2016-15 RESOLUTION NO. 201G-15 A RESOLUTiON OF THE PLANNING COMMISSIDN OF THE CITY �F ROLLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR GRADING AND C�NSTRLTCTION OF A NEW RESIDENCE WITH A BASEMENT, DETACHED GARAGES, COVERED PORCHES, STABLE, SWIMMING POOL WITH A SPA, RETAINING WALLS AND NEW DRiVEWAY, A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A GUEST HOUSE, DETACHED GARAGES, AND STABLE WITH LOFT; AND VARIANCES TO EXCEED MAX�MUM PERMITTED AVERAGE HEiGHT OF RETA�NING WALLS AND TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED LOT DISTURBANCE IN ZONTNG CASE NO. 901 AT 5 PINE TREE LANE, (LOT 94-RH), (SHARNG}. THE PLANNING COMMISSION DOES HEREBY FIND, RESOLVE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. An application was duly filed by Ms. Lauren Sharng to request a Site Plan Review for the construction of a new �,250 square foot residence, with a �,250 square foot basement, 1,115 sq�are feet af detached garages (714 and 441 square feet each}, 1,44� square feet covered porches including �20 square feet at the stable, 964 square foot swimming pool and spa, 50 square foot pool equipment, 300 square foot service yard, 27� square foot ent�ryway, retaining walls, new driveway, 350 square foot outdoor kitchen, and grading for a total of 4$,150 cubic yards ot dirt {1�,775 c.y. cuf and 11,775 c.y. �i11, 12,300 c.y. over-excavat�on and 12,300 c.y. re-compaction}. The applicant also requests a Conditional Use Permit to construct an $00 square foot guesthouse, the detached garages, and Z,SZO square foot stable with b11 square foot Ioft; and Variances to exceed tkie maximum permi.tted average height of retair�in.g walls and t�o e�cceed the maximum permitted disturbed area of the lot. Section 2. The Planning Coxnsnissi.on conducted duly noticed public hearings to consider the application at their regular meeting on Apri119, 201b and in the field on May 17, 2016 and conti.nued to the evening meeting of May 17, 2026. Neighbors within 1,000-foot radius were notified o£ the public hearings and a notice was published in the Peninsu.�a News on Apri� 7, 2016 and May 5, 2016. The appiicants a�d th.eir agents were notified of the public hearings in writing by first class maii and the applicant and her agents were in attendance at the hearings. Evidence was heard and presented from aIl persons interested in affecting said pxoposal, and from members o� the Cify staff. Four residents visited the site during the noticed field trip on May 17, 201b. During the first public hearing on Apri119, 2016, the Planni�ng Commissioners expressed concerns with the praject and specifically the crowding of the structures on the building pad, the long driveway and walls, grading, and the proposed fennis court in the front yard area. The project was revised to eliminate the tennis court, the size of the residence was reduced from 5,975 square feet with a �,000 square foot basement to �,2�0 square feet with a Reso.2016-1� 1 5 Pine Tree Lane 5,250 square foo� basemenf, fhe porches were increased to 1,445 square feet from 1,260 square feet, the pool/spa was reduced to 964 square feet from 1,152 square feet, the 275 square feet entryway was increased from 100 square feet, and the outdoo�r kitchen was reduced to 350 square £eet from 460 square feet. The loft in the sfable was increased from 481 square feet to 611 square feet. The applicant withdrew the application for a CUP and several Va�riances for the previously proposed tennis court. The applicants have also removed the previously praposed t�vo bathrooms in the guest house (and are now proposing one bathroom which cornplies with the Municipal Code), an aut of grade porch at the norfh-wes�t corner of the house has been decreased and some of the hardscape and stairs fo provide more Iandscaped areas and a Iess�crowded condition on the building pad. The Planning Commission has reviewed, analyzed and studied said revised proposal. Section 3. The property is zoned_KA5-Z and the gross lot area is 5.15 acres. The net lot area is 4.3 acres or 187,196 square feet. 'The exi.sting property is currently developed with a single -family residence, garage, and swimming pool, which will be demolished. Access to the property is taken from a joint driveway approach wifh 3 Pine Tree Lane. A Condition of Approval is for the applicant to abandon their portion of the joint driveway once their new driveway is constructed and remove the concrete, but retain the access serving 3 Pine Tree Lane. Section 4. The Planning Cornmission finds that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 (new construction of single farnily residence and accessory structures), and Section 1�061(b)(3} (cornmon sense exemp�ion) of the CEQA guidelines. Section�. Sec�ion 17.4b.030 requires a development pian to be submitted for Site Plan Review and approval be£ore any gxading requiring a grading permit or any new building or �tructure may be constxuct�d or any expan5ion, addition, alteration or repair to existing buildings may be made which involve changes to grading or an increase to the size o£ the building or structure by not more than 999 square feet in any thirty-six (36) month period. The grading for the strucfures {new residence, garages, swimnning pool, guest house, and stable) require Site Plan Review due to the fact that they are new structures and per Zoning Code 17.4b.02Q.A-2. The pool requires a Site Plan Review due to the grading required for it under Zoning Code 17.4b.Q20.A.2(a) and the size, and the retain�ixig walls require a Site Plan Review due to their height being over 3' in height and over 2.5' average. Wzth respect to the Site Plan for grading and the proposed structures the Planning Commissian makes the following findings of fact: A. The proposed developrnent is compatible with the General Plan, the Zoning Ordi.nance and surrounding uses because the proposed structu:res comply with the General Plan requirement of low profile, low-density residential development with sufficienf open space between surrounding structures and maintaining sufficient Reso.2016-15 2 5 Pine Tree Lane setbacks to provide butfers between resiciential uses. Although the disturbed area exceeds the maximum permitted amount of 40% at 45.2%, a large portian of it is for the proposed 1,810 square foot stable with 611 square foot loft (which requires a Conditional Use Permit}, and the associated 3,900 square foot corral along with the Iong driveway that is needed ta accommodate horse trailers. The stable and corral promote the rural, equestrian aesthetic ot Roliing HiIIs. None of the structures are in setbacks. The project conforms to Zaning Code lot coverage requirements, except for disturbance. The nef lot area of the Iot is 187,196 squa�re feet. The structu�al net lot coverage is proposed at 12,279 square feet or 6.56%, which includes all af the structures, with allowance for permitted deductions, (20% max. permitted); and the total lot coverage proposed, including the driveway would be 29,074 square fee� or 1�.5%, (35% max. permitted). The disturbed area af the 1ot is proposed to be 45.2%, which exceeds the maximum allowed disturbance o�40% (Municipal Code 17.16.070B}. B. The project substantially preserves the natural and undeveloped state of the �ot by minimizing building coverage. The topography and the configuration of the iot have been consxdered, and it was determined that the proposed development will not adversely affect or be materially detrimental to adjacent �ses, bui�dings, or strucfures, because the proposed project will be constructed partially on the existing building pad of the currently developed lot, will be the least intrusive to surrounding properties, will be screened and landscaped with trees and shrubs, is of sufficient distance fram nearby residences so that it will not impact the view or privacy of surrounding neighbors, and will a11ow the owners to enjoy their property without deleterious ir�fringement on the rights of surrounding prope�rty owners. The proposed project would be �ocated on a gen�ler slope of the property and leaving the steeper and more densely vegetated areas in their naharal state to the north and northeast, along wxth the natural drainage course. The project promotes equestrian uses, therefore furthering the City's goal �o rema�in an eq�zestrian community. C. The proposed development, as conditioned, is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, and is consistent with the scale of the neighborhood when compared to other residences in the vicinity of said lot as the proposed house is 5,250 square feet and i�he average in the vicinity is 5,149 square feef. The develapment plan follows the natural contours of the site to miniinize grading by utilizing a portion of �he existing building pad for the new development. Due to the existing house being located in the sefback and easement it is necessary to move the house and the�refore drop the pad elevation in order to achieve the necessary building pad. The residence is proposed on the shallowest sloped area with a basement being added fo increase the residence size while reducing the footprint. The slopes being created have been rounded and it was attempted fo xni_mi.c the existing slope in the area. The use of retaining walls along the upper side of the building pad/back yard, stable and driveway has helped to minimize grading. Resa.2016-75 3 �Pine Tree Lane D. The development plan wi1l intxoduce additional Iandscaping, which is compat�ble wi�h and enhances the rural character o€ the community, and the landscaping will provide a buffer or transition area between private and public axeas. There will be some clearing of existing lax�dscaping due to overgrowth and i.mpraper maintenance that has become a fire hazard. E. The proposed development is sensi�ive and not detrimental to the convenience and safety of circulation for pedestrians and vehicles because the new 20' driveway wi11 be safer fo drzve on as two cars can safely pass one another. There is ample parking in the garages and there is a proposed parking pad at the front of the house, outside of all setbacks, as Pine Tree Lane does not have wide shoulders to park on so all visitor parking must be confained on site. An adequate driveway is proposed to safely accommodate horse trailers to the stable and corral area. Section 6. Sections 17.18.060 and 17.18.090 of the Rolling Hills Municipa� Code permit approval of a stable over 20Q square feet and corral over 55Q square feet with a Conditional Use Perrnzt. 'The praposed 1,810 square foot stable with b11 square foot Ioft and 3,90Q square foot corral comply with all ;requiremer�ts of these sections. Two detached garages are proposed (714 square �eet and 441 square feet). Section 17.16.210 (A}{4) of the Zoning Ordisiance contains conditions for a detached garage(s), subject to approval of a conditional use permit. An 800 square foot guesthouse is proposed. Section 17.16.210 (A)(5} of the Zoning Ordinance contains condi�ions for a guesthouse, subject to approval of a condi�ional use permit. All of the detached structures camply with the provisians and conditions for such structures. With respect to fhis request for Conditional Use Permits,the P�aruti.ng Con�unission finds as follows: A. Conditiona�Iy permitted uses are not outright permitted by the Rolling Hills Municipal Code. The Commission musf consider applications for a Conditional U�e Permit and may, with such conditions as are deemed necessary, �pp�ove a conditiorial use which will not jeopardize, adversely a££ect, endanger or fo otherwise constitute a menace to the public health, safety or general welfare or be materially detrimental to the property of othex persons located in the vicinity of such use. B. The granting o£ a Conditional Use Permit for the stable, corral, detached garages, and guest house would be consistent wifh fhe purposes and objec�ives of the Zoning Ordinance and General PIan because the �ses are consistent with sirnilar uses in the comrnunity, and meet all the applicable code development standards for a stable and corral, detached garages, and guesthouse and they are located in axeas on the property that are adequately sized to accommodate such uses. The praposed uses are appropriately Iocated in that they wi11 be sufficiently separated £rom nearby structures used for habitation ox� contaix�ing sleeping quarters. The stable/corral would be constructed in furtherance of the General Plan goal of promoting and encouraging equestrian uses. The detached garages are proposed to separate the residential structures from the stable. The proposed guesthouse in a common amenzty to Rolling Hills. Reso.2016-15 � 5 Pine Tree Lane C. The nature, condifion, and development of adjacent structures have been considered, and fhe project will not adversely affect or be materially detrimental to these adjacent uses, buildings, or structures because the proposed uses (stable/corral, detached garages, and guest house) are located in the middle of a 4.3 acre net lot and their general Iocations are of sufficienf distance froxn nearby residences so as to not impact the view ar privacy o£ surrounding neighbors. The proposed stable is to be located adjacent to the corral and a path designated for equestrian uses that runs £rom the stabie to the driveway is separate from the other outdoor living areas on the property and will be comprised of decomposed granite. The loft area of the stab�e is direcdy accessed from the driveway. D. The project is harmon�ous in scale and mass with the site, the natural ferrazn, and surrounding residences because the proposed uses (stab�e/corral, detached garages, and guest house) complies with the low pro£ile residential development pattern of the community and will not give t11e propexty an over-built look, and areas wil� remain open and unobstructed. The lot is �.3 acres net in size and is sufficien�ly large to accommodate the proposed uses. The stable will be compatible with the uses ir� the surrounding area because Rolling HiIIs is an equestrian commur�ity and stables are encouraged. The sfabie will look like a stable and the 3,900 square foof co�:ral will promote open space on the pad. The detached garages will be compatible with surrounding uses as they meet the requirements of the City as well as being proportioned to the house size. They will function Iike garages and not a residential strucfure. The guest house will be compatible with the uses in the surroundixig area because it will have the same architectural design as the hause and is in the rear yard and is an amenity other residences in Rol�ing�iills have. E. The proposed condxtional uses (stable/corral, detached garages, and guest house) complies with all applicable development standards of the zone district and requires Conditional Use Pernlits pursuant to Sections 17.18.Q60, 17.18.Q90, 17.16.210(A}{4), and 17.16.210(A)(5) of the Zorung Ordinance. F. The proposed conditiona� uses are consistent with the portions of the Los Angeles County Hazardous Waste Management Plan relafing to siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities because the project site is nat listed on the curren� State of California Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List. Section 7. Sections 17.3$.01a through �7.38.0�0 of the Code permit approval of a variance from the standards and requzrements of the Zoning Ordinance when, due to exceptional or extraordinary circumstances applicable to the property and not applicable to other similar properties in the same zone, strict application of the Code would deny the property owner substantial property rights enjoyed by o�ther prapex�ies in the same Reso.2016-15 5 5 Pine Tree I.ane vicinity and zone. The applicant seeks a variance from the requirernent 17.16.190{F} that walls not exceed five feet or 2.5 feet in average, and fram 1'7.16.070{B} that disturbance be lunited to 40% of the net lof area. The walls do not exceed 5' high maximum but they do not average out to 2.5' high and require a variance. The disturbance is proposed at 45.2%, which is higher than the permitted 40% due in Iarge part to the proposed long driveway. With respecf fo this request£or Variances, the Planning Commission finds as follows: A. There are exceptional and exfraordinary circumstances and conditions applicable to the proper�y or to the intended use that do not apply generally ta the other property or class of use in the same zone because the existing lot, despite it being over 5 acres gross, has approximately half of its overall area at a slope of 2:1 or steepex� and the remainder undulafed and hi��y and the lot requires grading in order to create a sufficient flat area to construct the house and accessory structures. The existing building pad cannot be utilized in its entirety for�ie new development, as most of it is located in the setback. There is a drainage course along the western property line, which must also be avoided. In order to generate the dirt needed for the pad, it was necessary to drop the pad and the walls helped to achieve this. However, due to the slope in the rear of the lot, and no grading allowed in the Association easements, the average wall height did not average to 2.5'. The majority of the walls will not be visible from the street and will mainly only be seen by the owner as they will be flanking the xesidential pad. The walls for the stable will be visible from the western side. However, there is a steep slope between the walls and the property line along with existing vegetati.on, which will add additional screening for�hese walls. B. T'he Variance is necessary tar the preservation and enjoyment of a substani�al property xight possessed by other property in the same vicxnity and zone, which would be denied to the property in question absent a variance, because the site is �Ioped in nature so in order to provide a pad that xneets the development s�andards, additional grading is required and it was x�ecessary to push the limits of grading farther aut than if the lot did not have as much slope to it. The overage is not significant and the property owner should not be denied the privilege of a new house because the topographic nahzre of the lot makes i� in€easible to comply sfirictly with Section 17.16.170. The exceedance of the disturbance is due in large part to the proposed driveway. Any conce�rns voiced by residents and the Planning Comxnissioners during the public hearing were addressed in the revised site plan and during the£ield visit to the site. C. The granting of the Variance would not be materially detrimentai to the public welfare or injurious to the properEy or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. A rnino� xncrease in �he overall percentage of distYxrbed area on the Iot wi�I have no effect on the public welfare or on property or improvements in the vicinity and the walls which exceed 2.5' average in height are not in any setbacks and will not cause any line af sight issues on Pine Tree Lane due to the rows of existing trees currently in the vicinity. Reso.201b-1� 6 5 Pine Tree Lane D. The variance does not grant speci.aE privileges ta the applicant. To the contrazy, absent a variance, the property owner would be deprived of the same rights and privileges affo:rded to other property owners in the vicinity. Unique circuxnstances app�icable to the subject property make it infeasible for the property owner to comply with Section 17.16.070. The minor overage requested will allow the property owner to enjoy the same rights and privileges afforded to many o�her properties in the vicinity and zone. E. The variance is consistent with the portions of the County af Los Ang��es Hazardous Waste Management Plan relating fo siting and siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities. F. The variance request is consistent with the Caeneral Plan. The proposed projecf, together with the variance, wilI be compatible with the objectives, policies, general land uses and programs specified in the General Plan and will uphold the City's goals to protect and promote construction that is rural in nat�re. Section S. Based upon the foregoing findings, the Planning Commission hereby approves Zoning Case No. 901 request for a Site Plan Review for the construction of a new 5,2�0 square foot residence, wzth a 5,250 square foot basement, 1,11� square feet of detached garages (714 and 44� square feet each), �,44� square feet covered porches including �20 square feet at the stable, 964 square foot swimrn.ing pool and spa, 50 square foot pool equipment, 300 square foot service yard, 275 square foot entryway, retaining walls, new driveway, 350 square foot outdoox kitchen, and grading �or a total of 48,150 cubic yards of dirt (11,775 c.y. cut, 12,300 c.y. over excavatian, and 11,77� c.y. fi11, and 12,300 c.y. re-campaction); Conditional Use Permit ta construct an 800 square £oot guesthouse, the detached garages, and 1,810 square foot stable with b11 square foot loft; and Variances to exce�d the maximum permitted average height of retaining walls and to exceed �ie maxirnum permitted disturbed area of the Iot. With the proposed grading, the disturbed area of the lot would be 4�.2% subject to the following conditions: A. The Site P�an, Conditional Use Permits, and Variances approvals shall expire within two years from the e£fective date of approval as defined in Sections 17.46.080, 17.42.070, and 17.38.070 unless o�herwise extended pursuant to the requirements of these sections. B. It is declared and rnade a condition of this approval that it any conditions thereof ar� violated, this approval shall be suspended and the privileges granted thereunder shall lapse; provided that the applicant has been given written notice to cease such vio�ation, the opportunity for a hearing has bee� provided, and if requested, has been held, and thereafter the applicant fails to correct the vxola�ion within a period of thi.rfy (30) days from the date of the City's determinatzon. C. All requirements of the Building and Construc�ion Ordinance, the Zoning Ordinance, and o� the zone in which the subjecfi property is located must be complied with unless otherwise set forth in this permit, or shown otherwise an an approved nlan. Reso.2016-15 7 5 Pine Tzee Lane D. The lot sha11 be developed and maintained in substantial conforma�.zce with the site plan on file dated May �0, 2026 except as otherwise provided in these conditions. The working drawings submitted to the Department of Building and Safety for plan check review sha11 conform to the approved development p1an. All conditions of the Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Perntit, and Variance approvals shall be incorporated info the bui�ding permit working drawings, and where applicab�e complied with priar fo issuance of a grading or building permit from the building d�pai-tmen�. The conditions of approval of this Resolution shall be printed onto building plans submitted to the Building Departrnent for review and sha11 be kept on site at all�unes. Any modifications and/or changes to fihe approved project, including resul�ing from field conditions, shall be di.scussed and approved by staff prior to implement�ng the changes. E. Prior to submittal of final working drawings to Building and Safety Department for issuance of building permits, the plans for �ie project shall be submitted to City staff fo�r verification that the final plans a�re in compliance with the p�ans approved by the Planning Commission. F. A Iicensed professional. preparing construction plans for this project £or Building Department review shall execute a Certificate affirmrtng that the plans conform in all respects to this Resolution approving this praject and all of the conditions set forth therein and the City's Building Code and Zoning Ordinance. Further, the person obtaining a building and/or grading permit for this project sha11 execute a Certificate of Construc�ion staHng that the projec� will be constructed according to this Resolution and any plans approved tl2erewith. G. Structtiral lot coverage o£the lot sha1l not exceed 12,273 square feet or 6.5fi% of the net Iat area, in conformance with lot coverage limitations {20% maximum}. The total �ot coverage proposed, including structuxes and flat�work, shall not exceed 29,074 square fee� or 15.�%, of the net Iot area, in conformance wi�li �ot coverage Iimitations (35% max). H. Grading for this project shall not exceed 11,775 cubic yards of cut and 11,77� cubic yards of fill; 12,30Q cubic yards of over-excavation, and 12,300 cubic yards of recompaction and shall be balanced on site. The di.sturbed area of the lot, including the approved stable and corral shall not exceed 45.2%. L The residential building pad is proposed a�44,100 square feet and shall not exceed coverage of 9,344 square feet or 21.2% wi.th allowed deduciions. The stable pad is p�roposed at 5,720 square feet and shall no� exceed 2,149 square feet of coverage or 37.6% wi�li allowed deductions. I�eso.2016-15 8 5 Pine Tree Lane J. A new driveway shall be provfded pex the Fire Department requirements and the apron of the driveway shall be subject to review and approval by the Traffic Comrnission. Fwrther, the por�ion of the existing shared driveway with 3 Pine Tree Lane thaf is located on the properfy at 5 Pine Tree Lane shall be abandoned and the concrete removed once the new driveway off Pine Tree Lane is complefed. At no time shall vehicular ae�ess to 3 Pine Tree Lane be impacted by construction activities at 5 Pine Tree Lane. The driveway apron serving 3 Pine Tree Lane, but located on 5 Pine Tree Lane shall be z��,affected by this development and shall be available at alI times for egress and ingress fo 3 Pine Txee Lane. Photographic evidence of the condition of the shared driveway and apron with 3 Pine Tree Lane shall be submitted to the Planning Department before any construction or demolition. Any darnage caused to the apron, easements or curbs by constr�uction activi�ies shall be restored at the expense of the applicant. K. Access to the stable and to the corral shall be decoxnposed granite or Iike 100% pervious roughened material. L. �.i1.y one sanitary facility consisting of a shower, sink, and a toilet and a ki�chenette is permitted in the guesthouse per Section 17.16.210(A)(5)(c). M. A minimum of four-foof level path and/or walkway, which does not have to be paved, shall be provided around the eniire per�imeter of all of the proposed structures, or as otherwise required by the Fire Depax�menf. N. At any time there are horses on the property, Best Management 1'ractices (BMPs) sha11 be applied for manure control, including but not be limited to removal of the manure on a dai�y basis or provision of a receptacle with a tight closing lici that zs constructed of brick, stone, concrete, metal or wood lined with m�tal ar other sound material and that is safeguarded against access by flies. The contents of said recepfacles shall be removed once a week. It is prohibited to dispose of manure or any animal waste inta the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System{MS4}, into natural drainage course or spread on the property. O. The pool equipmen� area shall be enclosed and screer�ed with landscaping. Per LA County Building Code,pool barrze:r/fencing shall be required. P. The applicant shal� comply with all requirements of the Lighting Ordinance of the City of Rolling Hills (RHMC 17.16.190 E), pertaining to lighting on said property, roofing and material. requirements of properties in the V�xy High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. Q. A1I utility lines to the residence, guesthouse, detached garages, and stable shall be placed underground, subject to all applicable s�andards and requirements. Reso. 2016-15 9 5 Pine Tree Lane R. A drainage plan, as required by the Building Departmenf shall be prepared and approved by City Staff prior to issuance of a construction permit. Such p1an shall be subject to LA County Code requirements. S. A11 graded slopes shall be landscaped. A Iandscaping plan shall be submitted to the City in conformance with Fire Department Fuel Modification requiremenl:s and graded slopes. Prior to finaling the project, trees and shrubs shall be p�anted to screen the project from the neighbors. The landscapi�g sha11 not fo�°m a hedge like screen but be of£set. The heighf of any new trees and shrubs, to be planted in conjvnction wzth this proJect, shall not at any tixne exceed the ridgeline of the roof of the stru.ct-u.res, which they are screening. The Iandscaping plan shall utilize to the maximum extenf feasible, plants that are native to the area, are water-wise and are cor�sistent with the rural character of fhe cornmunity. The landscaping shall be subject to the requirernents of �he City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, (Chapter 13.18of the RHMC). T. The setback Iines and roadway easement �ines in the vicinify of the constructian for this project shall remain staked throughout the construction. A cons�ruction fence may be required. U. Perimeter easements, incIuding roadway easements and trails, �f any, shall remain free and clear o� any improvements including, but not be Iimited to fences- including construction fences, any hardscape, driveways, landscaping, irrigation and drainage devices, excepf as otherwise approved by the Rolling Hills Community Association. V. Minimum of 50% of any construction materials must be recycled or diverted from lar;dfill�. The hauler of the material� �hall obtain Cify's Construc�ion artd Demolition permits for waste hauling prior to start of work and provide p:�oper documentatian to the City. W. Durfng construction, conformance with the air quality management district requirements, stormwater pollution prevention practices, county and local ordinances and engineer�ing practices so thaf people or propex~�y are not exposed to undue vehicle trips,noise, dust, and objectionable odors shall be required. X. During canstruction, all parking shall take place on tlie project site, on the new driveway and, if necessary, any overflow parking shall take place witivn the »nimproved roadway easemen�s on the east side of Pine Tree Lane adJacent to project site only, and shall not obstrucf neighboring driveways. During construction, to the maximurn extent feasible, employees of the coritractor shall car-pool into the City. Y. Du�ing consiruction, the property owners shall be required to schedu�e and regulate construction and related traf�ic noise throughout the day between the hours of 7 Resa.20�.b-15 10 5 Pine Tree Lane AM and 6 PM, Monday through Saturday only, when construction and mechanical equipment noise is permitted, so as nof to interfere with the quiet residential environment of the City of Rolling Hi11s. Z. The contractor shall not use tools that could produce a spark, including for ciearing and grubbing, during red flag warning conditions. Weather conditions can be found at: h�• -- .wrh.naaa.gc�v/'�vx/mainphg?suite=�af�&�e=hazard_defuutions#FIRE. It is the sole responsxbi.�ity of the property owner and/or his/her contractor to monitor �he red flag warning conditions. Should a red flag warning be declared and i�work is to be conducted on the property, the contracto�r shall have readily available fire distinguisher. AA. The pxoperty owners shall be required to eonform with the Regional Water Quality Control Board and County Public Works Department Best Management Practices (BMP's} requirements related to solid wasfe, drainage and stor�n watex drainage facilities management and to the City's Low Impact development Ordinance (LID). Further the property owners shall be required to conform to the County Health Department requi�ements for a septic system. AB. Przor to finaling of the projec�an "as graded" and an"as constructed" plans and certifications, including certifications of ridgelines of the structures, shall be provided to the Plannaing Department and the Building Deparhnent to asce:rtain that�ie completed praject is in compliance with the approved plans. In addxtion, any modifications made to the project during construction, shall be depicted on the"as built/as graded" plan. AC. The applicant shall execute an Affidavi� of Acceptance of all conditions o£ this permit puxsuant to Zoning Ordinance, or the approval shall not be effective. The affidavit sha11 be recorded together wi�i the�esol�tior�. PASSED, O AD�PTED THIS 215T DAY OF JUNE 2016. A EL , CHAIRMAN ATTEST: ��� HEIDI LUCE, CITY CLERK Reso.2016-�5 11 5 Pine Tzee Lane Any action challenging the final decision of the City made as a result of the public hearing on this applicatian must be filed within the time iimits set forth in Section �7.54.�7Q of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code and Code of Civil Procedure Sectian 3094.6. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) �� CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) I certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 201b-15 eni�tled: A RES4LUTION OF THE PLANNING C4MMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL F�R A SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR GIiADING AND cUN5'i'KUC:�1�tUN C�F A NEW RESIDENCE WITH A BASEMENT, DETACHED GARAGES, COVERED PORCHES, STABLE, SWIMMING POOL W�'I`H A SPA, RETAINING WALLS AND NEW DRNEWAY; A CONDITIONAL USE PERMiT TO CONSTRUCT A GUEST HOUSE, DETACHED GARAGES, AND STABLE WITH LOFT; AND VARIANCES TO EXCEED MAXIMUM PERMITTED AVERAGE HEIGHT OF RETAINIlVG WALLS AND TO EXCEED 'THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED LOT DISTURBANCE IN ZONING CASE NO. 901 AT�PINE TREE LANE, (L�T 94-RH), �SHARNG}. was approved and adopted at regular rx�eeting of the Pla,,,,;r,g Commission on June 21, 201b by the following rall call vote: AYES: Cornmissioners Cardenas,Gray, Smith and Chairman Chel€. N�ES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Kirkpatrick. ABSTAIN: None. and in coanpliance with the laws of Califarnia was posted at the€ollowing: Adrruinistrative Offices , ��.�.�- � - HEIDI LUCE, CITY CLERK Reso.2016-15 12 5 Pine Tree Lane