4/12/1993MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA APRIL 12,,1993 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rolling Hills was called to order by Mayor Swanson at 7:34 P.M. on Monday, April 12, 1993 in the City Council Chambers at the City Hall/Administration Building, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Heinsheimer, Leeuwenburgh, Pernell and Mayor Swanson. Councilmembers Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Murdock (excused due to illness). Others Present: Craig R. Nealis, City Manager. Larry Courtright, City Treasurer. Lola Ungar, Principal Planner. Marilyn Kern, Deputy City Clerk. Hershel Clady, Assistant Fire Chief, County of Los Angeles Fire Department. Lt. Peavy, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Lomita Station. CONSENT CALENDAR Matters which may be acted upon by the City Council in a single motion. Any Council member may request removal of any item from the Consent Calendar causing it to be considered under Council Actions. a. Minutes - Meeting of March 22, 1993. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. b. Payment of Bills. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. C. Report regarding specific expenses in the City Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. d. Correspondence from County of Los Angeles Fire Department regarding impact of the State's proposal to takeaway AB 8 revenues. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. e. Correspondence from Assemblywoman Betty Karnette regarding Governor Wilson's proposed budget. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. f. Correspondence from the Coachella Valley Joint Powers Insurance Authority urging the passing of workers compensation reform. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. g. Third Quarterly Report from Peninsula Landscaping. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. h. Correspondence from Mayor Susan Brooks of Rancho Palos Verdes regarding support for SB 303. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. Councilmember Pernell moved approval of the recommendations contained in the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Leeuwenburgh seconded the motion which carried 4-0-1. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS A. PRESENTATION TO CONGRESSWOMAN JANE HARMAN. Mayor Swanson presented a plaque for the office of Congresswoman Jane Harman. Accepting of her behalf was Ron Stone, Legislative Assistant. Minutes City Council Meeting 4-12-93 _1_ B. PRESENTATION TO SENATOR ROBERT BEVERLY. Mayor Swanson presented a plaque for the office of Senator Robert Beverly. Accepting on his behalf was Tom Martin, Legislative Assistant. C. PRESENTATION TO ASSEMBLYWOMAN BETTY KARNETTE. Mayor Swanson presented a plaque for the office of Assemblywoman Betty Karnette. Accepting on her behalf was Chuck Taylor, Field Representative. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS None. TRAFFIC COMMISSION ITEMS A. ORDINANCE NO. 243. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS PROHIBITING THE USE OF SKATEBOARDS AND SIMILAR SELF- PROPELLED DEVICES ON HIGHWAYS, AND AMENDING THE ROLLING HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE. City Manager Nealis presented the staff report. Councilmember/Traffic Commission Chair Leeuwenburgh explained that there have been numerous complaints about dangerous skateboarding on Eastfield Drive and Portuguese Bend Road. Mayor Swanson then entertained a motion to introduce Ordinance No. 243. The motion that Ordinance No. 243 be introduced was made by Councilmember Pernell and seconded by Councilmember Leeuwenburgh. Discussion then ensued regarding this Ordinance. Councilmember Heinsheimer expressed his concerns regarding this Ordinance and asked that staff report on how neighboring cities handle this. He also expressed his concern that young people do not have much recreation in the City and expressed the thought that the prohibition be limited to major roadways. 1 During further discussion, Council addressed the types of penalties relative to this type of activity and how it is enforced by the Sheriff's Department. Councilmember Pernell suggested that staff investigate accidents involving skateboards within the City. Mayor Swanson suggested that during the staff investigations of other cities, that roller blades should be included. I Hearing no objection, Mayor Swanson ordered that Ordinance No. 243 prohibiting the use of skateboards and similar self-propelled devices on highways and amending the Rolling Hills Municipal Code be introduced. Staff was directed to return this Ordinance for Council consideration with information regarding how neighboring cities have handled this type of situation, with research on accident incidents involving self-propelled devices within the City. PUBLIC HEARINGS -CONTINUED A. ORDINANCE NO. 239: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ADOPTING THE 1993 ZONING ORDINANCE AS AMENDED. City Manager Nealis presented the staff report. Mayor Swanson then opened the Continued Public Hearing and called for testimony. • Mr. Jerry Enright, 3465 Torrance Blvd., speaking on behalf of resident Herb Agid, directed Councils attention to the wording on page 3 of Ordinance 239, G.1 relating to storage of vehicles. He commented that it appears that three of each type of vehicle could be stored. He suggested that the wording "aggregate total' be used. City Manager Nealis thanked Mr. Enright for his comments and related to those in attendance that staff has recommended that this section of the Ordinance be deleted. Discussion on Ordinance 239 ensued regarding wording in the Site Plan Review Section relative to the size of building or structures requiring Site Plan Review. Councilmember Pernell suggested that it was Council's intent that Site Plan Review would only be triggered when the size of the building or structure is over 1000 square feet. Councilmember Pernell also expressed his concerns Minutes City Council Meeting 4-12-93 -2-