6/26/1972L_J MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA June 26, 1972 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rolling Hills was called to order by Mayor Pearson at the Administration Building, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California at 7:30 P.M. Monday, June 26, 1972. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilmen Bear, Hesse, Mayor Pearson Councilmen Battaglia, Heinsheimer Teena Clifton William Kinley Marion Welch June Cunningham W. Corette R. Fortney C. Leonard G Shultz F. Ziegler City Manager City Attorney City Treasurer Secretary Resident League of Women Voters Mayor Pearson directed _�that the minutes of the meetings of May 22, June 7 and June 12, 1972 be held on the agenda for approval of the full Council. CITY MANAGER (ITEMS_ HELD OVER FROM MAY 22, 1972) Mayor Pearson ordered all items in the category held on the agenda for consideration by the full Council. PUBLIC HEARING - BUDGET, FISCAL 1972-73 Mayor Pearson opened the meeting of a Public Hearing to consider the proposed Budget for Fiscal 1972-73. The Mayor asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the proposed budget. There was no comment from anyone present, either for or against the proposal, and the Mayor thereafter closed the Public Hearing. Mayor Pearson asked the City Manager if she had any additional information on the proposed budget. Mrs. Clifton said that Councilman Battaglia, who is the finance officer of'the Rolling Hills Community Association, and Councilman Heinsheimer, finance officer for the City, had reviewed the budget, and had requested that salary considerations be held on the agenda until the meeting of July 10th, as Councilman Heinsheimer is out of the country, and Councilman Battaglia is on vacation. The Mayor asked for comments from the Council. Councilman Bear said he wished to discuss the allocation for salaries at a Personnel Session of the Council. Mayor Pearson .ordered the Budget held on the agenda for consideration at a personnel session with the full Council. CITY MANAGER (NEW BUSINESS) Rolling Hills Estates: Proposed Traffic Signal Modification The Manager presented a letter dated May 24, 1972 from Mr. Joseph Leach, City Manager of Rolling Hills Estates. Mr. Leach advised that an investigation had been made regarding improving traffic movement 395 June 26, 1972 on Palos Verdes Drive North at the intersection. with Rolling Hills Road, the main gate intersection. for Rolling Hills, and at the Dapplegray School intersection. Mr. Leach asked whether the City of Rolling Hills would be interested in contributing to the upgrading of the present sig- nal system at the Main Gate. Mayor Pearson referred the matter to the :Budget Committee and the Traf4ic Safety Committee. California Contract Cities Association The Manager presented a communication dated June 5, 1972 from the California Contract Cities Association on the subject of Legal Action Against County Overhead. Mrs. Clifton explained that there is addition- al information in the letter on theproposed law suit against Los Angeles County. Mayor Pearson said the Council had already taken a position on the matter, but ordered the new correspondence held for a full Council. Regional Planning Commission: Tract 28866 Mrs. Clifton reported that the hearing on Friday, June 23rd before the Subdivision Committee of Regional Planning on Tract 28866, a 37 unit condominium on Whitestone Road at Highridge Road, had been postponed because the developer did not appear at the meeting, Mayor Pearson ordered the matter held on the agenda. TENTATIVE TRACT 30932, Tom Moran, 10 Packsaddle Road West Mr. Clark Leonard, engineer for Tom Moran, developer of Tentative Tract 30932 requested that the matter be held on the agenda. The Mayor so ordered. TENTATIVE TRACT 30605, Gordon Shultz, 10 Johns Canyon Road Mr. Clark Leonard advised that he and Mr. Shultz were present to request Council's approval of the Planning Commission's action on May 16, 1972 for inclusion of Lot 7 in. the first unit to be recorded, as the initial approval of the Tentative Tract on February 15, 1972 was for Lots 1, 23 3, 4, 8 and 9 in unit 11, and, Lots 5, 6 and 7 in the second unit. ` Mrs. Clifton explained that -one -of the conditions of approval by the Planning Commission in May was that in including Lot 7 in the first unit, the subdivider was required to extend the cul de sac of Johns Canyon Road approximately 75 to 100 feet to serve Lot 7, and to bond "for development of the remainderofJohns Canyon Road to ultimately cul de sac at Parcel 6. Mr. Leonard said he felt there was no need to extend the cul de sac at this time; if the future road to the west between Lots 7 and 8 is developed, a knuckle would result. Until then, Mr. Leonard explained, Lot -7 -�otild be served from the proposed cul de sac at the north boun.dary.of :dot 8, and he requested relief from the requirement of bonding for the remainder of Johns Canyon Road. In the discussion that followed Councilman Hesse stated that the requirement of the Planning Commission was a reasonable one, and that the request by the subdivider and his engineer for relief from the requirement was also reasonable, and it was his ®pinion that in con- sidering reversing the ruling of the Planning Commission the City Coun- cil should carefully consider all details. Mayor Pearson suggested that in any case of appeal to the City Council for relief from recom- men.dations of the .Planning Commission, the Chairman of the Commission or his representative should be present at the meeting. -2- 1 1 June 269 1972 Following discussion Councilman Hesse moved that the Council approve the request for including Lot 7 ifi the first unit to be recorded, and that the matter of bonding for the extension of Johns Canyon Road be held until the next meeting of the Council,, and further, that Planning Commission Chairman Godfrey Pernell be invited to the next meeting of the Council for discussion of that matter. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bear and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen-Bear9 Hesse, Mayor Pearson NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Battaglia, Heinsheimer FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Councilman Bear moved that the Report of the City Treasurer-fbr°the month of May 1972 and the Statement of Revenue and Expenditures dated May 31, 1972 be approved and accelatedo__ The motion was seconded by Coun- cilman Hesse and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen PAYMENT ' OF BILLS City of Rolling Hills Bear, Hesse, Mayor Pearson Battaglia, Heinsheimer Councilman Bear moved that Demands No. 2343 through 2369 be_approved for payment from the General Fund. DEMAND NO. PAYEE AMOUNT 2343 Alma C. Clifton 538.84 2344 June C. Cunningham 506.70 2345 LilliAnn Hyller 90.00 2346 Ed Serock 189.06 2347 William Kinley 584.33 2348 Dept. Human Rec. Development 30.00 2349 So. Calif. National Bank 473.10 2350 Pub. Emp. Retirement System 562.78 2351 State Compo Insurance 61.54 2352 Bowers Music 42.00 2353 County Engineer 220.66 2354 Flowers by Marvin 36.75 2355 Forester &-Fire Warden 27.24 2356 General Telephone Co. 5.25 2357 Girl Scouts Award Dinner 12.00 2358 Harbor Office Supply 63.29 2359 William Kinley 68.76 2360 P. V. Peninsula News 145.00 2361 Rolling Hills Comm. Assn. 82)161.25 2362 G. J. Smith. Plumbing 32.82 2363 Sears 17.78 2364 South Bay Daily Breeze 176.40 2365 Southern Calif. Edison Co. 96.40 2366 Tyler Printing Co., Inco 18.38 2367 Union Oil Co. 3.00 2368 Zellerbach Paper Co. 28.69 2369 Xerox 168;59 129360041 The motion was seconded by Councilman Hesse and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Bear, Hesse, Mayor Pears NOES: None : l" ABSENT: Councilmen Battaglia, Heinsheimer -3® June 269 1972 Miraleste Summer Swimming Program. Councilman Bear moved that Demands No® 154, and 155 be paid from the Pool Fund. DEMAND NO.I PAYEE AMOUNT 154 Peninsula News 2.75 155 South Bay Daily Breeze 4.92 777 The motion was seconded by Pouncilman Hesse and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Bear, Hesse, Mayor Pearson NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Battaglia, Heinsheimer CITY ATTORNEY Proposed Ordinance, Traffic Mayor Pearson ordered the matter held on the agenda. Proposed Ordinance, Stop Signs on Wagon Lane and Bowie Road Mayor Pearson ordered the matter held on the agenda, ORDINANCE NO. 104, BUILDING CODE Councilman Bear moved that Ordinance No. 104 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS AMENDING ORDINANCE NOe6 THE BUILDING CODE be adopted, and that reading in full be waived. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hesse and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Bear, Hesse, Mayor Pearson NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Battaglia, Heinsheimer ORDINANCE NO. 105, PLUMBING CODE Councilman Bear moved that Ordinance No. 105 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS AMENDING ORDINANCE NOo7 THE PLUMBING CODE be adopted, and that reading in full be waived. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hesse and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Bear, Hesse, Mayor Pearson NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Battaglia, Heinsheimer ORDINANCE N0, 106, MECHANICAL CODE Councilman Bear moved that Ordinance No. 106 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY MECHANICAL CODE AS CONTAINED IN THE 1968 EDITION BY THE LOS ANGELES COUNT BUILDING LAWS AND PUBLISHED BY THE BUILDING NEWS, INC. AND INCLUDING THE APPENDIX THERETO AND MAKING OTHER AMENDMENTS be adopted, and that reading in full be waived. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hesse and car- ried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Bear, Hesse, Mayor Pearson NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Battaglia, Heinsheimer -4— 3191' June 26, 1972 CITY DEPARTMENTS Sheriff's Department, May 1972 Mayor Pearson ordered the matter held on the agenda. Fire Department, April and May 1972 Mayor Pearson ordered the matter held on the agenda. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICERS Proposed Resolution m Planning Commission The City Attorney distributed copies of a proposed resolution for the conduct of business by the Planning Commission for review. Mr. Kinley said copies would also be sent to the Planning Commission. r-4 Mayor Pearson ordered the matter held on the agenda. ADJOURNMENT o There being no further business to come before the meeting, a motion for adjournment was made at 8:10 P.M. by Councilman Bear, seconded by Councilman Hesse and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmel. Bear, Hesse, Mayor Pearson NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Battaglia, Heinsheimer d APPROVED: Mayor -5- City Clea! /