06-13-16 MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY C�UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA MONDAY,JUNE 13, 2016 CALL TO ORDER An adjourned regular meet�ng of the City Council of the City of Rolling Hills was called to order by � Mayor Dieringer at 7:01 p.m. in the City Councii Chamber at City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, Califomia. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Mi�rsch, Pieper, Wilson and Mayor Di�ringer. Councilmembers Absent: Black(excused). Others Present: Raymond R. Cruz, City Manager. Mike Jenkins, City Attorney. Yolanta Schwartz, Planning Director. Heidi Luce, City Clerk. Terry Shea,Finance Director. Jim Walker,Budget Consultant. Diana Nuccion, 18 Portuguese Bend Road. Howard Weinberg,Attomey. William and Judith Hassoldt, I S Porluguese Bend Road. Hal Light, Attorney. Tina Greenberg, 32 Portuguese Bend Road. Marcia Schoettle, 2�Eastfieid Drive. -- OPEN AGENDA -PUBLIC COMMENT WELCOME Diana Nuccion, 18 Portuguese Bend Road addressed the City Council to express concern regarding coyo#es in the communxty. CONSENT CALENDAR Matters which may be acted upon by the City Council in a single motion. Any Councilmember may request removal of any item from the Consent Calenc�ar causing it to be considered under Council Actions. A. Minutes—(1)Regular Meeting of Apri125,201b; (2) Regular Meeting of May 9, 2016. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. B. Payment of Bills. REC011�VIENDAT�ON: Approve as presented. C. Financial Statement for the Month of April, 2016. RECONIlI�NDATIQN: Approve as presented. D. Allied Recycling Tonnage Report for Apri1, 2016. RECOMIVV��IVDATyON: Receive and file. E. City Council FinanceBudget/Audit Committee meeting notes of May 18, 2016. RECOMMENDATaON: Receive and file. F. Cansideration af an Agreement with Executive-Suite Services, Inc. for Cxty Hall Custodial Services. {_ RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presen�ed. G. Consideratian af Investment Resolutions authorizing the City Manager and Finance Director to make investment deposits on behalf of the City of Rolling Hills with Prefert�ed Bank and the Maney Center Department of U.S. Bank National Association. RECOMMENDATI�N: Approve as presented. H. County of Los Angeles Departrnent of Animal Care and Cantrol FY 201b/i7 Service Level Request. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. I. Courity of Los Angeles Department of Agricultural Commissionex/Weights and Meas�ares FY 2Q16/17 Agreement Renewal far Pest Control Seivices. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as presented. -1- DRAFT J. Authorization for sta�f to change the City's credit card provider from Union Bank to Opus Bank. RECONIII+IENDATION: Approve as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS FROM THE TRAFFIC COMNIISSION: K. Consideration of a recommenda.tion from the Traffic Commission to approve a request from the Palos Verdes Art Center for ari Artist Studxo Tour on September 24 and 25, 2016 to feature two Rolling Hills Artist Studios located at 14 Cinchring Raad and 15 Eastfield Drive. REC�MMENDA'T�ON: Approve as presented. Councilmember Mirsch asked that itern 4E be removed from the consent calendar far individual consideration. Hearing no objection, Mayar Dieringer so ordered. Councilmember Wilson mentioned that there were a couple of typographicallclerical errors in �he staff reports that he brought them to the City Manager's attention. City Manager Cruz stated tl�at he would see that they are corrected. Councilmember Mirsch moved that the City Council approve the remaining items on the consent calendar as presented. Councilmember Pieper seconded the motion,which carried without objection. E. City Council FinanceBudget/Audit Committee meeting notes of May i 8, 2016. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. Councilme�nber Mirsch asked for clarification on the portion of the mee�ing notes relative to the total amount budgeted for Co�cilmember tra�el. City Manager Cruz clarified that the City Council travel costs were capped at $4,OU0 per Councilmember and since at this time, only one Councilmember has expressed intent to incur travel related expenses, $6,000 was budgeted for that budget item to account for that Councilmember's travel plus any other miscellaneous travel/�neeting expenses that may be incurred. Fo�lowing brief discussion, Councilmember Wilson moved that the City Council receive and file the meeting notes as presented. Councilmember Mirsch seconded the rnvtion, which carried withaut obj ection. COiNIlVIISS�ON ITEMS RESQLUTION NO. 2016-11 —A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING A SITE PLAN REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A COVERED PORCH ON A PROPERTY WITH A RESTRICTED DEVELOPMENT CONDITION AT 13 OUTRIDER ROAD, (LOT 94-A-EF}, ROLLING H�LLS, CA, {HANG JA Y00). Mayor Dieringer introduced the item and asked for staffls comments. Planning Director Schwartz reviewed the applicant's request to construct a 244 sq. ft. co�ered porch in Zoning Case Na. 905 at 13 Outrider Road. She stated that this case came before the Planning Commission because this property has a restricted development condition that any deve�opment needs to go before the Planning Commission for review and the Planning Commissian approved the request. She commented that this project was due to a request by the Rolling Hills Community Association that a previously approved project reflect mare of a ranch style architecture. She ft�rther stated that the project meets all of the developmer�t standards. Following brief discussion, Councilmember Pieper moved that the City Council receive and file Planning Commission Resolution No. 2016-1� granting approval of the applicant's request in Zoning Case No. 905 at 13 Outrider Road. Councilmember Mirsch seconded.the motion, which cairied wii�hout objection. RESOLUTION NO. 201G-12 —A RESOLUTION �F THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL OF A SITE PLAN REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A TRELLIS �N A PROPERTY WITH A RESTRICTIVE DEVELOPMENT CONDITION IN ZONING CASE NO. 903 AT 37 CHUCKWAGON ROAD, (LOT 19-CF} (VAN NORTWICK). Mayor Dieringer introduced tfie item and asked for staff's comments. Pianning Director Schwartz reviewed the applicant's request to consixuct a 701 sq. ft. detached trellis in the side yard area in Zan�ng Case No. 903 at 37 Chuckwagon Road. She stated that this case also came before the Pla.nning Comrnission because this property has a restricted development condition that any development needs to go befare the Planning Commission for review ar�d the Planning Commission approved the request. She stated that there are no variances or exceedances proposed and the project meets aIl of the development standards. Minutes City Council Meeting 06-13-�6 -2- DRAFT Councilznember Pieper moved that the City Council receive and �le Planning Commission Reso�ution No. 2015-12 granting approval of the applicant's request in Zoning Case No. 903 at 37 Chuckwagon Road. Councilmember Mirsch seconded the motion,which carried witho�xt objection. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-13 —A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF R4LLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL OF A SITE PLAN REVIEW, CONDITT�NAL USE PERMIT, AND VARIANCES FOR GRADING, F�R WALLS OVER 3' IN HEIGHT, AND WHICH WILL NOT AVERAGE OUT TO 2.5' IN HEIGHT, A POOL/SPA, TRELL�S, CONSTRUCTION OF A 705 SQUARE FOOT RECREATION ROOM AND TO LOCATE THE STRUCTURES IN THE FRONT YARD OF THE LOT AND TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED DISTURBANCE OF T'HE LOT AT 2 HILLSIDE LANE, (LOT 60- RH}, (ELKIN}. Mayor Dieringer intraduced the item and asked for S�fF'S comments. Planning Director Schwartz reviewed the applicant's request to construct a 7'OS sq, ft, recreation room, trellis, poollspa, various other amenities az�d walls in the front yard axea in Zoning Case No. 897 at 2 Hillside Lane. She reviewed the existing structures on the property stating that a new pad will be created to accommodate the proposed structures. She fi�rther reviewed the grading stating �hat the praject requires 4,610 cu. yds. of cut and 4,610 cu. yds. of fill that will be balanced on site. She reviewed the concerns raised regarding the existing stable on the property stating that the approval inc�uded a condition that the stable be converted back ta stable use and that access be appropriate for a stable. She stated that the applicant aiso proposes to widen the existing driveway and dri�eway apron. She further stated that the Traffic Commissian reviewed the request to widen the driveway apron and recommended approval. She further reviewed the variances requested and stated that the Planning Commission approved this request. In response ta Mayor Dieririger, Planning Director Schwartz stated that the concerns raised by a neighboring property owner have been address�d and resolved to the satisfaction of the neighbar. Following brief discussion, Councilmember Pieper z�rioved that the City Council receive and file Planning .�_. Commission Resolutian No. 2016-13 granting approval of the applicant's request in Zoning Case No. $97 at 2 Hillside Lane. Councilmember Wilson seconded the motian, which carried without objection. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-14—A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING APPROV.AL OF VARIANCES TO CONSTRUCT A SWIMMING POOL AND ATTACHED TRELLiS WHICH WOULD ENCROACH INTQ THE REAR YARD SETBACK AND TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED TOTAL COVERAGE OF THE LOT IN ZON[NG CASE NO. 900 AT 71 CREST RQAD EAST,(LOT 69 E-i MS), ROLLING HILLS, CA (BRAZY&LUCHIlVI). Mayor Dieringer introduced the item and asked for staf�s com�nents. Planning Director Schwartz reviewed the applicant's request to construct a swimming pool and attached trellis to encraach into the rear yard setback in Zoning Case No. 900 at 71 Cres#Road East. She reviewed the canfiguration of the lot stating that this 15 a �ery constrained lot. She stated that this project was approved by the Planning Commission with Vice Chairman Gray opposed because he could not justify the variance being requested. She further explained the project and reviewed the conditions of approval. FolIowing brief discnssion. Councilmember Pieper moved that the City Council receive and file Planning Commission Resolution No. 2015-14 granting approval of the applicant's rec�uest in Zoning Case No. 900 at 71 Cres�Road East. Councilmember Wilson seconded�he motion,which carried without objec�ion. PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY OF ROLLING HILLS PROPOSED DRAFT BUDGET INCLUDING THE ANNTJAL REPORT ON: GENERAL FUND; COMMUNITY FACILITIES FUND; MUNICIPAL SELF INSURANCE FUND; OPEB FUND, REFUSE C�LLECTION FUND; SOLID WASTE CHARGES; TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND; TRANSIT FUND-MEASURE R; TRANSIT FUND- PROPOSTTION A; TRANSiT FUND-PROPOSTTION C; COPS AND CLEEP FUND; UTILITY FUND; AND CAPITAL PROJECT FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 AND C�NSIDERATION OF: Minutes City Council Meeting Ob-13-16 -3- DRAFT RESOLUTION NO. 1184: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C�UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ADOPTING THE FY 201b-17 CITY OF ROLLING H1LLS BUDGET INCLUDING THE ANNLJAL REPORT ON: GENERAL FUND; COMIViUNITY FACILITIES FUND; MUNICIPAL SELF INSURANCE FUND; OPEB FUND, RE�'USE COLLECTION FUND; SOLID WASTE CHARGES; TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND; TRANSIT FUND-MEASURE R; TRANSiT FUND-PROPOSITION A; TRANSIT FUND-PROPOSITION C; COPS AND CLEEP FUND; UTILITY FUND; AND CAPITAL PROJECT FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016- 17. Mayor Dieringer introduced the item and asked for stafFs comments. City Manager Cruz sta#ed that presented for consideratian is a balanced budget for FY 2016-17 with an $58,000 projected surplus. He briefly reviewed the budget as it relates to City Council travel and supplemental traffic er�forcement. He stated that budget currently includes 175 hours of supplemental traffic enforcement, but the Traffic Commission recommends restoring the amount of hours to 350, which would be an additional $15,50Q. He further stated, with regard to building related permit fees, no change is being proposed at this time, but staff was asked to bring that item to the Cifiy Council for discussion in Ju1p. He introduced Jim Walker to reviewe the budget highlights. 7im Walker, Budget Consuttant reviewed the proposed budget stating that revenue is proposed at $1,931,000 which is up 4.8% from last year, partially due to the proposed exchange of Prop A funds; and expenses are budgeted at $1,842,OOQ which is �p 4.3% from the current year budget and incorporates many of the items identifted in the budget work plan. He commented that the budget also includes payment of half of his f�e for budget preparation,which was previously paid 100% by RAMS. Discussian enstied concerning the item rela#ed to City Council tra�el. Mayor Dieringer suggested increasing the travel budget ta allow for $4,000 per Councilmember as was noted in the Finance Committee meeting notes. Mr. Walker explained that $4,000 was budgeted for Mayor Derringer's requested travel and $2,000 additional was budgeted for other City Council travel related expenses for a total of$6,000 recognizing that no other Councilmember's express the intent to incur any travel related expenses. He stated that the amount will be monitored and if necessary adjustments cou�d be made to increase thaf amount. Councilmember Wilson stated that rather than seeing an increase in the travel budget, he would rather see the supplemental traffic enforcement restored to 350 hours. Further discussion ensued concerning City Cauncil travel. Councilmember Pieper suggested approving the budget as presented and defer the discussion on City Council travel and supplemental traffic enforcement to a future meeting at which time background on his#orical expenses in those categories could be discussed and considered. Further discussion ensued concerning City Council travel. Councilmember Mirsch explained the Finance Committee's thought process on how it came to the $�,OOQ nurnber stating that it was canscious decision to budget that amoun� recog�izing that it could be adjusted should a need arise. Councilmember Mirsch moved that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 1184 adopting the City of Rolling Hills FY 2Q16-17 budget as presented. Councilmember Wilson seconded the motion. Mayor Dieringer called for public comment. Marcia Schoettle, 24 Eastfield Dri�e addressed the City Council in support of City Council education and increasing the City Council travel budget. Hearing no further public comment, Mayor Dieringer closed the public hearing and called for a roll call vote. The motion to adopt Resolution No. 1184 adopting the City of Rolling Hi11s FY 2016-17 budget as presented carried without objection. The City Council further directed staffto agendize a discussion regarding possible budget adjustments for City Council travel expenses and supplemental traffic enfarcement and to include in the staff report the appropriate background infarmation with regard to previous expenditures in those areas. RESOLUTIQN NO. 1185: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ESTABLISHING THE 2016-17 FISCAL YEAR GANN APPROPRiATION LIMIT FOR THE CITY OF R�LLING HILLS. Mayor Dieringer introduced the item and asked for staff's comments. Mr. Walker presented the proposed Minutes City Council Meeting 06-13-16 _4- DRAFT resolution adopting the appropriation limit for FY I6-17 and explained the process whereby the GANN limit is established. Following br�ef discussion, Councilmember Pieper moved fihat the City Council adopt Resolution No. 1185 establishing the FY 2015-17 appropriation limit. Councilmember Wilson seconded the motion, which carried without objection. OLD BUSINESS � CONSIDERATION OF TWO APPEALS OF COMMITTEE ON TREES AND VIEWS RESOLUTION NO. 20I5-03-CTV SETTING FORTH FINDINGS RELATING TO TRIMMING OF TREES AT 15 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD DUE TO VIEW IlVIPAIRMENT FROM 18 PORTUGUESE BEND RO,AD. Mayor Dieringer intraduced t1�e item and asked for staffls camments. City Attomey JenkFns stated that as the City Cotincil will recall, the public hearing on this matter was ctosed on Apri125�' at which time staff was directed to prepare a Resolution affirming the decision of the Committee on Trees and Views. He stated that the City Council is in the deliberation sta,gE until a resolution is adopted. He stated that at his request, staff gathered all of the evidence that had been collected wit1�regard to the existence of a view at the time the property was acc�uired by the Nuccions in 2009. He stated that as he reviewed the evidenc�, including transcription of sorne of the minutes, e-mai�s, the application and written rnateria�s submitted, tliere appears tfl be some confusion with regard to the photographs that were submitted as evidence of the view at�the time�he property was acqui�ed. He stated that the issue causing concern is that, as is shown �iti the record, the trees at issue were trimmed by the Nuccions at some point in time and it is not clea.r when the photographs were talcen in relation to when the trees were trimmed. He stated that after this review of the e�idence, the staff report was prepared outlining all of the evidence presented on the question of what view existed from the praperty at the time of acquisition to assist in preparing a resolution by al�owing the City Council to identify those matters that it �inds persuasive in the evidence. He stated that by loaking at the staff repart and all the evidence cifed in the staff repot, the City Council is in an improved position to identify the specific evidence it finds persuasive arid why it is persuasive. He stated that the staff report .� outlines three options before the City Council: (1) reaffirm the direction from Apri125�'and dsrect staff to return with a resolution upholding the decision of the Committee on Trees & Views; (2)re-apen the pubZic hearing after public natice and schedue another hearing; or(3)provide different direction to staff. He staYed that Mr. Wienberg, the attorney for the Nuccians submit�ed additional evidence just before the meeting tonight, which according to staff, consists of new evidence that has not been previously submitted. He stated that siz�ce the public hearing is closed, it is not permissible to accept new evidence at tonight's meeting— either in document or testimony form. He stated that if it is the City Council's desire to accept new evidence, the pub�ic hearing would have to be re-opened and property nodced for a future meeting. Discussians ensued concerning the options before the City Council for proceeding. Councilrnember Pieper stated that after further reviewing the requirements of Measure B, he does not believe the evidence subirtitted establishes the existence of the view when the property was acquired. He suggested re-opening the public hearing solely for the purpose of considering the issue whether a view existed at the time the Nuccions acquired the property. To clarify, City Attorney Jenkins stated that the City Council has received a lot of evidence including ora� testimony, and it is the City Council's job to examine all of the evidence and sift thorough it and weigh it against the rest of the evidence. Follovv�ng further discussion, Councilmember Mirsch moved that the City Council reopen the pubIic nearing on this matter for the limited purpose of receiving additional evidence and cansidering further the saie issue whether a view existed at the time the Nuccions acquired the property at 18 Portuguese Bend � Road. Councilmember Pieper seconded the motion, which carried withaut abjection. Disc�assion ensued conceming possible dates for the re-apened public hearing and with concurrence of bath parties, the public hearing was scheduled for Monday, August 22, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.. Following brief discussian and concurrence by both parties, the City Council upon a motion by Councilmember Mirsch, seconded by Councilmember Pieper and withaut arry objection, provided the parties with the following direction with regard to additional evidence: Minutes Cxty Council Meeting 06-13-I6 _5_ DRAFT • As agreed by the Nuccion's counsel, within 10 days, the Nuccions shall provide the Hassoldts and the City digital copies (including the metadata) of all of the photographs that have been submitted in support of the view impairment complaint on a compact disc. • Atiy additional e�idence to be considered shall be provided to the other party and submitted to the City not less than 10 days prior to the August 22 public hearing — by S:OQ p.m. on August 12, 2016. • Any evidence not submitted by the above deadline will nat be considered. NEW BUSINESS DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATI�N OF THE FOLOWING ITEMS RELATED TO THE INSTALLATION OF AUTOMATED LICENSE PLATE RECOGr]ITION (ALPR) CAMERAS IN THE CITY TO COMBAT CRIME. Mayor Dieringer introduced the item and asked for staff's comanents. City Manager Cruz presented the staff report stating that these two agreements are before the City Counci� based on previous approval and direction to staff to proceed with the installation of the ALPR cameras in conjunction with the other three Peninsula cities. He sta.ted that the first document for consideration is an MOU with other three cities for installatian of the carneras througti Vigilant Solution which has been reviewed by the City Attorneys frarn each of the four cities; and the second is a license agreerrient between the Cit of Rolling Hi�ls axid the Rolling Hills Community Associatian. Following brief discussion concerning the cost of the cameras and the camera technology, the following actions were taken with regard to the two agreements related to the installation of the ALPR cameras: CONSIDERATION OF A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU} BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROLLIl�G HILLS AND THE OTHER PALOS VERDES PENINSULA CITIES TO COOOPERATNELY FUND, INSTALL AND ADMINISTER THE C�NTRACT WITH THE AUTOMATED LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION (ALPR) CAMERA SERVICE PROVIDER {VIGILANT SOLUTIONS)TO COMBAT CRIME IN THE REGION. Councilmember Pieper moved that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute the MOU between the Cities of Palos Verdes Estates, Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hi11s Estates and Rolling Hills relating to the placement, and maintenance of Autornated License Plate Recognztion (ALPR) cameras around the Palos Verdes Peninsula. Councilmenciber Wilson seconded the motion, which carried without objection. CONSIDERATION OF LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY O�' ROLLING HiLLS AND THE ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION {RHCA) TO OUTLINE THE TERMS AND CONDTTIONS TO PLACE ALPR CAMERAS NEAR OR ON EACH OF THE THREE RHCA OWNED GATE HOUSES. Councilmember Pieper maved that the City Council autharize the City Manager to execute the license agreement between the City of Rolling Hills and the Rolling Hills Cornmunity Association for permission to install three autornated License Plate Recognition (ALPR} cameras near or an each of the three RHCA gatehouses. Councilmember Mirsch seconded the rnotion,which carried without objection. MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL AND MEETING ATTENDANCE REPORTS UPDATE ON THE PALOS VERDES PENINSULA REGIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON MAY 12, 201G. (ORAL REPORT} Mayor Dieringer provided an overview of fhe discussion from the Palas Verdes Peninsula Regional Law Enfarcement Comrnittee meeting held on May 12�' stating that crime rates seems to be lower than previous quarters and the majority of the discussion has beer�around the installation of the ALPR cameras. Councilmember Pieper noted that the ambulance response time data is slightly skewed because some addresses outside the City aze beitig calculated in the City's nurnbers. DISCUSSION CONCERNING THE PROGRESS OF THE CITY COUNCIL TREES AND VFEWS AD HOC COMMITTEE. (ORAL REPORT} Minutes City Council Meeting 06-13-16 _6� DRAFT Councilmember Mirsch reported that the ad hoc cornmittee had a good meeting with Richard Colyear and Lynn Gili in May and plans to meet again on June 23'�. She stated that the Committee will report further on its progress after that meeting. DISSCUSION AND POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF CONCERNING THE CALIFQRNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY'S PA�T AND PRESENT ASS�STANCE �OR ROLLING HILLS RESIDENTS REGARDING WATER BUDGETS. (ORAL REPQRT} Mayor Dieringer provided an update regarding her discussions with Cali�arnia Water Service Company `�� regarding water budgets and the appeal process at a recent meeting that inc�uded the City Manager and representa.tives from California Water Service Company. Following discussion, the City Manager was directed to follow-up with California Water Service Company regarding the appeal process. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF REGARDING PENDTNG STATE LEGISLATION THAT COULD RESTRICT THE CITY'S ZONING AND PLANNING AUTHORITY CONCERNING ITS HOUSING UNITS. (OR.AL REPORT) Mayor Dieringer pravided informatian regarding pending legisZation that may impact the City's planning authority with regard to secondary housing units and suggested that the City Council cantact their elected officials and continue to monitor the legis�ation. Brief discussion ensued concerriing the pending legislation. No action was taken. MATTERS FRUM STAFF DISCUSSI4N AND DIRECTION REGARDING LAYING DOWN CONDUIT FOR COX CABLE AND FRONTIER COMM[TNICATIONS LINES IN CONJECTION WITH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON'S WILLIAMSBURG LANE VOLTAGE IlV�ROVEMENT PR07ECT. (ORAL REPORT} Mayor Dieringer introduced the item and asked for staffls comments. City Manager Cruz provided an update concerning�he Southern California Edison voltage improvement on Wiliiamsburg Lane stating that it was the City's intent, when this project was originally introduced, to have the option of putting down the conduit for the other utilities at the same tirne this project was heing done. He stated that it was recently learned that the SCE is moving forward with the project and staff is trying to coordinate with the communications companies to move forward with additiona� conduit but in order to da so, funds would need to be approprfated for that purpose. Following discussion, Councilmember Pieper moved tl�at the City Council apprave an appropriation from the Utility Fund iz� the amount up to $20,000 {half of a total project cost of up to $40,000} for trenching and conduit to underground the other utilities in conjunction with Sauthern California Edison's Williamsburg Lane Voltage Improvement P�roject and autl�orize the City Manager to work with the utilities to accomplish this objective. PUBLIC COMMENT �N CLOSED SESSION ITEMS None. CLOSED SESSION Government Code §54956.8 Conferezice with Real Property Negotiators Property: APN 7567-017-017 __ Agency negotiator: Raymond Cruz, City Manager Negotiating parties: County of Los Angeles Under negot�ation: Price (tax defau�ted parcel) The City Council recessed into ciosed session at 9:24 p.m. to discuss the rriatters listed above on the closed session agenda. Minutes City Council Meeting Ofi-l3-ib _�_ DRAFT RETURN TO OPEN SESSION ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTIONS FROM CLOSED SES�ION (ORAL REPORT). The meeting was called back to order in open session at 9:46 p.m. City Attorney Jenkins reported that the City Council met in closed session to discuss tY�e item listed above and no reporta.ble action was taken. ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further business before the City Council, Mayor Dieringer adjaurned the meeting at 9:47 p.m. to an adjourned regular meeting of the City Cour�cil scheduled to be held on Monday, June 27, 2016 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Raad, Rolling Hills, California. Respectfully submitted, Heidi Luce City Clerk Approved, Bea Dieringer Mayor Minutes City Council Meeting 06-13-16 -g-