08-12-19.pdf MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA MONDAY,AUGUST 12,2019 1. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rolling Hills was called to order by Mayor Mirsch at 7:Olp.m. in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California. 2. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Mayor Mirsch, Pieper, Dieringer, Black and Wilson. Councilmembers Absent: None Others Present: Elaine Jeng, P.E., City Manager. Yolanta Schwartz, Planning Director Yohana Coronel, City Clerk Michael Jenkins, City Attorney Alfred Visco, 15 Cinchring 3. OPEN AGENDA- PUBLIC COMMENT WELCOME Alfred Visco, resident of 15 Cinchring discussed his communications with Councilmember Susan Brooks from Rancho Palos Verdes regarding his land conservancy concerns. He also stated that he has had email communications with Kristen Raig from the Rolling Hills Community Association about limiting traffic on the conservancy trails. Mr. Visco also mentioned his ongoing efforts to form a Fire Safe Council. Mayor Mirsch thanked Mr. Visso for his comments and ongoing efforts. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Matters which may be acted upon by the City Council in a single motion. Any Councilmember may request �emoval of any item from the Consent Calendar causing it to be considered under� Council Actions. A. MINUTES—REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 25, 2019. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AS PRESENTED. B. PAYMENT OF BILLS. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AS PRESENTED. Councilmember Dr. Black moved that the City Council approve the consent items as presented. Councilmember Dieringer seconded the motion and the motion carried without objection by a voice vote as follows: AYES: COLTNCILMEMBF,RS: Mayor Mirsch, Pieper, Dieringer, Black, and Wilson NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSEN'I': COiJNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. Item 4C'was�ruZled,Jor discussion. C. RECEIVE AND FILE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH FORUM INFO-TF,CH FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADMINIS'I�RATIVE SERVICES. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AS PRESENTED Councilmember Black pulled item 4C for further discussion regarding the language in the contract. Councilmember Dieringer also stated she needed clarity on some of the clauses, terms and -1- conditions in the agreement. Councilmember Dieringer stated she was uncomfortable with sections having to do with billing disputes, limitation of liability, termination without advance notice for exposure of potential liability and their mention of a new support agreement coming soon and whether that agreement would override our potential agreement. City Manager Jeng clarified that the service agreement presented is only for one year and not for three years as previously mentioned. Discussion ensued between the City Attorney Jenkins and Councilmembers about how terms and conditions with private companies regarding information technology service agreements tend to be the same across the board and not much room is given by private technology service companies to the customer to negotiate terms. City Manager Jeng pointed that her experience with this particular industry is that they tend to operate in a different way and what is being presented to council is not out of the ordinary. Mayor Pro Tem Pieper agreed with City Manager Jeng. Mayor Mirsch noted given the interest in time she would like to have this item approved. City Attorney Michael Jenkins stated that there were several conversations between the City and Forum Info-Tech and acknowledged that many of Councilmember Dieringer's concerns were his concerns as well but ultimately the vendor did not budge. He also highlighted the urgency in which the City finds itself with needing a new information technology contract. Councilmember Dieringer made a suggestion and stated she would like to have an alternate email listed as a point of contact, currently the Ciiy Manager is the only one listed and in case the City Manager is not available she would like to have an alternate person who can be available. Mayor Pro Tem Pieper moved that the City Council approve the consent items as presented. Councilmember Wilson seconded the motion and the motion carried, with comments by Councilmember Dieringer,by a voice vote as follows: AYES: COLTNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Mirsch, Pieper, Dieringer, Black, and Wilson NOES: COLTNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSTAIN: COLTNCILMEMBERS: None. 5. COMMISSION ITEMS A. CONSIDERATION TO RECEIVE AND FILE RESOLUTION NO. 2019-12 FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTING APPROVAL FOR A SECOND MAJOR MODIFICATION TO PREVIOUSLY GRANTED SITE PLAN REVIEW, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, VARIANCE ENTITLEMENT TO APPROVE A VARIANCE Z'O EXCEED THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED LOT DISTURBANCE 1N ZONING CASE NO. 896 AT 11 SADDLEBACK ROAD (WARREN). Due to the proximity of the property Councilmember Pieper recused himself from consideration on the matter and left the dais. Planning Director Schwaxtz gave a brief power point presentation and the history of Zoning Case No. 896 at 11 Saddleback Road. Planning Director Schwartz restated what the Planning Commission granted during their July 16, 2019 meeting. The applicant was granted a variance to � exceed the maximum permitted disturbance in order to construct two biofiltration units. The biofiltration/bioretention units are designed to temporarily hold and filter stormwater runoff created by the inerease in the impermeable surfaces of the project including the stable, which will be released into dissipaters in a controlled manner. Planning Director Schwartz outlined the previously approved projects. In March of 2016 the applicant was granted a lot line adjustment to merge two lots. In conjunction with the lot merger, the applicant received a Conditional iJse Permit to construct a 13,860 square foot dressage arena, Minutes City Council Mecting 08-12-19 -2- to convert the existing garage to a 2,415 square foot stable and add a 625 square foot loft and 1,685 square foot corral; Site Plan Review for a 4,745 square foot residence plus 659 square foot garage, and other accessory structures, a not to exceed 5' wall that would encircle the majority of the dressage arena, 950 square foot swimming pool, 23,700 cubic yards of grading, and Variances to locate the equestrian facilities in the front yard area of the lot. Planning Director Schwatrz stated that two modifications were approved since the original approval in 2016, each by a resolution with findings and conditions. She pointed out that with the current application, the previous resolutions of approvals were consolidated into one resolution, which contains all findings and conditions applicable to all of the approvals. Councilmember Dieringer stated that she would have liked to see the previous Resolutions and historical information of the approvals. Councilmember Wilson stated he had questions about the filtration system and where the water went after it was released from the system. Councilmember Black commented that the water being filtered is released into the canyon, across Saddleback Road. Councilmember Black moved that the City Council receive and file as presented. Mayor Mirsch seconded the motion and the motion carried without objection by a voice vote as follows: AYES: COiJNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Mirsch, Dieringer, Black, and Wilson. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSTAIN: COLTNCILMEMBERS: Pieper. B. CONSIDERARTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE RESOLUTION NO. 2019-13 FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTING APPROVAL FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUTION OF A NEW RESIDENCE, INCLUDING ATTACHED GARAGE AND BASEMENT, RETAINING WALL, SWIMMING POOL, AND GRADING; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONST'RUCT A GUEST HOUSE; AND VARIANCES TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED DISTURBANCE OF THE LOT AND TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM PERMITTF,D COVERAGE OF THE FRONT YARD SETBACK FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A DRIVEWAY IN ZONING CASE NO. 956 AT 8 MIDDLERIDGE LANE SOUTH (ZHANG). AND RECOMMENDATION FROM THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO APPROVE THE DRIVE WAY APRON. Planning Director Schwartz gave a brief power point presentation and the history of Zoning case No. 956 at 8 Middleridge Lane South (Zhang). On July 18, 2019 the Planning Commission meeting adopted Resolution No. 2019-13 granting a Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permit and Variance for the construction of a new residence with a basement, garage, swimming pool, guest house, driveway and other outdoor amenities on a vacant parcel. The variance was exceeding the ma�imum permitted disturbance of the lot and exceeding the coverage of the setback by a driveway. At the May 23, 2019 Traffic Commission meeting, members of the Traffic Commission memorialized the recommendation to approve the driveway apron. The Planning Commission held four public hearings and two field trips, before approving the project. Many of the residents of Middleridge Lane South provided input, correspondence and were present at all of the meetings. Planning Directar Schwartz also outlined the changes made by the applicant to the project during the review process. Councilmember Dieringer stated that she would like to have the minutes available to her when items are mentioned and/or referred to from other council and/or commission meetings. Minutes City Council Meeting 08-12-19 -3- City Manager Jeng recognized that minutes should be available when an item is referenced and assured Councilmember Dieringer that she would work on making the minutes available. Councilmember Black moved that the City Council receive and file as presented. Mayor Pro Tem Pieper seconded the motion and the motion carried without objection by a voice vote as follows: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Mirsch, Pieper, Dieringer, Black, and Wilson. NOES: COUNCILMF,MBERS: None. ABSENT: COLINCILMEMBERS: None. ABSTAIN: COLTNCILMEMBERS: None. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. REVIEW AND APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 1242 DENYING A RF,QUEST FOR A VARIANCE 1N ZONING CASE NO. 957 AT 5 FLYING MANE LANE. Planning Director Schwartz gave a presentation of Zoning Case No. 957 at 5 Flying Mane Lane. The applicant has recently completed a 990 square foot addition and major renovation on the house and pursuant to Section 17.27.030 of the Zoning Code, was required to underground the utility lines, and that the Planning Commission approved the request. The provision does not dictate which pole on or off the property one must underground to. She stated that at the June 10, 2019 City Council meeting,the City Council took the case under jurisdiction and held a field trip on July 2, 2019 and a regular City Council meeting on July 22, 2019. She stated that the applicant claimed difficulty in undergrounding the lines based on the letters of several professionals. She stated that at the July 22, 2019 meeting, councilmembers directed staff to prepare a Resolution denying the request for a variance. The Applicant requested a variance to underground the utiliTy lines to the residence. Councilmember Wilson asked for clarification on the vote being taken and what it meant. Mayor Pro Tem Pieper explained that a yes vote would mean the council is approving a resolution denying the property owners request. Councilmember Black moved that the Ciry Council approve resolution no. 1242 denying a request for a variance in zoning case 957. Councilmember Dieringer seconded the motion and the motion carried by a voice vote as follows: AYES: COiTNCILMEMBERS: Mayar Mirsch, Black, and Dieringer. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Pieper and Wilson ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. 7. OLD BUSINESS NONE. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF A GRANT APPLICATION FOR MEASURE A, THE SAFE, CLEAN NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS, OPEN BENCHES, RIVERS PROTECTION, AND WATER CONSERVANCY FUNDS. City Manager Jeng gave an overview of Measure A, the Safe, Clean Neighborhoods Parks, Open Space, Beaches, Rivers Protection, and Water Conservation Measure. On November 8, 2016, voters of Los Angeles County approved Measure A, a parcel tax that generates over $90 million in funding annually to be used to improve, acquire, develop and maintain park and recreational facilities within Los Angeles County. City Manager Jeng also pointed out that Measure A has no sunset date. Minutes City Council Meeting U8-12-19 -4- She stated that cities that were incorporated at the time Measure A was passed receive two types of funding annually: capital improvement and maintenance and service fund. Annual allocations can be accessed by applying for a grant to perform eligible park projects. She stated that the Park District informed staff that cities with a population of less than 2,500 can share its annual allocation with adjacent high need, or very high-need study area provided the project meets certain conditions. Further, she stated that the City Council considered rehabilitating the City Hall campus parking lot this past May but decided to delay the work until additional transportations funds are rolled up. Discussing the potential landscaping component with the Parks District, the Grant Section Manager deternuned that the scope of work can be funded using Measure A funds. Mayor Pro Tem Pieper moved that the City Council approve the item as presented and request to roll up future Measure A allocations to fund the project. Conncilmember Black seconded the motion and the motion carried without objection by a voice vote as follows: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Mirsch, Pieper, Dieringer, Black, and Wilson. NOES: COiTNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABS1'AIN: COiTNCILMEMBERS: None. B. CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF JOINING THE SOUTHBAY CITIES COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT (SBCCOG) FIBER NETWORK AND DIRECT STAFF TO SUBMIT THE LETTER OF COMMITMENT. City Manager Jeng discussed joining the Southbay Cities Council of Government (SBCCOG) Fiber Network. On July 2019, the Southbay Cities Council of Government contracted with American Dark Fiber to provide a broadband network for its 16 member cities and unincorporated communities. ADF is engaged to build a fiber ring that will connect the Southbay cities and become member cities Internet Service Provider. Bandwidth starts with 1 gigabit service. ADF will price protect by including automatic price reviews as additional buildings get connected to the network or after set periods have elapses. She stated that the City currently uses Cox Business as its Internet Service Provider with 10 Mb service for $80 per month and at this speed staff often experiences interruptions when downloading and/or uploading large files. This becomes problematic when staff is responding to a Public Records Request. City Manager Jeng pointed out that in order to join the SBCCOG Fiber Network, ADF would construct a lateral line from City Hall to the fiber network ring and would absorb the capital to construct the lateral line as the COG received approval from Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) to use Regional Measure M transportation funds to build the ring network and laterals for member cities. The City can connect to the fiber network system at a later time but then the City would be responsible for the cost of the lateral line. Discussion ensued with Councilmembers at the possibility of having better Internet connection within the City and(free) Wi-Fi on City Hall campus. Mayor Pro Tem Pieper moved that the City Council approve the itern as presented. Councilmember Black seconded the motion and the motion carried without objection by a voice vote as follows: AYES: COLTNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Mirsch, Pieper, Dieringer, Black, and Wilson. NOES: COiJNCII.MEMBERS: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSTAIN: COLJNCILMEMBERS: None. C. DESIGNATE VOTING DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE TO THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE OCTOBER 16-18 TO BE HELD IN LONG BEACH, CA. Minutes City Council Meeting 08-12-19 -5- City Manager Jeng asked the City Council if they could designate a voting delegate and an alternate delegate to participate in the League of California Cities 2019 Annual Conference on October 16-18, to be held in Long Beach, CA. At this meeting, the League membership considers and takes action on resolutions that establish League Policy. It was decided by Council that Councilmember Bea Dieringer will serve as voting delegate and Councilmember Patrick Wilson will serve as alternate voting delegate. Staff was directed to fill out the voting delegate/alternate form and mail to the League. D. CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF A LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES' PROPOSED RESOLUTION FOR THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 2019 ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON USING UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING AS AN EFFORT TO PREVENT/MINIMIZE WILDFIRES. City Manager Jeng reported that the City of RPV contacted her to request a support letter for a proposed Resolution to the League of California Cities for the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to amend the eligibility of funds of Rule 20A to add projects in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone and to increase the funding allocation to make mare projects possible. She stated that RPV received support letters from several other cities. She stated that at this time this effort is not coordinated with CPUC, however through the League of California Cities, the urging of CPUC to act on this matter can be folded into the rulemaking process of the CPUC. Councilmember. Black moved that the City Council approve the item as presented. Mayor Pro Tem Pieper seconded the motion and the motion carried without objection by a voice vote as follows: AYES: COLTNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Mirsch, Pieper, Dieringer, Black, and Wilson. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSENT: COIJNCILMEMBERS: None. ABSTAIN: COIJNCILMEMBERS: None. 9. MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL AND MEETING ATTENDANCE REPORTS A. DISCUSS A JOINT SEWER MAIN PROJECT WITH THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES (ORAL) City Manager Jeng reported that she and Councilmember Wilson and Mayor Mirsch met with Councilmembers Dyda and Cruikshank and staff from Rancho Palos Verdes. The City of Rancho Palos Verdes is currently preparing a study on how to mitigate the landslide area in their City, a portion of which lies south of the landslide area of Rolling Hills. She stated that according to RYV, it is believed that the earth movement is caused by water infiltration, which includes water from septic systems and surface discharges. All of the Flying Triangle area, which is considered the landslide area of the City is on septic systems. She stated that the group discussed construction of a sewer line that would run through the properties in Rolling Hills and Rancho Palos Verdes and that the first step would be to prepare a feasibility study for the project. City Manager Jeng also stated that members of the RPV City Council mentioned that they would contribute to the feasibility study of a sewer line in Rolling Hills Councilmember Black inquired about how much money does the city need to begin a study or the project. City Manager Jeng stated that these discussions are very preliminary and that they will continue in the future. B. CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION FOR A WORK PLAN TO UPDATE THE CITY'S EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK AND PERSONNEL POLICY MANUAL. Minutes City Council Meeting 08-12-19 -6- City Manager Jeng went over the recommendations the Personnel Committee discussed when they meet on July 23, 2019. It was pointed out that the Personnel Committee recommended for the City Manager's office to update the job specifications and salaries for all positions with the assistance of the City Attorney's Office. Also,to clarify the role Finance Department City Manager Jeng noted currently all grievances are filed with her but in the rare case that someone would have a grievance about her, she would like for a third party to handle said grievance on her behalf to make sure staff feel comfortable with the process. The Personnel Committee recommended that the committee serves in that capacity. Discussion ensued among Council to include the City of Carson as part of the salary study. 10. MATTERS FROM STAFF A. CONSIDERATION AND APPRUVAL OF QUATERLY REPORT ON ENFORCEMENT OF THE FIRE FUEL ABATEMENT ORDINANCE APRIL 2019-JiJLY 2019. Planning Director Schwartz gave overview of code enforcement activities log, specifically looking at fire fuel cases. She stated that between April 1, 2019 and July 31, 2019, the City received and/or observed 12 dead vegetation violations. 12 violations were resolved, some from prior quarters. 14 cases are outstanding from the inception of the program on July 1, 2018. Planning Director Schwartz pointed out that since the start of the pro-active code enforcement program for fire fuel management, the City obtained arborist opinions on 4 cases. Councilmember Wilson pointed out his property was listed and his issue was resolved, however it was not shaded properly. He asked for it to be corrected. B. PRESENTAITON ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY'S NEW WEBSITE (ORAL). City Manager Jeng gave a brief power point presentation on the city's new website and pointed out the different layout of the city's information. For example, the new website will have a Mayor's Corner box where the Mayor can post upcoming events. City Manager Jeng also stated that the current photos displayed are not the photos that are going to be used but simply a place holder. Theity did have a photographer come into the city and take photos that will be used for the city's new website. 11. AD�OURNMENT Hearing no further business before the City Council, Mayor Mirsch adjourned the meeting in memory of community mcmbers Bill Horn and Frank Gargas at 8:SOp.m. to an adjourned meeting on August 19, 2019 at 7:00 a.m. at 13 Portuguese Bend Road. The next regular meeting of the City Council is scheduled to be held on Monday, August 26, 2019 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California. � Minutes City Council Meeting 08-12-19 -7- Respectfully submitted, r � _-- , Yoh�in° "'Esronel, MBA City C;.le;�-�__ Approved, f �}` � r1 �i'";�""� f�/�'! — -�- � � Lealy Mirsch Mayor � L.� Minutes City Council Meeting 08-12-19 -8-