2016-05 RE50LUTION NO. 2016-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HIL�S GRANTING APPROVAL FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RESIDENCE WITH TWO GARAGES, COVERED PORCHES, A SWIMMING POOL/SPA, KOI POND, K�I POND GAZEBO, VARIOUS HErGHTS BUT NOT TO EXCEED �' HIGH RETAINING WALLS AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSOAY STRUCTURES; AI�D VARIANCE TO ENCROACH WITH A PORTION OF THE NEW RESIDENCE AND COVERED PORCHES INTQ THE SIDE YARD SETBACK AT 77 CREST AOAD EAST, (LOT 69-A1-MS}, (JAIVTKOVICH). TT� PLA.�'VNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF R4LLII�TG HILLS DOES HEREBY FIND, RESOLVE A�'VD ORDER AS FOLL4W5: Secfion 1. An application was duly filed by Mr. and Mrs. ]ankovich with respect to real property located at 77 Crest Road East, Rolling Hills (Lot 69-A7.-MS) requesting a site plan revzew for the construction of a new b,631 square foot sing�e-family residence, 2 new garage(s) for a total af 1,308 square feet, a new pool (900 square £eet) and spa (86 square feet) with a 140 square foot catchment basin, 1,910 square feet of attached covered porches, a 1,070 square foot pond, a 245 square foot koi pond gazebo, new driveway and turnaround access and site re�aining walls that exceed 3 feet in height. A variance is requesfed as 325 square feet of the residence and 3 covered pa�ios are proposed to be located in the side yard setback. Two of the covered porches wili encroach between 0' to 7' into the side setback and a third porch, {13Q squa:re feet) will encroach in its entirety into the side setback, beyond the residence encroachment. Section 2. The P�anning Commission conducted duly noticed public hearings to consider the application at their regular meeting on January 19, 2026 and �ebruary 16, 201b, and in the field on February 16, 2Q�6. Neighbors wi�lZin 1,OOQ-foot radius were notified of the public heaxings and a notice was published in the Peninsula News on January 7th, 2Q16. The applicants and fheir agents were notified of the public hearings in writing by first class mail and the applicants and their agents were in attendance at the hearings. Evidence was heard and presented from all persons interested in affecting said proposal, and from members of the City staff. Neighbors from Rancho Palos Verdes and a neighbor from 73 Crest Road East previewed the plans prior to the public hearing. The agent for 71 Crest Road Easf attended the field trip. There were no objections to the project. The Planning Commissian have reviewed, analyzed and s�htdied said proposal. Section 3. The property is zoned RAS-2 and the gross lot area is 10.3� acres. The ne� lot area is 9.56 acres or 416,381 square feet. The propex�y is currently developed with a 3,27� square foot residence, a �9Z square foot garage, and a 96 square foot service yard. A 3,45b square foot stable wifh a loft was recently approved (Reso�ution 2015-0'�. 77 Crest Road East 1 Section 4. The Platuling Commzssion finds that the project qua�ifiies as a Class 3 Exemption, and is therefore ca�egorically exempt from environxnental review under the California Environmental Quality Act. Section 5. Section 17.46.Q30 requires a deve�opment p1an to be submitted for Site PIan Review and approval before any grading requiring a grading pexrnit or any new building or structure rnay be constructed or any expansion, addition, alteration or repair to existing buildings may be made which involve changes to grading or an increase to the size of the building ar strueture by 999 square feet or more in any thirty-six (3b) month period. With respect to the Site P1an for grading� the new residence, garages, porches, swimsning pool/spa, covered koi pond, koi pond gazebo, retaining walls, and other miscellaneous accessory struetures, the P1ann;ng Cornmission makes the following findings of tact: A. The proposed development is compatible with the Genera� Plan, �he Zoning Ordinance and s�xrrounding uses because the proposed structures cornplp with the General Plan requirement of low profile, low-denszty residential development with sufficienf open space bet-ween sur�rounding structures and maintaining sufficient setbacks to provide buffears between reszdential uses. The project is situated on a very Iarge lot and the development would not cause the lot to be overdeveloped. The existing residence encroaches inta the western side setback. However, the project encroaches Iess than the existing residence. The proposed pro�ecf is situated away fx�orn the road sa as to reduce the visual impact of the development. The p�oject conforms with Zoning Code 1ot coverage requirements. The net Iot area of the lot is 416,381 square feet. The structural net Iot coverage is proposed at 3.b%, which includes aIl of the structures, with allowance for permitted deductions, (20% max. permitted); and the total lot coverage proposed, including the future 3,456 square foot stable would be 8.1%, (35% max. permitted). The di.sturbed area of the lot is proposed at 13.9%, which includes disturbance for the approved stable and corral (Resolution 2015-07}. B. The project substantially preserves the na#ural and undeveZoped state of the lot by rninimizing building cove�rage. The topography and the con£iguration of the lot, have been considered, and it was determined that the proposed development will not adversely affect or be materially detrimental to adjacent uses, buildings, or structures, because �he proposed project will be constructed largely on an existing building pad, will be the least intrusive to surrounding properties, will be screened and Iandscaped with trees and shrubs, is of sufficient distance £rom nearby residences so fhat it wi11 not impact the view or privacy of surrounding neighbors, and will permit �ie owners to enjoy their property without deleterious infringement on the rights of surrounding proper�y owners. The lot is over 9 and a half acres in size and no more than 13.9% is proposed to be disturbed, with the remainder of the Iot leff in it's natural state. C. The proposed development, as conditioned, is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, and is consistent with the sca�e o£ the neighborhood when compared �o new residences in the vicinity of said Iot, located on much smaller Yots. Significant portions of the �ot will be 1eft undeveloped. The project wi�I be screened from the road and all neighbars. 77 Cxest Road East 2 D. The development plan will introduce additional �andscaping, which is compatible with and enhances the rural character o£ the community, and the landscaping will provide a buf�er or transition area between priva�e and public areas. E. The propased development xs sensitive and not detrimental to the convenienee and safety of circulation for pedestrians and vehicles because the project will capture all resident and visitor parking on-site with 3 guest parking spaces on the circular driveway and in the 2 attached garages. The applicants will continue to ut�ilize the existing dxiveway approach to the residence. Per the Fire Deparfinent requirement, the driveway will be widened to 20 feet and wi�l be moved slightiy to the east, outside of the side setback, and will provide access for the Fire Department in case of an emergency. F. The project is exempf from the requirements of the California Environmental {,�uality Act. Section 6. Sections 17.38.010 through 17.38.050 of the Code permit approval of a variance from the standa:rds and requirements o£ the Zoning Ordinance when, due to exceptional or extraordinary circumstances applicable to the property and not applicable to other similar properties in the same zone, strict applicatian of the Code would,deny the property owner substantial property ;rights enjoyed by other properties in the same vicinity and zone. The applicant seeks a variance from the requi�rement that side yard setbacks be free of structures as 325 square feet of the residence and 3 covered porches are proposed to be located in the �ide yard setback. Two of the covered pox�ches wi11 encroach between 0' to 7' into the side setback and a third porch (130 square feet) wi�1 encroach in it's entirety into the side setback, beyond th� residence encroachment. With respect fo this request #or a Variance, the Planning Commission finds as follows: A. There are exceptional and extraordinary cixcumstances and conditions applicable fo the property ar to the intended use that do not apply generally to the other property or class of use in the same zone because much of the Iot is undevelopable due to the steep eastern and southern slope, and the flag lot shape further cons�rains the 1ot. The lot i.s located south o£ Crest Road East and south of a shared driveway. The existing residence encroaches info the side yard setback and the requested encroachment is less than the existing. The topography of the lot, specifically the steep slopes, paired with the applicants' desire fo minimize grading by utilizing the existing residential pad, create difficulty in remaining outside of the side yard setback. B. The Variance is necessary far the preservation and enjoyment ot a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, but which is denied to the property in question because due to the exi�ting graded pad, which �ncroaches ir�to the setback, and the propert�s steep slopes, it would be a hardship not to encroach with the proposed residence and covered porches. The existing encroachment cannot be seen or viewed by adJacent residences and there were no concerns voiced by residents either before or during the field visit to the property, or during either of the public hearings. C. The granting of the Variance wou�d not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinify and zone in which fhe 77 Crest Road East 3 property is located because the existing residence encroaches into the side yard setback and the proposed residence encroaches 1ess. The residence would not affect any neighbor`s views and therefore would not affect property values, and would be screened from the street. D. The variance is consistent with the portions of the County of Los Angeles Hazardous Waste Management Pian relating to sifing and siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities. E. The variance request is consistent with fhe General Plan. The proposed project, tagether with the variance, will be compatible with fihe objectives, policies, generai land uses and programs specified in the General Plan and will uphold the City's goals fo protect and promote construction that is rural in nature. The lot is large and supports a stable and corral area. A stable and carral will be constructed �o further meet the Ciiy's goal to encourage construction of equestrian uses. Section'7. Bas�d upon fhe foregoing findings, the Planning Cammission hereby approves Zoning Case No. 894 a Site Plan Review for a new residence, new garages, new pool/spa/catchment basin, covered porches, koi pond, koi pand gazebo, new driveway, site retaining walls that exceed 3 feet in height; and Variance to encroach with a portion of the residence and covered porches into the side yard setback subject to the following eonditions: A. The Site Plan and Variance approvals sha11 expire within two years from �he effective da�e of approval as defined in Sections 17.46.070 and 17.38.080, unless otherwise exfended pursuant to the requirements of this section. B. It is declared and made a condition of this approval that if any conditions thereof are violated, this approval shall be suspended and th�privileges granted thereunder shall lapse; provided that the applican� has been given written nofice to cease such violation, the opportunity for a hearing has been provided, and if requested, has been held, and thereafter the applicant fails to correct the violation withi.n a period af thi.rfy (30) days from the date of the Ci�y`s determination. C. All requiarernents of the Buzldings and Construction Ordinance, the Zoning Ordinance, and of the zone in which the subject property is located must be complied with unless otherwise set forth in this permit, or shown otherwise on an app:roved plan. D. The Iot shall be developed and mainfained in substantial conformance with the site plan on file dated Februazy lb, 2016 except as othexwise provided in these conditions. The working drawings submitted to the Department of Building and Safefy for plan check review shall conform to the approved development p1an. All conditions of the Site Plan Review and Variance approvals sha�1 be incorporated into the building permit working drawings and where applicable complied with priar to issuance of a grading or building permit frorn fhe building department. The cond'ztions of approval of this Resolution shall be printed onto building plans submitted to the Building Departrnent for review and sha11 be kept on site at all t�mes. 77 Crest Road East 4 E. Prior to submittal of fznal worki.ng drawings to the Buiiding and Safety Deparhnent for issuance of building permits, the plans for the project shall be submitted to City staff for verifica�ion that the fina� plans are in comp�zance with the plans approved by the Planning CornYnission. F. A licensed professional preparing construction plans for this p�roject for Building Department review sha11 execute a Certificate affirxning that the plans conform in aIl respecfs to th�is Resolution approving this project and a11 af the conditions s�t forth therein and the City's Building Code and Zoning Ordinance. Further, the person obtaining a building and/or grading permit for this project shall execufe a Certificate of Construetion stating that the project �nrill be constructed according to this Resolution and any plans approved therewith. G. Structural lot coverage af the Iot shall not exceed 14,857 square feet or 3.6% of the nEt lot area, in conformance with Iat coverage lixnitations (20% maximum). The tofal Iot coverage proposed, including structu.res and flatwork shall not exceed 33,712 square feet or 8.1%, of the net lot area, in conformance with lot coverage limitations (35% rnax). H. Grading for this project shall consist of 2,645 cubic yards of cut and 2,395 cubic yards of fill with 250 cubic yards to be exported for the pool and spa. The dist�rbed area of the Iot, including the approved stable and corral sha11 not exceed 13.9%. I. The residential buiiding pad shall be 39,$00 square feet and will have coverage af 35.3%. J. The new residence may encroach 325 square feet, and 3 covered patios may encroach as follows: two of the covered porches will encroach between Q' to 7' into the side setback and a third porch, (13Q square feet} will encroach in its entirety into the side setback. No basement or"story" rnay be constructed und�x the area of encroachment. K. The applicant sha11 cornply with al1 requirements of the Lighting Ordinance of the City of Rolling Hxlls (RHMC 17.1b.190 E), pertaining to lighting on said property, roofing and material�requirements of properties in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. L. All utility lines to the residence sha11 be placed underg�round, subject to all applicable standards and requirements. M. A drainage plan, as required by �lie Building Department shall be p�repared and approved by City Staff prior to issuance of a construction permit. Such plan shall be subject to LA County Code requirements. N. AI1 graded slopes shall be landscaped. A landscaping plan sha�.I be submitted to the Cify in conformance wifh Fire Department Fuel Modification requirernents and graded slopes. Prior to finaling the projec�, trees and shrubs shall be planted to screen the project from 77 Crest Road East S the neighbors. The landscaping shall not form a hedge like screen b�,tt be offset. The height of the trees and shrubs shall not at any time exceEd the ridgeline of the roof of the residence. The landscaping plan shall ut7l.ize to the maximum extent feasible, plan�.s that are native to the area and are consistent with the rural character of the community. If landscaping of 5,000 square foot area or greater is introduced or redevelop, the landscaping shall be subject to �he requirements o£ the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. O. The pool equipment area shall be enclosed and screened with landscaping. Per LA County Building Code, pool barrier/fencing shall be required. P. The west and south side setback lines in the vicinify of the construction for thi.s project shall remain staked throughout fihe constructior�. A construction fence may be required. Q. The project's biofiltration unit shall be rnazntained and cleared by the property owner�o ensure it functions as intended at all times. R. The project musf be reviewed and approved by the Rolling Hills Community Association {RHCA) Archztectural Review Coxnxnittee prior to the issuance af bui�d:ing permit. Perimeter easements and t-rails, if any, shall rema:in free and clear of any impravements including, but not be limited to fences-including construction fences, any hardscape, dxiveways, landscaping, irrigation and drainage devices, except as otherwise approved by the RHCA. S. A minunum of 5a% of any construcfion materials must be recyc�ed or diverted from Iandfills. The haulex of the materials shall obtain City's Constructian and Demolition pernlit for waste hauling prior to start of work, and provide the appropriate documentation to the City. T. Du:ring construetion, the property owners shall be required to sched�.ie and regu.late constructian and related traffic noise throughout the day between �he hours of 7 AM and b PM, Monday through Saturday on1y, when consfruction and mechanical equipment noise xs permitted, so as not to interfere wifh the quiet residential environment of tlie City of Rolling Hi11s. li. The contractor shall not use toois �hat could produce a spark, including for clearing and gr�zbbing, during red flag warning conditions. Weather conditions can be found at: ���;�� ����°��������¢���������s��.��:��i���������� � ���� �_����:�i��������ffi It is �he sole responsibility of the property owner and/or his/her contractor to monitor the red flag warning conditions. Should a red flag warning be declared and if work is to be conducted on the property, the cont�ractor shall have readily available fire distinguisher. V. During and after construction, all parking shall take place on the project site and, if necessary, any overflow parking shall take place within nearby unimproved roadway easements. There shall be no parking along the common driveway with the adjacent 77 Crest Road East 6 proper�ies or blocking of the common driveway. A flagmen shall be used to direct traffic when necessary. W. Prior to construction photographs of the cornmon driveway shall be submitted to the Planning Department. Following construction, the common driveway must be restored, at a minimum, to its pre-construction condit�on. X. Guest parking spaces shall have pervious material and shall be approved by the Planning Department. Y. Every effort shall be made to retain the 3 large trees located within the landscaped area in the circular driveway. Z. The property owners shall be required to conform with the Regi:onal Water Quality Control Board and County Public Works Department Best Management Practices {BMP's) requirements related to solid waste, drainage and storm water management and comply with the City's Low Impact development Ordinance (LID). Fu�ther the property owners shall be required �o conform to the County Health Deparhnent requirements for a sep�ic system. AA. Prior to finaling of the project an "as graded" and an "as construcfed" plans and certifications sha11 be provided to the Planning Departmen� and the Bu�ding Department to ascertain that the completed project is in campliance with the approved plans. In addition, any modifications made to the project during cor�fruction, shall be depicted on the "as built/as graded" plan. AB. The applicant shall execufe an Affidavit of Acceptance of all conditions of this permit pursuant to Zoxting Ordinance, or the approval shall not be effective. The affidavi�sha11 be recorded together with the resolutian. ASSED PR A D A OPTED THIS 15TH DAY OF MARCH 2O1b. � CHEL ,�HAIRMA ATTEST: � HEIDI LUCE,CITY CLERK Any action challenging the final decision of the City made as a result of the public hearing on this application must be fi�ed within the tiine Iimits set forth in Section 17.54.070 of the Rolling Hi1Is Municipal Code and Cade of Civil Procedure Section 109�.6. 77 Crest Road East � STATE OF CALIFORIVIA } COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES } �� CITY OF ROLLING HXLLS ) I certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2016-05 ent�tled: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNiNG COMMISSION OF TI� CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTTNG APPROVAL FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR GRADIlVG AND CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RESIDENCE WITH TWO GARAGES, COVERED PORCHES, A SWIMMING POOL/SPA, KOI POND, KOI POND GAZEBO, VARIOUS HEIGHTS BUT NOT' TO EXCEED 5' HIGH 12ETALNING WALLS AND �THER MISCELLANEOUS ACCE554RY STRUCTURES; AND VARiANCE TO ENCROACH WITH A PORTION �F THE NEW RESTDENCE AND COVERED PORCHES INTO THE SIDE YARD SETBACK AT 77 CREST ROAD EAST, (LOT 69-A1-MS}, (JANKOVICH}. was approved and adopted at regular meeting af the Planning Commission on MarCh 15, 2016 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Cardenas,Gray and Chairman Chelf. NDES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Kirkpatyrick and Smith. ABSTAIN: None. and in compliance with the iaws of Califorrtia was posted at the following: Administrative�ffiees a / HEIDI LUCE, CITY CLERK 77 C:rest Road East S