2017-16 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS APPROVING A REQUEST FOR A SITE PLAN REV�W AND CONDYTIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL GARAGE .ADDITION AND NEW STABLE AND CORRAL IN ZONING CASE N�. 931 AT 7 MIDDLERIDGE LANE SQUT'H, LOT 249-A-UR, {MCCARTHY/CHENG). THE PLANNING COMMCSSION DOES HEREBY FIND,RESOLVE AND ORDER AS k'�LLOWS: Section l. An application was duIy filed by K�mberly McCarthy and Benjamin Cheng with respect to real pmperty located at 7 Middleridge Lane South,Rolling Hills (Lot 249-A-UR) requesting a Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit for the construction of a residential garage addition of 475 square feet ar;d a new 1,608 square foot, two-story stable (including a 688 square faot loft)with 520 square feet of covered porches and a 2,875 squaze foot corral. Section 2. The Planning Commissian conducted duly noticed public hearings heId on August 15,2017. The Planning Commissian viewed the project in the f eld, opened the hearing to enable brief public testimony and continued tl�e meeting ta�he evening meeting of the Planning Corrimission. At the August 15, 2017 evening meeting,the Planning Commissian providec�direction to staff to prepare a resolution of approval far the praposed projec�. NEighbors within 1,OQ0-foot radius were notitied of the public hearings and a no#ice was published in the Peninsula News on August 4, 2017. The applxcants and their agents were notified of the public hearings in writing by first class mail and the applicants and agents were in attendance at the hearings evidence was heard and presented from all person interested in affecting said proposal, and from mernbers of the City staff. Section 3. The property is zoned RAS-2 and the gross tot area is 3.48 acres (excluding the roadway easement). The net lot area is 3.4 acres or 14$,104 square feet. The exishng property is current�y developed with a 4,095 square �ODt resxdence (including the approved adciition) with an existing 472 square foot garage, and an existing 336 square foot stable. There is also an existing swimming paol an the property which will be partially filled in with the remaining portian of existing pool excavation being used far a n�wly approved pool. (The newly approved pool enables 1ap 5W1I171I]lllg}. Section 4. The Planning Co�nmission fmds that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, {CEQA) pursuant ta Class 3, Section 15343 {a) and (3) of the CEQA guidelines. Section 5. Site Plan Review. With respect to the Plans submitted for the development, the Planning Commission hereby appraves the request �or Site P�an Review in Zoning Case No. 931 to build the proposed praject and makes the follawing findings: A. The proposed develo}�ment is compatible with the General Plan, the Zaning Ordinance and surrounding uses because the proposed structures comply with the General Plan requirement of�ow profile, low-density residential development with sufficient open space between surrounding structures and maintaining sufficient setbacks to provide buffers between residential uses. The net lot area of the property is 3.�4 acres which is within the requirements of the RAS-2 zone. Nane of the proposed new structures are in setbacks. Resolution No. 2017-16 7 Middleridge Lane South -1- The project conforms to Zoning Code lot coverage requirements. The net Io� area of the pro�erty is 148,104 square feet. The structural net lot cov�rage is praposed at fi.5%, which includes a.11 of the s�ructures, with allowance for permitted deductions, (20% max. peranitted); and the total lot caverage proposed, including the driveway woul.d be 20.6%, (35% max. permitted). The disturbed area of the lot is propased to be 20.8%which is below ttxe 40% maximurn disturbance. B. The project substantially preserves the natural and undeveloped state ot the lot by minimizing building coverage. The configuration of the lot has been considered, and it was determined that the proposed development will not adversely affect or be rnaterially detrimental to adjacent uses, buildings, or structures, because the proposed location of structures on the lot are consistent with surrounding development, and are of sufficient distance from nearby residences so that it will not impac� the view or privacy of surrounding neighbors, and will allow the owners to enjoy their property without deleterzous infringement on the rights of surrounding pro�eriy owners. The project proposed to construct a new stable and comal and thereby promotes equestrian uses, furthering the City's goal to remain an equestrian community. C. The proposed development, is hazmoniaus in scale and mass with the site, and is cansistent with the scale of the neighborhood when compared to new residences in the vicinity of said lot. The development plan takes into consideration the visibility from all roadway easements with the garage addition being located in one of the least visible portions of the property. D. If landscaping is introduced , it must be compatible with and enhance the rural character of the community, and the landscaping should provide a buffer or transition area between private and public areas. E. The proposed development is sensitive and not detrirnental to the convenience and safety o� circulation for pedestrians and �ehicles because there will be no change to the existing driveway apron. There is ample parking in the garage and there is parking for guests on site. Section 6. Conditional Use Permit. Sections 17.].8.060 and 17.18.090 of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code permit approval of a stable over 200 square feet arid corral over 554 square feet with a Condi�ional Use Permit. The proposed 1,608 square foot stab�e and 2,875 square foot carral comply with all requirements of these sections. With respect to this request for a Conditianal Use Permit, the Planning Commission finds as follows: A. Conditionally permitted uses are not outright permitted by the Rolling Hills Municipal Code. The Planning Commission must consider applications for a Conditianal Use Permit and may,with such conditions as are deemed necessary, approve a conditional use which will not jeopardize, adversely affect, endanger or to otherwise constitute a menace to the�ublic health, safety or general welfare or be rnaterially detrimental to the property of other persons located in the vicinity of such use. B. The granting of a Conditional Use Permit for the stable and corral would be consistent with the purpases and abjectives of the Zoning Ordinance and General Plan because the use is consistent with similar uses in the community, and meets all the applicabie code development standards for such uses, and they are located in the areas on the property that are adequa.tely sized to accommodate such uses. The proposed uses are appropriately located in that they will be sufficiently separated from nearby structures used for habita,tion or conta,ining sleeping quaa-ters. T'he stable/carral will be conshucted in furtherance of the General Plan goal of promoting and encouraging equestrian uses. Resolution No. 2017-16 7 Middlez7idge Lane South -2- t C. The nature, condition, and development of adjacent structures have been considered, and the project will not adversely affect or be materially detri�ental to these adjacent uses, buildings, or structures because the praposed stable/corral use is located mostly in the midd�e of a 3.4 acre lot and the general lacation is of sufficient distance from nearby residences so as to not impact the view or privacy of surrounding neighbors. The praposed stable is to be located adjacent to the corral and access roughened for equestrian uses that runs from the stable to the road is separate from the other outdoor living areas on the property. � D. The project is harmonious in scale and rnass with the site, the �atuxal terrain, and surrounding residences because the proposed uses comply with t�e low profile residential deveIopment pattern of the community and wi11 not give the property an aver-built 1ook, and areas will remain open and unabstructed. The lot is 3.� acres net in size and is sufficiently large to accommodate the proposed uses. The stable will be compatible with the uses in the surrour�ding area because Rolling Hills is an equestrian community and stables are enc��xraged. The sta.ble will look like a sta.ble and witl� tl�e corral will promote open space on the pad. E. The proposed conditional use complies with a11 applicable development standards of#he zone district and requires Conditional Use Permits pursuant to Sections 17.18.060 and 17.I8.090 of the Zoning Ordinance. F. The proposed conditional uses are consistent wi�h the porkions of the Los Angeles County Hazardous Waste Management Plan relating to siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities because the project site is not listed on the current State of California Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List. Section 7. Based upon the foregoing findings, and the evidence in the record, the Planning Cornrnission hereby approves Zoning Case No. 931 request for the construction of garage addition of 475 square feet and a new stable and corral, subject to the following conditions: A. The Site Plan Review and Condidor�al Use Pex�mit approval shall expire within two years from flie effec�ive date of approval as defined in Sections 17.46.0$0 and 17.41.070 unless otherwise extended pursuant to the requirements of these sections. B. If any condition of this resolution is violated, the entit�ennent granted by this resolu�ion shall be suspended and the privileges granted hereunder shail lapse and upon receipt of written notice from the City, all construction work being performed on the subject property shall :Emmediately cease, other than work determined by the City Manager or his/her designee required to cure the violation. The suspension and stop work order will be lifted ance the Applicant cures the violation to the satisfaction of the City Manager or his/her designee. In the event that the Applicant disputes the City Manager or his/her desxgnee's determination that a violatian exists or disputes how the violation must be cured, th� Applicant may request a hearing before the City Council. The heari�ng shall be scheduled at the next regular meeting of the City Council for which the agenda has nat yet been posted; the Applicant shaJ,l be provided written notice of the hearing. The stop work order shall remain in effect during the pendency of the hea�ing. The City Council shall make a determination as to whether a violation of this Resolution has occurred. If the City Council determines that a violatian has not occurred or has been cured by the time of the hearing, the City Council will lift the suspension and the stop work order. If the City Council determines that a violation has occurred and ha.s not yet been cured, the City Cauncil shail provide the Applicant with a deadline to cure the violation; no construction work shall be performed on the pmperty Resolution No. 2017-16 7 Middleridge Lane South -3- until and unless the violation is cured by the deadline, other than work designated by the City Council to accomplish the cure If the violation is not cured by the deadline, fhe City Council may either extend#he deadline at the �.pplicant's request ar schedule a hearing far the revocation vf the erititlements granted by this Resolution pursuant to Chapter 17.5$ of the Rolling Hills Municipal Code (RHMC). C. All requirements of the Building and Construction Ordinance, the Zoning Ordinance, and of the zone in which the subject property is located must be complied with unless otherwise set forth in this permit, or shown otherwise on an approved plan. Construction fenc�ing rnay be required. D. The lot shall be developed and maintained in subs�antial conformance with the site plan on file received on July 2fi, 2U17 except as otherwise pravided in these conditions. The working drawings subrnitted to the Department of Building and Safety for plan check review shall conform to the approved development pIan. All conditions of the Site Plan Review approval shall be incorporated into the building permit working drawings, and where applicable complied with �riar to issuance of a grading or building permit from the building department. The conditions of appxoval of this Resolution shall be printed onto building plans submitted to the Building Department for review and shall be kept on site at all times. Any modifications and/or changes to the approved praject, includ.ing resulting from field conditions, shall be discussed and approved by staff prior to implementing the changes. E. Prior to submittal of final working drawings to Building and Safety Department for issuance of building permits,the plans for the project shall be submitted to City staff for verificatian that the final plans are in compliance with the plans approved by the Planning Commission. F. A licensed prof�ssional preparing construction plans for this project for Building Department review shall execute a Certificate affirming that the plans con�orm in all respects to this Resolution approving�iis project and all of the conditions set forth therein and the City's Building Code and Zoning �rdinance. Further, �e person obtaining a building andlor grading permit for this project shall execute a Certificate of Construction stating that the project wi11 be constructed according to this Resoiution and any plans approved therewith. G. Structural lot coverage of the �ot shali not exceed 8,365 square feet {with deductions) or 5.65% of the net lot area, in confartnance wi�h lot coverage limitations (20% maximum). The total Iot coverage proposed, including structures and flatwork, shall not exceed 29,248 square �eet (with deductions) or 19.8%, of the net lot area, in conformance with lat coverage limitations (35%max). H. No grading shall take piace for fihe proposed prajec�. The disturbed area of the lot, including the approved stable and corral shall not exceed 20.8%. I. A minimum of five-foot �evel path and/or walkway, which does not Iiave #o be paved, shall be provided around the entire perimeter of all structures, or as otherwise required by the Fire Departmen�. Resolution No. 2017-16 7 Middleridge Lane South -4- 3�. The applicarit shall comply with all requiremen#s of the Lightang Ordinance of the City of Rolling Hills (RHMC 17.16.190 E}, pertaining to lighting on said property, roofmg and material requi�ements of properties in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. K. All utility �ines to the residence, stable, and gayrage shall be placed underground, subject to all applicable standards and xequirernents. L. A drainage plan, if required by the Building Department, sha�l be prepared and approved by City Staff prior to issuance of a conslruction permit. Such plan shall be subject to LA County Code requirements. M. If appIicable, the new landscaping shall be subject to the requirements of #he City's Water Efficient Landscape Or�inance, (Chapter 13.18of the RHMC). N. The setback iines and roadway easement lines in the vicinity of the construction far this praject shall remain marked throughout the constr�ction. O. Perimeter easemen#s, including raadway easements and trails, if any, shall remain free and clear of any improvemen�s includtng,but not be limited to fences-including construction fences, any hardscape, driveways, landscaping, irrigation and drainage de�+ices, except as otherwise approved by the Rolling Hills Community Association. P. Minimum of GS% af any constr�zction materials must be recycled or diverted from landfills. The hauler of the materials shall obtain City's Construction and Demolition permits for waste hauiing prior to start of work and pro�ide proper documentation to the City. Q. During constt�uction, con�ormance with the air c�uality management district requirements, stormwater pollution prevention practices, county and lacal ordinances and engineering practices so that peop�e or properry are not exposed to undue vehicle trips, noise, dust, and objectionable odors sha11 be required. R. 13urfng canstruction, �the properEy or�mers shall be required to sched�zle and regulate construction and related traffic noise throughout the day between the hours of 7 AM and 6 PM, Monday thraugh �aturda.y,when construction and mechanical equipment noise is permitted, so as not to interfere with the qui�t residential environment of the City of Rolling Hills. S. The contractor shall not use tools that could produce a spark, including for clearing and grubbing, during red flag warning conditions. Weather canditions can be found at: htt�:�`� p�vrl�.��a��m����33��f �i��.����ui�c��af����a�e=�a��s�� ���a�itians##�°� . It is the sole responsibil�ty of�the property owner anci/or hislher contractor to monitor the red flag warning canditions. Should a red flag warning be declared and if wark is to be•conducted on the property, the conbractor shall have readiiy available fire distinguisher. T. The property owners shall be requiared to conform with the Regional Water Quality Control Board and County Public Works Department Best Management Practices (BMP's)requirernents related to solid waste, drainage and storm water drainage facxlities management. Further the property owners shall be required to conform to the County Health Department requirements for a septic system, if a new septic system is required. Resolution No. 2017-16 7 Middleridge Lane South -5- U. Prior to fmaling of tl�e project an "as consttucted" set of plans and certifications, including certifications of ridgelines of the structures, shall be provided to the Planning Department and the Building Department to ascertain that the completed projec# is in compliance with the appxoved plans. In addition, any modifications made to the project during construction, shall be depicted on the "as built"plan. V. The applicant shall execute an A�fidavit of Acceptance of all conditions of this permit pursuant to Zoning Ordinance, or the approval shall not be effective. The �davit shall be recorded togethe�with the resolution. PASSED,APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 19th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2017. �_�_�� , C LF, � N ATT'EST: � TTE HALL, INTERIM CITY CLERK Any action challenging the final decision of the City rnade as a result of the public hearing on this application must be filed within the time limits set forth in Section 17.54.070 of the Rolling Hi11s Municipal Code and Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. Resolurion Na. 2017-1b 7 Middleridge Lane South -6- STATE OF CAL�F'ORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) §§ CYTY OF' ROLLING HILLS ) I certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2017-i6 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING CONIlVIISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS APPROVING A REQUEST FOR A S�TE PLAN REVIEW AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMiT FQR CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL GARAGE ADDITION AND NEW STABLE AND CORRAL IN ZOIVING CASE NO. 931 AT 7 1V�DLERIDGE LANE SOUTH,LOT 249-A-UR, (MCCARTHY/CHENG}. was approved and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on September 19, 2017, by the following ro�l ca11 vote: AYES: Commissioners Coaley, Kirkpatrick, Seaburn and Cha.ix Che1f. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Cardenas. ABSTAIN: None. and in corripliance witl�the laws of California was posted a�the following: Adxninistrative Offices. � TTE HALL, INTERIM CITY CLERK Reso�ution No. 2017-16 7 Midd�eridge Lane South -7-