5/22/1995MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA MAY 22,1995 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rolling Hills was called to order by Mayor Pernell at 7:30 p.m., in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Heinsheimer, Hill, Mayor Pro Tem Murdock and Mayor Pernell. Councilmembers Absent: Lay (excused). Others Present: Craig R. Nealis, City Manager. Michael Jenkins, City Attorney. Lola Ungar, Principal Planner. Captain Beth Dickinson, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Lomita Station. CONSENT CALENDAR Matters which may be acted upon by the City Council in a single motion. Any Councilmember may request removal of any item from the Consent Calendar causing it to be considered under Council Actions. a. Minutes - Regular Meeting of May 8, 1995. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. b. Payment of Bills. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. C. Financial Statement for the month of April, 1995. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. d. Southern California Edison Notice of Filing --Possible Revenue Increase Due to Construction of Transmission Line to Serve Independent Power Producers (Application No. 89-03-026). RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. e. Southern California Edison Notice of Filing Application --Proposed Revenue Increase Due to 1995 Demand -Side Management Earnings Claim (Application No. 95-04-038). RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. f. Southern California Gas Company Notice to Customers of Proposed Rate Increase (Application No. 95-04-050). RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. g. Status report regarding Senate Bill No. 1073 (Costa), Senate Bill No. 936 (Campbell) and Senate Bill No. 11 (Ayala). RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. h. Correspondence from Browning-Ferris Industries regarding recovered recyclable material. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. Mayor Pro Tem Murdock requested that item 3-d be removed from the Consent Calendar for further clarification. Councilmember Heinsheimer moved that the City Council approve the remaining recommendations contained in the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Hill seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Staff was directed to obtain further clarification from Southern California Edison relative to their Notice of Filing --Possible Revenue Increase Due to Construction of Transmission Line to Serve Independent Power Producers (Application No. 89-03-026). Minutes City Council Meeting 5/22/95 -1- PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS RESOLUTION NO. 95-7: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS APPROVING A MODIFICATION TO PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 94-23 AND GRANTING SITE PLAN REVIEW APPROVAL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE IN ZONING CASE NO. 516A. MR. AND MRS. DAVID TABAH, 12 OUTRIDER ROAD (LOT 74 -EF) City Manager Nealis presented the staff report outlining Planning Commission action relative to Zoning Case No. 516A. Hearing no discussion, Mayor Pernell called for a motion. Councilmember Heinsheimer moved that the City Council receive and file Resolution No. 95-7. Mayor Pro Tem Murdock seconded the motion which carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 95-9: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS APPROVING A REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A RIDING RING AND APPROVING A REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW STABLE AND CORRAL THAT REQUIRES GRADING IN ZONING CASE NO. 525. MR. AND MRS. GARY FOURNIER, 30 CREST ROAD EAST (LOT 57 -D -MS) City Manager Nealis presented the staff report outlining Planning Commission action relative to Zoning Case 525. Councilmember Heinsheimer stated that he will abstain from consideration of Zoning Case No. 525 since his wife is an employee a firm that is involved in this project. Hearing no further discussion, Mayor Pernell called for a motion. Mayor Pro Tem Murdock moved that the City Council receive and file Resolution No. 95- 9. Councilmember Hill seconded the motion which carried unanimously (Councilmember Heinsheimer abstained). TRAFFIC COMMISSION ITEMS None. PUBLIC HEARINGS - Continued PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 252: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS REQUIRING VEHICULAR ACCESS TO STABLES AND BARNS AND AMENDING TITLE 17 OF THE ROLLING HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE. (FIRST READING AND INTRODUCTION) City Manager Nealis presented the staff report which responds to the concerns raised at the May 8, 1995, public hearing. City Manager Nealis pointed out that two alternatives to the proposed Ordinance are included with the agenda materials and that a chart has been prepared by staff comparing the two versions of the Ordinance. Mayor Pernell opened the public hearing and called for testimony. • Mr. Bert Balch, 6 Hackamore Road, queried the Council on various sections of the Municipal Code relative to stables and corrals and motorized vehicles on Rolling Hills Community Association easements. Mr. Balch stated his concern that the proposed Ordinance will prohibit him and possibly other property owners in the City from building or making improvements to stables and barns. In response to Mr. Balch, Mayor Pernell explained that easements are under the jurisdiction of the Rolling Hills Community Association and cannot be regulated by the City Council. City Manager Nealis stated that he received a verbal response from the Manager of the Rolling Hills Community Association indicating that the Association allows access to properties through easements, but not from multiple easements, for example, through a canyon and rejoining a street from an adjoining property easement. Councilmember Hill explained that the Association Manager further explained to him that, in such cases, the Association may be sympathetic to equestrian problems, should a hardship be shown. Minutes City Council Meeting 5/22/95 -2- 1 Councilmembers discussed that Alternative Version 1 makes clear that the vehicular access requirements would apply to any stable or corral that is constructed whether or not that construction was in connection with a Site Plan Review application and that Alternative Version 2 does not requ re%a'? new`,`stable and corral to have a vehicular accessway in compliance with the new standards unless the property is otherwise subject to a Site Plan Review application in connection with additional construction. The City Council discussed various aspects of the proposed Ordinance and its impact on horsekeeping properties in the City. Councilmembers also discussed its compatibility with the Rolling Hills Community Association's Building Regulations. . Hearing no further discussion, Mayor Pernell closed the public hearing and called for a motion. Councilmember Heinsheimer moved that the City Council waive further reading and introduce Version No. 2 of Ordinance No. 252. Mayor Pro Tem Murdock seconded the motion. Mayor Pro Tem Murdock stated that she would rather see this Ordinance pertain to all barns and stables in the City. City Attorney Jenkins suggested that a flyer be prepared to notify land use applicants about the access requirements in the proposed Ordinance. Councilmembers concurred and staff was directed to prepare such a flyer. After discussion, the motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Hill, Mayor Pro Tem Murdock and Mayor Pernell. NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilmember Lay. ABSTAIN: None. OPEN AGENDA - APPROXIMATELY 8:00 P.M. - PUBLIC COMMENT WELCOME None. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. OLD BUSINESS RESOLUTION NO. 761: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 22334, SUBDIVISION NO. 83, A REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE A 6.16 ACRE EXISTING LOT THAT HAS ONE RESIDENTIAL UNIT INTO 2 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS FRONTING THE EAST SIDE OF PINE TREE LANE IN ZONING CASE NO. 449A. DR. AND MRS. ROBERT SMITH, 7 PINE TREE LANE (LOT 86-RH) City Manager Nealis presented the staff report. Hearing no discussion, Mayor Pernell called for a motion. Mayor Pro Tem Murdock moved that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 761. Councilmember Heinsheimer seconded the motion which carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Hill, Mayor Pro Tem Murdock and Mayor Pernell. NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilmember Lay. ABSTAIN: None. Minutes City Council Meeting 5/22/95 -3- CONSIDERATION OF 1995-96 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS. City Manager Nealis presented the staff report and reported that a worksheet prepared by Mayor Pernell has been placed before each Councilmember. Mayor Pernell announced the following Committee Assignments: California Contract Cities Association, Lay -Delegate, Pernell-Alternate; Southern California Association of Governments, Pernell-Delegate, Lay -Alternate; Los Angeles County Sanitation District No. 5, Pernell-Delegate, Murdock -Alternate; League of California Cities, Lay -Delegate, Hill - Alternate; City Selection Committee (LOCC), Heinsheimer-Delegate, Murdock -Alternate; South Bay Cities Association of Governments, Hill -Delegate, Heinsheimer-Alternate; Vector Control District Representative, Mrs. Ginny Leeuwenburgh; Peninsula Regional Law Enforcement Committee, Pernell/Murdock-Delegates; South Bay Juvenile Diversion Hill/Heinsheimer-Delegates; Peninsula Cities Mayors' Committee, Pernell-Delegate, Murdock -Alternate; Peninsula Geotechnical Task Force, Heinsheimer/Hill-Delegates; West Basin Water Association, Lay -Delegate, Heinsheimer-Alternate; Personnel Subcommittee, Lay/Murdock; Finance/Budget Subcommittee, Heinsheimer/Lay; City/School Liaison, Murdock; Planning Commission Liaison, Heinsheimer; Emergency Services/Disaster Preparedness Committee, Heinsheimer/Hill; Tennis Club Liaison, Pernell; Caballeros Liaison, Lay; Wildlife Preservation Committee Liaison, Hill; Insurance Committee, Pernell; Women's Community Club Liaison, Murdock; Traffic Commission, Hill; Solid Waste/Recycling Subcommittee, Hill/Lay; and City/ Association Liaison, Murdock. NEW BUSINESS ORDINANCE NO. 253: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ESTABLISHING TERMS OF OFFICE FOR MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. City Manager Nealis presented the staff report. Hearing no discussion, Mayor Pernell called for a motion. Councilmember Heinsheimer moved that the City Council waive further reading and introduce Ordinance No. 253. Mayor Pro Tem Murdock seconded the motion which carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF THE GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. RESOLUTION NO. 762: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ADOPTING THE GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS AND THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. City Manager Nealis presented the staff report. In response to Mayor Pernell, City Manager Nealis reported that information regarding the Liability Trust Fund as been added which is in compliance with the Liability Joint Indemnity Agreement that the City currently operates under for law enforcement services. City Attorney Jenkins reported that he has reviewed the Agreement. Hearing no further discussion, Mayor Pernell called for a motion. Councilmember Heinsheimer moved that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 762. Mayor Pro Tem Murdock seconded the motion which carried unanimously. MATTERS FROM MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL • Mayor Pernell reported on his attendance at the California Contract Cities Annual Seminar and the Los Angeles County Sanitation District Board of Directors Meeting. • Mayor Pernell suggested that a volunteer recognition event be established. Minutes City Council Meeting 5/22/95 -4- MATTERS FROM STAFFu n4 _ gas • Captain Beth Dickinson, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, reported on an upcoming City Councilmember Academy being sponsored by the Department. • City Manager Nealis reported on the State Budget, the Disaster Preparedness Committee Meeting, the First Annual Caballeros Horse Fair and Dedication of the Native Plant Demonstration Garden. City Manager Nealis also reported that the Wildlife Preservation Committee will host the first in a series of Wildlife Awareness Meetings on Thursday, May 25, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. RECESS Mayor Pernell announced that the City Council would recess for five minutes and reconvene in closed session. CLOSED SESSION LABOR NEGOTIATIONS G.C. 54957.6 Title: City Manager At 8:30 p.m., a closed session of the City Council was conducted for the purpose of discussing the sixth amendment to the City Manager Employment Agreement. RECONVENE Mayor Pernell reconvened the meeting at 8:55 p.m. and stated that no action was taken in closed session. MATTERS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY CONSIDERATION OF SIXTH AMENDMENT TO THE CITY MANAGER EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT. Councilmember Heinsheimer moved that the City Council approve the sixth amendment to the City Manager Employment Agreement as amended. Councilmember Hill seconded the motion which carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Hill, Mayor Pro Tem Murdock and Mayor Pernell. NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilmember Lay. ABSTAIN: None. ADTOURNMENT Hearing no further business before the City Council, Mayor Pernell adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m., to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council to be held on Monday, June 12, 1995, in the City Council Chambers, at City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn L. Kern Deputy City Clerk Anvrove Pernell, P.D.S. Mayor Minutes City Council Meeting 5/22/95 -5-