2017-13 RESOLUTION�TO. 2017-13 A RESOLUTTQN OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION QF THE C�TY OF ROLLII�TG HILLS APPROVING A REQUEST FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONS IN FOUR DIFFERENT AREAS QF THF. STRLJCTURE TOTALING 917 SQUARE FEET, A 20Q S�UAR� FQOT TRELLIS, TWO TERRACES, AND RELATED IMPROVEMENTS IN ZONING CASE NO. 924 AT 7 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD, LOT 41-RH, (MARTIN). THE PLANNING COMNIISSION DOES HEREBY FIND, RESQLVE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Sectian 1. An application was duly filed by Ken Martin with respect to real property located at 7 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hi11s (Lot 41-RH} reque�ting a Site Plan Review for the construction of residential additions along four areas of the e�sting residence totaling 917 sqnare fee�, a 410 square faot terrace in the front of the residence bordered by a less #11an 3 fao# rubble wall, a 504 square foot tertace in the rear o£the residence bordered by a less than three faot rubble walI and a 200 square faot trellis over a portion of the rear terrace. Sec�ion 2. The applicant also requests the "restricted development" designation on the property be removed. Section 3. The Pla�uling Commission conducted duly noticed public hearings held an July 18, 2017, in the field, and continued the meeting to the evening meeting of ruly 1 S, 20I7. During the field trip public hearing, the Cornmission directed sta�ff to pxepare a Resolutian of approval to be considered by the P�anning Commis�ion at their August 15, 2Q 17 regularly scheduled meetirig. Howe�ver, for lack of a quorusn for this case at the August 15, 2017 meeting, a special meeting was called and the public hearing was changed from August 15, 2017 to August 8, 2017. Neighbors �w�ithin 1,000-foot radius were notified of the public hearings and a notice was publxshed in the Peninsula News on July 7, 2017 and in the Daily Breeze on �uly 28, 2017. The appZicants and their agents were notified of the public hearings in writing by first class ma%Z and the applicants and agents were in attendance at the hearings evidence was heard and presented from all person interested i�n affec�ian.g said proposal, and from members of the City staff. Section 4. The Planniiig Commission finds that the project is exempt from the California Environmental QuaJity Act, {CEQA)pursuant.to C�ass 1, Section 15301(3) of the CEQA guidelines. Section 5. Site Plan Review. Due to the "restricted development" designation of the pxoperty imposed by Resolution No. 97-24 in Zoniz�g Case No. 563 and Resolution No. 2000-07 on Zoning Case No. 6Z2, where large additions and a Variance were proposed, Site P1an R�view and approval is required be�ore any improvements can be made to the praperty. With respect to tl�e Plat� submitted far t��e deve�opm�nt, tl�e Planning Cornmission hereby approves the request for Site P�an Review in Zoning Case No. 924 to buiid the proposed project arid makes the following findings: A. The proposed development is compatible with the General Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and surrounding uses because the proposed structures comp�y with the General Plan requirement of Zow profile, low-density residential development with sufficient open space between suxtounding structures and maintaining sufficient setbacks ta provide buffars between residential uses. The net lot area of the Resolution No. 2017-13 '1 Portuguese Bend Road -1- property is 0.75 acres which is just below the requirements af the RAS-1 zone. None of the proposed new structures are in setbacks beyond the allowable proposed flatwork and rubble wall. The project conforms to Zoning Code lot caverage requirements. The net lot area of the prope:rty is 32,800 square feet. The structnral net lot coverage is proposed at 5,407 squaze feet ar 16.5%, which includes a11 of the structures, v�rith �l�awance for pern�tted deductions, (2Q% max. perrni�ted); and the total lot coverage pro�osed, including the drivewaq would be 9,807 sguare feet ar 29.9%, (35% max. permitted). The disturbed area of the lot is proposed to be 33.8% which is below the 40% maximum distuurbance. B. The project substantia.11y preserves the natuxal and undeveloped state of the lot by minimizing building coverage. The conf guration of the lot has been considered, and it was determined that the proposed development wili not adversely affect or be materially detr�irnental to adjacent uses, buildings, or structures, because the proposed location of structures on the lot are consistent with surrounding development, and are of s�x�£icient distance frorn neat�by residences so that it will nat impact the view or privacy of surrounding ne�ghbors, and will allow the owners to enjo�+ their property without deleterious infringement on the rights of surrounding praperty owners. The praject has a designated set aside area fox a stable and corral and thereby promotes equestrian uses, therefore, furtheri.ng the City's goal to rernain an equestrian comrnunity. C. The proposed development, is harmanious in scale and mass with the sate, and is consistent with the scale af the neighborhood when compared to new residences in �he vicinity of said Iot. The development plan takes into consideration the visibility from aIl roadway easements with the largest rasidential a.cldition being located in the least visible portion of the property. D. If landscaping is introduced , it must be compatible with and enhance the rural character of the community, and the landscaping shauld proviae a buffer or transition area between private and public areas. E. �'he propased development is sensitive and not detrimental to the convenience and safeiy of circulation for pedestrians and vehicles because there will be no change to the two existing driveway aprons. Ther�is am�Ie paricing in the garage and there is paxicing for guests on site. Section 6. Based upon the foregoing findings, and the evidence in the record, the Planning Commission herehy approves Zoning Case Na. 924 request for the construction of residential additions in faur areas of the residence totaling 917 sc�uare feet, a 4�0 square foot terrace in the front of the residence bordered by a less than 3 foot rubhle wall, a 500 square foot terrace in the rear of the residence bordered by a less than three foot rubble wall, and a 200 square foot trellis over a portian of the rear terrace ana amends Reso�ution No. 97-24 in Zoning Case No. S63 and Resolution No. 2040-07 in Zoning Case No. 612 to remove the restricted development condition, subject to the following cond'ations: A. The Site Plan Review approval shall expire within two years from the effective date of approval as defined in Sections 17.46.480 unless otherwise extended pursuant ta the requirernents of these sections. B. If any condition o�this resalution is violated, the entitlement granted by this resolution shall be suspended and t�ie privileges granted hereunder shall lapse and upon receipt of written notice from the City, a.Zl conshuction work i�eing performed on the subject property shall immediately cease, Resolufion Na. 2017-13 7 Portuguese Bend Road -2- other than work determined by the City Managex or his/her designee xequiared to cure the violation. The suspension and stop work order will be lifted once the Applicant cures the violation to the satisfaction of the City Manager or his�er desi�ee. In the event that the Applicant disputes the City Manager or his/her designee's defermination that a violation exists or disputes how the violation must be cured, the Applicant may request a hearing before the City Council. The hearing�sha�l be scheduled at the next regular�±ee#�ng of the City Colzncil for�1_zich the agenda 1�as not yet been posted; the 4pplicant shall be provided written notice of the hearing. The stop r�ork order shall rema.in in effect during the pendency of the hearing. The City Council shall make a determxna�zon as ta whetl�.er a violation of this Resolution has acctured. If the City Cow�cil determines that a violation has not occurred or has been cured by the time of the hearing, the City Council will lift the suspension and the stop work order. If the City Cauncil determines that a violation has occurred and has not yet been cured, the City Cauncil shall pravide the Applicant with a deadiine to cure the violation; no construction work shall be performed on the property until and�xnless the violation is cured by the deadline, other than work designated by the City Council ta accomplish the cure If the violation is not cured by the deadline, the City Council may either extend the aeadline a� the Applicant's request or schedule a hearing for the r�vocation of the entitlements granted by this Resolution pursuant to Cha.pter 17.58 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code (RHMC}. C. All requirements of the Building and Construction Ordinance, the Zoning Orclinance, and of the zone xn which the subject property is located must be complied with unless otherwise se# forth in this pernut, or shown otherwise on an approved plan. D. The lot sha11 be deve�oped and ma:intained in substantial conformar�ce with the site plan on f le received on July 10, 2017 except as otherwise provided in these conditions. The working dxawxngs submuitted�o the Department of Building and Safety for plan check review sha11 conform to the approved development pZan. Al� conditions of the Site Plan Review approvai shall be incorporated into the building pernut working drawings, and where ap�lxcabXe complied with prior to issuance of a grading or building permit from the building department. The conditions of approval of this Resolution shall be printed onto building plans submitted to the Building Department for review and shall be kept on site at all times. Any modificatians and/or changes to the approved project, including resulting from field canditions, shall be discussed and approved by staff prior to implementing t�e changes. E. Prior to submittal of final working drawings to Building and Safety Department for issuance of building permits, the plans for the project shall be submitted to City staff fox verification that the final plans are in compliance with the plans approved by the Planning Commission. �. A licensed professional preparing construction plans for this project for Bwilding Department review sha11 execute a Certificate affirming that the plans conform in all respects to tlus Resolufion appraving thi�project and all of the conditions set forth therein and the City's Building Cade and Zoning Ordinance. Further, the person obtaining a building andlor grading pernut for this proj�ct shall execute a Certificate of Construction stating that the project will be constructed according to this Resolution and any plans approved therewith. Resolution No. 2017-13 7 Portuguese Bend Raad -3- G. Structural Iot coverage of the lot shall not exceed 5,407 square feet (with deductions) or 16.5%of the net lot area, in cor�ormance with lot coverage limitations (20%ma��imum). The total lot coverage proposed, including structures and flatwork, sha11 not exceed 9,807 (with deductions) or 29.9%, of the net 1ot area, in confoxmance with Iot coverage limita.tions {35% max). H. 1VTo grading shall take place for the proposed project. The disturbed area of the lot, including the approved stable and corral set aside shall not exceed 33.8%. L Any restricted development designa�ion or requirement to undergo 5ite Plan Review for reasons other than Site Plan Review as it is requixed in RHMC �ection 17.46. is hereby removed. J. The property on which the project is located shall contain a set aside area to provide an area meeting all standards for a stable and corral with adequate horse access. K. A minimum of five-foot le�el path andlor walkway, which does not have to be paved, shall be provided around the entire perimeter o� all s�'uctures, or as otl�erwise required by the Fire Departrnent. L. The applicant shall comply with all req�irements of th.e Lighting Ordinance of the City of Rolling Hills (RHMC 17.16.190 E), pertaining to lighting on said property, roofing and material requirement,s o�properkies in the Vezy High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. M. All utility lines to the residence an� garage aha11 be placed underground, subject to all applicable standa.rds and xequirements. N. A drai.nage plan, if required by the Building Depa�tment, shall �e prepared and approved by City Staff prior to issuance of a construc�ion permit. Such plan sha11 be subject to LA County Code requirements. O. If applicanle, the new Iandscaping shali be subject to the requirements of the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, {Chapter 13.18of the RHMC). P. The setback lines and roadway easement lines in tlie vicin�ity of the construction for this project shall remain marked throughout th�construction. A construction fence may be required. � Q. Perimeter easements, including roadway easements and trails, i�any, sha11 remain free and clear of any im�rovements including, but not be limited to fences-including construction fences, any hardscape, driveways, landscaping, irrigation and drainage devices, except as o#herwise approved by the Rolling Hills Commun�ty As�ocia�ion. R. Minimum of 65% of any construction materials must be recycled or diverted from landfills. The hauler of the materials shall obtain City's Construction and Demolition permits for waste ha.uling priar to start of work a.nd provide proper dacumenta.tion to the City. S. During constructaon, conformance with the air quality rrianagemenf district requirements, stormwater pollution prevention practices, county and local ordinances and engineering practices so that Resolution No. 2017-13 7 Porluguese Bend Road -4- people or property are nat exposed to undue vehicle tnips, noise, dust, and objectionable odors shall be required. T. Durang construction, all parking shall take place on the project site, and if necessary, any overflow parking may take place within the unimproved xoadway easements adjacent to the praject site only, and shall not abstruct neighboring driveways �s much as feasible. During constz�uction, to the ma.z�imum extent feasible, employees o�the contractor shall car-pool into the City. To the maximum ez�tent possible, a minimum of 4' wide path, from the edge of the roadway pavement, for pedestrian and equestrian passage shall be available and be clear of vehicles, construction materials and equipment at all times. U. During constr�uction, the property owners sha11 be required to schedule and regula�e construction and related traffic noise throughout the day between the hours of 7 AM and 6 PM, Monday through Saturday only, when construction and mechanical equipment noise is permitted, so as not to interfere with the qu�iet residential environment of the City of Rolling Hills. V. The contractor shall nat use tools that could produce a spark, including for clearing and grubbing, during red flag warnang conditions. Weather conditions can be �ound ato bt��t� r.wrh.r�a��.�avdlo�l��in.1p��:��ui�����tf�t���p�.����t�z�rd_defi�.it��o�s#FI e It is the sole responsibility of the property owner and/or his/her contractor to monitor the red flag warning conditions. Should a red flag warnuig be declared and if work is to be conducted on the property, the contractor sha11 have readily available fire distinguisher. W. The property owners shall be rec�uired to conform with the ltegional Water Quality Control Board and County Public Works Department Best Management Practices (BMP's}requirements related to soZid waste, draanage and storm water drainage facilities management. �urther the property owners shall be required to confo�n to the County Health Department requirements for a septic system, if a new sepfiic system is required. ' X. Prior to finaling of the project an "as constructed" set af plans and certificataans, including certifications of z�dgelines of the structures, shall be provided ta�he Planning Departrnent and the Building Department to ascertain that the complefed project is in compliance with the approved plans. In addition, any rnodifcations made to the project during construction, sha.I� be depicted on th� "as built"plan. Y. The applicant sha11 execute an A�fidavit of Acceptance of all conditxons of this permit pursuant to Zoning Ordinance, or the approval sha11 not be effective. The affidavit s1�all be record�d together with the resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 8th DAY OF AUGUS 17. CHE F CHAIRMAN ATTEST: TTE HALL, INTERIM CITY CLERK Resolution No. 2017-13 7 Portuguese Bend Road -5- Any action challenging the f�nal decision of the City made as a resulfi of the public hearing on this application must be filed within the time lirnits set forth in Section 17.54.070 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code and Code of Civil Procedure Sectian 1094.6. Resolution No. 2017-13 7 Portuguese Bend Road -6- STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) §§ CITY OF ROLLIlVG HILLS ) I certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2017-13 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF TI� CITY OF ROLLING HILLS APPROVING A REQUEST FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR CONSTRUCTI�N OF RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONS TN F{�UR DIFFERENT AREAS OF THE STRUCTURE TOTALING 917 SQUARE FEET, A 200 SQUARE FOOT TRELLTS, TWO TERRACES, AND RELATED IMPROVEMENTS IN ZONING CASE NO. 924 AT 7 PORTUGUESE BEND ROAD, LOT 41-RH, (MART�. was approved and adopted at a special meeting of the Planning Commission on Augus� 8, 2017, by tl�e following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Cooley,Kirkpatrick, Seaburn and Chair Chel£ NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Cardenas. ABSTAIN: None. and in compliance with the laws of Ca�ifornia was posted at the following: Adzninistrative Offices. r TTE HALL INTERIM CITY CLERK Resolution No. 20 i 7-13 7 Portuguese Bend Road -7-