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CL_AGN_240812_CC_AgendaPacket_F_A1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 5.APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA This is the appropriate time for the Mayor or Councilmembers to approve the agenda as is or reorder. 6.BLUE FOLDER ITEMS (SUPPLEMENTAL) Blue folder (supplemental) items are additional back up materials to administrative reports, changes to the posted agenda packet, and/or public comments received after the printing and distribution of the agenda packet for receive and file. 6.A.FOR BLUE FOLDER DOCUMENTS APPROVED AT THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING RECOMMENDATION: Approved 7.PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS This is the appropriate time for members of the public to make comments regarding items not listed on this agenda. Pursuant to the Brown Act, no action will take place on any items not on the agenda. 7.A.SUPPLEMENTAL PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 (310) 377-1521 AGENDA Regular City Council Meeting CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 12, 2024 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS 7:00 PM The meeting agenda is available on the City’s website. The City Council meeting will be live-streamed on the City’s website. Both the agenda and the live-streamed video can be found here: Members of the public may submit written comments in real-time by emailing the City Clerk’s office at Your comments will become part of the official meeting record. You must provide your full name, but please do not provide any other personal information that you do not want to be published. Recordings to City Council meetings can be found here: Next Resolution No. 1372 Next Ordinance No. 385 CL_AGN_240812_CC_Item7A.pdf CL_AGN_240812_CC_Item11A.pdf CL_AGN_240812_CC_Item7A_PublicComment01.pdf 1 8.CONSENT CALENDAR Business items, except those formally noticed for public hearing, or those pulled for discussion are assigned to the Consent Calendar. The Mayor or any Councilmember may request that any Consent Calendar item(s) be removed, discussed, and acted upon separately. Items removed from the Consent Calendar will be taken up under the "Excluded Consent Calendar" section below. Those items remaining on the Consent Calendar will be approved in one motion. The Mayor will call on anyone wishing to address the City Council on any Consent Calendar item on the agenda, which has not been pulled by Councilmembers for discussion. 8.A.APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 12, 2024 RECOMMENDATION: Approve. 8.B.APPROVE MOTION TO READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING OF ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS LISTED ON THE AGENDA RECOMMENDATION: Approve. 8.C.APPROVE THE FOLLOWING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: JULY 22, 2024 REGULAR MEETING RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 8.D.PAYMENT OF BILLS RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 8.E.REPUBLIC SERVICES RECYCLING TONNAGE AND COMPLAINT REPORTS FOR JUNE 2024 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 9.EXCLUDED CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 10.COMMISSION ITEMS 11.PUBLIC HEARINGS 11.A.ZONING CASE NO. 23-070: SITE PLAN REVIEW TO DEVELOP A VACANT LOT INCLUDING NON-EXEMPT GRADING AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH BASEMENT, RETAINING WALLS EXCEEDING A HEIGHT OF 3 FEET (UP TO A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 5 FEET), DRIVEWAY WITH PORTIONS THAT EXCEED A WIDTH OF 20 FEET, AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS; CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A STABLE, CORRAL, DETACHED TRELLIS, AND GUEST HOUSE; AND VARIANCES TO ALLOW THE STABLE, CORRAL, SWIMMING POOL, AND RETAINING WALLS TO ENCROACH INTO THE FRONT YARD, CL_AGN_240812_CC_AffidavitofPosting.pdf CL_MIN_240722_CC_F.pdf CL_AGN_240812_CC_PaymentOfBills.pdf VC_REP_240722_June_YTD_TonnageReport.pdf VC_REP_240722_June_C&D_Report.pdf VC_REP_240722_June_RedTagReport.pdf VC_REP_240722_June_CallLog_Redacted.pdf VC_REP_240724_June_ComplaintsList2024_Redacted.pdf 2 ALLOW A PORTION OF THE CORRAL TO ENCROACH INTO THE FRONT YARD SETBACK, CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALLS EXCEEDING THE MAXIMUM AVERAGE HEIGHT OF TWO-AND-ONE-HALF FEET, CONSTRUCT A BASEMENT WITH A PORTION EXTENDING BEYOND THE BUILDING WALLS OF THE RESIDENCE, CONSTRUCT DECKS/PATIOS MORE THAN ONE FOOT ABOVE GRADE, AND ALLOW GRADING EXPORT FOR A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 23 CREST ROAD EAST, AND FINDING THE PROJECT CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (LOT 132A-MS) (OGASAWARA) RECOMMENDATION: Open the public hearing, take public testimony, and provide direction to staff and the applicant. A resolution is provided in case the City Council wishes to approve the project with conditions (Attachment 11). 11.B.A HEARING REGARDING A NUISANCE ABATEMENT AT 6 SADDLEBACK ROAD (LOT 18-RH), AND CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DECLARING THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF RECOMMENDATION: Open the public hearing, consider all testimony and, upon consideration of the evidence, adopt Resolution No. 1375 declaring the condition to constitute a public nuisance and ordering the abatement thereof. Attachment 1A: PL_ADR_240711_23CRE_RadiusMap_VicinityMap_Google.pdf Attachment 1B: PL_ADR_23CrestRdE_ZC23-070_ProximityMap.pdf Attachment 2: PL_ADR_240607_23CrestRdE_ZC23-070_DevelopmentTable.pdf Attachment 3: 2024-06_PC_Resolution_23CrestRoadE_ZC23-070_F_E.pdf Attachment 4: 240613_23 Crest Road East_ZC23-070_PhotosForCCAgenda.pdf Attachment 5A: PL_ADR_240118_23CrestRdE_ZC23- 070_CopyofEmailfromResidents17CRE_01.17.24.pdf Attachment 5B: PL_ADR_240521_23CrestRdE_ZC23-070_EmailfromPaulHuh.pdf Attachment 6: Attachment06_LandscapeReviewComments_23CrestRoadEast (ZC23-070) Attachment7: 240605_Comparison_Table_23_Crest_Road_East_CCMeeting_8.12.pdf Attachment 8: PL_ADR_23CrestRdE_ZC23- 070_StaffReports_CC240812_GradingBreakdown.pdf Attachment 9: 240605_ChangeLog_23 Crest Road East_CCMeeting_8.12.pdf Attachment 10: CL_PBN_240812_PH_CC_23CrestRdE_ZC23-070_Affidavit.pdf Attachment 11: ResolutionNo1376_23CrestRoadE_ZC23-070_F.pdf Attachment 12: PL_ADR_23CrestRdE_ZC23- 070_240715_Plans_9thSubmittal_CCMeeting7.22.24.pdf CL_AGN_240812_CC_Item11A_GMED_Referral.pdf CL_AGN_240812_CC_Item11A_LomitaAgencyRef_Rev_5-2024.pdf CL_AGN_240812_CC_Item11A_PagesFromGradingReviewSheet_02-23.pdf Attachment 1: CE_ADD_6SaddlebackRd_Letters_240229_NOV_FirstNotice.pdf Attachment 2: CE_ADD_6SaddlebackRd_Letters_240319_NOV_SecondNotice.pdf Attachment 3: CE_ADD_6SaddlebackRd_240515_ComplianceDemandLetter_BBK_attorney.pdf Attachment 4: CE_ADD_6SaddlebackRd_240711_Notice_to_Abate.pdf Attachment 5: ResolutionNo1375_6SaddlebackRd_NoticeToAbate_F.pdf 3 12.OLD BUSINESS 13.NEW BUSINESS 13.A.APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH S&K CONSULTING SERVICES TO PROVIDE AN ENGINEERING DESIGN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A DUAL-FUEL EMERGENCY GENERATOR ON THE CITY HALL CAMPUS AT A NOT-TO-EXCEED FEE OF $54,879 RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 14.MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 14.A.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN A LETTER IN OPPOSITION TO SENATE BILL 610 (WIENER), FIRE PREVENTION AND LOCAL DISCRETIONAL REVIEW. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor to sign a letter opposing Senate Bill 610 (Wiener), Fire Prevention, and Local Discretional Review, and if significant amendments are made to the Bill, authorize staff to work with the mayor to update the letter. 15.MATTERS FROM STAFF 15.A.RECEIVE AND FILE FIRE FUEL ABATEMENT AND CODE ENFORCEMENT QUARTERLY REPORT FOR THE SECOND QUARTER OF 2024 (APRIL 1 TO JUNE 30) RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 16.RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 16.A.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL: THREATENED LITIGATION GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(D)(2) AND (E)(3)THE CITY COUNCIL FINDS, BASED ON ADVICE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL, THAT DISCUSSION IN OPEN SESSION WILL PREJUDICE THE POSITION OF THE CITY IN THE LITIGATION.NUMBER OF POTENTIAL CASES: (21)(GOVERNMENT CLAIMS ACT FORM SUBMITTED BY VARIOUS PROPERTY OWNERS IN RANCHO PALOS VERDES AGAINST THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ALLEGING DAMAGE TO PROPERTY) RECOMMENDATION: None. 16.B.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - INITIATION OF LITIGATION A CLOSED SESSION WILL BE HELD, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE CA_AGR_240812_S&K_DualFuelGenerator_Design_F Attachment A - DRAFT SB 610 Letter of Opposition.pdf ATTACHMENT B - SB 610 Coalition Opposition Fact Sheet.pdf ATTACHMENT C - SB 610 Wiener Fact Sheet 6.14 2024.pdf ATTACHMENT D - SB 610 Letter of Opposition_City of Santa Rosa.pdf Attachment E - California Legislature SB 610-Amended.pdf ATTACHMENT 1: CE_QRP_2024_Q2_240812_CC_CE_ClosedCases.pdf ATTACHMENT 2: CE_QRP_2024_Q2_240812_CC_CE_OpenedCases.pdf ATTACHMENT 3: CE_QRP_2024_Q2_240812_CC_CE_AllOpenCases.pdf 4 SECTION 54956.9(C) AND (D)(4) REGARDING THE DECISION OF WHETHER TO INITIATE LITIGATION (1 CASE) RECOMMENDATION: None. 17.RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION 18.ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Monday, August 26, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, Rolling Hills City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California, 90274. Notice: Public Comment is welcome on any item prior to City Council action on the item. Documents pertaining to an agenda item received after the posting of the agenda are available for review in the City Clerk's office or at the meeting at which the item will be considered. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting due to your disability, please contact the City Clerk at (310) 377-1521 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility and accommodation for your review of this agenda and attendance at this meeting. 5 Agenda Item No.: 6.A Mtg. Date: 08/12/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:FOR BLUE FOLDER DOCUMENTS APPROVED AT THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:August 12, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approved. ATTACHMENTS: CL_AGN_240812_CC_Item7A.pdf CL_AGN_240812_CC_Item11A.pdf 6 BLUE FOLDER ITEM (SUPPLEMENTAL) Blue folder (supplemental) items are additional back up materials to administrative reports, changes to the posted agenda packet, and/or public comments received after the printing and distribution of the agenda packet for receive and file. CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 12, 2024 7 A. SUPPLEMENTAL PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS FROM: CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK/EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER CL_AGN_240812_CC_Item7A_PublicComment01 7 BLUE FOLDER ITEM (SUPPLEMENTAL) Blue folder (supplemental) items are additional back up materials to administrative reports, changes to the posted agenda packet, and/or public comments received after the printing and distribution of the agenda packet for receive and file. CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 12, 2024 11A. ZONING CASE NO. 23-070: SITE PLAN REVIEW TO DEVELOP A VACANT LOT INCLUDING NON-EXEMPT GRADING AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH BASEMENT, RETAINING WALLS EXCEEDING A HEIGHT OF 3 FEET (UP TO A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 5 FEET), DRIVEWAY WITH PORTIONS THAT EXCEED A WIDTH OF 20 FEET, AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS; CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A STABLE, CORRAL, DETACHED TRELLIS, AND GUEST HOUSE; AND VARIANCES TO ALLOW THE STABLE, CORRAL, SWIMMING POOL, AND RETAINING WALLS TO ENCROACH INTO THE FRONT YARD, ALLOW A PORTION OF THE CORRAL TO ENCROACH INTO THE FRONT YARD SETBACK, CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALLS EXCEEDING THE MAXIMUM AVERAGE HEIGHT OF TWO-AND-ONE-HALF FEET, CONSTRUCT A BASEMENT WITH A PORTION EXTENDING BEYOND THE BUILDING WALLS OF THE RESIDENCE, CONSTRUCT DECKS/PATIOS MORE THAN ONE FOOT ABOVE GRADE, AND ALLOW GRADING EXPORT FOR A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 23 CREST ROAD EAST, AND FINDING THE PROJECT CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (LOT 132A-MS) (OGASAWARA) FROM: CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK/EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER CL_AGN_240812_CC_Item11A_GMED_Referral.pdf CL_AGN_240812_CC_Item11A_LomitaAgencyRef_Rev_5-2024.pdf CL_AGN_240812_CC_Item11A_PagesFromGradingReviewSheet_02-23.pdf 8 Agenda Item No.: 7.A Mtg. Date: 08/12/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:SUPPLEMENTAL PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS DATE:August 12, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. ATTACHMENTS: CL_AGN_240812_CC_Item7A_PublicComment01.pdf 9 August 12, 2024 Dear Honorable Mayor and RH City Councilmembers: After two years of discussions on the need for emergency notifications for residents, the Outdoor Siren Project was approved by the City Council on June 12, 2023, 14 months ago today. The Block Captains request the City Council prioritize the completion of the Outdoor Siren Project and provide a status to the residents on the following items: 1. status on the installation of the siren poles; 2. status of the notification policies and procedures for RH residents; 3. education schedule for residents on sirens – voice messages, who activates, maintenance frequency, etc. 4. expected implementation and operational date. Residents must be kept informed on the progress of this essential and important project and causes of delays should be communicated. When can we expect a status? Respectfully submitted, Block Captains and Support Team Arlene Honbo, Portuguese Bend Road Gene Honbo, Portuguese Bend Road Kay and Paul Lupo, Georgeff Road Pam Crane, Caballeros Road Leslie Stetson, Saddleback Road Maureen Hill, Cinchring Road Michael Sherman, Crest Road East Sandy Sherman, Crest Road East Maureen and John Nunn, Crest Road West Dustin McNabb, Quail Ridge Road South Melissa McNabb, Quail Ridge Road South Marian Visco, BC Lead, Cinchring Road Giancarlo Starinieri, Palos Verdes Dr North Nadine Bobit, Buggy Whip Drive Debra Shrader, BC Lead, Saddleback Road Rae Walker, Wagon Lane Diane Montalto, Quail Ridge Road South Kathy Patman, Chuckwagon Road Arun Bhumitra, Buggy Whip Drive Kathleen Hughes, Caballeros Road Judith Haenel, Eastfield Drive Ed Swart, Meadowlark Lane Dorothy Vinter, Reata Lane Marita Geraghty, BC Lead, Southfield Drive Tony Mian, Palos Verdes Dr North Residents Mary Graff, Chuckwagon Road Carol and Shawn diMiranda, El Concho Ln Don Crocker, Cinchring Road Ron and Miriam Sommer, Poppy Trail 10 Agenda Item No.: 8.A Mtg. Date: 08/12/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 12, 2024 DATE:August 12, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve. ATTACHMENTS: CL_AGN_240812_CC_AffidavitofPosting.pdf 11 Administrative Report 8.A., File # 2366 Meeting Date: 8/12/2024 To: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL From: Christian Horvath, City Clerk TITLE APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 12, 2024 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING In compliance with the Brown Act, the following materials have been posted at the locations below. Legislative Body City Council Posting Type Adjourned Regular Meeting Agenda Posting Location 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 City Hall Window City Website: Meeting Date & Time AUGUST 12, 2024 7:00pm Open Session As City Clerk of the City of Rolling Hills, I declare under penalty of perjury, the document noted above was posted at the date displayed below. Christian Horvath, City Clerk Date: August 9, 2024 12 Agenda Item No.: 8.B Mtg. Date: 08/12/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE MOTION TO READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING OF ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS LISTED ON THE AGENDA DATE:August 12, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve. ATTACHMENTS: 13 Agenda Item No.: 8.C Mtg. Date: 08/12/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE THE FOLLOWING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: JULY 22, 2024 REGULAR MEETING DATE:August 12, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: CL_MIN_240722_CC_F.pdf 14 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, July 22, 2024 Page 1 Minutes Rolling Hills City Council Mon day, July 22, 2024 Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER The City Council of the City of Rolling Hills met in person on the above date at 7:04 p.m. Mayor Mirsch presiding. 2. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Wilson, Black, Dieringer, Pieper, Mayor Mirsch Councilmembers Absent: None Staff Present: Karina Bañales, City Manager Christian Horvath, City Clerk / Executive Assistant to the City Manager John Signo, Planning & Community Services Director Robert Samario, Finance Operations Lead Consultant Pat Donegan, City Attorney 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Councilmember Dieringer 4. PRESENTATIONS / PROCLAMATIONS / ANNOUNCEMENTS – NONE 5. APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA Mayor Mirsch requested moving item 13A after Consent Calendar, then recessing to closed session for Item 16A and after reconvening, returning to Item 10. Without objection, so ordered. 6. BLUE FOLDER ITEMS (SUPPLEMENTAL) – NONE 7. PUBLI C COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Public Comment: Jim Aichele, Alfred Visco 8. CONSENT CALENDAR 8.A. APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 22, 2024 8.B. APPROVE MOTION TO READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING OF ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS LISTED ON THE AGENDA 8.C. APPROVE THE FOLLOWING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: JULY 8 , 2024 REGULAR MEETING 8.D. PAYMENT OF BILLS 8.E. DESIGNATE VOTING DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE VOTING DELEGATE TO THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE FROM OCTOBER 16-18 TO BE HELD IN LONG BEACH, CA 15 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, July 22, 2024 Page 2 Motion by Councilmember Dieringer, seconded by Councilmember Black to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Wilson, Black, Dieringer, Pieper, Mayor Mirsch NOES: None ABSENT: None 9. EXCLUDED CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS – NONE Mayor Mirsch moved to New Business. 13. NEW BUSINESS 13.A. APPROVE THE FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH LSL, LLC TO PROVIDE FINANCIAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2024 FOR AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $31,950 Presentation by Finance Operations Lead Consultant Robert Samario Motion by Councilmember Black, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Pieper to approve as presented and modify the not-to-exceed amount to $26,950. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Wilson, Black, Dieringer, Pieper, Mayor Mirsch NOES: None ABSENT: None Mayor Mirsch moved to Item 16A. 16. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION – 7:26 P.M. 16.A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL: THREATENED LITIGATION GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(D)(2) AND (E)(3) THE CITY COUNCIL FINDS, BASED ON ADVICE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL, THAT DISCUSSION IN OPEN SESSION WILL PREJUDICE THE POSITION OF THE CITY IN THE LITIGATION. NUMBER OF POTENTIAL CASES: (7) (GOVERNMENT CLAIMS ACT FORM SUBMITTED BY VARIOUS PROPERTY OWNERS IN RANCHO PALOS VERDES AGAINST THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ALLEGING DAMAGE TO PROPERTY) 17. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION – 8:10 P.M. Mayor Mirsch moved to Item 10. 10. COMMISSION ITEMS 10.A. ZONING CASE NO. 24-017: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A DETACHED PERGOLA THAT EXCEEDS 200 SQUARE FEET; AND VARIANCES FOR A NEW SWIMMING POOL AND PERGOLA TO ENCROACH INTO THE FRONT YARD, AND POOL EQUIPMENT TO ENCROACH INTO THE SIDE YARD SETBACK LOCATED AT 9 OUTRIDER ROAD, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274, AND FINDING THE PROJECT CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (LOT 92-B-EF) (SONSTEIN) Presentation by Planning & Community Services Director John Signo 16 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, July 22, 2024 Page 3 Motion by Councilmember Black, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Pieper to receive and file. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Wilson, Black, Dieringer, Pieper, Mayor Mirsch NOES: None ABSENT: None 10.B. ZONING CASE NO. 24-016: SITE PLAN REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A NEW STABLE, NON- EXEMPT GRADING, RETAINING WALLS TO EXCEED 3 FEET (MAXIMUM 5 FEET HEIGHT), AND RELATED IMPROVEMENTS; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONVERT AN EXISTING RECREATIONAL SPORTS COURT INTO AN EQUESTRIAN RIDING ARENA, AND FOR STABLE GREATER THAN 200 SQUARE FEET; AND VARIANCES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A STABLE IN THE FRONT YARD, CORRAL IN THE FRONT AND SIDE YARD SETBACKS, IMPORT OF DIRT, AND TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM 40% DISTURBED AREA FOR A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1 MORGAN LANE AND FINDING THE PROJECT CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (LOT 170 -1-MS) (HU) Presentation by Planning & Community Services Director John Signo Public Comment: David Mclewee, Alfred Visco Motion by Councilmember Black, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Pieper to receive and file. Motion carried with the following vote: AYES: Black, Dieringer, Pieper, Mayor Mirsch NOES: Wilson ABSENT: None 10.C. ZONING CASE 24-018: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL OF A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT BETWEEN FOUR PARCELS AT 1 -4 STORM HILL LANE, AND DETERMINING THE PROJECT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (APN 7570-024-019, 7570-024-020, 7570-024- 021, AND 7570-024-024) (STORM PROPERTIES, INC.) Councilmember Dieringer recused herself from the item and left the dais at 8:55 p.m. Presentation by Planning & Community Services Director John Signo Motion by Councilmember Black, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Pieper to receive and file. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Wilson, Black, Pieper, Mayor Mirsch NOES: None ABSENT: Dieringer Councilmember Dieringer returned the dais at 9:08 p.m. 10.D. ZONING CASE NO. 23-070: SITE PLAN REVIEW TO DEVELOP A VACANT LOT INCLUDING NON-EXEMPT GRADING AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH BASEMENT, RETAINING WALLS EXCEEDING A HEIGHT OF 3 FEET (UP TO A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 5 FEET), DRIVEWAY WITH PORTIONS THAT EXCEED A WIDTH OF 20 FEET, AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS; CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A STABLE, CORRAL, DETACHED TRELLIS, AND GUEST HOUSE; AND VARIANCES TO ALLOW THE 17 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, July 22, 2024 Page 4 STABLE, CORRAL, SWIMMING POOL, AND RETAINING WALLS TO ENCROACH INTO THE FRONT YARD, ALLOW A PORTION OF THE CORRAL TO ENCROACH INTO THE FRONT YARD SETBACK, CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALLS EXCEEDING THE MAXIMUM AVERAGE HEIGHT OF TWO-AND-ONE-HALF FEET, CONSTRUCT A BASEMENT WITH A PORTION EXTENDING BEYOND THE BUILDING WALLS OF THE RESIDENCE, CONSTRUCT DECKS/PATIOS MORE THAN ONE FOOT ABOVE GRADE, AND ALLOW GRADING EXPORT FOR A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 23 CREST ROAD EAST, AND FINDING THE PROJECT CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (LOT 132A-MS) (OGASAWARA) Presentation by Planning & Community Services Director John Signo Public Comment: Charlie Raine, Mike Nash, David Ramis, Alfred Visco Motion by Councilmember Wilson, seconded by Councilmember Black to take the project under the City Council’s jurisdiction and set a public hearing for August 12, 2024. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Wilson, Black, Dieringer, Pieper, Mayor Mirsch NOES: None ABSENT: None 11. PUBLIC HEARINGS – NONE 12. OLD BUSINESS – NONE 14. MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL Mayor Mirsch discussed concerns over SB 610 and requested staff research and return with a letter of opposition for Council consideration. 15. MATTERS FROM STAFF – NONE 16. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION – 10:33 P.M. 16.B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(D)(2) (ONE CASE): LETTER REGARDING BKK LANDFILL 17. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION – 10:44 P.M. 18. ADJOURNMENT: 10 :44 P.M. The meeting was adjourned at 10 :44 p.m. on July 22, 2024. The next regular adjourned meeting of the City Council is scheduled to be held on Monday, August 12, 2024 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California. It will also be available via City’s website link at: All written comments submitted are included in the record and available for public review on the City website. Respectfully submitted, 18 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, July 22, 2024 Page 5 ____________________________________ Christian Horvath, City Clerk Approved, ____________________________________ Leah Mirsch, Mayor 19 Agenda Item No.: 8.D Mtg. Date: 08/12/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:PAYMENT OF BILLS DATE:August 12, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: CL_AGN_240812_CC_PaymentOfBills.pdf 20 21 22 Agenda Item No.: 8.E Mtg. Date: 08/12/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:REPUBLIC SERVICES RECYCLING TONNAGE AND COMPLAINT REPORTS FOR JUNE 2024 DATE:August 12, 2024 BACKGROUND: Please note that Republic has been asked to provide footnotes per Council direction. They will try to accommodate this. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. ATTACHMENTS: VC_REP_240722_June_YTD_TonnageReport.pdf VC_REP_240722_June_C&D_Report.pdf VC_REP_240722_June_RedTagReport.pdf VC_REP_240722_June_CallLog_Redacted.pdf VC_REP_240724_June_ComplaintsList2024_Redacted.pdf 23 Year 2024 Franchise Y/N Y Month Commodity Tons Collected Tons Recovered Tons Disposed Diversion % 1 Greenwaste 79.86 79.86 - 100.00% Trash 247.10 - 247.10 0.00% 1 Total 326.96 79.86 247.10 24.43% 2 Greenwaste 51.72 51.72 - 100.00% Trash 198.13 - 198.13 0.00% 2 Total 249.85 51.72 198.13 20.70% 3 Greenwaste 53.42 53.42 - 100.00% Trash 199.60 - 199.60 0.00% 3 Total 253.02 53.42 199.60 21.11% 4 Greenwaste 116.50 116.50 - 100.00% Trash 183.05 - 183.05 0.00% Trash - Free Residential Roll Off Bin 3.76 - 3.76 0.00% 4 Total 303.31 116.50 186.81 38.41% 5 Greenwaste 101.62 101.62 - 100.00% Trash 180.98 - 180.98 0.00% 5 Total 282.60 101.62 180.98 35.96% 6 Greenwaste 83.11 83.11 - 100.00% Trash 195.05 - 195.05 0.00% Trash - Free Residential Roll Off Bin 1.10 - 1.10 0.00% Greenwaste - Free Residential Roll Off Bin 2.30 2.30 - 100.00% 6 Total 281.56 85.41 196.15 30.33% Grand Total 1,697.30 488.53 1,208.77 28.78% CITY OF ROLLING HILLS RESIDENTIAL FRANCHISE 2024 Page 1 of 2 24 Year 2024 Franchise Y/N N Month Commodity Tons Collected Tons Recovered Tons Disposed Diversion % 1 Greenwaste 19.61 19.61 - 100.00% Recycle 0.27 0.04 0.23 15.00% Trash 59.97 - 59.97 0.00% Organics 0.16 0.10 0.06 61.71% C&D 4.27 3.43 0.84 80.24% 1 Total 84.29 23.18 61.11 27.50% 2 Greenwaste 16.94 16.94 - 100.00% Recycle 0.29 0.11 0.18 37.67% Trash 57.05 - 57.05 0.00% C&D 11.29 9.05 2.25 80.10% 2 Total 85.57 26.09 59.47 30.50% 3 Greenwaste 6.42 6.42 - 100.00% Recycle 0.22 0.08 0.13 38.48% Trash 35.05 - 35.05 0.00% 3 Total 41.69 6.50 35.19 15.60% 4 Greenwaste 11.07 11.07 - 100.00% Recycle 0.27 0.11 0.16 40.00% Trash 46.40 - 46.40 0.00% 4 Total 57.74 11.18 46.56 19.36% 5 Recycle 0.27 0.09 0.19 31.77% Trash 70.08 - 70.08 0.00% Organics 0.17 0.12 0.05 70.73% C&D 11.15 8.95 2.20 80.24% 5 Total 81.68 9.16 72.52 11.21% 6 Greenwaste 11.95 11.95 - 100.00% Recycle 0.21 0.07 0.13 36.18% Trash 45.24 - 45.24 0.00% Organics 0.16 0.12 0.04 73.76% 6 Total 57.56 12.14 45.42 21.09% Grand Total 408.52 88.25 320.27 21.60% CITY OF ROLLING HILLS NON-FRANCHISE 2024 Page 2 of 2 25 Republic Services City of Rolling Hills C&D Report Reporting Period June-24 Disposal Site Material Loads Taken Tons Collected No C&D to Report Summary Row Labels Sum of Tons Collected (blank) Grand Total Page 1 of 1 26 Rolling Hills Red Tags – June 2024 Date Address Code Issue COMM 6/3/2024 1 MAVERICK LN 1 Dog unleashed No 6/4/2024 3 WRANGLER RD 1 Dog unleashed No 27 Republic Services Call Log Report City:Rolling Hills Year 2024 Month/Quarter 6 Summary of Calls by Type Final Call Final Call Type Sub-Type Total 2.Complaint Escalation 3 Complaint 1 2.Complaint Total 4 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 7 Missed Yard Waste - Residential 5 Missed Bulk Service 2 3.Missed Pick Up Total 14 Grand Total 18 Pg 1 of 5 28 Republic Services Call Log Report Final Call Type Sub-Type Case Number Date/Time Opened Date/Time Closed Created By Request Description Resolution Comments Customer Category Account Number Site Account Name Site Address Phone 2.Complaint Complaint 20240614-195410176 6/14/2024 3:40 PM (blank)Josie Nunez dina elespheriou called to report an issue. Cust is worried about MPU for today. Says her trash can is full and needs trash picked up today. Says she can't wait for Monday. Please call customer. . (blank)RESI 9020003594 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 54 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 2.Complaint Escalation 20240612-195171600 6/12/2024 8:13 AM 6/25/2024 9:32 AM Lakeisha Jones Ben Hung We missed Ben's bulk pick up on Friday. We put in a MPU and it has yet to be recovered. He has now been fined by his HOA. Can we please get a driver out there to get this recovered. recovered on 06/18/24 no other action needed -HS OE RESI 9020003066 1 RESIDENT 11 OUTRIDER RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 2.Complaint Escalation 20240617-195516283 6/17/2024 3:02 PM (blank)Tiana Woods G Stephanie to report an issue. clientstates garbage has not been picked up in weeks - garbage is piling . (blank)RESI 9020003497 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 62 CREST RD E ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 2.Complaint Escalation 20240621-195827037 6/21/2024 8:31 AM 6/24/2024 6:11 AM Tiana Charles Sam Zeim called to report an issue. cx states his yard waste was missed on 6/13/24 wants pu asap please call cx. . Sent email to Ops Sup MR to assist with YW mpu, customer was contacted will CB to verify recovery. CK 062124 9:10 MST, Ops In process of recovery. Ops has contacted customer, customer was advised to break down bags, driver was instructed to tag bags when RESI 9020003303 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 17 CHUCKWAGON RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Bulk Service 20240610-194972048 6/10/2024 8:16 AM 6/12/2024 10:44 PM Erin Wright (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003066 1 RESIDENT 11 OUTRIDER RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 Pg 2 of 5 29 Republic Services Call Log Report Final Call Type Sub-Type Case Number Date/Time Opened Date/Time Closed Created By Request Description Resolution Comments Customer Category Account Number Site Account Name Site Address Phone 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Bulk Service 20240618-195575735 6/18/2024 10:44 AM 6/19/2024 10:43 PM Hector Sanchez (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003066 1 RESIDENT 11 OUTRIDER RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240604-194649780 6/4/2024 1:47 PM 6/5/2024 10:59 PM MELISSA BALDOCK (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003273 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 2 CHUCKWAGON RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240604-194653261 6/4/2024 2:11 PM 6/5/2024 10:59 PM Juan Romero Jimenez (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003717 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 3 WRANGLER RD ROLLING HILLS CA 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240611-195078779 6/11/2024 8:33 AM 6/12/2024 10:44 PM Barbara Dariana Alcaraz Garcia (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003439 1 RESIDENT 10 UPPER BLACKWATER CYN RD ROLLING HILLS CA 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240611-195089812 6/11/2024 9:37 AM 6/12/2024 10:44 PM Darlene Virgen (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003717 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 3 WRANGLER RD ROLLING HILLS CA Pg 3 of 5 30 Republic Services Call Log Report Final Call Type Sub-Type Case Number Date/Time Opened Date/Time Closed Created By Request Description Resolution Comments Customer Category Account Number Site Account Name Site Address Phone 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240611-195097714 6/11/2024 10:25 AM 6/12/2024 10:44 PM Juan Carlos Leyva Roman (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003653 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 9 GEORGEFF RD ROLLING HILLS CA 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240614-195407884 6/14/2024 3:01 PM 6/18/2024 10:43 PM Juan Romero Jimenez (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003594 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 54 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240617-195516476 6/17/2024 3:04 PM 6/19/2024 10:43 PM Tiana Woods (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003497 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 62 CREST RD E ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Yard Waste - Residential 20240604-194653511 6/4/2024 2:13 PM 6/5/2024 10:59 PM Juan Romero Jimenez (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003717 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 3 WRANGLER RD ROLLING HILLS CA 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Yard Waste - Residential 20240611-195090194 6/11/2024 9:39 AM 6/12/2024 10:44 PM Darlene Virgen (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003717 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 3 WRANGLER RD ROLLING HILLS CA Pg 4 of 5 31 Republic Services Call Log Report Final Call Type Sub-Type Case Number Date/Time Opened Date/Time Closed Created By Request Description Resolution Comments Customer Category Account Number Site Account Name Site Address Phone 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Yard Waste - Residential 20240611-195110100 6/11/2024 11:38 AM 6/12/2024 10:44 PM Erica Fording (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003273 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 2 CHUCKWAGON RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Yard Waste - Residential 20240612-195212190 6/12/2024 12:42 PM 6/14/2024 10:39 PM Barbara Dariana Alcaraz Garcia (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003303 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 17 CHUCKWAGON RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Yard Waste - Residential 20240621-195827299 6/21/2024 8:33 AM 6/25/2024 10:40 PM Tiana Charles (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003303 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 17 CHUCKWAGON RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 Pg 5 of 5 32 City of Rolling Hills - June 2024 Republic Services City Complaint Log Date of Issue Time Issue/Complaint Resident Name Resident Address Republic contacted Republic Reponse Date Reponse Time of Reponse Resolved 6/10/2024 1:37PM Missed Trash Pickup 2724 PV Dr. N. Tanahsa Malone Adsrian Orssten 6/12/2024 2:47PM yes 6/10/2024 4:40PM Missed Trash Pickup 58 Portuguese Bend Rd. Tanasha Malone Addrian Orssten 6/12/2024 2:47PM yes 6/11/2024 12:20PM Missed Trash Pickup 16 Southfield Dr Tanasha Malone Addrian Orssten 6/12/2024 2:47PM yes 6/11/2024 12:20PM Missed Trash Pickup 3 Eucalyptus Ln. Tanasha Malone Addrian Orssten 6/12/2024 2:47PM yes 6/11/2024 4:03PM Missed Trash Pickup For Over a Week 8 Upper Blackwater Canyon Rd.Dawn Benton Addrian Orssten 6/11/2024 5:07PM yes 6/12/2024 9:04AM Missed Trash Pickup for Over a Week 2 Buckboard Lane Dawn Benton Addrian Orssten 6/12/2024 2:47PM yes 6/12/2024 10:19AM Missed Trash Pickup 13 Georgeff Dawn Benton Addrian Orssten 6/12/2024 2:47PM yes 6/12/2024 11:53AM Missed Trash Pickup 25 Portuguese Bend Rd. Addrian Orssten Addrian Orssten 6/12/2024 2:47PM yes 6/12/2024 11:53AM Missed Trash Pickup 2 Pheasant Lane Addrian Orssten Addrian Orssten 6/12/2024 2:47PM yes 6/12/2024 2:48PM Missed Trash Pickup 87 Crest Rd. E. Addrian Orssten Addrian orssten 6/12/2024 2:47PM yes 6/14/2024 1:59PM Missed Trash Pickup 11 wagon Lane Addrian Orssten Addrian Orssten 6/12/2024 2:47PM yes 6/15/2024 3:29PM Missed Trash Pickup 6 Eastfield Dr. Rolimar Matammu Rolimar Matammu 6/17/2024 11:41AM yes 6/15/2024 2:22PM Missed Trash Pickup 5 Ring bit Rd W. Rolimar Matammu Rolimar Matammu 6/17/2024 11:41AM yes 6/17/2024 8:31AM Missed Trash Pickup For Over a Week 25 Eastfield Dr. Rolimar Matammu Rolimar Matammu 6/17/2024 11:41AM yes 6/17/2024 8:47AM Missed Trash Pickup For Over a Week 2 Wrangler Rd. Rolimar Matammu Rolimar Matammu 6/17/2024 11:41AM yes 6/17/2024 8:53AM Missed Trash Pickup For Over a Week 32 Eastfield Dr. Rolimar Matammu Rolimar Matammu 6/17/2024 11:41AM yes 6/19/2024 3:39PM Missed Manure Pickup For Over a Week 15 Buggywhip Dr. Rolimar Matammu Rolimar Matammu 6/20/2024 4:06PM yes 6/20/2024 9:14AM Missed Trash Pickup For Over a Week 1 Buggywhip Dr.Rolimar Matammu Rolimar Matammu 6/20/2024 9:26AM yes 6/20/2024 9:27AM Missed Trash Pickup For Over a Week 11 Upper Blackwater Canyon Rd.Rolimar Matammu Rolimar Matammu 6/20/2024 9:30AM yes 6/21/2024 11:15AM Missed Trash Pickup 62 Eastfield Dr. Dawn Benton Dawn Benton 6/20/2024 3:36PM yes 6/24/2024 8:56AM Missed Greenwaste Pickup 25 Eastfield Dr. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 6/24/2024 2:19PM yes 6/24/2024 4:13PM Concerns Regarding Continuous Missed Pickups 9 Upper Blackwater Canyon Rd. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 6/25/2024 4:56AM yes 6/25/2024 4:25PM Missed Trash Pickup For Over a Week 1 Buggywhip Dr. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 6/25/2024 7:05PM yes 6/25/2024 1:57PM Missed Green Waste Pickup For Over a Week 25 Eastfield Dr. Tanasha Malone Tansaha Malone 6/25/2024 7:33PM yes 6/27/2024 4:12PM Missed Trash Pickup 19 Georgeff Rd.Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 6/28/2024 9:30AM no 6/28/2024 7:55AM Missed Trash Pickup 12 Upper Blackwater Canyon Rd. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 6/28/2024 8:00AM yes 6/28/2024 8:16AM Missed Green Waste Pickup 2 Buckboard Lane Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 6/28/2024 9:14AM no 6/28/2024 2:28PM Missed Trash Pickup 13 Georgeff Rd. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 6/31/2024 6:31PM no 6/28/2024 3:59PM Missed Trash Pickup For Over a Week 19 Georgeff Rd. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 6/31/24 6:33PM yes 33 Agenda Item No.: 11.A Mtg. Date: 08/12/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:JOHN SIGNO, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY SERVICES THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: ZONING CASE NO. 23-070: SITE PLAN REVIEW TO DEVELOP A VACANT LOT INCLUDING NON-EXEMPT GRADING AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH BASEMENT, RETAINING WALLS EXCEEDING A HEIGHT OF 3 FEET (UP TO A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 5 FEET), DRIVEWAY WITH PORTIONS THAT EXCEED A WIDTH OF 20 FEET, AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS; CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A STABLE, CORRAL, DETACHED TRELLIS, AND GUEST HOUSE; AND VARIANCES TO ALLOW THE STABLE, CORRAL, SWIMMING POOL, AND RETAINING WALLS TO ENCROACH INTO THE FRONT YARD, ALLOW A PORTION OF THE CORRAL TO ENCROACH INTO THE FRONT YARD SETBACK, CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALLS EXCEEDING THE MAXIMUM AVERAGE HEIGHT OF TWO-AND-ONE-HALF FEET, CONSTRUCT A BASEMENT WITH A PORTION EXTENDING BEYOND THE BUILDING WALLS OF THE RESIDENCE, CONSTRUCT DECKS/PATIOS MORE THAN ONE FOOT ABOVE GRADE, AND ALLOW GRADING EXPORT FOR A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 23 CREST ROAD EAST, AND FINDING THE PROJECT CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (LOT 132A-MS) (OGASAWARA) DATE:August 12, 2024 BACKGROUND: On July 22, 2024, the City Council considered the Planning Commission's action to approve the proposed project and the Traffic Commission's action to approve the driveway apron. The City Council voted 5-0 to take the matter under its own jurisdiction. On August 1, 2024, a public hearing notice was published in the Daily Breeze for the field trip and evening Council meeting on August 12, 2024. Notices were mailed to owners within 1,000 feet of the subject property (Attachments 1A and 10). 34 Applicant Request On June 2, 2023, an application was filed by the applicant, Frank Escher of Escher, Gune, Wardena Architecture on behalf of the property owner, Yuki Ogaswara, requesting a Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permit, and Variances under Zoning Case No. 23-070 (ZC 23-070). The proposed project was for construction of a new 14,680-square-foot (SF) single-family residence with a 7,849 SF basement, 1,000 SF attached garage, 1,225 SF stable, 5,190 SF corral, 600 SF accessory dwelling unit (ADU), 600 SF guest house, 280 SF swimming pool, 155 SF pool equipment, 480 SF of attached covered porches, 95 SF service yard, lightwells, maximum five-foot-high retaining walls, walkways, landscaping, and other improvements (Attachment 2). A 17,700 SF oval driveway was proposed in the front of the property for access to the residence, ADU, and stable. Previous Projects On January 2017, the City Council adopted a resolution approving Zoning Case (ZC) No. 902 for construction of an 11,500 SF new single-family residence with an 11,500 SF basement and appurtenances (See City Council Resolution No. 1202). On December 12, 2018, the Planning Commission granted a two-year time extension for ZC No. 902 to January 23, 2021. Due to COVID-19 several entitlements were placed on hold and Assembly Bill 1561 created an automatic time extension for ZC No. 902 which extended the expiration to July 22, 2022. On November 9, 2021, an application was received for development of a new 8,460 SF residence, basement, accessory dwelling unit (ADU), guest house, stable, swimming pool, spa, and other improvements (ZC No. 21-11). On March 15, 2022, the Planning Commission conducted a field trip and evening public hearing to discuss the project, and continued the public hearing to April 19, 2022. On March 24, 2022, the Traffic Commission recommended approval of the main driveway, but removal of the secondary driveway. On April 13, 2022, the applicant requested the item be pulled from the Planning Commission agenda since the property had been sold to a new owner who did not want to continue with the project. As such, ZC No. 21-11 was closed; the approval for ZC No. 902 ultimately expired. Planning Commission Review of ZC 23-070 On January 16, 2024, the Planning Commission reviewed ZC 23-070 for the first time. After conducting a field trip and evening public hearing, the Planning Commission continued the item and directed staff to work with the applicant to revise the plans to address certain issues: The height of the mound at the center of the oval driveway. The plans indicated a height of 15 feet from the existing grade at the highest point and showed Coast Live Oak Trees (these can grow up to 80 feet tall) to be planted. This would negatively impact the line of site from Crest Road East. The Commission required that the proposed mound be staked and silhouetted. The residents at 17 Crest Road East expressed concerns about privacy and the proximity of the proposed barn. The walkway that extends out from the basement and the portion of the basement under the covered patio that is not under the footprint of the residence. The discrepancies with the grading calculations, application, and plans. Mixed-Use Structure/Stable located in the front yard. The guest house's proximity to the canyon. 35 Retaining walls along the stable. Floor level above the grade/raised decks – various sections of the residence, guest house, stable, and guest house show raised decks. Trellis calculations need to be added to the calculations (415 square feet (SF) On April 16, 2024, this item was presented to the Planning Commission for a second time. That morning, the Planning Commission held a field trip at the site. Commissioners, staff, and attendees viewed the silhouettes of the proposed project. The project was presented later at the evening Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commissioners voted 4-0 (1 Commissioner was absent) to continue the item to the next meeting. The Planning Commission directed staff to work with the applicant to revise the plans to address the following: The basement projection from the main residence; The exit from the basement; The proposed mount height at 1330' elevation, which must be lowered; Privacy; and View blockage issues. On June 18, 2024, the Planning Commission conducted a third field trip and evening public hearing. The applicant and several residents were present at the field trip. The Commission and the public were able to walk the site to better understand the proposed project. At the evening hearing, the Commission listened to the staff's presentation and heard the applicants' testimonies. Several residents spoke about stormwater concerns. At the conclusion of the evening hearing, the Planning Commission voted 3-0 (two commissioners absent) to adopt Resolution No. 2024-06 approving ZC 23-070 (Attachment 3). The action included amending the conditions of approval to address future area drainage, the height of the mound and what can be planted atop, and the orientation of a passageway to the basement. Traffic Commission Review On December 11, 2023, the Traffic Commission reviewed the proposed driveway and apron. The proposed driveway connects to Crest Road East and has a driveway apron of 62 feet 5 inches wide. The driveway entrance will be 26 feet wide and connects to an oval-shaped driveway that will be 15 feet wide. The oval-shaped driveway connects to the barn, ADU, and main residence. Existing eucalyptus trees along Crest Road East will remain. At the conclusion of the meeting, the Traffic Commission voted 4-0 (one commissioner absent) to approve the proposed driveway and apron. Zoning, Location, and Lot Description The property is zoned RAS-2, and the gross lot area is 7.05 acres or 307,098 SF. The net lot area for development purposes is 6.02 acres or 262,368 SF. The lot is currently undeveloped and vacant (see photos in Attachment 4). The lot is irregularly shaped and has a depth of approximately 820 feet and a width of approximately 480 feet. The property slopes downward from Crest Road East to the rear of the property. The grade elevation between the proposed main building pad and the street is approximately 42 feet. The lot is located in the southern portion of the City and has views of the Pacific Ocean. A natural drainage course is located along the western portion of the lot, and a blue line stream, which is a part of the Klondike Canyon System, is located approximately 200 feet south of the southern property line of the lot. The lot is also located in proximity to the Geotechnical Hazardous area of the City, known 36 as the Flying Triangle. The existing topography of the project site slopes down approximately 115 feet from Crest Road East to the lowest portion of the lot. The closest structures to the proposed project are 330 feet to the north, 179 feet to the east, 220 feet to the west, and 403 feet to the south (Attachment 1B). DISCUSSION: Project Approved by the Planning Commission on June 18, 2024 The applicant revised the project during the public hearing process to address issues discussed at previous meetings. On June 18, 2024, the Planning Commission approved the following: 14,680 SF single-family residence 7,849 SF basement 1,000 SF attached garage 652 SF accessory dwelling unit (ADU; not subject to discretionary review) 1,225 SF stable and 5,190 SF corral (Discussed under the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Variance) Retaining walls to exceed a height of 3 feet (maximum 5 feet) 28,389 cubic yards (CY) of total grading 25,343 SF mound in the center of the oval driveway 58,050 SF landscaping Native plants & tree species 3,000 SF native pollinator meadow in the center of the mound Three building pads are proposed: Pad 1: 32,610 SF main building pad Pad 2: 1,610 SF accessory dwelling unit (ADU) pad Pad 3: 2,900 SF stable pad The Planning Commission amended or added conditions to address certain issues: Condition AB: Language included to address drainage. Condition AP: Condition added regarding the mound height (maximum elevation of 1330 feet) and landscaping. Condition AQ: Condition added that basement passageway be redesigned to be angled or zigzagged. Grading The total grading is 28,389 CY (see Attachment 8). Grading export is 9,715 CY (3,131 CY exempt and 6,584 CY non-exempt). Grading for the mound was reduced from 11,405 CY to 9,337 CY. A Site Plan Review is required for the non-exempt grading and a Variance is required for non-exempt export. Site Plan Review Per Rolling Hills Municipal Code (RHMC) Section 17.46.020.A.1, a Site Plan Review is required for the construction of any new buildings or structures that require any grading that is not exempt. RHMC Section 17.46.50 includes required findings which are listed below. 37 Conditional Use Permit Per RHMC Section 17.80.050, a conditional use permit (CUP) is required for a stable greater than 200 SF and a corral that is greater than 550 SF. The proposed 1,225 SF stable exceeds the 200 SF limit by 775 SF. The stable has not changed in this project. Per RHMC Section 17.16.210, a CUP is also required to construct a guest house. The new proposal for the guest house has been changed to 600 SF, which was reduced from 540 SF. The guest house will not encroach into any required setbacks and was moved away from the top of the canyon. As per RHMC Section 17.16.210, a CUP is required for an accessory structure that exceeds 200 SF. The project includes a detached 415 SF trellis at the bottom of the canyon. There are also two existing trails that lead down to the new trellis. The existing trails are currently overgrown and not accessible. The applicant is proposing to redesign and cut the overgrown vegetation on the pathways for the new trellis. There are no changes to the trellis. Variances The Rolling Hills Municipal Code requires a Variance application and approvals for the following: 1. Stable, corral, swimming pool, and retaining walls to encroach into the front yard; 2. Corral to encroach into the required 50-foot front setback; 3. Retaining walls that exceed the maximum average height of two-and-one-half feet; 4. Basement with a portion extending beyond the building walls of the residence; 5. Decks/patios that exceed more than one foot above grade; and 6. Grading export. Municipal Code Compliance Lot and Building Pad Coverage The net lot area is 262,368 SF. The structural coverage is as follows: the total proposed structural coverage is 18,970 SF or 7.23%, which is well below the 20% maximum (with deductions). The proposed flatwork coverage is 18,385 SF or 7.01%, which is below the 15% maximum. The total proposed structural and flatwork coverage for the entire lot with deductions is 37,355 SF or 14.24%, which is well below the 35% maximum. The project complies with all of the RHMC development standards. The project exceeds the 30% maximum building pad coverage guidelines, the smaller building pads provides less disturbance to the lot and preserves the natural terrain. Pad 1: Main Residence will be developed with a 32,610 SF building pad area for a total of 17,799 SF, or 54.58% building pad coverage. This exceeds the maximum 30% guideline by 24.58%. Pad 2: ADU Pad will be developed with a 1,610 SF building pad area and a total of 700 SF, or 43.48% building pad coverage. This exceeds the maximum 30% guideline by 10.5%. Pad 3: Stable Pad will be developed with a 2,900-square-foot building pad area and a total of 38 1,340 square feet, or 46.21% building pad coverage. This exceeds the maximum 30% guideline by 16.21%. Disturbance The total disturbed area for the lot will be 87,770 SF, or 33.45% of the lot (40% maximum permitted). The previous proposed disturbed area was 87,920 SF, or 33.51% of the lot (40% maximum permitted). This is a reduction of 150 SF or 0.06%. Stable/Corral The project includes a 1,225 SF one-story stable with 2 stalls, a tack room/office, 2 bathrooms, a tack workspace, feed/counter space, and a large agricultural space with a garage accessible from the circular driveway. The ridgeline of the new stable is 13.9 feet maximum height. The stable is accessible from a driveway that is connected off of the northwest portion of the oval-shaped driveway. Site Access The new driveway apron will be located at Crest Road East on the northeast side of the lot and will provide access to the oval driveway. The driveway will be 15 feet wide, leading to a stable storage garage, motor court, main entry to the house, and garage. The proposed continuous driveway allows for the simplest path between all structures, with a garage in the main residence accommodating four vehicles, suitable per RH guidelines for the main house, guest house, and ADU parking requirements. The center of the oval driveway will be landscaped with native trees, native plants, a native pollinator meadow, and a 115 SF water feature. An entry gate with pilasters will be located at the driveway entrance. Walls The RHMC Section 17.16.190(F), requires a Site Plan Review for any walls that exceed a height of 3 feet. Such walls require a variance if located in the front yard. The project includes 6 wall sections: Wall A is located at the east wing of the main residence and connects to the guest house. It has a maximum height of 2.5 feet and an average height of 2.5 feet. Wall B is a 3-foot-high retaining wall located at the west wing of the main residence along the swimming pool. Wall C is located along the south portion of the mound and extends along the south portion of the driveway with a maximum height of 5 feet high with an average height of 4 feet high (Wall C requires a Variance). Wall D is located on the west portion of the mound and west portion of the driveway. The maximum height is 5 feet high, with an average height of 4.1 feet (Wall D requires a variance). Wall E located along the southern portion of the driveway, is a maximum of 2.5 feet high with an average height of 2.1 feet. Wall F is located just north of the stable walkway, and the maximum height is 3 feet high with an average of 2.4 feet high. Landscaping The project includes 58,050 SF of new native landscape area and 3,000 SF of a native 39 pollinator meadow area with a water feature, and 21 native tree species. The project proposes seven Lyonothamnus Floribundus known as the Catalina Ironwood trees that will grow up to a maximum height of 20 feet and maximum width of 12 feet, six Quercus Argrifolia known as the Coast Live Oak with a maximum height of 30 feet and 30 feet maximum width, and 8 Cercus Canadensis known as the Forest Pansy with a maximum height and width of 12 feet. The project will restore the majority of the new landscape areas to a state similar to the original pre-developed, pre-cleared condition of the site, with few visible changes to the existing topography and to the panoramic views from the street and neighboring houses. A review by the City's landscape consultant is required for compliance with landscape standards and the Water Efficiency Landscape Ordinance (WELO). See Attachment 6 for the landscape review. Building Height and Pad Elevations (Pads 1 - 3) The new residence, basement, and attached garage will be developed on the lower southern portion of Pad 1 with a maximum ridge height of 12 feet 9 inches; the ridgeline of these structures will be about 31 feet below Crest Road East. The maximum height of the chimneys is 19 feet 2 inches. The main residence includes eaves that will extend a maximum of 8 feet. The basement and atrium are located at the V section of the main residence under the proposed deck. The elevations on Page A201 of the plans show that there is a 5-foot maximum retaining wall just above the finished grade. The guest house will be 13 feet and 2 inches in height; the ridgeline of the structure will be about 31 feet below Crest Road East. The accessory dwelling unit (ADU) (Pad 2) will be 11 feet and 9 inches in height, with a ridgeline about 5 feet below Crest Road East. The front upper east portion of the lot (Pad 3) will consist of a corral and stable. The stable will be 13 feet and 9 inches in height, and the ridgeline of the structures will be about 5 feet below Crest Road East. Drainage A natural drainage course is located along the western portion of the lot, and a blue line stream, which is part of the Klondike Canyon System, is located approximately 200 feet south of the southern property line of the lot. The lot is also located in proximity to the Geotechnical Hazardous area of the City known as the Flying Triangle; however, no part of the lot is within the Flying Triangle. This project is subject to the Low Impact Development (LID) requirements pertaining to stormwater management, including provisions for retention of run-off on the property. LID is plan checked by Building Services after the City grants entitlements. The proposed storage system is designed to store the difference in stormwater runoff volume between the pre-and post-development conditions. The design proposes two separate drainage systems, splitting runoff between the two adjacent watercourses, to mimic the existing flow patterns. Included in each system is a Contech Urbangreen SRPE cistern system, at the main residence pad, to intercept and store runoff as follows: 1. The eastern system will collect runoff from the ADU, easterly driveway, easterly half of the residence and residential pad, and guest house. 2. The western system will collect runoff from the stable/corral, westerly driveway, westerly half of the residence and residential pad, and pool area. 3. Each system: 40 a. Will first pass runoff through a Contech inline CDS pre-treatment system to remove trash, debris, and suspended solids. Runoff will then enter the storage barrels. b. Downstream of the storage barrel will be a second manhole with a pump, supplying the irrigation system. Runoff impounded in the storage tanks will be used to irrigate the site after the storm has passed. c. Above the soffit of the storage barrel, an overflow pipe will direct runoff exceeding the storage capacity and discharge to the watercourse below through an erosion- control outlet structure. Utility Lines / Septic Tank All utility lines for the development will be required to be placed underground. The Los Angeles County Public Health department will review the septic system (location to be determined). Rolling Hills Community Association Review Rolling Hills Community Association will review this project at a later date. Public Participation On January 16, 2024, Yuan Chang, 17 Crest Road East, attended the morning field trip and expressed concerns with privacy and the proximity of the proposed stable. Youkun Nie, representing the owner, submitted an email dated January 17, 2024, regarding the concern (Attachment 5A). The applicant has since moved the stable away from the property and reduced the size to address the concern. At the January 16, 2024 evening meeting, John Mackenbach, 56 Portuguese Bend Road, commended the project but suggested putting the cisterns closer to vegetation. He asked about drainage and the applicant's team explained the drainage system. On May 6, 2024, Paul Huh and Jane Huh, the residents of 20 Crest Road East, came into the City to review the project and express their concerns regarding any view obstructions at 23 Crest Road East. Mr. Huh sent an email to staff on May 21, 2024, opposing any obstructions above the Crest Road East ocean view (Attachment 5B). On June 10, 2024, Charlie Raine, the resident at 4 Pinto Road, came into the City to review the drainage plans for 23 Crest Road East. He expressed his concerns regarding the capacity of cisterns, impermeable and permeable surfaces, excess water flowing into the canyon, future storm drainpipe that the applicant can tie into, and storm drain plans. At the June 18, 2024 Planning Commission meeting, Mr. Raine discussed issues with drainage in his neighborhood. Leah Mirsch, 4 Cinchring Road, suggested a larger design for the cisterns. At the July 22, 2024 City Council meeting, Mr. Raine expressed similar concerns he discussed with the Planning Commission. Mr. Mike Nash discussed the location and commented about stormwater. Mr. Alfred Visco suggested that City Council take the item under its jurisdiction and consider large projects south of Crest Road. Environmental Review The project has been determined to be categorically exempt pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Class 3, Section 15303. New construction of a single-family residence and accessory structures. 41 SITE PLAN REVIEW CRITERIA RHMC Section 17.46.010 Purpose. The site plan review process is established to provide discretionary review of certain development projects in the City for the purposes of ensuring that the proposed project is consistent with the City's General Plan; incorporates environmentally and aesthetically sensitive grading practices; preserves existing mature vegetation; is compatible and consistent with the scale, massing and development pattern in the immediate project vicinity; and otherwise preserves and protects the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Rolling Hills. RHMC Section 17.46.50 Required findings. The Commission shall be required to make findings in acting to approve, conditionally approve, or deny a site plan review. No project which requires site plan review approval shall be approved by the Commission, or by the City Council on appeal unless the following findings can be made: 1. The project complies with and is consistent with the goals and policies of the general plan and all requirements of the zoning ordinance; the project substantially preserves the natural and undeveloped state of the lot by minimizing building coverage. Lot coverage requirements are regarded as maximums, and the actual amount of lot coverage permitted depends upon the existing buildable area of the lot; 2. The project is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, the natural terrain and surrounding residences; 3. The project preserves and integrates into the site design, to the greatest extent possible, existing topographic features of the site, including surrounding native vegetation, mature trees, drainage courses, and landforms (such as hillsides and knolls); 4. Grading has been designed to follow the natural contours of the site and to minimize the amount of grading required to create the building area; 5. Grading will not modify existing drainage channels nor redirect drainage flow unless such flow is redirected into an existing drainage course; 6. The project preserves surrounding native vegetation and mature trees and supplements these elements with drought-tolerant landscaping, which is compatible with and enhances the rural character of the community, and landscaping provides a buffer or transition area between private and public areas; 7. The project is sensitive and not detrimental to the convenient and safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles; and 8. The project conforms to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CRITERIA RHMC Section 17.42.50 Basis for approval or denial of conditional use permit. The Commission (and Council on appeal), in acting to approve a conditional use permit application, may impose conditions as are reasonably necessary to ensure the project is consistent with the General Plan, compatible with surrounding land use, and meets the provisions and intent of this title. In making such a determination, the hearing body shall find that the proposed use is in general accord with the following principles and standards: 42 1. That the proposed conditional use is consistent with the General Plan; 2. That the nature, condition, and development of adjacent uses, buildings, and structures have been considered, and that the use will not adversely affect or be materially detrimental to these adjacent uses, buildings or structures; 3. That the site for the proposed conditional use is of adequate size and shape to accommodate the use and buildings proposed; 4. That the proposed conditional use complies with all applicable development standards of the zone district; 5. That the proposed use is consistent with the portions of the Los Angeles County Hazardous Waste Management Plan relating to siting and siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities; 6. That the proposed conditional use observes the spirit and intent of this title. CRITERIA FOR VARIANCE RHMC Section 17.38.050 Required findings. In granting a variance, the Commission (and Council on appeal) must make the following findings: 1. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property that do not apply generally to other properties in the same vicinity and zone; 2. That such variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights possessed by other properties in the same vicinity and zone but which is denied the property in question; 3. That the granting of such variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; 4. That in granting the variance, the spirit and intent of this title will be observed; 5. That the variance does not grant special privilege to the applicant; 6. That the variance is consistent with the portions of the County of Los Angeles Hazardous Waste Management Plan relating to siting and siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities; and 7. That the variance request is consistent with the general plan of the City of Rolling Hills. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Open the public hearing, take public testimony, and provide direction to staff and the applicant. A resolution is provided in case the City Council wishes to approve the project with conditions (Attachment 11). ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1A: PL_ADR_240711_23CRE_RadiusMap_VicinityMap_Google.pdf Attachment 1B: PL_ADR_23CrestRdE_ZC23-070_ProximityMap.pdf Attachment 2: PL_ADR_240607_23CrestRdE_ZC23-070_DevelopmentTable.pdf Attachment 3: 2024-06_PC_Resolution_23CrestRoadE_ZC23-070_F_E.pdf Attachment 4: 240613_23 Crest Road East_ZC23-070_PhotosForCCAgenda.pdf Attachment 5A: PL_ADR_240118_23CrestRdE_ZC23- 070_CopyofEmailfromResidents17CRE_01.17.24.pdf 43 Attachment 5B: PL_ADR_240521_23CrestRdE_ZC23-070_EmailfromPaulHuh.pdf Attachment 6: Attachment06_LandscapeReviewComments_23CrestRoadEast (ZC23-070) Attachment7: 240605_Comparison_Table_23_Crest_Road_East_CCMeeting_8.12.pdf Attachment 8: PL_ADR_23CrestRdE_ZC23- 070_StaffReports_CC240812_GradingBreakdown.pdf Attachment 9: 240605_ChangeLog_23 Crest Road East_CCMeeting_8.12.pdf Attachment 10: CL_PBN_240812_PH_CC_23CrestRdE_ZC23-070_Affidavit.pdf Attachment 11: ResolutionNo1376_23CrestRoadE_ZC23-070_F.pdf Attachment 12: PL_ADR_23CrestRdE_ZC23- 070_240715_Plans_9thSubmittal_CCMeeting7.22.24.pdf CL_AGN_240812_CC_Item11A_GMED_Referral.pdf CL_AGN_240812_CC_Item11A_LomitaAgencyRef_Rev_5-2024.pdf CL_AGN_240812_CC_Item11A_PagesFromGradingReviewSheet_02-23.pdf 44 1,000’ City of Rolling Hills ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 TITLE VICINITY MAP CASE NO. Zoning Case No. 23-070 Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permits, Variances OWNER OGASAWARA ADDRESS 23 Crest Road East, Rolling Hills 90274 SITE 45 Vicinity Map: 23 Crest Road East 46 PROXIMITY MAP  23 CREST ROAD EAST  ZC NO. 23‐070      47 Development Table for 23 Crest Road East Zoning Case No. 23-070_Planning Commission Meeting June 18, 2024 Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permit Variance New 14,680 SF single family residence with 7,849 SF basement, atrium, 1,000 SF garage, 600 SF guest house, 1,225 SF stable, 280 SF pool, new driveway apron, circular driveway, decks, motor court, retaining walls, concrete stairs, and landscape EXISTING Vacant Lot PROPOSED PAD NO. 1 Main Residence, Garage, Guest House, Swimming Pool, Decks, Retaining Walls, Entryways, Atrium, Water feature PROPOSED PAD NO. 2 Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) PROPOSED PAD NO. 3 Structure Stable with Agricultural Storage and Corral TOTAL RA-S- 2 Zone Setbacks Front: 50 ft. from front easement line Side: 35 ft. from side property line Rear: 50 ft. from rear easement line Net Lot Area 262,368 SF — — — 262,368 SF Residence 0 SF 14,680 SF — — 14,680 SF Garage 0 SF 1,000 SF — — 1,000 SF Swimming Pool/Spa 0 SF 280 SF — — 280 SF Pool Equipment 0 SF 155 SF — — 155 SF Guest House 0 SF 600 SF — — 600 SF Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) 0 SF — 700 SF — 700 SF Stable 0 SF — — 1,225 SF 1,225 SF Basement Depth of Basement 0 SF 0 SF 7,849 SF 10 FT — — 7,849 SF 10 FT Entryway, Breezeway 0 SF 0 SF — — 0 SF Attached Covered Porches 0 SF 480 SF — — 480 SF Detached Structures: Guest House Water Feature Trellis 0 SF 0 SF 0 SF 600 SF 115 SF 415 SF — — 600 SF 115 SF 415 SF Raised Deck 0 SF 0 SF — — 0 SF 48 Development Table for 23 Crest Road East Zoning Case No. 23-070_Planning Commission Meeting June 18, 2024 Service Yard 0 SF 95 SF — — 95 SF EXISTING PROPOSED PAD NO. 1 PROPOSED PAD NO. 2 PROPOSED PAD NO. 3 TOTAL Grading 0 CY 19,052 CY Cut 9,337 CY Fill — — 28,389 CY Structural Coverage (20 % maximum) 0 SF 18,970 SF (7.23%) — — 18,970 SF (7.23%) Flatwork Coverage (15% maximum) 0 SF 18,385 SF (7.01%) — — 18,385 SF (7.01%) Total Structural & Flatwork Coverage (35% maximum) 0 SF 37,355 SF (14.24%) — — 37,355 SF (14.24%) Disturbance (40% maximum) 0 SF 87,770 SF (33.45%) — — 87,770 SF (33.45%) Building Pad 1 Area Building Pad Coverage 0 SF 0 SF 32,610 SF 17,799 SF (54.58%) — — 32,610 SF 17,799 SF (54.58%) Building Pad 2 Area Building Pad Coverage 0 SF 0 SF — 1,610 SF 700 SF (43.48%) — 1,610 SF 700 SF (43.48%) Building Pad 3 Area Building Pad Coverage 0 SF 0 SF — — 2,900 SF 1,340 SF (46.21%) 2,900 SF 1,340 SF (46.21%) 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 23 Crest Road East (Zoning Case No. 23-070) June 18, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting Photos Photo #1: Taken on June 13, 2024 from top of Crest Road East looking west. 66 Photo 2 taken on June 13, 2024 from standing at the top of Crest Road East looking west. 67 Photo 3: Taken on June 13, 2024 from standing at the top of Crest Road East looking west. 68 From: Youkun Nie <> Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2024 4:04 PM To: John Signo <>; Stephanie Grant <> Cc: TAO SPACES <>; zhe song <> Subject: 23 Crest Rd East---My client's concerns Hi John, Stephanie, Hope yo u are doi ng well! Af ter pa rticipa ting the fiel d tri p and public hea ring yesterday o n the devel opmen t plan at 2 3 Crest R oad East ( Subject Project), my client has a few conce External ( Report This Email FAQ Protection by INKY Hi John, Stephanie, Hope you are doing well! After participating the field trip and public hearing yesterday on the development plan at 23 Crest Road East ( Subject Project), my client has a few concerns about the Subject Project: 1. The potential impact of the Subject Project's WEST WING on my client's privacy The Subject Project is located at a higher grade than my client's house at 17 Crest Rd East, and its site layout will enable the people in its west wing to see my client's house from high above. To better understand how the Subject Project might impact his privacy, my client would like to request a site section from the Owner of the Subject Project. The site section shall include both the Subject project and my client's house and demonstrate what measures the Subject project will take to protect my client's privacy. 2. The Potential impact of the Subject Project's STABLE on my client's privacy My client is not comfortable with the location of the Subject Projects Stable either. The Stable's adjacency to my client's property will potentially impact my client's privacy, and the Stable's odor will potentially bring unpleasant feeling to my client. It might be more desirable if the Owner of the Subject Project could consider switching the Stable location with ADU's, My client understands that he was supposed to raise his concerns before the Public Hearing. He will greatly appreciate it if you can kindly advise what he can do with his above concerns. Any way, it doesn't mean my client opposes to the Subject Project. While he is raising his concerns, he wants to be a good neighbor of the Subject Project's Owner. Thanks for your time. Look forward to hearing from you. 69 Best, Youkun Nie 70 71 Environmental Design Associates 14121 Sawston Circle . Westminster, CA 92683 Phone 714.350.6910 1 DATE: January 30, 2024 TO: Stephanie Grant FIRM: City of Rolling Hills FROM: Carrie Mandarino PROJECT: 23 Crest Road E SUBJECT: Conceptual Landscape Plan Review Dear Stephanie, Thank you for the opportunity to review the conceptual landscape plan for 23 Crest Road East located in the City of Rolling Hills. The landscape plans have been reviewed for compliance with the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO). Landscape plans were reviewed for appropriateness and adaptability of selected plants, water efficient irrigation design, and the use of design elements that enhance the character of the community. Review of hardscape and precise grading and drainage are not included. Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO) Compliance Landscape plans have been reviewed for compliance with The City of Rolling Hills Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance No. 361. This is a Conceptual Plan submittal with approximately 83,000 s.f. of landscape. The MAWA and ETWU calculations for the project are not provided. Refer to the City of Rolling Hills Water Efficient Landscape Submittal Package for plan requirements and Water Efficient Landscape Worksheet. Use the Eto of 39.7 for City of Rolling Hills in the calculations. Include the water feature in the ETWU calculation with a 1.0 plant factor and 1.0 irrigation efficiency (1.0 ETAF). Show the fountain as a high hydrozone, and provide a hydrozone map. The proposed plant palette is comprised low water use native plants. Three groups of low water use zones are shown and include a Native Meadow, Native Garden, and Native Chaparral. Photos with plant water use are shown and checked per WUCOLS IV Region 3 South Coastal. The Project Application needs to be submitted. Show a Statement of Compliance with the Landscape Ordinance, and a note requiring a 3-inch layer of mulch on the plan. Planting notes should include soil preparation with amendments for planting. Irrigation Plan An irrigation plan was not submitted. A Conceptual Plan for Water Management was included. Provide an irrigation plan showing equipment location and a legend. 72 Environmental Design Associates 14121 Sawston Circle . Westminster, CA 92683 Phone 714.350.6910 2 Planting Plan The plant palette is comprised of a variety of low water use trees, shrubs, succulents, grasses, and ground cover that are adapted to the local climate and conditions on site. Three plant palette zones of low water use plants are shown including, Native Meadow, Native Garden, and Native Chaparral. Photos of plants are included with the WUCOLS Water Use. Low water use native trees specified include: Quercus agrifolia and Lyonothamnus. Moderate water use Cercis ‘Forest Pansy’ is also specified. Planting details are shown. Planting notes should also be provided with soil preparation and amendments. City Requirements and Notes Per City of Rolling Hills requirements, trees specified shall not grow taller than the roof ridge height. Species of concern that grow taller than this include Quercus agrifolia and Lyonothamnus. Cercis ‘Forest Pansy’ trees are acceptable. Trees should also be located so that neighboring views are not obstructed. Show the mature tree height in legend. No City prohibited tree species are shown on the plan. No planting is allowed in the RHCA easement. In addition, hedges are not allowed in Rolling Hills. The Toyon hedge shown at the edge of the property should be spaced in an uneven pattern approximately 15 feet minimum apart so as not to create a hedge. The following notes should be added to the Plan: No landscaping shall be allowed in the RHCA easement. Trees specified shall not grow higher than the height of the roof ridge. Trees shall be planted in locations that do not hinder views from the adjacent lots. Trees are required to be maintained to a height not to exceed the roof ridge and so that views from adjacent lots are not obstructed. Hedges are not allowed. Required Revisions for MWELO Compliance  Provide Water Efficient Landscape Worksheet project calculations.  Include water feature in calculations as a high hydrozone with a 1.0 ETAF.  Provide required notes on plan: Statement of Compliance with Landscape Ordinance, and 3-inches of mulch required in all planting areas.  Provide irrigation plan with legend, notes/specifications, and details.  Provide planting plan with legend, and notes/specifications.  Specify smaller trees with acceptable mature tree height below roof ridge. Locate trees so that neighboring views are not obstructed. Show mature height in legend.  Space Toyon shrubs so as not to create a hedge.  Add City Required Notes shown above to plan. 73 Environmental Design Associates 14121 Sawston Circle . Westminster, CA 92683 Phone 714.350.6910 3 Installation Note The irrigation and planting plans shall be installed per the approved landscape plan documentation package. Any changes or substitutions to plans shall be subject to approval by the planning department and landscape architect for the City. A Certificate of Completion shall be submitted by the project designer or contractor prior to final landscape installation inspection. I appreciate the opportunity to assist with the review of this landscape plan and would be happy to discuss any questions you may have. Respectfully submitted, Environmental Design Associates Carrie Mandarino, RLA #4769 74 Comparison Table 16/5/2024 Comparison Table: 2017 Hynes, 2022 Dark Moon Ranch, and 2023 Ogasawara Orig. and Rev-1 Proposals Hynes 2017 Dark Moon Ranch 2022 Ogasawara 1/16/24 Ogasawara 4/16/24 Ogasawara 6/18/24 Architecture Main Residence and Garage 11,520 sf 9,970 sf 13,000 sf 14,680 sf 14,680 sf Basement 10,400 sf 8,460 sf 7,610 sf 8,240 sf 7,849 sf Covered Porches 2,500 sf 2,165 sf 480 sf 480 sf 480 sf Guest House 800 sf 800 sf 540 sf 600 sf 600 sf Guest House Porches 369 sf 570 sf 0 sf 0 sf 0 sf Stable 2,092 sf 2,456 sf 1,940 sf 1,225 sf 1,225 sf Stable Porches 350 sf 1,225 sf 0 sf 0 sf 0 sf Misc Accessory Structures 956 sf 882 sf 300 sf 1,070 sf 1,070 sf Raised Deck 0 sf 520 sf 0 sf 0 sf 0 sf Pool 864 sf 1,230 sf 270 sf 315 sf 280 sf Hardscape 8,100 sf 6,390 sf 6,430 sf 5,595 sf 5,595 sf Primary Driveway 8,860 sf 8,050 sf 16,100 sf 13,480 sf 13,480 sf Secondary Driveway 600 sf 1.850 sf 0 sf 0 sf 0 sf Disturbance 95,850 sf 104,850 sf 92,460 sf 87,920 sf 87,770 sf Mound Height n/a n/a 1335'1335'1330' Structure Total Structures 29,851 sf 28,178 sf 17,184 sf 18,872 sf 18,970 sf Total Structures (excluding Basment)19,451 sf 19,718 sf 9,574 sf 10,632 sf 11,121 sf Total Flatwork 17,560 sf 16,290 sf 20,520 sf 18,714 sf 18,385 sf Total Structures and Flatwork 47,411 sf 44,468 sf 37,704 sf 37,587 sf 37,770 sf Total Structures (excluding Basment) and Flatwork 37,011 sf 36,008 sf 30,094 sf 29,347 sf 29,921 sf Grading Cut 15,185 cy 14,600 cy 16,980 cy 17,320 cy 19,052 cy Fill 7,300 cy 9,310 cy 11,950 cy 11,405 cy 9,337 cy Over-excavation 11,750 cy 17.510 cy 3,760 cy 3,760 cy 3,760 cy Recompaction 13,885 cy 22,800 cy 5,400 cy 5,400 cy 5,400 cy Total Cut and Fill 22,485 cy 23,910 cy 28,930 cy 28,725 cy 28,389 cy Total Overall 48,120 cy 64,220 cy 38,090 cy 37,885 cy 37,549 cy 6.5.24 75 23 CREST ROAD EAST – ZONING CASE NO. 23-070 – GRADING TABLE OVERALL SITE GRADING IN CUBIC YARDS (CY) Cut 19,052 Fill 9,337 Over-Excavation 3,760 Re-Compaction 5,400 Total Grading 28,389 Total Allowable Export (Exempt) 3,131 Total Export (Non-Exempt) 6,584 CUT/EXCAVATION BREAKDOWN LOCATION CUBIC YARDS MAXIMUM DEPTH IN FEET For House/Addition 5,363 13.6 Stable 63 3.3 ADU 61 3.8 Driveways 2,848 15.0 Yard Areas 3,826 15.1 Basement Excavation 3,026 10 Pool/Spa Excavation 105 4.5 Total Over-Excavation 3,760 3.0 TOTAL CUT 19,052 16.4 FILL/RE‐COMPACTION BREAKDOWN LOCATION CUBIC YARDS MAXIMUM DEPTH IN FEET For House/Addition 12 3.2 Stable 202 6.8 ADU 10 1.8 Driveways 457 6.9 Yard Areas 3,256 11.9 Basement Re-compaction 0 0 Pool/Spa Re-compaction 0 0 Total Re-compaction 5,400 3 TOTAL FILL 9,337 11.9 76 Architectural Changelog for 23 Crest Road East Rev.2024/06/13 Main House -Building footprint moved 9’-5”North and 3’-5”West. -Southwest building corner from property line 57-9”(Previous 65’-9”) -Building east wing rotated clockwise 5 deg. -Pool deck area 1,100 sf (Previous 1,500 sf) -All basement area under covered porch has been removed. -Basement area 7,849 sf (Previous 8,240 sf) Guest House -Building footprint rotated counterclockwise 12 deg. -Southeast building corner from property line 55’-1”(Previous 51’-3”) Civil -Total grading 28,389 cy (Previous 28,725 cy) -Total Structure 18583 sf (Previous 18,872 sf) -Total disturbed area 87,770 sf (Previous 87,920 sf) -Total flatwork 18,385 sf (Previous 18,715 sf) -Primary driveway 13,480 sf (Previous 16,100 sf) -Paved walks,patio areas 2,445 sf (Previous 4,010 sf) Site -Mound height 1330’(Previous 1335’) 77 CL_PBN_240812_PH_CC_23CrestRdE_ZC23-070_F - Page 1 of 1 2615 Pacific Coast Highway #329 Torrance, California 90254 (310) 543-6635 City of Rolling Hills 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, California 90274 Account Number:5007827 Ad Order Number:0011684273 Customer's Reference/PO Number: Publication:Daily Breeze Publication Dates:08/01/2024 Total Amount:$644.37 Payment Amount:$0.00 Amount Due:$644.37 Notice ID:tuuJtQ4GSEgJwUciiWwR Invoice Text:NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Rolling Hills will conduct a public hearing field trip visit starting at 7:30 AM on Monday, August 12, 2024, at the following property for the purpose of receiving public input regarding the following: 23 CREST ROAD EAST, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 (LOT 132A-MS) ZONING CASE NO. 23-070: SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR NON-EXEMPT GRADING AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW 14,680-SQUARE-FOOT RESIDENCE WITH A BASEMENT, RETAINING WALLS EXCEEDING A HEIGHT OF 3 FEET (UP TO A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 5 FEET), DRIVEWAY WITH PORTIONS THAT EXCEED A WIDTH OF 20 FEET, AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS; CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A STABLE, CORRAL, AND A GUEST HOUSE; AND VARIANCES TO ALLOW THE STABLE, CORRAL, SWIMMING POOL, AND RETAINING WALLS IN THE FRONT YARD, ALLOW A PORTION OF THE CORRAL TO ENCROACH INTO THE FRONT YARD SETBACK, CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALLS EXCEEDING THE MAXIMUM AVERAGE HEIGHT OF TWO-AND-ONE- HALF FEET, CONSTRUCT DECKS/PATIOS MORE THAN ONE FOOT ABOVE GRADE, AND ALLOW GRADING EXPORT (OGASAWARA) The project has been determined to be categorically exempt (Class 3) pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15303. The purpose of this field trip is to hold a public hearing on the site of the project to familiarize members of the City Council and interested parties with the location, topography, size, and scope of the project. Following the field trip, the City Council will reconvene to discuss the 78 CL_PBN_240812_PH_CC_23CrestRdE_ZC23-070_F - Page 1 of 1 Daily Breeze 2615 Pacific Coast Highway #329 Torrance, California 90254 (310) 543-6635 0011684273 City of Rolling Hills 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, California 90274 PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Los Angeles I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not party to or interested in the above- entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of Daily Breeze, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Torrance*, County of Los Angeles, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of County of Los Angeles, State of California, under the date of June 15, 1945, Decree No. Pomo C-606. The notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: 08/01/2024 I certify (or declare) under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Torrance, California On this 1st day of August, 2024. ______________________________ Signature *Daily Breeze circulation includes the following cities: Carson, Compton, Culver City, El Segundo, Gardena, Harbor City, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Inglewood, Lawndale, Lomita, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Manhattan Beach, Palos Verdes Peninsula, Palos Verdes, Rancho Palos Verdes, Rancho Palos Verdes Estates, Redondo Beach, San Pedro, Santa Monica, Torrance and Wilmington 79 RESOLUTION NO. 1376 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL OF ZONING CASE NO. 23-070 FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW TO DEVELOP A VACANT LOT INCLUDING NON-EXEMPT GRADING AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH BASEMENT, RETAINING WALLS EXCEEDING A HEIGHT OF 3 FEET (UP TO A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 5 FEET), DRIVEWAY WITH PORTIONS THAT EXCEED A WIDTH OF 20 FEET, AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS; CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A STABLE, CORRAL, DETACHED TRELLIS, AND GUEST HOUSE; AND VARIANCES TO ALLOW THE STABLE, CORRAL, SWIMMING POOL, AND RETAINING WALLS TO ENCROACH INTO THE FRONT YARD, ALLOW A PORTION OF THE CORRAL TO ENCROACH INTO THE FRONT YARD SETBACK, CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALLS EXCEEDING THE MAXIMUM AVERAGE HEIGHT OF TWO-AND-ONE-HALF FEET, CONSTRUCT A BASEMENT WITH A PORTION EXTENDING BEYOND THE BUILDING WALLS OF THE RESIDENCE, CONSTRUCT DECKS/PATIOS MORE THAN ONE FOOT ABOVE GRADE, AND ALLOW GRADING EXPORT FOR A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 23 CREST ROAD EAST, AND FINDING THE PROJECT CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (LOT 132A-MS) (OGASAWARA) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DOES HEREBY FIND, RESOLVE, AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. On June 2, 2023, an application was filed by the applicant, Frank Escher of Escher, Gune, Wardena Architecture on behalf of the property owner Yuki Ogasawara, to request approval to construct on the vacant lot at 23 Crest Road East. The proposed project under Zoning Case (ZC) No. 23-070 includes a new 14,680-square-foot (SF) single-family residence with a 7,849 SF basement, 1,000 SF attached garage, 1,225 SF stable, 5,190 SF corral, 652 SF accessory dwelling unit (ADU), 600 SF guest house, 280 SF swimming pool, 155 pool equipment, 480 square feet of attached covered porches, service yard, lightwells, maximum five- foot-high retaining walls, walkways, native landscaping, and other improvements. There is a proposed 13,480-square-foot oval driveway with access to the residence, ADU, and stable. Section 2. The property is zoned RAS-2 and the gross lot area is 7.05 acres or 307,098 SF. The net lot area for development purposes is 6.02 acres or 262,368 SF. The lot is currently undeveloped and vacant. The lot is irregularly shaped and has a depth of approximately 820 feet and a width of approximately 480 feet. The property slopes downward from Crest Road East to the rear of the property. The grade elevation between the proposed main building pad and the street is approximately 42 feet. The lot is located in the southern portion of the City, and has views of the Pacific Ocean. A natural drainage course is located along the western portion of the lot and a blue line stream, which is a part of the Klondike Canyon System, is located approximately 200 feet south of the southern property line of the lot. The lot is also located in proximity to the Geotechnical Hazardous area of the City, known as the Flying Triangle. 80 2 Resolution No. 1376 23 Crest Road East (Ogasawara) Section 3. The Planning Commission conducted duly noticed public hearings to consider the application at its morning field trip meeting and regular meeting for the first time on January 16, 2024. Neighbors within a 1,000-foot radius were notified of the public hearings and a notice was published in the Daily Breeze on January 5, 2024. The applicant and owner were notified of the public hearings and were in attendance at the hearings. Evidence was heard and presented from all persons interested in affecting said proposal. The Planning Commission opened the meeting, took public testimony, and continued the public hearing to a later date. The Planning Commission directed staff to work with the applicant on revising the plans to address the issues. The Planning Commission conducted duly noticed public hearings to consider the application at its morning field trip meeting and regular meeting for a second time on April 16, 2024. Neighbors within a 1,000-foot radius were notified of the public hearings and a notice was published in the Daily Breeze on April 5, 2024. The applicant and owner were notified of the public hearings and were in attendance at the hearings. Evidence was heard and presented from all persons interested in affecting said proposal. The Planning Commission opened the meeting, took public testimony, and continued the public hearing to a later date. The Planning Commission directed staff to work with the applicant on revising the plans to address the issues. Subsequently, the applicant revised the Project, and it was brought back to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission conducted duly noticed public hearings to consider the application at its field trip meeting and regular meeting for a third time on June 18, 2024. Neighbors within a 1,000-foot radius were notified of the public hearings and a notice was published in the Daily Breeze on June 8, 2024. The applicant was notified of the public hearings and was in attendance at the hearings. Evidence was heard and presented at the public hearings from all persons interested in affecting said proposal. On June 18, 2024 the project was approved by the Planning Commission by 3-0 Vote (2 Commissioner were absent) to adopt Resolution No. 2024-06 approving Zoning Case No. 23-070. The action included amending the conditions of approval to address future area drainage, the height of the mound and what can be planted atop, and the orientation of a passageway to the basement. On July 22, 2024, the City Council considered the Planning Commission's action to approve the proposed project and the Traffic Commission's action to approve the driveway apron. The City Council voted 5-0 to take the matter under its own jurisdiction. The City Council conducted a duly noticed public hearings to consider the application at a morning field trip and regularly scheduled evening meeting on August 12, 2024. Neighbors within a 1,000-foot radius were notified of the public hearings and a notice was published in the Daily Breeze on August 1, 2024. The applicants and owner were notified of the public hearings and were in attendance at the hearings. Evidence was heard and presented from all persons interested in affecting said proposal. The City Council opened the public hearing, took public testimony, and discussed the project. Section 4. On February 13, 2017, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 1202 approving Zoning Case (ZC) No. 902 for construction of an 11,500 SF new single-family residence with an 11,500 SF basement and appurtenances. On December 12, 2018, the Planning Commission granted a two-year time extension for ZC No. 902 to January 23, 2021. 81 3 Resolution No. 1376 23 Crest Road East (Ogasawara) Due to COVID-19 entitlements were placed on hold and Assembly Bill 1561 created an automatic time extension. As such, the expiration date for ZC No. 902 was extended to July 22, 2022, but the permit was not used and expired. On November 9, 2021, an application was received for development of a new 8,460- square-foot residence, basement, accessory dwelling unit (ADU), guest house, stable, swimming pool, spa, and other improvements (ZC No. 21-11). On March 15, 2022, the Planning Commission conducted a field trip and evening meeting and continued the item to April 19, 2022. However, before the April 19, 2022 meeting could take place, the applicant requested the item be pulled because the property had been sold and there was no interest in moving forward with the project as proposed. As such, the item did not return to the Planning Commission and ZC No. 21-11 was closed. Thus, the project was never approved. On December 11, 2023, the Traffic Commission reviewed the proposed driveway and apron located on Crest Road East under the current application (ZC No. 23-070). The Traffic Commission approved the new driveway and apron. Section 5. The Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines pursuant to Section 15303, Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures), which exempts the construction and location of a limited number of new, small facilities or structures, including accessory structures, including but not limited to garages, carports, patios, swimming pools and fences. Here, the proposed Project includes development on a vacant lot for a new single-family residence, basement, attached garage, driveway, stable, swimming pool, ADU, guesthouse, trellis, walls, hardscape, landscape, and other residential improvements. Accordingly, the Project qualifies for the exemption pursuant to Section 15303. Further, no exceptions to the exemption apply; there is no reasonable possibility that the activity will have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances. The lot is vacant, and it is one of the last undeveloped lots in the neighborhood. Section 6. Site Plan Review. Site Plan Review is required for construction of any new building or structure pursuant to Rolling Hills Municipal Code (RHMC) Section 17.46.020(A). The Project is for Site Plan Review (SPR) to develop a vacant lot including non-exempt grading and the construction of a new single-family residence, basement, attached garage, retaining walls to exceed a height of 3 feet (up to a maximum of 5 feet), oval driveway with portions that exceed a width of 20 feet, and other improvements. With respect to the Site Plan Review for the development, the City Council hereby makes the following findings: A. The Project complies with and is consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan and all requirements of the zoning ordinance. The proposed development is compatible with the General Plan and Zoning ordinance. The proposed structures comply with the General Plan requirement of low profile, low-density residential development with sufficient open space between surrounding structures. The Project maintains the maximum possible distances from adjacent neighbors. The main residence has been integrated into the existing slope to minimize grading and land disturbance by constructing a long and narrow V-shaped floor plan that closely follows the existing topography, which will reduce the visual impact from neighboring properties. The Project complies with all of the City 82 4 Resolution No. 1376 23 Crest Road East (Ogasawara) of Rolling Hills Development standards with the exception of requiring Variances for the structures to encroach into the front yard. The Project conforms to Zoning Code lot coverage requirements. The net lot area of the lot is 262,368 square feet (6.02 acres) per RHMC Section 17.16.060(A). The structural net lot coverage is proposed at 18,970 square feet or 7.23% (20% max. permitted) excluding exempt structures; and the total lot coverage proposed, including flatwork, would be 37,770 square feet or 14.40% (35% max. permitted). The disturbed area is 87,770 square feet or 33.45% (40% max permitted). B. The project substantially preserves the natural and undeveloped state of the lot by minimizing building coverage. Lot coverage requirements are regarded as maximums, and the actual amount of lot coverage permitted depends upon the existing buildable area of the lot. The topography and the configuration of the lot have been considered, and the project will not adversely affect or be materially detrimental to adjacent uses, buildings, or structures; the project will be built on new building pads which enables project elements to be the least intrusive to surrounding properties. Further, the project will be a sufficient distance from nearby residences so views and privacy of surrounding neighbors will not be impacted. The main house is sited to minimize grading and minimize impact on the site below the 1293-foot contour line that defines both the Finished Floor level and the precise orientation of the wings of the house. The landscape below this line will not experience any site disturbance and will be utilized to seed and reestablish a pallet of native species back into the landscape above the house. The Project includes three new building pads: Pad #1 is for the main residence for a total of 32,610 SF; Pad #2 is for the ADU for a total of 1,610 SF; and Pad #3 is for the stable for a total of 2,900 SF. C. The project is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, the natural terrain and surrounding residences. The proposed development, as conditioned, is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, and is consistent with the scale of the neighborhood when compared to new residences in the vicinity of said lot. The proposed site plan is harmonious with the site conditions of the existing lot and neighboring lots. The integration of the into the slope following the topography enables the residence to be largely hidden from view from the street and neighboring residences, maximizing the distance between the main house and the street. The slopes being created have been rounded and it was attempted to mimic the existing natural slopes in the area. D. The project preserves and integrates into the site design, to the greatest extent possible, existing topographic features of the site, including surrounding native vegetation, mature trees, drainage courses and land forms (such as hillsides and knolls). There will be no significant changes to the overall drainage features on the lot. There will be minimal impact to site design, vegetation, and mature trees. The property will be landscaped in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 83 5 Resolution No. 1376 23 Crest Road East (Ogasawara) E. Grading has been designed to follow natural contours of the site and to minimize the amount of grading required to create the building area. The total proposed grading for the Project is 28,389 cubic yards (19,052 CY of cut and 9,337 CY of fill). The excavation for the basement 3,026 CY and pool 105 CY are exempt, the Site Plan Review is for the non-exempt grading total 25,247 CY. The Grading will be balanced on site with exception to 6,584 CY of non-exempt export. The project has been designed to follow natural contours of the site and minimize grading. F. Grading will not modify existing drainage channels nor redirect drainage flow, unless such flow is redirected into an existing drainage course. Grading will be balanced on site with exception to 9,715 CY of export (3,131 CY exempt and 6,584 CY non-exempt). Grading has been minimized by integrating the main residence into the natural slope. The width of the main residence is limited to 25 feet, and the result is a long and narrow ranch house rambling along the 1293-foot contour line. The main residence is centered on its site so that runoff is not increased within existing drainage courses on either side of the lot. Control of water collected by impervious surfaces will utilize large cisterns to collect and redistribute storm-water in a controlled manner that does not alter drainage courses or runoff loads from the undeveloped state of the lot. G. The project preserves surrounding native vegetation and mature trees and supplements these elements with drought-tolerant landscaping which is compatible with and enhances the rural character of the community, and landscaping provides a buffer or transition area between private and public areas. Surrounding native vegetation and mature trees will not be affected or will be replaced. New vegetation will be installed in accordance with the approved landscape plan. The development will be considerate of the environment and will enhance the rural character of the community. As such, the rural character of the community is maintained and privacy is maintained with neighbors. The new landscape will utilize this plant community as the framework for all new plantings in the landscape that will enhance the existing habitat and ecological community already present on site. These native plants are well suited to the existing site without the need for irrigation beyond their establishment period of 1 to 2 years. The trees will provide visual buffers and habitat creation between neighboring properties while preserving and protecting natural drainage patterns on the site. The new landscape adjacent to Crest Road focuses largely on the reestablishment of the coastal sage scrub planting community and providing habit for the local fauna while seamlessly blending the house into the surrounding native hillside without obstructing views H. The project is sensitive and not detrimental to the convenient and safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles. The proposed site plan is not detrimental to convenience and safety of pedestrians and vehicles. The proposed continuous driveway allows for the simplest path between all structures, with an attached garage in the main residence accommodating four vehicles, suitable per Rolling Hills guidelines for the main house, guest house and ADU parking requirements. The open 84 6 Resolution No. 1376 23 Crest Road East (Ogasawara) agricultural room in the stable will also facilitate storage of maintenance vehicles and equipment, as well as animal transportation equipment. I. The project conforms to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Project is exempt from the CEQA Guidelines pursuant to Section 15303, Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures), which exempts the construction and location of a limited number of new, small facilities or structures, including single family residence and accessory structures, including but not limited to garages, carports, patios, swimming pools and fences. Here, the Project includes development on a vacant lot for a new single-family residence, basement, attached garage, driveway, stable, swimming pool, ADU, guesthouse, trellis, walls, and other residential improvements. Accordingly, the Project qualifies for the exemption pursuant to Section 15303. Further, no exceptions to the exemption apply; there is no reasonable possibility that the activity will have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances. The lot is vacant, and it is one of the last undeveloped lots in the neighborhood. Section 7. Conditional Use Permit Findings. RHMC Section 17.16.040 and 17.16.200 require a Conditional Use Permit per RHMC Section 17.16.040(A)(3) for a guest house, per RHMC Section 17.16.040(A)(6) for a stable over 200 square feet, per RHMC Section 17.16.040(A)(7) for corral over 550 square feet, and per 17.16.200(H) for a 400 SF detached trellis, respectively. The Applicant is proposing a 540 SF guesthouse located at the eastern portion of the main building pad. The Applicant is also proposing a 1,225 SF stable with two stalls and a tack room, and a 5,190 SF corral. Given the foregoing, in accordance with RHMC Section 17.42.050, the City Council makes the following findings: A. That the proposed conditional use is consistent with the General Plan. The granting of a Conditional Use Permit for a guesthouse, stable, corral, and trellis is consistent with the purposes and objectives of the Zoning Ordinance and General Plan because the use is consistent with similar uses in the community, and meets all the applicable code development standards for such use. The Project is compatible with existing land uses as other properties in the same zone have a guest house and stable. B. That the nature, condition and development of adjacent uses, buildings and structures have been considered, and that the use will not adversely affect or be materially detrimental to these adjacent uses, building or structures. The nature, condition, and development of adjacent structures have been considered, and the Project will not adversely affect or be materially detrimental to these adjacent uses, buildings, or structures because the proposed guest house, stable, corral, and trellis will be located on the property with sufficient proximity to neighboring buildings and structures. C. That the site for the proposed conditional use is of adequate size and shape to accommodate the uses and buildings proposed. 85 7 Resolution No. 1376 23 Crest Road East (Ogasawara) The proposed conditional uses comply with all applicable development standards in the RAS-2 Zone. The net lot area is 262,368 SF (6.02 acres) and is adequate to support the proposed uses. The area of the site considered the "front yard", between the proposed main residence and the street, is the widest and most level part of the site. The exception to this is the location of the stable in the front yard, and the corral in the front yard setback, both are subject to variances. The property will be developed and adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed uses and buildings. D. That the proposed conditional use complies with all applicable development standards of the zone district. The proposed conditional uses comply with all applicable development standards of the RAS-2 Zone, with exception to the variances requested herein. E. That the proposed use is consistent with the portions of the Los Angeles County Hazardous Waste Management Plan relating to siting and siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities. Granting the proposed conditional use for the project will be consistent with the applicable portions of the Los Angeles County Hazardous Waste Management Plan related to siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities. The project site is not listed on the current State of California Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List. The proposed project would not constitute a hazardous waste facility. F. That the proposed conditional use observes the spirit and intent of this title. The proposed project allows the Applicant the ability to enjoy rights enjoyed by other residents in the City. The proposed uses are consistent with the residential character of the City. Section 8. Variance Findings. Section 17.38.050 sets forth the required findings for granting Variances to allow the stable, corral, swimming pool, and retaining walls to encroach into the front yard, allow a portion of the corral to encroach into the front yard setback, construct retaining walls exceeding the maximum average height of two-and one-half-feet, construct a basement with a portion extending beyond the building walls of the residence, construct decks/patios more than one foot above grade, and allow grading export. With respect to this request for Variances, the City Council finds as follows: A. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property that do not apply generally to other properties in the same vicinity and zone. There are extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property. The location of stable and corral between the main house and the street is a design adopted by many neighbors on Crest Road East, requiring a variance to allow stables and corrals in the front yard and front yard setback. The area of the site considered the "front yard", between the proposed main residence and the street, is the widest and most level part of the site. Allowing the proposed pool and retaining walls to encroach into the front yard will be consistent with the natural slope 86 8 Resolution No. 1376 23 Crest Road East (Ogasawara) of the existing property. The construction of retaining walls to exceed the maximum average height of two-and one-half-feet, a basement with a portion extending beyond the building walls of the residence, and construction decks/patios more than one foot above grade will minimize grading and support the development. As a result of the shape of the lot, the grading of the project requires a variance to export non-exempt grading of 3,160 CY of soil to keep the peak of the knoll below the height of the street and out of the view of neighbors. B. That such variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights possessed by other properties in the same vicinity and zone but which is denied the property in question. Developments similar to the proposed project, with stables and corrals in the front yard, are enjoyed by many neighbors on Crest Road East who similarly position main residences away from the street to create privacy and maximize views from their residences, all while making the equestrian uses of the neighborhood visible along the street. The variance requests are necessary for preservation and enjoyment of property rights consistent with other properties in the same vicinity and zone. C. That the granting of such variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. Granting a variance for the Project will not be detrimental to the public welfare and will not be injurious to properties in the vicinity because it is consistent with the encroachments by the existing residences and structures. D. That in granting the variance, the spirit and intent of this title will be observed. The granting of the variance will allow for a development that is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, the proposed project is visually harmonious with adjacent properties and in scale with adjacent residential development. E. That the variance does not grant special privilege to the applicant. The variance does not grant special privileges for the Applicant; the proposed project is similar to other properties on Crest Road East that have stables and corrals in the front yard and setbacks. The project, together with the variance, will be compatible with the objectives, policies, and general land uses specified in the General Plan. F. That the variance is consistent with the portions of the County of Los Angeles Hazardous Waste Management Plan relating to siting and siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities. Granting a variance for the project will be consistent with the applicable portions of the Los Angeles County Hazardous Waste Management Plan related to siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities. The project site is not listed on the current State of California 87 9 Resolution No. 1376 23 Crest Road East (Ogasawara) Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List. The proposed project would not constitute a hazardous waste facility. G. That the variance request is consistent with the General Plan of the City of Rolling Hills. Approvals granting the variance to allow encroachments into the front yard setback will be consistent with the General Plan of the City of Rolling Hills, which encourages residential and equestrian uses. Section 9. Based upon the foregoing findings, and the evidence in the record, the City Council hereby approves Zoning Case No. 23-070 subject to the following conditions: A. Approval for the Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permits, and Variances shall expire within two years from the effective date of approval as defined in RHMC Section 17.38.070 of the Zoning Ordinance unless otherwise extended pursuant to the requirements of this section. B. If any condition of this resolution is violated, the entitlement granted by this resolution shall be suspended and the privileges granted hereunder shall lapse and upon receipt of written notice from the City, all construction work being performed on the subject property shall immediately cease, other than work determined by the City Manager or his/her designee required to cure the violation. The suspension and stop work order will be lifted once the Applicant cures the violation to the satisfaction of the City Manager or his/her designee. In the event that the Applicant disputes the City Manager or his/her designee’s determination that a violation exists or disputes how the violation must be cured, the Applicant may request a hearing before the City Council. The hearing shall be scheduled at the next regular meeting of the City Council for which the agenda has not yet been posted; the Applicant shall be provided written notice of the hearing. The stop work order shall remain in effect during the pendency of the hearing. The City Council shall make a determination as to whether a violation of this Resolution has occurred. If the Council determines that a violation has not occurred or has been cured by the time of the hearing, the Council will lift the suspension and the stop work order. If the Council determines that a violation has occurred and has not yet been cured, the Council shall provide the Applicant with a deadline to cure the violation; no construction work shall be performed on the property until and unless the violation is cured by the deadline, other than work designated by the Council to accomplish the cure. If the violation is not cured by the deadline, the Council may either extend the deadline at the Applicant’s request or schedule a hearing for the revocation of the entitlements granted by this Resolution pursuant to Chapter 17.58 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code (RHMC). C. All requirements of the Building and Construction Ordinance, the Zoning ordinance, and of the zone in which the subject property is located must be complied with unless otherwise a variance to such requirement has been approved. D. The lot shall be developed and maintained in substantial conformance with the site plan on file at City Hall and approved by the City Council on August 12, 2024, except as otherwise provided in these conditions. The working drawings submitted to the Department of 88 10 Resolution No. 1376 23 Crest Road East (Ogasawara) Building and Safety for plan check review shall conform to the approved development plan. All conditions of the Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permits, and Variance approvals shall be incorporated into the building permit working drawings, and where applicable complied with prior to issuance of a grading or building permit from the building department. The conditions of approval of this Resolution shall be printed onto a separate sheet and included in the building plans submitted to the Building Department for review and shall be kept on site at all times. Any proposed modifications and/or changes to the approved project, including resulting from field conditions, shall be discussed with staff so that staff can determine whether the modification is minor or major in nature. Minor modifications are subject to approval by the City Manager or his or her designee. Major modifications are subject to approval by the City Council after a public hearing. Applicant shall not implement modifications or changes to the approved project without the appropriate approval from the City Manager or designee or the City Council, as required. E. Prior to submittal of final working drawings to Building and Safety Department for issuance of building and grading permits, the plans for the project shall be submitted to City staff for verification that the final plans are in compliance with the plans approved by the City Council. F. A licensed professional preparing construction plans for this project for Building Department review shall execute a Certificate affirming that the plans conform in all respects to this Resolution approving this project and all of the conditions set forth herein and the City’s Building Code and Zoning Ordinance. Further, the person obtaining a building and/or grading permit for this project shall execute a Certificate of Construction stating that the project will be constructed according to this Resolution and any plans approved therewith. G. Structural lot coverage of the lot shall not exceed 18,970 square feet or 7.23% of the net lot area (20% maximum). The flatwork coverage is 118,385 square feet or 7.01%. The total lot coverage proposed, including structures and flatwork, shall not exceed 35,590 square feet or 13.95% (35% maximum). H. The total disturbed area will be 87,770 square feet or 33.45% (maximum 40%). Grading for this project shall not exceed 19,052 cubic yards of cut and 9,337 cubic yards of fill for a total of 28,389 cubic yards. Total export of 9,715 cubic yards, Variance granted for non- exempt 6,584 cubic yards, and export of exempt 3,131 cubic yards for the basement and swimming pool. I. The total proposed building pad coverage for the residential main pad 1 (32,610 square foot area) is 17,905 square feet or 54.91% which is above the 30% maximum guideline. The total proposed building pad coverage for the ADU pad 2 (1,610 square foot area) will be 700 square feet or 43.48%, which exceeds the maximum 30% guideline. The total proposed for stable pad 3 (2,900 square foot area) is 1,340 square feet or 46.21% which exceeds the maximum 30% guideline. 89 11 Resolution No. 1376 23 Crest Road East (Ogasawara) J. A driveway access shall be provided per the Fire Department requirements and the driveway shall be roughened and the first 20 feet of the driveway shall not exceed 7% in slope. K. Access to the stable and to the corral shall be decomposed granite or 100% pervious roughened material; it shall not be wider than 12 feet. L. A minimum of five-foot level path and/or walkway, which does not have to be paved, shall be provided around the entire perimeter of all of the proposed structures, including the detached garage and stable, or as otherwise required by the Fire Department. M. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Low Impact Development requirements for storm water management on site (RHMC Chapter 8.32). N. Hydrology, soils, geology and other reports, as required by the Building and Public Works Departments, and as may be required by the Building Official, shall be prepared. O. Prior to issuance of a final construction approval of the project, all graded slopes shall be landscaped. Prior to issuance of building permit, the landscaping plan shall meet the requirements of the City, shall be submitted to the City in conformance with Fire Department Fuel Modification requirements, and shall be approved by the City’s landscape consultant. P. The project shall be landscaped, and continually maintained in substantial conformance with the landscaping plan on file approved by the City’s landscape consultant. A detailed landscaping plan shall provide that any trees and shrubs used in the landscaping scheme for this project shall be planted in a way that screens the project development from adjacent streets and neighbors, such that shrubs and trees as they mature do not grow into a hedge or impede any neighbors’ views and the plan shall provide that all landscaping be maintained at a height no higher than the roof line of the nearest project structure. In addition, the landscaping plan shall provide for screening of development with vegetation not to exceed 10 feet in height, and that the vegetation used for screening shall be planted in an off-set manner, so as to prevent it, as it grows from forming a solid hedge. The landscaping plan shall utilize to the maximum extent feasible, plants that are native to the area, are water-wise and are consistent with the rural character of the community. Plants listed as high hazardous plants under RHMC Section 8.30.015 are prohibited. Q. The applicant shall submit a landscaping performance bond or other financial obligation, to be kept on deposit by the City, in the amount of the planting plus irrigation plus 15%. The bond shall be released no sooner than two years after completion of all plantings, subject to a City staff determination that the plantings required for the project are in substantial conformance with approved plans and are in good condition. A Certificate of Completion shall be submitted by the project designer or contractor prior to final landscape installation inspection. 90 12 Resolution No. 1376 23 Crest Road East (Ogasawara) R. The landscaping shall be subject to the requirements of the City’s Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, (Chapter 13.18 of the RHMC). S. Pursuant to Chapter 8.30 of the RHMC, the property shall at all times be maintained free of dead trees and vegetation. T. The setback lines and roadway easement lines in the vicinity of the construction for this project shall remain staked throughout the construction. A construction fence may be required. U. Perimeter easements, including roadway easements and trails, if any, shall remain free and clear of any improvements to advance equestrian use and emergency preparedness for evacuation within the City. Where RHCA has demonstrated authority over the easement, the City’s Planning Director may grant relief from this condition upon satisfactory proof of permission from RHCA and a legitimate showing that there is no need for the condition to advance equestrian uses and emergency preparedness. V. Minimum of 65% of any construction materials must be recycled or diverted from landfills. The hauler of the materials shall obtain City’s Construction and Demolition permits for waste hauling prior to start of work and provide proper documentation to the City. W. During construction, conformance with the air quality management district requirements, storm water pollution prevention practices, county and local ordinances and engineering practices so that people or property are not exposed to undue vehicle trips, noise, dust, objectionable odors, landslides, mudflows, erosion, or land subsidence shall be required. X. During construction, to the extent feasible, all parking shall take place on the project site, on the new driveway and, if necessary, any overflow parking may take place within the unimproved roadway easements along adjacent streets, and shall not obstruct neighboring driveways, visibility at intersections or pedestrian and equestrian passage. During construction, to the maximum extent feasible, employees of the contractor shall car-pool into the City. To the extent feasible, a minimum of 4’ wide path, from the edge of the roadway pavement, for pedestrian and equestrian passage shall be available and be clear of vehicles, construction materials and equipment at all times. Y. During construction, the property owners shall be required to schedule and regulate construction and relate traffic noise throughout the day between the hours of 7 AM and 6 PM, Monday through Saturday only, when construction and mechanical equipment noise is permitted, so as not to interfere with the quiet residential environment of the City of Rolling Hills. Z. Prior to demolition of the existing structures, an investigation shall be conducted for the presence of hazardous chemicals, lead-based paints or products, mercury and asbestos- containing materials (ACMs). If hazardous chemicals, lead-based paints or products, mercury or ACMs are identified, remediation shall be undertaken in compliance with California environmental regulations and policies. 91 13 Resolution No. 1376 23 Crest Road East (Ogasawara) AA. The property owner and/or his/her contractor/applicant shall be responsible for compliance with the no-smoking provisions in the Municipal Code. The contractor shall not use tools that could produce a spark, including for clearing and grubbing, during red flag warning conditions. Weather conditions can be found at: It is the sole responsibility of the property owner and/or his/her contractor to monitor the red flag warning conditions. AB. Development shall drain in accordance with the approved grading and drainage plan. Drainage dissipaters shall be constructed outside of any easements. The drainage system shall be approved by the Department of Building and Safety. If an above ground swale and/or dissipater is required, it shall be designed in such a manner as not to cross over any equestrian trails or discharge water onto a trail, shall be stained in an earth tone color, and shall be screened from any trail, road and neighbors’ view to the maximum extent practicable, without impairing the function of the drainage system. In the event a storm drain pipe is installed to divert water flows through Klondike Canyon, the property owner shall use reasonable efforts to investigate the viability of creating a connection between the water overflow from the two cisterns on the property and the installed storm drain pipe. AC. During construction, dust control measures shall be used to stabilize the soil from wind erosion and reduce dust and objectionable odors generated by construction activities in accordance with South Coast Air Quality Management District, Los Angeles County and local ordinances and engineering practices. AD. During construction, an Erosion Control Plan containing the elements set forth in Section 7010 of the 2022 County of Los Angeles Uniform Building Code shall be followed to minimize erosion and to protect slopes and channels to control storm water pollution. AE. The property owners shall be required to conform to the Regional Water Quality Control Board and County Health Department requirements for the installation and maintenance of storm water drainage facilities and septic tank. AF. The applicant shall pay all of the applicable Building and Safety and Public Works Department fees and Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District fees, if any. AG. Prior to final inspection of the project, “as graded” and “as constructed” plans and certifications shall be provided to the Planning Department and the Building Department to ascertain that the completed project is in compliance with the City Council approved plans. In addition, any modifications made to the project during construction, shall be depicted on the “as built/as graded” plan. AH. The applicants shall execute an Affidavit of Acceptance of all conditions of the Variance approval, or the approval shall not be effective. AI. All conditions of this Resolution, when applicable, must be complied with prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit from the Building and Safety Department. 92 14 Resolution No. 1376 23 Crest Road East (Ogasawara) AJ. Any action challenging the final decision of the City made as a result of the public hearing on this application must be filed within the time limits set forth in Section 17.54.070 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code and Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. AK. To the extent permitted by law, Permittee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Rolling Hills, its City Council, its officers, employees and agents (the “indemnified parties”) from and against any claim, action, or proceeding brought by a third party against the indemnified parties and the applicant to attack, set aside, or void any permit or approval for this project authorized by the City, including (without limitation) reimbursing the City its actual attorney’s fees and costs in defense of the litigation. The City may, in its sole discretion, elect to defend any such action with attorneys of its choice. The permittee shall reimburse the City for any court and attorney's fees which the City may be required to pay as a result of any claim or action brought against the City because of this permit. Although the permittee is the real party in interest in an action, the City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of the action, but such participation shall not relieve the permittee of any obligation under this condition. AL. The stable and corral shall comply with all requirements in Sections 17.18.060 and 17.18.090, unless otherwise approved herein. AM. Future expansion of the driveway or motor court is prohibited unless previously approved by the City. Connection to the stable and corral shall be decomposed granite or 100% pervious roughened material; it shall not be less than 6 feet wide and no wider than 12 feet. AN. New landscaping in the Rolling Hills Community Association (RHCA) easement is prohibited unless previously approved by RHCA. Landscaping not approved by RHCA in the easement shall be removed from the final landscape plan. AO. The ADU will require Evergreen landscape screening that must be planted and maintained between the ADU and adjacent parcels. The plant specimens for screening must not exceed the maximum roofline height of the ADU. All landscaping must be drought-tolerant. All landscaping must be from the City's approved plant list. AP. The mound shall have a maximum elevation of 1330 feet. Landscaping on the mound shall be limited to a maximum of five Catalina Ironwood trees with a minimum clearance of six feet from ground to canopy. Three-foot-high shrubs shall be allowed atop the mound. Landscaping shall be reviewed and approved by the City’s landscape consultant prior to issuance of a grading permit. AQ. The passageway on the western side of the basement shall be angled or zigzagged. The passageway shall be redesigned on the plans and reviewed and approved by the Planning Department prior to submittal to building plan check. 93 15 Resolution No. 1376 23 Crest Road East (Ogasawara) PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12th DAY OF AUGUST 2024. LEAH MIRSCH, MAYOR ATTEST: ____________________________________ CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK Any action challenging the final decision of the City made as a result of the public hearing on this application must be filed within the time limits set forth in Section 17.54.070 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code and Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. 94 16 Resolution No. 1376 23 Crest Road East (Ogasawara) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) §§ CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) I certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1376 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL OF ZONING CASE NO. 23-070 FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW TO DEVELOP A VACANT LOT INCLUDING NON-EXEMPT GRADING AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH BASEMENT, RETAINING WALLS EXCEEDING A HEIGHT OF 3 FEET (UP TO A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 5 FEET), DRIVEWAY WITH PORTIONS THAT EXCEED A WIDTH OF 20 FEET, AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS; CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A STABLE, CORRAL, DETACHED TRELLIS, AND GUEST HOUSE; AND VARIANCES TO ALLOW THE STABLE, CORRAL, SWIMMING POOL, AND RETAINING WALLS TO ENCROACH INTO THE FRONT YARD, ALLOW A PORTION OF THE CORRAL TO ENCROACH INTO THE FRONT YARD SETBACK, CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALLS EXCEEDING THE MAXIMUM AVERAGE HEIGHT OF TWO-AND-ONE-HALF FEET, CONSTRUCT A BASEMENT WITH A PORTION EXTENDING BEYOND THE BUILDING WALLS OF THE RESIDENCE, CONSTRUCT DECKS/PATIOS MORE THAN ONE FOOT ABOVE GRADE, AND ALLOW GRADING EXPORT FOR A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 23 CREST ROAD EAST, AND FINDING THE PROJECT CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (LOT 132A-MS) (OGASAWARA) was approved and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council on August 12, 2024, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: and in compliance with the laws of California was posted at the following: Administrative Offices. __________________________________ CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK 95 NOTESDate:Scale:Drawn:Checked:COPYRIGHT © ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.OWNERTHESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.DateNo.Issuance815 Silver Lake Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Tel: 323 665 9100 Fax: 323 665 9103 NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE COPIED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREAPRED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOREscher GuneWardena Architecture STAMPSARCHITECT OF RECORDSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERMEP ENGINEERLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTG1013/32"=1'-0"DRWCHK2024/01/01Cover SheetTerremoto3401 Glendale BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90039PAE6060 Center Dr, 10th FlrLos Angeles, CA 90045Bolton Engineering Corp.25834 Narbonne Ave, Ste 210Lomita, CA 90717Nous Engineering5050 Eagle Rock BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90041TBD### Streetname St.Los Angeles, CA #####Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane LnRolling Hills, CA 90274OgasawaraResidence23 Crest RoadRolling Hills, CA 90274Site Planning Hearing04/16/24X###X#X-###X#ABCDSCALE:Drawing TitleX#Drawing IndexGeneralG101 Cover SheetG102SurveyG103Site PhotosG104Land Use TablesG105Site Planning DiagramsG106View Corridor DiagramsG107Site Renderings and Material KeyCivilC1Overall Site PlanC2Existing ConditionsC3Prelim Grading PlanC4Site SectionsC5Civil DetailsC6Earthwork Color ExhibitLandscapeL100Conceptual Landscape PlanL101Existing and Proposed Tree PlanL200Landscape DetailsL201Landscape DetailsL300Planting Zone DiagramL301Conceptual Plant ImagesL302Conceptual Plant ImagesArchitecturalAS101Architectural Site PlanA101Basement Plan OverallA102First Floor Plan OverallA103Roof Plan OverallA104Basement Plan EnlargedA105First Floor Plan Enlarged EastA106First Floor Plan Enlarged CentralA107First Floor Plan Enlarged WestA108Main House ElevationsA109Stable Plans and ElevationsA110ADU Plans and ElevationsA111Guest House Plans and ElevationsProject DescriptionConstruction of a new 5 bedroom 6 bathroom + 3 powder room ranch style house with basement and pool, guest house, mixed-usestable (with corral, tack, and office/admin space), ADU, covered pavilion downslope from the house, gate and driveway, in addition toareas of new and restored landscape with new paths and restored/reestablished existing trails that connect the various buildings andlandscape elements across the site. Landscape will consist of combination of preservation strategies, reestablishing of native specieson site, and addition of appropriately sized plant species to screen views of buildings from the street while preserving view corridors ofneighbors. The approach to the land was driven by a study of the existing contours of the site so that the massing and orientation of theproposed buildings carefully follow the topography, while minimizing site disturbance. The project was also informed by a study of thepreviously approved design for this site (2017) and the City of Rolling Hills review criteria, so that pre-existing approved strategies forwater management (sensitive to downhill properties in the runoff zone of 23 Crest Rd. E), minimal grading, and view preservation werecentral to the design process and are reflected in this design proposal for 23 Crest Road East.Project DirectoryOWNER:Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane Ln,Rolling Hills, CA 90274Tel: 310.779.1982ARCHITECT:Escher GuneWardena Architecture815 Silver Lake BoulevardLos Angeles, CA 90026admin@egarch.netOffice: 323-665-9100Fax: 323-665-9103CIVIL ENGINEER:Dan BoltonBolton Engineering25834 Narbonne Avenue #201Lomita, CA 90277Tel: 310.325.5580Fax: 310.325.5581dbolton@boltonengineering.comLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTDavid Godshall & Kasey ToomeyTerremoto3401 Glendale Blvd,Los Angeles, CA 90039Tel: 814.935.9912Applicable Codes2017 RHCA Building RegulationsRH California Code of Ordinances2019 California Historic Building Code2019 California Residential Code (Volume 1 and 2)2019 California Electrical Code2019 California Mechanical Code2019 California Plumbing Code2019 California Energy Code2019 California Green Building Standards Code2020 Los Angeles Building CodeOGASAWARA RESIDENCE23 CREST ROAD EASTROLLING HILLS, CA 90274City MapSymbolsDrawingID NumberDrawingID NumberSheet NumberDrawing Title TagSection TagDrawingID NumberSheet NumberCallout TagDrawingID NumberSheet NumberInterior Elevation TagLevel IDLevel ElevationElevation Level TagDrawingID NumberSheet NumberBuilding Elevation TagX#X###Grid IDGridline TagRoom NameRoom TagRoom100Room ID NumberWindow TagX##Window IDD###Door TagDoor IDAbbreviationsAbove Finish FloorAtBottom of (X)Bottom of WallCenter LineConcreteEqualExistingFinish FloorFinish SurfaceHeightInteriorNon-RatedSquare FeetTo Be DeterminedTop of (X)Top of WallTypicalUnless Noted OtherwiseWithVerify In FieldAFF@BOBWCLCONCEQEQFFFSHTINTNRSFTBDTOTWTYPUNOW/VIF96 NOTESDate:Scale:Drawn:Checked:COPYRIGHT © ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.OWNERTHESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.DateNo.Issuance815 Silver Lake Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Tel: 323 665 9100 Fax: 323 665 9103 NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE COPIED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREAPRED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOREscher GuneWardena Architecture STAMPSARCHITECT OF RECORDSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERMEP ENGINEERLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTG1023/32"=1'-0"DRWCHK2024/01/01SurveyTerremoto3401 Glendale BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90039PAE6060 Center Dr, 10th FlrLos Angeles, CA 90045Bolton Engineering Corp.25834 Narbonne Ave, Ste 210Lomita, CA 90717Nous Engineering5050 Eagle Rock BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90041TBD### Streetname St.Los Angeles, CA #####Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane LnRolling Hills, CA 90274OgasawaraResidence23 Crest RoadRolling Hills, CA 90274Site Planning Hearing04/16/2497 NOTESDate:Scale:Drawn:Checked:COPYRIGHT © ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.OWNERTHESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.DateNo.Issuance815 Silver Lake Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Tel: 323 665 9100 Fax: 323 665 9103 NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE COPIED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREAPRED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOREscher GuneWardena Architecture STAMPSARCHITECT OF RECORDSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERMEP ENGINEERLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTG1033/32"=1'-0"DRWCHK2024/01/01SurveyTerremoto3401 Glendale BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90039PAE6060 Center Dr, 10th FlrLos Angeles, CA 90045Bolton Engineering Corp.25834 Narbonne Ave, Ste 210Lomita, CA 90717Nous Engineering5050 Eagle Rock BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90041TBD### Streetname St.Los Angeles, CA #####Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane LnRolling Hills, CA 90274OgasawaraResidence23 Crest RoadRolling Hills, CA 90274Site Planning Hearing04/16/24View from Street1View Main House Apex2Garage / Driveway Landing3Pool and Guest Wing4View from Entry Deck5View from Stable6View from Trellis7Site Plan1G1037G1036G1034G1033G1035G1032G103198 NOTESDate:Scale:Drawn:Checked:COPYRIGHT © ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.OWNERTHESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.DateNo.Issuance815 Silver Lake Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Tel: 323 665 9100 Fax: 323 665 9103 NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE COPIED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREAPRED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOREscher GuneWardena Architecture STAMPSARCHITECT OF RECORDSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERMEP ENGINEERLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTG1043/32"=1'-0"DRWCHK2024/01/01Land Use TablesTerremoto3401 Glendale BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90039PAE6060 Center Dr, 10th FlrLos Angeles, CA 90045Bolton Engineering Corp.25834 Narbonne Ave, Ste 210Lomita, CA 90717Nous Engineering5050 Eagle Rock BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90041TBD### Streetname St.Los Angeles, CA #####Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane LnRolling Hills, CA 90274OgasawaraResidence23 Crest RoadRolling Hills, CA 90274Site Planning Hearing04/16/24Land Use Tables199 NOTESDate:Scale:Drawn:Checked:COPYRIGHT © ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.OWNERTHESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.DateNo.Issuance815 Silver Lake Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Tel: 323 665 9100 Fax: 323 665 9103 NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE COPIED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREAPRED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOREscher GuneWardena Architecture STAMPSARCHITECT OF RECORDSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERMEP ENGINEERLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTG1053/32"=1'-0"DRWCHK2024/01/01Site PlanningDiagramsTerremoto3401 Glendale BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90039PAE6060 Center Dr, 10th FlrLos Angeles, CA 90045Bolton Engineering Corp.25834 Narbonne Ave, Ste 210Lomita, CA 90717Nous Engineering5050 Eagle Rock BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90041TBD### Streetname St.Los Angeles, CA #####Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane LnRolling Hills, CA 90274OgasawaraResidence23 Crest RoadRolling Hills, CA 90274Site Planning Hearing04/16/24100 NOTESDate:Scale:Drawn:Checked:COPYRIGHT © ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.OWNERTHESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.DateNo.Issuance815 Silver Lake Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Tel: 323 665 9100 Fax: 323 665 9103 NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE COPIED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREAPRED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOREscher GuneWardena Architecture STAMPSARCHITECT OF RECORDSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERMEP ENGINEERLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTG1063/32"=1'-0"DRWCHK2024/01/01View CorridorDiagramsTerremoto3401 Glendale BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90039PAE6060 Center Dr, 10th FlrLos Angeles, CA 90045Bolton Engineering Corp.25834 Narbonne Ave, Ste 210Lomita, CA 90717Nous Engineering5050 Eagle Rock BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90041TBD### Streetname St.Los Angeles, CA #####Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane LnRolling Hills, CA 90274OgasawaraResidence23 Crest RoadRolling Hills, CA 90274Site Planning Hearing04/16/24NTSProposed Site Section2NTS2017 Approved Site Section123 Crest Road Project Comparisons Matrixi101 NOTESDate:Scale:Drawn:Checked:COPYRIGHT © ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.OWNERTHESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.DateNo.Issuance815 Silver Lake Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Tel: 323 665 9100 Fax: 323 665 9103 NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE COPIED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREAPRED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOREscher GuneWardena Architecture STAMPSARCHITECT OF RECORDSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERMEP ENGINEERLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTG1073/32"=1'-0"DRWCHK2024/01/01Site Renderingsand Material KeyTerremoto3401 Glendale BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90039PAE6060 Center Dr, 10th FlrLos Angeles, CA 90045Bolton Engineering Corp.25834 Narbonne Ave, Ste 210Lomita, CA 90717Nous Engineering5050 Eagle Rock BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90041TBD### Streetname St.Los Angeles, CA #####Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane LnRolling Hills, CA 90274OgasawaraResidence23 Crest RoadRolling Hills, CA 90274Site Planning Hearing04/16/24Material KeyView from Street, East1View from Street, West2Site RenderingsView from Ravine3Douglas Fir1Natural Stone2Slate, Grey3Paint, White4View of Basement Exit4102 191196121373421415161721223123323938302936343533282726242518108513720LEGENDABBREVIATIONSBolton Engineering Corp. Civil Engineering and Surveying 25834 Narbonne Avenue Suite 210 Lomita, Ca. 90717 Ph: 310-325-5580 Fax: 310-325-5581C1 23 CREST ROAD EASTROLLING HILLS, CA 90274SHEET INDEXSCALE: 1" = 40'OVERALL SITE PLANSCALE: 1" = 300'VICINITY MAP123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839TYPICAL SECTIONCRESTROADEAST103 Bolton Engineering Corp. Civil Engineering and Surveying 25834 Narbonne Avenue Suite 210 Lomita, Ca. 90717 Ph: 310-325-5580 Fax: 310-325-5581C2 23 CREST ROAD EASTROLLING HILLS, CA 90274SCALE: 1" = 40'EXISTING CONDITIONSCRESTROADEAST104 LEGENDABBREVIATIONSBolton Engineering Corp. Civil Engineering and Surveying 25834 Narbonne Avenue Suite 210 Lomita, Ca. 90717 Ph: 310-325-5580 Fax: 310-325-5581C3 23 CREST ROAD EASTROLLING HILLS, CA 90274CRESTROADEASTSCALE: 1" = 20'PRELIMINARY CIVIL PLAN105 Bolton Engineering Corp. Civil Engineering and Surveying 25834 Narbonne Avenue Suite 210 Lomita, Ca. 90717 Ph: 310-325-5580 Fax: 310-325-5581C4SCALE: 1" = 20'SECTION A-ASCALE: 1" = 20'SECTION B-BSCALE: 1" = 20'SECTION C-CSCALE: 1" = 20'SECTION D-DSCALE: 1" = 20'SECTION E-ESCALE: 1" = 20'SECTION B1-B1106 TYPE A2-8 (Modified)MOW CURBTYPE A1-6 (Modified)Bolton Engineering Corp. Civil Engineering and Surveying 25834 Narbonne Avenue Suite 210 Lomita, Ca. 90717 Ph: 310-325-5580 Fax: 310-325-5581C5 107 70 0 00 0 70 CRORU DHSWK AUHD RI )LOOAUHD RI CXW LEGENDBolton Engineering Corp. Civil Engineering and Surveying 25834 Narbonne Avenue Suite 210 Lomita, Ca. 90717 Ph: 310-325-5580 Fax: 310-325-5581C3 23 CREST ROAD EASTROLLING HILLS, CA 90274CRESTROADEASTSCALE: 1" = 20'EARTHWORK COLOR EXHIBIT108 STABLE ADU GUEST HOUSE M A I N H O U S E L1.00 TERRE OGASAWARA MOTO 109 STABLE ADU GUEST HOUSE M A I N H O U S E L1.01 TERRE OGASAWARA MOTO 110 L1.50 TERRE OGASAWARA MOTO 1 SITE SECTION ABOVE HOUSE 2 SITE SECTION BELOW HOUSEMATCHLINESEE 2/L1.50SEE 1/L1.50MATCHLINE111 L2.00 TERRE OGASAWARA MOTO 1 CONCRETE DRIVEWAY2COBBLESTONE DRIVEWAY3DRY STACK STONE RETAINING WALL 5 PT TIMBER STEPS SECTION6PT TIMBER STEPS CLOSE-UP 4 STONE VENEERED RETAINING WALL 8 HANDRAIL AT RAMPS9CONCRETE STEPS 7 PT TIMBER TRAIL SECTION 112 L2.01 TERRE OGASAWARA MOTO 2 TREE PLANTING3HILLSIDE TREE PLANTING 4 BIOSWALE DETAIL5SHRUB PLANTING6PERENNIAL PLANTING 1 WATER FEATURE 113 STABLE ADU GUEST HOUSE M A I N H O U S E L3.00 TERRE OGASAWARA MOTO MATRIX 1: NATIVE MEADOW 24,000 SQ FT = 2,780 PLANTS (200) ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM (L) (600) BACCHARIS PILULARIS (L) (200) BOUTELOUA GRACILIS (L) (100) CEANOTHUS 'SKYLARK' (M) (600) CEANOTHUS 'YANKEE POINT' (L) (400) FESTUCA CALIFORNICA (L) (30)HETEROMELES ARBUTIFOLIA (L) (250) LAVANDULA DENTATA (L) (200) LUPINUS SUCCULENTUS (L) (200) SALVIA SPATHACEA (L) MATRIX 2: NATIVE GARDEN 20,000 SQ FT = 2,480 PLANTS (150) AGAVE VILMORINIANA (VL) (300) DUDLEYA LANCEOLATA (VL) (25) OPUNTIA FICUS-INDICA (VL) (150) ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM (L) (250) BACCHARIS PILULARIS (L) (25) CEANOTHUS 'RAY HARTMAN’ (L) (300) CEANOTHUS 'YANKEE POINT' (L) (150) DICHELOSTEMMA CAPITATUM (VL) (150) ESCHSCHOLZIA CALIFORNICA (VL) (200) FESTUCA CALIFORNICA (L) (30)HETEROMELES ARBUTIFOLIA (L) (150) LAVANDULA DENTATA (L) (150) LUPINUS SUCCULENTUS (L) (300) OLEA EUROPAEA 'LITTLE OLLIE' (L) (150) SALVIA SPATHACEA (L) MATRIX 3: NATIVE CHAPARRAL 21,000 SQ FT = 2,500 PLANTS (200) ARTEMISIA CALIFORNICA (VL) (150) ASCLEPIAS FASCICULARIS (VL) (150) CALOCHORTUS CATALINAE (VL) (150) ENCELIA CALIFORNICA (VL) (200) ERIOGONUM FASICULATUM (VL) (200) ERIOGONUM PARVIFOLIUM (VL) (30)HETEROMELES ARBUTIFOLIA (L) (150) ISOMERIS ARBOREA (VL) (150) LOTUS SCOPARIUS (VL) (200) MIMULUS AURANTIACUS (VL) (300) RHUS INTEGRIFOLIA (VL) (200) SALVIA APIANA (VL) (200) SALVIA LEUCOPHYLLA (VL) (200) SALVIA MELLIFERA (VL) (50) SAMBUCUS MEXICANA (VL) (5) LYONOTHAMNUS FLORIBUNDUS Max Height - 20' Max Width - 12' (6) QUERCUS AGRIFOLIA Max Height - 30' Max Width - 30' (4) CERCIS CANADENSIS 'FOREST PANSY' Max Height - 12' Max Width - 12' EXISTING TREE 114 L3.01 TERRE OGASAWARA MOTO MAX HEIGHT: 20' MAX WIDTH: 12' MAX HEIGHT: 30' MAX WIDTH: 30' MAX HEIGHT: 12' MAX WIDTH: 12' 115 L3.02 TERRE OGASAWARA MOTO MAX HEIGHT: 2' 116 13 6 0 1355136013401335134513501330134013351340134513351350133013551350134513601365135513401335 135013401345136013551355134513501360136513601355135013651365135013701 3 7 0 134513401335133013401335131013201315132513201325133013351330128512901295130012901 2 9 0 12851 2 8 012701265 1295129012851280131013051300129513151320132513201330131013051300131513001290129512801285 1290128512 80 1 2 7 5 1 2 7 0 1 2 6 5 1 2 6 0 1 2 5 5 126 0 125 5 1265 1275126512701265125512501245124012351220122512301215120512101200120512001195119011851230 1225 1220 121 0 11 8 5 118 0 121 5 120 5 120 0 119 5 119 0 1 1 7 5 11 7 0 1 1 6 5 1 1 6 0 11 5 5 11 5 0 1 1 8 5 11 8 0 11 9 5 11 9 0 1250 1245 1240 123 5 123 0 1225 1220 1210 1215 1205 1200 1270 1260 1255 1265 1250 1245 1240 1235 1230 1225 12 2 0 1275127012601255 12651250124512951290128512801300127512701265121512401235123012251 22 0 12601255125012451285128012751265127012501245123512401260125512301225122012151185118011951190117511701165116011551205120012101 2 1 0 1 1 8 5 1 1 9 5 1 1 9 0 1 2 0 5 1 2 0 011451140113511301125 121012151220122511501185118011951190117511701165116011551205127012801275126512501245126012551240123512301310131513051320132512901 2 9 5 1 3 0 0 1 2 8 0 128512901305130013101295124 5 12 5 0 12 5 5 12 6 0 12 6 5 12 7 0 1 2 7 5 1285128012901265127012751295130012551 2 6 0 12 5 0 12 4 5 12 4 0 1 2 3 5 12 3 0 122 5 1200 1210 121 5 12 2 0 1205 128012851290 1 2 7 5 1 2 6 5 1 2 7 0112011351125113012151220122512301235114511401150118511801195119011751170116511601155120012101205 114 5 114 0 115 0 1185 1180 1195 1190 117 5 11 7 0 116 5 116 0 115 5 1260125512501245 12701265 1280 xxxxxx xx x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/ E C/ E C/ E C/ E C/ E C/ E C/ E C/ E C/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/EC/E C/E C/E C/E C/E C/E C/E C/E C/E C/E C/E 1293'1310130513001295xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xx x x x x x x x x x x x x ABCNOTESDate:Scale:Drawn:Checked:COPYRIGHT © ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.OWNERTHESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.DateNo.Issuance815 Silver Lake Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Tel: 323 665 9100 Fax: 323 665 9103 NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE COPIED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREAPRED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOREscher GuneWardena Architecture STAMPSARCHITECT OF RECORDSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERMEP ENGINEERLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTAS1013/32"=1'-0"DRWCHK2024/01/01Proposed Site PlanTerremoto3401 Glendale BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90039PAE6060 Center Dr, 10th FlrLos Angeles, CA 90045Bolton Engineering Corp.25834 Narbonne Ave, Ste 210Lomita, CA 90717Nous Engineering5050 Eagle Rock BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90041TBD### Streetname St.Los Angeles, CA #####Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane LnRolling Hills, CA 90274OgasawaraResidence23 Crest RoadRolling Hills, CA 90274Site Planning Hearing04/16/24NORTH1/32"=1'-0"Site Plan1Main HouseGuest HouseADUMotor CourtPoolStableCorralTrellisBasementOutlet207'-11"62'-4"38'-8"54'-9"68'-2"172'-8"65'-9"1 1 8 ' - 3 " 15 1 ' - 8 " 156'- 1 1 " 80'-1 "101'-4"132'-1"141'-11"96'-7"134'-3"202' - 1 "35'SIDE YARDSETBACK35'SIDE YARDSETBACK35'100'SIDE YARDSETBACKFRO N T Y A R D SET B A C K SIDE YARDSETBACK35'25'SIDE YARDEASEMENT50' FRO N T Y A R D EAS E M E N T25'SIDE YARDEASEMENT25'SIDE YARDEASEMENT26'62'15'15'93'-2"67'-3"7% S l o p e First 2 0 'WaterFeature193'-5"Garage57'-9"51'-3"100'-11"100'-1"117 DNDNToilet206Bath204Shower205Shower202Bath201Hall208Toilet203Closet211Atrium209Bedroom212Atrium213Study214Storage217266Gym267Pool265Bedroom264Closet263Bath262Bath261Bedroom259Closet260Hall255Closet254Bath257Bedroom253Atrium256Mech.251Service248Closet247Toilet245Bedroom242Atrium240Sitting246Laundry244Toilet243Entry241Catering239Storage238Entry235Pantry237Elevator234Kitchen229Atrium232Sitting233Dining249Bath250Shower228Garage230Living231Bar221Vestibule222Entry224Storage225Vest.226Pwd.227Toilet220Walled Entry219Coat216Storage218Atrium215LibraryUPUP236Toilet##################6'5'13'-712"15'-412"11'21'-8"15'##11'13'-5"##118'-5"Closet210Hall207258Bath6'-4"ABCNOTESDate:Scale:Drawn:Checked:COPYRIGHT © ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.OWNERTHESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.DateNo.Issuance815 Silver Lake Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Tel: 323 665 9100 Fax: 323 665 9103 NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE COPIED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREAPRED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOREscher GuneWardena Architecture STAMPSARCHITECT OF RECORDSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERMEP ENGINEERLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTA1013/32"=1'-0"DRWCHK2024/01/01Basement PlanTerremoto3401 Glendale BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90039PAE6060 Center Dr, 10th FlrLos Angeles, CA 90045Bolton Engineering Corp.25834 Narbonne Ave, Ste 210Lomita, CA 90717Nous Engineering5050 Eagle Rock BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90041TBD### Streetname St.Los Angeles, CA #####Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane LnRolling Hills, CA 90274OgasawaraResidence23 Crest RoadRolling Hills, CA 90274Site Planning Hearing04/16/24NORTH3/32"=1'-0"Basement Plan Overall1A1041118 DNDNToilet206Bath204Shower205Shower202Bath201Hall208Toilet203Closet211Atrium209Bedroom212Atrium213Study214Storage217266Gym267Pool265Bedroom264Closet263Bath262Bath261Bedroom259Closet260Hall255Closet254Bath257Bedroom253Atrium256Mech.251Service248Closet247Toilet245Bedroom242Atrium240Sitting246Laundry244Toilet243Entry241Catering239Storage238Entry235Pantry237Elevator234Kitchen229Atrium232Sitting233Dining249Bath250Shower228Garage230Living231Bar221Vestibule222Entry224Storage225Vest.226Pwd.227Toilet220Walled Entry219Coat216Storage218Atrium215LibraryUPUP236ToiletCloset210Hall207258BathNOTESDate:Scale:Drawn:Checked:COPYRIGHT © ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.OWNERTHESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.DateNo.Issuance815 Silver Lake Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Tel: 323 665 9100 Fax: 323 665 9103 NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE COPIED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREAPRED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOREscher GuneWardena Architecture STAMPSARCHITECT OF RECORDSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERMEP ENGINEERLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTA1023/32"=1'-0"DRWCHK2024/01/01Overall First FloorPlanTerremoto3401 Glendale BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90039PAE6060 Center Dr, 10th FlrLos Angeles, CA 90045Bolton Engineering Corp.25834 Narbonne Ave, Ste 210Lomita, CA 90717Nous Engineering5050 Eagle Rock BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90041TBD### Streetname St.Los Angeles, CA #####Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane LnRolling Hills, CA 90274OgasawaraResidence23 Crest RoadRolling Hills, CA 90274Site Planning Hearing04/16/24NORTH3/32"=1'-0"Overall First Floor Plan1A1041A1051A1061A1062A1086A1085A1087A1081A108244'-2" 119 ABCNOTESDate:Scale:Drawn:Checked:COPYRIGHT © ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.OWNERTHESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.DateNo.Issuance815 Silver Lake Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Tel: 323 665 9100 Fax: 323 665 9103 NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE COPIED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREAPRED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOREscher GuneWardena Architecture STAMPSARCHITECT OF RECORDSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERMEP ENGINEERLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTA1033/32"=1'-0"DRWCHK2024/01/01Roof PlanTerremoto3401 Glendale BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90039PAE6060 Center Dr, 10th FlrLos Angeles, CA 90045Bolton Engineering Corp.25834 Narbonne Ave, Ste 210Lomita, CA 90717Nous Engineering5050 Eagle Rock BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90041TBD### Streetname St.Los Angeles, CA #####Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane LnRolling Hills, CA 90274OgasawaraResidence23 Crest RoadRolling Hills, CA 90274Site Planning Hearing04/16/24NORTH3/32"=1'-0"Roof Plan1A2026A2025A2027A2014A2011A2012A2013209'-1112"44'-2"134'-10"9 8 ' - 2 1 1 1 6"242'44'-2"131'-8"15'-512"8'8'8'12'-312"8' 28'-2"3'6'-10"18'-3"8'3:12 Slope Typ.3:12 Slope Typ.8'8' 120 DNDNStorage217245Bedroom242Atrium240Sitting244Toilet243Entry241Catering239Storage238Entry235Pantry237Elevator234Kitchen229Atrium232Sitting233Dining228Garage230Living231Bar221Vestibule222Entry224Storage225Vest.226Pwd.227Toilet220Walled Entry219Coat216Storage218Atrium215LibraryUP236Toilet######6'5'13'-712"NOTESDate:Scale:Drawn:Checked:COPYRIGHT © ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.OWNERTHESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.DateNo.Issuance815 Silver Lake Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Tel: 323 665 9100 Fax: 323 665 9103 NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE COPIED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREAPRED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOREscher GuneWardena Architecture STAMPSARCHITECT OF RECORDSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERMEP ENGINEERLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTA1041/4"=1'-0"DRWCHK2024/01/01Basement PlanCentral AreaTerremoto3401 Glendale BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90039PAE6060 Center Dr, 10th FlrLos Angeles, CA 90045Bolton Engineering Corp.25834 Narbonne Ave, Ste 210Lomita, CA 90717Nous Engineering5050 Eagle Rock BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90041TBD### Streetname St.Los Angeles, CA #####Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane LnRolling Hills, CA 90274OgasawaraResidence23 Crest RoadRolling Hills, CA 90274Site Planning Hearing04/16/24NORTH1/4"Basement Enlarged Plan118'-318"121 Toilet206Bath204Shower205Shower202Bath201Hall208Toilet203Closet211Atrium209Bedroom212Atrium213Study214Storage217219Coat216Storage218Atrium215LibraryUPCloset210Hall207NOTESDate:Scale:Drawn:Checked:COPYRIGHT © ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.OWNERTHESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.DateNo.Issuance815 Silver Lake Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Tel: 323 665 9100 Fax: 323 665 9103 NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE COPIED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREAPRED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOREscher GuneWardena Architecture STAMPSARCHITECT OF RECORDSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERMEP ENGINEERLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTA1051/4"=1'-0"DRWCHK2024/01/01First Floor PlanEast WingTerremoto3401 Glendale BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90039PAE6060 Center Dr, 10th FlrLos Angeles, CA 90045Bolton Engineering Corp.25834 Narbonne Ave, Ste 210Lomita, CA 90717Nous Engineering5050 Eagle Rock BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90041TBD### Streetname St.Los Angeles, CA #####Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane LnRolling Hills, CA 90274OgasawaraResidence23 Crest RoadRolling Hills, CA 90274Site Planning Hearing04/16/24NORTH1/4"First Floor - East Wing18'-31 2"662'14'-7"7'-6"A2026A2025A2027stackedwasherdryer20'-4"16'-5"5'-3"26'-5"44'-4"14'-11"3'122 DNDNStorage217242Atrium240Sitting241Catering239Storage238Entry235Pantry237Elevator234Kitchen229Atrium232Sitting233Dining228Garage230Living231Bar221Vestibule222Entry224Storage225Vest.226Pwd.227Toilet220Walled Entry219Coat216Storage218Atrium215LibraryUP236ToiletNOTESDate:Scale:Drawn:Checked:COPYRIGHT © ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.OWNERTHESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.DateNo.Issuance815 Silver Lake Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Tel: 323 665 9100 Fax: 323 665 9103 NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE COPIED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREAPRED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOREscher GuneWardena Architecture STAMPSARCHITECT OF RECORDSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERMEP ENGINEERLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTA1061/4"=1'-0"DRWCHK2024/01/01First Floor PlanCentral AreaTerremoto3401 Glendale BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90039PAE6060 Center Dr, 10th FlrLos Angeles, CA 90045Bolton Engineering Corp.25834 Narbonne Ave, Ste 210Lomita, CA 90717Nous Engineering5050 Eagle Rock BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90041TBD### Streetname St.Los Angeles, CA #####Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane LnRolling Hills, CA 90274OgasawaraResidence23 Crest RoadRolling Hills, CA 90274Site Planning Hearing04/16/24NORTH1/4"First Floor - Central Area1A2025A2014A201118'-3" 123 DN 266Gym265Bedroom264Closet263Bath262Bath261Bedroom259Closet260Hall255Closet254Bath257Bedroom253Atrium256Mech.251Service248Closet247Toilet245Bedroom242Atrium240Sitting246Laundry244Toilet243Entry241Catering239Storage238Entry235Pantry237Elevator234Kitchen229Atrium249Bath250Shower228Garage222Entry224Storage225Vest.227Toilet220Walled Entry219CoatUP UP236Toilet258Bath266Gym267Pool265Bedroom NOTESDate:Scale:Drawn:Checked:COPYRIGHT © ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.OWNERTHESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.DateNo.Issuance815 Silver Lake Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Tel: 323 665 9100 Fax: 323 665 9103 NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE COPIED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREAPRED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOREscher GuneWardena Architecture STAMPSARCHITECT OF RECORDSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERMEP ENGINEERLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTA1071/4"=1'-0"DRWCHK2024/01/01First Floor PlanWest Wing & PoolTerremoto3401 Glendale BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90039PAE6060 Center Dr, 10th FlrLos Angeles, CA 90045Bolton Engineering Corp.25834 Narbonne Ave, Ste 210Lomita, CA 90717Nous Engineering5050 Eagle Rock BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90041TBD### Streetname St.Los Angeles, CA #####Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane LnRolling Hills, CA 90274OgasawaraResidence23 Crest RoadRolling Hills, CA 90274Site Planning Hearing04/16/24NORTH1/4"=1'-0"First Floor - West Wing1NORTH1/4"=1'-0"First Floor - Pool2A2011A2012A2013124 NOTESDate:Scale:Drawn:Checked:COPYRIGHT © ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.OWNERTHESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.DateNo.Issuance815 Silver Lake Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Tel: 323 665 9100 Fax: 323 665 9103 NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE COPIED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREAPRED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOREscher GuneWardena Architecture STAMPSARCHITECT OF RECORDSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERMEP ENGINEERLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTA1081/8"=1'-0"DRWCHK2024/01/01Main ResidenceBuilding ElevationsTerremoto3401 Glendale BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90039PAE6060 Center Dr, 10th FlrLos Angeles, CA 90045Bolton Engineering Corp.25834 Narbonne Ave, Ste 210Lomita, CA 90717Nous Engineering5050 Eagle Rock BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90041TBD### Streetname St.Los Angeles, CA #####Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane LnRolling Hills, CA 90274OgasawaraResidence23 Crest RoadRolling Hills, CA 90274Site Planning Hearing04/16/241/8"=1'-0"Southwest Building ElevationOpen Louvers1a1/8"=1'-0"Northwest Building Elevation41/8"=1'-0"South Building Elevation21/8"=1'-0"East Building Elevation31/8"=1'-0"North Building Elevation51/8"=1'-0"Southwest Building ElevationClosed Louvers1b3. Slate, grey2. Natural stone3. Slate, grey2. Natural stone2. Natural stone3. Slate, grey3. Slate, grey2. Natural stone3. Slate, grey2. Natural stone3. Slate, grey2. Natural stoneAdjustable louver(for sun shading)125 12345ABC58'12'8'18'20'10'10'Stall101Stall102Tack Room103Storage107Powder105Corriddor104Storage106Storage10874'-10"36'-10"12345Ridge+14'-6"Top of Finish Floor+0'-0"Bottom of Eave+8'-6 1/4"AB12345Ridge+14'-6"Top of Finish Floor+0'-0"Bottom of Eave+8'-6 1/4"ABNOTESDate:Scale:Drawn:Checked:COPYRIGHT © ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.OWNERTHESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.DateNo.Issuance815 Silver Lake Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Tel: 323 665 9100 Fax: 323 665 9103 NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE COPIED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREAPRED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOREscher GuneWardena Architecture STAMPSARCHITECT OF RECORDSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERMEP ENGINEERLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTA1093/32"=1'-0"DRWCHK2024/01/01Stable Plans andElevationsTerremoto3401 Glendale BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90039PAE6060 Center Dr, 10th FlrLos Angeles, CA 90045Bolton Engineering Corp.25834 Narbonne Ave, Ste 210Lomita, CA 90717Nous Engineering5050 Eagle Rock BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90041TBD### Streetname St.Los Angeles, CA #####Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane LnRolling Hills, CA 90274OgasawaraResidence23 Crest RoadRolling Hills, CA 90274Site Planning Hearing04/16/24NORTH1/4"=1'-0"First Floor Plan1NORTH1/4"=1'-0"Roof Plan21/4"=1'-0"North Building Elevation31/4"=1'-0"West Building Elevation41/4"=1'-0"South Building Elevation51/4"=1'-0"East Building Elevation65A1093A1096A1094A109126 1234BA11'-10"11'-10"13'-10"17'-6"1234AB4321BANOTESDate:Scale:Drawn:Checked:COPYRIGHT © ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.OWNERTHESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.DateNo.Issuance815 Silver Lake Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Tel: 323 665 9100 Fax: 323 665 9103 NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE COPIED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREAPRED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOREscher GuneWardena Architecture STAMPSARCHITECT OF RECORDSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERMEP ENGINEERLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTA1103/32"=1'-0"DRWCHK2024/01/01ADU Plans andElevationsTerremoto3401 Glendale BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90039PAE6060 Center Dr, 10th FlrLos Angeles, CA 90045Bolton Engineering Corp.25834 Narbonne Ave, Ste 210Lomita, CA 90717Nous Engineering5050 Eagle Rock BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90041TBD### Streetname St.Los Angeles, CA #####Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane LnRolling Hills, CA 90274OgasawaraResidence23 Crest RoadRolling Hills, CA 90274Site Planning Hearing04/16/24NORTH1/4"=1'-0"First Floor Plan1NORTH1/4"=1'-0"Roof Plan21/4"=1'-0"North Building Elevation31/4"=1'-0"West Building Elevation41/4"=1'-0"South Building Elevation51/4"=1'-0"East Building Elevation63A1105A1106A1104A110127 1234CBA6'-9"8'-4"6'5'-6"21'-11"Powder102Kitchenette101Closet103Main Room1001234CBA21'-1"8'-5"8'-5"27'-5"8'-4"8'-5"First Floor+100'-0"Bottom of Eave+108'-0"Ridge+115'-0 1/4"Top of Eave+109'-4"First Floor+100'-0"Bottom of Eave+108'-0"Ridge+115'-0 1/4"Finish Grade at Building+102'-2 1/2"First Floor+100'-0"Bottom of Eave+108'-0"Ridge+115'-0 1/4"Top of Eave+109'-4"First Floor+100'-0"Bottom of Eave+108'-0"Ridge+115'-0 1/4"NOTESDate:Scale:Drawn:Checked:COPYRIGHT © ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.OWNERTHESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.DateNo.Issuance815 Silver Lake Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Tel: 323 665 9100 Fax: 323 665 9103 NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE COPIED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN PREAPRED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ESCHER GUNEWARDENA ARCHITECTURE, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOREscher GuneWardena Architecture STAMPSARCHITECT OF RECORDSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERMEP ENGINEERLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTA1113/32"=1'-0"DRWCHK2024/01/01Guest House andTrellis Plans andElevationsTerremoto3401 Glendale BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90039PAE6060 Center Dr, 10th FlrLos Angeles, CA 90045Bolton Engineering Corp.25834 Narbonne Ave, Ste 210Lomita, CA 90717Nous Engineering5050 Eagle Rock BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90041TBD### Streetname St.Los Angeles, CA #####Yukiko Ogasawara3 Flying Mane LnRolling Hills, CA 90274OgasawaraResidence23 Crest RoadRolling Hills, CA 90274Site Planning Hearing04/16/24NORTH1/4"=1'-0"First Floor Plan1NORTH1/4"=1'-0"Roof Plan21/4"=1'-0"North Building Elevation31/4"=1'-0"West Building Elevation41/4"=1'-0"South Building Elevation51/4"=1'-0"East Building Elevation65A1113A1116A1114A1111/4"=1'-0"Trellis Roof Plan71/4"=1'-0"Trellis Floor Plan81/4"=1'-0"Trellis South Elevation91/4"=1'-0"Trellis Section A-A109A111A11110Finish Floor+00'-0"B/ Retaining Wall-02'-6"T/ Retaining Wall+02'-6"B/ Trellis Structure+08'-0"Finish Floor+00'-0"B/ Retaining Wall-02'-6"T/ Retaining Wall+02'-6"B/ Trellis Structure+08'-0"T/ Trellis Structure+09'-0"T/ Trellis Structure+09'-0"10'-014"26'-5"10'-014"Lattice trellice roofPartial height retaining wallTrellis support columns3:12 Slope Typ.3:12 Slope Typ.Ridge Height+115'-0 14"+1208'-0 14"Top of Eave+109'-4"+1202'-4"Top of Roofat Building+111'-5 1/4"+1204'-5 1/4"128 County of Los Angeles - Department of Public Works GMED PLAN CHECK REFERRAL FORM TO BE COMPLETED BY COUNTY PLAN CHECKER ONLY ---- APPLICANT TO UPLOAD THIS SHEET TO GMED ---- Plan Checker Name ________________________ District Office ___________ BSD Permit Case: BLD ________________ GRAD________________________ Valuation: BLD $_______________ GRAD (cubic yards) Linked GMED Plan Case: ESTU _______________________________________ Address: ______________________________________APN_______________  Multiple Plan Checks on subject site (Please Verify in EpicLA/DAPTS) Initial reason for referral:  Seismic Hazard Zone Liquefaction / Seismically Induced Landslide / Fault Zone  Slope Stability Over-Steeped Slopes / Landslide / Debris Flow  Retaining Walls or Structures Basement / Tiered / Soldier Piles / Tie-Back / Geo-Grid  Foundations Recommendations Piles / Caissons / Mat / Settlement / Repairs / Soil-Cement Columns  Temporary Conditions Shoring / Steep excavations / Slot-Cuts / Tie-Backs  Low Impact Development Soil Infiltration Rate / Infiltration Report / LID BMP Location and Depth  Grading Fill and Bearing Recommendations / Soil-Improvements / Geology  Other (Please Specify) ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Please Note: This initial referral reason may not limit the extent of GMED review. Additional geologic and geotechnical conditions may become apparent after GMED review of the plans, reports, and references. Please verify with your Plan Checker: GMED plan check fees will need to be paid prior to start of plan check. Once invoiced, please pay GMED fees online through EpicLA or at the Building and Safety District Office. 129 County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works Geotechnical and Materials Engineering Division GEOLOGY AND SOILS ENGINEERING – DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SUBMITTALS Requirements Prior to Submittal Plan check applications must be filed with Building and Safety or Land Development Division and an Agency Referral form provided BEFORE any documents can be accepted for review by GMED. For questions regarding the submittal or review process, please contact GMED at, or (626) 458- 4923. GMED Submittals for LAND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION (LDD) Log in to the same web application used to submit to LDD: Once logged in, click “Apply” then under the “Plans” heading click “Geotechnical Study.” GMED Submittals for BUILDING AND SAFETY (BSD) If your BSD application is through EPIC LA/CSS, log in to EpicLA/CSS: First-time users of EpicLA/CSS are required to create site login. Please register on-line. Once logged in, click “Apply” then under the “Plan” heading click “Geotechnical Study.” You will receive an ESTU# for your GMED plan check. If your BSD application is through a Contract City system, then submit documents to GMED here: First-time users are required to create a site login. PDF file format for GMED Submittal Please include all plan sheets into one PDF file. Please name the file in the following format: For Agency Referral Forms: Name file as: “Agency Referral Form” For Plans: “YYYYMMDD – [Type of Plan]” Submittal Date- example: “20190101 – Grading Plan” For Reports: “YYYYMMDD – [Firm Name]” Submittal Date- example: “20190101 – Best Geotechnical Company” 130 Lomita Agency Referral Rev 05-2024 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION AGENCY REFERRAL VHFHSZ Y / N Waste Sewer / Septic Hwy. Dedication Y / N ______ ft. Geology Fault / Liq / LS Methane Y / N Code Enforce. Y / N # _______________ (N) Address Y / N LOMITA DISTRICT OFFICE 24320 S. Narbonne Avenue Lomita, CA 90717 Telephone: (310) 534-3760, Fax (310) 530-5482 Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. M - F Plan Checker Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Appointments are recommended Prepared By HNM OM Initial Date Applicant’s Signature: Plans for (Grading/ Structure) at __________________________________________________ _____________________________________ (Address)(Locality) Plan Check No. _______________________________________________ was submitted on _______________________________________ Land Use Zone _____________________ Proposed Occupancy _____________________ Type of Construction ____________________ Description of proposed work: __________________________________________________________________________________________ THIS NOTICE IS TO INFORM YOU THAT APPROVAL FROM THE AGENCIES MARKED BELOW, IN ADDITION TO BUILDING PLAN CHECK APPROVAL, MUST BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE.Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65913.3, if review of the permit application is required by a State Agency or Other Agency, as marked below, the applicable time limits for review of the application are tolled until the applicant provides Building and Safety with a copy of the Agency approval. Issuance of this referral sheet shall serve as formal notice of tolling.You may need to submit the pertinent plans, plan check number, calculations, reports, etc., directly to these agencies. To assist you, we have listed below the information which you will need to contact these agencies.Follow-up is your responsibility. Please be aware that some items resulting from these agency plan reviews may affect your building plan check. These should be communicated to your Building Plan Check Engineer as soon as possible to prevent unnecessary delays. Submit all agency approvals 48 hours prior to permit issuance. Notify the Plan Check Engineer when all agency approvals have submitted and request review. ADDITIONAL AGENCY CLEARANCES MAY BE REQUIRED BY YOUR BUILDING PLAN CHECK ENGINEER COUNTY AGENCIES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ____AVIATION DIVISION 1000 S. Fremont Ave., Bldg. A9 East, 1st Flr., Alhambra, CA 91803 (626) 300-4600 Mon-Thurs 7:00 a.m. - 5:45 p.m. ____BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION Headquarters M-Th 6:45 - 5:30 (626) 458-3173 900 S. Fremont Ave., 3rd Fl, Alhambra, CA 91803-1331 Approval for the following sections is required as noted below: □ ELECTRICAL SECTION 900 S. Fremont Ave., 3rd Fl, Alhambra, CA 91803-1331 (626) 458-3180 Approval is required for: □ Energy Plan Check □ Electrical Code Check □ Emergency Egress Illumination (O.L. ≥ 100) □ Methane Mitigation required in Methane Zone □ MECHANICAL SECTION 900 S. Fremont Ave., 3rd Fl, Alhambra, CA 91803-1331 (626) 458-3182 Approval is required for: □ Energy Plan Check □ Mechanical Code Check □ Plumbing Code Check □ Roof Drainage □ Green Building Check □ Methane Mitigation required in Methane Zone □ Research Section 900 S. Fremont Ave., 3rd Fl, Alhambra, CA 91803-1331 (626) 458-3173 (Alternate Materials, Methods, SMRF…) □ GRADING AND DRAINAGE SECTION Anthony Wong – Regional Drainage and Grading Engineer 24320 S. Narbonne Ave, CA Lomita 90717 (310) 534-3760 Thursday 8:00 -11:00 a.m. □ Grading Plan Check □ “Rough Grade” approval is required prior to issuance of building permit □ Drainage Plan Check (NPDES/LID COMPLIANCE) □ Drainage approval is required ____LAND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION – PERMIT SECTION Permits are required for road excavations and encroachments within County roads and Flood Control easements. □ PERMIT SECTION 900 S. Fremont Ave., 3rd Floor, Alhambra, CA 91803-1331 (626) 458-3129 6:45-5:30 Mon-Thurs □ Westchester Office 5530 W. 83rd St, Westchester, CA 90045 (310) 649-6300 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Mon-Fri ____ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS DIVISION Plan approval is required for most commercial and industrial buildings for: □ INDUSTRIAL WASTE / UNDERGROUND TANKS / STORMWATER Lomita Office Headquarters 24320 S. Narbonne Ave 900 S. Fremont Ave., Annex 3rd Fl Lomita, CA 90717 Alhambra, CA 91803-1331 (310) 534-4862 (626) 458-3517 8:00-9:30 a.m. Mon-Fri 6:45-5:30 Mon-Thurs Industrial Waste Underground Storage Tanks Stormwater □ NPDES/SUSMP Approval Industrial Waste Unit 900 S. Fremont Ave, Annex 3rd Fl Alhambra, CA 91803-1331 (626) 458-3517 7:00am-5:00pm Mon-Thurs □ DUMP AREAS/METHANE MITIGATION/OIL & GAS WELLS/CONTAMINATED SOIL HAZARDS (structure within 1,000 ft from a landfill) 900 S. Fremont Ave., Annex 3rd Fl Alhambra, CA 91803-1331 (626) 570-2810 7:00am -5:00pm Mon-Thurs □ SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT (TRASH ENCLOSURES) 900 S. Fremont Ave., Annex 3rd Floor Alhambra, CA 91803-1331 (626) 570-2810 7:00am -5:00pm Mon-Thurs □ CONSTRUCTION & DEMOLITION DEBRIS RECYCLING AND REUSE PLAN 900 S. Fremont Ave., Annex 3rd Fl, Alhambra, CA 91803-1331 (626) 458-3517 6:45-5:30 Mon-Thurs Instructions on how to apply are available at:www.LACountyCND Email at (626) 458-3517 7:00am -5:00pm Mon-Thurs _____GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING DIVISION (GMED) GEOLOGY/SOILS SECTIONS - Plan approval is required for site stability and geologic hazard. (626) 458-4925 M-Th 6:30-5:15 pm Upload plans, reports, GMED fee receipt, this Agency Referral Sheet to: GMED Referral for: Seismic Hazard Zone Liquefaction / Seismically Induced Landslide / Fault Study Slope Stability Over-Steepened Slopes / Landslide / Debris Flow Retaining Walls or Systems Basement / Tiered / Soldier Piles / Tie-Back / Geo-Grid Foundation Recommendations Piles / Caissons / Mat / Repairs / Soil-Cement Columns Temporary Conditions Shoring / Steep Excavations / Slot-Cuts / Tie-Backs 131 Lomita Agency Referral Rev 05-2024 ____ LAND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 900 S. Fremont Ave., 3rd Fl, Alhambra, CA 91803-1331 (626) 458-4921 6:45-5:30 Mon-Thurs □ SUBDIVISION PLAN CHECK SECTION □ LANDSCAPE (Residential or Non-Residential landscaped area > 500 square feet) □ HIGHWAY DEDICATION Form "48-0040-DPW" should be filled out when plan approval for street improvements and/or dedication is required for commercial and multiple residential buildings. "Bridge & Major Thoroughfare (B&T) Fee" is also required for commercial, multiple residential buildings and designated tracts. (626) 458-4915 _____MAPPING AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT □ ADDRESS REQUEST: Manual:Address Request Manual OTHER COUNTY DEPARTMENTS ____DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH – Environmental Health Division 5050 Commerce Way, Baldwin Park, CA 91706 (626) 430-5380 Approval is required for: □ Private Sewage Disposal Systems □ Underground Cisterns □ Food Service Establishments 6053 Bristol Parkway 2nd Fl, Culver City 90230 (310) 665-8483 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. □ Public Swimming Pool- Recreational Health (626) 430-5360 □ X-Ray Machine Installation Radiation Management 3530 Wilshire Blvd., 9th Fl Los Angeles, CA 90010 (213) 351-7897 ____COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY Payment of Library Facilities Mitigation Fee is required. A Certificate of Payment or a Certificate of Clearance must be obtained from the Public Library. Bring Plan Check Fee Receipt from Building and Safety. 7400 E. Imperial Highway, Downey, CA 90242 (562) 940-8430 M-Th 7:30 am - 5:30 pm ____PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Approval for building plans is required for construction adjacent to "Designated Trails" Planning Division, Research & Trails Section 510 S. Vermont Ave. 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90020 (213) 351-5098 M-Th 7:00 am – 5:30 pm ____REGIONAL PLANNING DEPARTMENT 320 W. Temple St., 13th Floor (Rm. 1360) Los Angeles, CA 90012-3282 Public Counter : 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mon-Thurs Telephone Hours: 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (213) 974-6411 Mon-Thurs Southwest District Office for General Information: 1320 W. Imperial Hwy, Los Angeles, CA 90044 (323) 820-6500 Mon – Thurs 7:30 a.m.– 11:30 a.m. (must sign in by 11:00 a.m.) ____DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND CULTURE Compliance of the Public Art in Private Development Ordinance is required. Pat Gomez (Phone or email inquiries only) or 213-315-9972 M-Th 9:00am-5:00pm _____LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Recordation of affordable housing land use covenant is required and must be recorded senior to all existing deeds of trust on the property. Payment of monitoring fee is required at time of covenant recordation. Paulina Safarian (Email inquiries only) STATE AGENCIES ____CALTRANS Permits are required for outdoor signs, excavation, encroachment (including driveway aprons) and improvements (including grading or structures that affect drainage) on State Highways: 100 S. Main Street 2nd Fl. Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 897-3631 ____CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION A Coastal Development permit is required. Prior to application submittal obtain local approval in concept from the Regional Planning Department. 200 Oceangate 10th Fl, Suite 1000, Long Beach, CA 90802 (562) 590-5071 ____STATE DEPT. OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS - CAL/OSHA DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH Permit is required for excavation of trenches which are 5 ft. or more deep into which a person is required to descend or for the construction or demolition of any structure 4 or more stories. Brick-lined seepage pits may require permit. County Area & Contracted Cities: Lawndale Office: 680 Knox St, Ste. 100 320 W. 4th St, Ste. 850 Torrance, CA 90502 Los Angeles, CA (310) 516-3734 (213) 576-7451 ____STATE DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION DIVISION OF OIL AND GAS Obtain clearance for the requirements of abandonment of oil wells. 5816 Corporate Ave., Ste. 200, Cypress, CA 90630-4731 (714) 816-6847 ____CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STORM WATER PERMIT UNIT – Notice of intent required when disturbed area 1 acre. P. O. Box 1977, Sacramento, CA 95812-1977 (916) 341-5536 OTHER AGENCIES ____FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OF THE CONSOLIDATED FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY -Plan approval is required 4475 W. El Segundo Blvd., Hawthorne, CA 90250 (310) 263-2732 □ FIRE STATION DEVELOPER FEE is required 4475 W. El Segundo Blvd., Hawthorne, CA 90250 □ "HAZMAT" form must be submitted to and approved by the Fire Department for non-residential occupancies if hazardous materials are being handled. Obtain form from Building and Safety and submit to: Fire Prevention Bureau Hazardous Materials Section 5825 Rickenbacker Road, Commerce, CA 90040-3027 (323) 890-4000 □ FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 5823 Rickenbacker Road, Commerce, CA 90040-3027 (323) 890-4125 □ OTHER APPROVALS (Sprinklers<20 Heads, Sprinklers: Residential & Remodel, Pool draft Hydrant, Alarms, Hoods, Restaurants with new cooking, Tanks, and TI<2500 sq. ft.) 4475 W. El Segundo Blvd., Hawthorne, CA 90250 (310) 263-2732 □ FUEL MODIFICATION Brushing Clearance Office, Fire Station 32 605 N. Angeleno Ave., Azusa, CA 91702 (626) 969-5205 Mon-Fri 8:00-5:00 p.m. ____COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Payment of sewer connection fee is required 1955 Workman Mill Rd., Whittier 90601 (562) 908-4288 ext. 2727 ____SCHOOL DISTRICT Development fee must be paid to the District for residential and commercial construction. A "Certificate of Payment of Developer Fee" must be submitted to Building and Safety prior to obtaining a building permit. □ Obtain “Certification Form” from B&S District Office. ____SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (SCAQMD) Applicants for non-residential buildings must fill out "Air Quality Permit Checklist" furnished by Building & Safety. If "Yes" is marked, a written release will be required before occupancy is allowed. Notification form required for demolition and alteration permits where ASBESTOS is involved. 21865 E. Copley Dr., Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4182 (909) 396-2000, (800) 288-7664 ____LOCAL WATER COMPANY □ Provide a copy of the Fire Flow Availability letter (Form 195/196) completed by the water company serving the site. (Form available from B&S District Office) □ Provide a “Will Serve” letter from the water company for all new residential and commercial buildings (including additions that will create new units) prior to permit issuance ____CITY APPROVALS □ City of Lomita 24300 S. Narbonne Ave. Lomita, CA 90717 (310) 325-7110 □ City of Rolling Hills 2 Portuguese Bend Rd. Rolling Hills CA 90274 (310) 377-1521 132 Lomita Agency Referral Rev 05-2024 OTHER 133 Page 10 LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT (LID) Requirements All development must comply with the County of Los Angeles’ Title 12, Chapter 12.84 (LID). LID standards are intended to distribute stormwater and urban runoff across developed sites to help reduce adverse water qual ity impacts and replenish groundwater supplies. The LID Manual is available at the following link: Under the NPDES permit (LACBC Section 106.4.3) and the County of Los Angeles LID ordinance, priority projects are required to prohibit the discharge of pollutants from property developments. Preventing these pollutants from entering stormwater discharge system will be accomplished by requiring the installation and maintenance of post-construction treatment controls. (Best Management Practices (BMPs) Residential development of 4 units or less: □ New development, hillside development, redevelopment, alterations, or additions which alter 50% or more of impervious surfaces, entire site shall meet LID requirements. 61. Residential development of 4 units or less must implement a minimum of two LID Best Management Practice (BMP) alternatives as indicated in Section 3.2 and Appendix E – Stormwater Quality Control Measure Fact Sheets of the LID Manual. Plans must show complete construction details, ma terials, manufacturer, model number, dimensions, location, structures, slopes, construction notes, specifications, cross sections, elevations, and setbacks from property lines needed to construct proposed LID BMPs. BMPs should be designed so as not to adversely impact building foundations, pavement, slope stability, or an adjacent property. For hillside properties all catch basins and inlets that discharge into an existing or proposed storm drains must be labeled to discourage illegal dumping of pollutants . Stencils are available at your local Building and Safety office. a. Permeable Porous Pavement or other impervious surfaces (at least 50% of pavement on lot shall be porous) • Show detail of placement, base, geotextile, subgrade, and soil preparation pe r manufacturer’s specifications. • The required soils report must address percolation and manufacturer’s recommendations and guidelines. • H-20 loading is required for Fire Department access. • A minimum of 30” deep impervious liner or edge restraint is required within 5’ of public right of way, property lines, and structures unless otherwise recommended by a soils engineer. b. Downspout routing (choosing one of the options below satisfies 1 of 2 required BMPs ) □ Cistern/rain barrel (Option 1) • Show location of cistern/rain barrels. Rain barrels should be designed to store 200 gallons and be located such that roof run-off is equally distributed. Rain gutters & downspouts shall be shown on plans. • Plans shall show hose bibs or pump systems for discharge and watering of landscaping. (Note: A separate electrical permit is required for pump systems). • A plumbing permit is required for backflow prevention devices when the discharge system is tied into a landscaping irrigation system served by a potable water source. • H-20 loading is required for underground cisterns located in an area subject to traffic conditions. • Plans should include manufacturer specifications and notes for rain barrels. See provided guidelines. □ Rain garden/Stormwater Planter (Option 2) • Surface area of flow through type planter box shall be designed and sized to treat 200 gallons. Planter must have a 18” minimum top soil layer and 12” minimum gravel layer. The infiltration type planter box shall be designed to infiltrate 200 gallons over a 48 hour period. c. Divert Runoff/Disconnect Impervious Surfaces (Hillsides > 25% slope must comply with this requirement) • Show driveway, roof, and other impervious surfaces to drain toward pervious landscaped areas. The ratio of impervious to pervious area shall be no less than 2:1. This ratio must be identified on plans for each affected area. A minimum of 90% of the untreated impervious area shall be routed toward vegetated areas or water quality BMPs. d. Dry well • Show details including the following: location, cross section details, liner materials, subbase, and all manufacturer’s specifications and/or recommendations from soils engineer. The required soils report shall address dry well and manufacturer’s specification and requirements. • The system should be designed to store and infiltrate a minimum of 200 gallons of stormwater within a 48 hour period. • Provide calculations to determine the infiltration volume for sizing of well and determine time of infiltration to percolate 200 gallons. • A filter or sediment control is required to filter water entering the dry well. • Drywells that are deeper than their widest dimension are defined by the EPA as Class V injection wells, and are subject to inventory requirements under the Safe Drinking Water Act and must be registered at the following link with the EPA as injection wells. If this type of dry well is proposed, provide copy of registration. e. Landscaping and landscape irrigation • Show a minimum of two 15-gallon trees to be planted and maintained. Trees shall be located near impervious surfaces (10 foot maximum distance). One of the trees may be on the drought -tolerant plant list as required under the County’s Green Building Ordinance ( garden.pdf). In Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones, applicant should verify compliance with Fire Department’s requirements o Install Smart Irrigation Controllers. (see Comment 86 for requirements) f. Green Roof • Show area of green roof on site plan. • Structural calculations for design of green roof will be required at time of building plan submittal. • Fire Department approval will be required as part of building plan check. 134 Page 11 62. The following is a list of Designated Projects for new development and redevelopment activities that require compliance with LA County’s LID ordinance. (See LID manual for additional information) ❑ All development projects equal to 1 acre or greater of disturbed area and adding more than 10,000 square feet of impervious surface area ❑ Residential new or redeveloped projects that creates, adds, or replaces >10,000 square feet of impervious surface area. ❑ Industrial parks 10,000 square feet or more of surface area ❑ Commercial malls 10,000 square feet or more surface area ❑ Retail gasoline outlets 5,000 square feet or more of surface area ❑ Restaurants (SIC 5812) 5,000 square feet or more of surface area ❑ Parking lots 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface area, or with 25 or more parking spaces ❑ Street and road construction of 10,000 square feet or more of impervious surface area ❑ Automotive service facilities with 5,000 square feet or more of surface area ❑ Projects located in or directly adjacent to, or discharging directly to a Significant Ecological Area (SEA),where the development will discharge storm water runoff that is likely to impact a sensitive biological species or habitat; and Create 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface area ❑ Redevelopment projects identified below*: o Land-disturbing activity that results in the creation or addition or replacement of 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface area o Development which alters less than 50% of impervious surfaces. Only proposed re -development needs to meet NPDES requirements. o Development which alters 50% or more of impervious surfaces. Entire site shall meet NPDES requirements. *Impervious surface replacement, such as the reconstruction of parking lots and roadways which does not disturb additional ar ea and maintains the original grade and alignment, is considered a routine maintenance activity. Redevelopment does not incl ude the repaving of existing roads to maintain original line and grade. REQUIREMENTS: A. New Development and Re-Development Projects must control runoff through infiltration, bioretention, and/or rainfall harvest and use. Project must retain onsite the Stormwater Quality Design Volume (SWQDv) as defined by the greater of the following: • The 0.75-inch, 24 hour rain event or • The 85th percentile, 24-hour rain event, as determined from the Los Angeles County 85 th percentile precipitation isohyetal map ( ,. B. Bioretention and biofiltration systems shall meet the design specifications provided in Appendix E of LA County’s LID manual. (available at Biofiltration systems shall be entirely open-bottom. C. When evaluating the potential for onsite retention, each projects must consider the maximum potential for evapotranspiration from green roofs and rainfall harvest and reuse for both indoor and outdoor use. D. To demonstrate technical infeasibility, it must be shown that a project site cannot reliably retain 100 percent of the SWQDv onsite. Technical infeasibility may result from the following: i. The infiltration rate of saturated in-situ soils less than 0.3 inch per hour. ii. Seasonal high ground water is within 5 to 10 feet of the surface. iii. Locations within 100 feet of a ground water well used for drinking water. iv. Brownfield development sites where infiltration poses a risk of pollutant mobilization. v. Locations with potential geotechnical hazards. E. When technical infeasibility has been demonstrated the site must biofiltrate using the following equation for volume required: Bv = 1.5 * [SWQDv – Rv] Where: Bv = Biofiltration volume SWQDv = Stormwater runoff as defined in 88 A Rv = Volume reliably retained onsite (amount infiltrated) Show volumes and flow rates on plans as applicable. Note: For additional alternative compliance measures see Regional Water Quality Control Board Order No. R4-2012-0175 section VI.D.7.c.iii ( ) F. Project sites that outlet to natural drainage systems that are subject to hydromodification shall be in compliance with LA County’s LID manual, Section 8 (available at G. The plans must show complete construction details, materials, manufacturer, model number, dimensions, location, structures, slopes, construction notes, specifications, cross sections, elevations, GPS x-y coordinates for each BMP, and setbacks from property lines needed to construct proposed LID BMPs. BMPs should be designed as not to adversely impact building foundations, pavement, slope stability, or an adjacent property . H. Clearly show driveway/access road drainage and provide BMPs for treatment of driveway flows. Provide elevations, cross sections, or slopes as applicable. I. Submit and obtain approval from Environmental Programs Division, Industrial Waste Unit at 900 S. Fremont, Alhambra, Annex Building, 3rd floor, Alhambra, CA 91803. Please contact EPD by email at or call (626) 458-3517 for required fees and submittal requirements. An annual operating permit may be required. , . Please note: prior to obtaining approval from EPD the location and the design flows for all BMPs must be shown on plans and approved by Building and Safety (This applies to all non-residential projects). J. Pre-treatment BMPs are required. 135 Page 12 63. Non-Designated Projects. Non-residential development (Commercial, Industrial) or a residential development consisting of 5 or more residential units: □ Development which alters less than 50% of impervious surfaces. Only proposed new impervious areas needs to meet LID requirements. □ Development which alters 50% or more of impervious surfaces. Entire site shall meet LID requirements. A. This project is required to retain the Delta Storm Water Quality Design Volume (∆SWQDv), the difference between the stormwater runoff volume pre- and post-condition. The SWQDv, from which the ∆SWQDv is calculated, is defined in item 85A of this grading review sheet. ∆SWQDv is defined as the difference in the runoff volume between undeveloped (1% impervious surface) and post-developed condition. The ∆SWQDv is calculated according to the following equation: ∆SWQDv = Vd – Vu Where: ∆SWQDv = Increase in stormwater runoff volume from the project [ft3]; Vd = Stormwater runoff volume post-development [ft3]; and Vu = Undeveloped stormwater runoff volume [ft3] (1% impervious). If ∆SWQDv cannot be infiltrated due to geotechnical or technical feasibility as indicated in Section 7 of the County’s LID Manual; onsite storage or other water conservation requirements must be implemented. B. Provide calculations for sizing of the proposed BMP’s. Calculations must consider ∆SWQDv, percolation rate, and geotechnical considerations. C. Plans must show complete construction details, materials, manufacturer, model number, dimensions, location, structures, slopes, construction notes, specifications, cross sections, elevations, GPS x and y coordinates for each BMP, and setbacks from property lines needed to construct proposed LID BMPs. BMPs should be designed as not to adversely impact building foundations, pavement, slope stability, or an adjacent property. D. Hydrology Calculations to determine the increase in volume due to development is required. For smaller sites, the County’s Hydrocalc Program may be used for determining Pre- and Post-construction volumes. See Section 6 of County’s LID Manual. • A drain system is required for all infiltration basins. Drain systems shall discharge to an approved location and must be shown on site drainage or grading plans. Calculations for sizing of the infiltration basins are required. 64. For LID compliance, all catch basins and inlets that discharge into an existing or proposed storm drain must be labeled to discourage illegal dumping of pollutants. Stencils are available at your local Building and Safety office. 65. All infiltration basins, dry wells, or planters must comply with the following setbacks Infiltration Facility Setbacks* Setback from Distance in feet Property lines & Public Right of Way 5’ minimum Any Foundation 15’ or within a 1:1 plane drawn up from the bottom of foundation Face of any slope H/2, 5’ minimum (H is height of slope)* Seasonal high ground water 10’ minimum depth to invert Water wells 100’ minimum Required Infiltration Time (due to vector control) BMP Type Duration Open above ground (includes planting soil or open gravel pit) 48 hours to drain completely Underground retention 96 hours to drain completely *unless otherwise recommended by a Soils Engineer and approved by Geotechnical and Materials Engineering Division. Note: Infiltration is not allowed in areas where pollutant mobilization is a documented concern, or where undisturbed soil infiltration rates are less than 0.3 inches per hour, or where infiltration could cause adverse impacts to biological resources. 66. An Infiltration Report by a Soils Engineer and the grading plans must be reviewed and recommended for approval by the Geology and Soils Section prior to approval of an Infiltration/Retention - Low Impact Development (LID) BMP. Please see attached GMED Plan Check Referral Form for instructions. The Infiltration Report must comply with GMED Geotechnical Memo GS 200.1 and should be presented as its own report. All recommendations and notes as indicated in the soils engineering report and/or GMED review sheets must be incorporated into the grading plans. The GS 200.1 memo can be found at: Gravel Specification for Non-proprietary gravel storage layers must indicate 1.5” to 3” diameter, angular, clean rock compacted to 90% relative compaction or equivalent determined and field verified by a Soils Engineer. 67. Rainwater harvest and reuse systems that are NOT gravity fed require approval from LA County Public Health, Cross Connection & Water Pollution Control Program. The application and further information is found at In addition, approval from LA County, Building and Safety Plumbing Section is required. Rainwater harvest design and plans must comply with County of Los Angeles, Plumbing Code, Chapter 16 – Non-Potable Rainwater Catchment Systems. 68. Different types of infiltration facilities such as dry wells, unlined sumps, seepage pits, and infiltration galleries are som e of the terms used to describe Class V injection wells as defined by the EPA. Register the proposed infiltration facility at the following online registration form: 136 Agenda Item No.: 11.B Mtg. Date: 08/12/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:JOHN SIGNO, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY SERVICES THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: A HEARING REGARDING A NUISANCE ABATEMENT AT 6 SADDLEBACK ROAD (LOT 18-RH), AND CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DECLARING THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF DATE:August 12, 2024 BACKGROUND: On or about February 29, 2024, City Staff was alerted to the fact that there was rubbish, debris, and construction material being improperly stored outdoors at 6 Saddleback Road (Lot 18-RH). A visit to the site revealed that the rubbish, debris, and construction materials were stored outdoors and visible from a neighboring property and the street. City Staff notified the property owners, Mr. and Mrs. Terry and Margaret Reiter (“Property Owners”), that the rubbish, debris, and construction material on the Subject Property was a violation of Rolling Hills Municipal Code (RHMC) Section 8.24.010 and requested that they abate this nuisance condition. RHMC Section 8.24.010 reads: “For the purposes of this chapter, a "nuisance" shall be defined as anything which is injurious to health or safety, or is indecent or offensive to the senses, or an obstruction to the free use of property or injurious to the stability of real property so as to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property, or unlawfully obstructs the free passage or use, in the customary manner, of any street, and affects at the same time an entire community or neighborhood, or any considerable number of persons, although the extent of the annoyance or damage inflicted upon individuals may be unequal.” The Owners were given until March 14, 2024, to comply. Despite continued attempts to gain the Property Owners’ compliance, the rubbish, debris, and construction material remained (Attachment 1). 137 On March 19, 2024, City Staff sent a second notice to the Owners, indicating that the items must be removed no later than April 2, 2024. This deadline passed, and the Property Owners failed to make a good faith effort to abate the nuisance condition on the Subject Property (Attachment 2). On May 15, 2024, the City Attorney’s office sent a third notice to the Owners and indicated that said items must be removed within 30 calendar days of said notice, or June 14, 2024. This deadline passed and the Property Owners failed to make a good faith effort towards abatement of the nuisance condition on the Subject Property (Attachment 3). On July 11, 2024, City Staff sent a Notice to Abate to the Property Owners, requiring them to abate the identified nuisance within 15 days from the date of the Notice, or July 26, 2024. If the conditions in the Notice were not abated, or if the Property Owners failed to make a good faith effort toward abatement to the satisfaction of the City Manager by July 26, 2024, then a hearing would be scheduled before the City Council on August 12, 2024 (Attachment 4). City Council's Review of Nuisance Violations Nuisance violations reviewed by the City Council are infrequent. In the past twenty years, only three properties have been referred to the City Council for nuisance violations: 1 Poppy Trail, 9 Chuckwagon Road, and 38 Portuguese Bend Road. In 2005 and 2006, the City Council reviewed 1 Poppy Trail because of landslide concerns (Resolution Nos. 996 and 1014). The council ordered the owner to abate the condition to prevent further landslides. Subsequently, the slope was repaired. In 2008, the City Council deemed 9 Chuckwagon Road a nuisance due to a lack of landscape maintenance and poor property conditions, and the owner was ordered to abate the nuisance (Resolution No. 1042). The property was sold in 2010, and the new owner improved it by constructing a stable and corral around 2014. In 2017, the City Council ordered the owners of 38 Portuguese Bend Road to abate unpermitted dirt, rocks, and concrete material stored on the property near a canyon (Resolution Nos. 1205 and 1215). Subsequently, the Planning Commission approved an application to retain the material, conduct grading, and abate the violation (Resolution No. 2017-18). DISCUSSION: It is the duty of every person who owns or is in possession of any property, place, or area within the boundaries of the City to maintain the property, place, or area free from any nuisance. (RHMC Section 8.24.020.) RHMC Section 8.32.060(B) further states: “No person shall intentionally throw, deposit, place, leave, maintain or permit to be thrown, deposited, placed, left or maintained or kept, any refuse, rubbish, garbage, or any other discarded or abandoned objects, articles or accumulations, on or upon any roadway, driveway, trail, canyon, storm drain, inlet, catch basin conduit or drainage structure, or upon any private plot of land in the City, so that the same might be or become a pollutant .” (Emphasis added). Any condition in violation of Chapter 8.32 is a public nuisance (RHMC Section 8.32.100(A)(1)(a)). Pursuant to Sections 8.24.040 and 8.24.050 of RHMC, the City Council may conduct a hearing to consider any protest of the Property Owner, possessor, or other interested person regarding the condition of the Subject Property. If the City Council determines that the property at 6 Saddleback Road constitutes a condition that is injurious to the public health, safety, and welfare by violating Section 8.32.060(B) of RHMC such that it is a public nuisance pursuant to 138 Chapter 8.24 and Section 8.21.100(A)(1)(a) of RHMC, then the City Council may order the Property Owners to remove all of the rubbish, debris, and construction material being improperly stored outdoors within 30 days. In the event the property owners fail to complete the measures specified above by the specific dates, the City can perform the corrective measures at the Property Owners’ expense as authorized in Section 8.24.060 of RHMC. Conclusion Should the City Council find that the condition of the property continues to constitute a public nuisance within the meaning of the Municipal Code, the attached Resolution contains an order to abate the violation, and states that should the Property Owners fail to perform abatement, the City will either, with the property owner ’s consent or under the authority of a new abatement warrant, engage services of a contractor to remediate the site at the property owners’ expense. FISCAL IMPACT: If the nuisance is not abated by the Property Owners voluntarily, the City may abate the nuisance by seeking an Abatement Warrant from the local Superior Court at the expense of the Property Owners. If the total cost of abating the nuisance is not paid to the City within 10 days after notice is given, the City Clerk may record, in the Office of the County Recorder, a statement of the total balance due to the City, which shall constitute a lien upon the property. In the alternative to a warrant, the City may proceed with filing a nuisance lawsuit and request the appointment of a receiver to clean up the property and recover costs through the litigation. RECOMMENDATION: Open the public hearing, consider all testimony and, upon consideration of the evidence, adopt Resolution No. 1375 (Attachment 5) declaring the condition to constitute a public nuisance and ordering the abatement thereof within 30 days of the order pursuant to RHMC Section 8.24.060. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: CE_ADD_6SaddlebackRd_Letters_240229_NOV_FirstNotice.pdf Attachment 2: CE_ADD_6SaddlebackRd_Letters_240319_NOV_SecondNotice.pdf Attachment 3: CE_ADD_6SaddlebackRd_240515_ComplianceDemandLetter_BBK_attorney.pdf Attachment 4: CE_ADD_6SaddlebackRd_240711_Notice_to_Abate.pdf Attachment 5: ResolutionNo1375_6SaddlebackRd_NoticeToAbate_F.pdf 139 Notice of Violation First Notice Second Notice City Attorney 2.29.24 REITER,TERRY AND MARGARET E TRS REITER FAMILY TRUST 6 SADDLEBACK RD ROLLING HILLS, CA 902745141 Re: Case Number 398 Subject Property: 6 SADDLEBACK RD, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274-5141 Property ID Number: 7569-003-001 Dear Property Owner(s): The City of Rolling Hills, in a continued effort to reduce City violations, is seeking your cooperation in correcting the following code violation(s). An inspection of the above-listed premises disclosed that the property does not comply with the following section(s) of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code: 8.24.010 - Nuisance defined For the purposes of this chapter, a "nuisance" shall be defined as anything which is injurious to health or safety, or is indecent or offensive to the senses, or an obstruction to the free use of property or injurious to the stability of real property so as to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property, or unlawfully obstructs the free passage or use, in the customary manner, of any street, and affects at the same time an entire community or neighborhood, or any considerable number of persons, although the extent of the annoyance or damage inflicted upon individuals may be unequal. Resolution Actions: Clear the rubbish, debris, and construction material from the front of the property and store them properly. For extension requests or questions please email or contact city hall during regular business hours. You have until 3.14.24 to comply and make the required corrections to your property. Failure to address the code violation within the time specified may cause your property to be deemed a nuisance and result in abatement procedures to commence. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding this notice, please contact us at (310) 377-1521. Sincerely, Noah Roque Code Enforcement Officer Phone:310-377-1521 140 141 Notice of Violation First Notice Second Notice City Attorney 3.19.24 REITER,TERRY AND MARGARET E TRS REITER FAMILY TRUST 6 SADDLEBACK RD ROLLING HILLS, CA 902745141 Re: Case Number 398 Subject Property: 6 SADDLEBACK RD, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274-5141 Property ID Number: 7569-003-001 Dear Property Owner(s): The City of Rolling Hills, in a continued effort to reduce City violations, is seeking your cooperation in correcting the following code violation(s). An inspection of the above-listed premises disclosed that the property does not comply with the following section(s) of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code: 8.24.010 - Nuisance defined For the purposes of this chapter, a "nuisance" shall be defined as anything which is injurious to health or safety, or is indecent or offensive to the senses, or an obstruction to the free use of property or injurious to the stability of real property so as to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property, or unlawfully obstructs the free passage or use, in the customary manner, of any street, and affects at the same time an entire community or neighborhood, or any considerable number of persons, although the extent of the annoyance or damage inflicted upon individuals may be unequal. Resolution Actions: Clear the rubbish, debris, and construction material from the front of the property and store them properly. For extension requests or questions please email or contact city hall during regular business hours. You have until 4.2.24 to comply and make the required corrections to your property. Failure to address the code violation within the time specified may cause your property to be deemed a nuisance and result in abatement procedures to commence. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding this notice, please contact us at (310) 377-1521. Sincerely, Noah Roque Code Enforcement Officer Phone:310-377-1521 142 143 65277.00002\42297613.1 Clarissa Thurston Prosecution Counsel (619) 525-1376 Best Best & Krieger LLP | 655 West Broadway, 15th Floor, San Diego, California 92101 Phone: (619) 525-1300 | Fax: (619) 233-6118 | File No. 65277.00002 May 15, 2024 BY CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Reiter Family Trust ℅Terry Ronald Reiter 6 Saddleback Road Rolling Hills, California 90274 Reiter Family Trust ℅Margaret E. Reiter 6 Saddleback Road Rolling Hills, California 90274 Re: Municipal Code Violations at 6 Saddleback Road, Rolling Hills Dear Terry Reiter and Margaret Reiter: Our office serves as City Attorney for the City of Rolling Hills (“City”). It is our responsibility to investigate and, if necessary, prosecute violations of City’s laws. You have been referred to this office for an enforcement action because the City has determined that yo u are maintaining municipal code violations at the real property located at 6 Saddleback Road, Rolling Hills, California 90274, Assessor’s Parcel Number 7569-003-001 (“Subject Property”), in violation of numerous provisions of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code (“RHMC”). Specifically, on February 29, 2024, the City contacted you regarding the substandard condition of your property with visible scattered debris and construction materials. Despite ample time to remove the nuisance conditions from your property, all the violations still remain. These substandard conditions you are maintaining on the Subject Property are in violation of the RHMC. As the current owner, you have a legal obligation to ensure that the Subject Property is maintained in compliance with all applicable laws at all times. Maintaining substandard property conditions in violation of the RHMC may constitute a criminal misdemeanor offense. Each day that the violation persists constitutes a separate misdemeanor offense. Given that the City has had prior contact with you and attempted to help in remedying this issue, our office is compelled to prescribe a compliance deadline. Our office strenuously encourages you to comply with the following compliance deadline to avoid formal enforcement measures. Please be advised that our office may proceed with legal enforcement proceedings against you, including, but not limited to, the filing of a misdemeanor criminal complaint against you in the Los Angeles County Superior Court, unless you comply with the following corrective action: 144 65277.00002\42297613.1 Reiter Family Trust Reiter Family Trust May 15, 2024 Page 2 Best Best & Krieger LLP 1) Within 30 calendar days from the date of this letter, remove the debris and construction materials located in the front exterior of the Subject Property. Thereafter, kindly remember that you have an ongoing responsibility to ensure that these conditions do not recur. It is the policy of the City to obtain voluntary compliance with its laws whenever possible. It is sincerely hoped that you take this opportunity to correct the unlawful conditions. Please be advised that the City reserves its right to invoke all available civil, criminal, and administrative remedies. Please be advised that unless you comply with this notice, we may proceed with the enforcement action without further warning or notice. Please act before the compliance deadline to avoid court proceedings. Please give this matter your immediate attention. Contact Director of Planning and Community Services John Signo or Code Enforcement Officer Noah Roque at (310) 377-1521 if you have any questions regarding the contents of this letter. Sincerely, Clarissa Thurston for BEST BEST & KRIEGER LLP 145   7/11/24 TERRY REITER 6 SADDLEBACK RD ROLLING HILLS, CA 902745072 I hope this letter finds you well. As a valued member of our community, your safety and comfort are important to us. In the spirit of maintaining a healthy and pleasant environment for all residents, we need to address a matter concerning your property. After following numerous inspections, it has come to our attention that there are nuisance conditions on your property is in violation of Section 8.24.010 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code (“RHMC”), which defines a "nuisance" as: "Anything which is injurious to health or safety, or is indecent or offensive to the senses, or an obstruction to the free use of property or injurious to the stability of real property so as to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property, or unlawfully obstructs the free passage or use, in the customary manner, of any street, and affects at the same time an entire community or neighborhood, or any considerable number of persons, although the extent of the annoyance or damage inflicted upon individuals may be unequal." Specifically, the issues identified at your property include the accumulation of debris, miscellaneous material, and waste in front of your garage. These conditions need to be addressed promptly to avoid further action. As per RHMC Section 8.24.040, you are required to abate the identified nuisance within fifteen (15) days from the date of this notice. If you make a good-faith effort towards abatement but cannot fully address the issue within this period, please contact the City Manager to discuss an extension or alternative arrangements. If the conditions described in this Notice are not abated by 7/26/24, or if you have failed to make a good faith effort toward abatement (to the satisfaction of the City Manager) by 7/26/24, a hearing shall be held before the City Council on 8/12/24, at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers located in City Hall: 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274. If the nuisance is not abated, the City may proceed to abate the nuisance as described in RHMC Section 8.24.060. The costs incurred by the City for this abatement will be billed to you, as detailed in RHMC Section 8.24.080. If the amount due is not paid within ten (10) days from the date of the notice, a lien may be placed on your property, as specified in RHMC Section 8.24.070 of the Rolling Hills municipal code. We understand that this may be an inconvenience, but your cooperation in maintaining the community's standards is greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Rolling Hills city hall during acting business hours. Sincerely, Noah Roque | Code Enforcement Officer | Phone:310-377-1521 | 146 Resolution No. 1375   1 RESOLUTION NO. 1375 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DECLARING THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6 SADDLEBACK ROAD TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF (LOT 18-RH) (REITER) The City Council of the City of Rolling Hills does hereby find, resolve and order as follows: Section 1. Recitals. A. It is the duty of every person that owns or is in possession of any property, place or area within the boundaries of the City to maintain the property, place or area free from any nuisance. (Rolling Hills Municipal Code Section 8.24.020.) Section 8.32.060(B) of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code states: “No person shall intentionally throw, deposit, place, leave, maintain or permit to be thrown, deposited, placed, left or maintained or kept, any refuse, rubbish, garbage, or any other discarded or abandoned objects, articles or accumulations, on or upon any roadway, driveway, trail, canyon, storm drain, inlet, catch basin conduit or drainage structure, or upon any private plot of land in the City, so that the same might be or become a pollutant.” (Emphasis added.) Any condition in violation of Chapter 8.32 is a public nuisance. (Rolling Hills Municipal Code Section 8.32.100(A)(1)(a).) B. On or about February 29, 2024, City Staff was alerted to the fact that there is rubbish, debris, and construction material being improperly stored outdoors at certain real property in the City of Rolling Hills commonly known as 6 Saddleback Road (Lot 18- RH) (hereinafter referred to as the “Subject Property”). A visit to the site revealed that the rubbish, debris, and construction material was stored outdoors and visible from a neighboring property and the street. C. On February 29, 2024, City Staff notified the owners of the Subject Property, Mr. and Mrs. Terry and Margaret Reiter (“Property Owners”), that the rubbish, debris, and construction material on the Subject Property was a violation of Rolling Hills Municipal Code Section 8.24.010 and requested that they abate this nuisance condition. Section 8.24.010 reads, “For the purposes of this chapter, a "nuisance" shall be defined as anything which is injurious to health or safety, or is indecent or offensive to the senses, or an obstruction to the free use of property or injurious to the stability of real property so as to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property, or unlawfully obstructs the free passage or use, in the customary manner, of any street, and affects at the same time an entire community or neighborhood, or any considerable number of persons, 147 Resolution No. 1375   2 although the extent of the annoyance or damage inflicted upon individuals may be unequal.” The Owners were given until March 14, 2024, to comply. Despite continued attempts to gain the Property Owners’ compliance, the rubbish, debris, and construction material remain on the Subject Property. D. On March 19, 2024, City Staff sent a second notice to the Owners and indicated that said items must be removed no later than April 2, 2024. This deadline passed and the Property Owners failed to make a good faith effort towards abatement of the nuisance condition on the Subject Property. E. On May 15, 2024, the City Attorney’s office sent a third notice to the Owners and indicated that said items must be removed within 30 calendar days of said notice, or June 14, 2024. This deadline passed and the Property Owners failed to make a good faith effort towards abatement of the nuisance condition on the Subject Property. F. On July 11, 2024, City Staff sent a Notice to Abate to the Property Owners that required the Owners to abate the identified nuisance within 15 days from the date of the Notice, or July 26, 2024. If the conditions in the Notice were not abated, or if the Property Owners failed to make a good faith effort toward abatement to the satisfaction of the City Manager by July 26, 2024, then a hearing would be scheduled before the City Council on August 12, 2024. Section 2. Pursuant to Sections 8.24.040 and 8.24.050 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code, the City Council conducted a hearing on August 12, 2024, to consider any protest of the Property Owner, possessor or other interested person regarding the condition of the Subject Property. Section 3. Upon consideration of the staff report, related documents and the evidence presented at the time of the hearing, the City Council determines that the property at 6 Saddleback Road constitutes a condition that is injurious to the public health, safety and welfare by violating Section 8.32.060(B) of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code such that it is a public nuisance pursuant to Chapter 8.24 and Section 8.21.100(A)(1)(a) of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code. Section 4. In accordance with the foregoing, and because it is the duty of property owners to maintain their properties free of nuisances, the City Council orders that the Property Owners remove all of the rubbish, debris, and construction material being improperly stored outdoors of the Subject Property within 30 days of the date of this Resolution but no later than September 11, 2024. In the event the property owners fail to complete the measures specified above by the specific dates the City will perform the corrective measures at the Property Owners’ expense as authorized in Section 8.24.060 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code. 148 Resolution No. 1375   3 Section 5. If the nuisance is not abated as specified herein, then the City Manager is directed to cause the nuisance to be abated by the City by seeking an Abatement Warrant from the local Superior Court, and also is directed to notify the property owner in writing by certified mail and regular mail of the cost of removal of the nuisance and that payment in full for removal of the nuisance is due to the City within 10 days of the date of mailing of the notice. If the total cost of abating the nuisance is not paid to the City within 10 days after the date of the notice, the City Clerk shall record, in the Office of the County Recorder, a statement of the total balance due to the City, which shall constitute a lien upon the property. Section 6. The City Clerk is hereby directed to send a copy of this resolution by certified and regular mail to the owners of the property located at 6 Saddleback Road. Section 7. This resolution shall take effect immediately on August 12, 2024. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2024. ______________________________ LEAH MIRSCH MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________ CHRISTIAN HORVATH CITY CLERK 149 Resolution No. 1375   4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) §§ CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) The foregoing Resolution No. 1375 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DECLARING THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6 SADDLEBACK ROAD TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF (LOT 18-RH) (REITER) was approved and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 12th day of August 2024, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ___________________________ CHRISTIAN HORVATH CITY CLERK 150 Agenda Item No.: 13.A Mtg. Date: 08/12/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH S&K CONSULTING SERVICES TO PROVIDE AN ENGINEERING DESIGN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A DUAL-FUEL EMERGENCY GENERATOR ON THE CITY HALL CAMPUS AT A NOT-TO-EXCEED FEE OF $54,879 DATE:August 12, 2024 BACKGROUND: A diesel back-up power generator served the City Hall campus for many years, but the unit became inoperable in 2019. In late 2020, the City Council commissioned professional expertise to offer options for providing reliable back-up power to the City Hall campus, including the Rolling Hills Community Association (RHCA) building and operations. Between October 2020 and March 2023, the City Council reviewed options provided by a professional architectural and engineering team working on the City Hall ADA project. In 2021, the architectural and engineering team provided a solar panel and battery back-up solution with estimated installation costs, based on the following requirements, to be approximately $250,000: Current City Hall campus demand based on electric bills for 2020/2021 Supply 24 hours of backup power 16 kWh battery backup 75 kW Solar Photovoltaic (Solar-PV) system The City Council subsequently assigned further exploration to the RHCA. After some time, the RHCA requested that city staff take back ownership of a project, which City staff brought to the City Council. On March 27, 2023, the City Council directed staff to explore the solar/battery back-up power option. With this direction, city staff could approach the project conventionally by preparing an engineering design and advertising for construction bids or considering other alternatives as presented to the former City Manager. On April 24, 2023, at the invitation of the former City Manager, SitelogIQ, an energy solutions company, presented an alternate approach to delivering the solar/battery backup power 151 solution to the City Council. SitelogIQ is a licensed General Contractor delivering energy infrastructure programs for State and local governments. SitelogIQ discussed available funds from the Federal government, including the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) that could offset local government expenditures on energy projects. Such projects involve the installation or modification of improvements to an energy-efficient or renewable energy system. Via the IRA, the Federal government allows the city to obtain a federal tax credit in the form of a direct payment (i.e., rebate) for energy storage (battery), electrical infrastructure, solar, and microgrid controllers. The rebate could be as high as 30% of the project cost, provided the project is completed within a specific timeframe. In the previous four years, City staff had many successes securing grant funds or other fund sources to offset the use of the General Fund for City projects. To move forward and execute a backup power project, the City Council was presented with two options: 1) to set aside a projected budget surplus or 2) use savings from the General Fund Reserves. In the SitelogIQ approach, the City could potentially save on design engineering costs by sole sourcing the project to SitelogIQ, thereby offsetting General Fund expenditures with SitelogIQ assisting the City in utilizing the Federal government's IRA rebate. In May 2023, SitelogIQ provided City staff with a Letter of Agreement (LOA) for consideration. The LOA outlined SitelogIQ's scope of services to develop an energy project that satisfies the city's requirements for a design/engineering cost of $28,500. If the city had ultimately chosen to enter into a contract with SitelogIQ for project implementation within 60 days after receiving a formal presentation of the proposed project, SitelogIQ's design and engineering fee would have been waived. Beyond the aforementioned 60 days, the fee paid would have been credited toward the project's total implementation cost. The California Government Code 4217.10 provides the ability for public agencies to sole source the project delivery to SitelogIQ as long as the requirements of the code section are met. On June 12, 2023, given last year's staff vacancies, the lack of technical expertise on energy projects, the then workload to deliver the CalOES/FEMA Hazard Mitigation Program grants, and the possibility to offset ongoing General Fund expenditures for the backup power project, the City Council accepted staff's recommendation and directed staff to engage the services of SitelogIQ. On June 26, 2023, the City Council approved a Professional Services Agreement with SitelogIQ. SitelogIQ conducted an initial site walk over the summer and fall of 2023 to determine the program's scope and scale. SitelogIQ's project team developed a comprehensive scope of work around resiliency that provides a turn-key design-build solution to the City. They compiled a 20-year program cash flow incorporating ongoing maintenance and operations that was reviewed by the former Interim City Manager and current City Manager / staff. On December 14, 2023, SiteLogiQ presented their findings and proformas to the City Council as two options: Option 1 – Cash deal for the entire scope of work Option 2 (No EV) – Cash deal for a scope of work without EV Charging 152 The City Council provided SiteLogiQ with direction to explore solutions that were more cost effective including the use of natural gas/propane backup solutions versus the proposed battery storage option, and to research other potential grants that could offset capital investment. On March 11, 2024, City staff presented that since December 2023, SiteLogiQ had revisited the program approach, with a focus on the scope and scale of the Solar-PV system and Energy Storage. Per City Council's direction, they performed the following tasks: Kept the Solar-PV system at approximately the same size and in the same location; Removed the EV charging station; Removed the energy storage system; Introduced a dual-fuel energy generator to the solution mix for City Hall only due to RHCA decision to install their own back-up generator; Reviewed utility cost avoidance projections based on the change of scope; Solicited budgetary pricing from vendors and subcontractors for equipment and installation labor; Reviewed the IRA application and recalculated the predicted credit value based on 30- 40% of the eligible cost; Reviewed and qualified Utility and CEC programs (March 5, 2024); Developed summary table for presentation to staff. The City Council requested that SiteLogiQ provide specific schematics and bottom-line costs for both Option B (Photovoltaic Solar System with dual-fuel backup generator) and Option C (dual-fuel backup generator only) at the March 25, 2024 Council meeting. On March 25, 2024, staff presented a follow-up report per direction and provided answers to outstanding questions or concerns. The City Council deferred a decision until SiteLogiQ could present a cost estimate for a Solar / Dual-fuel backup generator serving both City Hall campus buildings. On April 9, SitelogIQ conducted another site visit at both City Hall and the RHCA building. The purpose was to address constructability concerns and introduce additional suppliers / vendors to the potential project. Accompanying SitelogIQ were representatives from a roofing contractor, an electrical contractor, and a vendor representative for the proposed generator system. The review of the electrical system yielded no significant changes to the project approach. The representative for the generator system evaluated alternative locations—near the City Hall building versus near the existing generator shed—and system capacities to meet the load requirements of the entire campus (City Hall and RHCA). The recommendation was to keep the generator at or adjacent to the shed to minimize electrical costs and reduce noise disturbances when in operation. This location will also provide better access for future maintenance. It was also noted that the Gas Company will need to upgrade the meter to handle the increased fuel requirements (Typically, at no additional cost to the project due to an upgraded service change). On April 22, 2024, based on Council feedback, staff recommended that the City Council consider a whole-campus Solar/Dual-Fuel Backup Generator option with a net-implementation budget and one-time capital cost investment of $358,400 (after the receipt of estimated IRA 153 funding). DISCUSSION: At the April 22, 2024 City Council meeting, a motion passed 4/1 approving pursuit of installing Option C, a dual-fuel emergency generator covering the entire City Hall campus including the Rolling Hills Community Association building and directing staff to advertise for construction bids. Staff subsequently determined, with guidance from the City Attorney, that a turn-key design/build scenario would not be allowable under government code. Therefore, the city is required to undertake a two-step process and hire an engineering design firm to prepare the construction documents and scope in preparation for a formal bid. S&K has previously provided outstanding services to the city in preparation for the 2023 HVAC replacement project as well as ongoing support through the construction/installation and final set-up. Staff recommends utilizing their expertise for the dual-fuel emergency generator project. FISCAL IMPACT: At the June 12, 2023 City Council meeting, the FY 23-24 budget was approved, including a capital allocation of $250,000 to the City Hall campus back-up power project. The $54,879 cost for engineering, design, and construction support includes the proposed $49,890 fee and a 10% contingency amount of $4,989. The City has already expended $28,500 as a fee for services provided by SiteLogiQ in pursuit of a Design/Build Solar/Back Generator solution. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: CA_AGR_240812_S&K_DualFuelGenerator_Design_F 154 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR DESIGNING AND ENGINEERING SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 12th day of August, 2024 between the City of Rolling Hills, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY'' and S&K Consulting Services, a California limited liability company, hereinafter referred to as “CONSULTANT.” 1. RECITALS: A. The CITY does not have the personnel able and available to perform the services required under this Agreement. B. The CITY desires to contract the CONSULTANT to provide engineering and design services related to the dual fuel generator project to serve both Rolling Hills City Hall and the Community Association Building. This design and engineering specifications will then be used by the City to solicit construction bids from qualified contractors for the dual fuel generator system. C. CONSULTANT is well qualified by reason of education, skill, and experience to perform such services and warrants to the CITY it has the qualifications, experience, and facilities to perform properly and timely the services under this Agreement D. CONSULTANT is willing to render such services as hereinafter defined. Now, therefore, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions herein contained, CITY hereby engages CONSULTANT and CONSULTANT agrees to perform the services set forth in this AGREEMENT. 2. SCOPE OF WORK CONSULTANT shall furnish all materials and perform all work necessary to complete in a manner satisfactory to CITY the services set forth in the scope of work attached as Exhibit A an incorporated herein. To the extent this Agreement conflicts with Exhibit A, or any other exhibit, this Agreement shall control. 3. COST The CITY agrees to pay CONSULTANT for all the work contemplated by this AGREEMENT an amount not to exceed forty-nine thousand, eight hundred and ninety dollars ($49,890.00) for all services rendered. The hourly rate and cost for specific services is more particularly described in Exhibit A. This fee includes all expenses, consisting of all local travel, attendance at meetings, printing and submission of any 155 documents or reports required by the Scope of Work. Any increase in contract amount or scope shall be approved by expressed written amendment executed by the CITY and CONSULTANT. 4. METHOD OF PAYMENT CONSULTANT shall be reimbursed thirty (30) days of submitting an invoice to City for the SERVICES. CONSULTANT shall submit invoices electronically to the City Manager of the CITY and shall also provide a courtesy copy by U.S. Mail addressed to the City Manager of the CITY. 5. SUBCONTRACTING CONSULTANT may emplo y qualified independent subcontractor(s) to assist CONSULTANT in the performance of SERVICES with CITY’s prior written approval. 6. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK CONSULTANT shall commence work under this AGREEMENT upon execution of this AGREEMENT. 7. PERFORMANCE TO SATISFACTION OF CITY CONSULTANT agrees to perform all work to the reasonable satisfaction of CITY and within the time hereinafter specified. 8. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW All SERVICES rendered hereunder shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of relevant local, State and Federal Law. Further, CONSULTANT shall use the standard of care in its profession to keep itself informed of and comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws. CONSULTANT represents and acknowledges that at its sole cost, CONSULTANT shall obtain and maintain all required licenses, insurance and approvals that are legally required for CONSULTANT to perform the SERVICES. 9. ACCOUNTING RECORDS CONSULTANT must maintain accounting records and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred which records and documents shall be kept available by the CONSULTANT during the contract period and thereafter for five years from the date of final payment. 10. OWNERSHIP OF DATA 156 All data, designs, photographs, reports and other material collected or prepared under the contract shall become the property of the CITY. 11. TERM OF CONTRACT The term of this Agreement shall be from the effective date of this Agreement and terminate after one year of such executions unless extended by mutual written agreement of the parties. City may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause. In such event, Consultant shall be compensated for work satisfactorily accomplished up to the time of termination consistent with the not to exceed amount. 12. TERMINATION This contract may be terminated by the CITY with or without cause upon fourteen (14) days written notice to the CONSULTANT. All work satisfactorily performed pursuant to the contract and prior to the date of termination may be claimed for reimbursement. 13. ASSIGNABILITY CONSULTANT shall not assign or transfer interest in this contract without the prior written consent of the CITY. 14. AMENDMENT It is mutually understood and agreed that no alteration or variation of the terms of this contract, or any subcontract requiring the approval of the CITY, shall be valid unless made in writing, signed by the parties hereto, and approved by all necessary parties. 15. NON-SOLICITATION CLAUSE The CONSULTANT warrants that he or she has not employed or retained any company or persons, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts, or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract. For breach or violation of this warranty, the CITY shall have the right to annul this contract without liability, or, in its discretion to deduct from the contract price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or contingent fee. 16. INDEMNITY CONSULTANT shall indemnify and save harmless CITY, its elected and appointed officers and employees from all claims, damages, suits, cost or actions of every name, kind or description, brought for, or on account of, (i) injuries to or death of any person, (ii) damage to property or (iii) arising from performance of this AGREEMENT in any manner 157 that resulted from the fault or negligence of CONSULTANT, it officers, agents, employees and/or servants in connection with this AGREEMENT. CITY shall indemnify and save harmless CONSULTANT, its officers, agents, employees, and servants from all claims, damages, suits, costs or actions of every name, kind, or description, brought for, or on account of, (i) injuries to or death of any person, (ii) damage to property or (iii) arising from performance of this AGREEMENT in any manner that resulted from the fault or negligence of the CONSULTANT, its officers, agents, employees, and/or servants in connection with this AGREEMENT. If CONSULTANT should subcontract all or any portion of the SERVICES to be performed under this AGREEMENT, CONSULTANT shall require each subcontractor to indemnify, hold harmless and defend CITY and each of its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers in accordance with the term of the preceding paragraph. This section shall survive termination or expiration of this AGREEMENT. 17. INSURANCE A. Without limiting CONSULTANT’S obligations arising under paragraph 16 - Indemnity, CONSULTANT shall not begin work under this AGREEMENT until it obtains policies of insurance required under this section. The insurance shall cover CONSULTANT, its agents, representatives and employees in connection with the performance of work under this AGREEMENT, and shall be maintained throughout the term of this AGREEMENT. Insurance coverage shall be as follows: i. Automobile Liability Insurance covering bodily injury and property damage for all activities of the CONSULTANT arising out of or in connect with the SERVICES to be performed under this Agreement in an amount not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit for each accident. ii. Commercial General Liability Insurance, insuring CITY its elected and appointed officers and employees from claims for damages for personal injury, including death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from CONSULTANT’S actions under this AGREEMENT, whether or not done by CONSULTANT or anyone directly or indirectly employed by CONSULTANT. Such insurance shall have a combined single limit of not less than $100,000,000 per occurrence. iii. Worker’s Compensation Insurance for all CONSULTANT’S employees to the extent required by the State of California. CONSULTANT shall require all subcontractors who are hired by CONSULTANT to perform the SERVICES and who have employees to similarly obtain Worker’s Compensation Insurance for all of the subcontractor’s employees. 158 iv. Professional Liability Insurance for CONSULTANT that at a minimum covers professional misconduct or lack of the requisite skill required for the performances of SERVICES in an amount of not less than $500,000 per occurrence. B. Deductibility Limits for policies required any deductible in excess of $10,000 per occurrence shall be approved by the City. C. Additional Insured. City, its elected and appointed officers and employees shall be named as additional insured on policies referred to in subparagraphs A (i) (ii) and (iv). D. Primary Insurance. The insurance required in paragraphs A (i) and (ii) shall be primary and not excess coverage. E. Evidence of Insurance. Consultant shall furnish CITY, prior to the execution of this AGREEMENT, satisfactory evidence of the insurance required, issued by an insurer authorized to do business in California, and an endorsement to each such policy of insurance evidencing that each carrier is required to give CITY at least 30 days prior written notice of the cancellation of any policy during the effective period of the AGREEMENT. All required insurance policies are subject to approval of the City Attorney. Failure on the part of CONSULTANT to procure or maintain said insurance in full force and effect shall constitute a material breach of this AGREEMENT or procure or renew such insurance, and pay any premiums therefore at CONSULTANT’S expense. 18. ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT In the event that legal action is commenced to enforce or declare the rights created under this AGREEMENT, the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of costs and reasonable attorney’s fees in the amount to be determined by the court. 19. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST No member of the governing body of the CITY and no other officer, employee, or agent of the CITY who exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with the planning and carrying out of the program, shall have any personal financial interest, direct or indirect, in this AGREEMENT; and the CONSULTANT further covenants that in the performance of this AGREEMENT, no person having any such interest shall be employed. 20. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The CONSULTANT is and shall at all times remain as to the CITY a wholly independent contractor. Neither the CITY nor any of its agents shall have control over the conduct of the CONSULTANT or any of the CONSULTANT’s employees or subcontractors, except as herein set forth. The CONSULTANT shall not at any time or in 159 any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are in any manner agents or employees of the CITY. 21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES This AGREEMENT supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties hereto with respect to the employment of CONSULTANT by CITY and contains all the covenants and agreements between the parties with respect such employment in any manner whatsoever. Each party to this AGREEMENT acknowledges that no representations, inducements, promises or agreements, orally or otherwise, have been made by any party, or anyone acting on behalf of any party, which are not embodied herein, and that no other agreement or amendment hereto shall be effective unless executed in writing and signed by both CITY and CONSULTANT. 22. NOTICES. All written notices required by, or related to this AGREEMENT shall be sent by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, postage prepaid and addressed as listed below. Neither party to this AGREEMENT shall refuse to accept such mail; the parties to this AGREEMENT shall promptly inform the other party of any change of address. All notices required by this AGREEMENT are effective on the day of receipt, unless otherwise indicated herein. The mailing address of each party to this AGREEMENT is as follows: CITY: City of Rolling Hills Attn: City Manager No. 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 CONSULTANT: S&K Consulting Associates, LLC. Attn: Sam Simon, PE 385 Van Ness Ave, Suite 270 Torrance, CA 90501 23. GOVERNING LAW This AGREEMENT shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, and all applicable federal statutes and regulations as amended. [Signature Page to Follow] 160 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT on the date and year first above written. CITY OF ROLLING HILLS S&K Consultant CITY MANAGER Managing Principal ______ _____ ________ Karina Bañales Sam Simon DATE:___________ DATE:_____________ ATTEST: ______ _____ CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______ _____ PATRICK DONEGAN, CITY ATTORNEY 161 Exhibit A 162 385 Van Ness Ave, Ste 270, Torrance, CA 90501 t. 310 494 6910 e. 23 July 2024 S&K No. 009-2401 City of Rolling Hills City Manager Office 2 Portuguese Bend Rd Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Attention: Mr. Christian Horvath Tel: (310) 377-1521 Email: Subject: Request for Proposal Rolling Hills City Hall Emergency Power Upgrade Dear Mr. Horvath, S&K Consulting Services, LLC (S&K) is pleased to submit this proposal attached for engineering services relating to the above project. This proposal is valid for sixty (60) days from the above date. Thank you for your consideration for this project. If we can provide any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, S&K Consulting Services, LLC Sam Simon, PE Managing Principal 163 950 Indian Peak Rd, Ste 120, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 o. 310 494 6910 e. 1 01. BACKGROUND A. The City of Rolling Hills City Hall/Community Association Building is currently equipped with one electrical service. There is one generator building on site with an existing ATS. B. The City has tasked S&K Consulting Services to provide a dual fuel generator system on site to support the electrical load of both existing buildings. 02. SCOPE OF WORK A. Provide a dual fuel generator system on site to support the electrical load of both existing buildings. B. The existing on-site generation building will be slightly modified to accommodate an indoor generator with exhaust pipe penetrations. C. Adjacent to the generator building, a concrete pad will be placed to support an above ground propane fuel tank. D. The existing utility natural gas line will be modified and extended to supply the generator. Depending on the generator and existing buildings natural gas fuel consumptions, a new utility metered natural gas line may be required. E. Civil scope of work includes: 1. Provide limited civil and structural engineering design services in support of the electrical scope of work. 2. Anticipated civil and structural design scope include coordinating site power distribution feeders and control conduits, as well as generator and other equipment anchorage. F. Architectural scope of work includes: 1. Provide limited architectural design services in support of the electrical scope of work. 2. Anticipated architectural design includes providing basic building analysis for the Department of Building and Safety submittals, as well as assisting with building backgrounds and other limited tasks such as fire-stopping details. 3. Modification to existing generator building structure previously housing the previous generator is not anticipated, except for penetrations for ventilation and piping. Additions or expansions of structure, or designing a new structure, is not part of scope. PROPOSAL 164 950 Indian Peak Rd, Ste 120, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 o. 310 494 6910 e. 2 G. Mechanical scope of work includes: 1. Provide design for new above ground propane fuel tank and associated gas piping. 2. Anticipated mechanical scope includes coordinating natural gas utility connections to new equipment. H. Electrical scope of work includes: 1. Provide design for new generator system, including design for above ground propane fuel tank, extend utility natural gas line, and load bank (if required). 2. Design is anticipated for (1) new 208Y/120V, 3-phase, 4-wire standby generator sized based on the (1) existing electrical service switchboard. 3. The new generator will be housed within the existing generator building, open type frame, and adjacent to existing main electrical service switchboard. 4. Re-use existing Automatic Transfer Switches (ATS) per City direction. Design of new ATS is not included at this time. 5. Provide design for modifying the existing main service entrance switchboard to interconnect the generator. It is unclear at this moment if the system can be intercepted near the utility incoming points, or if it is more feasible to intercept after the main distribution board and introduce a secondary distribution system. 6. Reconnect site loads to the modified system. Demolish existing generator concrete pad and modify according to new generator layout. I. Deliverables for the project include: 1. Provide construction documents, including drawings and specifications for each deliverable milestone. 2. Submit the construction documents to Los Angeles County for plan check review comments and revise the drawings as needed to obtain approvals for permitting. 3. Provide a ROM cost estimate at 100% design. J. Construction support. 03. CLARIFICATIONS A. S&K will provide plan check support and revisions as required. B. Plan check fees to be paid by the City of Rolling Hills. S&K will respond to plan check comments as needed to obtain agency approval. Pulling permit and fees associated with the plan check and permitting process are not included. C. This proposal assumes existing generator building structure is adequate to house the new generator, including clearances. It’s not possible to confirm before sizing of new generator is complete, and exact dimension are field verified with a test fit. S&K remains committed to the success of this project, and will be available to provide a proposal to the City for additional scope should design of a new generator pad or enlarging the existing structure be 165 950 Indian Peak Rd, Ste 120, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 o. 310 494 6910 e. 3 necessary. D. Project schedule assumes that the utility company will not be heavily involved in the design, or that they will be responsive if involvement is needed. E. Civil and site design is limited. This proposal assumes the site will require minimal grading design and that a relatively flat area will be available for installation of the generator and other equipment. F. Design of low-voltage systems, including telecommunications, audio/visual systems, device controller wiring, and security systems are not included in this proposal. G. Generator permitting (AQMD) will be by the Contractor. S&K will provide generator specifications as a part of the project manual that includes detailed requirements to hold the Contractor responsible for permitting. H. S&K understands that the subject project location is on the Rolling Hills Estates city boundary and additional coordination may be required. 04. ESTIMATED DESIGN SCHEDULE Project Startup +1 week after kickoff meeting Field Investigation +1 weeks after project startup 50% Schematic Design +3 weeks after field investigation 90% Design Development +4 weeks after 50% comments 100% Construction Documents +3 week after 90% comments Total 12 weeks 05. FEE & OTHER COSTS Our lump sum fee is as follows. Please refer to the attached Fee Schedule or further breakdown of each item. Meetings, Site Investigation, Etc.$3,810.00 Engineering & Design $39,280.00 Construction Administration Support $6,800.00 Total $49,890.00 Additional scope of work or field time required in excess of that outlined above shall be in addition to the above fee and shall be reimbursed at the rates indicated in the current contract rate. 166 950 Indian Peak Rd, Ste 120, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 o. 310 494 6910 e. 4 06. TERMS This proposal is valid for sixty (60) days. Terms of payment will be thirty (30) days net after submittal of monthly invoices. 167 950 Indian Peak Rd, Ste 120, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 o. 310 494 6910 e. 5 DESCRIPTION PROFESSIONAL HOURLY RATE ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS AMOUNT CAD OPER. HOURLY RATE ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS AMOUNT PROJECT MANAGER $190.00 1 $190.00 ARCHITECTURAL $180.00 4 $720.00 $140.00 1 $140.00 STRUCTURAL $180.00 $140.00 CIVIL $180.00 4 $720.00 $140.00 1 $140.00 MECHANICAL $180.00 3 $540.00 $140.00 ELECTRICAL $180.00 6 $1,080.00 $140.00 2 $280.00 SUBTOTALS 18 $3,250.00 4 $560.00 $3,810.00 DESCRIPTION PROFESSIONAL HOURLY RATE ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS AMOUNT CAD OPER. HOURLY RATE ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS AMOUNT PROJECT MANAGER $190.00 16 $3,040.00 ARCHITECTURAL $180.00 8 $1,440.00 $140.00 16 $2,240.00 STRUCTURAL $180.00 8 $1,440.00 $140.00 8 $1,120.00 CIVIL $180.00 8 $1,440.00 $140.00 16 $2,240.00 MECHANICAL $180.00 16 $2,880.00 $140.00 28 $3,920.00 ELECTRICAL $180.00 40 $7,200.00 $140.00 32 $4,480.00 SPECS WRITER/COST ESTIMATOR $180.00 20 $3,600.00 $140.00 16 $2,240.00 PLAN CHECK $180.00 8 $1,440.00 $140.00 4 $560.00 SUB TOTALS 124 $22,480.00 120 $16,800.00 $39,280.00 DESCRIPTION PROFESSIONAL HOURLY RATE ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS AMOUNT CAD OPER. HOURLY RATE ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS AMOUNT SITE VISIT $180.00 2 $360.00 VIRTUAL CONSTRUCTION MEETINGS $180.00 6 $1,080.00 $140.00 CHECK SHOP DRAWINGS $180.00 8 $1,440.00 $140.00 2 $280.00 RFI/FIELD QUESTIONS $180.00 12 $2,160.00 $140.00 4 $560.00 RECORD DRAWINGS $180.00 2 $360.00 $140.00 4 $560.00 SUB TOTALS 30 $5,400.00 10 $1,400.00 $6,800.00 $49,890.00 ITEM A - MEETINGS, SITE INVESTIGATION, ETC. ITEM B - ENGINEERING & DESIGN TOTAL A/E FEE (A+B+C) TOTAL DESIGN DEVELOPMENTAL PHASE - ITEM A TOTAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT PHASE - ITEM B ITEM C - CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT PHASE - ITEM C FEE SCHEDULE 168 950 Indian Peak Rd, Ste 120, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 o. 310 494 6910 e. 6 DESCRIPTION PROFESSIONALHOURLY RATE ESTIMATEDMAN-HOURS AMOUNT CAD OPER.HOURLY RATE ESTIMATEDMAN-HOURS AMOUNTPROJECT MANAGER $190.00 1 $190.00 ARCHITECTURAL $180.00 4 $720.00 $140.00 1 $140.00STRUCTURAL$180.00 $140.00CIVIL$180.00 4 $720.00 $140.00 1 $140.00MECHANICAL$180.00 3 $540.00 $140.00ELECTRICAL$180.00 6 $1,080.00 $140.00 2 $280.00SUBTOTALS18$3,250.00 4 $560.00$3,810.00DESCRIPTIONPROFESSIONALHOURLY RATE ESTIMATEDMAN-HOURS AMOUNT CAD OPER.HOURLY RATE ESTIMATEDMAN-HOURS AMOUNTPROJECT MANAGER $190.00 16 $3,040.00 ARCHITECTURAL $180.00 8 $1,440.00 $140.00 16 $2,240.00STRUCTURAL$180.00 8 $1,440.00 $140.00 8 $1,120.00 CIVIL $180.00 8 $1,440.00 $140.00 16 $2,240.00 MECHANICAL $180.00 16 $2,880.00 $140.00 28 $3,920.00 ELECTRICAL $180.00 40 $7,200.00 $140.00 32 $4,480.00 SPECS WRITER/COST ESTIMATOR $180.00 20 $3,600.00 $140.00 16 $2,240.00 PLAN CHECK $180.00 8 $1,440.00 $140.00 4 $560.00 SUB TOTALS 124 $22,480.00 120 $16,800.00 $39,280.00 DESCRIPTION PROFESSIONAL HOURLY RATE ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS AMOUNT CAD OPER. HOURLY RATE ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS AMOUNT SITE VISIT $180.00 2 $360.00 VIRTUAL CONSTRUCTION MEETINGS $180.00 6 $1,080.00 $140.00 CHECK SHOP DRAWINGS $180.00 8 $1,440.00 $140.00 2 $280.00 RFI/FIELD QUESTIONS $180.00 12 $2,160.00 $140.00 4 $560.00 RECORD DRAWINGS $180.00 2 $360.00 $140.00 4 $560.00 SUB TOTALS 30 $5,400.00 10 $1,400.00 $6,800.00 $49,890.00 ITEM A - MEETINGS, SITE INVESTIGATION, ETC.ITEM B - ENGINEERING & DESIGN TOTAL A/E FEE (A+B+C) TOTAL DESIGN DEVELOPMENTAL PHASE - ITEM A TOTAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT PHASE - ITEM B ITEM C - CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT PHASE - ITEM C 169 S&K CONSULTING SERVICES 950 Indian Peak Rd., Ste 120, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 o. 310 494 6910 e. 12 ATTACHMENT 01 ELECTRICAL SUB-CONSULTANT JC CHang & assoCiatEs CoMPany PRoFilE anD tE aM E XPERiEnCE 170 CCOOMMPPAANNYY PPRROOFFIILLEE 385 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 208, Torrance, California 90501 | Ph: (310) 212-7644 | Fx: (310) 212-5272 J.C. Chang & Associates, Inc. (JCCA) was organized on July 17, 1985 in the State of California. JCCA is a multi-discipline, full-service architectural, engineering and planning company with a professional staff of 35 employees. The firm, located at 385 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 208, Torrance, CA 90501, is a certified Small Business (SB) with the State of California Department of General Services (Certification Identification No. 1752789). JCCA has design capability in the architectural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, civil, and structural engineering fields. We have significant experience in a wide variety of projects for governmental and commercial clients. Our services include new construction as well as renovation, repair, and rehabilitation of existing facilities. The staff of JCCA consists of registered architects, licensed professional engineers, CAD and Revit drafters, and other highly trained personnel. The majority of the staff has been with JCCA for a long time and our employee turnover is very low. Approximately 50% of the total staff and 70% of the senior staff have been with the firm in excess of 10 years. We are proud of this proven track record of employee satisfaction and team stability, which is well beyond the typical industry averages for staff retention and stability in the Architectural and Engineering fields. The scope of our services consists of all such services as are customarily rendered when providing professional design services and design review services, including field investigations, preparation of engineering studies, design, working drawings, specifications, cost estimates, shop drawing review, construction observation, supervision, and record drawings. Our clients include governmental agencies (Department of Veterans Affairs – federal, California Department of General Services – state, and Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department – county), as well as municipal agencies (City of Torrance, City of Los Angeles, City of Anaheim), educational organizations (UCLA, LAUSD, CSUN), medical facilities (Little Company of Mary Hospital, Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center, various Veteran’s Affairs facilities), commercial businesses (Philadelphia Gear Corporation, Xerox), aerospace (Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon) and correctional institutions (Federal Bureau of Prisons, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation). JCCA has completed many successful projects that have required interface with, and approval from, various jurisdictional agencies such as the State Fire Marshal and the Division of the State Architect as well as local City Building Departments. During the past 37 years, JCCA has received several commendations from its clients for strong technical capabilities and outstanding services in architectural and engineering design. We have many years of experience in the design of HVAC, lighting, building controls, hospitals, labs, office buildings, space planning and office/lab relocations. GGeenneerraall EExxppeerriieennccee:: With in-house architectural, mechanical, electrical, civil and structural departments, J.C. Chang & Associates, Inc., has performed multi-discipline full design services on many repair and renovation projects for schools, medical facilities, military bases, government agencies, in addition to state and federal prison institutions throughout the United States. The following is a list of expertise in the various disciplines: 171 CCOOMMPPAANNYY PPRROOFFIILLEE 385 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 208, Torrance, California 90501 | Ph: (310) 212-7644 | Fx: (310) 212-5272 11..AArrcchhiitteeccttuurraall PPrroojjeeccttss:: Design of New or Extensive Renovation of Existing Buildings Interior and Exterior Finishes Space Planning Historical Preservation Archaeological Surveys Fire and Safety Deficiency Corrections Landscape Architecture 22..CCiivviill PPrroojjeeccttss:: Industrial & Sanitary Wastewater Collection Sewer & Storm Water Systems Site Development Utilities Roads/Parking Lots Topographic Survey 33..SSttrruuccttuurraall PPrroojjeeccttss:: Seismic Upgrade Structural Assessment and Repairs Structures and Foundations 44..MMeecchhaanniiccaall PPrroojjeeccttss:: Total Renovation of HVAC System Plumbing Systems Thermal Energy Storage Plant Central Chiller Plant Energy Conservation Fire Protection Process Piping Systems 55..EElleeccttrriiccaall PPrroojjeeccttss:: Exterior/Interior Lighting Underground Distribution Security Systems Power Distribution Fire Alarm and Smoke Detection Systems Emergency Generators UPS Systems 66..EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall PPrroojjeeccttss:: Geotechnical Asbestos Lead Based Paint PCB 172 SSeevvaagg AAvvaanneessssiiaann,, PPEE EElleeccttrriiccaall EEnnggiinneeeerr 385 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 208, Torrance, California 90501 | Ph: (310) 212-7644 | Fx: (310) 212-5272 Mr. Avanessian is experienced in various engineering projects including the design of power systems, lighting systems, low-voltage systems, and fire alarm systems for new construction and tenant improvement projects for clients in education, institutional and commercial sectors. YYEEAARRSS WWIITTHH JJCCCCAA:: 14 Years YYEEAARRSS OOFF EEXXPPEERRIIEENNCCEE:: 17 Years EEDDUUCCAATTIIOONN:: Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering, University of California, Irvine LLIICCEENNSSEESS:: California Electrical PE License No. E22793 PPRROOJJEECCTT EEXXPPEERRIIEENNCCEE:: HVAC Repair, DMV Pomona and DMV Pasadena, Department of General Services (DGS) Construction Documents, Replacement of J1 & J2 HVAC Units, FCI Dublin, Federal Bureau of Prisons Western Region Repair HVAC Systems, Building 13675, Vandenberg Air Force Base Low Voltage Infrastructure, Department of Mental Health, Torrance, County of Los Angeles Internal Services Department (LAISD) Roof and HVAC Replacement, Malibu Admin Center, LAISD HVAC Improvements, Admin & Recreation Buildings, Cottages A-F, Dorothy Kirby Center, LAISD Dorm Renovations and Electrical Panelboards Replacement, Glenn Rockey Camp School, LAISD Fire Hydrant Flow Test, Olive View Medical Center, County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works (LADPW) HVAC and Power Issues, Building M1, Xerox Corporation Design Critical Power System, VA Loma Linda Healthcare System, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) CHS Parking “E” Clinical Research Biomarker Seismic Renovation, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) New Data Room, 6th Floor, Semel Tower, UCLA DSH-Atascadero TSD Generator & Chiller Slab, Department of State Hospitals (DSH) Fire Alarm Upgrade, Eagle Rock High School, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Mechanical and Electrical, South Building, Local District 2, LAUSD 173 Agenda Item No.: 14.A Mtg. Date: 08/12/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN A LETTER IN OPPOSITION TO SENATE BILL 610 (WIENER), FIRE PREVENTION AND LOCAL DISCRETIONAL REVIEW. DATE:August 12, 2024 BACKGROUND: Senate Bill 610 (SB 610) – Fire Prevention and Local Discretionary Review is a component of California legislation introduced by Senator Scott Wiener. This bill is part of a broader effort to address California's ongoing housing crisis by streamlining the process for approving housing developments, particularly in areas where local governments may be prone to delay or deny projects due to concerns like fire safety (Attachment E). This staff report will provide information about SB 610 from those supporting and opposing the bill. Furthermore, Staff seeks direction from the City Council to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter opposing SB 610 (Attachment A). Additionally, Staff requests authorization to work with the Mayor to update the letter as needed if significant amendments to SB 610 are made. DISCUSSION: SB 610 is currently before the Assembly Appropriations Committee and was scheduled to be heard on August 7. At the time of preparing this staff report, no new information on its status was provided. Staff will share updates on its current status this evening. For purposes of this evening's discussion, staff is presenting information on SB 610 from those in support and opposition to the bill. In Opposition: Concerns about Senate Bill 610 center on the limitation of local government authority to deny housing projects based on fire safety risks. Critics worry that the bill could lead to housing 174 developments in fire-prone areas, without adequate consideration of local hazards, potentially increasing the danger to residents. Additionally, the shift of control from the local to the state level is seen as potentially undermining local expertise and the ability to address unique community needs (Attachment B). The Center for Biological Diversity has sought support from agencies to write letters; such as the City of Santa Rosa (Attachment D) opposing SB 610 and has written a letter opposing the legislation themselves (enclosed with Attachment A). The coalition's letter expresses strong opposition to SB 610, arguing it will increase Californians' vulnerability to wildfires by reshaping fire and housing policies. It abolishes the Fire Hazard Severity Zone maps, which are crucial for guiding fire mitigation and land-use planning. Also, it centralizes decision- making related to fire hazard designations in the hands of the State Fire Marshal. This removes local control, and SB 610 aims to increase development in fire-prone areas, which dismisses existing safety regulations, to name a few. In Support: SB 610 seeks to ensure a consistent application of wildfire mitigations for new development in areas at risk from wildfires. More specifically, the bill realigns various existing mitigations under the State Fire Marshal (SFM) and requires the SFM to use a science-based and public process to map the area where these mitigations would be required to ensure a resilient California (Attachment B). Supporters of SB 610 include the California Building Industry, California Municipal Utilities Association, Housing Action Coalition, and Yimby Action. CONCLUSION: Based on the information provided and tonight's discussion, Staff is seeking direction from the City Council to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter opposing SB 610 (Attachment A). Additionally, staff requests authorization to work with the Mayor to update the letter as needed if significant amendments to SB 610 are made. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor to sign a letter opposing Senate Bill 610 (Wiener), Fire Prevention, and Local Discretional Review, and if significant amendments are made to the Bill, authorize staff to work with the mayor to update the letter. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A - DRAFT SB 610 Letter of Opposition.pdf ATTACHMENT B - SB 610 Coalition Opposition Fact Sheet.pdf ATTACHMENT C - SB 610 Wiener Fact Sheet 6.14 2024.pdf ATTACHMENT D - SB 610 Letter of Opposition_City of Santa Rosa.pdf Attachment E - California Legislature SB 610-Amended.pdf 175 DRAFT LETTER August 12, 2024 The Honorable Scott Wiener 1021 O. Street, Suite 8620 Sacramento, CA 95814 Subject: Oppose Senate Bill 610 - Fire Prevention and Local Discretionary Review Dear Senator Wiener, Our state is burning. We are at risk. It is unconscionable and unnecessary to rush through major changes in fire policy — as SB 610 does — with a “gut and amend” bill. Why is there such urgency to eliminate the trusted FHSZ maps? There are many unanswered questions about the intentions and consequences of “Wildfire Mitigation Areas.” As the coalition letter from the Center for Biological Diversity urges, the state should “table this bill until next year and instead engage with stakeholders on improving the state’s fire and housing policies.” Sincerely, Leah Mirsch Mayor Encl. Coalition letter from the Center for Biological Diversity cc: Governor Gavin Newsom Ben Allen, Senator, 26th State Senate District Al Muratsuchi, Assembly Member, 66th Assembly District 176 177 July 25, 2024 Page 2 July 25, 2024 The Honorable Gavin Newsom Governor, State of California 1021 O Street, Suite 9000 Sacramento, CA 95814 The Honorable Anna Caballero Chair, Senate Appropriations Committee 1021 O Street, Suite 7620 Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 The Honorable Mike McGuire Senate President pro Tempore 1021 O Street, Suite 8518 Sacramento, CA 95814 The Honorable Robert Rivas Speaker of the Assembly P.O. Box 942849-0029 Sacramento, CA 95814 The Honorable Buffy Wicks Chair, Assembly Appropriations Committee 1021 O Street, Suite 8220 Sacramento, CA 95814 Re: SB-610 Fire prevention: wildfire mitigation area: defensible space: State Fire Marshal – OPPOSE Dear Governor Newsom, Chair Caballero, President pro Tempore McGuire, Speaker Rivas, and Chair Wicks, On behalf of thousands of our members and supporters in California, the undersigned organizations are writing to express our deep concern with Senate Bill 610 (Wiener) which will fundamentally reshape California fire and housing policy and make Californians more vulnerable to wildfire. The bill would completely abolish the Fire Hazard Severity Zone maps that guide mitigation strategies and land use planning for development in fire-risk areas. The bill would also centralize all decision making in the hands of just one person: the State Fire Marshal. SB 610’s stated intent is to increase development in high-risk areas, and—quite shockingly—do so without existing regulations designed to protect communities. The bill’s fact sheet inappropriately dismisses such regulations as “costly building standards, 178 July 25, 2024 Page 3 increased disaster planning and mitigation requirements.”1 This proposal is directly at odds with the recommendations of the Governor’s Strike Force, which urged the state to “begin to deprioritize new development in areas of the most extreme fire risk. In turn, more urban and lower-risk regions in the state must prioritize increasing infill development and overall housing production.”2 We were therefore shocked and surprised to see this bill—which was introduced near the end of the legislative process via a “gut-and-amend” tactic—backed by the Governor’s Office. SB 610 perpetuates the false narrative that new large -scale development in fire risk areas is safe. While mitigation such as home hardening and defensible space can make homes in fire zones less risky, such measures only reduce the risk of burning. For instance, an analysis conducted in the aftermath of the Camp Fire showed that only 44 percent of homes built to current Chapter 7A building codes survived, meaning 56 percent were destroyed (and only 11.5 percent of older homes built before 1997 survived).3 Evacuation routes are also already stressed past the breaking point.4 The “build first, ask questions later” approach of the past is causing extreme personal and economic hardship on Californians, and this bill would make these existing problems far worse. New development in high-risk areas supported by SB 610 will increase ignition risk, as we already know that 95 to 97 percent of contemporary wildfires in California are caused by human sources.5 The legislative analysis for SB 610 in the Assembly Natural Resources Committee similarly notes: “Residential developments in the WUI and other wildfire prone areas can significantly increase the risks of wildfires and the risk to public safety.” New development supported by SB 610 will not help solve the affordable housing crisis, but it will make Californians less safe. Since 2016 more than 200 people in California have been killed in wildfires, more than 50,000 structures have been burned down, hundreds of thousands have had to evacuate their homes and endure power outages, and millions have been exposed to unhealthy levels of smoke and air pollution.6 New development in high-risk areas will obstruct existing communities’ evacuation routes and lead to more disruption of natural fire regimes, degradation of 1 Senator Scott Wiener, Senate Bill 610 Fact Sheet (June 14, 2024). Available at -LwLGi_jF/view. 2 A Report of Governor Newsom’s Strike Force, Wildfires and Climate Change: California’s Energy Future (April 12, 2019). Available at content/uploads/2019/04/Wildfires-and-Climate-Change-California%E2%80%99s-Energy-Future.pdf 3 Knapp, Eric E., et al. “Housing arrangement and vegetation factors associated with single-family home survival in the 2018 Camp Fire, California.” Fire Ecology 17 (2021). Available at 4 Megan Diskin and Evan Wylodge, “Here's why so many California wildfire evacuations turn into deadly traffic jams,” Desert Sun (April 25, 2019). Available at wildfire-evacuation-routes-traffic-jams/3238313002/ 5 Balch, Jennifer K., et al. "Human-started wildfires expand the fire niche across the United States." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114.11 (2017). Available at 6 Reid-Wainscoat et al. The True Cost of Sprawl: Bad Planning Harms People, Wildlife, and the Climate (March 2024). Available at -True-Cost-of-Sprawl-report.pdf 179 July 25, 2024 Page 4 California’s ecosystems and wildlife as well as increased medical emergencies and premature death of vulnerable community members.7 SB 610 will do nothing to address the availability or affordability of insurance. As The California Department of Insurance’s Climate Insurance Working Group observes: “Land use decisions in the past are one of the causes of insurability problems today . . .housing that burns down [] is not an affordable or equitable option . . . .”8 Nonetheless, the fact sheet for SB 610 incorrectly suggests that changing the names of very high fire hazard severity zones to the more benign sounding “wildfire mitigation areas” will somehow help reduce insurance rates. The best way to decrease insurance rates is to actually reduce risk by supporting home hardening programs for existing communities and limiting new development in high-risk areas. Cities and counties play a critical role in reducing wildfire risk, and existing law allows them to designate areas as fire zones (so long as the hazard designation equals or exceeds the state hazard rating) and implement wildfire mitigation regulations based on scientific information and on-the-ground conditions. SB 610 would remove this long- standing authority and fully centralize such designations and decision making in the hands of the State Fire Marshal, an unelected official. SB 610 would undermine local accountability and government transparency, and increase the likelihood of political interference in state and local wildfire policy. Cities and counties can and should continue to plan for new development in safer areas. As Los Angeles County has shown, regional housing needs allocation goals can all be met by directing new development outside of fire zones. California does not need to keep building in high-risk areas to provide safe housing for all. SB 610 was introduced last month via a “gut-and-amend” tactic such that there is insufficient time for stakeholders and elected officials to fully review this bill or propose amendments. We urge you to table this bill until next year and instead engage with stakeholders on improving the state’s fire and housing policies. Sincerely, J.P. Rose Policy Director, Urban Wildlands Center for Biological Diversity 7 Delfino, Ralph J., et al. "The relationship of respiratory and cardiovascular hospital admissions to the southern California wildfires of 2003." Occupational and environmental medicine 66.3 (2009). Available at Connolly, Rachel, et al. "Mortality attributable to PM2.5 from wildland fires in California from 2008 to 2018." Science Advances 10.23 (2024). Available at: 8 California Department of Insurance, Climate Working Group, “Protecting Communities, Preserving Nature, and Building Resiliency,” available at 180 July 25, 2024 Page 5 Daniel Chandler Steering Committee Member 350 Humboldt Linda Rames President Almonte District Improvement Club Dr. Michael D. Bicay President AltadenaWILD, Inc. Jeanne McConnell Co-Founder Angelenos for Trees David Gadd President Argyle Civic Assocition John Howell Chief Executive Officer Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy Laura Velkei President Arts District Community Council LA George Naugles Head Consultant Balance2thrive Robert Jan van de Hoek Environmental Scientist Ballona Institute Missy Kelly President Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association Bahareh Rezvani Treasurer Bel Air Skycrest Property Owners Association 181 July 25, 2024 Page 6 Wendy-Sue Rosen Co-founder Brentwood Alliance of Canyons & Hillsides Sheila Simmons Board Member Brentwood Community Council Mike Griffiths Founder California Cities for Local Control Nick Jensen Conservation Program Director California Native Plant Society Justin Daniel Chapter President California Native Plant Society - San Diego Chapter Jennifer Brent Executive Director California Wildlife Center Janet Cobb Executive Officer California Wildlife Foundation Tom Freeman President Canyon Back Alliance Susan Kirsch President Catalysts for Local Control Amy Kalish Director Citizen Marin Tony Tucci Founder/Co-Director Citizens for Los Angeles Wildlife 182 July 25, 2024 Page 7 Susan Candell City Councilmember City of Lafayette Suzanne Hume Educational Director & Founder Janet Cox CEO Climate Action California Cherry Robinson Coalitions Chair Climate Reality Project of San Diego Kathy Schaeffer Legislative Coordinator Climate Reality Project, San Fernando Valley Barbara Broide Co-president Coalition for a Beautiful Los Angeles Rue Furch Co-Chair Coalition for a Better Sonoma County Alan Levine Director Coast Action Group Kristen Northrop Policy Advocate Coastal Environmental Rights Foundation Dee Fromm Managing Director Coastal Lands Action Network Cea Higgins Board Member Coastwalk 183 July 25, 2024 Page 8 Marcia Hanscom Community Organizer Defend Ballona Wetlands Isabelle Duvivier Principal Duviviver Architects Todd Weber Volunteer, Chapter Co-Leader Elders Climate Action, Northern California Chapter Richard Burke Founder, Chapter Leader Elders Climate Action (ECA) Southern California (SoCal) Chapter Dan Silver Executive Director Endangered Habitats League Pamela Heatherington Board of Directors Environmental Center of San Diego Karla Ibarra Executive Director Fallbrook Land Conservancy Larry Hanson Board President Forest Unlimited Scott Culbertson Executive Director Friends of Ballona Wetlands Gerry Hans President Friends of Griffith Park Jeanne Jackson Secretary/Treasurer Friends of Gualala River 184 July 25, 2024 Page 9 Michael Wellborn President Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Parks Sandra Farrell President Friends of Hedionda Creek Ricci Wheatley Secretary Friends of North Sonoma Karin Zirk Executive Director Friends of Rose Creek Don Andres President Friends of Runyon Canyon Foundation Dorothy Duffy Price Secretary Hills 2000 - Friends of the Hills Claire Schlotterbeck Executive Director Hills For Everyone Charley Mims President Hillside Federation Sabine Jaccaud Director Hollywoodland Homeowners Association Charles Miller Founder LA Native Kim Lamorie President Las Virgenes Homeowners Federation Inc., of the Santa Monica Mountains 185 July 25, 2024 Page 10 Travis Longcore President Los Angeles Audubon Society Charles Miller Chair Los Angeles Climate Reality Project Carla Mena Director of Policy & Legislative Affairs Los Padres ForestWatch Gregg Dieguez Vice Chair Midcoast Community Council Norman Gilroy Managing Director Mobilize Sonoma Eve Kahn Co-President Napa Vision 2050 Beth Pratt California Regional Executive Director National Wildlife Federation Nancy Richardson Communication Director Neighborhood Coalition of Sonoma County Susan Harvey President North County Watch William Krawetz Director NOW (Neighbors of West County) David Keller Founder Petaluma River Council 186 July 25, 2024 Page 11 Padi Selwyn Co-chair Preserve Rural Sonoma County Deirdre Hockett Member Protect San Antonio Valley Don McEnhill Executive Director Russian Riverkeeper James Peugh Conservation Chair San Diego Audubon Society NeySa Ely Chief Executive Officer San Pasqual Valley Preservation Alliance Lynne Plambeck President Santa Clarita Organization for Planning and the Environment Pauline Seales Organizer Santa Cruz Climate Action Network Wendi Gladstone President of the Board Santa Susana Mountain Park Association Laurie Claudon Secretary Save Napa Valley Foundation Mark Levin Board President Save Our Canyons Craig Harrison President Save Our Sonoma Roads 187 July 25, 2024 Page 12 Dr.Laura Morgan Founder Save the Sonoma Coast Ara Marderosian Board Secretary Sequoia ForestKeeper Grace Marvin Conservation Chair Sierra Club - Blue Oak Group Peter Andersen Former Chair Sierra Club - San Diego Erin Woolley Acting Deputy Director Sierra Club California Matthew Callaway Political Director Sonoma County Conservation Action Tracy Salcedo Acting Chair Sonoma Mountain Preservation Shelley Arrowsmith Board of Directors Sonoma Valley Next 100 Marylee Guinon President State Alliance for Firesafe Road Regulations Marilyn Price Co-Chair Sustainable Mill Valley Magi Amma Chair The Climate Alliance of Santa Cruz County 188 July 25, 2024 Page 13 Ann Van Leer Executive Director The Escondido Creek Conservancy Catherine Rich Executive Officer The Urban Wildlands Group Casey Maddren President United Neighborhoods for Los Angeles John Binder President Upper Mandeville Canyon Association Joan Cashel Member of Leadership Team Upper Nichols Canyon Neighborhood Association William Leikam President & Co-founder Urban Wildlife Research Project Kathy Pons President Valley of the Moon Alliance Laura Chariton President Watershed Alliance of Marin Frank Toriello President We Advocate Thorough Environmental Review Cara Robin President West LA Democratic Club Janus Matthes Board of Directors Wine Water Watch 189 SB 610 Fact Sheet; July 17, 2024 SB 610 is at odds with the Governor’s Strike Force recommendations, which caution against further development in high-risk areas SB 610 is designed to promote more development in areas currently designated as fire risk areas without “costly building standards, increased disaster planning and mitigation requirements.” This conflicts with the Governor’s Strike Force’s recommendations, which urge the state to “begin to deprioritize new development in areas of the most extreme fire risk. In turn, more urban and lower-risk regions in the state must prioritize increasing infill development and overall housing production.” Many wildfire zones are also natural lands or wildlife habitat, and this bill would pave the way for more development in those areas, undermining the state’s goal to conserve at least 30 percent of California’s land and coastal waters by 2030 to combat the climate and biodiversity crises. SB 610 would intensify the state’s insurance crisis SB 610’s official fact sheet laments “the public perception that FHSZ classifications influence insurance availability and pricing . . .” and cites “increasing home insurance premiums” as a reason for the bill. While the fact sheet is correct that insurance availability is decreasing while premiums increase, SB 610 would make these existing challenges far worse. The insurance industry uses their own risk assessments to decide whether to insure a given area and at what rates. Insurers are not leaving the state or increasing rates because of the labels state or local officials placed on high-risk areas, but because these are in fact high-risk areas threatened or burned by wildfires. Building in high-risk areas is a driver of the problem, and building more in these areas will only make the problem worse, regardless of whether these areas are called “fire hazard zones” or “wildfire mitigation areas.” As a report from the California Department of Insurance’s Climate Insurance Working Group states: “Land use decisions in the past are one of the causes of insurability problems today. Where and how Californians build and rebuild has consequences for the severity of losses, the degree of economic and physical resilience, and the insurability of properties, both now and in the long term. Housing in risky areas can sometimes be less expensive; but housing that burns down or repeatedly floods is not an affordable or equitablel option because it leaves vulnerable people exposed to danger and the destruction of their homes and possessions.” The report warns that when state and local governments fail to consider the full costs of development, “additional costs may be borne by state or federal taxpayers when disaster strikes, thus potentially creating a perverse incentive to approve development that is ill-advised.” SB 610 misleads the public with the false premise that development in high fire hazard zones can be rendered safe Mitigation can make development in fire zones less risky, but not safe. Home hardening and defensible space are essential for already existing structures, but such measures only reduce the chance of burning. In the Thomas Fire of 2017 in Ventura, the great majority of structures damaged or destroyed had fire-resistant roof construction and fire-resistant exterior siding. In addition, an analysis conducted in the aftermath of the Camp Fire showed that only 44 percent of homes built to current Chapter 7A building codes survived, meaning 56 percent were destroyed (and only 11.5 percent of older homes built before 1997 survived). And evacuation routes are already stressed past the breaking point. As Los Angeles County has shown, regional housing needs allocation goals can all be met by directing new development outside of fire zones. Largescale development in areas currently designated as very high fire hazard severity zones could result in a host of unintended yet foreseeable consequences such as increasing ignition risk, obstructing existing communities’ evacuation routes, disrupting natural fire regimes, harming California’s ecosystems and wildlife, impairing air quality, increasing medical emergencies and premature death of vulnerable community members, harming firefighters, and increasing firefighting costs. As outlined in a Center for Biological 190 SB 610 Fact Sheet; July 17, 2024 Diversity report, 95 to 97 percent of contemporary wildfires in California are caused by human sources, and since 2016 more than 200 people in California have been killed in wildfires, more than 50,000 structures have been burned down, hundreds of thousands have had to evacuate their homes and endure power outages, and millions have been exposed to unhealthy levels of smoke and air pollution. Wildfires in 2018 cost Californians an estimated $148.5 billion in capital losses, health costs related to air pollution exposure, and indirect losses due to broader economic disruption. The legislative analysis in Assembly Natural Resources Committee similarly notes: “Residential developments in the WUI and other wildfire prone areas can significantly increase the risks of wildfires and the risk to public safety.” SB 610 will make these existing problems worse by making it easier to build in high- risk areas. As climate change intensifies, wildfire will become an increasing hazard. It is no wonder that the Attorney General’s office intervened in multiple cases challenging local decisions that allowed development in fire-prone areas. SB 610 mischaracterizes the current role of fire risk in the siting of development SB 610’s fact sheet asserts that fire zones are “weaponized locally as an anti-housing/development tool” and that current fire maps “impact housing development” even though “the maps were never intended to be used as a deterrent or a moratorium on fire safe housing.” This is inaccurate. There are existing state laws allowing for “streamlining” of development in some instances if a project is not in a fire zone, and that prohibit streamlining if the project is in a fire zone. Last year’s AB 1633 (Ting) gave developers more leverage to challenge a city’s denial of a project, but the law did not apply to projects that were in high or very high fire hazard severity zones. Similarly, the CEQA streamlining provisions in SB 423 (Wiener) do not apply in very high fire hazard severity zones or state responsibility areas unless the project complies with various fire mitigation standards and regulations. State policy includes heightened requirements and approval processes for development in fire zones because it is inherently risky. SB 610 strips city and county authority to designate fire zones within their own jurisdictions despite their critical role in wildfire risk reduction Existing law allows both cities and counties to designate areas as fire zones (known as “local responsibility areas”) as well as the state (through moderate, high, and very high “fire hazard severity zones”). SB 610 would prevent cities and counties from designating fire zones based on scientific information and instead fully centralize such designations and decision-making in the hands of the State Fire Marshal, a single unelected official. In their letter citing concerns with SB 610, the California League of Cities writes, “Local agencies – cities, counties, and special districts – will continue to manage fire suppress[ion] and conduct vegetation management efforts in the LRAs, therefore, they should also retain the ability to provide their local expertise in designating these areas.” California League of Cities urged that the bill be revised so that “local agencies [] retain the ability [to] expand beyond the state’s wildfire mitigation areas based on substantial evidence within their jurisdictions, should it be necessary.” Currently, the nine-member Board of Forestry and Fire Protection has primary authority over developing wildfire regulations in fire zones. By doing away with the entire fire hazard classification system, SB 610 shifts primary authority to the State Fire Marshal, which decreases public transparency and increases the possibility of undue political influence. SB 610 would reshape California fire policy via a gut-and-amend process without adequate hearings or stakeholder engagement SB 610 would make sweeping changes to the state’s fire policies. While reform may be needed, it should not be done at the eleventh hour of the legislative process and instead should be considered through the normal policy committee process. Given this bill was introduced on June 11th with less than a month before the legislative recess, there is insufficient time for stakeholders and elected officials to fully review this bill, propose amendments, and have those amendments be meaningfully considered. The bill should be tabled until stakeholders and local jurisdictions have adequate time to engage in the legislative process. 191 SB 610 Fact Sheet – Updated 6/14/2024 SUMMARY SB 610 seeks to ensure a consistent application of wildfire mitigations for new development in areas at risk from wildfires. More specifically, the bill realigns various existing mitigations under the State Fire Marshal (SFM) and requires the SFM to use a science-based, and public process to map the area where these mitigations would be required to ensure a resilient California. BACKGROUND/EXISTING LAW The State Fire Marshal (SFM) is currently required to classify and map the severity of fire hazard within both the State and Local Responsibility Areas as Moderate, High, or Very High. These maps evaluate hazard, not risk; hazard is based on the physical conditions that create a likelihood and expected fire behavior without considering mitigation measures, whereas risk is the potential damage a fire can do to the area under existing conditions. A new map of Fire Hazard Severity Zones (FHSZs) in the State Responsibility Area (SRA) was adopted earlier this year, but has not been mapped in local jurisdictions since 2008. Currently, buildings constructed in any FHSZs within the SRA, or in any Local Responsibility Area (LRA) designated Very High FHSZ, are subject to the Chapter 7A standards. SB 63 (Stern, 2021) expanded Chapter 7A standards to LRA High FHSZ, and requires the SFM and the Department of Housing and Community Development to consider expanding the standards even further to LRA Moderate FHSZ. Other wildfire mitigations are adopted by the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection (Board). These include vegetation clearance requirements around homes known as Defensible Space. AB 3074 (Freidman 2020) required the Board to develop an ember resistant zone limiting flammable items and vegetation within the first five feet around a home. While this new zone was required to be in effect January 1, 2023, these regulations remain in development. The Board is also currently responsible for updating development standards in wildfire- prone areas known as the “State Fire Safe Minimum Regulations.” These regulations set standards for roadway widths, water supply, and building addresses. PROBLEM The current FHSZ process has numerous problems. Namely, there is currently no Statewide adopted map for LRA FHSZs. The current LRA process lacks a public comment process and results in inconsistent wildfire mitigations that are not science-based due to the current tiering system of FHSZs. Previous legislation and trailer bill language in this code section amended the CalFIRE FHSZ LRA map process, including attaching new provisions to LRAs, such that this process may be weaponized locally as an anti-housing/development tool. In practice, LRA maps can functionally result in restrictions on growth through imposing costly building standards, increased disaster planning and mitigation requirements, or increasing home insurance premiums. Once the recommended LRA’s maps are sent to local agencies, jurisdictions can make the LRA maps more restrictive but cannot correct maps to make the zones less restrictive. Unlike SRAs, there is no map appeal process for the LRA maps—any altered LRA maps by local agencies are final and non-rebuttable by the SFM. Local jurisdictions then have the ability to misuse this process and make the majority of their community a High/Very High FHSZ through an LRA map that would impact housing development for 10- 20 years until the maps are updated. Additionally, the current LRA process lacks Statewide oversight and enforcement for local ordinance adoptions of FHSZs. Senator Scott Wiener, 11th Senate District Senate Bill 610 – Fire prevention and local discretion 192 SB 610 Fact Sheet – Updated 6/14/2024 Consequently, the Fire Hazard Severity Zone (FHSZ) maps are often misinterpreted as identifying risk, but the maps were never intended to be used as a deterrent or a moratorium on fire safe housing or as a method to determine insurance rates. The maps are simply intended to identify areas where mitigations are necessary. These inconsistencies have resulted in a lack of consistent adoption of mitigations in the LRA and the public perception that FHSZ classifications influence insurance availability and pricing, as well as housing prices. SOLUTION SB 610 would remedy the issues with the existing FHSZ process by empowering CAL FIRE – Office of the State Fire Marshal to use its science-based hazard model to develop the Wildfire Mitigation Area (WMA). Under SB 610, the SFM would collaboratively develop appropriate and consistent Statewide minimum mitigation requirements for the WMA through a public process. SB 610 provides for a robust public meeting process and would allow the SFM to review feedback and adjust the WMA Map where warranted. This approach would restrict the ability of expanding or reducing the WMA boundaries to the SFM. The SFM would also adopt science-based minimum mitigation requirements for the WMA that would be developed collaboratively with appropriate stakeholders and would be consistent throughout the WMA. Consistent wildfire mitigation requirements for the building industry, as instituted by SB 610, would resolve current concerns over what mitigations are required, which could expedite fire-adapted development. SUPPORT SB 610 is a partnership between Senator Wiener and the Office of Governor Gavin Newsom (Source) FOR MORE INFORMATION Radhika Gawde, Senate Fellow Email: Phone: (916) 651-4011 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 Agenda Item No.: 15.A Mtg. Date: 08/12/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:JOHN SIGNO, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY SERVICES THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:RECEIVE AND FILE FIRE FUEL ABATEMENT AND CODE ENFORCEMENT QUARTERLY REPORT FOR THE SECOND QUARTER OF 2024 (APRIL 1 TO JUNE 30) DATE:August 12, 2024 BACKGROUND: Quarterly Fire Fuel Abatement Meeting On July 25, 2024, a quarterly fire fuel meeting was held to discuss fire fuel issues in Rolling Hills. Representatives from various agencies attended, including the Los Angeles County Fire Department (LACFD), Los Angeles County Department of Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures (LACWM), Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy (PVPLC), and Southern California Edison (SCE). Each agency is responsible for reducing fire fuel hazards in the city. LACFD does annual inspections of each developed property, and LACWM inspects vacant properties to ensure proper fire fuel reduction. PVPLC continues to mow areas in the land conservancy south of the City and reported less invasive growth and better native vegetation growth. SCE monitors vegetation growth around its powerlines and sends crews to trim vegetation when necessary. Rolling Hills Community Association (RHCA) was not present at the meeting but is responsible for clearing dead vegetation in street easements and trails. Code Enforcement Cases The Code Enforcement Division provides quarterly updates. Cases include dead vegetation and other code violations for the second quarter of 2024. The attachments demonstrate cases that have been opened and closed during the quarter. Also included is a list of cumulative open cases (See Attachments 1, 2, and 3). DISCUSSION: During the second quarter of 2024, a total of 9 cases were closed, including 4 dealing with vegetation or dead trees; 12 cases were opened, including 8 involving overgrown vegetation or dead trees. All but 1 of the 8 cases opened this quarter involving overgrown vegetation or dead trees were closed (5 of which were closed in the current quarter). Currently, code enforcement is working on 11 open cases, of which 4 deal with overgrown vegetation or dead trees. Each case is unique, and some require more time than others to resolve. In certain 215 cases, in which the owner is nonresponsive and remains out of compliance, cases have been referred to the City Attorney's office. FISCAL IMPACT: Code enforcement services is provided contractually, and payment is made from the General Fund. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT 1: CE_QRP_2024_Q2_240812_CC_CE_ClosedCases.pdf ATTACHMENT 2: CE_QRP_2024_Q2_240812_CC_CE_OpenedCases.pdf ATTACHMENT 3: CE_QRP_2024_Q2_240812_CC_CE_AllOpenCases.pdf 216 Page: 1 of 1 Case Report – CLOSED CASES Q2 2024 04/01/2024 - 06/30/2024 Case Date Address of Violation Description Main Status Case Closed 5/7/2024 2958 Palos Verdes Drive N Dried collected vegetation Closed 5/28/2024 4/23/2024 17 Chuckwagon Rd Garage conversion to bedroom and bathroom - UNSUBSTANTIATED Closed 5/2/2024 4/18/2024 17 Chuckwagon Rd Garage conversion to bedroom and bathroom - UNSUBSTANTIATED Closed 5/2/2024 3/26/2024 68 Saddleback Rd Dried Vegetation (Fallen Tree) Closed 4/16/2024 2/14/2024 17 Chuckwagon Rd Garage conversion to bedroom and bathroom - UNSUBSTANTIATED Closed 5/2/2024 2/13/2024 18 Poppy Trail Broken pipe causing erosion on neighboring property. Closed 5/28/2024 1/23/2024 2 Spur Lane Tumbleweeds and dead vegetation. Closed 4/16/2024 10/5/2023 5 Outrider Rd Dog on the loose Closed 4/18/2024 6/9/2022 4 Spur Ln. Dead/Dry vegetation Closed 4/30/2024 Total Records: 9 8/6/2024 217 Page: 1 of 1 Case Report – OPENED CASES Q2 2024 04/01/2024 - 06/30/2024 Case Date Address of Violation Description Main Status 6/18/2024 2 Chestnut Ln Dead Vegetation on the back side of property (Visible on Morgan Lane) Closed 6/11/2024 7 Ranchero Rd Overgrown Vegetation and Trash/Debris Closed 6/11/2024 9 Buggy Whip Dr Overgrown Vegetation (Yellow mustard) Closed 6/11/2024 4 Buggy Whip Dr Dead vegetation on fence Closed 6/4/2024 49 Saddleback Rd Overgrown weeds and vegetation Closed 5/28/2024 10 Flying Mane Rd Illegal grading and retaining walls Open 5/7/2024 2958 Palos Verdes Drive N Dried collected vegetation Closed 5/7/2024 1 Roundup Rd Overgrown Vegetation, decayed property, and vermin Closed 4/25/2024 20 Portuguese Bend Rd Dead Tree Open 4/23/2024 17 Chuckwagon Rd Garage conversion to bedroom and bathroom - UNSUBSTANTIATED Closed 4/18/2024 17 Chuckwagon Rd Garage conversion to bedroom and bathroom - UNSUBSTANTIATED Closed 4/9/2024 8 Quail Ridge Rd N Unpermitted Building Open Total Records: 12 8/6/2024 218 Page: 1 of 1 Case Report – ALL OPEN CASES As of 8/6/2024 Case Date Address of Violation Description Follow UP Follow Up Date Main Status 5/28/2024 10 Flying Mane Rd Illegal grading and retaining walls Message left; follow-up needed 8/13/2024 Open 4/25/2024 20 Portuguese Bend Rd Dead Tree Letter of abatement being drafted 8/13/2024 Open 4/9/2024 8 Quail Ridge Rd N Unpermitted Building Owner working with staff to obtain proper permits 9/3/2024 Open 2/29/2024 6 Saddleback Rd Debris and other material improperly stored on site. CC hearing on 8/12/24 8/12/2024 Open 11/7/2023 16 Buggy Whip Dr 2nd Violation of Trees in Violation of Conditions of Approval Follow-up needed 8/13/2024 Open 11/2/2023 17 Eastfield Dr Unpermitted construction. Property listed for sale; owner still responsible for correction 8/13/2024 Open 7/13/2023 79 Eastfield Dr Overgrown vegetation/unfinished construction Referred to City Attorney; vegetation cleared but construction remains -- Open 6/22/2023 4 Possum Ridge Rd Unpermitted work/grading Planning application required 8/13/2024 Open 9/22/2022 29 Middleridge Ln S Extensive grading and importing of soil. Dead shrubs/trees/vegetation visible from road Approved by PC; Follow- up on grading permit -- Open 7/6/2021 1 Chestnut Ln Unpermitted structure (gazebo) Approved by PC; Follow- up with building permit -- Open 11/1/2019 2950 Palos Verdes Dr N Red-tagged residence Referred to City Attorney; property recently sold -- Open Total Records: 11 8/6/2024 219 Agenda Item No.: 16.A Mtg. Date: 08/12/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL: THREATENED LITIGATION GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(D)(2) AND (E)(3) THE CITY COUNCIL FINDS, BASED ON ADVICE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL, THAT DISCUSSION IN OPEN SESSION WILL PREJUDICE THE POSITION OF THE CITY IN THE LITIGATION. NUMBER OF POTENTIAL CASES: (21) (GOVERNMENT CLAIMS ACT FORM SUBMITTED BY VARIOUS PROPERTY OWNERS IN RANCHO PALOS VERDES AGAINST THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ALLEGING DAMAGE TO PROPERTY) DATE:August 12, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: None. ATTACHMENTS: 220 Agenda Item No.: 16.B Mtg. Date: 08/12/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - INITIATION OF LITIGATION A CLOSED SESSION WILL BE HELD, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(C) AND (D)(4) REGARDING THE DECISION OF WHETHER TO INITIATE LITIGATION (1 CASE) DATE:August 12, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: None. ATTACHMENTS: 221