4/12/1976MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, -CALIFORNIA APRIL 12, 1976 A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Rose At.7.:30_P.M. Monday, April 12, 1976 at the Administration Building, 2 Portuguese Bend Road,.: Rolling Hills, California. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Crocker, Pernell, Mayor Rose ABSENT: Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Swanson ALSO PRESENT: Teena Clifton City Manager William Kinley City Attorney June Cunningham Secretary Bill Smith Building Contractor Dr. W. D. Basque Residents Victor Braud Bill Corette Bob Fortney Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Goldreyer Clifton Hix Mrs. Suzanne Hines Mrs. Carole Hoffman Dr. Larry Kelly Dr. Ken Miller Joe 011a• Mrs. Emily Schleissner Mike Schoettle Mrs. Shirley Tyndall APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilman Crocker moved that the minutes of the meeting of March.15,. 19.76 be approved and accepted as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Pernell and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Crocker, Pernell, Mayor Rose ABSENT: Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Swanson Councilman Crocker moved that the minutes of March 22 and March 25 be approved, -.and asked that the matter of the Clif Hix Subdivision as presenated in the minutes be clarified. Councilman Pernell seconded the motion for purposes of discussion. Following discussion, the Mayor ordered the minutes of the meetings of March 22 and March 25 tabled for further discussion at the next meeting. "ELEVEN DAYS IN MAY" - YOUTH ALCOHOL PREVENTION PROGRAM 950 Mr: Mike Schoettle, 24 Eastfield Drive, advis'ad the Council that the problem of.alcohol abuse among teen agers is of increasing concern, and Eleven,Days in May, May 16 to May 27 have been designated as a period -during which the concerns and aims of a committee of concerned residents on the Peninsula will attempt to alert parents to recognizing the problem and dealing with it effectively. Mr. Schoettle asked that the Council support the program by authorizing inclusion of an appro- priate,notice,in the Newsletter, and by making educational information and .Literature on the problem available at the City Hall. With the approval of the Council, Mayor Rose asked Mr. Schoettle 0 4 April 12, 1976 to supply appropriate material to the City Manager and to work with her in preparing a notice for the Newsletter. PROPOSAL FOR ROLLING HILLS BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION 1000 Dr.. Larry Kelly., 2 Pinto:Road,'advised the Council that it .was the, original intention of Caballeros to have a horse race as a Bicentennial celebration. As plans evolved, the Women's Community Club and the Tennis Club were invited to participate, and present plans are being made for a total City Bicentennial Picnic on July 4th in the Peacock Flats area directly adjacent to the City of Rolling Hills. All vehicular access to the area will be prohibited except for emergency vehicles if needed, and residents and their guests will be taken to the picnic site from the La Cresta School parking lot, Dr.. Kelly said he had discussed the plans with the farmer who presently raises crops on the land, and has received his permission; he has not discussed it with Mrs. Vanderlip, owner of land in the area, nor with the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, in which the site is located. Dr. Kelly said if the plan is approved by the City Council he would attempt to obtain written approval from the owners and City officials, necessary insurance coverage, and permission to use the La Cresta School parking lot. Mayor Rose advised Dr. Kelly that the consensus of the Council members present is that the plan is acceptable in concept. He asked that the Council be advised after the mechanics have been worked out and the necessary approvals obtained. Mrs, Kip Goldreyer, Bicentennial Chairman, said that the plan meets all requirements necessary for de- signation as an Official Bicentennial Event, but must be so designated by the National Bicentennial Committee. Councilman Crocker moved that the plan for a Bicentennial Picnic for members of the Rolling Hills Community Association and their invited guests, as presented to the Council be approved in concept, subject to the advice and approval of the City Attorney. The motion was seconded by -Councilman Pernell and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Crocker, Pernell, Mayor Rose NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Swanson ANGELES GIRL SCOUT COUNCIL 1113 A letter dated March 10, 1976 from Angeles Girl Scout Council was presented to the Council. The Fifth Annual Dinner honoring approximately 150 South Bay Girl Scouts who have achieved First Class in Cadette Girl Scouting will be held on May 18. The Manager was directed to determine whether any Rolling Hills girls are among those to be honored, before the invitation for the Mayor to attend is acknowledged. CITY OF LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA COASTAL ZONE CONSERVATION PLAN 1120 Copies of a letter dated March 26, 1976 from the Chief Legislative Analyst for the City of Los Angeles to Councilman Heinsheimer were given to the Council. A copy of a report adopted unanimously by the Los Angeles City Council on March 9, 1976 relative to the California Coastal Zone Conservation Plan, as recommended by the joint Planning and State, County and Federal Affairs Committee was forwarded to Coun- cilman Heinsheimer with a request that the City's position be expressed on the Coastal Plan, on SB 1579 (Bielenson), the bill introduced to im- plement the Plan and on other legislation relative to coastal zone planning. -2- 105 April 12, 1976 The Mayor directed that the report be forwarded to Councilman Heinsheimer, who was absent from the meeting, with a request that he review the matter and report to the Council, so the appropriate comments could be forwarded as requested. Councilman Pernell said if Councilman Heinsheimer is unable to take care of the matter because of other com- mitments, he would be willing to work with him to coordinate the matter. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1137 Copies of sample resolutions 'for cities assigning and accepting unused Federal -Aid Urban Funds were sent to the City Manager at her request by the Department of Transportation, State of California. Mrs. Clifton explained that in certain instances the City may wish to assign funds to a neighboring city, and she explained that last year funds were assigned to the'City of Rancho Palos Verdes by Rolling Hills for or,, development of a left turn lane on Palos Verdes Drive East in the Eastfield Gate area; although the road is in Rancho Palos Verdes, the 0: turn lane was of great benefit to Rolling Hills residents. Mrs. Clifton `'Z said she wished to have the forms reviewed by Mr. Kinley, and the Mayor so ordered. CITY OF LOMITA 1151 A letter dated April 1, 1976 from the City of Lomita, advised that LAFCO'S staff report on Lomita's proposed annexation offered a negative recommendation on the application, Mr.' Morris Vance, City Administrator, stated that a majority of the residents in the area are in favor of the annexation, the area was pre -zoned to remain as presently designated, and it is Lomita's inten- tion to leave the Navy land as open space should it ever be expressed by the Navy Department. He asked that the Council write a letter in support of Lomita's application. Mrs. Clifton showed a map of the annexation, and said she had intended but critical information necessary for in time. She asked that the matter be the Mayor so ordered. DAILY BREEZE 1165 area included in the proposed to write a memo to the Council, her memorandum did not arrive held for the next meeting, and Mrs. Clifton advised the Council that the City Council tradition- ally participates in the Palos Verdes Panorama edition of the Daily Breeze, and the cost of advertising has been included in the Budget. The Manager said she wished someone from the Council to check the copy before publication on Thursday, May 270 Mayor Rose said that because it is a budgeted item, participation does not require approval; he suggested that the Manager ask Mrs, Dorothy Le Conte or Mrs. Nicky Field to assist her. TOWN HALL TIME 1189 Mayor Rose said that as announced in the Newsletter, the period of time from 8:30 to 9:00 P.M. would be devoted to Town Hall Time for residents who wished to address the Council on non -agenda items, with each presentation to be limited to a maximum of five minutes, No one in the audience indicated a desire to speak, so the regular meeting continued. PHILIP Ma BATTAGLIA, SPEED HUMP AND GUARD RAIL 1190 The Mayor said Mr. Battaglia had asked that the matter be delayed until after he has made his presentation to the Board of Directors. Held on the agenda for the next meeting. -3- April 12, 1976 TRAFFIC AND SPEED CONTROL ON EASTFIELD DRIVE 1200 Dr. Kenneth Miller, 27 Eastfield Drive, advised the Council that he had put questionnaires in seventeen mailboxes on Eastfield Drive between Chuckwagon and Outrider Roads in the vicinity of recently installed rumble strips and twelve completed questionnaires were returned to him, Dr. Miller said the residents who responded were fairly con- sistent in their observations; 100% reported no significant noise or vibration noticed as a result of installation of the rumble strip; 100% said they were aware of the speed problem in the area; 100% indicated that there are severe problems at stop signs and rumble strips or bumps should be considered for those locations. There were mixed feelings about whether the rumble strip installed on Eastfield Drive is alerting people to the hazard, and some residents feel that larger strips should be installed. Many residents requested more police coverage, especially late at night, and tighter gate control, Dr. Miller said he would leave the questionnaires with the Council. Mayor Rose asked 'Councilman Crocker to review the completed questionnaires and evaluate the comments for the Council. Councilman Crocker said there are residents present at the meeting who did not receive question- naires, since they do not live within the area selected. It was his recommendation that a public hearing be scheduled on the matter, so all residents who wish to comment on the matter could be heard. Mr. Victor Braud, 32 Eastfield Drive, advised the Council that the stop sign at the intersection of Chuckwagon and Eastfield Drive is located directly in front of his home. Mr. Braud said he had served as a Management Consultant for Arthur Young and Company in their State and Local Government Section, specializing in traffic safety, and had worked for the City of Los Angeles and the State of California, as well as other states. Mr. Braud said that in observing the problem on Eastfield Drive over the past few weeks, he had borrowed a radar unit from the California Department of Motor Vehicles, and through license numbers had obtained accurate information on the names of persons who are guilty of excessive speed and running stop signs at speeds in ex- cess of 60 miles per hour, Further, Mr. Braud said that over 75% of the violators are residents of Rolling Hills, and over 50% are adults. Mr. Braud presented a summary of statistics compiled by him over a period of two weeks, and said the problem would have to be attacked from more than one direction to be overcome successfully. Councilman Crocker asked that the statistics and findings pre- sented by Mr. Braud be reproduced and distributed to members of the Council for further discussion. Councilman Pernell asked Mr. Braud whether the statistics gathered from observations made from his home could be applied to other sections of Eastfield Drive to attempt to determine where problems originates Mr. Braud said the County of Los Angeles has a Bureau of Traffic Safety which has a computer program and other formats which permit breaking Eastfield Drive into sections of 50 feet each, and they can tell where every arrest occurs, how close to every intersection, what kind of problem it was; surveys can be made which indicate speed, traffic flow, time of day, etc. Mayor Rose asked Mr. Braud if he would be willing to work with Councilman Crocker on the speed problem, and Mr. Braud indicated that he would. Councilman Crocker said a public hearing should be held for further consideration of speed bumps, and he would appreciate technical assistance and recommendations from Mr. Braud on designs to be considered. Dr. David Basque, 49 Eastfield, said he would object to driving over speed bumps, and asked that any committee formed to review the matter be composed of people both in favor of and opposed to speed bumps, Mr. William Corette advised the Council that he is planning to move from his present residence at 6 Crest Road East to his former -4- ®0 I April 12, 1976 residence at 34 Eastfield Drive, and he is.concerned about the traffic situation. Mr. Roger Meurer, 9 Blackwater Canyon Road, stated that speed bumps would be least inconvenient to law abiding drivers if they were placed in the middle of the intersection. Mr. Braud said speed bumps do not damage cars travelling at the proper speedo Mrs. Clifton said she had received cost estimates. for increased Sheriff's services for consideration of the Budget committee, and the new proposal presented by the Sheriff would cost approximately $20,000 additional. Mayor Rose said it is his opinion that the number of ci- tations issued is insufficient for the situation,. and increased tickets issued would generate additional revenue, as well as cut down on violations. RECESS Mayor Rose recessed the meeting at 9:15 P.M. The meeting was reconvened at 9:25 P.M. PAYMENT OF BILLS 1603 Councilman Crocker moved that Demands No. 5242 through 5294, with the exception of No. 5289 which was voided, be paid from the General Fund in the amount of $13,877.88. The motion was seconded by Council- man Pernell and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Crocker, Pernell, Mayor Rose NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Swanson CALIFORNIA CONTRACT CITIES ASSOCIATION AMBULANCE SERVICE COSTS 1573 Correspondence dated March 239 1976 from California Contract Cities Association concerning the costs of ambulance service was received and filed. LIABILITY INSURANCE 1740 A letter dated April 5, 1976 from California Contract Cities enclosing a proposal for a liability insurance program developed by a committee of City Managers and Administrators was presented to the Council. Mrs. Clifton said she had discussed the matter briefly with Mr. William Stringfellow, since the liability insurance is paid on an equal basis by both the City and Association, The Manager said she would forward the proposal to Mr. Stringfellow for review and advice. The matter was held on the agenda and the Manager was asked to report to the Council after receiving Mr. Stringfellow's comments. ANNUAL MUNICIPAL SEMINAR 1799 The Manager reported that the Seventeenth Annual Municipal Seminar of California Contract Cities would be held in Palm Springs May 20-23. Mayor Rose asked that the agenda be distributed as soon as it is received, so that members of the Council can decide whether to attend the meeting. FINANCE OFFICER Mayor Rose appointed Councilman Crocker Finance Officer, and Councilman Pernell Alternate Finance Officer. -5- April 12, 1976 NUCLEAR INITIATIVE ON THE BALLOT The matter was held on the agenda for a report by Councilman Heinsheimero 1834 CITY ATTORNEY'S OPINION RE: FINAL MAP APPROVAL, TRACT 29383, CLIF HIX In a letter dated April 12, 1976 to Mayor Rose, Mr. William Kinley, City Attorney, provided an opinion as requested by the Mayor as to whether or not the City Council is required by the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Rolling Hills or the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California to approve the final map of Tract 29383, Clifton Hix. Mr. Kinley's letter summarized facts of the findings of the Environmental Quality Board, the Planning Commission and the City Coun- cil in approving the tentative map, and Mr. Kinley concluded: "From the foregoing, I am of the opinion that the Planning Commis- sion in approving the tentative map of Tract 29383, approved the same upon the express representation that the subdivider would convey to the City of Rolling Hills the fee title to Lot 7 of the tract, which lot was to be graded for riding ring purposes, and that the City Council like- wise approved the tentative map of this tract upon the same conditions. Therefore, the subdivider of this tract, Cliff Hix, as a condition of approval of his final map, should be required to convey the fee title to Lot 7 to the City of Rolling Hills, and to grade that Lot 7 in such a manner as to make it usable as a riding ring for the use of the resi- dents of the City of Rolling Hills, and that unless these conditions are complied with, the City Council should disapprove the final map in accordance with the provisions of Section 11.31 of the Subdivision Ordinance and find that the final map of this subdivision is not in substantial compliance with the previously approved tentative map. As an alternative action, the City Council could, however, approve the final map of this tract upon the condition that Lot 7 be conveyed to the City of Rolling Hills and that the fee title be guaranteed by a policy of title insurance and that the City accept the lot in its present condition strictly as an open area and one which could be utilized for recreational purposes other than a riding ring. The only deterrent to this course of action is the possibility of this parcel of real property again developing into an active slide area and resulting in many tons of soil being deposited in the bottom of a canyon which, in turn, might block the natural drainage of other parcels of real pro- perty in the area because of such blockage. Therefore, before accepting this lot, it would be advisable to secure independent engineering advice and geological reports so that the Council can fairly evaluate the risks they are assuming in taking title to this property for the limited use of an open areae" Mr. Roger Meurer, engineer for Mr. Hix, said geology studies of the lot indicate.that it is very close to the minimum stability permit- ted for construction of a house, and it is his opinion that minimum corrective work would result in a valuable lot. Mr. Kinley said he had discussed the possibility of minimal grading on the property with Mr. Robert Smith, Engineering Geologist for Los Angeles County, and Mr. Smith recommended against any grading. Mr. Meurer asked that the Council waive the requirement for devel- opment of a ring, and instead accept the lot as open green area. Be- cause of time limits, Mr. Meurer requested a time extension of one year to complete the subdivision. A motion to approve the request for the ad- ditional time was made by Councilman Crocker, seconded by Councilman Pernell and carried by the following roll call vote: V11 April 12, 1976 AYES. Councilmembers Crocker, Pernell, Mayor Rose NOES: None ABSENT. Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Swanson Mr. Meurer presented a letter dated April 12, 1976 from Mr. Hix, enclosing a check payable to the City of Rolling Hills in the amount of $3,000°00 for work on the Barry Tischler property at 17 Buggy Whip Drive as a condition of approval of the subdivision, Mr. Hix stated that he had been informed that the cost would be less than $1.,500, but could be more; he asked that any unused portion of the money be returned to him. The tentative tract was held for further discussion before the full Council, and Mr. Meurer said it was the subdivider's intention to proceed with other requirements of the tract while waiting the Council's decision and acceptance of Lot 7e Councilman Crocker said he would not be willing to vote to approve the final map, and would oppose any such action by the Council unless the County Engineer's opinion is furnished to the Council, and he asked that the City Attorney request comments of the County Engineer and Geologist in writing to be considered by the Council. Further, he suggested that if permission is given by the County Engineer for rough grading, the map be stamped to show that Lot 7 is not a buildable site. RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT 75(2) Copies of a letter dated April 6, 1976 from Councilwoman Swanson to Mr, Jack Gilstrap, General Manager, Southern California Rapid Transit District, were distributed to the Council. A motion to ratify the letter was made by Councilman Crocker, seconded by Councilman Pernell and car- ried by the following roll call vote. AYES. Councilmembers Crocker, Pernell, Mayor Rose NOES. None ABSENT. Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Swanson TORRANCE AIRPORT EIR 77 Mrs. Clifton reported that a hearing on the revised Torrance Air- port Environmental Impact Report is scheduled for April 21, and Coun- cilwoman Swanson asked that another member of the Council review the report in her absence. Councilman Pernell said he would do so. EXCUSED ABSENCE FROM MEETING Mayor Rose said he would be out of town and wished to be excused from the next Council meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 359 Councilman Crocker moved that Resolution No. 359 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ADOPTING A CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE APPLICABLE TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL PURSUANT TO THE POLITICAL REFORM ACT OF 1974" be adopted, and that reading in full be waived. The motion was seconded by Council- man Pernell and carried by the following roll call vote. AYES: Councilmembers Crocker, Pernell, Mayor Rose ABSENT. Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Swanson -7- April 12, 1976 COST PROPOSAL FOR PAINTING INTERIOR OF CITY HALL 102 A proposal to furnish all materials and perform all labor to paint partial interiors of City Hall for $562.00 was submitted to the Council. The City Attorney recommended that in accepting the proposal, the mater- ials to be used be specified. Councilman Pernell moved that the proposal be approved and the Manager be authorized to proceed with the work. The motion was seconded by Councilman Coocker and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Crocker, Pernell, Mayor Rose NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Swanson GORDON SHULTZ, TRACT 30605, RELEASE OF GRADING BOND 125 In a letter dated January 15, 1976, Mr. Gordon Shultz requested that a $2,000 grading bond posted to guarantee grading of Johns Canyon Road and Lot 1 of Tract 30605 be released, as the work has been completed and all other work has been accepted and applicable bonds released. Mr. Shultz said the only factor holding the bond is a requirement by the County's inspector that the slopes be planted and an irrigation system provided. The request was referred to the Landscape Committee of the Rolling Hills Community Association, and after making a field trip to the site on March 31, the Committee recommended that no additional planting or irrigation be required. Mrs. Clifton said she concurred with the recommendation, as a number of homes are being built in the area at the present time, and attempts to establish planting and ir- rigation would be difficult during construction. Following discussion the Council directed that the bond be held for an additional six months, at which time the Council would again consider the request for release of the bond when construction in the area has been completed. The Manager was directed to so advise Mr. Shultz. LIMITATION ON GRADING 171 Councilman Pernell asked that the Manager give a status report at the next meeting on the recommendation to the Board of Directors from the Environmental Quality Board regarding.requirirtg!grading per- mits for all disturbance of land. LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 182 A letter dated April 6, 1976 from the Los Angeles County Fire Department regarding the current drought and its effects on the trees in Rolling Hills was presented to the Council. The Manager reported that she had obtained bids for trimming trees on Crest Road, using funds in the budget. BUDGET 239 The Manager reported that she has been working on the Budget and would be meeting with the Budget Committee in the near future. Copies of the Sheriff's proposal for increased services were distrib- uted to the Council. HORSE IDENTIFICATION FORMS 250 Mrs. Clifton said the number of horses stolen on the Peninsula has increased recently, and Horse and Saddle Identification Forms April 12, 1976 had been supplied by the Sheriff. The Manager was directed to advise residents in the Newsletter that the forms are available at the City Hall ANNEXATION OF LAND NEAR CRENSHAW GATE 325 Mr. Kinley advised the Council that he had been informed by Palos Verdes Properties that the legal description provided with the map was not correct. Mr. Kinley was authorized to spend no more than $50000 to obtain a correct legal description from Title Insurance. GUIDELINES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY BOARD 334 Councilman Pernell requested that guidelines be prepared for the Environmental Quality Board for consideration of new construction of single family residences on problem lots. Councilman Pernell said the number of buildable lots in the City is decreasing, and many of the X existing lots are problem lots resulting from subdivision, and need extensive grading, buttressing, etc., to accommodate a home. It is his opinion that they should be reviewed by the Environmental Quality Board. Since there is no limitation on grading as long as it can be accomplished safely, and placement of the pad may be within all set- back limitations, resulting in construction which is unsatisfactory esthetically, the City Attorney and Councilman Pernell agreed that review by the Environmental Quality Board would enforce the controls of the Architectural Committee of the Community Association. Mr. Kinley said he would prepare a set of guidelines, and Coun- cilman Pernell asked that they be scheduled for review by the Environ- mental Quality Board and Planning Commission. CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY 365 Councilman Pernell said the increase in rates requested by California Water Service Company was granted without a public hearing, as the Public Utilities Commission considered an increase necessary to guarantee a return on the Water Company's investment. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES 394 Councilman Crocker asked that Newsletter of the Council's plan to ground utility projects undertaken VARIANCES FOR TENNIS COURTS 417 residents be advised in the next participate in the cost of under - on an individual basis by residents. Councilman Crocker asked that all variances or conditional use permits approved for tennis courts by the Planning Commission be re- viewed by the City Council within the required time limit, and asked that he be advised within ten days of any such approvals granted. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RE: SECONDARY WASTE TREATMENT 458 Mayor Rose reported that he had received a letter from the City of El Segundo regarding additional expenditures for secondary treatment of effluent before discharge into the ocean. Mayor Balmer asked support for amending the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and the California Water Code to modify the water quality standards that make the expendi- tures necessary. The matter was held for further discussion. ADJOURNMENT 473 There being no further business to come before the Council, the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 11:20 P.M. APPROVED° Mayor -9- City Clerk