11/13/1962U. 41 - MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE GITy COUNCIL OF TM CITE?'.: OF ' ROLL:ING HILLS , CALIFORNIA November -13,. 1962 The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rolling. Hills' was called to. order 'by -Mayor O'Flaherty. at 7: 30 P -.M. , November 13, - 1962 . in. the City --H411. Present- C.oun-cilmen.' Goodman, Tourtelot,. Ilan Note. and Mayor O'Flaherty -Absent- Councilman Amberg Others . Present- City- Cl.efk --Phyllis Stockdale City -Secretary. -.Dana York City AttorneyWil.l..iam Kinley City Treasurer Marion Welch, ..Lt . - J N. Hamilton Chief B." Robinson Ronald �Iunter B, D young -Walter Kessenick Edward Pearson .Mrs.. Clark. Jackson Mr and. Mrs.. Earl Myers .Dro H. H. Eshelman APPROVAL: OF -MINUTES On motion of Councilman Goodman, seconded by -Councilman -Van Note and unanimously-carried,.the minutes.of the meetings held October 8., 11 and. 19,, 1962 wereapproved as written. CORRESPONDENCE The City. -Clerk read the following- .a) Letter:from County -Boundary Commission regarding,proposed annexation.-. "lomita:..Flight. Strip" to. the City of-tortance . The -letter -was received and ordered..filed., b). Letter from Allan -F., Bullard, Attorney, suggesting that the City. Council. give consideration .to establishing a "traffic signal to be operative at:least.durin.g peaA.traffic times.in the morning and evening at .the intersection of Crenshaw and Palos 'Verdes Drive forth. Following discussion the Mayor- agreed to write a.letter to- Mr. Bullard anal .explain. that, the installation of a- traffi signal at the intersection. of ,Crenshaw and Palos Verdes -Drive North would,.be out of the City's jurisdiction and suggest that the matter be taken. up with .the City of Rolling Hills- Estates. 9�. November.'.13, 1962 C) setter from County.. Boundary Commission- regardrrg. proposed annexAtion: No. 10 to. the City of :Palos Verdes E'st'ates. The letter was received and ordered filed. d) Letter from County Health--Department.establishing,Skunk Rabies Quarantine. -The let -ter was.received and ordered filed. e).Letter from:County Auditor -Controller -requesting cancellation of erroneous assessments on property located at 38. Saddleback Road. It was thereupon.moved by Councilman Van Note, seconded by -Councilman Goodman and -unanimously -carried that the City -Attorney -be -authorized to execute said 119 cancellation form. V O f).Letter from City of Hawthorne urging the City -to adopt a.Resolution requiring manufacturers.,of model glue to cls remove harmful.elements to_discourage glue sniffing. The letter was received and ordered filed. g) Letter.from Regional Planning Commission,regarding:Zone exception case No. 6514(4) - Palos Verdes -Water Company property located at Palos Ver -des Drive East.and.Crownview Drive.. °The•letter was received andordered filed. -h) Audit Report for fiscal year 1961-62.and.proposa.1 from Cotton &-:Francisco for auditing, City. Books and Accounts - for fiscal- year 'beginning.. July:;. l', 1962 and ending ..June . 30, 1963. Following discussion -both items were ordered tabled until .next meeting . APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE MAP -OF SUBDIVISION OF LOT 175B -MS - -DR H.. -.H. : E SHELMAN , OWNER. The City Clerk read a,letter.from the Planning.Commission „recommending that the tent tive-map of subdivision.of. Lot 175B -MS, being Subdivision No 11, owned by -Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Eshelman, be approved. .Thereafter. -it was.moved by. Councilman Van Note,:seconded by -Councilman Tourtelot and unanimously carried that.the tentative map, of subdivision.of Lot 175B -MS, owned by, -Dr. H. -H. Eshelman, be approved, upon the condition -.that the subdivider comply with the .requirements as set forth in the letter from Los Angeles.County Engineer, dated August 31, 1962. REQUEST-FOR-MODIFICATIORi.-OF SUBDIVISION :ORDINANCE RE TENTATIVE MAP OF SUBDIVISION OF LOT 192E -MS, EARL.MYERS, OWNER The members of the City-Council.were presented with copies of Findings and.Formal report.from Rolling Hills Planning. Commission recommending, approval of application•.of' Earl G .and- Lottie D. Myers, for modification .of the requirements o.f .Sec 5o04(a) and 5.04(b) of Ordinance 320 a 9 T November -13, 1962 .,Following discussion it -was the consensus of the -Council .that Ordinance No. 32 beamendedrather than granting -.a modi-fication, and that the :City. .Attorney: -be. -instructed .to- prepare an amendment' to said Ordinance. Thereafter....it was moved by, Councilman Goodman,.seconded by Councilman Tourtelot and unanimously carried that -with the consent of Mr. and-Mrp. Myers, the matter-be'continued until-the.next regular -meeting, on November '26 1962. ,The consentofMr. and Mr.s.-Myers.-to.the continuance of. the above was audibly given. PRESENTATION OF SAFETY AWARD Mr. ;Rpnald D. Hunter,, Safety -Representative, State Compensation Insurdnce-Fun -.#2 -presented the Mayor with a::Safety.Award for having no disabling .injuries, July, -1,..196.1 to June 30,. 1962. DEVELOPMENT.OF LAND ADJACENT TOGATEHOUSES AND THREE -LANE GATE AT-EASTFIELD The .*City -Manager stated that she -had contacted r. Peter Koltnow, Traffic Engineer,.Southern-California.Automobile lub, in -regard to the feasibility of a -three -lane gate at.Eastfield and that Mr. Koltnow has offered to meet with the Road Chairman and a member of th.e.Council to -discuss same.! ..It was agreed that -Mr.•B.-D. Young; Road. Chairman, Mayor O'Flahetty and the City Manager wouldmeetwitli-Mr.-Koltnowi and would present a plan and cost 'estimate to -the Cotin6il at a -later- date. . i I RESOLUTION NO 152 On motion by- Councilman -Goodman, : seconded .by,,-Coun'cilman Tourtelot, Be -solution No. 152,entitled, "A Resolutiin o of the City Council of the City -of Rolling Ijill.f reqVia'sting.the"Board.of Supervisors of Los Angeles County to Order.. -the Can6ell.ation-.of'All',Current-and Delinquent Taxes and Assessment LiOns on Certain--Property.Acquired by-the.City.-bf Rolling Hills", was adopted by.the wi follong vote: following .AYES: Councilmen Goodman.-Tourtelot,-Van Note and Mayor O'Flaherty N,,OES., None 4BSENT: Councilman Amberg Resolution No..152 is get.forth in.full in -the Bookof Resolutions. The City -Clerk was directed to forward a ceAified-copy..to the County Board of Supervisors. November 13, 1962 PROPOSED ORDXNANCES FOR WATER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS -IN CITY -OF ROLLING HILLS The matter was ordered tabled. CIVIL DEFENSE The Manager read a letter from Governor Edmund G. Brown urging the City to review current Civil Defense plans. Following discussion. it was agreed -that Phyllis.Stockdale, Civil Defense Director, would meet with Deputy Sampson, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, to discuss disaster plans. REPORT 'ON 'PUBLIC, DEPARTMENTS The Gity-Clerk submitted the following reports from Public departments-. ..(a) Traffic Accident -Summary reports -from tos Angel.es.County.-Sheriff's department for the months, August, September and October, 1962,,(b) Rolling Hills.Criminal report O for September, 1962, (c).Los.Angeles County. -Pound department quarterly re for first Q y ort p quarter of 1962®63 fiscal. -year. Lt.;J. N. Hamilton, L A. County -Sheriff's Department, read a report citing- number of major criminal- offences tor- the - month of September, 1962 and, Radar traffic -enforcement during the month of October,.19620. All of the above reports were received and ordered filed. CITY: TREASURERS REF ORT The report of the City. -Treasurer for the month's of August, September anal October, 1962 was submitted. .The balance in the General Fund as of August 31, 1962 was.$27,710.18; Motor Vehicle In—Lieu—Fund, $13,002.59,:including $11,915.04 in U.S. Treasury-Bills;Traffic-Safety-Fund, $141°33 and Special.Deposits - Vund, .$3,613.29. ... Tb.e..bala.n.,ca...a,n—the Genera1.:Xun.d, was. $.19,.055...42.; :Motor Vehicle In Lieu..,.Fund,13. ,..002...5`9,.. ncludii ........... $. $1.1:,915004. �n-U. S. Treasury Bills; Traffic. Safety- Fund, $.$'141 33; � pecial Deposits Fund $3,443070,, N r The balance in.. the General' Fund as .of� �Oc'tiobi r' 31, 1962 Was $1;8,454.60; -Motor Vehicle In -Lieu Fund, $13,002.59, including 11.,915.04 U.. S. Treasury Bills;. Traffic Safety Fund;$255.39 and ,Opecial Deposits -Fund, $3,443.70.. 93 'On motion. of Councilman Tourtelot, seconded by Councilman Goodman and,un.animously carried the City Treasurer's monthly reports for August, September and October, 1962, were accepted and ordered filed. 1 No�ei�ber -I3.� 1962 CE. LC R" APP`®INT1►�N'i OF FI�YAN-- ... �'PRO TE TORE ... .. . . It; was moved by: Councilman Goodman.,_ seconded by Councilman Wn-Note and unanimously.carried that Councilman Tourtelot be appointed- as Finance Officer Pro. Tampore in the. absence -of Councilman: Amberg;* PAYMENT OF`13ILLS The City. -Clerk., presented the register ,of bills; to be allowed -. fo.r payment o . It was . moved by- Councilman. Goodman . that .Demands 1229. through. 1239- be approved ..for payment, Froin -,the General Fut�dd The, motion was . secondedby-:CouucUman' Vast No:te� and carried. by. the following -uoteo AYES > Councilmen: Gcodman,..Tout slot, : Van=.Note., Ntayor O'Flaher t -y .NOES: one ABSENT:, Councilman Amberg D EMAND. N4 MSCRI.PTION AMOUNT 1229 Lobo ICounty j1ealth,.Dept .Enf of Loca-1Ord. 1,00 1230 u iit'r-Controller, - L .A . .Commission .:- Secured and County insecured Property.: Taxes Collected 1;,7 14 1231 Palo's Verdes Newspaper 'Legal.,Notice 2726 5:8 1232 Flad Stationery MisOffice Supplies e 4.g�g1 1233; Catton .& Francisco Audit July 1,1961- to June 301 1962 250 .1244 Pacific Telephone Eastfield Gate 140{}6 1.235 District.Attorney, L eA a County. Legal Sem ces 2 e 34 , 1236: So .Calif Gas ":Co " Gas -City,- Ball.. I1.Q4 1237 Gnera3 Telephone T' le, Hall 44:11 12.38 Siete` Eppi , Retirement Basic- Assessment Current Year 2 k 00 123:9 Rolling., IjiLls. Community Association Gate.' Opetation.' ' _ . 7 .U9 0 38 $8,144!$1 PURCHASE. OF_ LANA; ADJACENT TO .GATEHPUSES !' F.Qll wing a discussion regarding purchase of Land. adjacent to. atehouses, 't. was. thereupon .moved.'by.-Councilman Goodman, . s'econded y Countllari 'iciurtelat and unanirncuslY carried: that the, City Attorney be dire c i` t'.: prepare the necessary resolution. to 6.0 Once,. proceedings or te:.coniemntion .of the parcel of .land immediately across the.. stree`, frcn the City Hall and .that he be authorized to secure `from:'the Title Insurance and Test .Company. the mecesaa7:y legal description .of sa property and a:condemnation.policy. November 13, 1962 It was further moved by Councilman Goodman, seconded by Councilman Tourtelot and unanimously carried that the City Manager and City Attorney be instructed to secure an appraisal of said real property and to expend not more than the sum of $1,000, for said services. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE REQUIRING SUBDIVIDER TO.SHOW PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF MAP OF CITY The matter was ordered tabled. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was moved by Councilman Tourtelot, seconded by Councilman Goodman and unanimously carried that the meeting be adjourned at 10:00 P.M. APPROVED: 1 MAYOR I CITY CLERK