2016-07 RESOLUTION NO. 201b-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNTNG COMMIS�ION OF THE CIT`Y OF ROLLING HILLS AUTHORIZING A L�T LINE ADJUSTMENT OF TWO LOTS AT 11 SADDLEBACK R�AD (APN: 75b9-004-022) AND THE VACA�'VT LOT SQX,'TH THEREOF {APN: 75b9-OQ4-023) T� CREATE ONE LOT IN ZONING CASE NO. 896-A, LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 2015-02, (WARREN). Section 1. An application was duly filed by Ms. Candice Warren with respect to real properiy located at 11 Saddleback Rod, (APN: 7569-Q04-022) and the vacant property south thereo£ (APN: 7569-004-023) requesting to merge the two lots into one lot, which wi1l result i.n a 3.25 acres gross Iot, and is attached hereto as Attachment A and made a part thereof. Concurrently Ms. Warren filed an applica�ion in Zoning Case No. 896 for a Site Plan Review, Condi�ional Use Permit and a Variance to consfruct a stable that would be Iocated in the front yard area of the resulting lot, dressage arena a portion of which would be located in the front yard setback, a new single family residence, swimming pool and other accessory structures. Section 2. California Government Code Subsection 6b47�2{d) authorizes lof Iine adjustments wi�hout requiring a tentative map, pa:rcel map or final map if: {A) The Iot line adjusiment znvolves two or more existing adjacent parcels,where land is proposed to be taken from one parcel and added to an adjacent parcel; (B} A greater number af parcels than originally existed is not thereby created; {C} The lot line adjustment will create parcels that conform to local zoning and building ordinances; and (D) The lot line adJustment is approved by the City. The Cxiy may impose conditions on the Lot Line l�djustmer�t in arde� �o malce the Iot cor�fornz ta lacal zoning and build;ng ardinances, to require the prepayment of real prope�rty ta�ces prior to fihe approval o£ the Lot Line Adjustment or to facilitate the relocation of existing infrastructure or easements. Sec�ion 3. The lots are Iocated in the RAS-1 zoning dist-rict. The resulting lot wi11 be in compliance with the City of Rolling Hills size lot requirements. Section 4. The Plann;ng Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing fo consider the application to merge the Iots on December 15, 2015,January 19, 2016, and at a field irip on January 19, 20�6. Two residents testified in favor of the project. Section 5. The P1annulg Commission finds that the project i.s categorically exempt from envixorunental review �.nder the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to a Class 5 exemption provided by Section 1530� of the State CEQA Guidelines. Sectian 6. The Plaxuiing Commission has considered the evidence, both written and ora1, presenfed in corinection with this application and finds as follows: Reso.2016-07 7 ZC No.89b-A A. Section 16.16.010(B) ot the Rolling Hills Subdivision Urdinance and Section 17.26.060{A) of the Rolling Hills Zoning Ordinance requires that each Iot in any subdivision in the RA-S-1 Zone sha11 have a net area of not less than forty th�ree thousand five h�andred and sixty square£eet, (1.0 acre). The praposed Iot line adjustment wri�l result in one parcel having 3.2� acres gross and 2.2�8 acres net as calculated by the City for development purposes. Both Zots are currently greater than the required one-acre net. The net lot area is measured by taking the entire lot axea and deducting (a) the entire area within a recorded roadway easement plus the area within ten fee� measured perpendicular to the edge of the roadway easement; {b} the ten foot perimeter of the Iof pexpendicular to the property lines; {c) any priva�e drive or driveway that provides access to any other lot or parcel of land and (d}the access strip por�ion of a flag lot. B. Section 36.16A20 of the Rolling Hills Subdivi.sion Qrdinance and Section 17.16.060(B)(3) of the Rolling Hills Zoning Ordinance require that in all cases where practicable, the sidelines of lots shall be at approximate right angies or radial to the st-reet upon which such lo�fronts. The lots front along Saddleback Road on aII but one side and curve with the direction o£ the road. The Planning Commission finds that the existing condition will remain, including the exisfiing driveway, and �herefore not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the properties or ixnprovements in fhe vicinity. C. Section 16.20.230 of the Roll:ing Hills Subdivision �rdinance requires that easements, the width of which are to be determined by the Rolling Hills Community Association (RHCA), be dedicated for bridle trail and utility purposes over the strxps and portions of Iand within and abutting upon the property lines and will be recorded concurrently with thE Certificate of Compliance for lot line ad�ustment. D. Chapter 16.48 of the Rolling Hills Subdivision Qrdinance provides procedures for processing of certi£zcates of compliance, which is a document that acknowledges that subject pa:rcels are considered by the City to be legal lots of record. City records indicate tha� both parcels were created legally in 1977 by Parcel Map No. 31906. E. Conditions have been attached to this approval which provide that it will not impair or limit the City's application of the Site Plan Review or any other O�rdinance or Code to any fu�ti�re development of the lot, including but no� be limited to furfher ' study of soils, geology,hydrology, grading and other requirements. Section 7. In accordance with the foregoing findings, a Certificate of Compliance for lot Iine adjustment in Zoning Case No 896-A as indicated on the map stamp dated December 4, 2015, and on file in the Planning Deparhnent is hereby approved subJect to the following conditions: A. The Lot Line Adjustment approval shall expire within two years from the effective date of approval as defined in Section 17.46.07Q, unless otherwise extended pursuant to the requirements of this section. Reso.2016-07 2 ZC No.896-A S. There shall be easements along the adjusted lot line, as requ�ed by the Rolling Hi1.Is Community Associa�ion. The maps and legal descriptions showing the new property easernent Iines shall be recorded. C. The Iot line adjustment approval shall not in any way constitute any representation that the adjusted lot can be developed even if in coinplxance with current zoning and buzlding ordinat�ce standards. No developrnent shall occur on the property withouf first complying wi�h a11 applicable City Buzlding and Zoning requirements and other applicable rules and regulations. D. The lot line adjustment shall not in any respect limit or impair the City's application af the Site Plan Review Ordinance to �ie lot at such time as an application is made for development. E. The Certificate of Lot Line Adjustinent shall not be issued until a legal description complying with the delineation of adjustment, and including the required easements and trails, if any, as specified in Paragraph B of Section 7 are submitted to, and approved by the City. Upon fhe City's approval of tiie legal descriptions of the new adJusted lines a Certificate of Compliance shall be issued by the City, sha11 be recorded by the property owner in the offices of the Los Ange�es County Recorder, and evidence of the recordation sha11 be returned to the City. F. The applicant shall record the deed of the praperty effectuating the transfer concurrently with the Certificate of Compliance for the Lot Line Adjustrnent and sha11 submit proof of such recordation to the City of Rolling Hi�Is. G. The applicants shall execute an Affidavit of Acceptance of a11 conditions of thi.s Resolution or the Lot Line Adjustment shall not be effective. P1�EI�, n D ND BOP�'�'B ON T��E 15th BAY QF I�ARCH 2O16. B A ELF, CHAIRM ATTES�':� HEIDI LUCE, CITY CLERK Reso. 2016-07 3 ZC No.89b-A STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES } �§ CTTY OF ROLLING HILLS} I certify that the foregaing Resalution No. 2016-07 entitled: A RESC7LUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLL�NG HILLS AUTHORIZING A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT �F TWO LOTS AT 11 SADDLEBACK ROAD (APN: 7569-004-022) AND THE VACANT L4T SOUTH TI�REOF (APN: 75b9-0(}4-023} TO CREATE 4NE LOT YN ZONING CASE NO. 896-A, LOT LINE AD�[JSTMENT NO. 2015- 02, (WARREl�. was approved and adopted at a regular rneeting of the Planning Cornrnission on March 15, 2016 by the following ro11 call vate: AYES: Commissioners Cardenas,Gray,Kirkpatrick and Chairman Chelf. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Smith. ABSTAIN: None. and in compliance with the laws of California was posted at the following: Administrative�ffices HEIDI LUCE, CITY CLERK Reso.2016-07 4 ZC No.896-A