05-30-17FT nznvu�rEs oF AN ADJOLTRNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORIVIA TUESDAY,MAY 30,20�7 CALL TO ORDER �_ An adjourned regular �neeting o�the City Council of the City of Rolling Hills was called to order by Mayor Black at 7:02 a.m. at 5 Pine Tree Lane, Rolling Hills, California. ROLL CALL Councilmembers P;resent: Black,Pieper, Wilson and Mayor Dieringer. Councilmembers Absent: Councilmember Mirsch (excused). Others Present: Raymond R. Cruz, City Manager. Yolanta Schwartz,Planning Director. Julia Stewart,Assistant Planner Lai.u�en Sharng, Owner Tavisha Nicholson,Bolton Engineering John Resich, Owner's representative Keith Murphy,Neighbor Tony Inferrera, Architect PUBLIC HEARING ZONING CASE NO. 917 — Request for a Site Plan Review to construct a new residence addition of 2,OG5 s.f., a new 2,Q65 square foot basement, a new 700 square foot swimmiing pool, ^ and grading of 31,920 cubic yards of dirt, (which includes excavation and compaction) and construction of various accessory structures; Conditional Use Permits for a new, additional �,100 sc�ualre foot detached garage, 7,000 square foot tennis court, 1,200 square foot sta.ble, 9,150 square foot corral and a new second driveway; and a Variance to exceed the maximum permitted 40% disturbance of the lat resuIting from general grading for the project and to grada more than 750 cubic yards of dirt and over 10,000 square feet surface area for the tennis court. The subject property is located at 5 Pine Tree Lane (Lot 94-RH) Rolling Hills, CA, (Sharng). The project is categorically exempt from the Califorraia Eraviranmental Quality Act(CEQA). The public hearing was opened at 7:Q2 a.m. at 5 Pine Tree Lane in front of the existing residence. Julia Stewart, Assisfant Planner, expiained the basics of the proposed project. Then the attending group wa�ked to the rear of the existing residence where Assistant Planner Stewart pointed out the location of the proposed stable and camal, motor caurt, new detached garage, residential addition and basement, tennis court and pool and spa. Mayor James Black asked about how the existing residence was conxiected to the proposed residential addition. Tavisha Nicholson, Boiton Engineering, explained that the residence would be one structure af�er the residential remodel and addition and that the new construction would be attached to the existing T�ouse by one roof(not just a breezeway}, Counci�member Dieringex asked if the white house visible from the rear of the properiy was the closest house. The owner and engineer, Lauren Sharng and Tavisha Nicholson respectively, clarified that the neighboring white house located at 23 Portuguese Bend Road was the closest hause to the proposed pxoject and that the stable at 7 Pine Tree Lane was the closest structure to any of the proposed structures for the project, the __. stable being the closest. Mayor Black expressed concern that there were two separate garages, two driveways, two ldtchens, and suggested consideration of closing the existaing driveway instead of having two driveways servicing the property. He also expressed concean that a�l slopes would be 2:1. Councilmember Leah Mirsch asked questions to clarify Mayor Black's concerns. When there were no further questions the hearing was continued to the regular City Council meeting to be held on Monday, June 26, 2017 beginning at 7:D0 p.rn. OPEN AGENDA-PUBLIC COMMENT None. Minutes—Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting 05-30-17 -1- ADJOURNMENT Hearing no fi,�rther business before the City Council, Mayor Black adjourned the meeting at appraximately 7:35 a.m. The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on Monday, 7une 12, 2017 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road,Rolling Hills, California. Respectfully submitted, �1 Julia Ste art � Assistant Planner Approved, Patrick ilso Mayor Pro Tem Minutes—Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting OS-30-17 -2-