2018-01.pdf RESOLUTION NO.201$-Ol A RESOLUTION OF TI� PLANIVING CONIMISSION OF THE CITY OF R4LLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL FOR STTE PLAN REVIEW, A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, AND VARIANCES FOR GRADIlVG AND CONSTRUCTION O� A NEW RESIDENCE, NEW FOUR CAR GARAGE, STABLE, CORAAL, RIDING RING, ALTERED FLATWORK AND ACCESS PATHWAY TO THE CORRAL, AND VARIOUS OUTDOOR AMEN�T�ES INCLUDING A NEW POOL IN ZONING CASE NO. 91$ AT 20 UPPEIt BLACKWATER CANYON ROAD, (IANIVTTTI). THE PLANIVING COMMISSION DOES HEREBY FIND, RESOLVE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Sect�an 1. An application was duly filed by Mr. Dominic Iax�itki, to request a Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permits and Varianc�es to construct a new 9,975 square #oot residence with a 7,7�0 square #oot basement, new 1,675 square foot, attached, four-car garage, a 2,T75 square foot single story, stable, a 10,800 square foot corral, a 7,500 square foot riding rin�widen the existing driveway apron, altered access pathway to the corral via a 15 foot wide driveway, and various outdoor amenities including a new �,055 square foot infinity pool. A new decomposed grani�e pathway to the stable, primaxily for horses, is also proposed from Pine Tree Lane. Grading for this project is proposed to be total combined 33,730 cubic yards o# cut and fill, over- excavation and recompaction. Cons�ruction activities will inc�ude grading of 8,150 cubic yards of cut, 3,430 cubic yards of fill, 9,500 cubi.c yards of over-exca'vation, and 12,b,�0 cubic yards of recompaction. 1,57Q cubic yards of dirt is p�roposed to be exported from the property. With the proposed grading, the disturbed area of the lot wou�d be 79.2%. Section 2. The Pla�,r,;r,g Cammission conducted duiy noticed public hearings to consider the application beginning at their regular meeting on August 15, 2017. The hearing was continued and a field trip was conducted £or the project on September 19, 2017 with additional review and discussion at the evening Planning Commission meetixlg held on that same date. T`he applicant has made extensive modifications to the proposal based on feedback from the owner and the P1a.nnil.lg Commission. Thus, a second field visit that illustrated the modifica�ions was duly noticed and held �on November 21, 2017. The public hearing for the project was continued and heard on December 19,2017. After review and discussion of revisions to the project, the Planning Commission, at the December meeting, directed staff ta prepare a Resalution of approval. Three Planr,;,,g Cammissioners were absent over the course of the two field visits but made special txips to the property with City staff and applicant representa�ives to review the project. Section 3. The property is zoned RAS-2 and the Iot area excluding the roadway easement is 3.12 acres. For development purposes the net �o� area of the lot is Reso.2078-01 1 20 Upper Bla�kwater Canyon Road 135,735 square feet. Recox�ds show that the existing 4,385 square foot house with 552 square foot garage was completed in 195$, and sevexal additions were made since. The two swimming pools, collectively 1,32$ square feet of water surface, were constructed in 1964. The guesthouse was ariginally constructed in 1948 and in 19a7 when 1,000 square feet was added, prior to the canstruction of the existing main reszdence (and incorporation of the City). Portions of the guesthouse and garage encroach into the side and rear yard setbacks. The guesthouse was originally used as fhe principal residence. There is an existing legal, non-conforming driveway that leads ta the guesthouse garage. The drive leading up to th�s driveway is p�roposed to be shifted and narrowed and will replace imperviaus pavement with permeable paving. Th� legal non- confo:rmang 2,012 sq.ft. guest house is praposed to remain. Section 4. The P1ar,r,zng Commission finds that the project is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 153Q3, Class 3 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Section 5. Section �7.�8.04DE of the Aolling Hills Municipal Code permits approval of a stable over 200 square£eet, corral and riding arena with a Conditional Use Permit provided the uses are not located in the front yard or in any setbacks. No portion of the stable, corral or riding ring are proposed to be in any setback. With respect to this request for a Conditional Use Permit, the P1aru�ng Comrnission finds as follows: A. Conditionally permitted uses are not outright permitted by the Rolling Hills Muni.cipal Code. The Comtnission must consider applications for condi�iona� use permits and may, with such conditions as are deemed necessary, approve a conditional use which will not jeopardize, adversely affect, endanger or to otherwise constitute a menace to the public health, safety or general welfare or be materially detrimental to the property of other persons located in the vicinity of such use. B. The granting of a Conditional Use Permit for the new stable, corral, and riding ring wouid be consistent with the purpases and objectives of the Zoning �rdinance and General Plan because the uses are consisten� with similar uses in the community, and meet all the applicable code development standards for a stable, corral, and riding ring, and they are located in an area on the praperty that is adequately sized to accoxnn�odate such uses. The proposed uses are appropriately located in that �hey will be su#ficiently separated from nearby structures used for habita�ion or containing sleeping quaxters. 'The developmen�would be constructed in furtherance of�he General Plan goal of promoting and encouraging equestrian uses. C. The nature, condition, and development of adjacent struc�ures have been considered, and the praject will not adversely a€fect or be materially detrimental to these adjacent uses, buildings, or structures because the proposed stable orie�ta�ion is not towards neighbors and its general Iocation is of sufFicient distance from nearby residences so as to not impact the view ar privacy af surrounding neighbors. The proposed stable, corral, and riding ring are to be located separa�e from all living areas on the property. Reso.2018-01 2 20 Uppex Blaekwater Canyon Road D. The projec� is harmonious in scale and mass with �he site, the natural terrain, and �uxrounding residences because the stable, corral, and riding ring comply with the low profiie residential development pattern of the community and will not give the property an over-built look. The Iot is 3.11 net lo� acres in size and is sufficiently large to accommodate the proposed uses. E. The proposed equestrian conditional uses comply with all .applicable development standards of the zone district and require a Conditional Use Perxnit pursuant to Sections 17.18.090 and 17.18.100 of the Zoning Ordinance. F. The proposed conditional �ses are consistent with the portions af the Los Angeles County Hazardous Waste Management P1an relating to siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities because the project site is not listed on the currEnt State of California Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List. Section 6. Section 17.46.03Q requires a developmen� plan to be submitted for Site P�an Review and approval before any grading requiring a grading permit or any new building or struc#ure may be constructed. With respect to the Site Plan grading and the proposed structures, the Planning Commission makes the following findings of fact: A. The proposed development is compatible with the General Plan, the Zoruing Ordinance and surrounding uses because the proposed structures comply with the General P1an requirement of Iow profile, low-density residential development with sufficient open space be�ween surrounding structures and maintaining sufficient setbacks to provide buffers between residenti.al uses. Aithough �the disturbed area exceeds the ma�cimum permitted amount of 40%, the existir�g disturbance already exceeds the allawable limit and all additional dis�u.rbance is for equestrian purposes only. The equestrian uses promotes the rural, equestrian aesthetic af Ro117irig Hills. The existing paved driveway leading to the s#able will be reduced and have the portion leading to the existing gues�.house replaced with decomposed granite, which also praxnotes a feeling of open space. Reta:ining walls are proposed to be loca�ed primarily between the proposed residence and stable and are the result of modifications to the stable plan recommended by the Planning�Commission. The project conforms with Zoning Code lot coverage reqwi�rements, except for dis�urbance. 'I'he net 1at area of the lot is 1�5,735 square feet. The structural ne� Iot coverage is proposed at 19,252 or 14.J.8% (with deductions), (2D% max. per�nitted); and the total lot coverage proposed, is p�roposed to be 39,202 square feet ar 28.88% (with deductions), (35% max. permitted). The disturbed area of the lot is proposed to increase from 58.94% to 79.2°� due entirely to equestrian uses for the proposed projec�. Reso.2018-01 3 20 ilpper Blackwater Canyon Road B. The pro�ect substantially preserves the na�ural and undeveloped state of �he Io� by minimizing building caverage. The topography and the configuration of the Iot, have been considered, and it was determin�d that the proposed development will nat adversely affect or be materially detrimen� to adjacent uses, buildings, or structures, because the proposed residence will be constructed on an existing building pad of the currently developed lot, will be the least iulixusive ta surrounding properties, will be screened and landscaped with trees and shrubs, is of sufficient dis�ance from nearby residences so that it will not impact the view or privacy of surrounding neighbors, and will permit �he owners to enjoy their property without deleterious infringement on the rights of surrounding property owners. The lat as 3.11 net lot acres in size and wi11 feafi�re a stable, corral, and riding ring. The corral and rid�ng ring will be developed on the currently vacant portion o£the lot and wxll remain open space. C. The proposed development, as conditioned, is harmonious in scale and mass with the site, and is consistent with the scale of the neighborhood when compared to new residences in the City. Portions of the lot wil1 be left undeveloped. The residence and stable will be screex�ed from the road and neighbors. D. The development will introduce additional landscaping for vegetated slopes, which is cornpatible with and enhances the rural character of the community, and will pravide a transition area between priva�e and public areas. Further, the stable pad has been reduced from the originai proposal received by City staff to lower the height of the stable by 14 feet (11 feet lower plus 3 feet taken from the ridgeline of the stable structure). This helps allow the design to follow more of the nahzral contours of the site. E. The proposed development is sensitive and not detrimental to the convenience and safe#y of circulation for pedestrians and vehicles because the applicants wi11 con�inue to uti�ize the existing driveway to the residence and the stable, and the stable and corra� will be accessed from the main driveway for heavier vehicles ingress/egress. Secti.on 7. Sections 17.38.Q10 through 17.38.050 of the Code permit approval of a variance from the standards and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance when, due to exceptional or extraordinary circumstances applicable to the propexty and not applicable to other similar properties in the same zone, strict application of the Code wotild deny the property owner substantial propex�y rights enjoyed by ather properties in the same vicinity and zone. The applicant seeks a variance from the requirement from �.7.�6.070B. that distwrbance be Iunited to 40% of the net iot area. With respect to this request for a Variance, the Planning Commission finds as follows: A. There are except�onal and extraordinary circums�ances and conditions applicable to the praperty or to the intended use that do not apply generally to the other property or class o€ use in the same zone because at 589�4%, the disturbance already Reso.2018-01 4 20 U�per Blackwater Canyon Road exceeds the 40°� maximum and is proposed to increase to 79.2°� to accomxnodate the proposed equestrian uses for the project. B. The Variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, but which is denied to the property in question because the property was previously subdivided which substantially increases the existing disturbance for the lot. The residential building pad are existing and developed already, and the proposed garage is not easily seen from the road. The exceedance of the disturbance is due entirely to the new stable, corrai, and riding ring, all equestrian uses. The other structures (pool and outdoor kitchen) on the residence building pad are located fairly close to one another and make best use of the ex�isting residential pad. C. The granting of the Variance would nat be xnaterially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or xmprovements in such vicinity and zone in which �he property is located because the proposed stable and apen equestrian space is not in any setbacks. The stable will be compatible with desired rural aesthetic of Rol.lixtg Hills and therefore would not afEect property values. The corral and riding ring will remain as open space. D. The variance is consistent with the partions of the County of Los Angeles Hazardous Waste Management PlaYi relating to siting and siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities. E. The variance request is consistent with the General Plan. The proposed project, together with the variance, will be compatible with the abjectives, policies, generalland uses and programs specified in the Gene�al Plan and will uphold the City's goals to protect and promote consixuction that is rural in nature. Section 8. Based upon the foregoing findings, the Planning Comm.ission hereby approves Zoning Case No. 918 a Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permits and Variance to construct a new 9,97� square foot residence with a 7,7�0 squaxe foot basement, new 1,675 square foot, attached, four-car garage, a 2,775 square foot single story, s�able, a 10,800 square foot corral, a 7,500 square foot riding ring, altered access pathway ta the corral via a 15 foot wide driveway and a new D.G. pathway to the stable from Pine Tree Lane, and various outdoor amenities including a new 1,055 square foot infinity pool. Grading for this project is proposed to be total combined 33,730 cubic yards of cut and fil1, over-excavation and recompaction. Construction activities will include grading of 8,150 cubic yards of cut, 3,430 cubic yards of fill, 9,500 cubic yards of over-excavation, and 12,650 cubic yards of recompaction. 1,570 cubic yards of dirt is proposed to be exported from the property. With the proposed grading, the disiurbed area of the lot would be 79.2% subject to the following conditions: Reso.2Q18-01 5 2U Upper Blackwater Canyon Road A. The Cor�ditional Use Permit, Site Plan and Variance approvals shall expire within two years from the effective date of approval as defined in Sections 17.46.Q$0, 17.42.070 and 17.38.07Q, unless otherwise extended pursuant �o the requirements of this section. B. If anp condition of this resolution is vio�ated, the entitlement granted by this resolutian shall be suspended and the privileges granted hereunder sha111apse and upon receipt of written notice from the City, all construction work being perfarmed on the subject property shall immediately cease, other than work determined by the City Manager or his/her designee required to cure the violation. The suspension and stop work order will be lifted once the Applicant cures the violation �o �he satis�action of the Ciiy Manager or his/her designee. In �he event that the Applicant disputes tlte City Manager or his/her designee's determination t11at a violation exists or disputes how the violation must be cured, the Applicant may request a hearing before the Ci.ty Council. The hearing sha],I be scheduled at the next regular meeting of the Ci�y Council for which the agenda has nvt yet been posted, the Applicant sha11 be provi�ded written notice of the hear�g. The stop work order shall remain in effect during the pendency o£ the hearing. The City Council shali make a determination as to whether a vialation of this Resolution has occurred. If the Council determines that a violation has nat occwrred or has been cured by the time of the hearing, �he Council will lift �he suspension and the stop work order. If the Council determines that a violation has occurred and has not yet b�en cured, the Council shall provide the Applicant with a deadline to cure the vio�ation; no construction work shall be performed on the property until and un�ess the violation is cured by the deadline, other than work designated by the Council to accomplish the cure. Lf the violation is not cured by the deadline, the Council may either extend the deadline at the Applicant's request or schedule a hearing for the revacation of the entitlements granted by thzs Reso�ution pursuant to Chapter 17.58 of the Ralling Hills Municipal Code (RHMC). C. All requirements of�he Building and Construction O�dinance, the Zoning ordinance, and of the zone in which the subject property is located must be complied with unless otherwise set forth in this permit, or shown oth�x�wise on an approved plan. D. The lot shall be developed and maintained in substax�tial conformance with the site plan on file dated November 14, 2017, except as otherwise provided in these conditions. The working drawings submitted to the Department of Building and Safety for plan check review shall conform to the approved development plan. All conditions o£ the Si�e Plan Review, Variance, and Conditional Use Permit approvals shall be incorporated into the building perrnit working drawings, and where applicable complied with prior to issuance of a grading ar building permit from the building department. The conditions of approval of this Resolution shall be printed onto building plans submitted to �he Buiiding Department for review and shall be kept on site at all times. Reso.2018-01 6 20 LTpper Blackwater Canyon Road Any rnodifications and/or changes to the approved project, �r►cluding resulting from field conditions, shall be discussed and approved by staff pr�or to implementing the changes. A modification may require a public hearing before the Plannutg Commission if the modification represents a major modification to the project. E. The Plans shall be submitted to the LA County Building and Safety Deparhnent for review, issuance of permits and �inspections. Prior to submittal of final working drawings to Building and Safety Department£or issuance of building permits, the plans for the project shall be submitted to City staff for verification that the final plans are in compliance with the plans approved by the Planning Commission. F. A licensed professional preparing constructian p�ans for this project for Building Department review sha11 execute a Certificate a€firming that the plans conforn� in all respects to this Resolutior�appxovi.ng thzs project and all of the conditions set forth therein and the Cit�s Building Code and Zoning Qrdinance. Further, the perrson obtaining a building and/or grading pexnlit for this project shall execute a Certificate of Construction affirming fhat the project will be constructed according ta this Resolution and any plans approved therewith. G. S'�ructural lot coverage of the lot shall not exceed 19,252 square feet or 14.18% of the net lot area with deductions, in conformance with lot coverage limitations {20% maximum). The total lot coverage proposed, including structwres and flatwork, shall not exceed 39,202 square feet or 28.88%, o# fhe net lot area, with deductions, in conformance with lot coverage limitations (35% maxi.mum}. H. The disturbed area of the lot, including the approved stable and corral shall not exceed 79.2%; over a 107,�00 square foot surface area. Grading for this projec� shal.l not exceed a total of 33,730 cubic yards of which up to 3,750 c.y from the basement is allowed to be ex�orted,with 1,570 c.y. proposed to be exported. I. The residential building pad is proposed at �3r46$ square feet and coverage shall not exceed 38.12% with allowed deductions. The stable pad is proposed at 2,775 square feet and coverage sha11 no#exceed 14.8°� with allowed deductions. J. Ridge heights of �he residence, garage, and stable shall be a maximum o£ 20 foot ridgelines from finished grade. K The proposed basement shall not exceed 7,750 square feet and shall meet a11 requirements of the Los Angeles County Building Code for basements, including exit door� and provision for light and ventilation. The entire project and the basement access shall be approved by the Rolling Hills Community Association and shall not appear as a secand s�ory from any roadway easement vantage point. Reso.2018-01 7 20 Upper Blackwater Canyon Road L. Direct access to fhe stable and to the corral shali be decomposed granite or like, 100% pervious raughened material. The alteration ot the apron at the main driveway shall comply with the Traffic Comuiissions recommendations; the access to the s�ab�e from Pir►e Tree lane shall be subject to Traffic Commisiori s appraval. This inciudes any recommendations reiated to Iandscaping adjacent to the apran and/or pafhway sa iong as it is approved by the Rolling Hi11s Community Association. M. A minimum of five-foot walkable path and/or wallcway, which does no# have to be paved, shall be provided around the entire perimeter of all of the p�roposed structures, or as otherwise required by the Fire Department. N. At any time there are horses on the property, Best Managen�ent Practices (BMPs) shall be applied for manure control, including but not be limited to removal of the manure on a daily basis or provision of a xecep�acle with a tight closing 1id that is constructed of brick, stone, concrete, metal or wood Iined with metal ox other sound material and that is safeguarded against access by flies. The corEtents of said receptacles shall be removed once a week. It is prohibited to dispose of manure or any animal waste inta the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), into natural drainage course or spread on the property O. The pool equipment sha11 be screened; if by a solid wall, the wall shall not exceed 5 feet in height a� any point from finished grade. Sound attenuating equipment shall be installed to dampen the sound. The swimming pool and the spillway shall utilize the most quiet and technologically advanced equipment to dampen the sound. Landscaping shall be utilized to sczeen the wall, so #hat it is not visible from the neighbor's property. Per LA Caunty Building Code, a pool barrier/fencing shall be required. P The on-site dissipaters shall be screened with land�caping, in a manner as to not impede the flow of the run-off. Q. The applicant shall comply with all requixements af the Lighting Ordi�xtance of the City of Ralling Hills (RHMC 17.16.190 E}, pertaining to lighting on said proper�y; roofing and material requirements of properties in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone, and all other ordinances and Iaws of the City of Ralling Hills and the LA Cour�ty Building Code. R. All utility lines to fhe residence and sfable shall be placed underground, subject to all applicable standards and requirements. Reso.2018-01 S 20 LTpper Blackwater Canyon Road S. Hydrology, soils, geology and other repoxts, as required by the LA Cour�ty Building and Public Works Depari:ments, and as may be required by the Suilding Official, shall be prepared. T. The praJect sha11 be iandscaped, and continualiy maintained in substantial conformance with the landscaping plan on file date stamped on November 14, 2Q�7. Prior to issuance of a final construction or grading approval of the project, all graded slopes shali be landscaped. Prior to issuance o£ building permit, a detailed landscaping plan shall be submitted to �he City in conformance with Fire Department Fuel Modification requirements and requirements for graded slopes. The detailed landscaping p1an shall provide that any trees and shrubs used in the landscaping scheme #or this project shali be planted in a way that screens the project developmen� from adjacent streets and neighbors, such tha� shrubs and trees as they grow do not grow into a hedge or impede any neighbors significan�views and the plan shall provide tha� all landscaping be maintained at a height no higher than the roof line of �he highest structure on #he property. The landscaping plan shall utilize to the maximum extent feasible, plants that are native to the area, are water-wise and are consistent with the rural charac�er of the community. The landscaping shall be subject to the requirements of the Ci�y's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, {Chapter 33.1$ of the RHMC}. U. The applicant shall submit a landscaping perfarmance bond or other financial obligation, to be kept on deposit by the City, in the amount o£ the planting plus irriga�ion plus 15%. The bond shall be released no sooner �han two years after compie�ion of all piantings, subjecfi to a Ci�y staff determination tltat the plantings required for �he project are in substantial conformance with approved plans and are in gaod condition. V. During construction, if required by the building offi.ci.al, protection of slopes shall be provided in a form of a jute mesh or suitable geofabx�.cs or other erosion control methods imp�emented. W. The setback lines and roadway easement lines in the vicini�y of the construction fox this project shall remain staked throughout the construction. The silhouette (story poles) shall be taken down and removed from the property immediately upon completion of the review process of the project. The City or the Building Department staff may requi�re tha� a construction fence be erected for the duration o£ the construction o� this project. Such fence shall not be locafed in any easement or cross over trai�s or natuaral drainage course and shall be Reso.207.8-01 9 20 Upper Plackwater Canyon Road removed immediately upon substantial completion of the p�oject, or as required by staff. Y. Perimeter easements, including roadway easements and trails, if any, shall remain free and clear of any improvements including, but not be limited to fences- including construction fences, any hardscape, driveways, landscaping, i�rrigation and drainage devices, except as otherwise approved by the Rolling Hills Communi�y Associatio�. In addition, any construction facility, such as a construction trailer/office or portable toilets, to a maximuan extent practicable, shall be Iocafed in a manner not visible from the street, and be in a 1oca�ion satisfactary�o City staff. Z. Minimum of 65% of any construction materials mus� be recycled or diverted from landfills. The hauler of the materials sha.11 ob�ain City's Constructian and Demolition pex~mits for waste hauling prior to start of� work and provide proper documentation to the City. AA. During construction, conformance with the air quality rnanagement district requirements, storm water pollution prevention praciices, county and local ordinances and engineering practices shall be required, so that people or property are not exposed to undue vehicle trips,noise, dust, and objectionab�e odors. AB. Constructian vehicles or equipment, employees vehicles, delivery trucks shall not impede any traffic lanes to the maximwn extend practical; and if necessary to block t�raffic in order to aid in the constrixction, no more than a single lane may be blacked for a short period of fime and flagx�en utilized or� both sides of the impeded a�rea to direct traffic. AC. During construction, all parking shall take place on the project site, and, if necessary, any overflow parking may take place within the unimproved roadway easements and shall not obstruct neighboring driveways or pedestrian and equestrian passage. During construction, fo �he maximum extent feasible, emplayees of the contractor shall cax-pool into the City. A minimum of 4' wide path,from the edge of the roadway pavement, for pedestrian and equestrian passage sha11 be available and clear at aIl times wherever possible. AD. Durfng construc�ion, the property owners shall be required to schedule and regulate canstruction and xelated traffic noise throughaut the day between the hours of 7 AM and 6 PM, Monday through Sat-u.rday only, when construction and mechanacal equzpment noise is pernutted, so as not to intexfere with the quiet residential envi�ronment o£the Ci�y of Rolling Hills. Reso.2Q18-01 10 20 Upper Blackwater Canyon Road AE. The contractor shall not use tools that could produce a spark, including for clearing and grubbing, during red flag warning cond'ations. Weather conditions can be found at: http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/lox/main.pho?suite-saf�ty&page=hazard_definitions#FIR E. It i.s the sole responsibility of the property owner and/or his/her contractor to monitor the red flag warning conditions. Should a red flag waYning be declared and if work is �o be conducted on �he property, the contractor shall have readily available fire extinguisher. AF. The property owners shall be required to conform with the Regional Water Quality Control Board and County Public Works Depaxhnent Best Management Practices (BNIl''s} requirements related �o solid waste, drainage, cistern construction and maintenance (if applicable), septic tank construction and maintenance in conformance wi�h the County Health Department, storm water d�raulage facilities management, ar�d to the City's Low Impact development Ordinance (LTD). AG. Prior to finaling of the project an "as graded" and "as constructed" plans and certifications, including certifications of riclgelines of the structures, shall be provided to the Planning Departmen�and the Building Department to ascertazn that the completed project is in compliance wi�h the approved plans. In addition, any modification made to the project during construction, shall be depicted/listed on the "as built/as graded" p1an. AH. The applicant shall execute an Affidavit of Acceptance of all conditions of this permit pursuant to Zoning Ordinance, or the approvai shall not be effective. The affidavit shall be recorded together with the resolution. AI. Prior to den-�olition o£the existing structures, an investigation shall be conducted far the pxesence o£hazaxdous chemicals, lead-based paints or products, mercury and asbestos-containing materials (ACMs}. If hazardous.chexnicals, lead-based paints or products, mercury or ACMs are identified, remediation shall be undertaken in compliance with Califorr►ia environmental regulations and policies. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS Z6TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2018. `,� t � ::�`� � � � °� �. ���' �� �,,. �- B ` D LF,C ATTFST: Resa.201.8-01 11 20 Upper Blackwater Canyon Road TTE H L, CITY CLERK ANY ACTT�N CHALLENGING TI� FINAL DECISI4N 4F THE CITY MADE AS A RESULT OF THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THIS APPLICATIQN MUST BE F�LED. WITHIN THE TIME LIMITS SET FORTH IN SECTION 17.54.07a OF THE ROLLING HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE AND CODE �F CNIL PROCEDURE SECTION 1094.6. Reso.2018-01 12 20 Upper Blackwa�er Canyon Road STATE OF CALTFORIVIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES } §§ CITY QF R4LLING HILLS ) I certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2018-01 entitled: A RESOLUTION QF THE PLANIVING COMIVIISS�ON OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING APPROVAL FOR STTE PLAN REVYEW, A CONDITIONAT. USE PERMIT, AND VARIANCES FOR GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RESIDENCE, NEW F4UR-CAR GARAGE, STABLE, CORRAL, RIDING RING, ALTERED FLATWORK AND ACCESS PATHWAY TO THE CORRAL, AND VARIOUS OUTDOOR AMEIVITIES INCL,UDZI�TG A NEW POOL IN ZONING CASE NO. 918 AT 20 UPPER BLACKWATER CANYON ROAD, (IANNi T'TI}. was approved and adopted at regular meeting o£ the Planning Commission on January lb,2018, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Cardenas, Cooley, Kirkpatrick, Seaburn and Chair Chelf. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAiN: None. and in compliance with the laws of California was posted a�the following: Adminis�rative Offices TTE HALL, INTERIM CITY CLERK Reso.2018-01 13 20 Upper Blackwater Canyon Road