2010-20 RESOLUT�ON NO. 2�10-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNIlVG COMMISSIQN OF 1"HE CFTY OF R�LLIlVG HILLS REC�MMENDING APPROVAL TO THE CITY COLTNCIL OF A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 71374, SUBDIVTSION NQ. 92, A REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE A 10.1b ACRE LC�T INT� TWO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS, BOTH �R�NTING QN POPPY TRAIL ROAD, AND RECOMMENDTNG APPROVAL OF VARIANCES TO L�CATE AN AREA FOR A FUTURE STABLE AND CORRAL IlrT THE FRONT YARI� ON PARCEL 1 AND TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED DISTURBANCE OF THE LOTS, IN Z�NING CASE NO. 789, AND TO ADOPT THE MITTGATED NEGATNE DECLARAT'ION, {CJPIA). THE PLANNING COMMiSSION OF THE CITY QF ROLLING HILLS DOES HER�BY FIND, RESOLVE AND ORDER AS FQLLOWS: Section 1. An appiication was duly filed by A.C. Lazzaretto and Associates on behalf of the Califarnia Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA), with respect to real property Ioca�ed at 1 Poppy Trail Road, 75b9-007-001 arid 7567-014-014, Lot No. �O-B-RH. The applicant requests appraval to subdivide one lot totaiing 10.16 acres into two si�gle family residential lots and reques�ing Variances to permit a s�t aside area for a future stable and corral in the front yard on Parcel 1 and to exceed the mauimum permitted disturbance on each lat. The applicant is also requesting several modifications to the Cify of Rolling Hi11s Subdivisian Ordinance. Section 2. The subject Iot, which is proposed to be subc�ivided, resu�ted from a Lot Line Adjushiient in Zoning Case No. 78$, where �.17 acres of land was transferred to subject lot from Parcel 7567-014-029 (Saridakis Constr�ction Inc.} and 3.99 acres was transferred from a Cify owned lot, Paxc�17567-001-901. Section 3. Willdan Engineering consultants acted as the City Engineer for this project and re�riewed the application and pertinent docu�nents, studies and materials. Their recommendations are incorporated into the conditions of approval,. Willdan Engineering found that the project is feasible for implementation by the developer and that it is in conformance with City's and s�a�e regulations pertairiing to s�bdivisions. S�ction 4. The application applies to Lot 90-B-RH, which consists af 10.16 acres gross. The lo� is praposed to be divided into t-�vo parcels as follows: ParceI 1 is proposed to be 4.09 acres gross and 2.68 acres net; ParceI 2 is praposed to be 6.08 acres gross and 4.76 acres net. The parc�I is developed with a single family residential development and accessory s�ructures, which will be demolished. With a zoning map amendment, approved under Zoning Case N�. 790, the parcel will be zoned RA-S-2 (2-acre minimum Iot size. The General Plan Land Use designation for this praperty is Very Low Density Residentia� 2+ Net Acres per Dwelling Unit. TPM 71374 1 Reso.2010-20 QZ�OI OZ'��?[ Z bL£iL Wd.L •(�d��"J)�a��t�n�'j i�uauzuo,z�nug�nr.�o3��� a�} �uquauiajduri sautiaptn� ��aoY a�� o� �u�nsa�nd s�uzpaa3o,xd ��uauruo.nnua � �o uo�}�n�aa �uqajciiuoa uodn jiauno� �i� at� o� suoq�puaur�uo�ai s�r a�ui �� si uoissnuuzo� a� pu� d�y� 1a�������.zZ anq��uas � �o n�aina.� ,zo� ��ua�� �osXnp� ai� st uoissnuuzo� �uruu��� a�{} 'apo� Z�d�run� sljrH �ut���� a� ;o 'suotsintPanS �9I a'��Z 3� (�LL'ZZ'9I uop�as o� �uens�n� •s�zo�sxnrpqns su.�ano� apo� �drarunyli STiTH �uiiiog a� 30 9Z a�}t�, •,� uor��as •uoisstunuo��uiuu��� a� passa.xppe pu� ��ut.�a� a� �� aauepua�� ui a.zan� sanp�uasaadax ,s�u��xYdd� au,I, •�a(o.�d sn� �o aa�}��.0 a� ut s�uapgsai �u� uxo.r� passa.xdxa a,zanl suo��a[qo oN •�sodoacl pi�s paipn�s pu� paz,���ze 'pa�v�aina� �ur.n�t� uoisstwuzo� �uniu��� a� pu� �;��s �}i� at�} �o sxaqui:��z �o,z� pue '�sodoad pi�s �uy�a�;� ui pa�saaa�ui suosx�d �� uzo,z� pa}uasa.zd pu� p.;�au s�M aau�p�n� •��w s5�� �s.�r� �i� �'up�.rn� ui s�u�au ai�qnd at�� �o p�t��ou �.�ann sau���Tdd� a�,L 'OiOZ `GL �sn�n� uo ��sin du� p�a� � �� pu� OiOZ ��L �aqu�a�daS OTQZ `L� �Sn�n� uo as�� s€� ux s�uu�a��rYqnd pa�qou�Inp pIau uoassnuuzo� �unxu��� au,�, •g �or��aS •�uauxaa.��ay�;o uop�uauza�c�uii��no.x�pa��po�.zo pa�ea.z� sja�.r�d �o dn�sxaun�o pue .xa�sue.� at� o; paa��a.z saanpa3o.zd ��ai pu� 'sa�u�r.zen pu� n�arna.z ue�d a}ts 'a�ueua auoz � 'u��d �uip�,� � '}uau�qsn[p� aur� �oi � �tnpn�ui s�uauzn�op pu� s���iuuqns pa�e�osse pu� d�ui uoistn�pqns a� o�u� pa��.�odxo�ui aq p�non� apr�spue� sn� �q pa���duii aaan� �ey� �uauzanoaduz� pu� puej ay� �a uo�}�ipauia� •pat�s�iciLuo��� aq �snui api�spue� a� }o uopetpauxa.x a�} uan�n+� �q 'aur� auz�} � sa��Indqs .za�an; �uau�aaz�� a�, •s�snca n+�ou Ia�aEd aj�uts � a�aun� siaaz�d aa.z�} .zo ann� �uR�a.ra d�uz uoisu��pqns � �o uor���oss� �nmuiuzo� s�iH �u�jo� a�} dq pu� �r,� a� �q reno�zdd� �xo� �uti�� �uaiva.�mba,z � si suo�}ipuo� �uacuaa.z�� a� �uou� •s}uauza�mba.� pu� suoqtpuo� un�a� �o �uaui�it��n� a� � uo}ua�upuo� si�uauzaa,z�+� a�}3o ssa��nS 'OIO� i?���' u? sap.r�d � �q panazdd� s�n� ��tj} („�uauiaa.x.��„} �uau�aa�S� �uatua�as � ��noz� pan�osaz ��aa�zu��n aaan� sa�ndsip au,I, •ap�lspu�Y a� �iq pa���dui� a�zan� ��� sap�c� uaa.nl}aq ptr� �uouxe pa���}rut a.zan� suop�� ��aF sno�n 'sy�uoui �uYnsua a�} .x�np •p�o� �i�aZ �ddo��uo� j�n� s�zqap � �o uot�nx}suo� pu� `apiispu�� a� ;o ao� �t�; �� peoa ssa�ae u� ;o uo��n.z}suo� 's�x�.� a�} ;o auxos �o �u�uapinl 'ss�uz ap�lspue� a� �o uop�zua�u� �uipn�aut ss�uz apt�spu�� �� uo pu� �rui�in a� ui �t�tqisuodsa.� pue uo�arpsun[;o s�ax� a��}aadsaa axa�� u�}in� s�uauranoxc�uii snor,z�n �oo�apun (���) uop�Aoss� �}iunu�uxo� siliH �u?II��1: a'� P� �1i� 3� `aPiISP�i a� �uin�oi�od •s��rH�utjio��o�.}i�a��iq paunao pu�i �o Iaa,z�d a�} pas.xan�.� p�o� Ix��zZ dddo� •�o� �u���n auo pue padoianap �u�ia �s�o� �puapxsax au}u .�o� ssax�a pu� ssa.x�u� �o su�auu ajos �� s�n� u�ninl 'p�o� ��.�Z �ddo� �o uo�od � paunq apt�sp�i a�,I, •p�o� j�.xZ �iddo� ,xo; �uauzas�a ��n�pea.r au� ,n�oiaq �sn[ pa�Euiur.�a� pu� („��xadoad uaat�s„ a�) p�o� jr�.zZ �ddo� � �� pa���ot �,��do�zd uo �a��ut�uo ap�spu�I a�I.I. 'SII�H ��iI�2I �a �}r,� at� ui pa.r,zx��o ap?�sPuei � �r,Q{�� 3o r uaa�y� up •�C uo��aS Seetion 8. The applicants' {CJPIA) consultants prepared an Initial Environmental Study for fhe various aspects of the project and detexinined that with the innplementation o# mitigation measures no negative effect on the environment will resul� from the project. A Mitigated Negative Declaration was therefore prepared, no#iced in the Palos Verdes I'eninsula News, and mailed to the required reviewing agencies. Notice of the public hearings, field trip and of the preparation of the Mitiga�ed Nega�ive Declarat�on was also mailed to residents within 1,000-foot radius of the project. Comments on the Mitigated Negative Declaration fro�n all the interested parties and flte reviewing agencies were due by 5eptember 1, 2010. The comments and responses were incorporated in�o an amended Mitigated Negative Declaration. The staff report including the Mi�igated Negative Declaration is also posted on City's web site. Sec�ion 9. The Planning Commissian has reviewed the proposed Mitigated Negative Dedaration and finds that it represents fhe independent judgment of the City and that it was prepared in compliance with CEQA. Therefore, the Planning Commission finds there will not be a significant effect in this case on the environment be�ause mi�iga�ian measures have been added to the project, and are incorporated herein by reference. Based upon these findings, khe Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council adopt the Mitigated Negafive Declaration in accordance with the.California Environmental Quality Act. 5ection I0. The applicant is seeking a Variance #rom the requirement that every new parcel have an area set aside for a future stable and corral, which is not to be Iocated in setbacks or front yard. The proposed set aside is in the front yaxd o€ Parcel 1. The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council grant a Variance tio allow the future stable and corral to be located in the front yard on Parcel 1. Based on the evidence submitted, the Planning Commission finds that the grantirig of the Variance will not be detrimen�a� to the public weifare or injurious to the property or im rovements in surh vicinity arid � zone in which the property is located because �ere exist unique circumstances on �te property due to the necessary �andslade remediation activities and the limited area fo create building pads. Section 11. The applicant is seeking a Variance from the requirement that no more than 40% of any lot may be clisturbed. Disturbance includes remedial grading, any proposed or existing graded slopes and graded building pad areas, and any nongraded areas where impervious surfaces wiil remain or are proposed to be added. The subdivided proposes to disturbed 65% of Parcel 1 and 55% of Parcei 2. The dis�urbance of the lots is necessary in order to remediate the landslide and to create residential buiiding pads and access thereta. Grading is also necessary for tkae reconstruction of Poppy Trail Road to provide safe access to the remaining residents along Poppy Trail. The area below the road on Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 will not be disturbed and wi11 remain protected fro�n any future disturbance. Ther.�e are exceptional and extraordinary circumsfiances and cflnda�ions app�icable to the property because of the existence af a landslide, which if not repaired will threaten public health and safety. If the slide is not repaired, further slippage may cause damage to other properties in�he vicinity. 'TPM 71374 3 Reso.20I0-20 OZ-0 i OZ'osa� f� trL£I L Wd,L '}�; 06 3° a�u�}sip � ao� °,�9I uznuzix�uz � }� aq j��nn Z ja�.ze� .xo3 p�d �uip�inq a� o� ssa��� pasodo.zd a�Z •s�uauiazmba� a�ueu�p.rp �uruoZ a� o� ;u�ns.�nd uotssi�uzo� �uiuu��� a� �q paeoadd� asi.M.xau�o s� ,zo 'o�Z� ue� ,xa��a.� aq �ou lj�us p�d �uipimq at� o� ssa��� �o ape.� a� ��� sa,x�nba� a�u�utp.ip uoisXntpqns a� 3° (�i)OLI'9I'9I uopaas •��� uipj�ng o� ssa��� •� •a3u�}srp�.zo�s�xo� sadois a� ;o ssaudaa�s a� �zo; a��suaduzo� Itin2 p�n� pasodo.zd ay� �a�prn�a�}}e� pue nne� a� ;o ,za}}aj ay��aaux o� ie����.zduii�i a�ui ap��spue� a� a��xpauiaz o� sap�a� a�� pue s�ol �o azis '�ud�.x�odo� at� ��u� spuz� uotssruzuuo� �uiuu��� a� pa�Tuzqns a�uapzna a� uo pasr�g •�da�ua� ui pano,�dd� a�z�.�� pu� �uauzuio� pu� n�aina,x .x�a� �o� �u�u��daQ a.�i3 a�{� a� pa�tuiqns u�aq an�u su�z�d p�ox ��uYtuxja.x� •pa��na�suo� aq ii�n1 ij�n� �oo3-g o� dn u� �n�.n� �uo�� pa}�a.z� aq ��tn� 'p�n�d �ou 'Eaa� �zap�nuus 30 �aa� pi-6 I���?�P'b� 'uor.�aa�p �ii.�a�sann ui �aa; 9Z �a �aa3 8Z uio.z�pauapuv� �a� pan�d a� pue sa�eid�aanas ui pau�isapai aq��uvi p�o� j�,zs �ddo��upspca a�z •aiq�.zisap�soui a� aq pinon�uo��xn.�t;uo� pasodo.�d at�}��� pauruz,za�ap s�n� �I •�uauzn�op uo�}�x��aQ an�}��aN pa�e�pry� a� ut paqr�sap a.t� pu� paaap�csuo� a.zan� sanp�u.za��� j�.zanaS •peo.z pa�an,a�s�oaa� au� .zo� uS�sap }sa}�s ptr��saq a� aunuxa�ap o; paa�npuo� s�n��pn�s a�u��srp ;��is pu� sis�i�ue �r�;�.r� � •��}uazxn� st ;i u�� sa���d �.zanas ut daa�s ssa� aq j�n� pu� 'h�i�iqisrn .za��az� anEu j�� 'p�o.z �u�s�xa a� ue�{} aapr.n� aq �Iuvi peo� par�ipouz a�, •�aa� OFi 3° a�u�srp e .zo� °��'8� aq I�n� ap�.x� a� `uinunx�uz a� ��d '°loi�'S� �� /8'6 uzo.� �n i�in�p�o.z pasodoid au��o ado�s au,I, •�aa;Q�� ue� a.zoui�ou�o a�ue�sip. � .zo; o�Gt ;o umu�rx�Lu Pu� ��OL u�� azouz ou aq �Euz ap�� a� ��p���xduzi a.zaun� �da�xa '��9 u�t�} a.rotu �o ap�.zd � an�u �i�uz ;aa.aqs ou ��x� saiinbai d�u�uip.rp uoisr.nxpqns a� 3� 0��'9I.'9L uoq�a� •sap�a�}aa.�5 'fl •�uauzas�a�i�nnp�o�z .zo� �aa�-�g a��atpap o� ���}��.�duzi �i sax�ui peo.z �ur�sixa a� 3o uo���o� 's�o� �o azrs 't�t�dr��odo; ay�}��{� spu�uo�sstuzwo� �utuu��� �� pa�iuzqns aauap�na a� uo pas�g •�uauzasea �o �pYn� a�} �uip.re�a.z s�ua�uuuoa ou p�� pue su�jd p�o�z a� panlaina,z �uawq.x�daQ a.zi3 a�, •s�uatuas�a ��n�p�o�z �a��-�,g uE� ssaj an�� ��� �}1� a� un�u� s}aa�s �ueuz az� a�zau,I, •��n��o�u�u,�ue u�az�ou saop �rJ a� pue a�enud a� sp�o�a� s� 'uopaax�p .za;��� au� o� s.za�ap �r,� a� '�uauras�a ��M.p�oa �oo;-�;g si �uauia.xinbai s,�i� a�.�} y�no�}� •uxa�s�s ��Mppo.z ,zia� o;ui a�u��da��� io� �puv� �uauuas�a aTq��daa�� u� sE �uau�as�a ��n�p�o.z }oo;-55 -5� a� paa.roddns �I��r�da�uo� puE �I��uuo�ui s�t� ��� aus •�aa� Cr ;o ���.� a� o� ;uauzas�a �o� e �o� }aa� pt aq Ilin� �uaivas�a a� a.zaun� 'jt�.� ;ua��[�� tr� an�u iixn�}uauzas�a�003 C�,un�uv�uo�od���,� •aae;,�ns pan�d}�a3 9Z� ��n�aptn� }�3 5�-5� uaann�aq aq o� ��rv� �o �i��u a� sasadaxd �ue�tidd� auZ •�}pin� ui �aa� �xis u�� ssa�ou aq���s s�aa.�s ��.zo���n+�30}��u.zo�uau�asea a�.��u� saatnbax a�ueutp.ra uotstn,ipqns a� 3° 060'9�'9� uor��as •s}aa.z}S 3� �P�M 'd :uoa.xa� suopipuo� j��ts�t�d �nsnun a� pu� sa�}�ado.zd a�� �uis,zane� p�o� a�} 'sasn p�o.z pu� u�ta�sanba .xo; s�uaLuas�a sno.zaumu a� 's�oT �� �o ssaudaaas 'uap�aoj `ad��s a� ;o asn��aq pa�u�.u�n1 ac� o� pau�u.ua�ap a,r� �{�r�n� ��aio.zd sn� �za; suo���r��pouz �uan�oijo3 a� �u�.� ��uno� ,rt�i� a� ��� spuauzuio�as �Foissnx�uir�� �uruu�j� a� p£i'ZL'9I t�o�}��� apo� �dr:�nm� s�ix� �u��lo� a� oa �u�x�s.zn� •�� uo�aa� Access to Parcel 2 wi3.I be at a maximum 17% grade for a distance of 80 feet. Based on �he evidence submitted the Planning Commission finds that the topography, size of Iots and the grades to remedia�e the Iandslide make it impractical to meet the letter of the law and that the width of �he proposed driveways will compensate for the steepness of the slopes for a short distance. D. Grading�prohibited. Section 1b.20.210 of the Subdivisian Ordinance require th�at na building site shall be graded unti� such time as a q_ building permit has been issued for erection of a struct�xre on the lot to be graded. The applicant proposes to gxade the lots and create two ready to construct upon buiIding pads. In order to remediate the lar�dslide condition on the Iots and to mee� the requirements of the Settlement Agreement, it is necessary to grade the Iofs and rebuilt the slopes. Grading activities, other than Iandslide remecliat�an, will resvlt in widening and re�onfiguring of the existing road, consiruction of drainage devices, walls, driveways, bui�ding pads and trails. The grading is c�esigned to accomplish lot stabilization, provision of safer and wider xoad than currently exists and subdividing one lot into two lots, Since the entire lot will be �e-graded for stability, it is reasonabie ta create building pads at the same time. Future construction of homes and accessory structures will be subject to a Site Plan Review and other discretionary permit pro�es�, E. Setbacks. For de�nonstration purposes zf is required �hat a minimum of 12,DOQ square foot bui�ding pad area, not in setbacks, be shown on a Tentative ParcEl Map. The proposed residential building pads are larger than 12,000 square feet and in order to keep them at that size, setbacks must be established. The applicant is requesting the setbacks as follows: Front Yard Setback-50 feet westerly from the roadway easement of Poppy Trail Road for both parcels; Side Yard Setbac.ks, Parcei 1 - aiong Porhxguese Bend Road, and along the westerly most property line; Parcel 2 - along westerly x�ost property line and along nartheriy property line; Rear Yard Setback, Parcel 1 - along southerly p�c�perty line and Parcel2 - along southerly praperty line. The Zoning Qrdinance defines the rear Iot line as the lat Iine opposite and m�st distant from the front lot line. In the case of the proposed parcels, the applzcant is requesting �hat the rear Iot lines be designated along the southerly property lines. The slopes and grading required for this project Iimit the area for the bui�ding pads. The existing pads on the existing parcel are Iocated closest to the westerly property line and less than 50�-feet thereta (which would be required for a rear setback}. In order to maximize the size of the building pad areas, the applicant is requesting that the setbacks be modified and established presently. Based on the evidence submitted the Plaruung Commission finds that the topog�aphy, s�ze of lots and the grades to remediate the landslide and the best location of the building pads make it imprac�icat to fneet the Ietter of the law and, therefore is recomm�nding that th� r�ar setbacks on both lots be the line parallel to the southeriy property lines. TPM 71374 S Reso. 2010-20 f�Z-0[OZ'osa� 9 t�Lf1L Wd.L �„��a:�; pa���;o�rl �iI��auauo.���:���., s� deuz �u� a� uo uop�pao�ax �q �in}ar.i��d ui pa��a�oid a9 Iiina u�n{nh '��w� a��is�xas ��j�uauuuoxrnua Pa���}uapi �aCo.zd a�} .zo� pa�dazd �Pn�s T��}Tu� at�,i, •paz�a�axd ��a��n6apE a.xe �j.zado.zd a�uo s���iqr�u an��suas ao 'a���p�in1 'c�sr� �iu� ;�� a.msui �juti �ua�r.� �uauido�anap s,�}i� atj} pu� �uauzdoja�ap .za� pa��u�isap '�i� a�} �a �a� u� un�uti s� �ado.zd a� asn��aq �}��iqe�{ iia�} io a�i�p�n+��io �si� ain[ui �ijq�pzoee pu� ���r}u��sqns.xo :a��uxep i��uauzuo.zrnua �pu��sqns asn�� o� �iax� �ou st�uatuano,zduz� pasodo,zd at� ao uoisinipqns a� �o u�tsap aus •� •�a�sa.�� g�•�,pue sso,�sa.r�� gp•9 aq o� pasodoxd si� iaaze� :�au sa�E gg•Z pu� sso,� sar.�e 60•� aq o; pasodo,zd si � �a�.z�� :suoisualuip �u�o��a; a� �.�}in� s�oj sa��ax� p� sso� sa.z�� gZ•pZ s���aaio.zd au,I, •�au sa�a� �aq azxs�oi uznurxunu a� }�y� sa.�inbai auoZ Z-s-� auy •auoz Z-g-� a�} ui pa�.}iuz�xad a� s�uauiano.idun uoxsintpqns pasodoad puE '�tsuap 'asn pasado3d a�,I, •.}uauxdo�an�p �o ad� pue �}isuap pasodo.�d at� aa� a�q���ns �IjE�is�ud si a�is auy •g •�uu�uipu x��qas.rau a�} o� s�s�xa ��ua�na usy}� ssa��� .za�.}aq �uzpino.id p�r� sl�.� �ux���nn. pu� as.�c�x� �ur��nx}suo�a.� 'azts.�oj uinuiruitu a�.�} u��} .za��a�� a,z� ��� .s�oi �in2 uoisin�pans � �u��a�� �q�(�r� •d '�uau�aig u�q�n.zasuo� pu� a��ds uadp} sa��nosa,� asa� ;o s�u�,z�suoa pu� sar}in�isuas `sa�sua;��x�� a�; s��a�a,x u�n�n� aauu�ui � ui �uauzdoian�p �u���t���� 'sa�.xnosa.z ��ry�u s,h�rJ a�} a�u�uua pu� an.iasuo� •� •d�y�ja�.z����zt3 a�} uo „����j pa��a�o,z� �i��uauzuo,xinu�„ s� pap�zo�a.z aq Ii?�'� �a.z� u��d� a�,I, •�uip�.x� .xa �uauidojanap �ue uzo.� s��a�o.�d aq ��Tn� �� pu� �uaiuuQiieua ueu�du sut��uaa � ���xe� 3o uor.�od � •(gl •d `�uauiaig asn p�Z} •�adoad a��} uo spx�z�� ��r.do�oa� .zo ��uaLuuo.zrr�ua au a.xe a�xa�, •�uatuuo�inua r�aryeu a� o� anqisuas st �.�� �uaw:doYanap a��poutuzo��•d •� ��x� a��o.xa}��.z�ua �.xn�a��uiure�ur�ui pu� s�a.�E ���x�n�is �uin.zasaa:d pu� 'uua�.�� a��ds uado pu� s�uauzas�� s�t� a� `�urn�asa�d 'pado�ana�un u�uza.� o� s�a;�s�d a� �o suop�oc� �u��t�nz�zs �urn�o��� pu� �zxs �oI uz����z�.ai� at�� t�� .za���.�� a.r� ��t� s�c,i t��n� uots�.r�qns � �ur��aa� �9 (SI 'd '�uauza�� asn pu�1) sasn �u�j �u�}sixa s�ualuajduza� pu� �� atc�r��duxo� s� u�n�n,� �u�uxdo�anap ���pau�tuoaa� °z •s��sr�n�xua�s pu�a��ds uado�urur��u�uz�qaxa�}pado�anapun ur�uta.z o� s�aa.z�d at� �o suop,zod �ue��ru�is n�ojie ��uv� ��u� p:���u��s azts �oj uznuinriux a� �uqaauz uotstnipqns � �uz��aa �q (rZ •d '�uaEua�g asn pu�'I) .�a��E.r��a ��}uapisa�x ��itu a���t��}sxp �SiYTH �uiiio� ur�;u�y�I •L :ue�� �xaua�a�}�o sapiIod p� s�o��uu►�ojjo�au� 'o� pa�iuxil�ou�nq�uxpn�u� 'utz� �.zaua� alqE�tidd� a�} �in� �ua�sxsuo� a.� uotsin�pqns pasado�d a� �o �uauxanoiduii pu� udisap at� pue deuz Ia�.z�d an��}ua� pasodo�xd a�y •y :����;o s�urpu��ur.Mo�ia3 a�}s���ux uo�sszuxtuo��u�uu�Id�� aP�� �d�iuny� sRTH �uillo� a� 3° 0��'��'gZ uo��as o} �u�ns,m� •£� uor��as D. The design of the subaivisian or#.ype of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems because �onditions of approval have been ap�lied to the project to req�ire campiiance with. applicabie codes and ordinances designed to pratect pub�ic health a�d safety. E. The design of the subdivisian or type af improvements will not conflict with easements acqu�ired by the public at large for access thraugh or use of property wi�hin th� proposed subdivisian. New roadway easernents will be � recorded in favor of the Rolling Hills Commurtity Associatior� and adequate access will be prov�d�d to each parcel and adjacent parcels, In addition, each parcel created as p� of this subdivision wi1l contain pe�rimeter easements providing access for roads, trails, and gublic: utili�ies. As a candition of approval, these easements will be recorded in deeds priar to approval of the final map. F. The proposed subdivisi�n wi.11 not advex�sely affect the housing needs of the region. G. The proposed use will be in .substantial corr�piiance with the pravisions of the Residential Dev�lopm.ent Standards in the Rolling Hills Zonir�g Ordinance, except that a Variance is granted for locating an area for a future stable and corral in the front yard an Parcel 1. H. The praposed use will b� cc�mpatib�e with other existing residentiai development in the immediate area. F. The tentative map design provides for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision to the exten�feasible because the project is designed with lots a�# adequate ciimensions to maxi�ruze the oppo�tuni�ies for passive and natural heating and cooling. j. The tenta�ve map does not pro�ase to divide Iand, �nrh�ch is subject -�p �o a contrac� en�ered into pursuan� ta the Cali#ornia Land Cons�rvak'ton Act o� 1965, because the propex*y in quesi�an has not been incliided in any such con�ract. K. Pursuant to Section bb474.G of �te Government Code {Subdivision Map Act), the discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into px�oposed septic systems will not resulfi in vio�ation of existing re�uirem�nfs prescribed by the Califarnia Regional Water Quality Contro� Board, because the subdivider is required to �omply with all Condi#aons of Approvai regarding waste disp�sa� as required by the Health Departrrient. L. Pursuant to the Rolling Hills Municipal Code Section 16.12.�55, this Tentative Parcel Map is consistent with and does no# impact the County of Los Angeles Hazardous Waste Management Plan. The projec� wi1l not generate any hazardous waste. Section 14. Based upon th� foregoing findings, the Planxung Con�.mission recommends that the City Council apprave Tenfa�ive Parcel Map TPM 71374 �] Reso.2010-20 OZ-�0 t OZ'Q5�2i S tL£i L INd.L :�ur.n�ojjo#ar�a� pa�tuzl�aq}au}nq��utpnj�ui 'a�q��xidd� aq o} pauru�za�ap a.r� saa; auip a►� �e ��d o� ae�� p-�non2 {�I��) }u��iidd� �� saa; II� an�n� I��S SIIt�� �UT�[O� �C� �ia ay� '��ds �oi � sapn�ux �t�nn. 'uoq�zpauua�z apx�sp�j a�,xo;�uauzaa.z�� �uauia��as a� o��u�ns,xn� •g 'sI�a� pu� `sp�a.� 's�uatuas�a �u�aa�� s�ua�.uanc�a:duzx uo�s;ntpqns a� ;o �ie ao; uoq�i3ass� ��unu.�uxo� s�XtH ����a� au� `uzo.� s���u�ad pax�nb�a iT� pu� '�o �r�oidde ur��qo II��s ;ue��Fdd� a�,L 'r •�uau�doianap a� ,zo� pansst a.xe s;tuuad}ua�ano.zdu�t uaisinipqns��t� atu�} at�}����a��a ui a.�e ���} 'sp.repu�s aYq���jdde �za�o pu� sp.�}�tx�}s �u�aau�ua 'suopnjosa.z 'sa�u�Utp,�o S�i?H �utj�o2I 3a ��J �� 3o s�uauza�tnba.x jI� p� `a�� i�dptun�rlI Sit� �utIT�2� a� ;o s�uauxaxmba�z a�} � �in� �jdu.�o� �j��s .zap�n�pqns a�Z •�, •saptn�pqns a�uodn aq t�us s��auza�inba.z ��ns o} s� ��nbui �a �np a�jZ •uor�eiaoss� �}runuzuia� s��� �u;�ta� au� }o s�uauxai�nba:� a� pu� 'saq.qua �e�uauzu.zano� pa;�a�3� ,za�o �u��'sIT�-i �u���?I ;o �}i� at� 'sa�a�u� soZ �o t�unoJ a� '�nuo�t�� �o �;��5 �� }o s;uatuaainbai aiqe�ijddr� ��e o} �aa[qns s� �no�zdde d�y� ia�.ze� an���uaZ sn�s •� � •�noaddd�;o suo�ipuo�a�} �q pai;�pu�.0 s��ua�.x�daQ �u�uu�j� a� ui aY�uo si�n�n1 'O�OZ `S raquia�das pa��p d�tu at� uo un�o�s s� s�uauzanoadur� a�Fs-��o�o iw�n,�}suoa pue '���.-�o�.s�t��tx `s�uauuas�a 'sau�j ��punoq � .za� pa�u�a� st d�y� la�.�� anr���ua�, s��{Z '� •d�tu au};o uop��xrdxa o�,zo�.zd s��p (0i,) ��zo}��s�ai�� s��qr�ca pu� aa� pa�mba.� a� 'uopE�ijdd� �uuo� e �o ��nuqns uodn ��una� �i.ji� a� �9 pa�tr�x� aq�eLu a��p uo�}���dxa at.� o� au�y ;o uoisua}xa u� '��d d�y� uotstntpqn� a� o��u�ns�zn� •���d��uoisinrpqn, a��o suoisrnoxd�Tn�.aau�p�o���ur mo�aq Z •c��uoprpuo�o��u�ns.�nd�pa�u�.z$ t�o�su��xa �ue.xo a��p uap�.xidxa a�o�,�oud pat� �S�atup uaaq;au seu detu r�ur� � 3i pron pu�z ��Zu atuo�aq ���s �no.�dd� sn�,�, ��,L�Q NOTx.�H2iIdX� ��r.�a z��ouaa� :sa}�p�uzn�otlU� a�} uo a.x�dxa I��s pup uo pano.zdd� s�n� d�� anp��uaZ au,i, •�natdd� �i�uno� �rJ 3o a��p a� uzo.z� sa�a�t (Z) °n'i1 a.zxdxa I��us d�� anp��u�.L S�.L 'i �SNQLLIQ.NO� SrlU�1�'IZ��SINI :suC}7����.in� �uuv�ojio3 a� o� }��fqns suop�����pouz pue 's�oj t�}aq uo a�ueqan�sip pa��iu�.zvd umuiix�tu ay� paa�xa o� p� '�o� a� �o p�� �uo.z� a� ui �.uoa pu� aiq��s �xo��a.� apisr��as� an��{o� � ja���}�u,r.�ad o� sa3u�r.z�n pu� p�re��o uoxsxnYpqns �°I-(Z} on� � io� �sanbax� `�$L 'aN as�� �u�uoZ u� Z6 •oN uoYsinipanS �i�LEIG '�.� City Tentative Parcel Map and Final Map Review fees Cfty engineer project review fees, including Fire Depaxtment review fees, County Public Health Department review fees City Grading permit fe� City af Roll�g Hills, Quimby Act fees CA. Dept. of Fish and Game fees, and o�her applicable fees, except that after the project is completed and remediation of the Iandslide � accomplished, the new property owner of each lot shall be required to pay all applicab�e fess at th� time plans are submitted for construction purposes, includfng but not be limited to City discretionazy review permit fees, and all of the appticable Building and Safety and Public Works Deparhnent fees, including City's Parks and Recr�ation Fees and Palos Verdes Unified School District fees for new residences. 7. Coordination with utility companies by the applicant's engineer during design and construction of the infrastructures shall be required in order to ensure that required public impxovements are no� in conflict with existing or proposed utilitif's. $. The applicant shall caxnply wi.th all requirements of the Conges�ion Management Plan for the County of Los Angeles and any related City of Rolling Hills requirements. 9. The setbacks on both Iots are to be as follows: Front setback: 50-feet fram the roadway eas�ment line of Poppy Trai1 Road; Rear setback: 50-feet from �he sautheriy property lines on both parcels, to accommodate larger building pad areas. The xemaining �Sropert� lines sha1l be 35-fe�et, and shall constitute �he side setback�ines. 10. When exhibits and written cor�ditions of approval are in conflirt, -- the written condi�ions shall pr�vail. 11: The Tentative Parcel Map shall show and contain all of the matters and details as required by the City of Rolling Hills Subdivision Ordinance Section 1b.12.050. If it is imp�ssible or impracticable to place upon the tentative map any matter required in this section, such matter or in�ormation shall be furnished in a written statement, which shall be appended to and submitted with such map. �2. The subdivider shall submit evidence to the sa�isfaction o£the City that they are the owners of the property shown on the Tentative Parcel Map as propased tor subdivision. 13. There shail be filed wi�h the tenta�ive map a geological report prepared by a registered engineering geologist, as required by the Business and Professions Code of the State, showing the geologicai characteristics of the proposed lots in the proposed subdivision, and confirming that a building site can be developed on irhe lot which is free af geological hazard. Sai.d report and TPM 71374 g Reso.2010-20 UZ-OIQZ'osa� �T 1�L£iL Ylld� ��x��}Ypuo' ��a�ua� =d�dL�I 'I�dNId�H.L 301�IQi,L�dCT?IOJ�2i H.I,IM NOI.�.��NNa�1`�II ?IQ O.L �I�RT�T �Z�ZdNIO� �g ZZ�IHS SI�QI�LIQNO� �1\[IMO'I'IQd '3HZ '�I � � � ��ax�.�ot�au a��o °�0'��- Z Ia�.z��uo pue °�p°�C9-L jaaze� uo :sn�o��o� s� paa�x� �ou Ii�u� s�°j a� 30 �a.x� paq.zrt�stp au,I, 'OZ •I ia�.z��uo p.��t�uo.z�ay� u� pa�p3oj aq ��uz ��.uo� pu� ajq��s aman; � xo; �a.x� apcs� �as auZ "6� •sa�u�utp.zo pu� sapo� ��ns o� �u�ns.�nd pasodu.�� aq ��uz s�uauzaxinbax xau;o pu� s}uau�anoxduzI •apo� a�zt3 pEze 'apa� ����a�g 'a�u�uz�.x� a�s�M �rz�snpu� pu� .zan�as �}n�5 'a�u�utp.zp za��� 'a�ueuip.zq sar�zi�}.n �o �u�puno.z�aapun 'a�u�u�p.zp �u�ua;� 'apo� ���ttx�t�aa� 'aaueuzP.z{� �xuua� ��nn�{�iH 'a��urp.zp �u��.z� `aP�J �uiquin.�� 'apo� �uipj�na a� s� u�ns s��tz�urpso a��udQ.�dd� .�atJ�Q pu» apo� �}?� a� ��lvs, a�tt�utao�uo� ur �ado.zd az�� c�u�anap a� saa.x.�� �}�tu.xad �utpXr�q ,zo �uxp�,x� � �o a�u�nssT �o auz� a�} �� '�aun�o a�} 'aut� �r�.� �� i�;�.z�ct ���a lI0 53.�ri}�iU�S �O SUOI�L�OI �T�T�7�C�S ��u� a� �un�siiq��sa ;o r►atj u� '8t •��ua���os�np�a��q�na,�c�d�uodn deLu anr��}ua� ai�uo unlaus aso� c►� pa�Tpoui a,z� s�uauFasinba.z a�u�utp,zo ao 'suo�}rpuo3 .�a�n ux pano.�dde �i���r.�ads aq �snuz sa�t�od �jr� xo '�noxdd� �o suopipuo� ��xaua� 'sa�ur�uipxo xo s�uauua.z�nba.z�uvi�ua�sisuo�u� aq��ui �n�n� sa�ou .xo s��ap �iu� •pa�o,zdd� ��ssa�au �ou a.� d�u� an��ua� a�} uo unaous sa�ou pu� sj�;aa 'LZ •uoissiuzuzo�ar�;�.�Z s,��� ay} �q n�au�az o� ��a[qns a,z� sau��o.�dd� �i�nlanup aus •�uau,q.z�d�Q a�zi� a� �q n�aina.z o��aa[qns ax� sja��d pasado.rd at�;a��a oa s��n�anup a�J •�T •�oi.zad sa.����au Z 3o P,x�pu�}s ���.�d urrr.ui}uiva� �uz,zmbai auoZ z-S-�2i a� �o sp.�pu�s ;uauzdoianap uc;isrnzpqns pu� s�ua�zazzn�ia.x �a.ze a�} o} pa�iuzr� a� �ou �nq �uipni�ut 'a�u�u�p.r� �unro� pu� ap�� s�orsinx�aqnc� �.�t� ay� �a suoisTno.�d ��� �in+� ��dwa� �i�'•us d�� ia3.z�� anp��uaZ ai�.L 'SI •s�a.� pa�a�z�sax a� un��.n�saan��nxas .za�o .zo s�utpimq }o uap�a.za a�{� �xqn�oxd o� }u�u � s� d�� �a�a�� �ui3 a� �}� pap,�o�a.� aq �i�us �ax� u�ns pu� '.xaaur��za sj�os��si�o�oa�' �ur�insua� �}i� at� �o uoq��;sy�s a� c�� `�a�u�ua sjtas .zo��u� �si�ojaa� �upjnsuo� a�} �q pano.zdd� 's�a.z� asn pa��r.z}sa.i a��aut�ap 'ajq�ai�dd� �I •i�i 'aP°� ied�auny�sjj?H .�u��io�a��;o 'pa�xmba���zodag pu� uop��?qsanuI ie��o�aa� gE•g-� .za�d�u� ;o suo�su�,oxd ai� o� �aatqns aq ��uz pu� '�zaaut�ug h}r,� at�} �q pano�dd� aq �Ie�s u�a.�a� pau��uo� suoisnj�uo� a� 1. A re-aIigned Poppy Trail wi11 be reserved an the �'arcel Map (but only withiri the "DistinctivP Bordef' of the map), for the benefit of all applicable part�es. 2. By separate inskrument, the existin� Poppy Trail withir� the "Distinctive Barder" o.f the map shall be quitclaimed ba�:k ta the underlying owners. 3. An easement fo� the realigned Pappy Trail shali be written over a portion. � of the Saridakis Construction Tnc. property, (APN # 7567-014���) so as to create the full 25- foot width or show that the easement exists, 4. If the rela�ionship ot existing buildings/sewage disposal compar�ent�o the ne3nr lot/pax'cel lines creates conditions that do not camp�y with the Building Code/Piur�bing Cade 1 Zoning Ordinance, these non-complying conditions shall be corrected or the parcel lines relocated prior to the division of larLd. S. Offer shall be n�ade to grarit ingress/egress and utility easements ta the public over the private street(s). b. All easements that will be in existence at the time of fina� map approval rnust be accounted fox on the approved tentative map. This includes the Iocation, owner, purpose, and recording reference for all exisfing easements. If an easement is blanket or indeterminate in nature, a statement to that effec�must be shown an the tentahv� and finai map in lieu of ifs location. Easemer�ts are subject to City Engineer review and approval. 7. A final parcel map must be processed through the City Engineer priox �o being filed with the Los Angeles County Recorder. 8. Prior to subrnit�ing #he parcel map to the City �,ngineer for examination _. pursuant to 5ection C6450 of the Governme�t Code (the Subdivision Map Ac�), obtain clearances from all affected T�eparlments and Divisions, includin� �he contracf map checker, v�ho will be responsible far checking the map for technic�al correctness. The County of Los Angeles Land Development Group wilI be responsible for tax clearazices, checking the map against the Final �ubdivisian Guaran�ee, and assigning a Book and Page(s) far the approved map. ROADS,DRIVEWAY5,UTiLITTES,WA.TER OUALITY Roads 9. The subdivision shall conform ta the design standards ar�d policies of the City of Rolling Hills�, (RHMC Chapter 16.16). 1fl. The easement or right-of-way for Poppy Trail Road shall be n��Iess than 45 feet in width as approved herein. TPM 71374 11 Reso.2010-20 OZ-0 i 0�'osa� �I �L£I L y1Id.L •ado�s o�,r� � paa�xa }ou �r�t�s pu� `��H2i a,.� �o uo����sp�s ai� o� pa�ru�suo� aq Ii�us tr�id �u�p�.x� pu� d�y� jaa�CI anq�ua�, aLl� uo unao�s s� s�r�ar� auZ 'I� •uorss�uzuio��r����xZ s��I��u�II�2I 3� ����� �q pano�zdd� p� panlar.na.� aq �snuz sjxoxd� ��nn.anta� •}uaux�.��d�� a�z?� �uno� sa�a�u� so'I aua �q pano�zdd� p�:� panna��a.� aq �snuz s�eana�r�Q •OZ •.za�aur�ip ut�a�� �i9�� s�at ou aq ��s �4�ManT.�p ��a �o do} at�� uU �a.z� puno.z� uxn� a�{,� •�j •�uaaxad uanas u��apE.z�u��zadaa�s aq�ou ��ti�s 'p�oa a��nx.zd pr�s �o uo�.zoc� paeYd a� �o a�pa at� u.fo.zJ pams�aur� 'tCpM�IAI�� �o �aa�. �uan1} �s.n� at� ��t�} pa�ax�a}s�oa os aq Ii��s s�i�n��an�.zC� '8T •�ua�.zad anr�-�i�uanfy�e� .�a����aG.�ou Ii�us s�a.� �,uo� p� aiqe�s a� o} ssa��� 3o ap�.�� a�, 'GI •Z �a��� uo }aa� OS 3o a�u�}sip � .�o� ��G� p� 1 Ia�.z�� uo �aa3 06 �o a�u��sip � .zo� �,�9Z u�� .�a;�ax� aq �ou j�u$ spEd �uzp�tnq a� o� ssa�a� �o ap�.z� aus •g� s�i�a,i,puu s �.vs.a��Q •suo�����r�ads uop�n,�sua� ;aa�}s �ut1o� sa�a�u� so7 �o sp.��Fu��s a� o� pa�an,z�sua� aq I�us �aa.�s aus, •.zada�aeap a�} dq �}t� a� o� p,�}u.�qns �.zoda,z sj�os ��} ur pat�rsads pu� �iq paunzr.��►��P aa Tieus uo�;ras fl�l� au.L '�g��) as�q a���a.��� p�usna� �zaao �t�udsL �T�} �aui-�, �rn+� pan�d a9 I�eus �aa.�s pa.}�xi.qsuo�ax au.L 'rZ •��uzaad�utp�x� ��o a�u�nssz o� .�vuci panoadde aq�snuz pir� :caaur.Sug ��� a�} o� pa�}tuzqns aq I��{s �aa.n�s pa��n:qsuoaa.z pasodo�zd a�sa� s�uau�ano.zduzx�a�ays.�03 su��� •�ti •sat�ada.zd a�ui�in� I�.�Z �ddo� as.zan�.�} a� �t��u a� s�san� pun� sxaquiauz uoq���oss� �}�unuiuio� sjjiH �ui�Io� a� apinoxd o� pa�u�.z� aq iipus s�uauias�� •iaau,�u3 �r;) }o uor����sr��s a�} o� p�o� l�.zs �ddo� ;an,z�suo� ��s �adoranaQ •�i •aaau��u��r��.zZ a� �q pan.oxdd�� s� pu� �nu�� u�YsaQ ��n�t��rH �t�} �q papuauzuio�a.� s� aq j�'us p�o� j�.zZ �dda� a� uo s.���an�.q .�v� a�u��st�a �t��is uznuriunu a�, '�-� •t.rxa.i��{���naadd� s��aa{ ���;;Q a:,u��sip � .zo� °�i�'8� Paa�xa ;ou TI��s ��o� Zr�.�Z �dc:otI 3o ap�a� uznuzrx�ux �u.L 'Z� Ut�lities 22. Utility Iir�es, ineluding but not �imited ta electric, communications, and cable felevision, shail be placed underground prior to receiving finai map approval froin the Ci�y Counal. The subdivider shall be. responsible for complying wi,th this requirement, and shall make the necessary arrangements wi�h the utility comparues for the installation of such facil.i�ies. All appurtenant and associated equipment such as, but not limited to transformers, meter � cabinets and other facilities shall be placed underground, unless the affected utility company determines that placemen� of its facilities underground is not technically feasib�e. The subdivider may request a waivex from this requirement, by providing a letter to the City from the utility companies explaining the reason{s) why the undergrounding of the appurtenant facilities is not feasible. 23. AIl other required improvements shall be completed. I� such improvements, other than� �dergrounding of utilities, are not completed before a final map is approved, the subdivider shall enter as eontractor into an agreement with the City ta complete the unprovement no later than thirty-six manths after recording the final map or such other �ime as determined by the City Council at the time the final map is approved. 24. Any utilities that are in cc►�tflict with the deveic��ment shall be reIocated at the developer's expense. Water Ouali�i 25. The applicant sha11 obtain State Construction Activi�y Permit and meet all of the requirements o£ the National Poliution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permi� pertaining ta canstructian activities prior to obtaining grading perxnit. The applicant shall meet the water quality requirements for the State Permit and prepare the Sto:rm Water Pallution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), --� wl�uch shall be reviewed by the City Engineer and Planning staff. Water Se�.vices 26. The subdivision/project shalI conform to the design standard and polices of the City of I�olling Hills, in partic�x�ar, but not limited to th� following items: {a) Water services sha11 be provided by and a "water availability certificate" signed by California Water Service. All lots shall be served by adequately sized water system facilities, which shall include fire hydrants of the size, type and locatian as determined by the Fire Chief. (b) Prior to the fi�ing of the final map, there shall also be on file with the City Engineer, a sEatement from the water purveyor indicahing subclivider compliance with the Fire�hie�s fire flow requirements. {c) A water system maintained by the wafer purveyor, wifh appurtenant facilities to serve all lats in the project, must be provided. The system shail include fire hydrants of the type and location5 (both on-site and off-site) as TPM 71374 13 Reso. 2�10-20 OZ-Q�4Z 'osa� �l tiLEiG Wd.L •�zoda.��ur.zaaur�ua �aruLPa�aa���aio�d a��o suop�puauiuzo�a,z ay} uo pas�q s�lenti uza�s�s �unz�}a.z �.z�a pasodo.a�d a�} .�o� suop���� pu� suap���i�ads 's�x��ap �.zxy�na�s apn�ui �j�us u�jd �urp�� �ut3 'I€ •.zaaur.�ug�jt� a� ;o uo�r��sq�s a� o� �ua�ras�a a��ur��zp pano.zdd� ue zo u�seq ����� ';aaaqs a�} o� �in�.zd �q pa��a.z�p pu� panzaaax ea�x� a� �o �o�o.zp�u a�} o�u� pa���n���� aq �sntu s�oj �uaa�[p� uzo.�3 n�o�{ xa��n� w�ao�s upsnca ao t��uo�sxH 'fl�, •.zaau�u� �i7 a� �o uo����sp�s a� o}uia�s�s a��u�.���uapuadapuz LIL �LZI[AL'li �OI 1{7�2 .IO� ��1f�lu,iii �5t7Lil LIC'�c:I �3��Lili�.��7 �lU� `�l(i�iE.�`� d •�Z � 'S}II�Ui�SI?� 1�952J3U a�} ;o uo����pap �ui�n�aut '��ui�u;� �r� a��} �q Pa�o.zdd� s� saq�zado�zd �utuxo[p� uzo„� a��ut�xp �ia�a�nq�.uuoa xo� ap�.no.�d o� pa�o.zdd� aq ��nu� su�Xd a��ure.zp p� �uip��`� 'deui l�ui� a�� �o uor�r�.to�a.x a� o} aoT.zd •gZ a �u��xQ pu� uXp�a�� •sap.zadoad u��as p�o.i pu� �ua��ui as�q a���a.x��� pausn� jr��z,� �ddo� a� ,zo� suoq�pu�uzuto�a� (a} •�}ijiq��s adojs a�.�}uo uua�s�is �pdas�;o s�aa��asianp� ��ua�o� (p} •suza�s�s��auz}�aa;aa��ntia}s�nti a�rsuo,za�o �zo ��das ;o asn a� ;o �}ijiqis�za� pu� ad�t} 'uor���oj .zo; suo��puauzuzo��� (�} •sLua�s�s�urure}a.z y�.zEa .zay�o xo pa�uaut�as a�} .zo; �u��r,z� u�isap pu� suo��puauruio�aa u�rsaQ (� •�titq��s adojs �r�t�ns pu� �qoj�.�o;uo�}��t;�sn(pue���Q ��) :�urMoI[o� at�} ap�noxd .�e� ssa,zpp� ��s #aada�z �e�ru�{�a� ���o�oa� �ui� a�, •�� o�o�� uiiaaui u� � ut�aauz u� Y���r��q�a;a�� •s��a�uano.zduzt .xa��M a� �o uoq����;sui pu� �uaui��d �utaa�u�.�n.� ao�an.xnd .za��nn, �utau�.�as a� �rn+i ���,z�ua� e o�ui pa.za}ua s�u .zapinipqns a�} ��� �u���}pui '.zaaiz��u� �}t� a� o� d.zo����s��s 'a��rap�na .za�o �tae �uautaa.r�� ue �tuzqns ���t�s .zapu,�pqns auZ �uoisinip puel sn�} �uu�as �u�duzoa xa��n� a�} o� �noxdd� .zo� �a�ituqns aq jI�t�s sar�i�r��; u�a�s�is .za�Enn a� .zo; suop����ads pue su�icI {3) •.zaau�u��ia a��o uo��3sp�s au�o�uois�ntp pu�i sn� .zo� pa��n.�suo� saxry�n.�}s�.z}ut �� ;o a�u�ua�u�uz pu� uo�na�suo� 'ssa,zda 'ssa,��ui �o as�d�nd ay� xo� �pua �zo �ua�E a��r�da.xdd� a�j� o� pa�u�.z� aq I�us s�uaLuas�g (a) •sp.�pu��s�uawqa�daQ�ai3�.}uno�sa�a�u� soZ �rn� a�u�pao��� ui pa}��oj pu� paprno.zd aq iieus s�ue�p��{ a.xi� (p) •s.�a�ur,zds a,z��xo�pu�Luap a�}apnr�u� �i�ui pu� 3an� a.�t3 a� e(q pauiu�r.�a��p aq o� a.� pa.zxnbaa s��.uJ� aar,� 'LZQIST.AI�1 pu�� at�} .�a� pa�zinba.x s.�1o� aa�� �u� �r�stauzop ��u� a�{} a��pouzuto��E �� pa7is aq �[e�� sureu� x����� a�s •��aur���da� aat3 ��uno4� sa�a�u� soZ a� �Sq p�unua�a�ap 32. Residential building �ads may be estab�ished with this gradirig application, prior to obtaining buildirig pernuts for a residence for either of the Iots. Los An eles Coun Fire 33. Access shall comply with the current Los Angeles County Fire Code. Fire Deparhnent access shall be extended to within 150#eet distance of any � ex�erior portion of all struc�ures. 34. The private driveways shall be indicated on the final. map as "Private Driveway and Fire Iane" with the widths dearly depicted. Driveways shall be maintained in accardan�e with the Fire Code. 35. Vehicular access must be provided and maintained sexviceable throughout construction to all required fire hydrants. All required fir� hydrants sha1l be installed, teste�i and accepted by the Fire Depa�rtment, pr�or to issuance of a final inspectian for the grading of�his project. 36. If required bq the Fire Deparhnent, fire hydrants shall be protected by ballards. 37. This prope� is Iocated within the area described by �he Fire Deparbment as "Vexy Hig Fire Hazard Severity Zane". A "Fuel Modification PIan" shall be submitted and approved prior to finai map clearance. 38. Locate ail existing or proposed fire hydrants on the plans. Fire hydrants shall be placed within 300 feet of proposed property lines. 39. Water co�pany to verify fire flow. 4Q. The tuming radius of the driveways af Parcels 1 and 2 to be 32 feet ori centerline and shown on plans. The turnarounds shaIl be designed, constructed and maintained fco insure their integrity for Fire Depart�nent use. 41. Provide a minimum of 25-feet u£ paved access, along Poppy Trail Road satisfactory ta the Fire Department and construction of which meets the L=i� Angeles County spec�fications for road construc�ion. Sevtic System: Los Angeles Count�+ Depamnent of PubIic Health 42. The subdivision/praject shall conform to the design standards and poIices of the City of Rc�llxng Hills, current Los Angeles County Plumbing Cocie and Los Angeles County Departrnent of Public Heatth. 43. Prior to the recordation of the fina� map, each lot sha1l provide a satisfactory evidence of a percolation test indicating acceptable conditions for the fuhxre onsite wastewater treahnent system iri accordance with Los Angeles TPM 71374 15 Reso. ?010.20 QZ-0 i OZ'�a2i 9i �c£F�.Lvda.. sa�p IT� �� paAaasqo a� tI��Is��Yu�;i pa�ds�r��.zZ . pa.zano�aq�I�us s�E�.za��uz asoo�aa�cs.zo 'i�os `p�s `}�ip�u�i���s"�i�n.� �I� • uop�aaua� �Sllp ���� a3 pa���a� sanss� �o uopnjc�sa.� �uipn��u� �rnp�� uop�r�suo� a�ts-uo xo� �toSi�Tj �iunuzuio� s� }�� o� .za�i��o suop�ja.z uop�rru�su�� � �ui�d��. d� ���a a�is a��ur.n�a��ua�.udinba�u� pu� ���n.x��;o�s���ao �p�o,z pan�d o�uu a�rs uop�ttqstzo� �� �xxa pu� .za�ua sai�ruan a�:a�n� saa�;;�n2 ���c�� ����su� . .za:�en2 pauzt��aaa pasn i��t�s �t 'pasn si ,zac�aan�s .�a��.v� � ;I •a�is a� o� �ua��(p� sp�oz pan�d o�uo par.i.z�a si �ios ajqistn �t �t�p }� Fua a�� �� sp�os u��p ���atpozxa�o s�aa� pap�.z� anq��u�o}s.zaz�cq��s �tos �rxo�-uou .��ddd„ �.zrp pa�rd��av�s �i�} $uipn�ut�t�t�p a�rn�}a�Ys �t�}xa��M, :�uipn�ut EQ��in?I aT�I���� �x.n� a�u�iYduzo� ssa.zpP� iiEus 'uinu���uz � �� 'u�td sni,I, •r�.j� at�� �iq �Ro.�ddn pu� n+�aina� a� ��a(qns 'saqr.�r.�e �urp�.r� �o ��zaw�aauauxuio� aao;aq pa�u�uia�duxr pu� padoianap aq ���s ut�.�ax� joa��tEcs� }snd anpr�3n�I anisuaua�d�zzcaJ � •e :SMO�IO�SE S��}TAi��L uo��na�suo� �snp paae.zaL�a�-uo�nz}suo� a�npai pu� uoisoia purm tuo�z� �tos aziiiq��s o� sa.zns�aux �o.�.}uo� �snp �uisn �q sa��ae.�d �uT.xaaut�ua pue sa�ueurp.�o ��ol pu� �juno� saia�uy soZ `���.aqsir� �ua�ua��u�W �S;ij�n� a� �s�o� �na, �{�.uvi ur.io;uo� I�us �aa[oad auy :s�o.�uo� �sn�r�x3 pu� ��nQ •� A.I.I7�T�I`d �N�7SIAIQSFIS SIH�I.2iO3 S�I.LIAI.L"J�' �NIQH?I� 3H.L `JNT2YI1a QN�T `�'Ig�7"JI'IdcITd �2I�HM 'O,L ?IORIcI Q��LN3Y1I�ZcII�I �S 'I1�'HS S�2If1S�d� N�I.Ld�I.�II�I �NIMO'I'I03 �HZ •�op��i�dci�sn�}.�o;pa.xinba.� �u�}sa} au} �o a��p ay� .�a�}E pa�.ma�o an�u sampa�o.rd �u�sa� uo���aa.zad u� sa�u�r�� ao�pue ��o�oa� uT sa��L�{� �u�ar�ru�is uaun� �daaxa '�ioda.z ��ojaa� pa��pdn ui pa�ua.xa;az pu� pa.�npuo� aaan� s�sa� a��aum uo���oi auz�s a� ui aq jiu���d a��daas so pja� �s.�adsip pasado.�d a� ;� ��pxys aan�n; au} ui pa�n aq ��zui uop��iidd� sr� ,�v; pa��npuo� �u�sa} uopEio�aad uzo.z� ��nsa� •�� •„saui�apin� u�a�s�c, �uauy�a.�Z .�a��n�a�s�M a}ts'�x0„ �i�aH i��uauruorxnug �uno� sal��uy so1 ax� u� s�uauia.zinba.� a� I� ��n+� a�u��duxo� ut �prys uot}��o��zad �jn; � a�npo.zd o� paau �juN. p.�o�ax �o .xaaur�ua ,��nn��a}oa� a� 'sao� onn� a� uo sa�uapis�x �Yivar�� aj�uis n+�au .zo� �iuuad �uip�inq � �uru��qo o} xora�� •�C� •}uau�,z�daQ�T�aH�tlG.nci �unc�;� saia�u� �oZ ay��o spa�pu��s a� o; pa��n.r�suo� aq ji�us �n�n1 'suia�s�s �sadsip a��naas a��nud j�npinrpt�t�o asn a� uodn;t�apuadap si Ya�.z�d ua�g .•�, •„s�ut�apm� uza�s�s }uauq�a.zZ ,za}�nAa�s�M ��rsup„ ��aH �e�uauiuo.zuiug �uiiuJ �The ap�licanfis shall explor� the feasxbi�ity o� using reclaimea water, if available, for all of dleir watering requiren7erits during �anstructit�n. b. A High Wind Response Plan shall be develaped and implemented before commencement o:F grading activi�ies, subject to City review and approval per SCAQMD Rule 403 for�mes when wind speeds exceed�5 mph. c. Heavy construcfion equipment shall be properly tuned and maintained to � reduce emissions. ConstrucEion equipment shall be fitted with �he most modern emission control devices. The constr�xction manager shall monitor compliance with this measure and is subject to pe:riodic inspec�ions by City Bui�ding Inspectors. d. The project shall comply with Rule 4b�, which establishes requirements for vapor control from the transf�r of fuel Erom the fuel tntck to vehicles, if app�icable, both during construction and subsequent opera�ions. e. Provide temparary traffic contrals such as a fl�g person during delivery of heavy equipment or buiidin�mat�ri�ls ta rnaintai.n smooth traf#'ic flow. f. Use electricity from power poles raiher than temporary diese[ or gas generators; g. Reroute haul trucks away fxom congested streets or sensitive receptar areas; h. No vehicles shall idle in excess of five minutes,both.on-site and o�f-site. BiOLOGTCAL RESOURCES 2. Contrac�or Instruction,s: Prior to the issuance of any grading permit, a licensed biologis� ar native p�ant specaalist approved by th�* Ci�y shall ��� meet with th.e general contractor and grading contractor ta explain the boundaries of the proj�ct, the baundaries c�f those areas permitted �o be �raded by an approved Si�e Plaz�, and �he restricfio�s contain�d in this conditiar►. 3. Limi�s on Equipment I'Iacement: No contr�ctar, operator of a bulldozer or o�her. equiprnextt or other constr�ci�on work.�r on th.e site shaIl allow equipment, supplies or soil to encroach inio the area not b�ing remediated. 4. Chemical Conkrois: No chemicals, inciuding but not limited to fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, detergents, chiorine or pool chemicals, sha11 be used, disposed of, or allowed to drain into adjacen� areas, exrept fertilizers approved by a City approved licensed biologist. 5. Riparian Corridor: The area o£ Sauthern Willow (i.e. the riparian corridor) will be designated on the final map as an environmentally protect�ed area, (EPA), impacts associated with project constructian and future development activities will be prohibited in the deszgnated area. TPM 71374 17 R��o. ao i o-za (?Z-0[OZ'osag 8� ���rc,v�a�. •sap�iod pu� suo��i�a.z�}uauruo.ztnua�nuo}i��y�� a�u�i�duio� ut u��.�apun aq ITe�s uop�ipauia.z 'pa�r}uapi a.re sy���T �xo �n�.iatu 's�npo.zd ao s�urnd pas�q-p�aj 's��iLuaua snop.z�z�u ;� •(���) ���z3��Lu �unzre�uo�-so�saqs� pue t�m�xaut 's��npo.xd .zo s�ui�d pas�q-p�a� 's��tuia�a snop.z�`�u �o a�uasa.�d au� �n; pa��npuo� aq i��s u�,r����sanu� � 'auzo� �ur�snca a� �o uar�i�ourap a� .zor�� :uo4t�ouxaQ o� �ou� �ur�sa L 'p� SQ2I''dZF�H •a��,�.��s ac��pu� uoq�.�o�dxa.�o; 'auea�ldd� a� y�r1v� uor��.zadou� u� 'ue��}�� a��t.�do.�dc�� au�uz�xa}aP I��us ,za�asqa �.��r���c�atiu�� a� `;u��r�x�is aq o� ptin�� a.r� s�a.r��osax i��r�c��oa���.� a� 3i '.za$��y�; �i� az� o� pu� �u�ua�io.�d ��afoad a� o} s�u��pui� �ans },zadaa ii�us �st�o7fla�u�a� a� 'paxano��ip a.z� sa.zxt}ea� ��r�o�aa�t��a� �nbr�rx� pa��adxaun .zo �uoqipp� �I 'a��tizdardd� s� s���;r�� at�� �o uo��n��na pue 'uor���r��uap� '�u�idu�s a� �xu�xad o� xxc,� �u��a.xipas .zo �u��� .�Iur.,�oduYa� .zo� sa.xnpa�u.��T '�u�uodoad �aio.zd a� u�uv� uo��,��dao� ui 'usriq�}s� ���s pue 'a�ue��ian�ns a�anosa.� �e��3ujc�a�uaz� ao� saxnpa�o.�d t�si�qe�}sa j�us �s�o�aaua.z� a�Z •�si3o�oau�.z� a�.�o anoxdd� Ii�us �ii�H$ujlip2i 3� �FJ ���,L 'sa�anosa,�a� ssass� o��sr�o�oa�{a� u� a.xr� I��s asuadxa a�os sn� �� �ur��x�dd� a� pue asEa� i�s uoqar�su�� a�} "��a(aid a�} ui�� ucaq�na�suo� ao �uip�.x� a�} �uunp puno� aq sa�.znosa.z ��r�ojoa�u�.�r anbnm �u���ru�is p�noLjS �:uape�r�quapZ aa.znosa� •6 ��a�cnc����z����o�c���x��r� •��.� sn�}a}uY pa��id a9.IT��is �ua}�uz���3�� �p�c.�� �x,� �ddacl si�II�.red���a�e�xi�ap a�. �o do� a� �uo�� s�t�qptr�s pu� sa��g.+n n��,�}s '�uiau�� �iFs sapi�T�ui si�{Z •s�a�.red �ua��[p� ay� �ur.�a�ua tuoa� 3��0����.z �uana�zd o� ucai�ana�su�� �uu�r�p uax�� aq (sa:�r���.z�J �uatua��ue� ��ag) saxn���ua a�enk�ap� ���� pa��Yzba.z si�z 's�airiosa.� ��zs-3�a.zo uo l�u� o.� s���c�tiux�s.�a�p� .4u��u��n�.zd o�.zap.zo uj :s��� 'g '.,SS7���(:�N �'I�Zf�.1�SQ� '�'3`�I�Q�.I.J3�,42IJ JCZ'I�'.Ll��Y1IN0?IiAN�., Sa}��S ��� paP�no.xd aq ���u�xs atj� pu� '�u�ua� (n�aus) uo��nar�suo� a�ueia �rn1 pa�ua� aq p�c�� ir�a.Z �dda� o� �tia��[pe �a� pu���aM a� 'uop�xpaura� adots pu� �u�p�.z� �ur,�nQ :a�eu�rS anr�aa�oa� •� •uop�r�.z}suo��a uo�aIduzoa �u�nna��o; .�a�i t �s�a��� �a por�ad � .�a; sa�� �a�o.�d t�� paur��u�uu pue pa�uaumaop aq i��{s ��o�;a �u�.xo�ruaLu a� ;o s�insag �����q�t� �utqsau �o�d�.x 3� �aa3 00� ur�rn� ,zo�pue ���iq�u �upsau aYq���ns �o �aa� 00� un�� saptnp�� a��qan�sip uoq�xu�suo� pu� a�u�za�at� aznzznziuz �xo ptone o� sda�s a�qis�a� �� a� a} pa.�an+�odura aq ��us �s�a�arq �uuoatuoux ay� pue 'uos�as �u�sau P�?a i£ �sn�n�-ti u�.z�� a� �uunp �aa� ��a[o.zd a� ui sp.ziq �uTpaaiq ��quapt o� s�.zo�;a apn��ui ��us �o�;a �uT.zo�ruaur at�,I, •s��iqeu �ua��[p� pu� a��suo �o �}inpisuas a� �urp.re�a.z jauuos.zad a���npa j�rn� �urure.� sty,I, �a�u�q.xn.�s�p a�is �u� o� .�or.rd iauuos.zad uopan,�suo� t��.rn1 uoissas �urur�aq a�ts-uo u� �anpuo� pu� uoq�n.�suo� 3o s��adse I� .zo�iuouz 's�a.z� �ut���s pu� sa�no.� ss��a� 'su�id �UipL'.�� �ldT# a� n�axna� ���us �,si�aio�q par���nb � :�u�.zr}�iuoy� •y 11. Construction BMPs: Best Management Practices shall be maintained at all times during demolition, relocation, renova�ion and construction of pro�ect elements. At a minzmum, the BMP program shall include protection of the adjoining' stream and riparian corridor th�roughout the remediatian and consiruction process, sediment controls and sediment tracking controls (street sweeping or tire baths before exiting the site), designafed storage of alI construcfion materiais outside the path of storm flcaws, disposa� of construction wastes in appropriately-rated landfills, standby BMPs that cari be � implemented within 24-haurs of a predicted storm, minimizing the footprint of Construction zones and prompt installation of erosion controls; sfabilizing disturbed soils and s�opes with landscaping, paving or reseeding to reduce ar elimznate erosion; perime�er damage controls to direct runoff around construction areas; detention/infiltration ponds for direct percolation of sediment-laden waters on the site; and bid specifications that �equire regular inspection and maintenance of equipment during constructian. 12. Demolition Debris: Pursuant to the City's Construction and Demolition Ordinance, n�xumum of 50% a# demolition debris generated from this project shall be recycied or diverted from landfills and verifiration provided to the City HYDR�LQGY AND WATER UALITY 13. Stormwat�r Plan: The applicant shall submit and obtain approval of a Local Stormwater Pollution Pre�ention Plan {SWPPP) to the City of Rolling Hills Planning Department and City Building Qfficial, priar ta issuance of any grading permits. 1.4. Notice of Intent: The applicant shall submit a Notice of Tntent to the State Water Resource Controi Board under the General Construction A�tivity --�� Storm Water Permit for grading of one acre or mor� of land area and shall meet alI of the permitting requirements. 15. Erasion Controls: An Erosion Control Plan per County of Los Angeles Uniform Building Code requirements shall be prepared to minimize exosion and to protect slopes and channels to control stormwater poilution as required by the Building Code. SEI�VICES AND UTILI'T�ES 16. Traffic Management for Utility Extensions: A construction traffic mana�ement plan sha11 be implemented if service utilifiies are extended from adjoirung nei gh� borhoods to the project area in a mauuler that would disrupt area roadways. The plan shall consist of the eiements described in Nlittgatxon Measures in Traffic ax�d Ci�rcuia�ion of tllis dacument. RECREATIONAL RES�URCES TPM 71374 19 Aeso.201 Q-20 OZ-OiOZ'osag OZ bL£i L LIid,L •asn.zanup aj�d�o pouad a��no�{.�na.z�uo�adsur��jqnd.zo3 aiq��r�n� pu� a�� uo paur�ureui pu� pa�uauxn�op aq ��t�s s��nsag •suor��aado .�an�zp aiid a��} 30 �a.z� a� ur sa���ms .xa�o pu� sqEis �s��n�;o suop�puo� ra�;� pue a,zo�aq�o ap�ur aq t��s uo�}enl�ea In;az�� � ssanup aJtd 3o asn o� �oud �S��Aa� �l�JT�iLI�T, u��} ssa� o� s}�edutr uop�,zqr.n �qua;oci a��3aa.z o,� :s���d� uor��,zc�tn •�� •�a� �u���s pa�e�$ts�p e �zi jreiZ �ddo� pu�z p�o� pua asan�x�.zo� �o uoq�as.za�ui au} u� aq I��us �un�.z�c� pu� $uY�E�s �� •p�o� �t�ay�dcio� uo sapn�aa 3o uoy��r�iuxa��� �zo �uauzd�i-iba� 30 �u,���s ou aq II�us asa�,I, :s�ax� $uz���S 'ZZ •suor.}�,zado�o smot�pa�iuizad at��.ra�;� .zo ��zo�aq��n�-�o-�t��u�uruio[p� at�} ui ,xo a�ts �a[o.zd a� �e a�pi io/pu� ananb '�.x�d �au i��us sx�x��} 'suop�,�ado uo��n:�suos pue �urp�� ��zun� :uop�a�dp �uauidinbg •Z� •sa�inap �o�}enua�� astou pa.xtnba�a���s�zat��o pu� saa�#nuz �ur��.zado pu� pau����ureu� ��.�ado.zd �uauzd�nba uo�}�n.aqsuo� p� sa�n�an �� uo ���s�zt o� pazmba.r aq jY��s .xo���.r�uoa auJ, :s.�ai;;n� •�Z •panoz�d� a���u�s.znou papua�xa ';�a�o.�d a� a�tpadxa o,�, •sI� �uiii°?I 3� �?� a�� 3v ��}3��� 3a n�o� �uuou pu� �uauz�o�x�.nua J�quapisa� �ain a�� ��}in� a.za3:€a�ur o} �ou s� c�s pa�itu.i�d s� as�ou �uauxdir►ba �e3iu��a�uz �u� uoT�,n.��suo� uaz�n� '��uo �� axy�s u�na.z� �d�puoY�I 'L1Id 9 �u� i�1�� L 10 s.zrEo� �� uaan�aq �i�p a� }no��r�o.zt{� asrou �iiuti azo}azat� pti�� `��3.�,z# pa�eia.� �uipnI�ui sar�in���uoq�r�suo� a���n�ax pu�alnpau��a� pa�ir�ba.� aq ���us s�aun�a �j.xac€oid�a� 'uo�n.z�sua� �uunQ •d.ze.zoduia� aq �Itn� asic�u a� uo�}�ru�suoa pue uor���ado �urp�.�� ���snp sranai asiou �Sno� �ua�Ytu.�a��.z� �zi �tnsa.i ��in���afo.zd a�} ;o �naxdd� u�not�;Id :uoTa�.xadp �o s.�noH '6I •�i�pix�u�no.zy� ��puvy� �o •tu•d � o� •uz•� g uzo,�; pa���saa aq Pino�{s �utnup a�d ;o smou a�q�n�oIi� ay� (p� .zo/pue :�uauxa��q� aauesmu asrou �xo; pa.�mbax aq pinonl pap�nazd aq �us uo�}� pnu ��is�ud.xo�pu� :sasn aapisuas-asxau;o�aa3 ppZ un�}� �u��iado uaunl �}zn�.}�� a�} puno.x� paWa.za aq ii�t�s .�au�q .L�,�oduza� � .zo "s;a�tq T��qsno�� ui padd�xn� aq i�s xanup a� (� ,�o�ptr� :s�u��d a���d-ui-�s� y�� saio� pa�rap asn o� pa�pouz aq t�s anbnn.i�a� �uaLua��id ar� (e} :spo�aui �uin�o��o; a� �o a.�oiu .xo aua �q pa����i�.0 aq �s astou .�nTap aia� :asxaN �xoq�na�suo� •gi .�iOr.1,��Ih QI�I� �.SIO1'�I •���a��o uoq���sp�s a� o� pu� u�r.n� uo�.ru�p,zooa ui aq I�'•us ��ona TI� '�ui2i xlH 3irJ aa pa�odsu��. �uauidinba �� 3o uxt�}a.� �� pu� �u�� de� s assaH ;o uap��o�sa.z a�ajduuo� a�.ro; 'ssa�o.zd uoq�ipau�a.z a��o uo�}ajduxo�uodn 'pu� a j q�j�n�un st�u r� d�� s,assaH uaun� por.xad a� �uunp asn ,s�uaprsaa �:o} �ur� xrH ��� o� si�r�a��ua pue �uaurdmba papaau �j� �o �.xodsu�.z� a� .za} aiqisuodsaz aq �jE�s �u���tdd� �a�ca,ad a�} ua� 'asudxnd anpu��sqns xa�o .�u� ao ���xo�s �uauidmba �uop�ipaurax jios '�ui�id�o�s Iios ,xa� �u� �uip� d�� s,assaH asn o� ;�a�oxci a�{} �uun� �.x�ssa�au sauzo�aq �� �uan.a a� uI :�u� �ittp�� ��� ;o uo��ao��a?I Put� uope�ol�2i 'LZ TRA�FiC ANI� CIRCULATIQN 24. Construction Traffic Management: The fa��owing Consfiruction Traffic Management procedures must be implemen�ed on Poppy Trail Road to reduce the impact of construction traffic and activi�.es on Poppy Trai�residents. (a} Construction Tra££ic Schedule: The hours of Poppy Trail construction activity will be from 7:04 AM to b:00 PM Monday through Sahxrday. I€needed, _ working hours may be extended to 7:30 PM or Iater, through #�ie daylight hours in the s�mmer months, with prior notice and approval af the City and the RHCA. To the extent possible, the arrival and departure of Iarge construction vehicles to/from the project area shall occur outside of and be minimized during the peak AM and PM commute hours {fypically 7.00 to 9:OD AM and 4:D0 to 6:00 PM). {b) Construction-Re�.ated Parking: Construction employees sha1I not be allowed to park on Poppy Trail. Con.struction crewmembers will park in the shoulder area on either side of Poppy Trail just aff its interse�tion wi�h Portuguese Berid Road. Construction vehi,cles, including construction equipment and dump trucks will be kept on-�ite during the period of service, and will be parked off- road at night and whe� nat in use. No construction vehicles or canstruction equipment will be parked or staged on Poppy Trail. {c) Diffe�rent traffic management measures will be required at different times, depending on the location and type of construction activity is taking p�ace. The applicant shall co�np�y with the mitigation measures specified in the MND, shou�d it become necessary to close one or both Ianes during the construction. The applicant sha11 make every effort to keep at Ieast one lane open at al� times. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 14`"DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2Q10. �LOREN DEROY, I RSON ATTEST: � HEIDI LUCE, DEPUTY CLERK TPM 71374 2 f Reso.2010-20 Q7,•OiOZ'os�� C.G �L�;�L Wd,L �I2i�'I�Jt.LI� J�.I.[1cI�Q , sa�y3O ani��.r�stur►up'�d :�utn�ojjo3 a� }8 pa�sod s�nn�nuo�i���;a sM.�i �t,�y�in�a�u�iiduzo�ui pu� •�t,�.itr�S uasaadrz��� a�iA �1\[I�.LSSH' •auoN �.L1����I�d •auoN :��pN •�o�aQ�osxad�r�u� �u�aadar.� 'a�uaH ';jat�' sza�zotsstuuuxo� :5�� :a�on �1�� i�o�z �uin�o��°3 ai��9 OidZ `fii Iaqtua�das uo uoissiuzuro� �u�uu�i� a� ;c� �uuaaiu �xe�il�a�x � }� pa�dGp� pu� panoxddE s�n�. '(�I�II�) `I�IOI.L�T2IVZ��Q�AI3.jd���I a�LH�I.LIT�1I �HZ .I.d�Q�' O.L QN�T `68G 'OI�I �S�J �NINQZ NI `S.L(�� �H.L d0 ��N�'S?iflZSIQ Q�.Li.IJ�1Ri�d 5�1�(lY1IIX��T �-i.L Q3��X� O.L QI\t� Y 1:�l72T�'cI I'�IO Q�JC .LN02� �HZ I�iI 7�?IO� QI'r�� �Z��'.L� 32if.l�i.f�3 �T 2I(J� �T�2itl �I'� �Z'H'�4'I OZ S�l7N�Ri�h �Q Z�h02C�Sd� �1lIIQI"�I�.�1TI�IT(]a�2I (ZI�I�I `Q�'t72i ZI�i.L �dc�O�C �IO ::7i�II.Li'�I��T� H.LC)4i �S,I,C�'I 'I�LI.N�iCl.IS�2I A'IIL�:I �`I�I�IIS OM,L OJ hII i.C�'i ��i�� 9�'U� 'd �CI�AIQaf1S O.L ,�S�f1Cl�I �' �Z5 '4I�I N�IS�AICI�S ��,GEZG �oh a�v� ������ �.n�ca�.��.�� � :�o ��Nno� �.�� �x.l. ��L Z�T�02XcTdH JIVICIN�LITY1iOJ�?.� S77IH JNI'I'I07I 3� 1GLI� �H.I., d� NOI�SII�LIIOJ�Itii€1�II��'1� �H,L d0 I�IUII.I�'TQS� �'' �p�I�?��a�Z-aZOZ 'o�uoi�niosa��uxo�a.ro� au�����3!qia�I ( SZ'IIH �NIZZO?I 30 JC,LI� §§ ( sa���N�so� 30�iNno� ( �r1�o�rz�v� �o a�.�is