CL_AGN_241210_CC_AgendaPacket_F1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 4.A.RECEIVE AND FILE A PRESENTATION FROM CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE REGARDING A NEW WILDFIRE HARDENING RELIABILITY PROJECT ALONG APPALOOSA LANE AND UPPER BLACKWATER CANYON ROAD AND VERBAL UPDATE ON THE NEW ABOVE-GROUND MAINS ON CINCHRING ROAD AND QUAILRIDGE ROAD SOUTH RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 4.B.RECEIVE AND FILE A PRESENTATION OVERVIEW FROM THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES (CAL OES) REGARDING FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) AND CAL OES HAZARD MITIGATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 5.APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA This is the appropriate time for the Mayor or Councilmembers to approve the agenda as is or reorder. 6.BLUE FOLDER ITEMS (SUPPLEMENTAL) Blue folder (supplemental) items are additional back up materials to administrative reports, changes to the posted agenda packet, and/or public comments received after the printing and distribution of the agenda packet for receive and 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 (310) 377-1521 AGENDA Adjourned City Council Meeting CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, December 10, 2024 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS 7:00 PM The meeting agenda is available on the City’s website. The City Council meeting will be live-streamed on the City’s website. Both the agenda and the live-streamed video can be found here: https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/agenda/index.php Members of the public may submit written comments in real-time by emailing the City Clerk’s office at cityclerk@cityofrh.net. Your comments will become part of the official meeting record. You must provide your full name, but please do not provide any other personal information that you do not want to be published. Recordings to City Council meetings can be found here: https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/agenda/index.php Next Resolution No. 1383 Next Ordinance No. 386 CL_AGN_241210_CalWaterPresentation_WildfireHardeningProject.pdf 1 file. 7.PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS This is the appropriate time for members of the public to make comments regarding items not listed on this agenda. Pursuant to the Brown Act, no action will take place on any items not on the agenda. 8.CONSENT CALENDAR Business items, except those formally noticed for public hearing, or those pulled for discussion are assigned to the Consent Calendar. The Mayor or any Councilmember may request that any Consent Calendar item(s) be removed, discussed, and acted upon separately. Items removed from the Consent Calendar will be taken up under the "Excluded Consent Calendar" section below. Those items remaining on the Consent Calendar will be approved in one motion. The Mayor will call on anyone wishing to address the City Council on any Consent Calendar item on the agenda, which has not been pulled by Councilmembers for discussion. 8.A.APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 10, 2024 RECOMMENDATION: Approve. 8.B.APPROVE MOTION TO READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING OF ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS LISTED ON THE AGENDA RECOMMENDATION: Approve. 8.C.APPROVE THE FOLLOWING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: NOVEMBER 25, 2024 REGULAR MEETING RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 8.D.PAYMENT OF BILLS RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 8.E.APPROVE APPOINTMENTS TO THE PLANNING & TRAFFIC COMMISSIONS FOR THE TERM BEGINNING JANUARY 2, 2025 AND EXPIRING JANUARY 1, 2029 R E C O M M E N D AT I O N : Approve the appointment of Sharon Soo to the Planning Commission and re-appointment of Traffic Commissioner Raine. 9.EXCLUDED CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 10.COMMISSION ITEMS 11.PUBLIC HEARINGS 11.A.A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A NUISANCE ABATEMENT AT 20 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD (LOT 58-A-RH), AND CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DECLARING THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF RECOMMENDATION: As a result of the public nuisance being abated after the public notice was issued, staff recommends cancelling the public CL_AGN_241210_CC_AffidavitofPosting.pdf CL_MIN_241125_CC_F.pdf CL_AGN_241210_CC_PaymentOfBills.pdf 2 hearing. 12.OLD BUSINESS 12.A.DISCUSS POTENTIAL APPROVAL OF A 25% LOCAL MATCH REQUIREMENT AMOUNT (APPROXIMATELY $405,250) FOR THE 2023 SUBMITTED APPLICATION TO THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM TO ADDRESS ADDITIONAL FIRE FUEL ABATEMENT IN ROLLING HILLS' KLONDIKE CANYON R ECOM MENDATION : Approve as presented or provide direction to staff regarding grant sub-application termination. 13.NEW BUSINESS 13.A.APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH AMPIRICAL SERVICES INC. TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE 20B PORTION OF THE EASTFIELD DRIVE FIRE PREVENTION POWER LINE UNDERGROUNDING PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $117,899 FUNDED BY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) HAZARD MITIGATION PROGRAM #DR4382-177-7R-CA, AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT, AND FINDING THE PROJECT CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. 14.MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 15.MATTERS FROM STAFF 15.A.RECEIVE AND FILE A VERBAL UPDATE ON THE OUTDOOR EMERGENCY SIREN PROJECT AND CITYWIDE TESTING RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. 16.RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION Attachment 1: ResolutionNo1380_20PBR_NoticeToAbate_F.pdf Attachment 2: Dyer NOV Letter 1.pdf Attachment 3: Dyer NOV Letter 2.pdf Attachment 4: 20 PBR Dyer Abatement Letter.pdf GR_OES_230804_MNS_HMGP_Subapplication.pdf Attachment A - GR_OES_241030_Eastfield_UU_20B_Engineering_RFP_F_withAttachments.pdf Attachment B - GR_OES_241126_Eastfield_UU_20B_Engineering_Ampirical_Proposal.pdf Attachment C - GR_OES_241126_Eastfield_UU_20B_Engineering_Ampirical_CostsSheet.pdf Attachment D - GR_OES_241204_Eastfield_UU_20B_Engineering_Ampirical_CostsSheet_v3.pdf Attachment E - GR_OES_241126_Eastfield_UU_20B_Engineering_Entrust_Proposal.pdf Attachment F - GR_OES_241126_Eastfield_UU_20B_Engineering_Entrust_PricingSheet.pdf Attachment G - CA_AGR_241210_Ampirical_Eastfield_UU_20B_F.pdf 3 16.A.PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957 (B)(1) TITLE: CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDATION: None. 16.B.EXISTING LITIGATION - GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(D)(1)THE CITY FINDS, BASED ON ADVICE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL, THAT DISCUSSION IN OPEN SESSION WILL PREJUDICE THE POSITION OF THE CITY IN THE LITIGATION. (1 CASE) a. NAME OF CASE: CONNIE ANDERSEN, ET AL. V. CALIFORNIA WATER COMPANY, ET AL. (SEAVIEW CASE) CASE NO.: 24STCV20953 RECOMMENDATION: None. 16.C.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (TWO CASES) CPUC COMPLAINTS AGAINST SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON AND SOCAL GAS RECOMMENDATION: None. 17.RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION 18.ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Monday, January 13, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, Rolling Hills City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California, 90274. Notice: Public Comment is welcome on any item prior to City Council action on the item. Documents pertaining to an agenda item received after the posting of the agenda are available for review in the City Clerk's office or at the meeting at which the item will be considered. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting due to your disability, please contact the City Clerk at (310) 377-1521 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility and accommodation for your review of this agenda and attendance at this meeting 4 Agenda Item No.: 4.A Mtg. Date: 12/10/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:RECEIVE AND FILE A PRESENTATION FROM CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE REGARDING A NEW WILDFIRE HARDENING RELIABILITY PROJECT ALONG APPALOOSA LANE AND UPPER BLACKWATER CANYON ROAD AND VERBAL UPDATE ON THE NEW ABOVE- GROUND MAINS ON CINCHRING ROAD AND QUAILRIDGE ROAD SOUTH DATE:December 10, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. ATTACHMENTS: CL_AGN_241210_CalWaterPresentation_WildfireHardeningProject.pdf 5 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE December 10th, 2024 New Looped Water System Along Appaloosa Ln and Upper Black Canyon Rd Presenters: Agustin Baeza and Brianda Nunez Wildfire Hardening Reliability Project 6 Agenda 2 •Cal Water Overview •Project Background •Project Scope •Timeline •Next Steps 7 California Water Service (Cal Water) •Have provided water service in the area since 1970. •To meet customer needs, we purchase surface water from Metropolitan Water District. •Our system includes ~350miles of pipelines 3 8 Project Background •MRP VS Wildfire Projects •High Risk Fire Zone •All New Main •Improve •Grid Resiliency in the System •Water Quality •Fire Flow Capacity 4 9 Project Background •MRP VS Wildfire Projects •High Risk Fire Zone •All New Main •Improve •Grid Resiliency in the System •Water Quality •Fire Flow Capacity 5 10 Project Background •MRP VS Wildfire Projects •High Risk Fire Zone •All New Main •Improve •Grid Resiliency in the System •Water Quality •Fire Flow Capacity 6 11 Project Scope •Install new 2,000 LF of 6” DI HDSS belowground •Collaboration with City, McGee Survey data, and Cotton Shire •Install (2) new Fire Hydrants •Relocating existing Pressure Reducing Valve Vault •Easement on existing private road required 7 12 Timeline (Tentative) 8 Preliminary Design Completed Project Completion Apr/May 2025 Geotech Investigation December 2024 Construction Start Feb/March 2025 Final Design December 2024 Community Outreach Completed •CWS willing to start ASAP 13 Next Steps 9 •Geotech Report •Finalize Design Plans •Easement Finalization •Material Procurements & Construction Scheduling 14 Contact Information Agustin Baeza Operations Manager abaeza@calwater.com C: 310-420-7891 Dan Northcutt Property Program Manager dnorthcutt@calwater.com C: 714-380-1680 Brenda Vargas Engineering bvargas@calwater.com C: (408) 824-4411 Brianda Nunez Engineering bnunez@calwater.com C: (213) 334-2526 15 11 Questions? 16 Agenda Item No.: 4.B Mtg. Date: 12/10/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:RECEIVE AND FILE A PRESENTATION OVERVIEW FROM THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES (CAL OES) REGARDING FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) AND CAL OES HAZARD MITIGATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM DATE:December 10, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. ATTACHMENTS: 17 Agenda Item No.: 8.A Mtg. Date: 12/10/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 10, 2024 DATE:December 10, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve. ATTACHMENTS: CL_AGN_241210_CC_AffidavitofPosting.pdf 18 Administrative Report 8.A., File # 2569 Meeting Date: 12/10/202 4 To: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL From: Christian Horvath, City Clerk TITLE APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 10, 2024 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING In compliance with the Brown Act, the following materials have been posted at the locations below. Legislative Body City Council Posting Type Adjourned Regular Meeting Agenda Posting Location 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 City Hall Window City Website: https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/agenda/index.php https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/city_council/city_council_archive_agendas/index.php Meeting Date & Time DECEMBER 10, 2024 7:00pm Open Session As City Clerk of the City of Rolling Hills, I declare under penalty of perjury, the document noted above was posted at the date displayed below. Christian Horvath, City Clerk Date: December 6, 2024 19 Agenda Item No.: 8.B Mtg. Date: 12/10/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE MOTION TO READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING OF ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS LISTED ON THE AGENDA DATE:December 10, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve. ATTACHMENTS: 20 Agenda Item No.: 8.C Mtg. Date: 12/10/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE THE FOLLOWING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: NOVEMBER 25, 2024 REGULAR MEETING DATE:December 10, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: CL_MIN_241125_CC_F.pdf 21 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, November 25, 2024 Page 1 Minutes Rolling Hills City Council Monday, November 25, 2024 Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER The City Council of the City of Rolling Hills met in person on the above date at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Mirsch presiding. 2. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Wilson, Dieringer, Pieper, Mayor Mirsch Councilmembers Absent: Black Staff Present: Karina Bañales, City Manager Christian Horvath, City Clerk / Executive Assistant to the City Manager Samantha Crew, Management Analyst Pat Donegan, City Attorney 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – San Pedro High School student Melissa Gonzalez 4. OATH OF OFFICE / CITY COUNCIL REORGANIZATION / PRESENTATIONS / PROCLAMATIONS / ANNOUNCEMENTS 4.A. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE BY CITY CLERK TO MAYOR PRO TEM JEFF PIEPER AND COUNCILMEMBER BEA DIERINGER City Clerk / Executive Assistant to the City Manager Horvath administered the Oath of Office to Mayor Pro Tem Pieper and Councilmember Dieringer. 4.B. CITY COUNCIL REORGANIZATION Motion by Mayor Mirsch, seconded by Councilmember Wilson to nominate Jeff Pieper as Mayor. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Wilson, Dieringer, Pieper, Mayor Mirsch NOES: Black ABSENT: None Motion by Mayor Pieper, seconded by Councilmember Mirsch to nominate Bea Dieringer as Mayor Pro Tem. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Mirsch, Wilson, Dieringer, Mayor Pieper NOES: Black ABSENT: None Mayor Pieper remarked on former Mayor Mirsch’s past year of service and presented her with a plaque of recognition. The following sent certificates of recognition for her service: Congressmember Ted Lieu State Senator Ben Allen State Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi LA County Supervisor Hahn 22 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, November 25, 2024 Page 2 Palos Verdes Estates Mayor Dawn Murdock Rancho Palos Verdes Mayor John Cruikshank Rolling Hills Estates Mayor Velveth Schmitz Palos Verdes Library District Board President Bob Parke Palos Verdes Unified School District President Ami Gandhi Councilmember Wilson and Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer also made remarks and thanked former Mayor Mirsch for her service. Former Mayor Mirsch noted it was an honor to serve during a challenging year. She thanked the residents for their public participation, City staff, and her colleagues while reflecting on her term. Mayor Pieper requested a motion for a brief recess at 7:09 p.m. Without objection, so ordered. Mayor Pieper reconvened the meeting at 7:12 p.m. 5. APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA Mayor Pieper requested moving Item 15B up after the consent calendar. Without objection, so ordered. 6. BLUE FOLDER ITEMS (SUPPLEMENTAL) – NONE 7. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS – NONE 8. CONSENT CALENDAR 8.A. APPROVE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 25, 2024 8.B. APPROVE MOTION TO READ BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING OF ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS LISTED ON THE AGENDA 8.C. APPROVE THE FOLLOWING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: NOVEMBER 11, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 8.D. PAYMENT OF BILLS 8.E. REPUBLIC SERVICES RECYCLING TONNAGE AND COMPLAINT REPORTS FOR OCTOBER 2024 8.F. RECEIVE AND FILE MEASURE W, MUNICIPAL SAFE CLEAN WATER (SCW) ANNUAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 8.G. PULLED BY MAYOR PRO TEM DIERINGER 8.H. FOR SECOND READING AND ADOPTION: ADOPT BY TITLE ONLY ORDINANCE NO. 385 AMENDING CHAPTER 17.28 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS AND JUNIOR ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS TO COMPLY WITH RECENT CHANGES IN STATE LAW; AND FINDING THE ACTION TO BE STATUTORILY EXEMPT FROM CEQA UNDER SECTION 21080.17 OF THE PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE Motion by Councilmember Wilson, seconded by Councilmember Mirsch to approve the Consent Calendar except Item 8G. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: 23 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, November 25, 2024 Page 3 AYES: Mirsch, Wilson, Dieringer, Mayor Pieper NOES: Black ABSENT: None 9. EXCLUDED CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 8.G. RECEIVE AND FILE SUBMITTAL OF THE ANNUAL MUNICIPAL STORMWATER REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer had some questions specific to water monitoring. Kathleen McGowan, City Consultant on stormwater matters proceeded to answer questions and explain the tracking information provided in Attachments D and E. Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer, seconded by Councilmember Wilson to receive and file. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Mirsch, Wilson, Dieringer, Mayor Pieper NOES: Black ABSENT: None Mayor Pieper moved to Item 15B. 15. MATTERS FROM STAFF 15.B. RECEIVE AND FILE A VERBAL UPDATE ON FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) GRANT PROGRAMMING ADMINISTERED BY CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES (CAL OES) Presentation by City Manager Karina Bañales Area G Disaster Management Coordinator Brandy Villanueva Public Comment: James Wald Motion by Councilmember Mirsch, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer authorizing staff to arrange a meeting with Cal OES for a site visit to the City of Rolling Hills and attend a future City Council meeting; to begin coordinating with Cal OES specifically regarding applying for available grant programs, and return to the Council with updates or any required approvals. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Mirsch, Wilson, Dieringer, Mayor Pieper NOES: Black ABSENT: None Mayor Pieper returned to the regular Agenda Order. 10. COMMISSION ITEMS – NONE 11. PUBLIC HEARINGS – NONE 12. OLD BUSINESS – NONE 13. NEW BUSINESS – NONE 24 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, November 25, 2024 Page 4 14. MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 14.A. VERBAL UPDATE ON THE CITY HALL ADA PROJECT PROGRESS (MAYOR PIEPER) Presentation by Mayor Pieper Motion by Councilmember Wilson, seconded by Councilmember Mirsch authorizing the Mayor to work with staff towards developing a revised plan for ADA compliance as a result of the Rolling Hills Community Association Architectural Committee’s denial of approval. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Mirsch, Wilson, Dieringer, Mayor Pieper NOES: Black ABSENT: None 15. MATTERS FROM STAFF 15.A. REVIEW COUNCIL EXPENDITURES FOR CONFERENCES ABOVE AND BEYOND THE $1000 LIMIT PER MEMBER AS SET BY RESOLUTION AND DISCUSS POTENTIAL APPROVAL OR DENIAL Presentation by City Clerk / Executive Assistant to the City Manager Christian Horvath Motion by Mayor Pieper, seconded by Councilmember Wilson to reimburse Mayor Pro Tem Dieringer $1002.00 for expenses incurred, approve an additional maximum of $75.00 for a forthcoming December expense specific to the CalCities/Contract Cities event, and specify that any future expenditures, for the remainder of the fiscal year, will not be approved without a formal estimated budget presented to the City Council ahead of time. Motion carried unanimously with the following vote: AYES: Mirsch, Wilson, Dieringer, Mayor Pieper NOES: Black ABSENT: None City Manager Bañales verbally reported out on recent discussions with Southern California Edison regarding their exploration of solutions to re-energize impacted areas within the city. Councilmember Mirsch shared her perspective from attending the meeting and expressed a desire to continue participating in future meetings on behalf of the City Council and the impacted residents. City Clerk / Executive Assistant to the City Manager Horvath verbally reported out on recent notifications from the California Fair Political Practices Commission regarding Form 700 submission requirements beginning in 2025. Councilmember Wilson requested that staff look into regulations or guidance specific to noise and air pollution as a result of increased generator usage in the community as compared to other cities or locations. 16. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION – 9:08 P.M. 16.A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - INITIATION OF LITIGATION GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(D)(4) THE CITY FINDS, BASED ON ADVICE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL, THAT DISCUSSION IN OPEN SESSION WILL PREJUDICE THE POSITION OF THE CITY IN THE LITIGATION. (1 CASE) 16.B. EXISTING LITIGATION - GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(D)(1) THE CITY FINDS, BASED ON ADVICE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL, THAT DISCUSSION IN OPEN SESSION WILL 25 MINUTES – CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, November 25, 2024 Page 5 PREJUDICE THE POSITION OF THE CITY IN THE LITIGATION. (1 CASE) a. NAME OF CASE: CONNIE ANDERSEN, ET AL. V. CALIFORNIA WATER COMPANY, ET AL. (SEAVIEW CASE) CASE NO.: 24STCV20953 16.C. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (2 CASES) CPUC COMPLAINTS AGAINST SOTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON AND SOCAL GAS 17. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION – 10:08 P.M. 18. ADJOURNMENT : 10:08 P.M. The meeting was adjourned at 10:08 p.m. on November 25, 2024. The next adjourned regular meeting of the City Council is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California. It will also be available via City’s website link at: https://www.rolling-hills.org/government/agenda/index.php All written comments submitted are included in the record and available for public review on the City website. Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________ Christian Horvath, City Clerk Approved, ____________________________________ Jeff Pieper, Mayor 26 Agenda Item No.: 8.D Mtg. Date: 12/10/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:PAYMENT OF BILLS DATE:December 10, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: CL_AGN_241210_CC_PaymentOfBills.pdf 27 28 29 Agenda Item No.: 8.E Mtg. Date: 12/10/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE APPOINTMENTS TO THE PLANNING & TRAFFIC COMMISSIONS FOR THE TERM BEGINNING JANUARY 2, 2025 AND EXPIRING JANUARY 1, 2029 DATE:December 10, 2024 BACKGROUND: The City of Rolling Hills commission appointment process for filling expiring terms calls for the incumbents and public to be informed of the openings prior to the expiration of terms. On October 28, 2024, the City Council reviewed the appointment timeline, and the official local appointment list, per the Maddy Act, was posted at City Hall. On October 29, 2024, letters were mailed to incumbents advising of the Commission reappointment process. The public was noticed via the Blue Newsletter and City Website of the openings and the timeline process. On November 21, 2024, at 12 p.m., the period to receive letters of interest ended. On December 4, 2024, the City Council Personnel Committee (Councilmember Pieper and Councilmember Dieringer) conducted interviews with new Commission candidates. The below list shows the Commissioners whose terms are expiring along with the date of their original appointment and term expiration. Planning Commission Jana Cooley November 14, 2016 to January 1, 2025 Traffic Commission Charlie Raine May 9, 2016 to January 1, 2025 30 DISCUSSION: Upon completion of the noticing period and the November 21, 2024 due date for letters of interest, staff had received one submission for the Planning Commission from Ms. Sharon Soo. For the Traffic Commission, staff received submissions from incumbent Commissioner Raine as well as Mr. Roger Hawkins and Mr. Bill Varner. Interviews were conducted on December 4, 2024. The Personnel Committee recommends the appointment of Ms. Soo to the Planning Commission and re-appointment of Traffic Commissioner Raine for a four-year term commencing January 2, 2025 and ending January 1, 2029 FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the appointment of Sharon Soo to the Planning Commission and re-appointment of Traffic Commissioner Charlie Raine. ATTACHMENTS: 31 Agenda Item No.: 11.A Mtg. Date: 12/10/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A NUISANCE ABATEMENT AT 20 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD (LOT 58-A-RH), AND CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DECLARING THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF DATE:December 10, 2024 BACKGROUND: On April 22, 2024, City Staff was alerted to the fact that there is a dead pine tree located along Portuguese Bend Road a few hundred feet north of Saddleback Road and Poppy Trail on the east side of the road. Staff reached out to adjacent property owners, the Rolling Hills Community Association (RHCA), and Los Angeles County Weight and Measures to determine the exact location of the tree. After some research, staff determined the dead tree was located at 20 Portuguese Bend Road (Lot 58-A-RH) (hereinafter referred to as the “Subject Property”). The dead tree is clearly visible from the street, is a fire hazard, and an eyesore. On May 23, 2024, City Staff sent a first notice of violation regarding a dead tree and any other overgrown/dead vegetation on a property located at 20 Portuguese Bend Road (Lot 58-A-RH) (Attachment 2). Per Rolling Hills Municipal Code (RHMC) Section 8.30.010 (Dead or alive tumbleweeds and dead trees, shrubs, palm fronds or other plants as public nuisance), the violation is a public nuisance: "Every person who owns or is in possession of any property, place or area within the boundaries of the City shall, at his or her own expense, maintain the property, place or area free from any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead tree, shrub, palm frond or other plant. Any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead tree, shrub, palm frond or other plant located on any property in the City is hereby declared to be a public nuisance." 32 City Staff indicated the tree must be removed no later than June 6, 2024. This deadline passed and the Property Owners failed to make a good faith effort towards abatement of the nuisance condition on the Subject Property. On June 6, 2024, City Staff sent a second notice to the Owners, indicating that the items must be removed no later than June 20, 2024. This deadline passed, and the Property Owners failed to make a good faith effort to abate the nuisance condition on the Subject Property (Attachment 3). On August 13, 2024, City Staff sent a Notice to Abate to the Property Owners, requiring them to abate the identified nuisance within 15 days from the date of the Notice, or August 28, 2024. If the conditions in the Notice were not abated, or if the Property Owners failed to make a good faith effort toward abatement to the satisfaction of the City Manager by August 28, 2024, then a hearing would be scheduled before the City Council on August 12, 2024 (Attachment 4). Pursuant to Sections 8.24.040 and 8.24.050 of RHMC, the City Council may conduct a hearing to consider any protest of the Property Owner, possessor, or other interested person regarding the condition of the Subject Property. If the City Council determines that the property at 20 Portuguese Bend Road constitutes a condition that is injurious to the public health, safety, and welfare by violating Section 8.30.010 of RHMC such that it is a public nuisance pursuant to Chapter 8.24 of RHMC, then the City Council may order the Property Owners to abate such nuisance within 30 days. In the event the property owners fail to complete the measures specified above by the specific dates, the City can perform the corrective measures at the Property Owners’ expense as authorized in Section 8.24.060 of RHMC. Should the City Council find that the condition of the property continues to constitute a public nuisance within the meaning of the Municipal Code, the attached Resolution contains an order to abate the violation, and states that should the Property Owners fail to perform abatement, the City will either, with the property owner ’s consent or under the authority of a new abatement warrant, engage services of a contractor to remediate the site at the property owners’ expense. DISCUSSION: On November 26, 2024, Code Enforcement informed City staff that the tree had been removed by the property owner. FISCAL IMPACT: If the nuisance is not abated by the Property Owners voluntarily, the City may abate the nuisance by seeking an Abatement Warrant from the local Superior Court at the expense of the Property Owners. If the total cost of abating the nuisance is not paid to the City within 10 days after notice is given, the City Clerk may record, in the Office of the County Recorder, a statement of the total balance due to the City, which shall constitute a lien upon the property. In the alternative to a warrant, the City may proceed with filing a nuisance lawsuit and request 33 the appointment of a receiver to clean up the property and recover costs through the litigation. RECOMMENDATION: As a result of the public nuisance being abated after the public notice was issued, staff recommends cancelling the public hearing. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: ResolutionNo1380_20PBR_NoticeToAbate_F.pdf Attachment 2: Dyer NOV Letter 1.pdf Attachment 3: Dyer NOV Letter 2.pdf Attachment 4: 20 PBR Dyer Abatement Letter.pdf 34 Resolution No. 1380   1 RESOLUTION NO. 1380 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DECLARING A DEAD TREE ON A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 20 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF (LOT 58-A-RH) (DYER) The City Council of the City of Rolling Hills does hereby find, resolve and order as follows: Section 1. Recitals. A. It is the duty of every person that owns or is in possession of any property, place or area within the boundaries of the City to maintain the property, place or area free from any nuisance. (Rolling Hills Municipal Code Section 8.24.020.) Section 8.30.010 (Dead or alive tumbleweeds and dead trees, shrubs, palm fronds or other plants as public nuisance) of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code states: “Every person who owns or is in possession of any property, place or area within the boundaries of the City shall, at his or her own expense, maintain the property, place or area free from any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead tree, shrub, palm frond or other plant. Any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead tree, shrub, palm frond or other plant located on any property in the City is hereby declared to be a public nuisance.” (Emphasis added.) Any condition in violation of Chapter 8.30 is a public nuisance. (Rolling Hills Municipal Code Section 8.30.010(A).) B. On April 22, 2024, City Staff was alerted to the fact that there is a dead pine tree located along Portuguese Bend Road a few hundred feet north of Saddleback Road and Poppy Trail on the east side of the road. After some research, staff determined the dead tree was located at 20 Portuguese Bend Road (Lot 58-A-RH) (hereinafter referred to as the “Subject Property”). The dead tree is clearly visible from the street, is a fire hazard, and an eyesore. C. On May 23, 2024, City Staff notified the owners of the Subject Property, Mr. and Mrs. Terry and Margaret Reiter (“Property Owners”), that the dead tree and any other overgrown/dead vegetation found on the Subject Property is in violation of Rolling Hills Municipal Code Section 8.30.010 and must be removed. Section 8.24.010 reads, “For the purposes of this chapter, a "nuisance" shall be defined as anything which is injurious to health or safety, or is indecent or offensive to the senses, or an obstruction to the free use of property or injurious to the stability of real property so as to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property, or unlawfully obstructs the free passage or use, in the customary manner, of any street, and affects at the same time an entire community or neighborhood, or any considerable number of persons, although the extent of the 35 Resolution No. 1380   2 annoyance or damage inflicted upon individuals may be unequal.” City Staff indicated that said items must be removed no later than June 6, 2024. This deadline passed and the Property Owners failed to make a good faith effort towards abatement of the nuisance condition on the Subject Property. D. On June 6, 2024, City Staff sent a second notice to the Owners and indicated that said items must be removed no later than June 20, 2024. This deadline passed and the Property Owners failed to make a good faith effort towards abatement of the nuisance condition on the Subject Property. E. On August 13, 2024, City Staff sent a Notice to Abate to the Property Owners that required the Owners to abate the identified nuisance within 15 days from the date of the Notice, or August 28, 2024. If the conditions in the Notice were not abated, or if the Property Owners failed to make a good faith effort toward abatement to the satisfaction of the City Manager by August 28, 2024, then a hearing would be scheduled before the City Council on September 23, 2024. Section 2. Pursuant to Sections 8.24.040 and 8.24.050 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code, the City Council conducted a hearing on September 23, 2024, to consider any protest of the Property Owner, possessor or other interested person regarding the condition of the Subject Property. Section 3. Upon consideration of the staff report, related documents and the evidence presented at the time of the hearing, the City Council determines that the property at 20 Portuguese Bend Road constitutes a condition that is injurious to the public health, safety and welfare by violating Section 8.30.010 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code such that it is a public nuisance pursuant to Chapter 8.24 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code. Section 4. In accordance with the foregoing, and because it is the duty of property owners to maintain their properties free of nuisances, the City Council orders that the Property Owners remove the dead tree on the Subject Property within 30 days of the date of this Resolution but no later than October 23, 2024. In the event the property owners fail to complete the measures specified above by the specific dates the City will perform the corrective measures at the Property Owners’ expense as authorized in Section 8.24.060 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code. Section 5. If the nuisance is not abated as specified herein, then the City Manager is directed to cause the nuisance to be abated by the City by seeking an Abatement Warrant from the local Superior Court, and also is directed to notify the property owner in writing by certified mail and regular mail of the cost of removal of the nuisance and that payment in full for removal of the nuisance is due to the City within 10 days of the date of mailing of the notice. If the total cost of abating the nuisance is not paid to the City within 10 days after the date of the notice, the City Clerk shall record, in 36 Resolution No. 1380   3 the Office of the County Recorder, a statement of the total balance due to the City, which shall constitute a lien upon the property in accordance with section 8.24.080 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code. Section 6. The City Clerk is hereby directed to send a copy of this resolution by certified and regular mail to the owners of the property located at 20 Portuguese Bend Road. Section 7. This resolution shall take effect immediately on September 23, 2024. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 23rd DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2024. ______________________________ LEAH MIRSCH MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________ CHRISTIAN HORVATH CITY CLERK 37 Resolution No. 1380   4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) §§ CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) The foregoing Resolution No. 1380 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DECLARING A DEAD TREE ON A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 20 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF (LOT 58-A-RH) (DYER) was approved and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 23rd day of September 2024, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ___________________________ CHRISTIAN HORVATH CITY CLERK 38 Notice of Violation First Notice Second Notice City Attorney 5.23.24 DYER,AARON S AND SUZANNE T TRS SSRG FAMILY TRUST 20 PORTUGUESE BEND RD ROLLING HILLS, CA 902745071 Re: Case Number 404 Subject Property: 20 PORTUGUESE BEND RD, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274-5071 Property ID Number: 7569-005-001 Dear Property Owner(s): The City of Rolling Hills, in a continued effort to reduce City violations, is seeking your cooperation in correcting the following code violation(s). An inspection of the above-listed premises disclosed that the property does not comply with the following section(s) of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code: 8.30.010 - Dead or alive tumbleweeds and dead trees, shrubs, palm fronds or other plants as public nuisance. Dead or alive tumbleweeds and dead trees, shrubs, palm fronds or other plants as public nuisance.Every person who owns or is in possession of any property, place or area within the boundaries of the City shall, at his or her own expense, maintain the property, place or area free from any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead tree, shrub, palm frond or other plant. Any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead tree, shrub, palm frond or other plant located on any property in the City is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. Resolution Actions: Remove the dead tree found on the property. For extension requests, questions, or requests email codeenforcement@cityofrh.net or contact the Rolling Hills City Hall during operating hours. You have until 6.6.25 to make the required corrections to your property or otherwise comply with this letter. Failure to address the code violation within the time specified may cause your property to be deemed a nuisance and result in abatement procedures or other enforcement actions. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding this notice, please contact us at (310) 377-1521. Sincerely, Noah Roque Code Enforcement Officer Phone:310-377-1521 Email:codeenforcement@cityofrh.net 9/17/24, 12:36 PM iworq.net/iworq/0_Pages/popupEditLetterPrint.php?sid=TTZ9PFXY0B92WQJT44BMPTJBP9400&id=5218918&k=7935&letterlinki… https://www.iworq.net/iworq/0_Pages/popupEditLetterPrint.php?sid=TTZ9PFXY0B92WQJT44BMPTJBP9400&id=5218918&k=7935&letterlinkid=2292…1/239 9/17/24, 12:36 PM iworq.net/iworq/0_Pages/popupEditLetterPrint.php?sid=TTZ9PFXY0B92WQJT44BMPTJBP9400&id=5218918&k=7935&letterlinki… https://www.iworq.net/iworq/0_Pages/popupEditLetterPrint.php?sid=TTZ9PFXY0B92WQJT44BMPTJBP9400&id=5218918&k=7935&letterlinkid=2292…2/240 Notice of Violation First Notice Second Notice City Attorney 6.6.24 DYER,AARON S AND SUZANNE T TRS SSRG FAMILY TRUST 20 PORTUGUESE BEND RD ROLLING HILLS, CA 902745071 Re: Case Number 404 Subject Property: 20 PORTUGUESE BEND RD, ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274-5071 Property ID Number: 7569-005-001 Dear Property Owner(s): The City of Rolling Hills, in a continued effort to reduce City violations, is seeking your cooperation in correcting the following code violation(s). An inspection of the above-listed premises disclosed that the property does not comply with the following section(s) of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code: 8.30.010 - Dead or alive tumbleweeds and dead trees, shrubs, palm fronds or other plants as public nuisance. Dead or alive tumbleweeds and dead trees, shrubs, palm fronds or other plants as public nuisance.Every person who owns or is in possession of any property, place or area within the boundaries of the City shall, at his or her own expense, maintain the property, place or area free from any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead tree, shrub, palm frond or other plant. Any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead tree, shrub, palm frond or other plant located on any property in the City is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. Resolution Actions: The dead tree located on the corner of your property line must be removed within the given time frame. All dead and overgrown vegetation must also be removed from the property. For information, questions, or concerns contact the city of Rolling Hills during business hours or email codeenforcement@cityofrh.net You have until 6.20.24 to make the required corrections to your property or otherwise comply with this letter. Failure to address the code violation within the time specified may cause your property to be deemed a nuisance and result in abatement procedures or other enforcement actions. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding this notice, please contact us at (310) 377-1521. Sincerely, Noah Roque Code Enforcement Officer Phone:310-377-1521 Email:codeenforcement@cityofrh.net 9/17/24, 12:36 PM iworq.net/iworq/0_Pages/popupEditLetterPrint.php?sid=TTZ9PFXY0B92WQJT44BMPTJBP9400&id=5218918&k=6744&letterlinki… https://www.iworq.net/iworq/0_Pages/popupEditLetterPrint.php?sid=TTZ9PFXY0B92WQJT44BMPTJBP9400&id=5218918&k=6744&letterlinkid=2314…1/241 9/17/24, 12:36 PM iworq.net/iworq/0_Pages/popupEditLetterPrint.php?sid=TTZ9PFXY0B92WQJT44BMPTJBP9400&id=5218918&k=6744&letterlinki… https://www.iworq.net/iworq/0_Pages/popupEditLetterPrint.php?sid=TTZ9PFXY0B92WQJT44BMPTJBP9400&id=5218918&k=6744&letterlinkid=2314…2/242 8/13/24 DYER,AARON S AND SUZANNE T TRS SSRG FAMILY TRUST 20 PORTUGUESE BEND RD ROLLING HILLS, CA 902745071 I hope this letter finds you well. As members of our esteemed community, your safety and comfort are of utmost importance to us. In the spirit of maintaining the beauty and safety of our neighborhood, we need to address a matter concerning your property. After a recent inspection, it has come to our attention that the condition of your property is in violation of Section 8.30.010 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code, which states: "Every person who owns or is in possession of any property, place or area within the boundaries of the City shall, at his or her own expense, maintain the property, place or area free from any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead trees, shrub, palm frond or other plant. Any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead tree, shrub, palm frond or other plant located on any property in the City is hereby declared to be a public nuisance." Specifically, the issue identified at your property include dead tree. The violation needs to be addressed promptly to avoid further action. As per RHMC Section 8.24.040, you are required to abate the identified nuisance within fifteen (15) days from the date of this notice. If you make a good-faith effort towards abatement but cannot fully address the issue within this period, please contact the City Manager to discuss an extension or alternative arrangements. If the conditions described in this Notice are not abated by 8/28/24, or if you have failed to make a good faith effort toward abatement (to the satisfaction of the City Manager) by 8/28/24, a hearing shall be held before the City Council on 9/23/24, at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers located in City Hall: 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, CA 90274. If the nuisance is not abated, the City may proceed to abate the nuisance as described in RHMC Section 8.24.060. The costs incurred by the City for this abatement will be billed to you, as detailed in RHMC Section 8.24.080. If the amount due is not paid within ten (10) days from the date of the notice, a lien may be placed on your property, as specified in RHMC Section 8.24.070 of the Rolling Hills municipal code. We understand that this may be an inconvenience, but your cooperation in maintaining the community's standards is greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Rolling Hills city hall during acting business hours. Sincerely, Noah Roque | Code Enforcement Officer | Phone:310-377-1521 | Email:codeenforcement@cityofrh.net To: DYER, AARON S AND SUZANNE T TRS SSRG FAMILY TRUST Address: 20 Portuguese Bend Rd. 43 44 Agenda Item No.: 12.A Mtg. Date: 12/10/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:DISCUSS POTENTIAL APPROVAL OF A 25% LOCAL MATCH REQUIREMENT AMOUNT (APPROXIMATELY $405,250) FOR THE 2023 SUBMITTED APPLICATION TO THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM TO ADDRESS ADDITIONAL FIRE FUEL ABATEMENT IN ROLLING HILLS' KLONDIKE CANYON DATE:December 10, 2024 BACKGROUND: In 2020, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) awarded the City $1M from the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) to create defensible space/fuel breaks. The project was divided into two phases, with the first phase (environmental assessment) being completed in February 2022. FEMA is currently in its review process for Phase 1, which must be completed before it releases funds for Phase 2 (removal of fire fuel). In August 2023, the City requested that the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) help provide further clarity on a timeline for FEMA's approval to begin Phase 2 on the original HMGP. As of January 2024, the City still has no clarification from CalOES. At the March 27, 2023 City Council meeting, staff reported to the City Council that FEMA made another round of HMGP funds available through CalOES. The Los Angeles County Fire Department (LACoFD) advised the City to continue seeking grant funds to perform similar work elsewhere in Rolling Hills to mitigate wildfire risks further. In 2019, MNS Engineers, Inc. (MNS) provided technical assistance to the City in submitting two utility undergrounding grant projects through the FEMA/HMGP. The City was successful in both applications and received nearly $4M of grant funds for these projects. Because of MNS's familiarity with the HMGP requirements and the City of Rolling Hills, staff requested that they provide a proposal for this new FEMA funding opportunity to prepare and submit the grant application - including the preliminary "Notice of Intent" (NOI). On April 24, 2023 the City Council approved a professional services agreement with MNS for 45 a not-to-exceed amount of $10,000 to prepare and submit the NOI. The NOI was submitted prior to the May 10, 2023 deadline. On May 31, 2023, the City received approval from CalOES for the submitted NOI titled "Rolling Hills Vegetation Management 2023 Project" as an eligible HMGP activity. Phase 1 of the project will complete the required environmental clearance, and Phase 2 will focus on vegetation removal. On July 10, 2023, the City Council approved a fee of $30,470, proposed by MNS, to prepare the formal grant application by August 4, 2023. Staff and MNS participated in Technical Assistance Calls with CalOES to discuss project scoping and associated benefit-cost analysis. As a result, the submitted grant application requests $1,621,000 in federal funds and will require a local match of approximately $405,250 (over the anticipated three years of the project). The project's focus is within Klondike Canyon and would reduce the risk of wildfire by mitigating fuel continuity, possible fire spread, and extreme fire behavior within the identified area. On August 28, 2023, City staff brought this same item forward to the City Council for potential approval. During the discussion, concerns were expressed regarding the current CalOES/FEMA HMGP and the long delays in gaining approval for the Phase 1 environmental work. Aside from meetings with FEMA's evaluation staff in November of 2023, staff, unfortunately, did not, at that time, have any further insight or information into when or if this grant will move into a Phase 2 portion that allows for the removal of vegetation. The unanimous motion that evening was to table the item until more information could be presented to the City Council on both the progress of the existing Paintbrush Canyon Vegetation Management Grant and the full scope of the proposed grant. On January 22, 2024, this item was brought before the Council for consideration again. The Council voted 3/2 to table the item for an additional six months with Councilmember Black and Mayor Mirsch dissenting. Subsequent to these two meetings, staff learned that the existing Vegetation Management Grant could not move forward until the City's Hazard Mitigation Plan was updated and approved. Currently, the City of Rolling Hills is part of a multi-jurisdictional HMGP to update the four Peninsula Cities Hazard Mitigation Programs. The City can move to Phase 2 at that time, or has an option to begin Phase 2, in coordination with CalOES, concurrently and ahead of the multi-jurisdiction grant's finalization. City staff is currently waiting for the multi- jurisdictional grant to commence before deciding which option is safest to ensure completion. On April 12, 2024, the City received notification from CalOES that the Klondike Canyon Vegetation Management sub-application had been waitlisted and was not being considered for funding at that time. CalOES further stipulated that waitlisted sub-applications may be considered if funding becomes available for DR-Rolling Application and would reach out if the opportunity arose. DISCUSSION: On November 22, 2024, CalOES contacted City staff regarding a potential opportunity to fund 46 the project. CalOES and City staff met on December 4, 2024 to discuss and answer some basic questions including if the City was still able to provide the non-federal cost share 25% match. If the City Council approves the future local match obligation, City staff would notify CalOES, who will then forward the sub-application to FEMA where it will undergo a federal level review over the next six-to-nine-months. Upon completion, FEMA will either approve or deny the sub-application. If approved, the City would then begin the Phase 1 Environmental process much like the existing Paintbrush Canyon Vegetation Management grant. This action is to inform the City Council of the potential local match obligation if FEMA ultimately approves the HMGP. Considering the Council's expressed concerns on August 28, 2023 and January 22, 2024, and the fact that staff cannot, at this time, provide any further updates to the process of the existing Paintbrush Canyon Vegetation Management HMGP, staff is seeking direction and/or a decision as to whether the City should inform CalOES that the current Klondike Canyon sub-application be pulled from consideration, or should the City plan to build a local match into the budget(s) for the coming years starting in FY 25/26. FISCAL IMPACT: The HMGP grant request of $1.6 million requires a City match of approximately $405,250 spread over three years of the project. The funding source would be the City's General Fund Reserves (approximately $135,083 over three successive fiscal years once the grant has been approved). To date, in preparation of the NOI and grant sub-application for a second Vegetation Management HMGP, the City has spent $5,080 (NOI) and $25,350 (sub-app) for a total of $30,430. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented or provide direction to staff regarding grant sub-application termination. ATTACHMENTS: GR_OES_230804_MNS_HMGP_Subapplication.pdf 47 AP-01187 HMGP Subapplication - General Criteria General Information Sub-Applicant Name(Entity)Rolling Hills, City of Sub-Applicant Type City Street Address 2 Portuguese Bend Road City Rolling Hills State CA Zip 90274 County Los Angeles Region Southern Subapplication Due Date August 4, 2023 #Title First Name Last Name Phone Number Email Roles 1 City Clerk / Exec. Asst. to the City Manager Christian Horvath (310) 377-1521 chorvath@cityofrh.net Primary Contact;Responsible Representative 2 Senior Grant Writer Monica Killen (909) 313-1086 mkillen@mnsengineers.com Contributor 3 Interim City Manager David H.Ready 3103771521 dready@cityofrh.net Responsible Representative 4 Principal Project Manager Greg Jaquez (323) 797-1498 gjaquez@mnsengineers.com Contributor Role Name Description Responsible Representative (subapplication employee authorized to apply for, accept, and manage Federal grant funding) Manage user roles, view subapplication, edit subapplication, send Maintenance and Match Commitment letters, manage Requests for Information(RFI), Submit the subapplication. Primary Contact (subapplication employee)View subapplication, edit subapplication, send Maintenance and Match Commitment letters, and manage Requests for Information(RFI). Contributor (may be consultant)View subapplication, and edit subapplication Viewer View the subapplication US Congressional District(s) benefitting from mitigation 36 Assembly District(s) benefitting from mitigation 66 48 Senate District(s) benefitting from mitigation 24 Federal Information Processing Number (FIPS #)037-62602 Unique Entity Identifier (UEI #)018945170 Is this a phased project?Yes Subapplication Information Application Type Examples: Planning Activities include developing a new hazard mitigation plan or updating a current mitigation plan. Planning Related Activities include: Updating or enhancing sections of the current FEMA-approved mitigation plan, integrating information from mitigation plans with other planning efforts, building capacity through delivery of technical assistance and training, evaluating adoption and/or implementation of ordinances that reduce risk or increase resilience. Project Activities involve construction and/or physical work. Examples: acquisition demolition/relocation, debris basin, structural elevation, structural seismic retrofit, hazardous fuels reduction, defensible space, generator(s) (If benefit cost analysis (BCA) feasible). Advance Assistance Activities can be used to develop mitigation strategies and obtain data to prioritize, select, and develop mitigation projects and complete applications. Examples: evaluation of facilities or areas to determine mitigation actions, collect data for BCA and environmental historical preservation compliance, conduct engineering designs and feasibility studies, conduct hydrologic and hydraulic studies and cost estimation. 5% Initiative Activities are defined as mitigation actions that meet all HMGP requirements but may be difficult to evaluate against traditional program cost-effectiveness criteria. Examples such as early warning systems, post-disaster building code enforcement, public awareness and education for mitigation campaigns, hazard identification or mapping, new techniques/methods of mitigation, and generator(s) (if protecting a critical facility and if there is insufficient data to evaluate a generator project using a standard HMA-approved Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) method). Subapplication Type Project Project Type Activities: Acquisition Demo-Relocation Purchase of properties on a voluntary basis in order to remove structure(s) from natural hazards (flood/landslide/avalanche). Structures must be demolished or relocated outside hazard area. **As referenced in the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance: Property Acquisition and Structure Demolition Projects, Property Acquisition and Structure Relocation Projects Drainage/Flood Control Stormwater management projects, including the construction, installation, or improvement of culverts, drainpipes, pumping stations, floodgates, rock, straw and log dams, drainage dips, and detention or retention basins. Flood protection measures for water and sanitary sewer systems or other utility systems. Slope stabilization or grading to direct flood waters away from homes, schools, businesses, utilities, or governmental facilities. Flood protection and stabilization measures for roads and bridges construction, demolition, or rehabilitation of: Dams, Dikes, Levees, Floodwalls, Seawalls, Groins, Jetties, Breakwaters, Stabilized sand dunes, Large-scale channelization of a waterway Vegetation management for shoreline stabilization (coastal, riverine, riparian, and other littoral zones) Soil stabilization and erosion control activities. Drought mitigation activities.49 **As referenced in the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance: Localized Flood Risk Reduction Projects, Non-Localized Flood Risk Reduction Projects, Soil Stabilization, Infrastructure Retrofit, Green Infrastructure Elevation-Floodproofing Elevation: Construction to elevate structures above the base flood elevation. Dry Floodproofing: Implementation of techniques to seal the structure from floodwaters. **As referenced in the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance: Elevation (Structure Elevation); Dry Floodproofing (Dry Floodproofing of Historical Residential Structures, Dry Floodproofing of Non-Residential Structures) Seismic Retrofitting Retrofitting homes or buildings structurally or non-structurally to reduce damages from earthquakes. **As referenced in the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance: Structural Retrofitting of Existing Buildings, Non-Structural Retrofitting of Existing Buildings and Facilities Wildfire & Vegetation Management Defensible space: Creation of perimeters around homes, structures and critical facilities through the removal or reduction of flammable vegetation. Ignition-resistant building materials: Application of ignition-resistant techniques and/or noncombustible materials on new and existing homes, structures and critical facilities. Fire suppression systems: Exterior sprinkler systems to help extinguish flames and prevent the spread of fire to nearby buildings or combustible vegetation. Fuels reduction/vegetation management: Removal of vegetative fuels proximate to at-risk structures that, if ignited, pose a significant threat to human life and property, especially critical facilities. Post-wildfire flooding prevention and sediment reduction measures: Preventative measures that protect property at the base of slopes made vulnerable to erosion and/or flooding because of loss of vegetation or changes in soil composition post-wildfire. **Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program and Policy Guide: 2023 Mitigation Reconstruction Construction of an improved, elevated building on the same site where an existing building and/or foundation has been partially or completely demolished or destroyed. **As referenced in the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance: Mitigation Reconstruction Generator(s)/Other Power Source(s) Installation of generator(s) or other power source(s) (such as a micro-grid) which provides a secondary source of power to a critical facility. Examples: police and fire station, hospitals, water and sewer treatment plant. **As referenced in the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance: Generators Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Construction of an evacuation tower which is utilized during a tsunami event to escape the tsunami and debris wave. Safe Room/Shelter Construction of safe rooms to provide protection for people in public and private structures from tornado and severe wind events. This type of project includes retrofits of existing facilities or new safe room construction projects. **As referenced in the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance: Safe Room Construction Utility and Infrastructure Protection Measures to reduce risk to existing utility systems, roads, bridges and other critical infrastructure. Activities may include retrofitting, relocation, and / or other measures to protect utilities and infrastructure from natural hazard impacts. Other activities such as replacing or retrofitting electrical transmission or distribution utility pole structures, and replacing water systems that have been burned and have caused contamination may also be considered under this category. Project Type Wildfire & Vegetation Management 50 Hazard Fire Request For Information HMGP Subapplication-Scope of Work Project Information Project/Plan Title Rolling Hills Vegetation Management Project 02 Brief Summary This wildfire and vegetation management project will reduce the risk of wildfire at Klondike Canyon within the Rolling Hills community by reducing risks for fuel continuity, fire spread, and extreme fire behavior along these sites. The project will be phased and includes phase 1 to complete design and environmental clearance, and phase 2 for vegetation removal and addition of new native vegetation. The outcome of this phased project includes a reduced risk of human life and loss of property through defensible space and vegetative management at Klondike Canyon for a cost of approximately $1,621,000 ($1,215,750 Federal request and $405,250 local match). The City will use general funds reserves to satisfy the local match requirement. The City of Rolling Hills is designated as a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHSZ) by the Los Angeles County Fire Department (see Map attachment) and considered at-risk. The City has historically been subject to fires/wildfires threatening loss of life and property. A benefit cost analysis (BCA) was conducted and the ratio for this project is 13.24 with total mitigation benefits totaling $24,202,729. The project useful life is 50 years and the number of buildings protected by this project is 702. The City abuts more than three (3) miles of wildland-urban interface (WUI), where undeveloped wildland and vegetative fuels meet homeowners' properties, both in the adjacent nature reserve and the steep-slope canyons that run through the incorporated land. According to the Society of American Foresters, the WUI zones have the most "tremendous risks to life, property, and infrastructure…and is one of the most dangerous and complicated situations firefighters face." As a result of this designation, the City recognizes the severity of its vulnerability to fire and has developed a number of community fire mitigation tactics that includes ordinances, policies, public outreach, and regular communication with its residents. Between December 2020 and February 2021, the Los Angeles County Fire Department (LACOFD) conducted site visits in Rolling Hills to identify priority locations. The LACOFD assessed 11 canyons and prioritized canyons based on directional winds. Based on fire history maps, Klondike Canyon was identified as a south facing canyon with the highest risk for a wildfire in the future. After reviewing LACOFD’s assessment, the City determined Klondike Canyon was the best candidate for this project. Activity Location Latitude 33.748243 Activity Location Longitude -118.346689 51 Has a full subapplication for this project been submitted to OES previously No Does another Federal entity have primary funding authority for this project No Has physical project work already started?No Has the project been previously funded under any other federally-administered grant program? No Describe how the proposed project is eligible for FEMA HMGP funding as defined by the eligible activities contained in the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance document This proposed project is eligible for FEMA HMGP funding since it aligns with the definition for Wildfire Mitigation. According to the 2023 Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program and Policy Guide (p. 103), wildfire mitigation projects mitigate at-risk structures and associated loss of life from the threat of future wildfire. Rolling Hills is primarily a residential community with minimal public structures. Lots in the city are large and many extend into the canyon area. The proposed project serves to create defensible space by creating a 100’ perimeter around homes through the removal and reduction of flammable vegetation. The proposed project also reduces fuels through vegetation management. In Rolling Hills, there are non-native vegetation and trees that if ignited, pose a significant threat to human life and property. By removing invasive and non-native brush, grasses, and other dried/dead plants, it reduces the risk of loss of life and property. Is the Project located in a special Flood Hazard Area?No Project Alternatives No Action Based on the history of fires in the City and the surrounding communities, with no action, there would be no defensible space in the City. Lack of any fuels reduction/vegetation management to create defensible space within Klondike Canyon. further keeps the city in a vulnerable position to limit fire hazards, which if there is an ignition, poses a significant threat to human life and property. Proposed Action This project is phased due to having to complete environmental assessment, other necessary studies finished, and determine which of the three (3) mitigation strategies are best suited for each project site. Design has not started and needs to be completed. Phase 1 will last 500 days, and Phase 2 will last 420 days. Phase 1 consists of NEPA assessment, site survey, boundary survey, and project design. Phase 1 also includes procuring a contract for native plants to ensure there is sufficient time to acquire the native plants for the construction phase since the native plant palette for Rolling Hills is very specific. Phase 2 consists of construction which is comprised of vegetation removal, grading, and planting of new native vegetation. Due to the period of performance of the grant and proposed location, it would be impossible to complete the design and construction within the 52 Second Action Alternative required timeframe. Due to the time needed to complete the environmental assessment and other necessary work, the project must be phased to ensure all environmental requirements are met, feasibility studies are finalized, new native vegetation is available, and design is complete. Provide a detailed narrative of the hazards to be mitigated against and the impact the hazards present to the community and/or property Wildfire is the hazard to be mitigated with this proposed project. The Palos Verdes Peninsula is located within a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHSZ) according to CalFire. Rolling Hills is located in a peninsula with lush landscapes, canyons, & slopes, which poses a very high fire danger threat. Since four communities are connected by canyons, trails, and steep terrain, wildfire can spread quickly between the cities. A brush fire erupted in nearby Rancho Palos Verdes on June 26, 2022, and burned around 2 acres. While the Rancho Palos Verdes fire was quickly contained due to a prompt response by the LA County Fire Department, residents in Rolling Hills were notified of the fire and were ready to evacuate should the fire move in a westerly direction towards Rolling Hills. Combining the elements of fire and wind is a major concern for residents on the peninsula. A seasonal wind phenomenon unique to Southern California are the “Santa Ana” winds that occur during fire season which is typically from June to November. The Santa Ana’s are offshore winds that move from the interior land towards the coast. Santa Ana winds can significantly exacerbate a fire. Should a fire erupt in a high-risk fire zone, the Santa Ana winds can quickly propel a fire to spread and intensify fire conditions. The most recent fire in the City was in October 2018. The small fire erupted when an animal scurried along the above ground electrical line and touched the transformer. The transformer blew up and the pole caught on fire. At the same moment, a spark fell to the ground and the vegetation and fence adjacent to the pole caught fire. Several feet from the fence was a structure, and it was only due to swift action of a neighbor who notified the fire department and took a hose to the fire on the ground to prevent further damage. Another fire happened between August 27 & 28, 2009 on the peninsula. The wildfire burned through approx. 230 total acres. The fire is believed to have originated from wildlife interference and was exacerbated by wind in the Portuguese Bend Nature Reserve in Rancho Palos Verdes where 165 acres were charred. The remaining 65 acres burned in Rolling Hills. Dozens of homes were threatened and approx. 1,200 residents were forced to evacuate. Although some structures were reported damaged, no homes were lost. On June 22, 1973, a fire crossed city lines and into Rolling Hills and Rancho Palos Verdes. The fire burned 925 acres & destroyed 12 homes. Provide a detailed description of the area and population that will be impacted by this project. The proposed project intends to create defensible space in Rolling Hills. The City is in a peninsula with lush landscapes, canyons, and slopes, which poses a very high fire danger threat. Since four communities are connected by canyons, trails, and steep terrain, wildfire can spread quickly between the cities. Rolling Hills is primarily residential with large lots. According to the BCA, this project will affect 1,739 people and 702 buildings will be protected. Rolling Hills has a sizable number of senior citizens with approximately 513 (27.6%) residents that are 65 years or older. Rolling Hills is also considered an equestrian community, where a large percentage of landowners are also horse owners that engage in horse training, horse care, and horseback riding as a part of life. Rolling Hills landscape does have a lot of vegetation that requires residents to maintain. Rolling Hills 53 does have an ordinance on dead vegetation that requires every person who owns or is in possession of any property, maintain the property, place or area free from any dead or alive tumbleweed or dead tree, shrub, palm frond, or other plant. In addition, the Rolling Hills Community Association (RHCA) bylaws impose deed restrictions that require residents to trim or remove trees and shrubs to acceptable levels so they do not become a fire safety violation. Number of People or Project(s)Impacted by the Action 1739 HMGP Subapplication-Scope of Work Continued Problem Statement Describe the problem to be mitigated Incorporated in 1957, the City of Rolling Hills is a small 3 square mile city located on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. The City has a population of approximately 1,860 people and 685 single-family one-story homes that are nestled in a rural equestrian community with no traffic lights. Rolling Hills land use pattern was established in 1936 with the sale of parcels around hilly terrain and deep canyons. Rolling Hills has unique geological and topographic constraints. A portion of the City is located on terrain comprised of steep hills and roads with slope elevations between 25-50 percent, deep canyons, and cliffs all surrounded with an abundance of native and non-native vegetation. Rolling Hills is designated as VHFHSZ by CalFire. The area is extremely vulnerable to fire from the wildland-urban interface (WUI) at the Portuguese Bend Reserve, overhead utility lines, and steep canyons filled with chaparral and scrub. In addition, the City abuts more than 3 miles of WUI, where the undeveloped wildland and vegetative fuels meet homeowners' properties, both in the nature reserve and the steep-slope canyons that run through the incorporated land. According to the 1990 General Plan-Safety Element concerning the fire hazard facing the City of Rolling Hills, the plan states, "The City of Rolling Hills is vulnerable to small wildland fire hazards. Brush fires pose the primary threat, especially where residential development lies above chaparral filled canyons. The fuel in the canyons, if ignited, could threaten residences upslope with wind-carried cinders and direct ignition from uncontrolled fires. In the early 1970s serious fires occurred which destroyed homes in the area, illustrating the potential for extensive damage." Additional contributing factors to the severity of the fires are the weather and winds. The "Santa Ana" winds occur during the fire season, which is typically from June to November, although some fire experts now suggest fire season is year-round. This "fire weather" is characterized by hot dry weather and high winds, resulting in low fuel moisture in vegetation. The most severe fire protection problem in the area is wildland fire during Santa Ana wind conditions. Fire is at its peak of danger in Rolling Hills during the late summer and fall months, when Santa Ana weather conditions prevail. Plant fuels pose the greatest threat during this period are those located on the south-facing slopes such as Klondike Canyon. The BCA used modeled damages as the analysis method type and 54 Trigger event for loss avoidance analysis residential building for property type. The mitigation action type was defensible space since the area is classified as a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone by CalFire. According to the U.S. Census, over 89% of homes in Rolling Hills are valued over $1 million dollars. Information was gathered from Zillow, out of 159 most recent home sales, only 4 homes sold for under $1 million dollars. The remaining 155 homes sold between $1 million and $16.7 million dollars. Using this data, an extremely conservative building replacement value (BRV) was selected of $1 million dollars per house. This figure was used to determine a total building replacement value of $702,000,000. The BCA also looked at value of infrastructure vulnerable to fire within the project area which totaled to $60,960,000 and $351,000,00 in the value of building contents. The high BCA ratio of 13.24 further justifies the significance and potential value this project creates for the Rolling Hills community. Solution Description What is the mitigation action for Phase 1? There is no mitigation action during phase 1. Phase 1 is comprised of data collection, design, public outreach, PS&E, and NEPA/CEQA documentation. In addition, during this phase, the procurement of native vegetation will commence with finding vendors to provide the native plants needed for phase 2. What is the mitigation action for Phase 2? Phase 2 is project construction. During this phase mitigation strategies discussed in this application will be implemented. The proposed mitigation actions are 1) fuel/vegetation removal and 2) native vegetation planting. The fuel and vegetation removal will be comprised of using mechanical and non-mechanical methods to remove dried/dead, invasive, and non-native vegetation. Mechanical methods include brush mowers and compact graders (as needed). Non-mechanical methods include hand crews and goat herds. Goat herds will be used in areas where the terrain is rugged and steep. The native vegetation planting will be implemented at the proposed location within 100’ from a structure. Based on the cost estimate submitted with this application, 9,000 units of native vegetation will be planted. Combined together, once these two mitigation actions are complete, there will be a reduced risk for ignition of a wildfire. How will this action provide protection from future natural hazards? The proposed project includes implementing a nature-based solution (NBS) which is the planting of native vegetation through a plant palette endorsed by the City. Approximately 37,000 native plant species will be planted throughout the project site. The type of native species and location of species will be determined during phase 1. The planted native species will be planted together in clusters and spaced as a mosaic on open spaced land. According to the CA Department of Fish and Wildlife most native vegetation is fire-adapted and is drought tolerant. Replacing non-native vegetation with native vegetation will reduce the risk of having fuel that can ignite. In addition, once phase 2 is complete, the City will continue annual maintenance. Project Deliverables The following deliverables will be in Phase 1: • Final Grading and 55 List the Deliverables for Phase 1 of proposed project. Landscape Plans • Preliminary Alternatives Analysis with Plan Exhibits of Proposed Alternative Vegetation Clearance Methods • NEPA Documentation • Filing of Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) • Public Outreach with Residents Impacted by the Proposed Project • Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) • Procurement, Propagation, and Nursery Maintenance of Native Plants List the deliverables for Phase 2 of proposed project. The follow deliverable will be in Phase 2: • Construction Bid Preparation, Advertisement and Award • Construction Mobilization • Construction- Fuel/Vegetation Removal and Native Plant Species Plantings • Project Completion Punchlist • Demobilization and Completion • Grant Closeout Hazard Mitigation Plan Information Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Status Adopted What is name/title of the plan?City of Rolling Hills Hazard Mitigation Plan What type of LHMP?Local Single Jurisdictional Multihazard Mitigation Plan Applicable Hazard Mitigation Plan Expiry Date March 6, 2024 Does the project comply with the local hazard mitigation plan?Yes Does the project comply with the current California state hazard mitigation plan? Yes HMGP Subapplication - Work Schedule Work Schedule The intent of the work schedule is to provide a realistic appraisal of the time and components required to complete the project. The work schedule should mirror the Scope of Work and Cost Estimate. Describe each of the major work elements and milestones in the description. Project Close-Out should be included which must be 3 months in duration. A GANTT chart may be provided as supplemental documentation. Total project duration must not exceed a 36 month period of performance. #Phase Task Name Description Start Month Duration (Months) 1 Pre-Award Pre-Award Pre-Award activities 2 Phase 1 Task 1 - Project Kickoff, Technical Evaluation & Requirements, and Design Meetings The project will be initiated through a kickoff meeting between City representatives and the City's consultants. The project team will evaluate, define, and confirm the scope and approach for a preliminary design alternatives analysis. Technical requirements will be determined to address potential points of interest during conduct of public outreach. Design details will be coordinated through subsequent meetings between team members. 1 1 56 3 Phase 1 Task 2 - Surveying Field survey will be conducted to produce topographic survey base mapping and identification of parcel boundaries. Topographic base maps and existing utility mapping will be used to determine project implementation methods and final grading and landscape plans. 2 3 4 Phase 1 Task 3 - Preliminary Project Alternatives A preliminary alternatives analysis will be prepared and will include plan exhibits of proposed alternative vegetation clearance methods and landscape plans. This information will be used in a public outreach effort to confirm the preferred alternatives. 5 2 5 Phase 1 Task 4 - NEPA Documentation NEPA documentation for this project is expected to involve preparing and filing Mitigated Negative Declaration. Biological studies are anticipated due to the known possible presence of at least one endangered species. 7 12 6 Phase 1 Task 5 - Public Outreach and Coordination The City will conduct a public outreach effort and engage with residents directly affected by the project and other interested parties. Outreach and engagement will confirm each stakeholders’ overall understanding of the project and will gather input. Outreach will occur at the earliest possible time after development of preliminary design alternatives, and thereafter if determined to be necessary. The City has the ability and options to gather stakeholders through a virtual online venue for public meetings. 13 6 7 Phase 1 Task 6 - Final Plans, Specifications, and Estimate Project plans, specifications, and estimate (PS&E) is scheduled to be parallel processed with the start of public outreach and CEQA documentation in order to deliver the overall project within the required performance period. Design project management support will be provided by a third-party consultant. 18 6 8 Closeout Closeout Project Closeout line item 24 3 Total Duration : 26 HMGP Wildfire & Vegetation Management HMGP - Wildfire & Vegetation Management Select applicable project type(s):Defensible Space, Hazardous Fuels Reduction Describe how the proposed project is designed to protect residential buildings, neighborhoods, non-residential buildings, structures and/or infrastructure from future wildfire hazards and or post-wildfire hazards? The proposed project is designed to provide defensible space within 100’ of residential buildings and neighborhoods located at or near Klondike Canyon. The purpose of this project is to reduce the amount of fuel that can ignite. Describe who will be implementing the project and the financial arrangements in place. The City will be the responsible entity for this project and will use general fund reserves for the match. After the project is complete, the City will maintain the area and annually allocate general fund reserves of $15,000. Describe the wildfire mitigation treatments proposed, and type of equipment to be used to accomplish the activities. This project will use a hybrid approach to wildfire mitigation. The first approach will be an emphasis on brush/vegetation removal of dead/dying, invasive, and non-native brush by using non-mechanical equipment such as chainsaws and hand tools and where feasible, mechanical brush mowers and compact graders. Space between vegetation will be created using chainsaws and hand tools. Vegetation will be reduced according to prescribed ratio of size to distance using a 2:1 or greater clearance ratio for the canyon’s edge zone (as recommended by Los Angeles County Fire Department). Shrubs and trees will be thinned out by removing branches and create space between vegetation by using chainsaws and hand tools and ensure that branches are not touching other vegetation around it. Trees will be limbed up no less than 1/3 of the tree’s height from the ground using chainsaws. Any non-native plants that are left will be clustered into 57 mosaic groups. The second approach is a nature-based solution by planting native plants to create mosaic landscape clusters of native-based vegetation in cleared areas. Native vegetation will be planted manually. Native species clusters will be placed a distance from any non-native plants to avoid take over by the non-native species. The third mitigation treatment is the use of goat herds at sites that are difficult to access due to steep terrain. The three treatments will be performed at the canyon edge/ridgeline within 200’ of any structures. During the design phase (Phase 1), the most appropriate mitigation treatment will be determined. Describe the existing wildfire mitigation local building, land use, land development codes for the project area. With a history of fire in Rolling Hills and the surrounding area, the City has taken multiple proactive measures to implement local building codes for residential structures. For example, the City has a citywide smoking ban. The City also requires property owners to create defensible space around their home. Fire Code Section 325.10 defines clearance requirements. Lastly, the City has adopted infrastructure hardening measures such as requiring all structures have a class A roof by 2030. The City Council also adopted an ordinance that prohibited High Hazard Plants from being planted. The City has two nuisances’ codes (City Municipal Code Chapter 8.24 Abatement of Nuisance and Chapter 8.30 Fire Fuel Abatement) and are enforced by a dedicated City code enforcement official and the City Attorney. City nuisance code Chapter 8.30 is limited by its terms to dead vegetation of any kind, dead or alive tumbleweeds, and dead palm fronds on living palm trees located on the portion of the property that has a slope equal to or less than 50%. Southern California Edison (SCE) periodically must replace its wooden power poles as part of its ongoing maintenance program and installs new power poles as needed. SCE has started to install power poles constructed of a composite nonflammable material. For existing wooden poles, SCE will begin to wrap wooden power poles with a nonflammable material. SCE is also responsible for power line clearance and non-exempt poles. The property owner is responsible for all other required clearance in the easement. SCE periodically inspects and reduces the height of trees and brush, so they do not encroach in the area of power lines. The City has also been proactive to secure HMGP FEMA funded grants to complete another vegetative management project in the City. The City has also received a grant to complete a utility undergrounding project along a section of Eastfield Drive. Provide a narrative describing how the proposed action meets the purpose and need of the project. Rolling Hills and its surrounding communities are at a very high risk for wildfire. The lush landscape in the canyons and topography in the City create conditions that significantly increase the risk for wildfires to ignite, leading to the potential loss of human life and property. The proposed mitigation creates defensible space in an area that is surrounded by residential structures. Targeting the removal of dead/dying, invasive, and non-native plants significantly reduce the risk of debris that can ignite very easily. In addition, the planting of native species vegetation provides a long-term nature-based solution to reduce the number of non-native vegetation species in the area. Adding native species landscaping will result in a drought tolerant canyon. This proposed project is needed due to the frequency of fires on the Peninsula. The last fire occurred in June 2022 in the adjacent city of Rancho Palos Verdes and the last fire in Rolling Hills occurred in October 2018. Furthermore, in winter 2022-23, Southern58 California received higher than average rainfall, which spurred lots of overgrowth of vegetation. Combining these factors together further substantiates the need to perform vegetation management in high-risk areas such as the proposed Klondike Canyon site. Describe how the proposed mitigation activities significantly reduce the vulnerability of target structures or facilities to the identified hazards? The proposed project creates 100’ of defensible space to residential structures located along the ridgeline Klondike Canyon. The removal of dead/dying, invasive, and non-native vegetation reduces the risk of providing fuel to a wildfire should one ignite or cross over into Rolling Hills. Since Rolling Hills has rural characteristics that includes large lots that include steep terrain with non-native vegetation, it is necessary to address this vulnerability by implementing a nature-based solution. Once the project is complete, new defensible space will be created. The following information about the project are: Klondike Canyon- Perimeter 10,350 LF of defensible space area equals to 2,070,000 SF which amounts to 47 acres. The amount of defensible space is significant and will contribute towards reducing the risk of loss of human life and property should a wildfire occur in the area. Do the proposed mitigation activities include the removal of vegetation or fuels? Yes Do the proposed mitigation activities include the use of herbicides and/or biological controls? No Do the proposed mitigation activities include seeding and/or the planting of vegetation? Yes If yes, provide the proposed seed type and brand (if known) and describe the proposed methods. The project includes planting approximately 9,000 native plants within Klondike Canyon. The selection of native plants will be based on common native vegetation found in the area. Examples of common native vegetation in Rolling Hills are: California Buckwheat, Lemonade Berry, Oak, Sugarbrush, and Toyon. Currently, the City has a palette of common native vegetation which includes these suggested types of greenery on the City website. The plant palette provided by the City will be procured for this project. The City proposes to plant the native vegetation manually in cleared areas and clustered together. The location of native planting will be determined during phase 1 and will be completed after initial clearing and removal of dying/dead, invasive, and non-native brush removal. It is widely known that native vegetation is more resistant to drought and less likely to die in low-water seasons. According to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, most of California native vegetation are fire-adapted and serve as an important strategy to mitigate the likelihood and impact of high severity fires. Confirm the subapplication includes only eligible wildfire mitigation activities? Yes If the proposed activities are hazardous fuels reduction, are the wildfire mitigation propsed methods eligible? Yes If yes, is the cost of treatment less than or equal to $5,250.00 per acre? 59 Provide a statement that a draft of the Operations and Maintenance Plan (OMP) to maintain the treatment area throughout the useful life of the project will be provided at closeout. The City has signed a maintenance commitment letter that includes allocating $15,000 in city General Funds to maintain the area annually. The letter is attached to this application. If the project proposes ground disturbance, has a consultation with the State/Tribal Historical Preservation Office been conducted? No If yes, cite relevant code and attach. What is the total combined acreage for all treatment areas included in the project area? 47 HMGP Project Site List Wildfire & Vegeta Project Site(s) Have all specific sites where project work will be conducted been identified? Yes What is the percentage level of design?0 If you do not know all of the specific projects where work will be completed, or if your design level is below 60% this will need to be a Phased Project. You will need to submit a new NOI. Contact your HMA Grants Specialist or send an email to hma@caloes.ca.gov, referencing this subapplication by the AP # and request a conversation about phasing the project. Site Inventory Please complete the site inventory for all project sites, please ensure to add the required photos to each project site as uploaded files. #Site Name Site Address 1 PS-01663 , Los Angeles, Rolling Hills, CA, 90274 HMGP Subapplication - Project Cost Estimate Project Cost Estimate #Phase Cost Type Item Name Unit Quantity Unit of Measure Unit Cost Cost Estimate Total Pre Award Cost Cost Estimate Narrative 1 Phase 1 Contractor/Consultant Subapplication Preparation 1 Lump Sum $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 true Assistance with project scope definition, scope development, cost estimation, and subapplication preparation. 60 2 Phase 1 Contractor/Consultant Native Landscape Nursery 9000 Each $ 20.00 $ 180,000.00 false Acquire, propogate, maintain nursery stock for Phase 2 planting. 3 Phase 1 Contractor/Consultant - Design/Engineering Boundary Survey 1 Lump Sum $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 false Determine private parcel boundaries. 4 Phase 1 Non-Contract Professional Services Legal Services 1 Lump Sum $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 false Legal support on parcel boundaries determination. 5 Phase 1 Contractor/Consultant - Design/Engineering Site Survey 1 Lump Sum $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 false Topographic survey for site planning, cost estimation, and base mapping for landscape plans. 6 Phase 1 Contractor/Consultant - Design/Engineering Project Design 1 Lump Sum $ 160,000.00 $ 160,000.00 false Project delivery plan, landscape plans, specifications. 7 Phase 2 Contractor/Consultant - Construction Mobilization, Bonds & Insurance 1 Lump Sum $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 false Mobilize personnel, equipment. Procure and stage materials. Secure performance bonds and insurance. 8 Phase 2 Contractor/Consultant - Construction Project Safety and Traffic Control 1 Lump Sum $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 false Signage, barricades, and flagmen. 9 Phase 2 Contractor/Consultant - Construction Stormwater Managment 1 Lump Sum $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 false Application of stormwater BMPs according to state General Permit. 10 Phase 2 Contractor/Consultant - Construction Vegetation Clearing 12 Acre $ 8,000.00 $ 96,000.00 false Vegetation clearance and tree limbing by means of manual labor, mechanical equipment, and goat herd deployment. 11 Phase 2 Contractor/Consultant - Construction Mgmt Construction Management and Inspection 1 Lump Sum $ 110,000.00 $ 110,000.00 false Construction management, scheduling, inspection, daily and periodic reports, invoice control. 12 Phase 2 Contractor/Consultant - Construction Grading 400 Cubic Yard $ 80.00 $ 32,000.00 false Minor grading for drainage and site preparation for planting. 13 Phase 1 Contractor/Consultant - EHP NEPA Assessment 1 Lump Sum $ 180,000.00 $ 180,000.00 false NEPA documentation (possible MND) and biological studies. 14 Phase 2 Contractor/Consultant - Construction Offsite Mitigation 1 Lump Sum $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 false Potential habitat restoration. 15 Phase 2 Contractor/Consultant - Construction Native Landscape Planting 74000 Square Foot $ 7.00 $ 518,000.00 false Planting native groundcover, shrubs, and trees. 16 Phase 2 Contractor/Consultant - Construction Roadway Surfacing 1 Lump Sum $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 false Create vehicle access and repair pavement damage. $ 1,621,000.00 Project Site Cost Estimate HMGP Cost Review COST REVIEW Phase 1 Project Costs $ 670,000.00 Phase 2 Project Costs $ 951,000.00 61 Total Project Cost $ 1,621,000.00 Non-Federal Cost Share (Match)$ 405,250.00 Non-Federal Cost Share (Match) Percentage 25% Federal Share Request $ 1,215,750.00 HMGP-Maintenance Commitment MAINTENANCE & REPORTING COMMITMENT This acknowledgment of Maintenance & Reporting Commitment is to confirm the Subapplicant/Subrecipient is committed to perform the necessary maintenance for the entire useful life of the project, once completed. The entity responsible for maintenance is allocating the annual budget amount that will allow maintenance to occur as needed to ensure the project building/facility/area remains in good repair and operational. To justify Hazard Mitigation Assistance funding, California is required to report to FEMA on the performance of completed mitigation measures. This acknowledgment of Reporting Commitment confirms that the Subapplicant/Subrecipient is committed to report on the performance of funded mitigation measures when tested by natural hazard events for the entire useful life of this project. Process: Complete the fields below. The information provided here will automatically populate a templated Maintenance & Reporting Commitment letter to be signed by a Responsible Representative identified by you below. The Responsible Representative must be a high-level person from the subapplicant entity who is authorized to commit the entity to request and receive grant funding. The Responsible Representative cannot be a contractor or a consultant. After you click the “Add Responsible Representative” button to provide the contact information for the Responsible Representative, click “Send for Signature.” The individual will receive an email notification from DocuSign with a link to access and sign the commitment letter. The Signature Status below will reflect “Sent For Signature.” Once signed, the letter will automatically upload to the subapplication. Maintenance & Reporting Commitment Letter Date August 3, 2023 Subapplicant Name Rolling Hills, City of Subapplicant Mailing Street 2 Portuguese Bend Road Subapplicant Mailing City Rolling Hills Subapplicant Mailing State CA Subapplicant Mailing Postal Code 90274 Disaster Number Rolling Application Control number AP-01187 Entity Responsible City of Rolling Hills Number of years of maintenance 0 Project Building/Facility/Area Klondike Canyon, Willow Canyon & Georgeff Canyon 62 Annual Maintenence Amount $ 15,000.00 What are the Past Maintenance Tasks Involved?None- New Project What are the Future Maintenance Tasks Involved? The project does not feature constructed infrastructure. Rather, it is a canyon management project of existing landscaping or brush that will require best practices in a high-fire severity zone for initial cleanup and then periodic maintenance. Maintenance activities include trimming, mowing, removal of non-native or high fire prone foliage, limbing up, spacing, and other vegetation management techniques as needed. Future Maintenance Schedule Annually Future Cost of Maintenance $ 0.00 Source of Future Maintenance Funds General Fund (Reserves) Responsible Representative Confirmation #Title First Name Last Name Phone Number Email Signature Status 1 Interim City Manager David H.Ready 3103771521 dready@cityofrh.net Signed HMGP - Match Commitment Match Commitment Letter As a part of the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program process, a Non-Federal Share (Match) of at least 25% of the total project amount is required. This acknowledgment is to confirm the Subapplicant/Subrecipient commitment to meet the Non-Federal Share (Match) funding requirement. Process: Complete the fields below. The information provided here will automatically populate a templated Match Commitment letter to be signed by a Responsible Representative identified by you below. The Responsible Representative must be a high-level person from the subapplicant entity who is authorized to commit the entity to request and receive grant funding. The Responsible Representative cannot be a contractor or a consultant. By sending this document for signature, you are acknowledging the requirements outlined here. After you click the “Add Responsible Representative” button to provide the contact information for the Responsible Representative, click “Send for Signature.” The individual will receive an email notification from DocuSign with a link to access and sign the commitment letter. The Signature Status below will reflect “Sent For Signature.” Once signed, the letter will automatically upload to the subapplication. Please be Advised: If additional federal funds are requested, an additional Non-Federal Share (Match) funding commitment letter will be required. If a funding source is from outside the Subapplicant entity, upload documentation supporting the funding commitment and availability of funding. Match Commitment Letter Date August 3, 2023 Sub-Applicant Name(Entity)Rolling Hills, City of Control Number AP-01187 63 Non-Federal Cost Share Source Local Agency Funding Name of Funding Source(s)City of Rolling Hills Funding Type General Fund (Reserves) Federal Share Amount Requested $ 1,215,750.00 Non-Federal Share (Match) Commitment $ 405,250.00 Non-Federal Share (Match) Availability Start Date July 1, 2023 Is there an expiration date of the Non-Federal Share (Match)?No CONFIRMATION #Title First Name Last Name Phone Number Email Signature Status 1 Interim City Manager David H.Ready 3103771521 dready@cityofrh.net Signed HMGP Subapplication - Benefit Cost Analysis Benefit Cost Analysis Was cost effectiveness determined by using pre-calculated benefits?No Was the current version of the FEMA Benefit Cost Analysis Toolkit utilized to determine the benefit cost ratio for the proposed project? Yes What are the total costs in the BCA?$ 1,828,011.00 What are the total benefits in the BCA?$ 24,202,729.00 What is the Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR)?13.24 Grant Management Cost Application HMGP Grant Management Cost Application Subrecipient Grant Management costs are available at no more than 5% of the final project cost to subrecipients who apply and can meet all Federal grant requirements. Subrecipients must provide a detailed budget of the management cost request per 2 CFR 200.403, which is subject to Cal OES/FEMA approval. Reimbursement is based on documented actual cost. For further clarification, grant management is different than project management. Grant management activities are to manage the grant (Subapplication Development, Quarterly Reporting, Reimbursement Submission). Project management is to manage the actual physical project itself (construction oversight, project scheduling and coordination, project meetings). 64 Any indirect cost, any direct administrative cost, and any other administrative expenses associated with aFEMA Definition of Management Costs: specific project under a major disaster, emergency, or disaster preparedness or mitigation activity or measure. Directions: For each applicable category, provide a total estimated cost. Refer to the Management Cost examples below for costs that may be included. For the Narrative field, include a detailed description of work for each cost, including methodology used to estimate each cost. example, if your cost estimate includes your agency's time, include estimated hours, personnel titles, and salary/hourly wages plus benefits for a hourly cost. Additionally, describe how these costs will be used through the life of the grant. Total Federal Cost Share $ 1,215,750.00 Maximum Eligible Management Cost $ 81,050.00 Management Cost Budget Breakdown A. Pre-Award: Subapplication development, community outreach, meetings related to Subapplication development. #Expense Name Amount Description 1 Subapplication Development $ 30,000.00 Refinement of project scope and cost estimate. Subapplication development. Assistance by consultant. $ 30,000.00 B. Staff Time - Salary or hourly employee time to manage technical monitoring, quarterly reporting, technical assistance, and the reimbursement and close-out process. #Position Hourly Rate Hours Amount Description 1 Quarterly Reporting $ 140.00 120 $ 16,800.00 Prepare quarterly reports on project progress and validation of expenses for the term of the project. 2 Reimbursement Requests $ 110.00 80 $ 8,800.00 Verify project invoices with project contract and scope of work in grant agreement. Prepare and submit reimbursement request documentation. 3 Project Management $ 180.00 140 $ 25,200.00 Monitoring and directing resources for Phase 1 and Phase 2 overall delivery, technical oversight, budget control, personnel management, contract management. $ 50,800.00 C. Travel - Cost to attend professional development training course directly related to implementation of the Hazard Mitigation Grant. D. Equipment - Cost directly related to implementation of Hazard Mitigation Grant. E. Supplies - Supply cost directly related to implementation of the Hazard Mitigation Grant, such as printer materials and office supplies. 65 E. Indirect Cost - Depreciation or use allowances on buildings and equipment, costs to operate and maintain facilities, general administration and accounting administration. F. Other - Any other administrative expenses not captured in the categories above. Total Management Cost Requested $ 80,800.00 Maximum Management Cost Allowed (Requested Allowed)$ 81,050.00 HMGP Subapplication - Environmental Information EHP Floodplains - Is the project within or will it modify a floodplain?No Wetlands - Does the primary site alternative and/or its practicable alternative require a Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act or a CWA Section 404 permit? No Viewshed - Is the proposed project located in or adjacent to a residential or historic district? No Existing habitat - Identify and describe any existing, observed in the field, or known or expected to exist flora and fauna species at the project site and immediately surrounding the site. This is a phased project. However, the City has provided a list of known flora and fauna species that exist within the City. Common Native vegetation California buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum) Lemonade berry (Rhus integrifolia) Oak (Quercus spp.) Sugarbush (Rhus ovata) Toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia) Non-native vegetation Brazilian peppertree (Schinus terebinthifolia) Cherry tree (Prunus spp.) Chinese elm (Ulmus parvifolia) Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus ssp.) Iceplant (Carpobrotus edulis) Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia) Peruvian peppertree (Schinus molle) Queen palm (Syagrus romanzoffiana) Weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) Ornamental landscaping such as horticulture plants, trees, shrubs, flowers, and turf grass. Endangered/threatened species and/or critical habitat - Are any endangered/threatened species known to exist at the site or in the immediate vicinity? Yes Migratory flyway or migration barrier - Is the proposed project new construction or extension of an existing tower of 30’ in height or more? No Invasive Species – Will the project include construction?No 66 Minority (or) low-income populations – Will the proposed project impact minority and low-income populations as identified in Executive Order 12898? No Farmland – Will a project alternative convert or impact important farmland? No Historic and Cultural Characteristics – Are there any listed, eligible or potentially eligible historic/archaeological resources (in) the (Area of Potential Effects)? No Are there any hazardous, toxic substances at the site?No Roadway and Access - Will the project include road construction and/or vehicular access? No Documents Document Type Description Work Schedule Documentation Please provide documentation to support your Work Schedule if needed Rolling Hills Vegetation Management Schedule.pdf 08/04/2023 11:05 PM Cost Estimate - Supporting Documentation Provide supporting documentation to substantiate your cost estimate, including documentation that demonstrates the pre-award costs inccurred within the authorized period for pre-award. The pre-award period is after the disaster declaration date and before the FEMA award date. For example, documentation could include contractor quotes, RS Means, and similar project information. Reference: 2015 HMA Guidance, Part IV H.3.2.1 and Part IV H.4.3 CIROH HMGP Def Space Estimate (Rev. 8-3-23).pdf 08/04/2023 11:57 PM ESFO of USFWS Listing Contact the local Ecological Services Field Office of the (USFWS) and obtain information and listing of any (endangered/threatened species) known to exist at the site or in the immediate vicinity. Provide documentation of the listing. Rolling Hills List of Protected Species.docx 08/05/2023 12:22 AM Benefit Cost Analysis Upload the BCA Toolkit Excel File FEMA BCA Calculator.xlsx 08/05/2023 12:15 AM FEMA Environmental Checklist Provide the completed FEMA Environmental Checklist. FIRMETTE for Rolling Hills.pdf 08/05/2023 1:34 AM Rolling Hills HMGP-EHP-Checklist .docx 08/05/2023 1:34 AM BCA Methodology Report Upload the BCA Methodology Report BCA Methodology Report.pdf 08/05/2023 12:00 AM 67 Maps of all project components Provide a map(s) of all components of the project in relation to the structures or facilities to be mitigated. Klondike Cyn Project Area Map.pdf 08/04/2023 11:18 PM How action meets purpose and need Provide a narrative describing how the proposed action meets the purpose and need of the project. Rolling Hills Proposed Action and Purpose and Need For Project.docx 08/04/2023 11:55 PM Photos of all sides of each building Provide photos of all sides of each building to be treated. Rolling Hills Canyon Photo Locations Maps and Photos.pdf 08/04/2023 11:26 PM Scope of Work Documentation Please upload documents that support your Scope of Work (SOW) Rolling Hills Veg Mgmt SOW.docx 08/04/2023 11:04 PM Maintenance Commitment Match Commitment (PS-01663) - SFHA provide FIRM Reference: 2015 HMA Guidance Addendum, B.3 FIRMETTE for Rolling Hills.pdf 08/05/2023 1:36 AM (PS-01663) - Ground and aerial photos of tree conditions Provide and attach ground and aerial photos showing the current tree stand conditions and tree species of the proposed treatment area(s). Rolling Hills Canyon Photo Locations Maps and Photos.pdf 08/05/2023 1:37 AM 68 Agenda Item No.: 13.A Mtg. Date: 12/10/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH AMPIRICAL SERVICES INC. TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE 20B PORTION OF THE EASTFIELD DRIVE FIRE PREVENTION POWER LINE UNDERGROUNDING PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $117,899 FUNDED BY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) HAZARD MITIGATION PROGRAM #DR4382-177-7R-CA, AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT, AND FINDING THE PROJECT CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DATE:December 10, 2024 BACKGROUND: In order to preserve the rural character of Rolling Hills and eliminate risks of wildfires, the City Council encourages and supports utility undergrounding throughout the community. In line with this vision, the City applied for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funds through FEMA. On January 26, 2022, the City was awarded $1,971,882 in Federal funds to underground utility infrastructure on Eastfield Drive between Outrider Road and Hackamore Road. The grant requires a Local Match of 25%, or $657,294, for a total project amount of $2,629,176. The Local Match can be fulfilled using the City’s Rule 20A work credits. Through Councilmember Wilson's efforts and involvement, a donation of $1,000,000 Rule 20A work credits from Supervisor Hahn's Office was approved in December 2022. The California Public Utility Commission requires the local agencies to adopt an ordinance creating an underground district in the area where both the existing and new facilities are and will be located. The formation of the Underground Utility District (UUD) provides SCE with the authorization needed to develop the design plans to remove existing overhead facilities and install replacement underground facilities. 69 On November 14, 2022, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 1316 creating Underground Utility District No. 2 (UUD-02) (Eastfield Drive) and set a public hearing for the January 23, 2023 City Council meeting. Letters were sent on November 29, 2022, and January 4, 2023, to all property owners whose property or portion of their property would fall within the proposed Underground Utility District to notify them of the formation of UUD and the public hearing. The length of UUD-02 is divided into two segments: Rule 20A and Rule 20B. Southern California Edison (SCE) handles the design and joint trench bidding and assists in coordinating with the other utility companies for Rule 20A projects. Rule 20B projects are also designed by SCE; however, joint trench bidding is handled by the City. Over the past several years, City Staff has held monthly meetings with SCE and other utility service providers to ensure the project continues progressing. In preparation for the UUD, SCE has conducted numerous site visits to confirm the scope and limits of work and the preparation of a Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM), an estimate of the project. On January 4, 2023, SCE submitted the ROM for the Rule 20A segment, which is based on the estimated trench footage of 1,250 feet and includes all mainline trenching as well as crossings, streetlights, and service laterals with the cost estimate of $1,000,000, expressed in 2024 dollars. On January 23, 2023, Resolution No. 1322 was adopted allowing SCE to begin designing the undergrounding system to replace the existing overhead facilities within the designated UUD. In addition, SCE coordinates with other utility service providers that have facilities on the existing overhead system to ensure their respective undergrounding designs coincide with SCE's efforts. The Federal grant received for the Eastfield Drive Underground Utility project requires the project must be completed by January 9, 2026 in order to receive full reimbursement for any expended funds. DISCUSSION: The City is responsible for completing the Rule 20B segment, including lateral connections to residential electrical panels (four of which require electrical panel re-locations) and telecommunication hardware per SCE's local planning design and the telecommunication utilities designs. To ensure that the City stays closely in sync with SCE's timing and work specific to the Rule 20A portion, a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Rule 20B Engineering Services (Attachment A) was released on October 30, 2024. The City invited firms familiar with SCE requirements to submit fee proposals for performing the required work specific to the 20B portion project's lateral connections and preparation of supporting construction documents / specifications for undergrounding utilities. The RFP scope of work included: 1. Project Administration & Meetings: 2. Construction Plans/Documents 3. Specifications 70 4. Cost Estimates 5. Permitting and Regulations 6. Bid Support 7. Construction Support Services On November 26, 2024, two proposals (Attachments B, C, E, F) were received in a timely fashion and evaluated by staff. The order ranked the lowest proposal for work included are as follows: Bidder Address Amount Ampirical Services Inc.5471 Kearny Villa Road, Ste. 110 San Diego, CA 92123 $142,500.00 EN Engineering, LLC 626 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1020 Los Angeles, CA 90017 $169,817.25 Staff validated both proposals received and determined Ampirical Services Inc. (Ampirical) was the lowest proposer. In preparation for this report and subsequent discussion with Ampirical representatives, staff noted that various proposal aspects could be removed or revised resulting in an adjusted not-to-exceed cost amount of $117,899 (Attachment D). Therefore, staff recommends awarding the engineering services contract (Attachment G) to Ampirical, for a not-to-exceed amount of $117,899 as they meet the requirements stated in the RFP. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The City Council found this was exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) on October 24, 2022. FISCAL IMPACT: Under Rule 20B, the City is required to cover the costs for any contracted work and then be reimbursed from the grant funds. The grant pays for 75% of the fee and the City pays 25% of the fee using Rule 20A tariff credits. Staff will return to Council with a proposed resolution to amend the budget based on the costs and flow of funds described herein. The total not-to-exceed fee for Ampirical Services Inc. is $117,899 RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A - GR_OES_241030_Eastfield_UU_20B_Engineering_RFP_F_withAttachments.pdf Attachment B - GR_OES_241126_Eastfield_UU_20B_Engineering_Ampirical_Proposal.pdf Attachment C - GR_OES_241126_Eastfield_UU_20B_Engineering_Ampirical_CostsSheet.pdf 71 Attachment D - GR_OES_241204_Eastfield_UU_20B_Engineering_Ampirical_CostsSheet_v3.pdf Attachment E - GR_OES_241126_Eastfield_UU_20B_Engineering_Entrust_Proposal.pdf Attachment F - GR_OES_241126_Eastfield_UU_20B_Engineering_Entrust_PricingSheet.pdf Attachment G - CA_AGR_241210_Ampirical_Eastfield_UU_20B_F.pdf 72 Page 1 of 13 INCORPORATED JANUARY 24, 1957 NO. 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 (310) 377-1521 FAX (310) 377-7288 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR EASTFIELD DRIVE FIRE PREVENTION POWER LINE UNDERGROUNDING PROJECT FUNDED BY FEMA Hazard Mitigation Program #DR4382-PJ0177 PROPOSALS DUE 3 PM, November 19, 2024 SECTION 1 - BACKGROUND The City of Rolling Hills is requesting proposals from professional engineering firms for preparation of supporting construction documents to underground existing overhead utilities from 21 Eastfield Drive to 45 Eastfield Drive including an extension into Chuckwagon Road. The project is funded by FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, using Southern California Edison’s Rule 20A Tariff as local match. The grant is administered by California Office of Emergency Services or CalOES. Per the requirements of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Rule 20 program, the overall project is split into two segments: Rule 20A segment, funded using the City’s available credits and Rule 20B segment funded with federal grant monies. Southern California Edison (SCE) prepared construction documents for the Rule 20A segment on Eastfield Drive included as Attachment 1 (for reference only) and is responsible for the completion of this segment, including lateral connections to residential panels. The City of Rolling Hills is responsible for the completion of the Rule 20B segment including lateral connections to residential panels. SCE prepared final design plans for the Rule 20B segment included as Attachment 2. All telecommunication companies (Cox Communication, Crown Castle, and Frontier) will utilize the City’s joint trench for the Rule 20B segment with SCE conduits as noted on the SCE plans. These are included as Attachments 3, 4, & 5 respectively. The Eastfield Drive Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding project is subject to the federal procurement standards under the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. 73 Page 2 of 13 SECTION 2 - SCOPE OF SERVICES The City of Rolling Hills is requesting proposals from qualified firms that have experience in preparing construction documents and specifications for underground utilizes (dry utilities). The desired outcome of this project will be a construction ready documents including plans, specifications, and bid sheets to solicit proposals from qualified contractors. In order to meet the grant funding sunset dates, the timeframe for this project will require all work/services required under this RFP be completed by February 14, 2025 (and assumes a contract will be awarded/executed by or before December 10, 2024). Task 1 – Project Administration & Meetings: 1) Develop project schedule to meet the project deadlines noted above. 2) Coordinate with utility companies as needed. 3) Coordinate with residents as needed. 4) Attend monthly coordination meetings/other meetings as follows; Meetings (number of meetings): a. Scoping/Kick-off (1) b. Monthly Coordination Meetings (6) c. Stakeholders - Final Design (2) d. City Council (1) e. City Staff (2) Task 2 – Construction Plans/Documents Prepare necessary engineering plans for construction design based on the plans provided by SCE and the telecommunication companies. 1) Research information/plans provided, conduct surveys as needed, and prepare necessary base map for engineering design as necessary. Note: CAD files will not be available for any of the utility company design plans per their procedures. 2) Electric panels will need to be relocated for the following residences: 27 Eastfield, 29 Eastfield, 38 Eastfield, and 42 Eastfield. The new panel location is reflected on the SCE Final Design Plans. Prepare plans, diagrams, and specifications to support these panel relocations as needed to include in the construction bid package. 3) Design Plans shall be submitted at the following stages of completion for City review and comment: 100% & 100% (Final, as needed). Allow 1 week minimum for each City of Rolling Hills review. Task 3 – Specifications Prepare Project Specifications to support the construction documents prepared by SCE and telecommunication companies. Prepare specifications in conformance with the current Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook) and other applicable agency standard plans, specifications, and guidance documents in order to obtain plan approval from the City. Provide the required permits, standards, and reference materials to be included in the City’s standard contract documents. Every item of work must be fully covered including a measurement clause and a payment clause. Task 4 – Cost Estimates Construction Estimate: Prepare an engineer’s construction estimate for the designed Project at the 100% and 100% (Final, as needed) submittal(s). Cost estimates shall have quantities and unit prices with back-up calculations for all quantities. The consultant shall verify current unit prices at time of final plan approval. 74 Page 3 of 13 Task 5 – Permitting and Regulations Permitting and Regulations: Develop and manage the approval process for all required permits. The consultant shall observe all laws, rules, and regulations concerning permitting and the scope of professional services shall include all steps necessary in the project development and permitting process to fully entitle the project to move into the construction phase. 1) Proposers shall incorporate all requirements of the City of Rolling Hills Municipal Code (RHMC) as applicable. The deliverables provided to the City shall conform to those regulations to ensure a complete and conforming project. The consultant and its subconsultants shall comply with Public Works Greenbook and RHMC in the preparation of full, complete, and accurate PS&E. 2) Proposers shall incorporate all federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations concerning public works as applicable. The deliverables provided to the City shall conform to those regulations to ensure a complete and conforming project. The consultant and its subconsultants shall comply with Public Contract Code Section 10120 in the preparation of full, complete, and accurate PS&E. Task 6 – Bid Support: Assist the City in preparation of the project Bid Package (City has standard bid package document) and prepare Bid Schedule based on Cost Estimate in Task 4. Provide responses to questions received during the bid phase as needed. Assist the City in compiling data on bids received and assist the city in reviewing bids for responsiveness as requested. Task 7 – Construction Support Services: Provide engineering services prior to, during, and following construction including: 1) Attend a pre-construction meeting and provide clarification of contract documents as needed. 2) Assist the City with Request for Information responses. 3) Provide review of the Contractor’s submittals for conformance with the contract documents. 4) Upon completion of construction, the consultant shall provide as-built drawings clouded and noted in the revision block using the Contractor’s record red lines. The Project drawings should be stamped “Project Record Drawings” and be accompanied by AutoCAD files as well as PDF format. All data, documents, and other products used or developed during the project will become the property of the City. 75 Page 4 of 13 SECTION 3 - PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS Understanding of the Scope of Work: Consultant shall provide a narrative to the approach to complete the Scope of Work efficiently and economically. Organization, Credentials and Experience: Provide a summary of the Consultant’s qualifications, credentials, and related past experience. Describe the consulting firm, including the personnel who will be assigned to the contract. Provide a list of three of the Consultant’s projects within the last five years of similar scope and content. Fees: Under separate cover, provide a rate proposal for the scope of work. The cost proposal shall be identified for each task. The proposed cost budget shall present the labor rates and proposed labor hours of proposed staff for each work task described in the consultant’s proposal, as well as other direct costs. Additional Information: Consultants are to review the sample Professional Services Agreement and provide comments and or questions as a part of the Consultant’s proposal. See Section 6 of this RFP. SECTION 4 – OPTIONAL PROJECT SITE VISIT / PROPOSAL PROCEDURE The City of Rolling Hills is a gated community. If planning to attend, email chorvath@cityofrh.net by 3 pm on November 6, 2024. Proposer can visit the project site on November 7, 2024 and/or November 12, 2024 at 12:00PM by providing a driver’s license to the gate attendant and identifying this proposal as the reason for the visit. The optional site visit shall begin at or near the residential address at 21 Eastfield Drive and end at the project terminus. The optional site visit will provide proposer the opportunity to view the project area and adjacent properties requiring lateral underground connections to residential structures. All proposals are due no later than 3 pm on November 19, 2024. The City reserves the right to extend the deadline. The City will respond to request for clarification in written RFP addendum(s) as needed. All inquiries shall be directed to Project Manager Christian Horvath at chorvath@cityofrh.net by 5 pm on November 13, 2024. Please submit the proposal via email to: Christian Horvath City Clerk / Executive Assistant to the City Manager chorvath@cityofrh.net Submission of a proposal indicates acceptance by the firm of the conditions contained in this request for proposal unless clearly and specifically noted in the proposal submitted and confirmed in the agreement between the City of Rolling Hills and the firm selected. The City of Rolling Hills reserves the right without prejudice to reject any or all proposals. No reimbursement will be made by the City for costs incurred in the preparation of the response to this Request for Proposal. Submitted materials will not be returned and become the property of the City of Rolling Hills. 76 Page 5 of 13 SECTION 5 - SELECTION CRITERIA Proposals will be selected based on the ability to meet the scope of work, the ability to demonstrate efficiency use of resources, the relevant experience of proposed personnel, and dedication of personnel to complete the project within time to meet the FEMA assigned grant project completion date of October 9 2025. (Please note that all work defined in the approved scope of the grant project must be completed not less than 90 days prior approved project period of performance January 9, 2026). Proposer may be asked to participate in an interview with the City. If necessary, interviews are tentatively scheduled for the week of November 25, 2024. SECTION 6 - ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 – Rule 20A Final Design – Approved for Construction (TD2084825) (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) Attachment 2 – Rule 20B Final Design UG Install Map (TD2111184) Attachment 3 – Telecommunication Rule 20B Plans (Cox Communication) Attachment 4 – Telecommunication Rule 20B Plans (Crown Castle) Attachment 5 – Telecommunication Rule 20B Plans (Frontier) Attachment 6 – Topographic Survey (PDF Plans) Attachment 7 - Sample Professional Services Agreement Attachment 8 - City of Rolling Hills CalOES/FEMA HMGP Project Sub Application 77 Attachment 01 78 ·····UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTContact USADial 811 or 800-422-4133www.digalert.org/contactFOR RECORDING79 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTContact USADial 811 or 800-422-4133www.digalert.org/contact80 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTContact USADial 811 or 800-422-4133www.digalert.org/contact81 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTContact USADial 811 or 800-422-4133www.digalert.org/contact82 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTContact USADial 811 or 800-422-4133www.digalert.org/contact83 Attachment 02 84 85 86 AABBAABBAA87 88 89 90 91 Attachment 03 92 93 94 AABBAABBAA95 96 97 98 99 Attachment 04 100 CLCLCLCL CL CL CL CL C L C LC LC LC LTVTVTV WWWWWW W W WGGGGGG G G G65+00 66+0067+0068+00PLPLPLPLPLPL PL60'30'30'11'19'12'18'EASTFIELD DR62+00PLSTA. 62+00 - CAP DUCTCONTINUES ON TD2084825D/WD/W"'42168CAP - VT1JOINT TRENCHSTA. 62+00POLE#4855307EPOLE TO BE REMOVEDCROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTSHHHHHHSTA. 63+06POLE#757241EPOLE TO BE REMOVEDCROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTSVTHH TV TVTV TV TV TVSTA. 63+96POLE#A5978YCROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTSSTA. 64+95POLE#757242ECROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTSHHHHSTA. 65+54POLE#N/ASTA. 65+70POLE#974754EPOLE TO BE REMOVEDCROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTSSTA. 66+58POLE#1035897ESTA. 66+24POLE#781301ECROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTSSTA. 66+98POLE#4445499ECROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTSSTA. 67+83POLE#781302ECROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTSP HHHHHHHHVT63+00 64+00 PLACE 30"x48" VAULT IN DIRT@ STA - 64+13 16' FROM CL(VT1)"'4237 VT1 - VT2CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'4245CAP - VT1CROWN ONLY TRENCHPLPL"'4411CAP - VT1 / VT1 - VT2CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'42446 VT1 - VT2JOINT TRENCHDIRTDIRTDIRTDIRTDIRTDIRT DIRT9'9'2'9'2'11'1'16'4'C LC LC LC LC L C L C L CL WWWWWG G GGG68+0069+0070+0071+00PLPLPL PL PLPLPLPLEASTFIELD DRTV TV TV TV TV TV HHVTPD/WHHHHHHHHHHSTA. 71+22POLE#781475EPOLE TO BE REMOVEDCROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTSSTA. 69+43POLE#781303EPOLE TO BE REMOVEDCROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTSSTA. 70+85POLE#1319070EPOLE TO BE REMOVEDVTHHHHHHVT72+00D/WD/WD/WD/WD/WTTTHH"'4411VT1 - VT2 / VT2 - VT3JOINT TRENCHPLACE 30"x48" VAULT IN DIRT@ STA - 69+36 21' FROM CL(VT2)"'4413VT1 - VT2 / VT2 - VT3CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'4250 VT1 - VT2CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'42233 VT2 - VT3JOINT TRENCH"'4260 VT2 - VT3CROWN ONLY TRENCHDIRTDIRTDIRTDIRTDIRTDIRTDIRT1' 1 1 ' 9' 2'11'1'9'2' 9' 2 1 '20'"'425 VT2 - VT3CROWN ONLY TRENCHSCE JOB# TD2111184_RH-UG_20BCHUCKWAGON RD & EASTFIELD DRROLLING HILLS, CA 90274CROWN CASTLE FIBER LLC.624 S GRAND AVE. SUITE 2500LOS ANGELES, CA 900171construction planDRAWNOFREVCHECKEDDESIGNDATETRACKING #.PROJECT #PHONE NO. 81148 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIGUNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTCALL TOLL FREEDIGALERTIT'S THE LAW !LEGENDPROPOSED WORKEXISTING STRUCTURESEXISTING UTILITIESMISC. LINE TYPESMISC. ABBREVIATIONSVICINITY MAPWORK AREASIDEWALKRAILROADTREER/RS/WFOCR/WEDGE OF PAVEMENTBEHIND CURB FACEUNDERGROUNDCENTER LINECONCRETERIGHT OF WAYFRONT OF CURBEXISTINGFRONT OF CURB FACECLEOPBCFU/GCONC.EXFCFEOPC/L R/W FOCSYMBOL/LINETYPEDESCRIPTIONABV.TRAFFIC SIGNALHAND HOLEFIRE HYDRANTSTREET LIGHTMANHOLEVALVEPEDESTALUTILITY POLESYMBOL/LINETYPEDESCRIPTIONABV.HHF/HMHVLVPEDSL TSWGSSSLCSDETELECTRICTELEPHONEGASSTORM DRAINSANITARY SEWERWATERCATVTVSTREET LIGHT CONDUITSYMBOL/LINETYPEDESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONABBRV.C&GCURB & GUTTERC&GVENTDRIVEWAYD/WCURB FACEGUTTER LIPPOLETRAFFIC CONDUITTCPLACE (INSTALL NEW)PLWATER METERMTRBOLLARDCOMMCOMMP/LPROPERTY LINEP/LHHPVNTTRBTHE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWNHERE WERE OBTAINED BY A SEARCH OF AVAILABLE RECORDS.CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO LOCATE AND POT HOLE ALL EXISTING UTILITYCROSSINGS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS2001 THIRD ST #H, RIVERSIDE, CA 92507(626) 320 - 0996 | peterm@ospros.netTelecom Solutions, LLCROROO S PO S PPMWO370110PREPARED BY:PLOTTED: 10/11/2024CONCRETE RESTORATIONASPHALT RESTORATIONPROPOSED CROWN ONLY TRENCHPROPOSED JOINT TRENCHSCE PROPOSED TRENCHSYMBOL/LINETYPEDESCRIPTIONPROPOSED UNDERGROUND VAULTPOTHOLEVTTD2084825_RH-UG_20BCHUCKWAGON RD & EASTFIELD DRROLLING HILLS, CA 90274EVEV10/11/243SMWO37011CA-LAUFO01-RHL BORE PITNORTHSEW15'0'30'45'SCALE: 1" = 30'30"x48"x24"SCALEN.T.S.POLYMER CONCRETE BOX & COVER ASSEMBLY30 18"47 58"3"32 3 8"49 78"32 38"24"POLYMER CONCRETE COVERPLAN VIEWSIDE VIEWEND VIEWSTD. MARKINGARMORCASTLOGOLIFT PIN (2X)BOLTDOWN (2X)POLYMERCONCRETECOVERNON-SKIDSURFACEPOLYMERCONCRETEBOXOPEN BASEMODEL NO. A6001430APCX243"1.INSTALL (8) 30"x48" CROWN CASTLE VAULTS2.INSTALL 224' OF (2) - 4" CONDUIT VIA HAND DIG / OPEN TRENCH FROM CAP TO VT13.INSTALL 568' OF (2) - 4" CONDUIT VIA HAND DIG/ JOINT TRENCH FROM VT1 TO VT24.INSTALL 415' OF (2) - 4" CONDUIT VIA HAND DIG/ JOINT TRENCH FROM VT2 TO VT35.INSTALL 9' OF (2) - 2" CONDUIT VIA HAND DIG/ JOINT TRENCH FROM VT3 TOPOLE#2141528E6.INSTALL 484' OF (1) - 4" CONDUIT VIA HAND DIG/ JOINT TRENCH FROM VT3 TO VT47.INSTALL 7' OF (2) - 2" CONDUIT VIA HAND DIG/ JOINT TRENCH FROM VT4 TOPOLE#4998608E8.INSTALL 501' OF (2) - 4" CONDUIT VIA HAND DIG/ JOINT TRENCH FROM VT4 TO VT59.INSTALL 431' OF (2) - 4" CONDUIT VIA HAND DIG/ JOINT TRENCH FROM VT5 TO VT610.INSTALL 401' OF (2) - 4" CONDUIT VIA HAND DIG/ JOINT TRENCH FROM VT6 TO VT711.INSTALL 432' OF (2) - 4" CONDUIT VIA HAND DIG/ JOINT TRENCH FROM VT7 TO VT812.INSTALL 16' OF (1) - 2" & (1) - 4" CONDUIT VIA HAND DIG/ JOINT TRENCH FROM VT8TO POLE#4471032E13.CROWN TO TRANSFER NODE LA8004BA_11LAB TO NEW POLE# 4471032E14.CROWN TO PULL NEW FIBER OPTIC CABLES & SPLICE15.CROWN TO REMOVE EXISTING OVERHEAD CABLES AS NOTED ON PLANSCROWN CASTLE SOW:CHUCKWAGON RDHACKMORE R D OUTRIDER RDEASTFIELD DREASTFIELD DRMATCHLINE SEE RIGHT MATCH L IN E S E E L E F T MATCHLINE SHEET 21.30"X48" VAULTS 82.4" CONDUIT 6,605'3.2" CONDUIT 48'BILL OF MATERIALS1.JOINT TRENCH 2,595'2.CROWN ONLY TRENCH 660'TRENCH TOTALS101 CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL C LCLCLCLCLCLTTTTTVTVTVTVWWWWWWWWWGGG GG G GGGGG74+0075+00 76+00 77+00 79+0047+0048+0049+00PLPLPLPLPLPLPLPL PL PLPL PL60'30'30'12'18'12'18' EASTF I E L D D RCHUCKWAGON RDSTA. 76+39POLE#4192529ECROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTSTV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV HHHHHH73+00HHSTA. 74+83POLE#781477EPOLE TO BE REMOVEDCROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTSHHWW W WSTA. 48+10POLE#A6525YCROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTSVTD/WD/WD/WD/WD/WD/WD/WD/WD/W HH HHD/WT T TTT TTVT HHD/W78+00HHVT"'4278 VT2 - VT3JOINT TRENCH"'435VT3 - VT4 / VT3 - VT5CROWN ONLY TRENCHPLACE 30"x48" VAULT IN DIRT@ STA - 73+12 20' FROM CL(VT3)"'4515 VT2 - VT3 / VT3 - VT4 / VT3 - VT5CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'43149VT3 - VT4 / VT3 - VT5JOINT TRENCH"'4118VT3 - VT4CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'4129VT3 - VT4JOINT TRENCH"'4160VT3 - VT4CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'41192VT3 - VT4JOINT TRENCH"'417VT4 - POLECROWN ONLY TRENCHPLACE 30"x48" VAULT IN DIRT@ STA - 46+97 21' FROM CL(VT4)"'4116VT3 - VT4CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'42173VT3 - VT5JOINT TRENCH"'4261VT3 - VT5CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'4280VT3 - VT5JOINT TRENCH"'428VT3 - VT5CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'4410VT3 - VT5 / VT5 - VT6CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'428VT5 - VT6CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'42258VT5 - VT6JOINT TRENCHVT"'229 VT3 - POLECROWN ONLY TRENCHPLACE 30"x48" VAULT IN DIRT@ STA - 77+83 17' FROM CL(VT5)STA. 71+91POLE#781481EPOLE TO BE REMOVEDCROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTSRISER UP NEW POLE #4998608E@ STA - 48+10 - 21' FROM CLDIRTDIRTDIRTDIRTDIRTDIRTDIRTDIRTDIRT D/W D/W DIRT DIRTDIRT9'2'9'2'3' 15' 6' 6' 9'21'2'9'1'12'9'2'9'20'6'17'1'"'425 VT2 - VT3CROWN ONLY TRENCHSTA. 73+02POLE #2141528ESPRINT NODE# LA36XC519LOW VOLT POWER FROM LA8004BA_31LABUTILITY POLE TO REMAIN FOR SMALL CELLAERIAL CROWN FIBER TO BE REMOVEDNORTHSEW10'SCALE: 1" = 20'0'20'30'2001 THIRD ST #H, RIVERSIDE, CA 92507(626) 320 - 0996 | peterm@ospros.netTelecom Solutions, LLCROROO S PO S PPREPARED BY:construction planDRAWNOFREVCHECKEDDESIGNDATETRACKING #.PROJECT #OSPRO2XXXXXX0PLOTTED: 10/11/2024TD2084825_RH-UG_20AHACKAMORE RD & EASTFIELD DRROLLING HILLS, CA 90274EVEV309/17/24XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX624 S GRAND AVE, SUITE 2500LOS ANGELES, CA. 90017THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUNDUTILITIES SHOWN HERE WERE OBTAINED BY A SEARCHOF AVAILABLE RECORDS. CONTRACTOR IS REQUIREDTO LOCATE AND POT HOLE ALL EXISTING UTILITYCROSSINGS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTIONNOTICE TO CONTRACTORSNOTE:CONTRACTOR TO POT HOLE FOR EXISTING.UTILITIES PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION.NOTE:CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE & REPLACE DAMAGEDCONCRETE AND MATCH EXISTING LANDSCAPE TOSATISFACTION OF THE CITY RESIDENT ENGINEERNOTICE TO CONTRACTORSIN ADDITION TO POTHOLING ALL UTILITY CROSSINGS WHEN BORING, CROWNCASTLE REQUIRES CONTRACTOR TO POTHOLE ADJACENT UTILITIES:-EVERY 25' WHEN PARALLEL UTILITY IS WITHIN 18"-EVERY 100' WHEN PARALLEL UTILITY IS WITHIN 5' (OVER 18")MATCHLINE SHEET 1MATCH L IN E SH E E T 3RISER DETAIL39EASTFIELD DR12CURBNPOLE#2141528E2" PROP.RISER6RISER DETAIL39CHUCKWAGON RD12CURBNPOLE#4998608E4" PROP.RISER6(E) SMALL CELL102 HHC LC LC LC LC L CL CL CL CLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLG G GGGGGGGGGCLG79+0080+0081+0082+00 83+00 84+0085+0086+0088+0089+0090+00WPL PL PL P L PL PL PL PLPLPLPLPL PL PL PL 60'30'30'11'19'12'18'60'30'30'10'20'12'18'OUTRIDER RDEASTFIELD DRTV TV TV TV TV TVTVTVTVTVTVTVTVTVW W WWWWWWWWWWWD/WHHHHTTTTTTTTTT TD/WHHVTD/WD/WD/WHHD/WVTD/W HH D/WD/WD/WD/WD/W HHHHHHHH D/WHHVTHH HHVTVT 87+00VTHH"'42258VT5 - VT6JOINT TRENCH"'4277VT5 - VT6JOINT TRENCH"'4260VT5 - VT6CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'428VT5 - VT6CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'428VT6 - VT7CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'4410VT5 - VT6 / VT6 - VT7CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'42365VT6 - VT7JOINT TRENCH"'426VT6 - VT7CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'4412VT6 - VT7 / VT7 - VT8CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'426VT7 - VT8CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'4260VT7 - VT8CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'4231VT7 - VT8CROWN ONLY TRENCH"'4116VT8 - POLECROWN ONLY TRENCH"'42230VT7 - VT8JOINT TRENCH"'4293VT7 - VT8JOINT TRENCHPLACE 30"x48" VAULT IN DIRT@ STA - 81+88 17' FROM CL(VT6)PLACE 30"x48" VAULT IN DIRT@ STA - 85+58 18' FROM CL(VT7)PLACE 30"x48" VAULT IN DIRT@ STA - 89+56 24' FROM CL(VT8)STA. 79+66POLE#811201EPOLE TO BE REMOVEDCROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTSSTA. 81+78POLE#1025532EPOLE TO BE REMOVEDCROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTSSTA. 83+77POLE#811203EPOLE TO BE REMOVEDCROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTSSTA. 85+13POLE#4192622EPOLE TO BE REMOVEDCROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTSSTA. 87+41POLE#4569609ECROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTSDIRTDIRTD/WDIRT DIR TDIRT DIRTDIRTDIRTDIRTDIRTDIRT9'2'12'1'2'9' 2' 9' 12' 1' 9' 2'6'17'HH7' 18'24'12'STA. 89+71POLE#4471032EPOLE TO BE REMOVEDCROWN TO TRANSFER ATTACHMENTSSTA. 89+72NEW POLE #4471032ESPRINT NODE# LA36XC519TMO ID: LA8004BA_11LABPOLE TO BE REPLACED AS PART OF RULE 20NODE TRANSFER WILL BE REQUIREDSTA. 88+67POLE#GT135245CROWN TO REMOVE ATTACHMENTS"'2116NORTHSEW10'SCALE: 1" = 20'0'20'30'2001 THIRD ST #H, RIVERSIDE, CA 92507(626) 320 - 0996 | peterm@ospros.netTelecom Solutions, LLCROROO S PO S PPREPARED BY:construction planDRAWNOFREVCHECKEDDESIGNDATETRACKING #.PROJECT #OSPRO3XXXXXX0PLOTTED: 10/11/2024TD2084825_RH-UG_20AHACKAMORE RD & EASTFIELD DRROLLING HILLS, CA 90274EVEV309/17/24XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX624 S GRAND AVE, SUITE 2500LOS ANGELES, CA. 90017THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUNDUTILITIES SHOWN HERE WERE OBTAINED BY A SEARCHOF AVAILABLE RECORDS. CONTRACTOR IS REQUIREDTO LOCATE AND POT HOLE ALL EXISTING UTILITYCROSSINGS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTIONNOTICE TO CONTRACTORSNOTE:CONTRACTOR TO POT HOLE FOR EXISTING.UTILITIES PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION.NOTE:CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE & REPLACE DAMAGEDCONCRETE AND MATCH EXISTING LANDSCAPE TOSATISFACTION OF THE CITY RESIDENT ENGINEERNOTICE TO CONTRACTORSIN ADDITION TO POTHOLING ALL UTILITY CROSSINGS WHEN BORING, CROWNCASTLE REQUIRES CONTRACTOR TO POTHOLE ADJACENT UTILITIES:-EVERY 25' WHEN PARALLEL UTILITY IS WITHIN 18"-EVERY 100' WHEN PARALLEL UTILITY IS WITHIN 5' (OVER 18")MATCH L IN E SH E E T 2 RISER DETAIL39EASTFIELD DR12CURBNPOLE#4471032E2" PROP.RISER64" PROP.RISERSMALL CELL103 Attachment 05a 104 1234561:221.9UNITS / ACCT CODESREVISIONSADDRESS:SERVICE TYPE:ASSIGNMENT:TEST:SPECIAL NOTES:dB @kHzCUSTOMER:ORDER #:ISSUED:DUE:ENGR:DRAWN DATE:SCALE:TAX DISTRICT:PROJECTNUMBER:C.O. AREA:DWGOFCNTY:TWNSHP:RNG:SEC:FILE:COPPER-EASTFIELD DRIVE70123 5359637 COPPER DWG1.DWGPHONE:EXCH. CODE:1----------------BARRY VELVES424.352.655770123ROLLING HILLSLOS ANGELES5359637UNDERGROUND AERIAL FACILITIES6/14/20248105 1:100UNITS / ACCT CODESREVISIONSENGR:DRAWN DATE:SCALE:TAX DISTRICT:PROJECTNUMBER:C.O. AREA:DWGOFCNTY:TWNSHP:RNG:SEC:FILE:COPPER-EASTFIELD DRIVE70123 5359637 COPPER DWG1.DWGPHONE:EXCH. CODE:2----------------BARRY VELVES424.352.655770123ROLLING HILLSLOS ANGELES5359637UNDERGROUND AERIAL FACILITIES6/14/20248106 123456NEW 3X5 PB1:50UNITS / ACCT CODES2############REVISIONSENGR:DRAWN DATE:SCALE:TAX DISTRICT:PROJECTNUMBER:C.O. AREA:DWGOFCNTY:TWNSHP:RNG:SEC:FILE:COPPER-EASTFIELD DRIVE70123 5359637 COPPER DWG1.DWGPHONE:EXCH. CODE:1----------------MARIE NICHOLSON424.352.655770123ROLLING HILLSLOS ANGELES5359637UNDERGROUND AERIAL FACILITIES6/14/202461107 123456NEW 3X5 PBNEW 2-4" CONDUIT1:50UNITS / ACCT CODES31########REVISIONSENGR:DRAWN DATE:SCALE:TAX DISTRICT:PROJECTNUMBER:C.O. AREA:DWGOFCNTY:TWNSHP:RNG:SEC:FILE:COPPER-EASTFIELD DRIVE70123 5359637 COPPER DWG1.DWGPHONE:EXCH. CODE:2----------------MARIE NICHOLSON424.352.655770123ROLLING HILLSLOS ANGELES5359637UNDERGROUND AERIAL FACILITIES6/14/202462108 1234561:50UNITS / ACCT CODES52####4 REVISIONSENGR:DRAWN DATE:SCALE:TAX DISTRICT:PROJECTNUMBER:C.O. AREA:DWGOFCNTY:TWNSHP:RNG:SEC:FILE:COPPER-EASTFIELD DRIVE70123 5359637 COPPER DWG1.DWGPHONE:EXCH. CODE:3----------------MARIE NICHOLSON424.352.655770123ROLLING HILLSLOS ANGELES5359637UNDERGROUND AERIAL FACILITIES6/14/202463109 1234561:50UNITS / ACCT CODES6############REVISIONSENGR:DRAWN DATE:SCALE:TAX DISTRICT:PROJECTNUMBER:C.O. AREA:DWGOFCNTY:TWNSHP:RNG:SEC:FILE:COPPER-EASTFIELD DRIVE70123 5359637 COPPER DWG1.DWGPHONE:EXCH. CODE:4----------------MARIE NICHOLSON424.352.655770123ROLLING HILLSLOS ANGELES5359637UNDERGROUND AERIAL FACILITIES6/14/202464110 1234561:50UNITS / ACCT CODES####3####6 REVISIONSENGR:DRAWN DATE:SCALE:TAX DISTRICT:PROJECTNUMBER:C.O. AREA:DWGOFCNTY:TWNSHP:RNG:SEC:FILE:COPPER-EASTFIELD DRIVE70123 5359637 COPPER DWG1.DWGPHONE:EXCH. CODE:5----------------MARIE NICHOLSON424.352.655770123ROLLING HILLSLOS ANGELES5359637UNDERGROUND AERIAL FACILITIES6/14/202465111 1234561:50UNITS / ACCT CODES################REVISIONSENGR:DRAWN DATE:SCALE:TAX DISTRICT:PROJECTNUMBER:C.O. AREA:DWGOFCNTY:TWNSHP:RNG:SEC:FILE:COPPER-EASTFIELD DRIVE70123 5359637 COPPER DWG1.DWGPHONE:EXCH. CODE:8----------------MARIE NICHOLSON424.352.655770123ROLLING HILLSLOS ANGELES5359637UNDERGROUND AERIAL FACILITIES6/14/202486112 Attachment 05b 113 12345671:218.8UNITS / ACCT CODESREVISIONSADDRESS:SERVICE TYPE:ASSIGNMENT:TEST:SPECIAL NOTES:dB @kHzCUSTOMER:ORDER #:ISSUED:DUE:ENGR:DRAWN DATE:SCALE:TAX DISTRICT:PROJECTNUMBER:C.O. AREA:DWGOFCNTY:TWNSHP:RNG:SEC:FILE:COPPER-EASTFIELD DRIVE70123 5359637 FIBER DWG1_RECOVER.DWGPHONE:EXCH. CODE:1----------------BARRY VELVES424.352.655770123ROLLING HILLSLOS ANGELES5359637UNDERGROUND AERIAL FACILITIES6/14/20249114 1:100UNITS / ACCT CODESREVISIONSENGR:DRAWN DATE:SCALE:TAX DISTRICT:PROJECTNUMBER:C.O. AREA:DWGOFCNTY:TWNSHP:RNG:SEC:FILE:COPPER-EASTFIELD DRIVE70123 5359637 FIBER DWG1_RECOVER.DWGPHONE:EXCH. CODE:2----------------BARRY VELVES424.352.655770123ROLLING HILLSLOS ANGELES5359637UNDERGROUND AERIAL FACILITIES6/14/20249115 1234567NEW 3X5 PBPLACED ON53139451:50UNITS / ACCT CODES2############REVISIONSENGR:DRAWN DATE:SCALE:TAX DISTRICT:PROJECTNUMBER:C.O. AREA:DWGOFCNTY:TWNSHP:RNG:SEC:FILE:COPPER-EASTFIELD DRIVE70123 5359637 FIBER DWG1_RECOVER.DWGPHONE:EXCH. CODE:1----------------BARRY VELVES424.352.655770123ROLLING HILLSLOS ANGELES5359637UNDERGROUND AERIAL FACILITIES6/14/202471116 1234567NEW 3X5 PBNEW 2-4" CONDUIT1:50UNITS / ACCT CODES21########REVISIONSENGR:DRAWN DATE:SCALE:TAX DISTRICT:PROJECTNUMBER:C.O. AREA:DWGOFCNTY:TWNSHP:RNG:SEC:FILE:COPPER-EASTFIELD DRIVE70123 5359637 FIBER DWG1_RECOVER.DWGPHONE:EXCH. CODE:2----------------BARRY VELVES424.352.655770123ROLLING HILLSLOS ANGELES5359637UNDERGROUND AERIAL FACILITIES6/14/202472117 12345671:50UNITS / ACCT CODES52####4 REVISIONSENGR:DRAWN DATE:SCALE:TAX DISTRICT:PROJECTNUMBER:C.O. AREA:DWGOFCNTY:TWNSHP:RNG:SEC:FILE:COPPER-EASTFIELD DRIVE70123 5359637 FIBER DWG1_RECOVER.DWGPHONE:EXCH. CODE:3----------------BARRY VELVES424.352.655770123ROLLING HILLSLOS ANGELES5359637UNDERGROUND AERIAL FACILITIES6/14/202473118 12345671:50UNITS / ACCT CODES########3####REVISIONSENGR:DRAWN DATE:SCALE:TAX DISTRICT:PROJECTNUMBER:C.O. AREA:DWGOFCNTY:TWNSHP:RNG:SEC:FILE:COPPER-EASTFIELD DRIVE70123 5359637 FIBER DWG1_RECOVER.DWGPHONE:EXCH. CODE:4----------------BARRY VELVES424.352.655770123ROLLING HILLSLOS ANGELES5359637UNDERGROUND AERIAL FACILITIES6/14/202474119 12345671:50UNITS / ACCT CODES####3####6 REVISIONSENGR:DRAWN DATE:SCALE:TAX DISTRICT:PROJECTNUMBER:C.O. AREA:DWGOFCNTY:TWNSHP:RNG:SEC:FILE:COPPER-EASTFIELD DRIVE70123 5359637 FIBER DWG1_RECOVER.DWGPHONE:EXCH. CODE:5----------------BARRY VELVES424.352.655770123ROLLING HILLSLOS ANGELES5359637UNDERGROUND AERIAL FACILITIES6/14/202475120 12345671:50UNITS / ACCT CODES########5####REVISIONSENGR:DRAWN DATE:SCALE:TAX DISTRICT:PROJECTNUMBER:C.O. AREA:DWGOFCNTY:TWNSHP:RNG:SEC:FILE:COPPER-EASTFIELD DRIVE70123 5359637 FIBER DWG1_RECOVER.DWGPHONE:EXCH. CODE:6----------------BARRY VELVES424.352.655770123ROLLING HILLSLOS ANGELES5359637UNDERGROUND AERIAL FACILITIES6/14/202476121 12345671:50UNITS / ACCT CODES################REVISIONSENGR:DRAWN DATE:SCALE:TAX DISTRICT:PROJECTNUMBER:C.O. AREA:DWGOFCNTY:TWNSHP:RNG:SEC:FILE:COPPER-EASTFIELD DRIVE70123 5359637 FIBER DWG1_RECOVER.DWGPHONE:EXCH. CODE:7----------------BARRY VELVES424.352.655770123ROLLING HILLSLOS ANGELES5359637UNDERGROUND AERIAL FACILITIES6/14/202477122 Attachment 06 123 Contact USADial 811 or 800-422-4133UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTwww.digalert.org/contactFOR RECORDING124 Contact USADial 811 or 800-422-4133UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTwww.digalert.org/contact125 Contact USADial 811 or 800-422-4133UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTwww.digalert.org/contact126 Contact USADial 811 or 800-422-4133UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTwww.digalert.org/contact127 Contact USADial 811 or 800-422-4133UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTwww.digalert.org/contact128 Contact USADial 811 or 800-422-4133UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTwww.digalert.org/contact129 Contact USADial 811 or 800-422-4133UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTwww.digalert.org/contact130 Contact USADial 811 or 800-422-4133UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTwww.digalert.org/contact131 Contact USADial 811 or 800-422-4133UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTwww.digalert.org/contact132 Attachment 07 133 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this ______ day of ______________, 20__ between the City of Rolling Hills, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY'' and [INSERT NAME OF CONTRACTOR] with principal offices at [INSERT ADDRESS], hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT." 1. RECITALS: A. The CITY desires to contract the CONSULTANT for civil engineering services preparing construction documents to underground existing utilities on Crest Road East from 92 Crest Road East to the City’s easterly gated border B. CONSULTANT is well qualified by reason of education and experience to perform such services; and C. CONSULTANT is willing to render such civil engineering services preparing construction documents to underground existing utilities as hereinafter defined. Now, therefore, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions herein contained, CITY hereby engages CONSULTANT and CONSULTANT agrees to perform the services set forth in this AGREEMENT. 2. SCOPE OF WORK CONSULTANT shall perform all work necessary to complete in a manner satisfactory to CITY the services set forth in the specifications and the scope of work described in Section 2.0 Scope of Services in the REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CIVIL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR RULE 20C PORTION OF City of Rolling Hills CalOES/FEMA Rule 20 Hazard Mitigation Program Crest Road East Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding Project Disaster / Subaward #DR4344-526-112R. Attached herein as Exhibit A (referred to as “SERVICES”). 3. COST The CITY agrees to pay CONSULTANT for all the work or any part of the work performed under this AGREEMENT at the rates and in the manner established in the attached Cost of Services, attached herein as Exhibit B. Total contract shall not exceed the sum of [INSERT AMOUNT] . This fee includes all expenses, consisting of all local travel, attendance at meetings, printing and submission of any plans or any other documents required by the Scope of Work. It also includes any escalation or inflation factors anticipated. 134 Any increase in contract amount or scope shall be approved by expressed written amendment executed by the CITY and CONSULTANT. 4. METHOD OF PAYMENT CONSULTANT shall be reimbursed within 30 (thirty) days of submitting an invoice to City for the SERVICES. CONSULTANT shall submit an invoice for the SERVICES within 10 (ten) days of completing each task or portion thereof identified in Exhibit A to this AGREEMENT. CONSULTANT shall submit invoices electronically to the City Manager of the CITY and shall also provide a courtesy copy by U.S. Mail addressed to the City Manager of the CITY. 5. SUBCONTRACTING CONSULTANT may employ qualified independent subcontractor(s) to assist CONSULTANT in the performance of SERVICES with CITY’s prior written approval. 6. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK CONSULTANT shall commence work under this AGREEMENT upon execution of this AGREEMENT. 7. PERFORMANCE TO SATISFACTION OF CITY CONSULTANT agrees to perform all work to the reasonable satisfaction of CITY and within the time hereinafter specified. 8. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW All SERVICES rendered hereunder shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of relevant local, State and Federal Law. (A). Federal Requirements FEMA financial assistance will be used to fund all or a portion of this contract. The CONSULTANT shall comply with all federal requirements including, but not limited to, the following: (i). 2 C.F.R. Part 200 – Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, which is expressly incorporated herein by reference. (ii). Federal Contract Provisions attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by reference. 135 Subcontracts, if any, shall contain a provision making them subject to all of the provisions stipulated in the contract, including but not limited to, 2 C.F.R. Part 200 and the Federal Contract Provisions. With respect to any conflict between such federal requirements and the terms of this contract and/or the provisions of state law and except as otherwise required under federal law or regulation, the more stringent requirement shall control. 9. ACCOUNTING RECORDS CONSULTANT must maintain accounting records and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred which records and documents shall be kept available at the CONSULTANT’s office during the contract period and thereafter for five years from the date of final payment. 10. OWNERSHIP OF DATA All data, maps, photographs, and other material collected or prepared under the contract shall become the property of the CITY. 11. TERM OF CONTRACT The term of this Agreement shall be from [Insert start date] to [Insert end date], unless earlier terminated as provided herein. The Parties may, by mutual, written consent, extend the term of this Agreement if necessary to complete the Project. Consultant shall perform its services in a prompt and timely manner within the term of this Agreement and shall commence performance upon notice from the City. 12. TERMINATION This contract may be terminated by either party with or without cause upon seven (7) days written notice to the other party. All work satisfactorily performed pursuant to the contract and prior to the date of termination may be claimed for reimbursement. 13. ASSIGNABILITY CONSULTANT shall not assign or transfer interest in this contract without the prior written consent of the CITY. 14. AMENDMENT It is mutually understood and agreed that no alteration or variation of the terms of this contract, or any subcontract requiring the approval of the CITY, shall be valid unless made in writing, signed by the parties hereto, and approved by all necessary parties. 15. NON-SOLICITATION CLAUSE 136 The CONSULTANT warrants that he or she has not employed or retained any company or persons, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts, or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract. For breach or violation of this warranty, the CITY shall have the right to annul this contract without liability, or, in its discretion to deduct from the contract price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or contingent fee. 16. INDEMNITY CONSULTANT shall indemnify and save harmless CITY, its elected and appointed officers and employees from all claims, damages, suits, cost or actions of every name, kind or description, brought for, or on account of, (i) injuries to or death of any person, (ii) damage to property or (iii) arising from performance of this AGREEMENT in any manner that resulted from the fault or negligence of CONSULTANT, it officers, agents, employees and/or servants in connection with this AGREEMENT. CITY shall indemnify and save harmless CONSULTANT, its officers, agents, employees, and servants from all claims, damages, suits, costs or actions of every name, kind, or description, brought for, or on account of, (i) injuries to or death of any person, (ii) damage to property or (iii) arising from performance of this AGREEMENT in any manner that resulted from the fault or negligence of the CONSULTANT, its officers, agents, employees, and/or servants in connection with this AGREEMENT. If CONSULTANT should subcontract all or any portion of the SERVICES to be performed under this AGREEMENT, CONSULTANT shall require each subcontractor to indemnify, hold harmless and defend CITY and each of its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers in accordance with the term of the preceding paragraph. This section shall survive termination or expiration of this AGREEMENT. 17. INSURANCE A. Without limiting CONSULTANT’S obligations arising under paragraph 16 - Indemnity, CONSULTANT shall not begin work under this AGREEMENT until it obtains policies of insurance required under this section. The insurance shall cover CONSULTANT, its agents, representatives and employees in connection with the performance of work under this AGREEMENT, and shall be maintained throughout the term of this AGREEMENT. Insurance coverage shall be as follows: i. Automobile Liability Insurance with minimum coverage of $300,000 for property damage, $300,000 for injury to one person/single occurrence, and $300,000 for injury to more than one person/single occurrence. ii. Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance, insuring CITY its elected and appointed officers and employees from claims for damages for personal injury, including death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from CONSULTANT’S actions under this AGREEMENT, whether or not done by 137 CONSULTANT or anyone directly or indirectly employed by CONSULTANT. Such insurance shall have a combined single limit of not less than $500,000. iii. Worker’s Compensation Insurance for all CONSULTANT’S employees to the extent required by the State of California. CONSULTANT shall require all subcontractors who are hired by CONSULTANT to perform the SERVICES and who have employees to similarly obtain Worker’s Compensation Insurance for all of the subcontractor’s employees. iv. Professional Liability Insurance for CONSULTANT that at a minimum covers professional misconduct or lack of the requisite skill required for the performances of SERVICES in an amount of not less than $500,000 per occurrence. B. Deductibility Limits for policies referred to in subparagraphs A (i) (ii) and (iii) shall not exceed $5,000 per occurrence. C. Additional Insured. City, its elected and appointed officers and employees shall be named as additional insured on policies referred to in subparagraphs A (i) and (ii). D. Primary Insurance. The insurance required in paragraphs A (i) and (ii) shall be primary and not excess coverage. E. Evidence of Insurance. Consultant shall furnish CITY, prior to the execution of this AGREEMENT, satisfactory evidence of the insurance required, issued by an insurer authorized to do business in California, and an endorsement to each such policy of insurance evidencing that each carrier is required to give CITY at least 30 days prior written notice of the cancellation of any policy during the effective period of the AGREEMENT. All required insurance policies are subject to approval of the City Attorney. Failure on the part of CONSULTANT to procure or maintain said insurance in full force and effect shall constitute a material breach of this AGREEMENT or procure or renew such insurance, and pay any premiums therefore at CONSULTANT’S expense. 18. ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT In the event that legal action is commenced to enforce or declare the rights created under this AGREEMENT, the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of costs and reasonable attorney’s fees in the amount to be determined by the court. 19. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST No member of the governing body of the CITY and no other officer, employee, or agent of the CITY who exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with the planning and carrying out of the program, shall have any personal financial interest, direct or indirect, in this AGREEMENT; and the CONSULTANT further covenants that in the 138 performance of this AGREEMENT, no person having any such interest shall be employed. 20. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The CONSULTANT is and shall at all times remain as to the CITY a wholly independent contractor. Neither the CITY nor any of its agents shall have control over the conduct of the CONSULTANT or any of the CONSULTANT’s employees or subcontractors, except as herein set forth. The CONSULTANT shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are in any manner agents or employees of the CITY. 21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES This AGREEMENT supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in wri ting, between the parties hereto with respect to the employment of CONSULTANT by CITY and contains all the covenants and agreements between the parties with respect such employment in any manner whatsoever. Each party to this AGREEMENT acknowledges that no representations, inducements, promises or agreements, orally or otherwise, have been made by any party, or anyone acting on behalf of any party, which are not embodied herein, and that no other agreement or amendment hereto shall be effective unless executed in writing and signed by both CITY and CONSULTANT. 22. NOTICES. All written notices required by, or related to this AGREEMENT shall be sent by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, postage prepaid and addressed as listed below. Neither party to this AGREEMENT shall refuse to accept such mail; the parties to this AGREEMENT shall promptly inform the other party of any change of address. All notices required by this AGREEMENT are effective on the day of receipt, unless otherwise indicated herein. The mailing address of each party to this AGREEMENT is as follows: CITY: Elaine Jeng, PE, City Manager City of Rolling Hills No. 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 CONSULTANT: [INSERT NAME OF CONSULTANT Attn: [INSERT NAME] [INSERT ADDRESS] 23. GOVERNING LAW This AGREEMENT shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, and all applicable federal statutes and regulations as amended. 139 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT on the date and year first above written. CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CONSULTANT CITY MANAGER ______ _____ ________ ELAINE JENG, PE DATE:___________ DATE:_____________ ATTEST: ______ _____ CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______ _____ MICHAEL JENKINS, CITY ATTORNEY 140 Exhibit A Scope of Work 141 Exhibit B Cost of Services 142 Exhibit C FEDERAL CONTRACT PROVISIONS During the performance of this contract, Consultant shall comply with all applicable federal laws and regulations including but not limited to the federal contract provisions in this Exhibit. 1. CONTRACTING WITH SMALL AND MINORITY FIRMS, WOMEN’S BUSINESS ENTERPRISE AND LABOR SURPLUS AREA FIRMS (2 C.F.R. § 200.321) (A) Consultant shall be subject to 2 C.F.R. § 200.321 and will take affirmative steps to assure that minority firms, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are used when possible and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, religious creed, sex, or national origin in consideration for an award. (B) Affirmative steps shall include: (i) Placing qualified small and minority businesses and women's business enterprises on solicitation lists; (ii) Assuring that small and minority businesses, and women's business enterprises are solicited whenever they are potential sources; (iii) Dividing total requirements, when economically feasible, into smaller tasks or quantities to permit maximum participation by small and minority business, and women's business enterprises; (iv) Establishing delivery schedules, where the requirement permits, which encourage participation by small and minority business, and women's business enterprises; and (v) Using the services/assistance of the Small Business Administration (SBA), and the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) of the Department of Commerce. Consultant shall submit evidence of compliance with the foregoing affirmative steps when requested by the City. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the affirmative steps requirements detailed above do not apply in the case of a noncompetitive procurement made under the emergency exception/exigency exception to competitive procurements. 143 2. COST PRINCIPLES (2 C.F.R. PART 200, SUBPART E) (A) If any indirect costs will be charged to the City under this contract, such costs must conform to the cost principles set forth under the Uniform Rules at 2 C.F.R. Part 200, subpart E (“Cost Principles”). In general, costs must (i) be necessary and reasonable; (ii) allocable to the grant award; (iii) conform to any limitations or exclusions set forth in the Cost Principles; (iv) be adequately documented; and (v) be determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”), except, for state and local governments and Indian tribes only, as otherwise provided for in 2 C.F.R. Part 200, subpart E. 2 C.F.R. § 200.403. Costs that are determined unallowable pursuant to a federal audit are subject to repayment by Consultant. 3. ACCESS TO RECORDS & RECORD RETENTION (2 C.F.R. 200.336) (A) Consultant shall comply with 2 C.F.R. § 200.336 and provide the Federal Agency, Inspectors General, the Comptroller General of the United States, City, and the State of California or any of their authorized representatives access, during normal business hours, to documents, papers, books and records which are directly pertinent to this contract for the purposes of making and responding to audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcriptions. The right also includes timely and reasonable access to the Consultant's personnel for the purpose of interview and discussion related to the books and records. (B) The Consultant agrees to permit any of the foregoing parties to reproduce by any means whatsoever or to copy excerpts and transcriptions as reasonably needed. (C) The Consultant agrees to provide the Federal Agency or its authorized representatives access to construction or other work sites pertaining to the work being completed under the contract. (D) In compliance with the Disaster Recovery Act of 2018, the City and Consultant acknowledge and agree that no language in this contract is intended to prohibit audits or internal review by the FEMA Administrator or the Comptroller General of the United States. 4. REQUIRED CONTRACT PROVISIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPENDIX II TO PART 200 – CONTRACT PROVISIONS FOR NON-FEDERAL ENTITY CONTRACTS UNDER FEDERAL AWARDS (2 C.F.R. § 200.326) (A) Appendix II to Part 200 (A); Appendix II to Part 200 (B): Remedies for Breach; Termination for Cause/Convenience. If the contract is in excess of $10,000 and the contract does not include provisions for both termination for cause and termination for convenience by the City, including the manner by which it will be effected and the basis for settlement, then the following termination clauses shall apply. If the contract is for more than the simplified acquisition threshold (see 2 C.F.R. § 200.88) and does not provide for administrative, contractual, or legal remedies in instances where Contractor violates or breaches the terms of the contract, then the following termination clauses shall apply and have precedence over the contract. Otherwise, the following termination clauses shall not be applicable to the contract. 144 (i) Termination for Convenience. The City may, by written notice to Consultant, terminate this contract for convenience, in whole or in part, at any time by giving written notice to Consultant of such termination, and specifying the effective date thereof (“Notice of Termination for Convenience”). If the termination is for the convenience of the City, the City shall compensate Consultant for work or materials fully and adequately provided through the effective date of termination. No amount shall be paid for unperformed work or materials not provided, including anticipated profit. Consultant shall provide documentation deemed adequate by the City to show the work actually completed or materials provided by Consultant prior to the effective date of termination. This contract shall terminate on the effective date of the Notice of Termination. (ii) Termination for Cause. If Consultant fails to perform pursuant to the terms of this contract, the City shall provide written notice to Consultant specifying the default (“Notice of Default”). If Consultant does not cure such default within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of Notice of Default, the City may terminate this contract for cause. If Consultant fails to cure a default as set forth above, the City may, by written notice to Consultant, terminate this contract for cause, in whole or in part, and specifying the effective date thereof (“Notice of Termination for Cause”). If the termination is for cause, Consultant shall be compensated for that portion of the work or materials provided which has been fully and adequately completed and accepted by the City as of the date the City provides the Notice of Termination. In such case, the City shall have the right to take whatever steps it deems necessary to complete the project and correct Consultant's deficiencies and charge the cost thereof to Consultant, who shall be liable for the full cost of the City's corrective action, including reasonable overhead, profit and attorneys' fees. (iii) Reimbursement; Damages. The City shall be entitled to reimbursement for any compensation paid in excess of work rendered or materials provided and shall be entitled to withhold compensation for defective work or other damages caused by Consultant’s performance of the work. (iv) Additional Termination Provisions. Upon receipt of a Notice of Termination, either for cause or for convenience, Consultant shall promptly discontinue the work unless the Notice directs to the contrary. Consultant shall deliver to the City and transfer title (if necessary) to all provided materials and completed work, and work in progress including drafts, documents, plans, forms, maps, products, graphics, computer programs and reports. Consultant acknowledges the City’s right to terminate this contract with or without cause as provided in this Section, and hereby waives any and all claims for damages that might arise from the City’s termination of this contract. The City shall not be liable for any costs other than the charges or portions thereof which are specified herein. Consultant shall not be entitled to payment for unperformed work or materials not provided, and shall not be entitled to damages or compensation for termination of work or supply of materials. If City terminates this contract for cause, and it is later determined that the termination for cause was wrongful, the termination shall automatically be converted to and treated as a termination for convenience. In such event, Consultant shall be entitled to receive only the amounts payable under this Section, and Consultant specifically waives any claim for any other amounts or damages, including, but 145 not limited to, any claim for consequential damages or lost profits. The rights and remedies of the City provided in this Section shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law, equity or under this contract including, but not limited to, the right to specific performance. (B) Appendix II to Part 200 (C) – Equal Employment Opportunity: Except as otherwise provided under 41 C.F.R. Part 60, if this contract meets the definition of a “federally assisted construction contract” in 41 C.F.R. § 60-1.3, then Consultant shall comply with the following equal opportunity clause, in accordance with Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965 entitled “Equal Employment Opportunity,” as amended by Executive Order 11375 of October 13, 1967 and implementation regulations at 41 C.F.R. Chapter 60: (i) Consultant will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Consultant will take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated equally during employment, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment, or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training including apprenticeship. Consultant agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the City setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. (ii) Consultant will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of Consultant, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. (iii) Consultant will not discharge or in any other manner discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because such employee or applicant has inquired about, discussed, or disclosed the compensation of the employee or applicant or another employee or applicant. This provision shall not apply to instances in which an employee who has access to the compensation information of other employees or applicants as a part of such employee's essential job functions discloses the compensation of such other employees or applicants to individuals who do not otherwise have access to such information, unless such disclosure is in response to a formal complaint or charge, in furtherance of an investigation, proceeding, hearing, or action, including an investigation conducted by the employer, or is consistent with Consultant's legal duty to furnish information. (iv) Consultant will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice, to be provided by the agency contracting officer, advising the labor union or workers' representative of the contractor's commitments under Section 202 of Executive Order No. 11246 of 146 September 24, 1965, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. (v) Consultant will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. (vi) Consultant will furnish all information and reports required by Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. (vii) In the event of Consultant's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be cancelled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for further Government contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order No.11246 of Sept. 24 , 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order No.11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. (viii) Consultant will include the provisions of paragraphs (i) through (viii) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24,1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. Consultant will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as may be directed by the Secretary of Labor as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that in the event Consultant becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction, Consultant may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. (C) Appendix II to Part 200 (D) – Davis-Bacon Act; Copeland Act: Not applicable to this contract. (D) Appendix II to Part 200 (E) – Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act: (i) If this contract is in excess of $100,000 and involves the employment of mechanics or laborers, Consultant shall comply with 40 U.S.C. 3702 and 3704, as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 C.F.R. Part 5). Under 40 U.S.C. 3702, each contractor must be required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer on the basis of a standard work week of 40 hours. Work in excess of the standard work week is permissible provided that the worker is compensated at a rate of not less than one and a half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in the work week. The requirements of 40 U.S.C. 3704 are applicable to construction work and 147 provide that no laborer or mechanic must be required to work in surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous. These requirements do not apply to the purchases of supplies or materials or articles ordinarily available on the open market, or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence. (ii) No contractor or subcontractor contracting for any part of the contract work which may require or involve the employment of laborers or mechanics shall require or permit any such laborer or mechanic in any workweek in which he or she is employed on such work to work in excess of forty hours in such workweek unless such laborer or mechanic receives compensation at a rate not less than one and one-half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of forty hours in such workweek. (iii) In the event of any violation of the clause set forth in paragraph (ii) of this section the contractor and any subcontractor responsible therefor shall be liable for the unpaid wages. In addition, such contractor and subcontractor shall be liable to the United States (in the case of work done under contract for the District of Columbia or a territory, to such District or to such territory), for liquidated damages. Such liquidated damages shall be computed with respect to each individual laborer or mechanic, including watchmen and guards, employed in violation of the clause set forth in paragraph (ii) of this section, in the sum of $10 for each calendar day on which such individual was required or permitted to work in excess of the standard workweek of forty hours without payment of the overtime wages required by the clause set forth in paragraph (ii) of this section. (iv) The City shall upon its own action or upon written request of an authorized representative of the Department of Labor withhold or cause to be withheld, from any moneys payable on account of work performed by the Consultant or subcontractor under any such contract or any other Federal contract with the same prime contractor, or any other federally-assisted contract subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, which is held by the same prime contractor, such sums as may be determined to be necessary to satisfy any liabilities of such contractor or subcontractor for unpaid wages and liquidated damages as provided in the clause set forth in paragraph (iii) of this section. (v) The Consultant or subcontractor shall insert in any subcontracts the clauses set forth in paragraph (ii) through (v) of this Section and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to include these clauses in any lower tier subcontracts. The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance by any subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor with the clauses set forth in paragraphs (ii) through (v) of this Section. (E) Appendix II to Part 200 (F) – Rights to Inventions Made Under a Contract or Agreement: (i) If the Federal award meets the definition of “funding agreement” under 37 C.F.R. § 401.2(a) and the non-Federal entity wishes to enter into a contract with a small business firm or nonprofit organization regarding the substitution 148 of parties, assignment or performance of experimental, developmental, or research work under that “funding agreement,” the non-Federal entity must comply with the requirements of 37 C.F.R. Part 401 (Rights to Inventions Made by Nonprofit Organizations and Small Business Firms Under Government Grants, Contracts and Cooperative Agreements), and any implementing regulations issued by the City. (ii) The regulation at 37 C.F.R. § 401.2(a) currently defines “funding agreement” as any contract, grant, or cooperative agreement entered into between any Federal agency, other than the Tennessee Valley Authority, and any contractor for the performance of experimental, developmental, or research work funded in whole or in part by the Federal government. This term also includes any assignment, substitution of parties, or subcontract of any type entered into for the performance of experimental, developmental, or research work under a funding agreement as defined in the first sentence of this paragraph. (iii) This requirement does not apply to the Public Assistance, Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Fire Management Assistance Grant Program, Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Grant Program, Disaster Case Management Grant Program, and Federal Assistance to Individuals and Households – Other Needs Assistance Grant Program, as FEMA awards under these programs do not meet the definition of “funding agreement.” (F) Appendix II to Part 200 (G) – Clean Air Act and Federal Water Pollution Control Act: If this contract is in excess of $150,000, Consultant shall comply with all applicable standards, orders, or requirements issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251-1387). (i) Pursuant to the Clean Air Act, (1) Consultant agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq., (2) Consultant agrees to report each violation to the City and understands and agrees that the City will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to the Federal awarding agency and the appropriate Environmental Protection City Regional Office, and (3) Consultant agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract exceeding $150,000. (ii) Pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, (1) Consultant agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq., (2) Consultant agrees to report each violation to the City and understands and agrees that the City will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to the Federal awarding agency and the appropriate Environmental Protection Agency Regional Office, and (3) Consultant agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract exceeding $150,000. (G) Appendix II to Part 200 (H) – Debarment and Suspension: A contract award (see 2 C.F.R. § 180.220) must not be made to parties listed on the government wide exclusions in the System for Award Management (SAM), in accordance with the 149 OMB guidelines at 2 CFR 180 that implement Executive Orders 12549 (3 C.F.R. part 1986 Comp., p. 189) and 12689 (3 C.F.R. part 1989 Comp., p. 235), “Debarment and Suspension.” SAM Exclusions contains the names of parties debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies, as well as parties declared ineligible under statutory or regulatory authority other than Executive Order 12549. (i) This contract is a covered transaction for purposes of 2 C.F.R. pt. 180 and 2 C.F.R. pt. 3000. As such Consultant is required to verify that none of the Consultant, its principals (defined at 2 C.F.R. § 180.995), or its affiliates (defined at 2 C.F.R. § 180.905) are excluded (defined at 2 C.F.R. § 180.940) or disqualified (defined at 2 C.F.R. § 180.935). (ii) Consultant must comply with 2 C.F.R. pt. 180, subpart C and 2 C.F.R. pt. 3000, subpart C and must include a requirement to comply with these regulations in any lower tier covered transaction it enters into. (iii) This certification is a material representation of fact relied upon by City. If it is later determined that Consultant did not comply with 2 C.F.R. pt. 180, subpart C and 2 C.F.R. pt. 3000, subpart C, in addition to remedies available to the City, the Federal Government may pursue available remedies, including but not limited to suspension and/or debarment. (iv) Consultant warrants that it is not debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in any federal programs. Consultant also agrees to verify that all subcontractors performing work under this contract are not debarred, disqualified, or otherwise prohibited from participation in accordance with the requirements above. Consultant further agrees to notify the City in writing immediately if Consultant or its subcontractors are not in compliance during the term of this contract. (H) Appendix II to Part 200 (I) – Byrd Anti-Lobbying Act: If this contract is in excess of $100,000, Consultant shall have submitted and filed the required certification pursuant to the Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment (31 U.S.C. § 1353). If at any time during the contract term funding exceeds $100,000.00, Consultant shall file with the City the Federal Standard Form LLL titled “Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying.” Consultants that apply or bid for an award exceeding $100,000 must file the required certification. Each tier certifies to the tier above that it will not and has not used Federal appropriated funds to pay any person or organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with obtaining any Federal contract, grant or any other award covered by 31 U.S.C. 1352. Each tier must also disclose any lobbying with non-Federal funds that takes place in connection with obtaining any Federal award. Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to tier up to the recipient who in turn will forward the certification(s) to the awarding agency. (I) Appendix II to Part 200 (J) – Procurement of Recovered Materials: (i) Consultant shall comply with section 6002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. The requirements 150 of Section 6002 include procuring only items designated in guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at 40 C.F.R. part 247 that contain the highest percentage of recovered materials practicable, consistent with maintaining a satisfactory level of competition, where the purchase price of the item exceeds $10,000 or the value of the quantity acquired during the preceding fiscal year exceeded $10,000; procuring solid waste management services in a manner that maximizes energy and resource recovery; and establishing an affirmative procurement. (ii) Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to tier up to the recipient who in turn will forward the certification(s) to the awarding agency. (iii) Information about this requirement, along with the list of EPA-designate items, is available at EPA’s Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines web site, https://www.epa.gov/smm/comprehensive-procurement-guideline-cpg - program. 5. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS (A) The Consultant shall not use the DHS seal(s), logos, crests, or reproductions of flags or likenesses of DHS agency officials without specific FEMA preapproval. (B) This is an acknowledgement that FEMA financial assistance will be used to fund all or a portion of this contract. The Consultant will comply with all applicable federal law, regulations, executive orders, FEMA policies, procedures, and directives. (C) Consultant acknowledges that 31 U.S.C. Chapter 38 (Administrative Remedies for False Claims and Statements) applies to the Consultant’s actions pertaining to this contract. (D) The Federal Government is not a party to this contract and is not subject to any obligations or liabilities to the City, Consultant, any subcontractors or any other party pertaining to any matter resulting from the contract. (E) General and Administrative Expenses And Profit For Time And Materials Contracts/Amendments. (i) General and administrative expenses shall be negotiated and must conform to the Cost Principles. (ii) Profit shall be negotiated as a separate element of the cost. To establish a fair and reasonable profit, consideration must be given to the complexity of the work to be performed, the risk borne by the Consultant, the Consultant's investment, the amount of subcontracting, the quality of its record of past performance, and industry profit rates in the surrounding geographical area for similar work. (iii) Any agreement, amendment or change order for work performed on a time and materials basis shall include a ceiling price that Consultant exceeds at its own risk. 151 Attachment 08 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 Ampirical Solutions, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering Corp. Address: 5471 Kearny Villa Rd., Ste 110, San Diego, CA 92123 ● Phone: 619.483.3123 ● Email: info@ampirical.com ● Web: ampirical.com REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Engineering Services for Eastfield Drive Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding Project #DR4382-PJ0177 for Statement of Confidentiality This proposal and supporting materials contain confidential and proprietary business information of Ampirical. These materials may be printed or photocopied for use in evaluating the proposed project but are not to be shared with other parties. Respondent: Ampirical Solutions, LLC 1654 Ochsner Boulevard Covington, LA 70433 Authorized Respondent: Kellen Lockwood, Business Development Manager 310-753-9319 kellen.lockwood@ampirical.com Proposal Date: November 26, 2024 November 26, 2024 220 Ampirical Solutions, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering Corp. Address: 5471 Kearny Villa Rd., Ste 110, San Diego, CA 92123 ● Phone: 619.483.3123 ● Email: info@ampirical.com ● Web: ampirical.com November 26, 2024 Christian Horvath Project Manager City of Rolling Hills 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Re: Engineering Services for Eastfield Drive Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding Project #DR4382-PJ0177 Christian: Ampirical Services, Inc (Ampirical) is pleased to submit our proposal to provide professional engineering services to the City of Rolling Hills for the Eastfield Drive Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding Project. We recognize that any professional services firm would consider it a privilege to include Rolling Hills as one of its clients. Unlike many “Full-Service Firms,” Ampirical has always believed in staying true to our Core Competencies. Focusing our corporate resources on a few specialized service areas has allowed Ampirical to leverage our experience and best practices knowledge, leading to a level of project excellence in these areas unmatched in the industry Today’s utilities require partners who work on the cutting edge of the 21st-century electrical grid. It is no longer sufficient to only provide the routine services of the past. New pressures on the grid from cyber threats, renewable generation, heightened resilience, and automation demand companies that demonstrate the technical prowess to develop unique solutions. As a professional services firm serving the electrical utility industry, we have a mutual and vested interest in the development and sustainability of our shared economy, environment, and community. During our more than eighteen (18) years history, Ampirical has been singularly focused on the power utility industry. We have engineered, managed, and supported more than 2,000 substation projects, 1,000 plus transmission line projects, and more than 500 distribution line projects. In addition, Ampirical has completed more than a billion dollars in Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) programs that increase the delivered value of complex projects to our clients. In addition to the above, Ampirical is proud of our commitment to our clients and our core values that embody our focus on Safety, Quality, Results Delivered, and Peace of Mind, as highlighted below: Safety – Ensuring the safety of our employees and customers, on and off the job site, is our top priority. Ampirical has implemented a rigorous program complete with periodic review and 221 Ampirical Solutions, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering Corp. Address: 5471 Kearny Villa Rd., Ste 110, San Diego, CA 92123 ● Phone: 619.483.3123 ● Email: info@ampirical.com ● Web: ampirical.com continuous training to ensure a safe work environment. We continuously promote a culture of safety through education, training, monitoring, and solicited feedback. Commitment to Quality – Ampirical is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified company. We view Quality and Safety not as divergent concepts, but rather as convergent necessities. We firmly believe that you can’t have one without the other, as they make up two of our three core design principles: Safety, Quality, and Value. Our continuous goal is to uphold these core principles by delivering superior design services and meeting the highest standards set by the industry and our clients. Additionally, we recognize that the work we perform and the projects we deliver have a long-term impact on our clients, community, industry, and the environment. As good stewards of our natural and human resources, we strive to leave the environment in a better state as a result of our involvement. As part of our stewardship, we promote workplace and thought diversity, environmental conservation, and deliver engineered solutions that enhance grid reliability and operational sustainability. Results Delivered – We believe in no higher commitment than ensuring that Rolling Hill’s customers are provided with the reliable and economical electrical service they deserve. Ampirical is well positioned to support in-house engineering teams with the necessary resources and capabilities from a few hours of engineering to a complete EPC project. In simple terms, Ampirical delivers “Peace of Mind” at an exceptional level of Quality, Safety, and Value that consistently exceeds our clients’ expectations. As always, we have endeavored to be fully responsive to your request. However, should you have any questions, concerns or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to us accordingly. We appreciate your review and consideration of the enclosed and look forward to the opportunity for you to experience the “Ampirical Difference” firsthand Sincerely, Kellen Lockwood Business Development Manager Ampirical Services, Inc. cc: Jose Lopez Kevin Johnson Stella Biggs File 222 Ampirical Solutions, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering Corp. Address: 5471 Kearny Villa Rd., Ste 110, San Diego, CA 92123 ● Phone: 619.483.3123 ● Email: info@ampirical.com ● Web: ampirical.com UNDERSTANDING OF THE SCOPE OF WORK Consultant shall provide a narrative to the approach to complete the Scope of Work efficiently and economically. Task 1. Project Administration & Meetings Ampirical’s project administration team will consist of a Project Manager, Project Lead and a Project Coordinator. The project administration team will perform the following tasks for the project: • Develop a project schedule to meet the project deadlines. • Coordinate with utility companies as needed. • Coordinate with residents as needed. • Attend a total of twelve (12) project meetings. Meeting lengths are assumed to be 1 hour in length and include the following: o Scoping/Kick-off (1 Meeting) o Monthly Coordination Meetings (6 Meetings) o Stakeholders - Final Design (2 Meetings) o City Council (1 Meeting) o City Staff (2 Meetings) Task 2. Construction Plans / Documents Ampirical’s Engineering and Design Team will prepare the necessary engineering plans for construction design based on the plans provided by the City of Rolling Hills, SCE and the telecommunication companies. Ampirical’s Engineer and Design Team will research information of the plans provided, conduct surveys as needed, and prepare an engineering base map. The engineering plans for construction will be for the electric panels that will be relocated for the following residences: • 27 Eastfield • 29 Eastfield • 38 Eastfield • 42 Eastfield Ampirical’s Engineering and Design Team will prepare plans, diagrams and specifications to support these panel relocations as needed to include in the construction bid package. Ampirical will submit 100% and 100% Final Design Plans for City review and comment. Ampirical will allow 1 week minimum for each City of Rolling Hills review. Task 3. Specifications Ampirical will prepare Project Specifications to support the construction documents prepared by SCE and the telecommunication companies. Ampirical will prepare specifications in conformance with the current Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook) and other applicable agency standard plans, specifications, and guidance documents in order to obtain plan approval from the City of Rolling Hills. Ampirical will provide the required permits, standards, and reference materials to be included in the City’s standard contract documents. 223 Ampirical Solutions, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering Corp. Address: 5471 Kearny Villa Rd., Ste 110, San Diego, CA 92123 ● Phone: 619.483.3123 ● Email: info@ampirical.com ● Web: ampirical.com Task 4. Cost Estimates Ampirical will prepare an engineer’s construction estimate for the designed Project at the 100% and 100% Final submittals. The cost estimates will contain quantities and unit prices with back-up calculations for all quantities. Task 5. Permitting & Regulations Ampirical will develop and manage the approval process for all required permits necessary in the project development and permitting process to fully entitle the project to move into the construction phase. Task 6. Bid Support Ampirical will serve to only assist as needed, the City of Rolling Hills for Bid Support. Ampirical will assist the City of Rolling Hills in preparation of the project Bid Package (City has standard bid package document) and prepare a Bid Schedule based on the cost estimate in Task 4. Ampirical will assist as needed in providing responses to questions received during the bid phase Ampirical will also assist as needed, the City of Rolling Hills in compiling data on bids received and assist the city in reviewing bids for responsiveness as requested. Task 7. Construction Support Services Ampirical will provide engineering and design services prior to, during, and following construction including: • Pre-construction meeting attendance by the Ampirical Project Manager and Project Lead to provide clarification of contract documents as needed. • Ampirical will assist the City with Request for Information responses. • Ampirical will provide review of the Contractor’s submittals for conformance with the contract documents. • Upon completion of construction, Ampircal will provide as-built drawings clouded and noted in the revision block using the Construction Contractor’s record red lines. The Project drawings should be stamped “Project Record Drawings” and be accompanied by AutoCAD files as well as PDF format. 224 Ampirical Solutions, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering Corp. Address: 5471 Kearny Villa Rd., Ste 110, San Diego, CA 92123 ● Phone: 619.483.3123 ● Email: info@ampirical.com ● Web: ampirical.com ORGANIZATION, CREDENTIALS AND EXPERIENCE Provide a summary of the Consultant’s qualifications, credentials, and related past experience. Firm Overview Exceptionalism, a term that is reserved for only the very best, easily describes the dedication and commitment that electric cooperatives and municipalities offer to their customers throughout the US. It is also a term that embodies a culture at Ampirical regarding our commitment to quality, pride in our work product, and our diverse cadre of experienced professionals focused on client excellence, a culture that we are anxious to provide to the City of Rolling Hill’s benefit. Ampirical is a professional services engineering firm initially formed on May 31, 2006. The founding principals and current owners were former employees within a free enterprise subsidiary of a multi- state utility where they honed their service model to participate in competitive work. Therefore, the management team of Ampirical has over 30 plus years of experience working together in the field of electrical transmission, substation and distribution design-build engineering, and well over 100 years of combined experience in the electric utility industry. Since our founding, Ampirical has been singularly focused on the power utility industry. We have engineered, managed, and supported more than 2,000 substation projects, 1,000 plus transmission line projects, and more than 500 distribution line projects. In addition, Ampirical has completed more than a billion dollars in Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) programs that increase the delivered value of complex projects to our clients. Ampirical currently has over 500 employees located in 6 office locations. Today’s utilities require partners who work on the cutting edge of the 21st-century electrical grid. It is no longer sufficient to only provide the routine services of the past. New pressures on the grid from cyber threats, renewable generation, heightened resilience, and automation demand companies that demonstrate the technical prowess to develop unique solutions. At Ampirical, innovation is ingrained in our DNA. To better serve our clients, we formed two affiliate companies that provide complementary service and solution offerings. They are Cybirical and GridIntel. Cybirical, LLC, founded in 2015, is a licensed engineering firm created for one purpose: to help electric utility customers, owners, and operators address the cyber challenges of a modernized grid. Cybirical specializes in services and solutions for the design and maintenance of safe, secure, and cyber-aware power system environments. GridIntel, LLC, founded in 2019, specializes in intelligent software tools and solutions for the power industry. Supported by the knowledge and experience inherent in professional engineering firms Ampirical and Cybirical, GridIntel’s software solutions are focused on transmission and distribution line engineering, substation engineering, protection & controls, and cybersecurity and compliance. 225 Ampirical Solutions, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering Corp. Address: 5471 Kearny Villa Rd., Ste 110, San Diego, CA 92123 ● Phone: 619.483.3123 ● Email: info@ampirical.com ● Web: ampirical.com Core Services Provided 1. Substation Engineering o Ampirical is pushing the boundaries of CAD technology for substation design. As the substation industry begins to embrace the power of digital design technology, utilities are turning to Ampirical to lead the way. Our engineering teams continuously explore the potential of 3D modeling to provide our utility and industrial clients with the most cost-effective design solutions. o Ampirical has recognized national expertise in the planning and design of new substations as well as additions, updates, modifications, expansions, or retrofits of high voltage electrical substations and switchyards. The mixture of our talents offers all aspects of substation/switchyard design services, trained resources to get the job done, and the technical knowledge to design a solution appropriate to client needs. 2. Protection & Control o Ampirical understands that not all substation and automation systems are alike. We pride ourselves on being able to quickly adapt to any design criteria, philosophy, and standards. We provide advanced solutions for the unique challenges utility and industrial customers face to properly design and install protection, substation integration, and SCADA applications. Ampirical offers a comprehensive platform, impartial to equipment manufacturers, for the most reliable and cost-effective plan that meets our customer’s specific needs and expectations. 3. Transmission & Distribution Line Design Engineering o Ampirical’s experience means the company has the capacity to provide advanced, turnkey solutions for the unique challenges utility and industrial customers face to properly design and install transmission and distribution lines. Our engineering staff has designed thousands of miles of overhead transmission and distribution lines for a variety of energy clients including investor-owned utilities, public utilities, municipalities, independent power producers, rural cooperatives, and industrial clients. o Furthermore, Ampirical utilizes the latest 3D design software to develop innovative and accurate line designs that assure the lowest cost while complying with site conditions and our clients’ needs. We are on the leading edge of digital component library creation and intelligent material automation for the transmission market. 4. System Hardening - Creating a Stronger and Reliable Grid o Over the years, our clients have been challenged with enhancing their transmission and distribution line infrastructure to withstand extreme weather conditions and replacing aging structures/conductors. Our experience of addressing these needs is a core focus of our business. o Our current tools, and development of new automation tools, have allowed us to streamline the system hardening process in the most efficient manner possible. With our system hardening awarded contracts totaling over $100 million, there is a reason our clients have consistently depended on us to respond to their customers’ needs and provide an efficient plan to mitigate. 226 Ampirical Solutions, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering Corp. Address: 5471 Kearny Villa Rd., Ste 110, San Diego, CA 92123 ● Phone: 619.483.3123 ● Email: info@ampirical.com ● Web: ampirical.com 5. EPC - Engineer, Procure, & Construct o Extensive experience along with in-house engineering, procurement, project management, and construction management has entitled Ampirical to be recognized as a quality entity in the EPC competitive market. Ampirical maintains alliances with licensed subcontract construction companies throughout the U.S., utilizing construction subcontract services of respected companies either through our affiliations or through the recommendation of our clients. o For any EPC Project, schedules and budgets are a foremost focus for successful completion. Strong Project Management along with foresight of problematic risk factors allows Ampirical to enhance project controls and minimize scope creep and changes that can result in delays and higher costs. o EPC contracts have been performed under several delivery models including Lump Sum Competitive Bid Model, Open Book, and Hybrid EPC Approach. Describe the consulting firm, including the personnel who will be assigned to the contract. Ampirical’s staff will oversee and provide the project support needed for the successful completion of this project. The project team will consist of the following personnel: • Jose Lopez, P.E. – Director of Engineering • Felice Trinh – Project Manager • Robert Guzman – Design Team Lead • Victor Fernandez – Underground Designer • Vanessa Escobosa – Project Coordinator • Kristi Drake - Drafter Provide a list of three of the Consultant’s projects within the last five years of similar scope and content. I. City of Bentonville - 15kV Circuit A3- 15kV Distribution Cable Riser Pole to various underground primary and secondary positions • Engineered and designed underground construction specifications, plan and profiles, civil specifications, cable specifications, cable thermal ampacity analysis, pull calculations and relevant project documentation needed for construction. • Approximately 4,000 feet of trenching of 6”, 5”, 4” and 3” conduit • 1 Cable Per Phase – 750 kcmil Al EPR Cable – 6,900 feet of cable • 1 Cable Per Phase – 4/0 & 1/0 Al EPR Cable – 12,000 feet of cable • Approximately 1,000’ of secondary and service underground trenching of 5” and 3” conduit • 4/0 and 1/O Triplex Secondary and Service Cable • Trench to distribution cable poles, three phase primary junction boxes, secondary junction boxes, single and three phase padmounted transformers and padmounted switchgear 227 Ampirical Solutions, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering Corp. Address: 5471 Kearny Villa Rd., Ste 110, San Diego, CA 92123 ● Phone: 619.483.3123 ● Email: info@ampirical.com ● Web: ampirical.com II. City of Bentonville - 15kV Circuit E24 Substation E to 15kV Distribution Cable Riser Pole, Open Tie-Switch and to various underground primary and secondary positions • Engineered and designed underground construction specifications, plan and profiles, civil specifications, cable specifications, cable thermal ampacity analysis, pull calculations and relevant project documentation needed for construction. • Approximately 8,120 feet of trenching of 6” conduit • 1 Cable Per phase – 750 kcmil Al EPR Cable – 26,800 feet of cable • Approximately 500’ of secondary and service underground trenching of 5” and 3” conduit • 4/0 and 1/O Triplex Secondary and Service Cable • Trench to distribution cable poles, three phase primary junction boxes, secondary junction boxes, single and three phase padmounted transformers and padmounted switchgear III. SDG&E – 12kV DIAR Program – Various Underground Circuits • Engineered and designed the replacement of over 75 underground cable riser poles and underground cable to cable riser poles. • Engineering deliverables include a for construction package that includes plan and profiles, survey grade CAD base maps with mark-out, overhead and underground field inventory with qualified electrical worker, coordination with civil engineering to ensure design meets SDG&E and California General Order 95 requirements, street typical and permitting site details for City and Municipal requirements, environmental coordination, land and easement coordination, material ordering, long lead material coordination through construction and Federal Aviation Administration for aerial lighting management. 228 Jose has over 20 years’ experience in the u Ɵ lity industry. He has worked most of his career for San Diego Gas & Electric in a number of posiƟ ons of increasing responsibility including DistribuƟ on Engineering and Design, Transmission Engineering and Design, SubstaƟ on ConstrucƟ on and Maintenance and Major Projects. In 2020, he was hired by Ampirical as the Engineering Manager in Transmission located in the San Diego offi ce. Jose has since been promoted to Director of Transmission & DistribuƟ on Line Engineering. JOSE LOPEZ, PE DIRECTOR, T&D LINE ENGINEERING QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor of Science Electrical Engineering California Polytechnic State University | 2002 LICENSING, MEMBERSHIPS & AWARDS • Registered Professional Engineer - California • Registered Engineer-in-Training (EIT) - California • EPRI Insulator Task Force • EPRI High Temperature Low Sag Conductor (HTLS) • California Energy Commission Task Force • Transmission & DistribuƟ on Maintenance Management AssociaƟ on Member • EDM Pinnacle Award for Achievement • SDG&E Cornerstone Award Recipient • APWA Project of the Year Recipient • WEI Business Acumen for Emerging Leaders • Leading Successful Culture Change Graduate ENGINEERING POWER-FUL SOLUTIONS ℠Ampirical SoluƟ ons, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering CorporaƟ on EXPERIENCE AMPIRICAL SERVICES, INC. Director T&D Line Engineering | 2023-Present Engineering Manager | 2020-2023 Manages/Supervises employees performing T-Line and D-Line engineering. Performs quality reviews and checks of all employees. Implements quality procedures and checks for all designs. Performs engineering design work for mulƟ ple Transmission Line Projects (rebuilds, new lines, substaƟ on reconfi guraƟ ons). Prepares construcƟ on packages for Transmission Line Projects. Prepares esƟ mates and scope of work documents for Transmission Line Projects. Completes project designs using Transmission Line Design Tool (PLS-Cadd). SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC | 2002-2020 Engineering Manager Led cross funcƟ onal team overseeing engineering, design, fi nance, technical aspects and regulatory process of SDG&E’s electric distribuƟ on planning process and distribuƟ on design team. Oversaw and responsible for the Distributed Energy Resource state iniƟ aƟ ves and regulatory framework associated with the electric distribuƟ on budget for all SDG&E capacity projects. General Rate Case Lead Planner - Electric DistribuƟ on Capital OperaƟ ons Manager - SubstaƟ on ConstrucƟ on & Maintenance Managed the safety and day-to-day construcƟ on operaƟ ons of employees while maintaining reliability, resource effi ciencies and operaƟ ng fl exibility and cost control. Responsible for mulƟ -million dollar budgets for the construcƟ on scheduling, performance and safety of all capital substaƟ on projects from development to project close-out. Managed a mulƟ million dollar maintenance and compliance budget for all SDG&E substaƟ on equipment. Developed. reviewed, and oversaw construcƟ on contracts, RFIs, change orders, project controls, documents and contractor selecƟ on. Project Manager - 230kV Electric Transmission Underground Project Managed the 230kV underground construc Ɵ on, regulatory and environmental permiƫ ng, licensings, and coordinaƟ on with both internal and external stakeholders. Responsible for $240M scope of the $1.8 billion dollar project budget. Transmission Engineering Capital Projects Team Lead DistribuƟ on OperaƟ ons & Engineering Team Lead Transmission Engineering Project Engineer 229 Felice has nearly 10 years of project management including 3+ years in power uƟ liƟ es. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Business from The College of New Jersey. Felice serves as a Project Manager for Ampirical Services in the San Diego locaƟ on. FELICE TRINH PROJECT MANAGER QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor of Science in Business AdministraƟ on The College of New Jersey | 2012 LICENSING, MEMBERSHIPS & CERTIFICATIONS • Project Management CerƟ fi caƟ on, New York University School of ConƟ nuing & Professional Studies, 2015 • ITIL FoundaƟ on CerƟ fi caƟ on • Prince2 FoundaƟ on CerƟ fi caƟ on ENGINEERING POWER-FUL SOLUTIONS ℠Ampirical SoluƟ ons, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering CorporaƟ on EXPERIENCE AMPIRICAL SERVICES, INC. Project Manager | 2018-Present Responsible for the esƟ maƟ ng, procurement, start up, scheduling, actual construcƟ on, expediƟ ng, inspecƟ on, quality control, tesƟ ng and total delivery of the project according to the established criteria. Provides project cost and schedule control, risk management, and confi guraƟ on management and change control throughout the project life cycle. Facilitates communicaƟ on among all project stakeholders. Responsible for client relaƟ ons and project deliverables including transmission of design packages. Maintains project schedule, miƟ gates risks, and analyses and idenƟ fi es the criƟ cal path. Responsible for vendor and subcontractor management. Maintains project lessons learned and historical fi les. Establishes coordinaƟ on and deliveries among engineering disciplines. LYCORED Project Manager | 2016-2018 Managed the global health division’s forecast through the JDA plaƞ orm. Managed projects on the global health division’s pipeline and communicated with various departments to ensure smooth deliveries. Worked with producƟ on and operaƟ on teams to ensure on Ɵ me deliveries, inventory, and enough stock. Supported the sales and operaƟ ons process by uƟ lizing data from the JDA plaƞ orm. Ensured that the global health division sales and forecast were aligned with target goals with an annual 5% growth. Created, edited and presented fi les, presentaƟ ons and spreadsheets. Worked with markeƟ ng, logisƟ cs, and vendors to ensure successful execuƟ on of tradeshows. Followed up on tasks and ensured project Ɵ melines were met. NegoƟ ated with internal and external clients, vendors, and execuƟ ves. VODAFONE AMERICAS Project Manager | 2015-2016 Managed and delivered input to detailed projects plans including objec Ɵ ves, scope, risk and delivery. Clearly communicated and delivered both the business and technical requirements. Provided detailed metrics behind the project to key stakeholders detailing overall progress against plan. IdenƟ fi ed, presented and implemented process and policies that would improve delivery and customer relaƟ onships. MiƟ gated project risks through idenƟ fi caƟ on of potenƟ al failure points in the process. Assessed operaƟ ons and implemented conƟ nuous improvement effi ciencies. Developed a training user guide for Entry Level - Vodafone Telecom Management process. Worked closely in a collaboraƟ on with the IT Team Lead to idenƟ fy reoccurring issues, new ideas for process effi ciencies & improvements within our two teams and for the customer, and prepared the IT Team. 230 Robert has over ten years experience with service planning coordinaƟ on, deteriorated pole replacements, conversion design, reconductors, JPA, OH inspecƟ ons and design-quality control. He was hired by Ampirical in 2023 as a Senior Designer in San Diego and has since been promoted to a Technical Specialist. ROBERT GUZMAN TECHNICAL SPECIALIST ͳ TEAM LEAD QUALIFICATIONS College Courses Saddleback College | 1996-1997 ENGINEERING POWER-FUL SOLUTIONS ℠Ampirical SoluƟ ons, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering CorporaƟ on EXPERIENCE AMPIRICAL SERVICES, INC. Technical Specialist - Team Lead | 2024-Present Responsible for design ac Ɵ viƟ es for substaƟ ons and transmission switchyards and distribuƟ on/transmission lines. Breadth includes substaƟ on, civil, protecƟ on, and transmission line design funcƟ ons. Works with project managers and clients to design and analyze transmission lines and meet client requirements for successful compleƟ on of projects. Conducts structural analysis/design while considering construc Ɵ on and operaƟ onal safety. Prepares purchase orders for procurement of transmission line materials and construcƟ on specifi caƟ ons. Evaluates and analyzes exisƟ ng transmission and distribuƟ on line systems to determine if applicable codes are met. Monitors team progress and acƟ viƟ es to ensure projects remain on schedule, within budget and exceed customer expectaƟ ons. Senior Designer | 2023-2024Knowledgeable and experienced with the interpretaƟ on and applicaƟ on of design and engineering principals, standards, pracƟ ces, rules and regulaƟ ons needed to prepare detailed technical designs for addiƟ ons and modifi caƟ ons to distribuƟ on and transmission faciliƟ es from onset through compleƟ on of project. Responsible for the design, development, implementaƟ on and analysis of new and exisƟ ng transmission and distribuƟ on power systems. Evaluates and analyses exisƟ ng transmission and distribuƟ on line systems to determine if applicable codes and standards are met. Prepares construcƟ on work packages with safe, reliable and cost-eff ecƟ ve designs that confi rm to applicable codes, standards, safety orders and governmental regulaƟ ons. WEST COAST ELECTRIC & POWER, INC. DistribuƟ on Planner/Quality Control | 2020-2022 Planned OH HFRA projects & deteriorated poles to SCE standards. Performed quality control for SCE OH DistribuƟ on & Transmission projects, RPU UG & OH distribuƟ on projects, Power Engineering OH DistribuƟ on & Transmission projects. Performed Osmose OH pole inspecƟ on. Designer III with knowledge on SDGE distribuƟ on design programs. Designed DIAR OH and UG projects uƟ lizing GIS/SPARC, PIDS, and iCUE. Remote work using TEAMS, smartsheets, and share points to communicate eff ecƟ vely and get projects completed in a Ɵ mely manner. HENKELS & MCCOY DistribuƟ on Planner/Quality Control | 2019-2020 Performed SCE DistribuƟ on Planning and Quality Control on projects. 231 r Vic is a seasoned Designer with exper Ɵ se in overhead electrical disƟ buƟ on projects. He previously worked as a Designer at Asplundh ConstucƟ on for over 5 years. Vic was hired at Ampirical in 2024 as a Designer in the San Diego, CA offi ce. VICTOR “VIC” FERNANDEZ DESIGNER III QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor of OccupaƟ onal Studies in Health Care AdministraƟ on California College of San Diego | 2015 Associate of OccupaƟ onal Studues, emphasis in Radiology California College of San Diego | 2011 Associate of OccupaƟ onal Studies, Medical SpecialiƟ es California College of San Diego | 2010 LICENSES, CERTIFICATIONS, TRAINING & MEMBERSHIPS • SDG&E Approved OH Designer - Qualifi ed and Tested for OH Compliance ENGINEERING POWER-FUL SOLUTIONS ℠Ampirical SoluƟ ons, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering CorporaƟ on EXPERIENCE AMPIRICAL SERVICES, INC. Designer III | 2024-Present Responsible for resource management and technology development, scoping, esƟ maƟ ng, and oversight of design and procurement acƟ viƟ es for relay projects. Breadth includes protecƟ on design funcƟ ons. Provides overall design and quality reviews. Manages personnel resources, including soliciƟ ng, interviewing, and hiring, to allow commitments to be met. Direct employee development of design staff . Accountable for adherence to and revisions of design processes. ASPLUNDH CONSTRUCTION LLC Designer II | 2019-2024 Electric System Hardening (ESH) Overhead Program: Supported programs and projects such as ESH CC, DIAR, DCRI, DPM, New Business, and PLCP. Ensured that all submiƩ ed work order packages were cost eff ecƟ ve, construcƟ ble, and of the highest quality. Performed thorough QA/QC for other designer’s work order packages. Designed OH electrical distribuƟ on jobs complying to SDG&E standards and program specifi c design guidelines. Completed electrical and structural designs for electrical-distribuƟ on projects, varying in size and complexity. Ordered all materials needed uƟ lizing SAP/iCUE. Coordinated with Site Assessors, Project Management, etc. to complete designs meeƟ ng client expectaƟ ons with strict deadlines. Pole Risk MiƟ gaƟ on and Engineering (PRiME) Program: Completed Job Walks, Designs, and all related deliverables for the PRiME Program from incepƟ on to IFC stage. Developed and submiƩ ed design deliverables in compliance with the latest DPG and SDG&E Overhead standards. Completed electrical and structural designs for electrical-distribuƟ on projects, varying in size and complexity. Ordered all materials needed uƟ lizing DPSS and SAP/iCUE. Coordinated with Site Assessors, Project Management, etc. to complete designs meeƟ ng client expectaƟ ons with strict deadlines. 232 Vanessa studied at San Diego Mesa College. She was hired with Ampirical as a Project Support Specialist in the San Diego offi ce in 2023. VANESSA ESCOBOSA PROJECT SUPPORT SPECIALIST II ENGINEERING POWER-FUL SOLUTIONS ℠Ampirical SoluƟ ons, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering CorporaƟ on EXPERIENCE AMPIRICAL SERVICES, INC. Project Support Specialist II | 2023-Present Provides support to managers and project team members to idenƟ fy and resolve concerns. Responsible for implemenƟ ng day to day scheduling needs for various clients. Responsible for scheduling updates and maintenance of all projects. Assists with implementaƟ on of engineering only projects. Updates project data, adequately delivering informaƟ on to various departments and performs any other project related tasks requested. JBIZION REMODELING Personal Assistant | 2020-2023 Oversaw personal and professional calendars and coordinated appointments for future events. Sourced and ordered offi ce equipment and supplies. Informed vendors and contractors of client project requirements to obtain client saƟ sfacƟ on. Maintained appropriate fi ling of personal and professional documentaƟ on. Responded to emails and other correspondence to facilitate communicaƟ on and enhance business processes. Kept detailed track of household and maintenance inventory and schedules. QUALIFICATIONS College Studies San Diego Mesa College 233 KrisƟ graduated with a Bachelor of Architecture from the New Jersey InsƟ tute of Technology in 2010. She was hired by Ampirical in 2024 as a DraŌ er in the San Diego offi ce locaƟ on. KRISTI DRAKE DRAFTER III QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor of Architecture (BArch) New Jersey InsƟ tute of Technology (NJIT) | 2010 LICENSING, CERTIFICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS • Habitat for Humanity, Sonoma, CA, Planner 7 builder, 2018-2019 • WIA (Women in Architecture), Vice Co-Chair, 2019-2022 • ACE, Mentor, 2016-2022 • Mentorship CommiƩ ee, COAR Design Group, 2021-2022 ENGINEERING POWER-FUL SOLUTIONS ℠Ampirical SoluƟ ons, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering CorporaƟ on EXPERIENCE AMPIRICAL SERVICES, INC. DraŌ er III | 2024-Present UƟ lizes 2D and 3D soŌ ware including Autodesk AutoCAD to design high voltage transmission and distribuƟ on overhead and underground lines. Breadth includes civil, transmission and distribuƟ on design and draŌ ing funcƟ ons. Responsible for document management of project fi les through Autodesk Vault. Accountable for adherence to and revisions of design processes. Conducts overall design quality reviews of construcƟ on documents. PROVOCATIVE EXPRESSIONS Founder, Producer, CreaƟ ve Director | 2023 Designed, planned, and managed creaƟ ve community events and experience to encourage healthy relaƟ onships, confl ict resoluƟ on, social tolerance, and poliƟ cal moderaƟ on. BILI GUAL KIDS SAN DIEGO OperaƟ ons Manager | 2023 Provided innovaƟ ve and custom soluƟ ons to enhance the performance fl ow of the organizaƟ on, including markeƟ ng strategy. Established goals and objec Ɵ ves with immediate operaƟ onal results. ARCHITECTS FORA Project Manager, Mental Health Design Specialist | 2021-2022 Responsible for managing the project design and development of mulƟ -family projects including construcƟ on documents, code research, City review comments, etc. Assisted with construcƟ on documentaƟ on of other projects not assigned to me. Assisted with CRM, strategic planning of the organizaƟ on, and implemenƟ ng design standards that have the mental health of the end user in mind. COAR DESIGN GROUP (FORMERLY JKA) Job Captain, Lead on SD Humane Society Projects | 2017-2021 Responsible for developing a wide variety of deliverables, uƟ lizing Revit, AutoCAD, Adobe Bluebeam, and other standard offi ce programs. Assisted with several award-winning Fire StaƟ on projects. ARCHITECTS ORANGE Senior Job Captain | 2017 234 Ampirical Solutions, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering Corp. Address: 5471 Kearny Villa Rd., Ste 110, San Diego, CA 92123 ● Phone: 619.483.3123 ● Email: info@ampirical.com ● Web: ampirical.com Project Cost Sheet For Engineering Services for Eastfield Drive Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding Project - DR4382-PJ0177 Task Total Costs 1. Project Administration & Meetings $24,700 2. Construction Plans / Documents $51,000 3. Specifications $16,500 4. Cost Estimates $14,250 5. Permitting & Regulations $11,250 6. Bid Support $9,300 7. Construction Support Services $15,500 Total $142,500 235 Ampirical Solutions, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering Corp. Address: 5471 Kearny Villa Rd., Ste 110, San Diego, CA 92123 ● Phone: 619.483.3123 ● Email: info@ampirical.com ● Web: ampirical.com Project Cost Sheet for E ngineering Services for Eastfield Drive Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding Project - DR4382-PJ0177 Revision 1 I. Rates Job Title Rate/Hr. Sr. Engineer $226 Project Manager $200 Lead Underground Designer $160 Underground Designer $130 Project Coordinator $117 Drafter $106 II. Project Task Costs Task Total Costs 1. Project Administration & Meetings $11,234 2. Construction Plans / Documents $51,000 3. Specifications $16,600 4. Cost Estimates $14,260 5. Permitting & Regulations $0 6. Bid Support $9,305 7. Construction Support Services $15,500 Total $117,899 III. Project Hour Breakdown by Task 1. Project Administration & Meetings • Project Meetings (12 Meetings) Job Description Hours Project Manager 12 Lead UG Designer 12 Project Coordinator 12 Total 36 236 Ampirical Solutions, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering Corp. Address: 5471 Kearny Villa Rd., Ste 110, San Diego, CA 92123 ● Phone: 619.483.3123 ● Email: info@ampirical.com ● Web: ampirical.com • Project Administration Job Description Hours Project Coordinator 30 Project Manager 10 Total 55 2. Construction Plans / Documents Hours Project Coordinator 40 Lead UG Designer 80 Designer 160 Drafter 120 Total 400 3. Specifications Hours Project Coordinator 40 Lead UG Designer 40 Project Manager 5 Sr. Engineer 20 Total 105 4. Cost Estimates Hours Project Coordinator 20 Lead UG Designer 40 Project Manager 5 Sr. Engineer 20 Total 85 5. Bid Support Hours Project Coordinator 5 Lead UG Designer 20 Project Manager 5 Sr. Engineer 20 Total 50 237 Ampirical Solutions, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering Corp. Address: 5471 Kearny Villa Rd., Ste 110, San Diego, CA 92123 ● Phone: 619.483.3123 ● Email: info@ampirical.com ● Web: ampirical.com 6. Construction Support Services Hours Project Coordinator 20 Lead UG Designer 20 Project Manager 5 Designer 20 Drafter 60 Total 125 IV. Project Hour Breakdown for Task 2 - Construction Plans / Documents Hours Project Coordinator 40 Lead UG Designer 80 Designer 160 Drafter 120 Total 400 1. Tasks a. Prepare the necessary engineering plans for construction design based on the plans provided by the City of Rolling Hills, SCE and the telecommunication companies. i. Research information of the plans provided Hours Project Coordinator 5 Lead UG Designer 15 Designer 20 Total 40 ii. Conduct surveys as needed. Hours Lead UG Designer 10 Designer 10 Total 20 238 Ampirical Solutions, LLC ● Ampirical Services, Inc. Ampirical Northeast Professional Engineering Corp. Address: 5471 Kearny Villa Rd., Ste 110, San Diego, CA 92123 ● Phone: 619.483.3123 ● Email: info@ampirical.com ● Web: ampirical.com iii. Prepare an engineering base map. Hours Project Coordinator 20 Lead UG Designer 40 Designer 110 Drafter 100 Total 270 iv. Prepare 100% Plans for City Review Hours Project Coordinator 10 Lead UG Designer 5 Total 15 v. Address City of Rolling Hills QA/QC Review Comments & Submit 100% Final Design Plans Hours Project Coordinator 5 Lead UG Designer 10 Designer 20 Drafter 20 Total 55 V. Permit Requirements for Task 5 – Permitting & Regulations N/A 239 PROJECT PROPOSAL Prepared for: City of Rolling Hills Request For Proposals Engineering Services for Eastfield Drive Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding Project Funded By FEMA Hazard Mitigation Program #DR4382-PJ0177 November 26, 2024 Contact: Jamie Jones Sr. Manager, Business Development jamie.jones@entrustsol.com 240 November 26, 2024 Christian Horvath City Clerk / Executive Assistant to the City Manager chorvath@cityofrh.net City of Rolling Hills RE: Request For Proposals Engineering Services for Eastfield Drive Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding Project #DR4382-PJ0177 Dear Christian Horvath, Thank you for allowing EN Engineering, LLC (“EN”) the opportunity to submit this proposal to provide as-needed electric distribution design services to the City of Rolling Hills (the city). EN has the experience and resources to complete any job from simple service connections to complex commercial or residential developments. EN has 20+ years of experience in Electric Distribution. We have grown from a company of 210 in 2010 to 3200 employees in 2023, of which 1,800 are pipeline and electrical employees. The Pacific Region team, which will primarily support this project, has 140+ resources that are dedicated to support Electric Projects and Programs. The team has an average of thirteen years of experience. EN has the capacity to provide dedicated full-time resources to support the City. Contained within this proposal is a detailed outline of EN’s depth of experience in electrical distribution design & engineering, which we have accumulated over the past 20 years. Project and capability details have been clearly outlined along with our project team and previous project references. We appreciate this chance to summarize our qualifications and look forward to meeting with your team to discuss our proposal and the next steps to begin the as-needed design services. Should you have any questions or require any additional information please contact Jamie Jones at 925-324-3845 or jamie.jones@entrustsol.com. Sincerely, Jesse Rodriguez Jesse Rodriguez Executive Vice President Commercial Operations Comprehensive and Dependable Engineering, Consulting, Automation & Renewable Services 241 TABLE OF CONTENTS: EN OVERVIEW 4 About Us 5 Why Choose EN Engineering 7 EN Engineering by The Numbers 8 Project Safety 9 ISO Compliance 10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 11 SCOPE OF SERVICES 12 Approach to Scope 13 Project Site Visit 13 Scope of Services 14 Task 1 – Project Administration & Meetings 14 Task 2 – Construction Plans/Documents 14 Task 3 – Specifications 14 Task 4 – Cost Estimates 15 Task 5 – Permitting and Regulations 16 Task 6 – Bid Support 16 Task 7 – Construction Support Services 16 PROJECT APPROACH 18 Management Approach 19 Scope of Work Execution 19 Work Accommodation and Limitations 21 Quality Control and Cost Management 23 Typical Work Schedule 24 ASSUMPTIONS & CLARIFICATIONS 25 Assumptions & Clarifications 26 RFP Q&A Clarifications 26 Project Administration & Meetings 26 Professional Services Agreement 27 QUALIFICATIONS, CREDENTIALS AND EXPERIENCE 28 Qualifications 29 Electric Distribution Design 29 Previous Relevant Project Experience 30 Project Team 35 Key Personnel 35 COST PROPOSAL 38 APPENDIX 40 Attachment 1: Resumes 40 242 EN OVERVIEW 243 About Us What We Do and Who We Serve For 20 years, businesses, people, and communities have entrusted the employees of EN Engineering with their most valuable assets, infrastructure, and the projects that improve them. We have embraced growing markets such as renewables, power engineering services, EV infrastructure, data analytics, and geospatial with cutting edge engineering, consulting, and automation services. We offer valuable solutions to challenges faced by our clients, restore, and expand infrastructures, enhance, and streamline systems, and identify and record key assets for clients, including gas and electric utilities, telecommunication service providers, pipeline operators, and industrial companies. As one of the fastest-growing engineering firms in the country, we have grown from a single Midwest office to a national network of locations, which has only strengthened our commitment to serving with excellence… from start to finish. While EN Engineering has been rebranded a part of the ENTRUST Solutions Group, EN Engineering, LLC is still the operating and contracting entity through which services will be provided. 244 Business Mission EN Engineering is committed to growth by providing innovative solutions to our clients with a focus on long-term relationships, while consistently maintaining the highest level of quality, safety, integrity, and ethics. People Mission Our success is achieved through continuously cultivating a culture that values the contributions of our diverse and talented team members. We seek out and encourage colleagues who are enthusiastic, curious, and client focused. We maintain an environment of mutual respect and commitment to professional development and advancement. Community Mission We are committed to the safety and sustainability of the communities, team members, and stakeholders that we serve. We are a strong catalyst for positive change in the communities where we partner with our clients. We achieve this through charitable giving, partnering with community development organizations, and creating local job growth. 245 Why Choose EN Engineering Who We Are and How We Can Help Safety Relentless commitment to safety for our employees, our vendors, our clients, and our communities Quality Strict quality control procedures; proven methodologies; impeccable resources; continuous communication with client and project team members Expertise Strong focus on the energy industry; nationally recognized subject matter experts; highly experienced, industry-trained core staff Value Complete projects on-time and on-budget with low risk to client Location Network of 35 offices close to key energy sectors and critical industry hubs Diversity EN Engineering utilizes diversity contractors and has implemented a comprehensive Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) initiative across our services that complies with the needs of our clients Large enough to serve you nationally, small enough to serve you with our senior staff and industry-leading experts. 246 EN Engineering by The Numbers 36 Locations with team members licensed in all 50 US states 3000+ Employees company-wide 2000+ Design personnel devoted to pipeline and electrical engineering 140+ Programmers dedicated to automation services 0.12 Total Recordable Incident Rate 31+ Languages in which our employees are fluent >36,000 Annual Projects Completed 275+ Data and GIS Professionals 247 Project Safety Promoting a Culture of Safety First At EN Engineering, our goal is to reduce health, safety, and environmental risks. We promote safe and environmentally responsible work practices and are committed to maintaining the highest level of safety standards. EN recognizes the priority that the City of Rolling Hills places on safety and the importance of complying with health, safety, and environmental policies and procedures to ensure a successful relationship for both the City of Rolling Hills and EN. We have set our safety objective at zero for vehicle accidents, property damage, lost time, and medical aid injuries by EN and its subcontractors. A team approach, focusing on a cooperative effort between EN and its subcontractors and clients is essential to meet this objective. All team members must exercise every effort to eliminate personal injury, equipment loss, or damage to facilities and are required to participate in our safety program. EN has had zero OSHA safety violations since the inception of the company. A pre-job meeting shall be held before commencing any new project to establish the safety program and objectives. EN employees, subcontractors, and client representatives shall attend the meeting. On an as needed basis, EN shall conduct a Tailgate safety meeting with each crew to review the client safe work permits and health and safety issues associated with the day’s work, or in some cases, prior to a specific high-risk task. If required, we will train and qualify one of EN’s employees to train other EN employees on the City of Rolling Hills safety standards. EN will ensure that all employees will be trained prior to any site visits on the City of Rolling Hills facilities. EN employees working on the City of Rolling Hills projects will be placed into our DOT drug testing pool. We maintain a comprehensive insurance package and health & safety program. 248 ISO Compliance We strive to provide an engineering focused approach to problem solving by adhering to robust project management techniques. EN Engineering is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. A copy of our Quality Manual is available upon request. EN uses ISO 9001 as its standard quality management system for work approvals. ISO 9001 certification gives our clients confidence in knowing that our work product is thoroughly vetted and approved. Evaluations: Project designs are evaluated during our Quality Review process and supported using ISO checklists. Our Quality Review process includes 1) a formatting review to check drafting quality standards, 2) engineering design review (codes, calculations, etc.), and 3) an interdisciplinary or independent review to either cross-check for a cohesive and consistent design among disciplines involved and/or provide an additional check by a qualified individual not associated with the project. EN Engineering will follow our ISO process for project reviews and all project deliverables will be transmitted via ENsured or an equivalent secured site requested and provided by the client. 249 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EN is highly confident in its technical expertise and capability to meet the City’s design requirements and schedule. We adhere rigorously to industry standards, including the NEC, NESC, the City of Rolling Hills Design and Construction Standards, and all relevant local and state ordinances. Our record speaks for itself: EN has successfully delivered significant distribution engineering and design services to utilities across the nation. Notably, we have played a pivotal role in expansions within the Northwest region, collaborating with key clients such as Pacific Gas & Electric, Puget Sound Energy, Portland General Electric, and Liberty Utilities. Our extensive experience in real utility projects equips us with valuable insights and practical knowledge that we are eager to bring to the city. In the forthcoming sections, we will elaborate on EN’s systems and competencies poised to add substantial value to the city. This includes our unwavering commitment to quality assurance, meticulous cost management, adaptable resourcing, subject matter expertise, and sustained team engagement. Our Electric Director, Heather Leask, will provide oversight of this project throughout the City’s distribution design contract term. EN Engineering provides a broad portfolio of engineering services— delivering excellence from start to finish, wherever energy flows and goods are produced. 250 SCOPE OF SERVICES 251 Approach to Scope EN has reviewed and understands the City’s provided scope document covering the design and submittal requirements. The City of Rolling Hills is looking for support with preparing construction documents and specifications for underground utilities (dry utilities). The desired outcome of this project will be construction ready documents including plans, specifications, and bid sheets. To meet the grant funding sunset dates, the timeframe for this project will require all work/services required to be completed by February 14, 2025 (and assumes a contract will be awarded/executed by or before December 10, 2024). Once EN receives the Contract award, the EN team will review for any potential amendments required to avoid unnecessary rework and schedule variance. EN manages projects using the latest in Project Management Institute (PMI) methods to ensure schedule adherence and cost control. In addition, we leverage analytics and metrics to ensure that we are continually improving the deliverable product. EN begins each project [or program] by assigning a Project Manager responsible for coordinating all work. Project Managers manage the scheduling, purchasing, resource allocation and coordination of all project activities. The Project Manager is the client interface and works as a client advocate within EN. It is the Project Manager’s responsibility to ensure that the project is completed on time, within budget and meets or exceeds the client’s expectations. In addition to the Project Manager, the City’s distribution program will be bolstered by Director- level support to ensure the success of the City's design projects. At EN, we provide our clients with the highest level of support, ensuring they feel fully backed and confident in the visibility and success of their projects. Project Site Visit On Thursday, November 7, Jason Hernandez (EN representative) met with Christian Horvath, the City Clerk of Rolling Hills, to address the city’s proposal request for the "Engineering Services for the Eastfield Drive Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding Project," funded by the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Program (#DR4382-PJ0177). Jason Hernandez conducted an on-site evaluation within the project boundaries, the half-mile job walk generated important discussions, highlighting key concerns such as the traffic management within a gated community, the conversion and relocation of four electrical service panels across various locations, and the navigation of the permitting process for these service panels with the governing jurisdiction. One critical takeaway from the EN representative was the urgent need for a comprehensive Traffic and Trench coordination schedule, given the high volume of traffic and the narrow streets. The Utility Joint Trench will be positioned on the northern and western half of Eastfield Drive, effectively limiting this segment to one-way traffic within the project area. Regular use of two traffic control attendants and steel plates will be essential, as service lateral trenches will intersect with oncoming traffic. Overall, there was a strong emphasis on the importance of careful planning to maintain safety and efficiency throughout the project. 252 Scope of Services As outlined in the RFP #DR4382-PJ0177, the Scope of Services include the following: Task 1 – Project Administration & Meetings 1) Develop project schedule to meet the project deadlines noted above. 2) Coordinate with utility companies as needed. 3) Coordinate with residents as needed. 4) Attend monthly coordination meetings/other meetings as follows; Meetings (number of meetings): a. Scoping/Kick-off (1) b. Monthly Coordination Meetings (6) c. Stakeholders - Final Design (2) d. City Council (1) e. City Staff (2) Our team is available to support and travel as needed for all meetings listed in the RFP and provide additional support if additional meetings are required. Our expertise includes scheduling Microsoft Planner, ensuring projects stay on track. Additionally, we have team members with direct experience working with governing boards, city council and private entities, allowing us to navigate and support municipal processes effectively. Task 2 – Construction Plans/Documents Prepare necessary engineering plans for construction design based on the plans provided by SCE and the telecommunication companies to underground approximately 4,735 linear feet of utility lines in a “Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone”. 1) Research information/plans provided, conduct surveys as needed, and prepare necessary base map for engineering design, as necessary. Note: CAD files will not be available for any of the utility company design plans per their procedures. 2) Electric panels will need to be relocated for the following residences: 27 Eastfield, 29 Eastfield, 38 Eastfield, and 42 Eastfield. The new panel location is reflected on the SCE Final Design Plans. Prepare plans, diagrams, and specifications to support these panel relocations as needed to include in the construction bid package. 3) Design Plans shall be submitted at the following stages of completion for City review and comment: 100% & 100% (Final, as needed). Allow 1 week minimum for each City of Rolling Hills review. All engineering plans, diagrams, and specifications are meticulously prepared and submitted for City review to facilitate the construction design and necessary relocations as outlined. Task 3 – Specifications Prepare Project Specifications to support the construction documents prepared by SCE and telecommunication companies. Provide utility standards regarding installation of structures and 253 conduits to ensure accuracy. Prepare specifications in conformance with the current Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook) and other applicable agency standard plans, specifications, and guidance documents to obtain plan approval from the City. Provide the permit adherence, standards, and reference materials to be included in the City’s standard contract documents. Every item of work must be fully covered including a measurement clause and a payment clause. Review and adjust if needed as-builts on a weekly basis. Our team has developed project specifications for numerous utilities across the nation, including but not limited to National Grid, PPL, and PEPCO. When writing distribution specifications for a distribution construction project, it is essential to consider several key factors. These include the technical requirements for materials and equipment to ensure compatibility and reliability within the existing infrastructure. Regulatory compliance is paramount, necessitating adherence to local, state, and federal guidelines. Safety standards must be meticulously detailed to protect both workers and the public. Additionally, environmental impact assessments are crucial to minimize ecological disruption. Cost efficiency and budget constraints must be balanced with the need for high-quality outcomes. Finally, stakeholder collaboration ensures that the specifications meet the needs and expectations of all parties involved, fostering a successful and cohesive project execution. Task 4 – Cost Estimates Construction Estimate: Prepare an engineer’s construction estimate for the designed Project at the 100% and 100% (Final, as needed) submittal(s). Cost estimates shall have quantities and unit prices with back-up calculations for all quantities. The consultant shall verify current unit prices at time of final plan approval. Our team excels in delivering precise cost estimates, meeting the stringent requirements of our largest client for a range of projects, from pole replacements to extensive Strategic Undergrounding initiatives. To ensure consistency between construction plans and estimates, our team emphasizes the following key areas: 1. Quantities and Unit Prices: • Accurate Quantities: Ensure all quantities are measured and calculated accurately. • Current Unit Prices: Verify and update unit prices 2. Back-Up Calculations: • Detailed Calculations: Provide detailed calculations for all quantities to support the estimate. • Documentation: Maintain thorough documentation of all calculations and sources. 3. Material Costs: • Material Specifications: Include costs for all specified materials to match construction plans. 4. Labor Costs: • Labor Rates: Use current labor rates, including any regional variations. • Productivity Rates: Consider productivity rates and potential overtime. 5. Subcontractor Costs: • Quotes from Subcontractors: Obtain and verify quotes from subcontractors. • Scope of Work: Ensure the scope of work for subcontractors is clearly defined. 6. Schedule and Timeframe: 254 • Project Timeline: Consider the project timeline and any potential delays. • Seasonal Factors: Account for seasonal factors that may affect construction Task 5 – Permitting and Regulations Per the RFP Q&A (question 6) This project is federally funded (grant), therefore would fall under NEPA. The grant includes a Record of Environmental Considerations. No further permitting or approval is anticipated. Compliance will be monitored during the construction phase. Task 6 – Bid Support To assist the City in preparing the project Bid Package, the following steps should be taken: 1. Preparation of Bid Package: • Utilize the City's standard bid package document as a template. • Incorporate all relevant project details, specifications, and requirements from the 100% construction estimate. • Ensure that all sections of the bid package are complete, including instructions to bidders, bid forms, contract terms, and technical specifications. 2. Preparation of Bid Schedule: • Develop a detailed bid schedule based on the cost estimate prepared in Task 4. • List all items of work with corresponding quantities and unit prices. • Ensure that the bid schedule is clear and comprehensive, allowing bidders to provide accurate and competitive bids. 3. Responding to Bid Phase Questions: • Be available to provide timely and accurate responses to any questions received from potential bidders during the bid phase. • Document all questions and responses to ensure transparency and consistency. • Issue addenda if necessary to clarify or modify the bid documents based on the questions received. 4. Compiling and Reviewing Bids: • Assist the City in compiling all bids received, ensuring that all required documentation is included. • Review each bid for responsiveness, checking for completeness, accuracy, and compliance with the bid requirements. • Prepare a summary of the bids received, highlighting any discrepancies or issues for the City's consideration. Task 7 – Construction Support Services To provide comprehensive engineering services throughout the construction process, we will: 1. Attend a pre-construction meeting to clarify contract documents as needed. 2. Assist the City with Request for Information (RFI) responses to ensure all queries are addressed promptly and accurately. 255 3. Review the Contractor’s submittals for conformance with the contract documents, ensuring all materials and methods meet project specifications. Upon completion of construction, we will: • Prepare as-built drawings using the contractor’s record red lines, clouding, and noting revisions in the block, and stamping them as “Project Record Drawings.” These drawings will be provided in both AutoCAD and PDF formats. Additionally, we will: • Assist the City in preparing the project Bid Package using the City’s standard bid package document. • Prepare the Bid Schedule based on the Cost Estimate in Task 4. • Provide responses to questions received during the bid phase as needed. • Assist the City in compiling data on bids received and review bids for responsiveness as requested. 256 PROJECT APPROACH 257 Management Approach At our core, we uphold a management approach rooted in clear communication, proactive problem-solving, and efficient execution. We facilitate regular progress meetings to ensure transparency and continuous alignment with project objectives. Our commitment to proactive problem-solving enables us to anticipate challenges and devise effective solutions promptly. We prioritize the assignment of key personnel to oversee the execution of tasks efficiently, ensuring each project's success. Additionally, our responsiveness to urgent requests exemplifies our dedication to client service, as we strive to address and resolve issues swiftly and effectively. This holistic approach underscores our dedication to excellence and collaboration in all our engagements. Scope of Work Execution The backbone of our EN team, which is located within California, is its combination of technical leads, field technicians, project engineers, design engineers and designers depending upon project requirements. The number of team members varies throughout a project depending on its size and schedule requirements. The project team also has access to subject matter experts, with EN, in any area where a need for additional expertise may arise. This allows us to offer the best product at the lowest possible cost. At a high level our process consists of the following: 1. Program kick-off 2. Execution process development 3. Field data collection 4. Calculations & design execution 5. Quality checks Jessica Zufolo, EN’s Vice President of Rural Broadband Strategy, brings extensive experience with Federal Grants. She will support our team in partnering with Rolling Hills to develop comprehensive bid documents and ensure compliance with all grant timelines and expectations. Additionally, our team has extensive experience with Rule 20A and 20B design. Jessica joined EN after serving in various senior leadership roles throughout federal government and non-profit sectors for over 30 years. Prior to joining EN, Jessica served for over five years as the Senior Advisor for Strategic Partnerships for the Lifeline Division at the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) where she managed all state, federal and tribal engagement that led to the establishment of the Lifeline National Eligibility Verifier. Prior to her tenure at USAC, Jessica was appointed by former President Barack Obama to serve as the Deputy Administrator for the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) where she helped oversee a $85 billion federal loan and grant portfolio that finances water and sewer treatment systems telecommunications and broadband networks, precision agriculture, electric utility, smart grid and renewable energy projects in rural and tribal communities. During her tenure at RUS, Jessica also worked closely with FEMA on numerous rural disaster mitigation projects in rural low-income communities and has deep experience working closely with FEMA officials on rural public safety broadband projects in disaster prone areas. 258 Jessica also served as the Legislative Director for the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) where she was responsible for developing legislative strategy for all fifty state public service commissions involving telecommunications, technology, consumer protection and water. Earlier in her career, Jessica worked on Capitol Hill for eight years overseeing telecommunications and energy policy for the late New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York, and Representative Peter A. Defazio of Oregon. Scoping/ Kick-Off During the scoping or program kick-off phase the project manager meets with the client or representative to discuss and align around project scopes, project deliverables, schedules, budget, communication channel and cadence, quality measures and grant funding dates. This meeting is critical as this serves as a touch point for the PM and client to adjust and shape the results of the program or project as all work must be completed by February 14, 2025. Our Project Manager will engage with the City's distribution design program stakeholders to establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and identify necessary production measures for tracking and development. Our team collaborates closely with the Vice President of Data to monitor project performance metrics using the Power BI Dashboard. This dashboard will be updated and disseminated weekly to ensure all parties are aligned on deliverables. Execution Process Development The PM works with the project team to develop and document an execution process from project receipt from the client through the QA/QC process and final deliverables to identify any process gaps, technical challenges, or training required to meet the client deliverables. We have found over the years that documenting this process helps uncover challenges and efficiencies which then can be implemented quickly. It also serves to onboard and train any new individuals who may be added to the project as volumes of the as-needed services fluctuate and/or scopes are changed. Our team will leverage our robust Project Management Office (PMO) structure to approach the work with a strategic, big-picture mindset. With a director actively overseeing the entire project, our kickoff meetings will emphasize identifying both negative and positive risks. We capitalize on positive risks to achieve cost savings and enhance our project schedule. Design Execution EN will conduct site visits as necessary and coordinate with relevant departments to address project dependencies, including engineering, right of way, and planning. All project dependencies will be identified and communicated to both internal and external stakeholders, as applicable, to ensure proper engagement and maintain the project's tight schedule. The EN Team will employ a comprehensive notification task list to manage all project components, ensuring all tasks are completed prior to project submission. The team will upload all required documents for design project review as specified by the City. Coordination will be maintained with the City's designated Project Manager, telecom companies, and the Rolling Hills Community Association (RHCA). The EN team will consult with the construction team as 259 needed to address any change orders or design issues throughout the project's duration. A completed design package will include, but is not limited to, the following: • Stamped Final Design Drawings • Design Inventory Report • Staking Sheet • Plan & Profile • Conduit Plan (underground projects) • Typical Trench details (underground projects) • Structure & Foundation Drawings • Material Summary • Reference Photos • Pole Loading Calculations (Performed via O-Calc) • Wire Pull Calculations (Performed via the City standards and pulling calculation software, Polywater Pull Planner) • Cost Estimates The final drawing package will adhere to the client’s standards, incorporating accurate symbols and labels. It will provide comprehensive details, including Joint Pole notes for the subject pole and adjacent poles. Additionally, it will specify removal and installation instructions, a concise scope of work, and plan notes for the crews. Upon completing the design, the designer submits the project along with the design checklist to our internal Quality Control (Q/C) team. Quality Checks Our Quality Control (Q/C) team maintains an up-to-date checklist aligned with current client standards. This checklist streamlines our processes, ensuring efficiency and consistency in handling mark-ups. By adhering to this checklist, we deliver high-quality results with precision. Once the Q/C team and our Design Manager (Electrical P.E.) complete their review, they provide feedback to the designer along with the design and Q/C checklist. The designer takes responsibility for addressing any redlines and clearly marking completed updates. Subsequently, the entire design package returns to the engineer who initially examined the project. This step ensures that all mark-ups are thoroughly addressed and updated. Upon the Q/C team’s confirmation that all mark-ups are complete, they send the package back to the designer for final submittal. EN then submits all PDF documents related to the design and design inventory via email to the City. The email subject follows the City conventions to ensure smooth processes. The City is requested to respond within five business days, either approving the design or requesting revisions. Work Accommodation and Limitations EN has over 3,200 employees across the country and a robust talent acquisition team that hired 1,000 individuals in the 2023 calendar year. We have the established internal infrastructure to complete any scope of work presented by the City. Moreover, our flexible resourcing approach enables us to seamlessly adapt to the ebbs and flows of our clients’ project demands. By doing so, we not only minimize costs but also efficiently address urgent work requests. 260 EN prioritizes the assignment of appropriate personnel to support the project through the entire lifecycle, maintaining consistent resource commitments for all key team members on significant projects. The key personnel outlined in the “Project Team” section for the RFP possess essential electrical engineering and field experience in the Pacific southwest, equipping them to manage any scope of work that the City may require in the distribution space. Should the need arise to augment our team, the City can rest assured that EN, with over 1,800 industry professionals, can adjust resource allocation dynamically. This flexibility and our systematic approach to resource management allow us to adjust as project demands evolve, ensuring resource availability for the City’s projects as needed. Heather Leask is EN’s Director of Electric Utilities in the Pacific and Southwest Regions and will provide oversight and management of this project. With over 10 years' experience focused on distribution, she has cultivated a comprehensive understanding of regulatory landscapes, stakeholder engagement, and the ever-evolving challenges and opportunities presented by the global shift towards sustainability. Heather is eager to contribute to the success of the City and brings valuable technical knowledge and leadership skills to the program. For more information on our team, see the “Project Team” section and the resumes located in the Appendix. For all distribution programs in the Pacific Region, EN conducts biweekly meetings to deliver ongoing training, ensuring that our teams continually enhance their skills and that our clients receive the highest quality service. We also hold monthly stand-up meetings to discuss any process changes or updates, ensuring comprehensive information distribution. 261 Quality Control and Cost Management A key to EN’s and our client’s mutual success are the productivity & continuous improvement measures we institute at the beginning of each project. The process is utilized to evaluate entire programs, individuals, or projects to identify areas for improvement. EN uses data to drive work to the most productive resources, to identify training & coaching opportunities for others, and shift work as project volumes change to minimize price fluctuations. In most instances we can improve productivity improvement by 30% - 45% or greater to achieve client goals, which represent savings that are passed along to our clients. As an organization, EN has strategically invested in tools, methodologies, and established processes based on our extensive experience delivering thousands of similar projects. This ensures a consistent and well-documented approach to every new project we undertake. Our employees are supported by an infrastructure consisting of proven processes, methodologies, and communication standards to support all their efforts. As an organization, EN adheres to strict quality control procedures, prioritizes risk management mitigation strategies, and fosters effective multi-pronged communication among internal and external stakeholders. These practices contribute to our record of accomplishment of proven success across the projects we undertake. EN develops and maintains a Quality Management System that is specific to the services and deliverables provided by our organization. EN received the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2008 certification for our Quality Management System standard in 2008 and we are currently an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. It is important to understand that while we adhere to the ISO 9001:2015 standard requirements, everything we do is part of our Quality Management System. Quality performance is one of the cornerstones of our company culture and is considered a personal responsibility of all employees. EN will follow ISO process for project reviews and all project deliverables will be transmitted via a secured site. Every project will have three (3) EN Required Quality Reviews, including 1) Formatting Quality Review (FQR) for detailed review of drafting, formatting, templates, and client standards; 2) Engineering Quality Review (EQR) to ensure project requirements have been met; and 3) Inter-Disciplinary Review including a cross-unit review to identify inconsistencies between package components. In addition, EN has standardized the tracking of quality reviews to ensure all review information is quickly accessible, retrievable, and complete. EN’s strict QA/QC process ensures a finished work product will meet the City’s standards. If errors or omissions are identified (by EN or the City) in the materials developed by EN as part of this project, our engineering team will diligently address and correct the matter promptly, ensuring it meets the City’s quality standards. The communication plan established by EN’s project manager, and the City ensures timely and effective communication. Our goal is to consistently meet or exceed the standards and expectations set forth by the city. 262 Page 24 Typical Work Schedule 1. Team Lead looks over all provided project information and confirms all information scope 2. EN will host a project kickoff meeting with the city to confirm scope and deliverables 3. Design Manager will assign work to engineers and designers 4. EN will schedule site visit to obtain and verify all field data 5. EN will dispatch a field technician to the city service territory for field noting 6. EN will update all current drawings with collected field data 7. Review field data with the city 8. If necessary, EN will schedule follow up field visits to ensure design validation 9. Upon completetion of the design, EN will submit a pdf document of the design and design inventory report as requested by the City 10. Upon the City’s review, EN will make any required revision and resubmit the design package 11. EN will respond to construction field changes and will be available for construction walks/review meetings 263 Page 25 ASSUMPTIONS & CLARIFICATIONS 264 Page 26 Assumptions & Clarifications RFP Q&A Clarifications EN is providing a proposal per 1. City of Rolling Hills Request for Proposal, Section 2 - Scope of Work published on 10/30 2. RFP answers published from the city on 11/14 Funding The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approved a subaward application in the amount of $2,629,176. 75% ($1,971,882.00) is covered by the federal grant and 25% ($657,294) is a local match utilizing Rule 20A credits. This amount must cover the entire project. To date approximately $1.15 million has been expended including utility designs, potholing, and consultant fees. Environmental Compliance Environmental compliance is part of the overall project and the responsibility of the vendor. Per RFP documents, FEMA made environmental assessments and cleared the project with minor exceptions prior to subaward approval. The City of Rolling Hills is responsible for ensuring that the bid documents and the project execution meets the requirements so as not to trigger any additional NEPA requirements. Engineering design should be cognizant of these in design of conduit(s) to residences, but overall compliance monitoring is not part of the scope. Traffic Control Plans (TCP) The eventual bid selected contractor would be responsible for TCP. Engineering Design consultant would need to include this requirement in the project specifications / cost estimate for construction. Panel Relocation Fee Panel Relocation vs Conversion needs to be determined with the property owner and City. Include a fee for both. Cost Estimates Based on the RFP description, Cost Estimates included in the proposals is limited to two submittals. Additional cost estimates can be provided at additional cost. Cost Estimate assumes that City has pricing provided for existing and new equipment. Market research and material decisions can be provided at an additional cost. Permitting Project is federally funded (grant), therefore would fall under NEPA. The grant includes a Record of Environmental Considerations. No further permitting or approval is anticipated. Compliance will be monitored during the construction phase. Project Administration & Meetings Cost proposal includes the meetings per the RFP Section 2 – Scope of Services. EN will send a representative to attend monthly coordination meetings/other meetings as follows; meetings (12 total meetings): a) Scoping/Kick-off (1) b) Monthly Coordination Meetings (6) c) Stakeholders - Final Design (2) d) City Council (1) 265 Page 27 e) City Staff (2) Additional meetings and travel expenses will be managed through a change order process. Entrust utilizes Microsoft Planner for scheduling purposes. The use of alternative scheduling software may result in additional licensing fees. Bid Documents Bid documents to be completed as described in this Proposal are limited to items in the Standard Bid Package Document and response and answer questions in the original Bid Timeframe. Any extensions, additional revisions to Bid or additional documents requirement can be completed at an additional cost. Professional Services Agreement EN has reviewed the City’s Professional Services Agreement (RFP Attachment 7 - Sample Professional Services Agreement) and proposes the updates as outlined in the separately submitted “PSA GR_OES_241030_Eastfield_UU_20B_Engineering_EN Edits 11.6.24”. We look forward to discussing our proposal with the City and are open to finding an agreement that works for both parties. 266 Page 28 QUALIFICATIONS, CREDENTIALS AND EXPERIENCE 267 Page 29 Qualifications Per the scope of work, EN would like to highlight some of our qualifications related to the Scope of Work (Tasks 1-7). Project Administration/Project Management ⁠ EN has a dedicated Project Management Organization, not included in the 140+ Pacific Electric team, which supports utilities and municipalities. EN is experienced and prepared to provide the required construction and project management required for this project. EN has extensive experience of the electric distribution space, with the emphasis on joint use, fiber optic/telecommunication design, system expansion, reinforcement, and modernization. Our team is adept at handling every phase of the project lifecycle, ensuring a seamless and efficient process. The project managers have expertise in planning, execution, and monitoring, ensuring projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the highest standards. They work closely with the client’s team to address any challenges that arise and maintain effective communication among all stakeholders. Engineering & Design ⁠ EN Engineering currently performs strategic UG designs for utilities in CA thus understanding the challenges related to this type of work and the impact on residents. Our seasoned designers and project managers are prepared to provide detailed and consistent support for both design and project management. Electric Distribution Design EN has experience in analyzing, engineering, and designing utility-grade distribution systems and associated technologies, including overhead, underground, and network distribution systems. Our services encompass the entire electric distribution spectrum, with a focus on system expansion, reinforcement, repair, and modernization. Design scopes that EN has experience in include, but are not limited to: • Overhead to UG Conversions • Overhead Reconductoring and Capacity Expansions • 4kV Conversions • Grid Modernization Design, such as recloser, voltage regulators, and automated switchgear designs • Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Design, Consulting, and Engineering • Downtown Network Design and Inspection • Manhole, Vault, and Duct Bank Design • Underground Residential Distribution (URD) Design • DOT Upgrades • Pole Inspection and Replacement • Transmission Underbuilds • Overhead to Underground Conversions • Joint Attachment and Make-Ready Coordination and Design • New Service Installations • Utility GIS Mapping • Permitting, including City, State, Federal, FAA, Water, Railroad crossings, etc. • Pole Modeling, utilizing Poleforeman, O-Calc, SPIDAcalc, PLS suite, SAG10, and similar programs 268 Page 30 • Familiarity with utility asset management and design systems, including Maximo, Bentley Expert Designer and BOUD, G-Tech, STORMS, Powerplan, Atlas, and similar programs While our design capabilities are broad, our process is often the same. • Field Inspection - The foundation of a successful design is a thorough field inspection. We visit all job sites to conduct a detailed review of existing infrastructure, potential conflicts, and safety concerns. • Scope and System Review - The scope is reviewed for any issues with coordination and constructability. Any concerns are promptly raised with the utility engineering and planning teams for resolution. • Long-Lead Task Coordination - EN identifies critical design elements that may cause construction delays and addresses them early in the process. This includes long-lead material ordering and complex permits, like FAA, railroad, or environmental permits. • Design - After resolving all potential conflicts, we complete the design and bill of materials using the utility’s standards and preferred design tools. Every design undergoes a comprehensive quality review. • Customer Engagement - For projects directly impacting customers, early communication is essential. We collaborate closely with clients on service work, easement acquisition, and vegetation notifications. • Construction Support - EN continues to support the project through the construction phase, often staking jobs, attending construction kickoff meetings, and assisting construction crews with any questions or required changes. Previous Relevant Project Experience The programs listed below are currently active and are anticipated to continue at least through 2024. Currently, comprehensive data regarding the total budget and scope variance for these programs is unavailable. 1. Pacific Gas & Electric: 08W OH & UG Distribution Design Reference: Darren Cain Email: DCCd@pge.com Phone: (916) 622-8442 Date(s): 2018 - Present Description: EN Engineering successfully completed a comprehensive utility distribution project for Pacific Gas & Electric, focusing on both overhead and underground systems. Key aspects of our work included: 1. Design Services: • Our team provided design services for utility distribution projects spanning voltage levels from 2.4kV to 12kV. • We meticulously followed client and state standards, ensuring compliance in all aspects of the design. 2. Distribution Line Design: • EN Engineering designed efficient distribution lines, incorporating both overhead and underground components. • Our scope included equipment installation, cable replacement, pole upgrades, and other assigned tasks. 3. Risk Mitigation: 269 Page 31 • In areas with high fire threat, we re-conducted distribution lines to meet safety standards set by the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) and GO95. • Our focus was on minimizing wildfire ignition risk while maintaining system reliability. 4. Engineering Calculations: • Our team performed detailed engineering calculations, including structural analysis of poles, guying, cable pulling, electric demand, transformer sizing, and voltage drop. • Protective device coordination was integral to our designs. 5. Field Implementation: • After client approval, we staked out projects in the field, adhering to specifications. • Our electric crews pulled powerlines through conduits, made connections, and energized underground lines. 6. Leadership and Communication: • EN Engineering provided leadership and guidance throughout the project. • We communicated regularly with clients to ensure alignment with project goals. 7. Project Management: • Changes to project scope and schedule were managed effectively. • Sub-projects were delivered on time, within scope, and within budget. 2. Pacific Gas & Electric: 07D Pole Replacements Project Reference: Darren Cain Email: DCCd@pge.com Phone: (916) 622-8442 Date(s): May 2020 - Present Description: EN Engineering successfully completed a critical project involving the replacement of utility poles, framing, services, and overhead electric equipment. Key aspects of our work included: 1. Scope: • Our team focused on replacing aging utility poles and upgrading associated equipment. • Each job required meticulous planning and accurate determination of material needs for pole and equipment replacements. 2. Construction Drawings and Design Packages: • We prioritized accuracy and completeness in our submitted construction drawings and design packages. • PG&E graded our deliverables based on their quality and adherence to specifications. 3. Meeting Deadlines: • We recognized the importance of meeting project deadlines, whether flexible, rigid, or expedited. • Our commitment ensured timely completion of each task. 4. Resource Utilization: • We leveraged industry-standard tools: o AutoCAD: Used for creating precise construction drawings. o O-Calc Pro: Employed in pole loading calculations, ensuring structural integrity. 270 Page 32 o SAP: Managed project logistics and schedules efficiently. o Proprietary Client Software: Enabled accurate mapping and information sharing. 5. Guides and Reference Material: • Our team demonstrated expertise in locating and understanding relevant guides and reference materials. • Whether provided by PG&E or created internally, we utilized this knowledge to enhance our deliverables. 6. Successful Deliverables: • Our commitment to excellence resulted in successful submissions. • The quality of our work directly impacted on PG&E’s operations and reliability. 3. City of Palo Alto: Grid Modernization Reference: Darren Numoto Email: Darren.Numoto@cityofpaloalto.org Phone: (650) 329-2488 Date(s): 2023 - Present Description: EN Engineering is currently executing a critical grid modernization project to enhance electrical infrastructure within Palo Alto. The project’s primary focus is on improving reliability, capacity, and communication infrastructure. Project highlights include: 1. Objective: • The project aims to prepare Palo Alto’s electric grid for full-scale electrification by 2030. • Enhancing grid resiliency and reliability aligns with the city’s clean energy and decarbonization goals. 2. Scope of Work: • Transformer Upgrades: o EN Engineering is replacing the existing 1,413 single-phase pole-top transformers rated less than 50kVA. o Approximately 1,400 new transformers, rated 50kVA or larger, will be installed. o This upgrade facilitates 100% electrification of end uses in the Palo Alto community. • Secondary Conductor Replacement: o 296,300 circuit feet of open wire secondary conductors in the distribution system will be replaced with aluminum aerial cable. o This step further supports the city’s decarbonization objectives. • Integration of Fiber Strands: o New fiber strands are being integrated into distribution poles. o Proper anchoring ensures stability and reliability for communication infrastructure. 3. Pilot Area: • A pilot area build is currently underway (February 2024 to July 2025). • The pilot area involves approximately 1,200 homes centered in the northeast part of Palo Alto. • Streets within the pilot area include Embarcadero Road, Louis Road, Colorado Avenue, Greer Road, and West Bayshore Road. 4. Benefits: 271 Page 33 • Enhanced grid reliability and capacity. • Expanded communication infrastructure to meet future demands. 4. Baltimore Gas & Electric: Distribution Engineering & Design Reference: Nathaniel Barr Email: nathaniel.barr@bge.com Phone: (410) 470-5543 Date(s): 2007 - Present Description: EN Engineering has been a trusted partner for Baltimore Gas & Electric (BGE) since the mid-2000s, providing comprehensive electric distribution design services. Our collaboration encompasses various critical aspects of BGE’s infrastructure, aimed at enhancing reliability and reducing outages. Key services include voltage upgrades, system hardening, pole replacements, joint use, and selective undergrounding. Recent Project: Overhead and Underground Cable Design • Scope: o EN Engineering was selected by BGE to design a critical project involving overhead and underground electric cables. o The project covered 40 poles of overhead electric cable and 5,090 linear feet of underground electric cable. o Specific components included an overhead recloser, fuse coordination, reconductoring using Hendrix spacer cable, and pad-mounted equipment. • Services Provided: o Construction Prints:  EN Engineering prepared detailed construction prints, ensuring accurate documentation for implementation. o Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Review:  Rigorous QA/QC processes were applied to verify design accuracy and compliance with standards. o Permit Application Documents:  We submitted all necessary permit application documents, streamlining the approval process. o Stakeholder Communication:  Effective communication extended beyond BGE to non-BGE stakeholders, including customers and local government departments. o Bill of Materials:  EN Engineering provided a comprehensive bill of materials, facilitating procurement and construction. o Technical Support during Construction Procurement:  Our team offered technical guidance and support throughout the construction phase. o EN Engineering’s expertise contributed to BGE’s ongoing efforts to enhance grid reliability and customer satisfaction. 5. Puget Sound Energy: Regulator Change Outs – Single Pole Replacement Reference: Scott Kim Email: scott.kim@pse.com Phone: (425) 457-9866 Date(s): November 2022 - Present 272 Page 34 Description: Puget Sound Energy (PSE) faced recurring circuit breaker outages over a five- year period. To address this issue, PSE decided to implement a Distribution Automation (DA) scheme. EN Engineering was contracted to complete this critical project. Project details include: 1. Objective: • The primary goal was to enhance system reliability by automating distribution processes. • The DA scheme aimed to minimize circuit breaker outages and improve overall grid performance. 2. Smart Breakers and Reclosers: • EN Engineering installed four (4) Smart Breakers and eleven (11) new reclosers across PSE’s service area. • These devices allow for real-time monitoring, fault detection, and automatic restoration of power. 3. Location Suitability: • EN Engineering meticulously evaluated each installation location. • Area Relay Technicians and Servicemen confirmed the suitability and acceptability of identified sites. 4. Pole Placement and Pull-Out Areas: • In some cases, locating suitable existing poles was sufficient for installation. • For other sites, new poles were strategically placed to optimize system performance. • Pull-out areas were designated for maintenance and troubleshooting purposes. 5. Collaboration and Success: • EN Engineering worked closely with PSE to ensure seamless implementation. • The successful deployment of Smart Breakers and reclosers significantly improved grid reliability. 273 Page 35 Project Team Our project team has in-depth experience across a broad range of electrical engineering projects, with a particular emphasis on distribution engineering & design. This includes projects executed for clients as EN but also the experience acquired by some team members as they have been employed by a utility. These projects encompass primary medium voltage and secondary distribution and require a comprehensive understanding of NESC, NEC, PUC mandated General Orders (e.g., CPUC GO 95), Rule 20A/B, and utility specific standards. Examples include reconductoring, undergrounding, pole replacements, equipment installations, relocations, public improvement projects, and new business commercial/residential design. In these projects we have touched every piece of equipment on the distribution system including poles, transformers, switchgear, reclosers, capacitor banks, etc. As a result, we are experienced in providing our utility clients deliverables that include final design drawings, design inventory reports, and submissions of inventory from design. While EN’s staff is well-equipped with the necessary tools and technology to perform their tasks from any location, including the availability of several EN office facilities, our employees are also prepared to travel to the City’s Operation Center and sites within the City’s service territory, as required and upon reasonable notice. EN’s proposed project team is based within a few hours’ travel to the city service area. Furthermore, our professionals have strong planning skills and will methodically schedule in-person meetings and site visits in accordance with the project timelines. Key Personnel 1. Tony Bustos – Sr. Director – Lincoln, CA Mr. Bustos has over 25 years in the Electrical and Renewables industry moving up and evolving throughout. Working as a journeyman electrician as well as an electrical foreman in the field gave him the basis of understanding of day-to-day operations which has allowed him to excel in his management career. Mr. Bustos is a firm believer in the team concept and building a culture of structure balanced with hard work to deliver solid projects. 2. Heather Leask – Director – Tucson, AZ With over 10 years of dedicated experience in the energy sector, she has successfully overseen multi-million-dollar projects, driven the integration of renewable sources into our grid, and led talented teams in achieving operational excellence. Heather has worked on several high-profile overhead and underground projects for transmission and distribution lines. She is experienced in a variety of design disciplines, including new construction, upgrades, writing and ensuring adherence to standards, and network design for voltages ranging from 12.47 kV to 345 kV. Her primary responsibilities include voltage conversions, system improvements, overhead to underground conversions, and system modeling and analysis. Heather is also well versed in the layout and design of trenchless installation technologies such as horizontal directional drilling and jack and bore. Heather works remotely and has the flexibility to be on site as needed for the city program kick off and project start up to five days a week. 274 Page 36 3. Chris Mink – Director – Civil / Environmental / Survey Team – Forest Hill, MD Mr. Mink has over 26 years of professional engineering experience for both public and private development. In addition to being a licensed professional engineer he also has previously been certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP). Mr. Mink is certified by the US Green Building Council as a LEED Accredited Professional. His skills include site infrastructure including site grading, stormwater management, erosion and sediment control, water and sewer service, storm drain, and roadway design. He has developed extensive knowledge of engineering design and construction. Mr. Mink deals with projects from the planning stage all the way through to bonding and permitting then through construction completion. 4. Jory Wolf – VP of Digital Innovation – Los Angeles, CA Mr. Wolf joined Magellan (an ENTRUST company) after 22 years as CIO of the City of Santa Monica, where he launched Santa Monica City Wi-Fi, which provides free internet services to the public through a network of thirty-two hot zones and wireless coverage in most major commercial and transit corridors throughout the city. He created Santa Monica City Net, a 100-gigabit broadband initiative to support an environment for local businesses to compete in the global economy with innovative network solutions. Jory has over 35 years of experience in Information Technology, including broadband, FTTH and Smart City initiatives. Since joining Magellan Advisors in July 2016, Jory has led teams that have worked on 50+ government projects in broadband master planning, feasibility studies, wireless strategic planning, 5G small cell policies, dig once policies and smart city. 5. Jason Hernandez – Senior Technical Lead – Coachella, CA Mr. Hernandez has over 20 years of experience and progressive responsibility in overhead and underground distribution design. His qualifications include extensive hands-on planning, field investigation and construction management, design, permitting, cost estimating, project management and quality control. Mr. Hernandez’s background includes extensive service to public and private-sector clientele. He serves as Senior Technical Lead of Electric Programs to support various projects throughout the Western Region. Jason has gained experience at the Imperial Irrigation District, City of Palo Alto, TRC, BCF Engineering, and through collaboration with his clients at PGE, SDGE, Puget Sound Energy, and the Imperial Irrigation District. Jason works remotely and has the flexibility to be on site as needed for the city program kick off and project start up to one day a week. 6. Michael Fuller – Senior Project Manager – Los Angeles, CA Mr. Fuller is an accomplished project manager and technical professional with more than 20 years’ experience in planning, design, construction, and strategic development within the electric utility industry. Michael works remotely and has the flexibility to be on site as needed for the city program kick off and project start up to three days a week. 7. Mara Duca – Project Manager I – San Diego, CA Ms. Duca is a PMI-certified Project Manager with extensive experience in managing large- scale projects. With a proven track record in vendor management, scheduling, and cross- functional team coordination, she is a quick learner, skilled in leadership and training, and detailed and efficient. Mara works remotely and has the flexibility to be on site as needed for the city program kick off and project start up to three days a week. 275 Page 37 8. Jerald Sanchez – Sr. Design Technician – Las Vegas, NV Mr. Sanchez works as a Design Technician and is currently working on 07D projects. The design experience accumulated from previous employers has allowed him to apply his knowledge to the wide range of work today. 9. Vanneda Bunna – Project Lead – Charlotte, NC With six years of professional experience, Ms. Bunna brings a high level of self-motivation and dedication to her work. She possesses two years in engineering designs, and four years of expertise in quality control, leadership, and project management. As a collaborative team player, she excels in leading teams and ensuring the delivery of the highest quality standards to clients. Ms. Bunna is committed to continuous learning and growth within the company to drive business success. 10. Gurkarn Sandhu – Sr. Design Engineer – Fishers, IN Mr. Sandhu is a skilled mechanical engineer who evaluates design proposals and is dedicated to leadership and communication. He is a quality control lead frequently communicating with clients to ensure designs are up to and continually creates and processes design guidelines. Organizational Chart 276 Page 38 COST PROPOSAL 277 Page 39 Per the RFP #DR4382-PJ0177, the Cost Proposal has been provided in a separate attachment – please see “EN-Rolling Hills Utilities Construction Support Pricing Sheet.” Permit fees were not included in the cost proposal. 278 Page 40 APPENDIX Attachment 1: Resumes 279 Antonio (Tony) G Bustos Page 1 of 4 Electric Utilities Sr. Director – Pacific NW District rev. 1/2024 OVERVIEW: Tony Bustos has over 25 years in the Electrical and Renewables industry moving up and evolving throughout. Working as a journeyman electrician as well as an electrical foreman in the field gave Tony the basis of understanding of day-to-day operations which has allowed him to excel in his management career. Tony is a firm believer in the team concept and building a culture of structure balanced with hard work to deliver solid projects. RELEVANT PROJECTS: 2021-2023 • Portola Substation Rebuild – 60kv Sub R&R • Cathedral Park A - WMP reconductor • Fallen Leaf Lake Phase A – WMP Reconductor • Lily Lake – WMP Reconductor • 625/650 Ckt Phase 2B – 120KV – Transmission Upgrade • ANGORA Lake - Microgrid project • Caldor Fire rebuild • Tahoe Vista – Rule 20 UG Project • 4203 Brockway UG project • Northstar EV Project – Level 2 Chargers • SLT School District Buss Barn EV project Liberty Utilities 2021-Current Manager, Capital Project Delivery Leadership responsibilities for the Project Management team, day-to-day support, implementing new processes, training and oversight for all Large Capital Improvement Projects in the Lake Tahoe Basin. The team met the 2021 Capital Projects portfolio budget of $74 million. • Oversight/Execution responsibilities for all aspects of Capital projects from Business Case development, Design, RFP Development and sourcing, Permitting, Procurement, Construction and Close Out. • Project portfolio includes WMP Initiatives, OH/UG rebuilds, Emergency Response (wildfire or storm repair) EV Charging Stations, Microgrid, Substation Builds. Distribution & Transmission line system upgrades, MHP remote metering and • Provide direction and support to all internal and outsourced SME’s to deliver each project safely on schedule and within budget. • Collaborate with CPUC in developing and presenting responses to Data Request, development of the annual QAQC program. Resume Highlights Business Development Project Management Operations Management QA/QC Years of Experience: 25 Primary Office Location: San Ramon, CA Education/Certifications: FMI Corporation project management academy graduate 2012 - Raleigh, NC • FMI Operational Excellence graduate 2020 • Certified General Journeyman Electrician 2006 renewed in 2009 • OSHA 10 • Dale Carnegie Management Training Graduate o High Impact Presentations o Public Speaking Mastery o Mindleaders Training Courses o Dealing with difficult people series o Time Management Fundamentals o Negotiating o Effective Presentations 280 Antonio (Tony) G Bustos Page 2 of 4 Electric Utilities Sr. Director – Pacific NW District rev. 1/2024 • General support for the OEIS group during project compliance review and onsite inspection support. • Providing guidance/implementation of regulatory procedures with Liberty team to ensure compliance from pre-construction to completion. • Managing PM teamwork load to ensure work/life balance is there and supplement as needed to ensure company needs are met. • Develop career path and growth opportunities for all team members. Map potential next steps to obtaining next level positions for team members and understanding and augmenting departmental staffing plan as needed. Sebastian Corporation 2019-2021 Director of Operations Overall day-to-day management of all construction and estimating activities company wide. Developed, Implemented, and manage execution of PM policies and procedures focusing on productivity and efficiency control measures. Responsible for assembling a team of professionals through the hiring process, coaching and career planning for a $30 million dollar revenue goal. Work directly with ownership and executives on a day-to-day basis creating a model maximizing corporation profitability goals. • Review and audit monthly projections from management staff • Assign team, manage overall process and approve final estimates with estimating team • Develop client relationships and act as front line of communication for all project needs. • Monitor market trends, implement corrective measures as market fluctuations occur to ensure company backlog log is secured. Helix Electric Incorporated 2017-2019 Senior Project Manager Lead project team in managing daily operations of multiple Design Build Projects, with regard to Design, BIM coordination, scheduling, contract development and subcontracting misc sub tier trades. Focusing on project profitability, productivity, cost tracking, procurement processes & safety. • Prepare & present all project budgets to Executive team for all new projects. • Create a project plan within our team to create goals building with the end in mind, ranging from procurement, laydown logistics, prefab plan, manpower flow & equip needs • Develop client relationships and act as front line of communication for all project needs • Provide monthly cost and profitability report recaps to executive team 281 Antonio (Tony) G Bustos Page 3 of 4 Electric Utilities Sr. Director – Pacific NW District rev. 1/2024 M&W Energy Inc. 2015 – 2017 EPC Project Manager Daily management of the project from design development through completion of 11MW solar project at SMUD’s Rancho Seco Nuclear Facility in Herald, Ca. • Develop and present RFP submission to client (First Solar) • Develop and present Project execution plan during kick off meeting presentation for Client (First Solar) and end user (SMUD). • Negotiated, coordinated and executed PPA in addition to coordinating PLA with all trades. • Maintain all SWPPP and CEQA standards throughout the construction process. • Develop, maintain project schedule providing weekly updates and dashboard tracking System 3 2011 – 2015 EPC Project Manager / Pre-Job Planning - Process Champion Responsible for all aspects of multiple solar, wind, hydroelectric, utility, public works, DOD and commercial/industrial projects throughout the country and the USVI ranging in size from $50,000 to over $10,000,000. • Develop, Implement, and provide training curriculum for Pre-Job planning process throughout the company. • Primary role working with end users such as SFPUC responsible for generating proposals and finalizing all negotiations and training of staff. • Coordinate manpower needs utilizing our tracker for all projects within branch and sourcing new staff if needed as well as managing a 4 week lookahead for all projects. • Coordinate all preconstruction activities from BOD development project presentation during interview process and negotiations during contract process. Barnum & Celillo Electric 2009-2011 Project Manager Manage all aspects of multiple public works, commercial, educational, and industrial projects ranging from $500,000 to $5,000,000.00 throughout Northern California. • Monitoring of all job costs as well as labor hours • Provide monthly cost reviews to ensure maximum profitability. • Estimating and procuring projects utilizing a cradle to grave process. • Utilized direct reports during project execution assigning tasks and managing to completion. 282 Antonio (Tony) G Bustos Page 4 of 4 Electric Utilities Sr. Director – Pacific NW District rev. 1/2024 Bergelectric Corp. 2006-2009 Project Manager Managed multiple public works, commercial, industrial & OSHPD electrical projects ranging in size from $300,000 to $ 6,000,000 throughout California and Nevada. • Developed detailed estimates ranging from $100k - $10,000,000.00. • Manage and maintain man loaded schedules, profit projections, submittal packages process. • Worked with preconstruction team to develop a design that is tailored to the design narrative, while keeping the overall project within budget. State of California, Dept. of General Services 2005-2006 Electrical Supervisor • Managed all aspects of project start up ranging from preparing estimates and writing material PO requisitions. • Provided oversight for onsite operations from underground to finish and trim, coordinated and scheduled all manpower to meet the needs of the project. • Provided inspection of all aspects of installation to maintain code compliance in addition to all applicable safety codes. Butterfield Electric 2000- 2005 Journeyman/Foreman Electrician • Ownership of all aspects of electrical construction onsite regarding safety, UG/AG scopes to Closeout • Ensure onsite team installed all materials per the contract documents, per code & coordinate inspecrtions. • Update PM with any conflicts in the design. Develop, submit RFI’s, Change Orders Take off and impacts. • Monitor all material consumption and install rates to maintain projected budgets Woo Brothers Electric 1998-2000 Apprentice electrician • Assist site foreman with all facets of commercial/residential electrical installations. 283 Heather Leask Page 1 of 3 Director rev. 2-2024 OVERVIEW: With over 10 years of dedicated experience in the energy sector, Heather has honed a passion for developing sustainable energy solutions and driving innovation in power delivery. As the Director of Electric Utilities in the Southwest Region, she has successfully overseen multi-million-dollar projects, driven the integration of renewable sources into our grid, and lead talented teams in achieving operational excellence. Heather has worked on a number of high-profile overhead and underground projects for both transmission and distribution lines. She is experienced in a variety of design disciplines, including new construction, upgrades, writing and ensuring adherence to standards, and network design for voltages ranging from 12.47 kV to 345 kV. Her primary responsibilities include voltage conversions, system improvements, overhead to underground conversions, and system modeling and analysis. Heather is also well versed in the layout and design of trenchless installation technologies such as horizontal directional drilling and jack and bore. Heather’s professional journey has granted deep insights into both traditional and renewable energy sources. She has cultivated a comprehensive understanding of regulatory landscapes, stakeholder engagement, and the ever-evolving challenges and opportunities presented by the global shift towards sustainability. RELEVANT PROJECTS: San Diego Gas & Electric, Strategic Undergrounding, San Diego, CA As a Design Engineer for SDG&E, Heather spearheaded the strategic undergrounding of overhead power lines, a crucial component of comprehensive wildfire risk mitigation program. Her role involved leading the transition from existing overhead infrastructure to new, underground systems, guided by meticulous risk evaluations within identified fire threat districts. This process entailed thorough route evaluation and extensive coordination with permitting authorities and external stakeholders, ensuring the project aligned with our ambitious energization goals. Key achievements include substantial investments in replacing wood poles with fire-resistant steel ones, establishing a cutting-edge weather monitoring network, developing advanced fire and weather forecast models, revising operating protocols, and fostering partnerships to bolster the region's wildfire response capabilities. Heather’s contributions have been instrumental in reinforcing SDG&E's position at the forefront of wildfire risk reduction. Resume Highlights Operations Project Management Stakeholder Engagement Risk Management Cross Functional Team Leadership Years of Experience: 10 Primary Office Location: Los Angeles, CA Education: BS Electrical Engineering, University of Connecticut – Graduated with Honors Literacy Platform: Asana, Jira, P6, SharePoint, Procore, Adobe, Microsoft Suite 284 Heather Leask Page 2 of 3 Director rev. 2-2024 San Diego Gas & Electric, WiSE Program, San Diego, CA As a Design Engineer for SDG&E, Heather designed and coordinated to transition 30 miles of overhead lines in fire-prone regions of east San Diego County, bolstering system resilience, reliability, and wildfire prevention efforts. This process involved coordination with LiDAR for precise mapping and surveying of high-risk areas, significantly improving design accuracy for infrastructure upgrades and designing 12kV lines centered on the strategic replacement of over 3,000 wood poles with steel within fire-sensitive zones, notably around the Cleveland National Forest, to enhance resilience against wildfires. This work ensures the safety of crews and customers, contributing to the reliability and sustainability of the energy grid in the face of environmental challenges. San Diego Gas & Electric, Cutover 1095, San Diego, CA As the Project Engineer for the Underground Distribution Cutover Project for Circuit 1095, Heather successfully managed the comprehensive transition of electrical infrastructure between circuits to compensate the increase power required by installing new underground infrastructure to meet the circuit requirements and reducing potential outages. Her responsibilities encompassed project planning, execution, and stakeholder engagement, ensuring seamless integration of the new underground system. This project involved detailed coordination with construction teams, utility engineers, and local authorities to minimize disruptions and meet stringent safety standards. Through effective leadership and strategic oversight, Heather delivered the project on time and within budget, significantly improving the service reliability for affected areas and demonstrating a proactive approach to risk mitigation and infrastructure resilience. As the Project Engineer for the Circuit 1095 Underground Distribution Cutover, Heather led the seamless transition to new underground infrastructure, enhancing power delivery and reducing outage risks. Her role involved meticulous project planning, execution, and stakeholder coordination, ensuring compliance with safety standards and minimal disruption. Through strategic leadership, the project was completed on schedule and budget, boosting service reliability and demonstrating commitment to infrastructure resilience and risk mitigation. Crux Subsurface, Cleveland National Forest Power Line Replacement, California As the Project Engineer for the distribution voltage engineering portion of a power line replacement project for San Diego Gas and Electric in and surrounding the Cleveland National Forest in eastern San Diego County, Heather acted as an engineering subcontractor to Crux Subsurface, the EPC contractor, and provided engineering and design services for the 285 Heather Leask Page 3 of 3 Director rev. 2-2024 replacement of seventeen 69 kV and 12 kV power lines and distribution circuits spread over approximately 880 square miles. The project is required as part of SDG&E’s effort to increase the safety and reliability of existing facilities within the CNF, including the design of fire-resistant steel poles in this active wildfire region. DTE Energy, System Resiliency Program, Michigan As the Distribution Engineer for projects involving installation of dynamic protective devices and sectionalizing equipment to improve reliability and reduce outage times, Heather created construction prints and material and labor cost estimates, performed QA reviews, and assisted with project scheduling and budgeting for fieldwork and design. She also served as a point of contact with subcontractor performing field data collection. Salt River Project, South Mountain Freeway Distribution Relocations, Arizona As the Distribution Engineer responsible for leading the design of the relocation of 12.5 kV overhead and underground facilities for the new Loop 202 South Mountain Freeway’s West Section construction project, Heather’s design portion of the project will cover approximately 10 miles of new roadway relocations along the new 202L freeway corridor, which will consist of over 57 design projects. She also provided 9 additional 12.5 kV facility relocation design projects for approximately 3.5 miles of the existing I-10 freeway, which will be widened for new on and off ramps and for additional traffic lanes through the I-10/202L North interconnection area. 286 Christopher R. Mink, PE Page 1 of 4 Director – Civil / Environmental / Survey Team rev. 11/06/24 OVERVIEW: Mr. Mink has over 26 years of professional engineering experience for both public and private development. In addition to being a licensed professional engineer he also has previously been certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP). Mr. Mink is certified by the US Green Building Council as a LEED Accredited Professional. His skills include site infrastructure including site grading, stormwater management, erosion and sediment control, water and sewer service, storm drain, and roadway design. He has developed extensive knowledge of engineering design and construction. Mr. Mink deals with projects from the planning stage all the way through to bonding and permitting then through construction completion. RELEVANT PROJECTS: Public Service Gas & Electric, East Rutherford M&R, Project Engineer Civil Engineer responsible for site design and permitting assistance on a natural gas transfer station replacement in East Rutherford New Jersey. Tasks included grading, sediment control, stormwater management, governmental permitting. Prepared all necessary permit packages, including the new building permit applications. Public Service Gas & Electric, Paramus M&R, Project Engineer Civil Engineer responsible for site design and permitting assistance on a natural gas transfer station replacement in Paramus New Jersey. Tasks included grading, sediment control, stormwater management, governmental permitting. Prepared all necessary permit packages, including the new building permit applications. Baltimore Gas & Electric, Five Forks Substation to MD/PA State Line Civil Engineering responsible for permitting work to replace existing transmission lattice towers with steel monopoles, improve access roads, and permit all work through State and local agencies for a six-mile re-build project. The design and permitting work included site grading, stormwater management, roadway crossings, construction inspection, and NPDES sediment control monitoring. Silicon Valley Power, Wood Pole Storage Stormwater Management, Project Manager Responsible for innovative site design to separate and capture contaminated stormwater runoff from wood pole storage site. Coordinated staff and subcontractors to provide design, permitting, and public bid assistance to the City of Santa Clara/Silicon Valley Power in California. Tasks included grading, storm drains, stormwater management, governmental permitting. Resume Highlights Baltimore Gas & Electric Engineer of Choice Erosions and Sediment Control Stormwater Management Design & Permitting Managed projects from planning through construction completion Years with ENTRUST: 20 Years of Experience: 27 Primary Office Location: Forest Hill, Maryland Education: Bachelor of Science, Engineering, Drexel University 287 Christopher R. Mink, PE Page 2 of 4 Director – Civil / Environmental / Survey Team rev. 11/06/24 RELEVANT PROJECTS: (cont’d) Xcel Energy, County Road ‘B’ Gas Main Installation, Technical Lead Lead Civil Engineer for the environmental permitting of a new 16” gas distribution main in Minnesota. Provided design and permitting assistance through the local and state governmental approval for NPDES permitting, and local on-site post construction stormwater management. Enbridge, L41 & L55 Exposed Gas Main Remediation, Technical Lead Led team of civil engineers and wetland scientist through alternative analysis, remediation selection, and technical design for the stream mitigation of fourteen separate site to cover and protect an existing transmission main. Design included hydrology studies, stream hydraulics, stream relocation, armoring, and technical specification. Exelon/Baltimore Gas & Electric (BGE), Manor Gate Station Replacement, Project Engineer Civil Engineer responsible for site design and permitting on a gate station replacement in Baltimore County Maryland. Tasks included grading, sediment control, stormwater management, NPDES permitting, forest conservation, and septic design. Prepared and acquired all necessary permits, including the new buildings and the demolition of the existing gate station. Exelon/BGE, Exposed Mains Remediation Program, Project Manager Responsible for coordinating with BGE on a program to repair exposed gas services and mains. Project included 40 different exposed sites with gas lines ranging in size from 1-1/2 inch services to 26-inch transmission mains. Work included surveys, design, environmental permitting, and construction management. Project won BGE’s 2012 Environmental Achievement Award. Exelon/BGE, Granite Line Relocation, Project Engineer Civil Engineer responsible for securing grading permit and sediment control approvals for the relocation of over 5,000 linear feet of a 26-inch gas transmission main through Baltimore County and Baltimore City. Work included construction sequencing, mapping potential utility conflicts, maintenance of traffic considerations, and general constructability issues. Exelon/BGE, Tower 1053, Project Manager Worked with project team for the replacement of an existing steel truss electric tower to a new steel pole. Coordinated site access issues, environmental constraints, soil borings, and foundation designs with various team members. Managed team communications, project scope changes, and monthly reporting as required. Professional Organizations & Affiliations: Member ASCE Member PMI Professional Registrations: Professional Engineer, Maryland Professional Engineer, Pennsylvania Software Proficiency: AutoCAD MicroStation 288 Christopher R. Mink, PE Page 3 of 4 Director – Civil / Environmental / Survey Team rev. 11/06/24 RELEVANT PROJECTS: (cont’d) Enbridge, Bernville Compressor Station Upgrade, Sr. Technical Lead Professional Engineer for civil and environmental design for a site rebuild and expansion of an existing compressor station site. Team Leader for the design and permitting work included site grading, drainage, erosion & sediment control, NPDES permit applications, and post construction stormwater management design with 17.6 acres of site disturbance. Reviewed and issued submittals of all necessary permit applications, design calculations, and reports required for state and county permit approvals. Enbridge, Shermans Dale Compressor Station Upgrade, Sr. Technical Lead Professional Engineer for civil and environmental engineering design for a site rebuild and expansion of an existing compressor station site. Team Leader for the design and permitting work included site grading, drainage, erosion & sediment control, NPDES permit applications, and post construction stormwater management design with 30.1 acres of site disturbance. Reviewed and issued submittals of all necessary permit applications, design calculations, and reports required for state and county permit approvals. Exelon/ BGE, Gas Area Replacement Program, Project Manager Led design team on environmental permitting for numerous gas upgrade projects throughout the BGE service area and municipal jurisdictions. Performed surveys then prepared plans, calculations, applications, and waivers for erosion and sediment control and stormwater management required to construct the gas main and service upgrades City Light & Power, Aberdeen Proving Grounds (APG), Harford County, Maryland Led civil and environmental team to provided site survey, civil site grading, stormwater management, wetland delineation and preparation of Joint Permit Applications (JPA) for Tidal and Nontidal Impacts associated with construction of new electric power infrastructure at APG. Worked closely with military base environmental subject matter experts to maintain compliance with military, state, federal permitting procedures. Town of North East, Road and Sidewalk Improvements, Town Engineer Responsible for municipal improvement projects. Recent projects included $1.4 million road and sidewalk rehabilitation program throughout the Town limits, 8” water main replacement through a six-block section of the downtown area, shore revetment design for the public park along the Chesapeake Bay, and storm drain repairs throughout the town. Work involves design, cost estimating, permitting, public bidding, construction monitoring, and as-built acceptance. Exelon/BGE, Tower 287 & 288 Foundation Protection, Project Manager Responsible for a grading, drainage, and protection improvements around 289 Christopher R. Mink, PE Page 4 of 4 Director – Civil / Environmental / Survey Team rev. 11/06/24 BGE electric transmission towers located along the Patapsco River and Interstate I-95. Secured grading permits, plan approvals, and access easements with multiple agencies involved. Designed drainage swales and foundation armoring to protect existing tower concrete foundations influenced by high stream flows during storm events. Baltimore Gas & Electric, Right of Way Grading, Project Manager Civil Engineer responsible for permitting work to improve drainage and correct sediment deposition for six lattice structures within flood prone areas. The project included site surveys, grading, drainage studies, concrete inspection, and site access. The work included full construction monitoring and support services during repair work. The project included Alternatives Analysis, Wetland Delineations, Detailed Site Grading & Drainage, Erosion & Sediment Control Plans, Army Corp of Engineers Permit Authorization Baltimore Gas & Electric, Granite Substation Access Road Civil Engineer responsible for permitting work to improve an existing access road and culverts. The project included alternative analysis, a sequencing plan to maintain access to the substation, hydrology studies, construction prints, and State level permitting and monitoring. The design and permitting work included site grading, stormwater management, restoration plans, construction inspection, and NPDES sediment control monitoring. 290 Jory Wolf Page 1 of 1 VP of Digital Innovation OVERVIEW: Jory joined Magellan after 22 years as CIO of the City of Santa Monica, where he launched Santa Monica City Wi-Fi, which provides free internet services to the public through a network of 32 hot zones and wireless coverage in most major commercial and transit corridors throughout the city. He created Santa Monica City Net, a 100-gigabit broadband initiative to support an environment for local businesses to compete in the global economy with innovative network solutions. Jory has over 35 years of experience in Information Technology, including broadband, FTTH and Smart City initiatives. Since joining Magellan Advisors in July 2016, Jory has led teams that have worked on 50+ government projects in broadband master planning, feasibility studies, wireless strategic planning, 5G small cell policies, dig once policies and smart city. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE: Implemented broadband systems that support innovation in government services and enables public service and community stakeholder institutions to improve community health, education, safety, and wellbeing. Planned and managed the implementation of a new $9.5 million P25 compliant trunked public safety radio system for first and second responders as part of the ICI regional interoperable system. Planned and managed the City's centralized automated systems and related services, including personnel and equipment and provided strategic development and use of information technologies; overseeing design and implementation of new systems; coordinating citywide acquisition of software and hardware, including development and implementation of a long-range funding plan for maintenance and replacement of hardware; and managed operations and customer support functions for software applications, telecommunications systems and network systems and related technology services. Established goals and policies in accordance with mission and service level objectives; prioritized and supervised the implementation of goals and objectives. Managed the preparation and administration of operating and capital improvement budgets and recommended and approved technology budgets and expenditures for all departments. Developed and implemented citywide long-range information systems strategies, which involved facilitating discussions with City management regarding current and anticipated information services requirements, applications development, enhancement requests and alternative approaches. Resume Highlights Engineering Design Project Management Operations Management QA/QC Years with EN Engineering: 5 Years of Experience: 35 Primary Office Location: 999 18th Street Suite 3000 Denver, CO 80202 Education: Management Information Systems - University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Biology - California State University Northridge, Los Angeles, CA Awards:  Los Angeles Business Journal, 2012 CIO Lifetime Achievement Award  Public Technology Institute Award, Management Strategies  Public Technology Institute Award, Telecommunications Strategies  Helen Putnam Award, Innovative Government Services  Public Technology Institute Award, Interactive On-line Services  Los Angeles Consortium of Governments Award, Best Practices in Technology 291 Jessica Zufolo Page 1 of 2 VP Rural Broadband Strategy rev. 7/06/22 OVERVIEW: Experienced business executive with exceptional skills overseeing complex operations involving rural utility, broadband and precision ag projects in unserved communities and tribal areas. A rural infrastructure strategist with extensive industry, federal government and non-profit stakeholder relationships and regulatory/legislative expertise across the technology and electric utilities sector. A problem solver with a proven track record of initiating and delivering new market strategies and solutions that result in business growth and long-term profitability. Strong record of forging and developing strategic partnerships that lead to sustainable funding and client/customer loyalty. EXPERIENCE: ENTRUST Solutions Group VP Rural Broadband Strategies Focused on rural broadband Deployment and government Services. Assists organizations in the development of strategic management/technical plans focusing on alignment of technology initiatives with that of the business units. Coordinate projects for clients to include the negotiation and provisioning of carrier services from major telecommunications and upstream providers. Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) Senior Advisor, Strategic Partnerships Oversaw the implementation of the Lifeline National Eligibility Verifier function within the Lifeline program to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline subscribers; Supervised the execution over 50 interagency data sharing agreements and stakeholder partnerships with key data owners across all states, tribal nations and federal agencies to implement the National Eligibility Verifier; Led the Lifeline division’s stakeholder engagement, industry relations and consumer outreach strategy across the entire telecom sector as well as across 50 state human service agency leaders and five federal agencies. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Deputy Administrator (Presidential Appointment) Managed a $75 billion federal loan and grant portfolio that finances water and waste treatment systems, telecommunications and broadband networks, precision agriculture, electric utility, smart grid and renewable energy infrastructure projects in rural and tribal communities across 56 states and territories. Administered all federal stimulus program funding for RUS under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and implemented farm bill regulatory requirements to establish a tribal priority for broadband programs. Resume Highlights Cultivating Internal & External Stakeholders Project Management Inducted into the Gamma Beta Sigma Business Honors Society Recipient of the UNC Leadership Development Initiative Program curriculum and recognition Federal Procurement Strategies Risk Mitigation Enterprise Strategy Execution Data Analytics Coalition Building Years of Experience: 15 Primary Office Location: 999 18th Street Suite 3000 Denver, CO 80202 Education: University of Colorado Boulder, CO Bachelor of Arts (BA), Military History and Political Science University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business School Chapel Hill, NC (MBA); OneMBA Global Business Strategy and Finance 292 Jessica Zufolo Page 2 of 2 VP Rural Broadband Strategy rev. 7/06/22 U.S. Department of Commerce, First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) Director, Rural Infrastructure and Grants Strategy (Presidential Appointment) Established FirstNet’s federal funding coordination strategy to align all federal agency program regulations and budgets governing federal and state grant programs to finance emergency communications, public safety radio equipment, devices and applications. managed a $65 billion federal loan and grant portfolio that finances water and waste treatment systems, telecommunications and broadband networks, precision agriculture, electric utility, smart grid and renewable energy infrastructure projects in rural and tribal communities across 56 states and territories Medley Global Advisors Sr Director, Telecom, Media & Technology (TMT) Equity Research Established an independent telecommunications and technology investment research franchise serving over 30 institutional investors and hedge funds with actionable research on the financial impact of State, federal regulatory and legislative policy risk National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) Legislative Director, Telecommunications and Consumer Affairs Directed the Association’s federal legislative advocacy and grassroots activities on telecommunications, consumer protection and water issues before Congress, federal agencies, the executive branch and state legislatures. 293 Jason Hernandez Page 1 of 3 Technical Lead – Electric Programs OVERVIEW: Jason Hernandez has over 20 years of experience and progressive responsibility in overhead and underground distribution design. His qualifications include extensive hands-on planning, field investigation and construction management, design, permitting, cost estimating, project management and quality control. Jason’s background includes extensive service to public and private-sector clientele. He currently serves in the capacity of Technical Lead of Electric Programs to support various projects throughout the Western Region. Jason has gained experience at the Imperial Irrigation District, City of Palo Alto, TRC, BCF Engineering, and through collaboration with his clients at PGE, SDGE and the IID. RELEVANT PROJECTS: Lead Senior Designer/QAQC, Cordoba Corp; Client: Pacific Gas & Electric New Business, Various Locations, CA Jason served as a program Subject Matter Expert. His unique skillset allowed him to be utilized in various forms to meet the clients’ needs. He led the effort to train and assimilate 20 designers into the PGE environment. In addition to having experience as a Team Lead, Jason performed QAQC reviews of New Business Program 161/162. He assured engineering materials and practices met project deliverables. Jason also prepared Construction Estimates for PGE’s New Business Program 161/162. Estimates include Construction Design, composing a Bill of Material and Labor. Jason identified conflicts with field conditions and obtains client approval for changes needed to improve the distribution system. Lead Senior Designer/QAQC, Cordoba Corp; Client: San Diego Gas & Electric Electrical System Hardening (ESH), San Diego, CA In addition to being the ESH Team Lead, Jason performed QAQC reviews of ESH Design / Construction and True-Up Packages within SDGE territory. He assured documents were complete and met the project scope and associated engineering data. He applied SDGE standards and CPUC G.O. 95 requirements to confirm that design & construction methods were in accordance with constructability and safety. He was a Team Lead over (4) junior designers and performed final checks to ensure their completeness and consistency. Lead Senior Designer/QAQC, TRC Solutions; Client: Imperial Irrigation District, New Business/Capital Projects, Imperial/Coachella Valley As Lead Senior Designer, Jason met with IID Service Planners to discuss New Business applicants and determined service requirements. Jason led a team of (6) designers who designed Overhead and Underground Line extensions, composed Bill of Materials, and various forms of construction documents. In addition, Jason worked with local jurisdictions to acquire proper permitting. Resume Highlights Engineering Design Project Management Operations Management QA/QC Years of Experience: 20 Primary Office Location: San Ramon, CA Education: B.T>S Theological Studies National Apostolic Bible College 2012 Platform Literacy: AutoCad -Map/Utility ESRI – GIS Osmose – O-Calc Pro BLUEBEAM – Revu Microsoft – Office SAP Oracle 294 Jason Hernandez Page 2 of 3 Technical Lead – Electric Programs Senior Distribution Designer, TRC Solutions; Pacific Gas & Electric, 08W Overhead to Underground Conversion, Various Locations in CA Jason served as an integral element in completing projects centered around overhead to underground conversions. He performed structural analysis and pole design using O’Calc Pro. He produced material estimates, construction sketches using GIS and AutoCAD. Further, he performed electrical calculations, and permitting including joint pole coordination, City, County, environmental, vegetation management, FFA, and traffic control plans. Jason aided in creation of team documents, templates, and training Junior Designers. Senior Distribution Designer, TRC Solutions; Client: Pacific Gas & Electric, Pre-Installed Interconnection Hubs (PIH), Various Locations in CA With Jason’s background in substation get-away systems, he proved to be instrumental in completing design work surrounding “Temporary Distribution Microgrids.” He designed underground systems for “Generation, and Distribution,” and performed structural analysis and pole design using O’Calc Pro. He produced material estimates, construction sketches using GIS and AutoCAD. He performed electrical calculations, and permitting including joint pole coordination, City, County, environmental, vegetation management, FFA, and traffic control plans. Jason aided in creation of team documents and templates. Senior Distribution Designer, Blair Church and Flynn Engineers; Client: Pacific Gas & Electric, Paradise Valley Rebuild, Paradise Valley, CA As Senior Designer, Jason met with PGE ADEs and Project Owners to discuss new underground system layouts and determined paths to service. He performed and coordinated site visits, and job walks. His vast experience in underground design was key to completing high volumes of design work. He designed Underground Line extensions, composed Bill of Materials, and various forms of construction documents. In addition, he performed structural analysis, and design using O’Calc Pro, performed electrical calculations, and proved as a vital team member in creating team documentation, templates and training. Senior Distribution Designer, TRC Solutions; Client: Pacific Gas & Electric, California High Speed Rail, Fresno, CA As Senior Designer, Jason met with State Contractors and Project Owners to discuss new Underground system layouts and determined paths to service. Jason performed and coordinated site visits, and job walks. His vast experience in Overhead and Underground design was key to completing high volumes of design work. He designed Overhead and Underground Systems, and Line extensions. He composed Bill of Materials, and various forms of construction documents. In addition, he performed structural analysis, and design using O’Calc Pro, performed electrical calculations, and proved as a vital team member in creating team documentation, standard use of material, templates and training. 295 Jason Hernandez Page 3 of 3 Technical Lead – Electric Programs Utility Engineering Estimator; City of Palo Alto, Palo Alto, CA Distribution Estimator; Imperial Irrigation District, La Quinta, CA During his time, Mr. Hernandez participated in a Capital Projects Design team that oversaw the design of eight Substation Getaway Systems, a 2000 Pole Replacement Project, and Five Grade Separation projects. As an Estimator, Jason met with New Business Applicants and Utility Engineers to discuss new Overhead, and Underground system layouts and determined paths to service. Jason performed and coordinated site visits and job walks. His vast experience in customer relations and distribution design was key to completing high volumes of design work. 296 Michael Cole Fuller Page 1 of 4 Technical Lead rev. 3/2024 OVERVIEW: Michael Cole Fuller is an accomplished project management professional with more than 16 years’ experience in planning, design and strategic development within the electric utility industry. RELEVANT PROJECTS: EVgo - Director Grid Integration • Track the development pipeline of projects with Development Engineering and ensure the right projects are being assessed by the utilities. • Oversee the pipeline of hundreds of projects with the utilities across the US, ensure the teams are focused on the right priorities for pushing projects forward. • Manage utility relations to optimize operations and best practices. • Be a thought leader in the industry for how EV charging can be more efficiently implemented by utilities. • Establish a working relationship with executives at the utility companies to shepherd the right attention on EVgo projects. • Define, standardize, and refine an EV charging protocol for working with all utilities. • Partner internally with various stakeholders to establish streamlined support processes. • Sift through large amounts of data and make meaningful presentations on execution strategies. • Strategize cross functionally and key hires to grow the utility integration function in EVgo. • Innovate with policy and utilities to accelerate charging adoption. SDG&E - Project Planning Supervisor Segment 3 DCM Project Manager II Segment 3 DCM Nexia Project Manager-Contractor SDG&E - Segment 3 DCM Doty Brothers - Planning Manager • Create and structure Engineering and Utility Planning/Design Group • Business Development for new department • Establish HR processes and policies for new department • Recruit and train new staff • Establish and maintain relationships with prime contractors • Implement comprehensive tracking processes for QA/QC • Create and implement training programs for each job classification • Oversee all capital projects in both Civil construction & Planning departments to ensure contracts are being followed & budgets are met. Resume Highlights Leadership Project Management Contract Review Communication Years of Experience: 17 Primary Office Location: Education: BS, Organizational Leadership, University of LaVerne Technical Degree, Satellite Communications, GTE Tech Residence School Ft. Gordon, GA (US Army) Platform Literacy: Microsoft Office Suite Microsoft Project Lotus Notes Visio 297 Michael Cole Fuller Page 2 of 4 Technical Lead rev. 3/2024 • Provide Overhead & Underground Electric Utility infrastructure designs for multiple utilities. Oversee and collaborate with staff and client to ensure that proper design, drafting, and installation standards are met on all projects along with timetables and budget. Outsource UCC - Planning Manager/Operations Manager Civil Construction GSW Integrated Services - Regional Manager Manage Regional Accounts for High Voltage line construction. Consulting & applicant design projects. Southern California Edison - Operations and Performance Supervisor Manage field supervisors and production specialists to craft employees who are engaged in the daily activities of constructing, maintaining, and restoring Southern California Edison’s electrical distribution system. • Strategically negotiate terms of collective bargaining agreements and manage expectations to ensure that all parties (Union and Edison management) are pleased with the outcome and feel successful in the given terms. o Oversee 50-75 union employees through IBEW International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 47 Union Hall, handling staffing and labor negotiations. • Created and implemented individual development plans for E Crew upgrade foremen, production specialists, and field supervisors, doubling staffing from three E Crews to six within one year. • Developed a comprehensive planning, execution, and resource plan for Whittier district. o Reduced safety incidents by 41% from 12 incidents in 2015, to seven incidents in 2016. o Reduced number of cancelled or rescheduled projects from 21% to 6% by October 2016. • Implemented and oversaw a work mix change focusing on the Whittier district as a capitol driven work mix by allowing employees to focus on installing and maintaining the grid with minimum distractions. • Designed and executed a shut-down day which allowed for training employees on updated rules/regulations. • Storm/Emergency Response Lead District & Region Wide AOR Interim Performance and Resource Supervisor Maintained performance management tools to drive productivity, cost efficiency, and customer satisfaction. • Tracked scorecard results and developed performance improvement initiatives. • Assisted district management team in creating and implementing a comprehensive district business plan. o Created a district work tracker to facilitate a one stop shop for information on scheduled work. 298 Michael Cole Fuller Page 3 of 4 Technical Lead rev. 3/2024 • Coordinated and facilitated cross departmental meetings to establish and improve processes to assist in completing work with a team (district) approach for efficiency and accuracy. • Successfully staffed district to enable the removal of all T&E crews for day- to-day work. • Outsourced new business, CHO work to allow insourcing of high value commodities and craft type work. • Storm/Emergency Response Lead District & Region Wide AOR Planning Supervisor (South Bay Service Center) Provided future load projections to various departments, supporting and monitoring the implementation of new work processes including proactive scheduling of design tasks, while meeting ongoing project demands. • Involved in “contractor” bid process/job walk to ensure accuracy of bid and overall budget for project. • Created and implemented in-box approach for work mix, working closely with DPP project group along with Chino Training to create an effective curriculum and schedule for companywide implementation of new roles. • Led district wide facility remodel, collaborating with facilities, contract construction crews, field accounting, planning, and grid ops personnel to minimize impact of remodel on productivity and safety. • Reviewed and approved field change orders during construction as it applied to design changes and additions. • Storm/Emergency Response Lead District & Region Wide AOR • Damage Assessment Lead Hurricane Sandy Mutual Assistance Deployment Upgrade Supervisor (Dominguez Hills/South Bay Districts) • Successfully managed, trained, and hired over 15 direct reports and met project completion dates. • Maintained perfect safety record for Shuttle Project, which finished within 1.25% of $1.4 million budget. • Created and oversaw monthly P2 meetings and department wide training for all planning employees. o Maintained productivity and deadlines with minimum impact to staff, resulting in better customer service and enhanced quality of work orders from South Bay planning department. • Lead distribution planner for Space Shuttle Endeavour Move Project. o Incident commander for mobile command center during shuttle move, directly supervising over 350 Edison and contract crews during the duration of the move. • Created project plans and timelines in compliance with company policies, procedures, rules, and rates. • Utilized Microsoft Office Suite, Microsoft Project, Lotus Notes, and Visio to facilitate meetings, timelines, and presentations. • Storm/Emergency Response Lead District & Region Wide AOR 299 Michael Cole Fuller Page 4 of 4 Technical Lead rev. 3/2024 Service Planner 2 (Tehachapi District) Managed commercial contract for contract crews, supervising 27 direct reports on an upgrade and duty supervisor basis, providing input on discipline, progressive management, and PDP completion. • Redesigned and executed overhead line extension for station light and power at Windhub Substation. o Resulted in cost savings of over $40,000, (removing the need for land acquisition) allowing Edison to finish on time and under budget with zero safety incidents. • Served as Edison’s representative to City of Tehachapi along with Kern County. • Led successful rebuild of both corporate and local relationships with Kern County and City of Tehachapi, partnering with local public affairs to effectively enhance several developmental processes to provide quality customer service to Tehachapi district customers and government agencies. • Led the Sand Canyon line acquisition project, working with field engineering and acquisitions department for appraisal, design, and procurement of three- mile section of Keene 12kv overhead distribution circuit. Service Planner Development Program Instructor Consulted and managed reformatting of entire curriculum and converted to a paperless training environment. • Updated curriculum content to reflect industry and company standards and implemented Adobe Standard. o This allowed current and future students to modify, annotate, and update curriculum. o Resulted in over $20,000 savings per class in paper reduction along with other related costs. • Developed a short- and long-range plan to ensure successful completion of SPDP program. Service Planner (Covina District) Consulted and provided strategic recommendations to large commercial/industrial customers about design, location, cost, and viability of electrical systems. • Supported and assisted service planners with design, spotting optimal location of electrical panels. • Identified resources and provided cost estimates for the options of new construction of distribution facilities. • Ensured that regulatory requirements of the company’s electrical distribution system were updated. 300 Mara Duca, PMP Page 1 of 1 Project Manager rev. 11/2024 OVERVIEW: Mara Duca is a PMI-certified Project Manager with extensive experience in managing large-scale projects. With a proven track record in vendor management, scheduling and cross-functional team coordination, she ensures alignment with business objectives and enhances process delivery. RELEVANT PROJECTS: Entrust Solutions Group – San Ramon, CA – 2024 to Present Project Manager– Electrical Utilities Manage relationships with vendors to ensure alignment with project objectives and contract compliance. Track project schedules, budgets, and billing milestones to ensure timely completion of deliverables. Coordinate cross-functional teams, aligning project objectives with business goals and overseeing process improvements. Utilize project management tools such as Excel, Smartsheet, and Power BI for tracking KPIs. San Diego Gas & Electric – San Diego, CA – 2023 – 2024 Project Manager Managed vendor relationships to ensure timely service delivery and contract compliance. Tracked project schedules and budgets, ensuring accurate financial reporting throughout the project lifecycle. Collaborated within the Major Projects team to enhance processes and develop project plans. Communicated with stakeholders to gather requirements and guide project close-out procedures. Project Experience – VPP Certification Program, SharePoint Relaunch initiative, Grid Modernization Projects (interconnection, loop-in, electrification, tie line rearrangement, pole replacement) Elligo Health Research – Boston, MA – 2019 – 2022 Project Manager Developed company processes for onboarding and workflow documentation using Monday.com and Microsoft Office. Optimized the SharePoint platform to enhance information sharing and collaboration. Led consolidation efforts during a company merger, streamlining software and data management. Coordinated office expansions and office moves. Project Experience – Office Expansion, Office Relocation, HRIS Launch, LMS Launch, Project Management Platform Launch, Training & Onboarding System Buildout, KPI System Buildout, Inventory Management System Buildout, RFI Management System Creation & Maintenance Work, Inc. – Dorchester, MA – 2017 – 2019 Operations Coordinator Prepared and implemented program goals and service plans for clients. Maintained positive relationships with clients and service providers. Assisted clients in obtaining appropriate healthcare services and tracking progress. Resume Highlights Project Management Data Analysis Leadership QA/QC Years of Experience: 8 Primary Office Location: San Ramon, CA Education: B.S. Psychology University of Massachusetts, Amherst Platform Literacy: • QA/QC • PM Platforms • Data Analysis • Scheduling/Planning • Vendor Management 301 Jerald Sanchez Page 1 of 1 Sr. Design Technician rev. 1/2024 OVERVIEW: Jerald Sanchez works as a Design Technician is currently working on 07D projects, The design experience accumulated from previous employers has allowed him to apply his knowledge to the wide range of work today. RELEVANT PROJECTS: PGE–07D projects. / Supervisor Work consists of Single pole replacement estimating. Using fielded documents to identify required pole and or equipment replacements. Providing a new Ocalcs, EES, JPA Intent and sketch for ADE review Managed and oversaw the team I was responsible for. Reviewed and approved timesheets. Oversaw designer’s projects to ensure that their projects were delivered with quality and on time. ENtrust San Ramon, CA October 2021 – Present Sr Design Technician: Works in the 07D single pole replacement workstream. Designs distribution poles for replacement. Using fielded documents to identify required pole and or equipment replacements. Providing a new Ocalcs, EES, JPA Intent and sketch for ADE review. The Jewelers Of Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV May 2015 – March 2020 Jewelry Cad Designer: Created Customer cad designs with realistic renders. Used a 5 axis/3dprinter cnc mill to produce a wax to be invested into various metals and gold. Collaborated with jewelers and customers to resolve planning and construction issues projects. Received and reviewed details from design professionals to determine precise measurements for drawing preparation. Created schematic renderings in computer aided software to produce 2d and 3d models. The Jewelers Of Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV September 2006– May 2015 Sales Associate: Sold high end luxurious jewelry and watches to clientele, knowledge on technical aspects of luxurious watches. Worked in casinos such as The Palms, The Venetian, The Palazzo, Hard Rock, And The Red Rock Hotel for the same company. Resume Highlights Single Pole Replacement Team Communication Skills AutoCAD 07D Projects Years of Experience: 2 Primary Office Location: San Ramon, CA Education: CSN Platform Literacy: • Auto Cad • ED GIS Web Viewer • SAP logon • Ocalcs • JPA 302 Vanneda Bunna Page 1 of 2 Project Lead rev. 11/14/2024 OVERVIEW: With six years of professional experience, Vanny brings a high level of self- motivation and dedication to her work. Vanny possesses two years in engineering designs, and four years of expertise in quality control, leadership, and project management. As a collaborative team player, she excels in leading teams and ensuring the delivery of the highest quality standards to clients. Vanny is committed to continuous learning and growth within the company to drive business success. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE: ENTRUST Solutions Group, Project Lead Pacific Gas & Electric (July 2019 – Present) (07D Single Pole Replacement and New Business Project) • Executed high-quality engineering designs, ensuring alignment with client specifications and industry standards. • Managed project lifecycles from planning and scheduling to budgeting and resource allocation, ensuring timely and successful delivery. • Developed and implemented quality control processes to maintain high standards and reduce defects. • Collaborated with design engineers to create solutions that enhanced system functionality and performance. • Conducted regular project reviews and risk assessments, identifying potential issues and implementing corrective actions promptly. • Utilized project management tools such as Microsoft Suite to track progress and communicate effectively with stakeholders. • Provided leadership and mentorship to team members, fostering a collaborative and productive work environment. • Ensured final project delivery met all regulations and standards, maintaining the highest levels of safety and quality. • Facilitated client meetings to present project updates, gather feedback, and ensure client needs were met. ENTRUST Solutions Group, Sr. Design Technician Duke Energy (March 2018 – June 2019) (Pole Replacement and Reconductoring Project) • Led the recloser replacement team in 2019, overseeing a team of 5- 7 designers with diverse skill levels and backgrounds. • Managed workload effectively, ensuring timely submission of projects by the team. • Gained extensive experience in various projects, including recloser replacement, overhead (OH) transformer replacement, pole replacement, fuse replacement, and OH reconductoring. • Demonstrated a strong understanding of Duke standards. Resume Highlights Engineering Design Project Management QA/QC Years of Experience: 6 Primary Office Location: San Ramon, California Education: Central Piedmont Community College • Associate of Applied Science in Computer Engineering • Industrial Specialist in PLC Technology Certificate • Mechatronics Engineering Technology Certificate • Electrical Engineering Technology Certificate Skills: • Project Management • Software Proficiency: OCalc, Electric Estimating System, Joint Pole Application, Microsoft Suite, Adobe Suite, AcroPlot • Analytical and Organized • Leadership and Collaboration • Risk Management • Time Management • Quality Control • Continuous Learner 303 Vanneda Bunna Page 2 of 2 Project Lead rev. 11/14/2024 • Proficient in client software such as Poleforeman, BOUD/Microstation, Smallworld, and MAXIMO. • Conducted pole surveys and assisted the TX retrofits team with fielding, achieving a record of 200 poles fielded in a suburban area in a single day with a two-person team. 304 Gurkarn Sandhu Page 1 of 1 Sr. Design Engineer rev. 11/2024 OVERVIEW: Gurkarn Sandhu is a skilled mechanical engineer who evaluates design proposals and is dedicated to leadership and communication. He is a quality control lead frequently communicating with clients to ensure designs are up to date, and continually creates and processes design guidelines. RELEVANT PROJECTS: Entrust Solutions Group Mar 2019-Present Sr. Design Engineer • Evaluating engineering design proposals for work to be completed on the client’s existing utilities. • Mentoring and providing direction with technical information from client to ensure satisfactory designs. • Communicating with the external and internal quality control team to stay updated on design procedures. • Exercising leadership and project management skills to ensure projects are completed on time. PG&E 07D Workstream / PG&E NB Workstream / Duke Energy • Creating pole loading calcs, bill of estimates and 2D sketches. • Mentoring individuals on project design, performing internal reviews to make sure projects were ready to provide to clients Resume Highlights Evaluating Design Proposals Leadership Skills Communication Skills Years of Experience: 8 Primary Office Location: San Ramon, CA Education: M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Purdue School of Engineering & Technology, IUPUI B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Purdue School of Engineering & Technology, IUPUI Platform Literacy: • C++ • MATLAB • LabVIEW • ABAQUS • SolidWorks • ANSYS 16.0 • Microsoft Office • AutoCAD • O-Calc Pro 305 RFP Title: RFP #: Contractor Name: Contractor Contact: Contractor Contact Phone Number: Contractor Contact Email Address Sr. Project Manager Project Manager Sr. Technical Lead Sr. Design Engineer Design Engineer Sr. DS Technician Rate: $189.52/hr Rate: $134.93/hr Rate: $159.65/hr Rate: $113.30/hr Rate: $88.58/hr Rate: $70.04/hr Project Administration & Meetings Project Schedule Development 8 8 Project Administration & Meetings Utility Coordination 12 12 Project Administration & Meetings Coordination with Residents 16 16 Project Administration & Meetings Meeting Coordination 8 8 Project Administration & Meetings City Meetings 16 16 Construction Plans/Documents Research information/plans provided, conduct surveys as needed, and prepare necessary base map for engineering design as necessary 30 80 50 Construction Plans/Documents Prepare plans, diagrams, and specifications to support panel relocations as needed to include in the construction bid package. 30 80 50 Construction Plans/Documents Submit design plans at 100% & 100% (Final, as needed) 20 60 40 Prepare Project Specifications Prepare Project Specifications to support the construction documents prepared by SCE and telecommunication companies. 40 10 60 50 50 Cost Estimates Construction Estimate: Prepare an engineer’s construction estimate for the designed Project at the 100% and 100% (Final, as needed) submittal(s). 10 5 24 75 75 Bid Support Assist the City in preparation of the project Bid Package (City has standard bid package document) and prepare Bid 5 30 10 15 Bid Support Schedule based on Cost Estimate in Task 4. Provide responses to questions received during the bid phase as needed. 10 40 10 15 15 Bid Support Assist the City in compiling data on bids received and assist the city in reviewing bids for responsiveness as requested. 10 30 10 15 Construction Support Services Attend a pre-construction meeting and provide clarification of contract documents as needed. 20 20 Construction Support Services Assist the City with Request for Information responses. 20 20 Construction Support Services Provide review of the Contractor’s submittals for conformance with the contract documents. 40 - Construction Support Services Provide as-built drawings clouded and noted in the revision block using the Contractor’s record red lines 8 8 80 223 223 194 220 140 390 1,390 42,262.96 30,089.39 30,972.10 24,926.0 12,401.20 27,315.60 167,967.25 Travel Project Administration & Meetings In Person Meetings 1,200.00$ 50.00$ 600.00$ 1,850.00$ TOTAL COST: 169,817.25 Total Hotel Cost Total Rental Car cost Total Daily Meals Cost Hours Task Description TOTAL HOURS TOTAL COST Jamie Jones 925-324-3845 jamie.jones@entrustsol.com Engineering Services For Eastfield Drive Fire Prevention Power Line Undergrounding Project #DR4382-PJ0177 EN Engineering, LLC 306 1 CITY OF ROLLING HILLS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 10th day of December, 2024 between the City of Rolling Hills, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY'' and Ampirical Services Inc. with principal offices at 5471 Kearny Villa Road, Ste. 110, San Diego, CA 92123, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT. 1. RECITALS: A. The CITY desires to contract the CONSULTANT for engineering services for preparation of supporting construction documents to underground existing overhead utilities from 21 Eastfield Drive to 45 Eastfield Drive including an extension into Chuckwagon Road. B. CONSULTANT is well qualified by reason of education and experience to perform such services; and C. CONSULTANT is willing to render such engineering services preparing construction documents to underground existing utilities as hereinafter defined. Now, therefore, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions herein contained, CITY hereby engages CONSULTANT and CONSULTANT agrees to perform the services set forth in this AGREEMENT. 2. SCOPE OF WORK CONSULTANT shall perform all work necessary to complete in a manner satisfactory to CITY the services set forth in the specifications and the scope of work described in Section 2.0 Scope of Services in the REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ENGINEERING SERVICES EASTFIELD DRIVE FIRE PREVENTION POWER LINE UNDERGROUNDING PROJECT FUNDED BY FEMA Hazard Mitigation Program #DR4382-PJ0177. Attached herein as Exhibit A (referred to as “SERVICES”). 3. COST The CITY agrees to pay CONSULTANT for all the work or any part of the work performed under this AGREEMENT at the rates and in the manner established in the attached Cost of Services, attached herein as Exhibit B. Total contract shall not exceed the sum of one hundred and seventeen thousand, eight hundred and ninety-nine dollars ($117,899.00). This fee includes all expenses, consisting of all local travel, attendance at meetings, printing and submission of any plans or any other documents required by the Scope of Work. It also includes any escalation or inflation factors anticipated. 307 2 Any increase in contract amount or scope shall be approved by expressed written amendment executed by the CITY and CONSULTANT. 4. METHOD OF PAYMENT CONSULTANT shall be reimbursed within 30 (thirty) days of submitting an invoice to City for the SERVICES. CONSULTANT shall submit an invoice for the SERVICES within 10 (ten) days of completing each task or portion thereof identified in Exhibit A to this AGREEMENT. CONSULTANT shall submit invoices electronically to the City Manager of the CITY and shall also provide a courtesy copy by U.S. Mail addressed to the City Manager of the CITY. 5. SUBCONTRACTING CONSULTANT may employ qualified independent subcontractor(s) to assist CONSULTANT in the performance of SERVICES with CITY’s prior written approval. 6. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK CONSULTANT shall commence work under this AGREEMENT upon execution of this AGREEMENT. 7. PERFORMANCE TO SATISFACTION OF CITY CONSULTANT agrees to perform all work to the reasonable satisfaction of CITY and within the time hereinafter specified. 8. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW All SERVICES rendered hereunder shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of relevant local, State and Federal Law. (A). Federal Requirements FEMA financial assistance will be used to fund all or a portion of this contract. The CONSULTANT shall comply with all federal requirements including, but not limited to, the following: (i). 2 C.F.R. Part 200 – Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, which is expressly incorporated herein by reference. (ii). Federal Contract Provisions attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by reference. Subcontracts, if any, shall contain a provision making them subject to all of 308 3 the provisions stipulated in the contract, including but not limited to, 2 C.F.R. Part 200 and the Federal Contract Provisions. With respect to any conflict between such federal requirements and the terms of this contract and/or the provisions of state law and except as otherwise required under federal law or regulation, the more stringent requirement shall control. 9. ACCOUNTING RECORDS CONSULTANT must maintain accounting records and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred which records and documents shall be kept available at the CONSULTANT’s office during the contract period and thereafter for five years from the date of final payment. 10. OWNERSHIP OF DATA All material, including information developed on computer(s), which shall include, but not be limited to, data, sketches, tracings, drawings, plans, diagrams, quantities, estimates, specifications, proposals, tests, maps, calculations, photographs, reports, and other material developed, collected or prepared or caused to be prepared under this AGREEMENT (all such materials “Consultant Documents”) are instruments of service with respect to the services rendered by CONSULTANT under this AGREEMENT. CONSULTANT shall retain an ownership and property interest therein (including the right of reuse at the discretion of the CONSULTANT) whether or not the services or project is completed. Copies of Consultant Documents that may be relied upon by City are limited to the printed copies (also known as hard copies) that are signed or sealed by the Consultant. Files in electronic media format of text, data, graphics, or of other types that are furnished by Consultant to City are only for use by the City in any project construction activities. Any conclusion or information obtained or derived from such electronic files will be at the user’s sole risk. The City may retain and use copies thereof for purposes of reference or for fulfilling its obligations under this AGREEMENT only. Such Consultant Documents are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by City or others on extensions of a project or on any other project beyond the project covered by this AGREEMENT. Any such reuse or modification without written verification or adaptation by CONSULTANT, as appropriate for the specific purpose intended, will be at City’s sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to CONSULTANT. 11. TERM OF CONTRACT The term of this Agreement shall be from December 10, 2024 to December 31, 2025, unless earlier terminated as provided herein. The Parties may, by mutual, written consent, extend the term of this Agreement if necessary to complete the Project. Consultant shall perform its services in a prompt and timely manner within the term of this Agreement and shall commence performance upon notice from the City. 309 4 12. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION 12.1. Suspension by Consultant: Consultant may, after giving seven (7) days written notice to City, suspend services under this Agreement if City has failed to pay Consultant for undisputed invoiced services and expenses, as set forth in Article 3 and Article 4. 12.2. Termination: The obligation to provide further services under this Agreement may be terminated: 12.2.1. For cause: a. By either party upon thirty (30) days written notice in the event of substantial failure by the other party to perform in accordance with the terms of this Agreement through no fault of the terminating party. b. By Consultant: 1) upon seven (7) days written notice if City demands that Consultant furnish or perform services contrary to Consultant’s responsibilities as a licensed professional; 2) upon seven (7) days written notice if Consultant’s services are delayed or suspended for more than ninety (90) days for reasons beyond Consultant’s control. c. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Agreement will not terminate under Section 12.2.1.a if the party receiving such notice begins, within seven days of receipt of such notice, to correct its substantial failure to perform and proceeds diligently to cure such failure within no more than 30 days of receipt thereof; provided, however, that if and to the extent such substantial failure cannot be reasonably cured within such 30 day period, and if such party has diligently attempted to cure the same and thereafter continues diligently to cure the same, then the cure period provided for herein shall extend up to, but not exceed, 60 days after the date of receipt of the notice. 12.3. For convenience: This contract may be terminated by either party with or without cause upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. 12.4. Effective Date of Termination: The terminating party may set the effective date of termination at a time up to 30 days later than otherwise provided to allow Consultant to complete tasks whose value would otherwise be lost, to prepare notes as to the status of completed and uncompleted tasks, and to assemble Project materials in orderly files. 310 5 12.5. Payments Upon Termination: In the event of any termination under Section 12.2, and subject to the payment terms of Article 3 and Article 4, Consultant will be entitled to invoice City and to receive payment due and owing for all services performed or furnished in accordance with this Agreement, that have either been accepted by City or are otherwise not in dispute, as well as all reimbursable expenses incurred through the effective date of termination. Upon making such payments, City shall have the limited right to the use of Consultant Documents, subject to the provisions of Section 10. 13. ASSIGNABILITY CONSULTANT shall not assign or transfer interest in this contract without the prior written consent of the CITY. 14. AMENDMENT It is mutually understood and agreed that no alteration or variation of the terms of this contract, or any subcontract requiring the approval of the CITY, shall be valid unless made in writing, signed by the parties hereto, and approved by all necessary parties. 15. NON-SOLICITATION CLAUSE The CONSULTANT warrants that he or she has not employed or retained any company or persons, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts, or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract. For breach or violation of this warranty, the CITY shall have the right to annul this contract without liability, or, in its discretion to deduct from the contract price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or contingent fee. 16. INDEMNITY CONSULTANT shall indemnify and save harmless CITY, its elected and appointed officers and employees from all claims, damages, suits, cost or actions of every name, kind or description, brought for, or on account of, (i) injuries to or death of any person, (ii) damage to property in any manner that arises from CONSULTANT’S performance of this AGREEMENT and results from the negligence or intentional misconduct of CONSULTANT, it officers, agents, employees and/or servants CITY shall indemnify and save harmless CONSULTANT, its officers, agents, employees, and servants from all claims, damages, suits, costs or actions of every name, kind, or description, brought for, or on account of, (i) injuries to or death of any person, or (ii) damage to property in any manner that arises from CITY’S performance of this AGREEMENT and results from the negligence or intentional misconduct of the 311 6 CITY, its officers, agents, employees, and/or servants in connection with this AGREEMENT. If CONSULTANT should subcontract all or any portion of the SERVICES to be performed under this AGREEMENT, CONSULTANT shall require each subcontractor to indemnify, hold harmless and defend CITY and each of its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers in accordance with the term of the preceding paragraph. This Article 16 shall survive termination or expiration of this AGREEMENT. 17. INSURANCE A. Without limiting CONSULTANT’S obligations arising under paragraph 16 - Indemnity, CONSULTANT shall not begin work under this AGREEMENT until it obtains policies of insurance required under this section. The insurance shall cover CONSULTANT, its agents, representatives and employees in connection with the performance of work under this AGREEMENT, and shall be maintained throughout the term of this AGREEMENT. Insurance coverage shall be as follows: i. Automobile Liability Insurance with minimum coverage of $300,000 for property damage, $300,000 for injury to one person/single occurrence, and $300,000 for injury to more than one person/single occurrence. ii. Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance, insuring CITY its elected and appointed officers and employees from claims for damages for personal injury, including death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from CONSULTANT’S actions under this AGREEMENT, whether or not done by CONSULTANT or anyone directly or indirectly employed by CONSULTANT. Such insurance shall have a combined single limit of not less than $500,000. i. Worker’s Compensation Insurance for all CONSULTANT’S employees to the extent required by the State of California. CONSULTANT shall require all subcontractors who are hired by CONSULTANT to perform the SERVICES and who have employees to similarly obtain Worker’s Compensation Insurance for all of the subcontractor’s employees. ii. Professional Liability Insurance for CONSULTANT that at a minimum covers professional misconduct or lack of the requisite skill required for the performances of SERVICES in an amount of not less than $500,000 per occurrence. B. Deductibles for policies referred to in subparagraphs A (i) (ii) and (iii) are the sole responsibility of the CONSULTANT. C. Additional Insured. City, its elected and appointed officers and employees shall be named as additional insured on policies referred to in subparagraphs A (i) and (ii). 312 7 D. Primary Insurance. The insurance required in paragraphs A (i) and (ii) shall be primary and not excess coverage. E. Evidence of Insurance. Consultant shall furnish CITY, prior to the execution of this AGREEMENT, satisfactory evidence of the insurance required, issued by an insurer authorized to do business in California, and an endorsement to each such policy of insurance evidencing that each carrier is required to give CITY at least 30 days prior written notice of the cancellation of any policy during the effective period of the AGREEMENT. All required insurance policies are subject to approval of the City Attorney. Failure on the part of CONSULTANT to procure or maintain said insurance in full force and effect shall constitute a material breach of this AGREEMENT or procure or renew such insurance, and pay any premiums therefore at CONSULTANT’S expense. 18. ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT In the event that legal action is commenced to enforce or declare the rights created under this AGREEMENT, the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of costs and reasonable attorney’s fees in the amount to be determined by the court. 19. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST No member of the governing body of the CITY and no other officer, employee, or agent of the CITY who exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with the planning and carrying out of the program, shall have any personal financial interest, direct or indirect, in this AGREEMENT; and the CONSULTANT further covenants that in the performance of this AGREEMENT, no person having any such interest shall be employed. 20. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The CONSULTANT is and shall at all times remain as to the CITY a wholly independent contractor. Neither the CITY nor any of its agents shall have control over the conduct of the CONSULTANT or any of the CONSULTANT’s employees or subcontractors, except as herein set forth. The CONSULTANT shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are in any manner agents or employees of the CITY. 21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES This AGREEMENT supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties hereto with respect to the employment of CONSULTANT by CITY and contains all the covenants and agreements between the parties with respect such employment in any manner whatsoever. Each party to this AGREEMENT acknowledges that no representations, inducements, promises or agreements, orally or otherwise, have been made by any party, or anyone acting on behalf of any party, which 313 8 are not embodied herein, and that no other agreement or amendment hereto shall be effective unless executed in writing and signed by both CITY and CONSULTANT. 22. NOTICES. All written notices required by, or related to this AGREEMENT shall be sent by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, postage prepaid and addressed as listed below. Neither party to this AGREEMENT shall refuse to accept such mail; the parties to this AGREEMENT shall promptly inform the other party of any change of address. All notices required by this AGREEMENT are effective on the day of receipt, unless otherwise indicated herein. The mailing address of each party to this AGREEMENT is as follows: CITY: Karina Bañales, City Manager City of Rolling Hills 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 CONSULTANT: Ampirical Services Inc. Attn: Kurt Traub - VP of Engineering 5471 Kearny Villa Road Ste 110 San Diego, CA 92123 23. GOVERNING LAW This AGREEMENT shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, and all applicable federal statutes and regulations as amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT on the date and year first above written. CITY OF ROLLING HILLS CONSULTANT CITY MANAGER ______ _____ ________ KARINA BAÑALES KURT TRAUB - VP OF ENGINEERING DATE:___________ DATE:_____________ ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______ _____ ______ _____ CITY CLERK PATRCK DONEGAN, CITY ATTORNEY 314 A Exhibit A Scope of Work 315 B Exhibit B Cost of Services 316 Exhibit C FEDERAL CONTRACT PROVISIONS During the performance of this contract, Consultant shall comply with all applicable federal laws and regulations including but not limited to the federal contract provisions in this Exhibit. 1. CONTRACTING WITH SMALL AND MINORITY FIRMS, WOMEN’S BUSINESS ENTERPRISE AND LABOR SURPLUS AREA FIRMS (2 C.F.R. § 200.321) (A) Consultant shall be subject to 2 C.F.R. § 200.321 and will take affirmative steps to assure that minority firms, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are used when possible and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, religious creed, sex, or national origin in consideration for an award. (B) Affirmative steps shall include: (i) Placing qualified small and minority businesses and women's business enterprises on solicitation lists; (ii) Assuring that small and minority businesses, and women's business enterprises are solicited whenever they are potential sources; (iii) Dividing total requirements, when economically feasible, into smaller tasks or quantities to permit maximum participation by small and minority business, and women's business enterprises; (iv) Establishing delivery schedules, where the requirement permits, which encourage participation by small and minority business, and women's business enterprises; and (v) Using the services/assistance of the Small Business Administration (SBA), and the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) of the Department of Commerce. Consultant shall submit evidence of compliance with the foregoing affirmative steps when requested by the City. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the affirmative steps requirements detailed above do not apply in the case of a noncompetitive procurement made under the emergency exception/exigency exception to competitive procurements. 317 2. COST PRINCIPLES (2 C.F.R. PART 200, SUBPART E) (A) If any indirect costs will be charged to the City under this contract, such costs must conform to the cost principles set forth under the Uniform Rules at 2 C.F.R. Part 200, subpart E (“Cost Principles”). In general, costs must (i) be necessary and reasonable; (ii) allocable to the grant award; (iii) conform to any limitations or exclusions set forth in the Cost Principles; (iv) be adequately documented; and (v) be determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”), except, for state and local governments and Indian tribes only, as otherwise provided for in 2 C.F.R. Part 200, subpart E. 2 C.F.R. § 200.403. Costs that are determined unallowable pursuant to a federal audit are subject to repayment by Consultant. 3. ACCESS TO RECORDS & RECORD RETENTION (2 C.F.R. 200.336) (A) Consultant shall comply with 2 C.F.R. § 200.336 and provide the Federal Agency, Inspectors General, the Comptroller General of the United States, City, and the State of California or any of their authorized representatives access, during normal business hours, to documents, papers, books and records which are directly pertinent to this contract for the purposes of making and responding to audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcriptions. The right also includes timely and reasonable access to the Consultant's personnel for the purpose of interview and discussion related to the books and records. (B) The Consultant agrees to permit any of the foregoing parties to reproduce by any means whatsoever or to copy excerpts and transcriptions as reasonably needed. (C) The Consultant agrees to provide the Federal Agency or its authorized representatives access to construction or other work sites pertaining to the work being completed under the contract. (D) In compliance with the Disaster Recovery Act of 2018, the City and Consultant acknowledge and agree that no language in this contract is intended to prohibit audits or internal review by the FEMA Administrator or the Comptroller General of the United States. 4. REQUIRED CONTRACT PROVISIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPENDIX II TO PART 200 – CONTRACT PROVISIONS FOR NON-FEDERAL ENTITY CONTRACTS UNDER FEDERAL AWARDS (2 C.F.R. § 200.326) (A) Appendix II to Part 200 (A); Appendix II to Part 200 (B): Remedies for Breach; Termination for Cause/Convenience. If the contract is in excess of $10,000 and the contract does not include provisions for both termination for cause and termination for convenience by the City, including the manner by which it will be effected and the basis for settlement, then the following termination clauses shall apply. If the contract is for more than the simplified acquisition threshold (see 2 C.F.R. § 200.88) and does not provide for administrative, contractual, or legal remedies in instances where Contractor violates or breaches the terms of the contract, then the following termination clauses shall apply and have precedence over the contract. Otherwise, the following termination clauses shall not be applicable to the contract. 318 (i) Termination for Convenience. The City may, by written notice to Consultant, terminate this contract for convenience, in whole or in part, at any time by giving written notice to Consultant of such termination, and specifying the effective date thereof (“Notice of Termination for Convenience”). If the termination is for the convenience of the City, the City shall compensate Consultant for work or materials fully and adequately provided through the effective date of termination. No amount shall be paid for unperformed work or materials not provided, including anticipated profit. Consultant shall provide documentation deemed adequate by the City to show the work actually completed or materials provided by Consultant prior to the effective date of termination. This contract shall terminate on the effective date of the Notice of Termination. (ii) Termination for Cause. If Consultant fails to perform pursuant to the terms of this contract, the City shall provide written notice to Consultant specifying the default (“Notice of Default”). If Consultant does not cure such default within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of Notice of Default, the City may terminate this contract for cause. If Consultant fails to cure a default as set forth above, the City may, by written notice to Consultant, terminate this contract for cause, in whole or in part, and specifying the effective date thereof (“Notice of Termination for Cause”). If the termination is for cause, Consultant shall be compensated for that portion of the work or materials provided which has been fully and adequately completed and accepted by the City as of the date the City provides the Notice of Termination. In such case, the City shall have the right to take whatever steps it deems necessary to complete the project and correct Consultant's deficiencies and charge the cost thereof to Consultant, who shall be liable for the full cost of the City's corrective action, including reasonable overhead, profit and attorneys' fees. (iii) Reimbursement; Damages. The City shall be entitled to reimbursement for any compensation paid in excess of work rendered or materials provided and shall be entitled to withhold compensation for defective work or other damages caused by Consultant’s performance of the work. (iv) Additional Termination Provisions. Upon receipt of a Notice of Termination, either for cause or for convenience, Consultant shall promptly discontinue the work unless the Notice directs to the contrary. Consultant shall deliver to the City and transfer title (if necessary) to all provided materials and completed work, and work in progress including drafts, documents, plans, forms, maps, products, graphics, computer programs and reports. Consultant acknowledges the City’s right to terminate this contract with or without cause as provided in this Section, and hereby waives any and all claims for damages that might arise from the City’s termination of this contract. The City shall not be liable for any costs other than the charges or portions thereof which are specified herein. Consultant shall not be entitled to payment for unperformed work or materials not provided, and shall not be entitled to damages or compensation for termination of work or supply of materials. If City terminates this contract for cause, and it is later determined that the termination for cause was wrongful, the termination shall automatically be converted to and treated as a termination for convenience. In such event, Consultant shall be entitled to receive only the amounts payable under this Section, and Consultant specifically waives any claim for any other amounts or damages, including, but 319 not limited to, any claim for consequential damages or lost profits. The rights and remedies of the City provided in this Section shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law, equity or under this contract including, but not limited to, the right to specific performance. (B) Appendix II to Part 200 (C) – Equal Employment Opportunity: Except as otherwise provided under 41 C.F.R. Part 60, if this contract meets the definition of a “federally assisted construction contract” in 41 C.F.R. § 60-1.3, then Consultant shall comply with the following equal opportunity clause, in accordance with Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965 entitled “Equal Employment Opportunity,” as amended by Executive Order 11375 of October 13, 1967 and implementation regulations at 41 C.F.R. Chapter 60: (i) Consultant will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Consultant will take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated equally during employment, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment, or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training including apprenticeship. Consultant agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the City setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. (ii) Consultant will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of Consultant, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. (iii) Consultant will not discharge or in any other manner discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because such employee or applicant has inquired about, discussed, or disclosed the compensation of the employee or applicant or another employee or applicant. This provision shall not apply to instances in which an employee who has access to the compensation information of other employees or applicants as a part of such employee's essential job functions discloses the compensation of such other employees or applicants to individuals who do not otherwise have access to such information, unless such disclosure is in response to a formal complaint or charge, in furtherance of an investigation, proceeding, hearing, or action, including an investigation conducted by the employer, or is consistent with Consultant's legal duty to furnish information. (iv) Consultant will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice, to be provided by the agency contracting officer, advising the labor union or workers' representative of the contractor's commitments under Section 202 of Executive Order No. 11246 of 320 September 24, 1965, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. (v) Consultant will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. (vi) Consultant will furnish all information and reports required by Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. (vii) In the event of Consultant's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be cancelled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for further Government contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order No.11246 of Sept. 24, 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order No.11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. (viii) Consultant will include the provisions of paragraphs (i) through (viii) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24,1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. Consultant will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as may be directed by the Secretary of Labor as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that in the event Consultant becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction, Consultant may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. (C) Appendix II to Part 200 (D) – Davis-Bacon Act; Copeland Act: Not applicable to this contract. (D) Appendix II to Part 200 (E) – Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act: (i) If this contract is in excess of $100,000 and involves the employment of mechanics or laborers, Consultant shall comply with 40 U.S.C. 3702 and 3704, as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 C.F.R. Part 5). Under 40 U.S.C. 3702, each contractor must be required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer on the basis of a standard work week of 40 hours. Work in excess of the standard work week is permissible provided that the worker is compensated at a rate of not less than one and a half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in the work week. The requirements of 40 U.S.C. 3704 are applicable to construction work and 321 provide that no laborer or mechanic must be required to work in surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous. These requirements do not apply to the purchases of supplies or materials or articles ordinarily available on the open market, or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence. (ii) No contractor or subcontractor contracting for any part of the contract work which may require or involve the employment of laborers or mechanics shall require or permit any such laborer or mechanic in any workweek in which he or she is employed on such work to work in excess of forty hours in such workweek unless such laborer or mechanic receives compensation at a rate not less than one and one-half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of forty hours in such workweek. (iii) In the event of any violation of the clause set forth in paragraph (ii) of this section the contractor and any subcontractor responsible therefor shall be liable for the unpaid wages. In addition, such contractor and subcontractor shall be liable to the United States (in the case of work done under contract for the District of Columbia or a territory, to such District or to such territory), for liquidated damages. Such liquidated damages shall be computed with respect to each individual laborer or mechanic, including watchmen and guards, employed in violation of the clause set forth in paragraph (ii) of this section, in the sum of $10 for each calendar day on which such individual was required or permitted to work in excess of the standard workweek of forty hours without payment of the overtime wages required by the clause set forth in paragraph (ii) of this section. (iv) The City shall upon its own action or upon written request of an authorized representative of the Department of Labor withhold or cause to be withheld, from any moneys payable on account of work performed by the Consultant or subcontractor under any such contract or any other Federal contract with the same prime contractor, or any other federally-assisted contract subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, which is held by the same prime contractor, such sums as may be determined to be necessary to satisfy any liabilities of such contractor or subcontractor for unpaid wages and liquidated damages as provided in the clause set forth in paragraph (iii) of this section. (v) The Consultant or subcontractor shall insert in any subcontracts the clauses set forth in paragraph (ii) through (v) of this Section and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to include these clauses in any lower tier subcontracts. The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance by any subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor with the clauses set forth in paragraphs (ii) through (v) of this Section. (E) Appendix II to Part 200 (F) – Rights to Inventions Made Under a Contract or Agreement: (i) If the Federal award meets the definition of “funding agreement” under 37 C.F.R. § 401.2(a) and the non-Federal entity wishes to enter into a contract with a small business firm or nonprofit organization regarding the substitution 322 of parties, assignment or performance of experimental, developmental, or research work under that “funding agreement,” the non-Federal entity must comply with the requirements of 37 C.F.R. Part 401 (Rights to Inventions Made by Nonprofit Organizations and Small Business Firms Under Government Grants, Contracts and Cooperative Agreements), and any implementing regulations issued by the City. (ii) The regulation at 37 C.F.R. § 401.2(a) currently defines “funding agreement” as any contract, grant, or cooperative agreement entered into between any Federal agency, other than the Tennessee Valley Authority, and any contractor for the performance of experimental, developmental, or research work funded in whole or in part by the Federal government. This term also includes any assignment, substitution of parties, or subcontract of any type entered into for the performance of experimental, developmental, or research work under a funding agreement as defined in the first sentence of this paragraph. (iii) This requirement does not apply to the Public Assistance, Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Fire Management Assistance Grant Program, Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Grant Program, Disaster Case Management Grant Program, and Federal Assistance to Individuals and Households – Other Needs Assistance Grant Program, as FEMA awards under these programs do not meet the definition of “funding agreement.” (F) Appendix II to Part 200 (G) – Clean Air Act and Federal Water Pollution Control Act: If this contract is in excess of $150,000, Consultant shall comply with all applicable standards, orders, or requirements issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251-1387). (i) Pursuant to the Clean Air Act, (1) Consultant agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq., (2) Consultant agrees to report each violation to the City and understands and agrees that the City will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to the Federal awarding agency and the appropriate Environmental Protection City Regional Office, and (3) Consultant agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract exceeding $150,000. (ii) Pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, (1) Consultant agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq., (2) Consultant agrees to report each violation to the City and understands and agrees that the City will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to the Federal awarding agency and the appropriate Environmental Protection Agency Regional Office, and (3) Consultant agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract exceeding $150,000. (G) Appendix II to Part 200 (H) – Debarment and Suspension: A contract award (see 2 C.F.R. § 180.220) must not be made to parties listed on the government wide exclusions in the System for Award Management (SAM), in accordance with the 323 OMB guidelines at 2 CFR 180 that implement Executive Orders 12549 (3 C.F.R. part 1986 Comp., p. 189) and 12689 (3 C.F.R. part 1989 Comp., p. 235), “Debarment and Suspension.” SAM Exclusions contains the names of parties debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies, as well as parties declared ineligible under statutory or regulatory authority other than Executive Order 12549. (i) This contract is a covered transaction for purposes of 2 C.F.R. pt. 180 and 2 C.F.R. pt. 3000. As such Consultant is required to verify that none of the Consultant, its principals (defined at 2 C.F.R. § 180.995), or its affiliates (defined at 2 C.F.R. § 180.905) are excluded (defined at 2 C.F.R. § 180.940) or disqualified (defined at 2 C.F.R. § 180.935). (ii) Consultant must comply with 2 C.F.R. pt. 180, subpart C and 2 C.F.R. pt. 3000, subpart C and must include a requirement to comply with these regulations in any lower tier covered transaction it enters into. (iii) This certification is a material representation of fact relied upon by City. If it is later determined that Consultant did not comply with 2 C.F.R. pt. 180, subpart C and 2 C.F.R. pt. 3000, subpart C, in addition to remedies available to the City, the Federal Government may pursue available remedies, including but not limited to suspension and/or debarment. (iv) Consultant warrants that it is not debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in any federal programs. Consultant also agrees to verify that all subcontractors performing work under this contract are not debarred, disqualified, or otherwise prohibited from participation in accordance with the requirements above. Consultant further agrees to notify the City in writing immediately if Consultant or its subcontractors are not in compliance during the term of this contract. (H) Appendix II to Part 200 (I) – Byrd Anti-Lobbying Act: If this contract is in excess of $100,000, Consultant shall have submitted and filed the required ce rtification pursuant to the Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment (31 U.S.C. § 1353). If at any time during the contract term funding exceeds $100,000.00, Consultant shall file with the City the Federal Standard Form LLL titled “Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying.” Consultants that apply or bid for an award exceeding $100,000 must file the required certification. Each tier certifies to the tier above that it will not and has not used Federal appropriated funds to pay any person or organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with obtaining any Federal contract, grant or any other award covered by 31 U.S.C. 1352. Each tier must also disclose any lobbying with non-Federal funds that takes place in connection with obtaining any Federal award. Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to tier up to the recipient who in turn will forward the certification(s) to the awarding agency. (I) Appendix II to Part 200 (J) – Procurement of Recovered Materials: (i) Consultant shall comply with section 6002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. The requirements 324 of Section 6002 include procuring only items designated in guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at 40 C.F.R. part 247 that contain the highest percentage of recovered materials practicable, consistent with maintaining a satisfactory level of competition, where the purchase price of the item exceeds $10,000 or the value of the quantity acquired during the preceding fiscal year exceeded $10,000; procuring solid waste management services in a manner that maximizes energy and resource recovery; and establishing an affirmative procurement. (ii) Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to tier up to the recipient who in turn will forward the certification(s) to the awarding agency. (iii) Information about this requirement, along with the list of EPA-designate items, is available at EPA’s Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines web site, https://www.epa.gov/smm/comprehensive-procurement-guideline-cpg - program. 5. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS (A) The Consu ltant shall not use the DHS seal(s), logos, crests, or reproductions of flags or likenesses of DHS agency officials without specific FEMA preapproval. (B) This is an acknowledgement that FEMA financial assistance will be used to fund all or a portion of this contract. The Consultant will comply with all applicable federal law, regulations, executive orders, FEMA policies, procedures, and directives. (C) Consultant acknowledges that 31 U.S.C. Chapter 38 (Administrative Remedies for False Claims and Statements) applies to the Consultant’s actions pertaining to this contract. (D) The Federal Government is not a party to this contract and is not subject to any obligations or liabilities to the City, Consultant, any subcontractors or any other party pertaining to any matter resulting from the contract. (E) General and Administrative Expenses And Profit For Time And Materials Contracts/Amendments. (i) General and administrative expenses shall be negotiated and must conform to the Cost Principles. (ii) Profit shall be negotiated as a separate element of the cost. To establish a fair and reasonable profit, consideration must be given to the complexity of the work to be performed, the risk borne by the Consultant, the Consultant's investment, the amount of subcontracting, the quality of its record of past performance, and industry profit rates in the surrounding geographical area for similar work. (iii) Any agreement, amendment or change order for work performed on a time and materials basis shall include a ceiling price that Consultant exceeds at its own risk. 325 326 Agenda Item No.: 15.A Mtg. Date: 12/10/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:RECEIVE AND FILE A VERBAL UPDATE ON THE OUTDOOR EMERGENCY SIREN PROJECT AND CITYWIDE TESTING DATE:December 10, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. ATTACHMENTS: 327 Agenda Item No.: 16.A Mtg. Date: 12/10/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957 (B)(1) TITLE: CITY MANAGER DATE:December 10, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: None. ATTACHMENTS: 328 Agenda Item No.: 16.B Mtg. Date: 12/10/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT:EXISTING LITIGATION - GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(D)(1) THE CITY FINDS, BASED ON ADVICE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL, THAT DISCUSSION IN OPEN SESSION WILL PREJUDICE THE POSITION OF THE CITY IN THE LITIGATION. (1 CASE) a. NAME OF CASE: CONNIE ANDERSEN, ET AL. V. CALIFORNIA WATER COMPANY, ET AL. (SEAVIEW CASE) CASE NO.: 24STCV20953 DATE:December 10, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: None. ATTACHMENTS: 329 Agenda Item No.: 16.C Mtg. Date: 12/10/2024 TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CHRISTIAN HORVATH, CITY CLERK / EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER THRU:KARINA BAÑALES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (TWO CASES) CPUC COMPLAINTS AGAINST SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON AND SOCAL GAS DATE:December 10, 2024 BACKGROUND: None. DISCUSSION: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: None. ATTACHMENTS: 330