2015-25 RESOLL]TION NO. 2015-25 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING C4MMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND A SITE PLAN REVIEW T� FILL IN AND CON VERT AN EXISTING CABANA TO A GUEST HOUSE AND TO CONSTRUCT A RAISED DECK AND REQUEST FOR MODIFICATI�N OF THE LIGHTING AT 7 CREST ROAD EAST IN ZONING CASE NO. 891 (L�T 3-FT), ROLLING H�LLS,CA. (DOTY}. THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HTLLS D�ES HEREBY FIND,RESOLVE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 2, An application was duly filed by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Doty with respect to real property located at 7 Crest Road East, (Lot 3-FT), Rolling Hills, CA requesting a Conditional Use Pexmit to convert 124 square foot cabana and attached 29�square foot roofed patio to a 421 square foot guesthouse and a Site P1an Review to convert a portion of an existing raised planter adjacent to the proposed guesthouse into a 117 square foot raised deck at a height of 3-feet 3-inches above the adjacent finished grade. The applicant also requested an interpretation of the Lighting provisians to deterntine if the proposed lights within a proposed trellis meet the spirit of the Lighting Ordinance and are warranted due to exceptional architectural design. The proposed lights would be suspended from the trellis joists and consist of three 14- watt pendant LED lights above fihe outdoor kitchen, and five 8-watt Iow-voltage LED "down lights" to illuminate the remaining area of the covered pa�io. Sec�ion 2. The Planning Commission conducted duly noticed public hearing to consider the application on November 17, 20�5 i.n the field and at their regular meeting on November 17, 2015. The applicants were notified of the pub�ic hearings in writing by first cla�s mail. Evidence was heard and presented from all persons interested in affec�ing said proposal and from me�nbers of the Cify staff and the Planning Commission having reviewed, analyzed and studied said proposal. The applican�,s' representative was in attendance at#he hearings. Section 3. Also proposed is the construction of a 10' high, 319 square foot detached trellrs, under which an outdoor kitchen amenities and the proposed lighting would be located. These amenities are approvable adxninistratively. Sec�ion 4. The Planning Commission finds that the project is ca#egorically exempt from environmental review under the Ca�ifornia Environrnental Quality Act. Section 5. Section 17.16.210{A)(5) of the Rolling Hi11s Municipal Code permits approval of a guest house under certain conditions, provided the Planning Commission approves a Conditional Use Permit. The applicar�t is requesting to construct a 421 square foot guest house wifhin the footprinf of the existing cabana and Reso.2015-25 1 7 Crest Rd.E. covered porch. Wzth respect fo this request for a Conditional Use Pernlit, the Planning Commission finds as follows: A. The granting of a Conditional Use Permit fo� the conversion of a cabana to a guesf house wou�d be consi.stent wi�h fhe purposes and objectives of the Zoning Ordinance and General Plan and will be desirable for the public convenience and we�fare because fhe use is consistent with sixni�ar uses in the community, and the area proposed for the guest house would be located in an area on the property where such �se will not change the existing configuration af structures on the lot. B. The nature, condition, and development of adjacent uses, buildings, and structures have been considered, and the g�xest house will not adversely affect or be materially detrimental to these adjacent uses, buildings, or structures because the proposed struciure will be located in a an area already occupied by a similar structure and is an a separate building pad with the pool and will promote pad integration. The proposed guest house is of sufficient distance from nearby residences so that it will not impact the view or privacy of surrounding neighbors. C. The prajecf is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, the natural terrain, and surrounding residences because the guest house will comply with fihe low pro£ile resident�al development pattern of the community. The height of the structure will remain at the existing height. D. The proposed conditional use complies with aIl applicable development standards of the zone district because the 421 square foot size af the guest house is Iess than the ma�cimum permitted under the Municipa� Code. E. The proposed conditional use is consistent witlz the portions of the Los Angeles County Hazardous Waste Management Plan relating to siting and siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities because the project site is not lxsted on the current Stafe of California Hazardous Waste and Subsfances Sites List. F. The proposed conditional use observes the spirit and intent of Title 17 of the Zoning Code because a stable and adjacent corral and access exist on the property. Section 6. A Site Pian Revzew is required subject to Section 37.46.02Q of �the Zoning Ordinance, in that the proposed partially raised deck is a structural addition. With respect to the Site Plan Review application £or the subject deck, the Planning Commission makes the following findings of fact: A. The proposed development is compliant with all requirements of the Zoning Ordir�ance and is compatible with the General Plan and surrounding uses because the proposed project is consistent with goals and policies that require low profile, Iow-density residential development with sufficient open space between Reso.2015-25 2 7 Crest Rd.E. surrounding sfructuxes. The deck construction will occur in an area previously graded and disturbed and there will be no new grading. The elevated condition and "bulk" of the new deck will be mitigated, as the new deck area will be visually shielded by vegetation. B. The develapment plan substantially preserves the nafu�ral and undeveloped state of the lot because no grading is required and the proposed deck improvement is relatively minor change to an existing outdoar patio area, and wauld be located instead of a planter surrounded by a wall. The construction will not adversely affect or be materially detri.rnental to the adjacent uses, buildings, or structures because the proposed improvernents will be constructed on a portion of the lot which is least intrusive fo surrounding properties, wi11 be screened and landscaped with vegetation and is of sufficient distance from nearby residences so that the proposed project will no� impact the view or privacy of surrounding nezghbors. C. 'The proposed development, as conditioned, is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, the nat�ral te�ain and surrounding residences. The proposed proJect is consistent with the scale of homes in the surrounding RA-S-2 sinvlarly zoned neighborhood. The proposed project entails a construction of a raised deck approximately �17 square feet in area, withi.n an existing outdoor living and recreational area on the property and would be adjacent to the gust house, for the purpose of er�hancing and facilitating outdoor Iiving next to the guest house, a common residential amenity en�oyed by property owners throughout the City. The proposed raised deck would be located above and within the same configuration as an existing raised planter. D. The propased patio, replacing a portion of a raised planter, will be 3 feet 3 inche� at the highest point, above the adjoining steps of an exiting stairway that provides access to the pooi area. The raised condition occurs only on the stairway side and will be even with the adjoining grades on alI other sides. E. Natural drainage courses will not be affected bp the project. No grading zs proposed and therefore existing drainage channels are not anticipated to be impacted. The project construcHon will not be Iocated in a canyon or on existing slopes that exceed 25%. E. The proposed development is sensifive and not detrimental to the convenience and safety of circulation for pedestrians and vehicles because no change is proposed to the existing driveway, which is in compliance with applicable requirements. Secfion 7. Outdoor Iighting in Rolling Hills is regulated by RHMC 17.1b.190.E. To preserve the pastoral and tranquil environment of the Cxty through Reso.2015-25 3 7 Crest Rd.E. nighttime darkness, limited lighting is allowed outside a home in conformance with certain performance standards. Ambient light from fixtures mounted on walls or porches to illuminate nearby patios or terraces while used for entertaining are allowed and do not have to shine downwards. The applicant has submitted a lighting plan for a proposed 319 square foot 10-foot tal.l trellis that is to be constructed on a new patio near the home. The plan calls for three 14-watt pendant LED lights to be suspended from the trellis joists above an outdoor kitchen, and five 8-watt Iaw-voltage LED "down ligh�s" that will be also atEached to the trellis joisis to illuminate the areas that are not Iit by the pendants. These light are not speci£ically listed as permitted in the Iighting ordinance. However, Section 17.16.190E(3) allows for modifications subject to the Planning Commission approval. The applicant has requested that the Planning Commission review the proposed Iighting. The Planning Commission finds that the Iighting is consistent with the intent and spirit of the lighting ordinance in that it would create lighting within the area to be used £or entertaining and the wattage and design of the lights will be sufficiently controlled to mitigate any potential lighting impacts to the neighbor, while overall preserving city darkness. Section 8. Based upon the foregoing findings, the Planning Commission hereby approves the Conditional Use Permit and a Site Plan Review in Zoning Case No. 891 to conve:rt a previously constructed cabana and covered porch into a guest house and the raised deck, subject fo the following conditions: A. The Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan approva� shall expire within two years from the ef£ective date of approval z£ construction pu:rsuant to this approval has not commenced within that time period, as required by Sections 17.�6.08Q(A) and 17.42.070{A) of fhe Rolling Hill� Municipal Code, or the approva� granfed is otherwise extended pursuant to the requirements of those sec�ions. B. It is declared and made a condition of the approval, that if any conditions thereof are violated, this approval shall be suspended and the privileges granted thereunder shall lapse; provided tha.t the City has given the applicants written notice to cease such violation, the opportunity #or a hearing has been provided, and if requested, has been held, and thereafter the applicant faiis to correct the violation within a period of thirty (3Q) days from the date of the City's determination. C. All requirements of the Building and Con.struction Ordinance, the Zoning Ordinance, and of the zone in which the subject property is located must be complied with unless otherwise set forth in the Permit, or shown otherwise on an approved plan. Reso.2015-25 4 7 Crest Rd.E. D. The Iot shall be developed and maintained in substantial conformance with the site plan on file dated Decernber 4, 20�5, except as otherwise provided in these conditions. E. The working drawings submitted to the Building Department for plan check review must conform to the development plan approved with this application. F. There sha11 be no grading for this project, other than removal of dirt for the patio. G. Structural lot coverage shall not exceed 9,212 square feet or 6.4%. H. Total lot coverage of structures and paved areas shall not exceed 28,973 square feet or 20.1% in conformance with Iot coverage limztations. I. The disturbed area of the �ot shall not exceed 34,241 square feet or 23.8% of the net lot area in con£ormance with lot disturbance Iimitations. J. Residential building pad coverage on the 45,001 square foot residential building pad shall be 18.0°�, which includes the guest house. The stable building pad coverage of 14,1% shall remair�. K. The proposed guest house shall not exceed 421 square feet and shall meet all :requirements o£ the Zoning Code, which include, but is not limited to the £ollowing: a. A kitchenette and sanitary facility consisting of a shower, sink and tailet may be permitted. b. No vehicular access or paved parking area shall be developed withirt fifty feet of the guest house. c. Occupancy of the guest house shall be limited to persons employed on fihe premi.ses, the immediate family of the occupants of the main xesidence or by the femporary guests of the occupants of the main residence. No temporary guest may remain in occupancy £or more than thir�y days in any six-month period. d. Renting of a guest house xs prahibited. e. A11 requirexnents of thi.s �itle must be complied with unless o�ierwise set forth in the permi.t or approved plan. f. A Iandscaping plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department Reso.2015-25 5 7 Crest Rd.E. L. The sfable and corral shall remain on the lot or aiZ a:rea for a stable and corral shall be xnaintained at all times on the property. M. The guest house shall be screened from the stx eet and neighboring properties. If landscaping is proposed in connection with the cozZstruction of the guest house, it shall be designed using native plants, shrubs and trees. The trees and shrubs used in the landscaping s�heme sha11 be planted so as not to obsixuct views of neighboring properties but to screen the use, and which does not grow into a living wall (hedge) and which shall not exceed the ridge height of the guest house. N. The splash wall behind the outdoor kitchen must Ue built flush with the kitchen; may not exceed 5' in height and may extend no more than 18" in either direction of the kitchen. O. The trellis above the o�.tdoor kitchen may not be further enclosed by any means including lattice or solid planks, walls or panels; and the remaining fhree sides must remain open. P. The lights suspended from�ie trellis are approved. The Iight bulbs in the suspended fixtures shall not exceed the wattage proposed with this applica�ion and called out on the pians dated December 4, 20�.5. Any other lights on the Iot shall meet the City's ligh�ing ordinance requirements. Q. The licensed professional preparing construction plans for �his project for Building Department review sha1l execute a Certificate affirming that the plans conform in all respects to this Resolution approving this project and all of the conditions set fox�h therein and the City's Building Code and Zoning Qrdinance. Further, the persan obtaining a building permi� for this p�oject shall execute a Certificate of Construction stating that the project will be constructed accord'zng to this Resolui�on and any plans approved therewith. R. During construction, conforxnance with the air quality management district requirements, stormwater pollution prevention practices, county and local ordinances and engineering prac�ices so fhat people or property are not exposed to undue vehicle trips, noise, dust, and objectionable odors shall be required. S. During and af�er construction, aI1 parking shall take place on the proJect site and, if necessary, any overflow parking shall take place within �earby roadway easements. T. During canstr-uction, the property owners sha11 be required to schedule and regulate construction and related traffic noise throughout the day between �ie hours of 7 AM and 6 PM, Monday through Saturday only, when construc�ion and Reso.2015-25 6 7 Crest Rd. E. mechanical equipment noise is permitted, so as not to interfere with the quiet residential environrnent of the City of Aolling Hills. U. The property owners shall be required to con£orm to fhe Regional Water Qual.ity Control Board and County Health Department requirements for the installation and maintenance of sepfic tanks. V. The property owners shall be required to conform to the Regional Water Quality Control Board and County Health Department requirernents for the installation and maintenance of stormwater drainage facilities. W. The propex�,y owners shall be required to con£oxm to the Regional Water Quality Control Board and County Public Works Departmen� Best Management Practices {BMP's) related fo solid waste. X. Minimum of 50% of the construct�on material spoi�s shall be recycled and diverfed. The hauler shall provide the appropriate docurner�tation to the City. Y. Until the applicants execute an A£fidavit of Acceptance of al� conditions of th�is approval, the approvals shal� not be effective. Z. AIl conditions of the Conditional Use and Site Plan approval, that apply, sha�1 be complied with prior to the issuance of building permif fram the County of Los Angeles. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADQPT 5th D Y D EMBER 2015. A HE . ,CHAIRMAN ATTEST: � HEIDI LUCE, CITY CLERK Any action challenging the final deci.sion of the City made as a result of the public hearing on this application must be filed within fhe time lirnits set forth in section 17.54.070 of the Rolling HiIIs Municipa� Code and Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. Keso.2015-25 7 7 Crest Rd.E. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) §� CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) I certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 20��-25 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNIIVG COMMISSION OF THE CTTY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND A STTE PLAN REViEW TO FILL I1V AND CONVERT AN EXISTING CABANA TO A GUEST HOUSE AND TO C�NSTRUCT A RAISED DECK AND REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION OF THE LIGHTING AT 7 CREST RDAD EAST IN ZONLNG CASE NO. $91 (LOT 3-FT}, ROLLLNG HILLS, CA. (DOT'�. was approved and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on December 15,2015 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Cardenas, Kirkpatxick,Gray,Smith and Chairman Chelf. NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: and in compliance with the laws of California was posted at the following: Administrative Offices. � HEIDI LUCE CITY CLERK Reso.2015-25 8 7 Cres�Rd.E.