2016-11 RESOLUT�ON NO. 2Q16-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLrNG HILLS GRANTING A SITE PLAN REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A COVERED PORCH ON A PROPERTY WITH A RESTRICTED DEVELOP'VIENT CONDITION AT I3 OUTRIDER ROAD, (LOT 94-A- E�, ROLLII�TG HILLS,CA, (HANG JA Y00). THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DOES HEREBY FTND, RESOLVE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Secfion 1. An applica�ion was duly filed by Ms. Hang �a Yoo with respect to real property located at 13 Outrider, Rolling Hills, CA reques�ing a Site P1an Review to construct a 244 square foot covered porch. There is a condition on the property from previous approvals that any construction requires a Site Plan Review,which i.ncludes a public hearing process. Section 2. The Planning Cominission conducted a duly noticed public hearing to cansider the application at a field visit on May 17, 201b and at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on May 17, 2016. The applicants were notified of the public hearing in writing by £irst class mail. Evidence was heard and presented from alI persons interested in a.ffecting said proposal and from members of the City staff and the P1aiuling Commission having reviewed, analyzed and studied said proposal. The applicant's representative was in attendance at the hearing. Sec�ion 3. The property is zoned RAS-1 and cansists of 1.3 acres gross (5$,Q00 sq. ft.} and 42,176 sq. ft, net lot area for development purposes. It is a through lot, fronting on Outrider Road and Eastfield Drive. The building pad and residence are Iocated on a kxioll towards the lot's rear. 'Phe property is acce5sed from Outrider Road via a long, cuxving driveway. Once construction is completEd the property wi11 be developed with a 3,252 square foot residence, 435 square £oot garage, 376 square foot covered porch and 553 square foot swimming pool with pool equiprnent area and 5 parking spaces. The disturbed area is noncoxiforming at 51.4% of the net lot area and will no�increase with this proposal. Section 4. In 2009 the applicants SuhrnittPd an appl.ication to add 629 square feet, maznly under the existing roofline, which would routinely be approved administratively. No grading was proposed. However, because, pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance, any addition�equires that a stable/corra� be constructed or an area for a future stable/corral be set-aside on the property, the owner concurrently filed an application for a Variance to waive the stable and corral requirement due to the sloping conditions and the fact that the residential pad is at the rear, leaving insufficient area for a conforrning stable and corral without significant grading. The Reso.2016�11 13 Outrider 1 Planning Commission granted the Variance, thereby waiving the requirement to set aside an area for future s�able and corral construction (Resolution 2009-04). In 2015 by a Resolution No. 2015-23 the property owners obtained a Site Plan Review approval to constr�uct a 245 square foot addition to the residence, a 96 square foot pool equipment area, grading for 5 guest parking space adjacent to fhe driveway; and variances to exceed the maximum permitted disturbed area o£the Iot (51.4%}, to locate the pool equipment in the front yard area of the site ar�d to locate a portion of a not to exceed 36" high retaining wall in the north side yard setback. The stable set aside Variance remained in effect for thi.s proposal. A "No further development without a new application for a Si�e Plan Review" was imposed on both applications. Therefare, a Site Plan Review is required for the proposed 244 square foot covered porch. Section 5. The project has been determined to be categorically exempt from the provisions of the Cali£ornia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA} as a minor addifion to an existing residence pursuant to Section 15301.e of the CEQA Guidelines. Section 6. Section 17.16.Q40C authorizes the Planx�ing Cammission to impose a condition on a development that any future development on the 1ot shall require a Site Plan Review. Such condition was placed on this propex�y in 20Q9 and 20�5 with the previous approvals. With respect to tlie Site Plan Review application to construct a 244 square foot cave�ed poreh, the Planning Commission firids as follows: A. The proposed development is compliant with all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and is compatible with the General PIan and surround7.�ng use5 because fhe proposed project is consistent with goals and policies fihat require low profiie, low-d�nsity residential development with sufficient open space between surrounding struchzres. The project confox�xns to Zoning Code �ot coverage requirements. No additional disfurbance is proposed, as the proJect will be located on previously disturbed area. B. The development plan s�bstantially preseives the natural and undevelop�d state of the lot by minimizing bu�ding coverage because �he project is rela�ively small in size and will not cause the�ot to look overdeveloped. C. The proposed development, as conditioned, is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, the natural terrain and surrounding residences. The proposed projecf is consisfent with the scale of developmenf in the surrounding RA-S-1 similarly zoned neighborhood. The addition is under an existirig roof not adding to the mass and bulk of the structu�re and the resulting residence would not cause the lot ta be overbuilt. The Reso.2016-11 13 Outrider 2 construction will not advexsely affect or be materially detrimenfal to the adjacent uses, buildings, or structures because the proposed porch improvement will be constructed on a porfion o£ the lot which is least intrusive to surrounding properties, has been previoir.sly graded and disturbed (the addition) and is very minimal for the parch, and is of sufficient distance from nearby residences that the proposed projecf will not impact the view or privacy of neighbors. D. The development plan generally follows natural contours o£ the site to the maximum extent practicable to accomplish a parch to satisfy requirements of the Rolling Hills Cornmunity Associa�ion. E. Natural drainage courses will not be affected by the proJect. No gradi.ng is proposed and therefore exi.sting drainage channels will not be impacted. The project construction will not be Iocated in a canyon or on existing slopes that exceed 25%. F. The proposed development is sensitive and not detximental to the convenience and safety of circulation for pedestrians and vehicles because no change is proposed to the existing driveway, which zs in compliance with applicab�e requirements. G. The project canforms ta the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act because it is categorically exempt. Section 7. Based upon the foregoing findzngs, the P�anning Commission hereby approves the Site Plan Review in Zoning Case No. 9D5 subject to the following conditians: A. The Site Plan approval shail expire within two years irom the effective date of approval i� construction pursuant to ihis approval has �rot commencea within that time period, as required by Sections and 17.46.0$0 (A) of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code, or the approva� granted is otherwise extended pursuant to the requirements of those sections. B. It is declared and made a condition of the approval that if any condifiions thereof are violated, this approvai shall be suspended and the privileges granted thereunder shall Iapse; provided that the City has given the applicants w�tten notice to cease such violation, the opportunity for a hearing has been provided, and �£a hearing has been requested, it has been he1d, and thereafter the applicant fails to correct the violation within a period of thirty (30) days frorn the date of the City's detexrnination. C. All requirements of the Bui�ding and Construction Ordinance, the Zoning Ordinance, and of the zone in which the subject property is located must be complied with unless otherwise s�t forth in this approval, or shown otherwise on an approved plan. Reso.2016-11 13 Outrider 3 D. The lot shall be developed and maintained in substantial conformance with the srte plan on file dated April 14, 2016 except as ofherwise pravided in these conditions. E. There sha11 be no grading on the property in conjunction with this project. F. The structural lot coverage on the 42,17b square foot net 1ot shall not exceed 4,808 square feet or 11.�%-with allowed deductions (20% permitted); and the total lot coverage includ'zng the structures and paved areas shall not exceed 10,915 square feet or 26.0%,with allowed deductions, (35°/o permitted). G. Dist�zrbed area of the Iot shall not exceed �1.4% or 21,675 square feet of the net Iot area. H. Coverage on the exis�ing $,267 square foot residential building pad sha1� not exceed 58.2%. I. The Variance previously granted to waive the requirement for a set aside or construction of a stable and corral is applicable to this proposed development and its findings remain intact. J. During constructiort, canformance with the air quality management district requirements, stormwater pollution prevention practices, county and Iocal ordinances and engineering practices so that people or property are not exposed fo undue vehiele trips, noise, dust, and obJectionable odors shall be required. K. Du�ing and after constructian, a11 parking shali take place on the project site and, if necessary, any overflow parking may take place within nearby unimproved roadway easements, but no� to obstruct neighboring driveways or trails. During construction, to maximum extend feasible, employees of �lie contractor shall car-pool into the City. L. At a21 times property owners shall be required fo schedule and regulate construction and related traffic noise throughout the day between the hours of 7 AM and 6 PM, Monday through Saturday only, when construction and mechanical equipment noise is permitted, so as not to interfere with the quiet residential enviranment of the City of Rolling Hills. M. The properf�y owners shall be required to conform to the Reg�ional Water Quality Control Board and County Health Departmenf requirements for the in,stallation and maintenance of stormwater drainage£acilities and septic tank facility. Reso.201b-11 13 Outrider 4 N. The property owners shall be required fo conform to the City of Rolling Hi11s Oufdoor Lighting Ordinance. O. The licensed professional preparing construction plans far this project for Bui�ding Department review shall execute a Certificate affirming thaf the plans conform in all respects to this Resolution approving this projec�t and all of the conditions set forth therein and the City`s Building Code and Zaning�rdinance. Further, �he person obtairung a building permit far this project shall execute a Ce�°tificate of Constr�cfion stating that the project will be consixucted according to this Resolution and any plans approved therewith. P. The contractor shall not use tools tha� cauld produce a spark, including for clearing and grubbing, during red flag warning conditions. Weather condi�ions can be found at: h#t�,r4 ' ,�� s �..�ca���,������� '�.��.�?������� � � �=kr�� �i ��fi�vtic�n���T�i E. It is the sole responsibility of the property owner and/or h�s/her contractor fo monitor the red flag warning conditions. Should a red flag warning be declared and if work is to be conducted on the property, the contractor sha11 have readzly available fire distinguisher. Q. Notwithstanding Sectians 17.4G.020 and x7.46.070 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code, any ntadiFications to the properfy or this project, which wauld constitute additional gradin� height or any structural development shall require the filing of a new application for approval by the Planning Commission. R. Until the app�icants execute an Affidavit of Acceptance of all conditions of this approval, the approvals shall not be effective. S. All conditions of this approval, that apply, shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permxts and these conditions shall be printed on the approved plan.s. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOP T D O�' AY 2016. D CHELF, AN ATTEST: HEIDI LUCE,CITY CLERK Reso.2016-11 13 Outrider 5 Any action challenging the final decision of the Cify made as a result of the public hearing on this application must be filed within the time limits set forth in section 17.54.070 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code and Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. STATE�F CALIFORIVIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) §� CITY OF R�LLZNG HILLS ) I certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2016-1� entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSIQN OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING A SITE PLAN REVIEW TQ CONSTRUCT A C�VERED P4RCH ON A PROPERTY iNTTH A RESTRICTED DEVELOPMENT C�NDITION AT 13 OUTRIDER ROAD, (LOT 94-A-E�, R�LLIlVG HILLS, CA, (HANG JA Y00). was approved and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Comrnission on May 17, 2036 by�he follawing roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Cardenas,Gray, Srnith and Chairrnan Chelf. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Kirkpatrick. ABSTAIN: None. and in compliance with the laws of California was posted at the followang: Administrative Offices. � CITY CLERK Reso.2016-T1 13 Outrider 6