7/12/1971MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA July 12, 1971 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rolling Hills was called to order by Mayor Sauer at the Administration Building, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California at 7:30 P.M. Monday, July 12, 1971. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilmen Bear, Fay, Hesse, Pearson, Mayor Sauer None Teena Clifton William Kinley Marion Welch June Cunningham Dr. Richard Hoffman Mrs. Florence Ziegler City Manager City Attorney City Treasurer Secretary Resident League of Women Voters Mr. William Kinley, City Attorney, requested that the minutes of the meeting of June 28, 1971 be held. He recommended, further, that a Committee be formed to formulate a procedure of review of minutes before presentation to the Council. The Mayor ordered the minutes held on the agenda. PRESENTATION OF PLAQUE - Mr. Marion Welch Mayor Saueradvised- the Council that Mr.. Marion, Welch., had served the City of. Ro.11ing Hills as Treasurer since •hi -s a-ppointment in July 1961. In appreciation of his service -to the City, Mayor,,Sauer presented a plaque of the City engraved with Mr. Welch's name, and thanked Mr. Welch for his long and faithful service as Treasurer. The City Treasurer thanked the Mayor and Council for thier recognition, and said he had served the City with pleasure, and would continue to do so as long as they wished to have him. Councilman Hesse said he expressed -the views of the Council as set forth in the minutest In addition, three representatives of Palos Verdes Estates, Rolling ;Hills Eatat.e.s .and another .Commun-ity organization testified -in opposition of the -application. The matter was held under submission by the Zoning Board, Councilaman Hesse said. Mrs. Clifton exhibited a revised map of the property that she had received from Regional Planning. Mayor Sauer ordered the matter held on the agenda for additional information. CITY MANAGER (ITEMS HELD OVER FROM JUNE 28, 1971) Special Permit Case 2116-(4) Councilman Hesse advised the Council that on June 30, 1971 he had attended the hearing before the Zoning Board of Regional Plan- ning Commission, as Permit Case No. 2116-(4). directed by the Council on June Dayton Realty Company, the 28th; -on Special applicant, re- quested permission to develop 478 two-story cluster type apartments on Palos Verdes. -Drive West, Between Berry Hill Drive and West Rue Beaupre. Councilman Hesse said he expressed -the views of the Council as set forth in the minutest In addition, three representatives of Palos Verdes Estates, Rolling ;Hills Eatat.e.s .and another .Commun-ity organization testified -in opposition of the -application. The matter was held under submission by the Zoning Board, Councilaman Hesse said. Mrs. Clifton exhibited a revised map of the property that she had received from Regional Planning. Mayor Sauer ordered the matter held on the agenda for additional information. July 12, 1971 Special Permit Case 2118-(4) Councilman Hesse advised that on June 30, 1971 the applica- tion of Dayton Realty Company for a Special Permit for construction of 430 two-story apartments in 6, 8 and 12 unit buildings at the inter- section of Hawthorne Boulevard and Highridge Road was also heard by the Zoning Board. The City Manager had attended the meeting of the Subdivision Committee of Regional Planning on May 7, 1971, x4hen the application to develop the property was first presented, and had ex- pressed the opposition of the City Council. At the meeting of the Zoning Board on June 30th the application for a Special Permit was approved, Councilman Hesse, reported and the matter was referred to the Regional Planning Commission. At the meeting of the Planning Commission on July 6th the matter was presented on an addendum to the agenda, and was approved by the Commission with certain conditions. The Manager reported that she had protested to the Regional Planning Commission by phone, because the City of Rolling Hills had not been advised that the matter would be considered, in spite of previous protests. Mrs. Clifton reported that she had made requests by letter and in person that copies of all agendas and notification of all hearings on matters within the Palos Verdes -Rolling Hills area be sent to the City of Rolling Hills, and she felt that if a supple- mental agenda was provided for a meeting, the City should be notified by telephone of the contents of that supplemental agenda. Following the discussion, Mayor Sauer directed the Manager to protest by letter to Supervisor Chace. The matter was held on the agenda. Special Permit Case No. 2136-(4) Notice of a public hearing before the Zoning Board of Reg- ional Planning in the matter of a request for a special permit in the C-1 Zone for development of a 588 unit residential development con- sisting of townhouse clusters with subterranean parking, recreation area, lanscaped open green belts, pedestr&an walkways, bikeways and other facilities on a 54 acre parcel on the southwesterly side of Palos Verdes Drive West at the intersection with Hawthorne Boulevard was presented to the Council. Councilman Hesse advised the Council that at present con- struction of 2,246 units is under consideration or pending. He re- quested that the City of Rolling Hills express opposition to Special Permit Case No. 2136 at the hearing on July 29th. The matter was held on the agenda for action at the next regular meeting of the Council. Zoning Case No. 5370-(4) The Manager presented a notice of a Public Hearing before the Board of Supervisors on a proposed amendment co the Official Zoning Plan of the Palos Verdes Peninsula Zoned District scheduled for July 29,1971 The testimony will be heard for ardagainst the proposed amendment consisting of a change from R -A-1 (Residential Agriculture 1 acre) to RPD -1-15U (Residential Planned Development - 15 units per acre). A public hearing was held on October 1, 1968, and the Regional Planning Commission recommended no change of zone. Mayor Sauer ordered the matter held on the agenda for action at the next regular meeting of the Council. -2- n u July', 12; 1971 Local Agency Formation Commission San Pedro Hills Rancho Palos. Verdes Councilman Hesse advised that he will present li'tera,ture to members of the Council on the.,app-lications for annexation of territories to be known as San Pedro Hills and -Rancho Palos Verde -s ­before the next meeting of the Council. Mayor Sauer ordered the matter -held on the agenda: Flying Triangle Extension Councilman Hesse advised the City Council that it would be, in order for the City of Rolling Hills to file an application for annexation -orf the ,area known' as the Flying Triangle Extension.- Mayor Sauer directed the City Manager to obtain the necessary documents a-nrd- proceed with the application for annexation, and to report on the filing at the next meeting of the Council. AB 813 Regarding Annexations Councilman Hesse advised that the Assembly Committee of the California State Legislature accepted the amendment requested by the League of California Cities, and it was passed by the full Assembly. The matter was then referred to the Senate. The matter is now in committee, he reported. Councilman Hesse asked that the matter be removed from the agenda:,- and -the Mayor,so ordered. South Bay Engineering Corporation - Estimates, Tennis Courts- Councilman ourts Councilman Pearson advised the Council that the-Tennis_Com- mittee wished to proceed with plans for expansion, whether financed by a' Bond- Issue: or by other means. He 'said he did -not -think it would take as long to formulate the requirements, plans and specifications for the propos*eA -tennis .facilities as- for the expanded ring facilities, and-'rec:ommended that the City.- Council: authorize: an expenditure s -o the plans,for the tennis courts could proceed. Councilman Bear asked whether such -an -expenditure would be reimbursed, and: Councilman Pearson said It would be reimbursed form the -bond issue, or could be. part- of- the expense if financed privately by the Tennis Committee. Councilman Bear also asked whether the ex- pansion would be put out to bid, and the City Attorney said it is a requirement under the Government Code to put the construction out to bid-', but. professional help to draw the. plans can be negotiated. -Following.the discussion a motion to approve expenditure -of $2,500-.00 and to proceed .to a'cquire. bids° for plans . "and specifications for additional tennis facilities° was- made by Councilman Pearson.- The motion was -seconded -by, Counci-lman--Bear and carries by- the- following roll call vote-: i . AYES: Councilmen Bear, Fay, Hesse, Pearson, Mayor Sauer !NOES:,-. None ABSENT: None Mayor Sauer ordered the matter held on the agenda. -3- July 12, 1971 Lanco Land Consultants Riding. Ring , - Mrs. -Clifton advised the• Council that additional equestrian facilities are beingiconsidered at, the�same time as tennis facilities, and she would report to the council as soon as additional information is available. • The ma•tte,r was held on,!the -agendta: - CITY MANAGER (NEW BUSINESS) City of Redondo Beach --Council of Governments for South Bay- Cities The Manager presented a copy -,of a letter dated%June-25 1971 from the City of Redondo -Beach. Mr. F. E. Hopkins, City Manager, advised that on May 17, 1971 representatives -from nine SouthBay Cities met and discussed the pos- sibility of forming a council of governments for South Bay Cities to handle problems and programs which overlap city boundaries. Mayor :Stauer directed the Manager to- request additional information from Mr.. Hopkins and report further to the Council. He then ordered the7 matter held on --the agenda. SUBDIVISION NO. 47, Tract 30932 The Manager reported that Mr. Thomas Moran,- 10 Packsaddle Road West, had requested that the subdivision he held on the agenda. The Mayor so ordered,.,; BUDGET, Fiscal - Year 1971-72 Councilman Bear, Finance Officer for the City, advised that he had met wi•.tla the Manager; Mr. William Stringfellow-- Finance Officer of the Rolling Hills ,Oommunity Asso-cia-t"ion, and Mr., Vernon Fay, who -is a member of the City Council and the Board of Directors of the Associ- ation, to review budgets for Fiscal 1971-72. Councilman Bear said an updated assessed valuation would be represented in the budget when it becomes available -from the Auditor -Controller's office, but the proposed budget is close to the final figure. Councilman Bear 'also recommended that the City's tax rate of,$1.00 per $100.00 assessed valuation remain in effect. A recommendation had been made for installation of•a sound system in the Council chambers, and an estimate of approximately $800 for equipment had been received. The equipment would be of a type that could =be -moved to larger quarters for special public hearings and the annual meeting of the Rolling Hills Community Association. The equipment would be financed and used jointly by both the City and the Association. Mayor Sauer asked—the -consensus of- the Council, and all agreed that it was a necessary itme and should be included 'in the final budget. 1 Following the discussion, Councilman Fay moved that the section of the proposed budget pertaining to salary increases for staff be revised and approved to reflect the following increases; City Manager, 5%; Deputy City Clerk, 5%'; City A'ttorney;:, 6%, --'and that the balance of -the budget be held for approval until the final assessed valuation has been sent to the City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hesse and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Bear, Fay, Hesse, Pearson, Mayor Sauey NOES: None ABSENT: None -4- cc C) July 12, 1971 APPROVAL OF DEMANDS City of Rolling Hills 21 -" 57:-"-,, Councilman Bear moved that Demands No. 1954 and 1955, and Demands No. 1958 through 1969 be paid from the General Fund, and that Demand No. 1956, whichwascharged to the City in error, and Demand No. 1957 be voided and the total be adjusted to show the correct balance. DEMAND NO. PAYEE AMOUNT 1954 Los Angeles Road Department 549.90 1955 Alco Chemical Co. 15.84 1956 VOID 357.52* 1957 VOID 61.86 1958 Caballeros 1,500.00 1959 Lomita Maintenance Service 125-00 1960 California Water Service 25.93 1961 Zellerbach Paper Co. 16.17 1962 Southern Calif. Assoc. Govt. 124.00 1963 Peninsula Stationers 8.66 1964 Southern Calif. Gas Co. 11-52 1965 Cory Coffee Seivice Plan 13-15 1966 General Telephone Co. 152.09 1967 Bay Air Refrigeration 29.40 1968 South Bay Heating 38-50 1969 Simpson & Paul Insurance 851-50 3,461.66 The motion was seconded by Councilman Pearson and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Bear, Fay, Hesse, Pearson, Mayor Sauer NOES: None ABSENT: None Mirp'le..ste Swim Pool Employees Councilman Bear moved that Demands No. 101 through 107 be paid from the Swim Pool Fund for salaries for swim pool employees. DEMAND NO. PAYEE AMOUNT 101 Michael Stanich 205.84 102 Rand Beardslee 447.38 103 Albert Crosby 357.52* 104 Kristine Goppert 61.86 105 Robert Clarke 150-72 106 Karen Cunningham 135.09 107 Lee Ann Bensel 2.39.02 - 1,597.43 The motion was seconded by Councilman Pearson and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COMMUNICATIONS Councilmen Beer,,Fay, Hesse, Pearson, Mayor Sauer None None California Contract Cities Association Minutes of the meeting of California Contract Cities Associ- ation on June 16, 1971, and an announcement of the next meeting were -5- July 12, 1971 prepented to the Council Mayor Sauer said he planned to attend the next meeting of SCAG on July 21st. CITY ATTORNEY Ordinance No. 91, Health and Safety Mr. Kinley advised the Council that the ordinance will be ready for presentation to the Council at the next regular meeting of the Council. Proposed Ordinance, Regulating Removal of Abandoned Vehicles The City Attorney said he had not presented the ordinance because of some indecision about whether it was necessary 'for Rolling Hills. Councilman Fay said the Sheriff had recommended the adoption of such an ordinance, and Councilman Pearson said that unless there was a strong recommendation against it, he thought it would be a good thing to have. Mayor Sauer directed the City Attorney to prepare the ordi- nance, and ordered the matter held on the agenda. Proposed Ordinance, Geological Hazards Councilman Pearson said he wished to discuss the proposed ordinance with the City Attorney. Mayor Sauer ordered the matter held on the agenda. ORDINANCE U-18, Amending Animal Control Ordinance The City Atto-rrrL-y pre te+ capias of- Ordinance No. U-18 entitled AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ROLLING RILLS, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 79 harl.-rLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA PROVIDING FOR THE CONTROL OF ANIMALS AND THE LICENSING OF DOGS t', DEALING WITH LICENSE FEES OF DOGS. Councilman Fay read the ordinance in full, and moved that it be adopted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bear and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Bear, Fay, Hesse, Pearson, Mayor.Sauer 'NOES: None ABSENT: None Agreement Between Los Angeles County Flood Control Distxiet and City of Rolling Hills The City Attorney advised that he had read the final copy of the Agreement Between the Los Angeles County Flood Control District and the City of Rolling Hills, and found it in good order, although it does include some wording that is not applicable to the City of Rolling Hills. Mr. Kinley recommended approval and execution. of the agreement. A motion to approve and accept the agreement was made by Councilman Bear, seconded by Councilman Pearson and carried by the following roll "call vote: AYES: Councilmen Bear, Fay, Hesse, Pearson, Mayor Sauer NOES: None ABSENT: None Mayor Sauer signed the agreement, for return to the Flood Control District. -6- '25 -9 - July 12, 1971 PROPOSED ORDINANCE Amending, Ordinance No. 16, Placing of Signs The City Attorney advised the Council that he had prepared an ordinance providing for placement and maintenance of signs indica- ting that riding or leading of.horses or other animals on certain roads or portions thereof is prohibited. A motion to introduce the proposed ordinance and waive read- ing in full was made by Councilman Bear, seconded by Councilman Hesse and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Bear, Fay, Hesse, Pears -on, Mayor Sauer NOES: None ABSENT: None Mr. Kinley said it would be necessary for the City Council to specify by.Resolution which road or portion thereof is considered unsafe) and he would present such a resolution pertaining to Portuguese Bend Road at the next regular meeting of theCouncil. Mayor Sauer ordered the matter held on the agenda. CITY DEPARTMENTS Report of Sheriff's Department - April 1971 The report of the Sheriff's Department for the month of April 1971 was presented to the Council. The report was received and filed. MATTERS FROM CITY COUNCIL Bicycle Lanes Councilman Fay asked whether any consideration had been given to marking bicycle lanes on main roads in Rolling Hills. He said bi- cycle riders are hazardous to drivers when they ride in the middle of the road, especially at certain times of the day when the sun causes blind spots. Councilman Bear said he had been receiving resolutions from many organizations urging establishment of marked bicycle lanes on the entire peninsula, and he recommended that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission 'for study. He's&id he would -discuss the matter further with Mrs. Jean Burke, who is heading the study on the peninsula. Mayor Sauer ordered the matter held -on the agenda. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICERS Road Work The City Manager advised that she had been asking bids for road work to pave Crest Road, and was waiting for the third bid, so she could make a decision. The work would be done within the next two weeks after granting the work. PERSONNEL SESSION Councilman Pearson requested that the meeting be adjourned to a personnel session for appointment of Councilmen to committees. Mayor Sauer so ordered. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 P.M. on the motion -of Councilman Bear, seconded by Councilman Fay and carried unanimously. City Clerk