03-09-15FT MINUTES ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF TI�CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ROLLING HiLLS MARCH 9, 20I5 PRESENT: Mayor Lay, Councilmembers Pieper,Hill and Dieringer Councilmember Black was excused Patrick Wiison, residen� Carole Hoffinan,resident Leslie Stetson,resident Clint Patterson, Caballeros President Yalarrta Schwartz,Planning Director Raymond Cruz, City Manager Dan Boiton,Bolton Engineering Roger North,Architect Dave Palacios, Contractor FIELD TRIP TO THE FOLLOWTNG SITE: Mayor Lay called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m, at $0 Saddleback Road. Cauncilmember Black visited the site with staff previously. ZONING CASE NO. �52, SUBDIVISION NO. 93, VESTIl�TG TENTATIVE PARCEL MA►P NO. 72232, a request to subdivide an existing lo�totaling 7'.051 acres grass into 2 parce�s as follows: Parcei 1: 2.40 acres gross, 1.96 acres nefi; Parcel2: 4.64 acres gross, 3.71 acres net. The property is current�y vacant and is addressed as SQ Saddleback Ro�d (Lot 67-RH), in the RA-S-1 Zone, Residen�ial Agricultural-Suburban 1-Acre minimum net lat area, to be irnplemented by Mr. 7erry Turpanjian. It has been determined that this project with mitigation measures will not have a significant ef�ect on the environment. Accardingly, a DRAFT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION has been prepared. Planning Directar Schwartz provided background information on the applicant's request for a subdivision at 80 Saddleback Road. She sta.ted that the applicant is proposing to subdivide the lot into two Iots—Lot 1 wi11 be 2.4 acres gross/l.96 acres net and Lot 2 will be 4 acres gross/3.71 acres net. She stated tlaat the project ts in RAS-I zone and meets the requirement for lot size and all other design standards prescribed by the Subdivision Ordinance. Mayor Lay stated that the City Council is not reviewing#he potential developments on th� lots,just the subdivision and that all the information on pad size, lot coverages and grading is for dernonstration only to prove that the �ots are suitable far development. Planning Director �chwartz noted that the lot is abutted by other single family residences in Rolling Hills, a Nature Preserve located in the City of Rancho Palos Verdes and the City's riding ring and that the usually dry creek that runs along the bottorn af Georgeff Canyon in the preserve is a blue line stream, She stated that the appiicant proposes to clase off the current common driveway and construct two new driveways to each of the lots, and that the access ta the stable on each iot will be taken frorn the primary driveways. She further stated that the Traffic Commission recommended approval of the driveway approaches. In response to Co�cilmember Dieringer, Dan Bolton responded that the walls a�ong the driveway on Lot 2 are shown as not higher than 3'. Planning Director Schwartz sta.ted that an initial environrnental study has been prepared and it was found that the praject would not cause environmental irnpact with the exception af possible biological resources and habitat impact. She stated that a Biological Ass�ssment Study was prepared and that the study found twa small areas of sensitive vegetation on the lot, which will be required to remain or be relocated; and due to the presence af the Nature Preserve in the vicinity of�the subject lot, the study found that there is a poten#ial for nesting of gnatcatcl�er bird, which is a protected species. The biologist recorrimends that further studies be perfortned prior ta grading #o determine if a gnatcatcher habitat is present and that Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared specifying the conditions to mitigate the environmental concerns. Minutes-Adjoumed City Council Meeting(Fie1d Trip) 03/09/15 -1- Carole Hoffinan stated that the area along the raadway easement should be kept clear of vegetation and any other abstructions, including wails or pilasters and be passable for equestrian uses. Leslie Stetson and Clint Patterson also expressed concern that the roadway easement be passable. Roger North stated that �the driveways will be roughened in the easernent and that no walls or pilasters are proposed in the roadway easement. Planning Director Schwartz mentioned that the Planning Commission recomrnended that the applicant agree to not to further subdivide the properties and tha# they were told that the property owner would agree to that condition. Dan Bolton stated that such condition could be placed on the Final Map. There being no further discussion the public hea�ring was continued to the evening rn.eeting. ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further business before the City Council,Mayor Lay adjourned the rneeting at 7:40 a.m., to a regular meeting of the City Council to be held on Monday, March 9, 2015 beginning at 7:30 P.M., at City Hall,Rolling Hills California. Respectfi.�lly submitted by: Yolan chw ,P anning Dir tor Appro ed: . Allen Lay, Mayor Minutes-Adjourned City Council Meeting(Field Trip) fl31U9115 -2'