10/26/1971 .�d;��'e..; MI1��S OF `� R.��L��AI�. �EE���T�� �F °.�E ��`.��� ����VV���.�, ���'S� ��" RO:����;�° �.�.�,�S� �A��FOR..�T�A 0�.?r_�b�� 26� :�971 A regul.a� �aee�i.n.g of ��� �ity Ccr�x�nc:i� r�f �he City mf Rolli�g �ii�,�s raas �alled �to orde� ��r Nrays�x� p�'c� tem Fearso� a� �h.e Admi�.�stra�:ion �sx�.�.d�n.g� 2 Po�°��guese �ea�d R�saciy �o�.1,i�g �.i��_s9 Ca�.�for�r�.ia a� 7 : 30 PoMo �'uesday� Oc��ber 26y �.971� RO�� �ATL,� p�S���; ���r���.lane�. Be��°9 Ea-�� �ess�9 Mayor p�°o �e�m Pearson � A�S��`�: �%�a�o� Sa�.e�° A�SO �1tESE1��: �e��.� G�?�..f��x�. �i,it�r Mar�age�° � � � W��.��,am �i����}•r Ca.��r A�.��r���.e� � Nlax�io�. WE�.eI� C�.ty °Treas��.�er° Lp „�u�.e C���.�.�g�.a� Sec�e�ar�r p Mrs o F o Zie��.e� Leag�xe af Wnmen `�oters Q Q APPRO�AT� OF 1���°°�IEES Ca - - - A motior� to appro�re the r�i�.��es of t:�e meei���g of Oc�o�ber �2 , :L971, a� s��bmi��ed9 s��jec.� �r apprc�Fya:9� �y �he C�.�y At�o���ey was anade by C�un- ci�.man �ea�°, sec�nded by Co��.ci1.�a� �ay and carried b� �he f�11.�wix�g ro11 ca 11 �rote: A�S: (�oun.cilz�en Bea�, �'ay�9 �.esse, Nla�or pro tem Pearso�. �OES : �I��a A�SE��': NIa�or Sa�er C���" NIANA�ER (ITENLS Tt�E�I� O�ER �RO� OC�'OBER �2� 197�.) Regional. Pla�r�ni�.g Co�in�iss�o�n, S ecia�. Permit 2�36� (4) 1Krs o Cl�ftox� �ep�a��ed that she had no add:itional inforzna�ion on the status of Special Pe�rn:i� Case Nc�o 21.16� �4) for co�.st��ctio� �f 478 two-stor� �wonhauses on Pa1os �erdes Dri�re Wes� be�wee�a Be�ry Hi:l_� Drive anci Rue Beaupre � The app�.ica�i��. was app�oved by ��e �oard of Super�vi�- sors at a de novo heari�.g o�. Sep�e�be� 21, 1.9710 Mayor p�°o �ean pear�sox� ord���cl �he a�a��er �e�.d ��. th.e agenda . Local. Agen�y For�na�ion �ommission Mayor p�°o tem Pearson r�eq�es�ed �hat !�a�;t��s bef�re LAFCO on Ync�a�°poration �f the City of Ran��i� Pa1os �J��'des and ��ty of San Pedro '�i11s , and Ar.�.nexa�.in�s to the �ity �f �.ol�i�g Hi��s and �h.e Ci�� of Ro�,li�.g Hi�.ls Estates �e r���r�.ed �ca th.e agen.c�.a � Te�.�.is �o�xrt •Mayo�° p�o tem P�arso�. ���c��red. �Y��� �he p���i�i�aa�y plan.s for addit�o�a�, �emr��s fa�il.i.�ies �wo�.�.d �be submit��:� �y 1Kre �lar�C Le�mard of �anco Land Gons�l.�an�s �a�.��a:i�a ��?e next w��lk� `�he �a"t�e�° r�ras �.��.d c�� �Yne agenda o � F���ir�� �ir�g a� Ci�y Pa�k - l�ay�� p�o �em Pears��. �eported �hat he. had, me� with I�r o W�lliam CQr�t;��, p��s:i�.��.� of L�s �aba�.l�r�as 9 and �hey p�:�an to go to ,F1in.�ridge wi�� ,����� Sa�xe� ixu ��e nea� f�utu�e �o inspec� �he facili�ies and mov- . a��,e fencir�g 9 a�.d �ro��.d repor� �Q the Covn.cil a� �he. ne��t meeti�.g . �'he ma��er was he�d on the agendao 2��'�� ' ' Octob�r� 26, �.971 Ea�er�eti-�c:y Ea�pl�ysnen.t A�� of �,9�1 �he Ci�y Maaaagex s�bmitl�ed. c�pies of �1�� s�.b�ag�eenne�t between �he Coua��y of Los A�geles and �he Ci�y of Ro�.�.i�g Hi11s f�r participa�tion in. th.e �merg�ney Employ�en� Act of 197I .� °�h� Ci�y Attorne.y �ecma��ne�.ded t;hat �he �it�'s ��.suraxsce �.arr,ier be ad�ised of �l�e City' s pa�°�icipa�:i�x� in th.e pxo.gr.am, and req�aested to comanunica�e by �.etter that no add.it�orn�1 x�ider is re.quired, and that tkne. emp�oyee is covered by the e�isting pol.i.�yo �he Nlaym� px°o �e� di���;�ed �he 1�Iay�ager �� �:on.tact the car�ier regard:i�.g i.rnsurara�e �:ove�age A and o�de�°ed t�.e a�at�ex� he�.d o�. the agen.da . CI�� �ANA�ER ��EW BUS�t�TESS) Depa�°�mer.at �f Co�.n.ty Engineer re, Sewage Disposa�, Mas��� Plan �he MMaa�age�° prese�.��d a lettex° dated O�t�be�° 4� �971 f�ozn Mr� I$a��ey � . ��°an.d�:, Gounty Ea�gineery ad.visirag tha�; the �oard of �upex°vi- so�s 1�as authorized the prepara��on �by the Regi��.al P1ar�ni�g Commission of a Wa�ex° an.d Waste Mas�er Plan for. �he C�u�ni�y� 0�� October 22�.d M�s o . Clifton. adv:ised Mr . ��'andt �h.atthe City of Ro�.li�ng I3iYls is interested in pax��icipating in. the study. �'he cor�espox�dence was rec�ived a�d fi�ed a Memo�°an.dum: Wa te�° Ma in Rupt�xr�e o� ��e s t Rma d Mayor� pxo tem Pearson thar�ked the �i�y Ma�ager fo� her account of a��iv�ities rela�in.g �o th.e �aate� �ain ��p�a�re o•r� C�es� Rcaad o�. O�tobe� :L4, 197�a Th�. Mayor pro tem thankecl the Man.ager for her efforts in im- pro�ing the f�re fighting poten,�ial at �a C�esta Schom�.y and Coun.cil- ma� Beax� �°equested that a 1,e��er be sent �o Chief Paul Schmeider, Los Ar�geles Gou�,ty Fire Depar��e�.t� tha�nking hi�n for at;te�dix�g �h.e meeting of the Pa�,os �e�des Pe�.i.�.su�.a U�,ified S�hool D�.s��ic.t Boar,d �aith Mrs . Clif�o�na 'Te�n�ative '�x�ac� No. 28758 - Con.dou�inium De�re�op�e�.� Mrso Clifton presented a ten.tati�e map for Tra�t 28758 for an apartment devel.opmen.t adjacent to Trac� 2720�. at �aw�horne Brnx�e�ard and Highridge Roadm �he Manag,e� advised �he Coux�.ci1 �hat w'.�en. Special Permi� 2118- (4) was grax�ted for constructio�. of 430 apartmen.t condominium units the Seve:loper had indicated he wished to proceed with the development ixi two �tages . Appx�oval of Spec.ial Permit 21�.8� (4) was given by the �oard of Super•viso�s on. August 26, 1971y a�.d :Mrs o Clifton advised, that the map she �ecen.tly recei�ed is for developmer�t of the second phase con- . sisti�.g of 385 un.its on 3� 04 ac�°es . - "Th.e r'Ian.ager was asked to a�.�exa8 �h,e h.eari�.gs befo�e tl�e Sub- di�visio� Comm:ittee an,d Regional P:Laa��i�.g C��amiss:�o�. and express concer�. of the Ce�uncil abo�� the density �f the p�oposed deve�.opme�t. Th.e �at�e� was ordered �.e:Ld on. �l�e agenda . Re�ised �er�.ta�ive �'r�act 29929, For C�ndocni.�.�,�m Purposes �'l�,e Man.ager p�°esented a re�ised �entati��e tra�t map for Tract 29929 ffl� propo�ed development of 90 c�r�dominium un.�ts in 21 buildings on 7 ,49 acres on Seaco�re Drive� south nf Pa1.�s �Terdes Drive South, and would be an extension of Por�o �erde , m2� �.e ���: Oe�obE� 26� :1971. �'kne I�Iar�,age:� was �.i�e��ed �o atc�Q�.�. ��e S�����.�.���.s:i��, �o�ami��ee a�.d Reg�.��,a.�. :P]Lanning ��z�.��ss�.��+�. �r.e�r���.gs � a��.d e�p��ss �,�e co�.c�� af �G�.e C���.e.i� abot�t the de�r�.si�tyo �'kae ma��er� raas o�d��ed �.e:�.d. ��. t�.e age�nda o S�J�D���S�O�Y :�t�0 48 � 'Trac� 29�9�'+., Dr o E a J'o We�.senhe�me�° �I�s � C�.ifton presen�ed a ��i�.ity cnap �f � the We:isen�.eime� �raci� 29394 aaaa��:�ed "Exhibit A"y shc�w�.�a.g �he alte�a�a�i•�res fo� �a�.de�gxoua�.dir�.g t�.e ut�.i�.�ties o�. �h.e prt�posed �:x°a��o She. �xp1,a��ed that an ex�s�ing po:Le on the Weisen.he�mer p�ope���.y ser�res �he �ha�1�s �a�e. pr�pe��y wh.���. adjdi�s i�� a�.d wo�ld �e�aa:��� e�r�n. _af�ter �.i.rees se�°�:ir�g �h.e We�sm e�.Y�eiane� ho�ne had bee� u�n.d.e�°g�°���ded. . Fc��1�w:��.g a dis��ssion of �k�.e a1�e��.a�ives � C���n.ci�.man Bear moved. ��a� �he mairter be he�d �� �he agend.a ����il 1�c��.a�ior� o£ i��i�.i�y � easen�en�s �.ad been de�er°m�nedy and M�s o Cl�,f�on. eo�.�ct �.�x�mac� ��a c� C�ar�.es Cake to de���mir�e whe�he.r h.e wished t;o par��ic.ipa�e i�. �Y�.e O unde�grca��.d�.�g p�ojec� o �'he me���i.oa�. was se�onded by Co��cilma.� Fay � a�.d �ar�°ied �y Ch� foll.owing �°o1:L c:a�.�, �rote : .� �' � A�S � Cc���.�i.�ome�. �e�.�, Fa�� �essey �ayc��° pr� tea� Pears�� NCDES : None . A�SE�°T: May�r Sau.�r �o��d°inat�n,g Ca:Le�.dar Ser•vice A s�xbsc�iption f���a� for pa��ie.:ipa.�;,i��� �.��, �;he �c�m��.:i�.a�:i�r�.� Cal.e��.ar Ser���:ice spo�.sox�.�, by Pa7��s �'e�d�s Pen:i��.s�.�.a C�ordin.at��.g Co�,�a.c:i:�, was p��sex�.�.ed by ��.e �'�a�,ager.°� A �r�t�ox� appro�i�.g expen�.i���e mf $2000 �o pa��:icipate in �he ser�vi�.e was n�ade by Co��nc���an. Fa�r9 secon.ded `�y �o�ancila�a� �1.esse and carriecl �by �he fa�llowi�.g x�olY ca�.1 �ro t e: AYES : G�unc�l,me� Bear. � �°ay, ��esse 9 1�Iay�r p�� tem Pearso� ��ES : �Tone A�SE�T`�": Mayor Sauer I�ax�dr.nark Commun�t:ies � Ir�c a a Palos �7e�°des ���th Coanm�ssion A �.e��er� da�ed Septe�a�er 30, �.97�. froan �ancl�na�°k Commur�ities , Ir�c o was p�esen�ed �o th.e Coune��.L� �Iax�v�n E . P�e�9 Cha��a�, of Pa`los Verd�s Y�ui�h Coznmissi��n, ad.�ised th.at p:laxu.s have bee� fnrm�x�at.ed for ��.x°ee :La�°g� p��ies o� �a�,:L�w� 'en. n.igi�t9 o�.e a� each anaj�r� high s�h�o�o Each. par�y �i�:� ha��e ai� :Leas� four aci��r sp��.s��s arn.d �wo s�cu�°ity officexs su�p���.ed by :�a���. Sec����y Serv�.cey Redo�do �eac��� "Ph.e �e�te� was r,°ec�.i���d ar�d f�:�.ed,� Asse�a���r Ca1.�fo�°��.:ia Legis�.at�.re A 1.���er dated Oc���ex� �.S� �9�1. ��o� Edw:i�. ��. Z '�erg� �I'Ie�lbe� af Asse�a�k��.y�� Ni���h D�s�r.i��: raas p�•�sen��d �o �:he ����cil.o Assea�b�,�an Z 'berg �°eq�es�ed �h.at ��.e C���.�i_�. �rge �o��e��o� Reaga�. �o sig�c� AB3066 t� p�.a�� t�e Sta�e �ea��.� Pa�k:s� Itec�°ea�io�,a.T, �a�d �is�9r.i�a:� Bo�.d Ac� of �.9�2 ��� i�he 1,972 bal�.o�. �a��ci�.ma�. Bear mr��r��. ��ha� �he• C�����i�. supp���� Asseanb�,yma� Z 'ber.g 's effa��s �o r.a�e �he �nat��e� p:Laced on �:he ba11�� i�. �972 0 �he a���.��� w�.s se�sa�.dR�. `b�r C����.cil.�an �esse an.d ca�r.°ied b� t�ie f��1.�w��g r.o�.:L �.a�3.. ������: A�ES : Cn�un�i�a�e��. Bea�9 Fay, Hess�� Ma�r�r. pro �:e� �Pea�°son 1�OES : N'ox�e A�SEN`�: �ayor° Sa�,e� . �3�- � � �'U� , O�tobe�° 26, �.9�71 ��.e �a�age� was d:i�e��ed �o se��.d a i��1.eg�am �o Sacx�a�e�r��o, ��ging ���e����� Rea�a�. �� sigr�. A�306G� p�.aci�.g ��e Par�s a�.d. �ec.�eati��. �o�.d �ss•a�� o�. ��.e :��972 ba�,1�c��� ��a�tc 30'�40� �'ose��n �o Abd.o I�I�s , C1if�o�. ��ese�ra�ed, a �,e��e.� da�ed Oc�ober 19, �.971 fro�n I�I�. C�.ark �emn.ard, '�a•nco E�.�i.�.eer�i�.g 9 reques�i�g a ��,me ext�ns io�. �.n.ti�. De�.embe� 9, �,972 ��. �'ra'c� 30440� ��sep�. °�� A�d.o 0 A ������� �t� gra�.� �;�e �iane ex�e�.si��, as �eq�.ested was znade by Go�an.�i�.�aax�. �esse9 seco�de�. by C��.r�.c:.:i.:�r�an �ear an.d �ar�ied, `�y ��.e foll.owm "i�gm�o:Ll ���.:�. �ote: AYES: C���c:i�.�e� �eary �'ay� ���sse� �Iayor px°� �em Peaxs��. '�OES a ����.e A�SE�: ���'c��' Sa�er APPRO�A� 0�' DE�'1A�TDS � �����.�.�.�.�a�. B�ar� m��r��d that De�na.�.ds �a o 20(7 �h.�e�gh 2074 be , paid. f��zn t�.e �e�.era:l F��!do _ ., DE�'1A1�D �f0 o PA�E� . A�O��T 206`� �I��?�c.i.gal. �'r,°easure�s As.soc:iat�,o�. ���D 206� R��.�.����.g �i:��.�.s Esta�es 1.50 �2� 2069 l�I�s o �Toan Saffo �� ��2 2070 Wi1�.iam �::�.��.�ey �.58 0 45 20�� C��'� �of�ee Se��i�.e PLa�n 21.�88 2�72 S��npson � Pau7�. �.�.s��rar�.ce 1.7 .00 2073 �owers �v.si.� 389 0 63 2074 A1�a C e �1�if���. 66 0 00 �20,95 The motion was seconded. �y� ��unc:il�ran �.esse an.d car�°ied by �he f��.lowirig ro�ll �a�11. �vote : A�S : Cm�n�.cil.ane�. Bea�°y Fayy �esse� Ma�or p��o �e� Pea.rsom NOES : None ABSEl��: �Iayo� Sa�er. CI�"Y DEPAR����S _ Sheriff' s Depar��ent Repor.t �l�.e R�por� of� tl�e S�.e�:iff' s Departme.�.� for �Tu�.}r �971 was pre- , sented by �he C.i�y NIana�e�� �'h.e �epor.t was recei�red and filedv Sheriff' s S�ta��.s��ca1 Repox.��. �h.e S�ieriff' s S�a��s�:�..c.a��. Repo�°� for Sep�ten��er 1971. was pre- sen�ed bq �;he �:��:y �a�.age��� �'h� repor� was re.�ei�red ar�.d filedo C�'�� A`��'�R'�EY p�o�osed. �r�d.:i�s.ax��.e � �ea�.th a�..r�d Safe�� �i�y A����eq W3.3.L�a� ��n.�Ley �°�pox���.d tha� l�e �:ad studied the pr��osed. m�d.a,�,a��.ce a�.d ch.a��.ges �L�ad�e_ by th,e Co�a�a�.e�1�� an.d i���was his r,°eeom�enda�ia��� �.1�a� �_�.e �:i.�y� ���r�c�.:� resc�.ncl the px°c�posed T�ea�th and Safe��� �°�d:i�.a��.�" ancl. �ox�sid�x� ado��.io� of separat� o�dinances relating �� k��p,���,,.g �►:f an.ima�s a�.d, f�w:�� ar�.d. �egu�.a�in.g fe�,c�.n,g of excava�ions and sw:�.�:xri��.g p��1s � ��N . 2 �p��� October 26, � 1971 � � � � A motion to rescind the proposed ordiraance entitled AN ORDINANCE FOR � C�'�'Y OF ROLLIN� I��LLS RELA�ING �,'0 HEAL'�°H A�TD SAFETY was made by Counci�.man �ear, se�onded by� Cc��ux��i�.max�.Fay and car�ied by the f ol�lowing roll call vote: � AYES: Cou�neil�ea� Bear, Fayy Hesse, Mayor pro tem Pea�son �TOES: None ABSEN'T: Mayor Saue�° Prop�sed Ordinance - Rela.�i�.g �o l�eepi�.g An3.�a�,s and Fow1, � A �otion to introd�ce an ordinance ent3tled A� ORDINANCE OF' THE CITY OF �O�L�� H[I.LLS RE�AT�N� TO �E KEEP�1��� 0� ANIMA�,S AND FOW� and � waive reading in fu11 was made by Co�unci:L.�aan �ear, s��or�ded byr Council- man. Fay and car�ied by �he fol�owing rc�1�. �a�,�, v¢��e: AYES:. �o�ncil.cnen Bear, Fay, Hesse, Ma�r�� p�o �Gem Peaz�eon � .NOES: None � ABSENT: Mayor Sauer O Q Proposed Or.dinance - Regu�.at3�g Fencing of Exca�a�ions and Sw�n�tc� Pools Q � Copies of an ordinance entit�.ed AN ORD7L�lANCE OF THE C�T� 0� ROLLING HILLS REGULATT.NG THE FENC�.I�G nF EXCAU�AT�ONS A�'D SWl.I�� POO�S; THE CAPPING Ai�TD ABANDONMEI�TT OF WEZLS y TEST �O�ES, SEP�'�C TA�1'KS, CESS- POOLS AND CISTERNS ; AND �HE A�ADTDOI�IME� 0� UA�T�E�20�S ��XES AI�D CI�ESTS was distributed to members of the Cc�uncil by �he C���r Attcarneyo The Mayor pro tem dir.ected the C�ty �ia�nager ta adviae �esidenta � in a forthcoming Newslette� that the ordinance �eqt�i�r3ng fe�cir►g �f all existing and future swimming poo�s 3s being corisidex�d by �he Cnr�nci�, and that a Pub13c Hearing on the mattex� wot��d be h��,d e� t�h� t�ex� �°egtr- lar meeting of the Counci� on Novembex S,. �,97�:. . The matter was held on �he ag�nda.. Proposed Ordinance - Geologica�, �Yazarda �� The ma�ter was ordered h��d ox� �l�e agenda . MAT�ERS FRCNI CITY COUNCZZ Medical I�nsurance for Empldyees Counc3lman Hesse r�ques�ed �hat the p�rea�ne� �ff���r f�� ��►e Council and one other membex� a£ �he Counci� make a etttdy �� p�,��e availabl.e for medical �nsu�a�c�� of �mp�oyees prior to p�epa�e��ot� of the next fiscal yea� budget. Mayor pro tem Pearsor� asked� Cat�nc3.l.man_Fay, perso�ne� off�.cer - and Gouncilman Bear, alterna�� �pe�sox�nel officer to repor� to �he Coun- cil on plans wnereby City emp�Loye�s �o�t1d be ina��ede The matter was he�,d on the agendav Tract 3073�.y Ted Bear The Ci�y Manager reported tha� the City Counc�l had au�horized minor changes in the r.oad p�an for T'ract 30731 and had approved a re� location .of tihe cul de sac of Wagon Lane, 3t� order to preserve some existing pine ��ees . Howe�e�y the Road Depa�tme�� had cal.led to Mrs .. .: " �� C1if ton s a��eni�io� the fact �ha�t re�,ocat�on of the cral de sac con=' ' fl.ict�ed w���.h°�Location' c�f �ex�.�t�ng �neters'ancT'�a '£ir.e �, °dran� loca�ed�.int. �the �easemen�. Mxse Clifton reqt�est�d �h�t the Counc3� grant her some" fl.exibility in working with the Road Department so that the road cat��be completed as soon as possib�e. " ; �5� � ,,�'a2is�<'♦�4;;Q:n.;.. � g� e������ 2.�; ����a7 A ���;��x� t�� gr.°ar�� �l�.e. �i�� I�'�a�uage� p�.x�iss�.d�. �c� wo�� w��h tl�e Goun.ty Roacl D�par��:�en.t in. d���:L�p�r�.g a px.aa�, f�� x�1��a�i��, of �he cu1 de sac on Wagox� �ar�.e, s�bje�� �t� �Pp����a.1 �f ��.e ���h.�.�:ica�. de�ai�.s by CA��ca.ci:L�an. ��ar�c��+�. w�.s �zaac�e �b�y �����.c°,�.,�r����n._ ��sse o �'he a�o�:i.on. was secm ���d�d 'by �ayc�:° p�°o tern P�a�so�. :fo� �,�.e p�zrp�s� �f d�s��ssi��.o �.:� �he cl:is��ssi�n �.�a� fol,:�o��red, Cc��x�.��1�aa�. ��ar s�a�ed i�hat he wo�:Ld gx�a�,t ad�.it:i��a:L eas����.�.s �o the Com�n�ni�y As$�c::iation9 �f add�tion.a�. easemen�s wer�. �.e�essarya C��.a�ci��na�. P�arson said it would not be ��c�ssa�y �� ir�. angr w�� a:�.���; ��.� eas�me•c.�s s�.caw�. on �he record- ed final zr�a�p� �bu� �aight req�ix�e add.i�i�nal. �asemer���s 9 which woul.d be a separa�e nae��s an�i bs�a�n.ds ciesc.r�ip�ion nf �he a�.d�.�i�a�,a�� �.asements . `��� mo�.�.��n. was �a�°r�:i�d. b�r ��,e. f�:�.:L��ai�g �01.:1 �a�l ��te: A�S : Cr��.��ei:Lme�, Fay� �esse� NIay��� g�� �en� Pearso�r.+� �O:ES : �o�,e ABSE�'`�': May�r Sa�e�° A�S�A;��TED:C��nc.il.ma.,�, �ea.� � ABS4T�:��`�:�0� �'R0� �"0°�"I:�� �`'he Ci�y Atto�x�ey said �:her� :is �.o pro��sis��. fo� a meznbe�° of � the Counei�. t.o abst.ain f��m vo�i�.g� �'kae Depu�:y C�ty C.le�k repox°�ed �ha�: th.er.°e agpea� i� �h,e �ec��d ��o�ix�g a`bs�en.�i�ns �y members of the Cc�ux�.ci.l o i�ay��r px�� �;em Pea�son. r��q�es�e.d �l�e City A��orney to draw �.p ���,es rega�din.g absten.�:i�a�. b�r �ecn�be�s of the Co�u�.ci:1 d�urin.g a ro1.� ca�.1 v�ote o Rl����S� �}�A����SE� �'he �i�y �anager c�is��.i�b����ed. �op:i�s of fihe Ru�bish F�a�,chise wh�,�h was executed. in 1968 and wi�.:� �be effec���re �,��.�i�.L April 1, 1972 . m NI�s . C1if�:o�, repo�ted. tha� she h�.s had a lb�ief disc�ssiox� w�.th representa�ives of �he rubbis�. cor�pany abo�t wher,. they would be x°eady to d�scuss a new agreeme�.�o Mr. Ea Wi�.tery 1�i7L:l.side R�a�b�sh x°epresen.t- ative sta�ed he wou�.d lbe ready �o disc.uss the ma�1�eX �he �.a-��ter part o� No�rember o Mayor pro tem Peax°son as�Zed Coux�.e:i�,men Fay a�r�.d �esse t� re�riew �he fra�.chise prio�° to meeting �ai��. the Gity Man.ager and represen�a�ives of the ru�bbish company o ADJOiJR.�TME�� °�here being �Q fux���.e�° bus:i.xa.ess �.� c�r�e bef��°e �h.� meeting, a mota�c�a� fo� adjo�r•r.�nen.� was �nade a� �,0: �,5 P oI�I, by Co��.c�lrnan Bea�y seco�n.d�d by Co�ncil.man F'ay a�,d �ax°x�i.ed by �h.e f��.:��wi�.g ro�l �.all vote: A�'ES : Co�t��.c��,an��. :�ea�� F'ay, T�esse9 �'Iaqor pro �e�n Pearson. �10ES : 1���.e A:BSE�V�: 1�Iaymr S aaxe� � C�ty C . APP�G��D e , Mayor "6`�