2/13/1957MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rolling "Hills was held -at 7:30 .0,m. Wednesday,. 13 February 1957, in the City Hall of the City of Rolling Hills, The meeting was called to order at 7:30 by Mayor pro tempbre.Goodman. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Allan F. Bullard, James L. Elliott, Lawrence M. Weitzel . Councilman -elect Fred I. Tourtelot" and Mayor pro tempore Owen F. Goodman Also Present: (City Clerk Gilbert Myers, -City Attorney William Kinley, Mr. John Knezevich and: Mr. James Friend. SWEARING IN COUNCILMAN TOURTELOT The City Clerk administered the oath of office to Mr. Tourtelot and declared him a Councilman of the City of Rolling Hills. MINUTES The minutes of the first meeting of the City Council held 24 -January -1957 were read by the City Clerk. It was moved, seconded, and carried that the minutes be approved. COUNTY CONTRACTS Under cover of the County Clerkts letter of 6 February 1957, signed copies of City contracts with the County were received as follows: 210-I Assessment and Collection of Taxes 211-I Building Services, County Engineer 212-I Enforcement City Ordinances by Sheriff 213-I Preservation of Rights '214-I General Services 2571-L Ambulance Services 1670-H. Health. Department Inspections 1857=A County Jail Services CITY NAME The similarity of names of the City of Rolling. Hills and the proposed City of Rolling Hills Estates was discussed at,considerable length.' TI CORPORATE SEAL Mayor pro tempore Goodman agreed to investigate the matter of a design -for and the procurement of a seal for the City. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Councilman Bullard reported on the matter of joining the League of California Cities. The Mayor pro tempore noted that a representative of the -League would be present at the Council meeting 25 February. Further consideration was postponed until that time. POST OFFICE The matter of costs to the Rolling Hills Community Association of the present rural substation at Rolling Hills of the Palos Verdes Post Office was discussed. The matter of procurement of a fourth class post office for the new City of Rolling Hills came up for consideration. The Mayor pro tempore agreed to investigate the matter further. RANCHO MUTUAL WATER COMPANY The matter of leaky mains and inadequate water service was discussed and considered to be a matter for the Rolling Hills Community Association. FRANCHISES FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES The City Clerk reported that the managers of the Southern California Gas and Southern Counties Gas Companies had called upon him. He furnished them with boundaries of the new City and indicated that the gas companies had inquired about the matter of franchises. No action was taken. ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. U-4 Councilman Tourtelot read in full proposed Ordinance No. U-4 entitled "An Ordinance Prohibiting the Discharge of Firearms in the City of Rolling Hills, California." This proposed Ordinance was recommended for adoption by the City Attorney. After discussion, on motion made and seconded, said proposed ordinance was, on roll call vote by the City Clerk.,, unanimously adopted. Said Ordinance No. U-4 is set forth in full in the Book of Ordinances. LOW-FLYING AIRCRAFT A proposed ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Regulating the Distance from the Ground that Aircraft May Fly" was read in full by Mayor pro tempore Goodman. After considerable discussion it was laid over until the next meeting. Councilman Elliott was asked to study and report further upon the matter. PARKING Mr. Kinle7 was asked to draw an ordinance to cover the matter of 'parking" and attendant activities. VEHICLES ON PRIVATE ROADS The Mayor pro tempore read the present County Ordinance regarding vehicles on private roads. After some discussion Councilman Bullard was requested to investigate and report further upon the matter. GAS TAX MONEY The City Clerk presented a letter from the Department of Public Works, State -of California, reporting that based upon a'population of 2,136 the estimated gas tax revenue under Section 2107 for the City of Rolling Hills would be $1,450.00 for the fiscal year ending 30 June 1957 and for the -next fiscal year would be $6,450.00. The estimated gas tax revenue under Section 2107.5, engineering funds for expenditure on city.streets, will be $250.00 for the fiscal year ending 30 June 1.957 and $1,000.00 for the year ending 30 June 1958• POPULATION The Figure of 2,136 population estimated by the State of California for gas tax revenue purposes was considered to be a proper number for us to use. DR. KEYSI ROAD Mr. James Friend entered at this time and heard the discussion regarding the access road between Dr. Keyst and Dr. Greenhut's property to serve properties beyond. It appears that this road in crossing a canyon may constitute an obstruction to the natural flow of water. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. City Attorney Kinley read in full proposed Ordinance No., U-5 entitled 'An Ordinance of the City of Rolling Hills, California Projiibiting the Damming of Natural Flow of Water." This proposed ordinance was recommended for adoption by the City Attorney. After discussion, on motion_ made by Mayor Goodman and seconded by Councilman Weitzel, the proposed ordinance was, on roll call vote by the City Clerk, unanimously adopted. Said Ordinance No. U-5 is set forth in full in the Book of Ordinances. The City Clerk was directed to deliver by certified mail with return receipt a copy to Dr. John Keys and a copy to contractor Leslie Phillips. FIRE DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVES4 VISIT The Mayor pro tempore will invite representatives of the Fire Department to the meeting 25 February so that the Council may receive firsthand information regarding fire protection. ELECTION OF MAYOR Mayor pro tempore Goodman was nominated for mayor by Councilman Tourtelot. The nomination was seconded by Councilman Elliott. There being no further nominations, it was moved, seconded and carried that the Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for Mr. Goodman. The Clerk declared Councilman Goodman mayor of the City of Rolling Hills. ELECTION OF MAYOR PRO TEMPORE Councilman Elliott nominated Councilman Bullard for the position. Councilman Weitzel seconded the nomination: There being no further- nominations, it was moved and seconded and unanimosly carried that the Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for Councilman Bullard. The Clerk then declared Councilman Bullard the Mayor pro tempore. COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO. 5 On motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, Councilman Tourtelot was designated alternate repre- sentative for the mayor at the monthly meeting of the directors of the County Sanitation District No. 5 held each second Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. at 2020 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles 57, California. No further business coming before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. 1� "TOM at; -1 . - City Clerk APPROVED: Ma or 1 ni