82, Construct SFR with garage, ani, Resolutions & Approval Conditions• • BEFORE THE PLANNING, COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA In the Matter of the Application ) of ZONING CASE NO. 82 Judge George R. Perkovich ) Lot 116-B Eastfield Tract ) FINDING AND FORMAL REPORT The application of Judge George R. Perkovich, Lot 116-B, Eastfield Tract, for a variance of Uses Permitted under Section 3.01C, Front Yard Requirements under Section 3.06 and Rear Yard Requirements under Section 3.08, Article III of Ordinance No. 33 came on for hearing on the 15th of October, 1968 at the hour of 8:00 P.M. at the Administration Building of the City of Rolling Hills, California 4nd the applicant, having submit- ted evidence in support of his application, the Planning Commission, being advised, now makes its Findings and Formal Report as required by the Ordinances of the City of Rolling Hills, California. L The Commission finds that the applicant, Judge George R. Perkovich, is the owner of that certain real property described as Lot 116-B, East - field Tract, located in the City of Rolling Hills, California, and that notice of the public hearing in connection with said application was given as required by Sections 8.06 and 8.07 of Ordinance No. 33 of the City of Rolling Hills, California. 11. The Commission further finds that no person appeared at said public hearing in opposition to the application for variances, and that no evidence was received by the Commission in opposition thereto. 1110 The Commission further finds that the original plans submitted con- formed to Ordinance No. 33 of the City in all respects except for rear yard requirement of not less than 50 feet; plans submitted showed an average 30 foot rear yard with the garage located only 16 feet from the rear property line; however, the requirement for a 30 foot front yard was met. Because of the unusual shape of the lot, bordered almost equally by both Open Brand Road and Eastfield Drive, the Board of Directors of the • Rolling Hills Community Association. recommended that the garage be moved seven. feet closer to the front property line, so that in the garage area only there would be a 23 foot setback from both front and rear property lines. The rear yard would have a minimum depth of 23 feet, a maximum depth of 69 feet and an average depth of 30 feet; this, in addition to the 30 foot road easement would be acceptable. The Commission finds that an animal shelter is shown adjacent to the garage on, the plans approximately five feet from, the garage which is 35 feet wide, and the shelter would actually be 40 feet from the living area of the house; that said variance is granted subject to the express con- ditions that no additional living areas shall be constructed. upon the property nor be established. by converting the proposed. attached garage into any type of area for habitation; and upon the further condition that .no openable windows or doors shall be constructed or installed on the side of the garage immediately adjacent to the proposed animal shelter.. The Commission finds that granting of variances of rear yard require- ments under, Section 3.08, front yard. requirements under Section. 3.06 and uses permitted under Section 3.01C of Article III, Ordinance No, 33 will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare, nor injurious to property in, the same vicinity and zone and. the variance should be granted to applicant in order to preserve substantial property rights possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone. IV. From the foregoing it is concluded that the variances should be granted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rolling Hills to Judge George R. Perkovich, Lot 116-B, Eastfield Tract, in. accordance with the plot plan marked Exhibit I on file in these proceedings, and it is, therefore, so ordered. Dated November 7, 1968 ate. a - "ecretary, Planning C mission -2- Chairman, Planning Commission