5/8/1967MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA - MAY 8, 1967 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rolling Hills was held at the Administration Building, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, May 8, 1967. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Also Present: MINUTES Councilmen Hesse, Tourtelot, Mayor Klein Councilmen Fay, Nadal Teena Clifton William Kinley Marion Welch June Cunningham C. M. Leonard Mrs. Sch.leissner City Manager City Attorney City Treasurer Secretary Lanco Engineering �4 Resident It was moved by Councilman Tourtelot, seconded by Mayor Klein and unanimously carried that the minutes,of the meeting of April'24--be.`, accepted as corrected. CORRESPONDENCE Resolutions - Lawndale and Norwalk re: Opposing Application of. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Rate Increase The City Manager presented Resolutions of the cities -of Lawndale nd Norwalk opposing application of Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. or a rate increase. Mrs. Clifton advised the Council that while most of Rolling Hills is served by General Telephone, a small area -is served by Pacific Telephone. Councilman Tourtelot suggested the matter he held for further reaction from other cities, and Mayor Klein so ordered. South Bay Bar Assoc. re: Memorial Walk - Torrance Courthouse Mrs. Clifton presented a letter dated April 24 ,1967 from the South Bay Bar Association advising that the memorial to the new Court- house in recognition of the cities within the South Bay Judicial District and/or the Southwest District of the Superior Court will be a terrazzo walk at the entrance bearing the name of each city served. The letter asked approval of an expenditure of $300.00 per city in payment. When asked to comment on the extent to which the courthouse will serve Rolling Hills, Attorney Kinley explained that the City i's„in the South Bay Municipal Court District, but is in the South District of Superior Court in Long Beach, not the Southwest District of Superior Court served from Torrance. After further discussion, Councilman Hesse made a motion that the South Bay Bar Association be advised that the City of Rolling Hills will not participate at the present time, however, future participation Iy be considered if Rolling Hills ever came under the Superior Court rved by Torrance. In this case, participation would have to be on a r capita basis. Motion was seconded by Mayor Klein and unanimously carried. County Sanitation District No. 5 The City Manager presented the notice of and agenda for the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 5 to be held at the office of the District on Wednesday, May 10. May 8, 1967 Motion to appoint Mayor Klein as Director and Councilman Tour- telot as alternate Director was made by Councilman Hesse, seconded by Mayor Klein and unanimously carried. Mayor Klein then stated that he will be unable to attend the meeting, and Councilman Tourtelot was ad- vised that a certified copy of the minutes naming the Directors will be provided for him to take to the meeting, as requested by the Sanitation District.' REPORTS OF CITY DEPARTMENTS Pound Department The report of the Pound Department for the first quarter of 1967 was presented. The report was received and filed. Sheriff's Report The Sheriff's report for the month of March 1967 was presented. The report was received and filed. PAYMENT OF BILLS f It. was moved by Councilman Tourtelot that Demands No. 367 thr�&ugh 383, and 385 through 389 be approved for payment, and that ..demand No. 384, registration for a golf tournament at Ft. MacArthur, be voided because of non -participation. DEMAND # 367 368 369 370- 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 385 386 387 388 389 NAME AMOUNT Miller�Desk $8,721.25 General Telephone Co. 32.58 Remington Rand Systems 19.34 Xerox Corporation 68.85 Tyler Printing Co. 108.68 Fullerton Cabinet Works 125.00 Harbor Office Supply 9.62 Riviera Stationers 33.54 Pacific Telephone 21.18 Southern Calif. Gas Co. 27.27 Palos Verdes Water Co. 13.91 Zellerbach Paper Co. 30.66 Gateway National Bank 137.30 Dowd & Koster, Inc. 47.78 County of Los Angeles 243.58 Regional Planning Comm. L. A. County..Road Dept. 12.14 Lightol_ier : �- 259.74 J.A. Lambie, County Eng. 127.38 So. Bay Daily Breeze 51.63' ,Jack Pollock• � . 87.23 A. J. Bayer ,Ca. 208.00 Teena Clifton 71.44 $10,458.10 Motion for approval was seconded by'Councilman Hesse, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Hesse, Tourtelot, Mayor Klein NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Fay, Nadal SUBDIVISION NO. 33 - TENTATIVE MAP - TRACT 26652, R. A. FRIEND The City -Manager presented the Planning Advisor's Report dated April 11, 1967 and the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting. -2- 1 `�J A :3,Y. C. - May 8, 1967' ' of Aptil.18, 1967 with reference to'T6ntative Tract -No.: 26652,'."R. A. Friend; owner," �tothe City ­."Go'"uncil. ',"With=reference to -11, S'treefi,* Mr.' ":C1ark Leonard of tainc . o Engineering', appearing f or -,Mt,.' ­Friend,, advised that. * at, ' Section 6.02 of, Ordinance �No. 67 requir6s­pavfrig of not les,,sl!'that ,24''feet 'feet in width*, nd that theeasement shall "be- not 't less`th� an '601 feet in width; that . o comply with Ordinance No. 67, Mr. Friend would be require.d.to rovide 2 1/2 feet of additional paving and an additional 5 -foot*-' asement on his side of Saddleback Road. -_- = Aft-ev. dt�fckfs , 91-dn , lmft� (in for` app�tovdl Tentative Map, as amended by the, Plan,ng Commission, was made 'by 'Councilman Hesse, ' seconded,,byCouftc­-ilm .-I an'-*, To 't-6­ldt' And unanimom'sYv­ ' carried. SUBDIV1S1ONc(NO.a_34 TENTATIVE` MAP - TRACT" 27516;-C.-. 'M. LEONARD The City Manager presented the Planning Advisor's Report dated April 11, 1967 and theminutesof the Planning.Commis ' sion meet- ing of April 18, 1967 with reference to Tentative Tract No. 27316, .C. M.. Leonard, owner, to the City Council. Mr. -Leonard advised the Council that t -o_ meet the requirements of I -I., Streets, -and to 'conform -to Ordinance No. 67, Section 6.02, -he. would -be,required to provi,de,2­1/2 feet of additional paving and -an' additional foot easement on his side of Saddleback, and that the' present pavement width of 19 feet would be improved to the required, 24 feet, and the total easement would be 60 feet. Following discussion, Councilman Tourtelot moved that the 'Tentative Map be approved as amended by the Planning Commission. The otion was seconded by Councilman Hesse and unanimously carried. EORGETTE,, CANYON,' LAND,_ FILL, - - ROLLING. HILLS ESTATES_ �3 The Cityy-Manager advised the Council that she hadattendeda Planning Commission meeting in the City of,-Rolling,Hi-lls Estates on.--.' May 1, 1967 with reference to the Public Hearing - on a request -for a Conditional Use-Permit,1or.-a,land fill ,operatiom.ih the Georgette Can- on area of the City of Rolling Hills Estates. 'She advised that she Kad'received telephone c6lls,fr6m many '.R611in"Hills residents who =ex= 9 pressed their concern over such a landfill. Mrs., Clifton stated that, several residents o f,Rol ling Hills were also -in attendtince. A map was presented..showing the 55 acre -site. Mrs. Clifton explained that the land is owned by three men, :and that it is their wish to initiate a reclamation project by filling,,the canyon to a depth of as much as 200 feet, and when lilled',, would, be given to' the City of Rolling Hills Estates for a recreational area. --, -When, asked­,what­ effect itmighthave. , ons .Rolling Hills, Mrc- Kinley advised , _1�e6ple on Saddleback,Ch,6q. agon and Poppy - trail. would ' �,that the 'b .,,,e -,most any noise, -,.,dirt or odors" that-migbt ,�.;be -..-generate&by the .1 proj ect i and that, -,.he is,,'gtudying..,the,; .--,is a possibility of encroachment,,, projec,tmt-pad eg erTAne,,,.whether­--, there :4 1, f. Following discussion, Councilman Hesse moved that the Rolling fills City,Council, based on the limited and preliminary information presented, is of the view that the proposed land -fill project in Geor- gette Canyon creates a net undesireable effect for the area and the City of Rolling Hills, and 'therefore, the City Council at this time recommends disapproval of the,project. Motion was seconded by Councilman Tourtelot'. and..unanimously carried. -3- May 8, 1967 AGENDA ITEMS HELD OVER Weed Abatement Mayor Klein ordered the matter held on the agenda. Administration Building Mayor Klein ordered the matter held on the agenda. .,-Eastfield Gate Mayor Klein requested that when referring to the property at the Ea•s.tfield Gate, the word acquisition be used instead of condemnation. The matteir was held on the agenda. Lanco Engineering re: Tract 26113, Subdivision No. 30, W. Norris Mr. Clark Leonard advised the Council that Chief Brewer of th0r' ,Oi Angeles Fire Department has stated that he cannot do less than in ,,:::pose conditions -the Fire Department deems necessary for proper fire pro- tection, and will write a letter stating his position. Mr. Leonard then stated.that he is working on the solution of the problem by the following methods: a) trying to get people on the property to the South of Mr. -Nbrris to participate by agreeing to share in the expense of running the necessary lines, and b) the possibility of putting in pumps below the s'ubdivisi6n:- The matter was ordered held on the agenda to allow for further study. Subdivision No. 32 - Tract 26661, A. E. Esser Mrs. Clifton advised the Council that she had spoken to Mr.: Esser and obtained his consent to hold the matter over until a joint meeting of the Planning Commission, Board of Directors and City Council could be scheduled to further discuss and study road requirements. Sheriff's Department - Peter Pitchess Mrs. Clifton advised the Council that she had spoken to Deputy Moore in Supervisor Chace's office, and he had informed her that the matter of salary increases for the Sheriff's Department had been referred "by the Board of Supervisors to the Commission on Crime and Delinquency and the Commission on Economy and Efficiency. Mrs. Clifton also mentioned that she had heard.Sheriff Pitchess speak at the Contract Cities Convention in Palm.Springs, and that in fighting for salary increases and fringe benefits, he stated he would continue to take his fight to the people. Equestrian Undetpass Mrs. Clifton advised the Council that she had received a letter from Mr.,Morhar of Los Angeles County Road Department stating that he would be agreeable to meeting with representatives of Rolling Hills and Rolling Hills Estates to discuss the design of the proposed equestrian underpass; but has not had a reply from the City Administrator of Rolling Hills Estates. Councilman Hesse stated that in his opinion the meeting should be held as soon as possible, and Mrs. Clifton agreed to again contact Mr. Leach and schedule a meeting. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICERS P-os-sible Commercial Activity on Pine Tree Lane Mr. Marion Welch, City Treasurer, advised that he believes there may be a violation of the zoning ordinance with regard to commercial use of the property at 7 Pine Tree Lane. City Attorney Kinley was requested to =`investigate the matter. -4- M May 8, 1967 RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION NO. 214 Councilman Tourtelot moved for adoption of Resolution No: 214, entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, toALIFORNIA, FIXING AND ESTABLISHING THE FEES TO BE CHARGED FOR FILING D PROCESSING A TENTATIVE MAP AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 4.07 OF ORDINANCE 0. 67 OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, and that reading in full'be waived. tion was seconded by Councilman Hesse, and carried by the following'.. - roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Hesse, Tourtelot, Mayor Klein NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Fay, Nadal RESOLUTION NO. 215 Councilman Hesse moved for adoption of Resolution No. 215 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA, FIXING THE FEES TO BE CHARGED FOR THE CHECKING AND PROCESS- ING OF A FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 10.06 OF -ORDINANCE NO. 67,' and that reading in full be waived. Motion was seconded by Councilman Tourtelot, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Hesse, Tourtelot, Mayor Klein NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Fay, Nadal STEWART PERFORMANCE BOND Mr. Kinley advised Council that he had prepared the necessary kvy rms for a document entitled BOND FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE (SUBDIVISION NTRACT) for a performance bond in the amount of $1,000.00 to be'posted Mr. Edward Webb Stewart in connection with Subdivision No. 25, Tract 2$ 146, as required by City Council at the meeting of April 24, 1967. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the -Council, Councilman Tourtelot moved for adjournment at 9 F.M. The motion was seconded by.Councilman Hesse and unanimously carried. APPROVED: Mayor -5- City Clerk a