11/9/1959MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA 9 November 1959 The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rolling Hills was held at 7:30 P.m. Monday, 9 November 1959, in the City Hall, The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Tourtelot, ROLL CALL Present:, Councilmen Goodman, Horn, Nielsen and Mayor Tourtelot Absent: Councilman Roach Also Present: City Clerk Gilbert Myers, Deputy City Clerk Phyllis Stockdale, City Attorney William Kinley, Messrs. George Fenn, James Elliott, Arthur Chase, John Whitehead, Fred Allen, Ralph Blakey and Dr. Arthur Sperry. MINUTES - MEETING OF 14 SEPTEMBER 1959 On motion of Councilman Horn, seconded by Councilman Nielsen and unanimously carried9 the minutes of the meeting held 14 September 1959 were approved as written. CORRESPONDENCE The City Clerk.read correspondence, as follows: a, letter dated November 59 1959 from Gabriel Allen of the Ocean Water Pipeline Corporation regarding conversion of saline water to potable water. The manager was instructed to request further information. b. letter dated November 5, 1959 from the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County regarding a meeting to be held Monday, 23 November, for the purpose of reviewing the County -wide rubbish removal program. "Mayor Tourtelot and Councilman Goodman were requested to represent the City at the meeting. It was then moved by Councilman Goodman that the representatives from the City of Rolling Hills be instructed to take a stand that any arrange- ment for trash collection be on a voluntary basis for each city rather than being financed out of the County General Fund. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nielsen and -unanimously carried. C. Resolutions from the Cities of South Gate and Montebello, protesting the elimination of the "Tax Rate Schedule" from the County tax bill and requesting the Board of Supervisors to cause same to be printed on all County tax bills, d. Notice of Inter -City Councilmen's Committee Meeting to be held November 19, 1959 at the Plush Horse Restaurant in Redondo Beach at 6:30 p.m. Councilman Goodman said that he had been attending the meetings but would be unable to be present on the nineteenth. He suggested that Councilman Nielsen represent the City at meetings of this group. e. letter dated October 27, 1959 from George D. Lyon, president of the'County of Los Angeles Committee on Aging, regarding services for senior citizens. Total to be paid from General Fund - $577,02 Demand No. 509 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department - $2,450.00 Total to be paid from In Lieu Fund - $2,450.00 FIRST READING .AND INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE N0. _ _ _. _ _2q_ Proposed Ordinance No. 29 entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Rolling Hills Amending Ordinance No. 16 of the City of Rolling Hills" was introduced by Councilman Horn who read the title thereof and moved that the reading of the ordinance in full be waived. The motion was seconded by Councilman Goodman and unanimously carried. .._.. .. _ ._ _..... .. .. .... ._SSION POSTPONEMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING OF PLANNING COIVTMI _ The City Clerk read a letter dated November 4,. 1959 written by Thomas M. Murphy, chairman of the Planning Commission of the City of Rolling Hills, which had been sent to all owners of property in the City, announcing that the public hearing on the proposed zoning ordinance scheduled for November 18, 1959 was postponed until further notice. The City Clerk further stated that the Planning Commission had requested comments and suggestions on the proposed ordinance and would continue its deliberations. f.. letter dated October 26, 1959 from Walter Hahn, administrative officer of the City of Inglewood, enclosing a draft of the Joint Powers Agreement which would provide for reciprocal use of various types of equipment owned by municipalities in the area. The City Manager -stated that this proposal evolved from a series of meetings of the South Bay City Managers' group. He further stated that he had discussed the matter with several City Managers who were agreeable to the participation of Rolling Hills in the Agreement, although we had no equipment with which to reciprocate. The City Attorney requested that the City's insurance carrier be consulted regarding the insurance aspects of such a program, and'the Manager was instructed to do so. CITY BILLS 4 . The City Manager presented the register of bills to be -'allowed. On motion of Councilman Nielsen, seconded by Councilman Horn, and on roll call vote by the City Clerk unanimously carried, Demands 502 through 508 were approved for payment from the General Fund andDemand509 was approved for payment from the In Lieu Fund, as follows: Demand No. 502 Palos Verdes Water Company $24.65 Demand No. 503 Pacific Telephone 13.21 Demand No. 504 City Copier Service 26.89 Demand No. 505 Los Angeles County Health Dept. 3.00 Demand No. 506 City of Inglewood 42.71 Demand No. 507 International Business Machines 444.61 Demand No. 508 Raymond M. Tong 21.95 Total to be paid from General Fund - $577,02 Demand No. 509 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department - $2,450.00 Total to be paid from In Lieu Fund - $2,450.00 FIRST READING .AND INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE N0. _ _ _. _ _2q_ Proposed Ordinance No. 29 entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Rolling Hills Amending Ordinance No. 16 of the City of Rolling Hills" was introduced by Councilman Horn who read the title thereof and moved that the reading of the ordinance in full be waived. The motion was seconded by Councilman Goodman and unanimously carried. .._.. .. _ ._ _..... .. .. .... ._SSION POSTPONEMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING OF PLANNING COIVTMI _ The City Clerk read a letter dated November 4,. 1959 written by Thomas M. Murphy, chairman of the Planning Commission of the City of Rolling Hills, which had been sent to all owners of property in the City, announcing that the public hearing on the proposed zoning ordinance scheduled for November 18, 1959 was postponed until further notice. The City Clerk further stated that the Planning Commission had requested comments and suggestions on the proposed ordinance and would continue its deliberations. 242 INTRODUCTION AND FIRST READING OF THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Councilman Goodman read the title of proposed Ordinance No. 30, "An Ordinance of the City of Rolling Hills Regulating and Controlling the Design and Improvement of Subdivisions and Other Divisions of 'Property", and moved that Section 5.01 thereof be amended. The motion was seconded by Councilman Horn and unanimously carried. Councilman Goodman then intro- duced the ordinance as amended and moved that the reading in full be waived. The motion was seconded by Councilman Horn and unanimously carried. Mr. James Elliott inquired if a public hearing would be held by the Council on this ordinance. The City Attorney stated that according to State Law the Council was not required to hold a public hearing on a subdivision ordinance but that any citizen could attend any of the Council meetings and participate in any discussion thereon. Mr. George Fenn stated that he believed an ordinance of such importance to the community should be given a great amount of public exposure prior to adoption. PALOS VERDES WATER COMPANY APPLICATION FOR RATE INCREASE The City Attorney reported that he had made an appoint- ment to discuss the rat6oincrease application with Mr. Stewart Warner of the Public Utilities Commission. He further stated that the Public Utilities Commission advised that it would make a thorough investigation of the Water Companyts figures. ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. U-18 - EXTENSION OF TIME FOR PREPARATION OF ZONING ORDINANCE Proposed Ordinance No. U-18 entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Rolling Hills Amending Ordinance No. U-10 of the City of Rolling Hills" was read in full by Councilman Goodman; Thereupon, on motion made by Councilman Goodman, seconded by Councilman Nielsen, and on roll call vote by the City Clerk, said Ordinance No. U-18 was unanimously adopted. Ordinance No. U-18 is set forth in full in the Book of Ordinances. ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. U-19 - EXTENSION OF INTERIM ZONING ORDINANCE Proposed Ordinance No. U-19 entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Rolling Hills Amending Ordinance No. U-11 of the City of Rolling Hills" was ' read in full by Councilman Horn. Thereupon, on motion made by Councilman Horn and seconded by Councilman Nielsen, said Ordinance No. U-19 was, on roll call vote by the City Clerk, unani- mously adopted. Ordinance No. U-19 is set forth in full in the Book of Ordinances. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was moved by Councilman Nielsen, seconded by Councilman -Horn and unanimously carried that the meeting be adjourned at 9:10 p.m. 03 ; 5'. . City Clerk.- APPROVED: