04-10-17 �. 1. . .. .._ . . �.:.:...:.�........... . . ... .. ....++'+_w..�.-..---�..-....,:�'.,_v........_........:..�._....ux�y.�s..�w�v,.r-...—'-.���—.... �w+�.::..............��.:..."'..*..... __'..._:...�.... � ro- MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA MONDAY,APRIL 10,2017 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the City Couaicil of the City of Rolling HilIs was called to order by Mayor Biack at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hi11s, California. 1tOLL CALL Councilmembers Pr�sent: Dieringer,Mirsch, Pieper,Wilson and Mayor Black. Councilmembers Absent: None. Others P;resent: R�ymond R. Cruz, City Manager. Mike 3enkins, City Attorney. Terry Shea,Fiunance Director. Julia Stewart,Assistant Planner. Heid'z Luce, City Clerk. Marilyn Lyon, SBCC4GI�BESC. Judy�amato, 5 Sagebrush Lane. OPEN AGENDA-PUSLIC C�MMENT WELCOME Nane. CONSENT CALENDAR Matters which may be acted uporn by the City Council in a single motion. Any Cauncilmember may request removal of any item from the Consent Calendar causing it to be considered under Council Actions. A. Minutes -Reguiar Meeting of March 27, 2017. RECONIlVI�NDAT�ON: Approve as presented. B. Payment of Bills. RECOMMENDAT�ON: Approve as presented. C. Consideration of a �ecommenc�ation from the Tra�ic Cammission to approve a request from the Palos Verdes Art Center for a Homes Tour on April 28 and 29, 2017 to feature two Ralling Hills homes and one Roliing Hills garden Iocated at 2 Johns Canyon Road, 7 Johns Canyon Road and 35 Crest Road West. RECOMMENDA'I'�ON: Approve as presented. D. City Coi.uici�FinanceBudgedAudit Committee meeting notes of March 27, 2Q17 RECOMIVVI�NDAT�QN: Receive and file. E. Consideration and Appraval Qf the 2017/2018 City Council Committee Assignments. RECOA+IlVIENDATgON: Approve �s presented. F. ORDiNANCE NQ. 35� — AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS AMENDING TITLE 15 (BUII.DINGS AND CONSTRUCTIO� OF 'THE CFTY OF ROLLING HII,LS MLTNICIPAL CODE BY ADQPTING BY REFERENCE TITLE 32 OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY CODE (FIRE CODE), RATIFYING THE MORE RESTRICTIVE FI�E STANDARDS CONTAINED IN THAT CODE, AND DELEGATING ENFORCEMENT OF T'HE FIRE CODE IN THE CITY TO THE FIRE CHIEF. RECONIlV�NDATION: Secand reading,waive full reading and adopt Ordin�nce. Councilmembe� Dieringer asked that Item 4E be removed from the consent calendar for individual consideration. Hearing na objection, Mayor Black so ordered. Councilmernber Wilson rnoved that the City Council approve the remaining items on the consent ca�endar as presented. Councilmember Dieringer seconded the motion,which carried without objection. -1- PRESENTATTON Silver LeveC Energy Leader Parinership Certifacate from Southern Californaa Edison/South Bay Cities Cou�cil of Governments Presented by: Marilyn Lyon,Public Aff�irs,Environmental Services Analyst 5outh Bay Cities E�vironmental Services CenterlSBCCOG On behalf of Southem California Edison and South Bay Cities Council af Governments, Marily�n Lyon presented the City Council with a Silver Level Energy Leader Partnership Certificate in recognition of the City's progress in energy savings initiatives. COMMI55ION TTEMS RESOLi7TION NO. 2017-02 —A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING C�MMiSSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR GRADING ArTD CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RESIDENCE AND A SWIlVIMING POOL AND CONDiTIONAL USE PERMITS FOIZ CONSTRUCTION OF A STABLE AND CORRAL, TENNIS COURT, AND GUESTHOUSE IN ZONFNG CASE NO. 914, 11 UPPER BLACKWATER CANYON ROAD, (LOT 99-B-RH), (AUTH4R HOME LLC/CHOWDHUR�. AND CONSIDERATION OF A RECOMMENDATION FROM THE TR.AFFIC COMII�IISSION TO APPROVE OF A NEW DRNEWAY APRON AT 11 UPPER BLACKWATER CANYON ROAD. Mayor Black recused himself from consideration af this item due to a personal conflict, ieft the dais and took a seat in the audience. Assistant Planner Stewart reviewed the applicant's request for site plan review for grading and construction of a new res�dence with a basement and swimming pool; and for a conditional use permit to construct a stable, corral, tennis court and guesthouse as well as �arious otl�er amenitaes in Zoning Case No. 914 at 1 I Upper Blackwater Canyon Road. She stated that the disturbance is proposed at 34.7�4% and grading is proposed at 43,220 cu. yds. with total export of 1,542 both of which fall within the acceptable limits under the Zoning Code. She further stated that at is rneeting of January 26, 2017 t,�ie Traffic ComFnission reviewed and recommended approval of new drzveway apron serving the property. Ms. Stewart reviewed the concerns raised by neighbors regarding the project including�sibility and noise associated with the tennis court, the location and visibility of the stable and drainage. She stated that to address the concerns regarding visibility, the applicant enhanced the landscaping plan by adding additional trees; ar�d relocated the stable further into the interior of the property and away from the concerned neighbor's property. She further stated that to address the concern regarding visibility and noise from the tennis court, the applicant included enhanced landscaping and is proposing a rubberized court surface; and to addrEss the concern regarding drainage, the applicant re�ised the drainage plan to follow the more natural drainage courses along the side of the property. She stated that an additianal correspandence was received toda.y form one of the concerned neighbors and it has been placed on the dais. Brief discussion ensued concerning the landscaping plan and the proposed drainage and ways to measure and address noise fram the tennis court. Mayor Pro Tem Wilson called far comments from the public. James Black, 3 Appa.loosa Lane adc3ressed the City Council in support of the project and encouraged the City Council to receive and file the Resolution. Judy Yamato, 5 Sagebrush Lane addressed the City Council to express concern regarding visibility and noise from the tennis court and guest house and that their privacy will be impacted if the proposed jandscape screening is not sufFcient. Fallowing brief discussion, Councilmember Pieper moved that the City Council receive and file Planning Commission Resolution No. 2017-02 granting appraval of the applicant's request in Zoning Case No. 914 at 11 Upper Blackwater Canyon Road and further approve the new driveway apron per the Traffic Commission's recommendation. Councilmember Mirsch seconded the motion, which carried with Mayor Pro Tem Wilson opposed. Mayor Black returned to the dais. Minutes City Counci�Meeting 04-10-i7 -2- PUBLIC HE,ARINGS None. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS STATUS REPORT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH CITY COUNCIL, RESOLUTION NO. 1203 CONCERNING AZUL, TI� DOG OWNED BY DR. JEFFREY OSTRIKER AT 27 CABALLEROS ROAD WITH REGARD TO THE CONF�NEMENT RESTRICTFONS IMPOSED ON AZUL. City Manager Cruz reported that per the conditions imposed by City Council Resolution 1203, the dog Azul remains confined to the property at 27 Caballeras Raad. He stated that the kennel stracture has been canstructed and upon inspection, found to be in com�liance with the Resolution. He £urther stated that there ha�e been no further compiaints against the dog. Following brief discussion, the report was received and filed. No furtl�er action was taken. DISCUSSI�N AND CONSIDERATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2017/2018 BUDGET PRIORITIES. City Manager Cru� reviewed the proposed fiscal year 2017/18 budget priorities which include a traffic speed survey as required ta allow for radar enforcement in the City; ADA transition plan; and an update to the General Plan. He stated that staff is recommending that the City Council consider developing a fund balance commitment ta put rnon.ey aside for the General Plan update in the caming years. Following brief discussion,the repart was received and filed. No fru�her action was taken. CONSIDERATYON �F PROFES�IONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH ROGERS, ANDERSON, MALODY AND SCOTT, LLP FOR PROVIDING THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ACCOUNTING,FINANCE AND TREASURY SERVICES. City Manager Cruz presented the staff report stating tha# the City's contract with RAMS to provide the City's accounting, finance and treasury services ends on July 15, 2017. As allowed in 3.{?4.070 in the Rolling Hills Municipal code, the City Manager can make a determination to keep an existing conh�actual service provider if the Contractor has demonstrated competence and the professional qualificatians necessary for the satisfactory performance of the services required. He stated that he believes that RAMS meets these criteria and recommenc�,s that they continue providing the City's financial services in order to rniainta�in the continuity of this important internal service that keeps the City functxoning smoothiy. He further stated tha�, staff is comfortable with RAMS as its financial services provider; and since it is a vital service where txust is the most important element in performing this service, staff could find no good operational or financial reasan to change it. He stated that RAMS has demonstrated an exce�lent track xecord mana.ging the financial and human resources components for the City over the last five years. Mr. Cn�z sta.ted that staff recommends R.AMS cantinue its services beginning on July 16, 2017 through July 15, 202Q as a 3-year contract with a provision for continuing RAMS' services at the City's aption for two additional years through July 15, 2022. He stated that the proposed agreement includes modest annual cost adjustments over the five-year contract; and the casts are coinmensurate to the funds the City currently budgets for fmanciat ser�vices. Following brief discussian, Councilmember Mirsch rnoved that the City Council approve the agreement with Rogers, Anderson, Malody and Scott, LLP far providing the City of Rolling Hills accounting fmance and treasury services as presented and direct the City Manager to execute the agreernent effective July 16, 2017 through July 15, 2020 with an optaon to extend the contract through July I5, 2022. Mayor Pro Tem Wilson seconded the motian,which carried without objection. MinUtes City Council Meeting 04-10-17 -3- DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATIDN OF UPDATING THE CITY'S TECHNOLOGY UTILIZATION POL�CY TO MAKE IT APPLICABLE TO CITY COUNCILMEMBERS AND COMMISSIONERS; AND SETTING UP AN EXCHANGE SERVER IN ORDER TO AID IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY'S E-MAIL RETENTION POLICY. City Clerk Luce presented the staff report stating that based on direction given at the February 13, 2017 City Council rneeting staff is proceeding with creating separate e-mail addresses for each City Councilrnember and Commissioner. She stated that in doing so, staff recommends that the City's technology utilization policy, which addresses e-mail retention, be updated to include these e-rnaii addresses and that the exchange server license be updated as welI at one time cost of$1,600 to provide for automatic deletion of e-mail messages to ensure compliance with the policy. Fallowing brief discussion, Councilmember Mirsch rnoved that tl�e City Council apprave the updated Technology Utilization Policy as prese�ted to rnake it applicable to City Councilmembers and Commissioners set up an Exchange server to aid in coanpliance with the City's e-ma,il retention policy. Councilmember Dieringer secanded the motion,which carried without objection. MATTERS FROM THE C�TY COUNCIL AND MEETING ATTENDANCE REPORTS DISCUSSION AND POTENTIAL DIRECTION AFTER TI� CITY COUNCIL LIASON TO THE TENNIS CLUB PROVIDES A STATUS REPORT ON THE TENNIS COURT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, CONSTRUCT��N MANAGER AND PROCEDURE TO NAME THE COURTS AFTER AN INDIVIDUAL. (ORAL REP�RT} Councilmember Pieper reported on the s�atus of the tennis court improvement project. He stated that both the City and Rolling Fii11s Comm�ity Association (RHCA) believe it would be advantageous to hire a project management consultant to prepare the bid specifcation and manage the project with the City and RHCA sharing the costs for t.�iat service. Staff was asked to get costs �or the consultant and bring the matter back to the City Council for further consideration.No action was taken. O'THER MATTERS FROM'THE C�TY COLTNCIL Councilmember Pieper requested that an itexn be agendized to discuss traffic citations and the possiblity of the citations being written in such a way to allow for traffic school. Mayor Pro Tem Wilsan expressed concern regarding the incident involing the aut of control truck that occurred last week. He indicated that he would like to research the matter further and may ask later far an item to be agendized to discuss the matter at a later date. Councihnember Mirsch requested that an item be agendized to discuss the bulky item and greenwaste pick ups to address the issues surrounding people putting the items aut early. Mayor Black requested that an item be agendized to discuss adapting a drone policy. ITEM REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR: CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF THE 2017/2018 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS. Councilmember Dieringer stated that she would like to be considered for ap�aintment to the Personnel Committee. Following brief discussion, Councilmember Mirsch moved that the City Council approve the City Council Committee assignments as presented with the exception of the BudgetlFinance/Audit Committee and Personnel Co�unittee. Councilmember Dieringer seconded the mation, which carried without objection. Consideration of the two committees assignment not appro�ed was continned to the Apri124, 2017 meeting of the City Council. MATTERS FROM STAFF None. Minutes City Council Meeting 04-10-�7 -4- CLOSED SE55ION None. ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further business before the City Council,Mayor Black adjourned the meeting at $:18 p.m. The next regular meeting of the City Council is scheduled ta be held on Manday, Apri124, 2017 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at City Hali, 2 Porkuguese Bend Road,Rolling Hills, Califomia. Respectfi�liy submitted, Heidi Luce City Clerk ved, James Iack,M.D. May Minu#es City Council Meeting 04-10-17 _5_