2017-07 RESOLUTION NO. Zo17-a� A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLTNG HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL OF A SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR GRADING �F PATHWAYS ON A PROPERTY WITH A RESTRICTED DEVELOPMENT CONDITTON IMPO�ED THROUGH A PRIOR PROJECT IN ZONING CASE NO. 920 AT 37 CHUCKWAGON �tOAD. (LOT 19-CF� ROLLING HILLS,CA, (VAN NORTWICI�. T�IE PLI�NNING CQiVIMISSION OF THE CI'FY Q�F ROLLING i�rL�S DOES �IIEREBY ��ND, RESOL�IE AND ORD�IZ AS FOLLO�V�: Section�. An application was duly filed by Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Van Nortwick �equesting approval of a Site Plan Review to retazn "as graded pafihs", which vary in width from 8-feet to 12 fee� and are located at the rear of the property. Approximately 4,776 square foo� of surfac� ar�a was disturbed to creafe the paths. Th� paths will hav� �ermeable surface. Section 2. ��.e I=iarrr��ng �omn�eission conducted duly naticec� public hear�ngs �� ��rt�����t�t�a����c���n cn ��.ri1 ��, 2�T7 at�fiv��tr�i�s anc� at ar�t ev�ning me��iz�g ord f�e sa.*xi� �ay. ��e a�pFi�an�s �vere nati£�ed of fhe public �earing5 in w��ting by fixst ��ass mai1. Evid�n�e �vas I�earc� anc� ��esen�e�. f�om a11 pe�sons tntereste� in affectzng said proposal and from members of the City s�ff anct the Plan.ning Commission having reviewed, analyzed and studied s�id proposal. The applicants were in attendance at the pub�ic hearings. Several neighbors expressed concerns, and submitted correspondence, about �he gradec� gaths an� o�ined. t1��t the grac�ing anc� removal of �rees and vegetation on the property altered the drainage course and fhe �°un-off from the January 20�7 rains caused damage to their properties. L1� C�t�rtty T�rainage arc� �rac�ang ��gFx�eer �rovic�ed tl�at he cannot concluc�e with certa=nty that the work at 37 ��tuck�agor� caused the c�amage ana that in hi.s o�ini�n �te cirainage course �as not been alte�ed. I�e fu��her stated that there is no indica�ion of a central3zec€ flovv on 37 �hu�kwagQn and the dasnage to t�ie properties was most liekly caused by the exireme volurne af run-of€from the rains. �ec�ian 3. The projec� is �xempt fron� fihe Cali€orxiia Lnvi�onmental Quality l�c�(CEQA) purstaant fc� CEQ�4.Guidelines,Seci�on�,�3a4, C'�ass 4 exemptions. Section�. 'y'he properfy is zoned R�-T and the gross lot area is �.5b acres. T�e ne� Iot area is �.3� acres or 5$,458 square feet. 'Fhe property i.s currently d�velopec� vaith a 3,107 square foot r�sidence, 528 sqr�are faat garage, 528 square foof pool/spa, 75 sq�.ar�foot poo� eqtaipment, 70� square fo�t�rellis, 96 square foot service yard, and 104 square foot barbecue and fireplace area. In 2QQ1, a Variance was granted ta construct an addition �iat would encroach in�o the side setback. At that time the Planning Reso. 2017-Q7 37�huckwagon Rd. 1 Commission imposed a condition on the property that any future development xequires Planning Commisszon review and approval. In 2016 the Planning Commission appxoved the trellis with the same restrictive development condition. Section 5. With respecf to the Site Plan Review application for the graded paths the P�.anning Commission rnakes the follawing findi�Zgs of £act pursuant to RHMC 17.4b.Q10: A, The praposed deveiopment is carnpatible with t�-ie General Plan and surr�unc�ing uses because t�e proposed projec� compl�es with the requi�ement of low profile� Iow-density residential development with sufficient open space between surrounding structtares. The paths are Iocated to the rear of fhe residence and €ollow and maintain the nat�ral terrai�t. The maximum 2.5' -3' tall stacked walls will blend wzth the adjacent slope due to planting af native and water-wise vegetation. The paths are relatively sma11 in tex�ns of area o�the 1Qt and these improvemeni� ami� the natural enviror�menfi� are a comrnon amenity enjoyed by property owners throughout�he City. B. The na�r.r�, condifion, and deve�opment of a�ja���t uses, buildings, �d structures and the topography of the lot have been consiclered, and. the construction will not adversely affect or be material�y detrimental to the adjacent uses, buildings, or sttr�actures b��ause the �ropQse� imprQve�en� wi�I be e�nstr�zcted on a pQ�tion af the lot wF�fch is le�st 'rntxusive to surround�ing px�a�erties, wi�l be screened and landscaped with plants and shrubs, is of sufficient distance from nearby residences so that the proposed proj�ct wi1l not impact the view �r p�ivacy of surrounding neighbors. More specifi�ally, the plan substantially preserves the natural and �rndeveloped state of the 1ot ir�.�hat the terraced areas will be Ianc�sca�ee� and will have a natural appearance. In addition, �he improv�ments heing re�ative�y �mall scale will not cause tT1e lot to look unnaf�zral anc� si�zifi�an� portions of the Iot �nTi1� be 1eft undeveioped s� as �a main�ain o�ieri s��ce artci fr�e r�at�ra�ro�iing izi�i �errain. G Th� p�oposec� development, as conditioned, is harmonio�zs in scale and n�ass wit11 ithe site, the r�a�ural terrain and surrounding xesidences. The p�oposed �ro�ec� zs consisteaa�with �he scale of the neighborhood, as it is �n a large (2.3 acre� �ot. The Iot cc�verage maximums set forth in fhe Zoning Code will not be exceeded. I�. As part of this approval, drainage �ourses will be sfizdied and reviewed b�r the Bui�dix�g Departr�rnent t�ascertain that he draixtage c�urs�has not been alterea. E, i he project preserves much o£ the existing vege�ation on the Iot and wi.11 introduce clrought-tQ�erant native Iandscaping, wl�c� is compatible with and enhances fT�� rural chaara�ter of the eorr�r�t�nity, and the �anccscaping �vill provide a b�xffer or t�ansit�on area be�weex� private and publie areas. A landscaping plan has been fi�ed with the City. I�eso.2017-07 37 Chuckwagon Rd. � F. The proposed development is sensitive and not defrimental to the convenzence and safety of circulation for pedestrxans and vehicles because the proposed development will utilize the existing dxiveway and will not interfere with community trail.s. Section 6. Sased upon the foregoing findings, the Planning Coinmission hereby approves the SYte Plan Review in Zoning Case No. 920 £or graded paths subject ta the fallow�ng conditions: A. The Site Plan F�eview appr�val shall expire within two years from the effective date af approval if construction pursuant to th.is approval has not been completed and graded slopes Iandscaped vvithin that time �aeriod, as required by Sectian 17.4b.Q8Q of the Rolling Hil�s Mun.icipal Code, or the approval granted is otherwase extended pursuant to the requiremenfs of these sections. B. If any condition of fhis resolution is violated, the en�itlement granted by this xesolution sha11 be suspende� and the privile�es granfied h��e�ander s�all la.ps� and upon receipt of written notice from the City, all construction work being performed on the sub�ect praperty shall immediately cease, other than work detern�uned by the City Manager or his/hex designee required to cu�e fhe violat�on. T'�e suspension and stop �v�rk o�dex wi�1 be ��€ted �nce fi12e A��aZic�rrt�u*es the vio�a�ion *o the satisfaction Q�the �i�y 1i/t�r..ager or his/her� c€esignee. Tn �e ev�nf thaf the Applicant disputes the �aty i�Ianager or his/her c�esignee's determination t�at�violation exists or d�sputes how the �iolation mtast be curec�, the Applicant may request a hearing before the City Council. The hearing sha11 be scheduled at the next regular meeting ot the City Council for w?�ic� �e agenda �as no� yet been p�s+eci; fi�e l�pg�ican� sl�.a11 be provided wr'rtten no�ice of the �eaxing. The stop work or�er shall remaix2 in eff�et during the penci�ncy �f }he hearing. �'h� City Counci� �ha�Z make a deterxnination as to tnrhether a viola�ion �a tnis �esc�I-u�ar� i�as occurred. Ii fne �ot��tci� c�e�errni�rries ic�tat a vxolaition has not occr;x�rec€ �r has �een cu�ed by the t-�m� of �e ��aring, the �ouncii �ri11 lift fk�e suspension and the stop �nrork order. If the Council de�ermirtes that a violation has occurred and �as not yet been c�zreci, �e Council shall provide the Applicant with a deadline to cure the violation; no construction work shall be pe�formed on the property untii and unless the violation is c�ared by the c�eadline, o�her than work designated by t�e Council to accomplish the cure. I£ the violation is not cured by the deadline, the �o�n�i1 may eifhex� extertc� the deadline at the Applicant's request or schedule a hearing for th� rev��ati�n o€ th� entitlerr:ents gran�ed by thi.s Resolution pursuan� �o �hapter 17.5$ of�he F�olling�il�s Municipal Cocie (�'cI��C}. �. All r�quirement� of �he Btx�I�ing an� �onstr�ction Or�inance, the Zoning �rdinance, L,A Coun�y �3�ilding ��de and af t�e zc�ne in which the subject property is located must �ue �amplied with unless othex�vise set forth in the Permit, or shown oicherwi.se on an approved plan. Reso.2Q�7-Q7 37 Chuckwagon Rd. 3 D. The conditioxts of approval specified herein shall be printed on the plans submitted to the building department for p�an check and permitting and shall be available at all tune at fhe constxuction site. E. The lot shall be deve�oped and maintained in substantial confo�rmance with the site plan on fi�e dated February 28, 2017, including the Iandscapi.ng, except as otherwise provided in these conditions. The working drawangs submitted to the Department of Building and Safety 4or plan check review shall conform to the approved development pla�. F. A grading �nd drainage plan shal! be suE�n�itted and apgroved by the Building and Safety DEpartmen�, and a grading g�ermit obtained. If drainage facilities are required, fihe property owners at all times, sha11 maintain the drainage devices in good working condition and free of aebris and vegetation. G. Prior to subxnit�al of final worki.ng drawings fcb the grading and drainage to the Building and Safety Departrnent, the pl�rt� �Q� the project shall be submitted to City staff for verification that the final plans are ?n eompliance wifih the plans approved by the Planning Cornmission. �. ii�e �ersc�r� o�fa�r�ang a g�a�ing �ex�*.a� r�r f�i� �JPOIeC$ 5�� execut� a ,:erf�i�at� of �or�s�cfion s�atirig �ha� �e p��je�� vsill be cons�ructed an� Iandscape� acco�c�ing to �his IZesolution and any plans approved therewith. L Th�re shall be no additional �ading for this project; the "as graded" eonc�ition for the paths �n� sh�rt, not to exee�c� sfack re�air�ng walls are hereby approved. �. �i����aric� for s�ructures, both �xis�ing and �ro�,oseci including the fu�zre�table, corral and aecess s�all not exceed 38.g% K. S�ou1d any �igl�ting �� insta�.ed, �he applic�nt shall comply with a�I �equ�ements of t11e i�ighting Ordinance of the City d�Rolli�g Hi11s. L. I�uring construct�on, the project shall conform to and implement aII applicable req_uir��ents Qf the �out� �oast Air Q�alify 1Vlanagement I�istriet, Los Ange��s �ounfy anc� Io�al ordinartces and engineering practic�s so that people or �roger-t�r ar�r�at exp�sed to und�xe vehicle trip�, noise, dus�,anci objectionable odors. 1V�. �uring cons�ruction, aIl parking shall fak� place on�he project site and, if necessaxy, ar�y dv��flow parki�g shall take place vvit�.in nearby�n'tntproved roadway �asexnent adjacent�d subject site. The�e shal� be n� bl�cking of adjacent d�iveways or of �he roadway easement for passage of pedestrians and equestrians. To the maximum Reso.2017-07 37�huckwagon Rd. 4 extent feasible, employees of the contractor shall be encouraged to car-pool to and from the City. N. Du�ing construction, the property owners shall be required to schedule and, regulate construction and related traffic noise throughout the day befween the h�urs of 7 AM and 6 PM, Monday through Saturday only, when construction and mechanical equipment noise is permitted, so as not to interfere with �he quiet residential environment of the City af Rollir�g Hills. Q. Th� praperty Qv+rrers sha�I b� requu°e� tQ conforrn wit� f,he Regi�nai Water (�uality Cmntrol Board and C�unty Public �orks I�epart;nenf Best Management �actices (BMP's) require�nents related to draizi.age and storm water management. I'. Perirneter easements and trails, if any, shall remain free and clear of any improvements inc�uding, but not be Iimited to fences-including construc�ion fences, any hardscape, driveways, landscapi�g, irriga�ion and drairia.�e devices, �x�epfi as otherwise approved by fhe RHCA. Q. The contractor shall not use tools that could produce a spark, in�luding for elearing and grubbing, during �ed flag warning conditions. Weather conditions �an �'J� tOu.nd �t: hit • o��.a��a�e ov o a�naine 1� ?�n�nEe=sa€� & a e=�azara� c�e£initaons#�IHZEo I� � �e sole pe�p�nsibilz� of �e propex�.y owner an�/or �is/��.er contracfior tQ monitor the red flag warning eonditions. Should a red flag warning be declared and if work is to be conducted� on the property, tk�e contractor shali have readily available fire distinguisher. �. Jn� t%e applican�.s �xecute an Affidavit�f Acceptance of a11 conditions af thi� approval, the approva�s shall �Qf be �ffective. Such affidavit shall be recorded t�g�����rit.����t�r��c1u���. S. T�e praperty on which the project is �ocated shall contaixi an area of min�mum d¢�,�0� square fe�t t� prov�de an area x�ee�ing aII standards for a stable (450 square�eet) and corral (55Q square feet} witi�access th�r�tQ. T. IVot�athstand°ang Sec�ons T7.46.020 and 17e46.070 of the Ralling Hills 1@��a�cn�a� ��c€�, ��ng� �od.ifr���z��a t� ��as �vr��es� car adci�t�onal devel�pment a� �����a���� �r�p��r6 s�i�I�.�eq�ire the ffl�i��m�a a���or ������afinon€or�pgroval�g� ��e �Ea�aa��g�ommissa��, exce�a$as ���mitted in Sec�gora�7.46.040Ce Reso.�OY7-07 37�luckwagon Rd. s PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 16th DAY OF MAY 2017. �,C IR ATTES�: � � � HETDI LUCE, CITY CLEh�K Any action challenging the final decision of the City mac�e as �. besult of the public hearing on this application must be filed within the time limits set forth in s�et�an 27.54.{��Cl of the Aolling HiIIs Municipal Code and Code of Civil Procedure Sec�ion 1094.b, Resd.2Q27-07 37 Chuckwagon Rd. 6 STATE OF CALTFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) �� CITY OF ROLLING HILLS) I ceYtify that the foregoing Resolu�ion No. 2017-07 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COIVIIVIISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL QF A SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR GRADING OF PATHWAYS ON A PRQPERTY WiTH A RESTRICTED DEVELOPMENT CONDTTION IMPOSED THROUGH A PRIQR PROJECT IN ZONING CASE NO. 920 AT 37 CHUCKWAGON R�AD. (L�T 19-CF) ROLLING HILLS, CA, {VAN NORTVNICI� �vas a����ved aa�c� ac�opted a� a reg�ta�� ��eting o��� Planning �o�Ilssaoa� �n IV�ay �6TH, 2017�y the fo3��r�eg�o�l�alfl vote: A�S: Coaramissi�mers Ca�dena�, Cooley, Seab�n and �airman Qie�$. 1VOE5: None. ABSENT: ComT.nissioner Kirkpatrick. ASSTAIN: None. �td irQ coa7tp�iance�vi��hhe�aws of California was posted at fhE following: Adn�inistrati,ve Offices. � HEIDI LUCE CITY CLERK Reso.20I7-07 37 Chuckwagon Rd. �