3/14/1977CC A regular Mayor Rose at Rolling Hills, ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA March 14, 1977 meeting of the City Council was called to order by the Administration Building, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, California at 7:30 P.M. Monday, March 14, 1977. ALSO PRESENT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilmembers Crocker, Heinsheimer, Pernell, Swanson Mayor Rose None Teena Clifton William Kinley June Cunningham Kip Goldreyer Major Langer Ginny-Leeuwenburgh Mr. & Mrs. John Rowe Joan Saffo Larry Saffo Mr. & Mrs. Roy Stinnett Omer Tingle Ken Watt 10 City Manager City Attorney. Secretary Residents The minutes of the meeting of February 28, 1977 were approved and accepted'as corrected on a motion by Councilwoman Swanson, seconded by Councilman.Crocker and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Crocker, Heinsheimer, Pernell, Swanson Mayor Rose NOES: None ABSENT: None ALEPPO PINES IN ROLLING HILLS 16 In a memorandum dated March 9, 1977, the Manager advised that Mrs. Joan Saffo, member of the Board of Directors of the Rolling Hills Com- munity Association recently did some investigations regarding aleppo.pines, and advised that: 1) they are highly combustible; 2) they have caused considerable damage to roads in Rolling Hills, and 3) trees in Rolling Hills have a mite infestation which is difficult, if not impossible; to control. Mrs. Clifton said residents would be advised through the News- letter what corrective measures should be taken if trees are infested, also that aleppos may not -be planted along roadways in Rolling Hills. Further, the Board of Directors wished to request that the Fire Depart— ment give no more free aleppos to residents. She asked whether the Council would agree with such a directive to the Fire and Forestry Department. Mrs. Saffo advised that she had discussed the problem with Mr. Frank Simerly of the Arcadia Arboretum, and the problem is widespread through out Los Angeles County. Further, Mrs. Saffo said that aleppo and Monterey pines were at one time given free to residents by the Fire and Forestry Department, and are the source of most of the complaints about view obstruction. Following discussion, members of the Council agreed that staff z+9 8 March 14, 1977 should contact the Fire Department and request that no pine trees_be. made available to the residents. WATER CONSERVATION 56 Mrs. Clifton reported that she, Mr. Gary Heini, head of Security*.and Mr. Roger Vink, head of Maintenance, attended the Governor's Drought... Conference in Los Angeles, where valuable information on water conserva- tion was presented. Reports are being prepared, and will be provi�de,i';t';o ;.F.;'' the Council as soon as possible. Copies of Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 16 dated February 1, correspondence from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board dated March 2, and a Resolution of the Council of the City of Redondo Beach, California Urging Water Conservation Efforts by All Persons were presented to the Council, Councilwoman Swanson suggested that recommendations in the corres- pondence, especially with reference to the practice of hosing yards, driveways and walks to clear those areas of leaves, clippings, cuttings, etc. be given in the Newsletter, since disposal of materials in this manner is a violation of the State Water Code regulating the discharge of waste materials. She suggested that residents be asked to instruct domestic help and gardeners regarding conservation of water. Councilman Pernell suggested that a "hand-out" be given to all road use permit holders, requesting their cooperation in the matter. The Manager said information regarding water conservation should come as a directive from the Council, not as a recommendation from staffs Councilman Heinsheimer suggested that the California Water Service Company be requested to furnish a list of heavy consumers in the City, so they could be contacted regarding water conservation. Mrs. Clifton reported that requests for information about private wells have been received recently, and she presented information about well digging provided in a conversation with Mr. Nollenberger of Cali- fornia Water Service Company on February 25, Mr. Kinley advised that private wells are in violation of deed restrictions of the Rolling Hills Community Association, and are prohibited by Ordinance No, 88 of the City. Councilman Pernell suggested that the matter of water conservation and information presented "be referred to the Environmental Quality Board. The Mayor so ordered. GRADING PLANS, ROLLING HILLS .: Councilman Heinsheimer said he had requested that grading be placed on the Council's agenda for discussion because of some examples of bad grading plans throughout the City. Councilman Heinsheimer said, further; that approvals seem to be based solely on safety; esthetic considerations are not enforced, with garish results. Specifically he mentioned grading on Buggy Whip Drive and Quail Ridge Road North. The Manager explained that City grading permits are issued by the County Engineer, acting under contract as the City Engineer, and permits are issued in compliance with Chapter 70 of the Los Angeles County Build" ing Laws. In addition, the Council adopted Ordinance No, 147, which provides that a grading permit shall not be required for an excavation less than three feet in depth, provided that it does not cover more than 4,000 square feet of existing ground surface, or for grading for the purpose of removing or clearing brush or weeds as may be required,.by the Fire Code. Councilman Pernell said the matter of grading requirements was -2- rt (),Q March 14, 1977 researched by the Planning Commission while he served as a member of the Commission, and recommendations were made to the Council at that time. He suggested that the matter of grading should be brought before the Board of Directors and Architectural Committee, also. Mrs. Saffo said she would bring the matter to the attention of the Board at their next meeting.'on March 17. L Mayor Rose requested staff to research minutes of -the Planning Commission for past recommendations regarding grading, and ordered the matter held until the Board of Directors acts. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 230 Correspondence from the League of California Cities and an invoice for the headquarters building assessment were presented to the Council. Councilman Crocker moved that the Council authorize payment of a one- time lump sum payment of $794.25 by August 1, 1977 in order to take advantage of a 10% discount of the Rolling Hills assessment of $882.50. � The motion was seconded by Councilman Pernell and carried by the fol - C, -lowing roll call vote: *� AYES: Councilmembers Crocker, Heins.heimer, Pernell, Swanson S� Mayor Rose NOES: None ABSENT: None SOUTH BAY BURGLARY TEAM, CITY OF REDONDO BEACH 243 A letter dated March 3, 1977 from the City of Redondo Beach enclosing a summary of the multi -jurisdictional burglary team concept, and a re- quest for a letter of intent from the City for continued participation in the project were presented to the Council. Councilman Pernell stated that although Rolling Hills was not involved in any statistics presented, the main benefit of participation was the fact that the program is deterrent in nature. The Manager. was - authorized to send a letter to the City of Redondo Beach, stating that the City of Rolling Hills wishes to continue participation in the project. CARDIO -PULMONARY RESUSCITATION COURSE 257 The Manager reported that courses in CPR, to be taught by paramedics of Los Angeles County Fire Department, have been scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesdays of April, May and June. Classes will be limited, and a daytime course will be taught if there is enough demand for one. Liter- ature describing the mannekins used in the course was distributed, and the Manager requested authorization for purchase at approximately $770. Councilman Pernell moved that the Manager be authorized to spend up to $800 for mannikins and equipment necessary for the course. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crocker for discussion purposes. Councilwoman Swanson said it was her understanding that mannikins are available at San Pedro -Peninsula Hospital for community use. Mrs. Kip Goldreyer suggested that the Manager contact Dr. Bruce Goldreyer before purchasing any equipment, as they might be made available through the Heart Association. Mayor Rose asked for a vote on the motion in the event the Manager was unable to borrow the necessary equipment. The motion authorizing the expenditure was carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Crocker, Heinsheimer, Pernell, Swanson Mayor Rose NOES: None ABSENT: None -3- ou March 14, 1977 Councilman Pernell said there is a troop of Medical Explorer Scouts in the community, and he suggested that they be involved in the project. FINAL MAP, TRACT 30345, DR. JERRY GREENHUT 297 The Manager asked that the matter be held on the agenda for pre- sentation of additional information. The Mayor so ordered. PROPOSED GUIDELINES FOR TENNIS COURTS 298 A list of properties in Rolling Hills which are bisected by a road, showing acreages on both sides of the road, prepared by Richard Anderson Los Angeles County Planning Advisor, was presented by the Manager. Mrs. Clifton said a review of the properties indicated that probably only one of the properties could accommodate a tennis court on that portion of land which is separated from the residence by a road, because of the topography. Councilman Heinsheimer moved that since the data shows that the impact of bisecting properties is not substantial, that conditions be deleted from the proposed guidelines for tennis courts. The motion died for lack of a second. PERMIT FOR KEEPING CHIMPANZEES 347 Mrs. Clifton reported that she had visited the Menor property at 14 Crest Road West in response to a request from Mrs. Barbara Menor for a permit to keep two chimpanzees in a cage on the property. The Manager said it would be necessary for the Architectural Committee to rule on the cages, and also necessary for the Animal Control Department to inspect the premises. Councilman Heinsheimer moved that the Council grant a permit for keeping the animals, as required by the ordinance, and that other agencies handle their jurisdictions separately. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crocker and carried unanimously. DRAINAGE, DR. SAM WOLINSKI PROPERTY, REATA LANE 374 Mrs. Clifton reported that Dr. Wolinski advised her that he would be unable to attend the Council meeting. Further, the Manager said she had determined when the road giving access to Dr. Wolinsky's barn was built. Mayor Rose asked the City Attorney to investigate the cost of hiring an engineer to assist him in the matter, and to present the proposed costs at the next meeting. The Manager was requested to write a memo to Mr. Kinley advising him the date the road was built, and supplying any other information which might be of value in the matter, which was held on the agenda. LETTER FROM DR. DAVID BRAY 390 In a letter dated March 10, 1977, Dr. David Bray requested an additional two weeks for the Tennis Club to propose alternate guidelines for the use of private tennis courts. The Council agreed to grant the additional time. The Manager explained that the moratorium on tennis courts imposed by the City Council will expire on April 1, and if the Council intends to hold a public hearing on the guidelines, ten days notice will be required. Councilman Crocker said the Council should decide whether or not guidelines should be adopted. Councilwoman Swanson said the Council should decide on the format of the meeting to consider the question, specifically whether it should be a public hearing or a working session -4- I. 310 i March 14, 1977 of the Council.. Councilman Heinsheimer said persons who wish to be heard will be heard, whether it is a public hearing or working session, and if guidelines are adopted they will become part of the ordinance, and will require public hearings before both the Planning Commission and the City Council. Councilman Crocker said adoption of guidelines will result in a loss of flexibility when considering tennis courts, and he moved that the Council not attempt to adopt guidelines, but leave the question -of tennis courts to the discretion of the Planning Commission. Councilman Pernell seconded the motion. Following discussion Councilman Crocker withdrew his motion, stating that the Council should not act on the guidelines until after the Tennis Club has had an opportunity to report on the matter. Councilman Pernell withdrew his second. Mr. Kenneth Watts, 1 Wrangler Road, asked why the Tennis Club is being given an opportunity to comment on a matter concerning land use. Mr. Watts said the decision should be left to the discretion of the Planning Commission, rather than become a lobby by a special interest group. Mayor Rose explained that in considering matters such a tennis 1-Z courts, the Council welcomes input to assist them in arriving at their final decision. Councilwoman Swanson said she had a call from a resi- dent urging that the Council act in their capacity of elected officials, and not succumb to pressure. The matter was held on the agenda for further consideration at the next meeting. TRAFFIC STUDY 524 The Manager reported that roadside striping has been completed in designated areas. Councilwoman Swanson said she wished to recommend that the stop sign located at the Eastfield Gate outbound be moved, since there is a danger of cars which stop being hit by the automatic gate which comes down after each car. Also, it is necessary many times for cars to back up to re -activate the mechanical arm. Councilwoman Swanson suggested that instead of a hexagonal stop sign, a sign reading: Proceed with Caution be installed. The matter was referred to the Traffic Commission, and Councilman Crocker, Commission Chairman, said a report would be given at the next meeting. TENTATIVE TRACT 31714, RANCHO PALOS VERDES 552 Mrs. Clifton said she was advised that the final staff report would be ready for presentation within a week, and additional inform- ation would be forwarded to Rolling Hills when received. The matter was held on the agenda. RANCHO PALOS VERDES - EIR #10 The Manager reported that.a letter had been written to Rancho Palos Verdes, conveying the comments of the City Council. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, FEDERAL AID -URBAN ALLOCATION 565 The Manager reported that she had no additional information at this'time. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES PRINCIPLES FOR PROPERTY TAX REFORM 580 The information was received and filed. -5- March 14, 1977 LOS ANGELES CITY COUNCIL RE: MISSION CANYON LANDFILL 600 The Manager reported that as directed by the Council, a communi- cation had been sent to the Los Angeles City Council urging that the Mission Canyon landfill be kept open. Correspondence dated March 3 advising that the Council had denied the appeal of the Los Angeles County Sanitation District No. 2 for a conditionalf,use permit for Mission Canyon Landfill was presented to the Council. Mayos Rose said he was of the opinion that additional consider- ation should be given to mandatory separation of trash and rubbish, and recycling of all materials which can be recycled, in order to meet the problems of disposal facing all cities in the near future. He suggested that consideration be given to all alternatives for disposal and recycling, since the City's rubbish franchise will be re -negotiated in the near futures Mr. Ken Watts suggested that the City investigate obtaining equipment which could convert tree trimmings, leaves, clippings, etc, into mulch to be spread on the trails, PALOS VERDES PENINSULA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 646 Correspondence from the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District, including the Board of Education's initial proposal for collective bargaining with certificated employees, a summary of the Palos Verdes Faculty Association's initial proposals and a one page summary of the Board's initial proposals was received and filed. PAYMENT OF BILLS 650 Councilman Heinsheimer moved that Demands No. 6013 through 6050, with the exception of Demand No. 6032, which was voided, be paid from the General Fund in the amount of $28,532061° The motion was seconded by Councilman Crocker and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Crocker, Heinsheimer, Pernell, Swanson Mayor Rose NOES: None ABSENT: None RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT 672 Councilwoman Swanson advised the Council that a questionnaire about RTD service on the Peninsula was prepared by the Committee working on utilization of the service for distribution to all Peninsula residents through their city's newsletters The first mailing will be to residents of Rancho Palos Verdes in their Newsletter which will be sent in a few days, and residents will be asked to return the question- naire for review and evaluation by the Committee. Councilwoman Swanson said she wished to request authorization to send a questionnaire to Rolling Hills residents in a special Newsletter. The Council approved the request, BICYCLE RACKS 704 Councilwoman Swanson circulated a brochure showing a bicycle rack which would cost $39°95, and would hold 16 bicycles. She explained that they are built of iron, require a minimum of installation, and she moved that the Council authorize expenditure for three racks to be installed at each of the three gates. Mayor Rose said he would be willing to authorize a bicycle rack at the Main Gate with the results March 14, 1977 to be evaluated before additional racks are purchased. Councilwoman Swanson's motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Crocker moved that the Council authorize purchase of one rack. Councilman Heinsheimer-seconded the motion. Councilman Pernell said the Rolling Hills Community Association should be consulted about locating the racks at the gates. Councilman Crocker amended his motion to state that purchase should be postponed until the matter has been proposed to the Board of Directors. Councilman Heinsheimer seconded the amendment. Councilwoman Swanson said she wished to have the rack installed at the Eastfield Gate, since many young people in the Eastfield area have indicated a need for a rack so they can travel between their homes and RTD bus lines on bicycles, which could be locked to a rack near the Eastfield Gate. Mrs. Rosemarie Stinnett, 9 Caballeros Road, said a bicycle rack at the Crenshaw Gate would be of value to help in her home. Following discussion, the Council approved installation of on one rack at a location to be chosen by Councilwoman Swanson by the Ct following roll call vote:. C,,. AYES: Councilmembers Crocker, Heinsheimer, Pernell, Swanson Mayor Rose NOES: None ABSENT: None ORDINANCE NO. 149 773 Councilman Heinsheimer moved that Ordinance No. 149 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS AMENDING ORDINANCE NO'. 33 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR ZONING IN SAID CITY" which was introduced at the meeeting of February 28, 1977 be adopted, and that reading in full be waived. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crocker for purposes of discussion, Councilman Crocker said he was concerned about lack of specification for single story lath or green houses or hobby shops, also about the requirement for a conditional use permit for television cables and telephone lines. Councilman Heinsheimer said there was no provision in the ordinance for barns or stables.' Following the discussion, the Mayor directed that the ordinance be held on the agenda for further consideration, and he asked the City Attorney to rework the ordinance in accordance with comments of the Council. PROPOSED ORDINANCE, UNLAWFUL ENTRY 859 Councilman Crocker moved that a proposed ordinance entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS PROHIBITING UNLAWFUL ENTRY OF PERSONS OVER AND UPON THE PRIVATE ROADS OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS be introduced, and that reading in full be waived. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Swanson and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Crocker, Heinsheimer, Pernell, Swanson Mayor Rose NOES: None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION NO. 381 • O Councilman Crocker moved that Resolution No. 381, entitled A -7- 304 March 14, 1977 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ADOPTING THE FOURTH EDITION (1976) OF STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS AS THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS be adopted, and that reading in full be waived. The motion was seconded by Council- man Pernell and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Crocker, Heinsheimer, Pernell, Swanson Mayor Rose NOES: None ABSENT: None Mr. Kinley advised the Council that he had determined in a dis- cussion with the County Engineer that the resolution would be required for any public works including sewers and flood control projects. RESIDENTS IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCES RE: DOGS 920 The Manager reported that all dogs in Rolling Hills are currently licensed as required by Ordinance No. 136. Councilman Crocker requested that Dr. Larry Kelly's name be removed from the list of residents who own more than three dogs without a permit, since the name was included in error. The Mayor asked the City Attorney to review the matter, and to delete Dr. Kelly's name, if he was in compliance with requirements of the ordinance. An application by Mrs. Dorothy Kuhne, 6 Johns Canyon Road, for permission to keep more than three dogs was presented to the Council. The City Attorney was asked to review the application and report to the Council at the next meeting, since the application indicates that one of the -dogs was acquired after August 14, 1975, and would not qualify for a permit. With regard to residents who own more than three dogs without a permit as required by Ordinance No. 143, Councilwoman Swanson moved that the City Attorney be authorized to act to enforce the ordinance through the District Attorney. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crocker and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Crocker, Heinsheimer, Pernell, Swanson NOES: Mayor Rose ABSENT: None LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 952 The Los Angeles County Fire Department Activity Reports for December 1976 and January 1977 were received and filed. APPEAL FROM DECISION OF PLANNING COMMISSION RE: TENNIS COURT 979 The City Clerk reported that an appeal from. the decision of the Planning Commission in the matter of the application of Nancy and Howard Slusher, Lot 19 -FT, Zoning Case No. 171 was filed on March 11, 1977. The Mayor set the hearing for April 25, 1977, and directed that notices be sent to residents as required by Ordinance No. 33. The Mayor directed the City Attorney to notify the applicant of the date of hearing, and to request an estimate of the time that would be required to present the case to the Council. Councilman Crocker said he would recommend that the appellant be we 3 C 4. March 14,. 1977 advised"that the record is complete, and --no' supplemental information may be Presented prior to the hearing, also the Council should not be expected totake. additional information or testimony from the appellant, Planning C6 iLssion or residents at the hearing. Mayor Rose said such action could constitute lack of due process, The City Attorney said he would not recommend thataction, since it is not an adversary proceeding, and the appellant should have a full op- portunity to make a presentation to the Council, which will then make a judgment based on the record before them. The Attorney said the Council should have the record of the Planning Commission before them, and accept no other evidence, unless they vote to have a hearing de novo. Councilman Heinsheimer said the Council should follow the City Attorney's advice regarding testimony, and he asked that Mr. Kinley write a letter to the Council outlining the procedure to be followed. Councilwoman Swanson asked that the exhibits and evidence presented to the Planning Commission be made available to the Council. To summarize the discussion, the Mayor said the Council would con V: sider the entire record of hearings before the Planning Commission as 'Z contained in minutes of the meetings, which have been approved and ac- cepted by the Commission. Further, he asked the City Attorney to request that the appellant provide all information he wants considered at the hearing, as well as an estimate of the time the appellant will require for his presentation. Mr. Kinley advised the Council that the applicant has offered to provide a full transcript of the proceedings at one-half his cost for the transcript. Mr. Kinley said the cost of the reporters and transcript to Mr. Slusher was in excess of $1,000, and the City's share of costs would be in excess of $500. Mayor Rose said that the City has the tapes of the meetings, and if Mr. Slusher wants to -use his transcript as the basis for consideration, he would be required to furnish a copy to the Council, and he asked that the City Attorney so inform Mr. Slusher and his attorney, Mr.De Marco. Mayor R6s.e said a field trip to the Slusher property will be set at the next meeting of the Council, REQUEST TO CHANGE SPEED LIMIT 1130 The Manager explained that Lafayette Burns, 24 Caballeros Road, had come to the office to protest the speed limit on Crest Road and Portuguese Bend Road, and he requested that he be permitted to appear before the Council to request that the limit be raised to 35 mph. Mr. Burns was not present at the meeting, and the Mayor ordered the item removed from the agendas REPORT TO STEERING COMMITTEE 1144 Councilwoman Swanson reported that a report prepared by De Leuw, Cather and Associations for an overall transportation system. had been submitted to the South Bay Corridor Steering Committee. She said the report was well done and was well received. Public hearings will be held the first week in April,.and Councilwoman Swanson said an overall improve- ment in transportation irn; the South Bay should result VANDALISM IN ROLLING HILLS 1165 Mrs. Clifton reported that during the past weekend a young Penin- sula resident had destroyed a number of stop signs and vandalized property in Rolling Hills. He was apprehended because a Rolling Hills resident had reported his license number to the Sheriff. Mrs. Clifton said the cost of replacement is known, and the young man and his parents have agreed to make restitution. The Manager asked whether the Council wished to prosecute the offender, or take any other action. -9- a 0� March 14, 1977 Councilwoman Swanson suggested that he be referred to the Juvenile Diversion Program for counselling. Councilman Pernell agreed with the recommendation. The Mayor asked Councilwoman Swanson to assist in making arrangements for the Juvenile Diversion Program referral. CODIFICATION OF°ORDINANCES 1198 The Manager reported that the codification of ordinances is proceed- ing,.and Book Publishing Company in Seattle has requested a telephone conference with the Manager and City Attorney. Mr. Kinley said he would recommend that a personal conference be arranged, and said he would be ready to meet with a representative and the Manager in April. RESIGNATION OF BOOKKEEPER 1218 The Manager reported that Mrs. Lila Hoover Hilton has submitted her resignation effective March 31, 1977. Mrs. Clifton said she has been interviewing applicants and a decision would be made Tuesday, March 15. REORGANIZATION OF COUNCIL 1227 Mayor Rose said that in conformance with Council tradition and policy that the City Council be reorganized annually, he wished to state that he had completed a thoroughly enjoyable year, and he wished to thank members of the Council for their cooperation and support which contributed to his pleasure and success while ir_office. Mayor Rose nominated Councilman Crocker as Mayor of Rolling Hills. The motion was seconded by Councilman Heinsheimer and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Pernell, Rose, Swanson NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: Councilman Crocker Mayor Crocker thanked Mr. Rose and complimented him for his out- standing and dedicated service while in office. The Mayor then nominated Councilman Pernell as Mayor pro tem, stating that he considered members of the Council equally qualified; however, he wished to acknowledge Councilman Pernell"s long service as a member of the Planning Commission and as Chairman of the Environmental Quality Board, also because he was elected to serve a full four year term on the Council. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rose and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Mayor Crocker NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: Mayor pro tem Heinsheimer, Rose, Swanson, Pernell The Mayor requested that staff send a list of Committee assignments to members of the Council, and he asked that the list be marked to indi- cate first, second and third choices for appointments Further, Mayor Crocker said he plans to revise the agenda and tailor meetings by re- quiring written reports from staff in an effort to eliminate items which are information only from the agenda. Councilman Heinsheimer said he thought a voice vote was time consuming and was not necessary for all matters on which a roll call vote is routinely called. The City Attorney said a roll call is required on votes which involve expenditure of funds. ADJOURNMENT 1329 The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 P.M. APPROVED: -10- Mayor City r