2016-19 RESOLUTION NO. 2016-19 A RESOLUTION 4F THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY�F ROLLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL FOR A S�TE PLAN REVIEW, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND VARIANCE FOR GRADING AND CONSTRUCTTON OF A STABLE WITH COVERED PORCHES, CORRAL, AND A RIDING RING, TO ENCROACH WITH THE RIDING RING INTO THE FRONT SETBACK, AND TO EXCEED THE PERMTTTED DISTURBANCE OF THE LOT IN ZONING CASE NO. 904 AT 34 SADDLEBACK R�AD, (DELGADO). THE PLANNING COMNIISSI�N DOES HEREBY FIND, RES�LVE AND QRDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A revi.sed application was duly filed by Ms. Eddy Delgado, to request a Site Plan Review, a Conditional Use Permit and Variances for a 1,140 square foot single story stable with 1,Q32 square feet of covered porches with 1,950 square foot adjacent co�al, and 5,500 square foot riding ring, 400 cubic yards o� grading for the ring, to encroach with the riding ring into the front setback by 2,150 squa�re feet, and to exceed the already non-conforming disfurbance of the net lot area to b8.8% (max. permitEed disturbance is 40% and existing is at 63.3%}. Section 2. The Planning Comnlission conducted duly noticed public hearings fo consider the applicati.on at their regular meeting on May 17, 2016, in the £zeld and at their regular meeting on June 21, 2016, and again in the field and at their regular meeting on July 19, 2016. Neighbors within 1,000-foot radius were notified of the public hearings and a notice was publi.shed in the Peninsula News on May 5, 2016 and in the Daily Breeze on July S, 2016. The applicants and �ieir agents were notified o£the public h�arings in vvriting by fzr�t cla�� rnail and the applicant� artd tl�eir agents v�ere in attendance at the hearings. Evidence was heard and presented from all persons intexested in affecting said praposal, and from mernbexs of the City staff. Three residents visited the site during the noticed field trip on June 21, 2016 and one reszdent on Ju1y 19, 2016. One resident attended the public hearing during the evening of Ju1y 19, 2016 to express her support for the project as it supports equestrian uses in the City. During the fzrst field trip, Cornrn�ssioners expressed concerns about the proposed stable and it's proximity to the guesthouse. The applicant's responded with a revised plan to relocate and reconfigure the stable and to requesf a a,500 square foot �rzding ring that parkially encroaches xnto �he front setback. The Planning Camrnission has reviewed, analyzed and studied said proposal. Section 3. The property is zoned RAS-1 and the gross lot area is 2.71 acres. The net Iot area is 2.32 acres o�101,040 square feet. The properfy is currently developed with a 3,420 squa�re foat residence, a 640 square foot garage, a 780 square foot swrmmirig pool/spa, 50 square foot pool equipment, 6b3 square foot guest house, 510 square feet of attached covered porches, b00 square feet of sheds (a 50Q square £oot Reso.201b-19 1 34 Saddieback Rd. storage shed and a 100 square foot shed), and a 350 square foot service yard. A 959 square foat addition to the residence and a 35 square foot barbecue were approved adminisixatively in Ocfober, 2015 and the addition is currently under construction. With the addition, the residence wi11 be 4,379 square feet. All existing structures are Iegal and permitted. In 1989 a Conditianal LTse Permit was granted to convert the then existing stabie inta a guest house (Resolution 89-30) and area was set aside £or the stable at that time adjacent to the 6,200 square foot riding ring that exists today. The existing �00 sq.ft. storage shed was approved and perxnitted in 19b9 as a detached garage. Section 4. 'I`he Planning Commission finds that the project is exempt from the California Environx�entaJ. Quality Act, (CEQA) pursuant to sectian 15303 (new con.struction of szngle family residence and accessory structures}, and section 15061(b)(3) (common sense exemptzon) of the CEQA guidelines. Section 5. Section 7.7.1$.040E of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code permits approval of a stable over 200 square feet, a corral over 5�0 square feet, and a riding ring with a Conditiona� Use Perxnit provided the uses are not�ocated in the front yard or in any setbacks. A portion of the riding ring is proposed to be located in the front yard area of fhe lot. With respect to this request far a Conditional LJse Pezmit, the Planning Comnlission£inds as follows: A. Conditionally permitted uses are not outright perm�tted by the Rolling Hills Municipa2 Code. The Commission must consider applications for condi�ional use permit and may, with such coriditions as are deemed necessary, approve a conditional use which will not jeopardize, adversely affect, endanger or to otherwise constitufe a mer�ace to the public hea�th, safety ar general welfare or be materially detrimental fo the groperi-y of other pers�n5 ioeated in the vicinity of such use. B. The granting of a Conditional Use Permi�for the stable, corral, and riding ring would be consistent with the purposes and objectives of the Zoning Ordinance and General Plan because the uses a7re consistent with similar uses in the communify, and except for the Iocation of the riding ring, meet all the applicable code development standards fox a stable, corraJ., and riding ring, and the proposed uses are located on areas on the propex�.y that are adequately sized to accommodate such uses. The proposed uses are appropriately lacated in that they wi11 be sufficiently separated from nearby structures u��d for habitation or containing sleeping quarters. The development would be constructed in furtherance of the General Plan goal of promo�ing and encouraging equestrian uses. C. The nature, condition, and development of adjacent structures have been considered, and the project will not adversely affect or be materially detrimental to these adJacent uses, buildings, or structures because the proposed stab�e/corral, and riding ring orientation are not towards neighbors and theix general Iocation is of Keso. 2016-19 2 34 Saddleback Rd. sufficient distance from nearby residences so as to not impact the view or privacy of surrounding neighbors. The proposed stable is to be located next to the corra� and a path designa�ed for equesixian uses rtFns frorn the stable/corral to the driveway. The riding ring would be lacated in an area of �he lot that is not in proximity to any residents. D. The project is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, the natural terrain, and surrounding residences because the sfable/corral, and riding ring complies with the low profile residential development pattern of the community and will not give the property an over-built look, and areas will rema.in open and unobstructed. 'The lot is 2.32 acres net in size and is sufficien�ly large to accommodate the proposed�.ses. E. The proposed conditional use, other than the riding ring being proposed in the front yard area, complies with all applicable development standards of the zone district and requires a Conditianal Use Permif pursuant to Sections 17.�8.090 and 17.18.100 of the Zoning Ordinance. F. The proposed conditional uses are consistent with the portions of the Los Angeles County Hazardous Waste Management Plan relating to siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities because the project site is not Iisted on the current State of California Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List. Section 6. Section 17.46.030 requires a development plan to be submitted for Site Plan Review and approval before any grading :requiring a grading permit or any new building or structure may be constructed or any expansian, addition, alteration or repair to existing buildings may be made which involve changes to grading or an increase to the size of fhe building or stxucture by not more than 999 square £eet in any thirty-six (36) month period. Wi�h respect to the Site PIan grading and the propased structures the Planning Commission makes the following findings of fact: A. The proposed development is compatible with the Genexal Plan, the Zoning �rdinance and surrounding uses because the p�roposed structures comply with the General Plan requzrement of low profile, Iow-density residential developxx�ent with sufficient open space between surrounding structures and maintaining sufficient setbacks to provide buffers between residential uses. Although the disturbed area exceeds �ie maximum permitted arnount of 40%, it was already Iegal non-conforming at 63.3% and i� will increase to 68.$%. The configuration o£ the lot is narrow and long and a horse trail is lacated on the rear portion of the Iot, accessible by the public with the property owner's consen�, making this partion of the lot unusable by the property owner. The stable, corral, and riding ring promote �ie rural, equestrian aesthetic of Rolling HiIIs. While 2,150 square feet of the riding ring is in the front setback, the equestrian use is promoted in the City. Reso. 2016-19 3 34 Saddleback Rd. The pro�ect conforms with Zoning Code lot coverage requirements, except for disturbance. The net lot area of the Iot is 101,Q40 square feet. The sfiructu.ral net lot coverage is proposed at 10.Q7%, which includes aII of the structures, with allowance far permitted deductions, {2Q% max. permitEed); and the total Iot coverage proposed, including the stable would be 23.4%, (3�% max, perrnitted}. The disturbed area of the lot is proposed to increase from 63.3% which already exceeds the maximum permitted of 40% and is legal nonconforming, to 68.8% due ta the 400 cubic yards of grading required for the riding ring (200 cubic yards of cut and 200 cubic yards of fill). B. The project substantialiy preserves the nattxral and undeveloped state of the Iot by minimizing building coverage. The topography and the configura�ian of the lot, have been considered, and it was determined that the propased development will not adversely affect or be materially detrimen�Eal to adjacent uses, ' buildings, or structures, because the propased stable/corral will be constructed entirely on an exi.sting buxlding pad of the currently developed lot where the corral currently is and will be the least intrusive to suxrounding properties, will be screened and landscaped with trees and shrubs, is of su£ficient distance from nearby residences so that it wi11 not impact tlie view or privacy of surrounding neighbors, and will permit fhe owners to enjoy their prope�rty without deleterious infringement on the rights of surrounding property owners. The stable, corral, and riding ring will be developed on areas of the lot�hat do not currently have structures. C. The proposed development, as conditioned, is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, and zs consistent with fhe scale of the neighborhood when compared to other equesi�rzan uses in the vicinity of saxd lot. The proposed stable is 1,140 square feet and the average size of fhe last 1a stables approved since 2011 is 1,583 square£eet. D. The deveiopment plan will introduce addxtional landscaping, which is c�n�ipat�?�le vvith an�enhance� the rural eharacfer of the e�rnmunity. E. The proposed develapment is sensitive and not detrimental to the convenience and safety of circulation, for pedestrians and vehicles because the applicants wi11 continue to u�ilize the existing driveway fo the residence and the stable, and thE riding ring will be accessed from the main driveway for heavier vehicles ingress/egress. The stab�e access from the driveway will be entirely decomposed granite. F. The pro�ect is exernpt from t.�ie requirements of the Calzfornia Enviaronmental Quality Act pursuant to section�5303 of the CEQA guide�ines. Section 7. Sections 17.38.010 through 17.38.050 of fhe Code pe�rmit approval of a variance from the standards and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance when, due to excepfional or extraordinary circurnstances applicable to the property a�d not applicable to other si.milar proper�ies in the same zone, stxict application of the Code would deny fhe property owner substantiai property rights enjoyed by other praperties in the same Reso.2016-19 4 34 Saddieback Rd. vicinity and zone. The applicant seeks a variance frorn the requirement�7.1$.100.3. that a riding ring not be located in the front yard, and frorn 171b.070B. that disturbance is limited to 40% of the net Iot area. The �,50Q square foot riding ring is being proposed in the front yard, 2,150 square feet is in the front setback and the disturbance of the Iot will be 68.8%. With respect to this request for Vaxiances, the Planning Commission finds as follows: A. There are exceptianal and extraordinary circumstances and conditions applicable to the property or ta the intended use that do not apply generally to the other property or class of use in the sarne zone because a horse txai� used by the public crosses fhe rear of property making a portion of the lot unusable by the properfy owner. The disturbance o£the lot already exceeds the maximum permitted and in order�o locate the riding ring it is necessary to slightly gxade an area that is currently undulated. This wili cause the disturbed area to increase to 68.8%. B. The Variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial properfy right possessed by other propexty in the same vicinity and zone, but which is denied to the property xn question because of the long and narrow lo�, and Saddleback Trail being Iocated on the rear of the properfy. The residential building pad is 1a.x�gely developed already, and there is no other option for Iocating the riding ring other than�he front yard area. There were no concerns voiced by neighbors about where the proposed stab�e/corral and riding ring will be located. The exceedance of the dist-urbance is due to the riding ring. C. The granting of the Variance would not be materially detrimenfal to the public welfare or injurious to the prapex�y or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is Iocated because the proposed riding ring enhances fhe equestr�ian aesthetic and therefore would not affect property values. The riding ring wi�I remain as �pen space,�ier�f�x��not causing the lot to he overdeveloped. D. The variance is consistent with the portions of the County of Los Angeles Hazardous Waste Management Plan relating to siting and siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities. E. The variance request is consistent with the General Plan. The proposed project, together with the variance, will be compatible with the objectives, policies, general land uses and progx�ams specified in the General Plan and will uphold the Cify's gaals to protect and promote canstruction that is rural in nature. Section$. Based upon the foregoing findings, the Planning Cominission hereby approvEs Zoxvng Case No. 904 a Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permits and Variances to construc� a �,140 square foot single story stable with 1,032 square feet of covered porches with 1,950 square foot adjacen�corra�, and a,500 square feet rid'zng ring, 400 cubic yards of grading for the ring (200 cubic yards of cut and 200 cubic yards of fill), to encroach with the ridi.ng ring into the front setback by 2,150 square feet, and to exceed Reso.2016-19 � 34 Saddleback Rd. the a�.ready non-conforming disturbance of the net lot area to 68.8% (max. permi�ted disturbance is 40% and existing is at 63.3%} subject to the following conditions: A. The Conditional Use Permit,Site P1an and Variances approvals shall expire withi.n two years from the effective date of approval as defined in Sections 17.46.080, 17.42.07Q and 17.38.070, unless otherwise extended pursuant to the requirements of these secfions. B. It is declared and made a condition of this approval that if any conditions thereof are viola�ed, this approval shall be suspended and the privileges grantEd thereunder shall lapse; provided that the applicant has been given written notice to cease such violation, the oppox�unify for a heari.ng has been provided, and if requested, has been held, and thereafter the applicanf fai�s to correct the violation within a period of �hirty {30} days from the date of the City's determination. C. AIi requirements of the Buildings and Construction Ordinance, �he Zoning Ordinance, and of the zone in which the subJect property is located must be complied wi�h unless otherwise set forth in this permit, or shown otherwise on an approved plan. D. The lot shall be developed and maintained in substantia� conformance with the site plan on file dated Ju�y 13, 2016 except as otherwise provided in these conditions. T'he working drawings submitted to the Department of Building and Safety for plan check review shall conform to the approved development plan. All cariditions of the Condi�ional Use Permit, Site Plan Review, and Variance app�rovals shall be inco:rporated into the building permit working drawings, and where applicable complied with prior to issuance of a grading or buxlding permit from the building depar�ment. The conditions of approval of this Resolution shall be printed onto building plans submitEed tc�the Btxilding Departtnent f�r revi�E�v and�hall be�ept on site at a�l ames. E. Prior to submittal of fi.nal working drawings to the Buiiding and Safefy Department for issuance of building permi.ts, the plans €or the project shall be submitEed to City staff for verification that the tinal plans are in compliance with the plans approved by the Planning CoYnmission. F. A licEnsed professional preparing construc�ion plans for this project for Building Departrnent review shall execute a Certificate affirming �hat the plans conform in all respects to this Resolution approving this project and a11 of the conditions set forth therein and the City's Building Code and Zoning Ordinance. Further, the person obtaining a buildi.ng and/ox grading permif for th:�s project shall execufe a Certificate of Construction s�ating that the project will be construc�ed according to this Resolu�ion and any plans approved therewith. Resa.2Q16-19 6 34 Saddleback Rd. G. Sixuctural lot coverage of the lot shall not exceed 10,179 square £eet or 10.07% of the net Iot area, in conformance with lot coverage limitations {20% maximum). The total lot coverage proposed, including structures and flatwork shall not exceed 23,599 square feet or 23.4%, of the net lot area, in conformance with lat coverage lunitations (35% max). H. Grading for this project shall consist of 200 cubic yards of ct�f and 2Q0 cubic yards o££i11. The disturbed area of the lot, including the approved sfable and corral shall not exceed 68.8%. I. The residential building pad shall remain 28,000 square feet and has coverage of 2$.6%. The stable pad shall be 11,640 square feet and will have coverage of 18.7%. J. The riding may not have lights anywhere within it or around it. Should a rnirror be installed in the future in the ring, and if reflection a£ the sun off the mirror causes glare on adjoining properties, it shall be the responsibility of the property owner or installer to mitigate this problem in a timely rnanner. K. A minimum of four-foot Ievei path and/or waikway, which does not have fo be paved, sha1l be provided arvund the entire perimeter of all of the proposed structures, or as is otherwise required by the Fire Department. L. Af any time there are horses on the property, Best Management Practices (BMPs) sha11 be applied for manure control, including but not be limited fo removal of the manure on a daily basis or provision of a receptacle with a tight closing lid �hat is constxucted of brick, stone, concrete, meta� or wood lined with metal or other sound material and that is safeguarded against access by flies. The contents of said receptacles shall be removed once a week. It is prohibited to dispose of manure or any animal waste into the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), into natural drainage course or spread on the property. M. The applicant shall comply with a1I requirements of �the Lighting Ordinance of �he Czty of Rolling Hills (RI-Il1�IC 17.16.190 E), pertaining to Iighting on said property, roo£ing and material requirements of properties in the Very High Fire Hazard 5everity Zone. N. AIl utility lines to stable sha11 be placed underground, subject to all applicable standards and requirements. O. A drainage plan, as required by filie Building Department shall be prepared and approved by City S�aff prior to issuance of a construcfion permit. Such plan shall be subject to LA County Code requirements. Reso.2016-19 7 34 Saddleback Rd. P. All graded slopes outside of the rzding ring shall b� Iandscaped. A landscaping plan shall be submitted to the City in conformance with Fire Department Fuel Mod"zfication requirements and graded slopes. Prior to finaling the project, trees and shrubs shall be planfed to screen the project from �he neighbors. The landscaping shall not form a hedge like screen but be offset. The height of the trees ax�d shrubs shall not at any time exceed the ridgeline of the roof of fhe structure. The landscaping plan sha1.1 utilize �o the maximum extent feasible, plants that are native to the axea and are cox�sistent with the rural character of the comm�nity. If landscaping of 5,000 square foot area or greater is introduced or redeveloped, the Iandseaping shall be subject to the requarements of the City's Water Efficzent Landscape Ordinance. Q. A three rai�fence is required around the�riding ring. R. The setback lines and xoadway easement line xn the vicixtity of the constru.c�ion for this project sha11 remain staked throughout the construction. A construction fence may be required. S. Perirneter easements, including roadway easements and trrails,if any, shall remain free and clear of any irnprovements including, but not be limited to fences- including construction fences, any hardscape, driveways, landscaping, irrigation and drainage devices, except as otherwise approved by the Rolling Hi�Is Community Associatian. T. Minimum of 50% of any construction materials must be recycled and diverted from landfills. The hauler of the materials shall obtain Cify's Construction and Demolition permits for waste hauling prior to start of work and provide proper documentation fo the Ci�. U. During construction, coriformance with the air quality management district requirements, stormwater pollu�ion prevention practices, county and local ordinances and engineering practices so that people or property are not exposed to undue vehicle trips,noise, dust, and objectionable odors shall be required. V. During construction, all parking sha11 take place on the project site, on the driveway or motorcourt, and, if necessary, any overflow parking shall take place wi�hin the unimproved :roadway easemen�s on the east side of Saddleback adjacent to project site only, and sha11 not obstruct neighboxing driveways. During construction, to the maximum extent feasible, employees of the contractor shall car-pool in�o the Czty. W. During construction, the property owners shall be required to schedule and regulate cox�struction and related traffic noise throughout the day between�lie hours of 7 AM and b PM, Monday fhrough Saturday only, when construction and mechanical Reso.2016-19 g 34 Saddleback Rd. equipment noise is perrnitted, so as not to interfere with the quiet residential environment of the City of Rolling Hills. X. The contractor shall nat use tools tha� could produce a spark, inc�uding for clearing and grubbing, during red flag warning condxtions. Weather conditions can be found at: h# � �.�c�_ _.����t��%��rt�������f��=����r����=haz�rc�_�l�f�niiic�r����IR E. It is the sole responsibility of the property owner and/or his/her contractar to monitor the red flag warning conditions. Shauld a red flag warning be declared and if work is to be conducted on fhe property, the confractor shall have readily avaiiable fire distinguisher. Y. T'he property owners shali be required to conform with the Regional. Water Quality Control Board and County Public Warks Departrnent Best Management Practices (BMP's} requirements related to solid waste, drainage and storm water dxainage facilities management and to the City's Low Impact development Ordinance {LID), if applicable. Further the property owners shali be required �o conform to the County Health Department requirements for a septic system. Z. Prior to finaling of the project an "as graded" and an "as constructed" plans and certifications, zncluding certifications of ridgelines of the stable shall be provided to the Planning Department and the Bui�ding Depariment to ascertain that the completed project is in compliance with the approved p�ans. In addition, any modifications xnade to the praject during construction, shall be depicfed on the "as built/as graded" plan. AA. The applicant shall execute an Affidavit of Acceptance of all conditions of this permit pursuant to Zoning Ordinance, or the approval sha11 not be effec�ive. The �ffi�iavit shall be�eeQ �ogether with tre resoluti�n. PASS D D O D THIS 16TH DAY OF AUGUST 2016. LF, A ATT'EST: . �° ��� HEIDI LUCE,CITY CLERK Any action challenging the final decision of the City made as a result of the public hearing on this application must be filed within the time limits set forth in Secfion 17.54.070 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code and Code of Civil Procedure Section za94.6. Reso.2016-I9 9 34 Saddleback Rd. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY�F LOS ANGELES ) §� CITY OF AOLLING HILLS ) I certify that the foregoing lZesolution No. 2016-19 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANIVING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF R�LLING HTLLS GRANTIlVG APPROVAL FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND VARIANCE FOR GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION OF A STABLE WIT'H COVERED PC7RCHES, CORR.AL, .AND A RIDING RING, TO ENCROACH WITH THE RIDING RING INTO THE FRONT SETBACK, AND TO EXCEED THE PERMITTED DISTURBANCE 4F THE LOT IlV ZONING CASE NO. 904 AT 34 SADDLEBACK ROAD, (DELGADO). was approved and adopted at regular meeting of #he Planning Commission on August 16,207.6 by the#ollowing roll call vote: AYES: Con�missioners Cardenas, Gray,Kirkpatrick and Chairman Chelf. N�ES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. and in compliance wi.th the laws �f California snras pos�ed at the follow�ing: Adm�inistrative Offices HEIDI L,UCE, CITY CLERK Reso.201b-19 10 34 5addleback Rd.