2018-05.pdf RESOLUTION NO. 2018-05 A RE�OLUTION OF TH� FLANNING COMMISSI4N OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS GRANTING A MAjOR MODIFICATTON IN ZONING CA5E NO. 916-R AND AIi�IENDING RESOLUTION NO. 2017-08 TO ALLOW M4D�FICATTON TO THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BASEMENT AND GRAD�NG QUANTITIES AT 5 EL CONCHO IN ZONING CASE NO. 916, {LOT 10-GF� ROLLING HILLS, CA (DE MIRANDA). . THE PLANN�NG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. A. At it-s regular meeting on May 16, zU17, the 1'ianning Con�unission of Rolling Hi11 approved Resol�tion No. 2017-08, a resolution approving a project at 5 E1 Concho Lane, including a Variance £or a �,322 square foot basement a portion of which wou�d be in the front setback ur�der the existing reside�ce and a Site Plan Review for grading, including excavation for the basement. B. An application was duly filed by joseph Spierer Architects on behalf of tile property owner requesting a modification to the size of the previously approved basement, from 1,322 square feet to 1,44$ square feet, portion of which would be in the franf setback, and inc�rease the grading quantities due to the greater excavation of the basement from 3,014 cubic yards �0 3,638 cubic yards. A minor change to the interior of the residence is alsa proposed,without adding any square footage. C. Pursuant to Section 17.38.065 of the RHMC staff deemed the modification �s a Major Modifica�i.on and set t�e m�.tter b�fore the Plannang Commission. D. On �urte 1R, 2018, the Planning Commi.ssion conducted a duly noticed public hearing and accepted and considered all public testimony on the Major Modification. Section 2. The Plannulg Commission desires to allow the proposed Major Modification which would allow the applicant to i.rtcrease the size of the previously approved basement to 1,448 square feet within the fronf setback area, underneath the footprint of the hause and increase grading quantities to a total of 3,638 cubic yards af dirt. Section 3. The Plansii�.zg Commission hereby amends Resolution No. 2Q17-OS by amending Section 9, as set forth below: Subparagraph E shall read as follows: Resolufion No. 2018-Q5 1 4 E. The pro�ect shall be developed and maintained in substantial conformance with the site plan on file in the City Planning Departrnent dated February 16, 2017, as amended by a site plan dated May 24, 2018 on fiie in the City Plann;,,g Depa�rtxnent, or as may be further amended and approved by the Los Angeles County Building Depart�nent and the City's Planning Director in order to preserve all the conditions of approval, as specified in Section 9 of Resolu�ion No. 2017-08, with the exception of Subparagraphs I and J- Subparagraph I sha11 read as follows: I. The disturbed area of the lot shall be 48.8%, ox as it may be amended due to requirements of the soils and gealogy division o£ the Building Departmenf for slope and drainage repair. The grading for the as graded paths, includixtg the terracing and the basement excavation shall not exceed 1,819 cubic yards cut, 1,$19 cubic yards fill. However, the grading quantities may be amended due to the required drainpipe and slope repairs. Subparagraph J'shall read as foilows: J. The basement shall not exceed �,448 square feet. Section 4. The Plar+r,i„g Commission affirms all the previous £indings described in Resoiution 2017-OS in Zoning Case No. 916 and maintains tha� in approving Zoning Case No. 916R all previous conditions of approvai shall remairt in fiill force and eftect, except as arnended herein. PASSED, APPROVEI], AND ADOPTED this 17 y of , �. � rad Chelf Chairman ATTEST: �''� .� Yvette Hall City Clerk Resolution No. 2018-05 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) §� CITY OF ROLLING HILLS } I certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2018-05 entifi�ed: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROLLIIVG HILLS GRANTING A MAJOR MODIFICATIOIV IN Z�NTNG CASE NO. 916R AND AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 2017-0$ T� ALLOW MODIFiCATION TO THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BASEMENT AND GRADING QUANTiTIES AT 5 EL CONCHO IN ZO1vING CASE NO. 916, {LOT 10-GF) ROLLING HILLS, CA{DE MIRANDA}. was approved and adopted at a regular meeting of fihe City Council on july 17, 2018 by the fallowing�oll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Caxdenas, Cooley,ICirkpatrick, Seaburn and Chair Chelf. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. and in compliance with the laws of Califorrua was posted a't the following: Administrative Offices. HALL CITY CLERK Any action challenging the final decision of the City made as a result of the public heazing on this application must be filed within the time Iimits set forth in section 17.54.074 of the Rollirtg Hills Municipal Code and Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6_ Resolution No. 2018-05 �