82, Construct SFR with garage, ani, ApplicationApplication for a) b) c) PLANNING COMMISSION CITY' OF ROLLING HILLS Change of Zoning Variance from Zoning Ordinance Conditional Use Permit The undersigned Jixdie ors. George R. Perkovle i Name 2422 Colt Road, San Pedro, California 9.07.32 Street Address City a) ire the owner(s) of b) has permission of the owner c) plaintiff Portion of Legal description of property situated at Parcel #116 Lot petitions mr, 1- 4 V1 q Telephone City of. RoU n _ lls Tract Sti: ee t Address Declaration of Eastfield Yard requirements as -a rear yard with for average of 45' depth and 15' min. depth I Such change is warranted because (state rea$ons)The area available far_hui1ding is not larger@hough a house with' value appropriate for the__neighhorpor7 - II Such change is based upon the following described exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions that do not apply generally to other property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. (state circumstances) The triangular shape & smallsize of the lot Make_staadarsilleguirements not applicable in the usual way. III Such change is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone because (state reasons) We wish to construct a residence of approximately 3500 sq. ft. suitable for family living and appropriate for the neighborhood. IV Such change will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone where property is located because existing topography & vegeta- tinn proirirle privacy required without usual distances necessary. Plot Plan MUST accompany the application and must show: a) the location of the (proposed) building on the property; and b) the area(s) for which the variance is requested; and c) the outside boundaries showing dimensions and easements. Applicant or a representative must appear at the hearing. Applications are considered at the regular meetings of the Planning which are held the fourth Tuesday oh cach month. Applications must to the Planning Commission Secretary no later than the first Monday monthin which • the hearing is to be held. A filing fee of $25000 must accompany the application; make check payable to THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS. (If additional space is needed, use reve se side of sheet.) Coiiuuis s ion, be submitte of the