2023-07-21_Spcl_Newsletter_CCEtchingEvent “Deputies often come across thieves in possession of catalytic converters which have not been etched, making them virtually untraceable. Catalytic converter etching events afford law enforcement agencies the opportunity to prosecute thieves and curb the costly problem. The Toyota Prius is often targeted by thieves, with catalytic converter replacement cost around $2,000,” Lt. Michael A. White, Acting Captain of the Lomita Sheriff’s Station Further questions or requests for information should be directed to Public Safety Administrative Analyst Shaunna Hunter at 310-544-5305 or shunter@rpvca.gov. For additional information, contact the Lomita Sheriff’s Station at 310-539-1661. COMMUNAL GREEN WASTE BINS AVAILABLE FOR ALL RESIDENTS AUGUST 4-12, 2023 The City will hold its 5th Communal Bin Event at the five locations below. The Communal Bin events are rotated throughout the community to encourage residents to remove excess vegetation and conduct fire abatement activities from their properties. Communal bins locations: 1. Crest Road East at or near 23 Crest Road East on the southwest side of the street. 2. Caballeros Road at the intersection of Crest Road E. on the east side of the street. 3. Eastfield at the corner of Open Brand Road (after the mail box of 79/81) after the Stop sign. 4. Chuckwagon Road next to Upper Willow Spring Trail. 5. Eastfield Drive right after the intersection of Chuckwagon Road across the street from 28 Eastfield on the west side of the street. Please follow these directions to participate in this free program:  Place all green waste inside the bins. Do not over fill.  Do not leave any debris outside the bins.  Piles need to be kept free of rocks and dirt.  Do not dump non-green waste materials.  Do not dump construction materials. Contact John Signo, Planning & Community Services Director, at jsigno@cityofrh.net or (310) 377- 1521 if you have any questions about using or placement of these bins.