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CL_AGN_231107_CC_AgendaPacket_F1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL 3.PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS 4.PUBLIC HEARING FIELD TRIPS 4.A.APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 2023 RECOMMENDATION: Approve. 4.B.ZONING CASE NO. 22-51: SITE PLAN REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH A BASEMENT, ATTACHED GARAGE, FIVE- FOOT-HIGH RETAINING WALLS, NON-EXEMPT GRADING, AND RELATED IMPROVEMENTS; VARIANCES TO CONSTRUCT: (1) A SWIMMING POOL/SPA IN THE FRONT YARD, (2) RETAINING WALLS EXCEEDING AN AVERAGE OF 2' 6" FEET IN HEIGHT, (3) RETAINING WALLS IN THE FRONT YARD, AND (4) NON-EXEMPT GRADING EXPORT ON A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4 POPPY TRAIL, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 (LOT 17-A-PT) (ARVIDSON), AND FINDING THE PROJECT CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT RECOMMENDATION: Open the public hearing, receive public testimony, and continue the public hearing to the regularly scheduled City Council meeting on November 13, 2023. 5.ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Monday, November 13, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, Rolling Hills City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California, 90274. 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 (310) 377-1521 AGENDA Special City Council Field Trip CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, November 07, 2023 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS 7:15 AM CL_AGN_231107_CC_AffidavitofPosting.pdf PL_ADR_4PoppyTrail_ZC22-51_231023_CCStaffReport.pdf CL_AGN_231023_CC_Item10A_PublicComment01.pdf CL_PBN_231107_231113_PH_Mailing_CC_4PoppyTrailLn_ZC22-51_F.pdf 1 6.Notice: Public Comment is welcome on any item prior to City Council action on the item. Documents pertaining to an agenda item received after the posting of the agenda are available for review in the City Clerk's office or at the meeting at which the item will be considered. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting due to your disability, please contact the City Clerk at (310) 377-1521 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility and accommodation for your review of this agenda and attendance at this meeting. 2 Agenda Item No.: 4.A Mtg. Date: 11/07/2023 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:DAVID H. READY SUBJECT:APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 2023 DATE:November 07, 2023 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve. ATTACHMENTS: CL_AGN_231107_CC_AffidavitofPosting.pdf 3 Administrative Report 4.A., File # 2070 Meeting Date: 11/7/2023 To: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL From: Christian Horvath, City Clerk TITLE APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL FIELD TRIP MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 2023 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING In compliance with the Brown Act, the following materials have been posted at the locations below. Legislative Body City Council Posting Type Special City Council Field Trip Meeting Agenda Posting Location 2 Portuguese Bend Road, CA 90274 City Hall Window City Website: Meeting Date & Time NOVEMBER 7, 2023 7:15am Meeting Location 4 POPPY TRAIL, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 – 7:15 A.M. As City Clerk of the City of Rolling Hills, I declare under penalty of perjury, the document noted above was posted at the date displayed below. Christian Horvath, City Clerk Date: November 1, 2023 4 Agenda Item No.: 4.B Mtg. Date: 11/07/2023 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:JOHN SIGNO, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY SERVICES THRU:DAVID H. READY SUBJECT: ZONING CASE NO. 22-51: SITE PLAN REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH A BASEMENT, ATTACHED GARAGE, FIVE-FOOT-HIGH RETAINING WALLS, NON-EXEMPT GRADING, AND RELATED IMPROVEMENTS; VARIANCES TO CONSTRUCT: (1) A SWIMMING POOL/SPA IN THE FRONT YARD, (2) RETAINING WALLS EXCEEDING AN AVERAGE OF 2' 6" FEET IN HEIGHT, (3) RETAINING WALLS IN THE FRONT YARD, AND (4) NON- EXEMPT GRADING EXPORT ON A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4 POPPY TRAIL, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 (LOT 17-A-PT) (ARVIDSON), AND FINDING THE PROJECT CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DATE:November 07, 2023 BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission held public hearings on this case at its meetings on March 21, 2023, July 18, 2023, August 15, 2023, and September 12, 2023. At the September 12th meeting, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 2023-11 approving the proposed project. On October 23, 2023, the City Council considered the Planning Commission's decision and voted 5-0 to consider the matter on its own. The staff report and attachments for the October 23rd meeting are attached. DISCUSSION: Public Hearing Notice The public hearing notice was published in the Daily Breeze on October 28, 2023, and sent to owners within 1,000 feet of the subject property. Additionally, staff emailed the notice to the applicant and residents who participated at the Planning Commission meetings. A copy of the 5 notice is attached. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Open the public hearing, receive public testimony, and continue the public hearing to the regularly scheduled meeting on November 13, 2023. ATTACHMENTS: PL_ADR_4PoppyTrail_ZC22-51_231023_CCStaffReport.pdf CL_AGN_231023_CC_Item10A_PublicComment01.pdf CL_PBN_231107_231113_PH_Mailing_CC_4PoppyTrailLn_ZC22-51_F.pdf 6 Agenda Item No.: 10.A Mtg. Date: 10/23/2023 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:JOHN SIGNO, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY SERVICES THRU:DAVID H. READY SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO RECEIVE AND FILE RESOLUTION NO. 2023-11 FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTING APPROVAL OF ZONING CASE NO. 22-51 FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH A BASEMENT, ATTACHED GARAGE, FIVE-FOOT-HIGH RETAINING WALLS, NON-EXEMPT GRADING, AND RELATED IMPROVEMENTS; VARIANCES TO CONSTRUCT: (1) A SWIMMING POOL/SPA IN THE FRONT YARD, (2) RETAINING WALLS EXCEEDING AN AVERAGE OF 2' 6" FEET IN HEIGHT, (3) RETAINING WALLS IN THE FRONT YARD, AND (4) NON- EXEMPT GRADING EXPORT ON A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4 POPPY TRAIL, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 (LOT 17-A-PT) (ARVIDSON), AND FINDING THE PROJECT CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DATE:October 23, 2023 BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission held public hearings on this case at its meetings on March 21, 2023, July 18, 2023, August 15, 2023, and September 12, 2023. At the September 12th meeting, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 2023-11 approving the proposed project. History March 21, 2023 Planning Commission Field Trip and Evening Meeting This item was originally presented to the Planning Commission on March 21, 2023. The Planning Commission held a field trip at the site in the morning and an evening meeting. The Commission voted to continue the item to the April 18th meeting so the applicant could look into the issues discussed, particularly regarding development on the barn pad and reducing grading. The motion passed unanimously. On April 18, 2023, the applicant was still addressing the issues regarding grading and barn 207 pad location so the item was not included on the agenda. July 18, 2023 Planning Commission Evening Meeting The item was re-noticed for the July 18th Planning Commission meeting to give the applicant more time to discuss relocating the proposed residence to the barn pad. At that meeting, the Commission took public testimony and advised the applicant to continue working with neighbors on the feasibility of developing the proposed residence on the existing barn pad. The public hearing was continued to August 15, 2023. Subsequently, the applicant met with Mr. Nikos Constant at 25 Georgeff Road, but the parties were not able to come to an agreement on offsite remediation and development of the barn pad. As such, the applicant is choosing to move forward with the original proposal of creating a new building pad in the middle of the property. August 15, 2023 Planning Commission Evening Meeting Prior to the meeting, the applicant requested a continuance to further address the Planning Commission's concerns with grading. The Planning Commission opened the public hearing, received public testimony (there were no speakers), and continued the item to September 12, 2023. September 12, 2023 Planning Commission Evening Meeting Neighbors were concerned with the proposed project and staff received several emails prior to the meeting which were forwarded to Commissioners and included as a supplement in the Blue Folder. The Commission opened the public hearing and took public testimony. Public comment was received from Dave Long, Mark Minkes, Nikos Constant, and Greg Becker. Their concerns included the size and location of the proposed project, soil stability, and the environmental exemption. It was requested that the project be continued for further consideration. The Commission responded by indicating the public hearing began in March 2023 and the applicant considered revising the plan to develop on the barn pad, which was not feasible. The applicant was able to reduce the amount of grading on the original development pad as directed by the Planning Commission. The Commission acknowledged residents' concerns and indicated the project has been ongoing for several months. The project has been revised and the applicant was able to reduce the amount of grading. Revised Project The applicant, Dan Bolton of Bolton Engineering, on behalf of the property owner, Andy Arvidson, revised the proposed project to reduce the amount of grading. This was accomplished by removing the accessory dwelling unit (ADU) in order to reduce grading. Minor revisions were also made including slightly altering the building pad, shifting the garage by three feet in order to accommodate the smaller building pad, and extending the length of retaining walls along the driveway. The revised proposal is a request to approve the construction of a new 7,290-square-foot (SF) single-family residence with a 7,290 SF basement, 1,100 SF attached garage, 1,135 square feet of attached covered porches, 195 SF attached trellis, 540 SF swimming pool/spa, pool equipment, service yard, lightwells, maximum five-foot-high retaining walls, driveway, walkways, landscaping, and other improvements. Originally, the proposed project included 41,874 cubic yards (CY) of grading with , including 22,340 CY cut and 19,534 CY fill. The revised project reduces grading to 24,775 CY, including 218 15,905 CY cut and 8,870 CY fill. However, the revision requires the export of 3,830 CY of grading, not including exempt grading for the basement and swimming pool. The export requires a variance and the application has been revised accordingly and the project has been properly renoticed. The swimming pool/spa, service yard and other minor improvements are typically not subject to discretionary review. However, the swimming pool/spa requires a variance for location in the front yard, and certain retaining walls require a variance for location in the front yard and having an average height above two-and-one-half feet. Traffic Commission On March 23, 2023, the Traffic Commission reviewed the proposed project to widen the driveway and apron. The existing driveway apron connects to a "bulge" on Poppy Trail and is approximately 13 feet wide; the existing driveway is 10 feet wide. The proposed project will widen the apron and driveway to 20 feet. The length of the overall driveway from Poppy Trail to the main residence will be approximately 700 feet. Adequate access for the Fire Department will be provided. The Traffic Commission unanimously recommended approval of the proposal on a 3-0 vote (Margeta and Virtue absent). Building Pads/Driveway Access The proposed project will create one new building pad in contrast to the original proposal which included a pad for the ADU. The main building pad will be reduced from 20,635 SF to 19,600 SF located generally in the middle of the property. The building pad will be located outside of any required setbacks and will be accessible via a new 20-foot-wide driveway that connects to an existing driveway and ultimately to Poppy Trail. There will be a turnaround for Fire Department access at the terminus of the new driveway on the main building pad. The existing driveway, which connects to Poppy Trail, will be widened to 20 feet. The length of the overall driveway from Poppy Trail to the main residence will be approximately 700 feet. The Traffic Commission recommended approval of the widening of the driveway and apron at its meeting on Thursday, March 23, 2023. Zoning, Location, and Lot Description The property located at 4 Poppy Trail is zoned RAS-2 and has a net lot area of 6.37 acres (277,335 square feet). Only one building pad exists on the property and is located at the highest portion in rear of the property. This building pad is 16,200 square feet and is developed with a 3,330 SF stable. The property is irregularly shaped and only has an 86-foot segment connected to Poppy Trail. The front property line is considered the portion that connects to Poppy Trail plus the eastern property line which parallels an equestrian dirt path known as the Sleepy Hollow Trail. Sleepy Hollow Trail traverses much of the front yard setback which is 50 feet wide. The 50-foot-wide rear yard setback is along the western property line and the 35-foot-wide side yard setback is along all other property lines. The property slopes upward from Poppy Trail to the existing barn in the southwestern corner. The elevation difference between Poppy Trail to the barn pad is approximately 172 feet with the proposed main building pad approximately 100 feet higher than Poppy Trail. Previous Approvals On May 18, 2004, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution Nos. 2004-13 A and B 229 approving a lot line adjustment between three parcels and a variance to retain an existing stable on the subject property which is located in the side yard setback. The stable was constructed around 1977 for use by the property owner who lived on the abutting property at 8 Reata Lane. On September 14, 2010, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2010-18 approving a lot line adjustment between three properties, included a lot owned by the City. DISCUSSION: Revised Project The request is for a Site Plan Review for construction of the residence and appurtenant structures and for grading. The applicant requests four variances: (1) swimming pool/spa in the front yard; (2) retaining walls exceeding an average of 2½ feet in height; (3) retaining walls in the front yard; and (4) non-exempt grading export. The total structures will be 14,180 SF or 5.1% of the net lot area. The flatwork area, which includes the driveway, paved walkways, patios, and courtyards is 17,400 square feet. This covers 6.3% of the net lot area. Total disturbance covers 64,100 SF or 23.1%. This is reduced from the original of 109,995 SF or 39.7% of the net lot area. The residential building pad will be 19,600 SF (reduced from 20,635 SF) and the residence and other structures will cover 53.6% of the pad, not including attached trellises which are exempt. The existing stable pad will not change. It is 16,200 SF and the stable covers 21.5% of the pad. A preliminary landscape plan has been reviewed by the City's landscape consultant for compliance with the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO); however, a revised landscape plan is needed to address changes to the plan. The plan was reviewed for appropriateness and adaptability of selected plants, water efficient irrigation design, and the use of design elements that enhance the character of the community. The preliminary landscape plan for the original project was found to be in compliance with MWELO and landscape conditions will be included for installation and maintenance. Site Plan Review Site Plan Review (SPR) is needed for construction of any new building or structures, and non- exempt grading per Rolling Hills Municipal Code (RHMC) Section 17.46.020. Variance Requests Variance requests are needed to as mentioned above. Findings are necessary to support approval of the variances. Environmental Review The proposed project has been determined to not have a significant effect on the environment 2310 and is categorically exempt from the provisions of CEQA pursuant to Section 15303 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, which exempts a single-family residence, swimming pool, and accessory structures. Public Participation The public hearing was published in the Daily Breeze and notices were sent to owners within 1,000 feet of the subject property on three occasions: March 10, 2023, for the March 21st meeting; July 8, 2023, for the July 18th meeting; and August 31, 2023, for the September 12th meeting. Mr. John Lacey was able to provide comments at the March 21, 2023 Planning Commission meeting regarding reducing grading and land movement. An email was received from Mr. Dave Long who indicated his home is situated directly across the project site. Mr. Long is opposed to the project. His email is attached. Correspondences and testimony were made by Mr. Nikos Constant. A letter is attached. Other correspondences were received from Ms. Sharon Minkes and Mr. Gregory Becker, which are included as attachments. CRITERIA FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW 17.46.050 - Required Site Plan Review findings. The Commission shall be required to make findings in acting to approve, conditionally approve, or deny a Site Plan Review application. No project which requires Site Plan Review approval shall be approved by the Commission, or by the City Council on appeal, unless the following findings can be made: 1. The project complies with and is consistent with the goals and policies of the general plan and all requirements of the zoning ordinance; 2. The project substantially preserves the natural and undeveloped state of the lot by minimizing building coverage. Lot coverage requirements are regarded as maximums, and the actual amount of lot coverage permitted depends upon the existing buildable area of the lot; 3. The project is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, the natural terrain and surrounding residences; 4. The project preserves and integrates into the site design, to the greatest extent possible, existing topographic features of the site, including surrounding native vegetation, mature trees, drainage courses and land forms (such as hillsides and knolls); 5. Grading has been designed to follow natural contours of the site and to minimize the amount of grading required to create the building area; 6. Grading will not modify existing drainage channels nor redirect drainage flow, unless such flow is redirected into an existing drainage course; 7. The project preserves surrounding native vegetation and mature trees and supplements these elements with drought-tolerant landscaping which is compatible with and 2411 enhances the rural character of the community, and landscaping provides a buffer or transition area between private and public areas; 8. The project is sensitive and not detrimental to the convenient and safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles; and 9. The project conforms to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 10. If all of the above findings cannot be made with regard to the proposed project, or cannot be made even with changes to the project through project conditions imposed by City staff and/or the Planning Commission, the site plan review application shall be denied. CRITERIA FOR VARIANCES 17.38.050 Required Variance findings . In granting a variance, the Commission (and Council on appeal) must make the following findings: 1. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property that do not apply generally to other properties in the same vicinity and zone; 2. That such variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights possessed by other properties in the same vicinity and zone but which is denied the property in question; 3. That the granting of such variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; 4. That in granting the variance, the spirit and intent of this title will be observed; 5. That the variance does not grant special privilege to the applicant; 6. That the variance is consistent with the portions of the County of Los Angeles Hazardous Waste Management Plan relating to siting and siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities; and 7. That the variance request is consistent with the general plan of the City of Rolling Hills. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT1_CL_PBN_230321_4PoppyTrail_ZC22-51_VicinityMap.pdf ATTACHMENT2_PL_ADR_4PoppyTrail_ZC22-51_DevelopmentTable_RevisedProject.pdf ATTACHMENT3_2023-11_PC_Resolution_4PoppyTrail_ZC 22-51_F_E.pdf ATTACHMENT4_PL_ADR_4PoppyTr_ZC22-51_230711_Email_DaveLong.pdf ATTACHMENT5_CL_AGN_230718_PC_Item9A_PublicComment_NConstant.pdf ATTACHMENT6_CL_AGN_230912_PC_Item9A_PublicComment01.pdf ATTACHMENT7_CL_AGN_230912_PC_Item9A_PublicComment02.pdf ATTACHMENT8_CL_AGN_230912_PC_Item9A_PublicComment03.pdf ATTACHMENT9_CL_AGN_230912_PC_Item9A_PublicComment04.pdf ATTACHMENT10_CL_AGN_230912_PC_Item9A_PublicComment05.pdf ATTACHMENT11_CL_AGN_CC_231009_09_CommissionItems_Email_Becker.pdf 2512 ATTACHMENT12_PL_ADR_4PoppyTrail_ZC22-51_Architectural.pdf ATTACHMENT13_PL_ADR_4PoppyTrail_ZC22-51_SitePlan_Grading.pdf ATTACHMENT14_PL_ADR_4PoppyTrail_ZC22- 51_Alternate_Development_on_Barn_Pad.pdf 2613 City of Rolling Hills TITLE VICINITY MAP CASE NO. ZONING CASE NO. 22-51 Site Plan Review, Variance OWNER ARVIDSON ADDRESS 4 POPPY TRAIL, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 SITE 1,000’ Georgeff Rd 2714 *Text in red indicates changes from original proposal. REVISED DEVELOPMENT TABLE ZONING CASE NO. 22-51 (4 POPPY TRAIL) Site Plan Review and Variance PAD 1 (SF) Main Residence PAD 2 (SF) ADU PAD 3 (SF) Stable DIFFERENCE (+/-) TOTAL (SF) Uses RAS-2 Zone Setbacks Front: 50 ft. Side: 35 ft. Rear: 50 ft. Single family residence, garage, pool Meets all setbacks ADU ADU removed in revised plan Existing Stable No changes Pad Area/Net Lot Area 20,635 19,600 2,770 16,200 -1,035 (Pad 1) -3,805 (Pad 1&2) 277,335 Residence 7,290 7,290 Garage 1,100 1,100 Swimming Pool/Spa 540 540 Pool Equipment 50 50 ADU 850 -850 850 Stable (min. 450 SF) 3,330 3,330 Attached Covered Porches 985 150 150 -150 1,285 1,135 Attached Trellises 195 195 Lightwell 445 445 Service Yard 95 95 Total Structure Area 10,700 1,000 3,480 -1,000 15,180 14,180 Total Structural Coverage (20% max) 5.5% 5.1% Total Flatwork 17,400 % of Front Setback Covered (20% max) 13.2% Total Structural and Flatwork 32,580 31,580 Total Lot Coverage (35% maximum) 11.8% 11.4% Building Pad Coverage (Policy: 30% maximum) 51.9% 53.6% 36.1% 21.5% +1.7% (Pad 1) Disturbed Area (40% maximum; up to 60% with slopes less than 3:1) -53,105 -16.6% 109,995 64,100 39.7% 23.1% Grading 22,340 Cut / 19,534 Fill Export: 2,806 CY (export to excavate basement and pool exempt) -17,194 41,874 Total 24,680 Total 2815 2916 3017 3118 3219 3320 3421 3522 3623 3724 3825 3926 4027 4128 4229 1 John Signo From:Dave Long <> Sent:Tuesday, July 11, 2023 2:00 PM To:Planning Subject:Zoning case no. 22-51 Caution: External (   First-Time Sender Details      Report This Email  FAQ  Protection by INKY     Dear Planning Commission,    Our home is situated directly across proposed the site in Zoning case no. 22‐51.  We are adamantly opposed to any  construcƟon of a family residence that is so low in the canyon and so close to our property.  There are no other  residences (only stables) that are like what the Arvidson’s are proposing in the canyon, and it would permanently  destroy the rural ambiance we have enjoyed for twenty plus years living in this beauƟful community.  Our property and  our neighbors’ homes will be negaƟvely impacted by the construcƟon noise for an extended period of Ɵme, not to  menƟon the future noise associated with a new residence and swimming pool, so close to our properƟes.  Our property  values also would be adversely affected.  Again, we are adamantly opposed to this project.    Thank you for your consideraƟon.  David Long      4330 4 Poppy Trail Development TO: Rolling Hills Planning Commission, Mayor, City Council, City Attorney, RHCA, and Neighbors FROM: The Constant Family, 25 Georgeff Road DATE: July 18, 2023 RE: July 18, 2023 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Public Hearing Item 9.A. ZONING CASE NO. 22-51 I’m writing, in addition to commenting at today’s planning commission meeting, in case the Zoom technology does not work, as I’m traveling. I have had serious concerns about the development of 4 Poppy Trail since it was first announced several years ago. Historically, Georgeff Canyon, where 4 Poppy Trail is located, has seen land movement, accompanied by extensive litigation. As the Sunday, July 16, 2023 Daily Breeze article “Water appears likely culprit in landslide” states: “In 2005, a chunk of hillside in Rolling Hills fell 100 feet onto Poppy Trail, a curving street below. It blocked the road, leaving residents of eight mulDmillion-dollar homes stranded. It took years of lawsuits to straighten the situaDon out. In the meanDme, the homeowners had to use four-wheel drive vehicles to navigate the slide.” Of course, the Daily Breeze article’s main purpose is to place a historical perspective on the very recent Rolling Hills Estates Peartree Lane Landslide that is now international news. I’m sure many of us that live and work in Rolling Hills have received questions from friends and relatives around the world as to how close we are to that civic disaster along with a barrage of other detailed questions. It sure seems like the Ralph’s Fresh Faire has been a lot more crowded lately. There are four major issues with 4 Poppy Trial that I would like to address: 1. Extreme change of development plans indicates a lack of any plan. 2. Landslide 3. Easements 4. Variance First, the new proposal is an extreme change of plans from what was initially proposed. On first pass, the developer promised that the existing barn would not be demolished, in fact, it would be improved. As Rolling Hills is a noted equestrian community, this promise was taken in good faith, that the developer would leave the existing rural setting of the barn untouched and more importantly, gently improved. As our house at 25 Georgeff Road is directly above the existing 4431 barn, the annoyance of hearing workers pounding and shouting was alleviated by the eventual improvement. Now, the proposal is to demolish the barn and install a residence. This extreme change of plans is unacceptable, shocking, and really goes against the equestrian community’s important stature in keeping Rolling Hills’ valuable natural resource of trails, wildlife, and the like, alive. More importantly, extreme changes like this are evidence of a lack of any plan. Extreme changes, strike as desperate and not reasonably considered. As for the second and most important issue of Landslides, the new design is located on top of a historical slide that crosses my property at 25 Georgeff, my next door neighbor’s at 27 Georgeff, and 4 Poppy Trail. When I was doing due diligence in the purchase of my house, I brought out engineering, geologic, and survey teams to map the slide and to see about remediation. They came back with a report stating that more than simple “remedial grading” would be needed to stabilize the slide area. The extent of remediation would include the building of retaining walls, drains, cut and fill, curbs to channel water, caissons driven deep into the ground, re-landscaping, re-fencing, installing sprinklers, steps/paths for access, sewer lines, etc. Ultimately, the experts told me that while it could be done, it would be best to leave a natural feature, that may have been there for hundreds of thousands of years, alone, or to move with extreme caution. In addition, to “fix” the issue would require a ballet of negotiation between neighbors, city, county, engineers, attorneys, construction, and insurance companies. Most importantly, there would be no guarantees of success and as the law of unintended consequences must always be accounted: the fact that my house would be directly above the area’s construction zone, there could be further damages incurred, along with potential negligence issues on the existing geologically stable property and structures. All of the above factors have informed any decisions on the property as we plan for a potential stable, greenhouse, ADU, and pool. With our modus being “proceed with extreme caution and humility”. The new proposal goes against that mantra. The third issue, easements, relates directly to trail access, property access, canyon fire safety, and the like. As we all know, RHCA easements along all property lines are both legally, and neighborly sacrosanct in this community. The maze of easements that surrounds 4 Poppy Trail are a mix of fire access easements and RHCA property line easements. Easements, despite their root French, are anything but easy, legally. The development needs a legal analysis and land survey of how all property easement and access points are to be mapped out, before any planning decisions are made. 4532 Finally, the new plan includes a variance for lot line setbacks, etc. As this variance effects neighboring properties, along with RHCA easements, the variance that is asked for would be considered a Constitutional “taking” and therefore needs to be negotiated by all parties, not simply requested and approved by the planning commission. In no way should this letter be considered a final analysis of the 4 Poppy Trail development, and all legal rights and remedies past, present, and future are reserved by The Constant Family and The Constant Family Trust. In closing, I point all invested parties to the 1966 history of Palos Verdes “Time and the Terraced Land” (Howell North Books Page 126) by Augusta Fink. I highlight this quote to emphasize the foreseeability of disaster. Describing the formation of the Palos Verdes Corporation, Augusta writes: “A complex of carefully planned streets was constructed off the horseshoe- shaped road that served the Vanderlip estate, and 1100 acres of land were opened for homes. A community associaDon was formed to insure the quality of the development and the fashionable Portuguese Bend Club became the nucleus for the new community. “It was to this community that disaster came in 1956, The landslide which occurred that summer destroyed the club and about one hundred homes. Residents had pracDcally no warning. On August 29th, a water line ruptured. Service crews determined an offset of several inches in the pipe line. Then, within a maRer of days, houses started to shiS. “When told to evacuate their homes, residents couldn’t or wouldn’t believe it. Great, gaping crevices opened up in living areas and secDons of ceiling fell. Many residents had to be rescued in the middle of the night. Those who were determined to sDck it out lost everything. “The property involved, about 225 acres, covers a porDon of an ancient slide mass, which was know to geologists for many years. In the early 1950s, the Los Angeles County Road Department began construcDon of Crenshaw Boulevard, from Pacific Coast Highway, across the Palos Verdes Hills to Palos 4633 Verdes Drive South. Construc+on work crossed the slide mass, then dormant.” Bolded emphasis, mine. Proceed with extreme caution and humility. The Constant Family looks forward to any further challenges presented. Sincerely, Nikos Constant, Esq. 25 Georgeff Road 213-215-5960 4734 1 John Signo From:John Lacey <> Sent:Tuesday, September 12, 2023 11:28 AM To:Planning Cc:Kathleen Lacey; Roopa Reddy; Allan Stratford Subject:4 Poppy Trail Caution: External (   First-Time Sender Details       Report This Email  FAQ  Protection by INKY     Planning Commission,    We am sorry that we are unable to aƩend the meeƟng this evening due to a prior commitment.  We have previously  expressed our concern about the locaƟon of the proposed structure and the amount of soil to be moved for this  project.  As you know, a land slide that occurred on this slope caused great harm to us and we do not want the proposed  project to put us at risk of having this happen again. We understand that the proposed project is a large, 7,200 square  foot, house to be built by a developer for sale.  We understand that the amount of soil to be moved has been reduced,  but we believe that the size of the project could be reduced and so it could be constructed on the exisƟng pad where  there is currently a barn.  This change may reduce the potenƟal profit on the project, but we believe that it would  reduce the risk of another land slide on our street.  We never want to live through another year like the one we endured  during the Ɵme that our road was buried by the land slide. It put our family, including our three children, at physical risk  due to lack of emergency services, it was arduous, and expensive.  We implore you not put us at risk of such an event  again.    John & Kathleen Lacey    4835 1 John Signo From:Dave Long <> Sent:Monday, September 11, 2023 9:57 AM To:John Signo Subject:RE: Planning Commission Agendas for Tuesday, March 21, 2023 External (d )       Report This Email  FAQ  Protection by INKY     Thanks John,    I will be there at 6:30 pm.  A number of Chuckwagon Road residents are very unhappy about the proposed  construction.  Not sure how many will be there tomorrow. I also spoke with John Lacey who is very unhappy about it too  but unable to attend tomorrow’s meeting.     Thanks, Dave Long      DBL Associates  1334 Park View Avenue, Suite 100  Manhattan Beach, CA  90266   (office)   (home office)    From: John Signo <>   Sent: Monday, September 11, 2023 9:40 AM  Subject: Planning Commission Agendas for Tuesday, March 21, 2023    Good morning. This email is being sent to you because of your involvement with the project at 4 Poppy Trail. Attached are the Planning Commission agendas for Tuesday, September 12, 2023. The agendas and complete packet are on the City’s website: https://www.rolling- The evening meeting will be in-person at City Hall starting at 6:30 p.m.   Let me know if you have any questions. Regards,   John F. Signo, AICP  Director of Planning and Community Services    4936 2         CITY OF ROLLING HILLS – CITY HALL          2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills CA 90274          O: 310.377.1521    5037 1 John Signo From:sharon minkes <> Sent:Monday, September 11, 2023 5:33 PM To:John Signo Subject:Re: Follow Up Flag:Flag for follow up Flag Status:Flagged External ()       Report This Email  FAQ  Protection by INKY     Hi John , As  brought up by another resident, the lights in the canyon , as they come and go, will be directly in our  bedroom and master bath windows. This I find very disturbing ! Thanks for your time. Sharon     On Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 2:11 PM John Signo <> wrote:  Hi Sharon,     Thank you for your email. Yes, properties within 1,000 feet of the subject property were mailed notices of the public  hearing, including those on Georgeff Road and Reata Lane. The applicant has met with abutting property owners about  the project.     Your concerns will be shared with the Planning Commission and we hope you can make it to the meeting.     Regards,     John F. Signo, AICP  Director of Planning and Community Services    City of Rolling Hills  2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills CA 90274  310.377.1521  5138 2     From: sharon minkes <>   Sent: Monday, September 11, 2023 10:50 AM  To: John Signo <>  Subject:         Hi John, my name is Sharon Minkes, we live directly across the canyon from the proposed # 4 Poppy Trail building.  My  husband had the buyer over a few years ago, to show him how, this plans , would disrupt the beautiful of our  canyons.  My husband asked if he was planning on living there, and he had no answer.  I am just checking to see if the  houses directly above are aware of the proposed building, and digging.  This is right next to the horrific land slide that  closed Poppy Trail to be closed  for 2 years.  This land is not stable enough for digging a huge pad.  We have already  watch the compaction of # 2 and 3 poppy trail, for 2 years.  We will try to be at the meeting but if not please express  our concerns . Thank you, Sharon And Mark Minkes    5239 4 Poppy Trail Development TO: Rolling Hills Planning Commission, Mayor, City Council, City Attorney, RHCA, and Neighbors FROM: The Constant Family, 25 Georgeff Road DATE: September 12, 2023 RE: September 12, 2023 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Public Hearing Item 9.A. ZONING CASE NO. 22-51 I’m writing, in addition to commenting at today’s planning commission meeting, regarding the following concerns and misreading of the CEQA exemption. These comments are in addition to the previous correspondence I have had with the City of Rolling Hills, Developer, and Project Engineers, both in-person, via ZOOM, and via email. I have had serious concerns about the development of 4 Poppy Trail since it was first announced several years ago. Historically, Georgeff Canyon, where 4 Poppy Trail is located, has seen land movement, accompanied by extensive litigation. Today’s Planning Commission Meeting in regards to approving a CEQA exemption for the project is hasty, ill advised, and in direct violation of CEQA. While recent litigation over CEQA, as concerns landslides, has favored developers, the current fact pattern, of an existing landslide, known by developer, engineers, and reported to City of Rolling Hills, and neighboring properties, triggers the location exception under CEQA of “unusual circumstances”. 4 Poppy Trail is not a “potential landslide” under the Berkley Hills Watershed Coalition v. City of Berkley ruling. In fact, several lot line adjustments were made by City of Rolling Hills, to accommodate slide issues from previous active slides that were subject to litigation. The Constant Family is opposed to the project and moving forward with the CEQA exemption approval. This letter, in no way, limits any past, present, or future litigation, rights, or remedies under CEQA or any environmental or safety regulations under State or Federal law. I look forward to any future challenges presented. Sincerely, Nikos Constant, Esq. 25 Georgeff Road 5340 From: Gregory Becker <> Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 4:13 PM To: John Signo <> Cc: Subject: 4 Poppy Trail Good afternoon, John, Dave Long brought tonight’s hearing to my attention. I thought the sticks in the canyon were for a hillside barn associated with Reata Lane properties, not a 7,000 sq ft house in a canyon. In briefly reviewing the agenda pdf, which I have attached, I have several concerns which I do not believe can be properly addressed in such a short period of time. As such, it is my hope that no decision will be rendered tonight so that our neighborhood better understands what is being considered. At first glance, if the long, wide and windy driveway that is proposed is built, what impact will it have on the ambiance of the rustic setting? Will lights be shining up and down the canyons after sunset? Will the driveway meet the fire code standards? I understand that these strict standards require extremely wide driveways in order to accommodate emergency service vehicles and their turn around space. With the slope and curves, I presume the width will have to be greater than the minimum standards. The turn around space in and of itself will need to be a large footprint. Probably substantially larger than the area silhouetted by the sticks. Will there be grading and drainage engineered into the driveway to protect against erosion and land disturbance? Will utilities be brough underground or will power lines be installed in this “high fire zone?” You may not be aware that the wind blows up the canyons between Chuckwagon, Bowie and Reata Lane and strengthens as the ravines tighten. All it takes is one dry and windy Santa Ana coupled with a sparking muffler or a downed power line to exacerbate what could be a dangerous fire condition. With the importance of the issues and the clear possibility of the lack of neighborhood understanding, I believe further inquiry is warranted before approving the project. The Law Office of Gregory I. Becker A Professional Corporation 1711 Via El Prado, Suite 103 B Redondo Beach, CA 90277 WILLS * TRUSTS * PROBATE LAW Office Phone Office Fax Schedule a Meeting Questionnaire: 5441 1 John Signo From:Gregory Becker <> Sent:Thursday, September 14, 2023 3:40 PM To:John Signo; Kathryn Bishop Subject:RE: 4 Poppy Trail Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged External (       Report This Email  FAQ  Protection by INKY     Hi John,    My concern is the lights from cars that enter the canyon and shine on the backs of the houses and into their living  spaces.        The Law Office of Gregory I. Becker A Professional Corporation 1711 Via El Prado, Suite 103 B Redondo Beach, CA 90277 WILLS * TRUSTS * PROBATE LAW (310) 543-1126 Office Phone (310) 543-1130 Office Fax Schedule a Meeting Questionnaire:   This e-mail may be privileged and confidential attorney-client communication and is intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering this e-mail to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail message in error, please delete it from your system without copying it, and immediately notify the sender by replying to this message or by telephone. This email is not intended, nor shall it be deemed, unless otherwise expressly provided in writing, to (1) constitute or provide legal advice or counsel or create an attorney-client relationship with the firm or me, unless the recipient already has an attorney-client relationship with the firm or me; or (2) contain my electronic signature (the typewritten signature included in this e-mail is not an “electronic signature” within the meaning of Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (or any other law of similar import, including and without limitation, the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, as the same may be enacted in any 5542 2 state). Statements made in this e-mail are not binding unless and until mutually satisfactory agreements memorializing the subject matter of the transmission are executed by hand and are exchanged between the parties to the agreement. Although this e-mail (including attachments) is believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might negatively affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free, and no responsibility is accepted by the sender for any loss or damage arising in any way in the event that such a virus or defect exists. ________________________________________________________ IRS Circular 230 disclosure: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that any tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) was not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.   From: John Signo <>   Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2023 3:30 PM  To: Gregory Becker <>; Kathryn Bishop <>  Subject: RE: 4 Poppy Trail    Hi Gregory,    The City’s lighƟng requirements are found in RHMC SecƟon 17.16.190.E found here:  hƩps:// 90ADREDEST    Best,    John F. Signo, AICP Director of Planning and Community Services City of Rolling Hills 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills CA 90274 310.377.1521   From: Gregory Becker <>   Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2023 10:30 AM  To: Kathryn Bishop <>  Cc: John Signo <>  Subject: RE: 4 Poppy Trail      Thanks Kathryn.    The Law Office of Gregory I. Becker A Professional Corporation 1711 Via El Prado, Suite 103 B Redondo Beach, CA 90277 WILLS * TRUSTS * PROBATE LAW (310) 543-1126 Office Phone (310) 543-1130 Office Fax Schedule a Meeting Questionnaire: 5643 3   This e-mail may be privileged and confidential attorney-client communication and is intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering this e-mail to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail message in error, please delete it from your system without copying it, and immediately notify the sender by replying to this message or by telephone. This email is not intended, nor shall it be deemed, unless otherwise expressly provided in writing, to (1) constitute or provide legal advice or counsel or create an attorney-client relationship with the firm or me, unless the recipient already has an attorney-client relationship with the firm or me; or (2) contain my electronic signature (the typewritten signature included in this e-mail is not an “electronic signature” within the meaning of Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (or any other law of similar import, including and without limitation, the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, as the same may be enacted in any state). Statements made in this e-mail are not binding unless and until mutually satisfactory agreements memorializing the subject matter of the transmission are executed by hand and are exchanged between the parties to the agreement. Although this e-mail (including attachments) is believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might negatively affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free, and no responsibility is accepted by the sender for any loss or damage arising in any way in the event that such a virus or defect exists. ________________________________________________________ IRS Circular 230 disclosure: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that any tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) was not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.   From: Kathryn Bishop <>   Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2023 10:29 AM  To: Gregory Becker <>  Cc: John Signo <>  Subject: RE: 4 Poppy Trail    I think there may be some confusion and I am looping in John from the city.     The RHCA does review lighƟng plans for the locaƟons and fixture design on a property to make sure it complies with  RHCA Building RegulaƟons, aƩached. While we have specific regulaƟons on lighƟng on structures and garden lighƟng, I  have never dealt with vehicle lighƟng impact on adjoining properƟes and wonder if this is something addressed in the  City’s lighƟng ordinance. John can you help clarify this?    Kathryn Bishop, Architectural Inspector   Rolling Hills Community Association   1 Portuguese Bend Road   Rolling Hills, CA 90274   310-544-6222     From: Gregory Becker <>   Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2023 9:55 AM  To: Kathryn Bishop <>  Subject: RE: 4 Poppy Trail      During the meeƟng commissioner Kirkpatrick menƟoned that the HOA would deal with the lighƟng issue that I raised.  I  heard nothing about hedges or a deed restricƟon requiring growth and permiƫng entry to enforce the restricƟon.    5744 4 Again, my concern is cars driving up the driveway shine lights up at the houses along the canyon.  I would like to think  that with aƩenƟon to this issue early on, something can be done to prevent or address this issue.    The Law Office of Gregory I. Becker A Professional Corporation 1711 Via El Prado, Suite 103 B Redondo Beach, CA 90277 WILLS * TRUSTS * PROBATE LAW (310) 543-1126 Office Phone (310) 543-1130 Office Fax Schedule a Meeting Questionnaire:   This e-mail may be privileged and confidential attorney-client communication and is intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering this e-mail to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail message in error, please delete it from your system without copying it, and immediately notify the sender by replying to this message or by telephone. This email is not intended, nor shall it be deemed, unless otherwise expressly provided in writing, to (1) constitute or provide legal advice or counsel or create an attorney-client relationship with the firm or me, unless the recipient already has an attorney-client relationship with the firm or me; or (2) contain my electronic signature (the typewritten signature included in this e-mail is not an “electronic signature” within the meaning of Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (or any other law of similar import, including and without limitation, the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, as the same may be enacted in any state). Statements made in this e-mail are not binding unless and until mutually satisfactory agreements memorializing the subject matter of the transmission are executed by hand and are exchanged between the parties to the agreement. Although this e-mail (including attachments) is believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might negatively affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free, and no responsibility is accepted by the sender for any loss or damage arising in any way in the event that such a virus or defect exists. ________________________________________________________ IRS Circular 230 disclosure: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that any tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) was not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.   From: Kathryn Bishop <>   Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2023 9:21 AM  To: Gregory Becker <>  Subject: RE: 4 Poppy Trail    Good morning Greg‐   Your concern should be addressed by the City because access is mainly a city issue. Was there any condiƟon, like  requiring hedging or trees block the vehicle lights, included in the resoluƟon of approval?     If plans were unanimously approved by the Commission, the applicant can submit for RHCA approval. We review plans  for aestheƟcs of the structures.   Thanks!  5845 5   Kathryn Bishop, Architectural Inspector   Rolling Hills Community Association   1 Portuguese Bend Road   Rolling Hills, CA 90274   310-544-6222     From: Gregory Becker <>   Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2023 9:00 AM  To: Kathryn Bishop <>  Subject: 4 Poppy Trail      Hi Kathryn,    I was at the 4 Poppy Trail planning commission meeƟng.  It was approved.  It now goes to HOA and City Council. Which  goes first?    My concern is the lights from cars driving up and down the driveway at night.      The Law Office of Gregory I. Becker A Professional Corporation 1711 Via El Prado, Suite 103 B Redondo Beach, CA 90277 WILLS * TRUSTS * PROBATE LAW (310) 543-1126 Office Phone (310) 543-1130 Office Fax Schedule a Meeting Questionnaire:   This e-mail may be privileged and confidential attorney-client communication and is intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering this e-mail to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail message in error, please delete it from your system without copying it, and immediately notify the sender by replying to this message or by telephone. This email is not intended, nor shall it be deemed, unless otherwise expressly provided in writing, to (1) constitute or provide legal advice or counsel or create an attorney-client relationship with the firm or me, unless the recipient already has an attorney-client relationship with the firm or me; or (2) contain my electronic signature (the typewritten signature included in this e-mail is not an “electronic signature” within the meaning of Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (or any other law of similar import, including and without limitation, the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, as the same may be enacted in any state). Statements made in this e-mail are not binding unless and until mutually satisfactory agreements memorializing the subject matter of the transmission are executed by hand and are exchanged between the parties to the agreement. 5946 6 Although this e-mail (including attachments) is believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might negatively affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free, and no responsibility is accepted by the sender for any loss or damage arising in any way in the event that such a virus or defect exists. ________________________________________________________ IRS Circular 230 disclosure: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that any tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) was not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.   6047 9/1/2023 10:51 AMARVIDSON RESIDENCE4 POPPY TRAIL LANE, CALIFORNIA1.1 ARVIDSON RESIDENCE 4 POPPY TRAIL LANE , CALIFORNIA 6148 MAIN FLOOR PLAN 18" 1'-0" DN DNDNDNUPUPMASTER BEDROOM MASTER BATHROOM DRESSING BEDROOM-3 BEDROOM-2 BEDROOM-1 BATH-1 BATH-2CLO.1 CLO.2 CLO. AREA CALCULATION: RESIDENCE : 6928 S4.FT. GARAGE : 1162 S4.FT. COVERED PORCH DINING LIVING ENTRY GARAGE F.P.KITCHEN TRASH GALLERY CLO. ELEV.F.P.PDR.DNCLO.FOOD BUTLER POOL BATHF.P.BENCHDEN BATH-3 GREAT ROOM T.V.UPBENCHDN2 E4. R#5" EA.FRZ.REF.O.UPDN FF 892.54' FF 891.00' FF 894.49' FF 893.66' FF 892.25' FF 892.41' FF 892.54' FF 893.79' FF 893.54' FF 892.54' FF 894.20' FF 892.54' FF 892.54'FF 892.54' FF 893.37' FF 892.54' FF 895.45'DNLIN. 12" LOW PLANTER WALLS POTENTIAL DOORSTORAGESTORAGESTORAGE ENTRY PORCH XS LIGHTWELLLIGHTWELLLIGHTWELLLIGHTWELL8'-91 2"27'-0"5'-7"14'-1"5'-0"2'-8" 14'-8"35'-0"25'-1"52'-81 2"25'-1"6'-6"13'-6"21'-10"19'-1"13'-8"16'-11"20'-6"3'-612"7'-101 2"15'-6"23'-4116"16'-6"19'-7"5'-6"14'-4"5'-31 8" 25'-1"49'-8" 165'-8"115'-612"165'-81 8"94'-10"3'-0"16'-8"8'-11 2"9/1/2023 10:51 AMARVIDSON RESIDENCE4 POPPY TRAIL LANE, CALIFORNIA2.1 JOB NOR T H 6249 ELEV.UPBEDROOM-8BATH-8 PDR. STORAGE UNDER STAIR LOUNGE THEATER WINE MECH 2 BEDROOM-7 LAUNDRY CHUTE WD BAR CLO.STO. CRAFT ROOM XS BASEMENT PLAN LIGHTWELLBEDROOM-6 BEDROOM-5 CLO.CLO. CLO. CLO. DNDN MECH 1 STO. STO. EXERCISE SPA JACUZZI WET SAUNADRY SAUNA TREATMENT ROOM BATH-7 BATH-6 BATH-5 BATH-4LIGHTWELL BILLIARD OPTIONAL STAIRSTO POOLSCREENCONCEALED DOOR FIRE ACCESSPATH ABOVEOPTIONAL DOOR TO POOL LIGHTWELLFIRE ACCESSPATH ABOVEFIRE ACCESSPATH ABOVELIGHTWELLLIGHTWELLLIGHTWELLSITE PLANTERSITE PLANTERSITE PLANTERFIRE ACCESSPATH ABOVESITE PLANTER18" 1'-0"9/1/2023 10:51 AMARVIDSON RESIDENCE4 POPPY TRAIL LANE, CALIFORNIA2.2 JOB NOR T H 6350 CHIMNEYVALLEYGABLE RIDGEGABLE VALLEYRIDGERIDGE PITCH BREAK PITCH BREAK2:122:12GABLE VALLEYRIDGEGABLEVALLEYV A L L E Y GABLERIDGE GABLEVALLEY5:125:12 WALL BETWEEN ROOFS 10'-6" PL 10'-6" PL 8'-6" PL 8'-6" PL 8'-6" PL 10'-3" PL 9'-6" PL 12'-4" PL 10'-6" PL 8'-6" PL 8'-6"PL8'-6"PL8'-11"PL8'-7"PL8'-6" PL PITCH STANDING SEAM COPPER ROOF BREAK STANDING SEAM COPPER ROOF CUPOLA CHIMNEY4:12 CUPOLA TRELLIS CHIMNEY5:125:125:125:125:125:125:125:12 5:12 5:12 5:12 5:12 5:12 5:12 5:125:12 5:12 RIDGE RIDGE 908.42 907.46 909.50909.50914.83RIDGE908.82909.17910.25RIDGE 907.92 5:125:121'-6" TYP. 3'-0" TYP. 3'-0" 2'-0"3'-0"2'-6"3'-0" ROOF PLAN 18" 1'-0"9/1/2023 10:51 AMARVIDSON RESIDENCE4 POPPY TRAIL LANE, CALIFORNIA3.1 JOB NOR T H 6451 8'-6"PL @BEDROOM-1 FF 893.54 8'-6"PL @GARAGE SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" FF 895.45 F.G.8'-6"PL @GALLERY FF 893.79 FF 892.54 10'-6"PL @KITCHEN FF 893.66 9'-10"PL @ENTRY FF 893.79 N S N S 1X4 VERTICAL SIDING 14'-11"RIDGE 907.46 RIDGE 908.42 13'-9"RIDGE 909.50 15'-9"21'-3"RIDGE 914.83 15'-2"RIDGE 908.82 15'-9"FG 894.50 RIDGE 910.25 STONE VENEER BASE GABLE VENT (TYP.) TRUSS PER DET. CUPOLA GARAGE O/H DOOR PER DET. FF 892.54 10'-3"FG 891.00 PL @ MAST NORTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" STEPS TO PATIOF.G. CHIMNEY 10'-6"PL @GREAT RM 8'-6"FF 893.54 PL @GARAGE S 9'-6"PL @ PORCH PL @ MAST. BATH 12'-4"PL @DEN N CUPOLA N 11'-9"S 13'-11"FG 893.40 RIDGE 907.46 FG 891.00 18'-6"RIDGE 909.50 17'-5"RIDGE 908.42 23'-10"RIDGE 914.83 18'-2"RIDGE 909.17 CLASS "A" SHINGLE ROOF 1X8 HORIZONTAL SIDING BUILT-UP POST (TYP.) EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"10'-6"STONE VENEER 10'-3"FF 892.54 PL @DEN PL @MAST &PORCH FF 891.00 FG 894.508'-6"PL @BEDROOM-1 FF 895.45 FG 893.548'-6"PL @GARAGE 13'-9"RIDGE 907.46 RIDGE 908.42 20'-5"RIDGE 914.83 15'-9"RIDGE 910.25 15'-9"RIDGE 909.50 18'-2"RIDGE 909.174'-9"4'-2"7'-0"1'-7"14'-11"TRELLIS PER PLAN CLASS "A" SHINGLE ROOF :EST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" FF 892.5410'-3"FG 891.00 FF 895.45 PL @MAST PL @BEDROOM-1 8'-6"PL @ BED 2 8'-11"PL @ MAST. BATH PL @ BED 3 PL @ DRESSING 8'-6"8'-6"FF 894.209'-4"FF 893.3718'-2"RIDGE 909.17 23'-10"RIDGE 914.83 16'-11"FG 894.50 RIDGE 910.25 14'-11"FG 893.00 RIDGE 907.92 1X8 HORIZONTAL SIDING COPPER SEAM ROOF PER DET. GABLE VENT (TYP.)9/1/2023 10:51 AMARVIDSON RESIDENCE4 POPPY TRAIL LANE, CALIFORNIA4.1 6552 7567-014-0107567-001-0177567-001-0167567-001-0187567-001-0137567-006-0277567-006-0287567-006-0267567-014-0287567-014-0277567-015-0077567-014-0261ID No.Address/APN2345679101181213141516171819202122237567-001-008#2 POPPY TRAIL#7 POPPY TRAIL#3 POPPY TRAIL#38 CHUCKWAGON#9 REATA LANE#0 POPPY TRAIL#1 POPPY TRAIL7567-006-024#44 CHUCKWAGON7567-006-025VACANT LAND#40 CHUCKWAGON#36 CHUCKWAGON7567-014-025#8 REATA LANE#7 REATA LANE#5 REATA LANE#3 REATA LANE7567-014-024#6 REATA LANE7567-014-023#2 REATA LANE7567-014-022#23 GEORGEFF ROAD#22 GEORGEFF ROAD7567-014-021#25 GEORGEFF ROAD7567-014-018#24 GEORGEFF ROAD7567-014-012#26 GEORGEFF ROAD7567-014-019#27 GEORGEFF ROAD247567-014-013VACANT LAND25267569-007-00224 PORTUGUESE BEND RD7569-007-00326 PORTUGUESE BEND RD277567-014-017VACANT LOTID No.Address/APNN72°45'18"W89.84'S35°24'10"W106.06'N17°35'20"W204.11'34.79'S22°47'47"E96.86'S21°36'25"E183.79'S42°09'50"W430.68'S22°47'47"E129.97'N64°57'08"W249.73'N17°35'20"W660.00'S84°11'15"E174.38'N41°05'00"E98.40'S79°11'45"E86.33'N17°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° 12' 28"W84.80'S42° 07' 10"W56.00'L=138.68',R=102.49'Δ=77°31'30"L =6 2 .3 9 ',R =10 0.0 0'Δ =3 5 °4 4 '4 9 "L=4 2 .2 1',R =8 0 .0 0 'Δ =3 0 °1 3 '5 0 "N84° 49' 55"E42.93'L=42.21',R=80.00'Δ=30°13'51"N42° 07' 10"E103.60'S22° 50' 27"E159.94'S74° 48' 32"W74.26'S16° 14' 05"E84.84'S47° 05' 10"E70.86'L=80.61',R=30.00'Δ=153°57'40"L=17.24 ',R=30.00'Δ=32°55'06"N16° 14' 05"W99.54'N33° 38' 35"W108.12'N80° 51' 24"W38.48'N57° 03' 32"W51.79'30306030FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY ENGINEERING CORP.C0.04 POPPY TRAILROLLING HILLS, CA 90274INDEX OF SHEETS:OVERALL SITE PLANSCALE: 1" = 30'VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 500'VICINITY MAP ADDRESSESLEGENDACRONYMSPARCEL 1PARCEL 3PARCEL 4PARCEL 4PARCEL 5 PARCEL 6 LEGAL DESCRIPTIONC0.0OVERALL SITE PLANC0.1EXISTING SITE CONDITIONSC1.0PROPOSED SITE PLANC1.1SECTIONSC1.2SECTIONS (cont'd)C2.0CIVIL DETAILSCMCOLOR SITE MAPCNCUT FILL COLOR MAPGARAGERESIDENCE 450' 620' 650' 650' 425' 655' Pool in Front YardSoil Export6653 LOT 21 TRACT 19040PORTION OF LOT 22TRACT 19040PORTION OF LOTS 9, 17AND 22 TRACT 19040AND PORTION OF LOT 34LACA MAP 51PORTION OF LOT 9 AND LOT 17 TRACT 19040POPPY TRIALPOPPY TRIALPORTION LOT 191L.A.C.A. MAP No. 51LOT 20 TRACT 19040LOT 18 TRACT 1904055'50.000 60.000 100.000DIRTDIRT DIRTDIRT10006787.3310027960.97POOLASPHASPHBRUSHBRUSHBRUSHDIRT799.6882.3784.6783.8784.4956.8956.2956.5957.4957.4957.3956.8BRUSHDIRTDIRTBRUSH785.9785.2785.9785.9799.0799.1892.3891.6DIRTDIRT909.8790.2784.5784.2783.1784.8784.5785.7803.6801.4803.8805.3799.9ASPH788.6DIRTBRUSH881.9881.9814.1816.3ASPHBRUSHBRUSHDIRTASPH847.2BRUSH957.3956.8ASPH914.5877.110006787.3389591091592090590091592091088087587086586085585084584083583088589082081581080580079579082580583082081581080079582589588589086587088086087584083584585085590090588589088089587087586586083084083584585085582082581588088587087586586084084585085589089590590089589088588087587086586084585085584084588588087587086586089089590090591091592094093593092594595095583083582082585085584084588588087587086586089089590090591091592094093593092594595095596080581081583083582082585085584084588588087587086586080581088580079580581081583083582082585085584084588087587086586086585586087084581081582584083583087585086585586087082079079580079579078077577076576078077577076578077577078077578578578578580079079580578578079078578579079580079580581079580080079580581081580082081081581081581582082583088588087589089590089089590090582583083584084585082085586087087588086588582081584082583083581088087586587082583083584084585085586088589091592092590589090089591088087587088596597097598010159859909951010100510009309359259659809709759459409559509608908959009059109159209259409359309459509559609258908858959008308358258508558408458808758708658609109059159208359009059109158908858958508558408458808758708658609209259309359009059109158908858958808758708658658558508358408458608258308508558358408458608308658708908958808758858508558408458608658708908959009059109159209258808758858508558608658708658558608758808858908558708658608908959009059109159208808758858658608708758658608708558808858758708708658858909459509559209259309359409951000100596597098599094595095593093594096097598099010251030965970955975960980100099598510201015100510409809859909951000100510101015102010251030103597096596097597598599099510001005960970965980975100510109901000995980940935930945950955940945950950925955945940935930920920925930900905910915890895885880930S79° 12' 28"W84.80'S42° 07' 10"W56.00'PARCEL 2EASEMENTPER TITLEREPORTPARCEL 6EASEMENTPER TITLEREPORTPARCEL 4EASEMENTPER TITLEREPORTPARCEL 4EASEMENTPER TITLEREPORTL=138.68',R=102.49'Δ=77°31'30"L =6 2 .3 9 ',R =10 0.0 0 'Δ =3 5 °4 4 '4 9 "L=4 2.21',R =8 0 .0 0 'Δ =3 0 °1 3 '5 0 "N84° 49' 55"E42.93'L=42.21',R=80.00'Δ=30°13'51"N42° 07' 10"E103.60'S22° 50' 27"E159.94'S74° 48' 32"W74.26'S16° 14' 05"E84.84'S47° 05' 10"E70.86'L=80.61',R=30.00'Δ=153°57'40"L=17.24',R=30.00'Δ=32°55'06"N16° 14' 05"W99.54'N33° 38' 35"W108.12'N80° 51' 24"W38.48'N57° 03' 32"W51.79'30306030FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY ENGINEERING CORP. C0.1EXISTING SITE CONDITIONSSCALE: 1" = 30'LEGENDACRONYMSPARCEL 3PARCEL 4PARCEL 4PARCEL 5 PARCEL 6 AI NROFILACFOETAT SLS 8958EXP 9/30/24LICE N S EDLANDSURVEYORB R IANG.ON'EILL6754 N72°45'18"W89.84'S35°24'10"W106.06'N17°35'20"W204.11'34.79'S22°47'47"E96.86'S21°36'25"E183.79'S42°09'50"W430.68'S22°47'47"E129.97'TRACT 19040NOT A PARTN64°57'08"W249.73'N17°35'20"W660.00'N41°05'00"E98.40'S79°11'45"E86.33'N17°35'20"W50.000 60.000 100.000DIRT DIRTDIRT10006787.3310027960.97ASPH784.6783.8784.4956.8956.2956.5957.4957.4957.3956.8785.9785.9790.2784.5784.2783.1784.8785.7803.6801.4805.3ASPH788.6DIRT814.1816.3ASPHDIRTASPH847.2957.3956.8ASPH10006787.33805830820815810800795825835830835820825815885880830835820825850855840845885880875870865860890895900905910915920940935930925945805810815830835820825850855840845885880875870865860805810885800795805810815830835820825850855840845880875870865860795790780775770780775785800790795805785780790785785790795800795805810795800800795805810815800820810815810815815820825830825830835840845850820855860820815840825830835810825830835840845850855985990995930935925965980970975945940955950960890895900905910915920925940935930945950925890885895900830835825850855840845880875870865860910905915920835900905910915890885895850855840845880875870865860920925930935900905910915890885895880875870865865855850835840845860825830850855835840845860830865870880875885850855840845860865870880875850855860865870865855860875880885890855870865860955960970965960975960970965980975980940935930945950955940945950950925955945940935930920920925930900905910915890895885880S79° 12' 28"W84.80'S42° 07' 10"W56.00'L=138.68',R=102.49'Δ=77°31'30"L =6 2 .3 9 ',R =10 0 .0 0 'Δ =3 5 °4 4 '4 9 "L =4 2 .2 1',R =8 0 .0 0 'Δ =3 0 °1 3 '5 0 "N84° 49' 55"E42.93'L=42.21',R=80.00'Δ=30°13'51"N42° 07' 10"E103.60'S22° 50' 27"E159.94'S74° 48' 32"W74.26'S16° 14' 05"E84.84'N16° 14' 05"W99.54'N33° 38' 35"W108.12'20204020FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY ENGINEERING CORP. C1.0PROPOSED SITE CONDITIONSSCALE: 1" = 20'LEGENDACRONYMSTYP. RETAINING WALL1TYP. RETAINING WALL2TYP. RETAINING WALL31122333GARAGEWALL HEIGHT COMPUTATIONRESIDENCEWALL AWALL BWALL CWALL EWALL EWALL GWALL GWA L L AWALL EWALL AEARTHWORK ESTIMATE1WALL F6855 SECTIONS LEGENDFOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY ENGINEERING CORP. C1.1SECTION A-ASCALE: 1" = 10'SECTION B-BSCALE: 1" = 10'SECTION C-CSCALE: 1" = 10'6956 SECTIONS LEGENDFOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY ENGINEERING CORP. C1.2SECTION D-DSCALE: 1" = 10'DRIVEWAY PROFILESCALE: 1" = 30'7057 FTBSV CONFIGURATION(OPTIONS: BASIN "-B", GREEN INFR. INLET "-I", PIPE INLET "-P", SLOTTED THROAT INLET "-T")MEDIABAY SIZEVAULT SIZE(L x W)LONG SIDE INLETDESIGNATIONSHORT SIDE INLETDESIGNATIONAVAILABILITYOUTLETPIPE DIAMIN. NO. OF INLETPIPES (-P ONLY)4 x 44 x 4FTBSV0404FTBSV0404ALL4" SDR 3516 x 46 x 4FTBSV0604FTBSV0406N/A CA4" SDR 3516.5 x 46.5 x 4FTBSV06504FTBSV04065CA ONLY4" SDR 3517.83 x 4.57.83 x 4.5FTBSV078045FTBSV045078DE,MD,NJ,PA,VA.WVONLY4" SDR 3518 x 48 x 4FTBSV0804FTBSV0408N/ADE,MD,NJ,PA,VA,WV4" SDR 3516 x 66 x 6FTBSV0606FTBSV0606ALL4" SDR 3518 x 68 x 6FTBSV0806FTBSV0608ALL4" SDR 35110 x 610 x 6FTBSV1006FTBSV0610ALL6" SDR 35212 x 612 x 6FTBSV1206FTBSV0612ALL6" SDR 35213 x 713 x 7FTBSV1307FTBSV0713ALL6" SDR 35214 x 814 x 8FTBSV1408†N/AALL6" SDR 35316 x 816 x 8FTBSV1608†N/AN/A OR,WA6" SDR 35315 x 915 x 9FTBSV1509†N/AOR,WA ONLY6" SDR 35318 x 818 x 8FTBSV1808†N/ACALL CONTECH6" SDR 35320 x 820 x 8FTBSV2008†N/ACALL CONTECH6" SDR 35422 x 822 x 8FTBSV2208†N/ACALL CONTECH6" SDR 354†UTILIZES (2) CURB OPENINGS WITH MIN 1' SPACINGN/A = NOT AVAILABLESDR 35 OUTLET COUPLING CASTINTO PRECAST VAULT WALL(OUTLET PIPE LOCATION MAY VARY)* * *CURB AND GUTTER(NOT BY CONTECH)SEE FILTERRA BIOSCAPE VAULT CURBINLET DETAIL SHEET18" GI INLET (CAST-IN)ENERGY DISSIPATION ROCKSPLANT PROVIDED BY CONTECHSECTION A-AGREEN INFRASTRUCTURE INLET - TOP FLUSH WITH TOP OFCURB, NOT INTENDED FOR SIDEWALK APPLICATIONSPLAN VIEWSHORT SIDE INLET4' CURB INLET (MAX)REFER TO OTHERDETAILS FORALTERNATE INLETSINLET SHAPING(NOT BY CONTECH)CURB(NOT BY CONTECH)UNDERDRAIN FLOWKITTYPE A2-8 (Modified)MOW CURBTYPE A1-6 (Modified)FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY ENGINEERING CORP. C2.07158 N72°45'18"W89.84'S35°24'10"W106.06'N17°35'20"W204.11'34.79'S22°47'47"E96.86'S21°36'25"E183.79'S42°09'50"W430.68'S22°47'47"E129.97'N64°57'08"W249.73'N17°35'20"W660.00'S84°11'15"E174.38'N41°05'00"E98.40'S79°11'45"E86.33'N17°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° 12' 28"W84.80'S42° 07' 10"W56.00'L=138.68',R=102.49'Δ=77°31'30"L =6 2 .3 9 ',R =10 0.0 0'Δ =3 5 °4 4 '4 9 "L=4 2 .2 1',R =8 0 .0 0 'Δ =3 0 °1 3 '5 0 "N84° 49' 55"E42.93'L=42.21',R=80.00'Δ=30°13'51"N42° 07' 10"E103.60'S22° 50' 27"E159.94'S74° 48' 32"W74.26'S16° 14' 05"E84.84'S47° 05' 10"E70.86'L=80.61',R=30.00'Δ=153°57'40"L=17.24 ',R=30.00'Δ=32°55'06"N16° 14' 05"W99.54'N33° 38' 35"W108.12'N80° 51' 24"W38.48'N57° 03' 32"W51.79'30306030FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY ENGINEERING CORP.CN4 POPPY TRAILROLLING HILLS, CA 90274CUT/FILL COLOR MAPSCALE: 1" = 30'LEGENDACRONYMSPARCEL 1PARCEL 3PARCEL 4PARCEL 4PARCEL 5 PARCEL 6 CUT/FILL LEGENDGARAGERESIDENCE 7259 N72°45'18"W89.84'S35°24'10"W106.06'N17°35'20"W204.11'34.79'N84°52'35"E40.00'S22°47'47"E96.86'S21°36'25"E183.79'S42°09'50"W430.68'S22°47'47"E129.97'N64°57'08"W249.73'N17°35'20"W660.00'N41°05'00"E98.40'S79°11'45"E86.33'N17°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° 12' 28"W 84.80'S42° 07' 10"W56.00'L = 1 3 8 .6 8 ',R=102.49' Δ =7 7 ° 3 1'30" L =6 2 .3 9 ',R =10 0.0 0'Δ =3 5 °4 4 '4 9 "L=4 2.2 1',R =8 0 .0 0 'Δ =3 0 °1 3 '5 0 "N84° 49' 55"E42.93'L=42.21',R=80.00'Δ=30°13'51"N42° 07' 10"E103.60'S22° 50' 27"E159.94'S74° 48' 32"W 74.26'S16° 14' 05"E84.84'S47° 05' 10"E70.86'L=80.61',R=30.00'Δ=153°57'40"L=17.24',R=30.00'Δ=32°55'06"N16° 14' 05"W99.54'N33° 38' 35"W108.12' N80° 51' 24"W38.48'N57° 03' 32"W51.79' FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY ENGINEERING CORP.C0.04 POPPY TRAILROLLING HILLS, CA 90274OVERALL SITE PLANSCALE: 1" = 30'PARCEL 1PARCEL 3PARCEL 4PARCEL 4 PARCEL 5 PARCEL 6 A.D.U.RESIDENCE (P) S t a b l e AREA OF "Qd", IDENTIFIED BYGMU, TO BE REMEDIATED73SAKAMOTOSAKAMOTOHSUCONSTANTGORENFILLERARVIDSONMINKESJONASDRIVEWAY AND GRADING IF BARN PAD IS DEVELOPED60 From: Nikos Constant > Sent: Monday, October 23, 2023 8:33 AM To: John Signo <> Subject: Re: City Council Agenda for Monday, October 23, 2023 Thanks John, Please add the following comment, in case I’m not able to attend tonight’s meeting. To: Rolling Hills City Council, Mayor, and to whom it may concern: The Constant Family is still gravely concerned about the seismic, structural, and soils engineering proposed for the development of 4 Poppy Trail (along with all other concerns and reserved rights previously made to the Planning Department). Again, we see no engineering documents in the public record to allay our concerns. As we stated in our first letter to the Planning Department, included in tonight’s agenda packet: “Proceed with extreme caution and humility.” Sincerely, Nikos Constant, Esq. 61 City of Rolling Hills INCORPORATED JANUARY 24, 1957 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 (310) 377-1521 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Rolling Hills will conduct a public hearing field trip visit starting at 7:15 AM on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, at the following property for the purpose of receiving public input on the project described below: 4 POPPY TRAIL, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 ZONING CASE NO. 22-51: SITE PLAN REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH A BASEMENT, ATTACHED GARAGE, FIVE-FOOT-HIGH RETAINING WALLS, NON-EXEMPT GRADING, AND RELATED IMPROVEMENTS; VARIANCES TO CONSTRUCT: (1) A SWIMMING POOL/SPA IN THE FRONT YARD, (2) RETAINING WALLS EXCEEDING AN AVERAGE OF 2½ FEET IN HEIGHT, (3) RETAINING WALLS IN THE FRONT YARD, AND (4) NON-EXEMPT GRADING EXPORT (LOT 17-A-PT) (ARVIDSON) The project also includes a service yard, pool equipment, driveway, detached accessory dwelling unit, remodel of an existing stable, landscape, hardscape, and other improvements not subject to discretionary review. The project has been determined to be categorically exempt (Class 3) pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15303. Following the field trip, the City Council will reconvene to discuss the project at the public hearing to be held on Monday, November 13, 2023, beginning at 7:00 PM, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274. On September 12, 2023, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2023-11 approving the proposed project. On October 23, 2023, the City Council considered the Planning Commission’s decision and voted to consider the matter on its own. Members of the public are invited to provide comments in-person at the November 7th field trip or the November 13th meeting. Remote public comments will not be accepted during the meeting. Members of the public may also submit written comments prior to the meeting by sending an email to Indicate the zoning case number you are commenting on. Your comments will become part of the official meeting record. You may provide your full name, but please do not provide any other personal information (i.e. phone numbers, addresses, etc.) that you do not want to be published. A live audio of the City Council’s meeting on November 13th will be available on the City’s website ( The meeting agenda is on the City’s website (https://www.rolling- If you challenge the approval or denial of the above project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing, or to issues addressed in written correspondence delivered to the City at or prior to the public hearing described in this notice. For additional information, contact the Planning Department at (310) 377-1521. Published in the Daily Breeze on October 28, 2023. 62 City of Rolling Hills TITLE VICINITY MAP CASE NO. ZONING CASE NO. 22-51 Site Plan Review, Variance OWNER ARVIDSON ADDRESS 4 POPPY TRAIL, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 SITE 1,000’ Georgeff Rd 63