CL_AGN_240923_CC_AgendaPacket_F1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 4.A.VERBAL UPDATE ON NATURAL GAS UTILITY, ELECTRIC UTILITY, AND TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE DISCONNECTIONS IN THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 5. APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA This is the appropriate time for the Mayor or Councilmembers to approve the agenda as is or reorder. 6. BLUE FOLDER ITEMS (SUPPLEMENTAL) Blue folder (supplemental) items are additional back up materials to administrative reports, changes to the posted agenda packet, and/or public comments received after the printing and distribution of the agenda packet for receive and file. 7. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS This is the appropriate time for members of the public to make comments regarding items not listed on this agenda. Pursuant to the Brown Act, no action will take place on any items not on the agenda. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR Business items, except those formally noticed for public hearing, or those pulled for discussion are assigned to the Consent Calendar. The Mayor or any Councilmember may request that any Consent Calendar item(s) be removed, discussed, and acted upon separately. Items removed from the Consent Calendar will be taken up under the "Excluded Consent Calendar" section below. Those items remaining on the Consent Calendar will be approved in one motion. The 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 (310) 377-1521 AGENDA Regular City Council Meeting CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 23, 2024 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS 7:00 PM The meeting agenda is available on the City’s website. The City Council meeting will be live-streamed on the City’s website. Both the agenda and the live-streamed video can be found here: https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/agenda/index.php and https://www.youtube.com/@cityofrollinghills Members of the public may submit written comments in real-time by emailing the City Clerk’s office at cityclerk@cityofrh.net. Your comments will become part of the official meeting record. You must provide your full name, but please do not provide any other personal information that you do not want to be published. Recordings to City Council meetings can be found here: https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/agenda/index.php Next Resolution No. 1382 Next Ordinance No. 385 1 Mayor will call on anyone wishing to address the City Council on any Consent Calendar item on the agenda, which has not been pulled by Councilmembers for discussion. 8.A.APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 23, 2024 RECOMMENDATION: Approve. 8.B.APPROVE MOTION TO READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING OF ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS LISTED ON THE AGENDA RECOMMENDATION: Approve. 8.C.APPROVE THE FOLLOWING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: SEPTEMBER 9, 2024 REGULAR MEETING RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 8.D.PAYMENT OF BILLS RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 8.E.REPUBLIC SERVICES RECYCLING TONNAGE AND COMPLAINT REPORTS FOR AUGUST 2024 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 8.F.RECEIVE AND FILE THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF A SIGN AT PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD AND RANCHERO ROAD RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file a sign at Portuguese Road north of Ranchero Road as approved by the Traffic Commission. 9. EXCLUDED CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 10. COMMISSION ITEMS 11. PUBLIC HEARINGS 11.A.A HEARING REGARDING A NUISANCE ABATEMENT AT 20 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD (LOT 58-A-RH), AND CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DECLARING THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF RECOMMENDATION: Open the public hearing, consider all testimony and, CL_AGN_240923_CC_AffidavitofPosting.pdf CL_MIN_240909_CC_F.pdf CL_AGN_240923_CC_PaymentOfBills.pdf VC_REP_240920_August_TonnageReport.pdf VC_REP_240920_August_C&D Report.pdf VC_REP_240920_August_CallLog.pdf VC_REP_240920_August_ComplaintList2024_Redacted.pdf VC_REP_240920_August_RedTagList2024.pdf Attachment 1: CO_TRC_240725_RevisedSign_APPROVED.pdf Attachment 2: CL_AGN_240725_TC_RHCA_EmailRequest.pdf Attachment 3: CL_AGN_240725_TC_TrafficEngineer_Report.pdf 2 upon consideration of the evidence, adopt Resolution No. 1380 (Attachment 1) declaring the condition to constitute a public nuisance and ordering the abatement thereof. 12. OLD BUSINESS 13. NEW BUSINESS 13.A.(1) CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 1381 A LOCAL PROCLAMATION OF EMERGENCY RELATED TO LAND MOVEMENT AND UTILITY SHUTOFFS; AND (2) DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO SEND LETTER TO LOS ANGELES COUNTY SUPERVISOR JANICE HAHN REQUESTING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR IMMEDIATE NEEDS RELATED TO COUNTY FEES RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 13.B.CONSIDERATION AND DISCUSSION REGARDING AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PROCURE ADDITIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES IN RESPONSE TO UTILITY SHUTOFFS IN THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS; TO RETURN WITH A BUDGET AMENDMENT RESOLUTION; AND TO SEND A LETTER TO LOS ANGELES COUNTY SUPERVISOR JANICE HAHN REQUESTING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE AFOREMENTIONED LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES AND ADDITIONAL COUNTY SERVICES RECOMMENDATION: Provide direction to staff. 13.C.REVIEW AND CONSIDER THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES (CAL CITIES) PROPOSED 2024 RESOLUTION PACKET AND PROVIDE DIRECTION TO THE CITY'S VOTING DELEGATE FOR ACTION TO BE TAKEN ON OCTOBER 18, 2024 AT THE 2024 GENERAL ASSEMBLY DURING THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND EXPO RECOMMENDATION: Provide direction to voting delegate Councilmember Dieringer and alternate voting delegate Councilmember Wilson. 14. MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 15. MATTERS FROM STAFF 16. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 16.A.EXISTING LITIGATION - GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(D)(1)THE CITY FINDS, BASED ON ADVICE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL, THAT DISCUSSION IN OPEN SESSION WILL PREJUDICE THE POSITION OF THE CITY IN THE Attachment 1: ResolutionNo1380_20PBR_NoticeToAbate_F.pdf Attachment 2: Dyer NOV Letter 1.pdf Attachment 3: Dyer NOV Letter 2.pdf Attachment 4: 20 PBR Dyer Abatement Letter.pdf Attachment A - PS_LDM_240910_SCE_NoticeOfPotentialServiceShutoff.pdf Attachment A - PS_LDM_240910_SCE_NoticeOfPotentialServiceShutoff.pdf Attachment B - CA_AGR_240813_575_FY24-25_F_A.pdf CL_AGN_240923_CC_CalCities_2024ResoPacket.pdf 3 LITIGATION. (1 CASE) a. NAME OF CASE: CONNIE ANDERSEN, ET AL. V. CALIFORNIA WATER COMPANY, ET AL. (SEAVIEW CASE) CASE NO.: 24STCV20953 RECOMMENDATION: None. 16.B.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - INITIATION OF LITIGATION GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(D)(1)THE CITY FINDS, BASED ON ADVICE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL, THAT DISCUSSION IN OPEN SESSION WILL PREJUDICE THE POSITION OF THE CITY IN THE LITIGATION. (2 CASES) RECOMMENDATION: None. 17. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION 18. ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Monday, October 14, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, Rolling Hills City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California, 90274. Notice: Public Comment is welcome on any item prior to City Council action on the item. Documents pertaining to an agenda item received after the posting of the agenda are available for review in the City Clerk's office or at the meeting at which the item will be considered. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting due to your disability, please contact the City Clerk at (310) 377-1521 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility and accommodation for your review of this agenda and attendance at this meeting. 4 Agenda Item No.: 4.A Mtg. Date: 09/23/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: VERBAL UPDATE ON NATURAL GAS UTILITY, ELECTRIC UTILITY, AND TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE DISCONNECTIONS IN THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DATE:September 23, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. ATTACHMENTS: 5 Agenda Item No.: 8.A Mtg. Date: 09/23/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 23, 2024 DATE:September 23, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve. ATTACHMENTS: CL_AGN_240923_CC_AffidavitofPosting.pdf 6 Administrative Report 8.A., File # 2462 Meeting Date: 9/23/2024 To: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL From: Christian Horvath, City Clerk TITLE APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 23, 2024 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING In compliance with the Brown Act, the following materials have been posted at the locations below. Legislative Body City Council Posting Type Adjourned Regular Meeting Agenda Posting Location 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 City Hall Window City Website: https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/agenda/index.php https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/city_council/city_council_archive_agendas/index.php Meeting Date & Time SEPTEMBER 23 , 2024 7:00pm Open Session As City Clerk of the City of Rolling Hills, I declare under penalty of perjury, the document noted above was posted at the date displayed below. Christian Horvath, City Clerk Date: September 20 , 2024 7 Agenda Item No.: 8.B Mtg. Date: 09/23/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: APPROVE MOTION TO READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING OF ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS LISTED ON THE AGENDA DATE:September 23, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve. ATTACHMENTS: 8 Agenda Item No.: 8.C Mtg. Date: 09/23/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: APPROVE THE FOLLOWING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: SEPTEMBER 9, 2024 REGULAR MEETING DATE:September 23, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: CL_MIN_240909_CC_F.pdf 9 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, September 9, 2024 Page 1 Minutes Rolling Hills City Council Monday, September 9, 2024 Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER The City Council of the City of Rolling Hills met in person on the above date at 7:16 p.m. Mayor Mirsch presiding. 2. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Wilson, Dieringer, Mayor Mirsch Councilmembers Absent: Black, Pieper Staff Present: Karina Bañales, City Manager Christian Horvath, City Clerk / Executive Assistant to the City Manager John Signo, Planning & Community Services Director Samantha Crew, Management Analyst Pat Donegan, City Attorney 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – City Manager Bañales 4. PRESENTATIONS / PROCLAMATIONS / ANNOUNCEMENTS – NONE 5. APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA Motion by Mayor Mirsch, seconded by Councilmember Dieringer to move Items 16 and 17 after Item 7, and move Items 15B and 15C after Item 9. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Wilson, Dieringer, Mayor Mirsch NOES: None ABSENT: Black, Pieper 6. BLUE FOLDER ITEMS (SUPPLEMENTAL) Motion by Councilmember Dieringer, seconded by Councilmember Wilson to receive and file Blue Folder Items 7A and 12A. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Wilson, Dieringer, Mayor Mirsch NOES: None ABSENT: Black, Pieper 7. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Public Comment: Shea Lapin, Ann Bellis, Alfred Visco Mayor Mirsch moved to Item 16. 16. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION – 7:41 P.M. 16.A. EXISTING LITIGATION - GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(D)(1) THE CITY FINDS, BASED ON ADVICE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL, THAT DISCUSSION IN OPEN SESSION WILL 10 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, September 9, 2024 Page 2 PREJUDICE THE POSITION OF THE CITY IN THE LITIGATION. (1 CASE) a. NAME OF CASE: CONNIE ANDERSEN, ET AL. V. CALIFORNIA WATER COMPANY, ET AL. CASE NO.: 24STCV20953 17. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION – 8:58 P.M. City Attorney Donegan noted there was no reportable action. Mayor Mirsch moved back to Item 8. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR 8.A. APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 2024 8.B. APPROVE MOTION TO READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING OF ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS LISTED ON THE AGENDA 8.C. APPROVE THE FOLLOWING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: AUGUST 26, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 8.D. PAYMENT OF BILLS 8.E. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 1378 AMENDING A REIMBURSEMENT POLICY IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT CODE 53232.2 AND 53232.3 AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 1304 Motion by Councilmember Wilson, seconded by Councilmember Dieringer to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Wilson, Dieringer, Mayor Mirsch NOES: None ABSENT: Black, Pieper 9. EXCLUDED CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS Mayor Mirsch moved to Item 15B. 15. MATTERS FROM STAFF 15.B. RECEIVE AND FILE A PUBLIC SAFETY AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS REPORT Presentation by Management Analyst Samantha Crew Public Comment: Alfred Visco, Ann Bellis, Marian Visco Motion by Councilmember Wilson, seconded by Councilmember Dieringer to receive and file. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Wilson, Dieringer, Mayor Mirsch NOES: None ABSENT: Black, Pieper Mayor Mirsch requested agendizing a Council discussion regarding emergency preparation for potential loss of utilities and development of proactive plans, including but not limited to joint meetings with the Rolling Hills 11 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, September 9, 2024 Page 3 Community Association and /or Council subcommittees in advance of any potential issues similar to what has happened in a neighboring municipality. 15.C. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION TO SEND A LETTER TO CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN ON BEHALF OF THE CITY Presentation by City Manager Karina Bañales Public Comment: Alfred Visco Motion by Councilmember Wilson, seconded by Mayor Mirsch to send letter as is and accept California Water Service’s recommendations as presented. Motion carried with the following vote: AYES: Wilson, Mayor Mirsch NOES: Dieringer ABSENT: Black, Pieper Mayor Mirsch moved back to Item 10 . 10. COMMISSION ITEMS – NONE 11. PUBLIC HEARINGS – NONE 12. OLD BUSINESS 12.A. UPDATE ON THE CITY HALL ADA IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING'S INC. (PAE) REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL BUDGET TO COMPLETE RESPONSES TO PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS; ADOPT BY RESOLUTION NO. 1379 AUTHORIZING A FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 BUDGET MODIFICATION TO APPROPRIATE $4,000.00 IN THE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND FUNDED FROM A TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND RESERVES AND APPROVE FIFTH AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH PAE COVERING ADDITIONAL SERVICES FOR THE CITY HALL ADA IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Presentation by City Clerk / Executive Assistant to the City Manager Christian Horvath Public Comment: Alfred Visco, Mayor Mirsch read a letter submitted by the Women’s Club of Rolling Hills Motion by Councilmember Dieringer to approve as presented. Motion failed for lack of a second. Motion by Councilmember Dieringer, seconded by Councilmember Wilson to continue the item to the next meeting. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Wilson, Dieringer, Mayor Mirsch NOES: None ABSENT: Black, Pieper 13. NEW BUSINESS – NONE 14. MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 12 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, September 9, 2024 Page 4 14.A. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION TO ADD A CITY COUNCIL MEETING DURING THE SECOND FULL WEEK OF NOVEMBER AND CONFIRM ATTENDANCE FOR THE NOVEMBER 25, 2024 CITY COUNCIL REORGANIZATION (MAYOR MIRSCH) Presentation by City Manager Karina Bañales City Clerk / Executive Assistant to the City Manager Christian Horvath The Council provided direction to reserve scheduling of a potential City Council meeting , if needed, between November 12 and 14 depending on availability of Councilmember Black. 15. MATTERS FROM STAFF 15.A. APPROVE SOUTH BAY CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY'S ANNUAL REQUEST FOR A $600 CONTRIBUTION IN FISCAL YEAR 24/25 Presentation by City Clerk / Executive Assistant to the City Manager Christian Horvath Motion by Councilmember Wilson, seconded by Councilmember Dieringer to approve a $600 contribution. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Wilson, Dieringer, Mayor Mirsch NOES: None ABSENT: Black, Pieper 18. ADJOURNMENT : 10:39 P.M. The meeting was adjourned in memory of retired Councilmember and Mayor Allen Lay at 10:39 p.m. on September 9, 2024. The next regular meeting of the City Council is scheduled to be held on Monday, September 23, 2024 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California. It will also be available via City’s website link at: https://www.rolling- hills.org/government/agenda/index.php All written comments submitted are included in the record and available for public review on the City website. Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________ Christian Horvath, City Clerk Approved, ____________________________________ Leah Mirsch, Mayor 13 Agenda Item No.: 8.D Mtg. Date: 09/23/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: PAYMENT OF BILLS DATE:September 23, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: CL_AGN_240923_CC_PaymentOfBills.pdf 14 15 16 Agenda Item No.: 8.E Mtg. Date: 09/23/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REPUBLIC SERVICES RECYCLING TONNAGE AND COMPLAINT REPORTS FOR AUGUST 2024 DATE:September 23, 2024 BACKGROUND: As requested, Republic Services has provided the following clarifications to their reports: Non-franchise means any business not covered under the City’s Franchise Agreement with Republic Services – for instance, temporary bins or roll offs for construction or cleanups or permanent dumpsters for horse properties. The Commercial Recycling is hauled to various transfer facilities. Those facilities separate and recover(recycle) a portion of that material. They provide Republic recovery rates each month that is in turn used for the cities Republic serves. The Greenwaste on the Non-Franchise report can show up and change for various reasons from month to month. Aspects like changes to the customers service type, load contamination and data entry errors can contribute to this. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. ATTACHMENTS: VC_REP_240920_August_TonnageReport.pdf VC_REP_240920_August_C&D Report.pdf VC_REP_240920_August_CallLog.pdf VC_REP_240920_August_ComplaintList2024_Redacted.pdf VC_REP_240920_August_RedTagList2024.pdf 17 18 Year 2024 Franchise Y/N Y Month Commodity Tons Collected Tons Recovered Tons Disposed Diversion % 1 Greenwaste 79.86 79.86 - 100.00% Trash 247.10 - 247.10 0.00% 1 Total 326.96 79.86 247.10 24.43% 2 Greenwaste 51.72 51.72 - 100.00% Trash 198.13 - 198.13 0.00% 2 Total 249.85 51.72 198.13 20.70% 3 Greenwaste 53.42 53.42 - 100.00% Trash 199.60 - 199.60 0.00% 3 Total 253.02 53.42 199.60 21.11% 4 Greenwaste 116.50 116.50 - 100.00% Trash 183.05 - 183.05 0.00% Trash - Free Residential Roll Off Bin 3.76 - 3.76 0.00% 4 Total 303.31 116.50 186.81 38.41% 5 Greenwaste 101.62 101.62 - 100.00% Trash 180.98 - 180.98 0.00% 5 Total 282.60 101.62 180.98 35.96% 6 Greenwaste 83.11 83.11 - 100.00% Trash 195.05 - 195.05 0.00% Trash - Free Residential Roll Off Bin 1.10 - 1.10 0.00% Greenwaste - Free Residential Roll Off Bin 2.30 2.30 - 100.00% 6 Total 281.56 85.41 196.15 30.33% 7 Greenwaste 67.20 67.20 - 100.00% Trash 238.54 - 238.54 0.00% Greenwaste - Free Residential Roll Off Bin 5.32 5.32 - 100.00% 7 Total 311.06 72.52 238.54 23.31% 8 Greenwaste 75.89 75.89 - 100.00% Trash 222.41 - 222.41 0.00% Trash - Free Residential Roll Off Bin 1.62 - 37.45 0.00% 8 Total 299.92 75.89 259.86 25.30% Grand Total 2,308.28 636.94 1,707.17 27.59% CITY OF ROLLING HILLS RESIDENTIAL FRANCHISE 2024 Page 1 of 2 19 Year 2024 Franchise Y/N N Month Commodity Tons Collected Tons Recovered Tons Disposed Diversion % 1 Greenwaste 19.61 19.61 - 100.00% Recycle 0.27 0.04 0.23 15.00% Trash 59.97 - 59.97 0.00% Organics 0.16 0.10 0.06 61.71% C&D 4.27 3.43 0.84 80.24% 1 Total 84.29 23.18 61.11 27.50% 2 Greenwaste 16.94 16.94 - 100.00% Recycle 0.29 0.11 0.18 37.67% Trash 57.05 - 57.05 0.00% C&D 11.29 9.05 2.25 80.10% 2 Total 85.57 26.09 59.47 30.50% 3 Greenwaste 6.42 6.42 - 100.00% Recycle 0.22 0.08 0.13 38.48% Trash 35.05 - 35.05 0.00% 3 Total 41.69 6.50 35.19 15.60% 4 Greenwaste 11.07 11.07 - 100.00% Recycle 0.27 0.11 0.16 40.00% Trash 46.40 - 46.40 0.00% 4 Total 57.74 11.18 46.56 19.36% 5 Recycle 0.27 0.09 0.19 31.77% Trash 70.08 - 70.08 0.00% Organics 0.17 0.12 0.05 70.73% C&D 11.15 8.95 2.20 80.24% 5 Total 81.68 9.16 72.52 11.21% 6 Greenwaste 11.95 11.95 - 100.00% Recycle 0.21 0.07 0.13 36.18% Trash 45.24 - 45.24 0.00% Organics 0.16 0.12 0.04 73.76% 6 Total 57.56 12.14 45.42 21.09% 7 Greenwaste 8.71 8.71 - 100.00% Recycle 0.24 0.07 0.16 30.41% Trash 52.51 - 52.51 0.00% Organics 0.14 0.10 0.04 70.71% 7 Total 61.59 8.88 52.71 14.42% 8 Greenwaste 0.09 0.09 - 100.00% Recycle 0.56 0.18 0.38 32.62% Trash 48.53 - 48.53 0.00% Organics 0.06 0.05 0.02 71.55% 8 Total 49.25 0.32 48.93 0.65% Grand Total 519.36 97.45 421.92 18.76% CITY OF ROLLING HILLS NON-FRANCHISE 2024 Page 2 of 2 20 Republic Services City of Rolling Hills C&D Report Reporting Period August-24 Disposal Site Material Loads Taken Tons Collected No C&D to Report Summary Row Labels Sum of Tons Collected (blank) Grand Total Page 1 of 1 21 Republic Services Call Log Report City:Rolling Hills Year 2024 Month/Quarter 8 Summary of Calls by Type Final Call Final Call Type Sub-Type Total 2.Complaint Escalation 10 Complaint 2 2.Complaint Total 12 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 24 Missed Yard Waste - Residential 9 Missed Bulk Service 1 Missed Recycle - Residential 3 3.Missed Pick Up Total 37 Grand Total 49 Pg 1 of 11 22 Republic Services Call Log Report Final Call Type Sub-Type Case Number Date/Time Opened Date/Time Closed Created By Request Description Resolution Comments Customer Category Account Number Site Account Name Site Address Phone 2.Complaint Complaint 20240806-198812542 8/6/2024 8:35 45510.57083 Tiana Charles Greg Stager (310) 493- 3449 called to report an issue. cx states he has not had sw serviced in over ten days please service regularly if possible. drivers are out there today..mb RESI 9020003164 1 RESIDENT 3 PINTO RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 2.Complaint Complaint 20240806-198877990 8/6/2024 16:28 8/7/2024 10:32 Emanuel Juvera Estrada kimberly rosenfield (310) 544-4107 called to report an issue. Cx is complaninig that she hasn't been serviced for the last week and stating that this is become a common issue lately. PLEASE PU ASAP.. miss entered and on route for p/u tomorrow..mb RESI 9020003332 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 31 CHUCKWAGON RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 2.Complaint Escalation 20240802-198622241 8/2/2024 9:01 8/2/2024 14:10 Maria Angela Medina Araujo CLEARNCE / SHARON BESHKE (310) 435-7288 called to report an issue. Cx has a MPU schedule to get done by today 08/02/24 which she hasn't receive yet and she wants to make sure we will send someone . kmt was sent out..unable to recover customer until monday 8/5..mb RESI 9020002997 1 RESIDENT 2 MIDDLERIDGE LN S ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 2.Complaint Escalation 20240805-198713519 8/5/2024 8:37 8/14/2024 8:33 Kimberly Caban Shelly Carol (310) 775- 7347 called to report an issue. Shelly is reporting that she was not serviced on Friday on her YW& SW. She is reporting that she has reached out to the city regarding on-going issues with inconsistent service and is needing service I received the customer request, apologize regarding the delay. Supervisor has addressed the customer concern and closing service request RESI 9020003575 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 36 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 2.Complaint Escalation 20240805-198719855 8/5/2024 9:10 8/14/2024 8:33 Heather Meixsell GORDON INMAN (310) 936-1979 called to report an issue. Gordon states that he is supposed to have his Trash and Yard Waste picked up on Mondays and he is constantly missed. I advised that his pick ups are scheduled for Tuesdays. His containers are both at I received the customer request, apologize regarding the delay. Supervisor has addressed the customer concern and closing service request RESI 9020003170 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 11 CABALLEROS RD ROLLING HILLS CA 3109361979 Pg 2 of 11 23 Republic Services Call Log Report Final Call Type Sub-Type Case Number Date/Time Opened Date/Time Closed Created By Request Description Resolution Comments Customer Category Account Number Site Account Name Site Address Phone 2.Complaint Escalation 20240808-199000395 8/8/2024 9:00 8/14/2024 8:33 BOBBIE GONZALES Arachely Carol (310) 775- 7347 called to report an issue. cust states she is still waiting for trsh pu and is over flowing would like Whitney from ops and cust request for a callback . I received the customer request, apologize regarding the delay. Supervisor has addressed the customer concern and closing service request RESI 9020003575 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 36 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 2.Complaint Escalation 20240809-199097165 8/9/2024 10:23 8/14/2024 8:33 Tiana Woods Arachely Carol (310) 775- 7347 called to report an issue. client advised me ongoing issue with garbage for 2 week and with YW now has ants need pick asap as confirm for today . . I received the customer request, apologize regarding the delay. Supervisor has addressed the customer concern and closing service request RESI 9020003575 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 36 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 2.Complaint Escalation 20240813-199265815 8/13/2024 7:45 8/14/2024 8:36 Rechelle Bradford Elizabeth Calfas (310) 560-4801 called to report an issue. ON GOING ISSUE WITH THE SERVCE WITH THE MPU- CUST STATED THATSHE WILL SEE OUR DRIVERS AND THEY DO NOT SERVICE THE AREA - PLS RESOLVE THIS ISSUE . Will scheduled driver to recover 8/15/2024 RESI 9020003653 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 9 GEORGEFF RD ROLLING HILLS CA 3105415705 2.Complaint Escalation 20240815-199444107 8/15/2024 8:04 8/19/2024 6:40 Maria Guadalupe Neyoy Ortega Linda Varner (310) 483- 9934 called to report an issue. cx still expecting the delivery for a bigger recycle container can we please finish with this request asap cx will expecting a cb . Republic service don't provide container to rolling hills customers. I have reach out to the customer and explain the different options. RESI 9020003271 1 RESIDENT 2 QUAIL RIDGE RD N ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 2.Complaint Escalation 20240815-199444184 8/15/2024 8:05 8/15/2024 8:06 Maria Guadalupe Neyoy Ortega Delivery was scheduled but not completed. No container on site. Please reach out to Robin Robin (310) 541-2480. RC-0.17 double scalation RESI 9020003271 1 RESIDENT 2 QUAIL RIDGE RD N ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 Pg 3 of 11 24 Republic Services Call Log Report Final Call Type Sub-Type Case Number Date/Time Opened Date/Time Closed Created By Request Description Resolution Comments Customer Category Account Number Site Account Name Site Address Phone 2.Complaint Escalation 20240820-199717553 8/20/2024 8:21 45526.31597 Rechelle Bradford LISA . (310) 714-0555 called to report an issue. ON GOING ISSUE WITH THE SERVICE CUST HAS TO CALL TO GET YW SERVICE PLS RESOLVE THIS ISSUE .. Email sent to ops/CCM site was missed for SW entered a MPU. Customer was contacted will CB to verify recovery. CK 082124 2:15 MST Ops noted customer contacted site check in process. CK 082224 7:34 MST RESI 9020003216 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 25 CABALLEROS RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 2.Complaint Escalation 20240823-200015012 8/23/2024 12:52 45530.32014 Rechelle Bradford Arachely Carol (310) 775- 7347 called to report an issue. ON GOING ISSUE ALL 3 CARTS WAS MPU THERE WAS NOTHING BLOCKING THE CARTS AND ALL OF THE OTHER HOUSES HAVE BEEN SERVICED TODAY . PLS RESOLVE THIS ISSUE ASAP PLEASE. I will reach out to customer and follow up with escalation within 1-2 business days. Escalation will be resolve and closed out by 8/30/2024. RESI 9020003575 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 36 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Bulk Service 20240812-199244573 8/12/2024 16:34 (blank)Brieana Smith (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003191 1 RESIDENT 14 PORTUGUESE BEND RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Recycle - Residential 20240801-198534588 8/1/2024 9:10 45507.92778 Juan Carlos Serrano (blank)(blank)RESI 9020002998 1 RESIDENT 3 MIDDLERIDGE LN S ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Recycle - Residential 20240821-199870204 8/21/2024 16:04 45528.92708 Kevin Noe Corrales (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003562 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 25 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 Pg 4 of 11 25 Republic Services Call Log Report Final Call Type Sub-Type Case Number Date/Time Opened Date/Time Closed Created By Request Description Resolution Comments Customer Category Account Number Site Account Name Site Address Phone 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Recycle - Residential 20240823-200014672 8/23/2024 12:50 45531.93889 Rechelle Bradford (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003575 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 36 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240801-198534427 8/1/2024 9:09 45507.92778 Juan Carlos Serrano (blank)(blank)RESI 9020002998 1 RESIDENT 3 MIDDLERIDGE LN S ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240801-198535728 8/1/2024 9:17 8/7/2024 22:48 Brieana Smith (blank)(blank)RESI 9020002995 1 RESIDENT 23 MIDDLERIDGE LN N ROLLING HILLS CA (310) 872-9074 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240801-198576935 8/1/2024 13:47 8/3/2024 22:16 Joel Alfredo Inzunza (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003057 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 17 BOWIE RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240801-198585000 8/1/2024 15:01 45511.95 Ramses Galaz Alvarado (blank)(blank)RESI 9020002997 1 RESIDENT 2 MIDDLERIDGE LN S ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 Pg 5 of 11 26 Republic Services Call Log Report Final Call Type Sub-Type Case Number Date/Time Opened Date/Time Closed Created By Request Description Resolution Comments Customer Category Account Number Site Account Name Site Address Phone 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240802-198636287 8/2/2024 10:36 45510.94722 Cathy Rios (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003227 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 32 CABALLEROS RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240802-198662181 8/2/2024 13:39 45510.94722 Samira Yeleni Perez (blank)(blank)RESI 9020002997 1 RESIDENT 2 MIDDLERIDGE LN S ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240805-198713001 8/5/2024 8:34 45511.95 Kimberly Caban (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003575 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 36 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240805-198720781 8/5/2024 9:15 45511.95 Heather Meixsell (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003170 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 11 CABALLEROS RD ROLLING HILLS CA 3109361979 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240805-198743090 8/5/2024 11:24 45511.95 Joel Alfredo Inzunza (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003702 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 2 WILLIAMSBURG LN ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 Pg 6 of 11 27 Republic Services Call Log Report Final Call Type Sub-Type Case Number Date/Time Opened Date/Time Closed Created By Request Description Resolution Comments Customer Category Account Number Site Account Name Site Address Phone 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240805-198783115 8/5/2024 16:46 45512.94167 Erubiel Garcia Ortiz (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003227 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 32 CABALLEROS RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240806-198816204 8/6/2024 8:57 45512.94167 Manuel Alfredo Hernandez (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003171 1 RESIDENT 2 POPPY TRL ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240806-198819064 8/6/2024 9:14 45512.94167 Andmar Alexis Barreras Murrieta (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003377 1 JONATHAN GOMEZ 26 SADDLEBACK RD ROLLING HILLS CA (310) 641-9662 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240806-198829187 8/6/2024 10:15 45512.94167 Rechelle Bradford (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003147 1 NINA & GARY TURPANJIAN 25 BUGGY WHIP DR ROLLING HILLS CA (310) 377-5314 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240806-198843327 8/6/2024 11:39 8/8/2024 22:36 Whitney Cannon (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003575 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 36 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 Pg 7 of 11 28 Republic Services Call Log Report Final Call Type Sub-Type Case Number Date/Time Opened Date/Time Closed Created By Request Description Resolution Comments Customer Category Account Number Site Account Name Site Address Phone 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240806-198877913 8/6/2024 16:27 8/9/2024 22:36 Emanuel Juvera Estrada (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003332 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 31 CHUCKWAGON RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240807-198897484 8/7/2024 7:33 8/9/2024 22:36 Teodoro Tomas Alvarez (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003674 1 GREG KNOLE 8 HACKAMORE RD ROLLING HILLS CA (310) 377-5470 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240808-199000591 8/8/2024 9:01 8/10/2024 22:15 BOBBIE GONZALES (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003575 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 36 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240813-199266215 8/13/2024 7:48 (blank)Rechelle Bradford (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003653 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 9 GEORGEFF RD ROLLING HILLS CA 3105415705 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240821-199842447 8/21/2024 11:58 45527.93889 Josie Nunez (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003055 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 16 BOWIE RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 Pg 8 of 11 29 Republic Services Call Log Report Final Call Type Sub-Type Case Number Date/Time Opened Date/Time Closed Created By Request Description Resolution Comments Customer Category Account Number Site Account Name Site Address Phone 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240821-199860973 8/21/2024 14:07 45527.93889 Christina Kanz (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003216 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 25 CABALLEROS RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240821-199870170 8/21/2024 16:03 8/24/2024 22:15 Kevin Noe Corrales (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003562 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 25 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240823-200014869 8/23/2024 12:51 45531.93889 Rechelle Bradford (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003575 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 36 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240829-200354500 8/29/2024 10:09 45535.92847 Carlos Adiel Espinoza (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003086 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 2 BUGGY WHIP DR ROLLING HILLS CA 4244750592 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Trash - Residential 20240830-200420469 8/30/2024 8:11 (blank)Sujan Nagarkoti (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003223 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 28 CABALLEROS RD ROLLING HILLS CA 3103431632 Pg 9 of 11 30 Republic Services Call Log Report Final Call Type Sub-Type Case Number Date/Time Opened Date/Time Closed Created By Request Description Resolution Comments Customer Category Account Number Site Account Name Site Address Phone 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Yard Waste - Residential 20240805-198713198 8/5/2024 8:35 8/7/2024 22:48 Kimberly Caban (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003575 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 36 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Yard Waste - Residential 20240806-198829324 8/6/2024 10:16 8/8/2024 22:36 Rechelle Bradford (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003147 1 NINA & GARY TURPANJIAN 25 BUGGY WHIP DR ROLLING HILLS CA (310) 377-5314 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Yard Waste - Residential 20240806-198843456 8/6/2024 11:40 8/8/2024 22:36 Whitney Cannon (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003575 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 36 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Yard Waste - Residential 20240807-198943302 8/7/2024 12:24 8/9/2024 22:36 Rechelle Bradford (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003351 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 39 CHUCKWAGON RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Yard Waste - Residential 20240813-199266140 8/13/2024 7:47 8/16/2024 22:33 Rechelle Bradford (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003653 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 9 GEORGEFF RD ROLLING HILLS CA 3105415705 Pg 10 of 11 31 Republic Services Call Log Report Final Call Type Sub-Type Case Number Date/Time Opened Date/Time Closed Created By Request Description Resolution Comments Customer Category Account Number Site Account Name Site Address Phone 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Yard Waste - Residential 20240820-199717450 8/20/2024 8:20 8/22/2024 22:33 Rechelle Bradford (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003216 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 25 CABALLEROS RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Yard Waste - Residential 20240820-199745737 8/20/2024 11:17 8/22/2024 22:33 Rechelle Bradford (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003078 1 RESIDENT 20 OUTRIDER RD ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Yard Waste - Residential 20240821-199870233 8/21/2024 16:04 8/24/2024 22:15 Kevin Noe Corrales (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003562 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 25 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 3.Missed Pick Up Missed Yard Waste - Residential 20240823-200014332 8/23/2024 12:47 8/27/2024 22:32 Rechelle Bradford (blank)(blank)RESI 9020003575 1 CURRENT RESIDENT 36 EASTFIELD DR ROLLING HILLS CA (000) 000-0000 Pg 11 of 11 32 City of Rolling Hills Republic Services Complaint list - August 2024 Date of Issue Time Issue/Complaint Resident Name Resident Address Republic contacted Republic Reponse Date Reponse Time of Reponse Resolved 8/1/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 68 Portuguese Bend Rd. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 8/1/2024 Missed Green waste Pickup 6 Middleridge Lane S. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 8/1/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 24 Caballeros Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 8/1/2024 Missed Trash and Green waste 23 Middleridge Lane N. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 8/1/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 28 Eastfield Dr. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 8/1/2024 Missed Trash and Green waste 3 Middleridge Lane S. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 8/2/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 12 Upper Blackwater Canyon Rd. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 8/2/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 37 Chuckwagon Rd. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 18 Buggywhip Dr. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 8/6/2024 Missed Trash and Green waste 32 Portuguese Bend Rd. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 25 Eastfield Dr. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 17 Middleridge Lane N. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 8 Hackamore Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Greenwaste Pickup 2 Morgan Lane Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 49 Saddleback Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 15 Wideloop Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 58 Eastfield Dr. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 18 Buggywhip Dr. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 9 Flying Mane Rd. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 3 Open Brand Rd. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Green waste Pickup 32 Portuguese Bend Rd. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup C y)7 Crest Rd. E. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 8 Morgan Lane Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 68 Portuguese Bend Rd. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 30 Eastfield Dr. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 16 Eastfield Dr. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 70 Portuguese Bend Rd. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 22 Cinchring Rd. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 68 Eastfield Dr. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 9 Outrider Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 37 Chuckwagon Rd. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 1 Hackamore Lane Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 50 Eastfield Dr. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 26 Eastfield Dr. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 10 Packsaddle Rd. W. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/6/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 58 Eastfield Dr. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/7/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 9 Outrider Rd. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/7/2024 Missed Trash and Green waste 35 Chuckwagon Rd. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/7/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 6 Eastfield Dr. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/7/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 54 Eastfield Dr. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/7/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 9 Quailridge Rd. S.Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/7/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 68 Eastfield Dr. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/7/2024 Missed Green Waste Pickup 71 Crest Rd. E. Aaron Schoonover Aaron Schoonover 8/19/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 9 Georgeff Rd. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 8/19/2024 Missed Trash and Green waste 37 Chuckwagon Rd. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 8/20/2024 Missed Trash and Green waste 37 Chuckwagon Rd. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 8/20/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 25 Caballeros Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 8/20/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 5 Ringbit Rd. W. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 8/20/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 9 Quailridge Rd. S. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 8/21/2024 Missed Trash and Greenwaste 16 Eastfield Dr. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 33 City of Rolling Hills Republic Services Complaint list - August 2024 Date of Issue Time Issue/Complaint Resident Name Resident Address Republic contacted Republic Reponse Date Reponse Time of Reponse Resolved 8/21/2024 Missed Trash Pickup 77 Crest Rd. E. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 8/21/2024 Missed Trash and Green waste 19 Southfield Dr. Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 9/12/2024 Missed Trash for a Month 15 Upper Blackwater Canyon Rd Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 9/12/2024 9/12/2024 Missed Trash 5 Caballeros Rd Tanasha Malone 9/13/2024 Missed Trash 1 Hummingbird Ln Tanasha Malone 9/13/2024 3:41 9/13/2024 Missed Trash 42 Eastfield Drive Tanasha Malone 34 City of Rolling Hills Red Tag List - August 2024 Date of Issue Time Issue Resident Name Resident Address Republic contacted Republic Reponse Date Reponse Time of Reponse Resolved 8/21/2024 Red Tag: Blocked Driveway Resident Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 8/21/2024 yes 8/22/2024 Red Tag: Green Waste Overload Resident Tanasha Malone Tanasha Malone 8/22/2024 yes 35 Agenda Item No.: 8.F Mtg. Date: 09/23/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:JOHN SIGNO, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY SERVICES THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: RECEIVE AND FILE THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF A SIGN AT PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD AND RANCHERO ROAD DATE:September 23, 2024 BACKGROUND: On July 25, 2024, the Traffic Commission approved a sign by a 4-1 vote (Commissioner Raine dissenting), which combines "Uneven Pavement Slow Down" and a 10-mile-per-hour speed limit at a height that does not exceed seven feet. The sign replaces an existing speed limit- only sign (Attachment 1). The Rolling Hills Community Association (RHCA) requested the sign along the southbound lane of Portuguese Bend Road, just north of Ranchero Road (Attachment 2). The sign warns drivers to slow down due to a bump, drop-off, or uneven pavement ahead. Traffic Engineer Vanessa Munoz reviewed the RHCA's request and determined the sign is warranted (Attachment 3). DISCUSSION: On July 16, 2024, Traffic Engineer Munoz submitted a memorandum to the City regarding the placement of a temporary sign just north of the Portuguese Bend Road South and Ranchero Road intersection (Attachment B). Engineer Munoz indicated in the attached memorandum that a customized warning sign with high visibility yellow reflective sheeting reading "Slide Area Uneven Pavement Slow Down," along with a high visibility yellow reflective "10 mph" warning sign (W13-1P), should be placed 100 feet north of Ranchero Road facing southbound traffic on Portuguese Bend Road South. Care should be taken to ensure that no trees obstruct the sign installation. The new sign combination should be installed with a 7-foot clearance from the bottom of the lowest sign. The old post and 10 mph (W13-1P) sign should be removed, as it is old, faded, and likely no longer visible at nighttime due to worn reflective sheeting. At the July 25, 2024 Traffic Commission meeting, a motion was made by Chair Wilson, seconded by Vice Chair Bobit to approve the sign with a recommendation to remove the “slide” verbiage and ensure the sign does not exceed seven feet in height. Before the motion, Commissioner Raine explained that constructing the sign would take longer than fixing the 36 uneven pavement and thus was not in favor of the sign. The motion passed 4-1, with Commissioner Raine dissenting. Staff is coordinating with the Los Angeles Public Works Department for installation and spoke to them about replacing the wooden pole in kind. LA County does not supply wooden poles, so one would have to be ordered. Installation is expected in the coming weeks. FISCAL IMPACT: The City has a contract with the Los Angeles County Public Works Department for maintenance and installation of traffic signs. Funds are paid out of the general fund. For Fiscal Year 2024-25, the City has budgeted $19,100 for repairs and maintenance, including traffic signs. The estimate to install the sign is $60 and if authorized, the installation will occur in the coming weeks. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file a sign at Portuguese Road north of Ranchero Road as approved by the Traffic Commission. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: CO_TRC_240725_RevisedSign_APPROVED.pdf Attachment 2: CL_AGN_240725_TC_RHCA_EmailRequest.pdf Attachment 3: CL_AGN_240725_TC_TrafficEngineer_Report.pdf 37 Portuguese Bend Rd at Ranchero Rd Sign Installation (#105238)City of Rolling HillsEXHIBIT APortuguese Bend Road South at Ranchero RdSign InstallationLegend:Existing Sign as notedProposed Sign and Post as notedRANCHERO RD PORTUGUESE BEND RD SOUTH***Note: Exact sign locations shall bedetermined and verified in the field toeliminate visibility obstruction.PORTUGUESE BEND RD SOUTHDETAIL "A"Proposed Sign AssemblyN.T.S.38 1 Karina Banales From:Kristen Raig <KRaig@rhca.net> Sent:Tuesday, July 9, 2024 3:23 PM To:Karina Banales Subject:RHCA Request for road sign in Flying Triangle Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged EXTERNAL EMAIL - This email was sent by a person from outside your organization. Exercise caution when clicking links, opening attachments or taking further action, before validating its authenticity.   Hi Karina,  Thanks for going over this earlier today.  RHCA is asking for a traffic sign along the southbound lane of Portuguese Bend Road, just north of Ranchero Road to  warn drivers to drive slowly because there is a bump / drop off / uneven pavement ahead – whatever is the appropriate  language.  Below is the Google Earth view I promised.  The area in red is where the road is separaƟng and dropping.  We are seeing  up to a 2” drop a week right now.  The yellow line is our suggesƟon for the locaƟon of the sign, but we leave it to  Vanessa and her team to select the appropriate place.  The issue we are trying to address is that the road is dropping, so there can be a severe bump and there is limited to no  visibility of the cars coming up the hill (northbound) on Portuguese Bend Road on the other side of the area in red.    We are mostly concerned about drivers who are not familiar with the area – amazon, rideshare or postmates, especially  at night.  We don’t want them going off the “ski jump” ledge and end up in a ditch along side the road.  Thanks so much.    39 2     Kristen Raig, Manager, Rolling Hills Community Association 1 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 ph: (310) 544-6222 kraig@rhca.net www.rhca.org   40 Memorandum TO: Karina Banales, City Manager FROM: Vanessa Munoz PE, TE, City Traffic Engineer DATE: July 16, 2024 SUBJECT: Portuguese Bend Road South at Ranchero Road Sign This memorandum is in response to the request by the city to review and provide input to a sign installation for southbound traffic north of the intersection of Portuguese Bend Road South and Ranchero Road. The objective of the sign is to notify drivers in advance of approaching the intersection about the roadway uneven pavement and deep grades due to the active fault in the area. A customized warning sign with a high visibility yellow reflectivity sheeting reading “slide area uneven pavement slow down” together with a high visibility yellow reflective sheeting warning sign (W13-1P) “10 mph” shall be placed 100-feet north of Ranchero Road facing southbound traffic on Portuguese Bend Road South, making sure no trees obstruct the sign installation. The new sign combination shall be installed with a 7-foot clearance from bottom of lowest sign. See enclosed Exhibit “A” as reference. The old post and 10mph (W13-1P) sign should be removed, as the sign is old and faded and most likely the reflective sheeting has worn off and won’t be visible at nighttime. . 41 Portuguese Bend Rd at Ranchero Rd Sign Installation (#105238)City of Rolling HillsEXHIBIT APortuguese Bend Road South at Ranchero RdSign InstallationLegend:Existing Sign as notedProposed Sign and Post as notedRANCHERO RD PORTUGUESE BEND RD SOUTH***Note: Exact sign locations shall bedetermined and verified in the field toeliminate visibility obstruction.PORTUGUESE BEND RD SOUTHDETAIL "A"Proposed Sign AssemblyN.T.S.42 Agenda Item No.: 11.A Mtg. Date: 09/23/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:JOHN SIGNO, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY SERVICES THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:A HEARING REGARDING A NUISANCE ABATEMENT AT 20 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD (LOT 58-A-RH), AND CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DECLARING THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF DATE:September 23, 2024 BACKGROUND: On April 22, 2024, City Staff was alerted to the fact that there is a dead pine tree located along Portuguese Bend Road a few hundred feet north of Saddleback Road and Poppy Trail on the east side of the road. Staff reached out to adjacent property owners, the Rolling Hills Community Association (RHCA), and Los Angeles County Weight and Measures to determine the exact location of the tree. After some research, staff determined the dead tree was located at 20 Portuguese Bend Road (Lot 58-A-RH) (hereinafter referred to as the “Subject Property”). The dead tree is clearly visible from the street, is a fire hazard, and an eyesore. On May 23, 2024, City Staff sent a first notice of violation regarding a dead tree and any other overgrown/dead vegetation on a property located at 20 Portuguese Bend Road (Lot 58-A-RH) (Attachment 2). Per Rolling Hills Municipal Code (RHMC) Section 8.30.010 (Dead or alive tumbleweeds and dead trees, shrubs, palm fronds or other plants as public nuisance), the violation is a public nuisance: "Every person who owns or is in possession of any property, place or area within the boundaries of the City shall, at his or her own expense, maintain the property, place or area free from any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead tree, shrub, palm frond or other plant. Any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead tree, shrub, palm frond or other plant located on any property in the City is hereby declared to be a public nuisance." City Staff indicated the tree must be removed no later than June 6, 2024. This deadline 43 passed and the Property Owners failed to make a good faith effort towards abatement of the nuisance condition on the Subject Property. On June 6, 2024, City Staff sent a second notice to the Owners, indicating that the items must be removed no later than June 20, 2024. This deadline passed, and the Property Owners failed to make a good faith effort to abate the nuisance condition on the Subject Property (Attachment 3). On August 13, 2024, City Staff sent a Notice to Abate to the Property Owners, requiring them to abate the identified nuisance within 15 days from the date of the Notice, or August 28, 2024. If the conditions in the Notice were not abated, or if the Property Owners failed to make a good faith effort toward abatement to the satisfaction of the City Manager by August 28, 2024, then a hearing would be scheduled before the City Council on August 12, 2024 (Attachment 4). DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Sections 8.24.040 and 8.24.050 of RHMC, the City Council may conduct a hearing to consider any protest of the Property Owner, possessor, or other interested person regarding the condition of the Subject Property. If the City Council determines that the property at 20 Portuguese Bend Road constitutes a condition that is injurious to the public health, safety, and welfare by violating Section 8.30.010 of RHMC such that it is a public nuisance pursuant to Chapter 8.24 of RHMC, then the City Council may order the Property Owners to abate such nuisance within 30 days. In the event the property owners fail to complete the measures specified above by the specific dates, the City can perform the corrective measures at the Property Owners’ expense as authorized in Section 8.24.060 of RHMC. Conclusion Should the City Council find that the condition of the property continues to constitute a public nuisance within the meaning of the Municipal Code, the attached Resolution contains an order to abate the violation, and states that should the Property Owners fail to perform abatement, the City will either, with the property owner’s consent or under the authority of a new abatement warrant, engage services of a contractor to remediate the site at the property owners’ expense. FISCAL IMPACT: If the nuisance is not abated by the Property Owners voluntarily, the City may abate the nuisance by seeking an Abatement Warrant from the local Superior Court at the expense of the Property Owners. If the total cost of abating the nuisance is not paid to the City within 10 days after notice is given, the City Clerk may record, in the Office of the County Recorder, a statement of the total balance due to the City, which shall constitute a lien upon the property. In the alternative to a warrant, the City may proceed with filing a nuisance lawsuit and request the appointment of a receiver to clean up the property and recover costs through the litigation. RECOMMENDATION: Open the public hearing, consider all testimony and, upon consideration of the evidence, adopt Resolution No. 1380 (Attachment 1) declaring the condition to constitute a public 44 nuisance and ordering the abatement thereof. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: ResolutionNo1380_20PBR_NoticeToAbate_F.pdf Attachment 2: Dyer NOV Letter 1.pdf Attachment 3: Dyer NOV Letter 2.pdf Attachment 4: 20 PBR Dyer Abatement Letter.pdf 45 Resolution No. 1380   1 RESOLUTION NO. 1380 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DECLARING A DEAD TREE ON A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 20 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF (LOT 58-A-RH) (DYER) The City Council of the City of Rolling Hills does hereby find, resolve and order as follows: Section 1. Recitals. A. It is the duty of every person that owns or is in possession of any property, place or area within the boundaries of the City to maintain the property, place or area free from any nuisance. (Rolling Hills Municipal Code Section 8.24.020.) Section 8.30.010 (Dead or alive tumbleweeds and dead trees, shrubs, palm fronds or other plants as public nuisance) of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code states: “Every person who owns or is in possession of any property, place or area within the boundaries of the City shall, at his or her own expense, maintain the property, place or area free from any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead tree, shrub, palm frond or other plant. Any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead tree, shrub, palm frond or other plant located on any property in the City is hereby declared to be a public nuisance.” (Emphasis added.) Any condition in violation of Chapter 8.30 is a public nuisance. (Rolling Hills Municipal Code Section 8.30.010(A).) B. On April 22, 2024, City Staff was alerted to the fact that there is a dead pine tree located along Portuguese Bend Road a few hundred feet north of Saddleback Road and Poppy Trail on the east side of the road. After some research, staff determined the dead tree was located at 20 Portuguese Bend Road (Lot 58-A-RH) (hereinafter referred to as the “Subject Property”). The dead tree is clearly visible from the street, is a fire hazard, and an eyesore. C. On May 23, 2024, City Staff notified the owners of the Subject Property, Mr. and Mrs. Terry and Margaret Reiter (“Property Owners”), that the dead tree and any other overgrown/dead vegetation found on the Subject Property is in violation of Rolling Hills Municipal Code Section 8.30.010 and must be removed. Section 8.24.010 reads, “For the purposes of this chapter, a "nuisance" shall be defined as anything which is injurious to health or safety, or is indecent or offensive to the senses, or an obstruction to the free use of property or injurious to the stability of real property so as to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property, or unlawfully obstructs the free passage or use, in the customary manner, of any street, and affects at the same time an entire community or neighborhood, or any considerable number of persons, although the extent of the 46 Resolution No. 1380   2 annoyance or damage inflicted upon individuals may be unequal.” City Staff indicated that said items must be removed no later than June 6, 2024. This deadline passed and the Property Owners failed to make a good faith effort towards abatement of the nuisance condition on the Subject Property. D. On June 6, 2024, City Staff sent a second notice to the Owners and indicated that said items must be removed no later than June 20, 2024. This deadline passed and the Property Owners failed to make a good faith effort towards abatement of the nuisance condition on the Subject Property. E. On August 13, 2024, City Staff sent a Notice to Abate to the Property Owners that required the Owners to abate the identified nuisance within 15 days from the date of the Notice, or August 28, 2024. If the conditions in the Notice were not abated, or if the Property Owners failed to make a good faith effort toward abatement to the satisfaction of the City Manager by August 28, 2024, then a hearing would be scheduled before the City Council on September 23, 2024. Section 2. Pursuant to Sections 8.24.040 and 8.24.050 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code, the City Council conducted a hearing on September 23, 2024, to consider any protest of the Property Owner, possessor or other interested person regarding the condition of the Subject Property. Section 3. Upon consideration of the staff report, related documents and the evidence presented at the time of the hearing, the City Council determines that the property at 20 Portuguese Bend Road constitutes a condition that is injurious to the public health, safety and welfare by violating Section 8.30.010 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code such that it is a public nuisance pursuant to Chapter 8.24 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code. Section 4. In accordance with the foregoing, and because it is the duty of property owners to maintain their properties free of nuisances, the City Council orders that the Property Owners remove the dead tree on the Subject Property within 30 days of the date of this Resolution but no later than October 23, 2024. In the event the property owners fail to complete the measures specified above by the specific dates the City will perform the corrective measures at the Property Owners’ expense as authorized in Section 8.24.060 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code. Section 5. If the nuisance is not abated as specified herein, then the City Manager is directed to cause the nuisance to be abated by the City by seeking an Abatement Warrant from the local Superior Court, and also is directed to notify the property owner in writing by certified mail and regular mail of the cost of removal of the nuisance and that payment in full for removal of the nuisance is due to the City within 10 days of the date of mailing of the notice. If the total cost of abating the nuisance is not paid to the City within 10 days after the date of the notice, the City Clerk shall record, in 47 Resolution No. 1380   3 the Office of the County Recorder, a statement of the total balance due to the City, which shall constitute a lien upon the property in accordance with section 8.24.080 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code. Section 6. The City Clerk is hereby directed to send a copy of this resolution by certified and regular mail to the owners of the property located at 20 Portuguese Bend Road. Section 7. This resolution shall take effect immediately on September 23, 2024. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 23rd DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2024. ______________________________ LEAH MIRSCH MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________ CHRISTIAN HORVATH CITY CLERK 48 Resolution No. 1380   4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) §§ CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) The foregoing Resolution No. 1380 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DECLARING A DEAD TREE ON A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 20 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF (LOT 58-A-RH) (DYER) was approved and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 23rd day of September 2024, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ___________________________ CHRISTIAN HORVATH CITY CLERK 49 Notice of Violation First Notice Second Notice City Attorney 5.23.24 DYER,AARON S AND SUZANNE T TRS SSRG FAMILY TRUST 20 PORTUGUESE BEND RD ROLLING HILLS, CA 902745071 Re: Case Number 404 Subject Property: 20 PORTUGUESE BEND RD, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274-5071 Property ID Number: 7569-005-001 Dear Property Owner(s): The City of Rolling Hills, in a continued effort to reduce City violations, is seeking your cooperation in correcting the following code violation(s). An inspection of the above-listed premises disclosed that the property does not comply with the following section(s) of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code: 8.30.010 - Dead or alive tumbleweeds and dead trees, shrubs, palm fronds or other plants as public nuisance. Dead or alive tumbleweeds and dead trees, shrubs, palm fronds or other plants as public nuisance.Every person who owns or is in possession of any property, place or area within the boundaries of the City shall, at his or her own expense, maintain the property, place or area free from any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead tree, shrub, palm frond or other plant. Any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead tree, shrub, palm frond or other plant located on any property in the City is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. Resolution Actions: Remove the dead tree found on the property. For extension requests, questions, or requests email codeenforcement@cityofrh.net or contact the Rolling Hills City Hall during operating hours. You have until 6.6.25 to make the required corrections to your property or otherwise comply with this letter. Failure to address the code violation within the time specified may cause your property to be deemed a nuisance and result in abatement procedures or other enforcement actions. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding this notice, please contact us at (310) 377-1521. Sincerely, Noah Roque Code Enforcement Officer Phone:310-377-1521 Email:codeenforcement@cityofrh.net 9/17/24, 12:36 PM iworq.net/iworq/0_Pages/popupEditLetterPrint.php?sid=TTZ9PFXY0B92WQJT44BMPTJBP9400&id=5218918&k=7935&letterlinki… https://www.iworq.net/iworq/0_Pages/popupEditLetterPrint.php?sid=TTZ9PFXY0B92WQJT44BMPTJBP9400&id=5218918&k=7935&letterlinkid=2292…1/250 9/17/24, 12:36 PM iworq.net/iworq/0_Pages/popupEditLetterPrint.php?sid=TTZ9PFXY0B92WQJT44BMPTJBP9400&id=5218918&k=7935&letterlinki… https://www.iworq.net/iworq/0_Pages/popupEditLetterPrint.php?sid=TTZ9PFXY0B92WQJT44BMPTJBP9400&id=5218918&k=7935&letterlinkid=2292…2/251 Notice of Violation First Notice Second Notice City Attorney 6.6.24 DYER,AARON S AND SUZANNE T TRS SSRG FAMILY TRUST 20 PORTUGUESE BEND RD ROLLING HILLS, CA 902745071 Re: Case Number 404 Subject Property: 20 PORTUGUESE BEND RD, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274-5071 Property ID Number: 7569-005-001 Dear Property Owner(s): The City of Rolling Hills, in a continued effort to reduce City violations, is seeking your cooperation in correcting the following code violation(s). An inspection of the above-listed premises disclosed that the property does not comply with the following section(s) of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code: 8.30.010 - Dead or alive tumbleweeds and dead trees, shrubs, palm fronds or other plants as public nuisance. Dead or alive tumbleweeds and dead trees, shrubs, palm fronds or other plants as public nuisance.Every person who owns or is in possession of any property, place or area within the boundaries of the City shall, at his or her own expense, maintain the property, place or area free from any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead tree, shrub, palm frond or other plant. Any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead tree, shrub, palm frond or other plant located on any property in the City is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. Resolution Actions: The dead tree located on the corner of your property line must be removed within the given time frame. All dead and overgrown vegetation must also be removed from the property. For information, questions, or concerns contact the city of Rolling Hills during business hours or email codeenforcement@cityofrh.net You have until 6.20.24 to make the required corrections to your property or otherwise comply with this letter. Failure to address the code violation within the time specified may cause your property to be deemed a nuisance and result in abatement procedures or other enforcement actions. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding this notice, please contact us at (310) 377-1521. Sincerely, Noah Roque Code Enforcement Officer Phone:310-377-1521 Email:codeenforcement@cityofrh.net 9/17/24, 12:36 PM iworq.net/iworq/0_Pages/popupEditLetterPrint.php?sid=TTZ9PFXY0B92WQJT44BMPTJBP9400&id=5218918&k=6744&letterlinki… https://www.iworq.net/iworq/0_Pages/popupEditLetterPrint.php?sid=TTZ9PFXY0B92WQJT44BMPTJBP9400&id=5218918&k=6744&letterlinkid=2314…1/252 9/17/24, 12:36 PM iworq.net/iworq/0_Pages/popupEditLetterPrint.php?sid=TTZ9PFXY0B92WQJT44BMPTJBP9400&id=5218918&k=6744&letterlinki… https://www.iworq.net/iworq/0_Pages/popupEditLetterPrint.php?sid=TTZ9PFXY0B92WQJT44BMPTJBP9400&id=5218918&k=6744&letterlinkid=2314…2/253 8/13/24 DYER,AARON S AND SUZANNE T TRS SSRG FAMILY TRUST 20 PORTUGUESE BEND RD ROLLING HILLS, CA 902745071 I hope this letter finds you well. As members of our esteemed community, your safety and comfort are of utmost importance to us. In the spirit of maintaining the beauty and safety of our neighborhood, we need to address a matter concerning your property. After a recent inspection, it has come to our attention that the condition of your property is in violation of Section 8.30.010 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code, which states: "Every person who owns or is in possession of any property, place or area within the boundaries of the City shall, at his or her own expense, maintain the property, place or area free from any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead trees, shrub, palm frond or other plant. Any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead tree, shrub, palm frond or other plant located on any property in the City is hereby declared to be a public nuisance." Specifically, the issue identified at your property include dead tree. The violation needs to be addressed promptly to avoid further action. As per RHMC Section 8.24.040, you are required to abate the identified nuisance within fifteen (15) days from the date of this notice. If you make a good-faith effort towards abatement but cannot fully address the issue within this period, please contact the City Manager to discuss an extension or alternative arrangements. If the conditions described in this Notice are not abated by 8/28/24, or if you have failed to make a good faith effort toward abatement (to the satisfaction of the City Manager) by 8/28/24, a hearing shall be held before the City Council on 9/23/24, at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers located in City Hall: 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274. If the nuisance is not abated, the City may proceed to abate the nuisance as described in RHMC Section 8.24.060. The costs incurred by the City for this abatement will be billed to you, as detailed in RHMC Section 8.24.080. If the amount due is not paid within ten (10) days from the date of the notice, a lien may be placed on your property, as specified in RHMC Section 8.24.070 of the Rolling Hills municipal code. We understand that this may be an inconvenience, but your cooperation in maintaining the community's standards is greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Rolling Hills city hall during acting business hours. Sincerely, Noah Roque | Code Enforcement Officer | Phone:310-377-1521 | Email:codeenforcement@cityofrh.net To: DYER, AARON S AND SUZANNE T TRS SSRG FAMILY TRUST Address: 20 Portuguese Bend Rd. 54 55 Agenda Item No.: 13.A Mtg. Date: 09/23/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:SAMANTHA CREW, MANAGEMENT ANALYST THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: (1) CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 1381 A LOCAL PROCLAMATION OF EMERGENCY RELATED TO LAND MOVEMENT AND UTILITY SHUTOFFS; AND (2) DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO SEND LETTER TO LOS ANGELES COUNTY SUPERVISOR JANICE HAHN REQUESTING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR IMMEDIATE NEEDS RELATED TO COUNTY FEES DATE:September 23, 2024 BACKGROUND: The California Emergency Service Act allows the City to proclaim a local state of emergency when needed to protect the public safety in dire circumstances. Further, Chapter 2.32 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code details the City’s powers and creation of its Disaster Council in the event of a local emergency. As described below, the recent issues related to land movement in the City and the curtailment of electric and gas services to certain residents in the City currently constitutes a condition, or threatened condition, of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the City of Rolling Hills. Starting in July of 2024, the City began to see an uptick in issues related to land movement in the City. On or around July 11, 2024, the City was notified by the Rolling Hills Community Association (RHCA) of land movement on Cinchring Road, a newly identified area of concern. The RHCA has since contracted a geologist who has set out monitoring points. Data is currently being collected and early reports show movement is present, however, more time is needed to conclude at what exact rate the movement is occurring. On or around July 23, 2024, Acting Assistant Chief Kane from the Los Angeles County Fire Department, the RHCA and the City visited Cinchring Road and Quailridge Road South and found a concerning fissure on Quailridge Road South. On July 25, 2024, there was a water main break on Cinchring Road. On July 30, 2024, property damage as a result of land movement was reported to the City by a homeowner. Cracks were visibly noticed on the exterior of the home. Cal Water was also 56 called in on this day to repair a second water main break. On or around August 22, 2024, a second resident reported damage to their home due to presumed land movement. Also on this day, the City received notice that Fire Station 56, on Crest Road West, had experienced damage that was being address by the Los Angeles County Fire Department's maintenance team. On September 10, 2024, Southern California Edison (SCE) informed staff that 23 households would receive a notice of potential service shut-off due to land movement (Attachment A). On September 12, 2024, staff was informed that Southern California Gas (SCG) would shut off services to 35 households due to ongoing land movement in the City effective Monday, September 16, at approximately 3 p.m. By 8:00 p.m., the total impacted households increased to 37. Also, SCE informed the City that an additional 28 homes would receive the same letter informing them of a potential service shut-off due to land movement totaling 51 Rolling Hills households. On September 13, 2024, SCE informed the City that they would de-energize 51 customers on September 18, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. or sooner. Additionally, throughout the above-mentioned timeframe, numerous residents have commented to the City Council about the increased land movement in the City and requested various remedial actions to ameliorate the issue. DISCUSSION: Since July, residents have experienced adverse impacts from land movement that has damaged homes and roads in the City. In addition, SCE and SoCal Gas have both curtailed utility service to certain homes within the City. These utilities have informed the City and residents that the reason for this service stoppage was land movement, the public safety threat posed by potential line/wire failure, and the possible negative impacts further damage to their respective infrastructure could have City-wide. SCE has de-energized fifty-one (51) homes indefinitely and SoCal Gas has discontinued service for thirty-seven (37) homes indefinitely. California Government Code Section 8630 empowers the City Council to proclaim the existence of a Local Emergency when there is extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the territorial limits of the City. Additionally, California Government Code Section 8634 empowers the City Council to promulgate orders and regulations necessary to provide for the protection of life and property during the time of a Local Emergency. These statutes codify the constitutional “police powers” of local governments to adopt local legislation designed to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the community. Further, the City’s Municipal Code (Chapter 2.32) establishes the City’s disaster council and policies and procedures for dealing with a local emergency. A declaration of local emergency will, among other things, provide the City greater flexibility to act expediently when trying to address and mitigate the danger posed by the local emergency. It may also aid in coordination with other governmental entities and allow the City access to other resources. 57 Rolling Hills Municipal Code Section 2.32.020, defines emergency as: “the actual or threatened existence of conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the City caused by such conditions as air pollution, fire, flood, storm, epidemic, riot, earthquake, or other conditions resulting from war or imminent threat of war, but other than conditions resulting from a labor controversy, which conditions are or are likely to be beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment and facilities of the City, requiring the combined forces of other political subdivisions to combat.” Government Code Section 8558(c)(1) defines a local emergency as: “duly proclaimed existence of conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the territorial limits of a county, city and county, or city, caused by conditions such as air pollution, fire, flood, storm, epidemic, riot, drought, cyberterrorism, sudden and severe energy shortage, de-energization event, plant or animal infestation or disease, the Governor’s warning of an earthquake or volcanic prediction, or an earthquake, or other conditions, other than conditions resulting from a labor controversy, which are or are likely to be beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment, and facilities of that political subdivision and require the combined forces of other political subdivisions to combat, or with respect to regulated energy utilities, a sudden and severe energy shortage or de-energization event that requires extraordinary measures beyond the authority vested in the California Public Utilities Commission.” The City Council is empowered by the above-mentioned sources to declare a local emergency. As required by law, if the City Council were to declare a local emergency, the City Council shall review the need to continue the state of emergency every 60 days until this local emergency is terminated. As part of the local emergency declaration, and in addition to the powers and duties described in Chapter 2.32 the City Council can direct the City Manager and staff to promulgate rules and regulations on matters reasonably related to the protection of life and property affected by the emergency. This could include, but is not limited to, relaxing or modifying certain zoning standards to allow development such a solar equipment or propane tanks to service homes that no longer have electricity or gas service. Disaster Council Membership For reference the following Municipal Code sections are provided that prescribe the creation of the City’s Disaster Council and pertinent powers. This is not an exhaustive list: Section 2.23.030: The Disaster Council is created and shall consist of the following: a. The Mayor, who shall be Chairman b. The Director of Emergency Services, who shall be Vice Chairman c. The Assistant Director of Emergency Services d. Such chiefs of emergency services as are provided for in a current emergency plan of the City adopted pursuant to this chapter; and e. Such representatives of civic, business, labor, veterans, professional or other 58 organizations having an official emergency responsibility, as may be appointed by the Director, with the advice and consent of the City Council. Section 2.32.040: It shall be the duty of the Disaster Council, and it is empowered, to develop and recommend for adoption by the City Council, emergency and mutual aid plans and agreements and such ordinances and resolutions and rules and regulations as are necessary to implement such plans and agreements. The Disaster Council shall meet upon call of the chairman, or in his (her) absence from the City or his (her) inability to call such a meeting, upon call of the Vice Chairman. Section 2.32.050: a. There is created the office of Director of Emergency Services. The City Manager shall be the Director of Emergency Services. b. There is created the office of Assistant Director of Emergency Services, who shall be appointed by the Director. Section 2.32.060: A. The Director is empowered to: 1. Request the City Council to proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a "local emergency" if the City Council is in session, or to issue such proclamation if the City Council is not in session. Whenever a local emergency is proclaimed by the Director, the City Council shall take action to ratify the proclamation within seven days thereafter, or the proclamation shall have no further force or effect; 2. Request the Governor to proclaim a "state of emergency" when, in the opinion of the Director, the locally available resources are inadequate to cope with the emergency; 3. Control and direct the effort of the emergency organization of the City for the accomplishment of the purposes of this chapter; 4. Direct cooperation between and coordination of services and staff of the emergency organization of this City; and resolve questions of authority and responsibility that may arise between them; 5. Represent the City in all dealings with public or private agencies on matters pertaining to emergencies as defined in this chapter; 6. In the event of the proclamation of a local emergency as provided in this chapter, the proclamation of a state of emergency by the Governor or the Director of the State Office of Emergency Services, or the existence of a "state of war emergency," the Director is empowered: a. To make and issue rules and regulations on matters reasonably related to the protection of life and property as affected by such emergency; provided, however, such rules and regulations must be confirmed at the earliest practicable time by the City Council, b. To obtain vital supplies, equipment, and such other properties found lacking and needed for the protection of life and property and to bind the City for the fair value thereof, and, if required immediately, to commandeer the same for public use, c. To require emergency services of any City officer or employee, and, in the event of the proclamation of a state of emergency in the County, or the existence of a state of war emergency, to command the aid of as many citizens of this community as he deems necessary in the execution of his 59 duties; such persons shall be entitled to all privileges, benefits and immunities as are provided by State law for registered disaster service workers, d. To requisition necessary personnel or material of any City department or agency, or e. To execute all of her ordinary power as City Manager, conferred upon her by this chapter or by resolution or emergency plan pursuant hereto adopted by the City Council, all powers conferred upon her by any statute, by any agreement approved by the City Council, and by any other lawful authority. B. The Director of Emergency Services shall designate the order of success to that office, to take effect in the event the Director is unable to attend meetings and otherwise perform her duties during an emergency. Such order of succession shall be approved by the City Council. C. The Assistant Director shall, under the supervision of the Director and with the assistance of emergency service chiefs, develop emergency plans and manage the emergency programs of the City, and shall have such other powers and duties as may be assigned by the Director. City and County Permitting Process and Fees In response to the utility shut-offs, residents of the City are exploring or installing alternative utility equipment such as solar panels, energy storage systems (batteries; ESS), generators, and propane tanks. City staff is accepting applications over the counter and approving administratively as quickly as possible on a temporary basis with no fee. In some cases, the equipment is being stored in areas that would normally require a variance request, such as placing equipment in the front yard or in a required setback. Once an application is approved by the City and the Rolling Hills Community Association (RHCA), applicants can proceed to Los Angeles County Building and Safety (LACBS) or obtain permits. LACBS is aware of the dire situation, and its staff is expediting applications received for the affected areas. However, LACBS still requires fees to cover plan checks, permit issuance, and inspection costs. Due to the short notice given to residents, many are challenged to pay these fees. Currently, staff is processing certain applications under the temporary use permits section of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code (Chapter 17.48) to provide the most expedited review. However, this is likely not an ideal permanent solution, as permanent entitlements would require more formal procedures, possible public hearings, discretionary review, and fees. Returning back to the temporary use permit process currently being utilized, once approval from the City is obtained, residents may proceed to LACBS for issuance of permits. Permit fees will vary based on the size of equipment, number of fixtures, size of conduit, etc. Equipment for each residence will vary based on the size of the residence and usage. For a residence of 4,000 square feet, the following sizes may be expected: Solar panels: 30 kWh system Solar batteries: 4 batteries (Tesla Powerwall 3) Generators: 30 kWh Propane tank: 500/1,000 gallon In addition to review by LACBS, applications may be referred to the County Fire Department and Health Department depending on the type of equipment. Propane tanks with a gas line width of less than 2 inches only require a permit for a low-pressure gas line and can be issued 60 quickly. However, gas lines with a width of 2 inches or more require a full plan check through the Fire Department. Similarly, solar panels and solar batteries that do not exceed 38.4 kilowatt alternating current (kW AC) may be processed by the County as express permits, which are not plan-checked. LA County is aware of the utility shutoffs and is processing applications expeditiously. However, for health and safety reasons, requirements cannot be waived. The Fire Department still requires equipment to be a certain distance from living structures. The Health Department does not allow equipment to be located on top of septic tanks or in leach fields. LA County Fire permit fees can be as much as $1,170. Waiving these fees is also essential, as fees are collected prior to the issuance of permits. City staff is looking for the City Council’s affirmation of the current process on the city side to ensure the best and most efficient service to its impacted residents. Further, the City Council should consider directing staff to waive either all or some of the fees for discretionary applications (e.g., variance, noticing, environmental fee). Additionally, the City could consider formal direction to City staff to relax certain code requirements that require such equipment to be outside of the front yard or required setbacks to those residents impacted by the utility shut- offs. The City contracts with Los Angeles County for various services that may be contemplated and relied upon in response to the subject matter of the local emergency. Due to the contractual relationship with the County, the City is not unilaterally able to waive fees or provide other services free of charge to impacted residents. Thus, as part of the local emergency declaration, City staff is requesting that the City Council authorize the City Manager to formally request, in writing, from Supervisor Janice Hahn or other pertinent recipients, financial assistance pertaining to fees or other services that the City pays the County. If successful, these requests would aid in the City’s response to the local emergency. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This resolution and the actions taken and/or proposed herein are not a project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) since they are activities that are excluded from the definition of a project by section 21065 of the California Public Resources Code and section 15378(b) of the State CEQA Guidelines. The proposed actions are organizational or administrative activities of government which will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment. These actions are also exempt from CEQA as specific actions necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency pursuant to section 21080(b)(4) and section 15269(c) of the State CEQA Guidelines. They also are exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 – existing facilities. Coordinating and improving infrastructure and safety as well as education and enforcement efforts for safer driving and use of PCH are all exempt activities. Further, to the extent there are minor/temporary uses of land having a negligible or no permanent effect on the environment, these activities are exempt under Section 15304(e) of the CEQA Guidelines. NOTE: Resolution No. 1381 (Attachment B) will be added as a blue folder supplemental item for the Monday, September 23, 2024 City Council meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: There are no direct fiscal costs related to the declaration of local emergency. 61 The estimated costs in responding to the land movement and utility service shut offs are unknown currently due to the evolving nature of the circumstances. Adoption of Resolution No.1381 will, among other things, allow the City to request resources including financial support and reimbursement from the State Office of Emergency Services (OES) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for costs incurred for the response to this emergency. It should be noted that reimbursement is not guaranteed. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No.1381, declaring the existence of a local emergency, and direct the City Manager to send a letter to Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn or other pertinent recipients requesting financial assistance for immediate needs related to County fees. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A - PS_LDM_240910_SCE_NoticeOfPotentialServiceShutoff.pdf 62 NOTICE OF POTENTIAL SERVICE SHUT OFF DUE TO LAND MOVEMENT Dear [CUSTOMER NAME], Significant and accelerating land movement is impacting the electrical grid supplying power to your area, putting multiple properties and utilities’ infrastructure at risk. Please be advised that Southern California Edison’s service to your property may be discontinued if conditions warrant. At this time, we are not planning to deenergize service to your home, but we are actively monitoring the dynamic conditions as they change. Nothing is more important than the safety of the public, customers and our crews. The ground movement affecting the circuit that serves your neighborhood has created unsafe and hazardous conditions, which have already impacted SCE’s infrastructure, causing power poles to lean and power lines to fail. The impact on SCE’s equipment caused by these hazardous conditions increases the risk of system failure, fire ignition or other public safety hazards. SCE will continue to serve your community as long as it is safe to do so. The decision to turn off power is never taken lightly. We are working closely with officials at the City of Rolling Hills and Los Angeles County to monitor area conditions and share information about utility impacts. We know how disruptive the loss of power would be, and we appreciate your understanding and patience. We will make every effort to provide timely communications regarding impact to your service. However, the dynamic conditions in the area may not allow for advance notification. Because of this, customers receiving this notice in the Quail Ridge area are encouraged to begin planning for the potential suspension of electric service. Learn More: If you have questions, please visit sce.com/rpv or call 1-800-250-7339 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday or Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the most up-to-date information on the situation. REMEMBER: If you see a downed power line, call 911 first and notify SCE at 1-800-611-1911. Sincerely, 63 Jill C. Anderson Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Southern California Edison 64 Agenda Item No.: 13.B Mtg. Date: 09/23/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION AND DISCUSSION REGARDING AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PROCURE ADDITIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES IN RESPONSE TO UTILITY SHUTOFFS IN THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS; TO RETURN WITH A BUDGET AMENDMENT RESOLUTION; AND TO SEND A LETTER TO LOS ANGELES COUNTY SUPERVISOR JANICE HAHN REQUESTING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE AFOREMENTIONED LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES AND ADDITIONAL COUNTY SERVICES DATE:September 23, 2024 BACKGROUND: On September 10, 2024, Southern California Edison (SCE) informed staff that 23 households would receive a notice of potential service shut-off due to land movement (Attachment A). On September 12, 2024, staff was informed that Southern California Gas (SCG) would shut off services to 35 households due to ongoing land movement in the City effective Monday, September 16, at approximately 3 p.m. By 8:00 p.m., the total impacted households increased to 37. Also, SCE informed the City that an additional 28 homes would receive the same letter informing them of a potential service shut-off due to land movement totaling 51 Rolling Hills households. On September 13, 2024, SCE informed the City that they would de-energize 51 customers on September 18, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. or sooner. On September 17, 2024, staff met with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department to discuss public safety in the Rolling Hills community. Staff was assured that the Lomita Station was committed to protecting the neighborhoods by conducting high-visibility patrol checks on all three shifts. 65 DISCUSSION: In response to the emergency utility shutoffs affecting Rolling Hills residents, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD) can provide additional patrol services outside of the existing Fiscal Year (FY) 24/25 Service Level Authorization (SH-AD 575) (Attachment B). Staff recommends that the City Council consider and discuss the potential of authorizing the City Manager to procure additional law enforcement patrol services, as needed, to ensure the safety of impacted residents and their property. FISCAL IMPACT: The FY 24/25 LASD SH-AD 575 estimated annual cost for service units and liability is $435,758.65 The FY 24/25 adopted budget for law enforcement service is apportioned as $293,000 to 01- 25-830 and $142,759 to Fund 10 (COPs Fund). The FY24/25 adopted budget for the COPs Fund is $170,000. This fund is used specifically for supplemental services to the annual contract as well as for supplemental traffic enforcement. While it could be used for this request, it is probable that costs would exceed the adopted amount designed for the two aforementioned services. Additional funds for supplemental patrol services during this time of need would require a budget amendment resolution. RECOMMENDATION: Provide direction to staff. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A - PS_LDM_240910_SCE_NoticeOfPotentialServiceShutoff.pdf Attachment B - CA_AGR_240813_575_FY24-25_F_A.pdf 66 NOTICE OF POTENTIAL SERVICE SHUT OFF DUE TO LAND MOVEMENT Dear [CUSTOMER NAME], Significant and accelerating land movement is impacting the electrical grid supplying power to your area, putting multiple properties and utilities’ infrastructure at risk. Please be advised that Southern California Edison’s service to your property may be discontinued if conditions warrant. At this time, we are not planning to deenergize service to your home, but we are actively monitoring the dynamic conditions as they change. Nothing is more important than the safety of the public, customers and our crews. The ground movement affecting the circuit that serves your neighborhood has created unsafe and hazardous conditions, which have already impacted SCE’s infrastructure, causing power poles to lean and power lines to fail. The impact on SCE’s equipment caused by these hazardous conditions increases the risk of system failure, fire ignition or other public safety hazards. SCE will continue to serve your community as long as it is safe to do so. The decision to turn off power is never taken lightly. We are working closely with officials at the City of Rolling Hills and Los Angeles County to monitor area conditions and share information about utility impacts. We know how disruptive the loss of power would be, and we appreciate your understanding and patience. We will make every effort to provide timely communications regarding impact to your service. However, the dynamic conditions in the area may not allow for advance notification. Because of this, customers receiving this notice in the Quail Ridge area are encouraged to begin planning for the potential suspension of electric service. Learn More: If you have questions, please visit sce.com/rpv or call 1-800-250-7339 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday or Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the most up-to-date information on the situation. REMEMBER: If you see a downed power line, call 911 first and notify SCE at 1-800-611-1911. Sincerely, 67 Jill C. Anderson Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Southern California Edison 68 RANK, RELIEF FACTOR SERVICE CODE NEW PREV.CHNG.ANNUAL RATE ESTIMATED TOTAL ANNUAL COST LIABILITY 12.5% TOTAL ANNUAL COST W/LIABILITY ANNUAL HOURS PER SERVICE UNIT ANNUAL HOURS SCHEDULED ANNUAL MINUTES SCHEDULED PERSONNEL REQUIRED DEPUTY SHERIFF SERVICE UNIT Deputy Sheriff, Non-Relief 310 0.16 0.16 0.00 $335,385.00 $53,661.60 $6,707.70 $60,369.30 1,789 286 17,174 0.16 Deputy Sheriff, 56-Hour Unit 307 0.50 0.50 0.00 $516,493.00 $258,246.50 $32,280.81 $290,527.31 2,920 1,460 87,600 0.816 DEPUTY SHERIFF SERVICE UNIT (BONUS) Deputy Sheriff, Bonus I, Non-Relief 305 0.12 0.12 0.00 $361,026.00 $43,323.12 $5,415.39 $48,738.51 1,789 215 12,881 0.12 GROWTH DEPUTY UNIT GRANT DEPUTY UNIT Grant Special Assignment Deputy 312 0.08 0.08 0.00 $233,680.00 $18,694.40 $2,336.80 $21,031.20 1,789 143 8,587 0.08 SUPPLEMENTAL POSITIONS Motor Deputy, Non-Relief 305A 0.04 0.04 0.00 $335,385.00 $13,415.40 $1,676.93 $15,092.33 1,789 72 4,294 0.04 Estimated Cost for Service Units:$387,341.02 Total Liability (12.5%):$48,417.63 Estimated Subtotal:$435,758.65 Public Safety Equipment Cost (See page 3):$- Estimated Total Annual Cost:$435,758.65 CITY:Rolling Hills FISCAL YEAR:2024-2025 EFFECTIVE DATE:7/1/2024 LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT CONTRACT LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES SERVICE LEVEL AUTHORIZATION (SH-AD 575) The terms of this Service Level Authorization (SH-AD 575) will remain in effect until a subsequent SH-AD 575 is signed and received by LASD. Notwithstanding, annual rates shall be revised annually per Sections 8.2 and 11.3 of the MLESA. LASD Approval By:Report Prepared By: Kimberly Guerrero E-Signed By Kimberly Guerrero 9/17/2024 11:37:23 AM Mina Cho 9/3/2024 UNIT COMMANDER NAME SIGNATURE DATE SERGEANT DATE City Approval By: "I certify that I am authorized to make this commitment on behalf of the City."Processed at CLEB By: Karina Banales E-Signed By Karina Banales 9/12/2024 5:34:22 PM E-Signed By Mina Cho 9/17/2024 11:39:21 AM CITY OFFICIAL NAME SIGNATURE DATE SERGEANT DATE Rolling Hills 575 FY 2024-2025 Generated: 9/20/2024 10:29:37 AM Attachment A 69 LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT CONTRACT LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES SERVICE LEVEL AUTHORIZATION (SH-AD 575) DEPLOYMENT OF PERSONNEL CITY:Rolling Hills FISCAL YEAR:2024-2025 EFFECTIVE DATE:7/1/2024 SERVICE UNIT TOTAL UNITS PURCHASED GENERAL LAW EM AM PM TRAFFIC LAW EM AM PM MOTOR DEP SAD D.B.TEAM LEADER TOTAL UNITS ASSIGNED DEPUTY SHERIFF SERVICE UNIT Deputy Sheriff, Non-Relief 0.16 0.08 0.08 0.16 Deputy Sheriff, 56-Hour Unit 0.50 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.50 Motor Deputy, Non-Relief 0.04 0.04 0.04 DEPUTY SHERIFF SERVICE UNIT (BONUS) Deputy Sheriff, Bonus I, Non-Relief 0.12 0.12 0.12 GRANT DEPUTY UNIT Grant Special Assignment Deputy 0.08 0.08 0.08 Routine City Helicopter Agreement YES NO License Detail - Business & Renewal Applications YES NO License Detail - Acts on Violations Observed within the City YES NO Other Supplemental Services YES NO NOTE: License Detail is billed on an hourly basis and billed monthly as service is provided. Sworn Lieutenant Sergeant Bonus Deputy Motor Deputy Deputy SAD Total Hours 0 0 215 72 1,746 143 2,176 Minutes 0 0 12,881 4,294 104,774 8,587 130,536 Personnel 0.000 0.000 0.120 0.040 0.976 0.080 1.216 Civilian SSO LET/CSA/CA/PCO Clerical Total Hours 0 0 0 0 Minutes 0 0 0 0 Personnel 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Agreement City Official:9/12/2024 Unit Commander:9/17/2024 Rolling Hills 575 FY 2024-2025 Attachment A 70 LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT CONTRACT LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES SERVICE LEVEL AUTHORIZATION (SH-AD 575) PUBLIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT CITY:Rolling Hills FISCAL YEAR:2024-2025 Start-Up Vehicle Vehicle Type SERVICE CODE #RATE TOTAL COST Public Safety Equipment Equipment SERVICE CODE #RATE TOTAL COST Equipment MDC Type SERVICE CODE #RATE TOTAL COST ALPR With Install SERVICE CODE #RATE TOTAL COST Total Public Safety Equipment Cost:$0.00 Attachment A Re-submit to make changes to page 2 checked boxes. Rolling Hills 575 FY 2024-2025 71 CONTRACT LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT MASTER RATE SHEET Liability Rate: 12.5% Deputy Sheriff Service Unit Rates Rank / Relief Factor Annual Rate Service Code Deputy Sheriff, Non-Relief $335,385.00 310 Deputy Sheriff, 40-Hour Unit $368,924.00 306 Deputy Sheriff, 56-Hour Unit $516,493.00 307 Deputy Sheriff, 70-Hour Unit $645,616.00 308 Special Assignment Deputy, Non-Relief $335,385.00 278 Catalina Deputy, Non-Relief $334,861.00 324 Deputy Sheriff Service Unit (Bonus) Rates Rank / Relief Factor Annual Rate Service Code Deputy Sheriff, Bonus I, Non-Relief $361,026.00 305 Deputy Sheriff, Bonus I, 40-Hour Unit $397,128.00 301 Deputy Sheriff, Bonus I, 56-Hour Unit $555,980.00 302 Deputy Sheriff, Bonus I, 70-Hour Unit $694,975.00 303 Growth Deputy Unit Rates Rank / Relief Factor Annual Rate Service Code Growth Special Assignment Deputy, Non-Relief $233,680.00 204 Growth Deputy Generalist, Non-Relief $233,680.00 335 Growth Deputy Generalist, 40-Hour Unit $272,471.00 573 Growth Deputy Generalist, 56-Hour Unit $381,366.00 582 Growth Deputy Generalist, 70-Hour Unit $476,707.00 583 Growth Motor Deputy, Non-Relief $252,024.00 424 Growth Deputy Bonus I, Non-Relief $254,004.00 336 Grant Deputy Unit Rates Rank / Relief Factor Annual Rate Service Code Grant Special Assignment Deputy $233,680.00 312 Grant Motor Deputy, Non-Relief $252,024.00 422 Grant Deputy Generalist, Non-Relief $233,680.00 386 Grant Deputy Bonus I, Non-Relief $254,004.00 384 Supplemental Positions Rates Rank / Relief Factor Annual Rate Service Code Captain, Non-Relief $457,914.00 321 Lieutenant, Non-Relief $364,606.00 342 Sergeant, Patrol, Non-Relief $389,902.00 631 Sergeant, Supplemental, Non-Relief $307,637.00 353 Motor Sergeant, Non-Relief $324,341.00 348 Motor Deputy, Non-Relief $335,385.00 305A Watch Deputy, Non-Relief $249,796.00 354 Community Services Assistant (w/ veh), Non-Relief $84,226.00 325 Community Services Assistant (w/out veh), Non-Relief $80,327.00 327 Crime Analyst, Non-Relief $166,637.00 329 Custody Assistant, Non-Relief $136,462.00 331 Forensic ID Specialist II, Non-Relief $206,497.00 356 Information Systems Analyst I, Non-Relief $181,206.00 332 Intermediate Clerk, Non-Relief $89,517.00 338 Law Enforcement Technician (w/ veh), Non-Relief $123,400.00 340 Law Enforcement Technician (w/out veh), Non-Relief $122,440.00 339 Operations Assistant I, Non-Relief $118,285.00 343 Operations Assistant II, Non-Relief $146,942.00 344 Operations Assistant III, Non-Relief $168,289.00 345 Secretary V, Non-Relief $128,003.00 346 Security Assistant, Non-Relief $67,750.00 362 Security Officer, Non-Relief $105,091.00 347 Attachment B Fiscal Year: 2024-2025 72 Senior Information Systems Analyst, Non-Relief $237,072.00 334 Station Clerk II, Non-Relief $111,495.00 351 Skynight Observer, Non-Relief $361,026.00 349 Supervising Station Clerk, Non-Relief $134,799.00 352 Vehicle Type Rates Start-Up Vehicle Annual Rate Service Code B/W Patrol - Ford Explorer PIU Hybrid AWD $109,923.14 378 B/W Tahoe 2WD $102,551.83 399 B/W Motorcycle $65,291.97 381 Solid Patrol Vehicle with Cage (SAO Sergeant/Detectives)$100,339.04 118A Solid Patrol Vehicle without Cage (SAO Sergeant/Detectives)$98,168.28 118B Ford Escape SUV Hybrid (White Fleet - CSA, SSO, LET)$65,951.23 203 Ford Explorer PIU Hybrid (Street Package - Executive)$80,689.18 201 K-9 Vehicle (B/W Tahoe 2WD)$114,049.61 593 Equipment Rates Public Safety Equipment Annual Rate Service Code Supplemental K9 Services (Santa Clarita)$5,000.00 671 MDC Type Rates Equipment Annual Rate Service Code MDC New Purchase, Data & Maintenance - FZ-40 $9,839.00 198 MDC New Purchase, Data & Maintenance - GETAC V110 $8,805.00 164 MDC Data & Maintenance Only $1,780.00 595 ALPR With Install Rates Equipment Annual Rate Service Code ALPR New Install 1st Year (5yr Program)$5,000.00 680 ALPR System 2nd Year $5,000.00 680A ALPR System 3rd Year $5,000.00 680B ALPR System 4th Year $5,000.00 680C ALPR System 5th Year $5,000.00 680D Annual revised rates shall be readjusted annually per Sections 8.2 and 11.3 of the MLESA. 73 Agenda Item No.: 13.C Mtg. Date: 09/23/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REVIEW AND CONSIDER THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES (CAL CITIES) PROPOSED 2024 RESOLUTION PACKET AND PROVIDE DIRECTION TO THE CITY'S VOTING DELEGATE FOR ACTION TO BE TAKEN ON OCTOBER 18, 2024 AT THE 2024 GENERAL ASSEMBLY DURING THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND EXPO DATE:September 23, 2024 BACKGROUND: Sixty days before the Cal Cities Annual Conference and Expo, members may submit resolutions on issues of importance to cities. This year, Cal Cities received one resolution by the Aug. 17 deadline. The attached packet contains the proposed resolution, supporting letters from city officials, and an analysis of the resolution by Cal Cities. The packet includes detailed information on the resolution process. Cal Cities encourages each city council to consider the resolution and determine a city position so voting delegates can represent the city’s position during the general assembly on October 18, 2024. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Provide direction to voting delegate Councilmember Dieringer and alternate voting delegate Councilmember Wilson. ATTACHMENTS: CL_AGN_240923_CC_CalCities_2024ResoPacket.pdf 74 2023-2024 CAL CITIES OFFICERS President Daniel T. Parra Mayor Fowler First Vice President Lynne Kennedy Mayor Pro Tem, Rancho Cucamonga Second Vice President Gabe Quinto Council Member, El Cerrito Immediate Past President Ali Sajjad Taj Mayor Pro Tem, Artesia Executive Director and CEO Carolyn M. Coleman 1400 K Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 • 916.658.8200 • calcities.org August 28, 2024 TO: Mayors, Council Members, City Managers, and City Clerks RE: Cal Cities 2024 Resolution Packet Sixty days before the Cal Cities Annual Conference and Expo, Cal Cities members may submit resolutions on issues of importance to cities. This year, Cal Cities received one resolution by the Aug. 17 deadline. The attached packet contains the proposed resolution, supporting letters from city officials, and an analysis of the resolution by Cal Cities. The packet includes detailed information on the resolution process. We encourage each city council to consider the resolution and determine a city position so your voting delegate can represent your city’s position on the resolution. Voting Delegates: City councils must appoint a voting delegate to vote during the General Assembly. Each city may also appoint up to two alternate delegates. If your city has not already done so, please appoint your voting delegate by Sept. 25. The voting delegate packet contains more information. The Cal Cities 2024 General Assembly will be held Oct. 18 at 8:30 a.m. in the Long Beach Convention Center during the Annual Conference and Expo. For questions about resolutions, voting delegates, or the General Assembly, please contact Zach Seals. 75 2024 Resolutions Packet 76 2024 Resolutions Packet Information on 2024 Resolutions Process Consideration by Policy Committee (pre-conference) Per the Cal Cities bylaws, the Cal Cities President has referred the submitted resolution to the Governance, Transparency, and Labor Relations Policy Committee. The committee will meet on Oct. 3 at 10 a.m. via Zoom to review the resolution and make a recommendation that will be sent to the Resolutions Committee. A public comment period will be held during the meeting. Register for the meeting here. A list of recommendations the policy committee may make during its meeting are on page three of this packet. Consideration by Resolutions Committee (during conference) On Oct. 17 at 1:30 p.m. the Resolutions Committee will meet to review the resolution and the recommendation of the policy committee. The Resolutions Committee consists of one representative from each of Cal Cities caucuses, departments, divisions, and policy committees, as well as up to ten additional appointments made by the Cal Cities President. A public comment period will be held during the meeting. Refer to the onsite conference program for the location. A list of recommendations the Resolutions Committee may make during its meeting are on page three of this packet. Consideration by the General Assembly (during conference) The General Assembly will convene on Oct. 18 at 8:30 a.m. to consider any qualified resolutions. To vote during the General Assembly, voting delegates must have checked-in at the voting delegate booth. Conference attendees will receive materials for the General Assembly on the evening of Oct. 17. For more information on voting and discussion procedures during the General Assembly, see page four of this packet. Petitioned Resolutions (during conference) The petitioned resolution is an alternate method to introduce policy proposals during the annual conference. To initiate a petitioned resolution, voting delegates from 10% of member cities must sign the petition. The resolution and signatures are due at least 24 hours before the beginning of the General Assembly. Voting delegates who have checked-in at the voting delegate booth can receive more information on petitioned resolutions at the booth onsite. 1 77 Sixty days before the Annual Conference and Expo, Cal Cities members may submit policy proposals on issues of importance to cities. The resolution must have the concurrence of at least five additional member cities or individual members. How it works: Cal Cities Resolutions and the General Assembly General Assembly General Resolutions Policy Committees Developing League of California Cities policy is a dynamic process that engages a wide range of members to ensure Cal Cities represents cities with one voice. These policies directly guide Cal Cities’ advocacy to promote local decision-making, and lobby against statewide policies that erode local control. The resolutions process and General Assembly is one way that city officials can directly participate in the development of Cal Cities policy. If a resolution is approved at the General Assembly, it becomes official Cal Cities policy. Here’s how resolutions and the General Assembly work. The petitioned resolution is an alternate method to introduce policy proposals during the annual conference. The petition must be signed by voting delegates from 10% of member cities, and submitted to the Cal Cities President at least 24 hours before the beginning of the General Assembly. Petitioned Resolutions The Cal Cities President assigns general resolutions to policy committees where members review, debate, and recommend positions for each policy proposal. Recommendations are forwarded to the Resolutions Committee. Who’s who The Resolutions Committee includes representatives from each Cal Cities diversity caucus, regional division, municipal department, and policy committee, as well as individuals appointed by the Cal Cities president. Voting delegates are appointed by each member city; every city has one voting delegate. The General Assembly is a meeting of the collective body of all voting delegates —one from every member city. Seven policy committees meet throughout the year to review and recommend positions to take on bills and regulatory proposals. Policy committees include members from each Cal Cities diversity caucus, regional division, and municipal department, as well as individuals appointed by the Cal Cities president. During the General Assembly, voting delegates debate and consider general and petitioned resolutions forwarded by the Resolutions Committee. Potential Cal Cities bylaws amendments are also considered at this meeting. Cal Cities policy development is a member- informed process, grounded in the voices and experiences of city officials throughout the state. For more information visit www.calcities.org/general-assembly Prior to the Annual Conference and Expo Resolutions Committee The Resolutions Committee considers all resolutions. General Resolutions approved1 by either a policy committee or the Resolutions Committee are next considered by the General Assembly. General resolutions not approved, or referred for further study by both a policy committee and the Resolutions Committee do not go to the General Assembly. All Petitioned Resolutions are considered by the General Assembly, unless disqualified.2 During the Annual Conference and Expo 1 The Resolution Committee can amend a general resolution prior to sending it to the General Assembly. 2 Petitioned Resolutions may be disqualified by the Resolutions Committee according to Cal Cities Bylaws Article VI. Sec. 5(f). 2 78 2024 Resolutions Packet Policy Committee and Resolutions Committee Actions The submitted resolution will be heard by the policy committee to which it was assigned, and the Resolutions Committee. The below table shows what recommendations these bodies may make on the resolution. Policy Committee Actions Resolutions Committee Actions Approve Approve Disapprove* Disapprove* No Action No Action Amend and approve Amend and approve Refer to appropriate policy committee for further study* Approve as amended Refer as amended to appropriate policy committee for further study* Refer to appropriate policy committee for further study* Refer as amended to appropriate policy committee for further study* Approve with additional amendment(s) Additional amendments and refer to appropriate policy committee for further study* *If a resolution is disapproved or referred for further study by all policy committees to which it is assigned and the Resolutions Committee, it will not proceed to the General Assembly. 3 79 2024 Resolutions Packet General Assembly Voting and Discussion Procedures Discussion Procedures: Discussion procedures during the General Assembly are guided by two calendars: the Consent Calendar and the Regular Calendar. As seen below, resolutions are calendared by the recommendations they receive from policy committees and the Resolutions Committee. For General Resolutions: Policy Committee Recommendation Resolutions Committee Recommendation Calendar Approve Approve Consent Calendar Approve Disapprove or refer Regular Calendar Disapprove or refer Approve Regular Calendar Disapprove or refer Disapprove or refer Does not proceed to General Assembly For Petitioned Resolutions: Policy Committee Recommendation Resolutions Committee Action Calendar N/A Approve Regular Calendar Disapprove or Refer Regular Calendar Disqualified Does not proceed to General Assembly Items on the Consent Calendar will be presented as one motion during the General Assembly from the Resolutions Committee chair. Unless an item on the Consent Calendar is set aside by the majority of the General Assembly, a vote will be taken on the whole calendar. It an item is set aside, it will be opened for discussion, followed by a vote. Items on the Regular Calendar will be presented individually by the Resolutions Committee chair. After a recommendation is presented by the Resolutions Committee chair, the resolution will be opened for discussion by the General Assembly. A vote will take place following discussion. Voting Procedures: Per Cal Cities Bylaws Article XII, Sec. 2, all votes will be conducted by voice vote first. If the presiding official cannot determine the outcome a vote will be taken by an alternative method, typically a raise of voting cards by voting delegates. A roll call vote may be called for by delegates of ten percent or more of the General Assembly. 4 80 2024 Resolutions Packet 2024 Resolution 1. Resolution on Fair and Equal Treatment of All Governmental Officials at All Levels submitted by City of Glendora • Letters of concurrence submitted by: i. April A. Verlato, Mayor, City of Arcadia ii. Robert Gonzales, Mayor, City of Azusa iii. Tim Hepburn, Mayor, City of La Verne iv. Bill Uphoff, Mayor, City of Lomita v. John M. Cruikshank, Mayor, City of Rancho Palos Verdes • Referred to Governance, Transparency, and Labor Relations Policy Committee • Policy Committee Recommendation: • Resolutions Committee Recommendation: 5 81 2024 Resolutions Packet Resolution No. 1: Fair and Equal Treatment of All Governmental Officials at All Levels submitted by City of Glendora 6 82 2024 Resolutions Packet 1. A RESOLUTION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CALLING FOR THE CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE TO ENACT LAWS THAT ENSURE THAT “WHAT APPLIES TO ONE, APPLIES TO ALL” IN THE FAIR AND EQUAL TREATMENT OF ALL GOVERNMENTAL OFFICIALS AT ALL LEVELS IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Source: City of Glendora Concurrence of five or more cities/city officials City Officials: April A. Verlato, Mayor, City of Arcadia; Robert Gonzales, Mayor, City of Azusa; Tim Hepburn, Mayor, City of La Verne; Bill Uphoff, Mayor, City of Lomita; John M. Cruikshank, Mayor, City of Rancho Palos Verdes Referred to: Governance, Transparency and Labor Relations Policy Committee WHEREAS, the General Assembly of the League of California Cities objects to the practice of the California Legislature of imposing rules limiting authority or regulating the conduct of local municipal officials that do not also apply to elected officials of the State of California; and WHEREAS, examples of such rules or regulations that apply to local city elected officials that do not otherwise apply to the elected officials of the State of California include, but are not limited to: California’s open meeting rules, codified in the Ralph M. Brown Act, Government Code, Chapter 9, §§ 54950 et seq., which purport to “declare[] that the public commissions, boards and councils and the other public agencies in this State exist to aid in the conduct of the people’s business. It is the intent of the law that their actions be taken openly and that their deliberations be conducted openly,” but which limits its application to “local agencies,” but not including elected officials of the State of California; Creating “one-off” exemptions, in the form of Senate Bill No. 174, from the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) which purportedly requires all government agencies to consider the environmental consequences of their actions before approving plans and policies or committing to a course of action on a project in order to demolish and then rebuild State offices for the Governor and other State officials; 7 83 2024 Resolutions Packet Adopting rules, in the form of Senate Bill No. 1439, amending the Political Reform Act (the “Act”), by removing the exception for local elected officers from contribution limits requiring disqualification on development project decisions,” but not including elected officials of the State of California; Adopting rules, in the form of Assembly Bill No. 571, that apply to city and county candidates for local elected office, but not to candidates for state-wide office, including, but not limited to: prohibiting the making a contribution over the AB 571 limit to another candidate in jurisdictions subject to the AB 571; requiring a candidate that has qualified as a committee to establish a separate controlled committee and campaign bank account for each specific office; prohibiting a candidate from redesignating a committee for one election for another election. WHEREAS, the General Assembly of the League of California Cities now calls upon the Governor and the California Legislature to adopt a policy, practice, and procedure requiring, in their legislative activities, that “what applies to one applies to all.” NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED at the League General Assembly, assembled at the League Annual Conference on October 18, 2024 in Long Beach, California, that the League calls upon the Governor of the State of California and the elected members of the California Legislature, including all members of the Senate and Assembly to adopt the following policy: “The California State Legislature shall not enact, and the Governor shall not sign into law, any law or regulation that applies solely to elected officials of California cities and counties, unless such law or regulation also applies equally to members of the California State Assembly and Senate. This prohibition shall not apply to laws or regulations affecting the inherent powers of the legislative branch under the California Constitution.” 8 84 2024 Resolutions Packet Resolution No. 1: Letters of Concurrence 9 85 July 10, 2024 The City Council of Glendora is proposing the following resolution for consideration at the California League of Cities annual conference on October 18, 2024 Proposed Resolution: (“To ensure fairness and equal treatment for all government officials in California”) “The California State Legislature shall not enact, and the Governor shall not approve, any law or regulation that applies solely to elected officials of California cities and counties, unless such law or regulation also applies equally to members of the California State Assembly and Senate. This prohibition shall not apply to laws or regulations affecting the inherent powers of the legislative branch under the California Constitution.” The following five city council members are in concurrence with their letters of support (attached): ✓Mayor John Cruikshank, City of Rancho Palos Verdes ✓Mayor Bill Uphoff, City of Lomita ✓Mayor Robert Gonzales, City of Azusa ✓Mayor April Verlato, City of Arcadia ✓Mayor Tim Hepburn, City of La Verne Please confirm receipt of this request. Sincerely, Michael Allawos Council Member City of Glendora 10 86 11 87 12 88 13 89 14 90 15 91 2024 Resolutions Packet Resolution No. 1: Staff Analysis 16 92 League of California Cities Staff Analysis on Resolution No. 1 Staff: Johnnie Pina, Legislative Affairs, Lobbyist Committee: Governance, Transparency, and Labor Relations Summary: This Resolution states that the League of California Cities shall call upon the Governor of the State of California and the elected members of the California Legislature, including all members of the Senate and Assembly to adopt the following policy: “The California State Legislature shall not enact, and the Governor shall not sign into law, any law or regulation that applies solely to elected officials of California cities and counties, unless such law or regulation also applies equally to members of the California State Assembly and Senate. This prohibition shall not apply to laws or regulations affecting the inherent powers of the legislative branch under the California Constitution.” Background: This resolution states that examples of the California Legislature imposing rules limiting authority or regulating the conduct of local municipal officials that do not also apply to elected officials of the State of California include, but are not limited to: •California’s open meeting rules, codified in the Ralph M. Brown Act, Government Code, Chapter 9, §§ 54950 et seq.; •“One-off” exemptions, in the form of Senate Bill No. 174, from the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”); •Rules, in the form of Senate Bill No. 1439, amending the Political Reform Act (the “Act”); and •Rules, in the form of Assembly Bill No. 571, that apply to city and county candidates for local elected office, but not to candidates for state-wide office. Ralph M. Brown Act The California Attorney General’s (AG) Office defines The Ralph M. Brown Act (Brown Act) as what governs meetings conducted by local legislative bodies, such as boards of supervisors, city councils and school boards. The AG’s office states the Act represents the Legislature’s determination of how the balance should be struck between public access to meetings of multi-member public bodies on the one hand and the need for confidential candor, debate, and information gathering on the other. The Ralph M. Brown Act governs local agencies, the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act covers all state boards and commissions, and Government code 17 93 9027 governs the state Legislature. The California Constitution also mandates open meetings for state agencies, boards, and commissions. Specifically, the Constitution requires that each local agency comply with the Brown Act (Article I, section 3(b)(7)): and that the proceedings of each house of the Legislature be open and public (with exceptions for employment matters; matters affecting security; confer with legal counsel; and to meet as a caucus (Article IV, section 7). Although fairly detailed requirements apply to state agencies and other state bodies, they do not apply to the Legislature. The Legislature has Constitutional authority to adopt rules for its proceedings that are consistent with the requirement that the proceedings of each house and the committees be open and public. Another notable difference between the Legislature and a city council is the ability for Legislators to have a caucus to discuss a bill, express how they will vote, and to count votes. This is not allowed under the Brown Act. One other difference is that the laws governing teleconferencing for members of the state Legislature is far less flexible than it is for local bodies. However, state agencies have more flexibility than locals in that regard. California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) The Resolution cites the Legislature's action in exempting from CEQA the reconstruction of the State Capitol Annex building. The State Legislature enacted the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in 1970, establishing it as a public disclosure law for the environmental review of discretionary projects and a process for mitigating or avoiding potential environmental impacts. SB 174 (Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review) Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 74, Statutes of 2024 was signed into law July 2, 2024. This bill exempts the work performed under the State Capitol Building Annex Act of 2016 from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). In this example the Legislature exempted themselves as not being considered a “public agency,” “state agency,” or “lead agency” under CEQA. A lead agency under CEQA is the public agency that has the principal responsibility for carrying out or approving a project that is subject to CEQA. Over the years, the Legislature has also created many CEQA exceptions and exemptions for local projects involving local agencies as well. The Political Reform Act (PRA) - Senate Bill No. 1439 SB 1439 (Glazer) Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 848, Statutes of 2022 amends section 84308 and is aimed at preventing "pay-to-play" practices, in part by prohibiting parties, participants, and their respective agents in a 18 94 proceeding involving a license, permit, or other entitlement for use from contributing more than $250 to an officer of an agency during a 12 month period. When the Levine Act was first enacted in 1982, Section 84308 applied to appointed members of boards and commissions who were running for elective office. SB 1439 expended this law to now apply to local elected officials. Since it is focused on permits and licenses, it now applies to State agencies and local agencies that approve permits and licenses. Section 84308 does not apply to the Legislature or the Courts. It is important to note that unlike local governments, neither issue permits and licenses. The Political Reform Act (PRA) - Assembly Bill No. 571 AB 571 (Mullin) Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 556, Statutes of 2019 established default campaign contribution limits for county and city office at the same level as the limit on contributions from individuals to candidates for Senate and Assembly, effective January 1, 2021. This bill permitted a county or city to establish its own contribution limits, which would prevail over these default limits. The Resolution cites AB 571 as an example of treating cities differently than the State. The Fair Political Practices Commission clarifies in their AB 571 fact sheet that under AB 571 a city may elect to have "no" contribution limit in which case the state contribution limit will not apply as a default for that jurisdiction. A city or county can set contribution limits higher than the default state limit, AB 571 sets a default in line with contributions Assembly Members and Senators if a city or county is silent on contribution limits. Fiscal Impact: Unknown. Existing Cal Cities Policy: Mission Statement To expand and protect local control for cities through education and advocacy to enhance the quality of life for all Californians. We Believe: • Local self-governance is the cornerstone of democracy. • In the involvement of all stakeholders in establishing goals and in solving problems. • In conducting the business of government with transparency, openness, respect, and civility. The spirit of honest public service is what builds communities. • Open decision-making that is of the highest ethical standards honors the public trust. • The vitality of cities is dependent upon their fiscal stability and local autonomy. The active participation of all city officials increases Cal Cities’ effectiveness. 19 95 • Partnerships and collaborations are essential elements of focused advocacy and lobbying. • Ethical and well-informed city officials are essential for responsive, visionary leadership and effective and efficient city operations. Comments: Additional Examples The Legislature has passed and the Governor has signed many laws that apply to local governments and do not apply to the state or the state Legislature. This year AB 2561(McKinnor) was introduced, which requires local governments to present in a public meeting a detailed report about their vacancy rates and detailed information about their hiring practices. This is an attempt to address public sector vacancy rates. This bill does not apply to the state in a time when they are also dealing with high vacancy rates. Additionally, there were several bills that aim to amend the Levine Act, which now applies to local elected officials, to make changes to SB 1439, referenced previously in the analysis. None of the bills would amend the law to be applicable to Assembly Members or Senators. AB 817 (Pacheco), co-sponsored by Cal Cities tried to bring parity to the Brown Act by making the teleconference rules for state advisory bodies the same for local advisory bodies but the Legislature struck the bill down. Applying to elected officials or to the legislative body? Legislature or the State? The resolution also states, “… applies solely to elected officials of California cities and counties, unless such law or regulation also applies equally to members of the California State Assembly and Senate.” This portion of the resolve clause is specifically speaking to local elected officials and State Assembly Members and Senators. However, many of the “where as” clauses are in reference to laws that apply to cities, the state and the Legislature as government agencies and not specifically to the elected officials on the governing bodies. For example, the Brown Act applies rules to the Legislative body and not the individual council member. Additionally, the city council as a whole is the lead agency under CEQA and not the individual council members. Inherent Powers of the Legislative Branch The resolution also states, “This prohibition shall not apply to laws or regulations affecting the inherent powers of the legislative branch under the California Constitution.” It is unclear what inherent powers of the legislate branch under the California Constitution means in this context. The legislative branch does have the power 20 96 of preemption over cities and can state that a change in law is a matter of state wide concern. This allows the legislative branch to apply new laws or amend existing laws to apply to general law and charter cities. It seems like the last sentence of the resolve clause could negate the rest of the resolve clause if not clarified. Support: The following letters of concurrence were received: April A. Verlato, Mayor, City of Arcadia Robert Gonzales, Mayor, City of Azusa Tim Hepburn, Mayor, City of La Verne Bill Uphoff, Mayor, City of Lomita John M. Cruikshank, Mayor, City of Rancho Palos Verdes 21 97 Agenda Item No.: 16.A Mtg. Date: 09/23/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: EXISTING LITIGATION - GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(D)(1) THE CITY FINDS, BASED ON ADVICE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL, THAT DISCUSSION IN OPEN SESSION WILL PREJUDICE THE POSITION OF THE CITY IN THE LITIGATION. (1 CASE) a. NAME OF CASE: CONNIE ANDERSEN, ET AL. V. CALIFORNIA WATER COMPANY, ET AL. (SEAVIEW CASE) CASE NO.: 24STCV20953 DATE:September 23, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: None. ATTACHMENTS: 98 Agenda Item No.: 16.B Mtg. Date: 09/23/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - INITIATION OF LITIGATION GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(D)(1) THE CITY FINDS, BASED ON ADVICE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL, THAT DISCUSSION IN OPEN SESSION WILL PREJUDICE THE POSITION OF THE CITY IN THE LITIGATION. (2 CASES) DATE:September 23, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: None. ATTACHMENTS: 99