2016-03 RESOLLJTION NO. 2016-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY �F R�LLING HILLS GRANTING A REQUEST TO REMOVE RESTRICTIVE DEVELOPMENT CONDITION FR�M RES�LUTION NO. 2010-Q3 IN ZONING CASE NO 776 AT � LOWER BLACKWATER CANYON R�AD, {LOT 46-RH) {DENNEE). THE PLANNING COMNIISSION OF 'THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DOES HEREBY FIND, RESOLVE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. An application was duly filed by Mr. David Dennee with respect to real property Iocated at 1 Lower Blackwater Canyon Road (Lot 46-RH} requesting the removal of a condition placed on his property in Resolution No. 2010-03,a request for a Conditional. Use Permit to convert an existing stable into a recreation room and to set aside an area for a future stable and corral elsewhere on the Iot. Section 2. Tn Apri1 of 2008 by Resolutian 2008-06, the Planning Commission approved a 1,172 square foot addition to the main residence with a variance for encroachment into the setbacks with the addition and a trellis. A condxtion was placed on the property that any future development or grading would require a discretionary review by the Planning Commission, ("a no further developrnent condition"). The project was not constructed and the enti�lement expired. Section 3. In January 2010, then in �ctober 2012 by ResoluHon Nos. 2010-03 and 2012-21 respectively, the Planning Commission granted a CUP and a SPR to convert the existing stable into a recreation room and to consteuct a raised deck and a �PR for a 364 squax°e faot addi�ion to the residence. The "no further developrnent" condition was carried over to both of these approvaJ.s. The applicant has no� constru.cted the 3b4 square foot addition and tlie 2012 approval expired. The 2010 request for the recreation roo�n and a deck is currently being implemented, where the condxtion exists that the Planiung Commission reviews any further development. Section 4. The Commission considered this item at a meeting on January 19, 2016 at which time information was presented indicating that the previously prop�sed development for which the condition was first imposed, was not implemented and expired, and therefore the "no further development" condxtion is no longer warranted. Section 5. Based upon information and evidence submitted, the Plax�ning Commission does hereby amend Section 11 of Resolution No. 2010-03, dated January 19, 2010 by removing Paragraph K from the conditions of approval, which reads as follows: "K. Nofwithstanding Sections 17.46.020 and 17.46.070 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code, any modification ta the property, which would constitute grading or structural development, shall requi�re the filing of a new application for approval by the Planning Commissiori'. Section 6. Except as herein amended, the provisions and conditions of Resolution No. 2010-03 shall conHnue to be in fix1l force and effecf. PASSED, APPROVED ED TH�S 16th DAY OF FESRUARY 2016. D CH F, R � ATTEST: HEIDI LUCE, CITY CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUN'I'Y OF LOS ANGELES) §� CITY OF R4LLING HILLS) I certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 201b-03 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANIVING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLL�IVG HILLS GRANTING A REQUEST TQ REMOVE RESTRICTIVE DEVELOPMENT CONDTTION FROM RESOLUTIQN NO. 2010-03 IN ZONING CASE ND T76 AT 1 LOWER BLACKWATER CANYON ROAD, {LOT 46-RI�} (DENNEE). Was approved and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on February 16, 2Q16 by the follawing roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Gray, Kirkpatrick,Smith and Chairman Chelf. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: Commissioner Cardenas (recused). And in compliance with the laws of Califorx�ia was posted at the following: Adxninistrative Offices HEIDI LUCE, CITY CLERK