486, Construct a new SFR with attac, Staff ReportsHEARING DATE: TO: FROM: APPLICATION NO. SITE LOCATION: ZONING & SIZE: APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PUBLISHED: • 0/ IJ/L Jhfi INCORPORATED JANUARY 24, 1957 NO. 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CALIF. 90274 (310) 377.1521 FAX: (310) 377.7288 JANUARY 19, 1993 PLANNING COMMISSION LOLA UNGAR, PRINCIPAL PLANNER ZONING CASE NO. 486 1 OPEN BRAND ROAD (LOT 116-B-EF) RAS-1, 0.781 ACRES DR. & MRS. JOHN EUGENE MR. FRANK BALOGH, EDWARD CARSON BEALL & ASSOCIATES NOVEMBER 7, 1992 REOUEST Request for a Variance to permit existing retaining walls and the additional construction of retaining walls in the rear yard setback, request for a Variance to permit existing retaining walls and the addition of a spa in the side yard setback, and request for a Conditional Use Permit to permit the relocation of two existing driveways. BACKGROUND 1. The applicants revised their request for the December 15, 1992 Planning Commission meeting. Members of the Commission inspected the site on December 18, 1992. A previous inspection had been made by the Commission on October 31, 1992. 2. The applicants are requesting the following Variances: a. 80 feet of existing 2.5 foot retaining walls that encroach up to 10 feet into the 50 foot rear yard setback and the construction of 43 feet of retaining walls to enclose pool equipment. The retaining walls will not exceed 4.5 feet and average 2.5 feet. The walls will encroach up to 16 feet into the 50 foot rear yard setback. b. 54 feet of existing 2.5 foot retaining wal 1 s that encroach up to 10 feet into the 20 foot side yard setback and the addition of a 70 square foot spa that will encroach up to 3 feet into the same 20 foot side yard setback. 3. The applicants also request a Conditional Use Permit to permit the relocation of two existing 10 foot wide (east) and 14 foot wide (west) driveways that are approximately 80 feet apart on the existing 308 foot frontage off Open Brand Road. The Printed on Rec 4A ZONING CASE NO. 486 PAGE 2 existing westernmost driveway is more than 140 feet from Eastfield Drive. The proposed driveways will each be 12 feet wide, with a 17 foot wide apron, and will be 100 feet apart. The westernmost driveway is proposed to be approximately 68 feet from the corner of Open Brand and Eastfield Drive. According to Section 17.16.012 of the Zoning Code, the minimum requirements for additional driveways have been met. The proposed project and relocation of the driveways will result in a reduction of 1.626 sauare feet (-6.3%) of flatwork on the property. 4. The applicants are also planning to add a 96 square foot dining area, a 137 square foot breakfast area, and 275 square feet of basement at the rear southeast portion of the residence. (The basement is not calculated in structural square footage). 5. In 1969, previous owners were granted Variances to permit a portion of the garage 23 feet, instead of 50, feet from the rear property line; the garage to be 23 feet and the stable to be 22 feet within the front yard, instead of the required 30 feet; and permission was granted to allow for construction of an animal shelter 5 feet from the attached garage, with the condition that no openable doors or windows were permitted on the side of the garage adjacent to the shelter. 6. The 3,394 square foot house, 650 square foot attached garage and 725 square foot swimming pool were completed in 1973. 7. Grading for the project site will require 12 cubic yards of cut soil and 12 cubic yards of fill soil. 8. The existing structural lot coverage is 4,935 square feet or 19.1% and the existing total lot coverage is 10,907 square feet 1 or 42. 2%. The structural lot coverage proposed is 5,161 square < , feet or 19.9% (20% permitted) and the total lot coverage �6'7 proposed is 9,507 square feet or 36.8% (35% permitted). 1/�rr'" The existina total lot coveraae is 42.2 o and will be reduced b_v 5.4% to 36.8% for the proposed project . Within the past two vears , staff has not come across any zoning cases in which the total lot coveraae maximum limits have been exceeded. Nor has any such case been submitted for discretionary review. 9. The building pad, within current allowable setbacks, is 4,719 square feet. The existing building pad coverage is 104.6% and the proposed building pad coverage of 109.4%. 10. Attached is a letter from Mrs. Corinna C. Smith regarding the proposed project at the subject address. ZONING CASE NO. 486 PAGE 3 11. The project has been determined to be categorically exempt pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission review the proposed plans and take public testimony. 1 r . . Ci o/ RJ/L g Jh/h HEARING DATE: TO: FROM: APPLICATION NO. SITE LOCATION: ZONING & SIZE: APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PUBLISHED: REOUEST INCORPORATED JANUARY 24, 1957 DECEMBER 15, 1992 PLANNING COMMISSION LOLA UNGAR, PRINCIPAL PLANNER NO. 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CALIF. 90274 (310) 377-1521 FAX: (310) 377-7288 ZONING CASE NO. 486 1 OPEN BRAND ROAD (LOT 116-3-EF) RAS-1, 0.781 ACRES DR. & MRS. JOHN EUGENE MR. FRANK BALOGH, EDWARD CARSON BEALL & ASSOCIATES NOVEMBER 7, 1992 Request for a Variance to exceed the maximum structural lot coverage, request for a Variance to exceed the maximum total lot coverage, request for a Variance to permit the addition of an attached single car garage in the front yard setback, request for a Variance to permit the construction of a retaining wall in the rear yard setback, request for a Variance to permit the addition of a spa in the side yard setback, request for a Variance to permit a dining 'room addition in the side yard setback, request for a Variance to permit a chimney in the side yard setback, and request for a Conditional Use Permit to permit the relocation of two existing driveways. BACKGROUND 1. The Planning Commission reviewed the subject requests on November 17, 1992, and continued the item to this date to give the applicants time to reconsider their requests. 2. On October 31, 1992, the Planning Commission visited the subject site and viewed a silhouette of the proposed garage, dining room, and breakfast area additions. 3. The applicants are requesting the following Variances: a. Exceed the maximum structural lot coverage; b. Exceed the maximum total lot coverage; c. Addition of an attached 220 square foot single car garage that will encroach up to 31 feet into the 50 foot front yard setback. Printed on Recycled Paper. ZONING CASE NO. 486 PAGE 2 d. Construction of 43 feet of retaining walls enclosing pool equipment that will not exceed 4.5 feet and average 2.5 feet that will encroach up to 16 feet into the 50 foot rear yard setback. e. Addition of a 70 square foot spa that will encroach up to 3 feet into the 20 foot side yard setback. f. Addition of a 12 square foot chimney and 142 square foot dining room addition that will each encroach up to 2 feet into the 20 foot side yard setback. 4. The applicants also request a Conditional Use Permit to permit the relocation of two existing 10 foot wide (east) and 14 foot wide (west) driveways that are approximately 80 feet apart on the existing 308 foot frontage off Open Brand Road. The existing westernmost driveway is more than 140 feet from Eastfield Drive. The proposed driveways will each be 12 feet wide, with a 17 foot wide apron, and will be 100 feet apart. The westernmost driveway is proposed to be approximately 68 feet from the corner of Open Brand and Eastfield Drive. According to Section 17.16.012 of the Zoning Code, the minimum requirements for additional driveways have been met. 5. The applicants are also planning to add a 140 square foot breakfast area and 275 square feet of basement. (The latter is not calculated in structural square footage). 6. In 1969, previous owners were granted Variances to permit a portion of the garage 23 feet, instead of 50, feet from the rear property line; the garage to be 23 feet and the stable to be 22 feet in the front yard, instead of the required 30 feet; and permission was granted to allow for construction of an animal shelter 5 feet from the attached garage, with the condition that no openable doors or windows were permitted on the side of the garage adjacent to the shelter. 7. The 3,380 square foot house, 650 square foot attached garage and 725 square foot swimming pool were completed in 1973. 8. As seen on the Vicinity Map on page C-2 of the plans, many of the existing residences on Open Brand Road encroach into the front setback area from 10 to 40 feet. 9. Grading for the project site will require 12 cubic yards of cut soil and 12 cubic yards of fill soil. • ZONING CASE NO. 486 PAGE 3 10. The existing structural lot coverage is 5,269 square feet or 20 . 4 o and the existing total lot coverage is 11,003 square feet or 42.60. The structural lot coverage proposed is 5,921 square feet or 22.90 (20o permitted) and the total lot coverage proposed is 10,040 square feet or 38.80 (35o permitted). Within the past one vear and eleven months, staff has not come across any zoning cases in which the maximum structural lot coverage, nor total lot coverage maximum limits have been exceeded. Nor has any such case been submitted for discretionary review. 11. The building pad calculated by the applicants totals 7,683 square feet and includes the existing structure that is encroaching up to 27 feet (garage area) into the front yard setback. The proposed building pad coverage is 75.70. Staff calculated the building pad, within current allowable setbacks, and determined a building pad size of 4,719 square feet and proposed building pad coverage of 123.40. 12. Attached are the completed applications for the Variance and Conditional Use Permit requested by the applicants. 13. Attached is a letter from Mrs. Corinna C. Smith regarding the proposed construction at the subject address. 14. The project has been determined to be categorically exempt pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission review the proposed plans and take public testimony. • RE)QULST FOR HEARING FOR LONE VARIANCE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS The undersigned Frank J. Balogh - Edward Carson Beall and Associates Name 23727 Hawthorne Boulevard, Torrance, California 90505 (310) 378-1280 Street Address Telephone Number 0��. �7EJF7i�Ct`B�X (2) has permission of the owner Legal description of property situated at 'k116 B - City of Rolling Hills Lot Tract ql Open Brand Road, Rolling Hills, California 90274 Street Address Describe in detail the nature of the proposed use, including what aspects of the - project require a Variance. Project Description: The existing use of the site is that of a single family with an attached garage. The proposed use will be the same. The asnects_of the project which require a variance are as follows: (1) The garage addition; (2) Retaining wall at the pool equipment; (3) The new spa and (4) The chimney and addition at the east side yard. Criteria to be satisfied for grant of variance Such change is based upon the following described exceptional er extraordinary circumstances or conditions that do not apply generally to other property in the same vicinity and zone. See Attachment "A" Criteria to hP sar,�fied for (;rent of Varince Such change will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare nor injurious to the property or iw+�nvements in such vicinity and zone where property is located because See Attachment "A" Criteria to.be Satisfied, for C @nt of VarianrP FILING FEE A tiling fee . .> must accompany the application. Hake check payable to: Tt/6C°i/Ty OH!GCS 1 r:v....r.1;n.'.Ci ♦•t•y ��.y�:ri:h.•,.v-, •xYr �: .-e..a u.x. .. Y-.t...t..'.. Variance Application Dr. and Mrs. John Eugene # 1 Open Brand Road Rolling Hills, California 90274 ATTACHMENT "A" Criteria to be satisfied for grant of Variance Such change is based upon the following described exceptional or exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions that do not apply generally to other property in the same vicinity and zone. The project site is unique and an exception to the sites which surround it. 1. The site has a dual street frontage. Fronted by Open Brand Road on the north with Eastfield Drive to the south. This dual street frontage significantly reduces the building setbacks as established under the current City ordinances. 78% of the property is surrounded by street. 2. The triangular shape of the lot also limits the development and reduces setbacks on the east side of the property. The angle of the side property line further restricts the site on the east side. 3. The site is also impacted on the west as a result of its triangular shape. There is no side yards on the west side, instead a front and rear yard only. (The setbacks are established by the intersection of the front and rear setbacks.) 4. The site is small in size (.781 acres). As a result of the dual street frontage, the building setbacks (under the current City Ordinances) and its unusual shape further contribute to its uniqueness. i 5. Utilizing the building setbacks (under current City Ordinances) one finds as a result of these setbacks and the unique shape of the property, 86% (29,218 square feet) of the lot area is consumed by building setback areas. 6. A downhill slope occurs on Eastfield Drive along the southerly property line of the site, sloping to the building pad. This condition presently results in water run off from Eastfield Drive. All of these conditions and circumstances which apply specifically to this site, do not apply generally to other properties in the same vicinity and zone. Such change will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare nor injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone where property is located because of the following. 1. The garage addition maintains the building line and profile of the existing house and does not substantially impact the setback on Open Brand Road or Eastfield Drive. The improvement is 90' away from the nearest neighboring structure. This improvement also results in the benefit of additional off street and enclosed parking. 1 Variance Application Dr. and Mrs. John Eugene #1 Open Brand Road Rolling Hills, California 90274 Attachment "A" = Continued 2. The retaining wall at the pool equipment contributes to minimizing slope erosion and provides for an enclosure of the equipment. This wall will not be visible from any adjoining properties or adjoining streets. It has no impact on adjoining properties. 3. The new spa addition is located on the existing pool deck. It does not impact adjoining properties. 4. The chimney and dining room addition on the east maintains the building line and profile of the existing house and does not substantially impact the side setback. The average footprint falls out of the side yard. This addition will not impact adjoining properties. The extent of this addition in only 2 feet. 5. The minimum required side yard setback at the east addition is 10 feet. The average side yard proposed is 16.28 feet, which is well beyond the minimum required. 6. The installation of solar hot water heating will result in a reduction of energy consumption for the spa, swimming pool and house hot water needs. 2 • 1XQv�T roR E►RING CITY Or 110L iu.s ?P?L1C TION TOR: O HDITIOtiAL DSL PER1(IT ?he Undersigned Frank J. Balogh - Edward Carson Beall and Associates T�asre 23727 Hawthorne Boulevard, Torrance, California 90505 (310) 378-1280 Street Address Telephone Number c (Z) has permission of the owner Legal description of property situated at N116B - City of Rolling Hills Lot Tract #1 Open Brand Road, Rolling Hills, California 90274 Street Address Describe in detail the nature of the proposed use and under vhat Section Of the Zoning Ordinance the use is permitted in the zone in vhich'it is located with a conditional use permit. The proposed use will be a two entry driveway on Open Brand Road. The driveway will be a modification of the existing two entry driveway presently on Open Brand Road. This use is permitted }order Section 17.16.012 J of the Zoning Ordinance and complies with the criteria serforth in the ordinance. Will the proposed use be compatible vith the uses in the surrounding area, and if so, why? The present use is compatible with the snrrrn lnd;ng area. The nrnnn'M nai is the same as the present use. Mill the grant of this conditional use permit be consistent with and in furtherance of the public health safety and general welfare? The granting of this conditional use permit will'be consistent with and the furtheran�g of the public health safety and general welfare, since the modified configuration ... .. .. . ... .... .. incorporates the requirements s8tforth in Se�tion17.16.012 J. JILING`PEE A filing tee must accompany the application. Make check payable to: THE CITY OF ROLLING RILLS I 1 HEARING DATE: TO: FROM: APPLICATION NO. SITE LOCATION: ZONING & SIZE: APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PUBLISHED: REQUEST O /eO/'/LflJ .J/d[S INCORPORATED JANUARY 24, 1957 NOVEMBER 17, 1992 PLANNING COMMISSION LOLA UNGAR, PRINCIPAL PLANNER NO. 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CALIF. 90274 (310) 377.1521 FAX: (310) 377.7288 ZONING CASE NO. 486 1 OPEN BRAND ROAD (LOT 116-B-EF) RAS-1, 0.781 ACRES DR. & MRS. JOHN EUGENE MR. FRANK BALOGH, EDWARD CARSON BEALL & ASSOCIATES NOVEMBER 7, 1992 Request for a Variance to exceed the maximum structural lot coverage, request for a Variance to exceed the maximum total lot coverage, request for a Variance to permit the addition of an attached single car garage in the front yard setback, request for a Variance to permit the construction of a retaining wall in the rear yard setback, request for a Variance to permit the addition of a spa and retaining walls in the side yard setback, request for a Variance to permit a dining room addition in the side yard setback, request for a Variance to permit a chimney in the side yard setback, and request for a Conditional Use Permit to permit the relocation of two existing driveways. BACKGROUND 1. On October 31, 1992, the Planning Commission visited the subject site and viewed a silhouette of the proposed garage, dining room, and breakfast area additions. 2. The applicants are requesting the following Variances: a. Exceed the maximum structural lot coverage; b. Exceed the maximum total lot coverage; c. Addition of an attached 220 square foot single car garage that will encroach up to 31 feet into the 50 foot front yard setback. d. Construction of 120 feet of retaining walls enclosing pool equipment that will not exceed 4.5 feet that will encroach up to 16 feet into the 50 foot rear yard setback. Printed on R yc `aper. ZONING CASE NO. 486 PAGE 2 e. Addition of a 70 square foot spa and 54 feet of retaining walls that will not exceed 4 feet that will encroach up to 10 feet into the 20 foot side yard setback. f. Addition of a 12 square foot chimney and 142 square foot dining room addition that will each encroach up to 2 feet into the 20 foot side yard setback. 3. The applicants also request a Conditional Use Permit to permit the relocation of two existing 10 foot wide (east) and 14 foot wide (west) driveways that are approximately 80 feet apart on the existing 308 foot frontage off Open Brand Road. The existing westernmost driveway is more than 140 feet from Eastfield Drive. The proposed driveways will each be 12 feet wide, with a 17 foot wide apron, and will be 100 feet apart. The westernmost driveway is proposed to be approximately 68 feet from the corner of Open Brand and Eastfield Drive. According to Section 17.16.012 of the Zoning Code, the minimum requirements for additional driveways have been met. Those requirements are: a. The subject driveway not be within 50 feet of a roadway intersection, b. The subject property has frontage on a maintained roadway of not less than 250 feet, and c. A minimum separation of 100 feet is maintained between driveways on the same property. 4. The applicants are also planning to add a 140 square foot breakfast area and 275 square feet of basement. (The latter is not calculated in structural square footage). 5. In 1969, previous owners were granted Variances to permit a portion of the garage 23 feet, instead of 50, feet from the rear easement line; the garage to be 23 feet and the stable to be 22 feet in the front yard, instead of 30 feet; and permission was granted to allow for construction of an animal shelter 5 feet from the attached garage, with the condition that no openable doors or, windows were permitted on the side of the garage adjacent to the shelter. 6. The 3,380 square foot house, 650 square foot attached garage and 725 square foot swimming pool were completed in 1973. 7. As seen on the Vicinity Map on page C-2 of the plans, many of the existing residences on Open Brand Road encroach into the front setback area from 10 to 40 feet. 8. Grading for the project site will require 12 cubic yards of cut soil and 12 cubic yards of fill soil. ZONING CASE NO. 486 PAGE 3 9. The existing structural lot coverage is 5,269 square feet or 20.4% and the existing total lot coverage is 11,003 square feet or 42.60. The structural lot coverage proposed is 5,921 square feet or 22.90 (20o permitted) and the total lot coverage proposed is 10,040 square feet or 38.80 (35o permitted). Within the past one near and ten months, staff has not come across anv zoning cases in which the maximum structural lot coverage, nor total lot coveraae maximum limits have been exceeded. Nor has anv such case been submitted for discretionary review. 10. The building pad calculated by the applicants totals 7,683 square feet and includes the existing structure that is encroaching up to 27 feet (garage area) into the front yard setback. The proposed building pad coverage is 75.70. Staff calculated the building pad, within current allowable setbacks, and determined a building pad size of 4,719 square feet and proposed building pad coverage of 123.4%. 11. Attached are the completed applications for the Variance and Conditional Use Permit requested by the applicants. 12. The project has been determined to be categorically exempt pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission review the proposed plans and take public testimony. • ,HI(ls 9 © �^ 0 ;- a ' 1a c� s. HEARING DATE: TO: FROM: APPLICATION NO. SITE LOCATION: ZONING & SIZE: APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PUBLISHED: REQUEST C1i� 0/ Ie0ft4 _,use, INCORPORATED JANUARY 24, 1957 NO. 2 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD ROLLING HILLS, CALIF. 90274 (310) 377-1521 FAX: (310) 377.7288 OCTOBER 20, 1992 PLANNING COMMISSION LOLA UNGAR, PRINCIPAL PLANNER ZONING CASE NO. 486 1 OPEN BRAND ROAD (LOT 116-B-EF) RAS-1, 0.781 ACRES DR. & MRS. JOHN EUGENE MR. FRANK BALOGH, EDWARD CARSON BEALL & ASSOCIATES OCTOBER 10, 1992 Request for a Variance to permit the addition of an attached single car garage in the front yard setback, request for a Variance to permit the construction of a retaining wall in the rear yard setback, request for a Variance to permit the addition of a spa and retaining walls in the side yard setback, request for a Variance to permit a dining room addition in the side yard setback, request for a Variance to permit a chimney in the side yard setback, and request for a Conditional Use Permit to permit the relocation of two existing driveways. BACKGROUND In reviewing the applicants' request under Title 17 (Zoning), staff would identify the following issues for evaluation: 1. The applicants are requesting the following Variances: a. Addition of an attached 220 square foot single car garage that will encroach up to 31 feet into the 50 foot front yard setback. b. Construction of 120 feet of retaining walls enclosing pool equipment that will not exceed 4.5 feet that will encroach up to 16 feet into the 50 foot rear yard setback. c. Addition of a 70 square foot spa and 54 feet of retaining walls that will not exceed 4 feet that will encroach up to 10 feet into the 20 foot side yard setback. d. Addition of a 12 square foot chimney and 142 square foot. dining room addition that will each encroach up to 2 feet into the 20 foot side yard setback. _ Printed on Recycle Paper. ZONING CASE NO. 486 PAGE 2 2. The applicants also request a Conditional Use Permit to permit the relocation of two existing 10 foot wide (east) and 14 foot wide (west) driveways that are approximately 80 feet apart on the existing 308 foot frontage off Open Brand Road. The existing westernmost driveway is more than 140 feet from Eastfield Drive. The proposed driveways will each be 12 feet wide, with a 17 foot wide apron, and will be 100 feet apart. The westernmost driveway is proposed to be approximately 68 feet from the corner of Open Brand and Eastfield Drive. According to Section 17.16.012 of the Zoning Code, the minimum requirements for additional driveways have been met. Those requirements are: a. The subject driveway not be within 50 feet of a roadway intersection, b. The subject property has frontage on a maintained roadway of not less than 250 feet, and c. A minimum separation of 100 feet is maintained between driveways on the same property. 3. The applicants are also planning to add a 140 square foot breakfast area and 275 square feet of basement. (The latter is not calculated in structural square footage). 4. Mr. William Dumble, adjacent neighbor at 3 Open Brand Road, reviewed the plans and expressed objection to the encroachments into the side yard setback. 5. In 1969, previous owners were granted Variances to permit a portion of the garage 23 feet, instead of 50, feet from the rear easement line; the garage to be 23 feet and the stable to be 22 feet in the front yard, instead of 30 feet; and permission was granted to allow for construction of an animal shelter 5 feet from the attached garage, with the condition that no openable doors or windows were permitted on the side of the garage adjacent to the shelter. 6. The 3,380 square foot house, 650 square foot attached garage and 725 square foot swimming pool were completed in 1973. 7. As seen on the Vicinity Map on page C-2 of the plans, many of the existing residences on Open Brand Road encroach into the front setback area from 10 to 40 feet. 8. Grading for the project site will require 12 cubic yards of cut soil and 12 cubic yards of fill soil. ZONING CASE NO. 486 PAGE 3 9. The existing structural lot coverage is 5,269 square feet or 20.4% and the existing total lot coverage is 11,003 square feet or 42.6%. The structural lot coverage proposed is 5,921 square feet or 22.9% (20% permitted) and the total lot coverage proposed is 10,040 square feet or 38.8% (35% permitted). 10. The building pad calculated by the applicants totals 7,683 square feet and includes the existing structure that is encroaching up to 27 feet (garage area) into the front yard setback. The proposed building pad coverage is 75.7%. Staff calculated the building pad, within current allowable setbacks, and determined a building pad size of 4,719 square feet and proposed building pad coverage of 123.4%. 11. The.project has been determined to be categorically exempt pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission review the proposed plans and take public testimony.