2016-13 RES�LUTI�N NO. 201b-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL OF A SITE PLAN REVIEW, CONDITIONAL USE PER�VIIT, AND VARIANCES FOR GRADING, FOR WALLS OVER 3' IN HEIGHT, AND WHICH WILL NOT AVERAGE OUT TO 2.5' IN HEIGHT, A POOL/SPA, TRELLIS, CONSTRUCTION OF A '705 SQUARE FOOT RECREATION ROOM AND T� LOCATE THE STRUCTURES IN THE FRONT YARD OF THE LOT AND TO EXCEED THE MAXiMUM PERMITTED DISTURBANCE OF THE LOT AT 2 HILLSIDE LANE, (LOT 60-RH), (ELKIN). THE PLANNING COMiVIISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DOES HEREBY FIND, RESOLVE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. An application was duly filed by Ms. Sarah Elkin with respect to real property located at 2 HYllside Lane, (Lot 60-RH), Rolling Hills, CA requesting a Condifional Use Permit for an 705 square foot recreation room, and Varianees to locate all of the accessary structures, including several walls in the front yard area of the lot, where the wa11s would not average out to 2.�' in heighf, (pursuant to City's Zoning Ordinance, no structures are perxnitted in front of the leading edge of �he residence), and to exceed the maxixnum permztted disturbance of the lot, fram the existing 48.�.% to 64.3%. A Site Plan Review is also required for the construction of retaining walls, far grading consisting of 4,610 cubic yards of cut and fill for the new building pad where fhe applicant proposes a 680 square foot pool, and a 72 square foot spa along with the recreation room, a 30 square foot oufdoor fire place, a 75 square foot barbecue, a 22Q square €oot attached trellis, and 1,450 square feet of pool decking. The pool equipment will be tucked under the stairs. AlI di.rt will be balanced on site. Also proposed is an 8Q0 square foof addition to the existing 2,450 square foot single�family residence, and 1,050 square feet cancrete patios and stairs. 7�0 square feet o£concrete wi�l be removed in the corral area and adjacent to �he stable, and an existing 52 square foot shed is also being removed. These impravemenfs could be approved administratively and do not require Planning Cornmission action. Section 2. The Planning Coxrunission conducted duly noticed public hearings to consider the applica�ion on February 16, 2016, March 15, 2026, and Apri119, 2016 at regular Planning Commission meetings, and in the field also on March 15, 2016 and April 19, 2016. The applicants were notified of the public hearings in writing by first class mai1. Evidence was heard and presented from all persons interested in affecting said proposa� and from members of the CiLy staff and �lie Planr,;,,g Conunission having reviewed, analyzed a�d studied said proposal. The applicants' :representative was in attendance at the public hearings. Several neighbors reviewed the plans before the meetings and attended the sife visits. As a resuZt, the driveway was shifted to the east to maintain the existing line of shrubs that provide screening between 2 and 4 Hillside. The applicants have also revised access to the stable to respond to neighbors Reso.2016-13 2 Hillside Lane 1 cancerns. They horse access to fhe stable is now proposed from Sadclleback Road and the rubble curbs curren�ly existing by the corral wiil be cleared. The access path will range in slope from 1Q% to 25%. A vehicular access to the stable will be taken via the existing paved driveway that leads to the tack room of the stab�e. As a condition of approva� all access areas to the stable including by the tack roorn will be required to be decornposed granite or other pervious material, and alI existing concrete will be removed. Section 3. The property is zoned RAS-1 and the gross lot area is 1.97 acres. The net lot area is 1.4� acres or 63,160 square feet. The existing property was developed prxmarily towards the rear of the lot with most of tlie garage, and all of a sxnall shed, and a two-story tack house in �he rear setback. The property is currently developed wzth a 2,450 square foof residenee, a 535 square foot garage, a 52 square faot shed, a 96 square foot service yard, and a previously permitted 751 square foot two story stable/tack house, of which the second story has been converted to a guest house {376 square foot stable on the first sfory, and a 375 square foot guest house). The applicant proposes to convert the guesthouse portion to a stable tack room/storage use. The 52 square foot shed will be remaved as a Condition o£ Approval, and the stable tack room/storage use will be converted into a stable as a Condition of Approval. Section 4. The project is exempt frorn the California Environmenfal Quality Act(CEQA) pu�rsuant to Section T5303, Class 3 exemption Guidelines. Sec�ion 5. A Site P�an Review is required subjecf to Seetion 17.46.020 of the Zoning Ordinance, in that the proposed recreation room, raised deck, pool/spa, fixeplace, barbecue, and retaining walls are a struchxral addi�ion. Further, the grading for these new structures require Site Plan Review. With respec�to the Site Plan Review application �or the recreation room, pool/spa, fireplace, barbecue, raised deck, walls, and grading, the Planning Commissian makes the following findings of£act: A. The proposed development is compliant with all requirements of �he Zoning Ordinance except as approved herein a Variance, and is compatible with the General Plan and surraunding uses because the propased project is consistent wifih goals and policies that require low profile, low-density residential development with suffzcxent open space between surrounding structures. The recreation room, pool/spa, fireplace, barbecue, raised deck, and walls will be situated to ensure they are not obtrusive to neighbors, will be screened from view, and the pool equipment is located in an area that wi11 not be intrusive as it x� tucked under the stairs Ieading to the recreation room. To address Planning Commissianer's concerns, the applicant`s reduced the size of the recreat�on room by 95 square feet and revised the project's orientation. The proJect is proposed to be tilted in a northeasterly direction and slightly further into the front yard area at the northwestern corner b�t away from the driveway. The height of the recreation room will be 2 inches less than previously proposed and by tilting fhe building pad, the recreation room will be located closer to Reso.20�6-13 2 Hillside Lane 2 the s�ope with an 8' walkway around the structure, which on the south side of the structure wili be 5' higher than the finished surface of the remaining walkway. A set of stairs is proposed to access the Iower part of the area surrounding the recreation roorn and the recreation room itself. A retaining wall that was previously propased along the northern limits of the pool-building pad is no Ionger proposed. B. The development plan substantially preserves the natural and undeveloped state of the lot because the required grading has be�n carefully conside�ed, and fihe orientation and the location of fihe structures allows �liem to be incorporated into the natural s�.ope on the lot. 'The construction will not adversely affect or be materially detrimental fo the adjacent uses, buildings, or structures because the proposed 'unprovements will be constructed on a portion of the lot whi.ch is least intrusive to surrounding properties, will be screened and landscaped with vegetation and is of sufficient distance from nearby residences so that the proposed project wi11 not impact�ie view or privacy of surrounding neighbors. C. The proposed development, as condifioned, is haxmonious in scale and mass with the site, the natural �errain and surround'zng residences. The proposed project is consistent with the scale of homes in the sux�rounding RA-S-T similarly zoned neighborhood. The proposed project enta�s construction o# a recreation room, pool/spa, fireplace, barbecue, raised deck and walls for the purpose of enhancing and £acilitating outdoor living on the site, a common residentiai amenity enjoyed by property owners�hroughout the City. D. The developmen� plan generally £ollows natural contours of the site to the maximum extent practicable to accomplish groomed and usable areas of the lot, subject to concurrent approval of Varxances and a Co�ditional Use Pe�cnit pursuant to Section b and 7 of this resolution. E. Natuxal drainagc courses will nat be a£fected by the praject. The project preserves and integrates into the site design existing topographic features by placing the new residential addition on a previously constructed pad where little to no grading wx�l be required. The Pool pad will be located on a previously disturbed area of tiered planters, and the pooi pad will require some grading but it will use retaining walls and 3:1 slapes to minimize the unpact. There is no rexnaining vegetation in the location of development due to previous grading and construction. F. The proposed development is sensitive and not detrimental to the convenience and safefy of cixculation for pedestrians and vehieles because the existing driveway is being shifted to the east to respect the existing privacy screen between 2 and 4 Hillside, and th.e driveway is being widened fo 20' to comply with Fire Department requirements. Reso.201b-13 2 Hillside Lane 3 Section 6. Sections �7.3$.010 through 17.38.050 of the RolZing Hills MunicipaZ Code perrnit approval of a Variance granting re�ief fi om the standards and requirements of the Zoning Ordi.nance when exceptional or extraordinary circ�stances applicable to the property prevent flie owner from making use of a parcel af property to the same extent enJoyed by similar properties in the same vicinity or zone. In proposing to locate the pool/spa and recreati.on room and accessory structures in the £ront yard area, Variances are required to grant relief from the following Sections of the Zoning Ordinance: 1�.16.200.G.�. (no structures will be Iocated in the front yard), and 17.16.190.F. {walls must average 2'6"}, and 17.1b.Q70 (maximum allowed Iot coverage and disturbance) in whicll case the proposed disturbance area would exceed the allowed amounts with an increases £rom 48.12% (legal nonconforrning) fo 64.28% where 3�% wher�40% maximurn total lot caverage is allowed. With respect to the aforementioned requests for Vari.ances, the Planning Commission finds as follows: A. There are exceptional circumstances and conditions on the subject p�roperty as follows: Regard'zng the requested variance from Section 17.16.200.G.1. ta locate the praposed structures in the front yard area of the lot, the property was previously developed mostly at the x�ear of the lot, with the garage and stable being in the rear setback. The existfng house pad is proposed to be developed with a new residential addition an on the southeast side and due to the 3�' clearance required from the stable, �he only other area for a pool/spa is in the front yard which is an amenity enjoyed by neighbars to the north, east, and west. The proposed structures in the front yard are all out of setbacks and as far away from Saddleback Road as possible. Regarding the requested variance frorn Sec�ion 17.16.T90F for the walls �o exceed the average of 2'6", tlie site design is sensitive to the existing fopography and the applicant reduced the number of v�alls necessa�y. Hovvever, the retaining walls that remain are necessary to ensure safe construction on tlie site. Regarding the requested variance from Section 17.16.Q70 for disturbance limits, the project does not meet the maximurn disturbance allowed. The existing disturbance is legal nonconforming at 48.13% and will increase to 64.28%. The increase in disturbance is due in �arge part to the revised location o£ the stable access from Saddleback Road on a maximum 25% slope. B. The variance is necessary for t12e presexvatian and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property owners in the same vicinity and zone but which is denied to the property in question by stricf application of the code. The property right which otherwise would be enjoyed is the abilify to utilize a portion of their fronf yard with a pool/spa, recreation room, and other structures to accomrnodate outdoor recreational use which currently cannot be enjoyed due to the existing residence being so far towards the rear of the lot. The proposed location of Reso.2016-13 2 Hi�Zside Lane 4 the entire proJect - pool/spa, recrea�ion room, deck, fire pit, and barbecue are the least visually intrusive to the property and its neighbars. C. The granting af the Variance would not be materially detrirnental to the public welfare or injurious to fhe properties or irnprovements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is locafed in that the proposed pool/spa, deck, rec�eatian roorn, fixe pit, and barbecue are all unobtrusive. Further, the majority of the proposed structures would not be visible from the adjoining s�reet ar private properties and therefore are not expected to result in any visua� or prxvacy impacts. D. In granting of the Variance the spirit and intent o£ the Zoning Ordinance will be observed xn that �he proposed pool/spa, recreation room, deck, fire pzt, and barbecue consi�uction will be orderly, attractive, legalizes non-conforrning uses on the property, and wi1l not affect the rural character of the community. The subject proposed structures are in the front of the prapex�y and will not impact the stable and corral area and fhe proposed pool/spa, recreation room, deck, fire pit, and barbecue will not impact use of the existing structures. E. The Variance request is consistent with the General Plan o£ the City of Rolling Hills because the proposed stxuctures comply with the General Plan requirement of Iow profile, low-density residential development with sufficient open space between surrounding structures. The propei ty is located on the hillside above the nearby properties to the north and the directly adjacent property to the west will not be able to see the proposed structures and there is large open space between any structures on subject property to the adjacent property. F. The Variance is consistent with the portions of the County of Los Angeles Hazardous Waste Management Plan reiating to siting and siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities. Section 7. Section 17.16.21Q(A){2} of the Rolling Hills Munzcipal Code permits approval of a recreation room under certain conditions, provided the Planning Comrnission approves a Conditional Use Permit. With respect ta this request for a Conditional Use Permit, the Planning Comnlission finds as follows: A. The gxanting af a Conditional Use Pexmit for the recreation roorn wauld be consistent with the purposes and objectives of the Zoning Ordinance and General Plan because the use is consistent with sunilar uses in the comrnunity, meets all the applicable development standards of the Zoning Ordinance and no deviations from fhe developmenf sfandards are requested. B. The nature, condition, and development of adjacent uses, buildings, and structures have been considered, and the construction of a recreation roam will not adversely affect or be materially detrimental to these adjacent uses, buildings, or Reso.2016-13 2 Hillside Lane 5 structures because �ie project i.s of sufficient distance from nearby residences so that the structure will not impact the view or privacy of surrounding neighboxs. C. The projecf is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, the natural te�rain, and surrounding residEnces because it complies with the Iow profile residential. development pattern o£fhe community, and will be screened froxn neighbors' view. D. The proposed canditional use complies with aII applicable development standards of the zone districf because the 705 square foat size of the recreation room does not exceed the maximum permitted under the Municipal Code and it does not encroach into any setback areas. E. The proposed conditionai use is consistenf with the portions of the Los Angeles Couniy Hazardous Waste Management Plan relating to siting criferia for hazardous waste facilities because the pro�ect site is not I.isted on the current State of California Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List. F. The proposed conditional use observes fhe spirit and intent of Ti�le 17 of the Zoning Code because the proposed project meets all of the development standards of the Zoning Regulations and has a stable, corral and access thereto. The construction of the project and the s�cture wili not be obtrusive to nei�hbars. Section S. Based upon the foregoing findings, the Planriing Commission hereby approves the Site Plan Review, Variances, and Conditional Use Permit in Zoning Case No. 897 far a new poal/spa, recreation room, deck, pool equipment, fireplace, barbecue, and walls; grading for the proposed project; to locate the structures in the front yard; to exceed the rnaxiunum permitted disturbance of the lot; and to retain and legalize a previously cons�ructed tack house by converting it into a stab�e, subjec�to the following conditions: A. The Sit� P1an, Variances, and Conditional Use Pexmit approval sha11 expire within two years from the effective date of approval if construction pursuar�t to thi.s approval has not commenced wifhin that time period, as �equired by Sectiox�s T7.46.0$0, �7.42.070 and 17.38.070 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code, or the approval granted is otherwise extended puxsuant to the requirements of those sections. B. It is declared and made a conditian of the approval, that if �ny conditions thereof are violated, this approval shall be suspended and the privileges granted the�reunder shall Iapse; provided that the City has given the applicants written notice to cease such violation, the opportunity for a hearing has been provided, and if requested, has been held, and thereafter the applicant fails to correct the violation within a period of thirty (30) days from the date of the City's determination. Reso.2016-13 2 Hillside Lane 6 C. All requirements of the Suilding and Constnzction Ordinance, the Zoning �rdinance, and of the zone in which the subject property is located must be complied with unless otherwise set forth in the Permit, or shown otherwise on an approved plan. The Iot shall be develaped and maintained in substanfial conformance with the si�e plan on fil� dated May 2, 2Q16, except as otherwise provided in these conditions. The working drawings submitted to the Deparhnent o£ Building and Safety for plan check revxew must conform to the developrnent plan approved with this application. A copy af the conditions of this Resolution shall be printed on plans approved when a bui�ding permit is issued and a copy of such approved plans, including conditions of approval, shall be ava:ilable on�ie building site at a1I times. The licensed profiessional preparing construction plans for this project for Building Department review shall execufe a Cex�i.ficate affixmixig that the p�ans conform in all respects to this Resolution approving this project and including conformance with all of the conditions set forth the:rein and the City's Suilding Code and Zoning drdinance. Further, the person obtaining a building perrnit for this project sha11 execute a Certificafe of Construction sta�ing that the project will be constructed according fo this Resolution and any plans approved therewith. D. Notwi#hstanding Sections 17.46.020 and 17.4b.070 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code, any modifications to the property or this projeCt, which would canstitute addittional grading, height or any structural development inc�uding a trellis ar ather similar above ground structure shalX �require the filix�g of a new application for approval by the Planning Commission. E. Grading £or this pro�ect shall not exceed 2,305 cubic yards of cut, including 3�0 cubic ya:rds from excava�ion af the pool and 1,500 cubic yards of over- excavation for the project; and 2,3Q5 cubic yards of fill including 1,500 cubic yards of recornpaction, for a total of 4,610 cubic yards o£ d'zrt, and will be balanced on site. 2:1 slopes will be used for the majority o£the grading. F. Struct�xral lot coverage sha11 x�ot exceed 6,688 square £eet, or 10.59°10. Tatal lot coverage sha11 not exceed 31.08% or 19,627 square feet. Building Pad coverage on the 1b,17a square foot pool pad shall not exceed 4,131 square feet or 25.5% coverage. Building pad coverage for the pool will not exceed 1,507 square feet with 36% coverage. Building pad coverage for the stable will not exceed 376 square feet or�7%. G. The disturbed area of the 1ot shall not exceed 64.3% {of net lot area}, which includes tlie three building pads. H. The existing starage/guest room struciure is 1egal nonconforming. This structure sha11 be converted entirely to a two-story stable as per the plans submitted on Reso.2016-13 2 Hiliside Lane 7 April 12, 2016. A minimum of one horse stall plus area for agricultural uses shall be provided on the first-story, and tack-room above. A sanitary facility consisting of one tozlet and one shower in the tackroom is allowed, and na bathtub is permitted. At any time there are horses on the property, Best Management Practices (BiVIl's) shall be applied for manure control, including but not be limited to removal of the manure on a daily basis or provisxon of a receptacle with a �ight closing lid that is constructed of brick, stone, cancrete, mefal or wood lined with me�tal or other sound material and that is safeguarded against access by flies. The contents of said receptacles shall be removed once a week. It is prohibited to dispose of manure or any animal waste into the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System �MS4j or into natural drainage course. I. A minimum o� four-foot Ieve1 path and/or walkway, which does not have to be paved, shall be provided around the entire perimeter of the recreation room, poo1, decking, and stable. J. There shall be no sleeping quarters and temporary occupancy in fhe recreation room. The recreation room shall not exceed 705 square feet. The height of the recreation room will not exceed 15'6" £rom finished floor. A11 conditions of Section 17.16.210 A. {2) for a recreation room shali apply. K. The pool equipment area shall be enclosed and screened. Per LA County Building Code, and pool barrier and/or fencing shall be required. L. A drairiage plan, as :r�quired by the Building Department shail be prepared and approved by City Staff prior to issuance of a construction permit. Such plan shall be subjecf to LA County Code requirexnents. M. The 52 square foot shed at �he southeast corner of the property must be rernoved. N. All concrete adjacent to the stable must be removed and replaced with decomposed granite. O. Photographic evidence of the condition of Hillside Lane and Saddleback Road adjacent to the project site shall be provided prior to start of construction. Any damage caused to the roadway, easements or curbs by construction activies shall be restored at the expense of the applicant. P. Dut�ing construction, conformance with the air quality managemenf districf requixements, stormwafer pollufion prevention p;ractices, county and local ordinances and engineering practices so that people or property are not exposed to undue vehicle trips,noise, dust, and objectionable odors sha1l be required. Reso.2016-13 2 Hillside Lane 8 Q. During construction, all parking shall take p�ace on the project sife and, if necessary, any overflow parking shall take place �nrithin the unimproved roadway easements on the southside of Hillside Lane adjacent to project site only, and shall not obstru�t neighboring driveways. During construction, to the maxixnum extent feasible, employees of the contractor shall car-pool into the City. R. During constr�uction, the property owners shall be required to schedule and regulafe consi�uctzon and rela�ed traffic noise throughout the day between the hours of 7 AM and 6 PM, Monday through Saturday only, when construction and mechanical equipment noi.se is permitted, so as not to interfere with fhe quiet residential enviranmen�of the City of Roll:ing Hills. S. The property owne�rs shall be required to conform wifh the Regional Water Quality Cont�rol Board and County Public Works Deparfiment Best Management Practices (BMP's) requirements related to solid waste, drainage and storxn water management and comply with the City's Low Impact development Ordinance (LID), if applicable. Further the property owners shall be required to confarm with fhe County Health Departrnen� requirements for a septic system, should one be requi�red for the recreation room. T. A minimum of 50% of the construction material spoils shall be recycled and diverted. The hauler shall provide the appropriate docum�ntation to the City. U. All graded areas shall be landscaped. In addition, the recreation room and swimm;ng pool/spa shall be screened frorn the neighbars and a landscaping plan shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. If Iandscaping of 5,000 square foot area or greater is introduced or redeveloped, fhe landscaping shall be subject to the requirements of the Cify's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. Any plants introduced for this project shall not grow into a hedge but be offset and shall not exceed the ridgelinc of the recreation room. Th� landscaping p1an shall utiliz� to the rna�imum extent feasible, plants that are native to the area and are consistent with the rural character of the community. V. The project must be reviewed and approved by the Rolling Hills Community Association {RHCA} Architectural Review Cominittee prior to the issuance of building permit. Perimeter easements and trails, if any, shall remain free and clear of any improvements including, but not be Iimited fo fences-including construction fences, any hardscape, driveways, landscaping, irrigation and drainage devices, except as otherwise approved by the RHCA. W. The contrac�tor shall not use tools that could produce a spark, incl�.ding for clearing and grubbing, during red flag warning conditions. Weafher conditions ean be found at: �itt � wvv.�rl�.noaa.��rv/�ox/''�nain.�1�1��511I.���S�iE��1,3�'�=�7�Zr.'��CI C���ITi1�IU}IYS#FI�, E. I� is the sole responsibility of the properiy owner and/or his/her contractor ta Reso.201b-13 2 Hillside Lane 9 monitor the red flag waxning canditions. Should a red flag warning be declared and if work is to be conducted on the property, the contractor shall have x�eadi�y available fire distinguisher. X. All requirements of the Suilding and Construction Code, the Zoning Code, and o£ the zone in which the subject p:roperfy is located rnust be complied with, including the Outdoor L'zghting Ordinance. A11 utility Iines fo the recreation room and the residence shall be undergrounded pursuant to Section 17.27.030. Y. P�rior to finaling of the project an "as g�raded" and an "as cons�ructed" plans and certificatians shall be provided to the P�annYng Department and the Buxlding Department to ascertain that the completed project is in compliance with the approved plans. In addition, any modifications rnade to fihe project during construetion, shall be depicted on the "as built/as gxaded" plan. Z. Until the applicants execute an Affidavit of Acceptance of all conditions of this approval, the approvals shall not be effective. Such affidavit sha11 be recorded together with the resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND AD�PTED '�HIS 17�th DAY OF MAY 2016. R ELF, ATTEST: • � HEIDY LUCE, CITY CLERK Any action challenging the final decision of the City rnade as a result of the public hearing on this application must be f:iled within the time Iimits set forth in section �7.�4.070 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code and Code of Civil Procedu:re Section ?Q94.b. Reso.201.6-13 2 Hillside Lane 10 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES } �§ CFTY OF ROLLING HILLS } I certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2016-13 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANIVING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL OF A SITE PLAN REVIEW, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, AND VARIANCES FOR GRADING, FOR WALLS OVER 3' IN HEIGHT, AND 'WHICH WILL NOT AVERAGE OUT TO 2.5' IN HEIGHT, A POOL/SPA, TRELLIS, CONSTRUCTION OF A 705 S{,�UARR FO�T RECREATION ROOM AND TO LOCATE THE STRUCTURES IN THE FRONT YARD O� THE LQT AND TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED DISTURBANCE OF THE LOT AT 2 HILLSIDE LANE, (LOT fi0-RH), (ELKIN). was approved and adopted at a regular meetin.g of the P1arLning Commission on May 17, 2Q1b by the following roll cali vote: AYES: Commissioners Cardenas,Gray,Smith and Chairman Che1f. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Kirkpatrick. ABSTAIN: None. and in compliance wi�h the laws of Califorrua was posted at the£o��owing: Administrative Offices. , ����' „�,V� CiTY CLERK Reso.2016-13 2 Hillside Lane 11