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSEDTO OTHERS WITHOUT THE PRIORWRITTEN AUTHORIZED CONSENTOF OBELISK ARCHITECTSALL RIGHTS RESERVED (C) 1997-2023OBELISKNAGYR.BAKHO U M REGISTEREDPROFESSIONA L ARC HIT E C T EXP. 1-31-25LIC# C26503STATEOFCALIFORNIAARCHITECTSA P r o f e s s i o n a l C o r p o r a t i o n6/23/2023 1:41:48 PM H:\Rolling Hills Cabana Project\REVIT FILES\CITY OF ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOC.rvtA-402RenderingsProject NumberRolling HillsCommunityAssociation#2 Portuguese Bend RoadRolling Hills, Ca. 90274June 23, 2023No. Description Date81 12BASuperior RadiantEW18M126x8EXPOSEDBEAM6x12EXPOSEDBEAM6x8EXPOSEDBEAM6x12EXPOSEDBEAM6x8EXPOSEDBEAM6x12EXPOSEDBEAM6x12EXPOSEDBEAM6x12EXPOSEDBEAM6x12EXPOSEDBEAM4:124:124:124:126x162X6" T&G EXPOSED DECKING OVER 5/8" TYPE 'X' GPY. BOARD CEILING BETWEEN EXPOSED BEAMS2X6" T&G EXPOSED DECKING 5/8" TYPE 'X' GPY. BOARD FLAT CEILINGSHEETSHEET TITLESTAMPPROJECT NUMBERDATEREVISIONSPROJECT3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 0 8 1 0 f a xobeliskarc.comTORRANCE, CALIFORNIA 905053800 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 3 5 6 8 t e lTHIS DOCUMENT IS FURNISHED INCONFIDENCE FOR THE LIMITEDPURPOSE OF EVALUATION, BIDDINGOR REVIEW. THIS DOCUMENT ANDITS CONTENTS MAY NOT BE USEDFOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE AND MAYNOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSEDTO OTHERS WITHOUT THE PRIORWRITTEN AUTHORIZED CONSENTOF OBELISK ARCHITECTSALL RIGHTS RESERVED (C) 1997-2023OBELISKNAGYR.BAKHO U M REGISTEREDPROFESSIONA L ARC HIT E C T EXP. 1-31-25LIC# C26503STATEOFCALIFORNIAARCHITECTSA P r o f e s s i o n a l C o r p o r a t i o n6/23/2023 1:31:44 PM H:\Rolling Hills Cabana Project\REVIT FILES\CITY OF ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOC.rvtA-501First FloorReflectedCeiling Plan /InteriorElevationsProject NumberRolling HillsCommunityAssociation#2 Portuguese Bend RoadRolling Hills, Ca. 90274June 23, 20231/4" = 1'-0"Level 1No. Description Date82 MIN.PER 2512.1.2TO PAVEDSURFACE8" MIN.2"PLYWOOD SHEATHING SEESTRUCTURALBUILDING PAPERPERFORATED 26GAUGEGALVANIZED WEEPSCREEDAPPROVED NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTIONSCALE: 3"=1'-0"Wall Flashing @ Ext. Fin. Surf.HARDIEPANEL Artisan V-Rustic Siding"ARCTIC WHITE" ICC ESR-2290 - ONE HOUR FIRE RATEDHARDIEPANEL ARTISAN V HORIZONTAL SIDING -ARTIC WHITE -1 HR FIREBUILDING PAPERSCALE: 3"=1'-0"Exterior Out-Swing Door HeadPLYWOOD SHEATHINGMODIFIED BITUMEN WRAP6" UP FACE & INTOOPENING ALL SIDESEXTEND AN ADDITTIONALLAYER o/ FLASHING TYP.GYPSUM BOARDSHIM SPACE2 LAYERS TYPE 'D' BUILDING PAPERHARDIE ARTISAN V RUSTIC SIDINGNOTE:WRAP OPENING WITH BITUTHENE @ HEAD, JAMB AND SILL 6" MIN. LAP BOTH SIDES TYP.6x WOOD HEADERWOOD SPECIAL PROFILECASING SPC1816 OZ. COPPER FLASHINGWOOD CASINGSEE INTERIORELEVATIONSSET NAIL FIN IN ACONTINUOUS BEAD OFSEALANTWOOD FRAMESEALANTMANUFACTURER: MARVIN. WOOD INTERIOR, CLAD EXTERIORSHEETSHEET TITLESTAMPPROJECT NUMBERDATEREVISIONSPROJECT3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 0 8 1 0 f a xobeliskarc.comTORRANCE, CALIFORNIA 905053800 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 3 5 6 8 t e lTHIS DOCUMENT IS FURNISHED INCONFIDENCE FOR THE LIMITEDPURPOSE OF EVALUATION, BIDDINGOR REVIEW. THIS DOCUMENT ANDITS CONTENTS MAY NOT BE USEDFOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE AND MAYNOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSEDTO OTHERS WITHOUT THE PRIORWRITTEN AUTHORIZED CONSENTOF OBELISK ARCHITECTSALL RIGHTS RESERVED (C) 1997-2023OBELISKNAGYR.BAKHO U M REGISTEREDPROFESSIONA L ARC HIT E C T EXP. 1-31-25LIC# C26503STATEOFCALIFORNIAARCHITECTSA P r o f e s s i o n a l C o r p o r a t i o n6/23/2023 1:44:49 PM H:\Rolling Hills Cabana Project\REVIT FILES\CITY OF ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOC.rvtA-601ArchitecturalDetailsProject NumberRolling HillsCommunityAssociation#2 Portuguese Bend RoadRolling Hills, Ca. 90274June 23, 2023No. Description Date62134583 Top Plate495.75'26x12EXPOSEDBEAM6X8 EXPOSED BEAMCONC. RAKE TILE1'-3"2x6 WOOD STUD1/2 PLYWOOD SHEATHING5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP. BOARDHARDIE- WRAP OR EQUIVALENTWOOD SCREEN FURRING 3/8" MIN 6" Exterior -Hardie ArtisanV-Rustic Siding on WoodFraming Horizontal Siding / bothsides on Wood Stud FireResistive1 HRARTISAN V-RUSTIC SIDING NOTE:NOTE SOFFIT CONSTRUCTION*1. 6X8 EXPOSED RAFTER TAILS WITH 2X6 EXPOSED T&G DECKING OVER 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP. BOARD.2. 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING AND 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP. BOARD WITH CLASS 'A' TILE ROOF OVER. EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS ICC-ESR 1900 VALID THRU 1/31/20233. FIRE RESISTIVE SIDING OVER 2X6 STUDS. 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING AND 5/8"TYPE 'X' GYP. BOARD TYPICAL.4. JAMES HARDIE ARTISAN V-CHANNEL ESR-2290 VALID THRU MARCH 2024.CLASS 'A' FLAT CONC. ROOF TILLE 'EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS 4502 ARCADIA CANYON BROWN' Top Plate495.75'BCLASS 'A' FLAT CONC. ROOF TILEROOF RAFTER SEE FRAMING PLAN6x12EXPOSEDBEAM6x12EXPOSEDBEAM6x12EXPOSEDBEAMHALF-ROUND COPPER GUTTERNOTE: ATL. RAFTER TAIL DESIGN MATCH THOSE AT THE ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATES BUILDING.Level 1486.75'Top Plate495.75'ANOTE:NOTE SOFFIT CONSTRUCTION*1. 6X8 EXPOSED RAFTER TAILS WITH 2X6 EXPOSED T&G DECKING OVER 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP. BOARD.2. 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING AND 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP. BOARD WITH CLASS 'A' TILE ROOF OVER. EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS ICC-ESR 1900 VALID THRU 1/31/20233. FIRE RESISTIVE SIDING OVER 2X6 STUDS. 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING AND 5/8"TYPE 'X' GYP. BOARD TYPICAL.4. JAMES HARDIE ARTISAN V-CHANNEL ESR-2290 VALID THRU MARCH 2024.SHEETSHEET TITLESTAMPPROJECT NUMBERDATEREVISIONSPROJECT3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 0 8 1 0 f a xobeliskarc.comTORRANCE, CALIFORNIA 905053800 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 3 5 6 8 t e lTHIS DOCUMENT IS FURNISHED INCONFIDENCE FOR THE LIMITEDPURPOSE OF EVALUATION, BIDDINGOR REVIEW. THIS DOCUMENT ANDITS CONTENTS MAY NOT BE USEDFOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE AND MAYNOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSEDTO OTHERS WITHOUT THE PRIORWRITTEN AUTHORIZED CONSENTOF OBELISK ARCHITECTSALL RIGHTS RESERVED (C) 1997-2023OBELISKNAGYR.BAKHO U M REGISTEREDPROFESSIONA L ARC HIT E C T EXP. 1-31-25LIC# C26503STATEOFCALIFORNIAARCHITECTSA P r o f e s s i o n a l C o r p o r a t i o n6/23/2023 1:46:52 PM H:\Rolling Hills Cabana Project\REVIT FILES\CITY OF ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOC.rvtA-602ArchitecturalDetailsProject NumberRolling HillsCommunityAssociation#2 Portuguese Bend RoadRolling Hills, Ca. 90274June 23, 2023No. Description Date161718101934815141952013121" = 1'-0"Rake Detail3/4" = 1'-0"Eave Detail 03/4" = 1'-0"Eave Detail 184 DESCRIPTIONSYMBOLELECTRICAL SYMBOLSGFICWP2201/2 HOTS 3SS4AFIC F OR FLUORLEDVPW1234STVTJSAHBWATERRAGFGKEYMSA STSD HBSLSOSSTANDARD DUPLEX OUTLET (110 VOLTS)STANDARD DUPLEX OUTLET WITH GROUND FAULTCIRCUIT INTERRUPTERWATERPROOF STANDARD DUPLEX OUTLET WITHG.F.C.I.220 VOLT HARDWIRE JUNCTIONHALF-HOT DUPLEX OUTLETQUADRUPLEX RECEPTACLE OUTLETDUPLEX FLOOR OUTLETSINGLE POLE SWITCH3-WAY SWITCHSTANDARD DUPLEX OUTLET WITH ARC FAULT CIRCUITINTERRUPTERSURFACE MOUNTED INCANDESCENT LIGHT FIXTURECEILING HUNG PENDANT FIXTUREWALL MOUNTED INCANDESCENT LIGHT FIXTURERECESS MOUNTED CEILING LIGHT FIXTURE (PROVIDESPEC. FIXT. @ SLOPED CL'G.) 3" LED 2700KFLUORESCENT FIXTURECEILING MOUNTED 4 FT. FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURELOW VOLTAGE FIXTURE / LEDVAPOR PROOF FIXTURERECESSED EXTERIOR STEP LIGHT FIXTURE 8"ABOVE FLOOR OR TREAD NOSINGSUNDER CABINET FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTUREABOVE CABINET FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTUREPIN LIGHTWALL-WASH LIGHT FIXTURE (PROVIDE SPEC. FIXTURE @ SLOPED CEILING) 3" LED W/ ADJST. 2700KFIXTURE TO BE SELECTED BY OWNERGARDEN / PATH LIGHTSTEP, AISLE OR NIGHT LIGHTPICTURE LIGHTFLOOD LIGHTHEAT LAMPEXHAUST FAN 50 CFM Min.EXHAUST FAN WITH LIGHT 50 CFM Min.STATE FIRE MARSHALL APPROVED SMOKEDETECTORCHIMESTELEPHONE OUTLETTELEVISION ANTENNA TERMINAL WITH TELEPHONEJACK FOR SATELLITEDOOR BELLTHERMOSTATHARDWARE JUNCTION BOX, HARDWIRE200 AMP SERVICE PANELSUPPLY AIR REGISTARHOSE BIBB WITH SHUT-OFF VALVEWATER LINE1 HP GARBAGE DISPOSALRETURN AIR GRILLFUEL GASFIREPLACE KEY (LOOSE)HOSE BIBBCENTRAL VACUUM HOSE CONECTION4-WAY SWITCHWALL MOUNTED & BE HIGH EFFICACY OR HAVEPHOTO-CONTROL MOTION SENSORCEILING FAN WITH LIGHTPROVIDE ADDED WIRE & BLOCKINGCEILING HUNG CHANDELIER (BY OWNER)SWITCH ON TIMERAIR SWITCHUNDER CABINET OUTLETSINGLE POLE SWITCH WITH DIMMER CONTROLTRACK LIGHTSINGLE POLE SWITCH WITH OCCUPANCY SENSORSWITCH FOR LOG LIGHTER @ F.P.CMACARBOM MONOXIDE ALARMSVS ELECTRICAL NOTES:HVAC NOTES:1. ALL BATHROOM RECEPTACLES SHALL BE SERVED BY DEDICATED 20 AMP. CIRCUIT PER CEC ARTICLE 210.11(c)3. 2. AT LEAST ONE 20 AMP BRANCH CIRCUIT SHALL BE PROVIDED TO SUPPLY LAUNDRY RECEPTACLE OUTLETS. SUCH CIRCUITS SHALL HAVE NO OTHER OUTLETS. (210.11 (C)(2) CEC).3. RECEPTACLES ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER SHALL BE STARTED WITHIN 24" OF THE THE WALL OR COUNTER EDGE AND SPACED NOT MORE THAN 48" O.C. (N.E.C. SECT. 210-52 (c) )4. GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER (GFCI) RECEPTACLE PROTECTION IS REQUIRED IN THE -BATH, GARAGE, OUTDOORS, UNDERFLOOR SPACE, KITCHEN COUNTERS, UNFINISHED BASEMENTS AND LAUNDRY/UTILITY/WET BAR SINKS (WHERE RECEPTACLE IS WITHIN 6FT OF THE OUTSIDE SINK EDGE). (210.52 CEC)5. ALL BEDROOM RECEPTACLES SHALL BE PROTECTED BY AN ARC-FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER LISTED TO PROVIDE PROTECTION OF THE ENTIRE BRANCH CIRCUIT PER CEC ARTICLE 210-12(B).6. ALIGN CONVENIENT OUTLETS, & SWITCHES WITHIN 32".7. TWO 20-AMP SMALL APPLIANCE BRANCH CIRCUITS SERVING THE KITCHEN COUNTER RECEPTACLES SHALL HAVE NO OTHER OUTLETS PER CEC ARTICLE 210.52 (b).8. LIGHTING IN BATHROOMS, GARAGES, LAUNDRY AND UTILITY ROOMS MUST BE HIGH EFFICACY LIGHTING OR HAVE OCCUPANCY SENSORS.9. FLUORESCENT LIGHTS RATED AT NOT LESS THAN 40/LUMENS PER WATT FOR GENERAL LIGHTING IN KITCHENS AND IN BATHROOMS AS PER TITLE 24.10. ALL LIGHTING IN BATHROOMS, THE UTILITY ROOM, THE LAUNDRY ROOM, THE GARAGE AND POWDER ROOM SHALL BE FLUORESCENT LIGHTING FIXTURE UNLESS LIGHTINGS ARE CONTROLLED WITH MOTION SENSOR.11. MAXIMUM 50% OF LIGHTING WATTAGE IN THE KITCHEN MUST BE NON-HIGH EFFICIENCY LIGHTING & COMPLETE CF-2R-LTG-01-E AND CF-2R-T-LTG-02-E12. ALL INCANDESCENT LIGHTING FIXTURES RECESSED INTO INSULATED CEILINGS MUST BE APPROVED FOR ZERO CLEARANCE INSULATION COVER (I.C.) BY UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES OR OTHER TESTING/RATING LABORATORIES AS PER TITLE 24.13. PROVIDE COVER AND LOCATE LIGHT FIXTURES 6" AWAY FROM SHELVES IN CLOSETS (PER NEC SECT. 410-8)14. ALL LIGHTING IN THE BUILDING EXCEPT CLOSETS LESS THAN 70 SQUARE FEET IN AREA SHALL BE FLUORESCENT LIGHTING FIXTURE UNLESS LIGHTINGS ARE CONTROLLED WITH MOTION SENSOR.15. OUTDOOR LIGHTING MUST BE ON THE BUILDING AND BE HIGH EFFICACY OR HAVE PHOTO-CONTROL / MOTION SENSORS.16. ALL WINDOW AND SLIDING GLASS DOOR ASSEMBLIES MUST BE DUAL-PANED AND ALUMINUM FRAME OR HAVE A MAXIMUM U-VALUE OF 0.67.17. A GAS CONNECTION AND GFC/WP ELECTRICAL CONNECTION SHALL BE PROVIDE FRO AT THE SITE INDICATED FOR A HOT TUB IN THE BACKYARD.18. COOKING EQUIPMENT MUST BE LISTED FOR RESIDENTIAL USE.19. PROVIDE BONDING WIRE TO METAL WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM, OR GROUND ROD (NEC 250-80(a) & 83).20. SEPARATE EARLY WARNING SMOKE DETECTION SYSTEMS ARE REQUIRED.21. IN NEW CONSTRUCTION SMOKE ALARM SHALL RECEIVE THEIR PRIMARY POWER SOURCE FROM THE BUILDING WIRING AND SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH BATTERY BACK UP AND LOW BATTERY SIGNAL. (907., 908. IN EXISTING CONSTRUTION, SMOKE ALARMS (i.e., SMOKE DETECTORS) MAY BE BATTERY OPERATED. (CBC 907., 908. PILOT LIGHTS TO BE 18" ABOVE GARAGE SLAB.32. EXHAUST FAN IN THE BATHROOM CAPABLE OF PROVIDING 4 COMPLETE AIR CHANGES PER HOUR. VENT EXHAUST FANS TO OUTSIDE AIR. (SEE ELECTRICAL PLANS)33. THE NEW OUTPUT CAPACITY OF THE GAS FURNACES IN THE BUILDING MUST BE LESS THAN 45,000 BTU/HR. OR HEAT-LOSS CALCULATIONS MUST BE PROVIDED.34. ALL FAN SYSTEMS EXHAUSTING AIR FROM THE BUILDING ENVELOPE TO THE OUTSIDE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH BACK-DRAFT DAMPERS.35. RE-CIRCULATION HOT WATER PIPING IN ATTICS, GARAGES, CRAWL SPACES OR UNHEATED SPACES SHALL BE INSULATED.36. AN APPROVED SEISMIC GAS SHUT OFF VALVE WILL BE INSTALLED ON THE FUEL GAS LINE ON THE DOWN STREAM SIDE OF THE UTILITY METER AND BE RIGIDLY CONNECTED TO THE EXTERIOR OF THE BUILDING OR STRUCTURE CONTAINING THE FUEL GAS PIPING.37. WATER HEATER MUST BE STRAPPED TO WALL AS PER UPC SECTION 510.5 (ONE AT 1/3 FROM THE TOP AND ONE AT 1/3 FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE WATER HEATER).38. APPLIANCES SUCH AS KITCHEN SINK FOOD GRINDERS, DISHWASHERS, MICROWAVE OVENS, TRASH COMPACTORS, WASHING MACHINES, DRYERS, REFRIGERATORS, FREEZERS, AIR CONDITIONERS, FAUs BUILT-IN HEATERS OR ANY FIXED APPLIANCE WITH MOTOR LARGER THAN 1/4 HP SHALL BE ON A SEPARATE BRANCH CIRCUIT SUPPLIED BY A MIN. NUMBER 12 AWG WIRE.39. PROVIDE AN APPROVED SPARK ARRESTERFOR THE CHIMNEY OF A FIREPLACE, STOVE, OR BARBECUE.40. INSULATION OF HEATING AND COOLING DUCTS,MINIMUM R-6, IN ACCORDANCE WITH REQUIREMENT OF CHAPTER 6 OF THE CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE.22. SMOKE ALARMS (i.e., SMOKE DETECTORS) SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED AT ALL OF THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: (CBC 907. PROVIDE ONE CO2 DETECTOR TO MEET CODE.a. IN EACH ROOM USED FOR SLEEPING PURPOSES.b. ON THE CEILING OR WALL OUTSIDE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF SLEEPING ROOM.23. A PERMIT FOR ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS, OR ADDITIONS, EXCEEDING $1,000 SHALL REQUIRE THE INSTALLATION OF SMOKE DETECTORS. (CBC 907., HSC 13113.7)24. WHERE MORE THAN ONE SMOKE ALARM IS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED, IT SHALL BE INTERCONNECTED IN SUCH A MANNER.25. ALL ELECTRICAL, TELEPHONE, CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM AND SIMILAR SERVICE WIRES AND CABLES SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER GROUND FOR ALL NEW BUILDINGS.26. ANY SATELLITE DISH ANTENNAS AND/OR SIMILAR EQUIPMENT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECT. 17.46.240 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE 27. CONDUIT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN EACH UNIT FOR CABLE TELEVISION.28. ALL NEW PLUMBING FIXTURES SHALL BE CERTIFIED LOW FLOW FIXTURES.29. THE ADDRESS SHALL BE CONSPICUOUSLY DISPLAYED ON THE STREET SIDE OF THE BUILDING WITH EXTERNALLY OR INTERNALLY LIT NUMBERS.30. NO PENETRATION IN CEILING USE ACOUSTI BLOK @ CL'G FIBER BOARD / GLUE OVER GYPSUM USE NO SCREWS.12BAELECTRIC METER VERIFYLOCATION WITH ELECTRICCOMPANY.WP +12"WP +12"WP +12"WP +12"WP +12"+60"AFCITVGFIC+42" GFIC +42" GFIC GFICGFICGFICWP +12"WP +12"WP +12"WP +12"+42" GFIC +42" GFIC +42"GFICWP +12"GFICGFICHBOSOS DDTT DSuperior RadiantEW18M12Superior RadiantEW18M12SHEETSHEET TITLESTAMPPROJECT NUMBERDATEREVISIONSPROJECT3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 0 8 1 0 f a xobeliskarc.comTORRANCE, CALIFORNIA 905053800 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 3 5 6 8 t e lTHIS DOCUMENT IS FURNISHED INCONFIDENCE FOR THE LIMITEDPURPOSE OF EVALUATION, BIDDINGOR REVIEW. THIS DOCUMENT ANDITS CONTENTS MAY NOT BE USEDFOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE AND MAYNOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSEDTO OTHERS WITHOUT THE PRIORWRITTEN AUTHORIZED CONSENTOF OBELISK ARCHITECTSALL RIGHTS RESERVED (C) 1997-2023OBELISKNAGYR.BAKHO U M REGISTEREDPROFESSIONA L ARC HIT E C T EXP. 1-31-25LIC# C26503STATEOFCALIFORNIAARCHITECTSA P r o f e s s i o n a l C o r p o r a t i o n6/23/2023 2:10:04 PM H:\Rolling Hills Cabana Project\REVIT FILES\CITY OF ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOC.rvtE-101ElectricalPlanProject NumberRolling HillsCommunityAssociation#2 Portuguese Bend RoadRolling Hills, Ca. 90274June 23, 2023No. Description Date1/4" = 1'-0"Level 1 - ElectricalPlan85 NORTHNORTHNORTH DWG. NO.SCALE DESCRIPTIONSDATE PLANTING PLAN1/8" = 1'-0"LP-1 REV. DATE 06-15-2023 06-27-2023 SCOPE OF WORK: THE SCOPE OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT INCLUDES: PROJECT INFORMATION : OWNER CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS PROJECT ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER EMAIL : ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION : 1 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 : (310) 544-6222 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MAILING ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER EMAIL : RICHIE-BRAY, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT : 904 SILVER SPUR ROAD #395, ROLLING HILLS ESTATES, CA 90274 : (310) 377-5868 : DEB@RICHIE-BRAY.COM IRRIGATION SPECIFICATION1/8" = 1'-0"LI-5 06-15-2023 --- IRRIGATION PLANN/ALI-1 06-15-2023 --- ·PLANTING ·IRRIGATION ·LIGHTING COVER SHEETN/AL-0 06-15-2023 --- ARCHITECT MAILING ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER EMAIL : OBELISK ARCHITECTS : 3800 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY, TORRANCE, CA 90505 : (310) 373-3568 : LIST OF BMPS (BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES) 1. CA1 DEWATERING OPERATIONS - REMOVE SEDIMENTS FROM GROUND WATER 2. CA2 PAVING OPERATIONS - REDUCE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS FROM PAVING OPERATIONS 3. CA3 STRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION AND PAINTING - PREVENT & REDUCE DISCHARGE FROM CONSTRUCTION SITES & PAINTING PROJECTS 4. CA10 MATERIAL DELIVERY AND STORAGE - PREVENT & REDUCE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS TO STORM WATER FROM MATERIAL DELIVERY & STORAGE 5. CA11 MATERIAL USE - PREVENT & REDUCE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS TO STORM WATER FROM MATERIAL USE 6. CA12 SPILL PREVENTION AND CONTROL - PREVENT & REDUCE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANT TO STORM WATER SYSTEMS WITH GOOD HOUSEKEEPING 7. CA20 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT - PREVENT & REDUCE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS TO STORM WATER SYSTEMS FROM SOLID WASTE OR CONSTRUCTION 8. CA21 HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT - PREVENT & REDUCE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS TO STORM WATER FROM TOXIC MATERIALS 9. CA22 CONTAMINATED SOIL MANAGEMENT - PREVENT & REDUCE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS TO STORM WATER CONTAMINATED SOIL 10. CA23 CONCRETE WASTE MANAGEMENT - PREVENT & REDUCE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS TO STORM WATER FROM CONCRETE WASTE 11. CA24 SANITARY/SEPTIC WASTE MANAGEMENT - PREVENT & REDUCE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS TO STROM WATER FROM SANITARY & SEPTIC SYSTEMS 12. CA30 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT CLEANING - PREVENT & REDUCE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS TO STORM WATER FROM CLEANING OF VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT 13. CA31 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT FUELING - PREVENT & REDUCE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS TO STORM WATER FROM FUELING OF VEHICLES & EQUIPMENT 14. CA32 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE - PREVENT & REDUCE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS TO STORM WATER FROM MAINTENANCE OF VEHICLES & EQUIPMENT 15. CA40 EMPLOYEE/SUBCONTRACTOR TRAINING -SWPPP STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN 16. ESC1 SCHEDULING - SEQUENCING THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT TO REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF SOIL EXPOSED TO EROSION 17. ESC2 PRESERVATION OF EXISTING VEGETATION - MINIMIZE DAMAGE AND EROSION BY PRESERVING THE EXISTING VEGETATION 18. ESC10 SEEDING AND PLANTING - MINIMIZE EROSION WITH SEEDING AND PLANTING 19. ESC11 MULCHING - FOR STABILIZING CLEARED AND FRESHLY SEEDED AREAS 20. ESC20 GEOTEXTILES AND MATS - FOR STABILIZATION OF SOILS 21. ESC21 DUST CONTROLS - REDUCE DUST AND SOIL EROSION 22. ESC22 TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING - RECOMMENDATIONS FOR INSTALLING A TEMPORARY CULVER, FORD OR BRIDGE 23. ESC23 CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABILIZATION - RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DUST AND EROSION CONTROL 24. ESC24 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE - RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DUST, SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL FOR PUBLIC STREETS 25. ESC30 EARTH DIKE - TEMPORARY BERM OR RIDGE OF COMPACTED SOIL 26. ESC31 TEMPORARY DRAINS AND SWALES - TO DIVERT OFF-SITE RUNOFF AROUND A CONSTRUCTION SITE 27. ESC32 SLOPE DRAIN - TEMPORARY PIPE TO DIVERT RUNOFF FROM THE TOP OF A SLOPE TO THE BOTTOM WITHOUT CAUSING EROSION 28. ESC40 OUTLET PROTECTION - INSTALL RIP-RAP TO REDUCE SEDIMENT IN THE SOIL 29. ESC41 CHECK DAMS - REDUCES VELOCITY OF CONCENTRATED STORM WATER FLOWS AND REDUCES EROSION 30. ESC42 SLOPE ROUGHENING/TERRACING - CREATES MICROCLIMATES FOR ESTABLISHING VEGETATION 31. ESC50 FOR SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 32. ESC51 STRAW BALE BARRIERS - FOR SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 33. ESC52 SAND BAG BARRIER - FOR SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 34. ESC53 BRUSH OR ROCK FILTER - FOR SEDIMENTATION CONTROL AND VELOCITY REDUCTION 35. ESC54 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION - DEVICES WHICH DETAIN SEDIMENT LADEN RUNOFF 36. ESC55 SEDIMENT TRAP - SMALL EXCAVATED OR BERMED AREA FOR SEDIMENTATION 37. ESC56 SEDIMENT BASIN - POND CREATED TO ALLOW EXCESSIVE SEDIMENT TO SETTLE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS : 1. AN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER OR IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED AND PERMANENTLY MAINTAINED IN WORKING ORDER. 2. ALL LANDSCAPING SHALL BE PERMANENTLY MAINTAINED. 3. LAWN AND GROUND COVERS SHALL BE MOWED OR TRIMMED REGULARLY. ALL PLANTED AREAS SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF WEEDS AND DEBRIS. 4. ALL PLANTINGS SHALL BE KEPT IN A HEALTHY AND GROWING CONDITION. ADJUSTMENTS, REPLACEMENTS, REPAIRS AND CLEANING SHALL BE A PART OF THE REGULAR MAINTENANCE. 5. STAKES, GUYS AND TIES ON TREES SHALL BE CHECKED REGULARLY FOR CORRECT FUNCTION. TIES SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO AVOID CREATING ABRASION OR GIRDING ON TRUNKS OR BRANCHES. MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 12. CONTRACTOR TO ASCERTAIN ALL REQUIRED SWIMMING POOL FENCING TO BE MAINTAINED DURING CONSTRUCTION OR THE POOL SHALL BE EMPTIED. 8. PER LOCAL REQUIREMENTS, THE WORKING HOURS ARE BETWEEN 7:00 AM TO 7:00 PM MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY; 7:00 AM TO 5:00 PM ON FRIDAY AND 9:00 AM TO 5:00 PM ON SATURDAY WITH NO WORK ON SUNDAYS OR HOLIDAYS. THE ABOVE LIMITS ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND CONTRACTOR ARE RESPONSIBLE TO ASCERTAIN THE WORKING HOUR LIMIT FROM RELEVANT CITY REQUIREMENTS. GENERAL NOTES : 1. ANY YARD DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE INSPECTED AND CERTIFIED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL. 2. ANY DRAINAGE DIRECTED TO THE STREET THROUGH PIPING SHALL BE DRAWN UP BY A LICENSED CIVIL ENGINEER AND SUBMITTED TO THE CITY ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO OBTAINING A PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT FOR CURB CORING. 3. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATIONS OF SMOKE DETECTORS AND CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS IN NEW WORK PER SECTIONS R314 & R315 OF THE CRC RESPECTIVELY. 4. ALL CONSTRUCTION WASTE AND DEBRIS MUST BE CONTAINERIZED AT ALL TIMES & MUST BE ATHENS DUMPSTERS ONLY (CALL 1-888-336-6100) 5. A RE-INSPECTION FEE MAY BE CHARGED BY THE CITY FOR AN INSPECTION WHICH IS NOT ACCESSIBLE, OR APPROVED PLANS ARE NOT ON SITE, OR JOB IS NOT READY AND ALL COSTS SHALL BE BORNE BY THE CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAID WORK. 6. ANY AND ALL DEVIATIONS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVED PLANS REQUIRE THAT REVISED PLANS BE SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. 7. ALL GENERAL CONTRACTORS, SUB-CONTRACTORS, ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS CONDUCTING BUSINESS WITHIN THE CITY ARE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A CURRENT CITY BUSINESS LICENSE AS DESCRIBED IN THE MUNICIPAL CODE ORDINANCE NO. 092-559 AND RESLOLUTION NO. R92-72. NOTES : 1. ANY PLANTING OR HARDSCAPE ON CITY RIGHT OF WAY WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY. 2. ALL PLANTING THAT GROWS TO A HEIGHT THAT BECOMES A VIEW OBSTRUCTION, WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE TRIMMED. 3. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS ON SITE AND NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORKS. 4. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS. 5. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY MEANS OR METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION. 6. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR PROPOSED OR EXISTING CONDITIONS. 7. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FINISHED SURFACES. 8. SEE ENGINEER'S DRAWINGS FOR ALL DETAILS & REQUIREMENTS OF CONCRETE, CMU WALLS, REBARS, ETC. 9. ALL EXPOSED GALV. STEEL PARTS TO BE PAINTED W/ PRIMER & 2 COATS OF POLYURETHANE PAINT. 10. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL EQUIPMENT SIZES, UTILITY REQUIREMENTS ETC. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 11. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT ALL MATERIAL & COLOR SAMPLES FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ANY WORK COMMENCES. 12. SURVEY INFORMATION WERE OBTAINED FROM OTHER'S RECORDS AND EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 13. PRIOR TO ANY DEMOLITION/GRADING WORK COMMENCES, A PRE-DEMO/GRADING MEETING SHALL BE ARRANGED WITH CITY BUILDING OFFICIALS, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, OWNER OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE, SOIL ENGINEER, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND/OR GRADING CONTRACTOR. 14. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL ALL NECESSARY EROSION CONTROL AND SEDIMENT RETENTION PROVISIONS ACCORDING TO PLAN OR AS NECESSARY. 15. DETACHED PATIO COVERS, CARPORTS, ARBORS, OPEN LATTICE WORK & SUN SHADES MAY BE CONSTRUCTED OF ANY MATERIALS ALLOWED BY CODE. 13. SURVEY PREPARED BY : BOLTON ENGINEERS (310) 325-5580 14. SHOULD EXISTING CONDITIONS DIFFER FROM THIS LAYOUT, CONTRACTOR ARE TO INFORM LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR VERIFICATION PRIOR TO WORK COMMENCES. 9. ALL WORKS SHALL CONFORM TO ALL RELEVANT CURRENT CODES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO : - 2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE - 2022 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE - 2022 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE - 2022 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE - 2022 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE - THE CURRENT REQUIREMENTS OF THE ENERGY - COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE CODE 10. DUST CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. 11. SEPARATE PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR ANY APPROACH TO PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS, SEWER LATERALS, CURBS, CURB CORES, STEEET IMPROVEMENTS OR ANY WORK IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY OR PARKWAYS. : 1 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 LIGHTING PLANNTSLL-1 06-15-2023 07-06-2023 IRRIGATION DETAILSAS SHOWNLI-2 06-15-2023 --- ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY TENNIS COURT 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 : KRAIG@RHCA.NET, KBISHOP@RHCA.NET IRRIGATION SPECIFICATION1/8" = 1'-0"LI-4 06-15-2023 --- LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONNTSLL-2 06-15-2023 07-06-2023 IRRIGATION DETAILSN/ALI-3 06-15-2023 --- NOTES: 1. A DIAGRAM OF THE IRRIGATION PLAN SHOWING HYDROZONES SHALL BE KEPT WITH THE IRRIGATION CONTROLLER FOR SUBSEQUENT MANAGEMENT PURPOSES. 2. A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION SHALL BE FILLED OUT AND CERTIFIED BY EITHER THE DESIGNER OF THE LANDSCAPE PLANS, IRRIGATION PLANS, OR THE LICENSED LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR FOR THE PROJECT. 3. AN IRRIGATION AUDIT REPORT SHALL BE COMPLETED A THE TIME OF FINAL INSPECTION. 4. A LANDSCAPE WASTE DIVERSION PLAN SHALL BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED WITH THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION. LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONNTSLL-3 06-15-2023 --- PLANT SCHEDULEN/ALP-2 06-15-2023 06-27-2023 ROLLING HILLS CITY NOTES: 1. NO LANDSCAPE SHALL BE ALLOWED IN THE RHCA EASEMENT. 2. TREES SPECIFIED SHALL NOT GROW HIGHER THAN THE HEIGHT OF THE ROOF RIDGE. 3. TREES SHALL BE PLANTED IN LOCATIONS THAT DO NO HINDER VIEWS FROM THE ADJACENT LOTS. 4. TREES ARE REQUIRED TO BE MAINTAINED TO A HEIGHT NOT TO EXCEED THE ROOF RIDGE AND SO THAT VIEWS FROM ADJACENT LOTS ARE NOT OBSTRUCTED. 5. NEW PROPOSED TREES ARE NOT ON THE PROHIBITED TREE LIST. INSTALLATION NOTE: THE IRRIGATION AND PLANTING PLANS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN DOCUMENTATION PACKAGE, ANY CHANGES OR SUBSTITUTIONS TO PLAN SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR THE CITY. A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION SHALL BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FINAL LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION INSPECTION. PROJECT TITLE SHEET TITLE CHECKED: DRAWN BY: DATE: REVISIONS PROJECT NO. SHEET N0. XREF FILE: SCALE: E-mail: 904 Silver Spur Road #395 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 (310) 377-5868 Richie-Bray, Inc. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE L-0 06-15-2023 N/A COVER SHEET : KRISTEN RAID, KATHRYN BISHOP PLANTING DEATILSNTALP-3 06-15-2023 --- VICINITY MAP SCALE: NTS SITE AERIAL VIEW SCALE: NTS SITE NORTHNORTHNORTH ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY TENNIS COURTS 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 ASSESSOR'S ID NO.: 7569-015-900 86 GAL GAL ROS ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH LEO SA4 SA4 SA4 SA4 SA4 SA4 SA4 SA4 SA4 CIS LEO PRUPRUPRUPRU FES CIS CIS IRI PRUPRUPRUPRU CIS HES PRU AGA GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL ACH ACHACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH GAL ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS GAL GAL ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI ACH GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL LEY LEYLEY LEY LEY LEY ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH GAL GAL GAL ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS GAL SA4 SA4 SA4 ROS2 ROS2 ROS2 LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LEY LEYLEY LEY LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ROS2ROS2 RHA RHA RHA RHA RHA RHA RHA RHA GAL LOL LOL LOL CIJ CIS FES FES FES CIJCIJCIJ CIJ FESFESFESFESFESFES FESFESFES CIJ FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES HES HES CISCISCISCISCISCIS SENSENSENSENSENSENSENSENSENSENSENSEN SEN SEN SEN SEN SEN SEN SEN SEN SENRHA SEN SEN HES HES AGA AGA AGA AGA AGA LEY LEY LEY LEY LEY LEY LEY LEY WEM WEM WEM WEM WEM WEM WEM WEM WEM LOL LOL LOL LOL LEY LEY LEY LEY LEYAGAAGAAGA AGAACH ACH ACHACHACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH HEA HEA HEA HEAHEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA W HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA WEM WEM CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL W W W W W W W W W W W WWW W W W W PROJECT TITLE SHEET TITLE CHECKED: DRAWN BY: DATE: REVISIONS PROJECT NO. SHEET N0. XREF FILE: SCALE: E-mail: 904 Silver Spur Road #395 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 (310) 377-5868 Richie-Bray, Inc. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY TENNIS COURTS PLANTING PLAN LP-1 06-15-2023 1/8" = 1'-0" 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 ASSESSOR'S ID NO.: 7569-015-900 OLE PLANTING NOTES: ·RECIRCULATING WATER SYSTEMS SHALL BE USED FOR WATER FEATURES ·A MINIMUM 3-INCH LAYER OF MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED ON ALL EXPOSED SOIL SURFACES OF PLANTING AREAS EXCEPT TURF AREAS, CREEPING OR ROOTING GROUNDCOVERS, OR DIRECT SEEDING APPLICATIONS WHERE MULCH IS CONTRAINDICATED. ·FOR SOIL LESS THAN 6% ORGANIC MATTER IN THE TOP 6 INCHES OF SOIL, COMPOST AT A RATE OF A MINIMUM OF FOUR CUBIC YARDS PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET OF PERMEABLE AREA SHALL BE INCORPORATED TO A DEPTH OF SIX INCHES INTO THE SOIL. CLEAN UP EXISTING TREE AND SHRUB PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD LIN ARB CER CER OLE LAG LAG DYM LINLIN 06-27-2023 87 PROJECT TITLE SHEET TITLE CHECKED: DRAWN BY: DATE: REVISIONS PROJECT NO. SHEET N0. XREF FILE: SCALE: E-mail: 904 Silver Spur Road #395 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 (310) 377-5868 Richie-Bray, Inc. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY TENNIS COURTS PLANT LIST LP-2 06-15-2023 N/A 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 ASSESSOR'S ID NO.: 7569-015-900 PLANTING NOTES: 1.ALL PLANTS ARE IDENTIFIED BY TYPICAL SYMBOLS. PLANT QUANTITIES ARE APPROXIMATE AND PROVIDED FOR THE CONTRACTOR'S CONVENIENCE. IN THE EVENT OF DISCREPANCIES IN PLANT COUNT, QUANTITIES INDICATED BY PLANT SYMBOLS ON THE PLAN PREVAIL. 2.PLANTS AND INSTALLATION TO MEET HIGHEST QUALITY INDUSTRY STANDARD. LOCATE AND SECURE ALL SPECIFIED PLANTS WITHIN TWO WEEKS OF AWARD OF CONTRACT AND SHOW PROOF OF TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IN WRITING THAT PLANTS HAVE BEEN SECURED. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY OF ANY PLANT SOURCING DIFFICULTY. 3.CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR DECISION REGARDING PROPOSED PLANT SUBSTITUTIONS 4 WEEKS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 4.THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REVIEW ALL PLANT MATERIAL AT THE NURSERY PRIOR TO DELIVERY TO JOB SITE. IN LIEU OF NURSERY REVIEW THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MAY REQUEST PHOTOS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS OF PLANT MATERIAL TO BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO DELIVERY. 5.LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE PLANTS DELIVERED TO SITE THAT ARE SUBSTANDARD. REPLACEMENT PLANTS ARE TO BE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER. 6.ALL PLANTS DELIVERED TO THE SITE SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH LEGIBLE TAGS. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COPIES OF DELIVERY TICKETS TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AS VERIFICATION OF CORRECT SPECIES AND VARIETIES. 7.NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF INTENDED PLANTING SCHEDULE A MINIMUM OF TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO PLANTING. 8.SET OUT ALL PLANTS AS SHOWN ON PLAN. FINAL LOCATIONS TO BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO PLANTING. 9.PLANT CROWN TO BE 2" ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE FOR 15 GALLON AND LARGER PLANTS; 1" ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE OR PLANTS SMALLER THAN 15 GALLON. TREES TO BE PLANTED AT HEIGHT ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE AS DIRECTED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 10.INSTALL ALL PLANTS PER DETAILS. 11.STAKE TREES ACCORDING TO INDUSTRY STANDARDS PER DETAILS. REVIEW WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO WORK. 12.ANY TREE SHOWN ON PLAN TO BE INSTALLED IN LESS THAN 8' (EIGHT FEET) CLEAR DISTANCE FROM ANY CURB, WALKWAY, OR FOUNDATION IS TO BE INSTALLED WITH ROOT CONTROL BARRIERS UB 18-2 BY DEEP ROOT CORP 800-458-7668. INSTALL AS DIRECTED BY DETAIL AND PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. PALM TREES DO NOT REQUIRE ROOT CONTROL BARRIERS. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MAY ALTER OR WAIVE REQUIREMENT. 13.COMPLETELY ERADICATE ALL BERMUDA, KIKUYU GRASS, AND OTHER WEED GROWTH OR OTHER VISIBLE OR ALLEGED INVASIVE WEEDS FROM AREAS WITHIN PROJECT LIMITS PRIOR TO INSTALLING PLANTING. INVASIVE WEEDS ARE IDENTIFIED BY THE CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT COUNCIL, 14.PROVIDE AND INSTALL BARK MULCH OVER ALL SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER AREAS. USE CEDAR WOOD BARK. SPREAD MULCH EVENLY OVER ALL SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER AREAS TO A DEPTH OF 3" (THREE INCHES). KEEP MULCH AT LEAST 3” AWAY FROM THE BASES AND STEM OF PLANT. SUBMIT MULCH SAMPLES TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO PURCHASE AND DELIVERY. 06-27-2023 88 EQ.EQ.2X ROOTBALL WIDTHSECTIONTREETREE TIETREE STAKEROOTBALLMULCH- 3" THICKNESSTEMPORARY 3" HEIGHTWATERING BERMEQ.EQ.6"6" 1"2X ROOTBALL WIDTH12" MIN. MIN. VARIES MIN.TREETREE STAKETREE TIEROOTBALLMULCH- 3" THICKNESSTEMPORARY 3" HEIGHTAMENDED BACKFILLFERTILIZER TABLET(S)SCARIFY SIDES & BOTTOMOF PLANT PITBACKFILLWATERING BERM2X ROOTBALL WIDTH EQ.EQ.ROOT BALLAMENDED BACK FILLTEMPORARY 3" HIGHBERMSHRUBSECTIONPIT DEPTH VARIESEQ.EQ.2X ROOTBALL WIDTH4"6"SCARIFY SIDES &BOTTOM OF PLANT PITBACK FILLAMENDED BACK FILLFERTILIZER TABLET(S)ROOT BALLTEMPORARY 3" HIGH BERM( W/ 3" THK. MULCH )SHRUBSOILSEPARATORCLASS 2PERMEABLEMATERIALMULCHO.C. SPACING PER LEGENDO.C. SPACING PER LEGEND O.C. SPACING PER LEGEND4" MINEDGE OF ADJACENT PAVINGSHRUB OR GROUND COVEREDGE OF FOLIAGECUTTINGS, FLATS, LINERS, 1 GAL., 5 GAL.PREVAILING WINDPLACE PARALLEL WITHTREE STAKE PER SPECIFICATIONSTREE TIE W/ HOSE COVERING -MAINTAIN 2" CLEARANCE BETWEENHOSE & TREE TRUNKFOR WATER BASINTEMPORARY BERMJUTE MATTINGPLANT BIT BELOWPLANJUTE MAT REVETMENT1/2" = 1'-0"12"6"24" - 30"124" 6"21TEMPORARY BERMFOR WATER BASINWIRE STAPLESFERTILIZER TABLETSJUTE MATTINGSLOPEEXCAVATED SOILEDGE OF ROOT BALL SLOPELINE OF EX IST . GRADEWIRE STAPLES @ 10" O.C. SURROUNDJUTE MATTINGLOCATE BASE OF TRUNK @ ELEV. LEVEL W/ EXTENSION LINE OF EXIST. GRADE6" SK IRT TREE TIE W/ HOSE COVERING -MAINTAIN 2" CLEARANCE BETWEENHOSE & TREE TRUNKTREE STAKE PER SPECIFICATIONSSCARIFY SIDES & BOTTOMOF PLANT PIT8"PLACE PARALLEL WITHPREVAILING WIND6"PLAN6'-0"2x ROOT BALL( 3" THK. MULCH INFILL )SLOPEEQ.EQ.6"2X ROOTBALL WIDTHEQ.EQ.SHRUB3" HIGH BERMROOTBALLAMENDED BACKFILLFERTILIZER TABLET(S)SCARIFY SIDES & BOTTOMOF PLANT PITSHRUB3" HIGH BERMROOTBALLSOIL SEPARATORCLASS 2 PERMEABLE 4"MATERIALBACKFILL( W/ 3" THK. MULCH )PROJECT TITLESHEET TITLECHECKED:DRAWN BY:DATE:REVISIONSPROJECT NO.SHEET N0.XREF FILE:SCALE:E-mail: deb@richie-bray.com904 Silver Spur Road #395Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274(310) 377-5868Richie-Bray, Inc.LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURETREE PLANTING & STAKING DETAIL1/2" = 1'-0"1SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL1" = 1'-0"3SECTIONPLAN VIEWPLAN VIEWSECTIONSHRUB PLANTING - LOCATION1" = 1'-0"4TREE PLANTING & STAKING ON SLOPE DETAIL1/2" = 1'-0"2PLAN VIEWSECTIONSHRUB PLANTING ON SLOPE DETAIL1" = 1'-0"5LP-3ROLLING HILLSCOMMUNITYTENNIS COURTSPLANTING DETAILS06-15-2023NTS2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROADROLLING HILLS, CA 90274ASSESSOR'S ID NO.: 7569-015-90089 GAL GAL ROS ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH LEO SA4 SA4 SA4 SA4 SA4 SA4 SA4 SA4 SA4 CIS LEO PRUPRUPRUPRU FES CIS CIS IRI PRUPRUPRUPRU CIS HES PRU AGA GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL ACH ACHACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH GAL ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS GAL GAL ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI ACH GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL LEY LEYLEY LEY LEY LEY ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH GAL GAL GAL ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS GAL SA4 SA4 SA4 ROS2 ROS2 ROS2 LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LEY LEYLEY LEY LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ROS2ROS2 RHA RHA RHA RHA RHA RHA RHA RHA GAL LOL LOL LOL CIJ CIS FES FES FES CIJCIJCIJ CIJ FESFESFESFESFESFES FESFESFES CIJ FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES HES HES CISCISCISCISCISCIS SENSENSENSENSENSENSENSENSENSENSENSEN SEN SEN SEN SEN SEN SEN SEN SEN SENRHA SEN SEN HES HES AGA AGA AGA AGA AGA LEY LEY LEY LEY LEY LEY LEY LEY WEM WEM WEM WEM WEM WEM WEM WEM LOL LOL LOL LOL LEY LEY LEY LEY LEYAGAAGAAGA AGAACH ACH ACHACHACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH HEA HEA HEA HEAHEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA W HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA WEM WEM CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL W W W W W W W W W W W WWW W W W W C IRRIGATION LEGEND: ICV-101G-DC 1" AUTOMATIC VALVE 1" QUICK COUPLER VALVE GATE VALVE (LINE SIZE) HUNTER ICZ-101-40 DRIP ZONE CONTROL KIT - W/ 40 PSI REGULATOR 1" DEDICATED LANDSCAPE WATER METER 3/4" LATERAL LINE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE SPEARS OR EQUAL SCH 40 - MAINLINE - UP TO 1-1/2" IN SIZE PVC CONNECTION TO DRIPLINE HUNTER AFV-X - TO ALLOW FOR LINE FLUSH HUNTER PLD-AVR - AIR VENT AT THE HIGHEST HUNTER ICV-101G-DC 1" MASTER VALVE (NORMALLY CLOSED) HUNTER PBC-25 PRESSURE-COMPENSATING BUBBLERS 0.25 GPM SPEARS OR EQUAL SCH 40 - SLEEVE - 2X THE DIA. OF PIPE -PROVIDE SLEEVE WHERE REQUIRED FOR MAINLINE UNDER PAVEMENT. DUE TO THE INTRICACY OF THE PAVEMENT, IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO INDICATE SLEEVE LOCATIONS ACCURATELY ON THE PLAN. IT REMAINS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO SLEEVE ALL IRRIGATION PIPE AND WIRE UNDER PAVEMENT OF ANY TYPE. HUNTER FLOW-CLIK-158 HIGH FLOW SHUT OFF WM HUNTER HDL-06-12-XXX-CV LANDSCAPE DRIPLINE 0.6 GPH - 12" SPACING W/ CHECK VALVE - OPERATING RANGE: 15 TO 60 PSI LATERAL LINE WILKINS 975XLSEU 1" REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPAL BACKFLOW PREVENTER BUBBLERS: MICRO IRRIGATION & DRIP: PIPES: DEVICES: STATION GPM VALVE STATION 120 2-1/2" A42 VALVE SIZE HUNTER RZWS-36-25-CV TREE ROOT WATERING SYSTEM 0.25 GPM ELEV. OF THE SYSTEM OPERATING RANGE: 20 TO 120 PSI OPERATING RANGE: 20 TO 150 PSI 'A' - HCC CONTROLLER WITH PEDESTAL HCC-800-SS-ICC-PED-SS - CONTROLLER WITH HIGH-FLOW SHUTOFF AND RAIN-CLIK RAIN SENSOR WMPOC 3.8 1" A9 1.4 1" A6 1.8 1" A3 3.9 1" A4 2.8 1" A5 3.7 1" A7 2.7 1" A8 2.5 1" A12 1.5 1" A11 4.5 1" A15 4.2 1" A14 1.0 1" A13 3.0 1" A2 3.2 1" A1 C 1.2 1" A10 1"1-1/4"1-1/2"1-1/2" PROJECT TITLE SHEET TITLE CHECKED: DRAWN BY: DATE: REVISIONS PROJECT NO. SHEET N0. XREF FILE: SCALE: E-mail: 904 Silver Spur Road #395 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 (310) 377-5868 Richie-Bray, Inc. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY TENNIS COURTS IRRIGATION PLAN LI-1 06-15-2023 1/8" = 1'-0" 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 ASSESSOR'S ID NO.: 7569-015-900 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD LINLIN IRRIGATION LAYOUT FOR DESIGN INTENT NOTES: ·CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT OF HEADS AND LATERAL LINES, MAY NEED ADJUSTMENT ON SITE. TEST ALL PIPE SIZING FOR APPROPRIATE FLOW. ·INSTALLATION TO AVOID OVER-SPRAY & RUN OFF ·ALL IRRIGATION EMISSION DEVICES MUST MEET THE REQUIREMENTS SET IN THE ANSI STANDARD, ASABE/ICC 802-2014. "LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SPRINKLER AND EMITTER STANDARD," ALL SPRINKLER HEADS INSTALLED IN THE LANDSCAPE MUST DOCUMENT A DISTRIBUTION UNIFORMITY LOW QUARTER OF 0.65 OR HIGHER USING THE PROTOCOL DEFINED IN ASABE/ICC 802-2014. 90 0'10'15'2'4'PER SPEC'SNDS #218BC, 12X20 JUMBO WITH LOCKING BRASS INSERT (AS SHOWN ON DWGS.) NOT TO SCALE REMOTE CONTROL VALVE ID TAG (1 OF 2) COILED BRICK (1 OF 4) PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE PVC SCH 40 ELL WATER PROOF CONNECTION 30-INCH LINEAR LENGTH OF WIRE, PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (CLOSE) REMOTE CONTROL VALVE FINISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCH (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) PVC MAINLINE PIPE PVC LATERAL PIPE HIDDEN) AND SCH 40 ELL 3/4-INCH WASHED GRAVEL 3.0-INCH MINIMUM DEPTH OF PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELL PVC SCH 40 MALE ADAPTER SCH 80 NIPPLE (2-INCH LENGTH, (INCLUDED) 1/2-INCH MALE NPT INLET (INCLUDED) 1/2-INCH 90-DEGREE ELBOW (INCLUDED) 1/2-INCH PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (INCLUDED) 4-INCH BASKET WEAVE CANISTER LATERAL PIPE 18-INCH SWING ASSEMBLY (INCLUDED) FINISH GRADE PVC SCH 40 TEE OR EL BUBBLER: 0.25 GPM 4-INCH GRATE (INCLUDED) OPTIONAL PEA GRAVEL ROOT WATERING SYSTEM: (INCLUDED) NOT TO SCALE TREE BUBBLER SECTION VIEW PIPEPIPE WIRE W/O CONDUITPLAN VIEW 2. FOR PIPE AND WIRE BURIAL DEPTHS SEE SPECIFICATIONS. DIAMETER OF THE PIPE OR WIRE BUNDLE WITHIN. 1. SLEEVE BELOW ALL HARDSCAPE ELEMENTS WITH SCH. 40 PVC TWICE THE NOTES: HAVE BEEN MADE. AFTER ALL CONNECTIONS OR GREATER. UNTIE OF DIRECTION OF 30° ALL WIRING AT CHANGES TIE A 24-INCH LOOP IN TRENCH AS SHOWN. BE SNAKED IN PLASTIC PIPING TO ALL SOLVENT WELD 10-FOOT INTERVALS. TAPE AND BUNDLE AT AND BESIDE MAINLINE. RUN WIRING BENEATH CONDUITWIRING INLATERALMAINLINE THE SAME TRENCH AND WIRING IN MAINLINE, LATERAL, TRENCH DETAIL24" MIN.4 CU.FT. 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK COPPER PIPE FROM P.O.C. FINISH GRADE COPPER FEMALE ADAPTER IRRIGATION MAINLINE PVC MALE ADAPTER COPPER PIPE (TYPICAL) COPPER UNION (1 OF 2) BACKFLOW PREVENTION UNIT BACKFLOW PREVENTER NOTES: 1. INSTALL ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS 2. INSTALL BACKFLOW PREVENTER AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL CODES AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT. 3. VERIFY LOCAL REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 4. CONTRACTOR TO PRICE COMPLETE INSTALLATION UNLESS OTHERWISE INFORMED.12"PVC MAINLINE PIPE FROM BACK FLOW PER SPECS. PVC MAINLINE TO FLOW SENSOR, PIPE PER SPECS. PVC SCH. 40 FEMALE ADAPTER, (2 REQUIRED) SCH. 80 NIPPLE, TYP. FINISH GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS. VALVE ID TAGS. WIRE CONNECTORS. MASTER CONTROL VALVE PER LEGEND. PLASTIC VALVE BOX W/ HINGED GREEN LOCKING COVER. REFER TO SPECS. FINISH GRADE IN TURF AREAS. 3"2"MIN. CLR.3/4" ROCK. 3 CU. FT.MIN. CLR.LANDSCAPE FABRIC. BRICK SUPPORTS MASTER VALVE INSTALLATION NOT TO SCALE ICD-XXX DECODER AS NEEDED 1"GATE VALVE (AS SHOWN ON DWGS.) CARSON #910-4B, 10 ROUND BRICK (1 OF 4) BRASS GATE VALVE FINISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCH VALVE BOX WITH COVER: PVC MAINLINE PIPE 3/4-INCH WASHED GRAVEL 3.0-INCH MINIMUM DEPTH OF PVC SCH 40, 45° ELL PVC SCH 40 MALE ADAPTER LOCKING BOLT DOWN COVER PVC MAINLINE PIPE PVC SCH 40, 45° ELL PVC MAINLINE PIPE 3"6" ALL AROUND NOTE: MOUNT ON ANY SURFACE WHERE IT WILL BE EXPOSED TO UNOBSTRUCTED RAINFALL, BUT NOT IN PATH OF SPRINKLER SPRAY. RUN LEAD WIRES TO CONTROLLER EXTERIOR WALL (SEE NOTE) MODEL RAIN-CLIK WALL MOUNT SENSOR NOT TO SCALE STONG BOX QUICKPAD ENCLOSURE MOUNTING PAD- SIZE AS NEEDED FOR BOX CALLED OUT. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S DETAILS AND SPEC'S. CONTROLLER PEDESTAL PER LEGEND FINISHED GRADE 3-INCH PVC SCH 40 CONDUIT, FITTINGS AND SWEEP ELL WIRES TO REMOTE CONTROL VALVES 1-INCH PVC SCH 40 CONDUIT, FITTINGS AND SWEEP ELL TO TO POWER SUPPLY 1 2 3 5 6 7 FCT FITTING SELECTION *NOTE* INLET PIPE LENGTH OF SENSOR MUST BE MIN. 10X PIPE DIA. STRAIGHT, CLEAN RUN OF PIPE, NO FITTINGS OR TURNS. OUTLET PIPE LENGTH OF SENSOR MUST BE MIN. 5X PIPE DIA. OF STRAIGTH CLEAN RUN OF PIPE, NO FITTINGS OR TURNS. 1 INCH 1.5 INCH 1.5 INCH 2 INCH 2 INCH 3 INCH 3 INCH 4 INCH SCH. 40 SCH. 40 SCH. 80 SCH. 40 SCH. 80 SCH. 40 SCH. 80 SCH. 40 FCT100 FCT150 FCT158 FCT200 FCT208 FCT300 FCT308 FCT400 FLOW-CLIK HIGH FLOW SHUT OFF4 LI-2 LI-2 LI-2LI-2 LI-2 LI-2 LI-2 8 LI-2 PROJECT TITLE SHEET TITLE CHECKED: DRAWN BY: DATE: REVISIONS PROJECT NO. SHEET N0. XREF FILE: SCALE: E-mail: 904 Silver Spur Road #395 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 (310) 377-5868 Richie-Bray, Inc. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LI-2 06-15-2023 NTS IRRIGATION DETAILS PEDESTAL CONTROLLER WITH RAIN-CLIK ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY TENNIS COURTS 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 ASSESSOR'S ID NO.: 7569-015-900 91 DURA 'SAFETY BLOCK" SINGLE UNION BALL VALVE - LINE SIZE DRIP VALVE KIT 30-INCH LINEAR LENGTH OF WIRE, COILED PVC SCH 80 UNION FOR SERVICING ASSEMBLY 3.0-INCH MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3/4-INCH WASHED GRAVEL PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (LENGTH AS REQUIRED, 1 OF 2) PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (18-INCH LENGTH, HIDDEN) AND PVC SCH 40 ELL OFF ON BRICK (1 OF 4) PVC MAINLINE PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELL PVC SCH 40 MALE ADAPTER PVC SCH 40 ELL PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (CLOSE) PVC SCH 40 COUPLING NOT TO SCALE DRIP REMOTE CONTROL VALVE VALVE BOX WITH COVER ID TAG COMPRESSION X 1/2-INCH FPT DRIPLINE: SEE LEGEND COMPRESSION X 1/2-INCH FPT 6" ROUND BOX STD. BRICK - 2-REQUIRED .5 CU. FT.. 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK LATERAL PIPE TOP OF MULCH AIR VACUUM RELIEF VALVE: LOCATE AT ALL HIGH POINTS, MIN. ONE PER VALVE PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE AND FITTING (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) TIE-DOWN STAKE: RAIN BIRD TDS-050 COMPRESSION END CAP NOT TO SCALE SURFACE-MOUNTED DRIP COMPONENTS 2 1 LATERAL PIPE TO PLANTING BED7 MODEL ICZ-101-25(40) OR6 LATERAL TO PLD CONNECTION5 HUNTER PLD XX-XX-XX2 HUNTER PLD TEE3 TUBING STAKE4 FLUSH VALVE1 DRIP CONTROL VALVE HUNTER: MODEL PCZ-101-25(40) DRIP LINE 6 HARDSCAPE 7 1 2 3 4 5 TURF TYPICAL PLANTING BED PRO FLEX SWING JOINT: HUNTER 'PRO-FLEX' TUBING 24"-36", HSBE-050 ELBOWS (2), MARLEX STREET ELBOW (1) LATERAL PIPE LATERAL TEE OR ELL FINISH GRADE BUBBLER 4 3 BUBBLER NOZZLES LI-3 GENERAL IRRIGATION NOTES: 1.THIS PROJECT UTILIZES THE EXISTING POTABLE WATER (PW) SYSTEM. 2.SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN IS BASED ON MINIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE AND MAXIMUM FLOW DEMAND INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. VERIFY WATER PRESSURE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. REPORT DIFFERENCES BETWEEN WATER PRESSURE INDICATED ON DRAWINGS AND ACTUAL PRESSURE READING AT IRRIGATION POINT-OF-CONNECTION TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. IF PRESSURE DIFFERENCES ARE NOT REPORTED PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION, ANY REVISIONS NECESSARY ARE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. 3.THIS DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. PIPING, VALVES, ETC. SHOWN WITHIN PAVED AREAS ARE FOR DESIGN CLARIFICATION ONLY. INSTALL IRRIGATION PIPING AND EQUIPMENT IN PLANTING AREAS WHERE POSSIBLE. AVOID CONFLICTS BETWEEN SPRINKLER SYSTEM, PLANTING AND ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES. 4.FLUSH AND ADJUST SPRINKLER HEADS FOR OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE AND TO PREVENT OVER-SPRAY INTO NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES OR ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS. SELECT BEST DEGREE OF ARC TO FIT SITE CONDITIONS AND THROTTLE FLOW CONTROL AT CONTROL VALVE TO OBTAIN OPTIMUM PRESSURE FOR EACH SYSTEM. 5.DO NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL SPRINKLER SYSTEM AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS THAT OBSTRUCTIONS, GRADE DIFFERENCES OR DIFFERENCES IN AREA DIMENSIONS EXIST THAT MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED DURING DESIGN. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF SUCH OBSTRUCTIONS OR DIFFERENCES. 6.INSTALL PIPE MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. USE TEFLON TAPE ON PVC MALE PIPE THREADS ON SPRINKLER SWING JOINT AND VALVE ASSEMBLIES. DO NOT USE PIPE DOPE ON PVC THREADED PIPING OR TO ATTACH HEADS TO SWING JOINTS. 7.SET SPRINKLER HEADS PERPENDICULAR TO FINISH GRADE OF THE IRRIGATED AREAS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. 8.IRRIGATION SHALL BE SCHEDULED TO OPERATE ONLY WITHIN TIME WINDOWS THAT DO NOT CREATE EXCESS RUN-OFF. USE MULTIPLE START TIMES OF SHORT DURATIONS TO CYCLE THROUGH THE REQUIRED APPLICATIONS. 9.RUNNING MULTIPLE VALVES AT THE SAME TIME IS ALLOWED. DO NOT EXCEED THE 22 GPM MAXIMUM AT ANY ONE TIME. 10.IRRIGATION. ALL NEW OR ALTERED IRRIGATION SYSTEMS PROPOSED AS PART OF A NEW DEVELOPMENT SHALL INCORPORATE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS IN THEIR DESIGN, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE: 10.1.IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED TO AVOID OVERSPRAY AND RUNOFF INTO PUBLIC STREETS. VALVES SHALL BE SEPARATED FOR INDIVIDUAL HYDROZONES BASED ON PLANT WATER NEEDS AND SUN OR SHADE REQUIREMENTS. 10.2.WATER BUDGET CALCULATIONS SHALL BE SHOWN ON IRRIGATION PLANS. 10.3.AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS REQUIRED AND SHALL INCLUDE A WEATHER-BASED IRRIGATION CONTROLLER, INCLUDING A RAIN SHUTOFF SENSOR. 10.4.AREAS LESS THAN EIGHT FEET WIDE SHALL BE IRRIGATED WITH APPROPRIATELY SELECTED EQUIPMENT THAT PROVIDES THE PROPER AMOUNT OF WATER COVERAGE WITHOUT CAUSING OVERSPRAY ONTO ADJACENT SURFACES. 10.5.ALL SPRINKLERS SHALL HAVE MATCHED PRECIPITATION RATES WITHIN EACH VALVE AND CIRCUIT. ALL IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO INCLUDE OPTIMUM DISTRIBUTION UNIFORMITY, HEAD TO HEAD SPACING, AND SETBACKS FROM WALKWAYS AND PAVEMENT. 10.6.ALL IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL PROVIDE CHECK VALVES AT THE LOW END OF IRRIGATION LINES TO PREVENT UNWANTED DRAINING OF IRRIGATION LINES. 10.7.PRESSURE REGULATORS MAY BE REQUIRED ON THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM AS DETERMINED BY THE DIRECTOR. (ORD. 700 § 2 (EXH. 1), 2012; ORD. 695 § 3, 2010) NOT TO SCALE LI-3 LI-3 LI-3 PROJECT TITLE SHEET TITLE CHECKED: DRAWN BY: DATE: REVISIONS PROJECT NO. SHEET N0. XREF FILE: SCALE: E-mail: 904 Silver Spur Road #395 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 (310) 377-5868 Richie-Bray, Inc. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LI-3 06-15-2023 NTS IRRIGATION DETAILS ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY TENNIS COURTS 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 ASSESSOR'S ID NO.: 7569-015-900 92 1.7 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. HANDLING OF PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS: 1. EXERCISE CARE IN HANDLING, LOADING, UNLOADING, AND STORING OF PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS. TRANSPORT PVC PIPE IN A VEHICLE WHICH ALLOWS PIPE TO LIE FLAT SO AS NOT TO SUBJECT IT TO UNDUE BENDING NOR CONCENTRATED EXTERNAL LOAD AT ANY POINT. DISCARD DAMAGED SECTIONS OF PIPE AND PROVIDE NEW PIPE. 1.8 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. CONFORM TO UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE FOR PIPING AND COMPONENT REQUIREMENTS. B. PROVIDE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FROM AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION INDICATING APPROVAL OF PRODUCTS IN SYSTEM. C. PRODUCTS REQUIRING ELECTRICAL CONNECTION: PROVIDE WORK AND MATERIALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LATEST EDITION OF NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE. D. FURNISH SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO OWNER DOCUMENTING WORK INSTALLED COMPLIES WITH ORDINANCE AND CODE REQUIREMENTS. 1.9 PROTECTION OF WORK AND MATERIALS A. PROTECT WORK AND THE WORK OF OTHER TRADES FOR THE DURATION OF PROJECT. PROTECT PIPES AND FITTINGS FROM DIRECT SUNLIGHT, AND AVOID UNDUE BENDING AND CONCENTRATED EXTERNAL LOADING. DO NOT USE DAMAGED PIPE OR FITTINGS. B. EXERCISE EXTREME CARE IN EXCAVATING AND WORKING NEAR EXISTING UTILITIES. REPAIR DAMAGE TO UTILITIES, IF INCURRED DURING COURSE OF WORK. C. TAKE NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO PROTECT ADJACENT MATERIALS. SHOULD DAMAGE BE INCURRED TO SUCH MATERIALS, REPAIR DAMAGE TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION. 1.10 PREINSTALLATION MEETING A. CONVENE 1 WEEK BEFORE STARTING WORK SPECIFIED IN THIS SECTION. 1.11 EXTRA MATERIALS A. SUPPLY AS A PART OF WORK, THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 1. TWO SETS OF SPECIAL TOOLS REQUIRED FOR REMOVING, DISASSEMBLING, AND ADJUSTING EACH TYPE OF SPRINKLER AND VALVE SUPPLIED. 2. ONE 5-FOOT METAL VALVE KEY FOR OPERATION OF GATE VALVES. 3. TWO KEYS FOR EACH AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER. 4. TWO QUICK COUPLER KEYS AND MATCHING HOSE SWIVEL. B. SUBMIT ABOVE MENTIONED EQUIPMENT TO OWNER UPON REQUEST. 1.12 COORDINATION A. IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 01041 - PROJECT COORDINATION. B. TO ENSURE THAT ELEMENTS DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION ARE SENSITIVELY LOCATED, PRELIMINARILY LOCATE THE FOLLOWING ELEMENTS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: AUTOMATIC CONTROLLERS, BACKFLOW PREVENTERS, ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVES, GATE VALVES, AND QUICK COUPLER VALVES. C. LOCATE EACH ITEM IN FIELD BY INSTALLING A 2 X 2 X 30-INCH WOOD STAKE WITH INDELIBLE BLACK INK ON TOP OF STAKE IDENTIFYING EFFECTED ELEMENT. ONCE STAKED, OWNER, WITH CONTRACTOR'S CONCURRENCE, WILL REVIEW AND MAKE MINOR ADJUSTMENTS, IF NECESSARY. ONCE ELEMENT LOCATIONS ARE APPROVED BY OWNER, INSTALL ACTUAL ELEMENTS. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPE MATERIALS A. USE ONLY NEW MATERIALS OF BRANDS AND TYPES AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS AND SPECIFIED IN THIS SECTION. B. PVC PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING AND FITTINGS: THIS PROJECT USES AN EXISTING MAINLINE. THE INFORMATION BELOW PERTAINS TO ANY ADDITIONAL MAINLINE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT. 1. PRESSURE ON-GRADE MAIN LINE PIPING: PVC SCH. 40 WITH SOLVENT-WELDED JOINTS. A. MADE FROM NSF APPROVED, TYPE I, GRADE II PVC COMPOUND CONFORMING TO ASTM D 1785. MEET REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN FEDERAL SPECIFICATION PS-21-70 WITH AN APPROPRIATE STANDARD DIMENSION RATIO. 2. PVC SOLVENT-WELD FITTINGS: SCHEDULE 40, 1-2, II-I NSF APPROVED CONFORMING TO ASTM TEST PROCEDURE D2466. A. PVC FITTINGS MUST BEAR MANUFACTURER'S NAME OR TRADEMARK, MATERIAL DESIGNATION, SIZE, APPLICABLE IPS SCHEDULE, AND NSF SEAL OF APPROVAL. B. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: 1) PW EAGLE SOLARBLOK. 2) LASCO. 3. PVC PIPING MUST BEAR FOLLOWING MARKINGS: A. MANUFACTURER'S NAME. B. NOMINAL PIPE SIZE. C. SCHEDULE OR CLASS. D. PRESSURE RATING IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH, (PSI). E. NSF (NATIONAL SANITATION FOUNDATION) APPROVAL. F. DATE OF EXTRUSION. C. PVC NON-PRESSURE LATERAL LINE PIPING: 1. NON-PRESSURE ON-GRADE LATERAL LINE PIPING: PVC- SCH. 40 WITH SOLVENT-WELDED JOINTS. A. MADE FROM NSF APPROVED, TYPE I, GRADE II PVC COMPOUND CONFORMING TO ASTM D 1785. MEET REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN FEDERAL SPECIFICATION PS-21-70 WITH AN APPROPRIATE STANDARD DIMENSION RATIO. 2. NON-PRESSURE LATERAL LINE PIPING INSTALLED UNDER PAVED AREAS: PVC SCHEDULE 40 WITH SOLVENT-WELDED JOINTS. 3. REQUIREMENTS FOR NON-PRESSURE LATERAL LINE PIPE AND FITTINGS ARE SAME FOR SOLVENT-WELD PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPE AND FITTINGS AS SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION, EXCEPT THAT THEY MUST BE PVC. D. PVC PIPE CEMENT AND PRIMER: 1. SOLVENT CEMENT AND PRIMER FOR PVC SOLVENT-WELD PIPING AND FITTINGS. A. INSTALLATION METHODS AS RECOMMENDED BY PIPING MANUFACTURER. B. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: 1) T. CHRISTY ENTERPRISES; RED HOT BLUE GLUE. 2. SOLVENT CEMENT AND PRIMER FOR SOLVENT-WELD PVC FLEXIBLE HOSE AND PVC FITTINGS. A. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: 1. IPS; MODEL #795 (CLEAR) GLUE. E. GALVANIZED PIPE FITTINGS (IF ADDED TO THE PROJECT): 1. WHERE INDICATED ON DRAWINGS, USE GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE ASA SCHEDULE 40 MILD STEEL SCREWED PIPE. 2. FITTINGS: MEDIUM GALVANIZED SCREWED BEADED MALLEABLE IRON, OR CLASS 150 FLANGED STEEL WITH STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS, AS REQUIRED. GALVANIZED COUPLINGS MAY BE MERCHANT COUPLING. 3. GALVANIZED PIPE AND FITTINGS INSTALLED BELOW GRADE PER EITHER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING METHODS: A. PAINT WITH TWO COATS OF BITUMASTIC. 1) ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: (A) KOPPERS CORPORATION; KOPPERS #50. B. WRAP PIPING WITH TWO LAYERS OF PLASTIC, SELF-ADHESIVE, PIPE WRAP, 2 MIL THICK. 1) ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: (A) 3M COMPANY. 4. USE NON-HARDENING, NONTOXIC PIPE JOINT SEALANT FORMULATED FOR USE ON WATER-CARRYING PIPES FOR METAL THREADED CONNECTIONS. 2.2 GATE VALVES (2-INCH DIAMETER AND SMALLER) (IF ADDED TO THE PROJECT) A. PRESSURE-RATED AT 200 PSI IN FULL COMPLIANCE WITH AWWA C 550 AND C 509. B. BODY CONSTRUCTED OF CAST IRON, BRONZE STEM, DUCTILE IRON WEDGE ENCAPSULATED WITH NITRILE RUBBER, FUSION BONDED EPOXY COATING, 2-INCH OPERATING NUT, AND 125 LB. THREADED ENDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANSI/AWWA B16.1, CLASS 125. C. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: 1. NIBCO T-113; LINE SIZE. 2.3 QUICK COUPLING VALVES AND VALVE KEYS (IF ADDED TO THE PROJECT) A. QUICK COUPLING VALVES: BRASS ONE-PIECE BODY, STAINLESS STEEL INTERNAL VALVE SPRING, 3/4-INCH SIZE WITH YELLOW THERMOPLASTIC RUBBER COVER. 1. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: A. HUNTER: MODEL #HQ-33DLRC. B. QUICK COUPLING VALVE KEYS. 3/4-INCH SIZE WITH THREADED BRASS SWIVEL ELL FOR 3/4-INCH HOSE CONNECTION. 1. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: A. HUNTER; MODEL #HK-33 AND HS-0 SWIVEL HOSE ELL. 2.4 CONTROL WIRING A. PROVIDE WIRE CONDUCTORS BETWEEN AUTOMATIC CONTROLLERS AND ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVES WITH DIRECT BURIAL COPPER WIRE AWG-UF 600 VOLT. B. INSTALL WIRES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VALVE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS AND WIRE SIZING CHARTS. C. DO NOT USE WIRE SMALLER THAN #14 GAUGE FOR CONTROL WIRES. D. PROVIDE ONE COMMON WIRE AND ONE CONTROL WIRE FOR EACH ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE. DO NOT INSTALL MULTIPLE VALVES ON A SINGLE CONTROL WIRE. E. MULTIPLE CONTROLLERS WITH ONE COMMON WIRE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. F. INSTALL WIRING TO OCCUPY SAME TRENCH ALONG SAME ROUTE AS PRESSURE MAIN LINE OR LATERAL LINE PIPING WHEREVER POSSIBLE. 1. WHEN CONTROL WIRE DOES NOT RUN IN MAIN LINE TRENCH, INSTALL WIRE WITHIN SCHEDULE 40 PVC CONDUIT. 2. WHEN MORE THAN ONE WIRE IS PLACED IN A TRENCH, TAPE WIRES TOGETHER AT INTERVALS OF NO MORE THAN 12-FEET. 3. PROVIDE A 2-FOOT LENGTH OF EXCESS WIRE IN AN 8-INCH DIAMETER LOOP AT EACH 90 DEGREE CHANGE OF DIRECTION, AT BOTH ENDS OF SLEEVES, AND AT 100-FOOT INTERVALS ALONG CONTINUOUS RUNS OF WIRING. DO NOT TIE WIRING LOOP. 4. LAY CONTROL WIRES LOOSELY IN TRENCH WITHOUT STRESS OR STRETCHING OF CONTROL WIRE CONDUCTORS. G. WIRE EXPANSION CURLS: 1. PROVIDE WITHIN 3-FEET OF EACH WIRE CONNECTION. 2. PROVIDE SUFFICIENT LENGTH AT EACH SPLICE CONNECTION TO EACH ELECTRIC CONTROL, SO THAT IN CASE OF REPAIR, VALVE BONNET CAN BE BROUGHT TO SURFACE WITHOUT DISCONNECTING CONTROL WIRES. H. WIRE SPLICES: 1. PROVIDE WATERPROOF "ONE-STEP" WIRE CONNECTORS MANUFACTURED BY KING TECHNOLOGY. USE ONE SPLICE PER CONNECTOR SEALING PACK. 2. DO NOT INSTALL FIELD WIRE SPLICES BETWEEN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION CONTROLLER AND ELECTRICAL CONTROL VALVES. 3. PROVIDE A 24-INCH LOOPED COIL ON FIELD WIRE SPLICES AND PLACE LOOPED COIL WITHIN A ROUND PLASTIC VALVE BOX, HEAT-BRANDED WITH 2-INCH HIGH LETTERS STATING THE PHRASE "WS". I. WIRE COLOR: CONTINUOUS OVER ITS ENTIRE LENGTH. USE SAME COLOR OF WIRE IDENTIFIED FOR EACH AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER AS FOLLOWS. 1. CONTROL WIRE: SOLID RED FOR EACH AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER. 2. COMMON WIRE: SOLID WHITE FOR EACH AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER. 3. SPARE CONTROL WIRE: SOLID BLACK. 4. SPARE COMMON WIRE: SOLID WHITE WITH BLACK STRIPING. J. SPARE WIRES: 1. PROVIDE ONE SPARE WIRE GROUP AT LAST ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVES AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. 2. SPARE WIRE GROUP: PROVIDE TWO SPARE CONTROL WIRES AND ONE SPARE COMMON WIRE. 3. IDENTIFY WITHIN CONTROLLER PEDESTAL, STATION NUMBERS OF EACH SPARE CONTROL WIRE WITH PLASTIC TAG. K. LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE CONDUIT PULL BOXES: 1. PROVIDE A CONDUIT PULL BOX AT EACH END OF CONTROL WIRE CONDUIT AT INSTALLATIONS LONGER THAN 20-FEET IN LENGTH. 2. LOCATE PULL BOXES IN PLANTING AREAS WITH 6-INCH CLEARANCE FROM BACK OF CURB. 2.5 IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS A. IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS: 1. IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS: CONNECT TO THE EXISTING WEATHER TRAK. B. OBTAIN APPROVAL BY OWNER FOR FINAL LOCATION OF IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS. 2.6 ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVES A. HUNTER ICV SERIES AUTOMATIC VALVE, GLASS REINFORCED NYLON BODY. SIZE AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS: 1. 1-INCH SIZE: MODEL #101G - 1" B. DRIP VALVE ASSEMBLY, HUNTER ICZ-101-40. 1. 1-INCH SIZE: ICV VALVE WITH 1" HY100 WYE FILTER AND 40 PSI REGULATOR C. WEATHER TRAK - WT2W-SVD-11 STAION DECODER. D. WEATHER TRAK - WTSW-LSP SURGE PROTECTOR. INSTALL ONE PER EVERY FIVE DECODERS OR AT THE END OF A WIRE RUN WITH 5/8" BY 8' LONG COPPER GROUND ROD. 2.7 PLASTIC IDENTIFICATION TAGS A. TAGS ARE MADE TO ORDER WITH HOT STAMPED BLACK LETTERS ON YELLOW BACKGROUND. PROVIDE ONE TAG EACH FOR FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT: 1. ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVES: NUMBERED TO MATCH VALVE STATIONING AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. B. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: 1. T. CHRISTY ENTERPRISES (714) 771-4142. 2.8 VALVE BOXES A. ROUND PLASTIC VALVE BOXES (IN PLANTING AREAS ONLY): SIZED PER DETAIL, GREEN COLOR. 1. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: A. CARSON-BROOKS PRODUCTS, INC.; MODEL #910-4B, AND B. NDS, INC.; MODEL 107 EBC 7" ROUND EMITTER BOX. 2. PROVIDE ROUND PLASTIC VALVE BOXES FOR THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT: A. GATE VALVES. B. QUICK COUPLING VALVES. B. RECTANGULAR PLASTIC VALVE BOXES (IN PLANTING AREAS ONLY): 11 3/4-INCH WIDE X 17-INCH LONG X 12-INCH DEEP WITH BOLT-DOWN HINGED COVER, GREEN COLOR. 1. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: A. NDS PRODUCTS, INC.; MODEL #218BC. 2. PROVIDE VALVE BOXES FOR FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT: A. ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVES. B. WIRE SPLICES, OR SPARE WIRES. C. ALL VALVE BOXES ARE TO BE HEAT BRANDED WITH AN ABBREVIATED DESCRIPTION OF THE VALVE TYPE. USE A MIN. 2" LETTERS, AND DUPLICATE THE THE ABBREVIATION USE ALREADY ESTABLISHED ON SITE. 2.9 SPRINKLER HEADS A. SPRINKLER NOZZLE:MP ROTATOR - NOZZLE PER DRAWING. 1. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: A. HUNTER MP2000 SERIES - 6" POP-UP MOUNT WITH BUILT-IN CHECK VALVE. B. HUNTER PROS - 06 PRS30-CV SERIES POP-UP MOUNT WITH BUILT-IN CHECK VALVE. C. HUNTER RZWS-36-25-CV 36" DEEP ROOT WATERING SYSTEM PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO SUPPORT PLANT MATERIAL. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. SECTION 02950 - TREES, PLANTS, AND GROUND COVERS: COORDINATION OF PLANTING. 1.3 REFERENCES A. ASTM D 2235 - SOLVENT CEMENT FOR ACRYLONITRILE - BUTADIENE - STYRENE (ABS) PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTINGS. B. ASTM D 2241 - POLY (VINYL CHLORIDE) (PVC) PLASTIC PIPE (SDR-PR). C. ASTM D 2282 - ACRYLONITRILE-BUTADIENE-STYRENE (ABS) PLASTIC PIPE (SDR-PR). D. ASTM D 2564 - SOLVENT CEMENT FOR POLY (VINYL CHLORIDE) (PVC) PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTINGS. 1.4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLERS OPERATE IRRIGATION VALVES. ELECTRIC SOLENOID CONTROLLED UNDERGROUND POP-UP SPRINKLER SYSTEM. B. SOURCE POWER: 120 VOLT, 15A, SINGLE PHASE. C. LOW VOLTAGE CONTROLS: 24 VOLT, 5A. D. WATER SOURCE: CITY SUPPLIED POTABLE WATER (PW) SUPPLY SYSTEM. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. FURNISH THE ARTICLES, EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, OR PROCESSES SPECIFIED BY NAME INDICATED IN DRAWINGS AND THIS SECTION. B. SUBMIT A COMPLETE MATERIAL LIST PRIOR TO PERFORMING WORK. INCLUDE WITH MATERIAL LIST MANUFACTURER, MODEL NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT TO BE USED. ALTHOUGH MANUFACTURER AND OTHER INFORMATION MAY BE DIFFERENT, THE FOLLOWING IS A GUIDE TO PROPER SUBMITTAL FORMAT: ITEM DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER MODEL NO. 1. GATE VALVE NIBCO T-136 C. IRRIGATION SUBMITTAL LIST MUST BE SPECIFIC AND COMPLETE. ITEMS MUST BE LISTED AND INCLUDE SOLVENT/PRIMER, WIRE, WIRE CONNECTORS, VALVE BOXES, ETC. NO COPIES OF MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG CUTS ARE REQUIRED AS SUBMITTAL INFORMATION, THOUGH THEY MAY BE USED. D. EQUIPMENT OR MATERIALS INSTALLED OR FURNISHED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF OWNER MAY BE REJECTED. E. APPROVAL OF ITEMS, ALTERNATE OR SUBSTITUTES, INDICATES ONLY THAT PRODUCT OR PRODUCTS APPARENTLY MEET REQUIREMENTS OF THE DRAWINGS AND THIS SECTION ON BASIS OF INFORMATION OR SAMPLES SUBMITTED. F. MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTIES DO NOT RELIEVE CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY UNDER WARRANTY. SUCH WARRANTIES ONLY SUPPLEMENT WARRANTY. G. PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS: 1. PROVIDE AND KEEP UP TO DATE, COMPLETE SET OF PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS, CORRECTED DAILY, TO SHOW CHANGES FROM DOCUMENTS AND THIS SECTION. INDICATE EXACT INSTALLED LOCATIONS, SIZES, AND KINDS OF EQUIPMENT. PRINTS FOR PREPARATION OF PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM OWNER AT CONTRACTOR'S COST. 2. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS TO BE FULL SIZED DRAWINGS, 24 BY 36-INCHES, AND INCLUDE THE PHRASE "PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS" IN TITLE BLOCK. 3. MAKE NEAT AND LEGIBLE NOTATIONS ON PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS OF WORK INSTALLED ON A DAILY BASIS. FOR EXAMPLE, SHOULD A PIECE OF EQUIPMENT BE INSTALLED IN A LOCATION THAT DOES NOT MATCH DRAWINGS, INDICATE THAT EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN RELOCATED IN A GRAPHIC MANNER SO AS TO MATCH ORIGINAL IRRIGATION SYMBOLS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. TRANSFER RELOCATED EQUIPMENT AND DIMENSIONS TO PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS. 4. DIMENSION FROM TWO PERMANENT POINTS OF REFERENCE, BUILDING CORNERS, OR EDGE OF WALKWAY INTERSECTIONS, THE LOCATION OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AS THEY EXIST ON SITE: A. CONNECTION TO WATER LINES. B. CONNECTION TO EXISTING ELECTRICAL POWER. C. GATE VALVES. D. ROUTING OF PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING (DIMENSION MAXIMUM 100-FEET ALONG ROUTING). E. ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVES. F. ROUTING OF CONTROL WIRING. G. CONTROL WIRE CONDUIT. H. QUICK COUPLING VALVES. I. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLERS. J. SLEEVING UNDER PAVING. H. IRRIGATION CONTROLLER CHARTS: 1. PREPARE IRRIGATION CONTROLLER CHARTS FROM CONTRACTOR-PROVIDED PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS. OBTAIN OWNER'S APPROVAL OF PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS PRIOR TO PREPARING IRRIGATION CONTROLLER CHARTS. 2. PROVIDE ONE IRRIGATION CONTROLLER CHART FOR EACH IRRIGATION CONTROLLER INSTALLED ON PROJECT. 3. INDICATE ON EACH IRRIGATION CONTROLLER CHART, VIA COLORED PENCIL, AREA CONTROLLED BY THAT AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION CONTROLLER. PROVIDE A DIFFERENT AND DISTINCT COLOR FOR EACH VALVE ZONE. 4. IRRIGATION CONTROLLER CHART FORMAT: 11 X 17-INCH BOND REDUCED FROM APPROVED CADD GENERATED PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS. 5. OBTAIN OWNER'S APPROVAL OF COLORED IRRIGATION CONTROLLER CHARTS PRIOR TO HERMETICALLY SEALING CHARTS BETWEEN TWO PIECES OF 5 MIL PLASTIC LAMINATE. 6. ONE COLORED HERMETICALLY SEALED IRRIGATION CONTROLLER CHART SHALL BE SECURELY PLACED WITHIN THE CONTROLLER CABINET, AND ONE COLORED NON-HERMETICALLY SEALED IRRIGATION CONTROLLER CHART SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE OWNER. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. MANUFACTURER: COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN MANUFACTURING PRODUCTS SPECIFIED IN THIS SECTION WITH A MINIMUM OF 5 YEARS OF DOCUMENTED EXPERIENCE. B. CONTRACTOR: COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN PERFORMING WORK OF THIS SECTION WITH A MINIMUM OF 5 YEARS OF DOCUMENTED EXPERIENCE. C. MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS: 1. FOLLOW MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS AND DRAWINGS WHERE MANUFACTURERS OF PRODUCTS USED IN THIS SECTION. FURNISH DIRECTIONS COVERING INSTALLATION POINTS NOT SHOWN IN DRAWINGS AND THIS SECTION. 2. NOTIFY OWNER OF CONFLICTING MANUFACTURER DIRECTIONS PROVIDED WITH PRODUCTS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. D. EXPLANATION OF DRAWINGS: 1. DUE TO SCALE OF DRAWINGS IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO INDICATE EVERY OFFSET, FITTING, AND SLEEVE WHICH ARE REQUIRED. CAREFULLY INVESTIGATE EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AFFECTING WORK: ACCORDINGLY, FURNISHING SUCH FITTINGS, ETC. AS MAY BE REQUIRED TO MEET SUCH CONDITIONS. 2. DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC ONLY AND ARE INDICATIVE OF WORK TO BE INSTALLED. INSTALL WORK IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO AVOID CONFLICTS BETWEEN IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, PLANTING, AND ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES. 3. FURNISH AND INSTALL WORK CALLED FOR ON DRAWING NOTES AND DETAILS WHETHER OR NOT SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED IN THIS SECTION. 4. DO NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL IRRIGATION SYSTEM AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN FIELD THAT OBSTRUCTIONS, GRADE DIFFERENCES OR DISCREPANCIES IN AREA DIMENSIONS EXIST THAT MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED DURING DESIGN. BRING OBSTRUCTIONS OR DIFFERENCES TO OWNER'S ATTENTION. IN EVENT THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT PERFORMED, CONTRACTOR IS TO ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR REVISIONS. E. CORRECT DISCREPANCIES OF UNSATISFACTORY WORK. COMPLETE CORRECTION OF WORK WITHIN A REASONABLE PERIOD MUTUALLY AGREED UPON BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR. F. OWNER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SUBSTITUTE, ADD, DELETE ANY MATERIAL OR WORK AS WORK PROGRESSES. IF DEEMED NECESSARY BY OWNER, NEGOTIATIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT PRICE, CREDITS AND DEDUCTIONS TO CONTRACT SUM WILL OCCUR ACCORDING TO UNIT PRICES PROVIDED IN PROPOSAL. PROJECT TITLE SHEET TITLE CHECKED: DRAWN BY: DATE: REVISIONS PROJECT NO. SHEET N0. XREF FILE: SCALE: E-mail: 904 Silver Spur Road #395 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 (310) 377-5868 Richie-Bray, Inc. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LI-4 06-15-2023 N/A IRRIGATION SPECIFICATION ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY TENNIS COURTS 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 ASSESSOR'S ID NO.: 7569-015-900 93 B. IRRIGATION SYSTEM TESTING: 1. PROVIDE HYDROSTATIC TESTS ON PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPING ONLY IN PRESENCE OFOWNER. DO NOT BACKFILL MAINLINE PIPE UNTIL PRESSURE READINGS HAVE BEENOBSERVED AND APPROVED BY OWNER. 2. NOTIFY OWNER AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF HYDROSTATIC MAINLINETESTING.3. TEST PRESSURE MAINLINE UNDER HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE OF 150 PSI FOR A PERIODOF AT LEAST 2 HOURS. OBTAIN OWNER'S APPROVAL OF HYDROSTATIC MAINLINE TESTINGPRIOR TO INSTALLING ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVES. 4. PERFORM HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TESTING ON NON-PRESSURE LATERAL PIPINGLOCATED UNDER PAVED AREAS UNDER A HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE OF 150 PSI FOR APERIOD OF AT LEAST 2 HOURS. 5. IF DURING A HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TEST, A PRESSURE DROP IS OBSERVED,INDICATING A LEAK, REPLACE FAULTY FITTINGS OR PIPE AND REPEAT HYDROSTATICPRESSURE TEST UNTIL ENTIRE MAINLINE SYSTEM IS PROVEN WATERTIGHT AND APPROVEDBY OWNER. 6. FURNISH NECESSARY FORCE PUMP AND RELATED EQUIPMENT FOR HYDROSTATICMAINLINE PRESSURE TEST. 7. WHEN HYDROSTATIC MAINLINE PRESSURE TEST IS APPROVED BY OWNER, PERFORM ASPRINKLER COVERAGE TEST IN PRESENCE OF OWNER. PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: A. DETERMINE IF WATER COVERAGE IS COMPLETE AND ADEQUATE. B. FURNISH MATERIALS AND PERFORM WORK NECESSARY TO CORRECTINADEQUACIES OF WATER COVERAGE DUE TO DEVIATIONS FROM DRAWINGS, ORWHERE IRRIGATION SYSTEM HAS BEEN WILLFULLY INSTALLED AS INDICATED ONDRAWINGS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUSLY INADEQUATE, WITHOUT BRINGING THIS TOATTENTION OF OWNER. C. PERFORM TESTING PRIOR TO INSTALLING PLANT MATERIAL. 8. UPON COMPLETION OF EACH PHASE OF WORK, TEST FOR COVERAGE OF ENTIRESPRINKLER SYSTEM AND ADJUST TO MEET SPECIFIC SITE REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO OWNER'SREVIEW.3.7 DEMONSTRATION AND INSTRUCTIONSA. INSTRUCT OWNER'S MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL IN PROPER OPERATION AND MAINTENANCEOF IRRIGATION SYSTEM. B. USE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MATERIAL AS BASIS FOR DEMONSTRATION.3.8 TOOLS AND SPARE PARTSA. PRIOR TO FINAL PAYMENT, SUPPLY OWNER WITH OPERATING KEYS, SERVICING TOOLS, TESTEQUIPMENT, AND OTHER ITEMS SPECIFIED IN THIS SECTION.B. OTHER MATERIALS: 1. INSTALL OTHER MATERIALS OR EQUIPMENT INDICATED ON DRAWINGS TO BE PARTOF IRRIGATION SYSTEM, EVEN THOUGH SUCH ITEMS MAY NOT HAVE BEEN REFERENCED INTHIS SECTION.3.9CLEANUPA. PERFORM CLEANUP AS EACH PORTION OF WORK PROGRESSES. REMOVE REFUSE AND EXCESSDIRT FROM SITE, CLEAN WALKS AND PAVING, AND REPAIR DAMAGE SUSTAINED TO WORK OFOTHER TRADES TO ORIGINAL CONDITION.B. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, REMOVE EXCESS MATERIALS, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS. SWEEPADJACENT ROADWAYS, CURBS, GUTTERS AND SIDEWALKS AND REMOVE CONSTRUCTIONEQUIPMENT FROM SITE.3.10 FINAL PAYMENT A. OPERATE EACH SYSTEM IN ITS ENTIRETY FOR OWNER'S REVIEW AT TIME OF FINAL PAYMENT.REWORK ANY ITEMS DEEMED NOT ACCEPTABLE BY OWNER.3.11 SITE VISIT OBSERVATION SCHEDULE A. NOTIFY OWNER IN ADVANCE OF FOLLOWING REQUIRED SITE VISITS: 1. PRE-JOB OR "KICK-OFF" MEETING - 7 DAYS. 2. LATERAL LINE AND SPRINKLER HEAD INSTALLATION - 2 DAYS. 3. SPRINKLER HEAD COVERAGE TEST - 2 DAYS. 4. FINAL PAYMENT WALK-THROUGH - 7 DAYS. B. NO SITE VISITS WILL COMMENCE WITHOUT UPDATED PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS BEINGPRESENT ONSITE.END OF SECTION 4. DO NOT EXCEED DESIGNED IRRIGATION HEAD SPACING AS INDICATED ONDRAWINGS. 5. ACCOMMODATE GRADE CHANGES IN TRENCHES. 6. KEEP TRENCHES FREE OF DEBRIS AND OBSTRUCTIONS THAT COULD DAMAGE PIPE.7. APPLY TEFLON TAPE ON THREADED PVC TO PVC AND THREADED PVC TO METALJOINTS. APPLY LIGHT WRENCH PRESSURE ONLY. WHERE THREADED PVC CONNECTIONSARE REQUIRED, USE THREADED PVC ADAPTERS INTO WHICH PIPE MAY BE SOLVENTWELDED.B. ASSEMBLING PIPE AND FITTINGS: 1. INSPECT PIPE AND FITTINGS BEFORE INSTALLATION. 2. KEEP PIPE FREE FROM DIRT AND PIPE SCALE. CUT PIPE ENDS SQUARE AND DEBUR PIPEEDGES. 3. KEEP ENDS OF ASSEMBLED PIPE CAPPED. REMOVE CAPS ONLY WHEN NECESSARY TOCONTINUE ASSEMBLY. 4. INSTALL PIPE WITH IDENTIFICATION MARKINGS FACE UP FOR VISUAL INSPECTIONAND VERIFICATION.C. IRRIGATION PIPING CLEARANCE: 1. PROVIDE A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 6-INCHES BETWEEN IRRIGATION PIPING ANDPIPING OF OTHER TRADES. 2. DO NOT INSTALL PARALLEL PIPELINES DIRECTLY OVER ONE ANOTHER.D. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER INSTALLATION: 1. THIS PROJECT UTILIZES AN EXISTING CONTROLLER.F. PLASTIC IDENTIFICATION TAGS: 1. CONNECT IDENTIFICATION TAGS TO CONDUCTOR WIRES WITH BLACK OR WHITENYLON "TIE-LOCK" FASTENERS. 2. LOCATE IDENTIFICATION TAGS FACING UPWARD.G. GATE VALVE INSTALLATION (IF ADDED TO THE PROJECT): 1. LOCATE AND INSTALL GATE VALVES AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. 2. GATE VALVE BOXES LOCATED IN PLANTING AREAS: INSTALL 6-INCHES AWAY ANDPERPENDICULAR FROM BACK OF CURB OR PAVED EDGES. 3. CONSULT OWNER FOR METHOD OF IDENTIFICATION OF GATE VALVE BOXES.H. QUICK COUPLING VALVE INSTALLATION (IF ADDED TO THE PROJECT): 1. LOCATE AND INSTALL QUICK COUPLING VALVES AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. 2. PLACE QUICK COUPLING VALVE BOXES A MINIMUM OF 6-INCHES FROM BACK OFCURB OR PAVED EDGES. 3. PROVIDE 24-INCHES CLEARANCE FROM EDGE OF QUICK COUPLING VALVE BOX TOADJACENT VALVE BOXES. I. SYSTEM FLUSHING: 1. AFTER PIPE LINES AND RISERS ARE IN PLACE AND CONNECTED, NECESSARY DIVERSIONWORK HAS BEEN COMPLETED, AND PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER HEADS, OPENCONTROL VALVES WITH FULL HEAD OF WATER TO FLUSH OUT SYSTEM. 2. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS AFTER FLUSHING OF SYSTEM HAS BEEN PERFORMED.J. SPRINKLER HEAD INSTALLATION: 1. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. 2. DO NOT EXCEED DESIGN SPACING OF SPRINKLER HEADS.K. SLEEVING: 1. ALLOW 6-FEET OF CLEARANCE AT SLEEVE ENDS FOR FUTURE ACCESS TO SLEEVE.ROUTE CONTROL WIRES AND CABLE THROUGH SLEEVES AND TIE AT EACH END TO WOODIDENTIFICATION STAKES. 2. PROVIDE SLEEVING FOR CONTROL WIRING UNDER PAVING REGARDLESS IFDRAWINGS DO NOT INDICATE SPECIFIC LOCATIONS. 3. LOCATE SLEEVING ENDS WITH 1-INCH DIAMETER BLUE SPRAY PAINT "DOTS" ATPAVING EDGE.L. BACKFILLING: 1. DO NOT BACKFILL TRENCHES UNTIL REQUIRED TESTS ARE PERFORMED. CAREFULLYBACKFILL TRENCHES WITH EXCAVATED MATERIALS APPROVED FOR BACKFILLING,CONSISTING OF EARTH, LOAM, SANDY CLAY, OR SAND, FREE FROM LARGE CLODS OFEARTH, STONES OR DEBRIS. 2. MECHANICALLY COMPACT BACKFILLED TRENCHES TO DRY DENSITY EQUAL TOADJACENT UNDISTURBED SOIL. CONFORM BACKFILL TO ADJACENT GRADES WITHOUTDIPS, SUNKEN AREAS, HUMPS OR OTHER SURFACE IRREGULARITIES. 3. PLACE FINE GRANULAR MATERIAL BACKFILL OVER PIPES. 4. DO NOT FLOOD TRENCHES. 5. MAKE ADJUSTMENTS IF TRENCH SETTLEMENT OCCURS AND PROVIDE NECESSARYADJUSTMENTS, AS NECESSARY, TO PIPE, VALVES, SPRINKLER HEADS, PLANTING, OR OTHERCONSTRUCTION ELEMENTS.M. TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING UNDER PAVING: 1. BACKFILL TRENCHES LOCATED UNDER PAVING WITH SAND, 6-INCHES BELOW PIPEAND 3-INCHES ABOVE PIPE. 2. COMPACT TRENCHES TO 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION, USING MANUAL ORMECHANICAL TAMPING DEVICES. 3. LEAVE TRENCHES FLUSH WITH ADJOINING FINISH GRADE. 4. SET IN PLACE, CAP AND PRESSURE TEST PIPING UNDER PAVING PRIOR TO BEGINNINGPAVING WORK. 5. IF REQUIRED, INSTALL PIPING UNDER EXISTING PAVING BY JACKING, BORING ORHYDRAULIC DRIVING. WHEN CUTTING OR BREAKING OF CONCRETE IS NECESSARY, REPAIROR REPLACE, AS NECESSARY. OBTAIN OWNER'S APPROVAL TO CUT OR BREAK PAVING. NOHYDRAULIC DRIVING WILL BE PERMITTED UNDER PAVING. 6. PROVIDE MINIMUM SAND COVER OF 18-INCHES BETWEEN TOP OF PIPE AND BOTTOMOF PAVING SUB-BASE FOR PRESSURE AND NON-PRESSURE PIPING INSTALLED UNDERPAVING.3.5 INSTALLATION A. ASSEMBLIES: 1. ROUTING OF IRRIGATION LINES AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS IS DIAGRAMMATICONLY. INSTALL LINES AND VARIOUS ASSEMBLIES IN SUCH MANNER AS TO CONFORM WITHDRAWINGS. 2. INSTALL MULTIPLE ASSEMBLIES IN PLASTIC LINES. PROVIDE EACH ASSEMBLY WITH ITSOWN OUTLET. 3. INSTALL ASSEMBLIES SPECIFIED HEREIN AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH DRAWINGS. 4. REMOVE DIRT AND DEBRIS FROM PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS PRIOR TO ENERGIZINGIRRIGATION SYSTEM.3.6 FIELD QUALITY CONTROLA. ADJUSTMENT OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM: 1. ADJUST SPRINKLER HEADS FOR OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE AND TO REDUCEOVER-SPRAY ONTO PAVED AREAS AND FACILITIES. 2. PERFORM ADJUSTMENTS TO SPRINKLER HEADS TO PROVIDE OPTIMUM COVERAGEPRIOR TO INSTALLING PLANT MATERIAL. ADJUSTMENTS MAY ALSO INCLUDE CHANGES INNOZZLE SIZES AND INSTALLING PRESSURE REDUCING SCREENS (PCS) OF APPROPRIATE SIZE. 3. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS PERPENDICULAR TO FINISH GRADE. 2.10DRIP IRRIGATIONA. INSTALL VALVE ASSEMBLY, AIR RELIEF VALVE, FLUSH CAP AND DRIP TUBING IN THE APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS AND LAYOUT AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. FIELDADJUSTMENT WILL BE NECESSARY TO PROVIDE PROPER COVERAGE. ON GRADE DRIPLINE TO BE SPACED16" 0.C.1. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS:A. HUNTER ICZ-101-40B. HUNTER PLD-AVR - AIR VENTC. HUNTER PLD CAP - TO ALLOW FOR LINE FLUSHD. HUNTER PLD-06-12-XXX PRESSURE COMPENSATING DRIP LINE - 0.6 GPH @ 12" O.C.2.11BACKFLOW PREVENTIONA. THIS PROJECT UTILIZES THE EXISTING BACKFLOW PREVENTER OR WILKINS 975XLSEU.2.12 SLEEVINGA. INSTALL SLEEVES BENEATH PAVED AREAS TO ROUTE MAIN LINE, LATERAL PIPE, ANDCONTROL WIRING BUNDLES. EXTEND SLEEVE PIPE A MINIMUM OF 12-INCHES, AND AMAXIMUM OF 24-INCHES, BEYOND PAVING EDGES OR CURB FACES. PROVIDE PVCCAPS AT EACH SLEEVE END. PROVIDE SLEEVING FOR FLOW SENSOR WIRING.B. SLEEVING MATERIALS: 1. PEDESTRIAN RATED PAVING: PVC SCHEDULE 40 PIPE WITH SOLVENT-WELDED JOINTS. 2. VEHICULAR RATED PAVING: PVC SCHEDULE 40 PIPE WITH SOLVENT-WELDED JOINTS.C. SLEEVING SIZE: EQUAL TO TWICE THAT OF MAIN LINE OR LATERAL PIPE OR WIRINGBUNDLE BEING SERVED. D. SLEEVE LOCATION: IDENTIFY LOCATION ON "PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS".2.13 ACCESSORIES A. TOOLS AND SPARE PARTS: PROVIDE OPERATING KEYS, SERVICING TOOLS, TESTEQUIPMENT, OTHER ITEMS, AND SPARE PARTS AS DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION.B. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS: PROVIDE OTHER MATERIALS OR EQUIPMENT NOTSHOWN ON DRAWINGS OR REFERENCED IN THIS SECTION AS NECESSARY TOCOMPLETE INSTALLATION OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM.PART 3 EXECUTION3.1 EXAMINATIONA. VERIFY LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES.B. VERIFY THAT REQUIRED UTILITIES ARE AVAILABLE, IN PROPER LOCATION, ANDREADY FOR USE. C. PIPING LAYOUT AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS IS DIAGRAMMATIC ONLY. ROUTEPIPING TO AVOID PLANT MATERIAL, STRUCTURES, FACILITIES, AND UTILITIES.D. LAYOUT AND STAKE LOCATIONS OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS.E. REVIEW LAYOUT REQUIREMENTS WITH OTHER AFFECTED WORK. COORDINATELOCATIONS OF PVC SLEEVES UNDER PAVING.3.2 OBSERVATION A. SITE CONDITIONS: 1. SCALED DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. CHECK AND VERIFY SIZE DIMENSIONS ANDSECURE OWNER'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH WORK. 2. LOCATE WITH 2X2X24-INCH WOOD STAKES WITH IDENTIFYING MARKINGS FORPROPOSED LOCATIONS OF ELECTRICAL CONTROL VALVE BOXES, GATE VALVE BOXES,MASTER VALVE BOXES, FLOW SENSOR BOXES AND QUICK COUPLER BOXES FOR APPROVALBY OWNER. AFTER LOCATING ITEMS, NOTIFY OWNER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. MAKEMINOR ADJUSTMENTS TO STAKE LOCATIONS AS REQUESTED BY OWNER. 3. EXERCISE EXTREME CARE IN EXCAVATING AND WORKING NEAR UTILITIES. REPAIRDAMAGE WHEN INCURRED. 4. COORDINATE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER IRRIGATION MATERIALS, INCLUDING PIPING,FOR INTERFERENCE OR CONFLICTS WITH UTILITIES, CONSTRUCTION ELEMENTS, ANDPLANTING. 5. VERIFY FINISH GRADES OF PLANTER AREAS PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. 6. REPORT IRREGULARITIES TO OWNER PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. BEGINNING OFWORK IMPLIES ACCEPTANCE OF EXISTING CONDITIONS.3.3 SITE PREPARATION A. LAYOUT: 1. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF PIPING, STAKE OUT PRESSURE AND NON-PRESSURE SUPPLYLINES AND LOCATIONS OF SPRINKLER HEADS. NOTIFY OWNER FOR REVIEW ANDAPPROVAL OF PIPING LAYOUT. B. WATER SUPPLY POINT-OF-CONNECTION HOOK-UP: 1. PROVIDE WATER SUPPLY POINT-OF-CONNECTION AT LOCATIONS INDICATED ONDRAWINGS. 2. ACCOMMODATE MINOR ADJUSTMENTS TO PIPING DUE TO ACTUAL SITE CONDITIONS. C. LINE VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CONNECTION HOOK-UP: 1. PROVIDE ELECTRICAL CONNECTION FROM EXISTING LINE VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL SUPPLYTO IRRIGATION CONTROLLER LOCATIONS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. 2. ACCOMMODATE ELECTRICAL CONNECTION ADJUSTMENTS DUE TO ACTUAL SITECONDITIONS.3.4 TRENCHING AND BACKFILLINGA. TRENCHING: 1. DIG TRENCHES STRAIGHT AND SUPPORT PIPE CONTINUOUSLY ON BOTTOM OF TRENCH.LAY PIPE TO AN EVEN GRADE. TRENCHING EXCAVATION TO FOLLOW LAYOUT ASINDICATED ON DRAWINGS. 2. PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM SOIL COVER: A. 3-INCH AND SMALLER PRESSURE PVC PIPE: 18-INCHES. B. NON-PRESSURE PVC PIPE: 12-INCHES. C. CONTROL WIRE: 18-INCHES. D. TOP OF FINISHED SURFACE TO TOP OF SLEEVING INSTALLED UNDER PAVING:36-INCHES. 3. WHEN PIPING IS INDICATED UNDER PAVING AND IS ROUTED PARALLEL AND ADJACENTTO PLANTING AREAS, INSTALL PIPING IN PLANTING AREAS. PROJECT TITLESHEET TITLECHECKED:DRAWN BY:DATE:REVISIONSPROJECT NO.SHEET N0.XREF FILE:SCALE:E-mail: deb@richie-bray.com904 Silver Spur Road #395Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274(310) 377-5868Richie-Bray, Inc.LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURELI-506-15-2023N/AIRRIGATIONSPECIFICATIONROLLING HILLSCOMMUNITYTENNIS COURTS2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROADROLLING HILLS, CA 90274ASSESSOR'S ID NO.: 7569-015-90094 GAL GAL ROS ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH LEO SA4 SA4 SA4 SA4 SA4 SA4 SA4 SA4 SA4 CIS LEO PRUPRUPRUPRU FES CIS CIS IRI PRUPRUPRUPRU CIS HES PRU AGA GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL ACH ACHACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH GAL ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS GAL GAL ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI IRI ACH GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL LEY LEYLEY LEY LEY LEY ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH GAL GAL GAL ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS ROS GAL SA4 SA4 SA4 ROS2 ROS2 ROS2 LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LEY LEYLEY LEY LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ROS2ROS2 RHA RHA RHA RHA RHA RHA RHA RHA GAL LOL LOL LOL CIJ CIS FES FES FES CIJCIJCIJ CIJ FESFESFESFESFESFES FESFESFES CIJ FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES FES HES HES CISCISCISCISCISCIS SENSENSENSENSENSENSENSENSENSENSENSEN SEN SEN SEN SEN SEN SEN SEN SEN SENRHA SEN SEN HES HES AGA AGA AGA AGA AGA LEY LEY LEY LEY LEY LEY LEY LEY WEM WEM WEM WEM WEM WEM WEM WEM LOL LOL LOL LOL LEY LEY LEY LEY LEYAGAAGAAGA AGAACH ACH ACHACHACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH HEA HEA HEA HEAHEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA W HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA WEM WEM CIP CIP CIP CIP CIP LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL W W W W W W W W W W W WWW W W W W PROJECT TITLE SHEET TITLE CHECKED: DRAWN BY: DATE: REVISIONS PROJECT NO. SHEET N0. XREF FILE: SCALE: E-mail: 904 Silver Spur Road #395 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 (310) 377-5868 Richie-Bray, Inc. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY TENNIS COURTS LIGHTING PLAN LL-1 06-15-2023 1/8" = 1'-0" 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 ASSESSOR'S ID NO.: 7569-015-900 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD NOTES : SYM. LIGHTING SCHEDULE : KING LUMINAIRE HOUSE LIGHT MATCH HOAL 4 0 PATH LIGHTL 5 FX LUMINAIREL 2 6 TRELLIS WALL LIGHT FX LUMINAIREL 1 TYPE 0 DOWNLIGHT (ON TREES) MANUFACTURERDESCRIPTIONQTY WALL LIGHT - RECESSED FX LUMINAIREL 3 18 FX LUMINAIRE10 PILASTER LIGHT 1.LANDSCAPE LIGHTING FIXTURES NOTED ON PLAN ARE DESIGN INTENT FOR LIGHTING TYPE & LOCATION ONLY. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR ALL CIRCUITRY, SWITCH/CONTROLS AND POWER REQUIREMENTS. FINAL LOCATION AND FIXTURE AIMING TO BE FIELD VERIFIED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 2.TRANSFORMERS TO BE INSTALLED FOR SEPARATE CIRCUITS AS REQUIRED. 3.PLANTER AND DECK DRAIN LOCATIONS ARE TO BE DETERMINED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ON SITE. 4.ALL LAMPS LED. 5.ELECTRIC LOADS AND TRANSFORMERS TO BE CALCULATED & APPROVED BY CERTIFIED ELECTRICIAN BEFORE INSTALLATION. 6.ALL LIGHT FIXTURES SHALL MEET DARK-SKY COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS. 6L 6 L 7 1 FIXTURE SPECIFICATIONS COLOR REMARKS K601D MATCH HOA NL PS UN FG LED MATCH HOA 3 LED / 20 WATT 3 LED / 20 WATT 1 LED / 10 WATT 3 LED / 20 WATT TBD MATCH HOA CU-AB CU-AB AB AB ADA APPROVED TRANSFORMER FX LUMINAIRE PX 600 WATT SST TSIGN BOARD W/ LIGHTS TRANSFORMER 07-06-2023 95 ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY TENNIS COURTS PROJECT TITLE SHEET TITLE CHECKED: DRAWN BY: DATE: REVISIONS PROJECT NO. SHEET N0. XREF FILE: SCALE: E-mail: 904 Silver Spur Road #395 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 (310) 377-5868 Richie-Bray, Inc. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LIGHTING SPECIFICATION LL-2 06-15-2023 N/A 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 DOWN LIGHT (ON TREES)TRELLIS WALL LIGHTWALL LIGHT - RECESSED L 2L 3 L 1 07-16-2023 96 ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY TENNIS COURTS PROJECT TITLE SHEET TITLE CHECKED: DRAWN BY: DATE: REVISIONS PROJECT NO. SHEET N0. XREF FILE: SCALE: E-mail: 904 Silver Spur Road #395 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 (310) 377-5868 Richie-Bray, Inc. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LIGHTING SPECIFICATION LL-3 06-15-2023 N/A 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 L 5L 6L 7 PATH LIGHTPILASTER LIGHTTRANSFORMER 97 Agenda Item No.: 14.A Mtg. Date: 07/24/2023 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:DAVID H. READY. ESQ., PH.D SUBJECT:DISCUSSION ON COYOTE MANAGEMENT MEASURES AND CONSIDERATION OF THE CITY CONTRIBUTING TO ONGOING COSTS (COUNCILMEMBER BLACK) DATE:July 24, 2023 BACKGROUND: On June 23, 2023, an agreement between Los Angeles County and the City of Rolling Hills was made for pest control services from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. DISCUSSION: This item is on the agenda at the direction of Council to discuss coyote management and the current contract with Los Angeles County Agricultural Commissioner/Weights & Measures (LACWM). Fernando Barrera, who works for the LACWM, has been providing coyote management services on the Peninsula for a number of years. However, this year Fernando’s services will be limited due to budgetary constraints with the County. Residents will have to contact City Hall directly instead of reaching out to Fernando. Residents are advised to only call in the event of a coyote attack or aggressive behavior. Fernando is only expected to be in the City a few times a week. Staff has also been contacted by members of the public concerned with the proliferation of coyotes in the community. At the August 22, 2022 Council meeting, homeowner Shirley Langer expressed concerns about coyote management along Possum Ridge Road. Concerns included dogs getting chased or harassed and pets being killed by coyotes. At the July 10, 2023 City Council meeting, Ms. Langer again expressed similar concerns as well as those related to having only one LA County employee addressing coyote issues across the entire Peninsula. The City had also been contacted by homeowner Leslie Stetson who is in support of coyotes and other wildlife in the community. Ms. Stetson had questioned the City's need for coyote 98 management and the contract with Los Angeles County for a trapper. During the last two fiscal years, Supervisor Janice Hahn was able to secure additional funding to ensure Fernando's continued service as the Peninsula's main LA County animal control expert. Supervisor Hahn's office was once again contacted regarding this issue but a response has not been received as of the printing of this report. FISCAL IMPACT: The agreement with Los Angeles County is for an amount not to exceed $25,000 paid under the General Fund. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss the matter and provide direction to staff. ATTACHMENTS: CA_AGR_230626_LAC_ACWM_PestControl_No779_PE.pdf 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Agenda Item No.: 14.B Mtg. Date: 07/24/2023 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:DAVID H. READY. ESQ., PH.D SUBJECT:VERBAL REPORT FROM THE SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING COMMITTEE ON THE JULY 13, 2023 MEETING DATE:July 24, 2023 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. ATTACHMENTS: 110 Agenda Item No.: 15.A Mtg. Date: 07/24/2023 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:JOHN SIGNO, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY SERVICES THRU:DAVID H. READY. ESQ., PH.D SUBJECT:RECEIVE AND FILE FIRE FUEL ABATEMENT AND CODE ENFORCEMENT QUARTERLY REPORT FOR THE SECOND QUARTER OF 2023 (APRIL 1 THROUGH JUNE 30) DATE:July 24, 2023 BACKGROUND: The Code Enforcement division provides quarterly updates on fuel abatement cases which consist of active and closed cases. The attachments show active and closed cases consisting of dead vegetation and other code violations for the second quarter of 2023. Also included is a list of cumulative open cases. DISCUSSION: During the second quarter of 2023, there were a total of 9 cases closed, including 4 dealing with vegetation or dead trees; 8 cases were opened, including 1 involving dead vegetation. In total, code enforcement is working on 15 open cases, of which 3 deal with vegetation or dead trees. The City received 4 aggressive animal reports between May 2 and June 13, which is more than usual. The time dedicated to contacting the complainant, dog owner, and LA County Animal Control along with writing letters and following up is time consuming. There are also ongoing violations that require additional attention, some of which have been referred to the City Attorney's office. 4LEAF, Inc. has been providing code enforcement services for the City since January 31, 2023. The Code Enforcement Division is continuing to use iWorQ to generate quarterly updates and track code enforcement and fire fuel abatement cases. Those reports are attached. FISCAL IMPACT: Code enforcement services is provided contractually and payment is made from the General Fund. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 111 ATTACHMENTS: CE_QRP_2023_Q2_Opened_Cases_F.pdf CE_QRP_2023_Q2_Cumulative_Open_Cases_F.pdf CE_QRP_2023_Q2_Closed_Cases_F.pdf 112 Page: 1 of 1 Case Report – Cases Opened During Q2 2023 04/01/2023 - 06/30/2023 Case Date Address of Violation Description Follow UP Follow Up Date Main Status 6/22/2023 4 Possum Ridge Rd. Unpermitted work/grading Planning application required 7/25/2023 Open 6/20/2023 74 Saddleback Rd. Dead Tree Contact tree owner to have tree removed 7/25/2023 Open 6/13/2023 20 Portuguese Bend Rd. Aggressive Animal (Dog) Follow-up with dog owner; Update complainant 7/25/2023 Open 6/13/2023 7 Chuckwagon Rd. Aggressive Animal (Dog) Follow-up with dog owner and complainant 7/25/2023 Open 6/6/2023 1 Johns Canyon Rd. Aggressive Animal (Dog) Follow-up to see if issue has been resolved 7/25/2023 Open 5/30/2023 6 Middleridge Ln. N. Holiday lights on tree and fence Second letter sent on 7/18/23 8/18/2023 Open 5/18/2023 73 Portuguese Bend Rd. Lighting Follow-up to see if issue has been resolved 7/25/2023 Open 5/2/2023 2 Outrider Rd. Aggressive Animal (Dog) Follow-up with dog owner and complainant 7/25/2023 Open Total Records: 8 Date Prepared: 7/19/2023 113 Page: 1 of 1 Case Report – Q2 2023 All Open Cases Case Date Address of Violation Description Main Status 7/13/2023 79 Eastfield Dr. Overgrown vegetation behind broken fence Open 6/22/2023 4 Possum Ridge Rd. Unpermitted work/grading Open 6/20/2023 74 Saddleback Rd. Dead Tree Open 6/13/2023 20 Portuguese Bend Rd. Aggressive Animal (Dog) Open 6/13/2023 7 Chuckwagon Rd. Aggressive Animal (Dog) Open 6/6/2023 1 Johns Canyon Rd. Aggressive Animal (Dog) Open 5/30/2023 6 Middleridge Ln. N. Holiday lights on tree and fence Open 5/18/2023 73 Portuguese Bend Rd. Lighting Open 5/2/2023 2 Outrider Rd. Aggressive Animal (Dog) Open 12/27/2022 52 Portuguese Bend Rd. Unpermitted Construction Open 12/13/2022 21 Portuguese Bend Rd. Broken Fence Open 9/22/2022 29 Middleridge Ln. S Grading and import of soil; dead vegetation on property visible from road Open 6/9/2022 4 Spur Ln. Dead/Dry vegetation Open 7/6/2021 1 Chestnut Ln. Unpermitted structure (Gazebo) Open 11/1/2019 2950 Palos Verdes Dr. N Red-tagged residence Open Total Records: 15 Prepared 7/19/2023 114 Page: 1 of 1 Case Report – Cases Closed During Q2 2023 04/01/2023 - 06/30/2023 Case Date Address of Violation Description Main Status Case Closed 11/8/2022 69 Portuguese Bend Rd Unpermitted structure (chicken coop) built w/o approval and permits Closed 6/13/2023 1/5/2023 5 Crest Road East Illegal construction Closed 5/25/2023 4/21/2021 2 Buggy Whip Drive Broken fence and trash Closed 5/25/2023 4/4/2023 65 Portuguese Bend Rd. Broken Fence/ House signage Closed 5/5/2023 11/3/2022 20 Chuckwagon Road New Retaining Wall without Permits, Dead Pine Tree. Closed 5/2/2023 2/21/2023 2 Crest Rd. W Dead vegetation, visible from Portuguese Bend Rd. Closed 4/25/2023 4/4/2023 6 Chestnut Ln Falling Tree Closed 4/13/2023 4/13/2023 6 Bowie Rd. Broken water/drainage line Closed 4/13/2023 2/14/2023 28 Portuguese Bend Rd Broken Fence/Dead Vegetation Closed 4/13/2023 Total Records: 9 Date Prepared: 7/19/2023 115 Agenda Item No.: 16.A Mtg. Date: 07/24/2023 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:DAVID H. READY. ESQ., PH.D SUBJECT:CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-ANTICIPATED LITIGATION. BASED ON EXISTING FACTS AND CIRCUMSTANCES, THE CITY COUNCIL IS DECIDING WHETHER TO INITIATE LITIGATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 54956.9(D)(4)- 1 POTENTIAL CASE DATE:July 24, 2023 ATTACHMENTS: 116