429, Addition to SFR of more than 2, Resolutions & Approval ConditionsRESOLUTION NO. 91-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS APPROVING A MODIFICATION TO RESOLUTION NO. 90-15 GRANTING SITE PLAN REVIEW APPROVAL IN ZONING CASE NO. 429. THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DOES HEREBY FIND, RESOLVE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A request has been filed by Dr. Michael Weller with respect to real property located at 3 Flying Mane Road, Rolling Hills (Lot 49-SF) requesting a modification to the condition of approval for a Site Plan Review. The modification requested is to extend the allowable time period for proposed 1,109 square feet of residential additions. Section 2. The Commission considered this item at its meeting on August 20, 1991 at which time information was presented indicating that the extension of time is necessary for financing of the project. Section 3. Based upon information and evidence submitted, the Planning Commission does hereby add Paragraph H, Section 5 of Resolution No. 90-15 to read as follows: "H. The Site Plan approval shall expire within two years of the approval of this Resolution." Section 4. Except as herein amended, the provisions of Resolution No. 90-15 shall continue to be in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 5TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1991. `VIE HANKINS, ACTING CHAIRMAN ATTEST: DIANE 4AWYER, D' PUTY CITY CLERK RESOLUTION NO. 91-24 PAGE 2 The foregoing Resolution No. 91-24 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS APPROVING A MODIFICATION TO RESOLUTION NO. 90-15 GRANTING SITE PLAN REVIEW APPROVAL IN ZONING CASE NO. 429. was approved and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of the Planning Commission on September 5, 1991 by the following roll call vote.: AYES: COMMISSIONERS FROST, LAY, RAINE AND ACTING CHAIRMAN HANKINS NOES: NONE ABSENT: CHAIRMAN ROBERTS ABSTAIN: NONE DEPUTY 'ioITY CLEI i CAT. NO. NN00627 TO 1944 CA (9-84) (Individual) STATE OF CALIFORNI TICOR TITLE INSURANCE IP COUNTY OF i � 90.1616910 On ` API ht�1/ 11 n , 1 y'_I Q before m the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for VIA lokumi viLellair said State, personally appeared , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person_ whose name 14i subsf ribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that V exe- cuted the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature )'t n ti) �0 OFFICIAL SEAL F SUSAN E. O'NEILL Notary Public - California PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN �cr.oda% LOS ANGELES COUNTY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DECEMBER 1, 1992 (This area for official notarial seal) 9o-015910 For Records Use A • r RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND MAIL TO: CITY OF ROLLING HILLS' 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS RECORDER'S OFFICE LOS ANGELES COUNTY CALIFORNIA 31 PAST. 8 A11. S E P 20 1990 Please record this form with the -Registrar -Recorder's Office and return to: City of Rolling Hills 2 Portuguese Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 (The Registrar -Recorder's Office requires tha° before recordation.) By STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 88 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) Acceptance Form Dr. Michael Weller 3 Flying Mane Road I 0 W OCT 17 1990 I�+ng am be notarized CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. VARIANCE CASE NO. SITE PLAN REVIEW CASE NO. 429 I (We) the undersigned state: I am'(We are) the owner(s), of the real property described as follows: F" 141 /h/4, cA loa 7� This property is the subject of the above numbered cases. I am (We are) aware of, and accept, all the stated conditions in said Conditional Use Permit Case' No.' Variance Case No. { Ply �-e-C4A..e. 726 /7LaZ� I (We) certify (or declare) under the penalty. of `perjury that the foregoing is true' and correct. (Where the owner•.and applicant. are Applicant Name Address City, State Signature Owner Name Address City, State Signature This signature must be acknowledged by a notary public. Attach appropriate acknowledgement. not the same, both must sign.) Type or print -F-1-)1 mu& iUAnt E- 7ZOA b o Ct_rnt6 (-f ILLS, CA 410a'1 M c 41-(u- RESOLUTION NO. 90-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING SITE PLAN REVIEW APPROVAL IN ZONING CASE NO. 429 THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DOES HEREBY FIND, RESOLVE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. An application was duly filed by Dr. Michael Weller with respect to real property located at 3 Flying Mane Road, Rolling Hills (Lot 49-SF) requesting site plan review approval for proposed residential additions. Section 2. The Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing to consider the application on June 19, 1990 and July 17, 1990; and conducted a field site review on June 30, 1990. Section 3. Section 17.34.010 requires a development plan to be submitted for site plan review and approval before any building or structure may be constructed or any expansion, addition, alteration or repair to existing buildings may be made which involve changes to grading or an increase to the size of the building or structure by more than twenty-five (25%) in any thirty-six (36) month period. Section 4. The Commission makes the following findings of fact: A. The proposed development is compatible with the General Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and surrounding uses because the proposed structure complies with the General Plan requirement of low profile, low density residential development with sufficient open space between surrounding structures. The project conforms to Zoning Code setback and lot coverage requirements. The lot has a net square foot area of 37,979 square feet. The proposed residential structure, garage, swimming pool and future stable will have 5,092 square feet which constitutes 13.41% of the lot, which is within the maximum 20% structural lot coverage requirement. The total lot coverage including paved areas and driveway will be 8,523 square feet which equals 22.44% of the lot, which is within the 35% maximum overall lot coverage requirement. The proposed project is similar and compatible with neighboring development patterns. B. The proposed development preserves and integrates into the site design, to the maximum extent feasible, existing natural topographic features of the lot including surrounding native vegetation, mature trees, drainage courses, and land forms (such as hillsides and knolls) because the proposed development will require no substantial grading and impact to existing vegetation will be minimal. • • C. The development plan follows natural contours of the site to minimize grading because all drainage flow from the site will be channeled into existing drainage courses to the rear of the property. D. The development plan preserves surrounding native vegetation on the site and supplements it with landscaping that is compatible with and enhances the rural character of the community. E. The development plan substantially preserves the natural and undeveloped state of the lot be minimizing building coverage because the construction will not exceed the building pad coverage policy of 40% because this project will occupy 39.92 percent of the existing building pad. F. The proposed development is harmonious in with the site, the natural terrain and surrou residences because as indicated in paragraphs project will have structural lot and building that are less than permitted. G. The proposed development is sensitive and not detrimental to convenience and safety of circulation for pedestrians and vehicles because the project will have the required setbacks from the roadway and easements, and the present driveway access to the site will be unchanged. H. The project conforms with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act and is categorically exempt from environmental review. Section 5. Based on the foregoing findings, the Commission hereby approves the Site Plan Review application for a proposed residential project to the property located at 3 Flying Mane Road, as indicated on the development plan attached hereto as "Exhibit A" and subject to the following conditions: A. Any modifications to the project which would constitute a modification to the Development Plan as approved by the Planning Commission, shall require the filing of an application for modification of the Development Plan pursuant to Section 17.34.070 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code. scale and mass nding A and E, the pad coverages • • B. A landscaping plan must be submitted to the City of Rolling Hills Planning Department staff for approval. The plan submitted must comply with the purpose and intent of the Site Plan Review Ordinance. A bond in the amount of the cost estimate for the landscaping plus 15% may be required to be posted and retained with the City after the City Manager (or the Landscape Committee of the Community Association, if appointed to act for this purpose in place of the City Manager) determines that the landscaping was installed pursuant to the landscaping plan as approved, and that such landscaping is properly established and in good condition. C. The proposed building plan must be approved by the Rolling Hills Community Association Architectural Review Committee before any grading or building permit is issued. D. Prior to the submittal of a final grading plan, if necessary, to the County of Los Angeles for plan check, a detailed grading and drainage plan with related geology, soils and hydrology reports that conform to the Development Plan as approved by the Planning Commission must be submitted to the Rolling Hills Planning Department staff for their review. Cut and fill slopes must conform to the City of Rolling Hills standard of 2 to 1 slope ratio. E. The working drawings submitted to the County Department of Building and Safety for plan check review must conform to the Development Plan approved with this Site Plan Review. F. The access to the future stable must be clearly delineated on the Development Plan. Any required approvals from the Rolling Hills Community Association allowing access to the stable through Association easements must be obtained by the applicant prior to submitting any drawings from the proposed residence to the County of Los Angeles for a building permit. G. The applicant shall execute an affidavit of acceptance of all conditions pursuant to 17.32.087 or this approval shall not be effective. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this —A day of August' 1990. Chairman ATTES 14 1 I hereby certify that the above Resolution No. 90-15 was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rolling Hills on the 4th day of August, 1990 by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Frost, Hankins and Lay; Chairman Roberts NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Raine ABSTAIN: None (-de DEPUTY '' CLERK