2017-08 RESOLUTION NO.�017-08 A RESOLU'TION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF R4LLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL OF A SITE PLAN REVIEW AND VARIANCES FOR GR.ADING T� RETAIN AS BUILT PAT�S, RETAINING WALLS (PARTIALLY OR ENTIRELY IN SETBACKS AND WHICH AVERAGE OUT TO MORE THAN 2.5' IN HEIGHT}, TO REPAIR RUPTURED STORM DRAIN PIPE(S) AND TO REMEDIATE A FAILING SLOPE; TQ CONSTRUCT A BAS��NT A P�RTION QF VVHI�I� 'UVQUf,D ENCROACH INTO THE �Q1�'� Y�4RB SETBACK, 'F�3 I�N�O� A BARB�QiJE AREl� V�TH A �E'FAINING �VA�,L AND IZET�JI�N � SL�PE TO THE ORIGJNAL e�NDI'FION ANE� TO EXCEED THE MAXI�JM PERNIITT'ED DISTURBANCE OF TI IE LOT IN ZONING CAS� 1\TO. 916 AT 5 EL CONCI�O LANE (LOT 10- G�, ROLLING HILLS CA, (DE IVIII�ANDA). THE�'LANNING C�MMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLIN� HILLS DOES HERE]�Y F±N�, RESOL�j�, AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. In order to Iegalize cer�ain municipal code�iolations on his praperty, in January 2017, an ap�p�ica�or�was duly filed by Mr. Se�n De Miranda ("Applicant") wifh respect to real property located at 5 El Concho Road, Rolling Hills {Lot 10-GF} requesting variances to retain c�vr�rtfl� ix�perrnissible as-g�ac�ed anc� a�-�S�ai�t conc�ifizo�s, inc��cling {1) t�e construcfiion of a pafio wifh an outdoor kitchen and supporting 5' retaining wa1l (which is now failing); (2) �xcavation of a small area underneath the house {planned to be enlarged for the construction of a basement}; (3) graded switchback pathways, (4) several railroad tie wa11s exceeding 3' in �eigl'�t alang f,h� �athxrays; ancl (5) � retairiing wall it� the sade s�tback, which had been cars�u���c� to a�Iev�ate t.h.e d�amage cau��e� �y a bugi��ecl dr�i� pipe located al�ng the property line of the subJect site. '�e applicant has also sub�itted additional requests, i��lr��€�n� (�� ��� constru��i�n of a 1r322 square �nc��basement ��. p�.rt���n. r�f w�i�h��uld be in �e f~rc��it yarc� se�bac�C un�zer t�e exis�ng residence;, �vit��ela�ed �mpr�vements of a Iight well and �tai�s; (2� a new concrete retauvng vaa1l {a portion of vvh�ch tnrould be Iocated in the sid� set�ack�D (�} wa�1� tl�at av�rag� out tQ more than 2.5' in heigl��; arid (4) to exceed the max�sntxm �ex��ed �ist-€�rbane�of��e Io�. T'he as graded and as b�ai�t elements and the new proposed elements of the developmenf �ea�t��re �'Ianr,;ng C�mm�ission review and appravals pursuant to �he S�te Plan Review and �,lariane�r�q�iremen�, �fiap�ers T7.46 and 17.38 of t�.e Rolling I�ills Zoning Ordinance. Th� Applica�f deszgnated a set asi�e area for a future sta�le and carra� at the end of one of the swif��backs,which, i�constructed,would require the ap�raval of a CandE�ional Use Permit. Sec�ion�. On February Z1, 2017, the �'1a�tni�g Con�rn.ission held a duly noticed public lneari�g and public field trip, reviewed and considered the staff report, reviewed and con�ic�ered written reports, public testimony, and other information on the record, including �vic�enee preser�t�d by 1�/Tr. �hane �amb {th� Applicant's agent}. The P�anning Commission expressed eoncern regarding the ruptured drainpip� and the damage that occurred during the �esQlution l�o. 2017-08 ! recent rains. At the conclusion of the February 22, ZU17 meetin� the Planning Commission directed the Applicant to immediately address the drainpipe issu� in order to protect the properiy from additional damage in the event of additional rain. Further, the Planning Cornmissxon requested �hat the Applicarit's engineer be present at the next meeting to present a plan of action to address the drainage issue, ascertain that the railroad tie walls along the paths, which the applicant proposes to reduce to 3' in height {in areas where they exceed 3'), would be adequate to support the slopes between the paths, address the basement and show what other improvements, (i.e. additional wa1ls or slope restora�ion} would be necessary in orc�er to make the repairs,both to the slope and the drainpipe. Sect�c�.3. On March 21, 2Q�7, tl�� �Iani�ing �or��ssion held a duly notieed pub�ic �earing and rev�.ewed and considerecl the sta€f report. F3espite the Planning Commissian s req�aest of �he previous meeting, neit�er t.�ie App�ieant, the Applicant's contractor, nor the Applicant's engineer were present at the March 2�St meefirig. At the conclusion of a brief discussion ot this item, the I��annzng Commission once again requested the presence of these utdividuals and continued the discussion of this project to its Apri11$, 2017 meeting. Section 4. On April �8, 2017, the Planning Commissiora held a e�tzl�r noti�ed public hearing, reviewed and considered the staff report, reviewed and eonsidered written reports, public testimony, and other information on the record, including evidence presented by Mr. Lamb, the Applicant's structural engineer, and the City's Drainage and Grading Engineer. At the conclusion of the Apri1 18, 2017 meeting, the Planning Commission directed staf£ to prepare a �esolutio� of appraval, subject fo �e con�ition that the Applicant first �epazr fihe �raken c�rain pipe along �he sou� side of the property, (and maintain the as built retaining wall in the setback, if it is found by the City's Grading and drainage enginee�r that the wa11 is necessary in support o� the repaired drain pipe}, as well as remediate the failed slope be�ow th� sid� y�c� and cQnst�ract a retai�ing wall� if n�ce��ary, to� s�apport the repairec� slope. '�'he ��so��f��r� of appxova.� i.� canc�itiaraed on t�e �atisfa�tozy �o�p�efion of �ese t�vo items before �e �1pplfcant rnay �roeeea wit�t the construc�aon and com�letion of �ie fallowing: (1) the as �au?y� ��tai�.ng wa�I �ri �e si�e ��a�'a se±b�r1_�, ��.�eG� r_����ar�,r for the repa� af the dra���i�e; �2� g,�`ac�in.� t� retair� �e gra�ed pat.�.s; ��) the cQns�ry.��tion c�f a �,322 �q. �. basement, partia�ly Imcafied i� t�e front setback; (4} the c�emo�ition of the barbecue area and rem�val of tl�e bar��cueq and {�� �e recon.str�c�ioa� of ��e s1op� b�hin� th� exisiing barbecue to a maximum s1og��af�:�.. �he �pglicant was fux�her directed to work wi#.� t�te apprapriage �3uilding and Safety personneZ to identify the best method of repairing the storm drain pipe and the �ailed slope �ta� would bri�tg t�te rear s�op� as close to 2:1 grade as g�ssible, and present the plan to the Pianrting I�epartm�nf. In ad�ition, a11 of the as graded a�c� as built features an �he pr�perty r��s����evi�we� anc� app�ov�c� by t�e a��r�priate L�uilding a_nc� Sa€ety staff, plans submitted to the Planning De�artrr�ent and perxr�it� obtained, fallowin� �ie repair of the drain pipe and sl�p�re�xedxatior�. Sec�.�n 5. The property is zoned i�AS-1 and the lot area exciu�ing the roadway easement is 1.1� acres. For development purposes the net Iot area of the Iot is 39,�95 square feet. �'he Iot is developed with a 3,920 square foot residence wi�h attached 490 square foot garage, 3b$ s�uare foot basement, porches and bar�equ� area. An existing basement andr a 3aQ t�esQ��tron.No. 2Q 17-OS 2 square foot enlargement of the patio by the existing basement area at the narth side of the house were approved administratively in 2010. Section 6. The Planning Commission finds that the pro�ect qualifies as a Class 4 �xemption(State of CA Guidelines,Section Z5304- Minor Land Alteration} and is therefore categorically exempt from environrnenta].review under the Calif�rnia Environmental Quality Act. Sect�on 7. Section 17.46.030 requires the submission of a development plan for site plarp revie� and a�proval before any development requixing a grading permit or the �orzs�ruct�on Qf any h��a��di��Qr�tru�t�sre. Vljith re��rect tQ fhe Site Plan for fhe as built retauting wall i.n the side yard se�baek; tl�e grading to retain the graded pa�is; the construction of the b�sement; the demolition of the barUecue area arad removal of the barbecue; and the reconstruction of the slope behind the existing barbecue, tYte Planning Commission makes the f�llowing�indings of fact: A. T�1e proposed development is compat�ble vvith the C�eneral L'lan, the Zoning Ordinance and surrounding uses because the as built/as graded and the proposed development comply with the General Plan requirement of low profile, low-density resxdential development with sufficient open space between surrounding struc�res. The size of the as built elements and proposed development will no� exceed the maximum permitted development standards on the lot, except for the disturbance of the Iot. The proposed project is se���ra�d. ��m ��.e road and adjac�r�t n�ig�bc�rs �c rec�uee t�e visua� in�pac� of the �eveiopment. '�he proposed remediation of the szde slope is necessary to prevent furt�er sloughing of the slope an� damage to the property. The proposed retaining wa�l and grading alon� the south side ya�rd is necessary to repair a ruptured storm dr�in pipe to assure health and safety of the �roperty and 'ats �esidents. The illegal barbeq�e area wi�l be remediated and brought to the ��iginal condition, �erefore restoring the natural terrain of �haf portion of fihe Iot. �. The tog�graphy and the eonfiguration of the Io� 1'�as been cor�idered, anc� �t was c�eterminecl that �he "a� gx�acied" eondition will not adverse�y affeet or be rr�aterially c�ef�i�nental to a�.ja�en� �:ses, b�i�dings, a� s��ctures because �ie developrnen� is harmonious :n s��� and m.ass w�t� th� site, �ie na�raT �erraix� anc� surrounc�ing residences because �e wa�Is w�li no�exceecl 3' in I�eig�lt of exposecl area above grad�, are loc�ted along paths leading to the �ower portion of the lot a�a �ower elevation of the lot, and will integrate into the natural terrair. a�d faLaw t�e nat-�zral cantours of t�e site and �e �vall along the path will �eta.in a sld�e �Q prevenf erQ�ior� �nd sloughing �f the dir� ab�ve it. The area �vil� be sc�eened and �an�tscape� with trees an� sl�rubs, are of sr�ffgcient disfance from nearby residences so that ��y will not impact the view or p�ivacy �f surrot�r�c�ir�g�eigh.bors, and will permit ti�e ovvners to enjc�y�heir property �ithou�dele�erious �nfringement on�he rights of s�zrrounding property �wners. C. The developn�en�plan substar�tially preserves the natural and undeveloped state o€ the lot by mi.nimizing bui�ding coverage because th� development will not cause the lot fo Iaok ov�rdeve�c�ped. Significar�f portions of the lot will be left undeveloped. The project is Iocated i� the rear �f t�e �xisting resic�ence and will be further screened from neighbors by Resolution No. 2017-0� 3 introducing landscaping between the terraced paths and remediated slopes. The as built and proposed elements are minor and will not affect the scale of the existing development on the lot. D. It shall be required that the development plan introduce drought-tolerant landscaping, which is compatible with and enhances the rural character of the comm�.nity, and the landscaping will provide a buffer or transition area between private and public areas. E. The development is sensitive and not detrimental ta the convenience and sa�e�ty ��' circula�ion for pedesi�ian� and veh�cles because it daes not affect or change the exisfing access to the x�roperty. F. The project is exempt from the requirex�ents of the Ca�ifornia Environmental Quality Acf. Section 8. The appiicant seeks a variance from the 40% maximum dishzrbed area standard set forfh in �v^�or�. 17a1b.070, as well from �ront and side �a:rd setbac��� for the basement and retaining wall as set forth in Secti�s� �7�I�.�6� �f the Rolling Hills Municzpal Code. Sections 17.38.010 tlirough 17.38.050 of the Code permit approval of a variance from the standards and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance when, due to exceptional or extraordinary circumstances applxcable to the propex~�y and not applicable to other similar propex�ies in the same zone, strict application of the Code would deny the proper�r ov,mer substantial gr�����y �igl�� enjQy�d �y �t�er properfies tn tt�e same vicinity anc� zone. V1Tith respect to �his request for variances for 48.8% distiarbance of the net Iot area, to encroach with the �asement into the front s�tback and with retaining wa11 into the side setback, the Pianning Commzssion finds as follows: A. ���ere are �xc�g�ional axtd extraordin.ary�ircumstances and eonditions applicable ta the proper�r or ta t�e intended use that do nQ� apply generally to other propex�ies in the s�.m� �c�r�e b�ca�sP �� tc��ograph�c �a��r� �af f�+� s��eEt �r�pext�,T ;s such t.hat the slopes '�el�ind �e� ox� t�e side c€ ��e residence �nd �e graded �a�.�s must be re-graded �o repair a fai�ed. s1�pe �nd �o reconstruct a rupi�ure� c�.�airt pipe. As a condition of this Resolution, the g�°a�ir�g�r�IP �or�ply �ui�� �.I appl�ca�le �evelapmerit staa�dards of the Building Code. Per the Zcxung �r�ir�an�e, s�ch grac�rng af slc�pes i5 c�nside�ed �isturbanee and when added to the exisfing di��.irbance �he total �isturbance would be 48.8%. Additionally, due fo the con#'xg�:ration of the pr�perty and location of the exisiing residence in the front setback, the v�a�osea�basement�rould be iQcated unde�the existing residence in the front setback and will r��� �e v'rsi�al� from �z� o�afsi�e of the re�z�ence. 'These factors and nature of tlie lot make it u�teasiLle fi�cc�mpZy st-�icfily�vifi��Sections 17.16.064 and�7.16.07Q. B. '�e �larzance is ne�essary �or the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial properi�r right �aossessed by other prop�rty iz�the same vi�i�ify an� zone, but which is denied fa �t� grop�rfy in c�uestion because the n�ethod of c��struction, previotzs failure of �ie draan pfpe and the s�ope and the �ocation of the residence in the front setback has an impact on the d'z�turbed area, and encroachment into th� setback with the basemen�. �esolution No. 2Q 17-OS 4 C. The granting af the Variance would nat be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious �o the property o� irnprovements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is Iocated. The proposed development proposes to unprove slope sfability, repair a ru�tured drain pipe and correct the existing water flow pattern, which will be bene£icial. to the properiry owner as well as the neighboring properties. D. The purpose of the Zoning Qrdinance is to regulate developmen�t in an orderly fashion and in a manner consisfent with the goals and policies of the General Plan. Approval �f the variance will not ixnpede any goals o� the Zoning 4�rdinance or the General Plan. �af�i��, th� variance will allovv t�e properEy owner �o enjoy the same rights and privxleges afforded fio o��r pr��ae�� �v�ers in the vicinity. '£he averag� reqt�ested is mos'�y due t� the topog�raphy and nature �f �e �ot and is required in order to repair a dangerous condition, and there€ore doe�not ur_dexmine the spirit or intent of the Zoning�rdinance. E. The variance do�s not grant special privilege to the applicant, as the gradirig is nec�ssary to comply with the city's requirements and grading standards of the Building Code. F. The variance is c�nsistent with the partions of the County of x os �igeles Hazardous Waste Management Plan relating to siting and siting criteria f�r hazax�dous waste facilities because there is no hazardous waste facilities at issue in this case. Section 9. Based upon the fox�egoing findings and the evidence in the record, the Plarming Cornmission hereby grants app�aval o� a Site ��an Re�iew anc� Variances �n �on�ng �as�IVo. 916,wi�ii.the foliowing conditi.ons: A. The approval of this application s�all be implemented in two phases. Phase One s� �d�ist of �e repair of th� r�.pt-ured c�raingxpe and t�te £ailed slope, and the ��nstriactian a�t�� t� tva�s ��� retauZing wal�s na rn�re ��an 5' hig�. �ai�retaireing walls shall b� cons�r°ucted in a n�anz�er and Iocation pursuant to a determi�a�on by �e City's grading and drainage engineer that said. retaini.n.g w�ll.s �re necessary fc�r t1�Q xe��.�r.� �f the c�rainpipe �?c� t�e s�ope. �h�se c�ne ap��ova1 s�.a�1 �xpire ��rt ttivo years fvom the eff�ct��e date of approval c�f t�iis resol�fi�n as defined in Sections 17.46.08Q{A) of ��te Zoning �rd�nance, unless otherwise ex��x��3e� far gaaci caus� �Sursuant ta t�e ��quirem:.ents �f �us section. �his resolution of ap�Sroval i� ��nc�itiane� �n ti�e satisfact�ry cornpl��iox� of �� items identifiecl in Phase �3ne bef�r� �e Agp��icar�t n�ay proceed wi�h�e eonstrc�ct�n ancl completion o��'hase Two, which consists of t�te fol�owir�g: (1) the as builf retaining wall in the side yard setback, (unless necessary fdr ��a.se �ne�; (2� grading to retain th� graded pafihs, with retaining walls or �ai��a� t�es t�e�e�n �nrFuclz �o nat exceed �` iri. heig�t; (3} tl2e eans�ruc�ion of a �,322 sq. fi�. �ba�em�ri�r �ari�auy Zocat�d 'zn :�ie fr�r�t sefl�ack; {�) ir�te demo�ition ot t1�e barbee�e area and ��moval af��te ba�b�eue; and (�) �e rec�ns�ac�-ion af�e s1op�behind the existing barbecue to a n�axin�t�n-� s�ope of 2:1. The approval for P1h�se Two sha11 expire �wo years following the c�r�tnletion of �'hase C�ne. If the Phase ��ro improvements are not commenced within two years following eon�pletion of Phase �ne, they shall be disal�owed anc� the non-permitted elemenfs are required to be demolxshed anc�the land�estored to its a�iginal condition. �. If any conc�itioa� oz thi� resolu�ion is violated, the �nti�lemenf granted �ay this resolution shall be suspended and �lie privi�eges granteci hereunder shall lapse and upon Resolution No. 2�17-08 5 reeeipt o£ written notice from the City, all construction wark being per£ormed on the sub�ect property shall immediately cease, o�lier than work determined by the City Manager or his/her designee required to cure the violation. The suspenszon and stop work order will be li€ted once the Applicant cures the violation to the satisfaction of the City Manager ar his/her desigriee. In the event that the Applicant disputes the City Manager or his/her designee's determina�ion that a violation exists or d�isputes how the violation must be cured, the Applicant may request a hearing before the City Council. The heariulg shall be scheduled at the next regular meeting of fihe �ity Council for which the agenda has not yet been posfed; the Applicant shall be p:�ovicled written notice o#the hearing. The stop work ord�x shall remain in effeef dt�ing the pendency of the hearing. The City Council sl�all make a determination as fo whe�ter a vi�la�ion of t�hi� �es�Z�tior�as a��tarred. If the Cot�ncil deterrnines that a�riolation Izas n�{ occu�ed Qr I�as been cured i�y the time of �he hearing, the Council vvi1l lift the suspension and the stop work order. If the �ounci� detern�ines t�at a violation has occurred anc�has no�yet been cu�ed, the Cauncil shall provide the Applicant with a deadline to cure�he violation; nQ construction work shall be performed on the property until and unless the violation is cured by the deadline, other than wark designated by the Council to accompli.sh the cure. If the vialation is not cured by the deadline, the -Council may either extend th� deadline at the Applicant's request or schedule a hearing for the revocation of the enti�lements granted by ihis Resolution puxsuant ta Chapter T 7.5$ of fa.he Rollir�g Hills Mux�icipal Cod� (RHMC). C. All requirements of the Building Code and the Zoning Ordinance irtc�u�ing outdoor Iighting �equi.rements, roofing n�:ater�al rec�ua.�en�ent^�, sfa�Te anc� �orral area sefi asic�e requirements and a1I o�er requirements of fhe zone in whic� �he su�ject properfy is located must be c�mplied with, unless otherwise set fort�in this approval. �. The a�p��cant is �equired to w�rk with the �.it�r'� �uildang ancl Safety atZc1 Public WorTcs offici�Is t� id�n.�ify ��e best method Qf repairi�g �he �t�rm drain pipe and the failed slope tlnat wou�c� bring the �ear slope as close to 2:1 grad� as possible, and present the plan to �xe I�Ianr�i.��Department. Ia�additic�n, a�I af the as �ra�ed. �d ��buiJ�f.e�f��xes on the proper±y �ru�t�e reviewec� at�c� ap�prQved by tT�e a��r�pr'ra�e Bu�Ic�ing and�afety 5taff, p�ans subxr�ittec� to t�� P�annir�g Dep�imes�t and pexznits obf�ineci, followir�g the repair of the drain pipe anci s�o�e reYr�ediati��. �. The project sha2T be developed an� maintained in substantial conformance wi�h �he site plan on file in �te City Planning Bepartment dated February 16, 2017 or as may be amended and. agproved �y the Los Ang�les County ��ilc�ia�g Je�artrnent and the City's Planning Director in order to re�nedia�e fhe weat slope, rebuilt the siope behind �ie exist�ng barbeque area ta not t�s exc�ec� 2:� grade ari� repai� t�te drainpipe along the southern property line, anc�a� spe�ified in con�ition A ab�v�. �. This project shall be reviewed anc� approved by the RHCA. Any deviations to this project that the �I�A nzay require, or c��anges requested by �he applicant or which result from fieia condi�ons, whic� would trigger additional grading, require additional walls or affecf any o� the herein approved development sl�all be subxnitted for reviewed to the P�a�*�g �eaaa�ment. Tl�e �'Ia.-aning sta£�' shall d��ern�ne if the modifiications are �ninor or Resolutian NQ. 2017-48 6 major, ar�d if major, the project sha11 be reviewed by the Planning Commission pursuant to SeCtion 17.38.Ofi5 and 17.46.07Q. G. Prior to submittal o£ finai plans to the Building Department for issuance of grading and construction perrnits, the plans for the project shall be subrnitted ta staff for verification that the final plans are in compliance with �his Resolution. The conditions of approval specified herein shall be printed on the plans submitted to the Suilding and Safety Department for plan check review and on all subsequent plans, including job sife plans. Building and grading pe�mits shall be obtained from the B�ilding and Safety Department, �zrst far phase ane and once phase one is completed then for phase two af the development. �I. Struct-�a.pa� �ot c�ve�rage shal.I not ex�eed 5,381 square feet or �3.6% in �anformance with structu�al lot coverage Iimitations and includes a 45Q sq.£t. future stable. Total Iot coverage of struetures and paved areas sha�I not exceed 12,809 square feet or 32.3% in conformance with lot coverage Iimitations. I. '�he dist�zrbed area of the net lot shall be 48.$%, or as it rnay be amended due to requirements of the soils and geology section of the ���Is�ira� I�epartment for slope and drainage repair. The grading for the as graded paths, including the terracing and the basement excava�ion shall not ex�eed 1,5(}7 cubic yards of�u�and. 1,507 cubic yards of fill. However, the gxading quantities may be amended due to the required drainpipe and slope repairs. J. '�he basemenf shall n�t exc�e� �,322�qu�r�f�et. K. �esidenfiai building pad coverage on the 4,901 square foot residential building pad. (not in se�back) sha11 not exceed 94%. �,. The pro�perty on wk�ue�i the projec� xs �ocat�� sFiall con�ain a set aside area �Q provide an area meet��g aIl standards for �stable, �orra�with access thereto. I�/'1. �'�e propex�.y owner anc�/or his/her contract�r/applicant sIlt�1a11 be resp�nsible for c�r�a���ance with �ie no-smoking provisi�ns in the IV�unicxpal Code. �he contractor s�I not �rs� ��o�s �nat co�x�� pr���ce a spark, �cluding for clearing and gr�bbing, during red flag warning conditions. Weather c�nditions can be faund at: http;//w�vvai.�h.noaa.gov/��x/rr�aan.phg?�uite=safe�y&pag�=hazaxd definitions#FIRE It i� the sole responsz��ity of t�e prager�y �wner an�/or his/her contractor to manitor the red flag warning conc�i�ions. N. Pursuant to S��ian 17.46.020 oF �he Rolling Hi�Is 1Vl�xnicipal Code the Planning Commission�hall r�vie�r aa����a��� development or��rnsi�uctran on the gropert-�ra ������4��r� �fr � staksg�, �� r�q�es�ec�, sl����. F�e ����e� ta the I�Iuni�i�ra� Corie �eq�xirernen#s at the tim� o�t�e �equest. O. All g�aded areas, incltzding the �erraced ar�as between the paths sha11 be landscaped. Laric�seaping shall be desig�ed using we11 established plants, which sha1� not I�2esolutior�Na 2Q�7-08 7 grow into views from neighboring properties. If�rees and shrubs are planted, they shall not at any fime exceed the ridge height o£the residence. A landscaping plan sha11 be submitted to the P1anr,;ng Department prior to obtaining a grading permit for the slope repair. The landscaping shall include water ef£icient plants and irrigation that incorporates a low gallonage irrigation system, utilizes automafic contxollers, incorporates an irrigatzon design using "hydrozones," considers slope factors and climate conditions in design, and u�ilizes means to reduce water waste resulting from runoff and overspray. The property shal.l be maintained free of dead trees and vegeta�ion. �'. Drainage dissipater or gipe (as �nay be required by the Building and Safety Dept.} sha11 be constructed outside of any easemer_�s, �nless approved by �ie RHCA. The drainage system shall be approved by t�e Lo� Angeles County Bepartment of Building and Safety. If an above ground swale and/or dissipater �s required, it sha11 be designed i.n such a manner as not to cross over any equest�ian firails or discharge water onto a trail, shall be stained in an eax�tch tone co�or, and shall be screened from any trail, road and neighbors' view to the maximum extent practicable,without i�npairing�ie f�anction of-Ehe drainage system. �. During constructiox�, dust �ontrol measu:res shall I�e usec� to stab�li�e the soil f-rom wind erosion and reduce dust and objectionable odors generated by construction activities in accordance with South Coast Air Quality Management Dist-rxct, Los Angeles County and local ordinances and engineeri�g practices. During construction, conformance with local ordinances and engzneering practices so thaf people�or property is not exposed to landslides,mudflows, erosion, ar land subsadenc� shall b�required. �. During const�ction, all parki.ng shall tak� place on th� project site and, i� ne�essary, any overflow parking shall take place wi� the unimproved :roadway easements, and shall not obsixuet neighba�ng drzv�ways. During construction, to the maxirrzum extent fea�ib��, �mplc�ye�s �f��te�Qnt-ractar slzal� car-pool into the City. 5. I?t�rit�� cox�struc�.�n.; the nra�p�r_�y o��rs sHal� be ?�pq�zarec� f� sehe�ule anci regulate cc�r�s�ruc�ion an� re�ated traffie nQise thrQ�.ghaut t.he day i�e�veen the hours of 7 AIVI an� b 1�11�, I�onc�ay �ro�gh Saturday only, when constructian and mec�anical equipment nai�� is pe�rEitte�, so a� �.�t to utterfe�� with the s��aiefi residen�al env�rox�nent of the City of F��Iling:�iI1�. T`. T�ie property owner sl�l� Ue reqttirecl t� �onfarm to the Regional Water Quality ��n�rol Boarcl and County �ealth Bepartrnent requirements for �he �nstallation and �ai�tenan�� of�torm vvate�drai�age facili�ies. U. Per�.-�e��r �asements and trails, if ax�y� ineluding roadway easements shal� re�ai�t free �nd clear of any isr4grovements including, but not�e limited to, driveways, fences- inc��ding cons�r�a.ction fences, Ianascaping, ir�gation an� c�rainage devices, play equipment, parked ve�ieles, building r�aterzals, debris and equipr�ent, except that the Rolling Hills Community Associat�on may approve certain e�croachments. `T. If t�1� electrical �anel is to be upgraded, e�ectrical Iines lengthen or panel relocated, all utility Iines�ha11 be pl�ce��ndergr�und. Res�Iution No. 2a 17-0� 8 �V. b�% of the demolition and construction materials must be recycled/diverted. Prior to granting a final inspection,verification shall be submitEed to s�aff verifying recycling. X. Prior to finaling of the project an "as graded" and an "as constructed" plans and certifications shall be provided to the Planning Department and the Building Department to asce�°tain that the completed project is in compliance with the approved plans and tlus resolution. In addition, any modifications made to the project during construction, shall be dep'rcted on the "as built/as graded" plan. Y. `F�e a���i��rt� s�l �x�c�xte an Affidavit of Acceptance of al� conditions �f the Site P1an IZ�view approval, or the agproval shall nof be effective. Z. All conditions,when applicable, must be complied with prior to the issuance of a gr�ding or builcling permit frorre the Building and Safety Departrnent. �'ASSED, APPROVED AND ��OP'TED T�iIS�6�''I)AY F MA 'lo � BRAD C�iELF, CHAI AN AT'TEST: ___ �f/,�,� ._�. __ �IEIDI LUCE CITY CLERK Any action challenging t�e �inai deeision ot t�e City xnacie as a resuit of �he public hea�ing on this application must be filed within the time limits set fo?�th ixz G��+?c�rL 17.�4.�70 �f�-+e �ol��r.g �iills Municipal Code an�Code of�ivi�Procedure Section 103�.6. Resolution No. 2017-08 9 STATE QF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) §§ CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) I certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2Q17-08 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION 4F THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL OF A SITE PLAN REVIEW AND VARIANCES FOR GftADING TO RETAIN AS BUILT PATHS, RETAINING VVALLS (PARTIALLY OR EI�ITIRELY IN SETBACKS AND WHICH AVEIZAGE OUT TO MQRE THAN 2.5' TN HEIGH'1�, TO REPAIR RUPTCTRED S'PORM DRAIN PIPE{S) AND TO REMEDIATE A FAILING SLOPE; TO CONSTRUCT A BASEMENT A PORTION OF WHICH WOULD ENCROACH INTO THE FRONT YARD SETBAQC, TO REMOVE A BARBEQUE AREA WiTH A RETAiNING WALL AND RETURN THE SLOPE TO THE ORIGINAL CONDITTON AND TO EXCEED THE MAXNM PERMITTED DISTURBANCE OF THE LOT IN ZONIlVG CASE NQ. 916 AT � EL ��N�C�-I� ]LANIE (��'�'�0-�lE), ROLLd1VG�I�,]L,S CA, {�7E MIREI.I�}A�. �ras a�a�g�vecl and ��.optred at ���gba.�� �ee�ing�f the �aa�aing C�mx�.ssx�n �� 1VI�y 16, 2017 1�y the fo��or�aang roll call vo�e: A�S: Coanrx�assioners C�d�nas, C�o�ey, Seaburn a�d Chairyn�n Chel£. NOES: Norie. ABSENT: Commisszoner Kirkpatrick. ABS'PAIN: None. and in complianc�with the la�nrs of�aliforraia was�os#ea a��e f��lowireg: Administrative Offices. HEIDI LUC� CI'TY CLERK Resolution No. 2017-08 10