2017-04 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMXSSI4N QF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW, CONDITTONAL tiSE PERMIT AND VAR�.ANCES FOR GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RESIDENCE ADDITION WITH A BASEMENT, DETACHED GARAGE, COVERED PORCHES, SWIMMING POOL WITH A SPA, PATIO TRELLIS, TENNIS COURT, NEW SECOND DRIVEWAY, STABLE AND CORRAL; TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM PERM�T'I`ED GRADING AND GRADED AREA FOR THE TENNIS COURT AND TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED LOT DISTURBANCE IN ZONING CASE NO. 9�7 AT 5 PINE TREE LANE, (LOT 94-RH), (SHARNG). THE PLANN�NG COMMISSION DOES HEREBY FIND, RESOLVE AND ORDER AS F�LLOWS: Section 1. An application was duly filed by Ms. Lauren Sharng ta request a SitE Plan Review for the cons-truction of a new 2,065 square foot residential addition (resulting in a 6,4Q5 square foot residence), with a 2,Ob5 square foot basement, a new 1,�00 square foot detached garage {separate existing 405 square foot detached garage to rexnain), 1,3$0 square feet covered porches incl�ding 64Q square feet at the stable, 700 squaxe foot swi�.nzning pool ar�d spa, 6� square £oot pool equipment, 96 squa�e foot service yard, 32� square foot porte cochere/entxyway, retain�ing walls 3' high and under, new s�irs, trellis and patio, and grading for a total of 31,920 cubic yards of dirt (5,460 c.y. cut and 7,620 c.y. fill; 7,500 c.y. over-excavation and 8,350 c.y, re-compacfian). The applicant also requests a Condition�I LTse Permit to construct a 7,OOQ square foot textnis court, a new second driveway, and 1,200 square foot stable with 9,1a0 square foot corral; and �T�xiances to exceed. the maximum permitted grading of 75fl cubic yards of dirt and over 10,000 square feet surface area far the ter3nis courf, and �o exceed the maximum pexmitted disturbed area of the Iof. Section 2. The Plaxini.ng Commission conducted duly noficed public hearings to consider the application at their regular meeting on February 21, 2Q17, and in the field on March 2�, 2017 and continued to the evening mee'ting of March 21, 2017. Neighbors within 1,OOO�foot radius were notified of the public hearings and a notice was published in the Peninsula News on February 9, 2017. The applicants and their agents were notified of the public hearings xn wri'ting by first class mail and the applicant and her agents were in attendance at the hearings. Evidence was heard and presented from all persons in�erested in affec�ing said proposal, and from members o£ �he City sta£f. During the proceedings one neighbor spoke in suppor� of this project and thr�e community members visit�ed the site during the noticed£ield i�zp but no objections were voiced. During the field trip on March 23, 2017, the Planning Commissioners expressed concerns with the project's extensive �ading, and cansidered the idea of allowing importing dixt instead of the proposed exter�sive cutting to create the pads on Reso.20Z7-04 1 �I'ine Tree Lane the site, and especially the tennis co�zrt pad. The project engineer calculated an estimate af the amount of dirt that would be necessary to ixnporf into the City in order to provide the same project elements. After some discussion, the Planning Comrnission noted that the amount af truck travel to irnport the dirt would have a greater impact on the Ci�y than allowing the grading as proposed. A1so, at the evening meeting af March 21, 2107, the Commissioners discussed the pathway apron leading to the stable due to the recarnmendation from the Traffic Engineer to the Traffic Commission to relocate access apron. The Commissioners determined tha�any location recom�nended for approval by the City's Traffic Engineer would be acceptable. They made this recommendation a special condition of approval for the pro�ect. The Planning Cornmission has �'eviewed, analyzed and studied tlie current proposal. Section 3. The property is zoned IZAS-2 and �he gross lot ax�ea is 4.78 acres (excluding roadway easement). The ne� lot area, as defined by the City, is 4.3 acres or 1$7,196 square feet. The exzsting property is currently developed with a single -family residence, detached gaxage, and swirnrn;ng pool, which wi�I become a par� of the basement. Access to the property is taken from a joint driveway approach with 3 Pine Tree Lane. A new driveway access is proposed to the detached garage and front of the house. A condition of approval is for the applicant to acquire approval recommendatiori from th�Traffic Commission,based an the T�affic Engineex's approval recommendation, for the apron serving the �0 foot wide decomposed granite pa�h.way provzdz`ng access to the stable. Section 4. The Planning Comnv.ssion finds that the project is exempt £rom the California Environme�tal Quality Act, (CEQA} pursuant to Section 15303 (new construction of single family residence and accessory struc�ures), and Section 15061(b)(3) (common sense exempti�n) of the CL�QA guidelines. Sec�:on 5. Section 17.46.020 requir�s a developmen� p�an to be submitted for Site Plan Review and approval before any grading requiring a grading permif or any new building or structure may be constructed or any expansion, addition, alteration or repair to exzsting buildings may be made which involve changes to grading or an increase to the size of the buiTding or structure by not more than 999 square feet in any thirty�six (36) month period, The grading fox the new residence, garage, swimming pool, second driveway, tenn:is couxt, and stable & corral requires Site Plan Review per Zoning Code Sectians 17.46.a�a.A-2 and 17.46.020.A.1. With respec# to the Site Plan for grading and the proposed structures the Planning Commission makes the following findings of fact: A. The proposed development is compatible with the General Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and surrounding uses because the proposed stnYctures comply with the General Plan requirement of low profile, Iow-dex�sity residential developrnent with sufficient apen space between surrounding structures and maintaining sufficient setbacks ta provide buffers between residential uses. Although the disturbed area Reso.2017-04 2 5 Pine Tree Lane exceeds fhe maxirnum pexmitted amount of 40% at 46.12%, a laxge portion of it is for the proposed 1,200 square foo� stable {which requixes a Conditional Use Permit}, and the associated 9,150 square foot coxral. The stable and corral promote the rural, equestrian aesthetic of Rolling Hills. None of tlte proposed new stxuctures are in setbacks. The project conforms �o Zoning Code lot coverage requirements, except fox �lie lot disturbance and graded area and grading quantities for the tennis cou:rt. The net lot area of the lot is 187,196 square feet. The structural net lo�t coverage is proposed at 18,673 square feet or 10.0%, which includes all of the structures, with al�owance for permitted deductions, {20% rnax. pe�mitted}; and the total lot coverage proposed, including the driveway would be 32,386 square feet or 17.30%, (35% max, permitted). The disturbed area o£ the lot is propased to be 46.12%, which exceeds the maximum allowed disturbance of 40% (Municipal Code 17.16.070B). B. The projecf substantially preserves the natural and undeveloped state of the Zot by mir►imizing building coverage. The topography and the configuration of fihe lot have been considered, and it was determined that the proposed development wil1 not adversely affect or be maferially detri.mental to adjacent uses, buil.dings, or structcxres, because the proposed project will be cons#ructed partially on the existing building pad of the curren�y developed lot, will be the least inixusive �o surrounding properties, wi11 be screened and iandscaped with ixees and shrubs, is of svfficient di.stance £xom nearby residences so that i.t will not impact the view or privacy of surrounding neighbors, and wzll allow the owners to enjoy their property without deleterious infringement on the rights of surroundirig property owners. The propased project would be Iocated on a gent�er slope of the property and Ieaving the steeper and more densely vegetated areas in their natural state to the north and northeast, along with the natural drainage eour�e. The project promote� equesfari�n us��, therefore furthering the City's goa� to remain an equestrian community. C. The proposed development, as condifioned, is harmoniaus in scale and mass with the site, and is consistent with the scale of the neighborhood when compared to ather residences in the vicinity of said lot as the proposed house will be 6,40� square feet and the average in the vicinity is 5,149 square feet. The deve�opment plan follows the natural contours of the site to minimize grading by utilizing a portion of the existin� building pad for the new development. The slopes being created have been rounded and it was attempted to mirnic thE existing slope in the area. The layout of the project has helped to m;r,;,,,y�e the crea�ion of steep slopes. D. The development plan will introduce additional Iandscaping, which is compatibl� with and enhances the rural character of the community, and the landscaping will provi.de a bu#fer or txansition area between private and public areas. There will be some clearing of existing landscaping due to overgrowth and improper maintenance that has become a fire hazard. Reso.2Q17-0� 3 5 Pine Tree Lane E. The proposed development is sensitive and not detrimental to the convenience and safety of circulation for pedestrians and veluc�es because the new 20' driveway will be safer to drive an as iwo cars can sa#'ely pass one another. There is ample parking in the garages and there is a proposed b' wi.de parking strip along the new driveway, outside of aIl setbacks, as Pine Tree Lane does not have wide shoulders to park on so all visito� parking must be contained on site. A 1Q' wide decomposed granife pathway is proposed to safely accommodate travel to the stable and cox�al area and a pathway apron that is recommended for approval by the traffic engineer is a special condition of approval to ensure vehicular,horse, and pedestrian safety. Section b. Sections 17.18.060 and 17.18.090 af the Rolling Hills Municipal Code permit approval of a stable over 200 square feet and corral over 550 square fee� with a Conditiona� Use Pex�rnit. The proposed 1,200 squaxe £oot stable and 9,�50 square foot corral comply with all requixements of these sections. One new detached garage is proposed (1,100 square £eet). Section 17.16.210 (A)(4) of the Zoning Ordinance contains conditions far a detached garage(s), subject to approval of a conditional use perrnit. A 7,000 square foot tennis court is proposed. Section�7.16.210{� of the Zonzng Ordinance contains conditions for a tennis caurt, subjec� to approval of a conditionai use permit. Section 17.1b.21Q(A)(1) of the Zaning Ordinance contains conditions for a second dxiveway, subject to approval of a conditional use permit. A second driveway is proposed. The praposed structures comply with the provisions and conditions for such structures apart from the grading variances �ox the tenni,s court. With respect to this request for Conditional Use Permits,the Plannulg Comrnission finds as follows: A. Conditionally permitted uses are not oufrigh� permitted by tlie Rolling Hil�s Municipal Code. 'I'he Com�.ssion musf consider applications for a Conditional Use Permit and may, wi�i such conditions as are deemed necessary, approve a conditional use which wi�l not jeopardize, adversely affect, endanger or t� otherwise constitute a menace to the public health, safefy or generai welfare or be nlaterially detrimental to the property of other persons located in the vicinity of such use. B. The granting of a Conditional Use Permit for the stable, coxral, detached garage, second driveway, and tennis court would be consistent with �he purposes and objectives of`the Zoning Qrdinance and General Plan because the uses are cox�istent with sixnilar uses in the community, and meet all the applicable code developmen� standaxds £or a s�able and corral, detached garage, second driveway, and terini.s caurt and they are located in areas on the property that are adequately sized to accommodate such uses. The proposed uses are appropriately located in thaf they will be°sufficien�ly separated from nearby structures used €or habita�ion or containing sleeping quarters. The stable/corral would be constructed in furtherance of the General PIan goal of promoting and enco�xraging equestrian uses. The detached garage and pxaposed ter�nis court are common amenities to Rolling Hills. Reso.2Q17-04 4 5 Pine Tree Lane C. The natwre, condition, and development of adjacent structures have been considered, and the projec� wi11 not adversely affecf or be materially det�imental to these adjacent uses, buildings, or structures because �lie proposed uses {stab�e/corral, detached garage, and fennis court) are Iocated in the middle of a 4.3 acre net Iot and theiar general locatior�s are of sufficient distance from nearby residences so as to not unpact the view or privacy of surroundxng neighbors. The proposed stable is to be located adjacent to th� corral and a path desi�ated for equesfrian uses that runs from the stable to the roadway easement will be separate from the other outdoor liv�ng areas on the property and will be camprised of decomposed �anite. D. The project is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, the natural terrain, and surrounding residences because the proposed uses (s�able/corral, detached garage, second driveway, and tennis court) cornplies with the low profi2e residential developmEnt pattern of the community and will nof give the prop�rty an over-built look, and areas will ren�ain opex� and unobstructed. The lot is 4.3 acres net in size and 'zs sufficiently large to accommodate fhe proposed uses. The stable will be compatible with the uses in the surrounding area because Roiling Hills is an equestrian community and sfables are encouraged. The stable will Iook Iike a stable and the 9,150 squ�re foot corral will promote open space on the pad. The detached garage wi1� be compatible with surrounding uses as it meets the requirernents of the City as well as being proportioned to the house size. It v�r�ll £unctian like a garage and nof a�esidential structure. The second driveway will enable adequate Fire Departrnent access and provide on-site parki,ng oppox�tunities for gLzests. It will have low pxQfile and a�low for that portion of the property to be open and unobsixu.cted. The tennis court will be compa�ible with the uses in the surrounding area because it will not be located in any setbacks, is sunken to reduce vzsual impac�, and is an amenity other reszdences in Rolling Hills enjay. E. The propased conditional uses (stable/corral, detached garage, second driveway and tennis court} comply with all applicable development standards of fhe zone district and require Conditional Use Pernzits pursuant to Sections 17.1$.06Q, 17.18.�90, 17.16.2�Q(A}(1), 17.16.210(A)(4), and 17.1b.21a(A)(5) of the Zoning Ordinance. F. The proposed conditional uses are consistent with the portions of the Los Angeles County Hazardous Waste Managemen� Plan relating to siti.ng criteria for hazardous waste facilities because the project site is not listed on the current State of California Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List. Section 7. Sections 17.38.010 through 17.38.050 of the Code permit approval of a variance from the standards and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance when, due to Reso. 2017-04 5 5 Pine Tree Lane exceptional or extraordinary circumstances appiicable to the property and not applicable to o�her similar properties in the same zone, sixict application of the Code would deny the property owner substantial property righfs enjoyed by other propexxtiies in the same vicinity and zone. The applicant seeks a variance from the requirement 17.16.210(�(h}(i) that requires grading far a tennis court nof exceed 750 cubzc yards of total cut and fill or 10,OOQ square £eet of surface area cut and fill, and frorn 17.�6.070(B) that the disturbance be limited to 40% af�he net lot area. The tennis co�art is a standaxd 7,OQ0 size but there is no existing pad for it and it requires a variance. The disturbance is proposed at 46.12%, which is higher than the pernutted 4Q°�. With respect to this xeques�t for Variances, the P�anning Commission finds as follows: A. There are exceptional and extraordinary circumstances and conditions appl.icable to the property or to the intended use that do not apply generally to the other property or class of use in the same zone because the existing lot, despite it being just under 5 acres gross, has appraximately half of its overail area at a slope of 2:1 or sfeepex and the rema,inder undulated and hilly and the lot requires grading in order fo create a sufficient flat area to cor�truct the house and accessory structures. T'he existing building pad could only support a residential addition by removing the existing pool. The teTuli$ court pad needed to be created and access to the residentia�unzt provided by the second driveway helps to screen the tennis court as i�is partially sunken into the hills�de. There � a dxainage course a�ong the western property line, which must aiso be avoided. In order to generate the dirt needed for the pad, it was necessary to drop the stable and corral pad. B. The Variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other propex�y in the same vicinity and zane, which vvauld be deniet� to the p�operty in question absent a variance, because the site is sZoped in nature so in order to providc pads that meet the development standards, additional grading i.s required and it was recessary to push the luruts of grading farther out than if the Iot d�d not have as much slope to it. The overage is not significant and the property owner should not be dexued the privilege of a new house addition and amenities because the topographic nature of the lot makes it infeasible to comply stric�ly with Sections 17.16.070.B and 17.16.210.A.7: The exceedance of the disturbance is due in Iarge part fo the need for residential pad creation and the resulting grading for the stable and corral. There were na concerns voiced by residents and the Plarming Comrnissione�rs during the public hearing considered alternatives during fhe field visit to the site but believed the praposed p�an was caused the least impact to the area after further consideration of projecf alterr�atives. C. The granting ot the V ariance wouid not be materially detrimenfal to the public welfare ar injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the propex�y is located. A minor increase in the overall percentage of disturbed area on the Iot will have no effect on the public welfare or on property or improvements in the vicinity and the walls which exceed 2.5' average in height are not in any sefbacks Reso. 2017-04 6 5 Pine Tree Lane and will not cause any Iine of sight issues on Pine Tree Lane due to the rows of existing trees currently in the vicinity. D. The variance does not grant special privileges to the applicant. To the contrary, absent a variance, fihe properfy owner would be depr�ved of the same rights and privileges afforded to other property owners in the vicinity. Unique circumstances applicable to the subject property make it infeasible for the property owner to comply with Section 17.16.070. The minor overage requested will allow the property owner to enjoy the same rights and privileges afforded to many other properties in the vicini�y and zone. E. The variance is consistent with the portions of the County of Los Angeles Hazardous Waste Management Plan relating to sifing and siting criteria €or hazardous waste facilities. F. The variance request is consistent with the General Plan. The proposed project, together with the variax�ce, will be compa�ible with the objecfiives, policies, generalland uses and progxa.ms specified in the General Plan and will uphold the City's goals to profect and promote construction that is rura� in nature. Section 8. Based upon�he foregoing firtdings the Plant�iy.Zg Camrnission hereby approves the Site Plan Review, Condi�ior�al Use Permits and Variances ia� Zoning Case No. 917, a request for the construction of a new 2,065 square foot residential addition (resulting in a 6,405 square foot residence), with a 2,Ob5 squaxe foot basement, a new 1,100 square foot detached garage (separate existing 405 square foat detached garage to remainj, 1,380 square feet covered porches including 640 square feet at �he stable, 700 square foot swim�ung poal and spa, 60 square foot pool equipment, 96 square foot service yard, 325 square foot porte cochere/entryway, retaining walls 3' high and undear, new stairs, trellis and patio, and grading for a total of 31,920 cubic yards of dirt (8,460 c.y. cut and 7,6Z0 c.y, fill; 7,500 c.y. aver-excavation and 8,3�0 c.y, re-compaction). The applicant also requests a Conditional Use Permit to construct a 7,000 square foot tennis court, a new second driveway, and 1,20Q square foot stable with 9,��0 square foot corral; and Variances to exceed the maximum permitted g�adix�g af 750 cubic yards of dirt and over 30,000 square feet surface area for the tennis court, and to exceed the maximum permitted disturbed area of the Iot to 46.12% (max. 4Q%}, subject to the following conditions: A. The Site Plan,Variances and Conditional Use Permit approvals shall expire within two years from the effective date of approval as defined �irt Sections 17.46.080, 17.42.070, and 17.3$.07Q unless otherwise extended pursuant to the requirements of these sections. B. If any condition of this resolution is violated, the entit�ement granted by this resolution shall be suspended and the pxivileges granted hereunder shall lapse and upon �receipt of written notice from the City, all construction work being perfo�rtned on the subject property sha11 immediately cease, other than work deterrnined by the City Resa 2017-04 7 b Pine Tree Lane Manager or his/her designee required to cure the violation. The suspension and stop work order will be lifted once the Applicant cures the violatio�� to �he satisfaction of the City Manager or his/her designee. In the event that the Applicant disputes the City Manager or his/her designee's determYnation that a violation exists or disputes how the violation must be cured, the Applicant may request a hearing before the City Council. T'he hearing shali be scheduled at the next regular meeting of the City Council for which the agenda has not yet been posted; the Applicant shall be provided written notice of the hearing. The stop work order shall �emain in effect during the pendency of the hearing. The City Council shall make a determination as fo whether a violation of this Resolution has occurred. If the Counci� determines that a vialation has not accurred or has been cured by the time of the hearing, the Council will Iift the suspension and the stop work order. If the Council determines fhat a viola�ion has occurred and has not yet been cured, the Council shall provide the Applicant with a deadline to cure the violation; no construction work shali be performed on the properiy until and unless the violation is cured by the deadline, other than work designated by the Council to accomplish the cure. If the violation is not cured by the deadline, the Council may either extend the deadline at the Applicant's �equest or schedule a hearing tor the revocation of the enti�.ements granted by this Resolution pursuant to Chapter 17.58 of the Rolling Hi�Is Municipal Code {IZHMC}. C. A11 requirements of the Building and Construction Ordinance, the Zoning Ordinance, and of the zone in which �he subject property is Iocated must be complied with unless otherwise set fox�h in thzs pe.rmit, or shown otherwise on an approved plan. D. The lot sha11 be developed and maintained in subsfantial conformance with the site plan on file received on March 20, 2017 except as otherwise provided in these conciitiortis. '�'he working drawings submitted to the Department of Building and Satety for pian check review shall confarm to the approved development plan. AIl conditions of the Site Plan Revie�v and Conditional U�e Perrnit approval� �ha�l b�incorporated into the bui�ding permit working drawings, and where applzcabl�compli�d wi#h prior ta issuance of a grading or building pexmit from the building departrnent. 'The conditions of approval of this Resolution shall be pzi�ted onto building plans subrnitted to the Build'zng Department for review and shall be kept on site at all tzmes. Any modifications and/or changes to the approved project, including resu�ting from£ield conditions, shall be discussed and approved by sta£f priox to implementing the changes. E. Prior to submittal of final working drawings to Building and Safety Department for i.ssuance of building permits, the plans for the project shall be submitted to Czty staff for verifica�ion that the final plans are in campliance with the plans approved by the Planning Commission. F. A licensed professional preparing construction plans for this pro�ect for Bui�ding Departinent review shall execute a Certificate affirming that the plans conform Reso.2017-D4 8 5 Pine Tree Lazie in a11 respects to this R�solution approving this project and all of the conditions set forth there�n and the Cit�s Building Code and Zoni.�g Ordinance. Further, the person obtaining a building and/ar grading permit for this praject shall execute a Certiticate of Constructian stating that the project will be cons�ructed according to this Resolution and any plans approved'therewith. G. Str�xctural lot coverage of the lot shall nat exceed 18,671 square feet (with deductions) ar 1Q.0% af the ne� lot area, in conformance with Iot coverage limitations (20% ma.ximum}. The total lot coverage pxoposed, including structures and flatwork, shall not exceed 32,3$6 (with deductions) or 17.30%, of the net lot area, in conformance with lot coverage limitations (35% max). H. Grading for this project shall not exceed 8,4bQ cubic yards of cut and 7,610 cubic yards of fill; 7,�00 cubic yards of over-excava�ion, and $,350 cubic yards of reco�npaction and shall be balanced on site. The di.sturbed area of fhe Iot, including the approved stable and corral shall not exceed 46.12%. I. The residential building pad is proposed at 21,800 square feet and shall not exceed coverage of 9,191 square feet ar 42.16% with allowed deductions. The �ennis court pad is proposed at 7,31� square feet and sha11 not exceed 7,Q00 squaxe feet of caverage or 9�.7% with allowed deduc�tions. The stable pad is proposed at 10,925 square feet and sha1� not exceed 1,720 square feet of coverage or 15.74% with allowed deductions. J. A new second driveway shall be provided per fhe Fire Departn�ent requirements, with spaces for guest parking. The apron of the second driveway was recommended fo�approval by the Traf#ie Commi�sion. K. A new proposed 10 foot wide decomposed granite, or Iike 1Qb% pervious roughened material, pathway providing stable access shall be configured with an apron on Pine Tree Lane that is recommended for approval by the City's traffic engineer prior to any permit approval. L. A m�nimum of five-foot level path and/or walkway,which does not have to be paved, shall be provided around �lie entire perimeter of all of the proposed structures, or as otherwise required by the Fire Department. M. At any ti.me there are horses on the propexty, Best Management Practices (BMPs} shall be applied for inanure control, including but not be limited to removal of the manure on a daily basis or provision of a recepfac�e with a tight closing lid that is constr�cted of brick, stone, concrete, metal or wood�ined with metal or other sound material and that is sa€eguarded against access by flies. The contents of said receptacles shall be removed once a week. It is prohibited to dispose of manure or any Reso. 2017-04 9 5 Pine Tree Lane anirnal waste into the Murucipal Separate Storm Se�ver System(M54), into natural drainage course ox spread on the property. N. The pool equipment area shall be enclosed and screened with landscaping and sha�l utilize the most quiet ancl. technologically advanced equipment to dampen the sound. Pex LA County Building Code,poo�barrier/fencing shall be required. O. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Lighting Ordinance of fhe City of Rolling Hills (RHMC 17.26.190 E}, pertaining to Iighting on said property, roofing and material requirements o£ properties in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. P. All utility Iznes to the residenc�, guesthause, detached garages, and stable shall be placed underground, subject to all applicable standards and requireanents. Q. Drainage dissipaters shall be constructed outside of any easements, ur�ess approved by fhe RHCA. The drainage systern shall be approved by the Department of Buziding and Safety. If ari above groux�d swale and/or dissipater is required, it shall be designed in such a manner as nof to cross ovEr any equestriar� trail s or discharge water onto a trail, shall be stained in an earth tone color, and shall be screened from any traii, road and neighbors' view to the maximum ex�ent practicable, without impairing the fi3nction of the drainage system. R. All graded slopes shall be Iandscaped. A landscaping plan shall be submitted to the City in conformance with Fire DepartnZent Fuel Modification requirements and graded slopes. A detailed landscaping plan shall be submitted and shall provicle that any t�rees and shrubs used in the iandscaping �chemc for �his pr�ject shall be planted in a way that screens the project development from adjacent streets and neighbors, such that shrubs and �ree� as they mature do not grow into a hedge or impede any neighbors views and the plan shall provide that all Iandscaping be maintained at a height no higher than the roof Ii�x�e of the nearest project structcxre. in addition, the landscaping plan sha11 provide for screening af the proposed tennis court wifh vegetation not to exceed 10 feet in height or fhe height of the tennis court fence, if installed, whichever is Iess, and that the vegetatian used for screening shall be planted in an off-set manner, so as to prevent it, as it grows from forming a solid hedge. The landscaping plan sha11 utilize ta the maxi�num extent feasible, plants that are native to the area, are water-wise and are consistent with the rural character o£the community. S. The applicant shall submit a landscaping perfoxmance bond or other financial obligation, fo be kept on deposit by the City, in the amount of the planting plus irrigation plus 1a%. The band sha11 be released no sooner than ttivo years after completion of all plantings, subject to a City staff determination that the plantings required fo�r the project are in substanti.al conformance with approved plans a�d are in good condition. Reso.2017-Q4 1p b Pine Tree Lane The landscaping shall be subJect to fhe requirements of fhe City's Watex Efficient Landscape Ordinance, (Chapter 13.1$ of the RHMC). Pursuan� to Chapfer 8.30 of the RHMC the property shall at aII times be maintained free of dead trees and vegetation. T. The setback lines and raadway easemex�t Iines in the viciniiy of the construction for this project shall remain staked throughout the construction. A construction fence may be required. U. Perimeter easements, including roadway easements and trails, if any, shall remain free and clear of any irnprovements including, but not be limited to fences- including construction fences, any hardscape, driveways, landscaping, irrigation and drainage devices, excep�t as o�herwise approved by the Rolling Hills Community Association. V. Minimum of 65°� of any construc�ion materials must be recycled or diverted from Iandfills. The hauler of the materials shall obtain City's Construction and Demolition permits for waste hauling prior to start of work and provide proper documenfation to the City. W. Du�ing constructian, conformance with the air quality management district requirements, stormwater pollution prevention practices, county and �ocal ordinances and engineering practices so that people or property are not exposed to undue vehicle trips, noise, dust,and objectionable odors shall be required. X. During construction, dust cont-ral measures shall be used to stabilize th� soil from wind erosion and reduce dust and objectionable odors generated by construction activities in accordance with South Coast Air Quaiity IV�anagement District, Los Angeles County and locai oxdinances and engineering practices. During construction, an Erosion Control Plan containing the elements set forth in Section 7010 of the 201b County of Los Angeles Uniform Building Code shall be followed to minirnize erosion and to pratect slopes and channe�s to control storm water �ollution. Y. During cortstruction, to the extent feasible, a11 parking shall take place on the project site, on the new driveway and, if necessary, any overflow parking may take place within the unimproved roadway easements along adjacent streets, and shall not obstruc� neighboring driveways, visibility at intersectior�s or pedestrian and equestrian passage. During construction, to the maximurn extent feasible, employees o� the conixactor sha11 car-pool inta �he City. To the extent feasible, a minimum of 4' wide path,froxn fhe edge of the xoadway pavement, for pedestrian and equestrian passage shall be available and be clear of vehicles, constxuction materials and equipment at all times. Reso.2017-04 1� 5 Pine Tree Lane Z. Duri.ng construction, the property owners shall be required to schedule and regulate constrvction and related traffic noise throughout the day between the hours of 7 AM and 6 PM, Monday through Saturday only, when co�struction and mechanical equipment noise is permitted, so as not to interfere with the quiet residential environxnent of the City o£Rolling Hills. AA. Th� contractar sha1l not use tools thaf could produce a spark, including for clearing and grubbing, durix�g red flag warning conditzons. Weather conditions can be found af; http�wrh.noaa.gov/�ox/mafn.php?suite=safe�&pa�e=hazard defirutions#FIRE. It is the sole responsibi�ity of the property owner and/or his/he� cantractor to monitor the red flag warning conditions. Should a red flag warning be declared and if work i.s to be conducted on the property, the contractor shall have read'zly available fire distinguisher. AB. The property owners shall be required to conform with the Regzona� Water Quaiity Cantrol Boaxd and County Public Works Department Best Management Practices (BMP's) requirements related to solid was�te, drainage and storm water drainage facilities management and to the Cit�s Low Tmpact development Ordinance (LID). Further the property owners shall be required to conform to �he County Health Department requirements for a septic system. AC. Prior to finaling of the project an"as graded" and an"as constructed" p1ariS and certifications, including certifications af ridgelines of the structures,shall be provided to the Planning Departan.ent and fhe Building Department to ascertain that the completed project is in compliance with the approved plans. Tn addition, any modifications made to the px�j�ct during construction, shall be depicted on the "as built/as graded" plan. AD. All canditions of this Resolution, when applicable, musf be complied with prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit from the Building and Safety Department. AE. The applicant shall execute an Affidavit of Acceptance of all conditioxis of this pezmit pursuant to Zoning Ox•dinance, or the approval shall not be effecfive. The affzdavit shall be recorded fogethex with the resolution. Reso.2017-04 12 5 Pine Tree Lane PA5SED, APPROVED D ADOPTED T�3IS 18�th DAY OF APRIL 2017. B D CHEL�, I N ATTEST: , � HEIDI LU , CITY CLERK Any ac�ion challenging the fi�al decision of the City made as a resul� of the public hearing on this application must be filed within the time �irnits set forth in Section 17.54.a�a of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code and Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. Reso.2017-04 13 5 Pizxe Tree Lane STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) �� CITY OF ROLLING HILLS } I certify�hat the foregoing Resolution No. 2017-Q4 enti�led: A RES4LUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CTTY OF RQLLING HILLS GRANTING APPR4VAL FOR A SiTE PLAN REVIEW, CONDZ'TIONAL USE PERMTT AND VARIANCES FOR GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RESIDENCE ADDITION WITH A BASEMENT, DETACHED GARAGE, COVERED PORCHES, SWIMMING POOL WITH A SPA, PATIO TRELLiS, TENIVIS COURT, NEW SECOND DRNEWAY, STABLE AND CORRAL;TO EXCEED THE MA�QMUM PERMITTED GRADING AND GRADED AREA FOR THE TENNiS COURT AND TO EXCEED THE MA�QMUM PERMITTED LOT DISTURBANCE IN ZONING CASE NO. 917 AT 5 PINE TREE LANE, (LOT 94-RH), {5HARNG}. was approved and adopted a� regular meeting of �he Planning Commission on Apri118, 2017 by the foilowing roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Cardenas, Caoley, Kirkpatrick,Seaburn and Chairman Chelf. NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: and in compliance with the laws of California was posted at the tollowing: Administrative Offices 4 HEIDI LUCE, CITY CLERK Reso.2017-04 14 5 Pine Tree Lane