2017-09 RESOLUTION N4. 2017-09 A RESOLUTI�N OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING A MODIFICATION TO A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECT FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, AND VARIANCES FOR GR.ADING, FOR WALLS OVER 3' IN HEIGHT, AND WHICH WILL NOT AVERAGE OUT TO 2.5' IN HEIGHT, A POOL/SPA, TRELLIS, CONSTRUCTION OF AN 800 SQUARE FOOT RECREATION ROOM, TO LOCATE TI� STRUCTURES IN THE FRONT YARD OF THE LOT AND TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED DISTURBANCE OF THE LOT IN ZONING CASE NO. 897- MODIFICATION, AT 2 HILLSIDE LANE, {LOT 60-RH}, (ELKIN). THE PLANNING COMMXSSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HZLLS DOES HEREBY FIND, RESOLVE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Yn January 2016 an application was duly filed by Ms. Sarah Eikin with respect to real property located at 2 Hillside Lane, (Lot 60-RH}, Rolling Hi11s, CA requesting a Conditional Use Permi.t far an 705 square foot recreation 1'DOi7l� and Variances to Iocate aIl of the accessory structures, including several walls in the front yard area of �he Iot, where the walls would not average out to 2.5' in height, and to exceed the rnaximum permitted distv.rbance of the Iot, from the �xisting 48.1% to 64.3%. A Site P�an Review was also required for the construcdon of retaining wa11s,for grading consisHng of 4,6�.0 cubic yards of cut and fil1 for the new building pad where the applicant proposed a 680 square foot pool, and a 72 square �oot spa along with the recreation raom, a 30 square foot autdoor fire place, a 7� square foot barbecue, a 220 square foot attached trellis, and 1,450 square feet of pool decking. The pool equipment was to be tucked under the stairs. The project also entailed madifying an existing legal non-conforming sixucture, currer��ly utilizecl as a guest �io�xse �:a a stable use structure with a 1oft, and provide a corral area axid access. Following several public hearings and a field trip tlie Plann;ng Commission on May 17, 2016 approved tlie project by Resalution No. 2016-13 and on June 14, 2016 the City Council ratified their decision. Section 2. In April 20�7 the property owners submitted a �evzsion to the previously approved project, which entails cons�ction of an $00 square foot recreation room with 174 square foot attached trellis and a 322 square foot water slide. The pool equipm�nt area wi11 be relocated, the outdoor amenities moved around on the pad and access between the house and the recreation room reconfigured. The grading,walls and other co�nponents of the previous approval wi11 remain the same. Section 3. The Planning Cammission conducted duly noticed public hearings to consider the application on May 16,2017 and at a field t�rip also on May 16,2017. The Reso.2017-09 2 Hillside Lane 1 applicants were notified of the public hearings in writing by first class mail. Evidence was heard and presented from all persons interested in affecting said proposal and from members of the City staff and the Plann;,,g Commission having reviewed, analyzed and studied said proposal. The applicants' representative was in attendance at the public hearings. No neighbors came forward to address the changes. However, during the previous review proceedings, several neighbors expressed concerns and attended the site visits. As a resvlt, the d:riveway was shifted to the East to maintain the existing line af shrubs �hat provide screening between 2 and 4 H�Ilside and access to the stable was revised to respond to neighbors concex�ns. Horse access to the stable will be taken from Saddleback Road and the rubble curbs curren�ly existing by the corral will be cleared. The access path will range in slope from 10% to 25%. A vehicular access to the stable will be taken via the exi.sting paved driveway that Ieads to the tack roam of the stable. As a condition of approval a11 access areas to the stable including by the tack room will be required to be decomposed granite or other pervious material, and all existing concrete around the stabie wi�I be removed. Section 4. The property is zoned RAS-1 and the gross lot area is 1.97 acres. The net lot area is 1.45 acres or 63,160 square feet. The existing property was developed primarily towards the rear of the 1ot with most o£ �he garage, and all of a sma11 shed, and a two-�tory tack house in the xear setback. The praperty is currently developed wifh a 2,4�0 square foot residence, a 535 square foot garage, a 52 square faot shed, a 96 square foot service yard, and a pxeviously pe�mitted 751 square £oot two sfory stable/tack house, of which the second story has been cariverted to a guest house, (376 square foot stable on the firs�story, and a 375 square foof guest house). The applicant is required to convert the guesthouse portion to a stable tack room/storage use, and the first story to a stable like use with one horse stall. T'he �2 square foot shed wi1l be removed. �ection 5. The praject is �xer�tpt €�oxn iche Cali€ornia Environmental C,�uality Act (CEQA} pursuant to Section I�303, Ciass 3 exemption Guidelines. Section 6. A Site Plan Review is required subject to Section 17.46.020 of the Zoning Ordinance, in that�he proposed�ecreation room, pool/spa, fireplace, barbecue, and retaining walls are a structural addition. Further, the grading for these new structu.res require Sife Plan Review. Wi�li respect to the Site Plan Review application for the recreation room, pool/spa,fireplace,barbecue,walls, and gradin�the Planning Cammission makes the following findings of fact: A. The proposed development is compliant with all requirernents of the Zoning Ordinance except as approved herein for a Variance, and is compatible with the General Plan and surrounding uses because the proposed project is consistent with goals and policies that require low profile, Iow-density residential development with sufficient open space between surrounding structures. The recreation room, pool/spa, fireplace, barbecue, and walls wi�I be situated to ensure they are not obtrusive to Reso.2017-09 2 Hillside Lane 2 neighbors, will be screened from view, and the pool equipment zs Iocated in an area that wi1l not be intrusive or seen by any neighbor. B. The development plan substanHally preserves the nat-uxai and undeveloped state of the lot because the required grading has been carefully considered, and the orientation and the location of the s'tructures allows them to be incorporated into the natural slope on the lot. The construction will not adversely affect or be materially detrimental to the adjacent U525, buildings, or structures because the proposed 'unprovements will be constructed on a portion of the lot which is least intrusxve to surrounding properties, will be screened and Iandscaped with vegetation and is of sufficient distance from nearby residences so that the praposed praject will not impact the view or pxivacy of surrounding neighbors. C. The proposed development, as conditioned, is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, �he natural terrain and surrounding residences. The propased project is consistent with the scale of homes in the surrounding RA-S-1 similarly zoned neighborh�od. '£he prdpased project entails construction of a recrea�ion room, pool/spa, fireplace, barbecue and walls for the purpose of enhancing and facilitating outdoor Iiving on the site, a common residential amenify enjoyed by prope�y owners throughout the City. D. The development plan generally follows natural contours of the site to the maximum extent practicable to accornpiish groomed and usable areas of the lot, subject to concurrent approval of Variances and a Canditional Use Permit pursuant to Section 7 and$ of this resolution. E. Natural d�rainage courses will not be affected by the project. The project preserves and zntegrates ir��o the site design existi�g topographic features by piacing the new residential addi�ion on a previously constructed pad where little to no grading will be r�quix�d. �e Pool �ad wi� '�e lacated on a previously dis�rbeci �rea o�£tiered planters, and the pool pad will require some grading but it will use retaining walls and not higher than 2:2 slopes to minirnize the impact. F. The proposed development is sensztive and not deiximental to the convenience and sa£ety of circulation for pedestrians and vehicles because the existing driveway is being shifted to the east to respect the exis�ing przvacy screen between 2 and 4 Hillside, and the driveway is being widened to 2a' to comply wifh Fire Department requirements. Section 7. Sections 1�.38.010 through 17.3$.O�Q of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code perniit approval of a Variance granting relief€rom the standards and requiremenfs of the Zoning Qrdinance when exceptional or extraord'znary circumstances applicable to the properfy prevent the owner from making use of a parcel of property to the same extent enjoyed by similar properties in the same vicinity or zone. In proposing to Iocate the pool/spa and recreation room and Reso.2017-09 2 Hillside Lane 3 accessoxy structures in the £ront yard area, Variances are requi�red to grant relief from the.following Sections of �he Zoning Ordinance: �7.16.200.G.�. (no structures will be located in the front yard), and 17.16.190.F. (walls must average 2'6"), and 17.16.a70 (ma�cunum allowed distu�bance} in which case the proposed distu:rbance area would exceed the allowed amounts with an increases frorn 48.]2% (legal nonconforming} to 64.28% where 40% maximum disturbance is ailowed. With respect to the aforementioned requests for Variances,the Planning Commission finds as follows: A, There are exceptional circumstances and conditions on the subject property as follows: Regarding the requested variance from Section 17.16.20Q.G.1. to locate the propased structures in the front yard area of the lot, the pro�erty was previously developed mostly at the rear of the �ot, wi�].i the garage and stable being ;in the rear setback. The existing house pad is proposed to be developed with a new residen�ial addition on the southeast side and due to the 35' clearance required from the stable, th� only o�her area for a pool/spa is in the front yard w�ich is an amenity enjoyed by neighbors to �ie no�h, east, and west. The proposed structures in the front yard are all out of setbacks and as far away from Saddleback Road as possible. Regarding the requested variance from Section 17.1b.190F for the walls to exceed the average of 2'6", the site design is sensitive to the existing topography and the applicant reduced the number of walls necessary. However, the retaining walls that remain are necessary to ensure safe construction on the site. Regarding the requested variance £rom Section 1�.16.Q70 for disfu.rbance limits, the project does not meet the maximum disturbance allowed. The existing disturbance is legai nonconforming at 48.13% and will increase to b4.2$%. The increase in disturbance is due in large part to the revised location of the stable access from Saddle�ack�oad on a rn�x���2.�% s1a�e. B. The variance is necessary far the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property righf possessed by other properfy owners in the same vicinity and zone but which is denied to the property in question by strict application of the code. The property right which otherwise would be enjoyed is the ability to utilize a portion of fheir front yard with a pool/spa, recreation room, and other structures to accommodate outdoor recreafional use which currently cannot be enjoyed due to the exis�ing residence being so far towards the rear of the lot. The proposed location of the entire project - pool/spa, recreation room, fire pit, and barbecue are the least visually intrusive to the property and its neighbors. C. 'I'he granting of the Variance would not be rnatexially detriunental to the public welfare or injurious to the properties or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the praperty is Iocated in that the propased pool/spa, deck, recreation room, fire pit, and barbecue are all unobtrusive. Further, the majority of the Reso.2017-09 2 Hillside Lazie 4 proposed struct-ures would not be visible from the adjoining street or private properties and therefore are not expected�o result in any visual or privacy impacts. D. In granting of the Variance the spirit and intent af the Zoning Ordinance will be observed in that the proposed pool/spa, recreation room, deck, fire pif, and barbecue construction will be orderly, attractive, legalizes non-confornling uses on the property, and will not affect the rural character of the cornmunity. The subject proposed structures are in the front of the property and will not impact the stab�e and corral area and the proposed development will not impact use of the existing sixuctures. E. The Variance request is consistent with the General PIan of the Ci�y of Rolling Hi11s because the proposed structures comply with the General Plan requirement of low profile, low-density residenti.al development with sufficient apen space bet�ween surrounding si�uctures. The property is Iocated on the hillside above the nearby properties to the north and the direc�ly adjacent property to the west will not be aUle to see the proposed structures and there is large open space between any structu.res on subject propex�y to the adjacent property. F. The Variance is consistent with the portions of the County of Los Angeles Hazardaus Waste Management Plan relating to siting and siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities. Section 8. Section 17.16.210(A}(2) of the Rolling Hills Murtucipal Code pexmi�s approval of a recreation room under certain conditions, pravided the P�annuig Commission approves a Conditional Use Permit. With respect to this requ�st for a Conditional Use Permit, the Planning Commission finds as follows: A. The granting of a Conditional Use Permit for the recreation roam would be c�nsist�nt ►�vith �e purposes and ol,jec�ves o£ �ie �oning Ordinance and General PIan because the use is consistenf with sirnil.ax uses in the coxnmunity, meets all the applicable development standards for a CLTP of the Zoning Ordinance and no deviations from the developmcnt standards for a CUP are requested. B. The nature, cond'ztion, and development of adjacent uses, buildings, and structures have been considered, and the construction of a recreation raom will not adversely affect or be materially detriznental to these adjacent uses, buildings, or structures because �ie project is of sufficient distance from nearby residences so that the structure will not impact�ie view or privacy af surrounding neighbors. C. The project is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, the natural terrain, and surrounding reszdences because it cornplies with the Iow profile residential development pattern of the comrnunzty, and will be screened frorn neighbors' view. Reso.2017-09 2 Hilfside Lane 5 D, The proposed conditional use complies with all applicable development standards of the zone district because the 800 square foot size of the recreation room does not exceed the ma�cimum permitted under the Municipal Code and it does not encroach into any setback areas. E. The proposed conditional use i.s consistent with the portions of the Los Angeles County Hazardous Waste Management Plan relating to siting cri.texia for hazardous waste facilities because the project site is not lis�ed on the current State of California Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites Lisf. Section 8. Based upon the foregoing findings, the PlanYting Cominission hereby approves the Site Plan Review, Variances, and Condztional Use Permit in Zoning Case IVo. 897-Modifzcation for a new pool/spa, recreation room, deck, pool equipment, fireplace, barbecue, and walls; grading for the proposed project; to Iocate the str�uctures in the front yard; to exceed the maximum pernutted disturbance of the lot; and to retain and legalize a previously constructed tack house by converting i� info a stable, subject�o the fallowing conditions: A. The Site Plan, Variances, and Canditional Use Permit approval shall expire within�wo years from the effective date of approval if construction pursuant to this approval has not commeneed within that time period, a.s required by Sections 17.46.080, and 17.38.070 of tlze Rolling Hills Municipal Code, or the approval granted is otherwi.se extended pursuant fo the requirements of those sections. B. If any condition of this resolutiori is viola�ed, the en�i�lement granted by this resolution sha11 be suspended and the privileges granted hereunder shall lapse and upon receipt of written notice from the City, all construction work being performed on the subject property shall immediately cease, o�lier than work determined by the City Manager or his/her designee requir�d to cur� �h� vialatiar�. 'The �uspension a�ne� �tap wark order will be Ii.«ed once the Applicant cures the violation to the satisfaction of the City Manager or his/her designee. In the event that the Applicant disputes the City Manager or his/her designee's detexmination that a violation exzsts or disputes how the violation must be cured, the Applicant may x�eque�t a hearing before the City Council. The hearing sha11 be scheduled at the next regular meeting of the City Council for which the agenda has not yet been posted; the Applicant shall be provided written notice of the hearing. The stop work order shall remain in effect during the pendency of the hearing. The City Council shall make a determination as fo wh�ther a violation of this Resolution has occurred. If the Council determines that a violation has not occurred or has been cured by the time of the hea�ing, the Council will lift the suspension and the stop work order. If the Council determines that a violation has occurred and has not yet been cured, the Council shall provide the Applicant with a deadline fo cure the violatian; no consiruction work shall be performed on the property until and unless the violation is cured by the deadline, other thax� work designated by the Council to Aeso.2417-09 2 Hiuside Lane 6 accomplish the cure. If the violation is not cured by the deadline, the Council may either extend the deadline at the Applicant's request or schedule a hearing for the revocation of the entitlements granted by �kus Resolution pursuant to Chapter 17.�8 of the Roiling Hills Municipal Code (RHMC). C. All requiremenfs of the Bui�ding and Construction Ordinance, the Zoning 4rdinance, and of the zone in which the subject property is located must be complied with unless otherwise set forth in the Permit, or sh�wn othex�nrise on an approved plan. The 1ot shall be developed and mainfained in substantial confozmance with the s'rte plan on file stamp da�ed May 2, 2016, as arnended on a plan on file stamp dated May 11, 2017 except as otherwise provided in these conditions. The working drawings submi.tted to the Department of Building and Safety for plar-� check review must con£orm to the development plan appr�ved wi�1i this application. A copy of the conditions of this Resolution shall be printed on all plans submitEed for building permit anc� a copy of such approved plans, including conditions of approval, s�a11 be available at the building site at all tin�es. The licensed professional preparing construction plans for this praject for Bui�ding Department review shall execute a Certificate affirming that the pians conform in all respects to this Resolution approving this project and including conformance with all of the conditions set£orth therein and the Cit�s Building Code and Zoning Ordinance. Fux�her, the person obtaining a building and/or grading permit for this project shall execute a Certificate of Construction stating that the pro�ect wi1.1 be constructed accord'zng to this Resolution and any plans approved therewith. D. Notwithstanding Sections 17.46.020 and 17.46.070 of the Rolling Hills Mlu�eipal C�de, any modifiea�ions ta t�� proper� �r this proj�ct, vvhi�ch �r�r��.Ic� consfitute additional gradin� height or any siructural development including � trellis or other similar above grouncl structure shall require the filing of a new application for appraval by the Planning Commission. E. Grading for this praject shall not exceed 2,305 cubic yards of cut, including 350 cubic yards from excavation of �lie pool and 1,500 cubic yards of over- excavation for the project; and 2,30� cubzc yards of fill including 1,500 cubic yards of recompaction,for a total of 4,610 cubic yards of dirt, and will be balanced on site. Thi.s includes �ading for �he stable access. Grading shall not result in greater than 2:1 slopes. F. Structural �ot coverage shall not exceed 6,�34 square feet, or 10.8%. Tofal lot coverage shall not exceed 31.3% or 19,773 square feet. Building Pad coverage on the 16,175 square foot pool pad shail not exceed 2,1'76 square feet or �Q.6%, {with allowed deductions �t wi.11 be 4�.9%), which eaccludes a portion of the water slide. Suilding pad Reso.2017-09 2 Hillside Lane 7 coverage for the stable will not exceed 376 square feet ox 57% and the structural coverage on the resi.dential building pad will remain at 4,532 square feet or 28% {with deductions�-4, 131 sq.ft. or 25.5%); arid includes the administratively approved $OQ sq.ft. addition. G. The disturbed area of the lot shall not exceed 40,600 square feet or 64.3% {of net Iot area),which includes the three b�zilding pads. H. The existing s�torage/guest room structure is Iegal nonconfo:rming. This structure shall be converted entirely to a two-story stable as per the plans submitted on April 12, 201b. A m�n;rr,um of one horse stall plus area for agricultural uses shaZ.I be provided on the first-story, and tack-room above. A sanitary facility consisfing of one toi�et and one shower in the tack room� allowed, and no bathtub is permitted. At any time there are ho�rses on the property, Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be applied for man�re control, including but not be limited to removal of the manure on a ciaily basis or provisian of a receptacle with a tight c�osing lid that is constructed of brick, stone, concrete, metal or wood lined with metal or other sound materzal and �hat is sa£eguarded. against access by flies. The contents of said receptacles shall be rernoved once a week. It is prohibited to dispose of manure o� any animal waste into fhe M�anicipal Separate Storm Sewer Sys�em (M54} or into natural drainage course. I. A minimum of four-foot Ievel path and/or walkway, which does not have to be paved, shall be provided around the entire perimeter of the recrea�ion room, pool, decking, and stable. r. There shall be no sleeping quarters and temporary occupancy in the recreation room. The recreation room shall not exceed 800 square feet, as measured from the outside finished wal1. The heigh�t of the recreation roorn will not exceed Ia'6" fron� fini�hed f��or. ��I condi�iox� cf Secti�n 17.36.210 1�. (2} far a recrea�ori roarri uf the Zoning Ordinance shall apply. K. The pool equipment area shall be enclosed and screened. Per LA County Building Code, and pool barrier and/or fencing shall be�required. L. A drainage plan, as requixed by the Building Departrnenf shall be prepared and approved by City Staff prior �o issuance of a construction pernut. Such plan shall be subject to LA Counfy Code requirements. M. The 52 square foot shed at �he southeast corner of the propex�,y must be removed. N. All concrete adjacent to �ie s�table must be removed and replaced with decornposed �anite. Reso.2017-09 2 Hillside Lane 8 O. Photographic evidence of the condition of Hillside Lane and Saddleback Road adJacent to the project site sha1l be provided prior to start of construction. Any darnage caused to the roadway, easements or curbs by consixuction activies shall be restorEd at�he experise of the applicant. P. During constructian, conformance with the air quality management district requirements, stormwater pollution prevenfion practices, coun#y and local ordinances and engineering practices so that people or prope�ty are not exposed to undue vehicle ixips, noise, dust,and objectionable odors shall be required. Q. During construction, all parking shall take place an the pro�ect site and, if necessaxy, any overflow parking shall take place within the uni:mproved'roadway easements on the southside of Hillside Lane adjacent to project site only, and shall not obstrucf neighboring driveways. Durzng construction, to the maximum extent feasible, employees of the contractor sha1.I caar-pool into the City. R. During construc�ion, the property owners shall be required to schedule and regulate construction and related traffic noise thro�xghoufi the day between the hou�s o£ 7 AIVI and 6 PIV�, Nlonday through Saturday only, when construetion and mechanical equipment noise is permitted, so as not to in�erfere with the quiet residential environment of the City of Rolling Hills. S. The p�roperty awners shall be required to conform with the Regional Water Quality Control Board and County Public Works Depax�ment Best Management Practices (BMP's} requirements related to solid waste, drainage and storm water management and comply with the Cit�s Low Impact development Ordinance (LID), if applicable. Further the property owners sha11 be required to conform with the County Health Department requi.rements for a septic system, should one be r�quired for the recreation room. T. A mtnimum of 65% of �he constx�xction material spoils s1�aI1 be recycled and diverted. The hauler shall provide the appropriate documentation to the City, U. All graded areas sha1l be landscaped. In addition, the recreation room and swixn.ming pool/spa shall be screened from the neighbors and a landscaping plan shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. If landscaping of 5,000 square foot a�rea or greater is int�roduced or redeveloped, the landscaping shall be subject to the xequirements of the City's �Vater Efficient Landscape Ordinance. Any plants introduced for this p�oject sha1l not grow into a hedge but be offset and shall not exceed the ridgeline of the recreation room. The landscaping plan shall ufil.ize to the maxisnun� extent feasible, plants that are native to the area and are consistent with the rura�character of the community. V. The project must be reviewed and approved by the Rolling Hills Cornmunify Association (RHCA) Architectural Review Committee prior to the issuance of building permit. Perimeter easements and trails, if any, shall remain free and clear of any improvements including, but not be limited fo fences-including Reso.2017-09 2 Hillside Lane 9 construction fences, any hardscape, driveways, landscaping, ii�rigation and drainage devices, except as otherwi.se approved bp the RHCA. W. The confiracfor shail not use tools that could produce a spark, includ'zng for c�earing and grubbing, during red flag warning condifions. Weather conditions can be found at: http;//ww�w.wrh.noaa.gav/I+�xfmain.php?suite=saf�ety&�age=hazard defini�io�s#FIR E. It is the sole responsibility of the property owner and/ar his/her cantractor to morutor the red flag warning conditions. Should a red flag wa�-ning be declared and if work is to be conducted an the property, the contractor shall have read'zIy available fire distinguisher. X. AII requirements of the Bu�Tding and Constxuction Code, the Zoning Code, and of �he zone in which the subject properiy is located must be complied with, including the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance. All utility lines to the recreation xoom and the residence shall be undergrounded pursuant to Section 17.27.030. Y. Prior to finaling of the project an "as graded" and an "as constructed" plans and certifications shall be provided to the Planxiing Depar�rnent and the Bui�ding Departrnent to ascertain that the completed project is in compliance with the approved plans. In add'ztion, any modifications made to the project during constru.ction, shail be depicted on the"as built/as graded" p1an. Z. Until the applicants execute an A#fidavit of Acceptance o£ all conditions of this approval, the approvals shall not be effective. Such affidavit shall be recorded together with the resolution. AA. Prior to submittal of final working drawings to Building and Safety Departtnent for issuance of building pernr�its, the plans for �te project shall be submitted to Ci�y staf£ £or verifica�ion that the final plans ax�e ix� compliance with the plans approved by the City Council. AB. City of Rolling Hills Planning Commission Resolution No. 2016-13 i.s hereby rescinded. PASSED, APPRQVED AND ADOPTED THI 20th DAY OF J NE 2017. r � GREGG Ki AT CK, CE-CHAIRTVIAN ATTEST:� �: HEIDI LUCE, CITY CLERK Reso.2017-09 2 Hillside T�ane 10 Any action challenging the final decision o£the City made as a resutt of the public hearing on tiv.s application must be filed wi.thin the time limits sef£orth in section 17.54.070�of the Ralling HiIIs Municipal Code and Code of Civil Procedure Section 3094.6. Reso.2017-09 2 Hillside Lane 11 STATE OF CALIFORT]IA ) COLTNT'Y OF LOS ANGELES ) �§ CITY OF ROLLING HILLS } I certity that the foregoing Resolution No. 2017-09 entitied: A RESOLUTION 4F THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANT'ING A MODIFICATION TO A PREVIOUSLY APPRQVED PROJECT FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW, CONDITIQNAL USE PERMIT, AND VARIANCES FOR GRADING, FOR WALLS OVER 3' IN HEIGHT, AND WHICH WYLL NOT AVERAGE OUT TO 2.5' IN HEIGHT, A P�OL/SPA, TRELLiS, CONSTRUCTION OF AN 800 SQUARE FOOT RECREATTON ROOM, TO LOCATE THE S'I`RUCTURES iN THE FRONT YARD OF THE LOT AND TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM PERIVIlTTED DISTL7RBANCE OF THE LOT TN ZONIlVG CASE NO. $97- MODIFICATIQN, AT 2 HILLSIDE LANE, {LOT 60-RH), (ELKIN). was approved and adopted at a regular nzeeting of the Plann;rg Commission on June 2Q,2037 by the following roll call vo#e: AYES: Coinmissioners Cardenas, Cooley,Seaburn and Vice Chairman Kirkpatrick. NOES: Nane. ABSENT: Chairman Chelf. ABS'�AIN: None. and in compliance with the laws of California was posted at the following: Adrninistrative Offices. * � HEIDI LUCE QTY CLERK Reso.2017-09 2 Hillside Lane 12