2016-21 RESOLUTION NO. 2016-2� A RESOLUTION �F THE PLANNING COMNIISSION OF THE CITY �F ROLLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL OF A SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR A COVERED PORCH WITH AN OUT-OF-GRADE COND�TI�N AND ACCESSORY STRUCTURES, AND A VAI�ANCE TO ENCROACH WITH A SET ASIDE AREA FQR A STABLE AND CORRAL INTO THE SIDE SETBACK, INCLUDrNG WITH A PORTION OF AN EXISTING SHED IN ZONING CASE NO. 909 AT 7 SOUTHF'YELD DRNE, (LOT 4- SF), ROLLING HILLS, CA (KLERMAN). THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DOES HEREBY FIND, RES�LVE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. An applxcation was duly filed by Mr. and Mrs. Klerman for a 7Q0 square foot deck,380 square feet of which would be above g,round by 2.�' in height, and for a Variance to retain a portion of an exist�ng shed in the side yard setback and to set aside a 1,OQ0 square foot area for a future stab�e and corral in the side ya:rd setback. Section 2. The Planning Cornrnission conducted duly noticed public hearings to conside;r the application on August 16, 2016 at a field trri.p and an evening meeting on the same day and on September 20, 2016 at their regular meeting. The applicants were notified of the public hearings in writing by first class mail. Evidence was heard and presented from alI persons interested in affecting said proposal and from members of �the City staff and the Planning Commzssion having reviewed, analyzed and studied said proposal. The applicants' representative was in attendance at the public hearings. Section 3. The praperty is zoned RAS-1 and consists of 2.6 acres gross (113,256 sq. ft.� and 100,726 sq.ft. net lot area fo:r development purposes. The property is accessed through a property on Ringbit Road W., and has a long steep driveway that bisects the Iof, and overall steep topography that does not lend ifsel£easily to equestrian anlenities. Therefore, the applicant is requesting a variance ta provide a stable and corral set aside in the fltest portionof the 1ot, whci would be in the side yaard setback. The property slopes downwards from Southfield Drive from 1,100 foat elevation to 970 elevation at the building pad, and then to 920 elevation at the rear property 1ine. In August 2010, the applicant was approved for a Iot Iine adjustment to rnove the common property line between 7 Southfield and 5 Ringbif West where 11,168 square feet o£ northerly portion o£ 5 Ringbit Road was trans£erred to 7 Southfield Drive increasing the size of the lot from 90,9�2 square feet to 102,080 square feef, 2.34 acres net (1Q0,726 square feet for development purposes). Section 4. The project is exempt from the California Environmental Qualxty Act(CEQA} pursuant to Section�5303, Qass 3 exemption Guidelines. Reso.2016-2� 7 Southfield � Section 5. Sections �7.46.020 requires a dev��opment pIan to be submitted for Site Plan Review for decks with an out-of-gxade condition of mare than 12". With respect to the Site PIan Review application for the 700 square foot deck, 38Q square feet o� which will be above ground by 2.5', the Planning Commission rnakes the following f:indings af fact: A. The proposed development is compatible wxth the General Plan and surrounding �.ses because the proposed project cornplies wifh the requirement af low profiie, low-density residential developmenf with sufficiEnt open space between surrounding structures. The project conforms with all development standard requirements for 1ot coverage and disturbance of the Zoning Ordinance. There is no grading required. The deck will be Iocated behind the residence and slopes will maintain their natural terrain. The out-of-grade condition of 2.5' wi11 not be seen by surraunding propertzes. A 30" retaining wall and caissons will be constructed at the edge of the deck for its support. The wall wi11 be screened by landscaping so as to reduce the visual impact of the development. The deck will be located in a flat area behind the house on a por�ion af the property away from any other residence and street and while it may be visible from the property acrass the canyon, wifh landscaping and its low profile, it will not be obtrusive. B. The development plan substantially preserves the natural and undeveloped state of the lot because the new improvements will not cause the 1ot to look overdeveloped. The proposed development will be locafed on an area that is a�ready flat and to the rear of the residence. Significant portions of the 2.6 acre 1ot will be left undevelaped so as to maintain open space on the property and the natural rolling hili terrain. The nature, condition, and development of adjacent uses, buiidings, and structures and the topography of the lot have b�en considered, and the construction will not adversely affecf or be materially detrimental to the adjacent uses, buildings, or structu�re� becau�e the proposed iznprovemen� will be construc�ed on a portion of the Iot which is least intrusive to surrounding properties, will be screened and landscaped with plants and shrubs, is of sufficient distance from nearby residences so that the proposed project will nat impact the view or privacy o�surrounding neighbors. C. The proposed development, as conditioned, is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, the natural terrain and surrounding residences. The proposed project is consistent with the scale of the neighborhood, as it is on a large lot. The Iot coverage maximums set forth in the Zoning Code will not be exceeded. D. The development plan follows natural contours o£ the site to the maximum extend prac�icable to accomplish groomed and usabie areas of the lot. Natural drainage courses wili not be affected by the projecf. Grading will not modify existzng drainage channels nor redirect drainage flow. The project is not located in a canyon or on existing slopes thaf exceed 25%. Reso.2026-21 7 Souf.hfield z E. The praject preserves much o�the exi�ting vegetation elsewhere on the lot and will introduce d�ought-tolerant landscaping, which is compatible with and enhances the rural character of the community, and the landscaping will provide a buffer or transition area between private and public areas. A Iandscaping plan will be filed with the City. F. The proposed development is sensitive and nat detrimentai to the convenience and safety of circulation for pedestrians and vehicles because the proposed development will u�ilize the exist�ng driveway. Section 6. Sections 17.38.01Q through 17.38.050 of fhe Rolling Hi11s Municipal Code permit approval o� a Variance granting relief frorn the standards and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance when exceptional or extraordinary circumstances applicable to the pxoperty prevent the owner from making use of a parcel of propex�y to the same extent enjo�ed by similar praperties in the same vicinity or zone. In requesting relief from Section 17.18.Qb0, stables and corrals are not to be Iocated in setbacks; the applicant advises that the propex�,y "has no abilities to supporf a pad for a stable and corral elsewhere on the property." In addition a very small portion of an existing shed that will otherwise be brought to compliance with the zoning code, encroaches into the yard area set aside for the stable. A. With �espect to the aforementioned requests for Variance, the Planning Commission finds that there are exceptional circumstances and conditions on the subject property due to the steep topography there is no abi�ity to g.rade and create a pad for the stable/corral elsewhere on the lot. S. T'he variance is necessary for the preservation ar�d enjoyrnent of a substantial property right passessed by other property owners in the same vicinity and zone but which i� denied to the property in question by strict application of the code. To �he steep topography of the Iot and the already developed building pad, the propex•ty is not compatible with the requirement for horse facilities that cou�d be�ocated in a conforining Ioca�ion. The set aside includes a very sma11 portion o£ an existing 200 square foot shed that will be retrofitted to a 118 square foot shed to comply with �te building code requirements. C. The granting of the Variance would not be rnaterially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the properties or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located, as the site identification for a stable and corral in the side setback will not a££ect others in the city. Currently, the applicants have no plans to construct said equestrian facilities. The small shed has been on the property for many years and is not intrusive or takes away from�he equestrian area,but is a part thereof. D. The Variance request is consistent with the General Plan of the Czty of Rolling Hills beca�se the property cornplies with the General Plan requirement of low Reso.2016-21 7 Southfield 3 profile, low-density residential development with sufficient open space between surrounding st-ructures. The property is located on the edge of a canyon to the rear of the lot and due to the large size o£ the properties and sloped condi�ions there is Iarge open space befween any structures on subject property and the adjacent proper�ies. E. The Variance is consistent with the portions of the County of Los Angeles Hazardous Waste Management P1an relating to siting and siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities. Section 7. Based upon the foregoing findings, the Planning Cornrnission hereby approves the Site Plan Review and Variance in Zorung Case No. 909 for new a 700 square foot deck, 380 squaxe feet af which would be abave ground by 2.5' in height, and a variance to provide a set aside area for a 450 square foot stable and a 550 square foot corral in the side yard setback as we11 as to retain an existing shed partially in the side setback, subject to the conditions specified below. A 232 squar�foot attached trellis, 34 square £oot barbecue, and a 36 square foot water featuxe wi�l be approved administratively. A. The Site Plan and Variance approvals shall expire within fwo years from the effective date of approval if construction pursuant to thi.s approval has not commenced within that time period, as required by Section �7.3$.Q70 and 17.46.080 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code, or the approval granted is otherwise extended pursuant to the requirements of these sections. B. Tt is declared and made a condifion of the approval, that if any conditions thereof are violated, this approvai sha11 be suspended and the privileges granted �hereunder shal.l Iapse; provided that the City has given the applicants written notice to cease such violation, the opportunity for a hearing has been provided, and if requested, has been he1d, and thereafter the applicant fails to correct the vialation within a period of thi.rty (30) days fram the date of the City's determination. C. All requirements of the Building and Construction Ordinance, the Zoning O:rdinance, LA Counfy Building Code and o£ the zone in which the subject property is located must be complied with un�ess otherwise set £o�rth in the Permit, ar shown otherwise on an appraved plan. D. The lat shall be developed and maintained in substantial conformance with the site plan on file dated September 9, 2016, except as otherwise provided in these conditions. E. The working d.rawings submitted to the Department of Building and Safety for plan check review must conforxn witli the development plan appxoved with this applicatzon. A copy of the conditions of this Resolution shall be prin�ed on plans Reso.2016-21 7 Southfield 4 approved when a building permit is issued and a copy of such approved plans, including conditions of approval, shall be available on the building site at all times. F. Prior to obtaining a building permif a landscaping plan sha1l be submitted for the screening of the retaining wall to the Planning Depari�ment. G. If landscaping of a,000 square foot area or greater is introduced or redeveloped, the landscaping shall be subject to the requirements of the Cit�s Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. Any plants introduced for this project sha11 no� grow into a hedge but be offset. The Iandscaping plan shall utilize to the maximum extent feasible, plants that are native to the area and are consistent with the rural character of fihe community. H. A drainage plan, if required, shall be prepared and submitted to �he City's Building Departrnent for review and approva�, and the project shall coxnply with their requirements. The applicants, at all times, shall maintain the drainage devices in good working condition and free of debris and vegetation. I. A licensed professionaT preparing construction plarts for this project for Building Department review shall execute a Certificate affirming that the plans conform in all respects with this Resolution approving this project and i�ticluding confarmance with all of the conditions set fox�h therein and the City's Building Code and Zoning Ordinance. Further, the person obtaining a building permit for this project shall execute a Certificate af Construction stating that the praject will be constructed according to this Resolution and any plans approved therewith. J. There �ha1l b� no grading for this pxoject, however excavation for caissons and footings shall be allowed. K. Si�uctural lot coverage shall not exceed �,b$4 square feet, or 5.6% and with allowable deductions, �,382 sq.ft. or 5.3%. Total lot coverage shall no� exceed 15.0% or 15,097 square feet, as approved by t.his Variance. Building Pad coverage on the 11,924 square foot residential pad shall nof exceed 43.4%, with allowable deductions, and includes the future stab�e (450 sq.ft.} L. Disturbance for the residence, garage, spa, breezeway, service yard, covered porch and other str�zctures will nof exceed 27,450 squa�re feet or 17.3% M. The u�permitted shed on the property shall be retrofitted to be in compliance with the zoning and building department requirements and the small portion of the shed in the setback may remain, as per the variance approval. Reso. 2016-21 7 Southfield s N. The applicant shall comply with aII requirements of the Lighting Ordinance of the City of Rolling Hills (RHMC 17.1b.190 E), pertaining to Iighting on said property, roofing and material requirements of praperties in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. O. Should the existing electrical panel be upgraded or relocated, pursuant to Section 17.27.Q30 of the zoning ordinance, ail utility Iines shall be placed underground. P. During construct�on, conformance with the air quality rna�.iagement district requirements, s�ormwater pollution prevention practices, county and 1ocal ordinances and engzneering practices so thaf people or properly are not expased to undue vehicle trips, noise, dust, and objectionable odors shall be required. Q. Du�ing and after constructiora, all parking shall take place on the project szte and there shall be no parking on the common driveway. During cox�struction, to maximurn extend feasible, employees of the contractor shall car-pool into the City. R. During cortstruction, the property owners shall be required to schedule and regulate construction and related traffic noise throughout the day between the hours of 7 AM and 6 PM, Monday through Saturday only, when construction and mechanical equipment noise is permitted, so as not to interfere with the quiet residential environment of the City of Rolling HiIIs. S. The property owners shall be required to conform with the Regional Water Quality Contxol Board and County Public Woxks Departinent Best Management Practices (BMP's) requirements related to solzd waste, drai�age and storm water xnanagement. T. A zrunimum of 50% of the construction material spoils sha11 be recycled and diverted. The hauler shali provide�he appropriafe documentatian to the City. U. The project rnust be reviewed and approved by the Rolling Hills Community Association {RHCA} Architectural Review Committee prior to the issuance of building permit. Perimeter easements and txails, if any, shall remain free and clear of any improvements inc�uding,b�t not be limited ta fences-including construction fences, any hardscape, driveways, landscapin� irrigatian and drainage devices, excepf as otherwise approved by the RHCA. V. The contractor shall not use tools that could produce a spark, including for clearing and grubbing, during red flag warning conditiar�s. Weather condi�ions can be found at: htt • www.wrh.noaa. ov o main. h ?suite=saf & a e=hazard definitions#FIRE. It is the sole responsibility of the property owner and/or his/her contractor to monitor the :red flag warning conditions. Should a red flag warning be declared and if work is to Reso.2016-21 7 Southfield b be conducted on the property, the contractor shall have readily available fire distinguisher. W. Until �the applicants execute an.Affidavit o£A�ceptance of all conditions of this approval, the approvals shall not be effective. Such a££idavit shall be recorded together with the resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 20 D F SE ER 2016. B HEL , A ATTEST: ? HE�DI LUCE,CITY CLERK Any action challenging the final decision of the City made as a result of the public hearing on this app�ication must be filed within the tirne Iimits set for�h in section 17.54.07Q of the Rolling Hxlls Municipal Code and Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. Reso. 2016-21 7 Southfield � STATE OF CALIFORIVIA } COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) §§ CFTY OF R4LLING HILLS ) I certify that the foregoing Resolution No.2016-21 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMTSSION OF THE CITY OF RQLLING HILLS GRANTING APPRQVAL OF A STTE PLAN REVIEW F�A A COVERED PORCH WITH AN DUT-�F-GRADE CONDITTQN AND ACCESSORY STRUCTURES, AND A VARIANCE TO ENCROACH WITH A SET ASIDE AREA FOR A STABLE AND CORRAL INTO THE SIDE SETBACK, IlVCLUDING WITH A PORTION OF AN EXISTTNG SHED IN ZONiNG CASE NO. 9Q9 AT 7 SOUTHFIELD DRNE, (LOT 4-SF), ROLLING HILLS, CA (KLERMAN). was approved anci adopted at a regular meeting of the Plan,,;ng Commission on September 20,2016 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Cardenas, Gray, Kirkpatrick and Chairmari Chelf. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: Commissioner Seaburn. and in compliance with the laws of California was posted at the following: Administrative Offices. CITY CLERK Reso.2016-21 7 Southfieid $