CL_AGN_240325_CC_AgendaPacket_F1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 5.APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA This is the appropriate time for the Mayor or Councilmembers to approve the agenda as is or reorder. 6.BLUE FOLDER ITEMS (SUPPLEMENTAL) Blue folder (supplemental) items are additional back up materials to administrative reports, changes to the posted agenda packet, and/or public comments received after the printing and distribution of the agenda packet for receive and file. 7.PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS This is the appropriate time for members of the public to make comments regarding items not listed on this agenda. Pursuant to the Brown Act, no action will take place on any items not on the agenda. 8.CONSENT CALENDAR Business items, except those formally noticed for public hearing, or those pulled for discussion are assigned to the Consent Calendar. The Mayor or any Councilmember may request that any Consent Calendar item(s) be removed, discussed, and acted upon separately. Items removed from the Consent Calendar will be taken up under the "Excluded Consent Calendar" section below. Those items remaining on the Consent Calendar will be approved in one motion. The Mayor will call on anyone wishing to address the City Council on any Consent Calendar item on the agenda, which has not been pulled by Councilmembers for discussion. 8.A.APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 25, 2024 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 (310) 377-1521 AGENDA Regular City Council Meeting CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 25, 2024 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS 7:00 PM The meeting agenda is available on the City’s website. The City Council meeting will be live-streamed on the City’s website. Both the agenda and the live-streamed video can be found here: https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/agenda/index.php Members of the public may submit written comments in real-time by emailing the City Clerk’s office at cityclerk@cityofrh.net. Your comments will become part of the official meeting record. You must provide your full name, but please do not provide any other personal information that you do not want to be published. Recordings to City Council meetings can be found here: https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/agenda/index.php Next Resolution No. 1361 Next Ordinance No. 385 1 RECOMMENDATION: Approve. 8.B.APPROVE MOTION TO READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING OF ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS LISTED ON THE AGENDA RECOMMENDATION: Approve. 8.C.APPROVE THE FOLLOWING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: MARCH 11, 2024 REGULAR MEETING RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 8.D.PAYMENT OF BILLS RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 8.E.REPUBLIC SERVICES RECYCLING TONNAGE AND COMPLAINT REPORTS FOR FEBRUARY 2024 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 9.EXCLUDED CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 10.COMMISSION ITEMS 11.PUBLIC HEARINGS 12.OLD BUSINESS 12.A.APPROVE THE HARBOR TOXICS COST SHARE FORMULA FOR THE UPCOMING MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING PERIOD WITH THE REGIONAL MONITORING COALITION RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the cost share formula. 12.B.RECEIVE A STATUS UPDATE ON TENNIS COURT ADA, CABANA AND TENNIS COURT #1 EXPANSION PROJECTS (PENDING RHCA PLANS) RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 12.C.RECEIVE AND FILE AN UPDATE FROM SITELOGIQ REGARDING THE SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC DUAL-FUEL EMERGENCY GENERATOR PROJECT FOR THE CITY HALL CAMPUS BACK-UP POWER / RESILIENCY AND TIMELINE TOWARDS A PUBLIC HEARING CL_AGN_240325_CC_AffidavitofPosting.pdf CL_MIN_240311_CC_F.pdf CL_AGN_240325_CC_PaymentOfBills_E.pdf VC_REP_240320_Feb_YTD_TonnageReport.pdf VC_REP_240320_Feb_C&D_Report.pdf VC_REP_240320_Feb_RedTags.pdf VC_REP_240320_Feb_CallLog.pdf VC_REP_240325_ComplaintsList_0224_Redacted.pdf Harbor Toxic Downstream FY 2024-2029_R1.pdf Harbor Toxic Downstream FY 2024-2029_R1_worse case.pdf GWMA_MOU_FINAL_2019.pdf 2 R E C O M M E N D AT I O N : Receive and file. Provide direction to staff and SiteLogIQ to bring the project presentation to the RHCA Board before returning for a formal Public Hearing with the City Council. 13.NEW BUSINESS 13.A.APPROVE PROPOSED CITY HALL CAMPUS LANDSCAPE DESIGNS AND ACCEPTANCE OF CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICES 2024 TURF REPLACEMENT REBATE PROGRAM OFFER TO ASSIST IN EFFECTUATING HOME HARDENING STRATEGIES AND REFRESHED WATERWISE PLANTINGS AND IRRIGATION RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 13.B.APPROVE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH REVIZE LLC. AKA REVIZE SOFTWARE SYSTEMS FOR A ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF WEBSITE REDESIGN, HOSTING, AND SOFTWARE SERVICES RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 14.MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 15.MATTERS FROM STAFF 15.A.RECEIVE AND FILE NOTIFICATION FROM CONGRESSMAN LIEU'S OFFICE REGARDING FISCAL YEAR 2024 LOCAL COMMUNITY PROJECT FUNDING AWARD OF $1 MILLION DOLLARS TOWARDS PHASE 1 OF THE PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD / ROLLING HILLS ROAD 8" SEWER MAIN PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECT RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. Direct staff to agendize a discussion item regarding the potential Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road 8" Sewer Line project Phase 1. 15.B.VERBAL UPDATE ON REPUBLIC SERVICES CLEANUP EVENTS CL_AGN_240311_CC_SiteLogiQ_DER_OptionsMatrix.pdf CL_AGN_240325_CC_SiteLogiQ_CanadianSolarModule.pdf CL_AGN_240325_CC_SiteLogiQ_SolarEdgeInverter.pdf CL_AGN_240325_CC_SiteLogiQ_IronRidgeRackingSystem.pdf CL_AGN_240325_CC_SiteLogiQ_Generac_ProtectoSeriesModel_RG048.pdf CL_AGN_240325_CC_SiteLogiQ_Generac_48-80kw_BackupGeneratorSS.pdf Attachment A - CL_AGN_240325_CC_Dykzeul_CampusDesign.pdf Attachment B - CL_AGN_240325_CC_CalWater_Rebate_Approval.pdf Attachment C - CL_AGN_240325_CC_CalWaterProgramOverviewPrintout.pdf Attachment D - CL_AGN_240325_CC_CalWaterFrequentlyAskedQuestionsPrintout.pdf Attachment E - CL_AGN_240325_CC_CalWaterTerms&ConditionsPrintout.pdf Attachment F - CL_AGN_240325_CC_Bennett_Phase1_Estimate.pdf Attachment G - CL_AGN_240325_CC_Bennett_Phase2_Estimate.pdf Attachment H - CL_AGN_240325_CC_LandscapeDesign-Rebate_Presentation.pdf Attachment I - CA_AGR_221213_PSA_BennettLandscape_Maintenance_E.pdf CA_AGR_240325_Revize_Amendment01.pdf CA_AGR_190416_Revize_E.pdf CL_AGN_240325_Lieu_FY24_CF_PressRelease.pdf 3 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 16.RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 17.RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION 18.ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Monday, April 8, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, Rolling Hills City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California, 90274. Notice: Public Comment is welcome on any item prior to City Council action on the item. Documents pertaining to an agenda item received after the posting of the agenda are available for review in the City Clerk's office or at the meeting at which the item will be considered. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting due to your disability, please contact the City Clerk at (310) 377-1521 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility and accommodation for your review of this agenda and attendance at this meeting. 4 Agenda Item No.: 8.A Mtg. Date: 03/25/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 25, 2024 DATE:March 25, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve. ATTACHMENTS: CL_AGN_240325_CC_AffidavitofPosting.pdf 5 Administrative Report 8.A., File # 2244 Meeting Date: 3/25/2024 To: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL From: Christian Horvath, City Clerk TITLE APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 25, 202 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING In compliance with the Brown Act, the following materials have been posted at the locations below. Legislative Body City Council Posting Type Regular Meeting Agenda Posting Location 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 City Hall Window City Website: https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/agenda/index.php https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/city_council/city_council_archive_agendas/index.php Meeting Date & Time MARCH 25, 2024 7:00pm Open Session As City Clerk of the City of Rolling Hills, I declare under penalty of perjury, the document noted above was posted at the date displayed below. Christian Horvath, City Clerk Date: March 22 , 2024 6 Agenda Item No.: 8.B Mtg. Date: 03/25/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE MOTION TO READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING OF ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS LISTED ON THE AGENDA DATE:March 25, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve. ATTACHMENTS: 7 Agenda Item No.: 8.C Mtg. Date: 03/25/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE THE FOLLOWING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: MARCH 11, 2024 REGULAR MEETING DATE:March 25, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: CL_MIN_240311_CC_F.pdf 8 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, March 11, 2024 Page 1 Minutes Rolling Hills City Council Mon day, March 11, 2024 Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER The City Council of the City of Rolling Hills met in person on the above date at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Mirsch presiding. 2. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Wilson, Dieringer, Mayor Pro Tem Pieper, Mayor Mirsch Councilmembers Absent: Black Staff Present: Karina Bañales, City Manager Christian Horvath, City Clerk / Executive Assistant to the City Manager John Signo, Planning & Community Services Director Samantha Crew, Management Analyst Pat Donegan, City Attorney 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mayor Pro Tem Pieper Councilmember Black arrived at 7:02 p.m. 4. PRESENTATIONS / PROCLAMATIONS / ANNOUNCEMENTS 4.A. MAYOR'S PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATE RECOGNIZING CAPTAIN JAMES C. POWERS FOR HIS 36 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Mayor Mirsch read a short bio of Captain Powers 36 years of service and invited him to speak. Captain Powers reflected on his service and time with the Lomita Station and thanked the block captain community for their efforts in mat ters of public safety and wildfire mitigation. He also acknowledged his wife, Gina. Mayor Mirs ch presented a Certificate of Recognition to Captain Powers. 5. APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA Mayor Mirsch announced that the City Council would move Closed Session Item 16A after Item 5. Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Pieper, seconded by Councilmember Wilson to move Closed Session Item 16A after Item 5 and approve order of the agenda. Motion carried with the following vote: AYES: Wilson, Black , Pieper, Mayor Mirsch NOES: Dieringer ABSENT: None 16. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION – 7:12 P.M. 16.A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL: ANTICIPATED LITIGATION - (PARAGRAPH (2) OF SUBDIVISION (D) AND PARAGRAPH (2) OF SUBDIVISION (E) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9) THE CITY FINDS, BASED ON ADVICE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL, THAT DISCUSSION IN OPEN SESSION WILL PREJUDICE THE CITY IN THE LITIGATION. 9 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, March 11, 2024 Page 2 SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO CIVIL LITIGATION (1 POTENTIAL CASE) - ALLEGED VIOLATIONS OF MS4 NPDES PERMIT 17. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION – 7:39 P.M. City Attorney Donegan noted there was no reportable action. Mayor Mirsch introduced new Management Analyst Samantha Crew and invited her to tell the Council a little bit about herself. Management Analyst Crew gave a brief background of prior experience. 6. BLUE FOLDER ITEMS (SUPPLEMENTAL) Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Pieper, seconded by Councilmember Dieringer to receive and file Blue Folder Items for Item 7 and 14B. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Wilson, Black, Dieringer Pieper, Mayor Mirsch NOES: None ABSENT: None 7. PUBLI C COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS – NONE 8. CONSENT CALENDAR 8.A. APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 11, 2024 8.B. APPROVE MOTION TO READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING OF ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS LISTED ON THE AGENDA 8.C. APPROVE THE FOLLOWING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: FEBRUARY 26, 202 4 REGULAR MEETING 8.D. PAYMENT OF BILLS 8.E. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 1359 AUTHORIZING A FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 BUDGET MODIFICATION TO INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS BY $34,420.39 IN THE GENERAL FUND OTHER LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPENSES ACCOUNT FUNDED FROM AVAILABLE GENERAL FUND RESERVES FOR CONTINUED FUNDING OF THE REGIONAL AUTOMATED LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION (ALPR) PROGRAM, ONE-TIME CAMERA REPLACEMENT PURCHASE, INSTALLATION, AND ONGOING MAINTENANCE 8.F. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 1360 AUTHORIZING A FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 BUDGET MODIFICATION TO INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS BY $658.21 IN THE GENERAL FUND OTHER LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPENSES ACCOUNT FUNDED FROM AVAILABLE GENERAL FUND RESERVES FOR THE LOMITA STATION SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT PURCHASE OF LIDAR/RADAR SPEED DETECTION DEVICE EQUIPMENT FOR USE IN THE THREE REGIONAL CONTRACT LAW PENINSULA CITIES 8.G. RECEIVE AND FILE THE ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORTS FOR THE GENERAL PLAN 8.H. RECEIVE AND FILE THE ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT FOR THE HOUSING ELEMENT 10 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, March 11, 2024 Page 3 Motion by Councilmember Wilson, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Pieper to approve Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Wilson, Black , Dieringer, Pieper, Mayor Mirsch NOES: None ABSENT: None 9. EXCLUDED CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS – NONE 10. COMMISSION ITEMS – NONE 11. PUBLIC HEARINGS – NONE 12. OLD BUSINESS – NONE 13. NEW BUSINESS 13.A. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FROM THE ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION TO APPROVE INSTALLATION OF A BACKUP NATURAL GAS GENERATOR AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THEIR BUILDING Presentation by City Clerk / Executive Assistant to the City Manager Christian Horvath Public Comment: Kristen Raig Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Pieper, seconded by Councilmember Black to approve as presented. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Wilson, Black , Dieringer, Pieper, Mayor Mirsch NOES: None ABSENT: None 13.B. RECEIVE AND FILE AN UPDATE FROM SITELOGIQ REGARDING THE SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC DUAL-FUEL EMERGENCY GENERATOR PROJECT FOR THE CITY HALL CAMPUS BACK-UP POWER / RESILIENCY AND TIMELINE TOWARDS A PUBLIC HEARING Presentation by City Clerk / Executive Assistant to the City Manager Christian Horvath Josh Steeber, SiteLogiQ Public Comment: Alfred Visco Motion by Councilmember Black, seconded by Mayor Mirsch to approve Option C and the installation of a dual-duel backup generator. Motion failed with the following vote: AYES: Black, Mayor Mirsch NOES: Wilson, Dieringer, Pieper ABSENT: None Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Pieper, seconded by Councilmember Wilson to present specific schematics and bottom-line costs for both Option B (Photovoltaic Solar System with dual-fuel backup generator) and Option C (dual-fuel backup generator only) at the March 25, 2024 Council meeting. Motion carried with the following vote: 11 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, March 11, 2024 Page 4 AYES: Wilson, Dieringer, Pieper, Mayor Mirsch NOES: Black ABSENT: None 14. MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 14.A. RECEIVE A REPORT ON THE ACTION OF THE SOUTH BAY CITIES COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS (SBCCOG) BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGARDING MEMBERSHIP DUES AND PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF (COUNCILMEMBER DIERINGER) Presentation by City Clerk / Executive Assistant to the City Manager Christian Horvath Public Comment: Rolling Hills Estates Mayor Pro Tem Debby Stegura, Gardena Councilmember Rodney Tanaka, SBCCOG Staff David Leger Motion by Councilmember Dieringer, seconded by Mayor Mirsch to stay with the SBCCOG under the new proposed dues structure. Motion carried with the following vote: AYES: Wilson, Dieringer, Mayor Mirsch NOES: Black, Pieper ABSENT: None 14.B. DISCUSSION REGARDING AT&T'S APPLICATIONS TO THE CALIFONIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION REQUESTING REMOVAL OF OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE TRADITIONAL LANDLINE PHONE SERVICE WITHIN THEIR SERVICE TERRITORY AS CARRIER OF LAST RESORT AND REQUEST TO GIVE UP ITS DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER (COUNCILMEMBER DIERINGER) Presentation by City Clerk / Executive Assistant to the City Manager Christian Horvath Public Comment: Mckenzie Neely-Wright, Michael & Marcia Schoettle (via email) Motion by Councilmember Dieringer, seconded by Councilmember Black to write a letter in opposition. Motion carried with the following vote: AYES: Black, Dieringer, Pieper, NOES: Wilson, Mayor Mirsch ABSENT: None 15. MATTERS FROM STAFF 15.A. CONSIDER AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH WILLDAN ENGINEERING TO PROVIDE CIVIL ENGINEERING, CITY ENGINEERING, CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEERING, BUILDING OFFICIAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE CITY ON AN ON-CALL BASIS Presentation by Planning & Community Services Director John Signo, Public Comment: Vanessa Munoz Motion by Councilmember Black, seconded by Councilmember Dieringer to approve as presented. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: 12 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, March 11, 2024 Page 5 AYES: Wilson, Black , Dieringer, Pieper, Mayor Mirsch NOES: None ABSENT: None 16. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION – 9:49 P.M. 16.B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL: ANTICIPATED LITIGATION - (PARAGRAPH (2) OF SUBDIVISION (D) AND PARAGRAPH (2) OF SUBDIVISION (E) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9) THE CITY FINDS, BASED ON ADVICE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL, THAT DISCUSSION IN OPEN SESSION WILL PREJUDICE THE CITY IN THE LITIGATION. SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO CIVIL LITIGATION (1 POTENTIAL CASE) – THREAT OF LITIGATION FROM RESIDENTS IN AND AROUND THE FLYING TRIANGLE MADE TO CITY OFFICIALS AND THE CITY MANAGER R EGARDING THE THREAT OF A LANDSLIDE DUE TO INCREASED RAIN EVENTS AND WATER DRAINAGE IN THE AREA 17. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION – 10:44 P.M. City Attorney Donegan noted there was no reportable action. 18. ADJOURNMENT: 10:44 P.M. The meeting was adjourned at 10:44 p.m on March 11, 2024. The next regular adjourned meeting of the City Council is scheduled to be held on Monday, March 25, 2024 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California. It will also be available via City’s website link at: https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/agenda/index.php All written comments submitted are included in the record and available for public review on the City website. Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________ Christian Horvath, City Clerk Approved, ____________________________________ Leah Mirsch, Mayor 13 Agenda Item No.: 8.D Mtg. Date: 03/25/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:PAYMENT OF BILLS DATE:March 25, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: CL_AGN_240325_CC_PaymentOfBills_E.pdf 14 15 16 Agenda Item No.: 8.E Mtg. Date: 03/25/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:REPUBLIC SERVICES RECYCLING TONNAGE AND COMPLAINT REPORTS FOR FEBRUARY 2024 DATE:March 25, 2024 BACKGROUND: Please note that Republic has been asked to provide footnotes per Council direction. They will try to accommodate on future reports. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. ATTACHMENTS: VC_REP_240320_Feb_YTD_TonnageReport.pdf VC_REP_240320_Feb_C&D_Report.pdf VC_REP_240320_Feb_RedTags.pdf VC_REP_240320_Feb_CallLog.pdf VC_REP_240325_ComplaintsList_0224_Redacted.pdf 17 Year 2024 Franchise Y/N Y Month Commodity Tons Collected Tons Recovered Tons Disposed Diversion % 1 Greenwaste 77.73 77.73 - 100.00% Trash 247.10 - 247.10 0.00% 1 Total 324.83 77.73 247.10 23.93% 2 Greenwaste 44.84 44.84 - 100.00% Recycle 1.90 0.72 1.18 37.67% Trash 215.96 - 215.96 0.00% 2 Total 262.70 45.56 217.14 17.34% Grand Total 587.53 123.29 464.24 20.98% CITY OF ROLLING HILLS RESIDENTIAL FRANCHISE 2024 Page 1 of 2 18 Year 2024 Franchise Y/N N Month Commodity Tons Collected Tons Recovered Tons Disposed Diversion % 1 Greenwaste 19.61 19.61 - 100.00% Recycle 0.27 0.04 0.23 15.00% Trash 59.97 - 59.97 0.00% Organics 0.16 0.10 0.06 61.71% C&D 4.27 3.43 0.84 80.24% 1 Total 84.29 23.18 61.11 27.50% 2 Greenwaste 16.94 16.94 - 100.00% Recycle 0.29 0.11 0.18 37.67% Trash 57.05 - 57.05 0.00% C&D 11.29 9.05 2.25 80.10% 2 Total 85.57 26.09 59.47 30.50% Grand Total 169.85 49.27 120.58 29.01% CITY OF ROLLING HILLS NON-FRANCHISE 2024 Page 2 of 2 19 Republic Services City of Rolling Hills C&D Report Reporting Period February-24 Disposal Site Material Loads Taken Tons Collected CWS C&D 1 11.19 Summary Row Labels Sum of Tons Collected C&D 11.19 Grand Total 11.19 Page 1 of 1 20 Rolling Hills Red Tags - February 2024 Date Address Code Issue COMM 2/23/2024 7 RANCHERO RD 7 Greenwaste Overloaded No 21 Republic Services Call Log Report City:Rolling Hills Year 2024 Month/Quarter 2 Summary of Calls by Type Final Call Final Call Type Sub-Type Total 2.Complaint Escalation 2 2.Complaint Total 2 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Bulk Service 1 Missed Recycle - Residential 1 Missed Trash - Residential 2 Missed Yard Waste - Residential 1 Weather Delay 2 3.Missed Pick Up Total 7 Grand Total 9 Pg 1 of 3 22 Republic Services Call Log Report Final Call Type Sub-Type Case Number Date/Time Opened Date/Time Closed Created By Request Description Resolution Comments Customer Category Account Number Site Account Name Site Address Phone 2.Complaint Escalation 20240202-186875926 2/1/2024 5:49 PM 2/5/2024 2:32 PM Raul Cabrera DIANA HOWARD (310) 377-4052 called to report an issue. DESK IS NOT PU STILL CX NEEDS IT GONE ASAP. on schedule for next service day...ms on schedule for next service day...ms RESI 9020003617 1 RESIDENT 85 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 2.Complaint Escalation 20240202-186903270 2/2/2024 9:40 AM 2/2/2024 10:35 AM Shatoine Smith DIANA HOWARD (310) 377-4052 called to report an issue. Cx reports that Bulk items are still a MPU, is requesting pu asap, states did not receive previous call . Please review case 20240202- 186875926 notes-cd 02/02/24 12:35 pm est RESI 9020003617 1 RESIDENT 85 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Bulk Service 20240202-186903113 2/2/2024 9:39 AM 2/6/2024 11:45 PM Shatoine Smith (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003617 1 RESIDENT 85 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Recycle - Residential 20240213-187517320 2/13/2024 10:34 AM 2/15/2024 11:40 PM Rechelle Bradford (blank)(blank)RESI 9020194047 1 ROLLING HILLS RESIDENT 0 Poppy Trl Rolling Hills CA 3107130514 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240213-187517083 2/13/2024 10:33 AM 2/15/2024 11:45 PM Rechelle Bradford (blank)(blank)RESI 9020194047 1 ROLLING HILLS RESIDENT 0 Poppy Trl Rolling Hills CA 3107130514 Pg 2 of 3 23 Republic Services Call Log Report Final Call Type Sub-Type Case Number Date/Time Opened Date/Time Closed Created By Request Description Resolution Comments Customer Category Account Number Site Account Name Site Address Phone 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240216-187759702 2/16/2024 11:23 AM 2/19/2024 11:27 PM Taylor Saribay (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003384 1 RESIDENT 45 SADDLEBACK RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Yard Waste - Residential 20240213-187517397 2/13/2024 10:35 AM 2/15/2024 11:40 PM Rechelle Bradford (blank)(blank)RESI 9020194047 1 ROLLING HILLS RESIDENT 0 Poppy Trl Rolling Hills CA 3107130514 3.Missed Pick Up Weather Delay 20240206-187076963 2/6/2024 8:37 AM 2/6/2024 8:37 AM Mario Alexis Contreras lisa greiner/(310) 719- 5843 called for a missed pickup. MPU's are temporarily disabled due to Flood. Expectation for service has been reviewed with the customer. cx reports that the trash wasn't pu yesterday and the weather was fine please send a truck . lisa greiner/(310) 719-5843 called for a missed pickup. MPU's are temporarily disabled due to Flood. Expectation for service has been reviewed with the customer. cx reports that the trash wasn't pu yesterday and the weather was fine please send a truck . RESI 9020003311 1 RESIDENT 7 REATA LN ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Weather Delay 20240206-187076987 2/6/2024 8:37 AM 2/6/2024 8:37 AM Mario Alexis Contreras lisa greiner/(310) 719- 5843 called for a missed pickup. MPU's are temporarily disabled due to Flood. Expectation for service has been reviewed with the customer. cx reports that the trash wasn't pu yesterday and the weather was fine please send a truck . lisa greiner/(310) 719-5843 called for a missed pickup. MPU's are temporarily disabled due to Flood. Expectation for service has been reviewed with the customer. cx reports that the trash wasn't pu yesterday and the weather was fine please send a truck . RESI 9020003311 1 RESIDENT 7 REATA LN ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 Pg 3 of 3 24 2/1/2024 2:29PM Inconsistent Service 87 Crest Rd.Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 2/2/2024 8:26AM yes 2/2/2024 9:41AM Missed Trash Pickup Thursday 17 Caballeros Rd.Tanasha Malone Miguel Ruiz 2/2/2024 10:13AM yes 2/5/2024 8:36AM Missed Green Waste Since Thursday 2 Buckboard Ln.Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 2/5/2024 1:40PM yes 2/5/2024 12:38PM Driver Came but Didn’t Pick Up Green Waste 2 Buckboard Ln.Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 2/5/2024 1:40PM yes 2/5/2024 1:40PM Driver Skipped House During Pickup 24 Georgeff Rd.Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 2/5/2024 1:49PM yes 2/6/2024 4:30PM Missed Pickup Monday Due to Rain 6 Eastfield Dr.Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 2/6/2024 No Response yes 2/7/2024 4:45PM Missed Green Waste Pickup Due to Rain 44 Portuguese Bend Rd.Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 2/7/2024 No Response yes 2/7/2024 9:59AM Missd Pickup Due to Rain 71 Saddleback Rd.Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 2/7/2024 No Response yes 2/7/2024 11:08AM Missed Pickup Due to Rain 18 Chuckwagon Rd.Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 2/7/2024 2:16PM yes 2/9/2024 9:17AM Missed Pickup Due to Rain 7 Crest Rd. E Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 2/9/2024 10:30AM yes 2/9/2024 1:30PM Frequently Missed Pickups/Missed Trash 62 Eastfield Dr.Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 2/9/2024 3:23PM yes 2/14/2024 9:50AM Missed Green Waste/ Regular Waste 9 Reata Ln.Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 2/14/2024 3:27PM yes 2/14/2024 1:58PM Missed Pickup and Green Waste 18 Chuckwagon Rd.Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 2/14/2024 3:29PM yes 2/16/2024 8:17AM Missed Green Waste 44 Portuguese Bend Rd.Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 2/16/2024 3:30PM yes 2/16/2024 2:14PM Frequently Missed Trash/ Green Waste 36 Portuguese Bend Rd. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 2/16/2024 2:19PM yes 2/22/2024 2:41PM Frequently Missed Green Waste 45 Saddleback Rd.Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 2/22/2024 4:00PM yes 2/20/2024 4:04PM Staging location on Crest/Eastfield Used Too Often 76 Eastfield Dr.Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 3/4/2024 11:41AM yes 2/23/2022 Red Tag : Green waste Overloaded Ranchero Rd Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 2/23/2024 yes 25 Agenda Item No.: 12.A Mtg. Date: 03/25/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:JOHN SIGNO, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY SERVICES THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE THE HARBOR TOXICS COST SHARE FORMULA FOR THE UPCOMING MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING PERIOD WITH THE REGIONAL MONITORING COALITION DATE:March 25, 2024 BACKGROUND: The City of Rolling Hills is required to do monitoring for its contribution to the Greater Harbor Waters Region. Instead of dealing with this alone, the City joined the Regional Monitoring Coalition (RMC) to share cost. The coalition includes the Port of Los Angeles, Port of Long Beach, Los Angeles County unincorporated areas, Los Angeles County Flood Control District, and the cities of Los Angeles, Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills Estates, Bellflower, Long Beach, Lakewood, Paramount, and Rolling Hills. In 2019, a memorandum of understanding (MOU) was established between the RMC group and the Los Angeles Gateway Region Integrated Regional Water Management Joint Powers Authority (GWMA) for administration and cost sharing for the implementation of the coordinated compliance, monitoring, and reporting plan for the Dominguez Channel and Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors waters toxic pollutants total maximum daily loads (TMDL). The RMC meets quarterly to discuss issues affecting the Greater Harbor Waters Region. The City's stormwater consultant, McGowan Consultants, attends these meetings on behalf of the City of Rolling Hills. In 2014, the RMC was formed in part to address new legislation dealing with TMDL that came into law in 2012. Since the start of the RMC, individual permittees (5 private industrial users also responsible for monitoring) have paid an annual buy-in fee of $12,300 (plus administrative fees, etc.). Recently, regulatory standards for total maximum daily loads (TMDL) were revised, forcing the Regional Board to make changes to its requirements. In turn, this affects the monitoring program administered by the RMC, in which the City is a part. Due to the new requirements, an amendment is needed for the upcoming five-year MOU period, including an updated share-cost formula. The current five-year MOU was executed in 2019 and expires on December 31, 2024. The RMC will be working on updating the MOU in the coming months. If the City rejects the share-cost formula and decides not to be part of the MOU, the City will still be required to conduct monitoring at a much steeper price. 26 DISCUSSION: In preparation of the updated MOU, the RMC has been meeting to discuss revising the cost- share table. For the last five years, the total cost was $1.68 million. For the upcoming five years, the cost will increase to $2.97 million. The City of Rolling Hills would be expected (assuming the updated cost share is approved by the RMC) to receive an annual invoice for a maximum of $22,723 per year for the period of this proposed 5-year MOU (2024-2029). That cost may go down based on how many individual permittees (IP) participate (there have been 5 over the last 10 years). Individual permittees are large private industrial businesses who also are responsible to conduct monitoring. Their contribution helps lower costs for cities such as Rolling Hills. The RMC is proposing to increase costs for the individual permittees to reflect the overall cost increases of the monitoring program (142%). Overall monitoring costs have gone up, partly due to general increases in labor and lab costs, and also due to increased monitoring requirements due to new permit requirements included in the recently updated TMDL. Base costs were previously agreed to cover 30% of the total monitoring costs (agreed to by the RMC when the coalition was established). The base costs would go down based on the number of individual permittees. Each named permittee (cities and county) is expected to pay the same base fee for the 5-year period ($80,918); LA County Flood Control District pays 10% of the total. The base costs were determined previously to cover 30% of monitoring costs. Additionally, each jurisdiction's area contribution was determined (area contributing stormwater runoff to the receiving waters in question (San Pedro Bay)). The City of Rolling Hills was previously determined to have a 0.92-square-mile discharge area that drains to the receiving waters. The formula for area cost breaks down as follows: (RH square miles/total square miles discharging stormwater to the receiving water) * (total cost for 5 years of monitoring – total input by IP) * area cost percentage (determined to be 60%) = area contribution amount 0.92/91.61 * 2,967,000 – 0 (assuming no IP) * 0.60 = $17,878 (area cost based on worst-case scenario) There are additional administrative fees applied by GWMA, which are between 5-10% ($14,819 for the City). The total costs (area fee, base fee, and admin costs) add up to $113,615 total for the 5-year period ($22,723 annually). For the past five years, the City has been paying $7,315 per year (amended from the original 27 $7,696 per year in the MOU). This is expected to increase from $17,024 to $22,723 (worst- case scenario), depending on IP opting in. The attached tables show the new recommended fee and the worst-case scenario. McGowan has reviewed the new recommended fee in the cost-share spreadsheet. In comparison with the previous cost-share tables from the 2019 MOU, the city’s proportionate share of the cost is similar. The cost-share spreadsheet is based on a 30-60-10 split in which 30% is the base cost, 60% is the cost based on a jurisdiction's land area, and 10% is paid by the LA County Flood Control District. FISCAL IMPACT: McGowan Consulting provides professional services for stormwater issues. Fees for annual services are included in the adopted budget and paid under the General Fund. Cost sharing for the monitoring program is split among the members of the Regional Monitoring Coalition. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the cost share formula. ATTACHMENTS: Harbor Toxic Downstream FY 2024-2029_R1.pdf Harbor Toxic Downstream FY 2024-2029_R1_worse case.pdf GWMA_MOU_FINAL_2019.pdf 28 Agencies (30/60 split)11 LACFCD (10% split)1 - -- -$222,285.00 $222,285 $44,457 $33,343 $51,126 Total 12 4.39 $63,912 $60,623 $124,535 $24,907 $6,227 $26,152 7.53 $109,626 $60,623 $170,249 $34,050 $8,512 $35,752 39.46 $574,481 $60,623 $635,104 $127,021 $31,755 $133,372 11.35 $165,240 $60,623 $225,863 $45,173 $11,293 $47,431 Base cost*30% 20.35 $296,267 $60,623 $356,890 $71,378 $53,533 $82,085 Area cost 60% 1.72 $25,041 $60,623 $85,664 $17,133 $4,283 $17,989 LACFCD contribution 10% 3.00 $43,676 $60,623 $104,299 $20,860 $15,645 $23,989 Total 100% 0.92 $13,394 $60,623 $74,017 $14,803 $11,103 $17,024 0.35 $5,095 $60,623 $65,719 $13,144 $9,858 $15,115 2.18 $31,738 $60,623 $92,361 $18,472 $4,618 $19,396 Years 5 0.36 $5,241 $60,623 $65,864 $13,173 $9,880 $15,149 GWMA members admin fee floor 0% 91.61 $1,333,710 $889,140 $2,222,850 $444,570 $200,050 $484,580 GWMA members admin fee ceiling 5% GWMA non-members admin fee floor 7% GWMA non-members admin fee ceiling 15% Annual Monitoring Cost per Permit Holder GWMA Direct and Indirect Admin per Permit Holder* Annual Payment per Permit Holder Total Base Cost per Permit Holder for 5 Years Total Direct & Indirect Admin Fee for Permit Holder for 5 Years Total Cost per Permit Holder*** $29,766 $4,465 $34,231 $148,830 $22,325 $171,155 Private sector permittees 5 Total for 5 Individual Permit Holders $855,772.50 Activity 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 Cost FY24/25 - FY28-29 Base Fee+Basin Plan Amendment***$417,500 $603,500 $651,500 $358,000 $936,500 $2,967,000 * Monitoring costs will vary from year to year however costs will be averaged over the 5 year monitoring program. The average amount will be invoiced yearly. ** The GWMA administration cost is as follows: Direct admin fee is 0-5% for GWMA members and 5-10% for non-members. Indirect admin fee is 2-5% for non-members. *** Amounts shown are from Anchor QEA's Nov 2023 Proposal Permittee costs will be adjusted based on the number of individual NPDES permitees that participate. Individual NPDES Permits Long Beach (GWMA Member) Rolling Hills Estate Base Cost Indiv Permittees: Long Beach Generation; Metropolitan Stevedore; Morton Salt; Petro Diamond Vopak Costs Per Activity Base Cost+Area Per Year Signal Hill (GWMA Member) Unincorporated Totals Other NPDES Permit Holder Individual or General NPDES Permit Holders Los Angeles and Port of Los Angeles Paramount (GWMA Member) Rancho Palos Verdes Rolling Hills Area Cost Rates Base Cost plus Area Cost* Cost Share FY2024-2025 to FY2028-2029 (5 years) Cost Share Breakdown Port of Long Beach (GWMA Member) Maximum Annual Cost RMC Members Permittee Maximum GWMA Admin Cost**Area (mi2) LACFCD Contribution (flat 10%) Bellflower (GWMA Member) Monitoring Cost Harbor Toxic Downstream Cost Share Lakewood (GWMA Member) 29 Agencies (30/60 split)11 LACFCD (10% split)1 - -- -$296,700.00 $296,700 $59,340 $44,505 $68,241 Total 12 4.39 $85,308 $80,918 $166,226 $33,245 $8,311 $34,908 7.53 $146,326 $80,918 $227,244 $45,449 $11,362 $47,721 39.46 $766,802 $80,918 $847,720 $169,544 $42,386 $178,021 11.35 $220,557 $80,918 $301,476 $60,295 $15,074 $63,310 Base cost*30% 20.35 $395,449 $80,918 $476,367 $95,273 $71,455 $109,564 Area cost 60% 1.72 $33,424 $80,918 $114,342 $22,868 $5,717 $24,012 LACFCD contribution 10% 3.00 $58,297 $80,918 $139,215 $27,843 $20,882 $32,020 Total 100% 0.92 $17,878 $80,918 $98,796 $19,759 $14,819 $22,723 0.35 $6,801 $80,918 $87,720 $17,544 $13,158 $20,175 2.18 $42,363 $80,918 $123,281 $24,656 $6,164 $25,889 Years 5 0.36 $6,996 $80,918 $87,914 $17,583 $13,187 $20,220 GWMA members admin fee floor 0% 91.61 $1,780,200 $1,186,800 $2,967,000 $593,400 $267,021 $646,804 GWMA members admin fee ceiling 5% GWMA non-members admin fee floor 7% GWMA non-members admin fee ceiling 15% Annual Monitoring Cost per Permit Holder GWMA Direct and Indirect Admin per Permit Holder* Annual Payment per Permit Holder Total Base Cost per Permit Holder for 5 Years Total Direct & Indirect Admin Fee for Permit Holder for 5 Years Total Cost per Permit Holder*** $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Private sector permittees 0 Total $0.00 Activity 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 Cost FY24/25 - FY28-29 Base Fee+Basin Plan Amendment***$417,500 $603,500 $651,500 $358,000 $936,500 $2,967,000 * Monitoring costs will vary from year to year however costs will be averaged over the 5 year monitoring program. The average amount will be invoiced yearly. ** The GWMA administration cost is as follows: Direct admin fee is 0-5% for GWMA members and 5-10% for non-members. Indirect admin fee is 2-5% for non-members. *** Amounts shown are from Anchor QEA's Nov 2023 Proposal Permittee costs will be adjusted based on the number of individual NPDES permitees that participate. Lakewood (GWMA Member) Rolling Hills Area Cost Rates Base Cost plus Area Cost* Cost Share FY2024-2025 to FY2028-2029 (5 years) Cost Share Breakdown Port of Long Beach (GWMA Member) Maximum Annual Cost RMC Members Permittee Maximum GWMA Admin Cost**Area (mi2) LACFCD Contribution (flat 10%) Bellflower (GWMA Member) Monitoring Cost Harbor Toxic Downstream Cost Share Individual NPDES Permits Long Beach (GWMA Member) Rolling Hills Estate Base Cost Costs Per Activity Base Cost+Area Per Year Signal Hill (GWMA Member) Unincorporated Totals Other NPDES Permit Holder Individual or General NPDES Permit Holders Los Angeles and Port of Los Angeles Paramount (GWMA Member) Rancho Palos Verdes 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Agenda Item No.: 12.B Mtg. Date: 03/25/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:ALAN PALERMO, PROJECT MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:RECEIVE A STATUS UPDATE ON TENNIS COURT ADA, CABANA AND TENNIS COURT #1 EXPANSION PROJECTS (PENDING RHCA PLANS) DATE:March 25, 2024 BACKGROUND: At the June 12, 2023, City Council Meeting, city staff reported on a coordination meeting with the Rolling Hills Community Association (RHCA) held in May 2023. At this meeting, it was communicated that the City's Tennis Courts ADA Improvement Project would incorporate the grading and retaining wall to support the RHCA's Cabana improvement/amenities project. This addition to the City's improvement plans was determined based on the sequence of construction and to facilitate workflow between contractors commissioned by the city and the RHCA. City staff, RHCA, and Bolton Engineering held two subsequent coordination meetings on June 6, 2023 and June 14, 2023 to discuss outstanding items and update all parties. At the June 26, 2023, City Council meeting, staff reported the following: A review of the City's improvement plans was completed and approved by the RHCA Architectural Committee on June 13, 2023. The remaining outstanding review comments by Los Angeles County Building and Safety (LACBS) were to provide approval of the improvement plans from the Planning Department and the RHCA. Bolton Engineering resubmitted plans with these required approvals for a final round of plan check on June 15, 2023. Staff anticipated that the Tennis Courts Improvement Project would be ready to advertise for construction bids in July 2023 Several other RHCA projects were being coordinated to ensure any City improvements account for these future projects including: the new Cabana revising the landscape, irrigation, and lighting plans, and a retaining wall submittal. The plans for the new Cabana were scheduled to be submitted to LACBS in early July 2023. Once the plans for the Cabana were completed for the first submittal to LACBS, the RHCA would then present them to the City Council at a future meeting for feedback. 61 The City Council directed staff to advertise the Tennis Court ADA Improvement Project for bids and approved the allocation for landscape, irrigation and lighting plans. The City Council will be provided the opportunity to review the results of the construction bids and ultimately decide whether to award a contract at a later date. Staff had received construction estimates for the Tennis Court ADA Improvement Project in the amount of $300,000. In recent months, the RHCA had worked with Richie-Bray, Inc. for the landscape, irrigation and lighting plans. After outreach from staff, Richie-Bray, Inc. had indicated a willingness to complete these plans for the city for the sum of $7,000.00. On July 10, 2023, the City Council approved Resolution No. 1344 authorizing a budget amendment to transfer $307,000 from reserves to the Capital Projects Fund for this project. DISCUSSION: Since the June/July 2023 City Council updates, the project has proceeded through the plan review process with the Los Angeles County Building and Safety Division (LACBSD). The Tennis Court ADA Improvement Plans comprised of the Retaining Wall Plans and Grading / Drainage Improvement Plans were approved (September 27, 2023 and December 26, 2023 respectively). Plans to construct a new Cabana including a restroom and trellis (Cabana Improvement Plans) have completed the first plan review with LACBSD providing comments on November 13, 2023. The second submittal of the Cabana Improvement Plans to LACBSD is currently pending. Per a meeting with LACBSD on February 29, 2024, it was determined that submittals/approvals to/by the Los Angeles County Fire and Public Health Departments are also required before LACBSD will approve as final. RHCA is coordinating with the it's Project Architect to ensure these submittals/approvals are obtained. City Staff and RHCA continue with coordination meetings to keep their respective projects moving forward. These meetings have included discussions on the most efficient and effective process towards construction of the two projects and which entity should start their respective project first to avoid redundancy or other issues. Currently, the city is responsible for the tennis court ADA improvements, while the RHCA is responsible for the new Cabana and the future tennis court expansion project to accommodate pickleball courts (scheduled to take place after the ADA and Cabana projects are completed). Analysis indicates that it may be most efficient (while not a necessity) for the Tennis Court ADA Improvements and the Cabana Improvements to be constructed as one project. One concept proposed is to have the RHCA modify its project to include the Tennis Court ADA in addition to the Cabana project. The City would then modify its project to include the tennis court expansion project. To facilitate this concept and understand each agency's financial responsibility, RHCA has hired a construction manager to prepare a detailed construction cost estimate for the ADA and Cabana improvements as a single project. Similarly, city staff has contacted two firms that previously provided proposals to the RHCA in 2022 for the tennis court expansion and requested updated proposals for construction as a City capital project. As of Wednesday, March 20, 2024, staff have received an updated proposal from one of these firms. The tennis court expansion project would take place after the construction of the Tennis Court ADA/Cabana Improvement Project and involves the following: Submitting Grading / Drainage plans and obtaining approval from LACBSD. Note: The plans have been prepared and are ready to be submitted to LACBSD 62 Preparing and submitting Retaining Wall Plans and obtaining approval from LACBSD. Removing the existing tennis court, constructing the grading/drainage improvements and a new larger court to accommodate four pickleball courts. While a complete cost estimate for the Tennis Court Expansion Project has, to date, not been prepared, the majority of construction efforts involves removing the existing court and constructing a new court. That amount is estimated at $260,000 which includes a 20% contingency for cost increases. Other costs will include grading, drainage improvements, retaining wall, inspection and construction management services for this project. FISCAL IMPACT: Projected costs at this time are not finalized. For the Tennis Court #1 Expansion, staff is assuming a potential expenditure range of $330K to $400K. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. ATTACHMENTS: 63 Agenda Item No.: 12.C Mtg. Date: 03/25/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:RECEIVE AND FILE AN UPDATE FROM SITELOGIQ REGARDING THE SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC DUAL-FUEL EMERGENCY GENERATOR PROJECT FOR THE CITY HALL CAMPUS BACK-UP POWER / RESILIENCY AND TIMELINE TOWARDS A PUBLIC HEARING DATE:March 25, 2024 BACKGROUND: A diesel back-up power generator served the City Hall campus for many years, but the unit became inoperable in 2019. In late 2020, the City Council commissioned professional expertise to offer options for providing reliable back-up power to the City Hall campus, including the Rolling Hills Community Association (RHCA) building and operations. Between October 2020 and March 2023, the City Council reviewed options provided by a professional architectural and engineering team working on the City Hall ADA project. In 2021, the architectural and engineering team provided a solar panel and battery back-up solution with estimated installation costs, based on the following requirements, to be approximately $250,000: Current City Hall campus demand based on electric bills for 2020/2021 Supply 24 hours of backup power 16 kWh battery backup 75 kW Solar Photovoltaic system The City Council subsequently assigned further exploration to the RHCA. After some time, the RHCA requested city staff take back ownership of a project, whereupon City staff brought it to the City Council. On March 27, 2023, the City Council directed staff to explore the solar/battery back-up power option. With this direction, city staff could approach the project conventionally by preparing an engineering design and advertising for construction bids or considering other alternatives as presented to the former City Manager. On April 24, 2023, at the invitation of the former City Manager, SitelogIQ, an energy solutions 64 company, presented an alternate approach to delivering the solar/battery backup power solution to the City Council. SitelogIQ is a licensed General Contractor delivering energy infrastructure programs for State and local governments. SitelogIQ discussed available funds from the Federal government, including the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) that could offset local government expenditures on energy projects. Such projects involve the installation or modification of improvements to an energy-efficient or renewable energy system. Via the IRA, the Federal government allows the city to obtain a federal tax credit in the form of a direct payment (i.e., rebate) for energy storage (battery), electrical infrastructure, solar, and microgrid controllers. The rebate could be as high as 30% of the project cost, provided the project is completed within a specific timeframe. In the previous four years, City staff had many successes securing grant funds or other fund sources to offset the use of the General Fund for city projects. To move forward and execute a backup power project, the City Council was presented with two options: 1) to set aside a projected budget surplus or 2) use savings from the General Fund Reserves. In the SitelogIQ approach, the City could potentially save on design engineering costs by solely sourcing the project to SitelogIQ, thereby offsetting General Fund expenditures with SitelogIQ assisting the City in utilizing the Federal government's IRA rebate. In May 2023, SitelogIQ provided City staff with a Letter of Agreement (LOA) for consideration. The LOA outlined SitelogIQ's scope of services to develop an energy project that satisfies the city's requirements for a design/engineering cost of $28,500. If the city ultimately chooses to enter into a contract with SitelogIQ for project implementation within 60 days after receiving a formal presentation of the proposed project, SitelogIQ's design and engineering fee would be waived. Beyond the aforementioned 60 days, the fee paid would be credited toward the project's total implementation cost. Per SitelogIQ, the California Government Code 4217.10 provides the ability for public agencies to sole source the project delivery to SitelogIQ as long as the requirements of the code section are met. Given the past year's staff vacancies, the lack of technical expertise on energy projects, the current workload to deliver the CalOES/FEMA Hazard Mitigation Program grants, and the possibility to offset General Fund expenditures for the backup power project, staff recommended at the June 12, 2023 City Council meeting, the City Council accepted staff's recommendation and directed staff to engage the services of SitelogIQ. On June 26, 2023, the City Council approved a Professional Services Agreement with SitelogIQ. Over the summer and fall of 2023, SitelogIQ conducted an initial site walk to determine the scope and scale of the program. Their work has included the following: Compiled utility tariff and reviewed historical utility usage/bill analysis for the City Hall campus / tennis courts; Modeled future use and operation of a distributed energy resource composed of solar photovoltaic and battery energy storage and performance using industry-leading software platform, Energy Toolbase; Evaluated/selected products and equipment. The electrical load and service voltage limited SitelogIQ to four primary products/manufacturers. These were benchmarked 65 against each other, with the selected product meeting the following criteria: cost, efficiency, and application; Hosted contractors on-site to walk through the scope and existing conditions. Validated equipment, material quotes, and labor bids; Developed cashflow and identified funding pathways; Met with City staff to review preliminary project scope; Conducted internal review to identify risks and challenges; Reviewed the application process for the IRA and calculated the “elective pay” tax incentive based on total eligible costs SitelogIQ's project team developed a comprehensive scope of work around resiliency that provides a turn-key design-build solution to the City. They compiled a 20-year program cash flow incorporating ongoing maintenance and operations that was reviewed by the former Interim City Manager and current City Manager / staff. On December 14, 2023, SiteLogiQ presented their findings and proformas to the City Council as two options: Option 1 – Cash deal for the entire scope of work Option 2 (No EV) – Cash deal for a scope of work without EV Charging The City Council provided SiteLogiQ with direction to explore solutions that were more cost effective including the use of natural gas/propane backup solutions versus the proposed battery storage option, and to research other potential grants that could offset capital investment. On March 11, 2024, City staff presented that since December 2023, SiteLogiQ had revisited the program approach, with a focus on the scope and scale of the Photovoltaic (PV) system and Energy Storage. Per City Council's direction they performed the following tasks: Kept the PV system at approximately the same size and in the same location; Removed the EV charging station; Removed the energy storage system; Introduced a dual-fuel energy generator to the solution mix; Reviewed utility cost avoidance projections based on the change of scope; Solicited budgetary pricing from vendors and subcontractors for equipment and installation labor; Reviewed the IRA application and recalculated the predicted credit value based on 30- 40% of the eligible cost; Reviewed and qualified Utility and CEC programs (03/05/2024); Developed summary table for presentation to staff. The attached Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Options Matrix shows the original proposed project as Option A, the revised Solar-PV system with a dual-fuel emergency generator as Option B and a third Option C depicting the addition of a dual-fuel emergency generator only. Option C would require the City to pursue a more traditional RFQ/RFP process. SiteLogiQ could submit as part of any solicitation. As noted during the meeting SiteLogiQ anticipates potential downward movement in the proposed program budget once they understand the final scope, schedule and contract terms. 66 As previously discussed, implementation of a PV system will have immediate and long-term utility cost avoidance savings. SiteLogiQ has estimated a 5% annual increase in rates in their utility cost avoidance projections. In 2023 the rate increase was 7.2%. In 2024 the forecasted rate increase is 7.6%. SCE has also requested a rate increase in its General Rate Case application (A.23-05-010) for 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2028. In this application, SCE asked the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for an authorized base revenue requirement (ABRR) of $10.27 billion to become effective January 1, 2025. Including sales updates and a $95.57 million in one-time memorandum accounts recoveries, the request represents a $1.90 billion, or 23 percent, increase in 2025 over 2024 requested base rates. Increases for 2026, 2027 and 2028 are $373.1, $476.5, and $514.5 million, respectively. A proposed decision on the application for the 2025 test year is expected in the first quarter of 2025. The City Council requested that SiteLogiQ provide specific schematics and bottom-line costs for both Option B (Photovoltaic Solar System with dual-fuel backup generator) and Option C (dual-fuel backup generator only) at the March 25, 2024 Council meeting. DISCUSSION: At the March 11, 2024 City Council meeting, the Council had a variety of questions and requested additional information. Staff has attached spec sheets for the various components and is providing a list of questions and answers below. SOLAR / PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM: What is the overall output proposed? Does the 27kw provide the correct amount of power to both buildings? 27 kW. The solar is sized towards optimizing the economic return. This will provide power to both buildings as they are interconnected by one meter. What is the realistic typical lifespan on the panels / inverter? Modules (panels): 25-30 years. Inverters 8-12 years. What is the typical maintenance cost estimations over lifespan? Approximately, $40K to $50K for 30-years. Panel washing should be closer to $400 per year but not needed for every year. Will the City be able to utilize Net Energy Metering (NEM) to provide credits towards the Tennis Courts electricity bill based on over-production at City Hall? Yes. SiteLogiQ will file an interconnection application under the current NEM 3.0 program DUEL-FUEL BACKUP GENERATOR SYSTEM: Does the generator automatically switchover during loss of power? Yes Where would the generator and propane tank be installed? Outside the shed and above ground for both. What size is the generator / propane tank? 67 48kW / 300-gallon tank (4'x8'). Propane tank, in the event of an emergency where natural gas is unavailable, can provide 3-5 days of full operation and should be more than sufficient to meet the requirements for a fully supported City Hall/EOC facility What is the realistic typical lifespan? Lifespan depends on maintenance and operation. Assuming low usage and proper maintenance the lifespan is likely 12+ year. Annual maintenance should suffice and would include electrical system review, air filter, coolant / oil checks and changes. What is the typical maintenance cost estimations over lifespan? Assuming backup generator is rarely used, estimate $15K to $27K Will the model be South Coast Air Quality Management District compliant? Yes Based on Council feedback, staff is recommending the City Council consider Option B with a net-implementation budget and one-time capital cost of $309,200 (after the receipt of estimated IRA funding). The IRA funding would come to the City in Q1 of the following year after project completion which is estimated to be by end of this calendar year. This would be treated as a reimbursement to the City after paying the total implementation budget of $418,000. FISCAL IMPACT: The total fiscal impact of the Option B project would be $309,200. At the June 12, 2023 City Council meeting, the FY 2023-2024 budget was approved, including an allocation of $250,000 to the City Hall campus back-up power project. SiteLogIQ's proforma assumes rebates of up to $108,800. This would leave the unfunded portion of the potential project at $59,200. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. Provide direction to staff and SiteLogIQ to bring the project presentation to the RHCA Board before returning for a formal Public Hearing with the City Council. ATTACHMENTS: CL_AGN_240311_CC_SiteLogiQ_DER_OptionsMatrix.pdf CL_AGN_240325_CC_SiteLogiQ_CanadianSolarModule.pdf CL_AGN_240325_CC_SiteLogiQ_SolarEdgeInverter.pdf CL_AGN_240325_CC_SiteLogiQ_IronRidgeRackingSystem.pdf CL_AGN_240325_CC_SiteLogiQ_Generac_ProtectoSeriesModel_RG048.pdf CL_AGN_240325_CC_SiteLogiQ_Generac_48-80kw_BackupGeneratorSS.pdf 68 Option A: Solar-PV System Dual-Fuel Emergency Generator Energy Storage (Battery) Microgrid capable Option B: Solar-PV System Dual-Fuel Emergency Generator Option C: Dual-Fuel Emergency Generator Program Budget Turn-key Implementation $605,000.00 $418,000.00 $146,000.00 Implementation Budget w/o emergency generator $459,000.00 $272,000.00 n/a Utility Cost Avoidance Year 1 (12 months after installation) $13,735.05 $7,763.70 n/a 30-year Annual Savings w/ utility cost escalation $912,540.89 $515,811.28 n/a Funding Sources Inflation Reduction Act $183,600.00 $108,800.00 n/a SCE: Microgrid Incentive Program n/a n/a n/a CEC: Distributed Electricity Backup Assets n/a (for Program Year 2024) n/a (for Program Year 2024) n/a Net- Implementation Budget Implementation Budget after Incentives, Grants $421,400.00 $309,200.00 n/a Implementation Budget after Incentives, Grants w/o emergency generator $275,400.00 $163,200.00 n/a Economic Summary Payback term w/o utility cost escalation 30.7 years 39.8 years - Payback term w/ utility cost escalation 19 - 20 years 22 - 23 years - Payback term w/ utility cost escalation w/o emergency generator 14-15 years 14 - 15 years - Rolling Hills - Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Options Matrix March 6, 2027 69 520 W ~ 550 W CSI Solar Co., Ltd. is committed to providing high quality solar photovoltaic modules, solar energy and battery storage solu- tions to customers. The company was recognized as the No. 1 module supplier for quality and performance/price ratio in the IHS Module Customer Insight Survey. Over the past 20 years, it has successfully delivered over 63 GW of premium-quality solar modules across the world. CS6W-520|525|530|535|540|545|550MB-AG MORE POWER MORE RELIABLE Comprehensive LID / LeTID mitigation technology, up to 50% lower degradation Module power up to 550 W Module efficiency up to 21.4 %550 W Minimizes micro-crack impacts * For detailed information, please refer to the Installation Manual. Heavy snow load up to 5400 Pa, wind load up to 2400 Pa* Better shading tolerance 30 12Years Years BiHiKu6 BIFACIAL MONO PERC FRONT BACK Compatible with mainstream trackers, cost effective product for utility power plant Up to 12.3 % lower LCOE Up to 5.2 % lower system cost CSI Solar Co., Ltd. 199 Lushan Road, SND, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China, 215129, www.csisolar.com, support@csisolar.com PRODUCT CERTIFICATES* ISO 9001:2015 / Quality management system ISO 14001:2015 / Standards for environmental management system ISO 45001: 2018 / International standards for occupational health & safety MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATES* * The specific certificates applicable to different module types and markets will vary, and therefore not all of the certifications listed herein will simultaneously apply to the products you order or use. Please contact your local Canadian Solar sales representative to confirm the specific certificates available for your Product and applicable in the regions in which the products will be used. *According to the applicable Canadian Solar Limited Warranty Statement. Enhanced Product Warranty on Materials and Workmanship* Linear Power Performance Warranty* 1st year power degradation no more than 2% Subsequent annual power degradation no more than 0.45% IEC 61215 / IEC 61730 / CE / INMETRO / MCS / UKCA CEC listed (US California) UL 61730 / IEC 61701 / IEC 62716 / IEC 60068-2-68 Take-e-way 70 PARTNER SECTION ELECTRICAL DATA | STC* Nominal Max. Power (Pmax) Opt. Operating Voltage (Vmp) Opt. Operating Current (Imp) Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) Short Circuit Current (Isc) Module Efficiency CS6W-520MB-AG 520 W 40.5 V 12.84 A 48.4 V 13.70 A 20.2% Bifacial Gain** 5%546 W 40.5 V 13.48 A 48.4 V 14.39 A 21.2% 10%572 W 40.5 V 14.12 A 48.4 V 15.07 A 22.3% 20%624 W 40.5 V 15.41 A 48.4 V 16.44 A 24.3% CS6W-525MB-AG 525 W 40.7 V 12.90 A 48.6 V 13.75 A 20.4% Bifacial Gain** 5%551 W 40.7 V 13.55 A 48.6 V 14.44 A 21.4% 10%578 W 40.7 V 14.21 A 48.6 V 15.13 A 22.5% 20%630 W 40.7 V 15.48 A 48.6 V 16.50 A 24.5% CS6W-530MB-AG 530 W 40.9 V 12.96 A 48.8 V 13.80 A 20.6% Bifacial Gain** 5%557 W 40.9 V 13.62 A 48.8 V 14.49 A 21.7% 10%583 W 40.9 V 14.26 A 48.8 V 15.18 A 22.7% 20%636 W 40.9 V 15.55 A 48.8 V 16.56 A 24.8% CS6W-535MB-AG 535 W 41.1 V 13.02 A 49.0 V 13.85 A 20.8% Bifacial Gain** 5%562 W 41.1 V 13.68 A 49.0 V 14.54 A 21.9% 10%589 W 41.1 V 14.34 A 49.0 V 15.24 A 22.9% 20%642 W 41.1 V 15.62 A 49.0 V 16.62 A 25.0% CS6W-540MB-AG 540 W 41.3 V 13.08 A 49.2 V 13.90 A 21.0% Bifacial Gain** 5%567 W 41.3 V 13.73 A 49.2 V 14.60 A 22.1% 10%594 W 41.3 V 14.39 A 49.2 V 15.29 A 23.1% 20%648 W 41.3 V 15.70 A 49.2 V 16.68 A 25.2% CS6W-545MB-AG 545 W 41.5 V 13.14 A 49.4 V 13.95 A 21.2% Bifacial Gain** 5%572 W 41.5 V 13.80 A 49.4 V 14.65 A 22.3% 10%600 W 41.5 V 14.46 A 49.4 V 15.35 A 23.3% 20%654 W 41.5 V 15.77 A 49.4 V 16.74 A 25.5% CS6W-550MB-AG 550 W 41.7 V 13.20 A 49.6 V 14.00 A 21.4% Bifacial Gain** 5%578 W 41.7 V 13.87 A 49.6 V 14.70 A 22.5% 10%605 W 41.7 V 14.52 A 49.6 V 15.40 A 23.5% 20%660 W 41.7 V 15.84 A 49.6 V 16.80 A 25.7% * Under Standard Test Conditions (STC) of irradiance of 1000 W/m2, spectrum AM 1.5 and cell tempe- rature of 25°C. ** Bifacial Gain: The additional gain from the back side compared to the power of the front side at the standard test condition. It depends on mounting (structure, height, tilt angle etc.) and albedo of the ground. ENGINEERING DRAWING (mm) Rear View CSI Solar Co., Ltd. 199 Lushan Road, SND, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China, 215129, www.csisolar.com, support@csisolar.com ELECTRICAL DATA | NMOT* Nominal Max. Power (Pmax) Opt. Operating Voltage (Vmp) Opt. Operating Current (Imp) Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) Short Circuit Current (Isc) CS6W-520MB-AG 390 W 38.0 V 10.27 A 45.7 V 11.05 A CS6W-525MB-AG 394 W 38.2 V 10.32 A 45.9 V 11.09 A CS6W-530MB-AG 397 W 38.3 V 10.38 A 46.1 V 11.13 A CS6W-535MB-AG 401 W 38.5 V 10.42 A 46.3 V 11.17 A CS6W-540MB-AG 405 W 38.7 V 10.47 A 46.5 V 11.21 A CS6W-545MB-AG 409 W 38.9 V 10.52 A 46.7 V 11.25 A CS6W-550MB-AG 412 W 39.1 V 10.55 A 46.9 V 11.29 A * Under Nominal Module Operating Temperature (NMOT), irradiance of 800 W/m2, spectrum AM 1.5, ambient temperature 20°C, wind speed 1 m/s.3523 Mounting Hole CS6W-530MB-AG / I-V CURVES 710 R 914 R ELECTRICAL DATA Operating Temperature -40°C ~ +85°C Max. System Voltage 1500 V (IEC/UL) or 1000 V (IEC/UL) Module Fire Performance TYPE 29 (UL 61730) or CLASS C (IEC61730) Max. Series Fuse Rating 30 A Application Classification Class A Power Tolerance Power Bifaciality*70 % * Power Bifaciality = Pmaxrear / Pmaxfront, both Pmaxrear and Pmaxfront are tested under STC, Bifaciality Tolerance: ± 5 % MECHANICAL DATA Specification Data Cell Type Mono-crystalline Cell Arrangement 144 [2 x (12 x 6) ] Dimensions 2266 ˣ 1134 ˣ 35 mm (89.2 ˣ 44.6 ˣ 1.38 in) Weight 32.2 kg (71.0 lbs) Front Glass 2.0 mm heat strengthened glass with anti-reflective coating Back Glass 2.0 mm heat strengthened glass Frame Anodized aluminium alloy J-Box IP68, 3 bypass diodes Cable 4.0 mm² (IEC), 12 AWG (UL) Cable Length (Inclu-ding Connector)410 mm (16.1 in) (+) / 290 mm (11.4 in) (-) or customized length* Connector T4 series or MC4-EVO2 Per Pallet 30 pieces Per Container (40' HQ)600 pieces or 540 pieces (only for US) * For detailed information, please contact your local Canadian Solar sales and technical representatives. Frame Cross Section A-A TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS Specification Data Temperature Coefficient (Pmax)-0.34 % / °C Temperature Coefficient (Voc)-0.26 % / °C Temperature Coefficient (Isc)0.05 % / °C Nominal Module Operating Temperature 41 ± 3°C V A V A 1000 W/m2 800 W/m2 600 W/m2 400 W/m2 200 W/m2 5°C 25°C 45°C 65°C 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 ~ + 10 W * The specifications and key features contained in this datasheet may deviate slightly from our actual products due to the on-going innovation and product enhancement. CSI Solar Co., Ltd. reserves the right to make necessary adjustment to the information described herein at any time without further notice. Please be kindly advised that PV modules should be handled and installed by qualified people who have professional skills and please carefully read the safety and installation instructions before using our PV modules. February 2022. All rights reserved, PV Module Product Datasheet V2.1_EN 35 AA 1105 1134 50 50 6-Φ5Grounding Hole 40079011558-10x7Mounting Hole(tracker) 4-14x9 Mounting Hole 226671 solaredge.com SolarEdge Home Wave Inverter For North America SE3000H-US / SE3800H-US / SE5000H-US / SE5700H-US / SE6000H-US / SE7600H-US / SE10000H-US / SE11400H-US Optimized installation with HD-Wave technology Specifically designed to work with power optimizers Record-breaking 99% weighted efficiency Quick and easy inverter commissioning directly from a smartphone using SolarEdge SetApp Fixed voltage inverter for longer strings Integrated arc fault protection and rapid shutdown for NEC 2014-2023 per articles 690.11 and 690.12 UL1741 SA certified, for CPUC Rule 21 grid compliance Small, lightweight, and easy to install both outdoors or indoors Built-in module-level monitoring Optional: Faster installations with built-in consumption metering (1% accuracy) and production revenue grade metering (0.5% accuracy, ANSI C12.20) INVERTERS 12-25 YEAR WARRANTY 72 © SolarEdge Technologies, Ltd. All rights reserved. SOLAREDGE, the SolarEdge logo, OPTIMIZED BY SOLAREDGE are trademarks or registered trademarks of SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. All other trademarks mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners. Date: February 11, 2024 DS-000153-NAM. Subject to change without notice. SolarEdge Home Wave Inverter For North America SE3000H-US / SE3800H-US / SE5000H-US / SE5700H-US / SE6000H-US/ SE7600H-US Applicable to inverters with part number SEXXXXH-XXXXXBXX4 SE3000H-US SE3800H-US SE5000H-US SE5700H-US SE6000H-US SE7600H-US Units OUTPUT Rated AC Power Output 3000 3800 @ 240V 3300 @ 208V 5000 5760 @ 240V 5000 @ 208V 6000 @ 240V 5000 @ 208V 7600 VA Maximum AC Power Output 3000 3800 @ 240V 3300 @ 208V 5000 5760 @ 240V 5000 @ 208V 6000 @ 240V 5000 @ 208V 7600 VA AC Output Voltage Min. – Nom. – Max. (211 – 240 – 264) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Vac AC Output Voltage Min. – Nom. – Max. (183 – 208 – 229) - ✓ - ✓ ✓ - Vac AC Frequency (Nominal) 59.3 – 60 – 60.5(1) Hz Maximum Continuous Output Current @240V 12.5 16 21 24 25 32 A Maximum Continuous Output Current @208V - 16 - 24 24 - A Power Factor 1, Adjustable – 0.85 to 0.85 GFDI Threshold 1 A Utility Monitoring, Islanding Protection, Country Configurable Thresholds Yes INPUT Maximum DC Power @240V 4650 5900 7750 8900 9300 11800 W Maximum DC Power @208V - 5100 - 7750 7750 - W Transformer-less, Ungrounded Yes Maximum Input Voltage 480 Vdc Nominal DC Input Voltage 380 Vdc Maximum Input Current @240V(2) 8.5 10.5 13.5 16 16.5 20 Adc Maximum Input Current @208V(2) - 9 - 13.5 13.5 - Adc Max. Input Short Circuit Current 45 Adc Reverse-Polarity Protection Yes Ground-Fault Isolation Detection 600k Sensitivity Maximum Inverter Efficiency 99 99.2 % CEC Weighted Efficiency 99 % Nighttime Power Consumption < 2.5 W ADDITIONAL FEATURES Supported Communication Interfaces RS485, Ethernet, wireless SolarEdge Home Network (optional)(3), Wi-Fi (optional), Cellular (optional) Revenue Grade Metering, ANSI C12.20 Optional(4) Consumption Metering Optional(4) Inverter Commissioning With the SetApp mobile application using Built-in Wi-Fi Access Point for Local Connection Rapid Shutdown - NEC 2014-2023 per articles 690.11 and 690.12 Automatic Rapid Shutdown upon AC Grid Disconnect STANDARD COMPLIANCE Safety Conforms to UL 1741, UL 1741SA, UL 1741SB, UL 1699B Certified by CSA 22.2#107.1, C22,2#330, C22.3#9, ANSI/CAN/UL 9540 Grid Connection Standards IEEE1547 and IEEE-1547.1, Rule 21, Rule 14H Emissions FCC Part 15 Class B INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS AC Output Conduit Size / AWG Range 1'' Maximum / 14 – 6 AWG DC Input Conduit Size / # of Strings / AWG Range 1'' Maximum / 1 – 2 strings / 14 – 6 AWG Dimensions with Safety Switch (H x W x D) 17.7 x 14.6 x 6.8 / 450 x 370 x 174 in / mm Weight with Safety Switch 22 / 10 25.1 / 11.4 27.5 / 12.5 26.2 / 11.9 lb / kg Noise < 25 < 50 dBA Cooling Natural Convection Operating Temperature Range -40 to +140 / -40 to +60(5) ˚F / ˚C Protection Rating NEMA 4X (Inverter with Safety Switch) (1) For other regional settings please contact SolarEdge support. (2) A higher current source may be used; the inverter will limit its input current to the values stated. (3) For more information, refer to the SolarEdge Home Network datasheet (4) Inverter with Revenue Grade Production and Consumption Meter P/N: SExxxxH-US000BEI4. For consumption metering, current transformers should be ordered separately: SEACT0750-200NA-20 or SEACT0750-400NA-20. 20 units per box. (5) Full power up to at least 50˚C / 122˚F; for power de-rating information refer to the Temperature Derating technical note for North America. 73 © SolarEdge Technologies, Ltd. All rights reserved. SOLAREDGE, the SolarEdge logo, OPTIMIZED BY SOLAREDGE are trademarks or registered trademarks of SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. All other trademarks mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners. Date: February 11, 2024 DS-000153-NAM. Subject to change without notice. SolarEdge Home Wave Inverter For North America SE10000H-US / SE11400H-US Applicable to inverters with part number SEXXXXH-XXXXXBXX4 SE11400H-XXXXXBXX5 SE10000H-US SE11400H-US Units OUTPUT Rated AC Power Output 10000 11400 @ 240V 10000 @ 208V VA Maximum AC Power Output 10000 11400 @ 240V 10000 @ 208V VA AC Output Voltage Min. – Nom . – Max. (211 – 240 – 264) ✓ ✓ Vac AC Output Voltage Min. – Nom. – Max. (183 – 208 – 229) - ✓ Vac AC Frequency (Nominal) 59.3 – 60 – 60.5(6) Hz Maximum Continuous Output Current @240V 42 47.5 A Maximum Continuous Output Current @208V - 48.5 A Power Factor 1, Adjustable – 0.85 to 0.85 GFDI Threshold 1 A Utility Monitoring, Islanding Protection, Country Configurable Thresholds Yes INPUT Maximum DC Power @240V 15500 17650 W Maximum DC Power @208V - 15500 W Transformer-less, Ungrounded Yes Maximum Input Voltage 480 Vdc Nominal DC Input Voltage 380 Vdc Maximum Input Current @240V(7) 27 30.5 Adc Maximum Input Current @208V(7) - 27 Adc Max. Input Short Circuit Current 45 Adc Reverse-Polarity Protection Yes Ground-Fault Isolation Detection 600k Sensitivity Maximum Inverter Efficiency 99.2 % CEC Weighted Efficiency 99 99 @ 240V 98.5 @ 208V % Nighttime Power Consumption < 2.5 W ADDITIONAL FEATURES Supported Communication Interfaces RS485, Ethernet, wireless SolarEdge Home Network (optional)(8), Wi-Fi (optional), Cellular (optional) Revenue Grade Metering, ANSI C12.20 Optional(9) Consumption Metering Optional(9) Inverter Commissioning With the SetApp mobile application using Built-in Wi-Fi Access Point for Local Connection Rapid Shutdown - NEC 2014-2023 per articles 690.11 and 690.12 Automatic Rapid Shutdown upon AC Grid Disconnect STANDARD COMPLIANCE Safety Conforms to UL 1741, UL 1741SA, UL 1741SB, UL 1699B Certified by CSA 22.2#107.1, C22,2#330, C22.3#9, ANSI/CAN/UL 9540 Grid Connection Standards IEEE1547 and IEEE-1547.1, Rule 21, Rule 14H Emissions FCC Part 15 Class B INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS AC Output Conduit Size / AWG Range 1'' Maximum / 14 – 4 AWG DC Input Conduit Size / # of Strings / AWG Range 1'' Maximum / 1 – 3 strings / 14 – 6 AWG Dimensions with Safety Switch (H x W x D) 21.06 x 14.6 x 7.3 / 535 x 370 x 185 21.06 x 14.6 x 8.2 / 535 x 370 x 208(10) in / mm Weight with Safety Switch 38.8 / 17.6 44.9 / 20.4(10) lb / kg Noise <50 dBA Cooling Natural Convection Operating Temperature Range -40 to +140 / -40 to +60(11) ˚F / ˚C Protection Rating NEMA 4X (Inverter with Safety Switch) (6) For other regional settings please contact SolarEdge support. (7) A higher current source may be used; the inverter will limit its input current to the values stated. (8) For more information, refer to the SolarEdge Home Network datasheet (9) Inverter with Revenue Grade Production and Consumption Meter P/N: SExxxxH-US000BEI4. For consumption metering, current transformers should be ordered separately: SEACT0750-200NA-20 or SEACT0750-400NA-20. 20 units per box. (10) SE11400H-USxxxBxx5 is the updated PN, though SE11400H-USxxxBxx4 will still be available. All specifications are similar for both models, EXCLUDING the weight and dimensions [HxWxD]; The weight and dimensions of SE11400H-USxxxBxx4 are 38.8 / 17.6 [lb / kg] and 21.06 x 14.6 x 7.3 / 535 x 370 x 185 [in/mm], accordingly. (11) Full power up to at least 50˚C / 122˚F; for power de-rating information refer to the Temperature Derating technical note for North America. 74 © SolarEdge Technologies, Ltd. All rights reserved. SOLAREDGE, the SolarEdge logo, OPTIMIZED BY SOLAREDGE are trademarks or registered trademarks of SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. All other trademarks mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners. Date: February 11, 2024 DS-000153-NAM. Subject to change without notice. (12) SolarEdge is a global leader in smart energy technology. By leveraging world-class engineering capabilities and with a relentless focus on innovation, SolarEdge creates smart energy solutions that power our lives and drive future progress. SolarEdge developed an intelligent inverter solution that changed the way power is harvested and managed in photovoltaic (PV) systems. The SolarEdge DC optimized inverter maximizes power generation while lowering the cost of energy produced by the PV system. Continuing to advance smart energy, SolarEdge addresses a broad range of energy market segments through its PV, storage, EV charging, UPS, and grid services solutions. SolarEdge @SolarEdgePV @SolarEdgePV SolarEdgePV SolarEdge www.solaredge.com/corporate/contact solaredge.com © SolarEdge Technologies, Ltd. All rights reserved. SOLAREDGE, the SolarEdge logo, OPTIMIZED BY SOLAREDGE are trademarks or registered trademarks of SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. All other trademarks mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners. Date: February 6, 2024 DS-000153 Subjectto change without notice. Cautionary Note Regarding Market Data and Industry Forecasts: This brochure may contain market data and industry forecasts from certain third-party sources. This information is based on industry surveys and the preparer’s expertise in the industry and there can be no assurance that any such market data is accurate or that any such industry forecasts will be achieved. Although we have not independently verified the accuracy of such market data and industry forecasts, we believe that the market data is reliable and that the industry forecasts are reasonable. 75 Tech Brief Solar Is Not Always Sunny Over their lifetime, solar panels experience countless extreme weather events. Not just the worst storms in years, but the worst storms in 40 years. High winds capable of ripping panels from a roof, and snowfalls weighing enough to buckle a panel frame. XR Rails® are the structural backbone preventing these results. They resist uplift, protect against buckling and safely and efficiently transfer loads into the building structure. Their superior spanning capability requires fewer roof attachments, reducing the number of roof penetrations and the amount of installation time. XR Rail® Family Force-Stabilizing Curve Sloped roofs generate both vertical and lateral forces on mounting rails which can cause them to bend and twist. The curved shape of XR Rails® is specially designed to increase strength in both directions while resisting the twisting. This unique feature ensures greater security during extreme weather and a longer system lifetime. Compatible with Flat & Pitched Roofs Roof Mount utilizes XR Rails, along with optional all-in-one attachments, to secure systems flush against residential roofs. Corrosion-Resistant Materials XR Rails® are compatible with FlashFoot® and other pitched roof attachments. IronRidge® offers a range of tilt leg options for flat roof mounting applications. All XR Rails® are made of 6000-series aluminum alloy, then protected with an anodized finish. Anodizing prevents surface and structural corrosion, while also providing a more attractive appearance. 76 XR Rail® Family The XR Rail® Family offers the strength of a curved rail in three targeted sizes. Each size supports specific design loads, while minimizing material costs. Depending on your location, there is an XR Rail® to match. © 2023 IronRidge, Inc. All rights reserved. Visit www.ironridge.com or call 1-800-227-9523 for more information. Version 1.22 Tech Brief Rail Selection The table below was prepared in compliance with applicable engineering codes and standards.* Values are based on the following criteria: ASCE 7-16, Gable Roof Flush Mount, Roof Zones 1 & 2e, Exposure B, Roof Slope of 8 to 20 degrees and Mean Building Height of 30 ft. Visit IronRidge.com for detailed certification letters. Load Rail Span Snow (PSF)Wind (MPH)4’5’ 4”6’8’10’12’ None 90 120 140 XR10 XR100 XR1000 160 20 90 120 140 160 30 90 160 40 90 160 80 160 120 160 XR100 XR100 is a residential and commercial mounting rail. It supports a range of wind and snow conditions, while also maximizing spans up to 10 feet. • 10’ spanning capability • Heavy load capability • Clear & black anodized finish • Internal splices available XR10 XR10 is a sleek, low-profile mounting rail, designed for regions with light or no snow. It achieves spans up to 6 feet, while remaining light and economical. • 6’ spanning capability • Moderate load capability • Clear & black anodized finish • Internal splices available XR1000 XR1000 is a heavyweight among solar mounting rails. It’s built to handle extreme climates and spans up to 12 feet for commercial applications. • 12’ spanning capability • Extreme load capability • Clear anodized finish • Internal splices available *Table is meant to be a simplified span chart for conveying general rail capabilities. Use approved certification letters for actual design guidance. 77 Protector® Series INCLUDES: • Two-Line LCD Multilingual Digital Evolution TM Controller (English/Spanish/French/Portuguese) With External Viewing Window for Easy Indication of Generator Status and Breaker Position • Isochronous Electronic Governor • Sound Attenuated Enclosure • Closed Coolant Recovery System • Smart Battery Charger • UV /Ozone Resistant Hoses • ±1% Voltage Regulation • Field Convertible Fuel Type With No Mechanical Adjustment Required . • 5 Year Limited Warranty • UL 2200 Listed • Listed and labeled by the Southwest Research Institute allowing installation as close as 18 in (457 mm) to a structure* *Must be located away from doors, windows, and fresh air intakes and in accordance with local codes. https://assets.swri.org/library/OirectoryOIListedProducts/ Constructionlndustry/973 _ DoC _ 204 _ 13204-01-01 _ Rev9.pdf FEATURES 0 INNOVATIVE DESIGN & PROTOTYPE TESTING are key components of GENERAC'S success in "IMPROVING POWER BY DESIGN ." But it doesn't stop there . Total commitment to component testing, reliability testing, environmental testing, destruction and life testing, plus testing to applicable CSA, NEMA, EGSA, and other standards, allows you to choose GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS with the confidence that these systems will provide superior performance . 0 TEST CRITERIA: ✓ PROTOTYPE TESTED ✓ NEMA MG1-22 EVALUATION ✓ SYSTEM TORSIONAL TESTED ✓ MOTOR STARTING ABILITY 0 MOBILE LINK® CONNECTIVITY: Free with select Protector Series standby generator sets, Mobile Link Wi-Fi allows users to monitor the generator set status from anywhere in the world using a smartphone, tablet, or PC . Easily access information such as the current operating status and maintenance alerts . Users can connect an account to an authorized service dealer for fast, friendly, and proactive service . With Mobile Link, users are taken care of before the next power outage . GENERAC® GENERAC® -PROTECTOR® SERIES Standby Generators Liquid-Cooled Gaseous Engine Standby Power Rating Model RG048 (Aluminum -Bisque) -48 kW 60 Hz Model RG060 (Aluminum -Bisque) -60 kW 60 Hz Model RG080 (Aluminum -Bisque) -80 kW 60Hz ,@~L ~ QUIET TESI ~ •Assembllldlnth8USAusln11 domastieanclfllreignparts Meets EPA Emission Regulations CA/ MA Emission Campi iant 0 SOLID-STATE, FREQUENCY COMPENSATED VOLTAGE REGULATION. This state-of-the-art power maximizing regulation system is standard on all Generac models. It provides optimized FAST RESPONSE to changing load conditions and MAXIMUM MOTOR STARTING CAPABILITY by electronically torque-matching the surge loads to the engine . Digital voltage regulation at ± 1 %. 0 SINGLE SOURCE SERVICE RESPONSE from Generac 's extensive dealer network provides parts and service know-how for the entire unit, from the engine to the smallest electronic component. 0 GENERAC TRANSFER SWITCHES. Long life and reliability are synonymous with GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS . One reason for this confidence is the GENERAC product line is offered with its own transfer systems and controls for total system compatibility. 78 - 79 48 / 60 / 80 kW GENERATOR OUTPUT VOLTAGE/kW-60 Hz kW LPG 120/240V, 10, 1.0 pf 48 120/208 V, 30, 0.8 pf 48 RG048 120/240 V, 30, 0.8 pf 48 277/480 V, 30, 0.8 pf 48 120/240 V, 10, 1.0 pf 60 120/208 V, 30 , 0.8 pf 60 RG060 120/240 V, 30, 0.8 pf 60 277/480 V, 30 , 0.8 pf 60 120/240 V, 10, 1.0 pf 75 120/208 V, 30, 0.8 pf 75 RG080 120/240 V, 30, 0.8 pf 75 277/480 V, 30 , 0.8 pf 75 SURGE CAPACITY IN AMPS Voltage Dip @ < .4 pf 15% 30% 120 / 240 V, 10 100 300 120/ 208 V, 30 118 242 RG048 120 / 240 V, 30 144 260 277 I 480 V, 30 64 123 120 / 240 V, 10 150 413 RG060 120/ 208 V, 30 135 313 120 / 240 V, 30 117 289 277 I 480 V, 30 54 122 120 / 240 V, 10 283 600 RG080 120 / 208 V, 30 236 500 120 / 240 V, 30 204 432 277 I 480 V, 30 102 192 Note: Fuel pipe must be sized for full load. For Btu content, multiply ft 3 / hr x 2,520 (LP) or ft 3 / hr x 1,000 (NG). For megajoule content, multiply m3 / hr x 93 .15 (LP) or m3 / hr x 37 .26 (NG). Refer to "Emissions Data Sheets" for maximum fuel flow for EPA and SCAOMD permitting purposes . GENERAC® operating data Amp LPG kW Nat. Gas Amp Nat. Gas CB Size (Both) 200 48 200 200 167 48 167 175 144 48 144 150 72 48 72 80 250 60 250 300 208 60 208 200 180 60 180 200 90 60 90 100 312 80 333 400 260 80 278 300 226 80 241 300 113 80 120 150 ENGINE FUEL CONSUMPTION Natural Gas Propane (ft3 / hr) (m 3 / hr) (gal/ hr) (ft 3 / hr) (I/ hr) Exercise cycle 101 2.86 0.67 24 .5 2.54 25% of rated load 201 5.7 2.88 104.7 10.9 RG048 50% of rated load 336 9.5 4.16 151.3 15.7 75% of rated load 447 12.7 5.28 192 20 100% of rated load 604 17 .1 6.61 240.4 25 Exercise cycle 103 2.9 0.9 33.2 3.5 25% of rated load 257 7.3 2.1 78 8.1 RG060 50% of rated load 432 12 .2 4.4 161 .2 16 .8 75% of rated load 618 17.5 6.8 247.2 25.7 100% of rated load 808 22 .9 8.4 305 .6 31 .8 Exercise cycle 103 2.9 0.9 33.2 3.5 25% of rated load 292 8.3 2.6 93 .6 9.7 RG080 50% of rated load 534 15.1 5.7 208 .8 21.7 75% of rated load 799 22.6 8.3 303.2 31.5 100% of rated load 1,063 30 .1 10.8 393 .2 40 .9 STANDBY RATING: Standby ratings apply to installations served by a reliable utility source . The standby rating is applicable to varying loads for the duration of a power outage . There is no overload capability for this rating. Ratings are in accordance with IS0-3046-1. Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. 80 GENERAC® 48 / 60 / 80 kW operating data ENGINE COOLING 48kW 60/BOkW Air Flow (inlet air including alternator and combustion air in elm/ cmm) 2,829 I 80 .1 3,197 / 90 .5 System Coolant Capacity (gal/ liters) 2.9 I 11 4.5/ 17 Heat Rejection to Coolant (BTU per hr/ MJ per hr) 201 ,600 204 ,570 Maximum Operation Air Temperature on Radiator (°F / °C) 150 /66 150 / 66 Maximum Ambient Temperature (°F / °C) 140 /60 140 / 60 COMBUSTION REQUIREMENTS I Flow at Rated Power (scfm / cmm) 92 .7 I 2.6 170.4 / 4.8 SOUND EMISSIONS I Sound Output in dB(A) at 23 ft (7 m) With Generator* 68 68 *In exercise mode EXHAUST Exhaust Flow at Rated Output (scfm / cmm) 104 / 2.9 181 / 5.1 Exhaust Temperature at Muffler Outlet (°F / °C) 945/ 507 1,213 / 656 ENGINE PARAMETERS I Rated Synchronous rpm 1,800 1,800 POWER ADJUSTMENT FOR AMBIENT CONDITIONS Temperature Deration .................................................................................................................... 3% for every 10 °C above 25 °C or 1.65% for every 10 °F above 77 °F Altitude Deration (48 kW) ............................................................................................................. 1 % for every 100 m above 183 m or 3% for every 1,000 ft above 600 ft Altitude Deration (60 kW and 80 kW) ............................................................................................ 1 % for every 100 m above 915 m or 3% for every 1,000 ft above 3,000 ft CONTROLLER FEATURES Two-Line Plain Text LCD Display ............................................................................................................................................. Simple user interface for ease of operation . Mode Switch : Auto .................................................................................................................................................... Automatic Start on Utility failure . 7 day exerciser. Off ................................................................................................................................. Stops unit. Power is removed . Control and charger still operate . Manual ................................................................................................. Start with starter control , unit stays on . If utility fails , transfer to load takes place . Programmable Start Delay Between 10-30 Seconds ......................................................................................................................................................... 10 sec standard Engine Start Sequence ............................................................................................................................... Cyclic cranking : 16 sec on , 7 rest (90 sec maximum duration) Engine Warm-up .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 sec Engine Cool-Down .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 min Starter Lock-Out. ........................................................................................................................................ Starter cannot re-engage until 5 sec after engine has stopped. Smart Battery Charger ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Standard Automatic Voltage Regulation With Over and Under Voltage Protection ........................................................................................................................................ Standard Automatic Low Oil Pressure Shutdown ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Standard Overspeed Shutdown ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... Standard , 72 Hz High Temperature Shutdown ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Standard Overcrank Protection ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Standard Safety Fused ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Standard Failure to Transfer Protection ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Standard Low Battery Protection ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Standard 50 Event Run Log ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Standard Future Set Capable Exerciser ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Standard Incorrect Wiring Protection ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ Standard Internal Fault Protection .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Standard Common External Fault Capability ............................................................................................................................................................................................... Standard Governor Failure Protection ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ Standard 81 - - GENERAC® 48 / 60 / 80 kW available accessories Model# 60071690 6006478 -0 6007992 -0 6007990 -0 6005651-0 Product Mobile Link® 46 L TE Cellular Accessory Description 6enerac's Mobile Link allows you to check the status of your generator from anywhere that you have access to an Internet connection from a PC or with any smart device . You will even be notified when a change in the generator's status occurs via e-mail or text message . Note : Harness Adapter Kit required . Available in the U.S. only. KUitc, A(Rdapt~r MdofbileQLTink d The Harness Adapter Kit is required to make liquid-cooled units compatible with Mobile equire or an L' k® R6 Series) in • Cold Weather Kit If the temperature regularty falls below 32 °F (0 °C), install a cold weather kit to maintain optimal battery temperature . Kit consists of battery warmer with thermostat built into the wrap . E t C Id W th K't Recommended where the temperature regularly falls below 32 °F (0 °C) for extended periods x reme O ea er I of time . For liquid cooled units only . Base Plug Kit Add base plugs to the base of the generator to keep out debris . 6005703-0 -Bisque Paint Kit If the generator enclosure is scratched or damaged , it is important to touch-up the paint to protect from future corrosion . The paint kit includes the necessary paint to property maintain or touch-up a generator enclosure . 6007991-0 Scheduled Maintenance The Liquid-Cooled Scheduled Maintenance Kits offer all the hardware necessary to perform Kit complete maintenance on 6enerac liquid-cooled generators . 6006664-0 6006665-0 6007993-0 6007005-0 + Local Wireless Monitor Wireless Remote Extension Harness E-Stop Wi-Fi LP Fuel Level Monitor 6007000-0 (50 amp) Smart Management 6007006 -0(100 amp) Module A0000018981 A0000019001 Ultrasonic Cleaner Solution All Surface Protectant Completely wireless and battery powered, 6enerac"s wireless remote monitor provides you with instant status information without ever leaving the house . Recommended for use with the Wireless Remote on units up to 60 kW, required for use on units 70 kW or greater. E-stop allows for immediate fuel shutoff and generator shutdown in the event of an emergen cy. The Wi-Fi enabled LP fuel level monitor provides constant monitoring of the connected LP fuel tank . Monitoring the LP tank 's fuel level is an important step in making sure your generator is ready to run during an unexpected power failure . Status alerts are available through a free application to notify when your LP tank is in need of a refill . Smart Management Modules (SMM) are used to optimize the performance of a standby generator. They manage large electrical loads upon startup and shed them to aid in recovery when overloaded . In many cases, using SMM's can reduce the overall size and cost of the system . An ultra-concentrated anti-corrosive cleaning solution engineered to reach the smallest cavities to clean the toughest contaminants. This water based formula is non-toxic, biodegradable, safe for both metal and plastic surfaces, and is superior in rinsability . All surface protectant for vinyl, rubber, plastics creates a barrier that seals & protects sur faces from water, UV rays while renewing the look of the surface . 82 ENGINE/KW I ENCLOSURE I MATERIAL 4.5LJ48KW I AL I WEIGHT DATA WEIGHT I WEIGHT I GENSETONLY SHIPPING SKID SHIPPING WEIGHT KG [LBS] KG [LBS] KG [LBS) 808 [1781] I RADIATOR/EXHAUST DISCHARGE AIR (BOTH SIDES) fr 51 [112] I 859 [1893] AIR INTAKE REMOVE COVE)l8OTH SIDES) FOR ACCESS TO RADIATOR FILL CAP ~ SERVICE ITEM 4.SL OIL FILL CAP LEFT SIDE OIL DIP STICK LEFT SIDE Oil FILTER LEFT SIDE OIL DRAIN HOSE RIGHT SIDE RADIATOR DRAIN HOSE RIGHT SIDE COOLANT RECO VERY BOTTLE RIGHT SIDE RADIATOR Fill CAP ROOFTOP AIR CLEANER ELEMENT LEFT SIDE SPARK PLUGS LEFT SIDE MUFFLER SEE NOTE 11 DRIVE BELT EITHER SIDE BATTERY LEFT SIDE REFERENCE OWNERS MANUAL FOR PERIODIC REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST '----------!-----=----t------1BATTERY 12V <;=:J RADIATOR/EXHAUST DISCHARGE AIR i TOP VIEW EXHAUST MUFFLER ENCLOSED WITHIN GENERATOR ENCLOSURE I 843 [33] CENTER OF GRAVITY (SEE NOTE 5) 58 (2.3] TYP 47 ,t.. •• •• ,o 2026 (79d8]TYP_j (1.8] 2119 (83.4] OV1.%·W-M\~~Titlv GROUP 27F NEGATIVE GROUND P/N G058665 CIRCUIT BREAKE SEE NOTE 3 1168 [46 .0] OVERALL HEIGHT l --"'"' - OVERA!rEJWVi~w a, s. Protector® Series c.o NOTES: 1. MINIMUM RECOMMENDED CONCRETE PAD SIZE IS 6" OFFSET OF OVERALL LENGTH AND WIDTH OF GENERATOR. {1193 .8 (47") WIDE X 2423.2 (95.4") LONG}. REFERENCE INSTALLATION GUIDE SUPPLIED WITH THE UNIT FOR CONCRETE PAD GUIDELINES . REFERENCE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS IF USING ENGINEERED, PREFABRICATED SLABS . 2. ALLOW SUFFICIENT ROOM ON ALL SIDES OF THE GENERATOR FOR MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING. THIS UNIT MUST BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT APPLICABLE NFPA 37 AND NFPA 70 STANDARDS AS WELL AS ANY OTHER FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL CODES . 3. CONTROL PANEL / CIRCUIT BREAKER INFORMATION: -SEE SPECIFICATION SHEET OR OWNERS MANUAL -ACCESSIBLE THROUGH CUSTOMER ACCESS ASSEMBLY DOOR ON REAR OF GENERATOR. 4. REMOVE THE REAR ENCLOSURE COVER PANEL TO ACCESS THE STUB-UP AREAS AS FOLLOWS: -HIGH VOLTAGE CONNECTION INCLUDING AC LOAD LEAD CONDUIT CONNECTION NEUTRAL CONNECTION, BATTERY CHARGER 120 VOLT AC (0.5 AMP MAX) CONNECTION. -LOW VOLTAGE CONNECTION INCLUDING TRANSFER SWITCH CONTROL WIRES. 5. CENTER OF GRAVITY AND WEIGHT MAY CHANGE DUE TO UNIT OPTIONS. 6. BOTTOM OF GENERATOR SET MUST BE ENCLOSED TO PREVENT PEST INTRUSION AND RECIRCULATION OF DISCHARGE AIR AND/OR IMPROPER COOLING AIR FLOW. 7. REFERENCE OWNERS MANUAL FOR LIFTING WARNINGS. 8. MOUNTING BOLTS OR STUDS TO MOUNTING SURFACE SHALL BE 5/8-11 GRADE 5 (USE STANDARD SAE TORQUE SPECS) 9. MUST ALLOW FREE FLOW OF INTAKE AIR, DISCHARGE AIR AND EXHAUST. SEE SPEC SHEET FOR MINIMUM AIR FLOW AND MAXIMUM RESTRICTION REQUIREMENTS . 10. GENERATOR MUST BE INSTALLED SUCH THAT FRESH COOLING AIR IS AVAILABLE AND THAT DISCHARGE AIR FROM RADIATOR IS NOT RECIRCULATED. 11. EXHAUST MUFFLER ENCLOSED WITHIN GENERA TOR ENCLOSURE, REMOVE FRONT PANEL TO ACCESS . REAR ENCLOSURE COVER PANEL SEE NOTE4 CUSTOMER ACCESS ASSEMBLY.CONTROL PANEL ACCESS BATTERY CHARGER LOCATED WITHIN SEE NOTE4 65 [2.6] 318.6 [12 .54] DIMENSIONS: MM [INCH] 1211(47.7] DOORTYP VICE ACTION LATCH ONE PER DOOR ONE LIFT OFF DOOR PER SIDE OF GENERATOR FUEL LINE CONNECTION 1-1 /4" NPT FEMALE TEE THROUGH BASEFRAME OPENING RIGHT SIDE VIEW Cl ;;J ::E :5· CCI ~ 0 0 0 0 NI co c,:) ~ ...... CD I C") -...... s. ~ .,1::1,, C0 i :::I (I) -e?.. -s» --· C :::I -s» ~ C - GJ m z m JJ )> n ® 83 100 [3 .94] 13.5 X 29 .5 [.53] [1 .2] MOUNTING SLOTS 4X HIGH AND LOW VOLTAGE STUB-UP AREA 786 [30 .9] 46 .6 [1.83] ------------1867.3------------- [73 .5] TOP VIEW 162 --+-----+ [6.4] STUB-UP AREA I• • I I 162 L 9 [6.4] [.4] STUB-UP 251 .6 [9 .9] AREA 14-----------1919 [75.5)-------------- MOUNTING SLOT CENTERS -------------2119 -------------- [83.4] LEFT SIDE VIEW l51 [2 .0] CJ ii3 =E 5· tC ~ *NOTE : ~ STUB-UP AREA FOR HIGH AND LOW 25 VOLTAGE CONNECTIONS, CIRCUIT BREAKER , O NEUTRAL AND CUSTOMER CONNECTION OPENING. ~ -----838 .1 [33 .00J---- MOUNTING SLOT CENTERS REAR VIEW w -.J ...... 00 I 0 "3 s. ~ .a::a,. co i -· ::::s ti) -r» GJ m DIMENSIONS : MM [INCH] --z m lJ J> n -.J r» = 0 ::::s -r» < 0 C - a Protector® Series u:, " 84 RAO!ATOR/EXHAUST DISCHARGE All'I l80TH SIDES I ~ 960 137.Bl CG [SEE NOTE SJ REMOVE COVEil FOA ACCESS TO RADIATOR FU CAP BATTERY 12V GRP 27F NEGATIVE GROl.flO EXHAUST MlffLER ENCLOSED WITHN GE'l>ERATOR ENCLOUE SEE NOTES 9. 10 & ti RADIATOR/EXHAUST DISCHARGE AIR P/N G058665 Afl INTAKE !BOTH SIDES) 1oe...Y1ew ,-104l4 l4l00J DOOR WIDTH TYP SERVICE 111:M 4.5L 01. ALL CAP LEFT SIDE OIL DIP STICK LEFT SIDE CIL Fil TER LEFT SIDE Ol. DftAIN HOSE LEFT SIDE RADIATOR DRAIN HOSE RIGHT SIDE COOLANT RECOVERY some RIGHT SOE RADIATOR Fll CAP ROOF TOP AIR CLEANER ELEl.£NT EITHER SIDE SPARK PLUGS LEFT SIDE Ml.ffl.ER SEE NOTE ti FAN BELT EITHER SIDE BATTERY LEFT SIDE REFERENCE OWNERS MAM.IAL FM PERIOOIC REPLACEMENT PART LlSffiGS. CIRCUT BREAl<ER SEE NOTE 3 1241 [48.91 OVERALL HEIGHT I 68 TYP !27 1 .-----2357 19281 TYP -----1"'-¢63.5 [251 . LIFTING EYE i------2481 197.7) ., 14XJ OVERALL LENGTH WEIGHT DATA WEIGHT Cl) ~ Protector® Series NOTES. l Ml llll.l/M RECor.t.1ENOEI) CONCRETE PAD SIZE: {6" LARGER PER SIDE THAN GEl'ERA TORJ 1269 !507 WllE 2786 [1101 LONG. REFERENCE INSTALLATION OlllE SUPPLIED WITH Ul'IT FM CONCRETE PAO GllOELINES. 2. ALLOW SUFFICIENT ROOM ON ALL SIDES OF THE GENERATOR FOR MAINTENANCE Aflll SERVICING. THS lNT WST BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CUU!ENT APl'l.lCABLE M'PA 37 ANO NF!'A 70 STAflllARDS AS WELL AS ANY OTHER FEDERAL STATE, ANO LOCAL CODES. 3. CONTRCX. PANEL. / CIRCUIT ~EAl<ER INFORMATION: • SEE SPECIFICATION SHEET M OWNERS MAM.IAL • ACCESSIBLE ntlOUGH Cl/STONER ACCESS ASSEMEIL Y ON REAR Of GaialATOR. 4, INs«lE STIJIHI" AREA FOR AC LOAD LEAD COIOJIT COU\ECTION . NEUTRAL COM\ECTION. BATTERY CHARGER 120 VCU AC LS AWP MAXl CCNECTION AND ACCESS TO TRANSFER SWITCH CONTI!OL W1AES. REMOVE REAR COVER FOR ACCESS. 5. CENTER OF GRAVITY AND WEIGHT MAY CHANGE OOE TO lNT OPTIONS. 6. BOTTOM OF Gl:NERATOR SET MUST BE ENCLOSED TO PREVENT PEST INTRUSION ANO RECIRCI.U TION OF DISCHARGE AIR AIICl/OR IMPllOPER COOUNG AIR FLOW. 7. REFERENCE OWNERS MAWAL FOR UFTING WAANNGS. a MOUllllNG BOLTS M STUDS TO MOIIIITING SUIFACE SHALL BE 5/8-n GRADE 5 !USE ST ANOARO SAE TORQUE SPECSl 9. MUST ALLOW FREE FLOW OF INT AKE AIR. DISCHARGE AIR Mil EXHAUST . SEE SPEC SHEET FOR UNfllJM AIR FLOW AIICl MAXI~ RESTRICTION REOOREr.EITS. IO. GeJERATOR INST BE INSTALLEO SUCH THAT FRESH coot.ING AIR IS AVAILABLE AMl THAT DISCHARGE AIR FROM RADIATOR IS NOT RECIRCU.ATED. II. REMOVE FRONT EMl PANEL TO ACCESS EXHAUST MU'FLER. ACCESS AVAi.ABLE MOOOH COORS TO FAN BELT. :EAR ENCLOSURE COVER PAra. SEE NOTE 4 USTOMEJ'! ACCESS ASSEMllL Y, CONTROL m :!~¢cg~ 14.31 LOCATED W\THN SEE NOTE 3 & 4 WEIGHT 350 113.81 8IGl:II....'ilE CJ en ..., = Pl :E ..._ 5 · (C co '"' = )> 0 :;Ill;" 0 :e 0 0 I'\.:) c.s:::, c..:> I'\.:) 0, .i:,.. -...... 0 -~ -· GJ :::I l.EEI_l/a'. ENCLOSUlE SI-IPl'ING WEIGHT ENGN!ll(W GENSET ON..Y Slf!'1'ING Sl(JI) MATERIAL KG ILBSI (I) m -KGn.8$1 KG ILBS I I» 4SLJ6a(W AL 857 tl890) 79 11751 936 \20641 4Sl./act('W AL 903 tl9901 79 11751 983 [2165 1 -z -I» -m -· C :::I JJ -I» )> ~ C n -® 85 GENERAC® 60 / 80 kW installation layout Drawing #A0000293264 (2 of 2) ~ ~ ;s >!I;\ ii ~ -~l 0 --. io ~, ~ ~ ... ; -► . ~! I;!,_ "" . NM ;::i "'"' ..,_ ~h !!l "'>< !2 !il<!> ~~ ~;\!! -=:!I., 'Q!i! C!w I i <!>!li N -~a ~ ... ... o.ffi ~ ~§ i ~ ; i!i! &! lj ... N ~ GENERAC" Generac Power Systems, Inc . • S45 W29290 HWY . 59, Waukesha, WI 53189 • generac .com ©2019 Generac Power Systems , Inc. All rights reserved . All specifications are subject to change without notice . Part Number A0000373704 Rev E 9/25/2020 86 48-80k W PROTECTOR® SERIES Automatic Standby Gaseous Generator The premium in home and business backup power protection 87 Features & Benefits: 24/7/365 CUSTOMER SUPPORT TEAM Standing by all day, every day from our headquarters in Wisconsin to answer any questions you might have. BUILT IN THE USA* Generac generators and engines are engineered and built in the USA* *Assembled in the USA using domestic and foreign parts. Power your home or business with a Protector ® Series backup generator SMART, USER-FRIENDLY CONTROLS Generac’s Evolution™ Controller is visible and accessible without opening the generator enclosure. The Evolution Controller features a multilingual LCD display that allows users to monitor and track maintenance intervals to ensure your generator is always in top operating condition. TOUGH, DURABLE ALL-ALUMINUM ENCLOSURES Our RhinoCoat™ powder-coated finish helps make corrosion-resistant aluminum perfect for all weather conditions 18" OFFSET Generators can be installed just 18" from a structure* – ideal for areas with tight lot lines or other space constraints. *48kW models only TRUEPOWER™ TECHNOLOGY Delivers best-in-class power quality with less than 5% total harmonic distortion for clean, smooth operation of sensitive electronics and appliances. Thousands of homeowners and business owners trust their Protector Series automatic backup generator to preserve their quality of life and/or business profitability during a power outage. A Protector Series generator senses a power outage, turns on automatically, and delivers backup power to all lights, appliances, electronics, pumps, heating and air-conditioning, allowing you to continue living life comfortably and keep business operating without interruption. RHINOCOAT SMALL FOOTPRINT Generac liquid-cooled product packs more power into a small footprint – ideal when space is a premium. The neutral styling, color and small footprint fits unobtrusively into landscaping. GENERAC DESIGNED & BUILT ENGINE Purpose-built exclusively for generator use. Utilizes the first in class, dual-valve ultra-low pressure fuel delivery system and intelligent proprietary engine controls that manage over 100 performance functions to ensure peak efficiency in all temperature ranges and elevations. QUIET-TEST™ SELF-TEST MODE Runs at a lower, quieter RPM for a five or twelve minute test, to ensure the system is running properly while consuming less fuel. Quiet-Test Self-Test mode can be programmed to run weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. 88 WWW.GENERAC.COM A Protector Series standby generator is a quiet, affordable back up power solution for larger homes and small-to- medium-sized businesses and is equipped with Mobile Link Connectivity so you stay informed of the status of your generator from any device at any time. All of these features, backed by a standard 5-Year Limited Warranty, make a Protector Series generator the right backup power solution for your home or business. IDEAL INDUSTRIES/APPLICATIONS: • Convenience Stores & Gas Stations • Small Outpatient & Dental Clinics • School Offices & District Buildings • Banks & Financial Institutions • Manufacturing Industry & Distribution • Restaurants & Bars • Offices with Small Server Rooms • Larger Homes or Homes with Guest Houses • Green Houses Standard on 48-80kW Protector Series models. Mobile Link allows you to monitor the status of your generator from anywhere in the world using a smartphone, tablet, or PC. Easily access information, such as the current operating status and the generator’s maintenance schedule. Connect your account to an authorized service dealer for fast, friendly and convenient assistance. With Mobile Link, your generator is taken care of before the next outage. Additional functionality available with paid subscription. 89 48-80k W PROTECTOR® SERIESAutomatic Standby Gaseous Generator Generac Power Systems, Inc. S45 W29290 Hwy. 59, Waukesha, WI 53189 www.Generac.com | 888-GENERAC (436-3722) 201902154 REV 06/20 ©2020 Generac Power Systems. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. NATIONWIDE DEALER SERVICE NETWORK Generac’s commitment to service includes scheduled maintenance programs, warranty assistance and emergency service to ensure that Generac customers are never left powerless. The largest nationwide dealer network has factory-trained technicians on staff and maintains large inventories of Generac parts, components and accessories. Find a dealer near you at Generac.com. SPECIFICATIONS (LP/NG)48kW 60kW 80kW Model Number RG04845 RG06045 RG08045 Output Amperage LP/NG 120/240 V, 1ø 1.0 pf 200/200 250/250 Contact Factory / 333 Output Amperage LP/NG 120/208 V, 3ø 0.8 pf 167/167 208/208 Contact Factory / 277 Output Amperage LP/NG 120/240 V, 3ø 0.8 pf 144/144 180/180 Contact Factory / 240 Output Amperage LP/NG 277/480 V, 3ø 0.8 pf 72/72 90/90 Contact Factory / 120 Engine/Alternator RPM 1800 Engine 4.5L, in-line 4-cyl.4.5L Turbo, in-line 4-cyl.4.5L Turbo, in-line 4-cyl. Fuel Consumption @ full |oad - LPG cu. ft/hr (gal/hr)240.4 (6.61)305.6 (8.4)393.2 (10.8) Fuel Consumption @ full load - NG cu. ft/hr 604 808 1063 Quiet-Test Mode Yes db(A) at Exercise 68 db(A) Normal Operating Load 70 72 74 Dimensions (L” x W” x H”)83 x 35 x 46 97 x 38 x 49 97 x 38 x 49 Generator Weight (lbs.)1781 1912 2022 Mobile Link Connectivity Standard via Wi-Fi Ethernet Module Yes SCAQMD Model ••• 90 Agenda Item No.: 13.A Mtg. Date: 03/25/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:STEPHANIE GRANT, ASSISTANT PLANNER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE PROPOSED CITY HALL CAMPUS LANDSCAPE DESIGNS AND ACCEPTANCE OF CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICES 2024 TURF REPLACEMENT REBATE PROGRAM OFFER TO ASSIST IN EFFECTUATING HOME HARDENING STRATEGIES AND REFRESHED WATERWISE PLANTINGS AND IRRIGATION DATE:March 25, 2024 BACKGROUND: Between 2017 and 2020, the City Hall campus was poorly maintained, with diseased vegetation, broken irrigation lines, and sprinklers. Repairs were made, replacement irrigation parts were installed, diseased vegetation was removed, and new vegetation was isolated without a holistic plan for the entire campus. The City lacked as-builts, including the existing irrigation system and plant palette. In 2022, a survey of the existing irrigation system was conducted by a licensed landscape architect, which resulted in a list of recommended actions to improve the system's operation. With limited open space, the City desired to keep the City Hall campus functional at all times and provide an aesthetically pleasing campus with attention to detail in the plant palette. The west side of the City Hall campus is one of the three main entryways to the community. Residents have expressed to staff that the rose bushes and ground covering adjacent to Portuguese Bend Road are the first visuals upon entering the city, and this area should be reflective of the care that the City has for the greater community. In the fall of 2022, the City issued an RFP for Landscaping Services. Two firms submitted proposals, and the City Council ultimately unanimously voted to select Bennett Landscape for a one-year period and directed staff to prepare a professional service agreement on November 14, 2022. The service contract with Bennett Landscape was finalized in early January 2023. Prior to the execution of the current agreement, staff worked with Bennett Landscaping to identify campus-wide issues and needs. Based on conversations and site walks with staff, Bennett 91 Landscape submitted four proposals covering the following services: Landscape Design - $2,875 Landscape Improvements - $6,786 Irrigation deficiencies and spot repairs - $499 Gopher mitigation - $55/site visit, with a minimum of two visits and $65/CO2 smoke Bennett Landscape noted that the above-listed services are outside of routine maintenance and would cost a total of $10,335. On February 13, 2023, City staff presented the above information and requested approval from the City Council while noting that there appeared to be sufficient funds budgeted for FY22/23 in the General Fund that would cover the $10,335 in Repairs & Maintenance fees as proposed under 01-65-930. Some of those costs (Landscape Design / Irrigation deficiencies and spot repairs) were used, but others were not. For the landscape improvements, beautification, and upgrades on the City's main campus, Ric Dykzeul (Landscape Architect) was hired by Bennett Landscape to provide updated and cohesive designs with the intention of removing the existing landscape and replacing it with drought-resistant, low-water usage, and low maintenance plants. Mr. Dykzeul was also tasked with evaluating how to ensure the City Hall and RHCA campus complied with Home Hardening requirements to serve as an example for the greater community. In the Spring of 2023, Mr. Dykzeul provided City Staff with his initial designs and plant palette. Around the same time, the previous City Manager was transitioning out of the City, and the plans were put on hold until the City had new management in place. On June 30, 2023, resident Judith Haenel informed City Staff about the California Water Service (Cal Water) Lawn-to-Garden rebate. She suggested that staff contact Cal Water to request information and determine if the City would be eligible. On July 12, 2023, City Staff connected with Cal Water's Conservation Coordinator and arranged an on-site meeting/walk-through to discuss the qualifications and requirements of the Lawn-to-Garden Rebate program and see if there was potential to help defray costs specific to the removal of plantings/turf as well as the installation of drip irrigation and low-water plants as part of the proposed campus design. The Lawn-to-Garden Rebate program is currently designed to pay residential customers $3.00 per square foot of living lawn/turf when at least 50 percent of the high-water use surface is removed and converted to landscaping utilizing California-friendly, drought-tolerant plant material. On July 17, 2023, City Staff and Rolling Hills Community Association (RHCA) staff met with Cal Water. They performed an on-site audit and provided feedback. They requested City staff provide a square-foot estimate of the campus areas and submit it for evaluation. On July 21, 2023, City Staff provided Cal Water with a general estimate calculating the City Hall Campus at 26,877 square feet and Tennis Court Area at 1,300 square feet for a total of 28,177 square feet. Staff also sent the City Campus landscape plans prepared by Mr. Dykzeul and Tennis Court landscape plans prepared by Richie-Bray Inc., to Cal Water to review, along with the square footage area estimates. Over the subsequent five months, staff periodically reached out to Cal Water to ascertain the status of the City's eligibility and qualifications but 92 never received any status updates. On December 15, 2023, staff was contacted by Cal Water's Director of Water-Use Efficiency, Christy Colby. She conveyed that the City was eligible for the Lawn-to-Garden Rebate program. Based upon the eligible square footage at $3.00 per square foot, the City Hall Campus allowable area was 16,299 square feet with a rebate amount of $48,897. The tennis courts allowable area was 1,300 square feet with a rebate amount of $3,900. The grand total eligible for the rebate was $52,797. (Attachment B) On January 11, 2024, City and RHCA staff met with Ms. Colby to discuss the conditionally approved rebate estimates. City staff had questions regarding the application, duration of the project, and funding. Ms. Colby provided the following information: The Lawn-to-Garden Rebate program is not a grant, and there is no match; The City is conditionally approved for $3.00 per square foot of high-water usage lawn/turf to be removed and replaced with drought-resistant Cal Water-approved plants and proper irrigation; The Lawn-to-Garden Rebate program project must be completed within the 2024 calendar year; The City was approved for a six-month completion period, starting upon the City Council formally approving acceptance of the rebate program. Staff also discussed the City's Tennis Court Capital Improvement Project (CIP). Although Cal Water approved a $3,900 potential rebate, it cannot be used at this time as the tennis court project will most likely not be completed until 2025. On January 30, 2024, City Staff met with Mr. Dykzeul and Bennett Landscape to discuss the Lawn-to-Garden Rebate project as it related to the designs presented last Spring. The Cal Water rebate program could be used to reimburse associated costs for design, removal of existing turf, hedges and plants, replacement of existing spray irrigation with drip irrigation, and planting of new materials that meet the rebate guidelines. Mr. Dykzeul has worked on other Lawn-to-Garden Rebate projects and is familiar with the qualified plant list. The current plans would require some revisions based on the allowable rebate area and three to four proposed plant species. On January 31, 2024, City Staff met with RHCA staff to discuss the Cal Water rebate conditional offer and the requirement for any proposed landscape design plans to be approved by the RHCA's Landscape Committee. On March 6, 2024, the RHCA Landscape Committee approved the proposed landscape designs. (Attachment A) DISCUSSION: The benefits of replacing turf with water-efficient plants are cost-effective, beautiful, and low maintenance. The Lawn-to-Garden Rebate program (Attachments C,D,E) aims to update the City's existing landscape design in a cost-effective manner by being an example for home hardening strategies, water conservation, irrigation modification with drip system, rainwater retention, planting native and drought-resistant plants, and sustainability. In September of 2021, in the midst of a drought and the record driest month for California since 1895, Cal Water expanded its efforts to help customers save water every day with the 93 launch of a lawn-to-garden program that offers incentives for Cal Water customers to improve the efficiency of their landscaping. Cal Water ’s lawn-to-garden program offers a rebate of $3.00 per square foot of lawn removed for residential properties and $1.00 per square foot for commercial properties. Program requirements include that at least 50 percent of the grass removed must be converted to landscaping utilizing California-friendly, drought-tolerant plant material. Artificial or synthetic turf, lawn that is already dead, or grass previously removed does not qualify for the rebate, in addition to turf that has not been established for at least 5-years. For the proposed project, Cal Water extended the $3.00 per square foot residential rebate to the City and included some of the existing shrubbery on the property in the qualified rebate area. The Lawn-to-Garden program makes it even easier for Cal Water customers to beautify their landscapes while also reducing water use and saving money, all reflective of Cal Water ’s commitment to deliver quality, service, and value. Cal Water is hopeful that the City’s landscape transformation will inspire residents to take advantage of the lawn-to-garden program. Residents may voluntarily participate in Cal Water's rebate program by applying for the rebate for their own homes. Staff seeks approval of the proposed Landscape Designs as well as authorization to accept Cal Water's conditional approval of the Lawn-to-Garden Rebate program. Staff would bring back a resolution at the April 8, 2024, City Council meeting for formal acceptance of the rebate. Staff has also attached estimates from Bennett Landscape (Attachment F and G) for implementation of the proposed Landscape Design broken into two phases. The attached presentation (Attachment H) shows the phased areas. Phase 1 would encompass only the campus areas that fall within the Lawn-to-Garden Rebate program square footage and is required to be completed within 6 months from acceptance. Bennett's estimated costs are $53,977 not including removal of existing hedges and aspects that the City can potentially request RHCA maintenance staff to perform as part of the accrued work hours via the lease agreement. Phase 2 would encompass the outer perimeters of the campus and are not subject to the rebate's cost offsets. Bennett's estimated costs are $36,150 not including removal of existing plat material or aspects that the City can potentially request RHCA maintenance staff to perform as part of the accrued work hours via the lease agreement. Staff requested an itemized breakdown of the Bennett Landscape estimates and was told there are too many variables within the pricing to breakout. Bennett Landscape would perform the proposed work over a period of time (less than 6 months for rebate area) under our existing landscape maintenance contract and agreed upon pricing as can be found in the City's existing Professional Services Agreement Exhibit B. (Attachment I) FISCAL IMPACT: 94 The potential fiscal impact for Phase 1 based on an estimate from Bennett Landscape is $53,977. Assuming the city can only reasonably use 14,550sf considering a large section of lawn in between the two buildings will not be removed, we can estimate that the rebate amount will be approximately $43,650. This would leave a FY23/24 non-budgeted city expenditure of approximately $10,327 and would require a budget amendment transferring money from the General Fund Reserves, or staff could build into the FY24/25 Area Landscaping budget. The potential fiscal impact for Phase 2 based on an estimate from Bennett Landscape is $36,150. If approved by the City Council, staff would budget as part of the FY24/25 Area Landscaping budget. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A - CL_AGN_240325_CC_Dykzeul_CampusDesign.pdf Attachment B - CL_AGN_240325_CC_CalWater_Rebate_Approval.pdf Attachment C - CL_AGN_240325_CC_CalWaterProgramOverviewPrintout.pdf Attachment D - CL_AGN_240325_CC_CalWaterFrequentlyAskedQuestionsPrintout.pdf Attachment E - CL_AGN_240325_CC_CalWaterTerms&ConditionsPrintout.pdf Attachment F - CL_AGN_240325_CC_Bennett_Phase1_Estimate.pdf Attachment G - CL_AGN_240325_CC_Bennett_Phase2_Estimate.pdf Attachment H - CL_AGN_240325_CC_LandscapeDesign-Rebate_Presentation.pdf Attachment I - CA_AGR_221213_PSA_BennettLandscape_Maintenance_E.pdf 95 96 from: Colby, Christy Sent: Monday, December 18, 2023 8:07 AM to: Stephanie Grant <sgrant@cityofrh.net> Cc: Baeza, Agustin <ABaeza@calwater.com>; Felix, Ralph <rfelix@calwater.com>; Gilbride, Angie <agilbride@calwater.com>; Meyer, Anthony <Ameyer@calwater.com>; Christian Horvath <chorvath@cityofrh.net>; Karina Banales <kbanales@cityofrh.net>; John Signo <jsigno@cityofrh.net>; 'Kathryn Bishop' <kbishop@rhca.net>; Kristen Raig - RHCA (kraig@rhca.net) <kraig@rhca.net>; Art Beckler (abeckler@rhca.net) <abeckler@rhca.net> Subject: RE: Cal Water Landscape Square Foot Estimates_City of Rolling Hills Good Morning Stephanie, Congratulations! Your lawn-to-garden application has been conditionally approved. Based on our pre-inspection, you have 17,599 square feet of lawn pre-qualified or available for removal. It is important to understand that the final incentive payment is calculated only on the amount of living grass that is removed, not the total project size. If the final project does not meet all the minimum requirements during post-inspection, it may be denied. Once you accept these terms, you may start your project. Please note that you have until April 30, 2024, to complete your project. Please let me know if you need more time. Good luck with your project and please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Christy J. Colby Director of Water-Use Efficiency California WatEr SErviCE +1 (310) 2571467 x71467 Quality. Service. value. calwater.com 97 98 ™ Cal Water Conservation Rebates Lawn-to-garden program Program overview Cal Water will pay $3.00 for residential customers and for every square foot of living lawn that is transformed into a water-wise landscape for residential customers and $1.00 per square foot for multi-family residential and non-residential customers. Restrictions apply, so be sure to review the Application Process, Frequently Asked Questions, and Terms and Conditions sections of this website before you begin your project. Thank you for your interest in helping us conserve water! Program Facts: Lawn-to-garden $3.00 per square foot incentive for removing living lawn for residential customers, and $1.00 per square foot for multi-family residential and non-residential customers For single-family residential customers, the maximum rebate is $4,500 for removing 1,500 square feet of lawn and for multi- family residential and non-residential customers, the maximum rebate is $25,000 for removing 25,000 square feet of lawn A minimum of 250 square feet of living lawn must be removed At minimum, 50% of the project area must be transformed into a water-wise landscape Artificial turf is not allowed in the converted landscape area This program is designed to save outdoor water use. If your lawn is dead at the time of submitting your application, you will not be eligible to participate in the program Do not remove your lawn prior to receiving a “Notice to Proceed” email approval from Cal Water Participants have 90 days to complete their project after receiving the “Notice to Proceed” approval Photo submissions must be clear, current, and colored. Illegible project plans and blurry photos may disqualify you from receiving the rebate. Google street view images are not acceptable Computer, internet, and email access are required to participate. Applications must be submitted through this website; paper applications will not be accepted The completed project must remain in compliance with all program Terms and Conditions for at least 5 years from the date of project approval Get Started Copyright © 1998-2021 California Water Service | Privacy Policy | Powered by Droplet Technologies 99 ™ Cal Water Conservation Rebates Lawn-to-garden program Frequently Asked Questions Do I need to be a Cal Water customer to apply for the lawn-to-garden program? Yes. Only Cal Water residential and commercial customers with an account number are eligible to apply for the program. How much does it cost to remove lawn and plant new (non-grass) landscape? Cal Water does not make any representation or warranty regarding the actual or estimated cost of converting any particular project area. In general, there are some sources of information that indicate the actual conversion will run about $2 to more than $5 per square foot, depending on the elaborateness and detail of the converted landscaping. The intent of the program is to help participants realize long- term savings from significantly reduced maintenance and water costs. My lawn has been dead for several months. Do I still qualify for the program? No. In order to receive the rebate, you must have living lawn at the time of submitting your application. See the lawn-to-garden Terms and Conditions for further details. I began letting my lawn die several months ago. Do I still qualify for the program? No. In order to receive the rebate, you must have living lawn at the time of submitting your application. See the lawn-to-garden Terms and Conditions for further details. I already replaced my lawn with water-efficient plants. Can I still get the rebate? No. In order to receive the rebate, you must have living lawn at the time of submitting your application. See the lawn-to-garden Terms and Conditions for further details. What plants can be used for the lawn-to-garden program? Plant selections must meet program guidelines and can be chosen from many varieties found in the WUCOLS database, or low water use plants listed in the Qualified Plants List. You can also refer to the California Native Plant Society plant database, or discover the latest low water use plants being researched by the University of California. Can I replace my lawn with other grass varieties? Will these types of plant selections qualify for the rebate? No. The specific purpose of this rebate is to assist our customers in eliminating water-thirsty lawns. Warm-season turfgrass such as Bermuda grass or St. Augustine are not acceptable plant choices for this program, even though they are used for other purposes such as landscaping recreational areas for children and pets. Can I use artificial grass as part of my new landscape? No. Artificial turf is not allowed in the converted portion of the landscape. How much plant material needs to be planted in my new landscape? At least 50% of the newly landscaped area must be planted with water-wise, drought-tolerant, or California-friendly landscaping. Since plants change size over time, how do you determine the percentage of plant cover? The Cal Water conservation rebate application system uses the eventual mature size of each species of shrub or groundcover. You can plant any size or age you desire, it won’t change your percentage of plant cover. The only exception are trees –where you are allotted a maximum of 78 square feet (five foot radius) per tree for the purposes of calculating your percentage of plant cover. This is to prevent someone from planting all trees and nothing else. Is mulch required in the converted landscape area? 100 Yes. Your new landscape is required to have a 2” layer of organic or inorganic mulch type to cover exposed soil. Organic mulch is recommended because it helps prevent runoff and holds moisture in the soil. Do I have to replace my irrigation system? Your irrigation system in the converted landscape must be an efficient, low-flow system that meets program guidelines. This essentially means you must cap existing spray heads, use drip, rotating stream, rotating nozzles, or hand water to meet your irrigation needs. See our website to find out about Cal Water ’s high efficiency nozzle rebate program. Why do you not allow unnatural colored rock and discourage gray pea gravel? Because the goal of our program is to demonstrate that water-efficient landscapes can be beautiful while also enhancing property values. What is the “Notice to Proceed” email approval? Once a Cal Water conservation representative reviews and approves your application materials (including “before” project photos, landscape site plans, and plant selections), you will receive a “Notice to Proceed” email that will give you permission to begin your project. Do not begin your project unless you have received a “Notice to Proceed” email approval from Cal Water. How long do I have to complete my lawn-to-garden project? Lawn-to-garden projects must be completed within 90 days after receiving the “Notice to Proceed” email approval. You may request one 30 day extension if the project cannot be completed within 90 days. The terms and conditions of any extension, and the determination of whether to grant an extension, will be made at the discretion of Cal Water. How long will it take to receive my rebate check? Rebate checks will be mailed within 6-8 weeks after your final project materials are approved by a Cal Water conservation representative. Get Started Copyright © 1998-2021 California Water Service | Privacy Policy | Powered by Droplet Technologies 101 ™ Cal Water Conservation Rebates Lawn-to-garden program Terms and conditions 1. Program Eligibility and Requirements Participants shall be a California Water Service (Cal Water) residential or commercial account holder Cal Water customers with one account number and multiple service addresses are eligible to apply for one lawn-to-garden project per address The project must replace lawn with low water use, California-friendly, drought-tolerant landscaping; see our Qualified Plants List for reference A minimum of 250 square feet of lawn must be removed for the landscape conversion project Single-family residential customers: The maximum incentive for the project is $4,500 ($3.00 per square foot for a maximum of 1,500 square feet of lawn removed) Multi-family residential and non-residential customers: The maximum incentive for the project is $25,000 ($1.00 per square foot for a maximum of 25,000 square feet of lawn removed) Any waivers to these limits shall be made at the sole discretion of Cal Water. Cal Water, in its sole discretion, may consider exceptions to these limits on an individual project basis when reviewing projects for approval. Cal Water may conduct pre and post inspections to verify that the landscape conversion follows the Terms and Conditions of the program Participants must complete their project within 90 days from the date they receive their “Notice to Proceed” email approval. Projects that are underway or already completed prior to receiving the “Notice to Proceed” email from Cal Water are not eligible to apply. Do not begin your lawn-to-garden project until you receive your “Notice to Proceed” email and accept the Terms and Conditions of the lawn-to-garden program In the event the participant does not complete the project within 90 days, the participant may request one 30-day extension. The Terms and Conditions of any extension, and the determination of whether to grant an extension, will be made at the discretion of Cal Water. Any such request for an extension must be submitted via email to Cal Water at least 10 days prior to expiration of the project completion date Photo requirements: An application must be submitted online with clear, current, and colored "before" and "after" pictures of the project. Photos must be taken during daylight hours, at appropriate angles, with visible points of reference, and at a sufficient distance to allow for review BEFORE you start your project: At minimum, 1 picture of each proposed lawn area to be converted At minimum, 1 picture of the current irrigation system in each area to be converted At minimum, 1 picture showing the house number or address along with a view of the surrounding landscape. Google street view pictures are not acceptable Pictures must include all lawn areas as identified in the project plans. Sites that are not pictured with lawn prior to receiving the “Notice to Proceed” email from Cal Water will be disqualified from participating AFTER you complete your project: At minimum, 1 picture of each converted landscape area At minimum, 1 picture showing capped sprinklers and drip/high efficiency sprinkler nozzles in each landscape area Pictures should show drought tolerant or water-wise plant selections represented on the Planted Plant List or WUCOLS resource page. See the lawn-to-garden Frequently Asked Questions for additional plant resources Completed project pictures must show at least a 2” layer of inorganic or organic mulch covering exposed soil A landscape plan and plant list (which can be combined) must be submitted to Cal Water. If you need help creating plans, we recommend contacting local nurseries and contractors to see if they offer design services The following information must be included in your plan/plant lists: The plan and plants must be drawn to approximate scale The plan must include dimensions/measurements of all areas where your lawn will be removed The plan must include major plant materials that will be used including locations and quantities (Trees, shrubs, groundcover areas) The plan must include the location and dimensions of new hardscape areas to be installed such as patios, walkways, retaining walls, etc. Hardscape materials must be permeable 102 The plan must include an irrigation plan, including type of irrigation used and its overall layout 2. Landscaping Requirements for Converted Areas Artificial/Synthetic Turf is not allowed as part of the converted landscape Existing sprinklers within the project area must be capped off and converted to drip, or the customer must indicate if they plan to convert their irrigation system to use high efficiency sprinkler nozzles. If part of a lawn is converted, the sprinkler system must be properly capped off, removed, or hand watered. Check out Cal Water ’s High Efficiency (HE) sprinkler nozzle rebate program that is available for both Residential and Commercial customers. Only HE sprinkler nozzles listed on Cal Water ’s Qualified Products List are rebate eligible At a minimum 50% of the converted area must have low water use, climate-appropriate, native, and non-invasive plants; this minimum coverage requirement can be satisfied using the eventual mature size of the plant material This program only applies to front yards, side yards, backyards, common landscape areas, median islands, and parkways (small strips of landscape located between sidewalk and curb) Once the project begins, all lawn in the approved project area must be removed. No incentive will be paid if the participant ends up removing less lawn than stated on the approved application, or otherwise fails to complete all of the requirements of the program The entire project area other than paths and groundcover areas must be covered with at least a 2" layer of organic or inorganic mulch. Mulched areas must be permeable; i.e., they must allow water to pass through. Examples of mulch types are bark, wood chips, gravel, decomposed granite, mortarless pavers, and river rock No painted or dyed rock or rubber mulch is allowed Areas replaced with non-porous concrete are not eligible for the rebate under this program and should not be included in the project area. project areas covered with pavers that are adequately spaced, at a minimum of 2 inches between pavers, may be installed and are rebate eligible The completed project must comply with all program Terms and Conditions for at least five years from the date of project approval 3. Terms of Incentive The incentive will be calculated based on the amount of square footage of lawn removed; the incentive amount cannot exceed the cost of the project Only one lawn-to-garden project (regardless of square footage amount) for each site with a Cal Water customer account is allowed. If the account holder name changes for the same project address, this limitation still applies Payments will be made by check approximately 6-8 weeks after Cal Water provides final approval of the project Incentive payments may be considered taxable income, and a signed IRS W-9 form will be required for incentives of $600 or more 4. Additional Terms Participants are responsible for checking their email regarding routine notifications about the status of their application Participants are responsible for complying with all applicable laws, codes, ordinances, policies, covenants, and conditions that may apply to performance of the landscape conversion work under any project as said conditions may be imposed by the applicable governmental or regulatory entity If a customer lives in an HOA, Cal Water requires that participants obtain approval from their HOA before applying to the program. Customers residing within an HOA must receive approval from their HOA prior to submitting any landscape plans or plant lists Rebates are limited to one program. Customers cannot apply for the same rebate under multiple rebate programs Cal Water does not endorse any products, suppliers, designers, or contractors. Participants who desire to use a landscape contractor are encouraged to retain the services of a duly licensed landscape contractor and to obtain more than one bid for the project. The following websites provide additional resources that may help you to identify licensed landscape contractors. However, Cal Water is not representing that the following websites are the only sources of such information, nor does Cal Water provide any representation or warranty regarding the information or references on the following websites California State Contractor ’s License Board California Landscape Contractors Association The lawn-to-garden program, and the Terms and Conditions set forth herein, are subject to change without notice. Incentives are offered on a first-come, first-served basis subject to program funding availability Cal Water reserves the right to disapprove an incentive disbursement for the project if Cal Water determines the project, as planned or completed, is inconsistent with the purpose of the program or detrimental to the intent of the program Get Started 103 Copyright © 1998-2021 California Water Service | Privacy Policy | Powered by Droplet Technologies 104 Page 1 (310) 534-3543, Fax (310) 534-3176 www.bennett-landscape.com Contractors Lic. C27-479003 Certified Pesticide Applicator #30123 Date: Estimate #: Billing:Job: Attn: Christian 310-377-1521 chorvath@cityofrh.net Pages: 1 sheet Qty Price Amount 200 50 120 31 31 14 29 4 1 38 4 5 17,454.00 T&M 2 700 111 15 6 (Payment in full is due UPON completion of work unless otherwise arranged prior to start of work.) A Service fee of 1 ½%Pg Subtotal 17,454.00$ percent per month shall be charged on all 30 days past due accounts. In the event this account becomes delinquent and it is necessary to institute legal proceedings, purchaser agrees to pay reasonable attorney's fees and court costs.Tax Total -$ LICENSING: Contractor is duly licensed under the law and statues of the State of California. Contractors are required by law to be licensed and regulated by the Contractor's License Board. Any questions concerning a contractor may be referred to the Registrar, Contractor's State License Board, P.O. Box 2600, Sacramento, California 95826 (800) 233-2562 Under the law you may protect yourself against such claims by filling before commencing such work of improvement, an original contract for the work of improvement or a modifica- Under the Mechanics Lien Law, any contractor, subcontractor, laborer, material or other tion thereof, in the office of the county recorder of the county where the property is situated Person who helps to improve your property and is not paid for his labor, services or material,and requiring that a contractor's payment bond be recorded in such office. Said bond shall has a right to enforce his claim against your property. This means that, after a court hearing,an amount not less than fifty percent (50%) of the contract price and shall, in addition to any your property could be sold by a court officer and the proceeds of the sale used to satisfy be in conditions for the performance of the contract, be conditioned for the payment in full the indebtedness. This can happen even if you have paid your own contractor in full, if the of the claims of all persons furnishing labor, services, equipment or materials for the work subcontractor, laborer, or supplier remains unpaid.described in said contract. Automatic Irrigation System: convert to drip irrigation 5 gal Muhlenbergia sericea 'White Cloud' 5 gal Agave attenuata Planting: flats Dymondia 1 gal Senecio cylindrica subtotal: new landscape tie steps - DG treads 5 gal Crassula arborescens 1 gal Leymus 'Canyon Prince' Lf. 1x4 composite header installation PV boulder installation 18"- 30" size Continued On Page 2 tree stakes/ties 2x systemic herbicide application - demo small section of grass for DG rate of $60.00/hr. for foreman, and $45.00/hr for each laborer, plus material cost "NOTICE TO OWNER" sq.ft. decomposed granite sitting area and addition to existing DG Description LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS City of Rolling Hills 2 Portuguese Bend Rd. Rolling Hills, CA 90274 (Section 7018, 7019 - Contractors License Law) 3/19/2024 Rolling Hills City Hall 2 Portuguese Bend Rd. Plans: Ric Dykzeul Dated:2/8/24 Rolling Hills, CA 90274 RHCityHallPH1-mb Phase 1 divide and relocate existing Agapanthus as shown on plan 5 gal Lomandra 'Platinum Beauty' 1 gal Trachelospermum jasminoides 5 gal Iceberg Rose 'White' soil prep/amendments/fertilizers Miscellaneous: 24" box Tabaebuia impetiginosa 1 gal Cotoneaster 'Lowfast' Site Prep: removals by RHCA personnel 5 gal Portulacaria afra 'Variegata' Sprinkler alterations would be based on T & M (Time & Material) at the hourly 105 Page 2 (310) 534-3543, Fax (310) 534-3176 www.bennett-landscape.com Contractors Lic. C27-479003 Certified Pesticide Applicator #30123 Date: Estimate #: 3/19/2024 RHCityHallPH1-mb Qty Price Amount 1,768 75 36,523.00 (Payment in full is due UPON completion of work unless otherwise arranged prior to start of work.) A Service fee of 1 ½%Pg Subtotal 36,523.00$ percent per month shall be charged on all 30 days past due accounts. In the event this account becomes delinquent and it is necessary to institute legal proceedings, purchaser agrees to pay reasonable attorney's fees and court costs.Tax Total 53,977.00$ This Quote Is Effective For 30 Days cu.yds shredded cover mulch, 3" depth installation these ties for use in vegetable gardens. on materials) we install for parts and labor except due to vandalism, neglect and/or acts of God. on materials) we install for parts and labor except due to vandalism, neglect and/or acts of God. Landscape Ties: We would like to note that the ties are treated with Description Irrigation: Complete 1 year guarantee on new irrigation (2 years mfr. guarantee sq.ft. crushed Apache Brown (or equivalent) 3"- 5" size Trees: 1 yr. Guarantee on 15 gallon or more trees except due to neglect, vandalism and/or acts of God. chromated copper arsenate and may leach to the soil. We do not recommend We remove any debris generated from our work. However, we are not Notes: This Is A Unit Based Quotation UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT BY OWNER CONFIRMATION NUMBER: responsible for damage due to hidden conditions. Especially under ground refresh existing decomposed granite, re-use existing header Irrigation: Complete 1 year guarantee on new irrigation (2 years mfr. guarantee dated this form giving permission to proceed. You may bill me installations. Plantings include soil amendments/planting tablets Progress payments are due upon completion of individual tasks. Dial 811 x__________________________________ Date:____________________ Yes, I acknowledge the above scope of work. I have signed and accordingly. ____________________ subtotal: 106 Page 1 (310) 534-3543, Fax (310) 534-3176 www.bennett-landscape.com Contractors Lic. C27-479003 Certified Pesticide Applicator #30123 Date: Estimate #: Billing:Job: Attn: Christian Horvath 310-377-1521 chorvath@cityofrh.net Pages: 1 sheet Qty Price Amount T&M 2 6 10 18 12 19 21 9 20 6,900.00 1x systemic herbicide application 4 225 25 1x pre-emergent herbicide application 29,250.00 (Payment in full is due UPON completion of work unless otherwise arranged prior to start of work.) A Service fee of 1 ½%Pg Subtotal 36,150.00$ percent per month shall be charged on all 30 days past due accounts. In the event this account becomes delinquent and it is necessary to institute legal proceedings, purchaser agrees to pay reasonable attorney's fees and court costs.Tax Total 36,150.00$ LICENSING: Contractor is duly licensed under the law and statues of the State of California. Contractors are required by law to be licensed and regulated by the Contractor's License Board. Any questions concerning a contractor may be referred to the Registrar, Contractor's State License Board, P.O. Box 2600, Sacramento, California 95826 (800) 233-2562 Under the law you may protect yourself against such claims by filling before commencing such work of improvement, an original contract for the work of improvement or a modifica- Under the Mechanics Lien Law, any contractor, subcontractor, laborer, material or other tion thereof, in the office of the county recorder of the county where the property is situated Person who helps to improve your property and is not paid for his labor, services or material,and requiring that a contractor's payment bond be recorded in such office. Said bond shall has a right to enforce his claim against your property. This means that, after a court hearing,an amount not less than fifty percent (50%) of the contract price and shall, in addition to any your property could be sold by a court officer and the proceeds of the sale used to satisfy be in conditions for the performance of the contract, be conditioned for the payment in full the indebtedness. This can happen even if you have paid your own contractor in full, if the of the claims of all persons furnishing labor, services, equipment or materials for the work subcontractor, laborer, or supplier remains unpaid.described in said contract. subtotal: Miscellaneous: 5 gal Xylosma cuttings Aloe arborescens hybrids Automatic Irrigation System: 5 gal Teucrium fruticans 'Azurea' 1 gal Leymus 'Canyon Prince' 5 gal Westringia 'Gray Box' Planting: 5 gal Pyracantha 'Santa Cruz' accordingly. x__________________________________ Date:____________________ Yes, I acknowledge the above scope of work. I have signed and subtotal: tree stakes/ties "NOTICE TO OWNER" dated this form giving permission to proceed. You may bill me Description LANDSCAPE IMRPOVEMENTS City of Rolling Hills 2 Portuguese Bend Rd. Rolling Hills, CA 90274 (Section 7018, 7019 - Contractors License Law) 3/19/2024 Rolling Hills City Hall 2 Portuguese Bend Rd. Plans: Ric Dykzeul Dated: 2/8/24 Rolling Hills, CA 90274 RHCityHallPH2-mb 5 gal Plumbago Sprinkler alterations would be based on T & M (Time & Material) at the hourly rate of $60.00/hr. for foreman, and $45.00/hr for each laborer, plus material cost cu.yds shredded cover mulch, 3" depth installation PV boulder installation, 18"- 30" size Phase 2 5 gal Agave attenuata convert to drip irrigation Site Prep: removals by RHCA personnel 24" box Tabebuia soil prep/amendments/fertilizers 107 City Hall Campus Proposed Landscape Design and 2024 Cal Water Rebate Stephanie Grant 108 Background •2017 to 2020: Campus was poorly maintained with diseased vegetation, broken irrigation lines, and sprinklers •City lacked as-builts for existing irrigation system and plant palette •2022: Irrigation system survey conducted yielding list of recommended actions to improve the system's operation •2022: City issued RFP for Landscaping Services - Bennett Landscape selected •February, 2023: Council approved $2,875 for Landscape Design services utilizing Ric Dykzeul 109 Background cont. Mr. Dykzeul was hired by Bennett Landscape to: •Provide updated and cohesive designs with intention of removing the existing landscape and replacing it with drought-resistant, low-water usage, and low maintenance plants •Evaluate Home Hardening requirements so campus could serve as an example for the greater community 110 Background cont. •Spring 2023: Initial designs and plant palette presented to staff •Put on hold while new City Manager selection underway •Summer 2023: Per resident suggestion, staff contacted Cal Water to explore rebate cost reduction options for implementation •December, 2023: Select project areas deemed eligible by Cal Water •January, 2024: Staff met with Mr. Dykzeul and Bennett Landscape regarding rebate and potential revisions for compliance •March, 2024: RHCA Landscape Committee approved designs 111 Cal Water Lawn-to-Garden Rebate Program Christy Colby 112 Cal Water Lawn-to-Garden Rebate Program Aims to update the City's existing landscape design in a cost-effective manner by being an example for: •home hardening strategies •water conservation •irrigation modification with drip system •rainwater retention •planting native / drought-resistant plants •sustainability 113 Cal Water Lawn-to-Garden Rebate Program September 2021: Cal Water expands efforts to help customers save water every day with the launch of a lawn-to-garden program that offers incentives for improving efficiency of landscaping •$3.00 rebate per square foot of lawn removed for residential •$1.00 per square foot for commercial properties •50% of grass removed must be converted to landscaping utilizing California-friendly, drought-tolerant plant material 114 Cal Water Lawn-to-Garden Rebate Program •Not a grant, and there is no match •Conditionally approved for $3.00 per square foot of high-water usage lawn/turf to be removed and replaced with drought-resistant Cal Water-approved plants and proper irrigation •City Hall Campus allowable area of 16,299 square feet with a rebate amount of $48,897 •Project must be completed within the 2024 calendar year •Six-month completion period, starting upon the City Council formally approving acceptance of the rebate program 115 Proposed Landscape Design Ric Dykzeul and Sean Bennett 116 Proposed Landscape Design 117 Proposed Landscape Design –Legend 118 Cal Water Rebate Area –Phase 1 119 Proposed Landscape Design–Phase 2 120 Proposed Landscape Design–Phase 1 & 2 121 16 –Tabaebuia Impetiginosa –Pink Trumpet Tree 122 Ag -Agave Attenuata 123 Cotoneaster Dammerii -Lowfast 124 Crushed Stone –Apache Brown -2-5” diameter 125 J –Crassula Arborescent –Silver Jade 126 L –Lomandra –Platinum Beauty 127 Muhlenbergia –White Cloud –White Muhly 128 R –Rose Floribunda -Iceberg 129 Sc –Senecio Cylindrica –Narrow Leaf Chalk Sticks 130 S –Trachelospermum Jasminoides –Star Jasmine 131 P –Portulacaria Afra –Variegata –Rainbow Bush 132 E –Leymus Condensates –Canyon Prince 133 Dymondia Margarethe –Silver Carpet 134 City Hall Campus Proposed Landscape Design / Rebate Fiscal Impact Stephanie Grant 135 Fiscal Impact •Phase 1: Bennett Landscape estimate is $53,977 •Phase 1 Rebate: approximately $43,650 •Assumes smaller 14,550 sf area as large section of lawn in between buildings will not be removed •Leaves a FY23/24 non-budgeted city expenditure of approximately $10,327 requiring budget amendment •Or if approved, staff could add to FY24/25 Area Landscaping budget •Phase 2: Bennett Landscape estimate is $36,150 •If approved, staff would add to FY24/25 Area Landscaping budget 136 City Hall Campus Proposed Landscape Design and 2024 CalWater Rebate Questions? 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 Landscape Maintenance Agreement - 11 - EXHIBIT B See attached two pages “Fees” 148 Exhibit B - page 1 of 2 149 Exhibit B - page 2 of 2 150 Agenda Item No.: 13.B Mtg. Date: 03/25/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH REVIZE LLC. AKA REVIZE SOFTWARE SYSTEMS FOR A ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF WEBSITE REDESIGN, HOSTING, AND SOFTWARE SERVICES DATE:March 25, 2024 BACKGROUND: In April 2019, the City engaged the services of Revize LLC (Revize) to provide a new website and host the site for five years at a cost of approximately $4,940 per year. The City had previously contracted with CivicPlus at a cost of $6,256 annually for an earlier website iteration and hosting. The website became functional and publicly accessible in March 2020. The City's current contract is comprised of basic services and access to the Revize Content Management System (CMS) for periodic updating by City staff. DISCUSSION: The current contract with Revize expires on April 3, 2024. While staff is interested in finding a lower-cost website hosting /content management system for future use, there is not enough time to currently pursue other options and migration. As a result, staff met with Revize and negotiated a design refresh, content management system upgrade and a one-year extension for $2,400. The city would also, if desired, have an option to renew for an additional three years ($2,400 for year two and $3,400 for years three and four.) The City retains the ability to terminate the contract upon a 30-day written notice to Revize. FISCAL IMPACT: There are sufficient funds in the approved FY 23-24 budget to support the one-year extension and exploration of a more economical solution beyond that. 151 RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: CA_AGR_240325_Revize_Amendment01.pdf CA_AGR_190416_Revize_E.pdf 152 Page 1 of 4 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR WEBSITE REDESIGN, HOSTING, AND SOFTWARE SERVICES THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR WEBSITE REDESIGN, HOSTING, AND SOFTWARE SERVICES (“First Amendment”) is made and entered into as of April 3, 2024 by and between the CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, a municipal corporation ("City"), and REVIZE LLC. AKA REVIZE SOFTWARE SYSTEMS, a limited liability company (the “Consultant”). R E C I T A L S A. On April 4, 2019, the City and Consultant entered into an agreement for website redesign, hosting, and software services (the “Agreement”); B. On or around November 18, 2020, the City and Consultant entered into a “Revise Web Services Sales Agreement” for minor changes and services related to the website features and additional components for a cost of $1,950.00 B. City and Consultant now desire to amend the Agreement to expand the scope of services, extend the term of the Agreement and increase the total amount of the Agreement (although the yearly cost is less than previous years) (“First Amendment”); C. Consultant is well qualified by reason of education, training, and experience; and D. Consultant is willing to render such services on the terms and conditions as hereinafter defined. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the covenants and agreements set forth below, City and Consultant agree as follows: 1. Paragraph 1 (SERVICES) of the Agreement is amended to add the following services: Consultant shall provide the products and services as described in Exhibit B, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. In the event on any conflict between the Agreement or this First Amendment and Exhibit B, the Agreement and/or this First Amendment shall control. 2. Paragraph 2 (PAYMENT) of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: 2. Payment. City agrees to pay Consultant for the services required by this Agreement as set forth in Exhibit B, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, representing the total cost for all labor, equipment, supplies, expenses, and materials incurred by Consultant portal to portal. Consultant shall submit invoices to City, and City will make payment for all work performed to City’s reasonable satisfaction within 30 days of receipt of an invoice. The Agreement shall not exceed a total amount of $2,400.00 153 Page 2 of 4 per year. Any services not provided for in this Agreement may be authorized by the City in writing by way of amendment to this Agreement, and compensation therefore shall be agreed upon in advance by the parties in advance and in writing by way of amendment to this Agreement. 3. Paragraph 5 (TERM AND TERMINATION) of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: 5. Term and Termination. The term of this Agreement shall commence upon execution by both parties and terminate on April 3, 2025. The City, consistent with the pricing found in Exhibit B, shall have the option to extend the Agreement for one additional year (i.e., to April 3, 2026). This Agreement may be terminated at any time without cause by either party giving thirty (30) days’ advance written notice of termination to the other party. All work satisfactorily performed pursuant to the Agreement and prior to the date of termination may be claimed for reimbursement. In the event of a breach or a default in the performance of this Agreement, the non-defaulting party may terminate the Agreement immediately, provided that the defaulting or breaching party has failed to cure or to make reasonable progress towards curing the default within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of notice demanding a cure. If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to any of the provisions contained hereinabove, and if requested to do so in writing by the City, the Consultant shall, within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of such written request, deliver and turn over to the City all of its preparation and work on documents which were done to the date of the receipt of the notice of termination. The terms "preparation" and "work" as used in this paragraph, shall refer to and include all other data and materials of whatever type that have been gathered by the Consultant, and contemplated to be used or actually used, in the preparation of the services identified in Section 1 of this Agreement. 4. All terms and conditions of the Agreement not amended by this First Amendment remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this First Amendment on the date and year first above written, and it is effective as of April 3, 2024. [Signature Page to Follow] 154 Page 3 of 4 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CONSULTANT ___________________________ _____________________________ KARINA BAÑALES THOMAS JEAN CITY MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER ATTEST: ___________________________ City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ City Attorney 155 Page 4 of 4 Exhibit B 156 Page 1 of 6 Revize Web Services Sales Agreement This Sales Agreement is between The City of Rolling Hills, California (“CLIENT”) and Revize LLC, aka Revize. Federal Tax ID# 20-5000179 Date: 3-7-2024 CLIENT INFORMATION: REVIZE LLC: Company Name: City of Rolling Hills Revize Company Address: 2 Portuguese Bend Road 150 Kirts Blvd. Company City/State/Zip: Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Troy, MI 48084 Contact Name: Christian Horvath 310.377.1521 248-269-9263 Billing Dept. Contact: chorvath@cityofrh.net CLIENT Website Address: www.rolling-hills.org The CLIENT agrees to purchase the following products and services provided by REVIZE: Quantity Description Price 1 Phase 1: Kickoff Meeting and Discovery/Project Planning: Included 1 Phase 2 – Design Mockups/Wireframes: • 1 mockup with 3 rounds of revisions • Home page template and inner page design and layout Included 1 Phase 3 & 4 – HTML Development & Revize CMS Integration: • Set-up all CMS modules listed in this agreement • Integration with all 3rd party web applications Included 1 Phase 5 – Quality Assurance Testing & Accessibility, onetime fee: Included 1 Phase 6 – “As is” content migration. Content will be moved into new site with same sitemap and content existing on current website: • Client will be responsible for content cleanup after initial migration Included 1 Phase 7 –Content Editing Training, onetime fee: Included 1 Phase 8 – Go Live: Included 1 Revize Annual Software Subscription, Tech Support, CMS Updates, Website Hosting, Unlimited Users, 30GB website storage, 100GB/Month Bandwidth, SSL Certificate pre-paid annual fee: $3,400.00 1 Current Client Discount ($1,000.00) 1 Grand Total First Year $2,400.00 157 Page 2 of 6 Payment Schedule Payment Amount Payment Date Includes $ 2,400.00 3/15/2024 Year 1 of Annual Hosting & Maintenance $ 2,400.00 3/15/2025 Year 2 of Annual Hosting & Maintenance $ 3,400.00 3/15/2026 Year 3 of Annual Hosting & Maintenance $ 3,400.00 3/15/2027 Year 4 of Annual Hosting & Maintenance AGREED TO BY: CLIENT REVIZE Signature of Authorized Person: Name of Authorized Person: ______ Thomas Jean ___ Title of Authorized Person Project Manager ___ Date: Please sign and return to: Thomas@revize.com Fax 1-866-346-8880 158 Page 3 of 6 Terms: 1. Payments: All Invoices are due upon receipt. Work begins upon receiving initial payment. 2. Revize requires a check for the amount listed above to start this project. 3. Additional content migration, if requested, is available for $3 per web page or document. 4. Additional bandwidth is available at $360 per year for each additional 50GB per month. 5. Additional website storage is available at $500 per year for each additional 10GB website storage. 6. This agreement is the only legal document governing this sale & Proper jurisdiction and venue for any legal action or dispute relating to this Agreement shall be the State of Michigan. 7. Both parties must agree in writing to any changes or additions to this Sales Agreement. 8. CLIENT understands that project completion date is highly dependent on their timely communication with Revize. CLIENT also agrees and understands that; a. The primary communication tool for this project and future tech support is the Revize customer portal found at https://support.revize.com. b. During the project, CLIENT will respond to Revize inquiries within 48 hours of the request to avoid any delay in the project timeline. c. CLIENT understands that project timelines will be delayed if they do not respond to Revize inquiries in a timely manner. 9. One-year contract with CLIENT option to renew for additional three years according to payment schedule listed on page 2 of this agreement. CLIENT may terminate this agreement upon 60 day written notice to Revize before annual service renewal date listed within payment schedule on page 2 of this agreement. Revize will provide a free redesign of the website in year 4 if CLIENT agrees to extend for a 4th year of annual software subscription, tech support, CMS updates, and hosting. 10. CLIENT owns design, content, and will receive periodic updates to the CMS for the life of the contract. 11. Unless otherwise agreed, Revize does not migrate irrelevant records, calendar events, news items, bid results, low quality images, or data that can reasonably be considered non-conforming to new website layout. 12. Storage is limited only to relevant website data. Unreasonably large folders of documents or images are not permitted. Examples include, but are not limited to, plat/property maps, tax records, GIS data, etc. 13. After content migration, CLIENT is responsible for any additional content cleanup. This includes, but is not limited to, resizing photos, reformatting text, replacing photos/icons, consolidating unwanted content, adding future calendar events, and general prep of the site before go live. CLIENT will also have the ability to add new photos, content, and pages. 14. Revize requires a 60-day written termination notice in advance before the next annual renewal date 15. As part of the original contract between CLIENT and Revize (dated 4/29/2021) Revize included a redesign of the websites anytime in year 4 or thereafter. Upon successful completion of this redesign, Revize and CLIENT will have fulfilled their obligations for the original contract dated 4/29/2021. Additional services, features, customizations, migration, anticipated support or storage increases may require an additional charge. Revize and CLIENT will modify or add to this agreement to accommodate those possible future requests. 159 Page 4 of 6 Enterprise Revize CMS License As part of this agreement Revize LLC. will provide full usage access to our Enterprise Revize CMS Software, hosted in our cloud servers. This software is a proprietary software built and maintained by Revize LLC. and is intended to allow the CLIENT to easily update the content of their website. CLIENT agrees that this software access will only be used to maintain the websites included in this agreement. Sharing of the access, by the CLIENT, with other entities not identified in this agreement is prohibited. Revize will maintain, update, and host the Revize CMS in our cloud server during the contract period. In the event that the contract is terminated, for any reason, Revize will halt CLIENT access to the Revize CMS, and will provide website content to the client, provided all payments for the entire length of the contract are fully paid. Notice of termination must be in writing and given to the non-terminating party at least 60 days prior to the effective date of termination. Project Timeline Statement of Understanding Revize and CLIENT agree and understand that the timeline provided is an estimate of our expected timeline for this project. It is not a guarantee. Revize intends to adhere as closely to the proposed timeline expectation as reasonable. CLIENT is expected to take an active role in this project including, but not limited to, participating in meetings with Revize, providing design feedback and approval, providing sitemap feedback and approval, scheduling and participating in user training, etc. Revize expects to complete phase 7 (training) of this project according to timeline provided. Upon completion of phase 7 it is the CLIENT’s responsibility to decide when to go live with the website. CLIENT decision to delay go-live for any reason, unrelated to a functional defect making site inoperable, does not constitute breach of contract on the part of Revize. CLIENT understands that it is incumbent upon the CLIENT to respond to Revize requests in a timely manner. CLIENT further agrees that any timeline delays due to their lack of timely communication do not constitute a breach of contract on the part of Revize. C LIENT also acknowledges that satisfaction related to visual and experiential services like that of a website design project can be subjective. The parties agree that this project is a collaborative project and agree to work in good faith to “fine - tune” final deliverables in preparation for go live of new website. Parties further agree that generalized dissatisfaction related to the aesthetic aspects or services previously approved by the CLIENT does not constitute a breach of contract unless Revize fails to cure the functional defect with the website. The CLIENT may also elect to postpone or delay certain deliverables in favor of earlier go-live date of the website. 160 Page 5 of 6 Revize will integrate the following web applications into your website The Following Applications & Features will be integrated into Your Website: In addition to the Government Content Management System that enables non-technical staff to easily and quickly create/update content in the new web site, Revize provides a suite of applications and features specifically designed for municipalities. All of those apps and features are fully described in the following section. The applications and features are grouped into five categories: Citizen’s Communication Center Apps • Notification Center with Text/Email Alerts • Bid Posting • Document Center • Email Notify • FAQs • Job Posting • Multi-use Business Directory • News Center with Facebook/Twitter Integration • Online Forms • Photo Gallery • Quick Link Buttons • Revize Web Calendar • “Share This” Social Media Flyout App • Sliding Feature Bar • Language Translator Citizen’s Engagement Center Apps • Citizen Request Center with Captcha • Online Bill Pay • RSS Feed 161 Page 6 of 6 Staff Productivity Apps • Agenda Posting Center • Job Posting App • Image Manager • iCal Integration • Intranet • Link Checker • Menu Manager • Online Form Builder • Staff Directory • Website Content Archiving • Website Content Scheduling Site Administration and Security Features • Audit Trail • Auto Site Map Generator • History Log • URL Redirect Setup • Roles and Permission-based Security Mode • Secure Site Gateway • Unique Login/Password for each Content Editor • Web Statistics and Analytics • Workflows by Department Mobile Device and Accessibility Features • Font Size Adjustment • Alt-Tags • Responsive Website Design (RWD) 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 Agenda Item No.: 15.A Mtg. Date: 03/25/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:RECEIVE AND FILE NOTIFICATION FROM CONGRESSMAN LIEU'S OFFICE REGARDING FISCAL YEAR 2024 LOCAL COMMUNITY PROJECT FUNDING AWARD OF $1 MILLION DOLLARS TOWARDS PHASE 1 OF THE PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD / ROLLING HILLS ROAD 8" SEWER MAIN PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECT DATE:March 25, 2024 BACKGROUND: In 2020, the City Council engaged the services of NV5 to provide engineering design for the 8" sewer main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road. Since the commencement of the design work, NV5 has met the 65% design, 90% design, and 100% design milestones. This proposed sewer main crosses several jurisdictions, and approval from Rolling Hills Estates and the City of Torrance is necessary before the project is deemed complete. Phase 1 would include the new 8-inch sewer main along Portuguese Bend Road from the RHCA's main gate to Lariat Lane in Rolling Hills Estates. Phase 2 would involve the downstream sewer improvements in the City of Torrance (upsizing existing sewer mains) along Rolling Hills Road from Lariat Lane to Crenshaw Boulevard. Per the City Council's direction at the April 25, 2022 meeting, staff confirmed with the cities of Rolling Hills Estates and Torrance, as well as the LA County Department of Public Works, that the proposed 8-inch sewer main along Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road could be phased on the condition that the Sanitary Sewer Improvement Feasibility Study prepared by Willdan Engineering be updated. All agencies wanted to confirm that the existing sewer main lines in Rolling Hills Estates and the City of Torrance have the capacity to accept effluent from the City Hall campus and the Tennis Courts (Phase 1) without upsizing. In June 2022, Willdan Engineering provided a proposal to amend the Sanitary Sewer Improvement Feasibility Study for $9,010. At the June 27, 2022 meeting, the City Council reviewed Willdan Engineering's proposal and directed staff to bring this item back in six months. 176 At the December 13, 2022, meeting, the City Council approved an amendment to Wildan’s contract to amend the Sanitary Sewer Feasibility Study in support of the first phase of construction of the proposed sewer main from Rolling Hills connecting to the sewer main in Rolling Hills Estates. Wildan completed the amended feasibility study, and this study was approved by Rolling Hills Estates on February 15, 2023. At the February 13, 2023 meeting, City Council authorized staff to execute an amendment with NV5 to update and phase the 8” Sewer Main Improvement Plans for the section from Rolling Hills connecting to the existing sewer in Rolling Hills Estates. NV5 proceeded to update the plans and the plans were approved by Rolling Hills Estates on December 1, 2023. NV5 subsequently prepared an updated Engineer ’s Opinion of Probable Construction Costs for these approved plans and submitted it to the City on January 5, 2024. This estimate is for the total amount of $1,219,000, which includes a Field Order Allowance of $60,000 and a 10% Contingency Amount of $111,230 The project is pending city direction to solicit construction bids. The City submitted a Fiscal Year 2024 Community Funding request to Congressman Lieu's office in March of 2023 and was successful in securing funding. DISCUSSION: On March 18, 2024, the City received notice that the City's application for FY24 Local Project funding through Congressman Lieu's office had been signed into law by President Biden. (Attachment A) City staff recommends agendizing a discussion item before the final preparation and presentation of the FY 24/25 Budget and Capital Projects for consideration, acceptance, and potential action. FISCAL IMPACT: The adopted Fiscal Year 23-24 budget did not include funds to progress towards construction of the 8" Sewer Line Project Phase 1. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. Direct staff to agendize a discussion item regarding the potential Portuguese Bend Road/Rolling Hills Road 8" Sewer Line project Phase 1. ATTACHMENTS: CL_AGN_240325_Lieu_FY24_CF_PressRelease.pdf 177 178 179 Agenda Item No.: 15.B Mtg. Date: 03/25/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:VERBAL UPDATE ON REPUBLIC SERVICES CLEANUP EVENTS DATE:March 25, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. ATTACHMENTS: 180