2017-12 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-12 A RESOLUTT4N OF THE PLANNING COMNIISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HTLLS GRANTING APPR4VAL FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR THE CQNSTRUCTION OF A NEW RESIDENCE V1�TH GARAGE, AND ACCESSORY AMENITIES; A CONDITiONAL L SE PERNIIT TO CONSTIiUCT A GUEST H4USE AND VARIANCES TO EXCEED THE MAKMUM PERMITTED DISTURBANCE THAN PREVZ�USLY APPROVED FOR THE LOT, FOR HIGHER THAN 5' PRIVACY WALL AND TO LOCATE PORTION OF THE POOL AND COVERED PATIQ IN THE FRONT YARD OF THE PROPERTY IN ZONING CASE NO. 922 AT 0 POPPY TRAIL, (LOT 90-BA-RH), (�ERPA). A MI'TIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATTON {MND) FOR THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECT WAS ADOPTED ON OCTOBER 5, 2010 AND AMENDED ON FEBRUARY 11, 2021. AN ADDENDUM TO THE MND REFLECTING THE CURENTLY PROPOSED M�DIFICATION TO DISTURBANCE OF THE LOT HAS BEEN PREPARED PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) REQUTAEMENTS. THE PLANNING COMMZSSION DOES HERESY FIND, RESOLVE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. An application was duly filed by Mr. and Mrs. Serpa for construction of a new 4,859 square foot residence and 1,232 square foot garage, 1,000 square feet covered porches, a 560 square foot swimtning pool and spa, with addi�ional amenities such as a 54 square feet gatehouse and 22Q square foot outdoor covered kitchen; Conditional Use Permit for b88 square foot guesthouse and Variances to a�Iow for par�ial constxuction of the outdoor amenities in the front yard area, for a privacy wall tha� exceeds 5' in heighf anci to exceed the previous�y approved disturbance of the Iot. Grading of 2,72b cubic yards, which includes grading for a future stable and corral is also proposed. Section 2. On March 5 of 2005, a Iandslide occurred on praperty Iocated at 1 Poppy Trai1 Road and terminated just below the roadway easement for Poppy Trail Road. The landslide buried a portion of Poppy Trail Road, which was the sole mean� of ingress and egress for nine residential Iots. The dirt movement affected two adjacent lots. During the remediation process through several lot line adjus�hnents between the affected parcels, two lots were created 0 Poppy Trail and 1 Poppy Trail. Currently both lots are vacant; however 0 Poppy Trai1 is ready for development and is subject of his Resolu�ion. Following the landslide, the City of Rolling Hills and the Rolling Hzlls Community Association undertook various improvements and, between April and �ctober of 2010, detailed project plan5 were developed for remed'zation of the faited slope. In connection with the Landslide Remediation Project, the property owner Reso.2017-12 1 0 Poppy Trail. prepared an Initial Study and determined that, with the impleanentation af mitigation measures, no negative effect on the environment would result. Therefore, an M�TD was prepared and on October 4, 20�0, the City Council approved and adopted the MND. A first amendment to the MND was adopted by the Plaruung Commission on February 15, 2011 and reported fo the City Cauncil. In 2010 several discretionary approvals were granted in for the landslide remediation project, including a variance to dist�.rb 65% of the net Iot area of what is now Q Poppy Trail Road. Pursuant to an updated survey of 0 Poppy Tra.i1 Road, the �xisting disturbance is actually �8.95%. There i.s na additional disturbance planned for the proposed project at 0 Poppy Trail Road; any slight grading that wi11 be conducted in cannection with the proposed project at 0 Poppy Trai� Road consists of smoothing and evening out the existing building pad. Tn order fo approve the overage of the disturbance of the lot, an addendum to the �ViND and its addendum has been prepared. The overall purpose of this Second Addendum is to modify the minor technical discrepancy between the approved disturbance percentage (65%) and the actual disturbance percentage (78.95%} for 0 Poppy Trail. This change xs clerical and there£ore it will not cause new signi.ficant impacts not identified in the previously ce�tified MND or result in a substantial. increase in the severity of previously identified significant impacts related to the Landslide Remediation Project. Section 2. The P1aYULing Comxnission conducted duly noti.ced public hearings to consider the applica�ion at thez�r regular meeting on June 20, 2017,July 1$, 2Q17 and at a field trip on July 18, 2017. N�ighbors within 1,OQ0-foot radius were notified o£ the public hearings and a notice was published in the Penznsula News on Ju1y 6, 2017. The applicants ax�d their agents were notified of the public hearings in writing by first class mail and the applicants and agents wex�e in attendance at the hearings. Evidence was heard and presented from all persons interested in affecting said proposal and from members of the City staff and the Plannxng Commission having reviewed, analyzed and studied said proposal. The applicants' representatives were in attendance at the public hearings. �ne neighbor inquired about drainage on the property. Section 3. The property is zoned RAS-2 and t].ie gross lot area is 4.08 acres. For development p�rposes the net lof a7rea of fhe lot is 117,80Q square feet or 2.7 acres. The Iot contains a building pad, previously created as well as a driveway to fihe bui�ding pad. A portion of Poppy Trail :roadway easement traverses the Iot, as weli as an easement for a driveway leading to the lot to the southeast of 0 Poppy Trai1, {1 Poppy Trail), A small porkion of Georgeff Trail is also located on the lot. The area across Poppy Trai� (to the north-east of the road) has been designated as an easement fo the RHCA. That portion of the �ot includes access to the Hesse's Gap riding ring and has also been designated as ecologically sensitive area. Section 4. The Planning Commission finds that the development project is exempf from the California Environmental Quality Act, (CEQA) p�rsuant to Section 15303 (new construction of single family resider�ce and accessory structures), and Section 15061(b)(3} {common sense exemption) of the CEQA guidelines. Reso.2017-12 �, 0 Poppy Trail. Section 5. Section 17.46.030 requires a development plan to be submitted for Szte Plan Review and approval before any grading requixing a grading permit or.any new building or structure may be constructed. The new development requires a Site PIan Review. With respect to the Site Plan £or the deveiopment the Plar�ning Cammission makes the following findings of fact: A. The proposed development is compa�ib�e wi�t the General Plan, the Zoning Qrdinance and surrounding uses because the proposed structures comply with the General P1an requirement of low profile, Iow-density resxdential development with sufficient open space be�ween surrounding structures and maintaining sufficient setbacks to provide buffers between residential uses. The net lot area of the lot is over 2 acres and the lot is adjacent to other large lots along Poppy Trail. A building pad has been created as a result of grading for slope remediation and �he applicants will utilize that pad for �he constructi.on. An area for a fizture stable and corral was also previously approved for this �ot to be located in the front yard of the lot. None of the propased sixuctures are in setbacks. B. The project substantially preserves fihe natural and undeveloped state o£ the Zot by mulimizing building coverage. The topography and the configuration of �he lot have been considered, and it was dete�mined that the proposed developmenf w�ill not adversely affect or be materially detrin�ental to adjacent uses, buildings, or structures, because the proposed project will be constructed in its entirety on the existing building pad, will be the least intrusive to surrounding properties, will be screened and landscaped with trees and shrubs, is of sufficient distance from nearby residences so tha� it will not impact the vi�w or privacy of surrounding neighbors, and will allow the owners to enjoy their property without deleterious infringement on the rights of surrounding praperty owners. The propased project is located on an already developed building pad leavzng the steeper and more densely vegetated areas in their existing state and the drainage course will not be affected. C. The proposed development, as conditioned, is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, and is consistent wi�h the scale of the neighbox�hood when compared to new residences in the vicinity of said lot. The development plan takes into consideration the views from Portuguese Bend Road and the development wi1l be moved back from the Raad, so that views from the road will not be blocked. Sig�iificant portions of the lot will be left undeveloped. Tr►e project will be screened from the road and a11 neighbars, and the project in general will retain the existing slopes and vegetation and not affect the lower portion, that was designated as Ecologi.cally Significant Area. D. T'he development plan will introduce additional laxidscaping, which is compatible with and enhances the rural character of the community, and the landscaping will provide a buffer or transi�ion area between privafe and public areas. E. The proposed development is sensitive and not detrimental. to the convenience and safefy of circulation for pedestrians and vehicles because the new 15' Reso.2017-12 3 0 Poppy Trail. driveway, approved by the Fire Departrnent, will be safe to drive on as two cars can safely pass one another. There is ample parking in the garages and in the fiurn around area at the front of the house, outside of all setbacks, so all visitors paxking will be contained on site. F. The project is exempt from the requirements of tlie California Environrnental QuaZity Act pursuant to Section 15303. Section 6. Sec�ion 17.16.21Q (A)(5) of the Zorung Ordinance contains conditions for a guesthouse, subject to approval of a conditional use permit. The proposed guesthouse structure complies with the provisions of this section. With respect to thi.s request tor Conditional Use Permits, the Planning Commission finds as follows: A. Condi�ionally permitted uses are not outrxght pe�mitted by fhe Rolling Hills Municipal Code. The Commission must considex applicatzons for a Conditional Use Permit and may, with such conditions as are deemed necessary, approve a conditiorial �se which will not jeopardi�e, adverse�y affect, endanger or to otherwise constifiu�e a menace to the public heaTth, safe�y or general welfare or be materially detrimentai to the property of other pexsons Iocated in the vicinity of such use. B. The g7ranting of a Conditional Use Permit for the guest house would be consistent with the purposes and objectives of the Zoning Ordinance and General Plan because the use is consistent with similar uses in the community, and meets all the applicable code development standards for sueh use and it is located in an area on the property thaf is adequately sized to accommodate such use, and on an existing building pad. The praposed use is appropriately located in that zt will be sufficiently separated from nearby structures. The proposed guesthouse is a common amenity fo Rolling Hills. �. The nature, candiiior�, an� developmenf of adjacent strucfiures have been considered, and the project w�11 not adversely affect or be ma�erially detrimental to these adjacent uses, bu�ldings, or structures because the proposed use (guest house) is located af sufficient distance froan nearby residences so as to not impact the view or privacy of surrounding neighbors. As part o� the approval, a condition is irnposed that the guesthouse not be rented and not be Iocated within �0-feet of a driveway or a parking pad. D. The project zs harmonious in scale and mass with �ie site, the natural �errain, and surrounding residences because the proposed use complies with the low profile residential development pattern of the community and will not give the property an over-bui�t look. Sufficient areas of the lot will remain open and unobstructed. The Iot is over 2 acres net in size, but over 4 acres gross in size, and is sufficiently Iarge to accommoda�e the proposed use. Reso.2017-12 4 0 Poppy Trail. E. The proposed conditional use complies with all applicable development standards of the zone district and requixes Conditional Use Perrnits pursuant to Section 17.16.21Q(A)(5) of the Zoning Ordinance. F. The proposed conditional use i.s consistent with the portions o£ the Los Angeles County Hazardous Waste Management Plan relating to sifing criteria for hazardous waste facilities because the project site is not Iis�ed on the current Stafe of Califoz�ztia Hazardous iNaste and Substances Sites List. Secfiion 7. Sections 17.38.010 through 17.38.05Q of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code permit approval of a Variance from the standards and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance when exceptional or exiraordinary circumstances applicable to the property and not applicable to other simiiar properties in the same zone prevent the owner from making use of a parcel of property to the same extent enjoyed by similar properties in the same vianity. Variances £rom Section 17.16.07'0{B}, Section 17.12.250 "Y" and Section 17.16.T90(F) is required because it states that the lot disturbance shall be linuted �0 40% of the net lot area; that there shall be no structures within the front yard of a property and that the ma�mum permitted height of walls sha11 not exceed 5`. The applicant is requesttinng Variances because total d.i,sturbance will be 78.95% of the net lot area; a portion of the outdoor amenities will be located in�he front yard of the lot and an up to 6' high privacy wall is proposed along a patio of the residence. The approval of the variance for lot disturbance variance of With respect to this request £or Variances, the Plaruzing Commission finds as follows: A. There are exceptional and extraordinary aircumstances and condi�ions app�icable to the property or to the intended use that do not apply generally to the other property in the same zane because, unlike most other properties in this zone, there was a 1andslide on the property, which was remecliated but required greater than 40% of the lot to be disturbed, and 65% disturbance was approved prior to remediation. This calcula�ian dici not take into consideration the graded areas of the Io� which were not affected by the landslide and were therefore not remediated or the area of the Iot necessary to grade for a futu�re s�able and corral, which was also not affected by the lands�ide. Pursuant to an updated survey of 0 Poppy Trail Road, the existing disturbance xs ac�ually 78.9�%. There is no additiona� disturbance planned for the proposed pxoject at Q Poppy Trail Road; any slight grading that will be conducted in connection with the proposed project consists of smoothing and evening out the existing building pad. All of the areas of the lot where grading or remediation took place were reviewed by geotechnical, soils and civil engineer consultants priox to any grading being implemented, and is substantiated in the geotechnical reports that are on file at City HaII. The &�% r�ported in the ariginal project application for the landslide remediation was a numerical error. During remediation of the Iot, a building pad was developed towards the rear of the properky, on which the proposed construcfion will take pace. The minor amenities, a portion of which would be located in front ot the leading edge of the residence are appropriately spaced and located on the lot. Due to the limited size of the building pad axea, which may not be enlarged, those amenities are located in the most Iogical space Reso.20Z7-T2 5 0 Poppy Trail. on the pad. The privacy wall wilI not exceed 6' in height, (whereas 5' high maximum wall would be allowed wifhout a Variance} and is b' for a short distance to encompass a small pafiio adjacent to the master bathroom. With a residence located on an adjacent Iot above the subject building pad for the new residence, it is feasible that wathout the 6' privacy wall, the master bathroom would be visible from the lot above. B. The Variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicixuty and zone, but which would be denied to the property in question. The landslide has resulted in the need to remediate and stabilize the lot, which caused greater than allowed disturbance of the Iof. T'he property owner is not proposing to grade additional area of the lot, except that slight grading will be required if in fhe #uture a stable and corral were to be proposed. The dirt movement for the curren�ly proposed development entails smoothing out the existin� previously graded pad to leve� it off and get it ready for construction. The proposed amenities arid wall are a very minor element of fihe project and are app:ropriately located. C. The granting of the Variance would not be materially detr�mental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinifiy and zone in which the property is located. T'he proposed development proposes to utilize the previously approved grading for slope stability, which augmented and corrected a landslide condition. The proposed development will not affect the previously approved grading and disturbance for slope stability dxainage, and buttressing o£the slopes. The proposed ameni�ies and wall will not be detrunental., as they are a very small port'tan of the development and Iocated on an existing building pad, where no other grading or disturbance will be undertaken. D. In granting the variance, the spirit and intent of �he Zonzng Code will be observed, and the variance does not grant special privilege to the app�icant because the remediation of Iandslides improved the safety and beauty of the land; but exceeded the maximum permitted disturbance. The addi�ional disturbance is a minor techni.cal discrepancy between the approved distu.rbance percentage (65%} and the actual disturbance percentage (78.95%). This change is clerical and therefore it does not cause new significant impacts or grant special privilege to the applicant. The additional previously non-reported distzzrbance does not affect the area of previous remediation and stability of the remediated slopes. The outdoor ameni.ties and the privacy wall are common amenities enjoyed by many properties in the City. F. The variance is consistent with the portions of the County of Los Angeles Hazardous Waste Management Plan relating to siting and siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities because there are no hazardous waste facilities at issue in this case. G. The variance request i� consistent wi�h the General P1an. The proposed project, together with the variances, will be compatible with fihe objectives, policies, general land uses, and programs specified in the General Plan. Section S. Based upon the foregoing findings, the Planning Cominission hereby approves Zoning Case No. 922 request for a Site Plan Review for minor grading (2,72b cubic yards, which includes grading of the set aside area for a £uture stable and corral) and construction of a new 4,859 square #oot residence and 1,232 square foot Reso.2017-12 (, 0 Poppy Trail. garage, covered porches, a 560 square foot swimming pool and spa, with additional amenities such as a gatehouse and outdoor covered kitchen; a Conditiona� Use Permit for b88 square foot guest house and Variances to allow for partial construction in the front yard area, for a privacy wall that exceeds a' in height and to exceed the previously approved disturbance of the lot and a secand Addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration, to replace the previous variance far lot disturbance of 65% to a variance of 78.95% Iot disturbance. A. The Site Plan, Variances, and Conditional Use Pexmit approval shall expire withul two years from the effecti.ve date of approval if construction pursuant to thzs approval has not commenced within that time period, as requi�ed by Sections 17.4b.080, 17.42.070 and 37.38.07Q of the Rolling Hills Municipa7 Code, or the appr�val gran�ed is otherwise ex�ended puxsuant to the requirements o€�hose sections. B. If any condition of this resolution is violated, the enfiitlement granted by this resolution shall be suspended and the privileges granted hereunder sha111apse and upon receipt of written notice from �he City, aIl coxtistruction work being performed on the subject property sha11 immediately cease, other than work determined by the City Manager or his/her designee required to cure the violation. The suspex�sion and stop work ordex�will be Iifted once the Applicant cures the violation to the satisfaction of the City Manager or his/her designee. In the event that the Applicant disputes the City Manager or his/her deszgnee's determination that a viola�ion exists or disputes how the violation must be cured, fhe Applicant may request a hearing before the City Council. The hearing sha11 be scheduled at the next regular meeting of the City Council for which the agenda has not yet been pasted; the Applicant shall be provided written notice of the hearing. The sfop work order shall remain in effect during the pendency of the hearing. The City Council shall x�ake a determinatian as to whe�her a violation of this Resolution has occurred. If the Council determines that a vio�a�ion has not occurred or has been cured by the �ime of the hearing, the Council will Iift the �u�pension and the stop work order. If the Cauncxl det�rmi��s that a violatian has occurred and has not yet been cured, the Counczl shall provide the Applicant with a deadline to cure the violat�on; no construction work sha11 be performed on the property until and unless �he violation is cured by the deadl3ne, other than work designated by the Council to accomplish the cure. If the violat�on is not cured by the deadline, fhe Council may exther extend �lie deadline at the Applicant's request or schedule a hearing for the revocation of the entitlements granted by this Aeso�ution pursuant to Chapter 17.58 af the IZolling Hi11s Municipal Code (RHMC}. C. All requirements of the Building and Construction Ordinance, the Zoning �rdinance, and of the zone in which the subject property is �ocated must be complxed with unless otherwise set forth in the Permit, or shown otherwise on an approved plan. � D. Prior to submittal of final working drawings to Building and Safety Department for issuance �of building permits, the plans for tlte proJect shall be submitted to City staff for verification that the final plans are in compliance with the plans approved by the City Council. Reso.2QZ7-12 � 0 Poppy Trail. E. The iot shall be developed and maintained in substantial conformance wi�i the site p1an on file dated�une 14, 2017 except as otherwise provided in these conditions. All conditions of the Site Plan Review, Variances and Condi�ional Use Permit approvals shall be incorporated into �he building permit working drawings, and where applicable complied with prior to issuance of a grading or building permit from the building department. The conditions of approval of this Resolution shall be printed onto building plans submitted to tlie Building Deparfinent fox�review and shall be kept on site at all times. Any modifications and/or changes to the approved project, including resulting from field conditions, shali be discussed and approved by staff prior to implementing the changes. F. A licensed professional preparing constr�ction plans for this project for Building Department review shall execute a Certificate af£irnv.ng that the plans conform in all respects to this Resolution app:roving this project and all of the conditions set forth therein and the City's Building Code and Zoning Ordinance. Further, the person obtaining a building and/or grading permit for this pxoject shall execute a Ce�ificate of Construction stating that the project wi11 be construcfed according to this Resalutian and any plans approved therewith. G. Structural nef Iot coverage of the Iot shall not exceed 9,1b9 square feet (with excluszons} or 7.8% and the total net lot coverage, including structures and flat�work, shall be 23,079 square feet (with exclusions) or 19.6% in con£ormance with lot coverage limitations, and with the permitted allowances. H. The dis�urbed area of the lot, including the set aside area fox the stable and corral and includir�g fihe p�eviously remediated and stabi�ized area of the Iot shall no� exceed 78.9°�. Grading for this project sha11 be 2,166 cubic yards, tofal, to even out and compact the existi.ng building pad, and is to be balanced on site. Grading for the future stable and corral, if developed, wi]I entai1560 cubic yards of dix°t. I. The residenfiai building pad exists at 26,615 square feet and sliall not exceed structural coverage of$,11Q square feet or 30.5% with allowed deductions. J. A driveway and a turn-around shall be provided per the Fire Department requirements; the apron of the driveway shall be roughened and the first 20 feet of the driveway shall not exceed 7% in slope. K. A mini�ium of five-foot level path and/or walkway,which does not have�o be paved, shall be provided around the entire perimete� of a11 of the proposed structures, or as otherwise required by the Fire Depart�nent. Reso.2017-22 g 0 Poppy Trail. L. The guesthouse shall not exceed 6$8 square feefi. All provisions o# Section 17.16.210(A)(5)(c) of the zoning ordinance, including but not be Iimited sha11 be complied with; such as: only one sanitary facility consisting ot a shower, sink, and a toilet and a kitchenette is permitted in the guesthouse; there shall be no parking area within 50-feet of the guesthouse; no renting of the guest house is pernzitted. M. The property on which the project is located shall contain a set aside axea to provide an area meeting aII standards for a stable and corral with adequate access. The stable and corral set aside area may not be graded, unless an application is filed witlt �he City for construction of a stable. However, that area may be used for construction staging during the site development. Upon completion of the construction, all construction materials and equipment, debri.s and other material shall be rernoved from the site and the set aside area restored �o its pre-staging condition. The applicant shall provide before and after pictures of the area planned for staging. N. The conditions of approval enumerated in Resolutian No. 20�.0-21, (Site Plan and Variances for remediation and sta.bilization of the lot), where applicable, shall be complied wi�li and shall include but not be limited to the following: a. The MSE (Mechanically Stabilized Earth) walls shall be landscaped and maintained in good condition at all times. b. The previously remediated slopes shall be maintained with suitable deep- roated ground cover and be in substantial compliance with the Iandscaping plans approved for the land stabilization and remediation in Zoning Case No. 791. c. The area of the lot, located across Poppy Trail, (westerly thereo� has been designated as Ecologically Sensitive Area and na con.struction, parking, staging, storage or any other activity shall take place in this area. O. If t-rees or shrubs are planted, �heir growth sha11 not obstruct views of neighborixtg properties but are to be planted to screen the home and accessory struchxres, and �hall b� maintained at a h�ight of th� ridgeline of th� structure it is infended to screen. If planted, trees and shrubs shall not result in a hedge like screen. The landscaping sha11 utilize to the maximum extent feasible, plants that are native to the area, are water-wise and are consistent with the rural character of the community. The landscaping sha.11 be subject to the requixements of the Cit�s Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, {Chapter 13.18 of the RHMC), for landscaping of 5,000 sq.ft. or more in area. Pursuant to Chapter 8.30 of the RHMC the properfy shall af aIl times be maintained free of dead trees and vegetation. P. The pool and pool equipment area shall be screened with Iandscaping. Sound attenuating equipment sha11 be installed to dampen the sound from the pool equipment area and the pool pump. The project sha11 ut-ilize the most quiet and technologically advanced equipment to dampen the sound. Per LA County Building Code, pool barrier/£encing shall be required. Reso.2017-12 9 0 Poppy Trail. If required by�e Building Of£icial a safety pool barrier shall be canstructed. Q. The applicant sha11 comply with aII requiremenis of the Lighting Ordinance of the City of Rolling Hills (RHMC 17.16.19Q E), pertaining to Iighting on said property; roofing requirements and material requirements for properties in the Very High Fzre Hazard Severity Zone. A copy of fhe Fire Department approvec-� Fuel Madification plan and certification shall be deposited with the City. R. All utility lines to a11 structures on the lot sha11 be placed underground, subject to aI1 applicable standards and requirements. S. Hydrolagy, �oils, geology and other repox�s, as required by the Building and Public Works Deparhnents, and as may be required by the Building Official, shall be prepared. T. Peri.meter easements, including roadway easemen#�s and trail easement, sha11 remain free and clear of any improvements including,but not be Iimited to fences- including construction fences, any hardscape, driveways, landscaping, irrigation and drainage devices, exc�pt as atherwise approved by the Rolling Hills Community Association. U. Mulimum of 65% of any constr�uction materials must be recycled or diverted from Iandfills. The hauler of the materials sha11 obtain City's Cons�ruc�ion and Dernolition permits for waste hauling priar to start of work and provide proper documenfation to the City. V. During construction, conformance with the air quality management district requi�rements, stormwater pollution prevention practices, county and local ordinances and engineering practices so that people or property are not exposed to undue vehicle tYips, noise, d�xst, ax�d objecti.onable ociors shall be required. W. During constructfon, to the extent feasible, all parking shall �ake place on the project site, but if necessary, any overflow parking may take place witllin the ��nimproved roadway easements alang adjacent streets, and shall not obstruct neighboring driveways, visibility at intersections or pedestrian and equestrian passage. During constructzon, to the maximum extent feasible, employees of the con�ractor shall car-pool into the City. To the extent feasible, a minimum of 4' wide path,from the edge of the roadway pavement, for pedestrian and equestrian passage shall be available and be clear of vehicles, construction materials and equipment at alI times. A flagmen shall be used to direct traffic when necessary, including during delivery of Iarge construction equipment ar materials. X. During constrtcction, the properiy owners sha11 be required to schedule and regulate construction and related traffic noise throughou�the day between the hours of 7 AM and b PM, Monday through Saturday only, when construction and mechanical Resa.207.7-12 10 0 Poppy Trail. equipmen� noise is permitted, so as not to interfere with the quiet residential environment of the Cxty of Rolling Hills. Y. The contractor shall not use tools that could produce a spark, including for clearing and grubbing, during red flag warning conditions. Weather canditions can be found at: htt • .wrh.noaa. ov c� main. h ?suite=safei�&page=hazard_defi�itian5#FIRE. It is the sale responsibility of the property owner and/or his/her contractor to monitor the red flag warning conditions. Should a red flag warning be declared and if work is to be conducted on the property, the contractor shall have readily available fire dist�inguisher. Z. The property ownexs shall be required to con�orm wi�h the Regional Water Quality Control Board and County Public Works Departinent Best Management Practices (BMP's} requirements related to solid waste, drainage, cisterns, and storm water drainage facilities management and to the City's Low Impact development Ordinance (LID), �f applicable. Further the property owners shall be required to conform to the County Hea�th Department requirements for a septic system. AA. Prior to finaling of the projecf an "as graded" and "as constructed" plans and certifications, inc�uding certificaiions o£ridgelines of the structures, shall be provided to the Plannulg Department and �he Building Deparhnent to ascertair�that the coxnpleted project is in campliance with the approved plans. In addition, any modi£ications made to the project during construction, shall be depic�ed on the "as builtJas graded" p1an. AB. The app�zcant shall execute an Affidavit of Acceptance of aIl conditions of thi.s permit pursuant to Zoning Ordinance, or the approval shall not be effective. The affidavit shall be recorded together with the resolution, I'A�SEB� B OPTEB THTiS 15th BAY OF AUGUST 2017. � �w ...�`� � � � F,CHAIRMAN y ATTEST: �- ;� �' � E HA�LL, INTERIM CITY CLERK Any action challenging the final decision of the City made as a result of the public hearing on fhis applica�ion must be filed within the time Iimit.� set foxth in Section 17.54.070 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code and Code of Civil Procedure Sec�ion 1094.6. Reso.2017-12 11 0 Poppy Trail. STATE OF CALIFORIVIA ) COUNT'Y QF LOS ANGELES ) �� CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ) I certify that the foregoiutg Resolu�ion No..2017-12 entitled: A RESOLUTTON OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF R4LLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW FQR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RESIDENCE WITH GARAGE, AND ACCESSORY AMENITIES; A C�NDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A GUEST HOUSE AND VARIANCES TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED DISTURBANCE THAN PREVIOUSLY APPROVED FOR THE LOT, FOR HIGHER THAN 5' PRIVACY WALL AND TO LOCATE PORT�ON OF THE POOL AND COVERED PATIQ YN TI-� FRONT YARD OF THE PROPERTY IN ZONING CASE N�. 922 AT 0 POPPY TItAIL, {LOT 90-BA-RH}, (SERPA). A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATTON (MND) FOA THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECT WAS ADOPTED ON OCTOBER 5, 20�0 AND AMENDED ON FEBRUARY 13, 2011. AN ADDENDUM TO THE MND REFLECTIl�TG THE CURENTLY PROPOSED MODIFICATION T4 DISTURBANCE OF THE L4T HAS BEEN PREPARED PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNTA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) R EQUIREMENTS. was approved and adopted at regular meeting of the P�annang Cornxnission on August 15,2017 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Cardenas, Cooley and Chair Chel£. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Kirkpatrick and Seaburn. ABSTAIN: None. and in�ompliance with the laws of California was posted at the following: Administrative Offices ..� � - TTE HALL,INTERIM C�TY CLERK Reso.2017-�2 12 0 Poppy Trail.